qc 5 35 'f- 6 35 L 194 • C5 1833 Copy 1 >.> stf ,-"' { ' 4, v>x AeTVoYia bf t\\? CoiYimisslotofeYS of tW several cOYiatA from t\\e, SfccYfct&Trj's ^£V\c^, oatett t\\e, mnt\\ oi* Jaimai llousfe of VvepreseiitatiVes of t\\fc same, aa^,Yc,qaiY*n\g e£$en$e, m eae\\ county, f oy i\\e last f ovyy ^eavs, togt to this AMe, MaYG\\ 15th, 183&. COMMON ' ■ Date of report. Date of reception. 1829 COUNTIES. No. re- turn 'd by Expen ..,.„, .. . . .. assessor. Philadelphia, February 12th February 14th 780 2744' Delaware, 25m 28th 254 130' "Chester, 7th 10th 1355 112 Bucks, lath 15th 1122 389: M ontgome'ry, January 2Sd January 25th 883 308 Berk's, 23d 25th 256 98< Schuylkill, 2 2d 25th 28 3l Lam-aster, 21st 23d 1593 557 York, 11th l<2th 1000 S50< Dauphin, SOth 3 1 st 484 77! Lebanon, 14th 16th 132 50: Northampton, 21st 25 th 920 233. A»'8yn«, February 1 1th February 15th 93 6 Bike, January 12th January 23d 12 1( Lehigh, February 4th February 10th 174 501 Northumberland, 11th 13th 123 29 ( Union, January 15th January 21st 154 24 1 Columbia, February 12th February 15th 223 27.' Bradford, January 18th January 21st SIS 265 Tioga, 14th 21st 126 n; Susquehanna? January February 9th 366 28< Lycoming, January 15th January 1 8th 151 17 Centre, 28th 30th 276 34 Clearfield, March 4th March 14th 64 10. Huntingdon, January 22d January 25th 337 68 Lufcerne, February 4th February 7th 207 32 L 194 C5 1833 >V 1 ABSTRACT ii-, bff \\\<- CetatetefttaMH »>V the severa\ cminUe* in \\\? Commmiwf.AHv made in v»i>\} t,» ,\ rommunicMion \»- taeretarj't OAee, dated t\\e. ninth *>t* Jannarfj, 183S, in anranaaet ov* i\\e dixectiens el a resolution »f i\\e i .te\»>v\ (rnm i\\»' Hease of {LefteaentatWee at t\\e, same aa5,TeqQ«ing intovmatiunas to the anmbet at children teheeled at ywhVu expense, in each eiranty, fa* t\\e \ast fruir scars, together v i\w>. expense oV inetcaetian, s« tar asrecvA\et\ an to \U\r Ante, Mttrtsh 16th, 1KAS. COMMON SCHOOLS. COUNTIK*. Philadelphia, Delaware, Cheater, Back*, Montgomery, Herkk, Hchaylkilh i idi nt«r, Vorfc. i i hi | )nii, Lebanon, .s.nlluniplnn, V*' a> ll<-. I'lU. Lehigh, Norlhumberland, I I'olumbia, Tioga, Buaqaahnnnaj Lycoming, « mire, Clearfield, Huntingdon, • MiffliD, Juniata, Adams, Franklin, Cumberland, ferry. Bedford, Somerset, Cambria, Westmoreland, Allegheny, \\ ithingtoni Fayette, Beaver, Duller, Indiana, Armstrong, Mercer, Erie, Venango, Warren, Crawford, tireene, M'Keen, l'otter, JeHerion, ' Philadelphia, Lancaster, Dauphin, Kebi n Date of report. .Date of reception. I No. re- Itum'd bj MMMOr Ian lary IStb 25th 7th 1 3th wary 23d 2 2d 21st tlth 90th 1 4 th Slat Kebruary 11 lh January 12lh Kebruary 4th 11th January 13th Kebruary 12th January 18th Nth January January 15th ■8th March 4th January 22d No report. January 21st Kebruary 14th January 12th Kebruary I lib January 16th 25th February 80th January 14th February 12th 7th 12th January 18th 19th 21st Slat 15th February 19th January 1 8th 24th Kebruary 5th lth No date January 30th Nu report No report I Kebruary 12th January 2l»t 30th Februai y 1 4th 28th 10th 15th January 25th 25th 25lh JliI Kth 51 It 16th 25th I'Yhru.iry 15th January 2^1 February 10th 13th January Slat February 15lh January 21st 21st February 9th January 18th 30th March 14th January 25th ,-th January 25th Kebruary 21st January 14th Kebruary 14th January 19th 28th Kebruary 22d January 1 tlth February 14th 10th 18th January 25th 22d 25th 24th 19th Kebruary 25th January 23d 28th February 15th 18th 18th 6th 781) 254 1335 1122 883 25b 28 1598 1000 484 132 920 93 12 174 123 154 223 313 12b 366 £84 43:1 SOU 170 63 yoi 93 260 668 388 39 19 Kipeme. So. re- I V,. r<- turned Expense, tnrnad by as'r. by as'r 8744-! 10 I 30') 28 112J 56 3893 68 3084 87 980 44J 3« 90 5571 07 3500 00 77H 00 508 41 2335 8 (.' 1H 10 00 508*96 299 86( 248 41 275 92 262 48 117 01 28'l 42 17.1 80 341 85 105 50 68 09 32f 00 Not orgnn'zl 946 02 2517 68 2153 10 169 II 264 01 228 00|_ 18 6U 226 00 560 08 1283 61 860 37i 42 19 23 02 32 78 16 86 None 7 94 11 00 162 21 53 41 None 714 215 1556 1128 83S 313 47 1721 1000 484 226 1216 112 86 141 126 154 245 4bB lit, 245 278 896 794 I SB 63 60 184 860 648 412 50 205 102 i 88576 04 1371 17 4701 85 8589 97 SI 05 06 1304 II, 98 74 5771 23 3500 00 1074 00 696 49 S091 19 120 68 51 29 360 764 393 11| 347 65 407 67 3',3 01 196 43 232 01 251 54 365 70 " 136 25 1091 51 308 43 907 61 1351 43 2135 01 152 41 379 05 148 45 18 6lj 327 00 1387 08 | 2096 50 | 909 051! 83 65 32 12 I 19 31 12 31 None 35 78 ' 10 19 I 217 90 ! 99 68 Expense. 90b 279 1669 1110 849 S99 52 1939 1000 484 88106 18 14J4 63 5052 64 3202 Ob 3477 5:1 1568 96} 221 23 3500 00 960 00 808 25 3540 -IS jeo 9t 53 3f. 452 39j 570 39! 304 18 491 68 323 41 iro 2i No, re lurried by as'r Expense. Nut mentioned 2601 R1387 . v 5463 40 8808 48 729 3U 62.17 47 8500 t ii 1374 00 1245 2S 4183 25 REMARKS. 1796 976 4in Ib8! 1813 i 484 149 1 637 4 year, average. 63 \ 233| 154' 2491 465 1261 301 2b: 693 158 63 835 99 270 23 S65| 315 681 146 475 110 368 149 10 63l 817 84 425i 456 or 32B( 134 856 84 310 1106 27 279 1824 35 818 171 17 230 339 151 65 153 841 52 18 61j 259 00 118 1109 75 260 2159 26 830 1089 77 455 111 99 81 31 61 14 33 08 31 27 94 12 None 84 31 37 9 87 10 s 353 88 365 107 96 101 40 00 526 14i 7B 10i 415 38 471 26 320 88 214 73 273 60 2 14 97; 397 84 109 56 8bu 45 471 84 201 08 1055 37 |003 06 1682 80 308 59 383 40j 71 28i 18 61j E37 00 1378 82 2290 63 1140 68* 128 79 42 20 4ti 91 20 92 None 143 71 38 59 5 88 387 26 12b 54 No average- No average. No average. Yverage huiih No average. No average. No average. 15,002846,850 54ill5,839 ^51,859 10J 17,224 852,331 40*1 17,4671848,466 25 Totals C Schools LANCASTERIAN SCHOOLS. (February 14th jJanuary 23d r Sist 43031 17203 33 I 46571 18150 28 I 4602 308 800 00 SS9| 800 00 I 309 80 1315 07 | 80] 1500 54 I "19^6901206,168 94)| 20,905 1 872,509 92}| 22,215 19176 87 800 00 864 £1 Not mentioned. 2871 800 00 80 734 18 873,172 4811 17,8S4|850,000',43 jdraiid tntall 9- es in the Cou\nio\vwca\th, maiAc in t>$iiij to a communication r*~> s^ rj, 183&, in pursuance of t\\c directions of a resolution of the, **} J information as to the number of children schooled at uubVic ~^ Aher wiith the expense of instruct ion, so far as received up t SCHOOLS. v LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 482 970 8 Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5