V -^^0^ > * e> « ^ ^' O *'»(■! V . A" ' «I .^^ c 0* 0°.:°-. 0- o ..it. <^ T^ ^^ ^ -'^Va' "^^ HISTORY OP THE EXPEDITION UNDER THEL-Ct)MMAND OF CAPTAINS LEWIS AND CLARKE, TO THE SOURCES OF THE MISSOURI, THENCE ACROSS THE ROCITf MOUNTAINS, AND DOWN THE RIVER COLUMBIA TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN : PERFORMED DURING THE YEARS 1804, 1805, 1806, BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. PREPARED FOR THE PRESS BY PAUL ALLEN, ESQ. BEVI-SED, AND ABRIDGED BY THE OMISSION OF UMIMPORTANT DB- TAILS, WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY ARCHIBALD M'vICKAR. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. N E \\ Y O R HARPER & BROTIIEILS,.--PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 18 8. A Entered, aocordi.g to Act of Congress, ;n the year 1842, oy Habper &■ Brothers, I. the Clerk's Offlce of tb. Sonthcm District of New TToit CONTENTS OP THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAPTER I. I he Party, after procuring Horses from the Shoshonees, proceed on their Journey through the Mountains.— Difficulties and Dangers of the Route.— Council held with another Band of the bhoshonees, of whom some Account is given.— They are re- duced to the Necessity of killing their Horses for Food.— Cap- tain Clarke, with a small Party, precedes the main Body in quest of Provisions, and is hospitably received by the Pierced- Mose Indians.— Arrival of the main Body among this Tribe with whom a Council is held.— They resolve to perform ihe Remainder of their Journey in Canoes.— Sickness among the Party.— They descend the Kooskooskee to its Junction with Lewis River, after passing several dangerous Rapids.— Brief Description of the Manners and Dress of the Pierced-Nose ^"^'^"s P3gg 9 CHAPTER H. Departure of the Party.-Description of an Indian Sweating, bath and Burial-place.— Dangerous Rapids.— Visits from the Indians, who manifest a pacific Disposition.— Description of the bokulk Tribe —Their Dress, and Manner of building Houses. —Their pacific Character.— Their Habits of Living.— Their Mode of boihng Salmon.- Vast Quantities of Salmon among the Sokulks.— Council held with this Tribe.— The Terror and Consternation excited by Captain Clarke.-Some Ac- count of the Pishquitpaws.— Their Mode of burying the Dead 26 CHAPTER HI. fhe Party in their Descent still visited by the Indians.— Le- page 8 River -Towahnahiooks River.— Indian Mode of stack- ing tish, and preparing them for Market.— Description of the threat b alls.— DeBcription of an Indian Canoe.— Alarm excited by an anticipated Attack from the Eheltoots.-Dangerous Rapid, called by the Indians The Falls.— Account of the la- IV CONTENTS. dian Houses in the Neighbourhood.— Another frigntful Rapid. — Some Account of the Chilluckittequaw Indians. — Captain Ciariie examines tlie Great Rapids. — Description of an Indian Burial-place. — The Rapids passed in Safety . . Page 59 CHAPTER IV. First Appearance of Tide-water in the Columbia River.— The Quicksand River. — Some Account of the Skilloot Indians. — The Party pass the Coweliske River. — Some Account of the Wahkiacum Indians. — Arrival on the Borders of the Pacific. — Disagreeable and Critical Situation of the Party when first encamped. — Their Distress from incessant Torrents of Rain. —Exposed for thirty Days to this drenching Deluge, during which Time their Provisions are spoiled, and most of their few Articles of Merchandise destroyed. — Distress of the Party. — Adventure of Shannon, and his Danger from the Wahkia- cums. — Difficulty of finding a Place suitable for a permanent Encampment. — Visited by several Indians of different Tribes, on whom Medals were bestowed 83 CHAPTER V. Extravagant Passion of the Nativea for blue Beads. — The Party in Search of a suitable Place for Winter-quarters. — Suffering from the Deluges of Rain. — Visits of the Indians. — Return of Captain Lewis, who reported that he had found a suitable Place for Wintering. — Captain Clarke goes with a Party to find a Place suitable for the Manufacture of Salt. — He is hos- pitably entertained by the Clatsops. — This Tribe addicted to Gambling. — Sickness of some of the Party, occasioned by the incessant Rains. — They form, notwithstanding, a permanent Encampment for their Winter-quarters .... 102 CHAPTER VI. Captain Clarke continues his Route in Quest of the Whale. — Passes Clatsop River. — Perilous Nature of the Journey.— Grandeur of the Scenery. — Indian Mode of extracting Whale- oil. — The Life of one of Captain Clarke's Party preserved by the Kindness of an Indian Woman. — Short Account of the Chinnooks, Clatsops, Killamucks, and Lucktons. — Manner of Sepulture among the Chinnooks, Clatsops, &c. — Their Weap- ons of War and Hunting.— Their Mode of building Houses. — Their Manufactures and Cookery. — Their Canoes. — Great Dexterity in managing them 120 A — CONTENTS. V CHAPTER VII. Farther Account of the Clatsops, Killamucks, and Chinnooks ; also of the Cathlamahs. — Their Custom of Flattening the Forehead. — Their Dress and Ornaments described. — Their Diseases. — The common Opinion that the Treatment of their Women is the Standard by which the Virtues of the Indians may be known, combated, and disproved by Examples. — The Respect entertained by these Indians for old Age, com- pared with the diiferent Conduct of those who subsist by the Chase. — Their Mode of Government. — Their Ignorance of ar dent Spirits, and their Fondness for Gambling. — Their Dex- terity in Traffic. — In what Articles their Traffic consists. — Their extraordinary Fondness for blue Beads, which form their circulating Medium Page 139 CHAPTER VIII. Difficulty of procuring the Means of Subsistence. — They deter- mine to start on their Journey to the Mountains. — They leave with the Indians a written Memorandum, giving an Account of their having penetrated to the Pacific by the way of the Missouri and Columbia, and across the Rocky Mountains. — The Party commence their Return. — Dexterity of the Cath- lamah Indians in Carving. — The Coweliskee River. — Hospi- tality of the Natives. — Instance of the extreme Voracity of the Vulture. — The Party are visited by many strange Indians, all of whom are kind and hospitable. — Scarcity of Game, and Embarrassments on that Account.— Captain Clarke discovers a Tribe not seen in the Descent down the Columbia.— Partic- ular Description of the Multnomah Village and River. — Mount Jefferson. — Captain Clarke's Account of the Neerchokio Tribe, and of their Architecture. — Their Sufferings from Smallpox 154 CHAPTER IX. Description of Wappatoo Lsland, and of the Mode in which the Natives gather the Wappatoo Root.— Character of the Soil and its Productions. — Numerous Tribes residing in its Vicm- ity.— Probability that they were all of the Multnomah Tribe originally, inferred from Similarity of Dress, Manners, Lan- guage, &c. — Description of their Dress, Weapons of War, and Mode of burying the Dead.— Description of another Village, called the Wahclellah Village.— Their Mode of Architecture. — Extraordinary Height of Beacon Rock.— Unfriendly Char- acter of the Indians at that Place.— The Party, alarmed for their Safety, resolve to inflict summary Vengeance, in case VI CONTENTS. the Wahclellah Tribe persist in their Outrages and Insults — Interview with the Chief of that Tribe, and Confidence reato red. — Difficulty of drawing the Canoes over the Rapids. — Visited by a Party of the Yehugh Tribe. — Brief Notice of the Weocksockwillackum Tribe. — Curious Phenomenon observ- ed in the Columbia, from the Rapids to the Chilluckittequaws Page 170 CHAPTER X. Captain Clarke procures four Horses for the Transportation ot the Baggage. — Some farther Account of the Skilloot Tribe. — Their Joy at the first Appearance of Salmon in the Columbia. — Their thievish Propensities. — The Party arrive at the Vil lage of the Eneeshurs, where the Natives are found alike un- friendly. — The Party now provided with Horses. — Prevented from the Exercise of Hostility against this nation by a friendly Adjustment. — The Scarcity of Timber so great that they are compelled to buy Wood to cook their Provisions.— Arrive at the Wahhowpum Village. — Dance of the Natives. — Havingob tained their Complement of Horses, the Party proceed by Land. — Arrive at the Pishquitpah Village, and some Account of that People. — Frank and hospitable Conduct of the WoUawollahs. — Their Mode of Dancing described. — Their Mode of making Fish-wears. — Their amiable Character .... 188 CHAPTER XL The Party pursue their Route towards the Kooskooskee. — They reach the Kinnooenim Creek. — Meet with an old Acquaint ance, called the Bighorn Indian.— Arrive at the Mouth of the Kooskooskee. — Difficulty of purchasing Provisions from the Natives, and new Device of the Party to obtain them. — Chopun- nish Style of Architecture.— Captain Clarke turns Physician, and performs several Experiments upon the Natives with Suc- cess. — Instance of their Honesty. — Distress of the Indians for want of Provisions during the Winter. — The Party finally meet Twisted Hair, to whom their Horses had been intrusted on their Journey down. — Quarrel between that Chief and an- other of his Nation, in regard to his Horses. — Causes of the Controversy stated at large. — The two Chiefs reconciled by the Interference of the Party, and the Horses restored. — Ex- traordinary Instanceof Indian Hospitality towards Strangers.— Council held with the Chopunnish, and the Object of the Ex- pedition explained. — The Party perform other medical Cures. — Answer of the Chopunnish to the Speech delivered at the Council, ratified by a singular Ceremony. — They promise faithfully to follow the Advice of their Visiters . . 205 CJ)NTENTS. VU CHAPTER XII. The Party encamp among the Chopunnish, and receive farther Evidence of their Hospitality. — Indian Mode of boiling Bear's Flesh. — Of decoying the Deer within Reach of their Arrows. — Character of the Soil and Climate among the Rocky Mount- ains. — Varieties of Climate. — Character of the Natives. — Their Dress and Ornaments. — Mode of burying the Dead. — The Party administer medical Relief to the Natives. — One of the Natives restored to the Use of his Limbs by Sweat- ing, and the curious Process by which Perspiration was exci- ted. — Another Proof of Chopunnish Hospitality. — Success of their sweating Prescription on an Indian Chief. — Descrip- tion of the Horned Lizard and a Variety of Insects. — Attach- ment of the Friends of a dying Indian to a Tomahawk which he had stolen from the Party, and which they desired to bury with the Body. — Description of the River Tommanamah. — The In- dians return an Answer to a Proposition made by the Party Page 224 CHAPTER XIII. They join in the Diversions of the Willetpos Indians, a Tribe hith erto unnoticed. — Joy of the Party at the prospect of Return- ing. — Vegetation of the Rocky Mountains, — Preparations to resume their Journey. — They set out, and arrive at Hungry Creek. — Difficulties that obstructed their Progress. — Com- pelled to return and wait for a Guide across the Mountains. — Their Distress for want of Provisions. — They resolve to re- turn to the Quamash Flats. — Are at last so fortunate as to procure Indian Guides, with whom they resume their Jour- ney. — Dangers of the Route. — Scarcity of Provisions, and the Perils to which they were exposed, their Course lying along the Ridge of the Mountains. — Description of the warm Springs, where the Party encamp. — Fondness of the Indians for bathing in them 238 CHAPTER XIV. The Party, proceeding on their Journey with their Indian Guides, agree to divide, take separate Routes, and meet again at the Mouth of the Yellowstone River.— Captain Lewis, with nine Men, proceeds up the eastern Branch of Clarke's River, and takes leave of the Indian Guides.— Description of that Branch, and Character of the surrounding Country. — The Cokalahishkit River.— They arrive at the Ridge dividing the Missouri from the Columbia River. — Meet with the Buffalo and Brown Bear. — Immense Herds of Buffalo seen on the Borders of Medicine River.— The Party encamp on W^hite Viii • CONTENTS. Bear Island.-Singular Adventure that befell M'Neil.— Cap. tain Lewis, with three of his Party, proceeds to explore the Source of Maria's River.-Tansy River.-He reaches the di viding Line of these two Streams.-General Character of the surrounding Country ^^S^ '^^^ CHAPTER XV. Captain Lewis and his Party arrive at the Forks of Maria's River.- Alarmed by the Evidence of being in the Neighbour- hood of unfriendly Indians, and distressed or Want ot Fro- visions.-The unfavourable Weather compels them to return -Interview with the Minnetarees of Fort de Prairie.-Mutual Consternation.- Resolution of Captain Lewis.- They en camp together for the Night.-Conversation which ensues — Conflict occasioned by the Indians attempting to seize the Rifles and Horses of the Party, in which one of tho former is mortally wounded.— Captain Lewis kills another Indian, arid his narrow Escape.-Having taken four Horses belonging to the Indians, they hasten to join the Party with Captain Clarke -Arriving near the Missouri, they are alarmed by the bound of Rifles, which fortunately proves to be from the Party undei Sergeant Ordway.-The two Detachments thus united, leave their Horses, and descend the Missouri in Canoes.— Continue their Route down the River to join Captain Clarke.- Vast Quantities of Game seen on their Passage.-Captam Lewis accidentally Wounded by one of his own Party.-They at length join Captain Clarke ^"' CHAPTER XVI. The Party commanded by Captain Clarke proceed along Clarke's River.— Their sorry Commemoration of the 4th ol July .-Instance of Sacajawea's Strength of Memory.-De- scription of the River and of the surroundmg Country, as he Party proceed— Horses missing, and supposed to be stolen by the Indians.-They reach Wisdom River.- Extraordinary Heat of a Spring.-Fondness of the Party for Tobacco Sergeant Ordway recovers the Horses.-Captain Clarke di- vides his Party, one detachment to descend the l^iver.-l hey reach Gallatm and Jeff-erson Rivers.-Arrive at the Yelow- stone River.-Otter and Beaver Rivers.-Indian t ortihcation. -One of the Party accidentally wounded.-Lngaged in build- ing Canoes.-Twenty-four Horses stolen, probably by the In- dians "^ CONTENTS. 15? CHAPTER XVII. C&ptain Clarke proceeds down the River.— Description of an Indian Lodge.— Sergeant Pryor arrives with the Horses.— Remarkable Rock seen by Captain Clarke, and the Beauty of the Prospect from its Summit. — Yellowstone and Bighorr; Rivers compared. — Immense Herds of Buffalo. — Fierceness of the White Bear. — Encamp at the Junction of the Yellow- stone and Missouri.— General Outline given of the Yellowstone jiiver. — Sufferings of the Party from the Moschetoes. — Ser- geant Pryor arrives, and reports that the Horses were all stolen by the Indians.— In this Emergency they make Canoes of Skins, in which they descend the River over the most diffi- cult Shoals and Rapids.— Unexpectedly meet with two White Men, from whom they procure Intelligence in relation to the Indians formerly visited by the Party . . . Page 292 CHAPTER XVni. Oaptain Clarke and his Party are overtaken by the Detachment under Captain Lewis, and they all descend the Missouri to- gether. — They revisit the Minnetaree Indians, and hold a Council with that Nation, as well as the Mahahas.— Captain Clarke endeavours to persuade their Chiefs to accompany him to the United States, which they decline on Account of their Fears of the Sioux in their Passage down the River. — Colter, one of the Party, requests and obtains Liberty to remain among the Indians, for the Purpose of hunting Beaver. — Friendly Deportment of the Mandans. — Council held by Cap- tain Clarke with the Chiefs of the different Villages. — The Chief named Big White, with his Wife and Son, agrees to ac- company the Party to the United States. — He takes an affect- ing Farewell of his Nation. — Chaboneau, with his Wife, de- clines going to the United States, and they are left among the Indians.— The Party at length proceed on their Route.— They arrive among the Ricaras.— Character of the Chayennes, their Dress, Habits, &c. — Captain Clarke offers a Medal to the Chief of this Nation, which he at first refuses, believing it to be Medicine, but which he is afterward prevailed on to ac- cept. — The Ricaras decline permitting one of their Number to accompany Captain Clarke to the United States, preferring to wait the Return of their Chief who had already gone. — The Party proceed rapidly down the River. — Prepare to defend themselves against the Tetons. — Incredible Number of Buffa- lo seen near White River. — They meet with the Tetons, and decline their Invitations to Land. — Intrepidity ®f Captain Clarke 308 JI— B X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. The Party return in Safety to St. Louis . . . Page 32" APPENDIX. Farther Enumeration and Description of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, and Plants noticed during the Expedition . . 339 Enumeration of Indian Nations, and their Places of general Residence 379 A. Summary Statement of the Rivers, Creeks, and most re- ■ markable Places, their Distances from each other and from the Mississippi, up the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, and down the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, as determined by Captains Lewis and Clarke 387 PLATES. Vol. I. Map of Lewis and Clarke's Roite. Ancient Fortification P«igc 87 Cascade of the Missouri 223 Falls and Portage 234 Vol II. Great Falls of the Columbia .... 64 Great Shoot and Rapid . .... 79 Mouth of the Columbia ... .06 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION UP THE MISSOURI. CHAPTER I. The Party, after procuring Horses from the Shoshonees, proceed on their Journey through the Mountains. — Difficulties and Dangers of the Route. — Council held with another Band of the Shoshonees, of whom some Account is given. — They are reduced to the Necessity of killing their Horses for food. — Cap- tain Clarke, with a small Party, precedes the main Body in quest of Provisions, and is hospitably received by the Pierced- Nose Indians. — Arrival of the main Body among this Tribe, with whom a Council is held. — They resolve to perform the Remainder of their Journey in Canoes. — Sickness among the Party. — They descend the Kooskooskee to its Junction with Lewis River, after passing several dangerous Rapids. — Brief Description of the Manners and Dress of the Pierced-Nose Indians. " August 27. We were now occupied in determin- ing on our route and in procuring horses from the Indians. The old guide who had been sent on by Captain Clarke now affirmed, through our interpret- er, what he had already asserted of a road up Berry Creek, which would lead to Indian establishments on another branch of the Columbia: his reports were, however, contradicted by all the Shoshonees. This representation we ascribed to a wish on their part to keep us with them during the winter, as well for the protection we might afford them against their enemies, as for the purpose of consuming our mer- 10 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. chandise among ihem ; and as the old man promis- ed to conduct us himself, the route indicated by him seemed to be the most eligible. We were able to procure some horses, though not enough for all our purposes. This traffic, and our councils with the Indians, consumed the remainder of the day. " August 28. The purchase of horses was resumed, and our stock raised to twenty-two. Having now crossed more than once the country which separates the head-waters of the Missouri from those of the Columbia, we can designate the easiest and most ex- peditious route for a portage. It is as follows : " From the forks of the river, north 60 degrees west, five miles, to the point of a hill on the right ; then south 80 degrees west, ten miles, to a spot where the creek is ten yards wide, and the highlands approach within two hundred yards ; southwest five miles, to a narrow part of the bottom ; then turning south 70 degrees west, two miles, to a creek on the right ; thence south 80 degrees west, three miles, to a rocky point opposite to a thicket of pines on the left ; thence west three miles, to the gap where is the fountain of the Missouri; on leaving this fount- ain, south 80 degrees west, six miles, across the di- viding ridge to a run from the right, passing several small streams north 80 degrees west, four miles, over hilly ground to the east fork of Lewis's River, which is here forty yards wide.* * Since the time of Lewis and Clarke, a far more practicable route has been discovered across the mountains, farther south, by ascending the Platte River instead of the Missouri. Mr. Parker, who left Council Bluffs with a party of the Amer- ican Fur Company in 1835, and crossed the Rocky Mountains by this southern route, says: "The passage through these mountains is in a valley so gradual in the ascent and descent, that I should not have known that we were passing them, had it not been that, as we advanced, the atmosphere gradually be came cooler ; and at length we found perpetual snows upon our right hand and upon our left, elevated many thousand feet above us, in some places ten thousand. The highest part of these PURCHASE OF HORSES. 11 "August 29. Captain Clarke joined us this morn- ing, and we continued bargaining for horses. Thb late misfortunes of the Shoshonees have made the price higher than common, so that one horse cost us a pistol, one hundred balls, some powder, and a knife ; another was purchased with a musket ; and in thi?j way we finally obtained twenty-mne. The animals are young and vigorous, but very poor, and most of them have sore backs, in consequence of the rough- ness of the Shoshonee saddle. We are therefore afraid of burdening them too heavily, and are anx- ious to obtain one, at least, for each man, to carry the baggage or the man himself, or in the last re- source to serve as food ; but with all our exertions we are unable to provide all our men with horses. We have, however, been fortunate in obtaining for the last three days a sufficient supply of flesh, our hunters having killed two or three deer every day. " August 30. The weather was fine, and, having now made all our purchases, we loaded our horses and prepared to start. The greater part of the band, also, who had delayed their journey on our account, were ready to depart. We now took our leave of the Shoshonees, who set out on their visit to the Missouri at the same time that we, accompanied by the old guide, his four sons, and another Indian, be- gan the descent of the river, along the same road which Captain Clarke had previously followed." Before night they accomplished a distance of mountains is found by f»ieasurement to be eighteen thousand feet above the level of the sea. This valley was not discover- ed until a few years since. Mr. Hunt and his party more than twenty years ago went near it, but did not find it, though in search of some favourable passage. It varies in width from five to twenty miles ; and, followmg its course, the distance through the mountains is about eighty miles, or four days' journey. Though there are some elevations and depressions in this val- ley, yet, comparatively speaking, it is level. There would be no difficulty in the way of constructing a railroad from the Atlantic, t4 the Pacific Ocean.'^ — Parker''s Journal, p. 72. 12 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. twelve miles. The following day they found the valleys and prairies in different places on fire, as a signal to collect the different bands of Shoshonees and Flatheads, preparatory to their migration to the Missouri. On reaching Tower Creek, they diverged from the former route taken by Captain Clarke, and followed for four miles the course of Berry Creek. On the 1st of September, quitting Berry Creek, they turned to the northwest, and, after travelling eighteen miles across a hilly country, they arrived at Fish Creek, a considerable stream flowing into the Co- lumbia ; and, after going up this creek four miles, they encamped. The next morning all the Indiana left them except the old guide. In continuing to ascend Fish Creek, at the distance of seven and a half miles they found it divided into two branches, and the road they had been following turning to the east, and leading, as their guide informed them, to the Missouri. " We were therefore," proceeds the narrative, "left without any track; but, as no time was to be lost, we began to cut our road up the west branch of the creek. This we effected with much difficulty. The thickets of trees and brush through which we were obliged to cut our way required great labour : the road itself was over the steep and rocky sides of the hills, where the horses could not move with- out danger of slipping down, while their feet were bruised by the rocks and stumps of trees. Accus- tomed as these animals were to this kind of travel- ling, they suffered severely: several of them fell some distance down the sides of the hills, some turned over with the baggage, one was crippled, and two gave out, exhausted with fatigue. After cross- ing the creek several times, we at length made five miles with great fatigue and labour, and encamped on the left bank, in some stony, low ground." * * * "September 3. The horses were very stiff anc? w^eary. We sent back two men for the load of the DIFFICULTIES OF THE JOURNEY. 13 horse wliich had been crippled jesterdny, and which we had been forced to leave two miles behind. On their return we set out at eight o'clock, and proceed- ed up the creek, making a passage through the brush and timber along its borders. The country gener- ally is well supplied with pine, and in the low grounds is a great abundance of fir-trees and under- brush. The mountains are high and rugged, and those to the east of us covered with snow. With all our precautions, the horses were very much in- jured in passing over the ridges and steep points of the hills, and, to add to the difficulty, at the distance of eleven miles the high mountains closed upon the creek, so that we were obhged to leave it to the right, and abruptly cross the mountain. The ascent was here so steep that several of the horses slipped and hurt themselves ; but at last we succeeded in getting across, and encamped on a small branch of Fish Creek. We had now made fourteen miles, in a direction nearly north from the river." * * * " At dusk it commenced snowing, and continued till the ground was covered to the depth of two inches, when it changed into a sleet. We here met with a serious misfortune, the last of our thermometers being broken by accident. After making a scanty supper on a little corn and a few pheasants killed in the course of the day, we laid down to sleep, and the next morning, " September 4, found everything frozen, and the ground covered with snow. We were obliged to wait some time, in order to thaw the covers of the baggage, after which we began our journey at eight o'clock. We crossed a high mountain, which forms the dividing ridge between the waters of the creek we had been ascending, and those running to the north and west. We had not gone more than six miles over the snow, when we reached the head of a stream from the right, which directed its course more to the west ; and, descending the steep sides 14 LEWIS Ai\D CLARKE'S EXrEDlTION. of the hills along its border, at the distance of three miles found a small branch coming in from the east. We saw several of the argalia, but they were too shy to be killed, and we therefore made our dinner from a deer shot by one of the hunters. Then we pursued the course of the stream for three miles, till it emptied itself into a river from the east, in the wide valley at their junction we discovered a large encampment of Indians ; and on reaching them, and alighting from our horses, we were re- ceived with great cordiality. A council was imme- diately assembled, white robes were thrown over our shoulders, and the pipe of peace was introduced. After this ceremony, as it was too late to go any far- ther, we encamped, and continued smoking and con- versing with the chiefs till a late hour. The next morning, " September 5, we assembled the chiefs and war- riors, and informed them who we were, and the pur- pose for which we had visited their country. All this was, however, conveyed to them through so many different languages, that it was not compre- hended without difficulty. We therefore proceeded to the more intelligible language of presents, and made four chiefs by giving a medal and a small quantity of tobacco to each. We received in turn from the principal chief a present consisting of the skins of a blaireau (badger), an otter, and two ante lopes, and were treated by the women to some dried roots and berries. We then began to traffic for horses, and succeeded in exchanging seven and pur- chasing eleven, for which we gave a few articles of mf3rchandise. " This encampment consists of thirty-three tents, in which were about four hundred souls, among whom eighty were men. They are called Ootla- shoots, and represent themselves as one band of a nation called Tushepaws, a numerous people of four hundred and fifty tents, residing on the head-waters ACCOUNT OP THE OOTLASHOOTS. 15 of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, and some of them lower down the latter river. In person these Indians are stout, and their complexion lighter than that common among Indians. The hair of the men is worn in queues of otter skin, falling in front over the shoulders. A shirt .of dressed skin covers the body to the knee, and over this is worn occasionally a robe. To these are added leggins and moccasins. The women suffer their hair to fall in disorder over the face and shoulders, and their chief article of cov- ering is a long shirt of skin, reaching down to the ankles, and tied round the waist. In other respects, as also in the few ornaments which they possess, their appearance is similar to that of the Shosho- nees : there is, however, a difference between the languages of these two people, which is still farther increased by the very extraordinary pronunciation of the Ootlashoots. Their words have all a remark- ably guttural sound, and there is nothing which seems to represent the tone of their speaking more exactly than the clucking of a fowl or the noise of a parrot. This peculiarity renders their voices scarcely audible, except at a short distance ; and, when many of them are talking, forms a strange confusion of sounds. The common conversation that we overheard consisted of low, guttural sounds, occasionally broken by a low word or two, after which it would relapse, and could scarcely be dis-* tinguished. They seemed kind and friendly, and willingly shared with us berries and roots, which formed their sole stock of provisions. Their only wealth is their horses, which are very fine, and so numerous that this party had with them at least five hundred. " September 6. We spent the morning with the Ootlashoots, from whom we purchased two more horses, and obtained a vocabulary of their language. They set off about two o'clock to join the different bands who were collecting at the Three Forks of 16 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the Missouri, and we ourselves proceeded at the iame time. Taking a direction north 30° west, we crossed, within the distance of a mile and a half, a small river from the right, and a creek coming in from the north. The river is the main stream, and when it reaches the end of the valley where the mountains close in upon it, it is joined by the stream on which we encamped last evening, as well as by the creek just mentioned. To the river thus form- ed we gave the name of Clarke, he being the first white man who had ever visited its waters. At the end of five miles on this course we crossed the- valley, and reached the top of a mountain covered with pine : this we descended along the steep sides and ravines for a mile and a half, when we came to a spot on the river where the Ootlashoots had en- camped a few days before. We then followed the course of the stream, which is from twenty-five to thirty yards wide, shallow and stony, and the low grounds on its borders narrow. Within the distance of three and a half miles we crossed it several times ; and, after passing a run on each side, encamped on its right bank, having made ten miles during the af- ternoon. The horses were turned out to graze ; but those we had lately bought were secured and watched, lest they should escape, or be stolen by .their former owners. Our stock of flour was now exhausted, and we had but little corn ; and, as our hunters had killed nothing except two pheasants, our supper consisted chiefly of berries." The two following days they continued to follow the course of the river, being fortunate in procuring game, and encountering no particular difficulty. They were not a little annoyed, however, by the prickly pear, which, says the journalist, " grows here in clusters, is of an oval form, about the size of a pigeon's egg, and its thorns are so strong and beard- ed, that, when it penetrates our feet, it brings away the pear itself." Several horses were seen, which SCATTERING CREEK. 17 appeared to be in a wild state. They passed a small stream falling into the river, to which, from its hav- h'g several Channels, they gave the name of Scat- ^^ » S^emember 9. We resumed our journey," con- tinues ^Harrat.ve, "through the valley an^^ iuff the road on our right, crossed Scattering Lreek nnd halted at the distance of twelve miles, on a smiu fu\f fro^n the east, -here we breakfasted on the remains of yesterday's hunt. )^e here took a meridian altitude, which gave the l^fude of 46o 41 ->«" • ifter which we proceeded on, and at the dis- a'nceirUr'miles pLsed over to the le" b-^^^^^^^ the river, where we found a large road through the vaney A^this place is a handsome stream of very clear'^wattr, a hundred yards wide, with low banks and a bed formed entirely o g^f f ; ^^^ ^^^"^,Ss appearance of being navigable ; bf, as it contains no salmon, we presume there must be f nie fall be- low which obstructs their passage. Our guide could noT inform us where this river discharged its waters H. said that, as far as he knew its course ,t ran along the mountains to the north, and that not far from our present position it was joined by another stream nearly as large as itself, rising in the mount- a nsTo the Lst, niar the Missouri, and flowing through an extensive valley or open prairie Through this prairie was the great Indian road to he waters of the Missouri ; and so direct was the route, that in fou days' jouriey from this place we might reach tSe Missouri about thirty miles above what we call- ed the Gates of the Rocky Mountains, or the spot where the valley of that river widens into an exten- ^veplahr on entering the chain of i^ountains At ten miles from our camp was a small creek falhng n from the eastward; five miles below which we Lted on a large stream, which empt.es .tself on tho west side of the river. It is a fine, bold stream of clear water, about twenty yards wide, and we 18 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. called it Traveller's-rest Creek ; for, as our guide told us that we should here leave the river, we de- termined to stop for the purpose of taking celestial observations and collecting some food, as the coun- try through which we were to pass had no game fo^ a great distance." * * * " September 10. The morning being fair, all the hunters were sent out, and the rest of the party em- ployed in repairing their clothes : two of them were despatched to the junction of the river from the east, along which the Indians go to the Missouri, and which is about seven miles below Traveller's-rest Creek." * * * "Towards evening one of the hunters returned with three Indians, whom he had met in his excursion up Traveller's-rest Creek. As soon as they saw him they prepared to attack him with arrows ; but he pa- cified them by laying down his gun, and, advancing towards them, soon persuaded them to come to the camp. Our Shoshonee guide could not speak the language of these people ; but, by the universal lan- guage of signs and gesticulations, which is perfectly intelligible among the Indians, he found that they were three Tushepaw Flatheads, in pursuit of two men, supposed to be Shoshonees. who had stolen twenty-three of their horses. We gave them some boiled venison and a few presents, such as a fish-hook, a steel to strike fire, and a little powder ; but they seemed best pleased with a piece of riband which we tied in the hair of each of them. They were in such haste, however, lest their horses should be carried off, that two of them set oflf after sunset in quest of the robbers ; but the third was persuaded to remain with us, and to conduct us to his relations. These, he said, were numerous, and resided on the' Colum- bia, in the plain below the mountains. From that place, he added, the river was navigable to the ocean , that some of his kinsmen had been there last fall, and seen an old white man, who resided there by himselfj CROSSINGS A. MOUNTAIN. 19 and who gave them some handkerchiefs Uke those we have. The distance from this place was five sleeps, or days' journeys. When our hunters had all joined us, we found our provisions consisted of four deer, a beaver, and three grouse. The observation of to-day gave 46° 48' 28" as the latitude of Travel- ler's-rest Creek." They were detained the whole of the next morning to recover some of their horses which had strayed away, so that they advanced but seven miles during the remainder of the day. The Indian became im- patient to return home, and left them. " September 12. We proceeded," continues the Journal, " at seven o'clock, and soon passed a stream falling in on the right, near which was an old Indian camp, with a bath or sweating-house covered with earth. At two miles' distance we ascended a high bank, and thence passed through a hilly and thickly- timbered country for nine miles, when we came to the forks of the creek, where the road branches up each fork. We followed the western route ; and, finding that the creek made a considerable bend at the distance of four miles, crossed a high mountain in order to avoid the circuit. The road had been very- bad during the first part of the day ; but the passage over the mountain, which was eight miles across, was exceedingly trying to the horses, as we were obliged to go over steep, stony sides of hills, and along hollows and ravines, rendered still more troub- lesome by the fallen limber, chiefly pine, spruce-pine, and fir. We at length reached the creek, having made twenty-three miles on a route so difficult that some of the party did not join us before ten o'clock. We found the ac30unts of scantiness of game but too true, as we were not able to procure any during the whole of yesterday , and to-day we killed only a single pheas- ar.i. Along the road we observed many of the pine- trees peeled off", which is done by the Indians to pro- cure the inner bark for food in the spring. 20 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. "September 13. Two of the horses strayed away during the night, and one of them being Captain Lewis's, he remained with four men to seek for them, while we proceeded up the creek. At the distance of two miles we came to several springs, issuing from large rocks of a coarse, hard grit, and nearly boiling hot. They seem to be much frequented, as there are several paths made by elk, deer, and other ani- mals, and near one of them there is a hole or Indian bath, besides roads leading in different directions. These embarrassed our guide, who, making a mis- take, took us three miles out of the proper course, over an exceedingly bad route. We then fell into the right road, and proceeded on very well, when, hav- ing made five miles, we stopped to refresh the horses. Captain Lewis here joined us; but, not having been able to find his horse, two men were sent back to continue the search." They advanced till the evening, and encamped on a stream to which they gave the name of Glade Creek. Starting early the next morning, they advanced along the right bank of Glade Creek, and at the dis- tance of six miles found it joined by another of equal size, coming from the right. " Here," says the Journal, " we passed over to the left side of the creek, and began the ascent of a very high and steep mountain, nine miles across. On reaching the oth- er side, we found a large branch from the left, which seems to rise in the Snowy Mountains to the south and southeast." * * * « The mountains we crossed to-day were much more difficult than those of yes- terday : the last was particularly fatiguing, being steep and stony, broken by fallen timber, and thick- ly overgrown by pine, spruce, fir, hacmataok, and tamarac. Although we had made only seventeen miles, we were all very weary. Our whole stock of animal food was now exhausted, and we there- fore killed a colC, on which we made a hearty sup- THE KOOSKOOSKEE RIVER. 21 per. From this incident we called the last creek we had passed from the south Colt-killed Creek. The river itself is eighty yards wide, with a swift current and a stony channel. Its Indian name is Kooskooskee. " September 15. At an early hour we proceeded along the right side of the Kooskooskee, over steep, rocky points of land, till at the distance of four miles we reached an old Indian fishing-place. The road here turned to the right of the river, and began to ascend a mountain ; but the wind and the fire had prostrated or scorched almost all the timber on the south side, and the ascents were so steep that we were forced to wind in every direction round the high knobs, which constantly impeded our progress. Several of the horses lost their foothold and slip- ped: one of them, which was loaded with a desk and small trunk, rolled over and over for forty yards, till his fall was stopped by a tree. The desk was broken, but the poor animal escaped without much injury. After clambering in this way for four miles, we came to a high, snowy part of the mountain, where was a spring of water, at which we halted two hours to refresh our horses. " On leaving the spring the road continued as bad as it was below, and the timber more abundant. At four miles we reached the top of the mountain, and, foreseeing no chance of meeting with water, we en- camped on the northern side, near an old bank of snow three feet deep. Some of this we melted, and supped on the remains of the colt killed yester- day. Our only game to-day was two pheasants ; and the horses, on which we calculated as a last re- source, began to fail us, for two of them were so poor and worn out with fatigue that we were obli- ged to leave them behind. All around us were high, rugged mountains, among which was a lofty range from southeast to northwest, whose tops were with- out timber, and in some places covered with snow 22 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. The night was cloudy and very cold, and three hours before daybreak, " September 16, it began to snow, and continued all day, so that by evening it was six or eight inch- es deep. This covered the track so completely that we were obliged constantly to halt and exam- ine, lest we should lose our way. In many places we had nothing to guide us except the branches of the trees, which, being low, have been rubbed by the burdens of the Indian horses. The road was, like that of yesterday, along steep hillsides obstruct- ed with fallen timber, and having a growth of eight different species of pine, standing so thick that the snow fell from them as we passed, and kept us con- tinually wet to the skin, and so cold that we were anxious lest our feet should be frozen, as we had only thin moccasins to defend them. " At noon we halted to let the horses feed on some long grass on the north side of the mount- ain, and endeavoured, by making fires, to keep our- selves warm. As soon as the horses were refresh- ed, Captain Clarke went ahead with one man, and at the distance of six miles reached a stream from the right, and prepared fires by the time of our arri- val at dusk." * * * " We were all very wet, cold, and hungry : although before setting out this morn- ing we had seen four deer, we could not procure any of them, and were obliged to kill a second colt for our supper." The two following days they encountered similar difficulties from the ruggedness of the country and the absence of game, so that they were obliged to kill another colt for their subsistence. On the even- ing of the 18th they encamped, after a fatiguing day's journey of eighteen miles. *' We now," contin- ues the Journal, " melted some snow, and supped on a little portable soup, a few canisters of which, with about twenty pounds of bears' oil, are our only re- maining means of subsistence. Our guns are scarce- HUNGRY CREEK 23 fy of any service, for there is no living creatui'e in these mountains, except a few small pheasants, a small species of gray squirrel, and a blue bird of the vulture kind, about the size of a turtle-dove or jay, and even these are difficult to shoot." Captain Clarke, meanwhile, had proceeded in ad- vance of the party, with six hunters, for the purpose of procuring game. In this, however, they were wholly unsuccessful ; and, without anything to eat, they encamped in the evening on the banks of a stream, to which they gave the appropriate name of Hungry Creek. " September 19. Captain Clarke proceeded up the creek, along which the road was more steep and stony than any he had yet passed. At six miles' distance he reached a small plain, in which he for- tunately found a horse, on which he breakfasted, and hung the rest on a tree for the party in the rear. Two miles beyond this he left the creek and cross- ed three high mountains, rendered almost impassa- ble from the steepness of the ascent and the quantity of fallen timber. After clambering over these ridg- es and mountains, and passing some branches of Hungry Creek, he came to a large creek running westward. This he followed for four miles, then turned to the right down the mountain, till he came to a small creek to the left. Here he halted, having made twenty-two miles on his course, south 80 de- grees west, though the winding route over the mountains almost doubled the distance. On de- scending the last mountain, the heat became much more sensible, after the extreme cold he had expe- rienced for several days past." The main party advanced eighteen miles over mountains and along narrow, dangerous paths, and encamped for the night on a branch of Hungry Creek. They killed no game, and their only refreshment during the day was a little portable soup. From fa- tigue and want of food they were becoming much enfeebled, and dvsentery began to prevail. n.— c 24 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " September 20. Captain Clarke went on through a country as rugged as before, till, on passing a low mountain, at the distance of four miles he came to the forks of a large creek. Down this he pro- ceeded on a course south 60 degrees west for two miles, then turning to the right, continued over a dividing ridge, where were the heads of several lit- tle streams, and at twelve miles' distance descend- ed the last of the Rocky Mountains, and reached the level country. A beautiful open plain, partially supplied with pine, now presented itself. After pro- ceeding five miles, he discovered three Indian boys, who, on observing the party, ran off and hid them- selves in the grass. Captain Clarke immediately alighted, and, giving his horse and gun to one of the men, went after the boys. He soon relieved their apprehensions, and sent them forward to the village, about a mile off, with presents of small pieces of riband. Soon after they reached home a man came out to meet the party, but with great caution : he conducted them to a large tent in the village, and all the inhabitants gathered round to view with a mix- ture of fear and pleasure the wonderful strangers. The conductor now informed Captain Clarke, by signs, that the spacious tent he was in was the res- idence of the great chief, who had set out three days ago, with all the warriors, to attack some of their enemies towards the southwest ; that he would not return before fifteen or eighteen days, and that in the mean time there were only a few men left to guard the women and children. They now set be- fore them a small piece of buffalo meat, some dried salmon, berries, and several kinds of roots. Among these last was one which was round, much like an onion in appearance, and sweet to the taste ; its name is quamash, and it is eaten either in its natu- ral state, boiled into a kind of soup, or made into a cake, when it is called -pasheco. After their long abstinence this was a sumptuous treat. They re- ILLNESS OF CAPTAIN CLARKE. 25 turned the kindness of the people by a few small presents, and then went on, in company with one of the chiefs, to a second village in the same plain, at the distance of two miles. Here they were treat- ed with great kindness, and passed the night. The hunters were sent out, but, though they saw some tracks of deer, were unable to procure anything." Captain Lewis, with the main party, had proceed- ed about two miles, when they fortunately found the remainder of the horse left by Captain Clarke and also a note signifying his intention to descend into the plains to the southwest in search of pro- visions. One of their horses, with a valuable load, was missing, and two men were sent to find him. Their general course was south 25° west, through a dense forest of large pine, and they advanced fif- teen miles before encamping. " On descending the heights of the mountains," continues the Journal, " the soil becomes gradually more fertile, and the land through which we passed this evening is of an excellent quality. It has a dark gray soil, though very broken, and with large masses of gray freestone above the ground in many places. Among the vegetable productions we dis- tinguished the alder, honeysuckle, and whortleber- ry, common in the United States ; also a species of honeysuckle known only west of the Rocky Mount- ains, which rises to the height of about four feet, and bears a white berry. There is likewise a plant re- sembling the chokecherry, which grows in thick clumps eight or ten feet high, and bears a black ber- ry with a single stone, of a sweetish taste. The arbor vitcE, too, is very common, and grows to a great size, being from two to six feet in diameter. "September 21. The free use of food, to which he had for some time not been accustomed, made Captain Clarke very sick. He therefore sent out all the hunters, and remained himself at the village, as well on account of his illness as for the pur. 26 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition pose of avoiding suspicion, and collecting informa* tion from the Indians as to the route. " The two villages consisted of about thirty double tents, and the inhabitants called themselves Chopun- nish, or Pierced-Nose. The chief drew a chart of the river, and explained that a greater chief than himself, who governed these villages, and whose name was Twisted Hair, was now fishing at the dis- tance of half a day's ride down the river. His chart made the Kooskooskee fork a little below his camp, with a second fork farther on, and a large branch flowing in on each side, below which the river pass- ed the mountains : here was a great fall of water, near which lived white people, from whom were pro- cured the white beads and brass ornaments worn by the women. " A chief of another band made a visit this morn- ing, and smoked with Captain Clarke. The hunters returning without having been able to kill anything, Captain Clarke purchased as much dried salmon, roots, and berries as he could with the few articles lie chanced to have in his pockets, and having sent them by one of the men and a hired Indian back to Captain Lewis, he went on towards the camp of Twisted Hair. It was four o'clock before he set out, and the night soon came on ; but, meeting an Indian coming from the river, they engaged him, with the present of a neckcloth, to guide them to that chief. They proceeded twelve miles through the plain before they reached the river hills, which are very high and steep. The whole valley, from these hills to the Rocky Mountains, is a beautiful level country, with a rich soil, covered with grass : there is, however, but little timber, and the country is badly watered. The plain is so much lower than the surrounding hills, or so much sheltered by them, that the weather was quite warm, while the cold of the mountains was extreme. From the top of the river hills they proceeded down for three miles. MEETING WITH TWISTED HAIR. 27 till they reached the water side between eleven and twelve o'clock at night. Here they found a small camp of five squaws and three children, the chief himself being encamped, with two others, on a small island in the river. The guide called to him, and he soon came over: Captain Clarke gave him a medal, and they smoked together till one o'clock." The main party proceeded on without anything worthy of note occurring. During the day they v/ere so fortunate as to kill a few pheasants and a prairie wolf. " September 22. Captain Clarke passed over to the island in company with Twisted Hair, who seemed to be cheerful and sincere in his conduct. The river at this place was about one hundred and sixty yards wide, but interrupted by shoals, and the low grounds on its borders were narrow. The hunt- ers brought in three deer ; after which Captain Clarke left his party, and, accompanied by Twisted Hair and his son, rode back to the village, where he arri- ved about sunset : they then walked up together to the second village, where we had just arrived. " We had intended to set out early; but one of the men having neglected to hobble his horse, he stray- ed away, and we were obliged to wait till nearly twelve o'clock. We then proceeded on a western course for two and a half miles, when we met the hunters sent by Captain Clarke from the village, seven and a half miles distant, with provisions. This supply was most seasonable, as we had tasted nothing since last night; and the fish, roots, and berries, in addition to a crow which we killed on the route, completely satisfied our hunger. After this refreshment we proceeded in much better spirits, and at a few miles were overtaken by the two men who had been sent back after the lost horse on the 20th." * * * " As we approached the village, most of the wom- en, though apprized of our being expected, fled with 28 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. their children into the neighbouring woods. The men, however, received us without any apprehen- sion, and gave us a plentiful supply of provisions. The plains were now crowded with Indians, who had come to see the persons of the whites, and the strange things they had brought with them ; but, as our guide was a perfect stranger to their language, we could converse by signs only. Our inquiries were chiefly directed to the character of the coun- try, the courses of the rivers, and the Indian villa- ges, in regard to all wkich we received more or less information ; and, as their accounts varied but little from each other, we were induced to place confi- dence in them. Twisted Hair drew a chart of the river on a white elkskin ; according to which, the Kooskooskee Forks were a few miles from this place : two days' journey towards the south was another and larger fork, on which the Shoshonee or Snake Indians fished ; five days' journey lower down was a large river from the northwest, into which Clarke's River empties itself; and from the mouth of that river to the falls was five days' journey far- ther. On all the forks, as well as on the main river, great numbers of Indians resided, and at the falls were establishments of whites. This was the story of Twisted Hair. " Septembei 23. The chiefs and warriors were all assembled this morning, and we explained to them from whence we came, the objects of our visiting them, and our pacific intentions towards all the In- dians. This, being conveyed by signs, might not have been perfectly comprehended, but appeared to give entire satisfaction. We now gave a medal to two of the chiefs, a shirt to Twisted Hair, in addi- tion to the medal he had already received, and a flag and handkerchief for the grand chief on his return. To these were added a knife, a handkerchief, and a small piece of tobacco for each chief. The Indians did not give us any provisions gratuitously. W(^ THE TARTY COMPLAIN OF SICKNESS. 29 therefore purchased a quantity of fish, berries (chiefly red haws), and roots, and in the afternoon went on to the second village. Twisted Hair here introdu- ced us into his own tent (which consisted, however, of nothing more than pine-bushes and bark), and gave us some dried salmon boiled. We continued our purchases, and obtained as much provision as our horses could carry, in their present weak condi- tion, as far as the river. The men exchanged a few old canisters for dressed elkskins, of which they made shirts. Great crowds of the natives were round us all night, but we did not miss anything ex- cept a knife, and a few other articles stolen from a shotpouch the day before. " September 24. We sent back Colter in search of the horses lost in the mountains ; and, having collected the rest, set out at ten o'clock along the same route already passed -by Captain Clarke to- wards the river. All round the village the women were busily employed in gathering and dressing the pasheco root, of which large quantities were heaped up in piles over the plain. We now felt severely the consequences of eating heartily after our late privations : Captain Lewis and two of the men were taken very ill last evening, and to-day he could scarcely sit on his horse, vv^hile others were obliged to be put on their horses, and some, from extreme weakness and pain, were forced to lie down by the side of the road for a considerable time. At sunset we reached the island where the hunters had been left on the 22d. They had been unsuccessful, hav- ing killed only two deer since that time, and two of them were very ill. A little below this island was a larger one, on which we encamped, and adminis- tered Rush's pills to the sick. " September 25. The weather was very hot and oppressive to the party, most of whom were now complaining of sickness. Our situation, indeed, rendered it necessary to husband our remaining 30 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. strength, and it was determined to proceed down i.hc river in canoes : Captain Clarke therefore set out with Twisted Hair and two young men in quest of timber for their construction. As he went down the river, at the distance of a mile he crossed a creek from the right, which, from the rocks that obstructed its passage, he called Rockdam River. The hills along the river were high and steep, the low grounds narrow, and the navigation was embarrassed by two rapids. At the distance of two miles farther he reached two nearly equal forks of the stream, one of which flowed in from the north. At this place he rested for an hour, and cooked a few salmon which one of the Indians had struck with a gig. Here, too, he was joined by some Indians in two caaoes from below. These canoes were long, steady, and loaded with the furniture and provisions of two families. He uow crossed the south fork, and returned to the camp on the south side, the greater part of the way through a narrow pine bot- tom, in which was found much fine timber suitable for canoes. One of the Indian boats, with two men, set out at the same time ; and such was their dex- terity in managing the pole, that they reached camp within fifteen minutes after him, although they had to drag the canoe over three rapids. He found Cap- tain Lewis and several of the men still very sick, and distributed to such as were in need of it salts and tartar emetic. *' September 26. Having resolved to go down to some spot calculated for building canoes, we set out early this morning, proceeded five miles, and en- camped on a piece of low ground opposite the forks o,^ the river; but so weak were the men, that sever- al were taken sick in coming down, the weather being oppressively hot. Two chiefs, with their fam- ilies, followed us, and encamped, with a great num- ber of horses, near us ; and soon after our arrival we were joined by two Indians, who had come down SCARCITY OF PROVISIONS. 31 Ihe north fork on a raft. We purchased some fresh salmon ; and, having distributed axes, and portioned off the labour of the party, " September 27, at an early hour began our prep- arations for constructing five canoes. But few^ of the men, however, were able to work, and of these several were soon taken ill, as the day proved very hot. The hunters, too, returned without any game, and seriously indisposed, so that nearly the whole party were now sick. We procured some fresh salmon ; and Colter, who at this time returned with one of the horses, brought half a deer, which was very nourishing to the invalids. Several Indians from a camp below came up to see us." From this time to the 5th of October, all the men capable of labour were employed in preparing the canoes. The health of the party gradually re- cruited, though they still suffered severely from want of food ; and, as the hunters had but little success in procuring game, they were obliged on the 2d to kill one of their horses. Indians from different quarters frequently visited them, but all that could be obtain- ed from them was a little fish and some dried roots. " October 5. The canoes being nearly finished," says the Journal, "it became necessary to dispose of our horses. They were therefore collected, to the number of thirty-eight, and, after being branded and marked, were delivered to three Indians, the two brothers and the son of a chief who had promised to accompany us down the river. To each of these men we gave a knife and some small articles, and they agreed to take care of the horses till our return. The hunters, with all their dihgence, were unable to kill anything ; the liills being high and rugged, and the woods too dry to hunt deer, which was the only game in the country. We therefore continued to eat dried fish and roots, which were purchased of the squaws with small presents, but chiefly white beads, of which they are extravagantly fond. Some 32 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. of these roots seemed to possess very active prop* erties; for, after supping on them this evening, we were swelled to such a degree as to be scarcely able to breathe for several hours. Towards night we launched two canoes, which proved to be very good. " October 6. The morning was cool, and the wind easterly. The general course of the winds seems to be nearly the same as we observed on the east side of the mountains. While on the head-waters of the Missouri, we had every morning a cool wind from tbe west. At this place a cool breeze springs up during the latter part of the night, or near day- break, and continues till seven or eight o'clock, when it subsides, and the other part of the day is warm. Captain Lewis was now not so well as he had been, and Captain Clarke was also taken ill. We had all our saddles buried in a cache near the river, about half a mile below, and deposited at the same time a canister of powder and a bag of balls. The time which could be spared from our labours on the ca- noes was devoted to some astronomical observations. The latitude of our camp, as deduced from the mean of two observations, was found to be 46° 34' 56.3" north. " October 7. This morning all the canoes were put in the water and loaded, the oars fixed, and every preparation made for setting out ; but when we were all ready, the two chiefs who had promised to ac- company us were not to be found, and at the same time we missed a pipe tomahawk : we therefore pro- ceeded without them. Below the forks the river is called the Kooskooskee, and is a clear, rapid stream, with a number of shoals and difficult places. For some miles the hills were steep, and the low grounds narrow ; but then succeeded an open country, with a few trees scattered along the river. At the dis- tance of nine miles was a small creek on the left. -Ve passed in the course of the day ten rapids ; in descending one of which, one of the canoes struck a ACCIDENT TO ONE OF THE CANOES. 33 rock and sprung aleak. We, however, continued foi nineteen miles, and encamped on the left side of the river, opposite to the mouth of a small run. Here the canoe was unloaded and repaired, and two lead canisters of powder were deposited. Several camps of Indians were on the sides of the river, but we had little intercourse with any of them. " October 8. We set out at nine o'clock. At eight and a half miles we passed an island, and four and a half miles lower a second, opposite a small creek on the left side of the river. Five miles farther was another island on the left ; and a mile and a half be- yond, a fourth. At a short distance from this was a large creek coming from the right, to which we gave the name of Colter's Creek, from Colter, one of our men. We had proceeded from this creek about a mile and a half, and were passing the last of fifteen rapids, having gone over the other fourteen safely, when one of the canoes struck, and, a hole being made in her side, she immediately filled. The men, several of whom could not swim, clung to her till one of the other boats could be unloaded, and with the assistance of an Indian canoe they were all brought to shore. All the goods were so much wet that we were obliged to halt for the night, and spread them out to dry. While all this was doing it was necessary to place two sentinels over the merchandise, for we have found that these Indians, though kind and disposed to give us every aid during our distress, cannot resist the temptation of pilfering small articles. We passed, during our route of twenty miles, several encamp- ments of Indians on the islands and near the rapids, which places are chosen as most convenient for taking salmon. At one of these camps we found the two chiefs who had left us after promising to descend the river with us: they, however, willingly came on board after we had gone through the ceremony of smoking. " October 9. The morning, as usual, was cool ; but, as the weather was cloudy, our merchandise dried 34 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. but slowly. The boat, though much injured, was repaired by ten o'clock so as to be perfectly fit for service : still we were obliged to remain through the day, for the articles to be sufficiently dry to be reloaded. The time we employed in purchasing fish for the voyage and in conversing with the Indians. In the afternoon we were surprised at hearing that our old Shoshonee guide and his son had left us, and been seen running up the river several miles above. As he had never given any notice of his intention, nor even received his pay for conducting us, we could not imagine the cause of his desertion, nor did he ever come back to explain his conduct. We request- ed the chief to send a horseman after him, to ask him to return and receive what we owed him. From this, however, he dissuaded us ; saying very frankly, that his nation, the Chopunnish, would take from the old man any presents he might have on passing their camp. " The Indians came about our encampment atnight, and were very gay and good-humoured with the men. Among other exhibitions was that of a squaw, who appeared to be crazy : she sang in a wild, incoherent manner, and would offer to the spectators all the lit tie articles she possessed, scarifying herself in a hor- rid manner if afiy one refused her presents. She seemed to be an object of pity among the Indians, who suffered her to do as she pleased, without any interruption. " October 10. A fine morning. We loaded the ca- noes and set off at seven o'clock. At the distance of two and a half miles we had passed three islands, the last of which was opposite to a small stream on the right. Within the next three and a half miles was another island, and a creek on the left, with wide low grounds, containing wiDow and cottonwood trees, and on which were three tents of Indians. Two ! miles lower was the head Df a large island, and six r.nd a half miles beyond it we halted at an encamp- RUGGED RAPID. 35 ment of eight lodges on the left, in order to examine a rapid before us. We had already passed eight, some of them difficult ; but this was worse than any of those, being strewed with rocks, and very hazard- ous : we purchased here some roots, and dined with the Indians, Among them was a man from the falls, who says that he has seen white people at that place, and is very desirous of going down with us : an offer, however, which we declined. Just above this camp we had passed a tent, near which was an Indian bath- ing himself in a small pond or hole of water, warmed by throwing in hot stones. After finishing our meal, w^e descended the rapid with no injury except to one of our boats, which ran against a rock, but in the course of an hour was got off, with only a small split in her side. This rapid, from its appearance and diffi- culty, we named Rugged Rapid. We went on over five others of a less dangerous character, and at the distance of five miles reached a large fork of the river from the south ; and, after having gone twenty miles, halted below the junction on the right bank. Our arrival soon attracted the attention of the Indians^ who flocked in all directions to see us. In the even ing, the Indian from the falls, whom we had seen at Rugged Rapid, joined us with his son, in a small ca- noe, and insisted on accompanying us to the falls. Being again reduced to fish and roots, we made an experiment to vary our food by purchasing a few dogs, and, after having been accustomed to horse-flesh, felt no disrelish to this new dish. The Chopunnish have great numbers of dogs, which they employ for do- mestic purposes, but never eat them; and our using the flesh of that animal soon brought us into ridicule as dog-eaters. " The country at the junction of the two rivers is an open plain on all sides, broken towards the left by a distant ridge of high land, thinly covered with timber. This is the only body of timber which the country contains, for at the forks there is not a tre# d6 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. to be seen ; and in almost the whole descent of sixty miles down the Kooskooskee from its forks, there are very few. This southern branch is, in fact, the main streamof Lewis's River, on which we encamped when among the Shoshonees. The Indians inform us that it is navigable for sixty miles ; that not far from its mouth it receives a branch from the south; and a second and larger branch two days' march up, nearly parallel to the first Chopunnish villages we met near the mountains. This branch is called Pawnashte, and is the residence of a chief who, according to their expression, has more horses than he can count. The river has many rapids, near which are numer- ous fishing camps, there being ten establishments of this kind before reaching the first southern branch : one on that stream, five between that and the Paw- nashte, one on that river, and two above it ; besides which, there are many other Indian settlements on the more distant waters of the river. All these In- dians belong to the Chopunnish nation, and live in tents of an oblong form, covered with flat roofs. " At its mouth Lewis's River is about two hun- dred and fifty yards wide, and its water is of a green- ish-blue colour. The Kooskooskee, whose waters are clear as crystal, is one hundred and fifty yards m width, and after the union the breadth is increased to three hundred yards : at the point of union is an Indian cabin, and in Lewis's River a small island. " The men of the Chopunnish, or Pierced-Nose nation, residing on the Kooskooskee and Lewis Riv- ers, are in person stout, portly, and well-looking; the women are small, with good features, and are generally handsome, though the complexion of both sexes is darker than that of the Tushepaws. In dress they resemble that nation, being fond of dis- playing their ornaments. Buffalo or elk skin robes, decorated with beads, sea-shells, chiefly mother-of- pearl, attached to an otter-skin collar, falling in front in two queues ; feathers, paints of different kind? DRESS, ETC., OF THE CHOPUNNISH. 37 principally white, green, and light blue, all of which they find in their own country — these are the chief ornaments they use. In the winter they wear a short shirt of dressed skins, long painted leggins and moccasins, and a plait of twisted grass lound the neck. " The dress of the women is more simple, con- sisting of a long shirt ©f argalia or ibex skin, reach- ing down to the ankles, and without any girdle : to the bottom of it are tied little pieces of brass, shells, and other small articles, but the top is not at all or- namented. The dress of the females is, indeed, more modest, and more studiously so than any we have observed, while the other sex are heedless of the indelicacy of exposure. " The Chopunnish have very few amusements, their hfe being painful and laborious, and all their exertions being necessary to earn even a precarious subsistence. During the summer and autumn they are busily occupied in fishing for salmon, and col- lecting their winter store of roots. In the winter they hunt the deer on snow-shoes over the plains, and towards spring cross the mountains to the Mis- souri, for the purpose of trafficking for buffalo robes. The inconveniences of this comfortless life are in- creased by frequent encounters with their enemies from the west, who drive them over the mountains with the loss of their horses, and sometimes the lives of many of the nation. Though originally the same people, their dialect varies very perceptibly from that of the Tushepaws. Their treatment to us differed much from the kind and disinterested services of the Shoshonees : they are, indeed, self- ish and avaricious, parting very reluctantly with ev- ery article of food or clothing ; and, while they ex- pect a recompense for every service, however small, do not concern themselves about reciprocating any favours we may show them. " They are generally healthy, the only disorders 38 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. we have remarked among ihem beiri^' of a scrofu- lous kind ; and for these, as well as lor the amuse ment of those who are in good health, hot and cold bathing is very frequently used. " The soil of these prairies is a light yellow clay : it is barren, and produces little more than a beard- ed grass about three inches high, and the prickly pear, of which we here found three species. The first is of the broad-leafed kind, common to the Mis- souri ; the second has a leaf of a globular form, and is also frequent in the upper parts of the Missouri, particularly in the country along the river after it enters the Rocky Mountains. The third is peculiar to this country, and is much more troublesome than either of the others. It consists of small, thick leaves of a circular form, which grow from the margin of each other, as in the broad-leafed pear of the Mis- souri. These leaves are armed with a great number of thorns, which are "fery strong, and appear to be barbed; and, as the leaf itself is very slightly at- tached to the stem, as soon as one of the thorns touches the moccasin, it adheres, and brings with it the leaf, accompanied by a re-enforcement of other thorns." INDIAN VAPOUR-BATH. 39 CHAPTER II. Departure of the Party.— Descriptior of an Indian Sweating- bath and B-Urial-pIace.— Dangerous Rapids.— Visits from the Indians, who manifest a pacific Disposition.— Description of the Sokuik. Tribe.— Their Dress, and Manner of building Houses. —Their pacific Character.— Their Habits of Living.— Their Mode of boiling Salmon.— Vast Quantities of Salmon among the Sokulks.— Council held with this Tribe.— The Terror and Consternation excited by Captain Clarke.— Some Ac- count of the Pishquitpaws.— Their Mode of burying the Dead. "October 11, 1805. This morning the wmd was from the east, and the weather cloudy. We set out early, and at the distance of a mile and a half reached a point of rocks in a bend of the river to- wards the left, near to which was an old Indian house, and a meadow on the opposite bank. Here the hills came down towards the water, and, with the rocks which have fallen from their sides, form- ed a rapid, over which we were obliged to drag the canoes. A mile and a half farther we passed two Indian lodges in a bend towards the right, and at six miles from our camp of last evening reached the mouth of a brook on the left. Just above this stream we stopped for breakfast, at a large encampment of Indians on the same side. We soon began to trade with them for a stock of provisions, and were so fortunate as to purchase seven dogs and all the fish they could spare. While this traffic was going on, we observed a vapour-bath or sweating-house of a different form from any used on the frontiers of the United States or among the Rocky Mountains : it was a hollow square of six or eight feet deep, form- ed against the river-bank by damming up with mud the other three sides, and covering the top com- pletely, except an aperture about two feet wide, IT.— D 40 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. The bathers descend by this hole, taking with them a number of heated stones and jugs of water ; and after seating themselves round the room, throw the water on the stones till the steam becomes of a temperature sufficiently high for their purpose. The baths of the Indians in the Rocky Mountains are of different sizes, the most common being made of mud and sticks, like an oven ; but the mode of raising the steam is exactly the same. Among both these nations it is very uncommon for a man to bathe alone ; he is generally accompanied by one, and sometimes several of his acquaintances. Indeed, it is so essentially a social amusement, that to decline going in the bath when invited by a friend is one of the highest indignities which can be offered. The Indians on the frontiers generally use a bath that will accommodate only one person, and which is formed of a wicker-work of willows, about four feet high, arched at the top, and covered with skins In this the bather sits, till by means of the steam from the heated stones he has perspired sufficiently. These baths are almost universally in the neighbour- hood of running water, into which the Indians plunge immediately on coming out from them ; and sometimes they return again, and subject themselves to a second perspiration. This practice is, howev- er, less frequent among the nations on our borders than those to the westward. The bath is employed either for pleasure or health, and is used indiscrim- inately for all kinds of diseases. " Shortly after leaving our encampment we passed two rapids, and at the distance of four and a half miles reached one which was much more difficult. Three miles beyond this there were three huts of Indians on the right, where we stopped and obtain- ed, in excnange for a few trifles, some pasheco roots, five dogs, and a small quantity of dried fish. We made our dinner of part of each of these articles, and then proceeded on without any obstruction till INDIAN BURIAL-PLACES. 41 after we had gone twelve and a half miles, when we came to a stony island on the right side of the river, opposite to which was a rapid, and a second at its lower point. About three and a half miles be- yond this island was a small brook, emptying itself into a bend on the right, where we stopped at two Indian huts, which we found inhabited. Here we met two Indians belonging to a nation residing at the mouth of this river. We had made thirty-one miles to-day, although the weather w^as warm, and the current obstructed by nine different rapids, more or less difficult to pass. All these rapids are fishing- places, greatly resorted to in the season; and as we passed we observed near them slabs and pieces of «plit timber raised from the ground, and some entire houses, vacant at present, but which will be occupied as soon as the Indians return from the plains on both sides of the river, where our chief informs us they are now hunting the antelope. Near each of the houses js a small collection of graves, the burial-places of those who frequent these establishments. The dead are wrapped in robes of skins, and deposited in graves, which are covered over with earth, and mark- ed or secured by little pickets or pieces of wood stuck promiscuously in and around them. The country on both sides, after mounting a steep ascent of about two hundred feet, becomes an open, level, and fertile plain, which is, however, as well as the borders of the river itself, entirely destitute of any kind of timber ; and the chief growth we observed consisted of a few low blackberries." * * * They continued to descend the river, and from the 12th to the 15th proceeded about sixty-three miles. On their way they passed several rapids, one of which was particularly dangerous, and two miles in length. They got over it safely, however, by the aid of their Indian pilots, but were less fortunate the next day ; one of their canoes being driven sideways against a rock, so that she filled with water, and they 42 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. were obliged to unload her to dry the baggage she had on board. Unfortunately, their roots and other provisions were in this boat, and were entirely spoil- ed. The only game they procured was a few geese and ducks. They passed two considerable streams on the 13th, the first of which they called Kimooenim Creek, and the other Drewyer's River. Having part- ly dried their baggage, they set out again late in the day on the 15th, intending to complete the drying at the mouth of the river, where they proposed stopping to take some celestial observations, and which they supposed could not be far distant. " For the first four miles," proceeds the Journal, " we passed three islands, at the lower points of which were the same number of rapids, besides a fourth at a distance from them. In the next ten miles we passed eight islands and three more rapids, and reached a point of rocks on the left. These islands were of various sizes, and were all composed of round stone and sand : the rapids were in many pla- ces difficult and dangerous to pass. The country now became lower than before, the ground near the river not being higher than ninety or a hundred feet, and extending back into a waving plain. Soon after leaving this point of rocks we entered a narrow chan- nel, formed by the projecting cliffs of the bank, which rise nearly perpendicular from the water. The river is not, however, rapid, but gentle and smooth the whole length of its confinement, which continues for three miles, when it falls, or rather widens, into a kind of basin nearly round, and without any percept- ible current. After passing through this basin we were joined by the three Indians who had piloted us through the rapids since we left the forks, and who, in company with our two chiefs, had gone before us. They had halted here to warn us of a dangerous rapid which begins at the lower point of the basin. As the day was too far spent to attempt it, we determined to examine it before descending, and therefore en- PASSING THE RAPIDS. 43 camped near an island at its head, and studied par- ticularly all its narrow and difficult parts. The spot where we landed was an old fishing establishment, of which there yet remained the timbers of a house, carefully raised on scatfolds to protect them against the spring freshet. Not being able to procure any other fuel, and the night being cold, we were a sec- ond time obliged to use the property of the Indians, who still remain in the plains hunting the antelope. Our progress had been but twenty miles, in conse- quence of the difficulty of passing the rapids ; and our game consisted of only two teal. " October 16. Having fully examined the rapids, which we found even more difficult than the report of the Indians had induced us to believe, we set out early, and, putting our Indian guide in front, our smallest canoe next, and the rest in succession, be- gan the descent. The passage proved to be very disagreeable, as there was a continuation of shoals, extending from bank to bank, for the distance of three miles, the channel being narrow and crooked, and obstructed by large rocks in every direction, so as to require great dexterity to avoid being dashed against them. We got through, however, with no injury to any of the boats except the hindmost, which ran on a rock ; but, by the assistance of the other boats and of the Indians, who were very alert, she escaped, though the baggage on board of her was wet. Within three miles we passed three small isl- ands, on one of which were the parts of a house, put on scaffolds as usual, and soon after came to another rapid at the lower extremity of three small islands ; and to a second, again, at the distance of a mile and a half below them. At six miles from the great rapid we reached a point of rocks at a rapid opposite to the upper part of a small island on the left ; three miles farther there was another rapid; and two miles be- yond this, a very bad one, or, rather, a fall of the river. This last proved, on examination, to be so difficult, 44 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. that M e thought it imprudent to attempt it, and there- fore unloaded the canoes, and made a portage of three quarters of a mile. This rapid, which is of about the same length, is much broken by rocks and shoals, and has a small island in it, on the right side. " After completing the transportation we halted for dinner, and while we were eating were visited by five Indians, who had come up the river on foot in great haste. We received them kindly, smoked with them, and gave them a piece of tobacco to smoke with their tribe ; on receiving which they set out to return, and continued running as fast as they could while they remained in sight. Their curiosity had 6een excited by the accounts of our two chiefs, who had gone on ahead, to apprize the tribes of our ap- proach, and of our friendly dispositions towards them. After dinner we reloaded the canoes and pro- ceeded. We soon passed a rapid opposite to the up- per point of a sandy island on the left, which has a smaller island near it. At three miles there was a gravelly bar in the river ; and four miles beyond this, the Kimooenim River empties itself into the Colum- bia, having an island at its mouth, just below a small rapid. We halted above the point of junction, on the Kimooenim, to confer with the Indians, who had col- lected in great numbers to receive us. On landing we were met by our two chiefs, to whose good offices we were indebted for this reception, and also by the two Indians who had passed us a few days since on horseback ; one of them appearing to be a man of in- fluence, as he harangued the assembly on our arrival. After smoking with the Indians, we formed a camp at the point where the two rivers unite, near which we found some driftwood : we were also supplied by our two old chiefs with the stalks of willows and some small bushes for fuel. Scarcely had we fixed our quarters and got the fires prepared, when a chief came from the Indian camp about a fourth of a mile up the Columbia, at th.e head of nearly two hundred INDIAN PROCESSION. 45 men. They formed a regular procession, keeping time to the music, or, rather, noise of their drums, which they accompanied with their voices ; and as they advanced, they ranged themselves in a semicir- cle around us, and continued singing for some time. We then smoked with them all, and communicated, as well as we could by signs, our friendly intentions towards every nation, and our joy at finding ourselves surrounded by our children. After this we proceeded to distribute presents among them, giving the princi- pal chief a large medal, a shirt, and a handkerchief; to the second chief, a medal of a smaller size ; and to a third, who had come down from some of the up- per villages, a small medal and a handkerchief. This ceremony being concluded, they left us ; but in the course of the afternoon several of them returned, and remained with us till a late hour. After they had dispersed, we proceeded to purchase provisions, and were enabled to collect seven dogs, to which some of the Indians added small presents of fish, and one of them gave us twenty pounds of fat dried horse- flesh, " October 17. The day being fair, we were occu- pied in taking the necessary observations for deter- mining our longitude, and we obtained a meridian altitude, from which it appeared that we were in lat- itude 46° 15' 13.9". We also measured the two riv- ers by angles, and found that at the junction the Columbia was nine hundred and sixty yards wide, and Lewis's River five hundred and seventy-five ; but, soon after they unite, the former widens to the breadth of from one to three miles, including the isl- ands. From the point of confluence the country is a continued plain, low near the water, and rising gradually from it ; the only elevation to be seen be- ing a range of high country running from the north- east towards the southwest, where it joins a chain of mountains from the southwest, and on the oppo- site side is about two miles from the Columbia. 46 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. There is throughout this plain not a single tree, nor scarcely any shrubs, except a few willow bushes ; and even of smaller plants there is not much more than the prickly pear, which is in great abundance, and even more thorny and troublesome than any we had yet seen. In the mean time the principal chief came down, with several of his warriors, and smoked with us. We were also visited by several men and women, who offered dogs and dried fish for sale ; but as the fish was out of season, being at present abun- dant in the river, we contented ourselves with pur- chasing the dogs. The nation among whom we now are call themselves Sokulks ; and with them are united a few of another nation, who reside on a western branch, emptying itself into the Columbia a few miles above the mouth of the latter river, and whose name is Chimnapum. " The languages of these two nations, of both of which we obtained a vocabulary, differ but little from each other or from that of the Chopunnish, who in- habit the Kooskooskee and Lewis Rivers. In their dress and general appearance, also, they much re- semble that nation ; the men wearing a robe of deer or antelope skin, under which a few of them have a short leathern shirt. The most striking difference is among the females, the Sokulk women being more inclined to corpulency than any we have yet seen. Their stature is low, their faces are broad, and their heads flattened in such a manner that the forehead is in a straight hue from the nose to the crown of the head. Their eyes are of a dirty sable, their hair is coarse and black, and braided without ornament of any kind. Instead of wearing, as do the Cho- punnish, long leathern shirts highly decorated with beads and shells, the Sokulk women have no other covering but a truss or piece of leather tied round the hips, and drawn tight between the legs. The ornaments usually worn by both sexes are large blue or white beads, either pendant from their ears, CHARACTER, ETC., OF THE SOKULKS. 47 jr round the neck, wrists, and arms : they have like- wise bracelets of brass, copper, and horn, and some trinkets of shells, fish-bones, and curious feathers. The houses of the Sokulks are made of large mats of rushes, and are generally of a square or oblong form, varying in length from fifteen to sixty feet, and supported in the inside by poles or forks about six feet high. The top is covered with mats, leaving a space of twelve or fifteen inches the whole length of the house, for the purpose of admitting the light and suffering the smoke to escape. The roof is nearly flat, which seems to indicate that rains are not common in this open country ; and the house is not divided into apartments, the fire being in the mid- dle of the enclosure, and immediately under the hole in the roof. The interior is ornamented with their nets, gigs, and other fishing-tackle, as well as the bow of each inmate, and a large quiver of arrows, which are headed with flint. " The Sokulks seem to be of a mild and peaceable disposition, and live in a state of comparative happi- ness. The men, like those on the Kimooenim, are said to content themselves with a single wife, with whom the husband, we observe, shares the labours of procuring subsistence much more than is common among savages. What may be considered an une- quivocal proof of their good disposition, is the great respect which is shown to old age. Among other marks of it, we noticed in one of the houses an old woman perfectly blind, and who, we were told, had lived more than a hundred winters. In this state of decrepitude, she occupied the best position in the house, seemed to be treated with great kindness, and whatever she said was listened to with much attention. They are by no means obtrusive ; and as their fisheries supply them with a competent, if not an abundant subsistence, although they receive thankfully whatever we choose to give, they do not importune us by begging. Fish is, indeed, their chief II.— E 48 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. food, to which they add roots, and occasionally the flesh of the antelope, which, as they have only bows and arrows, must be very scanty. This diet may be the immediate or remote cause of the principal dis- order prevailing among them, as well as among the Flatheads on the Kooskooskee and Lewis Rivers With all these Indians soreness of the eyes is very common, and it is so aggravated by neglect that many are deprived of one of their eyes, and some have lost entirely the use of both. This dreadful disor- der may also, we think, be imputed, in part, to the reflection of the sun from the waters, where they are constantly fishing in the spring, summer, and autumn, and during the rest of the year from the snow, in a country where there is no object to relieve the sight. Among the Sokulks, too, and, indeed, among all the tribes whose chief subsistence is fish, we have ob- served that bad teeth are very general ; some have the teeth, particularly those of the upper jaw, worn down to the gums ; and many of both sexes, and even of middle age, have lost them entirely. This decay of the teeth is a circumstance very unusual among the Indians, either on the mountains or plains, and seems peculiar to those of the Columbia. We cannot avoid regarding as one cause of it the man- ner in which they eat their food. The roots are swallowed as they are dug from the ground, frequent- ly nearly covered with a gritty sand ; and so little idea have they that this is offensive, that all the roots they bring to us for sale are in the same condition. Another and important cause may be their great use of dried salmon, the bad effects of which are most probably increased by their mode of cooking it, which is simply to warm it, and then eat the skin, scales, and flesh, without any farther preparation. The So- kulks possess but few horses, the greater part of their labours being performed in canoes. Their amusements are similar to those of the Missouri In- dians. INDIAN MODE OF COOKING FISH. 49 " In the course of the day, Captain Clarke, in a email canoe with two men, ascended the Columbia. At the distance of five miles he passed an island in the middle of the river, at the head of which was a small but not dangerous rapid. On the left bank, opposite to this island, was a fishing-place consist- ing of three mat houses. Here were great quanti- ties of salmon drying on scaffolds ; and, indeed, from the mouth of the river upward, he saw immense numbers of dead salmon strewed along the shore, or floating on the surface of the water, which is so clear that the fish may be seen swimming at the depth of fifteen or twenty feet. The Indians, who had collected on the banks to observe him, now joined him in eighteen canoes, and accompanied him up the river. A mile above the rapids he came to the lower point of an island, where the course of the stream, which had been from its mouth north 83° west, now became due west. He proceeded in that direction, until, observing three houses of mats at a short distance, he landed to visit them. On en- tering one of these houses, he found it crowded with men, women, and children, who immediately provi- ded a mat for him to sit on, and one of the party undertook to prepare something to eat. He began by bringing in a piece of pine wood that had drifted down the river, which he split into small pieces with a wedge made of elkhorn, by means of a mallet of stone curiously carved. The pieces of wood were then laid on the fire, and several round stones pla- ced upon them. One of the squaws now brought a bucket of water, in which was a large salmon about half dried, and, as the stones became heated, they were put into the bucket till the salmon was sufli- ciently boiled for use. It v/as then taken out, put on a platter of rushes neatly made, and laid before Captain Clarke, while another was boiled for each of his men. During these preparations he smoked with such about him as would accept of tobacco, 50 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. though very few would do it, smoking not being general among them, and chiefly used as a matter of form in great ceremonies. After eating the fish, which was of an excellent flavour, Captain Clarke again set out, and at the distance of four miles from the last island came to the lower point of another, near the left shore, where he halted at two large mat houses. Here, as at the three houses below, the inhabitants were occupied in splitting and drying salmon. The multitudes of this fish, indeed, are al- most inconceivable. The water is so clear, as we have already remarked, that they can readily be seen at the depth of fifteen or twenty feet ; but at this s.eason they float down the stream, and are drifted ashore in such quantities that the Indians have only to collect, split, and dry them on the scaf- folds. Where they procure the timber of which these scaffolds are composed, he could not learn ; and, as there are nothing but willow bushes to be seen for a great distance from this place, it renders very probable, what the Indians assured him by signs, that they often use dried fish as fuel for the common occasions of cooking. From this island they showed him the entrance of a western branch of the Columbia, called the Tapteal, which, a? far as could be seen, bears nearly west, and empties itself about eight miles above into the Columbia, the gen- eral course of which is northwest. Towards the southwest a range of high land runs parallel to the river, at the distance of two miles on the left, while on the right side the country is low, and covered with the prickly pear, and a weed or plant two or three feet high, resembling the whin. To the east- ward is a range of mountains about fifty or sixty miles distant, bearing north and south ; but neither in the low grounds nor in the high lands is any tim- ber to be seen. The evening coming on, he deter- mined not to proceed farther than the island, and therefore returned to camp, accompanied by three THE PRAIRIE-COCK. 51 canoes containing twenty Indians. In the course o< his excursion he shot several grouse and ducks, and received some presents of fish, for which he gave in return small pieces of riband. He also kill- ed a prairie-cock, a bird of the pheasant kind, but about the size of a small turkey. It measured from the beak to the end of the toe two feet six inches and three quarters ; from the extremities of the wings three feet six inches ; and the feathers of the tail were thirteen inches long. This bird we have seen nowhere except on this river. Its chief food is the grasshopper, and the seed of a wild plant which is peculiar to this river and the upper parts of the Missouri. " The men availed themselves of this day's rest to mend their clothes, dress skins, and put their arms in order : an object always of primary concern, but particularly at a moment when we were sur- rounded by so many strangers. " October 18. We were visited this morning by several canoes of Indians, who joined those already with us, and formed a numerous council. We in- formed them, as we had done all the other Indian nations, of our friendship for them, and of our desire to promote peace among all our red children in this country. This was conveyed by signs through our two chiefs, and seemed to be perfectly understood. We then made a second chief, and gave to all the chiefs a string of wampum, in remembrance of what we had said. While the conference was going on, four men came in a canoe from a large encamp- ment on an island about eight miles below, but, after staying a few minutes, returned without saying a word to us. We now procured from the principal chief and one of the Cuimnapum nation a sketch of the Columbia, and some account of the tribes of his nation living along its banks and those of the Tapteal. They drew it with a piece of coal on a 62 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. robe, and, as we afterward transferred it to paper, il exhibited a valuable specimen of Indian delineation " Having completed the purposes of our stay, we now began to lay in our stores, and as it was not the season for dried fish, purchased forty dogs, for which we gave small articles, such as bells, thimbles, knit- ting-needles, brass wire, and a few beads : an ex- change with which they all seemed perfectly sat- isfied. These dogs, with six prairie-cocks killed this morning, formed a plentiful supply for the pres- ent. We here left our guide, and the two young men who had accompanied him ; two of the three not being wilUng to go any farther, and the third be- ing of no use, as he was not acquainted with the river below. We therefore took no Indians but oui two chiefs, and resumed our journey in the presence of many of the Sokulks, who came to witness our departure. The morning was cool and fair, and the wind from the southeast." Soon after starting they passed the mouth of Lewis's River, and as they continued to descend, saw diflferent fishing establishments on the shore. Having proceeded twenty miles, they encamped for the night, and soon after landing were informed by their two chiefs that the largest of these establish- ments belonged to the most important chief in that part of the country. On receiving this inteUigence, the two chiefs were despatched to invite the great chief to spend the night at the encampment. He accordingly came, accompanied by twenty men, bringing a basket of mashed berries, which he pre- sented to the strangers, but estabhshed a separate camp at some distance from them. " October 19. The great chief," continues the narrative, " with two of his inferior chiefs, and a third belonging to a band on the river below, made us a visit at a very early hour. The first of these, called Yellepit, was a handsome, well-proportioned man, about five feet eight inches high, and thirty- five \WGEROUS RAPID. 53 years of age, with h bold and dignified countenance : the rest had nothing remarkable in their appearance. We smoked with them, and, after making a speech, gave a medal, a handkerchief, and a string of wam- pum to Yellepit, and a string of wampum only to the inferior chiefs. He requested us to remain till the middle of the day, that all his nation might come and see us ; but we excused ourselves by telling him that on our return we would spend two or three days vvith him. This conference detained us till nine o'clock, by which time great numbers of the Indians had come down to visit us." As they descended they passed an island w^here were several Indian houses, the occupants of which were, as usual, employed in drying fish, and seemed to be much alarmed at the approach of the party. They proceeded on, and at the distance of about twelve miles from the point they had left in the morning, they came to a very dangerous rapid, which, however, they succeeded in passing safely, ihough with great fatigue and difficulty. " In or- ler," proceeds the Journal, " to lighten the boats, Captain Clarke, with the two chiefs, the interpreter and his wife, had walked across the low grounds on the left to the foot of the rapids. On the way he ascended a cliflf about two hundred feet above the water, from which he saw that the country on both sides of the river, immediately from its cliff's, was low, and spread itself into a level plain, extending for a great distance in every direction. To the west, at the distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, was a very high mountain covered with snow ; and, from its direction and appearance, he supposed it to be Mount St. Helen's, laid down by Vancouver as visible from the mouth of the Colum- bia : there was also another mountain of a conical form, whose top was covered with snow, in a south- west direction. " As Captain Clarke arrived at the lower end of 54 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the rapid before any, except one of the small canoes, he sat down on a rock to wait for them, and, seeing a crane fly across the river, shot it, and it fell near him. Several Indians had been before this passing on the opposite side towards the rapids, and some who were then nearly in front of him, being either alarmed at his appearance or the report of the gun, fled to their houses. Captain Clarke was afraid that these people had not yet heard that the white men were coming, and therefore, in order to allay their uneasiness before the rest of the party should ar- rive, he got into the small canoe with three men, rowed over towards the houses, and, while crossing, shot a duck, which fell into the water. As he ap- proached no person was to be seen except three men in the plains, and they, too, fled as he came near the shore. He landed in front of five houses close to each other, but no one appeared, and the doors, which were of mat, were closed. He went towards one of them with a pipe in his hand, and, pushing aside the mat, entered the lodge, where he found thirty-two persons, chiefly men and women, with a few children, all in the greatest consterna- tion ; some hanging down their heads, others crying and vi^ringing their hands. He went up to them, and shook hands with each one in the most friendly manner; but their apprehensions, which had for a moment subsided, revived on his taking out a burn- ing-glass, as there was no roof to the house, and lighting his pipe : he then off'ered it to several of the men, and distributed among the women and children some small trinkets which he had with him, and gradually restored a degree of tranquiUity among them. Leaving this house, and directing each of his men to visit a house, he entered a second. Here he found the inmates more terrified than those in the first ; but he succeeded in pacifying them, and afterward went into the other houses, where the men had been equally successful. Retiring from SINGULAR BELIEF OF THE INDIANS. 55 the houses, he seated himself on a rock, and beckon- ed to some of the men to come and smoke with him ; but none of them ventured to join him till the canoes arrived with the two chiefs, who immediate- ly explained our pacific intention towards them. Soon after the interpreter's wife landed, and her presence dissipated all doubts of our being well-dis- posed, since in this country no woman ever accom- panies a war party : they therefore all came out, and seemed perfectly reconciled ; nor could we, in- deed, blame them for their terrors, which were per- fectly natural. They told the two chiefs that they knew we were not men, for they had seen us fall from the clouds. In fact, unperceived by them, Captain Clarke had shot the white crane, which they had seen fall just before he appeared to their eyes : the duck which he had killed also fell close by him ; and as there were some clouds flying over at the mo- ment, they connected the fall of the birds with his sudden appearance, and believed that he had himself actually dropped from the clouds ; considering the noise of the rifle, which they had never heard be- fore, the sound announcing so extraordinary an event. This belief was strengthened, when, on en- tering the room, he brought down fire from the heavens by means of his burning-glass. We soon convinced them, however, that we were merely mortals ; and after one of our chiefs had explained our history and objects, we all smoked together in great harmony. These people do not speak pre- cisely the same language as the Indians farther up, but understand them in conversation. In a short time we were joined by many of the inhabitants from below, several of them on horseback, and all pleased to see us, and to exchange their fish and ber- ries for a few trinkets. " We remained here till after dinner, and then pro- ceeded. At half a mile the hilly country on the right side of the river ceased; at eleven mile.^: we foun(? 66 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. a small rapid ; and a mile farther we came to a small island on the left, where there were some willows. In going this distance from the five lodges we passed twenty more, dispersed along the river at different points of the valley on the right ; but. as the inhabitants were now apprized of our coming, they showed no signs of alarm. On leaving the isl- and we proceeded three miles farther, through a country which was low on both sides of the river, and encamped under some willow-trees on the left, having made thirty-six miles. Immediately oppo- site to us was an island close to the left shore, and another in the middle of the river, on which were twenty-four houses of Indians, all engaged in drying fish. We had scarcely landed before about a hun- dred of them came over in their boats to visit us, bringing with them a present of some wood, which was very acceptable. We received them in as kind a manner as we could, smoked with all of them, and gave the principal chief a string of wampum ; but the highest satisfaction they derived from the music of two of our violins, with which they seemed much delighted : they remained all night at our fires. " This tribe is a branch of the nation called Pish- quitpaws, and can raise about three hundred and fifty men. In their dress they resemble the Indians near the Forks of the Columbia, except that their robes are smaller, and do not reach lower than the waist ; indeed, three fourths of them have scarcely anything that can be called a robe. The dress of the females is equally scanty, for they wear only a small piece of a robe, which covers their shoulders and neck, and reaches down the back to the waist, where it is attached by a piece of leather tied tight round the body : their cheek-bones are high, their heads flattened, and their persons in general adorned with scarcely any ornaments. Both sexes were employed in curing fish, of which they had great quantities on their scaffolds. INDIAN BURIAL-PLACE. 67 « October 20. The morning was cool, the wind from the southwest. Om- appearance had excited the curiosity of the neighbourhood so much, that before wo set o\it about two hundred Indians had collected to see us ; and, as we were desirous of se- curinc^ their friendship, we remained to smoke and confe? with them till breakfast. We then took our repast, which consisted wholly of dog's flesh, and proceeded. We passed three vacant houses near our camp, and at six miles reached the head of a rapid, on descending which we soon came to an- other very difficult and dangerous : it is formed by a chain of large black rocks stretching from the ricrht side of the river, and, with several small isl- ands on the left, nearly choking the channel. To this we gave the name of Pelican Rapid, from see- ing a number of pelicans and black cormorants about it Just below it was a small island near the right shore, where were four houses, the occupants of which were busy in drying fish. At sixteen miles from our camp we reached a bend to the left, oppo- site a large island, and at one o'clock halted for din- ner on the lower point of an island on the right side of the channel. Close to this was a larger island on the same side, and near the left bank a small one, a little below. We landed near some Indian huts, and counted on this cluster of three islands seven- teen of them, filled with inhabitants resembling in every respect those higher up ; and, like them, they were busy in preparing fish. We purchased of them some dried fish, which were not good, and a few berries, on which we dined, and then walked to the head of the island, for the purpose of examining a vault which we had observed in coming along. " This place, in which the dead were deposited, was a building about sixty feet long and twelve feet wide, and was formed by fixing in the ground poles, with forks, six feet high, across which a long pole was extended the whole length of the structure. Against 58 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. this ridge-pole were placed broad boards and pieces of canoes in a slanting direction, so as to form a shed. It stood east and west, and neither of the ex- tremities was closed. On entering the western end we observed a number of bodies wrapped carefully in leathern robes, arranged in rows on boards, and covered with a mat. This was the part destined for those recently deceased ; while a little farther on there were bones half decayed and scattered about, and in the centre of the building there was a large pile of them heaped promiscuously on each other. At the eastern extremity was a mat, on which were placed twenty-one sculls, in a circular form : the mode of interment being, first, to wrap the body in robes, and as it decays the bonesare thrown into a heap, and the sculls placed together. From the dif- ferent boards and pieces of canoes which formed the vault, there were suspended on the inside fishing- nets, baskets, wooden bowls, robes, skins, trenchers, and trinkets of various kinds, obviously intended as offerings of aflfection to deceased relatives. On the outside of the burial-place were the skeletons of several horses, and great quantities of their bones m the neighbourhood, which induced us to believe that these animals were most probably sacrificed at the funeral rites of their masters." After leaving this place the country became more hilly, and they encamped in the evening, having made forty-two miles. They killed several duclts and two speckled gulls. SCARCITY OF WOOD. 59 CHAPTER III. The Party in their Descent still visited by the Indians. — Le- page's River. — Towahnahiooks River. — Indian Mode of stack ing Fish, and preparing them for Market. — Description of the Great Falls. — Description of an Indian Canoe. — Alarm excited by an anticipated Attack from the Eheltoots. — Dangerous Rapid, called by the Indians The Falls. — Account of the In. dian Houses in the Neighbourhood. — Another frightful Rapid. — Some Account of the Chilluckittequaw Indians. — Captain Clarke examines the Great Rapids. — Description of an Indian Burial-place.— The Rapids passed in Safety. " October 21. The morning was cool, and the wind from the southwest. At five and a half miles we passed a small island, and one and a half farther ano- ther in the middle of the river, with some rapid wa- ter near its head, and opposite to its lower extremity were eight cabins of Indians. We landed near them for breakfast; but such was the scarcity of wood, that the last evening we had not been able to collect anything except dry willows, and of these not more than barely sufficient to cook our supper : this morn- ing we could not find enough even to prepare our breakfast. The Ind ians received us with great kind- ness, and examined everything they saw with much attention. In their appearance and employments, as well as in their language, they did not differ from those higher up the river. Their dress, too, was nearly the same ; that of the men consisting of no- thing but a short robe of deer or goat skin, and the women wearing only a piece of dressed skin, falling from the neck so as to cover the front of the body as low as the waist ; a bandage tied round the body, and passing between the legs ; and over this a short robe of deer and antelope skin was occasionally 60 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. thrown. Here we saw two blankets of scarlet and one of blue cloth, and also a sailor's round jacket ; but we could obtain only a few pounded roots and some fish, for which, of course, we paid. Among other things we observed some acorns, the fruit of the white oak. These they use as food, either raw or roasted ; and on inquiry, they informed us that they were procured from the Indians who live near the Great Falls. This place they designated by a name very commonly applied to it by the Indians, and highly expressive, the word Timm, which they pro- nounce so as to make it perfectly represent the sound of a distant cataract."* They found the river obstructed by rocks and fre- quent rapids, and towards the close of the day it be- came much narrower. Passing a considerable stream coming in from the southeast, to which they gave the name of Lepage's River, about seven miles below they encamped near some Indian huts to spend the night. " The inhabitants of these huts," says the journal- ist, " stated to us that they were the relations of the Indians living at the Great Falls. They appeared to be of the same nation with those we had seen above, resembling them, indeed, in everything, ex- cept that their language, though essentially the same, has some words different. They have all pierced noses ; and the men, when in full dress, wear a long tapering piece of shell or bead put through the nose. These people did not, however, receive us with as much cordiality as we had been accustomed to. They were poor, but we were able to purchase from them some wood to make a fire, of which, however, they had but little, and which they said they brought from the Great Falls. The hills in this neighbour- * The Indians, according to Parker, call the Falls of the Columbia " Tum-Tum." They use the same expression for th« beating of the heart. THE SNAKE INDIANS. 61 hood are high and rugged, and a few scattered trees, either small pine or scrubby white oak, were occa- sionally seen on them. From the last rapids we ob- served a conical mountain towards the southwest, which the Indians said was not far to the left of the Great Falls ; and from its vicinity to that place, we called it the Timm, or Falls Mountain. The country through which we passed is furnished with several fine springs, which rise either high up the sides of the hills, or else in the river meadows, and discharge themselves into the Columbia. We could not help remarking that the fishing establishments of the In- dians, both on the Columbia and the waters of Lewis's River, are almost universally on the right bank. On inquiry, we were led to believe that the reason of thit^' may be found in their fear of the Snake Indians ; between whom and themselves, considering the warlike temper of that people, and the peaceful habits of the river tribes, it is very nat- ural that the latter should be anxious to interpose so good a barrier. These Indians are described as residing on a great river to the south, and as always at war with the people of this neighbourhood. One of our chiefs pointed out to-day a spot on the left, where, not many years ago, a great battle had been fought, in which numbers of both nations were killed." The following day they passed an island four miles in length, and about midway of it a large riv- er appearing to come from the southeast, two hun- dred yards wide at its mouth, and increasing the volume of the Columbia one fourth. The Indians called it the Towahnahiooks. Six miles below this, near some Indian huts, they came to the commence- ment of the Great Falls. " Here," continues the Journal, " we halted, and immediately on landing walked down, accompanied by an old Indian from the huts, to examine the falls, in order to ascertain on which side we could make a portage most easily. 62 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. We soon discovered that the nearest route was on the right side, and therefore dropped down to the head of the rapid, unloaded the canoes, and took all the baggage over by land to the foot of it. The dis- tance is twelve hundred yards. On setting out, we crossed a solid rock about one third of the whole distance ; then reached a space of two hundred yards wide, which forms a hollow, where the loose sand from the low grounds has been driven by the winds, and is steep and loose, and therefore difficult to pass ; the rest of the route was over firm and solid ground. The labour of crossing would have been very great, if the Indians had not assisted us in car- rying some of the heavy articles on their horses ; but for this service they repaid themselves so adroit- ly, that, on reaching the foot of the rapids, we found it necessary to form a camp in a position which would secure us from their pilfering, which we dreaded much more than their hostility. Near our camp were five large huts, the occupants being en- gaged in drying fish and preparing it for market. " Their manner of doing this is, first, opening the fish and exposing it to the sun on scaffolds. When it is sufficiently dried, it is pounded between two stones till it is completely pulverized, and is then placed in a basket about two feet long and one in diameter, neatly made of grass and rushes, and lined with the skin of a salmon stretched and dried for the purpose. Here it is pressed down as hard as possi- ble, and the top covered with the skins of fish, which are secured by cords through the holes of the bas- ket. The baskets are then put in some dry situa- tion, the corded part upward, seven being usually placed as closely as they can be together, and five on the top of them. The whole is then wrapped up in mats, and made fast by cords, over which other mats are thrown. Twelve of these baskets, each of which contains from ninety to a hundred pounds, form a stack, which is now left till it is sent to mar- PORTAGE ROUND THE GREAT FALLS. 63 Ket. Fish thus prepared is kept sound and sweet for several years, and great quantities of it, they told us, were sent to the Indians living below the falls, whence it found its way to the whites who visited the mouth of the Columbia. We observed, both near the lodges and on the rocks in the river, great num- bers of stacks of these pounded fish. "Besides fish, these people supphed us with fil- berts and berries, and we purchased a dog for sup- per; but it was with much difficulty that we were able to buy wood enough to cook it. In the course of the day we were visited by many Indians, from whom we learned that the principal chiefs of the bands residing in this neighbourhood were now hunt- ing in the mountains towards the southwest. On that side of the river none of the tribes have any permanent habitations ; and on inquiry, we were con- firmed in our belief that it was from the fear of be- ing attacked by the Snake Indians, with whom they are constantly at war. This nation they represent as being very numerous, and residing in a great number of villages on the Towahnahiooks, where they live principally on salmon. That river, they add, is aot obstructed by rapids above its mouth, but becomes large, and reaches to a considerable dis- tance ; the first villages of the Snake Indians being twelve days' journey, on a course about southeast from this place. " October 23. Having ascertained from the In- dians, and by our own examination, the best mode of bringing down the canoes, it was concluded, as the river was divided into several narrow channels by rocks and islands, to follow the route adopted by the Indians themselves. This labour Captain Clarke commenced in the morning, and, after crossing to the other side of the river, hauled the canoes over a point of land, so as to avoid a perpendicular fall of seventy feet. At the distance of four hundred and fifty-seven yards we reached the water, and em- 'II.— F 64 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION. barked at a place where a long, rocky island com- presses the channel within the space of a hundred and fifty yards, so as to form nearly a semicircle. On leaving this rocky island the channel ts some- what wider, but a second and much larger island of hard black rock still divides it from the main stream, while on the left shore it is closely bordered by per- pendicular cliffs. Having descended in this way for a mile, we reached a pitch of the river, which, being divided by two large rocks, descends with great ra- pidity down a fall eight feet in height. As the boats could not be navigated down this sleep descent, we were obliged to land, and let them down as slowly as possible by strong ropes of elkskin, which we had prepared for the purpose. They all passed in safety except one, which, being loosed by the breaking of the ropes, was driven down with all the force of the current, but afterward recovered by the Indians be- low. With this rapid ends the first pitch of the Great Falls, which are not so remarkable in point of height as for the singular manner in which the rocks divide its channel. From the marks every- where perceivable at these falls, it is obvious that, in the high floods in the spring, the water bdow the falls rises nearly to a level with that above. Of this rise, occasioned by obstructions we had not yet seen, the salmon must avail themselves to pass up the river, and in such multitudes that that fish is almost the only one caught in great abundance above the falls : below these, however, we observed the salm- on trout, and the heads of a smaller species of trout, which are in great numbers, and which they are now burying, to be used for winter food. A hole being dug, the sides and bottom are lined with straw, over which skins are laid ; and on these the fish, after being well dried, is placed, covered with other skins, and the hole closed with a layer of earth twelve or fifteen inches deep. " About three o'clock we reached the lower camp ; BEAUTIFUL CANOES. 65 but our joy at having accomplished this object was somewhat diminished by the persecution of a new acquaintance. On reaching the upper point of the portage, we found that the Indians had been en- camped there not long since, and had left behind them multitudes of fleas. These sagacious tor- mentors were so well pleased to exchange the straw and fish skins in which they had been living for a more comfortable residence, that we were soon cov- ered with them ; and during the portage the men were obliged to strip to the skin, in order to brush them from their bodies. They were not, however, so easily dislodged from our clothes, and accompa- nied us in great numbers to our camp. " We saw no game except a sea-otter, which was shot in the narrow channel as we were coming down, but we could not get it. Having, therefore, scarcely any provisions, we purchased eight small fat dogs : a food to which we were compelled to have recourse, as the Indians were very unwilling to sell us any of their good fish, which they reserved for the market below. Fortunately, however, habit had completely overcome the repugnance which we felt at first at eating this animal, and the dog, if not a favourite dish, was always an acceptable one. The meridian altitude of to-day gave 45° 42' 57.3" north as the lat- itude of our camp. " On the beach, near the Indian huts, we observed two canoes of a different shape and size from any which we had hitherto seen. One of these we got by giving our smallest canoe, a hatchet, and a few trinkets to the owner, who said he had obtained it from a white man below the falls in exchange for a horse. These canoes were very beautifully made : wide in the middle, and tapering towards each end, with curious figures carved on ihe bow. They were thin, but, being strengthened by crossbars about an inch in diameter, tied with strong pieces of bark through holes in the sides, were able to bear very 66 LEWIS AND CLAUKe's EXPEDITION. heavy burdens, and seemed calculated to live in th* roughest water. " A great number of Indians both from above and below the falls visited us this day, and towards evening we were informed b)' one of the chiefs who had accompanied us, that he had overheard that the Indians below intended to attack us as we went down the river ; but, being at all times ready for an attempt of that sort, we were not under any particular appre- hensions at this intelligence : we therefore merely examined our arms, and increased the ammunition to one hundred rounds. Our chiefs, who had not the same motives of confidence, were by no means so much at their ease ; and when at night they saw the Indians leave us earlier than usual, their suspicions of an intended attack were confirmed, and they were very much alarmed. The next morning, "October 24, the Indians .approached us with ap- parent caution, and behaved with more than usual reserve. Our two chiefs, by whom these circumstan- ces were not unobserved, now told us that they wished to return home; that they could no longer be of any service to us, as they could not understand the language of the people below the falls; that these people formed a different nation from their own ; that the two people had been at war with each other; and as the Indians had expressed a resolution to at- tack us, they would certainly kill them. We endeav- oured to quiet their fears, and requested them to stay two nights longer, in which time we would see the Indians below, and make a peace between the two nations. They replied that they were anxious to re- turn, to look after their horses. We, however, insist- ed on their remaining with us, not only in the hope of bringing about an accommodation between them and their enemies, but because they might be able to de- tect any hostile designs against us, and also assist us in passing the next falls, which were not far off, and represented as very difficult: they at length consent- NARROWNESS OF THE RIVER. 67 ed to our proposal. About nine o'clock we pro- ceeded, and on leaving our camp near the lower fall^ found the river about four hundred yards wide, with a current more rapid than usual, though with no per ceptible descent. At the distance of two and a hali miles it widened into a large bend or basin on tho right, at the beginning of which were three Indian nuts. At the extremity of this basin stood a high olack rock, which, rising perpendicularly from the right shore, seemed to run wholly across the river : so totally, indeed, did it appear to stop the passage, that we could not see where the water escaped, ex- cept that the current was seemingly drawn with more than usual velocity to the left of the rock, where was heard a great roaring. We landed at the huts of the Indians, who went with us to the top of the rock, from which we had a view of all the difficulties of the channel. We were now no longer at a loss to ac- count for the rising of the river at the falls ; for this tremendous rock was seen stretching across the river, to meet the high hills on the left shore, leaving a channel of only forty-five yards wide, through which the whole body of the (yolumbia pressed its way. The water, thus forced into so narrow a pas- sage, was thrown into whirls, and swelled and boiled in every part with the wildest agitation. But the alternative of carrying the boats over this high rock was almost impossible in our present situation; and as the chief danger seemed to be, not from any ob- structions in the channel, but from the great waves and whirlpools, we resolved to attempt the passage, in the hope of being able, by dexterous steering, to descend in safety. This we undertook, and with great care were able to get through, to the astonish- ment of the Indians in the huts we had just passed, who now collected to see us from the top of the rock. The channel continued thus confined for the space of about half a mile, when the rock ceased. We passed a single Indian hut at the foot of it, where the 6& LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. river again enlarged itself to the width of two hundred yards, and at the distance of a mile and a half stop- ped to view a very bad rapid, formed by the rocky islands which divided the channel, and the lower and larger of which was in the middle of the river. The appearance of this place was so unpromising, that we unloaded all the most valuable articles, such as guns, ammunition, our papers, &c., and sent them by land, with such of the men as could not swim, to the extremity of the rapid. We then descended with the canoes, two at a time, and though they took in some water, we all passed down safely ; after which we made two miles, and stopped in a deep bend of the river towards the right, and encamped a little above a large village of twenty-one houses. Here we landed, and as it was late before all the canoes joined us, we were obliged to remain, the difficulties of the navigation having permitted us to make only six miles. This village was situated at the extremity of a deep bend towards the right, and immediately above a ledge of high rocks, twenty feet above the marks of the highest flood, but broken in several places so as to form channels, which were then dry, extending nearly across the river : this forms the sec- ond fall, or the place, most probably, which the In- dians mean by the word 'J'imm. While the canoes were coming up, Captain Clarke walked down with two men to examine these channels. On the rocks here the Indians are accustomed to dry fish; and as the season for that purpose was now over, the poles which they use were tied up very securely in bundles, and placed on the scaffolds. The stock of dried and pounded fish was so abundant, that he counted one hundred and seven heaps, making more than ten thousand pounds of that provision. After examining the narrows as well as the lateness of the hour would permit, he returned to the village through a rocky, open country, infested with polecats. This village, the residence of a tribe called the Echeloots, con- MODE OF BUILDING THEIR HUTS. 69 sisted of houses scattered promiscuously over an el' evated situation, near a mound more than thirty feet above the common level, with some remains of houses on it, and having every appearance of being artifi- cial. " The houses, which were the first wooden build- ings we had seen since leaving the Illinois coun- try, were nearly equal in size, and exhibited a very singular appearance. A large hole, twenty feet wide and thirty in length, was dug to the depth of six feet ; the sides of which were lined with split pieces of timber rising just above the surface of the ground, and smoothed to the same width by burn- ing, or by being shaved with small iron axes. These timbers were secured in their erect position by a pole stretched along the side of the building near the eaves, and supported on a strong post fixed at each corner. The timbers at the gable ends rose gradually higher, the middle pieces being the broad- est. At the top of these was a sort of semicircle, made to receive a ridge-pole the whole length of the house, propped by an additional post in the middle, and forming the top of the roof. From this ridge- pole to the eaves of the house were placed a num- ber of small poles or rafters, secured at each end by fibres of the cedar. On these poles, which were connected by small transverse bars of wood, was laid a covering of white cedar, or arbor vitce, kept on by strands of cedar fibres ; but^a small space along tlie whole length of the ridge-pole was left uncov- ered, for the purpose of light, and of permitting the smoke to pass out. The roof, thus formed, had a descent about equal to that common among us, and near the eaves it was perforated with a number of small holes, made, most probably, for the discharge of arrows in case of an attack. The only entrance was by a small door at the gable end, cut out of the middle piece of timber, twenty-nine and a half inch- es high, fourteen inches broad, and reaching only 70 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION, eighteen inches above the earth. Before this hole was hung a mat, and on pushing it aside and crawl- ing through, the descent was by a small ladder, made in the form of those used among us. One half of the inside was used as a place of deposite for their dried fish, in which there were large quantities stored avyay, and which, with a few baskets of ber- ries, formed the provisions for the family ; the other half, adjoining the door, was for the accommodation of the family. On each side were arranged, near the walls, small beds of mats, placed on little scaffolds or bedsteads raised from eighteen inches to three feet from the ground, and in the middle of the va- cant space was the fire, or sometimes two or three fires, where, as, indeed, is usually the case, the house contained three families, "The inhabitants received us with much kind- ness, invited us to their houses, and in the evening, after our camp had been formed, came in great num- bers to see us, accompanied by a principal chief and several warriors of the nation below the Great Narrows. We made use of this opportunity to at- tempt a reconciliation between them and our two chiefs, and to put an end to the war which had dis- turbed the two nations. On representing to the chiefs the evils which the war inflicted on them, and the wants and privations to which it subjected them, they soon became disposed to be reconciled with each other, and we ^ad some reason to believe in the sincerity of their mutual prorpises, that the war should no longer be continued, and that in future they would live in peace with each other. On con- cluding this negotiation, we proceeded to invest the chief with the insignia of command — a medal and some small articles of clothing; after which the violin was produced, and our men danced, to the great delight of the Indians. " October 25. We walked down with several of the Indians to view the part of the narrows which PASSAGE OF A DANGEROUS RAPID. 71 thev represented as most dangerous, and found it very diiiicult ; and, as the portage was^ impractica- ble with our large canoes, we concluded to carry our most valuable articles by land, and then hazard the passage. We therefore returned to the village, and, having sent some of the party with our best stores, to make a portage, and placed others on the rocks, to assist, by means of ropes, the canoes that might meet with any difficulty, we began the de- scent, in the presence of a great number of Indians who had collected to witness the exploit. ine channel for three miles is worn through a hard, rough, black rock, from fifty to one hundred yards wide, in which the water swells and boils in a tre- mendous manner. The first three canoes escaped very well; the fourth, however, nearly filled with water; and the fifth passed through with taking m only a small quantity of water. At half a mile we had got through the worst part, and, having reload- ed oSr canoes, went on very well for the remaming two and a half miles, except that one of the boats was nearly lost by running against a rock. At tne end of this channel, in which the Indians told us thev caught as many salmon as they wished, we reached a deep ba3in or bend of the river towards the right, near the entrance of which were two rocks. We crossed the basin, which has a quiet and gentle current, and at the distance of a mile from its com- mencement, and a little below where the river re- sumes its channel, reached a rock which divides it. At this place we met our old chiefs, who, when we began the portage, had walked down to a village be- low, to smoke a pipe of friendship on the renewal of peace. Just after our meeting we saw a chiet ol the village above, with a party who had been out hunlina, and were then crossing the river with their hors(!s"on their way home. We landed to smoke with this chief, whom we found to be a bold-looking man, of a pleasing appearance, about fifty years ot 72 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. age, and dressed in a war-jacket, cap, leggins, and moccasins. We presented him with a medal and other small articles, and lie gave us some meat, of which he had been able to procure but liitle ; for on his route he met with a war-party of Indians from the Towahnahiooks, between whom he had a battle. We here smoked a parting pipe with our two faith- ful friends, the chiefs who had accompanied us from the heads of the river, and who had now each bought a horse, intending to go home by land. On leaving this rock the current of the river is gentle, but its bed is strewed with a great number of rocks for several miles, when it becomes a beautiful, still stream, about half a mile wide. At five miles from the large bend we came to the mouth of a creek twenty yards in breadth, heading in a range of mountains which run S.S.W. and S.W. for a long distance, and discharging a considerable quantity of water : it is called by the Indians Quenett. We halted below it, under a high point of rocks on the left, and formed a camp on their top to take some celestial observations." * * * "From this rock, the pinnacle of the round mountain covered with snow, which we had seen a short distance below the Forks of the Columbia, and called the Fajls or Timm Mount- ain, was south 43° west, and about thirty-seven miles distant." * * * " Both above and below the narrows, as well as in them, we had seen a great number of sea-otter, and in the evening a deer was killed, and numerous traces of that animal were observed near the camp." * * *■ " October 26. The morning was fine, and we sent six men to hunt, and to collect rosin to pitch the ca- noes, which, by being frequently hauled over the rocks, had become very leaky. They were also drawn up to dry, and on examination it was found that many of the articles on board of them had be- come spoiled by being repeatedly wet. We were INTERVIEW WITH TWO CHIEFS. 73 occupied with the observations necessary to deter- mine our longitude, and with conferences with the Indians, many of whom came on horseback to the opposite shore in the fore part of the day, and show^ ed some anxiety to cross over to us ; we did not, how- ever, think it expedient to send for them, but towards eveninff two chiefs, with fifteen men, came over in a small canoe. They proved to be the tvvo princi- pal chiefs of the tribes at and above the Falls, and had been absent on a hunting excursion as we pass- ed their residence : each of them, on arriving, made us a present of deer's flesh, and of small white cakes made of roots. Being anxious to ingratiate our- selves with them so as to ensure a friendly reception on our return, we treated them with all the kindness we could show. We accordingly acknowledged the chiefs giving a medal of the small size, a red silk handkerchief, an armband, a knife, and a piece of paint to each, ana small presents to others ot the party, with half a deer. These attentions were not lost on them, for they appeared very weH pleased. At night a fire was made in the middle of Dur camp, and as the Indians sat round it, our men danced to the music of the violin, which so delighted them that several resolved to remain with us through the night : the rest crossed the river. All the tribes in this neighbourhood were at war with the Snake In- dians, whom they described as living on the 1 owah- nahiooks, and whose nearest town was, they said, four days' march from this place, and in a direction nearly southwest." * * * • j %-u " October 27. The two chiefs who remained with us were joined by seven Indians, who came in a ca- noe from below. To these men we were very par- ticular in our attentions, smoking and eating \yith them : but some of them being tempted, by the sight of our goods that were exposed to dry, to take lib- erties with them, we were under the necessity ot puitina an immediate check to it, and this displeas- 74 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ed them so much that they returned down the river in a very ill humour. The two chiefs, however, re- mained with us till the evening, when they crossed the river to their party. " Before they went we obtained from them a vocab- ulary of the Echeloot, their native language ; and, on comparison, were surprised at its difference from the Eneeshur tongue. In fact, although the Eche- loots, who live at the Great Narrows, are not more than six miles from the Eneeshurs, who reside at and above the Great Falls, the two people are sep- arated by a broad distinction of language. The Eneeshurs are understood by all the tribes on the Columbia above the Falls ; but at that place the}^ meet with the unintelligible language of the Eche- loots, which descends the river from thence a con- siderable distance. Yet this may, after all, be only a difference of dialect, and not a radical difference, since in both languages many words are the same ; and the identity cannot be accounted for by suppo- sing that their neighbourhood has interwoven them into their daily conversation, since the same words are equally familiar among all the Flathead bands we have passed. The strange clucking or guttural noise which first struck us, is common to all these tribes. They also flatten the heads of their children in nearly the same manner ; but we now begin to observe that the heads of the males, as well as of the other sex, are subjected to this operation ; where- as, among the mountains, the custom is confined al- most entirely to the females." * * * " October 28. The morning was cool and windy. Having dried our goods, we were about setting out, when three canoes came from above to visit us, and two others from below for the same purpose. Among the Indians in these last was one who wore his hair in a queue, and had on a round hat and a sailor's jacket, which he said he had obtained from the people below the Great Rapids, who bought them from the whites." THE CHILLUCKITTEQUAWS. 75 This interview being over, the party again started to descend the river, and after proceeding four miles, landed near a small Indian settlement of eight houses. "On entering one of them," says the Journal, '' we saw a British musket, a cutlass, and several brass tea-kettles, which they seemed to prize very highly. There were also figures of men, birds, and different animals, cut and painted on the boards which form the sides of the room ; and though the work- manship of these uncouth figures was very rough, they were as highly esteemed by the Indians as the finest frescoes of more civilized people. This tribe is called the Chilluckittequaw, and their language, although somewhat different from that of the Eche- loots, has many of the same words, and is sufficient- ly intelligible to the neighbouring Indians. We ob- tained from them a vocabulary; and, after buying five small dogs, some dried berries, and a white bread or cake made of roots, left them." * * * The wind was so high, however, that after pro- ceeding a mile they were obhged to land, and stop for the day. " We had not been long on shore," proceeds the narrative, " before a canoe, with a man, his wife, and two children, came from below, through the high waves, with a few roots to sell ; and soon after we were visited by many Indians from the vil- lage above, with whom we smoked and conversed. The canoes used by these people were, like those already described, built of white cedar or pine, very light, wide in the middle, and tapering towards the ends, the bow being raised, and ornamented with carvings of the heads of animals. As the canoe is their chief vehicle for transportation, the Indians *iave acquired great dexterity in its management, .ind guide it safely over the highest waves. They have, among their utensils, bowls and baskets very neatly made of bark and grass, in which they boil their provisions." * * * " October 29. The morning was cloudy, and the 76 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. wind from the west ; but, as it had abated its vio- lence, we set out at daylight. At the distance of four miles we passed a creek on the right, one mile below which was a village of seven houses on the same side. This was the residence of the principal chief of the Chilluckittequaw nation, who we found was the same between whom and our two chiefs we had made a peace at the Echeloot village. He received us very kindly, and set before us pounded fish, filberts, nuts, the berries of the sacacommis, and white bread made of roots. We gave, in re- turn, a bracelet of riband to each of the women of the house, with which they were very much pleas- ed. The chief had several articles, such as scarlet and blue cloth, a sword, a jacket, and a hat, which must have been procured from the whites, and on one side of the room were two wide, split boards, placed together so as to make space for a rude fig- ure of a man cut and painted on them. On pointing to this, and asking him what it meant, he said some- thing, of which all that we understood was ' good,' and then stepped up to the painting, and took out his bow and quiver, which, with some other warlike instruments, were kept behind it. He then directed his wife to hand him his medicine-bag, from which he drew out fourteen forefingers, which he told us had belonged to the same number of his enemies, whom he had killed in fighting with the nations to the southeast, in which direction he pointed ; allu- ding, no doubt, to the Snake Indians, the common enemy of the tribes on the Columbia. This bag is usually about two feet in length, and contains roots, pounded dirt, &c., which only the Indians know how to appreciate. It is suspended in the middle of the lodge ; and it is considered as a species of sacrilege for any one but the owner to touch it. It is an ob- ject of religious fear; and, from its supposed sanc- tity, is the chief place for depositing their medals and more valuable articles. They have likewise FINGERS PRESERVED AS TROPHIES. 77 gmall bags, which they preserve in their great med- icine-bag, from whence they are taken, and worn around their waists and necks as amulets against any real or imaginary evils. This was the first time we had been apprized that the Indians ever carried from the field any other trophy than the scalp. These fingers were shown with great exul- tation; and, after an harangue, which we were left to presume was in praise of his exploits, the chief carefully replaced them among the valuable contents of his red medicine-bag. The inhabitants of this village being part of the same nation with those of the village we had passed above, the language of the two was the same, and their houses were of similar form and materials, and calculated to contain about thirty souls. They were unusually hospitable and good-humoured, so that we gave to the place the name of the Friendly village. We breakfasted here ; and after purchasing twelve dogs, four sacks of fish, and a few dried berries, proceeded on our journey. The hills as we passed were high, with steep, rocky sides, with pine and white oak, and an undergrowth of shrubs scattered over them." Four miles farther on they passed the mouth of a small river on the right, which they called Cataract River; and twelve miles beyond this, another stream on the left, to which they gave the name of Labieshe, after one of the party. Here were the first houses which they had noticed on the right side of the Colum- bia. They landed for the night at three Indian huts on the right bank, after having made thirty-two miles. " On our first arrival," says the Journal, " the m- habitants seemed surprised, but not alarmed, at our appearance ; and we soon became intimate by means of smoking, and, what was ever a favourite amuse- ment with the Indians, the music of the violin. They gave us fruit, some roots, and root-bread, and we nurchased from them three dogs. The houses of 78 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. these people were similar to those c-f the Indiana above, and their language the same. Their dress also, consisting of robes made of the skin of the wolf, deer, elk, and wild-cat, was nearly after the same fashion. Their hair was worn in plaits down each shoulder, and round their neck was a strip of skin, with the tail of the animal hanging over the breast. Like the Indians above, they were fond of otter skins, and gave a great price for them. We here saw the skin of a mountain sheep, which they said lived among the rocks in the mountains. It was covered with white hair; the wool was long, thick, and coarse, with long, coarse hair on the top of the neck, and on the back resembhng somewbat the bristles of a goat. Immediately behind the village was a pond, in which were great numbers of small swan." The Columbia was here about three fourths of a mile wide, with a gentle current, though occasionally obstructed by rocks. In proceeding the following day they passed a river on the right, sixty yards in width, which, after one of their men, they called Cru- satte's River. About two and a half miles below this they came to a rapid, which is called the Great Shoot of the river, where they found it necessary to terminate their voyage for the day. It became necessary to explore the country to ascertain the best route for a portage, and Captain Clarke start- ed for this purpose, soon after landing. The night obliging him to return after he had proceeded about three miles, he resumed his examination the next morning. "At the extremity of a basin," says the narrative, " in which was situated the island where we were en- camped, several rocks and rocky islands were scat- tered along the bed of the river. The rocks on each side had fallen down from the mountains, the one on the left being high, and the hill on the right, which was lower, having bodily shd into the river, so that the cur- rent was here compressed within a space of one hun- INDIAN BURIAL-PLACE. 79 dred and fift}^ yards. Within this narrow limit it runs for the distance of four hundred yards with great ra- pidity, swelling over the rocks with a fall of about twenty feet. It then widens to two hundred paces, and the current for a short distance becomes gentle; but a mile and a half farther on, opposite to an old Indian village, i^ is obstructed by a very bad rapid, where the waves are unusually high, the river being confined between large rocks, many of which are at the surface of the water," Following the same route he had taken the day before, two and a half miles below the shoot he struck the river at a point where the Indians commence their portage round the rapids. From this place he sent one of his men up the stream, to ascertain if it were practicable to bring down the canoes by water; while with the other he proceeded farther down (the rapids extending as far as he could see), when at the distance of a mile and a half, in the midst of a dense wood, he came to an ancient burial-place : "it consisted," says the journalist, "of eight vaults, formed of pine or cedar boards closely connected, each about eight feet square and six in height : the top was covered with boards sloping a little, so as to carry off the rain. Their direction was east and west ; the door being on the eastern side, partially stopped with wide boards, and decorated with rude pictures of men and animals. On entering, we found in some of them four dead bodies, carefully wrapped ill skins tied with cords of grass and bark, and lying on a mat in an east and west direction : the othera contained only bones, which were in some of them piled to the height of four feet. On the tops of the vaults, and on poles attached to them, were hung brass kettles and fryisg-pans with holes in their bot- toms, baskets, bowls, sea-shells, skins, pieces of cloth, hair, bags of trinkets and small bones, the offerings of friendship or affection, which a pious veneration had preserved from the ferocity of war, II.^G 80 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. and the more dangerous temptations of individual selfishness. The whole of the walls, as well as the door, were ornamented with strange figures cut and painted on them ; and, besides these, there were sev- eral wooden images of men, some of them so old and decayed as to have almost lost their shape, all placed against the sides of the vaults. Neither these ima- ges, nor those in the houses we had lately visited, appeared to be at all the objects of adoration. In this place they were most probably intended for re- semblances of the deceased; and those we had ob- served in the houses occupied the most conspicuous part, but were treated more like ornaments than ob- jects of worship. Near the vaults that were stand- ing were the remains of others, completely rotted and covered with moss ; and as they were formed of the most durable pine and cedar timber, it would appear ihat this retired spot had long been a depository for the dead." After proceeding down the river somewhat farther, and carefully examining the country. Captain Clarke returned to the encampment. " We had an opportunity to-day," says the Jour- nal, " of witnessing the hardihood of the Indians of the neighbouring village. One of our men shot a goose, which fell into the river, and was floating rapidly towards the Great Shoot, when an Indian plunged in after it. The entire mass of the waters of the Columbia, rushing onward to descend the nar- row channel, hurried the bird along with great ra- pidity. The Indian followed it fearlessly to within one hundred and fifty feet of the rocks, where he would inevitably have been dashed to pieces ; when, seizing his prey, he turned round and swam to the shore with the utmost composure. We very will- ingly relinquished our right to the game in favour of one who had thus saved it at the imminent haz- ard of his life : he immediately set to work and picked off about half the feathers, and then, without DESCRIPTION OF INDIAN HOUSES. 81 opening it, ran a stick through it, and carried it off to roast." The next day, November 1, following the exam- ple of some Indians who preceded them, they trans- ported their baggage and small canoe by land to the foot of the shoot ; and the four large canoes they managed to slide along on poles extended from one rock to another, occasionally availing themselves of small streams at the side of the river. They now re-embarked on board the boats, and, making their way with no little difficulty through other less for- midable rapids, at the distance of seven miles from the head of the Great Shoot they landed for the night. " The meridian altitude of to-day," proceeds the Journal, " gave us the latitude of 45° 44' 3". As we passed a village of four houses, we stopped to visit them. They vi^ere similar to those already descri- bed, but larger, from thirty-five to fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide, being sunk in the ground about six feet, and raised the same height above. Their beds were raised about four feet and a half above the floor, and the ascent to them was by a newly- painted ladder, with which every family is provided, and under them were stored their dried fish, while the space between the part of the beds on which they lay and the wall of the house was occupied by the nuts, roots, berries, and other provisions, spread on mats. The fireplace was about eight feet long and six feet wide, sunk a foot below the floor, and secured by a frame, with mats placed around for the family to sit on. In all of the houses were images of men of diff*erent shapes, placed as ornaments in the parts where they would be most seen. The in- habitants gave us nuts, berries, and some dried fish to eat ; and we purchased, among other articles, a hat made after their own taste, and such as they wear, without a brim. They asked high prices for all that they sold, observing that the whites below 82 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. paid dear for whatever they carried to them. We could not learn precisely the nature of the trade car- ried on by the Indians with the inhabitants below. But, as their knowledge of the whites seemed to be very imperfect, and the only articles which they took to market, such as pounded fish, bear-graSvS, and roots, could not be objects of much foreign traf- fic, their intercourse appeared to be an intermediate trade with the natives near the mouth of the Colum- bia ; from whom they obtained, in exchange for their fish, roots, and bear-grass, blue and white beads, cop- per tea-kettles, brass armbands, some scarlet and blue robes, and a few articles of second-hand Euro- pean clothing. But their great object is to obtain beads : an article which holds the first place in their ideas of value, and to procure which they vi^ill sac- rifice their last garment and last mouthful of food. Independently of their fondness for them as an or- nament, these beads are employed as a medium of trade, by which they obtain from the Indians still higher up the river, robes, skins, root-bread, bear- grass, &c. These, in turn, make use of them to procure from the Indians in the Rocky Mountains bear-grass, pacheco, roots, robes, &c. " These Indians were rather below the common size, with high cheek-bones, their noses pierced, and, when in full dress, were ornamented with a ta- pering piece of white shell or wampum about two inches long. Their eyes were exceedingly sore and weak, many of them having only a single eye, and some were perfectly blind. Their teeth had prema- turely decayed, and in many instances were alto- gether worn away. Their general health, however, seemed to be good, the only disorder we remarked among them being tumours in different parts of the body. The women were small, and homely in their appearance ; their legs much swelled, and their knees remarkably large ; deformities which are no doubt «wing to the manner in which they sit on their hams LAST RAPID ON THE COLUMBIA. 83 They go nearly naked, having only a piece of leather tied round the breast, falling thence nearly as low as the waist, with a small robe about three feet square, and a piece of leather tied between the legs. Their hair was su.ffered to hang loose in every direc- tion ; and in their persons, as well as in their cook- ery, they were filthy to a most disgusting degree. We here observed that the women universally have their heads flattened; and in many of the villages we have recently seen the female cliildren undergo the operation." CHAPTER IV. First Appearance of Tide-water in the Columbia River. — The Quicksand River. — Some Account of the Skilloot Indians. — The Party pass the Coweliske River. — Some Account of tho Wahkiacum Indians. — Arrival on the Borders of the Pacific. — Disagreeable and Critical Situation of the Party when first encamped. — Their Distress from incessant Torrents of Rain. — Exposed for thirty Days to this drenching Deluge, during which Time their Provisions are spoiled, and most of their few Articles of Merchandise destroyed. — Distress of the Party. — Adventure of Shannon, and his Danger from the Wahkia- cums. — Difficulty of finding a Place suitable for a permanent Encampment. — Visited by several Indians of different Tribes, on whom Medals were bestowed. " November 2. We now examined the rapid below more particularly, and the danger appearing to be too great for the loaded canoes, all those who could not swim were sent with the baggage by land. The canoes then passed safely down, and were reloaded. At the foot of the rapid we took a meridian altitude, and found our latitude to be 59° 45'' 45^''." This rapid forms the last of the descents of the Columbia; and immediately below it the river wi- 84 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. dens, and tide-water commences. Shortly after start- ing they passed an island three miles in length and to which, from that plant being seen on it in great abun- dance, they gave the name of Strawberry Island. Di- rectly beyond were three small islands, and in the meadow to the right, at some distance from the hills in the background was a single perpendicular rock, which they judged to be not less than eight hun- dred feet high, and four hundred yards at the base, \vhich they called Beacon Rock. A little farther on they found the river a mile in breadth, and double this breadth four miles beyond. After making twenty- nine miles from the foot of the Great Shoot, they halt- ed for the night at a point where the river was two and a half miles wide. The character of the country they had passed through during the day was very dif- ferent from that they had lately been accustomed to, the hills being thickly covered with timber, chiefly of the pine species. The tide rose at their encampment about nine inches, and they saw great numbers of water-fowl, such as swan, geese, ducks of vari- ous kinds, gulls, &c. The next day, November 3d, they set off in com- pany with some Indians who had joined them the evening before. At the distance of three miles they passed a river on the left, to which, from the quan- tity of sand it bears along with it, they gave the name of Quicksand River. So great, indeed, was the quantity it had discharged into the Columbia, that that river was compressed to the width of half a mile, and the whole force of the current thrown against the right shore. Opposite to this was a large creek, which they called Seal River. The mountain which they had supposed to be the Mount Hood of Vancou- ver, now bore S. 85° E., about forty-seven miles distant. A bout three miles farther on they passed the lower mouth of Quicksand River, opposite to which was another large creek, and near it the head of an island three miles and a half in extent; and half a SKILLOOT VILLAGE. 85 mile beyond it was another island, which they call- ed Diamond Island, opposite to which they encamp- ed, having made but thirteen miles' distance. Here they met with some Indians ascending the river, who stated that they had seen three vessels at its mouth. " Below Quicksand River," says the Journal, " the country is low, rich, and thickly wooded on each side of the Columbia ; the islands have less timber, and on them are numerous ponds, near which were vast quantities of fowl, such as swan, geese, brant, cranes, storks, white gulls, cormorants, and plover. The river is wide, and contains a great number of sea-otters. In the evening the hunters brought in game for a sumptuous supper." In continuing their descent the next day, they found Diamond Island to be six miles in length and three broad ; and near its termination were two oth- er islands. " Just below the last of these," proceeds the narrative, " we landed on the left bank of the ri^- er, at a village of twenty-five houses, all of which were thatched with straw, and built of bark except one, which was about fifty feet long, and constructed of boards, in the form of those higher up the river, from which it differed, however, in being completely above ground, and covered with broad, split boards. This village contained about two hundred men of the Skilloot nation, who seemed well provided with ca- noes, of which there were at least fifty-two, and some of them very large, drawn up in front of the village. On landing, we found an Indian from above, who had left us this morning, and who now invited ^ls into a lodge of which he appeared to be part own- er. Here he treated us with a root, round in shape, and about the size of a small Irish potato, which they call wappatoo : it is the common arrow-head or sag ittifolia so much cultivated by the Chinese, and, when roasted in the embers till it becomes soft, has an agreeable taste, and is a very good substitute for bread. After [.-nrfhasing some of this root we re^ 86 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION. sumed our journey, and at seven miles' distance came to the head of a large island near the left bank. On the right shore was a fine open prairie for about a mile, back of which the country rises, and is well sup- plied with timber, such as white oak, pine of different kinds, wild crab, and several species of undergrowth, while along the borders of the river there were only a few Cottonwood and ash trees. In this prairie were also signs of deer and elk. " When we landed for dinner a number of Indians came down, for the purpose, as we supposed, of pay- ing us a friendly visit, as they had put on their finest dresses. In addition to their usual covering, they had scarlet and blue blankets, sailors' jackets and trowsers, shirts, and hats. They had all of them either war-axes, spears, and bows and arrows, or muskets and pistols, with tin powder-flasks. We smoked with them, and endeavoured to show thena every attention, but soon found them very assuming and disagreeable companions. While we were eat- ing, they stole the pipe with which they were smo- king, and a greatcoat of one of the men. We imme- diately searched them all, and found the coat stuffed under the root of a tree near where they were sit- ting ; but the pipe we could not recover. Finding us discontented with them, and determined not to suffer any imposition, they showed their displeasure in the only way they dared, by returning in ill humour to their village. We then proceeded, and soon met two canoes, with twelve men of the same Skillool nation, who were on their way from below. The larger of the canoes was ornamented with the fig- ures of a bear in the bow and a man in the stern, both nearly as large as life, both made of painted wood, and very neatly fastened to the boat. In the same canoe were two Indians gaudily dressed, and with round hats. This circumstance induced us to give the name of Image Canoe to the large island, the lower end of which we were now passing, at the THE INDIANS BECOME TROUBLESOME. 87 distance of nine miles from its head. We had seen two smaller islands to the right, and three more near its lower extremity." * * * " The river was now about a mile and a half in width, with a gentle cur- rent, and the bottoms extensive and low, but not sub- ject to be overflowed. Three miles below Image- Canoe Island we came to four large houses on the left side ; here we had a full view of the mountain which we had first seen from the Muscieshell Rapid on the 19th of October, and which we now found to be, in fact, the Mount St. Helen of Vancouver. It bore north 25° east, about ninety miles distant, rose in the form of a sugar-loaf to a very great height, and was covered with snow. A mile lower we pass- ed a single house on the left, and another on the right. The Indians had now learned so much of us that their curiosity was without any mixture of fear, and their visits became very frequent and trouble- some. We therefore continued on till after night, in hopes of getting rid of them ; but, after passing a village on each side, which, on account of the late- ness of the hour, we could only see indistinctly, we found there was no escaping from their importunities. We accordingly landed at the distance of seven miles below Image-Canoe Island, and encamped near a single house on the right, having made during the day twenty-nine miles. " The Skilloots that we passed to-day speak a language somewhat difterent from that of the Eche- loois or Chilluckittequaws near the long narrows. Their dress, however, is similar, except that the Skilloots possess more articles procured from the white traders ; and there is this farther difference between them, that the Skilloots, both males and fe- males, have the head flattened. Their principal food is fish, wappatoo roots, and some elk and deer, in kill- ing which with arrows they seem to be very expert; for during the short time we remained at the village, three deer were brought in. We also observed there d tame hlaireau. TT.— H 88 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " As soon as we landed we were visited by two ca noes loaded with Indians, from whom we purchased a few roots. The grounds along the river continued low and rich, and among the shrubs were large quantities of vines resembling the raspberry. On the right, the low grounds were terminated, at the distance of five miles, by a range of high hills cov- ered with tall timber, and running southeast and northwest. The game, as usual, was very abun- dant ; and, among other birds, we observed some white geese, with a part of their wings black." Early the next morning they resumed their voy- age, passing several islands in the course of the day, the river alternately widening and contracting, and the hills sometimes retiring from, and at others approaching, its banks^. They stopped for the night at the distance of thirty-two miles from their last encampment. " Before landing," proceeds the Jour- nal, " we met two canoes, the largest of which had at the bow the image of a bear, and that of a man on the stern ; there were twenty-six Indians on board, but they proceeded upward, and we were left, for the first time since we reached the waters of the Columbia, without any of the natives with us du- ring the night. Besides other game, we killed a grouse much larger than the common kind, and ob- served along the shore a number of striped snakes. The river is here deep, and about a mile and a half in width. Here, too, the ridge of low mountains, running northwest and southeast, crosses the river, and forms the western boundary of the plain through which we had just passed. This great plain or val- ley begins above the mouth of Quicksand River, and is about sixty miles long in a straight line, while on the right and left it extends to a great distance : it is a fertile and delightful country, shaded by thick groves of tall timber, and watered by small ponds on both sides of the river. The soil is rich, and ca- pable of any species of culture ; but in the present THE COLUMBIA VALLEY. 89 condition of the Indians, its thief production is the wappatoo root, which grows spontaneously and ex- clusively in this region. Sheltered as it is on both sides, the temperature is much milder than that of the surrounding country ; for even at this season of the year we observed but very little appearance of frost. It is inhabited by numerous tribes of Indians, who either reside in it permanently, or visit its wa- ters in quest of fish and loappatoo roots. We gave it the name of the Columbia Valley. " November 6. The morning was cool and rainy. We proceeded at an early hour, between high hills on both sides of the river, till at the distance of four miles we came to two tents of Indians in a small plain on the left, where the hills on the right recede a few miles, and a long narrow island stretches along the right shore. Behind this island is the mouth of a large river, a hundred and fifty yards wide, called by the Indians Coweliske. We halted on the island for dinner, but the redwood and green briers were so interwoven with the pine, alder, ash, a species of beech, and other trees, that the woods formed a thicket which our hunters could not pene- trate. Below the mouth of the Coweliske a very remarkable knob rises from the water's edge to the height of eighty feet, being two hundred paces round the base ; and as it is in a low part of the island, and at some distance from the high grounds, its ap- pearance is very singular. On setting out after din- ner we overtook two canoes going down to trade. One of the Indians, who spoke a few words of Eng- lish, mentioned that the principal person who traded with them was a Mr. Haley ; and he showed us a bow of iron, and several other things, which he said he had given him. Nine miles below Cowehske River is a creek on the same side ; and between them three smaller islands, one on the left shore, the other about the middle of the river, and a third near the lower end of the long narrow island, and 90 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION. opposite a high cliff of black rocks on the loft, six- teen miles from our last night's encampment. Here we were overtaken by some Indians from tbe two tents we had passed in the morning, from whom we purchased wappatoo roots, salmon, trout, and two beaver-skins, for which last we gave five small fish- hooks." Here the mountains, which had been high and rug- ged on the left, retired from the river, as had the hills on the right, since leaving the Covveliske, and a beautiful plain was spread out before them. They met with several islands on their way, and having, at the distance of five miles, come to the termination of the plain, they proceeded for eight miles through a hilly country, and encamped for the night after having made twenty-nine miles. " November 7. The morning," proceeds the nar- rative, " was rainy, and the fog so thick that we could not see across the river. We observed, how- ever, opposite to our camp, the upper point of an isl- and, between which and the steep hills on the right we proceeded for five miles. Three miles lower was the beginning of an island, separated from the right shore by a narrow channel: down this we pro- ceeded, under the direction of some Indians whorw we had just met going up the river, and who return- ed in order to show us their villapce. It consisted of four houses only, situated on this channel, behind several marshy islands formed by two small creeks. On our arrival they gave us some fish, and we after- ward purchased wappatoo roots, fish, three dogs, and two otter-skins, for which we gave fish-hooks chief- ly, that being an article which they are very anxious to obtain. " These people seemed to be of a different nation from those we had just passed : they were low in stature, ill-shaped, and all had their heads flattened They called themselves Wahkiacum, and their Ian- guage diflfered from that of the tribes above, with DRESS OF THE WAHKIACUMS. 91 whom they trade for wappatoo roots. The houses, too, were built in a different style, being raised en- tirely above ground, with the eaves about five feet high, and the door at the corner. Near the end op- posite to the door was a single fireplace, round which were the beds, raised four feet from the floor of earth : over the fire were hung fresh fish, and when dried they are stowed away with the loappatoo roots under the beds. The dress of the men was like that of the people above ; but the women were clad in a peculiar manner, the robe not reaching lower than the hip, and the body being covered in cold weather by a sort of corset of fur, curiously plaited, and reaching from the arms to the hip : added to this was a sort of petticoat, or, rather, tissue of white cedar bark, bruised or broken into small strands, and woven into a girdle by several cords of the same material. Being tied round the middle, these strands hang down as low as the knee in front, and to the middle of the leg behind : sometimes the tissue con- sists of strings of silk-grass, twisted and knotted at the end. " After remaining with them about an hour, we proceeded down the channel with an Indian dressed in a sailor's jacket for our pilot ; and, on reaching the main channel, were visited by some Indians, who have a temporary residence on a marshy island in the middle of the river, where there are great numbers of water-fowl. Here the mountainous country again approaches the river on the left, and a higher mountain is perceived towards the south- west. At a distance of twenty miles from our camp, we halted at a village of Wahkiacums, con- sisting of seven ill-looking houses, built in the same form with those above, and situated at the foot of the high hills on the right, behind two small marshy islands. We merely stopped to purchase some food and two beaver skins, and then proceeded. Oppo- site to these islands the hills on the left retire, and 92 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the river widens into a kind of bay, crowded with low islands, subject to be overflowed occasionally by the tide. We had not gone lar from this village when, the fog suddenly clearing away, we were at last presented with the glorious sight of the ocean — that ocean, the object of all our labours, the reward of all our anxieties. This animating sight exhilara- ted the spirits of all the party, who were still more delighted on hearing the distant roar of the breakers. We went on with great cheerfulness along the high, mountainous country which bordered the right bank : the shore, however, was so bold and rocky, that we could not, until at a distance of fourteen miles from the last village, find any spot fit for an encampment. Having made during the day thirty- four miles, we now spread our mats on the ground, and passed the night in the rain. Here we were joined by our small canoe, which had been separa- ted from us during the fog this morning. Two In- dians from the last village also accompanied us to the camp ; but, having detected them in stealing a knife, they were sent off. " November 8. It rained this morning ; and, hav ing changed our clothing, which had been wet by yesterday's rain, we set out at nine o'clock. Imme- diately opposite our camp was a rock, at the distance of a mile in the river, about twenty feet in diameter and fifty in height, and towards the southwest some high mountains, one of which was covered with snow at the top. We proceeded past several low islands in the bend or bay of the river to the left, which was here five or six miles wide. On ihe right side we passed an old village, and then, at the distance of three miles, entered an inlet or niche, about six miles across, and making a deep bend of nearly five miles into the hills on the right shore, where it receives the waters of several creeks. We coasted along this inlet, which, from its little depth, we called Shallow Bay, and at the bottom of it stop. EXPOSED SITUATION OF THE PARTY. 93 ped to dine, near the remains of an old village, from which, however, we kept at a cautious distance, as, like all these places, it was occupied by a plentiful stock of fleas. At this place we observed a number of fowl, among which we killed a goose, and two ducks exactly resembling in appearance and flavour the canvass-back duck of the Susquehanna. After dinner we took advantage of the returning tide to go on about three miles to a point on the right, eight miles distant from our camp ; but here the waves ran so high, and dashed about our. canoes so much, that several of the men became seasick. It was therefore judged imprudent to proceed in the present state of the weather, and we landed at the point. Our situation here was extremely uncomfortable : the high hills jutted in so closely that there was not room for us to lie level, nor to secure our baggage from the tide, and the water of the river was too salt to be used ; but the waves increasing so much that we could not move from the spot with safety, we fixed ourselves on the beach left by the ebb-tide, and, raising the baggage on poles, passed a disagreeable night, the rain during the day having wet us com- pletely, as, indeed, we had been for some days past. " November 9. Fortunately, the tide did not rise as high as our camp during the night ; but, being ac- companied by high winds from the south, the canoes, which we could not place beyond its reach, were filled with water, and saved with much difficulty : our position was exceedingly disagreeable ; but, as it was impossible to move from it, we waited for a change of weather. It rained, however, during the whole day, and at two o'clock in the afternoon the flood-tide came in, accompanied by a high wind from the south, which at about four o'clock shifted to the southwest, and blew almost a gale directly from the sea. Immense waves now broke over the place where we were, and large trees, some of them five or six feet through, which had been lodged on Xhe 94. LEWIS AND CLARKE S EXPEDITION. point, drifted over our camp, so that the utmost vi gilance of every man could scarcely save the canoes from being crushed to pieces. We remained in the water, and were drenched with rain during the rest of the day, our only sustenance being some dried fish and the rain-water which we caught. Yet, though wet and cold, and some of them sick from using salt-water, the men were cheerful, and full of anxiety to see more of the ocean. The rain con- tinued all night, and the following morning, " November 10, the wind luUing, and the waves not being so high, we loaded our canoes and pro- ceeded. The mountains on the right are here high, covered with timber, chiefly pine, and descend with a bold and rocky shore to the water. We went through a deep niche and several inlets on the right, while on the opposite side was a large bay, above which the hills are close on the river. At the dis- tance of ten miles the Avind rose from the north- west, and the waves became so high that we were forced to return two miles for a place where we could unload with safety. Here we landed at the mouth of a small run, and, having placed our bag- gage on a pile of drifted logs, waited unUl low water. The river then appearing more calm, we started again ; but, after going a mile, found the waves too turbulent for our canoes, and were obliged to put to shore. Here we landed the baggage, and, having placed it on a rock above the reach of the tide, en- camped on some drift logs, which formed the only place where we could lie, the hills rising steep over our heads to the height of five hundred feet. All our baggage, as well as ourselves, was thoroughly wet with the rain, which did not cease during he day : it continued, indeed, violently through the night, in the course of which the tide reached the logs on which we lay, and set them afloat. " November 11. The wind was still high from the southwest, and drove the waves against the shore i UNPLEASANT SITUATION OF THE PARTY. 95 with great fury : the rain, too, fell in torrents, and not only drenched us to the skin, but loosened the stones on the hill sides, so that they came rolling down upon us. In this comfortless condition we remained all day, wet and cold, and with nothing but dried fish to satisfy our hunger; the canoes at the mercy of the waves at one place, the baggage in another, and the men scattered on floating logs, or sheltering themselves in the crevices of the rocks and hill sides. A hunter was despatched in the hope of finding some game ; but the hills were so steep, and so covered with undergrowth and fallen timber, that he could not proceed, and was forced to return. About twelve o'clock we were visited by five Indians in a canoe. They came from the opposite side of the river, above where we were, and their language much resembled that of the Wahkiacums : they call- ed themselves Cathlamahs. In person they were small, ill made, and badly clothed ; though one of them had on a sailor's jacket and pantaloons, which, as he explained by signs, he had received from the whites below the point. We purchased from them thirteen red charr, a fish which we found very ex- cellent. After some time they went on board their boat, and crossed the river, which is here five miles wide, through a very heavy sea. " November 12. About three o'clock a tremendous gale of wind arose, accompanied with lightning, thunder, and hail : at six it lightened up for a short time, but a violent rain soon began, and lasted through the day. During the storm, one of our boats, secured by being sunk with great quantities of stone, got loose, but, drifting against a rock, was recovered without having received much injury. Our situation now became much more dangerous, for the waves were driven with fury against the rocks and trees, which t'lll now had afforded us ref- uge : we therefore took advantage of the low tide, and moved about half a mile round a poiiit to a small 96 LEWIS AND CLARKE S EXPEDITION. brook, which we had not observed before on account of the thick bushes and driftwood which concealed its mouth. Here we were more safe, but still cold and wet ; our clothes and bedding rotten as well as wet, our baggage at a distance, and the canoes, our only means of escape from this place, at the mercy of the waves. Still, we continued to enjoy good health, and even had the luxury of feasting on some salmon and three salmon trout which we caught in the brook. Three of the men attempted to go round a point in our small Indian canoe, but the high waves rendered her quite unmanageable, these boats re- quiring the seamanship of the natives to make them live in so rough a sea. " November 13. During the night we had short in- tervals of fair weather, but it began to rain in the morning, and continued through the day. In order to obtain a view of the country below, Captain Clarke followed the course of the brook, and with much fatigue, and after walking three miles, ascended the first spur of the mountains. The whole lower coun- try he found covered with almost impenetrable thick- ets of small pine, with which is mixed a species of plant resembling arrow-wood, twelve or fifteen feet high, with a thorny stem, almost interwoven with each other, and scattered among the fern and fallen timber: there is also a red berry, somewhat like the Solomon's seal, which is called by the natives solme, and used as an article of diet. This thick growth rendered travelling almost impossible, and it was rendered still more fatiguing by the abruptness of the mountain, which was so steep as to oblige him to draw himself up by means of the bushes. The timber on the hills is chiefly of a large, tall species of pine, many of the trees eight or ten feet in diam- eter at the stump, and rising sometimes more than one hundred feet in height. The hail which fell two nights before was still to be seen on the mountains: there was no game, and no marks of any, except some EXAMINATION OF THE BAY. 97 old tracks of elk. The cloudy weather prevented his seehig to any distance, and he therefore returned to camp, and sent three men in the Indian canoe to try if they could double the point, and find some safer harbour for our boats. At every flood-tide the sea broke in great swells against the rocks, and drift- ed the trees against our establishment, so as to ren- der it very insecure. " November 14. It had rained without intermission during the night, and continued to through the day : the wind, too, was very high, and one of our canoes much injured by being driven against the rocks. Five Indians from below came to us in a canoe, and thrfie of them landed, and informed us that they had seen the men sent down yesterday. Fortunately, at this moment one of the men arrived, and told us that these very Indians had stolen his gig and bas- ket : we therefore ordered the two women, who re- mained in the canoe, to restore them ; but this they refused to do till we threatened to shoot them, when they gave back the articles, and we commanded them to leave us. They were of the Wahkiacum nation. The man now informed us that they had gone round the point as far as the high sea would suffer them in the canoe, and then landed ; that in the night he had separated from his companions, who had proceeded farther down ; and that, at no great distance from where we were, was a beautiful sand beach and a good harbour. Captain Lewis determined to exam- ine more minutely the lower part of the bay, and, embarking in one of the large canoes, was put on shore at the point, whence he proceeded by land with four men, and the canoe returned nearly filled with water. " November 15. It continued raining all night, but in the morning the weather became calm and fair. We began, therefore, to prepare for setting out; but before we were ready, a high wind sprang up from the southeast, and obliged us to remain. The sun 98 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. shone until one o'clock, and we were thus enabled to dry our bedding and examine our taggage. The rain, which had continued for the last ten days with- out any interval of more than two hours, had com- pletely wet all our merchandise, spoiled some of our fish, destroyed the robes, and rotted nearly one half of our few remaining articles of clothing, particular- ly the leather dresses. About three o'clock the wind fell, and we instantly loaded the canoes, and left the miserable spot to which we had been confined the last six days. On turning the point we came to the sand beach, through which runs a small stream from the hills, at the mouth of which was an ancient viljj^ge of thirty-six houses, without any inhabitants at the time except fleas. Here we met Shannon, who had been sent back to us by Captain Lewis. The day Shannon left us in the canoe, he and Willard pro- ceeded on till they met a party of twenty Indians, who, not having heard of us, did not know who they were ; but they behaved with great civility — so great, indeed, and seemed so anxious that our men should accompany them towards the sea, that their suspi- cions were excited, and they declined going. The Indians, however, would not leave them ; and the men, becoming confirmed in their suspicions, and fearful, if they went into the woods to sleep, that they would be cut to pieces in the night, thought it best to remain with the Indians : they therefore made a fire, and after talking with them to a late hour, laid down with their rifles under their heads. When they awoke they found that the Indians had stolen and concealed their arms ; and having demanded them in vain. Shannon seized a club, and was about assaulting one of the Indians whom he suspected to be the thief, when another of them began to load his fowling-piece with the intention of shooting him. He therefore stopped, and explained to them by signs, that if they did not give up the guns, a large party would come down the river before the sun rose MORE COMFORTABLE ENCAMPMENT. 99 to a certain height, and put every one of them to death. Fortunately, Captain Lewis and his party appeared at this very time, and the terrified Indians immediately brought the guns, and five of them came in with Shannon. To these men we declared that, if ever any of their nation stole anything from us, he should be instantly shot. They resided to the north of this place, and spoke a language different from that of the people higher up the river. It was now apparent that the sea was at all times too rough for us to proceed farther down the bay by water : we therefore landed, and, having chosen the best spot we could, made our camp of boards from the old vil- lage. We were now comfortably situated; and, be- ing visited by four Wahkiacums with wappatoo roots, were enabled to make an agreeable addition to our food. " November 16. The morning was clear and pleas- ant. We therefore put out all our baggage to dry, and sent several of the party to hunt. Our camp was in full view of tiie ocean, on the bay laid down by Vancouver, whicli we distinguished by the name of Haley's Bay, from a trader who visits the Indians here, and is a great favourite among them. The meridian altitude of this day gave 46° 19' 11.7" as our latitude. The a\ ind was strong from the south- west, and the waves very high, yet the Indians were passing up and down the bay in canoes, and several of them en;;amped near us. We smoked with them, but, after our recent experience of their thievish disposition, treated them with caution." * * * ' The hunters brought in two deer, a crane, some e:eese and ducks, and several brant, three of which fvere white, except a part of the wing, which was ilack, and they were much larger than the gray brant. " November 17. A fair, cool morning, and easterly jvind. The tide rises at this place eight feet s.'X mches. " About one o'clock Captain Lewis returned, aftci 100 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. having coasted down Haley's Bay to Cape Disap- pointment, and some distance to the north, along the seacoast. He was followed by several Chinnooks, among whom were the principal chief and his fam •ly. They made us a present of a boiled root very much like the common liquorice in taste and size, called culwhnmo ; and in return we gave them arti- cles of double its value. We now learned, howev- er, the danger of accepting anything from them, since nothing given in payment, even though ten times more valuable, would satisfy them. "We were chiefly occupied in hunting, and were able to pro- cure three deer, four brant, and two ducks ; and also saw some signs of elk. Captain Clarke now pre» pared for an excursion down the bay, and accord ingly started, " November 18, at daylight, accompanied by elev- en men. He proceeded along the beach one mile to a point of rocks about forty feet high, where the hills retired, leaving a wide beach, and a number of ponds covered with water-fowl, between which and the mountain was a narrow bottom covered with alder and small balsam trees. Seven miles from the rocks was the entrance of a creek, or rather drain from the ponds and hills, where was a cabin of Chinnooks. The cabin contained some children and four women. They were taken across the creek in a canoe by two squaws, to each of whom they gave a fish-hook, and then, coasting along the bay, passed at two miles the low bluff of a small hill, below which were the ruins of some old huts, and close to it the remains of a whale. The country was low, open, and marshy, interspersed with some high pine and with a thick undergrowth. Five miles from the creek they came to a stream, forty yards wide at low water, which they called Chinnook River. The hills up this river and towards the bay were not high, but very thickly covered with large pine of several species." CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT. 101 Proceeding along the shore, they came to a deep bend, appearing to afford a good harbour, and here the natives told them that European vessels usually- anchored. About two miles farther on they reach- ed Cape Disappointment, " an elevated circular knob," says the Journal, " rising with a steep ascent one hundred and fifty or one hundred and sixty feet above the water, formed like the whole shore of the bay, as well as of the seacoast, and covered with thick timber on the inner side, but open and grassy on the exposure next the sea. From this cape a high point of land bears south 20° west, about twen- ty-five miles distant. In the range between these two eminences is the opposite point of the bay, a very low ground, which has been variously called Cape Rond by La Perouse, and Point Adams by Vancouver. The water, for a great distance off the mouth of the river, appears very shallow, and with- in the mouth, nearest to Point Adams, is a large sand-bar, almost covered at high tide." * * * " November 19. In the evening it began to rain, and continued till eleven o'clock. Two hunters were sent out in the morning to kill something for breakfast, and the rest of the party, after drying their blankets, soon followed. At three miles they overtook the hunters, and breakfasted on a small deer which they had been fortunate enough to kill. This, like all those that we saw on this coast, was much darker than our common deer. Their bodies, too, are deeper, their legs shorter, and their eyes larger. The branches of the horns are similar, but the upper part of the tail is black, from the root to the end, and they do not leap, but jump like a sheep frightened." * * * Continuing along five miles farther, they reached a point of high land, below which a sandy point ex- tended in a direction north 19° west, to another high point twenty miles distant. To this they gave the name of Point Lewis. They proceeded four 102 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. miles farther along the sandy beach to a small pine- tree, on which Captain Clarke marked his name, with the year and day, and then set out to return to the camp, where they arrived the following day, having met a large number of Chinnooks coming from it. ''November 21. The morning was cloudy, and from noon till night it rained. The wind, too, was high from the southeast, and the sea so rough that the water reached our camp. Most of the Chin- nooks returned home, but we were visited in the course of the day by people of different bands in the neighbourhood, among whom were the Chiltz, a na- tion residing on the seacoast near Point Lewis, and the Clatsops, who live immediately opposite, on the south side of the Columbia. A chief from the grand rapid also came to see us, and we gave him a med- al. To each of our visiters we made a present of a small piece of riband, and purchased some cranber- ries, and some articles of their manufacture, such as mats and household furniture, for all which we paid high prices." * * * CHAPTER V. Extravagant Passion of the Natives for blue Beads. — The Party in Search of a suitable Place for Winter-quarters.— Suffering from the Deluges of Rain. — Visits of the Indians. — Return of Captain Lewis, who reported that he had found a suitable Place for Wintering. — Captain Clarke goes with a Party to find a Place suitable for the Manufacture of Salt. — He is hos- pitably entertained by the Clatsops. — This Tribe addicted to Gambling. — Sickness of some of the Party, occasioned by the incessant Rains. — They form, notwithstanding, a permanent Encampment for their Winter-quarters. " November 22. It rained during the whole night, and about daylight a tremendous gale of wind rose from the S.S.E., and continued through the day with SKIN OF THE SEA-OTTER. 103 great violence. The sea ran so high that the water came into our camp, which the rain prevents us from leaving. We purchased from the old squaw, for armbands and rings, a few wappatoo roots, on which we subsisted. They are nearly equal in flavour to the Irish potato, and afford a very good substitute for bread. The bad weathe' drove several Indians -.0 our camp, but they were still under the terrors ,')f the threat which we made on first seeing them, ind behaved with the greatest decency. " November 23. The rain continued through the night, and the morning v/as calm and cloudy. The hunters were sent out, and killed three deer, four brant, and three ducks. Towards evening seven Clatsops came over in a canoe, with two skins of the sea-otter. To this article they attached an ex- travagant value ; and their demands for it were so high, that we were fearful it would too much reduce our small stock of merchandise, on which we had to depend for subsistence on our return, to venture on purchasing it. To ascertain, however, their ideas as to the value of different objects, we offered for one of these skins a watch, a handkerchief, an Amer- ican dollar, and a bunch of red beads ; but neither the curiouf) mechanism of the watch, nor even the red beads, could tempt the owner : he refused the offer, but asked for tiacomoshack, or chief beads, the most common sort of coarse blue-coloured beds, the article beyond all price in their estimation. Of these olue beads we had but few, and therefore reserved them for more necessitous circumstances." * * * " Having now examined the coast, it became necessary to decide on the spot for our winter-quar- ters. The people of the country subsisted chiefly on dried fish and roots ; but of these there did not seem to be a sufficient quantity for our support, even were we able to purchase them ; and the extrava- gant prices, as well as our small stock of merchan- dise, forbade us to depend on that resource. We II.—I 104 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. had therefore to rely for subsistence on our arms, and to be guided in the choice of our residence by the abundance of game which any particular spot might offer. The Indians said that the deer were most numerous some distance above, on the river, but that the country on the opposite side of the bay was better supphed with elk, an animal much larger, and more easily killed than the deer, with a skin better fitted for clothing, and the meat of which is more mitritive during the winter, when they are both poor. The climate, too, was obviously much mild- er here than above the first range of mountains, for the Indians were thinly clad, and said they had lit- tle snow : indeed, since our arrival the weather had been very warm, and sometimes disagreeably so : and dressed, as we were, altogether in leather, the cold would be very unpleasant, if not injurious. The neighbourhood of the sea was moreover rec- ommended by the facility it afforded of supplying ourselves with salt, and the chance of meeting some of the trading vessels, who were expected in about three months, and from whom we might procure a fresh supply of trinkets for our route homeward. These considerations induced us to determine on visiting the opposite side of the bay, and if there was an appearance of much game, to estabhsh our- selves there for the winter." Having come to this determination, they proceed- ed, as soon as the weather would permit, to put it into execution. On the 26th they crossed the river, and landed three miles below a point, to which they gave the name of Point Samuel. They proceeded along the shore as far as they could this day, and the next morning " we came," says the journalist, " to a very remarkable knob of land, projecting about a mile and a half towards Shallow Bay, and about four miles round, while the neck of land which con- nects it to the main shore is not more than fifty yards wide. We went round this projection, which CONTINUED RAINS. 105 we named Point William ; but the waves then be- came so high that we could not venture any farther, and therefore landed on a beautiful shore of pebbles of various colours, and encamped near an old Indian hut on the isthmus." * * * " it had rained hard du- ring the whole day, continued all the night, and in the morning, " November 28, began more violently, attended with a high wind from the southwest. It was now impossible to proceed on so rough a sea. We there- fore sent several men to hunt, and the rest of us remained during the day in a situation the most cheerless and uncomfortable. On this little neck of land we were exposed with a little miserable cover- ing, which did not deserve the name of a shelter, to the violence of the winds ; all our bedding and stores, as well as our bodies, being completely wet, our clothes rotting with constant exposure, and having no food except the dried fish obtained from the falls, to which we were again reduced. The hunters all returned hungry and drenched with rain, having seen neither deer nor elk, and the swan and brant were too shy to be approached. At noon the wind shifted to the northwest, and blew with such tre- mendous fury that many trees were thrown down near us."* * * The rain continued through the next day, but the weather cleared on the morning of the 30th, and the day was spent in drying their baggage, and in en- deavouring to procure some game. Captain Lewis, with five men, proceeded in the Indian canoe down to a small bay below, in the hope of finding elk. " Several of the men," proceeds the narrative, " com- plained of disorders in their bowels, which could be ascribed only to their diet of pounded fish mixed with salt-water ; and they are therefore directed to use for that purpose the fresh water above the point. The hunters had seen three elk, but could not obtain any of them. They, however, brought in three 106 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. hawks, and a few black ducks, of a species common in the United States, hving in large flocks, and feed- ing on grass : they are distinguished by a sharp white beak, toes separated, and having no craw. Besides these wild-fowl, there were in this neigh- bourhood a large kind of buzzard with white wings, the gray and the bald eagle, the large red-tailed hawk, the blue magpie, and great numbers of ravens and crows. We observed, however, but few small birds ; the one which most attracted our attention was a small brown bird, which seemed to frequent logs and the roots of trees. Of other animals there was a great abundance. We saw great numbers of snakes, lizards, worms, and spiders, as well as small bugs, flies, and other insects of various kinds. The ve- getable productions were also numerous. The hills along the coast are high and steep, and the general covering is a growth of lofty pines of diff"erent spe- cies, some of which rise more than two hundred feet, and are from ten to twelve feet in diameter near the root. Besides these trees, we observed on the point a species of ash, the alder, the laurel, one species of the wild crab, and several kinds of un- derbrush, among which the rosebush was conspicu- ous." * * * It rained almost incessantly the three following days, and sickness began to prevail among the men to such an extent, from eating little else than pound- ed fish, that they redoubled their eff'orts to procure a supply of game. Fortunately, on the 2d of De- cember, one of the hunters succeeded in killing an elk, of which animal numerous traces were now seen. " This," says the journalist, " was the first elk we had killed on the west side of the Rocky Mountams ; and condemned, as we had been for so long a time, to dried fish, it proved a most nourishmg food. After eating the marrow of the shank bones, the squaw chopped them fine, and by boiling extracted a pmtof grease, superior to the tallow itself of the animal. -HEY FIND A SITE FOR WINTER QUARTERS. 107 A canoe of eight Indians, who were carrying down wappatoo roots to trade with the Clatsops, stopped at our camp. We bought of them a few roots foi some small fish-hooks, and they left us ; when, ac- customed as we had been to the sight, we could not but view with admiration the wonderful dexterity with which they guided their canoes through such boisterous seas ; for though the waves were so high that, before they had gone half a mile, the canoe was at times out of sight, they proceeded with the ut- most calmness and security. Two of the hunters who set out yesterday had lost their way, and did not return till this evening : they had seen in their ramble numerous signs of elk, and had killed six, which they had skinned and left at a great distance. " December 4. A party was sent in the morning to carry the elk killed yesterday to a bay some dis- tance below, to which place, if the weather permit- ted, we had determined to remove our camp in the evening; but the rain, which had continued during the night, lasted all the day, and was accompanied by so high a wind from the southeast and south that we dared not risk our canoes on the water. It was high water at eleven o'clock, when the tide rose two feet higher than common. We passed the day around our fires ; and as we were so situated that the smoke would not immediately leave the camp, we were very much incommoded by it. No news had yet been received from Captain Lewis, and we be- gan to have much uneasiness for his safety." The next day, however. Captain Lewis returned to the encampment with the gratifying intelligence that he had discovered a river at no great distance below, where there were abundance of elk, and a favourable position for their winter-quarters. He had also killed six elk and five deer, and left two of his men to guard them. Continued bad weather prevented their re- moving until the 7th, when a favourable change en- bled them to proceed. " But the tide," says the .-I 108 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. Journal, " was against us, and the wave^ very high, so that we were obhged to go on slowly and cautious- ly. We at length turned a point, and found ourselves in a deep bay :' here we landed for breakfast, and were joined by the party sent out three days ago to look for the six elk. They had lost their way for a day and a half, and when they at last reached the place, found the elk so much spoiled that they brought away nothing but the skins of four of them. After break- fast we coasted round the bay, which is about four miles across, and receives, besides several small creeks, two rivers, called by the Indians, the one Kil- howanakel, the other Netul. We named it Meriweth- er's Bay, from the Christian name of Captain Lew- is, who was, no doubt, the first white man who had surveyed it. The wind was high from the northeast, and in the middle of the day it rained for two hours, and then cleared off. On reaching the south side of the bay we ascended the Netul three miles, to the first point of high land on its western bank, and formed our camp in a thick grove of lofty pines, about two hun- dred yards from the water, and thirty feet above the level of the high tides." Having determined on this spot for their winter encampment. Captain Clarke set out the next day with five men in order to find a favourable place for making salt. After pursuing a southwesterly course for some time across a ridge covered with heavy pine timber, they passed some swampy ground, and then an open prairie, and crossed on a raft a considerable creek running towards Point Adams. " At this place," says the Journal, " they discovered a large herd of elk, and after pursuing them for three miles over swamps and small ponds, killed one of them. The agility with which the animals crossed the swamps and bogs seemed almost incredible. As our men followed their track, the ground for a whole acre would shake under their tread, and sometimes they sunk to their hips without finding bottom. Over the surface of these CLATSOP HOUSES. 109 bogs is a species of moss, among which are great numbers of cranberries, and here and there are small, steep knobs of earth, thickly covered with pine and laurel. On one of these they halted for the night." It had rained all the night, and the next morning, sending three of his men to hunt the elk, Captain Clarke proceeded with the other two to accomplish the object he had in view. After a short time he came to a creek too deep to be forded, and, following it for some distance, found that he was between the creek he had crossed yesterday and another branch of it. He returned, therefore, to the point where he had crossed with the raft, and about a mile below it met with three Indians. " They were loaded," says the Journal, " with fresh salmon, which they had taken with a gig, and were now returning to their village on the seacoast, where they invited him to accompany them. He agreed, and they brought out a canoe hid on the banks of the creek. In this they passed over the branch which he had crossed on the raft, and then carried their ca- noe a quarter of a mile to the other fork, which they also crossed, and then continued down to the mouth of the stream. At this place it makes a great bend and is seventy yards wide : just above, to the south, was the village. " They crossed over, and found that it consisted of three houses, inhabited by twelve families of Clat- sops. They were situated on the south side of a hill, and sunk about four feet deep into the ground ; the walls, roof, and gable-ends being formed of split pine boards : the descent was through a small door, down a ladder. There were two fires in the middle of the roem, and the beds were disposed round the walls, two or three feet high, so as to leave room under them for their bags, baskets, and household articles. The floor itself was covered with mats. Captain Clarke was received with much hospitality. 110 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. As soon as he entered clean mats were spread, and fish, berries, and roots were set before him on small neat platters made of rushes. After he had eaten, the men of the other houses came and smoked with him. They all appeared much cleanlier in their per- sons and diet than Indians generally are, and fre- quently washed their hands and faces, a ceremony by no means frequent elsewhere. While he was conversing with them, a flock of brant lighted on the water, and with a small rifle he shot one of them at a great distance. They immediately jumped in and brought it on shore, very much astonished at the shot, which contributed to mcrease their respect. " Towards evening it began to rain and blow very violently from the southwest, and Captain Clarke therefore determined to remain during the night. When they thought suflEicient time had elapsed for his appetite to return, an old woman presented him, in a bowl made of light-coloured horn, with a kind of sirup, pleasant to the taste, and made from a species of berry common in this country, about the size of a cherry, and called by the Indians shelwel : of these berries a bread was also prepared, which, being boil- ed with roots, formed a kind of soup, which was served in neat wooden trenchers ; and these, with some cockles, constituted his repast. The men of the village now collected and began to gamble. Their principal game was one in which one of the compa- ny was banker, and played against all the rest. He had a piece of bone about the size of a large bean, and, having agreed with some individual as to the value of the stake, passed the bone from one hand to the other with great dexterity, singing, at the same time, to divert the attention of his adversary ; and then, holding it in one of his hands, his antago- nist was challenged to guess in which of them it was, losing or winning as he pointed to the right or wrong hand. To this game they abandoned them- selves with great ardour; sometimes everything MEETING WITH THE CLATSOPS. Ill they possess is sacrificed to it, and this evening sev- eral of the Indians lost all the beads which they had wiUi them. It lasted for three hours, when Captain Clarke appearing disposed to sleep, the man who had been most attentive, and whose name was Cus- kalah, spread two new mats near the fire, and or- dering his wife to retire to her bed, the rest of the company dispersed at the same time. Captain Clarke then laid down, but the violence with which the fleas attacked him was far from leaving his rest undisturbed, and he rose early. " December 10. The morning was cloudy, with some rain. Captain Clarke walked to the seacoast, and observed the Indians walking up and down the creek, and examining the shore. He was at a loss to understand their object till one of them came to him, and explained that they were in learch of any fish which might have been thrown ui shore and left by the tide, adding in English, ' sturgeon is very good.' There is, indeed, every reason to believe that these Clatsops depend for their subsistence, during the winter, chiefly on the fish thus casually thrown on the coast. After amusing himself for some time on the beach, he returned towards the village, and shot on his way two brant. As he came near the vil- lage, one of the Indians asked him to shoot a duck about thirty steps distant : he did so, and, having accidentally shot off" its head, the bird was brought to the village, when all the Indians came round in astonishment. They examined the duck, the mus- ket, and the very small bullets, which were a hun- dred to the pound, and then exclaimed, Clouch mus' que, waket, commatax musquet : Good musket ; do not understand this kind of musket. They now placed before him their best roots, fish, and sirup, after which he attempted to purchase a sea-otter skin with some red beads whicli he happened to have about him ; but they declined trading, as they valued none except blue or white beads. He therefore 112 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. bought nothing but a little berry-bread and a lew roots, in exchange for fish-hooks, and then set out to return by the same route he had come. He was ac- companied by Cuskalah and his brother as far as the third creek, and then proceeded to the camp through a heavy rain. The whole party had been occupied during his absence in cutting down trees to make huts, and in hunting." The next day, notwithstanding it rained without any intermission, and a considerable number of the party were ill, they kept busily at work in putting up their winter-cabins. " December 12. We continued to work in the rain at our houses. In the evening there arrived two canoes of Clatsops, among whom was a princi- pal chief called Comowool. We gave him a medal, and treated his companions with great attention ; after which we began to bargain for a small sea-ot- ter skin, some wappatoo roots, and another species of root called shanataque. We readily perceived that they were close dealers, stickled much for tri- fles, and never closed a bargain until they thought they had the advantage. The loappatoo is dear, as they themselves are obliged to give a high price foi it to the Indians above. Blue beads are the articles most in request ; the white occupy the next place in their estimation; but they do not value much those of any other colour. We succeeded at last in pur- chasing their whole cargo for a few fish-hooks and a small sack of Indian tobacco which we had re- ceived from the Shoshonees." From the 13th to the 21st, although it rained al- most incessantly, with occasional hail, sleet, and snow, they continued to labour dihgently on their houses, and were tolerably successful in procuring game. On the last-mentioned day they were visited by three Indians in a canoe, with mats, roots, and sacacommis berries. " These people proceeded with a dexterity and finesse in their bargains," says the INDIAN KEENNESS IN TRADE. 113 Journal, " which, if they had not learned them from their foreign visiters, might show how nearly allied is the cunning of savages to the little arts of civil- ized traffic. They began by asking double or treble the value of what they had to sell, and lowered their demands in proportion to the greater or less degree of ardour or knowledge of the purchaser, who, with all his management, was not able to procure the ar- ticle for less than its real value, which they perfectly understood. Our chief medium of trade consisted of blue and white beads, files with which they sharp- en their tools, fish-hooks, and tobacco ; but of all these articles, blue beads and tobacco were the most esteemed." Owing to the constant and long-continued rains, sickness was increasing among the party, and much of their elk-meat was spoiled by the warmth of the weather. "December 23. It continued raining the whole day, with no variation, except occasional thunder and hail. Two canoes of Clatsops came to us with various articles for sale : we bought three mats and bags neatly made of flags and rushes, and also the skin of a panther seven feet long, including the tail. For all these we gave six small fish-hooks, a worn- out file, and some pounded fish, which had become so soft and mouldy by exposure that we could not use it : it was, however, highly prized by the In- dians. Although a very portable and convenient food, the mode of curing it seems to be known, or at least practised, only by the Indians near the Great Falls, and, coming from such a distance, has an additional value in the eyes of these people, who are anxious to possess something less precarious than their ordinary food. Among these Clatsops was a second chief, to whom we gave a medal, and sent some pounded fish to Cuskalah, who could not come to see us on account of sickness. The next day, however, 114 LEWIS AisD Clarke's expedition. " December 24, he came in a canoe with his young brother and two squaws. Having treated Captain Clarke so kindly at his village, we were pleased to see him, and he gave us two mats and a parcel of roots. These w^e accepted, as it would have been offensive to decline them ; but afterward two files were demanded in return for the presents, and, not being able to spare those articles, we restored the mats and roots, at which Cuskalah was a little dis- pleased." * * * " Our whole stock of meat being now completely spoiled, our pounded fish became again our chief dependance. It had rained constantly all day, but we still continued working, and at last mo- ved into our huts. " December 25. We were awakened at daylight by a discharge of firearms, which was followed by a song from the men as a compliment to us on the re- turn of Christmas, which we have always been ac- customed to observe as a day of rejoicing. After breakfast we divided our remaining stock of tobac- co, which amounted to twelve carrots, into two parts, one of which we distributed among such of the party as made use of it, making a present of a handkerchief to the others. The remainder of the day was passed in good spirits, though there was nothing in our situation to excite much gayety. The rain confined us to the house, and our only lux- uries in honour of the season were some poor elk- meat, so much spoiled that we ate it through mere necessity, a few roots, and some mouldy pounded fish. " December 26. The rain continued, accompanied by thunder, and a high wind from the southeast. We vi^ere therefore still obliged to remain in our huts, and endeavoured to dry our wet articles before the fire. The fleas, which annoyed us near the port- age of the Great Falls, had so completely taken pos- session of our clothes, that we were obliged to have a regular search every day through our blankets, as MULTITUDES OF FLEAS. 115 a necessary preliminary to sleeping at night. These insects, indeed, are so numerous that they are al- most a calamity to the Indians of this country. When they have once obtained the mastery of any house, it is impossible to expel them ; and the In- dians have frequently other houses, to which they resort when the fleas have rendered their longer residence in one intolerable : yet, in spite of these precautions, every Indian is constantly attended by multitudes of them, and no one came into our houses without leaving behind him swarms of these tor- menting creatures. " December 27. The rain did not cease last night, nor the greater part of the day. In the evening we were visited by Comowool, the chief, and four men of the Clatsop nation, who brought a very timely supply of roots and berries. Among these was one called culhomo, resembling liquorice in size and taste, which they roast like a potato ; there was also the shanataque, a root of which they are very fond. It is of a black colour, sweet to the taste, and is pre- pared for eating in a kiln, as the Indians up the Co- lumbia dry the pasheco. These, as well as the shel- wel berries, they value highly, but were perfectly satisfied with the return we made them, consisting of a small piece of sheepskin for the chief to wear round his head, a pair of earbobs for his son, a small piece of brass, and a little riband." * * * It rained, as usual, the following day. They sent five men with a large kettle to the seaside, which was about seven miles oif, for the purpose of manu- facturing salt. " On the 29th," proceeds the Journal, " we were employed all day in picketing the en- campment ; and in the evening a young Wahkiacum chief, with four men and two women, arrived with some dressed elkskin and wappatoo for sale. We purchased about a bushel and a half of those roots for some red beads, small pieces of brass wire, and old clieck. The chief, too, made us a present of 116 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. half a bushel more, for which we gave him a medal, and a piece of riband to tie round his hat. These roots were extremely grateful, as our meat had be come spoiled, and we were desirous of purchasing the remainder ; but the chief would not dispose of any more, as he was on his way to trade witk the Clatsops. They remained with us, however, till the next day, "December 30, when they were joined by foui more of their countrymen from the Wahkiacum vil- lage. These last began by offering us some roots ; but, as we had learned that they always expect three or four times as much in return as the real value of the articles they give, and are not satisfied even with that, we declined such dangerous presents. Towards evening the hunters brought in four elk ; and, after so long a course of abstinence and miserable diet, we had a most sumptuous supper of elk's tongues and marrow. Besides this agreeable repast, the state of the weather had been quite exhilarating. It rain- ed during the night, but in the morning, though the high wind continued, we enjoyed the fairest and most pleasant weather we had had since our arrival ; the sun shining at intervals, with only three showers in the course of the day. By sunset we had comple- ted our fortification ; and we now announced to the Indians that every day at that hour the gates would be closed, when they must leave the place, and not enter it till sunrise. The Wahkiacums, who had remained with us, and who were very forward in their deportment, complied very reluctantly with this order; and, being excluded from our houses, formed a camp near us. "December 31. As if it were impossible to have twenty-four hours of pleasant weather, the sky last evening clouded, and the rain began and continued through the day. In the morning there came down two canoes, one from the Wahkiacum village, and the other contained three men and a squaw of the VISIT FROM THE WAHKIACUMS. 117 Skilloot nation. They brought wappatoo and shana- taque roots, dried fish, mats made of flags and rush- es, dressed elkskins, and tobacco, for which, particu- larly the skins, they asked a very extravagant price. VVe purchased some wappatoo and a little tobac- co, very much like that we had seen among the Shoshouees, put up in small, neat bags made of rush- es. These we obtained in exchange for a few arti- cles, among which fish-hooks were the most esteem- ed. One of the Skilloots brought a gun which want- ed some repair, and, having put it in order, we re- ceived from him a present of about a peck of wap- patoo ; we then gave him a piece of sheepskin and blue cloth to cover the lock, and he very thankfully offered a farther present of roots. There is, in fact, an obvious superiority in these Skilloots over the Wahkiacums, who are intrusive, thievish, and im- pertinent. Our new regulations, however, and the appearance of the sentinel, have improved the beha-. viour of all our Indian visiters. They left the fort before sunset, even without being ordered. " Besides the fleas, we observed a number of oth- er insects in motion. Snakes were yet to be seen ; and snails without covers were common." * * * "January 1, 1806. We were awaked at an early hour by the discharge of a volley of small arms, to salute the new year. This was the only mode of commemorating the day which our situation permit- ted ; for, though we had reason to be gayer than we were at Christmas, our only dainties were boiled elk and wappatoo, enlivened by draughts of pure water. We were visited by a few Clatsops, who came by water, bringing roots and berries for sale. Among this nation we observed a man about twenty-five years old, of a much lighter complexion than the In- dians generally : his face was even freckled, and his hair long, and of a colour inclining to red. He was in habits and manners perfectly Indian ; but, though he did not speak a word of English, he seemed to 118 LEWIS AND Clarke's exi'edition. understand more than the others of hi - party; and, as we could obtain no account of his origin, we con- cluded that one of his parents, at least, must have been white." * * * " January 2. The hunters brought in two elk, and we obtained from the traps another. This animal, as well as the beaver and the raccoon, are in plenty near the seacoast, and along the small creeks and rivers as high as the Grand Rapids, and in this coun try have an extremely good fur. " The birds most common were the large as well as the small or whistling swan, the sandhill crane, the large and small goose, cormorants, brown and white brant, mallard, and the canvass-back, with sev- eral other species of ducks. There were also a small crow, the blue-crested corvus, and the smaller corvus with a white breast, the little* brown wren, a large brown sparrow, the bald eagle, and the beauti- ful buzzard of the Columbia. All these birds con- tinued with us, though they were not in such num- bers as on our first arrival in this neighbourhood. " January 3. At eleven o'clock we were visited by our neighbour the tia, or chief Comowool, who was also called Coone, with six Clatsops. Besides roots and berries, they brought for sale three dogs and some fresh blubber. Having been so long ac- customed to the flesh of dogs, the greater part of us had acquired a fondness for it ; and our original aversion for it was overcome by reflecting that, while we subsisted on that food, we were fatter, stronger, and, in general, enjoyed better health than at any period since leaving the buffalo country east- ward of the mountains. The blubber, which is es- teemed by the Indians an excellent food, had been obtained, they told us, from their neighbours the Killamucks, a nation who live on the seacoast to the southeast, and near one of whose villages a whale had recently been thrown and foundered." * * * On the 5th, two of the men who had been sent to IMPORTANCE OF THE WHALE. US make salt returned to the encampment with about a gallon of that article, which proved to be of good quality, and furnished a very grateful addition to their food. They also brought some blubber of the whale, which had been obtained by the Indians from one of those fish that had floated ashore. " The ap- pearance of this whale," says the narrative, " seem- ed to be a matter of importance to all the neigh- bouring Indians ; and as we might be able to pro- cure some of it for ourselves, or at least purchase blubber from the Indians, a small parcel of merchan- dise was prepared, and a party of the men got m readiness to set out in the morning. As soon as this was made known, Chaboneau and his wife re- quested that they might be permitted to accompany ihe party. The poor woman stated very earnestly ihat she had travelled a long way with us to behold the great water, yet she had never been down to the coast ; and, now that this monstrous fish was also to be seen, it seemed hard that she should not be permitted to see either the ocean or the whale. So reasonable a request could not be denied ; they were therefore suffered to go with Captain Clarke. " January 6. After an early breakfast, he set out with twelve men in two canoes. He proceeded down the Netul into Meriwether Bay, mtendmg to go to the Clatsop town, and there procure a guide through the creeks, which there was reason to be- lieve communicated not only with the bay, but with H small river running towards the sea, near which our salt-makers were encamped." A high wind springing up, however, from the northwest, and obli ging them to put into a small creek, he determined 10 attempt the passage without any guide. After proceeding up this creek three miles, they left their canoes, and followed an Indian path for some dis- tance, when, arriving at the creek they had formerly passed on a raft, they crossed it, and, having killed an elk for their supper, encamped for the night. II.— K 120 LE^VIS AND CLJ^RKE'S EXPEDITION. CHAPTER VI. Captain Clarke continues his Route in Quest of the Whale.— Passes Clatsop River. — Perilous Nature of the Journey.— Grandeur of the Scenery. — Indian Mode of extracting Whab oil. — The Life of one of Captain Clarke's Party preserved hy the Kindness of an Indian Woman. — Short Account of the Chinnooks, Clatsops, Killamucks, and Lucktons. — Manner oi Sepulture among the Chinnooks, Clatsops, &c. — Their Weap- ons of War and Hunting. — Their Mode of building Houses.— Their Manufactures and Cookery. — Their Canoes. — Greet Dexterity in managing them. They started again early the next morning, ana after encountering some difficulties, came to the seashore, which they followed for five miles, when they reached the encampment of their salt-makers. " Here," proceeds the narrative, " we persuaded a young Indian, by the present of a file and a promise of some other articles, to guide us to the spot where the whale lay. He led us for two and a half miles over round slippery stones at the foot of a high hill projecting into the sea, and then suddenly stopping, and uttering the word peshack, or bad, explained by signs that we could no longer follow the coast, but must cross the mountain. This promised to be a most laborious undertaking, for the side was nearly perpendicular, and the top lost in clouds. He, how- ever, followed an Indian path, which wound about as much as possible, but still the ascent was so steep that at one place we drew ourselves up for about a hundred feet by means of bushes and roots. At length, after two hours' labour, we reached the top of the mountain, whence we looked down with astonishment on the prodigious height of ten oi twelve hundred feet which we had ascendc*!. Im- mediately below us, in the face of this pjecipice, MAGNIFICENT PROSPECT. 121 was a stratum of white earth, used, as our guide in- formed us, an a paint by the neighbouring Indians. It obvrously contains argil, and resembles the earth of which the French porcelain is made ; but wheth- er it contams either silex or magnesia, or, if so, in what proportions, we could not determine. We were here met by fourteen Indians with oil and blubber, the spoils of the whale, which they were carrying in very heavy loads over this rough mount- ain. On leaving them, we proceeded over a bad road till night, when we encamped on a small run : we were all much fatigued, but the weather was pleasant, and, for the first time since our arrival here, an entire day had heen passed without rain. "January 8. We set out early, and proceeded along the top of the mountain, the highest point of which is an open spot facing the ocean. It is situa- ted about thirty miles southeast of Cape Disappoint- ment, and projects nearly two and a half miles into the soa. Here one of the most delightful views in nature presented itself. Immediately in front was the ocean, breaking with fury on the coast, from the rocks of Cape Disappointment as far as the eye could discern to the northwest, and against the high lands and irregular piles of rock which diversify the shore to the southeast. To this boisterous scene, the Columbia, with its tributary waters, widening into bays as it approaches the ocean, and studded on both sides with the Chinnook and Clatsop villages, formed a charming contrast ; while immediately be- neath our feet were stretched rich prairies, enliven- ed by three beautiful streams, which conducted the eye to small lakes at the foot of the hills. We stopped to enjoy the romantic prospect from this place, which we distinguished by the name of Clarke's Point of View, and then followed our guide down the mountain. The descent was steep and dangerous : in many places the hillsides, which are formed principally of yellow clay, had been washed 122 LEWIS ANt CLARKE S EXPEDITION. by the late rains, and were now slipping into the sea in large masses of from fifty to a hundred acres. In other parts the path crossed the rugged perpendicular rocks which overhang the sea, into which a single false step would have precipitated us. This mountain is covered with a very thick growth of timber, chiefly pine and fir; some of which, near Clarke's Point of View, perfectly sound and solid, rose to the height of two hundred and ten feet, and were from eight to twelve in diameter. Intermixed is the white cedar, or arhor vitcB, and a small quanti- ty of black alder, two or three feet thick, and sixty or seventy in height. At length we reached a single house, the remains of an old Killamuck village, sit- uated among some rocks, in a bay immediately on the coast. We then continued for two miles along the sand beach, and after crossing a creek eighty yards in width, near which were five cabins, reached the place where the waves had thrown the whale on shore. The animal had been landed between two Killamuck villages ; and such had been the industry of the natives, that there now remained nothing more than the skeleton, which we found to be one hundred and five feet in length. Captain Clarke then returned to the village of five huts on the creek, to which he gave the name of Ecola, or "Whale Creek. The Indians were all busied in boiling the blubber in a large, square trough of wood, by means of heated stones, and preserving the oil thus extract- ed in bladders and the entrails of the whale. The refuse of the blubber, which still contained a portion of oil, was hung up in large flitches, and when want- ed for use is warmed on a wooden spit before the fire, and eaten either alone or dipped in oil, or with the roots of the rush and shanataque. The Killa- mucks, though they had great quantities of it, parted with it reluctantly, and at such high prices that our whole stock of merchandise was exhausted in the purchase of about three hundred pounds of blubber THE KILLAMUCKS. 123 and a few gallons of oil. With this we set out to return; and, having crossed Ecola Creek, encamped on its bank, where there was abundance of fine tim- ber. We were soon joined by the men of the vil- lage, with whom we smoked, and who gave us all the information they possessed relative to their country. " These Killamucks are part of a much larger na- tion of the same name, and reside chiefly in four villages, each at the entrance of a different creek, and all falling into a bay on the southwest coast ; that at which we now were being the most northern, and at the distance of about forty-five miles south- east of Point Adams. The rest of the nation are scattered along the coast, and on the banks of a riv- er, which, as it was marked in their delineations, we called Killamuck's River, emptying itself in the same direction. During the salmon season they catch great quantities of that fish in the small creeks, and when these fail, their chief resource is the sturgeon and other fish stranded along the coast. The elk are very numerous in the mountains, but they cannot procure many of them with their arrows ; and their principal communication with strangers is by means of the Killamuck River, up which they pass to the Shocatilcum, or Columbia, to trade for wappatoo roots^ In their dress, appearance, and, indeed, eve- rything else, they differ very little from the Chin- nooks, Clatsops, and other nations in the neighbour- hood : the chief difference we have observed is in their manner of burying the dead, the bodies being deposited in an oblong box of plank, which is placed in an open canoe, lying on the ground, with a pad- dle and other small articles of the deceased by his side. " While smoking with the Indians, Captain Clarke was startled about ten o'clock by a loud, shrill cry from the opposite village, on hearing which all the natives immediately started up to cross the creek. 124 LEWIS AND CLARKE*S EXPEDITION. and the guide informed him that some one had been killed. On examination, one of our men was dis- covered to be absent, and a guard was despatched, who met him crossing the creek in great haste. An Indian belonging to another band, and who happen- ed to be with the Killamucks that evening, had treat- ed him with much kindness, and walked arm in arm with him to a tent, where our man found a Chin- nook squaw who was an old acquaintance. From the conversation and manner of the stranger, this woman discovered that his object was to murdei the white man for the sake of the few articles on his person ; and when he rose and pressed our man to go to another tent, where they would find some- thing better to eat, she held M'Neal by the blanket. Not knowing her object, he freed himself from her, and was going on with his pretended friend, when she ran out and gave a shriek which brought the men of the village over, and the stranger ran off before M'Neal knew what had occasioned the alarm. " January 9. The morning was fine, the wind from the northeast. Having divided our stock of blubber, we began at sunrise to retrace our steps, in order to reach Fort Clatsop, at the distance of thirty-five miles. We met several parties of Indians on their way to trade for blubber and oil with the Killamucks (our route lay across the same mountains which we had already passed) : we also overtook a party returning from the village, and could not but regard with astonishment the heavy loads which the women carry along these fatiguing and dangerous paths. As one of them was descending a steep part of the mountain, her load slipped from her back, and she stood holding it by a strap with one hand, and with the other supporting herself by a bush : Cap- tain Clarke being near her, undertook to replace the load, and found it almost as much as he could lift, and above one hundred pounds in weight. Loaded as they were, they kept pace with us till we reached THE CATHLAMAIIS. 125 he salt-makers' tents, where we passed the night, .vhile they continued their route." The party the next day proceeded to the point .vhere they had left their canoes, and reached the encampment late in the evening. " This morning," proceeds the Journal (January 10), " there came to the fort twelve Indians in a large canoe : they were of the Cathlamah nation, our nearest neighbours above, on the south side of the river. Their tia or chief, whose name was Shahawacap, having been absent on a hunting excursion as we passed his vil- la-ffe, had never yet seen us, and we therefore show- ecfhim all the honours which our reduced finances would permit. We invested him with a small med- al, and received a present of Indian tobacco and a basket of wappatoo in return, for which we gave him a small piece of our tobacco and thread for a fishing- net. They had brought dried salmon, wappatoo, dogs, and mats made of rushes and flags ; but we purchased only some dogs and wappatoo. These Cathlamahs speak the same language as the Chin- nooks and Clatsops, whom they also resemble in dress and manners." Their Indian canoe drifted away during the night, and, although they made diligent search for her, the men sent out were unable to find her. "January 12. Our meat," continues the Journal, " was now becoming scarce, and we therefore deter- mined to jerk it, and issue it in small quantities, in- stead of dividing it among the four messes, and leav- ing to each the care of its own provisions : a plan by which much was lost, in consequence of the im- providence of the men. Two hunters had been de- spatched in the morning, and one of them, Drewyer, had before evening killed seven elk. We should, in- deed, have been scarcely able to subsist but for the exertions of this excellent hunter. The game was scarce, and nothing was now to be seen except elk, which almost all the men found it very difficult to 126 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. shoot ; but Drewyer, who was the son of a Cana- dian Frenchman and an Indian woman, had passed his hfe in the woods, and united, in a wonderful de- gree, the dexterous aim of the frontier huntsman with the intuitive sagacity of the Indian in pursuing the faintest tracks through the forest. All our men, however, had become so expert with the rifle, that we were never under serious apprehensions as t3 food, since, whenever there was game of any kind, we were almost certain of procuring it." * * * " .Tanuary 13. From all that we had seen and learn- ed of the Chinnooks, we were induced to estimate the nation at about twenty-eight houses and four hundred souls. They reside chiefly along the banks of a river, to which we gave the same name ; and which, running parallel to the seacoast, waters a low country with many stagnant ponds, and then empties itself into Haley's Bay. The wild- fowl of these ponds, and the elk and deer of the neighbour- hood, furnish them with occasional luxuries ; but their chief subsistence is derived from the salmon and other fish which are caught in the small streams by means of nets and gigs, or thrown on shore by the violence of the tide. To these are added some roots, such as the wild liquorice, which is the most common, the shanataque, and the wappatoo, brought down the river by the traders. •' The men are low in stature, rather ugly, and ill made ; their legs being small and crooked, their feet large, and their heads, like those of the women, flat tened in a most disgusting manner. These deform- ities are in part concealed by robes made of sea-ot- ter, deer, elk, beaver or fox skins. They also em- ploy in their dress robes of the skin of a cat pecu- liar to this country, and of another animal of the same size, which is light and durable, and sold at a high price by the Indians who bring it from above. In addition to these are worn blankets, wrappers of red, blue, or spotted cloth, and some old sailors' THE CHINNOOKS. 127 clothes, which are very highly prized. The greater part of the men have guns, with powder and ball. " The women have in general handsome faces, but are low and disproportioned, with small feet and large legs, occasioned, probably, by strands of beads, or various strings, drawn so tight above the ankles as to prevent the circulation of the blood. Their dress, like that of the Wahkiacums, consists of a short robe and a tissue of cedar bark. Their hair hangs loosely down the shoulders and back ; and their ears, neck, and wrists are ornamented with blue beads. Another decoration, which is very high- ly prized, consists of figures made by puncturing the arms or legs ; and on the arms of one of the squavvs we observed the name of J. Bowman, executed in the same way. In language, habits, and in almost every other particular, they resemble the Clatsops, Cathlamahs, and, indeed, all the people near the mouth of the Columbia, though they appeared to be inferior to their neighbours in honesty as well as spirit. No ill treatment or indignity on our part seemed to excite any feeling except fear : nor, al- though better provided than their neighbours with arms, have they enterprise enough either to use them advantageously against the animals of the forest, or offensively against the tribes near them, who owe their safety more to the timidity than the forbearance of the Chinnooks. We had heard instances of pil- fering while we were among them, and therefore gave a general order excluding them from our en- campment, so that whenever an Indian wished to visit us, he began by calling out ' No Chinnook.' It is not improbable that this first impression may have left a prejudice against them, since, when we were among the Clatsops and other tribes at the mouth of the Columbia, they had less opportunity of stealing, if they were so disposed." The next day they were so fortunate as to recov- er their missing canoe, and took precautions to pre- II.— L 128 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION. vent any future accident of the kind. The Journal proceeds to give a more particular account of the Clatsops and Killamucks, from such knowledge as could be obtained in relation to them, either from the Indians or by personal observation. * * * " The first nation to the south are the Clat- sops, who reside on the southern side of the bay and along the seacoast, on both sides of Point Ad- ams. They were represented as the remains of a much larger nation ; but about four years ago, a dis- order, to which till then they were strangers, but which seems, from their description, to have been the smallpox, destroyed four chiefs and several hundred of the nation. These were deposited in canoes, a few miles below us in the bay, and the survivers do not number more than fourteen houses and about two hundred souls. Next to them, along the southeast coast, is a much larger nation, the Killamucks, who number fifty houses and a thou- sand souls. Their first establishment consists of the four huts at the mouth of Ecola Creek, thirty-five miles from Point Adams, and two miles below are a few more huts ; but the principal town is situated twenty miles lower, at the entrance of a creek called Nielee, into the bay which we designated by the name of Killamuck Bay. Into the same bay emp- ties a second creek, five miles farther, where is a Killamuck village called Kilherhurst ; at two miles a third creek, and a town called Kilherner ; and at the same distance a town called Chishuck, at the mouth of Killamuck River. Towerquotton and Chucklin are the names of two other towns, situa- ted on creeks which empty into the bottom of the bay, the last of which is seventy miles from Point Adams. The Killamuck River is about one hundred yards wide, and very rapid, but, having no perpen- dicular fall, is the great avenue for trade. There are two small villages of Killamucks settled above its mouth, and the whole trading part of the tribe SINGULAR MODE OF DEPOSITING THE DEAD. 129 ascend it, till by a short portage they carry their canoes over to the Columbian Valley, and descend the Multnomah to Wappatoo Island. Here they purchase roots, which they carry down the Chocka- lilum or Columbia ; and, after trafficking with the tribes on its banks for the various articles which they require, either return up the Columbia, or cross over through the country of the Clatsops. This trade, however, is obviously little more than a loose and irregular barter, on a very small scale ; for the materials for commerce are so extremely scanty and precarious, that the stranding of a whale is an im- portant commercial incident, which interests all the adjoining country. The Killamucks have little that is pecuhar, either in character or manners, and re- semble in almost every particular the Clatsops and Chinnooks."* * * * ^ " The Chinnooks, Clatsops, and most of the ad- joining nations deposite their dead in canoes. For this purpose a scaffold is erected, by fixing perpen- dicularly in the ground four long pieces of split tim- ber. These are placed two by two, just wide enough apart to admit the canoe, and sufficiently long to support its two extremities. The boards are con- nected by a bar of wood run through them at the height of six feet, on which is placed a small canoe, containing the body of the deceased carefully wrap- ped in a robe of dressed skins, with a paddle and other articles that had belonged to him by his side. Over this canoe is placed one of a larger size, re- versed, with its gunwale resting on the crossbars, so as to cover the body completely. One or more large mats of rushes or flags are then rolled round both the canoes, and the whole is secured by cords usually made of the bark of the white cedar. On these crossbars are hung different articles of cloth- ♦ Farther details in regard to the names, residence, numbers, fee of the different tribes along the coast, on both sides of the Columbia, will be found in the Append a. 130 LEWIS AJND Clarke's expedition. 'ng, or culinary utensils. The method practised by ?Jie Killamucks differs somewhat from this, the body being deposited in an oblong box of plank, which, with the paddle and other articles, is placed m a canoe resting on the ground. With the reli- gious opinions of these people we became but little acquainted, since we understood their language too imperfectly to converse on a subject so abstruse*, but it is obvious, from the different articles which they place by their dead, that they believe in a fu- ture state of existence." * * * " The implements used in hunting by the Clatsops, Chinnooks, and other neighbouring na- tions, are the gun, bow and arrow, deadfall, pits, snares, and spears or gigs. The guns are generally old American or British muskets, repaired for this trade ; and, although there are some good pieces among them, they are constantly out of order, as the Indians have not been sufficiently accustomed to arms to understand the management of them. Their powder is kept in the small japanned tin flasks in which the traders sell it ; and when ball or shot fails them, they make use of gravel, or pieces of metal from their pots, without being sensible of the injury done to their guns. These arms are reserved for hunting elk, and the few deer and bear in the neigh- bourhood ; but, as they have no rifles, they are not very successful hunters. The most common weap- on is the bow and arrow, with which every man is provided, even though he may carry a gun, and which is used in every kind of hunting. The bow is extremely neat, and, being very thin and flat, pos- sesses great elasticity. It is made of the heart of the white cedar, about two feet and a half in length, and two inches wide in the centre, whence it tapers to the width of half an inch at the extremities ; and the back is covered with the sinews of elk, fastened on by means of a glue made from the sturgeon. The string is formed of the same sinews. The arrow WEAPONS OF CLATSOPS AND CIIINNOOKS. 131 generally consists of two parts : the first is about twenty inches long, and formed of light white pine, with the feather at one end, and at the other a cir- cular hole, which receives the second part, formed of some harder wood, about five inches long, and secured in its place by means of sinews. The barb is either of stone, or of iron or copper ; and when of the latter, the angle is more obtuse than any we have seen. If, as sometimes happens, the arrow is formed of a single piece, the whole is of a firmer and heavier wood ; but the kind just described is preferred, since much of the game consisting of wild- fowl on the ponds, it is desirable that their arrows should be of a material to float when they fall into the water. These arrows are kept in a quiver made of elk or young bear skin, opening, not at the ends, like the common quivers, but at the sides, which for those who hunt in canoes is much more convenient. These weapons are not very powerful, however, for many of the elk we killed had been wounded with them ; and although the barb, with the small end of the arrow, remained, the flesh had closed, and the animal suffered no permanent injury. The deadfalls and snares are used in taking the wolf, raccoon, and fox, of which there are, however, but few in this country. The spear or gig employed in the pursuit of the sea-otter (which they call spuck), the common otter, and beaver, consists of two points of barbs, and is like those already described as common among the Indians on the upper part of the Colum bia. The pits are chiefly for the elk, and are there fore usually large cubes, twelve or fourteen feet in depth, and are made by the side of a fallen tree lying across some path frequented by the animal. They are covered with slender boughs and moss, and the elk either sinks into the pit as he approaches the tree, or in leaping over the tree falls into it on the other side." * * * " In fishing, the CJ^tsops, Chinnooks, and other 132 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. nations near this place employ the common straight net, the scoop or dip net with a long handle, the gig, and the hook and line. The first is of different lengths and depths, and is employed in taking salm- on, charr, and trout in the deep inlets among the marshy grounds and at the mouths of deep creeks. The scoop-net is used^or small fish in the spring and summer season ; and in both kinds the net is formed of silk-grass, or of the bark of white cedar. The gig is employed at all seasons, and for all kinds of fish they can take with it ; so, too, is the hook and line, the latter being made of the same material as the net, and their hooks being generally brought by the traders ; though, before the whites came, they made their hooks out of two small pie- ces of bone, resembling the European hook, but with a much more acute angle where the two pieces were joined." * * * " The houses in this neighbourhood are all large wooden buildings, varying in length from twenty to sixty feet, and from fourteen to twenty in width. They are constructed in the following manner : two or more posts of split timber, according to the num- ber of partitions, are sunk in the ground, above which they rise to the height of from fourteen to eighteen feet. They are hollowed at the top so as to receive the ends of a round beam or pole stretch- ing from one to the other, and forming the upper point of the roof for the whole extent of the build- ing. On each side of this range is placed another, which forms the eaves of the house, and is about five feet high ; but as the building is often sunk to the depth of four or five feet, the eaves come very near the surface of the earth. Smaller pieces of timber are now extended by pairs, in the form of rafters, from the lower to the upper beam, where they are attached at both ends with cords of cedar bark. On these rafters two or three ranges of small poles are placed horizontallv, and secured in the DESCRIPTION OF THE CLATSOP HOUSES. 133 same way with strings of cedar bark. The sides are now formed with a range of wide boards, sunk a small distance into the ground, with the upper ends projecting above the poles at the eaves, to which they are secured by a beam running along out- side parallel with the eave-poles, and tied by cords of cedar bark passing through holes made in the boards at certain distances. The gable ends and partitions are formed in the same way, being fasten- ed by beams on the outside parallel to the rafters. The roof is then covered with a double range of thin boards, except an aperture of two or three feet in the centre for the smoke to pass through. The entrance is by a small hole cut out of the boards, and just large enough to admit the body. Only the very largest houses are divided by partitions ; for, though three or more families reside in the same room, there is quite space enough for all of them. In the centre of each room is a space six or eight feet square, sunk to the depth of twelve inches be- low the rest of the floor, and enclosed by four pie- ces of square timber. Here they make the fire, for which pine bark is generally preferred. Around this fireplace mats are spread, which serve as seats during the day, and very frequently as beds at night ; there is, however, a more permanent bed, made by fixing in two, or sometimes three sides of the room, posts reaching from the roof down to the ground, and at the distance of four feet from the wall. From these posts to the wall itself one or two ranges of boards are placed, so as to form shelves, on which they either sleep, or stow their various articles of merchandise. The uncured fish is hung in the smoke of their fires, as is also the flesh of the elk, when they are fortunate enough to procure any, which is but rarely the case." * * * "The hats of the Clatsops are made of ce- dar and bear-grass, interwoven together in the form of a European hat, with a small brim of about two 134 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. inches, and a high crown widening upward. They are light, ornamented with various colours and fig- ures, and, being nearly water-proof, are much more durable than either chip or straw hats. These hats form a small article of traffic with the whites, and the manufacture is one of the best specimens of In- dian industry. They are, however, very dexterous in making a variety of domestic utensils, among which are bowls, spoons, skewers, spits, and bas- kets. The bowl or trough is of different shapes, round, semicircular, in the form of a canoe, or cu- bic, and generally dug out of a single piece of wood, the larger vessels having holes in the sides by way of handle, and all being executed with great neat- ness. In these vessels they boil their food by throw- ing hot stones into the water, and extract oil from different animals in the same way. Spoons are not very abundant, nor is there anything remarkable in their shape, except that they are large, with the bowl broad. Meat is roasted on one end of a sharp skewer, placed erect before the fire, with the other fixed in the ground. The spit for fish is split at the top into two parts, between which the fish is placed, cut open, and its sides extended by means of small splinters. The usual plate is a small mat of rushes or flags, on which everything is served. The in- strument with which they dig up roots is a strong stick, about three feet and a half long, sharpened and a little curved at the lower end, while the upper is inserted into a handle, standing transversely, and made of part of an elk or buck's horn. But the most curious workmanship is that of.the basket. It is formed of cedar bark and bear-grass, so closely interwoven that it is water-tight, without the aid ei- ther of gum or resin. The form is generally conic, or, rather, that of the segment of a cone, of which the smaller end is the bottom of the basket ; and being made of all sizes, from that of the smallest cup to the capacity of five or six gallons, they an- INDIAN CANOES. 135 .jwer the double purpose of a covering for the head and to contain water. Some of them are highly or- namented with strands of bear-grass, woven into figures of various colours, which require great la- bour ; yet they are made very expeditiously, and sold for a trifle. It is for the construction of these baskets that the bear-grass forms an article of con- siderable traffic. It grows only near the snowy re- gion of the high mountains, and the blade, which is two feet long, and about three eighths of an inch wide, is smooth, strong, and pliant ; the young blades particularly, from their not being exposed to the sun and air, have an appearance of great neatness, and are generally preferred. Other baskets, and also bags, not water-proof, are made of cedar bark, silk- grass, rushes, flags, and common coarse sedge, for the use of families. In the manufactures, as well as ill the ordinary work of the house, the instrument most in use is a knife, or rather dagger. The han- dle of it is small, and has a strong loop of twine for the thumb, to prevent its being wrested from the hand. At each end is a blade, double edged and pointed ; the longer from nine to ten inches, the shorter from four to five. This knife is carried about habitually in the hand, sometimes exposed, but mostly under the robe." « # * u 'pi-jg industry of the Indians is not con- fined to household articles : the greatest eff'ort of their skill is in the construction of their canoes. In a country, indeed, where so much of the intercourse between the different tribes is carried on by water, their ingenuity would naturally be directed to the improvement of their canoes, which would gradual- ly advance from a mere safe conveyance to some- thing tasteful and elegant. We have, accordingly, seen canoes of various forms, from the simple boats near the mountains, to the highly-decorated ones, because more used, near the mouth of the Colum- bia. Below the Grand Cataract there are four kinds J 36 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. of canoes. The first and smallest is about fifteen feet long, and calculated for one or two persons : it is, indeed, by no means remarkable in its structure, and is chiefly employed by the Cathlamahs and Wahkiacums among the marshy islands. The sec- ond is from twenty to thirty-five feet long, about two and a half or three feet in the beam, and two feet in the hold. It is chiefly remarkable in having the bowsprit, which rises to some height above the bow, formed by tapering graduallly from the sides into a sharp point. Canoes of this shape are com- mon to all the nations below the Grand Rapids. " But the canoes most used by the Columbia In- dians, from the Chilluckittequaws inclusive to the ocean, are from thirty to thirty-five feet long. The bow, which looks more like the stern of our boats, is higher than the other end, and is ornamented with a sort of comb, an inch in thickness, cut out of the same log which forms the canoe, and extending from nine to eleven inches from the bowsprit to the bot- tom of the boat. The stern is neatly rounded off, and gradually ascends to a point. This canoe is very light and convenient ; for, though it will con- tain ten or twelve persons, it may be carried with great ease by four. " The fourth and largest kind of canoe we did not meet till we reached tide-water, near the Grand Rapids below, where they are found among all the nations, especially the Killamucks and others resi- ding on the seacoast. They are upward of fifty feet long, and will carry from eight to ten thousand pounds' weight, or from twenty to thirty persons. Like all the canoes we have mentioned, they are cut out of a single trunk of a tree, which is generally white cedar, though the fir is sometimes used. The sides are secured by cross-bars or round sticks two or three inches in thickness, which are inserted through holes made just below the gunwale, and made fast with cords. The upper edge of the gun- MODE OF MANAGING THEIR CANOES. 137 wale itself is about five eighths of an inch thick and four or five in breadth, and folds outward, so as to form a kind of rim, which prevents the water from beating into the boat. The bow and stern are about the same height, and each provided with a comb, reaching to the bottom of the boat. At each enr* also are pedestals, formed of the same solid piece, on which are placed strange grotesque figures of men or animals, rising sometimes to the height of five feet, and composed of small pieces of wood, firmly united, with great ingenuity, by inlaying and mortising, without a spike of any kind. The paddle is usually from four feet and a half to five feet in length, the handle being thick for one third of its length, when it widens, and is hollowed and thinned on each side of the centre, which forms a sort of rib. When they embark, one Indian sits in the stern, and steers with a paddle, the others kneel in pairs in the bottom of the canoe, and, sitting on their heels, pad- dle over the gunwale next to them. In this way they ride with perfect safety the highest waves,and venture without the least concern in seas where other boats or seamen could not live an instant. They sit quietly, with no other movement but that required in paddling, except a large wave chances to throw the boat on her side, and to the eye of a spec- tator she seems lost, when the man to windward steadies her by throwing his body towards the up- per side, and sinking his paddle deep into the wave, appearing to catch the water and force it under the boat, while the same stroke pushes her on with great velocity. In the management of these ca- noes, the women are equally as expert as the men ; for in the smaller boats, which contain four oars- men, the helm is generally given to a female. As soon as they land, the canoe is generally drawn on shore, unless she is very heavily laden ; but at night the load is universally taken out, and the canoe hauled u*^ 138 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " Our admiration of their skill in these curious constructions was increased by observing the very inadequate implements which they use. These In- dians possess very few axes, and the only tool they employ, from felling the tree to the delicate work- manship of the images, is a chisel made of an old file, about an inch or an inch and a half in width. Even of this, too, they have not learned the proper management ; for the chisel is sometimes fixed in a large block of wood, and, being held in the right hand, the block is pushed with the left, without the aid of a mallet. But under all these disadvantages, their canoes, which one would suppose to be the work of years, are made in a few weeks. A canoe, however, is very highly prized, being in traffic an article of the greatest value except a wife, and of equal value with her ; so that a lover generally gives a canoe to the father in exchange for his daughter." Nothing special occurred from the 14th to the 20th. As they had a supply of salt, they used it in curing the meat brought in by the hunters ; and the season for their return being near at hand, they were busily employed in' preparing clothes, «fec., for the journey. PERSONS OF THE KILLAMUCKS, ETC. 139 CHAPTER VII. farther Account of the Clatsops, Killamucks, and Chinnooks i also of the Cathlamahs. — Their Custom of Flattening the Forehead, — Their Dress and Ornaments described. — Their Diseases. — The common Opmion that the Treatment of their Women is the Standard by which the Virtues of the Indians may be known, combated, and disproved by Examples. — The Respect entertained by these Indians for old Age, com- pared with the diflferent Conduct of those who subsist by the Chase. — Their Mode of Government. — Their Ignorance of ar- dent Spirits, and their Fondness for Gambling. — Their Dex- terity in Traffic. — In what Articles their Traffic consists. — Their extraordinary Fondness for blue Beads, which form their circulating Medium. " The Killamucks." continues the Journal, " and the Clatsops, Chinnooks, and Cathlamahs, the four neighbouring nations with whom we had most in- tercourse, have a general resemblance in person, dress, and manners. They are commonly of a di- minutive stature, badly shaped, and their appearance is by no means prepossessing. They have broad, thick, flat feet, thick ankles, and crooked legs ; the last of which deformities is to be ascribed, in part, as we have already observed, to the universal prac- tice of squatting, or sitting on the calves of their legs and on their heels, and also to the tight banda- ges of beads and strings worn round the ankles by the women, which prevent the circulation of the blood, and render the legs of the females, in particu- lar, ill shaped and swollen. The complexion is the usual copper-coloured brown of the North American tribes, though it is rather lighter than that of the In- dians on the Missouri and the frontiers of the Uni- ted States. The mouth is wide, and the lips are thick : the nose is of a moderate size, fleshy, wide 140 LEWIS AND CLARKE'S EXPEDITION. at the extremities, with large nostrils, and generally low between the eyes, though there are rare instan- ces of high aquiline noses ; the eyes are generally black, though we occasionally saw them of a dark yellowish-brown, with a black pupil. But the most distinguishing part of their physiognomy is the pe- culiar flatness and width of their forehead : a pecu- liarity which they owe to one of those customs by which nature is sacrificed to fantastic ideas of beau- ty. The practice, indeed, of flattening the head by artificial pressure during infancy, prevails among all the nations we have seen west of the Rocky Mount- ains ; whereas to the east of that barrier the fashion is so perfectly unknown, that there the western In- dians, with the exception of the Alliatan or Snake nation, are designated by the common name of Flat- heads. This singular usage, which it would scarce- ly seem possible that nature should suggest to re- mote nations, might perhaps inchne us to believe in the common and not very ancient origin of all the western tribes. Such an opinion would well accord with the fact that, while on the lower parts of the Columbia both sexes are universally flatheads, the custom diminishes in receding eastward from the common centre of the practice, till among the remo- ter tribes near the mountains nature recovers her rights, and the exhausted folly is confined to a few females. This opinion, however, is corrected or weakened by considering that the flattening of the head is not, in fact, peculiar to that part of the con- tinent, since it was among the first objects which struck the attention of Columbus. " But, wherever it may have begun, the practice is now universal among these nations. Soon after the birth of her child, the mother, anxious to procure for her infant the recommendation of a broad forehead, places it in the compressing machine, where it is kept for ten or twelve months, though the females remain longer than the boys. The operation is so DRESS OF THE KILLAMUCKS. 141 gradual that it is not attended with pain; but the impression is deep and permanent. The heads of the children, when they are released from the band- age, are not more than two inches thick about the upper edge of the forehead, and still thinner above ; nor, with all her efforts, can nature ever restore their proper shape, the heads of grown persons be- ing often in a straight line from the nose to the top of the forehead. " The hair of both sexes is parted at the top of the head, and thence falls loosely behind the ears, over the back and shoulders. They use combs, of which they are very fond ; but contrive, without the aid of them, to keep their hair in very good order. The dress of the men consists of a small robe, reach- ing to the middle of the thigh, tied by a string across the breast, with its corners hanging loosely over their arms. These robes are, in general, composed of the skins of a small animal which we supposed to be the brown mungo. They have, besides, those made of the tiger, cat, deer, panther, bear, and elk skin, which last is principally used in war parties. Sometimes they have a blanket, woven with the fin- gers from the wool of their native sheep. Occasion- ally a mat is thrown over them to keep off the rain ; but they have no article of clothing during winter or summer excepting this robe, so that every part of the body but the head and shoulders is exposed to view. They are very fond of the dress of the whites, whom they call pashisheooks, or clothmen ; and, whenever they can procure any of our clothes, wear them in our manner : the only article, indeed, used by the whites, which we have not seen among them, is the shoe. " The robe of the women is like that worn by the men, except that it does not reach below the waist. Those most esteemed are made of strips of sea- otter skin, which, being twisted, are interwoven with silk-grass or the bark of the white cedar in such a J 42 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. manner that the fur appears equally on both sides, so as to form a soft and warm covering. The skin of the raccoon or beaver is also employed in the same way ; though, on other occasions, these skins are simply dressed in the hair, and worn without farther preparation. The garment which covers the body from the waist as low as the knee before and the thigh behind, is the tissue already described, and is made either of the bruised bark of white cedar, twisted cords of silk-grass, or of flags and rushes. Neither leggins nor moccasins are ever used, the mildness of the climate not requiring them as a se- curity from the weather, and their being so much in the water rendering them an encumbrance. The only covering for the head is a hat made of bear- grass and the bark of cedar, interwoven in a conic form, with a knob of the same shape at the top. It has no brim, but is held on the head by a string pass- ing under the chin, and tied to a small rim inside of the hat. The colours are generally black and white only, and these are made into squares, triangles, and sometimes rude figures of canoes and seamen har- pooning whales. This is all the usual dress of the females ; but if the weather be unusually severe, they add a vest formed of skins like the robe, and tied behind, without any shoulder-straps to keep it up." * * * " Sometimes, though not often, they mark their skins by puncturing and introducing some coloured matter : this ornament is chiefly confined to the women, who thus imprint on their legs and arms circular or parallel dots. On the arm of one of the squaws, as has been before mentioned, we read the name of ' J. Bowman,' probably a trader who has visited the mouth of the Columbia. The favourite decoration, however, of both sexes, consists of the common coarse blue or white beads, which are fold- ed very tightly round their wrists and ankles, to the width of three or four inches, and worn in large loose CHARACTER OF THE KILLAMUCKS, ETC. 143 rolls round the neck, or as earrings, or hanging from the nose, which last mode is pecuUar to the men. There is also a species of wampum very much in use, which seems to be worn in its Jiatural form, without any preparation. It is in the shape of a cone, somewhat curved, about the size of a raven's quill at the base, and tapering to a point, its whole length being from one to two and a half inches, white, smooth, hard, and thin. A small thread is passed through it, and the wampum is either sus- pended from the nose, or passed through the carti- lage horizontally, forming a ring from which other ornaments hang. Wampum is employed in the same way as beads, but more especially as a deco- ration for the noses of the men, who also use col- lars made of bears' claws, while the women and children wear those of elk's tusks, and both sexes are adorned with bracelets of copper, iron, or brass, in various forms." * * * " The Clatsops, and other nations at the mouth of the Columbia, visited us with great freedom, and we endeavoured to cultivate their friendship, as well for the purposes of obtaining information, as to leave behind us impressions favourable to our country. Having acquired much of their language, we were enabled, with the aid of gestures, to hold conversa- tions with great ease. We found them inquisitive and loquacious, with understandings by no means deficient in acuteness, and with very retentive mem- ories ; and, though fond of feasts, and generally cheerful, they are never gay. Everything they ob- serve excites their attention and inquiry ; but, having been accustomed to see the whites, nothing appear- ed to astonish them more than the air-gun. To all our questions they answered with great intelligence, and the conversation rarely slackened, as there was a constant discussion of the events, trade, politics, &c., in the small but active circle of the Killa- mucks, Clatsops, Cathlamahs, Wahkiacums, and Chinnooks." * * * II.— M 144 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " The treatment of their women is often consid- ered as the standard by which the moral qualities of savages are to be estimated. Our own observa- tion, however, induced us to think that the condition of the female in savage life has no necessary rela- tion to the virtues of the men, but is regulated wholly by their capacity to be useful. The Indians who treat their females most mildly, and pay most def- erence to their opinions, are by no means the most distinguished for their virtues ; nor is this deference attended by any increase of attachment. On the other hand, the tribes among whom the women are very much debased, possess the loftiest sense of honour, the greatest liberality, and all the good qual- ities of which their situation demands the exercise. Where the women can aid in procuring food for the tribe, they are treated with more equality, and their importance is proportioned to the share which they cake in that labour ; while in countries where sub- sistence is chiefly procured by the exertions of the men, the women are considered and treated as bur- dens. Thus, among the Clatsops and Chinnooks, who live upon fish and roots, which the women are equally expert with the men in procuring, the former have a rank and influence very rarely found among Indians. Here the females are permitted to speak freely before the men, whom, indeed, they some- times address in a tone of authority. On many sub- jects their judgment and opinions are respected, and in matters of trade their advice is generally asked and followed. The labours of the family are shared almost equally. The men collect wood and attend to the fires, assist in cleaning the fish, make the houses, canoes, and wooden utensils ; and, whenever strangers are to be entertained, or a great feast pre- pared, the meats are cooked and served up by them. The peculiar province of the female is to gather roots, and to manufacture the various articles which are formed of rushes, flags, cedar bark, and bear- THEIR TREATMENT OF THE AGED. 145 grass ; but the management of the canoes, and many of the occupations, which elsewhere devolve wholly on the female, are here common to both sexes. " The observation in regard to the treatment of females applies with equal force to that of old men. Among tribes who subsist by hunting, the labours of the chase and the wandering existence to which that occupation condemns them, necessarily throw the burden of procuring provisions on the active young men. As soon, therefore, as a man is no^ longer able to pursue the chase, he begins to with- draw something from the precarious supplies of the tribe. Still, however, his counsels may compensate his want of activity ; but in the next stage of infirm- ity, when he can no longer travel from camp to camp, as the tribe roams about for food, he is found to be a heavy burden. In this situation the aged are abandoned among the Sioux, the Assiniboins, and the hunting tribes on the Missouri. As they are set- ting out for some new excursion, where the old man is unable to follow, his children or nearest connex- ions place before him a piece of meat and some wa- ter, and telling him that he has lived long enough, that it is now time for him to go home to his rela- tions, who can take better care of him than his friends on earth, leave him, without remorse, to per- ish when his little supply is exhausted. The same custom is said to prevail among the Minnetarees, A.hnahawas, and Ricaras, when they are encumber- ed by old men on their hunting excursions. Yet in their villages we saw no want of kindness to the aged : on the contrary, probably because in villages the means of more abundant subsistence renders such cruelty unnecessary, old people appeared to be treated with attention, and some of their feasts, par- ticularly the buffalo dances, are intended chiefly for the entertainment of the aged and infirm, " The dispositions of these people seem mild and inoffensive, and their behaviour to us was uniformly 146 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the most friendly. They are addicted to begging, and to pilfering small articles when it can be done without danger of detection, but do not rob wanton- ly, nor to any large amount : some of them having purloined some of the meat which our hunters had been obhged to leave in the woods, they voluntarily brought some dogs a few days after, by way of com- pensation. Our numbers, and great superiority in the use of firearms, enabled us always to command ; and such was the friendly deportment of these peo- ple, that the men were accustomed to treat them with the greatest confidence. It was therefore with difliculty that we could impress on our men a con- viction of the necessity of being always on our guard, since we were perfectly acquainted with the treach- erous character of Indians generally. We were al- ways prepared for an attack, and uniformly excluded all considerable parties of the natives from the fort. " Their large houses usually contain several fami- lies, consisting of the parents, their children, their sons and daughters-in-law, and grandchildren, among whom the provisions are all in common, and whose harmony is scarcely ever interrupted by disputes. Although polygamy is permitted by their customs, very few have more than a single wife ; and she is brought immediately after the marriage into the hus- band's family, where she resides until increasing numbers oblige them to seek another house. In this state the old man is not considered as the head of the family, since the active duties, as well as prin- cipal responsibiUty, fall on some of the younger members. As these families gradually expand into bands, tribes, or nations, the paternal authority is represented by the chief of each association. This chieftain, however, is not hereditary ; his ability to be of service to his tribe, and the popularity which follows it, being at once the foundation and measure of his authority, the exsrcise of which does not ex- tend beyond a reprimard for some improper action. THEIR PASSION FOR GAMBLING. 147 "The harmony of their private life is indeed se- cured by their ignorance of spirituous liquors, the earliest and most dreadful present which civilization has bestowed on the other natives of the Continent. Although they have had so much intercourse with the whites, they do not appear to possess any knowl- edge of those dangerous luxuries : at least, they never inquired of us after them, which they probably would have done if they had ever been introduced among them. Indeed, we did not observe any liquor of an intoxicating quality used among these or any Indians west of the Rocky Mountains, the universal beverage being pure water. They, however, some- times almost intoxicate themselves with tobacco, of which they are excessively fond ; and the pleasure of which they prolong as much as possible, by re- taining vast quantities of the smoke at a time, till, after circulating through the lungs and stomach, it issues in volumes from the mouth and nostrils. But the most inveterate vice of all these people is an at- tachment to g^mes of hazard, which they pursue with a strange and ruinous avidity. Their games are of two kinds. In the first, of which we have al- ready given some account, one of the company as- sumes the office of banker, and plays against the rest. He takes a small stone, about the size of a bean, which he shifts from one hand to the other with great dexterity, repeating, at the same time, a song adapted to the game, and which serves to divert the attention of the company, till, having agreed on the stake, he holds out his hands, and his antagonist wins or loses as he succeeds or fails in guessing in which hand the stone is. After the banker has lost his money, or whenever he is tired, the stone is transferred to another, who in turn challenges the company. The other play is something like that of ninepins : the two. pins are placed on the floor, at about the distance of a foot from each other, and a sm?.ll hole is made behind them. The players then 148 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. go about ten feet from the hole, into which they try to roll, between the pins, a small piece resembling the men used at draughts. If they succeed in get- ting it into the hole, they win the stake ; if the piece passes between the pins, but does not go into the hole, nothing is won or lost ; but the wager is whol- ly lost if the piece rolls outside of the pins. Entire days are wasted at these games, which are often continued through the night round the blaze of their fires, till the last article of clothing, and even the last blue bead, is won from the desperate adventurer. " In traffic they are acute and intelligent, display- ing a dexterity and finesse that would scarcely be expected. They begin by asking double or treble its value for their merchandise, and lower their de- mands in proportion to the ardour or indifference of the purchaser: and if he expresses any anxiety, the smallest article, even a handful of roots, will furnish a whole morning's negotiation. Being naturally suspicious, they, of course, conceive that you are pursuing the same system. They therefore invari- ably refuse the first offer, however high, fearful that they or the other party may have mistaken the value of the merchandise, and cautiously wait for a larger offer. In this way, after rejecting the most extrav- agant prices, which we had offered merely for ex- periment, they would afterward importune us for a tenth part of what they had before refused. In this respect they differ from almost all Indians, who will generally exchange, in a thoughtless moment, the most valuable article they possess for any bawble which happens to please their fancy. " These habits of cunning or prudence have been formed or increased by their being largely engaged in the traffic of the Columbia : of this trade, howev- er, the chief mart is at the Falls, where all the neigh- bouring nations assemble. The inhabitants of the plains on the Columbia, after having passed the win- ter near the mountains, come down as soon as the TRADE OF THE INDIANS. 149 snow has left the valleys, and are occupied in col- iecting and drying roots till about the month of May. They then crowd to the river, and, fixing themselves on its north side, to avoid the incursions of the Snake Indians, continue fishing till about the first of Sep- tember, when the salmon are no longer fit for use. Then they bury their fish, and return to the plains, where they remain gathering quamash till the snow obliges them to desist, when they come back to the Columbia, and, taking their store of fish, retire to the foot of the mountains and along the creeks which supply timber for their houses, and pass the winter in hunting deer or elk, which, with the aid of their fish, enables them to subsist till the spring, on the arrival of which they resume the same circle of em- ployments. During their residence on the rivers, from May to September, or, rather, before they begin the regular fishery, they go down to the Falls, car- rying with them skins, mats, silk-grass, rushes, and root-bread. They are here met by the Chopunnish and other tribes of the Rocky Mountains, who de- scend the Kooskooskee and Lewis Rivers for the purpose of selling bear-grass, horses, quamash^ and the few skins they may have obtained by hunting, or in exchange for horses with the Tushepaws. " At the Falls they find the Chilluckittequaws, Eneeshurs, Echeloots, and Skilloots, which last serve as intermediate traders or carriers between the in- habitants above and below the Falls. These tribes prepare pounded fish for market, and the nations be- low bring wappatoo roots, the fish of the seacoast, berries, and such trinkets and small articles as they have procured from the whites. " The trade then begins. The Chopunnish and other Indians of the Rocky Mountains exchange the articles which they have brought for ivappatoo, pounded fish, and beads. The Indians of the plains, being their own fishermen, take only wappatoo, hor- ses, beads, -j^nd ot^er articles procured from the Eu- 150 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ropeans. The Indians, however, from Lewis's River to the Falls, consume for food or fuel all the fish which they take ; so that the whole stock for sale is pre- pared by the nations between the Towahniahiooks and the Falls, and amounts, as nearly as we could estimate, to about thirty thousand pounds, chieflj salmon, beyond the quantity which they use them- selves, or barter with the more eastern Indians This is now carried down the river by the Indians at the Falls, and is consumed among the nations a\ the mouth of the Columbia, who, in return, give the fish of the seacoast, and the articles which they ob- tain from the whites. The neighbouring tribes catch large quantities of salmon and dry them, but they do not understand the art of drying and pound- ing it in the manner practised at the Falls, and, be- ing very fond of it, are forced to purchase it at high prices. This article, indeed, and the wappatoo., form the principal objects of trade with the people of our immediate vicinity. The traffic is wholly carried on by water; and there are not even any roads or paths through the country, except across the portages which connect the creeks. " But that which chiefly gives animation to this trade is the visits of the whites. They arrive gen- erally about the month of April, and either return in October, or remain till that time ; during which period, having no establishment on shore, they an- chor on the north side of the bay, at the place al- ready described, which is a spacious and commo- dious harbour, perfectly secure from all except the south and southeast winds; and, as they leave it be- fore winter, they do not suffer from these, which are the most usual and violent at that season. This situation is also recommended by its neighbourhood to fresh water, wood, and excellent timber for re< pairs. Here they are immediately visited by the tribes along the coast, by the Cathlamahs, and, last- ly, by the Skilloots, that numerous and active peo- PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF TRAFFIC. 151 pie who skirt the river between the marshy islands and the Grand Rapids, as well as the Coweliskee, and who carry down the fish prepared by their im- mediate neighbours, the Chilluckittequaws, Enee- shurs, and Echeeloots, residing from the Grand Rap- ids to the Falls, and also the articles which they have themselves procured in barter at the market in May. The principal articles of traffic now concen- trated at the mouth of the Columbia consist of dress- ed and undressed skins of the elk, sea-otter, com- mon otter, beaver, common fox, spuck, and tiger- cat; besides articles of less importance, as a small quantity of dried or pounded salmon, biscuit made of the chappelell root, and some of the manufac- tures of the neighbourhood. In return they receive guns (principally old British or American muskets), powder, ball and shot, copper and brass kettles, brass teakettles and coffee-pots, blankets, coarse scarlet and blue cloth, plates and strips of sheet copper and brass, large brass wire, knives, tobacco, fish-hooks, buttons, and a considerable quantity of sailors' hats, trowsers, coats, and shirts. But, as we have had occasion to remark more than once, the objects most desired are the common cheap blue or white beads, of from about fifty to seventy to the pennyweight, which are strung on strands a fathom long, and sold by the yard, or the length of both arms. Of these, blue beads, which are called tia commaskuck^ or chief beads, hold the first rank in their estimation ; the most inferior kind being more highly prized than the finest wampum, and off*ering a temptation so strong as to induce them to part with their most valuable eff'ects. Indeed, if the ex- ample of civilized life did not completely vindicate their predilection, we might wonder at their infatu- ated fondness for a bawble in itself so worthless. Yet these beads are perhaps quite as reasonable objects of passionate desire as the precious metals, since they are at once benutiful ornaments for the 15*^ LEWIS AND CLARKE S EXPEDITION. person, and furnish the chief medium of trade among the nations on the Columbia. ^. . .u " These strangers, who visit the Columbia for the purpose of trade or hunting, must be either English or Americans. The Indians informed us that they spoke the same language as we did ; and, indeed, the few words which they have learned from the sailors, such as musket, powder, shot, knife, file, heave the lead, and other phrases, sufficiently show this " * * * " The nations near the mouth of the Columbia en- ]oy ffreat tranquillity, none of them being engaged in war. Not long since, however, some of the tribes were at war on the coast to the southwest, in which the Killamucks took several prisoners. These, as far as we could perceive, were treated very kindly, and, though nominally slaves, they had been adopted into the families of their masters, the young ones being placed on the same footing with their children. " The month of February and the greater part ot March were passed much in the same manner. Every day, parties as large as we could spare from our other occupations were sent out to hunt, and we were thus enabled to command some days' provision in advance. This consisted chiefly of deer and elk meat : the first was very lean, and by no means as good as that of the elk, which, though it had been poor, was getting better : it was, indeed, our chiet de- pendance. At this season of the year the animals are in much better order in the prairies near the point, where they feed on grass and rushes, considerable quantities of which remain green, than in the woody country up the Netul. There they subsist on whor- tleberry bushes and fern, but chiefly on an evergreen called shallun, resembling the laurel, which abounds through all the timbered lands, particularly along the broken sides of hills. Towards the latter end ot February, however, they left the prairies near Point Adams, and reti -ed back to the hills ; but, fortunately, CLATSOP CHIEF, COMOWOOL. 153 at the same time the sturgeon and anchovies began to appear, and afforded us a delicious variety of food. The party on the seacoast continued to supply us with salt." * * * " The neighbouring tribes still visited us for the purpose of trading, or to smoke with us. On the 21st, a Chinnook chief, whom we had not before seen, came over with twenty-five of his men. His name was Taheum : a man about fifty years of age, of a larger stature and better carriage, than most of his nation. We received him with the usual cere- monies, gave the party something to eat, smoked very freely with them all, and presented the chief with a small medal. They seemed well satisfied with their treatment ; but, though we were willing to show the chief every civility, we could not dispense with our rule of not suffering a large number of stran- gers to sleep in the fort. They therefore left us at sunset. On the 24th, Comowool, who was by far the most friendly and decent savage we had seen in this neighbourhood, came with a large party of Clatsops, bringing, among other articles, sturgeon, and a small fish which had just begun to make its appearance in the Columbia." As the elk were now less plentiful, they subsisted on fish whenever they could take them, or their lim- ited means would procure them from the Indians. There were a considerable number of invalids in the party, the principal complaint being a sort of influ- enza, which they ascribed to the nature of the clh mate. 154 LEWIS AND CLARKE S EXPEDITION CHAPTER VIII. Difficulty of procuring tlie Means of Subsistence. — They deter- mine to start on their Journey to the Mountains. — They leave with the Indians a written Memorandum, giving an Account of their having penetrated to the Pacific by the way of the Missouri and Columbia, and across the Rocky Mountains. — The Party commence their Return, — Dexterity of the Cath- lamah Indians in Carving. — The Coweiiskee River. — Hospi- tality of the Natives. — Instance of the extreme Voracity of the Vulture. — The Party are visited by many strange Indians, all of whom are kind and hospitable.— Scarcity of Game, and Embarrassments on that Account.— Captain Clarke discovers a Tribe not seen in the Descent down the Columbia. — Partic- ular Deseription of the Multnomah Village and River. — Mount Jefferson. — Captain Clarke's Account of the Neerchokio Tribe, and of their Architecture.— Their Sufferings from Smallpox. " Many reasons," continues the Journal, " had de- termined us to remain at Fort Clatsop till the 1st of April. Besides the want of fuel in the plains on the Columbia, and the impracticability of passing the mountains before the beginning of June, we were anxious to see some of the foreign traders, from whom, by means of our ample letters of credit, we might recruit our exhausted stores of merchandise. About the middle of March, however, we became seriously alarmed for the want of food : the elk, our chief dependance, had at length deserted their usual haunts in our neighbourhood, and retreated to the mountains. We were too poor to purchase other food from tlie Indians, so that we were sometimes reduced, notwithstanding all the exertions of our hunters, to a single day's provision in advance. The men, too, whom the constant rains and confine- ment had rendered unhealthy, might, we hoped, be benefited by quitting the coast, and »'esuming the ex- PREPAEATIONS FOR THE HOMEWARD ROUTE. 155 ercise of travelling. We determined, therefore, to feaie Fort Clatsop, ascend the river slowly, spend he remainder of March in the woody country where we hoped to find subsistence, and in this way reaTh the plains about the first of April, before Sh tTme it Jould be fruitless to aUe-pt cmssing them ; and for this purpose we now began our prep- ^'''^Durincr the winter we had been very indu^rious in dressiirg skins, so that we had now a sufficien rmantitv of clothing, besides between three and four TndrS plirs of m'occasins. But the whole stock o crnnris on which WO wcre to depend, both lor me ZfcLTeoJhoTses and of food, during the long tour of nearly four thousand miles, was so miich diniin- ^shed that It might all be tied in two handkerchiefs We had, in fact? nothing but six blue robes, one of scarlet a coat and hat of the United States artillery uniform!five robes made of our large flag, and a few o d cloThes trimmed with riband. We therefore felt that our chief dependance must be on our guns which, fortunately, were all in good order, as we had ^ken the precaution of bringing a number of extra lock" and one of our men proved to be an excellent arUsrin tha way. The powder had been secured n faden canistJrs, and though on many occasions they had been under water, it had remained per- fectlv dry, and we now found ourselves in posses- sion of one hundred and forty pounds of POwder and twice that weight of lead, a stock quite sufficient for the route homeward. j j ;„ "After much trafficking, we at last succeeded in purchasing a canoe for a uniform coat and half a carrot of tobacco, and took another from the Clat- cons by way of reprisal for some elk which they ha^d sSen from us in the winter. We were now ready to leave, but the rain prevented us for several days from caulking the canoes, and we were forced to wait for calm weather before we could attempt 156 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. to pass Point William. In the mean time we were visited by many of our neighbours, for the purpose of taking leave of us= The Clatsop Comowool had been the most friendly and hospitable of all the Indians in this quarter : we therefore gave him a certificate of the kindness and attention which we had received from him, and added a more substan- tial proof of our gratitude — the gift of all our houses and furniture. To the Chinnook chief Delashelwilt we gave a certificate of the same kind ; and distrib- uted among the natives several papers (one of which we also posted up in the fort), to the following ef- fect : " The object of this is, that through the medium of some civilized person who may see the same, it may be made known to the world that the party, consisting of the persons whose names are hereunto annexed, and who were sent out by the government of the United States to explore the interior of the continent of North America, did cross the same by the way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, to the discharge of the latter into the Pacific Ocean, where they arrived on the 14th day of November, 1805, and departed the 23d day of March, 1806, on their return to the United States, by the same route by which they had come out.'* On the back of some of these * By a singular casualty this note fell into the possession of Captain Hill, who, while on the coast of the Pacific, procured it from the natives. This note was taken by him to Canton, from whence it was brought to the United States. The following is an extract of a letter from a gentleman at Canton to his friend in Philadelphia : Extract of a letter from to in Philadelphia. Canton, January, 1807. I wrote you last by the Governor Strong, Cleveland, for Bos- ton ; the present is by the brig Lydia, Hill, of the same place. Captain Hill, while on the coast, met some Indian natives near the mouth of the Columbia River, who delivered to him a paper, of which I enclose you a copy. It had been committed to their charge by Cap/ains Clarke and Lewis, who had penetrated THE PARTY COMMENCE THEIR RETURN. 157 papers we sketched the connexion of the upper branches of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, with our route, and the track which we intended to fol- low on our return." * * * " The rains and wind still confined us to the fort ; but at last our provisions were reduced to a single day's slock, and it became absolutely necessary to remove : we therefore sent a few hunters ahead, and stopped the rents in the boats as well as we could with mud. " March 23. The canoes were loaded, and at one o'clock in the afternoon we took a final leave of Fort Clatsop. The wind was still high, but we must have remained without provisions, and we hoped to be able to double Point William. We had scarcely left the fort, when we met Delashelwilt and a party of twenty Chinnooks, who, understanding that we had been trying to procure a canoe, had brought one for sale. Being, however, already supplied, we left them, and, after getting out of Meriwether's Bay, began to coast along the south side of the riv&r. We doubled Point William without any accident, and at six o'clock reached, at the distance of sixteen miles from Fort Clatsop, the mouth of a small creek, where we found our hunters." * * * Starting immediately after breakfast the next morning, at one o'clock they reached the Cathlamah village, opposite to the Seal Islands, and which has been already mentioned. " These people," says the Journal, " seem to be more fond of carving in wood to the Pacific Ocean. The original is a rough draught with a pen of their outward route, and that which they intended returning by. Just below the junction of Madison's River they found an immense fall of three hundred and sixty-two feet perpendicular. This, I believe, exceeds in magnitude any other known. From the natives Captain Hill learned that they were all in good health and spirits ; had met many difficulties on their progress from various tribes of Indians, but had found them about the sources of the Missouri very friendly, as were those on Colum bia River and \^f^ '^"°ai. — Note of the original Editor. 158 LEWIS AND Clarke's expcdition. than their neighbours, and have vaiinis specimens of their workmanship about their nouses. The broad piece supporting the roof and the board through which the doors are cut are the objects on which they chiefly display their ingenuity, being or- namented with curious figures, sometimes repre- senting persons in a sitting posture supporting a burden. On resuming our route among the Seal Islands we mistook our way, which an Indian ob- serving, he pursued us and put us in the right chan- nel. Soon, however, he somewhat embarrassed us by claiming the canoe we had taken from the Clat- sops, and which he declared to be his property. We had found it among the Clatsops, and seized it, as has been already stated, by way of reprisal for a theft committed by that nation ; but, being unwilling to do an act of injustice to this Indian, and having no time to discuss the question of right, we com- promised the matter with him for an elkskin, with which he returned perfectly satisfied." * * * After making a distance of fifteen miles, they encamped opposite to the lower village of the Wahkiacums. The two following days they ascended the rivei about thirty-three miles, meeting with different par- ties of the Clatsops and Cathlamahs, from whom they obtained a small supply of fish, while their hunters succeeded in kilUng a goose and three ea- gles. " March 27. We set out early," continues the Journal, " and were soon joined by some Skilloots with fish and roots for sale. At ten o'clock we stopped to breakfast at two houses of the same na- tion, where we found our hunters, who had not re- turned to camp last night, but had killed nothing. The inhabitants seemed very kind and hospitable. They gave almost the whole party as much as they could eat of dried anchovies, wappatoo, sturgeon, quamash, and a small white tuberous root, two inch- es long, and as thick as a man's finger, which, when THE COWELISKEE RIVER. 159 eulen raw, is crisp, milky, and of an agreeable fla- vour. They also urged us to remain with them all the day, and hunt elk and deer, which they said were abundant in the neighbourhood ; but, as the weather would not permit us to dry and pitch our canoes, we declined their invitation, and proceeded. At the dis- tance of two miles we passed the entrance of Cowe- liskee River. This stream discharges itself on the north side of the Columbia, about three miles above a remarkably high rocky knoll, the south side of which it washes in passing, and which is separa- ted from the northern hills by a wide bottom several miles in extent. The Coweliskee is one hundred and fifty yards wide, deep and navigable, as the In- dians assert, for a considerable distance, and most probably waters the country west and north of the range of mountains which cross the Columbia be- tween the Great Falls and Rapids. On the lower side of this river, a few miles from its entrance into the Columbia, is the principal village of the Skil- loots, a numerous people, differing, however, neither in language, dress, nor manners from the Clatsops, Chinnooks, and other nations at the mouth of the Columbia. With the Chinnooks they have lately been at war, and, though hostilities have ceased, they have not yet resumed their usual intercourse, so that the Skilloots do not go down as far as the sea, nor do the Chinnooks come higher up than the Seal Islands, the trade between them being carried on by the Clatsops, Cathlamahs, and Wahkiacums, their mutual friends. On this same river, above the Skilloots, resides a nation called Hullooetell, of whom we learned nothing except that they were numerous." * * * They halted late in the evening, after making twenty miles, having been enabled to purchase of the natives a plentiful supply of fish and roots at a very moderate price. The next day they set out as usual, but after pro- ceeding five miles they landed on Deer Island, where, II— N 160 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the weather becoming fair, they concluded to remain, for the purpose of drying their baggage and pitching their boats. " Our hunters," proceeds the Journal, " brought in three deer, a goose, some ducks, an eagle, and a tiger-cat ; but such is the extreme vora- city of the vultures, that they had devoured in the space of a few hours four of the deer killed in the morning ; and one of our men declared ihat they had, besides, dragged a large buck about thirty yards, skin- ned it, and broke the back-bone. We were visiUd during the day by a large canoe with ten Indians of the Quathlapotle nation, who reside about seventeen miles farther up. " March 29. At an early hour we proceeded along the side of Deer Island, and halted for breakfast at the upper end of it, where is properly the commenc-e- ment of the great Columbian Valley. We were join- ed here by three men of the Towahnahiook nation, with whom we proceeded, till at the clistance of four- teen miles from our camp of last evening we reached a large inlet or arm of the river, about three hundred yards wide, up which they went to their villages. A short distance above this inlet, a considerable river empties itself on the north side of the Columbia ; its name is Chawahnahiooks. It is about one hundred and fifty yards wide, and discharges a large body of water, though the Indians assured us that at a short distance above its mouth the navigation is obstructed by falls and rapids. Three miles beyond the inlet is an island near the north shore of the river, behind the lower end of which was a village of Quathlapo- tles, where we landed about three o'clock. This vil- lage consisted of fourteen large wooden houses. The people received us very kindly, and voluntarily spread before us anchovies and wappatoo ; but, as soon as we had finished enjoying their hospitality, if it deserves that name, they began to ask for presents. They were, however, perfectly satisfied with the trifling articles which we distributed among them, and equaJ* QUATHLAPOTLE ISLAND. 161 ly pleased with our purchasing some wappatoo, twelve dogs, and two sea-otter skins. We also gave to the chief a small medal, which he soon transferred to his wife. After remaining some time we embarked, and, coasting along this island , which, after the nation, we called Quathlapotle Island, encamped for the night m a small prairie on the north side of the Columbia, having made by estimate nineteen miles. The river was rising fast. In the course of the day we saw great numbers of geese, ducks, and large and small swans, which last were very abundant in the ponds where the wappatoo grew, as they feed much on that root. We also observed the crested kingfisher, and the large and small blackbird; and in the evening heard, without seeing, the large hooting-owl. Frogs, which we did not find in the wet marshes near the entrance of the Columbia, were now croaking in the swamps and marshes, with precisely the same note as in the United States. Garter-snakes appeared in vast numbers, and were seen in the prairies in large oundles of forty or fifty entwined round each other. Among the moss on the rocks we observed a species of small wild onions, growing so closely together as to form a perfect turf, and equal in flavour to the chives of our gardens, which they resemble in ap- pearance also. " March 30. Soon after our departure we were met by three Clanaminanums, one of whom we recog- nised as our companion yesterday. He pressed us very much to visit his countrymen on the inlet, but we had no time to make the circuit, and parted. We had not proceeded far before a party of Claxtars and Cathlacumups passed us in two canoes, on their way down the river ; and soon after we were met by sev- eral other canoes, filled with Indians of different tribes on each side of the river. We also passed several fishing camps on Wappatoo Island, and then halted for breakfast on the north side of ihe river, wear our camp of the 4th of November. Here we 162 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. were visited by several canoes from two villages on Wappatoo Island : the first, about two miles farther up, was called Clahnaquah ; the other, a mile above it, Multnomah. After higgling much in the manner of those on the seacoast, these Indians gave us a sturgeon, with some wappatoo and pashequaw, in ex- change for a few small fish-hooks. As we proceeded we were joined by other Indians, and on coming op- posite to the Clahnaquah village, we were shown another village, about two miles from the river on the northeast side, and behind a pond running paral- lel with it. Here they said the tribe called Shotos resided. About four o'clock the Indians all left us. Their chief object in accompanying us appeared to have been to gratify their curiosity ; but, though they behaved in the most friendly manner, most of them were furnished with their instruments of war. About sunset we reached a beautiful prairie, opposite to the middle of what we had called Image-Canoe Island ; and, having made twenty-three miles, encamped for the night." * * * The next day they proceeded twenty-five miles, passing a considerable stream from the north, which they called Seal River, and encamped opposite to the upper entrance of Quicksand River. The latter stream they ascertained, from the accounts of the Indians and by their own examination, to be much less extensive than they had supposed in passing it on their way down. They remained here till the 6th of April, for the purpose of collecting a stock of provisions. Several parties of Indians were met de- scending the river in quest of food. " They told us," says the Journal, " that they lived at the Great Rap- ids ; but that the scarcity of provisions there had induced them to come down, in the hopes of finding subsistence in the more fertile valley. All the peo plchving at the Rapids, as well as the nations above them, were in much distress for want of food, having consumed their winter store of dried fish, and no! THE PARTy STOP TO COLLECT PROVISIONS. 163 expecting the return of the salmon before the next full moon, which would be on the 2d of May : this information was not a little embarrassing. From the Falls to the Chopunnish nation, the plains afford- ed neither deer, elk, nor antelope for our subsist- ence. The horses were very poor at this season, and the dogs must be in the same condition, if their food, the dried fish, had failed. Still, it was obviously inexpedient for us to wait for the return of the salm- on, since in that case we might not reach the Missouri before the ice would prevent our navigating it. We might, besides, hazard the loss of our horses, as, the Chopunnish, with whom we had left them, would cross the mountains as early as possi- ble, or about the beginning of May, and take our horses with them, or suffer them to disperse, in either of which cases the passage of the mountains will be almost impracticable. We therefore, after much de- liberation, decided to remain where we were till we could collect meat enough to last us till we should reach the Chopunnish nation, and to obtain canoes from the natives as we ascended, either in exchange for our pirogues, or by purchasing them with skins and merchandise. These canoes, again, we might exchange for horses with the natives of the plains, till we should obtain enough to travel altogether by land. On reaching the southeast branch of the Co- lumbia, four or five men could be sent on to the Chopunnish to have our horses in readiness ; and thus we should have a stock of horses sufficient both to transport our baggage and supply us with food, as we now perceived that they would form our only certain dependance for subsistence. " The hunters returned from the opposite side of the river with some deer and elk, which were abun- dant there, as were also the tracks of the black bear, while on the north side we could kill nothing. " In the course of our dealings to-day we pur- chased a canoe from an Indian for six fathoms of 164 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. wampum beads. He seemed perfectly satisfied, and went away ; but returned soon after, cancelled the bargain, and, giving back the wampum, requested us to restore the canoe. To this we consented, as we knew that this method of trading was very common, and deemed perfectly fair. " April 2. Being now determined to collect as much game as possible, two parties, consisting of nine men, were sent over the river to hunt, and three were ordered to range the country on the side where we were, while the rest were employed in cutting up and scaffolding the meat which had been already brought in. About eight o'clock several canoes ar- rived with visiters, and among the rest were two young men who were pointed out as Cushooks. They said that their nation resided at the falls of a large river, which emptied itself into the south side of the Columbia a few miles above us ; and they drew a map of the country with a coal, on a mat. In order to satisfy himself as to the truth of this information, Captain Clarke persuaded one of the young Cushooks, by a present of a burning-glass, to accompany him to the river, in search of which he immediately set out with a canoe and seven of our men. After his departure other canoes arrived, bringing families of women and children, who con- firmed the accounts of scarcity above. One of these families, consisting of ten or twelve persons, en- camped near us, and behaved perfectly well. The hunters on our side of the river returned with the skins only of two deer, the animals themselves being too lean for use. "April 3. A considerable number of Indians crowded about us to-day, many of them from the upper part of the river. These poor wretches gave a dismal account of the scarcity prevailing there ; which, indeed, their appearance sufficiently proved, for they seemed almost starved, and greedily picksd the bones and refuse meat thrown away by us. DEVICE TO PROCURE PROVISIONS. 165 " In the evening Captain Clarke returned from his fcxcursion. On setting out yesterday at half past eleven o'clock, he directed his course along the south side of the river, where, at the distance of eight miles, he passed a village of the Nechacohee tribe, belonging to the Eloot nation. The village itself was small, and, being situated behind Diamond Isl- and, was concealed from our view, as we had pass- ed both times along the northern shore. He pro- ceeded onward till three o'clock, when he landed near a single house, the only remains of a village of twenty-four straw huts. Along the shore were great numbers of small canoes for receiving wappatoo, having been left here by the Shahalas, who visit the place annually. The present inmates of the house were part of the Neerchokioo tribe of the same na- tion. On entering one of the apartments of the house. Captain Clarke offered several articles to the Indians in exchange for wappatoo ; but they appeared sullen and ill humoured, and refused to give him any. He therefore sat down by the fire opposite to the men, and, drawing a portfire match from his pocket, threw a small piece of it into the flames ; at the same time he took out his pocket compass, and by means of a magnet which happened to be in his ink- horn, made the needle turn round very briskly. The match immediately took fire and burned violently, on which the Indians, terrified at this strange exhi- bition, brought a quantity of wappatoo and laid it at his feet, begging him to put out the bad fire ; while an old woman continued to speak with great vehe- mence, as if praying, and imploring protection. Af- ter receiving the roots, Captain Clarke put up the compass, and, as the match went out of itself, tran- quillity was restored, though the women and chil- dren still sought refuge in their beds and behind the men. He now paid them for what he had used, and, after lighting his pipe and smoking with them, con- tinued down the river. He found that what we had 166 LEWIS AND CLARKE^S EXPEDITION. called Image-Canoe Island consisted of three islands, the one in the middle concealing the opening be- tween the other two in such a way as to present to us on the opposite side of the river the appearance of a single island. At the lower point of the third, and thirteen miles below the last village, he entered the mouth of a large river, which was concealed by three small islands at its mouth from those who de- scend or ascend the Columbia. This river, which the Indians call Multnomah, from a nation of the same name residing near it on Wappaloo Island, en- ters the Columbia one hundred and forty miles from the mouth of the latter river, of which it may justly be considered as forming one fourth, though it had now fallen eighteen inches below its greatest annual height. From its entrance Mount Regnier bears nearly north, and Mount St. Helen north, with a very high humped mountain a little to the east of it, which seems to lie in the same chain with the conic-point- ed mountains before mentioned. Mount Hood bore due east, and Captain Clarke now discovered to the southeast a mountain which we had not yet seen, and to which he gave the name of Mount Jefferson. Like Mount St. Helen, its figure is a regular cone, covered with snow, and it is probably of equal height with that mountain, though, being more distant, so large a portion of it did not appear above the range of mountains which lie between these and the point where they were. Soon after entering the Multno- mah he was met by an old Indian descending the river alone in a canoe. After some conversation with him, the pilot informed Captain Clarke that this old man belonged to the Clackamos nation, who reside on a river forty miles up the Multnomah. The current of this latter river is as gentle as that of the Columbia, its surface is smooth and even, and it appears to possess water enough for the largest ship, since, on sounding with a line of five fathoms, he could find no bottom for nt least one third of the THE MULTNOMAH RIVER. 167 width of the stream. At the distance of seven miles he passed a sluice or opening on the right, eighty yards wide, which separates Wappatoo Island from the continent by emptying itself into the inlet be- low. Three miles farther up he reached a large wooden house on the east side, where he intended to sleep ; but on entering the rooms he found such swarms of fleas, that he preferred lymg on the ground near by. The guide informed him that this house was the temporary residence of the Nemal- quinner tribe of the Cushook nation, who reside just below the falls of the Multnomah, but come down here occasionally to collect ivappatoo : it was thirty feet long and forty deep, built of broad boards, and covered with the bark of white cedar, the floor be- ing on a level with the surface of the earth, and the arrangement of the interior hke that of the houses near the seacoast. The former inhabitants had left their canoes, mats, bladders, train oil, baskets, bowls, and trenchers lying about the house at the mercy of every visiter ; a proof, indeed, of their respect for the property of each other, though we had had very conclusive evidence that the property of white men was not deemed equally sacred. The guide inform- ed him farther, that at a small distance above there were two bayous, on which were a number of small houses belonging to the Cushooks, but that they had then all gone up to the falls of the Multnomah for the purpose of fishing. " Early the next morning Captain Clarke proceeded up the river, which during the night had fallen about five inches. At the distance of two miles he came to the centre of a bend under the high lands on the right side, from which its course, as far as could be discerned, was to the east of southeast. At this place the Multnomah is five hundred yards wide, and for half that distance across a cord of five fath- oms would not reach the bottom. It appears to be washing away its banks, and has more sand-bars IT.— O 168 LEWIS AND CLARKE S EXPEDITION. and willow-points than the Columbia. Its regular, gentle current, the depth, smoothness, and uniformi- ty with which it rolls its vast body of water, proves that its supplies are at once distant and steady; nor judging from its appearance and course, is it rash to believe that the Multnomah and its tributary streams water the vast extent of country between the western mountains and those of the seacoast, as far, perhaps, as the Gulf of California. At about eleven o'clock he again reached the house of the Neerchokioos, in which he now found eight families ; but they were all so much alarmed at his presence, notwithstand- ing his visit yesterday, that he remained a very few minutes only. Soon after setting out he met five canoes, filled with the same number of famihes, be- longing to the Shahala nation. They were descend- ing the river in search of food, and seemed very de- sirous of coming alongside the boat; but, as there were twenty-one of them, and the guide said that these Shahalas, as well as their relations at the house we had just left, were all mischievous, bad men, they were not suffered to approach. " At three o'clock he halted for an hour at the Nechecolee house, where his guide resided. This large building was two hundred and twenty-six feet in front, entirely above ground, and might be con- sidered as a single house, since the whole was un- der one roof : otherwise it appeared more like a range of buildings, as it was divided into seven dis- tinct apartments, each thirty feet square, by means of broad poles set on end, and reaching from the floor to the roof. The apartments were separated from each other by a passage or alley four feet wide, extending through the whole depth of the house, and the only entrance to them was from these al- leys, through a small hole about twenty-two inche8 Wide, and not more than three feet high. The roo) was formed of rafters and round poles laid on them longitudinally; the whole being covered with a dou ACCOUNT OF THE NECHECOLEES. 169 ble row of the bark of the white cedar, extending from the top eighteen inches over the eaves, and se- cured as well as kept smooth by splinters of dried fir inserted through it at regular distances. In this manner the roof was made light, strong, and dura- ble. Near this house were the remains of several other large buildings, sunk in the ground, and con- structed like those we had seen at the Great Nar- rows of the Columbia, belonging to the Eloots, with whom these people claim affinity. In manners and dress these Nechecolees differ but little from the Quathlapotles, and others of this neighbourhood ; but their language is the same used by the Eloots, and though it has some words in common with the dia ' lects spoken here, yet its whole structure is obvi ously different. The men, too, are of larger stature, and both sexes better formed than among the na- tions below ; and the females are distinguished by wearing larger and longer robes (which are gener- ally of deerskin dressed in the hair) than those of the neighbouring tribes. In the house there were several old people of both sexes, who were treated with much respect, and still seemed healthy, though most of them were perfectly blind. On inquiring the cause of the decline of their village, an old man, the father of the guide, and a person of some dis- tinction, brought forward a woman very much pit- ted with the smallpox, and said that, when a girl, she was very near dying with the disorder which had left those marks, and that all the inhabitants of the houses now in ruins had fallen victims to the same disease. From the apparent age of the woman then, connected with what it was at the time of her illness. Captain Clarke judged that this sickness must have been about thirty years before, or about the period we had supposed that the smallpox prob- ably prevailed on the seacoast. " He then entered into a long conversation in re- gard to the adjacent country and its inhabitants, the Vol. II.— P 170 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. old man replying to his questions with great intelli- gence ; and at the close he drew with his finger in the dust a sketch of the Multnomah, and of Wappa- too Island. This Captain Clarke copied and pre. served. He then purchased five dogs, and, taking leave of the Nechecolee village, returned to camp." CHAPTER IX. Description of Wappatoo Island, and of the Mode in which the r^atives gather the Wappatoo Root. — Character of the Soil and its Productions. — Numerous Tribes residing in its Vicin- ity. — Probability that they were all of the Multnomah Tribe originally, inferred from Similarity of Dress, Manners, Lan- guage, &c. — Description of their Dress, Weapons of War, and Mode of burying the Dead. — Description of another Village, called the Wahclellah Village.— Their Mode of Architecture. — Extraordinary Height of Beacon Rock.— Unfriendly Char- acter of the Indians at that Place. — The Party, alarmed for their Safety, resolve to inflict siimmary Vengeance, in case the W^ahclellah Tribe persist in their Outrages and Insults. — Interview with the Chief of that Tribe, and Confidence resto red. — Difficulty of drawing the Canoes over the Rapids. — Visited by a Party of the Yehugh Tribe. — Brief Notice of the Weocksockwillackum Tribe. — Curious Phenomenon observ- ed in the Columbia, from the Rapids to the Chilluckittequaws " April 4. The hunters were still out in every di- rection. Those from the opposite side of the river returned with a bear and some venison ; but the flesh of six deer and an elk which they had killed was so meager and unfit for use that they had left it in the woods. Two other deer were brought in ; but, as the game was all poor, we despatched a large party to some low grounds on the south, six miles above us, to hunt there until our arrival. As usual, many Indians came to our camp, some of them descend- ing the river with their families, and others from MODE OF GATHERING WAPPATOO. 171 below, with no object except to gratify their curi- osity. " The visit of Captain Clarke to the Multnomahs, and information obtained from other sources, now enabled us to give some account of the neighbouring countries and nations. The most important spot is Wappatoo Island, a large tract lying between the Multnomah and an arm of the Columbia, which we called Wappatoo Inlet, and separated from the main land by a sluice eighty yards wide, which at the dis- tance of seven miles up the Multnomah connects that river with the inlet. The island thus formed is about twenty miles long, and varies in breadth from five to ten miles. The land is high, and ex- tremely fertile ; and on most parts is covered with a heavy growth of cottonwood, ash, the large-leafed ash, and sweet willow, the black alder common on the coast having now disappeared. But the chief wealth of this island is found in the numerous ponds in the interior, which abound with tne common ar- rowhead {sagittaria sagittifolid), to the root of which is attached a bulb growing beneath it in the mud. This bulb, to which the Indians give the name of wappatoo, is their great article of food, and almost the staple article of commerce on the Columbia. It is never out of season ; so that at all times of the year the valley is frequented by the neighbouring Indians, who come to gather it. It is collected chiefly by the women, who employ for the purpose canoes from ten to fourteen feet in length, about two feet wide, nine inches deep, and tapering from the middle. They are sufficient to contain a single person and several bushels of roots, yet so very light that a woman can carry them with ease. She takes one of these canoes into a pond where the water is as high as the breast, and by means of her toes sep- arates this bulb from the roct, which, on being freed from the mud, rises immediately to the surface of the water, and is thrown into the canoe. In this 172 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. manner these patient females will remain in the wa- ter for several hours, even ii\ the depth of vv'inter. This plant is found throughout the whole extent of the valley in which we then were, but does not grovi on the Cohimbia farther east. " This valley is bounded on the west by the mount- ainous country bordering the coast, from whicli it extends eastward thirty miles in a direct line, to the range of mountains crossing the Columbia above the Great Falls : its length from north to south we were unable to determine, but we believed it to ex- tend in this direction a great distance. It is, in fact, the only desirable situation for a settlement on the western side of the Rocky Mountains ; and, being naturally fertile, would, if properly cultivated, afford subsistence for forty or fifty thousand souls. The high lands are generally of a dark rich loam, not much encumbered with stones, and, though waving, by no means too steep for cultivation : a few miles from the river mey widen, at least on the north side, into rich, extensive prairies. The timber on them is abundant, and consists almost exclusively of the several species of fir already described, some of the trees growing to a great height. We measured a fallen tree of that species, and found that, including the stump of about six feet, it was three hundred and eighteen feet in length, though its diameter was only three feet. The dogwood is also abundant on the uplands : it differs from that of the United States in having a much smoother bark, and in being much larger, the trunk attaining a diameter of nearly two feet. There is some white cedar of a large size, but no pine of any kind. In the bottom lands are the Cottonwood, ash, large-leafed ash, and sweet willow ; interspersed with which are the pashequaw^ shanataque, and compound fern, of which the natives use the roots. The red flowering currant abounds on the uplands, while along the river bottoms grow luxuriantly the water-cress, strawberry, cinquefoil DIFFERENT TRIBES OF INDIANS. 173 narrow dock, sandrush, and th(; flowering pea. There is also a species of the bear's-claw, but the large-leafed thorn had disappeared, nor did we see any longer the whortleberry, the shallun, nor any of the other evergreen shrubs bearing berries, except a species the leaf of which has a prickly margin. " Among the animals we observed the martin, small geese, the small speckled woodpecker with a white back, the blue-crested corvus, ravens, crows, eagles, vultures, and hawks. The mellow bug and long-legged spider, as well as the butterfly, blowing- fly, and tick, had already made their appearance ; but none of these are different from insects of the same sort in the United States. The moschetoes, too, had resumed their visits, but were not yet troublesome. " The nations who inhabit this fertile neighbour- hood are very numerous. The Wappatoo Inlet, three hundred yards wide, extends for ten or twelve miles to the south, as far as the hills, near which it receives the waters of a small creek, whose sources are not far from those of the Killamuck River. On that creek reside the Clackstar nation, a numer- ous people of twelve hundred souls, who subsist on fish and wappatoo, and trade, by means of the Kil- lamuck River, with the nation of that name on the seacoast. Lower down the inlet, towards the Co- lumbia, is the tribe called Cathlacumup. On the sluice which connects the inlet with the Multnomah are the Cathlanahquiah and Cathlacomatup tribes ; and on Wappatoo Island the Clannahminamuns and Clahnaquahs. Immediately opposite, near the Tow- ahnahiooks, are the Quathlapotles, and higher up, on the side of the Columbia, the Shotos. All these tribes, as well as the Cathlahaws, who live some- what lower on the river, and have an old village on Deer Island, may be considered as parts of the great Multnomah nation, which has its principal residence on Wappatoo Island, near the mouth of the large river to which they give their name. Forty miles 174 LEWIS A2iD Clarke's expedition. above its junction with the Columbia, this river re- ceives the v/aters of the Clackamos, a river which may be traced through a woody and fertile country to its sources in Mount Jefferson, almost to the foot of which it is navigable for canoes. A nation of the same name resides in eleven villages along its bor- ders: they live chiefly on fish and roots, which abound in the Clackamos and along its banks, though they sometimes descend to the Columbia to gather wappatoo, where they cannot be distinguished in dress, manners, or language from the tribes of the Multnomahs. Two days' journey from the Colum- bia, or about twenty miles beyond the entrance of the Clackamos, are the Falls of the Multnomah. At this place reside the Cushooks and Chahcowahs, two tribes that are attracted there by the fish, and by the convenience of trading across the mountains, and down the Killamuck River, with the Killamucks, from whom they procure train oil. These falls are occasioned by a high range of mountains, beyond which the country stretches into a vast level plain wholly destitute of timber. As far as the Indians with whom we conversed had ever penetrated' that country, it seems to be inhabited by a nation called Calahpoewah, a very numerous people, whose vil- lages, nearly forty in number, are scattered along each side of the Multnomah, which furnishes them with their chief subsistence, viz., fish, and the roots along its banks. " AH the tribes in the neighbourhood of Wappatoo Island we considered as Multnomahs ; not because they are in any degree subordinate to that nation, but they all seem to regard it as being the most pow- erful. There was no distinguished chief except the one at the head of the Multnomahs ; and they are, moreover, allied by similarity of dress and manners, and of houses and language, which, much more than the feeble restraints of Indian government, contrib- ute to make one people. These circumstances sep* INDIANS OF THE COLUMBIA VALLEY. 175 arate them also from the nations lower down the river. The Clatsops, Chinnooks, VVahkiacums, and Cathlamahs understand each other perfectly : their language varies, however, in some respects from that of the Skilloots ; but, on reaching the Multno- mah Indians, we found that, although many words were the same, while a great number differed only in the mode of accenting them from those employed by the Indians near the mouth of the Columbia, yet there was, in fact, a very sensible distinction. The natives of the valley are of larger stature, and rather better shaped than those on the seacoast : their ap- pearance, too, is generally healthy, though they are afflicted with the common disease of the Columbia, soreness of the eyes." * * * " The dress of the men does not differ from that used below ; they are chiefly distinguished by a pas- sion for large brass buttons, which they will fix on a sailor's jacket, whenever they are so fortunate as to obtain one, without the slightest regard to arrange- ment. The women, also, wear the short robe al- ready described; but their hair is most commonly braided into two tresses, falhng over each ear in front of the body ; and instead of the tissue of bark, they employ a piece of leather in the shape of a pocket handkerchief, tied round the loins." * * * " The houses are generally on a level with the ground, though some are sunk to the depth of two or three feet, and, like those near the coast, are adorned, or rather disfigured, with carvings or paint- ings on the posts, doors, and beds. They have no peculiar weapon except a kind of broadsword made of iron, from three to four feet long, the blade about four inches wide, and very thin and sharp at both its edges, as well as at the point. They have also bludgeons of wood of the same form ; and both kinds generally hang at the head of their beds : these are formidable weapons. Like the natives of the sea- coast, they are also very fond of cold, lioi, ;uid vapour 176 LEWIS AND CLARKE S rrPI' *. ON baths, which are used at all seasons, f': the p\ ose of health as well as pleasure. " The mode of burying the dead in cinoes is not practised by the natives here. The place of deposite is a vault formed of boards, slanting like the roof of a house, from a pole supported by two forks. Un- der this the dead are placed horizontally on boards, on the surface of the earth, and carefully covered with mats. The bodies are here laid to the height of three or four upon each other, and the different articles which were most esteemed by the deceased are placed by their side ; their canoes themselves being sometimes taken to pieces to strengthen the vault. " All these people trade in anchovies and sturgeon, but chiefly m wappatoo; to obtain which, the inhabi- tants both above and below come at all seasons, the latter bringing, in turn, beads, cloth, and various oth- er articles procured from the Europeans. " April 5. We dried our meat as well as the cloudy weather would permit. In the course of the chase yes- terday, one of our men who had killed the bear found the den of another with three cubs in it. He return- ed to it to-day in hope of finding the dam, but, being disappointed in this, he brought the cubs ; and on this occasion Drewyer, our most experienced hunts- man, assured us that he had never known a single instance where a female bear had been once disturb- ed by the hunter and obliged to leave her young, that she returned to them again. The young bears we sold for wappatoo to some of the numerous In- dians who visited us in parties during the day, and who behaved very well. Having prepared our stock of dried meat, we set out the next morning.'" * * * They proceeded, however, but a few miles the next day, as they were obliged to wait and collect their hunters ; nor did they start again the two following days, being employed in drying some additional meat that was brought in on the 7th, and on the 8th tha weather would not permit their leaving. BEACON ROCK. A77 " April 9. The wind having moderated, we reload- ed the canoes, and set out by s\jven o'clock. We stopped to take up two of our hunters who had left us yesterday, but had been unsuccessful in the chase, and then proceeded to the Wahclellah village, situ- ated on the north side of the river, about a mile be- low Beacon Rock. During the whole of the route from our camp we passed along under high, steep, and rocky sides of mountains, which here close in on each side of the river, forming stupendous precipices covered with fir and white cedar. Down these heights descend the most beautiful cascades, one of which, formed by a large creek, falls over a perpen- dicular rock three hundred feet above the water, while other smaller streams precipitate themselves from a still greater elevation, and, partially evapora- ting in a mi'st, collect again, and make a second de- scent before they reach the bottom of the rocks. We stopped to breakfast at this village ; and here we found the tomahawk which had been stolen from us on the 4th of last November, They assured us that they had bought it of the Indians below ; but, as the latter had already informed us that the Wah- clellahs had such an article which they had stolen, we made no difficulty about retaking our property." * * * " After purchasing, with much difficulty, a few dogs and some wappatoo from the Wahclellahs, we left them at two o'clock, and, passing along the Bea- con Rock, reached in two hours the Clahclellah vil- lage. " This rock, which we now observed more accu- rately than we had done in our descent, stands on the north side of the river, insulated from the hills. The northern side has a partial growth of fir or pine. To the south it rises in an unbroken precipice to the height of seven hundred feet, where it terminates in a sharp point, and may be seen at the distance of twenty miles below. This rock may be considered as the point where tide-wa.er commences • though 178 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition the influence of the tide is perceptible here in au* tumn only, at which time the river is low. What the precise difference is at those seasons, we could not determine ; but, on examining a rock uhich we had lately passed, and comparing its appearance with what we had observed last November, we judged the flood of this spring to be twelve feet above the height of the river at that time. From Beacon Rock as low down as the marshy islands, the general width of the river is from one to two miles, though in many places it is greater. On landing at the village of the Clahclellahs, we found them busy in erecting their huts, which seemed to be of a temporary kind only, so that most probably they do not remain longer than the salmon season. Like their countrymen whom we had just left, these people w^ere sulky- and ill humoured, and ^o much on the alert to pilfer that we were obhged to keep them at a distance from our baggage. As our large canoes could not ascend the rapids on thp north side, we passed to the opposite shore, and entered the narrow channel which separates it from Brant Island. The weather was very cold and rainy, and the wind so high that we were afraid to attempt the rapids the same evening, and therefore, finding a safe harbour, we encamped for the night." * * * " April 10. Early in the morning we dropped down the channel to the lower end of Brant Island, and then drew our boats up the rapid. At the distance of a quarter of a mile we crossed over to a village of Clahclellahs, consisting of six houses, on the op- posite side. The river is here about four hundred yards wide, and the current so rapid that, although we employed five oars for each canoe, we were 3)orne down a considerable distance. While we were at breakfast, one of the Indians offered us two sheepskins for sale, one of which was the skin of a full-grown animal, and was as large a» that of a common deer; the second was smaller. and the skin MOUNTAIN SHEEP. 179 of the head, with the horns on it, had been made into a cap, and was highly prized by the owner. He, however, sold the cap to us for a knife, and the rest of the skin for those of two elk ; but, observing our anxiety to purchase the other skin, they would not accept the same price for it, and, as we hoped to procure more in the neighbourhood, we would not offer a greater. The horns of the animal were black, smooth, and erect, and rise from the middle of the forehead, a little above the eyes, in a cylin- drical form, to the height of four inches, where they are pointed. The Clahclellahs informed us that these sheep were very abundant on the heights and among the cliffs of the adjacent mountains, and that these two had been lately killed out of a herd of thirty-six, at no great distance from the village. We were soon joinod by our hunters, with three black-tailed fallow (-eer, and, having purchased a few white salmon, ])roceeded on our route. The south side of the river is impassable, and the rapid- ity of the current, as well as the large rocks along the shore, renders the navigation of even the north side extremely difficult. During the greater part of the day it was necessary to draw them along the shore; and, as we had only a single towrope that was strong enough, we were obliged to bring them one after the other. In this tedious and laborious manner we at lengih reached the portage on the north side, and carried our baggage to the top of a hill about two hundred paces distant, w^here we en- camped for the night. The canoes were drawn on shore and secured, but one of them having got loose, drifted down to the last village, the inhabi- tants of which brought her back to us, an instance of honesty which we rewarded with a present of two knives. It rained all night, and the next morning, "April 11, so that the tents and the skins which covered the baggage were wet. We therefore de- termined to take the canoes over the portage first. i80 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. in hopes that by the afternoon the rain would cease, and we might carry our baggage across without in- jury. The work was immediately begun by almost the whole party, who in the course of the day dragged four of the canoes to the head of the rapids with great difficulty and labour, A guard, consisting of one sick man and three who had been lamed by ac- cidents, remained with Captain Lewis to protect the baggage. This precaution was absolutely neces- sary to save it from the depredations of the Wah- clellahs, who, we discovered, were great thieves, not- withstanding their apparent honesty in restoring our boat : indeed, so arrogant and intrusive did they be- come, that nothing but our numbers, we were con vinced, preserved us from attack. They crowded about us while we were taking up the boats, and one of them had the insolence to throw stones down the bank at two of our men. We now found it neces- sary to depart from our uniformly mild and pacific course of conduct. On returning to the head of the portage, a large number of them met our men, and seemed very ill disposed. Shields had stopped to purchase a dog, and, being separated from the rest of the party, two Indians pushed him out of the road, and attempted to take the dog from him. He had no weapon but a long knife, with which he immedi- ately attacked them both, hoping to despatch them before they had time to draw their arrows ; but, as soon as they saw his design, they fled into the woods. Soon afterward we were told by an Indian who spoke Clatsop, which language we had learned du- ring the winter, that the Wahclellahs had carried off Captain Lewis's dog to their village below. Three men, well armed, were instantly sent in pursuit of them, with orders to fire if there was the slightest resistance or hesitation. At the distance of two miles they came within sight of the thieves, who, finding themselves pursued, left the dog and made off. We now ordered all the Indians out of ou/ VISITED BY . oAHCLELLAH CHIEF. 18J camp, and signified to v.. em that, if any one of them stole our baggage or insulted our men, he would be instantly shot ; a resolution ^>hlch we were deter- mined to enforce, as it was now our only means of safety. We were visited durii.g the day by a chief of the Clahclellahs, who seemed mortified at the treat- ment we had received, and told us that the persons at the head of these outrages were two very bad men who belonged to the Wahclellahs, but that the nation itself did not by any means wish to displease us. This chief seemed very well disposed, and we had every reason to believe was much respected by the neighbouring Indians. We therefore gave him a small medal, and showed him all the attention in our powei, with which he appeared to be very much gratified ; and we trusted that his interposition would prevent the necessity of our resorting to force against his countrymen. " Many Indians from the villages above passed us in the course of the day, on their return from trading with the natives of the valley, and among others we recognised an Eloot, who, with ten or twelve of his nation, were on their way home to the Long Nar- rows of the Columbia. These people do not, as we are compelled to do, drag their canoes up the rapids, but leave them at the head as they descend, and, car- rying their goods across the portage, hire or borrow others from the people below. When the traflSc is over, they return to the foot of the rapids, where they leave these boats, and resume their own at the head of the portage. The labour of carrying the goods across is equally shared by the men and women ; and we were struck by the contrast between the decent conduct of all the natives from above, and the profligacy and ill manners of the Wahclel- lahs. About three quarters of a mile below our camp was a burial-ground, which seemed common to the Wahclellahs, Clahclellahs, and Yehhuhs. It 182 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. consisted of eight sepulchres on the north bank of the river." In dragging their remaining pirogue up the rapids the next day, they unfortunately lost her, but suc- ceeded in transporting all their baggage to the head of the portage by five o'clock in the afternoon ; and the v^^eather being cold and rainy, they concluded to remain there during the nigl^. " The portage," says the Journal, " was two thousand eight hundred yards, along a narrow road, at all times rough, and then ren- dered slippery by the rain. About halfway was an old village, which the Clahclellah chief informed us was the occasional residence of his tribe. These hous- es were uncommonly large ; one of them measuring one hundred and sixty by forty feet, the frames be- ing constructed in the usual manner, except that they were double, so as to appear like one house within another. The floors were on a level with the ground, and the roofs had been taken down, and sunk in a pond behind the village. We now found that our firmness the day before had made the In- dians much more respectful : they did not crowd about us in such numbers, and behaved with much more propriety. " Among those who visited u? here were about twenty of the Yehhuhs, a tribe of Shahalas, whom we had found on the north side of the river, imme- diately above the rapids, but who had now emigra- ted to the opposite shore, where they generally take salmon. Like their relations, the Wahclellahs, they had taken their houses with them, so that only one was now standing where the old village was." * * * " There is but little difference in appearance be- tween the Yehhuhs, Wahclellahs, Clahclellahs, and Neerchokioos, who compose the Shahala nation. On comparing the vocabulary of the Wahclellahs with that of the Chinnooks, we found that the names for numbers were precisely the same, though the other parts of the language were essentially differ- THE YEHHUHS. 183 ent. The women of all these tribes braid their hair, pierce the nose, and some of them have lines of dots reaching from the ankle as high as the mid- dle of the leg. These Yehhuhs behaved with great propriety, and condemned the treatment we had re- ceived from the Wahclellahs. We purchased from one of them the skin of a sheep killed near this place, for which we gave in exchange the skins of a deer and an elk. These animals, he told us, usually frequent the rocky parts of the mountains, where they are found in great numbers. The bighorn is also an inhabitant of these mountains, and the na- tives have several robes made of their skins." * * * In ascending the river the next day, they found that their boats were too heavily laden, in conse- quence of the loss of their pirogue ;.but they suc- ceeded in purchasing two additional canoes at a Yehhuh village, the inhabitants of which were very friendly. They advanced about six miles beyond Cruzatte's River, where they encamped, and, being joined by all their hunters the next morning, resu- med their journey. " At one o'clock," continues the Journal, " we halted for dinner at a large village, sit- uated in a narrow bottom just above the entrance of Canoe Creek. The houses were detached from each other so as to occupy an extent of several miles, though only twenty in number. Those which were inhabited were on the surface of the ground, and built in the same shape as those near the Rap- ids ; but there were others not occupied, which were completely under ground. They were sunk about 'iight feet deep, and covered with strong timbers, and several feet of earth in a conical form. On de- scending by means of a ladder through a hole at the top, which answered the double purpose of a door and a chimney, we found that the house consisted of a single room, nearly circular, and about sixteen feet in diameter. " The inhabitants, who called themselves Weock- II.-P 184 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. sockwillacums, differed but little from those near the Rapids, the chief distinction in dress being a few leggins and moccasins resembling those worn by the Chopunnish. These people had ten or twelve very good horses, which were the first we had seen since leaving this neighbourhood in the preceding autumn. The country below is, indeed, of such a nature as to prevent the use of this ani- mal, except in the Columbia Valley, and there they would be of no great service, as the inhabitants re- side chiefly on the river side, and the country is too thickly wooded to suffer them to hunt on horseback. Most of these horses, they informed us, had been taken in a warlike excursion lately made against the Towahnahiooks, a part of the Snake nation living on the upper part of the Multnomah, to the southeast of this place. Their language is the same with that of the Chilluckittequaws. They seemed inclined to be very civil, and gave us in traffic some roots, chap- pelell, filberts, dried berries, and five dogs. " After dinner we proceeded, and, passing at the distance of six miles high cliffs on the left, encamp- ed at the mouth of a small run on the same side. A little above us was a village, consisting of about one hundred fighting men, of a tribe called Smackshops, many of whom passed the evening with us. They did not differ in any respect from the inhabitants of the village below." * * * Soon after starting the next morning they came to Sepulchre Rock. " This rock," says the Journal, " stands near the middle of the river, and contains about two acres of ground above high water. Over this surface are scattered thirteen vaults, construct ed like those below the Rapids, and some of them more than half filled with dead bodies. After satis fying our curiosity with these venerable remains we returned to the northern shore, and proceeded to a village at the distance of four miles. On landing, we found that the inhabitants belonged to the samt COUNTRY ALONG THE COLUMBIA. 185 nation as those we had just left, and as they had horses, we made an attempt to purchase some of them ; but, with all our dexterity in exhibiting our wares, we could not succeed, as we had none of the only article which they seemed desirous of procu- ring, a sort of war-hatchet called by the Northwest traders an eye-dog. We therefore purchased two dogs, and, taking leave of these Weocksockwilla- cums, proceeded to another of their villages, just below the entrance of Cataract River. Here, too, we tried ir vain to purchase horses ; nor did we meet with better success at the two villages of Chil- luckittequaws, a few miles farther up the river. At three in the afternoon we came to the mouth of Quinette Creek, wfiich we ascended a short distance, and encamped for the night at the spot we had call- ed Rock Fort. Here we were soon visited by some of the people from the Great Narrows and Falls ; and on our expressing a wish to purchase horses, they agreed to meet us the next day on the north side of the river, where they would open a trade. They then returned to their villages to collect the horses, and in the morning, " April 16, Captain Clarke crossed with nine men, and a large part of the merchandise, to purchase, if it were possible, twelve horses to transport our bag- gage, and some pounded fish, as a reserve on the passage across the Rocky Mountains. The rest of the men were employed in hunting and preparing saddles. " From the Rapids to this place, and, indeed, as far as the commencement of the Narrows, the Co- lumbia is from half a mile to three quarters in width, and possesses scarcely any current : its bed consists principally of rock, except at the entrance of Labiche River, which takes its rise in Mount Hood, from which, like Quicksand River, it brings down vast quantities of sand. Along the whole course of the Columbia, from the Rapids to the Chilluckittequaws, 186 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the trunks of many large pine-trees are seen stand- ing erect in water, which was now thirty feet aeep, and is never less than ten. These trees could never have grown in their present state, for they are all very much rotted, and none of them vegetate ; so that the only reasonable account which crui be given of this phenomena is, that at some period, which the appearance of the trees induced us to fix within twenty years, the rocks from the hill sides have ob- structed the narrow pass at the Rapids, and caused the river to spread through the woods. The mount- ains which border it as far as Sepulchre Rock are high and broken, and its romantic views are occa- sionally enlivened by beautiful cascades rushing from the heights, and forming a striking contrast with the firs, cedars, and pines which darken their sides. From Sepulchre Rock, where the low coun- try begins, the long-leafed pine is the almost exclu- sive growth of timber ; but our camp was the last spot where a single tree is to be seen on the wide plain, spreading beyond it to the foot of the Rocky Mountains. This plain is, however, covered with a rich verdure of grass and herbs, some inches in height, which forms a delightful and exhilarating prospect, after being confined to the mountains and thick forests on the seacoast. The climate, too, though we were only on the border of the plain, was very different here from what we had lately experi- enced : the air was drier and more pure, and the ground as free from moisture as if there had been no rain for the last ten days. Around this place were many esculent plants used by the Indians, among which was a currant now in bloom, with a yellow blossom, like that of the yellow currant of the Missouri, from which, however, it differs specif ically. There was also a species of hyacinth grow ing in the plains, which presented at this time i^ pretty flower of a pale blue colour, the bulb of whicl* is boiled, or baked, or dried in the sun, and eaten by ierefore set out at ten o'clock. We cross- 242 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ed the prairie at tk'e distance of eight miles, where we had sent our hunters, and found two deer which they had hung up for us. Two and a half miles far- ther we overtook them at CoUins's Creek : they had killed a third deer. After dining, we proceeded up the creek about half a mile ; then, crossing through a high, broken country for about ten miles, reached an eastern branch of the same creek, near which we encamped in the bottom, after a ride of twenty- two miles. The rains had made the road very sHp- pery, and this, joined to the quantity of fallen tim- ber, rendered our progress slow and laborious. The country through which we passed had a thick growth of long-leafed pine, with some pitch pine, larch, white pine, white cedar or arbor viice- of large size, and a variety of firs. The undergrowth gonsisted chiefly of reed-root, from six to ten feet in height, with the other species already enumerated. The soil was in general good, and had somewhat of a red cast, like that near the Southwest Mountain in Virginia. We saw in the course of our ride the speckled woodpecker and the bee-martin, and found ^le nest of a humming-bird which had just begun to lay its eggs. "June 16. We readily collected our horses, and, having taken breakfast, proceeded at six o'clock up the creek, over handsome meadows of fine grass, and a great abundance of quamash. At the distance of two miles we crossed the creek, and ascended a ridge in a direction towards the northeast. Fallen timber still obstructed our way so much, that it was eleven o'clock before we had made seven miles to a small branch of Hungry Creek. In the hollows and on the north side of the hills large quantities of snow- still remained, in some places to the depth of two or three feet. Vegetation, too, was proportionably re- tarded, the dog-tooth violet being just in bloom, and the honeysuckle, whortleberry, and a small species of white maple were but beginning to put forth their COUNTRY STILIi COVERED WITH SNOW. 243 leaves. These appearances, in a part of the country comparatively low, were ill omens of the practica- bility of crossing the mountains. But, being deter- mined to proceed, we halted merely to take a hasty meal while the horses were grazing, and then re- sumed our march. The route was through thick woods, and over high hills intersected by deep ra- vines and obstructed by fallen timber. We found much difficulty, also, in following the road, the great- er part of it being now covered with snow, which lay in large masses eight or ten feet deep, and would have been wholly impassable had it not been suffi- ciently firm to bear our horses. Early in the even- ing we reached Hungry Creek, at the place where Captain Clarke had left a horse for us as we passed in September ; and, finding a small glade with some grass, though not enough for our horses, we thought it better to halt for the night, lest by going farther we should find nothing for them to eat. Hungry Creek was small at this place, but deep, and dis- cliarged a torrent of water perfectly transparent, and cold as ice. During the fifteen miles of our route this day the principal timber was the pitch pine, the white pine, larch, and fir. The long-leafed pine extends but a small distance on this side of CoUins's Creek, and the white cedar does not reach beyond the branch of Hungry Creek on which we dined. In the early part of the day we saw the col- umbine, the blue bell, and the yellow flowering pea in bloom. There was also on these mountains a great quantity of angelica, stronger to the taste, and more highly scented, than that common in the Uni- ted States. The smell is very pleasant, and the na- tives, after drying and cutting it into small pieces, wear it in strings around their necks. " June 17. The air we found pleasant during the day, but, notwithstanding the shortness of the nights, it became very cold before morning. At an early hour we collected our horses and proceeded down 244 LEWIS AND Clarke's, expedition. the creek, which we crossed twice with much diffi. culty and danger, on account of its depth and rapid- ity. We avoided two other crossings of the same 4cind by passing over a steep and rocky hill. At the distance of seven miles, the road began to as- cend the main ridges which divide the waters of the Chopunnish and Kooskooskee Rivers. We followed it up a mountain for about three miles, when we found ourselves enveloped in snow, from twelve to fifteen feet in depth, even on the south side, with the fullest exposure to the sun. Winter now presented itself to us in all its rigours : the air was keen and frosty, no vestige of vegetation was to be seen, and our hands and feet were benumbed with cold. We halted at the sight of this new difficulty. " To wait till the snows on the mountains had dis- solved so as to enable us to distinguish the road, would, we knew, defeat our design of returning to the United Slates this season. We found, also, that as the snow bore our horses very well, travelling was infinitely easier than it had been last fall, when the rocks and fallen timber so much obstructed our march. But it would require five days to reach the fish-wears at the mouth of Colt Creek, even if we should succeed in following the proper ridges of the mountains ; and the danger of missing our way was exceedingly great, as every track was covered with snow. During these five days, too, we should have no chance of finding either grass or underwood for our horses. To proceed, therefore, under such cir- cumstances, would be to hazard our being bewilder- ed in the mountains, to ensure the loss of our horses, and, should we even be so fortunate as to escape with our lives, we might be obliged to abandon all our papers and collections. It was accordingly de- cided not to venture any farther ; to deposite here all the baggage and provisions for which we had no im- mediate use, and, reserving only subsistence for a few days, return, while our horses were yet strong, EFFORTS TO PROCURE A GUIDE. 245 to some spot where we might hve by hunting till a guide could be procured to conduct us across the mountains. Our baggage was placed on scaffolds and carefully covered, as were also the instruments and papers, which we thought it safer to leave than to risk them over the roads and creeks by which we had come. Having completed this operation, we set out at one o'clock, and, retracing our steps, reached Hungry Creek, which we ascended for two miles, and, finding some scanty grass, encamped for the night. The rain fell during the greater part of the evening ; and, as this was the first time that we had ever been compelled to make a retrograde move- ment, we feared that it might depress the spirits of the men ; but, though somewhat dejected at the cir- cumstance, the obvious necessity precluded all re- pining. During the night our horses strayed in search of food to a considerable distance among the thick timber on the hill sides, nor could we collect them till nine o'clock the next morning, " June 18. Two of them were, however, still miss- ing, and we directed two of the party to remain and look for them. At the same time we despatched Drewyer and Shannon to the Chopunnish, in the plains beyond the Kooskooskee, in order to hasten the arrival of the Indians who it had been promised should accompany us, or, at any rate, to procure a guide to conduct us to Traveller's Rest. For this purpose they took a rifle, as a reward to any one who would engage to go with us, with directions to increase the reward, if necessary, by an offer of two other guns to be given immediately, and ten horses at the Falls of the Missouri : we then resumed our route." * * * They proceeded on to Collins's Creek, where they halted for the night. Although numer- ous tracks of deer were seen, the hunters did not succeed in killing any. They remained at their encampment on Collins's CJreek the two following days, but, as they had but 246 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. little success in procuring game, they resolved to return to Quamash Flats. On the 19th, the two men who had been left behind returned, without having been able to find the missing horses. "June 21. The mortification of being obliged to retrace our steps," continues the Journal, " rendered still more tedious a route everywhere so obstructed by brush and fallen timber that it could not be pass- ed without difficulty, and even danger to our horses. One of these poor creatures wounded himself so badly in jumpmg over some fallen logs, that he was rendered unfit for use, and sickness had deprived us of the service of another. At the pass of Collins's Creek we met two Indians, who returned with us about half a mile to a spot where we had slept in September, and where we now halted to dine and let our horses graze. These Indians had four supernu- merary horses, and were on their way to cross the mountains. They had seen Drewyer and Shannon, who, they said, would not return for two days. We pressed them to remain with us till that time, in or- der to conduct us over the mountains ; to which they consented, and deposited their stores of roots and bread in the bushes at a little distance. After dinner we left three men to hum till our return, and then proceeded ; but we had not gone more than two miles, when the Indians halted in a small prairie, where they promised to remain at least two nights, if we did not come back sooner. We left them, and at about seven in the evening found ourselves at our old encampment on the Flats, and were glad to find that four of the hunters whom we had sent ahead had killed a deer for supper. " June 22. At daylight all the hunters set out, and, traversing the whole country, were much more suc- cessful than we had even hoped, for they brought in eight deer and three bear. Hearing, too, that salmon were now abundant in the Kooskooskee, we de- SDa<^oL>»ed a man to our former station above Ool- THEY OBTAIN TWO INDIAN GVIDHjTS. 247 lins's Creek, for the purpose of purchasing some with a few beads which had been found accidentally in one of our waistcoat pockets. He did not return in the evening, nor had we heard from Drewyer and Shannon, who we began to fear had found much difficulty in engaging a guide ; and we were also ap- prehensive that the two Indians might set out the next day for the mountains. Early in the morning, therefore, " June 23, we despatched two hunters to prevail on them, if possible, to remain a day or two longer ; and if they persisted in going on, they were to ac- company them, with the three men at Collins's Creek, and mark the route as far as Traveller's Rest, wthere Ihey were to remain till we joined them by following the same road. " Our fears for the safety of D/ewyer, Shannon and Whitehouse were fortunately relieved by their return in the afternoon. The former brought three Indians, who promised to go with us to the Falls of the Missouri for the compensation of two guns. One of them was the brother of Cut Nose, and the other two had each given us a horse at the house of Broken Arm ; and as they were men of good character, and respectable in the nation, we had the fairest prospect of being well served. We therefore secured our horses near the camp, and at an early hour the next morning, "June 24, set out on our second attempt to cross the mountains. On reaching Collins's Creek we found only one of our men, who informed us that, a short time before he arrived, the two Indians, tired of waiting, had set out, and the other four men had accompanied them, as they were directed. After halting, we went on to Fish Creek, the branch of Hungry Creek where we had slept on the 19th in- stant. Here we overtook two of the party who had gone on with the Indians, and who had been fortu- nate enough to persuade them to wait for us. Du- ll— U 248 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ring their stay at Collins's Creek they had killed only a single deer, and of this they had been very liber- al to the Indians, in order to induce them to remain, so that they were without provisions ; and two of ihem had set out for another branch of Hungry Creek, where we would meet them the next day. " In the evening, the Indians, to bring fair weath- er, as they said, for our journey, set fire to the woods. As these consisted chiefly of tall fir-trees, with very numerous dried branches, the blaze was almost instantaneous; and as the flames mounted to the tops of the highest trees, it resembled a splen- did display of fireworks. In the morning, " June 25, one of our guides complained of being sick : a symptom by no means pleasant, as sickness with an Indian is generally the pretext for abandon- ing an enterprise which he dislikes. He promised, however, to overtake us, and we therefore left him with his two companions, and set out at an early hour. At eleven o'clock we halted for dinner at the branch of Hungry Creek, and here we found our two men, who had killed nothing. Here, too, we were joined, rather unexpectedly, by our guides, who now appeared disposed to be faithful to their engage- ments. The Indian, indeed, was really sick ; and having no covering except a pair of moccasins and an elkskin dressed without the hair, we supplied him with a buff'alo robe. " In the evening we arrived at Hungry Creek, and halted for the night about a mile and a half below our encampment of the 16th. " June 26. Having collected our horses and taken breakfast, we set out at six o'clock, pursuing our for- mer route, and at length began to ascend for the second time the ridge of mountains. Near the snowy region we killed two small black pheasants and one of the speckled kind. These birds general- ly frequent the higher parts of the mountains, where they feed on the leaves of the pine and fir; but both DIFFICULTIES IN CROSSING THE MOUNTAINS. 249 kinds appear to be solitary and silent, as we never heard either of them make any noise : and the In- dians told us that they did not drum in flying, nor make a whirring sound with their wings. On reach- ing the top of the mountain, we found our deposite perfectly safe. The snow in the neighbourhood had melted nearly four feet since the 17th. By measur- ing it accurately, and comparing it with a mark which we had then made, we found the general depth to have been ten feet ten inches, though in some places still greater ; but at this time it was. about seven feet. It required two hours to arrange our baggage and prepare a hasty meal, after which the guides urged us to set off, as we had a long ride to make before we should reach a spot where there was grass for our horses. We accordingly mount- ed, and, following their steps, sometimes crossed abruptly steep hills, and then wound along their sides, near tremendous precipices, where, had our horses slipped, we should have been irrecoverably lost. Our route lay along the ridgy mountains which sep- arate the waters of the Kooskooskee and Chopun- nish, and above the heads of all the streams, so that we met no running water. The whole country was completely covered with snow, except occasionally a few square feet of earth at the roots of some trees, round which it had dissolved. We passed our camp of the 18th of September, and late in the evening reached a spot where we encamped, near a good spring of water. It was on the steep side of a mount- ain, with no wood, and a fair southern aspect, from which the snow seemed to have disappeared for about ten days, and an abundant growth of young grass, like greensward, had sprung up. There was also a species of grass not unhke flag, with a broad succulent leaf. And which is confined to the upper parts of the high- est mountains. It is a favourite food with horses, but it was then either covered with snow, or just making its appearance. There is a third plant pe- 250 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. culiar to the same regions, a species of whortleber- ry; and there are also large quantities of a species of bear-grass, which, though it grows luxuriantly over all these mountains, and preserves its verdure during the whole winter, is never eaten by horses. " In the night there came to our camp a Chopun- nish, who had followed us with the view of accom- panying us to the Falls of the Missouri. We now learned that the two young Indians whom we had met on the 21st, and detained several days, were merely going on a party of pleasure to the Ootia- shoots, or, as they call them, Shallees, a band of Tushepahs who live on Clarke's River, near Trav- eller's Rest. Early the next morning, "June 27, we resumed our journey over the heights and steep hills of the same great ridge. At eight miles' distance we reached an eminence where the Indians had raised a conical mound of stone, six or eight feet high, on which was fixed a pine pole about fifteen feet high. Here we halted and smoked for some time, at the request of the Indians, who told us that, in passing the mountains with their fam- ilies, some men are usually sent on foot from this place to fish at the entrance of Colt Creek, rejoining the main party at the Ruamash Glade at the head of the Kooskooskee. From the elevated point where we now were, we had a commanding view of the surrounding mountains, which so completely enclo- sed us, that, although we had once passed them, we might have almost despaired of ever escaping from them but for the assistance of the Indians. The marks on the trees, which had been our chief de- pendance, were much fewer and more difficult to be distinguished than we had expected ; but our guides traversed this trackless region with a kind of in- stinctive sagacity : they never hesitated, nor were they ever embarrassed ; and so unerring was their course, that wherever the snow had disappeared for even a hundred paces, they found at once the sum- HARDNESS OF THE SNOW. 251 mer road. With their aid the snow was scarcely a disadvantage; for, although we were often obliged to slide down, the fallen timber and the rocks, which were now covered, had been much more trouble- some when we passed in the autumn. The travel- ling was, indeed, comparatively pleasant, as well as more rapid, the snow being granular and without crust, and sufficiently hard to prevent the horses from sinking more than two or three inches. After the sun had been on it for some hours it became softer than early in the morning, but the horses were almost always able to get a sure foothold. "After some time we resumed our route, and at the distance of three miles descended a steep mount- ain-, when, crossing two branches of the Chopunnish River just above their forks, we began to mount a second ridge. Along this we proceeded for some time, and at the distance of seven miles reached our camp of the 16th of September. Near this place we crossed three small branches of the Chopunnish, and then ascended a second dividing ridge, along which we continued for nine miles, when it became somewhat lower, and we halted for the night in a position similar to that where we had encamped the preceding evening. "We had now travelled twenty-eight miles with- out taking the loads from our horses or giving them anything to eat ; and as the snow where we halted had not entirely melted, there was but little grass. Among other plants we observed great quantities of the white lily, with reflected petals, which were now in bloom, and in the same forwardness as in the plains on the 10th of May. As for ourselves, our stock of meat being entirely gone, we distributed to each mess a pint of bear's oil, which, with some boiled roots, made an agreeable repast. We saw several black-tailed or mule-deer, but could not gel a shot at them, and were informed that there were great numbers of elk in the valley, near the fishery 252 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. on the Kooskooskee. The Indians also asserted that on the mountains to our right there were large numbers of what they call white buffalo, or mount- ain sheep. Our horses had strayed some distance in quest of food, and in the morning, " June 28, when they were brought in, exhibited rather a gaunt appearance. The Indians promised, however, that we should reach some good grass by noon, and we set out after an early breakfast. Our route lay along the dividing ridge and across a very deep hollow, till at the distance of six miles wfc reached our camp of the 15th of September. A mile and a half farther we passed a road from the right, immediately on the dividing ridge, leading to the fishery. We went on, as we had done during the former part of the route, over deep snows, when, having made thirteen miles, we came to the side of a mountain just above the fishery, which, having no timber and a southern exposure, the snow had dis- appeared from it, and there was an abundance of fine grass. Our horses were very hungry as well as greatly fatigued, and as there was no other spot within our reach this evening where we should find food for them, we determined to encamp, though it was not yet midday. As there was no water in the neighbourhood, we melted snow for cooking, and early in the morning, " June 29, continued along the ridge we had been following for several days, till at the end of five miles it terminated ; and now, bidding adieu to the snows which we had been traversing, we descended to the main branch of the Kooskooskee. On reaching the water side we found a deer which had been left for us by two of our hunters, who had been despatched at an early hour to the warm springs, and which proved a very seasonable addition to our food ; for, having neither meat nor oil, we were reduced to a diet of roots, without salt or any other addition. At this place (about a mile and a half from the point WARM SPRINGS. 253 where Quamash Creek falls m from the northeast) the Kooskooskee is ahout thirty yards wide, and runs with great velocity over a bed, like those of all the mountain streams, composed of pebbles. We forded the river, and ascended for two miles the steep acclivities of a mountain, and at its summit found, coming in from the right, the old road which we had passed on our route in the autumn. It was now much plainer and more beaten, which the In- dians told us was owing to the frequent visits of the Ootlashoots from the valley of Clarke's River to the fishery, though there was no appearance of their having been here this spring. Twelve miles from our camp we halted to graze our horses on the flats of the Quamash Creek. These form a handsome plain of fifty acres in extent, covered with an abun- dance of quamash, and seem to be one of the princi- pal stopping places of the Indians in crossing the mountains. We saw here several young pheasants, and killed one of the small black kind, which was the first we had observed below the region of snow. In the neighbourhood were also seen the tracks of two barefoot Indians, w^hich our companions supposed to be Ootlashoots who had fled in distress from the Pahkees. Here, too, we discovered that two of our horses were missing. We sent two men in quest of them, and then went on seven miles farther to the warm springs, where we arrived early in the after- noon. The two hunters who had been sent forward in the morning had collected no game, nor were sev- eral others who went out after our arrival more successful. We therefore had a prospect of contin- uing our usual diet of roots, when late in the after- noon the men returned with the stray horses and a deer for supper. " These warm springs are situated at the foot of a hill on the north side of Travellers Rest Creek, which is ten yards wide at this place. They issue from the bottoms and through the interstices of a 254 LEWIS AJsD CLARKE S EXPEDITION. gray freestone rock, which rises in irregular masses round their lower side. The principal spring, which the Indians have formed into a bath by stopping the run with stones and pebbles, is of about the same temperature as the warmest bath used at the Hot Springs in Virginia. Captain Lewis could with dif- ficulty remain in it nineteen minutes, and was then affected with a profuse perspiration. The two other springs are much hotter, their temperature being equal to that of the warmest of the Hot Springs in Virginia. Our men, as well as the Indians, amused themselves with going into the bath; the latter, ac- cording to the universal custom among them, first entering the hot bath, where they remained as long as they could bear the heat, then plunging into the creek, which was now of an icy coldness, and re- peating this operation several tim.es, but always ending with the warm bath." CHAPTER XIV. The Party, proceeding on their Journey with their Indian Guides, agree to divide, take separate Routes, and meet again at the Mouth of the Yellowstone River. — Captain Lewis, with nine Men, proceeds up the eastern Branch of Clarke's River, and takes leave of the Jndian Guides.— Description of that Branch, and Character of the surrounding Country. — The Cokalahishkit River. — They arrive at the Ridge dividing the Missouri from the Columbia River. — Meet with the Buffalo and Brown Bear. — Immense Herds of Buffalo seen on the Borders of Medicine River. — The Party encamp on White Bear Island. — Singular Adventure that befell M'Neil. — Cap- tain Lewis, with three of his Party, proceeds to explore the Source of Maria's River. — Tansy River. — He reaches the di- viding Line of these two Streams.— General Character of the surrounding Country. The next day they proceeded along Traveller's Rest Creek, and, after making thirty-two miles^ THE PARTY TAKE DIFFERENT ROUTES. 255 halted for the night on its south side, near where it enters Clarke's River. In the course of the day they killed six deer, oj" which there were great num- bers, as well as bighorn and elk, in the neighbourhood. "July 1. We had now," continues the Journal, " made one hundred and fifty-six miles from the Quamash Flats to the mouth of Traveller's Rest Creek. Here we proposed to separate ; and it was accordingly resolved to remain a day or two, to re- fresh ourselves and the horses, which had borne the journey extremely well, and were still in fine order, though they required a little jrest. We had hoped to meet some of the Ootlashoots at this place, but no tracks of them were to be seen. Our Indian companions expressed much anxiety lest they should have been cut off by the Pahkees during the winter, and alluded to the tracks of the two barefooted per- sons as a proof how much they must have been distressed. " We now formed the following plan of opera- tions : Captain Lewis, with nine men, was to pursue the most direct route to the Falls of the Missouri, where three of his party were to be left, to prepare carriages for transporting the baggage and canoes across the portage. With the remaining six he was to ascend Maria's River, to explore the country, and ascertain whether any branch of it reached as far north as the latitude of fifty degrees, after which he would descend that river to its mouth. The rest of the party were to accompany Captain Clarke to the head of Jefferson River, which Sergeant Ordway and nine men would descend with the canoes and other articles deposited there. Captain Clarke's party, which would then be reduced to ten, would proceed to the Yellowstone at its nearest approach to the Three Forks of the Missouri, where he would build canoes, descend that river with seven of his party, and wait at its mouth till the rest should join him. Sergeant Pryor, with the two others, would 256 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. take the horses by land to the Mandans, and from that nation go to the British posts on the Assiniboin, with a letter to Mr. Henry, to induce him to endeav- our to prevail on some of the Sioux chiefs to ac- company him to the city of Washington." Having concluded on these arrangements, they bu- sied themselves with putting their arms in order : the hunters were also sent out, and had good sue cess in killing deer. " The Indians who had accompanied us," pro- ceeds the narrative, " proposed leaving us here, in order to seek their friends the Ootlashoots ; but we prevailed on them to accompany Captain Lewis a part of his route, so as to show him the shortest road to the Missouri, and in the mean time amused them with conversation, and with running races both on foot and on horseback, in both of which they proved themselves hardy, athletic, and active. To the chief Captain Lewis presented a small medal and a gun, as a reward for having guided us across the mountains; and, in return, the customary civility was observed of exchanging names, by which the former acquired the title of Yomekollick, or White Bearskin Unfolded. The Chopunnish who had over- taken us on the 26th made us a present of an ex- cellent horse for the good advice we had given him, and as a proof, also, of his attachment to the whites, and of his desire to be at peace with the Pahkees. The next morning, "July 3, all our preparations being completed, we saddled our horses, and the two parties which had been so long companions now separated, with an anxious hope of soon meeting, after each had ac- complished its destined purpose. " The nine men and five Indians who accompanied Captain Lewis proceeded in a direction due north, down the west side of Clarke's River. Half a mile from the camp we forded Traveller's Rest Creek, and two and a half miles farther passed a western THEIR GUIDES LEAVE THEM. 257 branch of the river : one mile beyond this was a small creek on the eastern side, and a mile lower down, the entrance of the eastern branch of the riv- er. This stream is from ninety to one hundred and twenty yards wide, and its waters, which are dis- charged through two channels, were more turbid than that of the main river. The latter is one hun- dred and fifty yards in width, and waters an exten- sive level plain and prairie, the lower parts of which are ornamented with the long-leafed pine and cotton- wood, while the tops of the hills are covered with pine, larch, and fir. We proceeded two miles far- ther, to a place where the Indians advised us to cross ; but, having no boats, and wood being scarce, four hours were spent in collecting sufficient timber to make three small rafts, on which, with some dif- ficulty and danger, we passed the river. We then drove our horses into the water, and they swam to the opposite shore ; but the Indians crossed on horse- back, drawing, at the same time, their baggage along- side of them, in small vessels made of deerskin. The whole party being now reassembled, we pro- ceeded three miles farther, and encamped about sun- set at a small creek. The Indians now pointed out to us a road at no great distance, which, they said, would lead up the eastern branch of Clarke's River, to another river called Cokalahishkit, or the River of the Road to the Buffaloes, and thence to Medicine River and the Falls of the Missouri. They added, that not far from the dividing ridge of the waters of Clarke's River and the Missouri the roads forked, and, though both led to the Falls, the left-hand route was the best. The road was so well beaten that we could no longer mistake it, and, having now shown us the way, they were anxious to go on in qu-est of their friends the Shalees ; besides which, they fear- ed, by venturing farther with us, that they might en- counter the Pahkees, we having in the afternoon seen the fresh track of a horse, which they believed 258 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. to be that of a Shalee scout. We could not insist on their remaining longer with us; and as they had 60 kindly conducted us across the mountains, we were desirous of giving them a supply of provisions, and therefore distributed to them the half of three deer, and our hunters were ordered to go out early in the morning in hopes of adding to the stock. " The horses suffered so dreadfully from the raos- chetoes, that we were obliged to kindle large fires, and place the poor animals in 1;he midst of the smoke." * * * " July 4. We smoked a farewell pipe with our es- timable Indian companions, who expressed the great- est regret at parting with us, which they felt the more, because of their fears, which they did not con- ceal, of our being cut off by the Pahkees. We also gave them a shirt, a handkerchief, and a small quan- tity of ammunition. The meat which they received from us they dried, and left it at this place as a stock for their homeward journey. This circumstance convinced us that there was no route along Clarke's River to the plains on the Columbia so near or so good as that by which we had come ; for, although these people meant to go several days' journey down the former river to look for th3 Shalees, yet they intended returning home by the same pass of the mountains through which they had conducted us. This route is used also by all the nations with whom we became acquainted west of the mountains that are in the habit of visiting the plains of the Missou- ri ; while, on the other side, all the war-paths of the Pahkees, which run into this valley of Clarke's Riv- er, concentrate at Traveller's Rest, beyond which these people have never ventured to the west." * * * After taking leave of their Indian friends, they proceeded up the eastern branch of Clarke's River for ten miles, when they came to the Cokalahishkit, a deep and rapid stream, sixty yards broad, empty- ing into it ; an(f turning up this stream in a due east PRAIRIE OF THE KNOBS. 259 course, at the distance of eight miles they encamp- ed for the night. The road continued to extend along this river most of the following day, during which they came to a considerable stream emptying into it from the north, which they called Werner's Creek ; and, after ma- king a distance of twenty-eight miles, they encamped near the entrance of another creek, to which they gave the name of Seaman's Creek. The country through which they passed consisted of plains and prairies. " July 6. At sunrise," proceeds the Journal, " we continued our course eastward along the river. At seven miles' distance we passed the north fork of the Cokalahishkit, a deep and rapid stream, forty- five yards in width, and, like the main branch itself, somewhat turbid, though the other streams of this country are clear. Seven miles farther the river enters the mountains, and here end the extensive prairies on this side, though they widen in their course towards the southeast, and form an Indian route to Dearborn's Hiver, and thence to the Missou ri. From the multitude of knobs irregularly scat- tered through this country. Captain Lewis called it the Prairie of the Knobs. It abounds in game, as we saw goats, deer, great numbers of the burrow- ing squirrels, some curlews, bee-martins, woodpeck- ers, plover, robins, doves, ravens, hawks, ducks, a variety of sparrows, and yesterday observed swans on Werner's Creek. Among the plants we observ- ed the southern wood, and two other species of shrubs, of which we preserved specimens." * * * " July 7. W^e proceeded through a beautiful plain," says the Journal, " on the north side of the river, which seemed here to abound in beaver. On the low grounds there was much timber, and the hills were covered chiefly with pitch pine, that of the long-leafed kind having disappeared since we left the Prairie of the Knobs. At the distance of twelve 260 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. miles we left the river, or rather the creek, and hav- ing for four miles crossed two ridges in a direction north 15° east, again struck to the right, proceeding through a narrow bottom covered with low willows and grass, and abundantly supplied with both deer and beaver. After travelling seven miles we reach- ed the foot of a ridge, which we ascended in a direc- tion north 45° east, through a low gap of easy as- cent from the westward ; and, on descending it, were delighted at discovering that this was the dividing ridge between the waters of the Columbia and those of the Missouri. From this gap Fort Mountain is about twenty miles in a northeastern direction. We now wound through the hills and mountains, passing several rivulets which ran to the right, and at the distance of nine miles from the gap encamped, having made thirty-two miles. We procured some beaver, and this morning saw tracks of buffalo, from which it appears that those animals do some- times penetrate a short distance among the mount- ains. " July 8. At three miles from our camp we reach- ed a stream issuing from the mountains to the south- west. It contains water only for a width of thirty feet, but its bed is more than three times that breadth, and from the appearance of the roots and trees in the neighbouring bottom, its current must sometimes run with great violence : we called it Dearborn's River. Half a mile farther we observed from a height the Shishequaw Mountain, a high, insula- ted eminence of a conical form, standing several miles in advance of the eastern range of the Rocky Mountains, and then about eight miles from us, and immediately on our road, which was in a northwest direction. But, as our object was to strike Medicine River, and hunt down to its mouth, we determined to leave the road, and therefore proceeded due north, through an open plain, till we reached Shishequaw Creek, a stream about twenty yards wide, with a FIRST APPEARANCE OF BUFFALO. 261 considerable quantity of timber on its low grounds. Here we halted and dined ; and now felt, by the lux- ury of our food, that we were approaching once more the plains of the Missouri, so rich in game. We saw a great number of deer, goats, and wolves, and some barking squirrels, and for the first time caught a distant prospect of two buffalo. After dinner we followed the Shishequaw for six and a half miles, to its entrance into Medicine River, and along the banks of this river for eight miles, when we encamped on a large island. The bottoms continued low, level, and extensive ; the plains, too, were level ; but the soil of neither was fertile, as it consisted of a hght- coloured earth intermixed with a proportion of grav- el : the grass in both was generally about nine inch- es high. Captain Lewis here shot a large wolf, re- markable for being almost white. We had made twenty eight miles." * * * It rained the whole of the next day, and they ad- vanced but eight miles, over extensive bottom lands tolerably well supplied with the narrow-leafed Cot- tonwood. " July 10. We set out early, and proceeded through a country similar to that of yesterday, with wide- leafed Cottonwood occasionally along the borders of the bottoms, though for the most part the low grounds were without timber. In the plains were great quantities of two species of prickly pear, then in bloom. Gooseberries of the common red kind were in abundance, and just beginning to ripen, but there were no currants. The river had now widened to a hundred yards ; was deep, crowded with islands, and in many parts rapid. At the distance of seven- teen miles the timber disappeared totally from the bottoms. About this time the wind, which had be- fore blown on our backs, and put the elk on their guard, shifted round, and we shot three of them and a brown bear. Captain Lewis halted to skin them, while two of the men took the pack-horses forward 262 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. to seek for a place to encamp. It was nine o'clock before he overtook them, at the distance of seven miles, in the first grove of cottonwood. They had been pursued as they came along by a very large bear, on which they were afraid to fire, lest their horses, being unaccustomed to the report of a gun, might take fright and throw them. This circum- stance reminded us of the ferocity of these animals when we were before near this place, and admonish- ed us to be very cautious. We saw vast numbers of buffalo below us, which kept up a dreadful bellow- ing during the night. With all our exertions we were unable to advance more than twenty-four miles, owing to the miry state of the ground, occasioned by the rain. The next morning, however, "July 11, was fair, and enlivened by multitudes of birds, which sang delightfully in the clusters of cottonwood. The hunters were sent down Medi- cine River in pursuit of elk, while Captain Lewis crossed the high plain, in a direction 75° east, to White Bear Island, a distance of eight miles, and here they joined him. They had seen some elk; but in this neighbourhood the buffalo were in such numbers, that on a moderate computation there could not have been fewer than ten tnousand within a cir- cuit of two miles. At this season they are heard bellowing in every direction, so as to form an al- most continual roar, which at first alarmed our hor- ses, which, being from the west of the mountains, were unaccustomed to the noise and appearance of these animals. Among the smaller game were the brown thrush, pigeons, doves, and a beautiful bird called the buffalo-pecker. "Immediately on our arrival we began to hunt, and by three in the afternoon had collected a stock of food and hides sufficient for our purpose. We then made two canoes, one in the form of a basin, like those used by the Mandans, the other consisting of two skins, in a form of our own invention. They were completed the next morning. «t ^ . ^fTT^" CACHE overflow; ED. 263 " July 12 ; but the wind continued so high that it was not till towards night that we could cross the river in them. In the meau time nearly the whole day was consumed in seeking after our horses, which had disappeared during the night; and seven of them were not recovered at dark, Drewyer being still in quest of them," * * * " July 13. We formed our camp this morning at our old station, near the head of White Bear Island, and immediately set to work in making gear. On opening the cache, we found the bearskins entirely destroyed by the water, which in a flood of the riv- er had penetrated to them. All the specimens of plants, too, were unfortunately lost : the chart of the Missouri, however, still remained unhurt, and several articles contained in trunks and boxes had suffered but little injury; but a vial of laudanum had lost its stopper, and the liquid had run into a drawer of medicines, which it spoiled beyond recov- ery. The moschetoes were so troublesome that it was impossible even to write without a moscheto bier. The buffalo were leaving us fast, on their way to the southeast. " July 14. We continued making preparations for transporting our articles, and, as the old deposite was too damp, we secured the trunks on a high scaifold, covered with skins, among the thick brush on a large island : a precaution against the Indians, should they visit us before the main party arrived. The car- riage wheels were in good order, and the iron frame of the boat had not suffered materially. The buffalo had now nearly disappeared, leaving behind them a number of large wolves who were prowling about us. " July 15. To our great joy, Drewyer now return- ed from his long search after the horses ; for we had concluded from his protracted stay that he had prob- ably met with a bear, and with his usual intrepidity attacked the animal, in which case, if by any accident he had been separated from his horse, his death waa II.— X 264 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. almost inevitable. Under this impression, we had resolved to set out in quest of him, when his return relieved us from our apprehensions. He had search- ed for two days before he discovered that the hor- ses had crossed Dearborn's River, near a spot where there was an Indian encampment, which seemed to have been abandoned about the time the animals were stolen, and around which so much caution had been used, that no trace of a horse was to be seen within the distance of a quarter of a mile. He crossed the river and pursued the track of these In- dians westward, till his horse became so much fa- tigued that he despaired of overtaking them, and then returned. These Indians we supposed to be a party of Tushepaws, who had ventured out of the mountains to hunt buffalo. " During the day we were engaged in drying meat and dressing skins. At night M'Neal, who had been sent in the morning to examine the cache at the low- er end of the portage, returned, but had been pre- vented from reaching that place by a singular adven- ture. Just as he arrived near Willow Run, he ap- proached a thicket of brush in which was a white bear, which he did not discover till he was within ten feet of him ; when his horse started, and, wheel- ing suddenly round, threw him almost immediately under the animal. M'Neal started up instantly, and, finding the bear raising himself on his hind feet to attack him, struck him on the head with the butt end of his musket. The blow was so violent that it broke the breech of the musket and knocked the bear to the ground ; and, before he recovered, M'Neal sprang into a willow-tree which he saw close by, and remained there, while the bear closely guarded the foot of it, till late in the afternoon. He then went off, when M'Neal came down, and, having found his horse, which had strayed to the distance of two miles, returned to camp. These animals are, indeed, terribly ferocious ; and it is matter of FALLS OF MEDICINE RIVER. 265 wonder, that in all our encounters with them we should have had the good fortune to escape unhurt. We were now troubled with another enemy, not quite so dangerous, though even more disagreeable: these were the moschetoes, which swarmed around us in such myriads that we frequently got them into our throats when breathing, and the dog howled with the torture they occasioned. Having now ac- complished the object of our stay, Captain Lewis determined to leave Sergeant Gass, with two men and four horses, to assist the party who were ex- pected, in carrying our effects over the portage, while he, with Drewyer, the two Fields, and six hor- ses, proceeded to the sources of Maria's River. Accordingly, early in the morning, " July 16, he descended in a skin canoe to the lower side of Medicine River, where the horses had previously been sent, and then rode with his party to the fall of forty-seven feet, where he halted for two hours to dine, and took a sketch of the cascade. In the afternoon they proceeded to the Great Falls, near which they slept, under a shelving rock, with a happy exemption from moschetoes. These falls had lost much of their grandeur since they were before seen, the river being now much lower, though they still formed a most sublime spectacle. As we came along we met several white bears, but they did not venture to attack us. There were but few buffalo, however, they having principally passed the river, and directed their course downward. As usual, there were great numbers of goats and antelopes dispersed over the plains, and we saw large flocks of geese, which raise their young about the entrance of Medicine River. We observed here, also, the cuckoo, or, as it is sometimes called, the raincraw, a bird which is not known either among or west of the Rocky Mountains. "July 17. After taking a second draught of the Falls, Captain Lewis directed his course north 10'' 266 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. west, with an intention of striking Maria's River at the point to which he had ascended in 1804. The country here spreads into wide level plains, swell- ing like the ocean, in which the eye is unattracted by the appearance of a single tree or shrub, and which are diversified only by the moving herds of buffalo. The soil consists of a light-coloured earth, inter- mixed with a large proportion of coarse gravel, without sand, and is by no means as fertile as either the plains on the Columbia, or those lower down the Missouri. When dry it cracks, and is hard and thirsty, while in its wet state it is soft and slimy like soap. The grass is naturally short, and at this time was still more so, from the recent passage of the buffalo." * * * " The tribes which principally frequent this coun- try are the Minnetarees of Fort de Prairie and the Blackfoot Indians, both of whom are vicious and profligate rovers ; and we had, therefore, everything to fear : not only that they might steal our horses, but even our arms and baggage, if they were suffi- ciently strong." After proceeding about twenty miles they came to Tansy River, and as they would not be able to reach Maria's River before night, they encamped there. " July 18. A little before sunrise," proceeds the Journal, " we started on a course north 25° west, which we continued for six miles, when we reached the top of a high plain which divides the waters of Maria and Tansy Rivers ; and a mile farther came to a creek of the former, about twenty-five yards wide, though without water except in a few pools in its bed. Down this creek we proceeded for twelve miles, through thick groves of timber on ita banks, passing such immense numbers of buffalo that the whole seemed to be but a single herd. Ac- companying them were multitudes of wolves, and besides these we saw some antelope and hare. Af- fHEY REACH THE FORKS OF MARIa's RIVER. 267 ter dinner we left this creek, which we called Buf- falo Creek, and, crossing the plain for six miles, came to Maria's River, where we encamped iti a grove of Cottonwood on its western side, keeping watch through the night lest we should be surprised by the Indians." The two following days they continued their jour- ney up Maria's River to the distance of forty-eight miles, seeing great numbers of wild animals of dif- ferent kinds, though fewer buffalo than before. The country was spread out in level, beautiful plains, though the soil, except on the bottoms, was of infe- rior quality. CHAPTER XV. Captain Lewis and his Party arrive at the Forks of Maria's Kiver. — Alarmed by the Evidence of being in the Neighbour- hood of unfriendly Indians, and distressed for Want of Pro- visions. — The unfavourable Weather compels them to return. — Interview with the Minnetarees of Fort de Prairie. — Mutual Consternation. — Resolution of Captain Lewis. — They en- camp together for the Night. — Conversation which ensues. - Conflict occasioned by the Indians attempting to seize the Rifles and Horses of the Party, in which one of the former is mortally wounded.— Captain Lewis kills another Indian, and his narrow Escape. — Having taken four Horses belonging to the Indians, they hasten to join the Party with Captain Clarke. — Arriving near the Missouri, they are alarmed by the Sound of Rifles, which fortunately proves to be from the Party under Sergeant Ordway. — The two Detachments thus united, leave their Horses, and descend the Missouri in Canoes. — Continue their Route down the River to join Captain Clarke. — Vast Quantities of Game seen on their Passage. — Captain Lewis accidentally Wounded by one of his own Party. — They at length jom Captain Clarke. Starting at sunrise on the 21st, Captain Lewis and his party, after proceeding eighteen miles, came to the forks of Maria's River, the largest branch run- 268 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ning south 75° west towards the mountains, and the other north 40° west. They followed the north- ern branch, believing it would lead them to the most northerly point of the river, and at the distance of thirteen miles encamped under a cliff on its banks. Ascending this branch for tweniy-eight miles on the following day, they were brought within about ten miles of the foot of the Rocky Mountains ; " and being now able to trace distinctly," says the Journal, " that the point at which the river issues from those mountains was to the south of west, we concluded that we had reached its most northern point ; and as we had ceased to believe that any of its branches extend as far north as the fiftieth degree of latitude, we deemed it useless to proceed farther." They concluded to remain here two days, to take some observations and rest their horses. Being unable to procure either game or fish, they were much distressed for want of provisions ; and their situation was rendered still more unpleasant by cer- tain evidences that the Minnetarees were at no great distance from them. The weather, also, was cold and rainy, preventing their taking any observation, and detaining them beyond the period they had proposed to stop. They did not start till the 26th, when, proceeding in nearly a southeast direction across the plains, at twelve miles' distance they came to a branch of Ma- ria's River, "which," says the .Journal, "we cross- ed, and continued along its southern side for two miles, where it is joined by another branch of nearly equal size from the southwest, and far more cleni than the north branch, which is turbid, though the beds of both are composed of pebbles. We now de- cided on pursuing this river to its junction with the fork of Maria's River, which we had ascended, and then crossing the country obliquely to Tansy River, to descend that stream to its confluence with Ma- ria's River. We therefore crossed over and de DISCOVERY OF THE MINNETAREES. 269 scended the river, and at one mile below the junc- tion halted to let the horses graze ni a fertile bottom, in which were some Indian lodges that appeared to have been inhabited during the last winter. * *' At the distance of three miles we ascended the hills close to the river, while Drewyer proceeded alonff its valley on the opposite side. But scarcely had Captain Lewis reached the high plain, when he saw, about a mile to his left, a collection of about thirty horses. He immediately halted, and by he • aid of his spyglass discovered that one half of the horses were saddled, and that on the eminence above the horses there were several Indiaiis look- ino- down towards the river, probably at Drewyer. This was a most unwelcome sight. Their probable numbers rendered any contest with them of doubt- ful issue, while to attempt to escape would only in- vite pursuit, and our horses were so bad that we must certainly be overtaken ; besides which, Drew- yer could not yet be aware that the Indians were near, and if we ran he would most probably be sac- rificed We determined, therefore, to make the best of our situation, and advanced towards them in a friendly manner. The flag which we had brought in case of any such accident was displayed, and we continued slowly to approach them. Their atten- tion was so entirely directed to Drewyer that they did not immediately discover us. As soon as they did perceive us they appeared to be much alarmed, and ran about in great confusion: some of them came down the hill and drove their horses withm gunshot of the eminence, to which they then re- turned, as if to wait our arrival. When we came within a quarter of a mile, one of them mounted and rode at full speed to meet us ; but at the distance of a hundred paces he halted, and Captain Lewis, who had alighted to receive him, held out his hand and beckoned to him to approach : he looked at us for gome time, and then, without saying a word, return- 270 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. ed to his companions with as much haste as he had advanced. The whole party now descended the hill and rode towards us. As yet we saw only eight, but presumed that there must be more behind them, as there were other horses saddled. We, however, advanced, and Captain Lewis now told his two men that he feared these were the Minnetarees of Fort de Prairie, who, from their infamous character, would in all probability attempt to rob us ; but that, being determined to die rather than lose his papers and in- struments, he had made up his mind to resist to the last extremity, and advised them to do the same, and to be on the alert should there be any disposition to attack us. " "When the two parties came within a hundred yards of each other, all the Indians except one halt- ed; Captain Lewis therefore ordered his two men to stop while he advanced alone ; and, after shaking hands with the Lidian, he went on, and did the same with the others in the rear, the foremost Indian at the same time shaking hands with the two men. They all now came up, and, after alighting, the In- dians asked to smoke with us. Captain Lewis, who was very anxious for Drewyer's safety, told them that the man who had gone down the river had the pipe, and requested, as they had seen him, that one of them should accompany Fields to bring him back. To this they assented, and Fields went with a young Indian in search of Drewyer. Captain Lewis now asked them by signs if they were the Miimetarees of the north, and was sorry to learn by their answer that his suspicions were too true. He then inquired if there was any chief among them. They pointed out three; but, though he did not believe them, he thought it best to please them, and gave to one a flag, to another a medal, and to a third a handker- chief. They appeared to be well satisfied with these presents, and soon entirely recovered from the agi- tation into which our first interview had thrown INTERVIEW WITH THE MINNETAREES. 271 them ; for they were, in fact, more alarmed than we were at the first meeting. In turn, however, we be- came equally satisfied, on seeing that they were not joined by any more companions ; for we considered ourselves quite a match for eight Indians, particu- larly as only two of them had guns, the rest being armed with eye-dogs and bows and arrows. "As it was growing late, Captain Lewis proposed that they should encamp together near the river; for he was glad to see them, and had a great deal to say to them. They assented ; and being soon join- ed by Drewyer, we proceeded towards the river, and after descending a very steep bluflf, two hundred and fifty feet high, encamped in a small bottom. Here the Indians formed a large semicircular tent of dressed buffalo skins, in which the two parties assembled, and by the help of Drewyer the evening was spent in conversation. The Indians informed us that they were a part of a large band, which at present lay encamped on the main branch of Maria's River, near the foot of the Rocky Mountains, and at the distance of a day and a half's journey from this place. Another numerous party were hunting buf- falo near the Broken Mountains, from which they would proceed in a few days to the north of Maria's River. With the first of these there was a white man. They added, that from this place to the es- tablishment at which they traded on the Saskasha- wan was only six days' easy march, that is, such a day's journey as could be made with their women and children ; so that we computed the distance at one hundred and sixty miles. There they carry wolfskins and some beaver, and exchange them for guns, ammunition, blankets, spirituous liquors, and other articles of Indian traffic, " Captain Lewis, in turn, informed them that he had come from a great distance up the large river which runs towards the rising sun, and that he had been as far as the great lake where the sun sets , 272 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. that he had seen many nations, the greater part of whom were at war with each other, but that by hia mediation they had made peace, and all of them had been invited to come and trade with him east of the mountains ; that he was now on his way home, but had left his companions at the Falls while he came in search of the Minnetarees, in the hope of inducing them also to live at peace with their neighbours, and to visit the trading-houses which were about to be established at the entrance of Maria's River. They said that they were anxious to be at peace with the Tushepaws, but that those people had lately killed a number of their relations, as they proved by pointing to several of the party who had their hair cut as a mark of mourning. They were equally willing, they added, to come down and trade with us. Captain Lewis therefore proposed that they should send some of their young men to invite all their band to meet us at the mouth of Maria's River, and that the rest of the party should go with us to that place, where he hoped to find his men, offering them, at the same time, ten horses and some tobacco if they would accompany us. To this, however, they made no reply. Finding them very fond of the pipe, Cap- tain Lewis, who was desirous of keeping a vigilant watch during the night, smoked with them until a late hour, and, as soon as they were all asleep, he awoke R. Fields, and ordering him to rouse us all in case any Indian left the camp, as they would prob- ably attempt to steal our horses, he lay down by the side of Drewyer in the tent with all the Indians, while the two Fields were stretched near the fire at the mouth of it. "July 27. The Indians got up at sunrise and crowded round the fire, near which J. Fields, who was then on watch, had carelessly left his rifle, by the head of his brother, who was still asleep. One of the Indians slipped behind him, and, unperceived, took his brother's and his own rifle, while at the CONFLICT WITH THE MINNETAREES. 273 same lime two others seized those of Drewyer and Captain Lewis. As soon as Fields turned round he saw the Indian running off with the rifles, and in- stantly calling his brother, they pursued him for fifty or sixty yards, and just as they overtook him, in the scuffle R. Fields stabbed him through the heart with his knife : he ran about fifteen steps and fell dead. They now hastened back with their rifles to the camp. The moment the fellow touched his gun, Drewyer, who was awake, jumped up and wrested it from him. The noise awoke Captain Lewis, who instantly started from the ground, and reached to seize his gun ; but, finding it gone, he drew a pistol from his belt, and turning about, saw an Indian run- ning off with it. He followed him and ordered him to lay it down, which he was doing, just as the two Fields came up and were taking aim to shoot him ; when Captain Lewis ordered them not to fire, as the Indian did not appear to intend any mischief. He dropped the gun, and was going off slowly, when Drewyer came out and asked permission to kill him ; but this Captain Lewis forbade, as he had not at- tempted to shoot us. But, finding that the Indians were now endeavouring to drive off all our horses, he ordered the men to follow the main party who were chasing the horses up the river, and to fire in- stantly upon the thieves ; while he, without taking time to run for his shot-pouch, pursued the fellow who had stolen his gun and another Indian, who were driving away the horses on the left of the camp. He pressed them so closely that they left twelve of their own horses, but continued to drive off one of ours. At the distance of three hundred paces they entered a steep niche in the river bluffs, when Captain Lewis, being too much out of breath to pursue them any farther, called out, as he had done several times before, that unless they gave up the horse he would shoot them. As he raised his gun one of them jumped behind a rock, and spoke to 274 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the other, who, stopping at the distance of thirty paces, Captain Lewis shot him in the belly.* He fell on his knees and right elbow, but, raising him- self a little, fired, and then crawled behind a rock. The shot had nearly proved fatal ; for Captain Lew- is, who was bareheaded, felt the wind of the ball very distinctly. Not having his shot-pouch, ho could not reload his rifle ; and, having only a single charge also for his jlistol, he thought it most prudent not to attack them farther, and retired slowly to the camp. He was met by Drewyer, who, hearing the report of the guns, had come to his assistance, leav- ing the Fields to follow the other Indians. Captain Lewis ordered him to call out to them to desist from the pursuit, as we could take the horses of the In- dians in place of our own; but they were at too great a distance to hear him. He therefore return- ed to the camp, and while he was saddling the horses the Fields returned with four of our own, having followed the Indians until two of them swam the river and two others ascended the hills, so that the horses became dispersed. " We were, on the whole, rather gainers by the contest, for we had taken four of the Indian horses, and lost only one of our own. Besides which, we found in the camp four shields, two bows with quiv- ers, and one of their guns, which we took with us, and also the flag we had presented to them: the medal we left round the neck of the dead man, that they might be informed who we were. The rest of their baggage, except some buffalo meat, we did not disturb ; and as there was no time to be lost, w^e * In consequence of the death of this man at the hands of Captain Lewis, a treacherous and lurking hostility was excited in the breasts of the Blackfeet (and it is presumed still remains), which Induced the American Fur Company to establish a strong fort, with a force of sixty men, at the mouth of Maria's River. This band keep about the head-waters of the Missouri, and come down even to the Arkansas, plundering the Flatheads, Nez- Perces, and Shoshonees — Irving. . THEY HASTEN THEIR JOURNEY. 275 mounted our horses, and, after ascending the river hills, took our course through the beautiful level plains in a direction a little to the south of east. We had no doubt but we should be immediately pur- sued by a much larger party, and that, as soon as in- telligence was given to the band near the Broken Mountains, they would hasten to the mouth of M;^- ria's River to intercept us. We hoped, however, to be there before them, so as to form a junction with our friends. W^e therefore pushed our horses as fast as we possibly could (and, fortunately for us, the Indian horses proved very good), the plains being perfectly level, without many stones or prickly pears, and in fine order for travelling after the late rains. At eight miles from our camp we passed a stream forty yards wide, to which, from the occur- rence of the morning, we gave the name of Battle River. At three o'clock we reached Rose River, five miles above where we had formerly passed it ; and having now come by estimate sixty-three miles, we halted for an hour and a half to refresh our horses, then pursued our journey seventeen miles farther, when, as the night came on, we killed a buffalo, and again stopped for two hours. The sky was now overcast, but as the moon gave light enough to show us the route, we continued along through immense herds of buffalo for twenty miles, and then, almost exhausted with fatigue, halted at two in the morn- ing, " July 28, to rest ourselves and the horses. At daylight we awoke, sore, and scarcely able to stand ; but as our own lives, as well as those of our com- panions, depended on our pressing forward, we again mounted our horses and set out. The men were desirous of crossing the Missouri at Grog Spring, where Rose River approaches it so nearly that by passing down the southwest side of it we might avoid the country at the junction of the two rivers, across which the enemy would most probably pur- 276 LEWIS \ND Clarke's expedition. sue us. But as this circuitous route would consume the whole day, and the Indians might in the mean time attack the canoes at the point, Captain Lewis stated to his party that it was now their duty to risk their lives for their friends and companions ; that they should therefore proceed immediately to the point to give them the alarm ; and if they had not yet arrived there, they would raft the Missouri, and, after hiding the baggage, ascend the river on foot through the woods till they should meet them. He told them, also, that it was his determination, in case they were attacked in crossing the plains, to tie the bridles of the horses, and stand together till they had either routed their enemies, or sold their lives as dearly as possible. To this they all assented, and we therefore continued our route to the east- ward, till at the distance of twelve miles we came near the Missouri, when we heard a noise which seemed like the report of a gun. We therefore quickened our pace for eight miles farther, and, be- mg about five miles from Grog Spring, now heard distinctly the noise of several rifles from the river. We hurried to the bank, and saw with exquisite sat- isfaction our friends descending the river. They landed to greet us, and after tuniing our horses loose, we embarked with our baggage, and went down to the spot where we had made a deposite. This, after reconnoitring the adjacent country, we opened ; but, unfortunately, the cache had caved in, and most of the articles were injured. We took whatever was still worth preserving, and immediately proceeded to the point, where we found our deposites in good order. By a singular good fortune, we were here joined by Sergeant Gass and Willard from the Falls, who had been ordered to come with the horses here to assist in procuring meat for the voyage, as it had been calculated that the canoes would reach this place much sooner than Captain Lewis's party. Af- ter a very heavy shower of rain and hail, attended PASSAGE DOWN THE MISSOURI. 277 with violent thunder and lightning, we started from the point, and giving a final discharge to our horses, went over to the island where we had left our red pirogue, which, however, we found much decayed, and we had no means of repairing her. We there- fore took all tlie iron work out of her, and, proceed- ing down the river fifteen miles, encamped near some cottoiiwood-trees, one of which was of the narrow-leafed species, and the first of that kind we had remarked in ascending the river. " Sergeant Ordway's party, which had left the mouth of Madison River on the 13th, had descended in safety to White Bear Island, where he arrived on the 19th, and, after collecting the baggage, had left the falls on the 27th in the white pirogue and five ca- noes, while Sergeant Gass and Willard set out at the same time by land with the horses, and thus for- tunately met together." They started the next morning, notwithstanding A violent storm of rain and hail, having first sent two canoes ahead for -iJie purpose of hunting elk and buffalo, which were ni immense numbers. The river was high and the current rapid, and they con- tinued their voyage downward for several days, at the rate, when the weather would permit, of sixty or seventy miles a day, passing the mouths of the Muscleshell, Big Dry, Little Dry, and Porcupine Riv- ers in their descent. " August 7. Being resolved," proceeds the Jour- nal, " to reach, if possible, the Yellowstone, a dis- tance of eighty-three miles, in the course of the day, we set out early, and, being favoured by a rapid cur- rent and good oarsmen, proceeded with great speed. In passing Martha's River, we observed that its mouth was at present a quarter of a mile lower than it had been last year. Here we perceived the first appearance of coal-burned hills and pumice-stone, which seem always to accompany each other. At this place, also, were the first elms and dwarf ce- 278 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. dars, on the bluffs of the river. The a.sh, too, made its first appearance in a sohtary tree at the Ash Rap- id but was seen occasionally scattered through the low grounds at the Elk Rapid, and thence down- ward, though it was generally small. The whole country on the northeast side, between Martha and Milk Rivers, is a beautiful level plain, with a soil much more fertile than that higher up. The buffa- lo, elk, and other animals still continued numerous, as' were also the bear, who lie in wait at the cross- ing places, where they seize elk and the weaker cattle, and then stay by the carcass to keep off the wolves till the whole is devoured. At four o'clock we reached the mouth of the Yellowstone, where we found a note from Captain Clarke, informmg us of his intention of waiting for us a few miles below. We therefore left a memorandum for two of our huntsmen, who had been sent out, and who, we now supposed, must be behind us, and then pursued our course till night came on, when, not bemg able to overtake Captain Clarke, we encamped." The next day they proceeded nearly to the mouth of Whiteearth River without meeting Captain Clarke, and not knowing what to think of it, they landed and remained for two days, during which they employed themselves in caulking and repairing their canoes, and in preparing skins for clothing. " August 11. Being anxious," continues the narra- tive, " to reach the Burned Hills by noon, in order to determine their latitude, we went forward with great rapidity, but by the time we reached that place it was twenty minutes too late to take a meridian altitude. Captain Lewis observing on the opposite side of the river a herd of elk on a sand-bar covered with willows, landed with Cruzatte to hunt them. Each of them fired and shot an elk. They then reloaded, and took different routes in pursuit of the game, when, just as Captain Lewis was taking aim at an elk, a ball struck him in the left thigh, about an inch below the hip CAPTAIN LEWIS ACCIDENTALLY WOUNDED. 279 joint, and missing the bone, passed through the limb, and grazed the other to some depth. It mstantly occurred to him that Cruzatte, whose eyesiglit was no* very good, must have shot him m mistake for an elk, as he was dressed in brown leather. He therefore called out that he was wounded, and looked towards the place from which the shot came : see- ing nothing, however, he called on Cruzatte by name several times, but received no answer. As, then, his companion was out of hearing, and the shot appear- ed not to have come from more than forty paces dis- tance, he now concluded that it must have been fired by an Indian ; and not knowing how many might be concealed in the bushes, he made towards the pi- rogue, calling out to Cruzatte to retreat, as there were Indians in the willows. As soon as he reach- ed the pirogue, he ordered the men to arms, and sta- tincr to them that he had been wounded by the Indians, tholish he hoped not mortally, bade them follow him to relieve Cruzatte. They instantly followed for a hundred paces, when his wound became so painful, and his thigh stiffened in such a manner, that he could go no farther. He therefore ordered the men to proceed, and if they should be overpowered by num- bers, to retreat towards the boats, keeping up a con- tinual fire ; then limping back to the pirogue, he made ready his rifle, pistol, and air-gun, determined to sell his hfe dearly in case the men should be over- come. In this state of anxiety and suspense he re- mained for about twenty minutes, when the party returned with Cruzatte, and reported that no Indians were to be seen in the neighbourhood. Cruzatte was now much alarmed, and declared that he had shot at an elk, as he supposed, after Captain Lewis had left him, but disclaimed all idea of having inten- tionally wounded his officer. There was now no doubt but the shot had come from him ; yet, as it seemed to be perfectly accidental, and he had always conducted himself with propriety, no farther notice IT.— Y 280 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. was taken of it. The wound was dressed, and pat- ent lint put into the holes. It bled considerably, but as the ball had touched no bone or artery, it was hoped it would not prove fatal. As it was now ren- dered impossible for him, however, to take the ob- servations he had proposed, to determine the latitude of the Burned Hills, which was chiefly desirable from their being at the most northern point of the Missou- ri, he declined remaining till the next day, and pro- ceeded on till evening. As he could not now be re- moved without great pain, and had a high fever, he remained on board during the night, and early the next morning, " August 12, we proceeded on with as much expe- dition as possible. Soon after starting we went on shore to visit a camp, which we found to be that of Dickson and Hancock, the two Illinois traders, who told us that they had seen Captain Clarke the day before. While stopping here we were overtaken by our two hunters. Colter and Collins, who had been missing since the 3d. They stated that, after following us the first day, they concluded we must be behind, and waited for us several days, until they became convinced of their mistake, when they came on as rapidly as they could. We made some presents to the two traders, and then proceeded till one o'clock, when we joined our friends and companions under Captain Clarke ' DEPARTURE OF CAPTAIN CLARKE 281 CHAPTER XVI. The Party commanded by Captain Clarke proceed along Clarke's River.— Their sorry Commemoration of the 4th oi July.— Instance of Sacajawea's Strength of Memory.— De scription of the River and of the surrounding Country, as the Party proceed.— Horses missing, and supposed to be stolen by the Indians.— They reach Wisdom River.- Extraordinary Heat of a Spring.— Fondness of the Party for Tobacco.— Sergeant Ordway recovers the Horses.— Captain Clarke di- vides his Party, one detachment to descend the River.— They reach Gallatin and Jefferson Rivers.— Arrive at the Yellow- stone River.— Otter and Beaver Rivers.— Indian Fortification. —One of the Party accidentally wounded.— Engaged in build- ing Canoes.— Twenty-four Horses stolen, probably by the In- dians. " July 3. On taking leave of Captain Lewis and the Indians, the division under Captain Clarke, con- sisting of fifteen men, with fifty horses, set out through the valley of Clarke's River, along the west- ern side of which they rode in a southern direction. This valley is from ten to fifteen miles in width, tol- erably level, and partially covered with the long- leafed and the pitch pine, with some cottonvvood, birch, and sweet willow on the borders of the streams." * * * "After crossing eight different streams of water, four of which were small, they halted at the distance of eighteen miles, on the up- per side of a large creek, where they let their horses graze, and after dinner continued their journey in the same direction eighteen miles farther, when they encamped on the north side of a large creek. The valley became more beautiful as they advanced, and was diversified by a number of small open plains, abounding with grass and a variety of sweet-scented plants, and watered by ten streams rushing from 282 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. the western mountains with considerable velocity. These mountains were covered with snow about one fifth of their way from the top, and some snow was still to be seen on the high points, and in the hollows of the mountains to the eastward." The following day they continued their route up the valley, which became narrower as they advan- ced. They were obliged to ford several rapid creeks on their way, and at the distance of thirty miles en- camped on the western branch of Clarke's River. Crossing the river the next morning, after proceed- ing one mile they came to its eastern branch, which they ascended to the foot of the mountain ; and, hav- ing ascertained that it took its rise in a high, peaked mountain about twenty miles to the northeast of the valley, they stopped for the night. " As soon as they halted," proceeds the narrative, " several men were despatched in different directions to examine the road, and from their report it was concluded that the best path would be one about three miles up the stream. This was the road travelled by the Ootla- shoots, and would certainly shorten the route two days at least, besides being much better, as they had been informed by the Indians, than that by which we had advanced in the fall. "July 6. The night was very cold, succeeded by frost in the morning ; and as the horses were much scattered, the party were not able to set out before nine o'clock. They then went along the stream for three miles, and leaving to the right the path by which they had come in the fall, followed the road taken by the Ootlashoots, up a gentle ascent to the dividing mountain which separates the waters of the middle fork of Clarke's River from those of Wisdom and Lewis Rivers. On reaching the oth- er side they came to Glade Creek, down which they proceeded, crossing it frequently into the glades on each side, where the timber was small, and in many places destroyed by fire : there were great quantities SACA^JAWEAH RECOGNISES THE COUNTRY. 283 of quamash then in bloom. Throughout the glades were great numbers of holes made by the whisthng or burrowing squirrel i and they killed a hare of the large mountain species. Along these roads there were also appearances of old buffalo paths, and some old heads of buffaloes ; and as these animals evince wonderful sagacity in the choice of their routes, the coincidence of a buffalo with an Indian track affords the strongest evidence that it is the best. In the af- ternoon they passed along the hill side, north of the creek, for six miles, when they entered an extensive level plain. Here the Indian tracks scattered so much that they were wholly at a loss which to fol- low ; but Sacajaweah recognised the plain immedi- ately. She had travelled it often during her child- hood, and informed them that it was greatly resort- ed to by the Shoshonees, who came here for the purpose of gathering quamash and of taking beaver, with which the plain abounded ; that Glade Creek was a branch of Wisdom River, and that, on reach- ing the more elevated part of the plain, they would see a gap in the mountains, on the route to the ca- noes, and from that gap the high point of a mountain covered with snow. At the distance of a mile they passed over a large creek from the right ; also Fish Creek, coming from a snowy mountain, across which there was a gap. Soon after, on ascending some rising ground, the country spread itself into a beau- tiful plain, extending north and south about fifteen miles wide and thirty in length, and surrounded on all sides by high points of mountains covered with snow, among which was the gap pointed out by the squaw, bearing south 56° east. , They had not gone two miles from the last creek when they were over- taken by a violent storm of wind, accompanied by a heavy fall of rain, which lasted an hour and a half. Having no shelter, they formed a solid column to project themselves from the gust, and then went on five miles to a small creek, where, finding some 284 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. wood, they encamped for the night, and dried them- selves. Here they observed fresh signs of Indians, u^ho had been gathering quamash. Their distance vi^as twenty-six miles. In the morning, " July 7, their horses were so much scattered, that, although they sent out hunters to range the country in every direction for six or eight miles, nine of them were still missing. They were the most valu- able ones of all, and so much attached to some of their companions that it was difficult to separate them in the daytime. It was therefore concluded that they must have been stolen by some roving In- dians, and, accordingly, a party of five men was left to continue the pursuit, while the rest went on to the spot where the canoes had been deposited. They set out at ten o'clock, and pursued a course south 50° east across the valley, which they found to be watered by four large creeks, with extensive, low, miry bottoms, till they reached Wisdom River, along the northeast side of which they continued, when, at the distance of sixteen miles, they came to the three branches. Near that place they stopped for dinner at a hot spring situated in the open plain. The bed of the spring is about fifteen yards in cir- cumference, and composed of loose, hard, gritty stones, through which the water boils in large quan- tities. It is shghtly impregnated with sulphur, and so hot that a piece of meat, about the size of three fingers, vi7as completely done in twenty-five minutes. After dinner they proceeded across the eastern branch and along the north side of the middle branch for nine miles, when they reached the gap in the mountains, and took, a final leave of this extensive valley, which they called the Hot-spring Valley. It is, indeed, a beautiful country: though enclosed by mountains covered with snow, the soil is exceeding- ly fertile, and well supphed with esculent plants, while its numerous creeks furnish immense quanti- ties of beaver. Another valley less extensive and FONDNESS OF THE MEN FOR TOBACCO. 285 more rugged opened itself to their view as they passed through the gap ; but, as they had made twen- ty-five miles, and the night was advancing, they halt- ed near some fine springs which fall into Willard's Creek. After a cold night, during which their horses separated and could not be collected till eight o'clock in the morning, " July 8, they crossed the valley along the south- ivest side of Willard's Creek for twelve miles, when It entered the mountains, and then, turning S. 20° G., they came to the Shoshonee Cove after riding seven miles ; thence they proceeded down the west branch of Jeff'erson River, and at the distance of nine miles reached its forks, where we had depos- ited our merchandise in the month of August. Most of the men were in the habit of chewing tobacco ; and such was their eagerness to procure it after so long a privation, that they scarcely waited to take the saddles from their horses before they ran eager- ly to the cave, and were delighted at being able to resume this fascinating indulgence. This, indeed, was one of the most trying privations they had en- countered. Some of the men, whose tomahawks were so formed as to answer the purpose of pipes, even broke the handles of these weapons, cut them mto small fragments, and chewed them ; the wood having, by frequent smoking, become strongly im- pregnated with the taste of that plant. They found everything safe, though some of the goods were a little damp, and one of the canoes had a hole in it. The ride of this day was twenty-seven miles in length, through a country diversified by low, marshy grounds, and high, open, stony plains, terminated by lofty mountains, on the tops and along the* northern sides of which the snow still remained. Over the whole were scattered great quantities of hyssop, and the different species of shrubs common to the plains of the Missouri. "They had now crossed from Traveller's Rest 1286 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. Creek to the head of Jefferson's River, which seems to form the best and shortest route over the mount- ains during ahuost the v^^hole distance of one hun- dred and sixty-four miles. It is, in fact, a very ex- cellent road ; and by cutting down a few trees it might be rendered a good route for wagons, with the exception of about four miles over one of the mount- ains, which would require some levelling." The next day was spent in raising and repairing the canoes, and in the course of it they were joined by Sergeant Ordway with the missing horses. " July 10. This morning," says the Journal, " a white frost covered the ground, the grass was frozen, and the ice three quarters of an inch thick in a basin of water. The boats were now loaded, and Captain Clarke divided his men into two bands, one to de- scend the river with the baggage, while he, with the other, should proceed on horseback to the Yellow- stone. After breakfast the two parties set out, those on shore skirting the eastern side of Jefferson Riv- er, through Service Valley, and over Rattlesnake Mountain, into a beautiful and extensive country, known among the Indians by the name of Hahnah- appapelah, or Beaverhead Valley, from the number of those animals found in it, and also from a point of land resembling the head of a beaver. It extends from Rattlesnake Mountain as low as Frazier's Creek, and is about fifty miles in length in a direct line, while its width varies from ten to fifteen miles, being watered in its whole course by the Jefferson, and six different creeks. This valley is open and fertile, and, besides the vast numbers of beaver and otter on its creeks, the bushy low grounds are a fa- vourite resort for deer, while on the higher parts of the valley were seen scattered groups of antelopes, and beyond, on the steep sides of the mountains, many of the bighorn, taking refuge there from the wolves and bears. At the distance of fifteen miles the two parties stopped to dine, when Captain GALLATIN RIVER. 287 Clarke, finding that the river became wider and deeper, and that the canoes could advance more rapidly than the horses, determined to proceed him- self by water, leaving Sergeant Pryor, with six men, to bring on the horses. They resumed their jour- ney after dinner, and encamped on the eastern side of the river, opposite to the head of Three-thousand- mile Island." The two following days they continued to descend the river, passing Philanthropy and Wisdom Rivers, and seeing great numbers of beaver as they passed along. "July 13. Early in the morning," continues the narrative, " they set out, and at noon reached the entrance of Madison River, where Sergeant Pryor had arrived with the horses about an hour before ; and, having driven them across Madison and Gal- latin Rivers, just below the mouth of the latter the party halted to dine and unload the canoes. Here they again separated ; Sergeant Ordvvay, with nine men, setting out in six canoes to descend the river, while Captain Clarke, with the remaining ten, the wife and child of Chaboneau, and fifty horses, were to proceed by land to the Yellowstone. They set out at five in the afternoon from the forks of the Missouri, in a direction nearly east ; but, as many of the horses had sore feet, they were obliged to move slowly, and after going four miles halted for the night on the bank of Gallatin Rivjer. This is a beautiful stream, and though rapid, and obstructed by islands near its mouth, is navigable for canoes. On its lower side the land rises gradually to the foot of a mountain, running almost parallel with it ; but the country below it and Madison River is a level plain, covered with short grass, the soil being poor, and encumbered with stones and strata of hard white rock along the hill sides. Throughout the whole, game was very abundant. They obtained deer in the low grounds ; beaver and otter were seen IT.— Z 288 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. in Gallatin River; and elk, wolves, eagles, hawks, crows, and geese w^ere noticed at different points on the ronte. The plain was intersected by several great roads, leading to a gap in the mountain about twenty miles distant, in a direction E.N.E. ; but the Indian woman, who was acquainted with the country, recommended another gap more to the south, through which Captain Clarke determined to proceed." They started early the next morning, and, pursu- ing the route recommended by the squaw, came in the afternoon to the three forks of Gallatin River, and in the evening encamped at the entrance of the gap previously mentioned by her. " July 15. After an early breakfast," says the Journal, " they proceeded through this gap to the heads of the eastern fork of Gallatin River, near which they had encamped the evening before, and at the distance of six miles reached the top of the di- viding ridge which separates the waters of the Mis- souri and the Yellowstone, on descending which ridge they struck one of the streams of the latter river. They followed its course through an open country, with high mountains on each side partially covered with pine, and watered by several streams, crowded, as usual, with beaver dams. Nine miles from the summit of the ridge they reached the Yel- lowstone itself, about a mile and a half below where it issues from the Rocky Mountains. It now ap- peared that the communication between the two rivers was short and easy. The distance from the head of the Missouri at its three forks to this place is forty-eight miles, the greater part of which is through a level plain ; while from the forks of the eastern branch of Gallatin River, which is there nav- igable for small canoes, to this part of the Yellow- stone, it is no more than eighteen miles, with an ex- cellent road over a high, dry country, the hills being of inconsiderable height, and easily passable. They COUNTRY ON THE YELLOWSTONE, 289 halted for three hours to rest their horses, and then pursued the buffalo road along the bank of the river. " Although but just emerging from a high snowy- mountain, the Yellowstone is here a bold, rapid, and deep stream, one hundred and twenty yards in width. The bottoms along its course are narrow within the mountains, but widen to the extent of nearly two miles in the valley below, where they are occasion- ally overflowed, and the soil gives growth to cotton- wood, rose-bushes, honeysuckle, rushes, common coarse grass, a species of rye, and various produc- tions found on moist lands. On each side these low grounds are bordered by dry plains of coarse gravel and sand, stretching back to the foot of the mount- ains, and supplied with a very short grass. The mountains on the east side of the river are rough and rocky, and were still covered with great quan- tities of snow ; while two other high, snowy mount- ains were seen, one bearing north fifteen or twenty miles, the other nearly east. They had no cover- ing except a few scattered pine, nor, indeed, could they discover any timber fit even for a small ca- noe." At the distance of nine miles from the mount- ain they passed a bold, deep stream from the north- west, discharging itself into the Yellowstone, and to which they gave the name of Shields's River. They continued their course along the river the following day, their horses being unable to travel fast in consequence of the soreness of their feet, and halted in the evening after having made twenty-six miles. On the 17th they passed two large creeks, entering the Yellowstone nearly opposite to each other; the one coming from the northeast they call- ed Otter, and that on the other side Beaver River. " The river," says the Journal, " was now becoming more divided by islands, and a number of small creeks fell into it on both sides. The largest of these was about seven miles from Beaver River, en- tering on the right : they called it Bratton's River, 290 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. from one of the men. The highlands, too, approach- ed more nearly than before ; but, although their sides were partially supplied with pine and cedar, the growth was too small for canoes. The buffalo were beginning to be more abundant, and for the first time on this river they saw a pelican ; but deer and elk were now more scarce than before. In one of the low bottoms of the river was an Indian fort, which seemed to have been built during the previous summer. It .was in the form of a circle, about fifty feet in diameter, five feet high, and formed of logs lapped over each other, covered on the outside with bark set on end. The entrance was guarded by a work on each side of it facing the river. These in- trenchments, the squaw informed us, were frequent- ly made by the Minnetarees and other Indians at war with the Shoshonees, when pursued by their ene- mies on horseback." Gibson, one of the party, was so badly hurt the following day, by falling on a sharp point of wood, that he was unable to sit on his horse, and they were obliged to form a sort of litter for him, so that he could lie nearly at full length. The wound be- came so painful, however, after proceeding a short distance, that he could not bear the motion, and they left him with two men, while Captain Clarke went to search for timber large enough to form canoes. He succeeded in finding some trees of sufficient size for small canoes, two of which he determined to construct, and by lashing them together hoped to make them answer the purpose of conveying the party down the river, while a few of his men should conduct the horses to the Mandans. All hands, therefore, were set busily to work, and they were employed in this labour for several days. In the mean time no less than twenty-four of their hor- ses were missing, and they strongly suspected had been stolen by the Indians, for they were unable to find them, notwithstanding they made the most dili gent search. THE INDIANS STEAL THEIR HORSES. 291 " July 23. A piece of a robe and a mi3ccasin," says the Journal, " were discovered this morning not far from the camp. The moccasin was worn out in the sole, and yet wet, and had every appear- ance of having been left but a few hours before. This was conclusive that the Indians had taken our horses, and were still prowling about for the remain- der, which fortunately escaped last night by being in a small prairie surrounded by thick timber. At length Labiche, one of our best trackers, returned from a very wide circuit, and informed Captain Clarke that he had traced the horses bending their course rather down the river towards the open plains, and from their tracks, must have been going very rapidly. All hopes of recovering them were now abandoned. Nor were the Indians the only plun- derers around our camp ; for in the night the wolves or dogs stole the greater part of the dried meat from the scaffold. The wolves, which constantly attend the buffalo, were here in great numbers, as this seemed to be the commencement of the buffalo country." * * * " At noon the two canoes were finished. They were twenty-eight feet long, sixteen or eighteen inches deep, and from sixteen to twenty-four inches wide ; and, having lashed them together, everything was ready for setting out the next day, Gibson hav- ing now recovered. Sergeant Pryor was directed, with Shannon and Windsor, to take the remaining horses to the Mandans, and if he should find thai Mr. Henry was on the Assiniboin River, to go thithei and deliver him a letter, the object of which was ta prevail on the most distinguished chiefs of the Siouj( to accompany him to Washington.' 292 LEWIS AMi> Clarke's expedition. CHAPTER XVII. Captain Clarke proceeds down the River. — Description of an Indian Lodge. — Sergeant Prj'or arrives with the Horses.— Remarkable Rock seen by Captain Clarke, and the Beauty of the Prospect from its Summit. — Yellowstone and Bighorn Rivers compared. — Immense Herds of Buffalo. — Fierceness of the White Bear. — Encamp at the Junction of the Yellow- stone and Missouri. — General Outline given of the Yellowstone River. — Sufferings of the Party from the Moschetoes. — Ser- geant Pryor arrives, and reports that the Horses were all stolen by the Indians. — In this Emergency they make Canoes of Skins, in which they descend the River over the most diffi- cult Shoals and Rapids. — Unexpectedly meet with two White Men, from whom they procure Intelligence in relation to tho Indians formerly visited by the Party. " July 24. The canoes were loaded, and Sergeant Pryor and his party set out, with orders to proceed down to the entrance of Bighorn River, which was supposed to be at no great distance, where they would be taken in the boats across the Yellowstone. At eight o'clock Captain Clarke embarked, and pro- ceeded on very steadily down the river, which con- tained a number of islands, some of which were sup- plied with a growth of small timber. At the dis- tance of a mile from the camp, the river passed along a high bluff for about twenty-three miles, when the bottoms widened on both sides ; and twenty-nine miles farther, a stream fell into it from the south, which was supposed to be the Bighorn ; but after- ward, when the Bighorn was found, the name of Clarke's Fork was given to this stream. It is a bold river, one hundred and fifty yards wide at the entrance, but a short distance above is contracted to a hundred yards. The water is of a light muddy colour, and much colder than that of the Yellow- INDIAN LODGE. 293 Stone, and its general course is southeasterly from the Rocky Mountains. There is a small island sit- uated immediately at its entrance, and this or the adjoining mainland would form a very good position for a fort. The country most frequented by the beaver begins here, and that which lies between this river and the Yellowstone is perhaps the best dis- trict for the hunters of that animal. About a mile before reaching this river there was a ripple in the Yellowstone, on passing which the canoes took in some water. The party therefore landed to bale out the boats, and then proceeded six miles farther to a large island, where they halted for the purpose of waiting for Sergeant Pryor. It is a beautiful spot, with a rich soil, covered with wild rye, and a spe- cies of grass like the blue grass, and some of anoth- er kind, which the Indians wear in plaits round the neck, on account of its fragrance, resembling that of the vanilla. There is also a thin growth of cotton- wood. In the centre was a large Indian lodge, which seemed to have been built during the prece- ding summer. It was in the form of a cone, sixty feet in diameter at the base, composed of twenty poles, each forty-five feet long, and two and a half in cir- cumference, and the whole structure covered with bushes. The interior was curiously ornamented. On the tops of the poles were feathers of eagles, and circular pieces of wood, with sticks across them in the form of a girdle. From the centre was suspend- ed a stuffed buffalo skin ; fronting the door was hung a cedar bush ; on one side of the lodge, a buf- falo's head ; and on the other, several pieces of wood were stuck in the ground. From its whole appear- ance, it was more like a building for holding coun- cils than an ordinary lodge. Sergeant Pryor not having yet arrived, they went on about fifteen and a half miles farther, to a small creek on the right, to which ihey gave the name of Horse Creek, and just below it overtook him with the horses. He had 294 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. found it almost impossible, with two men, to drive them on; for, as soon as they discovered a herd of buffalo, the loose horses, having been trained to hunting this animal by the Indians, immediately set off in pursuit, and surrounded the herd with almost ds much skill as their riders could have done. At last he was obliged to send one horseman forward, to drive all the buffalo from their route. The horses were here driven across, and Sergeant Pryor started again, with an additional man to his party." As they proceeded, the river deepened and became more navigable ; they passed a creek coming from the southeast, which they called Pryor's Creek, and landed in the evening after having made sixty-nine and a half miles. " July 25. At sunrise they resumed their voyage, and passed a number of small islands and streams, and occasionally high bluffs, composed of a yellow gritty stone. After proceeding a short distance they were overtaken by a storm of rain, with a high southwest wind, which obliged them to land, and form a sort of log hut covered with deerskins. As soon as it ceased they went on ; and at about four o'clock, after having made forty-nine miles. Captain Clarke landed to examine a very remarkable rock, situated in an extensive bottom on the right, about two hundred and fifty paces from the shore. It is nearly two hundred paces in circumference, two hundred feet high, and accessible only from the northeast, the other sides consisting of perpendicu- lar cliffs of a light-coloured gritty stone. The soil on the summit is five or six feet deep, of a good quahty, and covered with short grass. The Indians have carved the figures of animals and other objects on the sides of the rock, and on the top are raised two piles of stones. From this height the eye ran- ged over a wide extent of variegated country. On the southwest were the Rocky Mountains covered with f.now ; there was a low mountain about forty PROSPECT FROM POMPEY's PILLaR. 295 miles distant, in a direction north 55° west ; and at the distance of thirty-five miles, the southern ex- tremity of wh*it are called the Little Wolf Mountains. The low grounds of the river extended nearly six miles to the southward, when they rose into plains reaching to the mountains, and were watered by a large creek ; while at some distance below, a range of highland, covered with pine, stretched on both sides of the river in a direction north and south. The north side of the river, for some distance, is here surrounded by jutting romantic cliffs, succeed- ed by rugged hills, beyond which the plains are again open and extensive, and the whole country was enlivened by herds of butfalo, elk, and wolves. After enjoying the prospect from this rock, to which Captain Clarke gave the name of Pompey's Pillar, he descended and continued his route. At the dis- tance of six or seven miles he stopped to secure two bighorns which had been shot from the boat ; and while on shore, saw, in the face of the cliff" on the left, about twenty feet above the water, a fragment of the rib of a fish, three feet long and nearly three inches round, incrusted in the rock itself, and which, though neither decayed nor petrified, was very rot- ten. After making fifty-eight miles they reached the entrance of a stream on the right, about twenty- two yards wide, where they encamped. " July 26. They started early the next morning. The river was now much divided by stony islands and bars, but the current, though swift, was regular, and there were many very handsome islands cover- ed with Cottonwood. On the left shore the bottoms were very extensive ; the right bank was formed of high cliffs of a whitish gritty stone ; and beyond, the country on both sides was diversified with waving plains covered with pine." * * * " At length, after coming sixty-two miles, they landed at the entrance of the Bighorn River ; but finding the point between the two composed of soft mud and sand, and liable 296 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. to be overflowed, they ascended the Bighorn for half a mile, then crossed, and formed a camp on its lower side." * * * " At their junction the two riv- ers are nearly equal in breadth, extending from two hundred to two hundred and twenty yards ; but the Yellowstone contains much more water, being ten or twelve feet deep, while the depth of the Bighorn varies from five to seven feet. This is the river which had been described by the Indians as rising in the Rocky Mountains near the Yellowstone and the sources of the Platte, and then finding its way through the Cote Noir and the eastern range of the Rocky Mountains. In its long course it receives two large rivers, one from the north and the other from the south, and being unobstructed by falls, is navigable in canoes for a great distance, through a fine, rich, open country, supplied with a great quan- tity of timber, and inhabited by beaver and numer- ous species of other animals, among which are those from which it derives its name of Bighorn. There are no permanent settlements near it ; but the whole country watered by it is occasionally visited by roving bands of hunters of the Crow Tribe, by the Paunch Indians, also a band of Crows, and by the Castahanas, a small band of the Snake Indians. " July 27. They again set out very early, and on leaving the Bighorn, took a last look at the Rocky Mountains, which had been constantly in view from the 1st of May. The river now widened to the ex- tent of from four to six hundred yards, was much divided by islands and sand-bars, and its banks were generally low and falling in, and resembled those of the Missouri in many particulars; but its islands weremore numerous, its waters less muddy, and its current more rapid." * * * " Throughout the coun- try there were vast numbers of buffalo, which kept up a continued bellowing. Large herds of elk, also, were lying on every point, and were so gentle that they might be approached within twenty paces with* DRY BEDS OF RIVERS. 297 )ut being alarmed. Several beaver, likewise, were seen in the course of the day. Deer, however, were by no means abundant, and antelopes as well as the bighorns were scarce." They made this day eighty and a half miles, and encamped on a large island in ihe evening. " July 28. At daylight the next morning they pro- ceeded down the smooth, gentle current, passing by a number of islands, and several creeks which were now dry. These are, indeed, more like the beds of the dry brooks of the Missouri, merely serving to carry off the vast quantities of water which fall on the plains, and bringing down also a great deal of mud, which contributes to the discoloration of the Yellowstone. The largest of these are, at the dis- tance of six miles, a creek eighty yards in width, coming from the northwest, and called by the In- dians Little Wolf River ; twenty-nine miles lower, another on the left, seventy yards in width, which they named Table Creek, from several mounds in the plains to the northwest, the tops of which re- semble a table ; and four miles farther, a stream of more importance, entering behind an island from the south. This last is about one hundred yards in width, with a bold current of muddy water, and is probably the river called by the Indians the Little Bighorn. There is also another stream on the right, twenty-five yards wide, the Indian name of which is Mashaskap. Nearly opposite to this creek they encamped, after making seventy-three miles."" The channel was now from five hundred yards to half a mile in width. They continued to pass the beds of rivers that were then dry ; and in the evening of the 29th, after making forty-one miles, they en- camped opposite to the entrance of a stream coming from the right, called by the Indians Lazeka, or Tongue River. " July 30. They set out at an early hour, and after passing, at the distance of twelve miles, the bed of a 298 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. river jne hundred yards wide, but then nearly dry, reached, two miles below it, a succession of bad shoals, extending for six miles, the rock near their termination stretching nearly across the river, with a descent of about three feet. At this place they were obliged to let their canoes down by hand, for fear of their striking on some concealed rock; though, with a perfect knowledge of the shoals, a large canoe might be navigated down with safety. This is the most difficult part of the Yellowstone River, and they called it the Buffalo Shoal, from the circumstance of one of those animals being found there. The neighbouring cliffs on the right are about one hundred feet high, while on the left the country is low, but gradually rises, and at some distance from the shore presents the first appearance of burned hills to be seen on the Yellowstone." Twen- ty miles beyond they came to a rapid with a channel that was easily navigable on the left, and which they called Bear Rapid. They landed for the night about a mile and a half below the mouth of a stream com- ing in from the right, one hundred yards in width, to which they gave the name of the Redstone River, having made during the day forty-eight miles. "July 31. During the whole night," continues the Journal, " the buffalo were hovering about the camp, and excited much alarm lest they should tread on the boats and split them to pieces. They set out, as usual, and at the distance of two miles passed a rapid that was not very formidable, which they call- ed Wolf Rapid. At this place commences a range of highlands. They have no timber, and are com- posed of earth of different colours, without much rock, but supplied throughout with great quantities of coal or carbonated wood. After passing these hills the country again opens into extensive plains, like those passed the previous day, the river being diversified with islands, and having a great number of wide, but then nearly dry, brooks on either side. VAST HERDS OF BUFFALO. 299 Thus eighteen miles below their camp there was a shallow, muddy stream on the left, one hundred yards wide, and supposed to be that known among the Indians by the name of Saasha, or Little Wolf River ; five miles below, on the right, another, forty yards wide and four feet in depth, which, from the steep coal-banks on each side, they called Oakta- roup, or Coal River ; and eighteen miles farther, a third, sixty yards in width, to which they gave the name of Gibson's River. Having made sixty-six miles, they stopped for the night; and just as they landed, perceived a white bear, which was larger than any of the party had before seen, devouring a dead buffalo on a sand-bar. Though they fired two balls into him, still lie swam to the mainland and walked along the sliore. Captain Clarke pursued him, and lodged two more balls in his body ; he bled profusely, but still mude his escape, as the night pre- vented them from foMowing him." The next day, August 1st, they had a strong head wind, which retarded their progress, and their situa- tion was rendered very uncomfortable by continual rain. " The current of the river," proceeds the Jour- nal, "was less rapid, had more soft mud, and was more obstructed by sand-bars, and the rain had greatly increased the quantity of water in the brooks. Buffalo now appeared in vast numbers. A herd happened to be crossing the river ; and such was the multitude of these animals, that for a mile in length, down the river, the lierd stretched as thick as they could swim, completely from one side to the other, and the party were obliged to stop for an hour. They consoled themselves for the delay by killing four of them, and then proceeded, till at the distance of forty-five miles they reached an island, below which two other herds of buffalo, as numerous as the first, soon afterward crossed the river.* * The Indians and hunters frequently destroy tljese animals in the most wanton manner. " I have seen dozens of buffalo,* 300 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " August 2. The river was now about a mile wide less rapid, and more divided by islands, and bars of sand and mud, than heretofore ; the low grounds, too, were more extensive, and contained a greater quan- tity of Cottonwood, ash, and willows. On the north- west was a low, level plain, and on the southeast some rugged hills, on which we saw, without being able to approach them, some bighorns. Buffalo and elk, as well as their pursuers, the wolves, were in great numbers. On each side of the river there were several dry beds of streams, but the only one of any considerable size was one to which they gave the name of Ibex River, on the right, about thirty yards wide, and sixteen miles from their encampment of Ihe preceding night. The bear, which had given them so much trouble at the head of the Missouri, they found equally fierce here. One of these ani- mals, which was on a s^nd-bar as the boat passed, raised himself on his hind feet, and after looking at the party for a moment, plunged in and swam to- wards them ; but, after receiving three balls in the body, he turned and made for the shore. Towards evening they saw another enter the water to swim across ; when Captain Clarke directed the boat to- wards the shore, and just as the animal landed shot it in the head. It proved to be the largest female they had ever seen, and was so old that its tusks were worn quite smooth. The boats escaped with difficulty between two herds of buffalo that were crossing the river, and came near being again de- tained by them. Among the elk of this neighbour- hood they saw an unusual number of males, while higher up the herds consisted chiefly of females. says Townsend, " slaughtered merely for the tongues or for practice with the rifle, and I have also lived to see the very per- petrators of these deeds lean and lank with famine, when the meanest and most worthless parts of the poor animals they had 80 inhumanly slaughtered would have been received and eaten with humble thaukfulnesa." DESCRIPTION OF THE YELLOWSTONE. 301 After making eighty-four miles, they encamped among some ash and elm trees on the right. They might be said rather to have passed the night than slept there, however, for the moschetoes were so troublesome that scarcely any of the party closed their eyes. " August 3. They set out early in the morning to escape the persecution of the moschetoes. At the distance of two miles they passed Field's Creek, a stream thirty-five yards wide, which enters on the right, immediately above a high bluff which is rapid ly sinking into the river. Here Captain Clarke went ashore in pursuit of some bighorns, but the mosche- toes were so numerous that he was unable to aim with certainty. He therefore returned to the ca- noes ; and, observmg a ram of the same species soon after, he sent on shore one of the hunters, who shot it, and it was preserved as a specimen. Eight miles below Field's Creek they reached the junction of the Yellowstone and the Missouri, and landed at the point where they had encamped on the 26th of April the previous year. The canoes were now un- loaded, and the baggage exposed to dry, as many of the articles were wet, and some of them quite spoiled. " The Rochejaune, or Yellowstone River, according to the Indian accounts, has its remote sources in the Rocky Mountains, near the peaks of the Rio del Norte, on the confines of New Mexico, to which country there is a good road for the whole distance along the banks of the Yellowstone. Its western waters are probably connected with those of Lew- is's River, while the eastern branches approach the heads of Clarke's River, of the Bighorn, and the Platte ; so that it waters the middle portion of the Rocky Mountains for several hundred miles, from northwest to southeast. Along its whole course, from the point where Captain Clarke reached it to the Missouri, a distance which he computed at eight hundred and thirty-seven miles, it is large, and nav 302 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. igable for pirogues and even batteaux, there being none of the moving sand-bars which obstruct the navigation of the Missouri; while there is but one ledge of rocks, and this is not difficult to pass. Even its tributary streams, the Bighorn, Clarke's Fork, and Tongue River, may be ascended in boats for a con- siderable distance. The banks of the Yellowstone are low, but bold, and nowhere subject to be over- flowed, except for a short distance from the mount- ains. The predominating colour of its waters is a yellowish brown ; while those of the Missouri, which have more mud, are of a deep drab colour. The bed of the former is chiefly composed of loose peb- ble, which diminish in size, however, in descending the river, till, after passing the Lazeka, they cease as the river widens, and mud and sand below this form the greater part of the bottom. The current flows with a velocity constantly and equably decreas- ing in receding from the mountains. From the mountains to Clarke's Fork it may be estimated at four and a half miles an hour; thence as low as the Bighorn, at three and a half; between that and the Lazeka, at three ; from that river to the Wolf Rapid, at two and three quarter miles ; and from thence to the mouth of the river, at two miles per hour. " The appearance and character of the country present nearly similar varieties of fertile, rich, open lands. Above Clarke's Fork it consists of high waving plains, bordered by stony hills, partially cov- ered with pine : the middle portion, as low as Buffa- lo Shoal, contains less timber, and the number of trees diminishes in proceeding lower down, till, where the river widens, the country spreads itself into extensive plains. Like all the branches of the Missouri which penetrate the Rocky Mountains, the Yellowstone and its tributary streams within the dis- trict of country beyond Clarke's Fork abound in beaver and otter: a circumstance which strongly recommends the mouth of the latter river as a ju TRADING POST ON THE YELLOWSTONE. 303 dicious position for a trading establishment. To such an establishment at that point, the Shosho- nees both from within and westward of the Rocky- Mountains would wiUingly resort, as they would be farther from the Blackfoot Indians and the Minne- tarees of Fort de Prairie than in trading with any factories on the Missouri. The same motive of personal safety would probably induce many of the tribes on the Columbia and Lewis Rivers to prefer this place to the mouth of Maria's River, at least for some years ; and as the Crow and Paunch Indians, the Castahanas, and the Indians residing south of Clarke's Fork, would also be induced to visit it, this position might be considered as one of the best points for the western fur-trade. The adjacent coun- try, too, possesses a sufficiency of timber, an advan- tage which is not found anywhere between Clarke's Fork and the Rocky Mountains.* " August 5. Their camp became absolutely unin- habitable from the multitudes of moschetoes ; nor could the men either work in preparing skins for clothing, or hunt in the low timbered grounds ; in ♦ The American Fur Company have for many years had a fort at the mouth of the Yellowstone River, and one also at the junction of the Teton and the Missouri, in the heart of the buffalo country. In the year 1832, a steamboat in the service of the Company ascended the Missouri from St. Louis to the post at the mouth of the Yellowstone, which was higher than any steamboat had proceeded before. On board this boat, Mr. Catlin, well known as the founder and proprietor of the Indian Gallery, made his first incursion into the Indian country; and at this point, surrounded by different Indian tribes, and in daily intercourse with their chiefs, he commenced his indefatigable labours. In these labours he enthusiastically persevered for several successive years, through the wide regions between the Great Northern Lakes and the Red River, the Rocky Mount- ains and the Mississippi. It is needless to say, that by his de- lineation of Indian life and manners, his portraits of the native chiefs, and the rich collections of liis museum, he has done more than any other individual towards presenting the living image of a race which is seemingly fast passing away. II.— Aa 304 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. short, there was no method of escape but by going on the sand-bars in the river, where, when the wind blew, the insects did not venture." * * * " Captain Clarke therefore determined to remove to some spot that would be free from moschetoes, and afford more game. After writing a note to Captain Lewis, there- fore, to inform him of his intention, he stuck it on a pole at the confluence of the two rivers, loaded the canoes at five in the afternoon, and proceeded down the river to the second point, where he encamped on a sand-bar ; but here their tormentors appeared to be even more numerous than above. The face of the Indian child was swollen with the bites of these in- sects, nor could the men procure scarcely any sleep during the night. " August 5. Finding their situation intolerable where they were, they proceeded farther down. On the way^ Captain Clarke went on shore, and ascend- ed a hill in pursuit of a bighorn ; but the moschetoes were in such multitudes that he could not keep them from the barrel of his rifle long enough to take aim. At about ten o'clock, however, a light breeze sprung up from the northwest, and in some measure dispersed them. Captain Clarke then landed on a sand-bar, where he intended to wait for Captain Lewis ; but, not finding any buffalo in the neighbour- hood, he proceeded on again in the afternoon, and after killing a large white bear, encamped under a high bluff, exposed to a light breeze from the south- west, which drove away the moschetoes." The next day they continued to descend, and en- camped on a sand-bar below the mouth of White- earth River; and on the 7th, after proceeding till six in the evening, they again landed on a sand-bar for the night. " August 8. In the morning they were here joined by Sergeant Pryor, accompanied by Shannon, Hall, and Windsor, but without the horses. They stated that, the second day after leaving the party, they SKIN CANOES. 305 halted to let the horses graze near the bed «f a large creek which contained no running water, but that, soon after, a shower of rain fell, and the creek swell- ed so suddenly that several horses which had stray- ed across it while dry could return only by swim- ming. They formed their camp at this place, but were astonished the next morning at not being able to find a single one of their horses. They immedi- ately examined the neighbourhood, and soon discov- ering the track of the Indians who had stolen the horses, they pursued them for five miles, when they came to the place where the fugitives divided into two parties. They now followed the largest party five miles farther, when, losing all hopes of over- taking them, they returned to the camp, and packing the baggage on their backs, pursued a northeast course towards the Yellowstone. The following night a wolf bit Sergeant Pryor through the hand as he lay asleep, and made an attempt to seize Wind- sor, when Shannon got sight of him, and shot him. They passed over an open, broken country, and hav- ing reached the Yellowstone near Pompey's Pillar, they determined to descend it, and for this purpose made two skin canoes, such as they had seen among the Mandans and the Ricaras. Tliey are construct- ed in the following manner: two sticks of about an inch and a quarter in diameter are tied together so as to form a round hoop, which serves for the gun- wale, while a second hoop for the bottom is made in the same way, both being secured by sticks of the same size extended from the hoops, and fast- ened to them and to each other by thongs. Over this frame the skin is drawn closely and tied with thongs, so as to form a perfect basin of about sev- en feet in diameter and sixteen inches in depth, strengthened by sixteen ribs or cross-sticks, and ca- pable of carrying six or eight men with their bur- dens. Being unacquainted with the river, they thought it most prudent to divide their guns and am 306 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition munition, so that in case of accident all might not be lost, and for this purpose built two of these ca- noes. In these frail vessels they embarked, and were not a little surprised at the perfect safety with which they passed over the most difficult shoals aiul rapids, without taking in any water, even in tho highest winds. " On reaching the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri, Sergeant Pryor took down the note from the pole, supposing that Captain Lewis had al- ready passed ; and now learning where the party were, he pressed on with his skin canoes to join them. " The day was spent in hunting, in order to pro- cure skins to trade with the Mandans ; for, having now neither horses nor merchandise, their only re- source to obtain corn and beans was to lay in a stock of skins, which those Indians greatly ad- mire." The next day they continued their route down the river till late in the evening, and encamped on the southeast side, where they remained until the 11th. "In the low grounds of the river," continues the Journal, " Captain Clarke found a species of cherry which he had never seen before, and which seems peculiar to this small district of country, though even here it is not very abundant. The men also dug up quantities of a large and very insipid root, called by the Indians hankee, and by the engages the white apple. It is used by them in a dry, pounded state, to mix with their soup ; but our men boiled it and ate it with meat. In descending the river the day before, the squaw brought in a large, well-fla- voured gooseberry, of a rich crimson colour ; and also a deep purple berry, being a species of currant common along this river as low as the Mandans, and called by the engages the Indian currant. "August 11. They set out early in the morning, luid at about ten o'clock landed on a sand-bar for the THEY MEET TWO TRADERS. 307 purpose of taking breakfast and drying their meat. At noon they started again, and after proceeding about two miles, observed a canoe near the shore. They immediately landed, and were no less surpri- sed than gratified at discovering two men by the names of Dickson and Hancock, who had come from the Illinois on a hunting excursion up the Yellow- stone. They had left the Illinois in the summer of 1804, and spent the last winter with the Tetons, in company with a Mr. Ceautoin, who came there as a trader, and whom they had robbed, or, in other words, taken all his merchandise and given him a few robes in exchange. These men had met the boat we had despatched from Fort Mandan, on board of which they were told there was a Ricara chief on his way to Washington, and also a party of Yank- ton chiefs, accompanying Mr. Durion on a visit of the same kind. We were sorry to learn that the Mandans and Minnetarees were at war with the Ricaras, and had killed two of them. The Assini- boins, too, were at war with the Mandans. They had, in consequence, prohibited the Northwest Com- pany from trading to the Missouri, and evl^n killed two of their traders near Mouse River, and were now lying in wait for Mr. M'Kenzie of that Company, who had been for a long time amohg the Minneta- rees. These appearances were rather unfavourable to the project of carrying some of the chiefs to the United States ; but we still hoped that by effecting a peace between the Mandans, Minnetarees, and Ric- aras, the views of our government might still be accomplished. " After leaving these trappers. Captain Clarke went on and encamped nearly opposite to the en- trance of Goatpen Creek, where the party were again assailed by their old enemies the moschetoes." 3QS LEWIS AND Clarke's e2?editio5^. CHAPTER XVIII. Captain Clarke and his Party are overtaken by the Detachmen' under Caplain Lewis, and they all descend the Missouri to- gether. — They revisit the Minnetaree Indians, and hold 9 Council with that Nation, as well as the Mahahas. — Captain Clarke endeavours to persuade their Chiefs 10 accompany him to the United States, which they decline on Account of theii Fears of the Sioux in their Passage down the River. — Colter, one of the Party, requests and obtains Liberty to remain among the Indians, for the Purpose of hunting Beaver. — Friendly Deportment of the Mandans. — Council held by Cap- tain Clarke with the Chiefs of the diiferent Villages. — The Chief named Big White, with his Wife and Son, agrees to ac- company the Party to the United States. — He takes an atfect- ing Farewell of his Nation. — Chaboneau, with his Wife, de- clmes going to the United States, and they are left among the Indians. — The Party at length proceed on their Route. — They arrive among the Ricaras.— Character of the Chayennes, their Dress, Habits, &c. — Captain Clarke offers a Medal to the Chief of this Nation, which he at first refuses, believing it to be Medfcine, but which he is afterward prevailed on to ac- cept. — The Ricaras decline permitting one of their Number to accompany Captain Clarke to the United States, preferring to wait the Return^ of their Chief who had already gone. — The Party proceed rapidly down the River. — Prepare to defend themselves against the 'I'etons. — Incredible Number of BufTa lo seen near White Kiver. — Tliey meet with the Tetons, and decline their Invitations to Land. — Intrepidity of Captain Clarke. " August 12. The party continued slowly to de- scend the river. One of the skin canoes had by ac- cident a small hole made in it, and they halted for the purpose of covering" it with a piece of elkskin, and also to wait for two of the party who were be- hind. While there, about noon ihey were overjoy- ed at seeing the boats of the other party heave in sight; but this feeling was changed into alarm on perceiving them reach the shore without Captain THE TWO PARTIES MEET. 309 Lewis, who had been wounded, they were informed, the day before, and was then lying in the pirogue. " After giving to his wound all the attention in our power," proceeds the narrative, " we remained here for some time, during which we were overtaken by our two men, accompanied by Dickson and Han- cock, who wished to go with us as far as the Man- dans. The party being now happily reunited, we left the two skin canoes, and at about three o'clock all embarked on board the boats. The wind was, however, very high from the southwest, accompa- nied with rain, so that we did not proceed far before we halted for the night on a sand-bar. Captain Lewis's wound was now sore and somewhat pain- ful. The next day, " August 13, we set out by sunrise, and with a strong breeze from the northwest proceeded on rapidly. At eight o'clock we passed the mouth of the Little Missouri. Some Indians were seen at a distance below in a skin canoe, and were probably some of the Minnetarees on their return from a hunting excursion, as we passed one of their camps on the southwest side, where they had left a canoe. Two other Indians were seen far off on one of the hills, and we therefore expected soon to meet with our old acquaintances the Mandans. At sunset we arrived at the entrance of Miry River, and encamp- ed on the northeast side, having come by the aid of the wind and our oars a distance of eighty-six miles. The air was cool, and the moschetoes now ceased to trouble us as they had done. " August 14. We again set out at sunrise, and at length approached the grand village of the Minne- tarees, where the natives had collected to view us as we passed. We fired the blunderbuss several times by way of salute, and soon after landed near the village of the Mahahas or Shoe Indians, and were received by a crowd of people, who came to welcome us on our return. Among these were the 310 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. principal chief of the Mahahas, and the chief of the Little Minnetaree village, both of whom expressed great pleasure at seeing us again ; but the latter wept most bitterly. On inquiring the cause, it ap- peared that his tears were excited by the sight of us renunding him of his son, who had been lately killed by the Blackfoot Indians. After remaining there a few minutes, we crossed to the Mandan village of the Black Cat, where all the inhabitants seemed very much gratified at seeing us. We immediately sent Chaboneau with an invitation for the Minnetarees to visit us, and despatched Drewyer to the village of the Mandans, to bring Jesseaume as an interpret- er. Captain Clarke, in the mean time, walked up to the village of Black Cat, and smoked and ate with that chief. This village had been rebuilt since our departure, and was now much smaller; a quarrel having arisen among its inhabitants, in consequence of which a number of famihes had removed to the opposite side of the river. " On the arrival of Jesseaume, Captain Clarke addressed the chiefs. He spoke to them new, he said, in the same language he had done before ; and repeated his invitation to them to accompany him to the United States, to hear in person the counsels of their great father, who could at all times punish his enemies. In reply, Black Cat declared that he wished to visit the United States, and to see his great father, but was afraid of the Sioux, who had killed several of the Mandans since our departure, and who were now on the river below, and would intercept him if he attempted to pass. Captain Clarke endeavoured to quiet his apprehensions by assuring him that he would not suffer the Sioux to injure any one of our red children who should accompany us, and that they should return loaded with pres- ents, and protected at the expense of the United Slates. The council was then broken up; after which we crossed and formed our camp on the oth- GREAT CHIEF OF THE MINNETAREES. 311 er side of the river, where we should be sheltered from the rain. Soon after, the chief of the Mahahas informed us, that if we would send to his village we should have some corn. Three men were there- fore despatched, and returned soon after loaded with as much as they could carry. They were soon followed by the chief and his wife, to whom we presented a few needles and other articles suita- ble for a woman. " In a short time Borgne, the great chief of all the Minnetarees, came down, attended by several other chiefs, to whom, after smoking a pipe, Captain Clarke made a speech, renewing his assurances of friendship, and the invitation to accompany us to Washington. In reply, Borgne began by declaring that he much desired to visit his great father, but that the Sioux would certainly kill any of the Man- dans who should attempt to go down the river: they were bad people, and would not listen to any advice. When he s^w us last, we had told him that we would make peace with all the nations below, yet the Sioux had since killed eight of his tribe, and stolen a number of their horses. The Ricaras, too, had stolen their horses, and in the contest his peo- ple had killed two of them. Yet, in spite of these things, he had always his ears open to our coun- sels, and had actually made a peace with the Chay- ennes and the Indians of the Rocky Mountains. He concluded by saying that, however much dispo- sed they might be to visit the United States, the fear of the Sioux would prevent them from going with us. The council was then concluded, and soon af- terward an invitation to visit him was received from Black Cat, who, on Captain Clarke's arrival at his village, presented him with a dozen bushels of com, which lie said was a large proportion of what his peo- ple possessed ; and, after smoking a pipe, declared that his tribe were too apprehensive of the Sioux for any of them to venture with us. Captain Clarke 312 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. then spoke to the chiefs and warriors of the village; he told them of his anxiety that some of them should see their great father, and hear his good words, and receive his gifts, and requested them to fix on some confidential chief who might accompa- ny us. To this they made the same objections as before, till at length a young man ofi'ered to go, and the warriors all assented to it. But the character of this man was known to be bad, and one of the parly with Captain Clarke informed him that at that moment he had in his possession a knife which he had stolen. Captain Clarke thereupon told the chief of the theft, and demanded the knife to be given up. This was done, with but a poor apology for having it in his possession ; and Captain Clarke then reproached the chiefs for wishing to send such a fellow to see and hear so distinguished a person as their great father. They all hung down their heads for some time, till Black Cat at length apolo- gized by saying that the danger was such that they were afraid to send any one of'their chiefs, as they should consider his loss almost inevitable. Captain Clarke remained some time with them, smoking, and relating various particulars of his journey ; and then left them to visit the second chief of the Man- dans, or Black Crow, who had expressed some dis- position to accompany us. He seemed well inclined to the journey, but was unwilling to decide till he had called a council of his people, which he intend- ed to do in the afternoon.. On returning to the camp. Captain Clarke found the chief of the Maha- has, and also the chief of the Little Minnetaree viU lage, who had brought a present of corn on theii mules, of which they have several, and which they procure from the Crow Indians, who either buy oi steal them on the frontiers of the Spanish settle- ments. A great number of the Indians visited us, either for the yjurpose of renewing their acquaint- ance, or of exchanging robes and other articles for the skins brought by the party. COLTER LEFT BEHIND. 313 " in the evening Colter applied to us for permis- sion to join the two trappers who had accompanied us, and who now proposed an expedition up the riv- er, in which they were to find traps and to give him a share of the profits. The offer was a very advan- tageous one ; and as he had always performed his duty, and his services could be dispensed with, we consented to his going upon condition that none of the rest were to ask or expect a similar indulgence. To this they all cheerfully assented, saying that they wished Colter every success, and would not apply for liberty to separate before we reached St. Louis. We therefore supplied him, as did his com- rades also, with powder and lead, and a variety of articles which might be useful to him, and he left us the next day. The example of this man shows how easily men may be weaned from the habits of civil- ized life to the ruder, though scarcely less fascinating, manners of the woods. This hunter had now been absent for many years from the frontiers, and might naturally be presumed to have some anxiety, or at least curiosity, to return to his friends and his coun- try ; yet, just at the moment when he was approach- ing the frontiers, he was tempted by a hunting scheme to give up all those delightful prospects, and to go back without the least reluctance to the soli- tude of the vvilds. " In the evening, Chaboneau, who had been min- gling with the Indians, and learned what had taken place during our absence, informed us that, as soon as we had left the Minnetarees, they sent out a war party against the Shoshonees, whom they had at- tacked and routed, though in the engagement they lost two men, one of whom was the son of the chief of the Little Minnetaree village. Another war par- ty also went against the Ricaras, two of whom they had killed. A misunderstanding had likewise taken place between the Mandans and Minnetarees, in con- sequenc*^ of a dispute about a woman^ which had 314 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. nearly occasioned a war ; but at length a pipe was presented by the Minnetarees, and a reconcihation took place. " August 16. Th3 Mandans had offered to give us some corn, and on sending this morning we found a greater quantity collected for our use than all our canoes would contain. We therefore thanked the chief, and took only six loads. At ten o'clock the chiefs of the different villages came down to smoke with us, and we embraced this opportunity to en- deavour to engage Borgne in our interest by the pres- ent of our swivel, which was no longer of any use, as it could not be discharged from our largest pi- rogue. It was now loaded, and the chiefs having been formed in a circle round it, Captain Clarke ad- dressed them with great ceremony. He said that he had listened with much attention to what had yesterday been declared by Borgne, whom he be- lieved to be sincere, and then reproached them with their disregard of our counsels, and their wars with the Shoshonees and Ricaras. Little Cherry, the old Minnetaree chief, answered that they had long stayed at home and listened to our advice, but that at last they went to war against the Sioux because they had stolen their horses and killed their companions ; and that, in an expedition against that people, they had met the Ricaras, who were on their way to strike them, when a battle ensued. But in future, he said, they would attend to our words and live in peace. Borgne, too, added, that his ears would always be open to the words of his good father, and shut against bad counsel. Captain Clarke then presented to him the swivel, which he told him had announced the words of his great father to all the nations we had seen ; and which, whenever it was fired, should re- call those which we had now delivered. The gun was then discharged, and Borgne had it conveye-d in great pomp to his village, when the council was ad- journed. CHABONEAU AND WIFE REMAIN. 315 " In the afternoon Captain Clarke walked up to the village of Little Crow, taking a flag which he in- tended to present to him, but was surprised on being told by him that he had given up all intention of ac- companying us, refusing at the same time the flag. He found that this change was occasioned by a jeal- ousy between him and the principal chief, Big White : by the interference, of Jesseaume, however, the two chiefs were reconciled, and it was agreed that Big White himself should accompany us, with his wife and son. " August 17. The principal chiefs of the Minne- tarees now came down to bid us farewell, as none of them could be prevailed on to go with us. This circumstance induced our interpreter, Chaboneau, to remain here with his wife and child, as he could no longer be of use to us, and, although we offered to take him with us to the United States, he declined, saying that there he had no acquaintance, and no chance of making a livelihood, and preferred remain- ing among the Indians. This man had been very serviceable to us, and his wife was particularly use- ful among the Shoshonees : indeed, she had borne with a patience truly admirable the fatigues of so long a route, encumbered with the charge of an in- fant, who was then only nineteen months old. We therefore paid him his wages, amounting to five hun- dred dollars and thirty-three cents, including the price of a horse and a lodge purchased of him, and soon afterward dropped down to the village of Big White, attended on shore by all the Indian chiefs, who had come to take leave of him. We found him surround- ed by his friends, who sat in a circle smoking, while the women were crying. He immediately sent his wife and son, with their baggage, on board, accom- panied by the interpreter and his wife, and two chil- dren ; and then, after distributing among his friends some powder and ball which we had given him, and smoking a pipe, he went with us to the river side. 316 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. The whole village crowded about us, and many of the people wept aloud at the departure of their chief. " As Captain Clarke was shaking hands with the principal chiefs of the different villages, they re- quested that he would sit with them a moment lon- ger. Being willing to gratify them, he stopped and ordered a pipe, when, after smoking it, they inform- ed him that they had not believed all that we told them at the time they first saw us ; but having now found that our words were all true, they would carefully remember them, and follow our advice ; and that he might tell their great father that the young men should remain at home, and not make war on any people except in their own defence. They requested him to tell the Ricaras to come and visit them, which they might do without fear, as they meant that nation no harm, but, on the contra- ry, were desirous of peace with them. On the Sioux, however, they could place, they said, no dependance, and must kill them whenever they sent war parties against their country. Captain Clarke replied that we had never insisted an their not defending them- selves, but only requested that they would not strike those whom we had taken by the hand ; that we would apprize the Ricaras of their friendly inten- tions ; and that, although we had not seen the Sioux with whom they were at war, we should relate their conduct to their great father, who would take meas- ures for effecting a general peace among all his red children. " Borgne now requested that we would take good care of the chief, who would report whatever their great father should say ; and the council then break- ing up, we took leave with a salute from a gun, and proceeded. On reaching Fort Mandan we found a few pickets standing on the river side, but all the houses except one had been accidentally burned. At the distance of eighteen miles we reached the old Ricara village, and encamped on the southwest BIG white's brother. 317 Bide, the wind being too violent, and the waves too high, to permit our going any farther. " August 18. The same cause prevented us from setting out before eight o'clock in the morning. Soon after we had embarked, an Indian came running down to the beach, and appeared very anxious to speak to us. We therefore went ashore, and found it was the brollier of Big White, who was encamp- ed at no great distance, and hearing of our departure, had come to take leave of the chief. Big White gave his brother a pair of leggins, and they separa- ted in the most affectionate manner : we then con- tinued our voyage, though the wind and waves were still high. The Indian chief seemed quite satisfied with his treatment, and during the day employed himself in pointing out the ancient monuments of the Mandans, or in relating their traditions. At length, after making forty miles, we encamped on the northeast side, opposite to an old Mandan village, and below the mouth of Chesshetah River. " August 19. The wind was so violent that we were not able to proceed until four in the afternoon, and in the mean time the hunters had killed four elk and twelve deer. We then went on for ten miles, and came to a sand-bar. The wind and rain contin- ued through the night, and during the whole of the next day, " August 20, the waves were so high that one man was constantly occupied in bailing the boats. At noon we passed Cannonball River, and at three in the afternoon the mouth of Wardepon River, which bounds the country claimed by the Sioux ; and after proceeding eighty-one miles, landed for the night on a sand-bar. The plains were beginning to change their appearance, the grass assuming a yellowish colour. We this day saw great numbers of wolves, and some buffalo and elk, though these were by no means as abundant as on the Yellowstone. " Since we passed in 1804, a very obvious change 318 LEWIS AND Clarke's extlditioN. had taken place in the course and appearance of ths Missouri. In places where, at that time, there were sand-bars, the current of the river now passed, and where the channel was then, there were, in turn, banks of sand. Sand-bars, then naked, were now covered with willows several feet high ; the entrances of some of the creeks and rivers had been changed by the quantity of mud thrown into them ; and in some of the bottoms there were layers of mud eight inches in depth. "August 21. We rose after a night of broken rest, having been much annoyed by moschetoes, and after putting our arms in order, to be prepared for any attack, continued our course. We soon met three traders, two of whom had wintered with us among the Mandans in 1804, and who were now on their way thither. They were out of powder and lead, and we supplied them with both. They informed us that seven hundred Sioux had passed the Ricara towns on their way to attack the Mandans and Min- netarees, leaving their women and children encamp- ed near the Big Bend of the Missouri ; but that the Ricaras had all remained at home, declining to take any part in the war. They also told us that the Pawnee or Ricara chief who had gone to the United States the spring before, died on his return near the Sioux River. " We then left them, and soon afterward arrived opposite to the upper Ricara villages. We saluted them with the discharge of four guns, which they answered in the same manner ; and on our landing we were met by the greater part of the inhabitants of each village, and also by a band of the Chayennes, who were encamped on a hill in the neighbourhood. "As soon as Captain Clarke stepped on shore, he was greeted by the two chiefs to whom we had giv- en medals in our former visit ; and as they and the rest appeared much rejoiced at our return, and de- sirous of hearing from the Mandans, he sat down INTERVIEW WITH THE RICARAS. 319 on the bank, while the Ricaras and Chayennes form- ^A a circle round him ; and, after smoking, he inform- ed them, as he had already done the Minnetarees, of the various tribes we had visited, and of our anxiety to promote peace among our red brethren. He then expressed his regret at their having attacked the Mandans, who had listened to our counsels, and had sent on a chief to smoke with them, and to assure them that they might now hunt in the plains, and visit the Mandan villages in safety, and he conclu- ded by inviting some of the chiefs to accompany us to Washington. The man whom we had acknowl- edged as the principal chief when we ascended the river, now presented another, who, he said, was a greater chief than himself; and to him, therefore he had surrendered the flag and medal with which we had honoured him. This chief, who had been absent at our former visit, was a man of thirty-five years of age, stout and good-looking, and called by the Indians Gray Eyes. " He now made a very animated reply. He de- Glared that the Ricaras were willing to follow the counsels we had given them ; but that a few of their bad young men would not live in peace, but had joined the Sioux, and thus embroiled them with the Mandans. These young men had, however, been driven out of the villages; and as the Ricaras were now separated from the Sioux, who were a bad people, and the cause of all their misfortunes, they desired to be at peace with the Mandans, and would receive them with kindness and friend- ship. Several of the chiefs, he said, were desirous of visiting their great father ; but as the chief who had gone to the United States the last summer had not returned, and they had some fears for his safety on account of the Sioux, they did not wish to leave home until they had heard from him. As to him- self, he should continue with his nation, to see that they followed our advice. II.— Bb 320 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. " The sun being very hot, the chief of the Chay- ennes invited us to his lodge, which was at no great distance from the river. We followed him, and found a very large lodge, made of twenty buffalo skins, surrounded by eighteeli or twenty others of nearly equal size. The rest of the nation were ex- pected the next day, and would make the number of from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty lodges, containing from three hundred and fifty to four hundred men, at which the men of the nation might be computed. These Chayennes are a fine- looking people, of large stature, with straight limhs, and high cheek-bones and noses, and of a complexion similar to that of the Ricaras. Their ears are cut at the lower part, but few wear ornaments in them. Their hair is generally cut over the eyebrows, and small ornaments hang from it down the cheeks, the remainder being either twisted with horse or buflfalo hair, and divided over each shoulder, or else flowing loosely behind. Their decorations consist chiefly of blue beads, shells, red paint, brass rings, bears' claws, and strips of otter skins, of which last they, as well as the Ricaras, are very fond. The women, however, are coarse in their features, with wide mouths, and ugly. Their dress consists of a habit reaching to the mid-leg, made of two equal pieces of leather, sewed from the bottom, with armholes, and with a flap hanging nearly half way down the body both before and behind. On these are burned vari- ous figures by means of an ignited stick, and they are adorned with beads, shells, and elk's tusks, which all the Indians greatly prize. The other ornaments are blue beads in the ears, but the hair is left plain, and flows down the back. The summer dress of the men is a simple bufi'alo robe, a cloth round the waist, moccasins, and occasionally leggins. Living remote from the whites, they are shy and cautious, but are peaceably disposed, and profess to make war against no people except the Sioux, with whom they ^ CURIOUS INDIAN SUPERSTITION. 321 have been engaged in contests from lime immemo- rial. In their excursions they are accompanied by their dogs and horses, of which they have a great number ; the former serving to carry almost all their light baggage. " After smoking for some time, Captain Clarke gave a small medal to the Chayenne chief, explain- ing at the same time the meaning of it. He seemed alarmed at the present, and sending for a robe and a quantity of buffalo meat, he gave them to Captain Clarke, requesting him to take back the medal, as he knew that all white people were medicine, and he was afraid of everything which they might give to the Indians. Captain Clarke again explained his ob- ject in giving the medal, which, he said, was the medicine his great father had directed him to deliver to all their chiefs who should hsten to his word and follow his counsels ; and that, as he had done so, it had been given him as a proof that we believe him sincere. He now appeared satisfied, and receiving the medal, gave in return double the quantity of buffalo meat he had offered before. He seemed now quite reconciled to the whites, and requested that some traders might be sent among his people, who lived, he said, in a country full of beaver, but did not understand the best modes of catching them, and, farthermore, were deterred from it by having no market for them when caught. Captain Clarke promised that they should soon be supplied with goods, and taught the best mode of catching beaver. " Big White, chief of the Mandans, now addressed them at some length, explaining the pacific inten- tions of his nation ; and the Chayenne observed that both the Ricaras and Mandans seemed to be in fault ; but at the end of the council the Mandan chief was treated with much civility, and the greatest harmony prevailed between them. The great chief informed us, however, that none of the Ricaras could be pre- vailed on to accompany us till the return of the 322 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. other chief; and that the Chayennes were a wild people, and afraid to go. He invited Captain Clarke to his house, and gave him two carrots of tobacco, two beaver skins, and a trencher of boiled corn and beans. It is the custom of the nations on the Mis- souri to offer to all white men food and refreshment when they first enter their tents. " Captain Clarke now returned to the boats, where he found the chief of the lower village, who had cut off part of his hair, and disfigured himself in such a manner that we did not recognise him until he ex- plained that he was in mourning for his nephew, who had been killed by the Sioux. He proceeded with us to the village on the island, where we were met by all the inhabitants. The second chief, on seeing the Mandan, began to speak to him in a loud and threatening tone, till Captain Clarke declared that the Mandans had listened to our councils, and that, if any injury was attempted to be done to the chief, we should defend him to the utmost extrem- ity. He then invited the chief to his lodge, and after a very ceremonious smoking, assured Captain Clarke that he was as safe as at his home, for the Ricaras, as well as the Mandans, had opened their ears to our councils. This was repeated by the great chief; and the Mandan and Ricara chiefs now smoked and conversed with great apparent harmo- ny, after which we returned to our boats. The whole distance made this day was twenty-nine miles. " August 22. It rained the whole night, so that we all rose in the morning quite wet, and were about proceeding, when Captain Clarke received from the chiefs a request to visit them. They made to him several speeches, in which they observed that they must decline going with us, as their coun- tryman had not yet returned ; and that, although all their troubles came from the Sioux, yet, as they had more horses than they wanted, and were in want of guns and powder, they should be obliged to trade CAPTAIN LEWIS RECOVERS. 323 With them once more for those articles, after which they would break off all connexion with them. He then returned to the boats, and after taking leave of the natives, who seemed to regret our departure, and firing a salute of two guns, we proceeded on our way. We made only seventeen miles this day, being obliged to land near Wetarboo River to dry our baggage ; besides which, the sand-bars were very numerous, as the river became wider below the Ric- ara villages. Captain Lewis was now so far recov- ered that he was able to walk a little for the first time. While here we noticed that the Mandans, as well as the Minnetarees and Ricaras, keep their horses in the same lodges with themselves." During the two following days they made a dis- tance of eighty-three miles, and in the morning of the 24th encamped at the gorge of the Lookout Bend. " August 25. Before daylight," continues the Jour- nal, " we sent five of the men ahead to hunt on Pawnee Island, and followed them soon after. At eight o'clock we reached the entrance of the Chay- enne, where we remained till noon to take a merid- ian observation. At three o'clock we passed the old Pawnee village, near which we had met the Te- tons in 1804, and encamped in a large bottom on the northeast side, a little below the mouth of No- timber Creek. Just above our camp the Ricaras had formerly a large village on each side of the riv- er, and there were still to be seen the remains of five villages on the southwest side below the Chay- ' enne, and one on Lahoocat's Island, all of which had been destroyed by the Sioux. The weather was clear and calm, but by the help of our oars we made forty-eight miles." * * * " August 26. We set out early, and at nine o'clock reached the entrance of Teton River, below which were a raft and a skin canoe, which made us sus- pect that the Tetons were in the neighbourhood. 324 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. Our arms, therefore, were put in order, and every preparation was made to revenge the slightest insult from those people, who required, we knew, to be treated with rigour. We went on, however, with- out seeing any of them, though we were obliged to land near Smoke Creek, and remained there for two hours to stop a leak in the pirogue. Here we saw- great quantities of plums and grapes, but they were not yet ripe. At five o'clock we passed Louisville's Fort, on Cedar Island, twelve miles below which we encamped, having made sixty miles by using our oars, with the wind ahead during the greater part of the day." Setting out before sunrise the next morning, at the distance of a few miles they landed on a sand- bar near Taylor's River. " Near this place," says the Journal, " we observed the first signs of the wild turkey, and not long after landed in the Big Bend, and killed a fine fat elk. Towards night we heard the bellowing of the buffalo bulls on the low- er island of the Big Bend ; and following the direc- tion of this agreeable sound, we killed some of the cows, and encamped on the island, forty-five miles from our camp of the previous night. *' August 28. We started at an early hour, having first despatched some hunters ahead, with orders to join us at our old camp a httle above Corvus Creek, where we intended to remain one day, for the pur- pose of procuring the skins and skeletons of some animals, such as the mule-deer, the antelope, the barking squirrel, the magpie, &c., which we were desirous of taking with us. After rowing thirty-five . miles, we landed at twelve o'clock, and formed our camp m a high bottom, thinly timbered, and covered with grass. Soon after our arrival the squaws and several of the men went to the bushes near the riv- er, and brought a great quantity of large, well-fla- voured plums, of three different species. " The hunters returned in the afternoon without IMMtJNSE NUMBERS OF BUFFALO. 325 having been able to procure any of the game we wished except the barking squirrel, though they kill- ed four common deer, and had seen large herds of buffalo, of which they brought in two." Setting out at ten o'clock the pext morning, at a short distance they passed the mouth of White Riv- er, the water of which was nearly of the colour of milk. As they were much occupied with hunting, they made but twenty miles. " The buffalo," says the Journal, " were now so numerous, that from an em- inence we discovered more than we had ever seen before at one time; and though it was impossible accurately to calculate their number, they darken- ed the whole plain, and could not have been, we were convinced, less than twenty thousand. With re- gard to game in general, we have observed that wild animals are usually found in the greatest numbers in the country lying between two nations at war. "August 30. We set out at the usual time, but after going some distance were obliged to stop two hours for one of our hunters. During this time we made an excursion to a large orchard of delicious plums, where we were so fortunate as to kill two buck elks. We then proceeded down the river, and were about landing at the place where we had agreed to meet all the hunters, when several persons ap- peared on the high hills to the northeast, and by the help of our spyglass we distinguished them to be Indians. We landed on the southwest side of the river, and immediately after saw on a height oppo- site to us about twenty men, one of whom, from his blanket greatcoat and a handkerchief round his head, we took for a Frenchman. At the same time, about eighty or ninety Indians, armed with guns and bows and arrows, came out of a wood some distance below them, and fired a salute, which we returned. From their hostile appearance we were apprehensive that they might be Tetons ; but as, from the country through which they were passing, 32G LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. it was possible they might be Yanktons, Pawnees, or Mahas, we did not know in what way to receive them. In order, however, to ascertain who they were without risk to the party, Captain Clarke crossed, with three persons who could speak differ- ent Indian langucfges, to a sand-bar near the oppo- site side, for the purpose of conversing with them. Eight young men soon met him on the sand-bar, but none of them could understand either the Pawnee or Maha interpreter. They were then addressed in the Sioux language, and answered that they were Tetons, of the band headed by the Black Baffalo, Tahtackasabah. It was the same band which had attempted to stop us in 1804; and being now less anxious about off'ending this mischievous tribe. Cap- tain Clarke told them that they had been deaf to our counsels, had ill treated us two years ago, and had abused all the whites who had since visited them. He believed them, he added, to be bad peo- ple, and they must return, therefore, to their com- panions, for if they crossed over to our camp we would put them all to death. They asked for some corn, which Captain Clarke refused them : they then requested permission to come and visit us, but he ordered them back. He then returned, and our arms were all made ready in case of an attack. Bui when these Indians reached their comrades, and in- formed their chiefs of our determination, they all set off for their own camp : some of them, however, halted on a rising ground, and abused us with their tongues very copiously, threatening to kill us if we came across. We took no notice of this for some time, as three of our hunters were absent, and we were afraid the Indians might meet them ; but as soon as they joined us we embarked, and, to see what the Indians would attempt, steered near their side of the river. At this the party on the hill seemed not a little agitated : some of them set off for their camp, others walked about, and one man HOSTILITY OF THE TETONS. 327 came towards the boats and invited us to land. As he approached, we recognised him to be the same who had accompanied us for two days in 1804, and was considered a friend of the whites. Unwilling, however, to have any intercourse with these people, we declined his invitation, upon which he returned to the hill, and struck the earth three times with his gun, a great oath among the Indians, who consider swearing by the earth as one of the most solemn forms of imprecation. At the distance of six miles we stopped on a bleak sand-bar, where we thought ourselves secure from any attack during the night, and also safe from the moschetoes. We had made but twenty-two miles, but in the course of the day had killed a mule-deer, an animal we were very anxious to obtain. About eleven in the evening the wind shifted to the northwest, and it began to rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, after which the wind changed to the southwest, and blew with such violence that we were obliged to hold fast the canoes, for fear of their being driven from the sand- bar : still, the cables of two of them broke, and two others were blown quite across the river; nor was it till two o'clock that the whole party were reas- sembled, waiting in the rain for daylight." CHAPTER XIX. The Party return in Safety to St. Louis. *' August 31. We examined our arms, and proceed ed with the wind in our favour. For some time we saw different Indians on the hills, but at length lost sight of them. In passing the Dome, and the first village of barking squirrels, we stopped and killed II.— C r 328 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. two fox squirrels, an animal we had not seen on the river higher than this place; and at night we en- camped Dn the northeast side, after making a dis- tance of seventy miles. We had seen no game for some time past on the river, but in the evening the moschetoes were not slow to discover us. " September 1. We set out early, but were shortly compelled to land, and wait for half an hour, till a thick fog dispersed. At nine o'clock we passed the mouth of the Quicurre, which presented the same appearance as when we ascended, the water being rapid and of a milky-white colour. Two miles be- low, several Indians ran down to the bank and beck- oned us to land ; but as they appeared to be Tetons, and of a war party, we paid no attention to them, oxcept to inquire to what tribe they belonged : our Sioux interpreter,'however, did not understand much of their language, and they probably mistook his question. As one of our canoes was behind, we were afraid of its being attacked ; we therefore land- ed on an open, commanding situation, out of view of the Indians, to wait for it. W^e had not been in this position fifteen minutes, when we heard several guns, which we immediately concluded were fired at the men in the canoe ; and being determined to protect them against any number of Indians, Captain Clarke, with fifteen men, ran up the river, while Cap- tain Lewis hobbled up the bank, and formed the rest of the party in such a manner as would best enable them to protect the boats. On turning a point of the river, however. Captain Clarke was agreeably surprised at seeing the Indians still in the place where we had left them, and our canoe at the dis- tance of a mile. He now^ went on to a sand-bar, and, the Indians crossing over to him, he gave them his hand, when they informed him that they had been amusing themselves with shooting at an old keg we had thrown into the river as it was floating down. We now found them to be part of a band of eighty INTERVIEW WITH THE YANKTONS. 329 lodges of Yanktons on Plum Creek, and therefore invited iheni down to our camp. After smoking several pipes, we told them that we had mistaken them for Tetons, and had intended putting every one of them to death if they had fired at our canoe ; but finding them Yanktons, who were good men, we were glad to take them by the hand as faithful chil- dren, who had opened their ears to our counsels. They saluted the Mandan with great cordiality, and one of them said that their ears had indeed been open, and that they had followed our advice since we gave a medal to their great chief, and should con- tinue to do so. We now tied a piece of riband to the hair of each Indian, and gave them some corn. We also made a present of a pair of leggins to the principal chief, when we took our leave of them, hav- ing been previously overtaken by our canoe. At two o'clock we landed to hunt on Bonhomme Island, but obtained a single elk only. The bottom on the north side is very rich, and was so thickly over- grown with pea- vines and grass, interwoven with grape-vines, that some of the party who attempted to hunt there were obliged to leave it and ascend the plain, where they found the grass nearly as high as their heads. These plains are much more fertile below than above the Quicurre, and the whole coun- try was now very beautiful. After making fifty-two miles against a head wind, we landed for the night on a sand-bar opposite to Calumet Blutf, where we had encamped on the 1st of September, 1804, and where our flagstaff was still standing. We suffered very much from the moschetoes till the wind be- came so high as to blow them away. " September 2. At eight o'clock we passed the mouth of the Jacques River, but soon after were com- pelled to land, in consequence of the high wind from the northeast, and to remain till sunset, after which we went on to a sand-bar twenty-two miles from our camp of the previous evening. While we were on 330 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. shore we killed three buflfaloes and four prairie-fowl, which were the first of the latter we had seen in de- scending. Two turkeys were also killed, and were very much admired by our Indians, who had never seen that bird before." * * * " September 3. Towards daylight we started again, and at eleven o'clock we passed the Redstone. The river was crowded with sand-bars, which were now very differently situated from what they had been when we ascended ; but, notwithstanding these and the head wind, we had made sixty miles towards night, when, seeing two boats and several men on the shore, we landed, and found a Mr. James Airs, a partner of a house at Prairie de Chien, who had come from Mackinaw by the way of St. Louis, with a license to trade among the Sioux for one year. He had started two canoes loaded with merchandise, but lost many of his most valuable articles in a squall some time before. After so long an absence, the sight of any one who could give us information of our country was peculiarly delightful, and much of the night was spent in making inquiries as to what had occurred since we had left. We found Mr. Aira a very friendly and liberal gentleman, and when we proposed to him to purchase a small quantity of to- bacco, to be paid for at St. Louis, he very readily furnished every man of the party with as much as he could use during the rest of the voyage, and in- sisted also on our receiving a barrel of flour. This last was very acceptable, though we had still a little flour, which we had deposited at the mouth of Ma ria's River. We could give in return only about six bushels of corn, which was all that we could spare The next morning, " September 4, we left Mr. Airs at about eight o'clock, and after passing the Big Sioux River, stop- ped at noon near Floyd's Bluff. On ascending the hill we found that the grave of Floyd had been open- ed, and was now half uncovered. We filled it up, THEY MEET A TRADING PARTY. 33 i and then continued down to our old camp near the Maha village, where all our baggage, which had been wet by the rain in the night, was exposed to dry. There was no game on the river except wild geese and pelicans. Near Floyd's grave were some nour- ishing black-walnut trees, the first we had seen on our return. At night we heard the report of several guns in a direction towards the Maha village, and supposed it to be a signal for the arrival of some trader. But not meeting any one when we set out the next morning, " September 5, we concluded that the firing was merely to announce the return of the Mahas to their village, this being the season at which they come home from buffalo hunting, to take care of their corn, beans, and pumpkins. The river was now more crooked, the current more rapid, and crowded with snags and sawyers, while the bottoms on both sides were well supplied with timber. At three o'clock we passed Bluestone Bluff, where the river leaves the highlands and meanders through a low, rich bottom, and encamped for the night after ma- king seventy-three miles. " September 6. The wind continued ahead, but the moschetoes were so tormenting that to remain was more unpleasant than to proceed, however slowly, and we therefore started. Near the Little Sioux River we met a trading-boat belonging to Mr. Au- gustus Chateau, of St. Louis, with several men on their way to trade with the Yanktons at the Jacques River. We obtained from them a gallon of whiskey, and gave each of the party a dram, which was the first spirituous liquor any of them had tasted since the 4th of July, 1805." During this and the following day they made a distance of seventy-four miles, encamping, as usual, on sand-bars for the night, to avoid the moschetoes, though even here they were greatly tormented by them. ^^ 332 LEWIS AND Clarke's expedition. a September 8. We set out early," continues the Journal, " and stopped for a short time at Council Bluffs to examine the situation of the place, when we were confirmed in our behef that it would be a very eligible spot for a trading establishment. Be- ing anxious to reach the Platte, we plied our oars so well that by night we had made seventy-eight miles, and landed at our old White Catfish encampment, twelve miles above that river. We could not but here remark the wonderful evaporation from the Mis- souri, which does not appear to contain more water, nor is its channel wider than at one thousand miles nearer its source, though within the intervening dis- tance it receives about twenty rivers, some of them of considerable width, and a great number of creeks. This evaporation seemed, in fact, to be greater now than when we ascended the river ; for we were obliged to replenish the inkstand every day with fresh ink, nine tenths of which must have escaped by evaporation. " September 9. By eight o'clock we passed the mouth of the Platte, which river was lower than when we saw it before, and its waters were almost clear, though its channel was turbulent, as usual. The sand-bars, however, which then obstructed the Missouri were now washed away, and nothing of them was to be seen except a few remains. Below the Platte the current of the Missouri became evidently more rapid, and the obstructions from fallen timber increased. The river bottoms aie here extensive, rich, and covered with tall, large timber, which is still more abundant in the hollows of the ravines, where may be seen oak, ash, and elm, interspersed with some wahiut and hickory. The moschetoes, though still numerous, seemed to have lost some of their vigour. As we advanced the diffierence of cli- mate was very perceptible, the air being more sul- try than we had experienced it for a long time be- fore, and the nights were so warm that a thin THEY MEET A BOAT FROM ST. LOUIS. 333 blanket was now sufficient, although a few days be- fore two had been no more than comfortable. Late in the afternoon we encamped opposite to the Bald- pated Prairie, after having come a distance of sev- enty-three miles. " September 10. We again set out early, and the wind being moderate, though still ahead, we pro- ceeded sixty-five miles, to a sand-bar a short dis tance above the Grand Nemaha. In the course of the day we met a trader, with three men, on his way to the Pawnee Loups, or Wolf Pawnees, on the Platte. Soon after another boat passed us with seven men from St. Louis, bound to the Mahas. With both of these parties we had some conversa- tion, but our anxiety to go on would not suffer us to remain long with them. The Indians, particular- ly the squaws and children, had become weary with the length of the route, and we were impatient to reach our country and our friends. We saw on the shore deer, raccoons, and turkeys. " September 11. A high wind from the northwest detained us till after sunrise, when we started, but proceeded slowly, since, from the river being now rapid and narrow, as well as more crowded with sand-bars and timber than above, much caution was necessary in avoiding these obstacles, especially as the water was low. The Nemaha seemed less wide than when we saw it before, and Wolf River had scarcely any water. In the afternoon we halted above the Nadowa to hunt, and killed two deer, after which we went on to a small island forty miles from our last encampment. Here we were no longer annoyed by the moschetoes, which did not seem to frequent this part of the river ; and, after having been persecuted by these insects the whole distance from the Falls, it was a most agreeable re- lease. Their noise was very agreeably exchanged for that of the common wolves, which were howling ding on the southwest side of Wappatoo Island: six lodges, four hundred souls. 382 APPENDIX. The Claukstar nation — residing on a small river which discharges itself on the southwest side of Wappatoo Isl- and : twenty-eight lodges, one thousand two hundred souls. The Claninnatas — residing on the southwest side of Wappatoo Island : five lodges, two hundred souls. The Cathlacumups — residing on the main shore, south- west of Wappatoo Island : six lodges, four hundred and fifty souls. The Clannahminamuns — residing on the southwest side of Wappatoo Island : twelve lodges, two hundred and eighty souls. The Quathlapotle nation — residing on the southwest side of the Columbia, above the entrance of Towahna- hiook River, opposite the lower point of Wappatoo Island : fourteen lodges, nine hundred souls. The Cathlamahs — residing on a creek which falls into the Columbia on the north side, at the lower part of the Columbian Valley : ten lodges, two hundred souls. 21. The Skilloot nation — residing in different villages on both sides of the Columbia, from the lower part of the Columbian Valley to Sturgeon Island, and on either side of the Coweliske River : fifty lodges, two thousand five hundred souls. The Hullooetells also reside on the Coweliske. 22. The Wahkiacums — residing on the north side of the Columbia, opposite to the Marshy Islands : eleven lodges, two hundred souls. 23. The Cathlamahs — residing on the south side of the Columbia, opposite to the Sea Islands : nine lodges, three hundred souls. 24. The Chinnooks — residing on the north side of the Columbia, at the entrance of and on the Chinnook River : twenty-eight lodges, four hundred souls. 25. The Clatsop nation — residing on the south side of the Columbia, and a few miles along the southeast coast, on both sides of Point Adams : fourteen lodges, two hun dred souls. 26. The Killamuck nation — residing from the Clatsopg of the coast along the southeast coast for many miles : fifty lodges, one thousand souls. . APPENDIX. 383 Nations speaking the Killamuck Language, concerning which we obtained the following information from the Indians. 27. The Lucktons — residing on the seacoast to the southwest of the Killamucks : twenty souls. The Kahuncles — residing on the seacoast southwest of the Lucktons : four hundred souls. The Lukawis — residing on the seacoast to the south- southeast : a large town, eight hundred souls. The Youikcones — residing on the seacoast to the south- southeast : large houses, seven hundred souls. The Necketoos — residing on the seacoast to the south- southeast : a large town, seven hundred souls. The Ulseahs — residing on the seacoast to the south southeast : a small town, one hundred and fifty souls. The Youitts — residing on the seacoast to the south- southeast : a small town, one hundred and fifty souls. The Sheastuckles — residing on the seacoast to the south- east of the Lucktons : a large town, nine hundred souls. The Killawats — ^residing on the seacoast to the south- east of the Lucktons : a large town, five hundred souls. 28. The Cookkoo-oose nation — residing on the seacoast to the south of the Killawats : one thousand five hundred souls. The Sahlalah nation — residing on the seacoast to the south of the Killawats : fifteen hundred souls. The Luckaso nation — residing on the same, to the south : twelve hundred souls. The Hannakalal nation — residing on the same, to the south : six hundred souls. Indians along the Coast to the Northwest. 29. The Killaxthocles — residing on the seacoast from the Chinnooks to the north-northwest : eight lodges, one hundred souls. The Chiltz nation — residing from the Killaxthocles to the north-northwest : thirty-eight lodges, seven hundred souls. The Clamoitomish — residing from the Chiltz to the north-northwest : twelve lodges, two hundred and sixty souls. 384 iiPPENDIX. The Potoashees — residing on the coast northwestward of the Clamoitomish : ten lodges, two hundred souls. The Pailsh tribe — residing northwest of the Potoashees • ten lodges, two hundred souls. The Quinults — residing northwest of the Pailsh : sixtj lodges, one thousand souls. The Quieetsos — residing northwest of the Quinults.- eighteen lodges, two hundred and fifty souls. The Chillates — residing northwest of the Quieetsos, along the coast : eight lodges, one hundred and fifty souls. The Calasthocles — residing northwest of the Chillates, along the same coast : ten lodges, two hundred souls. The Quinnechant nation — residing on the seacoast and a creek, north and northwest of the Calasthocles : two thousand souls. 30. The Clarkamus nation — residing on a large river of the same name, which heads in Mount Jefferson, and dis- charges itself into the Multnomah forty miles up that river on its northeast side : this nation has several villages on either side, and numbers eighteen hundred souls. 31. The Cushooks — residing on the northeast bank of the Multnomah, immediately below the Falls of that river, and about sixty miles above its entrance iiito the Colum- bia : six hundred and fifty souls. 32. The Charcowah nation — residing on the southwest bank of the Multnomah, immediately above the Falls : two hundred souls. 33. The Callahpoewah nation — inhabiting the country on both sides of the Multnomah, above the Charcowahs for a great extent : two thousand souls. 34. The Shoshonees, or Snake Indians — residing in the fall and winter on the Multnomah River, southward of the Southwest Mountains, and in spring and summer near the heads of the Towahnahiooks, Lepage, Yaumalolam, and Wollawollah Rivers, and especially at the Falls of the Towahnahiooks, for the purpose of fishing : three thousand souls. 35. The Shoshonees on the Multnomah and its tributary waters — their particular places of residence we could not ascertain from the Indians on the Columbia : six thousand souls. 36. The Shobarboobeer band of Shoshonees — residing APPENDIX. 385 on the southwest side of the Multnomah, high up that river : one thousand six hundred souls. 37. The Shoshonees residing on the south fork of Lew- is's River, and on the Nemo, Walshlemo, Shallette, Shush- pellanimmo, Shecomshink, Timmoonumlarwas, and Cop- coppakark Rivers, branches of the south fork of Lewis's River : three thousand souls. We saw Parts of the following Tribes at the Long Narrows : 38. The Skaddal nation — residing on Cataract River, twenty-five miles north of the Big Narrows : two hundred souls. The Squannaroos — residing on Cataract River below the Skaddals : one hundred and twenty souls. The Shallattoos — residing on Cataract River above the Skaddals : one hundred souls. The Shanwappoms — residing at the heads of the Cata- ract and Tapteal Rivers : four hundred souls. 39. The Cutsahnim nation — residing on both sid««rof the Columbia, above the Sokulks, on the northern branch- es of the Tapteal River, and also on the Wahnaschee : sixty lodges, one thousand two hundred souls. The Lahanna nation — residing on both sides of the Co- lumbia, above the entrance of Clarke's River : ope hundred and twenty lodges, two thousand souls. \ The Coospellar nation — residing on a river which falls into the Columbia to the north of Clarke's River : thirty lodges, one thousand six hundred souls. The Wheelpoo nation — residing on both sides of Clarke's River, from the entrance of the Lastaw to the Great Falls of the first-named river : one hundred and thirty lodges, two thousand five hundred souls. The Hihigheninmio nation — residing from the entrance of the Lastaw into Clarke's River, on both sides of the former as high as the Forks : forty-five lodges, one thou- sand three hundred souls. The Lartielo nation — residing at the Falls of the Lastaw River, below the Great Wayton Lake, on both sides of the river : thirty lodges, six hundred souls. The Skeetsomish nation — residing on a small river of the same name, which discharges itself into the Lastaw 386 APPENDIX. below the Falls, around the Wayton Lake, and oh two islands in that lake : twelve lodges, two thousand souls. The Micksucksealton tribe of the Tushepahs — resi- ding on Clarke's River, above the Great Falls of that river, in the Rocky Mountains : twenty-five lodges, three hun- dred souls. The Hohilpos, a tribe of the Tushepahs — residing on Clarke's River above the Micksucksealtons, in the Rocky Mountains : twenty-five lodges, three hundred souls. The Tushepah nation — residing on a north fork of Clarke's River in spring and summer, and in the fall and winter on the Missouri, the Ootlashoots being a band of this nation : thirty-five lodges, four hundred and thirty souls. Estimated number of Indians west of the Rocky Mount- ains, 80,000.* * Of the tribes occupying the tipper part of the Oregon Territory, Mr. Parker numbers the Shoshonees at 10,000 ; the Nez-Perc^s, 2500 ; the Cayuses, 2000 ; the WoUawollahs, 500 ; the Paloos'S, along the Pavilion River, 300 ; the Spokains, northeast of the Palooses, 800 ; the CcRur d'Aldne Indians, 700 ; the Flatheads, to the east and southeast, 800 ; the Pondecas, north of Clarke's River, and on a lake of the name of the tribe, 2200 ; the Cootanies, along M'Gillivray's River, 1000 ; the Canices, north of the Cootanies, 4000 ; the Lake Indians on the Arrow Lakes, 500 , Ket- tle Falls' Indians, 560 ; the Sinpaivelish, 1000; the Okinagans, at the west and northwest, 1050 : of other tribes, wanting the active anil manly spirit which he ascribes to the above named, this traveller does not give the numbers. The whole number of those enumerated he estimates at about 32,000, without including the Falls and La Dalle Indians, and other tribes north and south of the Falls, which would, he tliinks, mora than double that number. A SUMMARY STATEMENT OF THE RIVERS, CREEKS, AND MOST REMARKABLE PLACES, THEIR DISTANCES FROM EACH OTHER AND FROM THE MISSISSIPPI, Vt THE MISSOURI, ACROSS THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, AND DOWN THE CO- LUMBIA TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN, AS DETERMINED BY CAPTAINS LEWIS AND CLARKE. To the Village of St. Charles " Osage-Woman's River Charette's Village and Creek Shepherd's Creek Gasconade River . Muddy River Grand Osage River Murrow Creek Cedar Island and Creek Leadmine Hill Manitou Creek Split-Rock Creek , Saline or Salt River Manitou River Good- Woman's River Mine River . Arrow Prairie Two Charleton Rivers Ancient village of the Missouri nation, near which place Fort Orleans stood Grand River .... Snake Creek .... Ancient village of the Little Osages Tiger's Island and Creek Hubert's Island and Creek . <4 « it « it (i (t (( (( i( Total Distance. 21 : 21 20 27 15 17 15 18 5 7 9 8 8 3 9 9 9 6 14 4 6 10 20 13 41 68 83 100 115 133 138 145 154 163 170 173 183 191 200 206 220 16 ; 2-36 240 246 256 276 288 388 APPENDIX. « « « « (( t( « r< it ii To the Fire-Prairie Creek " Fort Point . Hay- Cabin Creek . Coal Bank . Bluewater River Kanzas River Little Platte River First old Kanzas village Independence Creek, a mile below the second old Kanzas village . St. Michael's Prairie Nodawa River Wolf or Loup River Big Nemaha River Tarkio Creek Neeshnabatona River Little Nemaha River Baldpated Prairie, the Neeshnabatona within 150 yards of the Missouri Weeping-water Creek . River Platte, or Shoal River Butterfly or Papillon Creek . Moscheto Creek .... Ancient village of the Ottoes Ancient Ayaways' village, below a bluff, on the northeast side Bowyer's River . Council Bluffs (estabhshment) Soldier's River Eaneahwaudepon, or Little Sioux River Waucarde, or Bad-Spirit Creek Around a bend of the river to the north- east, the gorge of which is only 974 yards Island three miles northeast of the Maha village Floyd's Bluff and River Big Sioux River Commencement of the Copperas, Cobalt, Pyrites, and Alum Bluffs . Hot or Burning Bluffs .... Whitestone River . . . . ] . 12 Total distance. : 300 . 6 : 306 . 6 : 312 . 9 : 321 . 10 : 331 . 9 : 340 . 9 : 349 . 28 : 377 [ 28 : 405 . 25 : 430 . 20 : 450 . 14 : 464 . 16 : 480 . 3 : 483 . 25 : 508 . 8 : 516 '. 23 : 539 . 29 : 568 . 32 : 600 . 3 : 603 . 7 : 610 : ^^ : 621 '. 6 ; 627 . 11 : 638 . 12 : 650 . 39 : 689 r 44 : 733 . 55 : 788 it 21 : 809 27 : 836 14 : 850 3 : 853 27 : 880 30 : 910 8 : 918 APPENDIX. 389 To the Petit-Arc, an old Maha village at the mouth of Littlebow Creek " Jacques, or James's River . " Calumet Bluff (mineral) " Ancient fortification, Goodman's Island " Plum Creek " Whitepoint Creek .... ** Qiiicurre ...... " Poncar River and village . " Dome and village of the burrowing squirrels " Island of cedars " White River " Three Rivers of the Sioux Pass . " Island at the commencement of the Big Bend " Upper part of the Big Bend, the gorge of which is 1| miles « Tyler's River " Loisel's Fort on Cedar Island " Teton River " The upper one of five old Ricara villa- ges, reduced by the Sioux and aban- doned ...... " Chayenne River .... " An old Ricara village on Lahoocat's Island " Sarwarkama River .... " Wetarhoo River .... " The first Ricara village on an island . " Second Ricara three villages " Stone-Idol Creek .... " Warreconne River .... " Cannonball River .... " Chesschetar River, near six old Man- dan villages " Old Ricara and Mandan villages " Fort Mandan (wintering post of 1804) " Mandan villages on either side . " Knife River, on which, and near its mouth, are the two Minnetaree and Maha villages 2 : 1606 Totil Distance. 20 938 12 950 10 960 16 976 10 986 8 994 6 : 1000 10 1010 20 : 1030 45 : 1075 55 : 1130 22 : 1152 20 1172 30 : 1202 6 : 1208 18 : 1226 37 : 1263 42 : 1305 5 : 1310 47 : 1357 40 : 1397 25 : 1422 4 : 1426 4 : 1430 18 : 1448 40 : 1488 12 ; 1500 40 : 1540 40 : 1580 20 : 1600 4 : 1604 3yu APPENDIX. Total Distance. To the Island 11 : 1617 <( Miry River 16 : 1633 « Island in the Little Basin 28 : 1661 « Little Missouri River . 29 : 1690 (i Wild Onion Creek 12 : 1702 « Goose-Egg Lake 9 : 1711 « Chaboneau's Creek . 16 : 1727 u Goatpen Creek . 16 : 1743 ti Hall's Strand, Lake, and Creek . 47 : 1790 <{ Whiteearth River • • 50 : 1840 «( Rochejaune, or Yellowstone River 40 : 1880 (( Martha's River . 60 : 1940 (( Porcupine River 50 : 1990 « Little Dry Creek 40 : 2030 (( Big Dry Creek . 9 : 2039 «< Little Dry River 6 : 2045 « Gulf in the Island Bend 32 : 2077 « Milk River . 13 : 2090 « Big Dry River . 25 : 2115 i( Werner's Run . 9 : 2124 « Pine Creek 36 : 2160 « Gibson's River . 17 : 2177 u Brown Bear-defeated Creek 12 : 2189 tt Bratton's River . • • 24 : 2213 (C Burned-lodge Creek . • • 6 : 2219 « Wiser's Creek . • • 14 : 2233 <{ Muscleshell River • • 37 : 2270 <{ Grouse Creek • • 30 : 2300 M North Mountain Creek ^ ^ 36 : 2336 «( South Mountain Creek • • 18 : 2354 « Ibex Island • • 15 : 2369 I< Goodrich's Island • « 9 : 2378 u Windsor's Creek • • 7 : 2385 a Elk Rapid (swift water) • • 15 : 2400 It Thomson's Creek • • 27 : 2427 it Judith's River • • 12 : 2439 tt Ash's Rapid (swift water) • • 4 : 2443 tt Slaughter River • « 11 : 2454 tt Stonewall Creek, above the N£ itural Walls ". • « 26 : 2480 it Maria's River • « 41 : 2521 tt Snow River • « 19 : 2540 APPENDIX. 391 Totsi Distance. To Shields's River 28 : 2568 To the foot of the entrance of Portage River, five miles below the Great Falls . 7 : 2575 Leaving the Missouri below the Falls, and passing by- land to the navigable waters of the Columbia River, To the entrance of Medicine River . . 18:2593 " Fort Mountain, passing through the plain between Medicine River and the Missouri, near the Mis&ouri . 15 : 2608 « Rocky Mountains, to a gap on the ridge which divides the waters of the Mis- souri from those of the Columbia, passing the north part of a mount- ain, and crossing Dearborn's River 35 : 2643 « Fork of Cohahlarishkit River from the north, passing four creeks from the north 40 : 2683 " Seaman's Creek from the north . . 7 : 2690 " Werner's Creek from the north . . 10 : 2700 «♦ East fork of Clarke's River, at the en- trance of the Cohahlarishkit . . 30 : 2730 " Clarke's River, below the Forks . 12 : 2742 " Traveller's Rest Creek, on the west side of Clarke's River, about the Forks 5 : 2747 " Forks of Traveller's Rest Creek, at a road on the right . . . . 18 : 2765 ** Hot Springs on the Creek . . . 13 : 2778 " Quamash Glades, passing the head of the Creek to a branch of Kooskoos- kee River 7 : 2785 « North branch of the Kooskooskee, at a road leading off to the right . . 7:2792 « Junction of the roads on the top of a snowy mountain, the left-hand road passing by a fishery . . . 10 : 2803 ** To Hungry Creek from the right, pass- ing along a dividing mountain cover- ed with deep snow except at two pla- II.— G G 892 APPENDIX. ces, which were open, with a south- Di!^!!k ern exposure, at 8 and 36 miles . 54 : 2856 To a glade on Hungry Creek . . . 6 : 2862 " a glade on a small branch of the same . 8 : 2870 " a glade on Fish Creek . . . . 9 : 2879 " CoUins's Creek 13 : 2892 '* Quamash Flats 11 : 2903 To the Kooskooskee, or Flathead River, in a pine country 12 : 3915 Thus, from the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, to the navigable waters of the Columbia, is three hundred and forty miles, two hundred of which is over a good road, and one hundred and forty over rugged mountains, sixty miles of which we found covered with snow from two to eight feet deep in the last of June. To the entrance of Rockdam Creek . . 8 : 2923 " Chopunnish River . . . . 5 : 2928 " Colter's Creek 37 : 2965 " Lewis's River, at the entrance of the Kooskooskee 23 : 2988 " Sweathouse village and Run . . 7 : 2995 « Pilot's viUage 11 : 3006 " Kimooenim Creek . . . . 48 : 3054 " Drewyer's River, below the Narrows of Lewis's River . . . . 5 : 3059 «* Cave Rapid 28 : 3087 " Basin Rapid (bad) . . . . 34 : 3121 " Discharge Rapid (bad) . . . 14 : 3135 " Columbia, at the mouth of Lewis's Riv- er, from the east . . . . 7 : 3142 ** Wollawollah River, at eleven large mat lodges of that nation . . . 16 : 3158 ** Muscleshell Rapid (bad), at thirty-three mat lodges of the Wollawollahs . 25:3183 ** Pelican Rapid, at forty-eight lodges of the Pishquitpah nation . . . 22 • 3205 •• Twenty-one lodges of the Wahowpum nation, residing on three islands at the commencement of the high coun- tiv ... 18 • -WZd APPENDIX. 393 To the eight lodges of the Wahowpums at Distknee. Short Rapid . . . . - 27 : 3250 " Rocky Rapid, nine lodges of the same nation 13 : 3263 " Lepage River (bad rapid) . . 9 : 3272 «< Twenty-seven lodges of the Eneeshur nation at Fishstack Rapid . . 10 : 3282 « Towahnahiook River . . . 8 : 3290 « Great Falls jf the Columbia of 57 feet 8 inches, near which were forty mat lodges of the Eneeshur nation . . 4 : 3294 " Short Narrows, 45 yards wide . . 2 : 3296 « Skilloot village of twenty-one large wooden houses at the Long Narrows, from 50 to 100 yards wide . . 4 : 3300 « Chilluckittequaw village of eight large wooden houses . . • . 5 : 3305 ** Cataract River, a few miles below a village of seven houses, and imme- diately above one of eleven houses of the Chilluckittequaw nation . 19 : 3324 •* Sepulchre Rock, opposite to a village of the Chilluckittequaws . . . 4 : 3328 " Labiche River, opposite to twenty-six houses of the Smackshop nation, houses scattered on the north side . 9 : 3337 " Little Lake Creek, three houses of the Smackshops 10 : 3347 « Cruzatte's River . . . . 12 : 3359 " Grand Rapid, just below the village of the Yehhuh tribe of the Shahala na- tion, occupying fourteen wooden houses 6 : 3365 '-* Clahclellah village of the Shahala na- tion, near the foot of the Rapids, sev- en houses 6 : 3371 « Wahclellah village of the Shahala na- tion, twenty-three houses, just below the entrance of Beacon Rock Creek 6 : 3377 At this point Tide-water commences. 1 « the Phoca Rock in the river, sixty feet above water . • - • , II : 3388 394 APPENDIX Total DJitance. To the Quicksand River . . . . 9 : 3397 " Seal River 3 : 3400 " Neechaokee village, opposite to Dia- mond Island 4 : 3404 " Shahala village of twenty-five tempo- rary houses 12 : 3416 " Multnomah River . . . . 14 : 3430 " Multnomah village . . . . 6 : 3436 " Quathlapotle village . . . . 8 : 3444 ** Towahnahiooks River . . . 1 : 3445 «* Cathlahaw Creek and village . . 10 : 3555 " Lower extremity of Elallah, or Deer Island 6 : 3461 ** Coweliske River, about the entrance (up this river the Skilloot nation re- side) 13 : 3474 « Fanny's Island 18 : 3492 " Sea Otter Island . . . . 10 : 3502 " Upper village of the Wahkiacum nation 6 : 3508 " Cathlamah village of nine large wood- en houses, south of Seal Islands . 14 : 3522 " Point William, opposite Shallow Bay . 10 : 3532 " Point Meriwether, above Meriwether Bay 9 : 3541 " Clatsop village below Meriwether Bay, and seven miles northwest of Fort Clatsop . . . . . 8 : 3549 " Point Adams, at the entrance of the Columbia into the Pacific Ocean, in latitude 46° 15' north, and longitude 124° 57' west from Greenwich . 6 : 35.'55 Fort Clatsop is situated on the west side of, and three miles up the Netul River from Meriwether Bay, and seven miles east from the nearest part of the seacoast : here we passed the winter of 1805-6. The length of our route in going out, by the way of the Missouri to its head, was 3096 miles : thence by land, fol- lowing Lewis's River over to Clarke's River, and down that river to the entrance of Traveller's Rest Creek, where all the different roads meet, and thence across the rugged APPENDIX. 395 part vf the Rocky Mountains to the navigable waters of the Columbia, was 398 miles : thence down the river to the Pacific Ocean, making the total distance 4134 miles. On our return in 1806, we came from Traveller's Rest Creek directly to the Falls of the Missouri, which shortens the distance about 579 miles, and is a much better route, re- ducing the distance from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean to 3545 miles, 2575 miles of which distance is up the Missouri to the Falls of that river. THE END. A ^ H 65 7 8 ^1! -^^0^ c 0^ V -^ ' • • ' ^%V^^ .^-^ ^:-<; x^^ ♦ ^- o .<^^ ^ o " « . ^ O • JL A s - .Ov- ^°-n^ ^^ 0^ HO, '> v^ s * • • ■^^ ^ * ^"^ "71, " , ^ . '^ V^^ ^ "^. < ^ ri- V F2B 73 N. MANCHESTER INDIANA 1^ 5< • v^\' ,t- c> ■:xi ^U o».