Gass £ 4 s 7 Book :\ S3 r '' ""1 A SEVEN DAYS' VISION I DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS ON THE NATURE AND FOEM OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WITH OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST CONNE(n'IN(; WITH IT. AND OUR DITTY TO IT. liV ALEXANDER TRIPPET EVANHVILI.K I I.t .lul IlNAI lOMP.^SV, KTKIM PRINT 1866. A SEVEN DAYS' VISION DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS ON THE NATURE AND FORM OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, WITH OTHER HATTERS OF INTEREST CONNECTING WITH IT, AND OUR DUTY TO IT. / BY ALEXANDER TRIPPET. EVANSVILLE: EVAXSVILLE JOVBNAL lOJlrANT, STKAM l-BIKTEKS, EVLtap AND E1SDEK8. Vl_ r- VlSlOlsf. Ladies a:?id Gentlexce^' : — It foils to my lot to be your ad- visor for your present and future happiness. No man knows when, and what time, and what stations in life, he may be call- ed to fulfill. Little did I think that I would have been called to fill a station when I had never known there was such a sta- tion to be filled. My education is very limited, and I never re- ported to the proper means that I should have, to improve my- self. I scarcely ever read the Bible or any history till recent-' ly. My labors for the last six months have been hard ; attime? tery exciting, w^hen I had obtained a point which I had labore 1 for a week at a time with scarcely any sleep. 0, think, when i man's mind penetrates through those heavenly bodies, and sees i a vision, so that he can grasp the central movements of this planeta- ry svstem. 0, this is fhe time that a iTian be'comes so agitated that his nervous system is thoroughly tested, 0, this is the time that the tears steal down his cheeks in spite of everything that he can do. My remarks will bo plain, brief and conclu- sive, and you are to be your own jud^'es as to what course you should pursue. i was seven days at the death of Abraham Lincoln, in a sin- gular condition. On Saturday evening after his death, aljout tvvo o'clock, t heard of his terrible slaughter. I was struck with horror. 1 never had such feelings produced on me by the death of any man. About five o'clock the same evening I saw new' features in this government that I never saw before. From that evening till the Saturday morning following,- new^ ideas presen- ted themselves every day during the seven days. On Tuesday or Wednesday the same week this idea presented itself to me : American government is based on God's laws, and when man's laws become perfect the people on this earth will come to an end. At the time these ideas presented^ themselves they shined and glistened like the sun. TL-sg' itlkis hung around until I- became reckless arA uneasy, and the sweat rwi through, lof pores freely, and a thought suggested itself to me to write it down on paj^er. I was five hundred yards from the house when that idea suggested itself to me. I "went to the house and put it down oil paper. When I had placed it on paper, that instant I was shocked, or electrified^ all over "to the center. The paper I wrote those few li^es on dazzled and glistened like snow when . the sun shines upoa it. The lines I had written showed as if they were in waves. During the seven days it appeared as if I ;had got in another world. Everything was right the reverse from my usual way ©f seeing things. The remainder of that week — from the time I was shocked^everything that I cast my •oyes upon assumed a new appearance. During that week I ■wrote on several subjects varying from each other. By running the bearings of each subject I arrived at central conclusions.^ -Religion and American government are constructed on the same principles, and they are a combined structure in one sense. — - They are separate and apart in another, and designed for the happiness of man. There are central aad correct principles laid down in the laws for men to be guided by. When I speak of laws I mean the Bible and the Constitution of the United States. They are both sacred instruments, and neither will be trampled uncler foot. Men should be careful in changing either of these instruments to suit their notions. There are central ^principles that nations will arrive at ; there are central princi- ;ples that men will arrive at, as regards their future happiness. There are central prificiples that men will arrive at as to the spiritual condition of men. There are central principles that ■each branch of business will arrive at. This the highest and noblest form of political government is represented by an eagle ; a free eagle ; one that enjoys universal liberty. So the govern^ ment of which the eagle is the emblem is to be a liberal gbv- H^rnment — a universal Democracy on a Republican forrm of gov- ^ernment — and is to extend its power, as the flying eagle, over all the world. America is now the land and home of the flying 'eagle. No man posseses the power of prescience, and therefore could not foresee the order of the events in the Divine govern- ment ; and these relations and contingencies are their com- mencemeiat and completings. No one but God can look into the future and tell precisely what will be the commencement, the course, the time and the completiiigs of events ; and blessings, -and glory, and thanksgivings, and honor, and power, and might, ■be unto our God forever and ever. The Heavens, and the Earth, and the Bible, and the Constitu- tion of the United States, and the human race, are combined -and consolidated structures of God's works. American government is constructed upon the same principle that this earth is; and this earth has a center, and all the rain that falls on this earth draws to the center, and when at the •center it explodes all over this earth in small particles, then in- dines bacli to-the center, and will conHuuG this revcl'ution as^ long as this earth stands. American government revolves every twelve months, and ac- complishes its fixed principles, just the same as tlie earth re^ "wolves every twelve months and accomplishes her fixed princi- ples; and^ the President and his Cabinet and other statesmen are lights to this government just the same as the sun and the moon and the stars are lights to tliis earth;, and the President and Cabinet, and other statesmen and officers, down to Supervi- sors of the roads, have their channels or fixed principles to ope- rate in every year during their continuance in office, just the same as the sun and stars have their channels and fixed princi- ples to perform, as long as this earth stands. Now, the light or knowledge reflects througk channels from the President to the people, and from the people through channels to the President. American government is coiistructed upon the same principle that the Heavens are ; and the sun is in the center of the heav- ens, or Universe ; and the sun has the attracting and ruling, power over the- stars and earth ; on bodies as they revolve in their channels ar orbits, and accomplish their fixed principles ; and light reflects, or is conveyed through channels from the sun •upon those stax'S, or bodies, as they revolve in their spheres or orbits ; and from those stars or bodies the light reflects, or is conveyed, through channels to the sun, as they revolve in their spheres or orbits. Lightning is constructed upon the same principles that this earth is. Suppose a wire was belted rcund this earth, and electricity applied, it would run round this earth with the same ve- locity that this earth runs. Suppose the wire is cut, the elec- tricity explodes all over the earth,' then inclines back to the cen- ter. Lightning purifies the atmosphere ; gun powder purifies the laws, and calomel purifies the system. The human race is constructed upon the same princij)les that this earth is. A. man has a heart, and the blood revolves from. the heart to the most extreme parts of the system ; then it in- clines back to the heart, and the blood will continue these revo- lutions during his natural life. Now, the heavens and the earth, and- every living creature thereon, and the trees, and the vegetation, are all constructed upon the same principle. Those w^ho have ears let them hear. The American government is a white man's government. Its institutions should be free. Free labor, free schools, free speech, free press, free ballot, free religion. These institutions tolerated give every man and woman equal rights. By these principles all the knowledge in the nation is thrown out in small parcels ; then it inclines back to the center of this nation ; and the President is placed on the center of this nation until his time expires; and each man and woman should have the right to express his or her opinion, in their own way, concerning the laws that govern this nation; and by these principle,^ all thu 'kno'\\''ledge in the nation collects ia a cliannol. Tliere'lias to be two parties to control this channel — one right the reverse of the other. I will reverse this channel to the head of the Ohio river. Now, there has to be two banks, one right ojiposite the other, to control this channel to its destination. If these banks are not sufficiently strong to conduct this water, or either side draws off from its usual place, the water will follow it and devastate the whole country as far as it spreads, and the water will re- main there until this bank that drew ofi" resumes its proper po- sition ; then the water will take its usual channel ; then it glides to the ocean or the center of the earth. As the water collects to the center it revolves over the earth in small particles, then collects in channels, and winds its way back to the center, this -water will continue to revolve over the earth, and through the earth, as long as this earth shall stand. 'It is upon the same principle that this government is constructed. There are mark- ed channels on fixed principles to be carried out, and the two parties make their appearance. Tliey have a check upon each other, and the President is placed in the center, with the at- tracting and ruling power. One party is elected by the people to follow this channel for a certain period of time. If they de- viate from the fixed principles, or draw off from the fixed prin- ciples, tlie other party takes the channel, and will control, for the time being; and if any section of territory, or .party, hauls off from the channel, or will not be ruled, nor snbiuit unto the laws regulating the people, it creates a convulsion in, the gov- ernment, and the turn of tide sweeps over the country and de- vastates ail. It sweeps over until that territory forms its usual place. Every beginning is shrouded in a mist — those vague ideas be- vond ; and the traveler setteth on his journey, oppressed with ills many thoughts — balancing his hopes and fears, and looking for some order in the chaos — some secret path between the cliffs that seem to bar his way. So he commenced the clue to unraveling its tangled schemes, and boldly speedeth on to thread the labarynth before him. Then as he gropeth in the darkness, light is attendant on his steps. He walketh straight in fervent faith, and difficulties vanish at his presence. The very flashing of his sword scattereth foes confident and sanguine of success. — He goeth forth. " conquering and to conquer." American government is based on God's laws, and pian's laws will come on a level with Clod's laws, either by legislation or by the sword. Now, as each and every State or star forms a part of this government, and a body within itself, and supports its own weight within itself ; now, as each and every man or star forms a part of this government and a body within himself, he should support his own weight of the burdens of this govern- ment according to his bulk or wealth ; then every man or star Avould secure his own level, and revolve within himself. This is the tru€ principle of this government and it w^ill be carried out. Tills Union ivill gi-o\v and it will continue to increase in strength and power, though ir may be cemented and cleansed in blood. The sun and stars are separate bodies within llicniselvcs, and they support themselves within themselves by the attraction of eacii oiher. Now, all these stars or bodies have their attrac- tions to each other, and to the sun, as they revolve around the sun in their channels or orbits, and the stars or bodies that are nearest the sun are the smallest of those bodies; and those stars or bodies increase in size as they recede from the sun ; and the further they withdraw from the sun the longer it takes them to make their revolution round the sun. Now, those large stars or bodies have their waters just the same as the sun has her wa- ters, according to their bulk or size. I base my remarks on the sizes and numbers of those planets that revolve around the sun as a center, from Sir Isaac Newton's works on Astronomy. The Solar System consists of the sun and twenty-nine other bodies which revolve around him at various distances, and in vai'ious periods of time. The bodies which revolve around the sun as a center are called and primary planets; thus the Earth, Venus and Mars are primary planets. Those which revolve around the primary planets are called secondary planets, moons or satelites. The primary planets revolve around the sun in the following order, and complete their revolutions in the following times, computed in our days and years : Beginning with that nearest to the sun — Mercury performs her revolutions in eigh- ty-seven days and twenty-three hours; Venus in 224 days and 17 hours; the Earth, attended by the Moon, in oG5 days and .hours; .Mars, in one year and 322 days; Geres, in 4 years, 7 months and 10 days; Jupiter, in 11 years, 315 days and 10 hours ; Saturn, in 29 years, 161 days and 19 hours. Now I will present the two largest planets and the sizes of those two plan- ets, .with their movements among the heavenly bodies, and their bearings to each other as they revolve in their spheres. The Sun is'the center of the Solar System, and the great dispenser of heat and light to all the planets around it. All the planet;^ revolve as around a common center ; the Sun being the largest body in our system, and so far as we know, the largest in tbj Universe. The distance of the sun from the earth is ninety-five .millions of miles,, and his diameter is estimated at 880,000 mill- ions. Our globe, when compared with the magnitude of the sun, is a mere point, for his bulk is thirteen hundred thousand times greater than that of the earth. I will present the planet called Herschel, completes her revolution around the sun in nearly 84 of our years, moving in his orbit at the rate of 15,000 miles in an hour. His diameter is 35,000 miles ; so that his bulk is about eighty times that of the earth. The light and heat of the sun at' Herschel, is about 3G0 times less than it is ar the earth, and yet it has been found, by calculation, that thi.- light .is cijual to 248 of our full moons — a strikin.;,' proof of tli-- qiiantity of ligkt emitted by tlie sun. Tliis^plan- •e: lias six satelites wliich revolve around him at various distan- ces, and in different times. The periods of some of these have been ascertained, while those of the other remain unknown. — These two planets are the extreme planets, or the two largest, and the sun is the center, and Herchel is the farthest from the sun, and they have full control of, or check upon, the other planets as they revolve in their spheres, or orbits. Now, this government is constructed upon the same princi- ples that those heavenly bodies are. The President represents the sun, and the peoplerepresent the planet called Herschel, and they are 1,800 millions of miles apart ; and the President holds one end of the string, and the people hold the other end of the string ; and the j)ower, or laws, gradually recede down from the President down to the people, and is a combined structure, and each officer is invested with a certain power, or bounds ; and they are held with checks binding on each other. The peo- ple are the law makers, or the sovereign power is invested in them. The people set forth their views, or measure :, that they wish to be carried out. If they are not correct views they must suffer in proportion to their errors. The people elect their statesmen to make their laws ; they elect the officers to execute their laws ; their statesmen and officers are elected for a certain period 'of time. If they deviate from the wishes of the people, they should haul them off and place others in their stead. The- President is elected every four years, and other officers at dif- ferent periods, as the laws direct. There has to be two parties to fill these offices — one right the reverse of the other. These two parties set their views before the public, and they are to be the judges, and decide their views. Now, these politicians take sides right the reverse of each other, and there is a great deal of gas explodes from these gentlemen, as they endeavor to set forth their views concerning the welfare of the people and them- selves. The day is set, and these two parties come in contact with each other at the ballot box ; and one party destroys the - other party for the next four years ; and at that time the party that got defeated may defeat the other party for a certain peri- od of time. This is owing to how they shape their measures- that come before the people. Boys it won't do to have — but it must be men to run this- kind of a machine. They first burst our heads, and then they will burst our pockets. Wake up ! This is designed with full force unto each party. A few remarks to the laboring classes of mankind, is to watch your leaders in political life. There are reverses in everything that the mind can imagine. It is absolutely necessary that it should be ; but it is not necessary that men sl|ould quarrel with each other on matters in which they are tiot ■ interested. You- should mingle with each other and have an interchange of opin- i.on with each other, for peoples' minds difi[er from each other as ■ fajias- colors- differ from each otlicr. This appears to be the cor- rect idea — that peoj)le should meet together and consider the changes in the laws they wish to be made. If our leaders can make us believe there is a certain class of politicians who are corrupt, it is the very thing they strike at. If those political leaders can get up a bubble between, the people; it is all one- half of them care for. While the people quarrel about the purse the politician slips it in his pocket. This is the truth ; and who is to blame? The people. It appears for the last several years that there has been a continued increase in the salaries of of- fice holders. It appears that they can quarrel with each other on any ijiatter that may come before them with the exception of raising their salaries. U]Don this c[uestion they agree with each other ve\y readily. It is an important matter that high sala- ries shourd be carried, for our forefathers established this form of government and the laws that regulate each branch o.f busi- ness, and the salaries that each branch should receive. These old men, who are dead and gone, left their land-marks to be- followed. Some of those old men, of whom we see their por- traits and signatures to those sacred documents that we have for our guides, will never be surpassed in all time to come, and their teachings should be reverenced in every walk of life. — The majority of our leading political men for the last ten years have filied their pockets with the corruption of their hearts, out of the people's pockets.. I will suggest a few ideas to my fellow-men in each denomina- tion of Christian Brethren who join in society as the followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should keep a strict watch over ourselves, and a strict watch over our leaders, and see that we are not led astray by designing men, who present themselves to be invested with all the power that is necessary to forgive sins or represent themselves to be the mediators between God and man. Now, my friends, to this class of men you should be cau- tious, for fear you; should be led astray. At any rate, test their power before you place too much confidence in them. If these men can reverse the rivers, and turn them into blood, they are possessed with the power to carry any measure into effect that they may wish. If you are noL possessed with this power you should get down on your knees before your God, and get your sins forgiven with the quickening and electrifying power of the Supreme Being. When you get your sins forgiven you never will make a mockery of our Savior in all time to come. There is only one true God, and through Him. alone this blessing is re- ceived. I will draw your attention to our duties to each other as Christians. We should mingle with each other in our churches. This appears to be the correct principle, that all denominations should adopt. These diiferent denominations of Christians are a representation of those heavenly bodies that surround the sun as a center. If these different denominations would take this 10 method of conducting their meetings there woukl he a great deal of improvement in a short time. By these means the dif- ferent denominations would be improved, through the attrac- tions they would derive from each other. A word on Baptism : There are reverses in everything, and the revex'ses are the balances of everything. Christ's blood was spilt for the redemption of sin, and Abraham Lincoln's blood Avas spilt for the redemption of this nation. Judges of courts in making up their decisions in divorce cases should be governed by the teachings of the Bible. A man can lose his property by his own negligence ; a man can lose his soul by his own negli- gence. The sacred tcriptures contain the great problem of di- vine truth which will not be fully solved till the night of time is passed and the day of eternity begins to dawm. Each denom- ination of Christians should adopt the same system for their church organization that, this governmen,; does. It is on the correct principle. ^^^We-f-wcrt-ivo ! Reform ! reform ! -' We will take a survey of God's power brought to the view of man. We see that the two greater bodies — right to the reverse , of each other. For instance, fire and water. These are two great bodies, and neither can be disposed of. We will throw a portion of these two bodies togethei' into a vessel, and see the effect that is produced. For instance, a shovel full of fire and a certain cjuantity of water. These two bodies are thrown to- gether and an explosion takes place, r.nd in a short period of time there is neither fire nor water in that vessel. If there had been a little less water there w^ould have been a spark of fire left to kindle with. If there had been a larger quantity of wa- ter thrown together in the vessel, there would have been no fire, and a small cjuantity of water left. We see that these two bodies are designed to be kept separate and apart from each oth- er. We will take a survey of the human race as we find them. AVe find that they are two great spiz-its that operate with them at times. These"' two spirits are right to the reverse of each oth- er. One is the good spirit, the other the evil spirit. A man is led by the evil spirit until there is a change takes place. The good spirit presents itself at times. A man should not let this opportunity pass. AVhen these two spirits come in contact with each other a collision takes place within a man. At that time the man is regenerated and born through the spirit of Christ ; and at this time he has torn loose from his former companions. His heart and soul leap with joy. He has become the new man. That man never will forget that day or place that this change took place within ]iim. If he lives up to his duty this good spirit will visit him every day, regular as the day comes. (Grod has laid down his laws. They are laid down in two chan- nels. They are laid down plain, and easy to be understood. — One leads a man to Heaven and the other to destruction. We will take another survey of color on the human race. We .find that they are the white man and the black man. They are 11 ■ riglit the reverse of cacli otlicr. Both races are designed to fill their sphere. Each race forms ifgpb separate bodies or channels. If the wickedness of man throws these two bodies or channels togettier there will be a collision take place between these two races, and one race will destroy the other race. We see that they are two separate. races together, and the wickedness of man will prevail as long as these races are kept together. As time progresses these two races Avill seek their level and be consolida- ted in two separate bodies through the attraction of nature. — Those that have cars let them hear. Our duty to this unfortunate race is to furnish them plenty of labor and see that they don't idle their time-'away. When their labor is done pay them for their labor, so that they may main- tain themselves and families. This is one of this race that peo- ple should be careful in what position they place it. They have their certain sphere to revolve in. We can't place them upon a level with the white race. If we do the expense overruns the profit in property and blood. This race of people is a separate race which is thrown out of its proy)er channel, and they should have ample protection through the laws that govern the white race. Ko gentleman should ask for them to bo put on a level with the white race. What God in his wisdom has set separate and apart from each other, it is beyond the power of man to coasolidate. I have .endeavored to lay before the reader the true princi- ples of this government, and the true principles to be carried out. We have just passed through one of those deadly conflicts which has been approaching for the last fifty years, or more, on account of a system of servitude of humap beings which was ad- opted in some of the States contrary to God's laws. The conse- quence was that a difierence of opinions sprung up between the free States and the slave States. These two reverses I will rep- resent to your minds as two separate clouds — one in the north and one in the south. They Avere small .fifty years ago. As each year progressed, these clouds Avould curl, apxl weave, aud collect in these two bodies. As time progressed these two clouds collected in larger bodies, and the skies became darker and more stormy. These two clouds began to advance towards each other. The nearer they advanced to each other the darker they became. I will present to your minds these clouds. When th.ey pre- sent themselves they are accompanied with thunder and light- ning and rain, or hail. The report of the c*nnon will represent thunder; cannon balls will represent lightning, as it passes through the heavens ; grape shot represents forked hghtning, or s|)otches ; musket balls represent hail or rain. These two threatening bodies began to advance towards each other with mighty power and force. When they came in range of each other their big guns began to thunder at each other. The near- er they advanced to each other the quicker and faster they re- 12 plied to each other. Now death and destruction ha& hegnn to^ be dealt out to each of these two reverses. Now we behold the flags as they wave and flow and curl through, the air by every breeze and current of the wind that happeias to blow. Now we see the officers, and their men who are under their command,, as they are marched in waves and curls through each other in solid column to deal death by wholesale to their fellow men, as they stand with their eyes gazing on each other, waiting for the command to be given ; and the command is given, and the small arms roar, and the officers stammer and blow, and the cannons thunder from the two reverses, and d.eath and destruction stare each man in the face who is engaged in this terrible scene, for the cannon balls roar as they pass through the air ; the bullets whistle; the bayonets and the swords glisten, and the shrieks of the wounded and dying are too terrible to behold. 0, look back a few short months and imagine the sceaes and walks of your weary footsteps as you roamed over hill and valley, by day and night to meet your fellow being in deadly strife. 0, think of your dear comrades whom you left behind on the field of battle, dead and dying, to rise no more on the broad ocean of this world of ours. 0, think of the widows and orphans, and fathers, and mothers, and sisters, and brothers, whose tears steal down their cheeks when their minds wandered back upon those who were slain upon the field of battle on those days which are past and gone to return no more. Let the past be a lesson for all time to come, and look ahead for the future, and try to shape our-future course so as to meet our fellow beings and extend to them the right hand of fellowship in any sphere that we may meet together in. Now^I will make a prophecy. If we get up a general muss among the people of this nation the earth will totter and tum- ble under the weight of it, and the blood will run in torrents.— 0, you sinners take warning before it is too late. Your days are- drawing near when you will stand before your God ancl hear the death sentence passed upon your soul. Those Avho have ears let them hear. A man and his wife and their children are a representation of those heavenly bodies which revolve around the sun as a cen- ter. The man is the center, or represents the sun, and he has the attracting and ruling power over his wife and children as they revolve in their spheres ; and his wife ref)resents the star or planet called Herschel, and she is right the reverse, and holds the balance of power; and the children are between these two bodies. There is a flow of love and attraction existing between, these two extreme bodies, and to their children, as they revolve in their sphere, and light and knowledge are conveyed through channels from the man to his wife and children, as they revolve in their sphere ; and light and knowledge are conveyed through channels to her husband and children, as they revole in their sphere ; and they are checks binding on those bodies as they re- vplve in their sphere. , 13 The government tliat tlie Eagle represents is constructed oh the same principle that religion is. God is the Supreme Being and controler of the heavens and earth, and all things therein.