^:f U •V. ■ ■». ihi\ 'm ' ^ W m ;W? ■; . m » 1^^; pi i ■^ ;^ '^- K M K t-' |:'" ^<^ ^' % -^ ■ t *n, * M 1^ I'" K ¥-'^: />/ .^ r^ CATALOGUE ^^STEKir 5^^^ ■DF- % CLP S^ % >'EUnd, 0. ®>f® ^"^lOSL £001^'^^' LOAN EXHIBITION IN CONNECTION WITH CENTENNIAL — OF — North Haven, Conn, OsTOBEi? 20th and 21st, 1886. ERRATA. Between Nos. 141 and 142 Kead, Loaned by George W. Stiles: Between Nos. 147 and 148, ^ Read, Loaned by Miss Flora E- Stiles] Between Nos. 152 and 153, Read, Loaned by Reuben Harrison, ' Instead of Miss Elora Stilesj (N EXCHANGE JAN 5 - 1915 EXPLANATION. The figures on the right, indicate year in which articles were made. The name preceding a date shows such person was once owner or maker of the article. Many figures are founded on memory or tradition, but in the main the Exhibit will be found to be fairly correct. In compiling this, the tendency has been to lean to the conservative side. -North Haven, Conn., Oct. 16th, 1886. CATALOGUE. Loaned by Rev. W. T. Reynolds. 1. Brass Box, Hessian Soldier's— Revoluntionary Period 2. Cane, tak*y«l^ Loaned by Henry D. Todd. ]5 Chair from parlor sett, Rev. Benj. Trumbull le'. Trunk, once property, Elihu Yale. b'gt. from England 17. Iron Kettle, _ 18. License, Loaned by Mabel Heaton. 19. Sofa Pillow, (modern) Loaned by Mrs. G. L. Thorpe. 20 Decanter, About IVVO 21 Pewter Plate, " 1780 Loaned by Mrs. Abigail H Tuttle. 22 Finger Ring, About 1780 23 Pair Pillow Cases, Woven by Abigail Tuttle. 1V36 24 Pair Towels Woven by Abigail Bishop, 1781 25 Tidy, Spun and knit by Abigail H. Tuttle 1823 26 Salt.Cellar, Tiom England in 1680 27 Wedding Waistcoat, worn by Benjamin Engli&h, 1768 28 History of England, 1798 29 Exercise Boolv, Isaac Heaton, 1809 30 Sample Embroidery, Taught in District No. 7, 1811 31 Fashion Plates, 1847-49 Loaned by Charles H. Thorpe. 32 Lot Indian Relics, 33 Brass Warming Pan, about 1800 34 Blacksmith's Hammer, used by T'itus Thorpe, 1764 35 Pewter Plates and Wooden Trencher. 36 Flip Glass and Wine Glasses, Loaned by George Morgan. 37 Sword, Revolutionary Period Loaned by Thomas McCabe. 38. Pewter Porringer, used for seven Generations 39. Saltcellar, prior to 1780 40. Shirt Front, worn bv John Pardee 41. Patchwork Pociet, ' date 1893 42. Sampler, 1812 43. Dressing Case and Fixtures, Ira Bradley, 1784 44. 2 Vols. Dr. Trumbull's History 45. Barber's History of Connecticut. 46. Map of Connecticut, 1797 47. Silk Handkerchief, Mrs, Ira Bradley, 1800 48. Two Sofa Pillows, (modern) Loaned by George L. Thorpe. 49. Brass Andirons, Loaned by Joshua M. Childs. 50. Boundary Stone in Devils Lane, marked i ^it»s Bradley •' ' ( Titus Thorpe 51. Pitcher and Milk Cup, owned by Elihu Yale 52. Pair Patchwork Pockets, about 1740 53. Finger Ring, Loaned by Mrs. Ann E. Bishop. 54 Piece Lace, 18Q5 55 Collection Coins, (twenty-three Countries) 56 Confederate Relics, (From New Orleans) 57 Union Civil War Relics, (From Fort Fisher) 58 Pepper Box, Old Tavern Stand, Northwest corner Green 59 Book — Lisbon Earthquake, 1V56 60 Card Basket, South Sea Islands 61 Picture, "Old Abe"— The War Eagle of Wisconsin Loaned by Miss Addie Hartley. 62 Lace Veil, (wrought by Mother) 63 Cup and Saucer, Brought from England 64 Christening Blanket, 1768 65 Card Case and Wine Glass, From Jerusalem Loaned by Ezra Stiles. 66 Penknife, (1830) Used by him Quill Pen Making 67 Latin Testament, Rev. Isaac Stiles, 1724 68 Patchwork Pocket, 69 China Tea Caddy. 70 Piece Lace, 1780 Leaned by Mrs. Alfred Linsley, 71. Chair, between 1700 t© 1730 75. Wine Glass, 1800 73. Cup, Saucer and Teapot, about 1809 74. Four Pewter Plates, 17.80 75. Pewter Basin, 1780 76. Snuff Box, about 1800 77. Chopping Tray, 1730 78. Silver Spoon. 1775 79. Wool Spinning Wheel, 80. 81. Loaned by Miss Eunice A. Linsley. 82. Rose Blanket, about 1800 83. Table Cloth, spun & woven by Mrs. Ammi Linsley, 1812 84. China Ware. Loaned by A. A. Hyde. 85. Pair Goggles, 1770 86. China Ware, about 1800 Loaned by L. Peet Tuttle. 87. Sword, worn by Willis Tuttle, 10th Regt. Conn. Militia 88. Queens Arm, Revolutionary period Loaned by Romanta T. Linsley. 89. Two Pewter Plates, 90. Stone Jar^ (very old.) 91. Cane, prior to 1800 92. Coverlet, 1760 93. Flip Tumbler, Loaned by Miss Alice Lord. 94. Blue Stone Wave, about 1800 95. Mustard Pot, (ancient.) 96. Tumbler, 97. Cup and Saucer, about 1800 Loaned by Mrs. John Blakeslee 98, Bowl, 99. Affghan, (modern.) 100. Table Scarf, (modern.) Loaned by Francis Beaumont. 101. Canteen, (rebel) taken on battlefield Port Hudson 102. Whip, (used on slaves.) taken at Carrolton, La. 103. Vase, made from Andersonville Prison stockade, 1864 104. Samples of Continental and Confederate Currency. Loaned by Solomon F. Linsley. 105 Sideboard, From England,— traditionary, 1680 106 Chair, Battlefield Fredericksburg, Va., 1862 107 Rebel Portfolio, Taken at Hilton Head, S. C. 108 Inlaid Wood Work. modern 109 Peony Quilt, about 1850 Loaned by Mrs. Isaac B. Hinman. 110 Porringer, . 111 Silver Spoon, Revolutionary Period Loaned by Sheldon B. Thorpe. 112 Picture— Old Green, 1830. 113 Picture— House of Billa Thorpe. 114 Knapsack and Canteen, Co. K, 15th Regt. Conn. Vol8.'62 115 Sample ♦'Hard-tack" Civil War, 1862. 116 Wine Glass, • I'^^S 117 Tongue of Bell, Old Cong'l Church on Green 118 Collection Indian Relics. 119 Collection Coin and Currency. 120 Concordance, London, 1631 121 Decorated Italian Wine Flask, (modern) 122 Bottle. Hand painted in West Indies. (very ancient) Loaned by George W. Jones. 123. Panel, from old Cong. Church on Green Loaned by Capt. Wm. Marihugh. 124. Collection Shells. Loaned by Frederick H. Stiles. 125. Bible,, used in first Episcopal church in No. Haven 126. Indenture (parchment) witnessed by Gov. Theophilus and Hannah Eaton, June 29th, 1659. 127. Pair Andirons, (unknown) 128. Money Bag, Traditionary, 1700 129. Cloth Pocket Books, carried by first settlers of No. H. 130. Collection Deeds, 1741 to 1750 131. Book Poems. Isaac C, Stiles, 1796 132. Teapot, age unknown 133. Milk Pitcher, Tea Cnp and Saucer, prior to 1750 134. Pineapple Teapot, (very rare) 135. Flag carried by 2d Co. 10th Regt. Conn, Militia 136. Hat, (Military.) Loaned by Mrs. Mary J. Smith. 137. Teapot, prior to 1786 Loaned by Isaac L. Stiles. 138. Flip Mug. Loaned by Nelson J. Beach. 139 Blanket, j President Ezra Stiles was ' ^ baptized in this 1726 140 Toy Turtle, once owned by President Ezra Stiles 141 Flax Hatchel 142 Illuminated Mantel Panel | ^TuT^Zor^ml 143 Dillworth's Schoolmaster's Assistant, 1786 144 Webster's Spelling Book, 1791 145 Samples Continental Currency, , . ^ o 1 1 J • J i Found under old 146 Samples old com and spoon j j^^^^^^ ^^ jj^^.^^^ guiles 147 Piece Wedding Dress, Madame Benj. Trumbull, Dec. 4th, ^ [1760] 148 Table Scarf^ (modern) 149 Sofa Pillow,' 150 Plaque, 151 Thermometer Stand, 152 Sample Crochet Work, Loaned by Miss Flora Stiles. 153 Old Chair, prior to 1770 Loaned by Barzillai Bradley. 164. Snuflfers and Trays. 155. Hall Lantern, I'^^O 156. Book, owned by Titus Bradley, 1791 Loaned by Mrs. Isaac Bassett. 157. Glass Mug, owned by Ebenezer Blakeslee, 1686 158. Bed Spread very old. Loaned by Rufus Thorpe. 159. Handkerchief, owned by "Aunt Billa" Thorpe 160. Book, l'^'^9 161. Pepper Box, very old 162. Spoon, about 1770 163. Pair Earrings, 1^00 a