,B 741 P3 C2 ■ STATL HORTICULTURAL COMMISSION iopy 1 LLLWOOD COOPER, Commissioner THE PLAR THRIP5 (Luthrips pyri) BY DUDLLY MOULTON Entomologist for Santa Clara County, California ILLUSTRATED WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY W. 5. ATKINSON AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY A. P. HILL SACRAMENTO W. W. SHANNON, - SUPT. STATE PRINTING 1905 ' CALIFORNIA 5TATL COMMISSION OF HORTICULTURE.. ELLWOOD COOPER Commissioner Santa Barbara JOHN ISAAC Secretary . San Francisco ED. M. EHRHORN ..... Deputy.. Mountain View E. K. CARNES Assistant, Deputy Riverside O. E. BREMNER Second Assistant Santa Rosa GERTRUDE BIRD Stenographer Sacramento OFFICE: Room 41, State Capitol, Sacramento. Branch Office, Ferry Building, San Francisco. PRLFACL. Although our present knowledge of the life-history, general habits, and distribution of the thrips pest (Euthrips pyri) of our fruit trees is by no means complete, yet we have made such progress in getting acquainted with this insect that it seems advisable to issue in bulletin form a con- cise account of what we already know about it. It is obvious to every thoughtful person that the necessary basis for a successful fight against any insect pest is a sound knowledge of its life-history and habits. Where are the vulnerable points in this life-history? How can we best take advantage of the conditions under which the pest normally lives in order to attack it? In egg or immature or adult stage? To answer these questions we must put all of our observations and experiences together ; we must combine on the one hand the knowledge of the actual orchard grower, and on the other that of the working entomolo- gist, in order best to undertake a systematic war on the pest. As fast as any considerable progress is made in getting acquainted with our enemy and its ways and actions, we should all know about it, in order better to gain more knowledge and more speedily to devise means and methods of attack. Therefore, what we have already learned about the fruit thrips is now published and disseminated among fruit- growers, so that all may understand the exact nature and mode of life and work of this serious menace to our orchards. The insect is apparently one not heretofore generally recognized as a pest. Indeed, it was first discovered by entomologists only a few years ago. Its habits are unique when we compare them with those of other thrips, such as the familiar onion and wheat thrips. The pear thrips is not confined alone to the Santa Clara Valley. It occurs in other parts of the State, but so far nothing or but little has been done else- where in the study of its life-history or in the devising of remedies. This bulletin should, then, interest others besides the growers of the Santa Clara Valley, and we hope it may be a spur to stimulate study of the pest all over the State. I wish to acknowledge the careful and accurate observing done in con- nection with my study of the fruit thrips by Mr. W. F. Budlong, who assisted me for a time in the work. I wish also to acknowledge my obligations to the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County for its encouraging attitude toward my work and its liberal aid given me in carrying it on. D. M. CONTENTS. Page. DESCRIPTION OF THE INSECT - - OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION --------- 6 NATURE AND EXTENT OF INJURY - - - - - - - - - 7 LIFE-HISTORY AND HABITS 10 METHODS OF CONTROL ------------ 14 SUMMARY --------------- 17 THL PELAR THRIP5. Luthrips pyri.) During the months of February, March, ami April, if one were to examine closely the branches of many of the fruit trees in the Santa Clara Valley, he would find numerous brown insects, about one twentieth of an inch long, hidden within the buds, blossoms, or leaves, and if these are disturbed by being shaken out over one's hand, they suddenly become active, raise up the tip of the abdomen, and lifting and disentangling their wings, fly away. They are so small and their wings so transparent, that unless one watches very closely they dis- appear even before one's eyes. Such, in brief, is the thrips pest of our orchards — a rather attractive and for many reasons a very in- teresting insect. The pear thrips was described in "Entomological News" for Novem- ber, 1904, by Miss D. M. Daniel, of the University of California. Her type specimens were taken from pear blossoms near San Leandro, Alameda County, hence the name "pyri," the pear thrips. Miss Daniel's original description is as follows (see Fig. 1): Female. — Length, 1.26 mm.; width of mesothorax, .32 nun.; general color, dark brown. Head about as long as. broad ; cheeks convexed ; anterior margin broad, acutely angular; back of head transversely wrinkled, and bearing a few minute spines. Eyes medium, black with light borders, rounded or oval in outline, coarsely faceted, hairy. Ocelli yellow, margined inwardly with reddish-brown crescents, widely separated, posterior ones contiguous, with light borders around eyes ; one very long, slender spine on each side midway between ocelli. Mouth-cone pointed, tipped with black ; maxillary palpi 3-segmented. Antenna? 8-segmented, approximate, slightly over twice the length of head. Length of segments: 33, 43, 55, 52, 35, 50, 8, 10. Antennae brown, except seg- ment three, which is yellow. Spinespale, conspicuous, special sense organs on segments three and four. Prothorax longer and wider than head; bears many prominent spines, the one at each anterior angle and the two at each posterior angle are longest. Color, yellow- brown ; faintly cross-striated. Mesothorax approximately as wide as antennae are long; front angles obtusely rounded; metanotal plate bears four spines close to front edge, middle pair equal in Fig. l. Pear Thrips, greatly enlarged. (Original.) 6 THE PEAR THRIPS. size and prominence to those at the angles of prothorax, the others are small; ptero- thorax yellow-brown, transversely wrinkled. Wings present, extending slightly beyond abdomen, about twelve times as long as wide, pointed at ends; surface of wings thickly covered with minute brown spines; both longitudinal veins and costa of fore wings thickly set with quite long, brown-colored spines, placed regularly on costa and bind vein; costa has from 29-33 spines, fore vein 12-15, and bind vein 15-16; veins not prominent; costal fringe of fore wings about twice as long as costal spines. Legs moderately long, scarcely thickened; femora and all except the terminal part each 0f Which haS a Serrate outer ed S e > positor, greatly enlarged, is pointed, and is operated by powerful muscles (Original.) f . . . . , , , , and plates within the abdomen. (See Fig. 5.) In placing an egg, the thrips first tears or weakens the plant epi- dermis by means of the mouth parts, takes a step forward, and, arching the abdomen a little, lowers the ovipositor from its sheath in the last two abdominal segments, almost at right angles with the body, and by operating the tiny saws up and down, she enlarges the opening and cuts a quite deep incision. When this is finished an egg is forced down through the space between the four plates and into the cavity below, underneath the plant epidermis. The operation of making the incision, of depositing a single egg, and of withdrawing the ovipositor requires from four to ten minutes, and has been observed many times. One often finds a branch or a whole tree where almost every female will be depositing eggs at the same time. For depositing eggs, the tiny and very tender stems of blossoms and leaf petioles are preferred, and as the leaves develop the midrib and veins on the lower side of the leaf are chosen and later the tissue of the leaf itself. It has been stated by other observers that the feeding and depositing of eggs go together; indeed, the destructive work of the ovipositor is quite as effective as the injury caused by feeding, for the cutting of numerous incisions into a tiny stem greatly weakens it. We have seen the stems of cherries and prunes so injured in this way that, after the fruit becomes almost half grown, the stem weakens and the fruit falls. The insect always chooses the tendercst parts of a plant for oviposi- tion, and this with reason. If the tissue is hard there is danger of the ovij)Ositor becoming fastened so that it can not be withdrawn. Also. THK PEAR THRIPS. 11 during the development of the egg and the issuing of the larva it is necessary that the tissue be very flexible; the egg must be in close con- nection with the tree sap and must be kept moist, for the egg-covering is elastic and the embryonic thrips within increases in size quite notice- ably before it issues. The egg stage lasts approximately four days. As the fully developed eggs are quite large there is space inside of the adult insect's body for but a few at a time -seven or eight. The insect probably places but few eggs during a single day. She feeds for a time and deposits an egg, and then moves to another and still other places; this may be on one or more trees, and thus she spreads her progeny from tree to tree and from place to place wherever she goes. When once set on ovipositing nothing seems to hinder, as we have observed thrips in the act of placing their eggs at all hours of the day and night and under all conditions of weather. The period of oviposi- tion is of several weeks' duration, or practically all of the life of the adult insect; and when oviposition is finished the life mission of the adult has been fulfilled and death follows. It is interesting to note in this connection that all adult insects which we have observed up to the present time have been females, no males having been found. Larva, Description and Habits. — The larvae of the pear thrips, of which we have determined two stages, are tiny, white, soft-bodied, wingless forms, with the customary pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, and with mouth parts similar to those of the adult, as already described. It is interesting to watch, with the aid of a strong lens, a young thrips issuing from the egg. The tiny speck of an incision in the stem of a blossom or leaf tells us where an egg has been placed, and the enlarg- ing of the egg within, causing a swelling in the plant tissue at the summit of which is the incision, tells us of the new insect about ready to emerge. The first signs of life are apparent when the tiny head with its bright red eyes appears, pushing out of the incision; little by little, and, swaying backward and forward, the larva works itself out until about half of the body is exposed, when first the antennae, then one by one the pairs of legs, are made free from their resting position against the body. Still swaying backward and forward, with legs and antennae waving frantically about as if glad of the power of action and eager to get free, the tiny insect works itself out from the egg-covering and the cavity in which the egg was placed, almost to its full length, when it leans forward and eagerly takes hold with its newly formed feet, and with a few final efforts it pulls itself free and walks rapidly away. From four to ten minutes are required for the young insect to thus free itself from the egg. A number of leaves and blossom-stems in which eggs had been placed were brought into the office and closely watched to determine the length of time spent in the egg. In many cases these 12 THK PEAR TIIKFI'S. stems would become dry during the four days of confinement, and almost invariably no young thrips issued. The egg seemed to need the moisture for its preservation and development, and the young thrips must have very tender and pliable tissue in order to he able to emerge. The young insect is almost transparent, and when food is taken in the green (chlorophyll) particles can be seen through the body wall. From the beginning the body growth is very rapid, and a few insects are capable of doing great injury, so voracious are they in feeding. Young thrips feed almost entirely on tender foliage and fruit, and their manner of feeding is much the same as that of the adult insect, it Fig. 6. Bartlett Pear. Head blossom clusters conspicuous; one late straggling blossom left untouched, the adult thrips having all left the tree. Leaves deformed. Flo. 7. Pear branch, showing the rolling and the cup-shaped deformities of the leaf; injury paused by the feeding of young thrips. being a rasping and sucking combination. They usually prefer the tenderest foliage, such as terminal buds, but often, as in the cherry, they attack the under side of leaves near the prominent veins, causing them to become much contorted and ragged, and full of holes. Young thrips are perfectly helpless creatures and subject to the attacks of other insects, but they seem to be able to protect themselves in a remarkable way. They are commonly secreted in the terminal tips of the branches, but in some cases they seem to take advantage of certain tendencies in the growth of the plant on which they happen to feed. Newly opening pear or apple leaves have a tendency to roll from the sides inward. Young thrips find this inner protected surface a most desirable place for food and shelter, and in feeding, the upper leaf THE PEAR THRIPS. 13 surface alone is weakened, which causes the leaf to roll up until eventu- ally it becomes rolled up tight (Fig. 6). In doing this the insects get the tenderest part of the leaf for their food, and also secure pro- tection for themselves. With such shelter no ordinary predaceous insect can reach them. Often on more mature leaves the insects in feeding cause a deadening of the margin and the leaf in its develop- ment is forced into an abnormal, cup-shaped growth. This is a very characteristic injury on pear trees (Fig. 7). The list of food plants of young thrips is larger than during the adult stage. Aside from all the fruit trees mentioned on which the adults feed and also on which the young are to be found, it often happens that the young, by various means, are carried from the original food plant to some other, being blown, for example, from the tree above to a weed beneath. They have no wings and can not rly back to the tree; a few crawl up again, but most of them adapt themselves to the new food plant until fully grown, when they go into the ground with the others. All of our common weeds have thus been '^ • '» found supporting young thrips, although no full-grown 7 4^j£, -~v> insects have been seen feeding and depositing eggs on "*" % j ' s | such plants. A [ -'pr;- ^7 It is the young thrips which injures fruit. Prunes % >-^-- \ ■ if especially are affected, although a similar scab is found on cherries, apricots, and pears. Well-set fruit gets to be about the size of a pea before the old bios- A -# som is sloughed off, and under cover of this dead W~ J blossom, on almost every prune where thrips were TH> present, one or more of the young could be found, FlGS Thl . ipsinseC( „ H , also a small abrasion on the skin of the fruit where larval stage, greatly the insect had been feeding. We have followed this en arge " ngina ■' abrasion of the skin with the thrips present to the mature fruit with its scab. Only the skin of the fruit is injured, and the marking enlarges with the growth of the fruit. The scab was especially marked last year where thrips were found, and it was very prevalent again this year. It must be remarked, however, that something other than thrips has caused much of the scab on prunes during the past year. During the second larval stage of the young thrips a very decided change takes place. The second larva, like the first, feeds voraciously and after some three weeks from the egg reaches a size often larger than that of the fully matured insect. (See Fig. 8.) At this time it ceases feeding and falls to the ground. We have observed but few deliberately walking clown the tree. Each individual goes into the ground separately, entering by some crack or worm hole, and having reached a secure depth it hollows out for itself a little cell, and in this chamber it remains • -- -• 14 THE PEAK 'I'll RIPS. quiescent until the following year. Thrips get down into the ground from three to ten inches, according to the structure and condition of the soil; the prevailing depth is four to five inches. They are scattered generally from a few inches to several feet from the trunk of the tree. At the present time (September 30th), though the insects have been in the ground several months, they arc still active if disturbed and do not show signs of wing formation, the first indication of the approaching nymph. Insects taken from the ground on August 28th still showed green matter (chlorophyll) within the digestive tract, pre- sumably food taken in several months before but as yet undigested. The pupal changes take place in the ground in the same cell where the larva has spent so much of its time. We have not determined how long this stage lasts. Orchardists know the adult insect best. It is the adult which comes to our trees in countless numbers and which does the greatest injury to fruit buds and blossoms. The mature insect, having wings, flies up from the ground to the tree and, if it finds the tree in suitable con- dition, at once begins to feed; but if it does not find the proper conditions, it moves on to other and better places. Thrips remain close during the day, either feeding or depositing eggs. They often leave the food-plants just before sundown, and it is especially at this time that they migrate from place to place. We have distinguished two modes of flight: a hovering and a migrating one. If the food-plant offers suitable food the insect conies out for a few minutes, hovers around and a little later settles back on the same or. a nearby tree. There is, however, a dis- tinctly migratory flight, when the insects in great numbers fly for some distance, and in this way they are spread over a large area. Adult thrips appeared in many orchards in alarming numbers on February 22d during the season of 1905, and in 1904 some two or three days earlier than this. Thrips continued to come out from the ground on through March and April and for a short time during May. On May 5th pupal forms were taken from the soil, and if, as we think, the insect is but single-brooded, all of the previous year's forms had not matured at this time. METHODS OF CONTROL. Natural Enemies. — The subject of natural enemies for the controlling of our insect pests is of prime importance. If the pear thrips has an effective natural enemy, what is it? And if it is not present here, where can it be found? Such questions come to us repeatedly. First of all we must know as much as possible about the life habits of the thrips itself, and this is what we have tried to present in this report. Up to the present time we have found several common predaceous insects feeding on thrips, but none which are parasitic. Predaceous THE PEAR Til HIPS. 15 forms attack their prey externally and literally devour them, while parasitic insects, which are considered perhaps the most important as check insects, must live for a time within the body of their host. Our pear thrips, from the very nature of its habits, spending by far the greater part of its life concealed several inches beneath the surface of the ground, as has been shown, is very largely protected from ordinary predaceous or parasitic insects. It comes from the ground so suddenly and injures the trees so qnickly that those of its enemies which we have found here can hardly prove an effective check. The Raphidians, the commonest feeders on thrips in the Santa Clara Valley, are general predaceous insects, and feed rather on the younger stages of thrips than on the fully developed insects. For the complete control of the thrips pest, they do not appear early enough in the season. Raphidians are distinctly a Western form of insect, being found only in the far West and especially in California; they are unusually voracious, and besides killing almost any insect which happens in their way, they will attack and devour each other if confined together. Ants were thought by some to do much good as an enemy to thrips. One gentleman brought in an ant with a thrips impaled in its jaws — the evidence complete. This matter we took up somewhat in detail. Four hundred ants were taken as they descended the trunk of a thrips- infested tree. Twelve carried something in their jaws; four of these objects were thrips. From the observations only one per cent (four out of four hundred) were actually killing thrips. It may be that others of these ants killed thrips, but did not carry them down the tree. It has been a common observation among orchardists that where ants were usually abundant thrips were not numerous. Spiders killed many thrips. Breeding-cages were placed in trees for determining various points in the life habits of thrips, and later almost invariably one or more spiders would be found within and most of the thrips gone. The most effective natural enemy of thrips in the Eastern States is a bug, Triphleps insidiosus Say, as mentioned by Dr. Hinds; it feeds on both plants and insects, and at times may be quite as destructive as the thrips itself. It was noticed by both myself and Mr. Budlong that often a tree would be thickly infested with young thrips and when these disappeared, supposedly going into the ground, only a few could be found; they seemed also to leave the tree before reaching full growth. We believe the explanation for this is that a fungous disease thinned out their number to quite a large extent. This is borne out by the fact that some dead thrips were found whose bodies were penetrated by a fungus mycelium, and in one case small sporangia were seen on tiny stalks projecting from the body. It is possible that these insects were dead before being attacked by the fungus, and that after all the fungus was not parasitic. 16 THE PEAR THRIPS. Spraying. — It has been stated with regard to killing thrips by means of various spray mixtures that whatever these mixtures are they must lie thoroughly applied to do even fair service. We have learned from this year's experience that for this particular thrips spraying is a very unsatisfactory means of control. The insect is hard to reach because of its manner of hiding in bud or blossom, and difficult to kill without injuring the tree with the spray mixture itself. Because of its habits of leaving the ground, extending over a period of several weeks, and its habits of migrating, one might apply sprays and kill most of the insects on his trees and within a very few days find an infestation as heavy as before. The injury, as we have seen, is so rapid and so fatal-, taking but a few days (four or live) to ruin an entire orchard, that were we to depend on sprays all work would necessarily have to be done in a com- paratively short time and repeated often, and this of course is imprac- ticable. It does not seem necessary at this time to give in detail the results of the spraying experiments which we carried on during the past season. Fourteen different formulas were tried, including various forms of soap washes and caustics, tobacco, sulphur, crude carbolic and creosote oils. The sprays were carefully prepared under the personal supervision of .Mr. Budlong and myself, and applied with a Bean power outfit with the Bean Cyclone ami Vermorel nozzles, under pressure of from 140 to 170 pounds. The results were very unsatisfactory. Exposed thrips would be killed, but those within the blossoms or buds showed almost no signs of injury. New adults and also young thrips, — for the young continued emerging from the stems and leaves where the eggs had been deposited, — appeared on the sprayed trees within a day or two after the washes were applied, and after four or live days the trees revealed almost as heavy an infestation of both young and mature thrips as there was before any spraying had been done. No one wash proved satisfactory, and apparently under the conditions none can. Sprays will doubtless be tried again, but they can only lessen the number of thrips with little or no appreciable results, and some injury to the tree is almost certain to follow. Methods of Cultivation. — From the foregoing it might seem an almost hopeless task to check the thrips by either natural or artificial means. The insect, as we have seen, spends the greater part of its life beneath the soil, and this is probably the best time to attack it. After the larva is fully grown, it leaves the food-plant and seeks a secluded place in the ground. On entering the ground it follows openings such as cracks, or holes made by other insects or worms, and reaching a depth of from four to six inches, though often deeper, it hollows out a small cell on the side of the larger opening, and thus securing itself aw r aits further developments. THK PEAR THRIPS. 17 We believe that if the ground be thoroughly plowed and cultivated during November, December, and January, or before the insects leave the ground, which they begin to do by the first of February, many of these young thrips would be killed or injured or so disturbed that but few would ever reach maturity. Our present manner of cultivation is well adapted to give the thrips a long, undisturbed period of rest. During the late spring and early summer, when thrips are in the ground, we give the soil nothing but light cultivation, and as the insects are still in an active larval stage they seek another place of hiding, if disturbed. After this no cultivation is usually done until the last of February or March of the following year, by which time the insects have left the ground. While the plowing and cultivating method of control has not been thoroughly tried, we believe it gives more promise than any other yet suggested. SUMMARY. The insect is single-brooded. Adult females appear and begin to deposit eggs in February. After four days in the egg the young appear, feed for a time on the tree, then drop and enter the ground, where the greater part of the year is passed. No effective natural enemies are yet known. Owing to the insect's method of feeding, its habits of coming from the ground, extending over a period of several weeks, and its habits of migrating, sprays can be only partially effective, even where thoroughly applied. We suggest winter plowing and cultivating, with careful working about the trees, so as to kill or injure the immature forms of thrips. This plowing must be done before the first of February, at which time the mature insects begin to come out from the ground. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS inn 021 486 485 ft 4