O « .>* °-^.""" o*^ ^■'\^' 'J V ^/ .y c- ^•- ^^ O « ' S ■^^ ^V , « o ^ '^^, o « o ^ '^ "- .-^ . ^' s <^ ^ « o ' o « o ' K},^ 'i. " ' f ' ^ ^ U ' c " " " -f O o i» •" ■^' v^*. ., ' V .«• ► > "-f. 0< c^ • V^'^^rv. :^. o --^ .; A-^ '-^^^ - ^-^^^ - ^ "Cp-i- ■^ ■•-. • • S 4 * ^ •^'* "> > ' o « o -^ 0,> ^ V f * • » M. • 0* cV,"" '^O rj* <-^ . "f • o. .V s^'" ^. ■-?.?.•* c/\%*5'-.^''^.^Vv- ^^> VjO ^ xu^^ . ^ 's-^---i (T GENEALOGY. 93 GENEALOGY. THE BRENT FAMILY. Complied by W. B. Chilton, Washington, D. C. (continued.) I bequeath my 1-5 and 1-2 of 1-5 and 1-3 of 1-2 of 1-5 of the real estate of my father Robert Brent and my brother Falcatius Brent, both de- ceased to John Warren, late of Breasewood in Staffordshire, and John Lucas of No. 4 Paper Building's in the Temple, in trust to pay the issue to my nephew Robert Brent Lycott for life and his heirs male and gen- eral successively; in default % to my cousin Bartlett Mitchell, son of Thomas Mitchell, deceased, my cousin Bartlett Mitchell, jeweler, brother to the said Thomas Mitchell, deceased, and my said godson John Yate, and their several heirs male and general respectively, the others half, upon failure of issue to the said Robert Brent Lytcott as aforesaid, to my cousin Bartlett Mitchell, jeweler, brother to the said Thomas Mitchell, deceased, for his life with remainder to my said trus- tees to preserve contingent remainders and after his decease, in trust for the first and all other sons of the said Bartlett Mitchell, in tail gen- eral & for want of such issue m trust to pay the rents and profits of the said last mentioned premises to my said cousin Bartlett Mitchell, son of the said Thomas Mitchell, dec'd during his natural life, with remainder to my said trustees, to preserve contingent remainders, and after his decease in trust for the first and all other sons of the said Bartlett Mitchell, successively in tail general, and for want of such issue, in trust for my said godson John Yate and his heirs forever. To eacii of my trustees, the said John Warren Esqr., and John Lucas Esqr. I give 20 li apiece. Residuary legatee and executor: John Yate, Esqr., of Southampton St. Bloomsbury, Co. Middlesex. (Signed) Francis Brent. Witnesses: Hen. Rodbourne, Noah Sherwood, Polycarpus Wharton. Enrolled: 2 August 1739 according to Statute 6 William & Mary. Chancery Proceedixgs, 1714-58. 1423. Brent v. Lunn. Bill filed November 1720, by Robert Brent, gent, grandson and heir male of George Brent, sometime of Defi'ord, Co. Worcester, gent., long since deceased, v. Francis Haynes and Elizabeth Lunn. The plaintiff is son of George, son and heir of the said George the ^, 94 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. grandfather, who was seised in tail male of considerable freehold and copyhold estates in Defford, worth ^loo, yearly and upwards. He died leaving his son George since deceased, who died leaving issue only three sons, viz.: George, Nicholas and Robert, the two former being both since deceased without issue. Plaintiff's father and two brothers happening to be out of the King- dom, in Stafford Co. in Virginia in America, one Robert Brent, son of Richard Brent esq., deceased brother of George, the grandfatlier, taking advantage of their absence, entered into the premises, and got into his possession all the evidences, &c. &c. The said Robert intending to go into France after the late King James II. made a deed pretending to convey the premises to one — Haynes of Worcester, linen-draper, since deceased, father of Francis Haynes of Worcester, haberdasher, who after his father's death entered thereupon, whilst the plainiiff was beyond the sea. The said Francis made a lease to I-^lizabeth Lunn of Defford, widow, who is now in possession of the premises. Haynes has several times [been] asked to give up the premises and has promised to come to an agreement with the plaintiff or his agent here in London, in the plaintiff's behalf, as if the plaintiff were here in person, but they still ( Haynes and Lunn ) refuse to actually come to any account, or to deliver up the evidences, &c. Plaintiff was and is beyond the seas and his witnesses all gone to places remote. The property is described in the answer of Elizabeth Luini, who holds a lease from Haines, his mother and sister for her life, with the remainder to her son Robert Lunn. She did not know George Brent, the grand- father, nor that the plaintiff derives his pedigree from him, &c. &c. Chancery Proceedings, 1714-58. 56. Brent v. Perrott. Bill filed 27 October 1724, by Margaret Brent, Elizabeth Conquest and Francis Brent, executrices and legatees of the will of Mary Brent, their late sister deceased, Nathaniel Piggott of the Inner Tem- ple, London, esq., William Vaux of Carversfield, Co. Bucks, gent, & Francis Loggins of Grays Inn, Co. Middlesex, gent., trustees of the same will, and Dame Anne Litcott, widow, another sister & legatee and het son Robert Brent Litcott, under 21, v. Edward Perrott, Nathaniel Pigott, and the oratrices and the said deceased Mary Brent, daughters of Robert Brent, esq., and sisters & coheirs of Falcatius Brent, dec'd, exhibited their bill about Trinity term last against Edward Perrott, esq., the only surviving executor of their said late father, to have several manors, messages, &c., sold which their father by his will charged with the payments of his legacies, &c. He bequeathed ^1200 to his wife Catherine, oratrice's late mother ^ '^. GENEALOGY. 95 deceased (and she by will gave it among her daughters) the residue of his estate to be devided among his daughters. Perrott put in his answer, but before any further proceedings were taken the said Mary died. Her will was dated ii September last, with a codicil of the 22d. She died about the 28 September last, and her will has been proved in the P. C. C. Brent Epitaphs, St. Paxckas, Middlesex. "Here also lyetli tiie body of Catherin Brent widow of Robert Brent, Late of Larkstoke in Gloucester Shire Esq 're who died the iSth of December Anno Dom. 1706 Removed hither Requiescat in pace Amen. Here also lyeth the Body of Mary Brent dyed Sept'r ye 1724 Aged 63. Requiescat in pace Amen. Also the body of Margaret Brent dyed Nov'r ye 26, i7[2]7 Aged 78." From entries in the Journals of the House of Connnons it appears that several of the Brents suffered imprisonment for alleged complicity in the Rebellion in Ireland, and that one of them was under arresi at the time of the so-called " Popish Plot." It is not possible to precisely identify the individuals mentioned in the quotations that follow, but the William Brent and Robert Brent named were evidently of the Lark Stoke family, as indicated in previous notes. Extracts (Journals of the House of Commons). Journal A 1641. Die Martis. Sabbati 12 March 1641. 17 Chas. I. That an order, or some public Declaration of both Houses, may pass for the apprehending of Brian Machellany Birne, Mr. Nicholas Plunkett. Mr. William Brent. Die Mercurii 4th January 1642. 18 Chas. I. The humble Petition of George Brent, a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, was this day read, and it is ordered that the examination of the fact be referred to the Committee for examinations ; and that the Depositions taken in the business be sent to My Lord General, together with llie 96 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Prisoner, to be proceeded with according to his demerits, and according to the Laws of Armies. Die Mercurii 15 December 1647. Post Meridian 23 Chas. I. Ordered. That Mr. WilHam Brent, now Prisoner in the Gatehouse, be forthwith committed Prisoner to Newgate, for adhering unto, abet- ting and countenancing the RebelHon in Ireland. Ordered. That it be referred to Mr. Justice Roile to examine Mr. William Brent, now committed Prisoner to Newgate, for adhering unto, abetting and countenancing the Rebellion in Ireland : and that the said Mr. Justice Rolle do give order for the Tryal of the said Mr. William Brent, in the Court of Kings Bench : and that Mr. Beck do attend Justice Rolle and pursue his directions in eflfectual prosecution of the tryal against the said Mr. William Brent. Die Veneris, 14 Aprilis, 1648. 24 Chas. I. Ordered that Mr. Brent, a Prisoner in Newgate, upon suspicion of having had a hand in the Rebellion in Ireland, be forthwith proceeded against, and brought to trial at the Kings Bench, according to former order. The Lords concurrence be desired therein. Vererii 4th April 1679. Ordered. That the Speaker do issue out his warrant to the Sergeant at Arms atteuduig this house, for the apprehension of Mr. Robert Brent. Ordered that Sir Robert Southwell do examine and search into his papers, and with the Clerks of the House of Lords, whether there be a letter, written by the Lord .Stafford, that has not yet been communicated to the Committee of Secrecy, appointed by this House; and give this House an account thereof tomorrow morning. Martis 29 Die Aprilis 1679. 31 Chas. II. A Petition of Robert Brent, Esquire, now in Custody of the Sergeant at Arms attending this House, was read ; setting forth his Innocency touching the suspicion he lies under concerning Mr. Dugdale; and praying to be discharged from his confinement. Ordered. That the consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of secrecy, appointed to prepare evidence against the Five Lords in the Tower; to examine the matter thereof, and report their opinions thereupon to the House. Luna 5 Die Maii, 1679. 31 Chas. II. Sir Thomas Lee reports from the Committee of Secrecy to whom the consideration of Mr. Brent's Petition was referred. That the Committee had considered the matter of the said Petition, and were of oi)inion that there was no cause further to continue Mr. Brent in custody, but that he GENEALOGY. 97 may have his liberty to go to his house in Gloucestershire, giving his own Security to appear upon Summons. Resolved, &c. That the House doth agree with the Committee, that there is no cause further to continue Mr. Brent in custody, but that he may have Liberty to go to his house in Gloucestershire; and be dis- charged from the custody of the Sergeant at Arms, paying his fees and giving his own security to appear upon summons. Brent Notes. (From Parish Registers and other sources.) The Mill Bridge, Stratford on Avon, was erected by subscription i May i6iS. The Corporation covenanted to keep it in repair. Bloom MS, Vol. VII, p. 6i. Among the principal subscribers is Richard Brent, Esq. of Admington. Among the West Papers at Alscot, are receipts (chief rent) paid by JSIrs. Brent, and by Robert Brent, 1674 and other years. Bloom MS, Vol. VII, p. 124. Note of Marriage, Quinton, Co. Clou. 4oElizth. Mr. Richard Catesbie to Mrs. Mary Brent, Aug. 8. I. bid. Note from Tredington Register, Co. Wore. 1640. Nov. 30. Barbara and Nathl. Brent. Gent. Armscot. I. bid. p. 136. Pebzvorth, Co. Glouc. Buried r Nov. 1640. Katherine ? Breenl. Bloom MS, Vol. I. Deed in Collection of Lord Redesdale. A lease dated 5 April 14 James I (1617). From Richard Brent oi Ad- mington to one Lawrence Eee. Bloom MS, Church Notes. Deanery flampden, Vol. II, p. 58. Burials. Evesham S. Lawrence. Mary, wife of Mr. William Breent. 10 April 1763. Bloom MS, Church notes D. of Evesham, Vol. I, p. 126. Deed in possession of L,d. Redesdale. Bond from William Brente of Adelmington to Thomas Savage of Nobery 3. June 30, Eliz. (1588.) No. 283. Another dated 28 Nov., 32 Eliz. (1590.) No. 286, Bargain sale of land in Admington, 5 April 14, Jas. I (1617.) Richard Brent of A. to Thomas Okes. Nc. 312. Conveyance from George Brent of Difford Gent, and Jane his wife, to Wm. Younger, son of Wm. Widdowes of Aston of the close called "Londshay" in Aston, 19 Jan. 14 Chas. 2 (1674.) No. 675. Bloom MS, Vol. 30. 98 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Tablet in Barcheston Church. Arms rudely painted gules, a griffin segreant gold. "Here sleepeth in the silent earth One, whose refined parts, whose real worth Meagre oblivion will sf'cure his name Enamel'd with a very [lasting] fame. Whilst pious, learned, and laborious must Fill up his story now he lies in dust. Here lyeth the Body of William Brent, Gentleman who departed this life 9th day June Anno Dom 1675." Bloom MS, Vol. 12, p. 6. Extracts from r>archeslon Register. 1 6 ID, 7 Dec. Roger son of Ferdinaudo Brent. 1675, June 10, William Brent, Gent, buried. 1676, April 21, Anthony son of William Brent, Gent. 1604, Oct. 7, Nicholas Brent \o I'rseley Ball. Bloom MS, Vol. 12. Registers 0/ Hampton Juty, Co. Warw. 1680, Sept. 9, Nathaniel Brent and Ann Lawrence married at Char- lecot. Bloom MS., Church Notes O. of Kineton, Vol. i, p. 41. Registers of Pitterton, Co. Warw. 1615, 19 Dec. Heareson s. oijohn Brent, Gent. Pedigree. John Brent of Pillerton Priors=^Barbara Ibid, p. 138. Wm. bap. 3 Nov. 1604 ? Ann Esq. ? Elizabeth Buried at Barcheston 14 Ap. 1606 bap. 28 May 9 June 1675 1607 Roger ¥.sq. Nathl. 28 Feb. 7 luly 1608. i6ro. John Arthur Susan bp. 17 bp. 19 July bp. 9 Sept. 1613. Jan. 1611. 1614. Ibid. p. isf. GENEALOGY. 99 Sheldon Deeds. (Birmingham Free Library.) Covenant between John Wells and Elizabeth his wife and John their son & heir to levy a fine of Ditchford Fryary closes to Wi/Ham Brent of Long Compton 26 Aug. 1657. Release of the same from said IVm. Brent to George Sheldon Esq. 12 Oct. 1669. Bloom MS. Vol. 21, p. i. (to be continued.) THE ^lALLORY FA^IILY. (to be continued.) Ch.\rles1'=' King IMallory, son of Colonel Francis^" Mallory and his wife, Mary King J^Iallory, was born about the time of his father's death (1781). He was an alumnus of William and Mary College, having been a student there 1795-1800. Soon after graduating he became a member of the Virginia Legis- lature, was appointed to the Virginia Council and was Lieut.-Governor of Virginia during the War of 1812. Subsequently he became Collector of the port of Norfolk, at which place he died April 15th, 1820. He married Francis Lowry Stevenson, daughter of William Steven- son, of Virginia, who was an ofificer in the Revolutionary War. The records of the Record and Pension Office, War Department show that William Stevenson was commissioned 2d Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Baytop's Company, ist Artillery Regiment of Continental Troops, commanded bj' Colonel Charles Harrison, September 30, 1777. On June 15, 1778, he was commissioned ist Lieutenant in Captain Nathaniel Burwell's Company, of the same regiment. Hs name last appears on a muster roll of the latter company dated Park of Artillery. Morris Town, April 13, 1780, which shows that he was on furlough. The family tradition is that he died on a British prison ship, near Yorktown, about 1781. The records of the Bureau of Pensions, Department of the Interior, show that a land warrant for 200 acres was issued IMay 25, 1838, to Frances L. Mallory, only surviving heir of William Stevenson, a Lieu- tenant in Col. Harrison's Regt. of Artillery, on account of the services of the said Stevenson in the Revolutionary War, and that the bene- ficiary lived in Norfolk County, Virginia, at date of issue of the warrant. The children of Charleses King Mallory, and his wife, Frances 100 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Lowry Stevenson jMallory. were Francis^** Alallory, William^'' Steven- son Mallory, Charles^'-* King Mallory, Catharine Beverly Alallory and Mary King Mallory. Francis^® Mallory, eldest son of Charleses King jNIallory and Frances Lowry Stevenson, his wife, was born about the year, 1805. He was appointed a Midshipman in the U. S. Navy in 1822 and re- signed in 1826. He practiced medicine for a few years in Norfolk, but abandoned that profession and moved to his farm near Hampton, Va. He represented his district in Congress from 1837 to 1843. He was also the first President of the Norfolk and Petersburg RailrcKul. He was appointed Navy Agent at Norfolk in 1850, and died in that city March 26, i860. He married, ist, Mary Elizabth Shield, only child of Shield. She died a year after marriage, leaving a child who survived but a short time. He afterwards married again, his second wife being Mary l'>ances Wright, daughter of Colonel Stephen Wright, of Norfolk, Va. By her he had eleven children, five dying in infancy, including the eldest son. The six that attained maturity being: i, Francis'-" ?*lallory (second son); 2, Charles-" O'Connor Mallory: 3. Mary Eliza, (died unmarried); 4. Virginia (died unmarried): 5. Kate, second wife of Colonel Johu Brockkenbrough of Va., l)y whom she liad two children, Samuel and Mary Brockenborough ; 6, Alice, married S. C. Richardson (no issue). Francis-" Mai.i.orv, second son of Francis^^ Mallory, and Mary Frances Wright Mallory, his wife, was born in Norfolk, Va., May 28, 1833. He graduated at the Virginia Military Institute, July 4, 1853, and was appointed 2nd Lieutenant 4th Infantry U. S. A., I)y President Franklin Pierce, June 27, 1856. He saw active service with his regi- ment at Forts Vancouver, Cascades, and Walla Walla, in Oregon and Washington Territories. Upon the secession of Virginia he resigned his commission in the United States Army and offered his services to Governor Letcher, of Virginia. He was appointed a Colonel of In- fantry and assigned to the command of the 55th Regiment Virginia Infantry, composed of companies from the counties of Essex, West- moreland, Middlesex, and Spotsylvania. His regiment formed part of the Army of Northern Virginia, and he commanded it with dis- tinction in the numerous battles in which that army was engaged, in- cluding the battle of Chancellorsville, where he was killed at the head of his regiment. He was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Va., March 30, 1866; his remains being removed from Hollywood, where they were originally interred. Charles^o O'Connor Mallory, son of Francis^" IMallory, and Mary • • - 1^ J » ^^^Cy>- .^ y . o ' 'o o V . A o V . -^ • '^ .0^ 0^ •- t^. 0^ • ^•^ °^ • • * O \- , . -^ • ^-n*^ - V- .^^ ^"^ «}> :. -^..'^ \'v>> ^ * o « ' ,0 ^ 0^' . o « o , VJ ^^ % o'^ , ' • o, '> V ^- --^ .^^•^v^,^o ^ ^ »v y N "^ L ^ \ '^ "f ^ .^^ ,C,- ^-if o ■>■ >' A' ■ ■NrJ^\. * O N O D,"^' V^ - % ^-^ j;. -.1..^...^ -^- "- ^° !>m>^:. "... .4 '^.c'^ vPS \.>. •' . . s o " o "^^ ,^ '}-' V. '^^^ A c o ■? ■7-^ '^. \ f^.^ 3^ .'' ^^-^^^ / "*<» o » r- •; • • . . ^ o «^^ ''IT: ^^