r ^ ^07 T41A/ aasstZA7 PRESENTED BT »^ayiora l:iros. Makers*^ >^B Syracuse, N. Y. MT.JAN,21, 1908 ^/^ -o took Hn active part in the early povomaont. Cclonial rocoras were In- aoourately kept and poorly px-oaervol. ';^hQ name of Major '"home apr^aront- ly l8 not mentioned in any of the public, nilltary or colonial records emd the following letter from the !Tew York atate liibrarian will "be of in- terest, . j~^ \Ar The University of the State of New York ". "^ VYi^c,^ Hew York State Library Manuscripts and "istory ci James I. Bwy'^^c.Jr. " Albany, n,Y« Section, ^ Dlrecxor. Peter Wolson, Head, 25 May 1921. Mr. Charles L, Thome, New York City. Dear Sir:- The particular records that were used in compiling the 8upT>le- raent of "New Yoik in the "^.evolution as Colony and State" are not avail- able, because of the destiuction of so mnny of the records in the Capi- tol fire of 1911. Prom other sources we find evidence, however, of the fact that P.ichard Thorn e was a Hnjor and was a delop'ate to the first "Provincial Congress. The prin^ted minutes of this ronp'ress unrier date of PA ff'F'y 1775 show that Captain ?ichnrd 'rhomo was a deloprate from ^^ueens county an^ the 26th of the same month we find the first recor'l of his atterdence. In the follo\'7inrr year, 13 August 1776, the Minutes of the Provincial Con- gress sho^w that '■'^Jor riichard Tl orne was appointed f'ield of fie or of the forces drafted from Virigs and rue ens counties. The Calendar of Tistorical Manuscripts relating, to the 'Tar of the lovolution, vol.1, page 86, contnins his name on a list of the slrn- ers of the Articles of Association, 26 Mry 1775; on pare 90 of the same volume are the credent ialy ao delogate to the Provincial Conrress, 22 f^ay 1775; on page 2?8 he is mentioned in a letter from t he Committee of Cow Neck, 9 March 1776, and on v^ge 4 72 of the same volume he appears as br>v- ■• B, T77r -- the bond of .^o>^n ^ool^^- ttv the " -' ' * >d r)riy)QTa I Oitu^Ci-^TTr-6xtracV~?flbney from hira by a party of t ones. '"e find no further referonoo to him in our records printed or meinuscript • Yours veiy truly, Peter Nelson. ni:EL ^ ^ PRESE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 730 754