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She afterwards married Thomas Beard.* The daughter Mary married Richard Truesdale who emigrated from Lincolnshire, arriving in Boston in 1630, then being about 24 years old. He was a butcher by trade, a deacon in the First Church, Boston, and one of the founders of the Old South Church. He died apparently without issue, his will being proved, in January, 1671-2. His widow Mary in her will, proved Nov. 26, 1674, bequeathed ,£50, each to brother John Hood's children, Richard and Mary, not of age. John Hood, junior, was a weaver, and settled at Cam- bridge, Mass., as early as Oct. 20, 1638. With his son Richard, he appeared in Lynn before 1650.f In 1652, John Hood of Lynn, yeoman, conveyed to William Crofts for £30, "three dwelling howses or tenements with all thereto belonging in Halsted in the County of Essex in old England with a covenant for further assurance. And the said Willm is to pay 40s. a peice to the sisters of the said John according to his father's will the wch apeth in the bargain and sale by deed dated the 10th day of De- cember, 1652."$ *Lechford'8 Note Book, pp. 10-12. t John Hood was also in Kittery in 1662. jEssex Registry of Deeds, Book I, leaf 58. (1) 2 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. The following year he visited England, as appears from a deposition in old Norfolk County records, under date of Dec. 5, 1653, that John Hood, late of Lynn, sent a letter out of old England, to his wife Elizabeth, then living in Lynn. In February, 1683, John Hude with two others bought from Koger Shaw of Hampton, N. H., an estate in Lynn, of house and two acres more or less, 3 acres lying near Sagamore hill, 4 acres salt marsh near Saugus river, 12 acres of planting ground on east side of town. Children of John and Elizabeth: ■2. RicHAKD, b. abt. 1625, in England. 3. Mary. 2 Richard Hood, said to have been born at Lynn Regis, Norfolk Co., England, about 1625, came to America with his father and was living in Lynn before 1650. In 1681, he bought for XlOO, Mr. Humfries farm in Lynn on what is now Nahant street, which for several years pre- vious he had leased of Humfries' widow, at an annual ren- tal of <£9, and "one good load of salt marsh hay." The house upon this farm was the one in which Lady Deborah Moody formerly lived. He was admitted a freeman in 1691. In 1692 he was allowed to sit in the pulpit with seven other old men, probably on account of defective hearing. He died September 12,1695, and administration on the estate was granted to his son Richard, but he died before it was settled and his brother John was appointed September 7, 1696. The estate was divided as follows : " The children of the eldest son, he being dec'd," two shares, and John, Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Benjamin, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Ruth, Rebeckah, Hannah and Anna Hood, each one share. Richard Hood married Mary, daughter of Anthony New- hall whose will proved Mar. 31, 1656, mentions grand- children Richard and Elizabeth Hood, and daughter Mary to whom he bequeaths the third part of the interest of his orchard for seven years, also a '* pcell of ground that lys one the other syde the brook at the north end of my hows lott uppon condittyon that her husband doe build a dwel- A2?D SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 3 ling hows oppon it." One half of the remainder of his estate also went to Mary. July 7, 1682, Richard and Mary Hood sold a house and four acres of land.* This was the four acre lot next Hathorne's that Mr. Newhall bequeathed to his daughter, and here probably her husband built a house for their homestead, instead of on the small lot north of the brook, spoken of in the will. A Mary Hood died about Feb. 14, 1727-8. — Lynn Records. Children of Richard and Mary, born in Lynn : 4. Mary, m. Michel Derich. In 1692 she was accused of practising witchcraft, and was imprisoned in Boston for 7 months. She was a wid. in 1692. 5. Richard, b. Nov. 18, 1655. 6. Sara, b. Aug. 2, 1657; m. Oct. 25, 1675, William Bassett, jr., husbandman. She was tried for witchcraft May 23, 1692, and imprisoned at Boston until Nov. 2. While in prison she had with her a child 22 months old, and another was born after her liberation whom she named " Deliverance." Her husband's sister Elizabeth, m. John Proctor of Danvers. She also was accused and sentenced to death, but afterward re- leased through the brave and persistent efforts of her hus- band, Goodman Proctor, who afterwards suffered the death penalty. Had: (1) Sarah, b. Dec. 6, 1676; m. 1st Joseph Grif- fin; m. 2d. Newbold; m. 3d. Hawkes; (2) William,. b. Nov., 1678; m. Jan. 14, 1703, Rebecca Berry; (3) Mary, b. June 13, 1680; m. Feb. 15, 1705-6, Andrew Jearns of Boston;: (4) John, b. Sept. 8, 1682; m. Feb. 9, 1704-5, Abigail Berry of Chelsea; (5) Hannah, b. Feb. 2, 1685; m. John Estes of Salem; (6) Ruth, b. Mar.l6, 1689-90 ;m. Jan. 6, 1713, Abraham Allen of Marblehead, fisherman; (7) Joseph, b. Dec. 15, 1692 ; lost at sea before 1721; (8) Deliverance, b. Aug. 2, 1695; m. Jan. 25, 1719-20, Samuel Breed, jr.; (9) Abigail, m. Dec. 12, 1728, Samuel Alley. 7. Elizabeth, b. Nov., 1658; m. Dec. 6, 1682, Thomas Farrar, jr. 8. Ruth, b. July, 1660. 9. Rkbecca, b. Feb. 7, 1662; m. Dec. 9, 1681, Hugh Alley of Lynn,. weaver. Had: (1) Solomon, b. Oct. 11, 1682; (2) Jacob, b.. Jan. 28, 1683-4; (3) Eleazer, b. Nov. 1, 1686; (4) Hannah, b.. Aug. 16, 1689; (5) Richard, b. July 31, 1691; (6) Joseph, b. June 22, 1693; (7) Benjamin, b. Feb. 24, 1694-5; (8) Samuel. •Sometime in tfce possession of Anthony Newball, to Matthew Farrington toT£E6. 4 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 10. John, b. May 7, 16«4. 11. Hanna, b. Oct. 21, 16G5; m. Mar. 15, 1702-3, Edmond Needham; d. Sept. 28, 1740, "suddenly." Had: (1) Daniel, b. Dec. 5, 1708; (2) Bathsheba, b. Apr. 30, 1705. 12. Samuel, b. May 12, 1667; m. Deborah He became a Quaker before 1690. Had : Sarah, m. July 29, 1731, John Presbrey of Boston. Samuel Hood, d. Mar. 9, 1749-50. — Z. \ Collins Diary. 13. Nathaniel, b. June 9, 1G69. 14. Anne, b. Feb. 13, 1672; m. (as (Anna) Feb. 5, 1691-2, Samuel Breed of Lynn, husbandman and weaver. Had: (1) Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1692; (2) Amos, b. July 20, 1694; (3) Jabez, b. Jan. 26, 1695-0; (4) Abigail, b. Sept. 7, 1698; (5) Nathan, b. Jan. 3, 1702-3; (6) Keziah, b. Oct. 16, 1704; (7) Anna, b. July 28, 1706; (8) Ebenezer, b. May 1, 1710; (9) Ruth, b. Mar. 10, 1711-12; (10) Benjamin, b. July 4, 1715. 15. Joseph, b. July 8, 1674, 16. Benjamin, b. Jan. 3, 1677; made freeman, 1691 ; d. 1696. 5 Richard Hood, boru Nov. 18, 1655, united with the Quakers before 1690. He married about 1689, Han- nah , and died in 1696. (Adm. on his estate granted Dec. 14, 1696.) Children of Richard and Hannah, born in Lynn : 17. Samuel, b. Oct. 18, 1690, 18. Richard, b. Mar, 30, 1692. 19. Zebulon, b. Sept. 13, 1693; d. Dec, 2, 1693. 20. Zebulon, b. Feb. 28, 1694; d. July 12, 1695. 10 John Hood, born May 7, 1664, married Sarah Breed of Lynn. He united with the Quakers before 1690 and from that year until 1720, with others, signed a yearly petition to the General Court for refunding the ministerial tax which was levied also upon Quakers. In 1696, he was imprisoned one month in Salem jail for re- fusing to pay a tax to support the Kev. Mr. Shepherd. Ac- cording to the diary of his son-in-law Zaccheus Collins, of Lynn, he died Dec. 4, 1730 and his widow died May 6, 1747. His will dated Dec. 1, 1730 ; prob. Jan. 2, 1730-1, mentions wife Sarah. Children of John and Sarah, born in Lynn : \ AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 5 21. Barbara (Barberry, birth and marriage rd.), b. June 10, 1694; m. (int. Mar. 14, 1717-18) Benjamin Bowden of Marblehead. 22. HuLDAH, b. Nov. 28, 1697 (Hildah Hood, m, Michael Bassett of Marblehead). Int. Dec. 5, 1719. 23. Benjamin, b. June 14, 1700. 24. Content, b. July 25, 1703; m. (int. July 15, 1721), Zaccheus Col- lins of Lynn. She was not named in her father's will, in 1730. 25. Breed, b. July 22, 1706. Breed Hood, buried Nov. 23, 176.3, at Marblehead — Z. Collins Diary. Shipwright and lived in Mar- blehead, where he m. Lydia . Will dated Oct. 14, 1763, probated Nov. 24, 1763. 26. Sarah, m. (int. Nov. 23, 1729), John Andrews of Marblehead. 27. Lydia, b. Apr. 17, 1714 ; ra. Nov. 30, 1736, Daniel Bassett, hus- bandman, of Lynn. 13 Nathaniel Hood, born June 9, 1669, in Lynn, married Oct. 16, 1706, Joanna Dwinnell of Topslield. They lived in Lynn for a few years and then removed to Topsfield and lived in the northwest part of the town ad- joining Ipswich and Boxford on the farm owned in 1835 by Capt. Daniel Bixby. In 1746 Nathaniel Hood built a house by the pond which is now called " Hood's Pond." The house has always remained in the Hood family and in the Hood name and is now owned by Ralph D. Hood. Nathaniel Hood died Oct. 30, 1 748, at Topsfield, and his wife Joanna died Mar. 1, 1731-2. She was daughter of Michael Dwinell a French Hugue- not who came to America after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and settled in Topsfield. Children of Nathaniel and Joanna : 28. Nathan. 29. Nathaniel. 30. Joseph, m. ; d. Sept. 6, 1745 at Newport, R. I. 81. Susannah, b. 1714; m. Nov. 7, 17:33, Samuel Cummings; lived in Middleton and Stoughton. He was a soldier in the ex- pedition against Louisburg and d. in Sharon, Mass., Dec. 11, 1804; she d. there Jan. 14, 1812, ae. 98 y. Had 11 child- ren. 32. Amos, unm.; lived at Biddeford, Me., where he joined the church, June 27, 1742; tailor by trade. 33. Richakd(?), m. Apr. 1, 1747, in Beverly, Elizabeth Coy. He was then of Salem. He was a mariner and lived in Beverly. He b JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. d. in Bristol, of small pox, in 1751 (adm. granted on his es- tate June 17, 1751). She d. in Beverly, May 24, 1748, ae. 27y. Had: Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 17, 1747-8; m. Jan. 9, 1766, An- drew Gage of Beverly; d. (bur. Oct. 28, 1810.) 34. Marcy (dan. Nathaniel and Hannah. Beverly rds.), b. Dec. 12, 1722, Beverly ; ni. in Salem, June S, 1742, James Smith. 35. John, b. Jan. 10, 1724. 15 Joseph Hood, born July 8, 1674, married May 17, 1716, at Boston, Rebecca Cumbey. She was born Dec. 8, 1683, daughter of Robert Cumbee, and married, first, July 27, 1704, John More; married, second, Oct. 24, 1706, Thomas Mieres, and had one son Cumbey Mieres. She married, third, Joseph Hood. He died Dec. 14, 1729 (Z. Collins Diary') and she may have married, fourth, in 1738, William Lee. Child of Joseph and Rebecca : 36. Cumbey, b. Aug. 28, 1717, at Boston. Was the captain of a vessel, and was lost at sea. In 1749, he sold the homestead on Salutation Lane, Bos- ton, and in 1751 removed to New York. He married, first, in 1739, Lettice Begood, at Boston, and had Rebecca, who died in infancy ; married, second, Sarah Nolens, daughter of Robert Nolens, gentleman, of Wales. They had a daughter Sarah, born Mar. 8, 1749, who married, Oct. 7, 1773, at Portsmouth, N. H., Ezekiel Russell, and died Oct. 15, 180G. 17 Samuel Hood, born Oct. 18, 1690, married (int. Dec. 15, 1723) Agnes, daughter of Henry and Sarah Snow of Kittery, Me. He was a husbandman and lived in Lynn. His will dated Feb. 28, 1749, probated Apr. 2, 1750, names wife Agnes, and eight children. " In those early days, a young man who was inclined to indulge in the laudable custom of courting, went to visit a young lady named Agnes. As he was returning, late one evening, he was overheard saying to himself — ' Well, so far proceeded towards courting Agnes.' This phrase became common and has been introduced into an English comedy." — Lewis and Newhall's History of Lynn. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 7 Children of Samuel and Agnes, born in Lynn : 87. Richard, b. Jan. 26, 1725. 38. Mary, b. Apr. 22, 1727; mentioned in father's will as unm. in 1749. 39. Sarah, b. Jan. 4, 1730; d. Aug. 11, 1761. 40. EivizABETH, b. Feb. 19, 1733. 41. Samuel, b. Aug. 18, 1736. 42. Hannah, b. May 1, 1739. 43. Daniel, b. Mar. 18, 1742. 44. John, b. Dec. 16, 1744. 18 Richard Hood, born in Lynn, Mar. 30, 1692, married May 20, 1718, Theodate, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Collins of Lynn. He was a husbandman and lived on Nahant where he bought land in 1739. Zaccheus Col- lins' Diary notes that his wife died in Boston and was buried in Lynn, Jan. 17, 1764. His will dated Dec. 7, 1769 was probated May 29, 1779. Children of Richard and Theodate, born in Lynn : 45. Theodate, b. Oct. 27, 1719; m. (int. Apr. 8, 1739) Jeremiah Gray; d. Apr. 28, 1751, " suddenly." 46. Jedadiah, b. Sept. 25, 1721; d. Sept. 26, 1721. 47. Content, b. Dec. 20, 1722; m. at Salem, Oct. 8, 1741, John Phil- lips of Boston, shipwright, s. of Walter Phillips of Salem. 48. Rebekah, b. Apr. 3, 1725; m. Oct. 20, 1742, Solomon Alley, cordwainer, of Lynn. 49. Hannah, b. Dec. 9, 1727 ; m. Sept. 19, 1750, Daniel Holder, shipwright, s. of Thomas Holder of Marblehead. 50. Patience, b. Sept. 9, 1730; m. Aug. 18, 1756, Daniel Silsbee, shipwright, of Boston, s. of Henry Silsbee. She was living with her father in 1769, her husband having died. 51. Abner, b. Sept. 26, 1733. 52. Abigail, b. Sept. 14, 1736; m. Jan. 26, 1757, Hugh Alley, house- wright, s. of Samuel Alley. 53. A child, b. Nov. 8, 1737. 28 Benjamin Hood, born in Lynn, June 14, 1700, married Dec. 16, 1729, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bassett of Lynn. Housewright and husbandman and lived in Marblehead and Lynn (Nahant). Inherited his father's house. Will dated Dec. 22, 1762, probated Oct. 5, 1778, mentions wife Elizabeth. 8 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth, born in Lynn ; 54. CONTKNT, b. Sept. 3, 1730; m. Sept. 26, 1752, Walter Phillips, jr., s. of Jonathan Phillips. 55. Rebkcoa, b. Aug. 18, 1732; m. Nov. 23, 1757, Gideon Phillips, s. of Jonathan Phillips. 56. Sarah, b. Dec. 30, 1734; m. Aug. 25, 1779, John Alley. 57. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 4, 1743; d. Sept. 12, 1762. 58. Anna, b. May 12, 1746; "drowned in Lynn harbour," Aug. 8, 1770, from a canoe, while with a party of seven others, going on board a schooner in the harbour. 28 Nathan Hood, married, first, Mar. 6, 1731, Eliz- abeth Palmer, who was born May 1, 1710 at Rowley. They resided at Topsfield. She died June 10, 1782, "in a very sudden manner,'' and he married, second, (int. Nov. 24, 1782) Lydia Corliss [Colly. Topsfield rds.] of Salem, N. H. lie was a housewright, a surveyor of highways in 1738 and constable in 1756. He died May 4, 1792. Children of Nathan and Elizabeth, born in Topsfield : 59. William, b. Dec. 26, 1731. 60. A child, d. May 24, 1734. 61. A child, d. May 26, 1734. 62. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1735-6; d, Jan. 9, 1738. 63. Joanna, b. Nov. 19, 1737; m. Feb. 27, 1759, Daniel Averill; d. Dec. 12, 1816, '' occasioned by falling into the fire." 64. Nathan, b. Jan. 10, 1739-40. 65. Daniel, b. Nov. 11, 1741. 66. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1744; m. July 23, 1768, Moses Saftord of Ipswich. 67. JosKPH, b. Feb, 2, 1746. 68. Benjamin, b. Feb. 13, 1748. 69. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 19, 1750; m. Apr. 5, 1774, Andrew Gould; d, Aug. 5, 1791. 70. Mehitable, b. Mar. 15, 1752; m. Nov. 30, 1772, Jonathan Perkins of Boxford. 71. Susanna, b. June 17, 1754; d. July 8,' 1756. Nathan and Elizabeth also may have had a son Jonathan who set- tled in Topsham, Vt., in 1782, and who came from Topsfield, ac- cording to family tradition. He was one of the first settlers in the town and was killed by being thrown from a load of hay. Had: (1, Polly, b. 1773; m. Reuben Gilbert of Lyndon, Vt.; d. Feb. 19, 1842; (2) Betsey, b. 1777, m. Lemuel Randall of Newbury, Vt.; d. Oct. 2) AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 9 1864; (3) William (twin), b. July, 1778; m. Sally Crown; d. Dec. 3, 1862; (4) Jonathan (twin), b. July, 1778; m. Susan Farwell; d. Sept. 23, 1848; (5), Sally, b. 1780; m. Jacob Morse; d. June 8, 1861; (6), Mehitable, b. 1787; m. Zimriah Dodge of Topshani; d. Feb. 23, 1844; (7) Hepsibab, b. 1790; d. unm. Oct. 10, 1865. 29 Nathaniel Hood, married Nov. 13, 1735, Abi- gail Potter of Ipswich. He died June 8, 1755, in Tops- field. Farmer and cordwainer. Children of Nathaniel and Abigail, born in Topsfield : 72. Samuel, bapt. June 12, 1737; d. Jan. 4, 1738. 73. Esther, b . May 20, 1739 . 74. Abigail, b. May 16, 1741; m. (int. July 18, 1761) Stephen Hovey. 75. Sarah, bapt. June 19, 1743; m. Dec. 9, 1762, Alexander Tapley. 76. Susannah, b. Oct. 27, 1745; m. June 9, 1763, Israel Kenney. 77. HuLDAH «' infant daughter of Nathaniel," d. Feb. 1, 1749. 78. " Infant son of Nathaniel," d. Mar. 4, 1750. 79. "■ Infant son of Nathaniel," d. Nov. 17, 1751. 35 John Hood, born Jan. 10, 1724, at Topsfield ; was a carpenter by trade, and served in the " French and Indian War"' and in the "Revolution." He enlisted Feb. 1745 for Cape Breton and was at the surrender July 26, 1758. He also was one of the men who scaled the cliffs and stood on the plains of Abraham in the capture of Quebec. In the Revolutionary War he served as guard at Charlestown from Nov. 12, 1777, to Apr. 3, 1778, and in 1789 he was sergeant in Capt. Benjamin Gould's Company with Col. Wade's Essex Co. Regiment. He lived in Topsfield, and married, first, Sept. 16, 1746, Elizabeth Reddington. She died Oct. 23, 1755, and he married, second. Mar. 1, 1757, Mary Kimball of Boxford. She was born Aug. 25, 1727, and died Dec. 6, 1807. He died Oct. 10, 1805, in Topsfield. Children of John and Elizabeth , born in Topsfield : 80. A daughter, d. June 29, 1847. 81. A son, d. Feb. 24, 1749. 82. Richard, b. Feb. 18, 1750-1, 83. A child, d. Apr. 15, 1753. 10 JOHN HOOD OP LYNN, MASS. Children of John and Mary : 84. Eunice, b. Oct. 1, 1757, (Family rd.); m. Oct. 27, 1781, Henry Perley of Andover, lived in Andover and removed to Boxford, in 1786; d. October 11, 1790. Had: (1) Eunice, b. Apr. 14, 1782; d. July 18, 1862; (2) Henry, b. Oct. 14, 1784, d. Nov. 14, 1841 ; (3) Susanna, b. Mar. 16, 1788, d. Nov. 23, 1791; (4) Samuel, b. Oct. 9, 1790. 85. John, b. Feb. 26, 1760. 86. Samuki., b. Mar. 1, 1762. 87. HuLDAH, b. May 27, 1765; d. Feb. 18, 1776, 88. Esther, b. Sept. 4, 1768; d. Sept. 25, 1775. 89. A son, d. July 13, 1772. 37 Richard Hood, bom Jan. 26, 1725 in Lynn, mar- ried at Beverly Nov. 28, 1749, Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah West of Beverly. Mariner, lived in Lynn, admin- istration granted in his estate to wife Sarah, Apr. 3, 1787. She probably died his widow, Sept. 24, 1796. {Collins Diary.') Children of Richard and Sarah, born in Lynn : 90. John, b. May 7, 1753; m. (int. July 20, 1776) Hannah Reden of Salem. 91. Hannah, b. Feb. 23, 1756. 92. Richard, b. Dec. 3, 1759: buried Oct. 6, 1761. (Richard, s. Richard, d. Oct. 4, 1762, Lynn rds.) 93. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1762, (bp. Apr. 25, 1762, Beverly rds.) 94. Emzabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1764; d. unm. in Lynn, (will prob. Apr. 3, 1788.) 95. Agnks, bp. Apr. 8, 1770, in Beverly. 51 Abner Hood, born in Lynn, Sept. 26, 1733, mar- ried, June 11, 1783, Keziah, daughter of Benjamin and Ruth Breed of Lynn. He was small in stature and always wore the Quaker dress. He inherited his father's estate in Nahant, which occupied nearly all the peninsular. This property remained in the Hood name until 1869. He died in Lynn (Nahant), Mar. 11, 1818, and she died Nov. 4, 1825, aged 74 yeais. Children of Abner aud Keziah, born in Lynn : 96. Abner, b. Apr. 1, 1784. 97. Richard, b. Mar. 13, 1786. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 11 98. Theopate, b. May 28, 1787; m. Jan. 1, 1807, Jabez Breed, jr. 99. Benjamin (twin), b. Apr. 7, 1700. 100. Ebenezeh (twin), b. Apr. 7, 1790. 101. Content (Maria, m. rd.), b. Dec. 21, 1792; m. Oct. 31, 1822, Gideon Phillips; d. Sept. 15, 1857. 59 William Hood, born Dec. 26, 1731, at Tops- field, married Aug. 27, 1754, Mary, daughter of Aaron and Mary Hubbard of Topsfield. He removed to Tops- ham, Vt. Housewriprht by trade. Children of William and Mary : 102. Amos, b. Aug. 12, 1757. 103. Lydia, b. Oct. 16, 1759. 104. Susanna, bapt. Feb. 21, 1762. 105. Moses, bapt. May 22, 1763; ra. (int. Apr. 23, 1784) Sally Felt of Salem. 106. Aaron, bapt. Apr. 5, 1767. 107. Johnathan (?), b. abt. 1775; m. Hannah Hamlet of Topsham, Vt. Had: Charles, Susan, Sargent, John, Mary, Angeline, Levi and Maria. 64 Nathan Hood, born in Topsfield, Jan. 10, 1739- 40, married Feb. 17, 1763, Mary Perkins. He died Mar. 23, 1772. Children of Nathan and Mary : 108. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 3, 1763. 109. Nathan, b. Mar. 8, 1765. 110. Enos, b. May 26, 1767. 111. Thomas (twin), b. May 27, 1769. 112. Amos (twin), b. May 27, 1769. 65 Daniel Hood, born Nov. 11, 1741, married Feb. 10, 1763, Ruth Towne. They were dismissed Nov. 18, 1787 to a church in Wilton, N. H. They afterwards lived near Portland, Me- Farmer and housewright. Children of Daniel and Ruth, born in Topsfield : 113. Lucy, b. Aug. 8, 1763; d. Mar. 31, 1776. 114. Jacob, b. Jan. 5, 1765; m. Mary Gove. 115. Ruth, bp. Nov. 9, 1766; d. Sept. 15, 1767. 116. Ruth, b. Oct. 10, 1767. 117. Daniel, b. Feb. 20, 1770; d. Oct.—, 1775. 12 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 118. Abnek, b. Feb. 18, 1772. 119. Maby, b. June 9, 1776. 120. Lucy, b. Jan. 28, 1778. 121. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 28, 1780. 122. Daniel, b. Dec. 7, 1783. 67 Joseph Hood, born Feb. 2, 1746, married Oct. 13, 1767, Dorcas Hovey. She was the daughter of Ivory and Anne Hovey, and was born Apr. 18, 1749. Tliey both accepted the covenant, Aug. 14, 1768, in the Topsfield church. He removed in 1782 to Hollis, N. H., to that part afterwards incorporated as the town of Milford, where both he and his wife afterwards died and were buried. Their graves are marked with one stone bearing both names. Farmer. He died Oct. 21, 1795. Soldier in the Revolution, from Topsfield, mustered Aug. 1, 1775, into Capt. Baker's (yo. in Little's Regt., served in that and other regiments until Nov. 22, 1779. Fought at Banker Hill and in the operations about New York. Children of Joseph and Dorcas, first five born in Tops- field: 123. Sarah, bayt. Aug. 14, 1768; m. May 25, 1790, David Uunc- kle, jr. of Milford, N. H., and d. July 13, 1849. 124. Joseph, bapt. Nov. 28, 1769. 125. DoKCAs, bapt. Feb. 23, 1772; m. May 20, 1794, Jacob Mc.oar, of Hollis, N. H., and d. Aug. 4, 1851. 126. HuLDAH, bapt. Mar. 13, 1774 ; m. Nov., 1795, William Pea- body, jr., of Amherst, N. H.,and d. Sept. 17, 1861. \ 127. Betsey, b. Aug. 12, 1777; m. May 9, 1795, Stephen Lovejoy of Hollis, N. H., and d. May 22, 1852. 128. Susanna, b. June 10, 1781, in Amherst, N. H.; m. (1) Nov. 27, 1797, William Bacon; m. (2) William J. Doyle of Provi- dence, R. I., and d. there Mar. 5, 1843. 129. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 30, 1783, in Amherst; m. 1810, Mary Warner, b. in Newbury port. Mar. 17, 1783 and d. Apr, 3, 1865. Farmer; lived in Milford, and d. Aug. 8, 1861. Had: (1) John A., b. May 27, 1812; carpenter; m. Jane Baker; (2) Mary Ann, b. Nov. 21, 1814; m. Abijah Wood; d. Aug. 6, 1887; (3) Sarah D., b. Feb. 27, 1816; m. Hezekiah P. Hamblett; d. July 3, 1886; (4) Elizabeth P., b. Jan. 5, 1821; m. Daniel Hopkins, jr., d. Apr. 2, 1857. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 13 68 Benjamin Hood, born Feb. 13, 1748, married Sept. 4, 1777, Sarah Cross of Boxford. He died in Box- ford in 1801 and she died there Feb. 15, 1840. Farmer, and lived in Boxford not far from the Topsfield boundary line. Soldier in the Revolution, from Topsfield. Children of Benjamin and Sarah, baptized in Topsfield : 130. Dorothy, bapt. Nov. 20, 1785; m. Nov, 30, 1806, John Todd, of Salera; d. Nov., 1839. 131. Francis, b. Dec. 1, 1780. 132. J ERE, bapt. Nov. 20, 1785; d. unm. 133. Elizabeth, m. Moses Shaw. 134. Fanny, unm. 135. Mary, unm. 136. Benjamin; a cooper in Salem? 137. Sally, m. Nov. 23, 1806, in Boxford, Samuel Shaw jr. of Newburyport; d. Apr. 30, 1825, in Pembroke, N. H. 82 Richard Hood, born Feb. 18, 1750, married Feb. 15, 1776, Lydia Tarbox, at Wenham. She was born Sept. 16, 1753, and died Mar. 10, 1824. They resided at Wenham. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and marched on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, from Topsfield. Yeoman. He died Nov. 19, 1835. Children of Richard and Lydia : 138. JosiAH Moulton, b. July 22, 1776. 139. Betsey, b. Mar. 6, 1778; d. unm. Dec. 19, 1839, in Georgetown. 140. John, b. Feb. 4, 1780; d. Feb. 7, 1781. 141. Mary (roily), b. July 27, 1782; m. July 19, 1804, Peter Pous- land of Beverly; d. Dec. 8, 1807. 142. Samuel, b. Nov. 8, 1785; m. Dec. 29, 1814. Phebe Wood of Boxford; he lived in Wenham and Georgetown, and d. June 1843; Had: (1) William Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1815; d. Apr. 19, 1824; (2), Samuel, b. Dec. 16, 1817; (3), Mary (Polly), b. Jan. 12, 1820; (4), Solomon Perley, b. Mar. 31, 1822; (5), William Henry, b. in Boxford, June 25, 1825; (6) Sarah Peabody, b. in Boxford, Apr. 2. 1828. 85 John Hood, born Feb. 26, 1760, enlisted in the Revolutionary army, June 17, 1775, when but fifteen years and three months old, and was at the battle of Bunker Hill, on picket duty, watching an English vessel to keep 14 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. her men from landing. He also was at the battles of Long Island and White Plains, and crossed the Delaware with Gen. Washinjjton. He was in the battle of Prince- ton, and for two months lived a life of great suffering, without shoes, and clothed with rags. He then received his discharge and started on foot to his home 250 miles distant, begging his food on the way. When only two or three days from camp, he was taken sick with the small- pox, which at that time was a scourge in the army, and after having been carried for some miles from house to house, he was received at Coventry, Conn., and nursed by an old lady named Barnes. When recovered he was clothed and sent on his way home, where he arrived early in the spring. After a few weeks stay, he re-enlisted. Sept. 11, 1777, and was in the battle of Brandywine, and was also in the battle at German town. In 1778 he was discharged, and the following year he went on a privateer- ing cruise and was taken prisoner and carried into Halifax, and conimed in a prison ship, where he suffered everything but death. In time he was exchanged and returned to his home. In September, 1780, he was in the army at the time of Arnold's treachery, and the next year was at the surrender of Cornwallis. He was in the service seven of the eight years of the war. In 1787 Tops field was called upon for troops to suppress Shay's Rebellion. No one would lead in the enlistment until John Hood enrolled his name then to be followed by others. John Hood was a carpenter by trade, and helped to build seven large bridges ; three over the Merriraac River, at Andover, at Haverhill, and at the Rocks ; one over Plum Island river ; one over Parker's river at Byfield ; one over the Kennebec at Augusta ; and one over the Connecticut, at Windsor, Vt. His last years were spent at home in the same cottage in which he was born, in which his father lived and died, and which he bequeathed to his son. He married, first, Aug. 2, 1787, Anne, daugh- ter of Jacob and Priscilla Kimball, born June 2, 1765. She died Sept. 12, 1789, of consumption. He married, second, Feb. 17, 1791, Ruth, daughter of Daniel and Lucy (Tarbox) Gould, born Dec. 3, 1762. Her father was a AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 16 son of John Gould, the son of the largest landholder in Topstield. During the last eleven years of her life, she was confined to her room as the result of a fall. She died Mar. 8, 1840. He died July 19, 1836. Child of John and Anne, born in Topsfield : 143. Jacob, b. Mar. 10, 1788; d. Apr. 10, 1789. Children of John and Kuth, born in To})sfield : 144. Jacob, b. Dec. 25, 1791. 145. JoHX,b. Oct. 8, 1793; m. Dec. 20, 1854. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Phil- lips, dau. Enos and Anna Lake. Shoemaker and farmer. lie d. Apr. 12, 1870; She d. Dec. 17, 1859; ae. 40 y. No issue. In- herited his grandfather's gun. 146. Anne (twin), b. July 29, 1795; m. Nov. 2, 1812, Zaccheus Gould, jr. of Topsfield, b. Jan. 19, 1790. He d. July 5. 1874; she d. Oct. 13, 1874, Children: (1) Anne, b. June 24, 1813; m. Apr. 14, 1845, John B. Lake; d. June 8, 1846. (2) Zaccheus, b. Apr, .3, 1815; m. Elizabeth Thomas; d. June 23, 1888. (3) Adeline, b, Feb. 28, 1817; m. 1835, Tim- othy M, Phillips; d. July 5, 1892. (4) Rebecca, b. Apr. 28, 1819; m. 1840, John Brown Lake; d. Aug. 12, 1843. (5) Emi- ly, b. Apr. 5, 1821; m. 1844, Moses B. Home; d. Oct. 14, 1876. (6) John, b. Jan. 30, 1824; m. 1854, Mary F. Revere; d. Feb. 11, 1895. (7) Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1826; d, Nov. 13, 1827; (8) Humphrey, b. Oct. 13, 1829; m. 1854, Sarah A. Peabody; d. Nov. 12, 1856.(9) Elizabeth, b. July 8, 1832; m. 1853, Charles Winslow. (10) William H. Harrison, b. June 25, 1836; m. 1862, Sarah Stone. 147. Ruth (twin), b. July 29, 1795; unm. ; d. Dec. 23, 1821. 148. David, b. Sept. 3, 1797, 149. RicHABD, b. Sept, 4, 1799; d. Nov, 8, 1799. 150. Mary, b, Sept. 29, 1800; d. in Topsfield, Sept, 27, 1875; unm, 151. Richard, b. Dec. 9, 1802. 152. George, b. Aug. 11, 1805; d. Oct. 5, 1805. 153. George, b. Feb. 10, 1807. 154. Lucy, b. June 25, 1809; d. in Topsfield, Mar. 31, 1895; unm. 86 Samuel Hood, born Mar. 1, 1762 in Topsfield, married July 22, 1783, Lydia Gould, born Dec. 31, 1760, daughter of Dea. Daniel and Lucy (Tar box) Gould. Lived in Topsfield where he was a carpenter and builder. 16 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. and died Dec. 10, 1843. He was town treasurer, 1818- 1823. She died Dec. 2, 1834. Children of Samuel and Lydia, born in Topsfield : 155. Samuel, b. Nov. 24, 1784; m. Apr. 18, 1814, Abigail, dau. David and Mehitable (Cave) Cummings. He d. Aug. 29, 1865. She d. Sept. 15, 1863. He was a master mariner, a sol- dier in the Seminole War, and lived in Topsfield and Danvers. In 1827 he was adjudged now compos mentis, and remained under guardianship until his death. Had: (1) Sally C, d. Sept. 29, 1815, set. about 15 mos. (16 mos. g.s.) (2). Samuel Cummings, d. unm. in Georgetown ; (3) Sarah Porter, b. Apr. 6, 1819 (Topsfield); m. Nov. 24, 1842, Lewis Symmes of Beverly; d. Mar. 14, 1886, 3 children : (4) Hitty Cave, b. Mar. 31, 1821 (Middleton); d. Apr. 8,1821 (Middleton); (5) Hitty Cave, b. Jan. 28, 1824; m. Nov. 6, 1851, Charles Augus- tus Fiske of E. Saugus, trader; d, Jan. 23, 1906 (Lynn); 4 children. 156. Lydia, b. Sept. 13, 1786; m. (int. Sept. 4, 1814), Nathan Brown, jr. of Ipswich; d. Nov. 1, 1859; Had: (1) Nathan, b. Dec. 3, 1814; d. July 13, 1840; (2) Abigail, b. Apr. 27, 1816; d. Dec. 16, 1848; (3) Lydia H., b. Feb. 2, 1818; d. Oct. 17, 1818; (4), Samuel H., b. Oct. 21, 1820; d. May 5, 1843; (5) Lydia H., b. Nov. 28, 1822; d. Aug. 2, 1902; (6) Francis E., b. June 17, 1827. 157. Nelly, b. Apr. 13, 1789; m. Dec. 25, 1826, Amos Gould of Ip- swich; d. Oct. 26, 1877. No issue. 158. Elisha, b. Dec. 13, 1796. 159. Edward, b. May 1, 1799; d. in Topsfield, Aug. 21, 1852; unm. 160. John Gould, b. June 4, 1807. 96 Abner Hood, born in Lynn, April 1, 1784, mar- ried Sept. 28, 1806, Mary Newhall Richardson of Danvers. Cordwainer, lived in Lynn. Complained of as a spend- thrift in 1826 by the selectmen of Lynn, guardian ap- pointed, who was discharged in 1833. He died Nov. 30, 1854. She died May 12, 1883 in Lynn. Children of Abner and Polly, born in Lynn : 161. George, b. Nov. 10, 1806 . 162. Martha Ann, b. Jan. 21, 1809; m. Sept. 29, 1833, Abner Hill. 16.3. Abner, b. July 29, 1812. 104. Charles Green, b. Dec. 23, 1814. 165. James Magee, b. Nov. 2, 1820; m. (int. Oct. 20, 1844), Almira Collins; d. May 26, 1857. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 17 97 Richard Hood, born Mar. 13, 1786, married (int. Nov. 1, 1812) Clarissa, daughter of Dr. Martin and Sarah (Wright) Herrick of Reading, Mass. He was a Quaker and lived for a time at Nahant, then removed to Portland, Me., and in 1847 returned to Lynn where he died July 17, 1854. Children of Richard and Clarissa, born in Lynn : 166. Martin Herriok, b. Sept. 15, 1813; m. Dec. 9, 1852, Sarah G., dau. Francis Hay of Charlestown, Mass.; she d. May 27, 1901. He d. Mar. 25, 1899. Had: Oliver F., d. Sept. 21, 1873, SB. 19 y. 167. Keziah (Almira Keziah — Herrick genealogy), b. Mar. 25, 1815; m. Eli Sargent of Portland, Me.; d. Apr. 11, 1902. 168. Sarah Maria, b. May 26, 1818; m. Thomas Swain of Lynn. 169. Clarissa Jane, b. Jan. 22, 1821; m. Fitz Sargent of Portland, Me. 170. Susan Charlotte, b. Mar. 26, 1823, in Natick; unm.; d. Apr, 1902, in Lynn. 99 Benjamin Hood, born in Lynn, April 7, 1790, married Nov. 17, 1819, Hannah, daughter of John and Judith Phillips of what is now Swampscott. Lived in Nahant where he died May 3, 1857. She died there Oct. 4, 1859. Children of Benjamin and Hannah, born in Lynn : 171. Louisa Phillips, b. Mar. 14, 1821 (1822, Bible rd.); m. Albert Wyer; d. 1876; no issue. 172. Ann Maria, b. Jan. 9, 1824; m. July 6, 1847, Dexter Stetson, carpenter, s. of Charles and Abigail; b. in Freeport, Me., d.— , 1875. 173. Anna Amelia, b. Dec. 27, 1832 (Jan. 27, 1831, Bible rd.); unm. ; d. Apr. 27, 1900. 174. Julia Pond, b. (July 1, 1834, Bible rd.); unm. 100 Ebenezer Hood, born April 7, 1790, married Nov. 17, ] 813, Abigail, daughter of Zacheus and Sarah Phillips of Swampscott. He was a farmer and lived on Na- hant, where he died Oct. 4, 1849, of consumption. She died April 26, 1873. 18 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. Children of Ebenezer and Abigail, born in Nahant : 175. Eldbidge Gebby, b. Aug. 18, 1814; m. Mar. 23, 1835, Nancy, dau. — Tarbox. Lived in Lynn, where he d. Sept. 3, 1841. His widow m. 2d, Aug. 23, 1855, John Newman Lewis of Lynn. Had: (1) Charles Greenwood, b. May 31, 1836, d. Dec. 11, 1837; (2) John Henry Gray, b. ; removed to Iowa, where he m. and had: Edgar, Elbridge, Grace, Jessie, May and Abbie May. Soldier in the Civil War. (3) Elbridge Gerry, b. Mar. 17, 1841; m. Sophia Dennis of Swampscott. Capt. of Co. K, 35th Mass. Vols, in Civil War. Lived at Nahant where he d. Jan. 3, 1902, of consumption. Had: (1) Abbie May, b. May 25, 1867; m. Jan. 6, 1897; Thomas Roland of Nahant; (2) Elbridge Gerry, b. Apr. 12, 1872, d. Apr. 16, 1872. 176. Cathabine Amoby, b. May 1,1820 (sic); m. Nov. 16,1834, Ezra R. Tebbetts; d. Jan., 1903; 10 children. 102 Amos Hood, born in Topsfield, Aug. 12, 1757, married Apr. 16, 1779, Phebe Perkins of Topsfield. Re- moved to Salem, Mass., about 1790-5, and was killed not long after by the caving in of a well at Buffum's Comer, Salem. His widow died in Salem, Apr. 4, 1842. He was a soldier in the Revolution. Children of Amos and Phebe : 177. Child, d. Apr. 7, 1785 (infant), in Topsfield. 178. Amos, m. , Sarah Smith and removed from Salem to Chelsea, Vt. about 1814. Known as " sailor Amos." Had: (1) Phebe, m. Samuel Dennison and lived in Chelsea, Vt. ; (2) Mary, lived in Manchester, N. H. ; (3) Jonathan, b. Feb. 12, 1808, m. Persis Folsom, lived in Lowell, Mass., and had: Rinaldo, Augustus, Egerton, Alpheus, Cornelius, Elondus, b. June 19, 1832, m. Mary Paine, and 4 others; (4) Isaac; (5) Isaiah; (6) Charles ; (7) Lydia; (8) Lucy; (9) Amos; m. Bet- sey Hibbard; lived in Chelsea, Vt. and had 13 children. 179. Sabah (?), m. July 16, 1807, John Jacobs of Salem. 180. EzBA, removed to Vt. about 1814; m. and had: (1) Azro; (2) Orange ; and others . 181. Asa, b. 1785; d. Jan. 1, 1864; m. Nov. 15, 1812, Martha Silsbee, wid. of David Beedle of Salem. She d. Jan. 22, 1854, se. 68 y. Had: (1) Samuel Silsbee, b. 1812, in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Jane Ryder of Yonkers, N. Y.; d. May 20, 1860. (2) John Silsbee, b. Jan. 28, 1815, in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Amanda Hood of Chel- AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 19 sea, Vt.; d. Mar. 18, 1871. (3) Nathaniel Silsbee, b. Mar. 20, 1816; m. Elizabeth Gove; d. Apr. 2, 1892, at Salem, Mass. (4) Asa, b. Apr. 21, 1818, in Salem ; m. Jeanette Blanchard, of Medford, Mass. (5) Sarah Silsbee, b. July 17, 1821, in Sa- lem; ra. John W. Russell, of Ipswich; d. Mar. 23, 1886. (6) Martha Prince, b. Dec. 9, 1823 in Salem; m. Stephen Whip- ple of Salem; (7) Thomas R. P., b. in Salem; m. Har- riet Waite of South Reading, Mass. ; d. Aug. 27, 1889, at Springfield, Mass.; (8) William Sage, d. young. 182. Abraham, b. June 28, 1790, in Boxford. 183. Elizabeth (?), m. Nov. 19, 1815, Moses H. Shaw, of Salem. 184. Mercy (?), b. 1796; d. Sept. 28, 1825, at Salem. 110 Enos Hood, born May 26, 1767, married Sept. 29, 1791, Gillin Lane, and lived in Chelsea, Vt. He died Apr. 23, 1845. She was born in Vermont and died in Salem, Mass., Dec. 22, 1845, aged 72 years. Farmer and mill owner. Children of Enos and Gillin : 185. Eliza, b. Apr. 21, 1794; m. Abraham Hood (see No. 182); d. Feb. 25, 1867. 186. Sara, b. Sept. 2, 1796; m. Jan. 9, 1820, Ebenezer Smith, b. 1793. They lived in Chelsea, Vt. She d. Sept. 24, 1853. Children: (l)AdaHne Converse, b. Nov. 20, 1820; m. 1848, Jotham Blais- dell; d. July 17, 1899, at Lowell, Mass. Had: La Forest, b. 1849, d. 1856; Addie, b. Feb., 1851. (2) Harriet Hood, b. Jan. 3, 1823; m. 1st, Nov. 25, 1846. Thomas B. Dalton, lived in Roxbury. Had: Kingsley La- Forest, b. Oct., 1847, d. Mar. 28, 1853; Melvin Chamberlain, b. Aug. 20, 1851, m. Theresa Link. Harriet Hood, m. 2d, Aug. 12, 1858, Daniel E. King; she d. Dec. 30, 1901, at Boston. (3) Caroline Hatch, b. Feb. 15, 1825; m. Sept. 29, 1850, Josiah Goodrich Morse, and lived in Roxbury. He d, 1889. Had: Emma Caroline, b. Aug. 5, 1852 ;m. Sept. 29, 1871, Hartley Seaver. (4) Cyrus, b. Aug. 16, 1827; m. May 28, 1854, Elizabeth Russel Paine. He d. Jan. 1, 1898, at Cambridge, Mass. She d. Jan., 1898, Had: Frank Cyrus, b. July, 1856; Fred Eben, b. May 15, 1861 ; Etta Maria and Willard. (5) Fanny Apphia, b. Dec. 19, 1829; m. May 28, 1854, Hi- ram Knights. He d. Nov. 12,1872. She d. Jan. 28, 1902, 20 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. at Roxbury. Had: Hiram Frank, b. Apr. 8, 1855; m. Georgina Card. Emma Francis, b. June 14, 1857; m. Al- bion H. Cain. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1866; 'm. Mira Kendall. (6) Sara Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1836; m. Apr. 25, 1858; George Washington Rogers. Had: Geo. W., jr., b. Apr. 15, 1859; d. Apr. 18, 1859. Louise Frances, b. Nov. 12, 1860; m. Sept. 3, 1877, John Langdon Sibley. (7) John Enva, b. Nov. 12, 1838. (8) Perley Ebenezer, b. Mar. 28, 1842; d. Aug. 18, 1842. 187. Harvey, b. June 1, 1798. 188. Abner, b. May 12, 1801. 189. Enos, jr., b. Mar. 25, 1804. 190. Harriet, b. Apr. 24, 1808; m. Stephen W. Bliss. 191. Cynthia, b. May 9, 1814; m. Jacob Haskell; d. June 8, 1850. 112 Amos Hood, born in Topsfield, May 27 1769 Married, iSrst, in 1792, Sally Ramsdell ; married, second, Rachel Coburn. He was a carpenter and lived in Chelsea', removing there in 1794. Children of Amos and Sally : 192. Amos R., b. Mar. 24, 1804; m. Feb. 3, 1836, Abigail Galley of Tunbridge, Vt.; 4 children. Druggist in Chelsea, Vt. 193. Ira, b. 1810; m. 1st, 1833, Achsah Green of Chelsea, Vt.; m. 2d, 1881, Ellen Titus. Shoemaker and hotel keeper at Chelsea, Vt. Children of Amos and Rachel : 194. Albert. 195. Thomas. 124 Joseph Hood, baptized Nov. 28, 1769, in Am- herst, N. H., married, first. Mar. 12, 1794, in Amherst, Eleanor Woodbury, aod second, March, 1829, Dorothy Kirk of Deering, N. H., daughter of John and Abigail (Green) Kirk. He came from Topsfield, Mass., with his father in 1782 and lived in Milford and afterwards in Am- herst where he died June 15, 1855. Children of Joseph and Eleanor, born in Milford: 196. Samuel, b. Oct. 7, 1794; m. Aug. 27, 1820, Sarah Blanchard ; he d. Sept. 3, 1873; she d. Aug. 27, 1849. Farmer, lived in Milford; 8 children. I AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 21 197. Betsey, b. Apr. 24, 1796. 198. DoROAS, b. Apr, 13, 1798; m, 1st, Timothy Blanchard; m, 2d, Luther Elliott. 199. Eleanor, b. June 1, 1800, 200. Joseph, b, July 24, 1801, 201. Jeremiah, b, Aug. 13, 1802; m. iu 1830, Harriet E. Elkins; cooper, and lived in Billerica and Lowell, Mass.; d, in Mil- ford, N. H., Jan, 18, 1882, 10 children, 202. Robert, b. Dec. 14, 1803; m. Blood. 203. John, b. Mar. 2, 1805. 204. Sarah, b. Jan. 25, 1807; m. Jan. 31, 1844, Elisha Swiningtoa of Mount Vernon; d. there July 3, 1869. 205. Charles, b. Aug. 14, 1808; m. P. Elizabeth White. 206. David, b. Jan. 22, 1810; m. 1st, Mary Ann Gilchrist. 207. Nancy, b. Mar. 13, 1812; m. Mar. 19, 1843, J. Bowen Jones; d. in Nashua, Dec. 13, 1889. Children of Joseph and Dorothy, six born in Milford, four in Bearing : 208. Daniel, b. Nov. 23, 1829; m. Jan. 4, 1856, Mary Longley; lived in Dublin, N. H. 209. Harriet, b. Apr. 4, 1831; m. Sanford George. 210. Susan, b. Mar. 23,1833; m. 1st, George Goodwin; 2d, John Hunt of Hill, N. H. 211. Andrew J., b. June 14, 1835; Martha C. Straw of Weare, N. H.; lived in Goffstown. 212. Stephen P., b. Sept. 15, 1837; d. inDeering, N. H. 213. Hiram, b. Oct. 25, 1839; wentto sea abt. 1858; never heard from. 214. Allen R., b. Apr. 8, 1842; m. May 28, 1868, Ellen R. Keyes of Milford, N. H. Hotel keeper at East Lempster. 215. Edward P., b. Apr. 29, 1844; soldier in Civil War and after- wards in regular army. Supposed to have been killed by Indians with General Custer. 216. Eleanor, b. Aug. 24, 1847; m. Sept. 20,1870, George Ten- ney of Goffstown. 217. John J., b. June 30, 1850. 131 Francis Hood, born Dec. 1, 1780, married Sept. 16, 1804, Hannah Gould, born Sept. 1, 1781. Farmer and lived in Boxford. She died May 4, 1862. Children of Francis and Hannah: 218. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 4, 1804, at Topstield; d. Jan. 20, 1857, in Danvers; m. Nov. 1, 1840, Eliza Carter of Stoneham. Had: 22 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. (1) Sarah Ellen, b. Apr. 7, 1842; (2) William Heury, b. May 26, 1848. 219. Sally, b. Apr. 28, 1806, at Ipswich; d. May 29, 1810. 220. George W., b. Jan. 9, 1808; m. Oct. 20, 1836, Louisa, dau. of Abraham and Betsey Perley of Boxford. Farmer. He d. in Danvers, Feb. 9, 1892; she d. in Danvers, Aug. 23, 1902. Had: (1) Caroline A., b. Apr. 29, 1838, in Boxford; m. Apr. 17, 1860, Elias P. Peabody, s. of Ebenezer and Abigail (Perkins) Peabody of Topsfield; (2) Charlotte A., b. Mar. 18, 1841, in Topsfield; m. Apr. 11, 1867, in Danvers, Addison W. Putnam; d. Sept. 16, 1867. 221. Caroline, b. Nov. 14, 1809; d. June 12, 1810. 222. Andrew G., b. Sept. 19, 1811; d. Oct. 17, 1813. 223. Sally, b, Oct. 4, 1813; d. in Boxford, Apr. 27, 1893; unm. 224. Allen G., b. Apr. 12, 1816; m. June 12, 1850; Irene Belsora Gould of Topsfield, b. Mar. 7, 1823, d. Mar. 5, 1892, in Georgetown. Lived in Georgetown where he d. Apr. 21, 1878. Had: (1) Mary Catherine Pingree, b. July 9, 1851; d. Feb. 25, 1864; (2) Irene Belsora Allen, b. Sept. 3, 1869. 225. Benjamen, b. Feb. 4, 1818; farmer; d. unm. June 25, 1897, in Boxford. 226. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 26, 1820; d. Sept. 12, 1822. 227. Irene, b. Feb. 16, 1822; d. Feb. 14, 1825. 228. Francis Augustus, b. Apr. 9, 1825; private in 40th Mass. Vols.; wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor and d. in Patterson Park Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 27, 1864; m. May 15, 1853, in Danvers, Elizabeth G., dau. of Joseph and Han- nah Perley of Ipswich. Had: Warren A. who d. Mar. 7, 1879, in Danvers. She m. 2d, Oct 8, 1866, in Danvers, Jud- son W. Dodge, s. of Adoniram and Julia Dodge of Wenham., 138 Josiah Moulton Hood, born in Wenham, July 22, 1776, married, first, at Hamilton, Dec. 26, 1799, Sally Dodge of Wenham. She died July 18, 1806, aged 25 years and he married, second, Aug. 23, 1821, Betsey Cook of Glover, Vt., where he was living in 1839. She was born, 1786, and died Mar. 29, 1852, at Glover, Vt. About the time of his second marriage he removed to Sheffield, Vt., and then to Glover, Vt., where he died Aug. 26, 1865. Children of Josiah and Sally : 229. A daughter, d. young. 230. John, b. May 8, 1806. I AKD SOME OP HIS DESCENDANTS. 28 Children of Josiah and Betsey : 231. Calvin H., b. Nov. 23, 1823, at Sheffield, Vt., m. Dec. 29, 1860, May Bickford. Soldier in the Civil War and lives at Turner''s Falls, Mass. Had: Lucinda, Lucy, George, Calvin Henry, Charles, John Frederick, Daniel L., William P. 232. Philip Pebley, b. Apr. 12, 1825; d. Jan. 22, 1844, at Glover, Vt. 144 Jacob Hood, bom Dec. 25, 1791, at Topsfield, married June 1, 1820, Sopliia Needham, born Jan. 1, 1797, at Lynnfield, daughter of Daniel and Edie (Flint) Needham of Danvers. He was graduated from the public schools and attended Bradford Academy. Later he went to Pelham, N. H., where he studied medicine but his health did not permit him to complete the course and he began to teach school at Andover, Mass. He afterward taught in Danvers, Topsfield, Middleton, Marblehead and Salem. As a teacher he was remarkable for his penman- ship, and for his success in elocution. He was an excel- lent grammarian and a strict disciplinarian. He came to Salem in 1822, and lived there for over forty years. In 1823 he joined the South Church, of which he became Deacon, and was leader of the choir for many years. In 1852, he turned his attention to vocal music, leading classes of from 200 to 300, with his violin. He also often wrote music of sterling merit. In 1852 he served as col- porteur for two counties, in New Hampshire, distributing Bibles. In 1858 at Gilmanton, N. H., he was approved as a preacher, and in 1859 was ordained at Nottingham, N. H., where he remained until 1866, when he removed to Lynnfield Centre, Mass. There he became acting pastor of the Second Congregational Church, resigning his charge in 1880. He died Jan. 17, 1886. She died Dec. 11, 1886. Children of Jacob and Sophia, last six bom in Salem : 233. Infant child, buried Mar. 4, 1821, at Marblehead. 234. Jacob Augustine, b. May 5, 1822, at Marblehead. 236. Elizabeth Sophia, b. Mar. 16, 1824; m. July 11, 1843, Henry Merritt, b. June 4, 1819 in Marblehead, s. David and Anne (Ashby) Merritt. He was commissioned Lt.-Col. of the 23d Regt., Mass. Vols., Sept., 1861, and fell Mar. 14, 1862, while leading his regiment at the battle of Newberne, N. C. L 24 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. She d. July 12, 1879, at Salem; Children: (1) Henry Augus- tine, b. June 15, 1845, in Salem; m. Aug. 1, 1870, Louisa F. Symonds; d. Oct. 12,1891. Had: Henry A.; Arthur. (2) Eliz- abeth Sophia, b. Sept. 19,1848, in Salem; m. Sept. 3, 1873, Charles H, Goss, b. Salem. They reside in Boston. (3) Wal- ter Howard, b. Aug. 26, 1852; m. Apr. 30, 1890, May Munroe Tucker. They reside in Lynn. 236. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 23, 1827, in Salem; m. May 10, 1849, George Chapman Bosson. He was b. Oct. 11, 1825, at Charlestown, s. of Jonathan Davis and Lydia (Palfray) Bos- son. He entered the dry goods business at an early age, after- wards becoming a commission merchant in Boston, under the firm name of G. C. Bosson and Co. In 1880 he became a partner of Reed & Brother, in the insurance business. He resided in Chelsea. All of the eighty lines of ancestry of Jennie Hood and George C. Bossom, came to Salem and vicin- ity before 1650. He d. Mar. 7, 1900, at Reading. Children : (1) Jennie Hood, b. Feb. 26, 1850, in Salem; m. May 26, 1870, Frederick William Hatch, in Chelsea. He was b. Apr. 14, 1845, in Bath, Me., s. Capt. William Boyd and Sarah (Hun- ter) Hatch. He d. Dec. 18, 1897, in Boston. (2) Albert Davis, b. Nov. 8, 1853, in Chelsea; m. May 18, 1887, Alice Lavinia Campbell, b. Apr. 9, 1866, dau. Charles A. and Lavinia (Hutchinson) Campbell of Chelsea. Children born in Chelsea: Campbell, b. Nov. 18, 1888; Pauline Arlaud, b. Feb. 24, 1894. (3) Harry Palfray, b. Feb. 26, 1857, in Chelsea; m. Apr. 26, 1883, Florence Richmond Eustis, b. June 7, 1861, dau. James Everett French and Annie (Pratt) Eustis of Chelsea. Chil- dren: Eustis, b. Feb. 8, 1884, in Chelsea. (When he was born he had living, four grandparents, and five great-grand- parents); d. Dec. 30, 1907; George Chapman, 3d, b. Oct. 11, 1886, at Reading ; Genevieve, b. Aug. 14, 1890, at Reading. (4) Frederick Needham, b. Dec. 15, 1860, in Chelsea; m. 1st, Apr. 27, 1882, Caroline Augusta Goodrich, b. Aug. 20, 1860, in Boston ; dau. James Jasper and Margaret Augusta (Hurley) Goodrich. She d. Jan. 29, 1904, at Calumet, Mich. Had: Amy Goodrich, b. Nov. 19, 1883, in Medford, Mass. He m. 2d. Sept. 29, 1906, Bessie M. Chambers. (5) George Chapman, jr., b. June 11, 1865, in Chelsea; m. Dec. 14, 1887, at Lawrence, Mary Emma Fisher, b. Nov. 30, 1866, at Lawrence, dau. James Cumleigh, b. Feb. 22, 1838, in Bradford, Eng., and Emma Abbott Fisher. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 25 237. Sabah Nkedham, b. Aug. 21, 1829; d. Aug. 31, 1830. 238. Sakah Flint Nkedham, b. Aug. 22, 1831; m. Aug. 11, 1853, Edward Augustus Webster, b. Feb. 15, 1824, in Salem, s. Stephen and Abigail (Messer) Webster. They lived at Chi- cago, 111. He d. Feb. 16, 1905. She d. Sept. 6, 1907, in Dan- vers. Had : (1) Stephen Augustus, b. June 12, 1856, in Salem; m. Aug. 15, 1892, Estelle A. Goodrich, in Chicago, 111. (2) Elizabeth Walker, b. Jan. 9, 1858, in Beloit, Wis.; m* July 7, 1889, Frank M. Hughes, of Schuyler, Neb., b. 1859. Children, b. at Schuyler, Neb.: Maybelle, b. Apr. 28, 1890; Ede May, b. July 5, 1892; Estelle, b. Mar. 24, 1903. 239. Daniel Needham, b. Sept. 25, 1833. 240. Geobge Henby, b. May 30, 1835. 148 David Hood, born Sept. 3, 1797, married June 5, 1820, Phebe Foster, born Jan. 27, 1797, daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Batchelder) Foster of Linebrook parish, in Ipswich. She died in Topsfield, Sept. 29, 1875, aged 77 years, 7 mos. 29 days. By an act of the Legis- lature he had his name changed from David to Westley De La Fletcher. He d. in Boxford, Mar. 22, 1852. Children of David and Phebe : I 241. Eliza Chaelotte, b. Dec. 15, 1820; m. Jan. 13, 1848, William Hall of Danvers; d. Feb. 3, 1866. Children: (1) Edward Clarence, b. May 31, 1850; (2) Son, b. Oct. 26, 1855, d. Mar. 1856; (3) Alice Greenwood, b. Dec. 25, 1860; d. Feb. 21, 1866. 242. Salmon Dutton, b. Feb. 17, 1830. 26 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 151 Richard Hood, born Dec. 9, 1802, in Topsfield, married, first, Sept. 22, 1825, Asenath, daughter of Moses and Mary Smith. She was born Sept. 21, 1798, in Henniker, N. H., and died Oct. 4, 1859, in Danvers, Mass., where they resided. He married, second, Jan. 27, 1861, Harriet, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Woods) Parker of Groton, Mass. She was born Jan. 28, 1834. He died Apr. 20, 1881. He lived in Danversport, where he owned a grist mill and also was a contractor. He was prom- inent in the anti-slavery movement in Essex County, and at the outbreak of the Civil War enlisted Oct. 17, 1861, in Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf.; was appointed wagon master of the reg- iment and later was appointed wagon master of the brigade under General Burnside ; discharged Oct. 21, 1862, for disability. He was coroner and deputy sheriif for a num- ber of years. Children of Richard and Asenath : 243. Richard Brainard, b. Jan. 31, 1826, in Topsfield. 244. Ruth, b. June 30, 1827, in Topsfield; m. Apr. 30, 1848, in Dan- vers, Ebenezer Bolls Buxton, b. May 7, 1824, in Richmond, N. H,; lived at North Reading. She d. Aug. 5, 1872. He d. Jan. 27, 1895. Had : (1) Mary Susan, b. Sept. 20, 1849; (2) Charles Adams, b. Apr. 18, 1851; (3) Richard Hood, b. May 16, 1853; d. July 7, 1885; (4) Albert Henry, b. Sept. 21, 1854; (5), Elsie Asenath, b. Feb. 10, 1858. 245. Frances Malvena, b. Jan. 4, 1829, in Topsfield; m. May 5, 1848, Charles Adams, b. Dec. 28, 1826, at Brooktield, Mass., and d. Oct. 5, 1865, at Atlanta, Ga. She now lives at Nashville, Tenn. Had: (1) Addie Frances, b. Sept. 5, 1849, at Danvers; m. Nov. 18, 1865, Harry Van Allen McCrea of Chatham, C. W.; d. Jan. 8, 1868; (2) Charles Francis, b. Apr. 22, 1852, at Malone, N. Y. ; d. July 5, 1866, at Nashville, Tenn. ; (3) Samuel Hamilton, b. Sept. 12, 1854, at Hamilton, C. W.; (4) Carrie Bell, b. Feb. 9, 1857, at Racine, Wis.; d. Nov. 11, 1895; (5) George More, b. July 5, 1860, at Eliza- bethtown, Ky. 246. William Orvin, b. May 4, 1830, in Danvers. 247. Adoniram Judson, b. Apr. 7, 1832, in Danvers. 248. Elsa AsteNATH, b. Jan. 10, 1834, in Danvers; d. Jan. 14, 1835. 249. Alonso LeRoy, b. Aug, 7, 1836, in Danvers; d. Jan. 18, 1837. 250. Mary Asenath, b. Apr. 25, 1838, in Danvers; m. Dec, 22, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 27 1857, Leonard C.Legro, b. May 8, 1834. They live at Lynn. Children: (1) James, b. Jan. 25, 1858; d. Oct. 5, [1858; (2 Lizzie, b. Aug. 30, 1859; m. June 1, 1887, Walter Webber, of Lynn; (3) Anthon Porter, b. Oct. 2, 1862; (4) Catherine, b. Aug. 8, 1867; d. Sept. 4, 1877; (5) Elmer R., b. Nov. 20, 1869; (6) Luella Frances, b. May 11, 1873; unm; (7) Alice, b. June 20, 1875 (adopted by her uncle Adoniram Judson Hood). 251 Alonzo LeRoy, b. Apr. 30, 1840 in Danvers; d. Sept. 4, 1840. Child of Richard and Harriet, born in Danvers||: 252 Wallace Parker, b. Dec. 3, 1863, in Danvers; m. Nov. 10, 1887, Lizzie Frances Hood, b. Sept. 9, 1864, dau. of Wil- liam Henry and Augusta P. (Dodge) Hood of Danvers. In the wholesale leather business in Boston, trustee of Peabody Institute, and Electric Light Commissioner. They live in Danvers. Had: Helen Dodge, b. Jan. 27, 1892. 153 Rev. George Hood, bom Feb. 10, 1807, mar- ried Dec. 26, 1844, Martha Ann Bell of Newark, Del. She was born Apr. 27, 1819, and was the daughter of Rev. Samuel and Mary Snodgrass Bell. She died at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 2, 1894. Rev. George Hood died there Sept. 24, 1882. In early life he taught pen- manship and vocal music, directing large choruses in Richmond, Philadelphia, and other large cities. After 1855 he became the principal of a successful finishing school for young ladies, located first at Newark, Del., and afterwards at Chester, Pa. The latter part of his life he became minister of Presbyterian churches in New York and Minnesota. He was the author of " A History of Music in New England," Boston, 1846, a work of much interest and historical value. Children of George and Martha Ann : 253. George Alfred, b. July 13, 1846, at Philadelphia, Pa. 254. Edward Cleevks, b. Apr. 21, 1848, at Lawrenceville, Pa. 255. Mary Gould, b. Mar. 10, 1850, at Bath, N. Y.; physician and lives in Newton, Mass. 256. Emma, b. Mar. 8, 1862, at Southport, N. Y. ; school teacher. 257. John Hamilton, b. Oct. 24, 1857, at Newark, Del.; d. May 24, 1858. 28 JOHN HOOD OF LZNN, MASS. 258. Charles Howard, b. July 14, 1860, at Chester, Pa. ; m. 1st Nov. ^18, 1885, Marguerite Lodge Hopkins; she d. Oct. 17, 1889. Had: (1), Mary Watzek, b. Oct. 15, 1889. He m. 2d, Emma Allen. Had: (2) Virginia Thurston, b. May 3, 1902. 158 Elisha Hood, born in Topsfield, Dec. 13, 1796, married June 14, 1821, Betsey, daughter of Joshua and Rachel Herrick, born in Wenham, Jan. 29, 1796 (1797. Bible rds.) She died Nov. 7, 1824, and he died in Tops- field Jan. 15, 1830. Child of Elisha and Betsey: 259. Elisha Augustus, b. Apr. 5, 1822, in Haverhill. 160 John Gould Hood, born June 4, 1807, in Topsfield, ujarried June 7, 1832, Sarah, daughter of David and Sarah (Gould) Brown of Boxford. She was born Aug. 16, 1804. He died June 6, 1858, and she died Feb. 4, 1876. They lived in Topsfield. He was a farmer and manufacturer of coffins. While a young man he taught school in Boxford, Topsfield and Georgetown, and afterwards studied law and made a spec- ialty of conveyancy and probate practice. He was town treasurer, 1839, 1850 ; auditor, 1840 ; selectmen, 1846 ; as- sessor, 1848-1858 ; and member of the school committee, 1845, 1846, 1849 and 1855. Children of John Gould and Sarah, born in Topsfield : 260. Sarah Maria, b. Feb. 20, 1833; m, June 4, 1856, Oliver Down- ing, s. Edward and Sarah (Henfield) Downing of Lynnfield Centre. He d. Dec. 13, 1904. Had: (1) Sarah Ellen, b. June 22, 1858, in Topsfield; (2) Cora Maria, b. Mar. 19, 1863, in Lynnfield Centre; d. Aug. 14, 1863. 261. Edward Harrison, b. Oct. 2, 1834; d. Oct. 14, 1836. 262. Ellen Augusta, b. Aug. 22, 1839 ; m. Feb. 6, 1861, William Welch, carpenter, s. Thomas and Letitia Welch, of New- buryport; d. Mar. 13, 1906. They lived in Topsfield. Had: (1) Justin Hood, b. Aug. 21, 1862; m. Dec. 28, 1899, Abby Jane (Cummings) Gould, wid. of William Porter Gould of Topsfield, and daughter of Alfred and Salome M. (Welch) Cummings; carpenter, lives in Topsfield; (2) Wil- liam Brown, b. Mar. 4, 1864; m. 1st, Aug. 9, 1893, Lillian Ina Peckham of Plymouth, Mass., dau. of George T. and Caroline E. (Odell) Peckham; she d. Jan. 30, 1900; m. 2d, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 29 May 20, 1902, Helen Augusta Dunham of Plymouth, dau. of Isaac T. and Angeline (Bartlett) Dunham. Had: Tru- man Bartlett, b. June 13, 1905, in Plymouth. In business in Plymouth, Mass. (3) Leone Parker, b. May 14, 1872; m. Oct. 6, 1904, Mary Adeline, dau. of Augustus Willard and Harriet Bartlett (Shaw) Smith of Topsfield; convey- ancer, lives in Topsfield. Had: Alice Hood, b. Sept. 17, 1907. 263. John Herbert, b. Sept. 13, 1840; d. Aug. 10, 1842. 161 George Hood, born in Lynn, Nov. 10, 1806, married in Salem, Sept. 11, 1833, Hermione, daughter of Maj. Aaron and Mary Kemp Breed. She was born March 18, 1812 and died Jan. 20, 1887. Engaged in the shoe and leather business and became very prominent in business and politics ; was elected the first mayor of Lynn, in 1850, and served two terms; was several times a representative to the General Court ; a State Senator in 1843 ; and a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1853. He died June 29, 1859, in the Asylum for the Insane, at Worcester. Children of George and Hermione, born in Lynn : 264. Harriet Maria, b. Aug. 27, 1834, in St. Louis; unm. 265. GEORaE Abbott, b. Sept. 7, 1835. 266. Adelaide Margaretta, b. Oct. 28, 1836; d. Oct. 9, 1838. 267. Edwin Eliot, b. Aug. 10, 1838; buried Aug. 27, 1838. 268. Edwin, b. Aug., 1839; buried Aug. 3, 1839. 269. Julius Sedgwick, b. Oct. 7, 1840; d. Dec. 21, 1861, Louisville, Ky. 270. Henrietta Agnes, b. June 18, 1843; m. Dec. 2, 1873, James E. Bigelow. 271. Henry, b. May 28, 1844; d. May 28, 1844. 272. Caroline Persis (Kate P.), b. July 23, 1845; m. May 10, 1870, Hall W. Tebbetts of Rochester, N. H., shoe manufacturer. 273. Aubrey, b. July 18, 1846; d. July 28, 1857. 274. Ada Hermione, b. May 21, 1848; m. Oct. 3, 1872, Louis Henry Bonnelli of the Island of St. Thomas, W. I. 275. Edward Kent, b. Jan. 18, 1850; m. Oct., 1874, Fanny A., dan. of Jas. L. and Caroline A. Dayton of Brooklyn, N. Y. She d. Feb. 13, 1889, and he d. Dec. 16, 1904. Merchant. Had: (1) George, b. June 26, 1874 in Lynn; (2) Carrie Ade- laide, b. July 28, 1876 in Lynn; (3) Harriet Maria, b. Aug. 24, 1878 in Lynn; (4) Addie Kemp, b. July 23, 1880 in Cambridge ; d. Mar. 5, 1907. 30 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 276. Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1852; m. July 30, 1873 in Brooklyn, N. Y., Albert Bonnelli of the Island of St. Thomas, W. I. ; d. June 1, 1907, in Boston. 163 Abner Hood, born July 29, 1812, married Mar- garet Jones of Baltimore, Md., who died in St. Louis, Mo., in 1883. He was engaged in the shoe business in St. Louis, Mo., where he died in 1867. Children of Abner and Margaret : 277. George Jones, b. Nov., 1837; d. 1876; married. 278. Francis Xavara, b. June, 1840, in St. Louis; d. July 27, 1858, Lynn. 279. Margaret, b. Nov. 18, 1846; unm. 280. Mary Hermione (twin), b. Mar. 13, 1850; unm. 281. Abner (twin), b. Mar. 13, 1850; engaged in manufacturing chemicals in Kansas City where he d. in 1906. 282. Louise, b. Jan. 27, 1852. 182 Abraham Hood, born June 28, 1790 in Box- ford, married Eliza, daughter of Enos and Gillin (Lane) Hood of Chelsea, Vt. He lived in Salem, Mass. until about 1812 when he removed to Chelsea, Vt. and lived with his great uncle Enos Hood (No. 110). He became a successful farmer. He died July 11, 1878 in Salem, Mass. She was born Apr. 21, 1794 in Chelsea, Vt., and died Feb. 25, 1867 in Salem. Children of Abraham and Eliza : 283. Asa, b. Dec. 25, 1811, in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Sarah Carey; d. Jan. 11, 1883, New Ipswich, N. H. 284. Henry P., b. Dec. 31, 1812, in Chelsea, Vt.; d. Mar. 16, 1886, at Salem, Mass. 285. Abraham K., b. Aug. 14, 1815, at Chelsea, Vt. ; m. 1st, Eliza- beth Porter, b. Dec. 25, 1810, and d. Apr. 5, 1843. Had: (1) Harrison Porter, b. Feb. 27, 1841; m. June, 1863, Vesta Jane Merrill, b. Feb. 1, 1840; he d. Aug. 5, 1897. Had: (a) Oqui Porter, b. June 14, 1865, m. Gertrude P. Benight, b. Nov. 10, 1861. They live at Houghton, Mich., where he oc- cupies the chair of Mechanics and Electricity in the Col- lege of Mines. Children: Ben Benight, b. Nov. 1, 1886; Karl Kedzie, b. Nov. 3, 1889; an infant b. and d. 1895; Harrison Porter, 2d. (b) Arthur Merrill, b. Dec. 25, 1871; m. Apr. 16, 1895, Alice Burgess Johnson. He is a lawyer in In- AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 31 dianapolis, Ind. Children: Mary Arnold, b. Mar. 7, 1896; Dorothy Merrill, b. Oct. 25, 1899; Harold Burgess, b. Sept. 24, 1902. (c) Ernest K., b. May 1, 187.3; ra. 189.-), Harriet Simonton, b.Aug. 12, 1873. He is a mechanical engineer and lives in Indianapolis, (d) Mabel, b. Dec. 8,1877; ni. July, 1899, L. Guy Long, b. Feb. 1878. Lives in Indianapolis. Abraham K. Hood, m. 2d, Adeline M. Baker, b. Mar. 1, 1816; d. Sept. 26, 1891. He d. Feb. 13, 1890 at Lowell, Mass. Children: (2) George Augustus, b. Aug. 18, 1849. Lives in Lowell. (3) Ida Adelia, b. July 9, 18.53; m. 1st, Wyatt M. Stevens, b. July 14, 1853. Had : Edward H., b. May 11, 1877, d. Aug. 28, 1880; m. 2d, Rufus H. Burgess, b. Apr. 26, 1840. Lives in West Groton, Mass. 286. William Lane, b. Sept. 17, 1817, in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Nov. 25, 1844 in Lowell, Ann Maria Dole of Lynn. Carpenter. Lived in Lowell, Salem and Concord, N. H. She d. Aug. 25, 1894. Had: Maria, Susan Ella, Seth Richmond and William E. He d, Aug. 14, 1908, in Concord. 287. Eliza Ann, b. Mar. 12, 1820, at Chelsea, Vt. ; m. 1841-2, Wm. A. Preston of Salem; d. Oct. 17, 1845. 288. Martha Preston, b. June 11, 1821, at Chelsea, Vt.; m. Wil- liam Curtis; d. Apr. 22, 1903 at Stoughton, Mass. 289. Hiram D., b. Nov. 21, 1823, at Chelsea, Vt. ; d. in Boston, Mass. 290. David Beadle, b. Jan. 6, 1826, at Chester, N. H.; m. 1848, Abigail Very Dowst of Salem where he lived and d. June 17, 1870. Master-carpenter. Had: (1) David Curtis, b. Dec. 14, 1848; m. Feb. 19, 1879, Annie M. Nichols of Salem, and had: (a) Ernest Nichols (twin), b. Feb. 3, 1881; (b) Frederick Curtis (twin), b. Feb. 3, 1881; (c) Grace Eliza, b. Feb. 24, 1886. (2) Alice, b. Dec. 22, 1850; m. 1st, Simon A. Stodder of Salem; m. 2d, Silas Locke of Salem. Had: Bessie H., b. Mar. 28, 1873. (3) Frank, b. Apr. 3, 1853; m. June 13, 1875, Arabella G. Silver of Yarmouth, N. S. Mason, Had: (a) Emma F., b. Mar, 23, 1876; (b) Nellie B., b. Dec. 12, 1878. (4) Katie Dowst, b. June 8, 1856; m. Jan. 18, 1883, George W. Moulton of Salem. Had: Lucy M. b.. Mar. 22, 1887. (5) Willis, b. May 12, 1859; m. Apr. 18, 1883, Minnie A. Mansfield. Lives in Salem. 291. Harriett E., b. Sept. 10, 1828, at Salem, Mass.; m. George Curtis. He d. May, 1881. She d. Aug. 20, 1906 at Dan- vers, Mass. 292. Catherine G., b. Dec. 17, 1830, at Salem, Mass.; d. Feb. 15, 1866(?) at Chelsea, Mass. 293. Susan M., b.Nov. 12, 18.33, atSalem, Mass.; m. Henry Nichols; d. Feb. 3, 1889 at Salem. 32 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 187 Harvey Hood, born June 1, 1898, married Sept. 23, 1821, Rebecca Smith, and lived in Chelsea, Vt. She was bora Aug. 6, 1797, and died Oct. 27, 1882. He died Sept. 18, 1879. Children of Harvey and Rebecca, born in Chelsea, Vt. : 294. Harvby Peeley, b. Jan. 6, 1823. 295. Gilbert E., b. Nov. 21, 1824; m. May 13, 1852 in Danvers, Frances E., dau. of John and Elizabeth Herrick; lived in Lawrence; d. 1905. School teacher. 296. Eliza P., b. Aug. 2, 1827; d. July 1, 1906, at Reading. Before her 16th y. she was teacher in a district school where she taught for ten years. Afterward she was principal Thet- ford Academy — a "feeder" for Dartmouth College — and Andover (N. H.) Academy. She taught graded schools at North Andover, N. H., Worcester and Lynnfield Centre, Mass. Her death was caused by an apoplectic shock, re- sulting from excitement and inhaling of smoke at a fire in her sister's house, with whom she lived. 297. LuciNDA R., b. May 28, 1880 ; m. Aug. 20, 1857, Rev. Azro A. Smith, at Chelsea, Vt. He was b. Sept. 6, 1827, at Tun- bridge, Vt. In 1863, he was admitted to the ministry, re- tiring from active work in 1899, when he removed to Read- ing. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1907. They have one child, Mrs. Edgar F. Reeves, who resides at Wayland, and two grandchildren. 298. Mary A., b. Aug. 28, 1833; d. June 27, 1886. 299. Henry C, b. Nov. 19, 1835; d. Feb. 22, 1866. 300. Edward P., b. Mar. 3, 1838; d. Nov. 6, 1860. 301. Ellen M., b. July 10, 1840; d. Apr. 20, 1860. 188 Abner Hood, born May 12, 1801, in Chelsea, Vt. He married Jan. 26, 1827, Joanna Brown, born Mar. 25, 1804. They lived in Somerville, Mass. where he died Apr. 18, 1867, and she died Feb. 9, 1887, at Madison, N. H. Children of Abner and Joanna : 302. Martin Carlos, b. Mar. 9, 1829, at Chelsea, Vt.; m. Aug. 8, 1860, Susan R. Hoyt; lived in Chelsea, Mass. He d. Sept. 27, 1885; she d. Feb. 28, 1900. Had: Anna, d. aged 1 y. 303. Henry Abner, b. Aug. 22, 1830, at Chelsea, Vt. ; d. unm. June 13, 1858 in Somerville, Mass. AND SOME OP HIS DESCENDANTS. 33 304. Joanna C, b. Dec. 23, 1833, at Worcester, Vt.; d. Mar. 26, 1837. 305. Maetha Cornelia, b. Feb. 14, 1838, at Bow, N. H.; m. Feb. 21, 1867, Nicholas Blaisdell, b. Mar. 27, 1832, d. Dec. 17, 1885, at Jacksonville, Fla. Had: Mary E., b. Mar. — , 1869. 306. Charles White, b. Mar. 5, 1840, at Worcester, Vt. 307. Mercy Blaisdell (twin), b. Oct. 11, 1843, at Worcester, Vt.; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Edward E. Hoyt, b. Feb. 2, 1837, and d. Apr. 14, 1903. They lived in Brookline, Mass. Had: (1) Edward E., b. July 2, 1867; (2) Milton H., b. Feb. 27, 1869; (.3) Caleb E., b. Oct. 13, 1871; (4) Martin C, b. Apr. 26, 1874. 308. Milton B. (twin), b. Oct. 11, 1843. 196 Samuel Hood, born Oct. 7, 1794; married, first, Sarah Blanchard ; married, second, Mrs. Esther Mooar. Children of Samuel and Sarah : 309. Ellen, m. Spaulding Sawtelle. Had: (1) Frank; (2) Mary Ellen, m. Alfred Burkinshaw; (3) Ella M., m. Joe Green. 310. Sarah, m. Franklin Nutting. Had: (1) Edson, m. Kate Elliott; (2) Georgianna, m. Otis Elliott; (3) Samuel; (4) Ida; (5) Jennie; (6) Hattie; (7) Nellie. The last four died of con- sumption between the ages of 15 and 20. 311. Jane, m. Sydney Barrett. No issue. 312. Phineas. Children of Samuel and Esther : 313. Sumner. 314. Mary Ann. 315. Sumner, m. Matilda Cox. 316. Hannah, m. John Kendall. Had: (1) Mary; (2) Mabel. 218 Jeremiah Hood, born in Topsfield, Nov. 4, 1804, married Eliza, daughter of John and Sally Carter of Stoneham. Lived in Danvers. He died Jan. 20, 1857, and she died Dec. 8, 1887, both in Danvers. Children of Jeremiah and Eliza : 317. William Henry, b. May 26, 1848 in Danvers; d. Dec. 3, 1858. 318. John F., b. 1853, in Danvers; m. Sept. 17, 1883, in Danvers, Sarah A. daughter of Charles H. and Mary G. Saunders of Orland, Me. Had: Ralph Saunders, b. Dec. 29, 1884, in Danvers; m. Dec. 28, 1905, in Danvers, Bertha F., dau. of Horace M. and Anna E. (Bates) Gilford of Danvers. 34 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 230 John Hood, born May 8, 1806, in Wenham, married Nov. 29, 1827, Rebecca, daughter of David and Mary O. Stanley of Beverly. She was born Jan. 6, 1808, at Beverly, and died Mar. 22, 1882, at Danvers. He died Oct. 5, 1867, at Danvers. Farmer and lived in Danvers. Member of School Board for many years. Children of John and Rebecca: 319. Lydia Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1828, at Wenham; m. May 20, 1847 in Danvers, Charles W. Brown; d. Oct. 13, 1891. Lived in Essex and Danvers. Had: (1) Frances Maria, b. Feb. 26, 1848; (2) Marcia Dodge, b. Jan. 15, 1851; (3) Ella Frances, b. June 26, 1854; (4) Ella Augusta, b. Apr. 25, 1856; (5) Charles Wallace, b. Oct. 30, 1859; (6) Lillian Frances, b. Dec. 26, 1861; (7) Joseph Edward, b. Oct. 25, 1864; (8) Dennison Leslie, b. Feb. 21, 1869. 320. Rebecca Stanley, b. Aug. 5, 1830, at Wenham; m. July 14, 1846 in Beverly, Thaddeus Osgood, b. in Milford, N. H. ; d. Dec. 26, 1854. Had: (1) Thaddeus, b. Sept. 5, 1847; (2) John Hood, b. Apr. 30, 1853. 321. Amanda Bailey, b. Aug. 19, 1832, at Wenham; m. May 2, 1851, in Danvers, William B. Jenness, s. of Samuel and Sally Jenness, b. in Strafford, N. H, Lived in Wenham and Alton, N. H. Had: (1) Alice Amanda, b. Oct. 20, 1854; (2) Harriet Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1856. 322. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 26, 1834, at Danversport; m. 1st, Feb. 24, 1856, Moses H. Goodwin, s. of Moses. He d. in Lynn, May 1, 1880; she m. 2d, Mar. 11. 1891, John W. Frost of Springvale, Me.; no issue; d. Aug. 24, 1895. 323. William Henry, b. Aug. 13, 1836, at Danversport. 324. Wendell Phillips, b. Feb. 25, 1839, at Danversport. 325. Joseph Edward, b. Mar. 26, 1841, at Danversport. 326. Cornelia Eliza, b. Mar. 5, 1844, at Danversport; m. June 17, 1871 at Saco, Me., John Francis Whipple, s. of Daniel and Adaline Whipple of Ipswich. Lives in Danvers. Had: (1) a child b. and d. Aug. 15, 1873; (2) Guy Montrose, b. June 12, 1876. 327. Emeline Osgood, b. July 10, 1845, at Beverly, now Danvers; d. Mar. 21, 1903, in Danvers. (Emma O. Death rds.) 234 Jacob Augustine Hood, born May 5, 1822, at Marblehead, was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1844, and from Union Theological Seminary in New York AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 35 City in 1849. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational Church, in Middleton, Mass., June 2, 1850. Afterwards he held pastorates in Pittsfield, and Loudon, N. H., and Schuyler, Neb., and filled many im- portant public positions. He married, first, at Hampton- burgh, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1849, Kate Delia Hawkins. She was born in Scottstown, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1830, the daugh- ter of Jacob Mills and Eleanor (Randall) Hawkins. She died Mar. 29, 1857, at Pittsfield, N. H. He married, second, Sept. 24, 1857, Emily Parker Greene. She was born May 9, 1838, at Pittsfield, N. H., daughter of Oliver P. and Charlotte Mayo (Fay) Greene. He" died July 9, 1890, at Schuyler, Neb. Children of Jacob Augustine and Kate Delia : 328. Augustine Hawkins, b, Sept. 30, 1850; at Middleton, Mass. 329. Ellen Randall, b. Feb, 5, 1853, at Middleton; m. Fred W. Pattee, b. Sept. 1, 1846. 330. Kate Needham, b. Dec. 11, 1856, at Pittsfield; N. H.; d. Apr. 19, 1876 at Lynntield, Mass. Children of Jacob Augustine and Emily Parker : 331. Herbert Fay, b. Aug. 16, 1858, at Pittsfield, N. H.; d. Feb. 8, 1884, at Schuyler, Neb. 332. Harriet Flint, b. Aug. 20, 1870, at Maroa, 111. 333. Florence, b. Apr. 9, 1877 ; d. Apr. 22, 1877, at Schuyler, Neb. 239 Daniel Needham Hood, born Sept. 15, 1833, married, first, June 9, 1853, Maria Jennette Greenough. She was born Jan. 29, 1835, at South Boston, and was the daughter of John Grafton and Jennette (Putnam) Green- ough. She died Feb. 21, 1880, at St. Augustine, Fla. He married, second, June 29, 1881, Helen (Burton) Balch. For thirty-eight years he was the head of the de- partment of music in Rockford College in Illinois. In 1895 he removed to Woburn, Mass., *where he is organist and musical director in the Congregational church. Children of Daniel Needham and Maria Jennette : 334. Nettie Greenough, b. Jan. 25, 1855, at Brooklyn, N. T.; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Frank D. Emerson. He d. Oct., 1907. Had: (1) Frances, b. May 29, 1882, at Rockford, 111.; (2) Fred- erick Hood, b. Apr. 10, 1884, at Rockford, 111. 36 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. 335. Carkie Frances, b. Oct. 4, 1858, at Rockford, 111. ; d. Mar. 20, 1880, at St. Augustine, Fla. 336. Genevieve, b. Sept. 9, 1870, at Rockford, 111.; m. Sept. 6, 1892, Jere Campbell, b. Nov. 9, 1868, at Chelsea, s. Charles A, and Lavinia (Hutchinson) Campbell. Had: (1) Richard Hood, b. Aug. 18, 1893, at Chelsea; (2) Barbara, b. Mar. 1, 1901, at Chestnut Hill. Lives at Providence, R. I. 240 George Henry Hood, born May 30, 1835, in Salem, married Sept. 18, 1859, at Chelsea, Frances Henri- etta Janvrin. She was born in Chelsea, June 29, 1839, daughter of Dennis and Sarah (Kuowles) Janvrin. Re- sided in Chelsea where he served in the Common Council. Founded the Boston Rubber Company and was interested in several other rubber manufacturing companies. Retired from business in 1896 and now lives in Hamilton. Children of George Henry and Frances Henrietta, born in Chelsea: 337. Helen Frances, b. June 28, 1860. 338. George Henry, b. Oct. 1, 1862; d. Dec. 27, 1887. 339. Frederick Clarke, b. Mar. 11, 1865; m. Nov. 4, 1891, Myra Tucker of Providence, R. I. Harvard University, 1886. With brother Arthur,established, in 1896, the Hood Rubber Co. at Watertown, Mass. Had: Donald Tucker, b. Feb. 13, 1893. 340. Arthur Needham, b. Feb. 15, 1868; m. Jan. 27, 1897, Ellen Katherine Van Voorhis, b. Dec. 13, 1867. Had: Frances, b. Mar. 3, 1899. 341. Richard Percival, b. Aug. 5, 1871; ra. Nov. 12, 1906, Marie Bellanger. Harvard University, 1894. Lives in Paris, where he is European agent of the Hood Rubber Company. 342. Florence Henrietta, b. May 11, 1876. 242 Salmon Dutton Hood, born in Topsfield, Feb. 17, 1830, married Mar. 31, 1850, Perthena Calista Pear- son, who was born in Albany, Vt., Jan. 28, 1833, and was the daughter of John W. Pearson. They resided at Tops- field, in the homestead by Hood's Pond. She died Dec. 6, 1907. He was educated in the public schools and at At- kinson Academy and later studied probate law in the office of Col. Charles Kimball of Salem. He was a Justice of the Peace for nearly fifty years and much of his time AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 37 was devoted to the settlement of estates. For over 25 years he served as selectman and assessor in Topsfield, and also was superintendent of schools for several years, postmaster for seven yeare, and a well-known auctioneer. He died Feb. 18, 1908. Children of Salmon Button and Perthena C. : 843. Eleanor Jennkss, b. June 24, 1853; unm.; lives in Haverhill. 344. WiLBUB Fletcher, b. Nov. 8, 1855. 346. Eliza Charlotte, b. Dec. 29, 1857; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Frank L. Jacobs. Lived in Haverhill, Had one son, Francis Button, b. 1878. 346. Susan Isabel, b. Feb. 9, 1863; m. Jan. 17, 1882, Eugene Hor- ace Perley; d. May 15, 1898. Children: (1) Ada Isabel, b. Nov. 25, 1882; (2) Arthur Warren, b. 1884, d. in infancy; (3) Albert Edward, b. Oct. 17, 1885; (4) Helen Hood, b. Nov. 19, 1887; (5) Reuben Noel, b. Dec. 6, 1889; (6) Robert Reuel, b. Feb. 5, 1892; (7) Rachel Olive, b. Aug. 26, 1894; (8) Lawrence Titcomb, b. Nov. 13, 1896. 347. Ralph Dutton, b. Aug. 28, 1874. 243 Richard Brainard Hood, born Jan. 31, 1826 in Topsfield. He married, first, May 28, 1848, in Beverly, Louisa Jane Webber of Shapleigh, Me. She was the daughter of John and Hepsibah (Beverly rds.) and was born May 14, 1826, and died Apr. 7, 1884. He married, second, in Salem, Oct. 27, 1886, Caroline, daughter of Joshua F. and Nancy (Flint) Safford of Northbridge. They lived in Danvers where he died Aug. 16, 1889. Contractor, teamster and street commissioner. Children of Richard Brainard and Louisa Jane : 348. Franklin Edson, b. Feb. 2, 1850; unm.; d, Feb. 16, 1895, in Danvers. Boxmaker. 349. Fred Brainard, b. July 20, 18.58. 246 William Orvin Hood, born May 4, 1830, mar- ried Feb. 13, 1856, Martha, daughter of Isaac and Mary Caldwell. She was born Nov. 5, 1833, at Beverly, Mass. They reside in Danvers. Engaged in the livery stable business, then in the coal business and afterwards in the manufacture of leather-measuring machinery. Overseer of the poor for many years. 38 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. Children of William Orvin and Martha : 350. Charles William, b. Dec. 20, 1860; m. June 1, 1893, Elizabeth Gardner, daughter of Nathaniel and Harriet M. (Putnam) Boardman, b. Dec. 1, 1861, at Danvers. Bookkeeper for Waldo Bros., Boston. Lives in Danvers. 351. Clakence Orvin, b. Sept. 11, 1863, in Danvers. 247 Adoniram Judson Hood, born Apr. 7, 1832, married Jan. 9, 1855, Catharine Reynolds, daughter of Joseph, jr. and Catherine Porter of Beverly, and lived in Danvers and Beverly. She was born July 17, 1833, at Beverly. He died Aug. 16, 1895 at Beverly. Enlisted Oct. 21, 1861 ; discharged Oct. 30, 1864. teamster. Children of Adoniram Judson and Catharine R. : 352. Nanoy Porter, b. May 18, 1869 ; d. Aug. 27, 1869. 353. Alice Reynolds, b. June 20, 1875, dau. of Leonard C. and Mary A. (Hood) Legro (adopted while an infant); m. Jan. 9, 1895, Edvpard A. Haibon, Lived in Beverly. Had : (1) Ruth Porter, b. June 23, 1897; (2) Albert Judson, b. June 7, 1900. 253 George Alfred Hood, born July 13, 1846, at Philadelphia, Pa., married Aug. 3, 1870, Mary Elizabeth Clark. Congregational minister, engaged in the Home missionary field. Is Home Missionary Superintendent for Colorado at the present time. Children of George A. and Mary Elizabeth ; 354. Cora Clark, b. Apr. 29, 1871; m. Rev. Arthur Bumpus. 355. Edward Clark, b. Mar. 10, 1874; m. Mabel Eddy of Newton, Mass. Had: (1) Donald, b. Sept. 26, 1905. 356. Bessie Bell, b. Feb. 15, 1878; m. Oct. 12, 1906, Rev. Arthur Guy Graves. 254 Edward Cleeves Hood, born Apr. 21, 1848, at Lawrenceville, Pa., married June 6, 1878, Carrie Oak- man Gardner of Hingham, Mass. Children of Edward Cleeves and Carrie O. : 357. Helen Gardner, b. Mar. 22, 1879. 358. Edward Oakman, b. Sept. 26, 1883. 359. Anna Bell, b. Aug, 25, 1884; d. Sept. 15, 1884. 1 AND SOME OF HIS DESCEJSTDANTS. 39 259 Elisha Augustus Hood, born in Haverhill, April 5, 1822, married in Topstield, April 18, 1844, Mary Jane, daughter of Josiah and Betsev Gould of Topstield, born Dec. 30, 1824. He died in Boxford July 30, 1873, and she died in Georgetown April 11, 1896. Children of Elisha Augustus and Betsey J. : 360. Edward Augustus, b. Sept. 16, 1845, in Topsfield (Sept. 17, Bible rds.); stable keeper; lived in Georgetown, where he d., unm., Apr. 4, 1896. 361. Mart Alice, b. May 31, 1849, in Topsfield; m. Nov. 23, 1868 (Nov. 26. Bible rd.), Charles A. Beckford, s. of William and Lucinda F. (Small) Beckford; lived in Danvers and Salem. He d. in Salem, Mar. 13, 1896, se. 50 y. Had: (1) Ralph L., b. Sept. 13, 1869, in Danvers; (2) Mabel Herrick, b. Nov. 16, 1881, in Salem. 362. Elizabeth Herrick, b. Apr. 16, 1852 (Bible rd.), in Box- ford ; d. Dec. 17, 1852, in Boxford. 363. Walter Gould, b. Mar. 9, 1854, in Boxford; d., unm., in Georgetown, Sept. 29, 1879. S64. Nellie Brown, b. June 25, 1858, in Topsfield; unm.; lives in Danvers. 265 George Abbott Hood, born Sept. 7, 1835, in Lynn, married, Nov. 23, 1858, Emma J. Calvert of Louis- ville, Ky. He died Oct. 17, 1865, in Lynn. Children of George Abbott and Emma J. : 365. Ella Hermione, b. Dec. 6, 1859, Louisville. 366. Harriet Maria, b. Sept. 8, 1861, Louisville. 367. Persis Calvert, b. July 6, 1863, Cincinnati; d. Jan. 16, 1865, in Lynn. 368. Cora, b. July 6, 1863, in Lynn; d. in Lynn. 294 Harvey Perley Hood, born in Chelsea, Vt., Jan. 6, 1823, married May 5, 1850, Caroline L., daughter of John and Clarissa (Thompson) Corwin. They lived in Derry, N. H. With his three sons, he built up a large business as a milk contractor, having a large farm at Der- ry, with offices in Lynn, Boston, and Salem, and employ- ing nearly 200 men. He died June 17, 1900. 40 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. Children of Harvey P. and Caroline L. : 369. Lauka Caroline, b. Sept. 6, 1851; m. Nov., 1893, John Wal- ter Johnston. 370. Clara Rebeooa, b. Oct. 22, 1854; m. June 4, 1902, Greenleaf Kelly Bartlett. 371. Nellie Frances, b. Oct. 23, 1856; m. Feb. 1, 1882, Marcel Nelson Smith. Had: (1) Clara Nellie, b. Dec. 6, 1882; d. Dec. 25, 1885; (2) Nelson Harvey, b. Feb., 1890; (3) Miri- am, b. Oct. 15, 1891; (4) Lawrence Marcel, lived two weeks. 372. Charles Harvey, b. Feb. 26, 1860; m. June 10, 1886, Kath- erine Wyman Eastman. He is a milk contractor and lives in Derry, N. H. Had: (1) Marion Allen, b, July, 1888; (2) Caroline Wyman; (3) Harvey Perley; (4) Sabra; (5) Helen Eastman. 373. Edward John, b. Oct. 19, 1863; m. June 27, 1893, Harriet Geddes. He is a milk contractor and lives in Derry, N. H. Children: (1) Marjorie; (2) Zaida Marguerite. 374. Gilbert Henry, b. May 11, 1866; m, June 27, 1893, Helen M. Davis. He is a milk contractor and lives in Derry, N. H. Children: (1) Emily Caroline, b. Nov, 30, 1897; (2) Gilbert Henry, b. Aug. 12, 1899. 306 Charles White Hood, born Mar. 5, 1840, at Worcester, Vt. ; married Aug. 9, 1863, Mary B., daugh- ter of Henry and Lorena (Palmer) Sutherland. She was born July 2, 1846, in New York City. They Hve in Jersey City, N. J. Children of Charles W. and Mary B. : 375. Lorena Joanna, b. Dec. 1, 1864. 376. Anna Martin, b. Oct. 31, 1867. 377. Charles Herbert, b. Nov. 28, 1869. 378. Alfred Cookman, b. Dec. 23, 1873. 379. Milton Brown, b. Sept. 18, 1875. 380. Ralph Sutherland, b. June 20, 1886. 308 Milton B. Hood, born in Worcester, Vt., Oct. 11, 1843 ; married June 26, 1872, Fanny, daughter of Joseph and Lucy J. (Reynolds) Montgomery. She was born Aug. 18, 1850, in Derry, N. H. They live in Mel- rose ; manufacturer of cologne. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 41 Children of Milton B. and Fanny : 381. Mercy Montgomery, b. July 17, 1875. 382. Joseph Montgomery, b. Apr. 3, 1877. 333. Laura Montgomery, b. Nov. 21, 1879. 312 Phineas Hood, married Mary J. Needham. Children of Phineas and Mary J. : 384. Alice Janette Needham ; m. Prof. Amos E. Dolbear of Tufts College. Children: (1) Alice Gertrude, b. Nov. 22, 1871, at Bethany, W, Va., d. Oct. 22, 1882, at College Hill; (2) Clinton Emerson, b. Dec. 10, 1873, at Bethany, W. Va., ni. Mrs. Florabel Weatherbee, at Somerville. Children: Gertrude, b. May 20, 1900, in Hyde Park; Alice, b. May 20, 1902, in California. (3) Katy Ella, b. Oct. 18, 1875; (4) Mary Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, ]885; (')) Samuel Hood, b. Dec. 6, 1886; (6) Benjamin Leslie, b. Dec. 1, 1887. The last four were born at College Hill, Mass. 385. Ella Melinda, m. 1st, Ivan Townsend; m. 2d, Rufus J. Culver. 386. Ida Mary. 387. LuRA Ethylene, m. Elmer Clifford Clark. 323 William Henry Hood, born Aug. 13, 1836, at Danversport ; married, first, Sept. 28, 1858, Sarah Elizabeth, dauo^hter of Christopher Hammond, of Dan- vers. She was born Jan. 11, 1839, at Berwick, Me., and died Oct. 20, 1862. He married, second, Dec. 4, 1863, Augusta P., daughter of William Batchelder and Sophia (Friend) Dodge, of Beverly. She was born Feb. 22, 1834, in Beverl}^ and died Sept. 28, 1886. He married, third, Oct. 3, 1891, Mrs. Clara Tufts, daughter of Oliver and Betsey Trafton of Springvale, Me. She died Mar. 81, 1894, and he died Jan. 15^ 1898. Wheelwright, and lived in Haverhill and Danvers. Deputy sheriff and tax collector for many years. Child of William Henry and Sarah EUzabetli, born in Danvers : 388. Joseph Edward, b. Aug. 4, 1862; d. Sept. 28, 1862. 42 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. Children of William Henry and Augusta P. : 889. Lizzie Frances, b. Sept. 9, 1864. (See 173.) 390. Addie Rebecca, b. Feb. 2, 1867; m. Dec. 16, 1891, Daniel W. Mason (2d m.), s. of Oliver and Elizabeth Mason of Fall River, Lived in Pawtucket, R.I. Had: (1) Kenneth Oliver, b. Apr. 12, 1893, in Pawtucket; (2) Francis Hood, b. Apr. 4, 1905. 391. Caleb Batchelder, b. Apr. 14, 1872; m. Jan. 5, 1898, Nina F., daughter of Henry T. and Lucy (Hardwick) Milton of Danvers, b. .Jan, 7, 1873. They reside at Danvers. Bank clerk in Boston. Had : (1) Philip Milton, b. Mar. 19, 1902, in Melrose. 324 Wendell Phillips Hood, born Feb. 25, 1839, at Danversport ; married Mar. 27, 1866, Maria Phelps, daughter of William R. and Mary Putnam, She was born Apr, 5, 1843, at Wenham. Enlisted in Co. A, lOth R. I. Vols. ; discharged Sept. 1, 1862 ; enlisted Nov. 7, 1862, Co. F, 48th Inf. ; hospital steward at Port Hudson and at Baton Rouge; discharged Sept. 3, 1863. Grad- uated at Dartmouth College in 1865. Principal of High School and Supt. of Schools for many years. Lives in Melrose. Children of Wendell Phillips and Maria P., born at Red Wing, Minn. : 392. Robert Putnam, b. Feb. 17, 1868; ra. Nov. 3, 1898, Mary Ann Campbell of Melrose, b. Aug. 17, 1873. Lawyer, Boston University Law School, 1890. They live in Melrose. No issue. 393. William Phelps, b. Apr. 2, 1870; d. Aug. 4, 1870. 394. Susan Mabel, b. May 10, 1876; Smith College, 1901; m. Oct. 5, 1904, George W. Emerson of Amesbury, s. of Charles W. and Susan (Littlefield) Emerson. Live in Amesbury. Had : (1) Edward Everett, b. Sept. 2, 1905, in Danvers; (2) Elizabeth Capen, b. Nov. 22, 1906, in Salem. 325 Joseph Edward Hood, born Mar. 26, 1841,.at Danversport; married Nov. 18, 1866, Martha A., daugh- ter of Joseph and Electa (Taylor) Gilpatrick, and lived in Danvers. She was born Mar. 30, 1843, at Shapleigh, AND SOME OP HIS DESCENDANTS. 43 Me., and died Sept. 6, 1897, in Danvers. Lived in Dan- vers, where he died May 8, 1901. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, in Co. F, 35th Regt. Mass. Vols. ; wounded July 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Va. ; discharged Apr. 10, 1865, as sergeant. Postmaster at Danvers for nearly twenty years ; town clerk, collector of taxes, and overseer of the poor. Children of Joseph Edward and Martha A. : 892. Ralph Otho, b. July 5, 1870; m. Oct. 6, 1898, Grace B., daugh- ter of Jefferson and Emily J. (Berry) Hayes of Danvers, b. Aug. 21, 1879, at Stoneham, Mass. Electrical engineer. They live in Danvers. Had: (1) Ralph Stedman, b. June 11, 1899; (2) Grace Geraldine, b. Apr. 9, 1902; (3) Martha, b. June 17, 1907. 393. Chari.es E., b. Jan. 22, 1873; d. same day. 394. Mabel Electa (twin), b. June 26, 1877; m. Nov. 18, 1903, Nathan Perley Clark, s. of Nathan J. and Georgiana B. (Perley) Clark. 395. LeRoy Stanley (twin), b. June 26, 1877; d. May 31, 1879. 328 Augustine Hawkins Hood, born Sept. 30, 1850, at Middleton ; married Nov. 25, 1879, Kate A. Fo- gerty, at Carlinville, 111. She was born Feb. 12, 1858. Children of Augustine Hawkins and Kate A. : 396. Geobge Daniel Augustine, b. May 26, 1881, at Carlinville. 397. Leo Herbert, b. May 2, 1884, at Carlinville. 398. Louis, b, Aug. 2, 1887, at Bellevue, Neb.; d. May, 1893. 399. Mary Kate, b. Feb. 7, 1890, at Bellevue, Neb. 344 Wilbur Fletcher Hood, born Nov. 8, 1855 ; married, Dec. 19,1880, Nettie Mabel, daughter of William M. and Martha Kneeland. Shoe cutter ; lives in Topsfield. Children of Wilbur Fletcher and Nettie M. : 400. Roy Eaton, b. Sept. 6, 1882. 401. Harris Leon, b. Jan. 22, 1885. 402. Alice, b. Aug. 2, 1899; d. Mar. 1, 1906. 347 Ralph Button Hood, born Aug. 28, 1874; married, first, Nov. 29, 1894, Aunah Emerson Jacobs. She $> 44 JOHN HOOD OF LYNN, MASS. died in Haverhill, Sept. 8, 1898. He married, second, • Jan. 24, 1904, Maude Currier. Civil engineer ; lives in t Haverhill. Child of Ralph Dutton and Annah E. : 403. Paul Emebson, b. Nov. 16, 1895. 347 Fred Bralnard Hood, born July 20, 1868 ; married, Aug. 1, 1878, Sarah Lindsey, daughter of George H. and Priscilla (Harlow) Barrett, and lived in Danvers. She was born Aug. 14, 1859, in Marblehead, and died March 16, 1905, in Danvers. He died Feb. 3, 1902, in Danvers. Teamster and motorman. Children of Fred Brainard and Sarah L. : 404. Louisa Belle, b. Feb. 14, 1879. 405. Harry Preston, b. May 28, 1880. 406. Marian Lindset, b. Oct. 2, 1886. 351 Clarence Orvin Hood, born Sept. 11, 1863, at Danvers; married, Oct. 2, 1894, Abbie Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Chauncey S. and Alice G. (Black) Richards, of Danvers. She was born Feb. 24, 1866, at Danvers. He is a dentist, and resides at Beverl3^ Children of Clarence Orvin and Abbie E. : 407. Chauncey Richards, b. Nov. 21, 1895. 408. Martha, b. Feb. 25, 1898. 1©.5« •* "^-^^.Z .'I^i^'. ^^...^ /J^--. %./ ;;?«&% ^ • t y '<^. .'V' ♦ V* •iZtLTi' <^ ^0 • '^^ *'T7i^». .0*" <> *'77 ^">,. '."<^w.- ^4^"'*' •.^tim^"'.'' _^"^^.. ^'^mr.^ .V ^ - <> *'7V ;♦ ^^^ ^o. • ^*f» rO » 'St, <"^ oV'^^^ill^'- '*^ rw*^ 'oK 4 Oj. • DOBBSBROS. F * aV "J^ LIIRARV ■INDINa 4 . •' ^ ST. AUGUSTINE ► o ^^m. FLA' 32084 .A. ^ . • "^ A* ♦