NO PLAYS EXCHANGED, =>R 1273 .Z9 S7 Sopy 1 Beer's Edition i or Pltws « •p -"V 1900 HAMLET'S BRIDES. COPYWiGiHT, 1b89, BY WALTfcH H. BAKE.R & CO- 9S ft I A. W. PINERO'S PLAYS. % i|V Uniformly Bound in Stiff Paper Covers, >Iy ijw Price, 50 cents each. i!c ft ft ft ft THF AMAZON'S I A Ftfrcjcal Romance in Three Acts. P.vArthcr 1 ran ^m/YZ.WlN.3. J w PrjlE&o. Seven male and five female char- — — — acters. Costumes, modern: scenerv, an exterior and an interior, not at all difficult. This admirable farce is too well known through its recent performance by the Lyceum Theatre Company, New Vork, to need description. It is especially recommended to young ladies' schools and colleges. (1895.) ft ft f The publication of the plays of this popular author, made feasible bytbe new Jj\ Copyright Act. under which bis valuable stage rights can be fully protected*. "|J enables us to offer to amateur actors a series of modern pieces of the highest Jj\ class, all of wbich have met with distinguished success in tbe leading English /AW If* ami American theatres, and most of which are singularly well adapted for aina- '5!* /A tear performance. This publication was originally intended for tbe benefit of ifAV ^?" readers only, but tbe increasing demand for the plays for acting purposes has "* iAW far outrun their merely literary success. With tbe 'idea of placing this excel- ifAW KW lent series within the reach of the largest possible number of amateur (dubs, we *f* iAV have obtained authority to offer them for acting purposes at an author's roy- ifAV W altyof f$J /|\ Ten Dollars for Each Performance. ifji iii This rate does not apply to professional performances, for which terms will be }fkji "|* made known on application. fn ft ft ft ft t w f THE CABINET MINISTER. I i«K£#ite\gfci& 1 \t'j ' and nine female characters. t|j yf Costumes, modern society : scenery, three interiors. A very amusing piece, in- Mr k|j< genious in construction, and brilliant in dialogue. (1892.) ^|j M' DANDY DTfTC I A Farce in Three Acts. By Arthcr W. Pjxero. \(f ik'j •""*• ^^ x *s **•**-* I Seven male, four female characters. Costumes, mod- ^|^ Mf ~ J ern : scenery, two interiors. This very amusing piece Mr wlf was anotlier success in the New York and Boston theatres, and has been ex- ^|> Mf tensively played from manuscript by amateurs, for whom it is in every respect Mr w|/ suited. It provides an unusual number of capital character parts, is very funny, t|j Mr and an excellent acting piece. Plays two hours and a half. (1893.) ' \ff S» THE HOBBY HORSE. I £. < tt*#&£&&*S52 W V|j ; acters. Scenerv, two interiors and an ex- si' M Mf tenor: costumes, modern. This piece is best known in this country through the \f/ ^|^ admirable performance of Mr. John Hare, who produced it in all the principal sY' d Mf cities. Its story presents a clever satire of false philanthropy, and is full of \l/ ^i^ interest and humor. Well adapted for amateurs, bv whom it has been success- ci'^ Mf fully acted. Plays two hours and a half. (1892.) ^J/ ?K LADY BOUNTIFUL I A Fl *y : ' n Four Ac ..I.. ; i acters. Costumes, modern; scenerv. four Mf 114 interiors, not easy. A play of powerful sympathetic interest, \ little sombre in fcli • Z. key, but Dot unrelieved !>v humorous touches. (1892.) Mr W Sir* Hamlet's Brides A Shakespearean Burlesque in One Act By SARA HAWKS STERLING BOSTON WALTER H. BAKER & CO 1 900 TWOCOPIESRECElVEi Office of th FEB 17 19 56683 copyright* Hamlet's Brides CHARACTERS 7 q Ty lar of its author's plays, are well attested by long and repeated runs in the fir f§\ principal American theatres. It is of the highest class of dramatic writing, and /|^ Viv is uproariously funny, and at the same time unexceptionable in tone. Its entire \:£ /•^ suitability for amateur performance has been shown by hundreds of such pro- #i% "fit (Mictions from manuscript during the past three years. Plays two hours and y k ? /J^ a half. (18B2.) /)\ ffS ft-nT TMHTHP TOT TR A Drama in Four Acts. By Arthur W. p|\ •»• UiL. 1>U1UIUWUJ Pinebo. Eight male and five female charac- ;TC %f^ TVTPQ FRR^T\/nTT-T ters; scenery, all interiors. This is a " prob- fl\ jki xVlxvD» JI.DJ_0.LVlx 1 11. j em "play continuing the series to which " The jlC rfj — ' Profligate" and "The Second Mrs. Tanqneray" fm\ jjX belong, and while strongly dramatic, and intensely interesting is not suited for ^TC Wjiy amateur performance, "it is recommended for Reading Clubs. (1895.) f|j i*C TI4T7 "DT? f\~7T 1C A Tin I A Play in Four Acts. By Artiur W. Pine- y k : Jl\ 1 Ull rKUrLlCjA 1 H. KO> j^even ma le and five female characters. /J\ $Z ' Scenery, three interiors, rather elaborate; *.v rl^ costumes, modern. This is a piece of serious interest, powerfully dramatic in #4^ jk movement, and tragic in its event. An admirable play, but not suited for a m a- \v /1\ teur performance. (1892.) fi\ 'f\ TT-TT7 ^ri-TnnT MT^TPF^ f A Orcein 'Three Avts.'Bsr A RfmerR /|V A\ inC ' :) ^ nUULiV11,)1WaA W. Pinero. Kine male, seven fe- jli ffy ' ■ ■ ' male characters. Costumes, mod- m $% iflC ern ; scenery, three interiors, easily arranged. This ingenious and laughable jki ^f 1 farce was played by Miss Rosina Vokes during her last season in America with w t m% jk\ great success." Its plot is amusing, its action rapid and full of incident, its dia- i*v 'f* logue brilliant, and its scheme of character especially rich in quaint and humor- W t fj\ Jk\ ous types. The Hon. VereQueckett and Peggy are especially strong. The piece i*v ^|J is in all respects suitable for amateurs. (1894.) ^|l * W SXlf formance. It is offered to Mr. Pinero's admirers among Hie reading public in a" answer to the demand which its wide discussion as an acted play has created. k|> 4.) Also in Cloth, $1.00. THE SECOND MRS. TANQUERAY. $ f "sWFFT T AVFTST'DF'R I A Comedy in Three Acts. By Arthur Vl/ i_» W X_iX_, X X_-.T_. V X_X ^ J_/X_XV» \rr Pr V1? ,,,, «n„on tiiqIo nr.,1 f/,nv fontuln V7. A Play in Four Acts. By Arthur W. Pinero. Eight male and five female char- acters. Costumes, modern ; scenery, three interiors. This well-known and powerful play is not well suited for amateur per- W. Pinero. Seven male and four female l»|«g — ** ' j >v. i-iJSEKO. seven ma le ami lour Temaie .». \l/ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J characters. Scene, a single interior, the %■/ same for all three acts; costumes, modern and fashionable. This well known _'i_> s ' UMe ,01 a " ' '"ee aci.s ; costumes, modern anu iasmonauie. l nis wen Known >4«. \ff and popular piece is admirably suited to amateur players, by whom it has been »B# hk'd orte " given during the last few years. Its story is strongly sympathetic, and its TIC W# comedy interest abundant and strong. (1893.) %l# • THE TIMES I A Comedy in Four Acts. By Arthur W. Ptxero. Six M/ "^ xxvxx_*j« male and seven female characters. Scene, a single ele- JK —————————» gant interior; costumes, modern and fashionable. An \m£ entertaining piece, of strong dramatic interest and admirable satirical humor, tfii W (1892.) W ?K THF WFAKFR SFX I A Comedy in Three Acts. By Arthur W \B/ XXL1 - W X-.rv tVJ^.xX Q£L^V« W. Pinero. Eight male and eight female \y I/-* ; " — ~ characters. Costumes, modern : scenery, ;!' \l# two interiors, not difficult. This very amusing comedy was a popular feature of ^1/ 2Y"d tlie re " errf,ire of Mr. and Mrs. Kendal in this country. It presents a plot of JK %l# strong dramah'c interest, and its incidental satire of " AVoman's Rights'" em- %•« ?K ploys some admirably bumorons characters, and inspires many very clever lines. ;V- %■# Its lending characters are unusually even in strength and prominence, which %■/ V/. makes it a very satisfactory piece for amateurs. (1894.) TIC \!/ W hbkhky OF CONGRESS S€ fa ft fa fa fa /IS /♦s /IS /•s /♦s /♦s t /IS /IS /IS /IS /IS f f * f Y M/ SI/ M/ SI/ $ W SI/ 3$ ^•^•^•>w^>*.->w^-^^ W^-* II II III II NEW OPERETTAS FOR C] '■»'• EDITH'S DREAM, Sit ©prrrtta for (JTijtltirrn. Words by MARGARET FEZANDIE and EDGAR MORETTE. Music by EUGENE FEZANDIE, Jr. Eleven characters, girls and boysj or all girls, as preferred ; ten or more addi- tional for chorus. Scenery unnecessary; costumes, pretty and fanciful, but easily arranged at home. This admirable little piece is printed complete with music. It is very tuneful and gracefully imagined, and is strongly recommended for private theatricals or for schools. It is particularly well suited for the latter use, as it deals whimsically with the question of youthful study, inculcating, however, an excellent moral. Price 35 cents. ODD OPERASHEVEN TIDE A Collection of Short and Simple Musical Entertainments for Children. By MRS. G. N. BORDMAN* This collection provides a simple operetta, a fairy opera, a picturesque motion song, a quaint musical pantomime, a pretty musical sketch, and two original humorous recitations for children, complete, with all the music, and full instruc- tions for performance. The music is tuneful ami simple, and is specially written with the tastes and limitations of. children in view. The solos are easily learned and sung, and all the choruses are written for voices in unison. The collection is strongly recommended for its simplicity and perfect practicability. Neither stage nor scenery is demanded, nor any other requirements that cannot be met without trouble by the equipment of the ordinary hall or church vestry, and the zeal of the most economical committee of arrangements. Price CONTENTS. 50 cents. A Glimpse of the Brownies. A Musical Sketch for Children. Any number of boys. Market Day. An Operetta for Young People. Seven speaking parts and chorus. Queen Flora's Day Dream. An Operetta for Children. Six speak- ing parts and chorus. The Boating Part v. A Musical Sketch for Little Children. Thirty boys and girls. Six ^Little Grandmas. A Musical Pantomime for very Little Children. Six very little girls. Jimmy Crow. A Kecitatiou for a Little Girl. A House in the Moon. A Recita- tion for a Child. 7* m fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa # fa fa ♦ fa fa Y w I I w t z