Class _ Book L^^^ Class Crfasiivi)gc})artiiifutSl'ibrari) No. REFERENCE SECTION. ALPHABETICAL IN OF THE 162d New York Yolonteer Infantry BEING AN ABSTRACT OF THE FIELD AND STAFF AND COMPANY ROLLS. SUCH PARTS OF THE PERSONAL MILITARY HISTORIES OF OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS AS ARE NOT FOUND IN THE ROLLS OF THE ORGANIZATION ARE NOT HEREIN INCLUDED, SAVE ONLY SO MUCH AS IS CONTAINED IN THE INDIVIDUAL AND DETACHMENT MUSTER- OUT ROLLS OF ENLISTED MEN. k.5. jX. February 1H, 1889.— Referred to the Cominittee on Military Aflfaira. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, Oo-^ f -^ By transfer JAN 28 1910 Ls7a r- ■ ALPHABETICAL INDEX ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SECOND NEW YORK VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. letter from the secretary of war. War Department, Washington City, February 15, 1889. The Secretary of War has the honor to transmit to the United States Senate a letter of the Adjutant- General of this date and the card index record of the One hundred and sixty-second New York Volunteers, as required by the resolution of the Senate dated February 8, 1889, as follows : Besolved, That the Secretary ofWar is hereby directed to forward to the Senate the card index record of one of the regiments of volunteers recently carded, the same to be arranged in form similar to the examples printed on page 191 of Senate Report No. 507, Fiftieth Congress, first session. William C. Endicott, Secretary of War. The President pro tempore of the Senate. letter from the adjutant-general. War Department, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, February 15, 1889. Sir: In compliance with the resolution of the Senate dated February 8, 1889, I have the honor to transmit herewith the card-index record of the One hundred and sixty-second New York Volunteers, arranged in form similar to the examples printed on page 191 of the Senate report No. 507, Fiftieth Congress, first session. Very truly, yours, R. C. Drum, A djutant- Gerieral. Hon. William C. Endicott, Secretary of War. 3 RECORD. Field and staff, One-hundred and sixty-second Regiment, New York Infantry, Muster-roll for — Date. Station. Events. M.LB Oct. 31. Nov. and Dec, '62. Jan. and Feb., '63 . Mar. and Apl., '63. May and June, '63 July and Aug., '63 Sept.andOct., '63. Nov. and Dec, '63., Jan. and Feb., '64 . . Mar. and Apl., '64. . May and -Tune, '64 July and Aug., '64 Sept. and Oct., '64.. Nov. and Dec, '64.. Jan. and Feb., '65 .. Mar. and Apl., '65.. May and June, '65 . July and Aug., '65. M.O.R. Oct. 18, '62 Oct. 31, — Dec. 31, '62 Feb. — , — Apl. 30, — Aug. 31, '63 Oct. 31, '63 Dec 3], '63 Apl. 30, '64 June 30, '64 Aug. 31, '64 Oct. 31, '64 Jan. 2, '65 Feb. 28, '65 Apr. 30, '65 June 30, '6.3 Aug. 31, '65 Oct. 12, '65 New York , Camp Abercrombie, Va Camp Parapet Camp Mansfield, La Opi'lousas , Springfield Landing Baton Kouge, La Opelonsas Franklin, La , do , Alexandria, La Morganzia, La Bolivar Heights, Va Martinsburgb, Va Camp near Stevenson's De pot, Va. "Winchester, Va Near Fort Meigs, Md S.avannah, Ga Hawkinsville, Ga Savannah, Ga. No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Left Savannah, Ga., at 3J a. ra. July 24, 1865, for HawkinsviUe, Pulaski Co., a distance of about one hundred and seventy-five miles. The march was made in fourteen days, arriving at HawkinsviUe on Sunday, Aug. 6. Mustered out, to date October, 1865, S. O. 36, hdqrs. Dept. of Georgia, by expiration of term of service. Roster of officers. Colonels : Louis Benedict. Justus W. Blanchard. Lieutenant-colonels : Justus W. Blanchard. Jas. M. Van Der Bergb. Majors : James H. Bogart. Robert W. Leonard. George Keating (Geo. W. Keating). John B. Babcock. Surgeons : Wm. B. Eager, jr. Wm. H. Hozier. Edwd. E. Van Der Warker. Assistant surgeons : Wm. H. Hozier. Assistant surgeons — Continued. Jas. L. Adams. David M. Brown. Edwd. E. Van Der Warker. Wm. G. Meacbam. Adjutants: Robert W. Leonard. James Q. Miles. John B. Babcock. John E. Burke. Regimental quartermasters: Wm. H. Albertson. John P. Leefe. Robert Emmett. Charles Small. Chaplain; Anson B. Hoyt. Compitny A, One hundred and sixty-second Eegiment Nexo York Infantry. Master-roll for— Date. Station. Events. M.I. roll Oct. 31. '02 Kov. and Dec, '62. Jan. and Fob., 'C3 . . Mar. ami Apr May and June July and Aujj-i '63 Sept. and Oct., '03. , Nov. and Dec, '63 Jan. and Feb., '64 . Mar. and Apl.. '61. May and June, '64 July and Aug., '64 Sept. and Oct., 'r>4.. Nov. and Dec, '64. Jan. and Fob., '65 . Mar. and Apr., '65 May and June, '65 July and Aujj., '65 M.O.roU Oct 18, '02 Oct. 31, '62 Feb. 28. '63 Apr.:iO,'C3 Juuo30,ti3 Aujr.31,'63 Oct. 31 Dec. 31. '63 Feb. 29, '64 Apr. 30, '64 June.30,'64 An{,'.31,'04 Oct. 31, '64 Dec. 31. '04 Feb. 28, '05 Apr. 30, '6i June 30, '65 Aug.31,'6.i Oct. 12, '65 New York Caiup Abercroiubie, Virginia Camp I'arapet Carrolton, Louisiana. Camp Mansfield, La Opelousas Spriuiftield Lauding, La Baton Kouge, La Opelouttaa Franklin, La do Alexandria, La Morganzia, La Bolivar Ueigbta Winchester, Va Camp in tlie field, Va ■VVincbester, Va Near Wa.sbinglon, D. C Savannali, (la Hawkin.sville, Ga Savannah, Ga No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. i:)o. Mustered out to d.ite Oct., 1865, under Special Order No. 36, Headqrs. De- partment of Ga., and expiration of term of service. Captaius: Michael Mitchel. Ros.s Deegaii. James M. Vandenbwrgb John H. Van Wyck. David J. Myers. First lieutenants: David B. Johnston. Hosier of officers. First lieutenants — Continued. John B. Babcoek. \ David J. Myers. Matthew O. Connor. Second lieutenants: Ross Deegan. Alonzo Hitt. David J. Myers. Company B, One hundred and sixty-second Eegiment, New York Infantry. Master-roll for— M.Lroll Oct. 31, '62 Nov. and Dec, '62.. Jan. uud Feb., '63.. Mar. and Apr., '03. . May and June, '03 . July and Aug., '63. Sept. and Oct., '63.. Nov. and Dec, '03. Jan. .in d Feb., '64.. Mar. and Apr., '64. . May and Jiin(\ '04.. July and Aug., '64. Sept. and Oct., '64. Nov. and Dec, '04., Jan. and Feb., 'O.*)., Mar. and Apr., '65. May and June, '65. JnlVand Aug., '6.'>. M.O.roU Date. Oct 14, '62 Oct 31, '62 Dec. 31, '02 Feb. 28, '63 Apr. 30, '03 Juue30,'B3 Aug.31, '03 Oct 31, '63 Feb. 29, '64 Apr. 30, '64 .)un630,'6l Aug.31, '64 Oct 31, '64 Dec. 31, "04 Feb. 28, 05 Apr. 3(1. '05 Juno30,'t;5 Aug.31, '05 Oct 12, '05 Station. New York Camp Abercrombie Cam p Parapet Cam]) Mauijfield Opelousas . .■ Spriugtield Landing, La ... Baton Kongo Ojielousivs Franklin, La ;.... do Ab'xandri.a, La... Morgan/.ia, La Bolivar Heights, Va Martinsburgh, Va Cauii' UuHsell, Va Winchester, Va Fort Meig.i Savannah, Ga llawkinsville, Ga..... Savannah, Ga Events. No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mustered out to date Oct.—, 1865, na. der S. O. 30, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of G»., and expiration of term of service. CaptainK: James S. King. Joliu G. Lecfe. First lieutenants: Jolm G. Lef'fii. Nehemi.ah Oakley. Alonzo Hitt Roster of officers. Second lientfMiants : Sanuud C. Haven. N«'bemiab O.ikley. M.'ulison K. Finloy. John E. Burke. Charles EuicrsoD. Company C, One hundred and sixty-second Eegimentf New York Infantry. Mnster-roll fer- Date. Station. Events. M.T.roll En'lm't to Oct. 31, '62. Nov. and Dec, '62 . Jan. and Feb., '63. Mar. and Apl., '63.. May and June, '63 July and Aug., '63 . Sept. and Oct., '63.. Nov. and Dec, '63.. Jan. and Feb., '64 .. Mar. and Apl., '64.. May and June, '64 . J uly and Aug. , '64 . Sept. and Oct., '64. Nov. and Dec, '64.. Jan. and Feb., '65 . Mar. and Apl., '65. May and June, '65. July and Aug., '65 M.O.roU Oct. 14, '62 En'lm't to Oct. 31, '62 Jany — New York. Camp Parapet, La . Apl. 30, '63 Jan. 30, '63 Opelonsas Springfield Landing Oct. 31, '63 Dec 31, '63 Feb. 29, '64 Apr. 30, '64 June 30, '64 Aug.3I, '64 Oct. 31, '64 Dec. 31, '64 Feb. 28, '65 Apr. 30, '65 June 30, '65 Aug. 31, '65 Oct. 12, '65 Opelousas Franklin Franklin, La Alexandria, La Morganzia, La Camp near Bolivar Heights, Va. Camp Russell, Va Winchester, Va Camp near Ft. Meigs, Mfl Savannah, Ga Hawkinsville, Ga Savannah, Ga — No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Mustered out, to date from October, 1863, pr. S. O. No. 36, Headquarter'a Department of Georgia, and Dy expi- ration of service. Captaius : Nicholas Wunder. Eugene S. Eunson. First lieutenants: George F. Bord. Eobert Emmett. Geoige H. Snydam. William Geo. Jones. Roster of officers. Second lieutenants : George Unger. Eobert Emmett. Nehemiah Oakley. Wm. C. Howe. W. George Jones. Cownany D, One hniidred and sixty-second Eegiment Neio York Infantry. Muster-roll for — M.Lroll Oct.31, '62 Nov. and Dec, '02 . Jan. and Feb. , '63 . Mar. and Apl., '63 . May and .Tune, '6.1. July aud Aug., '63. Sep. aad Oct., '63 . . Nov. and Dec, '63. Jan.andFeb., 'C4 . Mav and Apl , '64 . May and June, '64. July and Aug , '64. Sep. and Oct., '64.. Nov. and Dec, '64. Jan. and Feb., '65 . Mar. and Apl., '65 . May and June, '65. Jnlvand Aug., '65. M.O.roll Date. Oct. 18. '62 Oct. 31,— Dec 31, '62 Feb. 27, '63 Apl. 30, '63 Oct. 31, '63 Dec. 31, '63 Feb. 29, '64 Apl. 30. '64 June 30, '64 Aug. 31, '64 Oct. 31, '61 Dec 31, '61 Feb. 28, '65 June 30, '65 Aug.31,'65 Oct. 12, '65 Station. New York Camp Aborciombie Camp Paiapet Camp Mansfield, Carrollton, La. Opelousas, La Baton Rouge , , Opelousas Franklin, La do Alexandria, La Morganzia, La , Bolivai- Heights, Va... Marlinsburgh, Va Camp Russell, W. Va Winchester, W. Va ... Savannah, Ga HawkiuMville, Ga. Savannah, Ga..... Events. No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. • Do. Mustered out to date Oct., 1865, S. O. 36, H. Q. Dept. of Ga., and by expira- . tion of service." Captains: William H. Rliodes. Jos. W. Seaman. First lieutenants : Jos. W. Seaman. James McGuire. Boster of offi,cers. First lieutenants— Continued. John E. Burke. Second lieutenants ; James McGuire. John E. Burke. Theodore A. Scudder. 8 Company E, One hundred, and sixty-secojid Begiment, New York Infantry. Muster roll for— Dat«. SUtion. EveBta. M. L roll Oct. 18, '62 Oct. 31, '62 Dec. 31, 02 Feb. 28, '03 Apr. 30, 03 Jun. 30, 03 Aug. 31, '63 No events. Ang.23toOct31,'62. Nov. and Dec Jan. and Feb., '63.. MiU-. aud Apr., 03.. May and Jan., '63.. July and Au;;., '63 . Do. Do. Camp MaiiMtiebl, La Camp near Opelousaa, La... Spriuvrtield Liiuding, La Camp near Baiuu Kouge, La. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mar. and Apr., '04.. Mav aud Jun., '04.. JulV and An^., '64 . 8i'p and Oct '64 Apr. 30, '64 Jun. 30, '64 Ang.31,'64 Do. Do. Bolivar Heights, Va Do. Do. Nov. and Die'., '64.. Jan. aud Feb., '65 .. Mar. and Apr., '65. . May aud Jun., '05.. July and Aug., '65 . M roll Dec. 31, '64 Feb. 28, '05 Apr. 30, '05 Jun. 30, '05 Aug. 31, '65 Oct. 12, '65 Stephenson's Depot, Va Do. Do. Do.- Do. " Left Savannah, Ga., July 24, 1865, ar- SaTaBBah, Ga ........... rived at Hawkinsville, Ga., August 6, 1865." "Mustered out to date, October, 1865, per S. 0. Ko. 30, H'dq'rs Dept. G*., and expiration of term of service." Captains : James Lee. William Kennedy- George W. Gibson. First, lieutenants : Thomas B. Curtis. Roster of officers. First lieutenants — Continued ; Charles Trainer. Second lieutenauts: William Kennedy. James Stack. Company F, One hundred and sixty-second Begiment, Neic York Infantry. MnBter-roll f or— Date. Station. Events. M.I roll Aug. 22, '62 Oct. 31, '62 Dec. 31, '62 P'eb. 28. '63 Apr. 30, '63 June>30,'63 Aug.31,'6.! Oct. 31. •(i3 Dec. 31, '63 Feb. 29, CJ Apr. 30, ti4 Juno30,'04 Aug.31,'6t rOct. 31, '04 Dec. 31, '64 Feb. 28, 65 Apr. :i0.'(i.5 Jun«30.'65 Aug. 31, '05 Oct. 12, '65 No events. May ltoOct.31. '62. Do. Do. Jan. and F.b., '63 . . Mar. and Apr., '63.. May and Juno, '03.. JulV and Aug. '63. . Sept. aud Oct., '63.. Camp Mansfield, La Do. Do. Springfield Landing, La Do. Do. Do. JYanklin Do. Do. Mar. anil Apr., '64.. May and Juno, '64.. July and Aug., '04.. Sept. and Oct., '04 .. Do. Do. Bolivar Heights, Vft Do. Do. In tho field Va Do. Do. Mar. and Apr.. '65. . Nonr Kort Meigs, Md Do. Do. July and Aug M. O.roU Do. Mu8t«-red out to date October, 1865, per S. O. No. .10, ll'dq'ts Dept of Ga., aad by expiration of term of service. • Capfaiiis: (tc«n;j<' H. I'rcniiiii".;. Geor;-!' K. 'i'lrliililc_\ . First lii'iitcnaiits: Ann Iliiicklry. .•itt'iilifii (;. Oakli-y. CharlcM DvtT. Robert 0'K«efc. Boater of officers. Second lieutenants: Morton L. Kellogg. John II.Hevick. Miidison K. Kinley. Charles Dytr. Chill Ir.s Diiiiner. Samuel C'owdrv. Company G, One hundred and sixty-second Regiment, Keiv York Infantry. Muster-roll for - Date. Station Events. M.I. roll Oct. 31, '62 Nov. and Dec, '62 . Jan. and Feb., '63.. Mar. and Apl., '63 . Ma.v and June, '63 . July and Aug., 63 . Sep and Oct., '63.. Nov. and Dec, '63. Jan. and Feb., '64.. Mar. and Apr., '64. May and .June, "64 July and Aug., '64. Sep', and Oct., '64 Nov. and Dec, '64 . Jan. and Feb., '65.. Mar. and Apr., '65. May and June, '65 July and Aug., '65. M. 'O. roll Oct. 18, 'n2 Oct. 31, '62 Dec 31, '62 Feb. 28, '63 Apr. 30, '63 June 30, '63 Aug. 31, '61 Oct. 31, '63 Dec. 31, '63 New Tork Camp Abercrombie CarroUton, La Camp Mau.sfield, Carrolltou, La., La Spiingflold Landing, La ... Baton llouge, La OpelouHas, La Franklin, La Apr. 30, '64 June 30, '64 Aug. 31,*64 Oct. 31, '64 Dec. 31, '64 Feb. 28, '65 Apr. 30, '65 June30,'6D Aug. 31, '65 Oct. 12, '65 Alexandria, La Morsauzia, La Bolivar Heights, Va Near Martinsburgh, Va. Stephen-son's Depot, Va. "Wincbester, Va Near Washington, D. C. Savannah, Ga Hawkinaville, Ga Savannah, Ga No events. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "Mustered out to date October, 1865, per Special Order 37, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Georgia, and expiration of term oi .service." Captains : Henry H. Waters. William P. Huxford. First lieutenants : Isaac P. Wilkins. •lobn H. Van Wyck. George W. Gibson, i Roster of officers. First lieutenants — Continued. St. George R. Raby. Second lieutenants: Tbomas Dunkin. Jobn H. Van Wyck. George W. Gibson. Company H, One hundred and sixty-second Regiment, New York Infantry. Muster roll for— Date. Station. Events. M I roll Oct. 18, '62 Oct. 31, '62 Dec. 31, '62 Feb. 28, '63 Dec .31, '63 Feb. 29, '64 Apr. 30. '64 June30,'64 Aug.31,'64 Oct. 31, '64 Dec. 31, '64 Feb. 28, '65 Apr. 30, '65 June 30, '65 Aug.31,'65 Oct. 12, '65 New York Sept. 4toOct.31, '62 Do. Do. Jan. and Feb., '63.. Aug. 11, to Dec. 31, '63. Jan. and Feb., '6i .. Mar. and Apr., '64.. May and June, '64 . July and Aug., '64 . Sept. and Oct., '64.. Nov. and Dec, '64. . Jan. and Feb., '65.. Mar. and Apr., '65. . May and June, '65 . Camp Mansfield, La Do. A. G. 0. Co. was consolidated with Co. F, March 1, '63, per S. 0. 34, Hd. Qrs.l62d N. T. Vols., dated Feb. 27, '63, pursuant to S. 0. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of the Gulf dated Feb. 20, '63. A new Co. H was formed in Dec, 1863. See Wfl. 841, 1863. do ...... Do. Do. Morganzia Bend, La Do. "In action with Eeg't, Deep Bottom, Va.,Jiily25, 1864." Camp Russell, near New- town, Va. Winchester, Va Camp Meigs, Md Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. M.O.roU . .. " Muster out to date October, 1865, un- der Special Order No. 36, Hd. Qrs. Dep't, Ga., and expiration of term of service." Captains : Wm. M. Shaw. Frank T. Johnson. George H. Snydam. First lieutenants : Stenhmi C. Oakley. Abraham B. Ililtman. Wm. L. Claeqiier. Boater of officers. Second lieutenants : J. E. Thornton. J. De Ponthen WilkeB. Charles Dyer. Alonzo Hitt. Aliraham B. Hiltman. 10 Compauii 7, One hundred and aixty-aecond Hegiment, Xcw York Infantry. Master roll for— Date. Station. Events. M.I.rolI Oct 31, '62 Nov. and Dec, '62.. Jan. and Feb., '63 .. Mar. and Apr., '63.. May a*nd June, '63 . Julv and Aug., '63 . Sept. an-62, by Major Thomas B. Oakley, paymaster, paid froui Oct. 18, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1862, but Paymaster Oak- ley calculated that period at, and i)aid them for, only 13 days; there is one day's pay *lue on the last muster. 1863 : Feb., present, the field .and staff of the regiment were paid by Maj. Thos. B.Oakley, P. M , from Oct. 18 to Oct. 31, but P. M. Oakley calculated that period and paid them for only 13 days ; Major Usher paid Col. Benedict for that day, but did not pay the rest of the field and staff; there is one day's pay due them on that muster. M. O. Roll of F. and S. enrolled as Qr. Master, Sept. 12, 1862 ; resigned, S. O. 55, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the Gulf, Feb. 26, '63. Albinger, John, private, Co. I; age 43; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at Brashear City, La. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; died July 8, '63, at Baton Rouge, La. Muster out roll; died in hospital. Allair, Charles, sergeant, Co. F. 1864: i^fft., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; en- rolled Sept. 26, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Regt. N. Y,, S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to order from War Dept. ; due this sol- dier .'§25, U. S. bounty; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present; haversack to be deducted from his pay 33, cts. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, present ; Aug., last paid to i, pi. 30, absent ; detached to ambulance corps, S. O. No. 100, June 18, '64 ; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, absent; prisoner of war since 12 ■Af.T.AfR , CiiARLKS — Coutinued. Oct. 10, '(U. Ir-ary. Feb., last paid to Feb. 28, '65, absent, at Camp Parole back jiay /., hist i>aid to leb. 2d, 'G5, absent, at Camp Parole prison, Annai'olis, Md. ; baik pay dm- from Apl. '30 to Dec. 31, 't)4 ; June, last paid to Feb. •Jf'. '<>.'), ali-^enf ; at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., pris. ot war; back jiay due from Apl. 30 to Dec. 31 ; Ait;/. ,\iiHt iiaid to Fel). '2t<, 'iJo; absent, discharjjed in acconlance witb telegram dated A. G. O., Washinf^ton, D. C, May 4, 'G.'); mustered out on Ind. M. O. roll at West Buildiuf^s Hospl., Baltimore, Md., May 1."), '(55; last jiaid Apl. 30, 'G4 ; bounty due §100; clothinf^ drawn .§77.37, since Nov. 13, '62; j)aid lor Jan. and Feb., l-i;."); stopped for transportation 84.10; also borne as Cliarles D. Allaire. Altmann, Cehhakdt, i»rivate, Co. K. 1^04: Feb., last jtaid to Oct. 31, 'C3, present; transferred from 174tb Kejrt. N. V. S. Vole., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '(54. Enrolled Oct. 6, 'G2, New York City. Must'd in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; deduct 2 haver- sacks, 1 canteen, 1 shelter tent, .§4.35: June, last paid to A]>r. 30, '()4, pres- ent; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '()4, absent; deserted from Berryville, Va., Auf^ust 11, '64; deduct haver., canteen, \ S. tent, 3 bugles, comp., $10.29; Oct., name not borne; Dec, s.nnie. 1865: i^f&., same; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. :50, '64, present ; tried by a G. C. M. at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 19, '(54, lor absence without leave, and sentenced to forfeit §10 from his monthly pay for the )>eriod of three months; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; tried by a G. C. M. at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 19, '(54, and sen- tenced for absence without leave to forfeit §10 from his monthly pay for the period of three months; deduct | pc. shelter-tent, §4. 90; mustered out with Co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '64 ; clothing account last settled Oct. 16, '62; due soldier $56.77; bounty due, $100; joined bv transfer from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47, H. Qt. Dept. of Gulf, Feb'y 17, '64. Anderson, Frank, pi i vato, Co. D ; age, 24 ; enrolled Sept. S, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1K52, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct. 3, de- serted from Hiker's Island Oct. 19; muster-out roll of co., deserted Oct. 19, 1862, at Hiker's Isl., N. Y Anderson, Geo. W., private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., transferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C, absent, sick ; enrolled Oct. 17, '62, at New York, mustered in Nov. 13, '62, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Dec. :>1, '63, absent, sick in New Orleans; June, same remark ; Aug., absent, transferred to the V^eteran Reserve Corps July 1, '64. Andrews, John A., i)'v't. Co. H. 1 (53: Dec, never i)aid, jiresent; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at ychenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due Irom the U. S. 18(54: Feb., never paid, jirescnt ; Ap'l, last i)aid to Feb. 29, '(54, jireseut ; Jmoc, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present ; mustered in Aug. 11, '(53, at Schenectady, for 3 years, stoppage, haversack, 31 c. ; Aug., lust pairesent ; Apl, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, coii»'l, ])resent : ./»Mr, last paid to Ap'l ."^O. '(55, ]iri'seuce or absence not stated ; ^wf/., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, i)nsent ; mustered out with co. at Savannah, (ia., Oct. 12, '65; last paid Ap'l 30, '(55; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63; clothing.dne U. S.,§1.3(); l.omity due, §100; eciuipments— ninskotand bayonet retained,. §6. Join<'d as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, 'i3; enrolled as a ])rivate; app'd corporal Mar. 9, '(55. To be de- ducted, 1 mosquito-bar, .§2. 1st Lieut. W. L. Chequer certifies that this man Joined the reg't at Now Iberia, La., Dec. 10, '(53, and that his muster-in roll been lost. Angli.m, Jamk.s, Corp., Co. A. 18(52: Oct., present, enrolled at N. Y. City; Dec, paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2.00 jjiemium due. 1863: Fei., last i)aid to Dee. 31, '(52, ])'v't. ; absent in Jail at N. O. for desertion since Feb. 12, '63; taken in eiti/en's ciothi-s on b»)ard mail steann^r. Al'llLER, L , jirivate, Co. F. l.Hi4 : Frb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(53; absent at Ship Lsl- aml; enrolled Oct. 14, '(52, at N. Yoik; mustered in Nov. 13, '(52, at R. Island, N. York, for 3 years; transferred by cons(didation from Co. F, 174 Regt ,S. O. No. 47, 11. Q. 19 A. C, imrsuant to ordi-rs from War Dept. ; due this s(»ldier §25 II. S. bounty; Apl., abst-nt at Ship Island; borne as Leonard Killer; .//(»«■. .lug., (ht.,;m(\ /><•(■., same. IStif): Feb., hhuw; Apl. and .finir, aliseni at Ship Island by sentence of G. C. M. ; Aug., absent at Ship Island; Co. M. (). roll, last paid not known; clothing last .settled Oct. 1(5, '62; bounty due . §100: tiansferred from I7J N. Y. Vols. Feb. 17, '(>4 ; ab- sent in continenii'iit at Ship Island ; sujiposed to bo mustered out by G. O. 77 ; amount of clothing dniwn, §39.07 ; no discharge having been furnished on muster out of organization. 13 Akgo, John, ])rivate, Co. G; age 36; eurolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York, and mus- tered ill Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present; Apr., same ; June, last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, wounded and in U. S. Barracks Gen'l Hospital, New Orleans, La. ; Aug., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, wounded and in St. Louis Hospital, New Orleans, La. ; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, sick at St. Louis Hospital, N. O.; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, |25.00 U. S. bounty .ind $2.00 1)1 eminm due the soldier. 1864: Feb., same; Apr.,\&st paid to Mcb. 1, '64, present; cTuwe, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present ; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, absent, on furlough by authority of Bvt. Maj. Gen'l Emory, Coniin'd'g 19 Army Corps; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct $14.22 for iran.sportation; t/^H«e, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Aug., last jiaid to Apr. 30, '65, corporal, present, appointed Aug. 1, '65, perS. O. No. 13, lid. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V. (to fill vacancy). Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing never settled; due soldier $105.15 ; bounty due $100.00 ; stop for gun and equipments $6.00. Armstrong, Cornelius, ])'v'tCo. A; 1863: i'efe., present; enrolled Jan. 21, '63, atN. O., La.; mustered in same date by Lt. Jas. McGuire for 3 y'rs; J^^r. , present ; June, not been paid since enlistment, present; Aug., last jiaid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to June 30, absent, in hosp't'l, N. O. ; Dec, bounty due, $25.00 ; absent, sick in N. O., Sept. 2 ; $2 premium due this sol- dier. 1864: Feb., last paid to June 30, absent, sick in N. O. since Sept. 2, '63; Apr. to Aug., inclusive, absent, sick in hosp't'l at N. O. since Sept. 27, '63; Ocl., absent, dropped as deserter from hosp't'l Sept. 5, '64 ; stoppage 1 S. tent, $4.60; muster-out roll of Co., joined from rec't'g depot Jan'y 23, '63. Arthmann, Edward, private Co. I; age 40 ; enrolled Sept. 17, 1862, at New York City; niusrered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 year.s. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1803: Fel). to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to July 1, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, sick at U. S. Barracks Hospital, N. O. ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick in hospital, N. O. 1864 : Feb., dis- charged from General Hospital Jan. 29, '64. A NOLD, John, private Co. C. '1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent ; due $25.00 U. S. bounty ; transferred from 174N. Y. V., S. O, 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 'o4 ; det. service, Bat'y G, 5 U. S. Art'y, S. 0. 35, Ist Brig., 1st Div., Dec. 14, W^; enrolled Oct. 22, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; April, absent, detached to Battery G, 5th U. S. Art'y, 8. O. 35,l8t Brig., 1st Div. ; borne as John Arnott ; Juue, absent, de- tached to Battery G, 5 U. S. Art'y, S. 0.35, 1st Brig., 1st Div., 19 A. C. ; Aug., last paid toAp'130, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, pres- ent; Dec, last paid Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid Dec; 31, '64, present; April, last paid Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct knapsack, $3.10; haversack, 65c.; canteen, 55c.; $4.40; Juue, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, 'G5, corporal, present; api)ointed corp'l Aug. Ist, 1865,-S. O. No. 13, H. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. ; mustered out with company at Savannah, Ga., October 12, 18G5, corporal; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 22, '62 ; due soldier for clothing, $27.54; bounty due, $100 ; arms and equipments retained, $6.00. AIjGUSTINF. August, private Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, "63, abnent ; transferre.l from 174 Eeg't N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Dep't of G'lf; eniolled a private Oct. 4, ld62, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; died of chronic diarrhoea, M'ch 2, '64, New Orleans, La. ; nnister-out roll of co., died M'ch 2, '64, of chronic diarrba?,a at U. S. Gen'l Hosp't'l, Brashear Citv ; joined by consolidation from 174 N. Y. V. Feb. 17, '64, S. O. No. 47, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of Gulf AXT, Theodore, private, Co. K. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 3), '63, present ; trans- ferred from 174th Reg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; eurolled Oct. 22, '62, New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jun., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent ; deserted from New Orleans July 7, '64 ; deduct Enfield rifle and accoutrements comp'l, $20.63 ; deduct haver., canteen, ^ S. tent, $2.79 ; Oc^., name not borne ; Z>ec.,same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64; absent; sick in geu'l hosp., Washington, D. C. ; Apr. same; Jun., same; Aug., same; muster-out roll of co.; last paid Dec. 31, '64; clothing account last settled Oct. 22, '62; bounty due, $100; has drawn clothing to the amount of $65.10; no discharge furnished at muster-out of organization ; supposed to have been mustered out of service. 14 Baars, Johv it., private Co. F. IBGS: Jpl, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent ; enrolled Sept. '.\0, '(V2, at New York: iiiiistcnMl in Oct. 1"^, '(\'2, at Riker's Island, for 'A y'r.s; tranhferre.l from Co. '"H" by consolidation M'rii 1, '(>:?; detached to jiioncer corps, 'M Div., IDA. ('.; June, last i»aid to Dec. 31, '(52, absent de- tached service, pioneer corps :{ Div.; Aug., absent detached service, pioneer corps 3rd Div.; 0'7..sanu'; /Jcc, same. 1H()4: i-'eft., absent detached service, ])ii)neer corps 3rd Div,; due this soldier S'i5 U. S. iionuty; Ap'l, absent, de- tached to pioneer corps 3rd Div.; June, same; Aug., same; Oct., deserted from , to Nov., 13, '62, as 2d It. Co. B., 174 N. Y. V. ; June, last paid to Ai)r. 30; absent, discharged, pay due as 1st it. from Ajir. 30 lo June 26, '64; back pay due from Oct, 18 to Nov, 13, '62; mustered out to accept connnission as adj, June 26, '64, Muster-out roll, discharged June 25, 1864. Babcock, Jou.x B., adjutant. Ia64: June, last i)aid to Ai)r. 30, 1864; jiresent; back pay due as 2nd lieut., Co. B, 174th N. Y, V,, from Oct, 8 to Nov, 13, 1862; date of commission or regtl. appointment, Apr. 9, 1864; mustered in .June 26, '64, at Moriianzia; Ami., last jwiid to Apr. 30, '61; present; hack i)av due as 2nd It., Co.' B, 174rh N'. Y, Vols., from Oct, 8 to Nov. 13, 1862: Oct'., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864; present; Dec, l.ast ))aid to Aug. 31, '64; discharged; promoted to Capt, Co, K; mustered as such by Capt, Fitts, Dec, 9, 1864, 1865: Feby., last paid to Feby, 28, '65; major; present; promoted from capt,, Co, K; date of commission or regtl, ai)pointnicnt, Dec, 2, 1864; mus- tered in .lauy, 1, '(55, at Camp Sheridan, Va, ; Apr., last paid to Feby. 2"<, '65, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, absent, detached as A. A, A, G. at Hd. Qrs., Ditt. Savannah, Ga.; A'1 30, pnvsent; haversack to be deducted fnmi his pay, 44 cts.; Aug., last paid to Aji'l 30, '(54, present; Oct., panl to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same, 18(55: Feb., last paid Dec, 31, '(54, present; Ap'l, same; June, last l)ai«l Dec, 31, '61; deserted at camp, near Fort Meigs, Md., June 25, 18(55, Co, muster-out roll, transferred from 174 N, Y, V,,S, 0.,47, li> A. C, Feb, 17, '(54 ; deserted from Washington, D, C, June 9, '(55; borne iw Frederick Itartliofl"., Mknry, private, Co, C; age 28; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 18(52, at New York, for 3 years. lHt;2: Oc/., present ; Dec, last i»aid lo Nov. 1, '62, i)resent; entitled for two dollars who has eu- list«'d after June 21st, '(52; borne «ui this roll as Henry Haggensotz, 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, absent; transfern-d to the 1st Louisiami Cavalry by or- der of Col, Benedict; .////, absent, La, Cavalry Keg't on detached service; June, last paid to Dec, 31, absent, on detached service; .-1«<7., absent, 1st La, Cavalry Keg't, detached ; Oct., absent, 1st La, Cavalry on detached serv- ice Feb, 6, '63; Dec, absent; detached service 1st La, Cav, Regt, Feb, 6, 15 Baggbnstosy, Henry— Continued. '63. 1864 : Feb., absent ; due $25 U. S. bounty ; det. to Ist La. Cav. Feb. 6, '63; Jp'/, absent; detached to Ist La. Cav'y; June, absent; detached to 1st La. Cav. Feb. 6, '63; Aug., absent; same; Oct., absent; same; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present ; to be deducted, 1 cartridge-box belt, 55c. ; total, 55c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct i shelter tent, $4.90; Jp'/, same ; June, last paid Ap'l 30, '65, present : Aug., same. Mus- tered out with company at Savannah, Ga., October Tith, 1865; clothing last settled Sept. 16, '62; due soldier for clothing, |64. 46; bounty due, $100; last paid to April 30, '65. Bagley, Shileuns, private Co. F. 1>64; Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; absent at Ship Island; enrolled Oct., 21, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at R. Island, N. York, for 3 y'rs; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Reg't, S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; Apl., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; absent at Ship Island ; June, same ; Aug. to Feb'y, '65, inclusive, same ; Ajil., absent at Ship Island by sent. G. C. M. ; June, aume; Aug., absent at Ship Island ; Co. muster-out roll ; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864 ; absent in confinement at Ship Island ; supposed to be mus- tered out by G. O. 77; no discharge having been furnished upon the mus- ter-oilt of organization ; amount of clothing drawn, $123.61 ; clothing last settled Oct. 22, '62 ; bounty due, $100 ; borne as Shileus Begley. Bagly, James, musician, Co. D. ; age 18; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1»62, at New York, for 3 years; 1862: Oct., present; Dec, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent; sick, New Orleans, La. ; Jtme, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent; sick at New Orleans, La.; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; deduct for drum complete, $5.60; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with Co. drummer, Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Gu . ; clothing last settled Sept. 11, '62; due soldier, $58.44 ; bounty due $100. Bails, Frederick, private, Co. K. ; age 35 ; enrolled Sept. 24, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec , last paid Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paul to Dec. 31, present; Ajjr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, left sick at Baton Rouge; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, sick in hospital at Baton Rouge ; Oct., last paid to Aug._31. Same; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, corporal, present; entitled to the $25.00 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, bounty due $25, private, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, deduct i shelter tent, $1.63 ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, trans- ferred to U. S. Navy, Field Oraer No. 35, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the Gulf, May 4, '64; to be deducted: haversack, canteen, i shelter tent, $2.40. Muster- out roll of CO. transferred to U. S. Navy. Field Order 35, H. Qt. Dept. of Gulf, .July 9, '64. Baines, Richard, private Co. G ; age, 26 ; enrolled Sept. 18, 1862, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 18,1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Oct. 25, '62 ; muster-out roll of co., deserted Oct. 26, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. Bakeb, Frank A., pvt., Co. H; 1865: April, absent; enrolled March 7, '65, at New York City ; mustered in Mar. 7, '65, for 3 yrs.; deserted at Winchester Apr. 10, '65; to be deducted muskets and equipments $21.25, i s. t. $4.90, hav'k .90=27.05; M. O. roll of Co.; joined as recruit from recruiting rend'z. Mar. 31, '65. Baker, John T., mus'n Co. A. ; age 16 ; enrolled Sept. 12, '62, at N. Y. City, mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. Y. for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2 premium due. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, drummer, present ; Apr., present ; June present, borne as James T. Baker ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, jiresent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, bounty due $2.5, present, $2 premium due this soldier. 1864 : Feb., absent, transf d to Co. I, S. O., 162 regt. Muster-out roll of Co. Transf'd to Co. I by order of Lt. Col. Blanchard, com'dg regt., Jan'y 16, 1864. Baker, John T., drummer, Co. I. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, trans- ferred from Co. A, Jan. 17, '64, by orders ; 162 N. Y. Vols., enrolled Sept. 12, '62, at New York, mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., 16 Baker, John T. — Continued. last piiid to Feb. *2y, '64, present; June to Aug., inclnsive, last paid to Apr. :?0, V)4, jiresent ; Oct. to Dec, inclnsive, last paid to Aufj. 31, present. 1865 : Ftb., last ])aid to Dec. :}1, '64, absent with leave on furlough, deduct §4.1'2, for transportation and $4.12 transportation, total $8.22 an«l $6 = $14.22; Apr., last i»aid to Dec. 31, '64, present, deduct §14.22 transjiortalion, one head batter, one head snare, and 3 set snares; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present, deduct one set snares and head batter: Aug., noton tile; mustered out with CO., Oct. 12, '65. at Sarannah, Ga., last paid to Ai)r. 30, '65, cloth- ing never settled, clothing due soldier $41.22, bounty due $100. Baker, Joskpii A., sergeant, Co. B; age 28; enrolled Aug. 30, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; $2 premium due, G. 0. 162, Oct 21, 1862. 18t)3: /'eft' I/, last pait. Due this soldier $25 LI. S. bounty; Apl., last paid June 30, absent, sick; June, same; Auo., last paiil to .Tune 30, '()3, present; Oil., last ]»aid to June lU), absent; to be deducted from his pay for transportation, $1.00; Dec, last paid to June 311, present; to be deducted from his pay for transportation, $1.00. 1«65: /•'eft., last paid Dec. 31, present; Apl., same; June, last i)ailantation, La., July 13,1863. Due soldier for clothing, $7(;.85. Ball, Jamks, corporal, C'o. H. ; age 28; enrolled Sept. 8 '62, at New York City, mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled ti» $2 premium. I8t)3: /VJ».,last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, ])re.sent; .Tun<', present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '()3, jtre.sent; Oct., last )iaid to Aug. 31, j>resent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, jiresent; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 18()4: Feb., last i>aid Oct. 31, sergeant, jjre.sent ; $25 II. S. l)ounty due the soldier; April, last paid to Feb. 20; killed in action April 9, 1"'64. Muster-out roll of company : promoted to sergeant .Ian. 1, '()4 ; killed in action at Pleasant Hills, La., Ajtril 9, '64, whilst bearing the colors of regt. BanDOW, Joski'H, jtvt. Co. A. Miisti-r-ont roll of Co. lace for :{ yrs.; Joined trom reeruiting depot Jan. 27, '63; deserted at N. O., ja.. Fob. 1, '63. Name not borue on prior rolls of Co. 17 Bakman, John, bugler Co. F. 1862: Dec, last paid Oct. 31, '62; present; enrolled Sei)t. 5, l«6-i, at New York; mustered in Sept. 6, '62, at New York for 3 y'rs, transferred from Co. C Nov. 15, lb62; entitled to two dollars by act of June 21, '62. 186:5: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; absent as Charles Bau- nianu; on detached service in the 1st La. Cav. the 9th Feb., 1863; Apl.^ last paid to Dec. 31, '62; private, absent; oa detached service in 1st La. Cav. since Feb. 5, '63; Jane, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; detached service Ist La. Cav.; Aiuj., absent; detached service 1st La. Cav.; Oct., same; Dec, same. 1864: FeWij, bugler, absent; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; detached service 1st La. Cav.; Apl., private; absent; detached to 1st La. Cavalry ; J«»ie, same ; J«^., same; Oc^, same; /Jec.,8ame. 1865: Feb.. deserted while detached to 1st La. Cav., Sept. li), 1864. Muster-out roll of company: private; transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, h'd'q'rs Dep't of Gulf, Feb. 20, ^i6'^; deserted from New Orleans, La., Sept. 25, '64. Barbei:, Charles O., private, Co. B; age 27 ; enrolled Sept. 22, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: (>c^., present ; , Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; absent, deserted at Alexandria Nov. 16, 1862. 1863 : FeVy, name not borne ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, absent ; detailed as nurse in hospital at Alexandria, Va. ; Jane aixA. Aug., absent, same re- mark; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, absent, detacbed as nurse in hospital at Alexandria, Va.; Dec, absent, detailed as nurse in hospital at Alex., Va. , §25 U. S. bounty and .|2 premium due soldier. 1864 : FeVy to A ng., last paid To Dtc. 31 ; absent, det'd as nurse in hospital at Alex., Va., Nov. 17, 1862; Oct., absent, deserted; dropped from rolls Sept. 2, '64. Bakck, Fked'k, private, Co. F. 1863: Apl, last paid Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation Mar. 1, '63; Jtuie, last paid Dec. 31, '62, present; Au(j., last paid June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 (J. S. bounty due the soldier and %l premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; ^p'Z to i^'f&'.i/, '65, inclu- sive, last paid to Feb'y 29, absent ; wounded at the battle of Pleasant Ridge Ap'l 9, '64; ApU; last paid to Feb. 29, absent; wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864; prisoner of war; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent ; ■wouuded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, '64; Aug., same. Muster-out roll of CO. : Transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, H'd Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; supposed to be mustered out by G. O. 94; no discharge furnished on uinster-out of organization; amount of clothing drawn, $92.39; clothing last settled Sept. 15, '64; bounty due, $100; last paid Feb'y 29, '64. Bark, Fred, pvr., Co. II; age 35; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62. at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present as Frederick Barck; Dec, last paid to October 31, '6i, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Fel)., last paid to Dec. 31, '6'^, present. M. O. roll of Co. : transferred to Co. F, S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, h^.i. Barlke, Rudolf, Corp.. Co. 11; at^e, 38; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at X. York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., deserted at Riker's Island; Dec. deserted at Riker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 21, '62. M. O. roll of Co. : deserted, Oct. 23, '62. Barnes, George, private. Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent, trans- ferred from 174 Regt. N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C, Dept. of Gnif, sick in hosp't'l at B. Rouge, La., since Sept. 2, '63. Enrolled Nov. 17, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, pre.sent; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, deserted at Baton Rouge, La., July 4, '64; due Gov't for 1 Austrian rifle, complete, and equipments, complete, $16.35, also for loss of 1 canteen, 1 haversack, + shelter tent, $2.71; total, $19.06. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted July 4, '64, at Baton Rouge, La. ; borne as George B. Burns. Barr, John D., corporal, Co. I; age 30; enrolled Aug. 30, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, "62, at New York, for 3 vears. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb'y. last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, same; June, last paid same, absent, in hospital at Baton Rouge, La.; Aug., last paid same; discharged ou surgeon's certiticate of disability Aug. i;2d, '63. Barrett, John. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private; age 42; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out. Not borne on snbseqnent rolls. Barton, Franklin, jtrivate. Co. G; age 18; enrolled Sept. 15, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, ar^New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Ocl., drummer, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 117S9 2 18 BaHiON, FiJAXKi.iN— C'oiitiimod. 1"<()3: Fib., i>aiil to Jan. 1, UVA, nuisiciaii, pn'sent: ./;»•., same ; June, last paid to Jan. 1, '6li ; ab.seut, sick in ;^eneral hospital, Butuu Kouge, La. ; -litg., last paid to May 1, '03; '.i. MnsttT-diit roll of CO. : died of "chronic diarrhea." Barton, Richard, pvt. Co. A ; aj^e '2^ ; enrolled Sept. 10, \\2, at X. Y. City ; mustered in (Jet. IS. '()•>, at N. Y. for :? vrs. If^tVJ : Oct., ])r«'Rent : 7>ff., last i)aid to Oct. 81, '()"2 ; absent without leave. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at N. O., La., Jau. 1, '63. Barton, Rohkrt h\, private, Co. 1. 1,%4 : Fih., absent, under arrest at Ship Island ; transferred from Co. 1, 174 N. Y. Vols. Feb. 17, lfHi4, per S. O. 47, Hdrirs. l'.>th A. C. : enrolled Oct. 2>d, IHU'J, at New York : mustered in Nov. 13. '62, at N. Y., for3ycar8 ; April, ab.sent in confinemeiiton Ship Island : ./H»/eand Aug., same: 0?>'// and J/^n7, name not borne ; June, absent; conlinement 5 years; previ(uisly dropped by error ; Au;/., not oa lile. Muster-out roll of co. : uo discharge jjiven at muster out of orgaui- zation. Basmmanx, Jon.v. i)rivate, Co. C ; age 30 ; enrolled Sept. 16, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14. '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1^62: Ot•^, deserted in Baltimore, (.)ct, 26. '()2: borne as John Bachman. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Hiker Island Oct. 18, '62. BATCHELOfi, Hkxky, musician, Co. E. 1864 : Feb., present; .$25 U. S. bounty due sol- dier; eiirolletl N. Y'ork City ; mustered in Oct. 18, N. Y., for 3 years ; April, last paid Feb. 29, prestnit ; enrolled Sept. 12; .fuiie, last paid to April 30, '64, present ; Autf., present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64 ; drummer, present ; $2.30 to be deducted for i shelter tent; Dec, musician, present. 1865 : Feb.. last jiaid to Dec. 31, '64; drummer, present ; rec'd transportation while on furlough, at the cost of $11.22; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; musician j)re8ent; due U. S. for transportation, §11.22; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present ; Aug., last paid to April .30, '65, present. Mustered out with co., a musician, Oct. 12, '65. at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid April 30, '()5 ; clothing last settled Sept. 19, '62; «lue U. S., S7.44; bounty due, §100; joined by transfer from Co. F., Kegt. N. Y. V., Feb. 8, 1863. Batciielok, Hkxry, drnmmer, Co. F. 1863: Jjp'/, last ])aid to Doc. 31, '62, present; euroUed Sept. 23, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Hiker's for 3 years; transferreil from Co. li by consolidation March 1, "63; Ji/zie, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; .1h//., last paid to June 30, '63, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present ; />ec., last i>aid to Oct. 31, "63, present; S25 U. S. bonnty due the soldier and $2 jiremium; 1864: fV/)., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, i»rivate; transferred to Co. B. Feb. 9, 18()4. Muster-out roll of companv: drummer; transferred from Co. II, Feb. 9, 1863; transferred to Co. E, Feb. 8, 1864. Batchlor, Hknrv, drummer, Co. H; age 16; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at N. Y. City; iniistered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., pre.sent, borne as Henry Batchelor; Dec, last itaid to Oct. 31, '62, ])re.seut ; sick in camp hospital; entitled to §2.00 premium. 1863: /-'(ft., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present. M. O. roll of co. : transferred to Co. F, S. O. 51, Ex. 1, H'd Q'rs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb'y 20, '63. Bate8, Alexander. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York. Oct. 18, '62: private; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York, for 3 years: name lined out. Not borne on subsei|uent rolls. BATE.S, William, i)rivate, Co. K; age, 22; enrolled Sept. 30, 1>^62, at New York, aud mustered in Oct. 18, 18(52, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last ]iaid to Oct. 31, ab.sent, left at general in Washington, D. C. 1863: Feb., last ])ai(l to Dec. '.51; absent, left sick in Washington hos- pital, D. C, Nov. 1, '62; Apr, name not borne; Juuv. discharged on sur- geon's certilicnto at WashingtfMi. I). C, Nov. ;:0, '62. Muster-out roll of co. : dischargeil for disability at Washington, D. C, Nov.30, '(i2. HaUMANN, John, jirivate, Co. C.;' age, 31; enrolled Sept. 6, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, sick in New York, Oct. 19, '62; borne as,Jt>hn Bauman. Muster-out roll of co. : de- serteil from (Jftin[) M.insliebl, La., I'eb. 9, 't)3. Bayli:s, Frederick, chief musician. 1862: Oct., jiresent, enrolled Seiit. 24, at New York, for 3 years. M. O. roll of F. andS., dated Oct. 12, 1865, Savannah, (fa. ; name not borne. Beak, John, i>rivate, Co. C ; ago . 1864: /cfc., ab.sent. sick, New Orleans. Due $25.00 U. S. bounty ; transferred from 174, N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Fob. 17, '64 ; eurolledOct. 14, '62, at New York; mustered iu Nov. 13, '62, at 19 Beak, John — Continued. New York, for 3 years ; Apr., lunt paia to Feb. 29, '64 ; present, 1 haversack, 1 caateeu, 77c : June, last paia to Apl. 30, '64, present ; Aug., same; Oct., last paiil to Aug. 31, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack 49c, 1 canteen 44c, 93 cts. ; Dec, last paid to Auuj. 31, '64, present ; to be deducted ^ shel- ter tent $-2.3U, 1 haversack 67c ; total |:r. 30, private, present, reduced to ranks from drum corps by S. O., Col. Blauchard, June 4, '64; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, musician, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, stoppage, one drum, $5.60, half shelter tent, $2.30, total, $7.90; Dec, present, stop, 1 shelter tent, $4.60, extra clothing, $5.00. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pre.sent, stoppage, drum-heads (two), $1.50; Apr., present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '6.5, present; Aug., drum- mer, present, stoppage, 1 drum-head batter, 2 drum-heads, snare. Mus- tered out with CO. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga., last paid to Apr. 30, '65 ; clothing ac. last settled M'ch 1, '65 ; due U. S., $5.84 ; bounty due, $100.00. Beaver, Albert, corporal, Co. I; age 19; enrolled Sept. 9, 1>^62, at NeV York City; mustered iu Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, '62, present. 1^63: Feb'y, last paid Dec. 31, '62, private, present; April and June, last paid same, present; Aug., last paid same, absent, missing in action July 2d, '03, at Springtield Landing, La. ; Oct. and Dec, name not borne. 1864: Fe¥y and Ajtril, name not borne ; June, last paid to Fei)'y 29, '64, corporal, present; wants pay from Dec. 31, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1863, having been during that period in the hands of the enemy, but has rec'd pay from Dec. 31st, 1863, to Feb'y 29, 1864; appomted cor- poral June 20, '64, borne as Alfred Beaver; Aug., last paid same, sergeant, present; appointed sergeant Aug. 1, 1H64, remark as to pay same, deduct half shelter tent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; deduct 1 haversack, 67c.; Z)ec., last paid same, present; deduct canteen, 45c. 1865: Feb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, present; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savan- nah, Ga. ; bounty due, $100 ; clothing never settled ; due soldier, $3.18. Beck, Lewis L., private, Co. B; age 18; enrolled Aug. 30, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, present; April and June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb'y, last paid Oct. 31, present; Ajiril, last paid to Feb'y 29, corpl., pres- ent; June, last paid to April 30, present; haversack 49c., ^shelter tent $1-1^,,^; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, {present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; color-guard; stoppage, haversack 67c.; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage, i shelter tent $2.30. 1865: Feb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; stoppage, 1 canteen 65, 1 haversack 95— $1.60; April, same; June, present; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '6 J, present. Mustered out with co., corp'l, Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; clothing last settled Aug. 30, '62; due soldier $72.21; bounty due, $100; appointed corp'l Apr. 9, '64. Becker, Henry, cori)oral, Co. G. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, 1863, present; transferred from Co. G, 174th Regt. N. Y.S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A.C., Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 13, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, 20 Becker, IIenhy — Continued. at New York City, for :? years: J/)r. , last paid to Mar. 1,'64, alisent. hospi- tal at New Orh'ans; womiy consolidation M'ch 1, '6:5; June, last paid Dec. 31, '6)2; absent; in gen'l hosp'lJuiie iHth ; xiug., absent; in gen'l hosp'l .June 18th, 1863; Oct., died in general hospital at N. Orleans, La., Sept. 2.'), '63; borne as John Behreni?. I\Inster-out roll of comi)anv: transferred from Co. H., S. O. .M, H'd Q'rs Dep't of Gulf, Feb. 20th, 18613 ; died at gen'l hospital, Baton Rouge, La., July 17, lt()3. BeihRER, Mattiikw, j)rivate Co. K ; age 3t» ; enrolled Sejtt. 10, 1S62, at New York, and ninsieied in Oct. 18, 1862, atNew York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present ; y^fc, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1803: Feb.^ last paid to Dec. 31, present; Jpr, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, same; Aiif)., last paid to Apr. 30, '63, absent, sick in hospital at Batou Rouge ; (ivt., last paid to Aug. 31, i)rcsent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, pres- ent, entitled to the $i2;j.00 U. S. bounty and ■^•2.00 premium. 1864 : Ftb., last l)ai5 II. S. bounty due the .soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: /'e6., last ]>aid to Oct. 31, '(i3, ]»re8ent ; duo this soldier, ?25 U. S. bounty ; ApL, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, absent; Jane, same ; Aug., last i>aid to Oct. 31, '63, absent, sick at New Orleans; Oo*., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63 ; dejierted ; canteen, haversack, and shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay; $3.42; deserted fmm gen'l hospital. Muster out roll of com- pany : tranisferred irom 53d N. Y. Vols., Sept., 18G2 ; transferred to V. R. Corps, S. 0..56, 19 A. C, March 1, 1864. BeiniiaUEB, W I LLi-iAM, corporal Co. F; age 27; enrolled June 5, '62, N. Y. City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., i)rivate, deserted Otii Se])t., S13 advance jtaid; Dec, not borne. 1863: />/>., pres- ent; received oTily Sl3 in advance; Ap'l, present; returned from desertion Feb. 1.5, '63; June, present; Aug., absent in gen'l hosp'l July 14, "63; Oct., same; Dec, last paid Oct. 31." '63. present; S'i5 U. S. bounty due the soldier and 82 iiremium. 1864: Feb., last paid Oct. 31. '63, i>resent, due this soldier S'i5 U. S. bounty; ./;)'/, last paid Oct. 31, '63, absent; June, last paid Ap'l, 30, present; Aug., last paid April 30, deserted from Berry- ville Aug. 12th, ]H64; musket and equipments, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from bis ]i.iy, .825.34. Muster-out roil of com- liany : transferred from .534. Bell, William, yvt. Co. A ; enndled at N. Y. City ; mustered in Oct. 18, 'G2, at N, Y. for3yrs. 18(52: Oc/., present ; 7^., last paid to Jan., 1, '63, present ; Api:, same: June, last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, detached on extra duty in Brigade Qr. Mr. Dept.; Aug., last paid to July 1,'63, absent, on extra duty in Regt. Q. M. Dept. ; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present, on extra duty in Q. M. Dept. : Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, on daily duty in Qr. Mr. Dept., $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864 : Feb., same ; Apr., last paid to Nov! 1,'63, absent, on detached service in Qr. Mrs. Dept., 3d brigade, 1st Division ; June, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present ; Aug., last p;iid to Mch. 1, '64, present, on daily duty in Regtl. Q. M. Dept. ; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, same remark; ^ Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, present, on detached service per S. O. No. 6, Hd. Qrs., 3d brigade, 1st Division, lUth Corps, Jauy. 9, '65; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, appointed regtl. commissary sergeant, per S. O. 32, Hd, Qrs., 162 N. Y. V., Apr. 6, '65, to date, Mch. 2, '65. Bellinger, Jei^iel, comsy. sergt. l!r*65: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; bounty due, $100, present; promoted from private. Co. G, Mar. 2, 1865; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at Riker's Island, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65; bounty due, $100, present; Aug., same. Mustered out withF. and S., Oct. 12, 1 86.5, at Savannah. Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 4, '62 ; due soldier, |100.60 ; bounty due, $100. Benedict, Lewis, colonel; age, 45; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York; mustered ia Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. or war. 1862: Oct.,- present; com- missioned Sept. 9, 1862, and ordered by Gov. Morgan to Riker's Island to organize a regiment; remained there until mustered into the service of the United States ; X>cc., present, * * * commissioned Sept. 9, 1862, by Gov. Morgan, of New York, and ordered by him to superintend the formation, assembling, and command of the cos. of this regt. at the general ren- dezvous; claims, as due him, pay from date of commission to Oct. 18, '62; * * * last paid Nov. 9, '62, by Major Thos. B. Oakley, paymaster ; paid from Oct. 18, '62, to Oct. 31, '62, but Paymaster Oakley calculated that period at, and paid * * * for ouly,"l3 days; there is one day's pay due on last muster. 1863: Fe6., present; * * * Major Usher paid Col. Benedict for that day (Oct.), sick in quarters on muster day ; Apr., last paid to Mar. 31, '63, absent on sick leave ; * * * June, last paid to Mar. 31, '63, absent; comdg. 2nd Brig., 2ud Div., 19 A. C. * * * Aug., absent; comdg. 1st Brig., 3rd Div., 19 A. C; * * * Oc*,, last paid not known; absent, comdg. Ist Brig., 3rd Div., 19 A. C; Dec, same remark, I8d4; i^e/*., absent, detached service, comdg. 3rd Brig., 1st Div.; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '63; killed at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, 1864. M. O. roll of F. S. : killed in action, Apr. 9, 1864, at Pleasant Hill, La., while in commaniof 3d Brig., Ist Div., 19 A. C. Beningeu, GusTAV, private, Co. F. 1863: Jj»-., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present; en- rolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18th, '62, at Rikers Island for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation, March 1, '63; June, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862 ; absent; in gen'l hosp'l May 27th ; Aug., wounded 27th May, 1863; died June 19, '63; borne as Gustar Berringer. Muster-out roll of company: transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, H'd Q'rs Dep't of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863; died at gen'l hosp'l, New Orleans, La., June 16, 1863. Bennet, John, private, Co. F. 1362: Oct., present; enrolled Sept. 29 at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 6, '62, ac New York City, for 3 years ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to tsvo dollars under act of June 21st, 1862. Muster-out roll of company: transferred to Co. I. Bennett, John. Muster-in roll of Co. I, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862, private; age 44; enrolled Sept. 29, 186i, at New York City, for 3 years; name, age, and day of month lined out. 1862: OcZ. and Dec.,' name not burue. l'i>&i: FeVy, 22 Eexxett, John— Continued. last paid Dec. M, 'G2. corporal, present, enrolled Sept. 'I7th, 18f)2, mustered iu Oct. 18, IMW, at Hiker's Island, N. Y. ; April and June, last paid same, present ; J«f/., last paid to April 30, '63; died Aii<;ust 3, ld»i3, of convulsions, in camp near Port Hudson, La.. Muster-out roll ofco. : died at Camp Nick- erson, La. :'d from Co. F, lO'i N. Y. Vols. BENNlxr,, John M., j)rivate, Co. C ; ajje 3(5; enrolled Sept. 13, I8r)2, at New York, and mustered inOct. 14, lH62,atNevv York, forSyears. 186-i: Oc/., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '^V^, present; entitled for two dollars who hiis euli8te, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 3it, '65, present; deduct 1 cone, 12c. Mustered out with company at Sa- vannah, Ga., October 12, '(53 ; clothing last settled Sept. 13. '62 ; due soldier. §117.13; bounty due, §100. Bekdun, Hkinijkh, private, Co. F; ago, 26 ; enrolled, July 29, '62, at New York City ; mustered in August 22, '(i2, at New York, for 3 years. 18(52 : Oct.. present, §13 advance paid ; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '(52, present, entitled to two dollars underact of June 21, 18(52; borne as Heinrich Uerdux. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, jiresent; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '(52, ])reseut; June, last jiaid to Dec. 31, '(52, absent, in gen'l hos}i'l. May 5th; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, ))resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct 31, '63, present: §2').00 U. S. bounty due the soldier and §2 jjremium. 1661: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(53, present, due this soldier §25 U. S. bounty; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, woumled at the battle of Pleasaut Kidge, Apl. 9th, 1864; June, sanu;; Aug., same; Oct., same; Dec, same. 18(55: Feb., last paid to Feb. 29, '(54, absent, wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill, A|)l. 9th, 1H(>4; .//>/., lastiiaid to Feb. 29, absent, wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864, prisoner of war; June, last paid to Feb. 29. '64. absent, wounded at Pleasant Hill, Aj)!. 9th, 1864; Au(j., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, wounded at Pleasaut Hill, La., April 9, 18(54. Mustered out on lud. M. O. roll, as Henry Henlox. at N. Y. City, July 8, 186.5, under telegram W. D., A. (J. O., Mayl2, '65; last ])aid to Fob. 29, '64; prisoner of war, Apl. 9, '()4, to May 27, '65; entitled to 3 mouths' extra ii.iy; no clothing-^ ^.. Mus- ter-out roll ofeomi»auy : transferred from .5:5(1 N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862 ; amount of clothing drawn, §(•(!. 10; bmne as Henry Burden. Berg, Andkka.s, i)rivate, Co. I ; age 34; enrolled Sept. 10, '(i2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. Irt, '(52, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct , present; J>ec., last paid Oct. 31, '(52, present : borne as .\ndreas Berigh. 18(53: Feb;/., last ]>aid, Dec. 31, '(52, present; April, last jiaid same, absent in hospital at Brashear City, La. ; June, last ])aid same, absent in hosp'l at N. Or- leans, La. ; Aug., jtaid. Name aliscnt sick in hosjiital at Xi-w Orleans, La.; Oct., last i>ai(l Sept. 1,'63; absent sick at L. S. barracks hosp'l, N. O. ; Dec, last paid to (Jet. 31, al)sentsiek in hosji'l, N. O. 1861 : Fehi/., absent sick in New Orleans, deduct cross-belt and plate; April, absent sick in New Or- leans; to Dec. 31, same. H()5: Feb'./., transferred to Vet. Kes. Corps. Bkkgen, William, jtrivate, Co. B; .age, 32; enrolled Sejit. 2, '(52, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '(54, at IS'e« York, for 3 years. lH(i2: Oct., present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, present, §2 preimuiii'due, (J. O. 1(52, Oct. 21, '62. 18(53: Feb. to June, inclusive', last paid to Dec. 31, jiresent; Aug., last jiaid to Aj»l. 30, present; Oct., last i>aid to Aug. 31 absent in hosjiital. New (Orleans, Ixtrne on this roll as William Bergan ; Dec, absent in University Hosjiital, New Orleans; .§25 U. S. bounty and §2 jiremium due this soldier. 18G4 : Ftb., discharge/»., absent, sick in hospital at New Or- leans; transferred from 174 li'nt. X. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17. '64; enrolled Oct. 5, 'tl-J, jit New V(uk. and mnstereay due from Sept. '-.'1, 'G2, to Oct. I"', '•■•i, heiii;^ then in coniinaiid of le^^t., ami doiii;^ duty at Kiker's Island, N. Y.; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '(i4 ; colonel, ]>:<'S('nt, conidg. rogt., back i»ay ilue as It. col. from Sept. 21, 't)2, to Oct. 16, Irttj'i. baviny joined lor duty at tltat time, date of commission or regtl. appointment, Apr. H, '64 ; mustered in June l". '()4, at Morj^anzia, La.; Jug., last paid toApr.30, 'tJ4, ineseiit, coimij^. re;rt., back jiay due as It. col., from Sept. 21, '62, to Oct. 1^, '(i2, bavinji joined for duty at tbat time ; Oct., last paid to Any. 31, '64, )iresent, coaid'j^ re;rt. ; Dec, same. 1-^65: I'eh., last paid to Feb. 28, '65 ; same remark; Jpr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, 'G.'j, present, ootnd'g regt. , Jiiij., last paid, Apr. 3u, '»>'), absent, det. service, 8. O. No. •<, lid. Qrs. Diat. iSavannali. July 22. '6.'). Mustered out with F. and S. Oct. 12, 'Go, at Savau- nail. (Ja., last jiaid toAiir. 30, '(i'l. Bleist::ix. Anton, private. Co. C. 1863: Jji'l, present; enrolled Fcb'y 24, 1863, at Kew Orleans; Juiir, corp'l, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63; pres- ent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63; present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; present; g>2.5.00 \J. S. bounty due the soldier, and S2 premium ; mustered in Feb. 24, '63, at New Orleansfor 3 years. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; jiiesent ; due .S2.").00 U. S. bounty; Jp'l, last paid to Feb. 2U, '64 ; present; •June, last paid to A])'l 30, '64; pies{;ut; Aug., same; Oct., last jiaid to Aug. 31. '64; present; to be deducted. 1 shelter tent, S'1.60, 1 haversack, 49c., 1 canteen, 44c. — §.').r)3; Dec, last ])aid to Au^. 31, '64; private, present ; to be deducted, 1 musket and set equipments; total, §21.06. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; present ; deduct 4 shelter tent, S4.90 ; Ap'l, same ; June, last jiaid to Ap'l 30, '65; present; borne as Anton IJlastein ; Aug., last paid To Ap'l 30, '65. ])resent. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65. at Savannah, Oa. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; elothing last settled Feb. 24, 'G3; due sol- «lier 6ii4.33 ; bonnty due, .$1(10; joined by enlistment Feb. 24, '63; appointed cori)'l June 16. 'iV.i': reduced Dec .1, '(".4.' BLrs.-iNG, Jf>HN, jirivate. Co. F; age 24; enrolled June 5, 1862, at New Y'ork City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862. Oc<., deserted Sept. 9th ; .*13 advance paid. Muster-out roll of eompany ; transferred from 53rd N.Y'.V. Sept., 1862: deberted at Kicker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. Bloo.m, Stillwkll. sergeant, Co. B ; age 37 ; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New Y'ork ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '()2, at New York, for 3 years, 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31. present ; $2 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62 1863 : Feb. ,\iist ]>aid to Dec. 31, present ; reduced to the ranks, by order of Col. I5i-iM(li(!t, Jan.22, "6:5; -//»'/, last paid to Dee. 31, ]»rivate, present; Juue. last ]taid to Dec. 31; nains borne in column "present" with line drawn through " llosp. in Haton Kouge;" Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, absent; deserted from cam)) near Port Hudson, Aug. 22, '63. Miister-ont roll of comi)any : private ; enrolled as private; appointed sergeant Se)>t. 19, '()2; taken prisoner at Camp Nickerson, La. ; died in Libby jtrison Oct. 22, '63. Bn.Mf.u, GoTLiF.B, jirivate, Co, (i. I8(i4: /V7>.,last paid to Nov. 1, '6.3, present, traus- r.rred from Co. G, 174th Regt.,N. Y. S. V.,S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C.,Feb. 17. '64 ; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N< \v York City, for 3 years ; Apr., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, borne as Gottlieb liiiimtiier ; transfirnd to Inv.-ilid ('nri)s Mch. 4, '64, S. O. No. 6.'i, Kx. 5. M. O. lull of eo. : transferred to V. K. C. Mch. 6, '64, pr. S. O. 6'., II. Q. 19 A. C, Franklin, La. Bodkin Tih».mas F., ]»rivate, Co. I. 1864: Feb., luoaent, recruit from dr.ift rendez- vous, Kik«'r's Island, N. Y. ; has rec'd .^(50 bounty, §13 advance jtay, $2 )>iemiuni, total, §75; enrolled Nov. 2:$, 1863, at New York; mustered in Nov. 24, 1H<;3, at New York, for '.J years; Afn-U, last iiairl Feby. 29, 1864, jiresenf ; eiitille>; discharged for dis- 25 BoEGETT, Friedrich — Continued. ability tioni gen'l ho8))'l Mcli. 31, '<];>. Mnstor-out roll of company: trane- ierred from 5bd N. Y, Vols. Sept., ISd'i; discharged for disability Mar. 9, '6:5, by order Gen. Banks. i^^- BOGART, Jas. H., major, age 24; enrolled Sept. 1'2, 1S62, at New York, mustered in Oct. 18, 18(52, at New York, for 3 yrs. Irt(i2: Oc/., present ; ordered by Gov. Morgan to Riker's Island to organize a regt., on Se})t. 12, '62, and remained at island until mustered into the U. S. service; JJec, present; claims as due to him pay f'-om date of commission to Oct. 18, '(52 ; * * # i^^^ l)aid Nov. 9, 1862, bj- Major Thos. B. Oakley, paymaster, paid from Oct. 18, '(52. to Oct. 31, '62, but Paymaster Oakley calculated that period at, and paid for only, 13 days ; there is one day's pay due on last iuuster, 1863 : Feb., ])resent, * * * there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster ; Jpr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, same reuuiik ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; killed in action before Port Hudson, June 14, '63; * * * there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster. BOLLAS, John, private Co. I.; age 43; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1«62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., ])resent; JJec, last paid Oct. 31, '(52, present. 1663: FcVy, last paid Dec. 31, 'o2, pres- ent; April, present; Jwie, absent, in hosp'l at N. Orleans, La.; Aug., absent, sick in hospital at New Orleans, La.; (Jci., last paid Sept. 1, '(53, absent, sick at U. S. Barrack Hospl., N. O. Muster-out roll of co.: dis- ch.irged Oct., 1863, at Barracks Hospital, New Orleans, La. BORD, George F., 1st lieut. Co. C; age 45; enrolled Aug. 29, lr<(i2, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18(52 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '(52, present; resigned on Deer. 4, 1862, on board of the steamer Geortje Crook. M. O. roll of co. : resigned Dec. 3, '62; S. O. 31, H. Qis. 19 A. C, Hampton Roads, Dec. 3, '(52. BORMET.T, Charles, private, Co. F. 1861: i^. Al>AM. Miister-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62 ; private ; enrolled St'pt. 15, "ti'i, at New York, I'or ;J years ; uaiue liued out ; uot borue on sub- st-i^iit'iit rolls. Boyd, Wim.iam, jirivate. Co. B. lc;G4 : Feb., last i»ai«l to Oct. 31, present ; transfer- red from 17-1 Kegt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Nov. li, ^62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '(i2. at Kiker's Is'd for 3 yrs; Jp'I, last iiaidto Feb. vilK present ; Jnue, lastpaid to Ap'l 30, jiresent : i shelter tent, §1.81) ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '(>4, present; Uct., last paid to Aug. 31. present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, piesent; stoppage haversack, ()7 ; \ shelter tent, ^2.'M); total, $-2.\)7. Idfo: Fih.. last paiil to Dec. 31, "64, present; Jp'l, same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, 'C't, present; Juf/., same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, 'G5, at Savannah, Ga.. last ])aid to Ap'l 30, '(55; clothing last settled Nov. 3, '62; due soldier, ¥17. 0(5; bonnlv due, §100; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Dept. Gulf, Feb." 17, '(>4. Boyle. Ciiaklks, pvt., Co. D; age 34; enndled Sept. 15, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Od., present; l>ec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: /'<■/)., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Jp'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; .sick in hospital at Brasliear City ; borne as Charles Boyd; J«He, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; sick in hospital at Brasliear City ; Jug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, l>resent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, prt-senl ; jfvcc , last paid to Oct. 31, '63, jiresent : S25 U. S. bounty and $;2 premium due tiie soldier. 1864 : Feb., last )»aid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Jp'h last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last i)aid to April 30, '64, prest-nt; Ann., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Oct., last ])aid to Aug. 31, '64, presrnt: Jtec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, Jiresent. l!^5: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Jp'h last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent; sent to gen. liosp't'l from Winchester, Va., Ap'l 4, '65 ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, "64, absent ; sick at Washington. D. C, last heard from Jlme 20, "65. Mustered out June 6, "65, at gen. hosp't'l Fretleqck, Md. ; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; clothing due soldier, 83"^.32: bounty due, §10(i. Brack, Fred., sergt. Co. H; aj;e33, enrolled Sept. Id, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1h62: Od., jiresent: Dec, last jiaid to Oct 31 . '62, ]>re.sent ; entitled to .s2.00 premium. 1863 : Fc!*., last j)aid to l)ec. 31, '62, j»resent. Muster-out roll of co., transft-rred to Co. F, S. O. 51, ext., Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20. 1S(>3. Brack. Fred'k, sergeant, Co. F. 18ti3: Apl., paid to Dec. 31, '62. present; en- iolle«l .Se})t. 10, '62, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18. '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years: transferred from Co. II, by con.solidation. Mch. 1, '«;3 ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present; Aug., last jiaid to .June 30, '63; Jiresent; Oct., jirivate; deserted from cam[> at Algiers, La.. Sept. 13, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, 8. O., 51, HM Q'rs Dept. of Gulf, Fell. 20, '63; joined as sergt.; reduced ranks; deserted from Algiers, La., Sej.t. 12. '63. Brady, Jame.'s, juivate, Co. K: age, 10: enrolUd Sejit. 12, 1862, at New York, and nnislered in Oct. \>^, 1862, at New York, f<»r 3 years. 1862: Oct., presetit ; Dec, last jiaid to Oct. 31, jiresent ; entitled to. 82.00 jiremium. 1863: Feb., last jiaid to Dec. 31, jiresent ; Apr., last jiaid to Dec. 31, '62, jiresent ; June, same; Aug., last jiaid to .June 30, '63, j»resent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, Jiresent; Hec., last jiaiil to Oct. 31, juesent; entitled to the 825.00 U. S. bounty and .?2.00 premium. I8t)4: Feb., last jiaid to Oet. 31, '(i3, bounty due .?25.00, juesent: Apr., last jiaid to Feb. 20, '64, jiresent; June, last jiaid to Aj>r. 3l>, '64. jiresent; Aug., last jiaid to Ajir. 30, '64, absent, woimdeil, and in hosjiital at Ilamjiton, Va. : Oct., same; Her., last jiaid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, wounded, in gt-neral hosjiital. lH(i5: /•Vfc.,s:ime; Apr., n:\iue; June, last Jiaid to Ajir. 30, '64, absent, siec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, ijreseut. 1863: Feb.f last paid to Dec. 31; deserted 5th Feb. '63. Muster-out roll of company : transferred from 53d X. Y. V. Sept., 1862; deserted from Eiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. Name borne as Louis Braurd. Breex, John, private Co. I ; age 28; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at Neve York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., absent, deserted in New York. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Hiker's Island, Oct. 20, 1862. Breman, William, prvt., Co. D: age 26; enrolled Sept. 10, 1-^62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1>^62, at New York, lor 3 years. Is62 : Oct., present; Drc, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to §2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; sick in hospt'l at New Orleaus. Muster-out roll of CO.: discharged May 1, 1865, by reason of surg. cert'f. of disability, at U. S. Gen. Hospt'l, CarroUton, La. Brexxer, Julius, private, Co. K. 1864: Fib., last paid to Oct, 31, '63, present; transferred from 174 Rest. N. Y. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., lajst jiaid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, '64. present; Jug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64 ; deserted from New Orleans, La., July 7, '64 ; deduct Entield rifle andaccout'm'tscomp. §20.63; deduct haver., canteen, i S. tent, $2.79, extra clothing, §3.09, bayonet scab- bard, §4.54. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Alsrifrs, La., July 6, '64. Bresxeham, Johx, private Co. H. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; en- rolled Nov. 3, ^62, at New York: mustered iu Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vol. bv S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C. Feb. 17, 1864 ; Jj)l., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present, stoppage^ shelter tent, §1.25; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct extra clothing §3,30, on account, settled to Nov. 13, '64, 2 years, half shelter tent §2.30, total §5.60. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same: June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid Apl. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with CO., corpl. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga., last paid to Apl. 30, '65. Clothing last settled Nov. 13, '64 ; due soldier §39.52, bounty §100. Ap- pointed corjioral Aug. 28, '65. Breuxixg, George H. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated N. York, Aug. 22, '62; cap- tain ; age. 27; enrolled June 14, '62, at New York Citv, for 3 vears; mus- tered June 16, '62, as 1st lieut., by F. S. Larned, capt. of 12tli Inf., U. S., and proinoted ; also mustered as capt. July 24, '62, by John Elwood, capt. 5th Inf., U. S. mustering officer; name lined out. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 3l, '62, j^resent. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ajir., discharged; resignation approved Mch. 1, '63. Muster-out roll of CO. : resigned Feb., 1863. Brewer, Johx B., corporal. Co. G, aged 22; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York ; muster- ed in Oct. 18, "62, at New York, for 3 yeai-s. 1862: Ocf., present: Dfc, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent, detailed for recruiting service at New York City, Nov. 29, '62. 1863 : Feb., absent, detailed on recruiting service in N, Y. City, Nov. 21, '62, by S. O. No. 15, Hd. Qrs., Banks' expedition; Apr., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, deserted at Franklin, La., Apr. 14, '63; June to Dec, inclusive, name not borne. 1864: 7>ft., name not borne; Jjjr., last paid to Nov. 1, '62, private, present, gained by error, having been reported as deserted, when left sick at Franklin, La., and taken prisoner, escaped and reported to regt. Mch. 27, '64 ; entitled to pay from last payment ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, corporal, absent, prisoner of war in the hands of the enemy since July 25, '6J ; Ocf., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 25, '64; Dec, same. 1865: Z'Vft. , last paid 28 Brewlr, John B.— Continut'd. to May l.'GJ, al)S(*iit, prisonor of war, captured at Deep Bottom, Va., Julj' 2o, '(J4 ; .lp>., last paid to Doc. 'M, '6i, sergeant, present, promoted from 'Jd corporal Apr. 1, 'G.'i ; back i)ay due as private from Apr. :30 to July 1, '64; corporal's pay due froiu JuuelW, 'tJ4, to Nov. 1, '64, less ,54 overdrawn by error; June, last paid to Mav 1, '6.'), present, deduct $4.10 for trausportatiou ; Aug., last paid to Apr. :50, '6."), 1st sorjjeant, ab.sent, ])romoted from 5th sergeant July 1, '()'>, vice O'Keefe, discliarj^ed, sick in U. S. post hospital, Savannah, Ga., since July 2'.i, '(15. Mustered out, a sergeant, wiih company Oct. 12. '65, iSavannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. :<0. '65 ; clothing never settled; clotliiug due soldier, .'jilUMG; bounty due, §100; dro)>ped by error as a deserter Apr. l:{, '63 ; was cai)tured by the enemy, escaped and retunud to duty Mch. 24, 't)4, taken up as private, reinstated as corporal July *23, '64, promoted to sergeant Mch. 1, '65, to Ist sergeant July 1, '65, reduced to sergeant Oct. 1 1 , '65. Bninr.KS, Joiix, private, Co. E. 1864: Feb., absent; $25 U. S. bountv due soldier; transferred from 174th Reg't S. O. 47, Feb. 17 ; detailed as baker B. R. Feb. 14, '(>:{; enrolled Oct. 17, N.York City, mustered in Novr. 13, at N. York for 3 years; April, absent; detailed as baker. Baton Rouge, Feb. 14, '63; June, ab.sent ; discharged for disability at gen'l hospital, Baton Rouge, April 18, 1864. Muster-out roll shows him discharged for disability, Baton Rouge, La., April 14, 1864. BuoDii:, Cmas. H., private, Co. H. 1865: Feb.. present; enrolled Jau'y 1«, '65, at Albany; mustered in Jan'y l8, '65, 14th Dist.; pay due from enlistment; .!/>'/, jtrcsent ; back i)ay due from enlistment; June, hint paid to Ap'l 30, '65, ]»resence or absence not stated ; Aiifi., last paid to April 30, '65, absent, detached service brig, hd'qr's. Mustered out with co., corp'l, Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; clothing last settled Jan. 18, '65; due U.S. $18.34; bounty due .$li)0; musket and bayonet retained, §6.00; enrolled as private; ai)ptd. corp'l, Aug. 28, '65; joined regiment Feb'y 7, 1865. Brouii:, VValtku, private, Co. H. l'*63: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, 18i)3, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; deserted ; arrested by J. Falmsou ; rewjird S'50 ; advance bounty due from U.S. l.'H(54: Feb., never paid, pres- ent; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 21), '64, present; stoppage ^ shelter-tent, $1.25; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, ])resent; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenec- tady ; Aiiff., last i)!iid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pre.sent ; to be de'il, 1 haversack, 67c.; J)ec., last jiaid to Aug. 31, '64, present; dc'd i shelter-tent, ?2.30. 18f)5: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, same; Jutie, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, i»resence or absence not stated ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '()5, i)resent, sick in regimental hospital. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at. Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '()3; due soldier, $2.62; bounty due, $100; joined as recruit from draft ren- dezvous, Dec. 10, '63. Bhow.n. Alkxaxdkr. i)rivate, Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 20, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Washington. D. C. Oct. 28, '|)ed as a deserter, July 2, '(54. M. O. roll of co.: joined from recruiting dc|)ot, Feb. 19, '63; deserted at Baton Rouge, La., M'ch 1, 18(54. lji:uWN, Gkdimjk W., musician, Co. I; ag»s 16; enrolled Sept. 13, 1H(V2, at New York City; muHtere2: Oct., al>sii!it, deserted in New York. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted, Riker'sLsl- and, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1^(12. BuowN, John-, i»vt., Co. A. 1864: Feb.. .ibaent, transferred from 174 N. Y. V.. S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19th A. C. ; detached to 5 U. S. Art'v, 8. O. 'J5, Dec. 14, 'G3> 29 Brown, John — Continaed. 1 brig.. I div. ; enrollerl Oct. 4, '62, at N. Y. ; musterecl in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., lor 3 yrs. ; Apr., absent ; detached to 5 U. S. Arty., S. O. 35, Ist brig., 1st div., I9tb A. C, Dec. 14, '63; Jiine, absent, same remark; Aug., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; stoppage for the loss of articles wbile in Bat. G, 5th V. S. Arty., I7c.; Oct., last paid to Ang. 31, '64, corpl., present; promoted to corp., Oct. 12, '64, S. O. No. 141 ; stoppage i shelter tent, $2.30; Bee, last paid to Ang. 31, '64, present, same remark. 1665: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, canteen, 45c.; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered ont with co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing % last settled Oct. 4, '62; due soldier, $38.38; bounty due, $100.00. Brown, John, private, Co. E. 1«64 : Feb., absent; trans'd from 174 Regt. S. O. No. 47. Feb. 17; detached to Amb. Corps, March 11, '63; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 8, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., 3"yrs; April, absent; det. to Ambulance Corps, March 11. '63; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, pris. of war; missing in action July 26, '64, at Deep Bottom, James River, Va. ; Oct., same; Dec, same. 1865: /'V&., same; J;>?-ii to ^ «_4 ; absent in continement at Ship Island; 8ni)posed to be mustered out by G. O. 77, no discharj^e havinjj been fur- nished upon the muster-out of organization ; amount of clothing drawn, S4'2.'2-2. Browx, William H., private, Co. H. 18G3: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, 'G:5, at Schenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due from the U. S. 18(54: Feb., never paid, present; Jp'l, last paid to Feb. '2\\ '(54, ])resent; June, last paid to Ap'l :{0, '04, present; mustered in Aujj. 11, '6:5, Schenectady, for 3 y'rs ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '(il, absent; in the hands of the enemy; ^ shelter tent, SI. Hi>; due from U. S. §2.'), advance bounty ; Oct., last paid to Ap'l 30, '()4, al)sent, in hosp., Annai)olis, Md., jiaroled prisoner; iJec, last paid to Ap'l 30, 'G4, same remark. 18G."): Feb., last paid to Ap'l 30, 'G4, ab- sent, sick in hosp., Annai»oIis, Md ; Ap'l last paid to Feb. 'jS, 'Go, absent, sick in hospital, Annapolis, Md; paid months Jan. and Feb., 'Go; pay due from Aji'l 30 to Dec. 31, '(54 ; .Hme, last i>aid to Feb. 2f<. '6^>, absent, sick in Finlcy, U. S. G. H., Wasliington, D. C. since M'ch 1, 'G5; mustered out on ind. Uiuster-out roll July 1, 'G'), at Washington, D. C, in compliance with telegram A. (i. O., May 3, 'G.'), last i)aid to Feb. "28, 'G5 ; clothing drawn since enlistment§118.95; bounty due §100 ; due U. S. for transporta- tion, S'2.").l'^, and loss of haversack, G7c. Muster-out roll of co. : joined as recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10, 'G3 ; this man states he has back pay duo him from June 30, '()4, to include the Dec. 31, '(54. Browne, David M., muster-in roll of F. and S., dated at New York, Oct. 18, 18G2, 2nd asst. surgeon, age 25; name lined out. 18G2: Oct., present; date of com- nii-ssion or regt'l appointment, Oct, 8, 1HG2; borne as David M. Hrown ; Dec, resigned, Nov. — , 1SG2; the tield aud etatt' of this reginie^nt last paid Nov. 9, 18G2, by xMajor Thos. B. Oakley, paymaster, paid from Oct. 18. 18G2, to Oct. 31, 18G2, but Paymaster Oakley calculated that period at, and paid them for, only 13 days; there is I day's i>ay due on the last muster. M. O. roll of F. and S.: enrolled as asst. surg., Sept. 12, 18G2 ; discharged on board steamer George's Creek, off Fortress Monroe, Va., S. O., Banks's expedition, Nov. — , 18G2. Browne, Thomas, captain, Co. I; age 41; enrolled Aug. 29, 'G2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 'G2, at New York for 3 years. 18G2 : Oct.. jtresent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 'G2, present; wants pay from Aug. 29 to Oct. 18, 'G2. 18G3 : Fib'n, last paid to Dec. 31, 'G2, present ; wants pay from Aug. 29, 'G2, to Oct. 18, 'G2, inclusive. Muster-out roll of co. : dishonorably dis- missed U. S. service April, 18G3. Brummek, Ciiahlk.s, priv., Co. li. 18G4: Ffft., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans, from 174th Keg't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17 ; enrolled Sept. 30, 'G2, at New York ; inns- tored in Nov. 13, '<)2, at Hiker's Island, for 3 years; April, last paid Feb. 29, present; June, last i)aid April 30, iiresent; ./«/)., same; April, last paid to Feb. 28, '(jri; absent, l)arole camj), Anna|)olis, Md. ; June, also Autj., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, ])resent. Mustered out witli co. at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 'G5, as private; last i)aid Aj)!. 30, 'G5; clothing last settled Sept. 30, '62, due soldier $12.45; bounty due, §100. Bki'mmer, GoiTLlKM. See CJotlieb Blnmer. BitUNKK, Fkkdkkick. Must; enrollrd May 29, '()2, at New York City, for 3 years; name and eu- roUmcnt lined out; not borne on subseciuent rolls. Bkva.v, Lawkknck J., private, Co. B. 18G4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, pre.sent ; dot. Hor. 1st Div. II. (.1. ; reduced bv consolidation ; pav due asserg't to Feb. 17 ; iransf'd from 174 Keg't. S. o! 47, Feb. 17; enroll<'. 29, j. resent ; det. 1st Div. Hd. (^rs., 19 A. C. ; June, last paid to Apr. 30; absent, ilet. 1st Div., 19 A. C, lid. Qrs. ; same report to Feb. 1SG5; .'J^r., absent, as above ; June, absent, 2 ; drawn since enlistment to amount of §15. 3.'); bounty due, §100; no disch'ge given at muster out ol' org'n ; Huppo.sed to be mustered out. Ixeport of disch'ges furii'd by must'g ollicer at N. Y. City ; disch'ge furn'd Nov. G, 'G5, under W. D. cir., Juno 29, '65; age, la ; last p'd, to Oct. 31, 'G5. 31 Brydon, George C, p'v't Co. A; age, 41; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at N. Y. City; mua- teredin Oct. 13, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., s'g't, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2.00 premium due. 1863: f eft. to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, private, present : Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '63, absent in hosp't'l at Baton Kouge, Jnly 18, '63; Oct., same as preceding roll; Dec, bounty due, $25.00, absent sick. Baton Rouge, Jnly 14, $2.00 premium due this poldier. 1864: Fel)., absent sick, Baton Rouge, July 14; Apr., present; June, present, detached service at brig, h'dq'rs, S. 0. 41, June 16, '64, stoppage | shelter tent $1.75; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present, detached service at brig, h'dq'rs, S. O. 41, dated June 16, '64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, remarks same as preceding roll ; Dec, present, reuuxrks same as preceding roll. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, det'ch'd service at 3d brig, h'dq'rs, S. O. 41, June 16, '64, pay due from Apr. 30, '63, to Apr. 30, '64, omitted by error in previous pay-rolls; Apr., present, daily duty, clerk at brig, h'dq'rs, pay due from Apr. 30, '63, to Apr. 30, '64; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., absent, det'ch'd service h'dq'rs 1st div., Ga. dist., Savannah; mnstered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah. Ga., last paid to June 30, '65, clothing % last settled Sept. 11, '6-.i, due soldier §63.59, bounty due $100.00. Bryer, William, private, Co. G. 1864 : Feb., transferred from Co. G, 174th Reg't N. Y. S. v., S. O. 47, h'dq'rs 19 A. C, Feb. 17. '64, absent, sick at New York, Sept. 5, '63 ; enrolled Oct. 10, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62. at New York City for 3 years ; Apr. to Aug., inclusive, last paid to Sept. 1, ^&:\, absent, sick at New York since Sept. 5, '63; Oct., last paid to Sept. I, '63 ; deserted at New Orleans, La., Dec. 5, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Dec. 5, '64, but not dropped from rolls, 174 N. Y. V. before transfer to 162 N. Y. V. Bl'CIIAxan, John, corporal Co. I; 1864 : i<'e6.,last paid to Oct. 31, present ; transferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y. Vols. Feb. 17th, 18ti4, per S. O. 47, H'd Q'rs 19th A. C. : enrolled Oct. SO, '62. at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13th, l'^62, at New York, for 3 years ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present ; Aug., same ; Oc/., last paid to Aug. 3lst, pri- vate, present ; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct 1 haversack, 40c ; April, absent; deduct haversack; det'd service commissary dept., Winchester, Va.; June, last paid to April 30, '65, absent, det'd service "clerk" Dwight's Div. H'd Q'rs ; J m^., not on tile. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to June 30, '65; bounty due, $100; clothing due soldier, $18.17; clothing never settled. Buchanan, William A., pvt., Co. A ; age 23 ; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at N. Y. City ; mus- tered in at N. Y. City Oct. 18, '62, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec. , absent, sick in hospital, Washington, D. C. 1863: Fel)., absent, sick in hospital at Washington, D. C; sent from Camp Abercrombie, Va., Nov. 2, '62 ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ab.sent, in hospital at Washington, D. C. ; June, not been paid, discharged from gen'l hospital at for disability ; Aug,, discli'd for disability and final statement given July 22, '63. Muster-out roll of co., discharged at Baton Rouge, La. BUCHER, Joseph, private, Co. F; age 40; enrolled May 5, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, ^i!)'2, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted 9th Sept. Muster-out roll of CO., transferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., 1862; de- serted from Rickers Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. BuCHLEE, Matthias, private, Co. H. 1863: jfec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. II, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864 : Feb., never paid, present; Anh, last i^aid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, missing in action at Pleasant Hill, Apl. 9, '64 ; June, absent, mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Scheuectady; in the hands of the enemy; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. $25 advance bounty ; Oct., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent, in the hands of the enemy ; Dec, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent, in the hands of the enemy since Apl. 9, '64; name borne as Matthias Burchell. 1865: i^tft. to JjjZ., inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent. Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since June 22, '64, late prisoner of war. Mustered out on ind. muster-out roll July 10, '65, at New York City, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65; last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; prisoner of war Apl. 9, '64, to May 27, '65 ; entitled to 3 months' extra pay; no clothing account. Muster-out roll of co., bounty due, $100; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63; clothing drawn, $37.72. Buckley, John, private Co. E. 1865 : April, absent ; joined as recruit from N. Y. City, April 4, '65, at Winchester, Va. ; deserted April 8, '65, from Winches- ter, Va. ; enrolled M'ch 22, '65, New York; mustered in M'ch 22, '65, New 32 Buckley, John— Continued. York Citv, for 3 y'rs ; pav dne from enlistment. Muster-out roll : received 810(1 bounty. BUCKKIDGE. Wm. 11., i)rivatt' Co. G: ag*^ 2i); enrolled S^'pt. 1, '62, at New York; nnistere; bounty due. §100. BUEMAXX, CiiAKLKS, private Co. V : age 19; enndled June 30, '62, at New York City; mustered in August 22, '62, at New York, ft>r 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; S13 advance paid ; Dtc. last paid to Oct. 31, 'ti2, present; entitled to two dollars under act of June 21, 1862. 1863: FcbU/, last paid to Dec. 31, l)resent ; Ap'l, same; June, same; Aug., absent in gen'l hospital, Aug. 22, '63 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present ; Jhc, last paid to Oct. 31, "63, present; S25 U. S. bounty dne the soldier and §2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due this sohiier S'25 U. S. bounty; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, wounded at battle of Cane River Crossing, April 23d, 1864; enlield riHe musket to be deducted fr()m his pay, $18.00; Juuc, last jiaid to Feb. 21), absent, wounded at the battle of Cane River Crossing, April 23, 1864; Aug., htst paid to June 30, absent, wouiuled at the battle of Cane River Crossing, Aji'l 23, '(■)4 ; Oct., same; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, wounded at the battle of Cane River Crossing, April 23, '64 ; Aj)U, last paid to Dec. 31, absent, wounded at Cane River Cross., Ajiril 23d, 186^; pris. of war; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, wounded at Cane River Crossing, April 23(1, 1864; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '64; discharged feu- disability May 25, 1865. Muster- out roll of CO.: transferred from 53 N. Y. Vols. .Sept., 1862; woumled at Cane River Bluti", La., April 23, 1864 ; discharged for disability May 26, 1865. BURCK, John Fr., 2nd lieut. Co. F. 1863 : Oct., absent; enrolled at New York, for 3 years; Dec, absent; detached service iu New York. 1864: /•., trans- ferred to Co. "B," Feb. 14, 1864, .S. O., No. 75; borne as John E. Burke. BURD, Waltkk F.. i)v't, Co. 1). age 42; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1«62, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, ab.sent ; siek in hospt'l at Washington. 1863: Feb., last i)aid to Oct. 31, absent; sick in hospt'l at \Vashington, D. C. Muster- out roll of Co. : discharged Jan'y 17, '63, by reason of surg. certf. of disa- bility, at U.S. gen. hospt'l, N. Y. City. BUKKE, John E., serg't, Co. B, age 32; enrolled ■Sei)t. 4, '62; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, i'or 3 years. lKt'>'.l: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; $2.00 i)remium due, G. O. Iti2, « »ct. 21, '62. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, i)resent ; promoted to Ist serg't Nov. 21, '62, vice Oakley promoted ; April and Juuc, 1st serg't, i>re8ent; Aug., last paid Ap'l 30, '63,.a'o8ent ; Oct., discharged on account of jiromotion; Dec, not borne. 1864: Feb., 2nd lieut., i»resent; assigned to Co. " B,'' S. O. 75, Feb. 14, '64, comd'g Co. since that dat(^; April, last paid Feb. 29, '64, i)resent ; comd'g Co. ; claims balance of jiay due as 2d It. over 1st serg't from Aug. 31 to Dec. 31, '63, having been absent in N. Y. by onlers of W. Dept., and ctuild not get mustered; June, \t\Ht jiaid to A|i'l 30, absent; mustered (uit to accejtt 1st lieut's com'u in Co. *' D," .June 20, '64. (.Signs this roll as 1st lieut., ccund'g the Co.) BURKE, John E., 1st Lieut., Co. 1). 1H64: Juue, last paid to Aji'l 30, '64, present; pay due as 2d Lient. ; June 25 assigned to Co. ]\ ; ]y,x\ due for comd'g Co. B Irom Feb. 29. Enrolled June 26, 1864. at Morganza ;'mustered in Jiine28, '64, at Morganza. La., for 3 years ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, sick at Georgetown, D. C, since' Aug. 1. '64 ; Oct., iibmMit; on detached duty at Harper's Ferry, Va., S. O. 48, Hd (^rs. Mil'ty Div. Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 33 Burke, John E. — Continned. 31, '64; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 'G4, present, act'g adj't; pay due for comd'ji; Co. B for Mar., ApM, May, aud .Time, ldG4. 18G5 ; Feb., discharged; promoted lo adj't 1(5'2 N Y. V., Jau. 2G, '65. Burke, John E., Ist It., and adjt. IBG.'): Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 'G4, present, pro- moted from 1st It., Co. D ; pay due forcomdg. Co. B for ihe mouths of Mch., Apr., May, aud Jnue, 1>^G4; date of comuiissiou or re^irtl. appointment, Dec 1, 1864; mustered in Jauy. 26, lbG.5, at Camp Sheridan, Va.; Apr., last paid to Feby. 2ti, '65, present; pay due for conid'o; Co. B for the mouths of Mar., Aor., Mat, and June, 1864; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., lesiyned, S. O. No. 9, Hd. Qrs., Dept. of Ga.'July 28, 1865. M. O. roll of F. aud S.: adjt.. enrolled as sergt., Co. B., promoted to adjt. Jauy. 26, 1865. BURKHAKDT, Chakles, p'v't, Co. D. 1864 : jpe?>., absent ; transferred from 174 Reg't N. Y. v., bv S. 0. 47, h'dq'rs 19 A. C, Dep't of Gulf; detached to 5 U. S. Ar'ty, Dec. 14,' '63, S. O. 35, 19 A. C, Dep't of Gulf; enrolled Oct. 23, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Aj)U, absent ; detached 5 U. S. Ar'tv, S. O. .35, Dec. 14, '63 ; June, absent ; detch'd to 5 U. S. Ar'ty, Dec. 14, S. 6. 35, h'dq'rs Dep't Gulf; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present ; Oct., last i)aid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr'I, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Aug. 31, '63; clothing due soldier, $26.95 ; arms and equipments retained, $6; bounty due, $100. BuKNS, James, private Co. H. 1864 : FeVy, absent, enrolled Oct. 25, '62, at N. York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vol. by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feby 17. '64, and detached to 5 U. S. Art'y, S. O. No. 35, 1st Brig., 1 D., 19 A. C, Dec. 14, '64; Ap'l, absent as above ; June, same : Aug., absent in hands of the enemy; Oct., same ; Dec., absent in hands of the enemy since Ap'l 9, '64. 1865 : FcVy. absent, prisoner of war since Ap'l 8, '64; Ap''l, same; June, absent at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since June 22, '65, late prisoner of war ; Aug't, same. Muster-out roll of Co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept., Washington, D. C, Aj)'l 28, '65; no dis- charge furnished on muster-out of organization ; clothing drawn, $50.22 ; when last paid not known ; bounty due, $100. Burns, Peter, private, Co. I; age 19; enrolled Sept. 18, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: FeVy, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present: April, ])re8ent; June, absent; in hosp'l at Baton Rouge, La.; Aug., died Jnly 22d, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La. BURRIS, Thomas, private, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- ferred from 174 Reg., N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, H'd Q'rs, 19 A. C, Dep't of Gulf, deduct 33 cts. for haversack ; enrolled Oct. 9, '6-', at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, pres- ent; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same: Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct for transportation, $14.22; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64; deduct for transportation, $14.22; Juue, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing last settled June 30, '63; due soldier $74.05; bounty due $100. Bush, John, private, Co. E; age, 18; enrolled Sept. 16, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62 at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent; deserted from Camp Slough, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 16. Muster-out roll of CO. : deserted at Alexandria, Va., Nov. 9, 1862. Butler, Edward, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: FeVy, never paid, present; reg'l amb. driver; S. O. No. 61, Hd. Qrs., 162 Reg't N. Y. Vol., Jan'y 10, 1864; Airl, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present; reg'l amb. driver; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; Aug., last x)aid to Ap'l 30, 64 ; ab- sent, sick; sent to hosp'l Washington, D. C, July 30, '64 ; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; ded. ^ shelter tent, $2.30; Dec, last i)aid to Aug. 31, '64. absent; ded. haversack, 67 cts. ; det. service, per S. O. H<1. Qrs. 3d Brig , 1st Div., 19th A. C. 1«65: FeVy, last i)aid to Aug. 31, '64; absent on detached service, Div. Hd. Qrs., team- ster ; ApU, last paid to Feb'y 28, '65, same; June, last paid to Feb'y 28, '65; absent on det. ser., per S. 6. Hd. Qrs., 3d Brig., Ist Div., 19th A. C, Dec. 11789 3 34 Butler, Edward — Continued. 15, '64; Au;/., same. Mustered out witli co. at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65; last i)aid to June '30, '(>5; clothiuf; last settled Auj;. 11, '63; due soldier, §15.62; bounty due, §100 ; etjuiiiuients — musket and bayonet retained, $6. Joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63 ; joined at New Iberia, La., Dec. 10, 1863. Butler, Thomas. Muster-in roll of Co. A, dated Oct. 18, '62; private; age 23; en- rtdled Sept. 4, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. , Buxton, Gkokge ^v.^ pri v., Co. li ; age 23 ; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; deserted at Key West, Dec. 12, '62. Byder, Josepu, private, Co. A. 1863: Feb., absent; deserted at Camp Parole, La., Jan. 31, 1863; enrolled Jan. 27, 1863, at New Orleans, La., and mustered in Jan. 27, 1863, at New Orleans, La., for 3 years. Byrne, Edward, ])rivate, Co. D. 1864: Apr., not jiaid, present; entitled to bounty by instalments, rec'd 1 month's pay and §60.00 bounty; omxilled Nov. 20, '63, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 20, '63, at Kiker's Island, N. Y., for 3 years. June, last i)aid to Apr. 30, '64, present: reeruit entitled to 840.00, 2ud in- stalment Gov't bounty ; Aug., last i)aid to April 30, '64, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, recruit from draft rendezvous, due 2d in- stalment of bounty $40,00 : Dec, last i)aid to Aug. 31, '64, present, recruit from draft rendezvous, due 2d and 3d instalments of bounty, total $80.00. 1865: i'Vft., last paid to Dec. :>1, '64, present; J;;r., same ; J»«He, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, ]>resent ; Jug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, lHi5, at Savannah, Ga.; clothing last settled Nov. 21, '63; due soldier .§22.99 ; bounty i>aid, §140; due §1(50; deduct for 1 mosriuito bar, $2.00; recruit from the depot M'ch 1, '64 ; borne on this roll as Edward Buruey. Byrne, Owen, i»rivate, Co. C. 1864: Feb., absent, sick. Baton Kouge ; due ?25 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V.. S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 10, '()2, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; J;>'/, absent, discharged for disability from ho.spital, New Or- leans. M. O. roll of CO., discharged Feb. 17, '64. Byrne, Patrick. Muster-in roll of Co. K, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; age 19; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New Y''ork, for 3 years. Name lined out. Not borne on subseiiuent rolls. Byron, Peter, private, Co, C ; age 28; enrolled Sept. 24, 1862, at New York ; mus- tertd in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last i)aid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled to .§2.00 ])remium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Aj)'!, same; June, same; Aug., last pawl to Dec. 31, '62, absent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. '63, absent sick in hos- l)ital at Baton Kouge, Aug. 23, '63; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, ■()3 ; died in hosjt't'l, B. Kouge, Nov. 13, '63, M. O. roll of co., died Oct. 17, '63, of chronic diarrhea, in hosp't'l, B. Kouge, La. Cain, Peter, private, Co. D. I';(i4 : Feb., jiresent, transferred from Co. "I," 162 Reg't N. Y. v., Feb. 17, '<)4, ree'd 1 montli's i)ay in advance ; enrolled Nov. 24, '63, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 24,"'t)3, at New York for three years. Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, jiresent; entitled to bounty by installment; rec'd 1 month's i)ay and §60.00 bounty ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; entitled to" §40.00, 2d iust'l't GoV't bounty; Jh//., presi-nt ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; recruit from draft rendezvous, duo 2d iiist'lm't of bounty §40.00, also §13.00, the 1 month's advance pay having been dedu.00; Dec., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, corjioral, present ; promoted to corporal Nov.,'()4; recruit from draft ren- dezvous, due 2d and3d inst'lm'ts of liounty, total §80.00 : due also §13.00, the one month's pay having l)een deducted by error twice, total, ^93.00. 1865: Feb., last jvaid'to Dec, 31, '64, i)resent ; "deduct for transportation, §li).59; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct for trans|>ortalion, §16.59; Jtnir, last jiaid to Apr. 30, '65, iiresent ; Aug., last \in\t\ to Apr. :50, '()5, present ; on det. service as guard at Savannah, Ga, Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Nov. 24, '63; due U. S. §15.90; bounty paid §140, due §160. Cain, Petkr, pvt., Co. I. 1864: Feb., absent, transferred to Co. D, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17. 18<;4, by orders h'cbi'rs 162 N. Y. Vols.; enrolled Nov. 24, 1863, at Nc!w York ; mustered in Nov. 24, 1863, at New York for 3 yrs. Caldwell, John. «r)ri), Co. A ; age 40; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at New York, and muHt«>red in Oct. \^, IH62, at New York, for 3 years, 1862: Oct., absent, deserted from Hiker's Island. Muster-out roll of co., deserted at Riker's Island Oct. 18, '62. 6n Callen, Levi L.,corp'I, Co. H. 18G3: Dee., never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '6'^, Schenectady. N. Y. ; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never ])aid, i)reseut; JpU. last paid to Feb. 21), '64, absent, wounded and sent to hospital. New Orleans, AjJi il b, '64 ; June, absent ; nin.stered in .^ ng. 11, '63, at Schenectady, for 3 years; wounde4; present; deduct for 1 gun sling, 2.')e. ; Oct., last jiaid to Aug. 31, 'ti4 ; present; Dec, same. Irttio : Feb., last i)aid to Aug. '.M, '64; ab- sent; cori)8 luitelier by ord. of Gen. Emery; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31 '64; absi-nt ; detailed as butcher at corps hd. qrs., Jan. 2.">. Ht).'>; June, last l»;ii(l to A))l. 30, 18(i.") ; present; bYerrori)aid twice for inonthsof Sept., Oct, Nov., and Dec, '64, and Jan. and Feb. '65 ; due Gov. .S92 ; Auff., last paid to Apl. 30, '6'- ; present ; by error paid twice for months of Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec, '()4, and Jan. and Feb., 186"); total $96. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '6.'); clothing account last settled Sept. 10, 1862; due soldier for clothing $14.35; bounty due, SlOO. Canfield, l^AWHENCB, pv't, Co. D ; age 23 ; enrolled Sept 25, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1S()2 : Oct., ab- sent ; deserted from Kicker's Island, October 20. Muster-out roll of co.: (ieserted Oct. 20, 1862, from Riker's Lsland, N. Y. Cansey, Petkr. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62; private; en- rolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York, for 3 years. Name lined out ; not borne on subsequent rolls. Cantillon, Thomas, private, Co. H. 1864 : Feh'y, last paid to Oct. 31, 1863 ; present ; enrolled Oct. 20, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York City, for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vols., bv S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C.,Feb'y 17,' 1^64 ; April, last paid, to Feb'y 29, 1864; present; company cook; June, paid toxV))ril '.W, 1864; i)rivate; jjresent; August, last paid to April 30, 1864 : iiresent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864 ; present ; Dec, same. 1865: Feb'y, last piiid to Dec :{1, 1H64; present ; Apr., same ; Jmhp, last paid to April 30, 1865; ])resence or absence not stated; Auyust, last i»aid to Ai)ril 30, 18i;5 ; present. Mustered out with eomi>any Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; ))aid to Ai)r. 30, 1865; clothing last settled Oct. 20, 1862; due soldier, clothing, $5(i.28; bounty due, $100. Carey, Michael, jirivate, Co. K; age 2; enrolled Sept. 22, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oc^, deserted at Perrvville, Md., Oct. 24, '62. Muster-out roll of co. ; deserted at Perryviile,M(l.,Oct. 25, '62. Carusle, John, p'v't, Co. I; age 26; enrolled Sept. 23, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted in New York. Muster-out roll of co. ; deserted at Riker's Island, N. Y. Carlisles, Edwin. Muster-in roll of Co. E, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62; private; age 25 ; enrolled Sept. 11, 'iVi, at New York City, for 3 years. Name lined out; not borne on snbsecjuent rolls. Carmen, Lymen. M'.'.ster-in roll of Co. E, dated at New York, Oct. 18, 1862; pri- vate ; age 22; en rolled Oct. 4, 1H{;2, at New York City, for 3 years. Name lined out ; not borne on siiijse(iueiit rolls. • Carney, Edwahd, 1st sergeant, Co. A; ago 25; enrolled Sejtt. 1, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York. 1862: Oct., sergeant, itresent; Dec, List i)aid to Oct. 31, '62, jiresenl ; $2 i)remiuni due. lf^63: Feb., last pai:{ ; Oct., last jiaid to Ajir. 30, absent, in hosjiital at Haton Kougf since Aug. 21, '()3 ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, liounty due $25, present, $2 lueiniiim due this soldier. I'5aiil to Oct. 31, sergeant, present : .ly)r., last paid to Feb. 29, private, ])resent, reduced from s»;rgeant Mar. 2>', '64, l)orne on this roil as Edward Kearney; June, last ])aid to A|ir. :?(•, present, sick ; stoppage, 1 li.iveisaek :!3, canteen 41, ^ shelter-tent, 1.7.5 — 2.49; Auy., last paid to Ajiril 3l>, '64, i)resent ; Oct , l.'ist jiaiil to Aug. :'.l, '64, pr»'sent ; Dec, same, stop, i s. tent, .$2.30. 1~()5: /■'<•/».. la.-^t paid to I >ee. 31, '64, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. lid. '()5. present ; J«//.,same. Mustered «)Ut with CO. Oct. 12, 1«65. at Savauii:ih, Ga.; elodiiug last settled Sept. 1, 1?"62, due soldier $41. H'..'; bounty due $100 ; stojipage, one mostiuilo Carr. IIknuv W. Muster-in roll of Co. G., dateil New York, Oct. IH, '62: private; age 19; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York, for 3 years. Name lined out. Not borne on 8ubje<|iierit rolls. 37 Caur, Patrick, yvx., Co. I; age 25; enrolled 8c\>t. 18, 186-2, at New York City mustered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862; Oct., present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862 ; deserted from Camp Mansfield, Carrolton, La., Feb. 9, 1863. Muster-out roll of CO., deserted at Camp Parapet, La., Feb. 9, 1863. Carroll, James, piyvate, Co. K ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 27, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18,1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, i>resent. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged for disabil- ity at Fortress Monroe Dec. '62. Carroll Patrick J., sgt. Co I. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present, trans- ' ferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols. February 17, 1864, per S. O. No. 47 h'dqrs. 19 Army Corps; enrolled Oct. 9,1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, pvt. pres- ent, reduced to ranks from sgt. Apr. 29, 1864 ; pay due as sgt. from Mar. 1. 1864; June, last paid to Apr. 30, 1864, present ; Aug., same ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1865: F'eb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, deduct cart, box plate; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present ; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65 ; clothing acc't never settled; bounty due, $100; clothing due soldier, $33.16. Carroll, Thomas, musician, Co. H. 1864: Feb'y, last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present ; enrolled Nov. 19, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Dec. 4, 1862, at New York City for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. by S. O. No, 47, 19 A. C, FelVy 17, 1864 : April, last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864, private, missing in action at Pleasant Hills, April 9, 1864 ; June, private, absent in the hands of the en- emy ; Aug., last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864, absent in the hands of the enemy; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864, absent in the hands of the en- emy since April 9, 1864. 1865: FeVy, same; April, same; June, last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864 ; absent at camp parole, Annapolis, Md., since June 22, 1865; August, last paid to Feb'y 28, 1865, same remark. Mustered out on Ind. muster-out roll, July 10, 1865, at New York City, under telegram, W. D,, A. G. O., May 12, 1865; last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864; prisoner of war April 9, 1864 to May 27, 1865 ; entitled to 3 months' extra pay ; no clothing account. Muster-out roll of company ; clothing drawn, $87,27 ; bounty due, $100. Carroll, William, pvt. Co. I. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present, ab- sent sick, transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, 1864, per S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs., 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 20, 1862, at New York, mustered in Nov. 13, 1»62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., absent, sick, in New Orleans; June, absent, same remark; Aug., absent, same remark; Oct., absent, same remark; Dec, absent, same remark. 1865: Feb'y, absent, dropped from the rolls, and reported deserted, having in most cases been absent from the Carson 29, '62. Muster-out roil of co.: deserted, Oct. 31, '62, at Chain Bridge, Va. Carten, John, private, Co. F. 1864 : Feb'y, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent ; en- rolled Nov. 26, '62, at N. York ; mustered Dec. 2, '62, at K. Island, New York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co, F, 174 Reg't, N. Y., S, O, No. 47, IL Q. 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't.; due this soldier $25 U. S, bounty; detached. Battery G, 5th Artillery; Ajy'l, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; detached to Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery; Jun., last paid to Aug. 31, '63; killed in action April 8, 1864; Aug., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent ; wounded in action April 8fch, 1864; Oct., same ■ Dec, same. 1865 : Feb., same ; jy?, last paid Aug. 31, absent ; wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 8, '64, pris. of War; Jun., last paid Aug. 31, '64, absent; wounded at Pleasant Hill Ap'l 8, 1864; Aug., same. Muster-out roll of co.: last paid Aug. 31, '64; clothing account last set- tled, Nov. 26, '64; bounty due $100; transferred from the 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A, C, Feb'y 17, 1864; supposed to be mustered out by G. O. 94; no discharge furnished upon the muster-out of organization ; amount of clothing drawn, $62.35. Carter, Charles M., private, Co. B.. 1864: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31; absent det. serv. 5tb Batt'y, S. O. No. .35, H. Q. 1st D., Dec. 14th; trausf'd from 174 Keg't, S. O. No. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Piker's Island, for 3 years : Apr. ,]:ist paid to Dec. 31, absent ; detch'd serv. 5 Art'y, S. O. No. 35, Dec. 14, '63: June, last paid to Dec. 3l8t; absent; transferred to Navy, S, O. 37, Dep't of the Gulf, May 6, '64. Mus- 38 Caktkr, Chaim-Ks M. — Continued. f«»r-()iit roll of CO.. joined by transfer from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Dep't r.nlf, Tel). 17. 'i)4 ; transfd to U. S. Navy, Field Order ;J5, H'dq'rs Dep't (Jnlf, July 9, '()4. Carty, Patkuk, i)rlvate Co. E. , , ., -- - . - .. -. -'dq'„ . Div., I'Jth A. (J. ; Ike, last paid to Anjr. :J1. '(i4, ab!s<'nt, sani.'. 186;! : Feb., absent, same remark; April, Inst pai4 ; absent on detached ^;e^viee in ambulance corps at Div. H'llq'rs; ,)itne. same; AHtj., last paid to Dec. ^l, 'G4, present. Mn.stered out with company, a private, Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Dec. 31, '(14; clothin«,' "last settled Nov, 29, 'f.2; due soldier S17.r)8; bounty due, .'?100. Casey, Jamks. pvt., Co. D; a-je MS; enrolled 8ept. 23, 1862, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for :3 yrs. 1862: Oc^, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. :51, present, entitled to $.i i>reniinm. 186:?: Feb., last pai(l to Dec. 31, 1862, present, sick in hosp. at New Orleans; Apr., discharged from U. S. service Feb. 26< 1863 (disability). Muster-out roll of co.: dis- charged at U. S. Geu'I HosptT, New Orleans, La., Feb. 2(), '63, on surg. certf. of disability. Casey, John, priv., Co. E; age 40; enrolled Aug. 23, '62, at New York City: mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, ])resent; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aufj., absent, wounded in action at Deep Bottom, James Kiver, Va., July 26, '()4, hospl., Hermnda H'ds, Va. ; Oct., ai)sent, hospl.. David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, wounded July 26, '64; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 186'): Feb., last paitl to Dec. 31, '64 ; i)ay duo for the nios. May, June, July, and Aug., '64, ])resent ; April, mnne; June, last paid toAi)1.30, 'ti^^, present ; J«/7.,same. Mustered out with CO. at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65; elotliing last settled Aug. 23, '62; due soldier, S82. 03; bounty due, §100; arms and eciuipments retained, 86.00; taken jtrisoner of war at Siiringlield L mding. La. ; exchanged Aug. 33. Casey, Miciiaki>, i)riv., C.>. E. ; age ID; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 1><, '62, at New York, for 3 ^\ ears. 18()2 : Oc^.jireseut ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; deserted from Camp Slough, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 9, '62. Cassedy,';. priv., Co. E. ; age 29; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oet. IH, '(i2, at New York for 3 veare. 1862 : Oct., deserted from Haltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1862. Cassiuy FitANcis, ))rivate, Co. U. 1864 : Fcbi/., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present; ..,,1, , .-. . ..,. ....... „. x.._. .v_,.- .,_., :.. XT- ,.. ,o,... ... XT ......... .....,, '.■..^.. , .,..,.., .1.,.. J.i.... ... ^.,.... ..v., •....,, J.. ...v.... ^....,.,.„^», haversack, 31 ets. ; Aitf/., last paid to April 3(t, 18(54, jjresent ; borne as Thomas Cassidy ; Of/., iast paid to Aug. 31,1864. iiresent ; Ihc, last ])aid to Aug. 31, IHC'l, present; .\pril 30, 1K(;5; clothing last settled Oct. 29, 18()2; due soldier. $17.87. I'.onnty due, iJKM). CaikiklI), AnniiK, private, Co. G. 1H65 : Feb., ])resent; Joined co. a'» recruit from de|»ot, Feb. 16, '65; pay due from «l;ite of enlistment; enrolled Feb. 4, '(55, ;it 'I'arrytown, N. Y.; niustereaid to Dec. 31, '(52, absent ; left in hospital ;»t Hrashear City ,\pr. 9, '63; enrolled at Hikers' Island and mnstered in Oct. 18, 18(52, at Hiker's lalnud for 3 years. 39 Caverney, Thomas, musiciau, Co. F. 186'2: eurolled Oct. 7, '62, at N. York; uiusteied iu Nov. 13, '62, at R. Islaud, N. York, for 3 years, transferred from Co. F, 174 Reg't, N. Y., by consolidation, S. O. Ni). 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't. ; due this soldier $25, U. S. bounty; absent sick; Jp'i, jtrivate, absent sick; borne as Thomas C.i. very ; June, sick at N. Orleans, May U, '64; Aiaj., dnimnu^r, present; canteen, haver- sack, shelter tent, and drum to be deducted from his x>ay, $7.92; appre- hended July .5th, 1864; i)ay due from thiit date; Oct., ])resent; last paid to Aug , 31; canteen and haversack to be dedncterl from his pay, $1.12; Dec, present; shelter tent, haversack and canteen, $3.42. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; jyZ, same; Jnn., last i)aid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., present; deduct for drum-head batter $1.10, set snares 28 cts, total $1.38; mustered out with company, Oct., 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65 ; clothing account last settled Oct., 17, '64 ; bounty due, $100 ; stoppages, one drum-head (snare), 'one set snares ; due soldier for clothing, $58.08; borne as Thomas B. Caveney. Chambers, George, sergeant Co. H. 1863 : Dec, never paid, present ; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y. for 3 yrs.; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; missing in action at Pleasant Hill, Apl. 9, '64; difference in pay betvsreeu private and sg't, from Sept. 1, '63, to Feb. 29, '64, due; June, absent, in the hands of the enemy; difference in pay between sgt. and pvte., from Sept., 63, due; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, in the hands of the enemy; difference in pay due between sgt. and pvte.; due from U. S. (t. $25, advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, in the hands of the enemy; difference in pay due between sgt. and pvte; Dec, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; died, Tyler, Texas; disease; prisoner of war. M. O. roll of Co.; died of dropsy, Tyler, Texas, July 23, '64 ; joined as recruit from dralt rendezvous, D c 10, '63; enrolled as private ; appointed sgt. Dec. 26, '63 ; taken prisoner Anl. 9, '64. Chandler, John F. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862; pri- vate, enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Chavaux, B. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62; private; age 31 ; enrolled May 29, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and enroll- ment lined out : 1862: Oc«., deserted Sept. 8. Chequer, William H., 1st sgt., Co. "H." 1863: Dec, present, never paid ; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years, deserted, arrested by C. M. Sitterly, reward $10, expenses $1.12, total $11.12; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864 : Feb., never iiaid, present; borne as Wm. L. Chequer ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; difference in pay between private and 1st sgt. due from Sept. 1, '63 to Feb. 29, '64, by error in muster-roll; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; stoppage, haversack 31 c. ; Au- gust, last paid to April 30, '64, present; due from U. S. G. $25, advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, 1 haver- sack 67 c. ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct ^ shelter tent $2.30. 1865 : F'eb. , last paid to Feb. 28, '()5, present ; to be deducted for trans'n from H. F. to N. Y., N. Y. to H. F. $14.24, canteen 45 c, $14.69 ; Apiril, last paid to Mar. 2, '65, Ist lieut., present ; eui'oUed and mustered in Mar. 2, '65, at Stevensons, Va., for 3 years ; comdg. Co. K since Mch. 2, '65 ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, presence or absence not stated ; comdg. Co. K, from May 1, to June 7, '65, responsibility due; Aug, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; comdg. K from May 1, '65, to June 7, '65, responsibility due. Mus- tered out with CO. Oct. 12, 65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65 ; bounty due $100; responsibility di;e for comdg. Co. K, from May 1, '65, to June 7, '65; joined New Iberia, La.. Dec 10, '63; dischgd. as 1st sergt. to accept promotion as 1st lieut. by S. O. hdqrs. 19 A. C. Winchester, Va., Mch. 1, '65. Cherry, Peter, private, Co. K ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 30, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; present;eutitled to$2.60 premium. 1863: i'eft., last paid to Dec. 31 ; present ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, corporal ; present ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63 ; present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; absent, sick, in hospital at New Orleans ; \Dec., last paid to Oct. 31; absent, sick iu New Orleans Hos])itaI ; the soldier is entitled to the $25.00 U. S. bounty ; $2.00 premium. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; present; due $25,00 U. S. bounty; A2)r., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64; absent, sick, hospital, New Orleans, La.; Aug., absent; sick in hospital at New Orleans; Oct., last ]>aid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent ; de- serted from New Orleans, La., July 9,'64; deduct haversack, canteen, ^ s. tent; 40 Cherry, Peter— Continnod. $"J.'.>4 ; Kiitiekl rifle, accou'ts corapl., §20.63, and corporal cbev. 1865 : Feb., last ])aid Apr. 3U, '64 ; present : tried by G. C. M. for desertion by S. O. 17 Ext. 111!. Qrs., 1 Div.. I'J A. C, Jan'y 24, '6'); and bomirably acquitted : Apr., sanu; ; June, last paid to Apr. ;>l), (m ; present; Aug., same. Mustered out witli CO. Oct. 12, '65, at Havanuab, (Ja; clotbin;; last settled Sept. 30, '62; due sfddier .$35. 67 ; liounty due, $100.00 ; etiuipiueuts lost, etc., $6.00; de- duct I t anteen 65 cts. Christenson, Kdwakd, private, Co. C ; aaid to Oct. 31; present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862; present ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to June 30, 1863; present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1863; present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1863; present; $25 U. S. bounty and 82 i»remium due the soldier. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '♦)3 ; present ; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 20, 1864; present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '()4 ; present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64 ; present ; deduct for 1 pr. corp. chevrons 17 c. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64 ; present; Dfc, same. 1^65: /Vt., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864; present; deduct for transi)ortation,:J14. 22; ^-i^^'/, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; present; deduct for transportation, $14.22; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; last i)aid to Ap'l :)0, '65; clothing acc't last settled Sept. 6, 1862 ; dnesoldior lor clothing, .?i».00 ; itounty due, §100. Clancy, William, private, Co. B. ; age 26; enrolled Sep. 22, '62, New York, and mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, New York, for 3 years, 1862: Oct., i)resent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2 prem. due, G. O. 1()2, Oct. 21, '62. ^ 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; lined by sentence of Reg. C. M. $4, S. O., 31; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, present; June, last paiil to Dec. 31, jiresent ; Augunt, last paid to Apr. 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last iiaid to Oct. 31, ])resent; !ii;25 U. S. bounty and s2 prem. due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last jiaid to (Jet. 31, ]»reseiit: Ajir.. last paid to Feb'y 29, i)resont; June, last paid to A])!-. 30, [tresent ; Aug., last panl to Apr. 30, '64, present, 1 canteen ; Oct. and Dec, last paid to Aug. M, ]tresent. 1865: Feb. and Apr., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June and Aug., last paid to Ajjr, 30, '()5, present. Mustered out witli conii)'y Oct. 12, 'ti5, Savannah, Gil., last paid Apr. 30, '65 ; cloth'g last settli>.l Sei>t." 22, '62; duesoldr S59.45; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and ei|uipm'ts n^tained, ^iti.OO. Clarey, Thomas, ])riv., Co. E; age 19 ; euroiieil Sept. 8. '(52, at New York City. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., jiresent ; Dec, last ])aid to Oct. 31. '<;2, present; entitled to 82.00 premium ; borne as Thomas Clancy. 1863: Fib., last paid fo Dec. 31, "(iJ, ])n;sent; April, same; ./»»ir, same; Aug., ]»aid to June 3lt, '(io. present; Oct., absent in conliue- meiit N. O., borne as Tliouuis Clarey; Dec, last ));iid not known, absent in conlincment N. ().; .$2.5 II. S. bounty, Jind 8- premium due soldier. I'*li4 : Feb., last paid tc) June 30, present ; s25 U. S. l)ouuty dm- soldier ; Apiil, last paid to Feb. 29, '()4, juesent; June, last paid to Ajj'I 30, 64, i)reseiit : Aug., absenr, deserted at Algiers, La., July 9, '64 : deduct 1 Eulield rille and set of aceonterments $21.65; haversack, 44c.; 1 shelter tout, $3.78; 1 canteen, 49c.; total. $26..{(;. Clark, Jamks, private, Co. H: age 'J2; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York City ; mus- tereil in Oct. |H, IH6-J. at N,.w York. Cor 3 years. IHC'J : Oct., presi-nt : Dec, last jiaid to Oct. 31, '6-J, present, cutitliil to 82.00 jircminm. \^Ci'\: /'Vi.Jast j)aid lo Dec. 31, '(i2, present; April, same: Jmie, same; Auq.. last paitl to .Iune:t(», '6:?, present ; Oct., iibseul in hos].!.. Berwick City : Dec, last ]iaid to Oct. :{1, 'fa, preseut. -,'ainerl from desertion. Dec. 19,'63: .^25 V. S. bounty and $2, premium, due the soldier. 1864: /'V&., present, $25, U. S. bounty duo 41 Clark, James — Coutinned. soldier. April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. ;jO, '64, present; Jug., same. Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Jjml, same ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '6a, present; Aufj., same. Mnsteied out with Co. Oct. r2, '65, at Savauuab, Ga. ; clotbiug acc't. last settled Sept. 12, '62 ; due soldier, $63.81; bounty due, $1('0. Clark, W. H., pvt.,Co. D; age 42; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct 18, 1»62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to |2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Jirne, same ; Aug., last paid to Juue"3U, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due tlie soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Ajjr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent, sick, New Orleans, La. ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent sick at New Orleans, La. ; Jwgf., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; died of gunsliot wound at barracks U. S. gen. hosp.. New Orleans, La., May 17, 18G4. Muster-out roll of co. : died May 17, '64, of g. s. wound, at Baton Eouge, La.; wounded in action at Pleasant Hill, La., Apl. 9, 1864; borne as Willliam H. Clark. Clarke, George E., private, Co. G; age 40; enrolled Sept. 1st, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Jan. 1st, '63; present; borne as Ceorge A. Clark; Apr., last^ paid to Jan, 1st, '63 ; present ; borne as George S. Clark ; June, last paid to Jan. 1st, '63 ; absent ; borne as George I. Clark ; sick in convalescent camp, Baton Rouge, La. ; Aug., last paid to July 1, '63; present; Oct., absent; last paid to July 1st, '63 ; sick at Marine Hosp'l, N. O. ; Dec, last paid to July 1, '63; died of diarrhea, chronic, Oct. 5, 1863, at St. James Hospital, New Orleans. Clarke, George W., priv., Co. E. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, absent ; trans- ferred from 174 Reg't, S. O., No, 47, Feb. 17th ; claimed by 6 U. S. Cav., Jan'y 29th ; enrolled Oct. 27th, N. York City, and mustered in at New York Nov. 13th for 3 years ; April, trans, to Co. M, 6 U. S. Cav., Jan'y 19th, '64. Mus- ter-out roll of CO. : claimed as a deserter by 6th U. S. Cav. ; trans, by order of Sec. of War Jan'y 27, '64. Clarke, Robert O., sergeant, Co. G ; age 25 ; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at Riker's Island, N. Y. Clary, Thomas,, pvt., Co. I; age 18; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City ; mus- tered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862 : Oct., absent, mustered in Company E. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred to Co. E, 162 N. Y. Vols., Nov. 1, 1862, orders Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Clement, Thomas, private, Co. A; age 33 ; enrolled Sept. 27, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '82, present, .$2.00 premium due. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, discharged by reason of disability, and final statements given Mar. 4, 1863, at Camp Mans- field, La. Muster-out roll of co., discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability Mar. 4, 1«63, at New Orleans, La. Closey, David, serg't, Co. E; age 25; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to .$2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present, detailed as color-bearer; April, present; June, absent, hosp'l Baton Rouge, wounded in action before Port Hudson, June 14, 1863; Aug., same; Oct., same; Dec, absent, hosp'l B. Rouge, wounded in action Pt. Hudson, June 14, '63; $25 U. S. bounty; $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, hosp'l B. Rouge, wounded in ac- ion June 14, '63; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; Jji^riZ, private, absent, uosp'l Baton Rouge, wounded June 14, 1863; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent. Baton Rouge, wounded in action .June 14, '63; Aug., absent, hosp'l Baton Rongc, La., wounded in action at Port Hudson, June 14, '63; Oct., same; Dec, absent, deserted from hosp'l Baton Eouge, La. 1865: Feb. and Apl, name not borne; June, absent, joined from desertion under Presi- dent's proclamation. May 1, '65; sick in Ladies' Home Hosp'l, N. Y. ; Aug., absent, disch. from Ladies' Home, U. S. A. G. Hosp'l, N. Y., on sur. cert, of disability May 29, '65. Muster-out roll of co. : reduced to ranks Dec. 31, '64; deserti'd iVotu hosp'l B.nton Rouge, La., Dec. 31, '64; gave himself up at Ladies' Home Hosp'l, N. Y., -.luder the President's proclamation. 42 Coach, Mosks, pvt., Co. I. 18G4 : Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, present, tr.iusferred from Co. 1, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, 18(54, jier .S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. ; ••nrolled Oct. 1(>, 18()'2, at New York; mustered in Nov. LS, 186*2, at New York for :{ yrs ; Apr., absent : transferred to the Invalnl Corps Mar., 1864. Muster-out roll of eo. : transferred to V. R. C, Mar. 1, 1864. Cohen, John, private, Co. V. 1H(>4 : J'ch'i/, last paid to Oet. :U, 1863, present ; en- rolled Oct. *i4, at N. Y., and niuslered in Nov. 13, '6'i, at N. York for 3 years; transferred by consfdidation from Co. F, 174 N. Y., S. O., No. 47, Hd. Qr. 19tli A. C, ]»nrsuant to order from War Dept. ; due this soldier §"J.") U. JS. bounty; Jpl, last pai, at Savannah, (ia. : last paid to Ai)'l 30, 186;"); clothing ac. settled Oct. *24, 1864; bounty due, .*;l(iO; gun and equiji- ments retaiuecl, G. O. 101, S6 ; due soldier for clothing, .^38. '28. Cohen, Lewis, cori)'l, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, ])resent ; trans, from 174 Keg'i, 8. O. 47, Feb. 17 : S*25 V. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. '2'2. N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, at N. Y., for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. '29th, sergeant, ])resent ; promoted to serg't Ajtril '20, 1864. June, last paid to Ajiril 30, 1864, ])resent ; Aitf/., same ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864, present, $4.60 lo be deducted for 1 tent; Dec, present, to be de- ducted 1 canteen, 4.")C., 1 haversack, 67c., and ^ shelter tent, $'2.30, $3.4*2. 186') : Feb., last ]iaiaid to Ajiril \W, '(!;'), present: Any., sann^. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Sav;inniih, Ga. ; clothing last settled Feb. 16, 1863; due IT. S., $'2.77; bounty due, $100. Cole, Gl'.sTAVf.s, Jirivate, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never jiaid: i»resent : enrolled Aug. II, '6:{. at Schenectady, N. Y., for ;{ yrs.; advance hounty due from the I'. S. IN)4 : /VT)., n»'V(^i- jiaid ; corj>'l ; present ; .(y;; i/. last jiaid to Feb. '29, '(54, absent, mi.ssing in action at Pleasant Hills, Ap'l ".', '(54; June, absent; Mus- tered in Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady ; in the hands of the enemy; Au;/.. last paid to Feb. *29, '(54; absent, in the hands of the enemy; due from the I'. S. C;., $'25 a«lvance liounty ; Oct., last ))aid to Feb. '29, '(54 : absent, in the hands of the eiifiny ; Dec, last ]);iid to l"eb. '29, '<)4; absent, in hands of the enemy since Ap'l 9, '(54. 1865: /' : Feb., same; April, 1st s'g't, same ; June, last paid to Feb. 29th, '64, absent, Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since June 22d, '65 ; Amj., same. Mustered ont on Ind'e M. O. roll July 10th, '65, at N. Y. City, nuder W. D., A. G. O., May 12th, '65 ; last paid to Feb. 29i h, '64 ; pris. of war 9 mos., Ap'l 9th, '64, to May 27th, '65 ; entitled to 3 mos. ex. pay; no clothing acc't. M. O. roll of co.: bounty due, $100; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10th, '63; app't'd s'g't Dec. 26th, '63; app't'd 1st s'g't Mar. 9, 1864; clothing drawn, $44.84. Cole, William L., private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 yr's ; deserted, arrested, by Stephen Van Vracker, reward $30; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., uever paid, present; borne as William T. Cole; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; wounded and sent to hosp'l. New Orleans Ap'l 8, '64 ; June, absent; mus. in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; wounded and sent to hosp'l, N. Orleans, Ap'l 8, '64; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; stop- page for transp. Albany, to N. Y., $1.50 ; due from U. S. Gov't $2.5, advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, 1 haver- sack, 67 cents, 1 canteen 45 cents, issued by Lt. Vanulta, R. D., Va., $1.12; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct ^ shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb., last "paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApU, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent; sick in hosp'l, Frederick, Md. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent ; sick in U. S. G. H., l^'rederick, Md.,|since Ap'l, 1865. Mustered ont on Inde. M. O. roll, June 9, '65, at Frederick, Md., under provision G. O., 77, A. G. 0.,C. S.,1865; last paid to Dec. 31, '64 : clothing due soldier $4.37; bounty due $100. Muster-out roll of co. : joined as recruit from draft ren- dezvous Dec. 10, '63. Colehartland, Edward, pvt., Co. I; age 36; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; borne as Edward Cole Hartland ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862; deserted from Camp Para- pet, CarroUton, La., January 11, 1863. Coleman, Thomas, corporal, Co. A. 1863: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at Riker's Island, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; borne on this roll as Timothy Coleman; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; bounty due, $25.00, present; $2.00 ])remium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Feb. 29; transferred to Navy by enli.stment May 1, '64, F. O. 35, Dept. of Gulf. Muster-out roll of co. : joined by transfer from Co. F, Feb. 28, 1863, S. O. 35, h'dq'rs 162 N. Y. V. ; transferred to Navy by enlistment May 1, 1864, F. O. 35, Dept. of the Gulf. Colemax, Timothy, private, Co. F. 1863: ApH, last paid to Dec. 3i, '62; absent; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation M'ch 1, 1863, and immediately transferred from Co. F to Co. A, by order of Col. Benedict. Muster-out roll of co.: transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qr. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A. Coleman, Timothy, private, Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sept. 23, '62. at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; sergt. ; present; promoted from ranks Dec. 15, '62; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; private; present ; reduced from sgt. Feb. 1, '63. Mus. O. roll of co.: transf'd to Co. F, S. O. 51, ext. l,Hd. Qrs., Dept. of Gulf, N. 0., La., Feb. 20, '63. Collins, Owen, pv't, Co. D ; age 37 ; enrolled Sept. 24, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; present; entitled to $2 premiuin. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862; present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '63; ab- 44 Collins, Owen — Continuctl. Hont, Hick in hosp. at Baton Ron;;e ; Oct., last paid to Ang. 31; absent, sick in hosp., New Orleans; Die, last jiaid to Oct. :{I, '6:{ ; present; §25.00 U. S. bonnty and §'2 preniiinn due the soldier. 1804 ; /W*., last paid to Oct. :{1, '(ilJ; present; Apr., last i)aid to Feb. 29, '04; absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; Jiitie, last i>aid to Ft-b.^U, 't)4 ; absenl, sick at Baton Ron^^e, La. ; Amj. . same; ()>\, 1st sergeant; present; Jm/jc, not ))aid since enlisted ; present; Jh//., last paid to .June 30, '03; present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31 ; itresent; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31 ; absent, deserted on or about Dec. 1, '03; pro- moted from Ist serg't to 2nd lient. in 2 La. Cavalry; order revoked by Gen- eral Banks and ordered to rei)ort back to bis regt. in his former grade, which he has failed to do, tlierehy reported a deserter. Muster-out roll of CO.: joined from recruiting depot Feb. 7, 1803; enrolled as private; jiro- nioted 1st sergt., date unknown ; deserted at New Orleans, La., Dec. 1, '()3 : borne on this roll as Ferdinand G. Columbia. CONNEL, Edwaki), i>'v't, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, 1863, absent; trans- ferred from 174 Reg't N. Y, Vols, by S. O. 47, H'd Q'rs Dep't of Gulf, I'Jf h A. C, Feb. 17, 1864 ; detached to 5th U. S. Art'y Dec. 14, 1803, S. O. 35, 19th A. C, Dep't of Gulf; enrolled Oct. 15, 1862, at New York City; mnstered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31. '03. ab- sent; detached to 5tb U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, Dec. 14, 1863; June, last i>aid to Ang. 31, '63, absent; detached to 5th U. S. Art'y Dec. 14, 1863, S. O. 35, H'd Qrs. Dep't of Gulf ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, 1864, present; deduct for 1 cross-cannon, 3c., letter G, Ic, 1 figure, 5c., 1 pr. of cross-rings, 8c., plate, 4c., total, 17c.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Auij., l.ast paid to Ap'l 30, '65, corp., ]tresent ; pro- moted to corp. Ang. 1, 1805. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1805, at Savan- nah, Ga.; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing acc't last settled Aug. 30, 1803; due soldier for clothing S15.41 ; bounty due SlOO. CONNELL, John, corp'l. Co. B. 1804: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174 Kogt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Sejit. 27, '62, at New York, and nnistered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29; killed in battle at Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, '64 ; borne as John J. Connell. Muster-out roll of co.: joined bv transfer from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Dept. Gulf, Feb. 17, '64; killed at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9, '64 ; final statement given. Conkers, Wm., private, Co. H; age 35; enrolled Sept. 30, '02, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '02. at N. York, lor 3 years. Ib62 : Oct., absent ; deserted at Riker's Island; Dec, absent; deserted at Riker's Island, Oct. 20, '02. CoNNKltv, (iKoiuiE, ])rivate, Co. C. 1804 : Feb., aljsent, sick at New Orleans ; due 5!25 U. S. bounty ; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Nov. 19, '()2, at New York ; mnstered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., uhscut; discharged for disability from hospital near New Orleans. M. O. roll of co.: discharged March 9, '64. CONNILLEY, .Jamk.s, jirivate, Co. F. 1H84 : Frb'i/, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; en- rolled Oct. 23, '62, at N.York; mu.siered in Nov. 13, '02, at N.York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. l'',J74 Regt., N. Y., S. O. No. 47, Hd. Qr. 19th A. C, i)iirsu;int to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier $25 11. K. bonnty; .'I///, last ]>aid to PVb'y 29, ])resent ; June, last ])aiay due for the months of Sept. and Oct., 1H<;4 ; June, last ]);iid to Ap'l 3(», ()5. j)resent ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '6.5, absent on detached service at, Savannah, Ga. Mustered out with (^o. Oct. 12, '05, at Savanmih, Ga. ; last paid to Ai»'l ;{0, '05; clothing last settled to Oct. 2:'.. l-'04 ; liounlv due.slOO; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, 1804; due soldier for clothing $9.67. 45 Connolly, James, private Co. A. 1864 : Feb., pre'sent, transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. 0. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '6&., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, dis- charged by reason of surg'n certif. for disability Jan. 12, 1864. Muster-out roll of Co.: discharged on S. C. D. at New Orleans, La., Jan'y 12, 1864; wounded in action before Port Hudson, La., June 13, 1863. Connor, Michael, pvt., Co. I; age 34; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last i>aid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, present; Apr., same ; June, same; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ab- sent, missing in action July 2, 1863, at Springfield Landing, La.; Oct., 1863, to Ap' I, 1864, inclusive, name not borne; June, absent, prisoner of war since July 2, 1863 ; Aug., 1864, to June, 1865, inclusive, same ; Aug., not on file. Muster out roll of co. dated Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.: bounty due, $100; absent, prisoner of war since July 2, 1863; supposed must, out of service under G. O. 77, War Dep't, A. G. O. C. S. (No discharge given at muster out of organization.) 46 Connor, Stephen, corp., Co. I ; ap;© 33 ; enrolled Aug. 29, 1862, at New York ; mus- tered ill Oct. 18, 1H{J2, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 'ti2, present. 18G3 : r'fb. ,\iist paid to Dec. 31, 1862, sgt., present ; J^;/., same ; June, last jtaid to Dec. 31, '62, pvt., present, rednced from serg't by C otlicer, June 8, 18'i3; J«(/.,last paid to June 30, 63, absent in arrest at Baton Rouge, La. ; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, 1863, af)senl in ar- rest; i'fc.last jiaid to Oct. 31, present. 1864: Feb., same; jj^r.,last paid to Feb. 29, '()4, present; June, last ]>aid to Feb'y 29, '64, present, in arrest awaiting sentence; ,!«(/., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present ; Oc^, last jiaitl to Feb'y 2.», dro|»ped by .sentence of G. C. M., sentenced to ccmlinement at Clinton Pri.son, N. Y., 9 years, stoppage of all pay; i>c.,nain« not borne. 1865: /'Vi., name not borne; ,!;)?•., name notltorno; June, absent, confine- ment 9 years, previously dro]tiied by error; Aug. ,uot on file. Muster out roll of CO., dated Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. : sentenced to confinement by G C. M., for 9 years, Clinton Prison, N. Y. ; clothing acc't never settled : no discharge furnished at muster out of organization. CONROY, John. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private ; age 25 ; enrolled Sept. 25, 1862, at New York City, for 3 years ; name lined out. Cook, A. L., Ist sergeant Co. H, 1802: Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; en- rolled Se]tt. 19, '62, at N. York, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transfd from Co. "K"toCo. "H" Nov. 10, '62, by order of Col. Benedict; entitled to .$2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, H)2, present. M. o. roll of co. : sergt. ; transfd to Co. "F," S. O. 51, ex. 1, h'dq'rs Dejit. of Gulf N. O , La., Feb. 20, '63, enrolled as .sgt. Cook, Andkkw, serg't, Co. K : age 30; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, transfd from Co. K to Co. H by order of Col. L. Benedick, Nov. 9, '62; borne as Andrew L. Cook. Muster-out roll of co.: transfd to Co. II, Nov. 10, '62. Cooke, A. L., 1st serg't Co. F. 1863: Jp'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Sept. 19, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at Rikei-'s Island, for 3 y'rs; transferred from " Co. H " by consolidation M'ch 1, 1863: June, hint paid to Dec. 31, 1862 ; wounded May 27 ; died May 29. Muster-out roll of CO.: killed in action at Part Hudson, La., May 27, 1863; borne as Andrew Cook; transferred from Co. H., S. O. 51, h'dq'rs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863. Cooper, Gkorge, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due §25.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N.Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 10, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '6:i, at New York, for 3 years ; Jpril, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; t/M/if ,(laBt paid to A])r. 30, '64, present; .lug., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '64, present; to be de- ducted, haversack. 49 cts. ; 0c7., last paid to Aug. 31, jiresent; Dec, last jtaid to Aug. 31, '64, jirtiseut. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, ])re.sent ; J^;r., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct knapsack, .ii3. 10 ; Juue. last j)aid to Ai)r. 30, '65, present; Aug., hist paid to Ai)ril 30, '65; deserted from camp near Savannah, Ga., July 8th, 1865; same roll shows him ]>resent ; joined from desertion 13, '65. Mustered out with company at Savan- nah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65; dotliing account last settled Oct. 10, '62; due sol- dier S6.07 ; bounty due $100. CooPEH, William, private Co. A. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present : trans- ferred from 174 N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Nov. 12, '62. at New York, and mustered in Nov. 1!?, 't)2, at New York for 3 years : Jp?-., last i)aid to Feb, 29, l>resent; stoppage, haversack, 48c.; canteen, 44c.; set of accoutrements, $3.25; .§4.17; June, last jtaid to Apr. 30, jires- ent; company cook ; stoppage, canteen, 41c. ; i s. tent, $1.75 ; $2.16; Aug. last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; stoppage, 1 haversack, 49c. ; Oct., last i»aid to Aug. 31, '64, absent; deserti'd at Martinsburg, Oct. 26, '64; stoppage, 1 Enlield rifle and er|uii)ments complete, $21.25 ; ^ s. tent, .$2.30 ; total. .$2:>. ;'!."> : Dec, last jtaid to Aug. 31, '64, jiresent, stop i s. tent, $2.30 ; extra rlothing. $20; droj)j>ed as 2 : Oct., present ; Dec, last jiaid to Oct. 31, serg't, present ; eutitled to ^2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to 47 COOPEK, William — Continued. Dec. 31, present; ^j^r. same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, left sick at Alexandria, La. ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in hospital at New Orleans; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31^ absent, sick in hosp't'l at New- Orleans; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; the soldier is entitled to the |25 U. S. bounty, $2 preaiinui. 1864 : Feh., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present, due $25 U. S. bounty : Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, deduct haver- sack, canteen, ^ shelter tent, $2.40 ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64; private, present, reduced to ranks from serg. Aug. 2, '64, deduct haver., canteen, 90c. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct for extra clothing, $17.34 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct 1 haversack, 40c., 1 canteen, 45c.; 85c. 1865: Fei., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, deduct 1 haversacli, 95c., and 1 canteen, 65c. ; $1.60; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, serg't, preseat, promoted to serg't, Aug. 1, '65, by S. O. 13, hdqrs. 162 N. Y. Vols.; deduct 1 haversack, 95c., 1 canteen, 65c. Mustered out with CO., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apr. 30, '65 ; clothing last settled Sept. 8, '62; clothing due U. S., $29.19; bounty due, $100; de- duct 1 haversack, 95c., 1 canteen, 65c. CORBETT, Peter, priv. Co. E; age 22; enrolled Sept. 30, 'C2 at N. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62 at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., hist jiaid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, same; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '63, absent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present ; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25 U. S. bovmty due soldier ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30 ; deserted at Algiers, La., July 9, '64, from guard-house ; 1 Enfield rifle and set of accoutrements, $21.65; haversack, 44c. ; 1 shelter tent, $3.78 ; 1 canteen, 49c. ; total, $26.36. CORBITT, John. Muster-in roll of Co. D dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862 : private ; en- rolled Sept. 25, 1862, at New York City for 3 years; name lined out. ■CoRBiTT, Michael, pvt. Co. I.^ 1864: Feb., discharged from gen. hospital Feb. 17, 1864; enrolled Oct. 20, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, at New York, for 3 v'rs. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged Feb'y 16, 1864 ; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, H'dq'rs 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864. Corcoran, James, private, Co. A. 1863: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Oct. 4, '02, at Rikei''s Island, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '63, absent in hospital at Baton Rouge, July 18, '63 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, — absent in hospital at Baten Rouge since July 18, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; bounty due, $25.00, present; $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, — present ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, — , present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, — pres- ent ; stoppage haversack, 33 ; canteen, 41 ; ^ s. tent, $1.75 — $2.49 ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, i^resent ; stoppage one canteen, 41c.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent ; deserted at Martinsburg Oct. 26, 1864 ; stop- page 1 Eutield rifle and equipments complete, $21.25; 1 s. tent, $4.60 ; total, $25.85 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; dropped as deserter Oct. 31, '64; returned from desertion Nov. 1, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; dropped as deserter through error in last muster-roll; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; reported deserter through error in Dec. rolls; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Sept. 30, 1862; due soldier, $42.32 ; bounty due, $100 ; joined by transfer from Co. F Feb. 28, 1863, S. O. 35, H'dq'rs 162 N. Y. V. Corcoran, James, private, Co. F. 1863 : Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent ; en- rolled Sejit. 30, at N. Y. ; mustered Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. "H" by consolidation M'ch 1, '63, and imme- diately transferred from Co. "F" to Co. "A" by order of Col. Benedict. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from Co. " H." S. O. 51, H'dq'rs Dep't of Gulf, Feb'y 20, 1863. Corcoran, Jas., sergeant Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, private, present; reduced from s'g't Nov. 7, '62; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; $10 to be deducted, as per sentence of court-martial, by S. O. No. 29 from Col. Benedict. Mus. o.-roll of co. : s'g't transferred to Co. " F " S. 0. 51, ex. 1, H'dq'rs Dep't of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. 48 Corey, John Van Bl'BEN, ninsician Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, jut sent ; transferreil from 174 Rog't N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, H'dq'rs Dep't of (inlf, lU A. C, Feb. 17, '»)4 ; deduct '.Vi cts. for liaversack ; enrolled Oct. 3, 'O'J, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, 'G'2, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; Apr., last i»aid to Feb. 29, '64, presHnt; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, private, present; ordered to the ranks from drummer Juue 17, l)y Col. Blanchard ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64; musician, present; head-batter be, snare 33c., cord 2t>c., snare setts 20c., total, $7.19; Oct., last paid to Auec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1803: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sent to general hospital from Opelousas, May 3, '63; Aug., absent in hospital at Opelousas May 2, '63; Oct., last paid to Dec. 31, pres- ent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, bounty due, $25.00, present ; $2.00 preji.ium due this soldier. 18f4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Apr., last i)aid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, deserted at Martinsburg Oct. 26, 1664 ; stoppage, 1 Entield rifle and equipments com- plete, $21.25, i S. tent, $2.30, total, $23.55. Muster-out roll of Co. : deserted at Martinsburgh, Va., Oct. 26, '64. CORRIN, John, private, Co. K ; age 36 ; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; l>ec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ApU, same; June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent; sick in hospital at New Orleans; Dec, last paid to Juue 30, absent ; sick iu hospital at N. O. ; en- titled to the $25 U. S. bounty, |2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to June 30, '63 ; bounty due $25; absent ; sick in hospital at New Orleans, La. ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent; sick, St. James hosp., N. Orleans. La.; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent ; sick St. James Hospt'l, N. Orleans, » La. : Aug., absent, sick in hosp.. New Orleans, La. ; Oct., deserted from New Orleans, La., Oct. '63; deduct haversack, canteen, i shelter tent $2.79. Muster-out roll of Co. : discharged for disability at New Orleans, La., M'ch. 't;3. COSTELLO, John, private, Co. A.; age 33 ; enrolled Sept. 27, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 18(52 : Oct., absent, sick in Believue Hospital, N. Y. with leave; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. '.il, '62, ab- sent, in liospital at New York City. 18(53: Feb., last paid to Dec, :!1, '62, absent, sick in hospital at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 23, '62; Apr., last jjaidto Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at Philadelpiiia, Va.; June, not paid since enlisted, absent, sent to General Hospital from Kickers Island, N. Y. Oct. 23, '()2 ; Aug., not ])aid since enlisted, i>resent, returned from hospital at New York City, July 22, '63; time of absence, Oct. 20, '62, to July 22. 'ti:! ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, bounty dtie, $25.00, jjresent; $.i.00 premium due this s(ddier. 1864: Feb., last i>aid to Oct. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Apr. :>0, jiresent, stop|)age i shelter tent $1.75; Aikj., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '()4, pres- ent; Oct., last jtaid to Aug. 31, '()4, present; Dec, same, stop i S. tent$2.30, haversack 49c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, al)sent on furlough for 15 days, from Feb. 20, '(55; .tpr., lastjiaid to Aug 31, '(54, present ; stoppage transportation while on furlough, $14. 24; June, last paid to Ai)r. 30, '65; present ; Aug., same. Mustered out witli Co. Oct. 12, 186.5, at Savannah, Ga.; clothing last settled Sept, 27, 18(52; due soldier $67,36 ; bounty duo $100. CoSTELLO, Simon, i)rivate, Co, E. 18(54: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; trans- ferred fnuu 174th Kegt,, S, O, No, 47, Feb, 17; $25 U, S, bounty due the soldier; d-nrolled Nov, 19, N. Y(uk City; mustered in Dec. 4, at N. Y., for 3 years: .Ipr., last ]iaid to Feb. 29, i»resent ; June, last ]>aid to Apr 30, '64, present; .iug., same; Oct., bust paid to Aug, 31, '(54, jircsent ; Dec, same; to be deducted, «^n^^ haversack, 67c., and i shelter-tent, $2.30, total $2.97, 18(55 : Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, '64, present ; Apr., same ; June, last pai'l July 1, '65. COTLKR, John, private, Co. C. 18(54: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; du» $25.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C.^ Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 17, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62^ at New York, for 3 years; Apr., absent, detailed on safe guard; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, detailed on safeguard at Franklin, La. ; Aug.,. absent, det. on safe guard at Franklin, La. ; borne on this roll as Joiiii Cottier; Oct., absent, det'd as safe guard at Franklin, La. ; Dec, absent,. «ame remarks. 1865: Feb., absent on safeguard at Franklin, La. ; ^/>r.,. absent, same remarks; June, absent on safe guard Franklin, La., sJoce- March 12, '64; Aiiq., absent; dropped as deserter Aug. 28, 1865; left asi safe guard at Franklin, La., March 12, '64; not heard from since. Cotton, Edwin, corp., Co. I; age 33; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York City;- mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present; Dec.y. last paid to Oct. 31, 'C)'-^, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62^. serg't, present; April to June, inclusive, same; Aug., last paid to July 1^ '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, sick at Marine hospital; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick in hospital, N. O. 1864 : Feb., pvt., absent, sick in New Orleans; deduct cross-belt and plato; pay due as serg't to Feb. 17, '64; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick in New- Orleans; June, absent, same remarks; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, pres- ent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, corp., present; appointed corp. Sept. 11,, ^64 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, serg't, present, promoted from corp., rank:, from Dec. 1, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct §4. 12 for transportation whileon furlough, aud $10.10 = :3;14.22 total; Aprils last paid to Dec. 31, '64, 1st s'g't, present; promoted from serg't to 1st serg't Apr. 20, '65 ; deduct $14.22, transportation ; June, last paid to Apr» 30, '65, present; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settl'd, never; due soldier, .$49.63 ; bounty, due, $100.00 ; last paid to Ap'l :iO, '65. COWDREY, Samuel, 2d lieut., Co. F. 1862: Dec, pay all due as 2d Heut., present ;• enrolled Aug. 14, '62, at New York; mustered in Aug. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years ; promoted as 1st lieut. Co. I, and mustered Oct. 18,. 1862 ; was paid from Oct. lb roTJct. 31, 1862; not borne on .subsequent roll* of CO. COWDREY, Samuel, 1st It., Co. I; age 18; enrolled Oct, 18, '62, at New York City;, mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec,, last paid to Oct, 31, '62, present; wants pay from Sept. 18 to Oct. 18, '&i,.. and from Aug. 14 to Sept. 18, '62, as 2nd It. 18o3 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; mustered into U. S. service Aug. 14, '62, and promoted to> 1st It. Oct. 18, '62, and only paid from that date; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, commanding co. ; mustered Aug. 14, '62, as 2nd It. ; pro- moted to 1st It. Sept. 18, '62, and only paid fnmi Oct. 18, '62; June, last paid to June 30, '63, ^^iresent, comd'g co. ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, absent on det. serv, as oranance officer, 3rd div., 19th A. C; comd'g co. to Aug. 26, '63; Oct., capt,, absent; promoted from Ist It. to capt. Aug. 29, '63; on. det. serv. in ordnance dept., 19th A. C, since Aug. 25, '63; Dec, last paid to Nov. 30, present; wants pay as comd'g Co, I, from Dec. 15, '63, to Dec. 31, '63, and from July 1, '63, to Aug. 21, '6:i. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Dec 31, '63, present, commanding co.; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; comd'g CO. until April 25; since in command of regt. ; June, last iiaid to- Apr. 30, '64, present, comd'g co.; entitled to pay as 2ud It. from Aug. 14, '62,. to Oct. 18, '62, having been mustered as 2nd It. Aug. 14, '62, in Co. K, 53 N. Y. v.; transferred by S. O, No. 585., A. G. O. (S. N, Y.), dated Sept. 10, '62,. to 162 N. Y. V. ; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present, comd'g co. ; en- titled to pay as 2nd It. from Aug. 14, '62, to Oct. 18, '62, having joined for service with 84 enlisted men, and mustered as 2nd It. Aug. 14, '62, m Co. K,. 53 N. Y. v.; transferred by S. O, No. 585, A. G. O., S. N. Y., dated Sept. 10, '62, to 162 N, Y. Vols ; deduct 30 rations at 30 cts. per ration ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, comd'g co. ; deduct 60 rations at 30 cts. each. $18.00; pay due as 2nd It. from Aug. 14, '62, to Oct. 18, '62, having joined for service with 80 enlisted men, and mustered as 2iid It. Aug. 14, '62; Dec,. last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, comd'g co. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec 31, '64, absent with leave from Feb. 11 ; due extra $10 per mo. for comd'g^ CO. from Dec. 31, '64, to Feb. 11, '65; April, last paid to Feb. 28, '65, present, comd'g CO.; dne, extra $10.00 per mo. for comd'g co. from Jan'y 1, '65, to Feb. 11, '65; June, last paid to Juue 30, '65, present, comd'g co. ; due $10.00' 11789 4- 50 Cowdr::v, Samtkl — C>u tinned. per nio. for C(>ni; Aug., not on lile. Mustered out with co. ascapt., Oct. li. 't).'>, at Savannali, Ga. ; last paul to An^. :?, '•>•>, eonnri: co. ; due §10.00 i-^tra res]ionsiliiliry per nio. for eomd'ji co. from Jan'y 1, 't>.5, to Teh. 11, 'Go, and from Mar. 1, "tj3, to Auj;. 6, '03, and from Sept. d, 'tio, to date of muster out. Co.\. Jksskk, private, Co. D. 181)4: Feb., last paid to Aus:. '31, 'O'.J; absent, trans- ferred from 174 Ke-^t ,N. Y. v., byS.O. 47,Htl. Qr». Dopt.ofGulf, 19A.C.,Fel>. 17, 'i;4 ; (let'ch'd to ."> U. 8. Art'y Dec. 4, '0;J, S. O. :}.'), 19 A. C, Dept. of Gnlf ; enrolled Get. 14, V)>, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '6-2. at New York, for :i years; Apr., last paid to Auj;. 31, 'il:}; absent, detached .') U. S. Art'y, S. 0. 35, Dec. 14, '03 ; June, last paid to Aujj. 31, '03; deserted May 17, '04, from •"» U. S. Art'y. Name not borne on rolls Aujj., '04, June, '05, inclusive. 1805: Jui/., last paid to Aug. 31, '03, ab.sent ; by error dropped as deserter from 5 U. S. Art'y May 17, '04 ; was captured by the enemy eanio date. Muster-out roll of co. : clothing account last settled Aug. 31, '03 ; full amount of clothing drawn, §17.55; bounty due, SIUO.OD. Cox, Thomas, corporal, Co. G; age 31 ; enrolled Aug. "iO, 180-^, at New York; mu.s- tered in 0(!t. 18, 1802. at New York, for 3 years. 180'2 : Oct . deserted Oct. 21, 180-2; Dec, deserted Oct. 23, 1802, at New York; returned Nov. 4th, to Alexandria, Va. ; discharged Nov. 7th, lt62, by paragraph 3, Special Order. No. 332, dated War Dept., Nov. 7, 1802. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged to become hospital stewart, U. S. A. Cramer, Hkxky, private, Co. H. 1803; Dec, never paid; present; enrolled Aug. 11, ,03, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the IJ. S. 1804: Feb., never paid ; i)resent ; borne as Henry Cramer; Jj)r(7, last ])aid to Fob. 2t),'()4 ; present ; stoppage i shelter tent, Si-25 ; Jutif, last paid to Feb. 20, '64; died inho.sp'l, N. Orleans, June 18, '04. acute diarrhuM ; stoppage, 1 entield ritle,Sl8; 1 completesetof equipments, $2.25, total; 821 25; mustered in Aug. 11, '03, at Schenectady. Mus. o. roll of co.: corporal; joined as a recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10, '03; appointed corporal Dec. 20, '03. Croe, Thomas, private, Co. G. ; age 19; enrolleil Aug. 29, 18152, at New York; mus- tered in Oct 18, 1802, at New York, for 3 years. 1-02: Oct., j^resent; Dec, last i)aid to Oet. 3l,()2: i)resent; entitleil, to $2 premium. 1803: Feb., laat painient8, $6. Cunningham. .John, private, Co. «'C" 18(34: last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; translerre.l from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, I'J A. C. Feb. 17, '(54; enrolled Oct. 14. 'tVi. at New York; mustered in Nov. 1:5, '(j"J, at New York, Tor 3 yea^^ ; due $2'\ IJ. S. bounty; April, last paid to Feb. "J'J, '04, absent; uiissinti iu action Sabine Cross-koads April t'tb, lHd4 ; June, last iiaid to Feb. 'Ji», '64, and a prisoner iu hands of the eut-niy; Auf/., last i)aid to Fel). 29, '64, ab- sent ; prisoner of war since Aiiril l>th, '64, at Camp Taylor. IVxa-s ; Ocf., last paiil to Feb. 2L>, absent; sauu' remarks; Dec, last paul to Fel>. 29, '64. ab- sent; prisoner of war since April Dth, '64, at Camp Tyler, Texas. 1^15: J'th., last paid to Feb. 20, '64, abst!nt ; jirisouer of war at Camp Tyler, Texas, April 5th, 1H61 ; .4;jr., same ; Jhhc, absent; same remarks; Ji«c,last paid to Oct. 31, '62, ])resent ; wants pay fiom Sept. 15 to Oct. 8, '62. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, jjresent; Jpl., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at Brashear City, La. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; discharged U. S. service. May 4, '63; discharge and tinal statemeuta- given. M. O. roll of co.: discharged Feb. 5, '63, Baton Rouge, La. JKRAN, J(j.^i:i'H, corj)'!, Co. I; age 21; enrolled Aug. 30, '62. at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec ^ last i»aid to Oct. 31, '62. present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ))re8- ent; Jjfr., private, absent, deserted Apr. 29, '63; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, T)3, pnsent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, deduct one cross belt and plate. 1H64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, Corp.. present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr 30, '64, jtrivate, pres- ent; Au;)., last paid to Ajtr. ;{0, '64, present, deduct 1 haversack; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, deduct canteen, 45 cts. ; Dec, last pair., inclusive, same ; Jo «r, last paid to Apr. 30, "65, present; J«(/.,not on lile. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savan- nah, Ga. ; last i)aid to Ap'l 30, '65; bounty due, $100; cl()thing due, $67 34» Curtis, TiKi.MAS B., 1st lieut.,Co. E; age 28; enndled Aug. 23, '62, at N. York City, mustered in Oct. IH, '62, at New York, for 3 yeais. 18()2: Oct., present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, present; all theoflicers, when (were) mustered on the 18th of Oct. and when entitled to 14 days' pay, they received only 13 days' pay; accordingly one day's pay is still due to each. 1.^63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present, under arrest ; to be tried on charges preferred ; A}ir., last jtaid {o Dec. 31, '()3, pr«'sent; June, last i)aid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, dis- missed .May 2, 'ti3. Muster-out roll of co. : dismissed the service Apr. 18, '63. CUi^lCK, Ivoni-ur, corporal, Co. D. lMi4: Feb'i/, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, ])reseut, translerred from 174 Kegt., N. Y. V.,"by S. O. 47. H. Q. 19 A. C, Dept. of Glf., Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, in New York City; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at Kiker's Isl'd. for 3 y«'ars; April, last paid to Feb. 28, '63, present ; June, l;jst paid to Aji'l 3((, '()4, jirivate, pn'seut; Au4 ; deserted at Algiers, La., .July 9, 64; due Gov't for loss of Austrian rille complete and etjuipts. c(un|)lete, $16.35, also for loss of canteen and havers'k, i shelter tent, .$--'.71 ; total $19.(M;. Daciitlei:, Matiiias. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62, private, age 3-1; enrolle«l .June 27. '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 years. Name and enroll- ment lined out. 1*^62: Or^, deserted Sept. 9. Dale Cu 53 Dale, John — Coutinued. Dept. of Gulf, 19th A. C, dated Au^. 10, '63; $25 U. S. bounty aud $2 pre- luiuiu due the sohlier. 1S15-I : Feb., last paid to July 1, '(33, absent; $i5 U. IS. bounty aud %'l premium due tiie soldier; on detached service, S. O. 195, Dept. Gulf, Aug. 10, 18G3 ; Apr., last paid to July 1, (j:> ; absent on detached service, S. O. No. 195, Hd. Qrs. J)ept. of the Gulf, Aug. 10, '03; Jane, last paid to July 1, '(33; died at New York City, May 12, '(34. IMusrer-out roll of CO.: died May 12, 18(34, at N. Y. City of " phthisis pulmouaiis ; " promoted to corporal, June 14, 1863. Dally, John R., private Co. G ; age 19; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862; Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '(32 ; corporal, present ; ]iromoted to the lauk of corporal Nov. 7, '62; entitled to .*;2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '62; absent, deserted at New Orleans, La., Jan 23, 18(53. M. O. roll of co.: pro- moted Oct. 21, 1862. Daly, Anthony, private Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sep. 1,'62, New York, and mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paiaid to Aug. 31, '63; absent; transferred from 174 R. N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 17, '64 ; sick in hosp. at B. R. since Sep. 2, '63; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs. ; mustered in Nov. 13, at N. Y. City ; Aph, last paid to Aug. 31, '63; absent, sick, Baton Rouge, La. ; June, '64, to Feb., '65, inclusive, same. 1865: ApL, absent, sick at Baton Kouge, La. ; last lieard from Feb. 1, "(it : June, same ; Aug., same. Co. M. O. roll: sick at Baton Rouge, La. ; last heard from Se\). 2, '(33; supposed to have been discharged; no clothing drawn; last p'd to June 30, '63; clothing acct. last settled June 30, '63 ; bounty due, $100. Davenport, C. H., sergt., Co. D. 1864 : Feb. ,\a.?,t paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; present : trans- f'd from 174 Regt. N. Y. V., bv S. O. 47, H. Q., 19 A. C, De|.t. of Gnlf, Feb. " 17, '64; deduct $1.63 for I shelter tent; enrolled Oct. 3, '6i, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '(32, at Rikei's Isl'd, for 3 years; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; present; June, last ])aid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64 ; ])resent; Dec, same. 1865 : FeJ)., last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; present"; deduct for transportation, $14.22; J;j/.,sanie; J«»e, last paid to Apl. 30, '65 ; present; Aug., same. Co. M. O. roll: died Oct. 3, '65, of chronic diarrhea at Post hosp'l, Augusta, Ga. Davenport, John, iirivate Co. G.;age — . 1864: Feb., lastpaid Nov. 1, '63; present ; transferred from Co. G., 174 Regt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C. 17 Feb., 1«64 ; enrolled Oct. 9, '(32, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Mar. 1, '64; pre- 54 Davenport, John— Con tinned. sent; June and Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64 ; present; deserted Oct. «), 1H«)4 ; u'tiinifd troni dcsiTtion Oct. 2^, 't)4, in arrest ; Dec, last paid to Sept. i, (il; pii'seiit as John C. Davenport. Ibtia: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '('p5 ; present; Apr., last paid to Dec. ".il, '04 ; present; Jiiiu, last paid to- May 1, 'li.'.; present; Aiuj. ; last i>aidtoApr. liO, 'ti:> ; present; deduct 8^.30 due U. S. for clolliin<; overdrawn to date. Mnstered out with co. Oct.l'i, 'ti"), at Savannah, Ga, ; last jiaid April 30, ldti5 ; clothing never settled ; due soldier, .^1*2.50: bounty due, $110. Davidson, Maktin, private, Co. A.; aaid to Dec. M, '&2; i)resenf; Aj))-., last jiaid to Dec. M, 'tii ; discharjied by reason of disability and final statimoiits {jiven March 4, '(ili, at Camp^ Mansfield, La. M, o. roll of eo.: discharged on surgeon's certif. of disa- bility. March 4, (j:iat New Orleans, La. Davix, Michakl, ]>rivate, Co. D; age '29; enrolled Sept. 9, '6-'. N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. If!, 'ti2. at New York, for 3 years. lr?()2: fr/.. (iresent ; IJec, last l)aid to Oct. ."51; present; entitled to .'?i premium. Issent. transferred to (from) Co. I, 174 N. V. v., Feb. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, II. Qrs. lUih A. C; in Battery G.5th U. S. Art'y ; enrolled Oct. 20, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., absent, detailed in Bat. G., oth U. S. Art'y j June, same; An;/., present; deduct 17 cts. for articles lost while on det. serv. in Bat. G, oth U. S. Art'y ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31 ; juesent; iJec, same. 1(^65: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31. '64; luesent; deduct i shelter tent, S2.30; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '()4 ; deserted June 4, 'Go, at Washington, 1). C; deduct I>nf. rille and (([uipments, kna])sack, haver- sack, and s. tent (i s. tent carried forwai'd from last rolls); Aug., not on tile. Davis, Edmund, private, Co. B; age 42; enrolled Sept. 20, '62, New York; and mus- tered in Oct. 14, '02, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oet., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00, preni. due, (J. 0. No. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aj)i:, hist paid to Dec. 31, absent sick in hosp'l at Bnusier, La.; ./une, last jniid to Dec. 31: absent hos'l Brasier, La.; Aug., List paid to .\pr. 30, present: (fcl., last paid to Aug. 31, l»resent; Drr., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.') U. K. bounty and $2 preni. due this sold'r. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Apr., paid to Fel). 2!), present; ,/une, bust paid to Apr. 30, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; corporal, present, stoppage: canteen 4.'ic., one-half S. tent, $2.30, $2.7."); J>ec, last paid to Aug. 31, present: detailed to I'.rig. i}. Mr. Dept. Dec. 17, '64, S. O. 2}). 18().'"): Fib., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; det'd. to Brig. (^ Mr. Dept. Feb. 18, '(m: S. O. lA; Apr., same; June, last paid to .Vpr. .'{0, '6."), present; det'd. to Brig. Qr. Mrs. Dep't. .S. O. \o. IT), Feb., \><, '6."); y\ug., last paid to .\pr. 30, '(ir>, present. Mns- tered out with compy Oct. 12. '(!."), at Savannah. (J.i.; last jiaid to Apr. 30, '().'); clotliing List settled to Sep. 20, '6J; due .soldier, $01.20; bounty due, $100; enrolled a private; promoted corp'l Mch. 1. '64. Davis, John, corporal, Co. C. 1864: Feb., bust paid to Oet. 31, '63, present ; due $2.") U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 7, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '64. at New York, for 3 years; April, last i)aid to Feb. 2!», '64; absent, mi.ssingin action Sabine Cros.s Koads, ,\pril 8th, 1M«4; Juue, last paid to Feb. 20, '61, alisent. snk and wounded at .Sabine Cros.s Koad.s, and a prisoner in the bands of the enemy; Aug.. last p:iid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, died inaction, April 8, '64, at Sabine Cross K'oads. Davis, John, private, Co. K; age 18; onndled Sept. 22, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. IH. '({-i, at New York, for 3 yi-s. lH(i2: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oet. 31, present, entitled to $2.00 prenuum. 1K03: Feb. and Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '02, preseiTt: ./uik, last paid to Dee. 31, '62. absent, wounded, and at hospital in I'.aton Rouge: . I"'/., last jiaid to June 30, '63, pre.sent; Oit., last p.-iid to .\u','. ;',1. present: /><•.. last paid to Oet. 31, present; enti- tled to the $2.'>.(io U. S. lumnty; $2.00 premium. IMOJ: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, lK)unty due $2.>, present; Apr., hist paid paid to Feb. 29, '64, 55 • Davis, Johx— Continued. present ; June, last paid to Apr.. .30, '64, present; Aut., last paid, to Apr. 30, '64; deserted from Halltown, Va., Auti. 8, '64, deduct haver., canteen, i S. tent $2.79, extra clotliiuj^ $27.31; Ovt.y present, returned from desertion Sept '2, '64; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; deduct 1 haversack 40c. 1865: Feb. and yl»r. , last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Jane and Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '6.'>, present. Mustered out with Co. Oi;t. 12, '65, Savannah, (Ja. ; last paid to Apr. 30, 65; clothing last settled Sept. 22, '62; due U. S. $J7.62; bounty due $100; wounded in action at Port Hudson, La., May 27, '63; deduct $30 for his apprehension as deserter; 1 haversack, 93c. Davis, William, private, Co. F. 1864: Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; enrolled Dec. 8, ^ii-l, at New York; mustered in Dec. 8, '6i, at liiker's Island, N. York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, Hd. Qr. 17 A. C, pursuant to orders from the War Dept. ; due $25 U. S. bounty; absent at Ship Island; Ap'L, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, ab- sent at Ship Island; June, same; Ami., absent at Ship Island; Oct., same; Dec., same. 1865: Fehij., same; y);)7,, absent at Ship Island, by sent, of G. C. M. ; Jif/ie., same; Jit/., abst. at Ship Island. Muster-out roll of co. : last paid not known; clothing last settled, Dec. 8, '62; amount drawn, $44.77; bounty due, $100; transfered from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C. Feby. 17, '64; absent in confinement at Ship Island. Certificate of mustering officer dated U. S. mustering office, S. Div. N. Y., Jany. 13, '6^): discharijie furnished Jany. 13; tried by Lt. C. M. for desertion and conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline; sentence promulgated in G. O. No. 5, Hd. Qrs. 1st Div. 19 A. C. Oct. 15, 18{i3; sentence 3 years at hard labor; 2 years with ball and chain; forfeit $10 per mo. for b ilance of enlistment; released from con- finement Dec. 9, '65, per G. O. No. 72, Hd. Qrs. Dept. La. ; money value of clothi'ig drawn while in confinement on Ship Island, $56.17; discharged without final papers, under circular letter from War Dept., A. G. O., Nov. 20, 1865. As no account of pay appears on muster-out roll of his co., he is di- rected to apply to 2d Auditor for settlement of his accounts. Dawsox, Thomas, corporal, Co. E; age 24; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Od., absent, deserted from Camp Bowen, Kicker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 18, '62. Muster-out roll of co: deserted Oct. 21, 62. Dayley, James, private, Co. E; age 19; enrolled Sept, 3, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present, borne as James Daly; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, carporal, present; promoted Nov. 13th; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feh.,\.xst paid to Dec. 31, absent, deserted Feb. 4, '63, from Camp Mansfield, La. Muster-out roll of co: De- serted at Carrollton, La., Jau'y, 1863. Deegan, Ross, 2d lieut. Co. A; age 33; enrolled Oct. 16, 'G:2, at Albany; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 year.s. 1862: Oct., present; Det^r., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, nresent; two days' back pay due from the 16 to 18 of Sept. 1863: Feh'ji, last paid to Dec. 31, '()2; captain, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, three days' back pay due from 16 to 18 Oct., inclusive; also dif- fereuce of pay between a capt. and 2d lieut. from 29 Nov, to 31 Dec, in- clusive; Juii", lastpaid to Dec. 31. '62, present; inarrest since March 24, '63, three days' pay due from 16 to 18 Oct., '62; also thedifterence between capt. and 2d lieut. 'spay from Nov. 29 to Dec. 31, '62, inclusive; Aug't, absent; never mustered; recapitulation shows him absent with leave; Oct., absent, sick; never mustered as capt.; Dec'r, absent in New Orleans, has been dis- missed irom the service by court-martial, and approved by Gen. Brooks, but h;x3 been referred to the President for his approval. 1864: Feh'y, absent, discharged, S. O. 47, Feb'y 17, '64. 19 A. C. Muster-out roll of co.: enrolled as 2d lieut.; promoted capt, Nov. 28, 1862; mustered out per S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb'y 19,1864. Dehx, Moritz, private, Co. F; age 35; enrolled May 10, 1862, at N. Y. City: mustered in Aug. 22. 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Od.. corporal, present; $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. ls(j;5: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, private, present; reduced to the ranks Feb. 27, '63; Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in gen'l hosp'l Ap'l 28, 'Q'-V, June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent gen'l hosp'l May 5; Aug., absent in gen'l hosp'l May 5, '63; Oct., absent in gen'l hosn'l; Dec, absent, sick at New Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier ami $2 premium; 1864: Feb.. due soldier $25 U. S. bounty: absent, sick at gen'l hosp'l, N. Orleans, May 5, '63; borne as Charles Dehn; Ap'l, absent, sick at gen'l hosp'l, N. Orleans, May 31, 56 Dkhx, Moritz — Continued. "ti i; Jane, same; Auff., same; Of., deserted fromgeu'l hosp'l; canteen, haver- sack, and slieltei-teiit t> bedediicted Irom his p;iy. ${.4i. Muster-out roll of CO. : tr.msl'd Iroui 'i'.i N. Y. V. Sept., H(>2; deserted from New Orleaus, La., Sept. "2, ': I'\h. to ./ime, inclusive, last pai(i to Dec. ;il, '(Ji, present; Antj., last paid to June ;>U, '()L5, present; Ort., last paid to .Vi'K. :il, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. ;il, pres- ent; the soldier is entitled to the $25 U.S. bounty; $2 premium. 18(;4: Feb., last paid to Oct. :$!,'():{, present, dae.$-2.5 U. 8. bounty; Ajir., last paid to Feb. 2!), '(j4. absent, mi-tsin, corp'l, last jjuid to Feb. 29, '()4; clothinji last settled Sept. 3. '(>2 ; bounty due $10(1; enrolled as private; appointed Nov. 1, ■(i2; sick in G. hospl. New Orleans, La.; hasdrawn clothing to the amount of $()(!. 18; no discharfie furnished at muster out of or- j;auiz.itiou; supposed to have been mustered out of service. I>E L.V MuXTANYE, .LvMEs, pvt., Co. 1; au;e 43; enrolled Sept. 11, '02, at New York city; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1802: Oet., present; J)ec., last piidto Oct. 31, '62. present. 1303: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '(!2. Corp.; present; Ad'., same; Junt; last paid to Dec. 31, '02, pvt., present; re- duced Irom Corp. to ranks. May 24, ^G:i\ An;/., List paid to .Fune .30, '()3, ab- sent, sick in hospital at Hatou Rouge. La.: Oil., last paid to .hily 1, '63, ab- sent, sick at hospital Katon Rouge, La.; 7) c.. absent. .s:ime remark. 1804: Feb., absent, sick in P.aton Rouge; deduct cross-belt and plate; April to Dec., inclusive, absent. sii;k in New Orleans, La. 186."i: Fell., dropped from the rolls and reported de.serted, having in most ca9; June, last paui to Apl. 3 i, '04, present; stoppage, canteen 31c, \ shelter tent $1.2.'), total $1.."')9; Auij., last paid to .\pl. 30, '(i4, absent, in the hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. (Jov't. ,'}i2.") advance bounty; O'-l., last paid to Apl. 30, "01, alvsent, in the hands of the enemy; Dee., last paid to Apl. 30, '(il, alvsenf. in hands of the enemy since .July a.^i, '64. 18().'>: Feb.,ai\me; Apl., last paid to Apl. 30, '(i4, died of at .Salisbury. N. C on or about Feb. 1 1, 'O.'). Cluster O. roll of (o. : died of : jWned as recruit from «1 rail rende/.vou-i Dec 10, '(i3; taken prisoner Deep lloltom.Va., July 2.), "61; final stalemeiitR given. DEMr.lvsKV, Anor.iH, corp I Co. K. 1801: Feb., bust paid to Got. 31, '63, pre.sent, translM. Jrom 174 reg't N. Y. S. Vols,, S. O. No. 47. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '(i4; enrolled Oct. 0, '02. at New York Citv; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for :5 vrs. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29. '(il, pre-ph— Contiuued. serted from New Orleans, July 7, '64; deduct Eufield rifle and accout'm'ts comp't $20.63, haversack, canteen, i S. tent, corp. cheveron, $2.94. Muster out roll ofCo. : enrolled as private, appointed corp'l., Feb. 19, '64; deserted at Algiers, La., .Tuly 6, '()4. Denisox, John, private. Co. D: aae 4:1; enrolled Sept. 24, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. Id, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Bee, last paid to Oct. ol, present: entitled to$2 premium. 1863: Fcl)., last paid toOct. 31; deserted from Camp Parapet, Jan. lU. Co. M. O. roll: deserted at Camp I'arapet, La. Depoilly, Loims, private, Co. F, age 22; enrolled May 10, 1SG2, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Aug. 22, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: OLt., present; $13 ad- vance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Fehjj., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ApL, same; Jioie, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in gen'l hosp'l. May 5; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Au'r. 31, Uy.i, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due this soldier $2;") U. S. bounty; ApL, last paid to Feby. 29, '64, present; haversack to be deducted from his pay, 33 cts. ; June, last paid to AiVl 30, present; Au(/., last paid to Ap'l 30, absent; deserted Irom Hill-Town, Aug. 10, 1864; musket, equipments, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34; Oct., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; deduct for clothing, $37.16; Dec., same. 1865: Fei\ij, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ap^l, same; Jinit; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; dis- charged at Washington, D. C., June 1, '65, pursuant to G. O- No. 53, Hdqns. M. Jl.D. , May 30, '65; borne on previous rolls in error mustered Oct. 18. Mustered out on det., M. O. roll at Washington, D. C, June 1, '65; last paid to Dec 31, 64; clothing aoc't last settled to May 10, 64; drawn since settle- ineot, $36; bounty due, $100; P. O. address. New York City; deduct lor the sutler, $8; value /)f equipments arms, &c., $1.29. Muster-out roll of co. : Private transferred from 5.kl N. Y. Vols., Sept., 1862. Deppich, Simox, private; Co. D, age 21 ; enrolled Sep. 23, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to$2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, .same; Ant/., last paid to Juno! 30, '63, present; Oct. last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dee. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: i^(7;.,last paid to Oct. 31, present; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; J'/mjp, same; ylw//., .same; Oc7., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec .same. 1865: F(b., paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl.. same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aiit/., .«ame. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, ^63, at Savauah, ua. ; clothing last settled Sep. 23, '62; due soldier for cloth- ing not drawn, $26.38; bounty, due, $100. Deppisch, John', private, Co. F, age 21; enrolled May 7, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Aug't 22, 1862, at New York tor 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 9tn; $13 advauce paid. Muster-out loll of co. : Transferred from 53 N. Y. v., Sept., 1862; deserted Irom Piker's Island, New Yorlc Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. Deshoxd, John, private, Co. B, age 25; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, New York, and mus- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; de- .serted at Baltimore Oct. 26, '62. Muster-out roll of co.: Deserted at Bait., Md., Oct. 2.5, '62. Devlin, James, pvt. Co. I. 1864: April, present; recruit from draft rendz., N.York; recVl $60 bounty, $13 advance pay, $2 premium, total $75; entitled to $50, instalment of bounty; enrolled Feb. 18, '61, at New York; mustered in March 10, '64, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Juiie, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent, pri.souer of war since Aug. 14, '64, captured with Eutield rifle and eciuipments; Oct., last paid to April 30, absent, prisoner of war since Aug. 14, '64; J)ee., same. 1865: Feb., same; April, absent, prisoner of war since April 14, '64; June, absent, prisoner of since Aug. 14, '64; .lug., not on tile. M. O. roll of co,, dated Savan- nah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65: supposed musd out of service under G. O. 77, War Dep't, A. G. O., C. S. ; prisoner since Aug. 14, '64; no discharge given at mus- ter out of organization; bounty due, $:'.()0. Dickenson, Loftus, Corp'l, Co. G; age 34; enrolled Aug. 29, 18']2, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, lor 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., present, as Loftus Dickinson; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, private, present; detached 58 DiCKEXSO.v, LoFxrs- Ccmtimied. to (Jr. ^r. Dept. Aug. 2[\ 1>^6?; entitled to $-3 premium. 186:1: Feb., last paid to.Iati. 1, '().'>, preseut; detailed ou extra duty iu liegt'lQr. Masters Dept. Aug. 'Jy, 't)2; has e.vtra pay due Iroiu that time; .l/jr., last paid to Jan. 1, "(Jli, present, ou " extra dut^'," as re;;;iniental orduaute .serj;t. ; June, paid to Jau. 1, 'Kli, present; .("'/., last i)aid to July 1, 'ti>, alwtut, ou detaelied •service per S. O. No. 15)5, Hd. CJrs. Uept. of the (iulf, dated Aujr. 10, lti63; Oct., last paid to July 1, 'tV.i: absent, ou detached service in New York, S. O. No. 1!)."), Dept. of Gulf, dated Aug. 10, 18«;5; Du:, last paid to July 1, '6:5; absent, ou detached service at New Vork, S. O. No. 195, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Aug. 10, '(>:{; $i.5 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the .soldier. 1NG4: Feh., paid to July 1, '(i3, absent; '^'2') U. S. bouuty and $i premium due the soldier; on detached .service, S. O. li>5, Dept. of Gulf, Aug. 10. -iV.i: Aju:, last paid to July 1, '():$; absent, on detached service, 8. O. No. 195, Hd. (J'rs. Dept. ot the Gulf, Aug. 10, Hi'.i; Janr, last paid to July 1, 'GIJ; absent, on detached service at New York, S. O. No. 195, H'dq'rs Dept. of the CJulf, Aug. 10, '(J.{; All!/., same; Oct., same; J)ec., last paid to Jau. 1, '()4, absent; discharged by promotion Nov. IH, 18G4, S. O. No. S6, extract 4. dated Hd. Qrs! .Mid.'.Mil. Dept., Nov. 18, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : Discharged, by S. O. 8!, present, hosp'l attend' t; .stoppage, caut<*en. 45; Jhr., last paid to \ug. 31, i)resent, stoppage, haversack, 67; .1 shelter tent, $2.30, $2.97. 1865: Feliy., last paid to Dec. 31, 18o4, present; -I/^n, s;une; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '()5, present; Am/., last jiaid to Apr. 30, ^(>o, present; deserted from camp, .Savannah, Ga. ; returned from desertion Aug. 24, '65; droj>pcd by er- ror, being sick at thi.s time. Mustered out with com) any Oct. 12, '65, Sa- vannah, Ga. ; last paid to .Vpr. 30, \i'^\ clothing last settled Sept. 8, "62: due soldr. ^85.8 ); bounty due !?100; enrolled a private: appointed corp'l Feb. 7, '63; reduced to the ranks 8. O., Franklin, La.. Feby. 17, '64. DiEN'EI., Ai'ciUsT, private, Co. 15. 1864: Feb., last paiJ to Oct. 31, present; transfd from 174 liegt., 8. O. 47, Feb'y 17; eurolled Nov. 7, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Jiicker's Island, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb, 29, present; June, Uist paid to Apr. 30, present; 2 haversacks 98c., can- teen 41c.; (borne as August Diemel); An;/., absent, taken prisoner of war at Deep Bottom, Va., July 26, '61; Ort., last paid lo .\pr. ;iO, absent, prisoner of war since .hily26, "(>4; Dee., same. 1865: Feb., last paid to .\pr. ."0. ■(i4, same remark; .\pr., last paid to Feb. 28, '65; absent, parole caniji, .\nnap- olis, Mil.; .Iitne, same remark; An;/., absent; iliscbarged on surgeon's ler- tilicate of dis;ibility, July 19, '()5; this soldier has drawn clothing from the U. 8. to the amount of $130.17; has $100 bounty due; no account of any other payment. DiETZEL, Hknky, pvt, Co. I. 1861: June, absent, detailed to 1st La. Cav. Feb., "63; en- rolled Oct., '62, at New York; mustered in -Nov. 13, '()2, at New York, for 3 y'rs; .4/'.7. ,la.sti>aid to .\i)ril 30,'(>4, absent, detached to 1st La. Cav. Feb.,'()3; Ocr, absent, detached to 1st La. Cav. (ordered to his regiment); Ac, .same. 1865- Ft'., deserted while on det. .serv. in La. Cav. (dale not known). M. O. roll of CO.: trauslerred from 174 N. Y. V., 8. O. 47, Hd. Qre. 19 A. C.» Feb. 17, '(i4. DiSTLEB, Pktku, private, Co. K. 1861: Feb., present; transferred from 174 h'egl. N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '61; eurolled Dec. 15, '63, at New York City; mustered in Dec. 15, '63, at New York City, for 3 years; has rec'd bounty, $()0.00; premium, $2.00; advance pay, $13.00; total, $75.00; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '61, present; deduct \ shelter-tent. $1.63; .//nir, hist paid to .\pr. 30, '(Jl. present; to be deducted canteen, 41c.; fust instal- ment paid; 2nd due, $40.00; recruit; .)((/., lastjjaid to Ajtr. 30, "64, present; Oct., last paid t<» Aug. 31. '61, present: Dee., last paid to Oct. 31st, '62, present: entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., lasc paid to Dec. 31st, '62; present. Master O. roll of co. : trans- ferred to Co. F, S. O. 51, ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20th, '63. DoLAN, Pat'k, private, Co. F. 1S63: Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; enrolled Sept. 30, at N. Y. ; mustered Oct. 18, '62, at liiker's Island for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation Mch. 1st, 1863, and immediately transferred from Co. F to Co. A by order of Col. Benedict. Muster-out roll of CO.: transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feby. 20, 1863; transferred to Co. A. DoLAN, Patrick, private, Co. A. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; en- rolled Sept. 30, '62, at Riker's Island; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Hiker's Island, for 3 years; June, last paid, to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; /)('<;., last paid to Oct. 31, present; bonuty due, $25.00; $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb'//, last paid to Oct. 31, present; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, present; pay due for months of Nov. and Dec, '63; June, last paid to April 30. present; stoppage, .} shelter tent, $1.75; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; OcVr, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; h S. tent, $2.30. Dcc'r, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; stop., haversack and canteen, 90c. 1865: Feb., paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppa-ze, .shelter tent, $4.60; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, shelter tent, $4.60, from Feb'y rolls; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Auij., same. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65 ; clothing last settled Sept. 30, '62; clothing due soldier. $15.10; bounty due. $100; joined by transfer from Co. F, Feb'y 28, '63, S. O. 35, Hd. Qrs 162, N. Y. V. DOLAX, Philip, private, Co. B; age 19; enrolled Aug. .30, '62, New York, and must'd in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, $2 prem. due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, corp'l, pres- ent, appointed corp'l May 3, 'iV.i, by co. order No. 4; Aug., last paid to .Tune 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; /)"., last paid to Oct. 31, present, $25 U. S. bounty, $2 prem., due this .soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Apr., l&st paid to Feb. 29, private, present; Jane, last paid to Apr." 30, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; one musket, Enfield pattern. 1 haversack; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec., pres- ent, stoppage h, shelter-tent $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; Apr., same; June, absent, deserted from camp near Fort Meigs, Md., •June 5, '65; due sutler, $6.15; to be charged one Springfield musket and .set of accoutrements, $22.75. Muster-out roll of co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65; deserte:! from guard-house while awaiting sentence C. M. at Fort Meigs, Md., June 5, '65; due the sutler, II. H. Slack. 60 DOXAVAX, James, private Co. II. lSfJ4: F.i.. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 31. Hi-2, at N.Y. ; mustered in Nov. i:{,'()2, at N. Y. City, lor 3 years; trans- ferred I'rom 17 I N. Y. V., S. O. No. 47, li» A. C, Feb. 17. '(i4; ApL, last paid to Feb. •->!), '(J4, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '04, present, .stoppafi;e, hav- .ersack, 31c; yl«//.,la«>t paid to Apl. 30, 'fil, i)re.seut; (//., last paid to Aug. 31, '(i4, present; Jhc, same. IHd'r. Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '04, present; to l)e deducted for trans'n. H. F. to N. Y. and N. Y. to H. F.. $14.-J4; Apl., same; ./m/k, last paid to Apl. 30, '05, presence or absence not stated; Aui/., last paid to .\pl. 30, '()5, ))reseiit. Mustered out with co. Oct 12, '05, at >>avaunah, Ga,, last piid to Apl. 30, '05; clothiny; last settled Oct. 31, '02; (hie .soldier. >;H.27; bounty due, $100; musket and equipments retained, $0. DoXEini;, Fiucdkkuk, private, Co. G; age 20; enrolled .Sept, 18, 1802, at New York; mustered in Oct. H, 1802, New York, lor 3 yrs. 18)2: Oct., ab.sent, deserted Oct, 21, 1802, Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 20, 1H02, at Baltimore. Md, DoXLEVY, I'ATKICK, private, Co, D. 1S03: ApL, deserted from U. H. service at Baton Kouge Mch. 14, 18()3; enrolled Mch. 3. 1803, at New Orleans for 3 yrs. POXXELLY, D.vxiKL. Muster-in roll of Co. A, dated New York, Oct. 18, '02: private; aije 42; enrolled Sept. 11, '02, at New York City, lor 3 years ; name lined out ; not Ijorne on subsequent roll.s. DoNXELl.Y, MicHAKL, private, Co. H. 1804: Frh., l.ust paid to Oct. 31, '03. present; i-n- rolled Oct, 27, '02, at New York: mustered in Nov. 13, '()2, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y.V, byS.O, No. 47. lOA.C.Feb. 17, '04; Ap., last paid to Feb. 2,'), '04, present; June, last paid to .\pril 30. '01, present; stop- page haversack 31c, .^sheltertentjl. 25, total 81.50; ,!«//., last paid to Apl. 30. '04, present; (M. last paid to Aug;, 31, '04, present: 7Jfc., same. 1805: Feb., last paidto Dec. 31, '04, present; .!;>/., same; Jnnc. last paid to Apl. 30, '05, present; .4((//..last paid to .\pl. 30, '05, present. Mu.stered out with co. Oct. 12, '05, at Savannah, Oa. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '05; clotliinj? last settled Oct. 27, '02, due .soldier $03.72; bounty due $100; musket and bayonet retained $0. DoxXELLY, I'ETEU, private, Co. A;ajie31; enrolled Sept. 2, '02, at New Vork City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1802, at New York, for 3 years. 1802 : (A/., present; Do:, last paid to Oct. 31, 1802, pre.sent, $2.00' premium due. 18(i3: Fcb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '02, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '02, absent, in ar- rest in court-houst;, Opelousas; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to .Tune 30, '(i3, present; Oct., last paid to Aut paid to Oct. 31. present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1803: Frh., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., same; Jkuv, same; Ahij., last paid to .June 30. '«i3, present; (M., last paid to .\ug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. ;'>1, present; entitled to the$25.0() IJ. S. bounty; $2.00 premium. H04^: Fib., oaid to Oct. 31, '03; bounty due, $25.00, present: Apr., last paiil to Feb. 2!), '()4, present; .Tunc, last paid to .\pr. 30, '(>!, present; Amj., .'^ame: (M., last p:iid to Aug. 31, '04, present; Dn:, last paid to Aug. 31, 'OJ. ab.sent; sick in the Held hospital 1 div,, 1!» X. C. 1805: />■/*., last paid to Dee 31, '04, Apr., same; Jinw. last paid to Apr. 3(», '05, preseut; Aittj., hust paid to Apr. 30, '05, absent, sick in g.-neral hospital. Savannah, (ia. Muster-out roll of CO., dated Savannah, (Ja., Oct, 12, '(J5: ,sick in hospital, Savannah, (Ja. ; no discharge furnished at muster out of organization: clothing last ,settled Sept. 24, '02; amount of clothing drawn, $53.01; bounty due. $l(trl., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31. present, entitle.l to $>.Oo" premium. l'-'03: Feb., last paidto Dec. 31, present; .l;j)-., last paid tu 1><'C. 31, '0' ntwent hit siik at Baton 61 DOXOHUE, Michael— Lbnfmued. Eonge; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in hospital at New Or- leans; Ami., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, died in New Orleans of acute diarrhoea, July 13, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : died July 30, '63. DoOLAX, KoBKUT, private, Co. K. 1664: iJcc, present, deduct 1 piece of shelter-tent, 5)i.3U; euroUed Aug. 24, '64, at Lockport, N. Y., and mustered in Sept. 21, '64, at Elmira, N. Y., for 3 yrs. 1665: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; back pay due from Aug. 24 to Oct. 31, '64; .l^^c, same; J"i(;ie, transferred to 124th N. Y. Vols, by order of Brig. Geu'l Dwight. DOOLOY, JoHX, private Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at N. York, and mustered Nov. 13, '62, at N. York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 liegt. N. Y., G. O. No. 47; due the soldier, $25 U. S. bounty; ,4p'/, last paid to Feb. 29, present; Jane, last paid to Ap'l 30, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; deduct for transporta- tion $14.22; ApU, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Jane, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug.,SAxne. Mustered out with co. 12thOct., '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing account settled Oct. 4, '64; bounty due $100; gun and e(iuipments retained, G. O. 101, $8; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C. Feb. 17, '64; due soldier for clothing, $67.94. Dooly, Patrick, private, Co. G; age 40; enrolled Sept. 15, '62 at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New Yorkfor3 year^. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct- 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to .Ian. 1, '63, present; Apt., same; June, same; Aug., last paid to May 1, '63, absent sick in liaton Kouge, La. ; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1,'63, present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, as Patrick Dooley; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1,'63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier; Apr., last paid to Mar. 1,'64, present; Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., Is-st paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, present; Apt., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Jane, last paid to May 1,'65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with Co. Oct 12, ^Qb, at Savan- nah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; clothing ac. never settled; due soldier, $44.11; bounty due $100. DORAN, James, private, Co. B; age 30; enrolled Sep. 1, '62, New York, and mustered in Oct. 14, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres nt as John Doran; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, $2.00 prem. due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; same to Jane; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, absent in hosp'l at Baton Rouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, same as Aug.; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, $25 U. S. bounty and $2 prem. due this soldier. 1861: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Aj)/:, last paid to Feb. 29, present: Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, iDresent, haversack 49c. ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, taken prisoner of war at Deep Bottom, Va., July 26, '64; Oct., prisoner of war since July 26, '64; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., same; Apr., died Libby Prison, Jany. 21, '65. Muster- out roll of Co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65: died at Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 19, '64. DOUGHENY, James, private Co. K; age 33; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; discharged by order of Maj. Gen. Banks, at Camp Parapet, La., Dec. 31, '62. Muster-out roll of co.: discharged for disability at New Or- leans, La., .Ian 5, '63. DouaHEETV, James, pvt. Co. A. 1864: Feb'y, present; transPd from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb'y 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Nov. 13, '62. at New York for 3 year^ April, last paid to Feb'y 29; present; pay due for months of Nov. and Dec, 63; June, last paid to April 30, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, stoppage haversack 67c.; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, stop j S. tent$2..30. 1865: Feb'ri/, last paid to Dec 31, '64, present, on furlough 15 days from Feb'y 20, '65; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; stoppage transportation while on furlough $14.24; Jane, last paid to April 30, '6,3, present; Auitered iu Ootr. 18, '6'i, at New York, for 3 j-ears. 18(32: Oct., deserted lioiu Kiker's Island. I'lOrue ou this roll as Charles A. Doagla.s. Ddi'OL.V.s, Alkxaxdkk, private, Co. A. iHiivJ: (M.^ present, enrolled Sept. 3 at New York City; mustered in Uot. 18 at Kiker's Island, N. Y., lor 3 years; Dec, liist paid to Oct. 31, '(i:i, present, ^i.Ui; prenuuiu due. 1-63: Icbrwin/, last jKiid to Dec. 31, 'W, present; .4;;///, last paid to Dec. :>!, '(j*2, absent: di.scharged l)y reason of disability, and tinal statements given .March 4, '63, at Camp iNIanstield. La. Muster-out ri)ll of co.: discharged on surgeon's certiticate of disability .Mar. 4, '(J3, at Nevv Orleans, 1.41.: Itorue as Charles Douglas. Djl'OI.As, Okoikjk IJ., wagoner, Co. I; age 3.'); enrolled .Sept. 15, '0*2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., i)reseut; J)ec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62. private, present. 1863: Felt., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in hospital at Hrashear City, La. ; June, liist paid to Dec. 31, '62, discharged U. .S. service May 4, '63; ili<(!harge and tinal statements given: An;/, and (>; enrolled Aug. 23, '62, at Saw York City, aud mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted from Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, '62. D)\vxi:v, AxnuKW, private, Co. A. 1864: April, aSsent, sick in hospital at Baton Kouge since Sept. 2. '63; enrolled Nov. 22, '62, at New York; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York for 3 years; Jaiw, absent, sick in hosp. at Baton Kouge sinceSept. 2, '63; Aitf/u-it, transferred to Veteran Keserve Corps by Genl. Order War Department, No. 173, dated .Vpril 22, '64. Muster-out roll of co. : joined bv transfer from 174 N. Y. V. Feby. 17, '64, S. O. 47, 19 A. C. ;trans- lerred to V. K. C. April 22, 1864. DOWXEY, .loiix, private, Co. A; age 21; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Ot., present; Deer., l.i-!t paid to Oct. 31, '()2, present; $2.00 premium due. 1^63: Febrwir;/, last piid to Dec. 31, '62, pre.sent; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; discharged by reason of disability, and iinal statements given March 4, UV.l, at Camp Mans- lield, La. M. O. roil of co. : discharged on surg. certf. of disability Alarch 4, 1*^63, at New Orleans, La. DOWXS. Jam.'-:s B., private, Co. K. 1864: /•"'.7>. . present, transferred from 174th Kegt. S. O. 47, Feb. 17th; i^il'y U. S. bounty due solilier; enrolled Oct. 17th at New York City, aud mustered in Nov. 13th at New York, 3 yr-.; April, ai)sent, hospital N. O.; June, last paid to .June .'iO, '6.i, present; Aui/., last paid to' April 30. '64, ab.sent, de.serted on tlie march Aug. 15, '64: 1 Enfield rilleand set of accoutrements, $21.63; 1 haversack, 44 cts. ; 1 shelter-tent, $3.78; can- teen, 40 cts; total, .$25.74; Oct., last paid to June 30. '63, present; de.serted Aug. 15, '(j4; relurucd from desertion Sept. 7, '64; Der., last paid to June 30, '63, pre.sent; to be deducted 1 canteen. 45 cts., 1 haversack, 67 cts., and 1 shelter-tent, $1.60; total. $.').72. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; ./une. last paid to .\pl. 3o, '65, pre.sent; Aut/., last paid to Apl. 30, ^6'i, absent on detached service at Savannah, Oa. ■Clustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah. Ga. ; last p.iid Apl. 30, '(i5; clothing last settled Oct. 17, '(!2; due U.S. $2.85; bounty due, $100; arms and ecjuipment, $6; joined by consolidation of 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Dept. of the Gulf, Feby. 17, '64. Doyle, Euvs.mis, private, Co. G. age 32: enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at N. Y.; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at .\'ew York, for 3 years. 1862: (M., present; Dec., hust paid to Oct. 31. '62. present, entitle! to $2 premium. l-!63: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, pre.sent; Ap'l, .same; June, last paid to .Ian. 1, '63, absent; wounded and in Harney House hosp'l. Baton Kouge, La.; Au;/., last paid to May 1, '63; absent, wounded and in Harney House hosp'l, Bsiton Kouge, La.; Or(., same; Dee., same; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 piemium due to the soldier. 18i;i: Feb., last paid to May 1, '(i3."abseut; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium liue the soldier; sick at genl hosp'l. Baton Kouge, La.; Ap'l, last paid to May 1, 'd-i; ab.sent, .nick at gen'l iDsp'l, Baton Kouge, La.; ./une, last i);iid to .May 1, ^6.); al)sent, sick in New York; Au;/., last paid to .May 1. '63; discharged for disiibility .July 8, '61. .M. O. roll of co.: discharged on S. C. I) , N. Y. City. July 8, '64; wounded in action before i'ort Hudson, La., June 14, '63. Doyle, Fi:\xris. private Co. O. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1. '6.i, present; trjin.s- fe'd from Co. G, 174 Kegt., N. Y. S. V., .«<. O. 47, H. Q. 1!».A. C, Feb. 17, '()», pay due for the mo'^. of M'ch and Ap'l. being in hosp'l at B. Kouge and carried incorrectly ou the rolls; enrolled Dec. 1, '62, at N. Y. City aud G3 Doyle, Feancis— Continued. mustered iu Dec. 2, '62, at New York City for 3 years; Apl, last paid to M'ch 1, '64, absent; missing iu action Ap'l 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill; Jane to Dec, inclusive, last paid to M'ch 1, '64, absent, firisoner of war in the hands of the enemy siuce Ap'l !), '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to M'ch J, '64, pris. of war, captured at Pleasant Hill, La., Ap'l D, '64; Ap'/, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, pris. of war, captured at Pleasant Hill, La., Ap'l t), '64; Jian; same; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, released prisoner of war, in U. S. hosp'l await- ing discharge, captured at Pleasant Hill, La., Ap'l 9, '64. Mustered out Aug. 12, '65, at N. Y. City, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65; last paid to M'ch 1. '64. M. O. roll of co. : clothing acc't never settled; amount of clothing drawn, $66.60; bounty due, $100. DovLE, Josi:ph, musician, Co. C. 1864: Last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $;25.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Nov. 20, '()2 at New York; mustered in Dec. 7, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; drummer, present; June, lastpaid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; to be de- ducted, fife, 32c; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack, 49 cts. ; Dec., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Ap7\, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, deduct canteen, 65c; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '65, present; deserted while en route to Hawkinsville, Ga., July 24, '65; joined from desertion Aug. 23, '65. M. O. with company at Savannah, Ga. , Oct. 12. '65; clothing acc't last settled Nov. 20, '62; due soldier, $26.09; bounty due, $100. Draineu, Charles. 1st .serg't. Co. K. 1864: Feb., lastpaid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transi'd from 174 Keg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Nov. 21, '62, at New York City; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs; Apr., lastpaid to Feb. 29, '64, present; deduct haversack, canteen, t shelter-tent, $2.40; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64. present, to be deducted cartridge-box plate, 7c.; Au;/., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, discharged by S. O. .July 1st., to accept promotion, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. Mus- ter-out roll of CO.: discharged [for promotion; mustered as 2nd lieut., Co. F, July 1, '64, S. O. 12, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. Drainer, Charles, 2d lieut. Co. F. 1864: Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, absent.; en- rolled Nov. 21 at N. York; mustered in July 1 at Monocacy, Md., for 3 years; promoted from 1st sergt; due 1st sergt. 's, pay lor the months of May and June; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; pay due for responsibilities for the months of Sept. and Oct., being in command of Co. C; deduct Istsergt.'s chevcrons, 35 cts; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; pay due for responsi- bilities, being in command of Co. C during Sept. and Oct. and Co. A in Dec. 1865; Feby., last paid to Dec. 31, absent; promoted to 1st lieut. Co. E. Feby. 1, 1865. Muster-out roll of co. : 2d lent, discharged, promoted from 1st sergt. Co. K. Dreier, Victor, pvte Co. F; age 19; enrolled July 10, 1S62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, foi 3 years. 1862; Oct., present, borne as Victor Dreyer; $13.00 advance paid; Dec., lastpaid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2.00 under actof June 21, '62. 1H63: Febij., last paid to Dec. 31 ; deserted 5th Feby, 1863. Comp. M. 0. roll: Transferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., 1862; deserted from Kiker's Island. N. Y. H., about Oct. 9, l^Gi. DUELL, Peter, sergeant, Co. C; age 22; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Of/., present. Dee., lastpaid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June the 21st, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, ijresent; April, private, present; reduced to the ranks on April 10th, 1863; June, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last pnid to .June 30, '63, sergeant, present; was entitled for sergt. pay for 3 months and 10 days, but have received only private's pay; Oct. , last paid to Aug. 31 , present; Dec. , last paid to Oct. 31 , 2d serg't, present; $25.00 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2.00 premium. 1864: Fib., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $25.00 U. S. bounty; April, last paid to Feb. 2i), '64, present; Jnne, last paid to April 30, '64, present, deduct 1 can- teen 44c.; Aug., last paid to Aiiril 30, '64, present; to be deducted 1 haver- sack, 49c.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., last paid to Aug. 31, '64. present; to be deducted ] shelter-tent, $2.30, 1 canteen, 45c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31. '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '63, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; deduct 1 cone and ball screw, 25c.; mustered out with company at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65; clothing acct. last settled Sept. 18, '62; due soldier $14.07; bounty due, $100. DUETTMAN, Hkxky, private. Co. B. 1*GI: Fch., never iiecii paid; present: returned from desertion Oct. 'J(i; reported as deserter; transfd from ITJtli l^e^t., S, O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Nov. 3, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. i:j, 'G'J, ac Jviker'.s Island, lor 3 years; Ap., last paid to Feb. 'J!». ab.sent, hosp'l New Orleans; wounded at I'leasant Mill, Apr. ij; June, last paid to Feb. J!), present: desertion. SlO; .!«'/., last paid to Feb. 2.0, '1)4, present; borne as Henry Deuttuian: Oct., last paid to Auj^. 31, oorp'l, present; .stoppage, iiav- er.-aek, (JTe. : canteen, 45; Dec. last paid to Au-^. 21, present; stoppage, \ shelter-tent. 2.:U). 1 >(>.">: /•>/;., last paid to Dec. 31, '(M. jnesent; Apr., ,s;inie'; Jiiik; last paid to ,\pr. 30, '()."); present; Aiti/., last paid te) Apr. 30, '()."); pri- vate, absent; reduced to the ranks Irom corp'l .iuly 10, "(J.l, l)y order conidg. ortcr. ; sick in Savannah, (Ja. Muster-out roll of Co.: clothing last settled Nov. 3, 't>2; joined by transfer from 174th N.Y.V., S. O. 47, Depf. (iuif. Feby. 17, '(14. .Mustered out on Oct. i), '<)o, a private, at New York City, under telegraphic orders from War Dept. May 4, '0."); last paid to .Inne 30, '(i5; clothing account never .settled: descriptive list states that the soldier has due him iilOO bounty U. S. ; amount for clothing in kind or in money advanced, $104. .m Duff, Thomas, private, Co. E; age 23; enrolled Sept. 11, 'fi2, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. If*, 'G2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18G2: Oct., present; Jh'c, livst paid to Oct. 31, present: entitled to $2 premium. 1803: Ftb., lasli paid to Dec. .3], present; Ap(. and June, last paid to Dec. 31, "tUi, present; Auf/., last paid to .June 30, "03, present; Oct., hist paid to June 30, absent in hospital, Itaton Kouge; J>rc, hist paid to Oct. 31, '03, present: !i^2.") U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 18fi4: /V/^, last paid to Oct. 31, present; J25 U. S. bounty due soldier; April, last paid to Feb. 20. corporal, present; Jnur, paid to Apl. 30, '04, present; Auf/., last paid to Apl. 30, '()4, ab- sent; deserted at Algiers, La., July it, '()4; 1 Entield rille and set of accouter- ments, $21. (;."); haversack, 44 ct.s. ; 1 shelter-tent. .*3.78; 1 canteen, 40 cts. ; total, $20.30. Muster-out roll: Promoted corpl. March 1, '04. Duke, Edwakp. pvt., Co. A. 1804: Frb., absent, sick at liaton Kouge, Sept. 2; trans- ferred from 171 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '04, 1!) A. C. ; enrolled Sept. 30, '02, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '()2, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, absent, sick in hospital at Baton Kouge since Sept. 2, '03; June, same; Auff,, absent; transferred to Veteran Keserve Corps by (.i. O., War Dept., 173, dated April 22, "04. Dl'MON'T, IIi;nky, private. Co. B. 1804: Feb., present; returned from desertion Feby. 20, '04; transferred from 171 Kegt., S. O. 47. I>b. 17: enrolled Oct. 4, '02, at New York, and mustered-in Nov. 13, '02, at Kiker's Island, lor 3years; Apr., hist paid to Fel>. 20. absent; deserted in Ijice of the enemy near Alexa., La., Mar. 28, '04 (2d time). DUNKIX, Thomas. 2d lieut. Co. "G;" age, 33; enrolled Ang. 29, '62. at New Y'ork; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1802: 0(^, present: Dec., present; the co. officers were paid from Oct. IH, "02, to Oct. 31, '02, but reed, only 13 days' pay; they were entitled to be paid 14 days. 18(i3: /•" l>ountyand 82 premium due soldier. Muster-out roll of co. : private, deserted at Algiers, La., Sept. 4, '()3. Dunn, Jamks, private. Co. K: age 22: enndled Sept. 12, '02, at New York City; and mustered in Oct. 1h, '()2, at New York, for 3ye<»rs. lH(i2: Oct., present: 7>(r., last i>aid to Oct. 31, present: entitled to?;2.00 premium. 18(i3: Fh., last paid to Dee. 31. i)resent; .1///, paid to Dec. 31, '03, present ;. /((/if, last paid to Dec. 31, '03: killed in action before Port Hudson, .lune 13. '(i3. ]\Iiister-out roll of CO.: died at Fort Hud.son, La., June 14, "G3, of wounds received at Port Hn«l.«on, La., June 13, '63. Dunn, John, pvt., Co. I. 1H04: Feb., last pai'd to Oct. 31. "63. present; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. V. Feb. 17. (il. per S. O. 47, \U\. (,»r.s. 10 \. C. : enrolled Oct. 21, '02, at New York: mustered in Nov. 13, "02, at New York, for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31. '03, absent in conlinement on Ship Island;. /HH^ same; A ug. , same; Oet. , absent; dropped by sentence of (i. C. M. ; sentenced to 65 Dunn, John — Continued. confinement in Clinton Prison, N. Y., 5 yrs., stoppage of all pay; Dec, name not borne. 1865: Feb., same; Apr., same; ./««?., absent in contiuement ;"> yrs. ; previou.sly dropped by error; Aiiq., not on iile Co. M. O. roll, dated Oct. 12, '()5, at .Savannali, Ga. : no discharge given at muster out of organizatiou. Musteriug otdcer city N. Y. I'uruished bim a discharge Jany. 13, '6G; total aiiit. of clothing rec'd. while iu 174 regt. N. Y. V., $60.61; clothing drawn while in conlinement, $50.89; sentence, to be confined at hard labor for the balance of his teim of enlistment, during that time to wear upon his leg a chain and ball of 24 lbs. weight, and to forfeit $10.00 per mo. of his monthly pay lor the same time. DuPUV, Alexandkr, pvt., Co. I; age 42; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 62; deserted at Camp Slough, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 10, '62. DURKIN, Thomas, pvt., Co. A.; age 42; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York City; mus- tered iu Oct. 18, '62. at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, ab- sent in hospital at Washington, D. C. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, sick in hospital at Washington, U. C, sent from Camp Abercrombie, Va., Nov. 2, '62; April, al)seut in hospitalat Washington, D C. ; June, absent, sent to General Hospital from Camp Abercrombie, Va., Nov. 2, '63; Aug., absent in hospitalat Washington, D. C. ; Ot^,.same; Dec, bounty due, $25.00, absent, sick iu Washington, D. C, Nov. '62, $2.00 premium due tbissoldier. 1864: Fch., absent, deserter, Nov., '62, left iu hospital; dropped by Lt. Col. Blanchard Jan. 1, '64: April io Dec, inclusive, name not borne. 1865: Fd)., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, i shelter tent, $2.30; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present: Auc/., absent. Mustered out with Co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. : last paid to Ap"l 30, '65: clothing last settled M'rch 20, '64, due soldier, $71.09; bounty due, $100; transferred to V. K. C, April 28, '64, G. O. War Dept; joined by transfer from V. 11. C. Jan. 11, '65; S. O., 17 Ent. 55, War Dept. DtJEST, Melchioe, pvte. Co. F; age 21; enrolled May 12, '62, atN. Y. City; mustered in Aug. 22 '62. at N. Y., for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, ab- sent, in hands of civil authorities; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; sent to Ship Island by sentence of g. c. martial for balance of term ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, aksent; sent to Ship Island for remainder of term; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; returned from confinement Aug. 27, '63; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; by court-martial for desertion no pun- ishment; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; $25 U.S. bounty due the soldier and $2. 1864: Feby., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; due this sol- dier $25 U.S. bounty; A))rii,\as.t paid to Feby. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; canteen, half-slielter tent, and gun-sling, $2.47; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $2.30; deduct for clothing, $9.58; total, $11.88; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; shelter-tent, $4.60; deduct forclothing, $9.58; total, $14.18. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, last paid to Dec 31, '64; discharged at Washington, D. C, June 1, '65, pursuant toG. O. No. 53, H. Q. M. M. D., May 30. '65; borne on previous rolls in error; mustered Oct. 18th. Co. M. O. roll: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862; discharged per G. O. 53, Hd. Qrs. Mid. Mil. Div., May 30, 1865, Washington, D. C. Mustered out on det. mus. out roll at AVashington, D. C, June 1, 1865; last paid to Dec 31, 1864; clothing acct. last settled May 12, '64; drawn since settlement, $40.23; bounty due, $100; post-office address. New York City; deduct lor tne suttler $1.00 DUVALLE, Simeon, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., absent, transferred to Co. D, 162 N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, by order Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. ; enrolled Nov. 21, '63, at New York; mustered in Nov. 21, '63, at New York, for 3 yrs. DuVALLE, Simon, private, Co. D. 1864: present, transf'd from Co. I, 162 R. N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64; rec'd one mo's pay in advance; enrolled Nov. 26, '63, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs; mustered in Nov. 21, '63, at N. Y. City; Apt., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; ab.sent, missing in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La., Apl. 8, '64; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, in the handsof the enemy; dropped by error on rolls of Apl. 30, '64; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; prisoner at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since Apl. 9, '64; Oct., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; prisoner at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since Apl. 9, '64; recruit from draft rendezvous^ due 2d instalm't of bounty, $40; Dec , last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64; recruit from draft rendezvous; due2d and 3d instalm'ts of bounty; 11769 5 G6 DUVALLE, Simon- -Continued. total, $8(1. 1865: Fib., last paid to Feb. 20. 'fi I; prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '04; April, same; Jutif, same; Aiii/., last paid to Feb. 2U, '()4; absent, ex- chanjied pri.soner of war, sick at New York City. Co. M. O. roll: absent at N. y. City: full ani't of clothinj; drawn, $-j:{.r)7; clotlnng last settled Nov. 21, '(;:{: bounty paid, :ii(;(); due, $J40. Mustered out .July H, '(>."), at N. Y. City, under telegram \V. 1). .\. (i. O. .May 12, '(15; last paid to Feb. 29, '64; prisoner of war Apl. !>, '()4 — May 27, 'do; entitled to '.i nios e.xtra pay. DWYEK, Mi(H.\i:i,, private, Co. F; a^e 21 ; enrolled Sept. 5, '02, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. is, '02, at New York, for ;i years. 1H()2: Or/., present: Jhc, last paid to Oct. 31, '62. present, entitled to $2.0(( premium. IhoH: J'ch., last paid to Dec. ol, '02, absent, detailed Feb. 4, '0:{, 1st Louisiana Cav'y, by S. O. No. 31. .Ian. 31, '03; Ajiril, last paid to Dec. 31, '(i3. absent, detjulcdlst La. Cav'y Feb. 4, '03; June, same; Auff., absent, same remark; Oct., .same; Dec, absent, same remark; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due .soldier. 1804: iVi., absent, detailed 1st La. Cav'y Feb. 4, '03: $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; April, absent, detailed 1st La. Cav'y Feb. 4, '03; June and Aug., same; Oct., deserted from 1st La. Cav'y. Muster-out roll of co: deserted at New Orleans, La., Oct. 1, '04. Dyer, Charles, sgt., Co. " F." 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present: enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New Y'ork, and mustered in Nov. 13, '02, at N. Y. for 3 yrs; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Kegt., N. Y., S. O. No. 47, lid. Qi-s., 19 A. C, pursuant to order from War Dept.; due this sol- dier $25 U. S. bounty; this soldier has served as 1st .serjjt. up to the 17tb of Feb., 1864, the time of consolidation; April, last paid to Feb. 29; dischar. Oakley, pavmaster; paid from Oct. 18, '(;2. to Oct. 31, '62; but Favninsfer Oakley (talculated that period at and paid for only 13d.ays; there is oneday's paydneou thehistmuster. 1M03: /V/;., present, ■* * * there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster; .Ipr., paid to Mar. 31. '63. present; samereniark; mustered in Sept. IH, '02. at New York; .//nic, hist paid to Mar. 31, '03, absent; detailed in 2nd Div. Ho.sp. * * * there is one day's pay on that (Oct.) musU-r; /I//7., Lost paid to .June 30. *63, ])resent; Oit., last paid not known, absentsick New York; I)ir., la-^t paid toOcf. 31. present. ISiM: Fis. lIHli A.C., Feby. 17, 1H04, or- dering consolidation pursuant to orders from War Dept. Early, Wm.I-IA.M. pvt., Co. .\. 1H(;3: April, last ]»aid to Dec. 31, '62, present; en- rolled Sept, 9, '62, at Kiker's Island; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at liiker's Island fur 3 years; Junr, died in general hospital at New Orleans, .July 1, 'G:i;Aug., ab.scnt in bosjiital at, May 2, '63; (kt., same; Dir., last 67 Early, William — Continued. paid to Dec. 31; bounty due, $25.00; absent, sick in hospital N. O., May 8, '63; $2. OU premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., died. M. O. roll of Co.: joined by transfer from Co. F, Feb. 23, '63; S. O. 35, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V.; died at New Orleans, La., June 26, '63, of chronic diarrhtjca. Early, "William, sergeant, Co. 11; age 37; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at N, Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; J)cc., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; reduced to the ranks Nov. 6, '62; same roll, pri- vate, present; reduced from serg't Nov. 6, '62; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present. ]\Iuster-out roll of Co.: sergt, transferred to Co. "F," 162 N. Y. V., S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of GuU, N. O., La., Feb'y 20, 1863. Early, William, pvt., Co. "F." 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; en- rolled Sept. 4, '62, at N. York, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Kiker's Isl- and for 3 years; transferred from Co. " H " by consolidation Mch. 1, '63, and immediately transferred from Co. "F" to Co. "A'' by order of Col. Benedict. Co. M. O. roll: transferred from Co. "H," S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863. Eastwood, George, private, Co. D; age 40; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ap'f, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; the price of Austrian rifle and complete set of accoutrements to be retained, he having lost them; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, $13 due him from last pay in conseiiuence of his rifle being found and returned to Co.; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and •'|2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Aa(/., last paid to Ap'l 30, present; Oct, last paid to' Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick; Dec., same. 1865: Feb, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, sick; lelt ou the march Oct. 5, '64; Ap'l, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, missing on the march near Bunker Hill, Va., Oct. 5, 64; June, last paid to Ang. 31, '64, same remark: Aug., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent. Bussing on the march near Smithfield, Va., Oct 5, '64, supposed to have been killed by guerillas. Muster-out roll of Co.: Killed by guerillas Oct. 5, '64, near Smithfield, Ya. Eaton, Ebenezer, private, Co. H. 18'i.'}: Dec., never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; stoppage } shelter-tent, $1.25; haversack, 48 cts; total, $1.73; June, last paid to April 30, '64; died in hospital Morganza; heard June 26, '64; typhoid fever; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schnectady. Muster-out roll of Co.: died of typhoid fever Morganza, La., June 26, '64; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, 1863. ECKE, Edward, Corporal, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transf'd from 174th regt., S. O. No. 47, Feb. 17; $2511. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 17 at N.York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, at New York, for three y'rs; April, last paid to Feo. 29, '64, present; borne as Edwin Ecker; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Au;/., same; Oef., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid Ap'l 30, '(i5, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with CO. Oiit. 12, '65, at Savannah. Ga. ; enrolled as private; promoted corp'l Nov. 20. '63; clothing last settled Oct. 17,'62; due soldier $71.05; bounty due $100. Eckermak.v, Charle-S, Corp'l, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Sept. 22, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62 at N. Y. for 3 y'rs; transferred, by consolidation, from co. F, 174 Rgt., N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this sol- dier, $25 U. S, bounty; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present; borne as Charles D. Ackerman; June, last paid to Apl. .30, present; canteen to be deducted from his pay, 33 cts. ; yIm/;., last paid to April 30; absent, wounded in action .July 26, '64; Oc', .same; Dee., last paid to April 30, absent, sick at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor; 1865, F(b., same; April, same; -/«., last paid to JuneiiU, '03, absent; enrolled Nov. 2."), '02, at N. York, and mustered .in Dec. 2, 02, at R. Island, N. York, tor three yeans; transferred from Co. F, 174th lie'02: Oct., present; borne as William T. Eissele; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '02, present; entitled ibr two dollars who h;is enlisted after June 21, '02. 1803: /V/^, last paid to Dec. 31, present: -4;}/-., ])resent; Jiinr, bust paid to D c. 31, present; Au(/., last paid to Apr. 30, '03, absent; pay due for the months of Jan. and Feb. ; sick iu hosp'l at Baton Kouge; (). Kouge, La., May 15, '04. ElSENHUT, JoHX, private Co. F; age 38; enrolled May 1, '62, at N. Y. Ci4y; mustered in Aug. 22, '02, at N. Y. for three years. 1802: Ocl., corpl., present, $13, advance paid; Die, hist paid to Oct. 31, '02, present. 18(i;{: F; discharged July 13, "(!5, in comjJiance with directions from War Dept., May 3, 18()."). Muster-out roll of Co.: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols., Sept., '02. Mustered out on Iiid. M. O. Koll, July 13, 05, while iu Satterlee U. S. A. Hospital, \Vest Fhila , I'a. , in compliance with directions from NVar Dept., dated May .30, '05; last paid to Feb. 28, '65; due I'. S. for clothing, $1().47; bounty due, $100. EldRIDOE, Ja.mks, privite, Co. 15; age 43; enrolled Sept. 17, '02, New York, and mus- tered iu Oct. 14, '(i2, at New York, for 3 years. 18(i2: Oef., present; /he., bust paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.(KJprem. diie, O. O. 102, Oct. 21. iMl:]. I80:i: Feb., hist paid to Dec. :51. present; Apr.. last paid to Dec. 31, al)sent, sick in hosp'l at Brashear, La.; June, discharged at New Orleans, by order of Oen. Jianks, May 5, for rheumatism. Muster-out roll of comp'y: discharged for disability at New Orleans, La., May 3, '()3. Eldridoe, .Fkukmiaic B. .Muster-in-roll of Co. (J, dated N. Y., Oct. 18. '02: private; age, 35; enrolletl Sept. H, '02, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subse(|uenl rolls. Ellerbbock, Ciiaki.ks, private Co. K. 1864: Fh., last paid to Oct. 31. '03, present; transferre., absent; det'd as A. A. M. (J., Ildiirs. l)e|)t. (Jull; translerred Irom 174 lle'/X-, S. O. 47. Jldyrs. li) A. C, l-'el). 17, 'G4: Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, absi-ut; det'd as A. A. A. G. Hd(]r. 1!) A. C, Dfpt. ol'tlie (jiill; .lane, absi-ut, a^s al)Ove. Muster out roll of Co. • Discharj^ed lor promotion May 19, '(j4, borne as Cliarlts C. Emersoa. EMEB.SON, Chaklks, lieut., Co. K. li(M: Aug., la-^t paid to .July :JI, '(i4, absent, sick in hosj). at Sandy ilook, Md., promoted (rom 2d It. Co. \^, l(J2d X. Y.s. Vols., to 1st It. Co. K; enrolled Oct. 2J, '(ij, New York; mu.stered in 1st It. .Iiily'i, 1M()4, for :i years; IM., last paid to Sept. .'{0, '(i4, present; back pay due as 2d It. Co. I, 174N.V.V., IVom Oct. 22, '()2, to Nov. 13, 'G2; Dec, List paid to Nov. 3(1, "(M. absent; detached service lid. <2r.s. 19 A. C, S. O. No. 77, Hd.C^rs. 19 .A.C, Nov. 2, '(M. \m'y. I'ch., last paid to Nov. :{(), '64, absent; mustered in as capt. Feb. 9, '(!.">, at Camp .Sheridan, Va. ; mustered lor the une.xpired term oC the Kegt; det. service II. (^ra. 1st div., 19 A. C, by S. O. 77, H. Qrs. 19 A. C, Nov. 2)5, '04; Apr., last paid to Nov. :J(», '64, absent oa det. service as provo marshal H. Qrs. 1 div.. Army of the Shenandoah, by S. O. 16, April, lH6r); June, last paid to Nov. 30, "61, discharged at Wiushington, D, C, by .S. C). 116, par. ;i, H.(^r.s. Dept. of Washington, May 16, '6.'.. Muster out roll of CO.: Kes'igned by S. O. 116 li. Qrs. l)ept. of Wash., D. C, May 16, '6.1. Emio, AnRAHAM, private, Co. "K;" age 37; enrolled Sept. .'i, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '()2, at New York, for 3 years. 1-^62: IM., present; Ac, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to !?2.():) premium. 1863: y'<7>., last paid to Dec. 31, absent; detailed in charge of col. hor.scs Dec. 1, '62, Fortress Mon- roe; Apr., litst paid toOct. 31, '62, absent on detached service; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '()2, present; ,!«//.. last paid to .Vpril 3i>, .63, absent, deserted or missing near Fort Hudson, Aug. 22; 0(V., same. Muster-out roll of co.: died while a pri.soner of war at Andersouville, (ia., .Tune II. '61. Emmett, K()i5KKT.2d lt.,Co."K;" age. 2r>; enrolled 29 Aug., lS(i2, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: (M.. present: Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. \f^'V.i: J'lh., hust paid to Dec. 31. present. Muster out roll of co. : discharged for promotion as 1st It. of Co. C Dec. 28, '62. Emmett, Rohkut, 2d It., Co. "C." 1863 : Feh., jiresent, promoted to 1st It. and assigned to Co. "C" Dec. :5, '(!2; enrolled Aug. 29 at New York; mustered in Oct. 18 at Kiker's Island for 3 years; ,!;»•., last paid to Mch. 1, 1st It., present, comd'g the company from .\pr. "), 'G\: June, present, on detached service; Aug., present; Oel., last jiaid to .\ug. 31, '(53, present. .VI. O. roll of Co. : Joined from Co. "K" Dec. 22, '(i2; transferred to reg't'l stalT Nov. 18, '63. E.MMETT, KoiJKKT, (jr. mr. l-<63: /M-.. last paid to Oct 31, prcsout; mustered in Dec. 4, 1863, at New ll)eria. 1864: Feb., la>;t paid to Dec. 31, Ui.], 1st. It. qr. mr., present; date of coiiimi.ssion or reg'fl appointment Nov. 11, '63; Apr., present; June, last ])aid to .\pr. 30, "(M, present; Aik/., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, discharged by .S. O. No. 24, E\. 2, lid. Qrs. liet. 19 A. C, Halltown, Va., to accept appointment of Capt. and A. (^. M. M. O. roll of F. and S. : enrolled as 2nd It. Co. K; promoted to It., Co. C; promoted to qr. mr. Dec. 4, '63: di.-charged Aug. 23, 18(;4. E.M.SWELLElt, John, private; Co. K: age l^^; enrolleil Sept. 9, "62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. IH, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1MI2: (>(•>., present; J>ir., hist !)aid to Oct. 31. absent; deserted at Camp Parapet, La., 2illh Dec. 1S62. I8(i3: Fill., last paid to Dec. 31, ])resent: when last paid was absent; four months due him; not paid since Nov. 1, '62; .lj)r.. last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent; deserted or missing on march to Opelousas near Franklin; Jwn; last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent, mis.sing the 1 1th April near Franklin, L:i. Muster-out roll of Co. ; deserted at New Orleans, La., April 14, '(J3. Enoei,, John, private; Co. C; age 18; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at New York; mustered in (Jet. 14 '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1^62: o., absent; enrolled Oct. 9, '()-2, at N. York, for 3 years; trausferred by consolidation IrouiCo. F, 174 Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H'd q'rs, lyth A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept.: due the soldier $i> U. S. bounty; iu arrest at Fraukliu; Ap'., absent; in confinement at Franklin; mustered in Nov. 13, '61, at N. Y., for 3 years; June to Dec, in- clusive, absent; at Ship Island. 18G5: FclP//, absent; at Ship Island; Ap'l, absent; at Ship Island by seut'ce G. C. M. ; Junr, same; Auf/., absent; at Ship Island. Comp. M. O. Roll: clothing last settled Oct. 9th, 1862; bounty due, ;j;iOO; transferred Irom I74tli N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C. Feb. 17th, 1864: absent in confinement at Ship Island; suppose to be mustered out by G. O. 77; no discharge having been furnished ou the muster out of the organization; am" t of clothing drawn, $(j0.96. EXGLISH, James, private, Co. C; age, 2.J; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 vears. 1862: Oct., deserted from Riker's Island Oct. 15. '62. M. O. roll of co.: deserted Oct. 18, '62. Ekick, Augustus, private, Co. K; age, 28; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., deserted at Wash- ington, D. C, Oct. 28, '62. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Washington, D. C.,Oct. 26, '62. Ebmel, CHRiSTlAJf, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '6.3, present; transferred from 174 Reg't, N. Y. S. Vols, S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid Feb. 29, '64; died of disease June 10, '64, on board of hosp. ship Laura Nile; to be deducted, haversack, canteen, §l).9U; =} shelter tent, $1.63; total, $2.53. Muster-out roll of co. : died at Morganzia, La., of chronic diarrhea, June 28, '64. Ernst, Carl, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., present; enrolled Oct. 29. '62, New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, New York City, for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vol. by S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feby. 17, '64; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31, '63. present; Jan., last paid to Apl. 39, '64, present; stoppage haversack 31c., 1 shelter tent $1.25, total $1.56; Aug., last paid to Apl. 39, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64. present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '61, present, ded. .V shelter tent $2.30; daily duty Co. cook. 1865: Feb., last pay to Dec. 31, '64, present; daily duty Co. cook; A^L, same; Jan., last paid to Apl. 30, '65; presence or absence not stated; same remark; Auij., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, absent. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12. '6.5, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing account last settled Oct. 29, '62; due soldier $76.70; bounty due $100. EeNST, Sapher, private, Co. C. 1803: Apr., present; enrolled Feb. 24, 1863, at New Orleans, for 3 yrs. ; Jane, never paid, present; Aug., last paid to .Tune 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 'Q3, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63; present; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium; mus- tered in Feb. 24, '6?,, at N. O. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $25 U. S. bounty; must'd Feb. 2.5, '63, at N. Orleans; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 64, present; 1 haversaek; Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 26, '64; borne as Xaphier Ernst; Od., last paid to Apr. 30. ab.sent; prisoner of war since July 26, '64. at Deep Bottom, Va. ; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, '64; ab- .sent; prisoner of war since July 25, 1864; tikeu at Deep Bottom, Va. 1865: Feb., same remarks; Apr., same remarks; June, same remarks; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64; same remarks. Muster-out roll of Co.: clothing acc't last settled July 21, '63; bounty due, $100; total am't of clothing drawn, $44.97. ESCOBRAL, Erxest, private, Co. K; age 25; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Od., deserted at Camp Seward, Oct. 30, '62. Muster-out roll of Co. : deserted at Camp Seward, Va., Oct. 29, '6:2. Esler, John, corp., Co. A. 1864: Fr?;., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174 N. Y. v., S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Feb. 9, '63, at New- York; mustered in March 31, '63, at Baton Rouge, for 3 y'rs; ^;)/v7, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; stoppage, haversack. 72 EsLER, JoH.v— Continued. :'>3 c'ts; Au;f., last paid to April 30, 'G4, present: Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 'G4, present: J)ic, same. !►*(>.'>: Feh., last paid to Dec. 31, 't)4, present; April, present; pay due Iroiu Sept. 24, '6i, to I-^eb. 2!i, '03, tlirouj^li error in muster- rolls; June, last paid to April 30, '<>.>, present; Am/., ser^^t., present; pro- moted from corp. to ser^^t., Aui?. 1, '05. M. O., with Co., Oct. 12, '6.">, at Sa- vannah, Ga.: promoted to serjrt. July 1, '05; stoppajie, one wiper; pay due from Sept. 21, '02. to Feb. 9, '0.'5; last paid to .Vpril 3u, '05; clothiiit: last set- tled March 1, '05: due soldier -$1^.24: bounty duo SlOO: ei|uipmeiits lost, etc.,$(). EUNSOX, ErciEN'K S., captain Co. C. IS.")!: Feb., last paid to ()(!t. 31, '03, present; trauslerred from 171 \. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '04: enrolled Oct. 18, '02, at New Vork; mustered in Nov. 1st, '03, at New Iberia. La., for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Fel). 21). '(>1, absent, wounded anil a prisoner; June, last paid to .May 31, '01, absent on leave of ab.seiu"e 20 davs, I'ar. 40, S. O. 102, H. (I Gulf Dept., June 20, '01; wounded at Pleasant Hill, April 0, '64; Auij., last paid to May 31, '04; al)sent; wounded and ab.s. with leave at New York; Oct,, same remarks; 7/r., last paid to .Inly .31, '(it. absent at New York on special duty in N. Y. Harbor by S. O. 201, Annapolis, Md., Dec. 1(), '01. 1805: Frh., same remarks; .!/>/•., last paid to Feb. 2S '05; ab- sent; det. service Hart Island, N. Y., S. O. 2!)1, Annapolis, .Md.. Dec 10, '64; June, same remark; .liii/., last paid to Feb. 28, '05, same remark. Discharge furnished Oct. 28, '05, under provisions of circular from A. G. O. dated June 29, '(i5; last paid to .June .30, '0.5. Evans, Lokeszo D., corpl. Co. D; age 31; enrolled Sept. 20, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York for 3 years. 1«02: Orl., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to .$2 premium. 1803: Feb., last paid to Dec. .31, present, jjroinoted to 5th .sgt. .Jan. 20. r/Vc .lohn Smith reduced; ApK, paid to Dec. 31, 02, .ser<;t. present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '02, pres- ent; Aiit/., last paid to. June 3(1, '03, absent, sick in liosi)!., i;atou Kouge; Uef., last paid to Augt. 31, '(»3, absent, sick in gen. hospl., I'laton liouge; J)re., last paid to Oct. 31, '()3, ]>re.sent, .'?25 U. S. i)ounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1804: Fh., last paid to Oct. 31, 'ti3, 1st .sgt., present, promoted from sgt. to 1st sgt. .Jan. 1, '64; Ap'., last paid to Feb. 29, '04, al)sent, miss- lug in action of Pleasant Hill, Api. 9, '04; Jtiue, last jjaid to Fel). 29, '04; absent in the hands of the eiiemv: waiting muster as 2d lient. since June 26, '04; dropjied l»y error on rolls of .\pl. 30. '(> I; Aiiij., last jiaid to Feb. 29, '04; prisoner at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since .Apl. 9, '64; waitiuii muster as 2d It. since June 20, '01: Ot., .same; I)rt:. last paid to Feb. 29, '01: prisr. of war since Apl. 9, '01: waiting musteras 2(1 It. since June 20, '01. 1805: Feb., last paid to Fel). 29, '(i4; prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '01: waiting muster as 1 lieut. ; Ap'., same; June, same; Au;/.. last paid to Felt. 29, '(>1; absent, exchanged pri.sonerof war: absent, sick. New York City; awaiting musteras 1st It. Co. muster-ont roll: absent at N. Y. City: full amt of clothing drawn, $52.22. cloth'g last .settled Sep. 20, '(>2: bounty due: 81i)(): mustered out .Inly 8, '05. at N. Y. City, under telegram \V. D., A. G. <)., May 12, '05; prisoner of war Apl. 9, '01-May 27, '05, entitled to :> mos. extra j)ay. Evans, Kichaud, corp'l, Co. D; age 39; enrolled Sep. 15. '02, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York, for 3 years. 1802: 0(7., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31; present; entitled to .82 premium. 1803: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; present; reduced to the ranks for neglect of duty i)y regt'l c. ni. and fined $2.00; Apl, last paid t> Dec. 31, '()2: private; present; June, same; Aug., last paid to .June .'.D, '03; present; Oet., last ]>aid to .\ug. 31: present: Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '(i:>; present; $25 U. S. bounty and ^'i premium due the soldier. IHOl: F.b., last paid to Oct. 31: present: Ap'l, last paid to Oct. 31, '03; absent; sick. New ()rl(>ans. La.: June, .same: Auij., absent; same remark: ()t., absent; si(!k: Dee., .same. 1805: /' yrs. 1802: Oel., present: ])re., last p:iid to Nov. 1. '()2. present; "entitled for $2.00 who has enlisted ;ifter .fune the 2lsf, '02." \r^{V\: Feb.. last paid to Dec. 31, present: Ain\ same; June, same; .l«/., last ]>aid to .lune .30, '0."., ]iresent: Oet., last paid to .Vug. 31, '03, i)reseiit, detailed in reg't hospital; Dee., last jjaid to Oct. 31, 'O.!, present: $25.(10 bonntv due the soldier and $2. 00 premium: detailed in hosp. 1H64: /•'(•//., present: due .$25.00 F. S. Iwunty; Ape., absent : detailed to tli< hosp.: June, last paid to I'eb. 2!», '61, ab.sent, detailed to the hosp.; Auij., lasi 73 Evens, George — Continued. paid to June 30, '04, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; pay due for the months of March and Apr., 1864; Apr., pay due for the mos. of March and Apr., '64; deduct canteen, 65c. ; June, last paid to Apr. 30,'65, present; Awj., serg't, present; appointed serg't Aug. 1st., 1865, S. O. No. 13, H. Q'ts, 16:2 N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga. ; clothing acct. last settled Sept. 24, '62; due soldier, $100.56; bounty due, $100. Fahey, Patkick. private, Co. E; a.'^e 22; eorolled Sept. 8, '62, at N. York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: (Jd., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to$2.00 premium. 1863; Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April and Jane, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, same; Aug., last paid to .Jane 30, 'Q'i, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due sol- dier. 18i')l: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present, $25 U. S. 1)ounty due soldier;. April, last paid to Feb. 20, absent: Jane, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Auij.. last pud to Feb. 2!), '64, present; deduct 1 Eutield ritle, 1 set accoutre- ments, $21.0!; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, detailed as teamster to 3d lirig., 1st Div.. 19th A. C. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, ab- sent on detached service in supply train at div. hdqrs. ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; An//., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '05, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Sept. 8, '62; due soldier, $75.60; bounty due, $100. Fallen, Patrick, private, Co. B; age 45 years; was enrolled Sept. 1st, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. 0. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb'y to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to .June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bnuutydue; $2 premium due this soldier. 1861: Feb' I/, present; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '61, present; Oct., last paid. Aug. 31, present; Dec, pi-e.sent; stoppage i shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Fed'y, last paid tj Dec. 31, '64, present; April, present; detached teamster 1st div. A. S. ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; cloth- ing last settled Sept. 1, '62; due soldier $93.41; bounty due, $100. Farrell, Michael, private, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transf'd from 17-lth Uegt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Dec. 1 at N. York City and mustered in New York for 3 y'rs; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aug., same; 1., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present: Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted } shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '61, present; received transportation while on furlough at the cost of $11.22; .ipril, last paid to Aug. 31, "64, present; due U. S. for transporta- tion, $11.22; June, last paid to .Vpril 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '6'i, absent on detached service as safe guard. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; enrolled as private; promoted corporal May 17, 'ti.i; reduced to ranks Nov. 18, '63; clothing last settled Dec.; due soldier, $14.02; bounty due, $100; arras and equipments retained, $6. Farren^, James, private, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Ojt. 31, '6'.>, present; transf'd from 174th Reg't. S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; en- rolled Oct. 16, at N. York City, and mustered iu Nov. 13 at New York for 3 y'rs; .ipril, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jane, last paid to Apl. 30. '61, present; Aur/., same; Od., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted. } shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, Hi'), at Savan- nah, Ga.; clothing last seittled, Oct. 16, '62; due soldier, $58.82; bouutydue, $100. Fawler, Joii.v, private, C). F. 1861: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31st,'63, present; enrolled Oct. 9th, '62, at N. York, and mustered in NTov. 13th, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Reg't N. Y. , S. O. No. 47, Kd. Qrs. I9th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't; due this soldier $25.00 U. S. bounty; Apl., last p.aid to Feb. 29th, '64, present; can- teen to be deducted from his pay, 44c. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30th, '64, pres- 74 Fawler, Joirx — Continued. . eut; borne as Jolia A. Fowler; Ait;/., last paid to April 30;;h, '61, present; born? as Joliu Fowler; haversack to be dedueted Iroin his i)ay, 4!»c. ; Oct., last paid to Aii^. 31st, present; shelter tent to be deducted liouj his pay, 5;"J.30; Dec, same, isiio: /., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; Juiit; last p lid to April 3()th, present; .1////., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12th, '(io, at Savannah, (Ja. ; last paid to Apl. 3()th, IHUo; clothiu>Un>; translerred Irom 174th N. Y. Yds., S. O. 47, Hith A. C, Feb. "l7th, 1661; due soldier lor clothiu«;, $6.'). ."){). Fay, TiloMAs, private Co. G; a'.?e 32; enrolled Sept. IG, Ui-2, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. ]M, '(j2. at New York, lor 3 years. 1802: Oct., present: Dec, last paid to Oit. 31, '(>2. present, entitled to $2 premium. iHijlJ: J-\li. to Jitnr, inclus- ive, last paid to .Imii. 1, '(i3, present; -!/(//., last paid to May 1, '(53, absent, sick in Hatou liouj^e. La.; C'/.,last paid to July 1, '()3; ab.sent, sick at gen'l hosp'l. Baton K'ou^e, ha.; yAr.,last paid to Maj' 1, '63. al)sent, sick at sen'l hosp'l. Baton Kouy;e; $25 F. S. bounty and 1^2 i)remiuin due the soldier. 18)4: Ft')., same; .Ip'. to A iii/., inclusive, last paid to May 1, '(i3, absent, sick atgen'l hosp'l. Baton Kouge, La.; (ht., last paid to May i, '(>'•>; transfd to Y. a. C. , date and order unknown. M. O. roll olco. : transferred toV. K. C. Oct. 17. 'G4. per transfer 2'), War Dept., A. G. O. Fee, Johx, private, Co. B: -Mie 4') years; enrolled Aui^. 30, 18U2. at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 18(j2, at New York, for three years. 1862: Oct., present; Jkc, last paid Oct. 31, present: $2.0(1 premium due. G. O., 162, Oct. 21, 1«G2. 1863: /'(//// to ./line, inclusive; hist piitl to Dec. 31, present; Aittf., last paid April 30, ])re.s('nt; Oct.. paid Au;;. 31. a'osent in hospital. New Orleans; Dec, bust paid Oct. ;'>1, present; $2h (]. S. bounty, $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: F3, absent sick in N. O., La.; fA7., ab.sent sick in hospital at New Orleans, La.; Dec, absent, hospital. New Orleans, La. l8(J.'i: 7'Vi'//, ab.sent; transferred to Yet. lies. Cordis June 4, 18(i.'), by order Gen. Banks. Feeder, Joskimi, private, Co. K. 1864: Feh., absent, sick; transferred from 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. YoLs., S. O. No. 47, I'Jth A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y. for 3 yrs. ; .1;)/-., absent; sick at U.S. hospital, N. Orleans, La.; ./««c, same; Aiuj., transferred to Y. II. C, G. O. War Dept. 17:5, Apr. 22d, '(i4. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged for disability at Baton Kouiie, La., April, '64. Febxeb, Wilm.vm, col'd cook, Co. K. 1864: June, present; enrolled .\pr. 1st, '64, Alexandria, La.; mustered in .lune 17, '64, at .Morgauza, La., tor 3 yrs.; Aiifh, present; Oct., last paid to .Vug. 31, '61, present; Ihe.. same. I860: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '(M, present; deduct 1 haversack, 9."> cts. ; .luue, last paiil to .\pr. .30. '(;.■>, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '()."), Savannah. (la.: last paid Ap'l 30, '6.5; clothing acc't last settled Apr. 1. '64; due soldier, $2.o3. Feeriek, Andukw, private, V.o. G; enrolled Sep. 17. '62. at N. Y. : mustered in Oct. 18, '()3, at New York, for 3 years. 18:J2: Oel., drummer, present; Dec, paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: /•'(•/;., last paid to .Tan. 1, '63, musician, present; Apl, last jtaid to .Ian. 1, '63, present; June, .same; Au;/., paid to .July 1, '(>3, i)rescnt; O'L. i>aid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Dec, last paid t.> Nov. 1, '(>3, present, $2.") F. S. bounty and $2 premium due thesoldier. 18(;i: r,h., same; Ap'l, last paid toM'ch. 1, '()4, jires- ent; .lime, last i)aid to .\p'l :'.<», '61, present: .1"/., last paid to .Vp'l 30, '64; deserted July 0, '61; to be charged for one drum $7..')n. one shelter-tent 1?3.()8, 1 haversack 4!)c., 1 c;in teen 36c., total $12.83. M. O. roll of co.. age 19; deserted at Algiers, La., July 0, '61. FlMSEL, FuiEitKicii. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York City, May 1, '(52, priv- ate, age 36, enrolled May 1, '62, at New York City for 3 years. Name, age, rank and rec<)rd ol enrollment lineil out. 1^62: Oel.. deserted .Sept. i)lh. Field He.nkY, i)riva«e.Ci). (i; age 23; enrolled Sept- 18, '(i2, at Nesv York; mustered in Oct. \f<, '62, at .New York lor 3 years. 18(.2: (hi., deserted Oct. 2."), '()2. M. O. roll of CO.: deserted Oct. 26, '(12, at I'.alto., Md. FiNLAY, ALvDisoN K., sergeant, Co. B. ; age 3S years; enrolled Sept. 2d, 18(52, at New York; musU'red in Oct. 14, 18(i2, at New York for three years. 1H62: Oc/., pres- ent, DiT., bust ))aid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, tl. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: /•'-l., alweiit: joined by pramotioti Ang. 2!), '(j:}; eiititle'l tt) tlir^ diHerenee of pay of hosp'l steward aud 1st lieiit. for Aug. 2i), :M, and 151 ; on (k-taclied service in Ambulance CorpH of the l!)th A. C. since Oct. :.'id, 1M(>:5: enrolled Auji- 2!). "(i:!, at l'>aton Rou'^e, for :? years; mustered in Au^. *2!), HV.\, at Baton Koujie by Lieut. (Jarvin; Dec, absent on detached service, in charge of :inibulances, IDtli A. C. 1S(J4: I'd., last paid to Nov. :{i), '(>:;, present; entitled to the additional $10 per month for com'd'g. CO. durinj^ Hept. and Oct., 1S(>;}; April, J;ist paid to Feb. 21», '(i4, absent; wounded in action April !), HH, and sent to gen'l. liospital; Jiinr, ab.sent wounded, on sick leave in New York; Ata/., same; OcL, same, wounded at IMe;isant Hill, La.: Dr., last paid to April .'50, '(>!; resignation accepted on account of disability, to date Oct. 10, 't)4; honorably di.scharged. Mu.ster-out roll of co. : promoted from private to hospital steward; dis- charged Oct. H», 'Ol, on account of wounds rec'd in action at I'leasant Hill, La., April 0, '(i:5. Fishes, Joii.v, private, Co. G. 1«64: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; transfd from Co. G, 174 Keg't N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, H. , present; Ap'l, same: .fiine, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Aitfj., last paid to Ap'l :50. '6'), corp'l, pre.sent; app'td Aug. 1, '6), per S. O. No. 13, H. Q. 162d N. fill vacancy. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, '6.j, at Savannah, Ga ; paid to Ap'l 30, '6o; clothing acc't never .settled; due soldier on clothins acc't, $26.76; stop for gun and etiuipraents. §6; bounty due, $100. Fitch, Haery R, 4th .serg't, Co. A; age, 34; enrolled Sept. 6, '62. at New York City; mustered in Oct. IS, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 18fi2: Oct., 1st serg't, piesent; Dec, paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Fel)., last iiaid to Dec. 31, '62, present. M. O, roll of co. : transferred to non- com, staff as serg't-maior March 2, "63. Fitch, ILvruv I'., sergeant-major. 1863: Apr., present, enrolled Sept. 6. '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Hiker's Island, for3yrs. ; Jnnr, bounty due $102, absent, New Orleans hosp., wouuded May 27, '63; Aui/., last paid to .lune 30, '63; bounty due $102, present; (M., last paid to Sept. 1, '63; bounty paid $27, due$7."i, pre«sent; no bounty pr enlistment money ever paitl; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '(i3, present; $2;') 11. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: /•'(■/>., last paid to Oct. 31, ■()3: bounty due $100, present; $2.'> U. S. bounty due the .soldier; Apr., last paid to Feb. 2!», 1864, absent: mi.ssing at Pleasant Hill .\pr. 0; ./inir, same; Aic/. to J)ec, inclusive, last paid to Feb'y 20, 18;i4, al)sent, prisoner of war at Tyler, Texas; ciipture«l at tiie battle of Pleasant Hill, .\pr. 0. 1^64. 1X6.-): Frl,., la^t pai(i to Feb. 2!), '(>4; bounty due $10 ); .sauje remark as for Dec; Apr., sniue; Jnnr, ):ist paid to Feb. 2!), '61; bounty iluc $100, absent; exchanged prisoner of war, .\nnapo- lis, Md. ; .liiq., sanie. Mustered out on ind. M. O. roll (in compliance with telegram, \\\ I)., A. G. O., May 12, 18i).->) .Fuly 2ii. IH*;"), at N. Y. City; last paid to Feb. 2I», '64; pris. of Wiir, .Vpr. i), '(!t-.May 27, '6.-); entitled to 3 months' ext:a pay; no clothing :icct. .M. O. U. of F. & S., Oct. 12, '(),">, Savan- nah, (ia.: date of last seltle;ncut of clothing, Sept. 11, '62; en rolled as .serg't. Co. A; tr.insferred to X. C. S. a.s .sergt. major. Mar. 2, '63; paroled prisoner of war; supposed to have been mustereil out of service; no discharge fur- nished at muster of organi/.atioft; amount of clothing drawn, $3.5.03. FttZPATRICK, .Iamics, private, Co. G; age2.-i: enrolled Sept. l.->. '(;2, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18. '62. at New York for 3 years. 18(52: Or/., absent, sick in Wa-1, '61; entitled to pay from date of transfer: absent with lc;ive; .fM;w',' al).seiit without Icjive: .lii'i., last paid to .M'ch 1. '64: deserteil .July 0, '()4. l86.'">: Fell., last paitl to Nov. 1, '61, present: rei)ortcd fnuu desertion •Tan. 23, '6.'i; pav ilue from Mat. 1 to Oct. 1. '64, and from Oit. .'51, '64, to date: -ipl, last'paid to Oct. 31, '64. present; b;\ck p:iydue from Ap'l 30. '64, 77 FiTZPATBiCK, James— Continued. to Aug. 31, '61; June, last paid to May 1, 'G5, present; Aufu, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; dothiaf? acct. never settled; due soldier lor clothing not drawn, $46.39; bounty due, $101); transferred to V. 11. C, 1863, per S. O. War Dept., A. G. O. FiTZPATBlCK. Joii.v, private Co. C. 1864: Feb., absent; due S-25 U. S. bounty; trans- ferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; absent, sick. New Orleans; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, absent, sick in New Orleans; Juih', absent, sick in N. Orleans, La.; Aut/nil, absent, transferred to Vet. li. Corps April 22, '64, S. O. 173, War Dept., Washington, D. 0. FiTZPATRiCK, .loHN^, private, Co. K; age 28; enrolled Sept. 9, '63, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 preuriurn. 1833: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; by sentence of reg't court-martial (Lt. Col. J. W. Blauchard) there will be $5.00 stopped and creditid to the U. S. ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; sent to Ship Island fur assaulting a seri^'t with a bayonet; .Ttute, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; in prison at Baton Rouge; was sentenced six months on Ship Island; Ant/., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, pres- ent; entitled to $25.00 U.S. bounty, $i premium. 1861: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, corporal, present; bounty due, $25.00; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, ijreseut; ./tine, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Au(j., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, private, present; reduced to the ranks from corp. Aug. 1st, 1864; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present: Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pi'esent; deduct for transportation furnished from H. Ferry to New York and back, §14.22; Apr., same; ,/huc, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap"! 30, '65, corp'l, present; promoted to corp'I Aug. 1, "^5, by S. O. 13, Hd. Qrs., 162 N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing ace' t lastset- tled t» Sept. 9, '62; due soldier, $73.41; bounty due, $100; equipments lost, etc., $8.00. FiTZPATRicic, Philip, corpL Co. B. ; age 30 years; enrolled Sept. 2, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York for three years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, private, present, reduced to the ranks bv Co. order dated Nov. 17, 1862; $2.00 premium due G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Febij., last paid to Dec. 31, present;, promoted to corpl. vice Mitten promoted Feby. 7, 1863; April, absent; left out on the mai'chat Franklin, La., not since been heard from; left the company in face of the enemy, Franklin, La., April 1.5, 1863; deserter; June, present; Anri., last paid to April 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty, $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feby.. present; April, last paid to Feby. 29, present; J'w/jc, absent on furlough; ,4 w^., absent without leave since July 27, 1864; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, present; stoppage h shelter tent, $2.30. 1835: Feby. to April, inclusive, last paid Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage: 1 canteen, 6.5c., 1 haversack, 95c., $1.60; Jane, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Au;/., sergt., present, promoted to sergt. R. S. O. No. 13, with rank from Aug. 1st, '65. Mustered out with company October 12, 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid April 30, '65; clothing ac. last settled Sept. 2, '62; due soldier $66.55; bounty due $100; enrolled a private; ap- pointed corpl. July 25, '65. FlTZPATRlOK, William P., corpl., Co. B; age 29 years; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York for three years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feby., absent; deserted at Camp Parapet, La., Jany. 30, 1863. Muster-out roll of co. : enrolled as private; appointed corpl. Sept. 19, '62; reduced to the ranks Oct. 29, '62; re-appointed a corp. Dec. 20, '62; deserted from Camp Mansfield, La., June 30, '63. FiTZSIMONS, Phillip, private, Co. D. 1864: Apt, not paid; absent, missing in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La., Apl. 8, '64; enrolled Feb. 2, 64, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; mustered in Feb. 2, '64, at Riker's Isld, N. Y. ; Jane, not paid; absent in the hands of the enemy; dropped by error on roll ol Apl. 30, '64; Aug., not paid; prisoner at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since Apl. 9, '64; Oct., not paid; pris'r at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since Apl. 9, '64; rec't from draft rendezvous; due 2d in- stallmt. of bounty $40; Dec, not paid; absent, pris. of war since Apl. 9, '64; rec't from draft rendez's; due 2d & 3d instalmts of baunty, total $80. 1865; 78 FiTZSlMOXs, PiiiLir — Continued. Fib., not p:ii(l; absent, pris. of war since Apl. 9, '64; Apt., BAme: June, same; Aug., last paid to Feb. '2!>, '(i4; absent, exch'j^'d pris. of war; sick at N. Y. City. Co. M. O. roll: absent, .sick at N. Y, City; released pris. of war; full am't of clothiiijr drawn $2S.21 ; clothiu40. Mustered out July 11, '().'>, at N. Y. City under te!e:.jrani W. I).,.\. Vt. O, .May 1-J, '; pay due from enrollment: pris. of war Apl. i», '()1-May 27, '0'): entitled to ."5 mos. extra pay; due U. S. fortrausp'u 5il. He states that he has rec'd one mo. 's advance pay. yLAIIEKTY, EinvAKi). iMustcr-in roll of Co. 1), dated N. Y., Oct. IH, '(',-2: private, age, 27; enrolled Sept. 12, '(J2, at New York City for :i yrs. ; name lined out. Flanigax, Joii.v, private Co. A. 1H6:;: Frh., pre.sent, enrolled Feb. 12, ■G.i, at New Orleans, mustered in Feb. 12, '(j3, at New Orleans, La., for :J yr.s. ; April present; .fuiif, not been paid .since enlistment, present; vl(((/., last paid to June ;iO, 'G.'), absent; IJ'I., last paid to .June :!(>; ab.sent; deserted from the U. S. Marine Hospital, N. O., Oct. 2(5, '{J;}, the 2nd time. M. O. roll of co.: "joined from recruiting; depot Feb. 10, '(5:5." FlANIQAX, Micii.\i:i,, private; Co. F; age 1!); enrolled Sept. 4, 'G2, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York for ;j years. lH(i2: Oct., present: Dec, last paid to Oct. ;^1, '<)2, present: entitled to ?2.00 premium. 1868; Feb., hvst paid to Dec. 31, present; April and June same; Auij., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63; ab-senli in hospital New Iberia; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '6,3, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(i3, present; $25 U. 8. bounty due .soldier; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent, rai.ssing in action .Vpl. 9, '64; .Tune, absent, prisoner of war, missing in action Apl. 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill; Auf/., Oct., and Dec., same. 1865: Feb., same; .ly>/. , June, and .4u(/., absent, mi.s.sing in action. Pleasant Hill, Apl. 9, '61. Mus- ter-out roll of co.: clothing acct. last settled Sept. 4, '62; bounty due $100; total value of clothing received, §46.32. Flaxnagax, Petkk. private, Co. D; age 21; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., l;vst paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to §2 prt-mium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. .31, present; Aj)nl, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ./une, last paid to Dec. 31, '()2, corpl present; .lii;/., last paid to .June !{(), '63, pre.sent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, pn-sent, sick in hospl. New Orleans: Dec, absent, sick in N. O. ; $:)5 U. S. bnunty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Fil>., last paid to .\u<;. .i], '(!.?; died in hospl at New Orleans, La., Nov. 22, '63. Co. .M.O. roll: a corp"l; died of chronic diarrhea, at U. S. Gen'l Hosp'l, New Orleans, La. Flatman, Niciior-As, private, Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 8, '62. at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pre.sent, Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; de.serted at New Orleans, La., Dec. 17, "62. Fl.\TM.VN', Niciror.As, private, Co. I; age 18; enrolled Sept. 8, '()2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. l^, HVi, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18(J2: Oct., absent, mus- tered in Co. E. Company muster-out roll: transferred to Co. E, 162d N. Y. V , Nov. 1, '62, orders Hd. C,)rs. 162nd N. Y. V. Fr.ETCIIER, (Jeokok N., private Co. D; age 23; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at N. Y. City, mustered in Oct. IH, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Jiiker's Island, Oct. 21. M. O. roll of Co. : de-serled Oct. 2, '62, at Kiker's Isl- and, N. Y. Fletcher, Samitel. colored cook, Co. G. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; transfd from Co. (i, 174 Uegt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47. H. q. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '(!l: enrolled Sc[)t. 1, '63, at I'., lioiige ami mustered in Sep. 1. '(>:{, at 1>. K'ouge, for :'. years; .I;;'., last paid to Mch. 1. '61. present; Jane, last paid to .\pl. 30, 'rJl. i)resent; Am/., last paid to Apl. 30. '64; deserted .luly 9, '64; to he charged lor shelter-tent, $3.<)8; 1 haversack, 49c; 1 canteen, 36c; total m. val. $4.43. M.O. roll of Co.: de.serted at Algiers, La. Fletchee, Thomas, private, Co. G. 1864: F^ !>., last paid to.'^ept. 1, '63, absent; transfd from Co. (i, 174 Keut. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47. H. Q. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; sick in New York since Sept. 5. '63; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '(i2, at New York, for .3 years; -1;)'., last paific., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2,00 premium. 1883: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, hosp'l. Baton Kouge; wounded in action before Fort Hudson June 14, '63; Alt!/,, absent, hospital New Orleans; wounded in action before Port Hudson, June 14, '63; Oct., same; Dec, absent, hospl. New Orleans; wounded in ac- tion at Port Hudson, June 14, '63; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb., absent, hospl. New Orleans; wounded June 14, '63; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; April, absent, hospl. New Orleans; wounded June 14, '63; .June, absent, hospl. Baton Kouge June 14, '63; Auf/., deserted from hospital: previously reported absent, sick. Mnster-out roll of co. : Supposed to have deserted from hospital. New Orleans, La , Aug. 18, '64. Flood, John, pvt, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., absent; deserted at Phil- adelphia. Mus. out roll of Co, : deserted at liiker's Island Oct. 18, '62. Flood, Tho.aias, private Co. B; age 34 years; enrolled Sept. 2, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for three years. 1862: Oct., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium dne, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: FeVy to June, inclusive, last paid Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb'y, absent; in arrest in Franklin, La.; April, absent, in arrest; June, pres- ent; Aug., present; I haversack; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; com- pany cook; Dec, present; stoppage k shelter tent 2.30, canteen 45, 2.75, 1865: FelPy, last paid to Dec. 31, '61, present; stoppage transportation to New York and return, $14.10; 1 haversack 95, $15.05; April, same; June, last paid April 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. r2th, 1865, Savannah, Ga. : clothing last settled Sept. 2, '62; due soldier, $44.04; bounty due, 100; last paid to April 30, '65. Flynn, Edward, private, Co. H, 1864: Feh., absent; enrolled Nov, 27, '62, at New York; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, N. Y. City, for 3 years: transferred from 174 N. Y. S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; sick in hospital. Baton Rouge, La.; Apr., absent; sick in hospital, Baton Rouge, La.; June, absent; transferred to Y. R. C, G. O. No. 150, War Dept., April 6, 1864, Flynn, John, private, Co. K; age 45; enrolled Sept. 17, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2. 00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec 31, '62, absent, sick and at New Orleans; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, ^Q'.i, absent, sick in hosp, at New Orleans; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $25. 00 U. S. bounty, $2, 00 premium, 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; bounty due, $25,00; Apr., lastpaid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid toApr. 30, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31. '64, present; deduct 1 haver.sack, 40 cts. ; 1 canteen, 45 cts.=:85 cts.; sick, in field hospital. 1865: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent; sick in G. hospital, Baltimore, Md. ; Aw-, abseut, last paid to Aug. 31, '64; sick gen'l hosp., Germantown, Pa.; J^ft/if, same; Aug., last paid to Aug. 31, '64; dischartred from G. ho.sp. in compliance with direc- tions from War Dept. July 13, 1865. Mustered out July 13, ^Qo. at Mower LI. S. A. hosp,, in compliance with directions from War Dept., dated May, 3, 1865; last paid to Aug. 31, '64; bounty due, $100; due LI. S. for transpt., $4.11, traveling from place of discharge home, 88 miles; due sol., $43,59, amt, of clothing. Foley, George, private, Co. D; age 33; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ApL, lastpaid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; sick in convalescent camp at Camp Parapet, Carrolton, La.; June, same; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, 'Q?>, absent; sick in hospital, New Orleans; Oct., discharged from U. S. Barracks Hosp't'l, New Orleans, Sept. 12, '63 (disability). M. O. roll of Co.: discharged Mar. 27, '63, by reason of surg. certif of disability at U. S. Gen'l Hospital, New Orleans, La. 80 Foley, James I., pvt. Co. A.;ase3:J; enrolled Sept. :;, 'G2, at New York City: mas- tered in Oct. IX, '(j2, at Now York, I'orifyrs. 1H()2: Or/., present; Aor. and Dec, paid to Oct. M, '(j-*, present, $2 premium due. 18(j;{: l-\Jt.. last paid to Dec.;!', '(i"J, present; Apr., same; Junr, absent, sent to general hospi- Uil from Simmsport, La., May "J 1, "ti:!; .!«(/., present, returned from hospital at Urashear City Aug. '2.1, '1, alxsent; deserted at Camp ^lanslield, La., Feb. 13, 'Go; Apr., 'G3, to A)>i:, 'GJ, inclusive, name not borne; June, absent; appre- hended and confined at Columbus, Ohio, since Ap.*-. 27, 04; deserted Dec, 18G2, from the reg't; Aug., absent; in conOnement at Columbus, Ohio, since Apr. 22, "G4; 0:1., deserted from New York Nov., 'G3; deduct haver.sack, can- teen, \ shelter-tent, $2.79. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Camp Para- pet Dec, 1862. FORAX, Ja.mics, private, Co. D. ; age :\.\\ enrolled Sept. 13, 'G2, at N. Y. City; mus- tered ill Oct. 18. 'G2, at New York, Jbr 3 years. 18G2: IM., jiresent; Da.. last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 18G3: iV/j., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aj>'f., same; ./iiiip, same; .itu/., last paid to June 30, 'G3, present; 0<2 ))remium due the soldier. 1SG4: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Aji'f., last paid to Feb. 2S), 'G4, present; .ftine, last p.iid to Ap'l 30, 'G4, present; An;/., same; Oct., la^t paul to Aug. 31, '64, I)resent; Dec, same. 18().'): Feb., l;ist paid Dec. 31, ■G4. present; Ap'l, fiame; June, last paid to .\p'l 30, "G"), present; Au;/.. last paid to Ap'l i'.O, 'G'); cor- poral, present; jtiomoted corp'l Aug. 1, l^nry. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 'G.'), at Savannah, < ;a. ; last paid to .\p'l 30, '(J.j; clothing last settled Sept. 13, 'G2; due .soldier for clothing, ■?G4.G3: bounty due. i^^lOO. Ford, .Jamks W., musician, Co. 1'^; age 17; enrolled Sept. 11, '()2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 'G2, at New York for .3 yr.s. 18G2: Oct., j^re^ent; Drv., last paid to Oct. 31; deserted from Camp Slough, Alexandria, Ya., Nov. 16. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Nov. 9, '()2. FOEMAN, Samiki-, private, Co. G; age 47; enrolled Sejit. 15, 'G2, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 'G2, at New York for 3 years. 18(;2: (ht., present; /><<•., last paid to Oct. 31, 'G2, present; entitled to $2 premium. lsG3: Feb., last last paid to .Ian. 1, 'G3, present; Apl., last paid to Jan. 1, '(i3, ab.sent; sent to hospl. Brashear City, La., Apl. 10, 'G3, by regtl. surgeon; June, last paid to .Tan. 1, 'G3, absent; sick in U. S. barracks, genl. hospl, N. O., La. ; .lia//., same; Or/., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, ab.sent; sick at L'. S. bks. hospl., N. O. ; Die., last paid to N'ov. 1, 'd'.i, absent, sick at U. S. bks. hospl., N. O. ; $2.') V. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 18G4: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, "63; dis- charged by reason of siirg's certif. lor disability Jan. 21, 'G4. M. O. roll of CO.: discharged at New Orleans, La., Dec. .">, 'G3. FCSTEB, Henkv, private, Co. G. 18G4: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '63; present; transPd from Co. t;, 174 Keg't N. Y. S. V..S. O. 47, 11. (^ 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 'G4; re- duced from serg't by consolid'n of reg't, Feb. 17, '61; enrolled Oct. 22, '62, at N. Y. City, and njustered in Nov. L5, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, paid to .M'ch 1, '64; present; Jiine, paid to .M'ch 1, '64; absent; transf d to V. S. Navy, Jlay 1, '64, held order No. 3.'). Fountain', Jamks, ])rivatfl, Co. G. Muster-in roll of Co. dated New York. Oct. 18, '62; private; enrolled Sei)t. 10, 'G2, at New York for IS years; name lined out. M. O. roll of Co.: transfd to Co. K, lG2d N. Y. Y., Oct. 19, '62, per order of Col. L. r.enedict, cum'd'g reg't. Fountain", .r.\Mi;s, ]»rivate: Co. K; agc2G; enroUcil Sept. 1, '62; mustered in Oct. Is, '()2, at New York, for .'{ years. IS(;2: Ud., .scrgt, present; /.*('•., last paid to Oct. 31; present; entitled to JJ.OO premium. 1863: Feb., hist paid to Dec. :'>!, '62; present; Ajtr., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62; Ist .serg't, absent; left sick in hosp. at Algiers; ,/utie, last paid to Dec. 31, '(i2; present; Aii.()() U. fS. l.>ounty; $2.00 i)rcmium. 1861: Faid to icb. 211, '(il; present; deduct pay, scabbard 1.') ( Is. ; .Inn,, last 81 Fountain, James — Continued. to Apr. 30, 'H4, present; to be deducted, cartridge-box plate 7 cts., canteen 41 cts. — 4100; appointed serg't Oct. 29, '62; reduced to ranks Nov. 1, 64; deduct 1 haversack, 95 cts., 1 can- teen, 65 cts. Francis, John A., teamster, Co. B; age 26; enrolled Aug. 30, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, lor three years. 1862: Oct.. present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2 premium due, G. O. 162; Oct.'21, 1862. 1863: Feb'ry, last paid to Dec. 31, present; ^4;j?(7, absent; discharged at New Orleans, April 5, 1:?63; June, absent; discharged at New Orleans, by order of Gen'l Banks. April 3d, disability. Muster-out roll of Co. : private, enrolled as teamster; discharged by order Gen. Banks, Aprils, '63; cause, unfit ior service. Francisco, Josep'T, private, Co. I; age 18; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., absent, mus- tered in Co. E; companv muster-out roll; transferred to Co. E, 162nd N. Y. v., Nov. 1, '62; orders kd. (^)rs. 162nd N. Y. V. Franclsco, Joseph, private Co. E; age, 19; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York city; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dtc, last paid to October 31; deserted from New New Orleans, La., Dec. 17. Franke, Charles, private, Co. B. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans- ferred from 174th Kegt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs. : Ajjl., last paid to Feb. 29, absent, missing since Apl. 23, action of Caine River Ford; Jane, ab-ent, wounded; prisoner of war Apl. 22, '64; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, ab- sent, same; Oct., absent; prisoner of war since Apl. 23, '64; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., same; Apl., same; June, absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64; Aug., absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64 fnot heard from since). Muster-out roll of CO., dated Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. : drawn since enlistment to amount $59.79; no discharge given at muster-out of organization; supposed to be mustered oat; clothing last settled Oct. 3, '62; bounty due, $100. Fbazer, John, private, Co. "'K;'' age 19; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. IS, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., corp'l, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; degraded to the ranks for mutiny since last pay-roll; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Auii., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Z'pc-., paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to the $25.00 U. S. bounty; $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; bounty due, $25.00; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; deduct k shelter tent, $1.63; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1835: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct 1 canteen, 65 cts.; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, corp'l, present; promoted to corpl Aug. 1, Qo, by S. O. 13, Hqrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with CO., sergt, Oct. 12, '6-5, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing account last settled to Sept. 30, '62; due sol., $50.00; bounty due, $10it; appointed serg't Sept. 30, 'Gn, reg'tS. O. 21. Frederick, Geokue, corporal, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y: advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present: Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, private, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Sche- nectady, for 3 yrs.; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; stoppage 1 can- teen 41 cts., .} shelter' tent $1.89, total $:i.30; due from U. S. G., $25 ad- vance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; ded. ] shelter tent, $2 30, haversack 67, $2.97. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apt., same: Jun., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; .4 "r/. , same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savan- nah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30. '65; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63; due U. S. for clothing. 34 c. : bounty due, $100: musket and bayonet re- tained, $6.00; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63. 11769 6 82 FBEEHuy, GoTi.iER. private, Co. D; ape 28; enrolled Sept. S.*?, '62, at New York City; nmstered in Oct. ]s, ''., same; June, htst i)aid to Ap'l .JO, 'li.j, present; .1"//., la.stpaid to Ap'l 80, '(io, present; apprehendei as a deserter Dec. 22, (i\; tried by G. C. iM. and found guilty of desertion Sept. 27, 't>4; sentenced t>> forfeit all pay and aliowancd and $10 per mouth for ton mouths and make good the time lost. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '()">, at Savannah, fla. ; last paid to Ap'l ;>(), '65; clothing last settled Dec. 22, '64; due.soldier for clothing SI. 42. Feekl. Georgk, pvt., Co. A; age 27; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. ]H, '(J'i, at New York, forthree jts. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1S63: JYh., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent on detatched service in Louisiapa Cav dry. Teb. ;">, ^^.\; April, last paid to Dec.31, '62; absent on detached .service in Louisiana Cavalry, Feb. .5, '6{; Juite, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, .sent on detached .service in 2nd La. Cavalry, Feb. 5, '63; Aiu/., absent on detached service in Cav- , airy, Feb. 5, '63; Or^, absent, detached in 1st La. Cav. since Feb. .5, '63; Dre., bounty due, $2.").00; absent, detached in 1st La. Cav., Feb. r>, '63; $2.00 pre- mium due this soldier. 1S64: />/)., absent, detailed in 2nd La. Cav., Feb. 7, '(>3; Aprit, al)seut,. detached in 2nd La. Cav., Feb 7, '63; Jimr, absent de- t.ched in 2nd La. Cav., Feb. 7. '63; Auff., absent, dct. IS, 'ril ;50, '65, present; deduct lor .shel- ter-tent. $4.90. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, V.a. ; bust 83 Feoehling, George— Continued. paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing acct. last settled Sept. 25, '64; bounty due, ijilOO; transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, h'dq'r.s Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; stoppage shelter-tent, S4.90 ; clothing due soldier, $32.54. Froeiiling, (Jakl, private, Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, N. Y., lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present. Muster-out roll of Co.: transferred to Co. "F," 162 N. Y. v., 8. O. 51. Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of Gulf N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. FuiiRJiANN, JuLiT'S, private, Co. F; age 27; enrolled July 2, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., desert-^d 8th Sept.; $13 advance paid. Co. M. O. roll: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862; deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. FURGERSON, WiLT.TAM, private, Co. G; age 20; enrolled Sept. 1, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; borne as Wm. Ferguson; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present; Apl. and June, same; Aur/f., last paid to July 1, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., same; Apt., last paid to M'ch 1, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Auc/i., same; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec., same. 18S5: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, present; yij)!., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; deduct $6.62 due U. S. f*r clothing overdrawn up to date; Aug., last paid to April 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Qa. ; clothing acc't never settled; clothing due soldier, $19.24; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and equipm'ts, $6. FURGEESOX, William, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due from theU. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29. '64, present; stoppage, 2 shel- ter-tent, $1.25; Jane, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; mustered iu Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, for 3 years; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; due from U. S. G. $25, advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick in Sandy Hook, Md. ; Dec., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick iu hos- pital, Philadelphia, Pa., since Sept. 10, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apt., same; .Tune, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, pre.sence or ab- sence not stated; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, corporal ; died while on the march from Savannah to Hawkinsville, Ga., July 29, 1865. Name borne as William H. Ferguson. Muster-out roll of co. : died of convulsive chill, near Savannah, Ga., July 29, 1865; enrolled as private; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, 1863 ; appointed corp'l July, '65 ; final statements given. Gabriel, Adolph, private, Co. F; age 25; enrolled June 17, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Aug. 22, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 9; $13 advance paid. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred Irom 53 N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862; deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. Gaesex, Hkinrioh. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, 1862: age 19; enrolled May 31, 1862, at N. Y. Cit3', for 3 years. Name, age, rank, and en- rollment lined out. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 9. Gaevin, Michael. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: age 44; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Gaheuty, John, private, Co. D; age 30; enrolled Sept. 3, '02, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 year.s. 1862: Oct., present; Dec. lastpaid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: />/;., last paid to Dec. 31, present; fined by C. M. $8, S- O. 29, Feb. 2H; Apt., present; June, lastpaid to bee. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, ahsent, sick in hospital, Eaton Rouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Z)tc , last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, $25 LT. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oft. 31, present; Apt., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, lastpaid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., present; Oe^, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pre.sent; l>^c., same. 1865: fl'ft., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent without leave at Wa.shington, D. C. ; Aug., last paid to Dee. 31, '61; deserted at Washington, D. C, June 25, '65; due Govt, for loss 1 Enfield rifle and equipments, 40 cartridges, $21.22, also for loss of canteen, haversack, J tent, and rubber, $6.20^$27.62. Muster- 84 Gahekty, John— Continued. out roll oi CO. : l; paid to Dec. 31, 04 ; clothing last settled Sept. 3, '62; bounty due .$1(10; hy error tlroppt-d as a deserter on Aug. roU.s; accidently left at Washington .June '-.'.">, '(;.); reported to jiro. marshal, Ale.xandria, Va., and was sent to ijedloe's Island; ouppo.sed to have hten mustered out under G. O. 77, A.G.O.. War Dept., no diseiiarge given at muster-out of organization; full amouutof clothing drawn$lU;!.t;J: (charged on Aug. roll.s for arms and etjuip- ments .'jiJl.-J-J). A discharge was furnished him by the chief mustering ofhcer ^^tale of N. Y., Nov. 3, lH(Jj, under orovisions of circular from A. G. O. dated June -jy, 1865. Gainey, Joil.v. private, Co. C. 1864: Fek, last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present; due $25 U.S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V.. S. O. 47, 1!) A. C.Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 13, '6J, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, H)2, at New York, for 3 years; April, absent, sick in New Orleans; June, hust paid to Feb. '29, 64, present; AnguM, last paid to Feb. 25), '64, present ; Oct.. last paid to Au- gust 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pre,sent; borne on this roll as John (ianey. 186.'): Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct haversack, 65c. : June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '(!5, present; August, last jtaid to Ap'l 30, '65, pre.sent; deduct 1 cone and 1 wrench, 3.5c. Mustered out with co. Oct'er 12. lH(i5, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing -settled April 13, '62; due soldier §55.33; bounty due $100; arms, equipments, retjvined, $6. GALLAcnEi:, John, pvt., Co. A; age 33; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2.00 premium due. 1863: Feb., paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in hospital * at liaton Rouge, La. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sent to general hosptl. from Katon Rouge March 2, '63; Aug., last paid to April 3U, absent in hospital, Baton Rouge. Mrch. 28, '63; Oct., last paid to April 30, ab.sentin hospital, Baton Rouge, March 28, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, bounty due, $25.00, absent, sick, liaton Rouge, March 25, "63; $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., ab.sent, di.scharged from convalescent U. S. Army genl. hospital. Baton Rouge. Feb. 16, 'tfl. M. O. roll of co. : discharged on surgeon's cert, of disability Feb. 16, '64, at V. S. A. hospiUil, Baton Rouge, La. Galvin, William. Muster-in roll of Co. G. dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; age 23; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Gabgh, Bernaui), pvt., Co. A; age 28; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; de- serted at Baltimore: borneouthis roll as Bernard Gough. M. O. roll of co. : "deserted at Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 26, '62." Garno, Lewi.s S., private, Co. B; age, 43; enrolled Sept. 27, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, de- serted at Riker's Island, Oct. 23. '()2: J>ec, present; was reported on last muster as a deserter; he returned to Company 8 Nov., 1862; his furlough was extended in New York, unknown to company commander: he was there- fore not a deserter, and is entitled to be i)aid from the date of his enlistment; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 1()2, Oct. 21, 1S(>2. ISi;:;: Flu/., paid to Deo. 31, present; April, absent, detiiiled as nurse in ho.spital at Brashear. I. a.; June, absent, (lischarged at New Orleans by order of (ienl. B:uik.s, May 5, anchylosis. Mu.ster-out roll of co. : discharged for disability by order Gen. Banks, May 3, '6:5. Garrah, John, pvt.," Co. I; age 46; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1^62: Oct., present; Ihc, last j)aid to Oct. 31, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1H(;2, pre.>;ent; borne as John Gerrah; Apr., present; ./une, ab.sent, missing since action on June 14, 1H63. Mustvr-out roll of Co.: died, missing since action of June 14, 1863, I'ort Hudson, La. Gabran, Micuaki-, private. Co. K; age 26; enrolled Sept. J). '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for3years. 18t)2: Of/., deserted at Perry- ville, Md., Oct. 24, '62. Muster-out roll of Co.: deserted Oct. 25, '62, at Perryville, Md. Gauohn, Mkiiakl. i)rivate, Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, "62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1^62: Oct., present; J>(c., last paid to Oct. :;i, present; $2 prenuum du.-, (J. ( ►. 1(.2, Oct. 21, '62. 1H63: F.b., last paid to Dec. I'.l. i)resent: A/i'l, jircscnt; June, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, i»rcsent; Od., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, absent, in hos- 85 Oaughn, Michael — Continued. p't'l, New Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Fib., discharjied Feb. 12, '64, at New Orleans, chronic diarrhoea. Muster- out roll of CO.: died New Orleans, La., ot chronic diairhoea Feb. 9, '64. Gelson, Bernard, private, Co. D. Muster-in roll of Co., dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: age 24; enrolled Sept. 20, 1862, at N. Y. City lor 3 years. Name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Gexg. MaktIiV, private, Co. F. 1»63: April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862; enrolled Sept 19, 1862, at N. Y., and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at Kiker's Island, for 3 years ; transferred Irom Co. H, March 1, 1863 ; died in genl. hospital April 7, 1863. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. ofGulf, Feb. 20, 1863; deserted Irom New O: leans, La., Nov. 8, 1863; borne as Martin Zeng. ■Gereing, John J., private, Co. H. 18 3: Z)«'.. never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years, advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; borne as John Gehriug; Jmip, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, ^G.l, Schenectady; Aug., last paid to Ap. 30, '64, present; haver- sauk, 49c.; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; ded. h shelter-tent, $2.30; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pre.sent. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, on detached service, teamster, per G. O. Hd. Qts. Brig. By. 1 Div. Q. M; Apl, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; on detached service, Brig. lid. Qrs., teamster; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, sick in Finley, U. S. G. H., Washington, D. C, since June, '65; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '04; mustered out Washing- ton, D. C. ; compliance with a telegram, dated May 31, 1865, from A. G. O, Mustered out on ind. muster-out roll, incompliance with telegram A. G., O. May 3, 1865, June 26, '65, at Washington, D. C. ; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; clothing drawn since enlistment, $iil.86; bounty due, $100. Muster-out roll of Co.: joined as recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10, '63; also borne as John G. Gehring. Gerwig, William, private, Co. G. 18. ;4: Feb., last paid to Sept. 1, '63; absent; trans- ferred from Co. G, 174, Eegt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, 17 Feh'y, '64, sick in Baton Rouge since July 10, 1883; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York City; mustered in at N. Y. City Nov. 13, '62, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Sept. 1, '63; absent; sick at Baton Rouge, La., since July 10, ^(y\j; .finie, last paid to Sept. 1, '63; present; Aug.,\a.%t paid to Sept. 1, '63; absent; sick at U. S. A. Geu'l Hospital, Fairfax Seminary; Ot^, same; Dec, last paid to Sept. 1, '63; absent; sick at U. S. Gen'l Hospital, Fairliax, Va., since July 31, 1864. 1865: Feb., same as Dec, '64; April, last paid to Aug. 31, '63; absent without leave since Sept. , 1864; Jane, last paid to Sept. 1, '63; absent; dropped Irom rolls May 20, 1865, as deserted Sept. 20, 1864; deduct 1 shelter-tent -19.80, 1 haversack 65c., 1 canteen 45c.: descriptive list and. accts. of pay and clothing forwarded. Muster-out roll of Co. reports him de- serted at U'. S. G. H., Fairfax, Va., May 20. 1805. GiBONS, Patkick, private, Co. D; age 21; enrolled Sept. 20, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Baltimore Oct. 27. Gibson, George W., 1st serg't Co. G; age 42; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; present; was paid from Oct. 15 instead of the 5 by mis- take; 10 days' pay due him; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: i^e?*',//, last paid to Jan'y 1, '63; present: Apr., same; Ja»e, same; Aug., last paid to July 1, '63; present; Oct., last naid to Nov. 1, '63; 2d lieut. ; present; commanding company since Sept. 1, '63; discharged as 1st serg't Aug. 28, '63, at Baton Rouge, by reason of promotion; due the difference of pay of 1st serg't and 2d It. for Aug. 29, 30, and 31, 1863; enrolled Aug. 29, '63, at Baton Rouge for 3 y'rs; mustered in Aug. 29, '63, at Baton Rouge; Dec, present; command- ing company. 1864: Feb'y, same; Apr., absent; sick in the hands of the enemy since Apr. 9, 1864, at Pleasant Ridge; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; paroled prisoner of war; pay due tor responsibility of company prop- erty for the months of November, Dec, Jan'y, Feb'y, and March; Aug., pa- roled pri.soner of war; absent with leave; O't., last paid to Sept. 1, '64; 1st It.; present; com'dg co. ; mustered from 2d It. to 1st It. Sept. 28. 1864: Dec, present; com'dg co. 1865: FcVy., paid to March 1, '05; absent on leave of absence per S. O. No. 46, H'd Q'rs 19 Army Corps, Feb'y 19, 1865; April, name not borne. Muster-out roll of CO.: promoted to capt. and transferred to Co. E March 3, 1865. 86 GiESOX, Geokge W., captain, Co. E. 186.'): Apr.-, last paid to Feb. 28, "65, present; juustered out of Co. G as 1st lit'Ut.. I'el). 2H, '(j."); mustered as Ciiptaiu Co. IZ M'th 1, '6.'), commaudiut: CO. ; eurolied Mch 1, '(ir>, at Stevensou, Va. ; mus- tered ill Mrh 1, '(Jo, at Stevenson, Va., lor the une.\i)ired term of the reg't; June and .1"'/., hist paid to Apr. 30, '().">, present; comniandiuj^ co. since M'ch 1, '05. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 'iio, Savannali, (ia. ; hist paid to Apr. 30, '(i5; enrolled as 1st serj^'t of Co. G: promoted 2nd licut. Aug. 2!), '03; disabled and taken prisonerat Pleasant Hills, La., Ajjr. U,'04; exchanged Aug. 4, '01; promoted 1st lieut. Sept. .'), '01; promoted capt. and transferred to Co. E M'ch 1, 05; pay due for responsibilities since Apr. 3u, '05. GiBSOK, Jamks, private Co. F. 18()4: Fdiij., hist paid to Aug. :>1, lsG3, absent, enrolled Oct. 20, 1S02, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, 1802, at K. Island, New York, lor 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. 1\ 171 IJegt. N. Y. Vols., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 1!) A. C., pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier .^25 U. S. bounty; detached Battery G, 5th Artillery; April, hist paid to Aug. 31, 1803, ab.seut, detached to iiattery G, 5 U. t^. Artillery; June, last paid to Aug. 31, 1803, same remark as on April roll; Ai((/u-2, at Kiker's Island, N. v., for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to Dec, 31. '62, pre.sent; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; .luy., last paid to June 30, '()3. present; Ovt., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Der., l;ist paid to Oct. 31; bounty due. $25.00, present; $2.00 premium due this .soldier. 1804: Feh., la^t paid to Oct. 31, present; April, last paid to Feb. 2!); killed in action at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, '(i4. .M. O. roll of Co. : joined by transfer from Co. F, by order of Col. Hen- edict, commanding reg't, Dec. 15, '62; enrolled as private, promoted corp. ; date unknown. GiNETY, Patuick. private. Co. E; age 10; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New Yor.*c City; mustered in Oct. 18, '«;2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18(i2: (M., present; J>ic., bust paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1h;3: F<0.': (hi., present; Jhc , \i\.-t paid to Oct. :51, ure.sent, enlitled to $2.00 premium. 1803: Fih. to June, inclu- sive, last paid to Dec. :51, '62, pre.sent; Aufj., last paid to June 30, '63, pres- ent; (hi., last paid to Aug. 31. present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31. present entitled t.> the $25.00 U. S. bounty, $r>.00 premium. 1861: F. '01. ab- sent, missing in action at battle of Pl.asant Kidge, La., Apr. !», '01, rille and accoutremints toinpl., $20.03: dcdiK t 2 ( antcens, HSc; Juw, last i>aid to Feb. 20, 04, absent, prisoner of war wilh tin- enemy, dropped in error as mi.ssed in action; .)<"/.. last paid to Feb. 20. '01. ahs.'ut, jirisuner of war since Apr. 'J, 01: .same to inclmie ./k/k, l^'05. Mustere«l out on Ind. m. o. roll July 11, Giloeist 87 GiTEY, Joseph— Contiuued. '65, N. Y. City: last paid to Feb. '29, '64, prisoner of war Apr. 9, '64-May2T, *(J5, entitled to 3 mos. extra pay, no clothing ac. ; due U. S. for transporta- tion, $;il; mustered out under telegram W. D., A. G. U., May 12, '65, Mus- ter-out roll ot CO. : has drawn clothing to the amountof ij)90.5U, clothing. acct, last settled Sept. 24, "62; bounty due, $100. Glaxcey, Michael, pvt. Co. I; age, 19; enrolled Sept. 22, 18G2, at New York City; mustered in Get 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Ucl., present; /)ec.» last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, ab- sent; deserted irom camp Mansdeld, CarroUton, La., Feb. 11, 1863. Muster- out roUof Co. : deserted Camp Parapet, La., Feb. 11, 1863. Glas.?, Fkaxklin, Co. A. 1864: /'V/*.,last paid to Oct. 31; present; transferred front 174 N. Y. v., S. O. 47, P^eb. 17, "64. 19 A. C. ; enrolled IS'ov. 12, '62, at New- York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, lor 3 yrs.; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; stoppage, haversack, 33cts. ; canteen, 41 cts. ; i shelter- tent, $1.75 = |)2.49; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent, sick in hospital, Bolivar, since Aug. 5, '64; Oct., last paid to April 30, '61, absent, sick in hospital at Annapolis, Aug. 5, '64; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; extra clothing, $10.00. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, haversack, 67 cts.; V shelter-tent, $2.30; extra clothing, $20. 00 = $22. 97 ; A2)ril. last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, y shelter-tent, $2.30; haversack, 67 cts. ; extra clothing from Feb. rolls, $20.01) =$22.97; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; pay due for mouths of May and June', '64; Ai(., absent; enrolled Nov. 27, '62, New York; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, New York City, for 3 years; transferred from 174tli N. Y. Vol. by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64. and detached to 5th U. S, Artillery, S. O. 3o, 1 Brig., 1 D., 19 A. C, Dec. 14,'63; Apr., absent: detached to 5th U. S. Artillery, S. O. No. 35, 19 A. C. , Dec. 14, '63; June, same; Aug.^ deserted; ret'd from Ratt'y G. 5th U. S. Arty., per S. O. Hd. Qr.s. Mill. Div., W. Miss., not reported; stoppage, 1 cross cannon, 3c. ; letter G, Ic. ; fig. 5, Ic. ; total, 5c. ; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; taken up from desertion, dropped through error, having been detained at C. of O. at N. O., La. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '61, present; to be ded. haversack, 67; Apt., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30,'65; presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30,'65, present. Mustered out with Co. 12 Oct.. '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; paid Apl. 30. '65; clothing ac. last settled Nov. 27, '62; clothing due U.S., $15.26; bounty due, $100. Gordon, Edward, private, Co. G. 1864: Feb^ii, lastpaid to Nov. 1, '63, present: trans- ferred from Co. G, 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs., 19 A. C.,17 Feb'y, '64; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at New York City, and mu«!tered in same place, Nov. 13, '62, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to March 1, '64, absent, hospital at 88 GoBDoN, Edward — Continued. Alexaii(lii;i; wouiuleil in action April 23, '64, at Cane River Crossing; June, lust i)aid to Meh 1,'1, tJl, aijseut. Mustered out. I une i:j, iHG.j, jier telegraphic Order No. 38, War Dept.. A. ti. O., May 4, 1 8Gr>, at McUougall U. S. General Hospital, N. Y. Harbor; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing pre- viously sent surgeon in charge ol' hospital. Cluster-out roll of Co. : discharged on S. C. D. at N. Y. City, .\iig. 18, 18(J5. GoSDo.v Tkkricnce, pvt., Co. I; age :i!); enrolled Aug. 30, 186-2, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 18(>2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18()2: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 18l>2, Corp., present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31. 1862, present; Apr., present; .>«*((■, absent in hosp. at N. O., La.; Aug., died Aug. 6, I8(i3, at New Orleans. La. G0BMA>:, William, private. Co. 1); age "20; enrolled Sept. 10. '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18. 1862, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Ort., absent; de-erted from liiker's Island Oct. 23; Dei;., last paid toOct.31, present; not paid last pay, being reported deserted, but since returned to duty; entitled to %:l premium. 1803: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; lined by C. M. $3, S. O. 29, Ve.h. 28; Ap'l. last paid to Dec. 31, '62; detailed on recruiting service at New Orleans M'ch 4, '6;5; June, last paid to May 31, ^H'^, present; Aug., last paid to June 30. '63, absent; Oit., last p:iid to June 30, '63, present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $2.') []. A. bounty and ^2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Aji'l, last ]>aid to Feb. 29, "64, pres- ent; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, "(U, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent; missing on the march Aug. 12, '64; Oct., la-st paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; deduct lor loss of 1 Enlield ride, 2 waist belts and plates, and cross- belt plate $10.00; l>rr., last paid to Ap'l oO, '(i4, present; deduct lor loss of 1 Enlield rille and equipmts $17.2(!. 186"): Fib., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present: Apl, same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '(Jo, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; corp'l, present; promoted corp'l Aug. 1. 1.H6,",. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, '6'), at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing la-it settled Sept. 10, '62; due .sold, lor clothing, $31.46; bounty due, $100; deduct lor one mosijuito bar Ji2. Geaff, Joh.v, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct, 31, '63, present; traus'd from 174 Keg't N. Y. S. Vol.s., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '61; en- rolled Oct. 7, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for .".yrs.; Apr., paid to Feb. 29, '()4, present; .lune, last paid Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paiei., .same. 18(;5: Fdry, same; Ajtr., bust paid to Feb. 28, '65, alisent; piisouer of war since July 2(i, "(il; June, last paid to Feb. 28, '65, absent: p:isonerof war since July25,'64; Aug., same. .Muster-out roll of Co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65: paid to Fel). 2"», '65; clothing last settled Oct. 7, '62; boimty due, SlOO; piisouer of war since July 25, '64: has drawn clothing to the amount of $114.57, no discharge furnished at muster out of organization: supposed to have been mustered out of service. Graham, Gkokuk, private. Co. I); agei'.Ci; enrolled Sept. 8, '(>2, at N. Y. City; mustered ill Oct, 18, '(;2, at New York for :'. years. 18(;2; Oil., i)resent; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to 5^2 premium. 1H6.<: Feb. , last paid to Dec. 31, present; .4///, same; .fune, .same; .1"//., last paul to Dec. 31. '62; ab.sent in conlinemcnt in I'ort HmiLsoii by comdof Col. IJcnedict; Oil., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; alrsent in Parish Prison. New Orleans; Drc, last paid to Oct. 31, 'iV.i, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the .soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; .4;//, last p .id to Feb. 29, '64, absent; missing in action at I'lea.sant Hill. La., Aj)! 9, '(i4; June, paiortalion $1.15. 1.^65: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31. '()4, pre.«ent; deduct tor transportation $18.Hl; Ap'l, i)aid to Itve. 31, '((4, i>resent; June, last paid to Ap'l 311, '65, present: Aug., same. Mustered out with Co. Oet. 12,'65, at Savannah, (Ja. : last paid to .\p'l :!0. '65; clothing lastsettled Sept. 18/62, due sold. $11.02 for clothing; bounty due $100. 89 Oeambs, Timotheus. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62: private; age 24; enrolled June 26. '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and enrollment lined out. 1862: CA'., deserted Sept. b. Orant, Edward, private, Co. G; age 33; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, Is'^ew York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., discharged by doctor. Muster-out roll of Co. : deserted Oct. 23, 1862, Hiker's Island, N. Y. Gray, Daniel, pvt., Co. I; age 18; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct- 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., absent; mustered in Co. E. Muster-out roll of Co. : translerred to Co. E 162 N. Y. Vols. Nov. 1, 1862; orders Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Gray, Johx, sergeant, Co. C. 1864: Frli., absent; due $25 U. S. bounty; reduced from 1 sergt. and transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; en- rolled Sept. 12, '62, at New York; mustered in at New York Nov'er 13, 1862, for 3 years; April, absent in New York on detached service by special order; June, absent in New York on detached service, August 14, '63, S. O. , let Brig., 1st Div., 19 A. C. ; AuijiiHt, absent, det. on recr. service at New York since Aug. 13th, '63, S. O. 196, Dept. of the Gulf; Od'er, absent on recruiting serv- ice in New York since Aug. 13, 1863, S. 0. 196, Dept. of Gulf; Decker, absent on recruiting service in N. York since Aug. 13, '63, by S. O. 196, Dep. of the Gulf. 186.5: Fell., absent on recruiting service New York, S. O. 195, August 23, '63; April, absent on recruiting service N. Y^, since Oct. 23, '63; June, absent, D. S., Hart Island, since August 23, '63; Aiujust, last payment not known ; absent on D. S. , Hart's Island, since Aug. 23, '63. Mustered out July 17, 1865, at Hart Island, N. Y. H., by reason of telegram, W. D., A. G. O., dated May 19, 1865; last paid to Oct. 31, '61; bounty paid $25; due $75; dueonac. of clothing not drawn $28.32; on detached service at draft rendezvous. Hart Island, N. Y. H., since Sep., ^C).i. Muster-out roll of company: clothing last .settled Sept. 12, '62; bounty due $100. Geear, James, private, Co. C. 1864: i'ci., absent; dne$25U. S. bounty; transferred from 171 N. Y. v., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; absent, sick New Orleans; en- rolled Sept. 30, '62, at New Y'ork; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New l^ork, for 3'years; April, absent sick in Baton Rouge; June, same; August, absent sick in hosp., 'Baton Rouge, La.; Ocfer, absent, deserted from hospital in Baton Rouge, La. ; borne on this roll as James Griar. Musier-out roll of co. : sent to hospital, N. O., La., July '63; not heard from since; dropped May 9, '64. Green, Edward, private, Co. E; age 25; enrolled Sept. 12. '62, at N.York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Camp Bowen, Biker's Island, New York, Oct 21, '62. Greex, Jami«, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., absent, in Batterv G. 5th U. S. Artillery; transferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 10, '62, at New Y^ork; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, absent, detailed to Battery G, 5th U. 8. Artillery; June, same; Au//., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64; absent, sick in New Orleans; Oct., absent, same remark; Dee., same. 1865: Feb., present, stoppage by court-martial of all allowance and pay due up to Jany. 14, '65; April, last paid to Jan. 14, '65, present; stoppage by G. C. M. of all allow- ance and pay due up to Jan'y 14, '65; June, last paid to Jan. 14, '65; absent, discharged June 17, '65, Finley Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; stoppage by G. C. M. of all allowance and pay due up to Jan'y 14, '65. Mustered out on ind. muster-out-roll .June 17, '65, at Washington, D. C, in compliance with telegram A. G. O., dated May 3, 1865; last paid Dec. 31. '64; clothing drawn since settlement, .Tan. 14, '65, $26.40; bounty due, $100. Green, John W., sergt., Co. G; age 33; enrolled Sept. 2, 1862, at New Y'ork and mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, same place, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, pre-sent; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: /''t%.,last paid to Jan'y 1, '63, present; April, same; June, same; Auf/., paid to July 1, '63, present; Oct., last paid to July 1, '63, absent, on detached serv- ice as ordnance sergt. 1st Brigade, 3d Div., 19 A. C. ; D/>., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; transferred from 174 Regt. N. Y. V. 1)y S. O. 47, Hd()rs. 19 A. C, Dept. of Glf , 17 Feb., '64, absent, sick at Raton Rouiie, La.; reduced froai sergt. to corl. by consolidation; enrolled Oct. 20, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker'sLsland, 3 yrs.; Apl., last paid, same; ahsent, sick at Baton Rouge, La.; June, transferred to V. R. C. Gen. O. 151, Apl. 10, '64, Hdqrs. War Dept. Muster-out roll ol co. : borne as Michael C. Green. 90 Gbemmel. FRiEnnuH, private, Co. F; age 25; enrolled July 2, 18G2, at New York City, aud mustered in Au;;u>t 22, 1H()2, at New York, for 3 years. 18(J2: Oct., pre.sent, $i:5 advance paid; Ac, last paid to Oct. 31, 1M62, present, entitled to $2 under act ot Mune 21. lS(i-J. \SC>:i: Ftbi/., hust paid to Deo. 31, corporal, present, i)roniulcd to corporal on tin; 2')th of Fel»'y, lH(j;{; April, hist paid to Dec. 31, 18(i2, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31.'l8(J2, killed May 27, 18G3. Muster-out roll of co. : private, transferred from o.'J N. Y. Vols., t^ept., 1862; killed in action at Port Hudson, La., May 27, 18(i3. Grey, Damki,, private, Co. K, af?e 1!»; enrolled Sept. 8, '62. at New York City; mus- tered in (Xt. 18, '()•_>, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1>(()2: Ocl., pre.'^eut; Ac, last paid to Oct. 3:, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1H(J3: lib. to June, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last pa d to June 30, present; Or/., last paid to .\ui:. 31, absent in hospital. New Orleans, Sept. 2"); J)rc., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. absent in hospit;il. ?2r) U. S. bounty and $2 prennum due the soldier. 1864: Feh., last paid to Oct. 31, present, $2.') U. S. bounty due soldier; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present; Junf, l;u4, present; Aug. last paiil to Apr. 30, '61, present; ()t(. and Dec, last paid to .\ug. 31, '64, present. 186"): Frh. and Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 150, '(i~i, present; Aug., hust i)aid to Apr. 30. '6"), corporal, pres- ent, promoted from private to 5th corp'l Anj^. 5, '(i.l. U. S. O. No. 13. Mu.s- tered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga.: last paid to .\pr. 30, '65, cloth- \u}i List .settled Sept. 8, '62. due soldier S46.63; bounty due, -t^IOO. Gbiffin. John, private Co.G. I^^tl: feh'i/, last paid to Nov. 1, 'Cii, present; trans- ferred from Co. G, 174tli Rej^'t N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. (^rs. 19 A. C, 17 Feb'y, '64; enrolled Oct. !', '62, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, 1S62, at same place for 3 y'rs: April, last paid to Match 1, '64, absent; hospital at Ale.\andria, wounded in action April 23, '61, at Cane River ing; Juui, last paid to M"ch 1. 1)S(>4. absent; sick at llanacks Hospital, N. O., wounded iu action April 23, '61, at Cane River Crossing:; .!.//., last paid to June 30, '64, pre-sent; on daily duty asco. cook; iht., last jiaid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec., hist paid to'Sept. 1, '64, present; on daily duty as co. cook. 1H65: luh'i/, |)aid to .Tan. 1. '65. pre.sent; on daily duly, detailed as company cook; April, paid to Dec. 31, '64. present; on daily duty as company cook ; $6 back pay due for May -Jiud .him. 186 1, dilference l)cl ween $i;i and $lti per month; Juut; last paid to .May 1, '65, present; on daily duty a.s company cook; Am/., last paid to .\pril 3(i, '65, present, on "daily duty " as company cook. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12. 18()5. at Savannah, CJa. ; joined at Franklin. La.: clothin: last paid to Ap'l 30, '65. GeoEVIXGKK, S.VMi'Kr., corp'l, Co. A. 18(;4: Feb., hvst paid to Oct. 31, present, trans- i\\ from 174th N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17. '(il, 19th A. C. ; enrolle.l Nov. 14, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York for 3 years; April, absent; wounded and in hospit^il at N. O. since April 9th; Juiir, pres- ent: stoppage, j shelter tent, I?!. 75; Aug., last paid to Oct. 31, ■(i3. pre.sent; stoppage, one ^un-slin<^ 25, canteen 41, haversack 49, $1.15; 0(7., last paid to Auti. 31, '()», present: J>":, .serjit., i)re.«ent: promoted from corp'l to .serKt. with rank from Dec. 1, '64. rin- Lanca-ter, discd., SO. No.—, l shelter tent $2.30. 1865: Fch., last paid to Dec. 31. '(il. present; sloppaf^e, haversack 67, extra clothing $10, .'slo.(i7; April, same: June, last jiaid Apr. .30, '65, present; Aug., private, present, reduced to the ranks from serj^t. for drunken- ness and disoiderlv conduct .Inly 31, '(i5. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1H65, at Savannah," (Sa. ; last paid to April 30, '(i5: clothinji hvst settled March 1, '(i5; due U. S.,$12.6(t: bounty due, $100: (•<|nv.iii, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to April 30, "65; clothing last settled Oct. 3, '62; due soldier $36.67; bounty due, $100. Hackett, Michael. Muster-in roll of Co. I, dated New York. Oct 18, '62: private; age, 19; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. 92 Haddock, James, private Co. E; ajie, ds; enrolled Sept. 16, '62, .it New York City; mu tered in Oct. l>f, 'tij, at New York, lor :J yrs. IdGvI: Uct., present; Jhc, la paid to Oct. 31, pre.sent, entitled to $ipreiuiura. 18G3: l\b., last paid to I>< 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, 'G'2, deserted Apr. 16, '63, New Iben ha.; Juur, name not borne; An;/., last paid to Dec 31, '62, present, le!t lic- hind sick and reported a deserter by mistake; 0 tlays from Apr., '61; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; (ht., name not borne; Dee., ab.sent. de'd. transportation from Albany to N. Y., $1.50; taken up from desertion; dropped; absent, sick, Ladies' Home, U. S. A. ho.sp'l, N. Y. City ami Wa.shington, D. C, since exniration of furlough Aug., 20, '64. 1865; Fe',., last \vm\ to Dec. 31, '64, present; received pay for mouths Nov.. Dec, '65; back pay due from date of enlistment; .•(/*)•., last paid to Dec. 31, '(M, present; to be de'd, knap- sack, haversack. 67; i.ssued by F. T. Mason, K. of D. Jany., '65; reed, pay for months .Nov. and Dec, '64; back pay due from enlistment; Jioir, last ))aid to April .30, "65; presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '6.5, absent, detached brig, hil'ips; 1 canteen, 60c, to be deducted. • Mustered out with compy., private, Oct. 12, '(j5. Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to .\pr. 30, '65; clothing last settled to Aug., 11, '63; due U. S. $14.22; bounty due, $100; joined as a recruit from dit. rendz. Dec 10. '(i3; to be de«l l" canteen, 67. 1st Lieut. \V. L. Chequer certifies that this man Joined tiie 1()2 N. Y. V. at New Iberia, La., Dec. 10, '63, and that his muster-in roll h;is been lost.', John, i)rivate. Co. W: age 42; enrolled Sept. 0, '62. at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, IH(!2, tor 3 years. 1862: l)et., absent, de.serted at Hiker's Island, October 20, H6'2. HAUK.MAN, Jamks, private, Co. A. 1864: Feb., present, transf'd iVom 171 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '(>4, 10th .\. C. ; bounty, $60, premium, $2, advance pay, $13, total, $75, paid by Lt. Noyes, 2d U. S. Cavalry, U. S. muster'g and dis- 93 Hageman, James— Continued. bursing officer Dec. 31, '6:1; enrolled Dec. 15, '63, at New York; mustered in Dec. 15, '63, at New Yoric, for ',i years; A/jril to Jane, inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29; abseut, sick in hospital at N. O. since March 28, '64; Aug., last paid to June 30, '64; remark same as lor April, '64; Oct., paid to Aug. 31, '64; remark same as tor April, '64; Dec, present; third instalment of bounty due. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Aj})-/!, absent, sick in hospital at AVashington, D. C. , since April 27, '65; June, absent, discharged June 2ist by M. O. in compliance with telegram A. G. O. May 3, 1865. Mustered out on Det. M. out roll June 21, '65, at Washington, D. C. ; last paid to Dec 31, '64; bounty paid, $140.00; due, $160. HlGEMAN, Loms, corpl., Co. A. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174th N. Y. V. by S. 0.47, Feb 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Ajjril, last paid to Feb. 29, sergt., present; promoted to sergt. from corpl. March 13, '64; June, last paid to April 30, present; stoppage, haversack .33, 2 shelter tent $1,75; total, $:2.08; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; stoppage, 1 haversack 49. A S. tent 1.89, $:>.38; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64. present; Deer., present; stop., l S. tent, $2.30; extra clothing, $10. 1865: Feb., last paid Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage, extra clothing, $10; April, present; stop- page, extra clothing, $10; June, last paid to April 30, '65, 1st sgt., present; promoted to 1st sgt. May 1, '65; Aug. present. Mustered-out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; clothing last settled March 1, '65; due soldier, $3.66; bounty due, $100; equipments lost, etc., $6; stoppage, 1 wiper; borne on this roll as Louis E. Hageman. Hager, Richard. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62: corporal; age 24; enrolled May 1, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and en- rollment lined out. 1862: Oc^, deserted Sept. 9. Hagerty, JohnW., 1st serg't, Co. K; age 33; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., 2d lieut., present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '63, present; entitled to extra pay for com- manding CO., Jan. and Feb.; Oct., 1st lieut., absent. Muster-out roll of co. : 2d lieut; promoted from 1st serg't Apr., '63; resigned on certificate of disa- bility Nov. 15, 1863. Haggerty, James B., sergt., Co. I: age 30; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at N. Y. City: mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec,, kxst paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pri- vate, present; April, deserted March 27, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Baton Rouge, La. Haigh, Henry. Muster-in roll of Co. A, dated New York, Oct, 18, 1862: private; age 42; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted from Riker's Island; borne on this roll as Henry Haigh t. Hall, Charles, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec., never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; advance bounty due from U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, pre.sent; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64. present; .hine, last paid to April 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63. Schenectady; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; haversack, 49c. ; due from U. S. G., $25, advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent; dropped as deserter Oct. 15, '64; to be ded., \ shelter-tent, $2.30; haversack, 67c.; canteen, 45c.; Eutield musket and eqpts. complete, $21,25=$24.67. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Bunker Hill, Ya., Oct. 16, '64; joined as arect. from draft rendz. Dec. 10, '63. Hall, William R., private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; deserted, arrested by Wm. Livermore, reward, $30; deserted, arrested by Wm. F. Barber, reward $30; total, $60; ad- vance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; April, last paid to Feb.'29, '64, present; stoppage, 1 Enfield rifle musket complete, $18; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, at Sche- nectadv ; .stoppage, i shelter-tent, $ L. 25 ; A ug. , last paid to April 30, '64, absent, deserted Georgetown July 30, '64; stoppage, V shelter-tent $1.89, haversack 49c., canteen 41c., total $2.79; due from U. S. G., $25 advance bounty. M. O. roll of CO. : deserted at Georgetown, Va. ; joined as a recruit from dralt rendz. Dec. 10, '63. Hallahan, John, pvt., Co. G. 1864: Fehy., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. G, 174 Regt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, 94 Uallahan, Jonx— Continued. 17 Fehv., '(M: reduced from corpl. by conso'n. of regt. Feby. 17, 1864; en- rolled Oct. 1."), '()•.», at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at same place, lor ."J yrs: Apr., last paiil to Marth 1. '61, absent, sick at New Orleans, I^a., since March "26, '64; June, same; Au;/., last i>ai(l to .June 30, '64, present; (M., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec, last paidtoSept. 1, '64, present; on daily duty as.salety ^uard; borneas.Johu Halla}j;han. 186ri: Fvhy., last paid to .Jan. 1, '()."), present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; $6 back pay for May and June, 1864, difference between $13 and IJiKi per month; June, paid to May 1, '65, present; Amj.. last paid to .\i)ril 30, '6.5, present. .Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 186.">, Savannah, Ga. ; joined by transfer at Franklin, La. ; clothing never settled; due soldier, $45. 14; Irounty due. 5!lti(»; last paid to .April 30. Go; promoted to corporal Mch. 2, '63; re- duced on transfer Feliy. 17, 1>'64. Halliday, Ewn. F., private, Co. H, age 20; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oci., present; Jhc, last paid to Oct. 31, pre.sent; ?2 premium due, O. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Fell)/., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, same; Aug., last paid to April ;}(), absent, in hospital at Baton Kouge; Oil., last paid to Aug. 31, ])resent; J)i(., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty and §2 premium due this soldier. is(i4: Fdiii., present; ylyjr., last paid to Feby. 29, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present; .-lK(/.,last paid to Apr. 3(t, '61, present; 1 canteen; Oct., hist paid to Aug. 31, present; borne on this roll as Edward Ifalliday; Dec, present; stoppage, A shelter-tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb;/., last paid to Dec. 31, '(i4, jiresent; stoppage, 1 canteen 65, 1 haversack 9.5, $1.60; Apr., pre.sent, same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; .iufj., corpl., present; promoted to corpl. Aug. 1, '65, R. S. O. No. 13. ^Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1H()5, Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Sept. 1, '62; due soldier, $56.15; bounty due, $100. Halpin, Svi.vkstkk, private, Co. F. 18 14: Feb// , last paid to Oct. 31, 186.3, present; enrolled Nov. 29, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Dec. 2, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Kegt. N. Y. , S. O. No. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; April, last paid to Fel)y. 29, present; due this soldier two months' pay by error in last muster-rolls for the months of July and August, 1863; June, last paid to April 30, present; canteen to be deducted from his pay, 33; Au(/., last paid to April 30, present; Od., last paid to Aug. 31, present; same, December. lH(i5: Feb!/., last paid to Dec. 31. present; A/iril, same; June, last paid to April 30. jireseut; Am/uxt, .same. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, (Ja. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing last settled Nov. 29, 1864: bounty due, $100; trans- ferred from 174, N. Y. Vol.s., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Fel). 17, 1864; due soldier for clothing, $35.6,5. Halsteap, S. J., private, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present: tran.s- ferred from 174 Kegt. N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, lid. (,»rs. 19 A. C, Dept. of (iulf; enrolled Oct. 8, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, lor 3 years; >!/>/., last paid to Feb. 29, '61: present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, pre.sent; Ant/., same; Oct., paid to Aug. 31, '(t4, present; Dec, .same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; .iu(/., same. ^Iustert■d out with co. Oct. 12, lS(i5, at Savannah, (iiv. : last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing htstseltlcd Aug. 31, '(i3; due .soldier for clothing, $14.05; bounty due, $100. Joined by consolidation from 174 N. Y. v., Feby. 17, '61, S. O. No. 47, Hd. Qrs. Dept." of Gnlf. Halvkiwov, Or,K, private Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to June .30. absent; transf'd from Co. F, 174 h'cii't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17; detached to P.att'y (J, U. S. Art'y Dec. 17, '63; $25 V. S. bounty due .soldier; enrolled Oct. 21 at New York City; mustered in at N. Y. Nov. 13, for 3 yrs.; .\i)r.. ab.sent, detached to l'>att'y (!, U. S. Art'y Dec. 17, '(>3; June, absent, detailed to IJatt'y G, U. S. Art'y Dec, 17, '63; Au'i., last paid to Ai)r. 30, '64, present; Oct. and />rc , last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Fe'i. and Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, lust paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Awj., last paid to Apr. .30, '(!5, corp'l, prcs'Qt: promoted from private to 8th corp'l Aug. 1. '65, li. S. O. No. 1.3. Mus- tereil out with co., corp'l, Oct. 12, 'i\'y. Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Oct. 21, '(i2; due I'. S. .$2.66; bounty due, $100; i)romoted corp'l .luly 1. '()5. Hammer, .John', private Co. I). 1H63: Feb., presiiit, enrolled Fel). 16, '(13, at New Or- lenns; Apl., ab.sent; .sick in hospital at I'.rashear City; June, never paid; ab- sent; Bamc remark; Aug., never jmid, present; Oct., never paid, died in con- 95 HAM."\rEE, JoHX — Continued. valescent hospital, Raton Eouge, Sept. 11. '63. M. O. roll of co. : mustered into service Feb'y 16, '63, at New Orleans, La., lor 3 years; died iSept. 11, 1863, of fever, at convalescent camp, Baton Kouge. La. Hammond, George, private Co. B; age 36; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 186"2, at New York, for 3years. 1862: Od., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. 0. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feh'ij, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ajyril and June, same; Ak/;., last paid to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; J)ec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Fchy., present; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, present; Jtnie, present; ^V shelter tent $1.8!); Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, stoppage '.shelter tent, $2.30; Dec, present. 1865: FeVy, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, stoppage transportation to New York and re- turn, $14.10; April, same; June, present; ylf/gr., last paid to April 30, '65, absent; deserted from camp. Savannah, Ga. (Heard since that he was in hospital, Savannah, Ga. ) JMustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; taken up from desertion to al)sent sick; dropped by error on last mus- ter-roll; clothing last settled Sept. 4, '62; due soldier $82.43; bounty due, $100; stoppage Jbr gun and equipments retained, $6. Hand, Tho.mas, private, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; present, trans- ferred irom 174 Regt. N. Y. V. by S. O. 47 Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; ApL, last paid to Oct. 31, '63; absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; June, same; Aug., absent, sick at New Orleans, La.; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, '64; absent, sick at New Orleans, La.; />c., transferred to V. li. C. , Oct. 17, '64, by order of Sec. of War. M. O. roll or co.: tran.sferred to V. R. C. Sept 30, 1864, joined by consolidation from 174 N. Y. V. Feb. 17, '64, S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. Dept. Gulf. Hanly. John. Muster-ia roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; age 40; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Hannixgton, George, private, Co. E. 1864: />i'>.. last paid to Oct. 31, present; transf d from 174 Eeg't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 IJ. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 20, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, at N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, present; borne as George Harrington; June, last paid to Apr. • 30, '64, pre-sent; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30. '64; deserted at Washington, D. C, Aug. 1, '64; 1 drum, complete, $7.50; 1 haversack, 44c.; 1 shelter-tent, $3.78; 1 canteen, 49c.; total, $12.21. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Georgetown, D. C, Aug. 1, '64; enrolled as musician; returned to ranks. Haebueth, Henry, private, Co. F. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, absent; enrolled Oct. 3, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation, March 1, 1863; in gen'l hospital April 11, 1863; June, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, absent in gen'l hospital, Apr. 11, 1803: August, absent in gen'l hospital, April 11, 1863; Oct., absent in gen'l hospital, Baton Rouge, April 11, 1863; Dee., absent, dis- charged from service, at gen'l hospital, Dec. 14, 1863. Muster-out roll of company: transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, H'dqrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863: discharged, date and cause unknown. Borne as Heinrick Herbert, Haeker, William G., private, Co. B. 1864: Fehy., absent, det. serv. md. direc. Baton Rouge; transferred from 174th Regt., S. O. 47, Feby. 17; enrolled Sept. 10, 1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; April, aljseut; det. in md. director. Baton Rouge; June, last paid to Oct. 31, 'G'.i; Aug., detached in medical director's office, Baton Rouge, La.; Oct., absent, deserted. Dropped fiora rolls Sept. 2, '64. Hakkin, James, private, Co. A; age 27; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62. at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; de- serted at Baltimore. M. out roll of co. : deserted at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1862. Harmon, George, corp'l, Co. K; ase 38: enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yis. 1862: Ori., private, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, absent; left sick at Fortress ISIonroe. Va., Dec. 1, '62; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, discharged and final statements given; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; discharged onsur^r on"s certificate at Washington, D. C.,Mch. 13, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged for disability at Fortress Monroe, Va., Dec, '62. 9G Hakmox, William L., private, Co. E. l^Gl: F,h., last paid to Oct. :n, deserted: trausfd IVoin 174th Keg't., S. (). 47, Feb. 17; ■^Ih V. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 'l'^, at New York City; mu.stered in Nov. lii, atN. Y., loriiyrs. ; Apr., deserted, i>atou Kouue, Jan. 1, 'G4, Muster-out roll olco. : died oiau- /Mtr, at iiatou lvoii;i'i. La., Jan. 1, 'G4. llAUUlXGTON, Danikl, private, Co. J. 18G4: Fch., absent, sick in New York; trans- I'erred Iroin Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, 'G4, i.r. S. O. 47, Jid. Qrs. 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 17, 'G2, at New York; mustered in Nov. i:{, '62, at New- York, for ;J yrs; J//r// to l)ic. inclusive, absent, sick in New York; 18G5: Feb., dropjied from the rolls and reported deserted, having in cases been ab- sent from the reg't. for nearly 18 months, and not heard from during that period. Harrington, Jeremiah, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., last paid toOct. :U, '63, present; transferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y\ Vols., Feb. 17, 'G4, pr. S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 15, 18G2, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, \i yrs.; April, last paid to Feb. 2!i, 'G4; killed jn action April y, 1HG4, at l*lea.sant Hill. Harrison, Thomas, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., absent: due $2') U. S. bounty; trans- ferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C. Feb. 17, '64; absent, sick. Baton Kouge: enrolled Nov. 13, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., absent, sick in Baton Bouge, Jam, same; Aug., ab- .sent, sick in hosp. Baton Kouge, La. ; Or/., same; XJfc., same. 1865: Ftb.,Bh- sent, sick in New Orleans, La.; Apl., san»e; June, absent, deserted; dropped May 9, '(>."), sick in New Orleans since July, 1863, not heard from since. Mus- ter-out roll of company: deserted from Alexandria, Va., Nov. H, '64. Hart, David, i)rivate Co. I; age2."i; enrolled Sept. 30. '(>2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at ^ew York, lor 3 years. 1862: 0<7., present; y^.,last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; -'1/if. , private, present ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier; from musician to private Feb. 17, 1864. Apt-., absent on de- tached service as orderly to Capt. Husted A. Q. M. Vols.; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64; absent; same remarks; Ann., musician, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; /)«'., same. 1865: Febij., last paid to .Tany. 1, '6.5, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. 12 day of Oct., 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; clothing never settled; due soldier 49.75; bounty due $100. Haveeline, Leonard, private, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to June 30, 1863; en- rolled Oct. 17, '62. at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at R. Island, N. Y., for 3 years; transferred from Co. F, 174th Regt. N. Y., by consoli- dation, S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier $25 (J S. bounty; transferred to Co. I by order of Col. Blanch- ard. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, lyth A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; transferred to Co. I Feb. 21, 1864. Haven, Samuel C, 2d lieut., Co. B; age 19; enrolled Sept. 15, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; all of the company officers were mustered on the 14th of Oct. and were entitled, on last pay-day, to eighteen (18) days' pay; they received but seventeen days' pay, consequently one day's pay still due to each of them on last pay-roll. 1863: Febij., last paid to Dec. 31, pres- ent; April, last paid to March 31, present; .Jane, died Baton Rouge, La., June 25, '63, of putrid sore throat. Muster-out roll: died at Baton Rouge, La. ,of diphtheria, June 25, '63. Ha VILAND, Edward, private Co. I. 1864: i^eft. , absent, sick in New Orleans; trans- ferred from Co. F, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 22, 1864; enrolled Oct. 17, 1862, at New York. Mustered in Nov. 13, '62 at New York for 3 years; Apt., absent, sick in New Orleans; Jiaie, siime; Auq., same; Or'/.,. same; Z>ee.,saiue. 1865: Feb., absent; dropped from t'le rolls and reported "deserted," having been absent from the reg't for nearly 18 mouths, and not heard from during that period. Ha VEIN, Timothy, private Co. D. 1863: Feb., present; enrolled Jany. 2, '63, at New Orleans; Jp/., present; June, never paid; present; . I hv., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, sick in hospital. New Orleans; Dec last paid to June 30, absent, sick; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium 11769 7 98 Ha VEIN, Timothy— Continued. due the sol'd; mustered into service Jan. 2, '63, for 3 years. 1864: Feb., last paid to June3U, '63; absent, sick in New Orleans, La. ; Apl., last paid to June 3U. '63; discharged at U. 8. Gen. ho.spital, Xe\v Orleans, La., Sept. 1, 1863. M. O. roll of co. : discharged Nov. '2:1, '63, by reason of surg. certf. of disability at U. 8. (Jenl. Hosptl., New Orleans, La. Hawes, Wii.M.v.M C, ■ind lieut. CO. C. 1863: /M., assigned to this CO., but not yet mustered. 18i;4: F. '64; died AprirJ'J, 1864. from wound rec'd in action April •J3rd, 1864 (.\lexandria, La.). Muster-out roll of company: died April 30, '64, of wounds rec'd in action April '20, '6 1. Cane Kiver Cros.sing, La. Hayden, Wii.Li.v^r H., corporal Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31. '63; present, enrolled Sept. 22, '()2, at New York; mustered in Nov. 1.3, '62, at New York for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Regt. N. Y.. S. O. 47, H. ii. I'Jth A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due soldier, $2.5 U. S. bounty; .4^)'/, last paid to Feb. 2'J, present; canteen to be deducted I'rom his pay, 44 cts. ; ■fimi', last paid to Ap'l 30, present; Aug., last p'd to Apr, 30: absent without leave, pris. of war, July 26, '64; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Ap'l 30; absent prisoner of war since July 26, '64. 1865: Fih., same; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 28, '6.5, present; back pay due from April 30 to Oct. 31, '61; June, last paid to April 30, '().5, sergeant, present; promoted from corporal June 1, '6'), deduct for transportation, J.l; Am;., last paid to April 30, '65, present. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '(i5, at Savannah. Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; date of last settlement of clothing, Sept. 22, 1864; bounty due, SlOO; to be stopped for gun and equipments retained under (i. O. 101, $6; transferred from 174th N. Y. VoLs., S. O. 47, 19 A. C. Feb. 17th, 1864; joined as corporal: due soldier for clothing. $33.. 3(). Hayes, John, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, "63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; advance bounty due (rom the U. S. 1864: Frh., never paid; borne as John Haze; .ij>ril, same; .fiinr. last paid to April 30, '64, present; mustered in, Schenectady, Aug. 11, '63; Aiir/., paid Apr. 30, '64, absent, sick in hrsp'l. City Foint, July, '64; due from U. S. Ci. $25 advance bounty; Oct , last paid to April 30, "64, absent, .sick, I'hila., Pa.; /><"., last paid to Apl. 30, '(i4, absent, .sick in hosp'l, Hristol, I'a. , since July, '64. 1865: /•>//., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; back i)ay due from June 30 to .\ug. 31, '64; .ipril, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; present; to be de'd knapsack, issued by F. T. .Mason. \i. of D., .Tan.. Ui'^; .Thik, last paid Dec. 31, '64; back pay due for mos. .lulyatid Aug., '64; discharged Mav HI. '6.5, pr. S. O. 196, War Dept., .\. G. O., Wash'u, D. C, May 1, '6.5. M. O. roll of CO.: joined as a recruit from draft rend'z Dec, 10, '63; final statement given. Hays, John, ])rivate, Co. A. See Thomas Hays. Hays, Johv, pvt. Co. D; age 32; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18. '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Kikcr's Lsland Oct. 23, '62. Hays, Muxa.\: F<-h. and ,4;;;., paid to Dec. 31, present; .fiim, last paid to Dec. 31, jircsent; borne as Maurice Hayes; An;/., absent, hospital Haton Ivouge. .\ug 25, '63; Oit., last paid to -Vug. 31, absent in hosjutal 1>. Rouge; Ihc, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty an/*., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; Apr., liust paid to Feb. 29, present; .fiinr, last paid to Apr. 3(1, 64, i)resent; Aii;/., paid to .\pr. 30, '64, absent, prisoner of war, missing in action at Deep Hottom, .lames K'iver, Va., July 26, '(i4, and so borne on siiliscijucnt rolls to Fil>., '6.5. 1865: .Ipr. and Jiinr, missing in .-iction Deep Hottom, Va., since .Inly 2(>, '64; Aut/., paid to April 30, '61, :ibscnt: mustered out of .service by G. O No. 77, A. G. O., of 1865, at Anniipolis, .Md., .Tuner.'O, '65. .Musternf out 20 .lune. I'^(i5, An- napolis, Mil., per telegram from War Dept., dateo: clothing last settled Sept. 3, '62; drawn $52.48; bounty due $100; paid for Jan. and Feb. 99 Hays, Munacp: — Continued. '(j5; due U. 8. for transportation $4.10; due soldier three months' extra pay; confined at Salisbury; released Knoxville; Tenn., Feb. 25, '65. Muster-out roll of CO. : taken prisoner of war at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64; escaped from Salisbury, N. C, and arrived at Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 25, '65. Hays, Thojias, private, Co. A. 1863: Feb., present; enrolled Jan. 21, '63, at New Or- leans; mustered in Jan. 21, '63, at New Orleans, for 3 yeais; AprU, absent; deserted at Algiers, La., April 6. '63; borne on this roll as John Hays; June, not paid since enlisted. M. out roll of co: joined from recruiting depot Jan. 23, '63. Healey, Ge(jrge H.. private, Co. I; age 43; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at New York City; mustered in Ott. 18th, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present; wants pay from i^pt. 29 to Oct. 4, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent on detached service in hospital at CarroUton, La. ; June, same; Aug., same; Od., last paid to Jan. 1, 1863, absent on detached in hos- pital at CarroUton, La.; />c., on detached service in CarroUton, La., hosp. clerk. 1864: Feb., transferred to Company D, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb v. 17, 1864, by orders Hdqrs. 162 N. Y. Vols." Healy, George H., pv't, Co. D. 1864: Feb., absent; transferred from Co. I, 162d N. Y. v., Feb. 17, '64; detached at CarroUton, La., as hospital clerk; enrolled Oct. 4, '63, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '63, at New Vork, for 3 years; April, absent, hosp'lclerk, CarroUton, La.; J'jme to Z)ec., inclusive, same. 1865: Feb., absent, hospt'l clerk at CarroUton, La; April, absent, hospt'l clerk at Car- roUton, La.; last heard from Feb. 1, '64; <7({He, same; ^Jh/;., discharged March 10, '64, on surg. ctf. of disability. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged March 10, '64, by reason of surgeon's certif. of disability at U. S. General Hospital, New Orleans, La. Heknan, Michael, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolled Oct. 20, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, 1864, pr. S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C. ; April, last paid to Feb. 29. '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Anr/., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; deserted with rifle and acct; canteen, hav., knapsack, shelter-tent, knife, fork, 1 letter, 3 numbers, tin-cups, tin-plates. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Bolivar Heights, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Hefferman, John, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2 premium due; $12 to be retained from his pay by sentence of court-martial per S. O. No. 15. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April and .June, same; Aug., last paid to April 30, absent in hospital at Baton ^ouge, July 16, '63; Oct., same; Dec, bounty due, $25; absent; sick Baton Rouge, June 15, '63; $2 prem- ium due. 1864: Feb., absent; sick Baton Rouge, .June 15; April, absent; sick in hospital at N. O. since June 15, '63; June, absent; discharged from service at barracks U. S. A. Gen'l Hospital, N.O., April 20,'64. M.-out roll ofco. : dis- charged on surgeon's certificate of disability, April 24, '64, at Baton Rouge, La. ; final statements given. Hehn, Hexry, pv't, Co. D. 1864: Feb., absent; transferred from 174th Reg't N. Y. v., byS. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19th A. C, Dept. of Gulf; sick in B. Rouge, La., since Sept. 2, '63; enrolled Oct. 3, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for3 years; April, ahseni; sick at Baton Rouge, La.; J(N«'.same; Aug., transferred to V. R. C, Gen. O. 173, A. G. O., War Dept., April 30, 1864. Muster-out roll of co.: joined by consolidation from 174 N.Y. V., Feb. 17, S. O. M. 47, Hdqrs. Dept. Gulf. Heileman.v, Friedrick, corporal, Co. C; age 26; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York; ^ mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., private, present; borne on this roll as Frederick Heilman; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present, entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, private, present; April, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '62, 5th sergt., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., cor- poral, present; due $25 U. S. bounty; reduced from sergt. S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feby. 17, '64; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, private, present; extra pay due as sergt. from Oct. 31, '63, to Feb. 17, '64. having been paid as a private; 1 haversack, 44 cts. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present: Augst., same; 100 Heilmax.v. FRinniMCK— Contiiuieil. Oct., last jMiid to Aufi. :;l, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. .11, 'G4, present.-, to he deducted \ shelter teut, total $2.30. 1805: Feb., la-st paid to Dec. 31, '64, pre-seut; Apl., same; ./««(, last paid to Apl. 3U, 'Go, present: borne ou this roll as Frank Keilnian: Anij., last pai, pres«nt. Mus- tered out with cu. Uitohor I'i, L'^G."*, at Savannah, (ia. ; clothinj.; last settled Sept. '^, '(;2; due .soldier, .^iTO.OG; bounty due, $100; arms and equipments lost, etc.. retained, $6; appointed .sergt. Sept. 1, 'G3; reduced by consolidation Feby. 17, Gt. Heix, .Toux, private, Co. K. 1864: /■>&., last paid to Oct. 31, ■(!3. present: trausfd from 174 reg't, N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47. 1!) A. C, Feb. 17, 'Gl; enrolled Sept. 22, 'Gi, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, "62, at New York, lor 3yrs. ; .I///-.* last paid to Feb. 29, 'G4, present; detluct l shelter-tent, $1.G3. cart- ridge-box belt, ofjc. : .Jnnr, la.«t paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug.. last jiaid to Apr. 30, '()4, present, deduct canteen, 49c.; Oct., paid to Aug 31, 64, present, deduct lor e.xtra clothing S3. 44: Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, "G4, present. 18G5: F; clothing last settled Sept. 22, '62; due .sol., $10.17 lor clothing; bounty due. $100; deduct 1 canteen, Goo. Hkizmax, Fkfdulin. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York City, Aiig. 22, '62: pri- vate, age 24; enrolled .lune 2(!, 'G2, at New York City, lor 3 years; name and enrollment lined out. 18G2: Oc7., deserted Sept. 6. IIellek, Oist.wk, jirivate Co. C. 18G4: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; due $25 U. S. bounty: transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; det. Bat'y (J. ."> V. S. Art'y, S. O. 3."). 1st Brig., 1st Div. ; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 'G2, at is^ew York, for 3 years; Ap'l, absent, detached to Kattery G, 5 U. S. Art'y, S. O. .35, 1st Krig., Div.,l» A. C. ; June, absent, detached to liattery (J, 5 U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, 1st Brig., Div., 19 A. C. ; Aiapist, last paid to Ap'l 30, 64. absent, deserted from New Orleans, La., July 18, 'G4: to be deducted haversack and canteen, $0.8!>; for U. S. property lost while det. to G Battery, 5 U. S. Art'y, $0.25. Muster- out roll of CO. : deserted while on way to rejoin reg't, about Aug. 8, '64. Henderson, Gkokok, jirivate, Co. H. 18(i4: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 'G3, absent; enrolled Sept. 24, '(i2, New York City; mustered in Oct. 18. '(^J. at Kiker's Island, for 3 y'rs; sick in hospital. New Orleans, La.; trausfd Irom Co. K, 162 N. Y. Vols., by S. O. No. 7G, Hd. C^rs. 162 N. Y. Vol.. Feb. 1(>. '64; JjjnV, absent, sick in hosp'l, New Orleans; Jimc, same; Aiit/., trausfd to V. K. C. .July 6, 'G4. HendeE-SON, GKOKtiE, private, Co. K; age, 21 ; enrolled Sept. 24, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; [)2, absent, sick at New Or- leans; .Ik;/., last jiaid to .lune 30, '6.5, absent, sick in hospital at NewOrleaus; Ort., last paid to .\ug. 31, absent, sick in ho.'sp'l at New Orleans; /^'(•.,last paid to Oct. 31, ab.sent, sick in hospital at N. O. : entitled to the $25 U. S. bounty, $2 premium. 1hG4: Feb.. paid to Oct. 31, ■ti3, absent; transf'd Feb. 16, '64, to Co. H. 162 reg't N. Y. S. Vols., by order Hd. (,>rs., 1()2N. Y. S. Vol.s. Muster-out roll of co.: transf'd to Co. H., Feb. IS, '64, S. O. 76, Hd. Qrs. I(i2d N. Y. V. Hknnel. TirKonoiJi:, corporal, Co. C; age. 21: enrolled Sept. 18, 1H62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1hi;:>. at New York, for 3 years. ls(i'2: Oct.. sergeant, present, borne as Theodore llenel; Dec, last paid to Nov. I. '62, present; entitled lor two dollars who has enlisted alter .June the 21st, 1S62; borne as Theodore llanel. 1HG3: Feb//., last paid to Dec. 31. absent; de,serted from Camj) Parapet on I'cb'y 3rd, 1863. Muster-out roll of company: deisert^'d from Camp I'arapet, La., Feb'y 4, '63. Hennhofek, (Jf.sTAVE, private, Co. F; age, 23; enrolled .Tune 24, "62, at N. Y. City; mustered in .\ug. 22, '62, at New York, lor 3 years. 1S62: Oct., deserted Sept. Ist; $13 advance paid. Muster-out roll t)f co. : transferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., 1862; deserted from Kiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. Henry, Hknuy, colored, undercook, Co. A. ISGl: Feb., paid to Oct. 31, ab- Ht-nt; Oct. 31, '62; absent, sent to general hos- pital, WashinKtou, D. C. by order Dr. Edgar, Nov. 2d, lHr,-2. ISli:}: Fihij., hist paid to J any. 1. '(>:{; absent, sent to geul. hospit;il, Washington. 1). C., Nov. 2. '(>2, by regimental surgeon; April, same: Jiuk \ absent, sick in Trinity Church genl. hospital, Wash'n, D. C, .since Nov. 2; Aiiij., deserted from ho.s- pital at Washington, D. C. ; Oct., name not borne: Dec, same. 18(j4: Fthi/., last paid to Nov. 1, '62, pre.sent; $25 U.S. liounty and i<2 premium due the soldier: returned from desertion Feby. 15, 1>2, from 2d; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. I^(i3: Fell., liist paid to Dec. 31, present; April, discharged; resignation ap- proved March 1, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : resigned, S. O. 55, Hdqrs. Dep'tofGulf. New Orleans, La., Feb. 24, '63. HiLTMAX, .Vhkamam I'.., 2d lieut. Co. H. 18(J4: Felij/., present: enrolled Sept. 22d,'62, New York, and mustered in Feh'y 20, '64, at Franklin. La., for 3 years; trans, from 171th New York by S.O. No. 47 19 A. C, Feb'y 17, '64; pro- moted from corny, sergt. to 2d lieut. Feb'y 20, '64; pay due as coniy. sergt. from Oct. 31 to i'eb'y 20, "64; .4/*///, last paid to Feb'y 2!», '4: ./iiiK, last paid to .\p'l 30, '64, present: jtay due for responsibility of co. for months May and .lune, 1864; .I//'/., last paid to .April 30, 1864, absent; pay due for responsibility of co. from .Vpril 30, to Aug. I, '(il; Oit., last paid to Ap'l 31), '(»4, absent; extra pay due responsibility Co. H, from April 30. to Aug. 4, '(il: absent, sick in hosp't'l, Baltimore, Md., since Aug. 14. '64; /><<■., last paid to Oct. 31, '64, absent, sick on furlough. 1865: Fein/., last paid to Dec. :{1, '64, absent; discharged by S. O. 39, War Dept., Washington. D. C, for dis;ibility, resulting Intm injury to right knee. Muster-out roll ol CO.: discharged for disability pr. S. O. 39, War Dept., .lan'y 25, '(i5: Joined as 2d lieut. by trans. Irom 175th N. Y. V.,S. O. 47, llibirs. 19 \. C, Frank- lin, La., Feb'y 17, '61. 103 HiTT, Alonzu, 2d it., Co. A. 1863: Oct., lastpaid to Aug. 31,preseut; promoted from 3d sgt. Co. B to 2d It. of Co. A, vice 2d It. Deegan, promoted Aug. 10, '63; this muster to take effect from Aug. 29, '63; comd'g company; enrolled Sept. 1,'62, at Kiker's Island; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, comd'g co. ; differ- ence in pay between 3d sergt. and 2d It., 3 days. 1864: Feb., absent; transPd to Co. K, S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19th A. C. HiXT, Aloxzo, 2nd lieut., Co. K. 1864: i^f &. , paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transf d from Co. A. 162 regt., N. Y. S. Vols., S. 0..47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; pay due for responsibility ot clothing, garrison, camp equip, of Co. A, from Jan. 1 to Feb. 17, '64; enrolled JSept. 1, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 29, '63, at Baton Kouge, La., for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jane, last paid to^Apr. 30, '64, absent; transf'd'to Co. H, S. 0. 110, Hd. Qrs. 162 Regt. N. Y. U. S. Vols., June 27, '64; Auij., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; transf'd by error to Co. H, 162 N. Y. S. Vols., from Co. K, June 27,'64; pay due for responsibility C. C. and G. equip., Co.G, 162N.Y., for Aug., '64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, discharged for promotion; mustered as 1st lieut., Co. B, 162 N. Y. V.,Dec. 23, '64. HiTT, Aloxzo, private. Company B; age 29; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York; mus- tered iu Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; promoted to corporal by company order dated Nov. 17, 1862; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 16:i, Oct. 21, 1S62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, corp'l, present; promoted to serg't, vice Burke, promoted 21 Nov., 1.^62; April, serg't, absent in hospital at Newtou, La.; June, absent in hospital at Baton Kouge; Aiuj., last paid to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, discharged on account of promotion. 1864: Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, 1st lieut., present; promoted from 2d lieut. Co. K, and mustered into Co. B for the unexpired term of the regt. ; extra pay due for re- sponsibilities of Co. K for month of November. 1865: Feb.. last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; pay due for responsibilities for the months of Jan'y and Feb'y, 186.5; signs roll as commanding the company;. 4 J9n7, present; pay due for respon- sibilities for the months of Jan'y, Feb., I\Iar., and April, 1865; signs roll as com- mandingthe company; June, last paid to April 30, 1865, present; signs roll as commanding the company; .!«//., present; pay due for responsibilities for the mouths of j\Iay, June, July, and Aug. ; signs roll us commanding the company. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; appointed corpl. Oct. 29, 1862; to sergt. Jany. 3, 1863; to 2d lieut. Co. "A," 162 N. Y. Vols., Aug. 29, 18();!; promoted to ist lieut. Irom Co. "K," 162 New York Vols.; pay due for responsibilities for the monthsof May, June, July, Aug., Sept., and Oct. ; signs roll as commanding company. HiTZ, Jacob, private, Co. K. 1S64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transf'd from 174 Reg't N. Y. 8. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 24, '1)2, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Aj)}-., paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; deduct 1 haversack, h shelter tent, $1.96; June and Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, T>resent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct 1 pc. of sh.t., $2.30, 1 havensack, 40c., $2.70. 1865: Feb. and Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, ijresent; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Auef., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; deduct 1 haver.sack, 95c. : 1 canteen, 65c. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing .settled to Oct. 24, '62; due sol., $0.59; bounty due, $100; deduct 1 hav- ersack, 95c. ; 1 canteen, 65c. Hodge, Bi:xja?[in, nv't, Co. D. ; age, 34; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct.. present; Dec. last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; for disorderly conduct lined by Regt' I C. M., $13; April, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Auij., last paid to Ap'l 30, '63, absent; sick in hospital Baton Rouge: Oct.. last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty aud$2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Fd)., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present: April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64. present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, corporal, present; promoted to corp'l Aug. 1, '64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pv't, present; reduced from corp'l to pv't for neglect of duty, Oct. 23, '64; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; reduced from corp'l to pv't Oct. 23, '64. 1865: /•'/'.. last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, ^Qb, absent on detached service at brigade headqr's. Mus- 104 Hodge, Bkx.i a. mix— Continued. tered out with co. Oct. 12, 'G.', at Savannah. Ga. : la^t paid to April :iO, 1~G."); rlothing settled Hept. 22, '62; clothing due soldier, $14.JKj; bounty due, $100. HoF, Jacoij. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62; private; age 21; enrolled May 10, '(>2, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; name and enrollment lined out. 18(>2: Oii., deserted Sept. 8. HoFF, EoBEKT \V., private, Co. H. 18(;4; Fth., paid to Aug. 31, '63, present, en- rolled Sep. 0, '(j2. New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Kiker's Isl- and (or '.'> yrs. ; reduced to ranks from sergt. Febry. 17, '<<., paid to Aug. 31, absent, de- tailed at brig, hdqrs. as carpenter; entitled- to the $2.") U. S. bounty, $2 premium. 1861: />/>., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; transfd Feb. 16, '64, to Co. H, 162 Keg't N. Y. S. VoLs., by order Hdqrs. 162 N. Y. S. Vols. Musterout roll of co. : transfd to Co. H. Feb. 18, '64, S. O. 76, Hdqrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. HoFF, Theudokk, private, Co. B; age 25; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, lor 3 year.s. 1862: 0(7., i>resent; 7> U. S. bounty and §2 premium due this .soldier. 18()4: F'i/. absent, det. serv. Pioneer Corps, 1 Div., 10 A. C, April 6; Ajnll. absent, det. in Pioneer Corps. 10 A. C, April (i, 18(>3; not since been heard from; Jum and An;/., ab- sent; detached in Pioneer Corjis, .VpriKi, 186;>; Oct., absent, deserted; dropped from rolls Sept. 2, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : deserter; detailed in Pioneer Corps, Camp Mansfield, La.. March, 186."5; never heard from since. Hoffman, .J<)HN,private, Co. c;; age 42; enrolledSept. 18, Inoi, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: (>.. last paid to Dec. 31. '(!2, pres- ent: Apl.. same; Junr, last paid to Dec. :{1, '62, actg. 1st sergeant, present; wants jiay as 1st sergt. from May 1."), lM(i:i; An;/., hist paid to .Inly 1, 'd'.i. present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, 1st sergt., present; Dee., paid to t)ct 31, 1st sergt. present, appointed from 2nd sergt. Nov. 1, 1863; to deduct one cross belt and i)late. 1804: />/>., last paid to Oct. 31, '()3, present: AjiL, la-st paid to Feb. 29, '(>4, present: ,fuue, last jiaid to .\pr. 30, 'M, pie.sent; All;/., hist i)aid to Apr. 30, '(i4, absent, prisoner of war .since .Tuly 26, 18(i4; (tei., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, in <'()nfinenieiit in l.ibby Prison, Va., prisoner of war; J)ii., paid to Aug. 31. absent, pri.soner of wnr, confined in Libby Prison, Va. 1865: Feb.. htst paid to Aug. 31, '(i4. absent, prisoner of war since .luly J6, 1864; Apf., last i)aid to Feb. 28, "(i."). died at New York Apl. 13, IHO."). Mu.ster-out roll of company: Died at New York Apl. 12, lc64, of disease contracted while prisoner of war; commissioned as Ist I't, not must'd. HoFiMAXN, .Foiix G., private, Co. G; age 30; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York; nnistered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yi^a. 1862: Oct.. deserted Oct. 2r>, 1862. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 26, 1862, Baltimore, Md. Hoffmann, L<»i:icn/, jtrivale. Co. C; age 41; enrolled Sept. 10th, 1802, at New York; mustereS. bounty; Ap^l. last paid to Feb. 29, '((4, present; pay due tor the months of Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1863; to be deducted $30; 1 waist-belt, bayonet-scabbard, and cap-pouch, 1 haversack, 1 canteen, 67c., $1.68; Janr, last paid to Ap'l '30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, present; to be deducted cartridge-box plate, 7 cts. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; borne as Lawrence Hofman; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted 1 Enfield musket and seteciuipments $21.06, 1 haversack 67c., canteen 45c., 1 shelter- tent $4.60 — total, $26.78. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct one haversack 65c. and one canteen 65c — total, $1.30; Ajfl, last paid to Dec. 31, '04, present; deduct haversack 65c., 2 canteens $1.30, 1 cart, box $1.02, 1 cap-pouch and pick 45c, 1 waist-belt 32c., 1 bayonet-scabbard 45c., 1 cart, box plate 7c., 1 waist-belt plate 7c.; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aa;;., same. Mustered out with comoany Oct. 12th, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30. '65; clothing last settled Sept. 10, '62; due soldier for clothing $47.94; bounty due $100; arms and e(iuipments retained $6.00. HOGAN, James, private, Co. A. 1864: Feb., present, transf'd from 174 N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, lyth A. C. ; enrolled Oct., 7, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, absent, sick in hospital at N. O. since March 10, '64; June to Ocit:, same; Dec, absent, sick in hospt'l at N. O., La., since March 4. '64. 1865: Feb., transferred to V. R. C. M. out roll of CO.: transf'd to V. K. C. Feb. 22, '65, S. O. W. Dept. HOHRATT, John, private, Co. D; age, 35; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; borne as Ferdinand Horath; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 pre- mium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, same; Jmie, last paid to Dec. 31, '02, corp'l, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid Aug. 31, '63, present; D^c, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and .$2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aui;., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64; deserted at Algiers, La., July 9, '64; due Gov't for 1 Austrian rifle complete and ecxuipments complete, $16.35; also for loss of 1 canteen, 1 haversack. •', shelter tent, $2.71; total, $19.06. HOMANN, August, serg't, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transf'd from 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 'O'l; enrolled Oct. 13, '62, at N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Aijr., last paid to Feb. 29, '(i4; killed in action at battle of Pleasant Ridge, La., Apr. 9, '64. Muster-out roll of co. : enrolled as corji'l; appointed serg't Feb. 19, '04; borne as .John Horaann. Hopkins, Thomas, private, Co. ''F." 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. "'F. " 174 N. Y. S. O. No. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Ap'l., last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; canteen, haver-sack, and shelter tent, to be deducted from his pay, ^A.55; Axg., last paid to April 30; deserted from Washington July 29, '64; musket and equipments, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent, to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; died at gen'l hosp'l, Washington, D. C, Aug. 16, '64. HOPSON, Abraham, private, Co. A; age, 40; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, same; June, last paid to Dec 31, '62, absent, sent to Gen'l. Hospital from Barry's Landing. La., Apr. 29, '63; Aug., ab.sent in hospital at Opelousas, Apr. 23, '63; Oct., discharged Sept. 14, '63. M. out roll of CO.: discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability Nov. 1, '63, at New Orleans, La. 106 HOBAN, TlMOTHR. pvt., Co. E; age 2."); enrolled Sept. 12, '(;2, at N. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1^62: Oct., present, borne as Timothy Horan; Die, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 18U3: /•>/>'//, last paid to Dec. :{1, present; A pi., liust paid to Dec. 31, '6.i, present; June, same; Am/, died chronic diarrhiua. Aug. 13, '63. Co. muster out roll: died of chronic diarrhua at l>atou Kouge, La.. June 13. '63. HoBXER, Isaac, private. Co. .\; age 14; enrolled Sept. 6, (^i, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. IH, "62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: : (hi., :(b- .scnt, deserted from Kiker's Island. Muster-out roll of co., dated at Savan- nah. Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: deserted at Iviker's Island Oct. 18, 1862. HOYT, Axsox H., chaplain. 18(i4: Feli!/.. absent, transfeired from 174th N. Y. Vols.. S. <). 47, Hd. <2rs. 19th A. C. 17th Feb.. 1864, pursuant to order from War Dept. ; r •signed: resignation accepted Feby. 26, '(>4, S. O. 56. Hd. (^i-s. 19 A. Corps; date of commission or regtl. appointment Dec. 4,' 63: mustered in .lany. 11, 18()4, at New Orleaas. M. O. roil of I', and S. : enrolled as chaplain Dec. 4, '63. HOZIEB, Wm. IL Mnater-in roll of F. «fe S., dated at New York, Oct. 18, '62: lsta.sst. surg. : age 29; mustered in at New York: name lined out. 1862: Oct., pres- ent, date of commission or regtl. ap|M»iMtment Sept. 29, 1862; Die., present, surg. Hozier claims pay from .Sept. 20. '(i2, to Oct. 18, 1862; ♦ * * last paid Nov. 9, 1862, by .Major Tho.s. I'.. Oakley, paymaster: paid from Oct. 107 HoziEE, Wm. H. — Continued. 18 to Oct. 31, '62, but Paymaster Oakley calculated that period at, and paid for, only 13 days. There is one day's pay due on the last muster. 1863: Feb., asst. surg., present, ■•" * * there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; * ■" •" there is one days pay due on that (Oct. ) muster; mustered in Oct. 15, '62, at New York; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in New York; * ■" " there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster; Aug., last paid not known; transferred to 174 Kegt. N. Y. V. Inf. 1864: Feb., surgeon, absent with leave, New York; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, Hd(irs. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864. pursuant to order from War Dept. ; date of commission or regtl. ap- pointment. May 13, '63; mustered in June 15, '63, at New Orleans; Ajyr., ab- sent, sick furlough at New York; June, discharged by S. O. 143, A. G. O., Apr. 9, 1864. M. O. roll of F. & S.: enrolled as asst. surg. Sept. 12, 1862; mustered out to accept promotion as surg. in 174th N. Y. Vols., May, 1863. Huff, John, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 'M, '63, present; transf'd from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; en- rolled Oct. 24, '62, at N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent without leave since Apl, 24, '64; deduct haversack, A shelter-tent, $1.96; June, last paid same; absent without leave; prisoner of war with the enemy; A ug., last paid same; absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 23, '64; Oct., same; Dec., last paid same; absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64. 1865: Feb., SiXxA April, sa,vue; ./(u/c, last paid same; absent, prisoner of war since April 23. '64; Aug., same. Mustered out on ind. M. O. roll, Aug. 17, '65, at New York City, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65; last paid Feb. 29, '64; pris. of war Apl. 23, '64, to May 27, 65; no clothing acct. Muster-out roll of co. : has drawn clothing to the amount of $63.70; clothing acct. last settled Oct. 11, '62; bounty due $100. Hughes, James, private, Co. G; age 38; enrolled Sept. 18, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feby., last paid to Jany. 1, '63, present; Apr., aksent, sent to genl. hospital, Brashear City, La., April 11, 1863, by regimental surgeon; June, absent, sick in U. S. barracks, genl. hospital; Aug., absent, sick in hospital. New Orleans, La.; Oct., same; Dec, absent, sick at hospital. New Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty and |2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feby., supposed to have died, being left sick at Berwick City March 8, 1863; has not been heard from since Muster- out roll of CO.: died April 18, 1863, in U. S. G. Hospital, Brashear City, La., of dysentery. Hughes, John, private, Co. G; age 37; enrolled Oct. 3, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in at New Y^ork, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. -31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: FcVy, last paid to Jan'y 1, '63, present; Apr., same; June, same; Aug., last paid to May 1,'63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; on daily duty, comd'g of- ficer's groom; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb'y, last paid to Nov. 1, 'fi'i, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier; on daily duty; J j>r(7, last paid to March 1, '64, absent, sick at hospital, Alexandria, since March 28, '64; June, last paid to March 1, '64, absent, sick at hospital. New Orleans; Aug., same; Oct., .same; Dec, last paid to Mar. 1, '64, absent; transferred to Veteran Re- serve Corps Dec. 5, 1864. 1865: Apr., present; returned to co. from Co. B, 24th Vet. Res. Corps Apr. 8, 1865. per S. O. 152, War Dept., A. G O., April, 1865; June, last paid to May 1, "65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Apl. 30, '65; clothing due soldier, $116.86; bounty due, $100; ston for gun and equipments, $6; transf'd to V. R. C. Jan'y 10, '65, order War Dep't, A. G. O.; returned to co. March 30, '65, per S. O. 152, War Dept, A. G. O. Hughes, Michael, corpl. Co. E; age 35; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, atN. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Fchg., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, present, hospital Baton Rouse Augt. 25, '63; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent in hospital. New Orleans, Sept. 25; Dec, present; $25 U.S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: /"(/»/., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; Apl., last paid to Feby. 29, pres- ent; June, last paid to Feby. 29. '64; died at Morganza of disease May 2.3, '64. Comp. muster-out roll: died of chronic diarrhea at Morganza, La., May 24, '64. 108 Hugo, Feed., private, Co. H; age 24; enrolled Sept. 17, 'G2, at X. Y.; mustered in Oct. 18, '02, New York, lor :i yrs. lH(i2: , at Xew Iberia, La. Muster-out roil of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hds. (^rs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 'o:>; died at Xew Iberia, La., Aug. 30, 1^03. HuNTEB, William, pvt., Co. E. 1804: Fih., last paid to Oct. 31, present; trausfd from 174 Kegt. 8. O. 47, Feby. 17, $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 20, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present; Jiiiic, last paid to Apl. 30, '04, present; Aki/., last paid to Apl. 30, '04, absent pri.s. of war.mis.singin action Deep Bottom, .James Jiiver, Va., July 26, '04; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, '04, absent, pris. of war, missing in action since .July 20, '04, Deep Bottom, Va. ; I)i<:, last paid to Apl. 3o, '(i4, absent, pris. of war, mi.ssiug in action at Deep Bottom, James Kiver, Va., July 26, '64. 1805: Fch., last paid to Apl. 30, '04, alwent, pris. of war, mis.singin action, Deep Bottom, Va., July 20, '04; Apl., absent, last paid to Apl. .3u, '64, ab.sent, mi.ssing in action at Deep Bottom since July 26, '64; June, same; AiKjt., last paid to Apl. 30, '04; died at Sali-sbury, N. C, .Tan'y 29, '0.5, while a prisoner of war, captured at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '04. Muster-out roll of CO. : Joined by consolidation of 174 N. Y. V.,.*-!. O. X'^o. 47, Dept. ol'the Gulf, Feby. 17, '04; taken prisoner of war at Deep Bottom, Va., .Fuly 25. '04; died at Salisbury, N. C, while in the hands of the enemy, Jany. 29, '65. HUXFORD, W.M. 1'., private, Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sept. 6, 1802, at New York; mus- tered ill Oct. 14. 1802, at New York, lor 3 years. 1802: Oct., present. Com- pany muster-out roll: transferred; enrolled as private; promoted to sergt. major Sept. 7, 1862. HuXFORD, W.M. v., sergt. major. 1862: Oct., present; enrolled Sept. 6, at New York, for 3 yrs.; Die., paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; paid in full to Oct. 31. M. O. roll of F. and .">., dated at Savannah, Gi».. Oct. 12, 1865: enrolled as private, Co. B; discharged to accept promotion as capt. Co. (J, S. O., Dept of the (iulf. HuXFOKD, WiLLi.\M P., capt., Co. G. 1863: Fehj. paidto .Tany 1, '63; present: promoted from sergt. major Dec. 31, 1802, per Gen'l Order No. 98, from Hdrjrs. Stateof New York, with commission dating Nov. 21, 1802; rec'd only sergt. major's pay lor Nov. and Dec, 1862; cjiptain's pay less the sum rec'd as serut. major is due from November 21, '02; enrolled Sept. 0, 1H02, at New York City, and mustered in at Hiker's Island, X. Y.. Oct. 18, 1802, lor 3 years; Apr., pre.sent; wa.s paid as sergt. major only to .Jany, '03; commission dated Nov. 21, lH((t>, but was mislaid on the way from N. Y... so could not draw pav' as captain, althouirh acting as such; .Jinic, last paid to .Jan'y 1, "63. pre.sent; Au(]., last paid to .July 1, '03; absent on detached service in New York per special order No. 1!>."), Hdqrs. Deptofthe (iulf. dated Aug. 10, 1803; (hi., ab- sent; .same remark; l)((., 18(i4: Fr/i'i/. last paid to. July 1, '((3; ab.senton detached service, X. Y., S. O. 19.5, Dept. of (iulf. Aug. 10. 1803; .);)/•., same; Junr, same; Ai(2, at New York, for .3 yrs. 1h02: Or/., present; Die, last ji.iid toO(!t. 31, '(>2, present. 18(i3; Fil>., last paid to Dec. 31, '02, present; Apl., .same; ./iiiir, .same; .tin/., last jiaid to Apl. 30, '(i.3; died Aug. 3rd, 1H63, in camj) nmr Port llud.sim. La. Mu.ster-out roll of «;ompauy: died at Camp Nickersou, La., August 3rd, 1H03. 109 iNXis, Aaron B.. private, Company B; aged 45; enrolled Sept. 20, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Riker's Island Oct. 19, 1862. Muster-out roll of company: deserted at Riker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1862. Ikversen, Laukitz. Muster-in roll of Co. F. dated New York, Aug. 22, '62: private; age, 21 ; enrolled .Tune 9, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and en- rollment lined out. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 8. Irwix, Patrick, private, Co. A. Muster-iuroUof co., dated Oct. 18, 1862: age 29; en- I oiled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York City for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., deserted Irom Hiker's Island. Irwix, Robert, private, Co. K; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; J)ec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Pec. 31, present; April, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, wounded in the right lung May 30, and died on the 31st near Port Hudson. Co. muster out roll: killed in actional Port Hudson, La., June 1, '63. Irwin, Thomas, pvt., Co. A; age 30: enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York City, and mustered in at New York, Oct. 18, 1862, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Bcc, last p:ud Oct. 31, '62, present; $2 premium due; five dollars to be re- tained from his pay by sentence of court-martial, per S. O. No. 15. 1863: FcIk, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent; .Tuvp, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; died from wounds on battle-field be- fore lort I [udson June 14, 1863. IVERS, Morton, private, Company I; age 29; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; wants pay from 3d Sept. to 11th Sept, 1862, 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apl., last paid to Dec' 31, '62, absent; in hospital at Brashear City, La.; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ab- sent; in hosp'l at N. Orleans, La.; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 corporal, present; appointed 2nd corp'l from private Nov. 1, '63; deduct one cross belt and plate. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; borne as Morton W. Ivers; Aj)/., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; missing in action April 9, 1864, at Pleasant Hill; .June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64; A ug. , .same; Oct. , same; Dec. , same. 1865: Feb. , last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent; prisoner of war since Apl. 9, '64; Apl., same; June, same; Aug., not on file. Muster-out roll of co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: cloth- ing never settled; bounty due, $100; supposed must'd out of service under G. O. 77, War Dep't A. G. O., C. S., as prisoner of war, since April 9, 1864; no discharge given at muster out of organization. Jackson, James, private, co. H. 1864: Feb., enrolled Oct. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York Citv, for 3 yrs. ; transf'd from 174th N. Y. Vols, by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; absent sick in hosp'l Baton Rouge, La.,^4jj''//, same and same to Aug., Oct.; droppedas deserter Sep. 1st, '64. Muster-out roll of company: dropped as deserter Sep. 1,'64, not having been heard from for over a year. Jackson, Peter, pvt., Co. .\. 1S64: Febii., present, transf'd from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Nov. 12, '62, at New York; mustered in at New York Nov. 13, '62, for 3years. Apr., last paid to Feb'y 29; absent, wounded, and in hospl at N. O., since Apr. 9, '64; June, last paid to Feb'y 29; absent on furlough for 60 days from May 9, '64; Aug., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present; stoppage •} shelter tent $1.89, comp'y cook; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present company cook; back pay due for mos. of Nov. and Dec, '63; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; back pay due for mos. of Nov. and Dec, ^Q'.^. 1865: Feb\tj\a%t paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; stoppage ^ shelter tent $2.30 $2.30; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, daily duty as co. cook; stoppage \ shelter tent $2.30 from Feb. rolls; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, absent; deserted at Hawkinsville, Ga., Aug. 17, '65; stoppage, 1, Springfield rifled musket and acc'ts, haversack, canteen, h, s. tent. Jackson, Samuel, pv't, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- ferred from 174th Reg't N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Headq's 19th A. C. , Dept. of Gulf; enrolled Nov. 17 at N. Y. City; mustered in Dec 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years: ApU, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Ap'I 30, '04, present; Aua., same; Oct.. last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, "64, present; April, same; June, last paid to Ap'I 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, no Jackson, Samuel — Contiuued. '65. at Savannah. Ga. ; last paid to April :50, 18(55; clothing last settled June 'W, '(j;!; clothing due soldier, $71.71; bounty diu', $100; joined by consolida- tion Iroiu 171th \. Y. V. Feb. 17, '(>4, S. U. No. 47, Headqr's Dept.of the Gulf. Jackson, William, private, Co. G. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '(>;i, present; trans- ferred from Co. (;, 174 Kegt. N. Y.S. V.. S. U. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 'G4; enrolled Oct. 6, '6"2, at New York City and mustered in Nov. l;'., "(ij, for 3 yrs., at New York City: April, last paid to March 1, '(J4, present: Juin, last paid to .\pr. ;}n, '(M, ])reseut; Aiuj., last paid to Apl. 30, ■()4; deserted .luly !•, I'^(j4; to be charged for one P'nti. Id rille ciimpl't, SIM; one set of ac- couterments, $3.35; 40 rounds of cartridges (l)all cartridge), $2.00; 1 shel- ter-teut, $3.6'"; 1 haversack, 4!)c., and 1 canteen, oti cts. ; total m. value, $27.88. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Algiers, La., ,Iuly !), 1864. Jaeoeb, Feed, private, Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sep. 16, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, (or 3 yrs. 1862: (ht., deserted at Kiker's Island; Ike, deserted at Kiker's lsland,*N. Y., Oct. 21, '62. Jans, George, private, Co. I; age 42; enrolled Sept. 2!), "62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 18(:2: Or/., present; Ikv., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Fib., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ApL, same; Junr, .same; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, sick in hos- pital at iiaton Roug(!, La.; Oct., last paid to May 1. '(;3, absent, sick at hospl , Baton Kouge, La.; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, al)8ent. sick in hosp. , Katou Kouge, La. 1864: FvU., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. i.'»sent: sick in New Orleans; deduct cross-belt and plate; ApL, absent; sick in New Orleans; ,Iunr, same; Aufi., transferred to the Veteran Ke.serve Corps July 1, '64. Jansen, Fricdrkck, private, Co. F. 1864: Ich., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present: en- rolled Oct. 23, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for ' 3 years: transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Kegt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, 11. (^. l!)th A. C, pursuant to orders from War I)ept.;due .soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apl.. last paid to Feb. 2!», present; due this soldier two months' pay by error in last muster-rolls for the months of July and .\ngust, 1863; .Iiinc. last paid to April 30, present; Anij.. last paid to April ".0, de- serted from Algiers July !)th, 1864; musket and equijiments, canteen, haver- sack and shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. Muster-out roll of CO., transferred from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47,'lf»th A. C, Feb. 17, 'o4. Jansen, John, private, Co. K. 18(M: Fel).. last paid to .June 30, '63, present; trans- lerred from 174th Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C. Feb. 17. '64; enrolled Oct. 20, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 yrs.; April, last paid to l'el». 2!), '64, present; deduct cartridge-bo.\ and belt-plate, 62 cts. ; ./«/(»•, last paid to Apl. '.'>0. '64, present; Aiii/., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent; prisoner of war since .luly 26. '64; (k'l., last paid to Apl. 30, '64; died of imeumonia in hospital. Camp Parole, Md., Sept. 12, '64. Co. muster-out roll: died at Camp Parole, Va., of consumption; l)orneonthi-< roll as .John .lonnison. Jansen, Rohicrt, drummer, Co. " F." 1864: Fch.. last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present enrolled Oct. 20. '(>2, at New York: mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York for 3 years; transferred by con.solidation from *Co. " F," 174th lilegt. N. V., S. O. No. 47, H.(^ 19th .V. C. pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due sol- dier, $25, U.S. bounty; April to Pa: inclusive, hust paid to Oct. 31, '63, ab- .sent: detached to Corps De .\fric as drum major, by order of Genl. Franklin; liorue on .\pr. roll as Kobcrt F. .Johnson. 18(;5: Fcli. to Aiif/. inclusive, same. Mustered out with co. as drummer. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ca.; hust paid to April 30, '65; date of last settlement of clothing, Oct. 20, '62 bounty due, $100; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17th, 1864; due soldier lor rr., de.serte■(., last paid to .\ug. 31; absent in ho.spital New Orleans; Ill Jjissui*, John B. — Coutinued. Dec, last paid Oct. 31, absent in Marine Hospital, New Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 18(i4: Feb., present; April, trans- ferred to Veteran Keserve Corps, New Orleans, March 1, 1864. Johnson, Charles, private, Co. 1. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolled Oct. 18, '62, at New York; mustered iu Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 yr.s. ; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, '64, per S. 6. 47, H'd Q'rs 19 A. C. ; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Ju. e, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aiuj., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; deduct 1 haversack; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; IJec, same. 1865: Feb'y, ]ast paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, pres- ent; deduct bayonet scabbard; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with com- pany Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid April 30, 1865; clothing never settled; bounty due, $100; clothing due soldier, $38.66. Johnson, Charles, private, Co. K; age 21; enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York; mus- tered iu Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Phila- delphia, Oct. 25, '62. Johnson, Frank T., captain, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Oct. 21, '63, at Alb:'ny, N. Y., for 3 years. 1864: Fehry., never paid, present; mustered in Oct. 21, '63, at Franklin, La.; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; died of wounds rec'd in action at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, '64. Muster- out roll of company: killed in action. Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, '64. Johnson, Frederick, private, Co. H. 1864: Feh., present; enrolled Aug. 15, '63, at Baton Rouge, La.; mustered in Feb. 20, '64, at Franklin, La., for 3 years, company colored cook; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Auej., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, present; deduct extra clothing, $10; gun-sling, 25c.; $10.25. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct for clothing overdrawn, • $17.63; April, same; .June, last paid to April 30, '65, presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to April 30, '65, absent. Mustered out with company as colored cook Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; clothing last settled Jan'y 1, '65; due U. S., $3.33; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. v., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Franklin, La., Feb. 17, '64. Johnson, George. Muster-in roll of Co. I, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City, for 3 years. Name aud enrollment lined out. Muster-out roll of co. : age, 21; deserted Eiker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 18, '62. Johnson, George W., musician, Co. B. 1864: Fehy., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174 Kegt., S. O. 47, Feby. 17; enrolled Sept. 10, 1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at Hiker's Island, for 3 years; April, laid paid to Feby. 29, drummer, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; 1 shelter tent, $3.78; August, last paid to April 30, 1864, present; Ociolier, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage, I S. tent $2.30, transportation while on furlough $14.30=$16.60; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, pre-sent; stoppage, 1 drumhead (snare) 33 cts. 1865: Feby., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, 1865, present; Aug., present; to be charged with one drum complete. Mustered out with company, Oct. 12, 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing last settled Sept. 10, 1862; due soldier, $81.08; bounty due, $100; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O, 47, Dept. Gulf, Feb. 17, 1864; to be charged with one {1} drum complete, $9.80. Johnson, James, pv't, Co. D; age 22; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; deserted at Key West 14th Dec, 1862. Muster-out roll of co. : de- serted Dec. 14, '62, at Key West, Florida. Johnson, Jas. R., private, Co. G. 1864: FeVy, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. G, 174 Regt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd, Qrs. 19 A. C, Feb'y 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 7, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 yrs; Apr., last paid to March 1, '64, present; June, died at Alexandria, La., May 2, '64. Muster-out roll of co. : died in U. S. G. Hospital, Alexandria, La., May 2, 1864, inflammation of the lungs. Johnson, John, private, Co. K; age 2-; enrolled Sept. 24, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862; Oct., corporal, present; Dec last paid to Oct. 31 , present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feh. , last paid to Dec. 31, present; April and June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, pres- ent; Oct., last paid to June 30; died at Brashear City, Sept. 20, '63. Co. mus- ter-out roll: appointed corporal June 1, '63; crushed by R. R, cars. 112 JoHXSON, Michael, pvt., Co. E; age 32; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, atN. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62. at New York, for li yrs. 1862: Oct., present; J)tc., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, liospital Fort Monroe. 18(i3: Ft'hi/., Ixstpaid to Dec. 31, absent, hospital Fort Monroe, Dec. 4, '62; Aj)!., last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, hospital Fort Monroe, Dec. 4, '()2; June, hust paid to Deo. 31, '(53, absent, discluirj;ed lor dis;ibility June 9, '63. Co. muater-out roll: died ot' chronic diarrhtji-a on or about Apl. 18, '63. JoHN'soN', koHKRr F.. Co. F. See Jansen, Kobert, drummer. Johnson, Tom, private, Co. I. 1861: Fd>., absent, enrolled Oct. 13, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '()2, at New York, tor 3 years; in Battery G, 5 U. S. Ar tillery: transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Yols., Feb'y 17, 1864, pr. S. O. 47, H'd < Jrs 19 \. C. ; Apt., absent, detailed to Batt'y (}~r> U. S. Artillery; June, same; .1"'/., last paid to .\pr. 30, '(>4; deserted Iromdetach'd service in Batt'y O, 5 U. S. .\. Aluster-out roll of company: deserted .May 2.'), 1864. JOHN-sON, Wn.r.i.vM, private, Co. C, 1864: Fth., absent, sick, Baton Kouge; due$25U. .S. bounty; transferred from 174, N. Y. V., .S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; en- rolled Nov. 20. '62, at New York; mustered in Dec. 4, "62, at New York, for :'. years: Apl., absent, sick, Baton Kouge, La.; June, same; Auij., absent, side, hosp., Baton Kouge, La.; Oct., same; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., absent, sick in Baton l\oui, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., present; enrolled Oct. 28, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 y'rs; transf d froin 174th N. Y. V. bvS. O. No. 47, 19 A. C. Feb. 17, "'64; Apnl, last paid to 1 \1.. 29, '64. present, brigade commanders orderly; June, last paid to Apl. 30, "^ 1, present, colonel's orderly; Aug., same: On., last paid to Aug. 31, '64. present; colonel's orderly; Dec, same. 186a: Fib., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pre.seni, col.'s orderly; April, same; June, last paid to April 30. '6.'). presence or ab- sence not stated, col.'s orderly; Aug., last paid to .\]>ril :>0. 'tio: deserted iii the march from Savannah, Ga., July 24, ^Ur>, taken up from desertion; ali>eiii, sick at Savannah, deduct 1 E. Iv. musket complete, $21. 6;'), A shelter uiit $4 $1: total, $:J7.65. .Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '(;.">, private, at Snvannah, (ia. ; last paid to April 30, 'do; clothing last settled Oct. '2>, '()J: due soldier, $94.24; bounty due, $100. Johnston, David B., 1st lieut., Co. A; age 32; enrolled at New York Sept. 8, IHc ', and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: (hf.. present; Dec. last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; 39 days' back pay due from Sept. Idio Oct. 18, inclusive. 18()3; Fibij., last naid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; 39 days' pay due from Sept. 8 to Oct. 18, l-( 2, inclusive; .lune, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; in com'd of eo. .since .Mi h. 24, '63; 39 days' pay due from Sept. 8 to Oct. 18. 1862, inclusive; Aui/., at)- sent, sick; (hi., same. .Muster-out roll of co. dated Savannah, Ga.. Oct. l.', '(>-); discharged Oct. 18, 1863, perS. O. .",8, 19 A. C. Johnston. William, private, Co, B. 1864: Fehi/., last paid to Oct. 31, absent on furlough in N. Y. ; reduce*! by consolichition; pay due as .sergt. to Feb. 17; transferred from 174 Regt., S.b. 17, Feb. 17; enrolled Sept. :!0, 1862, at NiW York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1H(;;», at K'iktr's Island, for 3 yr.s: April, last p:iid toOct. 31, absent, at hospital in New York i borne on this roll as Willi;, in .Johnson; June, absent, sick; Aui/., last paid to «Ut. iU, 1S()3, a)).sent, sick •' Bedloe's Island, N. Y. IL; Oct., last paid to .June 30,1864; died in New \i Citv Sept. 20, 18(i4, while on lurlongh from hospt'l; linal .statement m; Muster out roll of co.: joined by transler from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O Dept. (julf, Feby, 17, 1864; diedinNew York City of chronic diarrhua >i ;■ 20, 1864. J0N£S, Alkkkp, p'v't, Co. D. 1864: April, absent, delivered to I'rov. Mar. Lee in ar- rest; enrolled Nov. 19, '62, at New York; niu.stercd in Dec. 4, '62, at i^ilci. '> Island, N. Y., lor '.i years; ,/u)ir, absent in arrest at Shij) Island; Aui/., abx nt in conlinentfent at Ship Island, .Miss., since March 6, '61; Oct., ab.sent in khi- tinement at Ship island, Miss., for o years, since Aiarch 26, '(J4; /M-., .s:iine. 186."): F(b., same; .Ijnil. absent; tried by gen. ct. martial for desertion :in(l sentenced to Ship Island for r> years troin Mch. 26, '64; June, alxsent: <-oiiliiitcl at Ship Island, Mis-s., for f) years Irom March 26, '64; Aug., absent in < "U • finement at Ship Island lor ."> years from March 26, '64; No. of onlri n. known. .Muster-out roll of co.: Joined by consolidation from 174th N. ^ . N Feb. 17. "64. .S (). no. 47, Mdi|r.s.. Dejtt. <;ulf; in conlinement at Ship Nlaim : tried by (icn. ('. .M. for desertion and .'•entenced to li.ird l.ibor i.t '> years from Mcb. 2i>, '61; no. ol order not known: su))iio.s( d to be mustend out unler (Jen. Onl. No. 77, .\. (J. ()., War Dept.; no discharge given at muster out ol oigaui/ation; full amount of clothing drawn, $1.63. 113 Jones, Charles H., private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schen- ectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from U. S. 1864: Feb.^ never paid, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; stoppage V shelter tent, $1.-5; canteen, 34c. ; haversack, 31c. ; total, $1.90; yliffl'., present as Chas. W. Jones; due from U. S. G., $25 advance bounty ; Oct., last paid tcv Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, present; ded. haversack, 67c.; \ shelter tent, $2.30; $2.97. 1865: Fcl)., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present"; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, '65; presence or absence not stated; Au(j., present. Mustered out -with company, a private, Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, ^G'j; clothing lastsettled Aug. 11, '63; dueU. S., $15.62; bouatj-^ due, $100; musket and bayonet retained, $6. 1st Lt. W. L. Chequer cer- tifies that this man joined the 162d N. Y. V. at New Iberia, La., Dec. 10,, '63, and that his muster-in roll has been lost. Jones, George W., private Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, det.. Batt'y G, 5th U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, 1st Brig., 1st Div. ; due, $25 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb'y 17, '64; enrolled NoV. 29, '62, at New York; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years; ApH and June, absent, detached as above; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64; deserted from New Orleans, La., July 18, 1864; to be deducted, haversack and canteen, $0.89. M. O. roll of co. : joined by transfer from " E " Co. ; det'd Batt'y G, 5 U. S. A., Dec. 14, '63; deserted while on way to rejoin his reg't, about Aug. 8,. •64. Jones, George W., pvt. Co. E. Muster-out roll of co. : enlisted; mustered in co, E by mistake, transfd to co. C, 174 N. Y. V., Dec. 6, '62, by order Col. Par- mele. Jones, John, pvt., Co. A. 1864: Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transfd from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feby. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 7, '62, at N. York, and mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feby. 29, absent, missing since battle of Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, ^M-, June, last paid to Feby. 29, absent, prisoner of war, in hands of the enemy since April 9, 1864; Aug., Oct., and Dec., same as June. 1865: Feby., last paid ta Feb. 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war since Apr. 9, '64; Apr., same; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent with leave, late prisoner of war; Aug., same remarks. Muster-out roll of co. dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12; 1865: cloth- ing, date of last settlement, Nov. 11, '62; bounty due, $100; amt. of clothing drawn, $57.28; prisoner of war. Mustered out on Ind. M. O. roll under tele- gram \V. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65, at New York City, July 8, '65; prisoner of war Apr. 9, '64, to May 27, '65, entitled to 3 mos. extra p£.y; no clothing ; account. Jones, Josiah, p'v't, Co. D. 1864: Feb. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transferred, from •174th Kegt. N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19th A. C, Dept. of Gulf; enrolled Oct. 9, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; ApU, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65; clothing last settled, June 30, '63; clothing due soldier, $68.14; bounty due, $100; joined by consolidation from 174th N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, S. O. No. 47, Hdqrs. Dept. of the Gulf. Jones, W. George, 2d lieut., Co. C. 1864: Feb., lastpaid Oct. 31 '63, present; transfd from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York, for 3 years; mustered in Feb. 20, '64, at Franklin, La. ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present commanding the company since April 9, '64; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present, acting regt. Q. M. ; Aug, last paid to April 30, '64, present; pa«v due for responsibility of cloth, camp, and gar- rison equipage of Co. C. for the months of April and August, '64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, 1st lieut., pres- ent; pay due for commanding co. ; mustered in Nov. 1, '64, at Newtown, Va., for 3 yrs. 1865: Fib., absent without leave; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, in arrest; pay due for responsibility for Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec, '64, and January and Febry., 1865; Jw/ie, lastpaid to Dec. 31, '64. absent, dis- missed the service by order of the Sec. ot War, April 15, '65. Muster-out roll of CO. : enrolled as sgt., age 28; discharged to accept promotion as It. in comp. ; mustered as 1st It. , April 9, '64; dismissed April 15, '65, S. O. 207, War Dept., May 5, '65, 11769 8 114 JoNKS, William, private, Co. I; age 35; enrolled Sept. 2, "62, at New York City; mus- tered iu Oct. 1>^, 'IJ-, at New York, for '.i years. i^&2: Oct., present; JHr., last l)ai(l to Oct. :U, "(ii, preseut. IHijii. J-Yh., last paid to Dec. 31, '(i'i, present; J/;/., last paid to Dec. 31, "(j'i, present, to be deducted two muskets and one set of equipments; Jitm; last paid to Dee. 31, '6i, absent; deserted June 12, 'ii'.i; All;/, to Jhc, inclusive, name not borne. lyG4: Fd). to Ap ., inclusive, same; Juttc, ab.sent iu yen. bosp., New Orleans; Aikj., absent, .sick in NewOr- leans; Oef. to /M., inclusive, absent, sick in liaton Kouge, La. l^Vut: Feb., ab.sent, sick in bosp. at New Orleans; Apr., absent, sick in bosp., New Orleans, J.,a. ; June, deserted; deduct knapsack, baversack, and s. tent. JOYCK, Micil.\EL, private, Co. I. 18(j4: ^Ijj/., present; recruit from draft rendezvous; reed. $tjO bounty, $13 advance pay, $2 premium; total, sTo; entitled to $30 ist installment of bounty; enrolled Feb. 2G, '64, at New York; mustered in Mch. 10, 'G4, at New York, for 3 years; June to Atir/., inclusive, last paid to Apr. 30, 'f)4, present; (M., last paid to Aug. 31, present; J)(v., last paid to Aug. 31, present; entitled to $40 installment of bounty due as a recruit. 1865: Feb. to Apl., inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, '(J4, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '61; deserted June 4, '65, Wsishington, D. C; deduct rille and equipments, knapsal. , last paid to Feby. 29, present; borne as Patrick Joice; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64. present; Aufft., same; Oct., last paid to Augt. 31, '64, present; Dec., same. 1865: Feb;/., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, pres- ent; Augt., last paid to Apl. 30, 'Ct'y, ab.sent: deserted from Savannab, Oa., July 24, '65; to pay for 1 Enfield rifled musket $18, and 1 set of accoutre- njeuts $3.25, 1 knapsack $3.10, sbelter tent $9.80, 1 baversack 90c, 1 canteen 6.1c., 1 musijuito b. $:J, 1 gun sling 25c. Mustered out witb co. Oct. 12, '65, ►Savannab, Oa. : last paid Apl. 30, '65; clotbing hist settled Oct. 21, '62; due soldier $28.60; bounty due $100; joined by consolidation of 174 N. Y. V., S. O. No. 47, Dept. of tbe Gulf, Feby. 17, '64. Juxo, AlGUST, .sergeant, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transfd from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. VoLs., S. O. No. 47, 19tb A. C, Feb. 17. '61; en- rolled Sept. 2ii, '62, at N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, 'Q2, at New York, lor 3 yrs; April, last paid to I'eb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present, to be deducted •} sbelter tent, $1.63; Auij., last paid to April 30, '64, ])rivate, present: reduced to tbe ranks Irom sergt. Aug. 2, '(i4; deduct chev., canteen, 69 ct.s. ; borne on this roll as August Young; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug 31. '64, sergeant, present; jjromoted .sergt. Nov. 1, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '()4, pres- ent; deduct for furni.sbed transportation from H. Ferry to New York and back, $14.22; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64. present; deduct for furnisbed transportation from H. Ferry to New York and back to tbe regt., $14.22; de- duct 1 baversack, 95 ct.s. , and 1 canteen, '^; clothing settled, Sept. 26, '62; bounty du«, $100; sick in ho.spital. Augusta, tJa. ; has drawn (Jotbing to tbe amount of $115.59; no disch'ge furnished at muster out of organization. JuKIOB, .OttAKLEs, private, Co. C; age 43; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yeans. 1862: Oct., present; Dee., last paid to Nov. 1. '62, pre.sent, entitled for $2.00 who has enlisted after June 21st. '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; present, lined for $5.00 by a court-martial by S. O. No. 29, constituting MaJ'r P.ogart, court-martial; Apl., alwent, iletailed in (i. bakery at Baton Kouge, La. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31. ab>ent, detailed in (Jov't bakery at liaton b'ouge: Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present, i)ay due for the month of Jan'y and I'eb'y ; returned from de- tailed; Ort., last paid to June :{0, '63; absent, sick in bospitiil. Now Orleans; J>ee., al>sent, sick; not known when last paid; $25 F. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. ls(il: Feb., absent, sick. New Orleans; due $25 U. S. bounty: A ft!., absent, sick in New Orleans; June, ab.sent, transferred to the Invalid Corps, S. O. 15(1. A. Ct. O., Washington, April 6, '64: deso't for- warded to I*rov. iMarshai-Oon'l; .-lie/., 0(/., and/J'c. name not borne. 18(!5: Fib., name not honie; ApL, l;ist paid to Dei-. 31, '(il, present, transferred from V. K. C.,S. O. 73, War Dep't., A (1 <> . I-.h'v ] 1. li:): d.'diu-t \ shel- 115 ■ Junior, Charles— Continued. tertent, 4.90; June and Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, 'Go, present. Mastered oat with CO. Oct. 12, 18S5, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Dec. 31, '64; dae soldier, $il.9S; boaaty dae, $100; arms and eqaipments retained, $8.00. Borne as I. Charles Junior. Junk, Robert, private, Co. G; age 25; earoUed Sept. 15, 1383, at New York, and mas- tered in Oct. 18, 186 3, at Nev York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; present; entitled to $2 premium, 1863; Feby., last paid to Jany. 1, 63, present; April, last paid to Jan. 1, 63, absent; sent to hospital, Brashear City, La., April 11, 1863, by regimental surg. ; June, last paid to Jany. 1, '63, absent; sick in U. S. barracks genl. hopital. New Orleans, ' La. ; Augl.,&AvtxQ; Oct., last paid to Sept 1, ''Q'i, absent ; sick at U. S. barracks hospl., N. O. ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, absent; sick, U. S. barracks hospl., N. O. ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Fcby., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, as Robert Junck; |25 U. S. bounty, $2 premium due the soldier; April, last paid to March 1, '64, absent, hospital at Alexandria; wounded in action April 23, '64, at Cane River Crossing; .June, same; Aug.. last paid to June 30, '64, absent, sick at genl. hospt'l Baton Rouge, La.; wounded in action Apl. 23, '64, Cane River Crossing; Oct., last paid to June 30, '64, absent on sick furlough for 60 days since July 27, 1864. Dec, same; 1865; Fcbfj., last paid to Jany. 1, '64, absent, on furlough since July 27, 183i; Apr., last paid to June 30, '64; deserted at New York City Sept. 1864; description list and act. ofpay and clothing forwarded. Muster-out roll of CO.: deserted Sept. 25, 1864, at New York City. Kaigin, Edward, j)rivate, Co. I. 1864: Jisft. , last paid to Oct. 31, '63; present; trans- ferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, 1834, per S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19th A. C; enrolled Oct. 6, 1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, New York, for 3 yrs. Apf., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; deduct 1 Enfield rifle complete; Aug., last paid, same; present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; deserted with rifle and accts, can- teen, hav., knapsack, shelter tent, koife, fork, 1 letter, 3 numbers, tin cups, tin plates. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted Boliver Heights, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Kaiser, Joseph, private, Co. F; age 25; enrolled June 30, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Aug. 22. '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 9th; $13 advance paid. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 53d ^. Y. Vol. Sept., 1862; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. Kalt, Leo, private, Co. C; age 21; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oc^, present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62; present; entitled for $2.00 who has enlisted after June 21st, '62. 1863: f>&., last paid to Dec. 31; present; J^jij'/, present; J^(t/ie, last paid to Dec. 31; present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63; present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63; present; $25.00 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; present; due $25 U.S. bounty; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; present; iTm/m', last paid to Ap'l 30, '64; present; ded. 1 cartridge-box plate and one bayonet scabbard ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64; present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; present; to be deducted 1 canteen 44c. ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64; present; to be deducted i shelter tent $2.30. 1865: Feb. and Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; present; J"«»e, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; corp. ; present; appointed corp'l Aug. 1, '65; S. O. No. 13, H'q't's, 162 N. Y. Vols. ; deduct 1 cone, 12. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Sept. 16, '62; due soldier $47.49; bounty due $100. :Kane, John, pvt., Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; transferred from 174th Regt. N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19th A. C, Dept. of Gulf; sent to Ship Island for 5 years, April 12, '63; enrolled Nov. 17, 1862, in N. Y. City; mustered in Dec. 4, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, confinement at Ship Island; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in arrest at Ship Island; Aug., absent, relieved from confinement at Ship Island, S. O. 50, Hdqrs. Mil. Div. West Miss., June 27, '64; Oct., ab- seut with leave; Dec, deserted Sept. 1, '64, from Ship Island, Miss. Muster- out roll of CO. : joined by consolidation from 174th N. Y. V. Feb. 17, '64, S. O. No. 47, Hdqrs. Dept. of Gulf. Kakdner, Anton^, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- f'd from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at N. York City; muiitered in Nov. 13, '62, at New 116 r — Kardn'ER, Anton'— Continued. York, for :{ yr.s. ; April, hi^tpaid to Feb. 29, 'fil. absent, sick at U. S. Hospl., New Orleans; June, absent, dischars;ed lor disability at U. 8. IJarraeks Hospl., New Orleans, La., Apl. 18, 'Gi. Co. muster-out roll: Discharged at Baton Koni^e, La. Kaikmaxx, Ciliiisroi'ir. Master-iu roll of Co. F. dated New York, Au<;. 22, '63, pri- vate; age, 1^; enrolled May 21, '(32, at New York City, for 3 years; name and enrollment lined out. ]S()2: Oc/., deserted Hept. 9. K.vvAN'AGil, CilAKLES, private, Co. li; age, 3.>; enrolled Sept. 1^, 18')2, at New York; mustered into service Oct. 14, 1802, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct 31, present, $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 18G3: Feb;/., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, corporal, present; June absent, hospital, Broshear, La. ; Aug., last paid to April 30, ab- .sent in hospital at Baton Rouge; Oct., same; Dec, la-st paid to Oct. 31, dis- charged at U. S. CJenl. Hospital, Baton liouge. La., Nov. 27, elfects of sun- stroke. Muster-out roll of co. : enrolled as a private, appointed corporal March 1, 1863; discharged on surg. certificate Nov. 27, 1863, U. S. Uenl. Hospital, Baton Rouge, La.; cause, sunstroke. KAVANAfiii, Neal, pvt. Co. A. ; age 42; enrolled .Sept. 23, 1862, at New York City and mustered in Oct. 18, l^^Gl, at New York, for 3years. 18(;2: Oct., absent; de- serted at Baltimore. Muster-out roll of co. , dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 'Go: deserted at Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 29, '62. Kkagan, Thomas. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private, age 43; enrolled Hept. 20, 1862, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Kearney, Alfred D., sergeant, Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, due $25 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 13, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York for 3 years; Ap!., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, pay due from Feb. 29, '64, to April 8, '64; 1 set of accoutrements to be deducted, ^'.i.iry.Juiie, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Auff., paid to Apl. 30, '64; deserted from Algiers, La., July 10, '64; to be deducted, ri lie and accoutre- ments complete, 121.65, haversack and canteen, $0.89. Co. M. O. roll: de- serted July 8, '64. Keakns, James, private, Co. G; age 18; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York, and mastered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1^62: Oct., present (borne as .lames Kearnes); ])cc., last paid to Oct. 31, '62; died at the Ascen- sion Hospital, Washington, D. C, Nov. 8, 1662. Muster-out roll of co. : Died Nov. 8, '62, in U. S. G. Hospt'l, ^Vashington, D. C, of pneumonia. Keating, Georce, major. 1864: Feb., absent, transferred from 174th N. Y. Y., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. Corps, Feb. 17, 1864, pursuant to orders from ^Va^ Dept. ; date of commission or regtl. appointment, Dec. 6, 1862, mustered in Dec. 7, 1862, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, absent, sick at New Orleans, no hope of his ever being able to rejoin his regiment; .June, absent without authority June 8, '64; Aug., discharged by S. O. No. 202, E.t. 21, War Dept., A. G.O., June 9, 1864. Keating, Thomas, private, Co. K; age 24; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, lor3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, la-st paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April and June, same; Auf/., last paid to June 30, pres- ent; Oct., liLst paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; soldier is entitled to $25 bounty and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(!.{; bounty due $25, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, pres- ent; deduct one-half shelter-tent, $1.63; June, bust paid to Ap'l 30, '64, pres- ent; to bededucted, haversack, 49 cts. ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '(il, absent, prisoner of war .since July 26, '64; Oct. and D(r., same. 1K65: Feb., same; April, paid to .lune 30, '(>4. absent, same remark: June, last paid to June 30, '64; died from disease on David's Island, N. Y. IL, April 14, '(i.5. Keating, Wm.ijam, i>rivate, Co. G; age 19; enrolled Sept. Ist. 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. IH, 18(i2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb;/., last paid to .lan'y 1, '63, present; April, sjime; June, same; Aug., last ])aid to May 1. '6.3, present; Oct., laat paid to Sept. 1, '63, present, on detached serv- ice in charge of cattle of 19th A. C. ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, $25 ir. S. bounty and $2 due the soldier. lHfi4: Frbij., la<^t paid to Nov. 1, '63, pre.sent, $25 U. S. bounty and .*2 premium due the soldier: Apr., last paid to M.irch 1, '61, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '61, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '61; deserted July 9, 1H61; to be charged lor one Fufield 117 JKeating, William— Continued. rifle complt. $18, one set of accoutrements $3.25, 40 rounds of cartridges — ball cartridges $2, 1 shelter tent $3.68, 1 haversaclc 49, and 1 canteen 36 cts., total money value |27.88. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted July 9, 1864, at Algiers, La. Keefe, David, private, Co. G. 1864: Frhij., last paid to Nov, 1, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. G, 174th Regt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, 17, Feby., 1864; enrolled Oct. 1, '62, at New York City; musteredinatN. Y. City, Nov. 13, '62, for 3 years; Apr., last paid lo March 1, '64, present; Jane, last paid to April30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Hei^t. 1, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Febij., last paid to Jany. 1, '65, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; deduct $4.00 due C. C. Sawyer (sutler 30th Maine Vols.), brig, purveyor Dec, 1864; $2.48 due U. 8. for clothing overdrawn to date; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30. '65, corporal, present; appointed Aug. 1, 1865, per S. O. No. 13, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V. to till vacancy. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing never settled; clothing due soldier $5.25; bounty due $100; stop, for gun and equipments $6. Keegax, P.4.TRICK, private, Co. K; age 30; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Bee, last paid to Oct. 31; present, entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; by sentence of regt'l court-martial, Lt. Col. J. W. Blanchard, there will be $5 stopped and credited to the U. S. ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, same; Aur/., last paid to June 30, '63, present; fined $10 by order of regt'l court-martial, to be credited to the U. S. ; Oct., last paid to June 30, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; the soldier is entitled to $25 bounty and $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; bounty due $25, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; tobededucted, o shelter tent, $1.63; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; sick in the field hos- pital. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled. Sent. 25, '62; due soldier, $36.20; bounty due, $100; equipments lost, &c., $6. Kehl, Alexander, private. Company B; age, 22; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; promoted to corporal by company order dated Dec. 20, 1862; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, corpl., present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, absent, hospital at New Orleans, wounded at P. H. May 24; August, last paid to April 30, absent in hospital at Baton Rouge, wounded at P. H. May 24; Oct., last paid to April 30, died at Baton Rouge Sept. 9 of wounds received at Port Hudson May 24. Muster-out roll of co. : appointed corporal Nov. 17, 1862; died at Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 10, 1863, of wounds received at Port Hudson, La., May 24, 1863; final statement given. Keibebt, John, private, Co. I; age, 28; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at N. Y, City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, sick in Bellevue Hospital, New York. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; present, sick in hospital. Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, Oct. 24, '62 (Dr. Randall). Muster-out roll of co. : deserted, Belle- vue Hospital, N. Y., Oct., '62; borne as Tom Keibert. Kellkb, Lorenz. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62: private; age, 21; enrolled May 10, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and en- rollment lined out. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 8. Keller, Mabthin, private, Co. C. ; age, 34; enrolled Sept. 30, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at N. Y., for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for $2 who has enlisted after June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; deserted from Parapet Feb. 4, 1863. Co. M. O. roll: deserted from Camp Parapet, La., Feb. 5, '63; borne as Mar- tin Keller. Kellog, John, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., absent, sick. New York; due $25 U. S. bounty; transferred 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; ApH and June, absent, sick in New York; Auq., Oct., and Dec, absent, sick in hospt'l, New Orleans. La. 1865: Feb. and Ap'l, absent, sick in New York; June, deserter; dropped May II, '65; sick in Baton Rouge, La., July, 1863; not heard fiom since; borne as John 1. Kellogg. lib KKLLOGG,EnwAKr)II., coriioral.Co.lf. l^Ji.J: /)fc., never] aid, pre-eut; enrolled Aug. IT, "03, atticbenectady. N. Y., loriiyrs. ; advance bdunty dnehoin the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, pioseut; April, paid to Feb. 2!>, '64, present; stoppage, one-half shelter-tent, $1."J.'>; Junv, last paid to .April od, '(il, serjieaut, pres- ent; mustered in .Vpril •JX. "64, at Morgauza; stoppaj^e, one-half shelter-tent, $1.6:5; haversack. lUf. ; canteen.;} Ic. ; total, iJiJ.S^; .1"//., present; due from U.f<. G. $2.")advance bounty; (Jd., last paid to Auj|. :n, '64, al)sent, sick >Martiusburg, Va. ; Dec, present; U, '6.'), pre.-enceor absence not statetl; Aiifi., present. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '(i.">, Savannah, (Ja. : ]iaid to April 30, ^G'^; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '62; due soldier, $2.81; bounty due, $100; musket and bayonet retained, $6; joined a recruit from dralt rendez- vous Dec. 10, '63; appointed corporal Dec. 26,63; sergt. May 1, '64. 1st Lt. W. L. Chequer ceniliea that this man joined the 162 X. Y.V. at New Iberia, La., Dec. 10, '63, and that his muster-in roll has been lost. Also borne as Kdwin M. Kellogg. Kellogg, Mokto.v L., 2d lieut., Co. F. 1862: Oct., pre.sent; enrolled Sept. 19th at New- York; mustered in Sept. 10, '62, at New York, for 3 years; appointed vice Cowdrey promoted to 1st lieut. Co. I, Sept. 10, 1862; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: /V'/., last paid to Dec. 31, present; under arrest, to be tried on charges preferred; ApL, last paid to Dee. 31, '62, present; June, present in arrest; Aug., absent; resigned July 22, '63. M. o. roll of co. : re- signed June, 1863. Kelly, Gilf.ekt. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private; age, 38; enrolled Sept. 9, ]8()2, at New Y'ork City, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsegnent rolls of co. Kellv, John, private, Co. I; age, 2">; enrolled Aug. 27, 1862, at N. Y''. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New Y'ork, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dcr., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '(i2, present; Apt., same; June, .same;, last paid to June 30, '6!!, present: detached by special orders to report at Hd. '^ins. Dept. (Julf, to Oenl. Andrews, Port Hudson, La.; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '(M, absent; sick at hospl.. New Orleans, La.; Die, last paid to Oct. 31, present. 1864: /'<7^, last paitl to Oct. ;U, '63, present; deduct cro.s.s-belt and plate; Aph, last paid to l"e1). 20, '64, present; Jane, last paid to Apl. ;{0, "61, present; -1«<7., same; Oct., last paid ta .\ug. 31, present; deduct 1 canteen, 45ct3. : Dee., last paid to Aug. 31, present; deduct 2 shelter-tent, $2.30. 1865: Fel>., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct $16 by sentence of (\. C. M.; Apl., same; June, paid to Apl. 30, '6r>, present; Aug., not on lile. Cluster-out roll of co. : died Aug. 1, 1865, Augusta, Oa. Kklly, John, private, Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18,'62, at New York, for .3 years. 1862: Oct.. present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '(>2, present; June, same; Aucj., last paid to Apf. 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, ab.sent, sick in hospital at New Orleans; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick in hospital at New Orleiins; entitled to $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '6;{; bounty due $25, iiresent: April, hist paid to Feb. 20, '61, piesi-nt; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, "61, present; to be deducted, \ shelter-tent, $l.; canteen, 41 cts.; total, $2.04: . I u*/., present; deduct hav- ersack, canteen, J S. lent, $2.79; t)et., last paid to .\ug. 31, '64, present; Dir.^ present; deduct 1 piece of shelter tent. $2.30; 1 haversack, 40 cts. ; 1 canteen,. 45 ct«. —$3.1.5. 18()5: Feb., absent, sick in gcn'I hospital. IJallimore: April, discharged on account of disability from disease, at Frederick City, Md., April 8. '65. EellV, MicUAKL, private, Co. G; aue 36; enrolled Sept. 2. 1S62, at New York, and niu>tere//»/., last paid to Jan'y 1, "6.3, ))re.sent; y\j>nl, same; June, same; Aug., last paid to Jany 1, '63, absent, sick in hospital at Piaton Kouue, La.; Oel., last paid to .Tany 1. '(i3. ab.'spnt. s ck at gen'l hosp'l, P.aton Iv'onge. La.; Dee., last paid to Jany I, '(i3. died ofdiarrhua, chronic, Sept. 9, 1803. at L'. S. convalespcnt hospital, I'.aton L'onge. La. Kelly. Roni:nrF..pvt., Co. a. 1861: /"rAv., absent, .sick, Haton K'ouge, .Sep. 2: transf'd from 174 N. Y. V., R. O. 47, Febv. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enroiled Sept. 30, '62, 119 Kelly, Egbert F. — Continued. at N. Y., and mustered in Nov. 13, 'G2, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; -^Ij**-., ab- sent, sick in hosp'l Baton Rouge since Sept. 2, '63; June, Aug., Oct., and i>cc., same. 1865: F(hij., absent, deserted Irom hosp'l Baton Kouge, La.; dropped from rolls of co. Jany. 30, 1865. Kelly, William, serg't, Co. D; age 25; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., 1st serg't, pres- ent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, same; Auii., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Of ^. , last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; Dec, deserted at New Orleans on or about Dec. 1, '63; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, private, present; returned from desertion Feb. 22, '64; overdrawn clothing Dec. 1, $1.07; recv'd |25 U. S. bounty in 1st New Orleans Vols. ; April, last paid to Aug. 31, '61}, present, rejiorted by error as a deserter on Dec. pay-rollsofl8S3;.7««c, last paid to April 30, '64, present; J»(7.,lastpaid to Ap'l 30, '64; deserted at Algiers, La., July J), '64; due Gov't for loss of Austrian rilie complete and e(iuipments complete, 516.35; also for loss of 1 canteen, 1 haversack, ./ shelter- tent, $2.76; total, $19.06. Kelpeu, Charles, corporal, Co. F. Muster-out roll ofco., dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65: transferred from 53d N. Y. V., Sept., 1862; deserted from Eiker'a Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. Kemp, James G., private, Co. B; age 21; enrolled Sept. 13, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aprit, last paid to Dec. 31, absent in hospital, Newton, La.; June, last paid to Dec. 31, ab.sent in hospital at Brashear, La.; Amimi, last paid to April 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, detailed as cattle guard; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $:i5 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: FeVy, last paid to Oct. 31, present; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, absent in hospital at New Or- leans, wounded April 9; June, last paid to Feb'y 29, absent on furlough, wounded; Aug., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present; returned to duty from absent, wounded, Aug. 26, 1864; borne as James Kemp; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, corp'l, present, promoted to corp'l Oct. 26, 1864, S. O. 140, Hdqrs. 162 N. Y. Vols.; stoppage, haversack, 67c. ; canteen, 45c.; l shelter-tent, $2.30 = 13.42; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, nreseut, promoted from private Oct. 26, 1864; stoppage, .] shelter-tent, $2.30." 1865- Felrg, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, 1865, present; Auq.^ last paid to April 30, 1865, serg't, present, promoted to serg't Aug. 1st, vice Jloore, reduced. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing last settled Sept. 13, 1862; due sol- dier for clothing, $31.92; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and equipments re- tained, $6.00; appointed corp'l Nov, 1, 1864, and to serg't Aug. 1, 1865, II. S. O. 13. Kemph, FRA^^OIS J., private, Co. C. 1864: Fcfi., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; det Bat'y G, 5th U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, 1st Brig., 1st Div.; due $25 U. S. bounty; transferred 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 4. 1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl. and June, absent, detached same as above; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64; deserted fr. New Orleans, La., July 18, '64; to be deducted, haversack and canteen $0.89; for U. S. property lost while det. to G Bat., 5tli U. S. Art'y, $0.17; borne on this roll as Francis Kemph. M. O. roll ofco.: sent to hospi- tal, B. Eouge, July, '63, not heard from since; dropped May 11, '65. Kenedy, John, pvt., Co. A; age 29; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Or'^. , absent, deserted from Biker's Island. Mustar-out roll of co. , dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: deserted Oct. 18, 1862; borne as John Kenneda. Kennedy, James, corpl,,Co. D. Muster-in roll ofco., dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: age 44; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., absent; deserted from Biker's Island, Oct. 19. Kennedy. Patrick, private, Co. D; age 42; enrolled Sept. 13. 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yr.s. 18)2: (kt., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present; entitled to $2 premium. 186.3: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31. '62, present; June, ab- sent, wounded before Port Hirdson, June 1st, and sent to hop'l, New Orleans; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1863, present; Deer., last paid to Oct. 31, 'Q'i, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 120 Kennedy, rArui. k— Coiitiuued. premium due the soldier. 1864: /-Vi., last paid to Oct. 31. '03, present: Apr., tranHreried ti) Invalid Corps Feb. 29, '61. Muster-out roll of co. : trausl'erred to V. ]{. C. April 30, '64, G. O. 173, A. G. O., War Dept. Kennedy, Peiiou, private, Co. Li. 1864: Fehi/., last paid to Nov, 1, 'G.i, present; trans- ferred IVom Ci). G, 174th K'egt., N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. (^rs. 19 A. C. 17 Feby., 1864; reduced from corpl. by consolidation regiment 17 Feby., 1864; enrolled Oct. 3, 1862, at New York City; mustered in .same place Nov. 13, 1H62, for3yr.s. ; Ai)r., hust paid to March 1, '64, absent; missing in action April }>, 1864, at riea.sant liidge (borne as Peter J. Kennedy); Jiinv, absent; prisoner of war, in the hands of the enemy since April !), 1H(>4; Aug., Of/., and Dee.,sime. 1865: i///, lastpaid to Feby. •J9,'64, absent; prisoner of war, captured at Pleasant Hill, La., April 1), 1864; ./««(■, ab.sent; prisoner of war, captured at Plciusant Hill, La., April 0, 1865; Ani/., absent; released prisoner of v.'ar in U. S. hospital awaiting di.scliarge, captured at Pleasant Hill, La., April!), 1861. Muster-outrollofco.:clothinga('coutitneversettled; amount of clothing drawn, $(>7.41 ; bounty due, I?1U(). .Mustered out on in- dividual muster-out roll .July 10, 186."), at New York City (under telegram W. D., A. c;. ()., 1-i M:xy, 186.5); prisoner of war !) April, 1864-27 May; en- titled to 3 months' e.\tra pay; no clothing account. Kennedy, ^VlLLIAM, 2 lieut. Co. E; age 24; enrolled at N. York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Or/., present; Dn'., last paid Oct. 31, present: all the oHicers when mustered on the 18 of Oct. and when enti- tled to 1 I (lays' pay they received only thirteen days' pay; accordingly one day's pay is still due to each. I8(i3: I'chj/., last paid to Dec. 31, "(J-, present (signs roll as comdg. company); Apt. paid to Dec. ;;i. '6.5, present (signs roll as comdg. co. ): .finic, same; Anrjt., la>>t paid to .June 30, '63, present, in command of co. from .lany. 1,'63, to date; Oc!., last paid to Augt. 31, cajitain, pro.sent; 7>(v., hust paid to Oct. 31, '63, pre.sent. 1864: Fcbi/., last paid to Oct. 31, present; Ap'., last paid to Feliy. 29, absent, sick, New Or- leans; Jniir, last paid to Apl. :'>0. '(il, present; Auijt.. same; Or/., last paid to Augt, 31. '()4, present; Ihv., last paid to Augt. 31, '64, present, in Company muster-out roll: promoted captain .\ugt. 20, '63; dismissed the service .lany. 25. '65. ^Kenxhy, Wm., private, Co, I. ; age 19; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 1>^, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: ()c1., absent, deserted in New York. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted. Kiker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1862. aCEOUtnr, Petei:, private, Co. G. 1864: Fch;i.y last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. G., 174 Regt. N. Y. S. V.. S. <). 47, 1 Id. (,)rs. 19 A.C, 17 Feby., 1864; reduced from sergt. by conso. regt., 17 Feby., l.-!()4; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, same place, for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to March 1, '(!4. absent, hospital at .Vlexandria, I>a. ; wounded inaction .\pril23, '(il, atCane KiverCrossing; ./»(/<, absent, hospital at Paton Pouge, La.; wounded in action .Vpril 23, '(>}, at Cane River Cro.ssing; An;/., hist paid to .June 30, '64, ab.sent; same remarks; Oct.. absent; on sick fur- lough for 60 days since July 27, 1864; Die, ab.sent; on sick leave at N. Y. for 60 days since .luly27, 18(>4. 1865: Fcbi/., paid to .July 1, '64, absent on furlough since .Tuly 27, 1864; April, ab.sent; deserted at New York City, Sept., 1864; descriptive list and acct. of pay and clothing Ibrwarded; Jinir, present; joined from desertion .lune 25, 18(;5, Washington, D. C. ; An;/., pres- ent; also borne as Peter .1. Keough. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; promoted to corpl. Nov. 17, 1^(12; to serg. Nov. 1, '63; clothing last settled Sept. 25, '64; due soldier, $11.19; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and equipments, $6; deserted Sept. 25, '64; returned from de- sertion .Ian. 2.5, '65. "KKoroir, Petkk. Muster-in roll of Co. K. dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. ;KE01(;ii.s-, .Ioiin, private, Co. G. 18(i4; Fih., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. (;. 174th Regt, N. Y. S. V., S, O. 47, Hd. (^»rs. 19th A. C, Feb. 17. '61; etirolied Oct. 15, '62, at .New York City; mustered in Nov. 13,'62. at New York City, for 3 years: Apl., la.'it paid to .Mch. 1, "61. pre.'^ent; .finic, last paid to Ai)l. 31), "64, jlresent; Aiiff.,iiiUi\v, Orf., last paid to Sept. 1, '64. ab- sent, sick at hospital. Harper's Ferry: /Vc, nlwent, sick in hospital at Har- per's Ferry, Va.. since Oct. 3, '61. 1865: /•'<■'>.. last paid to .Ian. 1, '65, pres- ent, on daily duty, detailed as order! v to the lieut. col. ; Ap'., Jmir, and Anij., same. Mustered out with co. Oet. 12, '(i5, at Sav.inn:di, Ga. fborne as .lohn Koroll; elothing a(count never.settled; dueM)ldier, $';().37; l)ounfy due, $100. 121 Kerkigax, Jons, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $•25 U. S. bounty; transferred 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19, A. C, Feb'y 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 1, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., last paid to Feb'y 29. '64, present; June and Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted h- shelter-tent, $2.30. 1865: I\'h., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pres- ent; deduct 1 Enfield rifle complete, 18.00; 1 cap pouch, 45; 1 waist-belt, 32; 1 gun sling, 25; 1 cart, box, 1.02; 1 cart-])ox plate, .07; 1 waist-belt plate, .07; 1 bayonet scabbard, 3. 65 ; knapsack, 3.10; 1 haversack, 65; 1 canteen, 65 — - $25.23; Jane, last paid to Apl. 30, '65; present; Aikj., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, corpl., present; appointed corp'l Aug. 1, 1865, S. O. No. 13, H. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing last settled Oct. 1, '62; due soldier, $37.04; bounty due, $100; arms and equipments retained, $6.00; borne as John Kerregan. Keewix, Joseph, private, Co. D; age 28; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at N. Y. Citv; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, lor 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., absent; deserted from Hiker's Island Oct. 19. Muster-out roll of co. : borne as Kirwin, Joseph, 1st. Kerwin, Joseph, private, Co. D. 1863: Apl, absent, deserted from U. S. service at Al- giers Apl. 10, '63; enrolled Apl. 8, '63, at New Orleans, for 3 years. M. O. roll of CO. : deserted Apl. 10,'63, at Algiers, La. ; borne as Joseph Kirwin, 2d. Kessler, Franz, corporal, Co. F; age 25; enrolled May 1,' 62, at New York City; mus- tered in Aug. 22, '62, nt New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., private, absent; deserted 9th Sept. ; $13 advance paid, Keyser, Joseph, private, Co. A. Muster-in roll of co. dated Oct. 18, '62: age 25; en- rolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., absent, sick in Washington; Dec, absent, in hosptl. at Washington, D. C. 1863: Febi/., absent, sick in hosptl. at Washington, D. C, Oct. 29, 1862; Apr]., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent in hosptl. at Washington, D. C. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, sent to genl. hosptl. from barracks at Washington, Oct. 29, 1863; Antj., discharged for disability and final statement given July 22, '63. roll of co. : discharged on surgeon's certificate disability July 22, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La. Keyser, Joseph, private, Co. K. 1864: June, absent, apprehended and confined at Elizabeth City, New Jersey, since Nov. 8, '63; deserted from regt. Feb., '63; enrolled Sept. 20, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Aug., absent, taken up by error June 11, '64, as belonging to Co. K. Muster-out roll of co. : name not borne. KlEENAX, Hugh, corpl., Co. B. ; aged 28; enrolled Sept. 1, 1882, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, present; $2 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec 31, present; Apl., same; June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, sergt., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $:25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; April, last paid to Feby. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; Axig., last paid to April 30, 1864, present; re- duced to the ranks July 23, 1864; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864, private, present; stoppage, J shelter tent, $2.30; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage, 2 shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, pres- ent; April, same; June, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, 1865, present; deserted from camp, Savannah, Ga. ; returned from desertion Aug. 24, 1865; dropped by error, being sick at this time. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. Last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing last settled Sept. 1, 1862; drawn since, $83.09; bounty due, $100. Enrolled as private. Appointed eorpl. Oct. 14, 1862, and sergt. Aug. 29, 1863. XlERNAN, James, private, Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 27, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent. Muster- out roll: discharged for disability at Eiker's Island, New York Harbor, Oct. ''2 '6'^ KiNCH, Harvey, pvt., Co. E. 1864: Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, present, transferred from 174 Regt., S. O. 47, Feby. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 11, at N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, at N. Y., for 3 yrs.; Apl., last paid to Feby. 29, present; June, drummer, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Augt., last paid" to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oc^, last paid to Augt. 31, '64, present; $2.30 to be deducted for \ shelter tent; Dec, private, last paid to Augt. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, 1 canteen 45c., 1 haversack 67c., and i shelter tent, $2.30, $3.42; "Left Genl. Guide." 1865: Feby., last paid 122 KixcH, Harvey— Continmd. to. Dec. 31, "(U, present; ApL, same, on daily duty; June, last paid to Apl ;50, '(ir>, present; from private to musician siuce May 1, '65, by order of Col. lilanehard; Amjt., last paid to .\pl. .'SO, ^G'y, present. Mustered out with co. Oct 12, '<)."), at Savannah, (Ja. ; last paid to Apl. :>0, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 11, '6'2; due soldier !?15.(t5: bounty due $100; joined by consolidation of 171 N. Y. v., S. O. No. 17, Dept. of (Julf, Feby. 17, '64. Kixo, Chaki.ks, pvt., Co. B. 1864: i-Vi., absent, sick in New Orleiins, transt'd from 174th Rej^t., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Nov. 6, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Kiker's Island, for 3 y'rs; Apr., absent, sick in hosptl., New Orleans; June, absent, sick in New Orleans; Aug., absent, deserted at Haton Konge. La., Sept., '63. Muster-out roll: Deserted Sept. 1, '63. KiN'O, Edu'aup, private, Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 24, '62. at New York; mus- tered in Oct. \>^, '62, at New York, for Syears. 1H62: Oct., absent. Mus- ter-out roll: Discharged on a writ of habeas corpus Oct. 22, '62. Kixt;, Jamks. Muster-in roll of Co. B, dated New York, Oct. 14, '62: private; age 36; enrolled Sept. 1.'!, '62, at New York, for 3 years. Name lined out; not borne on subseciuent rolls. KiXG, Jamks S., captain, Co. B; age 27; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1S62: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; all of the company officers were mustered on the 14th of Oct., and were entitled on last pay-day tf» eighteen (18) days' pay: they re- ceived but seventeen days' pay, consequently one day's pay is still due to each of them on last pay-roll. 1863: Frh., last paid to Dec. :>1, present; A]n:, absent, detached as pro. mar. at Bonnet Carre, La. ; June, absent, .'*ame; Aug., absent, pro. mar. at Bonnet Carre, La. Muster-out roll of co.: resigned Aug. 1, '63, Port Hudson, La., disability. KlXf., JoSErii. private, Co. D; age 22; enrolled Sept. 22, 1862, at N. Y. City, and mus- tered in Oct. 18, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: 04, present; deduct \ shelter-tent and canteen, $2.07; June, last paid .\pl. 30, '64, present, to be deducted ] shelter-tent, $1.63; Aug., present, deduct canteen, 49 cts. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 18(i5: F(b., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, present, deduct 1 canteen, 65 cts. ; .fune, last paid to April 30, '(i5, present; Aug., present, de- duct 1 haversack, 95 cts. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Oa. ; last paid Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 24, '62; due soldier, $40.26; bounty due, $100; deduct 1 haversack, 95 cts. KiXO, ROHKnr Biutwx, pvt., Co. A; age 16; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at N. Y. City, and mustered in Oct. 18,'62, at New York, for 3 years. 18(i2: Oct., present: /><<•., la'it ])aid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2.00 premium due. 1H63: Ftl>\i/, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; .ipr. and June, same; Aug., last paid to .Tune 30, '63, present; Oct., hvst paid to .\ug. .31, '62, present; lUc, last paid to Oct. 31, '1)2, bounty due $:i5, present; $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864: Fcti-y, last paid to Oct. 31, '(i2, present; A]ir., last paid to Feb'y 29, present; col.'s orderly, daily duty; .Fune, last paid to April 30. j)rcsent, col.'s orderly, stop- page, '', S. tent, $1.75; .{ug., last i>aid Apr. :50, '61, present, daily duty, col.'s orderly; Oct-, last paid to Auu'. 31, present, daily duty, col. ord. ; stoppage, \ s. tent, $2.30; Dec., last paid to .\ng. 31, '64, present; stop., haversack, and canteen, 90c. Hfi5: F(l>\i/, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; borne as Kobert King: Apr., last paid to Dec .31, '6 I, present, daily duty, col.'s ordcrly;./M»ir, la^t jiaid to .\pr. 30, '65, present, same remark; Aug., \t\st paid to Apr. 30, '()5, ■•ibscnt, (let. service lid. (/rs. 3d Brig. 1 Div. (Ja. .Mustered out with comp'y, a pvt., at Savannah. On., Oct. 12, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 10, '<»2; due soldier, $;J6.27; bounty, $100: stoppage, one nios(iiiito-har. KIXXEY, llKXKV. pvt., Co. A: a,: .124 Klatt, Fred— Continaed. Deo. 'M. 'ti'J, present. Mu^ter-nnt roll of compy. : trnn''ferre(i to Co. F, S. U. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. (irs. Dept. of GulJ, N. O., La., Feb. 20. 'G3. Klatt, Fuko'k, private, Co. F. l8l):{: A]>l.. last paid Deo. 'M, "(Ji, present; enrolled .Sept. 10, '(>2, at X. York, ami mustered in Oct. 18, 'fri. at iCiker's Island, for :• years; transferred from Co. H by eousolidition Mch. 1, '83; Jk/k", ab- sent in gen'l hosp'l Apl. llth; Aiu/., last paid to June ;>(), '61), present; 0(7., hist p;»id to Anj». 31, '63, present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $^05 U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $'2 premium. 1864: Feb., present; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, pre.«ent; June, last paid to Apl. 30, present; Au^., last paid to AjjI. 30, absent; deserted from Hall Town, Aug. 11, '64; rau.sket and equipments, canteen, haversack, and slielter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. No. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63. Ki.Elx, JoiiN', private, Co. H; age, — ; enrolled Oct. 21, '62, New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 21, '62, at Kicker's Island, for 3 years. 1862: t>c7., present; Z>(('., la-st paid to Oct. 31, '62; deserted at Camp Sloui^h, Ya., Nov. 11, '62. Kr.iXE, Geoiuje, private, Co. I; age, 44; enrolled Sept. 17, 1~'62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; present. 1863: Feb., la.«t paid to Dec. 31, '62; present; ApL, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent in hospital at Baton Konge, La.; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, sick in hospital 15atou Kouge, La.; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1. 18(5!>; .same remark; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; same remark. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; absent, sick in New Orleans; deduct cro.S3-belt and plate; ApL, absent, sick in New Orleans; June, same; Aug., absent, transferred to the Veteran Keserve Corps July 1, 1864. Ki.iXE, Joseph, private. Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sept. 16. '62, New York, and mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Kikers Island; Dec, deserted at Kiker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1862. Muster-out roll of comp'y: Deserted Oct. 23, '62. Kl.iN'CiER, Pii'.s, private, Co. D; age 37; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., deserted from Washing- ton Oct. 28, Muster-out roll of co.: Discharged Dec. 30, "62. by reason of snrg. certif. of disability at Columbia Genl. Hospital, \Vashington, D. C. KXABE, ruil-irr, private, Co. K. 1)^64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transfd from 174th Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols, S. O. No. 47. l!)th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 16, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30. '64, present, to be deducted haversack, 49 cts; Aug., present; O't., last paid to Ang. 31, '64, pre.seut; J)ec., present, deduct 1 pc. of Sh. T., $2.30. 1865: Feb.. last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, .same; June, last paid to April 30, '()5, present; Aug., same. Mustered-out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savan- nah, (Ja. ; la.stpaid to Apl. 30, '65; clotliing last settled Oct. 16, '62; duesol- dier. $5.21; bounty due, $100; deduct 1 haversack, 95 cts; 1 canteen, Go ct3. KXAPP-S, Joseph, private, Co. C; age 23; enrolled Sept. 24, 18(i2, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, la-st paid to Nov. 1, '62, pre.sent, entitled to $2.00 who has enlisted after June 21, '<)2. 1863: Ftb., last paid to Dec 31, deserted from Camp Parapet, La., on Feb'y 27, 1^63. M. o. roll ofco. : deserted Feb'y 5, '63. Knife, Fi.eminmj, corporal, Co. K: age 22; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62. at New York, for 3 years. 1HG2: Oct., private, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, .same; Autj., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, ab.«ent sick in hospital at Baton Kouge; Oct., last paid lo Aug. 31, absent, same; Dec, la.'^t paid to Aug. 31, present: the soldier is entitled to $25 U. S. bonntyand $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., paid to Aug. 31, 63. $25 bounty due, present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64. ]>re.sent; .Tune, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., corporal, proeiit; promoted to corp'l, Aug. 1, '(it; Oct., last paid to .\ug. 31, 64, present, (leiluct for extra clothing, $13.91; J>ec, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '()4, present; Ajtril, .same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aug., .same; mustered out with co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga., last paid Apl. 30, '(i5, clothing last settled Sept. 4, '62; due soldier, $13.21; bounty line, $100; reduced t)(t. 31. '62. Kn<.x, \Vii.i.iam F., pvt., Co. K; age 'JH; emolled Sept. 9, '62, at N. York City; mus- tt-red in Oit. ix, '62. at New York, lor 3 yr-!. 1H«-,': Oct.. present; Dec, la-^t paid toOct. 31, corjjoral. present; promoted Nov. 10; entitled to $2 premium. 125 E::os, Willtam E.— Continued. 1863: Fchfi., last paid to Dec. 31, sergt., present; promoted Feby, 4, 'G3; Apl.y last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; June, same; Augt., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, preseut; Oct., last paid to Augt. 31; absent in bospital, New Orleans, Sept. 25; Dec, last paid to (not known), absent, hospital N. O. ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. ^Muster-out roll of co. : promoted sergt. Jany. 1,'63 ; died of chronic diarrhoea at N. O., La., Jany. 22, '64. KOBELOSKIE, Felix, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; en- rolled Sept. 16, '62, New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Kiker'a Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. K, 162 N. Y. Vol., to Co. H, 162 N. Y. Vol., by S. O. 76, H. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vol., Feby. 16, '64; sick in hospl. N. O., La.; pay due as sergt. from Oct. 31, '63, to Feby. 17, '64; Apr., absent, sick in hospital New Orleans; June and Aug., same; Od., absent; dropped as deserter Sept. 1, '64. Muster-out roll of compy. : dropped as a deserter Sept. 1, '64, not having been heard from for over a year. KOEHLEE, Anton, private, Co. C; age 24; enrolled Sept., 10,'62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for |2.00 who has enlisted after June the 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; deserted from Camp Mansfield on Feb. 5, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Camp Mansfield, La., Feb. 10, '63. KoaGE, Fkkdkich William, private, Co. C; age 29; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; Dec. last paid to Nov. 1, '62; deserted at Alexandria Nov. 19, '62.. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Alexandria, Va., Nov. 10, '62. KoLLi, Michael, private, Co. C; age, 19; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mus- tered iu Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3years. 1862: Oct., deserted from the Camp Abercrombie Oct. 30, '62. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Chain Bridge, Va., Nov. 1, '62. KoNEAD, Henry, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, transf'd. from 174th Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; detached to G Battery, 5th U. S. Arty., S. O. 35, Dept. of the Gulf, Dec. 14, '63; en- rolled Oct. 25, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 years; April, absent, detached to G Battery, 5th U. S. Arty., S. O. 35^ Dept. of the Gulf, Dec. 14, '63; June, same; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent; deserted from New Orleans, La., July 18; deduct have., canteen, ^ s. tent, $2.79. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted July 12, '64. KORAL, John. See John Keonghn, private, Co. G. Koebelosko, Felix, sergeant, Co. K; age 43: enrolled Sfpt. 16, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to |2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, acting or- derly; June, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, sick in hospital at Baton Kouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, 'same; Dec, absent, sick in hosp'l at Baton Kouge; entitled to li)25 U. S. bounty and |2.00 premium^ 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, transl'd Feb. 16, '64, to Co. H, 162d Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., by order Hdqrs. 162d N. Y. S. Vols. Muster-out roll of CO.: transf'd to Co. H, Feb. 18, '64, S. O. 76, Hdqrs. 162d N. Y. Vols. KOWL, John, private, Co. G. See John Keoughn. Kkesz, BE.N'EurcT, private, Co. H; age 22; enrolled Sep. 17, '62, N. Y. ; mustered io, Oct. 18, '62, N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent; died in camp hospital, Camp Parapet, La., Dec. 30, '62; borne as Benedict Kretz. Muster-out roll of comp'y: died of disease at Camp Par- apet, La., Jan., '62. Keetzlee, Alfred, corpl., Co. "D;" age 21; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, atN. Y.City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec, '62, present; Apr., same; June to Oc/., inclusive, absent, wounded before Port Hudson, June 14, and sent to hospital at New Orleans. Muster- out roll of CO. : discharged Aug. 29, '63, by reason of sure, certif. of disability, at U. S. gen'l hosptl.. New Orleans, La.; lost right arm and right leg at Port Hudson, June 14, '63. Keetzlee, Herman, sergt., Co. D; age 28; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62. at New York, lor 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present, borne as Herman C. Kretzler; Deer., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $3 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same; June same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., absent, sick in Uni- versity KospL, New Orleans, La.; Dec, absent, sick, U. S. hosp. at New Or- l\.r.v.r/.i.Kn, Ui:i!?i.\\— Continued. Irans, >'.in V. S. boiiiity ami $2 preminni due the soldier. 18fi4: Feb., to Fih., m«;,"), inclnsiive, last paid to June '30, '(j:?, absent sick in N. Orleans, La.; Ajir., absent, sick at New Orleans, i^a., last heard from Mar. 1, '64; June, discharged Mar. 1'), '(j4, surji. ctf. of disability. JvROMEE, Joirx, private, Co. J. 1864: Fek, absent in liatterv G, 5th U. S. artillery, transferred IromCo. I, 174th N. Y. Vols., Feby. 17, 1S()4, per S.O. hd'ijrs. 19th A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 15, lc(G2, at New York; ninstered in Nov. 13, 186-2, at New York, for 3 years; ApL, alxsent, detailed to Uattery G, 5th U. S. Artillery; June, same; Au;/., last paid to Apl. 30, '04, present; deduct $1.80 for articles lost while on detached service in liattery G, 5th U. S. A.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dtc, same. 1865: Feb., la-st paid to Dec. 31, '64. present; .1;)/., same; June, last paid to Apl. .30, '65, present; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. : last paid to Apl. 30. '65: clothing last settled Dec. 31, '63; bounty due, $100; clothing due soldier, $49.23. Knox, W., private, Co. H; age 35; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, N. Y.; ninstered in Oct. 18, '(i2, N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; borne as William Kron; Dec, iast paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 prem. 1S63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; transferred by cous'ld't'u to Co. F. Muster-out roll of comp'y: tran-sfd to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hdq'rs Dept. of Gulf, N.O., La., Peb'y 20, '63. Krox, ^VIL^IAM, private, Co. F. 1863: Apl., last paid Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18; '62, at Hiker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by con.solidation Al'ch 1, '63; June, last paid Dec. 31, '62, present; Autj., last paid June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid Aug. 31, '63, present; Dec., last paid Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., present, due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apl., last paid Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, present; 8helter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $1.89; Aug., absent: deserted from Harper's Ferry Aug. 8th, 1864; musket and equipments, canteens, haversack, and shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. M. o. roll of co. : trans- ferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, h'dcj'rs Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; deserted from Harper's Ferry, Va., Aug. 6, '64. KnOPP, CJkokge, private, Co. C.; age 41; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '(i2, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid tc Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for $2 who has enli.sted after June 21, ^(i-i. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ap'l, present; June, paid to Dec. 31, absent, .^ick in hospital at Krashear City; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '(>2, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, present: $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '()3, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two doUai^ who haa enlisted alter .Iune2l, '62. 1H63: J-eh., last paid to Dec. 31, absent ; deserted from Camp Mauslield Feb. 5, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Camj) Mansfield, La., Feb. 8, '63. Kri'okr, Hk.vry, j)rivate,Co. F. 1H()2: Oct., pre.sent; enrolled Oct. 3, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 9, '62, at New York, for 3 years; J)ec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present as Herman Kruger; entitled to twodollarsunder actof Juue2l8t, 1862. ]8<)3: Feb., last paid Dec. 31, absent; deserted 6th Feb., 1863. Kuuoer, Hermann, drummer, Co. F. 1862: Oct., present; enrolled Oct. 3, '62, at New York City, mustered in Oct. 9, '62, at New. York, for 3 years; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to two dollars under act of June 21st, 1862. 1-^63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, j)re8ent; A)>l., last paid toDea 31, '62, present; to be chaiged with the value of one drum; June, present; Aug., absent, in gen'l hosp'l, ,luly 14, '63; Oct., last paid June 30, '63, present; j)ec. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier, $2.00 premium. l'^64: Feb., presi>nt. due this soldier $25.00 U. S. bounty; Apl., last jiaid to Feb. 29. '64. pre.sent; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., pre.sent; Od., last p.ud to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct for clothing, $20.61; Dec, 121 Krugeu, Hermaxx — Coutiuued. present; shelter-teat |2.30; deduct for clothiug, $31.01 ; total, $33.91. 1S')5: Fi'b., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., present; Jane, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present: deduct for one drum complete, $9.UU; one canteen, $0.65; Auf/., present; deduct lor drum-head batter, $1.10. Mustered out with co. Oct. 1-J, ^G3, at .Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 3, '64; bounty due $100.00; stoppages, one drum-head ( batter); one drum-head (snare), total, ; due soldier lor clothing. $f).25.' XuHFUSS, John G., private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., arrested in New York and returned Feb. o, '64; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at New York, mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; same roll, present; due $25, U. S. l)ounty; transferred Iro u 174 N. Y. v., S. O. 47, 19 A. C. ; Feb. 17, '64, returned Irom desertion; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, pay due for the mouths of July and Aug., '63; 1 haversack, 1 canteen, 77 cts. ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '04; deserted from Algiers, La., July 10, '64; to be deducted, accoutrements complete. $3.65; haversack and cauteen, 89c. ; borne as John Kuhfuss. Muster out roll of co. : transferred from 174 N . Y. v., S. O. 47, Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 17, '64; deserted from Algiers, La., July • 8, '64. iKuHLMANX, Edwakd, private, Co. K. 1804: Feb., last paid to Oct. 21, '63, present; transf'd from 174th Regt., N. Y. vS. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 0, '62, at New York City and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, deduct haver- ^, sack and canteens, 77 cts. ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent sick at New "Orleans, La., Hosp. ; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Oct., last paid A to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct for extra clothing, $3.39; Dec, last paid to Aug. HI, '64, present; deduct 1 haversack, 4(i cts., 1865; Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April and June, same; Aug., last paid to April 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 6, '62; due soldier, $15.05; bounty ■due, $100. KuHMAXN, EmvAED, corporal, Co. C. ; age 39; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 2 yeai'S. 1862: Oct., private, present; Dee., last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted alter June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., present; .June, last paid to Dec. 31, absent; wounded at Port Hudson May 27, '6'.i\ in hospital at Baton Rouge; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '63, ab- sent; pay due for the months of Jan. and Feb.; wounded in ho.spital at B. Rouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; wounded in hospital at Baton Rouge May 27, '63; Dee., absent; sick; not known when last paid; $25 due soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., absent; due $25 U. S. bounty; sick, Baton Rouge; A2)r., absent; sick in Baton Rouge; June, absent; sick in Baton Rouge, La.; Aug., absent; sick in hospital at Baton Rouge, La.; Oct., absent; deserted from hospital in Baton Rouge, La.; to be deducted, 1 shelter-tent, $4.60. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from hosp. B. Rouge, La., Sept, 16, '64. Ladiges, Julius, corporal, Co. K. 1364: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transfd from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; en- rolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent sick at St. James Hospital, New Orleans; wounded in action at Pleasant Ridge Apl. 9, 64; de- duct haversack, 33 cts. ; .hme. last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent sick on ac- count of wounds at hospital at New Orleans, La. ; Atig., absent, wounded and in hospital at New Orleans, La.; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, corporal, present; April, June, and Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Dec. 31, '64; clothinglastsettledOct. 6, '62; due soldier. $27.2-^; bounty due, $100; enrolled as private; appointed Feb. 19, '64; wounded in action at Pleasant Hill Apr. 9, '64. Lambert, Frederick T., private, Co. I: age 34; enrolled Sept. 29, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; de- serted in New York; borne as Frederick L. Lambert. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted, Riker's Lsland, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1-62. Lancaster, Morris, corporal, Co. A. 1864: Feb'?;, last paid to Oct. 31, ab.sent; re- duced from serg't, S. O., 162d Reg't; transf'd from 174th N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb'v 17, '64, 19 A. C; pav due him as serg't to Feb'y 17, '64; reported to chief'of staflf, N. O,, for duty, S. O. Feb'y 9, '64, Dep't Gnlf; enrolled Nov. 21, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 12S Laxcastek. Morut*— Continued. .Tear-^ -^nt: det. > V. O. per S. O. Dep't Galf. Feb'y 9, '64; •J"*' '? Feb'y , uiv due as sera't for mas. of Nov. anvi r**C-- '■-•-* •-. last pa. li I ■ _ V dae ;\s serjr't for mo&of Nov. and Dec,, 'u^ -en. 41: $>oO: '^-* •■ • '■■ 'i'.' ■' ..-^. ...... .V -vUg. 31, ■(i4. ab- rs., in A. C to accept a com- . c in teen. 9l>c. M. O. roll ol" ♦^li-- a iQ l^xi N. Y. Vols., Nov. '29, '64. Landess. Jav •. paid to Oct. 31, present: transfd from - > U. ^7. FlL). 17, (.-.-^lied Nov. 10, '62, at New York: must«rred . "62. at Kiker's Is'd. Joroyr?^: Apr., last paid to Feb. 29. a1>>eut: " . - - Dce Apr. 9, AL-tion of Pleasant Hill; JfH(. absent: prisoner of war ^ : r ..:•: ?, "t>4: Auj.. last p^d lo Feb. '2i*. 'Oi. a!»ned on - ■';— •• t -.. '< to IVc. 31, ■64. Isbo: i -..-i.r .V- :".r Ang. '*A: borne o: es Lander; Apr., absent; jr- 1-: since Apr. m. "64: - iine; .4 « (7.. absent: to l»e «.r.ur_- -. : : ::..n->ctation from Provitieocc K, i. ut New York City. $3.09. Y-'--'-\ .: o_ iDd. >L O. R.. 1 nader telegram W. D.. A. G. O./.May 12, *. "t>3. at New York City: prisoner of war April 9. "tJ^-May 27, rd to 3 mos. extra pay: no clothing ac^^t. ; laince : of $*5.72: bounty due $2oO. Laxdt. H..- -._ _ . 'J;ag?22: enrolled A uj;. 2-5. ■o"2, at New York: mustered in Oct. 14, "62, at New York, for."? years. 1* ^2: (K-f.. present: D: ., la-t r^id to Nov. 1. "62, present: entitled for two dollars, who has enlisted afier June 21. '62. 1^63:,F. present: awaiting mnster-in a< 1st lient.: .4«i<7., last paid to .A jr. 30. "65. present: awaiting muster in as 1st l»eut. : on D. D. as act'g sergt.- majc ' ^ • ( 12c. Mustered out with 00. Oct. 12. '6.5, at Sav.innah, Ga. .St settled Aug. 2-5. '62: due soldier $50..>4: bounty due $IU>; appi... ...,.,. . I .-pitMl at Newton, La.; Jmmr, absent, bospit^ at Brasbear. L^: .ify.. absent in hospital at New Orleans: i*ri.. absent, discharged on surgeon's t^rtilJcate. Muster-cut roll of co. ; dis- j-t-n's certificate Ang. 1', 63, N. O., I-a. LaXGE. C '"o. C: age 2'*: enrolled .Sept 6. '62. at New York: mustered .:,..■. ... ... .it New York, for 3 years. 1*«2: O'.. present: />fr., last paid toNov. 1, '62. present; entitled for two dollars who ha* enlisted after June 21. '6-2. 1?<63: Ffi».. last paid to I>ec. 31. present: .ipr.. bugler, absent; • is.harged for sickoess on March 24, '63. at New Orlems. Muster-out roll of co. : dis- charged for disability from hosp. N. O.. La., .\pr. 13. '63. Laxgloh, J. H.; private Co. H; age 20; enrolled Sept. 10, "62, N. Y. : mustered in Oct. l-*, "62. N. York fur 3 yeais. 1*<62: CH.. present; Dec. la.«t paid to Oct. 31, '62. nreaeat: borne as Henry Lan^'ob: entitled to J2.0U prem. I'^i: Feb.. lant («id to Dec, 31. '62. prfstnt; borne as John H. Lansloh; tr.insfd broonivtlidation to Comp'v F. Master-out roll of comp'y: transfd to Co. F, lf;2 N. Y. v.. S. O. 51. Ex'. 1. Hd. Qrs. Dept of Galf, N, C, Lt, Feb'y 20, '63: borne as J. H. I.unzlack. LaXGLOH, John H . private, Co. F. ISi?: ApK. last paid to De«*. 31, '62. present: en- rolled Sept. 1<». 'G-l. at New York: mnstere«l in 0. 1863; ])resent; Aiii/., last paid to June 30, 1863; present. Muster-ont roll of CO.: deserted at Algiers, La.. Sept. 4, 1m63; promoted to 2d It. Sept. 1, 1863, but not nuistered; promoted to 1st. sergt. Fel)'y 8, 18(i3. Lee. James', capt., Co. E; age :U); enrolled Aug. 23, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18(52: Oct., i)resent; Jhc, last paid to Oct. 31, absent. Capt. Lee is absent under peculiar circumstances. He is one of my best oflicei-s. His whole nu'iius lor support of bis family and his aged father were entrusted to a laithless agent. 1 le resigned. I accepted his resignation, stating the circumstances, (ienl. Emory would not accept it, as I declared him to be a good ollicer. I detailed him then to New York to pick up any stragglers and deserters, and he h:us been unable to join the reg't, as I believe — Col. ]5enedict. All olVicers when mustered on the 18 Oct., and when entitled to 14 days' pay, they reed, only thirteen days' pay; accordingly one «lay's pay is .still duo to caili. Isi;:',: Feb.. last i)aid to Dec. 31, absent; A/tr., last paid to Dec. 31, '63; resigned Apr. 6, 1863. Muster- out roll ol , 162 N. Y. Inf. ; Lieut. J. G. Leefe was borne on the last muster roll as regimental Qr. Mr., but the appointment was declined bv him; at j^resent he is serving; as A. A. Q. M. in 19th Corps, S. O. 13, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C. M. O. roll of F. and S., dated Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. : name not borne. Leefe, John G., 1st lieut. Co. B; age 25; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; J)cc., last paid to Oct. 31, present; all of the company officers were mustered on the 14th of Oct., and were entitled, on last pay-day, to eighteen (18) days' pay. They received but .seventeen days' pay; consequently one day's pay is still due to each of them on last pay-roll. 1863: Fclj., last paid to Dec. 31, pres- ent; Aj)): to Oct., name not borne; J)ec., absent; recapitulation shows IWm ab- sent on detached service. 1864: i'Vi)., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, det'd as A. Adj't of the regt. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, absent, det. as ord. offr. , on board of Str. 'Iberville,' ,S. O. IMch. 28, '64; June, last paid to J*Iay 31, absent, det'd as A. O. O., Dep't of the Gulf; Am/., captain, absent, detached service as A. A. A. G. 1st Div. 19th A. C, S. O.' 125, III., Aug 2, '64, and so borne on subsequent rolls to Apr. 30, '65; Jane and An;/., absent; recapitula- tion shows him absent on detached service. JNIuster-out roll of co. : captain, A. A. Gen'l Dep't Georgia; promoted to captain July 1, '64; detached service. Leitheiser, John, private; age 23; enrolled Sept. 16, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862:' Oct., present; j)cc., last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted alter June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, absent, sick in hospital at Brashear City; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Oct., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, jiresent; did not receive any pay since Dec. 31, '62; JJcc, last paid to Oct. 31, ^G'.i, present; §25 U. S. bounty due soldier and $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31. '63, present; due |25 U. S. bounty; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; J shelter tent, $1.63; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '04, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted v shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Fc'k, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Ajyr., last j)aid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct haversack, 65c.; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aui/., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, ab- sent, on D. S., Savannah, Ga., since July 24, 'do. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, Hi3; clothing last settled Sept. 16, '62; due soldier, $63.28; bounty due, $100. Lennon, John, private, Co. A; age 26; enrolled Sept. 27, 1862, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted at Baltimore. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 28, '62. Lent. Iaac L., private, Co. G; age 20; enrolled Sept. 6, 1862, at New York, and mus- tered in same place Oct. 18, 1862, for 3 yrs. ; Oct., present, as Isaac Lent; Dec. , last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: FeVy, last paid to Jan'y 1, '63, present; April, absent, detached to division ambulance corps; June, absent, detached on extra duty in division ambulance corps, 3d div. ; Aug., absent, detached on extra duty in ambulance corps, 3d division; Oct., absent, on detached service in ambulance corps of 19th A. C. ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 due the .soldier. 1864: Feb'y, same; April, last paid to March 1, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, 64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec, ab- sent, on detached service at div. hdqrs., S. O. No. 215, since Nov. 20, 1864. 1865: Feb-y, last iDaid to March 1, '65, absent, on detached service per S. O. 215, hdqrs. 1st div., 19th Corps, Nov. 20, 1864; April, last paid to Feb'y 28, '65, absent, on detached service per S. O. 215, hdqrs., 1st div., 19th Corps, Nov. 20, 1864; deduct $14.22 for transportation; June, absent, on detached service per S. O. 215, hdqrs. 1st div. 19th Corps, Nov. 20, 1864; Aug., last paid to Ai)ril 30, '65, absent, on detached service, S. O. 4, hdqrs. district of Savannah, July 18, 1865. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing never settled; due soldier, $59.66; bounty, $100; stop for gun and equipments, $6; last paid to June 30, '6.5. Leonard, .Tacoi?, col'd cook, Co. G. 1864: Feb^y, present; entitled to pay from date of enlistment; enrolled Jan'y 1, 1864. at Franklin; mustered in Feb'y 26, '64, at Franklin, for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Mar. 1, '64, present; June, lastpaid 132 Leoxakd, Jacob— Continued. to Apr. :W, '(M, present; An;/., same; Oct., last paid to iSept. 1, '64, absent; Dt'c, last paid to Sept. 1, 'G4, present. 18G5: Frh., last paid to Jan'y 1, '65, present, on daily duty as co. cook; Apr., last paid to Dec. .'31, "(il, i)rc.sent, on daily duty; June, hvst paid to May 1, 1865, present, on daily duty as co. cook; Aug., last paid to Apr. 'M), 1H65, present, on daily duty with co." Mustered out with CO., colored undcr-cook, Oct. 1*2, 1^65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. ;W, '65; clothing due U. S., ^2.VJ. Leokard. Owkx, private, Co. D.. Muster-in roll of co. dated X. Y., Oct. 1'^, '62: age 42; enrolled Sept. 1:J, 186:2, at N. Y. City, lor o yrs. ; name lined out; not borne on rolls. Leoxahd, Iv. W., adjutant; nge 'Jl; enrolled Sept. 2. '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, lor :} yrs. 1862: Or/., present, borne as Kobcrt W. Leonard; J)ri:, present; last paid Nov. i), ls(;2, by Major Tho.s. L!. Oakley, paymaster, paid from Oct. 18, '(i2, to Oct. :!1, '62, but Paymaster Oakley cal- culated that period at, and paid lor, only 1:5 days; there is one day's pay due on the last muster. 1863: />/<., procnt; * "•" - there is one day's pay due on that (Oct.) muster; Apr., last paid to Dec. .31, '62, present, s;;nie remark; Jiitir, paid to Dec. .'51, '62, ab.sent, A. A. A. G., 2nd llrijr., 2nd Div. ; * * * there is one days pay due on that (Oct. ) musttr; .I«^., last paid to .Tune 'M\ '(i:3, present; signs roll as lient. cnindjr. regt. ; ()(t, last paid to Oct. 1, '(;:?, major, ])resent, promoted, comdg. re;it., date of commission or regtl. appointment, June 4, "6:> ; mustered in Sept. 1, '6.5, at New York; JJcc, ab- sent, sick leave, New York. 1864: Feh., resigned, resignation accepted byS. O. 31, Hd. Qr.s. Dept. Gulf, Fcby. 5. '64. Leser, John, ord. sergt., Co. C; age 37; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York: mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Ihc, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled after enlisting after June 21, '62, for$2.00. 1863: /Vi., last paid to Dec. 31, present; J/>/., absent, sickinhosp. in New Orleans, La.: June, absent, sick in hosp. at New Orleans, Leb. 25, , '63; All;/., last paid to .June 30, '63, absent, .sick in hosp. at New Orleans; Oct., private, absent, sick in hosp. N. Orloaiis, Feb. 25, ^6.1; not known when last paid; returned to ranks; J)c(:, absent, sick; not known when last paid; \ $25 I'. S. bounty due soldier and $2.00 premium. 1864: /'(7a, absent; due :$25 U. S. bounty; sick New X)rleans; Apl., absent; sick in New Orleans; .Tunc, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent; sick in N. Orleans, La.; -Im.*;., absent, sick in hosp. at New Orleans, La.; 0(7., absent, deserted from hosp. in ISaton Kougc, La.; to be deducted 1 shelter tent, $4.60. Muster-out roll of co. : re- duced to private, Sept. 1, '63; deserted from hosp. N. O., Sept. 16, '61. Leszinski, Samii:!., priv;ite, Co. D: age 45; enrolled Sept. 10, li~'62, at New York City; mu.stercd in October 18, '62, New York, for .'i yr.s. I8.i2: Oct., present; Dec, paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to .'?2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '(i2, present; Apr., deserted from U. S. service while on the march near New Town, La. ; Jiiiir, present; on l:ist roll reported deserted but since returned to duty, being absent sick in hospital; Aufj., last paid to .Tune 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. 1863, present; J)fc., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and .'^2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Fell., last paid to Oct. :U, '63, present; Ai)r., last paid to Feb. 2:i, '64, .absent, mi.s.singin action at rica.sant Hill. La., Apr. !), '61; Jinic, at).>., never pajd, present; enrolled Feb. 20. '64, at Franklin, La.; mustered in Feb. 20, '64, at Franklin, Ln., for 3 y'rs, co. colored cook; ,ly// la.'^t paid to Feb. 20, '64, present as Antonc Leir, co. col- ored <'ook; .fiitic, last paid to Ap'l 30, '61, present, co. colored cook; Aitfj., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present, undercook, col'd; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '61, .same; D*"/. last paid to Ap'l 30. "65. present. Mustered out 133 Levi, Antoixk— Continued. with company Oct. 12, '63, at Savannah, Ga. : last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing ace' t last settled Jan. 1, '65; clothing due soldier, $197; joined by enlistment as undercook under an act approved M'cu 3, '63. Levins, Edward, private, Co. B. 1S64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174th regt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 6, 'G2, at New York; mus- tered in Xov. 13, '63, at Riker's Isd., for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, absent, hospital New Orleans, wounded at Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9; June, last paid to Feb. 29, present; one haversack, 49c; borne on thia roll as Ed- ward Levens; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, present; O-t., last paid to Aug, 31, present; stoppage \ shelter tent, $2.30; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage, haversack, 67c. ; h shelter tent, $2.30— $2 97. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, present; J'whc, present; Auf;.. last paid to Apr. 30, '65, corpl., present; promoted to corpl. Aug. 1, '65, li. S. O. No. 13. Mustered out with company, corpl., Oct. 12, ^^b, Savannah, Ga. ; clothinglast settled Oct. 6, '62; due sold., !p4.04; bounty due, $100. Lewis, David, private, Co. H. 1S64: Fell., last paid to Oct. 31, ^(i.i, present; enrolled Oct. 23, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 yrs. ; transferred from 174th N. Y. V. by S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; Apl., last i)aid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 3u, '64, present; Anr/., last paid to Apl 30, '64, present, stoppage 41 cts. for canteen; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct $2,30 for half shelter tent; Dec, last paid t^ Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApA., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '()'5, presence or absence not stated: Awj., last paid to Apl. 30, 'Q7y, present. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing acct. last set- tled Oct. 23, '62, clothing due soldier $35.98; bounty due $100; musket and bayonet letained $6. Lewis, Peter PI., corporal, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans- ferred from 174 Eegt., S. O. No. 47, Feb. 17; $25.00 \j. S. bounty due the soldier; enrolled Oct. 21, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present; Ju>ie, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, pres- ent; Auci., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, ^iiX, present; Dec, same. 1865; Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., same; Juxe, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co, Oct. 12, 'Go, at Savan- nah, Ga. ; clothing acc't last settled Oct. 21, '62; due soldier, $27.70; bounty due, $100; arras and equii^ments retained, $ij.OO; enrolled as private, pro- moted corp'l Nov. 18, ^Q'i; wounded July 13, '63, at Donaldsville, La. LiCHLEXFELS, CiiARLES, private, Co. C; age 26; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York: mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, sick in New York City Hosp., Oct. 23, '62; Dec, iast jjaid to Nov. 1, '62, absent; deserted out of the New York City Hospital, Oct. 30, '62. Muster-out roll of CO. : deserted from hospl.. New Nork, Oct. 25, '62. LlJlBEKO, Frakcis, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, absent; transferred from Co. A to Co. F, Nov. 22d, 1862. Muster-out roll of CO. : transferred to Co. F by order of Col. Benedict, com'd'g regt., Dec'r 15, 'Q\l. LiMBEEG, Fraxz, private Co. F. 1862: Dec, present; enrolled Sept. 12, at New York; mustered in Sept. 12, at New York, for 3 years; transf'd from Co. A; absent last pay-day; entitled to twodollarsunder actof June21st, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, j)resent; Apl. to Aug., inclusire, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; in gen'l hosp'l Apl. 11, '63; Oct., absent, in geu'l hosp'l. Baton Rouge, Apl. 11, '63; Dec, absent, sick at New Orleans; $25.00 L'. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., absent, sick at g. hop'lat N. Orleans, Apl. 11, '63; due this soldier $25 U. S. bount;y; Apl. to Aug., in- clusive, absent, sick at N. Orleans, Feb. 8, '63; Oct., absent, deserted from gen'l hosp'l; canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $3.42. JI. O. roll of co.: transferred from Co.lf, S. 0. 51, hd. qrs. Dent. ot Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; deserted from New Orleans, La., Sept. 2, 1832. LiNEEMAN, Albert. IMuster-in roll of Co. A, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private: age, 21: enrolled Sept. 30, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Cc^, deserted from Riker's Island. Muster-out roll of co.: de- serted at Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 28, '62. LiSHEB, Henry D., private, Co. G. 1834: Feb, last paid to Sept, 1, '63, present, trans- ferred irom Co. G, 174th Regt., N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, 17 Feb., 1864; enrolled Sept. W, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Mar. 1, '64, absent, hosp. 134 LISUEB, Hexky D.— Continueil. at Alexandria, La., wouuued in action Apr. 2.'J, '01, at Cuue River Cross- ing; June, last paid to Mar. 1, '(j4, present, borne as Henry D. Lasher; Aug., last paid to Mar. 1, '(jl,absent, prisonerof war in hands ol the enemy since July 25, 1864; Od., last paid to Mar. 1, '()4, absent, prisoner of war since July '25, '64; ])ec., last paid to Mar. L 'G4, absent, paroled prisoner, sick at Annopo- lis, Md., .since Oct. :51, '64. ISfio: />%., last paid to .lany. 1, '65, absent in U. S. Genl. llosp., Annapolis, Md., since Dec. 15, '64, pay due from Mar. 1 to Nov. 1, '64; Apr., last i)aid to Feb. -J8, '65, present, deduct $5.05 for trans- portation; Janr, l;ist paid to l^L^y 1, '65, present; Aiir/., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, ab.sent on detached service per S. O. 12, Hd. (^»rs. sub. dist. of Ocmulgee; Au;;., lS(i5; deduct $10. 4 '2 due (J. S. for clothing overdrawn to date. Clus- tered out with CO., Corp., Oct. 12, 1865, at iSavannah, Ci.a. ; hist paid to Apr. 30, '65: clothinsdue .soldier, $8.1M; bounty due, $100; .stop for gun and equip- ment. $6.00; promoted to corn. Sept. 4, 1865, per S. O. 13, lid. grs. 162 N. LocK\vtX)D, James, chief musician, Co. A; age 21; enrolled Sept. 29., 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Od.. private; deserted from liiker's Island. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 18, '62. LOEPNEE, JoHX, corporal, Co. C; age 38; enrolled Sept. 13, '62 at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at 5rew York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present, borne as John «Loebner; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, 62, present, entitled for $2.00 who has enlistedafier June21, '62. 1863: Feb., lastpaid to Dec. 31, sergeant, present; April, pre.seut; June, absent, in hosp. at I'.aton Kouge; wounded at Port Hud.son, June 14, '63; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '6.''., absent; p:iy due for the months of Jan. and Feb., wounded, in hospital; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. '6 J, ai)seiit, wounded in hosp. at I5:iton Koujie, .Tune 14, "63; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick in hosp., J!. Kouge; $25 U. S. bounty' due sol- dier and $2.00 premium. 1864: 7'V/;., last paid toOct. 31, '63. corpl., absent; due $25 U. S. bounty; reduced from sergt... S O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb 17, '64: Apr., absent, sick in Baton Kouge, La.; Juue, .same; Aug., absent, sick in hosp. P>aton Kouge, La.; Oct., -same; Dec., absent, sick in ho.sp. at ]>. Kouge, La. 1865: /(•/>.. absent, sick, liaton Kouge, La. : .1/j/-., same; .//(/ir, deserted; dropped May 6. '65; sick in Katou Kouge since .lune 1 1. '63; not heard from since. Muster-out roll of co. : de.serted from hosp., 15. liouge. La., June 24, '63. LOESCHEB, Samuef,, private, Co. C, age 42; enrolled Sept. 17, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 18:)2: Oct., absent: deserted in Baltimore, Oct. 25, 't;,». Muster-out roll of company: deserted from Bal- timore, Md., Oct. 26, '62. Loll, Edward, private, Co. K; age, .35; enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: <>,'t., present; Dee., liustpaid to Oct 31, present; entitleil to §2.00 premium. 1863: Fe')., last p.iid to Dec. 31, present; April and .Inne, same; Aug., lastpaid to Apl. 30, '63; absent; sick in hospital at Baton Kouge; Oct., last paid to April 30; died at Baton Rouge, of intermittent fever, Sept. (i, '63. Lolly, Loricn/o, private; Co. IC, age, 20; enrolled Sept. 6, 62, at N. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yr.s. 1862: Od., present; />r., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1S63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, corporal, present; Apr., pre.sent; Jun<\ present; Aug., last paid to June .30, Hi'.\, present; Oct., last jmid to Aug. 31, present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present: $25 U..S. bounty and .'?2. 00 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., present; $25 U. S. bounty duo .soldier; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29; serg'f, present; promoted serg't Apr. 20, 1864; .hiue. last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Auai, '62, at New York, for 3 years. Name lined out. Not borne on subsequent rolls. LOWRY, Michael, private, Co. B; age 22; enrolled Aug. 28, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present, fined by sentence of regtl. court- martial $3.00 (S. O. 31); Jpr. and J«/ie inclusive, last i^iid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid. to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last ijaid to Oct. 31, jDresent; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this sol- dier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; ^4/);'., last paid to Feb. 29, present; Jane, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, present; borne on the roll as Michael Lowrie; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage i shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Fel>. and Apr. last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Jutie, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. IMustered out with co. Oct. 12, H]~t, Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Sept. 28, '62, due soldier $38.05; bounty due, $100. LUBEY, W., private, Co. 11; age 23; euroUed Sept. 16, '62, at iNew York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., deserted at Kiker's Island; borne as Wm. Lubey; Dec, deserted at Kiker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 19, '62. Company muster-out roll : borne as Wm. Liebes. Lucas, De Wilton H., private, Co. B. 1881: Feb., ab.seut, postmaster Baton Rouge; reduced by consolidation; pay due, as sergt., to Feb. 17; transf'd from 174 Eegt., S. O. 17, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 22, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Is'd, for 3 years; Apr., discharged on surgeon's cer- tificate. Baton Rouge, Feb. 16, '64. ISIuster-out roll of co. : discharged for disability, U. S. Gen. Hosp. at Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 16, '64. LUDWITAE, Max, private, Co. C; age 21; enrolled Sep' 1 11th, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14th, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oc^., present; borne on this roll as Max Ludwich; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled 136 Li'DWiTAK, Max— Contiuucil. tor two dollars who has enlisted after June the 21, 'C2; borne ou this roll as Max i^ndwick. l'^(j;;: Feb., last paid to Dee. I'.lst, present; Apr., present: Jhui\ last paid to Dec. :;ist, present; borne on this roll as Max. Ludwig; Aikj., last paid to June ;J0, '(ilJ, present; Or/., last paid to Aiij;. :!I, present; Ihc, last paid to Oct. lil, HVi, present; S^.l.OO I'. S. bounty dne the .soldier and ."r^.OU preiuiuiu. 18GI: Feb., last paid to Oct. .'51, '(;.{, present: due ^'io.OUU. S. bounty; -I/;;//, ab.sent, detailed to the hrii:. beadcjuarters as bugler; .linn, hist paid to Feb. U!), '(il, present: Au'i., last paid to IVb. :2!). '(11, i)resenl; to be deducted, haversack 49; Oct., last ptiid to Auj^. :U, present; )>(c., last paid to Auji. .'Jl, (it, present, l-^ti."): F(h.. hist paid to I )lc. :!1, '(!-l, present; April, last paid to Dec. LJl, '(jl, present; daily duty brig, h'dq'rs; deduct haver- sack (i.'jc. ; .luiw, last ])aid to April i5U, '(if), present; Anfj., last paid to Apr. ;iO, '(i5, corporal, nresjut; appointed corpl Aug. 1st, lSf;.">, S. O. No. 1:5, h. (|'rs KiJ N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with to. Oct. \l, l*>''io, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled to Kept. 11, '(i2: due .soldier, $50.72; bounty due, ?;100. l.UHM, (.U)T!Ki:ii:i>, )sl, bugler, Co. F; age 24; enrolled Jlay 2>s, '(52, at New York t'ity; mustered in Aug. 22, '(52, at New York, lor iJyrs. 18(52: Oil., present, $i:> advance paid; Da., bust paid to Oct. ol, '(52. private, present. 1863: Feb.. last paid to Dec. "A, corporal, jiresent; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31. '(52, present as Luhni, (Jottlieb; .lauc, present; .l.r/., paid to .Tunc :iO, "03, present; Oct., absent, sick in hosp'l at N. Orleans, Sept. .">, 'G'J; Dec, last paid to Oct. ;51, 'tiij, present; $2.") U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 pre- mium. 1^04: Feb., present; due this soldier §2.") U. 8. bounty': ApL, paid to Feb. 2M, present; .Tune, last paid to Apl. ;W, present; Aiti/., deserted iVom Algiers July !), 18(51; musket aud ecjuipmeuts, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted IVom his pay, $2.1. :;4. M. O. roll of co. : tran.sfd from ood N. Y. V., Sept., 1862. LUHM, (JoTTHiLi', 2nd, private, (Jo. "F;"' age 22; enrolled May 28, '(>2, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, '(i;2, at New York, lor '.\ years. 1SG2: Oct., ser- geant, present, JKJ advance jiaid; Jhv , last paid to Oct. :51, '(52, present. 18(5/5: Feb., last paid to Dec. ;>1, present; so borneousubse.iuentrollsto June o(J, '(515. Aiifi., last paid to June. "iO, '(IIJ, present; fM.,al)sint, deserted from camp at Algiers, l.a., Sept. 13, 'g:^. M. O. roll of cr>. : translfrred trom ."ilid N. Y. Vols. Sept., 18G2; deserted from Algiers, La., Sept. 12, '6:5. LUXDHV, M. E., private, Co. II; enrolled Sept. !(>, ';i2, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '(52, at New York, for l> yrs. ]s(!2: Ort., liorne as V.. M. Lundry: de- serted at Baltimore, Md.; Drc, deserted at Maltimore, Md.. Oct. 2."), '(;2. I,T'.siN(;, K'ouERT, private, Co. JI; age 21; enrolled Sept. 1(!. '(52, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '(<2, at New York, lor :> yrs. 1S(52: Oct., desertedat Kiker"s Island; /;(y-., desertedat Inker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 19, '(52. Lurii, llKNKY, Corp., Co. O. 18(54: 7 VV///, promoted from private to corp. Feby. 17,1864; pay due from enlistment, enrolled and mustered in Nov. 24, '63, at N, Y. City, for :5 yrs.; Apr., last j)aid to Mar. l.'()l, ]>resent: due lirst installment, '^.'M bount}', being recruit from (!, "64, absent, prisoner of war in the hands of the enemy since .luly 2."), "64; ; bounty paid $210, due $l!)0. LurricK, Hknicst. corporal, Co. II. l'^(>2: Oct., present; enrolled Oct. 21, 'G2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 21, at Kiker's Island, for o yrs. ; Dec., last paid to Oct. lil, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 186:i: Feb... paid to Dec. ;M, '62, sergeant, present; promoted IVom corporal Feb. 1, '63; not borne on subseijuent rolls. L'JTTICK, EuKKsr, sergeant, Co. F. 1863: Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; en- rolled Oct. 21, '(!2, at Now York; mustered Oct. 18, '62, at Uiker's Island, for :■{ years; transferred trom Co. II by consolidation iMir<;h 1, "(liJ; ,liin'\ last paid to Dec. :'>1, '(!2; killed .luno 14, '(>:>. Muster-out roll of co.: private, killed in action at Fort Hudson, La., May 27, '(>3. Lirv, Afdf.ST, sergeant, Co. K; age 20; enrolled Sept. 19. '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1HG2: Oct., private, present; Dee., paid to Oct. 31, '(52, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863; Fib., last 137 LUTY, August — Continued. paid to Dec. 31, present; April, hist paid to Dec. 31, '62, sergeant, present; June, same; Aiif/., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent ou furlonsh of sick leave for (JO days, coinmeuciuL; Aua;. 27th; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to June 30; absent on sick leave to New York of 60 days, commencing Aujr. 27, '03; enti- tled to $25 U. H. bounty and $2.00 premium. 1S64: fcb., last paid to June 30, '63; bounty due $25; absent sick in hospital at New Orleans, La.; April, last paid to Dec. 31. '63, absent sick at U. S. Hosp., New Orleans, La. ; borne on this roll as Ludy; Jane, last paid to April 30, '64; absent sick at Central ' Park irlospital. New York City; Aur/., absent sick in Central Park Hospl., N. Y. ; Oct., absent, deserted from New York Aug. 1, '64; deduct haversack, canteen, .1 shelter tent, $2.7'J. Mustered out, sergeant, Aug. 30. '65, at New York, under telegram, W. D., A. G. O., May 4, '65; last paid June .30, '65; clothing drawn since enlistment $73.78; no account of bounty. Muster-out roll of CO. : transferred to V. II. C. by order of Geu'l Banks. LUTZ, EiiNKST, corporal, Co. K. 18G4: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '6:i, present; trausf'd Irom 174th Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; pay due as sergt. to Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Sept. 18. '62, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, last ])aid to Feb. 20, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aafj., last paid to Apl. 30, '6!, absent, wounded and in hospl. at Hampton, Va.; Oc/. and Dec, .same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; tried by G. C. ]\L for desertion; sentenced to lose all pay due from Apl. 30, '64, to Feb. 8, '65, and to forfeit iMO per month for the period of two I'urther months, iilarch and April. 1865; April, same remark, and deduct 1 haver., t canteen, and knap- sack, §4.70; June, same remark, and deduct 1 haversack, 05 cts. ; 1 canteen, 60 cts.; 1 knapsack, $3.10; Aug., absent, same remark, and deduct 1 knap- sack, $3.10; 1 haversack, 95 cts.; 1 canteen, 65 cts.; on detached service at tiavannab, Ga., since July 24, '65. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, '6r>. Savan- nah, Ga., last paid to Apr. 30, '64; clothing last settled Sept. 8, '62; due sold., $49.46; bounty due, $100; equipments lost, $6.00; enrolled as private: appointed corp'l Feb. 19, '64; wounded in action at Deep Kottom, Va., July 20. '64; deduct 1 knapsack, $3.10; 1 haversack, 9."ic. ; 1 canteen, 65c. LuTZ, Michael, private, Co. F; age 35; enrolled June 26, '62, at New York City; mus- terediu Aug. 22, '62, atNewYork, for3years. 1862: Oct., deserted 9th Sept. , $13.00 advance paid; Muster-out \n\\ of co. : transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols., Sept., 1862; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. LuTZ, Philipp, private, Co. II. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; absent, transf'd from 174th Kegt., N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; detaclied as carpenter saw-mill, Franklin, La., by order of Genl. Frank- lin; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; deduct cartridge-box, belt, plate, 62 cts.; .Tune, last paid t> Apl. 30, '64, present, -l«c/., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feh.^ last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; Jane, last paid to iVpl. 30, '65, present, borne as Frederick Lutz; Ani/.. last paid to Apl. 30, '65, corpo- ral, present, promoted to corporal Aug. 1, '65, by H. (). 13, Hdqrs. 162d N. Y. Vols. Mustered out with co., corporal, Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah. Ga., last paid Apl. 30, '65; clothioc last settled Sept. 19, '62; due soldier, $33.22; bounty due, $100; equipments lost, &c., $6; deduct 1 liaversack, 95c. Lynch, Edward J., drummer, Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sept. 21, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1832: Oct., present; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb. and Apr., last paid to D. c. 31, present; June, last paid ta Dec. 31, present; borne ou this roll as Edward Lynch; Aur/., last paid to Apr. 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec. last i)aid to Oct. 31, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., l)resent, musician; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present, private; .June, last paid to Apr. 30; 1 haversack, 49c.; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '04; de- serted at Bolivar Heights, Va. , Aug. 10, 64; Oct., last paid to Apr. 30, musician, absent, sick in hospital at Wilmington, Del., rejiorted deserter through, error in last M. K. ; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, private, present; stoppage, i shelter-tent, $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 3, '64, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, drummer, present; J'M«e and Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co., drummer, Oct. 12, '65, Sa- vannah, Ga. ; last paid to A§r. 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 22, '62; due sold., $26.59; bounty due, $100. 138 Lynxh, Joax, private, Co. G; age 19; enrolled Auj^. ;29, 18G2, at New York; mustered Oct 18, IHGI, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18G-J: Oct., present; J)a:, last paid • to Oct. ;{1, '(J-2, present, entitled to $2 premium. ]8(i3: /•>/>., l;vst paid to Jan'y 1. '(i.{, present; Apr., same; ,/unr, .same; Autj., la.stpaid to May 1, '6;i, absent, sick in general liosp., J'aton Kouge, La.; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, 'G;{, present; J)ic., last paid to Nov. 1, 'UJ, present; $'J5 U. 8. bounty and $•2 premium due the soldier. l-^'Jl: /'c/^, same as Dec, '63; Jp/-., last paid to Mar. 1, "(M, present; .Innr, last paid to Apr. ;'>(), '(it, ]ire.sent; Ah(j., last paid to Apr. 30, '(M, al)sent, prisoner ol' war in the bands »)f the enemy since .luly -J.'), '(il; rA7.,samc; J>n:, same. l8t;.">: />e., last paidtoOct. 31, present; $2preminm due. "(r. 0. 102, Oct. 21, '62, 18()3: Feb.. iast^aid to Dec. 31, present; promoted to corp'l, vice Fitzpatrick, deserted Feb. 7, '03; borne on this roll as Charles W. I^yon; Ajir., last paid to Dec 31, corp'l, present; June, paid to Dec. 31. present; Aiifj., last paitl to June 30, present; Oct., absent in hospital. Baton Kouge; J)ec., last ])aid to Oct. 31 : absent in general hospital, I'-aton Kouge, Sept. o', '(>3; $25 U. S. Iwuuty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1804: Feh., h\st paid to Oct. 31, present; Ayr.. last paid to Feb. 2!), present; Jtmr, last paid to Apr. 30, present; Atiff., paid to Apr. .'50, '01; absent, sick in hospital at ^Vashington, D. C., Aug. 4, '64; Oct., same remark; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31. absent, hospital Washing- ton, D. C, Aug. 4, '04. 1865: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '04, absent; A))r., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; .7h«c and vIh//., Last paid to Apr. 30, '0>. present. Mustered out with company, corp'l, Oct. 12, '(!5, Savannah, Ga. last paid to Apr. 30, '05; clothing settled Ang. 30, '62; duo sold., $70. 0!»: bounty due $100; stop, for gun and equipments retiined, $6.00; appointed corp'l I'd). 7, '().\. Lyons, Joiix, sergeant, Co. A; age 31; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. ]K, '02, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., private, i>resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2.00 premium due. 18(i3: Feb., las; paid Dec. 31. '02, present; Jp/., absent, in hospital at Berwick Bay, La. ; Jntn absent, left in hospital at Brasheir City, April 1», '63; .((/.'/., absent, in lios- pital at New Orleans April 10, '(i3; Oct.. l.ast paid to June 30, present, to be 139 Lyons, John— Continued. charged with a rifle lost at Algiers; Dec, bounty' due $25; present; to be charged lor a rifle (Austrian) and a fall set of the accoutrements; §:3 premium due this soldier. 1864: Fdi., present; ApJ., last paid to May 31, '6:5, present; June, last paid Apl. 30, present; stoppage h shelter tent $1.7.1; Aufi., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oc<., last paid to Aug't 31, '04; present; stoppageone haversack 67c.; Dec, present, sick at U. S. Hosp'l, IstDiv., 19th A. C., since Nov. 28, 1864. 1865: Feh., absent, in hospital, Frederick, Md., since Nov. "28, '64. 8o borne on subsequent rolls to Aug. 30, '65. JI. O. roll of co. : clothing last settled Sept. 1, 1862; bounty due $100; amt. of clothing drawn $75; no discharge furnished at muster out of organization; supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept., Apl. 28, 1865. Lyoxs, Michael, private, Co. "E." 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; tran.s- ferred from 174 Keg't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; en- rolled Oct. 17, N.York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y. , for 3 yrs. ; Apt: to A uf/., inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29. absent, hosp. New Orleans; wounded in action Apr. 9, 1864; Get. to Attf/., J 8ii5, inclusive, absent, hosp. atN. O., La.; wounded inaction Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : clothing last settled Oct. 11, '02; bounty due, $100; wounded in actionat Donaldsville, La., July 13, '63; last heard from was in hosp. at N. O., La.; supposed to have been lost on transport en route to New York; total value of clothing rec'd, $58.49; no discharge given on muster-out of organization. Mabrev, Thomas H., private, Co. "E;" age 32: enrolled Sept. 15, '(i2, at N. York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oc/., present; Dec, last paid to Oct.. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, absent; deserted Feb. (> from Camp Manstield, La. Mus- ter-out roll of CO. : deserted at CarroUton, La., Jan., 1863. Mackay, Willtaii, corp'l, Co. A. 1863: Feb., present; enrolled .lan'y 12, '63, atN. O., La.; mustered in Jan'y 12, 'ii'.), at N. O., La., for 3 yrs.; Ap'!, serg't, i:)resent; Jane, not paid since enlistment, present; borne as Robert Mackay; .li(.7.,last paid to June 30, '6:>, present; Uift'erence of pay between a serg't and priv't due from the 1st of March, 63, to April :!(), '63, inclusive; Oef., last paid to Aug. 31 (private), present; reduced to the ranks Sept. 26; dilFer- ence in pay between serg't and pv't26days; Der., hist paid to Oct. 31, bounty due 25; present; $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: 7''' 6., present; ApU,last paid to Feb. 29, absent, deserted at Alexandria, La., M'ch 28, 64; stoppage, one Enfield musk't, $18.00; set of accoutrements, $3.25; haversack, 48c.; canteen, 44c.; i shelter-tent, $1.63 — $23.80. M. O. roll of co. : joined from lecruiting depot Jan'y 19, '63. Mackey, Joseph, prvt, Co. J); age 42; enrolled Sept. 23, 1862, N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Get., present; Deci:, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; one dollar tine imposed upon him by order of ct. m. ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same; Jiuie, same; Aug., iast paid to Apr. 30, '63, present; the price of Aus- triau rifle and complete set of accoutrements to be retained, he having lost them; Get, last paid to Aug. 31, '63; present; $13 due him from last pay in consequence of his rifle being Ibund and retd. to company; J>ee., last paid to Oct. 13, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(>:i, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; .Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Ai((/., same; Get., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., corpl., present, promoted to corpl. Mar. 1, Wu:); .Tune, last paid to Apr. 30, '65; present; .(4 i/r/., sergeant, present, promoted sgt. from corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing last settled Sept. 23, '62; due soldier, $38.08; bounty due, $100; arms and equipments retained, $6.00. Mackey, Stephen, private, Co. G. 1864: Febij., last paid to Sept. 1, 1863, absent; transferred from Co. G, 174 Eegt. N.Y. S. V.^S. O. 47, lid. Qrs. 19 A. C, 17 Feby., 1864; on detached service N. O., S. O. 35, 14 Dec, 1863; stoppage, $3,49; enrolled Sept. 30, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New Y^ork Citv, for 3 years; April, last paid to Sept. 1, 1863, absent on detached service. Battery '' G," 5th U. S. Artillery, S. O. No. 35, Dec 14, 1863; stoppages, $3.49; June, last paid to Sept. 1,1863; deserted at New Orleans from Battery " G " 5 U. S. Artillery. Jauy. 15, 1S64. Muster-out roll of co. : not dropped from rolls of 174 N. Y. Vols, before transfer to 162 N. Y. V. Magenly, Thojias, private, Co. B. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, det. sen 5th Batt'y, S. O. 35, 11. Q. 1st div., Dec 14; transferred from 174th Keg'tS. O. 140 Magkxly, Thomas— Coutiiuied. 17. Tcb. 17; enrolled Oct. 8, 'G2, at New York: mastered in Nov. i:?, '(32, at Kiker's Is'd, for .'{ yrs. ; Ajtr., last paid to Auj:. ;}1 , '(i:;, absent, det. ath Art'y, S. O. '•'>'}, Dec. 1 1, '(»;!; June, .^imc; Aui/., last paid to Aug. ."U, (ii:. present: ret'd to duty from 5lh IJ. S. IJatty. "(J," Aug. 2, 'CI; duo U.S., 17e.; 07c. iSCi."): Jut/., last paid to Aug. '.U, '(>!, absent, sick in .Farvis Hospital, I^altimore, Md. ; Apr., last paid Aug. !U, '(!4. present; .finic, present; Auf/., last paid to Apr. 150, '(I."}, present. Mustered out with company Oct, 12. '65, Savannah, tia. ; last paid to Apr. oO, '(55; clothing last settled Uct. 8, 'C,-2; due sold., !&5U.20; bounty due, $100. Mahax, MiCHAia., private, ("o. V',. I'Sfit: F shelter, $1.89: - 1 /fr/., last paid to .\pr. .H), present 'borne on this roll as Michael !Mahar); Oct., last paid to ,\ng. iU, present; stoppage, J shelter tent, $2.^0; J)n:, last paid to Aug. ;»1, present: stoppage, e.vtra clothing, ?20.00. ]Rfi5: Fth., last paid to Dec. :n, '6\, present: stop- page, 1 cauteon, (i5c. ; 1 haversack, 95c. — $1. years. 1S()2: Oct., present; Dt'c, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1S(;3: Jtb., last paid to Dec. :51, pre-ent: April and Junr, same: .-I"'/., last paid to .Tunc 30, ■(!3, present; Oi7., paid to Aug. 31, present: J\<:. last jiaid to Oct. 31, present; the soldier is entitled to S25 l^ S. bounty and $2.00 premium. l-'tM: J're.sent; jliti/., same. ^Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, ^6r^, atSavannaii, Oa. ; last paid April 30, '()5; clothing last settled, Sept. 21, '62; due soldier, $52.42: i)ounty due, $100. MAiti:i{, MicilALL. Muster-in roll of Co. k'j, datcil New York, Oct. 18. 1862: private; age 28; enrolled Sept. :>. 1862. at New York, for 3. year-;. Name lined out. Name not borne on any subsequent rolls of the company. Maiier, 0\vr:x, private, Co. IJ; age 21 years: enrolled Sept. 17, '(i2, at New York; mus- ter in Oct. 14. '62, at New York, lor three years. 1862: (M., absent; deserted at Kiker's Island Oct. 19, '62: />"'., name not borne. 1863: Feb., not paid, present; repoi terl on muster of Oct. 31, '62, as a de.-, and is entitled to pay from date of enlistment to date of present muster; Ap'L, has not been paid .since enlistment, present; ./(nir, present; Auf/., last ])aid to .lunc 30, present; Oct., last paid Aug. 31. i)re.sent; J)et:, abssent: wounded fit Kayou Vermil lion Nov. 10; in hospital, New Iberia, La.; $25 U. S. bounty, $2 premium due tbi.«i soldier. 18(;i: /W*., died at New Iberia Dec. 10, '6:'., ol wounds rec'd at r.ayou Vermillion. Mah.v, Jacoh. private, Co. IC. 1861: Feb., last paid to .]une30, present; transferred from 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. Vol., R. O. No. 47, 19 A. C. Feb. 17. '64; enrolled Nov. 1.5, '(12, New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., lor 3 yi-s. ; Apr.y l:vst paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick. IT. .S. IIosp., New Orleans. La.; deduct cartridge-box, belt-plate, $0.G2; Jitiir, present: deduct cart. bo.\, belt-plate .62, i shelter-tent $1.63, $2.25; ,l»v., present; r>./.. same; yVf'.,same. 1865: Felt., absent, sick ingen'l hospt., Italtimore; Apr., pre.sent: Jitnr, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, ])nseiit; back pay due from Feb. 29, '(>4, to Dec. ."Jl, '64; An;/., present; b:ick pay due from Feb. 29, '<;i, to Dec. :51, '64; deduct >. shelter- tent, $1.90. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '(i5, at Savannah. (!a.: last paid to Apr. :!0, 'C5; clothing, accl. last .settled to N<>v I' 'c •• -Im- -:o;.. 824. S2; bounty due, $100; deduct for 1 haversack 95c. 141 Mahoney, Cornelius, sergeaut, Co. IT. 1SG4: Fch., last paid to Oct. 31, 'fi3, present; enrolled Oct. 31, '62, at Kew York City; mustered in Nov. 1:5, '02, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; trausferred from 174th N. Y. V. by 8. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; died of wouuds reed, in action at Kane Kiver Crossing, Apl. 23, 'G4. Muster-out roll of company: killed in action Cane River, Apl. 23, '64; enrolled as private; appointed sergeant Aug., 1S63. Malby, Charles, private, Co. G; age 40; envoUed Sept. 8, 1S62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oc;., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present, entitled to §2 premium. 1863: />%., last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, present; April, last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, absent;sent to con- valescent camp, Carrollton, La., March 8, 1863, by regimental surgeon; June, last paid to Jany. 1, 1863; discharged for disability upon surgeon's certificate May 3, 1863, by command of ]\Iajor Cfeul. Banks. JMuster-out roll of co. : dis- charged at Opelousas, La. Malloey, Oscar, private, Co. I; age 25; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., ^jresent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent; borne as Oscar M. Mallory; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, ^(i'i, present; Od., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, present. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jane, last paid to Apl, 30, '64, present; Aitr/., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec., last l^aid to Aug. 31, corporal, present; promoted from private, rank from Dec. 1, '64. 1885: FefT., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent with leave on furlough ; deduct $4.12 for transportation; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct §14.22 for transportation, knapsack, haversack, and canteen; June, last paid to Apl. 30, present; ^L,(rf., not on file. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing acct. never settled: bounty due, §ilOO; clothing due soldier, $52.86. Malone, Owex. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private: age not given; enrolled Sept. 17, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., present; refused to muster on the 18 Oct., 1862. Maloney, Patrick. Muster-in roll of Company G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62, private; age 30; enrolled Sept. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., name not borne; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present; borne as Patrick ilalone; entitle.! to $2 premium. 1863: Febi/., last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, present ; this man was not mustered for Sept. and Oct., 1862, and has not been jiaid lor that time; it was not mentioned on the last rolls, so he was paid Jor Nov. and Dec. only; pay is due him for Oct. and 12 days of September; April, last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, present; Jtine, last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, absent, sick in Marine Genl. Hospital, New Orleans, La.; Aue/., last, paid to Jany. 1, 1863, absent, deserted from hospital at New Orleans, La., after being ordered to join his regiment, iluster-ont roll of co. : died Sept. 15, 1S63, in U. S. genl. hospital. New Orleans, La., Of chronic diarrhoea. Malony, Joiix, nrivat", Co. A. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; tran.sferred from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Nov. 12. '62, at New York; musterediu Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for3 yrs. ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present; Jane, last jaaid to Apl. 30, present; stoppage, haversack 33; Aug., last paid Apl. 30, '61, present; stoppage, one canteen, 41c.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '61, present; Dec, present; stop., h- tent, $2.30; haver- sack, 49c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present: Aur/., same. Mustered out with Co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Nov. 12, '63; due soldier, $22,86; bounty due, $100; last paid to April 30, '65. Maxn, George F., private, Co. C; age 23 years; enrolled Sept. 30, 1S62, at New Y^ork; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Hiker's Island Oct. 17, 1862; borne on this roll as George Mann. Many, Edward, corp. ,Co. 13; age 20 yr.s. ; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, atNew Y'ork; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due. G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: FcVy., absent, deserted at Camp Parapet, La., Jan. 30, 1863. ISIuster- out roll of CO.: enrolled as pvt. : appointed corp. Sept. 2, '62; deserted from Camp Mansfield, La., Jan. 30, '63. Manyox, John, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 \'rs. ; advance bounty due from U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, wounded and sent to hospital. New Orleans, Ap'l 8, '64; June, absent; mustered in 142 Manyux, John — Continued. Aug. 11, 'li'.i, at Schenectady; wounded and .sent to bospital at New Orleans, Apl H, 'Gl; Aug., last paid to Feb. 2'J, 'G-1; died Pleasant Hills, Ap'l 9, from wounds reed in action at Sabine Cross Koad.s, Ap'lH, '(j4; inventory, efl'ects, and F. S. forwarded; due irom U. S. G., 5>~5, advance bounty. Muster-out roil of CO.: joined as recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10. '6;i. Maei.ev, Jkuomi:, private, Co. D; age'J'J; enrolled Sept. 9, 1(SG:2, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in October 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18()2: Od., deserted from I'hiia. Oct. 2.'). Maroque, .ItiLLiEX, private, Co. A; age 31; enrolled Oct. 7, 18fi2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. IH, 'G2, at New York, for 3 years. 1HIJ2: Oct., absent, de- serted from Kiker's Island. !Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 20, '()2. Mabrexnek, EdwakI), 1st lieut., Co. K. Irt(j4: Fih., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; signs roll as comdg. co. ; transferred iVom 174th N. Y. 8. Vols., S. O. 47, 10 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; pay due for responsibility of clothing camp and garrison equip, from Dec. 1, '63; enrolled Oct. 22d, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 yrs; AjtU, paid to Fel)'y 20, '64; capt., present; promoted from 1st It. to capt., March 10, '64; com'dg co. since Feb. 29th, '64; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present, commanding co. ; Aui/., same; Oc/., last paid to Aug. .31, '64, present: same remark: y^rc., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent; discharged lor promotion byS. O. No. 8."), I'd. Qrs. 19 A. C.,Nov. 14th, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : mustered out lor promotion as major A. A. G., S. O. 85, lid. Qrs. 19 A. C, Nov. 14, '64. Maesault, Joiix, private, Co. I. 1864: Jc!j., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present: tranft- ferred from Co. I, 174th N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, Hd. (^i-s. 19th A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 18, '62, at New York: mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yr.s. ; ApL, hist paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; Jane, l-At-t paid to Feb. 29, '64; transferred to the U. S. Navy, May H, 'G4. Maksiiali., Ui.ack Hawk, undercook of African descent, Co. I. 1864: Ap'.. present; enrolled Mch. 1, '64, at I'ranklin, La. ; mustered in Jlch. 4, '64, at Franklin, La., for 3 yrs. ; Jioie, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aitij., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; deduct half shelter-tent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1863: /'e6., paid to Dec. 31, '64, ])resent; J/>/.,same: .June, last paid to Apl. 30, '6.5, present: Aiu/., not ou lile. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 6."), at Savannah, Ga. ; ia<*t paid to Apl. 30. T>'>: clothing acct. never .settled; no bounty paid; no bounty due; due soldier for clothing, .^2.2"-. Makston, George \V., private, Co. A; age 19; enrolled Sept. 27, 1863, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., ab- .sent, deserteil from Kiker's Island. M. O. roll of co. : deserted Oct. 21, '62. Martix, Axprew J., private, Co. I; age 34: enrolled Sept. 5, '(!2, at New York City; mustered iu Oct. 1m, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Ucl., absent, quar- termaster's sergeant. Company muster-out roll: private; promoted to N. C. S., Oct. 18, '62, from private. Martix, Axprew J., (^r. mr. sergt. 1862: Or/., present; enrolled Sept. .'), at New York: Da:, paid to Oct 31, '62, present;paid to 31stOct., in full. 1863: Fill., last paid to Dec. 31, 1H62, present; Apr., same; mustered in Oct. 18, '6:}, at Kiker's Island, for 3 yrs.; ./iiiic, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, bounty due $102, present: Aui/., last paid to .June 30, Hy.], bounty due $102, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, bounty j)aid !r;27, due $75, present, no bounty or (mlistment money ever paid; Jhr., paid to Oct. 31, '(i3, present, $25 IJ. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: Fffn/., last paid to Oct. 31, '6:5. bounty due $100, absent, furlough to New York. $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, '(i3, absent without leave; ./^(/(ir, deserted .lune 1, 1"<64. M. < >. roll of !•'. S. : enrolled as private, Co. I: deserted while on (iirlough, failed to report .lune 1, 18(il. Martin, John, i)rivate, Co C. Muster-out roll of co., age 24; enrolled .Ian. 15. '(;3, at New <)rle:ins, La.: mustere., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present: due $25.00 U. S. Imunty: transferred from 174 N. Y. V.. S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feby. 17, '64; enrolied Oct. 13, '(i2. at New York; mustered in Nov. 13. '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, last paid to I'eb. ;i9, '64, present: 1 musket, Enfjeld, to be dtMluctcd. .'?1H.<»0; Junr, last i)aid to .\i>r. 3(i, '64, jiresont: de- fUict 1 canteen, a half shelter tent: Amj., last paid to Apr. 30; died on board of transport of di.« .luly 11, iMfil; to be deducted, haversack and can- teen. S9. Muster-out roll of co. : died at sea ofl Florida coast, July 10, 1864. 143 Martin, Johx, private, Co. K; age '.IG; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, New York, and mustered iu Oct. 18, 'G2, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Bcc, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to S2.00 prem. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31. < present; same to June; Aug., last paid to June 30, ^ii'.i, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; the soldier is en- titled to $25.00 U. S. bountj', $2.00 prem. 1861: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, bounty due $25, present; Apr., last paid to Feby. 29, '6-1, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Any., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '84, absent, sick in hosp'l, Baltimore, Md. ; Oct., same; Dec., lastpaid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick in Gen'l Hosp'l. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec; 31, '64, absent, sickGen'l Hosp'l; ^j»-., same; June, absent, discharged at Alex'a, Va., for disability, S. O. No. 77 War Dept., Apr. 1 4, 'Qo. Mustered out on Ind. M. O. K., a private, May 20, '65, Washington, D. C, incompliance with G. O. 77, A. G. O., Apr. 28, '65, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; amount clothing advanced $92.90, clothing account since enlistment; iu action at Pleasant Hill, Sabin Cross Road, Apr. 8, 9, '64; bounty due $100. Martin, Patrick, musician, Co. D; age 19; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, lor 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., deserted from Eicker's Island Oct. 22: Dec, present; not paid last pay, being reported de- serted, but since ret' d for duty; entitled to .$2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apv., ki'it paid to Dec. 31, '62, private; deserted from U. S. service while on the m'ch, Vermillion Bayou, Apr. 20, '63; June, name not borne; Aug., name not borne; Oct., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, drum- mer, present; returned to co. for duty by command of Maj. Gen. Banks; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: /"e/A, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, private, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Api\ 30, '64, present; Aug., de- serted at Algiers, La., July 9, '64; due Gov. for 1 Austrian rifle complete and equipments complete $16.35, also for loss of canteen, 1 haversack, h shelter- tent $2.71— total, $19.06." Muster-out roll of co. : placed in the ranks from musician Feb. 18, '64, by order of col. com'd'g 162 N. Y. V. Martindale, Nklson, sergeant, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present: transferred from 174 Keg't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 17, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., 3 y'rs; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., killed iu action at Deep Bottom, James lliver, Va., July 26, 1864. Muster- outroll of CO. : enrolled as corporal; taken prisoner of war at Winter's planta- tion. La., M'ch 17, '63; exchanged Aug. 29, 1863; promoted sergeant Nov. 1, 1863. Martines, Joseph, private, Co. I; age 36; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for three years. 1862: Oct, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present: Apt., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, one musket to be deducted; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present: Aug., last paidtoApl. 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid toSept. 1, '63, present; $13 to be refunded, erroneously charged for rifle on muster rolls of May and .Tune, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, pres- ent; deduct one cross belt and plate imd cap-pouch. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Apjl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick in hosptl. in Washington; deduct one haversack; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, ab- sent, sick in hosptl. at Baltimore, Md. ; Dec, same. 1865: FeJj., absent, sick in hosptl.; Apt., absent, sick in hosptl., Frederick, Md. ; June, absent, sick in hospl., Baltimore, Md. ; Aug., not on lile. Company muster-out roll, dated Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. : clothing acct. never .settled; bounty due, $100: in hospital at Baltimore, Md., supposed mustered out; no discharge given at muster out of organization. Mason, Alexander H., corp'l, Co. K; age 22; enrolled Sept. 29, '62, New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., private, absent, deserted in Philadelphia Oct. 25. Mason, John, private, Co. C. 1863: Feb., present, enrolled Jan. 15, ^(i.^, at New Or- leans; Apr., corp'l, present; June, neve? rec'd pay, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; borne as John M. Mason; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, sick in hosp'l at New Orleans, Sept. 23, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent without leave; mustered in .Tan. 15, '63, at New Orleans, for 3 year.s. 1864: Fe^., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, private, absent without leave; due $25 U. S. bounty; Apr., absent, sick in New Orleans, La.; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick and wounded at N. Orleans; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, discharged by order of gen'l court-martial 144 Masox, Joiix— Continued. July U, 'Gl. Muster-out roll of co. : transf 'd to 1G3 N. Y. Vol-., having been cluiuied as deserter from that rcgt. Masok, Juiix, corporal, Co. "C' IHiJl: />/.., present; due 5:15.00 U. S. bounty; re- duced from serjj;t., and trau>;lerred from 17-lthN. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, 'tJt; enrolled Oct. 4, '(j"j, at New York; mustered in Nov. l."}, 'G2, at New York for 3 years; April, absent; sick in New Orleans, l,a. ; Jinii, absent; sick in N. Orleans, La.; Aug., absent; sick in hosp'l New Orleans, La.; Oct., same; Ac, same, 1HG.>: Feb., absent; sick New Orleans, La.; April, absent; sick at New Orleans, La. ; June, absent; deserter: dropped May (ith, 18Gi"); sick in N. Orleans, ALir. r>, 'Gl; not heard from since. Aluster-out roll of CO. : enrolled asseryt. ; reduced to corporal Tel). 17, 'G4; deserted from hosp'l New Orleans, La., yept. 1 J, '(iJ. ;\rAS(iN-, lioBKUT, private, Co. A; age 'S.\\ enrolled Sept. L3, iHfii, at New York City: mustered in Oct. 18, 18(i2, at New York for .'{yrs. lyG-2: Oct., present: Ihr., last paid Oct. :>1, 'G.2, pre.sent; 82.00 premium due. \^fi\i: Fil>., ab.^ent; in jail in New Orleans since Feb. IG, 18;>3; -1;*/., last paid Dec. 31, '02; ab.«eut. in hospitiil at Hrashear City, La.; Jane, absent, left in hospital at Lrashier City, April D, 1SG3; Aiir/., absent, in hospital at New Orleans, April 10, '03; Oct., same; Jhr., bounty due. "J."); ab>^ent, sick N. < >. Apl. ]'J,'().'5; 8'' premium due this soldier. 1804: Feb., absent; discharged. M. (>. roll of , one haversack 4J), $2.38; O't., last paid to Aug. 31. '04; absent, on detached service in (^>. Mr. Dept. perlS. O. No. 131, Hthirs. 3d llrig., 1st Div., If) Corps, Oct. 14, '04; Jhc, same. 1805: F(l>.. last paid to Dec. 31, '04, preseut: stoppage, extra clothing 830.00: Ajtf., preseut; stoppage, e.vira cloth- ing 830.00 from Feb. rolls; daily duty as a.sst. co. cook; Jntir, last paid to Apl. 30, 'or>, present; daily duty co. cook; .4 ic/., same remark. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, ISO.'), at Savannah, (ia. : last paid to Apl. 30, '05; clothing last settled JIar. 1, l-'Of); due U. S., $19.72; bounty due, $1C0; stoppage, one rausquito b ir. Matiie:?ox, F.i)?rr\i), private. Co. C; age 21; enrolled Sept. 24. 1802, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 1 I, '02, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18G2: Orf., present; borne as Fdmoud .Mafeson; Jhc, last paid to Nov. 1 '02, preseut; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June 21, '()2. 180;*.: />%., last paid to Dec. 3!, jireseut; Ajir., present: ./««<•, last paid to Dec. 31, absent; wound- ed at Port J{ud.son, May 27, '(ili; in hosp'l at lUiton Kouge; An;/., last paid to Apr. 30, '03, absent; pay due for the months of Jan. and Feb.; wounded, in hosp'l at I'.aton Kouge; Oct., ab.sent, not known Avhen paid; $1.25 charged for his hatemet to go to New York on leave; 7><'c., absent, sick, not known v.heii last paid; 8-"> l'- S. bounty due the. soldier and 82 pre- mium. 1H04: F'h., absent, sick, Laton Jionge; due 825 U.S. bounty; Apr., ab.sent, .sick in Haton Kouge; June, absent, sick in Latou Kouge, La.; Amj., absent, sick in hosp'l, Haton Kouge, La.; Oct., absent, deserted from hosp'l in liaton Jiouge, La. Muster-out roll: deserted from hosp'l. 15. Rouge, Sept. 10. '04. Mattesox, GEOKCK D., private, Co. C. 1804: Feb., paid to Oct. 31, '03, present; due $25.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y.V., S. O. 47, 10 A. C. Feb. 17, '04; enrolled Sept. 12, '(i2, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs; Apr., last paid to Feb. 20, 'OJ. scrg't, present; ap- pointed as serg't. Apr. the H, 1H04: 1 haversack, 1 canteen, 77c. ; .liiDr, last paid to Apr. 30, U>\. jtresent; An;/., same; Oct., hist j)aid to Aug. 3>L '04, present; to be deilucted, 1 canteen. 14c.; yVr.,l:ist i)ai!, preseut; $.i.:i() to be deducted lor j shelter- tent; ])<(., present: to be deducted, 1 shelter-tent, .":;4,()0. l.%5: Feb., l;tst paid to Dec. 151. '(Jl, present: Apr., Siime; Junr, last paid to Apr. 30, '(jo, present; .(",'/., absent; deserted iVoni Savannah, Ga., July 24, '(j5; appre- hended and returned to regt at Jlawkinsville, (Ja., Aug. liJ. 'Go; deserted ag:iin at llawkinsvilie, Ua.. Aug. 1.3, '(>.■>; to pay lor 1 Hpringdeld rilled musket, $19. •..'5: 1 set of accoutrem., $15.2."); 1 knapsack, $;>.1(); 1 shelter- tent, $!).8U; 1 haversack, f)U ets. ; 1 canteen, G.5 cts. ; 1 mosquito-bar, $2.00; 1 gtin-sling, 2.3 cts. Muster-out roll ofco. : due H. 11. Slack, sutler of 162 N. Y. v., Irom Jan'y 1 to July 1, 1865, $2<).!S0. McCall, PillLil'P, private, Co. C. 18(j4: Fdi., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, pre.sent; due $2.3.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174th N. Y.V., S. O. 47. lyth A. C. Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 1.3, '6:2, at New York; mustered in Nov. i;5, '62, at New York, for :5yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 25>, '64, pre.'^eut; borne as I'hilip McCall; June, last paid to Apr. HO, '64, present; ^iiii/., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, pre.sent; 7M'. , last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted .\ shelter tent !i)2.30; 1 haversack 67, total $2.97. 186.3: Fd)., last paid to Dec' 31, '(M, present; April, same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '6.3, present; borne as Phillip McCaul; Ant/., last paid to Apr. 30,'6r), present; deduct 1 cone and 1 wrench, 3.3c. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '6;3, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing last settled Oct. 1.3,'62; due soldier, $.3.3,3.3; bounty due, $100; arms and eijuipments retained, $().00. McCarter, Alkxi)., i)vt., Co. r.. 1864: Feb., last paid Oct. 31, present; brigade tailor, transferred from 174th Keg't. S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. i:5, '62. at Kiker's Island ibr 3 years; A)tt., last paid Feb. 2!), present; brigade-tailor, pay due from Aug. 31 to Oct. 31 (error on Dec, rolls): Junr, absent without leave; An;/., present; back pay due lor the months ofSept, and Oct., 1863; Oct., last p.aid Aug. 31, preseut; stoppage canteen, 4.3; J)ir., pre.sent. 186"): Feb., last paid to Dec, V\, 18()4, present; detailed in reg't to Qr. Mr. Dep't; Apt., present: last paid to Doc. .!(). '64; June, present; Aiiff., hist paid Apl, 30, '6.3, present, detailed to Qr. Mr. Dep't 162 N. Y. Vols. .Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '63, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing acct. last settled Oct. 8, '62; due soldier for clothing, $117.7.3; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and equipments retained, $6.00; I:\st paid to Apl. 30, '6.3. McCaetix, John, private. Co. D: Muster-in roll of co. dated N. Y., Oct. 18, 1862: age 2!»; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs. ; name lined out. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted October 1!), 1862, at Kiker's Island, N. Y. ; borne as Joseph McCarty. McCartney, Matthkw, private, Co. E. 186.3: Apr., present. Joined from general rendezvous. New York, Apr. 27, '63; no descriptive roll furnished; .Jinir, joined from general rendezvous, N, Y., at Camp Meigs, Md., Apr. 27, 186.3; no descriptive list furnished; deserted at Camp .Meigs, Md., June f*, 1^6.3; to pav for one Springtield rillo musket aud one set of accoutrements. Muster- out roll of CO.: due H. II. Slack, sutler of 162 N. Y. V., $!•, McCarty, Jam Ks, private, Co. I. 1864: Fih., present; recruit from draft reudezvons, Kiker's Island, N. Y. ; has received $(iO bounty, $13 advance pay, $2 pre- mium, total $7.3; enrolled Nov. 24, '63, at New York; mustered in Nov. 24, '63, at New York, for :> yrs.; Apt., last paid to Feb. 20, '64, present; entitled to $.30, first installment of bounty, being a recruit from draft rendezvous; Jiiiir, last paid to Apl. 30, '(M, ])re.sent; An;/., bust paid to Apl. 30, '()4, present; deduct hallshelter-tent; Oct., last paid to.\ug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. :;l, present; /)., bust jiaid to Dec. :'>1, '64, present; Apl., Hiimv{.Jinu\ last pui}, '02, serg't, present; ApJ. and Jane, same remark; Aiuj., absent, iu hospital at New Orleans March 14, '6o; Oc/., absent, dis- cliarged. M. O. roll of co. : discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability Aug. 2-2, 1863. McCawllez, Jo UN. private, Co. C; age 30; enrolled Sept. 24, 1862, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Od., present, borne as John McCawley; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, absent; deserted in Alexan- dria, Not. 11, '62. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from Alexandria, Va. , Nov. ll), '62; borne as John McCalough. McChkistal, Patrick, private, Co. K. 1862: Oct., present; enrolled Oct. 22, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct., 18, '62, at Hiker's Island for :! years; Dec, last paid to Oct. 81, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last jjaid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, left behind at Brashear City sick in hosp'l; Jvne, last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; discharged by order of Maj. Gen. I'-auks, Mar. 29, '63. McCONNElx, DoMiNiCK, corp'l, Co. K; age 26; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 prem. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; the soldier is entitled to $2."). 00 U. S. bounty, $2.00 for prem. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63; bounty due, $25, present; Apr., last paid to Feby. 20, '64, present; Jn»r, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Auq., absent, prisoner of war since July 26, '64; Oct., same; Dec,.\a.^t paid to Oct. 31, '64; absent, prisoner of war since .July 26, '64. 1865: Feb., same; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31,. '64, present; June, absent with- out leave since June 24, '65; deduct 1 Springfield riile, 1 set of accoutre- ments, 1 knapsack, ^ shelter-tent, 1 haversac-, 1 canteen, $30.45; Aug., ab- sent; deserted from Washington, D. C, June 24, '65. McCONNEi>i., Thomas, corporal, Co. D; age 29; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, at N. Y. City; mastered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yerrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; promoted to first. corpl. 27th Oct., '62; en- titled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ApL, same; .Tune, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '6.3, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; Dec last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, pres- ent; Apt., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, sergeant, present; promoted from corpl. June 15, '64; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; deduct for two pair corpl. chevrons, 34 cts. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feh , last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apt., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '6.5, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 5, '62; due soldier, $71.26; bounty due, $100; appointed sergt. May 1, '64. McCOEMiCK, Addison, corp., Co. I; age 38; enrolled Sept. 15, 1862, at N, Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present, borne as Addison H. McCormick; Der.. last paid to Oct. 31, '62; sergeant, present; wants pay from 18th to 31st Oct., 1862, as sergt. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; private, present; ^j^r., same; J^w^p, same; ^Iw'/., absent; Oct., last paid to Jan. 1, 1863; absent; on detached service with Genl. An- drews, S. O. Hd. Qrs., Dept. of Gulf; Dee., absent, detached service Corps D' Afrique. 1864: Feb., absent on detached service, Corps D' Afrique; deduct and plate; Apr., on detached service Corps D' Afrique; /«//<', .same; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid Aug. 31, pre.sent; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct $10.10 for transportation while on furlough, + 4.22 =^ 14.22 total; Apr., present; de- duct $14.22. transportation; June, last paid Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, 1865; clothing never settled; bounty due, $100; clothing due soldier, $60.90. McCORMiCK, John, 5 corp'l, Co. A; age 30; enrolled Sept. 19, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., sergt., pres- ent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, private, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, sergt.. present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; reduced to the ranks April 4, 1863; ,Tune, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; reduced to ranks by himself April 14, 1863; Aug., last paid 148 McCoBMiCK, John— Contimipd. to Juue :{0, 'ii.i, present; Oct., last paid to Auj?. .'51, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. :il; bounty due, §•-'.'); present; $2 premium due the soldier. 18(J1: Feb., last paid to Oct. ;n, prestnt; Apl., la-st paid to Feb. 2i), present; June, last paid to Apl. :>(), present; stoppage, canteen, lie; Aug., last paid to Apl. ;{(>, 't)4, absent; prisoner of war in hands oi° the enemy since July 2"), 'G4; Oil. and Dec, same remark. iHtiS: Feb., Lust paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent; prisoner of war since .luly 25, '64; ^1;)/., last paid to Apl. ;{0, '64; died in rebel prison at iSalisbury, N. C, Jan. 16, '6.'); cause of death unknown. ,M. O. roll of CO. : died Jan. 2, '65; captured at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, 1864; linal stateraent.s given. McDonald, Alex., private, Co. D; age 19; enrolled Sept. 22, 1)^62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Kiker's Island Oct. 20. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 27, '62, at Bal- timore, Md. McDonald, Kdward, private, Co. D; age 24; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered ill Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 year-!. 1862: Oct., deserted from Ualtimore Oct. 27. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 22, '62, at Kiker's Island, N. Y. McDonald, John, private, Co. K; age 40; enrolled Sep. 29, '62, at New York: mus- tered in Oct. 18, '()2, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct.. absent; deserted at NVashington, D. C., Oct. 28, 62; Dec, hist paid to Oct.. 31, present; when liist paid was absent, sick, 3 months due him; entitled to $2.00 prem. 186:5: Feb., host paid to Dec. 31, present; ^Ipr., hist paid to Dec 31, '62, present; June, absent; sick at New Orleans, La.: Aiu/., present; Oct., absent; sick in hospl. at Jlaton Kouge; I>ee., bust paid to Oct. 31, absent; sick in hospl. at Baton Kouge; entitled to 2").()() U. S. bounty, $2.00 prem. 1864: Feb., la^^t paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent; transPd Feb. 16. '64, to Co. II., 162 Kegt. N. Y. 8. v., by order lid. Qrs. 162 N. Y. S. Vols. McDonald, John, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., absent, enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; transferred from Co. K., l()2nd N. Y. V.. to Co. H.. 162nd N. Y. V., by S. O. No. 76, Hd. Qrs. 162nd N. Y. V., Feb. 16, '64; sick in hospital New Orleans; Apl., absent, sick in hospital New Orle:ins; .fitne, same; Aiti/., same; Oct., dropped as deserter Sept. 1, '64. ]8(i5: June, absent, taken up from de-sertion, dropped through error, Sept. 25, '64, transferred to V. K. C. in Washington, D. C. Apl. I, 186.-). McDonald, Pktkr, pvt., Co. B. 1864: Feb., absent; .sick in Baton Kouge; transfd from 174 Kegt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 2, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Nov. 13, '62, at Kiker's Island, for 3 years; Apl., absent, discharged on surgeon's certificate Baton Kouge, Mar. 8, '64. McEntee, Tho.mas, private, Co. I; age 33, enrolled Aug. 28, 1862, atN. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct.. absent; deserted in Wilmington, Delaware. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 25, 18i):>. McEntybe, Owen, private, Co. G. 1864: Febj/., last paid to Nov. 1, 1863, present, transferred from Co. G, 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Ildqrs. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; reduced from sergt. 17 Feby., 1864, by con.solidation of regt.; enrolled Oct. 16. 1862, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, lHti;>. nt New York City, for 3 years; April, last paid to .March 1, 1864, present; June, last paid .\pril 30, 1864, present; borne as Owen .Mclntyre; Aiupisf, last paid to April 30, 18(il; sergt., absent, j)ris()nerof war in the hands of the enemy since July 25, 18(i4; Oct., hist paid to .\pril 30, 18(i4, al)sent, prisoner of war sino July2.-), lH(il; /)ec., last paid to .\i)ril '.](), i>^()4, absent, paroled prisoner, sick at Annapolis, Md., since Oct. :;i, 1H61. 1865: Febij., last paid to Jany. 1, H65, present, (m daily fluty, chief of detail for woodcutting; .\pril, last paid to Dec. 31, iMfjl, present; Jnne, last jiaid to May 1, 186.5, private, present; re- duced from sergt. per S. O. 3><, Hd. (^rs. ](i2 N. Y. V., May 10, 1H65; .1 »/;/.. last paid to April 30, 1H65; .sergt.. present; reappointed Aug. 1, 1865, per S. O. No. 1:5, ll(li|r.s. 1(>2 N. Y. V. Mustered out with , and to .sergt. Nov. 1, lH(j:5; reduced to ranks upon transfer Feb. 17, 1>J64; promoted to .sergt. July 2:5, 1864. MCEVOY, James, private, Co. I). 1863: Feb., present, enrolled Feb. 24, 186:5, at New Orleans, :5 yrs; Apl., present; June, same; Auij., last paid to .Tune 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Juue 30, '615, deserted from Algiers Sept. 15, '63. 149 •McFaddex, Henky K., pvt., Co. B. 1864: Fth,, last paid Aug. 31, absent, det. serv. 5th Battv., S. O. 35, Istdiv., Dec. 14; transf d from 174th Reg't, S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Kik- er's Island for 3 years; Apl., absent, detached in 5th Arty., S. O. 35, Dec. 14, '63; June, absent, detached in 5th U. S. Batt'y, S. O. 3."i, Dec. 14, '63; Ang.^ last paid Apl. 30, '64, present, returned to duty from 5th U. S. Batt'y G Aup. 2, '64, due U. S. |.17; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, stoppage haversack $.67, i shelter tent $2.30—2.97; Dec, present, stoppage i shelter tent $2.30. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, present; June, present; ^?<.V., last paid Apl. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Sa- vannah, Ga. ; clothing acc't last settled Sept. 29, '62; due soldier for clothing $18.83; bounty due $100; stop for gun and equipments retained $6.00; last paid to Apl. 30, '65. McFaelan, Marks, private, Co. G; age 49; enrolled Sept. 20. 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present as Marks McFaland; entitled to $2 pre- mium. 1863: Febij., last paid to Jany. 1, 1863, absent, sent to Marine Genl. Hospital, New Orleans, La., Feb. 4, 1863, by regimental surgeon; borne as Marks Fallon; April, discharged for disability while in genl. hosptl., New Or- leans, La.; tiual statements not given. Muster-out roll of company: dis- charged on surgeon's certificate of disability at New Orleans, La., March 1, 1863. McGlixcey, Thomas, private, Co. A; age 28 years; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, $2 premium due. 1863: Feb., last paid to Deo. 31, '62, present; April, same; Jane, not been' paid since mustered, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, corporal, present, promoted Sept. 26, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, bounty due %-io. present; $2 premium due this soldier, 1864: Feb., present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, wounded Apl. 23, '64, hospital at N. O. ; June, died of gunshot wound, left hand, at U. S. Genl. Hospital, Baton Kouge, June 12, '64; inventory and final statements forwarded. Muster-out roll of co. : died of wounds received in action at Cane River., La., April 23, 1864. McGlinn, Michael, private, Co. D; ace 24; enrolled Sept. 17, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, lor 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted from Riker's Island Oct. 21. McGoff, Peter, private, Co. G; age 23; enrolled Sent. 20, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Oct. 25, 1862. Muster out roll of company: deserted Oct. 26, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. McGovERX, Michael, private, Co. D; age 18; enrolled Sept. 13, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, nt New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., desertod from Riker's Island Oct 22. McGoWAN, Bryan, private, Co. A; age 22; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, corporal, present, $2 premium due. 1863: Feb.,'[2k»i paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, borne on this roll as Barnard McGowan; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; ab-sent,. sent togen'l hosp'l from Port Hudson, wounded in action June 14, '63; Aug.^ last paid to June 30, '63, private, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63. serg't, present, promoted Sept. 26, '63; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, bounty due, $25, present, $2 premium due. 1834; Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. corporal, present, reduced from serg't. S. O. 162d Regt. ; pay due him as serg't till Feb. 17, '64; Ap''l, last paid to Feb. 29, private, absent, wounded and in hosp'l at N. O., since Ap'l 9, 64; June, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, in hosp'l atN. O. wounded Ap'l 9, '64; Auq. and Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; April, same; June, last paid to April 30, '65, corp'l, present, promoted May 1, 1865; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. corporal Oct. 2, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 11, '62; due soldier, $72.08; bouutv due, $100; equipments lost, &c., $6.00. McGeath, James, private, Co. A. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; en- rolled at liiker's Island, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 y'rs; .June, not borne; Ang., absent in hosp'l at N. O. Apl. 10, '63; Oct., same; Dec, bounty due $25, .absent, sick N. O. May 2, '63; $2 premium due. 1864: y>A.. absent; deserted June 10, '63, from hosp'l, N. O. M. O. roll of CO. dated Savannah, Ga , Oct. 12, '65; joined by transfer from Co. F Feb. 28^ 1863, S. O. 35, Hiiqrs. 162 N. Y. V. McGrath, Jas., corporal. Co. If; aj^e :U»: enrolled Sept. 2fi, '61, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 't>-2, at New York, lor :i yi-s. 1862: Oct., present; Da:, hist paid to Oct. :{1. 'U2, private, present; entitled to ?:) i)reruiani. lH(i3: Frh., last paid to Dec. IJl, '02, pre-sent; deduct ^.i as per .'sentence of court-martial. Aluster-out roll of com]>aiiy: translerred to Co. F, l(;2ud N. Y. V., 8. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hdqrs. Dept. of the (iulf, N. O., La., Feb. 2U, '03. McGkath, Jamks, jirivate. Co. F. IH!!!}: ApL, last paid to Dec. .'{1, '62, absent; en- rolled Sept. 2t!, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. l?^. "62, at Kikers Island, for :} years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation Mcb. 1, '6:i, and imme- diately tran-sferred from Co. F to Co. A by order of Col. Benedict. Jluster- out roll of CO. : transferred from Co. II, S. O. 51, lldqrs. Dept. of tbe Oulf, Feb. 20, '61; transferred to Co. A. McGbath, Thomas, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, New York, and mas- tered in Oct. 18, '((2, at New Y'ork, for 3 years. 1862: 0(<., present; Jh-c, last paid to Oct. 31, '62. present; $2 premium due. IxCt'^: Ftb., last paid to Dec. .{1. '62, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '(>2; discliarged for disjibil- ity March 4, 'li'3, at Camp MausGeld, La. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged on surgeon's certificiite of disability at New Orleans, La. McGeeggok, .Iohn, private. Co. A. 1863: Frh., absent, deserted at Camp Mansfield, La., Feby. 18, 1863; enrolled and mu-stered in Jany. 24, '63, at New Orleans. La., for three yrs. McGbeqor, Claudk, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., present; recruit from draft rendez- vous, liiker's Island, N. Y. ; has received $60 bounty, $13 advance pay, ^'i premium — total $75; enrolled and mustered in Nov. 25. 18(^3, at New York, for 3 yrs.; -1/^'"., last paid to Feb. 20, 1861, present; entitled to $50. first in- stalment ol bounty, being a recruit from draft rendezvous; June, last paid to Feb. 29, 18(;i; deserted May 22, 1864; deduct 2 Fnficld rilles, 2 setsaccoutre- ments. 1 haversack, 1 canteen. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Morganza, La., May 23. 1861. McGuiRE, liKKXAiJi), musician, Co. K; age 16; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '(i2, at New Y'ork, for 3 years. 18()2: (hf., drummer, present; /he, bust paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 prem. 1863: Frh., la-st paid to Dec. 31, present; by .sentence of reg. court-martial, Lieut. Col. .1. \V. Hlanchard. there will be $10 dollars stopjied and credited to the U. S. ; Apr., last paiil to Dec. 31, '62, present; Jimt, .same; .1"//., last paid to .lune 30, UiA, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, ])rc.scnt; Drc, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to$25.00 U. S. bounty, $2.00 prem. 1864: J'ch., last paid to Oct. 31, '()3, present; Apr., last paid to Feby 20, '64, present; deduct .] shelter-tent, $1.63; Jitiw, last paid to Apr. 30. '()4, i)re.sent; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. "64. present; Ac, present; deduct 1 p. c. shelter-tent $2.30, 1 haversack 40c., 2.70. 1865: F., last paid to Dec. 31. '(»4. present; .l/)r., .same; ./i/«f', last paid to Ai)r. 30, '(!.">, present; .D//;., .same. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '6."», .^avannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '05; clothing last settled Srj>t. 1.!, '62; due soldier, $75.04; bounty due, $100; deduct 1 drummer sling, 1 (irum-hcad snare. McGuiEE, HiKJH, private, Co. 11; enrolled Oct. 22, '()2. at New York: mu.stered in Oct. 22, '62, at Hiker's Island, for 3 yrs. 1862: O.Y., ])rfsent; /M-., present, sick in hospital, Washington. 1). C. ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Frii., absent, sick in hosiiital. Washington, D. C. ; not borne on subseijuent rolls. McGl'IRE, llirc., last i)aid to Oct. 31, 'O.J, pre.sent; $25 U. S. bounty (hn^ tiie soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., paid to Oct. 31, '63. present; due the .soldier, $2."> I'. S. bounty; Apl., last p:ud to Dec. 20, 1864. present; ./iidc, host paid to .\pril 30, '61, pre.sent; Aui/., last paid to A])!. :iO, '(M, died; canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $2.H2. Muster-out roll of co. : died at Genera IHospital. Frederick, Md., Aug. 8. '3, present, iu coiumand of co. since June "i'i, '03: Oct., hist paid to Aug. 31, '03, 1st lieut., present, same remark; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31. '03, present, rec'd commission as 1st lieut. from the Gov. of tlie State of New York; Aug. 29, '03, waiting muster in .since that date. 180-1: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '03; transferred to Co. F, R. O. ()3, 102 N. Y. v., 23 Jan., '04. Muster-out roll of co. : resigned on surg. certf. of disability and discharged Feb. 9, '04, S. O. No. 39, hdqrs. 19 A. C; was promoted from 2d lieut. to 1st lieut. Aug. 29, '03. McGuiKl!, Jamks, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolled Oct. 29, 'G2, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 yrs. ; transferred from 174th N. Y. V. by S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; A)//, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; stoppage, Enfield rifle, complete, $18; complete set accoutrements, !p3.2.5; total, $21.25; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; stoppage, half-shelter tent, $1.2.5; Atic/., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApU, same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, absent, deserted; same roll, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present, joined from desertion at Hawkinsville, Ga., Aug. 20, 186 — . Mustered out with company Oct. 12, ^65, at Savannah, Ga ; hist paid to An'l 30, '65; clothing acct. last settled Oct. 29, '62; clothing due soldier, $30.70, bounty due, $100. McGuiRE, JAME.S, private, Co. K; age 31; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, New York, and mus- tered in Oct, 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 18{)2: Oct., present; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2.00 prera. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; by sentence of Reg. C. M., Lt. Col. J. W. Blanchard, there will be $5 stopped and credited to the U. S. ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick at New Orleans; Auf/., last paid to June 30, '63. preseut; fined $10 by order of Reg. C. M., credited to the U. S. ; Oct., last paid to June 30, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, pres- ent; the soldier is entitled to $25 Q. S. bounty, $2 prem. 1804: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '03, pre.sent; Apr., last paid to Feby. 29, '04, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Au, commutations of transportation to place of enroUra't; balance of pay and allowance to be suspended until he furnishes proper evi- dence for the settlement of the same Muster-out roll of comp'y : entitled to $100 bounty; clothing drawn, $90.79. lIcGuiEE, William, private, Co. E. 1864: Oct., absent; prisoner of war, mi-ssing in action Mch. 14, 1803; reported a deserter by error; enrolled Oct. 18, N. York City; mastered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 yrs.; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; prisoner of war, missing since March 14, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. 1865: Feb., pris. of war, mis.sing in action June 14, '63, at Port Hud.son, La.; Apr., absent, en route to Port Hudson, La., since Mch. 14, 1863; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '(i5, present; back pay due from Dec. 31, 1802 to Dec. 31, '64; Auf}., preseut;taack pay due from Dec. 31, 1802, to Dee. 31, 1864, having been prisoner of war; joined from reported as a deserter by error, Aug. 13, 1805, having been taken sick Avhile on the march; dropped as a deserter by error on July return. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '05, at Savannah, Ga. ; cloth- ing acct. last settled to Oct. 20, '62; due soldier, $108.87; bounty due, $100; taken prisoner near Port Hudson, La., March 14, 1863; joined by consolida- tion of 147 N. Y. v., S. O. No. 47, Dept, of the Gulf, Feb. 17, '64; ex- changed March 1st, 1865; joined the regiment at Camp Meigs, Md., I\Iay 11, '0.5. McHattex, John, pvt., Co. B, age 37 years; enrolled Sept. 2, '62, at New Y^ork; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, nt New York, for 3 yeara. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last pnid Oct. 31, present, $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb. to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aui/., last paid to ,rune 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $25 IT. S. bounty, $2 premium due this soldier; 1804, Feb., present; ylj)/. , last paid Feb. 29, present; June, last paid Apl. 30, present; Aug., present; 152 McHattex, JoHX—Continned. Oct., last paid to Ang. 31, present; Dec., present, stoppage ■'. shelter-tent $2.30. Isdo: J'eh., last paid to Aug. 31, "64, present: -ipl., present, stoppage transportation to New York and return, $14.10; ./ttm, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, 'Go, present. Mustered out with ro. at .^^avannah, Ga., Oct. 12, Ifkio; clothing atxount la.«it settled .Sept. "J, 'GJ; due soldier for clothing, $">0.29; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and eqnipiueiit-s letained, $G.OG; laet paid to Apl. 30. '«;>. MCHUGH, I'AfBiCK, private, Co. K: enrolled Sept. 3, 18«2. and inusterwi in (kt. 18, '62, New York, lor 3 years. 1862: (Jet., present: />".. hust paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 preni. 1863: Ftb., iiLst jiaiil to Dec. 31, present; Apr., Corp.. present: June, last paid to Dec 31, '(i-2, present: Aug., last paid to June :>0, "63, present: : Feb.. List p:iid to Dec. 31. '64, 1st sergt., present; deduct for furnished transportation Ironi H. Ferry to New York and back, §14.22; Apr., same; .June, last paid to Apr, 30, '6.5, present; Aug., same. Mastered out with comp"y. l.«t sergt.. Oct. 12, "6.5, Savannah, Ga. : last paid to Apr. 30. 'd-'y, clothing last settled to Sept. 3, '62; due sol- dier, $.33.67; bounty due, ^100; eijuiDments, etc., lost, $6; appointed corp'l Dec. 1. '62. McEeevek, JA.ME.S. Corp., Co. 1>. 186.5: Ap'l, lastpaid Feb. '2-^, '65, absent; paroled Camp Annapolis, Md. : .stoppage for transportation from Kalt.. Md., to New York. $4.10; enrollesent, si., last p;iid to »)ct. 31, '63, absent, sick iu hosp'l New Orleiins, I^a. ; Apr., discharged Mar. 1, '61, at Baton Uonge, I.^., by order of Surgeon Tode. account disease. Muster-out roll of comp'y: pri- vate, discharged for disability at New Orleans, La., Feb'y 16, '64. McKexxa, HtNkv, private. Co. A; age 31: enrolled .Sept. 17, '62*, at New York, and mustered iu t>ct. H. "62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oil., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. '.'A, '62. present; $2.00 premium due; detailed to assist to build hospl. and bunks from Nov. 23d to Dec. nth, 1,5 days; laborer on trans- port (ieorge's Creek. l'^63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, same; June, not been paid since mustered, absent: sent to gen' 1 liosp"l from .Simmsport, I^., May 24, I8(j3; .iug., absent, in hosp"l at New Orleans. May 2d, "63; Oil., last jwid to .\ug. 31, present; />.«., la^t paid to Oct. 31; bounty due, $2.5, present: $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Fib., present; .\pril, absent, sick in hosp'l at N. O., since March 10, '64; June, last paid to April 30, present, sick: .\ug., last paid to .\pl. 30, '61; deserte*!, dropped as a de- serter, July 23. '61; Oil., name not borne; Dee., last paid to Oct. 31. '64, absent; dropped as deserter July 23. '64. an error, and admitted to Carver U. 8. hosp'l, Washington, D. C. 1^65: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, ab- sent, in hosp'l, Washington, D. C. since Aug. 1, '61; April, same; Jun-, same: .l«y., same. .Mu.xter-out roll of co. dated Savann.ih, Ga., Oct. 12, '6.5: last paid to Dec. 31, "61: clothing acct. la^t seltle; siek in hosp'l. at Wa-ihington, D. C. since Aug. 1, '64: amount of clothing drawn, $68.(»(;: .supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept., ,\pr. 2w, '6.5; no discharge famished on master ont of organi- zation. McKesxa, Jami>. private, Co. A; age 19; enrolled Pept. 12, '62, at New York City, and mastered in 0.t. H. '62, at New York, lor .3 years. 1862: (ht., pres- ent; Dn., last i>aid to (c, absent, same remark. 1865: Feb., last paid to .June 30, '64, ab.sent; Aj)l., absent; paid the wife; prisoner of war since July 26, '64; June, absent, same remark; Aug., absent; paid the wife; prisoner of war since July 26, '61; never heard from since. Muster-out roUof CO.: clothing last settled Nov. 3, '62; bounty due, $100: drawn since enlist- ment, $64. ()9; mustered out on lud. mus. out roll Aug. 17, Hi'\ at New York City; due U. S. lor transportation, $10.00; during his imprisonment payment was made by Maj. Dodge for May and June, '64, $36.00. 154 McLaughlax, Joiix, private, Co. E; a'^e 25: enrolled Sept. 15, 18G2, at N. York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '(>2, at New Yorlc, for:{ yrs. 18(J'2: Oct., present; Dec, last jiaid to Oct. ol, corporal, present; promoted Nov. 8; entitled to S~.0O preniiuni. IHi.:!: /V/*., last ))aid to Dec. '.U, ))resfnt; Apr. {o.linic. inclusive, same; Aiitf., paid to .lime MO, '(JU, i)resent; Oct., last paid to An^. Ml, '(iM, present; Jhc, i)res(>nt; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 piemiuni due tlie sol- dier. 1864: Fill., })resent: $!25 U. H. bounty due .soldier; .ly/r., hvit paid to » Keb. 2i), privati% present: June, ]>resent; ^Im*;., absent, wounded in action at Deep Hottom. .lames K'iver, Va., .Fuly 2tj, '64, sent to liosp. liermuda H«Is. ; Oct.. died in liosp. Fortress Monroe. Va., Aug. (>, 1864, Ironi wounds rec'd in action at Deep iJottom, Va., .Inly 26. '64. McMann, I'KTKi;, private. Co. D: ajre28; enrolled Sept. 22, l«fi2, at N. Y.City; mus- tered in Oct. H. '62, at New York, lor M years. 1862: Oct., deserted Irom Kiker's Island Oct. 20. McMemmay, WiLi,i.\>r. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated N. Y., Oct. 18, '62: private; age 44; enrolled Sept. 9, 18G2, at N. Y. City, lorM years. Name lined out. Mus- ter-out roll of CO.: deserted Oct. 19, '(52. at K'ikcrs Island, N. Y. McMenemy, Edwakd, serttt. ; Co. E; age 27; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, atN. York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, atNew York, forMyear.*. l>-62: OH., present; JJcc, last paid to Oct. 31, private, absent; liosp. Fort Monroe; reduced from sergt. Nov. lat. 1863: Fcl)., last paid to Dec. 31, ah.sent; liosp. Fort Monroe, Nov. 30, 1862; .1/))-., discharged March 13, 1863, for disability. Co. muster-out roll: discharged on surg. certif. of dis. at Fortress Monroe, Va., Aug. 17, 1863. McML'LLEN, Joseph, musician, Co. I; age 17; enrolled Oct. 9, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., de.serted in New York. Mu.ster-out roll of co. : deserted, Kiker's Island, N. Y. McMdllex, Wii.MAJr, private, Co. A; age 40; enrolled Sept. 12, '(i2, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; 7M\ , last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Fcl)., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same; ./loic, not been paid since mustered, present; Atifj., lastjiaid to.lune 30, '()3, absent: Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '(i:!, i)rcsent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63; bounty due, $25, present, $2 premium due. 1864: Feb., last jiaid to Oct. 31, '63, present; pay due from May 9th to Sept. 12, '62, by transfer from 53d N. Y. V.; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '61, present; Jintf, last ])aid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; stoppage, haversack 33c., canteen 41c., A shelter-tent $1.7."), $2.49; Auf/., last paid to Apl. 30. '()4, present, color guard; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, reduced to the ranks from corp'l Oct. 12, '64; Dec, same. 1865: Fcl)., last jiaid to Dec. 31, '(i4, present; stoppage, transportation while on furlough, $14.24; April, .same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; An;;., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '(>■'}, at Savannah, (ia. ; la^t paid Ap'l :!0, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 12, '()2: due soldier, $36..32: bounty due, $100. McNabd, JioHKKT, pri\ate, Co. Ct; age 18; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '(;2, at New York for 3 years. 1S62: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 18(>3: Feb., last ])aid to .Ian. 1, '(i3, present; .Iprit and June, same as for Feb.; Aug., last paid to .luly 1, '63, present; (hi., last paid to Sept. 1, 'd.i. i)re.sent; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '1)3, present; $2.5.00 U. S. bounty and $i.O(t jircminm due thesoldier. 1H64: Fcl)., same as for Dec, '63; .Ipnl. last paid to March 1, '64, present; ./iincam\ .iuy.. same as for April; Oct.. la-t paidto Sept. 1, '64, present: Ac, same as for Oct 1865: Feh., last paid to .)an. 1, '65, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31', 61, present; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Aug., piid to .\pl. 30, '(i5, present, M. out with co., a private, Oct. 12, '(i5, at Savannah, (ia. ; last pnid April 30, '65; clothing never settlethdue soldier, $9.63; bounty due, $100.00; stop for gun and e(] uipment.s, ."^O.OO. McNamaka. I'atku'K, private, Co. Vf, age 32; enrolled .\ng. 30. '62, at New York; mu^tiTtd in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for :? years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, la-, at N<'\v Ydik, for :? vis. IHC'J: Oct., deserted at Wiliiiingtou, Del.; ]>ec., deserted at \ViImiii<,'t()ii, Del., Get. 2'>, '62. Mkdam, William II., i>rivate, Co. G; a!;e44; enrolled Sept. 13, '(52, at New York; mustered in Get. 18, 'ti'2, at N'evr York, for '.i years. Ib6-J: Oct., present, borne as Wm. H. Medan ; J)ec:, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to J'2.00 premium. 1S63: Feb., last i)aid to Jan. 1, 'd3, present; April, last paid to Jan. 1, '<).'?, absent, sent to jjen'l hospital, haton Roufje, La., March 2t), '63, by reg't surgeon ; June, last ))ai«l to Jan. 1, '63, absent, sick in gen'l hospital. New Orleans, La.; Jug., last paid to July 1, '63, present; Oct., last paid to .Sept. 1, '63, present; J>ec., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; $25.00 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due the soldier. 186i4 : Ftb., same a« for Dec, '63; Jpnl, last paid to March 1, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Auf/., last paid to April 30, '64, absent, prisoner of ■war in the hands of the enemy since July 25, '64 ; Oct., same as for Aug. ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 25, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, absent, prisoner of war; captured at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64 ; last 4 months pay rec'd by his wife ; Apnl, last paid to Aug. 31, '64 ; died at U. S. gen'l hospt'l, Annapolis, Md., March 19, '65; final statements furnished. M. out roll of ci>. : died of chronic diarrhwa and general debility (contracted while prisoner of war) M'ch 19, '65, in U. S. G. hosp'l at Annapolis, Md. ME£HAX, Patrick, private Co. K; age 40; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, New York, and mas- tered in Get. 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., ItiBt paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to S2 prem. 1863: /Vb. to June, inclnsive, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '6.^, absent, sick in hosp'l at Baton Kouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, same remarks; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent as above; entitled to $25 bounty, $2 prem. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; J«»e, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; J«<7.,8anie; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, same. IHfV): Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick in gen'l hosp'l, Baltimore, Md ; Apr., same; June, last i)aid to Aug. 31, '()4, absent, sick in gen. hosp'l, Annajiolis, Md.; Aug., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, disch'g'd from G. H. by G. O. 77, dated July 2, '65. Mustennl out on Ind. M. O. K. July 2, 't)5, Frederick. Md., under jjrovisions G. 0. 77, A. G. O., C. S. 1865; last paid to Aug. 31, '64; cloth'g due soldier, $88.15; bounty duo. $100; stoppage for transportation, $12.72, furuished as perG. 0.41, A. G. O. Mehax, Edwahd, private. Co. A ; enrolled at New York City, and mu.^tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., ]»resent ; Dec, last jiaid to Oct. 31, '62, jtresent; $2.00 jtremium due. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, i)resent; April, last i)aid to Dee. 31, '62, discharged by reason of dis- ability, and final statements given. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged on snrg. cert, of aid to Dee., ])resent; Auf,., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last j)aid to Aug. 31, '63, present ; />fc., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25.00 U, S. bounty due the soldier, aiui $2.00 premium. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $25.00 U.S. bounty; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Aj)r. 30, '64, present ; Oc/., last paid to Aug. ;{1, '64, j)re8ent; to be d«ducled, drum com]). $5.10, borne as Francis Mehrman ; to be deducted 1 haversack, 49c. ; 7'ai(l to Aug. 31, '64, i)resent. 1865: Feb., last l>aid to Dec. 31, 't;4, j)resent ; deduct (1) one havers., 65c., and ^ shelter-tent, $4.90, total $5.55; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64. ]>resent ; deduct 2 can- teens, $1.30; liaversaek, 65c.; i slielter-tent, $4.90; total, $6.85; June, Ja«t l)aireseiit ; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 18(;.'>, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled to Sept. 15, '62; due soldier, $(i9.95; bounty due, $100. Mkinbkimjkr, Loius, corjioral, Co. F (see Anton Meyenbergor). ilERCELLL'^,Kl)0 C, sergeant, Co. D ; age 35; enudied Sept. 8, lf;G2, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. IH, '(32, at Now York, for 3 years. l-'()2 : cc.. last ]iaid to Oct. 31, '(>2, pri- vate, present ; entitled to ^^2 premium. iH','.',: Fib., last ]»aid to Dec. 31, '62, pres«'nt ; AjJ., last paid same, sergeant, absent, sick in hospital at Hnisiiear City ; June, same; Aug., last paid to Apl. 3(1, '»)3, present; Oct., last paid same, alismt, sick in general hospital. Baton Uoiige; iAc, altseut, sick in convalescent camp Baton Jfoiige, La.; $25 IJ. .S. bounty and $2 pre- 157 Mercellis, Euo C— Continued. ininm (Tno the soldier. 1864: Ft'6., last paid to Oct. 31,'6;?, corp'I, absent, returned to ranks by consolidation, absent, sick Baton Konjjje, La.; Apl., last paid same, absent, sick Baton Rouge, La.; June, lust paid .sanu^, iiaiisferred to V. R. C Mav 1, IH64. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred to V. R. (J. M'cb 1, '64, G. O. No. luy, A. G. O., War D.i)t.. • Merky, Gottfried, private, Co. F; ajje 24; enrolled Aug, y, 't)*i, at New York City ; mustered in Aug. 27'., present; June, present; Aug., last paid June 30, '63; private, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; J^cc. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. lo64 : Feb., present; due $25.00 U. S. bounty ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; i shelter tent, $1.63 ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, present; to be deducted ^ shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: /'eft., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apr., present; deduct haversack, .65; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; borne as Charles Myer; Aug., absent; deserted while en route to Hawkinsville, Ga., July 24, '65; deduct L knapsack, $3,10; 1 haversack, .90; 1 canteen, .65 ; i tent, $4.90 ; total, $9.35; to be deducted, 1 Springfield rifle, $19.25; 1 gun-sling, .25 ; 1 bayonet-scab., .45 ; 1 cap-pouch, .45 ; 1 cart'dg-box and plate, $1.09 ; 1 waist belt and plate, .44 ; 1 cone and wrench, .35 ; total, $22.28— total, $31.73. 158 Meyer, Hknhy, pvt., Co. 15. 1SG4 : 7-V/»., last i)ai, prosenf ; June, last paid Apl. :{<>, jiresout ; * sludti-r frnt, .*l.MI; Jug., las*: paid to Ai>l. IJO, (i4, absent; taken luisoncr ol" war at Deep l^nttoin.Va., July •it», 'tVl ; (ht., yh.sent. KJik in lios]>ital at Annapnli«j, Md., nince Sept. 14, <;4; Jhc, pnsent. l-ti."): Fch., last i>aid Dec, :>1, Til, jtieseiit: AfL, (lied; to Ix^ eliar^^ed, 1 Knlield musket, full s»t of ai coiiteinieiit.s, 4(» rounds ammunition. Jlnster-oiit roll of (Jo.: died from j:;nnsliot WDunds indicted by himselt Mar. 2:i. 't).">, at Wineliester, Va. Meyers, Geokhk, ])vt., Co. H. 1^*()4: /'W>., l.ast paid toOtrt.:?!. X:',, present; enrolled Oct. 27, '1)2, at New York, and mustered in Nov. I.',, \')->. at New York, for :{ years; transf'd from 174 N. Y. V. by .S. O. No. 47. ID A. C, Feb. 17, '(i4; April, last paiil to Feb. U'J, '04; absent, sick in liosii'l. New Orleans; June, absent; same remark; Ji/;/., absent ; same remark ; 0(7., last paid to Aug. 31, 'G4, present; to be de'd knapsack andsfrap, .s.'.!;'): liavesVk, (i7 c; can- teen 4."> c. ; issued by E. D. Lyon, Capt. A. A. M. K. of 1)., $:i.27 ; Dec, pres- ent; (led. extra elothiill,^ .'Jll.74 ; ac. settled to Nov. i:?, '(14, vJ v'rs; trans- ferred to N. Y ; to W. 1 ). C. $;').()«, jflO.Hi. IMi.') : Feb., paid toDec. 31, '64, present; April, last i»aid to Dec. 31, '(14, present on det. serv. j)ioneer corps, brig. liViij'rs; Jitm; last paid to April 30, 'tjf), presen(-e or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Ai»ril 30, 18t)5, present. Mustered out with co. : pvt., Sa-, Ga., Oct. 12, iy6r>; last i)aid April 30, '().'>; clothing last settled Nov. 13, 18()4; duo sold., $13.13 ; bounty due, §ilOO; to b(i deducted 1 mos- quito bar, .$2.00. Miles, Q., adjutant. 1863: Oct., never paid, present; date of comm'n or reg't'l appointm't, Sept. 1, 'G3; mustered in, same date, at Port Hudson; Dec, absent without leave. 1804 : Fch'y, 1st It., adjutant, present, await- ing sentence of gen'l ct. martial ; Apr., last paid to Nov. 30, '63; cashiered Apr. I), 1864, G.0.42, Dept.Gnlf. MiLLEK, Ai.iiKUT, private, Co. K; age 3'); enrolled Sept. 29, 1862, at Now York ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Philadelphia Oct. 2.'j, '62; name not borne on rolls from Dec, '62, to Dec, '63, inclusive. 18i)4: Feb., ab.sent, returned from desertion '64, contined in Fort Columbus, N. v.; .1^'/, absent, contined at Fort Columbus, N. York, since Jan., '64; June, same; Aug., same; Get., deserted from New York .Jan., '64; deduct haversack, canteen, and ^ shelter teut, $2.79. M. O. roll of co. : de- serted at Philadelphia Oct. 2."), '62. MiLLEH, Chaiu.k.*^. Mustti-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, 'i'>2: private ; ago ; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York, for3 years; nameline(l out. 1862: Oct., abs(Mit, left in New York sick. MiLLEK, CoNKAi), private, Co. C; age 42; enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at Now York; mns- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted in Washington, Oct. 28, '62; Dec, last paid to Sejit. (i, i)resent, entitled for .'52 who has enlisted after June 21, '62. 18(53: Feb., last ])aid to Dec. 31, l)rescnt; Apr., absent, sick in hosp'l in Brashear City; Juue, last paid to Dee., absent, sick in hosp'l at Brashear City; J«(/., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, i>resent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, ])rescnt; .'f25 U.S. bounty due the soldier and §2 premium. 1864: Feb., last j)aid to Oct. 31, '63, iiresent, due i?2.5 U. S. bounty; Apr., last jiaid to l''eb. 29, '61, absent, gen'l hos]>'l at Alexandria, wounded; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, ab.sent, sick and wounded (at Cane River), liaton Houg(!, La.; Aug., last |)aid to .Inne 30, '61, absent with leave for 60 days since .July 27, '(Jl, on account of sickness, by (irder oi Surg. Tool, to be de- ducted $1..^)0 for trans, from Albany to New York, in aceordauce with orders No. 3-1, War Dept., Washington; Oct., last paid to .June 30, absent with leave since July 27, '(54; Dec, last paid to Juno 30, '(i4, absent, sick in liosji'l, Washington, D. C. 18()r> : Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '64, al)S(Mit, sick in Washington, D. C, duo $6 for the months May and June, '64 ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '(it, absent, transferred to V. \i. C, Mar. 20, '6.'), per instructions from A. G. ()., Washington, Mar. 20, '(;.'>. Muster-out roll of CO. : transferred to V. It. C, Mar. 20, 't>.") ; wounded in action at Caue Kiv(^r, Apr. 23, '64. MiLLEK, IIk.nuv, private, Co. B; age 21 ; enrolled Sept. 16, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '()2, at. New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, i)re.sent, .$2.00 pnMuinni ^ue, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1-6!: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, jtreseni ; Apr., last i>aid to Oct. 31, .absent in hospital at Hr.ishear, La.; June. paiil to Oit. 31, pres(Mit ; Aug., last paid to June 30, present; Oil., la.>t paiil to .Vug. 31, jircsent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, preaout, $25 U. S. iiouuty and .$2.0(j premium duo this soldier. 159 Miller, Henry — Contianecl. IdO'l : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, iirosent ; Aj))-., last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, pre.sent; AuiG2, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to §2.00 premium. le!63 : Feb., paid to Dee. 31, absent, deserted Feb. .'S, 1863, from Camp Mansfield, La. ; April, paid to Dee. 31, '♦)2, present; regained from desertion Mar. 2, 1KJ3; ./HHf, absent in hospital at Baton Rouge; wounded in action before Port Hudson June 14,186:5; Aiifj., last i)ayment not known; absent, in hospital New Orleans; wounded before Port Hudson Juno 14, 1863; Oct., died. Mus- ter-out roll of CO. : died at N. O., La., Sept. 20, lc63, of wounds rec'd at Port Hudson, La., Jifne 14. l'^63. 5£lLLKB. Maktin. private Co. I. 1864 : Fib., absent, in Battery G, nth U. S. Artillery ; transferred from Co. 1, 174th N. Y. Vols , Feb. 17,"'t)4, i>'r S. O. 47, h'dq'rs 11> A. C. ; eiiroUsd Oct, 16, 1862, at New Y'ork; mustered in Nov. 13, 1S(52, at New York, for 3 y'rs ; J/;i-., absent, detailed to Baty. " 0,'^ .')th U. S. Artillery; borne as Martin Muller; Jiive, absent in Battery "G," f)th U. S. Artillery; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, i)resent; deduct 85 cts. for articles lost while on dctach'd service in Batt'y "G," 5 U. S. A. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Die, pre.sent ; deduct Enfield rille and gun-sling. \SC)o: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Ajyr., present, deduct cart, box )date; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present ; Aug., not on file. Mu.stered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Apr. 30, '65 ; clothing last settled Dec. 31, '63; bounty due, §100; clothing due soldier, 87.4'l. Miller, Maximilian, private, Co. I; ago 21; enrolled Aug. 2lt, 1862, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New Y'ork, for 3 yrs. 1862: Ot/., itresen't ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '«)2, present. 1863: Feb., last i)aid lo Dee. 31, '62, jtresent; Apr. and June, same; Aug., last paid to June 30. '63, present; Oct., hist paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. lU.iiresent; deduct one cro8S-b»dt and platti. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1H>3, pre- sent ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, missing in action April !>, 1864. at Pleasant Hill ; Ju7ie, absent, in Camp Parole, New Orleans; .tug , absent, paroled prisoner of war; Oct., absent, paroled prisoner of war, ordered to regiment; Dec, last paid to June 30, jiresent ; due !?6, having been §13 a month instead of §16, for May and June ; deduct cartridge-box, belt and plate, and tompion, § . 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Ajir., present, deduct cart, box plate ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65. ])re.sent ; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing never settled; bounty due, $100 ; clothing due soldier. ,§4.04. Miller, Wii,lia.m, private, Co. A; age 38; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at New Y'ork City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Now York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., deserted at Baltimore. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 26, '62. Minn, John, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '63, ab.sent, detached on recruiting service. New York, S. O. lIMi, Dept. Gulf, Aug. 13, 1863; pay due as sergt. to Feb. 17, '64 ; transferred from 174 Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, I'Jth A. C, Feb'y 17, '64 ; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, at New York City ; mus- tered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y. for 3 yrs. ; Apl., absent, detached on recruiting service at New York, S. O. 10(), Dejit. of the (Jiilf, Aug. 13, '63; June, same; Aug., same ; Oc/., al)sent detached service, S. (). l'J(i, Dept. Gulf, Aug. 13, '63; Dec, absent, detached service, ilraft rendezvous, N. York, l>y S. O. 106, Dept. of the G., Aug. 13, '()3. 1865: Fib., absent, same remark; Apl., iih- scnt on det. service, draft rendezvous. New Yi>rk, by S. O. PUi, Hdqrs. Dept. of the Gulf, Aug. 13, '()3 ; June, al)sent, same remark; Aug., absent on (let. service, draft rendezvous. New York, l)v 8. O. 103, Ibhjrs. De])f. of the(;Mlf, Aug. 13, 'iV.l Co. M. O. roll: last jia'id to Apl. 30, 't)2 : clothing ac. laHt settled to Sept. IS, '62; bounty due. §10(1; has drawn clothing lo the amoiinl of .§.")2.10; n.nstered out on individual M. out H., a sergt., 11 July, H65, at David's Island, N. Y. II., under tel. order from War De[)t., May 4, '65; ciotliing acct. never settleil ; last i)aicht. entitled to §2.00 )»rcmium. 1863: 161 MiTCHELLj Frederick— Con tinned. I'tl)., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present, home as Frodericlv H. Mitchell ; Aj>ril, last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present; June, last paid to Jan. 1, '63; killed in action before Port Hudson, La., June 11, '03. Mitten. Joseph, corp., Co. B ; age, 27 ; enrolled Sept. 1, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; p'romoted to sergt., vice Baker killed, Jan. 3, 1863; Ajyr., sergt., absent; left out on the march by permission, Franklin, La. ; not since been heard from ; June, present ; Jm^., last paid to June 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; i>ec.,last paid to Oct. 31, Ist sergt., present; $25 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864: i''eb., sergt., present; reduced to sergt. by consolidation, pay due as 1st sergt. to date Feb. 17 ; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, absent ; hospital New Orleans, wounded Ap'l 9 ; June, absent on furlough, wounded; haversack, 49c.; canteen, 41c.; shelter tent, $1.89; Aug., last paid to Feb., 29, '64, absent on furlough, wounded, inN. Y. City; Oct., absent, hospital (wounded) New York City, Aug. 10, '64 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, absent, hosp't'l New York City Aug. 10, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent ; stoppage, 1 cauteen 65c., 1 haversack 95c.; detached to ambulance corps; pay due for the months of Mch., Apr., May, and June, '64; Apr., absent; detached to ambulance corps S. O. 24; back pay due for the months of Mar., Apr., May, and June, '64 ; stoppage, for 1 canteen, 05c. ; 1 haversack, 95c. — $1.60; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, jiresent; ^Mgr., same. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; enrolled a pvt. ; appointed corp. Oct. 14, '02 ; to sergt. Jan. 22, '63 ; clothing acc't last settled Sept. 1, '62 ; due soldier for clothing, $32.68; bounty due, $100. MOEHRY, Jacob, pvt., Co. K. 1864 : Feb., absent sick in hospital at Baton Rouge, La., transferred from 174th Eegt. N. Y., S. Vols'., S. 0. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, at N. Y. City, mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; ApU, discharged Feb. 26, '64, at Baton Kouge, La., by order of Surg. Toole, on account of disability. MOFFITT, James, i>rivate, Co. D; age 36; enrolled Sept., 25, '62, at N. Y. City, mus- tered in Oct. IS, '02, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct. present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apl. last paid same ; absent, sick in hospital at Washington, La. ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in hospital at New Orleans; Aug., same; Oct., same; Dec, absent, sick, $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '03 ; absent, sick in New Orleans, La. ; A})!., last, paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; died of chronic diarrhcca Apl. 1, 1864, at Brashear City, La. ; June, last paid same, absent, sick at Brashear City, La., dropped on April rolls by error; An;/., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent sick at I3rashear City, La., since May 5, '63 ; Oct. , last paid to Dec. 31, '62, died of malarial fever at Brashear City, La., June 21, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : died June 27, '03, of chronic diar- rhcca at U. S. Genl Hospital, Brashear City, La. Mohan, Edward, private, Co. E; age 19: enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Octo. 18, le62,"at New York, for 3 years. 1802 : Octo., present ; Dec, last paid to Octo. 31, absent ; deserted at New Orleans, La., Dec. 17, 1802. Mohan, Edward, private. Co. I; age 18; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1802: Oct., absent; mustered in Co. E. Muster-ont roll of cfi. : transferred to Co. E, 102 N. Y. Vols., Nov. 1, 1802, orders Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Moui-, Conrad, pvt., Co. K. 1804: Feb.. last paid to Oct. 31, '03, present; trans- ferred from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O.No. 47, 19ch A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 25, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '02, at New York, for 3 years ; Jjj'/, last paid to Feb. 29, '04, present ; deduct haversack, 33c. ; June, iast'paid to Ap'l 30, '04, serg't, present ; promoted to serg't May 1, '64; Aug.. last paid to April 30, '04, p'v't, present; reduced to the ranks from serg't Aug. 2, '04; deduct canteen, cheveron, 69c. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '04, present; deduct for extra clothing, $4.17; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '04, serg't, present; promoted serg't Nor. 1, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, serg't, present; Aj)'!, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, x^resent; deduct 1 canteen, 65c. ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '05, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, "05; clothing last settled Oct. 25, '02; clothing due soldier, $12.17; bounty due, $100 ; appointed serg't June 1, 1804. Monx-BACH, Anton, private Co. C, age 25; enrolled Sept. 25, 1862, at New York; mustered in October 14, 1802, at New York for 3 years. 1862 : Octo., present, 117G9 11 162 lIoiiLiiACK, Anton— Con tinnod. borne as Anton Mollbacli ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, Wri, prospnt ; entitlM lor -tJ wlio lias enlisted after June 21, 'ij>. HG:? : Feb., last i>ai(l to Dec. 31, jiresent; cook lor company; Ai)ril, died on April 24, Ib(;;{, at Baton Konge ; Jtiiie, last paid to Dec. 31; died in hospital at Baton Kouge. Muster-out roll of CO. : died of disease April, June, and Aug. same; mustered out Oct. 3, '65, at New York City, under instructions froui WarDept. ; last paid June 30, l"iG3; amount of clothing advanced, §69.94; deserted at New Orleans Sept. 4, '(33; des. list stales bounty due §100; due U. S. for ordnance, $21.25 ; for camp and G. E., §3. 17 ; sentence by G. C. M., lldqrs. Ist div. lUth A. C, P'ranklin, Ln-i., Feb. 24. '64, G. O. No. 7,' to be conlined at hard labor on Ship Island for the balance of his term of enlist- ment, wear a ball and chain 24 lbs. -weight, and to forfeit .^10 per nionlh of his monthly pay. Muster-out roll of co. : private, clothing ditte of last settlement Sept. 29, '62; joined bv transfer from 174th N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, S. O. 47, 19th A. C. ; amount of clothing drawn, $44.45, MONFiiAN, Dknms E. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62 : private; a,j;e 40 ; enrolled Aug. 30, '()2, at New York, for 3 years. Name lined out. Monroe, Edwi.v. Muster-in roll of Co. I, dated New York,' Oct. 18, '62: private; age 24 ; enrolled iSept. 13, '(i2, at New York City, for 3 years. Name lined out; not borne on snbseiiuenc ixdls. MONROW, KoBKUT, i)rivate, Co. I. lr'64 : Feb., last paid to Aug. 31,1863, present; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, 1864, pr.' S. 0. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 21, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, 18()2, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid l-o Feb. 29, '64; present as Ilobert Mon- roe ; Jhuc, transferred to the U. S. Navy, May 8, 1864. MONTGOMKUY, Alkxaxdkk W., private Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sept. 4,1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Uct., pres- ent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, pre.sent; $2.00 premium due G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, jiresent ; borne on this roll as Alex'r Montgomery; .,■////, present ; Jane, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, present ; Out., last jiaid to Aug. 31, present : Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, Jiresent ; !!r25 U. 8. bounty and $2 premium due thissoldier. 18li4 : Fdb., present ; ApU, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, hosp't'l New Orleans, wounded Ap'l 9; June, absent, wounded, in hospital Ap'l 9, 1864; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; died of woumls received in action Ap'l 21, 18o4. Muster- out roll of CO.: died Ap'l 21, 1864, of wounds rec'd in action at Pleasant Hill, La., Ap'l 9, 1864. MOONEY, Michael, privivte, Co. D ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 6, 1862, atN. Y. City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., deserted from Ri- ker'slsland Oct. 21. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 20, '62. MoONEY, William, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Oct. 4, 'Qi'l, at New York : mus- tered in Oct. 18, '()2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., i)resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2 premium due. 1863: /eft., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; April, hint jiaid to Dec. 31,'62; discharged for disability March 4, '63, at Camp Manslield, La. Miister-out roll of co. : discharged ou 8urg. cert, of dis. at New Orleans, La. Moore, Augustus G., pvt. Co. K ; age 19; etirolled Sept. 16, '62, at Now York, mus- tered in Oot. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., deserted at Camp Seward, Va., Oct. 30, '62 ; Dec, '62, to Ap'l, '64, inch, name not borne. 1864 : t/HHC, present; returned from desertion to his ivg't; apprehended Mch 5, '64; Aug., absent, sick in hosjiital, Harper's Ferry, Va.; deduct canteen, haver., \ s. tent, $2.79 ; t>et., absent, sick in hosp'l, Baltimore, Md.; /^t-c, '64, to Ji(.7.,'65, inch, absent, sick in gen. hospital. Muster-out roll of co., dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: clothing last settled, Sei)t. 16, I8(i2 ; bounty due, $100; sick in G. hospital, Washington, D. C; has drawn clothing to the amount of $8.02; no discharge furnished iit muster out of organization ; snj)posed to have been mustered out of service. Mooi;k, BicuNAun, jivt. Co. K; age 33; enndled Sept. 22, 1862, at New York ; mus- tered ill Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 y«^•^rs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, jiresent ; entit led to $2 juemium. 1863 : Feb., last ]»aid to Dec. 31, present; J///, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, nlisent, left sick at Baton Koupe; June, same; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, discharged and linal statements given. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged for disability at New Orleans, La., March, '63. 163 Moore, Edward, private, Co. G ; age 36 ; enrolled Aug. 29, 'G2, at New York ; mua- tered iu Oct. 16, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1662 : Oct., present ; DfC, last paid to Oct. 31, 't)2, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present ; by sentence of court-martial $5.00 of this man's pay is forfeited to the U. S; Jjyril, last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present; Ju7ie, same; Aug., last ])aid to May 1, '63, absent, sick in Baton Kouge, La. ; Oct., last jjaid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '6o, present; $25.00 U. S. bounty and .|2.00 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., same as for Dec, '63 ; April, last paid to March 1, '64, absent, in hos- pital at New Orleans, wounded iu action April 8, '64, at Sabine Cross Koads ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to March 1, '64, absent, sick at Jelfer- son Barracks, Mo., wounded in action April 8, '64, at Sabine Cross Roads, La. ; Oct., last paid to March 1, '64, absent, sick at U. S. Gen'l Hospital. Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Dec, last paid to Mar. 1, '64, absent, sick at U. S. Hospital, Jefferson Banacks, Mo., since June 17, 1864. 1865: Feb., last paid to March 1, '64, absent, iu Jefferson Barracks, U. S. Gen'l Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., since July 17, '64 ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sameremavk; June, last paid to March 1, '64, absent, to Vet. Res. Corps, per transfer, 2 War Dept., A. G. O., Jan. 10, '65; descriptive list of acct. of pay and clothing furnished. Moore, Thomas, pvt., Co. B ; age 23 ; enrolled Aug. 27, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1662: Oc^, i>resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct, 31, present, $2.00 premium due G. 0. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ^j??., present ; June, present; A\ig.,\2bBt paid to June 30, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; Corp., present ; appointed corp., vice Hugh Kiernau promoted to serg't; $25 U. S. bounty and |2 premium due this soldier. 1864 : Feb., pres- ent; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, absent ; hospital New Orleans, wounded at Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9 ; June, absent, wounded, hospital N. O. ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '64; jjresent ; ret'd to duty from absent wounded from N. O. hospital, July 30, 1864 ; 1 canteen, ^ shelter tent ; Oc^., last paid to Aug. 31 ; sergt., present; promoted to serg't from corp., Oct. 26, 1864, S. O. 140, hd. qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. ; 6toi)page ^ S. T., $2.30 ; Dec, present ; x>romotedfrom Corp., Oct. 26,1864. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, '64; preseut; Apr., same; Jkhc, last paid to Apr. 30, '65 ; present; Aug., private, present ; re- duced to the ranks for absence without leave, July 12, 1865, by order of com. officer of reg't. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; appointed corp., Sept. 1, 1863 ; to sergt., Aug. 5, 1864 ; clothing acc't last settled, Aug. 27, 1862 ; due sol. for clotbiug, $74.69; bounty due, $100. Moran, Christopher, corporal, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, pres- ent; enrolled Oct. 23, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; Jjj'^ last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Ap'130, present ; Aug.,VAsi paid to Apl. 30, deserted from Washing- ton, July 31, '64; musket and equipments, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47,' 19th A. C. ; Feb. 17, '64, deserted from Wash- ington, D. C, July 31, '64. MORAis, John, private,. Co. A, age 42; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted from Riker's Island. 1863: J«<7., discharged for disability, and final statement given July 22, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged on surg. cert, of dis. July 22, '63, at New Orleans, La. MORAN, Peter, private, Co. A. 1864: J?'cZ)'(/, last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans, from 174th N. Y. v., by S. O. 47,Feb'y 17, '64, 19 A. C; enrolled Nov. 12, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; April, last i^aid to Oct. 31; absent, discharged for disability at Franklin, La., MarcJj 6, '64, by order Genl. Franklin. Muster-out roll of co.: tranaferred to V. R. C. March 1, '64, S. 0. 56, 19 A. C. MoRAN, Peter, pvt., Co. H. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 28, 1862, at New York ; mustered Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; transf'd from 174 N. Y, V. by S. Qi^No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864 ; April., last paid Feb. 29, '64, present; stoppage, canteen, 44c. ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present ; stoppage, haversack, 31c.; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent; deserted, Algiers, La., July, 1864. Co. M, O. roll: deserted at Al- giers, La., July 1, 1864. Moran, Philip, private, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolled Oct. 23, '62, at N. York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. York, for 3 164 Moras, Philip— Continnod. years; transferred by consolidation from Ct». F, 174th Regt., N. Y., S. O. No. 47, II. Q. lUth A. C, pnrsiiant f<> orders from W;ir Dept. ; due this soldier, $'2r> U. S. bounty; -ipl-, last ]»aid to Keb. 21t, present ; June, last paid to Ap!. ;ilt. ])resent; .iiiy., last i>aid to Apl. 150, ])iesent, haversack and shelter tent to be deducted from bis pay, i^'i.IJH ; Oct., last paid to Anj;. ;u, present; iJfC, same. IHi;;"): Fth., last paid to Dec. ."U, present; Apl., same; Juue, last paid to AjjI. LiO, present; Jug., same. Mnsterod out wiih company Oct. \'2, 'i;r>, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apl. 30, tjij ; clothing last settled Oct. -J:}, '(;4 ; bounty due, §100; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 10th A. C, Feb. 17, 'G4 ; due soldier for clothing, S51.07 ; borne as Philip Maren. MoRAN, Thomas, private, Co. E; age 28; enrolled Sept. 1, ^(>-2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York, for :{ years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31; pcesent; entitled to S2. 00 premium. ldt)3: Feb., last ])aid to Dec. 31, '63; present; Jpr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '63; absent, hospital. Baton Ronge, wounded in action before Port Hudson, June 14, "63; Juff., last paid not known; absent, hospital in New Orleans, wounded before Port Hudson, June 14, '63; Oct., same; Dec, absent, hos- l)ital, N. O. ; wounded in action, Pt. Hudson, Juno 14, '63 ; §2.") U. S. bounty and J2.00 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., absent, hospital, N. Or- leans, wounded in action, Juue 14, '63: $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; Apl., absent, hospital. New Orleans; wounded in action, June 14, '63; June, absent, hosj). at David's Island, N. Y. ; Aug., same ; Octo., absent at hos]>ital, David's Island, N. Y. Harbor; wounded June 14, '64, Port Hudson, La. j Dec, absent; discharged from David's Island Hospital, N. Y. H., for disa- bility from g. 8. wounds. Mokia]RTY, Patkick, ))rivate, Co. A. 1864: Feby., absent, trans, from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feby. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; detached to .-)th U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, Dec. 14, '63, 1st 15rig., 1st Div. ; enrolled Nov. 11, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apl. to June inclusive, last paid to Oct. 31. absent, detached to 5th'U. S. Arty, S. O. 35, Isl Brig., 1st Div., I'J A. C, Dec. 14, '63 ; Aug., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; stoppage, one canteen, 4lc. ; for articles lost while in Bat. G, 5th U. S. Art'y, .§2.40 ; total , $2.81 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64 ; preseut ; stoppage, i S. tent, S2.30; haversack, 67; total, §2.07; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, preseut. 1865: Feby., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; rei)orted deserter through error in last muster-rolls ; Apl., last ]»aid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; reported deserter through error in Dec. rolls; June, last paid to Aug. :{1, '64 : absent without leave since June 25, 1865 ; Aug., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent ; deserted at Washington, D. C., July 24, '65 ; stoppage,! Enfield rifled masket and acctmts., haversack, canteen, i S. tent. MORLY, Stephen, private, Co. D. 1863: Feb., present; enrolled Feb. 14, 1863, at New Orleans, for 3 yrs. ; Apl., present; June, never paid, absent, sick in hospital at New Orleans; Aug. ,ueyvr i)aid, absent, sick in hospital at New Orleans; Oct., never paid, absent, sick in hospital; Ih'C, absent, sick; $25 U.S. bounty and .§2 premium duo the .soldier; mustered in Feb. 15, '63, at New Orleans. 1864 : Feb., not paid, absent, sick in New Orleans, La. ; Apl., not paid, died of chronic n7 to .-1mRTiMER, Hksry — CoutiniU'd. Oct, 31, 'G4, absent, sick at Pbila., Pa.; JpL, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, ab- sent, bick at Washington, D. C; last lieard from Apl. 15,1865; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, transferred to V. R. C. Mcli. 15. '65. (Transfer No. 4, War Dept.) Co. niuster-ont roll : transferred to V. II. C. March 16, '65. MoiLr», Hknry, pvt., Co. K; age 3*2; enrolled Sept. 2'l, ^C'i, at New York; lunstered in Oct. 18, '(■)•_', at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Philadel- \t\i'ui Oct. '25, 186-2. MoYLAX, Thomas, private, Co. I. 1864 : Ftb., present, recrnir from draft rendezvous, Riker's Island, N. Y. ; has received $60 bounty, $13 advance pay, >i'2 pre- mium; total $75; enrolled nnd musferc'l 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, "64, present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Aji'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; deduct 1 haversack, 95c. ; 1 canteen, 65c. =.?1. 60; June, last i>aid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '(w, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65 ; clothing last set- tled, Oct. 9, '6"2; clothing duo soldier, 116.75; bounty di^, §100; ciiuipmeuts lost, etc., $6; enrolled as corporal ; reduced Nov. 20, 1862; deduct 1 can- teen, 65c. MUELLKR, Skbastiax, private, Co. C ; age 35; enrolled Sept. 23d, 1862, at New Y'ork; mustered in October 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; i^fc, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, iire.sent; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June 21, '62. 1863: Fib., last paid Doe. 31 : absent on detached service, 1st l.,ouisiana Cavalry, by order of Col. Benedict; April, absent, 1st La. Cavalry Reg't, on detached service; June, last paid to Dec. 31; same remark; borne on this roll as Sebastian Miller; J i/y'/, absent, Ist La. Cavalry Regt., detached; Octo., absent, on detached service, Ist La. Cav'y, Feb. 9, 1863; D(c., absent, on det. service, 1st La. C.ivalry Reg't, Fob'y 6, '63. 1864: Ftb'if, absent, detached to 1st La. Cav., Feb. 6, 't)3; §25 bounty due ; April, ab.sent; detached to 1st La. Cavalry; June to June, 1865, inclusive, absent; detached to 1st La. Cav. since Feb'y 9, 1863; Aufft, absent ; deserted, dropped as deserter Aug't 28, 1865; detached to 1st La. Cavalry Feb. 9, 1863; not heard from since. Muster-out roll of company : deserted ; '//i P'esent ; left behind in Iialtimore ; joined reg't at Camp Mansheld ; has not been paid since muster; April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, jireseut ; June, not been paid since mustered, present, left (intoxicated) at Baltimore, Md., rejoined at Camp Manstield Feb'y 7, 1863; Aui/., last paid to .June 30, 1863, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, ])ay due from date of enlistment, Sept. 3, '62, to Feb'y 7, 1863; Dec, last jiaid {(} Oct. 31, bounty due .'S25, jjresent; .S2 iiritiiium due this soldier. 181)4: Feb^ji, last i)aid to Oct. 31, present; Ap'l, last j.aid t() Feb'y 29, \noH- ent; stoppage, canteen, .44; June, last jiaid to Ap'l ;!0, present; stoppage, haversack, 33; canteen, 41 ; i shelter tent, $1.75=^2.49; Aug., last paid to A]i'l 30, '64, absent, sick in hosp't'l, Washington, D. C, since Aug. 2, '64; Oct., last paid to A])'l 30, '64, absent, sick in .ludiciary Hosp't'l, Washing- ton, D. C, since Aug. 2, '64; Jku;, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick, .Fudiciary Hosp't'l, Washington. D. C, since Aug. 2d, is64. 1^()5: iV/;'//, last ])aid tti ( )ct. 31, '64, al)sent, in hosp't'l, Washington, D. C., since Aug. 1, 't>4, and sr) borne to Aug., '^9 ; Aug., present; one (1) canteen ; Oct., last paid Aug. 31, 1st serg't, present; pro- moted to 1st serg't from serg't Oct. 26, '64, S. O. 140, luhps. 162 N. Y. V. ; stoppage,-^ B. t., $2.30: Dec, present: promoted from serg't Oct. 26, '64; 168 MoxiKK, George — Continued. stopp.i^p, * shclhT-tcnt, $2.30. 1^).'): Feb., l.i«it paid Dec, 31. lil, present ; J/;r(/. present ; ./«(ic, last paid April, 3'), '(m, present: Awj., present. Mns- tered out with cDMipany Oct. Ti, lS(i5, .it Savannah, Ga. ; clothing account last settled Sept. 12,'&2 ; due soldier ^59.73 ; hcnnty dne slOO. MUKl'HKT, Ki>%VARi>, private, Co. G.; a^e'^tj ; enrolled Sejtt. 3. \'yi, at New York ; juns- ti-red in Oct. 18, 'd'i, at New York for 3 years, \6')2 : Oct.. absent, deserted, Oct. '26, '62. 18155 : April, present, returned from desertion March 2, 't)3, by (1. C. M.; deduct §10 per month aud $30 for arrest as a de.serter, with loss of all iiay and allowances due until Dec. 19, '64; June, present, deserted at Washington, D. C, Oct. 27, 'liJ, rejoined from desertion March *2, '(M^> ; nentenced by G. C. Martial to forfeit all pay aud allowances to Jan. 20, '65, dvdnct .§10 per month ; due .'?3.34 from last pay-day; Jitff., present, deserted Oct. 27, '62 ; rejoined from desertion Jan. 20, '65 ; senteuced by G. C. M. to lose all pay and allowances to that date; deduct SIO per UDiith, per sen- tence G. C. M. Due him $3.32 over deductions of last p lymeut, not pai. C, paid for the months of .July and Aug, by Maj, Wilson, recruit from draft rendezvous, duo 2d aud 3d iustaliinents of bounty, total §->0.00, deduct for lo.ssof 1 Enfield rifle and equipments, §20.66. 1865: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick at Washington, D. C; Jpl., last i>aid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick at Washington, D. C, last heard from Jan. 1, '65 ; Jane, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, sick at Wa.shingtou, D. C, last heard from Juno 1, '65; Aiifj., last paid to Aug, 31, '64, ab.sent, sick at Washington, D, C, last heard from June 1,'(>5. Co, M. O, roll: supposed to be mustered out G. O. No. 77, A. G. O. War Dept., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, clothing ac. last settled Feb. 2, '64, full ainonut of clothing drawn §39.47; bounty paid §60, bounty due §240, MuuPiiY, EnwAijD, corporal, Co, 1 ; age 35; enrolled Aug. 27, '62, at N, Y. City ; raus- tt-red in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs, l-'62 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to 0:!t, 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb.. last pai«l to Dec, 31, '(52, present ; Apr. and June, same; Auf)., last paid to July 1, '•i3. present; Oct., last paid to Sept, 1, 18()3, present; i^c. last i»aiil to Oct, 31, jirivate, present, 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct, 31, 1H63, present; Apr., last paid to Feb, 2'.>, '61, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Auj., same; Oct., last paid to Aug, 31, present; 7>fie., same, m55 : Irb., last )iaid to Dec. 31, 1861, present; Apr., same; Jinir, last paid to Apr. 30, '(■>5, inesent; Aug., not on file. Mustered out with company Oct, 12, 1865, at .Savannah, Ga,; last paid .\pril :v». l-'65; clothing never settled : bouutyilue lOl) : clothing due IJ. 1^ §15.04, Jamks, private, Co. H; age 34; enrolh-d S.^pt, 12. '(52, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '(52, at New York, for 3 years. 1-»152: Got., ab.sent, deserted at liiker's Island, October 21, 1862, Muster-out roll of co,: deserted at same place Oct. 22, '62, MUKPiiY, Jamks, pvt., Co, H. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct, 31, '63, present; enrolled Oc\. 28, M(i2, at New York, and mustered in Nov, 13, '62, at N, Y, City for 3 years, Transl'd from 174 N, Y, V, by S, O, No, 47, 19 A. C, Feb, 17, '64 ; April, last paid to Feb, 29, '64; missing in action Pleasant Hills. April 9, '64, woiindetl; Jinte, absent, in hana;«l to Dec.-'l. '■' •.l.<..t!t wiili li^i mn ul; : Jnuc. l:i-.i paid to Dec. 31, ^t r r>viT V, 169 MuiiPHY, James— Contiuned. .ibseut, in McDongal II. S. G. H., Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31. '04, abseiit, vrith same remark. Co. M. O. roll : last paid Dec. 31, '()4 ; bounty due, $100; supi>osed to be mustered out under G. 0.77, War Dei)t., Wasli'tu, D. C, Ap'l 28, '65; no discbarge furnished at M. O. of or- yauizatiou ; clothinjf drawn, $74.38. MURPIIY, John, private, Co. " E ;" age 22 ; enrolled Sept. 20, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Octo. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Ocf., present ; 7>ec., last paid to Octo. 31, present ; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent; deserteg Mch. 20, 1863, Baton Rouge, M. O. rollof co. : died; shot^while endeavorind to escape guard at N. 0., La., ou or about Apr. 5, 1863. AIuiuniY, Joseph H., private, Co. "E." 1864: -Fe?>., absent ; transferred from 174 Regt., S. 0. 47, Feb. 17 ; detailed to N. Y. for recruits, S. 0. 196, Aug. 14, '63 ; l&2o U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 17, N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, at N. Y., for 3 ye;us ; April, absent ; detailed to N. Y. for recruits, G. 0. 196, Aug. 14, '63; June, same; Augt., last paid to April 30, '64 ; ser- geant, present; promoted to sergt. from Augt. 1, 1864, by Lt. Col. Vander- burgh, CO mdg. regt., from corp'l ; Octo., last jjaid to Augt. 31, '64, present ; Z)<;c., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, jireseut ; to be deducted, | shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: i'^'ft., absent, hospital, Winchester, Va., Jan'y 20,1865; A}) ril, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, ])resent ; difference of paj'^ due from corp'l to sergt. from Nov. 1, '63, to Feb. 17, '64; JuHe, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co.,Octo. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid April 30, '65; clothing ac. last settled Octo. 17, 1862; due soldier, $22.51; bounty due, .flOO ; arms and equipments retained, $6; enrolled as corp'l ; ])romoted sergt., Nov. 1, 1863 ; joined by consolidation of 174 N. Y. V., S. O. No. 47, Dept. Gulf, Feb. 17, '64 ; reduced to corp'l, Feb. 18, '64 ; wounded at Deep I3ottom, Va., July 26, '64 ; promoted to sergt. July 26, 1864. Murphy, Michael, pvt., Co. H; age 24; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at N. Y.; mustered in (^cr. 18, '62, at N. Y., for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Kiker's Island; Bee, deserted as Riker's Island Oct. 23, '62. MuKPHY, JiliCHAEL I., private, Co. B ; age 19 ; enrolled September 3, '62, at New York ; mustered in October 14, '62, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oc<., absent; deserted at Bal- timore October 26, 1862; borne as Michael J. Murphy. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at same place Oct. 25, '62. MuKPHY, MoPvHis, corp'l, Co. A. 1?63: April, present ; enrolled March 1, 1363, at New Orleans, La., and mustered in same date and place ior 3 yrs.; June, not been paid since enlisted : private, absent, sent togenl. hosptl. from PortHud- son, woundwliu action May 27, '63; borne as Maurice Murphy ; J w*;., absent on furlough to New York (wounded) July 22, '63 ; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, absent, wounded at Port Hudson May 27; on furlough to New Y''ork July 22d, '63 ; Dec, last paid to Apl. 30 ; absent, sick Baton Rouge May 28th, '63 ; §2 premium due this soldier ; $25 bounty due. 1864 : Fehij., last paid to Apl. 30, abseut, hospital New Orleans, May 27; Apl., .absent, sick in hospital N. O. since May 2d, '63; June, absent, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, S. O. 53, War Dept. Muster-out roll of co. : joined from recruiting depot March 1st, 1863; trans, to V. R. C. Juue 1st, 1864, S. O. 53, War Dept. MuPJ'.vY, James, prv't, Co. H, age 20; enrolled Oct. 2, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, N.York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62 ; transferred to Co. K by order of Col. Benedict Nov. 10, '62. Co. M. O. roll: transf'd to Co. K, 162d'N. Y. V., Nov. 9, 1862. Muur.AY, Jamks, pv't, Co. K. 1832: Z>ec., present ; transferred to Co. K from Co. H by order of Col. L. Benedict ; enrolled Oct. 2 at New York for 3 years; en- titled to $2 premium. 186.5: /'"eft., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Jp'i, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, wounded in arm, and at Baton Rouge hospital ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '62, present ; Ocf., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; the soldier is entitled to $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium. 1864 : Feb., last ])aid to Oct. 31, '63; died in reg't'l hospital, Franklin, La., Feb. 25, of chronic diarrhea. Muster-out roll of co. : joined by transfer from Co. H, S. O. 76, iKbps. 162d N. Y. Vols., Feb: 18, 1864 ; died at Franklin, La., Feb. 25, '64. Murrey, Michael, private, Co. D; age 39; enrolled 23 Sept., 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., de- serted from Baltimore Oct. 27. MusGRoVE, George, j)rivate, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Octo. 31, present; trunsferred from 174 R^'f^. S. O. 47, Feb. 17 ; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Octo. 23, N. Y. City ; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 years ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, abseut, hosp. N. Orleans, wounded in action Apl. 23, '64 ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, abseut, hospital Baton Rouge, wounded 170 Ml'suKdVK, riKoijOK— Continnoil. in action April 23, '(>4 ; Augl., last paid to Juno 30, 'C4, absent,- on furlough (i>r (iO ilays, from 2^ July, '04 : Oct*., laf, '64, present; back pay due from Feb. 28, '63, to Ap'l 30, '63; June, last i)aid to Ap'l 30, '64, present ; Aug., '64, to Ap'l, '65, inch, last ]>aid April 30, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 2 Bottom, Va., July 26, '64; supposed to be dead, as no account has been heard of him since that date. (Borne as Charles Meier.) Mykr, CoxsTAXTiNK, private, Co. B; age 24; enrolled Sept. 2, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 vrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, present ; §2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 2! , 1862. 1863: Fth., last paid Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Oct. 31, absent in hos- ]>ital at DonaldsonviDe, La.; wounded Jan'y 3, 1863; June, absent, hospital at New Orle>nMs; wounded Jan'y 3, at Plaquemine ; Aug., last paid June 30, present ; borne on this roll as Constantine Meyer ; Oct., absent, discharged on account of disability. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged at Port Hud- son, La., Aug. 15, '63, of wounds received. Mykus;, D.wid, uuder-cooit, of African descent, Co. I. 1864: Fe&., present ; enrolled Feb. I, '64, at Franklin, La. ; mustered in Feb. 17, '64, at Franklin, La., for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last )>aid to April 30, 1864, ]»resent ; Aiiff., present; deduct half shelter-tent: Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. present; Dec, same. 1865: Feb., last i»aid to Dec. 31, 1864, pres- ent; deduct 1 knapsack, §2.15, 1 haversack ; .i^jjc, present ; deduct knap- sack and haversack ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present ; Aug., not on tile, Mnstend out with co. October 12, 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 18()5 ; clothing never settled ; due soldier for clothing, §2.94. Mykks, David I., 2d lieut., Co. A. 18t)4: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; en- rolled Feb. 20, '6J, at Franklin and musteied in same date and i)lace for 3 yrs. : trans, from 174th N. Y. Vols, by 8. 0. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; pay due as 1st sergt. to date of muster ; Apl, List paid to Feb'y 29; present, coui'd'g CO. since March 28, '64; extra pay due for responsibilities of co for month of April; back pay due as 1st sergt. from Oct. 31, 1863, to Feb. 20, '64; borno on this roll as David J. Myers; June, last paid to April 30, 1st lieut., pres- ent, coui'd'g CO., extra pay due for responsiliilities of co. for months of May and June; pay due as 2d lieut. from April 30 to June 26, '64; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '()4, present; extra ]>ay due for responsibilities of co. for the months of May. June, aiul July; pay «lue as 2d lieut. from Ap'l 30, '64, to .hine 26, '64; pay due for responsibility of property while in command of Co. B for the month of Aug., 1H64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; pay due for responsibity of co. ])roperty of Co. B for the months of Sept. ami Ocf., 1864; l>cc., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, jjreseiit, coui'd'g Co. B; jiay duo for res]ionsibility of co. jiroperty of Co. B for the mouths of Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1864. 1H65: Feb";/, last paid to Jan'y 1,'65, capt., present, coui'd'g CO.; jiromoted friun 1st lieut. .Jan'y 2, 1865 ; April, last paid to .lan'y 1, '65, present, com'fl'g (;o. ; pay due for responsibilities from Dec 31, 1h64 ; June, last jiaid to April 30, 1865, ])resent; jiay due for respotisibilities of CO. for months of May iind June; Aug., last jtaid to .June :!0, 181)5, absent; jiay due for r<'x|i(>nsil>ilities of <'o. for months of .May. .June, July, and Aug. ; tletaclied scrvici', .S. O. No. — , Aug. 7, '65; sub. dist. (Jcmulgee, (Ja. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, lrt65, at Savannah, (Ja. : last i);ud to Juno :K), '65; bounty due, §10(1; j. lined by trans, from 174th N. Y. Vols. Feb'y 17, '64, S. O. 47, 19 A.C.,as2resent. 1863: Feb., last p;Jd to Dec. 31, '62. present: Apl., same; June, same; .lug., absent, in general hospital, July 2 i. "(13; Oct., absent, in general hospital, Baton Rouge, July 23. '63; lite, died in genl hospital. Dec V3, '()3, Baton Konge. Muster-out roll of c«i. : transferred from .">3d N.Y. Vols., Sept., 18(32, died at general hos- pital. Baton Konge, La.. Aug. 31'. X\i. 171 Natinporf, Hermakx, private, Co. C ; age 39; eiuolled Sept. 16, 1862, at New York? mustered iu October 14, ld6.i, at Xew York, for 3 years. 18G^ : Octo., present; borne on this roll as Harmau Nandorf ; Bee, last paid to Nov. 1, '&i, present ; entitled for two dollars who lias enlisted after June 21st, 'G2. 1863 : Fib., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Jpl., present: J>.uie, same ; Augt, last paid to Dec. 31, '62. absent, sick iu hospital at Baton Rouge; Oct., died in hospital. Baton Eouge, August 29, '6:i. Co. muster out roll: died Afigt. 27, '63, of disease, in hospital, Baton Rouge, La. Neaky, Jonx, corporal, Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct 31, '63, present ; trans- ferred from 174 Regt. N. Y. V.. by S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf, 17 Feb., '64 ; deduct 33c. for haversack ; enrolled Nov. 1.^, 1662, at New York City; mustered in Dec. 4, 1862, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, '63, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug.^ same ; Oci,, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; Dec, same. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present ; ^«^.. same. Mustered out withco. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.j last paid to April 30, '65 ; clothing last settled Oct. 3, '63; drawn since, $54.08 ; bounty due, $100. Nell, Mathias, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 30, 1862, at New York City,, and mustered in Oct. 18, "'62, New York, 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., absent, deserted from Riker's Island. Muster-out roll of co : deserted at Riker's Island, Oct. 20, 1862. Nels(.>x, HoiuTio, private, Co. E ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Octo. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Octo., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to De'c. 31, absent; detailed Feb. 4, 1863, Ist Louisiana Cavalry, by Special Order No. 31, Jan. 31, 1H63; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, absent, detailed to 1st Louisiana Cavalry, Feb. 4, 1863; June, same; Augt., absent, detailed 1st Louisiana Cavalry, Feb. 4, 1863 ; Ocio., last payment not known ; same remarks ; Dec., abseut, detailed First Louisiana Cavalry, Feb. 4, 1863 j $25 bounty and $2.00 premium due the soldier, borne as Horatio Nelson. 1864: Feb., absent, detailed to 1st Louisiana Cavalry, Feb. 4, 1863; $25 U. S bounty due soldier; Aprl. to Aug., inclusive, absent, detailed 1st Louisi- ana Cavalry, Feb'y 4, 1863; Octo., abseut, Camp Dis-tribution, N. O., La.; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, convalescent camp. Governor's Isl- and, N. Y. H. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, difference of pay due from prvt. to sergt. of cavalry from May to Dec. 31, 1864; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Augt., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present ; joined from, reported a deserter by error, Aug. 13, 1865, having been taken sick while on the march, dropped as a deserter by error ou July return. Mustered out with company Octo. 12, 1865, at Savannah,' Ga.; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing ac. last settled Sept. 4, '62; clothing due soldier $74.51 ; bounty due $100 ; arms and equipments returned $6 ; enrolled as private while in cavalry, promoted to sergt., and due the difference of pay from private to sergt. from Apl. 30 to Dec. 31, 1864 ; rejoined co. Jan. 22, 1865; reduced to ranks for want of vacancy. Nelson, John, private, Co. "E." 1864: Febi/., last paid to Octo. 31, present, trans- ferred from 174 Regt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; en- rolled Octo. 20, N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 years; Aprils last paid Feb. 29, '64, absent ; deserted. Grand Ecore, April 20, '64 ; June, abseut; last paid to Feby. 29, '64 ; absent, prisoner of war ; missing in ac- tion Apl. 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted while on the march to Grand Ecore, La., April 20, '64; joined by consolidation of 174 N. Y. v., S. O. No. 47, Dept. of the Gulf, Feby. 17, '64. NEr.MAiSEK, GusTAVE, private, Co. F. Not borne ou muster-rolls. Muster-out roll of Co., dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65: private, transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Q'rs Dep't of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; deserted from N. Orleans, La., Sept 10, '63. Necmann, Joseph, corporal, Co. F; age 26; enrolled July 11, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., private, present; $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 under act of June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paul to Dec. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent as Jos. Neimann; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, jiresent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 'Q'i, present; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 ]>remium. 1864: Ftb'., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due the soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apl,, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; shelter-tent to be de- dju-.ted from bis pay, $1.8*): Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; i'tc, last paid to Aug. 31, present; shelter-tent, $2.30. 1865: i^e&., last paid 172 Ni: I.MANN, Joseph— Continued. to Di'c. :U, present; J}>1., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, 'Gl; discharged iit Washington, D. C, June 1, '6.'), pursuant to G. O. No. f):?, H. Q. M. M. D., May 30, Go; borne on previous rolls in error; mustered Oct. 18. Mus- tered out on detachment niiister-out roll, at Washinjjton, 1). C, June 1, 'Go ; paid to Dec. 31, '«;4; clothing account last settled July 11, '62; drawn .since settlement, §120.04; bounty paid, none; due, §100; post-office address, New York City; deduct for the sutler, .*4; mustered out under provisions of Genl. Orders No. 5:5. Headaid Oct. 31, 1SG2, present; entitlecl to $2 under act of .June 21, lriG2. 18G3: Feb., last paid Dec. 31; deserted Feb. 5, ldo3. Muster-out mil of company : transferred from 53rd N. Y. V., Sept., 18u2; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 0, 18GJ Ia;vi:.N, William, private, Co. A; age 35 ; enrolled Sept. 8, 'G2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at N«w York, for 3 yrs. 18G2: Oct., present; Pec., last paid to Oct. 31, 'G2, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Feby,, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31,1862, absent on recruiting service at station in New Orleans, La., Dec. 28, 1862 ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent on det. service at New Orleans, since Dec, 18G2, (recruiting); Aug., absent on recruiting service, station at New Orleans, La., Dec. 28, 'G2; Oct., absent, sick in i»'ow Orleans, Dec. 28, '62; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, bounty due §25; absent, sick in N. O., Nov. 14, '62 ; §2 premium due this soldier. 18G4 : Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Oct. 31, absent; discharged for disability at Franklin, La., March 6, '64, bv order Genl. Franklin. Muster-out roll of co : transferred to V.K. C, March 1, 1864, S.0.56, I'J A. C. Nkville, John, 2d lieut., Co. " I " ; age 23 ; enrolled Oct. 18, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years ; appears again on muster- in roll of CO. as Ist sergeant, enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York City, with line drawn through name and enrollment. 1862: (kt., present; also borne as 1st s'g't pro. to 2d It., Oct. 18, '62; Dec, last paitl to Oct. 31, 1862, pres- ent; 18G3: /Vft., last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, present : wants ditferenco of pay from Oct. 7, 1862, to Oct. 18, 1862, as 2d lieut. ami 1st sergeant; Apr., ])re8- ent; June, absent, in hospt. at Baton Rouge, La. ; Aug., lj>i?t paid to June 30, '63. Died July 17, 1863, of wounds ree'd at Port liiidson. La., June 14, 1863; his money was retnrne/<., absent, sick in hospital at New Or- leans, La. ; transferred from 174th Keg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, IKth A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Nov. 13, '()2, at New York, for three years; April to Ann., incl., absent sick in hospital. New Orleans, La.; Oct.\ deserted from New Orh-ans, La., Oct. 63; deduct haversack, canteen, i shelter-tent, §2,79. Muster-out roll of co. : ileserteil at New Orleans, La., Oct. 15, '64. Nielsen, Fi. "Jli, '61, jjresent ; June, last i)aid to April 30, '61, prese?it ; Autj. to />/•<•., inclusive, last paid (o Ai)ril 30, '64, absent; l)risoner of war since July 26, '()4. lrtG5: /'«•/»., same ; .-!;>/., same; ./w/ir, last soner of war since July 25, '64. Musteredout at New York Citv, innler teh-gram W. D., I'aid to Ap'l 30, '61, absent ; pri^ on ind. m. o. roll Aug. 2.'>, 65, 173 Nielsen, Frederic — Continued. A. G. O., rith May, 1865 ; last paid to April 30, '64 ; prisoner of war July 25, '64; uo clothing %. Muster-out roll of co.: clothiug % last settled Oct. 6, 'G-i; clothiug drawn, $81.55; bounty due, flOO. Nolan, Michael G., private, Co. I. 1864 : Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; en- titled to pav as 1st sergt. from Oot. 31, '63, to Feb. 17, '64 ; trans, from Co. I, 174th N. Y. v., Feb. 17, '64, pr. S. O. 47, 19rh A. C; enrolled Oot. 11, 1832, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; same to Aug.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1865: Fehy., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; June, absent, Finley U. S. Hosptl., Washington, D. C. ; deduct knap- sack ; Aug., not on file. Muster-out roll of co.: discharged July 19, '65, Finley U, S. Hosptl., Washington, D. C. NOPPER, Joseph, private, Co. A. 1864: Fehy., present, trans, from 174th N.Y.V., by S. O. 47, Feby. 17. '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 8, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13,' GvJ, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Apl., absent, sick in hosptl., N. O., March 10, '64, and so borne to include Dec. 1865 : Feby., ab- sent, deserted from hosp't'l, New Orleans, La.; dropped from co. roll, Jan'y 30, '65. Norman, Charles, private, Co. G ; age 28 ; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, "62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Oct. 26, '62. M. out roll of co. : deserted Oct. 27, '62, Camp Seward, Va. NoHMAN, Gustave, private, Co. H; age 18; enrolled Oct. 4, 1862, at New York, mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present as Gustave Nurmann ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, corpl., present. Co. M. O. roll: trans- ferred to Co. F per S. O. 51, ext. 1, hdfirs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb, 20, '63, aud borne as Gustave Nuimaiser. Norman, Gustav, corporal, Co. F. 1863: Jp'l, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, present; enrolled Oct. 4, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at Eiker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation Mch. 1, 1863 ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, 1862, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, 1863, present; Oct., absent, sick in hosptl. at New Orleans Sept. 22, 1863; Dec, absent, sick at New Orleans ; $25 U. S. b. due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864 : Feb., private ; absent, sick at g. hosptl., at New Orleans, Sept. 25, '63; bounty due, .'i;25; Apl. to Aug., inclusive, sick at N. O., Sept. 25, '63; Oct., deserted from general hospital ; canteen, haversack, and shelter-tent to be deducted from his pav, $3.42. Company muster-out roll : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, hd. qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb, 20, '62; deserted from New Or- leans. La., Sept. 2, 1863. NoRRis, Charles E., pvt., Co. H. 1865: April, absent, enrolled March 15, '65, at Tar- rytowu ; mustered in same date and place ; deserted at Winchester, March 31, 1865. To be ded. muskets and equipments, $21.25 ; ^ S. T., $4.90 ; haver- sack, 90c. ; $27.05. Co. M. O. roll dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865: de- serted at Winchester, Va., March 29, '65 ; joined from recruiting rendezvous Mar. 29, 1865. Norse, Eomtno, corp'l, Co. G; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present, borne as Edmund Nourse ; Z>ec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : i-'eb., last paid to Jan. 1,'63, present ; April, same ; June, last paid to Jan. 1,'63, sergt., present, promoted from corp'l, to date June 14, '63, vice Reid, pro- moted ; J «An<;.,31, pnsont; I>ec., al)spiit, det. to aniVmlance corps, 1st Div,, 19 A. Corps. iHUf): Ftb.. al)Ni'iit, on dtt. st-rvici* anilmlance corps, 1st Div., I'J A. C!. ; Apl., absent, (let. service ambulance corps, 1st Div., A. of P. ; ile- (hict §;{ transportation; Jn»e, last paid to Ajil. :?0, G5, present; Aug., not on file. Mustered out witli comjiany Oct. 12, 'G.'), Savannah, Ga. ; last \tAu\ to Apl. 20, '().'j ; clothing acct. never settled; bountj' due, $100; clothing due soldier, %'M.2T. Oaklky, Johx, i)rivate, Co. G. 1864 : Feh., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; transf'd from Co. G, 174 Regt., N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, lid. Qrs. 19th A. C. Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; April, last paid to March 1, '61, i)re8ent ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aug., same as for June; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present ; Dec, same as for Oct. 1865: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, present; Api-il, last ])aid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, last paid to Jlay 1, '65, present ; deduct §24 due U. S. on acct. of clothing overdrawn to date; Aug., last paid to April 30, '65, ]>resent; M. out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '65 ; clothing never settled; due U. S. S-6.94 ; bonntj- due .$100; stop for gun and equipments §6. Oakley, Neiikmiau, Ist sergeant, Co. li ; age 32 ; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, ■ last paid Oct. 31, present; $2 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid Dec. 31, absent; promoted to be serg't major 21st Nov., 1862 ; April, name not borne; June, 2ud lieut., present; Aug., last paid June 30, jircsent; in command of company since March 1 to date; Oct., 1st lieut. absent; recapitulation shows him absent, sick; Dec, last jmid to Aug. 31 ; died at New Iberia Nov. 10, '63, of typhoid fever. Oaki.ey, Neiikmiah, serg't major. lft()3 : Feb., last jiaid to Dec. 31, '62, present; appointed serg't major to rank from Nov. 21, 1862; enrolled Aug. 30, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. M.O. roll of F. and S., dated Oct. 12, 18(55, at Savannah, Ga. : enrolled as Ist serg't, Co. 15.; discharged to accept pro- motion as 2nd I't, S. O. No. 2H, par. 3, hVbi'rs 19 A. C, Sept. 28, 1863. Oakley, Nkhe.miah, 2d lieut., Co. C. 1*^63 : Apl., present; commissioned from Dec'r 6th; rec'd §!40.00 as serg't; ])ay in the interim; enrolled in New York ; mustered in at K. Island, New York, for 3 y'rs; name dropped from subse- quent rolls. Oakley, S. C. Mnster-in roll of co.H, dated Oct. 18, 1862, atNew York: Ist I't, age 25; namelinedout. 1862: Oc/., present; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City, for 3 y'rs, UTire6ent; com'd'g company since Jan. 1st, 1863. Co. M.O. roll, dated Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, li-6."): 1st lieut., transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., by S. O. 51, ext. 1, h'dq'rs Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, l-;63. Oakley, Stei'IIEN C, 1st lieutenant, Co. F. 1863 : Apl, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent ; signs roll as commanding connpany ; enrolled Sept. 8, '(.V2, at New York, and mustered in Sept. 8, '62, at Alexandria, Va., tor 3 yrs.; coindg. Co. it from Jan. 1 to Alch. 1, '63, and couidg. Co. F since Mch. 1, '63, and trans- ferred from Co. H to Co. F by consoliriation Mch. 1, '63, by order of Col. Itenedict; June, hist ])aid to Dec. 31, '()2, absent; wounded May 27; died May 28, 1863. Muster-otit roll of company; transferred from Co. 11, S. O. 51, 'Hd. Qrs. Dei)t. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863; "killed in action at Tort Hudson, La., Mav27, 18v3. O'B.fiEX, JoFi.v, 1st. Muster-in roll of Co. E. dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private; age 19; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York City, for 3 years; name lined out; name not subsequently borne. O'liitiEN, John. 2(1, private, Co. K ; ago 20 ; enrolled Sept. 13, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oe«o. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; d.-serled from Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1-62. O'CiUEN, I'KTKii, private, Co. G. 1864 : Feb., last V^i'd to Nov. 1, '63, present ; transfd from Co. G, 1741h N.Y. V., S. O. 47, lid. Qrs. 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; re- duced from sergt., by consolidation of regt., Feb. 17, '(54 ; enrolled Sejit. 23, '62, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; April, last paid to March 1, 'M, absent, hosi)ital at Alexandria, La.; wounded in action Ajiril 23, 'tM, at Cane Kiver Crossing; June, last i)aid to March 1, '64, .•il)sent, hospital atNew Orleans; wounded in action April 23, '64, at Cane Kiver Crossing; Aug., last paid to March I, '64 ; died of wounds received in action April 23, '64, at Cano Kiver Crossing. M. out roll of co. : died May 22, '64, in IJ. S. G. hosp'l.. New Orleans, La., of wounds received at Cane Kiver Crossing, La., April 23, '64 ; promoted to sergt. Nov. 1,'63. 175 0'Bi:i:;.v, Terrexce, serfjh, Co. D ; age 32 ; euroUeil 13 Sept., 1862, at New York City; inusteied in 18 Ojt., 13G2, at New York, tor 3 yr.s. 18152 : Oct., dt^serteil from Rilvcr's Island, Oct. 22, '62 ; name not borne on rolls from Dec. to Oct., '63, in- clnsive; Dec, '63, private, present; returned from desertion Dec. 9, '63; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864 : Feb., present ; re- tnrned from desertion Dec. 9, 'Q'i; ^j^L, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent, missing in action at Sabine Cross-roads, La., Apl. 8, '64 ; June, Last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent, in the hands of the enemy ; dropped from Apl. 30 roll by error; Autj. to June, 1865, inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, prisoner at Ft. Tyler, Texas, since April 9, '64; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, ab.sent, exchanged prisoner of war, sick at New York City ; mustered out 11 July, 18135, at New York City, nucler telegram, W. D., A. G. 0., May 12, '65 ; prisoner of war 9 June, '64 ; 27 May, '65, entitled to 3 mouths' extra pay due U. S., for trausportation, $21. Co. M. O. roll : last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; clothing acct. last settled Oct. 31, '64; full amount of clothing drawn, $33.84 ; bounty due, $100. O'Callagiin, M., Ist 8ergt.,Co. H; age23; enrolled Sept. 26, 1862, at N.Y. City ; mus- tered in Oct. li, '62, at New York City, for 3 yrs. 18132: Oc<., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31. '62; pvt., deserted at Camp Slough, Va., Nov. 11, '62; borne as Mich'l O'Callaghan. O'Connor, John, private, Co. G. 1864: FeVii, last paid to Nov. 1, '63; present; tradsf'd from Co. G, 174th Regt. N. Y. V., S. O. 47, h'dq'rs. 19th A. C, P'eb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 9, '62, at New York City; mustered in Not., 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years ; April, last paid to March 1, '64 ; present ; June, last paid to April 30, '61, present; Aug.,ii^n\Q as for June; Oc^.,last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present ; Dec, «ime as for Oct. 18G5 : J'e&., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, present, on detached service per S. O. No. 6, h'dq'rs. 3d brig., 1st div., 19tli corps, Jan. 9, '65 ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; June, last paid to May 1,'65, present ; deduct $4.04 due U. S. for clothing overdrawn to date ; Auij., last paid to April 30, '65, present. M. out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to April 30, '65 ; clothing nevej settled; due soldier, $23.42; bounty due, $100. O'Connor, Matuew, 1st serg't, Co. A. 1864 : FeVy, absent ; enrolled Nov. 7, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Xew l'"ork, for 3 years ; trans, from 174th N. Y. v., by S. O. 47, Feb'y 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; April, absent on det. service per S. 0. 196, Dep't of Gulf, Aug. 11, '63 ; June to Ocf., absent on det. service at New York, S. O. 196, Dep't of Gulf, Aug. 11, '63; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64; present. 1865: Feb'y, last paid to March 1, '65, present; ApH, discharged to accept commission March 1, '64; final statement given ; same roll reports him Ist lieut., present, promoted from 1st serg't March 2, '65; extra pay due for responsibilities of Co. C. for months of March and Ap'l, 1865; mustered in Mai-ch 2, '65, at Winchester, Va.; Juve,last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; pay due for responsibilities of Co. G for months of May and June; Aug., present; pay due for responsibilities of Co. C for months of May, June, July, and Aug. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; bounty due, $100. O'Connor, Patrick, private, Co. G; age 34; enrolled Sept. 18, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Ocf., absent, dis- charged by doctor. M. out roll of co.: deserted Oct. 23, '62, Riker's Island, N. Y. O'Connor, Peter, private, Co. B; age 45; enrolled Sept. 11, 1362, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid; Dec. 31; present in genl. hospital at Fortress Moa- Toe; April, absent; discharged at Fortress Monroe March 2, 1863; June, absent; discharged at Fortress Monroe by order of Genl. Dix Feb. 4, rheumatism. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged Feb'y 3, '63. O'Conors, John, private. Co. F; age 43; enrolled June 26, '62, at New York; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., deserted Sept. 9; advance paid, $13. Muster-out roll of company : transferred from 53d N. Y. v., Sept., 1«62; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. OcsENRESTER, Peter, private, Co. A ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., de- serted at Washington. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Washington, D. C, Oct. 26, 1862. O'DOHERTY, Patrick, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., discharged for disability from hos- pital. New Orleans, Feb. 7, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. Y. , for 3 years. 1 O'DfiXXEi.L, Daxikl D. Mnster-in roll of Co. G. dated New Yorlc, Oct. IP, '02: pri- vate, a;;e 'JD ; enrolled Sept. 30, VrJ, at New York, for :; years. Name liued out. Name not borne on subsequent rolls. O'DuXNELL.JosKiii, private. Co. A; a{,'e '2:\: enrolled Sept, 3, 18(i'2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. Id, '02, at New York, fo^ 3 years. 18b2: Oo*., de- serted at Baltimore. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25, lWi2, O'DoxxELL, KouEKT, private, Co. A ; age 33 ; enrolled Sept. 23d, 1802, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1802, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1802: Oct., deserted from Biker's Island. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at Balti- more, Md., Oct. 20, '02, O'Grady, Pathkk, private, Co. B; age 24: enrolled Sept. 3, 180?, at New York; mnstered in Oct. 14, 1802, at New York, for 3 years. 1802: Oit., jtresent ; JJec, l.-wtpaid Oct. 31, present; $2.00preniium'due, G. O. 102, Oct. 21, 1802. 1803: Feb'y, last paid Dec. 31, present, under charges for desertion since last >nuster; April, jtresent ; June, present; Aug., paid April 30, absent, ia hospital at Baton Kouge ; Oct., absent, same remark; Utc, last paid Oct. 31, present; .$2i) U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1804: Ftb'y, present; April, absent, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, N. Orleans, Mch. 1, '04; June, Au(j., Oct., and Dec, name not borne. 1805: FeVy., last paid Aug. 31, 'OJ, present, stoppage, 1 canteen, 65; 1 haversack, 95; 2 shelter-tents. §19.00; extra clothing, $2.29; due sutler, 3d Vet. Kos. Corps, S2.(i0 = !^25.49 (borne as Patrick O'Grady); April, present; stopjiage, 1 canteen, 0.")C. ; 1 haversack, 95c. ; 2 shelter-tents, §19.00 ; extra clothing, :52.29 = §23.49 ; June, present; Aug., last paid April 30, '05, present. Mus- tered out with CO., Oct. 12, 1805, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing account last settled, Sept. 3, '02; due soldier, $13.53; bounty due, $100. O'IIaka, IIexky, private, Co. I; age 28; enrolled Aug. 27, '02, at New York City; mustered in Oct. H, '02, at New York for 3 yrs. 1802: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct, 31, '02, present, 1803: FeVy, last paid to Dec, 31, 1862, present; Ap'l, corp'l, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to July 1, 1803, absent, sick in hosp't'l at Baton Rouge, La. ; Oct., absent, sick in U. S. Barracks Hosp't'l, Baton Ronge, La. ; Dec, same. 1H04 : Feb'y, absent on det. service, pro. guard. New Orleans, by orders from Hd. Qrs., Dept. Gulf; Ap'l, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to April 30, '04, pres- ent; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1805: Feb'y, last i)aid to Dec. 31, '04, i)resent ; Ap'l, same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, present; Aug., not on tile. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1803, at Sa- vannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l .30, '05; clothing never settled; bounty due, •SlOO; clothing duo soldier, S:{5.38. O'Harra, Dexxis, ])rivate, Co. G. 1804 : FeVy, last paid to Sept. 1, '03, absent, tr.ans- ferred from Co. G, 174 Reg't N. Y. S. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64, sick at Baton Rouge, Sept. 2, '03; enrolled Oct. 2, '02, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '02, at New York City, for 3 years; April, last piid to Sept. 1, '()3, absent, sick at Baton Rouge, La., since Sept. 2, '03; June, last paid to Sept. 1, '03, absent, transf 'd to Vet. Reserve Corps, G. O. No. 151, A. G. O.. Washington. April 0, '04, to take eti'ect Apr. 10, '04. M. out roll of CO.: transf 'd to V. 11. C. Anril 10, '04, per S. O. 151, War Dept., A. G. O. O'Keefe, HoiiKur, 1st sergt., Co. G. 1804: Feb'y, last paid to Nov. 1, 1863, pres- ent: li.insferred from G, 174 Reg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Keli'y 17, IHOl; ditlerenee of i)ay due from sergt. to Ist eergt. for Sept. and Oct., 1803 ; enrolled Sept. 29, 1802, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, lH(j->. at New York City for 3 years; April, last paid to March 1, 1804, ])resent on daily duty, actg. sergt. major; June, last paid to April 30, 1804, ]>rfC.,same. 1^05: 73. O'Keekk, K.iiiKitT, 1st, lieut., Co. F. 18ih'>: June, last paid to Apr. 30, '05, present ; riir.illfd .May 1, 18resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1862, present, entitled to $2 premium. 186.5 : Feb'y, last paid to Jau'y 1, 1863, present; by sentence of court martial, $13 of this man's pay i.s forfeited to the U. S. ; April, last paid to Jau'y 1, 1863, present; June^ last paid to Jau'y 1, 1863, absent, wounded, in St. James Gen'i Hosp't'l, New Odeans ; Aug., last jjaid to July 1, 1863, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, 1863, present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, 1863, present, $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb'y, last paid to Nov. 1, 1863, present with same remark ; April, last paid to March 1,1864, present; June, last paid to March 1, 1864 ; died at Alexan- dria, La., May 15, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : died May 15, 1864, at U. S. Geu'l Hospital near Alexandria, La. of iuflammation of brain. O'Leaeey, CoRNEiLrs, private, Co. H ; age 25 ; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at N. Y. ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, ^(-I'i, atN. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; five dollars [$5] a month to be deducted by sentence of a court-martial, entitled to l|2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; leu dollars to be deducted as per sentence of regt. court-martial under S. O. No. 34, from Col. Benedict. Muster-out roll of CO. : transferred to Co. F. 162 N. Y. V., S. O. 51, Ex. 1, H'dq'rsDept. of Gulf N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. O'Leary, Cornelius, jjrivate, Co. F. 1863: Jj/i, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent j enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's- Island, for 3 yrs ; transferred from Co. H, by consolidation M'ch 1, '63, and' immedi.itely transferred from Co. F to Co. A, by order of Colonel Bene- dict. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, H'dq'rs Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63, transferred to Co. A. O'Leary, Cornelius, private, Co. A. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent;- deserted on march, near Baton Rouge, March 17, 1863; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at Riker's Island; mustered in Sept 4, '62, Riker's Island for, 3 yrs.;. June, not borne; Aug., last paid to Dec 31, ^Qi, absent ; Oct., deserted from Baton Rouge Sept. 3. Muster-out roll of co.: joined by trans, from Co. F, Feb'y 28, '63, S. O. 35, H'dq'rs 162 N. Y. V. ; deserted on the march to Port Hudson, La., March 13, 1863. O'Leary, Thomas, muster roll June, 1863, enrolled Sept. '62, at Riker's Island; mus- tered in Oct. IS, ^Q>2, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; absent, general hospi- tal ; name lined out. 0,Leary, Ke.'vdy. private, Co. a. 1864: FiVtj, last paid to Aug. 31, absent; trans, from 174th N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, Feb'v 17, '64. 19 A. C; detached to .5th U. S. Art'y, S. O. 35, Dec. 14, '63, 1 Brig. IntDiv.; enrolled Nov. 21, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, 3 yrs; April, last paid to Aug. 31st; absent, detached to 5th U. S. Art'y, S.'O. 35, 1st Brig., Ist Div., 19th A. C, Dec. 14, '63 ; June, same report ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, ab- sent without leave; Oct., last paid to A]>'1 30, '64, absent, deserted from Battery G, 5th U. S. Art'y, July 30, '64. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at New Orleans, La., July 30, '64. O'Leary, William, jmvate, Co. E; age 36; enrolled Sept. 22,1862, at New York City; mustered in Octo. 18,1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Octo., present ; Dec, last paid to Octo. 31, absent, deserted at Norfolk, Va., Nov. 25, 1862. O'LOUGHLIN, David, pvt., Co. A; age 34; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, New York City; mus- tered in OctT 18, 1862, at New York for 3 yrs. 1862: Oc<., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; $2 premium due. 1863: i^ei'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, and so borne to include June ; Aug., last paid to April 30, '63 ; died of disease the 10 of Aug't, '63, at Camp Nickerson, near Port Hud- son. O'LOUGHLIN, Thomas, pvt., Co. A ; age 22 ; enrolled at N. Y. City Sept. 6, '62 ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., absent, deserted from Riker's Island. Co. muster-out roll : deserted at Riker's Island Oct. 18, '62. O'Neal, Simon. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated Oct. 18, '62, N. Y. : private ; age 21 ; enrolled 13 Sept., 1862, at New York City, for 3 yrs ; name lined out ; not borne on subsequent rolls. 11769 12 178 Ortweix, Fkkdeiuck, jirivate, Co. B; af;e 43; euroUod Sept. 3, 18(32, at New York; iiui(sti.reil ill Oct. 14, '6-', at New York, for 3 years. 186J: Oof., present, homo on tbis roll as Frederic Ortwine; Dec, last i>aid to Oct. 31, present ; 82.00, iireuiitini, G. O. 162, Oct. 31, 1862. 1863 : Febr'y, last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, absent in bospltul, at Newton, La; June, present; Aug., absent in liospital at Baton lioiige; Oct., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; absent, s.itiio remark; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; absent, in hospital Baton KoMj^e ; .§25 U. S. bonnty and $2 proniinm dne this soldier. 1864 : FeVy, last jiaid to Oct. 31 ; absent, sick in Baton Rouge; April, absent, hospital. New Orleans, sick; June, last paid to Ap'l 18; absent, discharged by surgeon's eertiticate April 18, '64, Now Orleans. Muster-out roll of co.: discharged for ec., last paid lo Oct. 31, bounty due .$25, present, $2 ))remium due this soldier. 1864: Feb'u, last paid to Oct. 31, present;; Ap'l, lust paid to Feb'y 29, present; June, last paid to Ai)ril 30, present, stopjiage, haver- sack 33c., canteen 41c., ^ shelter-tent $1.75. §2.49 ; Aug't, last paid to Aji'l 30, '64, present; stojipage, one haversack 49c.; Oct., last paid to Aug't 31, '64, present; /.'l. 9, '(54; June, absent, prisoner of war in hands of the enemy since Apl. 9, '(54, and so lnune on stibseciuent rolls to A]»l. 30. '(55. 18(55 : June, last paid to Fi'by 29, 't54, absent with leave, late jtrisoner of war; Augt.. s.ime. Muster-out roll of co.: last jiaid ro Feby. 29, '61; clotliing last settled Sept. 12, '(2; bounty due, $100; jtrisoner of war, captured at IMeasa'it Mill, La., Ajd. 9, '64; amount of clothing drawn, $71.70 ; supposed to have bereseut, forfeit to U. S. $5, by order of reg't'l C. M. Feb. 21, '63; Ajj'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, hos]>ital, Baton Eouge ; -wounded in action before Port Hud- son, May '29, '63; borne as Maurice O'Sullivau ; Aug., absent; discharged for disability Aug. 18, '63. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged on surgeon's certiticate of disability Aug. 17, '63. O'TooLE, Michael, pvt., Co. K ; age 42 ; enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., died at Washington, D. C, Oct. 28, '62. OUTTOX, John, private, Co. D; age 35; enrolled 18th Sept., 1862, at New York City ; mustered in 18th Oct., '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; JJcc, last paid to Ost. 31, present; entitled to .|2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; deserted from U. S. service at Brashear City, Apl. 12, '63; June to Oct., inclusive, name not borne; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; |25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June and Aufj., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Oct. and Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, ])resent. 1865: i''e6. and A})!., absent; teamster at div. hdqrs. by order of Gen. Dwight ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; due Govt, for loss of one Enfield rifle and equipments and forty cartridges, $21.67 ; mustered out with co. 12th Oct., 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 18, '62; due soldier |37. 13; bounty due $100 ; arms and equipments retained $6.00 ; deduct for one mosquito-bar $2; recruit from the depot March 1,'64. Owen, David. ])rivate, Co. D. 1864: Feb., transferred from 174th Reg't. N. Y. V., by S. O. 47th Hdqrs. 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf ; enrolled Oct. 8 at N. Y. City ; mus- tered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; sick in hospital at B. Rouge, La., Sept. 2, '63 ; Apl., discharged at U. S. gen. hosp., N. Orleans, La., Feb. 16, '64, disability. Co. M. O. roll: discharged at convalescent camp. Baton Rouge, La. Owen, John, capt., Co. K ; age 33 ; enrolled at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present ; enrolled Sept. 1, '62 ; Dec, last ))aid to Oct. 31, absent ; detailed by order from headqrs. Dept. of Gulf, dated Nov. 24, '62, on recruiting service in New York. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, absent ; detailed on recruiting service in New York by. order from Hdqrs. Dept. of Gulf, dated Nov. 24, '62; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present : June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; under arrest, charges preferred; Aug., last ])ai(l to April 30, '63, absent, in hospital at Baton Rouge ; Oct., absent ; Dec, al)sent, sick in New Orleans. 1864: i^Vft., resigned Jan'y 29, '64. Muster out roll of CO.: resigned Jany. 29, '64, S. O. 28, par. 5, Headqrs. 19th A. C. Owens, Alexandek, private, Co. I ; age 41 ; enrolled Sept. 3d, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Febi/., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; same to June ; Aug., last paid to June 30th, '63, present; Oct., last l)aid to Se])t. Ist, '6'.S, prest-nt; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present. 1864: Feby., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, present; Apl., last paid to Feby. 29, '64, pres- ent ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick inhosptl.; Oct , last paid to Aug. 31,])resent; i't;c.,same. 1865: Feby., absent, sick inhosptl., Winchester, Va.; Apl., same; June, absent, sick in hosptl., Baltimore, Md.; Aug., not on hie. Muster-out roll of co.: dis- charged. OWERLEN, LoKENz, private, Co. C ; age 42 ; enrolled September 5, 1862, at New York ; mustered in October 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Ocf., corporal, present ; borne on this roll as Lorenz Oberle; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present ; entitled fortwo dollars who has enlisted after June 21, '62; borne on this roll as Lorenz Oberlen. 1863 : Feb.,covp'l, last paid to Dec. 31, present ; April, private, present; June, present; Augt., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ab- sent, sick in hospital. Baton Rouge; Octo., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, sick in hospital, Baton Rouge, August 23, '63 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, deserted from hospital, B. Rouge. 1864: Feb., absent, sick. Baton Rouge, returned from desertion Feb. 13, '64; due $25.00 U. S. bounty; same roll, reported in last roll as deserter; returned to hospital. Baton Rouge, Feb. 10, '64; April, absent, sick in Baton Rouge; June, absent, same remark; borne on this roll as Lawrence Owerlen; Augt., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, same; Octo., last paid Feb. 29, '64; discharged May 16, 1^64, on ac- count of disability, by order Surgeom Toole, Batoo Rouge, La. Mustor-out roll of CO.: discharged Sept. 8, '64. 180 Padget, Thomas, inivjite, Co. D; a«;e-29; enrolled i:'. Sejit., 18G-2, at New York City; iiiiistenil in IH Oct., 18()'J, at New York, lor ;i years. Iti6'2: (J(t.,]nos*'n\; y^rc.last paid lo Oct. 31, i>ret>ent ; entitled to §-i ])reiniinn. 18(!:{: />/>., last paid to Dee. M, present; fined by rej^t. C. M. ^I'.i for disorderly conduct; Apl, last itaid to Dec. 31, 'O'J; deserted froni U. S. service at Algiers Apl. 6, r,:i. Co. M. O. roll : de.serted Ajil. H,'G;{, at Al-jiers, La. PAL.M.iTiKif, Auki, B., private, Co. H. Idi!:?: Jhc, never paid, present; enrolled Anjj. 11, '«i:{, Sclieneetady, N. Y., for A years; advance bounty dne from the U.S. l'-tJ4: I'ib., never i)aid, i)resent ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 2i», 'G4, absent, wounded and sent to hospital. New Orleans, April 8, lr'(J4 ; JiDie, alisent ; mustered in Aug. 11, '(i3, Schenectady; wounded and sent to hosftital, New- Orleans, April 8, l.">()4 ; Aug., last paid to April 30, 'i»4, pn-sent; stoppage for transp. N. Y. to Washington,>; haversack, 4itc.; canfetn, 41c.; total, Sti-O.'); due from V,. S. G. $'2') advance bounty ; Vvt., last paid to Aug. 31, Vi4, jiresent ; to be ded. for transportation, $r).27 ; Dtr., last jiaid to Aug. 31, 't)4, present; ded. haversack, 67c.; canteen, 40e.; shelter-tent, $i"^.3U = j;3.4'2. Iftbf): Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '(J4, present; ^j>?.,saine; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '05, presence or absence not stated ; Au5, at Savannah, Ga.; last jiaid to Apl. 30, 'tw; clothing ac. last settled Aug. 11, '03; due U. S.,.sl-J.12; bounty dne, $100; musket and bayonet retained, 8<>U^'; .joined as recruit from ilraft rendezvous Dec. 10, '03; to be deaid to Feb. 2i*, '04, present ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '04, corpl., present, apptd. corpl. May 25, '04; Aug., jiresent ; Oct., last j)aid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, same. 1805: Fehy., last paid to Dec. 31, '04, Jiresent; deduct |l7.12 for transj)ortation while on furlough; Apl., juesent; deduct ^1(>.04,; June, last j>aid to Apl. 30, jiresent; J«f/.,not aid to Dec. 31, j)resent; Apl., last jiaid to Oct. 31, absent, deserted Aji'l 14, '03, Centreville, La.; June and Aug , name not liorne ; Oct., last paid to Dec. 31, jiresent; Dee., last jiaiil to Oct. 31, '03, jiresent ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2.00 jtremium due the s. 47, Fell. 17; $25 IJ. S. bounty due soldi.-r; enrolled Oct. 14, N. York City; ninslcred in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 years; April, jianl to Oct. 31, abwMit; traii.-ferreil to Invalid Corjis Feb. 15, li^tU : Muster-out roll of CO.: re-enlisted from 1st Kegt. N. Y. S. Vols., from which he rec'd an hon- orable discharge caused by wounds; enrolled as corpl.; jiromoted ser- geant Nov. 2'', '02 ; re;}; Oct., last paid to Ang, [il ; absent, hosptl. B. Koiige, Au}j;. 2't, '(i:?; Dec, last l)aid toOi-t. 'M, 'G2, present; S^'-io U. S. bounty and S2 preniinni dne soldier. l'^64 : I'tbi/., last paid Oct. Ill, present; §2o U. S. bounty chie soldit-r; .////i7, last ])aid to I'cby. 'Jit, present ; ./««e, last ]iaid to April :!(i. "(14, im'scnt ; Jiii/uKt, last paid to April lid, 't)4, al)sent ; liosp., Bermuda litis.. \'a., wounded in action at Det-p Bottom, .James River, Va., on July 2<), '04; (kt.. last ]iaid to Ajd. 30, '(U, absent; bosji., Fortress Monroe, Va., wounded inaction Deep Bottom, July 2(i, "04 ; Dec, last paid to Auj;. ;}1,'G4, absent, bospt'l Fortress Monroe, Va., wounded in action July 'Jti, '()4, at Deep Bottom, James River, Va. IStif): February, last ]»aid to A]>ril !U), '()4, absent, bospt'l Ftutress Monrr)e, Va., wounded Deep Bottom, Va., .Inly *JIJ, 'G4; April, same; June, same; .-/h(7hs/, same. Mustered out on an individual muster-out roll June 'J<'-, '(>;'), at Fort Monroe; last paid to Ai)ril :iO, lf*(J4 ; clotbini^ last settled Sept. 1"J, 'G2 ; clothiufj drawn, |()1.4l ; b(uinty due i^\()0 ; musteied out by order of War Department dated M.iy ;{, lf^(i5 ; i»atient of U. S. geu'l bosiit'l. Fort Monroe. Va. Peter, Chahi.ks, 1st, corporal, Co. F; a<;e 38; enrolled May 16, 'i\2, at New York City ; mustered in Auj;. 2vJ, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. \iii\2: Oct., private, deserted Sept. H ; >•■{'.) advance paid. Company muster-out roll : transferred friiin .')3rd N. Y. V., Sept., '62; deserted from Kiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62; name borne as Cbarles Peterson. Peter, Charlks IInd, i»rivate, Co. F; a<;o3r); enrolled July 24, '62, at New York; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ]862: Oct., desertetl .S'pt. 9: .'?13 advance paid. Company muster-out roll: transferred from .'ilird N. Y. v., Sept., '62; deserted from Riker's Island, Nt Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, "()2; name bf)rne as Clinrles, Pete, I. Petef.son, Ai.i-RF.n, private, Co. E; age 36; enrolh-d Sept. 2, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Deer, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to 2.00 premium. 1863: fVfc- riiarji, last paid to Dee. 31, present; detailed Dec. 2, 18(^2,38 liospital nurse, "^ by order of Col. Benedict; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent; hospital New Orleans, March .^), '63; .iiute, last ))aiil to Dec. 31, '63, present; Aug., absent; hosi)ital iuf Jaton Konge, July li"),'t)3; Ocrr,died. Muster-out roil of CO. : died of chronic diarrluea at Batiui Rouge, La., Sept. 12, '63. Peterson, Andrew, pvt., Co. A ; ago 28 ; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, absent, in hospital at Washington, 1). C. 1863: I'ch\i/, absent, sick in hospital at Washington, D. C. ; sent Nov. 2, '62, from Camp Abercrombie, Va. ; Ap'l, last ]>aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, ill hos]iital at Washington, D. C. : ./hhp, absent, sent to general h. Peterson. I1o(;hi:i:t. private, Co. H. IHM: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Nov. 1, '62, New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '(i2. New York City, for 3 y'rs; transferred from the 174 N. Y. Vol. by S. O.. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, l'^64; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, missing in action. Pleasant Hill, Ajir. 9, '64, wounded; June, absent, in the hands of the enemy; Aug., absent, sick in hos]>., Jeff. Barracks, Mo., paroled prisoner; f'cf.,sanie; Dec, same. ISii!"): Feb., absent, sick in hosjt., .Jeff. Bair;icks, Mo.; Apr., same; June, dropped as deserter, June 30, '(>;>, not having been heard from since Oct. 24, '64, when last at Ladies' Home, U. S. G. 11., N. V. City. Petrie, Ge<»K(;e, ]irivatP, Co. B; age 39; enrolled Aug. 29, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oit. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 _v Oct. 31, juesent ; 't;2.(lO premium due, O. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1h62. If63: Feb' ji, ] list paid to Dec. 31. jtreseiil ; .{]tril, ]tre.seiit; June, absent, liospital at Brashear, La. ; Aug., last ]iaid to .luiu^ ISO, juesent ; Or/.. la.>^t p;iid to Aiitr. 31, ])resent ; Dec, l:ist i>aid to Oct. 31, ])re.senl; i?jr> II. S. bounty ;ind .*2 )>reniiuiu due this soldier. lh(>4: Feb., present; Apiil, last jiaid to Feb. 29, i>resent ; June, last paid to April 30, present; Aug., absent, m hospital, wounded at Deej) Bottom, Vn., July 2ti, '64; cc., last ])aid to Am;. lil, absent, liosp'l. rorlsiiionth, V;i.. .July 2li, lMi4. IHI.'): Fib'g, absent, siek in h s|)ital at PtulsiiKUitli, Va., since July 26, lHi4; April, last |iai, S. O. No. U. IMqra. 16-2 N. Y. Vols. M. O. with co. Octo. 1'2, "(if), iit SiivauiKih, Ga. ; clotUiuj; account last settled Auj;'t 2H, '()"2 ; due soldier, S:5'J.4d; anus auscnt, sick in in)si>ital at Haton Iton^e; .lit/ft. last paid lo April 'iO, '6:5; ahsent, pay due for .lan'y and Keb'j", sick in hospital at IJaton Rouge; Oct., last paid to Aug'f.Jl, '.00 L". S. bounty due soldier and $2.00 premium. 18(54 : Feb., last paid to Octr». :51, '(i:5, i)res- ent; duo .S2r».00 IJ. S. bounty; April, last paid to Keb. 2'.t. '64: absent, sick and wounded at Pleasant Hill ; Jinie, last paid to Feb. 2'J, '64 i alistiit, si U. .S. bounty and §2 premium due the soldier ; on detached service, wagon-master, 3d J5rig., 1st Div., 19 A. C. ; .{prU, last paid to March 1, 1%4, absent on detached service as wagon-master, 3 15rig., 1 Div.; ,/««<", last paid to March 1, 18()4, present; Ami., last i»aid to March 1, l.'-'()4, present; on detacheil service as wagon-master, 3d Brig., Isl Division. 19 Army Corps; Oc*.,last paid to Sept. 1, 18()4, alisent ; same remarks; Dec, last paid Sept. 1, 18(54, ))reseut ; on detached service as wagon-master to 3 Brig., 1 Div., 19 A.C, since Keby.23, 1864. 18(55: Fchij., last paid to Jany. 1, 18(;5, pres- ent; on detached service i)er 8.0. No. 6." I Id. (Jrs. 3 Brig., 1 Div., 19 A.C, Feb. 23, l-'64 ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1861, iiresent ; on daily duty as w.igon-master, 3 Brig., Dwight's Divisier S. O. 24, Hd. Qrs.,Hub. dist. of Ocmulgi^e, Aug. 19,1865. Mustered out with comi)any Oct. 12, 1K55, at Savannah, (Ja. ; last i)aid to A|)r. 3(1, 18(55; due soldier on clotiiing account, §"^1. 24 ; bounty ilue,$10i). PiCKKlMNt;. WiLi.i.v.M 11., mnsM'ian. Co. B. 1864: /•>/>//., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; trausieired fr(»m 174th Ueg't, S. O. 47, Feb." 17; enrolled Sept. 20, 1S(52, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 18i52, at Riker's Is'd, for 3 years; April, last i>aid Feby. '.i9, drummer, jucsent ; June, last paid April ;5n, present: An;/., last i)ai(i April 3(1, '(51, pres(uit; Oct., last jiaid Aug. 31, private, jtres- ent,asst. eomi>auy cook; y>cc., last jiaid t(» Aug. 31, present. 1865: Feby.. last paid to Dec. 31, '()4, pre.sent; stoppage 1 haversack, 95 cts. ; April, \a>'[ ]>aif, priv.iie, Co. I. l.S(;4: Fcbi/., ])i('seut; recruit from draft rendezvous, liikei's Ishind, N. Y.; has received .Sr.o bounty. .?i:5 advance pay, §2 premium ; total, 875 ; enrolled Nov. 19, '(')A, at New York; mustered in Nov. 19, '(5:5, at New York, tor 3 years; April, present; ••ntitled to •'$50, 1st installment of lioiinty, bi'iiig a re(!rnit from draft, rendezvous; June, last paid to Apl. :50, I8*;4, present ; Auij., same ; Oct., List i)aid to Aug. :51, present ; Dec, present ; ded in:f ^ she Iter- tent. $2.:50; entitled to §40; installment of bounty due as a recruit. l''(')5: Frhy., last paid to D<'c. 31, 18(54, jtresent; deduct I haver- sack, 40c. ; J;*/., same ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '(55, [)resent ; Aug., not on 185 .PiFFEK, Adam — Coutinued. tile. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savanuab, Ga.; last paid to Apl. 30, '65; cldtliinj;- acct. uever settled ; bounty paid, $140 ; due, $160; clothing due U. S., §68.«1. PiTCKURN, Victor. Mnster-iu roll of Co.F.dated New York, Aug. 22,'6'2 : private ; age 2;?; enrolled May21, '62, atNew York City, forUyears. Ib62 : Oti., deserted. Sept. U; name and eiivollment lined out. Pitts, Johx C, private, Coijj[!a;iy D; ago 35; enrolled 23 Sept., 1862, atNew York City; mustered in l» Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oc?., pres- ent"; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; discharged from U. S. service Mch. 27, '63. Co. M. O. roll: discharged Mch. 27, '63, on snrg. certf. of disability at 11. S. gen. hospital. New Orleans, La. POASCH, Louis, pvt., Co. K. 1864 : Feb., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; transferred from 174th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., S. 0. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, pres- ent; to be deducted, canteen, 41c.; Aitci., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, wounded and in hospital at Hampton, Va. ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Ajj'l, same; June, same; J«,'o 21, enrolled Sf-pt. 20, 'G2, at N. Y.; mustered in at New York, for :{ years. 18()2 : Oct., absent, deserted at Riker's I&land ; Dec, absent, remiuni. 18()3 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, private, absent, detailed Feb'y f?, '()3, 1st La. Cavy. by S. O. No. 31, Jan. 31, '63; April, same ; June, same ; Aug., absent, detailed 1st La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63; Oct., same; 7Vee., absent, detaiU-d Ist I^a.Cav., Feb. 8, '63 ; .$2.') U. S. bounty and 82.0(jpremiumiliie soldier. 1^64 : J'ehj/., same as Dec. '63 ; April, absent, detailed to 1st La. Cav'y Feb'y 8, '63 ; June, same; Aug., same; Ocl., absent. Camp Distribution, N. O., La.; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent. Camp Distribution, N. O. Lii, 1h6.">: Feb., name not borne; April, same ; June, last paid to Dee. 31,' 62, absent, dropped as a deserter by error while at Camp Distribution, N. O., La., Jan. 23, '65, sick in Ladies' Home IIosp'l, New York; Aug., last [mid to Dec. 31, '62; dis- charj^ed from McDougal U. S. G. Hospital, N. Y., on surg.'scertilicate of dis- ability, June 26, '65. Price, William, Co. I. Ie64: Feb., absent, clerk at Geu. Banks' hdqrs., N.Orleans; trans'd from Co. I, 174tli N. Y. Vol's Feb'y 17, '64, per 8. O. 47tb Ld(irs., lit A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 7, 1862, at New York, an»l mustered in Nov. 13, 1-62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., last paid to Feb'y 2'J, "64, died ; acci- dentally killed by a fall Apr. Ki, 1864, while on duty as clerk at Gen. ISauks' lubps. Muster-out roll of comp'y : died Apr. 4, 1864, (accident), New Orltiius, La. Pkoss, Frkdkrick, private, Co. D. 1864 : Ap'l., not paid, present, entitled to bounty by installments; rec'd 1 month's pay ami 660 bounty ; enrolled Jan. 1>, '64, at NfW York; mustered in Jan. 4, '()4, at Kiker's Lsland, N. Y., for 3 yrs. ; June, last paid to Ai»'l 30,'64, present; vetepan entitled to .'i«r)0 bounty, 2 installment Gov. bounty; Aug., last jiaid to Ap'l 3t<, "64, absent; pris- oner at Kiclnnoud, Va., since .hily 25, '64 ; Oct., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, veteran from di'aft rendezvous ; due 2(1 installment of bounty S"'(t; Dec, last l)aid tf) Ap'l 3(.l, '64, absent; |>risoner of war since July 26, '64, vft. from .23, due soldier 3 UKUiths' extra i>ay per telegram from War Dept. dated May 30, '65 ; prisoner of war, raptured at D2, at New V>uk fir tliiee years. 1862 : October, corporiil. ])resent ; December, last ]iaid to Nov. 1. lsr»2. present ; "en- titled for two dull.iis who has enlisted after .June t he 21st. l.''t;2.'' 1863: Febninri/, last i)aid to Dec. 31 ; "deserted from Camp Maiislield on February 11, 1863." Muster-out roll (d'comp.: appointed corp'l October2'.l, 1>'()2: "de- Herteil from Camp Mansfield, La., Feiiruary 7, 1S63.'' Pl'TTlCK, Jamks, jirivate, C<). G; age 4:'.; enrolled Seitt. 26, '62, at New York; mu.s- tered in Oct. H, yy>, at New Ysent ; sick at C S. barracks hosp., N. O. ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, absent ; sanu« remarks; ^25.00 V. S. bounty and '?2.00 premium due s(d('.i«'r. 1^61 : /•'(/»., same as for Dec. '('>3; Aji'l. same; ./(/lie, same; .lug., last jvaid to -N'ov. 1, '63, al>Henl ; transferred to Net. R. Corps Ap'l 2rt, '(14. Mu8t«'r-out roll of eo. : trausl''d to V. U. C.Apr. 22, '64, per S. O. 173, War Dept., A. G. O. 187 Qua, Stephen F., private Co. E; age 39; enrolled Sept. 1, 'G'2, at New York Cityj mustered in Oct. 18, '6'2. at New York, for 'S years. 1862: Oct., present; Deer., last paid to Oct. 31, corp'l, present ; promoted Nov. .5; premium due, 12.00. 1863: Fibi/., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, same; Aue/., absent; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63; absent in hosp't'l, B.Rouge, Aug. 25; Deer., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; |2.5 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, private, present; |25 U. S. bounty due soldier; April, last paid to Oct. 31, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent, pris. of war, missing in action at Deep Bottom, James River, Va., July 26, '64; Oct., same; Dec, same. M. O. roll of co. : died at Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 18, '65, while a prisoner of war; also borue as Stephen Quay. QuiGLEY, Peter J., private Co. B; age 42; enrolled Sept. 18, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec., last paid Oct. 31, present; l{!2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1863: Feh'y, last paid Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31; dis- charged at New Orleans April 5, 1863 ; June, discharged at New Orleans, by order of Gen'l Banks, April 3rd, rheumatism. Co. muster-out roll: dis- charged, CarrolltoD, La. QuiNN, John, corporal Co. E; age 31; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2.0U premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apl, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, private, aliseut in hospital, New Orleans, Mch. 5, 'ii3. M. O. roll of co. : died of chronic diarrhrea, Mch. 16, '63, at New Orleans, La. QuiNN, Michael, pvt. Co. A; age 18; enrolled Sept 12, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct.. present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2 premium due. 1863: i'e&'j/, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; il///, same; Jiuie, absent; sent to general hospital; Amft, absent; in hospital at New Orleans July 4, '63; Oct., same; Dec, bounty due |25, absent; sick in Baton Rouge July 2, '63; %2 premium due this sol- dier. 1864: Feh'i/, absent; sick. New Orleans July 22; AjjU, absent; sick in hospital at N. O. since July 22, '63; June and Aug't, same; Oct., absent; dropped as deserter from hospital Sept. 5, '64 ; stoppage, 1 s. tent, $4.60. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted from hosp'l at N. Orleaus, La., Aug't 5, '64. Quirk, John C, private, Co. K; age 29; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., absent, injured on R. road between Perryville and Baltimore Oct. 25, '62; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent; left at general hospital, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 29, '62. 1863: i<>6., discharged. M. O. roll of co. : discharged for disability at Washington, D. C, March 4, 1863. Quisling, Franz Q., sergt , Co. D. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present; transferred from 174 Reg't N. Y. Vols., by S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C, Dep't of Gulf, Feb. 17, 1864; reduced to 2d sgt. by consolidation ; deduct $1.63 for ■i shelter tent; enrolled Oct. 6, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs. ; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present, borne as Frantz G. Quisliug; June, last paid to Feby. 29, '64, pvt., absent by order for transfer to Navy; reduced to ranks from sgt. June 15, 1864; Aug., absent with leave since June 22; Oc^, absent, transferred to Navy Juiy 1, 1864. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred to the Navy, Field Ord. No."^35, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of Gulf, June 22, 1864. Rabold, Daniel, sergeant, Co. F. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, en- rolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs; transferred by consolidation from Co. F., 174th Regt., N. Y., S. 0.,No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C., pursuant to order from War Dept. ; U. S. bounty due $25 ; ,Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, pres- ent; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, present, 44 cts. to be deducted from his pay for canteen ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present, deduct for clothing, $1.27 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present, deduct for clothing, $1.27. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present, deduct for transportation, $14.22 ; ApH, last paid to Dec. 31, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, 1st sergt., present, promoted from sergt. June 1, '65 ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with company, Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga., 1st sergt., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65 ; clothing acct., last settled, Sept. 22, '64 ; bounty due, $100 ; gun and equipments retained, G. 0. 101, $ — ; due soldier for clothing, $54.69; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64. Raby, St. George R., 1st sergt. Co. B. 1864: Feb., absent, detached service by S. O., Hdqrs. 19 A. C, No. 19, Aug. 13, 63; transferred 174 Regt., S. 0. 47, Hdqre. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York; mus- 188 Raby, St (Ji:oH(;r, K.— Continuer. of Gulf; Aikj., last paid to Juno :50, '04, jireseiit; returned from dot. service to tluty Aug. 'J-1, '04, pursuant instructions from W. D., dated Anj;. l.">, 't>4 ; Oc/., last paid to Aiijr. :il, '(54; absent, transd. to non- com, staff as coinmy. sergt. Oct. 18, '04, S. O. i:?'J, hdqrs. lOJ N. Y. V. ; Btop- jia; bounty due, §100, l)iesent ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 28, 'Cm; bounty . Raby, St. Gkouck R., 1st It., Co. G. 1805: Apr., last paid to Mth. 31, '05; ]iresent; ass'gd per S. O. 18, ex. 3, Hdqrs., 102 N. Y. V., Mch. 5, '05; comdg. co. from Mcii. 2, '()5, to Apr. 1, '05; comdg. Co. F since Mch. 31, "05; extra pay , '05. Rack. Edwaijd, pvt., Co. "I"; age 20; enrolled Sept. 20, '02, at New York City and iimstenid in Oct. 18, 18()2, at Now York for 3 years. lS(i2: (>,t.. absent, deserted, New York. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Hiker's Island, X. v., Oct. 23, '02. E.\DEK, IIknhy, private, Co. D; ago 42; enrolled Sep. 22, '62, at New York City; • mustered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York, 3 yrs. 1802: Oct., present; Pec, paid to Oct. 31, '02, present; entitled to .'?2 premium. 1803: lub., last ])ai(l to Dee. 31, '02; present, borne as Henry Heiter; April, absent, sick in hosp'l at Hrasliear City ; Jniiv, same ; Ami., last paid to Dee. 31, '02; absent, sick in liospl. New Orleans. M. (J. roll of eo. : discharued Sept. 1, '03, o:i surgeon's certificate of disability at U. S. Gen. Hosp'l, New Orleans, La. Radican. Wii.i.ixM, pvt., Co. 15; age 2.'>; enrolled Sept. 1, '02, at New York; nins- tereil ill Oct. 14, '02, at New York, for 3 years. 1802: Oct., present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, 1802. \>iesent ; .*i2.00 premium due, G. O. 102, Oct. 21, '02. 1803: I'rh., last paid to Dee. 31, '()2. present; borne on this roll as William Hadikan; April, hi>it i)aiil to Dee. 31, '02, i)ieseut; Jiiin; last i»aid to Dec. 31, '02, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, 't)3, present; borne on this roll as William Kaddican; (ht., last paid to .\pril 30, '03, absent, in liosi)ital. New Orleans; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, l.-<03; absent, in Mariii<> liospl.. New Orleans; $25 U.S. bounty, .§2.00 ineniium due this soldier. 181)4: /vfr., last paid to Oct. 31, '03; absent, siek in hosp'l. New Orleans, and so borne to Feb. 2H, 18()5; Jj;n7, ab.sent, diseharged on surgeon's cert., New Orleans, La. Muster-out roll of co : private; discharged for disability, date un- known. Radhkr, Jacoh. jirivate, Comp. C ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 18, 1802, at New York, and mustered in October 14, 1H02, at New York, for 3 years. \f^&2: October, ]ire.sent; Deeewher, hitit l>aid to November 1, 1^(52, present ; "entitled for two dollars who has enlisted aft<'r Juno the 2lst, 1802;" borne on this roll as J.ieoii Radnor. 18r)3: Fthrunry, last paid to Deeemlier 31, present; April, i>ieseiit; June, last ])aid to Dec. 31, present; Auijunt, last i)aid to June 3(1, 18i;3, present; Octobrr, " absent, sick in liosjiital, 15aton Rouge, Sept. 2, 1H03; not known when last paiil;" Derrmher, last i)aisent ; sick .iiid w.iniided, 15. Rouge, L.i. ; Au>, last paid to Feb'y 2'.t, HOI, ali.seiit; sick in hospital at Halon Rniig(<, i.ii.; lionie on tliis roll as Jacob R: Feb., la^t paid to Dec. 'il, jneseut; JpL, last paid to Dec. :U, present; June, List paid to Dee. 31, 'G4 ; •lisciiarj'ed at Washington, D. C, June 1, '(55, pursuant to G. O. No. 53, H. Q. M. M. D., May 30, '(33; borne on i)revious rolls in error; luustored Oct. 14. Company muster-out roll: transferred from 53rd N. V. V. Sept., ldl>2; mustered out on detachment muster-out roll, a private, at Washington, D. C.,Junel, '(>5; last paid Dec. 13. 'ii-1; clothing acct. last settled May "24. '(i4 ; drawn since settlement, S:55.".i3; bounty due §100; P. O. ad.. N. Y. City. 2»Iustcredout under provisions of G. O. No. 53, H. ^. Middle Mil. Div., May 30, '65, to date June, 1865. Rauber, Fkanz, private, Co. F ; age 2(i ; enrolled July 11, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Aug. 22, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 18i)2: Oct., sergeant, present; §13 advance paid; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, '61, present; entitled to S2.0iJ uuder act of June 21, 1862. 1863: fV6., last paid to Dec. 31; deserted Feb'v 5, 1863. Co. M. O. roll : deserted from Riker's N. Y. H.. al)out Oct. 9, 1'jG'i. Kector, Alukkt, pvt., Co. G; age 34; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, at N. Y.; mustered in Oct. 18, '(52, at N. Y., for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; iJcc , last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; detailed to Q. M. Dept. Oct. 27, '62; entitled to !?2.0J pre- mium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present, detailed ou extra duty in regt'l Q. M. dept. Oct. 29, '62; has extra pay due from that time; Apr. to Jitfie, inclusive, last paid to Jan. 1, '(53, present; Anq., last paid to July 1, '(53, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '»)3, present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '63, 8gt., present ; entitled to one month's pay as sgt. and one mouth's as pvt. ; promoted to sgt. Dec. 1, '63; §25.00 U. S. bouuty and §2 00 premium duethesoldier. 18i)4 : Z-Vft., same remark as to i>ayment, bounty, etc.; i)resent on daily duty act'g Q. M. sgt.; Apr., last paid to Mch. 1, '64, i)resent on dailvduty act'gQ. M. sgt. ; June, last paid to Ai)r. 30, '64, absent; promoted Q. M. sgt. ; transl'd to N. C. start", S. O. 110, luKirs. 1(52 N. Y. V. June 27, '64. Rector, Albkut G., Q. M. sergt. 1864: Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, present ; jtromoted Q. M. sergt. June 1, 1864, «. O. 110, Hdqrs. 162 N. Y. V.; enrolled Sept. 5. '62, at Now York; mustered in Oct., 18152, at Hiker's Island, for 3 yrs.; Aug., last j>aid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paiec., same. 1865: /Vi., last paid to Dec. 31, '61; bounty due, §100 : present; §14.20 to be deducted for transportation on furlough; Apr., lust paid to Dec. 31, '64; bounty due, §100; present ; §14.22 tt> be deducted for transportation on furlough; June, last paid to Apr. 30. '(i,'); l>ounty dne, §100; present; Aug., same. Mustered out with F. and S. as Albert Kec'or, Oct. 12, 1"^6'), at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apr. 30, '(55; clothint: last set- tled, Sept. 5, 1862 ; due soldier, §100.33 ; bouuty due, $100 ; enrolled as pri- vate, Co. G. Red.mayni;, Joskpm. private, Co. F. 1864: Feh'i/, last paid to Oct. 31, '(>3, present; enrolled Xdv. 2I), '(52, at N. York; mustered in Di'c. 2, 18(>2, at N. York, foi 3 yrs.; transffrred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th reg't X. Y.. S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 10th A. C, pursuant to (u-ders from War Dep't ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apr., Itist paid to Feb'y 29, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, presfMit; haversack to be deducted from his pay, 44c.; Aug., last ])aid to Apr. 30, present; Oct., last ])aid to Aug. 31. present: haversack to be deducted from his pay, f57c.; deduct for clotliing 14c. — total, 8lc.; Dei\. last paid to Aug. 31, al>sent, sick at Winchi'ster, Va. ; haversack, (57c.; clothing, 14c. — total, Hie. 18(55: /'Vft'^, last paid to Dec. 31, i)resent; April, same; June, last j)aid to Ajir. 30, '(i5, corp., present; i)romoted from privat'' June 1, 18(55; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '(55, abstuit, detached to post com- missary. Mustered out with co., sergeant, Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apr. 30, 1865; clothing last settled Nov. 2(5, 1864; bounty due, §100; u;iui and e(|ui])nuMits retained, §15.00; i>romoted to sergeant July 31, 1^1'.."); diKt soldier for clothing, §in..'>l. Reegan, MiriiAKL, pvt., Co. I. 18(54: Frbi/ . al»sent, sick in New Orleans; transftl from Co. F, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feby. 17, '64, yr. S. O. 47, Mdqrs. 19 A. C. ; en- rolled at New York Oct. 11, '62; "mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs ; .l/u-., absent, sick in New Orleans; June ami Aug., miiwc, Oct., ah- Kent, sick in hosjj'l, New Orleans, La.; Dec, absent, same rennirk ; "not ht'.ir U. S. Art'v, Dept. of the Oiilf, Dec. 14, '04; transferred linm 174 Koaid to Auk. 3'l, 'G3 ; detached to G Batt'y, 5 U. 8. Art'y, S. O. 35, Dept. of the Gnlf, Dec. 14, '63; June, ab.sent, ])risoner of war with tlie eneuiy ; Ant/., a*>8ent, ririsoner of war since Ap'l 8, '64 ; Oct., same ; Jkc, jjrisoner of war sincft Ap'l y, '64. 1p'6."> : Feb. to Aug. inclusive, absent, prisoner of war since Ap'l 8, 1864. M.O. roll of CO.: last paid to Ang. 31, '63 ; clothing .settled. < >ct. 7, '62 ; bounty .$100 ; prisoner of war since Ap'l 8, '64 ; has drawn cloth- ing to the amount of ,$76.3.'): no discharge furnished at muster-out of or- ganization ; supposed to have been mustered out of .service. Rein, TErKK, iinvate, Co. F ; age 3ll : enrolled May 10, 186'i, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Aug. '2'2, 1862, at New York, for 3yrs. 1862: Oct., jtresent, .$13 advance jiaid; Ue'-., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. Ie63: Feh^y to June, inclu- sive, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, W.i, pres- ent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '62, jircsent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, jireseut ; §25 U. !S. bounty due the soldier and .$2.00 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due the soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, '68; transferred to Invalid Corps, Mch. 1,1864. Muster out roll of CO.: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols., Sept., 1862; transferred to V. R. Corps, G. O. 173, War Dept., Apr. 30, 1b61. I ReILY, GEoiUiE W., sergeant, Co. E ; age 28 ; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; entitled to 2 00 premium. 1863: Feb^y, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; ApL, same; J«we, same ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '(53, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, Ist .s'g'r ]iresent ; J)ec., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25 U. S. bounty, and S2.00 premium due soldier. 1864 : FeVy, last paid to Oct. 31, "63, j)re.sent ; §25 U. 8. bounty due soldier; April, last paid to Feb. 2*J, '64, absent, hospt'l New Orleans; wounded in action April 23, '64 ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, "64, absent, at Batoo Rouge, wounded in action, Ap'l 23, '64 ; Aug., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64. absent, on furlough for 60 days from July "iOi, '6l ; rec'd Aug. 4, transjior- tation from Pittsburg to N. Yoik, $8.83; Oct., last ])aid to Feb'y -..'9, '64, l>re8ent ; Dec, last ]iaid to Feb'y 29, '64, pre.sent ; to be deducted ^ shelter tent, $.'.30. 1865: FeVy, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; April, same; June, last jtaid to Ap'l 30, '65, present ; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, "65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last jiaid to A])l.30, '65; clothing last set- tled Sept. 9, '62 ; due soldier $52.01; bounty due, $100: arms and equip- ments retained, .$!); i)romoled 1st s'g't Sept'r 1, "(v? ; wounded at Cane River, La.. April 23, 1864. Rkilly, Bkha'aki). Muster-in roll of Co. I, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private, age 2.'^ ; enrolled Sept. 27, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; name and enrollment lined out. ls()2: Oc^, name not borne ; iVrc, same. ItGA: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, jnesent ; enrolled Sept., 29, "62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Islanci, N. Y., for 3 years: Apr., deserted Apr. 22, '6,{ ; June, last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, i>resent; returned from desertion June Hi, 'ti3 : jHr/.,same; Oct., last*jtaid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, sick at U.S. barracks hosp., N. (J.; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick, N. O. I8(i4 : Feb., absent, sick in New Orleans, deduct cross belt and jtlate; Apr., last paid to Feb. 2'.t, 'ti4, absent, sick in New Orleans; June, absent, same; Aug., absent, transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, '64 ; Oct., name nut l)orne ; Dec, last jtaid to Aug. 31, present, entitled to jiay for the months of Jany., Feb., .Mch.. Ai>r.,May, and ^ mo. of June, 1863, having been ab- sent from tile reg't and not mustered for that time. 1865: /"<7;., last i)aid to Dec. 31, 't>4, jiresent : Apr., same; June, last ]>aid to Apr. 30, '(15, ])resent : Afig., not on tile. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 18(i5, Savannah, Ga. ; last Jiaid to Ajir. 3(i, '(>:>; clothing last settled Aug. 31, '64; bounty due, JlOO; clothing due soldier, $2l).32. Reiner, John, pvt., Co. A; age 30; enrolled Sept. 2, "62, at New York City; mus- tered in ( )ct. IH, '(12, at N«'w York, for 3 yrs. lrtt>2: Oct., absent, sick in New York, with leave; Dec, nanni not borne. 1863: Fiby., name not borne; Apt., last paid to Dee. :U, '62, pri-sent, returnetl from deserlitm at N. York City to camp at Baton Ruiige, Mch. 21. '(ii; Itorne as John Raynor; June, absent, deserted at New York; returiu'd to reg't at Baton Rouge, Mch. 21, '63; sent to gen'l hosj)!.. May 20, '6;{. from .Simsport: Augt., absent, in hos- pital at New Orleans, .May*2. '63; Oc/.. last paid to Augt. 31, absent, in iio.s)>ital. New Orleans, since .May 2. *63; Jhc, last paid to Augt. 31 ; bounty due,$25; absent, sick, N. waki>, private, Co. E. 1864: Fehy., last paid to Oct. 31; present, trans- ferred from 174 IJegt. S. O. 47, Feby. 17 ; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; en- rolled Oct. 22 at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13 at New York for 3 yrs. ; April, last paid to Feby. 29; absent, missing iu action April "J, 1864 ; June to Dec, inclusive, absent, prisoner of war, missing iu action at Pleasant Hills, La., April 9, 1864. leS6.5 : Feb. to Aug., inclusive, same. Muster-out roll of CO.: last paid to Feby. 29, '64 ; clothing last settled Oct. 22, '62; bounty due, i>100 ; joined by consolidation of 174 N. Y. V., S. O. No. 47, Dept. of the Gulf. Feb. 17, 1864; missing in action at Pleasant Hills, La., since April 9, 1864 ; supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept. ; total value of clothing reed., $19.69; uo discharge given on muster out of organi- zation. Rhodes, William II., capt. Co. D; age 31; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York; mustered iu Oct. 18, 1''62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., j)reseiit ; Jkc, last jiaid to Oct. 31, present ; the couiji. otBcers we repaid from Oct. 18, 1862 (the date of muster), to date Oct. 31, 1862, audrec'd only 13 days' pay ; the ])aymaster should have paid it as fourteen days. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, preseut ; Jjpo.sed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept.; total value of clothing reed., $61.05; uo discharge given on muster-out of organization. RlCHESON. JOHX, private, Co. E. 1864: Feby., last paid to Oct. 31; preseut, trans- ferred from 174 Kegt., S. O. 47. Feliy. 17 : $25 U. S. bounty due soldier; en- rolled Oct. 13 at New York CAty, and musti-red in Nov. 13, same place, for 3 yrs.; A)>ril to Feb., '65, inclusive, absent, hospital, N. Orleans; April, last paid to Oct. 31, '64 ; absent, in hosi)ital at New Orleans, La., since March 14, 1864 ; June, transferred to V. K. C, Order No. 21, date War Dept., May 31, '()4 ; also borne as John Richardson. ElCHMOXD, Willia:m, ])rivate, Co. F. 1864 : Feb'y. last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; enrolled Oct. K), 1862, at N. Ycuk ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at N. York, for 3 yrs. ; transferred by consolidati(m from Co. F, 174th Keg't N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H.Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't ; due this sol- dier, $25 U. S. bounty ; Apr., last ])aid to Feb'y 29, 1864, present ; June, last ])aid to Apr. 30, '64, ]ire8ent ; cartridge-box to be deducted from liia l)ay, $1.02; J h/?., last paid to Apr. 30, i)resent; Oc/.,last i)aid to Aug. 31. ])reseut; canteen and haversack to be deducted from his })ay, $1.12; Dec.. last paid to Aug. 31, present; canteen and haversack, $1.12. 1865: Feb'n. last paid to Dec. 31, preseut; Ap'l, sanu) ; June, last jiaid to Ai)r. 30, '6. j)re8ent ; Aug., paid to Ajir. 30, i)re8ent. Mustered out with co. Oct. 1,' '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '(i5 ; clothing last settled, Oct. 16 '64; bounty due, $100 ; gun and eiiuipiuents retained, $6.00; due soldier for cloihiug. $60.97. RiDGEWAY, Joiix, pvt., Co. G ; age 25; enrolled Aug. 29, '62, at N. Y. ; mnstered m Oct. H, '62, at N. Y., for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid t.> Oct. 31, '{j2, Corp., present; itronujted corp. Dec. 29, '62 ; entitled to $2.Ui" premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to .Ian. 1, '63, present; Apr., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, sent to hosi)tl. at Brashear, La., Apr. 10, '63, liy regtl Hurg. ; June, last paid to Jan. 1,'63, 4th Corp., present; i)roiiioted from 5th corj,.., to date Juno 14, vice Mulligan, juomoted ; Auij., last jiaid to May 1, '63, present; Oc/., last paid to Sept. 1, '1.3, pn-seut; y^aid to April 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co., pvt., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; clothing last settled Aug. 29, '62; due sold., $59.97; bounty due, $100. RiLK, Gaspek, pvt., Co. G. 1864: Feh., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, transferred from Co. G, 174 regt. N. Y. S. V.,S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, 17 Feb., '64, ou det'ch'd service, N. 0.,S. O. 35, Dec. 14, '63 ; enrolled Dec. 1, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Dec. 2, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, on detached service, Batty. G, 5th U. S. Arty., S. O. No. 35, Dec. 14, '63 ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; stoppages soventy-sevea cts., f/u ; Oct. to Dec, inclusive, last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, '65, same ; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Aug., last i)aid to Apl. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. as pvt. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; clothing ace. never settled ; due soldier, $25.59 ; bounty due, $100.00. RiNX, Charles, corporal, Co. H; age 30; enrolled Octo. 1,'62, atN. Y. City; mustered in Octo. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Ocio., present; borne as Charles Renn; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feh., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, private ; deserted at Camp Mansfield, La., Feb. 7,1863. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., S. O. 51, ex, 1, Hd. Qrs. Dept. Gulf, N. O., La., Feb'y 20, 1863. RiPRERGER, Charles, xmvate, Co. F ; age 21 ; enrolled July 29. 1862, at N. Y. City; nmstered in Aug. 22, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; $13 advance paid ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 un- der act of June 21, 1862. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same ; Juve, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in Genl. Hosp., June 4, 1863; Aug., absent in Genl. Hosp., June 4, 1863; Oct., same: Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864 : Fehy., last paid to Oct. 31, 'H'.i, present; due the soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present; can- teen to be deducted from his pay, 33c. ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; deduct for clothing $17.61 ; Dec, same. 1865: Fehy., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; discharged at Washington, D. C, June 1, '6.5, pursuant to G. O. No. 53, Hdqrs. M. M. D.; May 30, '65, borne on previous rolls in error; mustered Oct. 18. Co. M. O. roll : transf 'd from 53d N. Y. Vols. Sept. 1862. Mustered out on detachment M. O. roll at Washington, D. C, .June 1, 1865, under provisions of Gen. Orders No. 53, Hd. Qrs. 5l. M. Div. May 30, 1865, last paid to Dec. 31. '64 ; clothing account last settled July 29, 1864 ; cloth- ing drawn since $22.28; bounty due, $100 ; post-oflice address, N. Y. City. 195 RlTZ, Rocro. private, Co. K. 18f.4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '(i5, present : transferred from lT4th Key;t. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, lit. A. C. Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. t!, '0"2, at N. Y. City; nuistvreil in Nov. IH, 'iJ-i, at New York, for :} j-ears; Jj)/., last paid to Feb. '29, '(54; absent without leave since Apl. '24, '64; June, last paiil to Feb. 2U, '64; absent withont leave, prisoner of war with the enemy; Jug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent, prisoner cf war since Apl. 23, '64; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Feby. 20, '64; al)scnt, prisoner of war at Camp Tyler, Tex., since Ajtril 23. lf<65: Feb., last paid to Feb. 29, '64; ab- sent, j)risonerof war since Apl. 23, '64; Apl., same ; June, same; Aug., same. Muster-out roll of co. : died in Brownsville, Tex., of remittent fever, Aug. 2o, '6.'j. KOACH, James, pvt., Co. B. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present: transt'd from 174th reg't by S. O. 47, Feb. 17 ; enrolled Nov. 8, ld62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Kickers Isl'd, for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to April 30, present; 2 haversacks 98c., canteen 41 cts., i shelter tent $l.^y ; Aug., hvst paid to April 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stop., canteen, 45 c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; stop- page, 1 canteen 65 cts., 1 hav'k 95 c. = $1.60 , April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present ; June, present; Aug., last paid to April 30, 1865, present; deserted from camp. Savannah, Ga. ; returned Aug. 13, '65. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, lt!65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid April "0, 1865; clothing last settled Nov. 8, '62; clothing due sold. §5.30; bounty due ^100; stop for gun and equipments, retained !56.0O. KOACH, James, juivate, Co. F. 1864: Feby., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; en- rolled Oct. 11, 1862, at N. York; mustered in Nov. 13, '&2, at R. Island, N. Y^ork, for 3 yrs. ; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th regt., N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q., 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier §25 U. S. Bounty ; detached Batty. G, 5th Art'y ; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; detached to Batty. G, 5th U. S. Artillery; June, same; Aug , last paid to Apr. 30, present; due the U. S. for articles lost while on detached service §1.39 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present ; shelter-tent and haversack $2 97. 1865: Feby., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; April, same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co., Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last jiaid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 11, '64; bounty due $100; duo soldier for clothing $30.87. Roberts, Joshua, pvt., Co. A. 1864 : Feb, absent, transl'd from Co. B, 162d N. Y. V.. S. O. No. 76, 162d N. Y. V. ; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Apl, absent, sick in hosp'l at N. O. since Sept. 2, '63; borne on this roll as Joshua N. ; June, absent, sick iu hosp'l at N. O., since Sept. 2, '6:5; Aug., transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Muster-out roll of Co. : joined by transfer from Co. B, Feb. 17, '64, S. O. No. 7«, hd'q'rs 162dN. Y. V"; translVjrred to V. R. C, S. O. No. 75, War Department. Roberts, Joshua N., private Co. B; age 26; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York, and mustered iu Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, i)resent ; ApL, absent, in hosp'l at Newton, La.; June, absent, in hosp'l at Brashear, La.; Aug., absent, in hosp'l at New Orleans; Oct., sauK' ; Dec, last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, iu hosp'l. New Orleans ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due this soldier 1864 : Feb., last paid Dec. 31, transferred to Co. A by S. O. Feb. 14, '64. M. O. roll of Co. : transfd to Co. A by R. O. 76 at Franklin, La., Feb. 15, '64. Robertson, Douglas, pvt., Co. I. 1H64: Feb'y, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transfd from Co. I 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, 1864, pr. S. O, 47, hdqrs. 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 13, '()2, and mustered in at New York Nov. 13, lt<62, for 3 years; yl/>»-.,laHt paid to Feb'y 29, '64; absent, missing in action Apr. 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill; June, Aug., Oct., and Dec, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64; absent, prisoner of war since Apr. 9, '64. 1865: Feb'y, Apr., and June, '6b, absent, same remark; Aug., not on file. Muster-out roll of Co.: clothing never settled ; bounty due, $100; supposed mustered out of service under G. 0. 77, War Dept., A.G. O., c. s. ; prisoner since Apr. 9, 64; no discharge given at muster out of organization, Robinson, Albkkt. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated N.Y., Oct. 18, '62: private; age 19; enrolled Sejjt. 10, '62, at N. Y. for 3 yrs. ; name lined out. Robinson, Ai.KXANi>KH, col'd, cook, Co. D. 1864 : Feb., enrolled May 20, '63, at Baton • Rouge, La., for 3 yrs ; name, rank, date, and place of enrollment lined out. 197 EOPiNsox, JoHX, asst. surg.,M. O. roll of F. and S., dated Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.: enrolled at Harper's Ferry, Va., by the gov. of the State of New York ; mustered in Oct, 10, 18G4, at Washington, D. C., forS vrs. ; discharged, S. O. 354, par. 49, War Dept., A. G. O., Washington, D. C.^ Oct.,19, 1864. KOBINSOX, Peter, pvt., Co. A. 1864 : ApL, absent, in confinement at Sliip Island since Mch. 28, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 10, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; June, absent, in confinement at Ship Island since Mch. 28, '64; Aug., same; Oct., same ; Dec, absent, cont'd to Ship Island by sentence of court-martial since Mclii. 28, '64. 1865: i'e&., absent, in confinement at Ship Island, Miss., since Mch. 28, '64; borne as Peter Robertson; Jj)?., absent, in confinement at Ship Island since Mch. 28, '64 ; Jii)}e, same; Aug., same. Muster-ont roll of Co. : joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. v., Feb. 17, '64, S. O. 47, 19 A. C. ; am't of clothing "drawn, $45.72; confined at Ship Island, Miss., since Mch. 28, '64 ; supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept. , Apl. 28, '65 ; no discharge furnished at muster-out of organization; clothing last settled Oct. 10, 1862 ; bounty due, $100. HOBiNSON, Thomas, pvt., Co. G; age, 35; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, at N. Y.,; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at N.Y., for 3 years. 1862: Oc*., deserted Oct. 21, '62. Mus- ter-out roll of Co. : deserted at Riker's Island, N. Y. EOCKEK, AxToNio, pvt., Co. I, 1864: Fei'y, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- ferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, '64, per S. O. 47, h'dq'rs 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 21, '62, at New York; mustered in at same place Nov. 13, '62, for 3 yrs. ; Ajyr., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present ; Jane, last paid to A2)r. 30, '64, present; absent, pris. of war since Ajjr. 9,'64; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Apr. 30, absent, sick in hospital; borne as Antonio Rocca; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, absent, sick in hosp'l (not known what place). 1865: FeVg, last paid to Dec. 31, '61, present; dednct i tent, $2.30; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct | S. tent; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64; absent, sick in hospital, Washington, D. C. Mustered out on de't muster-out roll at Washington, D. C, July 24, 186.5, in compliance with telegram A. G. O., dated May 3d, 1865; last paid Dec. 31, '64; clothing drawn since enlistment, $147.30; bounty due, $100; paid for May and June, '65, by Maj. Eaton. EODDY, Robert, privt., Co. A; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at N. Y. City, and mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $2.00 premium due. 1863: Feb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, sent to gen'l hosp'l from Opelousas May 5, '63; Aug., absent in hospl. at New Orleans, May 2, '63; Oct., died. Muster-out roll of Co: died at New Orleans, La., Apl. 5, '63. IvODGER, John, pvt., Co. B; age 41; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at New York, and mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; borne as John Rodgers; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2 00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: i^eft., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, laat paid to Dec. 31, present; June, same; Aug., Inst paid to June 30, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent, detailed as cattle guard; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864 : Fel)., last paid to Oct. 31, iiresent ; April, last paid to Feh. 29, present ; June, last paid to April 30, present ; ^ shelter tent, $1.89 ; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, deserted at Berryville, Va., Aug. 12, '64 ; 1 canteen. Co. M. O. roll: deserted Aug. 8, 1864, near Winchester, Va. EOE, Joseph, private, Co. F. 1864 : Feb., last paid to June 30, '63, present ; enrolled Oct. 24, '62, at N. York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. York, for 3 years ; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due the soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; Ajyr., last paid to June 30, '63, absent, sick, at Franklin, Mch. 15, '64 ; June, last paid to June 30, '63, present ; shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $1.89; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63; deserted from Algiers, July 9, 1864; musket anil equipments, canteen, haversack, and shelter tent to be deducted from his pay, $25.34. Co. M. O. roll : deserted from Algiers, La., July 3, '64. ROESKA, Argus, private, Co. H ; age 36 ; enrolled Sept. 17, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Octo. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oeto., present as August Raeska; Dec. last paid to Octo. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 : last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, on detached service with the 1st La. Cav., Febv. 5th. Muster-out roll of Co. : transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qr's Dept. Gulf, W. 0.,Lm., Feb. 20, '6i. RoFSKA, August, private, Co. F. 1863: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ab-sent ; en- rolled Sept. 17, 1832, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Kiker's Isl- 198 ROESKA, Ar<;i-ST— Continued. and, for 3 yrs. ; transfeiT«>d from Co. H by consolidation Mch. 1, 1863, on detaclu'd Hcrvioo in Ist La. Cavy., Feb. 8, '63; Jmie, last paid to Dec. 31, 'G'J, absent ; dt-tatbed eervire in 1st La. Cavy. ; Aug. to Dec, inclnsive, ab- sent; (k'tat-bed service. 1st La. Cavy. 1H(J4: /•■(■'>_(/.. absent ; detached serv- ice at 1st La. Cavy., Feb. 8, 'H3 ; dne tbis soldier 3'i.') U. S. bonnty; Jpr., absent; detached to Ist La. Cavy.; June to Ihc, inclnsive, absent; «le- tacbed to 1st La. Cavy., Feby. 8, 'G3. 18().">: Fihi/., desortetl wliile detached to 1st La. Cavy., Sept. 19, lrf(i4. Co. M. O. roll: transferred from Co. H, S. 0.51. lid. Qrs. Dept. of the Gulf, Feby. 20, '63, deserted from New Or- leans, La., Sept. 19, 18(53. Rogers, John, pvt., Co. G ; a{n:e38; enrolled Sept. 1, '62, at N. Y. ; mnstered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. Y., for 3 yrs. 1862: Ocf., present ; Dec, present, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; entitled tl) $2.00 preminin. 1863: Feb., lastpiiid to Jan. 1, '63, present; JpL, same; June, last i>aid to Jan. 1, '63, absent sick in U. S. Itarracks jren'l hospt'l, N. O., La. ; Aiiff , same ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, sick atN. O. : §25.00 IJ. S. bounty and ?2.00 i)rem. due the soldier. 1861: Feb., same; Apr., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, absent, sick at IT. S. barracks bospt'l, N. O. ; June, same ; Aug., last pai2 : Oct., present; Die, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, j)resent ; entitled to .$2 premium. 1^63: Feb., last jiaid to Jan. 1.'63, present; Apt., last paid to Apl. 5, '63; discharged for disability at Algiers. La., Apl. 5, '63, by authority. EmiAiN. I'ktkij. pvt., Co. I. 1"<64 : />/<»/., absent sick in New Orleans, transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feby. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, Hd'ijrs. 19 A. C. ; en- rolled Nov. 11 at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13 at New York, for 3 years; Apr., June, and Aug. absent sick in New Orleans; Oct., absent sick in hos- }»ital. New Orleans, La.; Dec, absent sick in hospital New Orleans, La. (not hi-anl from). 1865: Feb'ji, al)sent, dropped from the rolls and re- jiorted deserted, having in most eases been ab.'-ent from the regt. for nearly 18 mos., and not heard from during that period. Muster out roll of co. : deserted. RONDAiil.FU, CiiAiii,K,<*, private, Comp. C; age, 3.^; enrolled .\ug. 25, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, H()2, at New York, for 3 years. 1p62: Oct., pres- ent ; naim^ borne as Charles Kondaler; Dec, last ))aid to Nov. 1, 18(i2, jires- ent; "entitled for twodollars who has enlisted after June21, 1>^62." \^iV.\: Fcli'if, hist paid to Dec. 31, |)resent; boriu! on roll as Charles KaiidtlKiler : April, presi'iit ; June, last paiil to Dec. 31, ju-esent; Aug., last jiaid to .liiiie 3(t, '63, [)resent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 3i,'(!3, present; Dec, last paid to Oct., 31, 1863, present; 8i5 U. S. bounty (\\U' and $2.00 premium. 18i>4 : Feli'g, last p;iid, Oct. :{1,'63, present; due $25 IJ. S. bounty ; April, last j>aid to Feli'y 29, '»)4; absent, " missing in action, Sabine C'rosw Koails, Ap'l 8, 1H61" ; June, last paid to Feb'y 29, 'lil ; al)sei)t, and a prisoner in hands of ■" llm. enemy; Augimt, last pai, '62; total amount of clothing drawn, $63.81; bounty due, |100 ; mustered out (under tel. W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65) Sept. 2d, 1835, at N. Y. City ; pris. of war, Apl. 9, '64. to May 27, 1865. KOONEY, Dexnis, private, Co. E. id64: Febi/., last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans- ferred from 174th Keg't, S. O. 47, Feb j'. 17; .f;25 U. S. bounty due soldier; enrolled Oct. 17, at New York City; lutistered in Nov. 13, at N. Y., for 3 yrs; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid April 30, '64, present^ Aug., absent; prisoner of war; missing in action at Deep Bottom, James River, Va., July 26, 1864; Oct., same; Dec., present. 1865: Febi/., present; prisoner of war July 26, 1864; rejoined co. Dec. 30, 1854; April, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aug., absent; sick at Savannah, Ga., since July 24, 1865. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; entitled to pay for commutation of rations from July 25 to Oct. 9, la64 ; clothing last settled Oct. 17, '62; due soldier $53.81; bounty due, $100; ex- changed Oct. 9, '64. Rose. James, pvt., Co. I. 1864: Feb'y., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, transf'd from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, '64, per S. O. 47, Hd'qrs 19th A. C. ; en- rolled Oct. 9, at New York; mustered in same place Nov. 13 for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, absent, missing in action Apr. 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill ; June, Aug., Oct., and Dec, '64, last paid to Feb'y 29, '61, ab- sent, prisoner of war since Apr, 9, "64. 1865: Feb^ij, Apr., and June, ab- sent, same remark. Mustered out on Ind. muster-out roll, nnder telegram, W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '64; private, at New York City, July 27, '65"; last paid to Feb'y 29, '6'4 ; prisoner of war to May 27, '65 ; entitled to 3 mos. extra pay; no clothing acc't ; paid by Major Dodge to Emeliue Rose, wife, for Mch. and Apr., '64, $26. Muster-out roll of co. : clothing never settled; bounty due |l00. Rose, Lewis H., private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., 3 y'rs; advance bounty due from U. S. 1864: Feb., present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; stoppage, haversack, 31 cts. ; Aug., absent, in hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. G., $25.00, advance pay; Oct., absent, hands of the enemy; Dec, absent, ia hands of the enemy since July 25, '64. 1865: Feb., same; Apr., died of disease at Richmond, Va., on or about Feb. 11, '65. Muster out roll of co.: joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63 ; taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64. EoSENBERGER, George, private, Co. H. 1864 r Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent ; enrolled Oct. 28, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 3, '62, at New York Citv, for 3 Vears; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vols., by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864 ; April, last paid Feb. 29, '64 ; died of wounds rec'd in action at Sabine Cross h'oads, April 8, '64 ; stoppage, 1 set accouter- ments, $3.25. RosEwAx, James, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Nov. 27, '62, New York ; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vol by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present, stop})age, haversack, 31 cts.; Aug., absent, in hands of the enemy; Oct., same; Dec, absent, in hands of the enemy July 25, '64, 1865: Feb., same; Apr., absent, sick in hosp., Annapolis, Md.; June, last paid to Feb. 28, '65, absent, sick in U. S. G. H., Annapolis, Md.; Aug., mustered out at Annapolis, Md., in compliance with a telegram, Jitne 17, 1865, G. O, 77, War Dept., '65. Mustered on Ind. M. 0, roll June 17, '65, at Annapolis, Md., per telegram from War Dept., dated May 30, '65, prisoner of war; due U. S. for transportation, $5.1;i; captured, Deep Bottom, July 25, 1864; confined, Salisbury; released, Washington, Mar. 30, '65; due soldier 3 mouths' extra pay; last paid to Apr. 30, '64; clothing last settled Nov, 27, '62; drawn since enlistment, $121.95; eqiiii)ments lost, &c., $21.65. Ross, Charles, pv't, Co. I ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 8, 1862, at New York City; mus- tereil in at. New York Citv, Oct. Irt, 1862, for 3 vears. Muster-out roll of co.: deserte.l, Riker's Is., N, Y., Oct. 23, 18d2. Ross, Jamks, pv'c, Co, I; age 28; enrolled Sept. 5,1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, acNew York, for 3 years. Ii6i : Oct., present; Dec , last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: FebUi, Apr., and June, corp'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aug.,\Ast paid to July I, 's. .Ii>;:n. Jliister-iu roll of Co. K, dated New York, Oct. 18, '02 : private ; age 30 ; tnrolled Sept. 24, 'U'i, at New York, for 3 years ; uauie liued out ; uot boruo on buljsequeut roils. Koss, Pjulip, private, Co. D ; age 24 ; enrolled Sept. lo, '02, at New York City; mus- tered in Oct. Id, '&i, at New York, for 3 years. 18(52: Oct., i>reseut ; l>tc., last paid toOct. 31, '62 ; deserted eu route to Alexandria Nov. 2, '(52. Muater- out roll of company : deserted Oct. 26, '62, at Washinj^ton, D. C. IIoss, Thomas, col'd, cook, Co. B. Id5., ]»reseut ; enrolled Feb. 1, '64, at Frank- lin, aud mustered in F«b. 20, '64, at Franklin, for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to April 3U, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to April 30, '61; deserted at liolivar Heiji;bts, Va., Auj;;. 10, 1864. EOUHKK, Joiix. pvt., Co. B. 1864: Feb., last ]>aid to Feb. 28, '63, present; deserted at Port Hudson, May 28, 1863; returned from desertion Feb. 14, 1864, at Fnvuklin, La. ; trans'd from 174th Kegt. S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Oct. 8, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Kiker's Island, for 3 years; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to April 30, '64, jiresent; Aug., last paid to April 30, l.-i64 ; deserted at Berry ville, Va., Aug. 12, 1864 ; 1 gun-strap aud 1 set of acc'tr'ts complete. M. O. roll of co. : deserted near Winchester, Va., Aug. 8, '64. ll0US.s.\U, K.A^Y.MOND. Muster-in roll of Co. D, dated Oct. 13, '62, New York : private ; age 28 ; eurolled Sep. 25, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; name liued out. KoWK, James t>., private, Co. C. 1804: Ftbruani, absent, sick. New Orleans; due §-*5.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb'y 17. 1804; enrolled Oct. 11, 1862, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, alNew York, for 3 years; Apr., abseutsick, New Orleans, La.; June, absent sick and wounded, N. Orleans, La.; Aug., absent, sick in hosp't'l at New Orleans, La. ; borne as James Rowe ; Oct., same; i)cc,, same. 1805: Feh'y, same; Apr., same; June, deserted; dropped May 11, 1865; sick in New Orleans, La., Sept., 1803, not heard from since. Muster-out roll of co. : sent to hosp't'l N. O., Sept. «|\ 1803; borne as George J. Rowe. HoWLKR, Hknky, col'd cook, Co. B. i864: Feb., present; transf'd from 174tb Regfc., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; enrolled Sept. 1, 1803, at Baton Rouge; mustered in Jan. 3, 1804, at New Iberia for 3 years ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to April 3U, i)resent; Aug., last paid to April 30, '(54 ; de- serted at Algiers, La., July 17, '04. M. O. roll of co. : desertnl at Algiers, l^a., July 3, 18ij4 ; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47 l)ept. of Gulf, Feb^. 17, '64 ; borne as Henry Roler. EfiF, Lkwis E., serg't, Co. H. 1863: Drc, never paid, present; eurolled Aug. 11, '1)3, Schenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1804: Feb., l)resent; Apr., last paiil to Feb. 29, '04, absent; missing in action, Pleasant Ilill, Apr. 9, '64; ditierence in pay between i)rivate and serg't from Sept. 1,'63, to Feb. 29. '04, due; June, absent; mustered in Sept. 1, 1803, Schenec- tady, for 3 yrs. ; in the hands of the enemy ; dilference in pay between serg't a 11(1 i)rivate from Sept., '63, due; Aug., absent; in the haiuls of the enemy ; r.,same; June, absent; Camp Parole, Annapo- lis, Md., since June 22, '65, late i)risouer of war; Auq., same; mustered out on Ind. M. O. roll (under telegram, W. D.. A. G. O., Alay 12, '05), July 10, '65, at N. Y. City; last ]iaid Feb'y 29, '64; entitled to two months' extra pay. Muster-out roll of co.: bounty due, iglOO; joined as recruit from draft ren- dezvous Dec. 10, 'O:?; sui'itosed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War DepL., Washington, b. C. April 28, '()5; uo discharge furnished ou M. O. of organization ; clothing drawn, ^43.98. BlJnSTKiN, Latins, jirivate, Co. F; age 24; enrolled M:iy 21, 1862, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Aug. 22, '()2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1802: Oct., corp., present; $113 advance paid; Dec, last i>aid to Oct. 31, '02, present. 1803: Feb., last jiairemium. 1864; Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, corporal, jircscnt; duo this soldier :?25 U. S. bounty; Apr., last paid to Feby. 29, present; June, last Itaid to Apr. 30, i)resent; Aug., last i)aid to Apr. 30, jjresent; canteen and iiaversa-k to be deducted from his pay, 93c.; Oct., last )»aid to Aug. 31, private, iir(!sent ; p:iy due as corporal to Oct. 25, '61; Dec, \iist paid to Aug. 31, Jiresent; pay due as corp. to Oct. 25, '04; deduct for clothing, J14.73. 1865: Feb)/., last paid to Dec. 31, jireseut; April, sauu*; June, last jiaid to Dec. 31, '61 ; borne ou previous rolls iu error; mustered Oct. 18. Co. M. O. 201 EuHSTiEN, Louis— Continued. roll : transfd from 53 N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862. Mustered out on detaclimenfc muster out roll, at Washington, D. C, June 1, 1865, under provisions of Gen. Order No. 53, Hd. Qrs. M. M. Div., May 30, 1865; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; clothing account last settled May 21, 1864, drawn since settlement, $27.68; bounty due, $100; post-office address, N. Y. City; deduct for the sutler, $7.00. KusbKLL, George, pvt. Co. K; age 27; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, at New York; mus- tered iu Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 vrs. 1862 : Oct., deserted in New York City Oct. 19, 18i)2. EusSELL, .James, private, Co. E ; age 21 ; enrolled Sept. 16. 1862, at New York City ; mustered in at same place Oct. 1^, 1862, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present ; Dtc, last paid to Oct. 31, transferred to Co. I, liy order Col. Benedict, Nov. 1. Muster-out roll of co : transferred to Co. I, R. S. O. No. 5, Nov. 5, 1862. EussELL, James, private, Co. I. 1-^62 ^ Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; deserted at Camp Slough, Alexandria, Ya., Nuv. 10, '62; enrolled Nov. 7, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Kiker's Island, N. Y., for 3 years; transferred from Co. E. ECSSELL, Robert, pvt., Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, at N. Y. City, and mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. . 1862 : Oct., deserted at Bal- timore. M. O. roll of CO. : deserted at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, '62. EUTLEDGE, JoHX, private, Co. I; age 28; enrolled Oct. 8, -62, New York City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1362 : Oct., deserted from "Wil- mington. Del. ; Dec, last jiaid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; confined in Forest Prison, Georgetown, D. C. 1S63: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present, wants pay from 15 Sept., 1862; liberated from Forest Prison, Georgetown, D. C. ; Aj>r., i)re8ent, wants pay from Sept. 15, '62 ; June, absent, wants pay from Sept. 15, '62; in hosp. at N. Orleans, La.; ^m*/., present, wants pay from Sept. 1.'^, '62; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, sick at U S. Bar- racks Hosp., N. O. ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, absent; sick at hosp., N. O. 1364: Feb., transferred to Co. D, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, by order Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. ; deduct cross-belt and plate. EUTLEDGE, John, pvt., Co. D. 1864: Feb., absent; transferred from Co. I Feb, 17, 18o4; deduct 02 ct., price of cartridge-box, belt, and plate ; sickinNewOr- leans, La.; enrolled Sept. 15, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 vrs.; Ajyr., ab,sent sick. New Orleans, La.; June, absent, transferred to V. R. C, G. O. 151, Apr. 10, lrs64, Hd. Qrs. War Dep't. Ryan, Richakd, pvt., Co. G. 1865: April, present; joined as recruit from depot April 2, 1865; pay due from date of enlistment ; enrolled and mustered in March 22, '65, at N, Y. City, for 3 years; June, never paid; dropped from rolls June 16, '65, as deserted June 10, '65 ; also one musket and set of equipments complete, $23.67 ; descriptive list and acc'ts of pay and cloth- ing forwarded. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at Fort Meigs, Va., June 10, 1865. Sands, Edmund T., corpl., Co. B; age 37 ; enrolled Sept. 9, '62, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 year.s. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, private, pre.sent ; resigned Dec. 20, '62, |2.00 pre- mium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; det. for duty with Louisiana Cavalry; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, absent, de- tached 1st. La. Cav. ; Jane, absent, same remark ; Aug., absent, same re- mark ; Oc<., absent, same remark; i>ec., nt, detailed in 1st. La. Cav.; $25 U. S. bounty and |2 premium due this soldier. 1864 : Feb., absent, det. eer. Ist La. Cav., Feb. 6, '63 ; so borne to Aug. 31, '64 ; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, deserted, dropped from rolls Oct. 24, '64 , •fee, absent hospl. Fort Columbus, N. Y Harbor. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 5, '64, present ; stoppage, 1 canteen 65, 1 haversack 95; detached as brig, teamster; Apl., present, det. as brig, teamster; stoppage, canteen 65, 1 h. sack 9.5 — 160; June, present ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present. M. O. with co. Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apl. 30, '65 ; clothing last sertled June 1, '64; due soldier $70.13; bounty due $100 ; apptd. corpl. Oct. 14, '62; re- duced at his own request Dec. 20, '62. Sanford, Stephen, private, Co. I ; age 36 ; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, at New York City ; mustered iu Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; sick in U. S. Gen'l Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La., Feb. 3, '63. Muster-ont roll of co. : discharged July 26, '63, marine hospital, N. O., La. Sanfjrd, Thomas H., 2d sergeant, Co. I; age 26; enrolled Aug. 30, 'Q>Z, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62 ; 1st s';rg"c, present; wants pay from 18 Oct. to 31st Oct., 1862, as 1st serg't. 1363 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 'C2, 202 Sanfohd, Thomas TI. — Continued. present, borne as Tlioiiias Henry Sanford; Apr., present; June, private, absent in hospl. at Baton Konjie, La.; reduced to ranks May 15, '6^ ; Aug., absent, sick in hospl.. Baton Rouye, La. ; Oct., last paid to Jan. 1, '(53, al)- sent sick at bospl., Baton Koni;e, La. ; Dec, alisent sick at Bnton Kouge. 1864 : Feb., absent, transferred to Co. D, l(i2d N. Y. Vols. Feb. 17, '64, by orders Hdqrs. 162d N. Y. Vols ; resent ; Oct., last jciid to Aug. 31, '64. jiri-.^eut; recruit from dralt rendezvous; due 2d inHtallnient of lnuinfy, $40; also $13, the one month's p.iy li.iving been de- dneled by error twice ; total, $.53.00; Dtc, i)resent; recr't from «lraft ren- dezvouN- due 2d anil 3d installmentH of bounty; (1.06 ; bounty paid, $140 ; bonutj"^ due, $100 ; ioined by transfer from Co. I^ Feb, 16, '64, S. O. No. 76, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V. Sc!!ai:i-i:k, Wm., private, Co. H; age 19; enrolb-d Sept. 16, 1862, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, New York, for 3 years. 1862: OcL, absent, deserted afe Kiker's Island ; Dec, deserted at Riker's Island Oct. 21, 1862. SciiAiFER, Herman, private, Co. D. 1864: Feb., discharged at Franklin, La., Jany. 29, '64, S. O. 25, Dept. of Gulf; enrolled Oct. 14, '62, at New York City;, nnistered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Island for 3 yrs. ; name, rank, and re- marks lined out. ScHAirrix, Heinrich, private, Co. F; age 44 ; enrolled July 10, 1862, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted .Sept. 8; $13 advance paid. Co. M. O. roll: transferred from 53 N. Y. V., Sept., 1862; deserted from Ricker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9,1862, SciiATVMANX, Frrderic, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Fe&.,la8t paid to Oct.. 31, 1863, present; transferred from 174 Reg't N.Y. S.Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A.C., Feb. 17th, 1864 ; enrolled Oct. 11, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present; to be deducted, ^J shelter tent, $1.63; Aug., last paid same, absent, sick in hosp., Harper's Ferry, Va. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid same, present; deduct 1 pc. sh. t. $2.30, haversack 40c.— $2.70. 1865: Feb., last paul to Dec. 31, 1864, pres- ent; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present: Aug., last paid same, corp., present; promoted to corp. Aug. 1, 1865, by S. O. 13, Hd. Qrs, 162 N.Y. Vols. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing acc't last settled Oct, 11, 1862; due sol, for clothing, $29.04 ; bounty due, $100. SriiAVK, Albeut. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Aug. 22, '62: private; age 34 ; enrolled May 21, '62, at New York City, for 3 years ; name and en- rollment lined out ; Oct., deserted Sept. 8. ScmuNHARDT, Louis, private, Co. H ; age 39; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at N. Y. ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 62, corparal, prcseut. xVIuster-out roll of co. : trans- ferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., S. O. 51, Ex. Hd. Qrs. Dept. Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. SciiEiNHARDT, LEWIS, corporal, Co. F, 1863: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at New York; luustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs.; transferred from Co. H, by consolidation, Mar. 1, '63; June, last paid to Dec, 31, '62, present; Aug., absent iu gen'l hosp,, July 22, '63 (borne as Ludwig Schenhart), Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, private, l)resentas John Schoenhart; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present; $25 U. S. due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: Fehg., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apr. to Dec, inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, wounded at the battle of Pleasant Ridge, Apr. 9, 1864» 1865: Feby., last paid to Feby. 29, '64; discharged for di^^ability from U. S. gen'l hosp. Dec. 16, 1S64. Co, M, O. roll : transferred from Co. H, S. 0. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, F'eby. 20, '63; discharged for disability at Jefferson Bar- racks Hosp., Mo., Dec. 16, 1864. SciiKL, Ferdinand, sergeant, Co. F; age 30; enrolled June 24, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. Ib62: Oct., 1st. sergeant, present ; $13 advance paid ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 under act of June 21, 1862. 1863: Feb , last paid to Dec. 31, deserted Feb'y 5, 1863. Co. m. o. roll: transferred from 53 N. Y. Vols., Sept., 1862; deserted from Ricker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. SciiELLHAAS, Friedrich, scrgt., Co. C ; age 40; enrolled Sept. 4, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, 1862, present ; " entitled for two, dollars — has en- listed after the 21st June, 1862." 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to June 30, 1863, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31; died iu hospt'l at Newtown, Oct. 14, 1863. Co. muster-out roll: died of chrouic diarrhoea iu hospital. New Iberia, La., Oct. 14, 1863. SCHENK, John, private, Co, F; age 28 ; enrolled May 12, 1862, at New York City, and mustered in Aug. 22, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; $13 advauce jiaid ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feby., last paid to Dec. 31, deserted 5th Feby., 1863. M'lster-out roll of co. : transferred from 53il N. Y.. Sept., 1862; deserted from Riker's Islaud, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. 204 ten .;).s, John, private Co. C. ISG^: April, deserted from Camp Algiers on April .", 186:3; enrolled Feb'y 10 at New Orleans, for :i years. Miister-ont roll of eo. : joined by eulistuieut Feb'y. '-^6, lbti3 ; deserted from Algiers, La., April 7, lti63. ScuLEi'SNER, Albert, Ist. sergt. Co. F., age 33; enrolled May 21, 1869, New York City, and mnstered in Aug. 2"2, Ic'li^, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., private; 5!I3 advance paid; deserted rith Sept. Mnster-ont roll of co.: transferred from 53d N. Y. V., Sept., 1862; deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, abont Oct. 9, 1862; borne as Albert Sehleuser. SCHLU.MDT, Gkorge, private, Co. H; age 2U; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at N. Y.; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present as George Schlundt ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 't;2, present ; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; absent on detached serv- ice with Ist Louisiana Cav., Feb. .''^th, nnder Special No. 31, from H'd Q'rs Dep't of the Gulf, Feb., 1863. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., S. 0.51, Ex. 1, H'd Q'rs Dep't Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. SCHLUMDT, Rudolf. Muster-in roll of Co. H, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62 : private; age, 18; enrolled Sept. 13, '62, at N. Y., for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. 8CHLUNT, Gkorge, private, Co. F, 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 21, 1802, ab.sent ; en- rolled Sept. 11, 1662, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. H by consolidation March 1, '63; on det. service in Ist La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63, and so borno to Dec. 1864 : Febjf., absent, det. service in 1st La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63; due this soldier §25 U. S. bounty; borne as William Schlundt; ApL, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; det. to 1st La. Cav. Feb. 8, '63 (borne asSVm. Sinidt) ; and .so borne to Dec. 1865: J'chy., deserted while detached to 1st La. Cav., Sept. 19, '64. Muster-out roll of CO.: transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, H.l. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feby. 20, '63; deserted from Now Orleans, La., Sept. 19, '63; name borne as George Schummidt. Schmidt, Ernst, private, Co. C; 1864: Fehii, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; due $25 U. S. bounty; transf'd from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feby. 17, 1864; det. Battery G, 5th Artly., S. O. 35, 1st Krig., 1st Div. ; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York ; musttred in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., absent, detached to Battery G, 5th U. S. Artly., S. 0. 3.'), 1st Brig., 1st Div. ;J««e, absent, detached to Batty. G,5 U.S.Arty., S. O. 35, 1st Brig., 1st Div., 19 A. C. ; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64; deserted from New Orleans, La., July 18, '64; to be deducted, haversack and canteen, §0.(59, for U. S. property lost while det. to G Bat., 5th U. S. A.rt., $1.33. Co. muster-out roll: detached to Battery G, 5th U. S. Artly., Dec. 14, '63; deserted while on way to rejoin his regt. about Aug. 8, 1864. Schmidt, FKKa)EKic, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Fth., last i)aid to Oct. 31, 1"*63, absent, de- tached to L Battery, 5 U. S. Artillerv by order of Gen. Weitzel ; trans- ferred from 174 Reg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; en- rolled Oct. 14, 1862, at N. Y. City ; mustered iu Nov. 13, 18j2, atN. Y. City, for 3 years ; Apr., absent ; detached to Surg, of L Battery, 5th U. S. Art'y, by order of Geu'l Franklin, Se|it.,1863; June, sa nui ; Aug., absent : de- tached to L Batt'y, 5th U. S. Art'y, since Sept. 13, 1863, by order of Gen'l Franklin, c(mid'g 19 A. C. ; Oc'., last jiaid to Aug. 31, 18ii4, pre.sent; Dec, absent; deduct 1 jtiece S. tent, §2.30; detached service lieltl hospital 1st Div. 19 A. C, by S. O. 225 1st lid. Qrs., Nov. 27, 1864. 1865: Feb., absent on detached service, F. Hosp. 1st Div. 19 A.C., by S. O. 225, 1st Div. Hd. Qrs., Nov. 2, 1864; Apr., last paid to Feb. 28, 186.'» ; al>sent on de- tached service, (ield hosp., 1st Div., 19 A. C, by S. O. 225, 1st Div. Hd. Qrs., dated Nov. 30, 1864; Ju^ie, same; Aug., last i>aid to June HO, 1865; deserted from Savannah, Ga., July 22, 181)5; deduct 1 knapsuck $3.10, \ i>c. shelter tent $4.90, 1 haversack 9.'). c, 1 canteen 65 c. Muster-out roll of co. dated Oct. 12, 18(5.5, at SavaunalT, Ga. : age 21 ; enrolled as corj)., reduced Feb. 1, 1863; dropped as a deserier by error, being sick in hosi>t'l at Savannah, Ga. ; amount of clothing drawn. If 98.1H) ; clothing acc't last settled Oct. 14, 1862; bounty due, iJlOO. 00. A discli.irgc* was furnished him Oct. 26, 1865, by chief mustering ollicer State of N. Y., under provisions of circular from A. G. O., dated June 29, 1865. Schmidt, Joa>f,i)rivate, Co. D; age 28; enrolled Sept. 20, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. I86i: Oct., ])rosent ; promoted to 5th sergeant, Nov'r 1, '()2, vice Theodore Churchill, pronjoted ; VM;., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, sergeant, ])resent; entitled to §2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to D.'c. 31, '62; reduced to ranks ,Jan. 20, and deserted at Cami» Parapet, La,, Feb. 4. Muster-out roll of company: deserted Fob. 14, '13, ut Carr.dltou, La. 205 Schneider, Bebnhap.d, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present j transferred from 174 Reg't, N. Y. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, 1864; enrolled Oct. 14, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; A2}'l, last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, present ; to be deducted ^ shelter tent, $1.63 ; Aug., present; deduct canteen, 49c. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; de- duct for extra clothing, $18.16; Dec, present. 1865: Fth., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Apr., present ; deduct 1 haversack, 95c., and 1 can- teen, 65c.— ^1.60; Jiine, last paid to Ap'l 30, 1865, present; Aug., present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 14, 1862; due U. S. for clothing, $9.97; bounty due, $100. Schneider, M., private, Co. H; age 27; enrolled Oct. 2, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 18S2 : Oct., present ; borne as Michael Schneider; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feh'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; transferred by consolidation to Co. F, Muster-out roll of co.: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., S. O. 51, Ext. H'd Qrs., Dep't of Gulf, N. 0., La., Feb'y 20, 1863. Schneider, Michael, private, Co. F. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; enrolled Oct. 2, 'G2, at New York, ai.d mustered in Oct. 18, 'G2, at Riker's Island, for 3 years ; trans, from Co. H, by consolidation, March 1, '63 ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent ; in gen'l hosptl., June 14 ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '62, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 pre- mium. 1864: Fcby., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bouuty due soldier; Apl., last paid to Feby. 29, '64, absent; wd. at the battle of Pleasant Ridge, Apl. 9, '64, and so borne to Feby., '65 ; April, last paid to Feby. 29, '64; ab. wd. at Pleasant Hill, La., Apl. 9, '64, prisoner of war, so borne to Aug. Muster-out roll of co.: last paid to Feby. 29, '64; clothing last settled Oct. 2, 1862; bounty due $100; trans, from Co. H, S. 0. 51, Hdqrs Dept. Gulf, Feby. 20, 1863; wd. at Pleasant Hill, La., Ai)l. 9, '64; sun- posed to be mustered out by G. O. 94; no discharge furnished upon muster out of organization; amount of clothing drawn $74.12. Mustered out on individual muster-out roll a private at New York City, July 17, 1865; last paid Feby. 29, '64; prisoner of war 9 Apl., '64 — 27 May, 18ii5, entitled to 3 mos. ex. pay ; no clothing acct.; m. out under telegram W. D., A. G. O., 12 May, 1865. SciiOENBEKGER, Anton, private, Co. C ; age 23 ; enrolled Sept. 16, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, 1862, present ; "entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June 2l8t, 1862." 1863: Feby., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Apr., present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, sick in hos])ital at Baton Rouge; Aug., last paid to April 30, 1863, present; pay due for the mouths of Jau'y and Feb'y ; returned from hospital to co. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1863, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present ; $25 U. S. bounty duo the soldier and |2 premium. 1864 . Feb\i/, corporal, present ; Apr., last paid to Feb'y 29, 1864, present ; 1 canteen, 33 cts. ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, present ; to be deducted, J shelter tent $2.30, 1 canteen 45 c'ts — total, $2.75. 1"<65: Feb^ii, last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; deduct 1 canteen, 65 c'ts; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, 1865, preseiit: Aug., present; de- duct 1 cone and wrench, 35 cts. Mustered out with co. as corporal, Oct. 12, 186.5, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to April 30, lJ^65 : clothing account last settled Sept. 16, 1862; due soldier, $32.60 ; bounty due, $100; "enrolled as private ; appointed corp'l Feb'y 17, '64 ; to pay 1 cone, 1 wrench." SCHOLL, Charles, private, Co. C; age 21 ; enrolled Sept. 23, 1862, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, 1862, present, "entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June 21, 1862," borne as Charles Shall. 1863: i^efc., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apr., present; June, same; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, 1863, absent; pay due for the months of Jan'y and Feb'y ; sick in hospital at Baton Rouge ; Oct., absent, sick in hospital Baton Rouge, July 14, 1863; not known when last paid ; Dec, absent, sick ; not known when last paid : $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2 premium. 1864: FeVy, absent, sick Baton Rouge; due $25 U. S. bounty ; Apr., absent, sick in Baton Rouge ; June, same ; Aug., absent, sick in hospital at Baton Rouge, La.; Oct., deserted from hospital in Baton Rouge, La. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted from hospital, N. O., La., Sept. 14, '64. SCHOFFLK, William. Mnster-in roll of Co. F, dated Riker's Isl.ind, Oct. 18, '62: pri- vate; age 24; enrolled June 24, '62, New York City, for o years; name and enrollment lined out. 1862: Oct., deserted 8th Sept. 20G 5CIIOTTLER, RiCHAKi), private, Co. I. lt«()4 : Ffb., abstMit in hatterv G, 5th U. S. Artillery; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols , Kel>. 17, '64, S. O. 47, l'.» A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 7 at New York ; inii.stered in Nov. 13, at New York, for 3 jears ; April to June, absent, detailed to Battery G, utb U. S. Artil- lery ; Aug., killed in action April 8,'G4, at Sabine CroHS Roads, La. Mus- ter-out roll of CO.: killed in action at Sabine Cnws Koads, La., April d, '63, while on detached duty with ")th L'^. S Art'y, Battery G. Scint.vuJF, Joiix, private, Co. F; aye 36 ; enrolled May lU, 186i, at New York City; mustered in Aiifj. 22, 1362, at New York, for 3 jears. 1^62 : Oct., present ; ?13 advance ])aid ; Dec, last ]>aid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : I'eVy, last Itaid to Dec. 31, — , present ; Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in gen'l losp't'l since March 3, '63 ; Jtnte, absent in gen'l hosp't'l March 30, '63 ; Aug., same ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, present ; Dec , last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; i6i25 U. S. bounty due the soldier and §2 premium. 1864 : Ftb'xj, i)reBent ; du>i soldier .$25 U. S. bounty: Ap^l, transferred to Invalid Corps, March 31, 1864. Muster-out roll of c»».: trans, from 53d N. Y'. Vols. Sept. 1862 ; trans, to V. K. Corps, G. O. 173, War Dep't, Ap'l 30, 1864. ScnROKDEK, Fredekic, pvt. Co. K ; 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present, transferred from 174 Regt. N. Y. Vols., S. O No. 47, 19 A. C , Feb. 17, 1864 ; enrolled, Oct. 17, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York for 3 yrs; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, present, deduct hav- ersack, 33c. , June, last paid to Apl. 30, 1864, present; to be deducted, + shelter tent, $1.63 ; Aug., present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31 , 1864, present ; deduct for extra clothing $17.65; Dec, ]ireseut. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present; Apr., present; deduct 1 canteen, 65c. ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, lci()5, prese:it ; Aug., present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 17, 1''62; due soldier for clothing, $2.66, bounty due, §100. SciiL'FLE, FuEi>ERic, private, Co. K; 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '63. absent, detached to G Battery, 5th U.S.A., S. O. 35, Dept. Gulf, Dec. 14, '63, trans- ferred from 174th Regt. N. Y S. V., S. O. No. 47, lUth A. C, Feb. 17, '64, en- rolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62 at New York, for 3 yrs; Apl., last paid to Aug. 31. '63, a1)sciit, detached to G batt. 5th U.S. Arty., S.O. 35, Dept. of the Gulf, Dec. 14, '63 ; Jmiic, died of disease at hosi>ital, New Orleans, La. Company muster-out roll: private, enrolled as corporal, reduced Feb. 1, 'ay due for months of .lan'y aiul Feb. ; Itct., last paid to Aug. 31, \\i, absent, sick in hospital. Baton Rouge, July 13, '63 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '(13 ; died in hospital, B. Ri.uge, Oct. 27, '63. M. O. roll of co.: died in hospital. Baton Rouge, La., July 9, '63, of disease. SCHULTZ, WiiJ.iAM, private, Co. I. l"c.,same. 18C>5: i'V/;.,last jiaid to Dec. 31. '64, i)rc,sent ; deduct half shelter- tent $2.30, 1 knap.sack $2.15; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; de- duct \ 8. tent, 2 knapsacks, and car. box plate; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, i»iesent; Aug., not on lile. Mustered out with comi>any Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, (la.; last jtaid to Ajtril 30, li-()5; clothing last settled Dec. 31, 1863; bounty due, $100; clothing ilue soldier, $33.03. BciiUN'K,' FiiKDKKic, private, Co. K. l^iW: Feb., last paid to Oet. 31, '63, present, traiisf.-rr.-d from 174th N. Y. S.,V., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C. Feb. 17, '64; enrolled O.t. 6, '62, at New York City; miislercd in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., last i)aid to Feb. 29, 'lU. absent, sick at U. S. hos- pital at N<-w Orh-ans, La. ; deduct §3.25 for .shelter teut ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick at hospt'l. New Orleans, La.; Aug., absent, B.ame remark; Del., last paiil to Aug. 31, '64, present; i>: t'li rolled July 10, l-i.',', ar New VorkCit}-; niustereil in Ant;. 'iJ, l8tJ'J, at New York, for ;{ years. li^G'i: Oct., present, $13 advance paid; Deo., last i)aid to Oct. 31, 'G"i, presout, entitled to two dollars nnder act of Jnue '21, 18(32. 18G3: Feb'y, laat paid to Dec. 31, absent, in };en'l hosp't'l; April, last paid to Dec. 31, 18G2; absent, in gen'l hosp't'l since Feb. G, 'G3; borne as Nicholas Sieyrist; June, last paid to April 30, 63 ; absent, in gen'l hosp't'l FeVy, 6, '63; Aug., discharged for disability July 3, 63, from gen'l hosp't'l. Muster-ont roll of co.: transferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., 18G2; deserted from N. Orleans, La., Sept. 2, 'G3. Seelex, Auuust, serg't, Co. C ; age 24 ; enrolled September 2, 1862, at New Y'ork ; mus- tered in October 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 y'rs, 1862: Oct., private, ab- sent ; deserted on Hiker's Island October 16th, 1862. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y., Oct. 20, '62. Skelos, Joseph, private, Co. C ; age 26; enrolled September 25, 1862, at New York ; mustered in October 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec , last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has en- listed after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31 ; corporal, jiresent; Jj:>/., present ; Jmtic, last x)aid toDec. 31 ; absent, wounded at Port Hudson; June 14th, '63, in ho8[)ital at liatou Rouge; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent; pay due for the months of January and February; wounded in hospital; Oct., absent, sick, not known when last paid ; 1^1.25 charge for his transportation New York; Dec, absent, sick, not known when last paid; $25.01) IJ. S. bounty due the soldier and .$2.00 premium. lr(G4: /■'<•&., absent. Baton Rouge; due $25.00 U. S. bounty; J;;/., absent, sick in Baton Rouge; June, absent, sick in B. Rouge, La.; Aug., private; sick in hos. at Baton Rouge, La. ; Oct., deserted from hospital in Baton Rouge, La.; to be deducted 1 shelter-tent, .§4.60; Dec, name not borne. Muster-out roll of co.: corporal; appointed corpl. Feb. 12, '63; deserted from hoNpl. B. Rouge, La., Sept. 9, '64. Seiiaxdel, Jacob, private, Co. C; age 18; enrolled 25 Aug., 1862, New York; mus- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, New York, 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., deserted in Washing- ton, Oct. 28, '62. M. O. roll of co.: deserted from Washington, D. C, Oct. 29, '62. Seiffekt, Jacob, private, Co. F; age 39; enrolled May 1, 1862, at New Y'ork City; mustered in Aug. 22d, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., i)re8ent, $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; deserted Nov. 10, 1862. Muster-ont roll of co.: trans, from .53d N. Y. V., Sept., 1862; deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, 1862. SENti, Jacob, private, Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- ferred from 174th Regt. N. Y. V., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 10, '62, New York; mustered in Nov, 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present ; deduct90 cts. for haversack, c.inteen ; Aug., last j)aid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; deduct $24.51 for extra clothing; Itcc, last paid to Aug. 31, 'C4, [)resent ; deduct 85 cts. for one haversack and one canteen. 18G5: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct 65 cts. for canteen; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, j)rosent ; Aug., last paid to Ayt'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with coinpanv Oct. 12, '6.5, at Savannah, Ga.; last ))aid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing accr. last settled Oct. 10, '62; clothing due U. S., $23.21; bounty due, $100. Seymour, Ehwakd, private, Co. I; age 21; enrolled Aug. 29, '62, at N. Y. City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oc^, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., hint paid to Dec. 31, '62; de- serted from Camji Parapet, CarroUton, La., Jan. 11, '63. Shadbolt, Gkok(;e, private, Co. D. 1864: Fib., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; translened from 174 R., N. Y.V., by S. O. 47, Heirs. 19th A. C, Dopt. Gulf, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled, Nov. 18, at New York City; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, l:ist jiaid to Feb. 21>, '64, abgent, by order for transfer to Navy ; Aug., absent witli leave since .June 22, '64 ; Oct., absent, transferred to Navy July 1, '64. M. O. roll of CO. : transferred to the Navy June 22, '64. SUAFFlLH, Wm. H., private, Co. F. 1861: Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, absent; enrolled Sept. 22, '«)2, at N. York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at R. Island, N.York, for 3 years; trnnsftirred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H.Q. 19 A.C., pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this Roldier $25, U. S. bounty; det. as carpenter hd. quarters; April, discharged Marcli 13. 186 J, by order of Mttj. Gcul. Franklin. Mu8t«r-out roll of co. : borne as Wm. II. Shetlicld. 209 SiiANAHAX, Michael, private, Co. K ; age 38 ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct, IH, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31 ; discharged by order of Maj. Genl. Banks, at Camp Parapet, La., Dec. 29, '&Z. Company muster-out roll: discharged for disability at New Orleans, La., Jan. 5, '63. Shannon, William, private, Co. E; age 24; enrolled Sept. 9, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York City, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1«63: FeVy, last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last jiaid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, hospital, Brashear City; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, hos- pital, Baton Rouge; wounded before Port Hudson June 19, 1863; Auf)., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug 31, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 IJ. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. 1864 : FeVy, last paid to Oct. 31, present; |25, U. S. bounty, due soldier; April, last paid to Feb'y 29, jiresent ; June, last paid to April 30, '64, preseut ; Aug , same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; $2.30 to be deducted for -> shelter tent; Dec, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack 67c., 1 canteen 45c. — $1.12 ; co.'s cook. 1865 : Feh'y, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, preseut ; Apr., present ; daily duty, co. cook ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, preseut ; Aug., ab.sent, sick at Savannah, Ga., since July 24, 1865. Muster-out roll of co. : clothing % last settled Sept. 9, '62 ; bounty due, $100 ; wounded before Port Hudson, La., June 19, 1863; sick in hospital at Savannah, Ga.; supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dep't ; % of clothing rec'd, $123.79 ; no discharge given on muster out of organization. Mustered out on individual muster-out roll Oct. 9, 186.5, at New York City, under tel. order War Dep't, A. G. O., May 4, 1^65; clothing never settled; des. list states that the soldier has due him $100, U. S. bounty. Shannon, William E., pvt., Co. B; age 34; enrolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Ocf., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; $2.00 premium due, G. 0. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, same; June, same; Aug., last paid to April 30, absent in hosp'l at Baton Rouge ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent in hospt'l at Baton Rouge; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, ab- sent, in gen'l hosp'l, Baton Rouge ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, sick in New Orleans; April, same ; June, fcrausf'd to Vet. Res. Corps April 10, '64, New Orleans. Shaw, M. W. Muster-in roll of Co. H, dated N. York, Oct. 18, '62: captain ; age 23; enrolled for 3 years ; name lined out. 1862 : Oct., present as \Vm. M. Shaw ; • enrolled Sept. 1, at New York City, for 3 years; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; mustered in Sept. 1, '62, at Alexandria, Va. 1863: F€b.,\iiHti paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; tried by court-martial, sentence not yet pro- mulgated. Mnsler-out roll of co.: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., S. 0. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feby. 20, Hid. Shaw, Robert, corp'l, Co. D ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 15, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; promoted to 2d sgt., vice E. C. Mercelis, reduced, 27 Oct.; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; for neglect of duty reduced to ranks and fined by regt'l ct. martial $10.00, S. 0. No. 29, Feb. 6; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; private, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, sick in hospital, Baton Rouge; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, absent, sick in hospt'l, Baton Rouge; Dec, last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier ; sick in hospital. Baton Rouge, La. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent; discharged at convalescent hospt'l at B. Rouge, La., Feb. 16, '64: deduct for knapsack $2..07, haversack 48 cts., and canteen 44 cts. M. O. roll of co. : discharged Feb. 16, '64, by reason of surg. certf. of disability, at U. S. gen. hospital. Baton Rouge, La. Shaw, William M., captain, Co. F. 1863: Apl., discharged; enrolled Sept. 1, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Sept. 1, '62, at Alexandria, Va., for 3 years; trans, from Co. H by consolidation March 1, '63 ; dismissed by g. c. martial March 7, '63. Shaw, William T., private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., enrolled Oct. 20, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; absent in Battery G, 5 U. S. Artillery ; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb'y 17, 1864, pr. S. 0. 47, 19 A. C. ; Apl, absent ; detailed to Batt'y G, 5th U. S. Artillery ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; deduct 77 cts. for articles lost while on detach'd service in Batt'y G, 5 U. S. A.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, corporal, present ; pro- moted from private rank from Dec. 1, '64. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct 1 knapsack, $2.15; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, 11769 14 210 SiiAW, WiM.iAM T. — Continued. l>n'sre.sent; i»ec., last paid to Oct. 31 ; is entitled to'jij preniiuui. 1803: 7Vfc. to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Aug., last jiaitl to June 30, liG3, jjresent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last i)aid to Oct. 31, ld(33, juesent ; $25.00 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due soldier. lf^(>4 : J\b'y,\aaX l»aid to Oct. 31, present; §25 U. S. bounty dtie soldier; April, last paid to Keb'y 29, pre«ent ; June, last paid to April 30, 1864, j)resent ; Auijuxt, same ; October, last paid to Aug. 31, 18()4, present ; Dec, last i)aid to Aug. 31, lsi)4, jiresent; to be deducted ^shelter tent, $2.30. 1865: Ftb'y, last paid to Dec. 31, 18(54, present; April, same; June, last paid to April ;{0, 1805, i)resent ; August, same. Mustered out with company, private, Oct. 12, 1865, at Savan- nab, Ga. ; last paid to Ajiril 30, 1805, clothing last settled, Sept. 10, 1862; due soMier on clothing account, $75 02; bounty due, §100. SiiEEiiAX, Daniel, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., 18th dist., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864 : FtVy, never paid, present ; Ap''l, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, ))re8eut; June, last i>aid to Apl. 30, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, 18th dist. ; haversack, 31 cts. ; Aug., last paid to Ap"l 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. G. §25 advance bounty ; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; Dec, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy since July 25, '64. 1865: Ftb'ij, last paid to A])'l 30, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 25, '64 ; Apl, last paid to Feb'y 28, '65, absent, sick in hosp'l, Annapolis, Md. ; l»aid Jaii'y and Feb'y, '65; paj' due from Ap'l 30, '64, to Dec. 31, '64; June, last jtaid to Ap'l 30, '64, presence or absence not stated : Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga. : last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63; due soldier, §39.82; bounty due, §100; musket and bayonet equipments retained, §6; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10, '63; to be deducted, 1 mus- (juito bar, §2. SilEPiiAKi), Jamks, private, Co. I. 1864: F<'6., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., per S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C.,Feb. 17, '64 ; enndlod Oct. 13, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Now York, f(ir 3 years; Apr., last i)aid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last j)aid to Apr. 30, '64, absent ; Ami., last paid to Apr. 30, '64; died June 30, 18()4. Muster-out roll of co. : died June 30, 1864 (by accident), of injuries received .June 30, lwi4, Morgan/a, La. Sherman .Iomn, private, Co. E. 1864: Fe.Wy, last paid to Oct. 31; private, trans- ferred from 174 Regt., S. O. 47, Fel)y. 17; §25 I'. S. bounty due soldier ; en- rnljcd Oct. 1"^, N. York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, New Yy «>!ror, Aug. Ki, 1h65, having been taken nick while on the march; drop]>ed by error as a deserter on July return. Miisti-red out wirh com]iany Oct. 12, 18(55, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Ajjril :'.0, l''r)5: clothing last settled Oct. 18, 1862; due soldier on clothing account, §11.73; due lor bounty, §100. SiiEliKY, Jacoh, pv't, Co. G; aaiil to <)ct. 31, '(52, Jiresent; entitled to .§2 iiretuiuni. 18(53: /w7>., last paiil Jan'y 31, '63, present ; Ajtl., last paid .lan'y 3, '63, absent, sent to hospital at Knislicjir City. E:i., A]>ril 18, '6.1, by ri'g. surgeon; June, hvst paid to Jan'y I, '<'>3, ahsent, sick in St. .James Hosp'l, New Orleans, Ea. ; Aug., last paid to .Ian y 1, '63, jiresent ; Iht., last j)aid to .Se])t. 1, '63, present ; />#■'■., List paid t5, present; deduct §4.10 for 211 Shrruy, Jacob — CoDtiuued. trausportation ; Aug., last paid to Apl 30. '65, absent, on detached serv- ice, per S. O. 2, Hdqrs. 3d Brig., D wight's Division, July 7, 18G5. Mus- tered out -with CO. at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, '65 ; last paid to April 30, '65 ; clothing never settled ; clothing due soldier, $59.01; bounty due, $100. SiiKKWOOD, George W., corpl., Co. B. 1864: Feb., present, transf'd. from 174th Kegt.,S. O. 47, Feb. 17 ; enrolled Sept. 20, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at Eiker's Island, for 3 yrs.; April, last paid to Feb. 29, pres- ent ; claims pay from June 30 to Dec. 31, owing to error on Feb. pay-rolls; June, last paid to April 30, pvt., present ; reduced to ranks by co. order May 20, 1864 ; haversack 49c., i shelter tent $1.89 ; Aug., last paid, same, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, corporal, present; promoted to corpl. Oct. 26, '64, S. 0. 140, hdqrs. 162, N. Y. V.; Dec, last paid, same, present; promoted from pvt. Oct. 26, '64; stoppage, hav's'k 67c., canteen 45c, $1.12. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; April, same ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid, same, sergt., absent; promoted to sergt., R. S. O. No. 13, with rank from Aug. 1, 65 ; det. ser., brig, hdqrs. Mustered out vrith CO. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to April 30, '65; cloth- ing last settled Sept. 20, '62 ; due sold., $34.17 ; bounty due, $100 ; stop for gun and equipments retained, $6.00; joined as pvt., apptd. corp'l Nov. 1, '64. SriiELDS, John, pvt., Co. B ; age 35 ; enrolled Aug. 29, 1862, at New Ybrk, and mus- tered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Washington, Oct. 28,1862. Co. M. |0. roll: deserted from Camp Seward, Va., Oct. 28, 1862. Shook, Lewis, corporal, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years, advance bounty due from the U. S. 1834: Feb'y, never paid, present; Ap'l, last ])aid to Feb'y 29, '64, absent; missing in action at Pleasant Hills, Ap'l 9, '64 ; June, absent ; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; in hands of the enemy ; Aug., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64 ; absent, in hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64 ; absent, in hands of the enemy ; Dec, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64 ; absent, in the hands of the enemy since Ap'l 9, '64. 1865 : FeFy, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 25, '64; ApH, same; June, last paid to Feb'y 29, '64; absent at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since June 22, '64 ; late prisoner of war , Aug., same. Mustered out on Individ. M. O. roll July 10, 1865, at N. Y. Citv under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, 1865 ; prisoner of war, Ap'l 9, '64— May 27, '65, entitled to 3 months' extra pay ; last paid to Feb'y 29, '64 ; no clothing account. Muster-out roll of co. : last paid to Feb'y 29, '64 ; bounty due, $100 ; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous, Dec. 10, '63 ; enrolled as private ; appi'iuted corporal Dec. 26, '63. Sickles, James, private, Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due $>5.00 U. S. bounty ; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York for 3 yrs; ApL, absent, sick, New Orleans, La.; June, same remark; Aug., discharged on iiccount of disability by order of medical director, June, 1864. Muster out roll of co.: discharged for disability from hospl., N. O., La., June 17, '64. Sidney, John, private, Co. F. 1864 : Feby., last paid to Oct. 31, '63 ; enrolled Oct. 23, '62, at N. York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at R. Island, N. York, for 3 years; trans, by consolidation from Co. F, 174 N. Y. V., 8. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, pursuant to ordt^rs from War Dept.; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; ab- sent, sick, April, abst^nt, sick, genl hosptl., B Rouge, July 13,'63; borne as John E. Sidney; June, absent, sick at genl ho.sptl , B. Rouge, July 13, '63 ; Aug., same ; Oct., deserted from genl. hosptl ; cauteeu, hav«!rsack, and shel- ter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $:i.42. Muster-out roll of co. : de- serted from New Orleans, La., Sept. 2, '64. SiEBELS, August, private, Co. F. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, 1869, absent; en- rolled Sei)t. 18, 1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Isl- and, for 3 years; trans, from Co. H by consolidation March 1, '63; in gen'l hosp't'i siuce March 3d, 1863; June, absent, in gen'l hosp't'l March 30, 1863; Aug., died in gen'l hosp't'i July 13, 1863. Muster-out roll of co.: died at gen'l hosp't'i. Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 3d, 1863; borne as August Siebeld. SiEBELS, Argus, priv^ate, Co. H; age 18; enrolled 18 Sept., 1862, at N. Y. ; mustered in 18 Oct., 1862, at N. York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., present, as August Sie- bels; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2.00 premium. Ifiii'S: Feb., last i)aid to Dec. 31, '62, present. Co. M. O roll: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V , S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hd'q'rs Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. 212 Siri;Ki;T, IIknjiv. jirivato. Co. A. Ir^Gl; Feh., altKcnt; transfd from 174 N. Y. V. l.v S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C; enrolled Oct. 8, '6-2, at New York, and iiinstered iu Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; det. to 5th U. S. Art'y, .S. O. 3."), Dec. 14, 'G3, 1 brig., 1 div.; JpL, absent, detached to 5th U. S. Arl'v, S. O. 35, 1 bri-i., 1 div., VJ A.C., Dec. 14, '63; June, alisent, detached to oth U. S. Art'y. S. O. 35, 19 A. C, Dec. 14, '63; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, jiresfut; stoppage, ^8. teiit Jil.Hy, one haversack 49c. — §'2.38; for articles lost while in Bat. G, 5 U. S. Art'y, 73c.— total, $3.11 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, corporal, present ; ])r(>nioted to corp'l Sept. 1, '64, S. O. No. 135 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; jiroiuoted to cori>'l Sept. 1, li^64, S. O. No. l:C>: stop ^ 8. tent, $2.30. 1^65: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, pre<»ent; -ipl., last paid Dec 31, '64, present; Jutie, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, sergeant, jireseut; promoted to sergeant May Ist, 1865; Aug.,] paid to Apl. 30, '65, jireseiit. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last i)aid to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled March 1, lcf65; clothing due IT S.,?15.67; bounty due, {ilOO; equipments lost, etc., $6.00; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. v., Feb, 17, '64, S. 0.47, 19 A. C, as private; promoted corp'l Sept. 1, 1864 ; promoted serg't May 1, 1865; stoppage, oj»e moscjuito bar. SincMX, John, corporal, Co. H; age 22; enrolled 12 Sept., 1862, at N. Y. City ; mustered in 18 Oct., 1^62, at N. York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 premium. IS63: Feb., last paid to Deo 31,'62, private, present. Co. M.O. roll : corp'l ; transferred to Co. F, 162; N. Y. v., S. 0. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dep't of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb'y 20, '63. SlEGEL, John, pvt., Co. F. 1863: April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; enrolled Sept. 12, '62, at N. Y.; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs.; transferred from Co. H by consolidation March 1, '63; deserted March 3, •63. M. O. roll of CO.: trau.sferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '62 , deserted from New Orleans, La., March 2, '64. SlEGLE,C(>NKAD, private, Co. C; age 25; enrolled 16 Sept., 1862, at New York; mus- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec., last jiaid to Nov. 1, '62, present ; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June the 2l8t, '62. 1863 : i'eft., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Apl., present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, i>resent ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, jire.sent ; Oct., last paid to June 30, '63, absent ; Dec, last paid to June 30, '63, present. $25.00 U. S. bounty due the soldier and $2.00 premium. 1864 : Feb. , last paid to June 30, '63, present; due $25.00 U. S. bounty; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; haversack, 44 cts. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; to be deducted, I canteen, 41 cts., haversack 49 cts; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, i shelter-tent $2.30— total $2.30. 1865: F'eb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; deduct 1 Springtield rifle complete $19.25, 1 gun-sling 25 cts.;. June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, pi-esent; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '(55; de- serted from camp at Savannah, Ga., July 24th, 1865 ; deduct 1 knajisick $3.10, 1 haversack 90 cts., 1 canteen 65 cts., ^ tent $4.90, 1 Springlield rifle $19.25, 1 gun-sling 25c., 1 bayonet scab. 45c., cap-pouch 45c., 1 cartridge- bdx and i)late$1.09, waist-belt and plate 44c., 1 cone and wrench :55c. — total $31.73. Co. M. O. roll: deserted while under guard at Savannah, Ga., Feb.. 24, '65. Simon, AnoLrn. private, Co. C ; age 36 ; enrolled 23 Sept., 1862, New York ; mustered in 14 Oct., 18t)2, New York, 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1W)3: /'rb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Jjj/., i)resent; June, last jiaid to Dec. 31, present ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in hospital at Haton Kouge; Oct., last i)aid to Aug. 31, '63, ab.sent ; sick in hosjtital. Baton Kouge, Aug. 2;{, '63; Dec, liist j)ai(l to Oct. 31, '63, present; $2,5.00 V. S. bounty due the .soldier and $2.00 jtreiiiium. 1864 : Feb., ])resent ; du»; $25.00 IJ .S. bounty; Apl., last i)aid, to Feb. '^9, '(VI, present; June, last 7>;iul to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., i)resent; to be deducted 1 haversack, 49c.; on., last j)aid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, present; to be deducted ^ Bheltertent, $2.30. 186.5: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, i)resent; Apl., present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '(55, present; Aug., corporal, present; ajipoiiited corpl. Aug. 1st, 1H<;5, S. O. No. 13, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Mus- tered out with CO., 12 Oct., 1865, Savannah, Ga.; clothing last settled Sept. 2;?, '62; due soldier, $76.3m; bounty due, $100. Simons, Isaac. Muster-in roll of Co. G, dated New York, Oit. 18, '62: private; age 2;?; enrolled Sipt. H, '»)2, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not liorne on subsei|uent rolls. SirLE8, Geou<;k, prirale. Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due I25.0U U. S. bounty ; transferred from 174 \. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 213 SiPLES, George— Continued. 17, 'G4; enrolled Nov. 14, '62, New York; mustered in Dec. 4, '62, New- York, for 3 yrs ; Ap'l, absent, without leave ; 1 nmsket and accouterments, complete, to be deducted ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, a pris- oner in hands of the enemy; Aug., present, to be deducted for extra cloth- ing rec'd of Capt. John Schatter, Vet. Reserve Corps, at New Orlean.s, amounting $23.78 ; rifle and accoutrements $21.65; shelter-tent $3 78, hav- ersack and canteen 96c.; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present , to be deducted i shelter-tent $2.30, 1 canteen 44c.; Dec, present, to be deducted i shelter- tent $2.30, 1 haversack 67c. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; deduct (1) one shelter-tent $9.80, Apl., present, same remark; Juue, la^st paid to Apl. 30, '65, pres<^nt , Aug , present. Mustered out with co. 12 Oct., 1865, Savannah, Ga.; clothing last settled Nov. 14, '6-2; due U. S. $5.48; bounty due $100. Skahan, Michael, private, Co. E; age 20; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 1», 'ir2, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent ; Deo., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 ^ Feb., last paid to Dec. 31 , deserted Jan'y 24, 1863, Caujp Farapet, La. M. O. roll of CO.: deserted at Carroilton, La., Jany., 1863. Skellen, James, private, Co. A. 1864 : Feb., absent, traasf d from 174 N. Y. V. by S. 0. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; detached to 5th V S. Arty , S. O. 35, Dec. 14, '63, 1st Brig., Ist Div. ; enrolled Nov. 20, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; Apl., absent, detached to 5th U. S. Arty., S. O. 35, Isb Brig., 1st Div., 19 A. C, Dec. 14, '63; June, absent, detached to 5th U. S. Arty., S. O. 35, 19 A. C, Dec. 14, '63 ; Aug., deserted from Bat. G, 5th U. S. Artj., Feb. 14, '64, at New Orleans, La. Muster-out roll of CO.: joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, S. O. 47, 19 A. C. ; de- serted at New Orleans, La., Feb. 24, '64 ; borne as James Scullin. Skinner, John, private, Co. K ; age 18 ; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec , last paid to Oct. 31, iivesent, entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; June, same; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, present; Oct., last yjaid to Aug. 31, present, Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, bounty due $25; Apl., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present, deduct $1.63 for half shelter tent ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present, deduct 49 cts. for cantyon; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct $7.f54 for extra clothing; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, deduct $2.30 for one pc. of shelter tent. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Apl. 30, '65 ; clothing acct. last settled Sept. 26, '62 ; due soldier on clothing acct. 94 cts. ; bounty due $100. Small, Charles, private, Co. I ; age, 24 ; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, commissary sergeant. Muster-out roll of co. : promoted to N. C. S., Oct. 18, 1862, from private. Small, Charles, com's'y serg't. 1862: Oc/., present, enrolled Sept. 5, at New York, for 3 y'rs; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, paid in full to Oct. 31. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., same, mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island , June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, bounty due $102, absent, sick near Port Hudson in liosp ; Aug., last paid not known, bounty due $102, absent, furlough ; Oct., last i>aid to Sex)t. 1, '63, bounty paid, $27, due, $75, absent, furlough, New York; Dec, last paid to June 30, '63, present, $25 U. S. bounty due the soiilier, and $2 premium. 1864 . Feb., last paid to June 30, '63, bounty due $100, present, $25 IJ. S. bounty due the soldier; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr 30, j.resent ; Au,g., last paid to Apr. 30, 1864, absent, sick in gen'l hosp.. Central Park, N. Y. City. ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, q'r m'r, present; promoted from com's'y serg't to 1st I't and q'r m'r, S«=pt. 24. '64, pay due as com's'y serg't from Sept. 1 to 23, 1864; same roll, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, pro- moted to 1st I't and reg't'l ifr m'r Sept. 24, '64 ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, pre.sent. 1865: Feb., last paid to Feb'y 28, '65, present; Jj;r., same; Jane, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, absent ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 28, '65, ab- sent, det. service, A. C. S., S. O. No. I, July 22, '65, h'd q'rs sub. dist. Ocmul- gee. Mustered out with F. and S., q'r m'r, Oct. 12, '65, Savannah, Ga., last paid to Apr. 30. '65; enrolled as private, Co. I; discharged to accept pro- motion as 1st I't and r. q. m.> S. O. 62, H'd Q'rs 19 A C, Sept. 15, '64. 214 fcj.MiiH, CiiAi;i,K.>J, private, Co. D. l-^i;4: l'>b., alisont : IransArrcd from 174 R., N. Y. v.. l>y S. O. 47, H(irs. 19 A. C, Dejit. of Gulf, Ft-li. 17, '(i4 ; ttkk in hospt'l, 13. Kongo, La., since Sept. 2, 't'>:i ; enrolled Oct. (3 in N. Y. City; nnistered in Nov. l;?, 'tj'J, at New York, for 3 years; Aph, al)Hent, sick, Huton Rouge, La. ; Jmhp, same remark ; Jhi/., absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; Oct. ancl Itec, same remark. iHGo : Fib., same remark; AiiL, aliseut, sick at New- Orleans, La., last heard from Fel). 1, 'G4 ; June and Ji/<7. , same remark. M. O. roll of CO.: last i)aid to June 30, *«):< ; clothing last settled Ang. :{1.'G3; bounty due $100; absent, sick at New Orleans, La., last heard from Sept. *2, 'G;J; supposed to have been discharged; uo discharge given at il. O. of urg'n ; no clothing drawn from date. Smith, Cykus A., private, Co. E. 18(i4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, absent ; transferred from 174 Reg't, S. O. 47, Feb'y 17; continement Ship Island Dec. 18, lf!^()3; i?'i5 U. S. bounty dnesolilier; enrolled Oct. 18, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 years; Jp'l, last paid to Oct. 31, absent ; conlinemeut Sliip Island Dec. 1.5, 18tJ3; June, absent; continement at Ship Island Dec. l.{, 1803; Jh//., absent; continement at Ship Islatid by sentence of G.C.M. Dec. 13, 1863; Oct., absent; continement at Ship Island by order G. C. M. ; i>fc., date to which last paid not known, absent ; same. 1865: i'eft.,same; Aj/I, absent ; confined at Ship Island by sentence of G. C. M. Dec. 13, 18(53 ; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '6'S, absent; conlined at Ship Island for '2 years, Iter sentence of G. C, M., since Dec. 13, 18(!3 ; Aug., same. M. O. roll of co. : clothing account last settled Oct. 13, 18(>J ; Ixuinty due $100; supposed to have been mustered out under G. 0. 77, War Dept.; no clothing acct recM on consolidation of reg't; no discharge given on muster out of organization. Smith, Daniki,, private, Co. C ; age 2S; enrolled 24 Sept., Ic62, New York ; mustered in 14 Oct., I'^Gi, New York, 3 yrs. 18()2 : Oct., jiresent ; l>, '64, absent, aiissing in action at Pleasant Hills, April K, '64; June, absent, in continement in the bauds of the enemy; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, 18th dist.; Aug., absent, in hands of the enemy; due from U. S. G., §25 advance bount.y ; Oct., absent, in hands of the enemy; i)ec., last paid to Feb. 2'.t, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy since Apl. 9, '64. 1865: Feb. and Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, 64, absent, prisoner of war since Apl. 9, 64 ; Jane, absent. Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since Junf 22, '65, late prisoner of war: Aug., same. Co. M. O. roll: bounty due, SlOO; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63. Mustered out on in- dividual M. out K., July 10, 186.5, at New York City, under telegram, W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65; prisoner of war, Apr. 9, '64-May 27, '65; entitled to 3 months' extra pay ; no clothing account. S.viTH, Ja.mks, private, Co. D ; a^e42; enrolled Sept. 12, 1662, at New York City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 18()2: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to ;S2.00 ]iremium. lHV.\: yV/>., last jiaid to Oct. 31, discharged Jan'y 27, 1863. M. O. roll of co.. discharged for disability at the U. S. gen. hospl'l, Carrollton, La. Smith. Jamks. Muster-in roll of Co. E, dated Oct. 18, '62, at New York: private; age 21 ; enrolled Sep. 15, 18()2, at New York City, for 3 years; name line«l out ; name not borne on subsequent rolls. Smith, John, private, Co. H|; age 18 ; enrolled Sept. 19, 1862, at New York; nius- lered in Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; I>c<\, l:i^t jiaid to Oct. 31, present ; !?2.n() premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21. 1862. I'"!!:': Fib., last ])ai(i to Dec. iU, '()2, present; .ipnl, last paid to Dec. 31, ^62, absent in hos])ital at Hrasbcar, La.; June, last paid to Dec. 31, absent in bos|,ital at Hrasbear, La.; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, j)n'sent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, i>reseiit ; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; *25 r. S. bounty and $2.(10 i>remium />., last paid to Oct. 31, '63,' present ; Apri}, List jmiil to Feb. 29, ^iW ; June, last j)aid to April ;?0, present ; .\ug., last paid to .Vjiril '.W, '64, absent, wounded at Deep Hottom, Va., ,Inly26, '64 ; Oc/., last paiec.,de.serted from U. S. marine hosp., "New Orleans, Oct. 20, '63. Co. muster-out roll: deserted at Algiers. La,, Oct. 20, ^63. .Smith, Mortimer A. Muster-in roll of Co G. dated N. Y., Oct. 18, '62: private; age, 21; eurolled Sept. 1, 1862, at New York, 3 years; name lined out. 1862: Oct., present, absent on pass in N. Y. at the time and not mustered on Oct. 18, 1862 ; Dec , last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, detailed to Q. M. Dept., Dec. 30, '62, at Carrollton, La.; $2 prem. due. 1863. Feb'g, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present, detailed on extra duty in l)rig. com'y dept., Feb'y 2.5, '6'.^, per S. 0. 10, Hd. Qrs.lst Brig., 3d Div., 19 A. C. , was mustered but not paid for Nov. and Dec. ; has 4 mos. pay due ; Ayr., last paid to Nov. 1, '62, pres- ent, was absent on duty at pay day; pay is due for Nov. aud Dec, '62; June, last paid to Nov 1,'62, absent, detached on extra duty, commissary dept., as above; was absent on duty when regt. was last paid, so reed. none; Aug., last paid to May 1, '63, absent, det. on extra duty in com'y dept., Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. ; Oct., same; Dec, same, |25 U. S. bounty due and $2 prem. due this soldier. 1864. Feb'g, same; Ajir., last paid to May 1, '63, absent, det. service, com'y dept. ; June, last paid Feb'y 29, '64 ; died at gen'l hosp'l. Port Hudson, La., May 31, '64. Comp'y muster-out roll: died May 31, 1863, in U. S. G. hosp'l, Port'H'jdson, La., of jaundice. Smith, Peter, private, Co. E; age 39; enrolled Sept. 13, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to |2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, ab- sent, hospital, Carrollton, Jan. 21, '63 ; Ap'l, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, hospital. New Orleans, Jan. 24, '63; June, same remark; Aug., discharged for disability Aug. 13, 1863. M. out roll of co.: discharged on or about Aug. 12, '63; place or cause unknown. Smith, Sanford, private, Co. H. 1H63. Dec, never paid, present; eurolled Aug. 11, 1863, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; wounded and seut to hosp'l. New Orleans, Ap'l 23, '64 ; stoppage, haver- sack 48cts; June, absent, wounded aud sent, to hosp'l. Baton Ronge, La., Ap'l 23, '64; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady; stopj>age, haversack 48cts. ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '64, absent, same remark; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., same, except bounty; Dec, last paid to June 30, '64, present; ded. transp. from Cairo to N.' Y $20.82, N. Y. to Washington, $5.60; W. to Harper's Ferry $4.10— $30.52. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, to be ded., haversack 67; Apr., same; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, presence or absence not stated ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63; due U. S., $3.43; bounty due, $100 ; musket and bayonet retained, $6.00; joined as a recruit from draft ren- dezvous Dec. 10, '63. 216 Smith, S. .Iotin, j>vt., Co. F. I'iCd: Oct., present ; enrolled Sept. 27, at New York City; nmstaid to Ap'l 30, jircsent ; stoppage, ^ shelter tent |il.75 ; Aug., last i>aid to Ap'l 30, 't>4, l)resent ; stojipagc, one haversack 49c.; Oct., last paitl to Aug. 31, '64; ]>iivatc, reduced to the ranks from corp'l Oct. 4, '64 ; J>r<., last paid to Aug. ;>1, 't!4. absent : reduced to the ranks Oct. 4, '64 ; cleserted Nov. 1, ls64, from Martinsbiiig, ^'a.: stop rillc and accoutrements complete, $21.65 ; stop one S. tent §4.60, haversack and canteen 90i-. Smith, Thomas. Muster-in ndl of Comi>any D, dated New Y'ork, Oct. 18, 1862: pri- vate ; age 3(); enrolled Sept. 24, 1862, at New Y'ork Citv, for 3 years; name lined out ; name not borne on subseciuent rolls to co. M. O. roll. Co. M. O. roll : deserted Oct. 20, '62, at Kiker's Isl'd, N. Y. Smith, WAi;n:it, p'v't., Co. H. 1863: J>ec., never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y'., for 3 years ; advanced bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, Corp., present; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; stoppage, 1 Enlield ride complete, $18.00; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, ])re8ent; niustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady ; Juj/., last paid to A]»r. 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy; due from U. S. G., $25.00, advance bounty ; Oct , last i>aid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; Dec, last paid to Apr. '30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy since July 25, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Ajjr. 30, '64, died of disease at Andereonville, Ga., on or about Jan'y 11, '65 ; I. of E. and F. S. given. M. O. roll of co.: died of intermittent fever, Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 27, '64; joined as recruit from draft rends. Dec. 10, '63; taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64; final statenuMit given. SMiTif, William, ])rivate, Co. E; age 23; enrolled Sept. :<0, 1862, at New Y'ork City; innstereil in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; 7Vc., last paid tr) Oct. 31, present; entitled to §2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, i)re8ent ; Apl., last paid to Deo. 31, '63, present ; June, same remark ; Aug., date to which last paid not known ; absent; hospital, JJaton Rouge, July 4, I8li3 ; Oct., same remark; Dec, same remark, and $25 U. S. bounty and $2 }>r('niiuni due the soldier. 1^64 : /'tfc.,same remark on absence anresent. 1«()3 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ])resent ; ./;)/-., same ; June, same ; Aug., last ])aid to .June 30, '63, present ; Oct., last paid to Sei)t. 1, '(i3, absent, on detached service in charge of cattle of 19 A. C ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, i>resent. 181)4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, i)resent ; deduct cross-belt and plate; .-!;»•., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; missing in action A|»r. 9, '64, at Pleasant liill; June, last ))aid to Feb. 29, '64, aii.sent ; pristuier of war since A;>r. 9, '64; Aug., same; Oct., same; Die, last iiaid to .June 30, absent; same remark. 1865: Feb., last jiaid to .June 30, '64, absent; same remark; ./yjr., al>sent ; same remark; June, same ; Aug., not on tile. Mustered out on individual muster-out roll July 27, 18t>5, at New York, under telegram W. 1)., A. G. O., May 12, '65; last paid to Feb. 29, 'ti4; jirisoner of war Apr. 9,'<)4 — May 27, '65, entitled to 3 months' extra pay ; no clothing acc't; 1). L. states "paid by Maj. Sherman to Hannah Smith from M'ch 1, '64, to .June 30, '64, $.58.00;" stop for cross-belt and plate. Muster-out roll of co. : clothing never settled; bounty due, *100.U(». B.MiTif, William, private, Co. K ; age 27 ; enrollel: /•'»/>., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; bounty due, ^25; Aj/l, last paid to Fell. 29, '(i4, pre.sent; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '()4, present ; Aug., la>t paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent ; jirisoner of war nince July 26, '64 ; Ot/., last jtaiil l<) Ap'l 30, '64 ; same; Dec, last paid to Ajt'l 30, '64, same. 1865: Feb., 217 Smith, William— Contiuued. last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, same; Jp'?, last paid to June 30, '64. absent; pris- oner of war since July 26, '65; June, last paid to Ap'l 30. '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l, '65, i>reaeut. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65 ; clothing acct. last settled Sept. 9, '6-2 ; due soldier for clothing, !8;76.26; bounty due, $100. Smock, Joseph, private, Co. I: age 3(); enrolled Sept. 23, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct- 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, wants pay from Oct. 31, '62; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent, on detached service, teamster; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63; absent, on detached service as teamster; Oct., last paid to July 1, '63 ; absent, on detached service, as teamster to 19 A. C; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 : absent, detached service, teamster, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. J. 1864 : Feb., transferred to Co. D, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, by order Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. Smock, Joseph, private, Co. D. 1864: Feb., discharged at Gen'l Hospital at Frank- lin, La., Feb'y 26, '64 ; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at New York City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at Hiker's Island. M. O. roll of co.: discharged for disability at U. S. G. Hosp'l, Franklin, La.; joined by transfer from Co. I, Feb'y 16, 1864. S. O. 76, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V. Sniffin, Sylvester, private, Co. B ; age 38 ; enrolled Sept. 2, 1862, at New York ; mustered iu Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. 0. 162, Oct. 21, 1862. 1^^63 : Feb. to June incKisive, last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, absent in hosp. at Baton Rouge ; Oct., absent, same remark ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, abseut in Barracks Hosp., Baton Rouge, $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; A2)r., last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present; haversack 49c., i shelter tent, $1.89; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30. '64, present ; Oct. last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, co. cook ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; stoppage, canteen, 45c., one shelter tent, $4.60 = $5.05. 1865: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, on furlough to New York ; Apr., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; stoppage for transportation to New^ York $7.20, also $10.00 per month for two months by sentence of C. M. ; June, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, 1865; clothing last settled Sept. 2, 1862 ; due soldier $66.01, bounty due, $100. Snyder, Jas., corp., Co. H; age 19; enrolled Oct. 1, '62, atN. Y. City; mustered hi Oct. IS, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, \i\t., de- serted at Camp Slough, Va., Nov. 6, '62. M. O. roll of co.: borne as Moses Snyder, Spohn, John G., private, Co. C; age 42; enrolled 13 Sept., 1862, New York; mus- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, New York, 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present ; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after .) un« the 21st, '62. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Apt., present ; June, absent, sick in hospital at Brashear Citj; Aug., absent, sick in hospital at N.Orleans; not known when paid last; Oct., absent, sick in hospital at N. Orleans May 5, '63 ; not known when last paid ; Dec, absent, sick ; not known when last paid; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., absent, sick, New Orleans; due $25 U. S. bounty; JpL, ab- sent, sick in New Orleans; June, .absent, sick in N. Orleans, La. ; Aug., ab- sent, sick in hospital at New Orleans, La. ; Oct., deserted from hospital iu New Orleans, La. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted ; sent to hospital N. O., La., Sept. 14, '63; not heard since ; dropped May 11, '65. Spohn, Ruby, col'd cook, Co. C. 1864 : June, absent ; enrolled June 14, '63, Morgauza, 3 yrs ; Aug., deserted from Algiers, La., July 10, '64. Spring, Charles, pvt., Co. G; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York, and mustered ia Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 vears. 1862 : Oct., absent ; deserted Oct. 25, 1862. Co. muster-out roll : Deserted Oct. 26, '62, at Balto., Md. ; age 44. Squires, Henry, private, Co. I. 1884: Feb., absent] sick in New Orleans; tr.ans- terred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, per S. O. 47, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Oct. 10, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, at New York, for 3 years ; Apr., absent; sick in New Orleans; June, same; Aug., same; Oct., absent; sick in hospital. New Orleans, La.; Dec, same (not heard from). 1865: Feb., dropped from the rolls and reported "deserted," having been absent from the reg't for nearly 18 months, and not heard from during that period. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted. Stack, James, serg't, Co. E ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York City ; mua- * tered iu Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, -218 ItTACK, Jamks — Continued. last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $?.00 premium. 1863: Faid to Dec, 31, present; Jj)'! and June, present; ^u;/., a1)sent ; detailed, •S. O. 10, ;"), to proceed to New York for conscripts; Ocl., "M lient., promoted from ^d serg't "Ji* Anp. ; detailed to N. Y. for conscripts by 8. O. 19, 5 : Dec, absent; same remark. 18()4 : Feb., last paid to An;j. 31, present (sijjns r<'ll as coniM's CO.); Ap'l, last paid to Feb. 29, absent; hospital. New Or- leans; woiin(le, War Dept., date.i Dec. 19, \tM. Stackstkdt. Sokrkn, ])rivate, Co. K. 1"'64 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transferred from 174th Kegt. N. Y. S. V., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 4, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, fur 3 yrs. ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent ; missing in action at the battle of Pleasant Kidge, La., Apl 9, '64 ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; jirisoner of war with the enemy; dro])ped in error as u issed in action ; Aug , last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent ; pi isoncr of war since Apl. 9, '64 ; Oct., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, same; Dec , last paid to Feb. 29, "64, same. 1^65: Fib., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, same; Apr., same; Jituf, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, same; Aufj., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, same. Mustered out on individual muster-out roll, Aug. 14, '65, at New York City ; last paid Feb. 29, '64 ; no clothing acc't ; mustered out under telegram W. D., A. G. O., Jfav 12, '6.'). Conii)any muster-ou^ roll : has drawn clothing to the am't !SoO'.96; clothing acc't last settled Oct. 4, '62; bounty due, SIOO. Stali., Samikl, i)'v't, Co. II. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bouTity duo from the U.S. lr'64: Fib., never paid, present; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 3<>, '64, present; mustered iu Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady ; stop- page, haversack, 31 cts., canteen, 34 cts., total, 75 cts.; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present, due from U. S. G., §25.00, advance bounty; Oct., last paiil to Aug. 31, 64, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack, 67 cts.; Dec, last jiaid to Aug. 31, '64, present ; to be deduct., ^ shelter tent, .^2.30. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, daily duty, chopper; to be deducted for transportation, 11. F. to St. Jcdinsville, N. Y., $11.39, canteen, 45 c; Apl, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; to be deducted for transp. from H. F. to St. Johnsville, N. Y., and return, $11.84; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, i>res- ence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present. Mus- tered out with CO. 12th Oct., 1»65, at Savannah, (ia., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63, due U.S.. $13.34, bounty due, $100, equipments, musket, and bayonet retained, $6.00; joined as recruit from draft rende/vous Dec. 10, '63. Stanton, Thomas, private, Co. K ; age 23 ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York : mus- tered Oct, 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last )»aid to Oct. 31, presi-nt, entitled to $2 j)remium. Is63 : Fib., last paid to D<'c. 31, jtn sent ; Apl., last i>aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, left sick at Baton liouge ; ,/««(', last paid to Dec 31, 't)2, present; Aug., last jtaid to Aj)!. 30, '63, present ; Oc^, List paid to Aug. 31, present ; Dec, last ])aid to Oct. 31, pres- ent, entitled to $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium. 18()4 : /•"<•?>., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '63, pn^s«'nt, bounty due $25 ; Apl., last i>aid to Feb. 29, '64, itn-sent, deduct canteen 44 cts., bay .scabbard; cap pouch, conei)ike ; cartridge box and jdate ; waist belt and plate, $2.38; June, last paid to .\pl. 30, '(i4, present, detachfil to ami)ulance cori)s, 8. O. 100,1st Div. 19th A. C, June 16, "64, to be deducted haversack canteen 90'cts., half shelter tent $1.63, accoutrements comjd. $2.63, total $5.16; .tiir/., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, detached to ami), corps, S. O. 100, 1st Div. 19th A. C.,.Tuly 19, '64 ; 0(7., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, al)sent. deserted from New York 8ept.5, 't)4 ; deduct haversack can- teen half shelter tent, $2.79, extra clothing .$35. ,57, en held rille accoutre- ments conipl. $20.63. Company muster-out roll: deserte*! at New Orleans, La. ..July 9, '64. Stassk, I'lKKKK, |>rivate, Co. B. li^64 : Feb., last paid to June 30, absent; sick in Baton Konge; traiislerred from 174 lu'gt., S. O. 47, Feb'y 17: enrolled Nov. 6, 1862, at Nc-w York; mustered in Nov. 13, 1S62, at Kik<-r's Island, for 3 yrs.; Apr., List jiaid to June 30; discharged on surgeon's cert., Baton Ivouge, Fi'i>. 16, '64. Muster-out toll of co.: discharged I'eb. 1(J, l'"64, from U. S. gen'l liosp., Bati>n K'onge, La. ; borne as I'ierre Strasse. Steg.max, Chaklks, sergi., Co. B. 1^64: Fih'ii, last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans- ferred, etc., from Ktth Uegt.. S. (L 47, H<1. grs. 19th A.C.. Feb'y 17. 1864; enrolled Scjit. ;Ui, \\i, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Hiker's 219 Stegman, Ciiaklks — Continnerl. Island, for 3 yi's. ; Apr., last paid to Feb'y 29, absent; missing; severely wounded at Pleasant Hill (supposed to be a prisoner), Apr. 9 ; June, last paid to Feb'y 29, absent ; wounded, prisoner of war, Apr. 9, 1864 ; Aug.,\iisti paid to Feb. 29, 1864; died from wounds rec'd in action, at Pleasant Hill, La., May 10, '64. Muster-out roll of co. : killed in action at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9, 1864 ; final statement given ; borne as Charlea Sheagau. Stevenson, George, pvt., Co. H. 1864: Feb., absent; enrolled Oct. 25, '62, at New York ; mustered in Xov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 yrs. ; transferred from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; sick in hospit., Baton Rouge, La. ; April, discharged from hospit., Baton Rouge, La., M'rch 7, '64, general debility. Stewart, William, private, Co. B ; age 42 ; enrolled Aug. 29, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14,1862, at same place, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct, 31, present; $2.00 premium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, '62. 1863: Fel). to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec, 31, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, absent, in hosp. at Baton Rouge; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, ab- sent, same remark ; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30 ; died at Baton Rouge bar- racks hosp., Oct. 20, chronic diarrhoea. Stierle, Frkderick, private Co. D; age 33; enrolled Sept. 11, 1862, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., ab- sent ; deserted from Phil'a Oct. 25. M. 0. roll of co. : deserted Oct. 25, '62 ; borne as Ferdenand Steirle. Stilson, John, pvt., Co. F. 1864: i^eft., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at N. York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at N. York, for 3 yrs. ; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; det. serv. at N. York ; April, last paid to Oct. 31, absent ; det. serv., N. Y., for conscripts; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, absent; det'ch'd ia Adjt. Geu'l's Office, Washington, S. O. No. 176, May 13, '64 ; Aug., same ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '64 ; mustered out of service by order of Sec- retary of War to date from Dec. 12, '64. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from 174 >f. Y. Vols., S. 0. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64. Mustered out on an Ind. M. O. roll, at Washington, D. C, Dec. 14, '64 (to date Dec. 12, '64), by order Sec. War, to receive appointment as clerk in A. G. O.; no clothing drawn sine© settlement, Oct. 31, '64 ; bounty due, $100.00 ; borne as .John L. Stilson. Stoehrer, Frederick, pvt., Co. F; age 33; enrolled Aug. 2, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22. '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862 : Oct., deserted Sept. 10 ; $13.00 advance paid. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from 53rd N. Y. V. Sept., '62; deserted from Riker's Island, N.Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62; borne as Frederick Staecker. Stoeker, Philipp. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862: private; age 25 ; enrolled June 30, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 years ; name and enroll- ment lined out. 1862: Ocf., deserted Sept. Sth. Stone, Henry, private, Co. A. 1864: Feb., absent, sick, Baton Rouge, Sept. 2; transf'd from 174 N. Y. V. by S. 0. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19th A. C; enrolled Nov. 20, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl., absent; sick in hospital at Baton Rouge since Sept. 2, '63; so borne on subsequent rolls to Aug. 31, '64 ; Oct., absent ; dropped as deserter from hosp'l Sept. 5, 1864 ; stoppage 1 s. tent, $4.60 ; borne as Hendrick Stohr. M. O. roll of CO.: deserted from hospital at New Orleans, La.; dropped from roll Aug. 5, '64. Stone, Henry. Muster-in roll of Co. E, dated Oct. 18, '62, at New York; private ; age 33; enrolled Sept. 15, 1862, at N.York City, for 3 years; name lined out; name not borne on subsequent rolls. Strasburgkr, William, pvt., Co. F; age 22; enrolled May 23, '62. at New York City: mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Ocf.,corp., present; $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, private, present; reduced to ranks Feb. 18, '63; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to June 30, '6'.i, absent; sick in hospital, N. Orleans, Oct. 3, '63 ; Dec, absent ; sick at New Orleans ; $25.00 U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2.00 premiuui. 1864: Feb., absent; sick at g. hosp't'l at N.Oi leans, Oct. 5, 63; due this soldier, $25.00 U.S. bounty; Ajyril, ab- sent; sick, gen'l hosp't'l, N.Orleans, Oct. 5, '63; June, same; Aug., same; Oct., deserted from gen'l hosp't'l ; canteen, haversack, and shelter tent, to bo dfductefl from his pay, -If 3. 42. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from 53rd N. Y. v., Sept., '62; deserted from New Orleans, Sept. 2, "63. 220 Sri'.ATtii, J(j.NKPn, pvt., Co. G; ago 28; eiirollod at New York Sept. 1, '62; mustered ill at New York, Oct. 18, 1«62, lor 3 years. I^^IW: OtY., jjresent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. :U, '(52, present; entitled to $2 preiiiiMin. 18tj:{ : Fth'y, last paid lo Jaii'y 1, '63, present ; J/>r. and June, same ; Jti(j., last paid to July 1,'63, ]»resent; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Uec, last paid to Nov. 1, '(i:?, ])resent; $25 U. S. bounty and $Z preni. due the soldier. 18G4 : FeVy, last ]>aid to Nov. 1, '63, jireseut; same remarks; April, last paid to M'ch 1, '61, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; AuyuHt, same; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, present; Dec, same. 1865: IWy, last paid to Jan'y 1, '65, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present; Auf/., last paid to Apr. 30, 1865, present; a corporal, ajjpointed Aug. 1, '65, ])er S. 0. 13, Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. V., to till vacancy. Mustered out with coinp'y Oct. 12, 1!?65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '(55; clothing never settled ; due soldier for clothing, $80.15, bounty due^, §100. Stli>i:m.\\, .loilN, Corp., Co. H; age 28; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at N. Y. City; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last )taid to Oct. 31, '62, pvt., present; entitled to §2.00 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; on det. serv. with 1st La. Cav., Feb. 5, under S. O. No. 31, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf. M. O. roll of co. : transferred to Co. F, S. O. 51, Ex. 1, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63., John, pvt., Co. F. 1863: Ajn-il, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; en- rolled Seiit. 22, '62, at New York ; mustered Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs. ; transferred from Co. H, by consolidation, March 1, '63; on de- taehed service in 1st La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63; June, last paid to Dec, 31, '62, al)sent; detached service in Ist La. Cav.; Aug., absent; detached service 1st La. Cav., '63; Oct., same; Dec, same. ' 1«64 : Feb., absent; detached service in 1st La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63; due soldier $25.00 U. S. bounty; April to Dec, inclusive, absent ; detached in Ist La. Cav., Feb. 8, '63. 1865 : Feb., deserted while detached in 1st La. Cav., Sept. 19, '64. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, 'e3; de- serted from New Orleans, La., Sept. 19. '63. ■SmtM, 1"J!ANZ, private, Co. K; age 30; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. lr()2 : Oct., absent; deserted at Bal- timore Oct. 26, '62. Compauv muster-out roll: deserted at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 22, '62. f;UDLO\v, GKOitc.K G., private, Co. D. 1865: Aj)l., present; recruit from depot: en- rolled March 30, 1H65, in New York ; mustered in March 30, 1"^65, at New York, lor 1 year; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '6.5, ])resent; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, absent; detailed at brig, h'd q'rs as clerk. Mustered out with co. Oct 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled, M'ch 30, '(i5 ; due U. S. 89.26 ; bounty paid, $33.33 ; due, $:?3; recruit from depot Ap'l 15, ■ti5. fil'l.i.lVAX, Danikl, pvt,,'Co. A; age 40; enrolleil Sept. 12, '62, New York City, and mnstered in Oct. l», '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; $2.00 premiinu due. Ifr63: /eft., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; J|j/., last ])aid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Jiine,\a»t ]>aid to Dec, 31, '63, absent ; sent to general hospital from Port Hudson; wounded in action June 14, '63; Aug., last i)aid to .Jum! 30, '(i3, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent ; detailed as driver in the ambulance corps since Oct. 3, '63 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31; bounty due, $25, ab.sent; de- tailed as ambulance driver Oct. 3, 63; $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, absent ; amltulance driver; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, jiresent; detached to ambulance corps; June, \:int i)aiil to Apl. 30, i»res- ent; remark same as Ai)ril ; Aug., hist paid to Ap'l 30, '64, ]ucc., last paid to Oct. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '(54, jjreseut ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '6.5, pres- ent. Musten'd out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last ))aid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Sept. 12, '62; clothing due soldier, $68.84; Ixnuitv due, $100. SULUVAN, Jr.Ki.MiA, i)rivate, Co. E; age 22; enrolled Sept. 10, 18(52, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., pres- ent; />ff., last paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to $2.00 j)remium. 1863: Feb., Inst j)airesent; June, sanu« ; Aug., absent, hospital, Baton Kouge, July 15, 18<53 ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent: same remark ; />(■<•., List ])aid to Aug. 31,'6:<, absent hosi)ital. Baton Kouge, July 15, lrtt)3 ; .$-J5 U. S. bounty and $2 ])reminm due the soldier. 1^64 : Feb., last i)aid Aug. 31, j»resent ; $25 V. S. bounty due soldier; Apl., last I»aid to Oct. 31, '63, absent, hosp't'l, N. Orleaus ; Juue. same; Aug., ab- sent; Oct., absent, hospital, N. O., La.; l>eo., last paid, same; deserted 221 Sullivan, Jerimia— Continued. from hospital, New Orleans, La. : borne as Jeremiah Sullivan. Co. M. O'. roll : supposed to have deserted from U. S. barracks hospital at N. O., La., Dec. 31, 1864. Sullivan, John. Muster-in roll of Co. H, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; age 25; enrolled Sept. 4, '62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out; not borne on subsequent rolls. Sullivan, Lawkence, private, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31 ; transferred* from 174 Keg't, S. 0. 47, Feb. 17 ; $25 U, S. bounty due soldier ; enrolled Oct. 16, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for 3 years; Apl., last paid Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Jug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack, 67 cts., and i shelter tent, |2.30— $2.97 ; asst. c. cook. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Ap'l to Aug., inclusive, present, on daily duty as co. cook ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65. M. O. roll of co. : died of chronic diarrhea, at Augusta, Ga., Oct. 2, 1865. Sullivan, Thomas, 1st serg't, Co. E ; age 29 ; enrolled Sept. 6, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., pres- ent; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, absent ; discharged Feb'y 4, 1863, by order^ M. O. roll of CO. : discharged by promotion aa Ist lieut. in Ist La. Cav'l'y, Feb'y 4, 1863. Sullivan, Timothy, private, Co. A ; age 35 ; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., absent ;, deserted at Philadelphia. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25, '62, Sully, John, private, Co. D ; age 35 ; enrolled Sept. 23, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1'J62: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2.00 premium. 1863: Feb.y last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent ; de- serted from U. S. service, at Carrolton, M'ch 7, '63. Sutter, Samuel, pvt., Co. F; age 20; enrolled Aug. 2, '62, at New York City; mus- tered in Aug, 22, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; boru& as Samuel Suter ; $13.00 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, pres- ent; entitled to $-2.00 under act of June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; lined by court-martial $5.00; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; wounded June 14th, died June 17, '63. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from 53rd N. Y. V., Sept. '62; killed in action, at Port Hudson, La., May 27, '63. SUYDAM, George H., 1st lieut., Co. C. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct, 31, '63, absent,^ act. brig. qm. 1st brig, S. O., transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19^ A, C., Feb, 17, '64, enrolled Oct. 1«, '62, at New York, mustered in Nov. 1, '63, at New Iberia, La., for 3 yrs, ; Apl., last paid to Feb, 29, '64, present, act, regt, quartermaster ; June, last paid to Apl, 30, '64, present, extra pay due for responsibility for clothing C, and G, E., signs roll as commanding CO. ; Aug., absent, discliaroed to accept promotion as capt, of Co. H, 162d New York Vols,, Aug, 4, '64; to be deducted, 2 prs, of drawers, $1,80; pay due for responsibility of cloth., camji, and garris. equipage of Co, C, for the months of May, June, and July, 1S64, SUTDAM, George H., capt,, Co, H. 1864: Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; enrolled and mustered in Aug. 4, '64, at Monocacy, Md., for 3 years; pay due for responsibility of co, from Aug. 4 to Aug. 31, '64 ; promoted to till vacancy from Co. F; pay due as Ist I't, Co. C, Irom Apr, 30 to Aug. 4, and ex, pay due for responsibility from Apr, 30 to Aug. 4, Co. C ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, j'lesent; extra pay due responsibility of co. Sept. and Oct. ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; extra pay due responsibility Co. H, Sept. and Oct., Nov. and Dec, '64. 1865: Fib., last paid to Dec, 31, '64, present, extra pay for responsibility ; Apr., last paid to Feb, 28, '65, present, pay due for responsibility Jan'y and Feb., M'rch and Apr.; June, last paid to Apr, 30, '65, present, com'd'gco., responsibility due for May and' June; Aug., last paid to Apr, 30, '65, absent, com'd'g co,, responsibility due for May, June, July, Aug,, det'ch'd at brig, h'dq'rs. Mustered out with CO. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga.; promoted from 1st I't, Co. C, 162 N. Y.; responsibility due from May 1, '65, to Oct. 12, '65. Swackhamer, Geo. V., private, Co. B. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present, rec'd commission, awaiting discharge, transferred from 174th regt., S. O. 47, Feby. 17, enrolled Oct, 6, '62, at New York, mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., discharged to accept a commission by order of Genl. Franklin'. Muster-out roll of co. : discharged for promotion to Ist It, Co, D, 162 N, Y. V., Feb. 17, 1864 ; borne as George W. Swack- hamer. 222 SwAtKiiAMMKi:, Georgk A., Ist liciit., Co. D. 181)5: M. O. roll of co.: joined by pro- niotioM IVoin Co. li, 162 N. Y. V.; resigned and diHcbarged for the good of tliH service March 8th, '04, S. O, No. 09, Hd. Qrs. 19 A. C. HwEESKr, Hknry, i)rivate, Co. D; age 32; enrolled H.^pt. "24, 18G2, at New York City; niubtered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York for li years. 1802: Oct., pres- ent ; Dtc, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 preniinm. 1803 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Jj;/. and June, same; Jug., last paid to A]»l. 30, '02, absent, sick iu hosp't'l, Baton liouge ; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30, absent, sick in hosp'l, Baton Konge ; Dec, last i)aid to June 30, '03, ab- sent, sick in genl. hosp't'l. Baton Ronge, La., $2,5 U. S. bounty and §2 preniinm due the soldier. 1S64: Feb., last paid to June 30, present; Apt., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, sick, New Orleans, La.; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent, discharged by reason of disability Apl. 2, '64. M. O. roll of CO.: dischar'jed Apl. 30, '04, by reason of surg. certf. of disability, at U. S. genl. bosp'l. New Orleans, La. Sweeney, Michael, private, Co. E ; age 33 ; enrolled Sept. 3, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 18, '02, at New York, for 3 years, 1802 : Oct., jtresent; Dec, last paid Oct. 31, absent; deserted from Camp Slough, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 9, 1862. Sweeney, Miles, private, Co, B; age 36; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at New York, mus- tered in Oct. 14, '02, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec last paid to Oct. 31 ; deserted at Alexandria, Nov. 15, '02. Co. muster-out roll : deserted from Alexandria, Va., Nov. 14, 1862. -Sweeney, Patrick, private, Co. E ; age 19 ; enrolled Sept. 30, 1862, at N. York City; mustered iu Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premi:im. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present ; June, same; Aug., last paid to Jane 30, '03, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31. present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '03, present; §25 U. 8. bounty and .$2 premium due soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct, 31, present, -$25 U. S. bounty dtie soldier ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present: Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '04, present; to be deducted, 1 haversack 67c., and i shelter, ■$2.'30=f2.97. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Apt., same ; June, last ])aid to Apl. 30, '65, j)re8ent ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '05, absent, deserted from Hawkiusville, Ga., Aug. 15, 1805 ; to pay for 1 knap- sack -SMO, 1 shelter-tent S9.80, 1 haversack 90 cts., 1 canteen 65 cts., 1 mosqnito-bar, $2. M. O. roll of co. : deserted while in confinement at Haw- kiusville, Ga., Aug. 15, '65; due H. II. Slack, sutler of 162 N. Y. V., $15.50; dishonorably discharged Dec. 29, 1805, without ]iay or allowance, iu com ]tliance \vith instructions from W. D., A. G. O., Dec. 22, 1-^65. Syme, John", i)rivate, Co. B. 1864: /'Vfc't/, last paid to Oct. 31, present, transferred from 174tii Keg't, S. O. 47, Feb'y 17, enrolled Nov. 3, '02, at New York, n\nstered in Nov. 13, '02, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, alisent. hosj).. New Orleans, wounded Apr. 9, borne as John Y. Syne; June, absent on furlough, woniuled ; Aug., i)resent ; Oct., last paid to Aug. :!1, '04, absent, sick in hosp. at Baltimore, JId., since Oct. 5, '64 ; Dec, last jiaid to Aug. 31, present. 1805: iVb., last paid to Dec. 31, '04, ]»resent ; Apr., jiresent ; June, present; Aug., last ])aid to Apr. 30, '0;j, absent, detached service, brig, h'd q'rs. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 'i)5, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '05, clothing last settled Nov. 3, '02; due soldier, $84.59; bounty due, $100; stop for gun and etiuipments retained $().()0 ; borne as John S. Syne. Taaffe, FiJANCis, ])rivate, Co. A ; age 23 ; "enrolled Sept. 6, '62, at New York City, an()LPI!, pvt., Co. F ; age 22; enrolled Juno 26, '62, at New York City ; mus- tiTt-d iu Aug. 22. '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., sergt., present, $13 advance paid ; Dec, lust paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 un- 223 Takjjkl, Adolpii — Continued. der act of Juue 21, '6'2. 1863: Feb. to Jane, inclusive, laat paid to Dec. 31, l)re8eut; Aug., last paid to June 30, '6.3, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent, sick in hospital, Newtown, Oct. 25, '6'i ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, $25 U. S. bounty due tlie soldier and $2 pieoiium. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, 1st sergt., present, due the soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; April, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, wounded at the battle of Cane Kiver Crossing Apr. 23, '64, haversack and canteen to be deducted from his pay, 77 cts.; June, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, -wounded at the battle of Cane Kiver Crossing April 23, '64 ; Aug., last paid to Juue 30, present ; Oct., last i>aid to Aug. 31, present, due this soldier back pay for the months ot May and June, $8.00, deduct for clothing $1.66; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present, back pay for May and June, $8.00, deduct for clothing $1.66, shelter- tent $2.30, total $3.96. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present, back pay due for the mos. of May and June $8.00, the diflference between sergt. 's and 1st sergt. 's pay; April, same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, discharged at Washington, D. C, Juue 1, '65, pursuant to G. O. No. 53, H. Q. M. M. D., May 30, '65 ; borne on previous rolls in error ; mustered Oct. 18. Muster-out roll of CO.: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols., Sept., 1862; promoted to 1st sergt. Jany. 14, '64. Mustered out on det. muster-out roll, at Washington, D. C, June 1st, 1865; last paid to Dec. 31, 1864; clothing acct. last settled June 26, 1864 ; drawn since settlement $35.40 ; bounty due $100 ; deduct for the sutler $5. Talamixx, Jacob, private, Co. A ; age 18 ; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; $200 premium due. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, absent in hospital at Baton Kouge, Aug. 38, '63; Oct., last paid to June 30, absent, same remark as June , Dec, last paid to Oct. 31 ; bounty due $25, present ; $2 premium due this sohlier. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present, borne as Jacob Taliniina; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, absent, missing since battle of Pleasant Hill, Apl. 9, '64 ; June, lllst yiaid to Feb. 29, absent, pris- oner of war in hands of the enemy since Apl. 9, '64 ; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war in the haufls of the enemy since Apl. 9, '64, 80 borne on subsequent rolls to Dec. 31, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, prisimer of war since Apl. 9, '64 ; Apl., same as Feb'y; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent with leave, late prisoner of war ; ^«^., same as .June. Muster-out roll of co. : last paid to Feb. 29, '64 , cloth- ing, date of last settlement Sept. 8, '62 ; bounty due, $100; amount of clothing drawn, $94.30. Mustered out on Ind. m. o. roll July 11, '65, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, '65, at New York City ; entitled to 3 mos. extra pay, no clothing acaid to Oct. 31, abseut, deserted at Ship Island Dec. loth. M. O. roll of CO. : deserted at Ship Island, Miss., Dec. 15, ld02. Tepe, William, jirivate, Co. I; age 36; enrolled Sept. 5, 1862, at New York, and niu8tererivate, present; received $13 in advance; omitted on last pay-ndl. Ib63: I'tb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, preseut, borne as John G. Thalniann ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pres- ent ; Aug., absent in genl. liosptl. .July 10, '63 ; Oct., absent, in geul. liosptl., B. Kouge, July 10, '63 ; Dec, absent, sick at New Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty due the .soldier, and |2 premium, lf-64 : Feb., absent, due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty, absent, sick at g. Losptl. at N. Orleans, July 4, '63; Aprils absent, sick genl. hosptl., N. Orleans, July 4, '63; June, absent, sick at N. Orleans, July 4, '63; Aut/., same; Oct., deserted from geul. hosptl,; can- teen, haversack, and shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $3.42. M. O. roll of CO.: transferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., '62; joined as corp. ; re- duced to ranks ; deserted from New Orleans, La., Sept. 12, '63. Tdewes, Fkiedrich, pvt., Co. F; age 33; enrolled May 12, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., d, t.rted Sept. 8; §13.00 advance paid. M. O. roll of co.: "transferred from .^3d N. Y. v., Sept., '62; deserted from Eiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. i», '62." Tbieme, John, priv., Co. A. 1864: i^'efc., absent, sick. Baton Rouge, Sept. 2: transf'd from 174th N. Y. V., by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19th A. C; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Aprils absent, discharged for disability at geu'l hosp'l New Orleans, La., Mar. 8, '64. Muster-out roll of co. : final statements given. Thomas, Chaklks, private, Co. H ; age 34; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at N. Y.; mnstered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted at Fhilada., Pa.: Dec, deserted at Philada., Pa'., Oct. 2.5, '62. Thomas, hicHAiU), private, Co. D; agt- 30; enrolled Sep. 22, 1862, New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., preseut; Dec, last i»aid to Oct. 31. present, entitled to $2 prem. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, ])re6ent; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, de- tailed as brigade teamster; Aurj., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, jtresent; Oct., lai^t jiaid to Aug. 31, preseut; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, j)resent, $25 U. S. bounty and .$2 jirem. due the soldier. 1^64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; Apr., last jtaid to Veh. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Auf)., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, wounded at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64, since absent, sick; Oct., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, died of gun-shot wound at Fortress Monroe, Va., Aug. 7, "64. Muster-out roll of CO. : wounded in action at Deep Bottom. Va., July 26, '64. Thomas, William. Muster-in roll of co. F. dated New York. Oct. 18. 1862: i)rivate; age 18; enrolled May 27, '62, at N. Y. City, for 3 years; name aud euiollmeiit lined out. 1862- Oct., dci^erted Sept. 8.' Thompson, CnAiiLKS, jirivate, Co. D. 1864 : Feb., absent, transferred from 174 R. N. Y. v., S. O. No. 47 hdqrs. 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf, ¥eh. 17, '64; det'd to 2d U. S. Art'y Feb. 28, 'G3, orders Gen. Grover; enrolled Oct. 7, New York, and muHt«'rere8ent , A)>r., same; .June, hist j»aid to May 1, '65, jiresent; Aug., last paid to Ajir. 30, '65, jiresent. Muster-out roll of co. : jirivate, absent, Hick at IJ. S. (i. 11., Augusta, (ia. ; clothing never settled : clothing 'i, at New Orleans, La., 3 years; April, absent, deserted at Baton Rouge, La., March 11, '63. Muster-out roll of co.: joined from rect'g depot Feb'y 16, '63. TiCE, Thomas, pv't, Co. F. 1863 : April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs ; transferred from Co. H by consolidation March 1, '63, and immediately transferred from Co. F to Co. A by order of Col. Benedict. M. O. roll of CO.: traasferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hdq. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63 ; transferred to co. A, borne as Thomas Kice. TiERNAY, Patrick. Muster-in roll of Co, K, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62 : private ; age '4l : enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; name lined out j not borne on subsequent rolls. Traber, Engelbert, pv't, Co. F. 1862: Oc*., present ; enrolled Oct. 3, at New York City ; mustered in Oct. 9, '62, at Now York City, for 3 yrs. ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62 ; present ; entitled to $2.00 under act of June 21, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31 ; present ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62; wounded June 14th; died genl hospt. June 26, '63. M. O.roU of co. : "killed in action at Port Hudson, La., May27, '63." Trainer, Charles, Ist lieut., Co. E. 1865: Feb., absent with leave since Feb. 14, '65 ; Ayl., absent, dropped as a deserter Apr. 10, '65, by order of Col. Blanch- ard ; mustered out of Co. F as 2d lieut. Jan. 25, '65, and mustered as Ist lieut. Co. E. Jan. 26, '65. Muster-out roll of co.: dismissed the service, S. O. No. 20, par. 4, A. G. O., War Dept., May 5, 1865. Trainor, Thomas, private, Co. E ; age 24 ; enrolled Sept. 12, '62, at N. Y. City ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; 2>ec., last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. l'-63 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, absent, hospital, Brashear City; June, present: Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., pay- ment not known, absent, hospital, N. O., Sept. 25, '63; Dec, absent, hos- pital, N. O., $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., absent, hospital, N. Orleans; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier ; Apl., absent, hosp., N. Orleaus ; June, absent, transferred to Invalid Corps byG. O. 150, War Dept., Apl. 6, 1864.) Tredman, Christian. See Taddeuian, Christian, Co. H. Trembly, George B., capt., Co. F. 1864: Feb., absent on detached service at N. York ; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Kegt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept. ; Apr. to Oct., in- clusive, absent, on detached service, N. York, for conscripts; Dec, absent, on detached service at Hart's Island, N. York. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Sept. 30, '64, same remarks; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, same re- marks; J«ijf., sameas for Feb. Muster-out roll of co. : last paid to Sept. 30, '64; detached service at Riker's Island, N. y. H., S. O. 195, Hdqrs. Dept. Gulf; also borne as Geo. E. Trembley. Report of mustering officer, N; Y. City, discharge furnished Oct. 28, '65, under War Dept. circ. of June 29, '65; officer states was last paid by Major Herbert to Sept. 30, '65; age 27. Trempo, Cristoph. MVister-in roll of Co. A, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62 : private ; age 37 ; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, at New York City, for 3 years ; name lined out. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, deserted at Alexandria, Va., Nov. 4, '62; borne on rolls as Christopher Trempo. Trenor, Thomas, private, Co. I ; age 42 ; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at New York, and mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present, borne as Trainor; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, la hos- pital at Brashear City, La.; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hos- 11769 15 226 Trkxor, Thomas— Continued. pital at N. Orleans, La.; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, sick in hoHpital at New Orleans, La.; Oct., last pai?., last paid to Feby. 2'.t, '04, absent ; missing siuce battle of "Pleasant Hill, " Ai)l. 1>, '04; June to Dec, inclusive, last paid to Feb. 29, absent; prisoner of war in the hands of the enemy since Apl. i), '64. 1865: Feby., same; Apl., same; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent with leave, late prisoner of w-ar ; Aug., same. Mustered out on Ind. M. O. roll, July 8, '65, at New York CTty, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, 1865; last paid to Feb. 24. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '61, aiisent, sick in hosp'l, Wash'n, D. C. ; Apt., same; Juiii\ last. i>aid to Dec. 31, '04 ; discharged May 3, '65, ])nrsiianl to orders from A. G. O., telegiaphed to surgeon iu charge ^It. Pleasant Hosp'l ; to be ded., 1 E. K. M. and equip, complete S?21.65, | shelter tent $2.30, haver- sack ()7c., canteen 45c., i;2r\07. Mustered out on indv'l M.O. roll, May 13, ''i5, at Wash'n, D. C. ; clothing drawn since enlistment §65.67.; bounty due SlOO; clothing acc't never settled. M.O. roll ofco.: joined as rect. Dec. 10, '03. TURNKic, WAsuiMiTox, col'd cook, Co. E. 1864 : Feb';/, present; enlisted as co. cook ; enrolled Feb'y 8, at Franklin; mustered iu Feb'y 25, at Franklin, for 3 yrs.; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., deserted at Algiers, La., Julj' 9, '64 ; 1 shelter tent .'J3.78, haversack 44 cts., 1 canteen 49 cts., total .§4.71. TCTTK, Philii', i>rivate, Co. B. 1"<04: Feby., last i)aid to Oct. 31, present; transferred from 174th Keg., S. O. 47, Feby. 17 ; enrolled Oct. 4, '02, at New York ; mus- tered iu Nov. 13, 1862, at Riker's Island, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., last paid to Febj'. 29, present; borne as Philip Tintte ; June, last paid to Ai)r. 30, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64 ; deserted at Washington, D. C, July 20, '64 ; Oct., absent, sick in hosp. at Washington, D. C. ; reported deserter through ernu- iu last M. R. ; J)cc, last paid to Oct. 31, absent, hosp., Washington, D. C, Sept. 30, '64. 1865: Feby. to June, inclusive, last jtaid to Dec. 31, '64 ; absent, sick in hosp. at Washington, D. C, since Sept. 30, 1804 ; Aug., dis- charged on surgeon's certilicate of disability June 12, '05. Mustered out on det. M. O. R. (iu compliance with telegram, A. G. O., May 3, 1865) June 21, 18(M, at Washington, D. C; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; bounty due, §100; clothing acct. last settled Aug. 31, '04; amount for clothing in kind or iu nionej' advanced, §75.30. Tyrone, John, private, Co. D; age 3-!; enrolled Sep. 15, '62, New York City, and mustered in Oct. 18, '62, Now York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct.. i)reseut ; Dec, List paid to Oct. 31, present ; entitled to §2 jtrem. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; same to June; Aug., last paid to June 30, '62, present; Oct., last naid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, i)re8ent; .$25 U. S. l)Ounty and §2 prem. due tliesohlier. l-i64 : Feb., last pairl to Oct. 31, pres- ent ; Apr., last paid to Feb'y 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., same; Oct.,'\&st paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dee., same. 227 Tyrone, Johx— Continued. 1865: Feb., last j^aid to Dec. 31, '(34, present; Apr., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '04, absent without leave at Washington, D. C. ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, deserted at Washington, D. "C, June "25, '65; due Gov't for loss 1 Enfield and eqnipm'ts, 40 cartridges, $"21.22 ; also for loss of canteen, haversack, | tent, $6.20; total, $27.62. Muster-out roll of co.: private ; last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; clothing last settled Sept. 15, '62 ; bounty due $100; dropped bj' error as a deserter from the Aug. rolls; accidentally left at Washington, D. C, June 25, '65; reported to prov. marshal, at Alexa., Va., and was sent to Bedloe's Island; charged on Aug. rolls for arms and equipments, $21.22 ; supposed to be mustered out under G. O. No. 77, A. G. 0., War Dept. ; no discharge given at m. o. of orgn. ; amount of clothing drawn, $89 13. Uhrwiller, Joseph, private, Co. F ; age, 25 ; enrolled July 16, '62, at New York City, and mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present, $13 advance paid ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to two dollars under act of June 21, 1862. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; June, same ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present ; Oct., last paid to June 30, '62, absent, sick in gen- eral hospital, B. Rouge, Sept. 2, '63; Dec, absent, sick at B. Ronge; $25 U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: Ffb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Aiil., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; set of equipments to be deducted from his pay, $3.75 ; due this soldier pay for July and Aug., 1863; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; canteen to be deducted from his pay, 33 cts. ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; shelter-tent to be deducted from his pay, $2.30 ; deduct for clotliing $5.82 ; total, $8.12 ; Die, last paid to Aug. 31, present; shelter-tent and haversack, $5.27 ; deduct for clothing, $5.82; total^ $11.09. 1865: i^eft., last paid to Dec. 31, present; Ajyl., same; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, discharged. M. O. roll of co.: trans- ferred from 53d N. Y. V. Sept., 1862 ; mustered out at Washington, D. C, June 1, '65; last paid to Dec. 31, '64 ; clothing account last settled July 16, '64; drawn since settlement, $24.18; bounty due, $100 ; post-office address, New York City ; mustered out under provisions of Gen'l Orders No. 53, Headqrs., Middel Military Divn., May 30, '65, to date, June 1, 1865. Ullhauser, Jkax, private, Co. K. 1865 : Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; en- rolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62. at New York, for 3 yrs; deduct 1 haversack, 9» cts., 1 canteen, 65 cts., 1 knapsack, $3.10; total, $4.70 ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '65, present ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present; deduct half pc. sheiter-tent, $4.90. Mustered out with company Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid Ap'l 30, '65 ; clotliing acct. last settled Oct. 6, '62 ; clothing due soldier, $100.45 ; bounty due, $100; joined by transfer from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Hdqrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 17, '64; borne as John Ullhauser. Unger, George, 2d lieut., Co. C; age 42; enrolled 1st Sept., 1862, at New York ; mustered in 14th Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present ; resigned on Nov. 18, 1862, on board of the "City of Bath." M. O. roll of co.: resigned Dec. 2, '62, S. O. 29, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, Hampton Roads, Dec. 2, '62. Unger, George, private, Co. C ; age 44 ; enrolled 13 Sept., 1862, at New York ; mus- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for two dollars who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; A^)!., present ; lost his musket on march, to be deducted from pay ; June, present ; Aug., died at Baton Rouge July 24, 1863. M. O. roll of co.: died of disease Aug. 10, '63, in hospital. Vandenbergh, James M., capt. Co. A. 1864: Feb., absent; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 vears; trans- ferred from 174 N. Y. V. by S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C; absent on det. serv., S. O. 196, Aug. 11, '6'.i, Dept. Gulf; pay due him from enrollment to Nov. 13, '62; detailed as acting major June 16, '63 (before Port Hudson); A2)J., absent on detchd. service per S. O. 196, Dept. of Gulf, Aug. 11, '63; pay due from Oct. 15 to Nov. 13, '62 ; June, last paid to April 30, discharged ; pay due as capt. from Apl. 30 to June 26, '64 ; back pay due from Oct. 15, '62, to Nov. 13. '62 ; mustered out to accept commission as lieut. col. June 26, '64. M. O. roll of co.: discharged to accept commn. of It. col. June 25, '64. VAKDE>fBERGH, James M., lieut. col. 1864 : June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; back pay due as capt. Co. A, 174 N. Y. V., from Oct. 15 to Nov. 13, '62; date of commission or regtl. appointment, Apr. 8, '64 ; mustered in June 2■^6 VAKDENBKnGH. James M. — Continned. '2(j, '6A, at Mnr^^iiiiza. Lii.; Ju(j., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; back pay due as caiit. Co. A, 174 N. Y. Vols., from Oct. 15, to Nov. i:J, 't)2; Oct., last paid to An-,'. 'M, 'G4, present ; Die, same. If'tiG: Feb., last paid to Feb. 28, 't!;j, present ; A/^r., same; June, last i)aid to Apr. :{0, '(m, present; extra pay due for couiiniitation of rations for Mar. and Apr., ; joined by transfer from 174 N. Y. V., 8. O. 47, IldqrH. 11) A. C. Feb. 17, lKi4. Vandexbl'I{(;, Wm.. private, Co. I ; aj^e 44 ; enrolled Sept. 18, l8fi-3, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. Iri, lsG2, at New York, for 3 years, l^ti'i: Oct., jires- eut; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 'G'2, present. 18(i3: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 'G2, present; Jj)r., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at Ope- lousas, La. ; June, last )>aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at N. Orleans, La. ; Jug., last j)aid to Dec. 31, '62, ]>resent ; Oct., last paid to .Jan. 1, '63; deserted at IJaton Konire, La., Sept. 25, '63; Dec., absent, sick at hospital. Baton Koiige. 1^^64. Feb., absent, sick in New Orleans; Apr., discharged from gen. hospital. New Orleans, Mch. 19, '64. Vanderiiook, William, jtrivate, Co. H. Ib63: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Auj;. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., for 3 years; advance bounty due from the United States. lt^64: 7e^., never paid, corporal, ])re8ent ; J/;/., last paid to Feb. 2'.», '64, absent, in hosp'l, N. O., since Apr. 23, '64 ; 8toi)paf;e, canteen, 44c. ; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, for 3 years; stop'ge, canteen, 44c. ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present ; due from U. S. G., $25 advance bounty ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; bark pay due mo's Mch. and Apl. ; Dec, last paid to Xug. 31, '64, present; ded. haversack, 67c. l.-'65 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; to bo ded., canteen, 45c.; back pay due from Feb. 29 Ui Apr. 30, '64 ; Apl., same , June, last jiaid to Apr. 30, '()5; presence or absence notstated; Jj/y., last paiil to Apl. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. as sergt. Oct. 12, 'ti5, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Aug. 11, '63 ; due U. S. for clothing, .^5.56; bounty due. $100; for musket and bayonet re- tained, §6.00; app't'd sergt. Aug'. 28, '65. Vandervoort, Fetek, private, Co. I ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 13, 1862, at New York City, and mustered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. :<1, '62, present. It63 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Apr., same ; June, last])aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, in hospital at N.Orleans, La. ; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, al)sent, sick in hospital. Baton Rouge, La.; Oct., last paid to .Jan. 1, '6:5, absent, sick at hospital, New Orleans, La. ; Her., absent, sick at hospital, N. O. l^'64 : Feb., trans- ferred to Co. D, 162d N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, by orders Ildqrs. 162d N. Y. ^'ols. ; deduct cross-belt and plate. Vandervoort, PETKit,]»rivate, Co. 1). 1.-64: Feb., absent; transf 'd from Co. 1, 162d Keg't X. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64 ; deduct 62e. for cartridge-box, belt, and plate ; sick in New Orleans, La. ; enrolled Sept. 13, WZ, New York City, and mus- tered in Oct. IH, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; Apl., absent, sick, New Orleans, La.; June, same; Aug., absent, sick, at Baton liouge. La.; Oct.. same; Dec, same. 1865: Fcbr'if, same; Apl., absent, sick, at Baton Kouge, La. ; last heard from Feb., 1, '61; June, absent; trausf'd to V. K. C. Apl. 1, '65; transfer. No. 5, War Dep't. Vandewarkei!, F!)w'i> F., ass't snrg. 1863: Aug., never paid, present; date ol cnmm'n or reg't'l appointm't, July (>, 1863; musten'd in July 30, '63, at New Orleans; Or/., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, Ist ass't surg., present; by order of War Dep't, date of muster, July 30, '63; J)cc, last paid to Oct. 31, ass't surg., present. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63. present; yJjir., same ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present ; .lug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, surg., pres- ent; date of comm'u or reg't'l appoint lu't, Apr. 9, 1864 ; mustered in Aug. 10, '64, at Ceriar Creek, Va.; Oct., last jtaid to Aug. 31, '64, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, 'ill, absent on sick leave. 1865 : Feb')/, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, \>5, i)resent, borne as Vandewalker; Aug., last ])aid to June 3it, '65, iiresent. ^iustered out with F. «fc S., Oct. 12. '65, at Savannah, Ga.; last ]»aid to June 3(», '65. VA\i)r::WARKi;u, Ja.mi:s P., privat(<, Co. II. 18()3: Dec, uewr ]r.iU\ ; jiresent; en- rolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., fori? years; acl v. bounty duo from the IJ. S. IftfM : Feb., never paid, present ; ApU, never paid, present, sick : stoppage, haversack, 48c.; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, for 3 years; sick in hosp'l, Natchez, Miss., 229 Vanderwarker, James P. — Coutiiiued. Jnne 28, '64; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, sick in liosp'l, Natchez, Miss., June 28, '64 ; due from U. S. G. $25 adv. bounty ; Oct., last paid to Ai)'l 30, '64, absent, sick, Natchez, Miss.; Dec, same. 1865: Fei., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64 ; died on or about Oct. 31, '64, near Natchez, Miss. M. O. roll of CO.: died of disease near Morgauza, La., Oct., '64; joined as rec't Dec. 10, '63. Van Norman^, James, private, Co. D. 1863 : Feh., present, enrolled Jan'y 15, 1863, at New Orleans, for 3 years; Jjir., deserted from U. S. service at Algiers, Apr. 8, '63. Muster-out roll of comp'y: deserted Apr. 12, '63, at Algiers, La, Van Okdkn, Abraham, private, Co. I. 1604 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., per S. O. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 20, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New- York, for 3 years ; J^)r., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, missing in action Apr. 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill ; June, last paid to Feb, 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war since Apr. 9, '64 ; Aug., saiue ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to June 30, absent, same I'emark. 1865 : Feb., last paid to June 30, '64, absent, same re- mark ; Apr., absent, same remark ; June, same. Mustered out on individ- ual muster-out roll July 10, '65, at New York, under telegram W. D., A, G. O,, May 12, '65; last paid Feb. 29, '64 ; prisoner of war Apr, 9, '64-May 27, '65; entitled to 3 mos, extra pay; no clothing acct, ; paid to wife by Maj. Dodge from Mch, 1 to June 30, '64, $58.00. Muster-out roll of co.: clothing never settled ; bounty due, $100.00. Van Wyck, John H., 2nd lieut., Co. G. 1863 : Apr., last paid to Jany. 1, '63, present; appointed from Jany. 6, '63, per G. O. No. 13, dated Gen'l Hdqrs., State of New York, Adjt. General's Office, Albanv, Mch. 2, 1863; June, present; en- rolled Mch, 24, '63, at N, Y. City ; mustered m Mch, 24, '63, at Port Hud- son, La., for 3 yrs. ; Aug., last paid to July 1, '63, present, comdg. co. ; Oct., 1st lieut,, absent, on det, service, aid to Act. Brig. Gen'l Benedict, 1st Brig,, 3d Div,, since Sept, 1, 1863; Dec, absent; same remark ; enrolled and mus- tered in Aug. 29, '63, at Baton Kouge, for 3 years. 1864: Fehy., absent; detached service; aid to actg. brig. gen. 3rd Brig., 1st Div., 19 A. C, Sept. 1, '63 ; Apr., absent, on leave 20 days, to accompany remains Col. Lew Ben- edict to the North, S, O, 98, Hdqrs, Dept, Gulf, Apr, 16, '64; t/wne, last I)aid to Jany, 31, '64, present ; pay due for responsibility of compy, property from June 1, '64; Aug., last, paid Jauy. 31, '64; disc'g'd for promotion as capt. Co. A, 162 N. Y. Vols. Comjt'y muster-out roll: joined from civil life a 2(3 lieut. Mch. 24, '63; promoted to capt. and trausf'd to Co. A, 162 N. Y. v., Aug. 5, '64. Van Wyck, John H., capt,, Co, A, 1864: Aug., last paid to June 30, '64, present; promoted to capt. Aug. 4, '64, from Co. G ; pay due as 1st It. to Aug. 31, '64; j)ay due for responsibility of co. jiroperty for the month of Aug., '64; en- rolled Aug. 4, '64, at Monocacy, Md., and mustered in Aug. 4, '64, at Mou- ocacy, for 3 years ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present, com'd'g co, ; Dec. last paid to Aug. 31, '64, discharged; mustered out of U. S. service accord- ing to Cir. No. 75, War Dept. M. O. roll of co.: mustered out Nov. 26, '64 Vater, Gottlieb, private, Co. K. 1864 : Feb., absent, sick in hospital, Baton Rouge, La. ; transferred from 174th Reg't N. Y. S. V., S, O. No, 47, 19th A, C, Feb! 17, '64 ; enrolled Sept, 26, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov, 13, '62, at New York, for 3 y'rs; ApH, absent, sick at U. S. bospt'l. Baton Rouge, La _ June, absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; Aug., absent, sick in hosp't'l. New Orleans, La,; Oct., absent, deserted from New Orleans, La,, July 9, '63 deduct haversack, canteen, half shelter tent, $2.79. Company muster-out roll: deserted at New Orleans, La., July 9, 1864. Verplaxcic, Hkxry, mus'n, Co. H. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolled Oct. 17, '62, at New York ; mustered iu Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; transf'd from 174 N. Y. Vols, by S. O. No. 47, 19 A, C, Feb. 17, '64; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present; stoppage, canteen, 44c. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, private, present; stpge., ^ shelter-tent, $1.25; haversack, 31c.; canteen, 3ic. ; total, $1.90; Augt., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, drummer, present; returned to drum corps pr, S, O, Lt, Col, Van Der Bergh, July 1, '64, ex, and d. duty Q, M, Dept, ; Oct., last paid to Aug, 31, '64, present; to be ded., am't overdrawn on cloth'g acct, 2 years (Q, M, Dept,, p, p,), $18.05; Dtc, last paid to Aug, 31, '64, present; ded, haver- sack, 67c.; canteen, 4.5c.; ^ shelter-tent, $2.30; drum-head snare, 33c,; total, $3,75, 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, '64, present; to be ded,, 2 snare-heads, 6i3c. ; batter-head, 80c, — $1.46; Apl., same; June, last paid to Apl, 30, '65, presence or absence not stated; Aug., private, deserted; same roll, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, drummer, present ; joined from desertion Aug. 20, '65. M. O. roll of co.: clothing last settled Oct. 17, '64 ; due soldier for 230 Verplanck. Hknicy — ConfiniuMl. tlothing not drawn, 516. 07 ; bounty 4. 1865: Ftb., last paid to Feb. 29, absent; wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill Apl. 9th, 1^64; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, absent; wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., Apl. 9, '64; prisoner of war; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent; wounded at Pleasant Hill, Ai>]. 9, "64; Aug., same. M. O. roll of co.: last paid Feb. 29. '64; clothing last settled May 8, '62; bounty due $100 ; transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862 ; supposed to be m. o. by G. O. 94 ; no discharge furnished upon the muster out of organization ; amount of clothing drawn §52.38. VOGUILEAK, Simon. Muster in roll of Co. 1 dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862; private; age 38; enrolled Sei)t. 27, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. Name, age, and date of enrollment lined out. M. O. roll of co.: deserted at Camp Maustield, La., Mar.— ,'63. VOLMER, Pall, drummer, Co. C; age 18; enrolled 21 Sept.. 1H62, at New York; mne- tered in 14 Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, absent ; deserted in Alexandria on Nov. 9th, 1862. M. O. roll of CO.: deserted from Alexandria, Va., Nov. 10, '62. VOUCK, Edwaki), jtrivate, Co. F. 18()4: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, "t^i, absent; en- rolled Oct. 16, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at K. Island, N. Y., for 3 years; transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174th Kegt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dept.; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; detached 1st La. Cav. ; .4j^7, last paid to Aug. 31, '63, absent; detached to Ist La. Cavalry ; so borne on 8ubseai(i to Dec. 31, '62; died Jlay 3, 1863. M. O. roll of co.: transferred from 53d N. Y. Vols. Sept., 1862 ; died at New Iberia, La., Oct. 10, '()3. Wagner, Samuki,, private, Co. I. 1H64: Feb., transferred to Co. D, 162 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, by orders Hd. Qrs. 162 N. Y. Vols. ; enrolled Nov. 20, at Brook- lyn, and mustered in Nov. 20, at New York, for three years. Wagner, Samukf-, private, Co. D. 18<)4 : Feb., jireseiit ; transt"**! from Co. I, 162 N. Y. v., Feb. 17, '64 ; rec'd 1 month's pay in advance; enrolled Nov. 20, '63, at Brooklyn, L. 1., and mustered in nI)v. 21, '63, at New York City, for 3 years; Apt., not paiil ; deserted at Franklin, La., Mar. 5, '64 ; June, not }>aid ; absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; reported as a «leserter by error on 231 Wagner, Samuel — Continued. Apr. 30 roll ; Aug., absent, sick at New Orleans, La. ; Oct., died of apo- plexy at New Orleans, La., July 21, 'l)4. Muster-out roll of comp'y: died in U. S. Gen'l Hosp'l, New Orleans, La. Wahl, John, priv., Co. C ; age '24 ; enrolled Sept. 17, 'C2, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, forSyears. l!:?52: Oct., corp'l ; present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for $2 who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; deserted from Camp Mansfield on Feb. 22, '63. M. O. roll of co.: appointed corp'l Jan'y 18, '63 ;,. deserted from Camp Mansfield, La., Feb. 23, '63. Waite, George W., corporal, Co. E; age 39; enrolled Sept. 11, '62, at N. Y. City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, private, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, corporal, present; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '63, present; June, same; Aug., last paid to not known ; absent, hospital,. Baton Rouge, Aug. 25, 1863; Oct., died. M. O. roll of co.: died of dropsy at Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 21, 1863. Waldbauer, Gottlob, pvt., Co. F; age 28 ; enrolled June 26, '62, at New York City;: mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York for 3 years. 1862: Oc*., present,. $13 advance paid; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to twO' dollars under act of June 21, 1862. 1863: Feb.. last paid to Dec. 31, '62,, present; so borne on subsequent rolls to June 30, '63; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '62, absent, sick in hos- pital Newtown, Oct. 12, '63; Dec, absent, sick at New Orleans, |25 U. S.. bounty due the soldier, and $2 premium. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31,. '63, present; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; ApL, last paid to Feb. 29, absent, missing in action Apl. 9, 1864; June, absent without leave, prisoner of war, so borne on subsequent roll to Oct. 31, '64 ; Dec, absent at Camp- Parole, New Orleans. 1865: Feb., absent at Camp Parole, New Orleans,. La., so borne on subsequent rolls to Aug. 31, '65. M. O. roll of co.: last paid Feb. 29, '64; clothing last settled June 26, '(i2; bounty due $100;. amount of clothing drawn $84.63; transferred from 53d N. Y, Vols. Sept. 1862. Mustered out on ind. M. O. roll a private at New York City, June 10, '65, last paid Feb. 29, '64 ; prisoner of war Apl. 9, '64 ; 27 May, 1865 ;: entitled to 3 mos. extra pay ; no clothing account ; mustered out under telegram War Dep't, A. G. O., May 12, '65. Walentini, James, private, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present;, enrolled Oct. 8, '62, at N. York ; mustered in Nov, 13, '62, at N. York, for 3 years ; transferred by consolidation from co. F, 174 N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, pursuant to orders from War Dep't ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, present as James Valentine; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present ; cartridge-box plate to be deducted from his- pay, 7 cts. ; Aug., present; canteen to be deducted from his pay, 44 cts. ;. Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, pre&ent; Dec, present; shelter $2.30. 1865: Feb.,, last paid to Dec. 31, present; deduct for transportation $14.22; Apl., pres- ent ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present ; Aug., same. Mustered out with CO., Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Oct. 8, '64; bounty due $100; transferred from 174 N. Y. Vols., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1864;. due soldier for clothing $9.48. Walkki:, George, private, Co. H ; age 18 ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oc<., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present ; entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; $21 to be deducted by sentence of C. M. under S. O. No. 29, from Col. Benedict. M. O. roll of co.: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., S. 0. 51, ex. 1, H. Q. Dept. Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. Walke;:, George, private, Co. F. 1863: Apl., last paid lo Dec. 31, '62, absent; en- rolled at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at Riker's Island for 3 years. Transferred from Co. H by consolidation Mar. 1, '63, and immediately trans- ferred from Co, F to Co. A by order of Col. Benedict. Muster-out roll of CO.: transferred from Co H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63. Walker, Gkorge, private, Co. A. 1863: Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; en- rolled at Riker's Isl'd and mustered in at Riker's Island, Oct, 18, '62, for 3 years; June, last paid to Dec, 31, '62, present ; Aug., last paid to June 30,. '63, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent; sent to hosp'l at New Town, Oct. 16, '63; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, absent; sick. New Iberia, Oct. 16, '63; $2 premium due; bounty due, $25. 1864: Feb., last paid to Aug. 31, absent ; sick, N. O. Oct. 16, '63 ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, absent; sick in hosp'l at N. O., since Oct. 16, '63; June, last paid to Apr. 30, present; stoppage,^ shelter tent, $1.75; Aug., last paid to April 30, '64, absent; sick in hosp'l, Bolivar, since Aug. 5, '64 ; stop'ge, 1 haversack, 49 ; Oct., last paid 232 Walker, Georgk— Continued. to Apr, 30, 'G4, absent; sick in bosp'I, Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., since Aug. 5, '64 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent ; aick at Mower Hosp'l, Phila., Pa., 186.'); Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; stoppajje, i shelter tent, '2.30; pay due for nio's of May and June, '64; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent ; ])ay due for nio's of May and June, '64 ; stoppage, ^ b. tent, from Feb. rolls, i;0.30; absent, withont leave since April t'-i, '6.j; June, last jtaid toDcc. 31, '64, i)resent; i»ay dne for luo's of May and June, '64; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '6.">, at SavauMuli. Ga.; clotiiiug last Kittled Jan 1, '(34 ; due U. S. for clothing overdrawn, S16.37 ; bounty due, -SIUO; e3; bounty due, §100 ; mustered out under telegram W. D., A. G. 0., May 12, '6.'i, July 8, '65, at New York City; ])risoner of war April 9, '64, to Apr. 27, '65; entitled to three mouths' extra pay. Wallrafk, Algust, i)riv., Co. C ; age, 23 ; enrolled Sept. 17, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14,'t)2, at New York, for 3yrs. 18ii2: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1,'62, present; entitled for two dollars who bas enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Feb., \i\fit paid to Dec. 31 ; deserted from Camp Mansfield, Feb'v 5, '63. M. O. roil of co. : deserted from Camp Mansfield, La., Feb'y 7, '63'. Walsh, .Iames, private, Co. A; age 42; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62. at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oc/., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, jiresent ; §;2 premium due. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, '62, jjresent; Apt., last paid to Dec. 31, '62; di^jcharged for dis- .-ibility Mch. 4, '63. at Cam]) MaiislieM, La. Muster-out roll of co.: dis- charged on surg. certif. of (lisability, July 22, 1863, at IJaton Kouge, La. Walter, I1eni;v, private, Co. D. 1864: Jj>r., absent sick. New Orleiius, La.; en- rolleil Jany. 4, '64, at New York ; mustered in Jany. 4, '64, Iviker's Island, N. Y., for 3 years; June, not paid, i)reseut ; recruit, entitled to §40, 2d in- stallmt. Gov. bounty; Aug., has not been i)aid ; died of malarial fever at Post Hosp'l, Ri-rmuda HcL, Va., July 22, '64. iIu.ster-out roll of comp'y : died .luly 22, '()4, of malarial fever at U. S. Gen. Hosp'l, Bermuda Hun- dred, Va." Walters. .James, i)rivate, Co. F. 18[)4 : Feb., absent; enrolled Oct, 21, '62, at N. York ; musterecl in Nov. 13, '&2, at K. Island, N. York, for 3 years; trans- ferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Kegt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 15 A. C, ]mrsuant to orders from War Dcjit. ; due this soldier 8'25 IJ. S. bounty; reported last M. roll as deserter; Apl., absent, detached as hospital nurse H. Roiifre ; so borne on subseiiuent rolls to Dec. 1865: Feb., absent, deserte4l from Baton jfougo, Sept. 19, 1864. M. O. roll of co. : transferred from 174 N. Y. v., S. u. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; deserted from Baton Kongo, La., Sept. 19, '63. Walters, Tho.mas, jirivate, Co. I, ago, 39; enrolled Sept. 15, '62, at New York City; mustereec., last paid to Oct. 31, absent, iu genl. liosp., Baton Kouge; $2.') U. S. bounty and §2.00 premium due ilie soldier. 18.j4 : Fthy., transferred to Co. A, by S. O., Febv. 14, '04. Co. muster-out roll: transferred to Co. A, 162 N. Y. v., by K. 6. 70, Franklin, La., Feby. lti,'64. Waters, Grosvexok, juivate, Co. A. 1804: Feb., absent, sick. Baton Rouge, Feb. 17; transfd. from Co. B, S, O. 70, 102 N. Y. V.; enrolled Sept. 11, '02, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '02, at New York, for 3 years. ApL, last paid to Feb. 29; absent, on furlough for 60 days from ilcb. 8, '04 ; June, last paid to Feb. 29; absent, sick iu hospl. at Central Park, N. Y., since May y, '64 ; Augt., last paid to June 30, '04, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64; corpl. present, promoted to corpl. Oct. 4, '64, S. O. No. 141 ; Dec, same. 1865: Ftb., last paid to Dec. 31, '04, present; April, same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '(),"i, present; Aug., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; clothing last settled Apl. 11, '02 ; due soldier for clothing not drawn, $58.38 ; bounty due, $100 ; stoppage, one mosquito-bar. Waters, Henry H., capt., Co. G ; age 29; 'enrolled Aug. 29, '02, at New York and mustered in Oct. 18, 1^02, at New York, 3 years. 1802: Oct., absent, de- tailed for recruiting service in New York ; Z»fc., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, resigned ; resignation accepted Nov, 21, '62. The comp'y oflScers were paid from Oct. 18, '62, to Oct. 31, '62, but received only 13 days' pay ; they were entitled to be paid 14 days. M. O. roll of co. : resignation accepted Nov. 21, '02, per S. O. 12, Hdqrs. Banks Expedition, 759 Broadway, N. Y. City. Wateusox, Joiix, i>rivate, Co. A. 1804: Feb., absent, sick N. O. Oct. 12; transfd from 174 N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '04, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Nov. 22, '02, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years; Apl, last paid to Oct. 31 ; absent, sick in hosp'l at N. O. since Oct. 12, '63; June to Dec, in- clusive, same, 18()5 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '03; deserted from hosp'l N. O., La. ; dropped from co. rolls Jan. 30, '05. Watt, George P., private, Co. B; age 18; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '02, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., deserted at Kiker's Island, Oct. 23, 1802; Dec, present; George P. Watt was reported on last muster as a deserter; be returned to his co. Nov. 8, '02 ; his furlough was extended in New York unknown to the co. comdr.; he wa«, therefore, not a deserter and is entitled to pay from date of enlistment; $2 premium due, G. O. 102, Oct. 21, '02. 1803: Fcbij. to April, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, present; June last paid to Dec. 31 ; deserted at Alexandria, La., while on the march May 15. Co. M. O. roll: deserted at Alexandria, La., May 11, '03; borne as George P. Watts. Watts, Euward, corporal, Co. A; age 33; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York City; mustered iu Oct. 18, '02, at New York, for 3 years. Itf02: Oct., present; Dec, last i>aid to Oct. 31, '02, private, present ; §2 premium due; ten dollars to be retaiiu'd from bis i);iy by sentence of court-nuirtial, per S. O. No. 15. 1803: Feb., last jiaid to Dec. 31, '(52, jiresent; Apl. to Ji/hc, inclusive, last jiaid to Dec. 31, '02, absent ; deserted from camjt at Algiers, La., Apl. 5, '63; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '02, present ; returned from desertion Aug. 3, '03; j>ay to be stojjped from Ai»r. 4, '03, to Aug. 3, '03; also to be charged with the loss of a rille (Austrian) and a full set of accouternients; Oct., deserted again at Algiers, La., Sept. 22, '03, and same remark as for Aug.; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '02; bounty due, .$25; jiresent, returned from deser- tion Dec., 19, '03; to be charged with two rilles and accouternients; f2 jircmium dim this soldier; this man will not be entitled to pay only from the date of his return to the regt., Dec. 19, '03. 1H()4 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '02; )»res«nt, entitled to jiay from Dec. 19, '03, the date of return from (lesertiou; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, i>re8ent; June, last i)aid to Apl. 30, i»reseiit, sick; stoppage, haversack 33c., cantec^i 41c., total 74c.; Aug., last i)aid to Apl. 30, '04. altsent, deserted at Georgetown, 1). C, Aug. 2, '64; Oct., not borne; Dec, last paiia-NN, Charles, private, Co. C; age 25; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1882: Oct., present; name appears as Charles Wehman ; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1, '62, present; entitled for $2, who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present ; April, present ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, pres- ent; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to June 30, '63, absent; sick in hospital, Baton Rouge, Sept. 2, '63; Dec, last paid to 236 Wehmaxn', Charles— Continued. Oct. 31, '63, present; §"i.') U. S. bounty due the soldier, and $2 preminni. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; duo ^'i') U. S. bounty ; April, last paid to Feb. 20, '64, present; June, last ]>aid to Ap'l. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last jiaid to Aug. 31, '64, present. Ib65: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; «laily duty, co. cook ; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present ; Aug., last paid to A]>ril 30, '65, present; daily duty, co. cook. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, '1)5; clothing last settled Sept. 25, '62; due sol- dier for clothing, $45.02; bounty due, §100. Weigel, He.vuy, priv., Co. C; age 32; enrolled Sept. 23, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1,' 62, present^ entitled for §2.00, who has enlisted after June the 21st, '62. 1863: Peb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, present; June, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last paid to Dec. 31, '62 ; died in hospital at liatou Rouge, Aug. 26, 'iVi. M. O. roll of co. : died in hospital Baton Kouge, La., Aug. 27, '63, of disease. Weilkek, Hexky, private, Co. H; age 25; enrolled Sep. 15, '62, at ; mus- tered iu Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1«62 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 preniiuni. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, ]>iesent. M. O. roll of co. : transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., pr. S. 0.51, ex. 1, H. Q. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. Weilker, Hexry, private, Co. F. 1863: J^j/., last ))aid to Dec. 31, '62, absent; enrolled Sci)t. 5, '62, at New York ; mustered iu Oct. IS, '62, at Kiker's Island, for 3 years ; transferred from co. H by consolidation, Mch. 1, '63; missing on march at Franklin, La., Apl. 15, '63; June, absent; missing on march, Apl. 15th, at Franklin, La. ; Aug., same. M. O. roll of co. : t.'-aus- ferred from co. II, S. O. 51, lldqrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63; died iu hos- pital. New Orleans, La., Oct. 9, 1863. Wein'BL'Rgiiei!, Axtom, private; Co. H; age 42; enrolled Sep. 16, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered iu Oct. l*, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present as An- ton Weinberger; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, preseut ; entitled to §2 pre- mium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Doc. 31, '62; corp'l; present. M. O. roll of CO. : private; transfd to co. F, 162 N. Y. V., pr. S. O. 51, ex. 1, H. Q. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. Weixmann, Kyxui.d, private, Co. C; age 21 ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., preseut, name appears as Reinold Weinman ; Dtc, last i)aid to Nov. 1, '62, present; eutitleil for $2.00 who has enli8teaid to Oct. 31, '63, preseut; due $25 U.S. bounty; April, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick iu and wounded, Pleasant Hill; June, last i>aid to Feb, 2L>, '64, absent, sick and wounded (at Pleasant Hill) N. Orleans, La.; Aug., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, wounded and iu genl. hosp. at St. Louis, Mo., since .Tune 24, '64 ; Oct., last ])aitl to Feb. 29, '64; died in U. S. genl. hosi)'l, .JelVer.sou Barracks, Mo., Aug. 6, 't)4. M. O. roll of co.: died in hospital, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 23, '64, of wounds received in action at Pleas- ant Hill, La., Ai)ril 9, '(i4. Weippert, Gonr.oH F., private, Co. C ; age 28 ; enrolled Sept. 28, 1862, at New York, and miiHtered iu Oct. 14, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., corpo- ral, present, borne as Gotlieb F. Weipert; Dec, last paid to Nov. 1. '62, present, entitled '-for two dollars who has enlisted after June 21, '62;" borne as (Jottlob Weippert. 186:'.: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31; deserted from Cami> .M;nislield on Feb. 22, 181)3. Muster-out roll of co. : appointed cor|)(Mal Uct. 24, '02, deserted Feb. 23, '63. Weiskopp, JacoR, private, Co. H; age 23; enrolled Sep. 2.5, '62, at N. Y.; mus- tered iu Oct. H, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, List i)aid to Oct. 31, '62, present; entitled to $2 itremium. 1863: 7'c&.,la8t j)aid to Dec. 31, '62, present. M. O. roll of co.: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. v., S. O. 51, ex. 1, H. (i. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. Weiskopk, Jacob, private, Co. F. 1863: Apl., last jiaid to Dec. 31, 'tW, present; Hurolled Sept. 2.5, '62, at New York, mustered iu Oct. l-^, '62, at Riker's Island for 3 years; transferred from Co. II by consolidation Mch. 1, '63; June, tlied Juiie 19, '63, geii'l liosp'l Baton Rouge. M. (). roll of co. : trans- ferred from Co. H. S. O. 51, lM'«irs Dop't of Gulf, Feb. 20, 1863 ; died in hos- pital, Baton Rouge, La., May 12, '63.; bonre as Jacob Weiskopp. 237 "Weiss, Alfred, private, Co, H ; at^e 42 ; enrolled Sept. 17, '62, at N. Y.; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. lfS6'2 : Oct., deserted at Hiker's M'd; Dec, deserted at, Riker's Isl'd, N. Y., Oct. 19, '62. M. O. roll of cc: deserted at Riker's Isl'il, N. Y., Oct. 22, '62 ; borue as AlexanHo- Weiss. Weitlech. Golleib, private, Co. TI ; aoe 20 ; enrolled Sep. 2". '62, ;it N. Y. ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for :> years. 1862: ',, pre^cc as Gott- leib Weitlich; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, preseuu; entitled to $2 pre- mium. 1863: i^e&., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present. M. O. roll of co. : trausf'dtoCo.F, 162N.Y.V., pr. S. 0.51, ex. 1, H. Q. Dept. of Gulf, F. O., La., Feb. 20, '63. Weitlich, Gottleib, private, Co. F. 1863: Aj)!., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, pr.'seut ; enrolled Oct. 7, '62, at New York, and mustered in Oct. I-', '62, at Riker's Island, for 3 years; transferred from Co. 11 by consolidation Mcb. 1, '63; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present ; Aug., absent, in geu'l hosp'l Aug. 22, 1863; Oct., absent, in general hosp'l, B. Rouge, Aug. 22, '6\i; Dec, ab- sent, sick at New Orleans ; $25 bounty due the soldier and $2 premium^ 1864 : Feb., absent ; due this soldier $25 U. S. bounty ; absent, sick at genl. hospl. at N. Orleans, Aug. 22, '65; Apl., last paid to Apl. 30, '63, present; due this soldier pay from Apl. 3 >, 1H63 ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, present; Auff., last paid to Apl. 30, absent ; sick at Patterson Park Hospital, Balti- more ; Oct., last paid to Apl. 30 ; died. M. 0. roll of co. : transferred from Co. H, S. O. 51, Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Gulf, Feb. 20, '63 ; died in hospital, Bal- timore, Md., Sept. 4, 1864. Welch, Alexander, private, Co. H. 1863 : Dec, never paid, present ; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864 : Feb., never pai<1, present ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 2i>, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 3>, '64, present; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, Schenectady, for 3 years ; stoppage ^ sholter-tent $1.25, haversack 31c., cauteen-34c. ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, sick in hospital, Beverly, N. J., July 1,'64; due from U. S. G. $25 advance bounty; Oct., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, ab- sent, sick, Beverly, N. J. ; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; daily duty, wood chopper; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '6r>, presence or absence not state 1 ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with CO. corp'), Oot. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65 ; clothing last settled Aug, 11, '63; clothing due U. S. $13.17 ; bounty due, $100 ; musket and bayonet retainer!, $6 ; joined as recruit from draft ren- dezvous, Dec. 10, '63; appoin+p' o 'rporal, Aug. 28, '65. Welch, George S., corporal, Co. I ; a; e 2d ; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York City ; mustered in Oct, 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62; private, present. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, '62, present; Apl., same; June, same; Aug., lastjiaidto July 1, '63; sergeant, present ; promoted to 4th sergt. July 20, '63 ; Oct., last paid to Sep. 1, '63, private, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, sergt., present ; a[ipointed from private to 2d sergt, Nov, 1, 1863; deduct one cross-belt and plate. 1864 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present ; Apr., last paid to Feb. 20, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, private, present; entitled to pay as sergeant from April 30 to Aug. 22, '64; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, present; deduct haversack, 67c. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; Apr., same; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present; Aug., roll not on file. Mus- tered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to April 30, 1865; clothing account never settled; bounty due, $100; promoted to sergt. Sept. 1, 1865; clothing due soldier, $2-*.23. Welch, John W., private, Co. I; age 28; enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Apl., same; June, last piid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in hospital at Baton Rouge, La. ; Aug., last puid to Apl. 30, '6:^, absent, sick in hospital, New Orleans, La. ; Oct., last paid to May 1, '6J, absent, sick at hosp'l. Baton Rouge, La.; Dec, absent, sick at hosp'l, N. Y. 1864: Feb., absent, sick in New York ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 20, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apl. 30. '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick in New Orleans; •/., last paid to Apl. 30, died in hosnital July 28th, 1864. Mus- ter-out roll of CO.: died July 28th, 1864, marine hosp't'l. N. O., La. Welsh, John, p'v't, Co. G ; age 18 ; "enrolled Sept. 10, '62, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 18, IHC' , it New York, for 3 years. 1812: Oct., present; Dec, lastpaid to Oct. 31, 'u^, present; entitled to $2.00 prem. 1863: Febg., last paid to Jan. 1, '63, present ; Apr., last paid to Jan, 1, '63, absent ; sent to hosp'l, Breashear City, La,, Apr, 10, 1863, by regimental surgeon; June, last paid 238 Welsh, John*— Continneil, Jan'y 1, '63, absent, e»ick in hosp'l, N. O., La. (name uuknownj; Aug., last paitl to Jan. 1, '(J3, absent ; sick in IT, S. barracks hosp'l., N. O., La. ; Oct., last jiaitl to Sept. 1, ldt>3, absent on sick furlough for 40 days, coiu- m.niciuj; Oct. IG, lC3ti3; Dec, last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent on sick fur- lough for 40 days, commencing Oct. 1(5, '63; $2r» U. S. bounty and $2 prem. duo the soldier. 1864: Ftb'i/., last paiil to Sept. 1, '63, absent; sick ; fur- lough for 40 days, since Oct, 16, '63 ; $W5 U. S. bouuty, and S2 premium duo thosoMier; Apr., last paid Sept. 1, '63, absent on sick furlough for 40day8 since Oct. 16, '63; June, last paid to Sept. 1, '63, same remark; Aug., last l>aid to Sept. 1, '63, absent on sick furlough in New York for 40 days; Oct., last jiaid to Sept. 1, '63, absent en sickfurlo' for 40 days since Oct. 16, 1863; Dec, last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent on sick leave at N. Y. for 40 days since Oct. 16, '63. 1865 : Feby., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, died at " Ladies' Home," U. S. gen. hosyl., N. Y. City, Aug. 3, 1864. Muster-out roll of co.: died of consumption. Welsh. Miciiakl, private, Co. E ; age 30 ; enrolled 12 Sept., 1862, at N. York City ; mustered in 18 Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last i»aid to Oct, 31, present; entitled to §2.00 premium, 1863 : Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, present ; Apl. and June, same ; Aug., absent; missing in action July 2, 'o^, Springtield Landing ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Oct, 31, '63, ])resent; $25 U, S, bounty and 82 premium due soldier, 1864 : Feb., present; $25 U, S. bounty due soldier; J^?., last paid to Feb. 29, present; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present; Aug., absent, hospital liermuda Hds. Va., wounded in action at Deep Bottom, James Kiver, Va., .July 26, '64; Oct., hospital, Davids Island, New York Harbor, wounded July 26 at Deep Bottom, Va.; Dec, last ])aid to Aug, 31, '64, same. 1865: Feby., last paid to Dec, 31, '64, absent; hospital Central Park, N, Y',, wounded at Deep Bottom July 26, 1864 ; Apl., June, and Aug., same. Co, M, O, roll : Last paid to Dec. 31, '63 ; clothing last settled Sept. 12, '62 ; total value of clothing rec'd $58.39; bounty due $100; taken prisoner at Springtield Lauding, La., July 2, 1863 ; exchanged Aug. .30, '63 ; wountled at Deep Bottom, Va., July 26, '64 ; last heard from in hospital at New York, supposed to have been mustered out under G. O. 77, War Dept.; borue also as Michael Walsh ; no discharge given on M. out of org. Welsh, Patrick, ])rivate, Co. B ; age 45 ; enrolled Sept. 22, '62, at New York ; mus- tered in Oct. 14, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862: Oct., present, borne on this roll as Patrick Welch ; Z^tc, last paidto Oct. 31, present, $2.00 pre- Tuium due, G. O. 162, Oct. 21, 1802. 1863: 'Feb. to June, inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, present; Aug., last ])aid to Apr. 30, present; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, jiresent ; $25 U. S. bounty and $2 premium due this soldier. 1864: Feb., present; Apr., paid to Feby. 29, present; June to Aug., inclusive, last paid to Apr. 30, present; Oc<., last paid to Aug. 31, present, stoppage, ^ shelter-tent, $2.30; Dec, present; stoppage, hav's'k 67, ^ shelter-tent, $2.30=:$2.97. 1805: Feby. to Apl., inclusive, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; June, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paiil to Apl. 30, '65; clothing last settled, Sept. 30, '62; duo soldier, §53.41 ; bounty due, $100. Welsh, Pobkht, private, Co. E, ago 22; enrolled 28 Aug., 18(2, at N. York City; mu.slere(l 18 Oct., 18(52, at New York, for 3 yrs, 1862: Oc/., present ; /A'c, last paid to Oct, 31, i)resent, entitled to $2 premium, 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec, 31, absent in coulinement New Orleans, Feb. 14, '62; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent in coulinement, sentence, (J, C, M. ; June to Aug., sanii^ ; Oct., last ])ayment not known; ab, in coulinement by sentence of G, C. M, ; Dec, absent in confineiMent, Ship Island, si-nteuce of G. C, M. ; .§25 r. S. bounty an/.,same; ./////c, saiuf ; Aug., h;uuc; (^ct., last jiaid to Aug. 31, '64, absent, conliniMnent at Slii]) Island i>y order of (J. C. M.; Dec, last paid to Dec. 31, '(52; . roll: dtscrled while a ]irisoner eu route to Ship Island, Miss., date unknown; borne as Robert Walsh. WnNLocK, William, iirivate, Co. I; age 21; enrolled Sept. 12. '62, at New York City ; mustered in 0( f. H, '62, at New York, for :i years. l-'ti2 : Or^, ))resent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, 18t)2. present. 1S(',:{": Irb., last paiil to Dec. 31, '62; died at U. S. general marine hospital. New Orleans, La., February 19, 1863, cause intermittent fever. Muster-out roil of co.: died Feby. 19, 1864, marint^ !lospi^'^l, N. O.. La. 239 Werner, Joseph, pvt., Co. G; a^e 32 ; enrolled Sept. 12, 1832, at New York; mus- tered iu Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1802 : Oct., deserted Oct. 24, 1862. Company mnster-ont roll: deserted Oct. 25, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.; borne as Joseph Warner. Whealixg, Thomas, private, Co. H. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 31, '62, at Now York ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62. at New York, City, for 3 years ; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols, by S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; reduced to rjinks Feb. 17, '64, pay due as sergeant from Oct. 31, '63, to Feb. 17, '64 ; Jp'l, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; stoppage, i shelter-tent, $1.25; Aug., last paid to Apr, 30j '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; Oct., same ; Dec, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy since July 25, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Apr. 30. '64, absent, prisoner of war since July 25, '64; Apr., last paid to Apr. 30, '64 ; died of disease at Richmond, Va., on or about Feb. 11, '65, I. of E. and F.S. given. Muster-out roll of co.: taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '65; died of disease at Richmond, Va., Jan. 13, '65. Wheeler, George H., priv., Co. A ; age 32 ; enrolled Sept. 5, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ; Dec., last paid Oct. 31, '62, corporal, present; $2.00 premium due. Ib63: Feb., last paid Dec. 31, '62, private, present; April, absent in hosp'l at Carroll- ton, La.; borne as George C. Wheeler; June, absent, deserted from gen. hosp'l at New Orleans, May, 1863; AugH, absent in hosp'l at New Orleans, March 6, 1863; Oct., absent, sent to hosp'l from Algiers Sept. 17, '63; Dec, absent, sick, N. O., Sept. 17, '63; bounty due $25, $2 premium due this sol- dier. 1864. Feb., present; ApL, last paid Feb. 29, present, det. service at brig, h'dq'rs ; June, last paid to Feb. 29,'64 ; absent, sick in hosp'l at New Orleans since April 15, '64; same to Dec. 31, '64, inclusive. 1865: Feb., de- serted from hosp'l. New Orleans, La.; dropped from co. rolls Jan'y 30, 1865. WniTCRAFT, John, private, Co. K; age 44; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at New York; mus- tered in Oct. 18, ^Iq'Z, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; ApL, last paid to Dec. 31, %2, absent, discharged and final statement.* given ; June, last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, when last heard from was at a convalescent camp near Carrollton, La. ; Jit;/., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, absent, discharged and final statements given. Company mus- ter-out roll: discharged for disability at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Dec. 18, '(52. White, Charles, private, Co. D. 1864: June, present; returned from desertion June 15, '64 ; enrolled Oct. 20, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at Riker's Island, N. Y., for 3 years; Aug., absent, arrested as a deserter May 21, '64 ; for arrest deduct $30 reward ; Oct., absent, sick at Phila., Pa. ; same to Feb. 1865 . Apr., deserted from Cuyler U. S. A. gen. hosp'l, Ger- mautowu, Pa., Dec. 2, '64, 2d desertion. Muster-roll of comp'y: joined by consolidation from 174 N. Y. V., Feb. 17, '64, S. 0. 47, Hdqrs. Dept. of the Gulf. White. George, prt., Co G; age 25; enrolled Sept. 26, '62, at New York; mustered iu Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., deserted Oct. 25, 1862. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted Oct. 26, 1-^62, at Balto., Md. White, John. Muster-in roll of Co. E, dated New York, Oct. 18, 1862 : private ; age 21 ; enrolled Sept. 22, 1862, at N. Y. City, for 3 years ; name lined out ; name not borne on subsequent rolls. White, Thomas, private, Co. D. 1864 : Feb., absent; transferred from 174 Regt. N. Y. v., by S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Dept. of Gulf, Feb'y 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 20, '62, in New York City, and mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; Apr., absent, sick. Baton Rouge, La.; June, same; Aug., trans- ferred to V. R. C, G. 0. 188, A. G. O., War Dept., Apr. -ZS, '64. Muster-out roll of comp'y : transferred May 31, '64. White, William, private, Co. H. 1863: Dec, never paid, present; enrolled Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y. ; advance bounty due from U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present ; ApU, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; stoppage ^ shelter tent, $1.25 ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present ; mustered in Aug. 11, '63, at Schenectady, by 18th Dist., for 3 years; Aug. last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent, in hands of the enemy ; due from U. S. G. $25, advance bounty ; Oct., last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent, iu hands of the enemy ; Dec, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, absent in hands of the enemy since July 25, '64. 1865: Feb., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, died of disease at Andersonville, Ga., on or about Jan. 11, '65, I. of E. and F. S. given. Muster-out roll of co.: died of diarrhoea, Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 1, '64; joined as recruit from draft rendezvous Dec. 10, '63; taken prisoner at Deep Bottom, Va., July 25, '64. 240 Whitney, Edward, private, Co. D; ajje ^^•2: enrolled Sep. 23, 1862, New York City, and mustered in Oct. 1^, 18G2, at New York, lor 3 years. lf(o2: Oct., de- serted from Baltimore Oct. 27. Muster-out roll of comp'y : borue as Edward White. "WiCKKKT, E.MiL, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; trans- ferred from 174 Rejj't N. Y. S. VoLs., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, 1«64; eu- rnjled Oct. 17, 1^)2, at New York City; mustered in Nov. 13, '02, at New York City, for 3 years; jlpL, last paid toJb^eb. 2l>, 1864, absent; missing in action at the battle of I'leasant Kidj^e, La., Apl. S>, 1664; deduct canteen, 44c.; June, last i)aid to Feby. 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war with the enemy; dropped in error as nnssing in action ^ ^h(7., paitl, Feby. 2'J, 't)4, absent, prisoner of warsince Apr. D, lt^64 ; Oct., s-anie •,'J)(c., same. 1865 : Feb. to Aug., inclusive, same. Muster-out roll of co.: has drawn clothing to amonni of s80.3rt ; clothing account last settled Oct. 17, 1862; bounty due, Slt)0. Mustered out on Ind. M. O. roll July 1(», 186;'), at New York City*; last paid to Feby.2l>, '64 ; prisoner of war from Apl. i>, lb64, to May 27, 1865; entitled to 3 mos. extra pav ; mustered out under telegram W. D., A. G. O. May 12, 1865. WiLDHABER. Meixard, private Co. I; age 22: enrolled Sept. 29, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. l;-62: Ocf., pres- ent ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present. 1863: Ftb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present; Aph, same; Jun., same; Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, present; Oct., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, present; Vtc, last paid to Oct. 31, present. 1864: Feb., last jiaid to Oct. 31, corporal, present; Aph, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, present ; Jun., last paid to Ajil. 30, '64. sergt., present; promoted from corporal to sergeant Ma}' 25, 1H64; ,!«cc., same. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; deduct 1 haversack; J/>/., same; June, lastjiaid to Dec. 31, '64. absent; Finley U. S. Hosjtt'l, Washington, D. C; deduct 1 haversack ; Aug., roll not on tile. Muster-out roll of co.: dis- charged. Mustered out on det. n.nster-ont roll July 24, 1865, in compliance with telegram A. G. O., dated May 3, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ; last Iiaid Dec.31,'64; clothing drawn since enlistment, $103.97; bounty due, SlOO ; due U. S. for camp and garrison equij)age, 1 haversack. Wiley, Koheut, private, Co. B. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; trans- ferred from 174th Eegt., S. O. 47. Feby. 17 ; enrolled Oct. 6, '62, at New York ; mustered in Nov. 13, 18»)2, at Hiker's Island, for 3 yrs.; Apr. last paid to Feby. 29, present; June, last i)aid to Apr. 30, present; 2 haversacks, 98c.: \ shelter tent, $1.89; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, j»re8eut ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, absent; sick in hosp., at Martinsburgh, Va., since Oct. 22, '64 ; Dec, same remark. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present ; stoppage, 1 canteen .65, 1 haversack .95, 4 shelter tent $4.90 — $6.50; Apr., present; same remark ; June, present ; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '65, present. Mus- tered out with CO. Oct. 12, 1665, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid to Apr. 30, '65 ; clothing settled Oct. 6, '62; due sohlier, $36.66; bounty due, $100. Wilkes, J. De I'oirnilEN, 2d. lieut., Co. II. 18:62, at New York, for 3 years; name lined out. WiLKiNS, Isaac 1'., 1st lieut., Co. G., age 32: enrolled Aug. 29, 'ii'i, at New York ; mustered in Oct. IH, 1862, at New York, for 3 years. 18(52: Oct., itresent;* Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, comd'g co. since Oct. 24, '62. The comp'y ollicers were paid from Oct. 18, 1862, to Oct. 31, '62, but rec^'d only 13 days' l)ay ; they were entitled to 14 days' pay. 18t)3: Feb;/., last paid to Jaiiy. 1, '63, present, under arrest to be tried on charges jtreferred ; Apr., last i)aid to M3, absent, resigned; resignation accepted, Mob. 8, '63, per 8. O. 65, datrd H.birs. D.-pt. Gulf, 19 A. C, N. O., La. Willard, Charles, jtrivate, Co. II; age 27; enrolled Sept. 3, '62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. IH, '(52, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent; deserted at Kiker's Island; Dec, absent; deserted at Riker's Islaml, N. Y., Oct. 19, '62. Williams, B., private, Co. F. 1h64: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Oct. 27, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '(i2, at New York, for 3 ye;irs ; tr.insfi'rred by consolidat ion tVorn Co. F, 174 N. Y. S. O., No. 47, H.Q.19tli A.C., jiursuaiit to orders from War Dept. ; duo this soldier, $25 II. S. bounty; Apl., last j-.ai8ent on detached service in aiiihnlance corps; June, last paid to Apl. 'M<. '(>'>, present, on daily duty as co. cook; Aug., de.serted xshile on the march from Savannah to Hawkinsville, Ga., Jnly "iO, 'Ga; to pay for 1 knapsack, ?:{.10; 1 shelter-tent, $y.HO; 1 haversack, UOc; 1 canteen,' 05c. ; 1 mosquito bar, .^"2; 1 Springfield musket, $19.25; 1 set of accoutrements, .§1^*25; 1 gun- sling, '25 cents. Mustered out with co., 12 Oct., Iti65, at Savannah, Ga.: last paid to Apl. 30, '05; clothing last settled Sept. 15, 'G2; due soldier .$7.96; bounty due, $100; equipmeuts, etc., retained, $6; borne also as fliutber Williams. AVii.LiAMs, TinniAS, private, Co. E. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, present; en- rolled Oct. 13, N. York City; mustered in Nov. 13, N. Y., for \) yrs. ; tians- fened from 174 Regt., S. O. 47, Feb. 17; $25 U. S. bounty due soldier ; Apl. last paid to Feb. 29; corporal, absent, hospital, New Orleans; wounded in action April 23, 1864; Jnne, last paid to Feb. 29, '64; absent, hospital at Baton Konge, w'd in action Apl. 23, '64 ; Aug., last pai(l to June 30, '64 ; ab- sent on furlough for 60 days from July 26, '64 ; Oct., last paid to Juno 30, '64 ; absent on fur'ough to New York; Dec, last paid to Jnne :?(•, '64, pres- ent. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; due the soldier, .^10 for pay as corporal for mos. of May and June, 1864; ApJ., last paiil to Die. 31, '64, present; due the diflerence of pay of private and corpl. for May and June, 1864; June, last paid to April 30, '65, present ; Aug., last paiil to Apl. 30, '65. sergeant, present ; i)romoted from 1st corpl. to 5th sergt. Aug. !, '6.x R. S. O. No. 13. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, (ia. ; law paid to Apl. 3fl, '65; clothing last settled Oct. 15, '62; due soldier, :*46.09; bounty due, ^100; arms an, at Harewood Gen'l Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; last paid to Dec. 31, '64; clothing drawn since enlistment, $57.35 ; bounty due, $100; mustered out by reason of G. O. No. 77, par. 6, A. G. O., April 28th, and in compliance with telegram from A. G. O., May 3, '65 ; bounty paid not stated. WiLLSON, Robert, private, Co. E ; age, 18; enrolled Sept. 12, 1862, at N. York City; mustered in Oct, 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863 : Feb., last jtaid to Dec. 31, present ; Apl., last paid to Dec. 31, '63 ; absent, deserted Apl. 1, '63, Baton Rouge, La. Wilson, Charles, private, Co. H. Iri64: Feb., absent ; enrolled Oct. 29, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13,'62, at New York City, for 3 years; transferred from 174th N. Y. Vols., by S. 0. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64, and de- tached to 5th U. S. Artillery, by S. O. No. 35, Hd. Qrs. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 19th A. C, Dec. 14, '64 ; Apl., absent, detached to 5th U. S. Artil- lery, S. O. No. 3.5, 19th A. C, Dec. 14, '63; June, same remarks; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present : returned from detached service, Battery G, 5th U. S. A., Hd. Qrs. Mil. Div. W. Miss. ; stoppage, cross-cannon 3c., one letter G Ic, one fig. 5 Ic. , one ring 8c., one plate, 4c. , i shelter-tent f 1.89 — total, $2.06 Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present; to be deducted, 1 haver- sack, 67c.; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present; Aj)!., same; June, last paid to Apl. 30, '65, presence or absence not stated; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, present. Mustered out with CO., corporal, Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Apr. 30, '65; clothing last settled, Oct. 29, '62; clothing due soldier, $50.86 ; bounty due, $100; joined by transfer from 174th N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Hd. Qrs. 19th A. C, Franklin, La., Feb. 17, '64; enrolled as private; appointed corpl. Aug. 28, '65. Wilson, John, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb., absent, sick with leave; enroll#l Oct. 20 at New York ; mustered Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 years ; transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feby. 17, 1864, pr. S. 0. 47, Hdqrs. 19 A. C. ; Aj)!'., absent with leave on acct. wounds; June, sime; Aug., absent with leave in New York ; Oct., absent, transferred to V. R. Corps. Wilson, Samuel, sergeant, Co. A. 1864: Feb., last paid Oct. 31, present; transf'd from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, Feb. 17, '64, 19 A. C. ; enrolled Sept. 25, '62, at New York; mustered in Nov. 13, '6"<., at New York, for 3 years; Apl., last paid Feb. 29, '64, absent ; missing since battle of Pleasant Hill, April 9, '64; June to Oct., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, prisoner of war since April 9, '64 ; Dec. to April, 30, '65, last paid to Mar. 31, '64 ; prisoner of war since Apl. 9; June, last paid Mar. 31, '64, absent with leave; late prisoner of war; Aug., same. Muster-out roll of co. : clothiug last settled Sept. 25, '62; clothiug drawn, $55.44; bounty due, $100; he was mustered out as sergeant July 8, 1863, at New York City, under telegram W. D., A. G. O., May 12, 1865 ; entitled to 3 mos. extra pay ; prisoner of war 9th of Apl., 1864-27th of May, 1865. • Wilson, Thomas, private, Co. D; age 40; enrolled Sept. 8, '62, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, forSyrs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, present; April, absent, sick in hospital at Baton Rouge; June, absent; same remark, Aug., last paid to June 30, '63, absent, same re- mark; Oct, last paid to Aug. 31, present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty, $2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; ^/V7v7, last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; absent, miss- ing in action at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, '64: June, abseuton parolefrom the enemy at Camp Parole, Lake End, La. ; drojiped by error on rolls of Apl. 30, '64; Aug., absent, jiaroled prisoner at Lake End, La., since April y, '64; Oct., absent, same remark; Dec, last paid to June 30, '64, absent, sick at New York City. l"-65: Feb., absent, same remark; April, last paid to Dec. 31, '64, absent, sick at New York City; last heard from Feb. 2, '65; June, last paid to Feb. 28, '65, absent, sick at New York City; last heard from June 1, '65; Aug., last paid to Feb. 28, '65; discharged March 24, '6.5, by G. O. No. 77, A. G. O. Mustered out on ind'l M. O. roll, May 24, '65, at Ladies' Home Hosp., N. Y. City; last paid to Feb. 28, '65; clothing drawn, $102.37; uuistered out under tel. order from War Dept. of May 4. '65; he is accountable for 1 canteen and 1 mosquito net; due U. S. bouury, $100. Wilson, William, private, Co. I. 1864: Feb.. present; recruit from draft rendez- vous, N. Y.; has rec'd $60 bounty, $13 advance pay, $2 premium — rota), $75; enrolled Nov. 20, '6o, at New York ; mustered in Nuv. 20, '63, at Nesv York, 244 Wilson, William— Continued. for 3 years ; Apt., paid Fell, 'i'.), 'G4, present ; entitled to $r>0, 1 install- ment of bounty, being a recruit from draft rendezvous; June, absent, sick at New Orleans; Aug., died in hospital at New Orleans June 2'M\, 1864. WiNSLOW, MiciiAKL, priv., Co. A; a^e 33; enrolled Sept. G, '&-i, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at New York, for 3 years. 18tj"i : Oct., deserted from Kiker's Island. Muster-out roll of co.: deserted at Now York Oct. 19, '(W. WiNTiai, Lkwis, corpor.ll, Co. D; age 44; enrolled Sept. 8, 'U2, at New York City; mustered in Oct. 18, '&2, at New York, for 3 yrs. 18G2 : Oct., de8erte?»., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, transPd from Co. G, 174 Reg't N. Y.S.V., S. O. 47, H. Q. 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; detch'd N. O., S. O. 35, 14 Dec. '63; stoppage fl.97; enrolled Oct. 11, '62, at N. Y. City ; mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York City, for 3 years; Apl., last paid to Sept. 1, '63, absent, borne as Nicholas Wiseman, on detch'cl service, battery G, 5th U. S. Art'y, S. O. No. 35, Dec. 14, '63 ; June, last paid to Sept. 1, '63; deserted at New Orleans from battery G, 5th U.S. Art'y, Mch. 3, '64. With, William, corporal, Co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; enrolled Nov. 25, '62, at New York ; mustered in Dec. 2, '62, at New York, for 3 years. Transferred by consolidation from Co. F, 174 Regt. N. Y., S. O. No. 47, H. Q. 19th A- C., pursuant to orders from War Dept.; due this soldier §25 U. S. bounty ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, '64 ; killed in the battle of Pleasant Kidge, Apl. 9th, '64; borne as William White. M. O. roll of CO.: gained by transfer Feb. 17, '64. WoGLOM, Isaac C, private, Co. B ; age 20 ; enrolled Sept. 10, 1862, at New York ; mustered in Oct. 14, '62, at Now York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., absent, de- serted at Camp Seward Oct. 30, 1862. Co. M. O. roll : deserted at Camp Seward, Va. WoLKKER, Hkrrmann, private, Co. F; age 29; enrolled May 30, '62, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 22, '62, at New York, for 3 years. I8i!2 : Oct., dn- serted 8th Sept. ; §13 advance paid. Muster-out roll of co. : transfeired from .^3d N. Y. V. Sept., 1862 ; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. WoLFii"ER, Julius. Muster-in roll of Co. F, dated New York, Oct. 18, '62: private; age 27; enrolled May 30, '(!2, New York City, for 3 years; name, date, anil l>laced of enrollment iiued out. 1862: Oc-r, deserted Sept. 8lh ; §13advaDce ])aid. WOLiSDOKKER, Louis, pvt., Co. K. 1864: i''(6., last paid to Oct. 31, 186.3, present ; transferred from 174th Reg't N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17, '64 ; enrolled Nov. 14, 1862, at New York City ; mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York City, for 3 yrs.; Apl., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, present ; June, last jiaid to Apl. 30, 18()4, present; t© be ducteded haversack and canteen, 90c. ; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864, pres- ent ; Dec, last jiaid to Aug. 31, '64, deserted; deduct 1 haversack, 40c. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Martinshurgh, Va., Nov. 4, 1864. Woll, Henry, corporal, Co. C. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; due §25.00 U. S. bounty; transferred from 174 N. Y. V., S. O. 47, 19 A. C, Feb. 17, '64; enrolled Oct. 15, '62, at New York, and mustered in Nov. 13, '64, at New York, for :' years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick in Now Orleans ; .June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, sick in Now Orleans, La. (wounded Apr. 9, '64, Pleasant Hill) ; Aug., last paid to June 30, '64, absent, wounded in hosj). at New Orleans, La. ; l)ct., dest'rted from hospital .it New Orleans, La., Aug. 17, 1864 ; to be deducted, 1 shelter-teut, $4.60. Muster- out roll of CO. : «leserted Sept. 15, '64. WoLLSON, Frank, private, co. F. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present; en- rolle4 ; musket antli. If^G:!, fri)in camp, Algiers, La. Mnster-oiit roll of co.: dated Savaniiali. Ga., Oct. Vi, IS'J.') : resigned at New Orleans. La., A])r. .'>, 1863. WliiKKL, Kriedhicii, Sergeant, Co. V; age :W; enrolled Jiini' :k>, %•>, at New York City; mustered in Aug. 2-2, 'G'i, at New York, for 'A years, l^ti'i: Oct., pri- vate ; deserted 8th Sept. ; §13 advance paid. M. O. roll of co. : sgt., trans- ferred from .'■)3d N. Y. V., Sept., 1862; deserted from Hiker's Island, N. Y. Harhor, about Oct. 9, '62. Yale, Edwin, private, Co. G; age 21 ; enrolled 15 Sept., 1862, at New York ; nuistered in 18 Oct., 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs. 1862 : Oct., present ; l>ec., last i)aid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 premium, borne as Edward Yale. 1863: Feb., last paid to Jan. 1, 'G'.i, present; Apr. and June, same; Aug., last paid to July 1, '63, present ; Oct., lastjiaid to Sep. 1, '63, present ; Dec, paid to Nov. 1, '63, present; $25 U. S. bounty and .^2 premium due the soldier. 1864: Feb., last paid to Nov. 1, '63, present, same remark; Apr., paid to Mch. 1, '64, present; June, last paid to Apr. 30, '64, present; Aug., last paid to Apr. 30, '64, absent on detached service in ambulance corps, S. O. No. 100, Hdqrs. 1st Div. 19th A. C; Oct., same; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, absent on detached service in ambulance corps S. O. No. 100 since June 28, '64. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Sept. 1, '64, ab.sent on detached service per S. O. No. 100, Hdqrs. Ist Div. 19th corps, June, lf^64; Apl., last paid to An*-. 31, '(i4, absent, same remark; June, last paid to May 1, '65, present, joined from detached service June 4, '6.'); Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '65, absent on detached service ]>er S. 0.24, Hdqrs. "subdist. of Ocinul- gee," Aug. 1865. Mustered out with co. 12 Oct., 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; lastpaid to April 30. '65 ; clothing never settled; due soldier ii'v)5.6i) ; bounty due §100 ; stop for gun and equii»ments, $6. YOVXG, John, priv., Co. A.; age 18; enrolled Sept. 2, '(52, at New York City: mus- tered in Oct. 18, '(!2, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., deserted from Kiker's Island. Muster-out roll of co. : deserted at Kiker's Island Oct. 24, '62. Young, Lkwis, pvt., Co. K; age 19; enrolled Sept. 19,1862, at New York; mustered in Oct. 18, 1862, at New York, for 3 y'rs. 1862: Oct., present; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; entitled to §2.00 preininm. 1863: Feb., last paid To Dec. 31, present; Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, i)rescnt; ,fi(ue, same; Aug., last paid to June 30, 1863, present ; Od., last paid to Aug. 31, present ; Dec, last paid to Oct. 31, present; the. soldier is enlitled to ,$25.00 U. S. bounty and $2.00 premium. 18t)4 : Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, '63, present, bounty due 1^25 ; Apl., last paid to Feb. 2l>, '64, present ; June, last paid to Ap'l 30, '64, present, to be deducted i slu-lter-tent §1.63, canteen 41c., accouterments complete, $2.63 ^^ total, $4.67 ; Aug., last jjaid to Ap'l 30, 64, present, deduct canteen 49c. ; Oct., last pair<-seiit, enrolled AuR. 11, '63, at Schenectady, N. Y., by 18lh dist., for 3 years, advance bounty due from the U. S. 1864: Feb., never paid, present; .1/'/., last i>aid to Feb. 29, '64, present, stoppage, one shelter tent §3.25; Jiim-, last )).\id to \\>]. 30, '64, i>resent, mustered in -Vug. 11, '63, at Schenectady by 18tli dist; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, absent, sick in New Orleans, La., aid to Apl. 30, '64, .absent ; dropped as a deserter, not having returned on theex)iiration of furlough, Oct. 31, '64 ; borne as Wm. Young. 1865 : 7'V''., last j)aid to Apl. :{4, i)resent, returned from desertion .Tan. 5, '65, per G. O. 107, Hd. C^rs., military governor of Alexandria, Va., by sentence court-martial to lose all pay and allowances due, to forfeit ten [*10] dollars ])er month for eight [r ) months imd make good the time lost by absence from Oct. 10, '64, to Jan. .'», '«):'>: .?//'/., last paid to Ap'l. 30, 'i'i4, present, returned from desor- 247 Young, William A. — Coutiuned. tion Jan. f^, '65, per S. O. 107, Hd. Qrs. military governor, Alexandria, Va., by sentence of court-martial to lose all pay and allowances due, to forfeit ten [$10] dollars per month for eight [8] months and make good the time lost by absence from Oct. 10, '64, to Jan. 5, '65; June, last paid to Ap'l. 30, '65, presence or absence not stated, returned from desertion Jan. 5, '65, per S. O. 107, Hd. Qrs. military governor, Alexandria, Va., by sentence of court-martial to lose all pay and allowances due, to forfeit f $10] ten dollars per mouth for eight [8] months and make good the time lost by absence, from Oct. 10, '64, to Jan. 5, '65 ; Aug., last paid to Ap'l. 30, '65, present, re- turned from desertion Jan., 5, '65, per S. O. 107, Hd. Qrs., military gov- ernor, Alexandria, Va., by sentence court-martial, to lose all pay and allow- ances due, to forfeit [$10] ten dollars a month for eight [8] months, and make good the time lost by absence from Oct. 15, '64, to Jan. 5, '65. Mus- tered out with CO. Oct. 12, '65, at Savannah, Ga. ; last paid to Ap'l 30, '65; clothing last settled Aug. 11, 63, clothing due soldier $11.78; bounty duo $100 ; musket and bayonet retained, $6.00 ; joined as recruit from draft ren- dezvous, Dec. 10, 1863. Zahn II, Gottfried, bugler, Co. F. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 53 N. Y. v., Sept., 1862 ; deserted from Eiker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. Zahx, Gottholf, No. 2, private, Co. F. Muster-out roll of co. : transferred from 53 N. Y. v., Sept., 1862; deserted from Riker's Island, N. Y. Harbor, about Oct. 9, '62. • Zahn, Henry, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Fel)., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present, trans- ferred from 174 Eeg't. N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19th A. C, Feb. 17th, 1864, enrolled Oct. 6, 1862, at New York City, mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 yrs.; Apr., last paid to Feb. 2yth, 1864, absent, sick on account of wounds rec'd at Cane River Crossing, La., Apl. 23, 1864, deduct canteen 44c.; Jmie, last paid to Feby. 29, '64, absent, sick, on account of wounds, at hosp.. New Orleans, La. ; Aug., wounded and in hosp., New Orleans, La.; Oct., absent, wounded and in hosp.. Baton Eouge, La.; Dec, absent, sick in gen'l hosp. 1865: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1864, absent, wounded and in gen'l hosp.. New Orleans, La. ; ApL, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, absent, sick in gen'l hosj)., New Orleans, La. ; June, last paid to Oct. 31, '64, absent, wounded and in gen'l hosp., New Orleans, La. ; Aug., last paid to Oct. 31, '64, discharged from g. hosp^ July 22, at David's Isl., on account of disability. Zeng, Martin, private, Co. H ; age 44 ; enrolled Sept. 19, 62, at N. Y. ; mustered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862: Oct., present ;iDec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, present, entitled to $2 premium. 1863: Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, '62, present. Muster-out roll of co.: transferred to Co. F, 162 N. Y. V., per S. O. 51, Ex. 1, hd. qrs. Dept. of Gulf, N. O., La., Feby.'20, 1863. ZiMMiRLES, Rudolf, private, Co. H ; age 42 ; enrolled Sept. 19, '62, at N. Y. ; mus- tered in Oct. 18, '62, at N. York, for 3 years. 1862 : Oct., present, as Rudolph Zimmerlee ; Dec., last paid to Oct. 31, '62, absent, deserted at Camp Slough, Va., Nov. 11, '62. Muster-out roll of co.: borne .as Rudolph Zeirameister. ZOEPFEL, Charles, private, Co. I. 1864 : Feb., absent, sick, transferred from Co. I, 174 N. Y. Vols., Feb. 17, '64, pr. S. O. 47, hdqrs. 19 A. C, enrolled Oct. 17, at New York, mustered in Nov. 13, '62, at New York, for 3 yrs. ; Apr., absent, sick in New Orleans; June, last paid to Feb. 29, '64, absent, trans- ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps June 15, 1864. ZUBLER, Gottlieb, pvt., Co. K. 1864: Feb., last paid to Oct. 31, 1863, present, transferred from 174 Reg't, N. Y. S. Vols., S. O. No. 47, 19 A. C, Feb, 17th, 1864, enrolled Sept. 19, 1862, at New York City, mustered in Nov. 13, 1862, at New York, for 3 years; Apr., last paid to Feb. 29, 1864, present, deduct canteen, haversack, | shelter-tent, $2.40 ; June, last paid to Apl. 30, 1864, present, to be deducted i shelter-tent $1.63; Aug., last paid to Apl. 30, '64, present ; Oct., last paid to Aug. 31, 1864, present, deduct for extra clothing, $16.41 ; Dec, last paid to Aug. 31, '64, present. 1865 : Feb., last paid to Dec. 31, 1864, present : Apr., last paid to Dec. 31, '64, present, de- duct 1 haversack 95 cts. ; June, last paid to Apl. 30. 1865, present ;.4m^., same. Mustered out with co. Oct. 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; last paid Apl. 30, '65 ; clothing acc't last settled Sept. 19, 1862; due U. S. for clothing $17.06; bounty due $100 ; equipments lost $6. ^ 2S0 St^' JAN 2' 1916