CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF OCEAN COUNTY. HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES OCEAN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, BEING A SERIES OF HISTORICAL SKETCHES RELATING TO OCEAN COUNTY, ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEW JERSEY COURIER, TOMS RIVER, N. J. T / By EDWIN SALTER PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE NEW JERSEY COURIER. TOMS RIVER, N. J. 1 878 > :::^ v5 PLD J I M ES IN P C E A N po U NT Y, HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF Forked River, Cedar Creek and Vicinity. BY EDWIN SALTEll. [Note. — The f^rcatcr part of the following sketches was prepared by request, for the Presbyterian Society at Forked Kiver, Rev. James M. Denton, pastor, for their Centennial Fourth of July celebration. Since then, both Mr. Denton and the writer have received nu- merous letters from clergymen and others, asking for extracts, and also inquiries in re- gard to matters not presented for want of time in the orginal paper. In consequence, it has been suggested that the sketches should be published in the New Jeksey Courier, with additional matter, to make more complete historical notices of the places named.] DISCO\^BY OF OCEAN COUNTY. Who first discovered this section of our country ? Who first entered Barne- gat Bay, and explored its shores ? Who were the first whites who located here ? Have any accounts of the Indians once living here been preserved ? These are among the first questions which natural- ly present themselves in making inqui- ries into the early history of this section of our State. While the records of the past, meagre indeed as regards this lo- cality, do not furnish as full answers as desirable, yet much has been preserved which is of interest to all desirous of ob- taining information on these and kindred points. The discovery of that part of New Jersey now kno-rni as Ocean County, was by Sir Henry Hudson, on the 2d day of September, 1609, while cruising along oiar coast in the celebrated Dutch ship, the Half Moon. This ship was quite small, being of only eighty tons burthen, and of a build that would now be con- sidered quite novel, reminding one of the curious-looking Dutch galliots, which occasionally were seen in the harbor of New York a generation or so ago, which used to attract the attention of, and are well remembered by old seafaring men of Ocean County. This ship, two or three days previous- ly, hatl tried to enter Delaware Bay, but finding the navigation dangerous, no at- tempt was made to land, and she again stood out to sea. After getting fair- ly out, Hudson headed northeastwardly, and after a while hauled in and made land, Sept. 2d, near Egg Harbor. A very complete log of the ship was kept by the mate, Alfred Juet, which was sub- sequently pubUshed, and from which is made the following extract gi\Tng their observations of the coast, bay, land, «fec., as they sailed close along shore. It will be seen it quite accurately describes our GOftsfc from Egg Harbor on to witbiu biglit of the Higlilauds of Niivcsiuk. The lake spokcu of is noAV kiiowu as Banie- gat Bay, aud the month of it as Barne- gat lulet : " Sept. 2d, 1G09. WTien the sun arose we steered north again, and saw land from the west bj^ north to the northwest, all alike, broken islands, and our sound- ings were eleven fathoms and ten fath- oms. Then we luffed in for the shore, aud fair by the shore we had seven fath- oms. The course along the land we found to be northeast by north. From the land we first had sight of until we came to a great lake of water, as we could judge it to be, being dro^-ned land, which made it rise like islands, which was in length ten leagues. The mouth of the lake has many shoals, and the sea breaks upon them as it is cast out of the mouth of it. And from that lake or bay the land lies north by east, and we had a great stream out of the bay ; and from thence our soundings were ten fathoms two leagues from land. At five o'clock we anchored, being light wind, and rode in eight fathoms water. The night was fair. This night I found the land to haul the compass eight degrees. Far to the northward of us we saw high hills. This is a very good land to fall in with, and a pleasant land to see." The next day the Half Moon i^roceed- cd northwardly, and entered Bandy Hook, and the day after, Sept. 4tli, a boat was sent on shore, which contained the first Europeans who landed on New Jersey soil. It is supposed they landed in old Monmouth, not far from Keyport. The Intlians looked upon the whites and their ship with Avondcr, and some ventured on board with presents of green tobacco leaves, aud seemed pleased to see the whites. After lingering there until the 10th, the ship got under way, and . pro- ceeded up the Hudson River, which de- rives its name from its discovery at this time by the commander of the ship ; and on their return down the river, the ship put to Bca without any attempt to laud. By the extract given alwvc from the log of the Half Moon, it will be seen that the opinion of the whites who first saw this part of our coast, was that " this is a very good land to fall in with, aud a pleasant land to see." EXPLORING OLR COAST. The fh'st attempt to make exploraticms on our coast was in 1614, hy Captain Cornells Jacobseu Mey, in the ship For- tune. He displayed considerable ego- tism in naming places after himself, as New York Bay he called " Port Mey ;" the Delaware Bay, " New Port Mey," and its north point, "Cape Mey," and its south one, " Cape Cornells. " Only one of these designations has been re- tained — Cape May — and that with a slight change of orthography. It is probable it was he who gave tjje names to Banie- gat Inlet aud Egg Harbor. On the map of the original explorations, the inlet now knoAvn as Barnegat was marked as Barcndc-gat, the Dutch words signify- ing " breakers' inlet, " or an inlet with breakers. Absecom Inlet was also marked Bareude-gat, but the present name, of Indiau origin, was eventually substituted. Barende-gat was in course of time corrupted by the English to Barndegat, Bardegat, and finally to Barnegat. Egg Harbor was so called on account of the luimber of gulls' eggs found by the exjilorers (m the islands with- in the inlet ; the Dutch calling it /v//t Ha- ven, which in English means Egg Harbor. In 1615, Captain Hendrickson, in n little yacht called the " Onrcst," (which in English means " Restless,") also cruised along the const to make explora- tions. This little yacht was the second vessel built in America. The year pre- vious a Dutch shiiJ, while lying near New York island, had accidentally caught fire aud burned up, and during the win- ter the crew 'nuilt the Restless, about where Beaver Street, New York, now is. When she was launched in the spring, her first cruise was up Long Island Sound, under Captain Adrian Block, who 3 went as far as Block Island, named after him, and his perilous adventures through Hell Gate, caused him to bestow the name it has ever since retained. The name he gave to what is now called Rhode Island, has caused a very natural mistake to be made in our school text- books, which say it was so called from its fancied resemblance to the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean Sea, while the fact is Captain Block called it lioodt Island ; Roodt, which is pronounced as Rhode, is the Dutch word for red, and the island was so called from red soil and leaves that attracted Block's notice. Af- ter Block returned to Ncav York, Caj)tain Hendrickson took command of the Rest- less, and cruised south along the New Jersey coast. He made a curious majD of his discoveries, which he took to Hoi- land, and which has since been copied in this country. One writer claims that he was the first white man who set foot on the soil of West Jersey or Pennsylvania. From the small size of his yacht, about sixteen ton§, it is quite probable that Captain Hendrickson entered Barnegat Bay, and that he was the first white man who set foot in wliat is now known as Qeean County. Another noted navigator, named De- Vries, was on our coast April 15, 1633, and says that off Barnegat ' ' he fished with a drop-line, and caxaght in two hours eighty-four codfish, Avhich are very good flavored, sweet fish, better than those of Newfoundland." And in 1(55(5, A^ander- donk, another noted Dutch explorer, speaks of Barnegat and Egg Harbor In- lets as safe harbors, but says they are seldom used, seemingly because their seafaring men were not acquainted with the channel ways. It is probable that about this time, this section was occasionally visited by white men from the settlements on the Delaware and near New York, for the purpose of explorations and to get furs of the Indians, and before the close of the centi;ry, some Swedes from West Jersey, and perhaps others, had perma- nently located at points from Toms River to Egg Harbor. THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. i KEFUGEES AT FORKED EmilE, OEDATt CP.EEK AND VICINITY. j During the Revolutionary War, Forked River, Goodluck and Cedar Creek were ! occasionally \asited by parties of Refu- I gees under command of the noted Capt. John Bacon, the Dover Refugee, Daven- j)ort, and jDerhaps others. Bacon, in one of his raiding expedi- tions, with fifteen or sixteen men, plun- j dered the dwelling house of John j Holmes then residing at the upper ! (Frank Cornehus) mill. The party { camped in the woods near the house un- I til daylight and then came and demanded ; money. Mr. Holmes had the reputation ; of being somewhat forehanded, and the Tories expected to make a good haul. In expectation of such a visit he had buried many of his valuable.'?, and at this time he had most of his money hid under a gooseberry bush in the garden. The Refugees put a bayonet to his breast and threatened to Mil him if his money was not forthcoming. Mr. Holmes's wife happened to have some money about her, which she delivered to them, and this I seemed to satisfy them as far as money 1 was concerned. They then ransacked the house and took provisions and such other things as they wanted. An ancient newspaper, probably referring to this affair, says that about the last of April, 1780, a party of Refugees visited the house of John Holmes and robbed him j of a large amount of Continental money, a silver watch, gold ring, silver buckles, pistols, clothing, &c. While a part of the gang remained here, a detachment : went over to Goodluck to plunder the houses of John and William Price, from I which they took such things as they ; wanted. John Williams, Esq., an aged citizen stUl living at Goodluck, who is a grandson of John Holmes, says that among other things taken from the i Prices were a musket, fife and drum, and that the last two came near causing^ trouble among the Kefugees themselves, for as they mai-ched back to Holmes' mill to rejoin Bacon, they played upon them for amusement -vvdth such effect that Bacon thought a party of Americans was after him and he arranged his men ' on the mill hill prepared to fire as soon i as the party emerged from the woods, j Unfortunately for justice he saw who the men were in time to prevent firing. Bacon, in his raiding expeditions in this I vicinity, was materially aided by an Eng- lishman named William Wilson, better known as Bill Wilson, who pretended to be neutral, but who really acted as a spy for the Eefugees. During the war he lived at Waretown ; but a patriot named Reuben Soper was killed on the beach below the lighthouse, by the Eefugees, and BUI Wilson was supposed to have aided, and the Waretown Sopers com- pelled him to leave. He finally located on the North Beach, about opposite Forked Eiver, where he lived to quite an advanced age. There are persons now living who remember him, among them Eeuben Williams, who when a boy was quite a favorite of Bill Wilson. Bacon had a cabin, or cave on the north liranch of Forked Eiver, near Franks Crossway ; after he was killed his widow came from Pemberton to Forked Eiver to get some of his things left in the cave, and Eeuben Williams remembers some of the incidents of her visit as related by Mrs. Williams, with whom Mrs. Bacon stopped. Mrs. Bacon lived during the war and long after at Pemberton, where she was respected by the Americans ; she had two sons who grew itp and went west and became useful citizens. In her late years she married a man named Monis. The late Samuel Fox, of Barne- gat, an aged citizen who died a few months ago, knew her and her last hus- band. It is well known that during the Revo- lution, members of the same family not unfrequently took different sides in the war, and tradition states that a relative of the John Holmes mentioned above, named William Holmes, sympathized with the Eefugees ; that at the time John Holmes was plundered, his team was taken and this William was compelled to drive it loaded with plunder to a Eef ugee rendezvous in Manahawken or Bass Eiver swamp ; that he was compelled at one time to act as guide in disguise, to a party who plundered John Eogers, gi-andfather of Judge Eogers, of Cedar Creek, when he was recognized and sub- sequently compelled to cause the return of the plunder. The Holmes family Avas quite numerous in old Monmouth, and nearly all were active patriots, some holding honorable positions in the Amer- ican Army, but two or three aided with the British, and at the close of the war left for Nova Scotia. Those of the family now living here are descendants from pa- triots who suffered severely for their ad- herence to the cause of liberty. THE BEFUGEE DAVENPORT AT FORKED RIVER, AXD HIS DEATH. On the 1st of June, 1782, Davenport with eighty men, half of whom were black and half white, in tAvo long barges landed at Forked Eiver, first on the north side where they demanded pro- visions of Samuel and James Woodman- see, brothers who then lived on the James Jones and Joseph Holmes places. They then i^roceeded to the south branch of Forked Eiver, to the house of Samuel Brown, an active member of the militia, who then lived on the place owned some twenty odd years ago by John Wright. They plundered his house, burnt his salt works, and came near capturing Mr. Brown himself, who just had time to es- cape to the woods. Mr. Brown often had to sleep in the woods for fear of I Eefugee raids at night. ! After completing their work of de- struction, the two barges proceeded down Forked Eiver to its mouth, when one went lip the bay, while the other with Davenport himself proceeded down the bay with the intention of destroying the salt works of the Americans at Ware- town and vicinity. Davenport expected to meet with no opposition, as he sup- posed no militia Avere near enough to check him. But before he reached Oyster Creek he perceived a boat heading for him. His crew advised him to turn back, as they said the other boat must have some advantage or they would not ven- ture to approach. Davenport told them they could see the other boat had fewer men, and ridi- culed theii* fears. He soon found, hoAv- ever, why it was that the American boat ventured to attack them. Davenport's men had only muskets with which to de- fend themselves ; the Americans had a cannon or swivel, and when Avithin prop- er distance they discharged it Avith so ef- fective an aim that DaA'enport, who was standing up in the boat, was killed at the fii'st discharge, and his barge dam- aged and upset by his frightened crew. It happened that the water was only about four feet deep and his crew waded ashore and landed near Oyster Creek, not far from the place now OAvned by James Anderson, and thus escaped, scat- tering themselves in various directions in the woods and swamps. The late John Collins of Barnegat remembered some of them calling on his father and other Quakers begging for provisions. Back of Toms River is a stream called Davenport's Branch, which some suppose to have derived its name from his having places of concealment on its banks. OLD RESIDENTS IN A BAD SCRAPE. During the Revolution, three men living in this vicinity and Waretown, named Asa Woodmansee, Richard Web- ster and Thomas Collins, hearing that farm produce was bringing exorbitant prices in New York among the British, loaded a whale-boat with truck from farms along Barnegat Bay and proceeded to New York by way of old Cranberry Inlet, opposite Toms River, which then was open. These men were not Refu- gees, but undertook the trip merely to make money by trying a kind of ' ' running the blockade " business on a small scale. They arrived safely in New York, sold out their produce, and were about return- ing home when the noted Refugee Capt. John Bacon called on them and insisted on taking passage back in the whale-boat. Much against their will they Avere forced to alloAV him to come on board. They arrived near Cranberry Inlet before sun- down, and lay outside until after dark, being afraid to venture in the bay dui-ing the day. In the meantime the patriot militia stationed at Toms River had got Avind of their proceedings, and being de- termined to put a stop to the contraband trade, a small party under command of Lieutenant Joshua Studson took a boat and went across to the inlet and con- cealed themselves behind a point just in- side. After dark the Avhale-boat came in, but no sooner had it rounded the point than to the consternation of those on board they saw the boat of the militia so close by that there was no apparent chance of escape. Lieutenant Studson stood up in his boat and called upon them to surrender. The unfortunate sjjeculators were unai-med and in favor of yielding, but Bacon knoAving that his life was ah-eady forfeited, refused, and having his musket loaded suddenly fired with so deadly an aim that the brave lieutenant instantly dropped dead in the boat. The sudden, unexpected firing, and the death of Studson, threw the militia into momentary confusion, and before they could decide how to act the whale-boat was out of sight in the dark- ness. The militia returned to Toms River the same night and delivered the body of Studson to his wife, who was overwhelmed with sorrow at his sudden death. Studson's home then was in a house near the water's edge, just below the present Toms River bridge. Some 6 years after Mrs. Studsou married a Chamberlain at Toms Kiver. The crew uf the whale-boat, knowing it was not safe for them to remain at home after this affair, lied to the British army and were forced into service, bnt were of little use as " they were sick with the small pox, and suffered every- thing bnt death," as one of them (Col- lins) said, during their stay with the British. Taking advantage of one of Gen- eral Washington's proclamations, offering protection to deserters from the British Army, they were afterwards allowed to return home. James Mills, an aged, re- spected citizen now living at Barnegat, in his young days resided with one of the Woodmansees on the James Jones place, ; at Forked River, and frequently met one or two of these ill-starred blockade run- { ners. Thomas Collins lived to an ad- . vanced age, and was always badly scarred from the small pox, which he caught within the British lines. THE SKIRMISH AT CEDAR CREEK BRIDGE. The Refugee, Captain John Bacon, had rendered himself so obnoxious to the Americans that they determined to capture him if possible, and accordingly a sharp lookout was kept for him. In ! December, 1782, a party of Americans | from Burlington County in pursuit of him, stopi^ed at the inn on the north side of Cedar Creek, in later years kejit 1 by Joel Piatt, for rest and refreshment. They had not been in the house long be- fore word came that Bacon and liis party were on the south side of the creek near the bridge. The militia immediately { mounted horse and started to meet them, with what would appear to be more i valor than discretion, for they had to j to cross a long narrow crossway ended by a bridge which exposed them to the lire of Bacon and his men who were con- cealed l)y a thick gi-owth of trees and underbrush on rising ground. The fol- fowing account of the skirmish, which occun-ed December 27, 1782, is from Collins' New Jersey Gazette, January 8th, 1783 : "On Friday, the 27th nit.. Captain Benjamin Shreve, of the Burlington County Light Horse, and Capt. Edward Thomas of the Mansfield Militia, having received information that John Bacon with his banditti of robbers were in the neighborhood of Cedar Creek, collected a party of men and went immediately in pursuit of them. They met them at Cedar Creek Bridge. The Refugees be- ing on the south side, had greatly the ad- vantage of Captains Shreve and Thomas, in point of situation. It was neverthe- less determined to charge them. The onset on the part of the militia was fu- rious, and opposed by the Refugees with great firmness for a considerable time, several of them having been guilty of such enormous crimes as to have no ex- pectation of mercy should they surren- der. They were nevertheless on the point of giving way, when the militia were unexpectedly fired upon from a party of the inhhabitants near the place, who had suddenly come to Bacon's assist- ance. This put the militia in some confusion and gave the Refugees time U^ get oft". William Cooke, Jr., sou of William Cooke, Esq., was unfortunately killed in the attack, and Robert Reckless wounded. On the part of the Refugees Ichabod Johnson, (for whom the govern- ment had offered a reward of £25) was kiUed on the spot. Bacon and three more of the party are wounded. The militia are in pursuit of the Refugees, and have taken several of the inhabi- tants prisoners, who were with Bacon in the action at the bridge, and are now in Burhngton jail ; some have confessed the fact. They have also taken a con- siderable quantity of contraband and stolen goods, in searching some suspected houses and cabins on the shore." John Salter, a member of Captain Shreve's Light Horse trt)op, was also woimded in the action. As before stated, in this attack the Refugees Lad great advantage iu posi- tion, being on tlie south side of the i creek, on rising ground at the edge of a I thick wood which commanded the long } narrow causeway and bridge over which , the Americans had to pass. Cooke was on the bridge when killed, and his horse, ' mortally wounded, sprang off into the stream ; a man named Imlay found the J body of the horse at a landing below I and secured the bridle, &c. , next day. ' All the Refugees kept concealed iu the woods, except Ichabod Johnson, who foolhardily showed himself, daring the militia to come on, when he was instantly shot, and died during the day at the house of a man named Woodmansee, who then lived, it is said, on the place . noAV owned by Judge David I. C. Rogers. ((James Mills, an aged resident of Bar- uegat, who .in his youth lived at Forked River, and was then acquainted with stirvivors of the Revolution, says that he was told that Ichabod Johnson was earned to the house of James Wood- mansee, where he died ; that James Woodmansee then or subsequently lived on the place in late years owned by the late Capt. Joseph Holmes, and that this Woodmansee had his house twice plun- dered by Refugees. ) The Woodmansees were not sympathisers with the Refugees, but some of the family seem to have been Quakers, or inclined to their belief. The ancient paper quoted above, speaks of some of the inhabitants as aiding Bacon. There were no residents of the place who rendered Bacon assistance, but skulking, roving Refugees who had cabins or caves at different points back in the woods near the head waters of the various streams, where they made tem- porary stay in their travels up and down shore. Remains of these places of con- cealment have been found in late years. We are quite confident that no known Refugee lived in any of o\ir shore vil- lages. From the unusual number of men with Bacon at this time, and from the fact that the war was .about closed, it is not improbable that the Refugees all along shore were endeavoring to get to New York, to leave the country for Nova Scotia, Bermuda Islands, and other places, with other British sympathisers, who were then leaving New York in great numbers, in ships provided by the Brit- ish government. This skirmish at Cedar Creek, and the general watchfulness of the militia, probably caused the Refugee band to scatter, and each member to look out for himself. Bacon himself, with unaccountable foolhardiness, re- mained until the following spring, when he was killed about half a mile below West Creek, at the house of a woman known as "Old Mother Rose," by a party of Americans, among whom was young Cooke's brother. SETTLEMENT OF FORKED RIVER. The first regular survey of lands iu this section was by order of the Gov- ernor and Twenty-four Proprietors, in "Instructions concerning laud," dated July 3d, 1685, which directs as follows : "That whenever there is a convenient plot of ground lying together, consist- ing of twenty-four thousand acres, as wo are informed will more especially be at Barnegat, it be marked in twenty-four parts, a thousand acres to each propriety, and the parts being made as equal as can be, for quality and situation, the first comers, presently settling, to have the choice of divisions, and where several stand in that respect upon equal terms and time of settling, the choice to be de- termined by lot." In pursuance of these instructions, the land in this vicinity and elsewhere along Barnegat Bay was divided off into tracts of a thousand acres each, and the titles to land now are derived originally from the individual proprietors to whom tho tracts were allotted. " Baker's Patent," so frequently mentioned iu old deeds, and on which ii part of the village of Forked River is located, was probably the thousand acres allotted to Thomas Barker, (sometimes called Baker in old records) who was a Loudon merchant and one of the Twenty-four Proprietors ; but he never came to America. The first settlers, who piirchased from the proprietors, generally located some distance east of the main shore road and not far from where the uplands join the meadows. Their dwellings in this vicin- ity were generally situated about in a line from the old Captain Benjamin Stout farm, east of Goodluck Church across Stout's creek, by the Joseph Holmes and James Jones places, and thence to the south side of Forked River by the old James Chamberlain or Ezekiel Lewis Ijlace and James Anderson's ; then across Oyster Creek by the old Camburu home- stead. And the original main route of travel along here appears to have been by these places. Then the little north branch of Forked River, now known as Bridge Creek, had a bridge over it, and there was a ferry across Forked River nearly opposite the old Wells swamp at the place still called "the ferry," by old residents. A century ago, the most noted resi- dents appear to have been : David Woodmansee, who lived on the place now owned by Judge D. I. C. Rogers ; Thomas Potter, who lived on the farm east of Goodluck Church ; Samuel, James and Gabriel Woodmansee, sons of David, who lived on the James Jones and Joseph Holmes farms ; Samuel Brown, who lived on the old Wright place on south branch of Forked River ; and John Holmes, who lived at the upi^er mill, Forked River. William Price, who was a captain in the militia during the Rev- olution, and his brother John, who was made Major after the war, moved to Goodluck two or three years before the war ended. There was a tavern at Good- luck before the war, and one just over Cedar Creek during the war. BUSINESS IN OLD TIMES. The first permanent settlers at Forked River, as well as other places along- shore, depended for a livelihood on culti- vating the soil and the products of the bay. After getting fairly settled, the next consideration was to find something they could send to New York and other places to exchange for articles they could not raise. About the first enter- prise of this kind they engaged in was cutting the cedar in the swamps for rails, shingles, etc. , to export. Many vessels were engaged in carrying cedar-rails to iliflferent pomts on the Delaware River, and other places. It will surprise some who remember the thick, heavy growth of cedar on the branches of Forked River, Cedar Creek, Oyster Creek and other streams forty years or so ago, to lears that it was all a second grow.th, the first growth having been cut off along Barnc- gat Bay as long ago as 1760. The next important business was in pine lumber, to pirepare which saw-mills were built on the head water of the streams, generally a few miles west of the main shore road — among them Double Trouble INIill on Cedar Creek, the Frank Cornelius Mill on Forked River, onco owned by the noted Thomas Potter, Little Mill on Oyster Creek, and the Waeirs Mill near Waretown. To persons who remember, the obstructions in these streams in late years by branches of trees, logs, &c. , it would seem a difficult task to float lumber down them towards the bay; but the streams then were cleared, and small rafts of lumber made and floated down towards their moutlis ready for shipping. This business was quite flourishing just before the Revolu- tion, and also after that war until the early part of the present centuiy when it began to decline, probably because the convenient timber was generally cut oft', and also because of competition from places more convenient to market. While this business flourished along our bay, lumber from here was sent to New York, Newark, New Bruuswiek, ami utli- er places. When the ecdar swamps began to give out, our shore people feared their vessels , would no longer be of use, but the lum- ber trade sprang up and gave them am- ; pie cmijloyment. Then, in turn, the I lumber business began to fail, and again our people feared ruin. But about this time -were rumors that Fulton, Fitch, and others had made inventions by -which vessels could be run by steam, and that these steam vessels would eventually take the place of sail vessels. The coast- ers were incredulous, and ridiculed the idea of a vessel being di'iven by a "kettle full of boiling water," Nevertheless, steamboats proved a success, and not only that, but the salvation instead of the ruin of the coasters, for they required before many years, an immense amount of pine cord wood for fuel, which our coasters could carry and did carry from various places along the bay. Some thirty odd years ago the cord wood along shore began to give out, and then again came the inquiry "what business next could be found for vessels ?" This was satisfactorily answered to many by the starting of the charcoal trade. The long ranks of cord- wood near the npper and , lower landings of north branch of Fork- ed River and on the middle and south ! l)ranches, with which old residents had been familiar from childhood, gave way to piles of charcoal, the dust from which i rendered it almost impossible to tell whether our seafaring friends in the l)usiness were white or black. AVheu this trade gave out, trade from Virginia and other southern States became brisk. The great civil war interrTipted that and j apparently ruined it, but it soon opened other and more remunerative business in carrying supplies for the army. And now the coasting trade is again at a low ebb and those engaged in it, as their | predecessors often have before, are won- dering if it is possible for anything to ' turn up to revive it. j HEmuiOUS .SOCIETIES .^I.ONO SHOICE. The first preachers who visited any part of the New Jersey shore, of whom Ave have any account, belonged to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. This Society established a meeting at Tuckerton, in 1704, and built a meeting house there in 1709. The first religious society established in Ocean County was jjrobably that of the Rogerine Bajitists, a company of whom came to Waretown about 17:37, and remained here about eleven years, and then left. They Avere singular people in their ideas of worship ; among other pe- culiarities, the members took work to meeting with them, and during services the men made axe and hoe handles, the women knit, sewed, &c. The principal member of the Society Avas Abraham Waeir, from Avhom WaretoAvn derives its name. An Episcopalian clergyman, named Rev. Thomas Thompson, visited Barue- gat and Manahawken, while he was a missionary in Old Monmouth, from 1745 to 1751, and on his return sent Christo- pher Robert Reynolds, Avho was a school master of the " Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in foreign parts," to labor at these tAvo places, but on account of his age and infirmity he remained but a short time. At Manahawken, according to the record there, three Baptists named James Hey wood, and Benjamin and Reuben Randolph, settled about 1760; and Au- gust 25th, 1770, a Baptist Society was organized there. A church, which tradition says was free to all denominations, was built at Manahawken as early as 1758, which A\'as the first church built in Ocean County. This church is noAV known as the Baptist Church. The second church built in Ocean County, was the noted Potter Clnu'ch, at Goodliick^ built by Thomas Potter about 17G5, which lie intended to be free to all denomiufttions. 10 The third church built iu Oceau Coun- ty, was the Quaker Meeting House, at • Baruegat, erected as early as 1770. This was the first church in the county 1 )uilt for a particular society. I'RESBYTERIANISM AT FOKKED KIVEU AND VI(!INITY. The first preachers of any religious so- ciety who held meetings at either Forked River, Goodluck or Cedar Creek, of whom the WTiter has found mention, were Presbyterians. Ministers of this society visited Old Monmouth and Egg Harbor at least as early as 1746, and reg- ular supplies were furnished for Egg Harbor as early as 1755, during which time it is possible some may have held occasional meetings in this vicinity, and it is probable that ,Ilev. John Braiuerd visited here about 1700. The first notice of regular meetings iu this vicinity and elsewhere along shore, is found in the following letter from Ecv. John Brainerd to Rev. Enoch Green : " Trenton, June 21.s/, 1701. Reverend and Dear Sir : — It has not been in my power, by any means, to make a visit to the shore, since the ses- sion of the Synod, and consequently could not make appointments for yoii. Your places of preaching, however, M'ill be as follows : Toms River will be the most north(>rly place. Then southward, Goodluck, cither at Thomas Potter's or David Wooilmansee's ; Baruegat, at Mr. Ru- lou's ; Maunahocking, at IMr. Haywood's or Mr. Randall 's (Randolphs.) * * * If you can begin at Toms River and be there a day or two before Sabbath, to notify them, you might make your ajj- l)ointmeut8 and send them seasonably before you. * * * Thus, dear sir, in iu a minute or two, as I pass through town, I have given you these hints, which may perhaps be of some use to | your tour on the shore, in which I hope j the blessings of God will attend your labors, and am with all respect, reverend and dear sir, Your aftectionate brother, John Braineki>. To Rev. Enoch Green. P. S. — If you could consult witli Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. McKnight, who will succeed you, and make appointments for them, it would be of use. I hope you will be kind enough to call and see me upon your return." After the above named, the Rev. Ben- jamin Chesuut was appointed to supply this section, from the first Sabballi iu Sejitember, 1763. Webster's History of the Presbyterian Church says : " There was in 1767 a new Presbyterian meeting house at Baruegat, and probably as early there was one at Manahawken." This is a mistake ; he evidently refers to tlie old Potter Church at Goodluck, then sometimes called Bar- uegat, and to the old church at Mana- hawken, commonly known as the Baptist Church, both of which were built to be used free to all denominations. As they ^^•ere always open to PrcKbyteriaus, Web- ster inferred they were Presbyterian churches. It would seem tliat tie first Presbyte- rian ministers who visited this vicinity were Rev. Messrs. John Brainerd, Ben- jamin Chesn\it, Enoch Green, Charles McKnight and Thomas Smith. Dr. Hodge in his Constitutional His- tory of the Presbyterian Church, says : " The effects of the Revolutionary War on the state of our churcli, were ex- tensively and variously disastrous. The young men Mere called from the seclu- sion of their homes to the demoralizing atmosphere of the camp ; congregations were broken up ; churches were burnt, and in moi"e than one instance, pastoi's were murdered ; the usual ministerial in- tercourse, and eilbrts for the dissemina- tion of the Gospel, Avere iu a great measure suspended, and public morals in various respects deteriorated." The 11 war seems to have suspeuded all Presby- terian efibrts iu this section, and the writer knows of no systematic attempt to renew them, nntil 1850, when Rev. Thomas S. Dewing commenced regular services at Forked River, Cedar Creek and Toms River. METHODISM IN OCEAN COUNTY. The first Methodist Society established in Ocean County held its meetings in the old Potter Church at Goodluck. In the dark days of the history of Methodism, when it not only met with opposition from other societies on account of differ- ence iu religious views, but also when diiring the Revolution, their enemies un- justly charged them with being in sym- pathy with Great Britain, and would allow them to hold meetings in but few l^laces, the old Goodluck Church was al- ways oi^en to them, and the people of this vicinity gave its preachers a welcome which they rarely met with elsewhere. It is probable that the pioneers of Methodism visited our county within a very few years after the j)rinciples of the society were first proclaimed in America, and that occasionally some preacher would hold forth in one of the free churches, in school houses or in private houses, possibly as early as 1774. Rev. William Waiters, the first itinerant of American birth, was stationed iu our State in 1771, and it is possible that he and the noted Captain Thomas Webb, of Pemberton, (then New Mills,) may have visited this section. That zealous, self- sacrificing minister of the Gospel, Rev. Benjamin Abbott, is the first preacher who sjjeaks positively of visiting this vicinity, though before his visit which was in 1778, it is probable that some if not all the following named, may have loreached here, viz.: Captaiu Thomas Webb, Revs. Philip Gatch, Caleb B. Pedicord, William Watters, John King, Daniel Ruff and William Duke. From that time uj) to the year 1800, the names of preachers assigned to this part of the State, is given iu the " History of Meth- odism in New Jersey." During the first thirty years of the present century, among the most noted preachers iu this section were Revs. Sylvester and Robert Hutchinson, Ezekiel Cooper, Charles Pitman and Geo. A. Raybold. Rev. William Watters, above mentioned as the first itinerant of American birth, who was located in our State iu 1771, pub- lished in 1807 an account of his labors here and elsewhere ; and the author of Methodism in New Jersey says he knows of but one copy in existence, and that in possession of a gentlemen iu Balti- more, but the writer has a copy pur- chased by a relative over half a century ago, which is still iu a good state of pres- ervation. A METHODIST PIONEEK. Rev. Benjamin Abbott, who ex- perienced considerable persecution else- where, for his Methodist views, without molestation preached at several places in our county in 1778, and we give his ac- count of his visit. The first mentioned place was probably Manahawken : ' ' At my next appointment I preached Avith great liberty from these words : ' If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not iu us ; if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,' John 1:8, 9. And many wept much. A Baptist being present when I had done, I asked him ; what he thought of what he had heard, 1 and whether it was not the truth in Jesus ? He replied that it was, and ex- \ horted the people to believe it. I BENJAMIN ABBOTT AT WARETOWN. " Next day I went to my appointment at WaretoAvn, but a woman being dead, ''■ close at hand, I was requested to preach her funeral sermon. While I was speak- ing, I observed to my hearers that the 12 darkest tiniP in the night was just before the dawning of day ; and that tliis was tlie case with a sonl groaning for re- Li:{K AND TOMS ia\T3K. "She rode next day "with one of her friends to a place called Goodluck, Avhere I preached from these words : ' Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead; Christ shall give thee light,' (Eph. 5 : 14,) with great liberty, and tlie power of God attended the word. "Next day I rode with one of our friends, about twelve miles, through a nortlieast storm of liail, to Esquire Aikens' on Toms lliver. When we arrived we were both wet and cold. After drying myself a little, I gave an ex- hortation to the few present, and tarried all night. In the morning I went to my api^oiutment, and had an attentive con- gregation, and the Lord attended the word with power. A Frenchman fell to the floor and nevei- rose until the Lord converted his soul. Here we had ti hap- jij time. " The foregoing is all we find in Abbott's Journal that relates to our county. The Esipiire Aikens he mentions, was Abiel Aikens, who lived on the south side of Toms River. He was an active patriot in the Revolution, and his house, the first in which Methodism was preached at Toms River, was burned with others by the British AVhen the l)lock house was taken March 24, 1782. In his old age, our Legislature (1808) passed a law for his benefit. Next year (1878) will be one hundred years since Abbott visited our section, and it should be commemorated hy a Centennial sermon at old Goodluck (>hurcli, and from his old text : "Awake, thou that sleepest," Sec. What a contrast between now and then, when he was mobbed, when soldiers entered his meet ings with drawn .swords, &c., so aus- picious were they of Methodism. AN OLD TIME METUODIKP WEODtNO. In 178.'3 a ^Methodist Quarterly Meet- ing of unusual interost was held in tlic 13 Gondhick Chuvcli, at which, on Sunday, ' James Stirling was married to Rebecca Eudd in the presence of the congrega- i tion. We presume this was the James Stirling, of Burlington, the most noted and influential layman of the Methodist Church in his day in New Jersey ; and if | so it was his second marriage. James Stirling was a merchant living at Bur- lington, and some of our shore store- keepers were supplied with goods by him, among them Major John Price, of Goodluck. His business affairs and his interest in Methodism would occa- sionally bring him to the shore, and here, as elsewhere, he proved himself a most energetic, useful layman of Methodism. BISHOP ASBUKX AT GOODLUCK. | That noted, faithful, untiring minister \ of the Gospel, Bishop Francis Asbury, visited this vicinity twice. It is doubtful ! if any minister of any denomination ever performed so much labor in travelling and preaching as did he, and none ever kept a more complete journal, which is a marvel when we remember the thousands of miles he travelled in all parts of the United States and his unparalleled phys- ical and mental exertion. When he first j)reached at Goodluck, it was after a tire- some travel through Old Monmouth ; and that he thought the people here so difier- ent from what other Methodist preachers did, we are inclined to ascribe to his be- ing worn down with labor himself. Of his first visit he says : " Tuesday, Sept. 2Gth, 178G. I had many to hear me at Potter's Church, but the people were insensible and unfeeling. " His next visit was in 1809. " On Mon- day, April 24th, 1809, I preached at Waretown. I staid awhile with Samuel Brown, and came to Thomas Chamber- lain's (Forked River) ; I was compelled by uncomfortable feeling to go to rest at six o'clock. At David Woodmansee's (Goodluck), on Tuesday, I preached on 2nd Tim. 2 : 15. On Wednesday, after a rain, I set out for Polhemus' Chapel (Polhemus' Mills) where I preached." Some modern Methodist writers have been puzzled to know where Avas the Pot- ter's Church to which Asbury alluded, and from whence its name, and seem in- clined to think it wa»s erected for work- men in some potter's ware establishment ! METHODISM AT BARNEGAT. The old church in the school house lane at Barnegat was built in 1829, to be used free for all denominations. The same year a Methodist society was estab- lished, and held regular meetings in it. The late Rev. Job Edwards was the class leader and local preacher from the organ- ization of the society, and continued for over forty years to faithfully and accept- ably fill these positions, and during that time no one was so well known from Cedar Creek to Mannahawkin for labors in meetings, exhortations and at funeral services. To him, and his relative, the late Joel Haywood, of West Creek, Meth- odism in the southern half of Ocean county is probably more indebted tlian to any other two men, for the compara- tively prosperous condition of the society. The people generally showed their appre- ciation of both men, by electing them to represent the county in the Legislature, and Joel Haywood was the regular Whig and Temperance nominee for Governor of New Jersey, in 1853. DOVER CHAPEL. Dover Chapel, near Bayville, was erected as a church free to all denomina- tions, about the year 1825, as we are in- formed by the venerable Captain Samuel R. Bunnell, himself one of the old land- marks of Methodism, whose voice was familiar to us in meetings almost a gen- eration ago, in exhortations in the cause of the great Master. Methodism has long had a strong hold on the people in the neighborhood of Dover Chapel, though in it Protestant Methodists, Pres- 14 bvterirtiis and fithors have liolil statod or oooiVHioiirtl moctiiicfs. TOMS KIVKR IN THE KEVOLUTION. Duriug the greater jjai-t of the Revo- hitiou, militia were on duty iu Toms River or in its vicinity ; they were generally twelve months men, commanded by differ- ent officers, among whom, it seems from an ancient record iu the library of the New Jersey Historical Society, were Captains Bigelow, Ephraim Jenkins, James Mott, John Stout and tlie well-remembered Joshua Huddy. Caj^tain Mott had com- mand of a company called the Sixth Coiupiuiy, of Dover, and Captain Stout, of the Seventh Company, of Dover. The Fifth Company was in old Stafford toAvuship, and commanded by Captain Reuben F. Randoljih, then of Manahaw- ken, but originally of Middlesex County. During the war salt works were quite numerous along Barnegat Bay, and of so much imjJortauce that the British and Refugees make several attempts to de- stroy them, and the first mention that we have found of militia to be stationed at Toms River was for the pi-otection of works in its vicinity, and is found in the following extract from the minutes of the Pennsylvania State Council of Safety, November 2d, 177G, from which it ap- l)ears that that State owned works near tilt' village : " Resolved, that an officer and twenty- five men be sent to the salt works at Toms River (erected by this State at Toms River, N. J.,) as a guard, and twenty-five spare uniskets and two lunv- itzers and a sufficient (piantity of ammu- nition to defend in case oi attack." In the Continental Congress, 177(1, the President of Congress was requested to write to Gov. Livingston, of New Jersey, for two companies of militia to guard salt works at Toms River. Sabine, in his notices of Loyalists, .says : "John Williams jjlaccd the signif- icuut letter R. , on the buildings of the salt works at Toms River bridge, by or- der of (ileneral Skinner, of the N. J. Royalist brigade." And in another place he says : " Col. John Morris, of the N. J. Royalists in 1777, was sent by Sir William HoAve to destroy the salt works at Toms River bridge, but when informed that the jjroperty was ^jrivate iu part, he dc^clined to comply with the order." Sabine gives no exi^lanation of the mean- ing of what he terms the significant let- ter R., but the inference is that persons who then favored the Royalist cause, were part owners of the buildings near the bridge. It will be remembered tliat at the outbreak of the Revolution, tlie people of Old monmoutli unanimously protested against the tyrannical acts of Great Briikiii, and favored an armed re- sistance, but were divided in the j)olicy of declaring independence. When the Declaration of Independence was adopted, hundreds of citizens of Old Monmouth jDrotested against it, and joined the Royalists, and this Avas pro- bably the case with some of the owners of these buildings. From the folloAving we infer the PenusyiA'ania and other works from Toms River to the head of the bay Avere destroyed the following year. An ancient paper says ; ' ' About the first of April, 1778, the British under Captain Robertson with a strong force landed at S(piau and destroyed a number of salt Avorks on the coast ; one building they said belonged to Congress, and cost £G,000." A letter iu the Ncav Jersey Gazette, speaking of this raid, says|: "About 135 of the enemy lauded on Sunday last, about 10 o'clock, on the south aide of Squan Inlet, burnt all the salt works, broke the kettles, y the British. 31 The sloop Elizabeth, Captain Thomas Bunnell, of Forked River, was captured by barges sent into Barnegat Inlet, and towed out to sea ; but it is said she was shortly after lost on Long Island. The captain saw the barges coming, and he and the crew escaped in the yawl. She was owned by Wm. Piatt and Capt. Bun- nell. At another time, Capt. Bunnell was taken out of another vessel, and de- tained by the British some time, and then put on board a neutral vessel, said to have been Spanish, and thus got to New York. The sloop Traveler, Captain Asa Grant, was set on fire by the British, but the fire was extinguished after the British left. At another time, two sloops, one named the Maria, the name of the other not known, were chased ashore near Squan Inlet. A vessel commanded by Capt. John Rogers, who lived near Toms Rfver, was ! also captured, and Rogers himself de- ' tained for a while on the British man-of- ] war. Capt. Rogers used frequently to relate his adventures on this ill-starred trip which cost him his vessel, and among others to the late well-remembered Billy Herbert, or Harbor as he was generally called, at the old Toms River hotel. The British, he said, treated him with civili- ty, and one day, an officer, who believed in the superiority of his ship, asked Rogers, rather boastingly, ' ' What would an American man-of-war do alongside a ship like this?" "And what did you tell him ?" asked Uncle Billy. " I told him she would blow the Ramillies to h — 1 mighty quick !" said Rogers. Capt, Jesse Rogers, of the Greyhound, who lived to quite an advanced age, made efforts to have his losses re-imbursed by Congress, as ditl also Messrs. Spragg and Allen and others, but they were unsuc- cessful. In giving reminiscences of Waretown, mention has been made of the excitement created by the barges of Com. Hardy en- tering the inlet and burning the Grey- hound, At Forked River, a new dwell- ing and store had just been erected at the upper landing by Charles Parker, father of Gov. Joel Parker. Mr. Parker informed the writer that though his house was unfinished, yet the roof was filled with persons watching Hardy's proceedings. Judge Jacob Birdsall, then a boy, was among the children sent to dwellings back in the woods for safety. The war of 1812 did not seem to be a very popular one in New Jersey, as the political party opposing it generally carried the State. To raise troops, a draft was at one time ordered along shore, which called for one man in every seven. This draft, however, seemed to work but little hardship, as seven men would chib together to hire a substitute, who could generally be engaged for u bonus of fifty dollars. Most of the men obtained under the orders for drafting, were sent to defend Sandy Hook, where, from the reports they siibsequently made, their time was principally occTijHed in uttering maledictions on commissaries for furnishing them with horse beef and other objectionable grub. Among those who volunteered, the last survivor at Forked River was the late Gershom Ayres, who served under Gen, Rossell. At Waretown, Ralph Chambers was the last survivor. He was properly entitled I to extra pension for wounds received in i the battle of Plattsburg ; but as he had money of his own when wounded, he hired medical attendance at a private house to insure good attention, by which means his name escaped being embraced in the official report of wounded. At Bamegat, Tunis Bodine is a survivor of the war of 1812, and is in receipt of a pension for his services. In September last, Mr. Bodine completed his eighty- sixth year, and was so remarkably well and hearty that he made quite a round to Philadelphia, Trenton and other places, transacting business, writing letters, etc. as well as most men twenty years his junior. Refei-ring to losses of our citizens by 32 the war of 1812, remiuds iis uf au aucc- dote of Capt. Winner, a rather eccentric citizen of Goodhick, who before the war was i^ossessed of some property ; but his vessel was bnrned by tlie British, his business ruined, and he was aboixt stripped of everything. One time he was travelling some distance from home, quite depressed Avith his misfortunes. The landlord of an inn, where he stojjped, asked him his name. Winner replied, "I am ashamed to tell it, for it is a con- founded lie !" The landlord then asked, "Well, where are you from ?" Winner replied, "I am ashamed to tell you that, for it is another confounded big lie !" The landlord and bystanders began to think he was drunk or crazy, when he explained : " My name is Winner, but I am always a loser; I live at a place caUed Goodluck, but I never found any thing there but infernal bad lurk/'' After hearing a detail of his h)sses, the bystanders were satisfied that in his case both names were misnomers, ! GENERAL JOHN LACEY. LACEY TOWNSHIP, WHENCE ITS NAME — FOUNDER OF FERRAGO FURNACE — A YOUTHFUL BRIGADIER — A QUAKER IN THE WAR PATH. Lacey township derives its name from General John Lacey, who established Ferrago Forge, in 1809, and the well- known Lacey Road from Ferrago to Forked River lauding must have been laid out soon after. General Lacey was quite a noted man in the Revolution, and the following outline of his life will show that he Avas desei-ving the honor of having his name bestowed on a part of the county he endeavored to benefit. John Lacey was born in Bucks Coun- ty, Pa., February 4th, 1755. His pa- ternal ancestor Avas from the Isle of Wight, and came to this country with Wm. Peun. General Lacey's ancestors and all his descendants were Quakers. At the breaking out of the Revolution, his love of freedom i«-edomiuated over his anti-war creed, and he made u^) his mind to obtain it peaceably if he couhl, forcibly if he must. He took a captain's commission of the Continental Congress, January Gth, 1776, for which he was at once disowned by the Quakers. He left his home, his society, his mill, to do battle for his country. He served under General Wayne, in Canada, and per- formed the hazardous duty of carrying an express from General Sullivan to Ai'uold, when before Quebec. On his re- turn next year he resigned on account of a difficulty with General Wayne. He was then appointed by the Pennsylvania Legislature to organize the militia of Bucks County. He was soon elected Colonel. He was now in the midst of Tories and Quakers, who were acting in concert with the enemy, some of whom threatened him with jjersonal vengeance. These threats he disregarded as the idle wind. He brought his regiment into the field and performed feats of valor that at once raised him to a high standard in the list of heroes. His conduct was particularly noticed by Washington, and he was honored with the commission of Brigadier General, January 9th, and or- dered to relieve General Porter. He was then but twenty-two years old. Probably influenced by Refugee neigh- bors, the British, in Philadeli^hia, de- termined upon taking him, dead or alive. His duties were onerous and his watch- fulness untiring. On the first of May, following, he was stationed at a place since called Hatborough with less than 500 men, mostly raw militia. Owing to to the negligence of the officers of the picket guard, his little camp was sur- rounded just at the dawn of the morning, by about 800 British rangers and cavalry. He formed his men quickly and cut his Avay through with such impetuosity that he threw the enemy into confusion, and escaped with the loss of only twenty-six men and a few wounded and prisoners, who were treated with a barbarity that casts savage warfare in the shade. The 33 bold maueuvre of Geu. Lacey aud his brave Spartans Avas a matter of ap- plause througliout the country. He -was constantly employed by General Wash- ington in hazardous enterprises, and in every instance receive his unqualified approbation. After the evacuation of Philadelphia, Gen. Lacey was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and served three consecutive sessions. In 1781 he closed his military career, and like a good citizen married an amiable daughter of Col. Beynolds, of New Jer- sey, and commenced a successful career of domestic feUcity. He filled various civil offices, lived in the esteem of every patriot (not of all his Quaker relatives) and died at the village of New Mills, (now Pemberton) New Jersey, Feb. 14th, 1814, in his 59th year. The foregoing notice is substantially from a work by L. Carroll Judson. In Niles' " Principles of the Eevolution," is to be found considerable correspondence between Gen. Lacey and Gen. Washing- ton, which shows the responsible duties General Lacey had to perform, princi- pally in preventing Tories from furnish- ing supplies to the British. Both of these Generals distrusted the Quakers of Bucks county, a notoriously Tory section Avhich furnished Befugees to attack Toms Biver, and in one letter General Washington orders Gen. Lacey to pre- vent all Quakers from the surrounding country from going to Philadelphia year- ly meeting, as he " fears the plans settled at these meetings are of the most perni- cious tendency." The Whigs at this time suffered so much from information and supplies to the enemy, that, on re- ceipt of Washington's letter, Lacey at once issued orders to stop all Quakers and others from visiting Philadelphia, and "if they refused to stop when hailed to tire upon them and leave their bodies in the road." This order was afterward modified by Congress, to confiscation only of horses and provisions. In regard to the surprise of Geu. Lacey and his men by the British, alluded to above, Lacey -smtes as follows : ' ' Some of my men were butchered in the most savage and cruel manner ; even while living, some were thrown into buckwheat straw, and the straw set on fire. The clothes were burnt on others, and scarcely one was left without a dozen wounds with bayonets and cutlasses." He says he retreated upwards of two miles, fighting all the way, until he reached a wood and extricated himself, losing thirty killed and seventeen wounded. Gen. Lacey and his corps were dis- charged by the Executive of Pennsylva- nia, Oct. 12, 1781, with the thanks of the Council. Samuel H. Shreve, Esq. , who in past years has furnished many valuable his- torical items to the New Jersey Coue- lEK, says in a communication dated Janu- ary, 1868 : " Ferrago Foige was erected by Gen. Lacey in 1809, and the same year Dover Forge was built by W. L. Smith, the father-in-law of Lacey." From this it would appear that Gen. Lacey was twice married. We have heard it stated that Lacey expended ten thousand dollars at Ferrago in building the dam alone, and the contruotion of the forge and other buildings and of the road to Forked Biver must have required a very considerable outlay of money. INDIAN WILL. AN ECCENTRIC ABORIGINAIi OF THE SHORE. In days gone by, the singular char- acter and eccentric acts of the noted In- dian Will formed the theme of many a fireside story among our ancestors, many of which are still remembered by older citizens. Some of the traditionary inci- dents given below diflfer in some particu- lars, but we give them as related to us many years ago by old residents. Inchan Will was evidently quite a traveler, and well known from Barnegat almost to the Highlands. At Forked Biver, it is said 34 he often visited Samuel Chamberlain on the neck of land between the north and middle branches, and was generally fol- lowed by a jjack of lean, liungiy dogs which he kept to defend himself from his Indian enemies. The following tradition Avas published in 1842, by Howe, in His- torical Collections of New Jersey : "About the year 1670, the Indians sold out the section of country near Eat- ontown to Lewis Morris for a barrel of cider, and emigrated to Crosswicks and Craubiuy. One of them, called Indian Will, remained, and dwelt in a wigwam between Tintou Falls and Swimming River. His tribe were in consequence exasperated, and at various times sent messengers to kill him in single combat ; but, being a brave, athletic man, he al- ways came off conqueror. On a certain, while partaking of a breakfast of suppawn and milk with a silver siJoon at Mr. Eaton's, he casually remarked that he knew where there were plenty of such. They promised that if he would bring them, they would give him a red coat and I cocked hat. In a short time he was ar- rayed in that dress, and it is said the Batons suddenly became wealthy. About 80 years since, in pulling down an old ! mansion in Shrewsbury, iu which a maiden member of this family in her lifetime had resided, a (juantity of cob dollars, supiDosed by the superstitious to have been Kidd's money, was found con- cealed iu the cellar wall. This coin was generally of a square or oblong shape, the corners of which wore out the pockets." A somewhat similar, or perhajjs a vari- ation of the same tradition, we have fre- quently heard from old residents of Ocean county, as follows : "Indian Will often visited the family of Derrick Lougstreet at Manasquan, and one time showed them some silver money which excited their surprise. They Avished to know where he got it, and wanted Will to let them have it. AVill refused to part with it, luit told them he had found it iu a trunli along the beach, and there was plenty of yellow money beside ; but as the yellow money was not as pretty as the white, he did not want it, and Longstreet might have it. So Longstreet went with him, and found the money in a trunk, covered over Avith a tarpaulin and buried in the sand. Will kejit the white money, and Long- street the yellow (gold), and this satis- factory' division made the Longstreets wealthy." It is probable that Will found money along the beach ; but whether it had been buried by i^irates, or Avas from some shipAVi-ecked vessel, is another question. However, the connection of Kidd's name with the money would indi- cate that Will lived long after the year named in the first quoted tradition ( 1670j. Kidd did not sail on his pirati- cal cruises until 1696, and, from the traditionary information the Avriter has been enabled to obtain, Will must have lived many years subsequent. The late John Tilton, a prominent, much-re- spected citizen of Barnegat, in early years lived at Squan, and he was quite confident that aged citizens who related to him stories of Will, knew him per- sonally. They described him as stout, broad-shouldered, with prominent In- dian features, and rings in his ears, and a good-sized one in his nose. The following are some of the stoi'ics related of him : Among otlier things Avhicli Will had done to excite the ill-Avill of other Indians, he was charged with haAdng killed his Avife. Her brother, named Jacob, determined on revenge. He pursued him, and, finding him un- armed, imdertook to march him off cap- tive. As they Avere going along, Will cspiod a pine knot on the ground, man- aged to liick it up, and suddenly dealt Jacob a fatal bloAv. As he dropped to the ground. Will tauntingly exclaimed, "Jacob, look up at tlie sun — yoii'll never see it again !" Most of the old residents who related traditions of Will, 85 spoke of bis finding honey at one time on the tlead body of an Indian he had killed ; but whether it was Jacob's or some other, was not mentioned. At one time to make sure of killing Will, four or five Indians started in pur- suit of him, and they succeeded in sur- prising him so suddenly that he had no chance for defence or flight. His cap- tors told him they were about to kill him, and he must at once jirepare to die. He heard his doom with Indian stoicism, and he had only one favor to ask before he was killed and that was to be allowed to take a drink out of his jug of liquor which had just been filled. So small a favor the captors could not refuse. As Will's jug was full, it was only common politeness to ask them to drink also. Now if his captors had any weakness it was for rum, so they gratefully accepted his invitation. The drink rendered them talkative, and they commenced reasoning with him upon the enormity of his of- fences. The condemned man admitted the justness of their reproaches and begged to be allowed to take another drink to drown the stings of con- science ; the captors consented to join him again — indeed it would have been cruel to refuse to drink with a man so soon to die. This gone throx;gh with, they persuaded Will to make a full con- fession of his misdeeds, and their magni- tude so aroused the indignation of his captors that they had to take another ; drink to enable them to do their duty becomingly ; in fact they took divers drinks, so overcome were they by his \ harrowing tale, and then they were so | completely unmanned that they had to try to recuperate by sleej). Then crafty Will, who had really drank but little, j softly rose, found his hatchet, and soon , dispatched his would-be captors. It was a rule with Will not to waste any ammunition, and therefore he was ' bound to eat whatever game he lolled, : but a buzzard which he once shot, sorely ; tried him, and it took two or three days ' j starving before he could stomach it. I One time when he was alone on the beach he yvas seized with a fit of sickness and thought he was about to die, and not wishing his body to lie exposed, he succeeded in digging a shallow grave in the sand in which he lay for a while, but ; his sickness passed off and he crept out and went on his way rejoicing. In the latter part of his life he would never kill a willet, as he said a willet once saved his life. He said he was in a canoe one dark stormy night crossing the bay, and somewhat the worse for liquor, and unconsciously about to drift out the Inlet into the ocean, when a willet screamed and the peculiar cry of this bird seemed to him to say " this way, Wni ! this way. Will !" and tliat way Will went, and reached the beach just in time to save himself from certain death in the breakers. When after wild fowl he would "^sometimes talk to them in a low tone : "Come this way my nice bird, Will won't hurt you. Will won't hurt you !" If he succeeded in killing one he would say ; "You fool, you believed me, eh? Ah, Will been so much with white men he learned to lie like a white man !" Near the mouth of Squau river is a deep place known as "Will's Hole." There are two versions of the origin of the name, but both connecting Indian Will's name with it. Esquire Benjamin Pearce, an aged, intelligent gentleman, residing in the vicinity, informed the writer that he understood it was so called because Will himself was drowned in it. The other version, related by tlie late well remembered Thomas Cook, of Point Pleasant, is as follows : Indian Will lived in a cabin in the woods near Cook's jjlace ; one day he brought home a muski-at which he or- dered his wife to cook for ilinner ; she obeyed, but when it was placed iipon the table she refused to partake of it. "Very well," said he, "if you are too good to eat muskrat you are too good to 36 live with me." And thereupon he took her clown to the place or hole in the river spoken of, and drowned her. Mr. Cook gave another tradition as fol- lows : Indian Will had three brothers- in-law, two of whom resided on Long Island, and when, in course of time, word reached them that their sister had been drowned, they crossed over to Jer- sey to avenge her death. When they reached Will's cabin, he was inside eat- ing clam soup. Knowing their errand, he incited them to dinner, telling them he would fight it out with them after- ward. They sat down to eat, but before concluding their dinner Will pretended he heard some one coming, and hurried to the door, outside of which the visitors had left their guns, one of which Will caught up and fired and killed one Indian and then shot the other as he rushed to close in. In those days the Indians held yearly councils about where Burrsville now is. At one of these councils Will met the third brother-in-law, and when it was over they started home together caiTjing a jug of whiskey between them. On the way, inflaimed with liquor, this Indian told Will he meant to kill him for drowning his sister. They closed in a deadly fight, and Will killed his antag- onist with a pine knot. Mr. Cook said, Indian Will finally died in his cabin above mentioned. From the traditions related to us many years ago, by Eli and John Collins and John Tilton of Barnegat, Eeuben WilUams of Forked River, and others, and from Thomas Cook's statements, it is evident Indian Will must have lived until about a ceutuiy ago and if he jjrotested against any sale of laud it must have been against the titles ceded about 1758. At the treaties then, an Indian called Cap- tain John, claimed the lands from Mete- deconk to Toms River, but other Indians Baid they were also concerned. BAPIISTS IN OCEAN COUNTY. MANAHAWKEN CHURCH. The first church built in Ocean county was the one generally known as the Bap- tist Church at Manahawkeu. It was built at least as early as 1758, as it is said the original deed for the land on which it was situated is dated August 24, 1758, and calls for 1 20-100 acres, " be- ginning at a stake 265 links north* west from the meeting house," by which it appears the edifice was already erected. There is a tradition that the church was originally erected as a free church, chief- ly through the instnimentality of James Haywood. That it was free to all de- nominations is quite evident, as in it meetings were held by Quakers, Presby- terians, and probably Methodists, and Rev. John Murray, the founder of Uni- versahsm in America, also preached in it. In Webster's History of Presbyterianisni it is claimed as a Presbyterian Church. The author probably supposed it to be such because ministers of that society held regular services in it — in fact, they held them many years before the Baptist Society was organized, and were enter- tained by Messrs. Haywood and Ran- dolph, subsequently named among the founders of the Baptist Society, as ap- pears by a letter written by Rev. John Braiuerd in 1761. It is evident that the early settlers of Manahawkeu were not only anxious to hear the Word of Truth, but also believed in religious toleration. The history of the Bajitist Society at Manahawkeu, as given in its old church record, was evidently written many years after the organization of the society. It is well worth preserving in our local re- ligious history, though not as definite on some points as the sketch given in the Baptist Century Book. The following is substantially from the church record : "About 1760, James Haywood, a Bap- tist from Coventry, England ; Benjamin, Reuben and Joseph Randolph, also Bajj- tists, from Piscataway, settled in this 37 neigliborhood. They were visited by Rev, Mr. Blackwell, who preached and baptized among them. Other Baptists settled among them from Scotch Plains ; so that in 1770, they were multiplied to nine souls, which nine were constituted a Gospel church that same year by Eev. Benjamin Miller. They joined the Bap- tist Association, and were occasionally visited by other brethren, so frat in 1776 they numbered fifteen. Rev. Henry Crossley resided among them some time, and was succeeded by Rev. Isaac Bon- nell, after whose departure there was no more account of Manahawken Church ; so that in 1799, at a meeting of the Bap- tist Association at Great Valley, they were about to be erased from the records, but at the intervention of one or two brethren they were spared, and visited by ministering brethren, and that not in vain, for though there could none be found of the character of Baptists save five female members, two of whom are since deceased, yet a number round about were baptized among them ; but not meeting in membership with them, it remained doubtful whether they could be considered a church. Next season, they were represented to the Association with flattering prospe its, and a query was made whether they really were a church, which query was answered in the aflfii-mative ; in consequence of which supplies were named, some c f whom pro- posed the propriety of receiving into fel- lowship among them such as had been, or may be in future baptized among them. The proposition was generally accepted, both by the old members and young candidates, and in confirmation of which the first Sunday in July, 1802, was set apart for the above purpose, when Bros. Alex. McGowan ^and Benjamin Hedges gave their assistance. Brother McGowan, pastor of the church at New Mills (now Pemberton), by authority, and on behalf of Sarah Puryne (Perrine?) Mary Sprague and Elizabeth Sharp, the remainder of the church in the place. j receiving into union, by right hand of j fellowship, the following named persons, j viz : Daniel Parker and Elizabeth his wife ; Edward Gennings and Abigail his wife ; Thomas Edwards and Catharine his wife; Samuel Grey and Katurah his wife ; Amos Southard and wife ; Mary Fortune- berry ; Phebe Bennett ; Hannah White ; Martha Headley ; Leah Clayton ; Han- nah Sulsey ; Jemima Pidgeon ; Hester Perrine. " In the above, Mary Fortune- berry, we presiame, should be Mary Falkinburgh, The Baptist Century Book furnishes additional information to the above as follows : ' ' The Baptist Society at Manahawken was organized August 25th, 1770. In October 1771 there were eleven members, and Lines Pangburn was a delegate to the Baptist Association. The foUowiug were the appointments made for that year : Rev. D. Branson, 3d Sunday in Dec, and May. Rev. D. Jones, 3d Sunday in Nov. and March. Rev. Jas. Sutton, 3d Sunday in Feb. Rev. S. Heaton, 3d Sunday in April. Rev. P. P, Vanhorn, 4th Sunday in July, Rev. R. Runyon, 3d Sunday in Aug. Rev. W. Van Horn, 3d Sunday in Sep. In 1772 there were twelve members ; delegates from Manahawken and Pitts- grove, Daniel Prine ; preachers appointed for the ensumg year. Rev, Messrs. Crossley, Miller, Kelsey, and David Jones. 1773. No delegates; twelve members. 1774. Rev. Henry Crossley, delegate ; fifteen members ; four had joined by letter, one by baptism and one died. The church this year is called "the Stafford Church." 1775. No delegates ; members the same. From 1775 there are no returns until 38 tlie year 1800, when five members are reported. 1801. Four members, one having died. The remaining members of the church having some doubts in their minds be- cause of the fewness of their numbers, whether they exist as a church or no, it is the sense of this Association that the church still exists, and while they re- joice in that prosperity which has lately attended the preaching of the Gospel among them, they exhort them to proceed to the reception of members and the election of officers. 1802. Edward Gennings appointed delegate ; four baptized, twenty received by letter, oue dead ; remaining, 27 mem- bers. 1803. Thirty-three members. 1804. Amos Southard and Samuel Grey, delegates ; 31 members. 1805. Samuel Grey, delegate ; 74 1 members ; 44 baptized ; two received by ; letter, and three dismissed. [ 1806. Samuel Grey and Edward Gen- nings, delegates ; 69 members." Here ends the record of this church in , the Baptist Century Book. \ It wiU be seen by the foregoing, that i from the out-break of the Revolutionary j war this society seems to have shared \ the fate of so many others in that event- i ful period, being virtually broken up for a time. Some of its principal members and supporters responded to their coun- ; try's call ; Reuben F. Randolph became a captain in the mihtia, his sons members of his company ; Lines Pangburn, who [ we presume was the same person first elected delegate, was killed by the Refu- gees within sight of the church, and doubtless others were among the patriots from this village, who did military ser- vice during the war, particularly in , guarding against marauding bands of ; Refugees who were active until the very close of the Revolution. Rev, Benjamin Miller, who organized the church, belonged to Scotch Plains, ' where he labored for over thirty years, and died in 1781, ! For the items relating to the original deed of the church we are indebted to I the researches of Samuel H, Shreve, i Esq. j OTHEK BAPTIST SOCIETIES, The Baptist Century Book says that "the Baptist Church of Squan and Dover" was received into the Baptist Association in October, 1805, and the same year Samuel Haven was delegate, and the society had 38 members. In 1807 Samuel Haven was again delegate ; 45 members. In Gordon's History of New Jersey, it is stated that a Baptist Society was es- tablished at West Creek in 1792, which had, about 1832, 33 members. This statement is given in close connection to statistics of the Manahawken Church, and leads to the inference that West Creek, in Ocean County, is referred to. But we have never heard of a Baptist Society in past years here, and we are informed by Wm, P. Haywood, Esq. , of that village, that none existed until within a couple of years, and that the West Creek referred to by Gordon, was in Cape May County. OLD CRANBERRY INLET. A century ag5. Cranberry Inlet, oppo- site Toms River, was one of the best in- lets on our coast. We have no account of the exact depth of water on its bar, but large vessels like the loaded brig Hand-in-Hand, in 1770, and the ship Love-and-Unity, in 1778, came in with- out difficulty, and during the Revolution it was of much importance, and often used by privateers from New England. The question of the exact year when it was first opened, was brought before our courts, some years ago, in a suit in- volving title to land in its vicinity, but no decisive information was elicited. It is probable, however, that it broke through about 1750, It is laid down on 39 Lewis Evaus' map, published, iu ITon, aud on au English map by JeJBFreys, originally drawn by Capt. Hallaud, the same year. David Mapes, a well-re- membered, much-esteemed colored man, late of Tiickerton, when a boy, it is said, was tending cattle on the beach for Sol- omon Wardell, when Cranberry Inlet broke through. He slept in a cabin, and was astonished one morning on waking up, to see the sea breaking across the beach near by. The Inlet finally closed about the year 1812, though for years previous it had been gradually shoaling. ATTEMPTS TO OPEN NEW INLETS. The closing of Cranberry Inlet caused great inconvenience to coasters, especial- ly those belonging to the upper part of the bay, as they had to go several miles out of their way to Barnegat Inlet. About the year 1821, an attempt to open a new inlet near the head of the bay was made by Michael Ortley. He worked at it, off and on, for several years, and spent considerable money in the under- taking. At length, one day, a large company of men volunteered to aid him in completing it. In the evening after finishing it, Mr. Ortley and his friends had quite a celebration ; but sad was their disappoiniment the next morning to find that the running of the tide, which they supposed would work the inlet deeper, had a contrary effect, and had raised a bulkhead of sand sufiiciently large to close it up. The result was that the inlet was closed much more expedi- tiously than it had been opened. Many supposed that if an effort was made to open an inlet farther down the bay in the vicinity of old Cranberry, it would prove more successful. Acting upon this supposition, another effort was made to open one opposite Toms River. The work was done by some two or three hundred men under direction of Anthony Ivins, Jr. , of Toms Kiver, and completed July 4, 1847. In this undertaking, care was taken to let in the water when it was high tide in the bay and low water oixt- side ; but this enterprise also proved a failure — the sea washing sand in it, and speedily closing it. BAKNEGAT INLET. Barnegat Inlet has always been open from our earliest accounts. The first Dutch navigators called it Barcnde-gat, meaning " breakers' inlet," or an inlet with breakers, and the present name is a corruption of the original Dutch one. In the character of the inlet, depth of water and roughness on the bar, it has always been the same as now, except during the brief period Cranberry was open, when it was more shoal and difficult to use than before or since. The inlet has shifted up and down the beach, two or three miles, and, about twenty years ago, washed down the old lighthouse. At one time, there was au island iu the inlet with a pond in the centre, bixt it soon washed away. BARNEGAT LIGHT HOUSE. The first light house at Barnegat Inlet was built about 1834, Congress, by an act approved June 30th, of that year, having appropriated $6,000 for the pur- pose ; and it was refitted in 1855. The new light house was completed in 1858, an appropriation of $45,000 having been made to build it two years previous. The height of the light above the level of the sea is 165 feet ; height of tower from base to light, 159 feet. It can be seen by an observer standing ten feet above the level of the sea, twenty-five English miles ; and from masthead, about thirty miles. Its light is revolving, intervals of flash ten seconds, and to aid mariners in distinguishing it, the upper half is painted red and the lower half white. It is one of the finest light houses in the United States. Its majestic tower, mag- nificent light and curious revolving ma- chinery make it as well worth seeing as any Ught house on our coast. It is 38 i miles from the Highland light houses, 40 Ite latitude is 39 deg. 45 miu. 54 sec. , and its longitude 74 deg, 6 miu. 1 sec. Its tower is the tallest in the United States with one exception, that of Pensa- cola light, which is only one foot higher. THE STOUT FAMILY. The Stout families of Ocean and Mon- mouth coiiuties descend from John Stout, a gentleman of good family, of Notting- hamshire England, whose son Kichard had a love affiiir with a young woman beneath his rank, and on account of his father's interference he got angry and went to sea in a man of war and served seven years. He was discharged at New York (then called New Amsterdam) and lived there awhile, when he fell in with a Dutch widow, whose maiden name was Penelope Vanprinces, whom he married ; he was then said to be in his 40th year, and she in her 22d. They had ten children, seven sons and three daughters, and Mrs. Stout lived to the remarkable age of 110 and saw her off- spring multiplied into 502 in about 88 years. The remarkable history of Mrs, Stout, as given in Smith's History, published in 1765, is substantially as follows : While New York was in possession of the Dutch, a Dutch ship coming from Amsterdam was stranded near Sandy Hook, but the passengers got ashore ; among them was a young Dutchman who had been sick most of the voyage. He was so bad after landing that he could not travel, and the other passengers, being afraid of the Indians, would not stay until he recovered. His wife, however, would not leave him, and the rest prom- ised to send for them as soon as they ar- rived at New York. They had not been gone long before a company of Indians, coming to the water side, discovered them on the beach, and hastening to the spot soon killed the man and cut and mangled the woman in such a manner that they left her for dead. She had strength enough to crawl to some logs not far distant, and getting into a hollow one lived within it for several days, sub- sisting in part by eating the excrescences that grew from it. The Indians had left some lire on the shore, which she kept together for the warmth. Having re- mained in that manner for some time, an old Indian and a young one coming down to the beach found her ; they were soon in high words, which she afterwards understood was a dispute ; the old In- dian was for keeping her alive, the other for despatching her. After they had de- bated the point awhile, the oldest Indian hastily took her up and tossing her upon his shoulder, carried her to a place where Middletown now stands, where he dressed her wounds and soon cured her. After some time the Dutch at New York, hear- ing of a white woman among the Indians, concluded who it must be, and some of them came to her relief ; the old man, her preserver, gave her the choice to go or stay ; she chose to go. Awhile after, marrying one Stout, they Uved together at Middletown among other Dutch in- habitants. The old Indian who saved her life used frequently to visit her. At one of his visits she observed him to be more pen- sive than common, and sitting down he gave three heavy sighs ; after the last she thouglit herself at liberty to ask him what was the matter. He told her he had something to tell her in friendship, though at the risk of his own life, which was that the Indians were that night to kill all the whites, and he advised her to go to New York. She asked him how she coixld get off? He told her he had pro- vided a canoe at a place which he named. Being gone from her, she sent for her husband out of the field and discovered the matter to him, who, not believing it, she told him the old man never deceived her, and that she with her children would go ; accordingly at the place ap- pointed they found the canoe and pad- pled off. When they were gone the bus- 41 band began to considered the matter and sending for five or six of his neighbors, they set upon their guard. About mid- night they heard the dismal war -whoop ; presently came up a company of Indians ; they first expostulated, and then told the Indians if they persisted in their bloody designs they would sell their lives very dear. Their arguments prevailed ; the Indiana desisted and entered into a league of peace, which was kept without violation. From this woman, thus re- markably saved, is descended a numer- ous posterity of the name of Stout, now inhabitants of New Jersey. At that time there was supposed to be about fifty families of white people and five hundred Indians inhabiting those parts. Another account of Penelope Stout is given in Benedict's History of the Bap- tists, as follows : She was bom in Amsterdam, Holland, about the year 1602 ; her father's name was Vanprinces. She and her first hus- band, whose name is not known, sailed for New York about the year 1620. The vessel was stranded at Sandy Hook ; the crew got ashore and marched towards New York, but Penelope's husband be- ing hurt in the wreck could not march with them ; therefore he and his wife tarried in the woods. They had not been long in the place before the Indians killed them both, as they thought, and stripped them to the skin. However, Peulope came to, though her skull was fractured and her left shoulder so hacked that she could never use that arm like the other ; she was also cut across the abdomen so that her bowels appeared ; these she kept in with her hand. She continued in this situation for seven days, taking shelter in a hollow tree and eat- ing the excrescence of it. The seventh day she saw a deer passing by with ar- rows sticking in it, and soon after two Indians appeared, whom she was glad to see, in hopes they would put her out of her misery ; accordingly one made for her to knock her in the head; but the other, who was an elderly man, prevented him ; and throwing his watch coat about her, carried her to his wigwam and cured her. After that he took her to New- York and made a present of her to her countrymen, viz : an Indian present, expecting ten times the value in return. It was in New York that Richard Stout married her. He was a native of England and of good family ; she was now in her 22d year and he in his 40th. She bore him seven sons and three daughters, viz : Jonathan, John, Richard, James, Peter, David, Benjamin, Mary, Sarah, and Alice. The daughters married into the families of the Bounds, Pikes, Throck- mortous and Skeltons, and so lost the name of Stout. The sons married into the families of Bullen, Cra-wford, Ash ton, Truax, &c. , and had many children. Rev. T. S. Griffiths, pastor of the Baptist church at Holmdel, Monmouth county, in a late historical discourse says that is believed that Penelope Stout was buried in an old grave yard near Holm- del, about one hundred yards south of the residence of the late John S. Hen- drickson. THE FALKINBURG FAMILY. The Falkinburg families of Ocean county, it is said, are descended from Henry Jacobs Falkinburg, who came from Holstein, a little province adjoin- ing Denmark on the South. His name in old records is not always given alike ; Smith's Histoi-y of New Jersey calls him Heuric Jacobsou Falconbre ; Jasper Dankers, who -visited him 1679-80, at his residence near the upper edge of the present city of Burlington, calls him Jacob Hendricks, and sometimes, we be- lieve, he was called Hendrick Jacobs. The Dutch and Swedes at that day sel- dom had surnames, and from their usual mode of bestowing names their designa- tion of him would probably be rendered into EngUsh as Henry Jacob's son, of Falconbre or Falkinburg. When the first Englisli 'came to settle 42 iu West Jersey, in 1677, the Bi-ceuten- nial of which was lately celebrated in Burlington, they wished an interpreter between them and the Indians living be- tween the Rancocas and the Assanpink, where Trenton now stands, and Falkin- burg was recommended to them. He appears to have enjoyed the confidences of Dutch, Swedes and Indians, and must have been somewhat of a linguist, as he seems to have understood their lan- guages and the English also. At that time he lived farthest up the Delaware of any white man, on a point of land on the river just above Burlington. He was quite successful in aiding the Quakers to negotiate with the Indians, and the land on both sides of the river was purchased by a treaty made Oct, 10th, 1677. When this land was divided oflf between the settlers, Richard Ridg- way, ancestor of the Ridgways of Ocean ! and Burlington counties, had 218 acres allotted to him on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, nearly oj^posite Tren- ton, as shown by a map made about 1679, a copy of which is given iu the Journal of Dankers and Sluyter, pub- lished by the Long Island Historical Society. This Journal describes the dwelling of Falkiuburg, which, as it was one of the best found by Dankers, iu that section, in his travels in 1679, we copy as showing the contrast between dwellings then and now : "Nov. 19th, 1679, Satui-day ; * * * Before arriving at the village (Burling- ton) we stopped at the house of one Jacob Hendricks, from Holstein, li\'ing on this side, but he was not at home. We therefore rowed on to the \Tllage in search of lodgings, for it had been dark all of an hour or more, but proceeding a little farther, we met this Jacob Hen- didcks, in a canoe with hay. As we were now at the village we went to the ordin- ary tavern, but there was no lodgings to bo obtained there, whereupon we re-em- barked in the boat and rowed back to Jacob Hcndrick's, who received ns very kindly and entertained us according to his ability. The house, although not much larger than the one where we were last night, was somewhat better and tighter, being made according to the Swedish mode, as they usually build their houses here, which are blockhouses, being nothing else than entire trees, split through the middle or squared out of the rough and placed in the form of a square upon each other, as high as they wish to have the house ; the ends of these tim- bers are let into each other about a foot from the ends, half of one into half of the other. The whole structure is thus made without a nail or a spike. The ceiling or roof does not exhibit much finer work, except among the most care- ful people, who have the ceiling planked and a glass window. The doors are wide enough, but very low, so that you have to stoop on entering. These houses are quite tight and warm ; but the chimneys are placed iu a corner. My comrade and myself had some deer skins spread upon the floor to lie upon, and we were there- fore quite well off and could get some rest. It rained hard during the night, and snowed and froze and contintied so until the 19th, Sunday, and for a considerable part of the day, aflfording but little pros- pect of our leaving." During this day, Sunday, Dankers again visited Burlington, and at night re- turned to FaUdnburg's house, and this time he says he slept on a good bed, the same that on the previous evening had been occupied by the guide and his wife, " wliich gave us great comfort and re- cruited us greatly." Falkinburg seems to have been so fa- vorably impressed with the Quakers that, it is said, he joined their Society, and re- moved to Little Egg Harbor by, or be- fore 1698, settling a short distance below Tuckcrton. Mrs. Leah Blackman, ui hor valuable contributions to the New Jersey Coitrieb, relating to the history of Little Egg Harbor, published in 1866, says that after Falkinburg had concluded 4d a treaty with the shore Indians, his first dwelling was a cave on the Down Shore tract, on that poi-tion of it now known as the Joseph Parker farm, the site of which is still discernible, and that after he got his dwelling fixed up he went back to West Jersey, and returned with his intended wife, whom he married by Friends' ceremony in the presence of the principal Indians thereabouts ; and that their first child, Henry Jacobs Falkin- burg, Jr. , bom in this cave dwelling was the first white child born in that section, from whom descends the numerous fami- lies of Falkinburg in Ocean and else- where. BARNEGAT. The village of Bamegat derives its name from the inlet, which was original- ly called Barende-gat by the first Dutch discoverers on our coast. Barende-gat, meaning an inlet with breakers, was sub- sequently corrupted by the English to Bamdegat, and finally to Bamegat. Among the first whites who settleel at Bamegat and vicinity, tradition says, were Thomas Timms, Elisha Parr, Thom- as Lovelady, Jonas Tow (pronounced like the word noiv) and a man named Vaull. Thomas Lovelady is the one from whom Lovelady 's island, near Bar- negat, takes its name. The first settlers seem generally to have located on the upland near the meadows, on or near the Collins, Stokes and Mills' farms. There was a house built on the Collins place by Jonas Tow, at least as early as 1720. The persons named above as the first comers, do not appear to have been permanent settlers, and tradition fails to state what became of any of them, with the exception of Jonas Tow, who it is said died here. Among the first permanent settlers, it is said, were William and Levi Cranmer, Timothy Kidgway, Stephen and Nathan Birdsall and Ebenezer Mott ; and Eben- ezer Collins followed soon after. The Cranmers and Birdsalls came from Long Island about 1712 to Little Egg Harbor, and not long after members of the fami- lies located at Bamegat. The Cranmers are said to be of the stock of the cele- brated Archbishop Cranmer, and the Ridgways descend from Richard Rilg- way, who came with other Quakei 8 to West Jersey two hundred years ago. He first took up, about 1678, a tract of 218 acres of land, on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, nearly opposite Trenton ; his descendants were among the earliest settlers of Little Egg Harbor. Ebene- zer Mott, it is said, came from Rhode Island about 1745, and shortly after located at Bamegat, Ebenezer Collins was a native of Connecticut, came to Goodluck, and about 1749 married a daughter of David Woodmansee, and in 1765 he moved to Bamegat. He subse- quently went to New York to sail for South America, to look after some dye wood lands he owned there, and was never afterward heard from. From his two sons, John and James, descend the Bamegat Collins, Ebenezer was not a Quaker, but his son John became a noted and influential member of the Society. On the place now owned by Captain Howard Soper, an ancient settler named Cassaboom hved ; his residence was sur- rounded by woods, and probably was the first within the limits of the present village, the other settlers living a mile or so distant on the Mills, Collins and Stokes places. The ancestor of the shore Rulons was also au early settler ; he probably Uved in the house which once stood close by the old one, back of Captain Ralph Colhns' in which twenty years ago lived David Rulon, a descend- I ant. The first member of the Cox family iu this vicinity, was Jonathan who original- ly located at Littleworth Mill ; he had a son Jonathan whose descendants now live in Bamegat. James Spragg, father of the late Jeremiah Spragg, during the Revolution lived on the beach, by the inlet, in a liouse built Thomas Rogers, 44 niul after tho war he located on the farm a niih^ or so south of Barnegat, some- 1 iuies called the George Applegate place, aud subsequently owned by Messrs. Predmore and Bodine and others. James Spragg married a daughter of John Per- kins, the first settler at Sopers Landing, a mile or so above Barnegat. Perkins had been a soldier of the old French war ; he sold the place to Joseph Soper, an cestor of the Soper families at Barnegat, Waretown and elsewhere, and it is said he was buried near Soper's Landing. Two brothers named Stephen and John Conkliug, were early settlers in the vicin- ity of Barnegat, Stephen once owning the place on the northerly edge of the village, in late years owned by Capt. John M. Inman, deceased. The Inmans first located at Manahawken, and then members of the family branched off" to Barnegat. James Mills, ancestor of the Mills families, was boni in West Jersey, and before the Revolution, when a boy, oame to Forked River, and lived on the place subsequently owned by the late James Jones ; from thence Mr. Mills moved to Barnegat, where he lived to an advanced age. Mr. Mills remembered many incidents of Refugee raids in old Dover township, which then extended to Oyster Creek. A dwelling was built in 1793 by Wil- liam Cambura, along the main shore road, west side, by Camburn's brook, on the place owned during the late Rebel- lion by Captain Thomas Edwards, de- creased, William Camburn was a de- scendant of the Waretown early settler, and from him, it is said, the brook de- rives its name. The first permanent settlers at Barne- gat, as well as ut other jjlaces along- shore, appear not to have ijurchased titles of the proprietors until several years after they came. The first land taken uj} from the proprietors, it is said, was the tract of 500 acres, bought by Tim- •jthy Ridg^ay aud Levi Cranmer, Sep- tember 9th, 1759. of Oliver Delancey aud Henry Cuyler, Jr., agents for the proprietor, William Dockwra. This tract included the lot upon which the Quaker church is built, biit the main portion lay south-easterly. The land along shore was originally divided ofl' into two tracts of about a thousand acres, by John Reed, surveyor, and allotted in alternate divisions to the proprietors ; William Dockwra having for his portion a large part of the land on which stands the \411age ; next north came Robert Burnett's, and then Lord Neill Camp- bell's. Lochiel brook, between Barne- gat and Waretown, it is said, was named in compliment to Campbell's locality in Scotland. The first Cranmer family at Barnegat, lived in the tract iDurchased as above mentioned, and their dwelling was on or near the site of the one owned in modern times by Captain Isaac Soper and subse- quently by Captain John Russell. The Rackhow road was laid out by Peter Rackhow, a son of Daniel Rack- how, who once lived in the place now owned by Samuel Birdsall, Esq. , Ware- town. Rackhow, it is said, was a Dutch- man, who eventually changed his name to Richards ; he had two sons — Peter above named who was a reputable young man, and died quite young, and another who joined the Refugees, went off with them and was not heard of afterwards. KELIGIOT'S SOCIETIES. The first church built at Barnegat was the Quaker meeting house. The deed for the land on which it is situated, is dated June 11, 1770, and is from Timo- thy Ridgway and Levi Cranmer to Stephen Birdsall and Job Ridgway, of Barnegat, and Daniel Shrouds aud Joseph (Jauntt, of Tuckerton. The deed calls for one acre and half a quarter — consideration money, twenty shillings. The meeting house was then already built, as the deed calls for the beginning of the survey at a certain course and dis- tance " from the soutli-east coi'ner of the 45 meeting house." The Job Ridgway named in the deed, we presume, is the same person who died July 24, 1832, aged 89 years. The principal settlers of the place were Quakers, and, before their place of worship was erected, traveling ministers visited our shore, and occasionally held meetings at private houses. Among those who first preached at Bamegat, was the philanthropist, John Woolman, who was here in August, 1746, and again in 1765. After the house was built, among noted preachers who have record- ed their visits here in their published journals, may be mentioned Patience Brayton m 1772, Job Scott in 1785, and Ehzabeth Collins in 1807. The early Bamegat Quakers were regular in their attendance upon the monthly meetings of the society at Tuckerton. As an in- stance, the late John Collins, bom in 1776, for sixty years regularly attended the Egg Harbor monthly meetings, and his father before him was as regular in attendance, but probably not for so long a period. The second John Collins was among the most prominent and useful men of his day. In his early life, he was master of a vessel, and made his first trips out of old Cranberry Inlet ; but in his later years he settled down to the more con- genial business of farming. For sixty years he missed attending but two elec- tions, and probably no man was ever so often selected to fill township offices. His duties often called him to old Mon- mouth Court House, as Freehold once was usually called, where he was well known and respected. Mr. Collins had a remarkably retentive memory, and to him, more than to any other one man, is the writer indebted for valuable tradi- tionary information of olden times in Ocean county. He seemed to be a con- necting link between the past and pres- ent. The Presbyterians were among the early religious pioneers of the village, and about 1760 they commenced holding regular or occasional services. Among the first preachers were Rev. Messrs. Chesnut, Green, McKnight and John Brainerd. From a letter written by Rev. John Brainerd in 1761, it seems the Presbyterians held their meetings at the house of Mr. Rulon. The Presbyterian Society now at Bar- negat is of recent origin, having been or- ganized in February, 1876, with nine members. The first effort to introduce Episcopal- ianism in Bamegat, was by Rev. Thomas Thompson, between 1745 and 1750, which he mentions in his published account of missionary services in old Monmouth in those years. He made four trips to Bar- negat and Manahawken, and, after his return to Shrewsbury, he sent Christo- pher Robert Reynolds, a schoolmaster of his faith, to labor from house to house at Bamegat and Manahawken. Reynolds remained here one year, and then, ac- count of age and infirmity, he went back to Shrewsbury. The Methodist pioneers held regular or occasional services probably as far back as the Revolution. The first Meth- odist Society was organized in 1829, with the late Rev. Job Edwards as the first class leader and local preacher. Mr. Edwards' grandfather, James Edwards, who had been a soldier in the old French War, was one of the earliest and most earnest converts to Methodism along shore, and in more modem times the so- ciety in this section has had no more zealous, successful laborer than Rev. Job Edwards. "He still lives" in the cherished remembrance of his fellow- members, and in the evidences of his works in the cause of his Master. i INDUNS AT BARNEGAT. ' Long after the first whites settled at I Bamegat, Indians from West Jersey would frequently visit the place and re- ' main a part of the year. One called 4G Indian John, with his squaw, had a wig- wam near the northerly edge of the vil- lage, on the road to the Hamilton place, and another Indian, name not remem- bered, had a wigwam close by. The last and most noted Indians who visited Bar- negat were Charles Moluss or Moolis, and his wife Bathsheba or Bash as she was commonly called. They had their wig- wam on the place now owned by Cap- tain Timothy Falkinburg, a few hundred yards northwesterly of his residence, by the edge of Camburn's Brook. They had two papooses or childi-en, and Bash's sister, named Suke, was generally with them. Among the Quakers of Builing- tou coimty Bathsheba was considered as a kind of Indian queen, and Mrs. Leah Blackmau, in her sketches of Little Egg Hai'bor, says she was quite a favorite with the Quakers at Medford, and when she visited Tuckerton on her annual visit to the shore, she was not permitted to camp out with other Indians, but always invited to the dwelling of some one of the Little Egg Harbor Friends. Bathsheba belonged to the remnant of Indians who once lived at Edgepelick about three miles from Atsion, in Bur- lington County. At Bamegat, her hus- band, Indian Charles, made baskets to sell, and himself and family were on good terms with the whites. They probably left New Jersey with the remnant of their tribe in 1802. While the Quakers of Burlington viewed Bathsheba in the light of a Indian Queen, and she was probably superior to other Indian wo- men, the Bamegat traditions give no very romantic idea of her, as may be in- ferred from the unpoetic name of Bash, V)y which she was generally known. The late Uncle Eli CoUins, an aged citizen of Bamegat, informed the writer that one day when he was a young man he had been from home all day, and on his way back he stopped at Indian Charles' wig- wam. Bash was boiling something in a pot that sent forth an odor that was de- lightful to him, an he had enten nothing since morning ; he was invited to dine with them, and being very hungry he ac- cepted the invitation, but he speedily changed his mind when he found the savoury smelhng dish was hop-toad soup ! ! An old Bamegatter once tried to teach Indian Charles the names Shadrach, I Meschach and Abednego ; the words j were too much for him, but he replied ! "give me cider and to bed me go," which was as near as he cared to come to them. The remains of shell beds on the farm of James Mills, Esq. , and at other places show that the Indians at Bamegat, long before the whites came, caught shell fish in great quantities. Some of course were eaten here, but the principal object of the Indians appeared to be to prepare a quantity to take back with them ; this was generally done by roasting and then taking them out of the shell, stringing and drying them in the sun. On their journeys back to West Jersey, they some- times slung these strings around the neck to carry them conveniently ; when they were wanted for food they were often soaked and boiled. The appearance of the shells here in- dicate that the colored portions were taken out to be prepared as wampum, or Indian money, which was so much prized by the Indians that fifty years after the whites came to New Jersey a shot bag full of wampum was worth one-fourth more to the Indians than the same quan- tity of silver. MISCEIiliANEOUS ITEMS. The first inn or public house in Bame- gat was established in 1820 by David Ohphant, on the site of the present one at the comer of the main shore road and the road to the landing. The well-remembered old public house of Eli Colhns was occasionally patron- ized forty or fifty years ago by distin- guished visitors, among them the noted Prince Murat with quite a train of ser- vants. He was one of the most expert hunters of his day. Murat was a large. 47 powerful mau, and of remarkable powers of endurance — able to tire out almost any other hunter or gimner he met. He would make his head-quarters at Mr. Collins' inn, for his gunning expeditions on the bay, being generally gone about two weeks, during which time he would sleep in his boat, or camp on the beach, or on islands in the bay, and rough it in a manner surprising to our shore gun- ners, who had no idea a scion of royalty had so much physical endurance. Another celebrated personage who oc- casionally stopped here was Lieut., or Captain Hunter, of Aivarado fame. Once as he drove up, an hostler stepped out to attend to his horses and addressed him by name. Capt. Hunter was sur- prised to find himself addressed so famil- iarly by so humble a personage, and upon inquiry found that the hostler had once held some oflSce in the Navy, and been on a man of war with him up the Mediterranean, and while there had acted as Hunter's second in a duel. Hunter replied, " Proctor, I know you, but I don't know your clothes !" Proctor had considerable natural ability, but it was the old story, liquor sent him on the down grade. Frank Forrester (WiUiam Henry Herbert) the great authority and noted writer on field sports, was evi- dently well acquainted here, as his writ- ings show wonderful familiarity with this section. Uncle Eli Collins' house and the lower tavern once kept by David Church were old well-known headquarters for gunners from distant places. Speak- ing of gunners, reminds us of one who stopped once at the lower tavern with a fierce bull dog ; the landlord told the gunner to keep his dog away from a yard where he had a loon wounded in hifl wings, as the loon might hurt the dog. The idea of a loon or any other wild fowl hurting his bull dog amused the gunner, and he offered to bet fifty dollars that his dog would kill the bird. The landlord took the bet, the dog was let in, but in an instant the loon picked out the dog's eyes by suddenly darting his sharp bill in quick succession. Among the traditions handed down by old residents of Bamegat, is one relating to a man named Bennett, who lived on a strip of land called Bennett's Neck, in late years occupied by Solomon Burr, deceased, situated about a mile below the village on the road to Manahawken. It is said that Bennett was only an as- sumed name, and that when he was a youth he was bound apprentice to a sea- faring man who afterward joined the pi- rate Kidd in his cruises, and compelled his apprentice to go with him ; that when the pirates were captured, taken to Eng- land and tried, some were convicted and executed, but this apprentice was cleared because it was proved that he did not join the pirates from choice, but was compelled to do so by his master. After being liberated, wishing to lead an hon- est life where he was not known, became to America, and wandered down along shore to this place, where he erected a small habitation, and lived an honest life by himself until his death. A reference to the trial of Captain Kidd and his men shows that this tradition is not improba- ble. Captain Kidd was tried at the Old Bailey, London, in May, 1701, with some of his men — ten in all. They were all found guilty but three, named Robert Lumly, William Jenkins and Richard Barlicorn, who proved themselves ap- prentices, and that they were forced to go. It is not unreasonable to suppose one of these apprentices, disliking the odium attached to his name on account of the company he had been forced into, would abandon his countiy, and under an assumed name seek a retreat in some retired place like Bennett's Neck. Another ancient tradition relates to Jonas Tow, whose name has been men- tioned among the first settlers. His neighbors seemed to be suspicious of his character — some supposing him to be a counterfeiter, and others that he was or had been a pirate, but there was nothing 48 ever proved against liim. The reasoua giveu for these suspicions were that Tow had a shop on the place owned in late years by Samuel Leeds, in which he kept a curious, miscellaneous lot of articles, which some supposed could only have been obtained by a rover of the seas. This shop was separated from the house by a thick swamp, and as he would never allow any of his neighbors to visit it, they surmised he might be engaged in counterfeiting or other unlawful busi- ness. As before stated, nothing was ever proved against him ; but while he lived, and after his decease he was always spoken of as a suspicious character, and what added to the suspicions was the fact that the energetic measures against pi- rates generally before Tow came here, had caused them to disband, quit the sea and seek retreats where they were not known ; and as the pirates had known all the inlets on the Atlantic coast, it was possible that Tow had been a rover, and sought retreat here, bringing some of his miscellaneous plunder with him and probably burying the most valuable. During the Revohitionary war, parties of both Refugees and Patriots, as they traveled up and down shore, would stop at the houses of the Bamegat Quakers, and demand victuals ; but on the whole, the residents suffered less during the war than did those of any other place along shore, except perhaps West Creek. They had, however, but little reason to congratulate themselves on this score, as tkey suflfered enough after the war closed ; for then in time of peace, on ac- count of their conscientious scruples against militia training and paying fines for non-attendance, they were continually harassed by lawsuits, arrests, fines and executions, and imprisoned or property sold for non-compliance with militia laws. The once notoi-ious Esquire "Wil- liam Piatt, of old Dover township, bore no enviable name among the Quakers for his vexing them with suits on thi» account. During the Revolution, quite extensive salt works were carried on at Bamegat, on the meadows near the farm of Mr, : James Mills, by the Cranmers, Ridgways 1 and others. The usual plan to manu- I facture salt was to seek some place on I the salt meadows where no grass could ■ grow. By digging wells in these bare places, the water was found to be strong- ly impregnated with salt. The water from these wells or springs was put in large boilers with a kind of arched oven underneath, in which a fire was builtj; after most of the water was boiled away, ; the remainder, thick with salt, was poured j into baskets of sugar-loaf shape made to allow the water to drain out. One of I these curious-shaped baskets was pre- ! served, and in possession of the late ; Uncle Eli Collins as late as 1860. CAPTAIN WILLIAM TOM. In regard to the origin of the name Toms River we have two distinct tradi- tions ; one alleging that it was named after a somewhat noted Indian who once lived in the vicinity ; the other at' tributes it to a certain Captain William Tom who resided on the Delaware river over two hundred years ago, and who it is said penetrated through the wilderness to the seashore on an exploring expedi- tion, when he discovered the stream now known as Toms River ; upon his return he made such favorable representations of the land in its vicinity that persons were induced to oome here and settle, and these settlers named the stream after Capt. Tom, because he first brought it to the notice of the whites. Captain Tom lived many years before Indian Tom, and in view of the disagree- ment as to the origin of the name Toms River, some may be disposed to compro- mise by conceding that it originated with Captain Tom, and was perpetiaated by Indian Tom. Reserving the discussion of this question to another article, it seems an opportune time to pfive an outline of Oaptaiu Tom's life. It will be seen that 41) he was a coufidential officer of the Eng- lish army, and subsequently held various civil positions of trust, such as commis- sary, justice, judge, town clerk, keeper of official records, collector of laud rents, agent for lands, etc. , and that he stood high in the estimation of Governors Nichols, Audross and Lovelace, and of the Swedes, Dutch, English and Indians. Captain William Tom came to this country with the English expedition un- der Sir Robert Carre and Col. Richard Nicholls, which conquered the Dutch at New Amsterdam, (New York), August, 1664. Immediately after the English had taken formal possession of New York, two vessels, the "Guinea" and the " Wil- liam and Nicholas," under command of Sir Robert Carre, were dispatched to at- tach the Dutch settlements on the Dela- ware river. After a feeble resistance the Dutch surrendered about the first of Oc- tober of the same year (1864). Captain Tom accompanied this expedition, and that he rendered valuable service, there is evidence by an order issued by Gov. Nicholls, June 30, 1665, which states that for William Tom's "good services at Delaware," there shall be granted to him the lands of Peter Alricks, confiscat- ed for hostility to the English. Captain Tom remained in his majesty's service until August 27, 1668 ; during the last two years of this time he was commissary on the Delaware. He was discharged from his majesty's service on the ground, as is alleged, "of good behavior." In the early part of 1668, a servant of Mr. Tom's was killed by some evil disposed Indians, who it is said also killed one or more servants of Peter Alricks at the same time. The Indians generally were disposed to live on amicable terms with the whites, and these murders were the result, it would seem, of selling liquor to the Indians, the majority of whom seeing its evil effects requested the white au- thorities to prohibit the sale of it among them. The perpetrators of these out- fages were not apprehended ; and because this was not done, Gov. Lovelace attributes another murder two years later ; he severely censured the authori- ties, for too much remissness in not avenging the previous murder of Mr, Tom's servant, etc. On the 12 of August, 1669, Captain Tom was appointed collector of quit rents, which were imposed on all persons taking up land along the Delaware river on both sides. This office he held for three years, when he resigned. Its du- ties must have been of considerable re- sponsibility and labor, as it involved the necessity of visiting all places where set- tlers located, from the Capes of the Dela- ware to the Falls of the Delaware (Tren- ton.) While engaged in this business it is probable that as he traveled from place to place he made it a point to search for eligible places for new settlers to locate, and acted as agent for the sale of lands. At one time he acted as land agent for John Feuwick the noted Salem proprie- tor. We find that Captain Tom not only stood well in the estimation of Gov. Nicholls, but also in the opinion of his successor, Gov. Lovelace, who, at the suggestion of Captain T. , issued several orders relating to affairs on the Dela- ware. Aug. 12, 1669, Gov. Lovelace at request of Wm. Tom, grants certain special favors to Finns and others re- moving near New Castle, Del. By his order "permission on request of Mr. Tom" was granted to families from Maryland to settle in the same vicinity, " to the end that the said place may be inliabited and manured, it tending like- wise to the increase of inhabitants. " An order of the same date is preserved which allows William Tom to kill and mark all wild hogs in the woods near his land. In 1671, an extraordinary coimcil was convened in New York, on the occasion of the arrival of William Tom and Peter Alricks, just from the Delaware, with the particulars of the Indians murdering two Christians (Dutch) near Burliugtou. 50 These murders ■svere committed by two Indians who were known, and who re- sided at Suscunk, four miles east of Mat- iniconk or Burlington Island. Governor Lovelace, in a letter to Cajit. Tom, dated Oct. 6th, expresses great surprise at what he has learned from Mr. Tom in regard to these murders. This letter gives stringent orders to guard against e\'il- disposed Indians in the future, and from it we find that Burlington Island was then occupied as a kind of frontier mili- tary station. Gov, Lovelace recommends a good work about Matiniconk house (on Burlington Island) which, strengthened with a considerable guard, would make an admirable frontier. Vigoroiis efforts were made to secure these Indian mur- derers. The result is seen in the follow- ing letter written by Capt. Tom to Gov. Lovelace, Dec. 25, 1671. He says that ' ' about eleven days since, Peter Alricks came from New York, and the Indians desired to speak with us concerning the murders, whereupon they sent for me to Peter Kambo's, where coming they faith- fully promised to bring in the murderers, dead or alive ; whereuijon they sent out two Indians to the stoutest, to bring him in, not doubting easily to take the other, he being an Indian of little courage ; but the least Indian, getting knowledge of the design of the sachems, ran to ad- vise his fellow, and advised him to run or else they would both be killed, who answered that he was not ready, but in the morning would go with him to the Maquas, and advised him to go to the next house for fear of susiDicion, which he did ; and the two Indians coming to his house at night, the one being his great friend, he asked him if he would kill him, who answered 'No, but the sachems have ordered you to die ;' whereupon he demanded what his brothers said, and was answered ' They say the like, ' Then he, holding his hands before his eyes, said ' Kill me ;* whereupon the Indian that comes with Cocker, shot him with two bullets in the breast, and gave him two or three cuts with a bill on the head, and brought him down to Wicaco, from whence we shall carry him to-morrow to New Castle, there to hang him in chains. For this, we gave to the sachems, five watch-coats, which Mr. Alricks paid them. When the other Indian heard the shot in the night, naked as he was, he ran into the woods ; but this sachem promised to bring the other alive, for which we promised him three watch- coats. The sachems brought a good many of their young men with them, and there before us they openly told them ' now they saw a begiuniug, and all that did the like, should be served in the same manner.' They joromised if any other murders were committed, to bring in the murderers. How to believe them we knew not, but the sachems seem to desire no war." What official position Capt. Tom held in these transactions is uncertain, but he appears to have been more relied upon than any other man to settle difficulties at this time. In 1673, Capt. Tom was appointed one of four appraisers to set a value on Tini- cum Island in the Delaware. In 167-i, he was appointed secretary or clark for the town of New Castle, and he appears to have had charge of the public records for several years. In 1673, the Dutch regained their power in New York, New Jersey and Delaware, biit retainfd it on- ly a few months ; after they were again displaced in 1674, Gov. Andross appoint- ed Capts. Cantwell and Tom to ' ' take possession for the King's use, of the fort at New Castle, with the public stores. They were authorized to pro\-ide for the settlement and repose of the inhabitants at New Castle, Whorekills (Lewes) and other places. " In 1675, some settlers complained against Capt. Tom for molesting them in the enjoyment of meadow land adjoining their plantations. The settlers probably supposed because they owned uplands, they should also have the use of meadow 51 land without paying for the same. The Governor ordered a compromise. In 1676, he -was appointed one of the Jus- tices of the Peace and a Judge of the Court. He sat as one of the Judges in an important suit, in which the defend- ant was John Fenwick, the Salem Pro- prietor. Judgment was given against Fenwick, and a warrant issued to take him dead or alive. Fenwick, finding it useless to resist, gave himself up, and was sent prisoner to New York. Capt. Tom was reappointed Justice and Judge in 1677. Toward the latter part of this year, complaint was made that the town records of New Castle were in confusion, and Mr. Tom was ordered to arrange and attest them. It is not im- probable that ill health prevented him from completing this task, as we find his death announced January 12, 1678, coupled with the simple remark that his papers were in confusion. From the foregoing and other facts that are preserved, it would appear that William Tom was about the most promi- nent, useful and trustworthy man among the early settlers in South Jersey, from the coming of the English until his death just two hundred years ago, and that his varied duties w^ere performed to the sat- isfaction of English, Dutch, Swedes and Indians ; and we may safely infer that he did as much, if not more, than any othsr man in his day towards ' ' the set- tlement and repose of the inhabitants. " And it is no discredit to Toms Eiver to be named after such a man. THE HOLMES FAMILY. The Holmes family of Ocean county are descended from Kev. Obadiah Holmes, so favorably remembered in the annals of the Baptist Church in America. He was born at Manchester in Lanca- shire, England, in 1606 ; married in 1636 to Catharine ; and came from Pres- ton, Lancashire, to Salem, Mass., in 1639. For his zeal in preaching Baptist doctrines, he was sentenced by the Puri- tans of New England to pay a fine of £30 or be publicly whipped. Although abundantly able to pay the fine, he re- fused to do so, as he deemed it would be an acknowledgment of error, and he chose rather to suffer than to "deny his Lord." In September, 1651, he was publicly and severely whipped at Boston "with a three-corded whip, thirty strokes." Eev. Obadiah Holmes was one of the original patentees of old Monmouth, al- though it is believed he never resided here ; but his son Jonathan Holmes be- came a resident, and in 1668 was a mem- ber of the Assembly. Subsequently he returned to the family homestead at Middletown, K. I., having settled his two sons, Jonathan and Obadiah, upon his lands in Middletown, N. J., which, in 1713, he bequeathed to them. These two sons were among the pioneers of the Baptist faith in New Jersey. This son Obadiah had a son named Jonathan who died about 1766, and this Jonathan's son John is supposed to be the John Holmes who lived at the upper mill at Forked Eiver, during the Eevolution. This John Holmes married Catharine Potter, and they had children — William, John, Huldah, Katy, Polly and Sally. Huldah married Esquire Daniel Williams, and the Williams families near Goodluck are their children or descendants. The last named John Holmes (the second in Ocean county) married Catharine Lane, and their children were Joseph, William, Jacob, Stephen, Alice, and jjerhaps oth- ers. William, Jacob and Ste2Dhen went west. Alice first married Daniel Cono- ver, and afterwards Daniel P, Pierson, and left children by both husbands. Capt. Joseph Holmes married Anna Stout, daughter of Daniel Stout, a hero of the Eevolution, and their children and descendants, we believe, are the only ones now bearing the name of Holmes in this vicinity. Their ancestry may thus be traced back : Joseph, son of John, 52 who was the sou of Johu, sou of Jona- than, son of Obacliah, son of Jonathan, sou of Rev. Obadiah Holmes, born in Lancashire, EngLaud, 1 606. This carries the line back, in an unbroken chain, over 270 years. The recurrence of given names in dif- ferent generations is noticeable in the genealogy of the Holmes family. There have been several Josephs, Johns, Hul- dahs, Catharines and Alices (or Elsie as it was sometimes called), and an Alice Holmes last century married a Daniel Conover, as did an Alice Holmes this cen- tury. Much trouble has been taken by one or two persons to collect the genealogy of this family from the time of Rev. Oba- diah Holmes down, and the writer is un- der obligations to Rev. Mr. Schenck, of Marlborough, for a complete genealogi- cal chart of the family in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and old Monmouth. The founder of the family, Rev. Oba- diah Holmes "of precious memory," died at Newport, R. I., in 1682. The Somerset counties. In No, 29 of a series of articles headed "Historical Notes," published in 1876, in the New Bninswick Fredonian, is a notice of the descendants of Mr. Gulick in that section, which states that his grandson Joachim had sons Abram, William, John, Joachim, Jabobus and Peter, and three daughters. The Ocean county Gulicks descend from Jacobus, who at one time lived at Pleas- ant Plains and then removed to Rhode Hall, where he kept the main hotel and stage house between New York and Phil- adelphia. He had children Joachim, Cornelius, Abram (or Brom, as the Dutch called it,) John, Jacobus and Isaac. The last named, Isaac, who settled at Toms River in 1794, married Abigail Hatfield, a widow with one child by her fijrst mar- riage. Her maiden name was Van Deven- ter. Her son, named John Hatfield, on his arrival at manhood, followed the coasting trade from Toms River, and was lost with all his crew in a severe snow I storm, Dec. 13th, 1811. He was a young 1 man of much promise, and his loss was township of Holmdel, in Monmouth greatly regretted by all his acquaint- county, is named for him. ; auces. From him, John Hatfield Gu- lick, late Surrogate, derives his name. Isaac Gulick and Abigail his wife had THE GULICK FAMILY. , g^^ ^^^^^ ^j^ . james, Stephen, Abner, The Gulick family are descended from | William and Nimrod. Of these, Stephen Joachim Gulick, who came to this coun- 1 is the only survivor, being over eighty try in 1653, and settled first at Graves- years of age*. Abner and William mar- end, Long Island, where we find his ried, removed to Ohio and died there, name in 1656, with the Tiltons, Still- j leaving families. Nimrod moved to wells, Stouts, Bowues, Applegates and ; Tuckahoe, N. J. , and died there, leavuig others Avho subsequently settled in old a family. James Gulick, who was the Monmouth county. The first time the first Judge appointed in Ocean county, English recorded his name, they seemed was born near Cranbury, Middlesex at a loss to know how to spell it, and so ^ county, Jan. 9, 1793, the year before hie wrote it " Joachim Guylock. " Mr. Gu- father moved to Toms River, and died lick, it is said, took the oath of allegiance July 7, 1855. He had five sons, of whom in 1687, and moved to Six Mile Run, John H., Sidney and Henry C. still sur- near New Brunswick, N. J. , previous to vive. His sop Horatio, who died about 1717, and he subsequently owned 330 a dozen years ago, was one of the first acres of land lying on both sides of Ten Collectors of the county. Stephen Gu- Mile Run Brook. His descendants ap- lick married Deborah Page, and they Ijear to have settled near and on both had two daughters, both living. One sides of the line between IMiddlesex and married Captain William Jeflfrey, and the 63 other Theodore McKeau, now living in Utah. A tradition handed down among the old members of the Guhck family says that two brothers (probably Joachim and Hendricks) came from the Netherlands together, and that the name Gulick is derived from the town from whence they came. Most of the old members of the Gulick family were men of stout, almost gigan- tic frames, and possessed of extraordinary powers of endurance. They were noted for their patriotism in the Kevolution. Isaac was then too young to serve, but his brothers were in the ai-my, and among them and other GuUcks in tlie State troops were three Abrams, Cornelius, Benjamin, James, John, Peter and Joa- chim. The last named, a brother of Isaac, was noted for deeds of daring dur- ing the war, in which he was a captain. He was a man of giant frame and Hercu- lean powers. At one time he was sta- tioned below New Brunswick to watch the movements of the enemy, who were expected to come up the river by water. While on one of its banks a few miles be- low the city, the British came in sight, and commenced iiring on the party, who were compelled to retreat up a steep hill. When partly up, the Captain heard a C17 of distress, and, looking towards the place whence it came, saw one of his men lying on the ground, wounded and helpless. He immediately ran back, took the man on his shoulders, and took up in safety amidst a shower of bullets and the cheers of his men. The original Gulick tract near Ten Mile Run is now divided into three tracts or farms, two of which are now owned by William Cannon, and the other by Simon H. Nevins. THE EDWARDS FAMILY. The Edwards family, in the southern pari of Ocean county, with branches elsewhere, are descended from James Edwards, who was with General Brad- dock at the time of his disastrous defeat in the old French war. After that war he first settled in Pennsylvania, and then removed to Little Egg Harbor, and from thence to Barnegat. Here he frequent- ly described to his neighbors the partic- ulars of Braddock's defeat, and he always positively asserted that Braddock was killed by one of his own men, who thought that he was uselessly sacrificing the lives of his soldiers. His statements have subsequently been fully corrobor- ated, and the following particulars are derived from Virginia and Pennsylvania local histories : " Gen. Braddock was shot by one of his own men, named Tom Fawcett, who lived to quite an advanced age near Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa. In the presence of friends, Fawcett did not hesitate to avow that he shot Braddock. Fawcett was a man of gigantic frame, of uncivilized, half savage loropensities, and spent most of his later years among the mountains as a hermit, living on the game he killed. He would occasionally come into town and get drunk. Some- times he would repel inquiries into the affair of Braddock's death, putting his fingers to his lips and uttering a sort of buzzing sound ; at other times he would burst into tears and appear greatly agi- tated by conflicting jjassions. In spite of Braddock's silly order that his troops should not protect themselves behind trees from the murderous fire of the Indians, Joseph Fawcett, brother of Tom, had taken such a position, when Braddock rode up in a passion and struck him down with his sword. Tom, who was but a short distance from his brother, saw the whole transaction and imme- diately drew up his rifle and shot Brad- dock through the lungs, partly for re- venge for the outrage upon his brother, and partly, as ho alleged, to get the Gen- eral out of the way and thus save the re- mainder of the gallant band who had been sacrificed to his obstinacy and want of experience in frontier warfare." 54 Mrs, Leali Blackmail, in her Egg Harbor Sketches, states that James Ed- wai'ds was wounded in the battle, receiv- ing a musket ball in his leg, which he carried to his grave, and she adds that " he lived to an advanced age and was burried in the Methodist Church Yard at Tuckerton. He was also a soldier in the Kevolutionary War, and fought un- der Washington, whom he loved 'W'ith an undying love. One of his grand- daughters told me that when the angel Death was hovering over him, one of his daughters who stood at his bedside, asked him if he knew he was dying, and he replied, ' O yes, I shall soon be with Jesus where I shall meet my dear old Gen- eral Washington.' His daughter asked him if he believed that wan-iors like General Washington inherited the King- dom of Heaven ; he answered ' Yes, I believe that Washington is a bright star in the regions of glory.' Soon after this his spirit took its flight to the spirit world." James Edwards was one of the first, probably the first, adherent of the prin- ciples of Methodism at Barnegat and vicinity, and continued to his death a strict, faithful member of the Society. His two sons, James and Thomas, do not appear to have united with any religious society, but both encouraged religious efforts by clergymen of different denom- inations ; James especially entertaiaed preachers of all denominations. Among his frequent visitors was Kev. Mr. Jayne a Baptist preacher, father of Dr. Jayne, of Philadelphia, noted for jiopular med- icines. James Edwards, the first, married Elizabeth Hedden ; their children were Zophar, Thomas, James, George, Debo- rah, Elizabeth, Amy, Prudence, and Katurah. Zophar and George both fol- lowed the sea ; George was taken sick and returned to h^ home and died un- married ; Zopliar contiuuetl in the same employment, but when and where he ! ended his days were uulniowu to his relatives. I Thomas Edwards married Phebe Corn- stock, of Elizabethtown, N, J., and their children were George, Samuel, Thomas, i Richard, Mary, and Ann Eliza ; the last two died unmarried ; George married Hannah Mills, Samuel married Thursa Hedden, Richard married Jemima Hed- den, and Thomas married a Miss Clayton of Freehold. Captains Nelson and Mills Edwards, and Mrs. iMary A. Pred- more, wife of Capt. John Predmore, Sr., and Phebe, ^vife of Captain John Inman, are children of George and Hannah Edwards. Samuel and Thursa Edwards had chil- dren, Thomas, Samuel and Phebe Ann, who married Jonathan Lawi'ence ; the the last named Thomas, made a noble record during the late Rebellion as an officer of the Na\'y. James Edwards, 2ud, married Sojjhia Ridgway of Barnegat ; they had six sons who grew to manhood, viz., Clayton, Gidion, Jesse, Job, James, and Noah. The three first never married ; Job mar- ried, first Nancy Slaght, and second Susannah Haywood ; James, 3d, married Serena Craumer, daughter of Isaiah Cranmer of Manahawken ; Noah, the well-known Methodist minister, married first Hannah Downs, daughter of Isaac Downs of TuCkerton, second Phebe Ann Hartshorne. Of the children of James Edwards, 2d, the only survivors now are James Edwards, 3d, merchant, Waretown, and Rev. Noah. Job, who may be considered the founder of the present Methodist Society at Barnegat, served the county in the Legislature, two terms. Deborah EdAvards, daughter of the first James, married Thomas Collins of Barnegat. Elizabeth, daughter of the first James, married ]5arzilla Matins of Egg Harbor. Amy, daughter of the first James, married Stephen Shourds of Tuckerton. 55 Prntlence, daugliter of the first James, married Phineas Burton of Egg Harbor. Katurah, daughter of the first James, married Richard McChire. The daughters of James Edwards, 1st, have numerous descendants along shore and elsewhere ; the names of their chil- dren living in Egg Harbor were given by Mrs. Blackman in her sketches of that vicinity, published in the New Jersey CouEiEK several years ago. The religious princii^les of the Society, of which the first James Edwards was the earliest adherent we have found in Ocean county, have an able representa- tive in a descendant in the fourth gener- ation. Rev. James T. Edwards, D. D., at present principal of the Chamberlain Institute, a flourishing and well endowed institution of learning at Randolph, N. Y. Prof. Edwards is son of the late Rev. Job Edwards, and though com- paratively young, his career has been singularly active and useful ; besides being a successful educator, he served honorably as an officer in the army dur- ing the late Rebellion, was a leading member of the Rhode Island State Senate, and as an able and eloquent minis- ter of the Gospel he was awarded the degree of D. D., at an unusually early age. CAPTAIN THOMAS EDWARDS. Captain Edwards entered the U. S. Navy as Acting-Master, Oct. 22, 1861, and was assigned to duty on the favorite man-of-war, Oneida, and while on her, served under the then Captains, but sub- sequently Rear-Admirals, Bailey, S. P. Lee and Preble. He was in many hotly contested, memorable engagements, among which w^ere the battles of Port Royal, Forts St. Philip and Jackson, the taldng of New Orleans, the battle of Vicksbiirg and other engagements on the Mississippi river, and also at the cap- ture of Fort Morgan and the taking of Mobile. When the Oneida and Varuna j were in the thickest of the fight in the [ most terrific combat probably known in naval warfare, in the passage of the forts ' below New Orleans, under fii-e of the forts, running the gauntlet of fire-ships and rafts to the barriers across the river, and that obstacle overcome by Union daring and ingenuity, there among and thi-ough the swarm of rebel irou-clads and gun-boats, Capt. Edwards was among the most active and fearless in his line of duty, repeatedly narrowly escaping death, as when in one instance being for a moment called from the battery of which he had charge, the officer who stepped into his place was instantly killed with several men near him. When the first rebel vessel surrendered, he was detailed to receive the rebel commander's sword. After the taking of New Orleans, he was ordered on board the U. S. S. Stockdale to take command of her and the naval force, consisting of four or five ves- sels on Lake Ponchar train, to prevent contraband trade. While in the Stock- dale, he received his promotion for merit- orious service, to the rank of Lieutenant (Acting Volunteer), April 12, 1864, and well had he earned it, for he had been over three years attached to the Gulf Squadron, being longer on continuous duty than any other officer, all the rest having been detached, killed, dismissed or sent home. It required his utmost vigilance to check the continital attempts to carry on the contraband trade, and hence his duties were not at all monot- onous ; in addition to which, he was fre- quently called upon to relieve suflering among the rebel families living in the adjacent districts. In a letter to the writer of this, dated April, 1864, he says : ' ' The rebels in the district along the lake are in a most terrible state of desti- tution — their subsistence being nothing but corn bread (and very httle of that), and no clothing to be had. I have had ladies who, three years ago, were living in luxury and wealthy in negro and other property, come on board my ship, and 56 beg for a few pouuds of pork to keep them from starvation, and they declared tliey had not tasted meat of any kind for months ; they would also beg me to pro- cure for them a few yards of calico for the commonest dresses. It is impossible to describe their distressed condition. If any produce is raised, the Confederate soldiers seize it, and many come to take the oath of allegiance merely to keep from starving." His letters describing the different bat- tles which he witnessed, written immedi- ately after they occurred, are graphic ac- counts of events which have passed into history. But it was evident, from some of his letters, that the brightest day to him, during his long, excitkig labors, was the one towards the close, when he had the pleasure of welcoming his wife on board his ship, for with our brave men on land and sea there were times when thoughts of home and loved ones overpowered all other feelings, as when one time both armies lay encamped near each other, and tlie Eebel band to taunt the Union men struck up Dixie. It was at once re- sponded to by the Star Spangled Banner. Then the rebels replied with the Bonny Blue Flag, which aroused vindictive feel- ings among our troops, and their band responded with Eally 'Bound the Flag. By this time, the rival tunes had stirred up warlike feelings on both sides, both parties felt the taunts intended, and both were stirred eager for strife ; but sud- denly, in the evening air, another band struck up Home, Sweet Home, and it was wonderful how quick that tune soothed down angi-y passions on both sides, recalling loveins in the woods and caves in the banks by the headwaters of Cedar Creek, Forked River and other streams, which they used as temporary resting places as they passed up and down the shore. A principal one of Bacon's was near Frank's crossway, above the upper mill on Forked River. Several events in which he was en- gaged havffbeen described in notices of Forked River, Manahawkeu and Toms River. The following are tlie principal additional atiairs in which he was con- cerned : rLUNDERINC4 OF JOSEPH SOPER. Among other zealous Americans for whom Bacon had a strong antipathy was Joseph Soper, who lived at Soper'a Landing, between Waretown and Barnc gat. His attentions to Soper were so frequent and threatening that he had often to seek refuge, and sleep in the swamps along Lochiel Brook, and some- times at the place in that vicinity in late 59 years owned by James Letts, deceased. At this time there lived at Waretown an Englishman, known as Bill "Wilson, who pretended neutrality but who really acted as a spy for Bacon. Mr. Soper was a vessel builder, and at one time he had received pay for building a small vessel. Wilson accidentally witnessed his receiving the money, but did not know the amount. After he left, Mr. Soper suspected that he would inform Bacon, and so he divided his money into two parcels, a small amount in one and a large amount iu the other, and then buried both in separate places, not far from the house. Sure enough, iu a very short time. Bacon and his men \dsited the house, piloted by a man with a black silk handkerchief over his face that he might not be recognized. This man Avas be- lieved to be Wilson, though eflforts were made subsequently to induce the Sopers to think it was another man, then li\T[ng near Waretown. Mr. Soper n.t this time had taken refuge iu the swamp, and the house was occupied only by women and chikli-en. "N^Tien the llef- ugees entered they at once began be- having rudely and boisterously, flourish- ing their weapons iu a menacing manner, pushing their bayonets in the ceiling, and doing other things to frighten the wo- men. Their threats compelled the wo- men to lead them into the garden, to the Hpot where the smallest sum of money was buried ; when they received it they seemed to be satisfied, thinking it was all they had ; they then returned to the house and made a clean sweep, as they had several times before, of provisions, clothing and such other articles as they <;ould carry. Among other articles taken by Bacon at this time, was one of Mr. Soper's shii-ts, which afterwards served for a winding sheet for Bacon, as he was sTibsequently killed and buried with it on. Bill Wilson could never be fairly con\-icted of actual complicity with the Refugees, in overt acts, yet all who knew him were convinced that he was a spy of Bacon's. It was alleged that he was with the Refugees in their raid on the Holmes and Prices at Goodluck. After the war closed he remained for some years in the vicinity of Waretown ; but he foiand it a very uncomfortable place for him to live, for occasionally some zealous Whig, who had occasion to hate the Refugees, would take him in hand on very slight pretexts and administer off-hand justice. At one time, at Lochiel Brook, Hezekiah Soiier, sou of Joseph, gave Wilson a severe thrashing and then nearly drowned him in the brook for alleged participation in the murder of Reuben Soper, a brother of Hezekiah's. Wilson, finding Ware^ town did not agree with him, at length moved over to the North Beaoh, above the Inlet, where he hved a lonely life until his death, which occurred between sixty and seventy years ago. Two or three old residents arc still living who remember seeing him when he came oflf to Forked River to procure supplies. mt;rder of eeuben sopek. massacre OF SLEEPING MEN ON liONG BEACH. This was the most important affair in which Bacon was engaged. The inhuman massacre of sleeping men was in keeping with the memorable affair at Chesnut Neck, below Tuckerton, when Count Pulaski's guards were murdered by British and Refugees. This massacre took place on Long Beach, about a mile south of the light-house, at a spot once known as '* the lower end of the cedars." At this place we think more men were killed than in any other action during the war in our county — one account stating that twenty were killed or wounded, most of them belonging to Capt. Steelman's comj)auy, from Atlantic county, who were doing coast guard duty. A Tory paper, published at the time, gives the following version of the affair : " A cutter from Ostend, botmd to St, Thomas, ran aground on Barnegat shoals, October 25, 1782. The American galley Alligator, Captain Steelman, from Cape 00 Ma J, with tweuty-five nu-n, pluudorecl her ou Saturday night List, of a quautity of Hyson tea and other vahiable articles, but was attacked the same night by Cap- tain John Bacon with nine men, in a small boat called the Hero's Eeveuge, Avho killed Steelman and wounded the first lieutenant, and all the party excejjt ! four or five were either killed or wound- ed." In this account the number of Steel- man's men is doubtless overestimated, and Bacon's underestimated. When the cutter was stranded ou the shoals, word was sent across the bay to the main land for help to aid in saviug the cargo, in consequence of which, a party of men, among whom were Joseph Soper and two of his sons, Reuben and Hezekiah, pro- ceeded to the beach to render what as- sistance they could. The party worked hard while thei-e to get the goods through the surf ou the beach. At night they were tired and wet, and built fires, around which they meant to sleep. It is sup- posed that as soon as they Avere all asleep that Bill Wilson, who was there, arose uji , ^h'h'> S^^ ^ '^^'ii^ and rowed off to the niaijiland to inform Bacon how matters stood. Bac^ju and his party huriitd over to the beach, and arrived just beforii' day- break at the spot where the men were sleeping, and immediately commenced firing on them as they lay on the ground. (-)f (!Ourse the xVmericans were taken l)y Buqjrise, and had no opportunity of de- fending themselv( s. Among those shot, was Keuben Soper, one of the sons of Joseph Soper. He was mortally wound- ed, and died during the day, in the boat, on his passage towards home in c.u-e of his father and brother. Fortunately for his father ami others of the jjarty from the mainland, they had risen before Bacon's arrival and gone some distance down the beach in search of water, and they remained at a safe distance, being unarmed, until Bacon's departure, which »nist have been very early iu the day. Bacon's chief object appears to have been the surprise and destruction of Captain Steelman's command. He knew it would not have been safe for him to remain many hours on the beach, as the miHtia from the main were on the look- out for him. Reuben Soper, who was killed, was a mari-ied man with two or three children ; his widow removed to the vicinity of Bass River, in Burlington, w^here his de- scendants now live. At the time of his death he was a member of Caj^taia Ran- dolph's Staflbrd militia company. Some interesting relics of the Sopc r family are still preserved by descendants, as will be seen by the following extract of a letter from AVm. P. Haywood, Esq., of West Creek, dated Oct. 1866 : " The wife of Geo. W. Lippencott, of Tuckerton, N. J., is a grand-daughter of Reuben Soper, who was murdered by the Refugees on Long Beach. While at her residence I was sliowu a quaint look- ing pocketbock, full of ohl Avritiugs that belonged to her grandfather, which has sacredly been kept until the present time. Among other v.ritings of interest was a marriage certificate which I give II rliatiiii ct lilci'dliiii : " New Jersey, } Monmouth Co. s These Ijjies sertii'y that Reubin Soper was Maryed to Marv Mathis on the 22nd day of May, 1779, By me. Jess:: Halsey. justice. Witness present, Richard Brown, Letislie Brown."' Mr?. Li])pencott's father, Reub^ni Soper, (2dj had seven children ; five are still living. A son, Reuben, was wound- ed in the late Rebellion, and «lied three weeks after in Saterlee hospital. Among other wi'itings in the pocket- book was an order from Reuben's son Joseph, requesting the return of five crowns in money, deposited witlj some one for safe keeping, while his fath- er was on board the cutter. This order was written shortly after his father's murder. One of the papers Avas Gl personally iuterostiug to me, us it liud, :imong other uames, that of my fatlier, Joel Haywood, as a pupil to Eeubeu Soper, Jr. This paper was Jateil Mana- hawken, 180(S. Most of the scholars, as well as the teacher, have passed to a higher school." This letter of Mr. Hay- wood's gives auother instance of heredi- tary patriotism — a descendant of Reuben Soper, and named for him, having also lost his life in his country's service. bacon's i.ast ketreat. The next aifair in which Bacon was concerned, was the skirmish at Cedar Creek, Dec. 27, 1782, which has been described in speaking of the Refugees at Forked River and Cedar Creek. This afi'iir seemed to have caused the Refu- gees to scatter, most of them probably getting to New York and from thence to Nova Scotia or Bermuda ; but with un- accountable foolhardiness, Bacon re- mained behind until the following spring. About the last of March, 1783, a vessel was wrecked on Long Beach, oj^posite West Creek, and to the surj^rise of those on the beach, Bacon made his ajipear- anee among them, and endeavored to make himself conspicuous by giving or- ders to the wreckers, some of whom, knoAving him, determined to take him prisoner that night. Their jjlan was heard by a girl Csubsequently the mother "f the late Sylvester Birdsall, of Barne- gat) who informed Bacon, and he quietly slipped away, got over to the mainland, and proceeded to the house of Wm. Rose, situated just over the Ocean county lino in Burlington, about a half mile below West Creek, Rose's wife, generally called "Mother " Rose, was known to be friendly to Bacon, and the very night he arrived there he was surprised and kUled by a party under Captain John Stewart, guided liy a man named Thomas Smith, who had vrorked in the neighborhood, and was intimately acquainted with the locality. The most reliable account of Bacon's death is found in a paper fur- 'nished to the New Jersey Historical So- 'ciety, in 184G, by ex-Governor George r. Fort, of New Egypt, the substance of which we give below. Gov. Fort de- rived his information from a son of Capt. Stewart. DEATH Ol" BACON". " John Bacon was a rotorious Refu- gee who had committed many depreda- tions along the shores of Monmouth ( which then included Ocean) and Bur- lington counties. After ha-ving been a terror to the people of this section for some time, John Stewart (afterwards Capt. Stewart) of Arneytown, resolved, if possible, to take him. There liad been a reward of £50 sterling offered by the Governor and Council for his capture, dead or alive. A short time previous to this, in an engagement at Cedar Creek, Bacon and his company had discomfited a considerable body of State troops, kUliug William Cook, Jr. , a brother of Joel Cook, of Cook's Mills, now Cooks- town in Burlington county, which ex- cited much alarm and exasperated the whole country. On the occasion of his arrest, Captain Stewart took witli him Joel Cook, John Brown, Thomas Smith, John Jones, and auother person whose name is not recollected, and started in pursuit, well armed. They traversed the shore, and found Bacon separated from his men at the public house or cab- in of William Rose, between West Creek and Clamtown (now Tnckerton), in Bur- lington county. The night was verj- dark, and Smith l)eing m advance of tlie party, approached the house, and dis- covered through the window a man sitting vdth a gun between his knees. He im- mediately informed his companions. On arriving at the house, Captain Stewart opened the door, and presenting his musket demanded a surrender. Tlie fellow sprang to his feet, and cocking his gun was in the act of bringing it round to the breast of Stewart, when the lat- ter, instead of discharging his piece. 62 closed iu with Jiim aucl succeeded after a scuffle iu briugiug liim to the iloor. He theu avowed liimself to be Johu Bacou, aud asked for quarter, which was at once readily granted to him hj Stewart. They arose from the floor, aud Stewart (still retaiuiug his hold on Bacou) called to Cook, who, when he discovered the sup- posed murderer of his brother, became exasperated, and stepping back gave Bacou a bayonet thrust unknown to Stewart or his companions. Bacon ap- peared fidnt and fell. After a short time he recovered, aud attempted to escape by the back door. Stewart pushed a table agaiust it. Bacon hurled it away, struck Stewart to the floor, o]>ened the door, and again attemiJted to pass out ; but was shot by Stewart (who had re- gained his feet) while in the act. The ball passed through his body, through a pai't of the Viuilding, and struck the breast of Cook, who had taken a position at the back door to prevent egress. Cook's companions were ignoi-aut of the fact that he had given Bacou the bayonet wound, and would scarcely credit him when he so informed them on their way home. They examined Bacon's body at Mount Miseiy, aud the wounds made by Vioth bayonet and ball were obvious. They brought his dead Ijody to Jacobs- town, Burlington county, and were in the act of burying it in the public high- way, near the village, iu the i)resence of many citizens Avho had collected (m the occasion, when Bacon's brother ajjpeared among them and after much entreaty succeeded in obtaining his body for ])ri- vate burial." This affair took i)lace on Thui'sday evening, April .'Jd, 178:?. As there have l)een some disputes in traditionary accounts as to the exact manner of Bacon's death, we have been at much trouble to get at tlu^ truth. Some old residents of tlie vicinity wliere he was killed are positive that ho was shot down after asking for quarter. They sny that Captain Stewart's party sudden- ly opened the door and pointed a musket at Bacon, wht) instantly rose up and held I a table before him and begged for quar- , ter, but the musket was fired, and the ball went through the table and killed him. But after much patient investiga- tion and inquiry we believe this story is untrue, and that the correct version is about as Governor Fort has given it. , We are soriy to add, however, that the ' party treated the body with unjustifia- ble indignity. As soon as Bacon was killed his body was thrown into a wagon with his head over the tail-board, and the party drove for home that same night. Young Cook seemed qiiite "car- ried away " to think he had avenged his brother's death, and at the inns at Man- ahawkeu and Mount Misery, insisted on treating Bacou with liquor, fastening oi^en his mouth while he poured liquor into it. The descendants of British sympathisers have charged the party with much cruelty, but the only founda- tions are the indignities offered to his body ; and even there we can find some Ijalliation for it, when we consider tlie excitement, bordering on frenzy, of young Cook. In addition to what has been quoted from Governor Fort regarding Bacou's burial, we have heard it stated that in accordance witli an ancient custld gentleman was Thomas Potter. Mr, IMurray says he was astonished to see so much genume politeness and hospitality under so rough an exterior, but his astonishment was greatly increased on his return. The old man's room was prepared, his fire blight and his heart opened. " Come," said he, "ray friend, I am glad you have returned, I have longed to see you, I liave been expecting you a long time." Expecting him ! Mr. Murray was amazed, and asked what he meant. Mr. Potter replied, "I must answer in my own way. I am a poor ignorant man, and know neither how to read or write ; 1 was born in these woods, and worked on these grounds until I became a man, when I went on coasting voyages from here to New York ; I was then about get- ting married, but in going to New York once I was pressed on board of a man-of- war and taken in Admiral Warren's ship to Cape Bi'eton. I never di'ank any rum, so they saved my allowance ; bnti would [ not bear an affront, so if any of the of- ' ficers struck me I struck them again, I but the admiral took my part and called me his ucw-liglit man. ^\^len I reached Louisburg, I ran away, and traveled barefooted through the country and al- most naked to New York, where I was i known and supplied with clothes and , money, and soon returned home, where I found my gu'l married. This rendered me unhappy, but I recovered my tran- quility and married her sister. I settled down to work, and got forward quite fast, I constructed a saw-mill, and possessed my- self of this farm and five hundred acres 1 of adjoining land, I entered into navi- gation, own a sloop, and have now got together a fair estate, I am, as I said, unable to read or write, but I am capable of reflection ; the sacred Scriptures have ! been often read to me, from which I I gathered that there is a great and good Being who has preserved and protected me through innumerable dangers, and to whom we are all indebted for all we en- joy ; and as He has given me a house of my own I conceived I could do no less thau to open it to the stranger, let him I be who he would ; and especially if a traveling minister passed this way he al- ways received an invitation to put up at my house and hold his meetings here. "1 continued in this i)ractice for more tliau seven years, and illiterate as I was I used to converse with them, and was ■ fond of asking them questions. They pronounced me an odd mortal, declaring I themselves at a loss what to make of mo; while I continued to afiirm that I had but one hope ; I believed that Jesus suf- fered deatli for my transgressions, and this alone was sufiicient for me. At length i my wife grew wearj' of having meetings held in her house, and I determined to build a house for the worship of God. I 65 had uo cbildreu, and I kuew that I was beholden to Almighty God for everything which I possessed, and it seemed right I shoukl appropriate a part of what He be- stowed for His service. My neighbors offered their assistance, but *No,' said I, ' God has given me enough to do this work without your aid, and as he has put it in my heart to do so, so I will do.' ' And who, ' it was asked, * will be your preacher ?' I answered, ' God will send me a preacher, and of a very different stamp from those who have heretofore preached in my house. The preachers we have heard are perpetually contra- dicting themselves ; but that God who has put it into my heart to build this house, will send one who shall deliver unto me His own truth — who shall speak of Jesus Christ and his salvation. ' When the house was finished, I received an ap- plication from the Baptists, and I told them if they could make it appe?.r that God Almighty was a Baptist I should give them the building at once. The Quakers and Presbyterians received sim- ilar answers. 'No,' said I, 'as I firmly believe that all mankind are equally dear to Almighty God, they shall all be equal- ly welcome to preach in this house which I have built. My neighbors assured me that I should never see a preacher whose sentiments corresponded with my own, but I uniformly replied I assuredly would. I engaged for the first year with a man whom I greatly disliked ; we part- ed, and for some years we have had uo stated minister. My friends often asked me, ' Where is the preacher of whom you spoke ?' and my constant reply was, ' He will by and by make his appearance. ' The moment, sir, I saw your vessel on shore it seemed as if a voice had audibly sounded in my ears, ' There, Potter, in that vessel, cast away on that shore, is the preacher you have so long been expect- ing. ' I heard the voice and believed the report, and whea you came up to my door and asked for the fish, the same voice seemed to repeat, ' Potter, this is the man — this is the person whom I hnvO sent to preach in your house ! ' " As may be supposed, Murray was im- measureably astonished at Mr. Potter's narrative, but yet had not the least idea that his wish could ever be realized. He asked him what he could discern in his appearance to lead him to mistake him for a preacher. "What," said Potter, " could I discern when you were on the vessel that could induce this conclusion ? Sir, it is not what I saw or see but what I feel which produces in my mind full conviction." Murray replied that he must be deceived as he should never preach in that place or anywhere else. "Have you never preached? Can you say you never preached ?" ' ' I cannot, but I never intend to preach again. " " Has not God lifted up the light of I His countenance upon you ? Has He not I shown you the truth ?" " I trust he has. " "Then how dare you hide this truth ? Do men light a candle and put it under a bushel ? If God has shown you His salvation, why should you not show it to your fellow men. But I know that you will — I am sure that God Almighty has sent you to us for this purpose. I am not deceived, sir, I am sure I am not de- ceived." Murray was much agitated when this man thus spoke on, and began to wonder whether or no, God, who ordains all things, had not ordained that this should come to pass ; but his heart trembled, he tells lis, at the idea. He says he en- deavored to quiet his own fears and to silence the waim-hearted old man by in- forming him he was supercargo of the vessel, that property to a large amount was entrusted to his care, and that the moment the wind changed he was under solemn obUgatious to depart. " The wind will never change," said Potter, " imtil you have delivered to us, in that meeting house, a message from God." t)() Murray still resolutely determiued never to enter any pulpit as a preacher ; but being mucli agitated in mind, asked to be shown to bed after he had prayed with the family. When they parted for the night his kind host solemnly request- ed him to thiuk of what he said. " Alas," says Murray, "he need not have made this request ; it was impossi- ble to banish it from my mind ; when I entered my chamber and shut the door, I burst into tears ; I felt as if the hand j of God was in the events which had j brought me to this place, and I prayed most ardently that God would assist and direct me by His counsel." So much exercised was he in mind that he spent the greater jiart of the night in praying and weeping, " dreading more than death " he says, " supposing death to be an object of di-ead, the idea of en- gaging as a public character. " In his writings he gives the substance of his meditations on that memorable ' night. In the morning his good friend renewed his solicitations: "Will you speak to me and my neighbors of the things which belong to our peace ?" Murray, seeing only thick woods, the tavern across the field excepted, request- ed to know what he meant by neighbors. " O, sir, we assemble a large congre- gation whenever the meeting house is opened ; indeed when my father first set- tled here, he was obliged to go twenty miles to grind a bushel of corn, but now there are more than seven hundred in- habitants within that distance. " Murray still could not be prevailed upon to yield, but Potter insisted and seemed positive the wind would not change until he had spoken to the peo- ple. Thiis urged, Murray began to waver, and at length he tells us he " im- plored God, who sometimes condescends to indulge individuals with tokens of His approbation, graciously to indulge me upon this important occasion, and that if it was His will that I should obtain my soul's desire by passing through life as a private individual ; if such was uot His will, that I should engage tis a preacher in the ministry. He would vouchsafe to grant me such a wind as might bear me from this shore before another Sabbath. I determined to take the changing of the wind for an answer. But the wind changed not, and towards the close of the Saturday afternoon he reluctantly gave his consent to preach- ing the next day, and Mr. Potter imme- diately despatched his men on horseback to notify the neighbors, which they were to continue to do until ten o'clock in the evening. Mr. Murray appears to have had but little rest that night, thinking over the responsibilities of the avocation he was so unexpectedly aboiit to be en- gaged iu, and of what he should say and how he should address the people ; but the passage " Take no thought what ye shall say," etc., appears to have greatly re- lieved his mind. Sunday morning they proceeded to the church, — Potter very joj'ful and Murray uneasy, distrusting his own abilities to realize the singularly high formed expectations of his kind host. The church at that day is de- scribed as being "neat and convenient, with a pulpit rather after the Quaker mode, with but one new pew and that a large square one just below the pulj^it iu which sat the venerable Potter and his family and visiting strangers ; the rest of the seats wea-e constructed with backs, roomy and even elegant." As Murray was preaching, Potter looked up into the pulpit, his eyes sparkling with pleasure, seemingly completely happy at the ful- fillment of what he firmly believed a promise long deferred. We have no re- cord of the substance of this, the first Universalist sermon in America, nor of its impression upon any of the hearers save one — that one, Thomas Potter him- self, api^ears t') have had all his expecta- tions realized, and upon their return home overwhelmed Murray with his frank warm-hearted congratulations ; and soon visitors poured in. Said Potter to 67 them, " This is the happiest Jay of my life ; there, neighbors, there is the min- ister God has sent me. " Murray was so overcome by the old man's enthusiastic demonstrations that he retired to his room, and tells us he "jsrostrated him- self at the throne of grace, and besought God to take him and do with him what he pleased." After a while he returned to the com- pany and found the boatmen with them, who wished him to go on board imme- diately, as the wind was fair. So he was compelled to leave. His ho.st was loth to part with him, and exacted a promise from him to return, which he soon did, and preached often in the Potter church, and other villages. The first place he visited during this stay was Toms Eiver. He relates tAvo or three interesting scenes occurring here, in explaining to individ- uals his peculiar religious view?. The next village he visited was probably Mauahawken, for though he does not mention the name, yet he speaks of a Baptist preacher and church, of a family of Pangburns, Szc, and there was then a Baptist church at that village, and the Pangburn family were then prominent members of it. Lines Pangburn was a delegate from the Manahawken Baptist church to the Baptist General Associa- tion, in 1771. A man named Lines Pangburn was afterwards killed by Eef- ugees at Manahawken — probably the same one. For many years, and though travelling in various parts of the United States, yet as long as Thomas Potter lived, his house at Goodluck was considered by Murray as his home. At length, after being away some time upon a religious mission, he returned and found that his good old friend was dead ; his letter de- scribing this visit, recounting some of the scenes of Potter's life, his traits of character, his own feelings, etc. , is full of tender feeling and sincere grief, ad- mirably expressed, and the substance of the discourse which he preached on that occasion, in that memorable old chapel, is a touching specimen of Murray's elo- quence, A brief extract will serve to give an idea of Murray's style and of his feelings towards his departed friend. His text was, " For ye are bought with a price ; therefore glorify God in your body and in 3'our spirit, which are God's. " Towards the close of his discourse, point- ing towards Potter's grave, which could be seen from where he stood, he says : "Through yonder open casement I behold the grave of a man, the recollec- tion of whom swells my heart with grat- itude, and fills my eyes with tears. There sleeps the sacred dust of him who well understood the advantages resulting from the public worship of God. There rests the ashes of him who glorified God in his body and in his spirit, which he well knew were the Lord's. He believed he was bought with a price, and there- fore he declared that all that he had and all that he was were righteously due to God, who created and purchased him with a price, all price beyond. There rests the precious dust of the friend of strangers, whose hospitable doors were ever open to the destitute, and him who had none to relieve his sufferings ; his dust reposes close to this edifice, itself a monument of his piety. Dear, faithful man, when last I stood in this place, he was present among the assembly of the l^eople. I marked his glistening eye ; it always glistened at the emphatic n':ime of Jesus. Even now, I behold in imagina- tion, his venerable countenance, benig- nity is seated on his brow, his mind ap- parently open and confiding, tranquility reposeth upon his features, every vaiy- ing emotion evincing faith in that endur- ing peace which passeth understanding. Let us, my friends, imitate his philan- thropy, his charity, his piety. I may never meet you again until we unite to swell the loud hallelujahs before the throne of God. But to hear of your faith, of your perseverance, of your works of charity, of your brotherly love, 08 will lieighteu my eujoymeuts auJ soothe my sorrows, even to the ^erge of mortal , pilgrimage." i Potter, in his will, left the church to j Murray. The clause in his will reads, ' as given in Murray's Life, as follows : " The house M-as built by me for the worship of God ; it is my will that God be worshipped in it still, and for this purpose I will that my ever dear friend, | John Murray, preacher of the gospel, I possess it, having the sole direction, dis- posal and management of said house and one acre of land ui^on which it stands and by which it is surrounded." It was Mr. Murray's desire as well as Mr. Potter's, that the church should be kept free to all denominations for the worship of God. In his sermon just quoted he says : "Thomas Potter built the house that God might be worshipped without interruption, that he might be worshipped by all whom he should ; vouchsafe to send. This elegant house, my friends, the first friends who hailed my arrival in this country, this house with its adjoining grove, is yours. The faithful founder bequeathed it to me that none of you may be deprived of it," , and in Mr. Murray's will he expressly ' left a free to all drnoininnlions. This church property is now under the control of the Methodists ; the Uni- versalists, although manifesting little or no disposition to dispute their claims, yet contend that its sale was through ' ' the mismanagement of the executor to satisfy illegal claims," &c. The Uuiver- falists held an interesting conference at the church. May 15th, 1833, which was atteuded by many of their leading preachers and laymen, and while there erected the tombstone over Potter's grave, which yet marks the spot where he was buried. The ceremony was (juitc impressive ; Rev. A. C. Thomas deliver- ing an appropriate discoiu'se, after which a hynm composed for the occasion was sung among other exercises. This con- ference, while there, adopted a circular letter to their churches generally, m which, among other things, they say : "We have been on a mission of love and gratitude, have assembled in the ancient house of our Fathers, have convened around the grave of the venerated Potter, and dropped a tear of grateful remem- brance on the spot where repose his ashes," etc., and then earnestly invite their brethren from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South to unite with them "in an annual pilgrimage to this sacred spot — this Holy Land — in order that we may all receive a little of the Godlike spirit of benevolence which warmed the soul of that man of God, and friend of man, Thomas Potter. " THE CENTENARY OF UNIVERSALISM. CELEBRATION AT GOODLUCK. • Kev. Abel 0. Thomas, a noted and an aged minister of this society, furnished the following account of the centennial celebration in 1870, at Goodluck, for the New Jersey Courier, shortly after it occurred : Mr. Editor : — In behalf of many Universalists, I thank you for your late fair and liberal article respecting Thomas Potter, of Goodluck, and the Rev. John Murray. We exp:ct no man to endorse the statements of the latter, as recorded in his autobiography ; nor the tradition- al accounts of his remarkable interview with the former ; but we are happy to know that the time has arrived for a truly catholic representation of our his- tory as a people, as illustrated recently in your columns. In one item you were misinformed. We had no expectations of large " delegations " of our members at the late celebration in Goodluck. Our centenary had been attended the wc'ek previously in Gloucester, Mass., the number present being variously es- timated from ten to fifteen thousand, in- cluding two hundred and fifty out of six i hundred and fifty clergy meu. It was the date of the stated annual session of 69 our general couveiition, aud was ap- pointed to be held in Gloucester under the following circumstances. In 1770 a Mr. Gregory, j^resumably a mariner, brought from Loudon to Gloucester a book written by Rev. James Relly, in advocacy and defence of the doctrine of the restoration of all souls, in the Lord's own time and way. This book was passed from hand to hand, and made happy converts of a number of influen- tial religious people. It would require no great stretch of imagination to date the landing of that book on the 28th of September, of the year named, and on that day Eev. John Murray, a disciple of Relly (in the sense that Relly was a disciple of Christ) land- ed on the coast of New Jersey, as nar- rated in your recent article. After an extended missionarj service in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New England, Murray was for the second time in Boston, in 1774. Having heard of him as a disciple of Relly, the Glouces- ter people sent for him. He accepted the invitation, the visit being a meeting of the lines of providence in the case. Here he afterwards settled as a pastor, his meetings for worship being held in private houses until 1788. In that year a meeting house was erected, and a more pretentious one in 1805. The old build- ing was then sold and devoted to secular uses in the village. Ten years later it was removed to a fann about two miles distant, aud since that time has been used as a hay barn. In 1804 Murray re- moved to Boston, and his successor in Gloucester, Rev. Thomas Jones, for forty-two years was minister of the parish, dying in 1846. During the ses- sion of our general convention last week, we had a memorial service at the old church barn, and also at the grave of Father Jones, the latter being marked by aliuge granite obelisk in the cemetery. The late great convocation in Gloucester antedated the landing of Murray by the space of one week, and a few of us de- termined to spend the exact Centenary at Goodluck. This was what took us there ; precisely one hundred years from the landing of Murray, we held a memo- rial service in the old cliurch, and also at the grave of Thomas Potter — the order being substantially the same that we had used in Gloucester. The only change was this : '* We strew this evergreen and these flowers in memory aud honor of Thomas Potter, the friend and patron of John Murray, our early preacher of Uni- versalism in America. " After a brief address by the Rev. Abel C. Thomas, who conducted the services, the following hymn was sung, and the service proceeded in the order given be- low. Whilst far aud wide thy scattered sheep, Great Shepherd, in the desert stray. Tlij' love by some is thought to sleep, Unheedful of the wanderer's way. But truth declares they shall be found Wherever now thej' darkling roam ; Thy lore shall through the desert sound, x\nd summon every wanderer home. Upon the darkened waves of sin. Instead of terror's sword and flame, Shall love descend — for love can win Far more than terror can reclaim. And they shall turn their wandering feet, By grace redeemed, b}' love controlled Till all at last in Eden meet. One happy, universal fold. All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee ; For the kingdom is the LorrCst, and He is lli,e Governor among nalionif. Send forth thy light and thy truth, O Lord ; let them lead us and bring us to thy holy hill, and to thj' tabernacles, even unto God our ex- ceeding joy. Thou wilt shoui us the path of life : in th;/ prese7ice is fullness of joy ; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts ! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord ; ]\ly heart and my flesh crieth out for the liv- ing God, As the sparrow findetli a house, aud the wallow a nest for herself where she may hides 70 lier youufi', so let im- dwell ai thiue altars. O Lord of Hosts, iiiy Kiuo; and my God. Jllesscd arc they who dwell in Ihi/houfie ; they null be still praising thee. A day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere; I had rather be a doorkeeper in tlie bouse of my God than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness. Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. Thy perfection is hij^her than heaven ; what can we do to celebrate thy praise .' It is deeper than hell; what can we know of thy fathom- less love ? We 2^raise thee, God ; ice aeknoirled/je thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, tlie Father everlasting. To thee all angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers therein. To thee, cherubim and seraphim continually do cry : Uohj, holy, holy Lord of Sabaoth! heaven and earth are fall of the nrajestv of thy glory I The illustrious procession of the patriarchs praise thee ; The jubilant assembly of tlie prophets praise thee ; The glorious company of the apostles praise thee : The noble army of martyrs praise thee : The Holy Church throughout all the world (loth acknowledge thee, the Father of an in- finite majesty ; Also thy ivell-beloved and consecrated Son. and the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. O God, the King of Glory, help thy servants whom thou hast redeemed by the hand of thy niiglity power; Make thein to be nunibrreil icith tlt.y saints in glory everlasting. O Lord, save thy jyeople and bless thy heri- tage : govern and lift tbem up forever. Day by day we manifest thee : and loe toor- ship thy name ever .- world without end. Vouchsafe. Lord, to keep us evermore without sin. All our trust is in thee. Lord, in thee I hare trusted .- Let me never be confounded. It is iiotliing wonderful tliat the occa- non slionld have special attractions for )iir. After the final visit of Murray to (Toodluck fit was I believe in 1790) no Universalifit clergyman had been there until my first visit in 1832 — being ac- companied by Eichard Norton and James Ely, of Hightstowu. I was again there, accompauied by several friends, iu May 1833 — at which date we erected a plain headstone at the grave of Potter, and engaged Benjamin Stout (then owner of the Potter farm) to erect a paling fence. This was removed a few weeks since, and a beautiful and substantial iron one substituted, by an organization known as the Goodluck Association. This Association also recently bought an acre of wooded ground adjacent to the meeting house as a sort of perpetual memorial. We have no present thought of estab- lishing a worshiping assembly iu that vicinity, and the courteous treatment re- ceived from all the neighbors, and from the Rev. Mr. Johnson, Methodist minis- ter in charge, gives us assurances that the door of the old meeting house will not be closed against us for an occasional service in years to come. Truly yours, Abeij C. Thomas. Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 1870. THE INDIANS. Of the different accounts by ancient writers of the manners and customs of the Indians of our part of the State and West Jersey, about the most vivid and readable is by the celebrated Swedish traveller. Professor Kalm, who visited our State in 1748, and from whose writ- ings the following extracts are taken : INDIAN MODE OF FELLING TKEES. When the Indians intended to fall a thick, strong tree, they could not make use of their clumsy stone hatchets and, for want of proper instruments, employ- ed fire. They set tire to a great quantity of wood at the root of the tree, and made it fajl by that means. But that the fire might not reach higher than they would have it, they fastened some rags on a pole, dipped them in water, and kept constantly wetting the tree a little above the fire. 71 MAKING CANOES — A SEIIIOUS TASK. Whenever the Indians intend to hol- low out a thick tree for a canoe, they lay- dry branches all along the stem of the tree as far as it must be hollowed out. Then they put fire to these dry branch- es, and as soon as they are burned out, they are replaced by others. While these branches are burning, the Indians are very busy with wet rags and pouring water upon the tree to prevent the fire from spreading too far in at the sides and at the ends. The tree being burnt hollow as far as they found it sufficient, or as far as it could without damaging the canoe, they took their stone hatchets, or sharp flints, or sharp shells, and scraped off" the burnt part of the Avood, and smoothed the boat within. By this means they likewise gave it what shape they pleased ; instead of using a hatchet they shaped it by fire. A good sized ca- noe was commonly thirty or forty feet long. PREPAKING LAND FOR CORN — RUDE FARMING. The chief use of their hatchets was to make fields for maize plantations ; for if the ground where they intended to make corn fields was covered with trees, they cut off" the bark all around the trees with their hatchets, especially at a time when they lose their sap. By that means, the trees became dry and could not partake any more nourishment, and the leaves could no longer obstruct the rays of the sun. The small trees were pulled out by force, and the ground was a little turned up with crooked or sharp branches. MAKING FLOUR — INDIANS ASTONISHED. They had stone jjestles about a foot long and as thick as a man's arm, for pounding maize, which was their chief and only corn. They pounded all their corn in hollow trees ; some Indians had only wooden pestles. They had neither wind mills, water mills nor hand mills to grind it, and did not so much ns know a mill before the Europeans came to this country. I have spoken with old Frenchmen in Canada, who told me the Indians had been astonished beyond expression, when the French set up the first wind mill. They came in numbers even from the most distant parts to view this wonder, and were not tired witli sit- ting near it for several days together, in order to observe it ; they were long of opinion that it was not driven by wind, but by spirits who lived within it. They were partly under the same astonishment when the first water mill was built. TOOLS OF THE INDIANS. Before the coining of the Europeans, the Indians were entirely unacquainted with the use of iron. They were obliged to supply the want with sharp stones, shells, claws of birds and wild beasts, pieces of bone and other things of that kind, whenever they intended to make hatchets, knives and such like instru- ments. From whence it appears they must have led a very wretched life. Their hatchets were made of stone, in shape similar to that of wedges used to cleave wood, about half a foot long, and broad in proportion ; they are rather blunter than our wedges. As this hatchet must be fixed with a handle, there was a notch made all around tlie thick end. To fasten it, they sj^lit a stick at one end, and put the stone be- tween it, so that the two halves of the stick came into the notches of the stone ; then they tied the two split ends together with a rope or something like it, almost in the same way as smiths fasten the instru- ments with which they cut oft" iron, to a split stick. Some of these stone hatchets were not notched or furrowed at the upper end, and it seems that they only held these in their hands to hew or strike with them, and did not make handles to them. Some were made of liard rock or stone. Fish hooks were made of bones or birds' claws. 72 THE MURDER OF CAPTAIN JOSHUA HUDDY, THE HEKO OF TOMS RIVEK. Captain Huddy was iu command of the block house at Toms River when it was captured by the British and Refu- gees on the memorable Sunday, March 24th, 1782. He, with Esquire Daniel Randolph, Jacob Fleming and other prisoners were taken to New York and lodged in the noted siagar house prison, where they remained until April Ist, when they were removed to the Provost guard and closely confmed until April 8, when Huddy, Randolph and Fleming were carried on board a sloop, put in the hold and ironed, Huddy having irons on both his hands and feet by order of the notorioiis Captain Richard Lippen- cott. The next evening they were trans- ferred to the gviard ship at Sandy Hook. On the 12th the Refugees took Captain Huddy on shore and near the Highlands they erected a gallows and barbarously hung him about 10 o'clock iu the fore- noon. While under the gallows he signed his will on the barrel from which a few minutes later he was launched into another world. In this will he appoint- ed Samuel Forman, of Freehold, his ex- ecutor. A few yeai's ago, Bennington F. Randolph, Esq., a favorably remem- bered member of the bar at Freehold, discovered among the papers of the late Col. Samuel Forman, Huddy 's executor, this will, a copy of which was furnished to the writer by Mr. Randolph and reads as follows : " In the name of God, amen : I, Joshua Huddy, of Middletown, in the county of Monmouth, being of sound mind and memory, but expecting short- ly to depart tliia life, do declare this my last will and testament. First, I commit my soul to Almighty God, hoping He may receive it iu mercy ; and next, I commit my body to the earth. I do also appoint my trusty friend, Samuel For- man, to be my lawful executor, and after all my just debts are paid, I desire that he do divide the rest of my substance, whether by book, debts, bonds, notes, or any effects whatever belonging to me, equally between my two children, Eliza- beth and Martha Huddy. In witness thereof I have hereto signed my name, this twelfth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven huudreil and eighty-two. Joshua Huddy." The will was written on half a sheet of foolscap paper, on the back of which was the following statement : " The will of Captain Joshua Huddy, made and executed the same day the Refugees murdered him, April 12th, 1782." Captain Huddy's children subsequent- ly became Elizabeth Green and Martha Piatt ; the last named lived to an ad- vanced age. In early life she removed to Cincinnati, Ohio. Both daughters left descendants. The Refugees alleged that they exe- cuted Huddy in retaliation for the kill- ing of Phil. White, and they fastened the following label to his breast : "We, the Refugees, having long with grief beheld the cruel murders of our brethren, and finding nothing but such measures daily carried into execution, we therefore determine not to sufifer without taking vengeance for the numerous cru- elties ; and thus begin, making use of Captain Huddy as the first object to pre- sent to your view ; and further, deter- mine to hang man for man while there is a Refugee existing. UTP GOES HtTDDY FOR PHIL. WHITE." The Refugees also asserted to Esquire Randolph and others that " Huddy had taken Phil. White prisoner, cut off both his arms, broke his legs, pulled out one of his eyes, damned him and then bid him run." It is inconceivable why stich a monstrous falsehood should have been put forth, as it was notoriously false, for Phil. White was not taken prisoner by the Americans until a week after Huddy was captured by the British. 73 While Huddy was standing on the I leaped a fence on horseback and headed barrel he shook hands with Capt. Lip- him off when he made for a bog ; North pencott, whom he requested to come jumped from his horse, dropped his gun near for that purpose. After his inhu- and pursued him with drawn sword, and man murder, his body was left hanging overtook him ; White would not stop, until afternoon, when the Americans } and North struck at him with the sword came and took it to Freehold, to the house of Capt, James Green, where it was April 15th. He was buried with which wounded him in the face, and White fell, crying that he was a dead man. Borden repeatedly called " White, the honors of war. His funeral sermon j if you will give up you shall have quar- was preached by the celebrated Eev. John Woodhull, of the First Presbyte- rian Church. PHIL. WHITE'S CAPTURE AND DEATH. tersyet." White's body was taken to Freehold, and the evidence of General David Forman and others who saw the body, showed that he had received no ! other woimds but the gun shot in his ! breast and cuts of a sword on his face. j The probability is that Phil. White cape, and he made the effort at a place where he thought the woods, fences, marsh and brook would imj)ede the light horsemen. Among some old residents, the Befu- gee version of Phil. White's death at one time seemed so far accepted as to I supposed if he was taken to Freehold imply a belief in wanton cruelty to i^^l' <^^at he would be tried and hanged White, and Howes' Historical Collection ^^v his participation m the murder of seems incHned to favor the same belief. ^"^^ father of John Kussell, one of his But they seem not to have been aware ! guards, and the attempt to kill Kussell that the whole matter was thoroughly j himself, as well as in other misdemean- investigated by both the British and | o^^> ^^"^ ^« ^® determined to try to es- Americans shortly after it occurred, and , the evidence, subsequently filed in the State Department at Washington, con- clusively proves the falsity of the [Ref- ugee assertions of wanton cruelty. This evidence is given in full in a report made to Congress, Feb. li, 1837, on a report relating to pension claims of Capt. Josh- ua Huddy's heirs. Among the affidavits taken and forwarded to General Wash- ington were those of Aaron White, a brother of Phil. White, who was taken prisoner with him, John North, William Borden and John Eussell, who were his guards. White was captured near Long Branch, and the guard was ordered to take him to Freehold, Before starting he was told if he attempted to escape he would be shot down. When between Colt's Neck and Freehold, White shpped off his horse and made for the woods ; the guards called on him to stop, but he refused to halt and they fii'ed on htm ; the ball fired by Borden wounded him and he fell on his hands and knees, but got up and ran for the woods, but North THE ATTACK ON THE RUSSELL FAMILY. This outrage was an unusually aggra- vated one, even for the Refugees, and the particulars will show why Phil. White was afraid that he would be hung if he reached Freehold. John Russell, one of his guards, after the war, remov- ed to old Dover township, near Cedar Creek, and his descendants now live at Barnegat. The following extract is from the New Jersey Gazette, published during the Revolution : "On the 30th of April, 1780, a party of negroes and Refugees from Sandy Hook, landed at Shrewsbury in order to plunder. During their excursion, a Mr. Russell, who attempted some resistance to their depredations, was killed, and his grandchild had five balls shot through him, but ie yet living. Capt, Warner, of 9 u the privateer bidg Elizabeth, was made prisoner by these rufl&ans, biit was re- leased by giving them two and a half joes. This banditti also took off sev- eral prisoners, among whom were Capt. James Green and Ensign Johu Morris of the militia." The following is from Howes' Collec- tions : " Mr. Russell was an elderly man aged about 60 years ; as the party en- tered his dwelling, which was in the night, he iBred and missed. William Gillian, a native of Shrewsbury, their leader, seized the old gentleman by the collar, and was in the act of stabbing him in the face and eyes with a bayonet, when the fire blazed up and shedding a momentary light upon the scene, ena- bled the younger Eussell, who lay wounded on the floor, to shoot Gillian. John Farnham, a native of Middletown, thereupon aimed his musket at the young man, but it was knocked up by Lippen- cott, who had married into the family. The party then went off. The child was accidentally wounded in the affray." The Liijpencott above mentioned, we presume, was Capt. Richard Lippencott, who subsequently had the command of the party which hanged Capt. Joshua Huddy. John Russell, mentioned above as having been wounded, and who sub- sequently was one of Phil. White's guard, lived to quite an advanced age, at Cedar Creek, and his accoxmt of the affair, as related to the late Captain Ephraim Atcheson, was substantially as follows : There were seven refugees, and he (John) saw them through the window, and at one time they got so that he told his father he could kill four of them, and he wished to fire as he believed the other three would run. His father per- suaded him not to fire, but to do so when they broke into the house. When they broke in, the father fired first, but missed his aim ; he was then fired upon and killed. John Russell then fired upon and killed Gillian who had shot his fath- er. During the affray John was shot in the side, and the scars of the wound were visible until his death. After be- ing wounded, he fell on the floor and pretended to be dead. The Refugees then went to plundering the house, The mother and wife of John were lying in the bed with the child ; the child awoke and asked, "Grandmother, what's the matter ?" A Refugee pointed his gun at it and fired, and said " that's what's the matter !" Whether he intended to woimd the child or only to frighten it is uncer- tain, but the child, as before stated, was badly wounded, but eventually recover- ed. As the Refugees were preparing to leave, one of their number pointed his musket at John Russell as he lay on the floor, and was about again firing at him, saying he didn't believe he was dead yet, whereitpon another, probably Lippen- cott, knocked up the musket, saying it was a shame to fire upon a dying man, and the load went into the ceiling. After the Refugees were gone, John got up and hail his wounds dressed, and ex- claimed to his wife, " Ducky ! bring me a glass of whiskey ; I'll come out all right yet." He did come out all right, and before the war ended he aided in visiting merited retribution on the Ref- ugees for their doings at this time. When some two years later he aided in the capture of Phil. White, one of the party who killed his father, it is not probable that he desired his death be- fore reaching Freehold, as it was quite certain justice would be meted out to him there. Of the seven Refugees con- cerned in the attack on the Russell fam- ily, at least three met with their just de- serts, viz : Gillian, killed at the time ; Farnham, subsequently captured and hanged at Freehold ; and Phil. White, killed while attempting to escape. 75 moved to Amwell near Shawuock. Feb- ruary 20, 1680, Richard and Penelope Stout, the first of the family in America, sold a lot of 16 acres in Middletown to Thomas Suowselle, and signed the deed by making their mark. July 20, 1686, Richard Stout, Sr., was still living. I have never seen a statement of the date of the death of either Richard or Penel- ope. December 19, 1689, Richard Stout (no doubt Junior) is said to be a resident of Squan." One branch of our Ocean county Stouts descend, as stated by Benjamin B. Stout, Esq. , of Goodluck, from the last-named Richard Stout — Squan Richard as he was sometimes called — as follows : Richard Stout, of Squan, had a son Benjamin, who married Mary Johnson ; this Benjamin and Mary, his wife, had a son also named Benjamin, who is still well remembered and known as Captain Benjamin Stout, and who married Sarah or Sally Breese. Capt. Benjamin Stout THE STOUT FAMILY. GENEALOGICAIi NOTES OF DESCENDANTS IN OCEAN COUNTY. As stated in another chapter, the Stout families of Ocean county are descended from John Stout, a gentleman of Not- tinghamshire, England, whose son Rich- ard came to New York where he married about the year 1622, a Dutch widow whose maiden name was Penelope Van- princes. They had seven sons and three daughters. The order of their birth and the names of the daughters, as given iu Benedict's History of the Baptists, have already been given ; but the follow- ing from Rev. G. 0. Schenck, of Marl- borough, Monmouth county, diflPers a little in these particulars from the account by Benedict. But as the Rev. Mr, Schenck is probably the best informed person on the genealogy of many fami- lies iu this State, and thorough and care- ful in his researches and statements, his version is undoubtedly correct. Speak- ing of his copy of the noted Stout manu- 1 bought the noted Thomas Potter farm at script, the original of which was drawn Goodluck, where he died February 13, up by Nathan Stout, he says in a letter 1850, aged 69 years, 7 months and 5 days, to the writer of this : He had sons — Joseph, Benjamin B., " Richard and Penelope Stout had to- Daniel, James and John — and several gether seven sons and three daughters, daughters. His descendants can trace namely : Sons — John, Richard, Jona- their ancestry back in an unbroken line than, Peter, James, Benjamin, David ; for over three centuries, and no family daughters — Deliverance, Sarah, Penelo- in New Jersey can go back further among pe. All of these sons and daughters ancestors. Their genealogy may be lived to raise large families. John, the briefly stated thus : Joseph, Benjamin eldest son of the first Richard, named his B. , and other children of Benjamin eldest son Richard, who, when married, . Stout, who was the son of Benjamin, son settled at a place called Squan, and was of Squan Richard, son of John, son of generally afterward called Squan Richard Richard, son of John Stout, of Notting- or Squan Dick, who raised a large fami- hamshire, England, ly, some of whom scattered about Barne- If the first Richard Stout was 40 years gat Bay along shore, a great number of old when he married in 1622 (as stated in whose descendants are there to this day. Benedict's History), he must have been The said John named his second son, born about 1582, and his father, John John, who in consequence of following the , Stout, probably between 1550 and 1560. sea was called Sailor John, of whose fam- [ This would carry the genealogy from ily I am unable to give but little account the present time back to the birth of the (although it was niimerous), except one first John — about 325 years, daughter whose name was Penelope, who , At the breaking out of the Revolution- married John Sutphen and afterwards ary war, a John Stout, who tradition 76 says was a sou of James Stout, lived iu old Dover township, wliicli tlien extend- ed to Oyster Creek, between Forked River and Waretown. This John was a captain in the militia, and at times was in command of the military post at Toms Eiver, He had sons — Daniel and John — who were in his company ; the last named, John, was killed by the British at Hornerstown, according to Strykes' Revolutionary Roster. Of Daniel, men- tion will be made hereafter. Capt. John Stout's father, James, must have been a son or grandson of the first Richard. Garret Stout, the favorably-known hotel-keeper of Cedar Creek, is a son of Abraham Stout, whose father was also named Abraham, Phoebe Stout, who about seventy-five years ago married Anthony Parker, was a daughter of David Stout, of old Shrews- bury township, who was probably a grandson of the first Richard. Anthony Parker and Phoebe, his wife, located at Forked River, and had children— Thom- as, David Stout, who married Emeline Baiter, Abigail who married Rev. David B, Salter, John who married Hester Woolley, and Joseph who married Eliza- beth Predmore. Of these, Capt. David Stout Parker and ex-Sheriff Joseph Parker now live at Forked River. The old stock of the Stout family were noted for longevity. Penelope, wife of the first Richard, lived to the age of 110, and as it is stated she was born in 1602, she must have died about 1712. It is believed she was buried in an old grave- yard near Holmdel, about one hundred yards south of the residence of the late John S. Hendrickson. Rev. Mr. Schepck states that the first Richard was living in 1686 ; he must then have been 104 years old, if he was 40 years old when he married in 1622. Richard and Penelope Stout appeal- to have lircd in New York until the first English came to Long Island, Avlien they located with them, and were Hving there iu I64;j. In 1648, they, with five other families, moved over in old Monmouth, near Middletown. These were the first white settlers in East Jersey ; and as the other families were probably Dutch, Richard Stout was the first Englishman of whom we have any account who set- tled in New Jersey. On account of hos- tile Indians, about 1655, these settlers were compelled to leave, and Stout lo- cated at Gravesend, L. I., with other English. About 1665, he, with other English, came back to Middletown, and made the first permanent settlement there, and members of his family were among those who established the Baptist Church at Middletown, which was the first Bajstist Society established in New Jersey. ESQTJIBE DANIEL STOITT. Esquire Daniel Stout, one of the last surviving heroes of the Revolution, who died at Stout's Creek near Goodluck, September 2, 1843, was born November 14, 1758, in old Dover township. He had a brother John, and they both, at one time, served in the war in the company of their father, Capt. John Stout. John, Jr., was killed, it is said, at Horners- town. The following record of the ser- vice of Daniel Stout during the Revolu- tion, we extract from the records of the Pension Oflfice at Washington : Daniel Stout served about one month at Perth Amboy iu 1776 ; in 1777, was on guard at Toms River one month, and two months at Monmouth Court House, and then again six months at Toms River. For a short time, he performed light horse duty at Morristown, and was de- tailed to procure cattle for Gen. Wash- ington's army. In 1780, he was in his father's company in Col. Samuel For- man's regiment. Towards the close of the war, he served every other month on guard at Toms River under Captains Pri<;o, Hankins and Brewer, and his mil- itary career ended in 1783. His actual time in service was about two years and three mouths. He api^ears to have beeu 77 but eighteen years old wlieu lie first eu- listed. He married Anna Chadwick, December 25, 1792 ; his wife, -who was born December 9, 1772, was daughter of Capt. Thomas Chadwick, a noted hero of old Monmouth. She lived to an advanced age, and was a lady of marked natural ability, retentive memory and agreeable conversational powers, and one of the most interesting narrators of Revolution- ary and other old time events in our county. Daniel and Anna Stout had children as follows : John, born 1793, and died 1795 ; Elizabeth, born 1794 ; Han- nah, 1796, married Capt. William Rog- ers; Rachel, 1798, married John Wil- liams ; Caroline, 1800, married John Henderson ; Catharine, 1802, married William Holmes ; Anna, 1805, married Capt, Joseph Holmes ; Alice, 1807, mar- ried Randolph Dey ; Margaret, 1809, married John Applegate ; Sarah, 1811, married Judge D. I. C. Rogers. Of these, the following are still living in this vicinity : Elizabeth unmarried, An- na who married Capt. Joseph Holmes, and Sarah who married Judge David I. C. Rogers. Catharine and Margaret went to Ohio after marriage, and Caro- line to Leeds Point. THE BODINE FAMILY. The Bodine family, in the southern part of Ocean county, are of French Hu- guenot descent. The first members orig- inally came to Staten Island, and from thence descendants came to this county. The History of Staten Island, by Clute, in speaking of the origin of this family, refers to John Bodin, a celebrated law- yer and literary character, who was born at Angers about 1530 ; for a time he en- joyed the favor of King Henry III, which however he lost by his patriotic conduct. Among his works, the most remarkable are a treatise on Republican government and a work on witchcraft called Demona- nia. He became chief magistrate of Laon, and while holding that position, died of the plague in 1596. The first known member of the family in America was John Bodine, who pur- chased land on Staten Island in 1701, and was living in 1714. His wife was prob- ably named Hester, as John Bodine and his wife Hester are mentioned in Staten Island records in 1736-7. He had a son Francois, who married Marie Dey, and they had a son, Jean or John, baptized November 29, 1719, who married Dor- cas , and had children, viz : — John, bom February, 1753, and James, born December 17, 1758. The last named John died March, 1835, aged about 82 years ; James died May 13, 1838, in his 80th year, John married Catharine Britton, and had children : John (subsequently known as Squire John), Jacob and Edmund, and perhaps others. The last-named James Bodine first married Elizabeth Egbert, daughter of Tunis Egbert, and they had four sons and two daughters, viz : Nancy, Dorcas, John, Tunis, James and Edward ; he next married Margaret Oakley, daughter of Israel Oakley, and they had six chil- dren, viz : Eliza who married Isaac Swift, Margaret who married Abraham Houseman, William who married Rosan- na Willetts, of Warwick, Va., Andrew who married Mary Houseman, Abraham who married Abby Kinsey, and Israel who died young. Of the sons of James Bodine, two came to what is now Ocean county in 1816, namely, Tunis and James. They origin- ally located at Manahawken, and entered into the mercantile business ; beside which they started a stage line, probably the first, from the ferry below the vil- lage to Mount Holly ; James soon sold out and left, and embarked on a ship, and subsequently died of cholera. Tunis married Ann Haywood, of Manahawken. After living at that place some six or seven years, he removed to Barnegat, where he still resides. He had children : Elizabeth who married Capt. Wright Predmore, James who married Cornelia Holmes, Sarah who married Joseph Sex- 78 ton, and Ann who died young. Tunis next married Amelia Cliadwick ; tliey had no children. William Bodine, son of James and Margaret Bodine, who married Rosauna Willetts, had children : George James who married Emeline Williams, William Oakley, Margaret who married Edwin Salter, and Abraham. A TOMS RIVER BOY KIDNAPPED. In the early years of our county paper, it gave one item of news that always had a melancholy interest to many old residents. It was published, if I mis- take not, chiefly at the request of the late Charles I. Errickson, who will long be remembered by many for his kind deeds, and who took much interest in this particular affair. The substance of the story was this : The late Captain Samuel Beatty, of the schooner Amos Falkinburg, was lying near Franklin, on the Gulf coast of Louisiana, when, one day, he was as- tonished by a colored man, a slave in the vicinity, hailing him and asking him if he knew certain men, whom he nam-id, then living at Toms Eiver, Cedar Creek and Forked Eiver. Capt. Beatty, sur- prised, asked him how he came to ask the question, and how he, a slave so far away, knew the names of these men. The colored man said he saw by the stern of the vessel where she was from, and then stated that he was originally from Toms River, knew the late Capt, Wm. Rogers, father-in-law of Capt. Beatty, was a boy with Capt. Hiram Horner, of Toms River, and went on sitflficiently to prove that his story was substantially correct. He was then asked how he came to be a slave down in Lou- isiana. He replied that when he was a good sized boy, a man who once lived at Toms River was about emigrating West, and persuaded his mother to let him go along, promising to do well by him ; but after getting out West, this man was in- famous enough to sell the boy as a slave to some trader going down the Missis- sippi to New Orleans. When Capt. Beatty returned, he found plenty of proof that the boy was free born, and Mr. Errickson entered warmly into the case, and communicated with the then Governor, Geo. F. Fort, of New Egypt. Gov. Fort was deeply impressed with the outrage committed, and would glad- ly have aided in redeeming him from bondage, but he had no authority to in- cur the heavy costs of sending witnesses so far and paying expenses of lawyers, trial, Szc. And so the poor fellow was left to his fate. It is some consolation to know that if he was living, the late civil war must have resulted in his free- dom. Was it wrong in so many of our citi- zens who remembered this offence, re- joicing, a few years later, to hear the news that the man who committed it, was safe inside the grated doors of Toms River jail ? Thoitgh for another offence, it was some satisfaction to know he wag imprisoned in the place from which the boy was stolen. A RARE OCCURRENCE. A HOinCIDE IX OCEAN COUNTY. Few, indeed, are the places of equal population -rt'ith the district now known as Ocean county, which can present a record as unstained by serious crimes. About the most noted event in its crimi- nal calendar, was the killing of a lad some fifteen years old, named Thomas Williams, son of Esquire Daniel and Huldah Williams, by a man named Peter Stout, at Goodluck, on the 19th of No- vember, 1802. Peter Stout was always considered as a half-witted, partially crazed man, but had always, previous to this affair, seemed harmless. At the present day, it is no uncommon occur- rence if a half-witted or drunken man is seen, for a troop of thoughtless boys to follow him, calling names and torment- 79 ing him, tiuch shoiilcl learn a lesson from this story. The boys around Good- ' luck often tormented Peter Stout, calling ', him nicknames, the principal of which was " eel head — hollo, old eel head !" On the morning in question, young "Williams left home to di'ive cattle to the meadows, down the road along the north side of Stout's creek. On his way he met Peter Stout, who had an axe on his shoulder, and thoughtlessly began to plague him, calling him " eel head," &c. Stout let him pass, and then turned, slyly ran up behind him and struck him on the head with the axe, killing him instantly. During the forenoon, the boy's mother, uneasy at his long absence, went in search of him, and found the body at a spot marked for half a century after by twin oak trees, about opposite the com- mencement of the path leading across Stout's creek, towards the place formely owned by the late Capt. William Rogers, Mrs, Williams was so horror-stricken at the sight of the lifeless body of her son, covered with blood, that for a time she was bereft of her senses. It seems she grasped the boy in her arms and carried him home, a distance of about half a mile, but she remembered nothing about it, however, until she came to her senses, when she found herself in a chair at home, rocking her boy, her dress shock- ingly covered with blood. The neighbors were soon uotiJfied of the event, and the body taken to the inn at Goodluck, for the j)urpose of holding a coroner's inquest. In past years a superstition prevailed in the minds of many in England and in this country, that if the murderer touched the body of the murdered person, the wounds would commence to bleed afresh. At this in- quest, some person mentioned this su- perstition, and it was proposed and agreed to that every one present should by turns approach and touch the body. All did so but Peter Stout, who was present, and who extended his hand towards the body, but suddenly checked himself, ws if afraid of the ordeal, re- fused to touch the body, and turned aboiit and went out whistling. Blood was observed upon his clothes, and upon being questioned, he said it was from a fowl he had killed. Suspi- cion being strong against him, he was arrested and sent to Freehold, tried, found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. While in jail he made a full confession, which was afterwards printed. As it was generally conceded by all who knew Stout, that he was not of sound mind, strong efforts were made to have his sentence changed, and among those who labored hard for it were Esquire Wil- liams and his wife, the parents of the murdered boy. They visited Freehold for that purpose, and visited the con- demned man in jail ; but all their efforts were unavailing, and the unfortunate man suffered the extreme penalty of the law. His body was taken to Goodluck, and buried by the road along the south side of Stout's Creek, and the spot marked by a grape vine. This spot and the place where the boy was killed can still be pointed out by old residents. Young Williams was buried in the grave- yard at Goodluck, and on his headstone is this inscription : " Thomas Williams, died November 19th, 1802, aged 14 years, 9 months and 18 days, " TOMS RIVER— ORIGIN OF THE NAME. GOOSE CBEEK — INDIAN TOM — CAPT, WM. TOJX, Two distinct traditions have been hand down, giving the origin of the name of Toms River ; one that it is derived from a certain Captain Wm. Tom, who resided on the Delaware River over two hundred years ago, before any whites had settled in what is now known as Ocean county, and who, in the prosecu- tion of his duties as a kind of land agent, I penetrated through the wilderness to the seashore in search of eUgible land for ' settlers, and discovered this stream ; 80 upon his return he made such favorable representations of the land in this vicin- ity that settlers were induced to come here, and they named it Toms Eiver, after Capt. Tom, because he first brought the place to the notice of the whites. The other tradition attributes the ori- gin of the name to an Indian named Tom, who lived in the vicinity during the first half of the last century. The stream was also anciently called Goose Creek, and this name was used to designate it in legal writings, and on maps for over a century. In regard to the name Toms Eiver, the writer of this acknowledges that after ^ patient investigation of all sources of in- j formation known to him, he has found ; nothing that conclusively settles the question of its origin ; yet he is strong in the belief that it originated with Capt. Wm. Tom some two centuries ago, and that Indian Tom, who lived a generation or so later, aided in perpetuating it ; and the reasons for this belief will be given before concluding. In regard to the name GOOSE CREEK, it seems to have been bestowed by the proprietors or their agents, when the land here was originally run out in 1690. Samuel H. Shreve, Esq., a careful in- vestigator of land titles in this vicinity, in a communication published in the Ocean Emblem about fifteen years ago, says : " The first patent to Dr. Johnson was dated 1G90, and in that as well as in the patent to Robert Barclay, of the same date on the south side of the river and opposite Dr. Johnson's, the name is Goose Creek. It is the same in all doc- uments that I have been able to find un- til 1727, when Obhonon Cedar Swamp is referred to as being on a branch of Toms River ; subsequently, in 17iO, the well- known surveyor, John Lawrence, desig- nates it as Toms River, and after that date the name occurs more frequently than that of Goose Creek, though deeds made by parties living near the river mentioned it thus : " Goose Creek (alias Toms Eiver) and ' Goose Creek, other- wise called Toms River,' as late as 1789, as if the former the correct name, while the latter was the more common. I can- not, therefore, but believe the original name was Goose Creek." In addition to what Mr. Shreve states, the writer has found the name of Goose Creek given to the stream on various old maps, among which may be named Mitchell & Pownall's map, 1755, and Jef- frey's map, 1778 ; and the last time on Carey's map of New Jersey, 1814, which calls it " Goose or Toms Creek." INDIAN TOM. Information in regard to Indian Tom, is very meagre indeed. The most defi- nite notice that the writer has is in the communication of Mr. Shreve above re- ferred. The same number of the Ocean Emblem which contained Mr. Shreve's communication, had another, advocating the Indian Tom origin of the name, signed " A Native," which, we presume, was from James N. Lawrence, Esq. We give the substance of both as show- ing the strongest arguments we have found in favor of the Indian Tom origin. Mr. Shreve says : ' ' There certainly was a Tom, * an in- dividual incarnate Tom, and he had a wigwam. I haye a map made in 1740 of the country about Mosquito Cove, a I short distance north of Toms River, on which " Barnegatt Toms wigwam " is located upon the north point of the cove. The fact that an Indian by the name of Tom, most jDrobably Barnegatt Tom, lived on the river near the head of Dil- lon's Island during the Revolution, seems |.to be well established. Suppose this to have been in 1778, As I have mentioned before, the name of Toms River occurs in 1727, and if Tom was at the latter date, say twenty-seven years of age, or even older, the story is still plausible. Be- 81 side the tradition itself, that the river took its name from the Indian, is entitled to some credence when we consider the fact that the descendants of our first settlers are living among us, and they especially believe it. As Mr. Shreve says, his theory is plausible iipon the facts he gives ; but the following extract from records in the Freehold Court House quite effectually destroys his foundation. After men- tioning under date of Oct. 13th, 1713, certain roads in the upper part of old Monmouth, the record mentions THE FIRST ROADS LAID OUT IN OCEAN COUNTY. "Laid out a highway from Henry Leonard's saw mill to Barnegate ; that is from said saw mill along John Hankin's ' path to Hay path ; then to ye head of \ Sarah Reape's meadow and down ye side '] of ye said meadow as ye line of marked ' trees, to the Fish path ; then as that goes | to Mauasquan ; thence along ye Fish j path to the Cedar path, and along the Cedar path as the marked trees that lead j to Metetecqnk, and following the marked trees to Goose Creek, called Toms liiver, and over said river, by marked trees to the line of the lands of late Thomas Hart." Signed by John Reid, Elisha Lawrence and Obadiah Bowne, ■ commissioners. j The foregoing was copied by Judge Beekman from the original records and published in the Monmouth Democrat, I Feb. 8, 1877, in his articles on the Boun- daries of Old Monmouth. Judge Beek- ' man, who has proved himself a careful, reliable investigator of the history of Old Monmouth, informs the writer that ; tne name Toms River was certainly thus used as stated as early as 1713, showing it was a common name then. Hence, if, as Mr. Shreve surmises, Indian Tom ' was twenty-seven years old in 1727, he would have been only thirteen in 1713 ; j and if the Indian Tom of the Revolution ; was the Indian Tom, he might have been | still younger , and it will not be seriously contended that the stream was named after a little Indian jiapoose. Perhaps the most strenuous advocate of the Indian Tom origin of the name, was the writer before referred to, who signed himself a " Native," (probably James N. Lawrence). We give the sub- stance of his article which also contains references to old Toms River settlers : ' ' By reference to actual survey, and especially to Andrew Johnson's patent, 1690, he (Mr. Salter,) will see that said patent commences on the south side of Miles Foster's patent at Tilton's Creek and runs south to (xoose Creek, which patent includes the Ralph place (Messrs. Schofield's and McLean's), Edwin Jack- son's, Thomas Salter's (late Cook's), and Dillon's (now Robiason's Island). Grant- ing that the gentleman is somewhat of an antiquarian, I suggest that he ramble over Johnson's patent, thereby visiting the old salt works erected by Albertus Schoeslear, Savidge and Coats, Thomas Salter and others, merchants from Phil- adelphia, who were engaged in the salt business during the Revolution. Some information may be obtained by refer- ence to a controversy between Messrs. L. and Justice, published in the Mon- mouth Inquirer of November and Dec- ember, 1819 ; also the Emblem of Feb- ruary, 1858, where the editor gives the name" George's" instead of Goose Creek. Surveyor John Lawrence, in his notes (1725) of New Barnegat Inlet or Cran- berry Inlet, gives the bearing of com- pass from certain points in the bay, the channel running from opposite Tilton's Point to Nigger house farm ; thence by a thoroughfare to the north point of land at the Inlet. Aaron Bennett, Richard Phillips and William Chadwick, de- ceased, I have heard make the same statements ; also that the inlet called Burning Hole or Barnegat, was opposite Egg Island, north of where Amos Grant now lives, and that Barnegat was called New Inlet in those days. Rebecca 82 Buad, (laughter of Daniel Liiker, the first white inhabitaut of the jjlace, told me, in the winter of 1835, that the above was coiTect ; also, that she conld remem- ber when it was a thick cedar swamp where the bridge now is, and a log was used for pedestriaiis to cross on. Then came a severe storm Avhich destroyed the timber, after which a ferry was kept by her father until a bridge was built, a portion of which may now be seen. John Lawrence, in his notes, calls it "the riding-over place," afterwards Luker's fen-y. Capt. Htephen Gulick, the oldest male inhabitant now here, will corroborate my sketch. Tom, from whom the name was de- rived, and his brother, Jonathan Pumha, owned all the land south of Metedecouk to Goose Creek (see Smith's History of New Jersey, 1721). Tom died about 1734 or 5, miich lamented as he was known as a friend of the white man, al- ways holding out inducements for the whites to settle on his lands. Respectfully yours, A Native. " In tlie foregoing the writer states some things which are true, some which are doubtful, and some which are probably erroneous ; and it is to be regretted that man who had such opportunities to ex- amine into papers and records relating to old times at Toms Eiver, should be so careless in his statements. It is true that there was an Indian named Tom, that there was a Luker's ferry and a riding-over place, and that there was miich business done in the salt trade, especially about the time of the Revolu- tion. But we vei-y much doubt that Surveyor John Lawrence's notes stated that Old Cranberry Inlet was opened as early as 1725 ; that Daniel Luker was the first white inhabitant ; that a log, unless a remarkably large one in a very dry time, was ever used to cross Toms River ; that Thomas Salter was a Phila- delphia merchant, though he and Joseph and Richard Salter were old time resi- dents or business men at Toms River, trading with Philadelphia merchants ; we doubt if Bamegat Inlet was ever called New Inlet, unless about the time Cranberry closed and then, if at all, only for a vei-y brief period. Smith's History of New Jersey was not published in 1721, but in 1765, and Mr. Shreve, a re- liable writer, has given good reasons to beUeve that Indian Tom lived many years after 1734-5. And as to the In- dian ownership of the land from Meted- econk to Toms River, Smith's History, i page 413, says at the great conference held at Crosswicks, N. J., in 1758, for extinguishing all Indian claims to lands in New Jersey, at which the commission- ers were Andrew Johnson, Richard Sa' ter and others, a paper was submittec declaring the lands from the half wa^^^i from the mouth of Metedecouk river tO^ Toms Eiver, from the sea to the heads' of the rivers, belonged to Ctqit. Johi'^ Totamy Widoc/ciris. There is nothing in Smith's History that refers to any lu^ diau Tom in this vicinity. But on th^i contrary, several references to Capt*^ William Tom, which show that he was le;* prominent man in his day. ^^• That Indian Tom lived as late as th(W- time mentioned by Mr. Shreve, we hav