E 629 .N522 Copy 1 MINUTES f flu (f-ugliiuli MVms' %iM %ssm\fm\. No. ly-t 33Ji()AlJ\VAY, NEW YORK. Mi:^TJTES ORGANIZATION AND PKOCEEDINGS |Wu (KuT(lautr ^olMers' l^tlirf l^sscriatiaiu 194 Broadway, New York. OFFICEES. WILLIAM M. EVARTS, Chaieman, CHARLES GOULD, Vice-Chairman, SAMUEL E. LOW, Treasurek, WM. H. L. BARNES, Corresponding Secretary. WILLIAM BOND, ) MAURICE PERKINS, \ Secretaries. COL. FRANK E. HOWE,'^ui>BE.iNTENdE^ii;;, :''^ / £iM^iec> foi' fi]c ^^^oci^tio^. NEW YORK : JOHN" F. TROW, PRINTER, 50 GREENE STREET. 1862. <^ 194 ^Broadway. CnAIRMAN, . Vice-Chairman, Treausrer, . Corresponding Secretary, Secretaries, . Superintendent, WILLIAM M. EVARTS, Esq. CHARLES GOULD, Esq. SAMUEL E. LOW, Esq. WM. H. L. BARNES, Esq. jAVILLIAM BOND, Esq. /DR. MAURICE PERKINS. COL. FRANK E. HOWE. MAINE. DEXTER A. nAWKINS, Esq., State Agent, 10 Wall street. WILLIAM H. FOGG, Esq., 32 Burling Slip. REV. R. D. niTCnCOCK, D. D., 149 East 12th street. MASSACHUSETTS. COL. FRANK E. HOWE, ST.iTB Agent, 194 Broadway. F. E. WELLINGTON", Esq., 63 Ann street. SAMUEL E. LOW, Esq., 31 Burling Slip. NEW HAMPSHIRE. HON. BENJ. W. BONNET, 128 Broad- way. HON. CHARLES A. PEABODY, 60 Wall street. JEREMIAH BURNS, Esq., Astor House. RHODE ISLAND. NEHEMIAH KNIGHT, Esq., 56 Park Place. WILLIAM J. IIOPPIN, Esq., 01 Pine REV. FRANCIS VINTON, D. D., Trin- ity Cliurcli. VERMONT. E. W. STOUGIITON, Esq., 72 W MA.I. J. A. PULLEN, 74 Broadway. JOHN PAINE, Esq., 47 Wall street. CONNECTICUT. COL. JOHN H. ALMY, State Agext, 137 Broadway. GEN. PROSPER M. WETMORE, 30 Pine street. CHARLES GOULD, Esq., 2 Hanover street. '.•ViWVA>it \i.- jsyAijTS, mi.,ti laago- • •vei'strot't.'"' » ■>•• «c. . . t WILLIAM BOND, Esq., 21 Nassau • JiR: ^f A:crRTpt:.'l>f kjrfNS, Collcg'e "pf , • l^hjl^lt*'*"* &•"! Sars:eon«. ■■ 1 > « • SAlVfcEL "W. BISIlHiliA'M, 24 Water- ly Place. COL. GEORGE BLISS, Jr., 50 Wall street. ROBERT H. Mc CURDY, Esq., 45 Park Place. REV. H. W. BELLOWS, D. D., 59 East 20th street. REV. SAMUEL OSGOOD, D. D., 154 West 11th street. WILLIAM H. L. BARNES, Esq., 62 Wall street. HON. RUFUS F. ANDREWS, 47 Wall street. Finance Corriniittee. SAMUEL E. LOW, Esq., Chairman. WILLIAM H. FOGG, Esq., Maine. OHAS. A. PEABODY, Esq., N. H. JOHN PAINE, Esq., Vermont. F. E. WELLINGTON, Esq., Mass. NEHEMIAH KNIGHT, Esq., R. I. ROBERT H. McCURDY, Esq., Conn. Honorary Members. GOVERNOR ANDREW, of Mass. I GOVERNOR HOLBROOK, op Vt. " SPRAGUE. OF R. I. " WASHBURNE, of Me. " BUCKINGHAM, of Ct. | " BERRY, of N. H. GOVENOR MORGAN, of N. Y. "NEW ENGLAND ''SOLDIERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION." PEELIMINAKY MEETING AND OKGAJSTIZATION. In pni'suance of arrangements made at a preliminary meeting of gentlemen held at the Astor House, on the 28th of March, 1802, and in accordance with a public notice given in the daily papers of the city, a large and influential meeting of citizens of New England resident in New York, was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on Monday evening, March 31, 1862, with the purpose of making arrangements to provide for proper attention to the sick and wounded soldiers as they shall from time to time i)ass through New York on their return from the seat of war to their homes. Mr. William M. Evarts was chosen Chairman of the meeting, and Mr. William Bond and Dr. Maurice Perkins were chosen Secretaries. After a long discupion of the subject, which was par- ticipated in by the following gentlemen, viz., Mr. Charles Gould, Gen. Prosper M. Wetmore, Mr. George AY. Blunt, Kev. Dr. F. Yinton, Col. George Bliss, Capt. E. E. Morgan, Col. Frank E. Howe, Mr. Nath. Hay den, Hon. C. A. Pea- body, Dr. James E. Wood, Mr. C. C. Leigh, Mr. William M. Evarts, Dr. J. H. Griscom, and others, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : 1. Resolved.) That a connuittee be appointed by the Chair, of three from each New England State, with ])ower to fill vacancies, and to add to their number, to provide the necessary means, and to provide suitable care, attendance, and accommodations for the sick, disabled and wounded Kew England soldiers as tliey pass throiigli the city on their way homeward from the war ; and that the citizens, physicians, and surgeons of New York, and the United States Sanitary Commission, be invited to cooperate in this patriotic and benevolent plan. 2. liesolved, That this committee be instrncted, that in performing their duties to the sick and wounded of New England, they extend their aid and charity to their com- rades from every State found in their company, and that we desire fully to cooperate in any common arrangements that may include provisions for the aid and care of all sick and wounded soldiers who may be brought to the city from the war. 3. Resolved, In view of the prompt and humane* ac- tion of the physicians and surgeons of this city, that they be invited to send such a delegation to meet and confer with the committee appointed by the meeting, as they may deem proper. In accordance with, and to carry out the purj^ose of the Resolutions, the chairman announced the following COMMITTEE. Connecticut. Maine. Chaeles Gould, Esq., Dexter A. Hawkins, State Agent, Gen. Prosper M. Wetmore, William II. Fogg, Esq., Col. John II. Almy, State Agent. Eev. Dr. R. D. HixcncocK. Massaeliusetts. New Hampshire. Col. Frank E. IIowe, State Agent, Hon. Benjamin W. Bonnet, F. E. Wellington, Esq., " Charles A. Peabody, Samuel E. Low, Esq. Jeremiah Burns, Esq. Bliode Island. Vermont. Edwin Hott, Esq., E. W. Stoughton, Esq., Wm. J. HoppiN, Esq., Maj. J. A. Pullen, Rev. De. F. Vinton. John Paine, Esq. And subsequently, on motion, the officers of the meet- ing were added to the committee, viz. : William M. Evarts, Massachusetts. William Bond, Connecticut. Maurice Perkins, Vertnont. After the adjourinnent of tlie meeting, the chairman re- quested the members of the committee designated, who were present, to remain for the purpose of organizing and making arrangements to carry out the purpose of their ap- pointment. The names of tlie committee being called, the following gentlemen were found to be present, viz. : Messrs. Gould, Low, Burns, Howe, Yinton, Hawkins, Wetmoee, Pullen, HrrcncocK, Wellington, Peabody, Evarts. Bond, Perkins, ffhe committee was then called to order, and the follow- ing gentlemen were unanimously elected to the offices re- spectively set to their names, viz. : William M. Evarts, Chairman. Charles Gould, Yice-Chawman. Samuel E. Low, Treasurer. William Bond, ) „ , . T-r Ti ^ becretaries. Maurice Perkins, j On motion of Mr. Wetmore, it was Voted, That a committee (of two) on organization be appointed by the Chair, who sliall be charged with the par- ticular duty of preparing a written basis of organization for the Association, together with such Articles of Associa- tion, By-Laws, and Pegulations as they shall deem appro- priate, and present the same for the consideration of the Committee at their next meeting ; whereupon, Messrs. Wetmore and Peabody were appointed such Committee. On motion of Judge Peabody it was Voted, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair, who sliall be authorized and recpiestcd, in behalf of this body, to communicate with the President, the Secretary of War, and such other members of the National Govern- ment as they may deem proper, for the purpose of inter- chanffine: views in relation to the relief of sick and wounded soldiers arriving in this city, to the end that mutual co- operation and greater efficiency may be obtained in effect- ing the purposes of this Association. AVhereupon, Hon. Chas. A. Peabody, Rev. Dr. F.Vinton, and Rev. Dr. Hitchcock were appointed such committee. After some informal discussion in relation to a suitable building and other accomniodations necessary for the pur- poses of this Association, it was on motion of Col. Howe, Resolved, That a Committee (of three) on location be appointed, w^ho shall be charged with the duty of examin- ing such building or buildings as they may think ajjpro- priate for use in administering to the wants, necessities, and comforts of the sick and wounded soldiers arriving in New York, and for the general purposes of this Association, and make a report in relation thereto, at the next meeting^ of this Committee. Whereupon, Messrs. Howe, Hawkins, and Almy were aj)pointed such Committee. On motion of Rev. Dr. Yinton, it was Resolved, That the delegations from the several States be requested to communicate directly with the Executive of those States to inquire if it is their desire or intention to repay necessary and certified expenses incurred in minister- ing to the wants of the soldiers belonging to their respective States. On motion of Gen. Wetmore, it was Resolved, That the Committee of Physicians and Sur- geons, organized for the purpose of rendering medical as- sistance to the sick aud M^ounded soldiers, be invited to se- lect three of their number, who shall be members of this Permanent Committee. On motion of Mr. Gould, it M^as Resolved, That this oi'ganization be designated as " The Soldiers' Relief Association," On motion, adjourned, to meet at the Rooms of the Union Defence Committee, Ko. 30 Pine street. Room 14, on Wednesday, April 2d, at 3 o'clock P. M. William M. Evarts, Chairman. William Bond, ) „ . . -n. \ oecretartes. Maueice Perkins, ) "NEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS' EELIEF ASSOCIA- TION." ADJOURNED MEETING. Wednesday, April 2, 1862. Pursuant to adjournment the Association met at No. 30 Pme street, Room 14, and was called to order at 3 o'clock i\ M., by Mr. Gould, Vice-Chairman. The following members were present, viz. : Messrs. Low, Almy, Howe, Fogg, PULLEN, PeABODY, Vinton, Wetmoee, Hitchcock, Paine, HoppiN, Gould, Peekins, Hawkins, Bond, Wellington, Burns. The following letter from Mr. Edwin Hoyt was pre- sented and read to the meeting : " New York, April 2, 18C2. " William M. Evarts Esq., Chairman : "Sir : I regret that ilhiess prevents me from meeting with the Committee of the Soldiers' Relief Association to-day. This may be the proper occasion for me to correct the erroneous impression that my birth-place was in Rhode Island instead of Connecticut. Deeply as I feel interested in all matters connected with R. I., I should feel out of place in serving on the Committee for that State. I would respectfully suggest the name of my partner, Mr. Nehe- miah Knight, of Providence, R. I., who, I feel quite confident, will cheerfully consent to act in my place, and at the same time I would add, that it will afford me pleasure to render him and the \ Committee any assistance in my power towards carrying out the good cause. " Very respectfully, " Edwin IToyt." Mr. l^eliemiah Kniglit, of Rhode Island, was thereupon unanimously elected a member of the Association in place of Mr, EdM'in lioyt, who declined the appointment. The following letter from Mr. Arad Barrows was then presented and read to the meeting : " Philadelphia, Ajn'il 1, 18G2. " William M. Evarts, Esq., New York : " Dear Sir : I notice by the New York Times of to-day, that you have been appointed President of an Association formed ^r the purpose of providing proper attention to the wounded soldiers on their way from the battle-field. On behalf of the Union Volun- teer Refreshment Saloon of this city, I respectfully offer the ser- vices of our Committee, if they can be of any use to you. We have accommodations at the Hospital for fifty men, but can take a larger number, and give them all care and attention. Hoping to receive an early reply from you, I remain, " Very truly yours, " Arad Barrows, Pres't, (per Ritter.) " N. B.— Please direct to P. O. Box 258." Whereupon, on motion of Gen. Wetmore, it was Besolved, That the thanks of this Association be, and they are hereby, cordially tendered to Arad Barrows, Esq., of Philadelphia, and to the committee of which he is the President, in acknowledgment of their humane and friendly offer contained in the letter just read ; that the subject-mat- ter in said letter be referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Almy, Howe, and Hawkins, the agents, respective- ly, of the States of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine ; and that the Secretary notify Mr. Barrows of the action of this committee. The following letter from Dr. S. Conant Foster was presented and read : " New York, April 1, 1802, " W. M. EvARTs, Esq. : '• Dear Sir : As I was unable to attend the meeting last evening, will you permit me, through you, to tender my profes- sional services to the committee in any way in which they can be made available for the sick and wounded of our armies. " Very respectfully and truly, " S. CoNANT Foster, 24 East 21st st." Whereupon, on motion of Dr. Vinton, it was •Resolved, Tliat tlie thanks of this Association be, and they are hereby, tendered to Dr. Foster for liis humane and patriotic offer of professional services, and the same are gratefully accepted, and that the Secretary be requested to notify Dr. Foster of the action of this Association. Kev. Dr. Yinton, from the Committee on Correspond- ence with the National Government, verbally reported. That they had commmunicated in writing to the Secre- tary of War on the subject-matter of their appointment, and that, during the course of next week, one or more of the members of the committee propose to visit Washington to have a personal interview with the national authorities with reference to this matter. Mr. Hawkins, from the Committee on Location, verbally reported : That the building No. 194 Broadway could be rented at the rate of $4,000 per annum, and that Col. Howe would take the first floor and part of the basement, and j)ay rent therefor at the rate of $2,000 per annum, leaving $2,000 per annum to be paid by this Association for the remainder of the buiding. A letter was also read from Dr. Dale, Surgeon-Gen- eral of tlie State of Massachusetts, in reference to this build- ing, approving of its interior arrangements and excellent location. Whereupon, it was unanimously Resolved, That the Committee on Location be continued, and instructed to rent the building No. 194 Broadway, and 10 prej)are the same as speedily as possible for the beneficiaries of this Association, On motion of Mr. Hawkins, it was Voted, That a Finance Committee be appointed, to con- sist of one member from each State, Whereupon, Messrs. Fogg, of Maine, Peabody, of New Hampshire, Paine, of Vermont, . Wellington, of Massachusetts, Knight, of llhode Island, and R. II. McCuRDY, of Connecticut, were appointed such Committee. On motion, it was Voted, That Mr. Low, the Treasurer of this Association, be added to said Commitce, and be, cx-officio, the Chair- man thereof. On motion of Gen. Wetmore, Pev, Dr. II. W, Bellows and Pev. Dr. Samuel Os- good, were unanimously elected members of this Asso- ciation. The Committee on Organization made a verbal report, and asked leave to defer making the Peport in writing until the next meeting of the Association, which was granted. On motion of Mr. Gould, it was Voted, That the Secretary divide this General Commit- tee into five Sub-Committees, exclusive of the several State agents, to form visiting Connnittees for the purpose of re- ceiving, visiting, and attending to the wounded and dis- abled soldiers as they shall, from time to time, arrive in the city ; such Sub-Committees to cooperate with the State agents and medical attendants, each Committee to serve one week, and to have the powers of substitution and of increas- ing their numbers. Mr. Burns, on behalf of the proprietors of the Astor House, tendered to this Association the gratuitous use of a room or rooms in their hotel for the purpose of holding the meetings of the Association at any time they may desire to make such use of them. 11 Whereupon, it was Voted, That the thanks of this Association be, and they are hereby, tendered to the proprietors of the Astor House for their liberal and generous offer. General Wetmore made a verbal statement, setting forth some of the many acts of charity and kindness rendered by the proprietors of the Astor House to New England troops passing through New York, and particularly by Mr. Charles Stetson and family to the wounded and sick soldiers who have been brought to this city, and thereupon offered the following PEEAMBLE AND KESOLUTIOK. Whereas, this Association has been informed of the many acts of Christian charity, sympathy, and kindness shown by Charles A. Stetson, Esq., and family, to the wounded, sick, and suffering soldiers who have passed through this city on their way to their homes from the seat of way. And, whereas, it is the duty, as well as the pleasure of this Association to recognize and acknowledge such acts of disinterested benevolence and patriotism, therefore, Resolved, unanimously, that this Committee tender their sincere thanks to General Stetson and the members of his family for their kind attentions to the sick and wounded soldiers who have passed through New York on their way to their homes. Resolved, That the Secretary cause this Preamble and Kesolution to be engrossed, signed by the officers of this Association, and sent to Mr. Stetson. On motion, adjourned to meet at this place on Thursday April 3, at half-past three o'clock p. m. William Bond, Secretary. 12 "NEW ENGLAND SOLDIEES' BELIEF ASSOCI- ATION." ADJOURNED MEETING. TnuESDAY, ^J9n7 3, 1862. Pursuant to adjouriinient, the Association met at No. 30 Pine street, Koom No. 14, and was called to order at half-past three o'clock p. m., by Mr. Gould, Yice Chair- man. The following members of the Association were present : Messrs. Fogg, Paine, Low, Wetmoke, Peabody, Perkins, Yinton, Almy, Burns, Howe, Ejstight, Bond, PuLLEN, Wellington, Gould, Bellows. ■ The Secretary read the minutes of previous meetings, which were approved, and the proceedings were unani- mously confirmed. The Committee on Organization reported in writing through General Wetmore, Chairman, and presented a ba- sis of organization, which was read and discussed, section by section. After a considerable discussion by Messrs. Bellows, Yinton, Wetmore, Peabody, Almy, Paine, Howe, Burns, and others, upon the subject-matter of Article 1, relating to a name for this Association, the Article was amended by filling the blank left by the Committee with the words " New England Soldiers' Belief Association." The Beport of the Committee was then accepted, and the basis of organization, as amended and reported com- 13 plete by the committee, was adopted, and ordered to be re- corded with the minutes. PREAMBLE. This Association, representing the sons of 'New England resident in the city of New York appointed in pnblic meet- ing for the purpose of forming an association to aid and care for the sick and wounded soldiers passing through the city of New York on their way to or from the war, do hereby adopt the following Plan of Organizatiox : Mrsf. The name of this Association shall be " New England Soldiers' Relief Association." Second. The officers of this Association shall be a Chair- man, a Yice-Chairman, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and two Recording Secretaries. Third. The Association shall hold their meetings for the transaction of business by adjournment, or whenever called together by order of the Chairman or Yice-Chairnum, or of any three members of the Associatiion. Fourth. The Chairman or Yice-Chairman shall preside at all meetings, and they shall be governed by the usual rules of order. In case of the absence of both these officers, the Association may appoint a Chairman pro tempore. Fifth. The funds of the Association shall be provided by voluntary contribution, and shall in all cases be paid into the hands of the Treasurer, who shall keep a record of all receipts, and shall disburse them only on bills duly cer- tified by one of the State agents, and approved by the Chairman or Yice-Chairman. The Treasurer shall report the state of the finances whenever he may deem it desirable, and whenever requested to do so by the Association. He shall be, ex-officio, a member and Chairman of the Finance Committee, when the same shall be appointed. Sixth. The Corres}ionding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence and preserve copies thereof in a volume to be devoted to that purpose for the use of this Association. 14 Seventh. The Recording Secretaries sLall record the proceedings of the Association in a volume provided for that purpose, and be present at each meeting. They shall keep record of the attendance of the members, and shall call the roll of members promptly at the liour named for the meeting. Eighth. The Secretary shall select from this Association five committees, (excluding the several State agents,) to form visiting committees for the jHirpose of receiving, disposing of, visiting, and attending to the wounded or disabled sol- diers as they shall, from time to time, arrive in the city ; such committees to cooperate with the State agents and medical attendants ; each committee to serve one week, and to have the powers of substitution and of increasing their numbers at pleasure ; and the Recording Secretary shall give due written notice to each member of the com- mittee of his turn. JVinth. This Association shall have power to call general meetings of the sons of New England at such times as may be deemed proper, in order to submit to their consideration the action and plans of the Association, and to solicit their aid and advice in promoting the objects of this Association, namely, the tender care of volunteer soldiers who may have been disabled in the camp, in battle, and on the march to or from the seat of war. Tenth. These articles may be altered or added to at any meeting by a vote of a majority of the Association present, notice of the alteration or addition having been given at a previous meeting. Eleventh. At any meeting of this Association, the num- ber of nine shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Committee on Location made a verbal report, stat- ing that the building rented for the use of this Association would be ready on the fifth day of April. Rev. Dr. Vinton then oftered, and Judge Peabody sec- onded, the following resolution : Besolved, That Col. Frank E. Howe be appointed Super- 15 intendent of the rooms and offices provided for the use of this Association, which was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gould then read the following letter from Governor Sprag'ue, of Rhode Island, Mdiich was ordered to be re- corded with the miinites. " State of Rhode Island, &c., | " Executive Department. ) "Providence, April 2, 1862. " Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your fjivor of the 29th ult., communicating a copy of Resolutions passc/d at a meeting of the New Eiiglanders. " Be pleased to accept my thanks for your complimentary ac- tion. We are proud to be New Englandcrs, and to work under that honored name. " I am, very truly, youi- obedient sevaut, " \Vm. Sprague. " To Chas. Gould, Esq., Secretary, &c." Rev. Dr. Bellows, on behalf of the President and Fac- ulty of the Thirteenth Street Medical College, offered for the free use of this Association a ward in their Hospital with accommodations and medical attendance for one hun- dred of the beneficiaries of this Association. AVhereupon, it was unanimously Resolved^ That the thanks of this Association be, and they are tendered to the President and Faculty of the Thir- teenth Street Medical College, for tlieir liberal, humane, and patriotic otfer, which is gratefully accepted and referred to Messrs. Hawkins, Almy, and Howe, to confer with them more particularly in reference thereto. Dr. Perkins having in behalf of Dr. T. M. Cheeseman tendered his professional services to this Association, it was on motion of Mr. Pullen, liesolved, That the thanks of this Association be and they are hereby tendered to Dr. Cheeseman for his humane and patriotic oifer of professional services, and the same are gratefully accepted, and that the Secretary be requested to notify Dr. Cheeseman of the action of this Association. The Secretary, Mr. William Bond, submitted the fol- lowino- 16 REPORT. The Secretary respectfully submits : That, acting under the resolution authorizing him to subdivide this General Committee for certain purposes in said resolution specified, he has subdivided this General Committee into three Sub-Committees, leaving two to be hereafter designated, and that said Sub-Committees are constituted as follows : Messrs. Hitchcock, Wellington, PULLEN, Gould, YiNTON, Peabodt, Low, Wetmoee, Paine, Burns, HOPPIN, Fogg, For the week ending Ajjril 10. For the week endins; A2)ril 17. For the week ending Ajjril 24. Which report was unanimously adopted, and the Secre- tary was requested to notify the gentlemen above desig- nated, in relation thereto. On motion of Rev. Dr. Yinton, it was unanimously Resolved^ That the officers of this Association be and they are hereby appointed a committee to carry out the object and purposes of the resolutions passed at the Fifth Avenue Hotel meeting in reference to inviting the coopera- tion of other bodies and associations with this Association. On motion of Gen. Wetmore, Mr. AVilliam H. L. Barnes was elected Corresponding Secretary of this Association. On motion, Messrs. Low, Gould, and Bond, were ap- pointed a Committee on Printing, with instructions to pro- vide such Books, Printed Blanks, &c., as they may deem necessary. Rev. Dr. Bellows, on behalf of the Sanitary Commission 17 tendered to tliis Association, hospital stores, garments, medicines, and such other articles as may conduce to the wants and comforts of the beneficiaries of this Association, the same to be furnished at any time at their depot on the requisition of the proper representatives of this Association. Whereupon, Rev. Dr. Yinton offered the following Pre- amble and Kesolution, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Sanitary Commission, by their President, Rev. Dr. Bellows, has made offer to this Association of hospital stores, garments, medicines, and other useful and necessary articles, therefore Jiesolved, That the thanks of this Association be, and they are hereby, tendered to the Sanitary Commission for their considerate offer, which is thankfully accej^ted. On motion, adjourned to meet at the Astor House on Friday, April 4:, 1862, at 3^ o'clock p. m. William Bond, Secretary. 2 18 "NEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS' RELIEF ASSOCIA- TION." ADJOURNED MEETING. Friday, April 4th, 1862. The Association met pursuant to adjournment, at half past three p. m., at room No. 41, Astor House. The Chairman and Yice-Chairman being absent, on mo- tion of Rev. Dr. Yinton, Gen. P. M. Wetmore was unan- imously elected Chairman pro tempore. The following members were present, viz. : Messrs. Hawkins, Pullen, Wellington, Yinton, Wet- more, Barnes, Peabody, Gould, Burns, Howe, Low, Knight, Almy, Hitchcock, Bond. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the corre- sponding Secretary. The Chairman suggested that he had observed a dis- crepancy between the minutes and the by-laws embodied in them as respected the title of this body. In the one it was described as a Committee, and in the other as an Associa- tion. He thought this the proper time to determine whether it was an Association or a Committee of an Association. After discussion by Rev. Dr. Yintoil^ Mr. Hawkins, and others, on motion of Rev. Dr. Yinton, the minutes were amended so as to read " Association," wherever the word Committee occurs. The minutes as amended were then unanimously ap-. proved. On motion of Mr. Hawkins, the Corresponding Secre- tary was directed to inform all members of the Committee of their election, and to obtain information whether they intended to serve. 19 The Chairman directed the Secretary to read a com- munication received by the Association from George Bliss, jr., A. D. C, and Col. Commanding N. Y. Depot of Yol- iinteers, which was read, as follows : Offick or Commandant of Depo OF VOLDNTEERS. New Youk, April 4, 1862. Charles Gould Esq, Vice-Ckainnan, dx.: Dear Sir : I beg to inform yon that, on behalf of the State of New York, I am engaged in fitting up the southern por- tion of the Park Barracks on Broadway, as a temporary receiving hospital, for the sick and wounded volunteers arriving in this city. It is intended to provide at once one hundred beds, and to arrange so that as many more can be added at a few hours' notice, but the building is large enough to accommodate many more than this if needed. The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of New York and Brooklyn, (represented by Dr. Wood at the meeting at which your Committee was appointed,) will take inedical charge of the patients. hi the same spirit which has led the State of New York to throw the Park Barracks open freely to the use of all regiments and soldiers arriving in this city, it is both my duty and my pleasure to state these facts to the Committee over which you preside, and to express the hope that they will find it consistent with their views of duty and propriety, to cooperate in this effort to care for all sick and wounded volunteers. I may be allowed to add that the Park Barracks seem to me better adapted than any other building I know of, to anwser the purpose your Committee have in view — the reception and care for a few hours of sick and wounded men. I need hardly add in behalf of the State, that I shall cordially cooperate with your Committee in laboring for a common end. My desire is to see one systematic and efficient organization at work, representing all the States whose sick and wounded men are likely to arrive here, and caring for all alike. Such accommodations as your Committee may desire in addi- tion to those now preparing, will l)e readily furnished you at the Park Barracks without expense ; or, if your Committee desire it, arrangements can easily be made for sharing the expense. 20 May I beg the favor of an early answer in order that, if you wish it, your views may be consulted in the fitting up of the Bar- racks ? I am, sir, Your obedient servant, Geo. Bliss, jr., A. D. C, and Colonel Commanding N. Y. Depot of Volunteers. Whereuj)on, Rev. Dr. Yinton offered the following reso- lution wliicli was unanimously adopted : Resolved^ That this Association cordially reciprocates the offer of Col. Bliss, A. D. C. and Col. Commanding N. Y. Depot of Yolunteers, to cooperate with this Association in the care of sick and wounded soldiers returning from the seat of war to their homes. Hesolved, That the Secretary inform Col. Bliss, A. D. C. tfec, that the building occupied by the New England Sol- diers' Relief Association, 194 Broadway, is open at all hours for the admission of any disabled soldiers returning from the war. The following letter was then presented and read from Dr. John H. Griscom : 42 E. 29th St., April 4, 1862. My dear Sir : Should the Committee of the Sons of New England desire any counsel in relation to the Hygienic or medi cal arrangements, contemplated for the reception and care of the sick and wounded soldiers, in transitu through this city, it will afford me great pleasure to render any assistance in my power. The sick volunteers now in the New York Hospital, occupy some portion of my time at present, but I will gladly give any i-equired attention in aid of the benevolent labors of your organi- zation. Very respectfully, Jno. H. Griscom. Chas. Gould, Esq. Whereupon, on motion of Col. Howe, it was Besolmd, That the thanks of this Association l)e, and they are hereby, tendered to Dr. Griscom for his humane 21 and patriotic offer of professional services, and tlie same are gratefully accepted, and that the Secretary be requested to notify Dr. Griscom of the action of this Association. Gen. Wetmore, on behalf of Dr. A. K, Gardner, having tendered his profesional services to this Association, it was, on motion of Rev. Dr. Yinton, Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be and they are hereby, tendered to Dr. Gardner for his humane • and i3atriotic offer of professional services, and the same are gratefully accepted, and that the Secretary be requested to notify Dr. Gardner of the action of this Association. The chairman suggested that it was necessary to fill the blank in Section Eleven of the Plan of Organization, declar- ing what number should constitute a quorum ; and, after some discussion, on motion of llev. Dr. Yinton, it was re- solved that nine should be inserted in the said section, so that nine members of the Association should constitute a quorum thereof. The chairman then announced the organization of the Association to be complete. Mr. Hawkins moved the appointment of a committee of three, to prepare a suitable book for the enrolling of the members of the Association, and preserving a record of their respective offerings in aid of the Association. Car- ried. The chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Hawkins, Yinton, and Knight. On motion of Mr. Knight, the Corresponding Secretar}^ was directed to prepare and cause to be printed, in a com- pendious form, 1,000 copies of the Plan of Organization of the Association, together with a list of its officers, and a de- scription of the building occupied by the Association. On motion of Col. Howe, the State Agents were ap- pointed a committee to procure a suitable flagstaff and flag for the Association building, 194 Broadway. On motion of Dr. Yinton, the State Agents were ap- pointed a committee to procure suitable books for recording the names, &c., of all visitors to the Association, and also a 22 book for recording the names, residences, and other facts of interest, of all beneficiaries of the Association. The Treasurer, being called on to report, stated that there had as yet been no meeting of the Finance Commit- tee, and he had nothing to report. On motion of Mr. Almy, seconded by Col. Howe, it was unanimously Besol'ved, That R. H. McCurdy, Esq., be, and he is here- by, elected a member of this Association. Col. Howe proposed Hon. R. J. Andrews, Surveyor of the port of New York, as a member 'of the Association, which was seconded by Mr. Pullen, whereupon it was unan- imously Besolved, That Hon. R. J. Andrews be, and he is here- by, elected a member of this Association. Resol'ded^ That the Secretary notify Messrs. McCurdy and Andrews of their respective elections, and invite their attendance at future deliberations of the Association. Dr. Yinton gave notice that, at the next meeting of the Association, he should move to amend the by-laws by add- ing thereto a provision for the election of honorary mem- bers of the Association, who should not be resident in the State of New York. Mr. Hawkins gave notice that, at the next meeting of the Association, he should move to amend the by-laws by add- ing thereto a provision for membership of the Association whereby all New Englanders, or descendants of New Eng- landers, residing in New York, may become members thereof by enrolling their names and residence in the book of members. Col. Howe informed the Association, that Messrs. Stet- son had provided a temperance collation in an adjoining room, to which attention was specially invited. On motion of Col. Howe a recess was taken. After the collation Mr. Charles Gould gave notice that, at the next meeting of the Association, he should move to amend the Plan of Organization by adding thereto the fol- lowincr section : 23 Any member, living in the city, wlio shall absent him- self from three successive meetings of which he shall have been notified, without excuse, shall be deemed ipso facto to have resigned his office, and his connection with the Asso- ciation shall thenceforward cease. On motion of Col. Howe it was unanimously Resolved^ That the thanks of this Association and of each individual here present be, and they are hereby, gratefully tendered to the proprietors of the Astor House for the char- acteristic liberality which they have this day shown to this Association. On motion of Rev, Dr. Yinton, the Association ad- journed to meet on Tuesday evening, the 8th instant, at 8 o'clock p. M., at 194 Broadway, Wm. H. L. Barnes, Cor. Sec. and Sec'y pro tern. 24 "NEW ENGLAND SOLDIEES' BELIEF ASSOCIA- TION." ADJOUENED MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION. Tuesday, April 8, 1862, Pursuant to adjournment the Association met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and was called to order at 8 o'clock p. M., bj Mr. Gould, Yice-Chairman. The following members were present, viz. : Dextee a. Hawkins, Esq., Col. Fkank E. Howe, State State Agent, Agent, "William H. Fogg, Esq., F. E. "Wellington, Esq., Rev. R. D. Hitchcock, D. D., Samuel E. Low, Esq., Hon. Benj. "W. Bonnet, Nehemiah Knight, Esq., Hon. Charles A. Peabodt, Col. John H. Almt, State Maj. J. A. Pullen, Agent, John Paine, Esq., Gen. Pkospeb M. "Wetmoke, "William Bond, Esq., Charles Gould, Esq., Dr. Maurice Perkins, Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D., Samuel W. Bridgham, Esq. The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved, and the proceedings were iman- imously confirmed. Gen. Wetmore called up the amendment to the Plan of Organization, which Rev. Dr. Yinton gave notice at the last meeting he should offer for the consideration and action of this body. The amendment, after some discussion, "^as passed in the following words : " Section 12. This Association shall be empowered to elect such honorary members from time to time as may be deemed expedient. 25 The amendment offered by Mr. Hawkins, of wliicli lie had given notice at a previous meeting, was then brought up and was discussed by Mr. Hawkins, Gen. "Wetmore, Judge Bonney, and Judge Peabody, at some length ; after which discussion the amendment was withdrawn and the following resolution, offered by Mr. Hawkins and seconded by Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, was unanimously adopted : Hesolved, That all natives of New England resident in the State of New York, desirous of cooperating with this Association, be invited to enroll their names and residences in the Register of the Association, and make whatever offer- ing they may be disposed to make to the funds of the Asso- ciation. The following letter from Rev. Dr. Bellows, President of the Sanitary Commission, was then presented, and read to the meeting : IT. S. Sanitary Commission. ) New York, April 8, 18G2. \ My dear Mr. Gould : A meeting of the Executive Commit- tee of the Sauitary Commission, at the very hour of your meeting this evening, makes my presence impossible at the Session of the New England Soldiers' Relief Association. Being anxious, however, to know what measure of dependence you are going to place upon the stores of the Woman's Central Association, (one branch of the Sanitary Commission in this city,) I have requested my friend Mr. Bridgham, the active Committee man on supplies, in that body, to wait on you, to learn what you may now want, and are likely to want from us. As we are con stantly sending off our supplies to distant points, we do not wish to retain here more than is needful, while we are most anxious at the same time to retain all that is needful to meet the require ments of your highly respected body. Please receive Mr. Bridgham in my name, and consider him as an official visitor from the Sanitary Commission. Of course he does not expect to intrude upon your Committee meeting ; but waits your orders, and such reception as your rules and wishes may allow. Respectfully yours, Henry W. Bellows, Pres. of the U. S. San. Com. 26 After the reading of tlie letter, on motion, Mr. Samuel W. Bridgliam was unanimously elected a member of the Association. It being announced by Col. Howe, tliat Rev. Mr. Henry, Chaplain of the United States Hospital at Annapolis, was then in an adjoining room, he was on motion invited to meet with the Association, and Col. Howe was appointed a Special Committee to procure his attendance, which duty was immediately performed. The amendment offered by Mr. Gould, of which he had given notice at a previous meeting was then brought up, and after discussion, was adopted in the following words : Section 13. Any member being in the city, who shall, without excuse, absent himself from three successive meet- ings, (of which he shall have been notified,) shall be deemed, ij)so facto, to have resigned his office, and his connection with the Association shall thenceforward cease. The following letter from the Assistant Adjutant-Gen- eral of Rhode Island, was then read, and the Secretary in- structed to conmiunicate the information desired : State of Rhode Island, &c. J Adjutant General's Office, v Providence, hth April, 1862. ) Secretary Soldiera'' Relief Association : Sir : I am directed by his Excellency the Governor, to say that Rhode Ishmd will cordially unite with the other States, in giving support to your organization. He would be very glad if you would communicate to this de- partment, the plans of the Association, &c. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Aug. Hoppin, Assistant Adjutant-General. Wm. Bond, Esq. On the nomination of Gen. Wetmore, seconded by Judge Bonney, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected honorary members of this Association, and the Secretary was requested to notify them of their election : 27 His Excelleiicj, Governor Aisdkew, of Ilassachusetts. " " Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island. " " Governor Buckingham, of Connecticut. '" " Governor Holbrook, of Vermont. " " Governor Washburne, of Maine. " " Governor Berry, of JVeiv Hampshire. " " Governor Morgan, of I^ewYorTt. Gen. Wetmore, after a few remarks, nominated Col. George Bliss, jr., commanding IS^ew York Dej)ot of Volun- teers, as a member of this Association, Avhich nomination was seconded by Col. Howe, and carried nnanimously, and tlie Secretary requested to notify Col. Bliss, of his election. The following communication was then presented and read : We, the undersigned, place our professional services entirely at the order of the New England Soldiers' Relief Association, holding ourselves ready to attend to the wants of the wounded soldiers arriving in this city, at any hour of the day or night. A. K. Gardner, M. D., 144 East 13th st. W. R. DoNAGHE, M. D,, 102 4th Avenue. J. E. Steele, M, D., Irving Place. J. P. Garrisii, M. D., 40 West 21st st. Horace Green, M. D., 12 Clinton Place. Geo. B. Bouton, 44 E. 11th st. J. C. Kennedy, Duane st. Whereupon, on motion of Bev. Dr. Osgood, it was unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be, and they are hereby, tendered to Drs. Gardner, Douaghe, Steele, Garrish, Green, Bouton, and Kennedy, for their humane ^8 and patriotic offer of professional services, and the same are gratefully accepted ; and that the Secretary be requested to notify those gentlemen severally of the action of this As- sociation. The Secretary, Mr. William Bond, submitted the fol- lowing : The Secretary respectfully submits — That, acting under the Eighth Section of the Plan of Organization, which reads as follows : Eighth. The Secretary shall select from this Association five committees, (excluding the several State Agents,) to form Yisiting Committees for the purpose of receiving, dis- posing of, visiting, and attending to the wounded or dis- abled soldiers as they shall, from time to time, arrive in the city ; such committees to cooperate with the State Agents and medical attendants ; each committee to serve one week, and to have the j)Owers of substitution, and of increasing their numbers at pleasure ; and the Eecording Secretary shall give due notice to each member of the committee of his turn — He has selected the following VISITING COMMITTEES: For the Week ending Afvil Vjth. Rev. Fkancis Yinton, D. D., Hon, Chas. A. Peabody, Samuel E. Low, Esq., Gen. Pkosper M. Wetmoke. For the WeeJc ending Aijril 24:th. John Paine, Esq., Jeremiah Burns, Esq., William J. Hoppin, Esq., William H. Fogg, Esq., For the Week ending May 1. Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D., R. H. McCurdy, Esq., Nehemiah Knight, Esq., Hon. Benj. W. Bonney, • For the Week ending May 8th. Rev. R. D. Hitchcock, D. D., F. E. Wellington, Esq., Maj. J. A. PuLLEN, Wm. H. L. Barnes, Esq., 29 For the Weeh ending May 15 th. William M. Evarts, Esq., Eev. Francis Yinton, D. D., Samuel Low, Esq., Cuarles Gould, Esq. Also tliat due notice has been sent to each member of the committees designated. William Bond, Secretary. Which report was nnanimously accepted. Kev. Dr. Hitchcock, after a few prefatory remarks, read a letter which he had received, in which the writer, on the part of herself and others, tendered their services in any way that they could be rendered available in cooperation with this Association in ministering to the wants, necessi- ties, and comforts of the sick and wounded soldiers who shall arrive in this city, and suggesting the plan of an aux- iliary association of women to be organized and conducted under the supervision of this Association, in order that the purposes of this humane charity may be carried out with greater system and efficiency. The subject matter referred to in the letter was discussed by Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, Rev. Dr. Osgood, Mr. Bond, Judge Peabody, Col. Howe, and others ; after which discussion the following resolutions were offered by Mr. Bond, seconded by Judge Peabody, and unanimously adopted : Resolved^ That this Association, recognizing the eminent propriety of rendering such services, gratefully accept the offer made through Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, of the assistance of an Association of women in promoting the objects of this Association as declared in the basis of organization, namely, " the tender care of volunteer soldiers who may be or may become disabled in the camp, in battle, or on the march to or from the seat of war." Resolved^ That a Committee of Three, of which the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock shall be the Chaiman, be appointed with full power to initiate, and on behalf of this organization to perfect, a plan by which the assistance and services of an auxiliary association of women may be made available in 30 accomplisliing the purposes of this Association, — such com- mittee to make a report in writing of their action, under this resolution, to the next meeting of this Association. Wliereupon, Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, Rev, Dr. Osgood, and CoL Franlv E. Howe, Superintendent, &c., were appointed such committee. On motion of Col. Howe, it was Voted, That the officers of this Association be requested to officially notify Lieut.-Col. A. B. Eaton, Assistant Com- missary-General of Subsistence, U. S. A., of the organiza- tion and purpose of this Association, and request from him such official cooperation as he niay deem consistent with the regulations of his department. Col. Howe announced that he had received official in- formation from the Executive authorities of Rhode Island, expressing their cordial sympathy and desire to cooj^erate with this Association in carrying out its benevolent pur- poses. Col. Howe announced that he had received a communi- cation from His Excellency, Gov, Andrew, expressing his gratification at the organization of this Association, and sig- nifying his intention to place, at their disposal, an ambulance to be used for the comfortable transportation of the sick and wounded soldiers through the city. Col. Almy stated to the meeting, that he had recently seen His Excellency, Governor Buckingham, of Connect- icut, who had desired him to express his warm apprecia- tion of the objects of this organization, and on behalf of the State, his thanks for their thoughtful and considerate kind- ness in making provision for the sick and wounded Con- necticut soldiers. He also asked permission to be allowed to contribute personally to the Treasury of the Association the sum of one hundred dollars. The Committee on Location asked for instruction in relation to certain details connected with the fitting up of the building, liTo. 194 Broadway, which after discussion was referred to the Committee with power to determine. On motion of Mr. Knight, it was 31 Yoted^ That the Finance Committee be authorized and requested to perfect the details connected with the lease of the premises, No. 194 Broadway. Mr. Bridgham, on behalf of the Sanitary Commission, made some remarks in reference to the matters referred to in the letter of Rev. Dr. Bellows, previously read. Whereupon, on motion, it was liesolvcd, That the General Superintendent, Col. Frank E. Howe, with Messrs. Almy and Hawkins, State Agents, be appointed a Committee to confer with the Sanitary Com- mission in regard to the inquiries and suggestions contained in tlie communication of Rev. Dr. Bellows, President, &c., and to determine the action of this Association in relation thereto. Rev. Mr. Henry being called upon, addressed the meet- ing, and made some interesting statements regarding the Hospital at Annapolis, and also gave the benefit of his ob- servation and experience with soldiers, in furtherance of the general purposes of this Association. On motion, adjourned to meet at No. 19-4 Broadway, on Tuesday, April 15, at 7^ p. m. William Boxd, Secretary. ) X LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 744 355 7,