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Sketch of the Indians, 9 Exploration of the country,25 Townships laid out, 27 Charter, 28 Names of Grantees, 33 First Meeting of Proprie- tors, 34 Early Settlers, 38 Saw-Mill, 42 New Charter, .4?* Grist-Mill, 48 Revolutioiirury War, 48 incorporation, 52 First Representative, 56 School-House, 65 Settling of the lines by the Legislature, 67 Methodists, 77 Free Will Baptists, 85 Spotted Fever, 88 House of Worship, 91 PAGE. Copper Mine, 98 Surplus Revenue, 103 Uni versalists, 104 B., C. & M. Rai'iroad, 106 Description of Scenery,... 116 Town Office^^s, &c., 139 Census,. 143 Taxes, 143 JSVanie and situation of the Town, 144 Memory of First Settlers,. 145 Graveyards, 153 Animals, &c., 156 Productions, 158 Postmasters, 162 Casualties, 163 Traders, 165 Physicians, 166 College Graduates, 168 Schools, 169 Circulating Library, 170 t) I ! n \ ^ >y8r PREFACE Ever interesting must be the history of our country. There is a charm resting upon the deeds of those hardy sons who first subdued the forest ; and their adventures, which involved such fearful daring and enduring fortitude amid every hardship, should be remembered. The red man, also, who here had his hunting grounds, where now are beauti- ful fields and pastures, and who built his wigwam by the side of every stream and pond which contained the speckled trout and golden salmon, should not be forgotten. That hardy generation of white men, who first settled this section of New-Hampshire, has passed away. Their children are fast following ; and to prevent the forgetfulness into which their deeds are rapidly pass- ing, and to give a plain and correct account of the prominent events which have occurred in the history of Warren, is the object of this work. Of course, we have not related all the incidents that have tran- spired, for many of them are irrecoverably lost ; but in procuring the many facts no pains has been spared, and circumstances relative to the Indians and first settlers, which at first it was considered impossible to obtain, have by diligent search and comparing notes been brought to light. The writer is deeply indebted to many persons for books and infor- mation, among whom stand conspicuous James Clement, Samuel Mer- rill, Nathaniel Merrill, 2d, Russell K. Clement, Dr. Jesse Little, Joseph Clement, David Smith, Joseph Bixby, A. W. Eastman, James Dow, Jonathan M. Eaton, Thomas Pillsbury, Amos F. Clough, Col. Isaac Merrill, Mrs. Betsy Patch, Mrs. Tamar Clement, Mrs. Eliza Pillsbury, Vlll PREFACE. Mrs. Susan C. Little, Mrs. Samuel Knight, Miss Hannah B. Knight, and many others. To all his most sincere thanks are paid. The following authorities have aided materially, and he has taken much fi-om many of them : Belknap's History of New-Hampshire, Whiton's History of New-Hampshire, Power's History of Coos, Jack- son's Reports, Town Records, Proprietors' Records, authentic Tradi- tion, &c. In writing this History, the writer lays claim to no literary merit, but was influenced to commence the work to preserve to future generations that which bid fair to become buried in oblivion ; and he is sure that events, however common-place they may seem, will possess a certain degree of interest to all, and especially to every native-born citizen of Warren. In writing a work of this character, there will be data which will as- sist the future labors of the writer of the State or National History — for no National History can be correct without the History of the seve- ral States, and no State History accurate without a knowledge of the Histories of the many towns of which it is composed. It is believed that the work, as far as it is possible in a first edition, is correct, and it is hoped that individuals will continue to collect incidents in relation to the first settlers, and other useful information, and at some future day a second edition be published. HISTORY OF WARREK CHAPTER I. A SKETCH OF THE PEMIGEWASSETS. Had an individual^ previous to 1760, stood upon that ridge of land upon one side of which flows that wild and rapid stream known as Baker river, and upon the other the more sluggish wa- ters of Black brook, all around him, from moun- tain to mountain, from hill to hill, across that whole valley, would have been one unbroken forest, in which roamed free, the stately moose and nimble deer, and was heard the cry of the gaunt wolf — the sullen growl of the bear — the low and heavy sound of the partridge, drum- ing, or the whirr of its heavy flight, as it flew to some distant tree-top, scared by the cunning fox, and the squirrel chattering in the branches over- head, as it stored away nuts for winter. The bea- vers dammed the running stream, and in their ponds were reflected the huge pines, towering maples, and wide spread elms ; while in the shade with the owners swam undistubed the duck on 10 HISTORY OF WARREN. those lone, silent waters. The bald peaks of Moose- hillock mountain looked down upon the hills and valleys around, and saw only one vast solitude, for centuries unbroken save by the stately tread of the Indian, as he moved about his encampment. Yes, here in these solitary wilds " lived and lov- ed another race of beings." Here, in these val- leys and upon these hills, were the hunting grounds of a once powerful tribe. Here they dwelt, and the uncultivated red man stood forth the lord of inanimate and irrational life. In the brooks and ponds they caught the speckled trout, and in our own river captured the golden salmon. Upon its shores the moose, the deer, the partridge, the rabbit were hunted ; and the bear, the wolf, the fox, the martin, the beaver, and the wild loupcerviere, with the rest were captured. The smoke of the fires by the wigwams curled vip in beautiful wreaths among the foliage of the trees. The graceful wave of the rich growing maize, in their wild and uncleared fields, lent beauty to solitude. The wild, joyous feast, with its songs of festivity and mirth — the low, beau- tiful Indian songs of sorrow and affection, breathed in sweet unison with the voices of nature, the wild war-whoop — all these were here ; all that was sacred ; all that was dear ; all that the un- sophisticated Indian loved was here scattered in rich profusion. But they are gone — they have DIFFERENT INDIAN TRIBES. 11 faded, like the mist of a sunlight morning, and now scarcely a vestige is to be fomid. " Alas for tliem — their day is o'er, Their fires are out from hill and shore ; No more for tliem the wild deer bounds, The plow is on their hunting grounds ; The pale man's ax rings through the woods — The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods. ***** Cold with the beast he slew he sleeps ; O'er him no filial spirit weeps ; No crowds throng round, no anthem notes ascend, To bless his coming and embalm his end ; Even that he liAxd is for his conqueror's tongue, By foes alone his death-song must be sung."* When the Europeans landed upon the shores of America, they found the country filled with numerous tribes of Indians. These roamed free, the lords of the soil which they owned in com- mon, and enjoyed their many pastimes, disturbed only by the few feuds that rose between them. Their wars were short and sanguine, and when one party was conquered, they were governed by the will of the conquerors. The Indians who inhabited New-Hampshire consisted principally of the Squamscot, Newich- anock, Penacook, Ossipee, Pequawket, Pemige- wasset, Coos, and several other tribes on the Connecticut river. The Squamscots and Newichanocks dwelt on the river Pascataqua and its tributaries; the * Charles Sprague. 12 HISTORY OF WARREN. Penacooks on the Merrimack, having their head quarters at Amoskeag and Concord ; the Ossipees, around Ossipee pond ; the Pequawkets, on the Saco river ; the Pemigewassets, on the Pemige- wasset river, and around Winnipisseogee and Squam lakes ; the Coos, on the Connecticut and its tributaries, in the north part of the State. — These Indians did not differ in language, man- ners, or government, from many of the other Indians of the United States. They occupied no particular spot for a residence any great length of time, removing often to different portions of their hunting grounds, as the game became thin- ned around them. Their wigwams were made by planting a strong pole in the ground, and also many others in a circle around it. These were bent to the centre pole, fastened, and then covered with bark and mats, so as to render them dry and comfortable. Their beds were skins of animals and mats made of reeds. In appearance they were tall, strait, powerftdly made, capable of enduring much fatigue and privation. They had black eyes, coarse black hair, high cheek bones, and teeth whiter than ivory. In dress there was but little difference between them. In summer they wore a short frock about their waist, and in winter enveloped themselves in the skins of beasts. Their moccasins were made of deer skins, and in winter they wore snow shoes. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 13 and with them could overtake the swiftest ani- mals. They were exceedingly fond of ornaments, and the sachems, on days of show and festivity, wore mantles of deer skins, embroidered with white beads or copper. For a sign of royalty the skin of a wild cat or a chain of fish bones w^as worn. The men at times were indolent, and their principal employments were hunting, fish- ing, fashioning their rude implements, building their canoes, and war. The women dressed the food, took charge of the domestic concerns, tilled the wild fields, and performed almost all the drudgery connected with their household affairs. In the use of the bow they manifested great skill, and even their children, for whom they had a great fondness, were adepts in the arts. Their respect for the aged was also great. In fighting they divided themselves into small parties of four or ^Ye, and by attacking all quarters at once rendered themselves very formidable, by creating universal alarm. For utensils, they had hatchets of stone, a few shells and sharp stones, which they used for knives ; stone mortars and basins, made of free stone. Their food was of the coarsest and sim- plest kind ; feasting at times when they had plenty, and fasting when provision was scarce. Flesh and fish they roasted on a stick, or broiled on the fir«. In some instances they boiled their .14 HISTORY OP WARREN. corn and meat by putting hot stones into water. Corn they parched, especially in the winter, and upon this they lived in the absence of other food. They were a religious people, and believed in the existence of two Gods ; the one good, who was the superior, and whom they styled the Great Spirit, and the other the evil. Both these they worshipped, and besides them many other deities, such as fire, water, thunder, — anything which they conceived superior to themselves, and capable of doing them injury. Of the creation and deluge they had distinct traditions. The In- dians of New-Hampshire ascribed the summits of high mountains to be the residence of the Great Spirit, and consequently never ascended to the tops, thinking he would be angry, although they roved with impimity over their sides. At the time of the first discovery of New- Hampshire these several tribes, although governed each of them by a distinct sachem, yet they all owned subjection to a sovereign prince called Bashaha, whose residence vfas at Penobscot, Me. But shortly afterwards it was found that the Tar- ateens, who lived farther eastward, had invaded his country, surprised and slain him, and all his people in his neighborhood, and carried off his women, leaving no traces of his authority. Upon which the subordinate sachems, having no head to unite them, and each one striving for pre- PASSACONAWAY. 15 eminence, made war among themselves, by which means many of their people and much of their provision were destroyed. In this struggle the Squamscots, Newichsan- ocks, and Pemigewassets, were conquered by the Penacooks, and acknowledged subjection to Pas- saconaway, their chief He excelled the other sachems in sagacity, duplicity and moderation, but his principal qualification was his skill in some of the operations of nature, which gave him the reputation of a sorcerer, and extended his name and influence among all the neighbor- ing tribes. They believed that it was in his power to make water burn, trees dance, and metamorphose himself into a flame ; that in win- ter he could raise a green leaf from the ashes of a dry one, and a living serpent from the skin of one that was dead. This sachem lived till the year 1760. Before his death, on one of the great festivals of the tribe, he in his farewell address told them to take heed how they quarreled with their English neighbors, for they might do them some damage, yet it would prove the means of their own de- struction. He told them that he had been a bit- ter enemy to the English, and by his acts of sorcery had tried his utmost to hinder their set- tlement and increase, but could by no means succeed. This caution, perhaps often repeated, 16 HISTORY 01 WARREN. had such an effect that m the breakmg out of the war, fifteen years after, Wonolanset, his son and successor, withdrew himself and his people into some remote place, that he might not be drawn into the quarrel. After the death of Passaconaway, the Pemige- wassets, whose sachem was Pehaungun, ceased to acknowledge subjection to the Penacooks ; and, having increased much in numbers, were now quite a powerful tribe. Their principal resi- dence was at the confluence of the Pemigewasset and Baker rivers, but different families of the tribe were scattered throughout their hunting grounds. For about fifty years they flourished, and were at peace with the English and neigh- boring Indians. At the expiration of this time, or in the year 1703, Queen Anne's war broke out, when they joined with the other tribes in the contest. This war was continued till 1712, and during the time the frontier of Maine, New- Hampshire and Massachusetts, was continually assailed by parties of Indians that came from all the tribes in these States, and the Arosagunta- cook-^= tribe, in Canada. Two years after the commencement of the war the Penacooks, Newich- sanocks, Squamscots, with several small tribes upon the coast of Maine, having lost a number of their warriors in their many skirmishes with * Commonly called the St. Francis tribe. QUEEN ANNE's WAR. 17 the English, were persuaded by the Governor of Canada to unite with the Arosaguntacooks. By this policy they became more firmly allied to the interests of the French, and were themselves better enabled to carry on the war. The Pemigewassets were now the frontier In- dians in New-Hampshire, and entered with much more spirit into the contest. One of the causes of their greater zeal was that they had seen their neighbors disjDOssessed of their hunting grounds, and they feared that some day they should share the same fate ; and so, while Massa- chusetts and New-Hampshire were fighting with the eastern Indians, they continually hovered like a dark cloud with their small parties upon the almost defenceless frontiers, and by their bold depredations kept the inhabitants in an alnlost continual state of alarm. So greatly were the settlers annoyed that they raised a large com- pany and marched up the Merrimack to attack them. The fourth day from home, they discov- ered an Indian settlement a short distance from the river ; and after carefully reconoitering, and finding that the number of the Indians was less than their own, they advanced to the attack. The Indians did not discover the English until they were close upon them, when they were ac- cidently observed by a young warrior, who cried out, " Owanux, Owanux, Englishmen ! English- 18 HISTORY OF WARREN. men !" This frightened the other Indians, who, rising up quickly, the Englisli fired upon them and killed eight on the spot. The others imme- diately fled ; and the company, with considerable booty and the scalps of the Indians, returned home without the loss of a man. But the Pemigewassets immediately retaliated for this loss, and killed several persons at Dover and Kingston, besides taking a number of pris- oners, who were carried to Canada and sold to the French. Shortly after this a treaty was con- cluded between the French and English, and these border wars, which had been principally excited by the French, ceased. In 1722, New-Hampshire and Massachusetts became involved in a war with the eastern In- dians, and the Pemigewassets, contrary to their wishes, by some means were obliged to take a part. Shortly after its commencement two hundred and fifty men were sent to the shores of lake Winnipiseogee, to build a fort and cut out a road from that place to Dover ; but the expense so far exceeded the benefit which could be expected from a fort at such a distance in the wilderness, the design was laid aside, and the old method of defence by scouts and garrisons was adopted. Two years afterwards, the Pemigewassets, commanded by Walternumus, their sachem, with baker's fight. 19 the eastern and the Arosaguntacook Indians, who had kept up the war, made descents upon Dover, Durham, Kmgston and Chester, and killed and captured a large number of settlers. In the fall of the year, Capt. John Love well, of Barnstable, with a company of thirty men, penetrated the country north of Lake Winnipissiogee. They discovered an Indian wigwam, in which was a man and boy. They killed and scalped the man, and brought the boy alive to Boston, where they received the reward promised by law, and a handsome gratuity besides. By this success his company was augmented to seventy. They marched again, and visiting the place where they had killed the Indian found the body as they had left it two months before. From this place they pursued an easterly course, and before returning home surprised and killed a party of ten Indians, who had encamped be- side a small frozen pond in the town of Wake- field. The ensuing season the Indians renewed the war with vigor, and the frontier settlers be- gan to act on the aggressive as well as defensive. Capt. Lovewell marched into the country of the Pequawkets, and with them fought one of the most fierce battles ever recorded in the annals of Indian warfare. Massachusetts also equipped a company of men, imder the command of Capt. Baker, of 20 HISTORY OF WARREN. Northampton, Mass., to march against the Pemi- gewassets. He left that place with thirty-four men, and proceeded up the Connecticut river as far as Haverhill, N. H. Here he crossed the height of land that divides the Connecticut from the waters of Baker river, and followed down this latter stream to its confluence with the Pe- migewasset. At this place he for the first time discovered traces of Indians, and sent forth scouts to reconnoitre. These cautiously advanc- ed to the river side, and opposite saw the pleas- ant village of the Pemigewassets. The wigwams were grouped in circles, and near by was grow- ing finely the fresh young Indian corn. The leaves of the trees, which were just beautifully expanding, gave out a pleasant fragrance on the air. The squaws were attending to their house- hold duties, while the children were sporting gleefully along the bank of the river. A greater portion of the warriors had gone out in pursuit of game, and those who were there little dreamed that the pale face was near, to hurl the leaden missile on its deadly errand. The scouts gazed upon this scene for a few moments, and then re- turned and reported their discovery. Baker, after a short consultation, now moved forward with his men with all possible circum- spection. No sound, not even the breaking of a twig or the crack of a gun-lock, warned the 21 Pemigewassets of their impending fate. He chose his position, and at a given signal the com- pany opened a tremendous fire upon the Indians, which carried destruction through their camp, and was as sudden to them as a clap of thunder. Some shouted that the English were upon them, and that dreaded name echoed from mouth to mouth, filling all with dismay. Many of the children of the forest bit the dust in death, but those who survived ran to call in their hunters. Baker and his men immediately crossed the river in pursuit, but all who were able had gone. He fired their wigwams, and as the flames stream- ed upward, and the smoke rolled aloft on the air, a shout from the Indians echoed from hill to hill, and reverberated down that valley, informing Capt. Baker that the Indian warriors were col- lecting to give him battle. While the wigwams were being fired, part of the company were searching about for booty. They found a rich store of furs, deposited in holes dug in the bank, in the manner bank swal- lows dig to make their nests. Having obtained these, Capt. Baker ordered a retreat, knowing that the Indians would soon return, and he feared in too great numbers to be resisted by his single company. As they moved swiftly down the river, the sound of the wild war-whoop greeted their ears, which served to accellerate their speed. 22 HISTORY OF WARREN. Often it was repeated, and each time grew nearer. When they had reached a poplar plain, in what is -now the town of Bridgewater, a shrill, mad- dened yell, and a volley of musketry in their rear, told Baker that the Indians were upon him, and he must immediately prepare for action. This they did by retreating to a more dense wood. The Indians, commanded by Walternumus, im- mediately pursued, and swarming on all sides poured vollies of musketry into the woods which concealed their enemies. On the other hand, the little party, concealing themselves behind rocks and trees, plied their muskets with heroic valor and much effect. Balls rattled in showers around, scattering twigs and branches of the trees in every direction. While the battle was going on, Walternumus accidently encountered Capt. Baker. They saw each other at the same time, and fired almost simultaneously. The ball of the sachem grazed the eyebrow of Baker, while his ball passed through the Indian's breast, who, uttering a loud whoop, leaped high in air and fell a corpse. The Indians now, having lost their commander and a considerable number of men, retreated. Capt. Baker immediately collected his men and again ordered a retreat, for he believed that the Indians, though repulsed, would soon rally to the attack, and their numbers constantly swell by baker's fight. 23 those who would join them. On he went^ allow- ing his men no refreshment after the battle. For many miles they travelled without food, until hunger oppressing them they declared that they might as well die by the red man's bullets, as by famine. Capt. Baker, now finding it use- less to try to proceed farther, acquiesced for them to stop and satisfy their craving appetites. While building their fires to cook their food, a friendly Indian, who had acted as guide, proposed a stratagem by which the Indians would be de- ceived when they came up, in regard to their numbers. He told them each to build as many fires as they possibly could in a given time, and in roasting their meat to use several forks about the same piece ; then, after they were done, to leave an equal number around each fire. This they did, and after enjoying their hasty meal, again moved swiftly on. The Indian warriors, coming up shortly after, found the fires still burning ; they counted the number of forks, and being alarmed at the sup- posed number of the English, they whooped a retreat, and Baker and his men were no more annoyed by them on their return. On the re- treat of the Indians, they visited their battle field and gazed with sorrow on the once proud forms of their brothers. After burying them, they wended their way to their once to them 24 HISTORY OF WARREN. beautiful village. The survivors through fear had not collected, and, as the warriors approach- ed, their hearts were filled with emotions far dif- ferent from those which but a few hours before possessed them. All was ruin — " No wigwam smoke is curling there, The very earth is scorched and bare ; And thej pause and listen to catch a sound, Of breathing life, but there comes not one, Save the fox's bark and the rabbit's bound, And here and there on the black'ning ground, White bones are glistening in the sun." Here, too, the last sad offices were performed to departed nature. When done, they erected a few temporary wigwams, and gradually the fugitives who fled from the village when attacked, were collected. A few days later, the remainder of the tribe joined them, and after a long coun- cil it was decided to unite with the Arosagunta- .cooks, as many other eastern tribes were doing. It was hard to leave their pleasant hunting grounds, but stern necessity compelled them, and in a few days those dear and sacred places were solitary and deserted. A few of the tribe re- mained about the shores and islands of Lake Winnipissiogee, and there dwelt a passive people until the settling of the towns around it. Thus the country which was once possessed by a brave people, became a solitude, and for many years after was seldom visited, except by a few white DEPARTURE OF THE INDIANS. 25 hunters and straggling parties of Indians, on their way to the English settlements upon the frontier. CHAPTER II CIVIL HISTORY. But little thought was given to the settling of the northern section of New-Hampshire until 1752. At this time the most northern settle- ment on the Merrimack river was Bakerstown, (now Salisbury and Franklin,) and upon the Connecticut there was none above Charlestown. During the season it was proposed to establish a fort and garrison at Haverhill and Newbury, and a party was sent up to view the country. But the Arosaguntacooks, hearing of the design, re- monstrated, and threatened war if the settlement was commenced. This threatening being com- municated to the governor of New-Hampshire, threw such discouragement on the project that it was laid aside. Early in the spring of this year, David Stin- son, John Stark, (afterwards Gen. John Stark,) William Stark, and Amos Eastman, were hunting near a small pond, in the northeast corner of Bum- 26 HISTORY OF WARREN. ney. Here they were surprised by a party of ten Indians, under the command of Francis Tit- agaw. John Stark and Amos Eastman were immediately taken prisoners and bound. Wil- liam Stark was upon the opposite side of the pond, and John Stark shouted to him to make his escape, which he did. Stinson, at the time of the seizure of young Stark and Eastman, leaped into a canoe, and pulled for the opposite shore. The Indians called for him to come back, but he heeded them not. This exasperated them, and they fired upon him. The balls rat- tled around him ; but, not taking effect, he still pulled resolutely on, when one, taking more sure aim than the rest, sent the fatal bullet on its mission. A shriek,, a maddened leap U2)wards, and he that was David Stinson fell into the pond a corpse, and those clear crystal waters were stained with his blood. From this circum- stance it received the name of Stinson pond. John Stark received a severe beating for calling to his brother, after which he and Eastman were carried to the head quarters of the Arosagunta- cooks. Here they endured many cruelties, but were redeemed before autumn by Capt. Stevens, and on their return gave an account of the great goodness of the lands lying upon the up23er waters of the Connecticut and Merrimack rivers. In the summer of 1754, by order of govern- CIVIL HISTORY. 27 ment, several companies were sent up to explore this section, and prepare for its speedy settle- ment. But the Indians again remonstrated, and the French War breaking out shortly afterwards, all efforts to discover new territory ceased ; for in those times each individual had as much as he could conveniently do to retain what he then had. In a few years this war was brought to a successful termination — the Indians were sub- dued and conquered, and the frontier settlers no longer feared the dreaded tomahawk and scalp- ing knife. During the war numerous bodies of troops had passed and repassed these vallies, and ad- mired the beauty and fertility of them, and now that peace was restored, eagerly sought them for the pm-pose of settlement and speculation. Gov. Wentworth and his council immediately caused a survey of the country on the Connecticut river to be made, and six ranges of townships to be laid out ; three on each side of the river. Applications for grants were made in rapid suc- cession, and the governor reaped a rich harvest by the fees which were paid him. Besides the fees and presents for these grants, which were undefined, a reservation was made for the gov- ernor of five hundred acres in each township, and of lots for public purposes. These reservations were clear of all fees and charges. 28 HISTORY OF WAKREN. On the petition of John Page and sixty-five others, the following charter of a tract of land lying in the second range of townships on the east side of Connecticut river, and npon the head waters of Baker river, was given them, viz : PROVINCE OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE. George the Thirds hj the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, dx^. To all persons to whom these Presents shall come, greeting. — Know ye, that we, of onr special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, for the due encouragement of settling a new plant- ation within our said province, by and with the advice of our trusty and well beloved Benning Wentworth, Esq., our governor and commander- in-chief of our said province of New-Hampshire in New-England, and of our council of the said prov- ince, have, upon the conditions and reservations hereinafter made, given and granted, and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, do give and grant in equal shares unto our loving subjects, inhabitants of our said province of New-Hamp- shire, and our other governments, and to their heirs and assigns forever, whose names are entered on this grant, to be divided to and amongst them CHARTEK. 29 into seventy-two equal shares : all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being within our said province of New-Hanip shire, containing by admeasurement twenty-two thousand acres, Avhich tract is to contain almost six miles square and no more ; out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimproved lands, by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers, one thousand and forty acres free ; according to a plan and survey thereof, made by our said governor's order, and returned into the secretary's office, and hereunto annexed, butted and bounded as follows, viz. : Beginning at the north-westerly corner of Ilumney, thence running north twenty- four degrees east, five miles and three quarters of a mile ; thence turning off and running north fifty-eight degrees west, six miles and one half mile, to the south-easterly corner of Haverhill ; thence south twenty degrees west five miles and three quarters of a mile, then turning off again, and runs south fifty-nine degrees east six miles, to the corner of Rumney begun at ; and that the same be and hereby is incorporated into a township by the name of Warren ; and the in- habitants that do or shall hereafter inhabit the said township, are hereby declared to be enfran- chised with, and entitled to, all and every privi- lege and immunities that other towns within our province by law exercise and enjoy ; and, 30 HISTORY OF WARREN. further, that the said towiijas soon as there shall be fifty families resident and settled thereon, shall have the liberty of holding two fairs, one of which shall be holden on the and the other on the annually ; which fliirs are not to be continued longer than the respective following the said ; and that as soon as the said town shall consist of fifty families, a market may be opened and kept one or more days in each week, as may be thought most advantageous to the inhabitants ; also, that the first meeting for the choice of town officers, agreeable to the laws of our said province, shall be held on the second Wednesday of February next, which said meet- ing shall be notified by John Page, Esq., who is hereby also appointed the moderator of the said first meeting, which he is to notify and govern, agreeable to the laws and customs of our said province ; and that the annual meeting forever hereafter, for the choice of such officers for the said town, shall be on the first Wednesday of March, annually : to have and to hold the said tract of land, as above expressed, together with all privileges and appurtenances, to them and their respective heirs and assigns forever, upon the following conditions, viz. : 1st. That every grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall plant and cultivate Rye acres of land within CHARTER. 31 the term of five years, for every fifty acres con- tained in his or their share or proportion of land in said township, and continue to improve and settle the same by additional cultivation, on penalty of the forfeiture of his grant or share in the said township, and of its reverting to us, our heirs and successors, to be by us or them re-granted to such of our subjects as shall efiectually settle and cultivate the same. 2d. That all white or other pine trees mthin the said township, fit for masting our royal navy, be carefully preserved for that use ; and none be cut or felled without our special licence for so doing, first had and obtained ; upon the pen- alty of the forfeiture of the right of such grantee, his heirs and assigns, to us, our heirs and successors, as well as being subject to the penalty of any act or acts of Parliament that now are or hereafter shall be enacted. 3d. That before any division of the land be made to and among the grantees, a tract of land as near the centre of the said township as the land will admit of, shall be reserved and marked out for town lots, one of which shall be alloted to each grantee, of the contents of one acre. 4th. Yielding and paying therefor, to us, our heirs and successors, for the space of ten years, to be computed from the date hereof, the rent of one ear of Indian corn only, on the twenty- 32 HISTORY OF WARREN. fifth day of December annually, if lawfully de- manded ; the first payment to be made on the twenty-fifth day of December, 1763. 6th. Every proprietor, settler or inhabitant, shall yield and pay mito ns, our heirs and suc- cessors, yearly, and for every year forever, from and after the expiration of ten years after the abovesaid twenty-fifth day of December, namely, on the twenty-fifth day of December, which will be in the year of our Lord 1773, one shilling, proclamation money, for every hundred acres he so owns, settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or less tract of the said land, which money shall be paid by the respective persons abovesaid, their heirs or assigns, in our council chamber, in Portsmouth; or to such officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same, and this to be in lieu of all other rents and ser- vices whatever. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Benning Wentworth, Esq., our governor and commander-in-chief of our said province, the 14th day of July, in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, and in the third year of our reign. rrj^ B. WENTWOKTH. By His Excellency's command, with advice of Council. T. ATKINSON, jun., Secretary. GEANTEES OF WARREN. 33 Record- Province of New-Hampshire, January 28tli, 1764. ed in the book of charters, No. 3, page 78, 79. T. ATKINSON, Jun., Secretary. THE NAMES OF THE GRANTEES OF WARREN. John Page, Esq., Jona. Greely, Esq., James Graves, Joseph Blanchard, Esq. Capt. John Hazen, Ephraim Brown, Joseph Whitcher, Reuben French, Samuel Osgood, Thomas True, David Clough, Daniel Page, Joseph Page, Belcher Dole, Reuben True, Stephen Webster, John Darlingj Capt. John Parker, Jona. Greely, Enoch Chase, Lemuel Stevens, Abel Davis, Capt. George Marsh, Ebenezer Morrill, Trueworthy Ladd, William Whitcher, jEbenezer Collins, Ebenezer Page, Samuel Page, Moses Page,^ John Page, jun,, Ephraim Page, Enoch Page, Benj. French, jun., Aaron Clough, jun., Silas Newel, David Morrill, Nathaniel Currier, Benj, Clougkr Henry Morrill, Jacob Hook, Esq., Josiah Bartlett, Peter Coffin, jun., William Parker, jr. Esq. Ebenezer Stevens, Esq., Dier Hook, Philip Tilton, Nathaniel Fifield, Andrew Greely, Jacob Currier, Samuel Dudley, Joseph Tilton, Francis Batchelder, Joseph Greely, John Batchelder, Jacob Gale, Abraham Morrill, Jeremy Webster, The Hon. Theodore At- kinson, jun., Nathaniel Barrel, Samuel Graves, John Marsh, Moses Greely, of Salis- bury, Andrew Wiggin, Esq., James Nevins, Esq., Capt. Thomas Pierce. His Excellency Benning Wentworth, a tract of land, to contain ^ye hundred acres, as marked B. W. on the plan, which is to be accounted two of the within shares. One whole share for the incorporated society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. One share for a glebe for the church of England, as by law established. One share for the first settled minister, and one 34 HISTORY OF WARREN. share for the benefit of a school in said town forever. Province of New-Hampshire^ Jan. 28th, 1764. Eecorded in the book of charters, No. 3, page 80. T. ATKINSON, Jun., Secretary. At the first meeting of the proprietors, holden at the inn of Col. Jonathan Greely, in Kingston, N. H., agreeable to a provision of the charter for the same, Jeremy Webster was chosen clerk ; Jeremy Webster, Col. Jonathan Greely and Lient. James Graves were chosen Selectmen. After transacting some other business of minor importance, the meeting was adjourned without taking any measures for the settlement of the town. But another meeting was immediately called, and was holderrat the same place, on the seventh of March, 1764, and a committee cho- sen, consisting of John Page, Esq., Lieut. James Graves, Col. Jonathan Greely, Capt. John Hazen, and Capt. Stephen Webster, to run the line round about the township. A part of this committee came to Warren in the year 1764 or 1765, and fulfilled the duty for which they were chosen. At that time they came into a dense wilderness. There was no road, and above Plymouth not even as much as a spotted line of trees for them to follow. They carried their provision upon their backs, in knap- sacks, and when night came on kindled a fire JOSEPH PATCH. 35 and laid down beside it to sleep, with nothing for a covering but the blue iirmament, out of which shone the rays of the twinkling stars and the pale light of the moon. If it happened to rain, each peeled the bark from some large spruce or hemlock, and enveloping themselves with it, laid down upon some dry knoll, where the water would more easily run off. They found the north-west corner of Eumney, and commenced and marked the trees in course about the whole town. While doing this, and when they were on the south line, they took oc- casion to pass up the river and view the land, after w^hich they finished the line, and returned to their homes in Kingston. For their services, Jeremy Webster, Col. Jonathan Greely and John Page, received, by a vote of the proprietors, at a meeting held in October, 1765, at the inn of Col. Jonathan Greely, the sum of sixty-four dollars. At the same meeting. Col. Ebenezer Stevens, Col. Jonathan Greely, Jacob Hook, Esq., Samuel Page, Joshua Page, jun., John Page, Esq., and Capt. Ephraim Brown, were chosen a committee to see to clearing a public road through the town. This committee proceeded to the business for which they were chosen, but did not finish it ; conse- quently the proprietors, at an after meeting, chose another committee to finish the clearing of the road. Before this committee had commenced 36 HISTORY OF WARREN. their operations, which was in the spring of 1767, the first settler of Warren took up his residence in town. Mr. Joseph Patch, from HoUis, N. H., a young man of strong constitution, and almost passion-- ately fond of the solitary wilds of the wilderness, had several times traversed this section of the country in hunting excursions. In this vicinity to a greater extent than in many others, moose, deer, and other game abounded in the recesses of the heavy forest growth, while the rapid, gliding mountain streams were filled with the speckled trout and golden salmon. This, and the fineness of the land, induced him to lo- cate his residence in the valley of Baker river, near the foot of Carr and Moosehillock moun- tains. He chose the land now owned by Mr. William Clougli, and built his cabin near Mr. Clough's house, upon the opposite side of the road, near the bank of Hurricane brook. The place where he dug his cellar, the old pine stump on which he built his stone oven, and the first apple tree which he planted, are still to be seen. If we will go back eighty-seven years, if we wish w^e shall see him an inhabitant of one of those rude cabins that were then thinly scat- tered through the wilderness. We observe him felling the forest, or tilling the soil which had never been touched by white hands before. MR. MILLS. 37 There will be found around his cabin unbroken silence, save when the stroke of the axe awakens the echo, or the howl of the wolf disturbs the dull ear of midnight. Weeks come and go, and no one is here for a companion, save when a few solitary individuals, passing oy on their journey to other settlements, or the committee for clear- ing the road, are in town. Winter comes, but still we find him alone, with nothing to break the dull, monotonous solitude, but the excitement of the chase, when he hunts the heavy moose and nimble deer. But spring comes at last, bringing its beautiful flowers and fresh green leaves, and also cheering neighbors. The proprietors this spring voted to give to each individual who should settle in town prior to October 1st, 1768, fifty acres of land and six pounds in money, or one hundred acres of land without the money. The proprietors also chose another committee to finish clearmg the road. This committee was also to lay out twenty-five lots of land, in such places as they thought proper, and that each family who should settle agreeable to the said proposition should have one of the lots ; that the first settler take the first choice, and so each in their order. These offers had the desired effect to induce individuals to settle the town. Before this, the proprietors had offered little or no inducement 38 HISTORY OF WARREN. for settlement ; and, consequently, as other pro- prietors had been ranch more liberal to first set- tlers, this town was not in so forward a state of settlement as others around, and the reason of the proprietors offering the above bounties was that they were in danger of forfeiting their char- ter by not fulfilling the requirements of the same. The first settlers in the spring of 1768 were Mr. Mills and his family, from Portsmouth, N. H. They traveled on horseback, as did all the first settlers, and in this way transported their house- hold effects, of which it may be imagined there was no inconsiderable variety and quantity. In- deed, the state of the roads would admit of no other mode of conveyance, for they were noth- ing more than marked ways, with the fallen trunks of trees chopped off and rolled from the path. Mr. Mills, having the first choice of the lots of land laid out by the committee, chose the second one north of the lot where Mr. Patch located hiniself, and which is now owned by Mr. Augustus K. Eaton. He built his cabin a few rods north of the dwelling where Mr. Eaton now resides. It was a frail habitation, but it served for a shel- ter during the summer. Upon one side he built a stone fire-place, and a chimney of small sticks and mud. As he could bring no very heavy articles of household furniture, he was under the EARLY SETTLERS. 39 necessity of constructing a few. He made a table by splitting a large ash tree into several thin pieces, smoothing them with an axe, and then pinned them, side by side, to two other pieces, which ran in an opposite direction in the form of cleats. This he fastened to one side of the cabin, supporting it with small posts driven into the ground. But he had a more novel mode of making chairs, and it was generally practiced by the first settlers. The top of a spruce oiLfir tree was procured, upon which several limbs were growing ; this was split through the middle, the limbs cut off the proper length, and after smoothing to suit the fancy, the chair was com- pleted. These were durable chairs, and the in- stances were rare in which it became necessary to send them to the cabinet-maker for repairs, especially to have their legs glued in. Bedsteads were made by boring two holes into the walls of the cabin, about four feet apart. In these were driven two sapling poles, the other ends of which were supported by posts. For cords, elm bark was used. All the other household utensils which they needed were made in the same rough man- ner. After finishing his rough cabin, he immediately commenced to clear the land around. Upon the brook now ki^own as Patch brook, which runs through the place, was a meadow of considerable 40 HISTORY OF WARREN. size^ formed by the beavers flowijig it for a pond. Here a large quantity of grass grew wild, and he improved his opportunity of harvesting it for use the ensuing winter. Several other individ- uals came into town and settled during the season. Mr. John Aiken settled upon the place now occupied by George Bixby ; he built his cabin east from the railroad depots. Mr. Aiken lived upon the place until 1776, when it was proved that he had not a good title to his land, and be- ing dispossessed of it, he moved to Wentworth. Joshua Copp, Esq., from Hampstead, commenc- ed on the M. P. Merrill place, and built his cabin on the old Coos road. This was the road laid out by the committee chosen by the proprietors in 1767. From the south line of the town it kept upon the west bank of Baker river till it arrived at the mouth of Black brook. Crossing this stream it followed along upon its east bank, keep- ing upon the ridge of land to the spot where the depot is now located. At this place it passed down the steep bank, traversed the land now occupied as the bed of a pond, and when it arrived where the bridge now spans the water, south of Mr. Stephen Lund's, it again crossed the stream and kept upon the west bank until it arrived nearly opposite where Esq. Weeks now resides. Here it crossed Bowl's brook, a branch of Black brook, and proceeded some distance to FIRST SAW-MILL. 41 the eastward of the old Coos turnpike, before windmg up the hill long known as the Height of Land. At the time of Mr. Copp's settlement the in- terval, upon which are now located those three beautiful farms, owned respectively by James M. Williams, E. K Weeks, Esq., and Col. Charles Lane, was one large meadow, formed by the beavers. Here, in some places, where it had not grown up to alders, the grass grew spontaneously and in great abundance, and Mr. Copp cut and stacked a large c[uantity, and with his neighbors drew it away upon hand-sleds the ensuing win- ter. Mr. Ephraim True settled upon the place where Mr. Ira Libbey now lives, and erected his cabin a short distance from Mr. Aiken's. The first settlers suffered much for the want of roads, bridges and mills. They had to go to Haverhill and Plymouth for their provision, and not unfrequently would travel to Haverhill and bring home upon their backs a bushel to a bushel and a half of meal, for the road at that time was almost impassable for a horse. The ensuing spring two settlers moved into town. John Whitcher settled on the place where John Whitcher now lives. He was born in Salis- bury, June 19, 1749, and married Sarah Marston. John Morrill commenced on the place now 3* 42 HISTORY OP WARREN. owned by Mr. Otinatiis Simpson, of Wentworth. In a few years he sold his place to Mr. Joseph Kimball, and commenced upon another in a dif- ferent portion of the town. For the erection of a saw-mill to supply the inhabitants with boards, the proprietors the pres- ent year paid Mr. Joshua Copp a bounty of thirty pounds. The mill was built upon the stream known as Black brook, and was situated about one third of a mile below Esq. Copp's house, on the road that leads from Mr. Ezra W. Keyes' to Mr. Stephen Lund's, and was the only saw-mill in town for many years. Here the first settlers hauled their timber, which was very plenty, and considered by them of very little value, and soon, instead of their rude log cabins, which were almost akin to the wild Indians' wigwams, they had comfortable dwelling houses for those times. Of these we have a few remaining amongst us, silent moni- tors of the past. One of these stands just at the foot of that steep hill known as the Blue Ridge, and is probably the oldest framed dwell- ing house in town. This was the dwelling built and occupied by Mr. Joshua Coj)p, and formerly stood a quarter of a mile west of its present location, near the spot where he first erected his humble cabin. The first and the oldest framed building in town stands near the house occupied SECOND CHARTER. 43 by Mr. Joseph Homan, and is used by him as a barn. It was erected by Mr. Joseph Patch, upon the place now occupied by Jonathan M. Eaton, and near the place where he first settled. This year the proprietors petitioned Gov. Wentworth for a new charter, as, according to the conditions of the one they now had, they had incurred the penalty of a forfeiture. In 1770 Gov. Wentworth, after being well paid by the proprietors, granted them another ; they, the proprietors, having set forth that in the sur- veying and plotting the said township a mistake was made which deprived them of a considerable part of the land granted, by its interfering with other grants ; and they also representing the dif- ficulties they had encountered in cutting the roads for the transportation of provisions and other necessaries for its settlement and cultivar tion. The new charter contained the same con- ditions, reservations and duties as expressed in the original charter, and the penalty of forfeiture which the grantees had incurred, was suspended, and they had four more years from the date of the second charter to fulfil their contracts in rela- tion to the settlement of the town. After receiving the new charter, the proprie- tors, at their subsequent meetings, evinced a much more liberal spirit toward new settlers; indeed, it was for their interest thus to do, that 44 HISTORY OF WARREN. they might not incur the penalty of another forfeiture. Therefore, until the breaking out of the Revolutionary War the settlements were more rapid than for several years after. During the four succeeding years quite a number of young men came and made begin- nings, without ferming any permanent settle- ment. These were sent by the proprietors, that they might fulfil their obligations in relation to the charter. In the year 1772 Col. Obadiah Clement came from Sandown to Warren, and settled on the farm of James M. Williams. Col. Clement was born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 19, 1743, and mar- ried Sarah Batchelder, who was born at Hamp- ton, June 30, 1747. He built his house some distance to the eastward of Mr. Williams' build- ings ; and as there was considerable meadow on his place, which he had bought of Col. Jonathan Greely previous to his coming to Warren, he had no difficulty in procuring hay enough to keep his considerable stock of cattle which he drove up. A few years after Col. Clement's settlement, as he was ploughing a piece of land a short dis- tance from his house, which he had before no- ticed gave every indication of having many years previous been burnt over, he turned up several relicts of Indians. A greater portion of the farms which lie in this valley it is believed EARLY SETTLERS. 45 once composed the bed of a natural pond, and here on its shores it is supposed the Indians had an encampment. Through this valley also laid one of the great routes of the Indians from the Connecticut to Baker river valley."^ During the year 1773 Jonathan Clement, a brother to Obadiah Clement, moved upon the place where Enoch R Weeks now resides. He had the previous year accompanied his brother to Warren, and made commencements upon the place. Reuben Clement, another brother, also came to Warren this year, and for some time re- sided with his brothers. Simeon Smith settled on the place now owned by Rawson Clifford, of Wentworth. Warren, his son, it is claimed was the first wliite child born in Warren, and was named for the town ; but it is said on good authority that a daughter of Joshua Copp was the first. If this is the case, he was the first male, and perhaps the first child, as it is said there were but a few days between their births. * There are also many other indications which prove that the Indians once resided in Warren. On the farm first settled by Mr. Samuel Knight were plowed up quite a number of arrow heads, stone gouges, &c. Arrow heads have also been found by Mr. Moses Kimball, and by Mr, James Dow. Mr. Nathaniel Merrill, 2d, recently found in his field a portion of a curious stone bowl, which gives every indication of having been of Indian manufacture. What there is left of it shows that when entire it must have been at least eight inches in length, five inches in breadth, and four inches in depth. Upon each end are small ridges, evidently designed to assist in holding it more firmly in the hand. 46 HISTORY OF WARREN. Ephraim Lund came about this time and made a settlement near Tarlton pond. Shortly afterward, a little south of Mr. Lund, Thomas Clark and Isaiah Batchelder began settle- ments. These last named individuals received their land from Philip White, one of the propri- etors. Chase Whitcher, from Salisbury, commenced in the north part of the town, on the place now occupied by James Harriman, and for many years was the only family in this part of War- ren. In the year 1779 he was married to Han- nah Merrill. His nearest neighbor was Mr. Oba- diah Eastman, who about this time settled in the south part of Benton. Shortly after Mr. Eastman's settlement he ascended to the top of Owl-head Mountain, being the first white man who ever stood upon its summit. This moun- tain has always been celebrated for the great quantities of blueberries which annually grow upon it, and as it was the season for them to be ripe, Mr. Eastman beheld an abundance of deli- cious fruit around him. Not willing to return home without taking a quantity of it with him, he began to think of w^hat kind of a basket he should have to carry it in. His first thought was to construct a birchen bucket, but, upon putting his hand in his pocket for his knife, he found that he had not taken that useful article EARLY SETTLERS. 47 with him. Here was a dilemma ; but necessity was the mother of an invention in this case as well as in many others. After thinking for a few moments, he deliberately took of his leather breeches which he had on, and tying up the extremities, went to work, and in a short time filled them with berries. Then carefully placing them upon his shoulders, he descended the moun- tain, passing through the thick woods which covers its sides, and at last, after receiving not a few scratches, arrived at home. William Heath lived in this town about this time, but had no particular place of residence. Mr. Stevens Merrill and his son Jonathan, with their families, moved into town in 1775. They were from Plaistow, and lived for a short time with Mr. Joseph Patch, who, two years before, had married a daughter of Mr. Merrill. Shortly afterwards they moved upon the place where Mr. Samuel Bixby now lives. Joshua Merrill- was born in Newbury, Mass., and came to Warren in 1775. He settled on the place now occupied by Mr. Stephen Lund, where he lived till about the year 1810, when, with his only son, Joshua Merrill, jun., he moved to the west. But he soon returned, and having lost his wife, lived with one of his daughters in Bos- ton, where he died in 1839 or 1840, aged one hundred years. 48 HISTORY OF WARREN. Capt. William Butler, from Brentwood, came into town in 1775, and took up his residence with Mr. Mills. Shortly after, Mr. Mills was ac- cidentally killed while felling trees, and Capt. Butler having married one of his daughters, bought out the heirs and continued to live on the place. A short time afterward he commenc- ed to build a grist-mill upon Baker river, almost directly in front of his house, and a little below the spot where the large railroad bridge now spans its waters. For so doing he afterwards re- ceived quite a bounty from the proprietors. Here the first settlers brought their grains, first products of a virgin soil, and listened, as they waited for their grists, to the music of the water wheels, combined with the buzz of rude mill- stones. Around was the old forest wood, scarce undisturbed, and in its depths the gay birds ca- roled forth their beautiful songs ; or in winter, when heavy snows were upon the ground, the shrill wind piped its music through the now leaf- less branches. But years rolled on and the old mill fell to decay, and now scarce a vestige of it is to be seen. The school boy who goes to swim in what was once the pond, wonders for what purpose those old timbers which he sees in the water were there placed. About this time commenced the American Revolution. The policy of Great Britain tow- REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 49 ards this country for many years previous was in every way tyrannical and oppressive, and well calculated to call into action the efforts of every friend of liberty ; and a people in whose very natures were born the principles of freedom were not long in rising to repel these oppressive acts of injustice. " True hearted volunteers rallied to the calls of the brave and wise men of our country, im- bued with a spirit worthy of the little band which defended the pass of ThermopylaB. They fought and conquered, and their declining years were cheered with the knowledge that the coun- try, for which they had struggled so long and fearfully, was prosperous and happy, and that their deeds were gratefully remembered." The citizens of Warren were not behind those of other towns in points of patriotism, consid- ering their numbers and ability. Many individ- uals bravely left their homes and rallied aroiuid the American standard, determining to fight for their country's cause rather than bow to despotic oppression. The town, though then unorganiz- ed, raised men and paid them for serving in sev- eral campaigns. When Burgoyne, with his army invaded Ver- mont and New York, that General purposely sent out several companies of soldiers, with papers upon them, purporting that three detach- 50 HISTORY OF WARREN. ments of soldiers and tories were to be sent to the Connecticut river valley : one to Newbury, one to Royalton, and one to Charlestown, N. H. One of these parties was captured by a company of Americans and brought to Charlestown, and the papers found upon them. The news spread through the country with great rapidity, and filled the people with consternation. They immedi- ately left their homes with such light articles as they could carry, and driving their cattle be- fore them fled into the back towns. Many who lived at Haverhill and Newbury came to Warren, and for the short time they were here, were gen- erously provided for by the inhabitants. At that time Col. Obadiah Clement kept a tavern, and as it was a convenient place of accommodation, man}^ vv^ent to his house. In the hurry and ex- citement of those times we cannot reasonably expect that they were burdened with funds, and consequently many were unable to pay Col. Clement. But he sustained them gratuitously, remarking, " I had much rather give my prop- erty to my fellow countrymen, than be forced to pay any part of it to king George or his imps." But the sending of these companies to the Connecticut valley was only a stratagem of Burgoyne, to divert the Americans from his army, but it returned upon his own head with a vengeance ; for the people were aroused by it. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 51 and tliey flocked to the standard of General Stark in scores, wisely concluding that it was best to attack him at his head quarters, rgther than he should send his soldiers abroad to devas- tate the surrounding country. Immediately after the return of their Haver- hill and Newbury friends to their homes, Joshua Copp, Esq., Reuben Clement and Joseph Whitch- er, left Warren and joined the forces of Gen. Stark, and fought under him at the battle of Bennington, where this brave New-Hampshire son, though acting independently of Congress, rendered such efficient service to his country, and, as said by eminent historians, " turned the fortune of war." r^9. CHAPTER III. CIVIL HISTORY. In the year 1779 the General Court of New- Hampshh^e passed an act, that whereas the towns of Warren, Wentworth, Bath and Canaan, owing to their unsettled state, had not paid their due proportion of State and Continental taxes, the State Treasurer issue his warrant against them, and collect their due proportion of taxes for the years 1777, 1778 and 1779 ; and it was further enacted, that as the towns of Warren and Went- worth had not their necessary officers, Samuel Emerson, of Plymouth, N. H., be authorized to call meetings in the towns of Warren and Went- worth. Pursuant to the conditions of this act, the in- habitants of the town of Warren were notified to meet at the house of Obadiah Clement, on Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of July, 1779. At this, the first meeting of the inhabitants of Warren under the new State organization, Joshua Copp, Esq., was chosen moderator, Obadiah Clem- ent town-clerk, and then adjourned to meet the twelfth day of August at the same place. At the adjourned meeting, Obadiah Clement, Joshua Copp, Esq., and Israel Stevens were FIRST TOWN MEETING. 53 chosen selectmen for the present year. Simeon Smith, constable, William Butler, Reuben Clem- ent and Thomas Clark, surveyors of highways. At a meeting, warned by the selectmen and holden on the twenty-eighth day of August, chose Gardner Dustin moderator, and then voted to raise one hundred and fifty pounds, to lay out on highways, and one hundred pounds to defray town charges the present year. In the month of February, 1780, Obadiah Clement received a commission, appointing him captain of the ninth company of the twelfth regiment of militia, at that time commanded by Col. Israel Morey. By it he was required^ to hold himself in readiness to answer to all calls of the Committee of Safety, or any superior officer, according to military usage and discipline. This commission was given by an order of the Council, then in session at Exeter, and signed by the Hon. Meshech Weare, the first President or Governor of New-Hampshire. For an individ- ual to hold a captain's commission in those times was a high honor, and there was no greater day with the first settlers than that when they met to perform military duty. For uniforms, good woolen frocks and strong tow trowsers were more numerous than any others. For arms to use on such occasions they had blunderbusses, which looked as though they had done service in the 54 HISTORY OF WARREN. days of old Noll ; ancient and marvelously wrought fowling pieces, and muskets taken from the French. The sound of the drum and the shrill notes of the fife would take away the stooping position caused by hard labor, and a martial, dignified air was the result of that music, as its strains echoed over the forest from hill to hill. The first training took place on the farm of Joshua Copp, Esq. This farm had been cultivated nearly as long as any in town, and consequently, in respect to stumps and logs as obstructions, would be more free than those cleared at a subsequent date. This year it was voted to raise one hundred and fifty pounds to defray town charges, and seven hundred and fifty pounds to be laid out on highways at nine pounds per day. This was con- tinental currency, and for many causes had de- preciated to its present value. Some of the causes were that the British government used every exertion to get public opinion to run in a channel against it, and it was also extensively counterfeited. Thus were the finances of our government in a measure almost ruined. On the 10th of July, 1780, a meeting of the inhabitants was called. When assembled they ^^ voted to raise soldiers to serve in the war at the present time." Joshua Copp, Esq., and Obadiah Clement were SOLDIERS FOR THE WAR. 55 chosen a committee to procure the same for the town, and also " Voted, to exempt those who had done turns in the war until others had done turns equalling them." Thus did the hardy and patri- otic inhabitants of Warren, like the rest of their countrymen, although poor and still in their in- fancy, raise soldiers and pay them for serving in the war which they deemed just and right to be carried on. It was also voted at the same meet- ing to pay the soldiers who served in the militia belonging to the town, the same amount when they were called up, that the soldiers hired by the town receive. The number of legal voters in town this year was twenty-five.* Early the ensuing year the selectmen were empowered to hire one more man to serve in the continental army during the war, or for three years. The individual that the selectmen hired at this time was Charles Bowls, a young minister of the Baptist persuasion, who had re- * Names of the Legal Voters of Wai-renfor the year 1780. William Butler, Daniel Clark, Joshua Merrill, Isaiah Batchelder, Ephraim Lund, Simeon Smith, Thomas Clark, Joseph Lund, Ephraim True, Joshua Copp, John Morrill, Moses True, Obadiah Clement, Stevens Merrill, Chase Whitcher, Jonathan Clement, Jonathan Merrill, Reuben Whitcher, Reuben Clement, John Marston, John Whitcher. Gardner Dustin, Nathaniel Niles, Joseph Kimball, Joseph Patch, 56 HISTORY OF WARREN cently moved into town and commenced upon the place now owned by Mr. Chase Marston; and after the war was over he came back and resided there many years. Mr. Bowls, though a minister of the gospel, and an advocate of peace, was a high whig, and ardently espoused the cause of freedom, and used his influence to in- crease the band of patriots; and when there were none at home who could conveniently leave their families, he, being then a young, un- married man, shouldered a musket and joined those who were enduring every privation and toil for their country's cause. About this time a convention was held at Charlestown, N. H., and Obadiah Clement was chosen to attend it. The town also chose Joshua Copp, Esq., William Butler, John Whitcher, Thomas Clark and Josiah Batchelder a commit- tee to give him instruction in relation to the course which he should pursue at the conven- tion. * At the regular meeting for the choice of town officers the present year, a committee was chosen, consisting of Joshua Copp, Esq., and Col. Obadi- ah Clement, to provide a stock of provision for the town, to be dealt out in case of alarm ; the * The new settlers in the year 1781 icere Peter Stevens, Joseph Frencli, William Whiteman, Jonathan Foster, William Tarlton, Charles Bowls, Henry Sunbury, Amos Heath, John Hinkson. H . A STOCK OF PROVISION. 57 stock of provision to consist of two hundred pounds of flour and two hundred pounds of beef The reason for this was, not but what every man had provision enough, but they had apprehen- sions that their friends in the towns north might be obhged to pay them a visit. Vermont, at the time of the Revokition, al- though she acted a conspicuous part, and her sons by their heroic deeds and whole-souled pat- riotism gained their distinctive appellation. The Green Mountain Boys ; a title which their descend- ants are proud to bear to this day, was not ac- knowledged as an independent State by Congress ; and although she asked admittance. Congress did not dare to grant it, for the States of New-Hamp- shire, New York and Massachusetts, each had conflicting claims to the territory ; and it was be- lieved by Congress that it would not be policy to decide in favor of either. The British gov- ernment were well aware of this fact, and of the excited state of feeling in Vermont in regard to it, and they entertained strong hopes that they should detach her from the common cause and bring her to espouse the interests of the mother country. For this purpose they employed indi- viduals to travel in every town, to influence public opinion in their favor. To do this they promised the most liberal rewards to all who would favor them, and threatening with ven- 4 58 HISTORY OF WARREN. geance all who should favor the interests of the country. Many would listen to these proposals, but Vermont had her true men in every settle- ment, and these were particular objects of hatred to those tories whom the British government generally employed for this work. To secure these, burn their dwellings and carry their pris- oners to Canada, that they might be rid of their influence, was the object of many expeditions of the tories into the grants. The towns of Haverhill and Newbury suf- fered much by these expeditions, but Newbury to a far greater extent than Haverhill. There were many individuals in these towns whom the tories were desirous of taking, and the people were every day in danger of an attack. This being known by the citizens of Warren, that they might not be without the necessary means for rendering assistance provided it was wanted, pro- cured the above stores. In the year 1783, Obadiah Clement was chosen to represent, in the General Court to be holden at Exeter in 1784, the towns of Warren, Went- worth and Coventry, (now Benton.) This was the first representative who went from Warren, but the town had been represented before, but as it was classed with other towns the representation was previously from them. Mr. Clement, of whom we have several times before spoken, was FIRST SCHOOL. 59 a young man of much ability, but never had the advantages of a liberal education, having attend- ed school but two days in his life ; notwithstand- ing, he was a well informed man for those times, and could write a very legible hand, and was ca- pable of doing any town business. Thus we find him during the first organization of the town taking the lead in its affairs. * The town previous to this time had done nothing for the support of public schools, but there had been many private ones patronized by individuals, and they in this way had done as much for educating their children as other towns around them. But this year they commenced those public schools of which we have enjoyed so many^ privileges, and to which New England people principally owe their standing in the world. There was no school house in Warren at this time ; and the first public school was taught in a barn owned by Mr. Stevens Merrill, by Miss Abigail Arling. For her services she received the sum of three pounds. Here, for three months during the summer, the young lads and lasses studied their Psalter and Primer, (the only books used at that time,) in a building without windows. When it was a sunny day the light of a beauti- ful gold color streamed through the many crev- * The new settlers in the year 1782 icere Jonathan Harbord, Moses Noyes, Henry Shaw, Nicholas Whiteman, Gordon Hutchins, Barnabas Holmes. 60 HISTORY OF WARKEN. ices^ reflecting in its rays the myriads of particles ever floating in the air. If it was cloudy, the big barn doors were thrown wide open, that they might better see to learn the lessons assigned them. For seats they had rough boards, placed upon blocks, and their tables were of the same materials. In the roof the merry swallows, as they built their nests and fed their young, twit- tered with a joyous happiness. The following winter there was a private school kept in Mr. Merrill's house. Up to this time all records belonging to the town had been kept upon slips of paper, and the town now having purchased the necessary books, paid Mr. Obadiah Clement the sum of eighteen shillings for transferring the records to them. Among the many jDersons who had recently moved into town was Mr. Samuel Knight. He commenced this season upon the place where he resided until his death, in 1846. Mr. Knight, al- though not a very large man, possessed great muscular power, and was well calculated to con- vert the wild forest into fruitful fields. He being unmarried, for a greater part of the time during this season boarded with Mr. Stevens Merrill, but sometimes would, when he had provision enough, remain in his camp over night. One unusually hot day in the month of June, when he had been hard at work felling trees, he concluded so to do y SAMUEL KNIGHT. 61 and altlioiTgli if it should happen to storm it might not afford a very good shelter from the rain, still it was such a beautiful day he thought it would be amply sufficient for the night. He ate his supper, and then sat down to enjoy the beautiful scene. The moon was just rising, and showed its bright round upper edge, as it stole slowly up between Cushman and Carr mountains. The twinkling stars came out one by one, and made the blue azure vault overhead glow as if set with innumerable diamonds. The frogs croak- ed with a joyous tone, for they were filled with gladness by the genial warmth the summer sun imparted. The night-hawk screamed sharply as it flew circling round overhead, or uttered its heavy poiize as it dove swiftly down. The wliip- powil sang its happy chant in the alders by the purhng brook, accompanied by the voices of its happy mates. But as he sat meditating on this beautiful solitary scene, he was suddenly startled by the sharp flash of lightning, followed by the low rumbling of distant thunder. A few mo- ments more and the before beautiful sky was completely enveloped with the dark clouds which the freshening breeze now rolled up. Soon the big drops began to patter down in quick succes- sion, accompanied by the crashing of the bellow- ing thunder, which rolled along the hill tops and echoed through the many defiles which were 62 HISTORY OF WARREN. now lighted up by the ahnost coiitmued blaze of sharp flashmg lightning. The rain poured down in torrents, and Knight's clothes were soon thor- oughly saturated by the falling water. Cold and wet he made up his mind to go home. The clouds had not cleared away, and he had proceed- ed but a short distance before he found that he had undertaken a task not to be easily accom- plished. When he arrived at Berry brook he found it very much swollen by the rain. He waded through and followed on until he came to the foot of the hill near where Albert Bixby now lives. Here he lost his path, and while searching about for it was startled by a low, deep growl, and looking up he saw what appeared to be two balls of fire directly before him ; and the break- ing of the many dry twigs told Knight that some large animal was approaching. He shouted, but that only accelerated the speed of the bear, for such it proved to be, which in a few moments was upon him : and rearing upon its hind feet grasp- ed Knight with its fore paws. It was a desper- ate time for him, but his right arm was free, and quick as thought he pulled a knife from his pocket, and, opening it with his teeth, thrust it with desperate force into the side of the bear. Luckily it pierced its heart, and instantly relax- ing its hold, reeled around upon the ground in mad frenzy for a few moments, striking with fury FIGHT WITH A BEAR. 63 every thing that came in its way, and then ex- pired. Knight was terribly lacerated by the claws of the bear, and sitting down by his now dead enemy, concluded to remain during the night. But the clouds clearing away shortly af- terward, and the moon shining out brightly, he changed his determination, and resolved to go home ; and soon finding the path had no further difficulty in so doing. The next morning, on returning with some of his neighbors to the place of encounter, they found a bear of the largest class, who gave evi- dent tokens that she was engaged in rearing her young. This circumstance probably induced her to make an attack upon him whom she consid- ered her natural enemy, which is a thing this species of animals in any other circumstances seldom do. In March, 1784, he married Miss Mary Mer- rill, and moved into his cabin the day following the one he built it. It was' so illy finished that he could lie in his bed and count the stars through the crevices in the roof. But in a few years Mr. Knight had a more comfortable dwell- ing. This season he had a piece of corn a short dis- tance from his house, and the bears came into it so often that he was in danger of losing the whole. One day, a Mr. Homan, who had recently 64 HISTORY OF WARREN. * come into town, and afterward settled near by, came to see him; and when it was near evening Mr. Knight mentioned the circumstance, and Homan agreed to accompany him to take re- venge u}3on the bruin gentry. They then loaded their guns, and immediately proceeded to the corn field. Here they ensconced themselves be- hind an old root, turned up by the wind, and patiently waited until near ten o'clock without discovering any appearances of bears. Homan now begged Knight to return to the house; but almost instantly after they heard the bushes crack upon the opposite side of the field, and soon Homan and Knight, as they looked cau- tiously from their hiding-place, discovered the dark forms of two or three large bears approach- ing. Presently they stopped near by, and in the way they took the ears from the parent stock, reminding Knight and Homan of a good husk- ing frolic. Knight now fired and succeeded in wounding one of them, and the others imme- diately fled. The wounded bear was fast follow- ing his companions, when Knight ran in front to stop him. The animal, now mad with pain, made directly at his opposer, who was obliged to use the breech of his gun to defend himself Homan during this time had stood looking on, and Knight now called lustily to him to shoot the bear. He advanced a few steps, but did not fire. FIRST SCHOOL HOUSE. 65 " Fire J you fool! " shouted Knight. Homan cock- ed his gun, and as Knight's words rang in his ears, turned his head in an opposite direction, and "let off." The contents took effect in the ground but a few feet from where he stood. Knight now used his gun barrel, which was bro- ken from the stock, with redoubled zeal about the bear, who, becoming weak from the loss of blood, fell under a few well directed blows, and Knight succeeded in dispatching him. When he had recovered his breath, he asked Homan why he fired so awkwardly. "Why, why," said Homan, " I ain't used to these running fires." During the present season the inhabitants formed themselves into a union, for the purpose of better enabling them to build a school house. This they did without raising a direct tax, but by choosing a committee, who called upon them as fast as labor or lumber was wanted ; and thus each worked in turn until it was finished. This school house stood a short distance above the present site of the railroad depots, nearly oppo- site the saw mill now owned by Mr. Alba C. Weeks, and for many years bore the name of " The Union School House." At the time of its erection there was no clearing save for the road, and no building nearer than Mr. "Stephen Mer- rill's. All around was the silent old forest. In front murmured on the dark waters of Black 4* Q6 HISTORY OF WARREN. brook; while behind, the never silent Baker river rushed furiously onward over its rocky bed, at times a furious torrent, and then again but little water in its channel. The sun, morning and evening, cast long shadows of huge pines and other forest trees before the school house door, while through the thick branches the blue tops of the distant mountains were seen. The building was built in the style common to those times; a huge fire-place occupying one end, and long rough benches and desks for the scholars. Instead of plastered walls, the room was ceiled with beautiful white pine boards, which would be considered almost treasures at the present time. As soon as finished, Mr. Nathaniel Knight was engaged to keep a school in it. Here, during the winter, three families in the immediate neigh- borhood sent twenty-five scholars. In the granting of the townships upon the east side of Connecticut river by Gov. Went- worth, little regard was had to make the lines of townships to coincide ; consequently, when the towns came to be settled, and the lines run again, quite a controversy arose as to where the lines were. Each town's charter bounded them to run so far, and in the running of the lines it proved that each town was claiming a part of the towns adjoining. To settle these difficulties, the proprietors of SETTLING THE BOUNDARIES. 67 many of the towns met at Plymouth ; but after a long and stormy meeting they were unable to effect it, but shortly after they nearly all united in petitioning the Legislature to effect it for them. This body immediately chose a committee to run the lines and report thereon. The committee chosen shortly proceeded to the work, and after- wards their report was accepted, and conse- quently the bounds of the towns established in their present position. By the running of the new lines the town of Warren lost a considerable por- tion of its territory, upon its southern and west- ern borders. Isaiah Batchelder and Thomas Clark were taken into Piermont. Simeon Smith, Peter Stevens, Joseph Kimball, and Lemuel Keazer into Wentworth. But the town of Warren, al- though it thus lost considerable of its territory, still contained more than was granted by its charter. The road running upon the west side of the river in Wentworth to Warren did not cross the river as it now does, but kept upon the west side until it arrived near the present location of the mills owmed by Mr. P. Baldwin, where it crossed Black brook and then kept on in its present course. The people who lived on the east side had always been obliged when they wished to go to the centre of the town to ford the river. To do this at times was a great inconvenience, and 68 HISTORY OF WARREN. the proprietors, being petitioned by the inhabit- ants, granted them quite a sum to aid in the construction of a bridge to be located where the present one, spanning Baker river just below the village, now stands. But the sum which the pro- prietors had thus liberally bestowed was not suf- ficient to complete it, and the citizens the present year voted to finish it at the town's expense. Accordingly it was set up at auction shortly after their meeting, by the selectmen, and the one agreeing to do it for the smallest sum to have the job. Col. Obadiah Clement bidding six pounds, it was struck off to him. This was the first bridge ever built in Warren over Baker river, and as soon as done there were two roads lead- ing from the town on its southern border. The one on the east side of the river, passing over Red Oak hill, is not much travelled at the present time, except by the inhabitants near whose dwell- ings it runs. 1785. During this year the second saw-mill ever constructed in Warren was built by Mr. Stevens Merrill. It was located on the present site of the Baldwin mills. At this place the water fell nearly perpendicular over a ledge the distance of eight feet, and by constructing a short dam, six feet more of fall was secured ; thus affording an excellent water privilege. The proprietors paid him for erecting this mill the sum of twelve pounds. NEW EMISSION OF MONEY. 69 Among the votes passed this year was one that constable Butler pay in the new Emission Money belonging to the town to the selectmen. This money was an emission of paper bills funded on real estate, and loaned on interest. The people felt themselves distressed by the burdensome taxes, and this appeared the most easy remedy. But this money shortly decreased much in value, and finally the act authorizing the issue of it was repealed. In the year 1786 the selectmen failed to post up the necessary legal warning to call a town meeting for the choice of officers and transaction of other business for the year ; consequently, there was none holden, and the town was with- out its customary officers. On the petition of several individuals, the Legislature which convened in June following appointed and authorized Capt. Absalom Peters to call a meeting of the inhabitants, for the pur- pose of choosing a town clerk, selectmen, and other necessary officers, according to law ; and that Capt. Peters attend and open the meeting, and preside as moderator through the whole elec- tion. By a resolve passed by the Legislature, Sep- tember 24, the selectmen of Warren were em- powered to take an inventory of all the polls and estates in town, and collect the inhabitants' taxes the same as if done in April, as the law directs. 70 HISTORY OF WARREN. In the year 1787 there were two school dis- tricts in town. The first embraced all the south part of the town as far north as Mr. Joshua Copp's land, now Col. Charles Lane's. The second commenced at Esq. Copp's, and occupied the re- mainder of the town. The Upper School House, so called for many years, was built about this time. It was located near the residence of Enoch R Weeks, Esq., and was quite a large and com- modious building, in which the inhabitants for many years after held their town meetings. Col. Obadiah Clement at this time had an ac- count against the town of nine pounds, eleven shillings and three pence. This account was for recording upon the town books a journey to Ex- eter to get the toAvn incorporated, drafting jury- men, &c. The town thought the account was unjust, and had voted at their previous meetings not to accept it. Col. Clement, believing that it was just, had held in his possession all the town books and papers, thinking to hold them until he received his pay. July 27, the town chose Jona- than Merrill, Joshua Merrill and Lieut. Ephraim True a committee to demand them, make a set- tlement with Col. Clement, and report at the next meeting. On the sixth of August another meeting was held and the committee's report was accepted. The town at this meeting voted to pay a part of Col. Clement's account, but he TAXES PAID IN PRODUCE. 71 would not receive ahy part without the whole, and strongly demanded it ; but the town, still not willing to pay, chose Stevens Merrill and Lieut. Ephraim True a committee to farther treat with him, or to follow suit or suits at law, if he com- mence one or more against the town, to final end and execution. But Col. Clement did not choose to go to law, but still continued to pre- sent the matter to the citizens of the town, until they were brought to see the justness of his claim, and at a subsequent meeting they voted to pay him his whole demand. The town would never have refused to pay the demand, had not a few individuals, who were enemies to him, by their plausible stories made the citizens believe that his account was illegal ; but finally justice, as it always should, and harmony, again prevailed among the early settlers. At the regular meeting in 1788'^* the town voted to raise nine pounds to defray town charges, to be paid in wheat at ^ye, rye at four and corn at three shillings per bushel. This was a very common pay for taxes, or for any ■^ Names of the individuals u-Jio had come into ioicn from 1782 up to this time. Samuel Knight, Enoch Homans, Caleb Homan, Stephen Lund, Nathaniel Knight, Elisha Swctt, Stephen Richardson, Levi Lufkin, Nathaniel Clough. Aaron Welch, John Stone, 72 HISTORY OF WARREN. other commodity they wished to buy. Money at this time was very scarce. This year the town was obhged for the first time to make provision for a town pauper, al- though in a short time they found means to rid themselves of the person. On account of this, several poor persons, who were likely to gain a residence in town, were warned out, according to a law for that purpose. In 1789* the road leading from the Society School-House, on the old Coos road, to Benton, was laid out. For several years after, Mr. Aaron Welch, who lived where Robert E. Merrill now does, was permitted by a vote of the town to have two gates upon it between his house and the Society School-House. There was also built, below where Mr. Jonathan M. Eaton now lives, a long bridge, running from the first bridge that now spans the little rill below his house, to the south end of the one over Patch brook. About this period several freshets occurred, causing Baker river to overflow its banks, and a large part of the water, uniting with the water of Patch brook, would naturally flow under this bridge. From this circumstance the people * Names of those ivho moved into town in 1789. John Abbot, Abel Merrill, Jonathan Hidden, Jonathan Fellows, John Badger, Amos Little, Ebenezcr Hidden, Samuel Fellows, Richard Pillsbury. Silas Lund, BRIDGE OVER PATCH BROOK. 73 thought it would require a bridge to span the whole distance from bank to bank. For this purpose the town raised twenty pounds to defray the expense, and chose Joseph Patch, Stephen Richardson, Stevens Merrill and Joshua Copp, to superintend the work ; but the sum raised did not near finish the bridge, and a great deal more money was expended before it was completed. This bridge did not remain many years, for the people discovered that they might as well travel for three fourths of the distance upon the ground as upon its j)lanks. 1791. This year chose Joseph Patch and Jon- athan Clement deer-keepers. During the year Dr. Joseph Peters settled in town, and resided with Mr. Stevens Merrill. He was the first physician who ever lived in War- ren, and was a well educated man, and having good success in his practice, gave general satis- faction. A committee was chosen at the town meeting to lay out several roads, viz. : one leading from C. William Whiteman's, who lived on the top of the height of land, round Tarlton pond upon the New settlers in 1790. Amos Clark, John Gardner, C. William Whiteman, Daniel Pike, James Little, Thomas Pillsbury. In 1791. Dr. Joseph Peters, David Badger, Enoch Page, Joseph Knight. 74 HISTORY OF WAllREN. east side, and one leading from Mr. Joshna Mer- rill's, who lived where Mr. Stephen Lund now does, by Mr. Abel Merrill's, who lived on the place now owned by Nathaniel Merrill, jnn.^ to Wentworth line. The roads up to this time were very poor, and the town was obliged to carry on a suit at law, which was commenced by some persons who had received injuries while travel- ling upon them, owing to the bad condition they were in. =^May 7, 1792. The people of Warren voted unanimously against all the amendments of the constitution, except the two last articles; for these there was an unanimous vote also. In the year 1794, chose Joshua Copp, Reuben Batchelder, Joseph Patch, Thomas Boynton and John Whitcher, a committee to report where it would be convenient to set a meeting-house, and what measures were best to be taken to erect the same. At the next regular meeting this committee reported, but, through some unex- plained reason, took no action upon the matter, and the subject was dropped. *Neiv settlers in 1792. Josiah Magoon, Uriah Cross. In 1793. Abram Alexander, John Chase, David S. Craig, Daniel Welch. In 1794. Stephen Badger. In 1795. Stephen Flanders, Barnabas Nilcs. ERECTION OF MEETING-HOUSE. 75 ^''- Til the spring of 1796, Keuben Batchelder and Stephen Flanders, jun., followed np Baker river to East Warren, and commenced settle- ments. Mr. Batchelder began on the place now occupied by Seth J. Brown, and Mr. Flanders just above him, on the place occupied by La- fayette W. Parker. The town at its regular meeting voted to lay them out a road, which was done that season ; but for many years it was nothing more than a brushed out path. Mr. Batchelder lived on the place he this year com- menced upon for a number of years, when he sold out and began on the place now occupied by Mr. John Libbey. Here, in raising his house, he was accidentally killed. In March, 1798, the town voted to accept a piece of land from Joshua Copp, Esq., situated on the easterly side of Mr. Copp's land, and on the north side of the highway leading to Haver- hill, for the purpose of erecting a meeting-house thereon, which was to be of the same size as the one at Bumney, and for a burying ground and #_ New settlers in 1796. Thomas Boynton, James Harran, Joseph Jones, Nathan Barker, Dr. Levi Root, Olncy Hawkins. William Kelley, John Weeks, In 1797. Benjamin Kelley, Joseph Orn, In 1798. Jesse Niles. Dr. Ezra Bartlett, James Dow, Asa Low, Abial Smith. 76 HISTORY OF WARREN. training field. Ghose Joshua Copp, Esq., Joseph Patch, Stephen Richardson, Obadiah Clement, and Levi Luf kin, a committee to provide timber for the meeting-house, to be drawn the ensuing winter. Each individual was to pay for the house according to his proportion of taxes, and all should hold themselves in readiness to work on the building, after three days' notice given them by the committee. At a meeting of the town, held the ensuing summer, after considera- ble discussion, in which the subject of their ability to build was thoroughly canvassed, they voted to dispense with the idea of building a meeting-house for the present. 77 CHAPTER IV. CIVIL HISTORY. In July, 1799, Methodism was first introduced into Warren, by the Rev. Elijah R. Sabin. Rev. Mr. Sabin was a missionary in the cause, and travelled from town to town on horseback, preaching in the houses and barns of the people, wherever he could get a congregation to hear him. At the time of his first preaching in War- ren he had but little success ; but before leaving succeeded in forming a class, consisting of three members, viz. : Chase Whitcher, Dolly Whitcher, (afterwards the widow Atwell,) and Sarah Bar- ker; but many in hearing him preach were con- victed of the truth of his doctrine, and before the next conference they numbered about thirty members. During the summer season, for many years afterward, they held their meetings in a barn belonging to Mr. Aaron Welch, and during the winter in his house or the houses of the neighbors in the immediate vicinity. There was also quite a class formed upon the height of land, among the inhabitants living in the imme- diate vicinity of Tarlton pond. For many years Warren was a part of LandafP circuit. In the spring of this year Mr. James Williams 78 HISTOKY OF WARREN. settled on the north side of Baker river, in East Warren, nearly opposite Mr. Reuben Batchelder and Mr. Stephen Flanders, jun., and upon the place now owned by Jesse Eastman, and shortly after erected for himself a fine, large, framed house. The town, during the summer, laid out a road from the foot of the hill up to his house, and soon after his brother, Mr. Moses Williams, came and settled on the place now owned by Mr. Calvin Cummin gs. Mr. Caleb Homan set- tled on the place now occupied by Mr. Samuel shorn, and not long after, Mr. Samuel Merrill settled upon the place where he now resides. These individuals were far from any settlement, and were almost pioneers in a wilderness • but in a few years they had fine farms, and even- tually were all men of considerable property. March 20, 1800. Brought in forty votes agrainst a revision of the constitution, and one in favor of it. 1801. The town voted this year not to build a meeting-house. In the year 1802 the doctrine of the Free- will Baptists was first preached in Warren by the Rev. Joseph Boody, but no society was formed. His meetings were held at the house of The neiv settlers in 1799 tvere Benjamin Brown, James Williams, Benjamin Gale. In 1800. Daniel Davis, Luke Libbey, Jacob Low, Samuel Jackson, Job Eaton, Abel Willard. LAST MOOSE. 79 Mr. Stevens Merrill. Mr. Merrill was highly- pleased with Mr. Boody and his doctrine, and as he was an agec^ man, and thinking he might die when Mr. Boody was far away, he resolved to have his funeral sermon preached before Mr. Boody's departure. Accordingly, he signified his intention to the reverend gentleman, who com- plying, a day was appointed, and the sermon preached from II. Timothy, 4th chapter, 6th, 7th, and 8th verses : "For I am now ready to be of- fered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not me only, but unto all them that love his appearing." From this text it is said the Bev. Mr. Boody preached a very excel- lent discourse, and Mr. Merrill and his friends were well pleased. Mr. Merrill died two years after, in 1804, aged 72 years. In the spring of 1803 were killed the last^ moose ever known in this section. Joseph Patch and Stephen Flanders, jun., had followed up Ba- ker river nearly to its source on a hunting excur- sion. The day was nearly spent, and they were thinking of building a camp in which to pass the night, when Patch, who was yet a keen hunter, discovered signs of moose, and that they were 80 HISTORY OF WARREN. in tlieir immediate vicinity. It was now nearly clarkj and they knew it would be impossible to capture them that night. As they were so near the moose they did not dare build a large camp or light a fire, for they knew that it would frighten them away : so, breaking a few fir boughs, they formed themselves a bed upon the snow, and wrapping their blankets around them, laid down to spend the night. There were no clouds in the heavens, and the stars twinkled brightly above them, as seen through the clear, frosty air ; but the men were used to such scenes, and had often encountered them before ; and so the night to them was far from being cheerless, and the morning dawned nearly as quick as if they were in their own snug homes. As soon as it was light they arose, and making a hasty meal from some almost frozen provisions, took the trail of the moose and proceeded cautiously forward. After travelling a short distance, and then turn- ing abruptly round a little spur of the hill, they discovered lying in a large yard, beside a little mountain stream, three fine large animals. Patch and Flanders now carefully examined their guns, and making sure that all was right, they each aimed at a different moose and fired. This brought all three of the fine large creatures to their feet; but two of them, after staggering about for a few moments, fell dead, while the PLAN OF THE TOWN. 81 third started off at a smart trot down the stream ; without waiting a moment, they sent their dogs after him, and, loading their guns, immediately pursued, and in less than half an hour came up and killed the third. They then went to work, dressed and quartered the moose, and then hung them up in trees, and started for the settlement, where, procuring help and sleds, they returned and brought home their ^ne mornmg's work. Thus perished the last of that race of animals in this section, so many of which at one time roamed in the valleys around Moosehillock mountain. At the regular meeting, in 1804, the town voted to choose a committee of three persons, to provide an accurate plan of the town of Warren. Chose Joseph Patch, Nathaniel Clough and Sam- uel Knight, for the committee. These individ- uals had a difficult task before them ; but by procuring copies of all the surveys previously made, they at last produced the fine plan which now stands as a front-piece in the old book con- taining the records of the first proprietors of Warren, and which plan has been so much used by the citizens of the town. The plan is now nearly vforn out, and the town will in a short time be greatly in need of a new one ; and it is to be hoped that they will follow the excellent example set them by many other towns in the 5 82 HISTORY OF WARREN. State, which is that of having a plan accurately printed. The town appointed the selectmen a commit- tee to unite with the selectmen of Ellsworth to look out a convenient location for a road from Ellsworth (once called iVecothick,) to Warren, and report thereon. This committee proceeded to the work for which they were chosen, and examined the section of the country between the two towns ; but as no record was made of any report, or any action of the town taken upon it afterwards, it is probable the committee thought the route highly impracticable. A small burying cloth was bought by the town, of Col. Obadiah Clement and Jonathan Clement, and Aaron Welch's house chosen as a place of deposit. The sum of one hundred and thirty dollars was paid Mr. Enoch Davis, who lived where Mr. Addison Gerald now resides, for the future main- tenance of a pauper, — the second one that had become chargeable to the town. ^ At a town meeting held during the year it was voted that the device for the weights and measures belonging to the town should be Wn. This device was presented by Dr. Ezra Bartlett. In 1806 the town empowered the selectmen coos TURNPIKE COMPANY. 83 to sell the ministerial lands to Mr. Caleb Homan or Stephen Flanders, jun.;, or to any other per- son, if they considered the sale of the lands an advantage to the town. Chose Col. Obadiah Clement, Capt. William Butler, Mr. Jonathan Fellows, Capt. Joseph Patch, Lieut. Stephen Flanders, jun., and Mr. Aaron Welch, a commit- tee to choose another committee of three un- prejudiced persons, living out of town, for the purpose of establishing a suitable place in War- ren for erecting a house of public worship. At a meeting held Dec. 17, voted not to build a meeting-house, but the town declared by a unan- imous vote that they were willing one should be built by subscription. March 10, 1807, brought in sixty-three votes against revising the Constitution. The old Coos Turnpike Company having re- ceived a charter from the Legislature on Dec. 29, 1803, this year commenced to build their road. It was twelve miles in length, and com- menced near the spot where the Society school- house was built, and running over the height of land, terminated at Haverhill Corner. The road was not fully completed until several years after, and cost fifteen thousand and seventy- four dollars. It was contracted for by different individuals, who took short sections. The first section extended from the location of the Soci- 84 HISTORY OF WARREN. ety scliool-liouse, above the Blue Ridge, and was bnilt by Mr. Joseph Merrill. The cutting through this large ridge of land required a great amount of labor and much time, and before it was fin- ished the people thought it was a hlue job for Mr. Merrill, hence the name Blue Ridge. When the turnpike was finished, the inhabitants who lived upon it were permitted to pass over it free from cost, and consequently several roads which had been previously built, not being now re- quired, were discontinued. 1808. Voted to build a pound, thirty feet square within the walls, and eight feet high. It was to be constructed of good pine logs, and to have a stout, substantial door, hung with iron hinges, and to be fastened with a staple, hasp, and padlock. For some reason, never explained, this contemplated pound was not built. Liberty was given to Mr. Moses H. Clement to construct a canal under the road near Joseph Merrill's saw mill, to carry the water from Baker river to Black brook, provided he indemnify the town for all damages done the road. This canal, although not completed until three years after, was a great work for an individual in those times, and shows Mr. Clement to be a person of much enterprise. The underground passage was built of pine logs, and although placed there forty- four years ago, are still in almost as good condi- FREE WILL BAPTIST SOCIETY. 85 tion as when cut. When the railroad was built the engineer caused the earth to be removed from the lower ends of them, thinking that they should be obliged to supply their place with a stone culvert ; but upon an examination he thought they would answer for many years to come, and now daily pass over them the heavy laden cars, with the heavier engine, with as much safety as though they had the solid earth be- neath them. In March, 1809, chose the selectmen a com- mittee to provide powder and ball for the use of the militia of the town, as provided for by an act of the Legislature in June last. From the year 1802 up to 1810 there had been several ministers of the Free Will Baptist denomination, successors of Joseph Boody, who had preached occasionally in town, viz. : Joseph Boody, jun., Louis Harriman, Thomas Perkins, J. Marks, and Wallace. These were succeed- ed by Elder James Spencer, under whose influ- ence the first Free Will Baptist Society was com- menced. The members consisted of Samuel Merrill and wife, James Dow and wife, Caleb , Homan and wife, Aaron Welch and wife. True Stevens and wife, Mrs. Betsey Bamsey and Mrs. James Williams. Elder Spencer labored with the society for many years after. In the year 1811 chose Jonathan Merrill as 86 HISTORY OF WARREN. an agent to carry on the suits pending against the town in relation to bad roads. Voted to divide the town into districts for the working out of the highway tax. About the year 1812 commenced the sec- cond war between the United States and Eng- land, and for three years there was much fighting done without any signal advantage to either country, when, by the consent of both parties, the war was closed and an amicable treaty formed between the two governments. New-Hampshire raised a large militia force to guard her frontier, by drafting men from her towns. Abel Merrill was appointed by the State to draft men from Warren, and the following individuals served at times during the war, viz. : George Libbey, Nathaniel Libbey, Nathaniel Kichardson, Jesse Eastman, Tristram Pillsbury, John Abbot, John Copp, Daniel Pillsbury, David Patch and Maj. Daniel Patch. These men all returned to Warren at the close of the war, or the end of the time for which they enlisted, except John Abbot, who died while in the army. 1813. This year about the greatest freshet ever known in this section of the country oc- curred. Many of the bridges across the streams were carried away, and the roads much damaged. In 1814 the people of Warren gave fifty-five FIRST STAGE LINE. 87 votes against revising the Constitution and none in favor. During this year the first stage line from Con- cord ma Plymouth, up the valley of Baker river to Haverhill, was established. There had been another line from Concord to Haverhill via Leb- anon, commenced a short time previous, but this latter was a much longer route, and as the citi- zens of the former section wished for the facili- ties that would be afforded by a line of stages, several individuals, headed by Robert Morse, of Rumney, succeeded in establishing one. The stock of the company was raised principally among the farmers along the line. The time it commenced running was a great day to the peo- ple who lived in the section through which it passed. The coaches, although far different from those used at the present time, were a great novelty to those who saw them, and had large wooden axles, — iron ones being unknown at that time, — and the driver held a high station in the estimation of the public. Col. Silas May was the first driver upon this route, and instead of the long tin horn which drivers at that time usually had, to warn the people of their ap- proach, he played in an excellent manner upon a fine bugle. He was an exceeding good reinsman, and not unfrequently drove six horses with one hand, while with the other he held his 88 HISTORY OF WARREN. bugle and played those beatiful tunes^ the glad- denmg echoes of which floated over forest and dell, and lost themselves upon the far off tops of the distant hills and mountains. The first time he drove through, he arrived at Haverhill three hours before the other stage. "When within half a mile of that place, by some accident a linch- pin was lost from the end of one of the axles, but as the wheel did not come off, owing to his skill in driving, he succeeded in reaching Haver- hill Corner without replacing it. In the year 1814 gave fifty votes against re- vising the Constitution, and none in favor. In 1815, and for two years previous, a furious epidemic raged throughout New - Hampshire, known by the name of the spotted fever. It was a disease new to the physicians, and break- ing out suddenly in many places, baffled for a time their skill. Individuals, strong and healthy, and in the prime of life, even though guarding by every possible means against infection, would be suddenly stricken down, and in a few hours the once proud form was a loathsome corpse. Old and young were alike a prey to it. The people were alarmed ; town-meetings were called in many towns, and the selectmen instructed to procure aid of the best 23hysicians possible. The malady first broke out in Warren upon Beach hill. One of the younger members of FATAL MALADY. 89 Mr. George Bixby's family was suddenly taken alarmingly ill. A physician was sent for; he came, and not discovering the nature of the dis- ease, gave, as he thought, a simple remedy, and took his departure. In a few hours the young man was dead. The corpse was laid out, and two young men, sons of Amos Little, came to watch by it through the succeeding night. The next day one of them, James Little, was taken sick, and in a few hours was dead. The disease spread rapidly, and soon all was consternation. There was no physician in town, and the inhab- itants were obHged to send to Piermont for one. Dr. Wellman, of that place, came, and a short time after, while visiting a man sick with the disorder, was himself taken sick, and in a short time died. One third of the inhabitants living on Beach Hill were cut off by it, and the whole town for a time bid fair to be depopulated ; but as the fall advanced, and cold weather came on, the disease gradually disappeared, and since but very few cases have been known. The town of Warren paid out for physcians' fees nearly two hundred dollars ; besides this, numerous individuals paid large sums. Many years elapsed before the town recovered from the loss it received from the death of its inhab- itants from this dread malady, and the numerous 5=^ 90 HISTORY OF WARREN. tomb-stones in the grave-yards, bearing the date of 1815, testify to its fearful ravages. "The year 1816, though the last of ten years of uncommon seasons and dearths, yet it is to be distinguished from any preceding year. The whole face of nature appeared shrouded in gloom. The lamps of Heaven kept their orbits, but their light was cheerless. The bosom of the earth in a midsummer's day was covered with a wintry mantle, and man, and beast, and bird, sickened at the prospect. For several days the people had good sleighing, and it seemed as if the order of the seasons was being reversed. Autumn returns, alas ! not to fill the arm with the generous sheaf, but the eye with the tear of disappointment. On the sixth of June, the day of General Election, the snow fell several inches deep, followed by a cold and frosty night, and on the two following days snow fell and frost continued. Also, July ninth, a deep and deadly frost, which killed or palsied most vegetables. The little corn which had the appearance of maturity, was destitute of its natural taste or substance ; and yet the providence of God was bountiful in supplying the article of bread from the crops of rye, which were uncommonly good. 1817. After the first of June a very great change was observable in the atmosphere and the vegetable world. The winds were generally FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. 91 from the southwest for more than half a year. The air became warm and natural ; vegetation unusually rapid, and autumn poured forth her blessings in rich abundance." In November of this year Mr. Frederick Clark, a native of Piermont, was ordained an itinerant preacher of the Free Will Baptist denomination. Previous to his ordination Mr. Clark gave the selectmen a written agreement, signed by himself, by which he gave up all the right which would accrue to him, by his ordina- tion, to the ministerial lands in town. At the regular meeting of the town in the year 1818 the inhabitants voted to build a meet- ing-house, the size to be forty feet by fifty feet, within joint. Chose Jonathan Merrill, Nathaniel Clough, Abel Merrill and James Williams a com- mittee to superintend its building, and for that purpose was appropriated all the money due the town on the leases, including the present year, and also the avails of the wild land belonging to the town. To the building of the house the committee proceeded with a right good earnest. The frame, that good old oaken one, which is yet as good as new, was hauled from many a dark recess of the old woods by the laboring oxen — the inhabitants ready to assist, giving many a long day's work ; and by the first of July it was ready for erec- 92 HISTORY OF WARREN. tion, and the fourth — the glorious old Fourth — was decided to be the time when the raising should take place. The morning of that expect- ed day at last dawned, but ere the golden beams of the sun had lighted up the bald top of Moosehillock or the green wooded summit of Mount Carr, the workmen were on their way. Few indeed were the sleepy persons found that morning, for a raising was a raising in those days ; but the raising of a meeting-house was a sight seldom witnessed but once in a lifetime. From every quarter they came; the good man and his buxom dame, and their rosy daugh- ters, who had spent a long hour more at the toilet that morning than usual. All were there, and by the presence of those fair faces many a young man was stimulated to perform herculean feats of lifting, and mounting giddy heights, every way worthy his ancestors. All around near the destined spot lay strewn the heavy tim- bers. The old men, with shining broad axe, were shaping pins, or smoothing the end of many a tenon, while the master builder, with rule under his arm, and feeling the great responsibility rest- ing upon him, was moving hither and thither ; now giving directions to one party and then to another, who were tugging, lifting, and straining themselves into very red faces, as they carry the heavy timbers over the numerous blocks and ^ RAISING OF THE CHURCH. 93 chips. The building committee were there also, giving instructions to each other, the master builder, and every one else. And now one huge broadside is ready. Those stalwart forms range themselves side by side ; the master builder gives the word, and, creaking and groaning, that old oaken broadside goes slowly up : a pause — the stout following poles hold, and now long pike poles are applied, guided firmly by strong arms, and again that broadside goes up, as a hush comes over the anxious crowd, eagerly watching, but who soon breathe more freely as the huge timbers erect settle firmly into their resting places ; and now, with no laggard hands, the re- maining broadside and the cross timbers are put in their places ; and long ere the rays of the setting sun had departed, the roof, with its crown- ing steeple, towering above, were in their proper positions. Here succeeding generations must la- ment the loss of that speech, every way worthy of the occasion, which was delivered from the ridge pole to all who were refreshing themselves upon the ample bounties provided by the com- mittee. The gentle breezes of that summer day wafted it afar over the green foliage of the wood to the distant hill sides, where it was re- corded in their beautiful shaded dells, but no man can read their phonography. After the raising, the finishing of the house 94 HISTORY OF WAHREN. progressed steadily, and early in the fall, though it was not in its present finished state, it was dedicated. Rev. Edward Evans, a minister of the Congregationalist order, preached the dedi- catory sermon. The house on the occasion was filled to overflowing ; many haviSiig come from other towns, and all were pleased with the dis- course. Mr. Evans was hired the ensuing year to preach in it one half of the Sundays, and the town voted in 1819 to appropriate the interest of the minister lands toward paying him. 1819. Sept. 21, at a town meeting held for the purpose, the following report of the building committee was read and accepted, viz. : 1st. The meeting-house finished except the painting. 2nd. All the pews disposed of and are the property of the purchasers when paid for, other- wise the property of the committee. The pur- chasers and owners of pews to have the liberty to pass and repass the doors and aisles to and from said pews, whenever the doors are opened for public worship or town meetings. 3rd. The other part of the house to be for the use of the town, upon the following condi- tions, viz. : that the town pay over to the com- mittee all the money and land that they agreed to give to encourage a committee to undertake to build said meeting-house, which was three hundred dollars, or thereabouts. SURVEY FOR A CANAL. 95 4th. The committee respectfully request the town to unite with them and adopt the best measures or means to finish the painting of the house and erect door steps. Jonathan Merrill,"] Nathaniel Clough, I ^ ... Abel Merrill, [ Committee. James Williams, J N. B. There are demands in the hands of the committee arising from the sale of two pews, viz. : number forty-one and forty-two, to the amount of fifty dollars or more, besides what we have laid out in painting said meeting-house. 1820. Amos Burton this year erected the large building now occupied by Damon Y. Eastman as a wheelwright shop, and commenced to trade on a much larger scale than any individual ever be- fore had done in town. About this time War- ren was created a post town, and Mr. Burton was appointed postmaster, being the first ever in Warren. 1821. Gave eighty-six votes against revising the Constitution, and none in favor. During the year 1825 a survey was made through this section of the country for a canal. It was to commence at Dover ; thence by the way of lake Winnepiseogee to the Pemigewas- set river ; then up Baker river to Warren, and from there down the Oliverian to the Connecti- 96 HISTORY OF WARREN. cut at Haverhill. The town of Warren present- ed numerous obstructions to building the canal, but the persevering engineer, Mr. McDuffee, at last overcame all these, and reported the route a very practicable one. The chief difficulty met with was the insufficient quantity of water to be had upon the Summit. To obviate this, Mr. Mc- Duffee intended to take the water from Tarlton pond and convey it round the hill in a winding manner to the place where it was required. This would involve a considerable outlay, but would afford an adequate supply of water in the dry- est season, and consequently was the only one practicable. This proposed canal was never built, for the reason that a sufficient amount of stock could not be disposed of; consequently the com- pany, though chartered and well organized, for the want of funds failed in carrying out their plans. There was also another company charter- ed, to construct a canal to extend up the Merri- mack and Pemigewasset rivers, to intersect with the first mentioned one at Holderness. In 1826 the town raised fifty-seven dollars sixty- three cents, in lieu of the avails of the wild land voted to the committee appointed to build a meeting-house in 1818. In the year 1833 the people residing in the south portion of the town of Coventry (now Benton) made application to the town of War- REFUSAL TO ANNEX COVENTRY TO WARREN. 97 ren to be annexed to the same^, but a majority of the inhabitants of Warren voted not to ac- quiesce in having a part of Benton annexed to Warren. At the same meeting the inhabitants gave seventy-nine votes against and none in favor of making a revision of the Constitution. 98 CHAPTER V. CIVIL HISTORY. During the year 1834 Mr. True Merrill dis- covered upon his farm, not far from his residence, a large vein of ore, which upon a subsequent examination proved to be copper, intermixed with several other kinds of ores. Such was the extent of this mine, and the abundance of ore it promised to yield, that shortly after a com- pany was formed, consisting of Mr. H. Bradford and others, and the mine opened ; but as the company who commenced had but a small cap- ital, and a large outlay being required before any considerable remuneration could be realized, the company discontinued its labors upon the work. The mine has at different times since been wrought, but only to a small extent. At the present time " the known and meas- ured width of the tremolite bed, containing the copper ore, is forty-eight feet, but the nearest wall rock on the west is ninety-four feet from the east wall of the bed on the western side. A covering of soil prevents our ascertaining whether the bed extends to the mica slate. " Across the top of the opening of the mine the width is thirty-eight feet, and the depth of IRON AND COPPER MINE. 99 the excavation is six feet five inches through the soil, and a little less than thirty in the tremolite rock. In the eastern wall rock there are veins of the pure yellow copper pyrites, with veins of quartz. A bed of copper pyrites also occurs along the line of junction of the tremolite rock with the mica slate. Several veins of copper ore, with large bunches of iron pyrites, and re- splendent black blende, are found in the midst of the tremolite, and occasionally some large crystals of rutil, or red oxide of titanium, accom- pany the iron pyrites. " Most of the tremolite is mixed with copper pyrites, and may be completely separated from it by stamping and washing. The rock contains from six to twelve per cent, of metal ; while the pure ore yields thirty-two per cent, by assay in the crucible, and contains thirty-four per cent., as proved by analysis. ^^It is easy to drain the mine to the depth of one hundred and fourteen feet, without any ma- chinery for pumping, since there is a rapid descent from the hill-side to the brook along a ravine, which affords drainage in that direction. The brook will furnish a valuable water power for stamping and washing the ore. The mine is now not properly opened, and in future ope- rations it must be covered and protected from 100 HISTOUY OP WARREN. snow and rain, so that tlie work may proceed in the winter. ^' There is a small vein of copper pyrites, distant forty rods S., 20° W. from this mine, on the land of Mr. Joseph Copps. The vein is in quartz, which is twenty inches wide, while the copper ore is but one or two inches thick. It is not of sufficient magnitude to be considered valuable. Two miles and a half N. E. from this mine, cop- per pyrites, in small veins, have been found on the land of Mr. Stevens, but are not rich. One hundred yards north of the tremolite bed, an extensive vein of black blende, mixed with cop- per pyrites and galena, has been opened, and the mine promises to be valuable. The principal vein is six feet wide. I have analyzed and assayed average lots of this ore, and have dis- tilled from it from twenty to thirty per cent, of metallic zinc by the usual process. " I regard this mine as valuable, and have no doubt that it will ultimately be wrought for zinc. Either copper or zinc may be manufactured, or they may be combined in the form of brass. These ores also contain a considerable amount of silver. Near the copper mines a vein of largely crystalized epidote occurs, and had been mista- ken for a zinc ore. On blasting this vein, im- mense crystals, of a beautiful green color, were observed, some of which are eight inches in BERRY BROOK ROAD. 101 diameter. They are contained in quartz, and are very abundant. The smaller crystals are very perfect, and present several modifications in their crystalline form, that will prove interest- ing to mineralogists. Hemitropic crystals, with salient angles at one end and re-entering angles at the other, are most abundant. " The large crystals are apt to be shattered to pieces by blasting with gunpowder ; hence only a small charge should be used to crack the rock, which may then be forced apart by the crow- bar and broken up by a heavy sledge hammer, so as not to communicate the vibrations too pow- erfully to the crystals." This year the road running through the val- ley of Berry brook, and commonly called the Berry Brook Koad, was commenced, but it was several years before it was finished. The road running over the Height of Land, owing to the steep hills, was a difficult one, for the numerous teams to draw their heavy loads upon ; and as this was the direct route from northern New- Hampshire and Vermont to Boston, it became a matter of interest to all persons engaged in the mercantile business in those sections, to find some easier road. Accordingly, individuals were employed to look out a different route, and as the valley of Berry brook afforded the most con- venient locality, the subject was agitated consid- erably to have a road constructed through it. 102 HISTORY OF WARREN. Many of the inhabitants of Warren were strongly opposed to building this road, for the reason that it would subject them to much cost, and that as it ran through an uninhabited sec- tion, it would cost a large sum each year to keep it in repair ; but the town, at a legal meeting held on the 22d of July, 1834, chose Nathan- iel Clough, Solomon Cotton and Samuel Bixby a committee to examine and explore all routes thought proper for a highway through the town. But the town was tardy in its movements, and some individuals, wishing to have the work pro- ceed faster, carried the subject into the court of common pleas. The court, after a hearing upon the matter, decided that it was just that a road should be built through the Berry Valley, and appointed a committee to lay out the road. This was done, and the town, having been ob- liged to pay a large fine on account of the bad- ness of their roads, and seeing that they could not avoid building it, called a meeting on the 8th of December, and voted that the road should be built. They also chose Solomon Cot- ton, Samuel L. Merrill and Joseph Bixby a com- mittee to carry the work through, and author- ized them to raise the sum of ^\e hundred dol- lars to commence with. But this sum only made a beginning to the work ; for before it was fin- ished some three thousand dollars was expend- SURPLUS REVENUE. 103- ed, and it was not until the 22d of December, 1836, that persons were permitted to pass over it. At that time the selectmen were authorized to post up a notice at each end of the road that people could travel over it at their own risk. The town voted that the selectmen should ob- ject to Mr. Horace Webber being ordained in town, unless he would sign an acquittal to the ministerial rights which he might obtain by being ordained. This Mr. Webber did, and was ordained a minister of the Free Will Baptist denomination. Gave at the regular town meeting nineteen votes in favor of revising the Constitution and fifty-five against it. In the year 1837 the town received nearly eighteen hundred dollars as her share of the sur- plus revenue. This money had been accruing for many years in the United States Bank, and after that institution was dissolved, government, after paying her debts, passed a resolve that the surplus should be divided among the difierent States, and then distributed to the towns of which they were composed. By a vote passed at the regular meeting the selectmen were empowered to go to Concord and receive the money. It was also voted the selectmen put the money out at usury, not letting any one individual have more than two hundred dollars. 104 HISTORY OF WARREN. In 1838 the town voted that the selectmen call in enough of the surplus revenue to pay up for the building of the Berry Brook Road ; also chose Solomon Cotton an agent to take charge of the money, and then voted that the select- men hire it of Mr. Cotton, and pay their debts with the same. About the year 1830, and perhaps at an earlier date, different clergymen of the Universalist de- nomination preached occasionally to the be- lievers in a world's salvation from sin and suffer- ing ; but the first society was organized in the year 1838 under the ministry of the Rev. John E. Palmer. The society have had preaching since but a part of the time during each year. In 1851 Mr. Nathaniel Clough at his death be- queathed to them a small fund, the interest of which is to be annually appropriated for the support of Universalist preaching. The names of the ministers who have labored with the so- ciety will be found in the statistical part of the work. March 10, 1840, the town gave four votes in favor of, and ninety against dividing the county of Grafton. 1841. This year the town became involved in a perplexing lawsuit with the town of Went- worth. A certain Mrs. Sarah Weeks, wife of Benjamin Weeks, had become chargeable to -^^ '"> -. ' VOTE ON THE CONSTITUTION. 105 Wentworth for support, and the town thinking that it was the duty of Warren to support her, asked the tow^n so to do ; but Warren consider- ing the request unjust, refused, and Wentworth sued for the money they had paid for the sup- port of Mrs. Weeks. The town of Warren defended the case and was beaten ; but not will- ing thus to give it up, at a town meeting called expressly for the piu^j)ose, Nov. 22, 1843, they passed the following vote : That the agents cho- sen to carry on the case between Warren and Wentworth have it tried where they think prop- er : That the agents ascertain whether the re- view destroys the decision of the former trial : if it does destroy it, then the agents are to settle with Wentworth, by that town paying the legal cost the town of Warren would recover by law, and they also support Sarah Weeks ; if they will not settle upon these conditions, then the agents are to proceed with the case. But the town of Wentworth did not wish to risk another trial, and so, before the sitting of the next term of the court, the agents of that town came and wished to settle the case with those of Warren, which was effected by agreeing to the above proposition. March 8, 1842. Three voters were for, and seventy-four against a revision of the Constitu- tion. 6 106 HISTORY OF WARREN. In 1844 gave fifty-five votes in favor of and eighty-six against the abolition of capital pun- ishment. At the June session of the Legislature, iij 1845, that body passed an act incorporating the Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad coinpany ; the road to run from Concord, N. H., ma Lake Winnipisseogee and the Pemigewasset and Baker rivers to the Connecticut, and from thence to Littleton, N. H. The company immediately or- ganized, and the people along the route freely paid their mone}^ for a survey, which was made this season by Mr. Crocker, throughout the whole . length of the line, and a considerable amount of stock being subscribed for, the grading of the road was commenced upon its lower sections, and the road gradually completed eighteen -miles, from Concord to Sanbornton Bridge. _ . > : During this season a destructive fire occurred upon the old homestead of Amos Little. All the male liiembers of the family had gone away, while Mrs. Little, who w^as unwell, had retired to her chamber. There was a barrel standing in the shed adjoining the house, in which some meat had been placed to smoke, and as the family had smoked their meat here the preced- ing spring, and no accident having occurred, it was considered safe. From this the fire took. It was a beautiful DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. 107 summer day ; there was no wind stirring, and all around was - still. All at once an individual standing near tke meeting-house happening to . direct his attention in the direction of the house, saw curling ^owly- up in the clear air, a thin hazy column of blue smoke. One mpment more and the ciy of ^^ fire rung out in clear, start- ling tones from his -stentorian . lungs^; that roused ^ every ^ neighbor -around. The inmates of the school-chouse hear by -were dismissed, and the young urchins 'dispatched in all tlirections to give the alarm. When the first individual ar- rived at the houee^ had he had but another per- son to assist hiih, the flames mighif have been stayed, but it was otherwise, and before another had arrived the flames had gained/much head- .way> -and- were breaking out iipbn the roof of V the.:: shed! ' Mrs. Little, hearing 'the-; noise, now rcame out to see what was the matter' and seeing tiie - flames, . almost swooned with . fright, but ' quiekly recovering, with the rest of the individ- uals^ commenced carrying^the furniture from the house. In an almost incredible short space of time almost every individual in the village had arrived. Some tried to tear down the shed con- necting the house with the three large barns, but before it was half demolished, the flames and blinding smoke drove them from the under- taking. The whole attention of every individ- 108 HISTORY OF WARREN. ual was now directed towards saving what they could from the burning buildings. Such w^as the haste and excitement of many persons that windows were taken from their casings in the second story, and thrown to the ground, where they were picked up and borne away by others; looking-glasses and other furniture easily demol- ished, shared the same fate. The flames were now advancing rapidly, and it was evident that the building must soon be abandoned ; but one man, Mr. Miranda Whitcher, wishing to save some article of furniture which was in a room on the east side of the house, went thither. He had scarcely entered it before the flames sprung up behind, and firing an unplastered wall, made a retreat almost impossible. A dense volume of smoke now filled the room, choking and blinding him ; but Mr. Whitcher, being a resolute man, resolved to make an efibrt to save his life. Yf ith one bound he shot through the flame, and tread- ing quickly along the tottering floor, which now creaked beneath his step, made for a distant window. Here the people below saw him and loudly shouted to him to jump out upon the ground; but he seemed possessed of a strange fatality, and not noticing them, gazed wildly around. The flames w^ere creeping rapidly along the floor behind, and, scorching the poor man, DEATH OF ME. WHITCHEK. 109 he grasped the window sill and slowly let him- self down, but did not relinquish his hold. The fire at that instant bursting from the window ..below, circled up and around him. Individuals loudly entreated him to let go, but he heeded them not, until at last, exhausted, his hands slowly relaxed and he fell. It was now almost impossible to approach near enough to remove the poor man ; but two individuals resolutely advanced almost into the scorching flames, and succeeded in reaching him, whither he was re- moved to a little field situated on the north side of the road. The large buildings were now com- pletely enveloped in flames, crowned by an im- mense column of black smoke, which rolled itself aloft in the still air. Nearly all of the many individuals who were there had gathered around the almost dying man, whose groans, minoflino^ with the crackling; of the flames and the roar of the burning building, made a scene truly awful. In a few moments more, after one convulsive quiver, it fell, and the fine old house was a mass of burning ruins. Mr. Whitcher was then conveyed to his home, and in a few hours died. 1847. This year the Methodist Episcopal So- ciety, under the pastoral charge of Hev. Sulli- van HoLMAN, built them a convenient little chapel in which to hold their meetings, and short- 110 HISTORY OP WARREN. ly after^ during the time Rev. L. L. Eastman was their pastor^ they purchased the beautiful toned bell that now hangs in its steeple. How many beautiful reflections are woke up in the mind, as listening, on some clear summer's day, its solemn peals float out on the air, echoing in many a shady dell and around the hill tops, at last die away in the distance. There is a charm in mu- sic that will soothe the wildest passion, and wake uj) to action man's better nature. At the Conference held at Claremont in June, 1843, the Methodist Episcopal Society became a station, having been for a number of years pre- vious joined with Wentworth and Orford in a circuit. In 1848 several new routes were surveyed through Warren for the railroad, by Mr. Thomas Piersons. At the regular town meeting this year it was ^^ Voted, that it is not expedient to act on the subject of spirituous liquors in the town of War- ren." At a meeting held November 7", the represent- ative of Warren to the legislature was instruct- ed to procure a copy of the charter of Peeling, now Woodstock. For a few years past this lat- ter town had been laying claim to a considera- ble part of East Warren. By its charter, Wood- stock was granted as nearly a square township, STATE CONVENTION. Ill which at the present time it is not ; and Wood- stock, believing that Warren encroached on her territory, made the claim. But in the trial that was had on the case it was proved that the leg- islature in 1784 had established, by an act for the purpose, the boundary lines of Warren and the towns around it, and the case was decided in favor of Warren. In the year 1849, early in the summer, the house of Mr. Vowel Leathers was burned, to- gether with his wife. It was on the Sabbath, and Mr. Leathers v/as absent, as was also his son. This fire created a great excitement in the pub- lic mind, and as Mrs. Leathers was blind, and could not help herself in any manner, there was a great deal of conjecture as to the cause of the fire. As yet, that cause has not been satisfacto- rily explained, and probably will forever remain a mystery. 1850. March 9, upon the question of the ex- pediency of altering the Constitution, there were eighty-seven votes in favor and forty-six against. October 8. Chose Enoch K Weeks a delegate to attend the State Convention, to be holden at Concord the sixth day of November, for the purpose of revising the Constitution. During the summer the present year, the Bos- ton, Concord and Montreal Kailroad caused a 112 IIISTORY OF WARREN. new survey of the route from Warren to "Woods- ville to be made ; and as the road was nearly finished from Plymouth to the south line of War- ren, a contract was made with Mr. Warren II. Smith, an enterprising gentleman residing at Sanbornton Bridge, to complete it to Warren village. The w^ork was commenced the ensuing fall, in October, and before the first of April fol- lowing, the grading and bridges were nearly completed. As soon as the ground was suffi- cientty settled, Mr. Smith commenced to lay the track, and on the twenty-fifth of May it was completed to Warren Village, the first steam engine running into Warren the day before. On the evening of the 25th there vfas quite a celebration of the event by the people of War- ren, and Mr. Smith gave a bountiful and excel- lent supper at L. C. Whitcher's hall. The follow- ing Tuesday the Company held its annual meet- ing at Wentworth, and on the first Monday in June the cars began to run regularly from War- ren. At the meeting of the Company at Wentworth it was voted to prefer six hundred thousand dol- lars of stock, with which to construct the road from Warren to Woodsville ; and early in the fall the grading was contracted for by Mr. War- ren H. Smith and rapidly commenced. The cut- ting through the ledge upon Warren Summit in- HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. 113 volved a large amount of labor, and occupied a hundred and fifty men, seventeen horses, with a number of yokes of cattle, a year and a half. The expense amounted to above one hundred thou- sand dollars. The cut is nearly three fourths of a mile in length, and in some places from fifty to sixty feet in depth. Near the north end a little rill of pure, clear water comes dashing down over the huge rocks, and at the bottom divides itself into two streams ; the waters of the one run- ning north emptying themselves into the Con- necticut, eventually find their way into the ocean through Long Island Sound, while those running south unite with Merrimack river, which discharges itself into the ocean nearly two hun- dred miles from the mouth of the Connecticut. The cars commenced running over this last section in the fall of 1852 as far as East Haver- hill, and early the ensuing spring the road was finished to Woodsville, where it connects with the Passumpsic Railroad and the White Moun- tains Railroad. 1851. The town voted, by quite a large ma- jority, in favor of the Homestead Exemption bill. In 1852, voted, by a large majority, that it is expedient to alter the Constitution. Previous to 1853 those large tracts of timber upon our hills and mountains have almost re- *6 114 HISTORY OF WARREN. mained untoucheclj for the reason of the incon- venience of getting the timber to market, and the consequent nnprofitableness of the business ; but now, through the medium which the rail- road affords, a rapid and convenient communi- cation is opened with the large towns upon the sea-shore, and thereby the business of lumbering is much more profitable ; consequently several individuals are now extensively engaged in the work, and large quantities are sent to market. Wood has also become an object of impor- tance, and the once heavy forests are fast dis- appearing. Upon the side of Carr mountain a large company are now chopping, under the su- perintendence of Col. Charles Lane. This indi- vidual, more easily to facilitate the transporta- tion of the wood from the mountain side, has con- structed a sluice nearly two and one fourth miles in length, extending to the valley near the rail- road. The sluice is twenty inches in width and sixteen inches in height. In it he has turned the waters of Patch brook, a wild moun- tain stream, and placing the wood in this, it rap- idly descends, in its serpentine course, now cross- ing some deep gully, then spanning the torrent, and then creeping rapidly along on the side of some steep bank, it at last reaches the valley, having descended in its course over a thousand feet. LICENSE LAW. 115 Mr. Lane also constructed a large canal, of about one half a mile in length, through which he has turned the water of Baker river into a large mill pond situated on Black brook. The cost of the work was about two thousand dol- lars. It was finished late in the fall, and the water first let in on the 28th of November. During the winter of 1854 the buildings of Mr. Amos Clement, together with nearly all their contents, including thirty-three valuable sheep, which' they could not drive from the fire, a hog and a yearling steer, were destroyed. March 14, at the annual meeting of the legal voters of the town of Warren it was voted to ap- propriate fifty dollars to repair the meeting-house built in 1818, and also passed a resolve that the selectmen of Warren shall prosecute, at the ex- pense of the town, all violations of the License Law, which shall come to their knowledge. This vote shows the admirable ground upon which a majority of the people of Warren at the present time stand, in relation to temperance. May they long maintain it. 116 CHAPTEH VI. DESCRIPTION OF SCENERY. There is beauty in all of nature's productions — yet in some far more than in others. New- Hampshire scenery will equal that of any other country. Her tall mountains are grand and sub- lime ; her beautiful lakes, constrasting with a milder beauty; while the gliding on pf her noble rivers, or furious rushing of her moun- tain torrents, show a stern majesty combined with impetuous fury. The town of Warren has her liberal share of New-Hampshire wildness and beauty. The roaring torrent, the more smoothly gliding stream, the beautiful pond, the lofty mountain, towering far above the lower ranges of hills, and the craggy steeps, all lend their aid to deck her in nature's charms. Among the most imposing and grand of the scenes around us is Moosehillock mountain. This high elevation, as viewed from the south part of the town, presents two distinct peaks, each hav- ing a bold, sharp outline. An ascent to its sum- mit, although toilsome, when once gained, well repays, in the magnificent prospect it affords, for all the labor incurred. Standing upon its high- est peak, and looking down thousands of feet be- MOOSEHILLOCK MOUNTAIN. 117 low in the deep and dark ravine where the rays of the sun scarce ever come, one sees the water trickling over the moss-covered rocks and form- ing the furious mountain torrent; further off the other neighboring mountains seem low down beneath, while in their valleys are the pleasant farms of the sturdy yeomanry of New-Hamp- shire. Looking south over the " Smile of the Great Spirit," above all, in the farthest off blue hazy distance, is seen the sky, settling down with azure tints into the almost boundless ocean. In the north a series of hills, divided by the wa- ters of the Connecticut, stretch far away to the high table lands of Canada. To the east are the lofty granite White Mountains, terminating in Maine, with Mt. Pleasant on the south and Mt. Abrams and Bigelow on the north ; and to the west lay the rolling ranges of the Green Moun- tains ; while over them tower Camel's Hump in Vermont, and Mt. Marcy, of the Cat skill Kange, in New- York. The vegetation around upon the top of the mountain is similar to that of other high mountains of New-Hampshire. Blueberries, mountain cranberries, and harebells abound amid the crannies of the rocks, but no forest trees grow near the summit. Moosehillock receives its name from the circum- stance of there once being many moose found around it, and tradition says the Indians called 118 HISTORY OF WARREN. it by a similar name tliongli of a different meaning, it being Moosilauk ; Moosi in tlieir language meaning bald, lank place ; bald place, a name very appropriate, considering its bald summit. Of the many stories related concerning this mountain tbe following is the richest one : Long before the country was settled, and on the retreat of Major Kogers, after destroying the village of the Arosaguntacooks, the company, being short of provision, separated into small bands, that they might better supply themselves with food by hunting. One of these parties fol- lowed up the wild Amonoosuc, and in wandering about upon its upper waters were lost, and in time two of them climbed to the top of the mountain. Here they saw spread out before them the country, which was covered by a dense forest, and they traced the course of the rivers that ran south. They then descended upon the southern slope, and T\dien they arrived at the forest stopped to quench their thirst at a little mountain rill. One of them drank and proceed- ed slowly on, but the other, as he kneeled to sip the sparkling water, saw shining in the sand at the bottom v/hat appeared to be bright grains of gold. Picking up a handful of these, he tied them in a corner of his handkerchief, and after heaping a small monument of stones on the bank, departed. The particles which he collect- SCENERY OF WARREN. 119 ed he carried to Boston, and on showing them to a jeweler was informed that they were gold, and received for them fifty dollars. The man now made preparation to return to his golden foun- tain, but being taken sick, shortly after died, and the golden stream has not since been discovered. Following round upon the east line of the town, and noticing the principal objects which serve to form Warren's varied scenery. First, to the south of Moosehillock, upon the left rises the Walternumus, so called from an Indian chief. It is a green, wooded mountain, with three summits, which are in Woodstock. At its foot runs Baker river, which rises on the north side of Moosehillock, from a lo.rge spring situated in an immense circular basin, formed by two spurs of thptt mountain. Thence, for several miles in the dark ravines about these mountains, wdien the snows are melting or heavy rains have fallen, it rushes onward a furious torrent, until it reach- es a more level country, where it looses its wild, turbulent spirit ; and, flowing on in fertile mead- ows, receiving in its course the water of many other streams, it at last unites v/ith the Pemige- wasset in Plymouth. This stream receives its name from Capt. Baker, who defeated the In- dians at their encampment near its mouth, in 1725. There is a tradition in vogue that the 120 HISTORY OF WARREN. Indians called the river Pehaungun, and the Pemigewassets once had a chief of that name. We do not wish to be finding fault with the names by which many of our mountains, ponds and rivers are known ; but who would not rather they would all be called by those harmonious, beautiful, rich, swelling names, bestowed by the red men of the forest, who once battled and hunted around them ; for every lake, river and forest in our country was designated by them with a name appropriate to its situation and character. The Indian language was a beautiful nomenclature ; but it seems that our forefathers, with driving them from the soil, were anxious to obliterate almost every trace of their existence, and now only few of their names remain with us. Next to the Walternumus is Kineo mountain, standing in the north-east corner of the town — deriving its name from another Indian chief. This mountain is also densely wooded. East Branch takes its rise upon its western sloj^e, and falls into Baker river near the place where it also receives Merrill brook, from the side of Moose- hillock ; while, in the valley separating from Cushman mountain, is Kineo brook — a small stream, whose fountain is but a few rods distant from that of another stream, which runs east through Woodstock, and unites with the Pemi- gewasset. This mountain is 2700 feet high. CUSHMAN MOUNTAIN. 121 wliile its neighbor, Cushman mountain, is 3000 feet. The highest point of Cushman mountain is in Warren, although a greater portion of it is in Woodstock and Ellsworth — the latter towns forming their corner on its northern side. The mountain receives its name from a hunter of olden time, who, late one autumn, was trap- ping sable upon it. One day, after being busily engaged in his labor, he entered his camp, and night had scarcely begun to come over him, wiien the melancholy howl of the wolves struck on his ear, the mournful echoes of Vvdiich w^ere repeated through every part of the forest. Eve- ry moment they seemed to aj)proach nearer, and soon his camp is surrounded by a pack of the hungry creatures. Snatching his gun, he scram- bled up a small sapling near by, just in time to save himself from their jaws. Being disappoint- ed of their prey, they howled and leaped about in mad fury. Cushman now thought he would treat them with a little cold lead, and aiming at the leader of the pack, fired. The wolf gave a mad howl, and, leaping several feet in the air, fell to the ground, and was torn in pieces by his hungry companions. Loading his gun, he fired at another, who shared the same fate. Again he fired and killed the third, w^hen the wolves, seeing their numbers decreasing, and having satisfied their appetites upon one of their own 122 HISTORY OF WARREN. species, fled, and Cusliman was no more annoyed by them that night. The last of this range is Mount Carr, which is located partly in each of the towns of Warren^ Ellsworth, Rumneyand Wentworth, and is 3381 feet in height. " It is composed," says Dr. Jackson, " of gran- ite, overlaying mica slate ; and from the vertical dip of this rock at its base, it would seem highly probable that the granite had been erupted through it, forming a cap on its summit." The mountain is wooded to the top ; but owing to the great elevation, the trees are stunted and gnarled in appearance, and consist principally of low firs and mountain birch. From this circum- stance it is seldom ascended, as it would be al- most impossible to obtain a good prospect of the surrounding scenery. When the country was first settled, and its geography but little known, a certain Mr. Carr, wishing to proceed from Ellsworth to Warren, attempted to cross the mountain. At the time he left Ellsworth the sky was free from clouds, and every appearance gave sign of pleasant weather. But he had proceeded but a short dis- tance in the woods before there arose a terrific shower, common to mountainous regions, and after raining a short time, instead of clearing away, a thick fog set in, and a long rain ensuing, CARR MOUNTAIN. 123 it did not lift itself from the mountain for three days. At the commencement of the shower Mr. Carr crept under the trunk of a large tree which had fallen across a knoll ; and as it did not cease raining, but continued to fall more violently, he concluded that he should be obliged to remain in his present situation during the night. The log over his head was an immense hemlock, and peeling some of the loose bark from the trunk, he sat it with sticks of rotton wood against the sides of the tree, more effectually to shield him from the falling water. He had no means of lighting a hre ; and as he had gained a consider- able elevation, as night came on he began to feel the effects of the cool air. He had taken provi- sion enough for his dinner, but nothing more ; and as he sat, hungry and shivering, the scene to him was a solitary one. The rain, as it fell upon the large green leaves, or sifted through the evergreen boughs of the hemlock and spruce, kept up a confused, pattering, sifting noise ; and as it grew dark, he laid down and tried to sleep, listening to its doleful music. But this was al- most impossible, for as a drowse would steal upon him, some great owl overhead would scream out suddenly; and then, as its rough music died away, the other inhabitants of the forest took up the strain ; and he heard the hoarse howl of the wolf, and the long-drawn halloo of the bear, 124 HISTORY OP WARREN. ecliomg from every part of the forest. Thus the night passed away — its long hours seeming Kke weeks, until at last the dark, misty light of morn- ing began to dawn around, and reveal the huge, gnarled trunks of the trees through the thick fog. Numb with cold, he arose and resolved to make an effort to find his way out of the woods. He started on as he thought up the mountain, and traveled until he imagined he had reached the top. He then descended until he arrived at the foot, and began to have hope that he should find the settlement ; but he was doomed to dis- appointment, for he had traveled but a short distance before he began to ascend again. He then tried to retrace his steps, but it was of no avail, and after wandering about for a long time he found himself standing upon the shore of a small pond. It still rained, and the descending drops, as they struck upon the smooth surface of the little mountain lake, made strange music for the ear of Carr. He now made up his mind, as it was near night, to remain here until the following day. He built himself a slight camp by the side of a rock, and sitting down passed a much more dreary night than the first. Cold and shivering, as he lay by the side of that sheet of water he heard the hoarse croaking of the frogs, mingling with the voices of his serenaders of the previous night ; but exhausted nature MR. carr's adventure. 125 would at times overcome these diificulties, and sleep for a few moments steal upon him ; but even then his anxieties would not leave him, and he would awake unrefreshed to a true sense of his situation. The nighty though a long one to him, at last passed away. It had ceased raining, and although foggy, he was able to distinguish the position of the sun when it rose, and by it to learn his points of compass. Two nights h?td passed and he had not tasted food, and hunger was now oppressing him severely. To satisfy it he proceeded to a small stream near by, that ran from the pond, in hope that he might catch some fish ; but after a few ineffectual attempts he gave up the design, and proceeded back to the pond. As he stood looking at the water, he saw swim- ming about and hopping along the shore numer- ous frogs — his last night's serenaders. A hungry man will do almost any thing to satisfy his crav- ing appetite, and Carr, after catching and killing a number of frogs, cut them up with his knife, and made quite a meal upon the ra.w flesh. — Feeling now much refreshed, he resolved once more to make an attempt to find the settle- ment. Taking a westerly course, he at last again found himself upon the top of the mountain. The clouds hung thick around, making it impos- sible to distinguish any object a few feet distant; and once more Carr found himself in a critical 126 HISTORY OF WARREN. position. But proceeding cautiously he at last began to descend, as he believed upon the oppo- site side. For a number of hours he slowly de- scended the mountain^ crossing in his course sev- eral furious torrents, until at last, reaching the level country, after traveling for some time, final- ly began to think that he should be obliged to spend another night in the woods ; but as he commenced to look around for a convenient camping place, the sharp ringing of some settler's axe greeted his ear. Instantly relinquishing his design of camping, he proceeded towards what was to him the joyful sound, and soon emerged into a recent clearing. In the centre stood a snug cabin, and he quickly found himself within its hospitable walls. Here he was generously provided for, and after somewhat recovering from his fatigue, related his adventure in the woods. Gradually the story circulated through the neigh- boring settlements, and the people gave his name to the mountain upon which his adventure hap- pened. Upon the east side of this mountain, situated in what might be called an immense horse-shoe basin, are three small, beautiful sheets of water, called Glen ponds, two of which are in Warren, and the remaining one in Ellsworth. There is no settler within several miles of these little lakes, and the persons who visit them — as many GLEN PONDS. 127 do to obtain from their waters the beautiful trout with which they abound — see the same appear- ances that have characterized this vicinity for ages anterior to the settlement of the country by the w^hite man. No house or field is visible, nor no clearings upon the distant hill-side are seen. The steep mountain sides show nothing but the dark foliage of the spruce and fir, with here and there a scraggy stump peering above it. The little rill that unites the waters of the two ponds murmurs on in solitude at noonday. The low blueberry bush and the brakes grow thick upon its banks, and here the owl finds his day retreat, and at night, attracted by the bright camp-fires of fishermen by the shore, sallies forth to startle them with his loud To wJioo ! To ivlioo ! and make their repose any thing but agreeable. Well may they be called by the name they bear, for here is always the shaded glen. On its northern slope rises Carr brook, and not far from the head waters of this stream, from several springs situated near the summit, and more than three thousand feet above the ocean, Patch brook, receiving its name from the circumstance that Mr. Joseph Patch first erected his cabin upon its south bank, near its confluence mth Hurricane brook. From its fountain it flows along for a mile or two through dark ravines, shaded still darker by the heavy growth of spruce 128 HISTORY OF V/ARREN. and hemlock, among wliich until very recently the axe of civilized man never made an opening, — -just before leaving the forest it rushes madly down several steep precipices, forming a number of beautiful cascades. This cataract in the spring of the year, when the snow is melting, or a large freshet has occurred, to fill the stream with water, is a most magnificent water-fall, and tum- bles, by a series of successive leaps, over the rocks the distance of one hundred feet. At the foot, the water, all white with foam, rushes madly around the circling eddies, as if frightened by the wild leaps it had taken. The old forest, composed of gigantic hemlocks and spruces, in- termingled with birch and maple, shuts out all but a few straggling rays of the sun, giving a twilight mildness to the scene. From this place it flows on, a sluggish stream, receiving in its course the waters of many a sandy-rimmed spring, and at last unites with Ba- ker river near the south line of the town. A little east of Patch brook, and situated be- tween this stream and Hurricane brook, which receives its name from the circumstance of a ter- rific whirlwind once occurring along the ravines through which it flows, and in which it forms several beautiful Avater-falls, is Peaked Hill. — This is a beautiful conical eminence, and its sides are covered with a fine growing wood, while its PEAKED HILL. 129 summit is in summer a green pasture, and in winter presents a white snow cap to the forest below. A view from the top is picturesque and beautiful. Around are all the various features of nature's beauty and grandeur: the forest- crowned height, the abrupt declivity, the shel- tered valley, the deep glen, the grassy glade, the silent grove. Here are the lofty maples, the beach that wreaths its old fantastic roots so high, the rustling pine, the waving birch, and the ever- green, with its perennial shoots. Here, too, is the thick shrubbery, and the wild flower creeping up the moss-covered rocks. All around there rests a beautiful calm, disturbed only by the breeze that murmurs through the waving top of the forest, or the notes of the warbler pouring forth its joyful song. To the east we behold, towering heavenward thousands of feet above, the blue, forest-clad Mt. Carr, while on either hand are distant hills and lofty mountains. Turning and looking down a thousand feet below is seen wind- ing slowly at times, and then coursing madly along over its seemingly white, rocky bed, the sparkling waters of the Baker. Winding slowly along to unite with it are seen Patch brook and Hurricane brook, while farther off Black brook, its ponds adding lustre to the scene, and Cold brook, a tiny stream, running with a purling, joyous noise from its sandy rimmed spring, which 130 HISTORY OF WARREN. gushes up so gaily from its pebbly white bottom. Along upon the sides of the old road, north and southj are seen the prosperous farm houses of the thrifty husbandmen ; the fine blue smoke, curl- ing up gracefully from the weather-beaten chim- neys ; while upon a slightly elevated spur of land stands the pleasant little village, with its white cottages and sombre-hued station houses, and heavy iron track, leading to and from ; over which the huge iron horse so proudly courses. The beautiful and white painted churches upon the green, while upon its borders, casting a beau- tiful shade, are the vigorous growing maples. The busy workshops, the mills, with their musical water wheels ; the opening vistas, are all before us, and we breathe amid the fresh and varied labors of men. Leaving Peaked hill, which receives its name (although it deserves a better one) from its con- ical form, we pass through the valley of Baker river across the railroad, and that wild stream, and find ourselves upon the western hill-side from the village. Here the ground is rocky, and broad strips of stone peer out on the surface. Upon the top of a high, jutting rock, we find cut four concave holes, representing the four points of compass. How long these have been formed no one at the present time happens to know, and some date their formation back to the time of TARLTON POND. 131 the red sons of the forest, and say they were made by the Indians. Be this as it may, they perhaps will always remain a mystery. From this point the land rises gradually to the top of Sentinel mountain, so called from its isolated position. This mountain, which is twenty-five hundred feet in height, is covered with a fertile soil, and is wooded upon its summit, while upon its sides are located many fine farms. Near the top rise two small streams. One of them, Avhich runs south into Wentworth, is called Leathers' brook, from a man by that name who lived near it, and it is said he descended from a Gipsy tribe. The other is a branch of Bowls' brook, which runs into Black brook, and is so called from Charles Bowls, who lived by it. This range of mountains was termed by Dr. Dwight the Lyme range, and, as said by him, af- forded some of the most beautiful scenery to be found in this section of New Hampshire. Upon its northern slope is Tarlton pond, which lies partly in Piermont and partly in Warren, al- though much the larger portion of it is in the former town. This sheet of water is two miles in length and nearly one in bredth, and receives its name from a family by the name of Tarlton, who, in the early settling of the town, cleared a farm upon its shore. It discharges its waters through the town of Piermont into the Connect- 132 HISTORY OF WARREN. icut river. A boat ride upon it in a summer day presents a very picturesque view. To the east is seen the towering summit of Moosehil- lock and the other dark and sombre hued moun- tains that cluster around it, while in the west Cross' hill, and further off in the distance the green, variegated sides of the far off mountains of Vermont are visible. To the south of this pond are two others in Piermont, and between these and the first named runs the old Turnpike. Upon this road, near the height of land, a Mr. Samuel Flanders was once traveling; and as he was passing a piece of woods had his attention attracted by the cack- ling of a goose, and looking up saw an enormous wild cat, who had caught it and was now strip- ping off the feathers, preparatory to making his supper. The cat was too fond of poultry to have a prudent regard for his own safety, and Mr. Flanders not having a thought of the danger he would be in, with a large goad stick in his hand attacked the cat, and with a well directed blow stretched it upon the ground and succeeded in dispatching it. North-east from Tarlton pond, and situated in the north part of the town, near Benton line, is Webster Slide. In viewing it from day to day one beholds its same sharp outlines and precipi- tous face, which its hard rocks have sustained WEBSTER SLIDE. 133 since its upheaval. A view from its summit is very picturesque. On the south hes at its base a Httle lake, surrounded with green woods, receiv- ing the many purling rills which gush from its side and trickle over its moss-covered rocks. — Beyond, the towering summits of the eastern mountains are seen, with the valley of Baker river intervening, and in the west several sheets of water, while farther off in the distance several conical peaks of granite mountains are in full view. In the early settlement of the town an inci- dent occurred upon this mountain, from which originated the name it now bears. A certain Mr. Webster in the fall of the year was out hunt- ing for moose. He started one in Piermont, and followed him by Tarlton pond into Warren. — Here he tocJk an easterly course, evidently de- signing to' cross over the lower ranges of moun- tains, and make for Moosehillock. When he reached the summit of what is now called Web- ster Slide, the dogs came up with him and pressed upon him so hard, that he took a southerly course upon the top of the mountain, and arrived upon the edge of the precipice without noticing the critical position in which he was placed. The dogs were close upon him, and as he turned they attacked him, and in the encounter a quantity of loose stones and earth, upon which they stood, 134 HISTORY OF WARREN. .chanced to give way, and the moose and one of the dogs were precipitated down the steep side. As Mr. Webster was following on, he met the re- maining dog returning, and with it proceeded to the place where they encountered the moose. Webster cautiously approached the edge of the precipice, and looking down saw the track of the slide. He then descended upon one of the sides which was not so steep, and following round near the base, he at last found near the foot of the mountain the dead bodies of the moose and dog. To one travelling from place to place, every change in position presents a new scene, and there is consequently ever passing before the eye a beautiful picture, beholding which gives delight to every lover of nature's scenes. So in passing from Webster Slide to the shore of Mead- er pond, one finds himself by the side of a sheet of water, surrounded by thick woods^ scarce yet disturbed by civilization. Looking across the surface of this little lake, he sees before him the sharp, precipitous face of the mountain rising up almost perpendicular out of the water. Upon the high top among the huge rocks are growing a few solitary clumps of stunted firs and spruces ; while in the numerous crannies thrive the hare- bell and blueberry bush. On either side, except a little pasture near the foot of the mountain, BLACK BROOK. 135 is the darkj old evergreeen forest, with its huge hemlocks and spruces mingling their branches with other kinds of wood. Paddling out upon its surface one sees rising into view the tops of the distant hills and mountains, but in no direction is human habitation visible. This is the largest sheet of water wholly with- in the town, and receives its name from Paul Header, who settled near it. It contains about fifty acres, and it is said when first discovered its waters were destitute of fish ; they not being able to pass up Oak Falls. But this is believed by many to be a mistake, for in the short space of two years after a Mr. Heath and Mr. Johnson had put some very small ones into it, several were captured, each of which weighed from ^Ye to eight pounds. From Meader pond runs Black brook. This stream for a short distance meanders through the heavy growth of vf ood ; then, flowing on in the open field until it arrives at the top of a high, precipitous bank, about three-fourths of a mile from the pond. Here, in falling down, it forms a beautiful cascade, known by the name of Oak Falls. Standing at its top, and looking down, one sees the white foaming waters beneath, shad- ed upon either side by the thick growth of wood. At the foot, two hundred feet below, stands an old mill fast falling to decay, and a little farther 136 HISTORY OF WARREN. off is the deep railroad cut, upon the Summit. Looking up, the towering peak of Moosehillock mountain is seen, while on the right Mount Carr, with its sides covered to the top with green woods, looms up against the sky. On the left, Black mountain in Benton, and Owl Head, with its steep granite face, fills up the picture. Here once occurred a tragical scene. A Mr. Meader with several others were rolling logs down the steep bank near the falls. They had rolled down several during the day, and had nearly finished their work, when one of the men with the team hauled a very large one to the edge of the precipice ; some of them immediate- ly took hold to roll it off*, and among them Mr. Meader. Something obstructing it, he let go, and, taking up a lever, with a hook attached, fastened it to the log. They then all lifting suc- ceeded in starting it, and then stepped back out of the way, except Mr. Meader, who, in attempt- ing to disengage his lever, stumbled, and having a firm hold of it, was thrown over in front of the log. His companions heard one unearthly scream, and, looking over, saw the huge stick thundering far down the precipice after its pred- ecessors, while Mr. Meader laid but a short dis- tance below, a mangled corpse. From the cascade the water, after flowing a mile and a half, supplying in its course a motive BLACK BROOK. 137 power for macliinery upon its banks, assumes a sluggish, black appearance in the meadows, which formerly must have been the bed of a large pond containing a number of hundred acres, but which now comprises several beautiful farms. At the place where must have been the mouth of this now runaway pond, was built the first saw-mill ever erected in Warren. Half a mile below this it receives, in a large mill pond which it forms, a part of the water of Baker river, through a canal and an underground passage. Half a mile from this place, after turning numerous water wheels, it unites with Baker river a short distance below the village. From the blackness which has always characterized the waters of this stream, it has borne the name of Black brook since the settlement of the town. Upon the right hand of Black brook, as one fol- lows along by its running waters, or rides after the swift steam horse from the Summit, is a large swell of land, upon which are located many excellent farms, which the owners are every year improv- ing and making more beautiful. Upon the east- ern side of this ridge runs Berry brook, which rises upon the north-west side of Moosehillock, and flows on the same level with the Olive rian, within one half a mile of that stream. They then take opposite directions — the Oliverian flow- ing west, and emptying into the Connecticut, and 138 HISTORY OF WARREN. the Berry brook south, through a large hollow, shaded by a high jutting spur of Moosehillock ; at one time meandering along in its solitude and then swiftly rushing over some rapid fall, for two or three miles, when it reaches the open country and unites with Baker river near the centre of the town. Before the settlement of the country this stream abounded with ponds formed by the beavers' dams, and the remains of many of them are still to be seen. Here, generation after gen- eration sported in its waters or fashioned their neatly finished mud domicils. It was a secluded place, and their habitations Avere in but little danger of being disturbed. But as the lower section of the country grew more jDopulous, this vicinity was considered a rich hunting ground, and numerous were the hardy individuals who traversed it. A short time before its settlement a young man by the name of Berry came to this section on such an excursion, and captured many beavers upon this stream. From this circum- stance it received its name. There is also much other fine scenery, and beautiful rides in every direction. Hundreds of smaller eminences overlook the landscapes and views that would adorn the canvas of the paiilc- er, and here the seeker of pleasure and rural life finds all that can attract and charm the mind. 139 CHAPTER VII. TOWN OFFICERS, &c. Since the organization of the town by the State, it has had its board of officers regularly chosen with but very few exceptions. In the commencement, when the town contained but a few inhabitants, it classed with several other towns for representation; consequently there would sometimes many years intervene between the representation of the people of Warren by one of its own citizens. From 1800 to 1828, as the representatives were not chosen at the annual town meetings, the town clerks were negligent about recording the names of those who represented the town ; consequently some of them may possibly be omitted. Selectmen from 1779 to 1854. 1779. Ob ^'^ "'lement,-^ Ephraim True, Joseph Patch. Simeon Smith, 1786. JosLi ■ -jpp, Joshua Merrill. Joshua Copp, Israel Stevens. 1783. Stephen Richardson, 1780. Obadiah Clement<"^ William Butler. Joshua Copp, Joshua Merrill, 1787. Thomas Clark, William Butler. William Butler, John Whitcher. 1784. Joshua Copp, 1781. Obadiah Clement,*' Stephen Richardson. Obadlah Clement,^ Stevens Merrill, 1788. William Butler, Samuel Knight. Joshua Copp, Isaiah Batchelder. 1785. Ephraim True, 1789. Obadiah Clement,-^ Nathaniel Knight. Joshua Copp, Stevens Merrill, 140 HISTORY OF WARREN. 1789. Nathaniel Knight, Samuel Knight, Moses Copp. 1790. Nathaniel Knight, Jonathan Merrill, Stephen Richardson, Abel Merrill. 1791. Joshua Copp, William Butler, Stephen Richardson. 1792. Ephraim True, Joseph French, Samuel Knight. 1793. Jonathan Merrill, Joseph French, Jonathan Clement. ^ 1794. Jonathan Merrill, Thomas Boynton, Aaron Welch. 1795. Jonathan Merrill, Thomas Boynton, Joseph French. 1796. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, Elisha Swett. 1797. William Butler, Jonathan Merrill, Joseph French. 1798—99. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, Elisha Swett. 1800. Jonathan Merrill, Ezra Bartlett, William Butler. 1801. Jonathan Merrill, Ezra Bartlett, Abel Merrill. 1802—3. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, • Elisha Swett. 1804. Ezra Bartlett, Abel Merrill, Elisha Swett. 1805. Abel Merrill, William Butler, Daniel Patch. 1806. Jonathan Merrill, Daniel Patch, Jonathan Fellows. 1807. Abel Merrill, Joseph Patch, Elisha Swett. 1808. Joseph Patch, jr., Aaron Welch, Ebenezer Barker. 1809. Jonathan Merrill, Joseph Patch, jr., Jonathan Fellows. 1810. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, Amos Tarlton. 1811. Abel Merrill, Joseph Patch, jr., Amos Tarlton. 1812. Jonathan Merrill, Benjamin Merrill, Joseph Merrill. 1813. Joseph Patch, Thomas Whipple, Stephen Flanders. 1814. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, Joseph Patch, jr. 1815—16. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, . Moses H. Clement.^ 1817. Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, James Williams. 1818—19. Joseph Patch, jr., Moses H. Clement, Stephen Flanders. 1820. Joseph Patch, jr., Nathaniel Clough, Jacob Patch. 1821. Nathaniel Clough, Jacob Patch, Amos Tarlton. 1822. Jacob Patch, Amos Tarlton, George Libbey. 1823. Abel Merrill, Joseph Patch, Joseph Bixby. 1824. Jacob Patch, Moses H. Clement, William Clough. 1825. Moses H. Clement, ^"'"'^ Jacob Patch, William Clough. 1826. Jacob Patch, William Clough, Enoch R. Weeks. W,, 1827. r Moses H. Clement, ^'^ Enoch R. Weeks, Stevens Merrill. 1828. Moses H. Clement, Enoch R. Weeks, Samuel Merrill. 1829. William Clough, Samuel Merrill, George Libbey. TOWN CLERKS. 141 1830. Jacob Patch, Benjamin Little,"] Samuel Merrill. 1831—32. Jacob Patch, Benjamin Little, Anson Merrill. 1833. Enoch R. Weeks, Moses H. Clement, Samuel L. Merrill. 1834. Moses H. Clement, Samuel L. Merrill, Samuel Merrill. 1835. Jacob Patch, Isaac Merrill, 2d, Solomon Cotton. 1836. Samuel L. Merrill, Solomon Cotton, George Libbey. 1837. Samuel L. Merrill, George Libbey, Enoch R. Weeks. 1838. William Clough, William Pomeroy, Jonathan Little. 1839. William Pomeroy, Jonathan Little, Joseph Bixby. 1840. Jonathan Little, Joseph Bixby, Stevens M. Dow. 1841—42. Enoch R. Weeks, Solomon Cotton, Nathaniel Merrill, 2d. 1843. Enoch R. Weeks, William Pomeroy, Russell F. Clifford. 1844. Isaac Merrill, Russell F. Clifford, Stevens M. Dow. 1845. Isaac Merrill, Russell F. Clifford, James S. Merrill. 1846. Samuel L. Merrill, James S. Merrill, James Clement. ■ "" 1847. Jesse Little, Solomon Cotton, Ira M. Weeks. 1848. Jesse Little, Ira M. Weeks, David Smith. 1849. Samuel L. Merrill, David Smith, Thomas P. Huckins. 1850. Samuel L. Merrill, Thomas P. Huckins, Alba C. Weeks. 1851. Samuel L. Merrill, Alba C. Weeks, Michael P. Merrill. 1852. Samuel L. Merrill, Michael P. Merrill, Joseph Clement. «,mw 1853. David Smith, Joseph Clement, a*** Jonathan Little. 1854. William Pomeroy, Ezra W. Cleasby, James Clement. «tfn Town ClerJiS. 1779. 1785. 1787. 1788. 1790. 1793. 1803. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1809, 1811. Obadiah Clement,' Joshua Copp, JosJuia Merrill, Nathaniel Knight, Joshua Copp, Jonathan Merrill, Ezra Bartlett, Abel Merrill, Jonathan Merrill, Abel Merrill, Jonathan Merrill, Benjamin Merrill, 6 years. 1 year 1 year. 2 years. 2 years. 10 years. 2 years 1 year. 1 year. 2 years. 2 years. 2 years. 1813. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1820. 1827. 1828. 1831. 1838. 1844. 1846. Thomas Whipple, Jonathan Merrill, Joseph Patch, jr., Robert Burns, Joseph Patch, jr., Moses H. Clement, Enoch R. Weeks, Anson Merrill, Jesse Little, Russell K. Clement, Isaac Merrill, Russell K. Clement, 2 years. 1 year. 1 year. 1 year. 2 years. 7 years. 1 year. 4 years. 7 years. 6 years. 2 years. 8 years. 142 HISTORY OF WARREN. Representatives. 1784. Obadiah ClemenfT 2 years. 1830. Moses H. Clement,'"'^ 1 year. 1789. William Tarlton, 1 year. 1831. Enoch R. Weeks, 2 years. 1793. Jonathan Merrill, 3 years. 1833. Jacob Patch, 1 year. 1797. William Butler, 2 years. 1834. Moses H. Clementr ' 1 year. 1800. William Tarlton, 1 year. 1835. Jacob Patch, 1 year. 1801. Abel Merrill, 1 year. 1836. Moses H. Clement,""^' 1 year. 1805. Ezra Bartlett, 2 years. 1838. Moses H. Clementy^ 1 year. 1808. Abel Merrill, 2 years. 1839. Enoch R. Weeks, 1 year. 1810. Daniel Davis, 1 year. 1840. Jesse Little, 2 years. 1811. Abel Merrill, 2 years. 1842. William Clough, 2 years . 1813. Daniel Davis, 1 year. 1844. Russell K. Clement,' 2 years. 1814. Joseph Patch, jr.. 2 years. 1846. Jonathan Little, 2 years. 1816. Daniel Davis, 1 year. 1848. Russell K. Clement, 1 year. 1817. Joseph Patch, jr., 4 years. 1849. L. C. Whitcher, 2 years. 1822. Amos Tarlton, 2 years. 1851. William Pomeroy, 2 years. 1825. Abel Merrill, 2 years. 1853. Isaac Merrill, 1 year. 1828. Jacob Patch, 1 year. 1854. Russell K. Clement. Mode7'ato7's. Joshua Copp, 1779, 82, 98, 99 j Thomas Clark, 1780, 1 ; William Butler, 1783, 4, 7, 8, 91, 4, 1801 ; Stevens Merrill, 1785, 9, 90 ; Absalom Peters, 1786 ; Ephraim True, 1792; Thomas Boynton, 1793, 5; Abel Merrill, 1796, 1802, 3,5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25 ; Aaron Welch, 1797 ; Ezra Bartlett, 1800, 8, 11 ; Obadiah Clement, 1804 ; Jonathan Merrill, 1806, 9 ; Daniel Patch, 1816,21,2,3,4; George Libbey, 1826, 36, 7, 8, 9, 40, 2 ; Jacob Patch, 1827, 8 9, 30, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Anson Merrill, 1835 ; Isaac Merrill, 1841, 3, 8, 52, 3; William Pomeroy, 1844, 5, 7; Francis A. Cushman, 1846; Michael P. Merrill, 1849, 50, 1, 4. School Committees. 1829. David C. French, Horatio W. Heath, Robert E. Merrill 1830 Jacob Patch, Anson Merrill, Jonathan Little. 1831. saac Merrill, 2d, Job E. Merrill, Russell F. Clifford. 1832. Jonathan Little, John L. Merrill, Nathaniel Merrill, 2d. 1833. Job E. Merrill, Stevens M. Dow, Russell K. Clement."* 1835. Job E. Merrill, Stevens M. Dow, Anson Merrill. 1837. Jesse Little, Moses Merrill, Russell K. Clement,.^ 1844. Michael P. Merrill, David Smith, James M. Williams. 1845. David Smith, Michael P. Merrill, James M. Williams. 1846. • Michael P. Merrill, Dudley B. Cotton, Ira M. Weeks. 1847. David Smith, Dudley B. Cotton, Ira M. Weeks. STATISTICS. 143 1848-9. Dudley B. Cotton, Ira Merrill, James M. Williams. 1850. William Merrill, Alba C. Weeks, Joseph B. Cotton. 1851. William Merrill, Joseph B. Cotton, James M. Williams. 1852. Michael P. Merrill. 1853. James M. Williams, Ira Merrill. 1854. Ira Merrill. Population at different periods. 1780 1790 1800 about 125 206 336 1810 1830 506 1840 938 544 1850 900 702 1854 1256 Amoii'ivt of money raised each year to pay toivn charges 1779 £100 1798 10 1817 60 1836 250 1780 150 1799 1818 30 1837 250 1781 500 1800 13 1819 75 1838 300 1782 4K* 1801 1820 50 1839 400 1783 6 1802 15 1821 30 1840 600 1784 5 1803 30 1822 40 1841 400 1785 1804 70 1823 50 1842 800 1786 5 1805 160 1824 75 1843 1000 1787 1806 40 1825 60 1844 1200 1788 3 1807 40 1826 75 1845 C50 1789 6 1808 75 18i27 150 1846 525 1790 9 1809 80 1823 200 1847 425 1791 e 1810 1829 300 1848 1000 1792 1811 1830 200 1849 900 1793 4K 1812 300 1831 200 1850 700 1791 6 1813 100 1832 200 1851 800 1795 3 1814 245 1833 150 1852 600 1796 1815 1834 150 1853 500 1797 $i:^S3 1816 30 1835 400 1854 550 *Si Iver money. 144 CHAPTEE VIII. MISCELLANEOUS. Warren derives its beautiful name from Admi- ral Warren, of Louisburg notoriety. This com- mander rendered efficient service in wresting that almost impregnable fortress from the French. The troops sent against it were principally New Hampshire and Massachusetts men, and the pro- prietors, wishing to honor him, mentioned his name as the one by which they wished the town- ship called. The town bears also the same name as Gen. Warren, one of those revolutionary he- roes who fell as a martyr to the cause of freedom at the battle of Bunker Hill, and whose deeds are remembered by every true-hearted American with pride. Warren is situated in Longitude 5 ^ East from Washington ; Latitude 43^50: It is bounded on the north by Benton and Woodstock, east by Woodstock and Ellsworth, south by Wentworth, and west by Piermont. It is seventy miles from Concord, on the route of the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad, twelve from Haverhill, and ninety-eight from Portsmouth. The town is rough and uneven, except on the river, but the soil is generally of a fertile char- MISCELLANEOUS. 145 acter, and by fair cultivation yields respectable crops ; although the first settlers realized better ones than are obtained at the present time. The soil was then new and had not been exhausted by a perhaps sometimes injudicious method of farming. But the individual who now walks over the pleasant fields, and little dreams of the hard toil that has been spent to make them what they are, if he will but consider a moment, he will perceive that he is more blessed by what he receives from the earth than was the early pioneer. The early settler was a stranger to many of the conveniences and comforts of life. He had not the implements for cultivating his land which are now possessed, and it was a long distance to populous settlements. Instead of houses of worship and other instruction, mills, stores and shops, around them was the wild wilderness ; and it was not unfrequent to see the harmless moose approach the humble cottage, and the inoffensive deer was seen feeding on their little improve- ments. The beaver, the otter and the muskrat sported up and down the rivers and the brooks almost unmolested, while the midnight howling of the bear and wolf announced to them their intended dej^redations on their flocks, herds and fields. Although wood and timber was plenty, so much of it was more of an evil than a blessing. Their household and farming utensils were rude, 146 HISTORY OF WARREN. and for the fine plows, barrows, hoes, shovels, carpets, sofas and pianos, they had the wooden plow, the wooden-toothed harrow, the crotchet stick for a fork, and home-made spinning wheels and looms. For the want of carriages they trav- elled in smmmer on horse back, and in winter rode upon sleds to meeting or in visiting their neigh- bors. They were a hardy race, and many of them excellent horsemen. When they w^ent to meeting in summer, the good man mounted his horse, and rode with his wife behind him, with perhaps a child in her arms, while he carried one before him on a pillow. But the good woman did not always ride behind, for when she wished to visit her friends she generally mounted and rode off alone upon a spirited horse, without guide or protector. When East Warren was first settled, and the road nothing more than a path with the trees and underbrush cleared from it, Mrs. Samuel Knight and Mrs. Caleb Homan, accompanied by several other women and a young man by the name of Webster, who was from Landaff, went to Mr. Stephen Flanders' to pay the family a visit. On their return home, when they arrived near the Williams bridge, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Homan challenged young Webster, who was mounted on a very fleet horse, to a race. He at first did not like to consent, but they urged him MISCELLANEOUS. 147 SO strongly that at last he acquiesced ; and whip- pmg up, they went over that rough road for the distance of a mile and a half at almost lightning speed, when Webster, who had the smartest horse, proved the winner, much to the chagrin of Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Homan. Mr. Webster, now an old man, remarked in telling the story that he had rode over that piece of road many times since, but never a quarter so fast as then. These were a specimen of the women of that day ; hardy and strong ; firm and daring. They could attend to their household affairs, or, when necessity called, could chop wood, drive oxen, plovv^, sow and harvest crops, as well as the men. Their clothing was simply tow and linen in sum- mer, and woolen frocking for the men and woolen dresses for the women, in winter. The men had for amusements, raisings, train- ings, wrestling, lifting and chopping bees, while the women had quilting parties and carding bees. Tea and coffee were then almost unknown; still their visitors were treated in the most hospitable manner, and for supper were served with various kinds of broth ; corn, bean and barley broth being the most common. As a substitute for these, hasty-pudding was not uncommon, and this dish constituted the almost standing supper in most families; food not so delicious as perhaps is eaten at the present time, but far more healthy. The 148 HISTORY OP WARREN. men in winter wore shoes with woolen leggings tied at the top, to exclude the snow. They were more conveniently made, and much cheaper than boots. In summer both men and women went barefoot a greater portion of the time. Great coats and surtouts were seldom seen. Every town has had its witch or wizard, and Warren among them. It is told that in olden time, when there were but a few clearings in town, a young man went to see his lady love. — While there, the happy moments flew swift, and time had crept far into the small hours before he thought of taking his leave. On his way home he had to cross a stream on the trunk of a fallen tree, and when he arrived at this point, as he was stepping upon the log which was shaded by the foliage of the huge trees around, and through which a few straggling rays of the moon-beams struggled, he saw standing on the other end a white, airy figure, which looked to him anything but earthly. He gazed upon it for a few mo- ments, and then stepped from the log. As he did so the figure followed his example, and he saw it standing on the water. He now thought he would venture across, but the moment he was on the log, that light form was there also. Now filled with terror, he gazed upon it a few mo- ments longer, and beholding as he thought its ghastly visage, he turned about and swiftly made MISCELLANEOUS. 149 his way back to the house where he had so agree- ably spent the evening, and waited till dajdight before returning home. A certain individual had at one time dealings with another person, who was reputed to be a wizard. In the transaction the first named gen- tleman is said to have incurred the latter's dis- pleasure, and he swore revenge. A few days after, a son of the first named man, who was deaf and dumb, commenced to act strangely. He would be found running upon the ridge poles of barns and upon the tops of fences, which he was never known to do before ; at times he would seem to experience the most excrutiating torture and would writhe for hours in agony. When asked who tormented him, he would go with an individual and point out the house in which he said his tormenter lived, but never in any in- stance could he be persuaded to enter it. Thus it continued until at last some of the gentleman's neighbors induced him — although he was incredulous as to believing in witches — to try some experiments upon the boy, thinking to make his tormentors • cease from troubling him. Accordingly some of the boy's blood was pro- cured, corked up in a bottle and placed under the hearth of the fire-place. Immediately after the reputed wizard was taken suddenly with a violent bleeding at the nose, and for a long time it could 150 HISTORY OF WARREN. not be stopped. It finally was, and upon looking at the bottle the cork was found to be out, and the blood had run therefrom. The boy began to cut the same antics as before, and his tortures were nearly doubled. Again some of his blood was procured and carefully corked in the bottle. Soon the wizard began to bleed at the nose, and continued so to do, until at last, by a powerful effort and a great deal of cursing, it stopped. — Soon after, the boy began to behave a great deal worse than before, and would at times act in a manner truly terrible. This could not be borne long, as they had found a short remedy ; and again procuring a larger quantity of blood, placed it in the bottle, and as a caution against its be- coming uncorked, a small sharp sword was placed in the cork. It was evening when this was done, and shortly after the boy went to bed. In the morning when he awoke he seemed to be in great glee, and immediately informed the family by signs that his tormentor was dead, which proved to be the case. Upon examining the bottle it was found that the sword had penetrated through the cork to the blood. From that time tradition says the boy was no more troubled. An old gentleman once wishing to go upon a journey several miles from home, mounted his horse and started. He had hardly got a dozen MISCELLANEOUS. 151 { rods from his door, when the animal suddenly stopped and refused to go farther. The rider sat in the saddle in a strange fit of abstraction, as if gazing upon the revels of fiends incarnate, in some far off world. The horse seemed to behold the same scene also ; and great drops of sweat trickled from every part of its body. All at once the rider roused himself, and strove by every means in his power to make the horse proceed, but in vain ; and at last, weary in the attempt, he turned the animal into the pasture and relin- quished the journey, much to the surprise of several persons who had witnessed the scene. Of course the reader must judge how much of these stories of supernatural events are true, and make every allowance for the prejudices of those times. For ages the belief in ghosts and goblins had prevailed ; indeed, the individuals who did not believe in them were considered almost her- etics. For many hundred years England had an established code of laws against witchcraft, and it was considered a capital offence. The learned Baxter, who lived in the seventeenth century, considered all persons as obdurate Sadducees Avho did not believe in it, and Sir Matthew Hale, one of the brightest ornaments to the English Bar, tried and convicted several persons for the crime of witchcraft. But the hallucinations of other generations are 152 HISTORY OF WARREN. passing away, and few are the persons at the present time who indulge in the belief of goblins and ghosts. " True it is, the mediums, and other modern notions, bring to mind the diablerie of old Salem, when our fathers were sorely tried; but they don't go for much except as a means of speculation in money matters." The dwellers in a new settlement, far away from the older towns, were just the ones to in- dulge in the belief of the supernatural. Around them were thousands of old solitudes ; and as the deepening shades of night cast her sombre mantle over the forest, it required no active imagination to picture the forms of huge giants, stalking away among the trees ; to see numerous Jack-o'lanterns gliding noiselessly along to guide the lone traveller onward, until he was lost in the dark, intricate windings of some dismal old swamp ; to hear the infernal music of the old crones, as they charged in huge battalions through the tops of the lofty trees, mounted upon their never-tiring steads, a broom-stick. But they are all gone. No more do we see the individuals who indulge in such fancies ; and although there were, and they still live in history, we have little right to laugh at them. If our ancestors did in- dulge in them, still they had exalted notions of piety, and thousands of good deeds, which latter it would be well if we would imitate. FIRST GRAVE-YARD. 153 In those primitive times, when fences v^ere rare and sheep were nimble, it was found neces- sary to record the marks by which one's sheep might be known and recognized. Accordingly we are certified that Obadiah Clement's sheep are marked by one half crop on the upper side of the right ear, and one half crop on the under side of the left ear ; Joshua Merrill's, a crop from off each ear; Stevens Merrill's, a fork, like a swallow's tail, on the end of the left ear ; Joseph Merrill's, a crop off the left ear ; Jonathan Mer- rill's, a crop off the left ear and a slit on the under side of the same ; Caleb Homan's, a fork like a swallow's tail, on the end of the left ear and a crop from off the right one ; Amos Little's, a slit on the end of the right ear ; Joshua Copp's, a fork like a swallow's tail, on the right ear, and a crop on the left. The first grave-yard was located a short dis- tance below the village, on land now owned by the railroad company, and formerly owned by J. , M. Eaton. It was situated on the right hand of the road, as one travels south, at the top of a little hill formed by what might have been the bank of the river. In this yard about twenty were buried, among the first of whom was Mr. Mills, one of the first settlers. When excavations were made for the railroad the remains of several bodies were exhumed, but the overseer of the 8 154 HISTORY OF WARREN. work dug the graves deeper, and in them again deposited the remains. Here rest many of the settlerSj with no monuments to mark their graves. A life interspersed with joys and sorrows was theirs. " Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield ; Their furrows oft the stubborn glebe has broke ; How jocund did they drive their teams afield, How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke. But now each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. The breezy call of incense-breathing morn, The swallow, twittering from her straw-built shed ; The cock's shrill clarion or the echoing horn. No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn. Or busy house-wife ply her weary care ; No children inintolisp their sire's return, Or climb his knee, the envied kiss to share." There were also two other burying grounds, which have become almost unknown. One of these was located near the present site of the railroad depots ; and the other on the farm of Col. Charles Lane, or on the piece of land which the town voted to accept of Joshua Copp, Esq., for the purpose of erecting a meeting-house, and occupying as a burying-yard and training-field. There are now five burying-yards in to^vn; one on the bank of Patch brook; one at East Warren; one at Warren Summit; one on the height of land, and one on the little hill-side INSCRIPTION ON TOMB-STONES. 155 near Kobert E. Merrill's, one half mile from the meeting-house. The latter is a beautiful place. There the departed rest. Side by side sleep kin- dred and friends, who were beautiful in life and in death were not divided. Just above them the winds murmur through the lofty pines, while a little distance off from the back of the yard, is heard the plaintive music of a tiny purling brook. The earliest tomb-stone reads thus : " Hie jacet Josiah Bartlett, son of Ezra and Hannah Bartlett, who died Sept. 26, 1802, aged 11 months. " Sleep on, sweet babe, nor fear to rise When Gabriel's trump shall rend the skies." Among the most beautiful of the tomb-stones is that of Mrs. Hannah Dow, wife of James Dow : " Here lies a friend we loved so dear, The loss to us it seems severe : But God has ordered all things Avell : She now has gone with Christ to dwell." The following beautiful epitaph, so well ex- pressed, is on the tomb-stone over the remains of a young child of Josiah and Sarah Swain : " This pretty rose, descendant from above — Awhile on earth did bloom in sweetest love : Till some fair angel saw the heavenly prize, And gently bore it to its native skies." For the past few years, places of the dead huve greatly improved their appearance, and 156 HISTORY OF WARREN. are becoming as they should be. They are the vestibule of a beautiful land, and art and affec- tion should do their utmost to adorn them. The animals, birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, trees, shrubs and plants, found in Warren, are the same as those in other parts of northern New-Hampshire and Maine, with but few varia- tions. Those animals marked thusf in the follow- ing catalogue were found by the first settlers ; and although still living in the dense forests which cover the greater portion of Northern New-England, have disappeared from this section. The different kinds of animals are the bear, wol- verine,f beaverf, muskrat, catamountf , wild cat, black cat, or the Indian woolaneag, moose,-}- deer, caribou,f fox, wolf, hare, squirrel, rabbit, mole, mouse, rat, porcupine, skunk, ermine, usually called sable, mink, otter,f weasel and woodchuck. Of the different kinds of birds are the eagle, two varieties ; hawk, four ; crow, owl, duck, teal, gull, crane, loon, sheldrake, water-hen, partridge, wood-pecker, king-bird, crow, black-bird, cuckoo, plover, turtle-dove, whippowil, humming-bird, curlew, robin, sky-lark, thrush, thrasher or mocking-bird, bobolink, yellow-bird, blue-bird, wren, red-winged black-bird, king-fisher, wood- cock, quail, hedge-bird, cross-bill, cat-bird, gol- den-robin or gold-finch, spring-bird, hang-bird, snow-bird, wild pidgeon, house swallow, barn ORDERS OF BIRDS. 157 swallow, ground swallow, black martin, blue-jay, herrywicket. Birds are divided into six orders, namely : ra- veners, percliers, climbers, scratchers, waders and swimmers. The Raveners are those which are remarkable for their plundering habits, and are also the most perfect in their forms. They have a strong beak, short and strong legs, and toes armed with crooked claws, as the eagle, owl, hawk, &c. The Perchers form the second order, and they have three toes before and one behind, as the king-fisher, robin, and bobolink. Among the birds of this order are those which most delight us with their varied music. Many of them were almost unknown before the settling of the white man, and seem to have increased and multiplied with him ; journeying wherever he subdued the forest, and enlivening the groves about his cot- tage with their matin and evening songs of matchless melody. The Climbers form the third order. They have two toes before and two behind on each foot. The cuckoo, wood-pecker, &c., belong to this order. The Scratchers form the fourth order, and are so called from an action common to many of them. This order includes the partridge, pigeon, &c. ; game sought after by the sportsman, and 158 PISTORY OF WARREN. birds which delight us by the beauty and ele- gance of their forms and the rich variety and splendor of their colors. The Waders form the fifth order, and are so called because of their long legs, which enable them to traverse marshes and ditches in search of fish, snakes and worms. The crane, snipe and water-hen belong to this order. The Swimmers form the sixth order. These are web-footed, which enables them to swim rap- idly through the water. The duck, loon, &c., belong to this class. All the fishes that formerly inhabitated our waters are still found, except the salmon. They are the trout, pickerel, sucker, eel, red perch, shiner and minnow. The amphibious animals are the turtle, toad, frog, lizard and swift. There are but few serpents. These are the striped snake, green snake, water adder, and one other species of a smaller size. Black and rattle- snakes are not found. Among the insects most common are the bee- tle, grasshopper, cricket, butterfly, fire-fly, black fly, moth, flea, ant,musquito, spider, hornet, wasp, humble-bee, honey-bee, various kinds of bugs, and several species of worms. The indigenous trees and shrubs are the white, black, ground, mountain and red ash; HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 159 balm of Gilead, bass wood, beach, birch, butter- nut or bihiut, blackberry, blueberry, bayberry, cedar, black and red choke cherry, wild cherry, wild currant, dogwood, elm, elder, fir, gooseberry, grape vine, hazel, hemlock, ground do., hornbeam, larch ; sugar, white and red maple ; moosewood, juniper, red oak, poplar, plum, white and Norway pine, sumac, thorn-apple, wild-pear, spruce, wil- low, wickapee or leather wood, sheep laurel, rasp- berry, thimbleberry, wild rose, &c. The principal medicinal plants and herbs are the fir, balsam, yarrow, sweet-flag, may-weed, sar- saparilla, spikenard, everlasting, burdock, worm- wood, wild turnip, coltsfoot, milk-weed, white root, celandine, snake head, winter-green, horse- radish, sweet fern, gold-thread, apple of Peru, thoroughwort, queen of the meadow, wild hoar- hound, avensroot, penny-royal, liverwort, hop, round wood, elecampane, blueflag, dandelion, cat- nip, wood sorrel, garget, broad leaved dock, el- der, golden rod, tansy, snake root, ginsing, mai- den hair, hard-hack, adder-tongue, sweet cicely, and many others. The horticultural products are the apple, cher- ries of several kinds, Canada plum, wheat plum, pear and grape. The most important culinary plants, roots and herbs, are the anise, artichoke, bean, beet, cara- way, currant, carrot, hop, mustard, onion, pea, 160 HISTORY OF WARREN. pepper pumpkin, sage, squash, cabbage, turnip, cranberry, parsnip, &c. The common plants found in this latitude abound. Besides these are a number of floral plants. In the early settling of the town many indi- viduals planted large orchards, and from the pro- ducts of these a considerable amount of cider was manufactured and drank. But the drinking of cider as a beverage is going into disuse, and the value of fruit as a luxury is better appreci- ated. Many of the old orchards have been ren- ovated by grafting, and nurseries are annually planted. The first apple tree was planted by Joseph Patch, and is still standing, though near- ly dead, on land owned by Jonathan Clough, and not far from the Clough school-house. The plum and cherry are abundant. There are but few pears, and peaches do not thrive. For many years, but a common breed of stock was raised, yet of these there were many fine animals reared. In later times, through the per- severance of Dr. David C. French, there are now some very fine specimens of short horned Durhams. There are also fine specimens of horses, various breeds of sheep, and a considera- ble amount of wool is sold annually. Several thousand dollars worth of fat cattle are now yearly sent to market. Pork was formerly rais- ed in considerable quantities for market, but AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 161 since the decline of prices, and prevalence of the potato disease, the quantity does not greatly ex- ceed the home consumption. Poultry raising is on the increase, and large quantities of the common kinds and eggs find a ready sale. The business of cheese-making is not now so much attended to as formerly ; but still rather a larger quantity than is needed for home con- sumption is made. But the manufacture of but- ter is on the increase ; most of it is of an excel- lent quality, and many hundreds of firkins find a quick demand abroad. The making of maple sugar is also an impor- tant item to the farmers of Warren. In the year 1850 there were twenty tons made, and a large amount of cakes and maple honey is sold in the larger towns of this State and Massachu- setts ; but for all this, many hundred weight of southern manufacture is sold in town each year. Formerly a sufficient supply of corn, rye and oats was raised to meet the consumption of the inhabitants, but since the commencement of the railroad, owing to the large number of hands employed upon it during its building, and the large number engaged in the lumbering business, which, since the running of the cars has become profitable, a considerable amount of oats and corn is brought into town each year, to meet the in- creased demand. 162 HISTORY OF WARREN. Very little barley is now grown ; beans are raised in considerable quantities, but peas are not an object of much attention, beyond the pro- duction of early ones, to be used when green. There is a considerable crop of wheat grown each year, but it does not thrive so well as for- merly, and there is not enough raised to meet the home demand ; consequently many hundred barrels of flour are annually brought into town and sold. Potatoes are very extensively culti- vated, and although there is not so large a yield as in former years, still many thousand bushels are annually sent to market, or manufactured into starch. For several years the ravages of the rot bid fair to exterminate the culture of them, but for one or two years they have been much less affected by it. Many carrots are also raised, and the farmers are beginning to appreciate their value as food for cattle, horses and swine. There are eleven mills driven by water for the manufacture of various articles from wood. Of these, four have been built during the past six years. One by Sylvester Merrill, one by Isaac Sawtell, and two by Levi F. Jewell ; two grain mills, one tanning and currying establishment, two carriage manufactories, one starch factory, eight blacksmith shops, and three stores. The first post-office was established about the year 1818, and was kept for several years by DEATHS BY CASUALTY. 163 Amos Burton. He was succeeded by Anson Merrill ; Dr. Jesse Little, who held the office of post-master nine years ; Dr. David C. French five years ; L. C. Whitcher three years ; Asa Thurs- ton three years ; G. W. Prescott, one year, and C. C. Durant. ' The first death by casualty in town was that of Mr. Mills, who was killed by the fall of a tree ; the second that of his son, who was killed in the same manner. Amos Eaton, killed by the fall of a tree about the year 1780. Richard Pillsbury, killed at the raising of a barn in 1800 ; Reuben Batch elder, jr., killed at a raising in 1802 ; a child of Joshua Copp drowned in a wash tub; Caleb Merrill, deaf and dumb, killed by the fall of a tree, June 8, 1808 ; Joseph Patch, the first settler of Warren, killed by a fall about the year 1832. For several years previous he had been a cripple, brought about by the excessive fatigues he had undergone in his hunting excur- sions. A child of William Kelley, jr., drowned in Kelley pond ; Mr. Paul Meader, killed in 1834 by a log rolling over him ; Ward C. Batch- elder, killed in 1836 by the fall of a limb from a tree which he was chopping. A Mr. Merrill, from Groton, was killed about 1840 by a pitch- fork falHng upon him ; Miranda Whitcher was burned to death in 1845 ; Abigail Weed, wife of Wilson Weed, was killed in 1846 by falling upon 164 HISTORY OF WAllREN. a pitchfork ; Calvin Cummings, killed in 1848 by falling from a frame; Mrs. Leathers, wife of Vowell Leathers, burned to death in 1849 ; Da- vid Antrine was drowned in Meader pond the same year ; an adopted son of Calvin May was accidentally killed by the tine of a manure fork in 1850 ; an Irishman killed in 1852 while at work upon the railroad, by a tree falling upon him ; a Mr. Anderson was burned to death while tending a coal-pit in 1852. The first individual who traded in Foreign and West India goods was Samuel Fellows. He oc- cupied a store near Joshua Merrill's, where Ste- phen Lund now lives ; and after trading a short time was taken crazy. He would sometimes leave home and wander to the neighboring towns ; and when his friends went for him it would be extremely difficult to influence him to return. At one time he went to Haverhill, and a young man was sent after him. He found him at the tavern, and to make good friends, asked him whether he would have flip or brandy to drink before going home. Fellows looked up sharply and said he guessed he would have the brandy while the flip was making. To him suc- ceeded, first, Charles Bowls ; then George W. Copp ; next, Abel Merrill, who traded in 1804. Others who have successively done business are Benjamin Merrill, from 1805 to 1811 or 12. He FIRST TRADERS IN WEST INDIA GOODS. 165 built the house now occupied by Stephen Mars- ton, and occupied it both as store and dwelhng- house. Lemuel Keezer succeeded him, and traded until 1815 ; then Michael Preston, about three years, followed by Amos Burton, who erected the building now occupied by Da- mon Y. Eastman as a wheel-wright shop. Others who have traded in that building are respective- ly Samuel L. Merrill. William Merrill, Anson Merrill, Wm. Wells, John T. Sanborn, Asa Thurs- ton, Quincy Cole and Francis' A. Cushman, George W. Prescott and Wm. A. Merrill. Stevens Merrill and Tristram Cross traded for a consid- erable length of time in a store now standing near the dwelling recently owned by Gen. M. P. Merrill. About the year 1846 F. A. & M. E. Cushman erected the building now occupied by A. W. Eastman as a wheel-wright shop, and trad- ed for a few years. James Clement built the store now occupied by the Durants, and in company with Joseph Clement traded for a considerable length of time. Those who have traded there since are E. C. Durant, C. C. & H. H. Durant, J. & C. C. Durant. George W. Prescott erected the store he now occupies, in company with J. M. Williams, about the year 1847, and has since traded in it. Ezra Libby commenced to trade at Warren Summit in company with Jonathan Stickney in the year 1853, and has since done considerable business. 166 HISTORY OF WARREN. The first physician who practiced in town was Dr. Joseph Peters. He came in 1791, and lived in town about two years. Dr. Levi Hoot commenced practice in 1795, and practiced three years. Dr. Ezra Bartlett, when a young man, came to Warren in 1798, and commenced practice. He built the large two-story house on the place now owned by Russell K. Clement, on Beach hill. Dr. Bartlett was a man of fine abilities, and held many responsible offices. In the year 1804 he was elected to represent the towns of Warren and Benton in the Legislature. In 1809 he was appointed a Justice in the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Grafton. In 1812 he moved to Haverhill, and a few years after was elected a Senator to the State Senate for a number of years, after which for one or two years he was Councillor. Dr. Thomas Whipple practiced in town from 1812 to 1814, when he moved to Wentworth. Several years after, he was a number of times elected a Bepresentative to Congress ; a position which he filled to the satisfaction of his con- stituents. Dr. Robert Burns practiced from 1816 to 1818, when he moved to Hebron, and from thence to Plymouth, where he now resides. Dr. John Broadhead practiced in town from 1818 one vear. LIST OF PHYSICIANS. 167 Dr. Laban Ladd, a native of Haverhill, came to Warren about 1820, and practiced two years. He then moved to Haverhill, where he shortly after died. Dr. David C. French, a son of Joseph French, one of the early settlers of Warren, commenced practice about the year 1821, which he con- tinued to the satisfaction of his numerous friends until the year 1853, when, wishing to retire from business, he sold out his practice. Dr. Jesse Little, also a native of Warren, and son of Amos Little, who came to Warren in 1789, graduated at the medical college at Han- over, in the year 1828, and has practiced in town since 1830. Dr. James Emery practiced in Warren a short time in 1845. Dr. A. Busell has practiced from 1852 to the present time. Dr. Alphonso G. French, son of Dr. David C. French, graduated at the medical school at Han- over in 1853, and is now practicing in town. Dr. William Merrill, son of Abel Merrill, grad- uated at the medical school at Hanover, and after practicing at Lisbon for a short time, died. Dr. Robert (t Merrill, son of Samuel Merrill, graduated at the medical school at Hanover, and for a number of years practiced at Meredith. From this place he removed to Pembroke, where he holds a worthy rank in his profession. 168 HISTORY OF WARREN. The following persons, natives of the town, have attended college. Joseph Merrill, jun., son of Joseph Merrill, graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, and is now a minister of the Congregation- al denomination, and preaches at Dracut, Mass. Lemuel Merrill, another son of Joseph Merrill, graduated at Dartmouth College, and is now an attorney, practicing in one of the Southern States. John Merrill, son of Abel Merrill, entered Dartmouth College in 1806. He died while a member of the sophomore class, aged 23 years. The following lines are to be found upon his tomb-stone : " Behold the blooming youth is gone, The much loved object's fled ; Entered his long eternal home, And numbered witli the dead. But he shall live, and rise again. Enrobed in bright array ; Shall take his part in heavenly strains In everlasting day." Many of the first settlers of Warren were of the Calvin Baptist order, and they early turned their attention toward the formation of a church and the employment of a minister. But as their number was few, they united with their brethren at Wentworth, and for many years Dea- con Aaron Currier labored with them. The next society formed was the Methodist. METHODIST SOCIETY. 169 Their first minister was the Rev. Elijah R Sabin. Those who have succeeded him are, Skeels, Winch, Jacob Sanborn, John Lord, Wil- liam Plumbly, Davis, Sleeper, Newell Culver, Charles Baker, Nathan Howe, Damon Young, Caleb Dustin, J. H. Hardy, N. W. Aspin- wall, C. R. Harding, J. W. Morey, Peck, S. A. Cushing, Enos Wells, Reuben Dearborn, Mo- ses Merrill, J. W. Johnson, Salmon Gleason, Ben- jamin R Hoyt, Kimball Hadley, Lorenzo D. Blodget, Barker, James Martin, J. A. Sweat- land, Kellog, Sullivan Holman, J. A. Scar- ritt, L. L. Eastman, Rufus Tilton, James Adams. The names of the Free Will Baptist ministers are as follows : Joseph Boody, sen., Joseph Boo- dy, jun., Lewis Harriman, Thomas Perkins, J. Marks, Wallace, James Spencer, Joseph Quimby, Messer, Aaron Buzwell, S. Doane, Leavitt, G. W. Cogswell, J. Moulton, Sargeant, Horace Webber, J. D. Cross. The names of the Universalist Ministers and the dates of their preaching are as follows : Rev. John E. Palmer, from 1838 to 1841 ; Samuel A. Johnson, from 1841 to 1845 ; Alson Scott, 1845 to 1849; Macey B. Newall, 1849 to 1851; Charles C. Clark, 1852 to 1853 ; S. W. Squire, 1853 to 185 . The town is divided into eleven school dis- tricts, in the most of which a school is supported 170 HISTORY OF WARREN. nearly half of the year, and in some more than that length of time. About 325 children and youth annually attend for a longer or shorter period. The school-houses, although most of them passable, are not what they should be. Education is the grand secret of the prosperity of this nation, and if we would go on thinking we must cherish and enhance the value of our institutions. There was a circulating library, which con- tained a number of hundred volumes, commenc- ed about the year 1808, and was incorporated by an act of the Legislature. The books were most of them printed in the ancient style, and being but little read, were distributed among the owners a few years ago. Another library was commenced by the Warren L. B. Association in 1851, and contains many volumes of an inter- esting and useful character. ^tP ^* a-'v- <^:'^^"c<^.^--.<^ ^-^\^ \.# .c,^ ^ .^ ^^^oo^: v\^.-o.%' ^^ :£Mm:'^ ^'^^^\^\ : ^E^^z ^^s^ .^^^.. ^- ^ A -^ -; stL^^ ;• ,.s^ ^ i> ^ii c3 ^