i V (9 A-t LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 540 379 F 334 . M6 F6 Copy 1 .A.]sr .i^cooxjisrT GREAT EXPLOSION United States Ordnance Stores, Wlilcli occnrel in MoMle. ou lie 25tli day of May, 1865. TOCtETIIER "WITH THE PK0CEEDI2S[GS OP THE PRINCIPAL SUFFERERS, TAKEN WITH THE VIEW OF CAUSING A TRUTHFUL AND ACCURATE REPORT AND RE- CORD TO BE MADE OF THE HEAVY LOSSES OCCASIONED BY THIS TERRIBLE DISASTER, WITH AN ENQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT, AND AN APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR INDEMNITY, BASED UPON THE PLEDGE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY OF OCCUPATION, GIVEN UPON THE SUR- RENDER OF THE CITY, AND UPON THE EVIDENCE ELICITED, AND THE VERDICT RENDERED BY THE UNITED STATES COURT MARTIAL, WHICH WAS HELD IN THE CITY OP MOBILE. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATING THE CAUSES OP THE EXPLOSION. MOBILE; Henry Farrow & Co., Printers. 1869. On the 29tli of August, 1865, a meeting of the principal suffer- ers by the great explosion of the United States Ordnance Stores^ which occurred on the 2oth of May, 18Co, was held in the office of the Mobile Insurance Company. On motion of J. Emanuel, N. W. Perry was appointed Chair- man and Chas. n. Fonde, Secretary. On motion of J. C. Callioun, it Avas resolved that a Committee be appointed for the purpose of having a correct and truthful report prepared, embracing what facts can be ascertained in re- gard to the cause of the disastrous accident, as well as to ascer- tain the amount of damages sustained by each individual, firm or corporation; and in compliance with this resolution, the following named persons were appointed a Sui)ervising Com- mittee : ]S^. W. Perry, Chairman, W. J. LedYard, D. W. Goodman. J. C. Calhoun. On motion of D. W. Goodman, it was further resolved that the Supervising Committee shall be assisted by a competent Board of Mechanics, whose duty it shall be, after examination of the j)remises, to make estimates of damages and loss on all buildings, machinery, &c.; and the following nauied Master Mechanics of Mobile were appointed : Wm. H. Sadler, Mason, Thos. J. Riley, Slater. James Barnes, Carpenter. J. B. Ollis, Machinist. John King, Wharf Constructor. And ChaSi H. Fonde, who was an eye-witness of the explosion^ was selected to prepare the report for publication, intended to serve impartially, as the basis of a claim for indemnity against the United States Government, while the facts are fresh in the memory of those present, well knowing the demands of com- merce, and the recuperative energy of our people, will, in the course of time, remove the evidences of destruction; and that delay will render it more difficult to collect together those proofs of loss and damages which are indispensable to a proper and equitable adjustment of their claims for indemnity at the hands of the Government of the United States. To tlie Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled : From time to time, under tlie disi^ensations of mysterious Providence, individuals and nations are visited with some great calamity, terrible in its private agony, tragic and awful in its public woe. The veil of peace had scarcely been drawn over the horrors of the late war, by the national supremacy, when Mobile reposing in trustfnl security under the i^romised protection of the United States, was rocked to its centre, by a sudden and terrible explosion, unparalleled in its destruction of life and property. Pestilence, Flood and Fire, had in turn chastened her people, but all the combined trials and losses of the past, were but drops in the sea of trouble, occurring in the halcyon days of a nation's peace, the heart of the country would have wept, as it dwelt upon the particulars and details of such a dis- aster, and relief would have followed sympathy, as the tears fol- low each other. But the destruction and death seemed so much like an echo of the recent war, that the wearied people sickened with so much blood, and so much sorrow, looked uj)on it as an api^endix to that sad history of war to which they had become inured. Your memorialists, sufferers by this great explosion, now that the past belongs to history, the impartial and uniirejudiced judge, would respectfully, as citizens of the United States, beg to tax your time and attention with a brief account of this crash of mat- ter and wa'eck of life. Mobile had, under a kind Providence, been mercifnlly spared the destruction that had befallen other Southern cities, and after the close of the war, had started with a hearty acceptance of the new order of things, on the march of recuperation and re-con- struction. With the small means at their command, her citizens cheerfully and hopefully embarked upon a new life. The streets were once more crowded, and the stir of returning trade had succeeded to the boom of cannon. The Warehouses were filled with Cotton, and the wharves could scarcely accommodate the demands of the commercial rush. The future looked hope- ful and bright, but alas, on the 25th day of May, 1865, there Avas a dreadful awakening from this dream of prosperity. Suddenly, as if by some great volcanic up-heaving of the earth, a black mass sprang- into i\\e quiet sky, and spreading its lurid wings, dealt death and terror for miles around. It seemed a writhing giant — gaunt anil grim — i)oise(l in mid air, from whose wondrous loins sprang bursting shells, flying timbers, bales of cotton, bar- rels of rosin, bars and sheets of iron, bricks, stones, wagons, horses, men, Avomen and children, commingled and mangled into one immense mass. The heart stood still, and the stoutest cheek paled, as this rain of death fell from the sky, and crash after crash foretold a more fearful fate yet impending; the lurid flames now began to leap forth from the wreck, and the alarm bells, with terror in their notes, rang out their warning of a new danger yet to be encountered; old and young, soldier and citizen, now vied with each other, in deeds of daring, to rescue the crushed and imprisoned from a still more lingering and fearful death. General Granger despatched a messenger to Brigadier General Dennis, with orders to detail all the soldiers in the city and vi- cinity, and to impress all men found in the streets, to aid in the work of rescue, and to stay the progress of the flames; in a short time large numbers of soldiers, sailors and firemen were seen uniting their efforts, side by side, with the sailors and soldiers of the United States, emulating each other, in deeds of valor, in the cause of suffering humanity; hour after hoiu' they toiled amid exploding shells and crumbling walls, bringing forth, one after another, the writhing forms of the mangled and blackened corpses of the dead ; but the raging fires and deadly missiles seemed loath to cease the work of destruction, and some of these brave men lost their lives hj venturing too far in the burning district ; led on by the groans of some helpless sufferer, they would spring forward, nerved by wails of anguish wrung fi'om the bosom of some wife, mother or sister, many of whom, with frantic cries and gestures, were rushing through the dangerous precincts, calling their loved ones; one elderly matron was weeping and wringing her hands over what she supposed was the remains of her son, identified, as she thought, by a ring discovered on his finger, when at the moment, her boy, powder-burned and black- ened, wallvcd uj) and raising her said, mother I am unhurt ; the reaction was too great, and the poor mother was borne off in a swoon. Still as the smoke-begrimmed forms of the rescuers bore out some newly discovered victim renewed shrieks of these women, as they gathered round, proclaimed the recognition of some dear friend or relative ; some had legs blown off, others Avitliout an arm, others heads crushed, and many in such a con- dition as to be scarce recognizable as human beings; it was 6 agonizing, awful beyond expression ; still, fitr in the niglit the heroic work of rescue went on, notwithstanding the dreadful rumor that was rife, of fifteen tons more powder in the ruins not yet ignited, which would soon engulph them all. The scene after midnight was dismal and the desolation around complete ', the ambulance trains, with the wounded, had disap- peared, a number of ghastly corpses laid out on the wharves, were now and then made visible by the lurid light of the flaming iiiins ; the direction of the streets were scarcely to be traced amid the vast heaps of bricks and mortar, Avhile the sickening fumes of the burning carcasses of mules, horses and human be- ings, mingled with the stifling smoke of burning hay, cotton and rosin, and ever and anon a heavy explosion of shell, all conspired to protect this dreadful holocaust from the intrusion of those who were bravely battling all those elements of dread and horror, in hopes ot rendering succor to the i^oor unfortunates, whose groans and cries reached their ears from under piles of fallen timbers and crumbled walls. Let memory recall for a moment the busy scene that was presented by this entire section of the city, previous to the explosion, and view it from some elevated position. One can scarcely believe the evidence of the senses that all this change was wrought in a single instant. Before the explosion the eye rested upon long lines of substantial Buildings, Ware- houses, Cotton Presses, Foundries and Mills, all in operation, with their numerous employees 5 steamboats loading and unload- ing at the wharves 5 on the streets many drays and long trains of army wagons, and in many of the Cotton Yards and Sheds, every available spot Was filled with negro men, women and chil- dren, intermingled with a large number of negro troops ; the wharves were piled with bales of Hay, Cotton, and large quan- tities of Wood ; all reduced to a grand mass of ruins and deso- lation in a moment; and where the magazine, a two-story Brick Building stood, is now a pond of water ten feet deep. It is safe to say the like has never occurred before in the history of calami- ties, resulting from explosions of this nature. It may pass from the memory of those who read, but will never be forgotten by those who witnessed it. 7 THE FOECE OF THE SHOCK. So heavy was tbe report, that the officers and men stationed at Fort Morgan, thirty miles distant, were so startled and alarmed that they simnltaneously rushed to the parapets, the general impression being that a monitor, which lay in the vicinitj^, had exploded her magazine. Mr. Meade, of Adams Express Com- pany, reported that the noise of the explosion was distinctly heard by the passengers on the train, while in motion, forty miles from the city. In the city the shock was so gTeat as, in several instances, to cause instant death without the least appearance of injury to the body. Mr. John Kavanaugh, who was on board the steamboat Kate Dale, was an instance of this kind. An officer, who had just dismounted from his horse and was standing by him at the time, had his horse instantly killed by the concussion, but escaped himself. A man was blown off' the wharf at the foot of Church street, full three- quarters of a mile from the magazine. Many jjersons were ren- dered deaf, and some are known to have remained so. In the vicinity of the Battle House, corner of St. Francis and Eoyal streets, Cabs and Carriages were capsized, and in some in- stances, the horses fell as though shot dead. In the Battle House was enacted a scene of the wildest panic aud confusion. Some hundred or more guests were seated at the dinner table when the explosion occurred. The plas- tering fell upon them. Shrieking women and pale-faced men all rushed for the doors, midst over-turned tables, shivered glass, crockery and mirrors; the very waUs seemed about to fall and crush them. During the panic one gentleman leaped from the balcony into the street, a height of twenty feet. The inmates of nearly every house in the city believed at first that their par- ticular dwelling was the subject of some terrific shock. The Churches and other public buildings hatl their doors and win- dows destroyed, and were otherwise damaged. So great was the force of the shock throughout the entire city, that universal ter- ror and consternation was depicted on every countenance ; the principal streets were strewn with the wrecks of vehicles and stunned or struggling horses ; the side-walks were covered with glass, broken from the windows; many stores and dwellings were unroofed and presented an appearance as though the air within them had exploded in consequence of the great vacuum created without. 8 Sucli are some of the details of this volcanic explosion. Your memorialists would now beg to call your attention to the annexed plans and diagrams, made from actual survey, and setting forth by metes and bounds their several interests. It is also prayed that reference may be had to the verified esti- mates, made by responsible and reliable citizens and mechanics, of the actual loss sustained by your memorialists. The estimates are equitable, and do not include any element based upon the loss of rents, and cessation of business, which in many cases still exist, as some have not been able to rebuild, and have nothing left of their once valuable and productive x>roperty, but shape- less, useless ruins. Your memorialists cannot, at this time, fur- nish exact testimony as to the precise way in which the catas- trophe occurred. Under military orders, an unusual and unsafe amount of ammunition, of all kinds, was collected in Pomeroy & Marshall's Warehouse ; all the ordnance turned over by the Confederate officers was concentrated at this point, as they were informed, for shipment; it was stated that on the day of the ex- plosion negroes had been employed by the officer in charge to transfer fixed ammunition into the Warehouse ; that thus formed into line and loaded and capped shells were passed and thrown from hand to hand; that the fall and explosion of one shell thus strangely handled, had sped the officer and his employees into eternity. Eeports and returns inaccessible to your memorialists are, no doubt, in the archives of the War Department, which would throw much light upon the subject. Your memorialists, in the name of Equity a^d Justice, pray that all papers that may unfold the Truth of this mysterious event be called for and fully examined, so that right may be done. Your memorialists do not deem it necessary to urge upon your Honorable bodies any argument, but this truthful statement of facts. Helpless, under the conditions of their surrender ; unable to protest against the order, so carelessly given, which accumu- lated in a iiopulous city, such an unusual amount of exi)losive material; trusting quietly in the promise of futiu'e protection, so positively given, they had confided life and property to the keeping of the Government ; to the same Government to whom they now appeal for relief. STATE OF ALABAMA, ) MOBILE COUNTY. ) Personally appeared before me, Joseph JSeaivall, a Notary Public, ill aud for said county, duly eomuiissioued and qualitied, John F. Eawls, who being- duly sworn, did depose and say that in April and May, 1805, he was in tlie employ of the Mobile & Ohio Bail Eoad Company, that it was his business to direct the load- ing and discharging, at Mobile, of all Freight Trains; that large quantities of ammunition of every description, from time to time, came over said Eail Road to Mobile, for the Military Authorities of the United States, which, on its arrival, Avas taken in posses- sion by an officer or officers of the United States, and by his or their direction removed by men in their employ to Marshall's Warehouse; that the men so employed, in presence of their Offi- cers, handled the ammunition so carelessly that the employees of the R. R. Co. Avere in constant apprehension of its being exi)loded. He further states that on the 25tli of May, 1805, a large quantity of torpedoes, of shell, loaded and capped, and other ammunition, was being so removed from the R. R, Depot to said Warehouse; that he saw men tampering with the torpedoes, trying to open them, and other men handling the shell, &c„ so carelessly as to attract the attention of every person about the depot ; that he directed the attention of the officer in charge of the men to the .subject, but that he appeared as indifferent to the danger as the men themselves, and that while said officer and the men were so employed, and before the amnuinition was all removed from the depot, an explosion took place at Marshall's Warehouse, which laid in waste all that part of the City; and, as he verily believes, in consequence of the careless handling of the ammunition then being removed. JOHN F. RAWLS. Sworn to and subscribed before me, ) this 7th day of December, 1801>. ( J. SEAWELJa Notary i*nblic. Also appeared before me, the said Notary, H. Penkosk Yass, yrho being duly sworn, did depose and say that in Ai)ril and May, 1865, he was Clerk, and now is Freight Agent at Mobile, of the 10 Mobile & Oliio Rail Road Co., and that lie had full knowledge of all the freight that passed over said Road to and from Mobile. He further states, that in April and May, 1865,-large quanti- ties of ammunition of various kinds came over said Rail Road to Mobile, for the United States Military Authorities, all of which upon its arrival was taken in possession by said authorities, and by them hauled from the depot of said Comi^any to Marshall's Warehouse; that on the 25th of May, I8G0, a large quantity of torpedoes, shell, loaded and capped, and other ammunition was being so hauled from said depot to said warehouse ; that it was all handled by negro soldiers in charge of an Officer of the Uni- ted States, and while it was in the course of removal, and before all had been taken from the depot, an explosion took place at Marshall's Warehouse, which destroyed most of the buildings and other property in the northern part of the City. He further states that he verily believes that said explosion was the result of the reckless handling of the ammunition then being removed. H. PENROSE VASS. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 7th day of December, 1869. J. SEAWELL, Notary Public. 11 LIST OF PROPERTY DESTROYED AND NAME OF OWNERS. NAME. Hrown's Warehouse- Holland Warehouse. OWNERS. John A. Campbell i John A. Campbell, -; Henry Bright and ( Heirs of John Goldthwaite. L John A. Campbell, Goldthwaite Warehouse, -j Henry Bright and ( Heirs of John Goldtlnvaite. ( John A. Campbell, Bright Warehouse < Henry Bright and ( Heirs of John Goldthwaite. i John A. Campbell, Beers' Warehouse -] Henry Bright and / Heirs of John Goldthwaite. AMOUNT. $38,457 Planters' Press. Planters' Warehouse. . I N. W. Perry. j John D. Ragland and ( N. W. Perry. Okolona Warehouse N W. Perry. . City Warehouse & Wharf N. W. Perry. Ice House N. W. Perry. . Goodman Warehouse. Jones' Press and Wharf. Union Press Warehouse . Alabama Press and Wharf- Estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. i and D. W. Goodman. j Estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. j and D. W. Goodman. j Estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. j and D. W.Goodman. j i J. Emanuel and estate of j ! Wm. Jones, Jr. ] .,„, „ -iiir^^^i „„„„ i J- Emanuel and estate of / Alabama Warehouse -J ^^^^ j^^^^^ j^. ^ Emanuel & Gaines' Warehouse — J. Emanuel Ten Brick Stores and Warehouses — J. Emanuel Factors' Press and Warehouse — Stock Company Shippers' Warehouse Heirs of W. E. Kennedy . Shippers' Press Heirs of W. E. Kennedj^ Pomeroy&Marshall's W.H Estate of P. B. Pomeroy. . Mississippi Warehouse. . . Edward Begouen Magnolia Warehouse M. H. Bloodgood Calhoun's Warehouse. ... J. C. Calhoun Coley's Warehouse Estate of Sanford Coley. .. Selma Warehouse Estate of Sauford Coley. . 9,700 9,222 3,650 3,921- -$26,493 10,798 19,504- -$30,302 29,824 21,386 10,047- -161,257 29,515 41,000 11,000- -$81,515 34,338 10,645- -$44,983 10,875 17,500—128,375 29,485 20,800 2,900- -$23,700 22,500 17,931 25,700 17,975 10,647 9,496- -120,143 $468,816 12 }.. Amouut brought forward, Chandler Warehouse Estate of A. W. Gordon . Auze Warehouse Estate of A. W. Gordon . Aikin's Warehouse, No. 2 Estate of A. W. Gordon . , Bloodgood Warehouse. . . B. S. Skates & Co Mobile Foundry B. S. Skates & Co Montgomery Warehouse. . G. W. Tarletou Aikin's Warehouse, No. 1. John G. Aikin , Merchants' Press W. P. Hammond c!t 4. -D ixr 1 ^ Stallworth, Shackelford State Press Warehouse . . . -j ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ Hamilton Warehouse. . . . Mrs. John Scott Orange Grove Warehouse. Mrs. John Scott Miller's Warehouse William Miller Campbells' Warehouse George A. Tuthill Merchants' Warehouse W. L. Truwitt Eslava Warehouse Estate of E. Lockwood ... Ketchum Warehouse D. W. Goodman and others . Wellington Warehouse. . . Wm. H. Ketchum Veroni Wnrehonse -* ^^*'^^^ ^^ •^- *■'• Thompson ) V erona W arebouse ^ ^^^^^ g ^ Gallup. j • /-I r TVT -n \nr 1 i John H. Garner and Garner & Nevill Warehouse -j -yy jj Nevill $468,81(1 10,536 9,200 5,000— $24,736 6,185 3,500—$ 9,685 16,860 13,444 11,000 5,168 4,440- Campbell's Press. j W. F. Cleveland, Jr. and ) ■ I Estate of Jas. Campbell. )' ' Globe Exchange, kitchen, vfcc. j W. F. Cleveland, Jr. and ) } Estate of Jas. Campbell. ^ • • ■ • Block of 6 three story stores .... Block of 5 four story stores .... Corinth Warehouse Jas. H. Daughdrill & G. W. Bond. Malone & Foote's Warehouse — J. B. Malone and C. K. Foote. Marble Yard Jarvis Turner Mobile & Ohio R R Depots Stock Company Garner House John H. Garner.. Five Stores three stories. . . Mrs. Eliza Battle Two Brick Buildings C. A. Gilbert One Brick Building C. A. Gilbert and L. M. Wilson. . Machine Shop and Foundry Ollis & Toulmin Brick Building Estate John B. Toulmin Brick Buildings, Stables, &c. John D. Ragland Brick House and Store. . . . Jas. Barnes Brick Stores J. T. Wiswall Battle House Stock Company. Brick Dwellings T. J. Riley Brick Dwellings J. S. Gliddon Foundry and Machine Shop Estate of O. Sibley Blacksmith Shop T. B. Lyons Magee& Smith Warehouse. D. W. Goodman 11,847 -I 9,608 5,200 4,190 7,800 7,655 6,210 3,903 3,500 3,000 1,500 3,500 6,000 1,200— $12,200 8,394 2,500 1,215 28,000 8,800 11,645 12.300 6,200 7,000 5,000 4,500 4,375 2,009 3,000 1,800 1,000 700 500 300 $728,892 BLOODGOOD STREET. HUNT STREET. 1 War t_-h.. .s... run cro V 1: Mil sha ll's Wal eh. us.-. LIPSCOMB STREET. Garner H lions.'. W w T * .- I ^ 't 1 H ._" ■; ^ aj ^ ? H d W 'f. W B. ■r 2^ - .r" H y. i 'Ji i F- _• ^. w > w _ ■^ 2h = z H £ ; Oi C = Alal.;.l la \V H. H W W H VJ (Ikolo na W 11. ADAMS STREET. Wellington Warehou.se. -ti G..l,Uli- J h4 ~- C ^ o i -^ ChandliM . :£. .__. < <■< Montgunier.v »v» Warehouse. I'ialilers- WarelDure. w CON(iRESS STREET. ('aiiipl'<'Hs Kshiv I W. H. r..i.-> Kinai Oaln. s W. 11 uel nn.l » W. H. STATE STREET. shlpiH-rs' War.-h. f-I Ah.liauia IT.'ss u^ w H 'Ji I.-.- H..US... Ml rvhanls' r anl.i>' •ress. Mal.ine an.l Fool.-'s W. II Shippers' \ I PreSB. i Canipbeirs ST. ANTHONY STREET. ^TJ:i^E WJi^l«EMOTJSK. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton ; situated ti\-e squares from where the explosion occurred ; roof crushed, walls partially throwti tlown ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Pro- perty of .V. W. Oordou. SHED 135 KEET BY YARD 150 BY 75 KECT. O -JXVO £ OS SUED 75 FEET BY JHED 75 FECT BY 3XV0 MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 2,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 7,200 .f 9,200 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above. Nine Thousand Two Hundred (9,200) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Sigucd] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. M CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE State of Alabama. Personally appeared before me, a Notary I'ublic, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well kno^ni to me, and niade oath that the above is a Just estimate for the cost of reconstructinj:^ the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18GG. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. A^LABAIVX^V WAKEIIOtJSE. Had brick Malls; sheds covered with slate; storage capacity about .'),0(>0 bales of cotton ; contained at the time of the explo- sion about 1,500 bales of cotton, all of Avhich was burned ; situa- ted immediately opposite across the street (Lipscomb) from Pomeroy and ^larshall Warelnnise, where the explosion occur- red; bounded as described in the .urouml i)Ian annexed. Proper- ty of Jonathan Emanuel and estate of Wm. Jones, -Jr. Lipscomb Street— 224 feet. Shod 11-2 foet bv Shod 112 foot by 0) O GATK. YARD 22-1 BY 50 FEET. axvo (5 o r M o o o CD •outi asnoqajB^ tjucio^io MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 4,40.1 Lumber, Slate, Gutters and Labor for Sheds... o.mo Lumber and Labor for Floors 1 ,000 — §10,045 We, the nndersigned, IMaster ]\reclii'nics of IVIobile, examined carefully the above described i)remiscs since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as si)ecitied above. Ten TliousancI Six Hundred and Forty-tive (10,(i4r>) Dollars to rebuild tlie same. [Signed] WM. II. SADbEU. .Muson. .IAS. BAHNICS. CaiiK'ntcr. THUS. .1. KILEV, SluttT. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. j Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, didy com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructin<;- the above descril)ed property, to the best of their knowledjie and belief, the same liavinj; been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, «S:c., suitable for rebuildin.n. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1800. CHxVS. U. FONDE, N. P. ^XOIVTGO^IEIiY WAXIE HOUSE. Had Brick Avails; fshods covored Avith slate; st()ra*;c capaci- ty about 5,000 bales cotton ; contained at tlie time of the ex- plosion ab(nit 1,500 bales cotton, put in a short time before by the U. S. (Jovernment, bron<;ht to the city by their transports, all of which was burned ; situated on the secon,8G0 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examiiu d carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specitied, Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty (10,8(50) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, CiiriH-nter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named .Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and ma$ 4,.S()0 Lumber, Slate, Clutters and Labor for Poof 1LM(»4 Lunibi'r for Floors and (Jates l',()00— 81'),;"i04- ^Ve, tlie undcisij^iicd, ."Master JMeclianics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since tlie explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above sjieciticd, Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred and Pour (ll>,r)04) Dollars, to reltuild the same. LSi-nedJ WM. II. SADi.ER, .Mason. JAS. 15AHNES, Caipcntor. TIIOS. J. lULEV, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, \ S'l'ATK OF Alaija:ma. ( Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, didy com- missioned and swoiii, tlie above named Master Mcclianics of ]\Iobile, well known to me, and made oatli that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstrnctin;.; the above Lumber, Slate and Labor for Poof .■i,0<>0 Floors, Oftices, Kitchen, &c 1 ,8(i;) Pepairing AVharf Lr^OO— §10,708 Wc, the iin(l('rsiu:n('(l, blaster ^Icclianics of Mobile, exiiinineil caielully the above described premises since tiie explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above speeitied, Ten Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninetv-eii,rht (10, 7'J8) Dol- lars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. S.ADLKH, '.Mason. CITY AND COUNTY OF WftBILE, ( TiH)S.^*J^?uTHY;''Sr.'' STATE OF ALAllAMA. ) JOlIX KIXO, Wharf Constructor. Personally aitjieared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named .Master .Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath tliat the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, tlie same having been made in view of the ]>remises and lfi<-c, Sej)temhe)\ 180(5. CHAS. 11. FOXDE, X P. ^XAOEE &, }^3XITH'S TTAR-EHOXJSE. Ilad brick Avails ; sbecls covered with slate ; storage capacity about 2,500 bales of cotton ; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred ; slightly injured ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of D. AV. Goodman. axvo OQ YARD 300 BY 70 FEET SHED 100 FEET BY S SHED 100 FEET BY SUED 100 FEET BY ^ ■;a8J 008— i89-i;S I^AoH MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. All the damages .$300 We, the und(Msigned, ^Slaster ]\[eelianies of INIobile, examined carefully the al)()\e described premises since the explosion, and estimate th;it it will cost, iis spccifled above, Three Hundred (oOO) Dollars, to rebuild the s;ime. [Signod] W-AI. ir. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. HI LEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF AIOBILE, State of Alabama. M Persoiiiilly npixjiicd before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named blaster Mechanics of jNIobih'. well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estiimite for tlie <-ost of recoiistructiiig the above described property, to the liest of their knowledge and belief, the same having been miide in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &i'., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office^ September, 18GG. CHAS. n. FONDE, X. P. EM:A.]VXJEL & OAIIVES' WAR^EIIOXJSE. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 5,000 bales of cotton; only partially destroyed; bounded as described in ground plan annexed. Property of Jonathan Emanuel. State Street— 224 feet. I OP'FICE. DOOR 0) I o it A o ■ ^ GATE. 03 3 SHED 90 FEET BY SUED 112 FEIvT BY ^ YARD 224 BY 60 FEET. O 03 >-t 3XVO 2 SHED 112 FEET BY SHED 112 FEET BY •asnoqajB/w s^iSaioo pa's siq:^ naa^v^aq snii SuipiAid MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ 2,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 7,800 Gates, Gutters and Office 1,075 $10,875 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-five (10,875) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. / Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ]\Iaster Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of rccon.structing the above described property, to the best of their knowlcdg*^ and belief, the same having been made in view of the ]>remises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable lor rebuildiug. Given under my hand and seal of office, Septemher, 18GG. CHAS. H. rONDE, X. P. BROWIX'S WA.rtEMOXJSE. Had Brick walls; sheds covered Avith slate; storage capaci- ty about 15,000 bales cottou ; situated diagonally southeast across Lipscomb and Water streets from where the explosion occurred; bounded as described in ground plan annexed; oc- cupied at the time by the U. S. Quartermaster Department to keep beef cattle in, where many of them were killed by the fall- ing timbers and brick. Property of John A. Campbell. Water Street— 310 feet. CO Shed 103 feet by ^ Shed 103 feet by n CO CO y Shed 103 feet by y ■M GATE I YARD 310 FEET by 2 1 O i-H CO P B 00 i o o h 09 Shed 103 feet by ^ P Shed 103 feet by Shed 103 feet by « p 03 (D 1 i o o 03 3^ YA JATE 3 3XVE CO HD 310 FEET by o o Shed 103 feet by ^ ■ Shed 103 feet by ^ I Shed 103 feet by ^ MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work, $11,800 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Eoof 25,757 Gates and Gutters 000— $38,457 We, the imdersigTied, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefidly the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Thirty-eight Thou- sand Four Hundred and Fifty-seven (38,457) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. .TAS. BARNES. Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. f Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master ^Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, l^eptember, 18CG. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. ESLA.VA. \f^AIftEHOXJSE. Had Brick walls; slieds covered with slate; storage capaci- ty about 3,000 bales cotton ; situated about two squares from where the explosion occurred and badly crushed ; bounded as described in ground plan annexed. Property of the estate of E. Lockwood, of New York City. Congress Street— 224 feet. Shed 112 feet by ~, Slied 112 feet by en 8 1 •♦J 09 O GATE. YARD 224 BY 50 FEET. aiVO h? m ^ Shed 112 feet by :^ | Shed 112 feet by MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ 2,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 5,280 Gates and Gutters 375 S7,655 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified. Seven Tliousand Six Hundred and Fifty-five (7,055) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, :Mason. •IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath tliat the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing tlic above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1866. CHAS. H. FONDE, .V. P. VEI10]VA WAREHOUSE. Has brick walls ; slieds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 10,000 bales of cottou; but slightly iujiired; bounded as described in ground iilan aimexed. Property of the estate of J. C. Thompson & 15. C. Gallup, and put in order at a cost of $3,500. Pee Street. SHED. SHED. SHED. GATE. YARD. •aivi SHED. SHED. SHED. tATE. YARD. •axv SHED. SHED. SHED. lATE. ■ ■■Ill YARD. ' •aivi SHED. SHED. SHED. CO MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of restoration $3,500 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as specified above. Three Thousand Five Hundred (3,500) Dollars, to rebuikl the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES. Carpenter. THOS. .1. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Personally ai>i)oared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described l)roperty, to tlie best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1800. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. JOIVES' PRESS. A brick building; two stories; covorod with slnto; contained Boiler, Engine and two Tyler Tresses with 48 inch Cylinders, such as are used for compressinj;- cotton for shii)inent ; situated di- rectly op])osite across Commerce street from (ioodman AN'are- liouse, and a short distance from Avhere the ex])losion occurred ; buildin«>' Avas blown into fragments and afterwards huriH'd ; the Wharf in front, 2o0 by .3()() feel, had a large (j nan tity of hay, oats, &c., belonging to the United States Government, which was burned, also the surface of the AVharf down to the jtiling. Many lives were lost that were lodging in this building. There was a large amount of ^Machinery in this building for the puri)oso of manufacturing whiskey, where they had been i)rosecuting that branch of business. Bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. and Duke W. Goodman. Front Street— 120 feet. [PRESS] BOILER AND ENGINE. [PRESS] LARGE TWO-STORY BUILDING 120 BY SO FEET, FOR COMPRESSING COTTON. •;88j OSI— ^88-i;s ooaararaoo .MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ 6,820 Lumber, Slate, Gutters and Windows for Roof, Floors. «fec. and Labor 8,680 Two Tyler Presses and other Macliinerv 20,500 Damage to tlie Wliarf ' .-),000— .$41 .000 We, the undersigned, Master Meclianics of Mol)iIe, examined earefullv tiie above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Forty-one Thousand (41,000) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, .Mason. ,JAS. RARXES. Carpenter. CITY AND COUMY OF MOBILE, \ Tiios. .1. riley. slater. STATE OF ALABAMA. i ■I;JVJ\''lif, \^i' *'''".':;',• JOHN KING, Uliart Constructor. Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, «luly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master ^Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knoAvh'dgc and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and «lue allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding, Criven under my hand and seal of o^cc, Septemher, 180(5. CriAS. U. FONDE, N. P. ^IKriCriAIVTsS' W^^PtEIIOXJSE. Had ]Jiiok Avails; sheds covered with slate; storage capaci- ty about 5,()(K) bales cotton ; situated about four squares from where the explosion occurred and thrown doAvn ; bounded as described in ground plan annexed. Pioperty of W. L. Truwitt. Congress Street— 240 feet. > 40 feci 3 - - 2 X 2. a - . ^ o ■^ o o - . J? > - (T> a ~ ~ ►::; bO ^ . o od s o o • n ^ - "< cn - - - 583J05 MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 1,500 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 0,300 — $7,800 We, the undersigned, Master Mechauics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above s])ecifled. Seven Thousand Eight Hundred (7,800) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. J AS. BARNES, Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. ] Personally ai)]>eared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to nie, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18G6. CHAS. H. FONDE, y. P. SHIPPERS' WAREHOUSE. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 18,000 bales of cotton ; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred 5 only i)artially damaged ; bouiuled as described in the ground plan annexed. Was the property of the heirs of W. E. Kennedy. St. Anthony Street— 350 feet. Shed 120 feet by Shed 105 ft by ^1 Shed 105 ft by S •aivo YARD 800 BY 75 FEET. OPEN YARD. Shed 150 feet by ^ Shed 150 feet by y YARD 800 BY 75 feet. GATE. Shed 150 feet by ^ | Shed 125 feet by ^ I Shed 125 feet by s^ I Shed 100 feet by ^ MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 2,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 18,800—820,800 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefidly the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified, T^entv Thousand Eight Hundred (20,800) Dollars, to rebuild the same."^ [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AXD COUNTY OF ]\rOBILE, ) State of ^Vx,Aa3A3iA. ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ^Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a, just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of tlie premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of o^ce, September, 186G. CHAS. H. rONDE, K P. OITY WAItEIIOXJSE. Had brick Avails ; sheds covered with slate; storaj^c ca])acity about 5,000 bales of cotton, and contained at the time of the ex- plosion over 4,000 bales, all of Avhieh Avere bnrned ; situated on the first square north of Avhere the explosion occurred ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. The AVharf in front, about 300 feet by 100 feet, Avas covered Avith fora<>e (hay, oats, &c.) belono-ing- to U. S. Goverunu'nt, landed a short time pre- A'ious to the explosion, Avliich Avas bunu'd. Also the surface of the Avliarf doAvn to the piling. Property of X. W. Perry. Hunt Street— 384 feet. YARD S84 BY 57 FEET. ■ >-t 2 GATE. -axvo I 1^ I Two-story Office. ■ p I 20 by 15 feet. I 2 Shed SO ft by S" Shed SO ft by Shed 112 feet by ^ I Shed 112 feet by O <1 MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 0,752 Lumber, Slate, Gutters and Labor for Sheds... 8,908 Lumber for Floors, TAvo-story Ofldce, Gates and Labor 2,G0G Damage to Wharf 3,000—821,386 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the aboA'e described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it Avill cost, as aboAC specified, TAAcnty-one Thou- sand Three Hundred and Eighty-six (21,380) Dollar.s, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. THOS. ,J. RILEY, Slater. .JOHN KING, Wharf Constructor. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, \ State of Alabama. ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the aboA-e named ]\Iaster Mechanics of Mobile, Avell knoAvn to me, and made oath that the aboAC is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the aboAC described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due alloAvauce made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18G6. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. CIIA.]Vr>LEK, AVAREIIOXJSE. Had brick Avails ; slieds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cottou; situated two squares from where the explosion occurred ; it Avas blown down ; bounded as de- cribed in ()) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. J.\S. r,AKXi:s, C.iiponter. TIIOS. ,1. in LEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF :\I01iILE, \ State of Alabaaia. i Personally api)enred before nu', a Xotnry Pnblic, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named blaster .Aleclianics of Mobile, Avell known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstrncting the above described j>roperty, to the best of theii' knowledge and belief, the same liaving been made in view of the pr<'niises and diw allowance made for the brick, «S:c., suitable for rebnilding. Given under my hand <(n( .se((l of o^licc, Srptemher^ 18GG. CIJAS. II. FONDE, N. F. KETCnXT^X WAllEHOXJSK. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with tin ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton; situated ininiodiately across AVater street from where the explosion occurred; and was entirely de- stroyed — buriuxl over ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of D. W. Goodman and others. Vacant. o U GATE Shed 90 feet by Shell 90 feet liy Shed 80 feet by Yard 250 by 40 feel. Shed 80 feet by Shed 80 feet by Shed 80 r '01 by ^■ •^89J 09S— ^88«HS -IS^B^ MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ 4,()(;o Lumber, Tin and Labor for Sheds S,l(;o Gates liOO Deduct one half for bad conditiim 12,4i'(!— $(5,210 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of IMobih', examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above. Six Thousand Two Hundred and Ten (0,210) Dollars, to rebuihl the s;imc. [Si!,nu'(lJ \VM. II. SADI.EK, Mason. J AS. HAKXES, CiiptMitfr. TIIOS. J. HILEY, Slater. M CITY AND COUNTY OF :M0J5ILE, State of Alabama. Personally ai>peared before me, a Notary Pnblic, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above names o o OS axvo ^ CD CD MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork | 2,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 8,272 Gates and Gutters 375 — $10,047 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-seven (10,017) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. 1 1. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AXD COUNTY OF MOBILE, \ State of Alaba^ia. i Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master jNIechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, »S:c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1866. CHAS. H. FONDE, K P. CA31PBELLS-$' \VAR,EHOTJSE. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 1,500 bales of cotton; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of G. A. Tuthill. Congress Street— 125 feet. Shed 60 feet by Shed (35 feet by GATE. YARD 125 BY 40 FEET. ^ CQ axvo o Shed 60 feet by Shed 65 feet by 8 MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 450 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 1,890 Also, two-story l)rick building on south side of St. Michael, between Water and Commerce... $ 1,850 — 84,190 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified, Four Thousand One Hundred and Ninety (4,190) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Sigued] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. J AS. BARNES, Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AXD COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office^ September^ 18G6. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. HOLLAIVD'S W^AR^EIIOUSK. ITad biiek walls ; sheds covered witli slate; storage capacity about 3,500 bales of cotton ; situated three squares iVoiii where the explosion occurred; bounded as described in the {>round plan annexed. Property of J. A. Campbell, Estate of John Goldthwaite and Henry i>riM:A:N warehouse. Had Brick walls ; shed covered with slate ; its storage ca- pacity about 8,000 bales cotton ; situated iminediatelj- north and adjoininjif Ponieroy & Marshall's Warehouse, Avhere the explo- sion took place ; it was swei)t level by the exi)losion and burned over ; bounded as described in the ground i)lan below. Property of the estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. and Duke W. Goodman. Hunt Street— 224 feet. Shed 112 foot by Shod 112 feet by ^ Yard 224 feet bv Shed 112 feet by o •aiV!i O Shed 112 feet by Yard 224 feet bv GATE. ■ aiv;) 4^ Shed 112 feet by ^ Shed 112 feet by ^ CQ •asnoTTaJBM n^qsaBpi ay S.oj.duio^ 'jo SauizBS^i^ japMoj :mechanics' estimate for restoration. Brick Work $ 9,005 Roof, Lumber, Slate, Gutters and Labor 14,810 Floors $4,500 and Gates $G00 5,100— §29,515 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost as specified above. Twenty-nine Thou- sand Five Hundred and Fifteen (L'9,515) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] AVM. II. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES. Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ^Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge an»l beli<'f, the same having been made in view of the luciiiiscs ami due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1800. CHAS. H. FONDE, .V. P. JAriVIS TXJRNEPt'S MiAHBLE YAKD. Had brick walls ; sheds covorod Avitli slate ; (tliis was fornieily a Cotton Warehouse); situated six squares from where the explo- sion occurred ; slightly damaged; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of Jarvis Turner, and put in order at a cost of $1,215. SUKU 75 FKET BY SHKD 75 FECT BY O GATE. O ^* OQ f-H O YARD 150 BY GO FECT. SHED 75 FEET BY SHEO 75 FEET BY •^saj 091— ^a8J;s Q%ms MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of restoration $1,215 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as above specified. One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifteen (1,215) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SAULEH, Mason. .TAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. KILEY, blater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. j Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named blaster ^lechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and du<' allowance made for the brick, &C., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 1800. CIIAS. H. FONDE, N. P. ^XERCHAIVTS' PRESS. Was a brick biiikliiig- covered Avitli slate, two stories liigh; situated about 700 feet from M'liere the explosion occurred ; only partiallj^ damaged; bounded as described in tlie ground plan annexed. There Avas in the building a Boiler, Engine and one Tyler Press, 48 inch Cylinder, used for pressing Cotton for ship- ment. Property of W. P. Hammond and put in order at a cost of $11,000. Front Street— 150 feet. PRESS, BOILER and ENGINE. LARGE OPEN BUILDING FOR COMPRESSING COTTON. 150 BY 80 FEET. •^88j OSI— *89*i^S ooaaraxnoQ MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work, Lumber, Slate, &c., 811,000 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as specified above. Eleven Thousand (11,000) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. .JAS. BARNES. Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. / Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missione:*> CO MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTOKATIOX. Brick Work $ 1>,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Eoof 1(),000 Gutters and Clates 7,00— 8l.*r>, 700 We, the undersigned, INIaster IVIechanics of INFobiU', examined carefully the above describe*! premises sin(;e the exph)sion, and estimate thnt it will cost, as above six-citied, Twenty-Five Thou- sand Seven Hundred (25,700) Dollars, to rebuihl the same. [Si;,'nccll WM. II. SA1)I-EK, Mason. •IAS. HAKNES, t"aiiH-nter. THUS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF ]\IOBILE, ) State of Alabama. s Personally ai)iK»ared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Ma.stcr Mechanics of Mobile, well known to mc, and mai<'inis«'.s and i\\w aUowance made lor the brick, tJtc., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and neat of office^ !Septemhe)\ 18G(J. CliAS. II. FONDE, N. P. TJNIOIV PPtESS WAREHOUSE. Had brick avails ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 7,000 bales of cotton ; situated six squares from where the explosion occurred ; was badly injured ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. and Duke W. Goodman. 40 feet >. Shed 120 feet by S o *- Shed 130 feet by ^ Shed 12 40 I'l'ct lb o ) feet by ^ >■ o Shed 135 feet. ' >. o o •a a >< eet. 1 ^ 60 feet 1 uooR. 'aoou 1 Two Story 1 1 OFFICE. 1 DiiOK. -aoou =hed 100 feet by ard 100 feet by 40 feet 40 feet it ... Shed 140 feet by ■z 1 . 1 1 *- o re o Press Room 100 by ^ Machinery taken out. 6 Shed 50 feet by 1. ';88J OZ,e— J88'US smoT: '^S MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $3,000 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 8,000 -$11,000 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of IMobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Eleven Thousand (11,000) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Si-ned] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. ] Personally appeared before me, a Notary I*ublic, duly com- missioned and sworu, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a Just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and neal of o^iee, ISeptemher, 186G. CHAS. II. rONDE, N. P. ORAIVGHC OR-OVE WAREHOUSE. Had brick walls ; sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cottou ; situated tlirce squares from where the explosion occurred ; only partially destroyed ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Owned by Estate of John Scott. Shed 75 feet by g; Shed 75 feet by SHED. VARD 100 BY 60 FEET. •axvij SHED. L s 1 , ^q qaaj Qi paqg ^ £q 133J Qi pans MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTOKATIOX. Brickwork $ COO Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 3,840 §4,440 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specilied. Four Thousand Four nundred and Fortv (4,440) Dollars, to rebnild the same. [Si^mcd] WM. H. SADLKl?, .Mason. J AS. BAItNES. CiiriH'iiter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Persiuially appeared before me, a Notary Pnblic, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ^Master Mechanics of Mobile, Avell known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstrncting the above described lu'operty, to the best of their knowledge an-<• o S- S- ~. »0 JO OQ rick Stores between St. Anthony and St. Louis streets 0,000 Damage to tive four-story Brick Stores between St. Michael and St. Francis streets. 1,1'00 All between Front and Coninierce streets. $12,200 Property of Wm. F. Cleavelaud and estate of Jas. Campbell. We, the undersigned, ]\Iaster Mechamcs of ^Mobile, examined carefully tln^ above described ])remises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specitie- been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuildinj:. Given under my hand and seal of office^ IScptcmhcr, 1800. CHAS. II. FONDE, .V. P. SHIPPER JS' PRESS. A brick buildinji-; covered with slate; two stories; contained one Tyler Press, 40 inch Cylinder, witli Boiler and Engine ; situ- ated four squares from where the explosion occurred ; only slight- ly injured ; bounded as described in the ground i)lan annexed. Property of the heirs of W. E. Kennedy, and i)ut in order at a cost of $2,900. Front Street— 100 feet. PRESS, BOILER and ENGINE. TWO-STORY BUILDING FOR COMPRESSING COTTON. 100 BY 80 FEET. OFFICE. '%ddj 001— ^QQ-i^S 80J8taraoo MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of restoration $2,900 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as above specified. Two Thousand Nine Hundred (2,900) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. IF. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES. Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. / Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September^ 186C. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. JMALOIVE Sc FOOTE'S T^ArJEHOUSE. Was a one-stoiy brick building, covered with slate; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of Malone & Foote, and put in order at a cost of $2,500. Front Street— 100 feet. '^88J 001— ^98J^S oojauiraoo MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of restoration $2,500 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefidly the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as above specified. Two Thousand Five Hundred (2,500) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. J AS. BARNES, Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AXD COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabaima. | Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18G6. CHAS. n. FONDE, N. P. BLOOI>OOOr> WAI^EIiOXJSE. Had brick Avails ; sheds covered Avitli slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton ; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of B. S. Skates & Co. Magnolia Street— 220 feet. SUED 100 FEET BV MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 325 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 5,8G0— $6,185 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Six Thousand One Hundred and ]^]ighty-rtve (G,185) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY ANH COUNTY OF MOBILE, \ State of Alabama. i Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and swoni, the above named ]\Iaster Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstiiictiiii;' the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18CG. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. lOE HOUSE. Was ii brick Imiltliiiii', two stories; covered witli slate ; finish- ed Avitli an ofilicc in lirst and second stories; divided into tliree divisions for vaidts for Ice; Aery nnicli sliattcred Imt not entirely destroyed; distant abonf ."{OO feet fnnn Avherc the explosion oc- curred ; bounded as described in the jiionnd i)lan annexed. Tlie buildinj;' Avas in use as a Fomuhy and ^Machine Sho]) by Ollis & Toidmin, whose loss was very larji'e. Pro])erty of N. W. Perry. Front Street— 107 feet. MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. lirick Work $ 4,225 Lnnd)er, Slate and Labor tor I'oof :i,S~)2 Lumber for Floors, Doors, AVindows, «S:c 1,720 riasterino-Omces 250— §10,047 We, the undersigned, ^faster Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the al)ove described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified, Ten Thousaud and Fortv-seven (10,047) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Si-^ned] W.M. II. SADLER, :Mason. .IAS. BARNi:S. Cariiontcr. TIIOS. .1. 1{ILEY. Slater. CITY AXD COUNTY OF :\IOBILE, ) State of Alabama. ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Pnblic, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ^Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and uiade oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing- the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the In-ick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of o^ice, September, ISGO. CHAS. II. FONDE, X. P. ALABAMiA PItESS. Brick building ; two stories ; covered with slate ; containing Boiler, Engine, one 44mcli cylinder Tyler Press and one Duval Press, used for compressing cotton for shijiment, and a large amount of Machinery for grinding meal ; situated diagonally across Commerce and Lipscomb streets from where the explosion occurred and about 200 feet therefrom. The building was blown all to pieces and afterwards burned over, together with the sur- face of the wiiarf in front, 70 feet wide by 300 feet long, down to the piling, with what forage was on the wharf at the time, the Government using it for that purpose. Proi)erty of the estate of Wm. Jones, Jr. and Jonathan Emanuel. Front Street— 100 feet. PRESS. BOILER AND ENGINE. PRESS. TWO STORY BUILDING FOR COMPRESSING COTTON 100 BY 80 FEET. KITCHEN OFFICE. ■*89J OOT— la^J^S aoaoniraco MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork, I 7,028 Lumber, Sljite, Gutters and Labor for Koof 4,800 Gates, Office, Floors, Windows, &c 2,010 Press and Machinery 18,500 Damage to Wharf 2,000—834,338 We, the undersigned, Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described jireniises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified, Tliirty-fourTliousand Three llrmdred and Thirty-eight (34,338) Dollars to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. 11. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIKJS. J. RILEY, Slater. J. B. OLLIS, Machinist. JOHN KING, Wharf Constructor. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. J Personally ai)peared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described I^roperty, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of o^ce, September, 18G6. CIIAS. U. FONDE, N. P. AIKIIV'S WAREHOUSE. Had brick walls ; slieds covered with slate ; storage caiiacity about 7,000 bales of cotton; situated two squares from where the explosion occurred, and generally crushed down ; bounded as de- scribed in the ground plan annexed. IMoperty of John G. Aikin. Shed 150 feet by Shed 100 feet by axvo h5 YARD. 40 feet ►1 ^ (D rt- ^ t>a g a "O o K !5> (D 'axvo I — I I OFFICE J I •*88J 002— ^88*i;S ssaaSuoo MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 2,491 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 10,953— $13,444 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above. Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-four (13,444) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES. Carpenter. TIIOS. .1. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. / Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ^Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowledge and belief, tlie same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, i&c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of office, September, 18GG. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. P. ]M:OI3ILIi: FOUTTVDK^'. Is a brick buildiiiii-, two storios covcrod with slate ; situated four sciuarcs froiii where the expU)sioii oeeurred ; bounded as de- scribed ill the ground plan annexed. Property of B. S. Skates •S: Co., and put in order at a cost of $.'5,500. •;89j oei— ;89j;s oi^^s MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of repairino- damage $3,500 We, the nndersigned, jNIaster Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as above si)ecitied, Three Thousand Five Hundred (;),500) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signc-d] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. JAS. BARNES. Carpenter. TIIOS. .J. RILEY. Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ( State of Alabama. J I'ersonally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- mi^si<' W^VltEIIOTJJSli:. Had brick -svalls ; sheds covered with slate; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton ; situated four squares from where the explosion occurred; bounded as described in the <>roun(] plan annexed. Was the i)roperty of John A. Campbell, Henry liright and estate of John (ioldtliwiiite. Shell '10 lo.'t b} in Slied 100 feet by -5 1^ VAUD axv! 0) O Sliod 170 feel bv - r ■f ^88J 061— ^aa'tlS 'BiionSBi\[ MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR IlESTORATION. Brick Work 8 700 Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 3,221 — $3,021 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully tlu'. above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Tliree Thousand :N^ine Hundred and Tweuty- lOO FFKr BY « SUED 100 FEET BY O GQ '^^ Congress Street— 200 feet. MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brickwork $ 500 Lumber, Slat^^" and Labor for Sheds 3,403 $3,903 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described jjremises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above specified. Three Thousand Nine ]lundre S CD CD <-»■ 1 09 a < Shed 100 feet by Shed 100 feet by 05 O g 01 Slied 100 feet by CD CD MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Cost of restoration $5,200 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it cost, as above specified. Five Thousand Two Hundred (5,200) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. II. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AXD COUXTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Personally appeared before me, a Xotarj' Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property to the best of tlieir knowledg<' and belief, the same having been made in view of tlie premi.>. Pomeroy. Bounded and described in ground plan annexed. Division between Goodman Warehouse. RyVIL. IlOA^D TPt^VCIC. ^1 ^ ]W[l!!i;SIHHII*l*I WAIiEIIOUSE. Had brick walls; sliods covered witli slate; storage capacity about G,000 bales of cotton ; situated in the second square from wlierc the exjilosion occurred and was blown down ; bounded as described in the j^rouiid plan annexed. Property of Edward Begouen. Division Wall, Magnolia Street— 307 feet. MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ ;j,9()({ Lumber, Sla te and Labor for Sheds 13,420 Gates and Gutters 545 $17,931 We, the undersij^ned, Master Meclianics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate tliat it will cost, as specified above. Seventeen Tliou- sand Nine Huiulred and Thirty-one (17,931) BolUirs to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Mason. J AS. BARNES. Carpenter. THOS. .1. RILEY, Slater. (3ITY AND COUNTY OF MOBILE, ) State of Alabama. i Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master ^Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a just estinuite for the cost of reconstructing: the above described property, to the best of their kuowled<;e and belief, the same having been made in view of the premises and due allowance made for the brick, «S:c., suitable for rebuilding. (riven under my hand and seal of office, ISeptemher, 180(}. CHAS. H. FONDE, N. F. h:a.3J[iltoiv waijehotjse. Had brick walls ; sheds covered Avitli slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton ; situated three squares from where the explosion occurred ; only partially destroyed ; bounded as described in the ground plan annexed. Property of estate of John Scott. Bloodgood Street— 300 feet. ^""" ^ ^ 4* <; ^^ .^ 0) Sh.d 100 foot by —. Shoil 100 foot l>y _, Shed 80 ft by r> o W « ~ ^5 - o O =<1 O lO 1 I 1— ' E 09 -M O n <0 -J CD <0 O ■■i ^H CD h ' ;atk. Yard 300 feet by ^ •aivo T ■M o 1 CQ ►i- Pi o 0) !-•> OQ " * • 5^ o ic o i-s Shoil 100 fi-ot by ~ o •c- ci- 02 .- Shod 100 foot by Shed 100 feet by '- MECHANICS' ESTIMATE FOR RESTORATION. Brick Work $ GOO Lumber, Slate and Labor for Sheds 4,5G8 .§5,108 We, the undersigned. Master Mechanics of Mobile, examined carefully the above described premises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as specified above, Five Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-eight (5,108) Dollars, to rebuild the same. [Signed] WM. H. SADLER, Masou. JAS. BARNES. Carpenter. THOS. J. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF 3r033ILE, \ State op Alaba^ia. j Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named ]\Iaster Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a Just estimate for the cost of reconstructing the above described property, to the best of their knowicdgt' and belief, the same having been made in view of the i)remises and due allowance made for the brick, &c., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and .seal of office., September., 18C0. CHAS. H. FONDE, .V. P. STATE P»rtESS WAPiEHOUSE. Had brick walls ; .sheds covered with slate ; storage capacity about 4,000 bales of cotton ; situated lour squares from where the explosion occurred ; bounded as described in the ffround j)lan annexed. Property of Thomas Stalsworth, Shackelford, and Skates «& Co., one-third each. The machinery removed from the premises. Royal Street— 265 feet. ■'- I i •fk. OKFICE. *- Shed 100 feet by s- Two-story. Shed 140 feet by - 40 feet o 1 f^V W^VltEHOUSE. Mad brick walls ; sheds covered Avitli slate; storage capacity about S,000 bales of cotton ; situated on the first s(|uare south of where the explosion occurred; bounded as described in the ground i)lan annex<'d; contained at the time of the explosion about L*, ()(>(> bales of cotton, all of which were burned. Property of y. W. Perry. Adams Street— 224 feet. ^ Sl.cd 112 feet by ^ She,500 -$20,824 We, the undersigned, blaster ]\rechanics of ^Mobile, examined carefully the above desciilu'd i)remises since the explosion, and estimate that it will cost, as above sitecitied. Twenty-nine Thou- sand I':iglit Hundred and TMcnty-four (20,824) Dollars, to re- build the same. [Signed] WM. U. SADLER, Mason. .IAS. BARNES, Carpenter. TIIOS. .1. RILEY, Slater. CITY AND COUNTY OF MOrULE, ) State of Alabama. ) Personally apix-ared before me, a Xotaiy Public, duly com- missioned and sworn, the above named Master ^Mechanics of Mobile, well known to me, and made oath that the above is a Just estimate tor the cost of reconstructing the above described pro])erty to the best of their knowledge and belief, the same liaving been made in view of tlu' ]n'emises and due allowance nnnle for the brick, &.r., suitable for rebuilding. Given under my hand and seal of opice, tSeptembet\ 18(i(i. CliAS. H. FONDE, N. P. The Battle House is a large five-story building for i>ublic entertaiiiiueut, kept as a Hotel, situated on tbe corner of lloyal and St. Francis streets, ten squares from wbere tbe explosion occurred. Owned by a Sto(;k Company, and put in order by tlieir direction at a cost of $3,000. Ollts & Toulmin's Foundry and Machine Shop, situated between Lii)scomb and Adams street, on Front street, one square from wbere tbe explosion occurred. Tbe building was Brick, in wbicb tbey carried on tbeir business, was almost entirely de- stroyed and tbrown down, breaking down tbeir macbinery and covering it up in tbe mass of ruins. Tbe loss from tbe destruc- tion of macbinery, materials and patterns, $7,000. Chas. a. Gilbert and L. M. Wilson's Two-Story Brick- Store, situated on tbe south-east corner of St. Anthony and ^yater streets, 100 feet front on each street, partially destroyed and cost to repair it $6,!iOO. Estate of John B. Toulmin's Brick Building, on the south-west corner of St. Joseph and Congress streets, 50 feet by 150, and would cost to rebuild it $5,000. John 'D. Eagland's Brick House and Kitchen, and a Brick Stable, 40 feet by 200 feet, all covered with slate, corner of Adams and Royal streets, and would cost to repair them $4,000. Also, on a three-story Brick Building on tbe west side of Koyal street, between St. Louis and St. Anthony streets, $500. James Barnes's Three-Story Brick Store, No. 44 North Commerce street to Front street, 80 feet by 30 ; cost to repair the roof, windows, walls, gutters and plastering, $2,500. For repairs on James Barnes's residence, south-east corner of St. Jo- seph and Adams streets, roof, brick work, plastering, windows, &c., $1,875. Total, $4,375. Thos. J. Eiley's Five Brick Buildings damaged; one situated on Jackson street, east side, between State and Adams streets ; one on Congress, north side, between Jackson and Joa- chim streets ; one on Conception street, east side, between State and Congress, and two on south side of State street, between Royal and St. Joseph streets. For repairs to roof, walls, win- dows, &c., $1,800. John S. Gliddon's Two Brick Houses (two stories) and Kitchens, situated on the west side of St. Joseph street, between State and Congress streets; damaged the roof, walls and win- dows, $1,000. Charles A. Gilbert's Brick Buildings, two stories, one situated on the north-east corner of Water and St. Anthony streets, 150 feet on Water street and 100 feet on St. Anthony street, and one on the west side of Commerce, between State and St. Anthony streets, damaged, and cost to repair the walls and roof $12,300. Mrs. Eliza Battle's Four Brick Stores, three stories, situated on the west side of Commerce, from St. Anthony to St. Louis streets, were damaged and cost to repair the same, $9,049. Also, one Store on the east side of Commerce, between St. Louis and St. Michael streets, $2,590. Total, $11 645. Joseph T. Wiswall's Brick Stores were damaged, and cost to repair them as follows : Three-story Building, 100 feet square, north-east corner of St. Louis and Water streets $1,759 Two-story Building, 33 feet by 100, north-west corner of Water and St. Anthony streets 150 Two-story Building, No. 12, St. Francis street 50 Two three-story Buildings, Nos. 116 and 118 Commerce street, between Government and Church 50 Total $2,009 Foundry and Machine Shop and Brick Building, covered with slate, two stories, situated on the south-east corner of Wa- ter and State streets, the property of the estate of O. Sibley, damaged in the roof and walls, and cost to repair the same $700. Blacksmith Shop on the north-west corner of Water and State streets, the property of T. B. Lyons, damaged in the roof and walls, and cost to repair the same $500. John H. Garner's Four-Story Brick Building, covered with slate, on the south-east corner of Koyal and Lipscomb streets, 100 feet on each street, and known as the "Garner House," kept for public entertainment, situated two squares from where the explosion occurred, and much damaged in the roof, walls, windows and plastering, and cost to repair the same $8,800. .Jonathan Emanuel's Bkick Stores and Warehouses (lainaged, and cost to repair them as follows : Tliroc Stores, three stories, Ix'twccn St. Louis and St. Mi- chael streets, thronj;h Ironi Front to Connnerce streets, and cost to repair the siime $7,500 Three Stores, three stories, north side St. Michael, between Water and Commerce streets, Nos. G, 8 and 10 3,000 Two Warehouses, north side of St. Michael, between Wa- ter and Koyal stie(^ts, and (-(Kst to repair the same ."),000 Two Wareliouscs, north side of St. Michael, between Wa- ter and Ivoval streets, and cost to repair the same 2,000 Total ;... $17,500 MoniLK AND Ohio IIailkoad Fkekiht Depot was a large si)acious structure, extending from Hunt street north past Blood- good street, and about four hundred feet in length by over one hundred feet wide. The office in front, on Hunt street, is two stories, built of brick, 100 feet by 30. The Depot, alternately of brick supi)orts, filled in with windows and doors, and were much injured. ])articularly in the frame of the roof and covering, and cost to repair the same, say $25,000. Also — Their Passenger Depot, a Wooden Structure, about three hundred feet by fifty, situated on the south side of Hunt to Lii)sconib street, and much damaged in the roof, and cost to restore the same, $."^,000. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 540 379