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CLASS OF 184 MEMORABILIA 1883. " Time comes stealing on by night and day." Shakespeare . PREPARED BY WILLIAM A. RICHARDSON Class Secretary. PRINTED FOR THE USE OP JUNE 27, 1SS3. HARVARD COLLEGE. CLASS OF 1843 MEMORABILIA. 1883. " Time comes stealing on by night and day." Shakespca re . PREPARED BY WILLIAM A/ RICHARDSON, Class Secretary'- PRINTED FOR THE USE OF THE CLASS, JUNE 27, 1883. GRADUATE. "Dear the schoolboy spot, We NE'ER FORGET, THOUGH THERE WE ARE FORGOT." BYRON. ALMA MATER. Men may come and men may go. But I ROLL ON forever." OLD SONG. " It may be, iu later years. When fast declining down the vale of tears, Each heart, in seeking to forget its age, Turns trembling backward to life's college page." Sedgwick's Class Poem, 1843. "God grant that we may never be so hardened by the cares and anxieties of life that we shall be obliged to confess that our college friendships and our youthful aflfec- tious were but idle fancies and romantic dreams." — Sprague's Class Oration, 1843. " I envy not the man who, after leaving his Alma Mater, can look back with a cold and vacant indifference to the years he has passed under her beneficent guardianship, or who does not grasp the hand of a classmate, however long the separation and in what- ever clime, with an emotion which he can feel but not describe." — President Sparks' Inaugural. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Feeshmen of.l839-'40, ..... 7 Sophomores of 1840-'41, ..... 9 Junior Sophisters of 1841-'42, .... 11 Senior Sophisters of 1842-'43, . . .13 Undergraduate Memoranda, .... 15 Catalogus Harvardianus, Alumni, Class of 1843, . 17 The Class vtith its descendants to 1883, . . 21 Not yet Married, &c., . . .29 Senior Class Song, 1843, .... 30 Class Ode, 1863, . . . . . .31 Class Ode, 1883, ...... 32 Class Song, 1883, . . . . . .33 Index to Names, . . . . . . .35 FRESHMEN, 1839-40. 7 COLLEGE CATALOGUE. 1839-40. FRESHMEN. NAMES. RESIDENCES. ROOMS. Adams, William Henry, North Chelmsford. St. 17 Bacon, John William, Natick, H'y 18 Barnes, Jabez, Marlborough, M. 29 Bigelow, Francis Whitney, Waiertown, H. 23 Birchard, Eliphalet, Lebanon, Ct., H. 24 Cabot, Francis, Boston, Mrs. Willard's Clark, William, Beaufort Co., N. C, M. 16 Clark, Alden, Waltham, M. 30 Clarke, James Gordon, Nashua, N. H., Mr. R. Morse's Cox, Leonard, Cambridge, H. 14 Cushing, William, Newburyport, St. 20 Dana, Charles Anderson, Buffalo, N Y., H. 20 Dexter, Samuel Deering, Gloucester, D. 8 Dwight, Edmund, Boston, Mr. E. P. Tucker's Elwood, David Marvin, Norwalk, Gt., Mr. Shed's Emery, John Abbot, Springfield, St. 30 Farnham, Horace Putnam, Salem, Mrs. Metcalf s Flint, George Herbert, Salem, H. 28 Flint, John Sydenham, Leicester, St. 8 Frothingham, Octavins Brooks , Boston, H'y 9 Fuller, Arthur Buckminster, Rozbury, M. 32 Gilman, William Henderson, Boston, Mr. Saunders' Gordon, Robert, Framingham, Mr. Shed's Heywood, Charles Frederick, Medford, H. 32 Hildreth, Roger Brown, Marlborough, M. 29 Hill, Thomas, New Brunswick, N.J. H. 17 Hinds, Ebenezer Pierce, Pittston, Me., H. 30 Hoar, Edward Sherman, Concord, H. 3 Kingman, John VVilliam, Madhury, N. H., H. 19 Knapp, Francis Bellows, Walpole, N H., D. 13 Knapp, Frederick Newman, Walpole, N. H., D. 13 Kuhn, Austin, Boston,' Mr. Marsh's Ladd, John Gardner, Savannah, Ga., D. 2 Lee, Francis L., Boston, Mrs. Willard's Lowell, John, Boston, Mrs. Howe's 8 ERESHMBN, 1839-40. Mclntire, Farrington, Fitchhurg, H'yl Maglathlin, Henry Bartlett, Duxbury, H. 30 Means, James Howard, Boston, Mrs. Clarke's Orne, Henry Augustus, Hernando, Miss., Mrs. Gurney's Parker, J. Harleston, Boston, Mr. R. Morse's Parks, Luther Boston, Mr. Keith's Perkins, Charles Callahan, Boston, Mr. S. Newell's Perkins, Thomas Handasyde, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's Pike, Robert Gordon, Newburyport, St. 20 Prescott, Alfred Abbott, Reading, St. 6. Rice, William Bordman, Boston, Mrs. Howe's Richardson, William Adams, Tyngsborough, St. 17 Rogers, Augustus Dodge, Salem, Mr. W. Warland's Rogers, William Crowninshield , Salem, Mrs. Phipps's Russell, Thomas Hastings, Princeton, H'y 1 Russell, Walter Hiram, West Cambridge, St. 6 Russell, John Jackson, Plymouth, St. 10 Sargent, Horace Binney, Roxbury, Mr. Keith's Sears, Frederick Richard, Boston, Mr. Stedman's Sedgwick, Henry Dwight, Stockbridge, H. 22 Sewall, John Gallison, Watertown, N. Y., H. 14 Smith, William Addison, Leicester, St. 3 Spear, William Shake, Neio York,N. ¥., H. 17 Sprague, Ebenezer Carleton, Buffalo, N. ¥., H. 20 Stimson, Edward, Dedham, H. 3 Stone, Eben Francis, Newburyport, Dr. Ware's, Sen Stone, Henry Nathan, Cambridge, Mr. G. L. Cook's Stone, James Winchell. Cambridge, Mr. G. L. Cook's Story, Horace Cullen, Boston, Mr. E. P. Tucker's Thaxter, Levi Lincoln, Watertown, Dea. Munroe's Trask, James Henry, Salem, H'y 18 Very, Washington, Salem, D. 5 Vila, James, Boston, St. 4 Ward, George Cabot, Boston, Mr. E. P. Tucker's Ware, Henry, Cambridge, Mr. W. Ware's Webb, Seth, Scituate, Miss Carter' s Wheelwright, Josiah, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's White, Wallace Barnard, Boston, St. 14 White, Henry Orne, Salem, H'y 9 Williams, Francis Charles, Brighton, H. 32 Wilson, Joseph Gallison, North Andover, D. 3 Worthington, Francis William, Boston, H. 16 SOPHOMORES, 1840-41. 9 COLLEGE CATALOGUE. 1840-4L ROOMS, SOPHOMORES. NAMES, RESIDENCES. Adams, William Henry, North Chelmsford, St. 16 Adams, Charles Frederick, Boston, Mrs. Ayer's Bacon, John William, Natick, , H'y 15 Bigelow, Francis Whitney, Watertown, H. 23 Birchard, Eliphalet, Lebanon, Ct., St, 26 Chapman, Ozias Goodwin, Boston, Rev. Mr, Hoppin's Clark, William, Beaufort Co., N. C, Mr. R. Torry's Clark, Alden, Waltham, H. 9 Cobb, Moses Gill, Groton, H. 22 Cox, Leonard, Cambridge, St. 26 Gushing, William, Newburyport, St. 13 Dana, Charles Anderson, Buffalo, N. F., St. 14 Dexter, Samuel Deering, Gloucester, D. 1 Emery, John Abbot, Springfield, St. 30 Farnham, Horace Putnam, Salem, Mrs, Metcalf s Flint, John Sydenham, Leicester, M. 12 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks Boston, St 31 Fuller, Arthur Buckminister, Roxbury, H. 16 Gordon, Robert, Framingham, D. 3 Hall, Thomas Bartlett, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's Heywood, Charles Frederick, Cambridge, St. 5 Hildreth, Roger Brown, Marlborough, M. 29 Hill, Thomas, Keio Brunswick, N. J. Mrs. Gardner's. Hinds, Ebenezer Pierce, Pittston, Me., M. 14 Holmes, Howland, Bridgewater, St. 22 Hudson, Henry James, Neiohuryport, St. 10 Kingman, John William, Dover, N. H., Mrs. Gardner's Knapp, Francis Bellows, Walpole, N. H., D. 13 Knapp, Frederick Newman, Walpole, N. H., D. 13 Kuhn, Austin, Boston, Mr. Marsh's Ladd, John Gardner, Savannah, Ga., Mrs. Metcalf's Lowell, John, Boston, Mrs. Howe's Mclntire, Farrington, Fitchburg, H'y 1 Maglathlin, Henry Bartlett, Duxbury, M. 14 Means, James Howard, Boston, M. 8 10 SOPHOMORES, 1840-41. Morrell. Edward, Cuba, St. 6 Orne, Henry Augustus, Hernando, Miss., Dr. Ware's, Sen Parker, J. Harleston, Boston, Mrs. Phipps's Parks, Luther, Boston, Mrs. Willard's Perkins, Charles Callahan, Boston^ Mrs. Dix's Perkins, Thomas Handyside, Boston, Mrs. Gilman's Pike, Robert Gordon,, Newburyport, St. 13 Prescott, Alfred Abbott, Reading, St. 5 Rice, William Bordman, Boston, Mrs. Howe's Richardson, William Adams, Tyngsborough, St. 16 Rogers, William Crowinshield, Salem, Mrs. Phipp's Russell, Thomas Hastings, Princeton, H'y 1 Russell, John Jackson, Plymouth, ^ H'y 22 Sargeant, Horace Binney Roxhury, Mrs. Ayer's Sears, Frederick Richard, Boston, Mr. Stedman's Sedwick, Henry Dwight, Stockbridge, H. 22 Sewall, John Gallison, Watertoion, iV. T., H. 31 Smith, William Addison, Leicester, Mrs. Willard's Sprague, Ebenezer Carleton, Buffalo, iV. Y., Dr. Ware's, Jun Stallknecht, Frederich Stoud, Marieboe, Denmark, Mrs. Gardner's Stimson, Edward, Dedham, Mrs. Clarke's Stone, Eben Francis, Newburyport, St. 10 Stone, Henry Nathan, Cambridge, Mr. G L Cook's Stone, James Winchell, Cambridge, Mr. G. L. Cook's Story, Horace Cullen, Boston, H. 21 Thaxter, Levi Lincoln, Watertoion, Mr. AV. Bates' Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, South Natick, St. 14 Trask, James Henry, Salem, H'y 15 Very, Washington, Salem, D. 6 Vila, James, Boston, M. 28 Ward, George Cabot. Boston, Mr. E. P. Tucker's Ware, Henry, Cambridge, Rev. W. Ware's Webb, Seth, Scituate, M. 30 Wheelwright, Josiah, Boston, Mr. Marsh's White, Henry Orne, Salem, St. 31 Williams, Francis Charles, Brighton, M. 11 Huntington, William Henry, Norwich, Ct. H. 12 Tiffany, Osmond, Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Clarke's Walker, Joseph Hurd, Charlestown, St. 22 JUNIORS, 1841^2. 11 COLLEGE CATALOGUE. JUNI 1841-42. OR SOPHISTERS. NA3IES. RESIDENCES. ROOMS. Adams, William Henry, North Clielmsford, H'y 23 Adams, Cliarles Frederick, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's Bacon. John Williams, Natick, H'y 15 Binney, William Cashing, Boston, M. 24 Birchard, Eliphalet, Lebanon, Ct., St. 27 Chapman, Ozias Goodwin, Boston, St: 8 Clark, William, Beaufort Co., N. C, D. 14 Clark, Alden, Waltham, M. 22 Cobh, Moses Gill, Springfield, H'y 4 Cox, Leonard, Cambridge, St. 27 Cushing, William, Newburijport, H. 29 Dana. Charles Anderson, Buffalo, N. Y., M. 13 Dexter, Samuel Deering, Boston, D. 29 Emery, .John Abbot, Springfield, M. 13 Farnham, Horace Putnam, Salem, Mrs. Metcalf s Flynt, John Sydenham, Leicester, M. 31 Frothingham,Octavius Brooks, Boston, H'y 8 Fuller, Arthur Buckminster, Cambridge, H. 16 Gassett, Edward, Boston, H. 27 Gordon, Robert. Framingham, D. 2 Hall, Thomas Bartlett, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's Heywood, Charles Frederick, Cambridge, H. 5 Hildreth, Roger Brown, Marlborough, M. 6 Hill. Thomas, Nev) Brunswick, N. J. , H'y 17 Holmes, Howland, Bridgewater, Mrs. Tribou's Hudson, Henry James, Neioburyport, St. 13 Kingman, John William, Dover, N. H., M. 22 Knapp, Francis Bellows, Walpole, N. H., D. 13 Knapp, Frederick Newman, Walpole, N. H., D. 13 Kuhn, Austin, Boston, Mr. Marsh's Lee, Francis L., Boston, Mrs. Howe's Loring, John Alden, Andover, St. 16 Lowell, John, Boston, St. 25 Maglathlin, Henry Bartlett, Duxbury, M. 32 Means, James Howard, Boston, M. 7 12 JUNIORS, 1841-42. Morrell, Edward, Cuba, W. /.. St. 6 Orne. Henry Augustus, Hernando, Miss., St. 6 Parker, John Harleston, Boston, Mr. P. O'Connor's Parks, Luther, Boston, Mrs. WiUard's Perkins, Charles Callahan, Boston, Mrs. Dix's Pike, Robert Gordon, Neioburyport, H. 29 Rice, William Bordman, Boston, St. 26 Richardson, William Adams, Tyngshorough, H'y 23 Rogers, William Crowinshield Salem, Mrs. Phipp's Russell, Thomas Hastings, Princdon, H'y 14 Russell. John Jackson Plyvi'iutk, H'y 4 8 argent, Horace Binney, Roxbiii'!/, Mrs. Gurney's Sears, Frederick Ricliard, Bo. ton. Si. 12 Sewall, John Gallison, Water (oton, N. Y., H. 31 Smith, William Addison, Leicester, Mrs. WiUard's Sprague, Eben Carleton, Buffalo, N. r., M. 12 Stimson, Edward, Dedham, M. 5 Stone, Eben Francis, Newburyport, St. 13 Stone, Henry Nathan, Cambridge, St. 5 Stone, James Winchell, Cambridge, St 5 Story, Horace Cullen, Boston, H. 9 Thaxter, Levi Lincoln, Watertown, Mr. W. Bate's Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, South Natick, H'y 7 Tracy, Winslow Decatur, Norwich, Ct., M. 6 Trask, James Henry, Salem, Mrs. Gardner's Very, Washington, Salem, D. 1. Vila, James, Boston, M. 28 Ware, Henry, Cambridge, Rev. W. Ware's Webb, Seth, Seituate, H'y 14 Wheelwright, Josiah, Boston, Mr. Marsh's White, Wallace Barnard, Boston, D. 41 White, Henry Orne, Salem, H'y 8 Williams, Francis Charles, Brighton, M. 11 Bond, William Cranch, Cambridge, Mr. Bond's Huntington, William Henry, Norwich, Ct., C. H. 12 Tiffany, Osmond, Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Clarke's Walker, Joseph Hurd, Charlestown, St. 28 SENIORS, 1842-43. 13 COLLEGE CATALOGUE. 1842-43. SENIOR SOPHISTENS. NAMES. RESIDENCES. E003IS. A'lanis, William Henry, North Chelmsford, H'y 23 Adams, Charles Frederick, Boston, Mrs. Gurney's Bacon, John William, Nalick, H'y 24 Bigelovv, Francis Whitney, Walertown, H. 23 Binney, William Gushing, Boston, H. 8 Birchard, Eliphalet, Jjebnnon, Ct., St; 27 Boyden, James Woodbury, Beverly, M. 7 Chapman, Ozias Goodwin, Boston, H'y 22 Clark, William, Beaufort Co., N. C, Mr. Phelps's Clark, Alden, Waltham, *H'y 12 Cobb, Moses Gill, Springfield, H'y 4 Cox, Leonard, Cambridge, St. 27 Cashing, William, Neichurgport, H'y 6 Dexter, Samuel Dering, Boston, H'y 8 Emery, John Abbot, Springfield, H'y 14 Farnham, Horace Putnam, Salem, Mr. Holden's Flint, John Sydenham, Leicester, M. 25 Frothingham, Uctavius Brooks Boston, H'y 21 Fuller, Arthur Buckminister, Cambridge, St. 22 Gassett, Edward, Boston, Mrs. Bartlett' s Gordon, Robert, Framingham, D. 3 Hall, Thomas Bartlett, Boston, H'y 10 Hildreth, Roger Brown, Marlborough, M. 9 Hill, Thomas, New Brunswick, N. J , H'y 24 Holmes, Howland, Bridgewater, Mrs. Tri-bou's Hudson, Henry James, Newburyport, H'y 7 Kingman, John William, Dover, N. H , H'y 12 Knapp, Francis Bellows, Walpole, N. H., Dr. Plympton's Knapp, Frederick Newman, Walpole, N. H., Dr. Plympton's Kuhn, Austin, Boston, H'y 2 Ladd, John Gardner, Alexandria, D. C, H'y 22 Lee, Francis L, Boston, M. 21 Loring, John Alden, Andover, M. 9 Lowell, John, Boston, St. 25 Mclntire, Farrington, Fitchburg, H'y 5 14 SENIORS, 1842-43. Maglathlin, Henry Bartlett, Duxhury, St. 22 Means, James Howard, Boston, H'y 8 Morrell, Edward, Havana, W. 1., H'y 16 Parker, Harleston, Boston, Mrs. Cochran's Parks, Luther, Boston, Mrs. Willard's Perkins, Charles Callahan, Boston, Mr. Cleveland's Pike, Robert Gordon, Newbaryport, H'y 6 Rice, William Bordman, Boston, St. 26 Richardson, William Adams, Tyngsborough, H'y 23 Russell, Thomas Hastings, Princeton, H'y 13 Russell, John Jackson, Plymouth, H'y 4 Sargent, Horace Binney, Roxhury, Mrs. Gurney's Sears, Frederick Richard, Boston, St. 12 Sedgwick, Henry Dwight, Stockhridge, H'y 14 Sewall, John Gallison, Watertoicn, JY. Y., St. 15 Smith, William Addison, Leicester, St. 23 Sprague, Eben Carleton, Buffalo, N. Y., H'y 15 Stimson, Edward, Dedham, H'y 15 Stone, Eben Francis. Neivburyporl, H'y 7 Stone, Henry Nathan, Cambridge, H'y 19 Stone, James Winchell, Cambridge, H'y 19 Thaxter, Levi Lincoln, Watertown, Mr. W. Warland's Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, South Natick, H'y 17 Tracy, Winslow Decatur, Norwich, Ct., H'y 15 Trask, James Henry, Salem, M. 31 Very, Washington, Salem, D. 1 Vila, James, Boston, H'y 5 Walker, Joseph Hurd, Charlestoion, St. 24 Ware, Henry, Cambridge, Rev. W. Ware's Webb, Seth, Scituate, H'y 13 \Vheelwright. Josiah, Boston, Mr. Marsh's White, Henry Orne, Salem, H'y 21 Williams, Francis Charles, Brighton, M. 6 UNDERGRADUATE MEMORANDA. 15 UNDERGRADUATE MEMORANDA. Of the seventy-seven students who commenced their college course together in the Freshmen Class of 1839-'40, one after another dropped out, from time to time, until there were twenty-two of them who failed to come in at the end of the race. One only died during the course. John Abbot Emery died at Exeter, N. H , in the senior year, Oct. 25, 1842. He was buried in Springfield, Mass., where his relatives erected a monument over his remains. His classmates also erected a monument to his memory at Mount Auburn Cemetery, in Cambridge. Four fell back into the class below and graduated in 184K One other took a medical degree at the college in 1846. A few settled in the vicinity of the college, and have to some ex- tent kept up their acquaintance with their old classmates. One recently committed suicide after he had attained the age of fifty-eight years. The remainder have disappeared from our observation among the mass of mankind. Of the fourteen recruits who joined the class after the Freshman year, all went through except one. He having been too prominent in a little scholastic unpleasantness was kindly permitted by the Faculty to leave the college in the senior year in advance of his class, never to return, much to the regret of his classmates. He has since died, mourned in death as he was beloved in life. CATALOGUS flARVARDIANUS ALUMNI, 1843, 17 CATALOGUS HARVARDIANTJS ALUMNI. 1843. *Guilielmus Henricus Adams *1845 *Carolus-Fredericus Adams, Mr., LL.B. 1846 *i856 Johannes-Guilielmus Bacon, Mr., *Franciscus-Whitney Bigelow *1853 Guilielmus Cusliing Binney,LL.B. 1845 *EUphalet B ire hard *1854 Jacobus-Woodbury Boyden, Mr., LL.B. 1846. *Aldeii Clark *1443 Moses- Gill Cobb, LL.B. 1846 Leonardus Cox, Mr. 1849 *Guilielmus Gushing *1875 Carolus-AndersQn Dana, 1863, Mr. 1861 ^ Samuel- Dering Dexter^ Mr. *i85o Horatius-Putnam Farnham, LL.B. 1846, M.D. Jeff Penn. 1860 Johannes-Sydenham Flint, Mr., M D 1846, M.M.S S. Octavius- Brooks Frothingham, M r . *Arthurus-Buckminster Fuller Edvardus Gassett *Ilobertus Gordon Thomas-Bartlett Hall, Mr., LL.B. 1846 *Rogerus-Brown Hildreth, 1846, Mr. et Trin. 1870 Thomas Sill, Mr., Presses, S.T.D. 1860, Coll. Antioch Prasses et Metaph. et Ethices et Theol. Nat. Prof., LL D.Yal. 1863,A.A. etSP.A. et S.H.S. Rowland Holmes,Mr.,M.D. 1848, M.M.S.S. Henricus-Jacobus Hudson Johannes - Guilielmus King- man, Territ. Wyoming. Cur. Sup. Jurid *1862 *1881 *1872 18 CATALOGUS HARVARDIANUS ALUMNI, 1843. *1844 ••1853 Franciscus-Bellows Knapp. Mr. F'rediricus- Newman Knapp, Mr. *Austin Kuhn ^Johannes-Gardner Ladd, Mr. 1847, M.D. Univ Virgin. 1845 Franciscus-L Lee. Mr. Johannes Alden Loriug. Johannes Lowell, Mr., LL.B 1845, LL.D. 1871 et Guil. 1870, Rerunipub. Feed. Cur. District Mass. et Cur. Circ. Jurid . K.K. et S.H.8. Farrington Mclntire, Mr. Henrieus-Bartlett Maglathlin JacobusSoward Means,Mr .,^.T.I) Guil. 1874 *Edvardus Morrell *i87i Harleston Parker Lutherus Parks, Mr., M.D. 1847, M.M.S. et Coll. Reg. Chirurg. Hibern. S. Carolus - Callahan Perkins, Mr., A. A. et S.H.S., Institut. '.all. Acad. Inscrip. et Litt. Polit. Soc. Cor. Robertus-Gordon Pike, 1844 Guilielmus-Bordman Rice Guilielmus-Adams Richardson, Mr, LL.R. 1846, LL D. Co- lumbian, Wash. 1873, et Georg- iopol 1881, et Howard, 1882. in Coll. Georgiopol. Legg. Prof. Re- rumpub. Feed. ^Erarii Secret, et Cur. Postulatt. Jurid. Guilielmus-Crowninshield Rogers, 1865 Thomas-Hastings Russell, Mr. Johannes-Jackson Russell Horatius - Binney Sargent, Mr., LL.B. 1845 Fredericus-Ricardus Sears, Mr. 1852 Henricus-Dwight Sedgwick *Johannes-Gallison Sewall, M.D. 1847, M.M.S.S. nsu Guilielmus-Addison Smith Eben-Carleton Sprague CATALOaUS HARVARDIANUS ALUMNI, 1843. 19 Stoud Stallkneclit M D 1846, Mr., L.L.B. Rerumpub. Mr. *Frcdericus 1872 *1875 *Kdvardus Stimson M M S.S. ' nsTS Eben-Francis Stone, 1846, in Congr Foed. Repr. Henricus-Nathan S("one *Jacobus- Winch ell Stone. MD. 1847, MM S.S. ' nses Levi Lincoln Thaxter, LL.B.1845 Alexander- WheelockThaver. Mr., LL.B 1848 *Ells8eus-Winslow Tracy, Mr. *i86o *Jacobus-Henricus Trask, M.D. 1846, M.M.SS. n863 * Washington Very *i853 ^Jacobus Vila, Mr. *i850 *Josephus-Hurd Walker *i858 Georgius-Cabot Ward. 1876 Henricus Ware, LL B. 1847 *Sethus Webb. Mr. n862 JosiasWheelwright, Mr , LL.B. 1845 Henricus-Orne W^hite, Mr., M.D. Penn. 1846, M M.S.S. Franciscus Carolus Williams '*23-t-46= Note. — The latest Catalogus Harvardianus was published in 1880. The class is here presented with the additions of the editor since that date. The next Catalogus will be published in 1885, * Deceased, CLASS WITH ITS DESCENDANTS. 21 THE CLASS, WITH ITS iDESGEisrnD^nsrTS TO 1883. Her children arise and call her blessed." — Proverbs, i8®=- See Note at end of List. ♦William II. Adams N. Chelmsford, Mass. * Charles F. Adams '. Boston, " John W. Bacon Natick, " John H. Bacon Chicago, Illinois. Charles W. Bacon (Harv., 1879) Natick, Mass. Mary B. Bacon " " * Francis W. Bigelow Watertown, Mass. * William C. Binney Amesbury, " Emily C. Binney St. Louis, Miss. m. Prof. Chas; A. Smith (Wash. Un.) " « Gertrude B. Smith " " William B. Smith Emily H. Smith " « * William R. Binney Amesbury, Mass. ^Gertrude Binney " " Anna S. Binney St. Louis, Miss. ■ m. Chas. W. Melcher, M. E. (Wash. Un.) " " Alice F. Melcher '• " Frances Maria Binney Amesbury, Mass. * Eliphalet Birchard Lebanon, Conn. James W. Boyden Chicago, Illinois. Mary B. Boyden Middleton, St. Stephens, N.B. m. Rev. Edgar B. Foster ( Am herst, 1864) " " Willard H. Foster " « Emma D. Foster " " Edgar L. Foster " " Elizabeth W. Boyden " " m. Geo. B. Eaton (Amherst, 1870) " " George D. Eaton " " Lillie Eaton " " John B. Eaton " " Harris D. Eaton " " Anna L. Eaton " " John D. Boyden Sheffield, Illinois. Annie K. Boyden..... ; Chicago, " Frederick K. Boyden " " 22 CLASS WITH ITS * Alden Clark t Waltham, Mass. Moses G. Cobb San Francisco, Cal, Lieut. Edmund M. Cobb, (U. S. Mil. Acad. 1870.) U. S, Army, Baltimore, Md. Elie Cobb.. '. Baltimore, Md. Murray A. Cobb " " Zadie C. Cobb " " * George D. Cobb, (Univ. of Cal., 1871,) California. * Sophia R.Cobb " Mary C, Cobb San Francisco, Cal. m. Harold Holderuess " James C. Holderness " Harold Holderness " * Sarah C. Cobb " Henry G.Cobb " Leonard Cox Charlotte, C. H., Va. Frances A. Cox, (Class cradle child.) Lexington, New York. m. Dr. E. L. Ford, M. D., (Albany Med. Sch.). " " *Mary E. Cox Cambridge, Mass. Frederick Leonard Cox Charlotte C. H., Va. Arthur Lear Cox " " Edwin Peter Cox " " ♦William Cushing Newburyport, Mass. * William P. Cashing Salem, Mary Cushing " Sarah Moody Cushing " * Caleb Cushing ..Newburyport, Sarah Moody Cushing Cambridge, m. Robert N. Toppan, (Harv., 1850,) " Sarah Moody Toppan " Charles A. Dana New York ity, N. Y. Zoe I). Dana " m. * Walter M. Underbill Walter Underbill " Ruth Underbill " Ruth Dana " m. Dr. Wm. H. Draper " Charles Dana Draper " George Draper " Dorothea Draper " Paul Dana, (Harv., 1874 ) " Eunice Dana. Colorado. m. Dr. John W. Brannan, (Harv., 1874.) " * Samuel D. Dexter Exeter, N. H. Maria Dexter Boston. (Roxbury,) Mass. Horace P. Farnham New York. John S. Flint Boston, (Roxbury,) Mass. OcTAVius B. Frothin^ham Boston, " Elizabeth B. Frothingham " " m. Henry T. Brown New York. Brooks Frothingham Boston, Mass. m. 2d. William L. Parker " " DfclSC END ANTS. 23 Artficr B. Fuller Watertowu, Mass. Edith 1). Fuller Cambridge, " Arthur Ossoli Fuller, (Harv., 1877,) Exeter, N. H. Richard B. Fuller. Cambridge, Mass. Alfred B. Fuller Shady Springs, West Ta. Edwaed Gassett Boston, Mass. Walter Gassett " " Arthur Gassett Cheyenne, Wyom'g Ty. Percival Gassett London, England. Charles Owen Gassett Sandford, Florida. Lucy Gassett London, England. * Robert Gordon Framingham, Mass. Thomas B. Hall Boston, " Emily D. Hall. '• m. * Albert R. Meyer Strasburg, Germany. Albert Richard Meyer Boston, Mass. Minna B.Hall " * Roger B. Htldreth Springfield, Mass. TrfoM.is Hill , Portland, Maine. Mary Bellows Hill " " m. Lewis Pierce, (Bow., 1852,) LL. B., (Har- " " vard, 1855.) " " Henry Hill Pierce " " Thomas Lewis Pierce..... " " John Alexander Pierce " " Mary Eveline Pierce " " Pi-of. Henry B. Hill, (Harvard, 1849.) Cambridge, :Mas8. Edward Burlingame Hill. " " Katherine Hill Portland, Maine. Elizabeth Joy Hill. " Anne Bellows Hill Boston, Mass. m. Robert H. Monks " '• Thomas Roby Hill Newport, R.I. Otis Shephard Hill Portland, Maine. HowLAND Holmes Lexington, Mass. Francis H. Holmes Norwich, Connecticut. Sarah Eddy Holmes Lexington, Mass. Henry J. Hcnsoy. Plattsborgh, N< w York. George Henry Hudson " " Charles Frederick Hudson " " Corane 11 Mabel Hudson " " JOHN H. Kingman Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter'y. Grace Carlton Kingman '• " m. May Goldschmidt „ " " George Goldschmidt " " Lieut. Daniel Christie Kingman, (U. S. Mil. Academy.) United States Army. Daniel Christie Kingman Omaha, Nebraska. Ralph Wilcox Kingman " " John Kingman •■ " Helen Mary Kingman Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter'y. John Charles Kingman " " Jeremiah Kingman " " 24 CLASS WITH ITS Francis B. Knapp Walpole, N. H. Frederick N. Knapp Plymouth, Mass. Louisa Bellows Knapp " " Sarah Perkins Knapp " " Maria Bradford Knapp " " * Austin Kuhn Boston, '' John G. Ladd Brooklyn, New York. *JohnG. Ladd *EvaLadd Francis L. Lee Boston, Mass. Mary Lee Albany, New York. m. Matthew Hale " " Ellen Hale Mary Lee Hale " " Matthew Hale " " Frank Wilson Lee Boston, Mass. Alice Lee " Annie Wilson Lee '" Thomas Lee, (Harvard. 1879.) " * Robert Wilson Lee •' John A. Loring " John Lowell Chestnut Hill, Mass. John Lowell Lucy Lowell George Lowell, (Harvard, 1883.) Susan Cabot Lowell James Arnold Lowell Farrington McIntire Wollaston, Quincy. Charlotte F. Mcluti re " " Herman McIntire " " Henry B. Maglathlin Silver Lake, Mass. * Abbie Maglathlin Kingston, " m. George F. Lane " " Arthur Maglathlin Dnxbury, " Maria W. Maglathlin " " Alice Maglathlin Silver Lake " James H. Means. Dorchester, " Miriam B. Means " " James Means " " Charles J. Means " " Frederic H. Means " " * Edward Morrell Philadelphia, Penu. Ida L. Morrell " " Edward Morrell, (In Penli. University,) " " Julia Paul Morrell. " " Harleston Parker Cambridge, Mass. John Harleston Parker " " Luther Parks At present at Paris, France. Dr. Edward L. Parks, M. D., (Peqn.)...- Boston, Mass. Julia Dale Parks Concord, " m. C. H. Wheeler " " Julia Dale Wheeler " " Sarah Kendall Wheeler " " DESCENDANTS. 25 Charles C. Perkins Boston, Mass. Edward Clifford Perkins New York City. Charles Brien Perkins, (Ilarvard, 1883,) Boston, Mass. Mary Eleanor Perkins , " '• Robert G. Pike Middletown, Conn. Grace G.Pike * Nellie B. Pike '" " Robert G. Pike New Haven, " * George C. Pike Middletown, " Lizzie E. Pike New York City. Kate G. Pike Middletown, Conn. Gordon B. Pike " Charles J. Pike " " William B. Rice New York City. William A. Richardson Washington, D. C. Isabel A. Richardson " " TO. Dr. Alexander F. Magiuder, M. D., (Co- lumbian, 1S71,) (U. S. Navy,) " « William Richardson Magruder " " Alexander Richardson Magruder " " Wiluam C. Rogers Brookline, Mass. William Bowditch Rogers " " Thomas H. Russell Boston, Mass. Charles T. Russell '• «• Thomas H. Russell " John A. Russell " " Charles T. Russell " " Annie L. Russell " " TO. Nathan G. Stanwood " " Philip C. Stanwood " " Mary L Russell " " TO. Edward Walley " " Samuel H. Walley Miriam P. Walley " " Annie L. Walley i " " Alice W.Russell Plymouth, N. H. m. Rev. Henry P. Peck, (Amhei-st, 1878.) " " Arthur H. Russell, (Amherst, 1881,) Boston, Mass. John J. Russell Plymouth, Mass. Helen Russell " " John Russell, (Harv., 1882,) Lydia Russell " " Horace B. Sargent Salem, "> Horace B. Sargent, S. B., (Harvard, 1869;) LL. B., (Harvard, 1871,) Boston, " Lucius M. Sargent, (Harvard, 1870,) " " Hetty .ippleton Sargent " " Elizabeth H. Sargent Washington, D. C. TO. Lieut. Commander Bowman H. McCalla, U. S. Navy " " Elizabeth S. McCalla " " Mary H. McCalla Lily H. McCalla « Stella A. McCalla * William W.Sargent , Boston, Maes. 26 CLASS WITH ITS Frederick R. Sears Boston, Mass. Frederick R. Sears, (Harvard, 1875,) Frederick R. Sears Eleonora Sears Marian S. Sears TO. Charles T. Lovering, (Harvard, 1868,). Charles Lovering Joseph Lovering Tina S. Sears TO. Alfred S. Dabney, (Harvard, 1871,).... Gracie Dabney Richard D. Sears, (Harv,,1883) Philip Sears...! ^ . . Herbert Sears|^«™'°^ Henry D. Sedgwick New York City. Jane Minot Sedgwick Henry D. Sedgwick Theodore Sedgwick Alexander Sedgwick Ellery Sedgwick * JohnG. Sewall * John 6. Sewall... William G'.~SSwall Katharine Sewall.. William A. Smith Worcester, Mass. William Sargent Smith " " Edith Bertha Smith " " * George A. Smith " " * Eliza B. Smith " " Charles Edwin Smith " " * Lincoln Sprague Smith " " EbenC. Sprague Buffalo, N. Y. Mary A. Sprague New York City. TO. Edward M. Cook. " Carlton Cook " Thomas Cook " Catherine Cook " Edna Cook Louise Sprague " m. Alexander F. Oakey " Elizabeth Oakey " Sally Oakey " Henry Wise Sprague Buffalo, N. Y. Carleton Sprague, (Harvard, 1881,) " " * Frederick S. Stallknecht New York City. Frederick Stallknecht " Cai-oline A. Stallknecht " Laura Stallknecht " Alice Stallknecht " Harry Sedgwick Stallknecht " Thorwald Stallknecht " Josepha Victoria R. Stallknecht " Charles Piatt Stallknecht " DESCENDANTS. 27 * Edward Stimson Dedham, Mass. Frederic J. Stimson, (Harvard, 1876) " " Mildred Stimson " " Edward Stimson " " Elsie H. Stimson " " Eben F. Stone Newburyport, Mass. Fannie Coolidge Stone " Cornelia Perrin Stone " Harriet Child Stone Dedham, HI. Alfred Hewins " Alfred Stone Hewins " Margaret Storer Hewins ^' Henry N. Stone Boston, Henry B. Stone " =•= James W. Stone Boston, (Roxbury,) Mass. Ella G. Stone Florence, Italy. Frances Tyler Stone " " Levi L. Thaxter Kittery, Maine. Karl Thaxter....... " John Thaxter " " Roland Thaxter, (Harvard, 1882,) " " Alexander W. Thater Trieste, '■nmi ii n jWC£, S^^Cj * Elisha W. Tracy Chicago, Illinois. * James H. Trask* California. * Washington Vert Salem, Mass. * Martha W. Very " " Frank W. T,,.j, S. B., (I„„. Tech., 1878.)... } ^USS^-.'^^^^SS,,^ * James Vila Boston, Mass. * Joseph H. Walker Townsend, Mass. John B. Walker Alton, Illinois. Harrie Cragin Walker " " Marie B. Walker Cambridge, Mass. Elizabeth H. Walker " " Augustine E. Walker " " Joseph H. Walker Kansas. George C. Ward New York City. Samuel Gray Ward, (Harvard, 1876,) " George C. Ward " Marian Ward Brooklyn, N. Y. m. Abbot A. Low " " Marian Ward Low " " Abiel Abbot Low " " Henry Ware Cambridge, Mass. Eliza Hastings Ware " " Mary Waterhouse Ware " " * Seth Webb Scituate, " JosiAH Wheelwright Boston, " Caroline B. Wheelwright " " Sophia D. 0. WTieelwright " " Charles C. Wheelwright " " 28 CLASS WITH ITS Henrt 0. White Fort Atkinson, Wis. Mary W. White Brockville, Ontario. m. George F. Fulford " " Dora Fulford " " Emily H, White New York City. m. Dr. Sidney F. Wilcox " Sidney H. Wilcox " Daniel A.White San Diego, California. Eliza W. White Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. William L. White Piene, Dakota Territory. Henry Marston White. Fort Atkinson. Wisconsin. Francis C. Williams Roston. (Roxbnry,) Mass. Martha Williams Brookline, Massachusetts. TO. Andrew M. Ritchie " " Andrew E. Ritchie " « Martha F. Ritchie " " Dora Williams Boston, (Roxbury,) Mass. Mary Williams '■ Francis C. Williams " Augusta 6. Williams " Theodore G. Williams " Sarah H. Williams " 4^ To BE Continued ad infinitum. SUMMARY, Class 69 Children 179 Grandchildren 83 Total 331 Note : — Names of the Class in small caps. Children, once indented under parent's name. Grandchildren, double indented under parent's name. * Deceased. TO, Married to. DESCENDANTS. 29 NOT YET MARRIED. "I would be married, but I'd have uo wife, 1 would be married to a single lite." Cranshaio. John S. Flint. Francis B. Knapp. John A. Loring. Alexander W, Thayer. DIED UNMARRIED. William H, Adams. Charles F. Adams. Francis W. Bigelow. Eliphalet Birchard. Alden Clark. Robert Gordon. Austin Kuhn. 30 CLASS SONG, 1843. ger^iof'^ Clk^^ goqg, 1843. I. We 've met to-night, a happy band, Around the festive board, To grasp once more a classmate's liaiid, And speak a friendly word : Then banish care from every heart. Let mirth and joy abound. While sparkling wit inspires the toast, And merry songs go round. II. Mid pleasure's sunny bowers we'll roam. Ere youth begins to wane ; For life's short spring, once past and gone, Can ne'er return again: Then pluck its flowers while tliey bloom. And rosy wreaths entwine For friendship, love, and social mirth, — Bright spells of anld lang sjnie. III. We'll pledge to friends we hold most dear. To her each loves the best ; Joy's brightest beams shine round tlieir path, And all their hopes be blest. Then fill the goblet to the brim, With nectar all divine, We'll pledge to love that knows no change. And days of auld lang syne. IV. Though fate compels us leave these scenes,- Perhaps, for aye to part. — She ne'er can break the golden chains Love twines around each heart. CLASS ODE, 1863. 31 And \vliat?oeV*r oiii' lot may be. Wliatever star ma}' shine, Fond memory still shall linger round The days of auld lang- syne. Then here's a hand, my trusty fier And gie s hand o'thine ; And we'll tak a right guid willie wought For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We'll tak a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne. — Pike. Ode, Twenty Years After Graduation. 1863. We meet to-night as last we met, With Harvard's light aglow, — The rosy light is shining yet Of twenty years ago! The dust we've gathered on our feet In life's mysterious round, We shake it oft'! for where we meet God makes a holy ground! The wonted tones, from heart to heart, Like echoes spring to-night. The touch that healed the boyish smart. Brings back the old delight. Our locks, 'tis true, of gold or Jet, Are glimmering into gray ; The pulse that used to bound and fret, Is tiring of its play. 32 CLASS ODE, 1883. With traitor touch old Time has traced Upon each Brother's brow, The steps his heart once weary j)aced Or lightly dances now. He sets our deftest wiles at naught, But one blow aims in vain ; The links our boyish hearts have wrought, Our manly love still chain. By angel art in Heaven wove. Let down by angel hand, Hides for a space, a veil of love Some dear ones of our band. Among them he whose life, how dear ! Was to his country given. Whose laurel, hardly gathered here, An amaranth bloomed in Heaven. Yet, through this veil their forms appear ! They stand by us to-day ! Their touch we feel, their voices hear. Inspire us on our way ! But ere its misty folds arise, While love divine still stays Our steps from that bright Paradise, IS'ow shimmering through its haze, May He, whose word our threads of life In silver cords doth blend, Those silver cords, by ties of love. Draw closer to the end ! —Sedgwick. • JUNE 27, 1883. We met in Acaderaus' grove ; The flowers were wet witli early dew ; The affluent morning, from lier stores, Shed, o'er each scene, a roseate hue. CLASS SONG, 1883. 33 The birds poured out their sweetest notes, The air was tremulous with song ; Our liearts responded to their strains, And gladly would the hour prolong. Yet, in the horizon, rose the peaks Of science, art, and noble fame ; With high ambition forth we went, With firm resolve, and worthy aim. The day wore on ; our paths diverged ; Then heat, and storm, and dangers rose ; Some conquered, but, alas ! some fell ; Yet with their faces toward their foes. Again w^e meet ; the westering sun Declares the noonday past for all ; Soon shall the deepening shades of night. Around our every pathway fall. Yet, ere they fall, may evening skies, Aglow with golden splendor bright. Be pledge of an immortal day, Refulgent with eternal light. No paths divergent turned our hearts ; Nor storm, nor danger, chilled our love ; Well said Saint Paul, love never fails ; On earth below, in heaven above. — Hiiiii. ^on^fof Cl^^.Siimei', JUNE 27, 1883. Let fleeting seasons come and go. Let years as swiftly flee ; But friendship's bond remains as firm As bound in forty-three. For old forty-three, my dear, for old '43, We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, for old '43. 34 CLASS SONG, 1883 Our fate may lead us East or West, O'er many a land and sea ; Our hearts remain at Harvard still, With the boys of forty-three. For old forty-three, &c. New loves, 'tis true, may fill our hearts, New joys our portion he ; They do not chill our love and pride In the class of forty -three. For old forty-three, &c. Though rolling decades thin our ranks, With warmer friendship we, While tender memories fill our hearts, Still cling to forty-three For old forty three, &c. — HlIiL. INDEX. 35 INDEX TO FAMILY NAMES. Individual names of these families will be found at the pages referred to. Adams 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 29 Bacon 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21 Bigelow 7, 9, 13, 17, 21, 29 Biiiney 11, 13, 17, 21 Birehard 7, 9,11,13,17,21,29 Brown ." 22 Boyden 13, 17, 21 Bran nan 22 Clark 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 22, 29 Cobb ; 9, 11, 13, 17, 22 Cook 26 Cox 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 22 Cashing 7, 9, 11, 13, 17,22 Dabney... 26 Dana 7, 9, 11, 17, 22 Dexter 7, 9,11,13,17,22 Draper 22 Eaton 21 Emery 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Fatnham , 7, 9, 11, 13,17, 22 Flint * 7, 9,11, 13, 17, 22, 29 Ford 22 Foster , 21 Frothinghara 7, 9, 11, 13, 17,22 Fulford 27 Fuller 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23 Gassett.... 11, 13, 17, 23 Goldsmidt 23 Gordon 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29 Hale 24 Hall 9, 11, 13, 17, 23 Hewins 27 Hildreth 7, 9, U, 13, 17, 23 Hill 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23, 33, 34 36 INDEX. Holdeniess 22 Holmes , 9. 11,13,17,23 Hiulson 9, 11, 13, 17, 23 Kingman .7, 9, 11, 13, 18, 23 Knapp 7. 9, 11, 13, 18, 24,29 Kiihn 7, 9, 11. 13, 18, 24, 29 T.add „ 7,9.13,18,24 Lee 7. 11, 13, 18, 24 Lane 24 Loring 11. 13. 18, 24, 29 Lovering 26 Low 27 Lowell 7, 9, 11, 13, 18, 24 McCalla 25 Mclntire 8, 9, 13, 18, 24 Maglathlin 8, 9, 11, 14. 18, 24 Magruder 25 Means 8, 9, 11. 14, 18, 24 Melcher , ..21 Myer 23 Monks 23 Moirell 10, 12,14,18,24 Oakey 26 Parker 8, 10, 12, 14, IS, 22,24 Parks 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 Peck 25 Perkins 8, 10, 12, 14, 18,25 Pierce 23 Pike 8, 10, 12, 14. 18, 25, 31 Rice 8. 10, 12, 14, 18, 25 Richardson 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25 Ritchie 28 Rogers 8, 10, 12, 18, 25 Russell 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25 Sargent 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25 Sears 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 26 Sedgwick 4, 8, 10, 14, 18, 26, 32 Sewall 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 26 Smith 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21, 26 Sprague 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 26 Srallknecht 10, 19, 26 Stan wood 25 Stimson 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 27 Stone 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 27 INDEX. Thaxter 8, 10, 12. 14, 19, 27 Thayer 10, 12, 14, 19,27,29 Toppan 22 Tracy 12, 14, 19, 27 Trask 8,12, 14,19 Underhill 22 Very 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 27 Vila 8,10, 12,14,19,27 Walker 10, 12, 14, 19, 27 Walley 25 Ward 8, 10, 19,27 Ware 8, 10. 12, 14, 19, 27 Webb 8, 10, 12, 14, 19 Wheeler 24 Wheelwright 8, 10. 12, 14, 19,27 White -. 8, 10, 12, 14, 19,28 Wilcox 28 Williams 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 911 256 1 .1 w f • i •'^^:*^..4.; -'/%; 1-, I* ' '■' i. *Aft