ll^iiiPiii'iii E494 .U565 ■v*" * SIB * ^ ^ "j^; .*^' .^" o *0 .^^ ,0 ^ ■'4, ''>*~^o* ^'^' 0' <^' ^^^'^^'^^y^"'^ ^^^ 0^ \^^.— S-, .0 V ^ ^. V .^^ ^ "-^ ^- ^ ■^ -^ ' Lff tA"<^ ' *^ ' ' Qnavterniaster <;}eneral>s Office, Oencral Order, No. 32, May 1, 1 S66. s( Ifliirtr. NAMES OP SOLDIERS WHO DIED IN DEFENCE OF THE AMERICAN UNION. INTERRED IN THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS; CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS; RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS; CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS; AND CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. " Oh ! wrap him in that banner proud, To keep whose honor bright he died; None other fit for Boldier's shroud Than our flag of stars— our nation's pridol And lay his sword down by his side, Its work is well and nobly done ; Our flag to-day floats high with pride- The glorious battle 's dearly won." WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 18G6. c c::^/ [jJt^-y^^^ /i 5 Copy. ^"^ f^^i. ^1. x^ 4^ . r, /^^ A EOLL OF HONOR. GENERAL ORDER, ) Quartermaster General's Office, No. 32. i Washington, D. C, May 1, 1S66. Tlie following report of Brevet Lieut. Col. James M. Moore, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, upon the Cemeteries in the Eastern District of Texas; Central District of Texas; Rio Grande District, Department of Texas; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas; and Corpus Christi, Texas, with the names of the martyrs there interred, is published by authority of the Secretary of War, for the information of their surviving comrades and friends. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General, U. S. A. r f PREFACE. Assistant Quartermaster's Office, Depot of Washington, No. 151 G Street, near 21st, Was7ungio7i, D. C, March 30, 1866. General: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication, records of deceased United States soldiers interred in the Eastern District of Texas; Central District of Texas; Rio Grande District, Department of Texas; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas; and Corpus Christi, Texas, alphabet- ically arranged, three-letter index. In the Eastern District of Texas interments have been made at the following places: "Houston, Jasper, near Hempstead, and Galveston." In the Central District of Texas, "City Cemetery, San Antonio; Hospital Cemetery, Indianola; near Wissequere's house, 6 miles N. W. of Victoria ; near Railroad Depot, Victoria ; near Green Lake ; in open lot, Lavaca Cemetery; Odd-Fellows' Cemetery, near Victoria; enclosed Cemetery, south of Church Lavaca; one mile right of burying-ground, Matagorda; upper burying-ground west of Indianola; public cemetery west of Indianola; new bridge across Powderhorn Bayou; burying- ground at Matagorda." In the Rio Grande District, Department of Texas: "Near old Fort Brown, Brownsville; Brownsville, Brazos Santiago; Edinburg; Ringgold Barracks, Roma." Scattered as these places are over a large extent of territory, it was not considered advisable to disinter the remains and remove them to a central cemetery. No difSculty is known to exist to prevent the identity of each grave. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAS. M. MOORE, Bvt. Lt. Col and Asst. Q M., U. S. Army. Brevet Major General M. C. Meigs, Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C, f 5 United States Soldiers interred in the Eastern District of Texas during the ReheUion. Name. At Houston. Cox, Alfred Irish, Noble McKay, Dan'l J... Stevens, Benjamin. Taylor, John M At Jasper. Arnault, Victor Near Hempstead. Hobbs, John Myers, Adam Sacket, Jonathan Thompson, Charles.. At Galveston. Adamson, Charles Barnes, Frank Barrett. George Beauregard, Adam Bogart, Nelson Brackett, Timothy Breeu, B Brown, Jos. H Brown, Wm Carpenter, Abraham Clitcher, Elisha M. Cook, Fred. W Cover, Ephraim Ebert, George Ertz, John Garner, Lorenzo Graham, John Green, Wm GriiEn, George Ham, Wellington Hedgs, Henry A Hoii'man, Wm Hoops, Stamen Lagier, David Larribee, Theodore Libbey, John T Lisle, George Longacre, Josiah Markwell, A McClarion, John E Morrison, Job Kank. Private ....do... .-..do.-, ..--do.-. .-..do... Private Private ... ....do Corporal . . Private ... 1st lieuten't Private --.do --.do. ...do- -..do.-. --.do... -..do.-. ...do.-. .-.do. . --.do... ...do... Corporal . Private .. Saddler . . Private -. -..do.-.. ...do.--. Corporal . . Private ... Sergeant . . Private ... --.do ...do ...do Ord. sergt. Private ... ...do Sergeant.. Private ... ....do Eegiment. 12th 111. cav. , do do do do 12th 111. cav. 12th 111. cav. do do do 2d Wis. cav.. 94th 111 2d Wis. cav.. 32dlnd 24th Iowa 4th Mass. bat 2)st Ky 24th Ind 37th 111 77th Pa 29th 111 34th Iowa 77th Pa 77th Pa 12th 111. cav.. 29th 111 29th 111 26th N. Y 24th Ind... 34 th lowa-- 24th Ind... 37tb 111.--- 48th Ohio.. 24th Ind . . . 12th 111. cav U. S. Army. 37 th 111..-- n4th Ohio. 29th 111.... 12th 111. cav 26th Ohio.. bat. Co. D Date of Death. Oct. 11, 1865 Oct. 9, 1865 Sept. 24, 1865 Nov. 8, 1865 Oct. 5, 1865 Aug. 16, 1865 Sept. 17, 1865 Sept. 13, 1865 Sept. 17, 1865 Sept. 17, 1865 Nov. Aug Nov. Jan. July Sept. Jan. Aug. Dec. Sept. July Aug. Aug. Oct. Oct. July Aug. July Sept. Sept. Oct. Jan. Nov. Sept. Oct. Dec. Feb. July July Nov. Nov. 1.5, 1865 10, 1865 17, 1865 2, 1866 14, 1865 16, 1865 8, 1866 30, 1865 24, 1865 11, 1865 21, 1865 18, 1865 5, 1865 6, 1865 12, 1865 13, 1865 3, 1865 23, 1865 8, 1865 2.5, 1865 21, 1865 2, 1866 25, 1865 11, 1865 11, 1865 25, 1865 6, 1866 25, 1865 16, 1865 23, 1865 2, 1865 m EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS. No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name. Perke, Christian Roberts, Owen R Sam era, Juan Ster])oret, Leonard Stewart, W. R Stewart, W. J Sullivan, Jolin Turner, Lark in Waf^p;oner, John Weichard, Christian Rank. Private ...do ...do Corporal . . . Serg-eant . . . 1st lieuten't. Private Corporal . . . Private .... ...do Regiment. Weise, Clause i do Wino-, Abraham 'do. Woody, Henderson do. 13tb Wis cav. .. 77th Pa 1st Texas cav... 7Gth 111 1st Texas cav. 24th lud 37th III 24th Ind 4th Mass cav 12'thl!l. cav.... 28th 111 34th Iowa 24th lud Co. Date of Death. Nov. 4, 1865 Auff. ■\ 1865 Nov. 28, 186.5 July ]7, 1865 Aug. 17, 1865 Sept. H, 1865 I'eb. 7, 1865 Sept. 28, 1865 July 30, 1865 Nov. 8, 1865 July 24, 1865 Aug. 8. 1865 Oct. 21, 1865 COLORED. At Galveston. Bawks, Jenkins Byard, Frank Hendrickson, Augustus.. Martin, John McNeAv, Henry Row, John Smith, Peter Stone, Irviu Temple, Wm Private ... ....do ....do ....do , ....do ....do .-..do .-..do Corporal . . . IflthU. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T 45th U. S. C. T. 109th U. S. C. T 122dU. S. C. T... 122dU. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S. C. T. 45th U. S. C. T... Sept. 7, 1865 Nov. 14, 1865 Nov. 14 1865 July 22, 1865 Dec. 5, 1865 Oct. 6, 1865 Nov. IB, 1865 Dec. 25, 1865 Dec. 26, 1865 United States Soldiers interred hi the Central District of Texas during the Rehellion. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name. City Cemetery, San Antonio. Archeson, John Bates, W. C Becker, William Beiver, Adam Bell, V. N ; Brumming, Rudolph Capron, Charles Carman, Warren R Conner, Richard Cox, Theodore Dougherty, Henry E lliot, Jason Ellsworth, Atwater Ernest,. Julius Hofl'inan, Paul Martin, Royal Rank. Sergeant . . . Private ...do ...do Sergeant . . . Private ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Regiment. Private 3d Mich, cav 3d Mich, cav 3d Mich, cav 4th Wis. cav 4th Wis. cav 18th N. Y. cav... 59tb 111 3d Mich, cav 10th 111. cav 18th N. Y. cav.... 4th Mich, cav 3d Mich, cav 4th Mich cav 18th N. Y. cav 12th 111. cav 32dlud Co. Date of Death. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Oct. Sept. Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. Aug. Nov. Dec. 19, 1865 15, 1865 1, 1865 25, 1865 23, 1865 9, 1865 22, 1865 3, 1865 8, 1865 10, 1865 16, 1865 13, 1865 6, 1865 8, 1865 21, 1865 10, 1865 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Mitfbell, Robert Mitchell, Robert jVIoloney, James ... Poole, A. M Racey. JoLu Richards, Edward Richardson, Barnard ... Scauland, John Hmitli, Dennis Smith, Juliut; Soules, Charles Spellman, Jacob Stearns, Stiles, William S Talbert, J. A , Udell, James Vauhorn, Abraham Wellington, John Hospital Cemetery, ixdianola. Beck, James Brown, Robt. M... Caruet, Clnist Cowen, Dennis Fasuot, Jacob Heck, William Moon, George Murdoch, Thos. R. O'Brien, Patrick Percell, William... Ware, James PriA- ate ....do Citizen Em Private ....do Near Wessequere's house, (3 miles n. w. OF Victoria. Allen, Aaron Beviu, James E Brown, Dallas Carr, Amos Clas.sin, Martin Closky, Lewis Crawford, Hillane . CuUiron, B Davison, Walter . . Deal, James Deunison, John ... Dexter, Ira Forsyth, John Galloway, Charles . Grayhle, Emanuel . Hanson, Halvor... Hatfield, Jasper ... Herr, Joseph Hills, Giles Hiudback, August. Hogau, Thos. P... Iloilaud, John ....do.... Corporal . Private .. Farrier .. Private .. ....do.... Bugler. .. Private .. Sergeant . Private .. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Private ...do ...do Government Private ...do ...do ...do Government Private Government Private .. Sergeant . Private .. ...do.... ....do.... ....do..-. ....do.... ,...do...- Musician Private .. ....do...- 3d Mich. cav.. 21st 111. cav... ploye jy'th Ohio 49th Ohio 51st Ind 10th 111. cav... 18th N. Y. cav. 3d Mich. cav. . 18th N. Y. cav. 3d Mich. cav. . 3d Mich. cav. . 59th 111 3d Mich. cav. . 51st Ind 3d Mich 71st Ohio 18th N. Y. cav. ...do..-. Sergeant . Private .. ...do..-. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. Private 30th Ind. 41st Ohio 3Uth Ind., Employe. 77th Pa... 57th Ind. 30th Ind., 77th Pa... Employe. 23d Ky... Employe. , 51st Ohio 77th Pa... 31st Ind.. 30th Ind. 77th Pa.. 41st Ohio 51st Ohio 5 1 St Ohio 9th Ind... 21st 111... 23d Ky... 75th 111... 77tb Pa... 77th Pa... 77th Pa... 13th Wis. , 31st Ind... 77th Pa . . . 4th Mich.. 77th Pa... 21st Ky... 21st Ky... Aug. Dec. Oct. Oct. Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. Oct. Nov. Aug. Aug. Sept. Dec. Sept. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. Nov. Nov. Sept. Nov. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Aug. 18, 1865 7, 1865 9, 1865 25, 1865 25, 1865 22, 1865 23, 1865 7, 1865 6, .1865 6, 1865 20, 1865 11, 1865 25, 1865 8, 1865 ;30, 1865 16, 1865 24, 1865 15, 1865 26, 1865 15, 1865 15, 1865 3, 1865 2, 1865 5, 1865 1, 1865 2, 1865 18, 1865 3, 1865 2, 1865 1865 1865 1865 18G5 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 18G5 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 18G5 1865 1865 1865 10 CENTKAL DISTKICT OF TEXAS. Name. Horner, Geo. W Howes, Henry Howell, Albert J Hudson, Zachariah . . Hurkleberry, Jacob . . Hiitchins, Martin Karger, Anton Ketch, George Lesh, Lewis ., Martin, Wm. F Montgomery, John . . Nieman, Jacob O' Holland, William.. Payne, David J Phillips, David Ramsey, John Riley, Jacob Richmond, Jno. R Ron, John Shamon, John Sturtevant, Isaiah J. Syling, Lewis Temple, Franklin . . . Thomas, Joseph Trimblin, Philip Wad ley, William Wages, John Waterman, David Wells, Geo. D White, Horace H Rank. Private ....do Near Railroad Depot, Victoria. Alderon, John Allen, J. W Anderson, Andrew Baldwin, Thos. H Bresh, Peter Brown, Peter Brown, Frederick Crawford, Wm. P Fisher, William Johnson, Alexander ... Leslie, James P Lewis, Chas. V Lyons, Root. J McNeelj', Thomas Miller, John Moore, John J Mnuce, James Myers, Andrew Patterson, Matthew ... Pearson, Leonard Quigg, William Rice, James S Spencer, Samuel Stewart, Daniel Stocking, James Tefensee, John .-.-do ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private ....do Corporal . Private .. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .-.-do.... ....do.... ....do..-. ....do.--. Private ...do.. ....do.... ...do..-. Corporal . Private .. --.do.... ...do.... ...do.-.. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... --.do.--, --.do.... ...do.--, .-.do.-.. ...do.... ....do.... .-.-do---, --.do.... ...do.... Corporal . ...do.... Private .. ...do.--. --.do.... Regiment. 5Lst Ohio 77th Pa.. 77th Pa.. 3ist Ind . 3d Mich. . 38th 111.. 77th Pa.. 5 J St Ohio 3r>th Ind 35th Ind. 77th Pa.. 77th Pa.. 21st Ky.. 38th 111.. 31st Ind. 9th Ind.. 21st Ky.. 51st Ohio 77th Pa.. 77th Pa.. 38th 111.. 77th Pa.. 77th Pa.. 77th Pa.. 5Jst Ohio 38th 111.. 5Ist Ohio 30th Ind. 31 St Ind. 31st Ind. 21st Ky 77th Pa 13th W^is 77th Pa 13th Wis 77th Pa 18th N.Y. CIV 21st Ky 77th Pa 31st lud 30th Ind 4th Mich 77th Pa .59th 111 15th Ind 77th Pa ]3thWis 30th Ind 77th Pa 21st Ky 38th 111 21st Ky 77th Pa 77th Pa 49th Ohio.... 77th Pa Co. I Date of Death. Oct Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aue:. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. Dec. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. 8, 1865 26, 1865 28, 1865 15, 1865 7, 1865 30, 1865 2, 1865 12, 1865 25, 1865 24, 1865 13, 1865 6, 1865 30, 1865 3, 1865 9, 1865 13, 1865 30, 1865 12, 1865 6, 1865 29, 1865 23, 1865 13, 1865 1, 1865' 19, 1865 21, 1865 16, 1865 17, 1865 19, 1865 31, 1865 26, 1865 26, 1865 25, 1865 29, 1865 25, 1865 18, 1865 4, 1865 6, 1865 11, 1865 27, 1865 4, 1865 9, 1865 29, 1865 21, 1865 15, 1865 9, 1805 18, 1865 10, 1865 30, 1865 9, 1865 22, 1865 6, 1865 7, 1805 26, 1865 6, 1865 3, 1865 24, 1865 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. 11 Name. Rank. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Tonga, Arnada Tmxton, Talbot Wacelin, James Weaver, William — Wells, Stephen C... Woodward, Goo. A. Near Green Lake. Bogan, James P Brieulaiigh, Chas... Delansy, James Funk, Miles Gordon, Ezra Lander, Marion Miller, Wm. H Moffit, John J Murphy, William . . Welsh, John , Westenholt, Beuj'n In open lot, Lavaca Cemetery. Barnes, J. B -.-... Brady, P Cutts, William .... Gard, Wm. M Hannam, Jno. F... Higgius, John Honiberger, Jacob . ISIahoney, Jno Polker, Lewis Putnam, G Odd-Fellows' Ceme- tery, near Victoria. Brewer, Martin Enclosed Cemetery, SOUTH OF Church La- vaca. Bowman, Martin Bowman, David . Boyd, J. S , Private . . ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... Corporal . Private ...do... ...do.. ...do.- ,...do.. ...do.. ,...do.. ,...do.. .do. .do. .do. Private ....do... Private 38th 111. 3d Mich. 77th Pa. 77th Pa. 21st Ilk. 21st Ilk. 30th Ind. 77th Pa.. 21st 111... 77th Pa.. 75th 111.. 35th Ind. 77th Pa.. 9th Ind.. 77th Pa.. 21st Ky.. 21st Ky.- 42d 111.... 64th Ohio. .57th Ind.. 28th Ky. . . 57th Ind.. 28th Ky... 42d 111.... 42d 111.... 42d 111.... r25th Ohio 77th Pa. 57th Ind 57th Ind 57th Ind Nov. 18, 18G5 Oct. 1(5, 1865 Nov. 28, 1865 Dec. 4, 1865 Oct. 27, 1865 Oct. 16, 1865 Aug. July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Auff. 11, 1865 31, 1865 2, 1865 2, 1865 7, 1865 9, 1865 9, 1865 5. 1865 4, 1865 3, 1865 2, 1865 Unknown, Do. Oct. 13, 1865 Unknown. Nov. 8, 1865 Unknown. Nov. 4, 1865 Unknown. Do. July 28, 1865 Dec. 17, 1865 Dec. 5, 1865 Nov. 3, 1865 Dec. 4, 1865 COLORED. Hospital Cemetery, Indianola. Adams, Frank.. - Adams, Benjamin Adams, Jack Allen, John 115th U. S. C. T. 115th U. S. C. T. 11.5th U. S. C. T. 8th U. S. C. T... Aug. 9, 1865 Sept. 16, 1865 Nov. 1, 1865 July 11, 1865 12 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. Name. Rank. Eesciment. Co. Date of Death. Allen, William Allen, Christ Balaiiey, August Balver, Riley Hamster, John Bamliill, Benjamin Birns, Reuben Brand, Alfred Broun , J. T Brown, William BucQand, iSt. Alvin Buris, Abram Burnett, Simon Burton, George Campbell, John Camper, John H Carter, John Carson, Sylvester Carroll, James Chapman, George Clark, Charles Clark, David Clay, Henry Coats, Anthony Colesman, Corn Connelton, A Cranipton, Michael Crosswait, Stanf Davis, General Dawson, James DeCoy, Garritt Dykes, James Enis, Alfred Fench, Miles Field, Barrett Fitchell, David Forman, Thomas Franklin, Charles Gate wood, Theph Gentry, Orange Gibson, William (■ilenn, James Godfrey, Robert Gougli, Jefferson Grifhn, Murry Handy, Jacob Handy, William Hay den, Presley Hendon, Aaron Henderson, Stilm Hode, Andrew Hodges, James Honesty, Lewis Horter, Sandy Hurkill, Henry H Hunter, Robert Hurt, Anthony Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Tliomas , James, William A , Private ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do Private. , ...do... ...do... ...do... Private. Private . ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ....do... .do... .do... .do... Private ...do ...do ....do Corporal . . . Private ...do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . .. Private ....do ....do Sergeant. .. Private — ....do ..-.do ....do ....do Adjutant. . Private ....do ....do ....do ....do 109th U. S. C T.. 109th U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C.T.... 109th U. S. C. T.. llothU. S. C. T.. nsthu. s. c. T.. ll.'thU. S. C. T.. 109ihU. S. C.T.. 7th U. S. C. T.... 7ihU. S. C. T.... 2ethU. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 115th U. S. C. T.. 115th U. S. C.T.. 109th U. S. C.T.. 7th U. S. C. T.... 109tb U. S. C.T.. 115th U. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C. T- 7th U. S. C. T.... 109th U. S. C.T.. 109th U. S. C.T., 109th U. S. C. T., 9th U. S. C. T.... 1tt9thU. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T. 115th TJ. S. C.T- ll5thU. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C.T. 115th IT. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C. T. 7th U. S. C.T... 7th U. S. C.T... 7th U. S. C.T... 115th U. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C.T. 7th U. S. C.T... 109th U. S. C.T. 115th IT. S. C.T. 7th U.S. C.T... 109th U. S. C. T. 7th U. S. 7th U. S. 115th U. 1 1.5th U. 8th U. S. 8th U. S. 109lh U. 28th U. S. C.T-. 109lh U. S. C. T. 11.5th U. S. C.T. 115th IT. S. C.T. 109th U. S. C.T. 7th U. S. C. T... lt9ihU. S. C. T. 115th U. S. C. T. C.T... C.T... S. C.T. S. C.T. C.T... C.T... S. C.T. Aug. Aug. July S^pt. Sept. Nov. July Nov. Oct. Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. Oct. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. Oct. July July Oct. Oct, Oct. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. July Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. July Oct. Sept. Aug. Dec. Sept. July June Aug. Oct. Aug. Aug. June Oct. Aug, July Aug. Sept. 30, 1865 7, 1865 2-2, 1865 10, 1865 7, 1865 9, 1865 28, 1865 3, 1865 20, 1865 6, 1865 22, 1865 7, 1865 20, 1865 6, 1865 22, 1865 25, 1865 16, 1865 17, 1865 2, 1865 19, 1865 1, 1865 16, 1865 14, 1865 2, 1865 27, 1865 2, 1865 19, 1865 17, 1865 15, 1865 16, 1865 19, 1865 16, 1865 10, 1865 20, 1865 27, 1865 20, 1865 9, 1865 2, 1865 11, 1865 11, 1865 14, 1865 22, 1865 9, 1865 31, 1865 16, 1885 7, 1865 6, 1865 G, 1865 31, 1865 3tt, 1865 5, 1865 5, 1865 19, 1865 31, 1865 27, 1865 7, 1865 23, 1865 23, 1865 19, 1865 23, 186p CENTRAL DISTKICT OF TEXAS. 13 Name. Eauk. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. James. Isaac Private . Lancaster, Willis do . . . Lawler, William P do... Lewis, Leoiih do Lively, La^YSon do... Logan, Lewis do... Lorine, Albert do . . . Maeldon, Charles do... Mallon, Charles do... Man ifee, Richard do . . . McKitchen, Lee do . . . Monday, James do. . . Nicholas, Saul do... Nicholas, Henry do. . . Noll, Benjamin i do... Ornduff, Andrew do . . . Phillips, William do... Powell, George do... Puckett, AVilson do... Ray, Jerry do... Rhodes. Riley do... Riley, William do... Riley, Israel do... Rodney, George do.. . Rustin, John M. do... Sanders, Willie do... Smith, William do... Smith, Jacob do... Spencer, Wash do... Straitner, Henry do... Sublet t, Reuben ; do . . . Talbott, Philip do Tilman, Frank do. Towuley, Harrison do... Towney, Robert do . Verspy, Edward do. Watts, Thomas do. Wilder, Jack do . Wilson, Jordan d( Williams, Henry do. Winnie, W^illiam do. Wright, Joseph do. Wright, Walker do. One mile right of Burying -ground, Matagorda. Matthew, Joseph B Waters, Perry Upper Burying- ground, West of Indianola. McFarren, Charles Potter, Edward Public Cemetery, West of Indianola. Pickard, J. L Surgeon Private ....do.. Sergeant . Private . . C. T. C.T. C.T. C.T. C.T. C.T. C.T. 8th U. S. C. T.. ]U9th U. S. C.T J 15th U. S. C.T l]5th U. S. C. T 115th U. S. C T 28ih U. S. C. T. 115th IT. S. C.T 109th U. S. C. T ]U9th U. S. C.T 109th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. 109th U. S. J 09th U. S. 109th U. S. 109th U S. 11.5th U. S. 109th U. S. 28th U. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. C.T 11.5th U. S. C.T 8th U. S. C. T.. TtliU. S. C.T.. 7th U. S. C.T.. 7th U. S. C.T.. 8ihU. S. C.T.. 115th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. C.T 7th U. S. C. T.. 115th U. S. C.T 7th U. S. C. T.. 7th U. S. C.T.. 1 1.5th U. S. C.T 7th U. S. C. T.. 7th U. S. C. T.. 115th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. C.T 115th U. S. C.T 7th U. S. C. T.. 115th U. S. C.T 7th U. S. C. T.. 122d U. S. C. T. 7th U. S. C.T.. 7th U. S. C.T.. 115th U.S. C.T. 115th U. S. C.T. 115th U. S. C. T.. July Aug. July July Nov. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. July July Oct. July Sept. Aug. Sept. Nov. Aug. Jnly Aug. Aug Sept. July Aug. Nov. Nov. July Sept. Sept. Dec. Oct. July Sept. Sejit. July Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. Dec. 7 18G5 21, 18G5 29, 1865 20, 1865 11, 1865 15, 1865 6, 1865 2,g,865 13, 1865 7, 1865 25, 1865 29, 1865 29, 1865 22, 1865 3, 1S65 17, 1865 6, 1865 9, 1865 6, 1865 5, 1865 6, 1865 27, 1865 2t5, 1865 29, 1865 1, 1865 15, 1865 29, 1865 2, 1865 15, 1865 11, 1865 17, 1865 2, 1865 26, 1865 24, 1865 11, 1865 5, 1865 17, 1865 25, 1865 9, 1885 17, 1865 9, 1865 1, 1865 8, 1865 Aug. 16, 1865 Dec. 24, 1865 Aug. 15, 1865 July 2, 1865 ... July 20, 1865 14 EIO GRANDE DISTEICT, TEXAS. No. Name. Eank. Eegiment. Co. Date of Death. New Bridge, across POWDERUORN BaYOU. 1 Stephens, George H burying-ground at Matagorda. Private 7thU. S. C.T.... G July 6, 1865 1 Villizette, G Private 115tliU. S. C.T.. H Aug. 22, 1865 United States Soldiers interred in the Bio Grande District, Depart- ment of Texas, during the Eehellion. WHITE. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(5 17 18 Name. Near Old Fort Brown, Brownsville, Texas. Baker, John G. . . . Basquis, Autoiue . Carter, James L.. Earl, Geo. B Fallen, Jeremiah . Fisk, Eldridge Gage, William . .. Krau, Thomas C Lawrence, Geo... Milne, Harvey . .. Ogle, Benjamin. . . Phelps, Martin . ., Eenarcl, Autoine.. Eouch, Philip Sullivan, Patrick Walker, Frank ... Wells, Marshall ., Wheeler, John . . Eank. Private ....do.. ...do.... ...do-... ...do.... ,...do.... ...do.... Sergeant . Private . . ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. .do. -do. Eegiment. 35th Wis 1st U. S. art.. 28th 111 2d Tenn. cav 7th Vt 7th Vt 2d Texas cav 28th 111 , IstU. S. art., 2d Texas cav 91st HI 28fh 111 2d Texas cav 1st U. S. art. 28th III 2d Texas cav 1st U. S. art. 28th 111 Co. Date of Death. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Sept. Aug. Sept. Nov. Aug. July May Nov. Oct. Nov. Nov. July Sept. Aug. 6, 1865 7, 1865 23, 1865 20, 1865 13, 1865 16, 1865 28, 1865 7, 1865 17, 1865 31, 1865 7, 1865 6, 1865 2, 1865 11, 1865 7, 1865 31, 1865 16, 1865 7, 1865 COLOEED. Accoo, J , Adams, Howard... Adams, William . . Anderson, Jno. D. Anderson, Ison Anderson, Samuel Askey, Thomas .. Askins, John Atkinson, Wilson Babcock, Robert.. Bagwell, John Private ....do.. ...do. ...do. ...-do. ....do.... Sergeant . Private .. ....do.... ....do.... Corporal . 22dU. S. C. T... 22dU. S. C. T ... 45th U.S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T-... 46th U. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 38th U. S. C. T... 41st U. S. C. T... 118th U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd. 8th U. S. C.T..., Aug. July Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. Sept. Nov. Oct. 4, 1865 26, 1865 18, 1865 20, 1865 16, 1865 28, 1865 14, 1865 17, 1865 13, 1865 20, 1865 20, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 15 Name. Bain, Foster Bailey, 'Richard Baker, Cornelius Baldwin, Benedict Banks, Lewis Barr, Charles Barker, David Benton, John Benson, Samuel Bending', Jeremiah Berry, Lewis Beverly, John Bishop, Morris Bog^s, Edward Bond, Samuel Bond, Charles Brewster, John Bristol, James Brown, William Brown, Charles Brown, Lewis Brown, John Brown, William Brown, Alexander Brown, John S Bruce, J Burton, Extra Butler, John F Cable, James Clay, Henry , Clark, William Cocomne, John Colbut, Nelson Cooper, Charles Cooper, George Corbin, Parker Courtney, George Crosswell, Frederick Culverton, Benj Dale, Harry Daudridge, Alfred Davis, Edward I)e Hart, John Deingue, Thomas Dennis, Samuel Derling, Aaron Devan, William Deyo, William Dickinson, Cornelius . .. Dickinson, Robert Diggs, Edward Dillon, Joseph Dixon, Clay Dodge, Edwin DoizJer, George Doizier, Joseph Doughtey, George Drake, Charles Drummoud, William Eave, Moses Rank. Private . . . ...do ...do ...do ...do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . Private ... ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . .. Private ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ....do ....do --..do ....do ....do .--.do ....do ....do ....do .--.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-.do .-..do ....do ....do .--.do .-..do ....do ....db ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ....do. ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Regiment. 23d U. S. C. T... llSthU. S. C. T.. 114th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T... 118th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T.... 22dU. S. C. T.-. 41st U. S. C. T... 41st U. S. C. T... 117th U. S C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T.... 22dU. S. C. T.... 38th U. S. C. T... 19th U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C.T.... 29th Conn. Col'd 19th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T. . 19th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd 29th Conn. Col'd 114th U. S. C. T. 38th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T . . 9th U. S. C. T.-- 19th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T. 45th U. S. C. T.. 29th XL S. C. T.- !59thCoun. Col'd. 29th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. CT... 38th U. S. C. T.. llbth U. S. C. T. 9th U. S. C. T... 114th U. S. C.T- 9th U. S. C. T-.- 2dU. S. C.art--- 43d U. S. C. T-.- 8th U. S. C. T--. 22d U. S. C. T - - 9th U. S. C. T. . . 31st U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd. 9th U. S. C. T... llSthU. S. C. T. 22d U. S. C. T - . 2dU. S. C. art..- 118th U. S. C. T- 117th U. S. C. T- 43d U. S. C. T.. 4:idU. S. C. T... 9th U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T. . 38th U.S. C, T.. 118th U. S. C. T. Co. Date of Death. Sept. July Sept. Oct. Aug. Nov. Aug. Aug. Oct. Oct. Nov. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. July Oct. Nov. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. Nov. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. July July Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Aug. Aug. 24, 1865 30, 1865 22, 1865 29, 1865 9, 1865 4, 1865 13, 1865 12, 18G5 26, 1865 26, 1865 10, 1865 10, 1865 15, 1865 22, 1865 8, 1865 17, 1865 1, 1865 31, 1865 20, 1865 5, 1865 22, 1865 4, 1865 27, 1865 1, 1865 7, 1865 10, 1865 4, 1865 13, 1865 13, 1865 15, 18C5 7, 1865 19, 1865 25, 1865 8, 1865 17, 1865 30, 1865 13, 1865 19, 1865 11, 1865 2, 1865 2, 1865 19, 1865 16, 1865 11, 1865 8, 1865 12, 1865 28, 1865 26, 1865 18, 1865 31, 1865 6, 1865 29, 1865 5, 1865 28, 1865 25, 1865 1, la65 5, 1865 26, 1865 11, 1865 2, lb65 16 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Rank. Kegiment. Co. Date of Death. Eaves , George Eaves, Stephen Echvin, Peter Eluiore, Archey Elsey, Daniel , Everett, Joseph Fairfax, Henry Fairweather, John Finnt-y, Herbert Fiuker, Joseph Fiuley, Newton Fisher, William Fisher, John H Floyd, PLilip , Foot, Isaac Fraui-is, George Francis, Edward Franklin, Arch Freeman, Henry Fieeman, Edward .. .. Gaile, Jack Gale, James Garrison, Daniel Garrison, Robert Garrett, Moudy Gassaway, George Gecke, Wi 11 iam Gillespie, Jacob Given, Isaiah Gosley, Elbut Grandersou, John Graham, Jacob Grave, Benjamin Green, George . . . . Green, London Green, George H Ilagaman, Henry Ilagerman, Samuel . .. Haggard, Thomas Hall, Frank Haugus, George Handy, Henrj' , Handy, Henry Harris, Wilson Harris, Charles Harrison, Henry Harrison, Samuel Harrison, Cheatham .. liargnss, Adam Hathaway, Benjamin. Hatliett, Moses Hawkins, Henry. Heath, Uriah Helm, Joira llelstou, Charles Hcnson, H Heuson, Samuel Henry, William J Henderson, John . Henderson, Samuel . . ]18thU. S. C.T.. ]I8thU. S. C.T.. 23d U. S. C. T.... 114th U. S. C. T.. 9th U. S. C. T.... •2.SdU. S. C.T.... 45th U. S. C.T... liSth U. S. C. T.. 9th U. S. C. T.... liethU. S. C.T.. 8th U. S. C.T.... 3dthU. S. C.T... 9th U.S. C. T.... 7th U. S. C.T.... 9th U. S. C. T.... 2:M U. S. C. T.... •29th Conn. Col'd.. 4:M U. S. C. T.-.. 22dU. S. C.T.... 2d Conn. Col'd... IJSthU. S. C.T.. 9th U. S. C. T.... ]9th U. S. C.T... 29th Conn. Col'd.. lITth U. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C.T... 23d U. S. C. T.... 114th U. S. C. T.. INih U. S. C.T-. 9th U. S. C. T.... 4:id U.S. C.T.-.. 43d U. S. C. T.... llCth U. S. C. T.. 19th U S. C.T... 23d U. S. C.T.... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 22dU. S. C. T.... 38th U. S. C. T... ]9th U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C.T.... .do I 9ihU. S. C. T.... 19th U. «. C.T... i9th U. S. C.T... 114th U. S. C.T.. 19th U. S. C. T... ]14thU. S. C.T.. 19th U. S. C.T... 118th U. S. C. T.. 9th U. S. C.T.... l]8ihU. S. C. T.- 4t)thU. S. C. T... 4:;d U. S. C T.... 43d U. S. C.T.... ]l4th U. S. C. T.. 3Hth U. S. C T... 23d U. S. C.T.... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 23d U. S C.T.... 43d U. S C.T.... 29tbU. S. C. T... Privp.te ..-.do .-.-do .--.do ..-.do ...do ....do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ....do ....do ...do --.do ---do ...do --.do ...do --.«lo ...do --.do ---do ...do ---do .--do -..do ---do --.do -..do --.dor -..do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do .--.do --.do --.do ...do .--do ...do ...do ...do --.do ...do ...do ....do ....do ...-do , ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...-do 4, 19, 7, 31, 28, 18, Oct. 16, Oct. 31, July 2S, July 20, Aug. 16, Aug. 2(3, Aug. 18, Sept. ] , Aug. 10, Aug. 28, Aug. 2li, Nov. 15, Sept. 28, Sept. 15, Sept. 28, Sept Sept Sept Sfpt Oct. Oct. Sept July 21, Aug. J 3, Aug. ](i, Oct. 22, July 29, Sept. 23, July 30, Aug. Ill, Aug. 14, Sept. 12, July 28, Nov. 13, Sept. 27, Aug. 21 July 17, Nov. 3, Aug. 17, Oct. 2, Sept. 13, Aug. U), Sept. 22, July 25, Oct. 12, Oct. Oct. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Nov. Aug. AuiT. 2.5, Aug. 14, Aug 28, Sept. 1, Oct.. 5, Oct. 31, 28, 23, 15, 7, 1, 13, 27. EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 17 Name. Hendsley, Thomas Hight, Rilev Hill, Geo. W Hirris, Henry Holly, Beiij Holloway, Peter Hopkins, Primns Howard, Abbott Hudson, Jerry Hudson, Jacob Jackson, Jeremiah Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Lewis James, Henry Jarvis, Adam Jeft'erson, Herry Jeticrsou, William Jenkins, Henry Joliuson, Noah Johnson Charles Johnson, James Johnson, Richard ^. . Johnson, William Johnson, Samuel Johnson, James Johnson, Wm. H Johnson, Henry Johnson, Geo. A Jones, Stephen Jones, Henry Jones, Henry Jones, John Jones, John Joues, John Jones, John R Kelly, Lewis Keuuard, Charles Kimble, Peter Lane, Richard Langdeu, George Laton, Reuben Lawrence, Thomas Lawrence, Louis Lee, Arthur Lee, James Lervis, Richard Lewis, Henry Lewis, Thomas Lewis, James Lively, Tilghman Livingston, John Logguis, John L Long, Benjamin Long, Stephen H Long, Philip Long, George Lo wan, James Lucas, Anthony Luther, Martin Lyons, James 2 Rank. Regiment. Private ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private ....do .-..do ....do Private ...do.., ...do... Private ....do ....do .-..do ....do ....do -..-do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Lieutenant . Private ....do ....do ....do 8th U.S. C. T... 2:« U. S. C. T . . 38th U.S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T. . 38th U. S. C. T.. 118th U S. C. T. 41st U. S. C. T.. 31st U. S. C. T.. 22dU. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T... 23d U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C. T - . 29th U.S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C.-T . . ]9th U. S. C. T.. 22d U. S. C. T . . 22dU. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T . . 23d U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd. 29th Conn. Cor d. 22dU. S. C. T... 9th U. S. C. T... 29th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C. T . . 29th Conn. Col'd. 29th Conn. Col'd. 116th U. S. C.T. 19th U. S. C. T.. l]8thU. S. C.T. 45th U. S.C T.. 2d U. S. C. art.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd. 29th U. S. C. T. . 43d U. S. C. T.. Co. Private ...do ....do ....do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do Sergeant... ]62dU. S. C. T.. 9th U. S. C. T.. . 23d U. S. C. T . . 29th Conn. Col'd. 43d U. S. C. T . . 8th U. S. C.T... 29th Conn. Col'd., 45th U. S. C.T... J9thU. S. C.T... 23dU. S. C. T .. 23d U. S. C. T... 114th U.S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T . . . 8th U. S.C. T.... 118th U. S. C. T.. ) V. Date of Death. Nov. 9, Oct. 6. Sept. 15, Oct. 4, July 21, Aug. 2, Aug. 5, July 16, July 23, Nov. 2, Aug, 10, Sept. 12, Sept. 14, Oct. 22, Aug. 6, Nov. 7, July 23, Oct. 29, 8ept. 24, July 24, Sept. 9, Nov. 3, July 24, Aug. 14, Aug. 26, Sept. 22, Aug. 1, Aug 9, Sept. 13, Aug. 13, Oct. 26, Aug. 16, Aug. 9, July 26, Aug. 3, Aug. 30, Nov. 12, Oct. 11, Oct. 12, Aug. 11, Oct. 13, July 31, Sept. 6, Aug. 26, Sept. 27, Sept. 7, Nov. 11, Aug. 26, Sept. 12, July '..9, Aug. 19, Sept. 8, Sept. 15, July 24, Aug. 10, Aug. 18, July 18, Aug. 20, 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1885 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 Augr. 9, 1865 18 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Madison, William. Madisou, Isaac... Rank. Major, William Major, Edward Mason, Jeremiah ilason, Julius Mason, George Mason, Wm. A Masher, Washington.. Mathews, John McCullogh, Joseph ... McGee, Smith McHam, George Me Kim, Joseph Milford, George Miller, Henry Money, AaTon Montgomery, Maldon Moore, Charles Nichols, John Noble, Henry Noll, Edward Norris, Andrew Norman, John Norton, John Oliver, Joseph Oliver, John Patterson, George Patterson, Buck Patrick, James Paul, Edward A Pei riger, Levi I'eterson, Arnold Pierce, Franklin Pitts, John W Pleggett, Adam Poik, James K Preston, Dennis Prout, William Randolph, Patrick Ray, James Reed? Emory Richardson, Richard Richardson, Geo. H Richie, Aaron Ri ley, John Riley, George Risinor, William Ritz, Rocco Robinson, Henry Robinson, Edward Robinson, David Rubinson, Thomas Rose, Anderson Ross, Thomas Ross, Washington Ro we, William Roy, Elijah Ryan, John Sackhouse, Samuel ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do Sergeant . . ...do Private ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ....do ....do ....do ....do , ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . Private ... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . Private ... ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . Private . . . ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Regiment. Private.... 114th U. S. C. T.. .do '29th U. S. C. T... do 38th U. S. C. T... lJ8th U.S. C. T.. 9th U. S. C. T.... 38th U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C.T... 117th U. S. C.T.. 43d U. S. C. T.... 41st U. S. C. T... 4GthU. S. C. T.., 43d U. S. C. T..., 43d U. S. C. T.. 3Sth U. S. C. T.. '2-2d U. S. C. T . . 23d U. S. C. T . . •i2d U. S. C. T... 43d U. S. C. T. . . 29th Conn. Col'd- 29ihConn. Col'd. 29th Conn. Col'd. 118th U. S. C. T. 31st U. S. C. T. . 43d U. S. C. T . . 29th U.S. C. T.. 22d U. S. C. T . . 29lhConn. Col'd. 22dU. S. C.T... 23dU. S. C. T... Co. Date of Death. 45th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd. 23d U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C.T... 29th U. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T . . 23d U.S. C T... 22d U. S. C. T.. 4.->th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T.. 8t,h U. S. C. T... 22d U. S. C. T . . 19th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 162dU. S. C. T.. 22d U. S. C T . . 23d U. S. C. T... 8lh U. S. C.T... 117th U. S. C.T. 114tli U. S. C.T. 19th U. S. C. T.. IKith U. S. C. T. 118th U. S. C.T. I'JthU. S. C.T.. 118th U. S. C. T. 22dU. S. C.T... Aug. Nov. Oct. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. July Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Aug. Aug. July Oct. Oct. Sept Nov. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Aug. Sept. Nov. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Oct. Oct. Aug. Oct. Nov. Oct. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. July Aug. Aug. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. 21, 1865 21, 1865 26, 1865 8, 1865 13, 1865 9, 1865 5, 1865 13, 1865 29, 1865 14, 1865 16, 1865 3U, 1865 2, 1865 15, 1865 8, 1865 9, 1865 22, 1865 15, 1865 25, 1865 1, 1865 20, 1865 19, 1865 8, 1865 13, 1865 1, 1865 23, 1865 5, 1865 12, 1865 18, 1865 1, 1865 18, 1865 22, 1865 19, 1865 25, 1865 29, 1»65 16, 1865 14, 1865 8, 1865 7, 1865 19, 1865 29, 1865 15, 1865 13, 1865 21, 1865 21, 1865 14, 1865 7, 1865 14, 1865 25, 1865 11, 1865 24, 1865 4, 1865 16, 1865 20, 1865 14, 1865 2, 1865 9, 1865 18, 1865 3, 1865 5, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 19 No. Name. Saddler, James Priv ate . Samuels, Henry do. Rank. Regimeut. Sands, Heury Sands, Henry Scott, Richard H Scott, Henry Scott, JobnR Seward, Albert Shackley, Charles Sbadrach, Joseph Sheobalds, Manuel Sheppard, Oliver Shirley, John Silas, Robert Simpson, John Simmons, Reddie Smith, Isaac Smith, James D Smith, J. B Smiley, John A Sniveley, Henson Snowden, Joseph Speak, James Statesman, John Starks, Sydney Stevens, Horace Stewart, Coleman Stewart, James Stone, Samuel Storn?, Harvey Stout, Richard Strike, James Stute, James Summers, Joseph Swears, Charles Tadlock, Edward Taylor, James TenEyck, T Thomas, William Thomas, Charles Thomas, Matthew Thompson, John Thornton, Thomas Tibbals, Emanuel Tribble, Harrison , Tyler, Robert , Unknown Unknown Vine, Curtis Voughn, Moses Walker, Richard Walker, Charles Walker, James Walk, Samuel Ward, Shelby Washington, George Washington, 1 bomas . . . Washington, George Watkius, William Wedge, James W ....do ....do ....do --.-do -...do ....do ....do .-.-do Sergeant Private .. ....do...- ...-do.... ....do.... ....do-... -...do.... ....do.... ..-.do.... ....do.... .-.-do -..-do ....do ....do ....do ..-.do Corporal - Private .-..do ....do ..-.do Corporal Private ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do -..do ...do ...do --.do Corporal . . . Sergeant.-. Private ...do ]9tbU. S. C. T-. 117th U. S. C. T. 43d LJ. S. C. T... UTtli U. S. C. T. 2.3d U.S. C.T... I 43d U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Cold.. ]]7thU. S. C.T. I ]9tbU. S. C. T-- 43d U. S. C. T-.. ]]7tb U. S. C. T. 38tbU. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T... 4.5tbU. S. C. T.. SGthU. S. C. T.- 38tbU. S. C. T.- 38th U. S. C. T.- 41st U. S. C.T.-. 29th Conn. Col'd- 43d U.S. C.T--. 45th U. S. C. T-. 29tb U. S. C. T-- 38th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T- 9th U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T. . 8th U. S. C. T... 118th U. S. C. T- '29th Conn. Col'd.. 22dU. S C.T.-., 118th U. S. C. T- 162dU. S. C. T-- 29tbU. S. C. T-.. 29th Conn. Col'd-. 43d U. S. C. T.... 43d U. S. C, T-.-. 8th U. S. C. T-... 19tb U. S. C. T... 23d U. S. C. T.... 4]stU. S. C. T.... 29th Conn. Col'd.. 8tb U. S. C.T.-.. 117tbU. S. C. T.. 114tbU. S. C. T.. 19th U. S. C. T... Co. Date of Death. Private ---.do ---.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do --..do ...-do ....do ....do 38tbU. S. C. T... 23d U. S. C. T-... 114tb U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T.. ]18ibU. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T... ll8tbU. S.C.T... 22dU. S. C. T.... 31stU. S.C.T... . 23d U. S.C.T.... 43d U. S. C. T.... 23d U. S.C.T.... E I H I C B K K B I H E K I B G G H C B G B K E B C E K I B A C B F C I H F A A J. Si c i F Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Oct. Aug. Nov. Aug. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Aug. Oct. Nov. Sept. July Nov. July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. 27, 1865 28, 1865 9, 1865 23, 1865 27, 1865 7, 1865 19, 1865 23, 1865 4, 1865 19, 1865 18, 1865 1, 1865 1, 1865 11, 1865 21, 1865 24, 1865 21, 1865 14, 1865 26, 1865 27, 1865 19, 1865 12, 1865 4, 1865 19, 1865 8, 1865 18, 1865 23, 1865 21, 1865 9, 1865 2, 1865 2, 1865 5, 1865 9, 1865 Oct. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Aug. Aug. Nov. July Oct. Aug. July Aug. Sept. 16, 1865 26, 1865 27, 1865 31, 1865 13, 1865 21, 1865 lU, 1865 21, 1865 18, 1865 18, 1865 19, 1865 4, 1865 24, 1865 12, 1865 3, 1865 28, 1865 1, 1865 3, 1865 22, 1865 17, 1865 29, 1865 17, 1865 28, 1865 22, 1865 26, 1865 28, 1865 20 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. No. 312 3J3 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 323 329 3;i0 331 332 Name. Wells, Angiistus Wesley, John Wheeler, Joseph White, Washington White, Grayson Whipple, George Williams, Richard Williams, Samuel Williams, Henry Williams, Henry Wilkinson, Thomas Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson, John Wilson, William H Wilbuni, William Wood, Richard Wood, Calvin Wysham, Samuel Young, Henry Young, James Young, Charles A Rank Private ...do.. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do...- ,...do.... ...do.... ...do..-. ...do..-. Sergeant . Private . . .-..do.--. ..-.do.--, .--.do.... .-..do.--. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. 38th U. S. C. T.. 46th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T. . l)4thU. S. C. T. 9th U. S. C.T... 29th Conn. Col'd. 38th U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 29th Conn. Col'd. 29th Conn. Col'd. 19th U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T-- 29th U. S. C.T-. 43d U. S. C. T... 29th U.S. C. T.. 22dU. S. C.T... 46th U. S. C. T.. ]18thU. S. C. T. H4thU. S. C. T. 9th U. S. C. T... 29th Conn. Col'd. Oct. Aug. Aug. Oct. Nov. Nov. Sept. Oct. July Sept. Aug. July Oct. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Oct. Aug. 2, 1865 19, 1865 19, 1865 18, 1865 7, 1865 4, 1865 16, 1865 13, 1865 25, 1865 2, 1865 17, 1865 25, 1865 27, 1865 19, 1865 23, 1865 2, 1865 19, 1865 20, 1865 10, 1865 29, 1865 5, 1865 WHITE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Brownsville, Texas. Adkins, Robt Allen, Alfred Armoud, Patterson A.shbrook, Andrew Bandy, Henry Bennett, Warren Bloes, John Bryant, Bufi'alo BuUones, Jesus Cass, William Chamberlain, William.. Chisman, Harrison Clark, William Cochran, John Conrad, Henry L Costelle, Michael Craig, Henry W Davis, Martin Demuiing, Robert Dinwiddle, Benj Feusall, Wilson Fowler, Wesley Gamble, William Gansey, S Given, John Glishman, William Godfry, Mathcw Green , Edgar Grigsby, Chas , Gutieres, Azaphite Private .-..do.. ....do.., ....do.- ....do.- ,do. .do. .do. .-..do .--.do ...-do .-..do Hamilton B Corporal Private ..-.do .--.do ....do ....do ..-.do Corporal . . . Private Private . . Sergeant. Coi poral . Private .. ....do.... .do. .do. 37th 111 20th Wis 29th Conn 1st Texas cav 91st 111 26th Ind 1 st Texas cav. . - . 91st 111 2d Texas cav 13th Maine 37th 111 91st 111 ody Guard 19th Iowa 91st 111 1st Mo. U. art.... 20th Wis Pioneer Corps . . . 19th Iowa 91st III 1 st Texas cav 26th Ind Pioneer Corps ,-. 2d Texas cav. --. 26th Ind 94th 111 37th 111 91st 111 1st Texas cav 2d Texas cav Feb. May Aug. June May Dec. May June Dec. Jan. Jan. Mar. July Jan. April June Dec. Feb. Feb. July Mar. Dec. Feb. April June June June June Mar. July 8, 1864 2, 1864 15, 1865 15, 1864 _4 31, 1864 ^^^ 23, 1863 18, 1864 10, 1864 20, 1863 7, 1864 30, 1864 21, 1864 16, 1864 19, 1864 3, 1864 6, 1864 27, 1863 13, 1864 8, 1864 17, 1864 23, 1864 29, 1863 28, 1864 10, 1864 19, 1864 27, 1864 25, 1864 17, 1864 16, 1864 10, 1864 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 21 Name. Rank. Regiineut. Co Date of Death. Hardy, Richard Hazehvood, Geo. L Hazel wood, W. S Hewlick, Amos Holley, Joseph Hugle, Joseph Ingersoll, Edward Irish, Steplien Jassehlen, Abraham Jay, Mills Johnson, Benjamin Kanses, S Kersey, Samuel Kerr, James Lee, Geo. W Lewis, James C Light, Timothy Luce, E Martin, B. D Martin, D. B McDannals, Miguel McKee, Marquis McKnight, Hiram Meur, Henry Moe, Peny Moore, Chas. H Morse, Cyrus W Morse, Uriah Myers, R. H Parks, H. H Paul, Allen D Peters, John Plavis, William Plase, M. W Powell, Swanson Purcell, Thomas Purcell, Peter Purcell, Philip Randall, Eldridgo G.... Ribble, Henry Shotts, Henry S Stanford, Isaac F Stevens, Cornelius Thompson, Ferris W Trotter, John Vanderbayden, W. J Vanness, John E Wakins, W. P Walker, Larenby Wallace, Clendennis Warren, Abel Weaver, Geo. W Weed, Geo. W Weekly, Christie Wilcox, George Witherel, Levin .'. Wonard, Columbus M. .. Yoeman, Isaac Private ....do ....do ....do ....do .-..do .-..do Corporal . . . Private ..-.do ..-.do ....do ..-.do .-..do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ...do ....do •Q. M. serg't Sergeant . . . Private -..do ...do ...do ...do ...do Private ..-.do .-..do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private .-..do ....do ....do Sergeant. .. Private ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ...do Corporal . . . Private ...do ....do -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 38th Iowa 91st 111 91st III 19th Iowa 1st Texas cav. do 94th 111 91st HI 1st Texas cav. 19th Iowa 94th 111 1st Texas cav. do 38th Iowa 91st 111 91st 111 1st Mo. It. art 38th Iowa 91st 111 , 91st 111 2d Texas cav. 22dlnd 1st Mo. It. art. 1 st Texas cav. 38th Iowa.. ... 2r)th Ind 15th Maine 91st Hi , Pioneer Corps . 38th Iowa 20th Wis; 1st Texas cav.. 38th Iowa Kith Maine 94th 111 1st Texas cav. . do do 13th Maine 20th Iowa 38th Iowa 19th Iowa 94th 111 91st 111 91st 111 91st 111 19th Iowa 26th Ind 91st 111 13th Maine 38th Iowa 20th Wis 38th Iowa 91st 111 1st Texas cav.. 38th Iowa 91st 111 91st 111 June 9, 1864 May 4, 1864 July 8, 1864 April 3, 1864 Dec. 9, 1863 May 29, 1864 July 8, 1864 April 16, 1«64 June 19, 1864 Nov, 22, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 May 22, 1864 Feb. 16, 1864 June 9, 1864 Dec. 16, 1863 June 23, 1864 July 6, 1864 Jan. 16, 1864 Jan. -5, 1H64 April 5, 1864 Feb. 3, 1864 Dec. 8, 1863 Feb. 5, 1864 June 2, 1864 Dec. 26, 1863 Feb. 21, 1864 Nov. 16, 1863 April 9, 1864 Feb. 15, 1864 Feb. 3, 1864 Dec. 13, 1863 July 6, 1864 Jan. 8, 1864 Jan. 14, 1864 Mar. 23, 1864 Jan. 21, 1864 Mar. 24, 1864 April 18, 1864 Jan. 22, 1863 July 2. 1864 Mar. 16, 1864 July 10. 1864 April 6, 1864 Jan. 16, 1864 Feb. 8, 1864 May 22, 1864 Dec. 26, 1863 Dec. 18, 1863 Dec. 15, 1863 Dec. 22, 1863 Nov. 27, 1863 Dec. 11, 1863 Dec. 2, 1863 July 2, 1864 Jan. 31, 1864 July 12, 1864 Dec. 24, 1863 Jan, 16, 1863 22 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. COLORED. Name. Ashley, John Atkinson, Bob Bailey. Dick Banks, Lewis Barrett, James Barrett, Ben Cabell, James Cheatham, Harrison .. Courtney, George Daniels, Lewis Davis, Edmond Dean, Edward Dillard, Joseph Dixon, Clay Dodge, Edwin Fox worth, John Grnndy, Jacob Halmsby, John Halloway, Peter Hancock , C laiborne . . . Harter, James Hathaway, Ben Hawes, Columbus Johnson, John Laugley, George Lyle, Samuel Lyne, James Major, Edmond McCreary , Jno McClain, Henry, (2d). McClain, Mark McClain, Jno., (2d)... McClain, Geo., (1st) .. Myers, Wm. A Netler, Joseph Oats, Riley Osborn, Scott Rathcock, Todd Robinson, Henry Rncker, Chas Taylor, Wm Taylor, Bob Thompson, Joseph Towles, Richard Towles, John Ward, Shelby Wellman, Joe Tinker . Rank. Private ....do.. .do. ....do Corporal . . . ....do Private ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do Q. M. sergt. Private Sergeant . . . Private ....do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ...do... ...do... ...do... ....do.... ....do.... Sergeant . Private .. ....do.... ...do.-.. do ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ..-.do Corporal - - . ....do Private ....do ....do Servant of Private ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. Regiment. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118t.hU. S. C.T- n8thU. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T- 118th U. S. C. T- 117th U. S. C.T. 117th U. S. C. T. 118th U. S. C.T. n8thU. S. C.T. 2d U. S. Cart... 118th U. S. C. T. 117th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 26th U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C. T. 118th U. S. C.T. 117th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 22d U. S. C. T... 2d U. S. Cart... 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C. T. 118th U. S. C T. 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C.T. 117th U. S. C.T. 117th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C. T- 118th U. S. C.T. llSthU. S. C.T. 118t,hU. S. C.T. ]18th U. S. C.T. Lieut. Edwards... 118th U. S. CT- 117th U. S. C T. 118th U. S. CT- I18th U. S. C. T- 118th U. S. C.T. 118th U. S. C T. Co. Date of Death. Aug. July July Aug. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Jan. Aug. July Aug. Sept. June Feb. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. July Oct. Sept. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug, Oct. Nov. July Aug. 20, 1865 31, 1865 3U, 1865 9, 1865 12, 1865 22, 1865 13, 1865 18, 1865 2, 1865 7, 1865 It), 1865 12, 1865 29, 1865 5, 1865 29, 1865 1, 1865 10, 1865 16, 1864 2, 1865 4, 1865 3, 1865 8, 1865 26, 1865 9, 1864 11, 1865 19, 1865 9, 1865 8, 1865 31, 1865 17, 1865 31, 1865 11, 1865 26, 1865 13, 1865 31, 1865 5, 1865 23, 1865 22, 1865 25, 1865 24, 1865 7, 1865 16, 1865 23, 1865 26, 1865 3, 1865 25, 1865 28, 1865 Brazos Santiago, Texas. Alexander, James Baker, Frederick Banning, John Banham, Jno. W WHITE. Private.-, .--.do.... ..-.do.... Sergeant . 34th Ind 1st Mo. It. art 91st 111 28th 111 Mar. 5, 1865 Sept. 5, 1864 Sept. 25, 1864 Aug. 25, 1865 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 23 Name. Bayard, William Beige, John BrittoD, Lewis Brown, Silas Brown, Charles Dempsey, Ely Dorsey, Philip H Durrice, James H Edwards, W. H EvaLS, John S Festler, Nathaniel Ferch, Earnest Freeman, Thomas Gilando, Lewis Godfrey, Alfred Granis, William Halley, John Hall.Sherdon Heam, Horace H Hixenback, Jno. W. . . Ihose, Eli Jacobs, William Jackson, JarvisW Jones, William Kelley, Peter Kingshausen, Andrew. Lee, David Little, Thomas Meikleson, Andrew Morgan, J. B Morton, Geo. W Mutt, William Plaster, William Powell, Noah Reminder, Jacob Robins, Joseph Sharp, Elmer , ShefHer, Daniel Sheiat, Henry , Sides, William H Sneider, Georg'e Snelyen, Jonathan Stewart, Matthew Subois, Charles Thompson, Henry Tillman, Robt Vineyard, Doctor AVilliams, Geo. D Williams, James Wilson, Samuel Rank. Private ... ....do ....do ....do ....do ...-do ..-.do ....do ....do Sergeant . . Private ... .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do. ... ....do ....do ..-.do .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do , ....do: ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do Corporal ... ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do Sergeant . . . Private ...do Regiment. 5th Mass cav. . 20th Wis 5th Mass. cav . 29th Conn 5th Mass. cav.. 5th Mass. cav.. 5th Mass. cav., 5th Mass. cav.. 91st 111 91.stlll 91st 111 1st Texas cav... 5th Mass. cav .. 1st Texas cav... 5th Mass. cav.. 5th Mass. cav.. 34th Ind 5th Mass. cav.. 2d Texas cav. .. 91st 111 1st Texas cav .. 91st 111 5th Mass. cav . . 28th Wis IHthN. Y. cav.. 1st Texas cav .. 34th Ind 35th Wis 91st 111 5tli Ma.ss. cav.. 5th Mass. cav.. 2d U. S. art.... 34th Ind 34th Ind 1st U. S. art 1st U. S. art 91st 111 91st 111 26th Ind 34th Ind 7th Vt 35th Wis 91st 111 91.stlll 5th Mass. cav.. 5th Mass. cav.. 5th Mass. cav.. 21st Wis 5th Mass. cav.. 7th Vt Co. Date of Death. Sept. Aug. July Aug. Oct. Oct. Sept. Aug. Nov. Oct. Oct. Aug. Oct. Jan. July Oct. Mar. Oct, Juno Sept. Jan. Sept. Oct. June Sept. Nov. May Sept. Dec. Oct. Oct. Sept. JMay May Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. June July July Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Aug. Aug. June 29, 1865 20, 1864 21, 1865 25, 1865 22, 1865 9, 1865 23, lb65 23, 1865 18, 1864 15, lri64 30, 1864 4, 1864 1, 1865 1, 1865 25, 1865 16, 1865 6, 1865 28, 1865 8, 1865 25, 1864 2, 1865 22, 1864 1, 1865 18, 1865 17, 1865 22, 1864 26, 1865 5, 1865 15, 1864 6, 1865 24, 1865 12, 1865 16, 1865 4, 1865 25, 1865 23, 1865 19, 1864 29, 1864 22, 1864 20, 1865 3, 1865 27, 1865 29, 1864 J 5, 1864 9, 1865 28, 1865 7, 1865 7, 1864 25, 1865 6, 1865 COLORED. Akin, Levi AUbritten, Wade Ames, Charles Annon, Alfred 81st U. S. C. T... A 8].stU. S. C. T... C 2dU. S. C.cav... H 19th U.S. C.T... C Sept. 12, 1864 Dec. 31, 1864 Oct. 10, 1865 July 23, 1865 24 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Rank. Reerinicnt. Co. Date of Death. t)"4 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Anderson, William Anderson, William Armstrong, James Asbbum, Mills Baines, Samuel Banner, Walter Barnellan, Henry Barber, Josepb Baston, Georo;e Bell, Alexander Beuuilta, John Benezia, Josepb Biduian, William Branly, Samuel Biiscoe, Constautiue ... Bi iska, Nace Brown, David Brown, Gilbert Brown, Henry Brough, Leon Brooks, W. B Bryan, Pbilip Burcbfield, Samuel Bush, Levin Butler, Henry Butler, William By ons, Richard Coakley , Charles Cuff, Adam. Coleman, Jackson Coleman, James Coleman, Anthony Collins, William Cole, William Cooper, William Copeland, Edward Cornelius, Jefferson Cotton, John Cramp, George Cripple, Solomon Curtis, Sandy Dean, Jasper Dennis, Ned Dennis, Charles Denney, Alfred Derson, William Diedrick, Jacob Dillen, Chamberlain Dunn, Harvey Emmons, Jacob Esham, John Fard, Hauuewell Fatmau, Pembertou Finley, Angus Finley, James Franklin, Wm Freeman, Alexander Fuller, Henry Gardner, Arthur Gibbs, Timothy Private .. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant. .. Private ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ...do ...do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . ....do Private ....do ...-do .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ....do ....do ....do 2dU. S. C.cav... 4(ithU. S. C. T... 45th U. S. C. T... 1st U. S. C.cav... 2!3tbU. S. C.T... 45th U. S. C. T... 81st U. S. C. T... 38th U. S. C. T... 36tbU. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C. T... 87th U. S. C. T... 8tbU. S. C. T.... 6-2dU. S. C. T ... 2dU. S. C. cav... 81st U. S. C T... 1st IT. S. C. cav.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 36tbU. S. C.T.. 87th U. S. C.T.. 8th U. S. C.T... 81st U. S. C. T.. 118th U. S. C.T. 29th U. S. C. T.. 29th TI. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T-. 118th U. S. C.T. IstU. S. C. cav. 81st U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S. C. T. 116th U.S. C.T. 8th U. S. C.T... 127th U. S. C.T. 81st U. S. C. T.. IstU. S. C.cav.. 81st U. S. C. T-. 1st U. S C. cav . T.. T.. T.. T.. 41st U. S. C. T. 29th.U. S. C. T. IstU. S. C. cav. 81st U. S. C. T. 81st U. S. C. 81st U. S. C. 81st U. S. C. 28th U. S. C. 2d U. S. C. T ... 116thU. S. C.T. 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 2dU. S. C.cav.. 87th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. s. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 46th U. S. C. T. 3f)th U. S. 1st U. 1st U. C. T.. S. C. cav . S. C. cav , Oct. Nov. July Aug. Aug. July Oct. Nov. Sept. Sept. April July June Sept. Feb. Aug. Sept. Sept. Nov. April July Jan. Sept. Aug. Aug. Nov. Sept. Dec. Nov. Sept. July July July Aug. Sept. Aug. Nov. Nov. July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. June July April July Sept. Nov. Sept. July Nov. 13, 1865 1, 1865 19, 1865 4, 1865 I, 1865 21, 1865 28, 1865 17, 1865 30, 1865 15, 1865 17, 1865 26, 1865 4, 1865 I, 1865 10, 1865 30, 1865 8, 1864 10, 1864 10, 1865 5, 1865 24, 1865 9, 1865 24, 1865 1, 1865 13, 1865 10, 1865 5, 1864 4, 1865 II, 1865 12, 1865 4, 1865 25, 1865 4 1865 12, 1865 14, 1865 23, 1865 4, 1865 25, 1865 21, 1865 17, 1865 2, 1865 10, 1865 19, 1864 2, 1864 II, 1865 19, 1864 3, 1865 14, 1865 22, 1865 13, 1865 12, 1864 27, 1865 22, 1865 14, 1865 4, 1865 4, 1664 10, 1865 21, 1865 31, 1865 12, 1865 / RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 25 Name. Green, George Green, James Gn}', Joseph Halloway, John Hart, James Hartshorn, Joseph Harris, Columbus Harris, H Haselton, Charles Heidman, Henry Henry, Philip Hewiitt, Preston Hickman, George Hill, Pleasant Hitchins, David Hodges, Abraham Hoffman, Timothy Holmes, James H Ives, John Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Jackson, John James, Robert H James, Henry Jenkins, George John, Abraham Johnson, Henry Johnson, Dexter Johnson, Lucius Jones, Robert Keese, Edmond Kelley, Anthony Kerr, Alexander Keys, John W King, Adney Laugford, Peter Lancaster, Edward Lawrence, Newman Lc Blanc, Leon Lewis, John Lewis, Samuel Lewis, Weston Love, David Manning, Harry Martin, Edward iNlartiu, Sandford Mason, Alfred Mason, John Mason, Alfred Masters, Lewis Mai hews, Isaac McConn, Alfred Merrick, Loyd Mi Her, Henry Moore, C. C Morris, Philip Muuday, Daniel Munford, Charles N idget, Samuel Noca, John Rank. Sergeant . Private .. ....do.... ....do.--. ....do.--. Sergeant . Private .. ....do.... ....do... ....do... ....do... .do. .do. .do. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do... .do... .do... .do. .do. .do. ....do...- ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... Musician Private . . ...do-... Corporal . Private . . ...do.--. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Regiment. 45th U.S. C. T.. 1st U. S. C. cav. 8th U. S. C.T... 45th U. S. C. T . 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 118thU. S. C.T. 45th U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 2d U. S. C. cav. . 2dU. S. C. cav.. 23d U. S. C.T... 1st U. S. C. cav . 81st U. S. C. T.. 4!stU. S. C. T.. 2dlJ. S. C. cav.. IstU. S. C. cav.. IstU. S. C. cav . 36th U. S. C. T. . 81st U. S. C. T.. 87th U. S. C. T.. 31st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 2d U.S. C. cav.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U.S. C. T.. 87thU. S. C. T.. 1st U. S. C. cav . 36th U. S. C. T.. 62dU. S. C.T... 118th U. S. C.T. 2d U. S. C. cav. . 28th U. S. C.T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 2dU. S. C. cav.. 2d U. S. C. cav. . IstU. S. C. cav. 4.5th U. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 87th U. S. C. T - 41st U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S C. T. 41st U. S. C. T.. 1st U. S. C. cav.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 127th U. S. C.T. 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 127th U. S. C.T. 29th U. S. C. T- . 127th U. S. C. T. 28th U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T .. 81st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C.T.. 12th U. S. C T.. IstU. S. C. cav.. 2d U.S. C. cav.. IstU. S. C. cav.. 127th U. S. C. T. Co. Date of Death. H July 13, 1865 F Aug, 24, 1865 D July 29, 1865 G June 27, 1865 D Sept. 7, 1864 G Sept. 15, 1864 F June 26, 1865 D July 27, 1865 G Sept. 23, 1864 A July 28, 1865 I July 3, 1865 D Nov. 21, 1865 A July 20, 1865 F Sept. 9, 1864 I July 10, 1865 K Oct. 11, 1865 G July 3, 1865 L Aug. 31, 1865 E Nov. 7, 1865 H Nov. 9, 1864 C Mar. 10, 1865 I Nov. 7, 1865 c July 15, 1865 L Oct. 24, 1865 D Nov. 1, 1864 C Sept. 19, 1864 C Mar. 29, 1865 E July 24, 1865 I Nov. 5, 1865 E June 10, 1865 A June 22, 1865 I Sept. 26, 1865 L Oct. 25, 1865 D Oct. 13. 1865 B Oct 8, 1865 E July 26, 1865 I Sept. 24, 1865 E July 7, 1865 C Oct. 29, 1864 I Mar. 17, 1865 B June 19, 1865 K July 7, 1865 A July 1, 1865 L Sept. 7, 1865 (.' Aug. 14, 1864 D July 19, 1865 G Aug. 21, 1864 D Sept. 23, 1864 E Julv 16, 1865 E July 1, 1865 D July 12, 1865 C July 19, 1865 G Aug. 22, 1864 C Aug. 18, 1864 F July 0, 1865 L Sept. 22, 1865 A July 20, 1865 C Oct. 9, 1865 A Aug. 24, 1865 K June 24, 1865 26 EIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Nubio, Cisco Page, John Parker, Denuard Parker, John Perkins, Elikius Perdan, Benjamin Peterson, Wni. B Peterson, John H Polhames, John - Pollard, Caesar Porter, Newton Kam, Dennis Eeddick, Newton Reese, Reed, Richard Rhone, Joshua Richardson, Elkins Roberts, Peter Roberts, John Robinson, Isaac Scott, Henry Shade, Philip Sholes, AVilliam Shoemaker, Granville . . . Shuth, John Smith, James Smith Lawrence Smith, William Smith, Simon Smith, Thomas Squires, Daniel Stewart, Geo S Wendell, Henry Thayer, Neal Thomas, John Tilman, Lender Umphrey, John Upson, William Wadkins, J. M Walls, Sykes Walker, Benjamin Walker, Elijah Wallace, Thomas Walford, Isaac Washington, Fred Washington, George Washington, George Washington, Samuel Washington, William . . . Washington, Robt Waters, James White, J. W W^hite, Lemuel Wilson, George, (2d) Wilson, James. Wilson, Yancey Wilson, GeoTge Williams, Daniel Williams, Charles Williams, Charles Rank. Private .. ....do.... .do. .do. .do. ....do.... ....do.-.. ....do.... ....do.-.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ....do..-. Sergeant . ....do.-.. Private . . ....do.... ....do.--. Sergeant . Private - . ....do.... Corporal . Private .. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... Corporal . Private .. ....do.-.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Regiment. :?6thU. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C.T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 36th U. S. C. T.. 4Ctli U. S. C. T. - llGthU. S. C. T. ]27thU. S. C. T. 5th U. S. C. cav. ]27th U. S. C. T. 29th U. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 62d U. S. C. T . . 2dU. S. C. cav.. 118th U. S. C.T. 45th U. S. C.T.. 1st U. S. C. cav . ]]6th U. S. C.T. 62d U. S. C. T . . 8th U.^. C.T... 127th U. S. C. T. 81st U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S. C. T. n7thU. S. C.T. 4.5th U. S. C.T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 38th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T... 127th U.S. C.T. 2dU. S. C. cav.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T. . 2d U. S. C. cav . . 28th U. S. C.T.. 46th U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T.. 43d U. S. C. T .. 2dU. S. C. cav.. 62d U. S. C.T... 118th U.S. C.T. 81st U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S. C T. 8th U. S. C. T... 29th U. S. C. T.. 81st U. S. C. T.. 8th U.S. C. T... 45th U. S. C. T. . 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T . - 1st U. S. C cav . 2d U. S. C.cav.. 2d U. S. C. cav . . 118th U. S. C. T. 41st U. S. C. T.. 36th U. S. 48th U. S. 81st U. S. 81st U. S. 46th U. S. C. T. C.T. C. T.. C. T.. C.T., Co. Date of Death. Aug. Sept. Juno Oct. June Nov. Sept. Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. June Nov. June July Nov. June June July Aug. Jan. Jan. July Oct. Aug. Sept. June Aug. Aug. Oct. Sept. Aug. Oct. July Nov. July Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Sept. July July July Jan. June July Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. July Aug. Nov. July Aug. Nov. Aug. Oct. K I May 3, 1865 5, 1864 26, 1865 22, 1865 2, 1865 25, 1865 14, 1865 27, 1865 31, 1865 1, 1865 9, 1864 1, 1865 10, 1865 23, 1865 3, 1865 1, 1865 28, 1865 11, 1865 10, 1865 2, 1865 20, 1865 29, 1865 23, 1865 4, 1865 7, 1865 1, 1864 23, 1865 11, 1865 31, 1865 19, 1865 2, 1865 30, 1865 28, 1865 12, 1865 16, 1865 12, 1865 25, 1865 9, 1865 2, 1864 23, 1865 4, 1864 27, 1865 13, 1865 28, 1865 13, 1865 25, 1865 28, 1865 13, 1865 21, 1865 18, 1865 22, 1865 25, 1865 24, 1865 3, 1865 16, 1865 26, 1865 3, 1865 22, 1864 28, 1864 24, 1865 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. 27 Name. Williams, Frauk Wilkin, Chester . Wiley, Edwin ... Wiliis, Robert... Wise, Porter .... Woodson, Dasey Wren, W^illiam . . Edinburg, Texas. Bear, Charles Bear, Joseph Bear, Samuel Bell, Joseph Benton, Frank Britt, Osborne Brocan, Thomas . Burnet, Doctor Cowen, Andy Cox, Iverson Dean, Samuel Deveaux, Joseph Devon, Joseph Gazzenway, Joshua . Guy, John Hunter, Monroe . Hunter, William Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Edward Jones, David Keen, John Kelley, E , Miller, Lbenezer Overton; Thomas Relly, Elisa Robinson, David . ... Smith, Henry Smith, Charles , Sniffen, Henry Watson, Henry Williams, Henry Unknown, supposed to BE Edinburg, Texas. Buckland, Thomas. Burton, George Con, Moseby Cook, Alfred Cook, James Corbin, William... Crowley, Lewis ... Dergram, James... Duuton, Thomas . . . Griffin, James Hast, William Herr, John Hoffman, Geo Hunter, Memoral . . McCoy, Jeremiah. . Rank. Private .. ...do.-.. ....do..-. ....do.... Sergeant . Private .. ....do.... Private .. Corporal . Private . . Corporal . Private . . ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.-.. .do. .do. .do. ...do... ...do... ...do.-. ...do... ....do..., Corporal Private . ....do..-. Corporal . Private . .--.do..-. .do. -do. .do. .do. Private .-..do.- .do. .do. .do. Corporal . Private .. ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Regiment. 36th U. S. C: T. 8l8tU. S. C. T. 46th U. S. C. T. 46th U. S. C. T. 2d U. S. C. cav- 81st U.S. C. T- 8th U. S. C. T.- 45th U. S. C.T-. 45th U. S. C.T.. 4IstU. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T. . 45th U. S. C. T.. 2d U. S. C. art . . 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 29th U. S. C. T-. 117th U. S. C. T. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C.T.. 41st U. S. C. T-. 45th U. S. C.T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 23d U. S. C. T--- 45thU. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T-. 45thU. S. C T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C.T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. 41st U. B. C. T.. 41st U. S. C. T-. 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T. . 45th U. S. C. T.. 116th U.S. C. T. 45th U. S. C. T.. 45th U. S. C. T. . Co. 41st U. S. C. T.. 116th U. S. C. T. 41st U. S. C. T.. 45th U. 5. C.T-. Date of Death. Nov. 21, 1865 Aug. 12, 1864 May 15, 1865 June 18, 1865 July 15, 1865 Jan. 8, 1865 July 26, 1865 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. Oct. Aug. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. 6, 1865 12, 1865 31, 1865 12, 1865 4, 1865 5, 1865 8, 1865 6, 1865 15, 1865 21, 1865 31, 1865 10, 1865 10, 1865 10, 1865 18, 1865 7, 1865 21, 1865 10, 1865 4, 1865 21, 1865 5, 1865 1, 1865 6, 1865 9, 1865 Oct. Aug. Oct. Aug. Sept. Aug. 12, 1865 29, 1865 3, 1865 25, 1865 9, 1865 26, 1865 A Sept. 8, 1865 K Sept. 26, 1865 G Oct. 2, 1865 I Sept. 7, 1865 (4 Oct. 25, 1865 K Oct. 4, 1865 E Oct. 17, 1865 H Aug. 18, 1865 A Oct. 9, 1865 E Oct. 9, 1865 H Oct. 21, 1865 A Oct. 4, 1865 H Aug. 13, 1865 I Oct. G, 1865 H Oct. 1, 1865 28 RIO GRANDE DISTRICT, TEXAS. Name. Raymond, Benj. D Thomas, William Yager, Daniel Ringgold Barracks, Texas, Bailey, Henry Beckman, George Berry, Lewis Brown, John Buckman, George Bmton, Henry Clay, Lilly Cobb, James A Coleman, Othe Coles, James A Cooper, Shepherd Cook, Daniel Davis, Thomas Delaney, John Dennis, Levi Gooram, Sam Green, Samuel Grimes, Ellis Grimes, James Henry, Bailey , Jackson, Peyton Jenkins, Arthur Jones, John Keys, William Lewis, Henry Lewis, Henry Lilly, Clay Lon, Dennis Mackey, Perry Matthews, John McCoy, Spencer McLellan, Joseph McLellan, James Moore, Doctor Morrison, Reuben Murray, William Parker, James Piper, John Preston, John Riley, Charles Robinson, George Seymour, John Smith, Solomon Stevens, William Walker, David Walker, Joseph White, George Whyes, William Woodson, George Yates, Daniel Rank. Regiment. Private ....do.. ....do.. Roma, Texas. Crittenden, Cash .. Figg, Anthony Private ....do , ....do ....do ....do .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . Private ... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do 1st serg't .. Private ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do -...do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do Corporal . . . Private .-..do ....do ....do ....do Sergeant . . . Private ....do Private .. Sergeant . 4.''>thU. S. C.T.. 41st U. S. C. T.. llGthU. S. C.T. 2dU. S. Cart.... 127th U. S. C. T-. 117th U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T---. 127th U. S. C.T. Hth U. S. C.T... 116th U. S. C. T. 8th U. S. C. T... 8th U. S. C. T--. 8th U. S. C.T... 8th U. S. C. T. . . 8th U. S. C. T... 29th U. S. C. T.. 31st U. S. C. T.. 8th U. S. C. T... 115th U. S. C.T. 8th U. S. C.T... 2d U.S. Cart... 41st U. S. C. T.. 2d U. S. Cart... 29th U.S. CT.- 29th U. S. C.T.. 8th U. S. C T . . . llfithU. S. C.T. 117th U. S. C.T. 1 1.5th U. S. C.T. uGthu. s. c r. 8th U. S. C T... 29th U. S. C.T.. 29th U. S. C T-- 8th U. S. C.T... 116th U. S. C.T. 8th U. S. C.T... n6thU. S. C.T. 29th U. S. C T. . 117th U. S. C.T. 8th U. S. C T... 116th U. S. C T. 8th U. S. C.T... 8th U. S. C T... 1 17th U.S. C.T. 2dU. S. C.T-.-- 8thU. S. C T... Co. 116th U. S. CT. 8th U. S. C T... 29th U. S. C.T.. 116th U. S. CT. 2dU. S. CT.... 29th U. S. C. T.. llGthU. S. C. T. 116th U. S. C T. Date of Death. Sept. 30, 1865 Sept. 25, 1865 Aug. 2, 1865 Sept. Aug. Nov. July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. Nov. Aug. Aug. July Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Nov. Oct. 2, 1865 26, 1865 10, 1865 26, 1865 26, 1865 12, 1865 4, 1865 19, 1865 23, 1865 19, 1865 15, 1865 3, 1865 7, 1865 18, 1865 10, 1865 6, 1865 17, 1865 2, 1865 6, 1865 6, 1865 15, 1865 11, 1865 24, 1865 11, 1865 14, 1865 14, 1865 4, 1865 10, 1865 24, 1865 28, 1865 10, 1865 12, 1865 23, 1865 11, 1865 29, 1865 10, 1865 19, 1865 1, 1865 18, 1865 18, 1865 13, 1865 29, 1865 15, 1865 10, 1865 2, J 865 7, 1865 19, 1865 29, 1865 3, 1865 10, 1865 Oct. 20, 1865 Oct. 7, 1865 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. 29 Name. Fletcher, Edmoiid Gilbert, Ezekiel .. Griffin, Cbas Harlan, Thomas.. Madison, Jerry Mason, Goorj^o McAble, Abraui .. Miller, Martin Myers, Abram Rank. Private. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. Reffiment. llGth U. lIGthU. 116th U. HGthU. 116th U. 116th U. 116th U. 116th \J. I 16th U. C.T. C. T. C. T. C.T. C. T. C.T. C.T. C.T. C. T. Co. Date of Death. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. 4, 1865 :3, 186.') 27, 1865 30, 1865 25, 1865 9, 1865 4, 1865 8, 1865 41, 1865 United States Soldiers loho died in the Confederate Prison., and ivere interred at Camp Ford., Tyler, Texas. A. Abbott, E Abrams, Andrew J.. Adams, David Andis, John Anderson, II. M Askey, James Atvvood, Thomas Aycrs, Anthony B. P.acher, J. R Baird, Henry Baizer, Fred Baker, M Baker, L. D Baldwin, .James Bardon, Ira Barslar, Ihany Barnitt, Wm Bay, D. P Beaver, James Beasley, .Jochlan Beuser, Jacob Bieu, K. B Biggs, John Bird, Patrick Biirhop, Geo Bishop, Clias. O B:aisdell, Janic-j C Bole, Sampson Bongayon, Constant Boston, A. J Bower, Joseph Brantley, Daniel Biatton, W. K Brion, J Bringcr, Harry 2d Miss, cav E y7th 111 H 4:5d Ind G Str. "Emma" 27th Iowa D 47th 111 T 14th Kansas 1< 161st N. Y .^)6th Ohio D G Str. " I'^mma" K 17:{d N Y T V.mh 111 K 77th Ohio F I()2d N. Y D 2d Mo. bat Str. G. B. "Moonhght" . 36th Iowa "a'" Teamster ](;t,h Ind D <»th Wis F :5Uth Maine G T 18th N. Y. cav D 77th Ohio 301 h Maine F G 1st N H. cav T 77th Ohio F 173d N. Y T 36t]j Iowa G I.%th N. Y F 52d Ind G 3d Mo. cav 36th Iowa II 11 2d Mo. bat Date of Death. Aug. 24, 1804 Dec. 4, 1864 Nov. 21, 1864 Sept. 27, 1864 Aug. 5, 1864 April 24, 1865 Sept. 27, 1864 Sept. 5, 1864 June Aug. Feb. July May Aug. May Sept. Oct. Oct. Aug. Sept. July June Sept. Nov. Oct. Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. Feb. Oct. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. 14, 1804 15, 1864 6, 1864 19, 1864 7, 1864 31, 1864 J2, 1864 30, 1864 21, 1864 8, 1804 1.5, 1864 10, 1864 6, 1804 27, 1804 25, 1804 19, 1804 27, 1864 22, 1865 20, 1864 11, 1864 17, 1865 10, 1804 2, 1864 23, 1864 .5, 1864 25, 1864 10, 1804 30 CAMP FORD, TYLEK, TEXAS. Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Brooks, I Bryan, John Buck, John C Burke, James Byrnes, F C. Calvert, J. J Camba, Henrj' Campbell, \Vm Campbell, Samuel.. Carseray, Wm Carman, Thomas . . Carmang-ear, Henry Cary, John Cassady, John Castle, Thomas Castleman, Jacob .. Clark, M Cofmau, Nathan Cogan, Thomas Collins, A. F Conne, John Cook, Albert Coope, George Coray, Wm Crowell, Daniel D. Daggott, Darius. . . . Davis, Hamilton F. Davis, S Day, Jim Dean, Wm Dean, Jesse D Dempsey, James . . . Derry, Joseph Donnelly, Hugh ... Don, E. S Duaine, Thomas ... Durraut, John Duirau, Joseph. E. Ears, Thomas Eastman, C. H Engler, John F. Farmer, N Falcier, Walter H.. Finley, George Freeman, M. L. — G. Glover, Frederick . . Glynn, James 18th Iowa. 36th Iowa. lathMich. 173d N. Y. 173d N. Y. 77th Ohio 14th N. Y. cav U.S. Ship "Morning Star" 3()th Iowa 173d N.Y 18th N. Y •2d Mo. bat Stv. G B. "Sachem"-. 7th N. Y. Zouaves 36th Iowa , 77th Ohio 14th Ohio cav 43d lud 173d N. Y 43d Ind 77th Ohio 6th Mo. cav ]6-2dN. Y , 16Ist N. Y.. 173d N. Y 3d Mo 77th Otiio..., 77th Ohio li^th Kansas. 36th Iowa 3Gth Iowa .'•;7th 111 3Uth Maine. . 173d N. Y.... 5nth lud ]73dN. Y.... 6th Wis. cav 77th Ohio 7th IMo. cav 30th Maine., 77th Ohio... 165th N.Y Chicago "Merc'tile bat.' 36th Iowa 3d Maine iJth Kansas cav. 3Gth Maine E C Aug. 27, 1864 Sept. 17, 1864 Feb. 21, 1864 Oct. 13, 1864 Aug. 2, 1864 May 22 Oct. 30 June 26 Oct. 10 Nov. 15, Oct. 29 Sept. 15 Sept. 20 July 13 Sept. 13, Oct. 12 Aug. 30 Dec. 13 Sept. 14 Oct. 10 July 25 Jul'y 2 July 6 July 7 Dec. 3 1864 1864 1864 1864 1664 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 Sept. Sept. Aug. July Sept. Sept. April Sept. Dec. July Sept. July Jan. 3, 1864 21, 1864 3, 1864 9, 1864 24, 1864 12, 1664 8, 1865 8, 1864 10, 1864 18, 1864 19, 1864 14, 1864 4, 1865 July 15, 1864 July 24, 1864 Nov. 1, 1864 June 10, 1864 July 13, 1664 Aug. 20, 1864 Dec. 4, 1864 Oct. 11, 1864 Aug. 6, 1864 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. 31 Name. Regiment. Co. Date of Death. Grant, L 13th Maine... Green, Wm j 7tli N. Y. cav. Green, Armstrong | 77th Ohio . . . . Grier, A ' 77th Ohio.... H. Haeget, Peter Haederty, Urias Hail, H. C Hall, M. M Hamilton, T. H Hamilton, F Hammon, Henry , Haudlon, Rufus R Handley, John , Handy, Thomas , Hanson, Thomas Heudix, John H , Hentgal, Peter Hentzel, Peter , Hilton, W Holland, John Hotchkiss, Norman 1 13th Conn Hyette, S. N 26th lud . 77th Ohio 43d Ind 36th Iowa 77th Ohio U. S. Navy. Gunboat " Clifton " . . 2d Mo. bat 77th Ohio Citizen, Str. "Emma" 23d Wis 1st La 5th Kansas cav 28th Wis 77th Ohio 77th Oiiio , 30th Maine Imbush, John Jackson, Henry. Jones, A. J K. Kelly, Patrick Kent, Daniel Kepner, A Killeu, H Kimble, J. S Kinnel, Ralph Kirby, Ruston Kitterman, F. M.. Knight, S. B. S... Kritzer, John Str. G. B, "Sachem' 13th Maine. 30th Maine. Lassing, James W. La\\y, C Leavy, Wm Jjeonard, James Levi, Chapel Lewis, Robert Lewis, C Libby, J. F Link, Andrew Little, John H 30th Mo 43d Ind 120th Ohio 83d Ohio R. Q. M.. 176th N. Y. Gunboat "Clifton". . 77th Ohio 30th Iowa 108th 111 36th Iowa 162dN. Y.. 175th N. Y. 173d N. Y.. 161st N. Y. 32d Iowa . . 46th Ind... 32d Iowa .. 13th Maine. 3d Mo. cav. 16th Ind... Jan. 1,1 8G5 Sept. 16, 1864 July 14, 1864 Jan. 14, 1864 Jnly Sept. Aug. Oct. Jan. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Sept. Aug. Nov. Jan. Aug. Aug Jan. June 9, 1864 7, 1864 28, lt64 5, 1864 17, 1864 24, 1864 17, 1864 19, 1864 4, 1864 18, 1864 20, 1864 17, 1864 16, 1864 11, 1865 5, 1864 22, 1864 27, 1865 19, 1864 Aug. 7, 1864 Oct. 17, 1864 Sept. 10, 1864 July Nov. Sept. Mar. Sept. Aug. Sept. Aug. May Auir. July Oct. Mar. Sept. Feb. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. 4, 1864 8, 1864 30, J 864 21, 1864 30, 1863 28, 1865 23, 1864 18, 1864 4, 1864 6, 1864 10, 1864 23, 1864 12, 1804 12, 1864 26, 1864 29, 1864 17, 1864 2, 1864 17, J 864 6, 1864 -f 32 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. No. 128 129 130 131 Name. Lolippcr, Henry . Long, J. K Lyman, Albert W Lynn, Edwin M. Madlin, Nathan Maicord, James Malnian, Tbomas . . Martz, P'ranklin W. Martin, Wm McConn, Harry McCauley, Michael. McClure, M McCailin, J. N McGiilivery, A McKissick, Wm McLaughlin, John . McNulty, J Mehl, George Meredith, John Miller, J. G Miller, Geo.W Miller, John Miller, John Moore, M Moore, Sam'l Morris, James Morehead, Thomas . Mount, Thomas...., Miirphey, James A. Murray, Andrew Regiment. N. Nassan, Gustavus Nay ham, Henry. . Newall, N Newhoff, Wm O. O'Bryan, John... O'Brien, Enoch. . Ohea, Dennis Okes, Sam'l C... P. Pearson, Barepas Pepper, D Poiers, Philip Place, Lester Pluger, Fiederick Porter, John T.. . Price, Wm Purdy, James 1st La 77th Ohio. 36th Iowa. 3d Mo. cav 32d Iowa 50th Ind Gunboat " Sachem" 120th Ohio 36th Iowa 36th Iowa 130th 111 6th Kansas cav 136th 111 15th Mo 36th Iowa 30th Mo 13lh Maine 77th Ohio 46th Ind , 32d Iowa 18th Iowa 77th Ohio 77th Ohio , 48th Ohio 87th 111 77th Ohio 26th Ind 43d Ind 36th Iowa 173d N. Y 30th Mo 2d Mo. bat Citizen, Arkansas 9th Wis 17.3d N. Y. 43d lud . . . Teamster . 3d Ind . . . . Co. Date of Death, 77th Ohio E 36ili Iowa F 77th Ohio B 32d Iowa B 77th Ohio K 23d Wis E 176thN. Y H 48th Ohio C July 13, 1864 Aug. 3, 1864 Oct. 12, 1864 Oct. 13, 1864 Sept. 5, Oct. I, Nov. 5, July 29, Oct. 18, Oct. Feb. Mar. 30, Oct. 14, July Nov. July Sept. Jan. Aug. July Aug. Sept. 10, Oct. 6, Sept. 10, Sept. 29, July 20, Nov. Oct. July Oct. 6, 25, 1, 1, 4, 21, 4, 28, 9, 12, 5. 12, 26, 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1863 1864 1864 1864 July 30, 1864 Oct. 20, 1864 Oct. 11, 1864 Sept. 25, 1864 Sept. 4, 1864 June 26, J 865 Sept. 30, 1864 July 2, 1864 Sept. 22, 1864 Aug. 29, 1864 Jan. 8, 1865 Oct. 23, 1864 Feb. 6, 1865 Sept. 20, 1864 Julv 12, 1864 Aug. 20, 1864 f CAMP FOKD, TYLER. TEXAS. Name. E. RaiT, M. L Raymoud, H Read, Jacob S Rentcb, John Richardson, Edward RicLard, John E Riddle, A , Rodicker, Christian . Rowden, Henry s. Saltis, Wm Sauk, Robt Sawer, James Sawyer, J Scott, Howard Sconde, Frederick . . . Seames, John A Shearer," Peter Shoulder, E Shoemaker, Sam'l O Singer, Lewis Sisley, John Slatterback, Jno. H. Slatterback, Josej)h Smith, George Smith, J. II Spencer, James Stadler, John W Staiikemp, Wm Stacer, P St. John, Jno Stonate, Mason Stru, Wm Straper, Ludion Stuterant, Vallnor. . T. Tallman, C. H Taylor, Robert Terry, Philip Thompson, James.. Toeker, Jas. H Toile, F. H Townsend, M. S... Turner, B. F V. Vail, Daniel C Vitter, John W. Wakefield, Elisha.. Walensley, M V . . - 3 Regiment. 77th Ohio 160th N. Y 120th Ohio 6th Kansas cav. 77th Ohio 36lh Iowa 43d Ind 77th Ohio 165th N. Y Gunboat "Sachem" ... 5th Ark. cav 30th Maine leistN. Y 77th Ohio 173dN. Y 40lh Iowa 36th Iowa 173d N.Y 130th 111 2d Mo. cav 36th Iowa 77th Ohio 77 th Ohio 87th 111 6th Kansas cav 3d Ark. cav 36th Iowa 175th N. Y 38th Iowa 3d Ind. bat Government contractor 77th III 173dN. Y 30th Maine 43d Ind 75th N. Y 36th Maine 18th N. Y. cav. 77th Ohio 2d Mo. cav 14th Iowa 130th 111 14th Iowa.. 176th N. Y. 8th Iowa. . 36th Iowa. Co. Date of Death. Sept. July Aug. July Aug. Aug. Jan Jan. Sept. Nov. Oct. Aug. July Sept. Mar. Oct. July Aug. July Sept. Dec. July June Nov. Oct. Sept. Aug. Oct. Juue Aug. May- July Oct. Sept. 29, 1864 26, 1864 24, 1864 15, 1864 18, 1864 18, 1864 5, 1865 25, 1865 25, 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1864 1864 1864 Nov. 15, 1864 June 20, 1864 Sept. 23, 1864 July 19, 1864 Jan. 19, 1865 July 20, 1864 Sept. 1, 1864 April 21, 18b5 Sept. 26, 1864 Sept. 10, 1864 D i July 14, 1864 G ! July 26, 1864 34 CAMP FORD, TYLER, TEXAS. No. Name. 220 221 222 223 224 22r> 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Ward, Martin Webber, Henry West, Simon West, Wm. M Whan, Peter H Whipple, M. V White, John Wier, Daniel Wig'gins, Geo Will, Joseph Wilson, Thomas Witter, Ballscr Z. Zuleney, Joseph Regiment. 77th Ohio 43d Ind 77th Ohio 36th Iowa 14th N. Y. cav.... 14th Kansas cav.. 173d N.Y 32d Iowa 77th Ohio 77th 111 Str. G. B. Clifton. 32d Iowa Co. 2d Mo. bat. Date of Death. July 9, Sept. 20, Aug. 13, Oct. 14, Aug. 23, July 28, Oct. 22, Dec. 22, Oct. 22, June 4, Nov. 9, Sept. 3, 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 Oct. 20, 1864 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. 35 Uniied States Soldiers interred at Corpus Christi, Texas, during the Rthellion. COLORED. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Name. Ames, George AuttmaD, Manuel Banks, Henry Basset, George Bazor, Henry Bonel, Richard Crab tree, Daniel . ^ Curry, Lewis Dade, John David, Archy Dick, Richard Febra, Hock Foreman, E Green, Claypool Harrison, Harvey Henry, William Howard, William Hyslip, George Jackson, James Johnson, Moses Jones, Daniel Lee, Charles Kelley, John Matthes, George Matthews, William Murphy, John Powers, Lewis Powell, Jefferson Renshal, William Rogers, Levi Simms, John W Simmons, Daniel Spriggs, Aaron ; . . Stone, John Trail, James Trotter, John Thompson, Charles Rank. Private . . . ....do ....do..-. Drum Corps Private. . . ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sergeant . Private .. Citizen .. Private .. ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Regiment. 10th U. S. C. T.. 28th U. S. C. T.. 28th U. S. C. T.. ]22d U. 28th U. 122d U. 122d U. 28th U. 28th U. 122d U. 122d U. 10th U. 122d U. 122d U. 10th U. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T . S. C. T.. S.C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T . S. C. T.. 10th U. 28th U. 28th U. 28th U. 122d U. 10th U. 10th U. 28th U. 28th U. 122d U. 28th U. 122d U. 28th U. 28th U. 122d U. 28th U. 122d U. 28th U. 122d U. 10th U. S. C.T.. S. C. T. . S. C. T.. S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T.. S. C. T . S. C. T-. S. C. T . S. C. T.. S. C. T . S.C. T.. Co. Date of Death. Sept. Dec. Aug. Aug. Oct. Aug. Aug. Sept. Jan. Aug. Aug. Nov. Dec. Aug. Aug. Dec. Oct. Aug. Dec. Oct. Sept. Aug. July Sept. Sept. Dec. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. July Sept. 13,. J8C5 23, ises 20, 1865 24, 1865 15, 1865 4, 1865 22, 1865 26, 1865 4, 1865 3, 1866 29, 1865 16, 1865 4, 1865 4, 1865 6, 1885 9, 1865 4, 1865 7, 1865 J 2, 1865 19, 1865 1, 1865 25, 1865 29, 1865 26, 1865 14, 1865 22, 1865 21, 1865 1, 1865 31, 1865 12, 1865 8, 1S65 15, 1865 5, 1865 21, 1865 20, 1865 Oct. 8, 1865 ,$>'i ftt-H ^ ^ Xi , -^^^^,^- .^w*. *. >.°-n^. %^^^ ;^fe\ ^^c,-^^ .V^^/.'^ ^, * «? ^ - V JC\K * A."^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ - ■0.* -^ ^9' •^0^ '^0^ v^' Oj * o « < ^ <> *^r..^ ,G ^^ > v^^ I BROS. V ♦V BIIVOING O FLA, ^=^^^1-^^- • ,^ ..- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I 013 709 534 8