^'•. \..^ :Mm^ ^<-^.^^ /Jfet \..'^ :'M£'' %.^^ /Jfev " ] BooR of National Interest Historical Pictures ^ ILLUSTRATED GUIDE ^ Memorial Tablets Views of the Nation's Capital Founded by George Washington INA CAPITOI^A EMKRY, Biaitor-PtiblisHer ^ Sxxhtx. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT— ,^G« History, ............. 3 Description. ............ 5 Site, 3, 25 Height, ............. 7 Construction, . . . ... . . . . . . . 5, 7 Cornerstone, ............ 9 Keystone, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10-11 Memorial Inscriptions, .......... 12-23 Views From Top, ........... 24, 25 Guide to City of Washing:ton, 52 Washington Monument Society, .......... 3 ILLUSTRATIONS— Completed Monument, . Incomplete Monument, Foundation, Monument, Capstone, Monument, Memorial Tablets, Monument, Views from Monument, George Washington: Equestrian Portrait, Stuart's Portrait, Delivering Inaugural Address, Miniature Photograph, Martha Washington: From White House Painting, Motmt Vernon: George Washington's HonK-, .... George W'ashington's Tomb, . . . . . Christ Church, Alexandria, where Washington Worshipped. WASHINGTON CITY— (Founded by George Washiuglon) Capitol, White House, .... State, War and Navy Departments, Treasury, .... Interior Department, Pension Bureau, Department of Agriculture, . Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress, Soldiers' Home, Arlington National Cemetery, Bureau of Engraving and Printing Daughters of American Revolution Hall Municipal Building .... Union Station Pennsylvania Avenue 36, 1. 4 8 6 10. 11 13-17 24, 25 2 28 32 34 29 ^o 31 31 33 38 39, 40 42 42 44 44 43 43 47 48 48 45 49 49 51 3! 45, 46, Pre^dentt of United States, Map of Washington City 34. 33. 37 50 21 fcbcmas hinflion monumentl ^ :Z^ ILLUSTRATED f - ^^ COMP LETE. GU IDE AND HISTORY ^i^ AUTHENTIC FACTS AND FIGURES ^y»^ mmmm HmUMm « VIEW OF MONUMENT GROUNDS PICTORIAL CITY OF WASHINGTON Fmmded by George WasJujigton GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Copyrighted, 1913 BY INA CAPITOLA EMER'> /! George Washington, as General of the Unitkd States Army f iBtorg of %1iaal|m9tmt iln«umf nt THE day after the mortal remains of George Washington were committed to the tomb at Mount Vernon, December 19, 1799, a committee of both Houses of Congress was appointed to dehberate over a proper method of honoring his memory, and on December 24 of the same vear the following resolution was passed: "That a marble monument be erected by the United States, at the City of Washington, and that the family of General Washing- ton be requested to permit his body to be deposited under it, and that the monument be so designed as to commemorate the great events of his military and political life." President Adams wrote to Mrs. Washington asking her consent to the reinter- ment of her husband's remains beneath a monument to be erected by the Govern- ment in his honor. Mrs. Washington replied as follows : "Taught by the great example I have so long had before me never to oppose my private wishes to the public will, I must consent to the request which Congress had the goodness to transmit to me; and in so doing I need not — I cannot — say what a sacrifice of individual feeling I make to a sense of public duty." In 1816 a committee was appointed to prepare a suitable receptacle to be placed in the foundations of the Capitol, and the brother of General Washington was then applied to for permission to remove the remains, but he emphatically refused, saying: "It was in accordance with his expressed wish that he was com- mitted to the family vault at Mount Vernon, and his will is a law to me that I dare not disobey." In 1832 the proposition was renewed to John Augustine Washington, but in emphatic terms he refused to allow the remains to be removed from their hallowed resting place. The following year prominent citizens organized the Washington National Monument Society, with Chief Justice Marshall as President.^ Among those appointed to receive and collect voluntary contributions for a suitable monu- ment to George Washington in the city founded by, and named for, him were: Mrs. James Madison, Mrs. John Quincy Adams, and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. Advertised bids for the design were restricted to "durability, simplicity, grandeur, harmoniously blended." The corner-stone of the Washington Monument was laid July 4, 1848, and the work steadily progressed until 1854, when the shaft reached the height of 150 feet; subsequently an addition of four feet was made, bringing the Monument to a height of 154 feet at a cost of $300,000. The treasury of the Society was exhausted, and an appeal was made for congressional appropriations to complete the work. At that time complications of a political nature arose in the management of the Society, and as a result the Monument stood for years incomplete. In 1878 the work was resumed as a result of congressional appropriations, and the mammoth column was completed December 6, 1884. ^Coit of the Monument wa» $1,187,710.31. Of this amount $300,000 wa« railed by individual free will offeringt, the remainder was by congressional appropriations. The design of the Washington Monument was by Robert Mills. Many of the stones were cut and polished at the stone plant of Matthew G. Emery, who was the last Mayor of the City of Washington and ex-officio Vice-President of the Washington National Monument Society. The founder of the Society was George Watterston. The orator at the dedication of the Monument was Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. The Washington Monument Dedicated February 2t, 1885 Erected to GEORGE WASHINGTON by the CITIZENS OF AMERICA The Washington Monument is a colossal obelisk of mammoth proportion towering majestically above the National Capital, which is alike commemorative of the "Father of his Country." It stands today the loftiest memorial elevation in the world, and is the most imposing and costly monument ever erected to man. It is a memorial to the Hero, the Soldier, the Patriot, the Statesman, and a per- petual tribute of a grateful people to that great and overshadowing figure in the nation's history — George Washington. The Monument is a massive shaft of pure white marble and granite, capped by an aluminum pyramid which makes it visible by night as well as by day. The tapering design of graceful magnificent proportions reaches skyward over five hundred and fifty-five feet, and looks down upon the city founded by, and named for, Washington. Site Selected in 1783. A more beautiful site could not be selected. The terrace, 17 feet high, on which the Monument stands is surrounded by 41 acres. The square was desig- nated on L'Enfant's plan of the city of Washington as the site for the proposed equestrian monument to Washington, which was ordered by the Continental Con- gress in 1783 and selected by Washington himself for a monument to the American Revolution. CONSTRUCTION. How the Base Was Built. From the early days of the construction there had been apprehension that the foundation of the Monument was not of sufficient size to sustain the column if carried to the height originally designed. In 1877, a joint commission of Congress reported that the existing foundation was of insufficient spread and depth to sustain the weight of the completed structure, but that it was feasible to bring the foundation to the required stability by hooping in the earth upon which it stood. The weakness of the old foundation lay in the fact that it was too shallow and covered an area of ground insufficient to sustain the pressure of the completed work. The strengthening consisted in the enlargement of the foundation by spread- ing it over a greater area and sinking it a greater depth into the earth. The work of excavating beneath the Monument was commenced January 28, 1879, and the new foundation was finished May 29, 1880. The cost of the new enlarged foundation amounted to $94,474. The foundations of the Monument, which bear a weight of 81,120 tons, are constructed of solid blue rock. Each block is 146 feet 6 inches square and 36 feet \ 8 inches deep. K. The base of the shaft is 55 feet square. The lower walls are 15 feet thick. ' ^ The depth of the foundation below the floor is 57 feet. V The weight is so distributed that, subjected to a wind pressure of 100 pounds per square foot on any face, corresponding to a wind velocity of 145 miles per hour, the Monument would have a large factor of safety against overturning. The pro- \ portions of this grandest monumental column ever erected in any age follow the N ratio dimensions of the several parts of the ancient Egyptian obelisks. During all the work on the enormous shaft not three-eighths of an inch deflection has been found — a remarkably slight movement when the magnitude of the structure is considered. STRGNGTHKXIXG THK i'UUNDATIOX "Finest I'iece of Emiineerinv; known to the World" ComineiKwl laiiuary 2S, t.S7r;imi(lal t ;i|) llial ( (uiiplcicd llu' (Jroat Sliaft. The topmost stone of the p\ raiiiidioii was placed in position December 6, 1884. It weighs 3,300 jjounds. Trom the base to the top is 5 feet 2'.' inches. lis heij;ht on tlie outer face is 4 feet 3 '4 inches, with a 7-inch shoulder to bind on each side, extending 10 'j inches below. The base is 3 feet and a fraction square and 5 inches in diameter at the top, where the aluminum top fits in. The latter is 9 inches in height and 4'j inches at the base, with a weight qf 100 ounces. This forms the top stone or cap. The keystone that binds the interior ribs of stone supporting the marble facing of the pyramidal cap of the Monument weighs nearly 5 tons. It is 4 feet 6 inches'high and 3 feet 6 inches square at the top. 10 TOP OF MONUMENT. Dec. 6, 1884. MASONIC PARTICIPATION. The sides of the keystone were finished in the usual shape of keystones, but above the wedge, which keys and completes the arch, is a perpendicular extension to brace the interior stone blocks. When it was set two prominent Masons of Washington ascended to the top of the Monument, and, with a small trowel used on many occasions of Masonic corner-stone laying, helped to spread the mortar binding the arch under the keystone. APEX OF THE MONUMENT. liNSCRIPTION ON THE FOUR FACES OF THE ALUMINUM POINT CROWNING THE MONUMENT. North Face. Joint Commission at setting of Cap Stone: Chester A. Arthur. W. W. Cor- coran, Chairman; M. E. Bell, Edward Clark, John Newton. Act of August 2nd, 1876. Wesl Face. Corner Stone Laid on Bed of Foundation Julv 4th, 1S48. First Stone at Height of 152 Feei, Laid August 7th, 1880. Cap' Stone Set December 6th, 1884. South Face. Chief Engineer and Architect, Thos. Lincoln Casey, Colonel Corps of Engi- neers. Assistants, George W. Davis, Captain 14th Infantr}-; Bernard R. Green, Civil Engineer; Master Mechanic, P. H. McLaughlin. East Face. Laus Deo. DESCRIBED FROM SOUTH TO NORTH. 30 Feet. FIRST LANDING. East. 1. Presented by George Wattcrston, Secretary Washington National Monu- ment Society, as a testimonial of His Gratitude and \'eneration, A. D. 1849. 2. Presented by the National Greys of Washington, D. C. 3. Presented by the Franklin Fire Company of Washington, D. C. Instituted A. D. 1827. "We strive to save." 4. Little Falls Quarrv, District of Columbia. Presented by Timothy O'Neale. 5. Delaware. First to Adopt Will Be the Last to Desert the Constitution. 1849. 6. Maine. 40 I eet. SECOND LANDING. West. 7. Presented by the Columbia Typographical Society, Instituted Januar>% 1815, "As a Memento of the Veneration of Its Members for the 'Father of His Countrv.' " 8. Association of Tournevmen Stone Cutters of Philadelphia. July 9th. 1850. "United Wc Stand." (Slightly mutilated.] 9. Presented bv the German Benevolent vSocietv of the city of Washington, D. C. Instituted October 3d, 1836. Incorporated July 27, 1842. As a Memento of the \'eneration of Its Members for the leather of his Country. 10. Alabama. A Union of Equality as Adjusted by the Constitution. 11. The State of Louisiana, Ever h'aithful to the Constitution and the Union. 12. Nashville, Tennessee. 50 Feet THIRD LANDING. East. 13. Washington Light Infantry, Washington, D. C. Organized September 12, 1836. Presented October 19, 1850. 14. Grand Lodge of Masons, District of Columbia. Our Brother George Washington. 15. Illinois. State Sovereignty, National Union. 16. Presented by Washington Naval Lodge, No. 4, Ancient York Masons. J. Nokes, C. W. Davis, Committee. 17. State of Georgia. The Union As It Was. The Constitution As It Is. 18. Indiana. Knows No North, No South, Nothing but the Union. 60 Feet. FOURTH LANDING. West. 19. Presented by Anacostia Tribe, No. 3, I. O. R. M., D. C, on the 3rd Sun of the 3 X 7 Suns Worm Moon G. S. 5610. 20. I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of New Jersey to the Memory of Washington, The Father of His Country. We Command You to Visit the Sick, Relieve the Distressed, Bury the Dead, and Educate the Orphans. F. L. T. 21. Westmoreland County, Virginia. The Birth Place of Washington. 22. (The surface and inscription of this stone is entirely decayed. Nothing can be deciphered.) 23. New Hampshire. 24. South Carolina. [Slightly mutilated.] 70 Feet. FIFTH LANDING. East. 25. Presented by the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, State of Virginia, 1850. Hand in Hand Union. 13 26. "God and Our Native Land." United Sons of America. Instituted, 1845. Pennsylvania. "Usque ad Mortem " "Lente Caute Firme." 27. Grand Division S. T. North Carolina. "Love, purity, fidelity." [Stone decaying.] 28. Connecticut. "Qui Transtulit, Sustinet." [Stone decaying.] 29. Massachusetts. "Ence Petit Placidam Sub Libcrtate Quietcm." 30. 1776. Nevvjersev. 80 Feet. SIXTH L.\NDING. West. 31. To George Washington by the Maryland Pilgrims Association. Organ- ized Balto. 1847. 32. R. W. Grand Lodge of the I. U. (). P., Indiana. In God We Trust. Con- stitutional Liberty, The luirth for Its Domain and Eternity for Its Duration. 33 By the Invincible I'lre Co., Xo. 5, Cinciiniati, Ohio. 1850. The Memory of Washington. 34. Maryland. The Memorial of Her Regard for the Leather of His Country and of her Cordial. Habitual and Immovable .Vttachment to the American Union. "Crescite et Multiplicamini." 3r^. The Cit\- of Washington to Its I'ounder. 36. \'irginia Who Gave Washingt(Mi to .\merica Gives this Granite for His Monument. [vStone showing signs of decay.] 90 Feet SKVrNTH LANDING. East. 37. From the Mechanics of Raleigh, N. C. [Stone decaying, inscription very indistinct.] 38. The Odd Fellows of Ohio to the Memory of Washington. "Honor, \'eritatis, et Benevolcntia- Pretium Pcrmanebit." [Stone shows marks of decay.] 39. Little Rock, Arkansas. [Marks of decay.] 40. The State of Mississippi to the Father of His Country. A. D. 1850. 41. The State of Ohio. The Memory of Washington and the Union of the States. "Sunte Perpetua." 42. The Tribute of Missouri to the Memory of Washington and a Pledge of Her Fidelity to the Union of the States. [Some of the lettering mutilated.] 100 Feet. EIGHTH LANDING. West. 43. To the Father of His Country. Presented by the Independent Order of United Brothers of the State of Maryland, A. D. 1851. [Some of the lettering and ornamental part mutilated.] 44. From the Home of Knox by Citizens of Thomaston, Maine. 45. Contributed by the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Virginia. A. D. 1851. [Ornamental part slightly mutilated.] 46. "Hope." Rhode Island. 47. North Carolina. Declaration of Independence. Mecklenburg, May, 1775. "Constitution." 48. Wisconsin. AdmittedMay 29, 1848. 110 Feet. NINTH LANDING. East. 49. In Token Of Respect for Washington As a Free Mason. By the Grand Lodge of Ohio. 50. Peter Force. 51. By The Grand Lodge of Kentucky To The Memory of Washington, The Christian Mason. [Shows signs of decay.] 52. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. Nelson Randall, Grand Master. William H. Milner, Ezra S. Barnum, Finlay M. King, Committee. [Slightly mutilated.] 53. Iowa. Her Affections, Like The Rivers Of Her Borders, Flow To An Inseparable Union. 54. Nov. 12, 1852. From the Postmasters and Assistant Postmasters Of The State of Indiana. Dedicated to The Washington Monument. Washington. "May His Principles Be Distributed Broadcast Over The Land," etc. 120 Feet. TENTH L.\NDING. West. 55. Patmos Lodge No. 20, Masons. Ellicott Mills, Md., Feb. 22d, 1852. 56. I. O. of O. F. Philomathean Lodge, No. 10. Mount Airv' Lodge No. 235. Walker Lodge No. 306. Mount Horeb Encampment No. 18. German town, Penna. MDCCCL. 57. S. of T.R.I. 58. City of Roxbur}-, Mass. The Birth Place of Gen. Joseph Warren. [The damp and water threaten the stone with decay.] 59. California. Youngest Sister of the Union Brings Her Golden Tribute to the Memory of Its Father. 60. From the City of Frederick, Md. [Follows a lengthy inscription, which is illegible on account of indistinctness of the letters.] 130 Feet. ELEVENTH LANDING. East. 61. Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226, A. V. M., of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Pre- sent This Block of Native ^larble As A Testimony Of Their \'eneration And Respect For The Character And Services Of George Washington. \. L. 5851. A. I). 1851. 62. Durham, New Hampshire. 63. Washington Lodge No. 21, of Tlu- City of New York. Instituted A. L. 5800. [Shows signs of mutilation.] 64. By the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Maryland. Benj. O. Howard, M. W. P. G. M., Chas. H. Ohr, M. D. M. W. G. M., Enoch S. Courtney, R. W. J. G. W., Jno. W. Ball, R. W. J. G. W., Jos. Robinson, R. W. G. S., Samson Cariss, R. W. G. T., Chas. Gilman, M. W. P. G. M., Thos. H. Hicks, R. W. D. G. M., J. N. Mcjilton, D. D. W. G. C, Chas. B. Pumell, W. G. M. Com. to procure this stone: Chas. H. Ohr, M. D., J. N. Mcjilton, D. D., Alex. Gaddess, D. A. Piper, R! W. P. S. G. W., Wm. Bayley. 1850. 65. Oakland College, Mississippi. 1851. 66. Corporation of the City of New York. 1852. " 67. From The Alumni of Washington College, at Lexington, Virginia. The Only College Endowed By The Father of His Country. 68. From the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, State Of Connecticut, A Tribute To The Memory of Washington. "Love, Purity, Fidelity." 69. Union Society, Hillsborough, North Carolina. 70. American Institute of the City of New York. Incorporated For The Purpose Of Encouraging And Promoting Domestic Industry In Agriculture, Commerce, Manufacture, And The Arts. 71. American Whig Society, College Of New Jersey, Princeton. A Tribute to Washington. 72. I. O. O. F., Massachusetts. 140 Feet. TWELFTH LANDING. West. 73. From Walter Gwynn, D. S. Walton, E. Lorraine, Wash'n Gill, John C. McRae, J. M. Harris, W. G. Turpin, Engineers 2nd Divis'n Jas. River and Kana. Canal. 74. Company I, 4th Regiment Infantry, U. S. A. 1st March, 1851. 75. From Otter's Summit Virginia's Loftiest Peak To Crown A Monument To Virginia's Noblest Son. 76. From Fort Greene, Battle Ground Of Long Island. A Tribute From The Fort Greene Guard of Brooklyn 1854. 77. Masonic Grand Lodge of 111. 1853. [Slightly mutilated.] 78. New York. Presented By Masterton And Smith, Morgan's Marble, Westchester County. 79. "Prosunt Omnibus." Grand Lodge of Georgia. Founded A. D. 1785. "Fratrem Meminisse" 1852. Georgia marble. 80. Anno 1850 By the City of Baltimore. May Heaven To This Union Continue Its Beneficence; May Brotherly Affection With Union Be Perpetual; May The Free Constitution Wliich Is The Work Of Our Ancestors Be Sacredly Maintained And Its Administration Be Stamped With Wisdom And With Virtue. 81. Grand Lodge of Alabama. A. D. VDCCCXXI. Alabama Marble. Pre- sented by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient I-Vee and Accepted Masons of the vState of Alabama to The National Monument Society, Dec. 6th, A. L. 5849. 82. Pennsylvania. From D. O. Hitner's Quarry, Montgomery County. F. Derr, Norristown. 150 Feet. THIRTEENTH LANDING. East. The thirteenth platform is at a height of 150 feet, and it is here where the Government began its work of finishing the monument. This platform does not contain any memorial tablets. 160 Feet. FOURTEENTH LANDING. West. 83. Presented by Eureka Lodge 177 I. O. O. F. City of New York. 84. New York. "Excelsior." 85. Newark, N.J. [Ornamental sculpture mutilated in several places.] 86. Presented by Athenian Lodge 268, 1. O. of O. F. of Troy, N. Y. 87. Warren, R. I. 88. Our Tribute. Lafayette Lodge No. 64 F. A. M. New York City. Sept 16 A. L. 5853. A. D. 1853. 170 Feet. FIFTEENTH LANDING. East. 89. Vermont. "Freedom and Unity." 90. Sicut Patribus Sit Deus Nobis. Civitatis Regimine Donata A. D 1822 Bostonia. Condita. A. D. 1630. 91. Salem, Massachusetts. 92. Charlestown. The Bunker Hill Battle Ground. 93. New Bedford, Mass. 1851. 94. Washington Lodge of F. and A. M., Roxbury, Mass. 18 180 Feet. SIXTEENTH LANDING. West. 95. "Liberty Independence Virtue." Pennsylvania. Founded (1681). By Deeds of Peace. 96. Declaration of Independence Philadelphia, July 4th, 1776 Corporation of the City of Philadelphia. 97. Grand Lodge of Penna. A. Y. M. "Ad Majorem Supremi Architecte Gloriam." Holiness to the Lord. From the Key Stone State A. D. 1851. A. L. 585 1 . [Slightly mutilated.] 98. The Surest Safeguards of the Liberty of Our Country Total Abstinence from All that Intoxicates. Sons of Temperance of Pennsylvania. 99. I. O. O. F. [The inscription, on account of the peculiar color and veins of the stone can not be deciphered.] 190 Feet. SEVENTEENTH LANDING. East. 100. To the Memory of Washington. The Free Swiss Confederation MDCCCLII. 101. Greece. (See translation.) 102. Siam. 103. Brazil, 1878. 104. (See translation.) 105. Turkey. (See translation.) 106. Presented by the Governor and Commune of the Islands of Pares and Naxos, Grecian Archipelago, Aug. 13th, 1855. 200 Feet. EIGHTEENTH LANDING. West. 107. From the Templars of Honor and Temperance. Organized Dec. 5th, 1845. "Truth, Love, Purity, and Fidelity." Our Pledge. "We will not make, buy, sell or use as a beverage, any spirituous or malt liquors. Wine, Cider, or any other Alcoholic Liquor; and will discountenance their manufacture, traffic and use, and this pledge we will maintain unto the end of life." Supreme Council of the Templars of Honor and Temperance. 1846. 108. By the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Virginia. Lo! She gave to this Repubhc the Chief Corner Stone. Aug. 4 A. L. 5754. 109. Grand Lodge of Maryland I. O. O. F. "Friendship, Love and Truth." [With Officers for the year 1850.] [Slightly mutilated.] 110. Presented by the G. L. of the U. S. We command you to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead, and educate the Orphan. Grand Lodge of the United States of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 111. Presented by St. John's Lodge No. 36, F. A. A. M., Richmond, Va. 112. Richmond, Virginia. 113. West Virginia. "Tuum Nos Sumus Monumentum." 210 Feet. NINETEENTH LANDING. East. 114 Grand Lodge of Iowa, A. F. and A. M. 1876 115. Michigan. Anemblemof her trust in the Union. 116. Grand Division of Ohio, Sons of Temperance, "Love, Purity, and Fidelity." 117. Presented by the Grand Division on behalf of the Sons of Temperance of Illinois, January 1st, 1855. Grand Division, State of Illinois, S. of T. Inst. Jan. 8, 1847. "Love, Purity, and Fidelity." 118. I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of Mississippi. 119. The Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi To Their W. Brother George Washington. 120. The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of the State of Arkansas. "Ad gloriam fratris nostri et patris patriae." 121. Kansas. Kansas Territory, Organized May 20, 1851. State admitted January 29, 1861. 220 Feet. TWENTIETH LANDING. West. 122. All for our Countr>-. Nevada, 1881. 123. Nebraska's Tribute. "Equality Before the Law." 134. Chinese inscription. (See translation.) 125. Japanese memorial stone. (See translation.) 126. Tribute of Wyoming Territory. To The Memor}' Of Him Who By Universal Consent Was Chief Among The Founders Of The Republic. 127. Holiness to the Lord Deseret. . 128. Minnesota. 129. Cherokee Nation 1850. 130. Montana. "Oroy Plata." 131. State of Oregon. The Union. 230 Feet. TWENTY-FIRST LANDING. East. 132. The Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. of Kentucky "In Union there is strength." 133. Under the Auspices of Heaven and the Precepts of Washington, Ken- tucky will be the Last to give up The Union. "United we stand, divided we fall." [Some of the letters mutilated.] 134. Georgia Convention 1850. "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation." 135. From Hawkins County, Tennessee. 136. Presented by the Grand Lodge of the State of Florida. 137. Tennessee. "The I-'ederal Union, it must Be Preserved." 240 Feet. TWENTY-SECOND LANDING. West. 138. American Medical Association. Instituted MDCCCXTA'II. \'incit Amor Patriic. [Symbolical figures mutilated.] 139. The Grand Assembly of the Presbyterian Churcli in the United States of America in Session in Washington City, May, 1852. 140. Presented by Tuscarora Tribe No. 5. To Pater Patriae 7th Sun, Hunt- 'ng Moon Grand Sun 5615. Improved Order Red Men D. C. 141. From the Battle Ground T.ong Island 1776. Kings County, N. Y. 1853 20 142. Wales. Fy laith, Fy Ngwlad, Fy Nghenedl. Cymry am byth. (Trans- lation.) 143. Presented by the Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, July 4th, 1870. 144. Presented by the United American Mechanics, Penna. 145. From Braddock's Field. 250 Feet. TWENTY-THIRD LANDING. East. 146. Wilmington, North Carolina. Thalian Association. 147. Philadelphia Engine Companies: Hibernia, Northern Liberty, Vigilant, Delaware, Harmony, Reliance, Assistance, America, Diligent, Kensington, Frank- lin, Washington of Frankford, Humane, Washington, Friendship, Columbia, Hope. Hose Companies: Good Intent, Resolution, Humane, Perseverance, Neptune, Hope, Columbia, Southwark, Washington, Phoenix, Diligent, United States, Niagara, Northern Liberty, America, William Penn, Robert Morris. 148. Presented by the Department of Philadelphia. 1854. [Slightly muti- lated.] 149. Engine Companies: Philadelphia, Weccacoe, Good Will, Decatur, United States, Fellowship of Germantown, Good Intent, Globe, Fair Mount, Southwark, Mechanic, Western. Hose Companies: Independence, Pennsylvania, Lafayette, Marion, Schuylkill, Good Will, Western, Moyamensing, Franklin, Weccacoe, Kensington, Shiffler, Fair Mount, Ringgold. Hook-and-Ladder Companies: Empire, Relief. (With names of Committee of Superintendence.) [Tablet completely broken into pieces; some of the letters broken off.] 150. From the citizens of the United States of America Residing in Foo Chow Foo, China. Feb. 22, 1857. 151. The Citizens of Stockton, San Joaquin Co., California. A Tribute of Respect to the Father of Our Country, George Washington, 1859. 152. Presented to the Washington National Monument by the Proprietors of the "Cincinnati Commercial." J. W. S. Browne and L. G. Curtis. 1850. 153. From the [words illegible.] Lowell, Mass. 154. A Tribute from the Teachers of the Buffalo Public Schools. 155. The Young Men's Mercantile Library Association of Cincinnati. Organ- ized A. D. 1805. A. D. 1853. 2,400 Members. Proud to Honor Washington Con- tributes its Humble Quota to the Swelhng Tide of National Gratitude. Ohio — First Born of the Ordinance of '87. Every pulsation of the heart beats high, beats strong, for Liberty and the Union. 260 Feet. TWENTY-FOURTH LANDING. West. 156. The Memory of the Just is Blessed. Prov. 10:7. Presented by the Children of the Sunday Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the City of New York, Feb. 22, '55. 157. Fire Department of the City of New York. Incorporated 20th March, 1798. 158. From the Sabbath School Children of the Methodist E. Chuich in the City and Districts of Philadelphia. 4th July, 1853. A Preached Gospel. A Free Press. Washington. We revere his memory. "Search the Scriptures." Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God — Luke XVIII, 16 V. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. — Prov. XXII, 6, 5. [Lettering slightlv muti- lated.] 159. Washington Erina Guard. Newark, New Jersey. 160. By The Pupils Of The Public Schools Of The City Of Baltimore. A. D. MDCCCLI . . . [indistinct word] . . . qui meruit ferat. 161. Cincinnati Company. Our War Is With The Elements. Roveb. [The inscription is in such small letters that it is very difficult to decipher.] 162. The Sons of New England And Canada To Washington. [Follows an inscription in small letters, the water having defaced the surface of the tablet, it can not be deciphered.] 270 Feet. TWENTY-FIFTH LANDING. East. 163. From the Cliosophic Society, Nassau Hall, N. J. To the Memory of Washington, Instituted A. D. 1705. [Symbolic figures shghtly mutilated.] 164. Continental Guard of New Orleans, La. To the Washington Monu- ment 22nd February, 1856 (follow 163 names). Continental Guard, Organized February 22nd, 1855. [Inscription, on account of small lettering, indecipherable.] 165. Presented by The Employees of R. Norris and vSon, Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. Feb. 22nd, 1856. [Ornamental part mutilated.] 166. PVom the Home of vStark, By the Ladies of Manchester, N. H. 167. From the Alexandria Library in Eg\'pt. Brought to this countrv by G. G. Baker. 168. From the Jefferson Society of the University of \'irginia To the National Washington Monument Jan. 7, 1850. 280 Feet. TWENTY-SIXTH LANDING. West. 169. To the Father Of His Country. The Addison Literary Society of the Western Military Institute, Drennon, Kentucky. "Non nobis solum, sed patriae et amicis." [Slightly mutilated.] 170. Honesdale, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 1853. 171. Inrst Regiment of Light Infantry Mass. Vol. Militia. Boston, 1853. 172. To Washington An Humble Tribute PVom Two Disciples of Daguerre. 173. Hibernian vSociety of Baltimore. Hugh Jenkins, Pres., Jacob G. Davis, 1st V. P., William Gwynn, 2nd V. P. Rev. James Dolan, Chap'n. S. I. Donald- son, Counsel'r. Dr. J. H. O'Donovan, Dr. D. O'Donell, Physicians. Daniel J. Foley, Treasurer. Chas. M. Dougherty, Sec'y- Timothy Kelly, John ]\IcColgan, Edward Boyle, Chas. Pendergast, Robert Barr\', James Kernan, Peter A. Kelly, Will Browne, James Mullen, Managers. Michael Roche, P. A. Kelly, J. Mullen, Committee. "Memor et Fidelis." 174. From the Citizens of Alexandria, \'a. The Descendants of the PViends and Neighbors of Washington. 1851. 175. From Jefferson Medical College. By the Class of 1853-4. 176. "All that Live Must Die." A Tribute of Respect from the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Dramatic Profession of America. 1853. 330 Feet. THIRTY-FIRST LANDING. East. 177. Marble block with the following inscription: Top of Statue on Capitol. TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN INSCRIPTIONS. Turkey. 105. Inscription translated: "So as to strengthen the friendship between the two countries, Abdul-Mejid Kahn has also had his name written on the Monu- ment to Washington." These words form a chronogram: "1269-1779 of the Hegira." Above the inscription is a monogram signifying "Abdul-Mejid, son of Mahomet Kahn." Upon a lower corner, "Written by the court poet, Mustapha Izyt." Block is of white marble, highly polished, and ornamental. Bremen. "Washington dem Grossen, Guten und Gerechten das befreundete Bremen." ("Friendly Bremen to the Great, Good, and Just Washington.") Japan. 125. Inscription translated: "Exported from the Harbor of Simoda, in the Province of Isu, the fifth month of the year Ansey Tora." [April, 1853.] Greece. 101. Inscription translated. Block of white marble from ruins of the Parthe- non: "George Washington, the hero, the citizen of the new and illustrious liberty; The land of Solon, Themistocles, and Pericles — the mother of ancient liberty — sends this ancient stone as a testimony of honor and admiration from the Par- thenon." Wales. "Our language, our country, our birthplace — Wales forever." China. 124. Inscription translated: "Su-Ki-Yu, by imperial appointment, Lieut. Governor of the Province of Fuh Kun, in his Universal Geography says: 'It is evident that Washington was a remarkable man. In devising plans, he was more decided than Chin-Shing or Wu-Kang; in winning a country, he was braver than Tsau-Tsau or Lin Pi. Wielding his four-footed falchion, he extended the frontiers thousands of miles, and then refused to usurp the regal dignity, or transmit it to his posterity, but first estabhshed rules for an elective administration. Where in the world can be found such a public spirit? Truly, the sentiments of the three dynasties have all at once unexpectedly appeared in our day ! In ruling the state, he promoted and fostered good customs, and did not depend on military merit. In this he differed from all other nations. I have seen his portrait; his air and form are grand and imposing in a remarkable degree. Ah, who would not call him a hero? The United States of America regard it promotive of national virtue generally and extensively neither to establish titles of nobihty and royalty nor to conform to the age, as respects customs and public influence, but instead to deliver over their own public dehberations and inventions so that the like of such a nation, one so remark- able, does not exist in ancient or modern times. Among the people of the Great West can any man, in ancient or modern times, fail to pronounce Washington Peer- less? This Stone is Presented by a Company of Christians and engraved at Ningpu in the Province of Che Heang, China, this Third Year of the Reign of the Emperor He-en Fung, Sixth Month and Seventh Day" (July 12th, 1853). Stone from the Temple of Rome Stolen. One of the stones contributed was a block of African marble from the Temple of Concord of Rome, and was the gift of the Pope. It bore the inscription "Rome to America." In March, 1854, during the Know-Nothing excitement, the lapidarium where the memorial blocks were kept, was forcibly entered, and this stone was taken and, it is supposed, was thrown into the Potomac. A reward for its return was offered, but the stone up to this date has not been recovered, and its hiding place remains a secret. View From Top of the Washington Monument — Looking North Corcoran Art Gallerv State, War and Navy Building White House 5 V^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^B^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K,' M ^ tL^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^ *i^ JKvSfl^l^l^^^^^^ll^^^H ^^^^JkjMHK^^sG^^I View From Top of the Washington Monument — Looking East The Mall The Capitol National Museum Smithsonian Institution Dcpt. of Agriculture It^m trnm th^ (Lop of tl)^ iMnnumwt Costs the Government $11,000 annually. The Washington Monument stands on a site selected by George Wash- ington in the year 1783. It is close by the banks of the Potomac, surrounded by forty acres of beautiful sloping mounds and terraces, and but a fractional distance from the Jeffersonian meridian, which passes due north and south through the center of the White House, and due east and west through the center of the Capitol. (See the stone at the Monument marking the meridian.) By the laws of perspective parallel lines converge as they disappear, and from the top landing of the Monument, five hundred feet in height, the base of the Monument appears smaller than the top. The bird's-eye view from this height presents the scenes and buildings in a reduced size, and bring before the eye the whole city in miniature. Broad streets and avenues, handsome residences. Government buildings, and magni- ficent parks, combine to produce a National scene of interest to every citizen in America. From the North Window. At close range, and less than half a mile away, is a group of three buildings; the one in the center is the White House, the one toward the east is the Treasury ; the one toward the west is the State, War, and Navy Departments. The broad avenue running east and west and north of the three buildings is Pennsylvania Avenue. The magnificent park opposite the White House is Lafayette Square, facing which are homes of National and International historical interest. From the South Window. The most conspicuous feature of the view south is the historic Potomac, a river beloved by Washington. It flows past Alexandria, which is visible on a clear day, and where, at Christ Church, he worshipped, and on past Mount Vernon, the home and final resting place of George Washington. It is spanned by the historical Long Bridge, which is paralleled by the new bridge. Maryland and Virginia are separated by the Potomac, and the country in both States is historic ground. To the southeast of the Monument is the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and close by, in a direct line east, are the Smithsonian Institute and the National Museum. St. Elizabeth, the Government Hospital for the Insane, is on the Maryland bank of the river, southeast from the Monument. From the East Window. In a direct line east from the Monument is the Capitol. Beyond is the Con- gressional Library. In a northeasterly direction from the Monument are the Govern- ment Printing Office, the Interior Department, the Bureau of Pensions, the old Post Office Department, and in the distance rise the buildings of the Soldiers' Home. The tall building at close range on Pennsylvania Avenue is the Citv Post Office. From the West Window. On the opposite shore of the Potomac, in Virginia, is Arlington, the National Cemetery, and once the famous Lee residence. On a clear day the Blue Ridge Mountains are plainly visible at a distance of seventy miles. To the northwest of the Monument is Georgetown, now a part of Washington Washington National Monument Society was organized in 1833. Incorporated 1859. Under Act of Congress approved August 2, 1876, the Society formally conveyed to the United States all the property rights and easements belonging to it in the Monument, the conveyance "being legally recorded in the proper court register." 25 COPYRIGHT I90T. BY J r JARVIS C'jUorge Washington Krom Palming In tlir Kircutive Mansion "A vein of dignified reserve whicli vStuart rightfully characterized on canvass." 28 Martha Washington 2: o > 2 O Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. (Where the Washington Family Worshiped.) George Washington was born February 22, 1732. Inaugurated the first President of the United vStates, April 30, 1789, in the city of New York, which was then the capital. Died at Mount Vernon, Virginia, December 14, 1799. Buried in the Vault at Mount Vernon, Virginia. Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon. 31 32 33 a a I > - ^ ~ rC t S S r^ (\\ ^ ^ 2 c^ < s. S lis s si >> 9 ^ *j > c u £ O ^ S3 '-' Si - 3 "^ to N O 1-1 2 E > J3 = S O fe ^ . !3 < WooDROW Wilson, President United States Ex-Officio President Washington National Monument Association Red Parlor, White House State Dining Room, White House 38 39 President Wilson and Family UxiTED States Treasury State, War and Navy Departments 42 Smithsonian Institution Department of Agriculture 43 Department of Ixtkrior Pension Bureau 44 Bureau of Engraving and Printing I Library of Congress 45 Marble Stairway, Library of Congress 46 READING Room, Library of Congress UxiTHD States Soldiers' Home Scenes at the Natiu.nal Cemetery, Arlington, Va. 1. Sheridan Gate 2. Grave of 2,111 Unknown Soldiers 3 and 4. Military Funeral 5. Temple of Fame 6. Soldiers' Graves 7. OflTicers' Graves 8. Arlington Mansion 9. North Gate 10. Sheridan's Monument 48 Daughters of the American Revolution Hall Municipal Building 49 t/3 < m Q K p l- 2; bJ Q 00 W X w < > C/2 Q (/) 3: b} > W en o o w o Q O B Union Station Pennsylvania Avknue Looking from Treasury Capitol in Background 51 (Sittftr tu Ihr (Cilji nf HJaahiuutnu Washington, the Capital, was Founded by George Washington. "It is a hundred years since this city, planned by Washington, became the seat of government. This whole city is, in a larger sense, a Washington monument." — [U. S. Sen. Hoar, of Mass., 1900.] When George Washington was inaugurated President the Capital was New York City. It was moved to Philadelphia in 1790, and to its present site on the Potomac in 1800. CAPITOL. — Contains the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court. Panels of the bronze doors of the Senate chamber represent scenes in the life of George \\ashington. Statue of George Washington. Capitol cost S16, 000,000. Open 9 A. M to 5 P. M. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY, Cost $6,347,000. Open 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, Sth and 9th Sts., S. E. Concerts (free) by U. S. Marine Band, Mondays at 10 A. M. Guard mount at 9 A. M., daily. Open 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. UNITED STATES NAVY YARD, foot of Sth Street, S. E. Open 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. (United States shipbuilding, guns, etc.) WASHINGTON MONUMENT, the Mall, between 14th and 17th Streets, S. W. Oi)en from S.30 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. [Elevator starts at 9 A. M., last trip 4 P. M.] PENSION BUREAU, corner 5th and G Streets. N. W. Open from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, corner 7th and F Streets, N. \\'. Open from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M PATENT OFFICE, Interior Department Building Open from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M TREASURY DEPARTMENT, corner of 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Open from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. [From 1 1 A. M. to 12 M. and from 1 to 2 P. M. oflicial guides will escort visitors from the Treasurer's office through the Department.] EXECUTI\'E MANSION (White House), Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets, N. W. Open from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. STATE. WAR AND NAVY DEPARTMENTS, corner 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Open from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. [In the Library of the State Department may be seen the original Declaration of Independence.] NEW CORCORAN ART GALLERY, corner 17th Street and New York Avenue, N. W. Open daily from 9.30 A. M. to 4 P. M. [On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays the Gallery is open to the public free of charge. On other days an admission fee of 25 cents is charged.] NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDEN, 3d Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIliS, corner 6th and B Streets, S. W. Open from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. NATIONAL MUSEUM, the Mall, between 7th and 12th Streets, S. W. Open from 9 A. M to 4 P.M. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, the Mali. Open 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, corner 14th and B Streets, S. W. Open from 9 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. [Visitors are escorted through the Bureau except from 1 1.45 A. M. to 12.30 P.M.] NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK, Connecticut .\venue, N. W. Open daily. [By carriage or electric cars.] BUILDING IN WHICH PRI'lSIDIvNT LINCOLN DIED (Lincoln Museum), 516 10th Street. N. W. Open all day. MOUNT VERNON. [By steamer or electric cars.] ALEXANDRIA, VA., Christ Church, where George Washington attended. Open daily. ARLINGTON (National Cemetery). [By carriage or electric cars.] NATiriNAL SOLDIERS' HOME. [By carriage or electric cars.] No admission fee to Government Buildings. A Monument-Memorial S:.re<5tecl to GEORGE WASHINGTON by tHe Citizens of America DATA RELATIVE TO WASfflNGTON MONUMENT. Height of cap above mean low water..._.._.. -f^ fe^t f^ !"^J;f • Height above doorsill..._ --- " 555 feet 5H mches. Side of base: ^^ ^^^ .^^^^^ Outside. _ 25 feet. Inside _ - - ^Sfppt Depth of foundation below doorsill (sand and clay) _ ':;::'7"7T' u _. , - - J ,. 126 feet 6 inches. Side of foundation. ^^ „^„ „_ .. ,-.,,. 16,002.25 square feet. Area of foundation. S»de of t«P; 34 feet 6 inches. Outside -.- 3^ ^^^^ g j^^j,^^ Inside. Walls, thickness: ,_ „ * i/ • „u Base - - - ^5 ^®®* ^ '"*^^- Base. jg j^^jjgg „, .T^^ ~ : ""' 3,300 pounds Weight of capstone ' J, ^^^ Weight of whole Monument... — - ' " ,. / ,, *K„c,« 5 tons per square foot. Mean pressure at base - o * Pressure on foundation nowhere greater per square foot than. -. » tons. Near edges, less than. - — - ■ ; 7"~"\ , ' _, f Tv/r * H inch to 1 foot. Taper of Monument * Memorial stones (beginning at 30 feet, stopping at 280 feet)..._ - - — 1^» „. _ 898 Steps - gQ Landings — — - ~ „ Windows (at top only) .._._ _ -- - ^isOO.OOO Cornerstone laid July 4, 1848. Capstone set Dec. 6, 1884. Dedicated Feb. 21, 1885. Elevator (electric) time of traveL.._ -._ - ^5 minutes. Elevator, maximum load - ""^.jl ^ , ,„.,., . _ .5,670 pounds. Weight of car empty - — „' .„ , „, . , . f ^ i^u* 8,040 pounds. Weignt of counterwei3ht..._ — - ' "^ Speed of elevator, 100 feet par minute. Engine governor throws off curren} at 105 feet speed per minute. Car safety slops car at 150 feet speed per minute. Elevator tested at 6 tons. Tl\o Sale of tKis BooK at tKo VTashington Montiment is by Authority of tHe Wat Department. C 7"?Q 89 NsB -OS*' •■ * I 1 \^ .. -^ ••• -f^ ^ • « ^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC ^ AUG 89 IB# N. MANCHESTER, 006 153 873 2