^I^^^\v^' .^i-' ♦ ♦ • * .\. ^^ ^i^'*\' ^"••^n;-^''°% *^*^*ig^'-% <^°''**^fc''% -j^'^**^*i^'«\ ^ii^is:.^^. J^\\^'.%. .4?^:iik:.r>^ ..^\»j:4:3;i.X y.*:;^-. ^,> .o^\^; ii.'^5^V <► '.^?*\6'«' V^'^^^v'^ ^<^''f?^\^'' V*^^\<^ <-*' II I r . Index to Contents Marriage Intentions . Mar riages , Births in Marriage Book Deaths in Marriage Book. Man\iiiiission of Slaves page 1 H 12 It 98 n 105 n 107 r O'^sq .y .'I ■■ fctat 2iooa ^ -U ni ailJ-ii •>; n :^ '^ >? ^ c f ['' ,- , . ^ ,ra(I lo 5S ,nc :.. .... .:! ,3VVI ..-nS lo SS nor;rnju"iiI ■•aJTcgai ,JvTI ,faS lo .xisnv/oeH ..... JL , JOl' I ,iaG 10 >S , Haight, Joseph Haight, Jr., reported married out 01 meeting, 28 of 6m, 1770 and disowned. Hoakings, Hannah Hoakings. wife of John, married out of meeting and disowned, E7 of 9m, 1770. Allen, Sarah Allen, wife of Beniamin, narried out of meeting and aisovmed, 27 of 9m, 1770. Allen, Susannah Allen, daughter of Philip Allen, married out of meeting and disov,Tied, 27 of 9m, 1770. Haight, Aaron Haight, Jr., married out of meeting and disowned, 25 of 10m, 1770. Gifford, Thomas, Rowland Gifford, narried out of meeting and disomaed, 27 of 12m, 1770. Charles Thomas, married out of meeting and disovmed, 20 of 2m, 1771. Brown, Yail, Yalentine Brown and Lucre tia Vail, 1st Intention. 20 of 2m, 1771, 2nd In- tention. 28 of 3m, 1771; reported accomplished, 25 of 4m, 1771. .vtiigrsH fcarns/n ,nfioL "to oirw .agarilBoH dfiri.isll jSgnKfioH .JVVI ,ni2 lo .aallA .ban/.'oarc fcns gfli;t93ffl lo ituo fcaiiTsm .wVVI ,336 'ic ?S .rnllA '',nr;t3 3fl! lo ;tuo fcartiB/tr ,."il. ,icfaj.eH hoibA . '>'' . ,:^0L lo gS .bsmvoarB bflB ,;trf5fBH gnHso /no 59r-nBii ,i)iolliS bnfiXwo.i .OV\i ,cSI lo ^^ ,t?rrnosib .bne ^biolliS .lYVI .^^tS lo 02 ,c9;. .us , esraoffl ■nl ;;xiS .I7VI .a2 lo OS .noiiadial rai-iOc-sT ;I?VI ,arS lo 32 .nor:^n3i .IVVI 'li^ lo d :)n ,--)''■?'• I -r'^QO OB ( .rnvoiS -3- Ha Ha iM: 1 Thomas Haight and Sarah Haightj. daughter of Jacob: 1st Intention, tb of 4m, 1771, 2na Intention, no date given- 27 of 6m, 1771, reported accompli shed. Haight, Solomon Haight, married out of meeting and disowned, 27 of 6m, 1771. Sands , Eallock, David Sands and Clement Hallock, lat Intention, 24 of 10m, 1771, 2nd Intention, 28 of 11m, 1771; 26 of 12m, 1771, reported accomplished. Brown , ] Cans ton, ) Pearsall Brown and I^ary Cans ton, 1st Intention, 24 of lOm, 1771, 2nd Intention, 28 of 11m, 1771 26 of 12m, 1771, reported accomplished. Borland , Gilbert Borland, reported aarried out of meeting, 28 of 11m, 1771. Acknowl- edgement accepted, 20 of 11m, 1772. Gifford, Benjamin Gifford, reported married out of meeting, 20 of 3m, 1772; disowned, 22 of 5m, 1772. Green, ) Moore , ) Zopher Green and Mary Moore, 1st Inten- tion. 22 of 5m, 1772. 2nd Intention, 19 of 6m, 1772; 17 of 7m, 1772, re- ported accomplished. Lavar , Peter Lavar reported, 22 of 5m, 1772, married out of meeting and disowned. laid^uzb .id-greE da'iB'S, has ifrfsrcH 3fi(nocfT : ■ -^iBh on .aoMneJnl unS ,I7vI .IV? I ,(nd "to VS ,Ldn.voarh Lhb .:fif3f£:; bnS ,IVVI ,eOI lo . -. .rrotlnainl (,/foG_.._ lo as -IVVI ,iBiI lo 3.-: .mliaoinZ .tddtilhsXiOOOB I)3il0q9-f ,IVVl ,iffi>I V - _' «J i- lo d^. ,I?VI ,rall lo as ,£iorJii3;tnr .1:-? ■ :-ooo£ b3;tioc9T ,IVVI ,icSI ( , rr-voifl ( ,noJ*^'^^'''' lo :txjc fcariiafi .b?iioq3i -bnBl'^Ou cfigdlK -It/oiijIoA ,LT^L .dll'lo oS -snr^Dsra .SVVI ^izLL 10 OS ^bsif^gOvOE Jnsnspjce , fcOBllOu ;t.uo &9rTiBiii fcaiioqai .bTollrC arin£(;fl9'I ,.b9iiT08ib :SVVI ,m8 io OS .^nrJaein lo ""*'^^",Kl6 1^ JnollrC ,fTC.::t-3;tnI bnS ,SVVI \nTti lo 3^1 .nori -a- .2?VI ^inT io VI ;SV?I ,fiw lo 21 . • )dafIg/isooo6 bsi'ioq i ,119 31-0 ( , 9T00'vi ZJ^ -J L .■n , IBVSJ -4- Adams, ) Abel Adams and Deborah Thorn, 1st Thorn, ) Intention, 18 of 9m, 1772, 2nd Intention, 16 of ICm, 1772, 20 of 11m, 1772, reported accomplished. Hoag, ) Ezekiel Hoag, son of Daniel, and Sarah Allen, ) Allen; 1st Intention. 18 of 9m, 1772. 2nd Intention, 16 of 10m, 1772; 20 of 11m, 1772, no mention. Both disowned. Thorn, ) Isaac T^orn and Anne Titus, 1st Inten- Titus, ) tion, 16 of 10m, 1772, 2nd Intention, 20 of 11m, 1772- 18 of 12m, 1772, reported accomplished. Palmer. ) Ohediah Palmer and Catherine Hallock, Hallock, ) 1st Intention, 19 of 3m, 1773, 2nd Intention. 16 of 4m 1773; 21 of 5m, 1773, reported accomplished. Barton, ] Solomon Barton and Charity Haight. 1st Haight, ) Intention, 16 of 4m, 1773, 2nd In- tention, 21 of 5m, 1773; 18 of 6m, 1773, reported accomplished. Deuel, ] Isaac Deuel and Irlary Jackson, 1st Inten- Jackson, ) tion, 19 of 11m, 1773; ^nd Intention, 17 of 12m, 1773, (They having small- pox, did not appear), 2nd Intention, 18 of 2m, 1774; 18 of 3m, 1774, re- ported accomplished. Holmes, Jacob Holmes and wife, disovmed, 21 of Im, 1774. rir aB ,l3fnBu lo aos ,3solI Isfiasi ( ,S£oH ,:;. .0 81 ,nor;tri9:tnI isL ;nDlIA ( ,n3rii\ ;SVVI ,'?iOI lo di ^noriTno^rnl i}nS ,3VYI ::.:..: .:iofjn9a on ,SVVI ,miL lo .S; .iair^oaib -uvuui .r:-:"- - ;i.. j:flB aio^J OBse! f ^rtTorfT jfiOf^nDitcI . , ■ ' , -I 10 di .nori ( .axjirJ ,SVVI .niSi TO 6i :SVVI .fflll lo 03 .b^rfsrlgnoooB Jiaiioq-ST ,SVVI ./irS lo 81 ,noM£i-3;tnr ;?sl { ,:TooI[fiH : ;V^'I ,mi^ lo ol no:;tn9;}nI bnS o^iisix .>::oooB i;9;^ioq9i ,SVVI .me lo 12 o -III bnS ,- - ,.— lo oL .aoLiasial ,ffio 10 I ;oVVI ,Hici lo lu ,aoion9:t .bsiferlqxaoooB bsi^ioasi ,o?VI -aaoirl Jsi .noeiioBb (;-ib.^ chb IsjjgCI obbbI y ,I3JJ9(I ,r:oi;rn-3;tnI hni ;SVVI ,rall lo 91 ^aozi 1 .rroar'oBl. -IIblis ^nrvtfd -gffT) ,,^VVI ,raSI lo TI .nor. "^ " baS ,(' ^ Jon brc ,xoa . - . ■ - -OOB bajioq- lo IS ,b9fl',Y08rb ,9lrw bns aemloii dooEU ,s9nIcH -5- Husted, Husted, Jethro Eusted and wife, disowned, 18 of 3m, 1774. Israel Husted, reported married out of meeting and disowned, 18 of 3m, 1774. Vail, ) Holmes,, Moses Yail and Phete Holmes, 1st In- tention, 16 of 9m, 1774, 2nd Intention, 21 of 10m, 1774; 18 of 11m, 1774, reported accomplisfeed. Hoxsie, ) ;er, ) Butte] Abraham Hozsie and Elizabeth Butter, 1st Intention, 16 of 12m, 1774, 2nd Intention, 20 of Im, 1776, 17 of 2m, 1775, reported accomplished. Mosher, Palmer, Philip Llosher and Ruamy Palmer, 1st Intention, 17 of 3m, 1775, 2nd Intention, 21 of 4m, 1775- 19 of 6m, 1775, reported accomplished. Powell, Samuel Powell, reported married out of meeting, 17 of 3m, 1776. Removed to Purchase. Brown , ) Haighi, ) Valentine Brown and Margaret Haight, 1st Intention, 21 of 4m, 1776, 2nd Intention, 19 of 6m, 1775; 16 of 6m, 1775, reported accomplished. ,&9;^80'{ iuo baiiiSTT bsi^ioaai ,b3;^aiiii IseTsI ,fc9oai;Ii baS ,kVI .rae lo ax ^noivTae;} ;iV\^Vl ,iiijJ: lo IS ,aoi;tn9;tnI jieflqaoooB I)3iioq9'i ,->VVI ,.'nll i'^ 31 > ,IrsV .^?VI .niSI 10 ol ,noi;tn9JcT :tel .eVVI ,iKl lo OS .aoria^ial bnS }9ffsfIqiiT0ooB &3;liC'.pi ,gVVI ,mS lo vl . , 3 ' GXOH ,cV?I ,136 io VI ,no!oa3;)'nt io gl -^^VVI ,fn^ lo IS ,norin9:rflI .^^'^TferlqfuoooB boizoq^i ,':'"^I ,inG "io JM. Oar'iiBJu b9;t'ioq9i ,ii9v*'0i leuniBu b9vci:;9j^ .ciVVI ,in& "Io VI ,gnrj39m ,9BBr:0iJj£ OJ , II 9W0-; ,SVVI ,mh 1.. X.. .u.:.i;j)nl ;t8l BI jciVVI ,2iG Io ^I ^noiiaaicil bnS .jDsrferlq.'noooB baJioqai ,(iVVI ,mcj "io , T.70lil -6- Haiffht.) Jonathan Haight and Miriam Hoag, 1st Hoag, ) Intention, 20 of lOm, 1775; 17 of 11m, 1776, report •*not quite clear" 22 of 12m, 1775. report "We have had Jonathan ana his accuser face to face and she affirms her right as long as Life shall last and she will not resign it" Not allowed to pass. Lapham, ) Abraham Lapham and Esther Aldrich. 1st Aldrich. ) Intention. 19 of 4m, 1776, 2nd In- tention, 17 of 5m, 1776; 21 of 6m, 1776, reported accomplished. Borland, John .I>orland , reported, 19 of 4ra, 1776, married out of meeting. Haight, Jonathan Haight dealt with. Married without passing meeting. Mosher, ) Haight, ) Sarah Mosher, formerly Haight, disowned, 19 of 4m, 1776. Probably married out of meeting. Upton. ) John Upton and Abigail Kelly, 1st In- Kelly ) tention, 17 of 5ra, 1776; 2nd In- ^ tention. 21 of 6m 1776. 19 of 7m, 177b, reported accomplished. Dean. ) John Dean and Phebe Clapp, 1st Intention, Clapp. ) 16 of Qm^ 1776, 2na Intention, 20 ^^* of 9m, 1^76. 1^ of 10m, 1776, reported accomplished. jUVVX ,rjOI 10 OS ,aof;tn9^nr ( .gsoH 3Vfi£i 9./' :J-ioq9i -GVVi ,/r.SI lo 22 90&1 idBiJOOB Shi r:ni- n&diBaol, t£.d 9if8 fcitfc ;t3£l IIbde 9lri.l e£ gnol 8B *'ir fl^rBai Ion Ilhv .aaeq o^ fcav/oIlB itoli ;^sl .tfortblA iscfJ'eii has jn«rfqBJ nBcf£icfA ( ^nx^rigBl -n! onS .dVVI .m4^ ^o QL .r^o-ia^lnl ( ,rlof-rBlA ,r:. ^c IS ;d^VI ^cS lo vl .noJ;txi3j .rerfarlormoooB baiiooei ,dVVI bsiiiBJ.. ,ri';tiip ^lesf; i^tf-grfiH nBfiiBirou ^itdgrfiH .3nr;t99in :gflr88Bq ^liorf^fr" r . r . I ■ i:3r-T3/;: x.- ■• '^I tCii^ lo .!! ( ,. .2,ni;t99ra lo ;tuo -nl iel , IfB^MA fccB no:^qU nrfol J ,co^qU -nl f^rrP. ;jv\ l ,^0 lo YI ,norJG9;t ( »I-^X^5 lo ii .ori'I ,nc lo IS .iioiJn3;f .barfeU'qraoooB I)9;tioq9i ^o^'^l. .icV ,noi;^fl9;tnI 'isl , jqeIC ocfgif'i £n.? nB9'J nrfoL ( ,n£>.I OS ,nor;tn3;tn]: EnS .dvVI ,jn8 lo dl ( .uqalO 3:fTon-3T ,aVVI ,:nOI "to SI .dVVI ,r:e' lo .Ladsrl'^nooofl -7- Ferr Mott M Benjanin Ferris and Anne Llott. 1st Intention, 20 of 9ra, 1776, 2nd Intention 18 of 10m, 1776; 22 of 11m, 1776, reported accomplished. (20 of 9m, 1776, Gomrr.ittee appointed to enquire as to the settlement of her former husbands estate) Palmer, ) Mosher, ) Gifford, Butt, ) Macy, ) Hoa, Ha fpt.i Reuben Palmer, Jr., and Martha Mosher, 1st Intention, 20 of 9m, 1776. 2nd Intention, 18 of 10m. 1775, 22 of 11m, 1776, reported accomplished. Benjamin Gifford, reported married out of meeting, 18 of 10m, 1776, disowned. Abigail Butt, formerly Macy, disowned, 18 of 10m, 1776; probabiy married out of meeting. Josiah Hoag and Dorothy Haight, 1st In- tention, 22 of 11m, 1776, 2nd In- tention, 20 of 12m, 1776; 17 of Im, 1777, reported accomplished. Macy, Robert Kacy of Nine Partners, reported from Nantucket, married out of meeting, 20 of 12m, 1776. Worth , John '.Vorth of Saratoga, reported from Nantucket, marnea out of meeting, 20 of 12m, 1776. -.':'-. I'nS ,br'S!L ,m^ \o OS .norf ' ' ,iiol SS :d7VI ..-nOX lo 81 noK I .jbacfexlrmooofi fiajToa^i ,oVvI ..ttII "io (sJFitee iibnEdead isinol tad /o?VL ,!n? lo C? ,ao;- " . I ; .larfsoi:. oo£ t'8;J-[0'j3i ,c3vVI ,mll xo "ic iuo barTTBrn fcsiToqai .Lio^^iO nrmjBcaaH ,fciol^K^ .tsmvoeri ,dVVI .inOI lo 81 ,3niio3isi • anfiteam lo ;^j;ic 'o lo"^iiJO bsri-iBE -iaifoUunBl'! iLO'il -nl ;JeI .iif-'-f,:' Yf'.oio'i biLs s^boH rfBieou ( ,^ -nl fcnS ,cA;i ,:':! lo 2S .nor:tn3;t l^^rffsrcH " '- \L ;dn'i ..tl^I lo OS ,aG^in=:>:f .X;9fl8rX-iII000£ l)9;tT0q91 ,?VVI ,^0B-^ -p.fTrlo9fn lo oIJO .Cj: . , :t92i'oiJin6p'l .dVVl .rrS.I lo OS -8- Sh ear man,) Haight, ) Elihu Shearman and Susannah Haight, 1st Intention, 17 of Im, 1777, 2nd Intention, 21 of 2m, 1777, 21 of Sm, 1777 reported accomplished. Cornell,) Park, Mary Cornell, formerly Park, disowned, 17 of Im, 1777, married out of meeting. Eussey, ) Lapham , ) Stephen Lapham and Hachel Husaey, 1st Intention. 17 of Im. 1777. 2nd In- tention, 21 of 3m, 1777; 18 of 4m, 1777, reported accomplished. Hoxsie, ) IS, ) Adams , Ludovic Hoxsie and Dorcas Adams, 1st Intention, 21 of 3m, 1777, 2nd Intention, 18 of 4m, 1777: 16 of 5m, 1777, reported accomplished. Borland , Enoch Borland of Oswego, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 3m, 1777, disowned. Kenyon, ) Moor , ) Benjamin Kenyon and Abigail Moor, 1st Intention, 20 of 6m, 1777, 2nd Intention, 18 of 7m, 1777: 22 of 8m, 1777, reported accomplished. Lapham, White, John Lapham and Rachel White, 1st In- tention, 22 of 8m, 1777, 2nd In- tention, 19 of 9m, 1777; 17 of 10m, 1777, reported accomplished. _:i_ i& ,V\Vi ,:^ 1q is . tal BnS r>-.rrr?^ r^^iT. ff -i nB/n-fp^.-f .gnri39/n .barfarlc.TfoooG bdi'noqdz ,?VVI iel , asoioC fcn£ s'sxoU orYo bill I>fi.: , ■ ■ J- t'"iS lo LJ ^i-o'ric^inl lo ol ;V?T-I ,j:;i' lo GI ,noJJ£i9;tnI .fcarierlri-inoooB Leitioqai .VVTI ,a5 ( .- o- -. ^ji beii'. -jiogai ,o^977e0 lo cnEriou Doon3 , ' . j! ,rjS xo 12 ,giir;t99ffi lo ;tijo .bervfros'rk , fensliod jbI ,Tcoi.i I' - tiiB noYngX nrfliBriiaS I)nS ,VVVI ,ii5b 10 OS ,norJn9;tnI 10 SS ;VV7I ,inV lo 81 ,rror;fn9;tflI ( .no^nari ( ,icoi -nl :J2l ^9ira.< larfosH 5nB fssrfgfiJ rrrfol* -nl ;■:. ,VV?I ,ai8 lo 2S .aoiiaBi lo vi ;VVYI ,[£ lo GI froMne:^ , ,f oift'^la-rooop ht^iTorsT ,Vv"VI ,a-.'I ( .mBrfafil ( .9;tl:rvf -9- Hoag, John Hoag, reported married out of meeting, 22 of 8m, 1777. Irish, Yail, Joseph Irish and Martha Vail, 1st Intention, 19 of 12m, 1777, (Comnittee apDOinted to enquire as to the settlement of her for rraer husband's estate), 2nd Intention, 16 of Im, 1778; 20 of 2m, 1778, reported accomplished. Palmer , ) Sherman,) losher, ) iaight, ) Gilbert Palmer and Mary Sherman, 1st Intention, 20 of 2m, 1778, 2nd Intention, 20 of 3m, 1778. 17 of 4m, 1778, reported accomplished. Thomas Mosher and Hannah Haight, 1st Intention, 22 of 5m, 1778, 2nd Intention, 19 of 6m, 1778; 17 of 7m, 1778, reported accomplished. Eussey, Silvanus Hussey of East Hoosic, reported married out of meeting, 23 of 5m, 1778, disowned. Doughty, Elias Doughty of Nev; Marlboro, reported married out of meeting, 23 of 5m, 1778, disovmed. Coffin, Uriah Coffin of New L^rlboro, reported married out of meeting, 17 of 7m, 1778. disowned. ,VVVI ,r;ai lo Gi ,n ■ " ( .XreV aTriJpns o;t b^^^''-> 'b ov.. v.^, ...... ,^ ,_ -, io OS ,., , ..^ ,ml lo ol LiiS ,3VVI ,fnci io ^C ,noiin3inI ( ,rrsi,rxa£fC Io vl .3Tvi ,n6 'io -S, ^r^o'-Jazial .tDdailqmoooe i;e;|-ic.:3'i ,-jVvI .ni* d'sl ,trf^?T ::8 lodeoll S£fi:oifT ( ,T3r'. bxiS . ,no'';trf9jnI { ,i!ff ri-n Io ?I : ,u-; -L- .^ .norane-nl .berfa' ob fcsit'foqai ,SVTI ,r:7V jditoq^f jOrBooH iesZ. 'io i^aesjjH exiUBvIiS ,y;988ijH ..ttS Io SS -gnr;t99in Io iac f)3rTiBm .faxiwosib ,8VVI , , .:T 10 itiJO DSmfiffi .Lamvoer; »8VVI ,;r"'' io vl .gnriasjn lo iifo usri'iBin -10- Hallock, Smith, Sands , Gre Ha een, ) Edward Hallock, Jr., and Susannah Smith, 1st Intention, 21 of 8m, 1778, 2nd Intention, 18 of 9m, 1778; 16 of 10m, 1778, reported accomplished. Underh Dean rhill,) Benjamin Sands of New Cornwall, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 8m, 1778. Zophar Green and Phebe Haight, Ist In- tention. 18 of 9m. 1778, 2nd Inten- tion, lb of 10m, 1778_: 2o of 11m, 1778, reported accomplished. Benjsimin Underhill and Elizabeth Dean, 1st Intention, 18 of 9m, 1778, 2nd Intention, 16 of 10m, 1778, 20 of 11m, 1778, reported accomplished. Hallock, Moses Hallock, 17 of 10m, 1778, acknowl- edgement, married out of meeting several years ago for which he was disowned. Accepted, 20 of 11m, 1778. Hoag, ) Hoag, ) Benjamin Hoag, Jr., and Sarah Hoag, 1st Intention, 20 of 11m, 1778, 2nd Intention, 18 of 12m, 1778; 22 of Im, 1779, reported accomplished. Butt, Richard Butt of Nine Partners, reported married out of meeting, 20 oi 11m, 1778, disowned. -••JX"" ,8VVr ^ _ /: , florin-,, _ [ ....... . ■ • - , .' lo 81 ,no*::fnetrrr ibnS f)9Ji0fj9'i -ir lo aJbnsB n^mBraad ,sf>nfic -ne^Tfll bnS ,3VVI ./ne lo 81 .no^JnaJ ^ [ , . .rnll lo oS ;8^VI ,.trGI lo dl ,noi;t ,8VVI ,rae lo QL .nofinein: Jsl t .hbsC 02 ,8VVI .mOI lo 61 ,. 'in! irrS ■ hsilsilqf^cC'OB .:3;t-i:ccr-j'r ,^' ^ ,;TiIX lo -I.-- ■ ,j^-, J. ,;mCI lo Vi ,-''■■ "-^.H £380M ,:[oGXi£H va lo jjjo bariiBm ,^ ^bs V 3fl rfo^'ifi' lOl 03£ 81119^ l£T3V98 .:^rvl jfn.'"! lo OS ,b6Jq90oA .banwoeff) JbnS ,SVVX ,mXI lo v-S .noiia^ial ( ,?£: ' lo SS ;3VVL ,i(C>'lBi :. ,19cf/a00£ . .jito:' "'■■ , Bnli'^^Lui ,'jrf^iBii i2io :. ' ,r(jrm8 6'cV6-3 ^ioollsli aB/'JO£fT .T9inl ' ' •-• fO t -s- Eoxsie, Zetulon Hoxsie, son of Zebulon & Sarah of Dutchess Co, Hall, Alice Hall, daughter of Samuel & Dinah of Dutchess Co. Married, 3d. 1. 1770, at Oswego. Witnesses: Samuel Kail Ohediah Griff en Lot Tripp Thomas Cnapp Nathaniel Brown f/illiam Park Ahel Adams Joseph Eoxsie Rufus Hall Benjamin Green Abraham Hoxsie Andrew Moore John Sheffield Pearsall Brown, William Moore William Gifford Jesse Clapp Benjamin Kmyon Mary Griff en Mehe table Brown Abigail Moore Sarah Vinsant Tabitha Hoxsie Mary Yowmans Sarah Sheffield Abalona Hewit Brown, Vail, Valentine Brown , of Nine Partners Lucretia Yail, of Nine Partners, Married, 4. 4. 1771, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Aaron Yail, Martha Vail, (Cont»d.) isifig S nolacfdli lo noe , ^rexoH noIudaS ,9raxoH ffBfird I?) IsjjmBS lo iQitri'gjjjBb .LL&R aorlA ,IIbH .039W8O ;t6 .OVVI .1 ..bS ,b9rns!il : 8988901 :• 3^.,,.- -^--rf- .11915. riu dB'rbsdO bioi ■ " _' "l?^"^^' ^^^ no^/ir^ n': ' •". n//oiu. I9cn5£fj.ili xisllri,. . :?:-fBi nsKIr ■ iT?/oxi 5li£;t9r{Di aiiiBbA Leiii. 9Too;.i X*- --•-"■ 9r3xoH .^' inQBnVi ilfirl '_.:_... 9r3XoH 3f{Jrj6i n^di^ n'ma'tasJL a. e-rBv: jbl9r _ _ 3z ..... ... ;^rW9ii saoL&dA .olarrterfd ntfo <* aieaiiBi sniW lo , owciu 9n.Uii9lfiV ,iiwoiJ ,8i-jn;ti8'I sjiH lo ,Irf»Y «rt^"oxiJ ,IrBY 92UQxI gnro99lA iB ^LV\L .^ ,^ , .. -J riijsLii :83823fi:tr.. ,IfsV erf;t-iB:i ,IrBV hoibA ^»*£[O0) -3- Eenedick Brown, Moses Yail, Justice Brown Aaron Vail, Jr. Nathaniel Brown Joshua Hai^ht Solomon Haieht Ohediah Griifen Joseph Reynolds Aaron Haight Gershom Butt Gilbert Titus Jacob Dean Isaac Yail, Micah Palmer, Tripp Llosher Bartholomew Griff en Ohediah Palmer David Smith Joshua Haight, Jr. John Mott Othniel Allen John L^conher Solomon Barton Pearsall Brown Reheckah Erov.-n, Hannah Vail Sarah Palirier Patience Hoag Anne Haight Elizabeth Dean Mary Titus Ross Barton Mary Griff en Anne Mott Esther Palmer Dinah Smith Llartha Cans ton Deborah Haight Jane Dean Phebe Haight Charity Haight Hannah Barker Mary Moore Sarah Palmer VI illiam Gould Haight, Thomas Haight, of Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. Haight. Sarah Haight, daughter of Jacob, of ° * Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. Married, 5. 30/ 1771., at Meeting House, Ninepartners. Witnesses: (Cont'd.) IffiVifinasH ;tcfgrBli -D/inA nor-rBcL aeo/! laailBi lad'^sK noiBiiBO Biitiis:,. ;^d^fBji i{B:iod3vI fUBOj sxibL Jff^fBH sdBd'i 3"I00..i "xaralsi q.^ibo flWOT'I 90rj8JJu .:cl, ,XrsY rroiBA awoid l3rnBrr:}£:! ;t:{;^rBlI B-Ocfeo** jrl^rsH nojaoloa nalxHC dB'bddO 8.C [oir^;9'": dgsaol. :trf§rBlI noisA iiuZ :no(ieT90 as9U ioosl. ^LiB\' OBfiSi , is.'alBi n'Bor.u /B I .I- ^JngrBii -'jjjdaoi* iiol ndol» nallA I3ftid;t0 la.inooB..; ndol .loiiB^ aornolod nVv'OTi lis 31 83 -I cIuo-O /riBlIIr?.' saarfoii/. ,STDaoiBi Dnia io ^diigrBli ssaodi io .dooBl, lo i-a^cigjjBi) ,i^rf3fBK ifxjiso .OO ?.Q3d0iu(l .QtdClitBl 3£t'zl/l ,9ejjoII v^ni^ee:,! ^g ,.I7VI \0S .3 ,h9fnB:j • eisflitTBgarrrll (.f)';fxioC;) :398a9n;trV/ .o^ffafB.! ,;td3rBii -4- Jacot Eaight John Haight Stephen Haipht Nicholas Haight Jacob Haight Jr. Samuel Eai^hi James Elolems Aaron Yail Obediah Griff en Koses Eaight Joseph Haight Israel Green Joseph Reynolds Jonathan Kussey Isaac Thorn Gershom Butt Tripp Mosher Solomon Eaight Jonathan Holmes Kicbfe Seaman Keuhen Palmer Stephen Holmes Joshua Eai|[ht, Jr, Joseph Clapp Bartholomew Griff en. Phehe Eaight Hannah Thorn Fhehe Griff en Patience Hoag LLary Clapp Anne Haight Martha Tail Ross Barton Patience Purson Hannah Frost i'lary Griff en Llartha Haight Phebe Haight Lucre tia Brown iilartha Palmer Sands , Hallock, David Sands, son of Nathaniel and Marcy, of New Cornwell Prect,, Orange Co. Clement Eallock, daughter of Edward & Phebe, of New Bur rough, Ulster Co. Married, 11. 30. 1771, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: (Cont'd.) -K- id^zsd- - . idgisl duos. SBOd 9orr9f:^i;'^i id^fsll ssloco'ril ncfflio v:tc .iG rnopBH JoobI, .+darsil arm;. iiafsH l9i;:ii£8 ao:li£.,. 880/: [r£Y noifiA f:gt^-l3 v;i£^ j.^^;_ dcJ98o(, ^fiCfjIBl/l 1199X0 ISBTSr . r-^ii aiarf. 8.bIoxrv;33 ■csaou T[9illlfli BlfilBli aiOffi 0BB8I V jxj2 mo. f 3190 i3n'8o"-L jqriT ;^if^rBH noraoIoS B9iiIoli nBrfijBitou iLt./nBaC iiozlii la.TllBT 09^1/9^1 esailoli n9£fq9;tr »il> «jrf^rBH i5jjfT8ol. qgsIC' lie, 9201. .ii9±xii€ W9fcoIorTJi6d; " r .OL .BidniiQqdsiiJl ai 92;joH :8 9289flir7; (.b'-^noO) ,8i:ri6c; ■ l9ciiBiiuSu 'io no 8 ,e£ii£C ifvBC ,,to9-^ ^I9v?nio0 -^an lo jO to leJa^i/sb >[ooIiB:i Jna/aglO .^ooIIsH .00 -i..-.. j .rfqjotixjl W9ii 10 .arfsrf^ ~5- Eannali Smith Liary Titus, Patience Hoag Elizabeth Dean Mary Griff en Charity Haight Martha Mosher Lucretia Brown Deborah Haight Huldah Cook Anne Stevenson Edward Hallock Saml. Sands Aaron Vail Joshua Haight Tripp Kosher Obedia Griff en Solomon Haight Moses Haight Aaron Haight Gilbert Titus Joseph Clapp Benjamin Mosher Ebenezer Cook Reuben Palmer Jeremiah Brown Valentine Brown Jonathan Hoag, Jr. Pearsall Brown Nehemiah Sm^' th Moses Vail Abel Adams Aaron Vail, Jr. Hoag, Allen, Ezekiel Hoag, son of Dahiel & Susannah, of Nine Partners Sarah Allen, daughter of Increase & Hannah, (decM.) Married, 10. 22. 1772, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: (Cont'd.) -G- .lU iooIIsH fj'ifiwM IrfiY noT6>i ;tri'2rBii sucfaou i9ffao!i ■•[giiT ;trf^rBH flomoloc jrfgrsH 398oM jijisH noieA ajj;^rT JiadlfC qq&LO rfq-980l, larfeoM nrmB^nad iooO :r9S9fl9d2 lO/niBi II9CfjJ9ii rnvoia 9ni;ta3lBV 360II jBcf^fsnoi* nwofi I ' - - .li ifit '-in'il D^ ; j;i IrfiV a9Go:a amsJbA IscfA ffjrraS cfBfiiiflH 3B0H 9on3^;tBl aBj-^ fiisdas'rLi nsYir.id 'riB.l JrfafBH lirlBdO T9rf8oL': 3 rf;f ibU ir/.'01u Briaioul ^ffSfBH rfB-rocfga .'^'"ooO cfBoIi;!! ,rf£rrfr£8x;8 -.S l9rrfsa lo noa .gBoH I9fi9si aai/oIT -:r.-:^99-2 *b ,SVVX .SS .01 ,b3:^iBM .ai9f;tiB.'TenrPI nr .gBOH ,II9lIA : 8932911:1 rW (.f)'u^ITO0) -6- Peter Palmer Edward Palmer Mar i am Hoag Keziah Allen Patience Hoag Martha Hoag Phete Haight Martha Mosher Ahigail Moore Bose Barton Hannah Thorn Mary Mott Anne V/hlte Nathaniel Brown Aaron Hoag Isaac Vail Joseph Haight Tripp Mosher Samuel Butt Jacot Haight Paul Upton Joseph Clapp Solomon Haight Joshua Haight Adams, Thorn, Abel Adams of Beebnan Dehorah Thorn, relict of Samuel Thorn, of Westchester Co. Married, 10 22. 1772, in Meeting House of Dutchess Co. Witnesses: Thomas Clapp Hannah Clapp Lydia Kenion Eehecca Adams Elizabeth Moore Susannah Howlandy Samuel Buttes Andrew More Lot Tript) Aaron Vail Samuel Borland Samuel Hall Gilbert Titus William Parke Sarah Haight ilary Titus, (Cont'd.) -C3- U ^ >j .L aoitq'J I../- Ti/feo.: Bd;}iB'4 '=•'" ' -^ 9'ioo..: lisgrdi^ nooiBcI 9soP- Jiigrfiii Biifisov. monT dsiniBa jjoM iib'.I . :i39d lO Qiz&bk ladA ,S!aBbA .xnoni l9ij;_i;. iu :o'rl3T ^morfT nsToJgd ,irforfT 380011 gflrJ3 3.^ iii ,^>\x .-^:.^ w>i ,C3ri16li • oO ss9do;ti/CI lo :83a89nd'r'u . aiiT id -'7bID s^3^!odT■ aijJri ;t-t3ii-^ -3100!. d:^'-"' "Li 9:jfi"Bi Aisril'. niilv/O:! : J? ,8ii;trT Xis^ siol \v3i.^nA (.fc'tfloO) -7^ Obadiah Griff en Zebulon Hoxsie Rufus Hall Robert More John Sheffield Benjamin Kenyon Mary Griff en Llary Yormans Sarah Hall Christian Luttes Elizabeth Dean Thorn, Titus, Isaac Thorn of Nine Partners & Charlotte, Anna Titus, of Nine Partners & Charlotte. Married, 11. 26. 1772 at Meeting House, Nine partners. Witnesses: Phebe Griff en liiriam Titus Phebe Holmes Dorathy Thorn Elizabeth Keese Patience Green Patience Hoag Mary More Anna Mott Martha Vail Elizabeth Tober Elizabeth Dean Phebe Haight Charity Haight Anna Haight Phebe Haight Jacob Thorn William Thorn Jospeh Morris Zophar Frost James Holmes IsaaelDeuel Nicholas Holmes John Keese Z6phar Green Jospeh Clapp Reuben Palmer Jacob Holmes Moses Vail Tripp Mosher Joshua Haight Gershom Butt Joseph ^ai^ht Aaron Haight. -.'^_ ng^iiiC a Cl3T6<2 ansnnoi IIbII a'iiiad nBlis'ridO arexoH rroJJJcfaS gio.'u. ;f'i3do;l bidfilBd'C nrfoU modT :IqosI morfi' mBrllr.', ariio.ii n'aqraoi. asisIoH a^jfiisi. lausdlaBsal aaraloli ^sLodoVA 9 c. 3 3)1 frrfoL a99TC -rBLfqiS qq&Lb dsqBoi i-3nilBi nacL's;'-. as.TfloIi doosL ItbY aaeoll •rerieoia .ygriT Mr^rBii B^'riaoL ;to'jjd no!-a'!"9€ ;tr{;3fB^ d'^oaou :e9E3 9ji;tfW ajj;trT raBririi 3 3inIoH sdarfi Cl'OCfi '^ff^BloC 9893^1 ditsdBS'rli n9 3i0 9on3r:fBl 3on9:;tBl aio'u ^ib;.. IrBV srf;^iBi gsoll 19.foT nB3vI ff;t3dB:iri:i dj3d£S£l^ id-^l&'d lil-i&dO id-gl&^ Bank id%T&^ 9d9d^ •^ Palmer, Hallock, Obadiah Palmer of Charlotte Prect, Dutchess Go. Katherlne Hal lock, of New Lurrough Prect., Ulster Co. Married, 4. 17. 1773 at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: David Husted, Philip Kosher Patience Hoag Patience Husted Martha Palmer M.aTy Palmer Mary Mosher Deborah Haight Saml, Palmer Phehe Haight Tripp Mosher Jr. , Edward Hal lock Peter Palmer David Sands Tyler Palmer Phehe Eallock Phebe Palmer Sarah Palmer Peter Palmer. Jr. , Joshua Haighf Solomon Barton Solom.on Haight Reuben Palmer Edward Palm.er Gilbert Palmer Moses Haight Jonathan noag, Jr. Samuel Palmer James Powell. Barton, Haight, Solomon Barton of Charlotte, Charity Haight of Charlotte, Married, 6. 10, 1773 at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses, (Cont'd.), -3- i .Jo9i'l 9;t;tolii3ff0 10 jiamlfii dfirfcad'O .ismlsi .00 :iQ3doiLiZ. I tf^woiiifJI well 1o ,:IooIIbK anriarfi^BS .TfooIIaH .oO laielU ,.io9ii 93iJoH 3nfi99:J :tB SVVI .71 .^ .bar-fisJl .ST9njiBQ"3nrM ar :39a83nifW tTooIIbH "',.l'i ,b9J8JjM b.rVB'I I T^ ■'■■' i-j-^i -xacfeo'i qrlrrfl j •j^vsC -^BoH 30fl9riffli laralB- isLy'^ b'd^eall 90fl3r^Bi >roo IIbIi scfafl"! lairrlsl srfoiB'i •xarnlB'I sdarfl . lanilB^I (Ib'I lanilBi ffeiB^ i9deoIi /.iBi ■ , ,1b .laKiIsi "rD^ts'I jdgiBH dsiodaZ jffgrBil surfsol, i3inls*^l ,£w>b?. aoitiBvI rroLioIOG i^rfaifiH 9cf9£fi ! ^ifgrBli noriioIoB isnaoi aqiir i 'I amis i n-Dcfijan ' T9Ml£i 'riS"Jb;r i T3!nlBi j-rsilrO .iU ,S£oH HBrfitsiIOU T3.':;iBSL ' .IIIwoT j I ,3i;tolT[BrfO lo iTOoiisS fie;noloo ^aoiial , 3 ;t .to lis r.'O lo urfp^ffiH ^^triBiiO ,;ffigcBH 98iJoIi 3n*^:f99..1 ia 8VVI \0I .d ,x)3riiB:i .8i"3n;J*i:sq3niVI nr .(.JbUnoO) ,89833n;t!W -9- Deborough Haight Rose Barton Sarah Eaight Phete Haight Mary Mosher Hannah Haight Juda Palmer Patience Hoag Ann Haight Sarah Palmer Mary Griff en Martha L'osher llartha Palmer Martha Vail Anne Eott Ester Palmer Catherine Palmer Joshua Haight Caleb Biprton Aaron Haight Joshua Haight. Solomon Haight David Smith Tripp i'.osher Gilbert Titus Gilbert Haight Samuel Butt Edward Palmer Lott Tripp Isaac Vail Reuben Palmer Aaron Vail Be r shorn Butt Jr. Deuel, Jackson , Isaac Deuel, of Charlotte, Mary Jackson, of Charlotte, Married, 2. 24. 1774, at Meeting House in Nine Partners. Witnesses: Hannah Thorn I',:ehe table Brown Mary Mott Patience Hoag Phebe Haight Martha Palmer Jacob Thorn William Thorn Gilbert Titus Isaac Thorn Ger shorn Butt Joshua Haight, (Cont'd.) -0_ ^'' ■- ■'' ctoibA I'- ' / ;t;toi annA ::'-"'' ' i T -r r' ^-: 4 ■- t r>V .' 'riiijti 3fiO.; 3o:. nDii/Tj /a^-*^ 1 J '13., -c> v,ti';tnol/) -10- Elizateth Bean .iMary Butt Baary Glapp Solomon Haight, Jacob Haighi , Nathanile Brown Aaron Haight Joseph Eaight Reuben Palmer Gilbert Palmer Joshua Haight, Jr. David Smith John Lapham Tripp L'osher. Vail, Holmes, Moses Vail of Charlotte Phebe Holmes of Gharlctte Married, 10 27. 1774 at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Martha Vail Patience Hoag Dehor ough Haight Martha Haight Mary Mosher Martha , Palmer Phebe ^aight Sarah Palmer Anna Barnard Meriam Holmes Hannah Holmes Anna Thorn Anna Mott Hachel Wates Aaron Vail Jonathan Holmes Aaron Vail, Jr. , James Holmes Jacob Hofcmes Stephen Holmes Jonathan Holmes, Jr. Joshua Haight Solomon Haight Jacob Haight Joshua Haight ^ Jr. Joseph Reynolas Aaron Haight Peter Palmer (Cont'd.) . ^ r_ •ff ^fff-'^sH .T[, 8;tJjXiBdO lo 83.t;10i- id an.. ,39inIoK aeaoH :^nr;t99:i ;^b ^VVI .VS 01 ^fcari-xB:^ :29B2 3nic\" IrsV erf :J IBM :soH -30in-^sT[ I •-.^•'^ -T , •, -r f • .' I" . V nc: T T .11 .1^- t .5 V T" IB i. t. ^ . ^ r o ; 4 i> ' :> <:- r. U'i jlii mmk ■• I ^" ' r, , f Z rr;t3cfBsrI2 ^-i^IitiiJ qgrii' : ^ BUiTfT ii3;t2uA IliU l9U''.-- exfJiJ leciel 19llu5 I>!'.:^ :ii3:ai3V70a bod-;r:oI l"- aoriia;;! nffifBrn-^u 9r8:':u • .. " .*5...... ^iiSioY. dB^rli greXOii o9l3i aioii it-redTo/i 83nr77fiII fiifol. 3iaoi.I Irr-'-^ ^. ■. . IxBK ;; bLoni^dc cjiou 9r3X0K Ji ^qgr-i.^ - qrrrTi 3D. ,3;tJoItBc{0 lo ,i9rf8oM crclrrfl /r9rf:c ,9;tioXTBlfO Ic «19.'aliii vr/aBuri ,T3raiB-i ;trroO) -IE- Married, 4. 27. 1775 at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses; Joshua Haight, Joseph Eeynolas Gersnom Butt Valentine Brown Phehe Haight Martha Mosher Mary Palmer Mary Mosher Mary Griff en Patience Hoag Ann Haight Ahigail Mosher Sarah Haight Rachel Husted Reuhen Palmer, Caleb Mosher, Tripp Mosher Aaron Vail Aaron Eaight Solomon Haight Gilbert Palmer Eseck Mosher Davith Smith Reuhen Palmer Obadiah Griff en Edward Palmer Zophar Green Brown, Haight, Valentine Brown of Charlotte Prect, Marget Haight, of Charlotte Prect. Married, 5. 25. 1775, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Martha Vail Ann Haight, Martha Brown Phebe Haight Hannah Haight Joshua Haight Moses Haight Joseph Haight Joshua Haight, Jr. Edward Palmer (Cont'd) -SI- .EiarrtTBCf^nf"?! flr :832e9ii;rriY .zsizLbI r:9cfjj 3/1 : cfalBC eBlom'sH dcrseol* x: ._ fr=VGi_ - ■ ■ ^fi^ Ci*' 1 ao-iBr, i[ ■ ' IS' - j»G9a:.. I3rf80., '/;isk f: : ■ ■la.uBi ' ^fcfsiBlI nnA -rgrfecc I'- ' ' icfgrfiH .. .^. . ; 09-1 : -■ ^ ^ -^ I'fBrf 1 , Jffgf bH i ggiB^ , id-g tbH 98U0n ^iicJaa... j£ ,gVVI .dS ,d ,b9riiBl-i ; 39e89n:tf'vV ib'iaoO) -13- Elizabeth Dean Martha Palmer Mary Griff en Marge t Haight M^ry Palmer Sarah Haight Ann Eaighx Gilbert Palmer Pearsall Erown Justice Brown Moses Vail Richard Post Phi lop Mosher Prince Hillftr Jonathan Hewes Aron Vail Lapham, Aldrich, Abraham Lapham, of East Eoosack, Berkshire Co., Fiassachusetts Bay. Esther Aldrich, of East Eoosack, Berkshire Co. Massachusetts Bay. Married, 5. 29. 1776, at house of Isaac Kelly. V/itnesses: Hepzibah Bussey, Judith Smith Phebe Lapham Lavinia Arnold Judith Anthony Hannah Hilley Achsah Slocum Lidia Lapham Sarah Lspham Huldah Hovenden Rachel Hussey Judith Hilley Joshua Lapham, David Lapham Nathan Gomstock Robert Nisbet Thomas Domer Jacob Eddy Jeremiah Smith . Isaac Kelly Jonathan Hussey David Anthony Gideon Smith, Nathan Lapham (Cont'd.) -il- ;ti3dXrO Lb JBOz. bV 83eoJ« biBffo r?[ "13;" '- i 'r&\ IIOTA id ' '21QC 91" r . 'oseooH jciii^ "to ^dofibLA i3diBl ^do'ribLA lo 981/off is ,dVVI .9S .d ,fc9ri:iBM .''•II9H oessi rsseesct rw ^LiBfigsJ Bi:."^5cs ,T3ni;:I rfsdrsgsH oBiTcrBj ■ lic diriu^ ...... ._:..;.ji - ^-^ ' .a \IIQA osESi ■ TB.i Bibri . ' . . {131- -1^- Hannah Sheannan Stephen Smith Stephen Lapham Benjamin Slocom Stephen Scott Uptdn, Kelley, John Upton, son of Edward, (dec'd.) & Ellener, of Nine Partners Abigail Kelley. daughter of Isaac & Judith, of Nine Partners Married, 6^ 26. 1776, at Paul Upton's over the Greek. Witnesses: Martha Hoag Hannah Allen Hannah Barker Jerusha Underhill Ruth Allen Anna Hunt Phehe Upton Hannah Cornwell Lydia Vail Hannah Powell Lydia Hoag Sarah Barker Judith Gumey Nathaniel Powell Jacoh Dean Paul Upton Quinhy Cornell George Soul Isaac Vail Jonathan Hoag Prances Barker Elijah Hoag John Gumey Othniel Allen Benjamin Hoag James Hunt Pane Hoag Jediah Allen John Moore Moses Fowel William Carpenter --a- ni> -15- Dean, Clapp, John Dean, son of Isaac & Amy, of New Windsor, of Phillips Borough Phehe Clapp, daughter of Thomas & Hannah of Beekman Prect. Married, 9. 21. 1776, at Meeting House in Oswego. Witnesses: Tabatia Hoxsie Phebe Hallock Mary Yeomans Chris tany Butler Elizabeth Wing Experience Pam Rhoda Collins Piebecca Palmer Lydia Borland Anna Hallock Elizabeth Borland Tabithy Tripp Lot Borland Margaret Embree Elizabeth Dean Lot Tripp Eli as Palmer Samuel Borland Joseph Thorn Bavia Sands Stephen Bean Augustus Titus Samuel Barton Moses Clark Joseph Water Edward Underbill Bail el Haviland William Clapp Jesse Clapp Enoch Borland Bowling Hart in Peleg Hozsie Elijah Hallock John Borland Eli as leomans Hezekiah Collins Jesse Pain Beni. Sands Saml. Borland, Jr. '» r_ ,n£3 Tr-'0'J/*i Jii , 1 IB.-L v -16- Ferria, Benjamin Ferris of Oblong Mott, Anne Mott of Charlotte 10. 24, 1776 at Meeting House Ninepartners. Witnesses; Zophar Green Jonn Deuel l^ary Mott Pheoe Griff en Mehe table Brown Mercy Olapp Anna Barnard Sarah Barnard John Mott Reuben Palmer Reed Ferriss Solomon Haight John llott, Jr. Nathaniel Brown Israel Green Joseph Haight William Palmer Aaron Haight Bartholomew Griffeb Palmer, Reuben Palmer, Jr. of Charlotte Mosher, Martha lilosher, of Charlotte Jilarried, 10. 24. 1776 at Meeting House, Ninepartners. Witnesses: Zophar Green John Deuel Bartholomew Griff en Mary Mott Phebe Griff en Maheteble Brov^Ti Phebe Haight Llarcy Glapp Ruamy Uosner Martna Palmer Anna Barnard Ruth Barnard Abigail Mosher Philip Mosher Reuben Palmer Reed Ferriss Solomon Haight John Mott, Jr. Nathaniel Brown Israel Green Joseph Haight William Park Aaron Haight -17- Hoag, Haight, Isaiah Hoag, of Oblong Dorathy Haight, of Nine Partners Married, 1. 2. 1777, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Llary Mosher Hannah Haight Charity Barton Rachel Haight Martha Haight Joshua Haight Tripp ilosher Joshua Haight, Jr, Solomon Barton Philip iCosher Thomas Haight Zophar Green Stephen Hoa? Jacob Haight Nathaniel Brown Aaron Vail Moses Vail Shearman, Elihu Shearman of Danby in Neii? York Haight, Susannah Haight, of Tinmouth in New York. Married, 2. 22. 1777 at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses Abner Hoag Gilbert Palmer Daniel Shearman Deborah Haight Phebe Haight Martha Haight Martha Yail Martha Palmer Sarah Lapham Rachel Hussey Joshua Haight Joshua Haight, Jr. Jonathan Hussey, Aaron Haight Tripp Kosher Davia Anthony Edward Hallook Zophat Green Aaron Lancasty Bartholomew Griff en -?I- * * . - ' , 1 .- . . ( c'OBri^nJ r, ••• * ' * ■ t ' • Uii^ffiiJ JJU'it'Xi^.-.: IT r * J. ^^ nil fi'-rrflU 'c:.: i-fiV hiii'iBJ. i. t^i aBlliixJ -raEEuH loifoflF- -18- Lapham, Stephen Lapham, of East Hooseck, Berksnire Co., Mass. Bay Hussey, Rachel Hussey, of East Hooseck, Berkshire Go., wlass. Bay. Married, 4. 2. 1777. at Isaac Kelley's in East Hoosictc. Witnesses: Johnathau Hussey, Hephzehah Hussey Benjamin Lapham Isaac Kelley Gideon Lapham Consent Hussey Judith Anthony Hannah Kelley Jldith Hilley Lydia Lapham Hoxsie, Ladowick Hoxsie, son of Zebulon & Sarah of Beekcian Prect. Adams, Darkis Adams, daughter of Abel & Abigail, (dec'd.) of Marlborough, Ulster Go. Married, 4, 24. 1777, at Oswego. Witnesses; Au^ustis Titus, Zebulon Hoxsie Elijah Young Joseph Hoxsie Lawrence Dean Tabatha Hoxsie (Cont'd.) — ".Jj.- 3 j'i. io , 3noB;-i "* ■ " -. ... fir •^ r . i-^ r^ :83Bfc9flJif( .... ^,... 're* I : rfi. rtoIjJcfsS Ic hob ,9'py?'I •-.'o'w'ctsJ .siexcll .03QWEO JJB ,VVVI .i^S: ..^ ^tsr'/mu :c.3t.&9iij i.. =jrsxoH noIx/cfeS .sulfi' eli^urijjjr -19- Ichabod Bowerraan '.Villi am Clapp John Dorlana Hezikiah Collins Philips Borland Daniel Dorland Daniel Bedell John »7ilkinson Enoch Dorland Jesse Oakley Samuel Dorland Thomas Dorland William Dorland Elizabeth Moor Abigail Moor Rhoda Collins Content iVilkinson Tabatha Tripn Letto Borland Stephen Dean Israel Titus Andrew Lloor Lot Trinp Thomas Clapp Kenion, Moor, Benjamin Kenion, of Oswego in Beekman Prect. Abigail Moor, widow of Allen Lloor, of Beekman Prect, Married,^?. 24. 1777, at Meeting House Witnesses: in (jswego. Mary leomans, Hannah Clapp Content yTiikinson Anna Dorland Tabatha Hoxsie Rebeka Palmer Hannah Herlin§ Letteic Dorland Dorkis Hoxsie i^artha Stralke Thomas Clapp Smith Dorland Zebulon Hoxsie Eli as Palmer Samuel Butler Hezekiah Sollins Jesse Oakley John Vi'ilkinson William Lloore Benjamin Kinyon Andrew Moor John Kenyon Christian Butler -^x- lor '• r-r ., •■? t r? u ^tV r i J J 9i [..- ri .. .. -' . ■> } : exjcTrT ICC . •-i>" "','■ •-Ilrr: L. riffol. 21! rile ^ ... r::f29ll orf£ r 'oC - >- . - I9r£f3v^- J. 1 V ... 1 ir> "If.. Tffol, fxTT. fCffi- oaii .'ifi/cfaaS ni os= bfiiij. -.u^ . , cor no". Drri£[r:D:^ J.0 ,i';:.v.. nsIIA 'io wofchv ,iooi I^ /- - .og9,;8'J nr iFiorjcsfij rVi 9 '^ .;■ ioludai i._- * I'TO;-. _■ ^ 9100.Vi tCBzLilu [iQ{r • ■ ■ y .1 fro [fol. ;ic3r" J"n9JfioL' ';-:iT.Ib-I £jf9C;9ii 3nfiT:?" ^ "'"" rriBiio -9(fc Irish, Joseph Irish of Ohlong Vail, Martha Vail, widow of Aaron, (deoM), of Nine Partners, Married, 1. 22. 1778, at Meeting House in Nine-partners. Witnesses; Mary Griff en Jane Dewel Elizabeth Dean Martha Bro^ni Sarah Jacohy liartha Palmer Moses Vail Solomon Haight Ohediah Griff en Aaron Vail Zophar Green Richard Post Trip 1.10 she r Joshua Haight, Jr. John Duel Isaac Osborn Joseph Waters. Lapham, V^liite, John Lapham of Nine Partners Rachel Yfhite of Nine Partners Married, 10. 1. 1777, at Paul Upton's over the Greek. yVitnesses; Phehe Upton Llary Smtih Judith Gurney Lydia Hoeg Hannah Gomwell Elizabeth Dean Ann Powel Sarah Barker Hannah Barker Lydia Vail. Benjamin Hoag Paul Hoeg Gderge Soul Isaac Vail Jacob Dean Jonathan Hoeg Jedediah Allen Nathan Case ,-^::-rr. ,lPeY -21- Palmer, Sharman , Gilbert Palmer, of Charlotte rrect. Mary Sharman, of East Hooseck, Tiass. Bay Married, 3. 26. 1778, at ileetlng House Ninepartners. Witnesses: Martha Palmer Mehetahle Brown Elizabeth Dean Llary Palmer llartha Palmer Eeuben Palmer Willi a:i Palmer Edward Palmer Tripp Mo she r Mi can Palmer Solomon Barton Benjamin Jo4es Solomon Haight Joshua Haignt Philip ilosher Tyler Palmer Joseph Haight. Jr. Mosher, Haight, Thomas Mosher of Charlotte Prect. Hannah Haight, of Charlotte Prect, Married, 6. 25. 1778, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Mercy Clapp Mary Griflen Jean Deuel Elizabeth Dean Sarah Palmer Joshua Haight Solomon Barton Eeuben Palmer Joshua Haight, Jr. Aaron Haight, (Cont'd.) .3 091--' BiivLtBdl 10 .-i-or-.r. . :li?cl'3 .-id.-tIb" 9P(joH 3nr*99M i& .QVVL .32 .ji ,b9Jcri: .eiafjifiqgnfli :r;3eB9n;t"rV. lajnl.? " lamlf. is: ' CT/oi3 9ld£;}3rf9la [«■ ■ o lafi.x-, - ., '^■0 i. • J i ' i , .'.j*.A _ I,: J , .^..... .si9£ro*:i-:q3n'^Il nr :89889L'v; : ggjsio v.oiai ' .Jb*JnoLij -22- Kannah Thorn Phebe Griff en Anna Haight Tripp Llosher Edward Palmer Zophar Green Solomon Haigbt David Smith Aaron Vail Mary Lip she r Pheoe Saight Deborah Haight Martha Palmer HalloGk, Smith, Edward Hallock of Marlboro, Ulster Co, Susanna Smith of Idarlboro, Ulster Go. Married, 9. 23. 1778, at Meeting House, in New Marlboro. Witnesses: Phebe Hallock Sarah Hallock Hannah Smith Dorcas Young Clement Sands Mary Carpenetr Catherine Palmer Phebe Hallock Philena Hallock Sarah Hallock Sibell Burling Martha Hallock Phebe Hallock Mary Sands Deborah Adams Ann Adams Hannah Post Neheraiah Smith James Hallock Samuel Hallock Abel Adams Benjamin Worth John Young Richard Post Richard Carpenter Thomas Brown Benjamin Sands John Sheffield Charles Marken George Everat Da via Adams Thomas Aiky i: n9D- IrfiY noisi niofli r .sejjoH 2ni:^99l. jb ,8VVI ,8S ,Q .JceiiisU .oiccfliBii W9H nr :E:9SC9fr;trA' -^ocLLbZ I3JJ:.. ff;trra8 r^ '' ffitioV/ n*. ecnafc ;tfi9m9lO gr:' ^ i^3fi9aii:v .nB-i ^20 - ■ . i-3rffXB''i 3xiii9rf;tBC io;fii-iq-[BU LiELiof:' iIooIIbH zdiad'l BbnBB n'r;-. .^„_. :^oo. - u _•■ - . enfi&A BtybG cbnEc Y-iByi 'V- ^ -23- Underhill, Benjamin Underbill, of Philipsborough, Westchester Co. Dean, Elizabeth Dean, of Charlotte, Dutchess Co. Married, 10. 17. 1778, at Meeting House, Nintpartners. V^itnesses: Patience Hoag Phebe Griff en Phehe Holmes Eunice Allen Hannah Dean Phebe Hai^ht Mary Grifien Mary Mosher Martha Haight Joshua Hoag, Jr. Joshua Haight Solomon Haight Jacob Dean, Samuel Hallock Tripp Mosher Augustine Titus, Zebulon Hoxie Solomon Barton Saml. Dorland Stephen Dean. Green, Haight, Zophar Green, of Nine Partners Phebe Haight, daughter 6f Joshua, of Nine Partners. Married, 10. 22, 1778, at Meeting House, Nine Partners. Witnesses: Solomon Barton, Deborah Haight Mary Mosher l/Iartiha Palmer Mehi table Brown Joshua Haight Israel Green Solomon Haight Tripp Mosher Reuben Palmer Aaron Haight Moses Haight Joshua Haight Edward Palmer Israel Titus John Haight. -62- ledeesaizi. ,£fB3. aooBo 89ftiIoIT adsffu 1. - - [. ,Gu;tr'i' 9n? :^rf2,rBH aagrfS. .gnnoH -n-;t99;;: :ts , ^-^^I .22 .01 ^lar^^^^M .3i-9n;^iBx 3nrK ifii,-'. :3ii ., — '^i2 ^-,, -.- . acmoloo *• 1-j. V.' ~ J ■- iL ■ « I'i au J r X "* . J.r- r£. -24- Hoag, Hoag, Allen, Benjamin Hoag, Jr., son of Benjamin & Lydia of Nine Partners Sarah Hoag, widow and dauehter of Increase Allen & Hannah, (dec^d.) of Nine Part Married, 12. 23. 1778, at Elijah Hoag»s Greek Meeting. nera Y/itnesses; Judith Gurney Hannah Cornel Sarah Barker Martha Hoag Rhoda Hoag Jonathan Hoag Ezekiel Hoag Elijah Hoag Paul Hoag John Gurney Levy More Tiddeman Hull Paul Upton Hull, Tiddeman Hull, Jr., son of Tiddeman, of Charlotte. Haight, Ann Haight, daughter of Solomon, of Charlotte l^arried, 3. 25. 1779, at Nine Partners. Witnesses: lilargaret Brown ilary Palmer Martha Palmer Mary Mosher Phebe Green Sarah Hull Ruth Hull Ruth Allen Solomon Haight Tiddeman Hull Bartholmew Griff en Zophar Green Aaron Haight Benjamin Jacokx Ruhen Palmer Solomon Barton Moses Vail -:^2- 98se-fonI '±0 1^-idnueb fcnB wobiw ,2BoH rfFIBO Gsrrjgrrj r, njSoK rffif" f Id T9?fT£l 9T0'^ '■T9J IIuH ' •- ,fl9ll>-. lo ,nfliL3bi)ij.' lo nos ,.Tj ,1Ijjix n^agibM «IIiJli .31^-: IiBffC oI'iBul .:o .noiuoloc lo la^trlguBb ,;tn§rJsH naA ^id^lijll .ei9iidiBi srfrll ^Te ,eVVI .Si' .S ,£i9'^i-xs:,- :8 98&9ii;t rV- lIuH "■-'^ isinls'^ YiB.' ngllriO wi is.iils'i Brij're.... n99lT) 1£ii . TedQoJJ VIBiJti X5[00i:^> flh. _ •. IIjjH CiBIBC T9inIfijL nhdufi LLuE {iiufi I- , . .. -25- Bunker, Macy, Francis Bunker, of Nine Partners Eunis Macy, of Nine Partners Married, 4.Bf 22. 1779, at Meeting House, Nine Partners. Witnesses: Phebe Green Phebe Griff en Jemima Ttorne Sarah Palmer Anna Barnard Jemima Russell Mary Llacy Joshua Haieht Aeron Haight Joseph Reynolds Tripp llosner Reuoen Palmer Solomon Haight Philip Mosher Edward Palmer Solomon Barton Abraham Coffin Mar^ Butt Butt, John Butt, son of Gershom, of Nine Partners Bowerman, Hannah Bowarrman, of Nine Partners Married, 4. 22, 1779, at Meeting House Nine Partners. Witnesses: Mary Butt, Phebe Green Phebe Griff en Sarah Palmer Anna Barnard Joshua Haight Aaron Haight Joseph Beynolds Trip Mosher Reuoen Palmer Solomon Height Philip Mosher Edward Palmer Tiler Palmer Solomon Barton Alisha Coffin. -gS- ,21dn^1B'; 3/:' : yoaeanJ r.i ". ' IOIhIb'':! i'^TBc 1t3i.,.Ltj ^ I- ,. v/ .... .ai^^LjTB i BHf aai^eanJ ri. it ' ■ C39T0 ■ • ' ' 1: no:t'iBJ I; -26- Griffen, Joseph Griffen, of Charlotte Prect. Stevenson, Susannah Stevenson, of Charlotte Preot. Married, 5. 27. 1779, at Meeting House Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phete Griff en Jane Griff en Hannah Thorn Mary Griff en Sarah Thorn ISartha Palmer Phebe Green Kicah Griffen Bartholomew Griffen Isaac Griffen Israel Green Thomas Hallock John Mott Joseph Haight Griffen, Brown, Jonathan Griffen. son of Edward & Millesant, of Nine Partners. ilary Brown, daughter of Nathaniel, of Nine Partners. Married, 5. 27. 1779, at Meeting House Nine partners. Witnesses: Phebe Griffen Jane Griffen Hannah Thorn Mary Griffen Martha Palmer Margaret Haight Nathaniel Brown James Brown Persall Brown Nathaniel Brown, Jr. Garstrom Griffen Micah Griffen, (Cont'd.) -dS- .eierfiieqaflfli :E2 9889rri ■-'.. neil.^iv ••••-■■' nsT^riv jcfa-^'v 0911 ITS oi' - n- >[of IlBi.1^ J mo. . .aiarij'i.:'. * :89ES5nj f r-rn'T-^ fg ?■ri^^< . nellfiO T:d9ff1 ngliriS 9ns 'a - m" i9r .nsiiiiv. ..jcoi^u trfgrBii id'i^^'iijuu • JD'jfloi;] -27 Phebe Palmer Moses Halook Bartholomew Griff en Israel Green Thomas Halook John IiiOtt Joseph Haight Stratton, Philip Stratton, of Nine Partners, Clark, Lucre tia Glark, of Nine Partners ilarried, 7. 22. 1779, at Nine Partners. Witnesses; Jerainia Eussel Anna Gardner Mary Griff en Rose Barton Miriam Pinkham Mary Macy Dinah Coffin Phebe Jenk-^'ns Nathaniel Coleman Aaron Haight Joshua Haight Reuhen Palmer Tripp Mosher Shubal Coffin David Smith Benjamin Jacobr Eichard Pinkham Alishai Coffin Jemima Russell Anna Gardner. Vw.- i 00 Ibu nenisit * Isr. irf::fi3H QUL IS- '■ -■J J. x: fli'fioO dr- ■ -t". C!.' nailriv vj--. rinioO ^^ ,i3nI;iBD anul -28- Mott, John Mott of Nine Partners, Mabtett, Jane Mabbett of Nine Partners Married, 7. E7. 1780 at Ninepartners Witnesses; Jonathan Mabbett Caleb Barton Elizabeth Mott Rose Barton luary Rohman Patience Hoag Martha Palmer Keream Pincom Kary Mott. John Mott Joseph Reynolds Seth Gardner Wm. Mitchell Solomon Barton Tristrom Russell Thome , Hallock, James Throne of New Marlborough, Ulster Co. Martha Hallock of New Marlborough, Ulster Co. Married, 8. 23. 1780 at Meeting House in New Marlboro. Witnesses: Phebe Hallock Obadiah Palmer Deborah Adams John long Elijah Hallock Edward Hallock Ams Sands Peter Palmer Richard Carpenter Edward Hallock Phebe Hallock Joseph Thome James Hallock lYm. Thorn Martha Doughty Dorcas Young Phebe Hallock Elias Doughty, (Cont'd.) :C;9259nJr..' oO i^isri ,^^311010(111)3!^ W9;'l io anoiiaT esnB^ ,9aior[T ::> j^jJOi. jiirjoj-. jS 08VI .o.- . ^iifi... ; li L ndo\» ^'ooIIfiH l-x \," TMiioY 5£!i e'-iH?.' e,T:^ .o' ifC ' " ' Io ^3^ , 5,';^..^.. ■-..■. ..../.... isjnaqi. ^- ........ r'F. . ';tiToO) -29- Abigail Fowler Mary Sands Benjamin Ely Betsey Brown Phebe Brown Gleresa Brown Anthony Dual I«Iartha Latham Thomas Burling Gardner Earl Rebecker Earl Sanford Thorn Nathaniel Plumsted Susannah Anthony Susannah Burling Elizabeth Ooleman John Moore, 3r, John Sheffield iuoses Clark Thomas Brown Clement Sands Kary Carpenter Samuel Hallock Sarah Hallock Philena Hallock Allen, Yfalter Allen, son of Jedediah & Eunice of Nine Partners Hull, Sarah Hull, daughter of Tiddeman & Eliza- beth of Nine Partners Married, 9. 27. 1780, at Meeting House, Greek Witnesses: Anna Halock Ruth Hall Phebe Upton Elizabeth Hoag Ruth Allen iletilde Allen Sarah Allen Jedediah Allen Teddiman Hull Paul Hoag Paul Upton John Gurney Obadiah Frost Levy Hoa^ Isaac Vail Jethro Coleman Tiddeman Hull, Jr. •?n- 8 ":e>Ivv"G\ I' I- : 3^" niofi'T L': ' f59;tsaj;;H la'-; Jo eseoiii eianjiJBi saKi -Biirl^ & a&inabhil: 'io i .: ,IIuiI cTe-tbC ./[jjII 8i3fiJ'ifii 3ii£.'i to died iiO ,9auoii gnr^99ll i& ,0071 .VS .9 .bsriiBlJ iiaXi*i -> i 00 ll ^ SBo.i !• ■ ■ ': ;tsoT J ^ II "' J. I J. . . V KJ - .. rralli tfBiBc .1., ,UjH i[£i2-3bbiT -30- Olapp , Haight, James Clapp, son of Thomas & Hannah, of Oswego, Dutchess Co. Phehe Haight, daughter of Jacob & Sarah (dec''d.J of Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. Married, 12. 28. 1780, at: house of Sarah Mahbett in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Abner Hunt David Smith Caleb Barton John Hoag, 3rd. Honathan Haight Martha Palmer Moses Barton Christian Butler Mary Ray Mary Clapp Rachel Hai;^ht Seth Gardner John Haight Jesse Clapp Jacob Haight Solomon Barton Thomas Haight Abner Hunt David Smith Caleb Barton John Hoag, 3rd. Jonathan Haight. Hunt, Gwin, Abner Hunt, son of Abner & Phebe, (decM.) of Saratoga, Albany Co., New lork. Hepsabah Gwin, daughter of Jonathan & Eliza- beth, of Nine Partners. Married, 1. 25. 1781, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Patience Hoag Mehit table Brown Miriam Pinkham iviary Rohman Jonathan Gwin Joshua Haight John Hoag, 3d Nathaniel Brown (Cont'd.) -^c- ic ,: , qcrelO : 89Ba9aiiW •I9- . ^trfr.rBil IsrfoBii 1*031)) , 'fendA lo noe , ;tmjH t^adA jsflll i. nfiK^tBrroL ^o i-s^trfgwB.fe ,rrh'/0 rfsdBsqeH .aienJiBl'an'Il 10 ,d;t9d' .8"r3n;t-ceq9nrM ;^b ,I6VI .(iS .1 ^beriTfilil , tnull 23 -osni riV rr * ^"^ .Y u rf • t: ri r. ! ^ ■ :. 3£GH 90113 f J s'I rwoid «*IrfB;tJr 0,. mBrf: *- i';tnoO) -yt^ Sarah Grardner Jonathan Gwin Elizabeth Gwin Anna Gardner Anna Barnard Wm. llitchell Ehenezer Pinkham Obed Gwin Aaron Haieht Joseph Ilaight James Sowle Keese, Stephen Keese, son of John & Elizabeth, of Charlotte Prect Hull, Ruth Hull, daughter of Tiddeman Hull & Elizabeth of Charlotte Prect. Married, 5. 23. 1781, ^^eeting House at Creek. Witnesses: John Langdon Jonah Y/icks Samuel Barker Zeno Carpenter Silas 7/icks Seaman Carpenter Joseph Hoag Elizabeth Keese Mary Hull Sarah Franklin Phebe Titus Ruth Allen Sarah Allen Hannah Cornell Pihebe Upton Elizabeth Dean Habnah Case Hannah Carpenter Rebecca 7/icks Jane Carpenter Katharine Carpenter John Keese Samuel Keese Eli as Doty Richard Keese Paul Hoag Benedict Carpenter Moses Hallock Henry Gildersleeve Jethro Coleman Levi Hoag Solomon Barton Quinby Cornell Paul Upton Richard Titus John Gurney Francis Barker Jonathan Griff en Othenial Allen Edward Underbill Winthrop Hoag Nathaniel Powel. -is- 9l",70o 8 3:33 J a'rfiv :ij9 1: • LLBdcVr . xu ,uw9Js::riL'j. x rrdou lo rros , -jc ,9833.i »9iC' ;ffi saxjoU ^niJaa-^ ,I(3VI .SS .u , Jba r-rjiJBl.i :e9SS3a;t r7i 93 3 3 :: rrcTol rrr ■--"-! nrfol. 3295 1 X3i:;n32 ifjsno'. \;^ca asfia LbuzibI atiae - ' - * ^* LLw :..;-isO cnaS a:iOr;: pipf;'^ 3:r :i)9noI i"9;tfl3qiB0 .'■: J '^. r . -, r-. /' gBO'' ' /Tj-'Ia- 9S9 3,i ll-. .:£:■:£. ..0-^ o'i:'ii D'o IJjjii "ilBU •_ . . .. n-rl-^--;- -'-■■^^ no. t LLsnio'j \;aririJ^ n?> nr ■ - 1 -. ^ flSilx. 8ir J i - • ■ : Il^n^-oO f: T3. y noiaU 8d9riMi — FTRsr - ■ -^ ff fi .1 iJS rnsdiO •rgdns isll TSiagrfiBU grrriBriJeX -3^- Hoag, Case, Levi Hoag, son of Benjamin & Lydia, of Charlotte Irect. Hannah Case, daughter of Nathan & Elizaleth oi Charlotte Prect, Married, 6. 27. 1781, at Lie e ting House in Creek. Witnesses. Lydia Koag Judith Gumey Sarah Eriggs Hannah Cornell Phehe Upton r.ary P.ay Katnarln Coleman Martha Koag Huldah Case Abigail Handy Anne Hull Ann rowel Sarah Carpenter Llarcraret trown Benjamin Hoap Nathan Case tfr. Isaac Yail Nathan Case John Gumey Jacob Eoag Paul Upton Rich, t/otth Paul Hoac; Francis Laker Ohadiah Frost Zaikes Mar shell Szekiel Hoa^ Solomon Barton Elijah Eoag Levi Lloore Samuel larker Pearsall, Brown Causten, Pearsall Lrown of Charlotte Martha Causten of Charlotte Married 12. 5. 1771 at l^eeting House in Nine Partners witnesses: John li'Iacoraher Gilbert Haight Aaron Vail Jr. Solomon Barton Aaron Hoag ilehi table Brown Nathaniel Brown Joseph Causten Aaron Haight Joshua Haight Aaron Vail Benedick Brown ,6i:i;Tt^ ^ fl'-iJ"' •V3a .SBOi 9SjjoH ■2a£j93a J '5 ,j:37I .VC; .^ ,ji3rri£l. .r^^„n ,1 I .. . «^ J Li V " v OOfiU . , '^' fis/TisIo'j n" KsT TT 9c flO fi ;Oii i3r::i3S^ rV9i ■■-ctP ,?3?:"^n: [••>/;- . nnA flWO'I J][9^ ,tI flf^cifia S9t:i-:5fl>' C" .to IrfiV xi' -32 A- -v^ Witnesses Cont'd Elizabeth Dean Pilener Brown feSP^^il^iJown Phebe Haight ilargaret Saj ght Hannah Hai»ht Rachel Liartens Joseph Haight Moses Haiffht Thomas ^Hallock Jacob i^ean Tripp Iviosher Solomon Haight Moses Vail David Smith Valentine Brown Gershom Butt Reuben Palmer Gilbert Titus Samuel Butt 2ophar Green Asa Brown Green, Zophar Green of Charlotte Prect. Moore, Mary i.oore of Charlotte Prect. Married 6. 25. 1772 at Meeting House in r^me Partners Witnesses: Joshua Haight Aaron Vail Jacob Thorn Nathaniel Brown John Mott Joseph Haight Tripp Mosher James Holmes Jesse Clapp Isaac Thorn Daniel -Yeeks Peter Palmer Gershom Butt Thomas Hallock David Smith Anne Haight Elizabeth Dean Anne Mott Israel Green Andrew Moore Thomas Green William Moore Bartholomew Griff en Israel Green Jr Mary Griff en Abeler Hewitt Elizabeth Vincent Elizabeth Moore Phebe Griff en Jane Griff en Mary Mott Patience Hoag Hannah Thorn Martha Palmer Marget Haight Patience Green Sarah Palmer Sarah Palmer Mary Clapp li O-.i i y cloc" riJ rice J. r v..^- - io.uiaJBc. •rarfqo^ itl Bel nwo- ill ■ ^c.fen- n r 9 «'-•- u '*■ o^ "^ '^ •' ''■' sioci y;9T:bnA Lf'j fie 1 i ' "T V w arc i ri J lisil 91'00ii io . !:r'<=;=;j:^ :89;^89fl;tf;? ^0 el^ rros , :t30-il ueb ,Irsv cnrri' ,IrsV >3JJo.. m 23'ir:^nj C. i^i^o^ .T\7^ 3eoIu JO r -34- Sutton, Daniel Sutton of Llanor of Cortland, Y/estchester Co. Phete Eustiss daughter of Jonathan, of Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. Hustiss, Married, 10. 25. 1781, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Philip Mosher Seth Gardner Moses Vail L'lartha Irish Joshua Eaight Itartha Palmer John Hoag Phehe Holmes Solomon Eaight Meriam Pincorn Nathaniel Lrown Phehe Vail William Vail Mahittahle Brown Joseph Cock Dehorah Griff en Phehe Sutton Frost, George Frost, son of Isaac & ilary, of Nine Partners. Underhill, Sarah Underhill, daughter of Thomas & Mercy, of Nine Partners. Married, 12. 26. 1781, at Meeting House, at Creek. Witnesses: Quimby Cornell Ohadiah Frost Jethro Coleman Deiious Frost Martha Eoag Sarah Frost Mary Frost, John Gurney, (Cont'd.) .>2- if ■■-rB>. ... — . ■ -rf^'^ -* i- • ■ IX . . orif"! fj£ i" i J.J. .^aaoo , - J 0BB8I 'XO a02 ^jEOtI 33'I09{) ,;tBoi'ii :39y29nj- ' " ■ '. ^ ■ ' IId.i.cu ' ^j. [tairialoC JSOia isiSG 360H BdJ-xf^.i -35- Lydya Coleman Elizateth Frost Pbebe Upton Hannah Hoag Lydia Hoag Lydia Vail Euth Allen Hannah Cornell Amy Doty Sarah Carpenter Anna Hull Benjamin Hoag Z ache us Liar shall Eli as Doty Jonathan Iloag Elijah Hoag Benjamin Frost Edward Underhill Isaac Yail Tiddercan Hull, Jr. Levi iiloore Charles Coleman Bunker, Coleman, Latham Bunker, son of Peleg & Lydia, (dec'd.) of Dutchess Co. Anna Coleman, daughter of Jethro & Lydia, of Dutchess Co. Married, 1. 30. 1782, at Creek. Witnesses; Nathaniel Brown Benjamin Frost Seam Carpenter Samuel Carpenter Zeno Carpenter Nicholas Barker Martha Hoag Mehitahel Brovm Elizabeth Hull llary Kay tier ri urn Bunker Phebe Upton Kary Gifford Eutn Allen Metilda Allen Charles Coleman Jpthro Coleman Richard north Thomas Barker Elisha Pinkham Paul Hoag Benedick Carpenter Jonathan Hoag Benjamin Hoag Obadi Gifford Eli as Dotj Charles I^rshall Levi Hoag Joseph Hoag AbialK Bunker Hannah Hoag. -3^ ■iod 8*5 rXi 'J I '■£'' il .iijjii n' ■-i 3 TOO. iria rfo;t.Tj 3 -;9ffl ^ .-(t caBli -.-v.. £ iffi-; £ z. .13 ri/i :.'JXJ.- LL -y f^O i n^i ■f ■■i£c< ', _L .' > ' inn^'i i'OtjC) ,jari j3 ,1 lal ,T-3:/auE .OC 883flOjJJU 10 .V9 9lO ;tj8 ,v ,a3ra3loO : 8 32831-1 J !", i3Ja3a"iaj t. •• 3ii J.£fB^ ^£oH iirrnBrnsu; 5'rol^rC rBsdO lied seria Ilsffaifi!.! a3XT:BrfO ■ .- -.-^c?;? T3}(1BcI 'SBlOLlOrK 3bgH - ' • - - rr.voia Xso . iXjjIi ff?3di33rXtl no;tcr'J 3cf3d"I oioiir-. naXX- asXXA BbLri^ll -36- Gifford, Palmer , Humphrey Gifford, son of Otadiah & Mary of Butchess Co. Hannah Falmer, daughter of Peter, (dec'd.) & Sarah, of Lutohess Co. Married, 11. 28. 1782, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: lilary Palmer Sarah Gardner Phebe Green Mary Griff en Kary Mott Hannah Killer Anna Palmer Peter Palmer Solomon Barton Nehemiah Kerritt James Sowle Isaac Thorn Wm. Mitlibell Shubel Coffin Coffin, Jinkins, Eliah Coffin son of Shuhel & Abigail, (dec'd.), of Dutchess Co. Mary Jinkins, daughter of Joseph &. Euth of Dutchess Co. Harried, 12. 26. 1782, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe Jinkins Deborah Coffin Sarah Coffin Mary Macy Jemima Thorn Shubel Coffin William Mitchell Tristram Eussell Francis Jenk-'ns Joseph Jenk-^'ns Tripp L'.osher James Sowle Annuel Coffin. -dii- .oO aearfoiuCi ^o ,rfHiJBc -.ij .19x1 rT-C /jjb'I 3i riUfli^ ,.' ■ nriloO ifirXS .rrmoO ,8r9iiiifiq9iiril ;fs ,.. .dS .SI ,fc9rTi£i!u nriloO _ ' ■ ^ ■ - i •"' . . -. • 6. 9iv Coleman, Coffin, Jethro Coleman, Jr. of Nine Partners Deborah Coffin, widow of Abel Coffin, (dec'd) of Nine Partners. Married, 2. 27. 1783, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Katharine Coleman Elizabeth L!oors Anna Gardner Miriam Pinkham ilary Eamard Anna Barnard Rax anna Gardner Jethro Coleman Benjamin P.ussell Tristram Russell Charles Coleman John Hoag, Jr. Solomon Haieht Richard Finaham Valentine, William Valentine of Nine Partners Eaight, Deborah Haight, of Nine Partners Married, 4. 24. 1783, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe Green I^Iary Mosher Mary Griffen Anna Gardner Elizabeth Eaight "artha Palmer Joshua Kaight Solomon Haight Abishai Coffin Isaac Thorn Zophar Green Solomon Barton Joshua Haight, Jr. ,,. A _ • .._ir .i> i^oa nciou ns "fon V^- i -38- Eaight, Haight, Jonafhan Haight, son of John & Sarah, of Nine Partners Elizabeth Haight, daughter of Solomon & Anna, TdecM.) of Nine Partners . Married, 5. 22. 1783, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Elizabeth Haight, Sarah Haight Mary Haight Deborah valentine Anna Hull Anna Gardner Hannah Hi Her Elizabeth Southrock Kiriam Pinkham John Haight Solomon Haight Reuben Haight William Vail Jacob Haight Silas Haight Valentine Barnard Sisson, Lemuel Sisson, Jr., son of Lemuel & Deborah of Nine Partners. Southerland, Sarah Southerland, daughter of Thomas & Bursheba, of Nine Partners. Married, $. 4. 1783, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. ?/itnesses: Rose Barton Anna Gardner Llartha Palmer Sarah Haight ilary Southwick John Hoag, Srd. Nehemiah Llerritt Thomas Southerland Tripp iiiosher Zopnar Green Philip losher Isaac Hallock OC" :3 3?;asii;Jr'.v *>- r. -r - -S" ^ ■ ■. t - ' ■\ ' .. , lOTBi' IG riojj ,1;.. ' ":.. ,x:£. ,98iJoH nil r J 9 Si., -s , . ^ .b^'i-ii&l : 89^89[i;t r'i7 J J ' isdec .. . ■-. 'faahi.., !?r'5 13J3. 'I9nblBv' rfBTflS -40- Eaight, Silas Haight, son of John & Sarah, of Nine Partners Kott, Rhoda Mott, daughter of James, (dec'd.) & Anne of Nine Partners Married, 9. 25, 163 at Ninepartners Witnesses: Sarah Haight John Haight Mary Haight John Mott Elizaheth Haieht Jonathan Eaight Esther Eowland Moses Vail Mary Mott Anna Gardner Benjamin Mosher Samuel Llott Peter ?ish Dean, Lawrence Dean, son of Stephen & Abigail, (decM.), of Oswego, Dutchess Co. Palmer, Mary Palmer, daughter of Peter, (dec'd.) & Sarah of Nine Partners. Married, 6. 24. 1784, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Susahna Dean John Hoag, 3 Sarah Dean Humphrey Gifford Hanneh Gifford Tripp Mosher Anna Palmer Solomon Haight Martha Palmer Elias Doty Martha Haight Peter Palmer Daniel Dean, -DK :^1DnJlB-i 9CfK ^0 -3iinA :2) j;to.'' nnou ;tfi-5rBH {iBri I'-bY esao'A T-3.'f;t8' .... '1 T9;^9l ,[rfi ,■ . naifqaic lo aoe ,fj69d aoaexflBj. ^nsaO. .ai3ij-ial 9nrvl lo .I'-^ifiC :S9c;29flir.. S ^gfloll nrfol nseC Bnii.i,3Uo 1 9 ^a oli ; J .' iT bioYi' id-il2'd aoL:6ioc i9.iiiB-i ennii •• ■ - 'Li -y-^-" -''■ ■ 1', ^ :9i J ,iiB9u iarnBd -41- Eetts, Aaron Betts, son of Joseph, (dec'd.) & Sarah of Nine Partners Jacoks, Sarah Jacoks, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah, of Nine Jrartners. Married, 7. 22. 1784, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Hannah Inlitchell Anna Gardner Mehi table Brown Sarah Palmer Martha Palmer Anna Palmer Benjamin Jacoks John Hoag Si Ivan us Gardner Solomon Barton Lemuel Sisson Micah Palmer Nehemiah Merritt Holmes , Thorn Samuel Holmes, son of Nicholas & Phehe of Nine Partners Hannah Thorn, daughter of Jacob Thorn & Dorothy of Nine Partners Married, 8. 26. 1784, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Klary Holmes Jemima Thorn Anna Thorn Hannah Holmes Mary Thorn Phebe Titus Phehe Holmes Miriam Holmes John Mott Abishai Coffin Jacob Thorn Nicholas Holmes Jonathan Holmes John Liacomber Lloses Vail William Thorn -Lh- :. ^..b^s^b) ,cfo-9BoI» 'io noa ^sii^a aoisA ,Bjt9iI .3T3niTBl 311 r /I 10 ^isiBc ;S93fi3fIu f»» 85iooBlj .rrrnBinaii Il9ffo^r-J rfBiiiisH 5B0II nffoL lanbTB'C snnA •J9a.&i6-: BiJiiBVirC nwoTl 3lJB:trrr3-i aoitiB.. norrr-iCoE lamliil cfciBC '3a lariils'. BfiliBli ^■•jrLi T9;;'Ib i RnuA sd'e'^"" -■' BBlodorl'l l:o noa ^aDinloK lauciBc ,89/itIoH siaa^iBi 3ftrl'l lo morfi Jr.0£j -.:. 'i^ii^Bk ,.i"roffi' ffsnoflli mocfT eiarrJ'iBi 3nfil lo Ya;to-[oC b :B9383nifW ;lJOiu ncfoii egrnloii '^islu nriloO rsffarcfA -iTOffT Bfnrmgl, TTonl '"'"". mod^ --Ti-. .. sbI:". ' 2 9sIoiI . - -. I EDiTiioH n A nioffi 7ial«i 'i-3'"jr,oofc.,. .iuol. assill aasdl L'rBl B980.'^ aa.^ioH 9Ci3rii mocfT r.Billr^i BsraloH nBriKi -42- Mdy. Fish, Nathan Eddy of Saratoga, son of Ichatod & Sarah, (dec'd.T of Dartmouth. Mercy Fish, daughter of Preserved & Audra, of Oswego, Eeekman Frect., Dutchess Co. Married, 10. 28. 1784, at Oswego. Witnesses: Ladowick Hoxie Thomas Fish Susanna Clerk Anna Moore Audra Fish Lydia Barker Lydia Clerk Meriap. Dorland Mary Lloore Hulo'ah Butler Anne Dorland Hannah Mosher Honnour Eulin Martha Wilkinson Fhebe Barker Preserved Fish Jonathan Clark Lawrence Lean Joseph Hoxsie Andrew Moore Jonathan Dorland Philip Jenkins, Jr. John FicCord Enoch Dorland John Thomas Samuel Dorland, Jr. Joseph Esmond Garrat Burt is Daniel I-ean Joseph Dean Solomon Moor ■-•>ii^~» .diuomi-UBQ. lo ,.f)'c9c) .--TsibS 1 .oO segdojjjC ,v:^:Jb2i rfr'r' fcr • ogsveO is ,i^J'i'l .3;; . ffera b 3719891. TfiBlO n '^ nssd 3. I 9 ''■8X0'' ./» 910 i-mji. ,1j , ,^iibitou ia; fLB3a 19rII£U .d;; . . - ,iD-3riijei/i :a983 9nJ riY 9fxoH jIorwo^Rl . SviijCI ,c '■(i rC^s^'- q--r-." Trf*r.t93 . .;..,... ^ .. , , ^T ---"tBlu e988e.nJ"rW as nB9a ibrfi^^ iiio £!£ 3Too"id errnA -45- Garpenter, Zend Carpenter, son of William & Sarah of Nine Partners Clark, Lydia Clark, daughter of Jonathan & Susanna, of Oswego, Dutchess Co. llarried, 3. 29. 1786, at Oswego. Witnesses; Joseph Dean Nathaniel Austin John Thomas Jonathan Dor land Mary Moore Honnour i!ilin Anna Moore Mir^'am Dorland Susanna Clark Elizabeth Carpenter Phehe Carpenter Mary Allen: William Carpenter Jonathan Clark Lodowick Hoxsie John Allen Stephen Carpenter Simeon Carpenter Philip Clark Stephen Bull Joseph Davy David Barker Zadok Sotjiiwick Haight, Haight, Reuben Haight, son of Joseph & llarv [yf°^ Nine Partners '^ Mary Haight, daughter of John &. Sarah of Nine Partners. Married, 9. 26. 1786, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Margaret Haight Martha Haight Jacob!- Thorn Benjamin Anthony (Cont'd.) -'■»\_ dp." pp. ? TTp. •oO 8: 5 ,B' , 039i78 ^ « , r-. t R eaesDaJr''. po- 91 oo;^ x.'ifii^ ; J -" ' .1 ;. V ■ ', -- '.-/■■ >f-tBlO ^ - ITT orf 1 :foo£l. :Jt/'-£^ *^^ ■/cTorf;tnA n'rrcBrned s'vi -46- Sarah Halght Ruth L'abbett Elizabeth Southwick Mehi table Brown Phebe Barton Elizabeth Haight Joseph Haight John Haight Jonathan Haight David, Haight Silas Haight 7/eekes, Refine V.'eekes, son of Augustin & Elizabeth of Oyster Bay, L. I. Tobias, Margaret Tobias, daughter of Jacob & Rebecca, oi Great Nine Partners. Harried, 10. 19. 1786, at Ninepartners, Witnesses: Tristram Russell Daniel Merritt Jacob -:^Aki»t Joseph Cooper Elar^aret Hammond Ruth Mabbett Phebe Merritt Martha Palmer Deborah Valentine Panna Woolley Mary Akins Nehemiah Merritt John Macomber Joseph Tobias John Allen James Tobias Tripp Mosher Benjamin Anthony -c^r- jthfell i^fffoeoij i>^- 4ii^i6i.j. oBxi.«-< id^. rsH . L. '•- ^j>.'^^i-. xc ao8 , : 3. ,8i . 3/1 r or? r o - • -.1 i. :89c;a3flirH cac J J;: enriii iiba -47- Haight, Moore , Daniel Haight, son of Joseph & Mary, (dec' d) of Nine Partners iidary Moore, daughter of Andrew & Elizaheth of 0s\7ego, Dutchess Co. Married, 1. 25. 1787, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: William Moore, Joseph Merriti Anna Koore Sarah Haight Phehe Green Abelena Kuet Martha V('ilk5nson Elizabeth Smith Miriam Dorland Andrew Moore Joseph Haight David Haight Ruben Haight Joseph Esmond Solomon Moor Baker, Palmer, Reuben Baker, of Saratoga, Albany Go. Martha Palmer, of Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. Married, 4. 19. 1787, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe Merritt Phebe Mosher Susannah Baker Mary Akin Reuben Palmer, Jr. Tristran Russell John McCoord Nehemiah Merritt Tripp Mosher Joseph Mosher Reuben Palmer Abishai Coffin Benjamin Mosher Nehemiah Reynolds -v.^- ii3d^s.l:L' ' -v-i-ff^' ic •5:3ir[;9.iJ8fa ,9100:.. 'T'^ ' ,-3-roo'l :832a9nj ri.' 9100'' ■^74-1; DHii .aioo'i nBflln? ;t£r:;^r£- jj ri': ' 38oI. ;}'r - ■ . ... BnnL TOOi,! no,...;-.'.. ;t sjjil Bnaladi croanr::^firH sd'JiB.'.^ ijusIioC "■'•■■-■ -" e33riojiiu .aianitiBi anrW lo ,-i3."nIsi Bcf;tTB'i ,-ionlB^i SBUolI ,ii3c:t9 9L jb ,78VI .91 . .bartisM I - -'■■''■■-- iil is:- biooUoii ndou i9}rsd dznasauL 1:- isrlso ::0(, TsroiB.,. J af'tloO r.'i ■ . 'i3:l8oiJ nNTiBirieu icion^Qi'i riBrmadaVi -48- Reynolds, Nehemiali Reynolds, of Nine Partners Southworth, Anstrus Southworth, of Nine Partners Married, 5. 24. 1787, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Anna Gardner Martha Palmer Deborah Valentine Mehetalle Broi^Ti Phebe Barton Ahishai Coffin Pontius Wooley Wm. Mitchell David Smith Joseph Merritt Edward Palmer Jacoh Thorn Merritt, Howland , Joseph Merritt, son of Icabod & Sarah of Nine Partners Cynthia Howland daughter of Samuel & Esther of Nine Partners Married, 10. 25. 1787, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Andrie Reynolds Sarah Merritt Esther Howland Phebe Merritt Anna Gardner Mary Merritt Deborah Merritt Lydia Sowle Nehemiah Merritt, Jr. Icabod Merritt Samuel Howland Hoseph Mabbett Consider Merritt Abraham Merritt -3^. :S9sa^flor.' (Tn'ioLi r-rfp' -f^. •leaBifiO i:an^. ' ■• L ■"■ " . ■- ■ ' 'ISmlfil SliiJlB^/i L J. 3i. : an"- •^r-.-r" .--...-....'•^rr ff;tr . 3i Jir. flOJiBo. gdarfi 13. cfsifiS .?; bocffiol lo noa jjorne^ ifqeeou BTdn^Tfi^ an HI lo -■ . io •rs^ff;;^. ,..nBr.7oH jiVrfitrr-C- . Jilts w u £ X -. ijO AVJ jE^ :89E39n 8.fc.rr,-r=? -•'T&nA '21B^ br. TgnbifiD ennA J Jm? -49- Merritt, Mabbett, Isaac Merritt son of Nehemiah & Phebe of Nine Partners Hannah Mabbett, daughter of Joseph & Sarah, (dec'd.; of Nine Partners Harried, 10. 25. 1787, at Meeting House in Ninepartners, Witnesses: Phebe Merritt Sarah Merritt Jane Mott Anna Brundi^e Sarah Llabbett Sarah Merritt Anna Moore Nehemiah ilerritt Icabod Merritt Samuel Rowlands Joseph Mabbett Consider Merritt Abraham Merritt Thorn, Haight, Obadiah Thorn, son of Jacob & Dorothy of Nine Partners Charity Haight, daughter of Jacob & Phebe, of Nine Partners. Married, 11. 29. 1787, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Dorothy Thorn Anna Thorn Else Thorn Martha Haight Mary Thorn Sarah Haight Jacob Thorn Jacob Haight John Haic-ht William Thorn Isaac Thorn John Titus 4- t5TJii J. :8 .- It n L" -50- Hoag, Woolley, Abram Hoa^, son of Ezekiel & Sarah of Dutcness Co Tabitha [/oolley daughter of Jehu & Phebe, of Dutchess Co. Married 12. 27. 1787, at Lleeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe WodHey Hannah Hoag Anna Gardner Hannah Gardner Mary Coffin Judah Coffin Eunice ^Tripp Lydia Gardner John Woolley Ezekiel Hoag Silvanus Gardner Elihu Coleman Ammiel Coffin 'iVilliara Woolley Abner Hoag Elisha Hoag Gardner, Coleman, Ezra Gardner, son of Silvanus & Anna of Dutchess Go. Lydia Coleman, daughtrr of Elihu & Elizabeth, of Dutchess Co. IJIarried, 12. 27. 1787, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. Witnesses: Anna Gardner Hannah Gardner Mary Gardner Ezekiel Hoag Silvanus Gardner Elihu Coleman (Cont'd.) -05- 'iO dBT6(.. : X3r>l9St. xv .;v . i.vijA t o •I9nl; -- -:_.- ' I: • ^9-. :.-■ 3B0E fidsrXii ■ii)Li^,':£^ ocj.^-. anriA -i eunsviro to aos ,• .. ioi:^^. ,'i3ni:'Xi • rrr ** . v^ .... .:..^ - , .- -..^.iriLl : assa^G.* la 19;-' " ■ ■*: (.i)*;^iioO) -51- Lydia Gardner L!arY Coffin Judith 'Joffin Eunice Tripp Hannah Hoag Phebe Woolley Ammiel Coffin Willian V/oolley Abel Woolley Winthrop Hoag Merritt, Moore , Consider Merritt, son of Nehemiah & Phebe, of Nine Partners Amna Moore, daughter of Andrew & Eliza- beth, of Oswego, Dutchess Co. Married, 9. 25. 1788, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe Merritt Dorotha Thorn Anna Gardner Jemima i^bbett Sarah Merritt Mary Borland "in am Borland Philenor Hunt Anna Hunt Mary Merritt Hannah Merritt Sarah Merritt Nehemiah Merritt Andrew Moore Daniel Haight Joseph Merritt Ichabod Merritt Daniel Merritt \7illiam Merritt Isaac Merritt Abraham Merritt Michael Merritt Jacob Merritt William Moore nmoO nnicC i': ■ ■ rr r "J I i) ■ , 3- ilia.. -i;::rx. , zana. ,3-100. j:frTTr' r^r?rv'-'" i^'-^'r^:. -)■: J c _ . . ■fr.rf^ v'i.'. . "xxfii %) \, £ 1 x^isi Lio'xod -52- Hoag, Yioolley, Philip Hoag, son of John .5: Llercy of Dutchess Go. Phehe Woolley daughter of Jehu and Phete, of Dutchess Go. Harried, 10. 23. 1768, at Ninepartners. V/itnesses: Sarah Griffen Phebe ^erritt Martha Palmer Panna Howland Cata Woolley Margaret Talman Margaret 'tVoolley John Woolley John Hoag John Hai^ht Vanish V*oolley Ahel Woolley Ahel Hoag '^iU, John IVhite, son of John o": iCary, of Ninepartners. Macomher, Edith llacomher, daughter of Philip & Susannah, of Inne Partners. li!arried, 12. 4. 1788, at Meeting House in Ninepartners. fitnesses: Hannah Liacomher Lydia if/hite ytary Coffin Liary Ak^'n Iklary Post Judith Coffin Elizabeth Barnard Elizabeth Bowne John White Philip jiaconiber Gamer lacomber Abishai Coffin Barnabas Macomber Tripp Llosher — _\o— 10 ^019ia . iO . ■ ,g. c :e^£89nJrW IL , v;i: ill Oj xO , :;. u J x- '._. : . • '-„«-■ ' 3aiiC.. ..:£[• J c);;i» '-iS :e3C;B-3flJh:.. 1 ' ■ ■ . 1" y c i^io jsL di ■> n nfiH nmol .. ieo':' :. '--■>■'•■ , • -■■; -f ;-■ : c V ^ i ■ ■ ^iifrfT- •-mcuii- L» ' -53- Lockwood, ?/alter Lockwood, son of Joseph, (dec'd.) & Anna, his wife, of Nine Partners. Haight, Blartha Haight. daughter of John & Sarah of Nine Partners Married, 5. 28. 1789, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Mary Haight Elizabeth Haight Phebe Haight Sarah Titus Patience Haight Huldah Russell John Haight Jonathan Haight Silas Haight Jacob Haight Obadiah Thorn Benjam^'n Mosher Wilbur, Baker, Samuel '(Vilbur of Canaan, Columbia Co., N.Y. Susanna Baker, of Nine Partners, Dutdhess Co., N. y. Married, 10. 2 Witnesses: Phebe Mosher Phebe Merritt Martha Palmer Mary Mosher Ruth Cornell 1789, at Ninepartners. Wm. Mitchell . Benjamin Mosher Trip- Mosher Philip Mosher Zophar Green nilliara Valentine David Haight Josiah Hai^iat -se- '.Jb*09Jc) ,ffc{980C» 'to fl08 , .BiariJiBqsnf'/l Jb ,93VI . . , ' ; & J li t'j 3 J ■ ^- -^ , ' - " ■ '. • , . v 1 :■'■-; A J. * J , r ilairroi) rfjjj.H -54- Thom, Merritt, Isaac Thorn, son of Jacob & Dotothy of Nine Partners Sarah Merritt, daughter of Nehemiah & Phehe of Nine Partners. Ikrried, 10. 28. 1790, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Dorothv Thorn Anna Tnom Anne Llerritt Else Thorn Mary Merritt Deborah Merritt Ann Brundage Sarah Merritt Anna Thorn Ruth Mprritt Phebe -^'hom Jacob Thorn Nehemiah Llerritt, Jr. Abadiah Thorn Abraham Llerritt Marshall, Zacheus Marshall, son of David S: Anna, (both dec'd.) of Nine Partners. Dean, Susanna Dean, daughter of Stephen & Abigail, (dec'd.) of Oswego Married, 12. 24. 1789, at Oswego. Witnesses: Margaret Dean Susann.^. Clark Elizabeth Clark Mary Dean Stephen Dean Lawrence Dean David Marshall Henry Marshall (Cot'd.) - rU— mori'T viiJoiou ,:J-- ' mofli' snifA iiizi-d.u ciEdiSTcfii. modi eeiZ J J r :89CB9n;t rW used rr- rf-^Q :!t-'— m*' h'JDO) -55- (.« 1:7 Hannah Drake Catharine Drake Joseph Dean Daniel Dean Viilliani Dean Ricbard Titus Aaron Palmer Stephen Bull Israel Dean Jonathan Glark Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, son of .Villiam & Hannah, of Nine Partners. Mosher. Lydia Mosher, daughter of Benjamin & Phehe of Dutchess Go. RIarried, 12. 24. 1789, at Ninepartners, Witnesses; Phehe Merritt Anna Gardner Phehe Haight Mary I^itcnell James Mosher Richard Mosher Benjamin Mosher Biliiam Mitchell David Haight Ahishai Coffin Silvanus Gardner John Allen Tripp Mosher Bui'r'JL i'l^rlcrH .,^\ ;i:e . -j- r'f '^o , ' •^ ,r, r ' > f r; :8 3ES3riJ.C -> r^ - 19lf30lu £lfLiB(;n9-I -57- Tost, Israel Post, son of Richard & Hannah, of Nine Partners Palmer, Rhoda Palmer, daughter of Reuben & Martha of Nine Partners llarried, 4. 28. 1791, at Ninepartners Y/itnesses: Phehe Mosher Phebe Merritt Anna Gardner Hannah Miller llary Kely Ei chard Post John Hoag Reuben Palmer John Allen Henry Post Gaius Palmer ileheraiah Reynolds William Valentine ''^ite, Joshua \Ihite of Nine Partners, son of Andrew & Amy, of Danbur^ Lounsbarry, Deborah Lounsberry, daughter of Michal & Lucre tia, of Nine Partners Iklarried, 1. 26. 1792, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Anna Gardner Phebe Llosher Sarah Talcott Elizabeth Lounsberry Michael Lounsberry Joseph Talcott Sylvanue Gardner Jonathan Deuel Israel Post Benjamin Mosher Ebenezer Pinkham Joseph Leanons -Vci- it PC'-; virrgS ^ lo noe ,•• ' 10 ,3.' jiJuCv, ,9:trn. :e5E89iiJ r'V Cl; '^V.i •l-rrrT- ^ •Y : H."^ - '■ -^^rnnuLl [:. •isT -58- Bunker, Smith, Jonathan Bunker, son of Jonathan, (deo'd) & Judith of Klynnkekill, Columbia Co., New York. Comfort Smith, daughter of David & Dinah, (deo'd.), of Washington. Married, 12. 27. 17§2, at Ninepartnc-rs. Witnesses: Lydia Coffin Anna (Jardner Ruth Keese Miriam Winslow Hannah, Haight Sarah Talcott Moley Haight David Smith Joseph Mabbett John 'frTiite, Jr. Joseph Haight Jonathan Deuel Jonathan Smith Lossing, Dorland , John Lossing, son of Nicholas & Christina of Beekraan Miriam Dorland, daughter of Samuel & Anna of Oswego, Dutchess Co, Married, 1. 23. 1793, at Oswego, Witnesses: Bathsheba Dorland Abigail Ferriss Elizabeth Dorland Anna Somer Elizabeth Moore Mary Haight Anna Flagler Susaana Glark Lydia Barker Tabith Hoxsey Mary Storms Peter Lossing Garret Birt Enoch Dorland Lawrence Dean -85- "snou ,i32inJJa :!-:_r.r -r^]: X9JJ9G cBri.snoi. ;fcf3r:sri, fiBnnfiii Hi- :e-3e2?n;t rV.' 30'«e8oJ I9;t9i FiftBlfoG BJafferid'fia XjogItoC rfoonS tnfii'iOu dieissrlli 1.... 1- ' X3i. -59- Hallock, Keese, Peter Hallock, son of Peter, (dec'd.) & Anna of Nine Partners tlary Keese, daughter of John & Elizabeth of Nine Partners Married, 2. 28. 1793, at Ninepartnera. Witnesses: Jemima Thorn Mary Jacocks Anna Thorn Elizabeth Ilaight L'ary Allen Else Thorn Phebe iierritt Mary Merritt Anne Thorn William Thorn Isaac Thorn, Jr. William Merritt John Searing John Merritt Miohl. Merritt Palner, Simeon Palmer, son of Reuben & Martha of Washington. Hivks, Rebeckah Hicks, dau-hter of Levi & Mary of Pawling Married, 2. 28. 1793, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Elizabeth Haight Mary Allen Else Thorn Phebe Merritt Mary Merritt Anne Thorn William Thorn Reuben Palmer Isaac Thorn, Jr. William Merritt Michl. Merritt John Searing John Merritt -25- smai'iB'L ^ain to scnA eisn;tis'iC sarH io .eisiT^fiBqeafU ;te .SSVI .32 .S .fceriTsM morfT /afirllrV' niodl' B.aimab .lU ,rriodT of'-"'' sioooi?!. ^{iBld anrisocl niioL ^fo'^'ail ii.t9d'£.:5:rla jJii'iSi'vi n-fol. nsLLr. ^ib.u i^trtiSi^ 9d9£fi ,no;t«nrdaB.. jrr'-IwBi xc .^T^n^iBqsnr^ ^p .K^T .3.. . .rsiiisli :e38a3nJh> morf'i nBrllrW itff^rBlI d^DdBsrli .•£[» ^flicrfT OBsel moifT 3eI3 ;J;triieiu nBrllr..' ijrii9.- edsrfl ;t:rrTi3li .Xfforii :trriio:,l ^b!. -60- Merritt, Thorn, Nehemiah Merritt, son of Daniel & Sarah of Pawling Phehe Thorn, daughter of William & Jemina of Nine Partners Married, 2. 28. 1793, at Nine partners Witnesses: Jemima Thorn Mary Jacokx Anna Thorn Elizabeth Haight Mary Allen Else Thorn Fhebe Merritt Mary Merritt Anne Thorn William Thorn Isaac Thorn, Jr. William Merritt Michl. Merritt John Searing John Merritt Samuel Thorn Smith, David Smith of Washington. Suderick, Mary Suderick of Washington Married, 12. 26. 1793, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Ruth Mahbett Anna Merritt Elisabeth Pinkham Elizabeth Haight Hannah Hi Her Martha Haight Ruth Osborn Joseph Talcott Jonathan Smith Israel Smith Abishai Coffin John Hoag -Oc- gL'rxWEi io 8i3n;tiB'I 911 'Fi lo Bz'rmo^j ff'i ■ ■- rriorfT £ ' » JL o J *^ x -^ ij _ v-' ^ - . mo tfl Xei;.: . > ;f j r 'xi .- .flciT^niifBP.: ^c riJrrc frTcC^ ,tf;trfl! (j Go;tSnrri'e£ . 'ic ::o risque, ^-;£^ ,?[ori9fcxi2 F!5c-^';rrj r'l. rir-loC J. ■ i rig rfiii yrfjif-L' -61- Heustis, Pierson, Moses Heustis, son of Jonathan, (dec'd.) and Rachel, of Pawling, Dutchess Co. Phebe Pierson, daughter of Samuel & Patience, of vJashington. Married, 2. 27. 1794, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Phebe Sutton, Patience Haight Elizabeth Haight Rachel Haight Jemina Mabbett Mar ear et Tallrnan Mehitabel Brovm Jemima Thorn Ruth Cornell Jedediah Talman Joseph Talcott Reuben Haight Joseph Mitchell Joseph Iklabbett Isaac Heustis Samuel Pierson, Jr. Cromwell, William Cromwell, son of John & Anna, (dec»d.), 01 Harrison, uestchester Co, New York, Thorn, Anna Thorn, daughter of Jacob & Dorothy of Nine Partners Married, 3. 26. 1795, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Joseph Cromwell Isaac Thorn, Jr. Obadiah Thorn Jemima Thorn Else Thorn Mar J Thorn, (Cont'd.) -Id- .OU B89D0JUC! .^.C^'-IVVBU lo ,I5 Hi;. jj'ool.' ' "', ' ■ • ■ ■ id-'- XlsnioC diu^l < I '- , :.. , , -... -luc. xlswraoiO msfllf'iV .Ilewmo'iC s-iafiitiBi an'rH lo mocfi' ilawraoiO dqaao'^ ..b'^TfioO) -62- Samuel Holmes Mary Jacoks John Titus Miriam Thorn Benj. Merritt Sarah Talcott Anne Herri tt Jemima Mabbett Ruth Cornstalk Patience Hairht Sarah Haight Head, Zaccheus Mead, son of Johiel, (dec'd.) & Mary, of Nine Partners Pratt, Mary Pratt, dauc^hter of Stephen & Anna, (decM.) 01 Nine Partners. Married, 5. 27. 1796, on the Hidge Vv'itnesses: Stephen Pratt Hannah i^ead Nathaniel Mead Jemima Mabbett John Pratt Elizabeth Pinkham Philip Hoag Phebe V/oolley William Wooley Christane Butler Reuben Palmer Browne 11 Wilbur Harriot, Jonathan Marriott, son of Henry & Margaret of Lancashire, England. Mosher, Charity Mosher, daughter of Tripp & Mary of Washington Married, 5. 26. 1796, at Ninepartners. Witnesses (next page) -Sd- or;. ' ■ Builx nrfol :t:f- siisC e"r9ni"i3-i sn'rA. lo ,'C^b^« :£ .eisiiJiB^ 3nfW iO (.X)*09i:; 93b fH 9tf;r nc , !.■ .V2 .S .bai'iiBii :B98e5n?rV^ odsi^L p. :Z 1. n2dj:;9.d ••;in9H 'to aos ,j;torfr£l hb^JbdoI. ^JoniBlI .' •■.'•-. l.i ^31'rdeBonEJ. lo .^'tT lo laidgrjBfc ,T3£fEo!i: jitriBdO ,i9Q'eoM aoJ^fl-ffsBVi 10 {8§Bq d'xsn) 89ca9fl;^rVi -63- Benjamin L!osher Henry L!arriott, Rotert Barton Considclr Llerritt Reuten Haight Riohard ^aight Samuel Pinknara Joseph Talcott Pontius Woolley tjr. Phebe Green Debora'h Valentine Susannah Hart Else Thome Mary Upton Rachel Haight Phebe Thorn Anna Llerritt Patience Kelly Bull, Kidne"y, Christy, Josiah Bull, son of Josiah & Ruth, (both dec'd.) of Beekman Mary Kidney, daughter of Dennis Christy (dec'd.) & Cornelia of Beekman xMarried, 10. 26. 1796, at Oswego. Witnesses: Lodk. Eoxsie John Vi'ilkinson Joseph Potter John Thouns Benjamin Christy Thomas Potter Sanuel Dorland, Jr, Abraham Storm Joseph Dean Susanna Clark Content Jilkinson Content Kidney Abigail Dorland Anna Christy Phebe Bull Euth Clark Hannah Clapp -S6- "fill '- " :o.. xo no.- , ; .L..'. tffifeoL "0 f .?>'0Bb Kind) 10 sfl^oToC ":■ (..b'osf') .o^sweO JB ,cj :e't8S3n:^rW ■■ '4 'orfT iiriol, nB9U n^voaoL -64- Howland, Arnold , Timothy Rowland . son of Samuel & Esther 01 Washington Elizaheth Arnold, daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth oi Washington Harried, 11. 24. 1796, at Ninepartners Witnesses: David Arnold Hi scorn Macomber Elisha Cornell Samuel Rowland Joseph Arnold Reuben Haight Anna Palmer John Allen Cynthia Merritt Anna Llerritt Rebecah Palmer Mary Arnold Elizabeth Farrington Cornell, Green, Elisha Cornell, son of Quinby & Hannah of Clinton, i)utchess Go. Anne Green, daughter of Zophar & Mary, (dec»d) of tVashington Married, 1. 26. 1797, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Quinby Cornell Zophar Green Jacob Cornell Itlatthew Cornell John Allen William Cornell Thos. Mitchell Hannah Cornell Phebe Green Deborah Green Amy Cornell Anne Merritt ilary Green Else Thorn Ruth Thorn Mary Griff en -^d- aojgni.icij;;. -0 ■i) dcBBoL lo -idiihijsb -JblomA rfi^adssrlZ , '^IoaiA T lismoO jjj- noJgnrnB': " '^nrn^ lo no 8 ^liamoO Biferl^ , f fgr-roC B2S89nj rW n99-rC '32 IJ; fc ^' V- > . »» L n59"iO risll IXsi: L -65- Pratt, Stephen Pratt of Nine Partners Baker, Mary Baker of Nine Partners Married, 5. 25. 1797, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Zaccheus Mead Clark Wilbur Jedediah Tallman Joseph Talloot Ahraham Swift William Woolley Timothy Pinkham John Pratt Miriam Thorn Mary Thorn Hannah Holmes Dehor ah Valentine Phehe Pinkham Else Thorn Sarah Taloott Charity Thorn Derbyshire, Underhill, James Derbyshire, son of Benjamin & Abigail, of Stillwater, Saratoga Co. Phebe Underhill, daughter of Thomas Lleroy, of Clinton, Dutchess Co. Married. 6. 15. 1797, at Oswego, Dutchess Co. & Witnesses: Thomas Underhill George Frost Joel Underhill Lawrence Dean Rachel McCoord Jane Titus Elizabeth Moore Mary Dean (Cont'd.) :83a59nir'iK 3fl*^;tfl9lBV rfeiocfaQ b&Bl euodoos'd ffsmllBi rfBifcsrDu xiiO:' ■ ■- '- II' 83irlc ,oO sv ■ ■-'- ztn^'d '-:■■ cs , eirrfeYdieCI semsu .air''' •'■'-■ ^''^ -*' ■ i.r^ n ri'.-', ' . J"jjG , ro :t rr "f- 10 1: , •"-.oi 9.M :. at.daa:^r17 fciooOc-. 31 : l9fiOBil 3nBU 1 1 f rf 1 9 bfl'J 8 £L ri'I ID '^ : 7ifiM nBsU. sonsivvBd ( ,f)* jHoC) -66- Stephen Bull RiGhard Titus James Congdon William McCord Daniel Dean August in Titus Erashe Losee Hannah Dean Deborah Underbill Elisabeth Underbill Esther Cornell Hannah Ferguson Anna Balding Hannah Tuthill Esther '.Talsie Lucretia Newcomb John Newcomb William Balding Wing, Abner f/ing, son of Daniel (dec»d.) & Lydia of Pawling Haight, Sarah Haight, daughter of Jacob &. Phebe of Washington, Dutchess Co., N. I. Married, 8. 24. 1797. Witnesses: Charity Thome Patience Haight Elizabeth Haight Elsie Thome l!ary Thome Zerriah IVeaver Jamima Mabbett Elizabeth Haight Jacob Haight Obadiah Thorne John Wing John Haight Jose oh "ieaver David Haight Samuel Pierson Benjamin Haight 99aoJ 9o:;. '• r % :-. Li--' ^1 j\i s'r la sfr.Is'.V ... .■' 1.^ ^ Cl w. gflik^i--.^ .JiixAi' ; \»b^uji:t x3-n^U 10 HOB , i vflcTA «5-Qf' jUvVBi !:c ,r .14 ,.. . c- leaeeaflj r.. '^"och'. ii ■t jr 1 r H"^ o;t9dcfB.^ -65- Mitchell, Thomas Lindliell son of William & Hannah, of Washington, Dutchess Co. Green, Elizabeth Green, daughter of Zophar & Mary, (dec'd.) of .Vashington Married, 11. 23. 1797, at Ninepartners Witnesses: Deborah Green Anna lilerritt. Else Thorn Mary Haight Mary Mitchell Anna Mitchell Anna Cornell Mary Green Zophar Green Wm. Mithhell Jos Rodman Robert Barton Salmon Coffin Richard Mitchell Elisha Cornell Cabb Coffin Palmer, Amos Palmer, son of Reuben & Martha of Washington, New York Mary Merritt, Mary Merritt. daughter of Ichabod & Sarah (dec'd. j Married, 10. 26. 1797, at Ninepartners. Witnesses: Ichabod Merritt Joseph Llerritt Abraham Merritt Simeon Palmer Llatthew Comsifctok Benjamin Mosher Deborah Merritt Abigail Palmer' M^ry Merritt Ruth Merritt Ruth Merritt Mehe table Brovm Sarah Talcott -90- k.- rfi'3iC i'loif wall ,iioi; _ r* :r i-v-.-pp ^ bocfBrfoI lo r^id'^uBb .;t;t riis'' -'•'^p"' ,.)of j-rq" ^^Bl^i . . i * oof I .8131.. s .?9"r . , , • :Ejaaifi;t r.. ;ltrTf9Jil rf£'rod3 lo lairfausfc ,IIeffo;lni i3finA .IlDnciKii .rji::i'r'B£.: "io IMorrj^ rfsanBH .8eVI ,fnl lo 2S .fcariiBJu (.h'oeb) .v/s-iinA lo nos ^dico.,. narfqeJc , j-iooia iflB HBcfitBnffol. lo leitdgjJBf} ,3ififIC ff; .- , 3:?fiBlO .aevi ,ms lo IS ,c9r3Ts>. =^. Powell, Irish, Isaac Powell, son of Moses Powell and Katherine of North Castle "Cata" Irish, daughter of Portias and Gontent '.Voolley, of nashington. Married, 22 of 11m, 1798. Palmer, Green , Samuel Palmer, son of Obediah and Catherine Palmer of New Paltze Dehorah Greem daughter of Zophar and Phehe Green of Washington? Married, 25 of Sm, 1799. Allen, Haight , Marshall, Lounshury , Philip Allen, son of John and Mary Allen of 9 partners Elizabeth Haight, daughter of Jacob and Phebe HaTghf of 9 partners. Married, 24 of 10m, 1799. David Fiarshall, son of Francis and Deborah of Easton. Hannah Lounsbury, daughter of Michel and Latisha Lounsbury of Armenia. Marriedm 8 of 11m, 1799. Sleeper, Green, Nehemiah Sleeper, son of John, (dec'd.) and Hannah Sleeper of Otego. Mary Green, daughter of Zophar and Phebe Green of '.Vashington Married, 23 of Im, 1800. baB Ilev/o- bn; ■,T ^/ ■-'" "^o no8 ,1 r--^- 'io 9nr. ,11 3W0l ^n-T' ^ 'T ^'i: ,i9rrilGiI ,n9Di'^ po'? r ^^£li miOU I(j 8T ..tr^i. , iiarlu. ,D3l11Bl-'i MB BioflB'/d io ao8 jIIf.r'siBl hrVJsC jIlBffETEP.l .eeVI ,r^LL ^0 8 ;nb9f7i£:.i .fc'oal) ,nifoI. 'io 00a .isqaalG ffs*nT3i; ,0-^SJO xO 19cr99lu ff^nilBH : all rru;' :3 .n- ^iDreoIc , xi J J •> > .J^3i ,iiu. io 6^ ,D3rx'-i;..i -vo- wing, Thorn, Huff, Haight, Haight, Thome , Dean, Mahtett, John Wing, son of Daniel, (dec'd.) and Lydia Wine, of Pawling. Miriam Thorn, aaughter of Jacob, (dec'd.) and Dorothy Thorn, of Washington. Married, 27 of 2m, 1800. William Huff, son of Angle Huff and "Billache", (dec»d.) of Bateman. Mary Haight, daughter of Tliomas and Rachel Kaight, of Otego. Liarried, 25 of 9m, 1800. John Haieht, son of Jacoh Haight and Pheoe of Washington Elsie Thome, daughter of Jacob Thorne and Dorothy of Washington. Married, 2 of 4m, 1801. Joseph Dean, son of Johnathan Dean and Mary oi Clinton. Sarah Mabbett, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Mabbett of Washington. Married, 23 of 4m, 1801. Mead, Sweet, Zacheus Mead, son of Jehiel and Mary Mead of Pawl-'ngs. Mary Sweet, daughter of Stephen and Dorcas Sweet of Pawlings. Married, 24 of 12m, 1800. LnB 11, fiA jlo noa ,i.: " .Hull - lo -^^^-;-^ ,-i ■ ■-);tO lo , rro: ' o"- .S"gf.f' lo D., • -wTju X , l:_.x , ^) j r i lii^ »;t£fafBH &as ;tffgrBH .-foof^'- '-■ ^"^ ^ , r.r-v" -'-^'>L ^itrf^rBH SfllOrfi dOOSl* lo :.j ,d.!To::i 5 CBla , 9jTI0£fT ..1 , ■0 d ,j)9rs'X&'i . "" . ' iu iC to y^ il^ :bib8 ,i;t9dds-.: •HQjgxli .0 JJ'sJaBM rtB1"Bu - ,m^ lo SS ,.b3fiTBli i^T«M ^n? £3rrf3U lo -^c^ ,5b ^ ?.\ .baslu -71- Gannan , Lounsbury, Cornelius Carman, son of Charles and llary Gan.ian of Stanford Tamer Lounsburv , daughter of Michel and Latisna of Armenia. Married, 24 of 12m, 1801. Varney , Eoag, Jedediah Varney, son of Joshua and Anna Varney. of Dover Mary Hoag, daughter of John and ilary Eoag of Washington, Married, 25 of 2m, 1802. Vail, Sisson, Jacob I, Vail, son of Isaac, (decM.) and Lydia Vail of Stanford Abigail Sisson, daughter of Job abd Euth Sisson of sVashington. i^rried, 24 of 3m, 1803. Slater, Woolley, James Slater, son of Gilbert Slater and Kary, (both dec*d.) of Earrison Purchase. Lary V»'oolley, daughter of Fortius and Content, Woolley of Washington. L'iarried, 26 of Im, 1604. Eaight, Clement, Jacob Eaight. Jr., son of Jacob and Fhebe oi V/ashington. Amy Clement, daughter of Charles and Sarah Clement of Vtashington. Married, 25 of 10m, 1804. .sraorr'T.'. ^o Blsr:tsl bus ,Lu:X ,ia.--i J. i-.i ,.'.-3l'i ^iBia fciiB uflol* 1o loia^uBo , 3BO-1 '^ibII «SboH (.b*09£) ,osb8l lo cros .IrfiV .1 doosl ^LlsY b'lola^ " -- :•-" ■■--I ^HB .rrojjn'^'ieB.r'io ^oeBlo d'. Mb 13^618 :rt9cfrr€ ^o aoe ,t9jgIc -o.'hbI. .-idiBlZ .noj;f,ffrffaB.. to '^ailooW J^naitnoC .-^031 ,rnl ^0 3^ ,'^=-"T3!^ bfiB Joob'. lo nee , .it. _jjrhrBH Toos'i. ^it-^-^rBH .aOo^nrnesW lo 3i3d\. bnB a3li6f(0 xO i9;tH;=^.UBb ^o- " isqA. .Jaimaxw . no i gii r rf8J? ' ■ "^ "^ J ITS fi! 3 1 . ' ,±K^oi ,(llOX lo US ^u^rllB.h -'72- Allen, Hallock, Borland, Thorn, Ostorn, Titus, John Allen, Jr.. son of John and Llary of Washington. Eunice Hallock, daughter of Isaac and Kuth Hallock oi Washington. Married, 26 of 9m, 1805. Timoth^^ Borland, son of Samuel and Eebeca of Beekman Sarah Thorn, daughter of Ohediah and Charity Thorn of Vi'ashington. Married, 28 of 11m, 1805. Paul Cshorn, son of Isaac and i^ary, (dec'd.) Oshorn of Pawling. Jemima Titus, daughter,. of Richard and Ahigaii Titus of i^ashington. Ferried, E7 of Sm, 1806. Clement , Allen, Johnathan Clem.ent. son.of Charles and Sarah Clemenr of »^'ashington. Behorah Allen, dau^rhter of John and L!ary Allen of Washington. Married, 22 of 10m, 1607. Holmes , Moore, Johnathan Holmes, son of Nicholas and Phebe Holmes of Honkton. Alletta Moore, daughter of Andrew Moore and Elizabeth, (both dec'd.) of Eeekman. Married, 28 of Im, 1808. '■^ie]: has nifol", 'io noa ,.iC , . •■■'i'liirff.: xU 50 --r^;'^■ .c.^•3I ,-rre *o 3S ,=;o i?n3 :-:rrr" >; 3 9^1 lo BO 3 b'oijjj; f u'^fi-- £ni5 osbbI '■' i ,09rTI£iu Irr js/ariiiat. .xioj^n CA iiBr^-r'^A ... JX ..TiS to V-> ^bdzTisiu , modT ,f3JJJfT ; *^ -"i --1 9100.. V/ . .GO J H9lC •-. io ' - - J L - * ^ - ^-^ W- ^. ,U9fTIS^ -,,, r.^, ,' '.TT '■ t ..illU VJ « h^iiilOa v/: :o T'. 3:f.^9lIA .^-x . J U J i: ,oOui ,.-lX xU J^ . , *. J I :.'ii:^ ,.)' Griffin, White, William Griffin, son of Isaac and Sarah of Washington. Patience 'ATiite, daughter of Benjamin and Cloe liTiite of '.Vashington. Married, 25 of 2m, 1808. Y/intringham, Thomas lintringham, son of John and Hannah of '« ('ashing ton. Lawton, Ruth Lawton, daughter of David and Hannah Lawton of Washington, Allen, Clement, Llarried, 24 of 3m, 18C8. Stephen Allen, son of John and Llary Allen of Washington. Sarah Glenent, daughter of Charles, (dec'd) and Sarah Clement of "Vashington. Harried, 24 of 11m, 1808. Eyatt, Deuel, Marriott, Thom.pson, Samuel Hyatt son of Samuel and Hannah of Stanford Amy Deuel, daughter of Johnathan and Content Deuel of Washington. Llarried, 24 of 8m, 1809. Samuel L^arriott, son of Henry and I^Iargaret ilarriott oi Rogerdale. Ann Thompson , daughter of Eolert and Ann, (dec»d.) Llarried, 28 of 9m, 1809. dSIBG bOB 0- IT Tin F' -■' ■•■'^ ^ "! ••'- CO LiTii .-- , ;3rTifiH .o^t-r.-r: Jbfle .■..r„r .no J IcJj II r • -1 * ,iIOi»/fil (£' .'->-.Ox ,?.iC. XO i'ik ,t'3r"f1B.a il .fnir'lo ^ ,&3r , no 11^ ') ■'fsnfra'i .^rs i^' \ rrr. £5 jJU-' ..;B'- io II . .3081 ,/a3 io a'„ ,jj-ji:iii:- -1 ' ,j>?fiTH 3T.:^'[i,.-. i^iii: ,miA bns Ji3i"o!i 'lo i^l '. , J ^ori-ii-^ .11 nuL ^aoaqfiioffT .9031 ,fn9 "io aiJ .csriTBi^ -74- Thorn, Merritt, Moore Isaac Thorn, Jr.,^ son of Jacob and rorothy of V.'ashington. Anna Llerritt. daughter of Andrew and Elizaheth L'oore of 'Washington. Married, 28 of 6n\, 1810. Haight, Willets, Mitchell, Mitchell, Eobbins , Mitchell, John I. Haight, son of Johnathan and Elizaheth of "'ashington. Sarah ^iillets, daughter of James and Joanna Willets of ''Washington. Married, 22 of 11m, 1810. Benjamin^Mitchell, son of William and Eannah Mitchell of 9 partners Lucretia Mitchell, daughter of Benjamin and Lucretia, (dec(d.) Mitchell of 9 Partners. Married, 26 of 9m, 1811. Daniel Eohhins of Long Island, son of Jeremiah and Hannah of No. Hempstead. Elizaheth Mitchell, daughter of uilliam and Hannah of 9 Partners. Married, 26 of 11m, 1812. Swift, Wing, Lemuel Swift, son of Abraham and Joanna of Washington. Mary Wing, daughter of James and Eannah Vang Married, 27 of 5m, 1813. -1^7- ^ 'liO xO < • wX'-Jj. ,'ua.j. ^u «-A ,. ^ SOIIEOl. fc-TS V^fff'^. ' ■" /"'^ '-"l LBUlLdj, ^0 .SX8I .flid lo V2 ,bon- »SJ }_xr- I , ■ ■ 9T00J , II 3tf0 J ill t .1X81 ,n!9 'io jC ^bsri":^- t2>°^" -75- Swift, Valentine, Underhill, Hunt, Abraham Swjift. son of Zebulon and Rebecca Swift of jVashington. Peggy Valentine, daughter of William and lilary Valentine of Washington, Married, 27 of 10m, 1813. Isaac Underhill, son of Abraham and Phebe of 9 Partners. Rebecca Hunt, daughter of Isaac and Catherine Eunt Married, 25 of 11m, 1813. Haight, Clement , Isaac Kaight of 9 partners, son cf Jacob and P^ebe Joanna Clement, daughter of Charles Clement, (dec 'a.) and Sarah of 9 Partners. Married, 2 of 12m, 1813. Sutton, Mitchell, Samuel Sutton of Somers, kVestchester Co., N. Y.J son of Richardson Sutton and Elizabeth. Mary Mitchell, daughter of '.Villi aa Litchell and Hannah, (aec'd.) of Washington. Married, 24 of 2m, 1614. Arnold, Ephraim Arnold of Hartford, Cfonn., son of Levi Arnold and Lydia. Mitchell, Judith Llitchell, daughter of Benjamin and Lucretia, (dec'd.) Mitchell of 9 Partners. Married, 5 of 8m, 1814. -2?- has iiofjJcfsS to floa j^ixiS^/2 nRrfsii/. ,il:r7iP ^„' 10 sniin^^i • olBX .iiivjii xO \^ ,i:3ri'ifii*I ins fiiBrlBij^. iu :ro2 ,XI.cb. ;.3sal ,11 hi -laion J fins obbbI iO i9irf^]Ufio ^JnuH fsoc-adsH ^JnwH ^iTiiH an'nsffitBO .SIoI .mil \0 SS ,F)3rTtB!u cloofil. In no 8 jaianl-rsq S lo ^rf;;^rsH Oi?seI ,:?frgreH o...LiBiO xo leJfi^usb -:fa3fn3l0 snajsol. ,^no.iu3iw lo rfsifiO Lhb (.B'oafi) .icamsIC .ei^JdiiBa S .SI3I ,.'aSI lo S? .fisriiBli ^ . •r9;f89cfo;te3Vi .aianioG lo noi^uc, IgnniBS ,-'io^;tjj8 COB floJ;tu£ frosf)*fsrfoi.'^ lo noe ..I ." leLfoit'- '-Ilf^ lo ndidm&b ,Xl3 ' . ,. . ,Il3Dro;^rii .noi^f:' /:*03c} .nfinasn cau .M3I ,frfS lo I'S .bsriisM lo no5 ,,f!r'ciC' ^F^toI^tsH lo feloinA rafEiffcia ,bIorrrA f:ns blomA fvs.I vL^ Li'::.- ■' , ■" - ^ - • 'jrfijjl* tlleifojh'. .a-iaxiJiBi '^i .M8I ,]n8 10 3 ,.b3rimi -76- Prior, Carhart , James Prior, Jr., of Oyster Bay, Long Island, son of James and Tneodotia Rachel Carhart daughter of Joshua and Phehe Carhart of iVashington. Married, 27 of 10m, 1814. Vail, Davis, Jacob I, Vail of Stanford, New York, son of Isaac Vail, (dec'd.) and Lydia. Olive Davis, daughter of Caleh 3heldon and Abigail of Washington. Married, 22 of 12m, 1614. Allen, Law ton. Stringham, Church , Allen, son of John and Mary Allen »f Washington. Clark Allen, o; Ann Lawton, daughter of David and Hannah Lawton, of Washington. Llarried, 25 of 5m, 1815. Stephen Stringham of Creek, son of Owen and Sarah Stringham, (both dec'd.) Elizabeth Church, daughter of i^enjamin and Joanna, (dec'd.) Church of V; ashing ton. Married, 23 of 11m, 1815. Davi s , Thfbn , Allen Davis of Washington, son of Nathan and Fiose Davis. Hannah M. Thorn, daughter of Isaac Thorn. Jt., and Sarah, (dec'd.) of Mashington, Married, 22 of 2m, 1816. -bV- fifuo - :;f:£ 83m3u io aoe ,0fTh?l8l aoi: 3l£0 Io ':s. ,3rVB'J avflj ,3rvfiG .noJ3nf£fefii. io IcegMA ;:)nB .x^iax ,dSI 10 SS , barns- ndllA '^iB:i ^HB jrfo^ lo noe ,ii9iIA t^tbIC ,C; .noJgnirreBn' 'io cffinnsH Lub [■fvsG Io t:j:^d5iiBb ,nolv3i cmA ,cioj7/b.i. (,b'o-jL d;tod") ^nrFniai-r'^iio asiBi^ i)n>3 .:fl3'^ 10 ic: :■ ^do-iudO clitadBSila ,rIoiiiffC 10 rfoiiJffO \.'i>j^) ^fimiBol. '^.-'• :i":i:tBl4 \o aos ,rfo;^3niaaj6-: xj urvjB- nsIIA .-r;^-. .morfT 0BB8I Io latdgiiBD ,ii-^ ,aoijfT loJga-i'feBiT Io (..b^oab) , - iic! ^aE. ..i^ .dl3I ,ciS ^0 2S .JbariiBli -77- C-riffen, Mott, Quinby, Haight , Oliver Griff en of Washington, son of Bartholomew Griff en and Liiriam, (dec'd.) Abigail Llott, daughter of Philip and Eli?:abeth Thorn, (both deci^d.) of Washington. Married, 25 of 7m, 1816. Josiah H. Quinby of New York City, son of William and Fhebe Quinly. Deborah Haight, daughter of Johnathan and Phebe Haight, of Washington. Married, 26 of lEm, 1816. Palamountain, Bennett Palamountain of V/'ashington, son of „ ^ Bennett abd Jenifer Palamountain. Howland, Euth Rowland, daughter of Solomon, (dec'd.) and "Fanna" of Washington. Llarried, 25 of 9m, 1817. Abraham Allen of Clinton, son of William Allen and Sarah. 2ala Howland, daughter of Solomon, (dec'd.) and Fanny of "ashing ton. Married, 25 of 6m, 1818. Allen, Hov.'land , Gooch, Smi th , Thomas Gooch of J ■« AdiX .0 :ro;}£^ii: ^o^ bus T.' ' " . T 1 ■- .;t.io>tnoO JbflB f9iS3iBiu .bflfi naol lo is^ti^uBb ,307:o2 eis'^iV: ,^o\:od .irOdj-TrflBB*' lo ao'^^oci -80- Knapp, Stevens, Mosher, Tomklns, Underhill, Haight Upton, Etenezer Enapp oj^ Canaan, Conn., son of Samuel and ^^ary. Daphne Stevens, daughter of Benjamin Stevens and Esther. ilarried, 23 of 11m, 1825. Stephen Rowland Llosher, son of Caleh Mosher and iiary of Washington, ilaria Tomkins, daugnter of Hayv/aod Tomkins and Hannah of '.Vashington. ilarried, 22 of 12m, 1825. Andrew Underhill of Poughkeepsie, son of Daniel and Sarah Underhill Sarah Upton, daughter of Johnathan and Phehe Haight of Washington. Married, 23 of 3m, 1826. Keese, Thorn, Peter Keese, son of Richard, (dec'd.) and Anna Keese of Peru, Clinton Co., New York, Mary D. Thorn, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Thorn of Washington. Married, 24 of 10m, 1826. Sisson, Haight, Joh Sisson of »>'ashington, son of Lemuel (dec'd.) and Sarah bisson. Abigail Haight, daughter of Benjamin and Susanna Haight of Vi'ashington. Married, 28 of 12m, 1826. -Os- lo noB , ,nnoC ^naanr.O to q:Bnili lasoncJ.L- .00 c lo .fsiin£-l -bus aii:..'!.^t'i. ,T::)[f80 : ,enr5ijnQT noe -9r Li • .0 Ilirf'iscn'J .v^ffcnA .croj3arce6i' lo JfigfBii edarf'-I ,ao;t7j (.Jc^OSb) , blficfOlS lo flOS ,923-3^ 13j3- ,♦00 fTo;tr['IO ,;ji9l ^o aasa)! ennxl fcrrii ,>^- fciTB I5x;rnfi8 lo i3,;tr{3nfl.b ^Ti^ , gS99>i ..TfOfii '' ■'•n ^'? P^-, 'T'^P'- IaUCl-Dl lo fica ^aoJ^n.'rrfaBW |o aoeefci Jol* .rroEciu rfsTBs- oas v.B'qat) bus nrciBf.Q^'^ "io ' c ' ' IrBgrcfA .noJHnrrrBf: ...auo ,noaer2 .o^rf3risH ;i jiQiil io 8S ,x;9Xl'i!; -81- Burling, Richard Burling of Harrison, son of Samuel ana ^-^ary. Haight, Esther S. Haight, daughter of Johnathan and Phete Haight of Washington. Married, 28 of 12ra, 1826. Haight, Charles Haight, son of Jacob and Amy Haight. Haviland, Elizabeth E. Havlland, daughter of Jacob and Roby Eaviland of nashington. liiarried, 25 of Im, 1827. Donalds, Francis Donalds of Canaan, Conn., son of Ezra and Hannah Donalds. Pratt, "Dency" Pratt, daughter of Zenos and Jane Pratt of Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Llass. Married, 25 of 4m, 1827. Sands, Thomas Sands of New York City, son of John and i^ry, Anna Griff en, daucjhter of Isaac Griffen and Sarah, (aec'd.) of iVashington. t'^rried, 22 of ICm, 1829. Griffen, Smith, Daniel Smith of Stanford, son of Stephen and Rhoda Smith. Griffen, Elizabeth Griffen, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (dec'd.) Griffen. Married, 22 of ICm, 1829. -18- 9 ' .VS3I ,3l lo 22 ,&3r*nBl£ « .V53I ..fiT^ ?:n ^.':? ,^^''fr£:: .v;tb-- has nnol> .:68l ?^o ia;?rf3i.' /.::.' "-';;3Grn .rfanriO i2- Garmo , Rogers, Ellas D. Garrao of Wasliington, son of Peter D. Garmo and ISary. Rhoda Rogers, daughter of James and Deborah, (dec'd.j, Rogers of Washington. 1/Iarried, 22 of 10m, 1829. Brooks , Haight, Brownell, Heustis, Abraham Brooks of New York City, son of Charles and Amy Brooks, (both dec'd.) Sarah Haight, daughter of Reuben, (dec'd.) and iiiary ^^aight of '*7ashington. lilarried, 27 of Ira, 1631. Luthan Brownell of Pittstown, son of Simeon and Sarah. I'lary Ann Heustts, daughter of Reuben and Anna, (dec'd.) Heustis of Dover, N. Y. Married, 20 of 11m, 1830. Sutton, Haight , Aaron Sutton, son of Moses and Rachel Sutton of Soners, iVestchester Co., N. Y. Anna ^aight. daughter of Silas, (dec'd.) and Rhoda Haight of 9 Partners. Married, 22 of 11m, 1632. Hull, Abel A. H&ll, son of James ^nd Anna Hull of Marlboro, Ulster Co, , New York. Haviland, Almira Ann Haviland, daughter of Asahel and Esther Haviland of Unionvale, Duthhess Co. Married, 23 of ICm, 1633. to noe jnoi^nifisBo xo c'iitb-D .J aalLZ .ojitib! 10 noa ,vjcU 51ioi wa^i lo btjooti :3£i.i (.i)'03.c (f;toi) ,3:^oo"fcT vpk bn& e^IfBifD (.b'oBfc) .fi^dusH 'to 13 f-'^ ■'■•''■ ^'•^'■^-".'' d'siBc .no: -fi-rfcs.. 'to : ■ o ■tf. .eie^od iO noa ,Vj cO ^fiol' W3rl lo BTfooii :3£ifs-r'iA ,e3fG0T'- « * -- "ic noa ,;;..-JSj;t rl -^ x- i-i-XJa. ,_x3.:w!-' i:. .dsTBc tr 10 laifrfgusb ,8i:t8jj3n niiii •{•is.- ,8r^8x;3H ,-^^-j:z-^ 10 sUbusH (.c'o3X)) ,BanA . .:oI ,(nil lo OS .fcari-:- l3ffoB£ bnB 398o2i lo noa .aoiiu'd hoibA ,no;f;tiJc .<:. ,.CC TSjS:^ ' .-.. .81:' ■ "■ "tuB .2i3nJTi< 5d3rBii Bx;ori. .SS3I .itTlI lo S5? ,hBr"-^RL. IIu'.I BftnA baa asniB^ lo aoe .ILtii .A IsdTA .ILjH .itoY Vv'3'/I , ' OC IBjETJ ^oToaliB... lo lerfEeA lo ID ' ' " ,' " ' nnA S'lrnilA ,bflBlrVBii ,3ljbi7aofnU '. - ....■,... .. .sS .bns .Ol 83 3Qd.LC • JiCil ,n,JI lo SS .ba^-iii-^ -83- Titus, Eaight, Lapham, Hart. Lapham, Thorn. John H. Titus, of Lagrange, New York, son of Gilbert and Jane. Ann Haight^ daughter of John and Sarah ¥i'. Haight of Washington. Married, 27 of 2m, 1834. Joseph Lapham of Peru. Clinton Co.. New York, son of Nathan and Elizabeth Lapham. Phebe Ll. Hart, daughter of Philip and Susanna, (decM.) Hart of Dutchess Go. Married, 19 of 6m, 1835. Anson Lapham of New York City, son of Nathan and El^'zaleth, jdec'd.) Lapham. Anna D. Thorn, daughter of Samuel and Phehe Thorn of Wash :ing ton. Married, 20 of 6m, 1636. Minard, Underbill, Halstead, Haviland, Joel Minard of East Esopus, Ulster Co., New York, son of ? Rebecca Underhill, daughter of ?, of "'ashing ton. Married, 22 of 12m, 1836. Stephen Halstead. son of Richard and Hannah, (dec'd.) Halstead of Clinton, New York. Emeline Haviland, daughter of Prince and Fiary Haviland of Dover, New York. rried, 21 of 2m, 1838. 4 • T» .3/. :i3dlr0 iO noB rfaisC bns nnoi. 'io iscfrfgiiBJb ^irf^rs-^ rinA .itrf^rfiH .nojgnrrfafin *ib orf^-BiI ..i .^S8I ,faS lo VS .bgr-rifiM ws'-l ..oO rro-iirlO .uie'I \o astiqed rfq'seci,' , i-fj3a62' ' -- Tsrfifel'i ic nos >'— • '■ bcB qfi'rdx IQ idid-Riisb ,jibH »z sdaifi ,;t'fBti Ow sGB^'oluC 'to IibH (.£)'03Jb) .^nnBBL'C .oJ3I ,;cid 1:0 31 .bsr-iiB;:! '■". (.fc'osJb) jffitoiss'i- bus ' ■' . .. . bnB l3U/r.Bo iO leod^JJBJb ^in:. - .- anixA , crrodT ,,0C '13:^ !■" ,SJJC.;03li .'8£.. .. -J-CfirT-'"'' faol. , PT'^'^*-^* .noJgi.r .... lo .ooGI ,ii:2i to SS ,i)9iTT:Biu JbnB 9onrii lo la. , . 9n*'-^3/i!a ,bxiBlfVfiH .:flOi vV9i; ,19V0u 10 CiX^xiVBU vIB-.i .3S3i ,iiiS lo IS .bariiB^- J -84- Sutton, Quinby, Keese, Haight, Frost, Merritt, Hull, Law ton. George W. Sutton of DeRuyter, Kiadison Co., New York, son of Abraham Sutton and Esther. Caroline li!. Quinhy, daughter of Josiah H. and Deborah Quinby of iVashington. Married, 22 of lOm, 1838 John Keese of Peru, Glitnon Co., New York, son of Samuel Keese and Hannah. Joanna Haight, daughter of John J. and Sar?-ih W. Haight of Washington. Married, 22 of 10m, 1840. Charles Frost, son of Solomon Frost and Abigail of Pekeepsle Amelia H. llerrltt, dalghter of Isaac and Eliza Merritt of Harts Tillage Married, 20 of 12m, 1842. Edward Hull of Stanford, son of Henrj^ Hull and Sarah, (both dec'd.) Llarla Lawton, daughter of David and Hannah Lawton of V» ashing ton. Married, 26 of 4m, 1543. Haviland, William G. Haviland of Unlonvale, son of Asahel and Esther. Qulnby, Phebe Jane 'iulnby, daughter of Josiah E. and Deborah 'Qulnby of /Tashington. Married, 20 of 2m, 1849. -ri- bnj3 aoiiiio iZBdQtdl to noe ,:I'xoY 7.3'; .-f ■ ''■■ .noiinT.da£.v lo Tiiafu^^' rfsTodaCi biiis ,/n'ioY v/ePI ,.oO ttofl;trIG ,Di9i 10 9299'! nrfol. ,9399.)i .cfsmiBlI bn£ aeaaa leuiUBc 'io noe 'can .1 niiol. lo -ii'.: ' ' , ' ' i ai'n/io'u ^^ci^rBii . .. , _ iO -Iv^ ,L9fii;3.id , CiTB jaoi'U iioiaoloiu 10 noE ,;t30i'''i saltBrfO ,JT.oi'i e^BlIrV eoijcsa io .tlriiaU B:srI2 .S:IhSI ..-nSI ^0 OS ,fc3fTiBM Ilxill '^nsH 'to.nos ,Jbioliifi;}£ lo LruH biBwfcS ,IIxjH ,nOi^nril?^R Keese, Eerritt, Carpenter, Willets, Willets, Lapham, Hart, Samuel T. Keese of Brooklyn, son of Peter Keese and islary. Caroline Llerritt, daughter of V/illian T. and Eannah K. Llerritt of iiashington. Married, 23 of 6m, 1852. Franklin I. Carpenter of New York City, son of Isaac and Atbey 3., (dec'd.) Jane Willets, daughter of JacoD and Deborah iVillets of "Washington. Married, 15 of Im, 1857. Amos Willets of New York City, son of Robert and Mary Willets, (both decM.) Phebe M. Lapham, daughter of Philip and Susannah Hart, (both dec'd), of Washington. Married, 20 of 12m, 1860. Walter, Haviland, Elwood of Thomas f Lower d Walter of Brooklyn, son and oarah, (both dec'd.) o Marion^ Montgomery Co., Penna. Anna M. Haviland, daugnter of Prince and Mary Haviland, (both dec'd.) Married, 26 of 6m, 1866. Sutton, Thomas , Gager, George A. Sutton of McLean Co., Illinois, son of Aaron and Annie H., (dec'd.) Sutton of Washington. Jeanette G. Thomas daughter of Joseph, (dec'd.) and Hannah Ga^er, of Renselaer Co., New York. i^Iarried, 16 of 6m, 1869. -ci3- [CJ3iir:i:s. ic Jt-ii^... ... fffi-'XiB/- (HB .SgSI ,mb io oS .barT.Bli • jo'oar)) ^.v''. ^aJriA has, osBal lo noa .ao io s^tgllri. rf^ioiaJ ha& qclirfl lo -r ' , . scfad? ,; fB.; ... . \'^ i.je jii^Irfooi^ iv ijjx^. feoowIS .tsIIbW . j J. 1 ':• ( . b ' o 9 rf j' oq' ) , n ^ ifiL on b »> '.. -* -'. : . C v/*-i « • noJHfir :2su lo no J ' ■_ - _r T •-. . (.b'oefc) rA'iot V/9K1 , .oU i-3Bl9ang--". .9d8I ,rad lo dl ,b3r-fi6..' r -86- Gardner, Sutton, Carpenter, Sisson, Nathaniel Gardner of New York Oity, son of Lewis and Susan Gardner, (both dec'd.) Sarah E. Sutton daughter of Aaron and Anna H. , (dec'd.) Sutton. Married, 20 of 4ra, 1871. Henry K. Carpenter of Stanford, son of Daniel S, and Phebe Carpenter. Mary Sisson, daughter of Job Sisson and Abigail of Washington. Married, 22 of 6m, 1883. McCord, Haight, Charles Souther McCord of New York City, son of '.Villet and Grace Caroline McCord, (both dec'd.) of New York City. Anna Haight, daughter of Franklin and Caroline Haight of Little Rest, Dutchess Co., New York. Married, 12 of 10m, 1898. -dS- ,^-^,.: is ''■as:: J ^■.. ,T9n^:"'"-'^ . no J J jj c ( , I; ' 09 Jc ) , . H BnaA .•\ r^ .T9Jr:. - . .. : ■ dORErc; doU io *r: ^ .aoeeio i^b.. ,no88rC .ao,J§nrrfaB.. ^g -iBgrcfA cob .d56I ,ra(i lo SS .fcariisii ,-{ir[j ^/iioX v/9li io r-ioOoIi larlduoc aaiiscfO .fc'ioOol ■ ■" . • ■ •":M. ^0 no8 : J fjtoCOa ,;tso. ...irl Io -.._^' .. anrioiBO BIRTHS IN MAR R I A G E B K Smith, David & Dinah Smith, Their children: Comfort, bom, 6mo. 1, 1768 Jonathan, " 4mo. IS, 1772 David, " 12mo. 16, 1773. Israel, •• 12mo. E, 1775 Haight, Joshua & Martha Haight, Their children: Miriam, horn, 12mo. 6, 1767 Molley, " 12mo. 24, 1769 Hannah, " llmo. 5, 1771 Abraham, " 8mo. 26, 1773 Isaac, " 8mo. 13, 1775. :n3ibL:do ir arfT 8dVI ,1 .o.Tid .ino'i ,jio^:tioO SVVI ,-.:i; .oml^ " ,rrsdt?aol .Q'^^L ,dl .0. ■[ " .BrVBU 5VVI ,2 .oraSi ,l3B-r8l : naifc I rrfo iraifT V3VI ,-, .omSI ,moj , -•--:•" IVVI ,c .orall " .iisansH 8VVI ,S^ .0.-8 " ,E£[fBicrA ,cVVI ,i;i .oci8 " ,0BBe: -2- Ii^oore , Andrew & Elizabeth Lloore, Their children: Ann, bom, Imo. 4, 1766 Mary, " 6mo. 27, 1767 William, " 4mo. 12, 1769 Butt, Gershon & Mary Butt, Their children: John, bom. Hi chard, " Samuel , Mary , Margret, M 2mo. 13, 1557 lOmo. 24, 1758 12mo.l0, 1760 llmo. 11, 1763 7mo. 7, 1766. Jacolof , Benjamin &. Sarah Jacolar, Their children: Rosannah, born, llmo. 12, 1759 Sarah, " 2mo. 17, 1762, David, " 4mo. 22, 1764 E!ary, " 6mo. 4a, 1767 Reuben, " 7mo. 6, 1769 Mar i am, " 9mo. 18, 1771. ,onid ■ ^ r^3C. ,11 .omll ' , .'/if - •7S'- ,j;;: -3- Mosher, Tripp & Mary llosher, Their children: Robert. horn, 2rao. 20, 1769 died, 12mo. 25, following and huried at Ninepartnera. Joshua, horn, lOmo. 31, 1770, died, 9nio. 6, 1772. Charity, horn, 9nio. 11, 1772. Shieffield, John oc Satah Shieffield, Their children: William, horn, Smo. 9, 1767. Hoxsie, Zehulon, Jr., & Alice Hoxsie, Their children: Elizabeth, horn, 4!no. 11, 1771, Ahrahnin, " 9mo. 1, 1773. Palmer, Reuben Sc Kartha Palmer, Their children: llartha, born, 3mo. 31, 1760, Rhoda, " 4mo. 27, 1762, Gaius, •' 5mo. 17, 1764, (Cont'd.) -. - , • r r- -, •- .SVVi ,a ,0(ri9 ,.t9r Frfjx. ., • , ^f" JilVW; _4- Neheraiah, "born, 8mo. 8, 1766, Simeon, " 12mo. 16, 1769, Amos, " 12mo.l5, 1772, AM|[ail, " 3mo. 16, 1775, Son Jeremiah, died, 12mo. 8, 1765. Palmer, Edward and Mary Palmer, Their children: Phebe, horn, 5mo. 13, 1762, Nicholas, " 7mo. 18, 1764, Rachel, •* 9mo. 30, 1766, Ezekiel, " 3mo. 7, 1769, Mary, " 6mo. 25. 1771, Edward, " 8mo. 1, 1773, Naomy, " lOqio. 22, 1775 Jeremiah, " Brno. 1, 1778. Upton, Paul & Phehe Upton, Their children: Ulary, horn, 3mo. 20, 1770, Edward, " 7mo. 3, 1772. ,2VVI ,Gl.or,.-I •" ,80ftTA ,e3VI .? .omS " ,l9r2f9s3 .gVVI ,I .oiTiS " .bir:; .8VVI .1 .omS " ,:r£irrfei3L laeilLidi' iL3d'2 ,OVVI ,0S .omS ,iiiocf ,v .SYVI ,S .omV " ,F)i£ ] ^ -5- y^ite, Andrew an;l Anne I'l'hite, Their children: Edward, born, 8mo. 21, 1759, Phebe , Rachel, Peter, Joshua, Reuben, Elizabeth, '/Yillian, ilary, lOmo. 27, 1761, Imo. 18, 1764, Imo. 3, 1766 IQmo. 15, 1767, Imo. 12, 1770, 12mo. SO, 1771, llmo. 15, 1773, 12mo. 18, 1775. Haight, Thomas S: Sarah Haight, Their children: Ivlary, born, 7mo. 20, 1772. Green, Moore, Zophar 5: Llary Green, (His wife !.!ary_ Lloore daughter of William and Llary i,'.oore, died, 19 of 9m, 1776. Buried at Nine Partners) Their children: Anna, born, 12mo. 4, 1774, Elixabeth, " 5mo. 23, 1776. -c- ,3Jrrr*', Bonl J,iib v/oitfiA ,9;tr£f.V : £13-11:.'" ■- -■• • • OiJd ,niod .LdS'L ,V2 .ociC'I t» ,9cf9;'.' .. J^^L ,•31 . OiTlI i( » X9ffOB£ ddVI .oml 1! .leisZ ,-^^jU ,cil .offlOX M ,sx;£i8oL ,.:r.i. .^I ■r 19 , nsdif sf' ,r: :i .OS . OiwICil Sf ,if;t6d"Brvfia ,oV?I .ax .orlX Jl ,ir£fIX^^ , -u . Ui-lviX it t i'^-- r. ,9100J^ /I- -._- ..„■__■: :-. _-.:J;^ , ,9-fOO^d 9iik; ;t6 fariija .d?VX ./n^ lo^eX ,£9r.. :n9itXfrfo irgrfT ,:^V?X ^^^^ .omSX .rriocf ,snnA .dVVX .^S .orcG " ,:{G9i£SfX£ -6- Green, Zophar & Phebe Green, Their chUdren: Mary, born, 9mo. 21, 1779, Deborah, " llrao. 26, 1780, William, " 5mo. 7, 1782, Hannah, " llmo. 17, 1783, Phebe, " 12mo. 9, 1785, Amy, " Imo. 31, 1790, Israel, " Imo. 17, 1792, Hall, Rufus Pc Anne Hall, Their children: Abigail, born, 4mo. 26, 1770, Samuel " 5mo. 10, 1772, Zebulon, " 5mo. 6, 1774. Maooraber, David L Hannah ^laooraber. Their children: William, born, lOmo. 26, 1770, Elizabeth, " 2mo. 17, 1772 Phebe, " 2mo. 20, 1773, Daniel, " 6mo. 2, 1774, Peace, " 12mo. 7, 1775. -S- ,r ,yvvi »l-- .o.-ny ,r noo , -fr.. ,08VI ,OJi • UlTiii It , .-J5'iOJ3u C ^' .Oin(3 M ,n£rIIriV .S6VI .VI .oralX M , ^^Sfir-r ; .asvi o .oraSI It »9d3a:. .09VI ,!<: .omX f» tW^^ ,29? I ,"^1 .-5-1 !• , r^F.Tf^^ ,C7VI ,bS .offiOI ,mocj .iiLeiiir.. .^?VI .3 .omd " .I9-XI.V. .dVVI ,V .onSI " ,90B3l -7^ Allen, Othniel Sb Keziah Allen, Their children: Ruth, born, Smo. 5, 1760, Jedediah, " 3rao. 5, 1762, Sion, " 7mo. 30, 1765, George, " 8mo. 8, 1767, Othniel, " Smo. 22, 1770, Susannah, " 9mo. 6, 1773. Vail, Moses & Phehe %ii Their children: Sarah, horn, lOmo. 2, 1775, Phebe, " 6rao. 28, 1777, Martha " Imo. 26, 1779, James, " llmo. 16, 1780, Henry, " (no date) DEATHS IN MAR R I A G E BOO K Haight, Sarah Hai^ht, wife of Thomas Died, 8mo. 25, 1774, aged, 28 years, 3 months and 12 days. Buried Friends Grounds, Nine Partners on 27th. Palmer, Sarah Palmer, wife of Gilbert Died, 3mo. 15, 1776 in 34th year. Buried Friends Cemetery, Nine Partners. Tohias, Daniel Tobias Died. 9mo. 20, 1771. Buried at Friends Grounds, Nine Partners Haight, Sarah Haight, wife of Jacob Died, 6mo. 20, 1772. Buried in Friends Ground, Nine Partners. ic sl'ryr ,. :o 91- .. -2- Peckbam, Reuten Feckham, Died, 7mo. 30, 1770. Buried in Friends Ground, Nine Partners. He came to live in Dutchesa Co., with Aaron Vail. 5nio. 1764. P.emoved from his father^s house when 21. Haight, Charltjf Haight, wife of Joshua, Died, 4mo. 18, 1770, in 57th year. Buried in Friends Ground, Nine Partners, j'Siisr. ^nB±J.0Bi 3nJ .12 amd'N eexiorf e'l-jdofil eM nioi'l • ' ' r r ' * ILA N U MISSION Qg SLAVES Thorn, 3 mo. 23, 1776. Jacot & Dorothy Thorn, of Charlotte Prect, Negro ilan Slave. Prima, and Negro 'i7oman Slave Vilote, Thorn, 3 mo. 23, 1776 V.'illiam & Jamima Thorn, of Charlotte Prect. Negro iMan, Primas, and Negro «Vonan, Yilot. Hgight, 12 mo. 15, 1775, Jacob Haight, of Charlotte Prec i. Negro iVoman, Dinah, aged, 37 years. Eoag, 7 mo. 21 1775, Jonathan Hoag & wife Llartha if Nine Partners. Mulatto Girl, Hhoda, from and after 10 mo. 18, 177b, when she will he 18. Cook, Davis, 5 mo. 18, 1774, Ebenezer Cook of Charlotte Prect, Some years ago from Ephram Davis, of Dover, Negro Girl named Alice Dinah, 10 mo. 17, 1779, when she will be 16. . J O 3 i -. ^- 9j JcIiEfiU 'io :tjc !:o , ; " dooel. .c."^'?! .SI .Oin SI . '"?■ .8TS3V ?S ,b32.B , ,nBnoVi oigaH £iol£., 3xrW e ■ '"^'I ti-^ .0^'- ' t^i-O in-r. ^4 < ■ siJ^-rifitf-Ci lo yiooO i9S9a9j;y ,^V?I ,81 .01!! 5 ,^'ooO .;:^03i-i ,8.^vbG lavoG lo .P'y."?'"^ I mofl: 056 8t.r!>v; 911:08 . Gin 01 , " ■ *- . ■ . ,-JX - " i. ■:■... , . * . .L , J. n Hoxsie, 11 mo. 9, 1775, Zebulon Hoxsie, Negro Girl named Vilot, 18, years, 6 mo. 8, 1776. > * ^ Holmes, 4 mo. 4, 1776, Nicholas Holmes 6b wife Phebe of Oharlotte. Negro Boy, Nathaniel, aged about 8 years, when 21. Haight, 7 mo. 14, 1774, Aaron Haight, of Charlotte JiCKS, Prect. Purchased of Joseph Hicks of same place. Negro Han Thomas. Hoxsie, 1 mo. 27, 1773, Zebulon Hoxsie of Dutchess County. Negro Woc:ian, Zipro. Hoxsie, 11 mo. 9, 1775, Zebulon Hoxsie, of Beeknian Prect. Negro Boy, Prince, aged 15, 10 mo. 20, 1775. u-hen ^1. Hoxsie, 11 mo. 9, 1775, Zebulon Hoxsie, Negro Girl, iiannah, 17 years, 7mo. 18, 1775. ,9^f;xo .d9c. ,SVVX , A r -t" 1 ^^.Tm.•rf f' ■ 'W n a ;. ,3^bX0iI L^xOut) • oni 1- ,l9'r-;-;f.'fi/i ,\^oci oigS'- XI9l:'.v ^Bol. "io i 'in1 .ivBiZ .306±q 3inBc; 10 • BeaoifT a£. g1a9M S2iw:;d^i;<^ io icsxo^. nuxijaa^ ,oVVx , vci ,om • OaC^T*^ ^ A.iX'' ^.- Haight, 3 mo. 2S, 1776, Thomas Haight of CJharlotte, Negro Girl, Isatel, aged 10 last winter. lihen 18. Thorn, 4 mo. 18. 1776 William & Jamima Thorn of Charlotte. Negro airl, Juda, aged 11. 'iThen 18. THiite, 5 mo. 5, 1782, Ruluff ^Tiite of Town of Salisherry. County of Lltohfield, Connecticut. Negro Man, Thomas LIullen. niorfT Bmimal i'y nBrlli';, ,aVVI ,81 .orc .^ nicii •Q-f .II B92B ,£cjji ;iih? oTgs:: • f INDKX -1- Adams, Alley, Akin, Alcine, Aldrich, Allen, Anthony, Arnol d, Austin, Baker, Balding, Barker, Barnard, Barton, Bedell, Bennett, Betts, Birt, BoweriTian, Bowne, Eoyce, Briggs, Bristoll, Brooks, Brovm, 4-8-13-16-17 22-29-2S-59 33 58-63-67 57 6-24 2-4-14-16-17 25-31-34-55 40-42-46-50 56-57-66-67-68 70-71-75-80-83 84-87-88-104 24-28-29-40 56-57 24-75-86 56 43-64-76 77 12-14-25-31-35 42-43-46-53-56 58-69 21-27-36-42-44 4S- 49- 50- 63 4-14-15-17-19 20-26-28-32-34 35-36-39-41-42 43-44-47-48-49 52-54-55-57-59 74-78 30 54-55 52 69 22-30-36 55-63 &9«9e 7S-?? 43 90 93 1-2-3-5-12-13 14-15-16-17-20 31-32-33-34-35- 40-41- 43-43a- 44 52-57-5-72-78 Brownell, Brundage, Erundige, Bull, Bunker, Burl ing, Burtis, Butler, Butt, Butts, Camp, Canston, Car?iart, Carpenter, Causten, Car nan. Case, Christy, Church, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clement, Clerk, Cock, Coffin. Coleman, Cornstalk, Comstock, Collins, 37- -45-46 93 65 60 55-56-74-77 36-44-46-55-69 33-40-92 53 5-22-26-30- 41-53-73 7-10-12-14-15 17-18-20-21- 22-23-36- 43a- 99 17-18 89 3-14 87 25-33- 42-43- 96-97 43 82 31-42- 74 50-87 6-13-1 18-21- 32-41- 26-38- 56-65- 79 82-83- 53 44-45 9-36-3 48-52- 61-62- 69-71- 38-40- 46-48- 73 24-78 26-30 39-40- 46-56- 43 5-16-1! 7 26-27-30 43a- 74 40-53-55 66-69-74 84-86 e- 44-47- 55-58-59 63-66-67 78-79 42-43-45 61 ":e rj.)/. t^\ -av -x\ -Vw [-dl-?.!- - , OA c::-?;s-tuJi -::;.' ^r. .-i:iiA ? 5 -35 -80 ,.ti:>[i'. Vg r-sx-M-i^- - ,a9lL\ 3I-M-''".'-0.r-'^.'' ,j-.t; - - -fa-^G o..- .J. ( ■ . ■> ,.... . .-.Dc:-?s-i? ,.,.=>- |X*I»»-* -^ .^r .e^tiBlC ,aJ:l'ioO ^M -a ■ >f OG -, . *~ -J •" -I - - -31 -12 - ._ -I£ - -II' - c ■>• V -;:? -2 „v I - , J.J < ■ ;: \\ -.'•-1'^ ■ ■ , J"'! ' r '• Index Congdon, Cook, Cooper, Cornel, Cornell, Cornwell, Croir.well, Davis, Davy, Dean, 77 Ferris, 16-107 Ferriss, 57 Fish, 35 Flagler, 8-25-42-45-44-45-46 53«55964-67-72-75 77-78 Fowler, 35-31 -^U, Franldin, 72 Frost, Gager, Gardner, 87-107 56 6-10-12-14-16 18-21-22-24-25 26-29-30-31-32 34-42-43a-51-53 55-56- 65- 69- 74K}armo, Gifford, 76-77-81 Derbyshire, 76 Dec el, 67 Deuel, 4-18-20-27-32 68- 69- 34- 90 Dewel , 31 Donalds, 92 . Dorland, 1-3-6-8-17-26 30-34-53-55-56 58-62-69-74- 83-89 Dorner, 24 Doty, 42-46-51 Doughty, 9*39 Drake, 66 Dual, 40 Duel, 31 Earl, 40 Eddy, 24-53 Ely. 40 Embree, 26 Everat, 33 Farrington, 76 Ferguson, 77 Gildersleeve, Gooch, Gould, Green, Griff en, Gurney, Gwin, Ha(e)ight, 21-22-23-24-2 35-56-37-36-4 45-48-43-50-5 73-74-75- 60-63-64-66-6 78-80-31-82-85-86-88-89 95-97-98-102-105-106-10 7-27 27-69 50-51-53-54 69 40 42 15-18-40-43-44 45-46-76-95 96 38-59-41-42-44 45-47-48-49-50 51-52-54-55-59 61-62^66-61 68-97 93 2-3-7-13-46-47 51-67 42 88 14 3-1C-12-13-15 18-23-27-28-51 35-34-55-56-37 33-43a-47-4&-'9 49-58-64-74-75 78-S0-102-103 ^ 12-13-14-15-1 & IC- 20-23-24-27 28-31-32-33-34 35-56-57-58-42 45a-45-47-48- 54-65-75-84- 88-92 25-51-55-40-42 43-45 41-42 2-5-4-5-6-8-9 10-11-12-14-15 16-17-18-19-20 7-28-51-52-55-54 1-42- 45- 45a- 44- 1-54-55-56-57-58 7-69-70-71-72-77 '-90-91-92-95-94 7-108-109-110 2-5d-ia-0fl O r. _ - ■' £■1 5- - -':2-SI !?- ,r£aj:'5 -31 .rioc ^ . ^ "■ •-• ^T Ow .X-ii-i'VoC) -il^ ,i.^«^:.-.-?i\»2S-3 , ClaartoO rt' '' "I— ; '". .IX:V7it100 jj-eo'i^ f * ' c •--. '^.^ ri .^ r ''1 ■-, ,-;xvr.a t t T* ''-Id-';.- ~ . ~ . ,■• ■r-Ga-se-ea-ee 3? ,?)-xxif3\;;:f'S9a •3i9i)IiO V"" , '9060. ,r:oooD " - ( r X' ,I9W9(X «-' 1 '. ( e2-vi-8-d-c-: ( '33-35-^3 -:"3-0': t -■'- - '■:^ . rfi!L.-;T t 'J- ,:---r, ,j-r.,3J:i3)B-i ', ►■■» ..'iO. -roxH io t < OT .a>£ooo.«5T, C ■"->■; ,-';9lIiH Co-jo->d-I£-8S -32-52 -12 -6^ -3 ^ -5^ - N.^ -SIv -SI- -I^ -.)!' ^.o-^^-85 f:5 ,cTnx:.:AJ: v. « '■ ,5C9-3ji gs-2S ,^:;9ll9'i V6 se 33 -3V-^.;^ «■' i'T ?! 1 ■ . Z^'Z L^L ,r:oiftiX ,iI0j10H .qqBrLi INDEX Lancaety, 28 Mitchell, 39-42-47-52- Langdon, 42 54-59-64-66- Laphajn, 6-8-21-24- 25-28-29-31 67-72-75-78 79-85-86-89-00 94-96 Moor, 8-22-30-53-58 Latham, 40 Moore, 3-13-14-17-22 Lavar, 3 25-30-43-43 a- Lawton, 84-87-89-90- .95 46-53-55-56- Lockwocd, 64 58-60-62-69-76 Leanons, 68 79-83-85-99- i« Losee, 77 102 Lossing, 69 Moors, 48 Lounsberry, 68-80-82 More, Morris, MoBher, 17-18-22-35-40 18 5-6-7-9-12-14 IIaT3l:et, 54 15-16-17-18-19 Llabbett, 39-56-57-59- .60 20-21-22-23-24 62-69-71-72- 27-28-31-32-33 77-Sl 34-35-36-38-4:fe ITacomber, 1-12-14- 43-E 54-55-57-63- 75-103 ;2- 44-45-47-48-49 50-51-53-54-55 57-53-63-64-66 Macy, 7-36-38-47 67-68-73-74-73 Mar ken. 33 91-100 Harriott, 73-74-84 Mott, 7-12-14-17-18- Marshall, 46-65-80 20-21-27-37-38 Mar shell, 43-52 39-43a-47-5C- Martens, 43 a 51-52-55-60-68 Martin, 26 Mullen, 110 McCoord, 58-76 McCord, 53-77-97 Newc omt , 77 Mead, 73-76-79-81 Nesbit, 24 Merritt, 47-49-52-54- 57 58-59-60-62- .63 Oakley, 30 64-65-66-68- 70 Osborn, 31-71-83 71-73-74-75- 78 85-90-95-96 Pain, 26 Mil in. 56 PalsuTflOuntain, 88 Miller, 54-68 Minard, 94 _'^'' - -.'1 r-g-V-c* -<5 ii-si-vi-?^.:- ^ ;t.:-;-i\r;«^v-;_r(i-Or; >S:i-v _'">^ „'■' i- • ,10 oil ,9'.;; O.I i3.i:i':o... _, _ — ;, fclA >* O s*^ • w -A .-0~wCi- .'■ -.5?-2V-I?-' - < ,d-w^o": I -SI-OI -. . ' - : -12 _ ■ — z .- .. ., r :-ic — - 80 mm %• IS Vo-DI v:; !3-GC-a? o v _ ■ ,'X9q9r)ia es ,Ji;x3'. ,jUfooI3 ^C.~V r-.'-^r-S ,?iX'5'T[ ji[oX.r.3 3^ ,.CI-3a'iJ39-I oOI , ::-:>:oB'i G\-'-'7V-3V , VTI9X=i 2N-^^-e!; , :5oni:^L 3^.~M--:;^-i^~ss ,::if;d>fnx'I ,'S3no-3 j^^r" _ [-ri « ^9 -n ;\ ^5 \ ,l;JOa G?-6V-i.^- -ii?I't;);IiL'o2 Oi^ ^.o^JexiLwI-i ,>roo'Xuiyo3 ?3-?!!^-f.^-.rS-.^2 , + ^cq tirch^-jfJ-yoC 83 ■.vtTOi.mJ'iioG I^V , t - ,9i' "> "^ '" r _ ri ( '■ ,an9V9J"3 ~ ,nosn9vod"a ,.rri'icJ"a ,ici:'j.:ir,id-3 , - ■+-■310-3 ^.'•^' - « - ' ;iid-a ^iioi^ija Si^-i'JI'-I-e , .rr>_r^_-=r„-.j;„2r ,.;i:...,.. ,::oii9£)'- - .. -9.^:-.:v as .Si er ♦ ,f: oe j;:i'^irjo:i ,^croofBT i^-es «-'"' 8B r « - , o'IfiT Va-3>-V^-9S-SS r '■ .:.--IlBT ^3-63 ,iiJf3i\Tl6 J Ar.. .'■I.c^^-" INDEX -6- Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thome, Thouns, Titus, Tober, Tobias, Torapkins, Tripp, Tuthill, Underhill, Upton, Vail , Valentine, Varney, Vinsanfe, 7/alBie, Walter, 2-53-56-96 V/ater, 84 V/aterB, 4-15-17-18-20 Wates, 21-22-26-37-39 V/eaver, 40- 45 a- 4 7- 45- We ekes, 5r.-56-£9-6C-62 Weeks, 64-65-70-71-72 White, 73-75-76-78-81 83-85-87-89-91 V^icks, 94-107-110 Wilkinson, 39-74-77-81 Wilbur, '^4 WillPitB, 4-14-16-17-18- V/ilson, 20-22-26-29-30 V/ing, 33-34- 42- 43a-52- 60-64-66-73-76 V/inslow, 77-83-94 18 57-105 91 13-17-20-22- 26-30-61-62 77 Wintringhsm, Wooley, Woolley, V/orth, Yeorcans, Yong, 10-25-26-34-42 Yormans, 45-46-55-76-77 Youmans, 86-91-94 Young, 6-17-25-31-35 40-42-43-46-74 89-91-101 2-5-9-12-13-14 15-16-17-18-20 21-22-23-24-25 28-31-23-35-40 43- 43a- 44-45-46 49-50-51-52-82 87-104 48-49-57-59-64 67-68-74-76-86 82 ' / 13-43a 77 96 26 31 21 77 57 43a 8-17-31-63-68 69-84-102-110 42 30-53-5H-74 54-64-73-76-79 85-96 67 26-77-81-85 69 84 59-73 57-61-62-63-73 74-76-79-82 7-33-43-46 26-30 39 18 109 22-29-33-39 I -3- bP, •--- t - .. -3G-OU-S t- ir. ,^•1.. . ^8 ,r;c^,:-. .. la ^a-iJ- • - - - :I-:^ ,.-:iorfT r^n t ^ o** \ o ** •-■ ■ •• JL-^ ^^k ( _ - .'■ _ - ■ — O,*. e/"> ,^^B.^ - . _ ~ - r^''^*'* '■«. " ,9^x11'.: •'<\ — X^' -O'. —Vsv — *»d . ^ V ■ r';_~,r_?i"' """ "^^ ^ ' — ■ ■ ■ — « ;! - - . -S8 ■* — — ■ ,no8aixXJ;.< oi;i-;o.r-^'? •■ - •" -" ^%:i-SLi:: r.^_nr _\'~ _'?•"! ,?-:-or{T -, ,.?j-fij:iJcw ,ar:u?rfT V6 .nonlxi? -ei-vi-C'i-^-i-^ ,eytir :;:.-j:^-S":-d^ jSniVv' O5-C2-0a-S"'-"'" :^:\ ,irJjrfaaxiJTti^' '.o_"^_r^ 55-19-02-32 II "• O i* — ~> t* — vJ i- •" Ja» *.I-5I~SI-9-5--5 ,IxsV ■J t r-?T- T" 9 2- ' . ***"** • ^♦^'V^ - ?^\/ ^o^^f'^ J" V'ii?^\/ %.*'^-^/ 'V.*i^\/ ^ «>v*^ '%.^^ • >«. A*' ♦J -iV" *?!. ♦••'• a9 v. ♦•To" v^^*" O4. *..^* aP r.- ***\ j*^ -V?^V* V^^V^ %/?^°/ ''V^^V^ ^v'?^'/ « "^ A* ♦j*SfA'- >&» ^ •BUS*' ^ A* •jCfiSoC" >fev ^ ♦^^'' '^ A** V - o.^^' -* * >*•'' *^o^ '^^•**aO'' %»'^^^\*'' *\.*'^***aO' 'V*W^\