•I o r-^^. ^ '-^^ /.^ ,0' 0' RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN HUNTINGTON, LONG ISLAND, 1 723-1 779. BEING THE RECORD KEPT BY THE REV. EBENEZER PRIME, THE PASTOR DURING THOSE YEARS. CONTAINING LISTS OF MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH, AND OF BAPTISMS AND OF MARRIAGES, A CONFESSION OF FAITH, ACCOUNTS OF TRIALS OF MEMBERS, AND VARIOUS OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE AFFAIRS OF THE CHURCH, WITH FULL INDEX OF NAMES. ^ (prinitb for MOSES L. SCUDDER, HUNTINGTON, N. Y. 1899. M^ bb * C)« CorvRicHT, 1898, MOSES L. SCUDDER. Kl'ITIOS LlWITED To 500 Copies. No. bi> TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction ..... Ordination . _ - . . Confession of Faith . . . . Members or Tnii Church . . . Baptisms ...... Marriages ..... Miscellanea Qu-edam (E. Prime's Family Record) - - - Memorandum (Daniel Lewis and Wife v. Elizabeth Williams) Records of Meetings, Etc. . . _ 5 10 12 i8 24 6i ii6 I20 INTRODUCTION. This Church Record is printed to preserve what is of historical and genea- logical interest to the people of Huntington. It is mainly a record of 2,381 baptisms and 822 marriages celebrated during a term of fifty-six years, 1723- 1779, but it also contains some matter which will interest the general student of the- ology and church development ; notably a confession of faith, antedating the expositions of Jonathan Edwards, and liberally annotated with biblical references. It also contains quaintly worded accounts of trials of church members for various forms of misconduct which may illustrate the manners and morals of those times. The only omission in this reproduction is a list of over two thousand texts of sermons, which are curiously classified according to the books of the Bible from which they are taken, and are referred to by chapter and verse. This list occupies twenty-six pages of the original Record. There are some matters in this Record relating more to Mr. Prime personally than to the affairs of the Church, particularly his family record, which he saw fit to set forth at greater length than the records of the families of his parishioners. This is so quaintly worded and illustrates so well the character of the man and the habits and thoughts of the time, that it would be a loss to the interest of this volume to omit it. It has been thought best to print everything as it occurs in this Record, changing the spelling, the punctuation and the use of capital letters only as may be necessary to give uniformity and conformity to the usage of that period. The First Church in Huntington was organized at about the time of the settlement of the town, say 1660. It was then an Independent or Congrega- tional Church, after the pattern of the Churches of Connecticut, and did not become a Presbj-terian Church until 1748, as appears in this Record. Unfortu- nately the earliest records of this Church have not been preserved. It is known, hdwcver, that originally the relation between the Church and the town govern- ment was very close. The ground for the church building was given by the town and other land set apart as a parsonage lot. The support of the minister was at 6 Introduction. first provided out of the town taxes. The carhcr ministers were engaged by the town and their yearly salaries voted at town meetings. This practice prevailed before the calling of Mr. Prime. There is evidence that Mr. Prime's yearly salary was provided by subscription by the people of the town not necessarily church members, and was not, as in the case of his predecessors, a charge on all tax payers. Possibly this incipient separation of civil and ecclesiastical affairs was characteristic of the period. At Mr. Prime's ordination the membership of the Church was only 15 men and 27 women, although the assessment lists of earlier time show more than a hundred resident tax payers. It is plain that only a small proportion of the citi- zens formally professed religion and belonged to the church. Of the fourteen persons chosen at the town meeting in May, 1724, as is shown on the town records, as trustees, assessors, collector, constable and other town officers, only two appear by Mr. Prime's Record to have been members of the Church ; and one of these, Jeremiah Wood, a Trustee of the Town, and consequently a person of good repute among his neighbors, appears in Mr. Prime's record to have been "Under Cen- sure of Admonition." Another curious fact may be observed. Nearly all the male members of the Church at Mr. Prime's ordination have "senr." opposite their names. This indi- cates that they were old men, probably the sons of the original settlers. It may be inferred that the third generation were not generally members of the Church. Whether these facts tell of a low state of religious interest and a reaction from the strictness of the primitive Puritans I will not attempt to inquire. Nevertheless this was during nearly all of Mr. Prime's pastorate the only church in Huntington, and it is probable that all the respectable inhabitants were regular attendants at its services and contributors to its support. Consequently, the record of the marriages solemnized by its pastor comprises practically all the marriages of the residents of the town during those years. It was the practice to have infants baptized a few days after birth, apparently whether the parents were members of the church or not. Hence the pastor's record of baptisms is approximately a record of births in the families resident in the town. Unfortunately in this record the names of the parents of the children baptized are rarely set down. It is unfortunate also that no record was kept by the pastor of the burials attended by him. Such a record would have served very well as a record of the deaths of the people of Huntington. Introduction. 7 Rev. Ebenezer Prime was born at Milford July 21, 1700. He was graduated at Yale College 1718 (the year when the name of Yale College was adopted). He became the assistant to Rev. Mr. Jones, the Pastor of the Church at Huntington June 21, 1719. He was ordained collegiate pastor of this Church June 5, 1723, and continued in that relation until death, September 25th (or October 3d), 1779. This brief recital of the chief dates in his career, supplemented by the publi- cation of the Record kept by him with persistent system during the long years of his ministry, serves to tell the well-rounded story of a faithful life. Any one can read anywhere between the lines of Mr. Prime's Church Record perseverance, steadfastness amid difificulties, unremitting attention to daily duties coupled with an intellectual devotion to fundamental principles which commands admiration. This Record affords an excellent illustration of the sturdy, purposeful character of the men who founded and built up the English colonies in America. During the period over which this Record extends, 1723 to 1779, the Ameri- can colonies grew in wealth and self-confidence, suffered probably somewhat from hardship, from pestilence and wars, but excited the jealousy and experienced the restrictive legislation of the mother country, which developed the war of the Revo- lution. Nearly four-fifths of this period fell in the reigns of the first and second Georges, when Englishmen generally were prospering. It is probable that the people of Long Island, and incidentally of Huntington, although quite out of the channel of commerce, shared this prosperity. The people of Huntington were for the most part farmers, but there were some who followed the sea ; and although it is not probable that the profits of the cod fisheries and the whale fisheries came here, quite likely the traffic in West Indian goods, in rum and slaves, occasionally enriched some of Mr. Prime's parishioners. There is evidence in this Record that some social demoralization was felt in Huntington during the French and Indian War, but the effects of the Revolution are not so plainly reflected, probably because Mr. Prime, at that time more than seventy years old, was less able to take part in current affairs or less ready in recording them. On one page of the Record and not in Mr. Prime's hand-writ- ing an account was begun of "arms accoutrements and ammunition of Captain ." The remainder of this entry has been erased so that it is unintelligible. The fact that such an entry was begun on this Record may indicate a close con- nection between Mr. Prime and his church and the patriot army in the Revo- lution. M. L. S. The widdow Sarah Rogers 62 Age. Nathl. Potter April 4. 1762 — 50 — Do. Jesse Buffet 37 August 21 1737— aged 75— Do. 75. Jesse Sammis 1737 March 31. aged 75 Do. Piatt Carl 1738 Febry. 12. The following Sheets eontain a Record of various weighty and memorable Things made by me Ebenezer Prime Sundry of which were transcribed from some other Papers Anno //jo. Records of the First Church in My Ordination to the Sacred Service of ye Gospel Ministry in Huntington was attended on June sth, 1723. The Reverend Presbyters that carried on the Solemnity were : — Mr. Eliphalet Jones, Pastor of Huntington. Mr. Joseph Webb, " Fairfield. Mr. Ebenezer White, " Bridghampton. Mr. Stephen Buckingham, " Norwalk. Mr. Daniel Chapman, " Greensfarm. Mr. Benjamin Woolsey, " Southold. The Sermon was Preached by the Rev Mr. Chapman, and the Charge was given by the Rev Mr. Jones, in the following words : — For as much as a Number here present professing the Faith of X and a Readyness to subject themselves to the Commands and Institutions of Jesus X, the King of Saints, in order to their partakeing of all the Blessed Priviledges granted by the Lord X to his willing people in the Kingdom of Grace, have chosen thee, Ebenezer, to be their Pastor and to have the rule over them in the Lord, And thou also hast professed a Readyness of Mind to accept of their Call, and to devote thyself to the work of X and Service of the Souls of this People : We do therefore in the name of ye Lord Jesus Christ, ordain thee a Minister of X and a preacher of ye Word and Gospel, and a Dispenser of all the Ordi- nances of the House of God, Baptism and ye Holy Supper of ye Lord, and Discipline, according to ye Rules of ye Gospel. These things to be attended with special Reference to this Church, that hath chosen thee to be their Pastor. See therefore yt thou behave thyself towards them as becomes a Minister of X, and a faithfull Steward of the Mysteries of God. And as thou art allowed of God to be put in Trust with the Gospel, so speak not as pleaseingMen but God who tryeth ye Heart. Fear not ye laws of Men, nor shun to declare the whole Counsel of God. Keep thyself pure from the Blood of all Men. Take heed to thyself and to all ye Flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made thee an Overseer. Feed and watch over the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood. Take heed to thyself and to thy Doctrine, showing therein Incorruptness, Huntington, Long Island, lysyiyj^. il Gravity, Sincerity, sound Speech that cannot be condemned. Hold fast the form of sound Words which thou hast learned from the Holy Scriptures. Study to show thyself approved, a Workman yt need not be ashamed rightly divideing the word of Truth. Continue in these things and in so doing thou shalt save thyself and them that hear thee. And we charge thee, Ebenezer, before God and the Lord Jesus X, who shall judge the Quick and ye Dead at his Appearing and Kingdom, Preach the Word, be instant in Season, out of Season. Rebuke, reprove with all Authority. Let no man despise thee. Exhort with all Longsuffering, warn the Wicked yt they turn from their evill Ways and live. Be patient towards all Men, with meekness instructing them that oppose themselves if peradventure God will give them repentance unto Life. . Feed the Flock of God, takeing the Oversight of them not by Constraint, but willingly, not for filthy Lucre, but of a ready Mind, not lording it over God's Heritage, as haveing Dominion over their Faith, but as Helpers of their Joy. And when the Chief Shepard shall appear, thou shalt receive a Crown of Glory yt fadeth not away. Be faithful to ye end, and remember who hath said, Lo I am with you to ye End of the World, Amen. This Charge was given at ye place of Publick Worship in Huntington, June 5th, 1723. Records of the First Church in Huntington, June ye 5th, 1723. Galat: 2. 5. Rom: 10. 9. Kom: 6. 4. 1 Cor: S. 4, 6. Lev: 10. 10. Exod: 3. 4. Act: 7. 2. 1 Tim: 6. 15. Mat: 5. 48. Gen: 17. 1. Psal : 90. 2. Mai: 3. 6. Job: 11. 7. S, 9. Psal: 139. 1, 13. Rev: 4. 8. A confession of Faith delivered on the Day of my Ordination in pubHck and aftenvards assented to by the then Members of the Church in full Communion and by all others at their Admis- sion, the Introduction which follows being excepted. Since it hath pleased the Lord in his alwise Providence to employ me (one of the least of all Saints) in the work of the Gospel Ministry ; and I am now by Fasting Prayer and laying on of hands to be separated to the Work whereunto the Lord hath called me to be solemnly invested with the Authority of a Gospel Minister whose Commission is most sacred and office Work honourable ; it may seem but reasonable that I should give you some satisfaction that ye Truth of ye Gospel doth continue with me, and that I should confess with my Mouth those things which I believe in my Heart and shall make the subject of my Preach- ing to you. And this is what I am now about to do in this Confession of my Faith which I make in ye Light and Presence of God and be- fore this Assembly of many Witnesses therein according to the Measure of Grace received, giveing an account of the Hope which is in me with Meekness and Fear as followeth : I believe that there is one only liveing and true God, Infinite in Being, Glory. Blessedness and Perfection All sufficient Eter- nal, Unchangeable, Incomprehensible, Ever}-where Present, Al- mighty, knowing all things, most wise, most holy, most mercifidl and gracious long suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth. Heb: 4. 13. Rom: 16. 27. Rom: 1. 20. Isai: 6. 3. Rev: 15. 4. Deut: 32. 4. Exod: 34. 6. Heb: 11. 6. The holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Test. I believe to be of Divine Original and Authority. Therein are re- vealed the Great Mysteries of the Kingdom even all things neces- sary to be known, believed and done in order to eternal Salvation. Huntington, Long Island, /725-/77P. 13 2 Pet: 1. 21. 2 Tim: 3. 16, 17. Eph: 2. 20. 1 Joh: 5. 7. Heb: 11. 3. Gen: 1. 1. Joh: 1. 3. Psal: 33. 9. Psal: 19. 1. Psal: 103. 19. Dan: 4.35. Gen: 1. 26, 27. Rom: 10. 5. Gen: 2. 16, 17. Galat: 3. 10. Eecles: 7. 29. Gen: 3. 6. Coles: 3. 10. Eph: 4. 24. For as they came not by the Will of Man but holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost so they are most profitable for Doct : for Reprof for Correction and for Instruction in Righteousness, that the Man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good Works. Wherefore I desire to build on no other Foundation but that of the Prophets and Apostles, Jesus X himself being the chief Corner Stone. As I have learned from this sacred Fountain of divine and spiritual Knowledge the Holy Scriptures, so I believe that, in the unity of the God Head, there is a Trinity of Persons distinguished one from another by the Manner of their Subsistence their personal Properties and the different Parts they act, but yet One in Essence. There are three that bear Record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Spirit, and I receive and adore, it as a great Mystery of Godliness that these three are One equal in Power and Glory. Through Faith I understand that the Worlds were framed by the Word of God for he created all things out of nothing and without him was not anything made which was made. He spake and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast. The heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament showeth his Handy- work. I believe that as God created all things out of nothing by the Word of his Power, so his Kingdom ruleth over all, and as the Sovereign of the Universe doth his Will in the Armies of Heaven and among the Inhabitants of ye Earth carrying on the great Designs and Purposes of his own Glory in his alwise most holy extensive and powerful Providence I believe that God made Man the Head of this lower Creation at first upright holy and happy in his own Image and after his own Likeness, and entered into a Covenant of Life with him upon Condition of perfect Obedience to the Law moral and positive. But after God had given him a Law suitable to his Nature, have- ing furnished him to the Obedience thereof and annexed a Threat- ening that in the Day he offended he should surely die. Man be- ing left to ye Conduct of his own Will soon sought out many In- ventions voluntarily rebelled and thereby lost ye Image of God, which consisted in knowledge. Righteousness and true Holyness. 14 Records of the First Church in Kom: 5. 18, 19. And by this one Act of Disobedience I believe all who were in Adam radically and severally are made sinners and Judgment is come upon all to Condemnation. However God willing to show his Mercy and make his Grace 2 Thesa: 2. 13. known hath appointed some to everlasting Life thro Sanctifica- tion of the Spirit and Belief of ye Truth, and having predestinated Eom: 8.28,29,30. ^ certain Number to the Adoption of Children by Jesus X I be- lieve those and those only shall be called justified and glorifyed. I believe that our Lord Jesus X, the second Person of the Adorable Trinity according to theAppointmentof thcFatheranda Psalm: 89. 3. mutual Covenant of Redemption between the Father and the Son, Psal: 40. 7, 8, 9. in which the Holy Spirit did concur freely and readily, undertook Psal- 89 19 20 21 ^^^ Office and Work of a redeeming Mediator being anointed with a fullness of Authority and Ability by the Spirit of the Father to obtain eternal Redemption for such as were lost. J°^= ^- ^*- In order to the Accomplishment of this great Work I believe Gal: 4. 4, 5. the Eternal Word was made Flesh in the fullness of Time by a Matth: 1. 18, 19, 20miraculous Conception in the Womb of the Virgin Mary. I believe the mysterious Union of ye two Natures Divine and Isai: 9. 6. Humane in the Person of X so as that he is God and Man in two distinct Natures & one Person forever. I believe that X as our Redeemer executes the Offices of a Prophet of a Priest and of a King both in his Estate of Humilia- tion & Exaltation. He is a Teacher come from Heaven to instruct Men in the Act* 3 22 Mai: 3. 1. " knowledge of the Will of God for their Salvation. He is a mercifull and faithfull high Priest in things pertaining Heb: 2. 17. unto God to make Reconciliation for the Sins of the People and laai: 53. 12. to make Intercession for the Transgressors. He is not only Priest but King upon his Throne for as he was Zach: 6. 13. delivered for our Offences so he rose again for our Justification Ltik: 24. 50, 51. ascended up into Heaven, sits at ye right hand of the Father P^1-\k).*3.^' ^^' where he lives to make Intercession for his People till all the 1 Cor. 15. 25. £n(js of his Mediation are accomplished, till the Church shall be Eevel: 1. 18. . perfected and all Enemies subdued ; he was dead but is alive & lives forevermore. I believe that the Lord Jesus X after he ascended sent the Joh: 14. 18, 17. Spirit to be a Sanctifier, Comforter and Intercessor in his People, Huntington, Long Island, i/^j-iy/p. IS Joh: 16. 7, 13. Job: 3. 3. Kom: 3.24. Eom: 10. 4. Heb: 11. 6. Luke: 13. 3. Phil: 1.6. Joh: 6.37,39. 1 Pet: 1, 5. Heb: 12. 23. 1 Thess: 4. 14. Jude: ver. 6. Mai: 16. 18. Psal: 22. 30. Eph: 2.22. Eph: 4. 8, 11, 12. 2 Cor: 4. 7. Matth: 28. 20. Matth: 15. 19. to lead them into all Truth which is according to Godliness, to work in them every saveing Disposition and Qualification where- by they may be fitted for a Participation in the purchased Salva- tion. Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. I believe that we are justified freely thro the Redemption that is in X Jesus for X is the End of the Law for Righteousness to every one who believes. Faith and Repentance are necessary Terms of Salvation for without Faith it is impossible to please God and except we repent we shall all perish. I believe that the Saints of God shall perservere in Holiness, and never totally or finally fall away from Grace ; he who hath be- gun a good Work in them will carry it on until the Day of Jesus Christ. All that were given to the Son in the eternal Covenant of Redemption shall come to him & none shall be able to pluck them out of his Hands. But he will keep them By his mighty Power thro Faith unto Salvation. I believe that at Death the Souls of Believers are made perfect in Holiness and do immediately pass into Glory their Bodies being still united unto X do rest in their Graves until the Resur- rection. But the Spirits of the wicked are reserved in Chains under Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day. I believe that X will always have a Church in the World and in it a Seed that shall serve him and be accounted to him for a Generation. I believe that the Glorious Mediatour of the new Covenant who is ye only Head and King of the Church hath appointed proper and distinct Ofiicers in his Church, who are to deliver his Message, plead his Cause, defend his Truth, gather Churches and guide them in his Name and Fear. That the Lord Jesus X stands at ye Head of this great Mission committing this Treasure to earthen Vessels that the Excellency of ye Power may appear to be of God and not of Man ; and that according to his Promise he will be with them to ye End of the World. I believe that the acceptable way of worshiping God is in- stituted by God himself and is to be kept pure and entire from ye Mixture of humane Inventions. I believe that there are only two Sacraments in the new Testa- i6 Records of the First Church in Matth: 28. 19. Galat: 3. 27. Act: 2. , 33, 39. Luke: 22. 19, 20. 1 Cor: 11. 26. Act: 2, ,42. Eccles: 12, 3. 2. & .7. Act: 2 4. 15. ICor: 15. 42. Philip: I 3. 21. John: 5. 28, 29. Act: 1. 11. 2 Tim: 4. 1. 2Thess: 1. 7, 8, 9, 10. 2 Pet: 3. 10. Matth: 25. 41. ver. 34. ment of Divine Institution, Baptism and the Lord's Supper which are Souls of ye Covenant of Grace. In Baptism I beHeve we are admitted into the visible Church and by the application of Water in the name of ye Father and of the Son and of ye Holy Ghost we are consecrated and devoted to ye Grace and Service of the living God. I am persuaded that Believers and their Seed have a right to this Ordinance since the Promise is made unto them and their Seed even to as many as the Lord our God shall call. In the Lord's Supper (which is appointed for our Growth and Establishment in Grace) I believe we are to eat and drink the sacramental Bread and wine in Remembrance of Jesus X most thankfully, commemorating the satisfactory Sufiferings and Death of ye Mediator. In these and other the appointed means of Grace we are to continue steadfast till ye ascended Redeemer returns. As there is a time to be born so I am persuaded there is a Time to die. Our Dust must return to Dust and ye Corruption & Our Spirits to God that gave them. I believe the Resurrection of the body both of ye Just and Unjust. When the last Trumpet shall sound, the Dead shall be raised ; the Bodies of ye Unjust by the Power of Christ unto Dis- honour; but the Bodies of the Just by the Spirit of X unto Honour, and shall be made conformable unto his most glorious Body. The hour is coming in which they that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice, and shall come forth, they that have done Good unto the Resurrection of Life ; and they yt have done Evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation. I believe and expect the second Coming of Our Lord Jesus X the glorifyed Head of the Church to judge both ye Quick & the Dead, that he may take Vengeance on them yt know not God and have not obeyed his Gospel but to be glorifyed in his stead and admired in all them that believe. In the great and terrible Day of the Lord I believe the Wicked shall be condemned and cast into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels and that the Righteous shall be openly owned acknowledged and acquited by Jesus Christ, the great Judge who will take back along with him the whole Assembly of his glorious Saints to Heaven and present them before the Ephes: 5. 27. Matth: 25. 34. 1 Cor: 15. 24. 1 ThcBS: 4. 17. Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779- 17 Presence of his Father, a glorious Church not having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing. Then shall the Righteous with ex- ceeding joy enter upon the Possession of the Kingdom prepared for them. When God shall reign immediately over all, the Mediatour delivering up the Kingdom to the Father, and reign- ing with Him in the Glory of his God Head and then shall the Perfected be forever with the Lord. i8 RfO-tds of fkr Firsi Ckstnh in MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH A. M. D. Brethren of ve Cliureh at my Ordination. 17^3 June Mr. Eliphalet Jones. Pastor. John \Yood Esqr. James Chichester Nathl. ^^"xlliams Senr. Jeximiah Smith S«nr. Joeefii Rogers Senr. Jacob Brash Senr. Obaviiah Rogers Thomas Brush Senr. John Conkline Senr. Saas Sammis Senr. John Wood Senr. Di-v-id Sammis Senr. Daxid Rogers Senr. Jeremiah Wroc S-err ttoder .\ A. M. D. t>isters at my Ordination. Tune 5 Elisabeth Smith Hannah Wood Esther \\"ickes Deborah Wood Elisabeth Wickes Mrs. Martha Jones Martha Smith Elisabeth Brash Scsacua Bmsh Hannah \Miiiman Rebecka Tims Abigail Ketcham EHsabeth Chichester Manha Sammis Sarah Sammis Fheb« Rogers Mary Cockiine Sar^h Winiam^ Rebecka Bn^i Mary Brcsh Jane Rcge^ Manr Ginnins:? Kannah V>"hirr.ta Cybil \\>itman Scsama Whitman Sarah Weed Elisabeth Smith Huntington, Long Island, /^^j-z^/p. 19 A. M. D. Brethren Added Since My Ordination. Dec. 18 1724. July 15 1725 Mch. 28 Sep. 21 Dec. 2 1725/6 Feb. 15 1726 Dec. I 1726/7 Mch. 2 1727 June I 1728 June 5 Aug. 29 1729 Apr. 6 i729/3oMar. i 1730 June 14 Jul. 29 Oct. 2 1731 Jul. 28 1733 May 31 Nov. 29 1733/4 Jan. 31 1735 Jul. 31 Dec. 24 1736 June 17 1736/7 Mar. 20 1737/8 Feb. 2 1738 Apr. 2 June 29 Zebulon Whitman William Jarvis Senr. Nathaniel Williams Thomas Rogers Thomas Brush William Jarvis Jonathan Whitaker Jacob Brush John Ketcham John Sammis Senr. William Brumbley Mr. Ebenezer Goold Jeremiah Piatt John Whitman Senr. John Adams James Kelcey Zophar Piatt John Brush Elnathan Wickes John Woolsey Samuel Brush Thomas Conkline John Roberts Francis Armstrong William Macgere William Pozlie Thomas Campbel John Macgere Thomas Grant Thomas Smith, Senr. Jonas Smith James Smith Josiah Wickes Jacob Bunce Benijah Jarvis Richard Denton, Junr. A. M. D. Brethren Added Since My Ordination, 1739 Oct. 4 1 740/1 Jan. 30 1742 Apr. 2 Sept. 29 1742/3 Feb. 12 1743 June 2 Oct. 5 1743/4 Mch. 8 1748 Mch. 30 Aug. 4 1749/50 Mar. 2. 1750 May 3 Aug. 3 Oct. 5 Nov. 29 1 75 1 Aug. I 1755 Oct. 10 1756 Dec. 3 1757 Mar. 31 1758 Jan. 8 1759 Nov. 29 1762 June 3, July 29 1764 Aug. 31 Elnathan Smith Thomas Jarvis Jonas Adams Sampson, Negro, H. S. Benjamin Pelton James Smith Isaac Bunce Isaac Sammis Abraham Chichester Eliphalet PliU Azariah Wickes Ananias Whitman James Pine John Burtis Josiah Wheeler Benjamin Brotherton John Huff Isaac Sammis, Junr. Ter- tius. Zophar Wood Joseph Smith, Junr. Josiah Rogers Sterling Negro, J. S. Elnathan Wickes, Junr. Ephraim Kellam Enoch Wickes James Pearsal Jonah Rogers Nathan Volentine Moses Baldwin, A. B. Newark. Thomas Smith, A. B. Jamaica. Stephen Gildersleave Josiah Wickes Junr. Justice Obadiah Piatt Records of the First Church in A. M. D. Brethren Added Since My Ordination. 1764 Aug. 31 John Avery, A. B. Joseph Conkline John Conkhne Isaac Conkhne Benjamin Conkhne Richard Conkhne Eliphelet Chichester Henry Smith John Denton John Taylor Zophar Piatt Samuel Nostrand Joseph Ketcham Silas Newman Arthur Newman Ebenezer Dayton Benjamin Wood Ananias Conkline Joshua Hart York Negro once mine M. D. Brethren Added Since My Ordination. 1764 Oct. 28 Reuben Brush Benjamin Denton John Morgan John Piatt Cordes Jonathan Titus 1764 Oct. 28 William Pleas Richard Smith 1 East- Thomas Smith ) woods Stratten Bryan Jonah Scudder Joshua Bunce Micah Hart Nathan Piatt Nov. 4 Daniel Smith 1765 Mar. 31 John Brush Luke Reuland Timothy Ketcham Apr. 21 Josiah Wheeler Junr. Charles Hubbs 1773 Jul. 13 Eliphelet Stratten Huntington, Long Island, /^^j-i/zp. Sisters Added Since Sisters Added Since A. M. D. My Ordination. A. M. D. My Ordination. 1723 July II Mary Conkline 1729 Sep. 4 Mary Smith Dec. 18 Elisabeth Rogers 7 Keziah Smith Esther Titus Dec. 4 Sarah Chichester Jane Ketcham Elisabeth Plat Mary Scuddar 1 729/30 Mai . I Abiah Hubbart 1724 Apr. 19 Elisabeth Wickes 1730 June II Phebe Brush Jul. 15 Esther Jarvis Elisabeth Williams 14 Hannah Tedd Miriam Wickes 1725 Sep. 2 Abigail Conkline July 29 Jemima Scuddar 21 Elisabeth Smith Sep. 6 Mary Sammis Oct. 3 Jemima Piatt Oct. 2 Mary Smith Dec. 2 Jane Blackley Mary Brush Mahetabel Jarvis Mercy Bunce 4 Sarah Brush Ruth Rogers Elisabeth Piatt Elisabeth Sexton 1725/6 Feb. 15 Miriam Ketcham 1731 Sep. 30 Esther Brush 20 Mercy Lewis 1731/ 2 Feb. 13 Martha Conkline 1726 Apr. 24 Rebecka Smith 1733 May 31 Mary Armstrong May 8 Hannah Scuddar Mary Macgere June 2 Elisabeth Ketcham Rebecka Wood Elisabeth Pozlie Mary Hannah Sarah Brush Aug. 2 Hannah Bunce Sarah Hubbart Oct. 4 Rebecka Scuddar Sep. I Deborah Whitman Elisabeth Scidmore 1734 Nov. 28 Sarah Sammis Zerviah Piatt Dec. I Rebecka Sammis 1735 Apr. 6 Susanna Kelcey Milleson Jarvis 1736 June 17 Hannah Wood Mercy Piatt 1736/7 Mar 20 Esther Dean 1726/7 Mar 2 Elisabeth Wickes 1737 Oct. 16 Elisabeth Rogers 1727 June I Elisabeth Piatt Jemima Scudder Oct. 26 Hannah Wood 1737/8 Feb 2 Rebecka Wood Dorcas Piatt 5 Susanna Bunce 1727/8 Mar • 7 Mary Rogars 1738 Mch 30 Abiah Scudder 1728 June 9 Elisabeth Wood, Mary Scudder Aug 29 Elisabeth Kelcey Hannah Ketcham Jane Johnson Sarah Sexton Records of the First Church in Sisters Added Since Sisters Added Since A. M. D. My Ordination. A. M. D. My Ordination. 1738 Mch. 30 Mary Russels 1742/3 Feby. 2 Anna Sammis Apr. 2 Jemima Jarvis Sarah Ketcham Hannah Jarvis Mary Hutchinson June 29 Keziah Pelton 1743 June 2 Hannah Piatt Tabitha Denton Anna Wickes Oct. 5 Hannah Carle Keziah Brush Abigail Rublier Anne Brewster Nov. 30 Elisabeth Hart Rachel Noaks 1738/9 Feb. I Cybil Bryan ( Oct. 5 Mary Pine 1739 May 31 Martha Abbit Anna Kellam Mary Conkline Anne Gates Keziah Kelcey Elisabeth Stratten Oct. 4 Deborah Bunce Jemima Noaks Nov. 29 Mary Wickes Mary Smith 1 740/1 Jan. Christian Smith Susanna Miller Jan. 30 Abigail Jarvis Nov. 3 Susanna Kellam Elisabeth Addams 1743/4 Feb. 15 Phebe Veal 1741 Apr. 3 Mary Smith Widow. Mar. 8 Ruth Chichester June 4 Elisabeth Foster Mary Brush Mary Seymour 1744 June 7 Cate Negro womn of J. D. Oct. 2 Esther Smith 1745 June 6 Bethia Brush Elizabeth Wood Elisabeth Smith Meribah Noakes Sep. 13 Sammis Dec. 3 Anne Gauler Sarah Highbe 1742 Apr. 2 Naomi Cornish 1745/6 Jan. 30 Mary Dickinson July 29 Jane Hill 1748 Mar. 30 Martha Smith Tabitha Buckhourt Mary Smith Sep. 29 Elizabeth Chichester Mary Wheeler Elizabeth Chichester, Dr. Sarah Huff Milleson Bailey Mary Carmon Abigail Sammis Temperance Bufiit Sarah Sammis Zerviah Jarvis Rebecka Stratten Hannah Sammis Margeret Prime Aug. 4 Penelope Wood Keziah Pelton Mary Lewis 1742/3 Feby. 2 Elisabeth Kellam Mary Scudder Huntington, Long Island, 1^2^-1779. 23 Sisters Added Since Sisters Added Since A. M. D. My Ordination. A. M. D. My Ordination. 1748/9 Feb. 2 Deborah Sammis 1764 Aug. 31 Widow Phebe Smith Bethiah Wickes Sarah Brush 1749 Sep. 28 Mary Rogers Mary Reuland Mary Brotherton Jemima Lewis, Mothr Mary Lewis, Daur. Susanna Johnson 1749/SoMch. I Sarah Buffit Tabitha Hart 1750 May 3 Esther Wood Hannah Taylor Aug. 3 Elisabeth Ketcham Bathsheba Brush Esther Dinge Abigail Oakley Priscilla Dickerson Abigail Morgan 19 Hannah Hymes Kezia Piatt Oct. 5 Sarah Highbe Phebe Smith Sarah Williams Ruth Titus Phebe Jarvis Deborah Totten Martha Smith Judith Bennett Elisabeth Bryan Sarah Smith Nov. 29 Mary Wickes Ruth Wood Dec. 16 Sarah Hymes Sep. 2 Kezia Willets 1750/ I Feb. I Jemima Carle Oct. 28 Anne Jarvis, Step. J. 1751 Apr. 4 Deborah Bryan Abigail Scidmore, Wid. June 7 Mindwell Bunce Elisabeth Conkline, C. 1751/ 2 Jan. 30 Elisabeth Scudder Martha Rudyard, J. P. 1752 Jul. 30 Phebe Bryan Anne Fleet Sarah Gildersleave Hannah Smith, H. Phebe Wickes, A Mary Hart, C. H. Dec. 10 Phebe Youngs Deborah Mott, J. D. 2 Mary Bunce Mary Pearsall, J. S. 1754 Aug. Ruth Hymes Anne Bryan, Daur. A. 1756 July 30 Hannah Conkline Elisabeth Smith 1757 June 5 Elisabeth Wright Rachel Scidmore Aug. 5 Widow Kellam Elisabeth Smith, E. W. 1758 June 3 Sarah Brush 1765 Mar. 21 Mary Smith Nov. 12 Ruth Wood Rachel Rogers 1760 Dec. 4 Mary Smith Widow Levina Jarvis 1761 Dec. 3 Elisabeth Sammis * Dorcas Arthur 1762 Sep. 30 Abigail Mosier Mary Reuland Dec. 2 Mary Sammis Abigail Rogers Apr. 21 Temperance Brush. 24 Records of the First Church in BAPTISMS. Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1723 Jonathan, Foster, P. B. Henry Titus Jesse Piatt, Private 1723 June 23 Phebe Wickes Ruth Foster, P. B. Adult Sarah Noaks Bapt. 1724 Mch. 29 Rebecka Smith George Sexton Elisabeth Whitaker Dec. 18 Thomas Kirkum, Adult Apr. 19 Zerviah Rogers Elijah Kirkum June 14 Ann Bryan 1723/4 Feb. 9 Israel Wood 28 Abigail Sammis Stephen Highbe July 5 Ruth Brush 16 John Piatt Jerutha Brotherton 1724 Mar. 29 John Smith, Adult Israel Ketcham Aug. 16 Ruth Rogers Rebecka Kelcey Apr. 19 Jeremiah Smith Oct. 25 Sarah Buffit Benjamin Gildersleave Nov. 8 Hannah Piatt James Hill 1724/5 Jan. 3 Martha Abbit May 17 Philip Phillips 17 Elisabeth Wood June 28 Samuel Chichester Sarah Dean Jul. 5 Daniel Lewis 24 Susanna Kellam 12 Ebenezer Prime Abigail Rogers Solomon Ketcham Mch. 14 Mary Williams Aug. 2 Daniel Wickes Bathsheba Highbe 9 Silas Wickes 1725 Apr. 4 Sarah Wood 19 Henry Jarvis II Phebe Brush Nov. I Philip Pelton 18 Sarah Smith 19 Joseph Stratten Mary Veal Dec. 20 David Chichester May 2 Jane Negro Daur of 1724/5 Feb 7 Zebadiah Bunce Rachel 15 Gilbert Potter 23 Deborah Bunce Mch 14 Isaac Brush June 6 Susanna Brush 1725 Apr. 4 Jonas Ketcham Jane Wood Jonathan Whitaker July 1 1 Sarah Scuddar 26 Hezekiah Wickes, P. B. Ruth Scuddar Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 25 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1725 June 6 Daniel Whitman 1725 Aug. 14 Abigail Cromwell, P. B. July 25 Ananias Sammis 22 Susanna Smith Aug 8 John Bunce Naomi Brush Sep. 26 Jonathan Kelcey Oct. 24 Rachel Noaks Oct. 3 Abiel Phillips Nov. II Maje Negro of Jer. Piatt Nov. 14 Jonathan Lewis Dec. 12 Phebe Smith 1725/6 Dec 26 Benjamin Lewis 1725/6 Jan. 9 Rebecka Smith Mar. 13 Isaac Rogers Feb. 12 Sarah Sexton 1726 Apr. 10 Thomas Scudder , Jemima Whitman 24 James Chichester Mar. 13 Phebe Wood May 15 29 Philip Gildersleave Joseph Highbe Keziah Smith Elisabeth Rogers July 17 Benjamin Cromwell 1726 27 Deborah Jarvis Aug. 8 John Buffit Michael Smith Apr. 3 10 Mary Dinge Margaret Prime Sep. II 25 Alexander Wickes Thomas Smith May 22 Abigail Smith Esther Straiten Oct. 9 30 Timothy Rogers Jonathan Titus 29 Ruth Kirkum Esther Fleet Nov. 6 Philip Piatt June 2 Elisabeth Brush 1726/7 Jan. I Stephen Ketcham 5 Mary Piatt 8 Peter Hill July ID Phebe Piatt 15 Joseph Hart 31 Azuba Sammis Feb. 26 Stephen Rogers Aug. 21 Jane Negro Daur of R. Mar. 12 Samuel Plumbe Sep. II Elisabeth Conkline 1727 26 Cornelius Hart Oct. 9 Elisabeth Chichester Apr. 2 16 Nathan Bunce John Brush 23 Sarah Whitaker Vashti Piatt 30 Joseph Dean Nov. 20 Elisabeth Highbe May 14 28 Jabez Negro of Jer. Piatt Cornelius Conkline Feb. 19 Ruth Kelcey Elisabeth Scuddar June 18 Nehemiah Sammis Ananias Pelton Mch. 2 5 Mary Wickes Elisabeth Whitehead Sep. 24 Isaac Jarvis 1727 Apr. 30 Naomi Bunce , I Oct. 15 Richard Dinge, Adult. Jacob Brush May 14 21 Azuba Brush Elisabeth Kellam 26 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1727 Oct. 22 John Stratten 1727 May 21 Mary Abbit Dec. 3 Jonas Piatt 28 Esther Jones i727/8Jan. 28 Israel Lewis June II Mary Rogers Feb. II Melanchton Bryan July 30 Sarah Raymond, Norwalk Mar. 24 Obadiah Rogers Aug. 6 Sarah Rogers Austine Smith Sep. ID Jemima Noaks 1728 May 19 Jonas Rogers Nov. 5 Charity Hubbart Thomas Fleet Bathsheba Rogers 26 Obadiah Gildersleave i727/8Jan. 28 Martha Smith June 2 Solomon Piatt Feb. 4 Bathsheba Sexton Elijah Brumbley Mch. 7 Elisabeth Sammis 5 John Wickes 24 Elisabeth Smith 30 Israel Lewis, 1728 Apr. 21 Elisabeth Williams Stratn Island Esther Chichester Isaac Whitaker May 26 Ruth Bunce Azariah Wood June 2 Charity Brumbley July 7 John Smith 9 Desire Highbe Aug. II Stephen Wickes, July 28 Ruth Titus Oyster Bay Sep. 8 Anna Rogers 25 Joseph Smith 29 Sarah Brush Sep. I Obadiah Piatt Oct. 20 Margeret Piatt Oct. 20 Jesse Piatt Nov. ID Ruth Phillips Nov. 3 Reuben Rogers 24 Kezia Piatt 10 Stephen Hart Dec. 22 Elisabeth Akerley Timothy Plumbe i728/9jan. 5 Phebe Brush 17 John Buffit Feb. 22 Abiah Gates, P. B. Adt. Thomas Rogars Mch. 9 Susanna Sammis Dec. 8 Israel Whitman 1729 30 Martha Whitman 15 Israel Veal Jemima Scuddar 728/9Feb. 16 Stephen Conkline Apr. 9 Mary Conkline Mar. 23 Eliphelet Wood 13 Abigail Rublier 729 Apr. 7 Stephen Jarvis, P. B. 20 Hannah Conkline Apr. 7 Epenetus Brush, P. B. 27 Hannah Scuddar May 1 1 Peter Negro Son of Rachel May 4 Martha Sammis June 8 Ezekiel Wickes 18 Keziah Remington 15 Lemuel Bates 25 Hannah Ketcham Huntington, Long Island, 77^5-/779. 37 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1729 June 15 Eli Brotherton 1729 June 29 Hannah Abbit July 13 Eliphelet Hill July 20 Ruth Ketcham 27 Samuel Stratten Aug. 10 Naomi Bunce Aug. 3 Augustine Jarvis Sep. 19 Hannah Woolsey, P. B. 10 Gilbert Scuddar 21 Hannah Bailey 24 Daniel Whitehead Oct. 5 Phebe Rogers 31 Timothy Carle 19 Kezia Pelton Nov. 23 Elnathan Wickes Nov. 9 Johanna Lewis, Dec. 21 Shubael Smith 16 Jerusha Kellam 1729/30 Jan. I Joseph Sexton 23 Ruth Sammis John Lewis, Fathr. P. B. 30 Elisabeth Titus John Lewis, Son, P. B. Jerusha Rogers 24 Michael Warin, P. B. Adt, Jan. I Mabel Sexton Feb. 2 Thomas Smith, P. B. Mary Lewis Mch. 8 Ambrose Wickes Jemima Lewis Private 22 Richard Gildersleave, H. Kezia Lewis ■ Bapt. ■1730 May 17 Zophar Brush Jeremiah Chichester Elisabeth Lewis Jane Lewis 24 Robert Armstrong Mch. 2 Ann Titus 31 Ichabod Smith 8 Lucretia Rogers Jun. 14 Micah Hart 1730 Apr. 5 Abigail Highbe Aug. 2 Isaiah Jarvis 19 Sarah Sammis 9 Joseph Ketcham Phebe Smith 23 Titus Morgan 23 Elisabeth Noaks John Morgan May 24 Rebecka Rogars Jonathan Dean June 7 Martha Ketcham Sep. 13 Israel Brush 14 Esther Jones Epenetus Piatt 21 Charity Rogers Nov. 8 Justus Plumbe July 5 Ruth Wickes 8 Ananias Akerley Rose Negro. B. Scudir, 29 Nathaniel Whitaker Senr. Dec. 3 Amos Piatt 26 Sarah Ketcham 6 Josiah Rogars Ann Jarvis Micah Veal Aug. 23 Experience Gildersleave 1730/1 Jan. 10 Zophar Piatt Martha Stratten Sep. 6 Mary Bunce 28 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1730/iFeb. 14 Stephen Kelcey 1730 Sep. 15 Ann Kirkum Thomas Smith Nov. 8 Sarah Williams Mch 14 Peter Negro Son of Rachel Dec. 6 13 Mary Brush Abigail Sammis 21 Stephen Piatt 1730/ I Feb 14 Mary Carle 173 1 May 2 James Kelcey Mch 21 Hannah Scuddar Zebulon Hart 1731 Apr. I Elisabeth Scuddar William Macgere May 2 Phebe Piatt Joseph Abbit Johanna D. Honeur Joseph Conkline Ama Buffit,if not mistaken John Whitman 16 Martha Brush 9 Piatt Wickes Private Bapt. June 13 Zilpah Brotherton 23 Jacob Phillips 27 Mary Russels 30 Philip Smith Thomas Conkline Aug. I Abigail Scidmore, Adt. Grace Scidmore Jul. 28 Ananias Wickes 22 Charity Ketcham, Adt. Aug 8 Timothy Akerley 29 Jemima Rogers Sep. 26 Joseph Ketcham Sep. 3 Mary Ketcham, Adult Oct. 24 Silas Sammis 19 Mary Prime Dec. 5 Selah Carle Oct. 24 Hannah Lewis I73i/2jan. 2 Nathan Bimce Dec. 22 i\bigail Woods Mar. 5 Philip Smith Piatt Elisabeth Jarvis Eliphelet Whitaker 1731/ 2 Jan. 16 Hannah Wickes 1732 Apr. 16 Micah Rogars Feb. 2 Kezia Wood June 4 Joseph Jarvis 6 Esther Jarvis Aug 6 Charles Vargison, J. R. S. 27 Mary Whitehead Abiel Titus 1732 Mch 26 Sarah Chichester 20 Obium Negro Adt. Mr. 30 Ann Scuddar Lloyd's Apr. 2 Sarah Piatt Nero Negro Adult Mr. 16 Sarah Lewis Lloyd's 23 Ruth Stratton 27 Gilbert Wickes Deborah Conkline Sep. f 10 Nathaniel Sexton John Scudder 30 Rebecka Titus Priscilla Rogers Sampson, Negro T ; Sudrs. May 21 Mary Smith Oct. 22 Piatt Veal June 4 Sarah Conkline Huntington, Long Island, 1^2^-1^ ^p. 29 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1732 Dec. 10 Stephen Stratten 1732 June 4 Mary Woolsey 1732/3 31 Jonas Ketcham 18 Phebe Akerley Jan. 2 Benjamin Aicerley, P. B. Adt. July 16 23 Phebe Arthur Deliverance Lewis 21 William Rublier Aug. 20 Ann Hill Feb. I John Macgere 27 Elisabeth Brush 4 Timothy Conkline Sep. 17 Sarah Prime Mch. 18 Hezekiah Wickes Oct. 29 Sarah Bailey 1733 25 Ananias Carle Nov. 25 Zerviah Piatt, P. B. Ezekiel Smith Dec. 7 Alice Armstrong Amos Sammis 1732/3 31 Rebecka Wood 29 Joseph Rogers Jan. 14 Ann Plumbe June 3 Othniel Brotherton Phebe Jones 17 Nathaniel Scuddar 21 Sarah Bunce July 8 Silas Whitman 28 Mary Piatt Benjamin Scuddar^ Mch II Deborah Whitman James Murray Jerusha Scuddar 15 Isaac Noaks 18 Rebecka Bailey 29 John Hart Enoch Wickes 19 Kezia Abbit Elisabeth Pozlie, P. B. 20 Joseph Buffit 1733 Apr. I Rebecka Hubbart John Sammis 15 Phebe Russels Epenetus Smith 29 Phebe Jarvis Aug 5 Nathaniel Smith Piatt Townsend May 27 Theodosia Sexton. Hannah Highbe 19 Eliphelot Hill June 4 Prudence Akerley, P. B. Sept 2 Hezekiah Negro Son of Rachel ID Ann Piatt Mary Conkline Oct. 4 Augustine Rogers 24 Mary Smith Nov. 2 Gilbert Dean July I Mary Pelton Dec. 9 Benjamin Youngs Prime 29 Mary Kirkum Isaac Conkline Oct. 7 Lois Jarvis r733/4 Jan. 13 Abiel Phillips 28 Martha Rogers 15 William Rogers, P. B. Dec. II Martha Conkline Feb. 17 Joseph Smith 1733/4 Jan. 6 Susanna Jarvis 1734 Mar 31 Uriah Piatt Feb. 24 Sarah Jarvis 30 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1734 Apr. 14 Daniel Rogers i733/4Mch 10 Elisabeth Smith May 19 Stephen Sammis Kezia Kelcey 26 Benjamin Bailey II Clemens Scuddar, P. B. June 5 Daniel Scidmore John Scidmore 1734 29 Sarah Johnson, P. B. Adult. Thomas Scidmore 31 Mary Brush Peter Scidmore Ann Rogers 16 Peter Negro, P. S. Brush's Apr. 3 Phebe Lewis July 21 Zophar Ketcham 7 Hannah Conkline Oct. 13 Thomas Smith 10 Scidmore at J. S. , 20 Piatt Titus 14 Rebecka Woolsey Zophar Piatt 28 Hannah Brush 27 Jesse Ketcham May 26 Margaret Wickes Nov. 3 Samuel Bunce June 5 Mary Scidmore 10 Gilbert Carle Deborah Scidmore Dec. I Henry Smith James Smith Temperance Scidmore Cybilla Bryan 1734/5 Feb. 2 Benjamin Akerley 16 Ruth Gildersleave of H. 9 Ananias Whitman July 21 Martha Ketcham 23 Francis .Armstrong Rebecka Pozlie Mch. 16 Timothy Scuddar Abiah Rogars 1735 Apr. 6 Green Plumbe Aug. I Mary Brush 13 Josiah Wickes II Esther Lewis 20 Jonah Wood 1734 Aug. II Mary Lewis May 4 Silas Carle Sep. 8 Phebe Scuddar 18 Thomas Rublier Nov. 10 Hannah Rublier June 15 Nehemiah Sexton 24 Anne Stratten 29 Isaac Scuddar Dec. I Mary Smith July 13 Nathaniel Sammis 15 Deborah Whitehead John Jones 1734/5 Jan. 26 Rebecka Conkline 16 Samuel Titus, P. B. 30 Rebecka Macgere 20 Elijah Wickes Feb. 9 Elisabeth Hart Sep. 14 Daniel Murray 16 Phebe Kelcey Oct. 12 Stephen Jarv'is Hannah Wickes Dec. 14 Samuel Conkline Mch. 16 Mary Chichester Jonathan Conkline 1735 Apr. 3 Ruth Brush Huntington, Long Island, 1^2^-1779. 31 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1735/6 28 Eliakim Negro of N. & R, 1735 Apr. 20 Rebecka Woolsey Jan. 4 Thomas Jarvis Elisabeth Abbit 25 Zechariah Rogers May 18 Mary Piatt Thomas Kirkum Thankfull Scudder John Conkhne 25 Ruth Hart Pierson Brush June 8 Rebecka Bennet Feb. I John Piatt July 13 Ruth Rogers 8 Eliphelet Jarvis Sarah Highbe 22 Samuel Tidd Aug. 17 Elizabeth Hill Joshua Rogars Mary Bunce Mch. 21 Timothy Kelcey Oct. 5 Mary Ketcham 1736 28 Josiah Buffit 26 Phebe Veal Apr. II Hooker Hobart Nov. 2 Hannah Wickes Andrew Rublier Dec. 14 Esther Smith May 16 Melanchton Bryan 21 Ruth Chichester Robert Jarvis 1735/6 Jan. II Mary Rogers June 6 WilHam Griffis Feb. I Hephzibah Smith 20 William Mott 22 Elisabeth Tidd, Adult Jacob Brush Phebe Tidd. July 4 Thomas Smith ''" ' Feb. 29 Rebecka Smith Aug. I Nathaniel Akerley 1736 Mch. 28 Lydie Phillips 22 Eliphalet Whitman Apr. 4 Sarah Scott Sep. 12 William Smith 13 Hannah Blackley, Adt. Oct. 3 Epenetus Ketcham P. B. Dec. 12 Hobart Conkline 18 Letitia Bayles Justus Sexton Rachel Arthur Joshua Rogers Ann Negro of Mr. Lid. 1736/7 Jan. 23 Samuel Denton May 9 Mary Smith Feb. 13 Zebulon Titus 28 Hannah Noaks James Macgere June 13 Mary Plumbe 20 Hazael Lewis 20 Susanna Mott, Adt. 27 Samuel Titus Jerusha Johnson, Adt. - Mch. 6 Jonathan Brush Sarah Mott 13 Samuel Pelton 27 Kezia Satterly. 20 Jesse Brush Jul. 4 Elisabeth Weight John Dean 18 Anne Ketcham 32 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. i736/7Mch 20 Jonathan Russels 1736 Jul. 18 Sarah Jarvis 1737 31 Jesse Sammis Aug I Phebe Scidmore Apr. 3 ID Cornelius Stratten Eliphelet Wheeler 22 Elisabeth Allison Naomi Piatt ]\Iay I Jonathan Scudder Mary Armstrong Isaac Bunce, P. B. Dec. 5 Margeret Sammis 29 Zeno Scudder 12 Taphath Sexton June 5 19 John Whitman Philip Titus Judith Bennet Mary Jarvis 26 James Kelcey 1736/7 Feb 6 Johanna Brush July II Jonathan Langdon, P. B. Deborah Conkline 17 Jesse Wickes 27 Mary Smith Aug 21 Jesse Buffit Mch 20 Mary Rogers Sep. II 25 Philip Wickes Austine Jar\'is 1737 Mch 27 Marj- Hart Elisabeth Arthur Oct. 9 Jonas Adams, Adt. Fathr, John Adams, Son Apr. 24 Cybil \\'ood Sarah Negro 13 John Woolsey, P. B. May I Miriam \\'ickes 23 Eliphalet Chichester Lucretia Scudder, P. B. 30 Joseph Rogars 2 Rebecka Ketcham Dec. 4 Jar\-is Wood 29 iMary Pine 1737/8 Jan. I Zephaniah Piatt June 2 Phebe Matthies 15 Eliphelet Stratton Joshua Bunce 5 Merc)- Chichester, Adt. Ame Hart Feb. 12 Piatt Carle Joel Ketcham Philip Rogers 12 19 Elizabeth Scudder Sarah Lewis Jemima Chichester, Adt. Mch 12 John Rogers Elkanah Conkline Aug. 14 28 Phebe Campbel Jemima W'ickes Isaac Yeal Nov. 13 Hannah Brush 19 Jared Sexton 1737/8 Jan. 8 Jemima Smith 1738 26 Eliphelet Wickes Daniel Smith Reuben Rublier 22 29 Deborah Whitman Elisabeth Cornish Anne Bunce Apr. 16 Zebede Kirkum Feb. 5 Elisabeth Sammis 30 Henry Sammis 19 Hannah Conkline Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 33 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1738 May 7 Joshua Ketcham i737/8Feb. 26 Sarah Bryan 14 Elkanah Negro Abigail Kelcey Jonathan Wickes Mch 5 Cybil Bryan, Adult. 21 Gilbert Morrice 12 Sarah Highbe 26 Israel Piatt, P. B. 1738 Apr. 9 Susanna Mot 28 Jonatlian Lewis Hezekiah Rogers Jonathan Tid 16 Charity Bryan Kezia Brush Sarah Ketcham June 29 Samuel Smith May 14 Elizabeth Wickes, Adt. July 16 James Abbit Ouandian Gates Aug. 13 Isaiah Jarvis Phebe Jones 15 Isaac Noaks, Adt. Jul. 2 Deborah Rogers 20 William Akerly 30 Bathsheba Hart Oct. 22 Benjamin Negro Aug. 6 Rebecka Brush Nov. 12 Stephen Wood 13 Ruth Conkline 26 John Brush Sep. 3 Elisabeth Piatt Dec. 3 Benjamin Smith Oct. 22 Ruth Conkline 1738/9 Jan. 14 Nathl. Whitman Nov. 5 Mary Denton 21 Joseph Lewis 12 Jemima Jarvis Feb. 18 Gilbert Sexton Dec. 17 Sarah Smitli 25 Thomas Smith 1738/9 Jan. 21 Mercy Plumbe Mch. 4 Jacob Rogers Elizabeth Brush 1739 25 Matthew Seymour Feb. 4 Deborah Satterley Enoch Scuddar 1739 Apr. 1 Katherine Brush, Adt. Apr. I Edward Brush Elizabeth Rogers 8 John Russels Deborah Sammis 9 William Scuddar, P. B. Unice Scuddar May 13 Philip Conkline 15 Jemima Lewis 27 Jonathan Ketcham Mary Sammis June 3 Samuel Piatt, Smithtown. 22 Anna Wickes Rachel Scidmore 24 Sylvanus Chidiester 29 Phebe Ketcham ' July I Timothy Ketcham May 6 Mary Arthur ' 22 Gilbert Wheeler Ann Smith 29 John Denton, Adt. 13 Johanna Tid Timothy Sammis 13 Elizabeth Macgere 34 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1739 Sept. 16 Oct. 28 Jacob Bunce Samuel Titus 1739 May 27 Rebecka Brush Mary Titus Nov. 4 Ebenezer Titus Timothy Titus Joshua Hart June 10 Jul. 22 July 29 Elisabeth Miller Mary Bennett Elisabeth Denton Dec. 2 Timothy Cornish Sept. 30 Sarah Hart 1739/40 30 John Jarvis Esther Dean Jan. 13 Ezekiel Conkline Eliphelet Brush Oct. 7 Phebe Piatt Esther Rogers 20 Jonathan Scudder Carle Piatt Rogers 28 Mary Wood Margaret Brush Feb. 3 Nathaniel Kelcey Nov. 4 Elisabeth Jarvis 24 Stephen Wickes Jerusha Kellam Mch. 9 James Pine John Rublier Peter, Negro of J. & R. S, Dec. 16 23 Elisabeth Bunce Martha Whitman Anne Whitman 23 Zebulon Rogers Elisabeth Wickes Epenetus Conkline 1 739/40 Jan. 13 Hannah Piatt 1740 Apr. 20 Eliakim Conkline 27 Sarah Buffit May II John Scudder Mch. 2 Elisabeth Adams Lemuel Carle 1740 Apr. 20 Anna Wickes James Morris Hannah Smith 25 Silas Wickes Anne Matthies June I Zephaniah Woolsey - 27 Margeret Mott July 27 Israel Oakly May 4 Mary Denton Aug. 3 Jonas Sammis Mary Hill 10 Daniel Wheeler II Elizabeth Bryan 24 Wm. Smith Scuddar June 8 Ruth Ketcham 31 Michael Smith 15 Temperance Sexton Sep. 14 Thomas Wickes Ezekiel Brush July 27 Elizabeth Langdon Mary Wickes 28 James Rogers Hannah Rogers Oct. 2 Isaac Ketcham Aug. 3 Jemima Whitehead Nov. 4 Stephen Plumbe, P. B. Temperance Brush 30 Israel Piatt ID Esther Lewis Huntington, Long Island, i^2j-i^^p. 35 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1740 Nov. 30 Nathan Piatt 1740 Aug. 10 Rebecka Brush Zebulon Ketcham 24 Rebecka Scuddar 1740/1 Jan. 10 Jonas Wood Sep. 21 Naomi Conkline Feb. 26 Thomas Arthur, Jr. Oct. 2 Hannah Ketcham, Adt^ Mch. I Abel Ketcham Abigail Smith 22 Smith Brush Nov. 2 Elizabeth Tid Ezekiel Ketcham Dec. 5 Sarah Smith 1741 Apr. 5 Jonah Rogers 14 Mary Smith 12 Ebenezer Bryan Temperance Denton 26 Isaac Smith 1740/1 Jan. 4 Rebecka Wood 30 Lemuel Bunce, P. B. Elizabeth Pelton " May 3 William Russels 22 "R r\/-\h- Zerviah Satterley 1 Sarah Strong ^^^^"^ Keturah Stuart J 10 Nathaniel Rogers 31 Nathaniel Brush William Mcgear Feb. 10 Cate, Negro, J. Piatt June 21 Moses Wickes Mch. 8 Elizabeth Brush Ezekiel Rogers 1741 Apr. 26 Mary Wood j Abigail Carle "^ Eliphelet Satterley May 10 Joseph Brush 31 Abigail Scudder 28 John Carle Phebe Sammis July 5 Jacobus Tid Ruth Smith 28 Benjamin Campbel June 21 Deborah Wood Aug. 23 Amos Smith Elizabeth Wood Thomas Scidmore 25 Mary Phillips, at Islip Peter Buckhourt July 5 Elizabeth Stratten 26 William Phillips, Islip Aug. 2 Hannah Piatt 31 Epenetus Wickes 26 Miriam Green, Islip- Samuel Munsey 30 Jemima Kellam Joseph Dungan Sep. 21 Rebecka Titus Sep. 13 Silas Sexton Oct. 2 Meribah Noakes, Adt. 24 Silas Titus 23 Mary Blidenburrow Oct. 4 Thomas Rewland Anne Blidenburrow 18 Ebenezer Chichester Charity Blidenburrow.' 21 Isaac Davis, ) „ , , ^ . IBrookhaven John Davis, j Nov. 8 Abiah Conkline 15 Jemima Lewis ' 23 Daniel Blidenburrow 29 Rebecka SammiS: 36 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1741 Nov. I Lemuel Scuddar 1741 Dec. 6 Phebe Conkline Dec. 6 Nathaniel Piatt 13 Esther Seymour 20 Isaac Smith 20 Elisabeth Wheeler 1741/ 2 Jan. 10 Nathaniel Jarvis William Rogers 1741/2 Jan. 3 Dorcas Arthur Jemima Wheeler Amni Brush 17 Deborah Munfil Lue, Negro of B. J. 27 Sarah Piatt 24 Sampson, Negro of J. S. Phebe Piatt 27 Epenetus Piatt Mary Piatt Mch 7 Philip Ketcham Mch. 7 Ruth Sexton 16 Isaac Veal Mary Williams 21 Thomas Dennis, Adult 16 Hannah Bryan Isaac Dennis 17 Sarah Hart, P. Bapt. 1742 25 Isaac Sammis, P. Bapt. 1742 28 Keziah Wickes Apr. 4 Lemuel Bryan Apr. 4 Elizabeth Miller Henry Morice 22 Unice Tid, P. Baptism. 18 Daniel Ketcham May 2 Elizabeth Scuddar Ebenezer Sammis 12 Phebe Addams 25 Joshua Bunce 16 Mary Wickes May 16 Andrew Oaklie 23 Milleson Bailey, Adt. June 3 Daniel, Son of Sampson Phebe Tid, Adult 14 Jacob Brush, P. B. Rebecka Ketcham, Adt. July 4 Joshua Whitman 25 Anna Smith Aug. I John Denton Susanna Smith 18 Zechariah Rogers Ruth Merchant 22 Samuel Lewis 30 Ruth Rogers Jacob Sammis June 3 Ruth, Daur. of Sampson 23 Henry Scudder July 1 1 Sarah Matthies 29 Nathaniel Buflit 18 Phebe Brush Oct. 26 Israel Woolsey Aug. 15 Elisabeth Piatt 1742/3 Jan. 2 Fordham Burtis 29 Ruth Whitman 9 Philip Wood Sep. 26 Mary Ketcham 30 Israel Ketcham Oct. 17 Jemima Plumbe Feb. 5 Jecamiah Brush Dec. 5 Susanna Brush 16 William Gates 15 Deborah Wickes ^1743 Mar 27 Benjamin Carmon 1742/3 Dec. 26 Jerusha Brush Huntington, Long Island, lys^-i^jg 37 A. M. D. Males Baptised by E. P. A. M. D. Females Baptised by E. P. 1743 Apr. 10 Richard Wood Lazarus Pine 1742/3 Jan. 9 Feb. 6 Ruth Highbe Sarah Denton Josiah Pederick Esther Pine 24 Caleb Ketcham 16 Abiah Gates May 24 29 Silas Munse John Pelton Charity Gates Naomi Gates Lemuel Tid Mch. 20 Mary Smith June 26 28 Jotham Wickes Jonas Wheler, 1743 Apr. 3 Jemima Lewis Kezia Brush Smithtown. 10 Martha Conkline Aug. 7 David Dungham 24 Anna Bryan 21 Jesse Bryan Reuben Mot May 8 June 5 Jen. Negro of A. Wickes Freelove Carle 28 Zophar Tid 26 Elisabeth Rewland Oct. 9 Jesse Smith July 3 Sarah Rogers Nov. 3 6 Zophar Rogers Richard Burtis Elisabeth Smith Mary Crawford 20 Jonas Wickes Aug. 7 Ruth Wood 22 Dec. 5 Zophar Brotherton Jonas Brush, P. Bapt. 21 Temperance Smith Sarah Smith 18 Alexander Sammis Sep. 18 Phebe Kellam, Mothr Adt 1743/4 Feb. 4 26 Nathaniel Satterley Zarah Sammis Phebe Kellam Daur. Hannah Kellam Mch. II Charles Piatt Mary Ketcham 1744 Apr. I 8 Richard Brush Benjamin Conkline John Taylor, Adt. 25 Oct. 30 Mary Wickes Elisabeth Smith Jenne, Molatto of J. B. John Sammis Nov. 3 Sarah Williams, Adt. ->.2 Stephen Gates. 20 Phebe Titus 29 Ananias Conkline Elisabeth Wood Reuben Ketcham 28 Phebe Carle May 9 Gilbert Bryan Dec. II Lusi Smith 13 27 Joel Smith Micah Hart 18 Mary Seymour Sexton Unice Tid June 17 Israel Whitman Jacob Russels 1743/4 25 Sarah Brush 58 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1744 June 17 Epenetus Brush 1743/4 Jan. 8 Rebecka Rogers 24 Selah Piatt 15 Elizabeth Williams Philip Scidmore 22 Martha Smith 27 Nathaniel Jarvis. P. B. Martha Ketcham July I Titus Bennet Feb. 12 Sarah Jarvis 15 John Wickes Mch. 8 Elizabeth Smith William Davis II Jemima Conkline 21 Ananias Brush 1744 Apr. I Deborah Brush 22 William Plase 8 Ruth Taylor Morice Plase 15 Levina Kellam Aug I William Hughgins May 9 Anne Bryan Israel Titus 13 Ruth Sammis 26 Jeremiah Piatt Jacob Ketcham June 3 Keziah Jarvis Hannah Rogers Sept 18 John Brush P. B. Loruhamah Bayley Benjamin Brush, P. B. July I Sarah Rogers 23 Zebulon Smith 15 Elizabeth Wickes 30 Josiah Smith 22 Zerviah Plase, Adt. Oct. 14 Piatt Smith Aug. I Mary Hughgins 21 David Conkline 5 Elizabeth Whitman 28 Robert Arthur 12 Ruth Denton, Jama Samuel Wood Sep. 13 Susanna Smith, P. B. Nov. 4 Robert Whitman 30 Mary Brush 6 Zebulon Piatt Oct. 7 Sarah Adams II Daniel Brush 28 Levina Denton Benjamin Wood Nov. 4 Elizabeth Wickes 16 Matthew Miller II Mary Wickes Dec. 2 Ebenezer Sammis Martha Matthias 9 Zechariah Rogers Dec. 9 Susanna Brush 16 Wilmot Oakley 1744/5 Feb. 10 Phebe Wickes s- «744/5 Jan. 13 Abijah Ketcham, Adt. Phebe Smith Joseph Ketcham 17 Susanna Brush 27 Mattbie Burtis 1745 Apr. 21 Sarah Conkline Feb. 3 Mordecai Chichester May 5 Mary Wheeler 10 Benjamin Dennis 26 Cybil Wood 17 Jonas Kelcey Mary Morris Huntington, Long Island, 1722-1779 39 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1744/5 Feb 17 Nathaniel Ketcham 1745 June 2 Sarah Carle 24 Jonah Scudder Unice Bryan Mch 24 Stretton Bryan 23 Jamaica Sundrys. M. & F. David Dungham July 25 Hannah Sampson. M. 1745 .... 31 Nathaniel Carle 29 Bathsheba Brush. P. B. Apr. 14 Zebulon Buffit July 31 Cybil Wheeler, Smith T. John Pederick Sep. 22 Mary Negro Child of 21 Hezekiah Negro, Lloyd. J. Smith May 26 Samuel Scudder Oct. 20 Kezia Bates 29 Lammons Woolsey Nov. 17 Susanna Scudder June 9 William Sammis Dec. 5 Ruth Scudder John Smith 1745/6 Feb. 15 Elisabeth Rogers 23 Jamaica Sundrys Mch. 2 Mary Wickes 30 Lemuel Wickes 16 Phebe Sammis July 24 James Taylor 19 Susanna Kelcey, P. B. 25 Epenetus Smith Martha Huff Oct. 6 Lemuel Brush. 23 Rebecca Piatt Gamalel Conkline 30 Elizabeth Piatt John Carmon 1746 Apr. 6 Jerusha Johnson 13 Josias Denton Eliphelet Ketcham Sarah Johnson Anne Johnson Nov. 3 Jesse Brush Bathsheba Johnson 17 Selah Bunce Ruth Johnson Dec. 8 Thomas Oakes Adt. Father Temperance Johnson Dinah Whiton Jesse Oakes, Infant Son May 4 Mary Wood 15 Gilbert Wood Elisabeth Chichester 1 745/6 Dec 29 Benjamin Smith June 8 Abigail Arthur Jan. 5 Nathaniel Brush Sarah Ketcham 12 Benjamin Titus 15 Hannah Ted Feb. 9 Samuel Smith Phebe Ted 16 Thomas Conkline 29 Levina Jarvis Mch 16 Israel Smith Jul. 6 Temperance Rogers 19 Daniel Kelcey, P. B. 27 Rebecka Ketcham Joshua Kellam 31 Priscilla Conkline 23 Andrew Ted Rana WiUiams 40 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1745/6 Mch. 23 Obadiah Piatt 1746 Aug 10 Elizabeth Sammis 1746 29 Abijah Sammis P. B. Ruth Brotherton 30 Nathaniel Smith 31 Milleson Gates Apr. 13 Eliphelot Stratteii Sep. 14 Alary Reuland 17 Daniel Seyinore Oct. 19 Mary Piatt, Adult 21 Isaac Sexton Nehemiah Hart Hannah Wood Elisabeth Russels 25 Ezra Ketcham 31 Milleson Jarvis Isaac Munsee Nov 9 Elisabeth Wickes June 8 James Bryan -v^ Rebecka Wood -9 Abraham Jarvis Sarah Satterley July George Youngs, Fathr. Dec. 7 Elizabeth Jarvis Philip Youngs, Son 1746/ 7 28 Abigail Sanmiis Samuel Chichester Jan. 4 Mary Piatt 13. David Piatt Zophar Ketcham 25 Ruth Wood Susanna Carle Samuel Brush Feb. 2 Phebe Conklino, Brgn 20 Pierson Brush 1747 ]\Ich 29 Elizabeth Kellam 27 Abel Bennet Apr. 19 Rebecca Smith Sep. 7 Alexander Fleet May '3. Rebecca Taylor, P. B. Oct. 19 Joseph Piatt 17. Mary Matthies 26 Thos. Whitehead Gilder- sleave 20, Jenne Negro | Sam Zilpah Negro j Brush James Denton 24. Mary Lewis Nov. 23 Josiah Brush 31. Mary Kelcey Dec. 7 Alexander Rogers Hagor. Negro of E. W. & 1746/7 Dec. 28 Samuel Jarvis Wife Jan. I Joel Scudder Jul. 5. Sarah Ketcham II Joseph Chichester 12 Keziah Smith 25 Thomas Gildersleave 26 Jane Brush Feb. I John Hart Epcnetus Bryan Freelove Miller Sarah Brush iS David Scidmore. P. B. 16 Margaret Sammis, Adt. 1747 Mch. 29 Michah Mills Mary Sammis, her Daur. Timothy Mills Aug. 30 Deborah Pierson, Ad. Jacob Mills Phebe Pierson, Daur. Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 41 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1747 May 3 Zophar Smith 1747 Sep. 6 Mary Brush 17 Silas Wood James Woods Bosworth Oct. 4 18 Martha Wickes Martha Scudder June 17 Zeno Gildersleave Phebe Sammis July 12 Jesse Smith 21 Elisabeth Wickes 19 Edmund Scudder 25 Martha Pierson Aug 2 Piatt Brush 1747/8 Jan. 14 Anne Whitman 9 Nathanl Bunce Smith 31 Mary Oakes Michael Samniis Feb. 14 Cybil Scudder 30 Daniel Pierson, Adt. Mch 6 Charity Brush Sep. 23 Gilbert Conkline, P. B. 13 Hannah Sammis, Adt. Oct. 21 Nehemiah Smith Unice Brush 25 Reuben Roff 3 Rebecca Roff David Roff 1748 Apr. 17 Phebe Youngs Nov. 5 II Nathaniel Wickes Josiah Wheeler Rebecca Taylor Sarah Smith 1747/8 Jan. •4 David Ketcham Ruth Smith Nehemiah Cook 24 Anne Tid 17 Samuel Chichester May I Martha Smith 21 Joseph Titus, P. B. Katherine Nostrand 30 Jonathan Stratten, P. B. 4 Judith, my Negro Feb. 31 Alexander Ketcham June 19 Dinah Carmon Mch 4 Enoch Sampson, Mulatto July 17 Phebe Bufifit 20 Joseph Bunce Zophar Brush Zophar Wood Aug. 7 14 Hannah Ketcham Rebecca Brush Ruth Jarvis 1748 Apr. 29 John Carmon, Adt. 21 Elisabeth Wickes May 4 Jupiter, My Negro Sep. 4 Elisabeth Piatt 15 Joseph Rogers Jonathan Sammis II Jerusha Chichester Phebe Piatt 29 Ananias Brush 18 Elisabeth Piatt June 5 Ichabod Jarvis 25 Sarah Wood 12 Jesse Oakley Oct. 13 Ester Wickes 15 William Morrice Daniel Hart 16 Anne Brush Charity Wood 26 Richard Conkline 23 Mary Kellam « 42 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1748 July 3 Andrew Negro J. Smiths 1748 Oct. 30 Aliriam Ketcham Aug 10 Israel Smith Elizabeth Wood Sep. II Stephen Denton Dec. II Sarah Sammis Oct. 23 Samuel Ketcham 1748/9 Feb 5 Ruth Bryan 30 Daniel \\'ickes Joseph Sammis 12 19 Esther Smith Hannah Bunce John Ketcham 1749 Mch 30 Mary Sammis Nov. 13 Joseph Rogers Apr. 2 Phebe Denton 27 Alexander Smith May 14 Sarah Williams Dec. 5 Zechariah Smith Susanna Smith 28 David Wood June 4 Bathsheba Carle 1748/9 Feb 5 Timothy Bennet Sarah Udale Alexander Benton Ruth Arthur Mch 19 John Veal Azuba Gildersleave 1749 30 David Smith Rebeka Gildersleave May 7 Isaac Jarvis July 16 Hannah Russels June 10 James Smith 30 Deborah Rogers John Brush Oct. 15 Phebe Sammis 20 Gilbert Brush, P. B. 29 Sarah Kelcey July 23 Ebenezer Wickes Ruth Wickes, P. B. Aug 6 Nathaniel Conkline Nov. 19 Elisabeth Satterly 13 David Ketcham Dec. 6 Phebe Wood Sep. 28 Peter My Negro 24 Hannah Roff Baptised by Mr. J. B. 1749/50 — 31 Ruth Carle Oct. 15 Israel Denton Mary Scudder 29 Ezekiel Hobart Jan. 28 Sarah Ketcham, Adt. Nov. 5 Israel Sammis Mary Ketcham, Adt. Radley Smith, P. B. Feb. II Esther Chichester 12 Alexander Smith 25 Zerviah Piatt 13 Israel Conkline, P. B. 28 Drusilla Scudder 24 John Bates, P. B. Mch 4 Ruth Wickes, Dec. 10 Piatt Conkline Ruth Mills, 24 Samuel Brush II Ehsabeth Matthies I 749/50 — 31 Jesse Smith Mch II Jane Hart Jan. 14 23 Eliakim Smith Isaiah Totten, P. B. 1750 25 Betteann Kellam Esther Tidd Huntington, Long Island, i^2j-i//p. 43 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. i749/5oFeb. lo Jonathan Conkline Smith 1750 May 3 Hannah Wickes Mch. 4 Sterling Negro of J.S.Adt. 20 Elizabeth Dennis 1750 25 Alexander Smith Esther Jarvis Apl. 8 Edmund Howel, B. June 3 Elizabeth Nostrand Hampton 6 Phileta Smith June 6 Joshua Buffit Susanna Bryan 10 Philip Ketcham ID Hannah Denton 19 Peter Totten Mary Pierson Simeon Totten 13 Ruth Dinge Jacob Totten Elizabeth Dinge Frank, Negro of J. S. 19 Deborah Totten Marcus, Negro of A. W. Sarah Totten 24 Stephen Brush Elizabeth Totten 27 Gethro, Negro of S. Brush Greeche Totten July I William Brush 24 Margaret Wickes 8 Solomon Tidd July 8 Jemima Resco 15 Peleg Potter Aug. 5 Temperance Norton Aug. 26 Selah Ketcham Phebe Smith Isaac Brush 19 Hannah Hymes, Adt. Sep. 23 Mordecai Wheeler Hannah Bunce Jacob Smith Sep. 16 Phebe Chichester Oct. 14 David Smith Oct. 7 Ruth Titus 28 John Oakes 28 Naomi Brotherton Nov. II William Jarvis Nov. 11 Sarah Piatt Dec. 6 Stephen Gates Elijah Sampsons Son Dec. 16 Sarah Hymes, Adt. Hannah Ketcham 16 Seth Rogers 1750/1 Jan. 20 Mary Brush 1750/ I Jan. 20 Micah Veal Sarah Wickes 22 Abraham Negro of Phebe Bunce Dr. T. Rogers 27 Phebe Brush Feb. 3 Epenetus Wickes Feb. 24 Elizabeth Wickes 10 Robert Scudder Mch. 7 Mary Valentine 17 Finch Gildersleave 20 Ruth Lewis Mch. 17 Philip Piatt Mary Lewis 175 1 Apl. 14 Isaiah Totten Kezia Lewis 21 Philip Kellam Jemima Lewis 44 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1751 Apl. 28 Jesse Sammis 1751 Apl. 14 Ame Brush Aug II Lemuel Conkline Mercy Hart Sep. 8 Alexander Brush May 19 Elizabeth Smith Oct. 6 Israel Taylor Zophar Brush June 9 24 Mary Piatt Rebecca Bates, Aat. 13 Jacob Conkline 30 Phebe Gildersleave 27 Jesse Arthur Jemima Brotherton Nov. 3 David Carle July 14 Elizabeth Denton 24 John Hubbard 21 Mary Wood Jan. 26 Jonah Wickes 28 Elizabeth Chichester 1751/ 2Mch ■ 5 David Jarvis Peleg Potter Aug II Susanna Sammis Ruth Udale 22 Isaac Carll Ketcham Joseph Whitman 18 Elizabeth Bryan Elizabeth Smith 1752 29 Reuben Johnson, Adt. Sep. 8 Kezia Smith Apr. 26 Benjamin Roff 29 Anne Smith June 14 William \\'ickes Ruth Smith 21 John Huff Oct. 20 Elisabeth Ketcham 24 Jonas Titus 27 Elizabeth Arthur John Titus Nov. 3 Rebecca Denton Jarvis Rogers Dec. 8 Sarah Brush July 8 19 Joseph Denton Henr}- Scudder Lewis Esther Brush Esther Conkline Piatt Wheeler I75i/2jan. 5 Phebe Wickes Aug. 2 16 Job Sammis, Adt. Philip Ketcham 19 Mary Gildersleave Estlier Wood Oct. 4 Jacob Jarvis 26 Mary Bryan Hezekiah Smith Feb. 2 Rhoda Brush Jacob Bayley 16 Bathsheba Smith Wilkie Bayley 26 Jane Volentine II Piatt Arthur Mch 8 Mary Gould 25 Jesse Brush 1752 29 Rebecca Johnson N. S. Nov 8 Danl. Brewster Highbe Apl. 5 Jane Hart J7S3 Feb. II Zadock Smith 26 Hannah Wickes 18 Prince Negro I. S. May 10 Kezia Wood Jonah Conkline June 4 Susanna Kelcey Huntington, Long Island, //-Jj-z/zp. 45 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1753 Mch. 7 Caleb Rogers 1752 June 7 Mary Chichester Elijah Negro Sampson 17 Mary Wickes Apl. 8 Zechariah Smith 21 Isabel Brush II Gilbert Piatt 24 Mary Titus 25 Lew Negro of J. W. Susanna Titus May 27 Joseph Rogers Priscilla Titus June 3 Titus Morgan July 19 Hannah Scudder July I Ephraim Oakes 26 Jemima Brush 15 Nathaniel Tucker Aug. 2 Rhoda Sammis Scidmore 30 Hannah Nostrant David Ketcham Mary Rusco 22 John Ketcham Margt. Ketcham 29 Zophar Brush Sep. 13 Esther Scudder Aug. 12 Daniel Smith Margt. Smith 19 Stephen Rogers Oct. II Esther Gildersleave Solomon Tidd 18 Anne Bunce Richard Gildersleave 25 Sarah Reuland Sep. 23 Isaac Youngs N. S. 25 Sarah Reuland 30 Isaac Wickes 1753 Jan. 14 Abigail Smith Jeremiah Chichester 21 Margt. Chichester Oct. 14 Thomas Conkline Mch 4 Abigail Ketcham Alexander Fleet 7 Elizabeth Dennis Nov. 4 Samuel Plumbe Jemima Bryan 18 Philip Wheeler 21 Jemima Wheeler 25 James Daguidy Smith Apr. 8 Elizabeth Veal Dec. 6 Jacob Wickes May 6 Mary Carl 1754 Jan. 20 Caleb Ketcham 13 Abigail Sammis Benjamin Denton 20 Hannah Lewis 27 John Wood Rebecca Bunce Feb. 10 Jesse Bunce 27 Kezia Brush Timothy Conkline July 8 Rebecca Sammis 20 Epenetas Wood Aug 5 Hannah Piatt Mch. 17 David Brush 12 Elizabeth Smith, P. B. Apl. 24 Jacob Miller Sep. 16 Tabitha Smith May 9 Ebenezer Piatt Oct. 7 Priscilla, Negro Mine 12 John Wickes P.B. 46 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1754 May 24 Samuel Wickes 1753 Oct. 14 Susanna Kellam June 16 Nathaniel Wickes Dec. 9 Hannah Brush July 7 Abraham Chichester 1754 Jan. I Mary Ball of Bradford 21 Ebenr. Prime Wood David Sammis 13 Charity Carll Elisabeth Piatt 28 Alexander Scudder Feb. 18 Rebecca Brush Aug 6 Isaiah Whitman 20 Elizabeth Wood 18 David Rusco Mch 3 Elizabeth Gildersleave Sep. I Tredwell Brush Bathsheba Brush 22 Jesse Smith Mary Gildersleave Oct. 14 Elisha Brotherton 31 Phebe Wood 27 Samuel Veal Ruth Denton Nov 27 Ezekiel Hobart P. B. Apr. 21 Ruth Ketcham Dec. 15 Ebenezer Smith Ame Brush 27 Stephen Kelcey, P. B. Mara Ketcham 29 Obadiah Scudder 24 Experience Gildersleave 1755 Jan. 19 William Rogers May 19 Rebecca Reuland 26 Alexander Bryan June 9 Ruth Plaise Feb. 9 Silas Smith 30 Hannah Smith Jarvis Sammis July 7 Susanna Brush 18 Scudder Newman II Hannah Whitman 23 Josiah Smith Aug 2 Ruth Hymes, Adult 26 Philip Bailey 26 Kezia Smith Mch 2 Israel Smith Oct. 13 Abigail Bishop 16 Daniel Smith Hannah Wickes Joseph Wood 20 Hannah Hart, P. B. 23 William Johnson Peter Scidmore 27 Susanna Veal, Adt. Phebe Piatt 30 Edmund Bunce Dec. 8 Martha Conkline Apl. 6 James Pearsall, Fathr. 10 Kezia Ketcham Daniel Pearsall, his Son 1755 Feb. 9 Elizabeth Smith 13 John Wheeler Mch 2 Mary Dickinson 20 David Wickes 14 Ruth Gould, P. B. John Scudder 16 Sarah Smith 22 Jacob Piatt Arthur 30 Ruth Wheeler May 4 Ebenezer Morgan Hannah Sammis Huntington, Long Island, i^2j- 1779- 47 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1755 May 4 Philip Jarvis, Private Bapt. 1755 Apl. 6 Naomi Bunce 15 Lemuel Carll Sarah Pearsall Isaac Huff 13 Mary Brush Jul. 22 Alexander Brush Esther Smith Jacob Smith 22 Marear Negro of T. S. Aug I Stephen Stratten June 15 Esther Rogers Chichester 22 Desire Highbe 3 Philip Udil Father Adult Jul. 10 Phebe Veal Nathaniel Udil Son Infant 13 Abigail Nostrant 6 Selah Ketcham H^^ Stephen Ketcham J Keteham Oct. 2 Freelove Brush Esther Denton 17 Henry Gildersleave 5 Esther Ketcham Sep. 7 Obed Kellam Hannah Carll John Conkline Dec. 5 Anne Wheeler 21 James Brush 21 Sarah Wood Nov. 16 Daniel Ketcham 24 Deborah Bryan 30 Jesse Carll 28 Cloe Negro of Isr. & Dec. 7 Richard Denton M. Wood Zophar Wickes 1756 Jan. II Bathsheba Piatt 14 Ezekiel Smith John Jones Feb. I Elisabeth Brush Phebe Wood 21 John Gildersleave 3 Ruth Jarvis 1756 Jan. II John Oakes Ruth Reuland 25 Thomas Hufif II Mary Gildersleave Feb. I John Lewis 15 Jemima Bailey 8 Jupitor Negro of J. Smith 22 Rebecca Denton Apr. 15 Jesse Wickes Mch 2 Sarah Potter 18 Lemuel Smith 21 Elisabeth Kelcey Thaddeus Smith Apr. 25 Susanna Brush May 30 Abiel Titus May 2 Jemima Jarvis Nathaniel Wickes 30 Theodosia Brush July 18 Isaac Allabe Jun. 13 Ruth Rogers Aug. 24 Thomas Wood Nathaniel Brotherton Sarah Arthur Sarah Scidmore Sep. 12 Piatt Kelcey 20 Ruth Bunce Oct. 17 Nathaniel Rusco July II Experience Wooding, Nov. 7 Nehemiah Brush Grand Daur. 48 Records of the First Church in A. M. D. Males Baptised by E. P. A. M. D. Females Baptised by E. P. 1756 Nov. 7 23 William Gates Griffis Daniel ^ 1756 July II 18 Tappe Wickes Jane Allabe, Adult. J°^^f I Ireland Jacob Thomas J Aug. 25 I Hannah Jones Mary Piatt ) ^.^^ Sarah Piatt j 1757 Mch. 2 13 Elleson 1 William [ ^V"-^^^ Jacob Conkline David Wood Daniel Wickes 3 22 24 Margeret Whitman Mary Wood Susanna Smith Elisabeth Gildersleave Esther Hobart Apl. 3 10 Nathaniel Oakley John Gould David Smith Ebenezer Conkline Oct. Nov 15 17 7 Ruth Fleet Temperance Smith Sarah Youngs Hannah Piatt May 22 Jacob Brush Solomon Ketcham 23 Margeret) ^^^^^^^ Elizabeth \ 29 Obadiah Wheeler I7S7 Jan. 3 Hannah Piatt June 2 Nathaniel Sammis 23 Phebe Wheeler 26 Alexander Smith Rebecca Piatt Piatt Vail 30 Susanna Sammis July 3 Scudder Anne Gould Dickinson Feb. 27 Mary Jarvis 24 Ishmael Piatt Conkline Wickes Mary ") Mothr. Winfred Aug 7 Jacob Scudder Daniel Piatt, Smith Town Mch 2 Elisabeth I Daurs. Elisabeth j Wright Sep. 19 21 25 EHphelet Brush Jacob Rogers, P. B. Philip Gildersleave Philip Sammis Daniel Harrison John Ketcham 6 13 Charity Sarah -^ Phebe Jarvis Marg. Wickes Elisabeth Wickes Joanna Wickes. Oct. 9 Ebenezer Brush Nathaniel Bunce Apri I 3 Margaret Oakley, Adult Sarah Carmon, Adult. 30 Phineas Carll 10 Phebe Brush Huntington, Long Island, lys^-i^yg. 49 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1757 Nov 13 David Horton ^ James Horton U^j^ Nathaniel ConklineJ 1757 Apl. 24 Mary Nostrant June 2 Sarah Daur. of Samson Negro. Dec. II Nathaniel Scudder 5 ThankfuU Udale 17 Thomas Bunce 8 Phebe Hart 25 Peleg Smith 12 Milleson Bailey 1758 Jan. 8 Jeremiah Wood July 17 Mary Brush Feb. 6 George Negro Child of 24 Mary Persall ', J.S. 31 Hannah Allabe 12 Scudder Carll Aug 7 Anne Smith Mch 9 Jarvis Whitman 14 Kezia Ketcham 19 Ezra Smith Sep. 4 Sarah Smith 26 Luke Fleet, Fathr. Adt. Israel Fleet, Son, Infnt. 25 Hannah Harressen Sarah Harrissen ' Israel Reuland Oct. 9 Elisabeth Highbe ' Apr. 9 Isaac Denton 16 Anne Carll ( Jacob Brush Nov. 13 Experience Youngs 23 Scudder Piatt Alathea Overton South - hold May 28 Obadiah Smith Sarah Salmon June 18 Stephen Wickes Dec. 23 Mary Ireland, Priv. Bapt. July 2 Jonas Gildersleave 25 Rebecca Ketcham James Griffis 1758 Jan. 8 Elisabeth Smith 9 Melanchton Lloyd 15 Elisabeth Potter Woolsey Feb. 19 Rebecca Harreson Benjamin Jones Reuland Mch 5 ThankfuU Highbe 23 Zebulon Rogers Jarvis 9 Mary Huff, P. Baptism. 30 Isaac Wickes Apl. 2 Elisabeth Johnson Aug. 5 Samuel Brotherton May 12 Jerusha Kellam 6 Jacobus Huff 28 Mary Jarvis Sep. 14 Isaac Rogers, P. B. Unice Wickes 17 Gilbert Piatt Naomi Brush Joshua Oakes June 18 Rebecca Bryan. Oct. 15 Michael Scidmore July 2 Ruth Sammis. 22 Silas Wickes n Priscilla Negro of Nov. 26 Nathaniel Sammis H. Jarvis Dec. 3 John Wood 30 Rebecca Morgan so Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1758 Dec. 14 Jonas Wood 1758 Aug. 20 Rachel Hobart 31 James Chichester Sep. 17 Sarah Wheeler 1759 Feb. 4 Conkline Ketcham Gilbert Conkline Phebe Rolfe Esther Lewis 25 William Piatt Oct. 8 Hannah Fleet 26 Losee Totten ) -□ ■„ Daniel Totten j" Ruth Rogers 12 Hannah Jerman Apr. 15 Jonathan Conkline Mary Jerman 22 Stephen Kelcey Dec. 10 Phebe Wickes June 24 Alexander Lewis 17 Rebecca Conkline July 8 Eliakim Smith 31 Elizabeth Wheeler Amos Piatt 1759 Feb. 6 Sarah Highbe Zebulon Dickenson II Rebecca Bayles 15 Philip Jarvis 18 Rebecca Gould 29 Benjamin Gould Mch 18 Ruth Nostrant Aug 5 Samuel Brush Apl. I Sarah Sammis Joseph Johnson 15 Hannah Rusco 26 James Pine Chichester May 27 Mary Piatt Sep. 16 Zophar Brush June 17 Bathsheba Piatt 30 Phineas Wickes 24 Elisabeth Gildersleave Joseph Udill July 8 Ruth Brush Oct. 28 Ebenezer Hart Jonah Highbe Ruth Gildersleave Sarah Vail Isaac Buffit Aug 5 Mary Smith 18 Timothy Carll Hannah Brush Dec. 16 Joseph Conkline Hannah Reuland 1760 Jan. 6 David Pierson Sep. 9 Rebecca Smith 20 Jacob Rogers 16 Mary Denton 27 Hobart Ketcham 23 Elisabetli Smith of Feb. 24 John Bailey Hempstead. Mch . 2 Gilbert Brush Hannah Smith of Apl. 6 Jesse Huff Hampsted 27 Joseph Smith at Hampsted Nov II Deborah Ketcham May 4 Jonas Smith 1760 Jan. 27 Phebe Denton 25 Eliphelet Arthur Mary Wickes 30 Isaiah Jarvis Feb. 3 Ruth Rogers Huntington, Long Island, i/'2S'^779- 51 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1760 June 22 Jonas Highbe 1760 Feb. 24 Rebecca Fleet July 13 Augustine Sammis Mch 9 Phebe Vail Aug 17 SiasNegroof H. T.Y.&J, Apl. 13 Sarah Youngs 25 James Ireland, Priv. Bap. 24 Margeret Burtis, at 27 Stephen Bedel at Hamsted Hempsted May 30 Martha Wickes Sep. 7 28 Israel Carll Jonathan Kelcey Zophar Conkline Aug ID Christian Smith Hannah Bunce Mary Smith Oct. 12 26 Solomon Smith Thomas Bunce 17 Eleanora Carll Elisabeth Jarvis Nov. 9 David Huff 24 Phebe Piatt Dec. 28 Jeremiah Wheeler Elisabeth Piatt 1761 Jan. 4 II Samuel Conkline Gilbert Hart 27 Violetta Pettit, Hempsted. 28 Ebenezer Kellam Jesse Kellam Sep. 14 Susanna Kelcey Sarah Huff Feb. 22 Reuben Johnson 28 Abigail Lewis Mch. I Selah Wood / Oct. 5 Rebecca Wickes 8 Titus Gould y 18 Lo-rahamah Wickes 29 Daniel Jarvis 19 Sarah Arthur Apl. 5 Timothy Scidmore Elisabeth Piatt May 10 David Rolfe 27 Phebe Totten -• - June 21 Moses Scudder Nov. 30 Rebecca Scudder July 5 12 22 Alexander Brush David Sammis Ephraim Chichester 1 761 Jan. 28 Levina Kellam, Mothr. Ruth Kellam, \ Experience Kellam, \ Daur. Aug. 2 Jeremiah Sammis, Fathr. Selah Sammis, Son. 30 Jemima Kellam, ) Ruth Wheeler 30 Ellis Carll Feb. 22 Esther Rogers Thomas Fleet Mch. I Anne Griffis Jesse Piatt 15 Elisabeth Wickes David Jarvis April 19 Phebe Lewis Sep. 6 John Fleet 26 Ame Buffit Oct. 4 6 Peter Reuland Daniel Brotherton May 3 Susanna Nostrant Elisabetli Morgan 52 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1761 Oct. 25 John Brush 1761 May 17 Isabella Morris Nov. I Nathaniel Harresen June 7 Abigail Chichester 15 Selah Denton July 5 Phebe Carll 1762 Jan. 31 Zebulon Rogers 22 Bathsheba Wickes Peter Hill Aug. 2 Phebe Sammis Feb. 4 Stephen Brush 9 Jemima Lewis Mch. 7 Jesse Denton 12 Sarah Rusco Apl. 4 Nathaniel Potter 16 Mary Piatt Ebenezer Smith 30 Sarah Jarvis II Henry Smith Abigail Havens Silas Smith Sep. 6 Susanna Vail 18 Elkanah Brush 20 Sarah Wood Abel Conkline Keturah Carll 25 John White Bishop Nov. 22 Mary Youngs May 2 Ziba Kellam Mary Smith Jonas Wickes J 762 Jan. 3 Ame Gould 16 Whitehead Ketcham Elisabeth Lewis 23 Timothy Jarvis 31 Hannah Highbe 30 Isaac Jarvis Feb. 7 Levina Rogers June 6 Benjamin Pearsall Elisabeth Dickerson 27 Jonathan Titus Martha Conkline July 25 Stephen Piatt Mch. 7 Susanna Wickes Aug. I Jacob Brush April 4 Tabitha Huff 8 Piatt Wickes 25 Charity Ketcham Augustine Jarvis May 7 Mary Wheeler 22 Isaac Sammis Elisabeth Wheeler Sep. 12 Tredwell Piatt 9 Abigail Mosier, Adt. Reuben Arthur Phebe Rogers Oct. 3 Gilbert Wickes 16 Phebe Wheeler 14 Titus Conkline 30 Mary Sammis Richard Conkline Deborah Wood Henry Conkline June 20 Rebecca Havens 17 Ananias Piatt 27 Elisabeth Titus 31 Nehemiah Ketcham Sarah Titus Nov. 14 Zebulon Hart Martha Titus 20 Mark Negro of Carll Esther Titus Huntington, Long Island, 77^5-/779. 53 A. M. D. Males Baptised by E. P. A. M. D. Females Baptised by E. P. 1762 Nov 21 Richard Piatt 1762 Aug 15 Sarah Gildersleave Dec. 5 12 Adeth Bunce Matthew Smith Thomas Rogers Sep. 5 Sarah Jarvis Nance Bayles Sarah Brush 1763 Jan. Feb. 9 6 Joshua Kellam Isaiah Jarvis Oct. 10 14 Rosanna Smith Rebecca Conkline Mch 27 Thomas Highbe Jemima Conkline 31 John Bunce Joel Wickes Nov 14 28 Phebe Rogers Drusilla Jarvis May 8 Abner Brush ^763 Jan. 9 Elisabeth Conkline 29 Alexander Jarvis Ebenezer Brush Feb. 16 6 Mary Bryan Hannah Conkline July 3 20 Jacob Scudder James Morgan Ebenezer Chichester Mch Apl. 20 31 3 Keturah Smith pr. Mr L- Elisabeth Conkline Ruth Sammis Aug. Sep. Oct. 14 18 25 2 Nathaniel Highbe Isaac Rogers John Ketcham Losee Huff May 16 8 Phebe Nostrant "' Juliana Carll Sarah Smith Elisabeth Sammis Dec. 4 Samuel Conkline Josiah Tucker Wickes 29 Jemima Hill Hannah Wood 1764 Jan. 8 15 Abiel Conkline David Chichester June 4 Elisabeth Lewis Rebecca Fleet Feb. 12 Jesse Harrison 19 Sarah Gildersleave Apr. 8 12 Jacob Rogers Samuel Wood Jul. 10 31 Patience Oakley Rebecca Udale Gilbert Smith Sep. 18 Anne Wickes 29 Scuddar Sammis Elisabeth Resco May June I 13 3 Henry Piatt Buell Conkline Jesse Sammis Nathaniel Ketcham Oct. 9 23 30 Phebe Johnson Deborah Jarvis Hannah Brotherton Sarah Brush ID 14 Eliphelet Whitman Carll Isaac Piatt 1764 Jan. I Phebe Conkline Ruth Titus July 15 Joseph Highbe Jacob Bryan )^.^g^^ Isaac Bryan ) ^„ Feb. 15 12 15 Sarah Carll Phebe Wheeler Mary Vail 54 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1764 July 30 Azel Lewis 1764 Apr. 8 Hephzibah Smith Augt. 2 Philip Gildersleave Sarah Wood 5 Gilbert Scudder Rhoda Wood 12 Thomas Dennis Junr. Elisabeth Smith Adt. Father 12 Mary Wickes Daniel Dennis Infant Son 22 Elisabeth Carll Ebenezer Dayton, Adult May I Jemima Denton York, Negro Adt. once 4 Sarah Disberry, P. B. mine J. B. 6 Jerusha Smith 26 Thomas Smith, Adt. 27 Elisabeth Rogers Richard Smith, Adt. June 3 Mary Piatt East Woods. Martha Denton Septr 2 John Rogers 19 Sarah Fleet 3 James Negro of J. Carll Augt 26 Elisabeth Smith Adt. 9 William Jarvis East Woods II Benjamin Blachley Daniel Blachley Lydia Rogers Hannah Conkline Ebenezer Blachley 31 Elisabeth Taylor Lemuel Smith Septr . 2 Mary Wickes 23 Ebenezer Kelcey Sarah Wickes 30 Selah Ketcham Jacob Smith Carll Hannah Jarvis Mary Jarvis Octr. 28 Josep Ireland Jarvis Sarah Jarvis 29 Timothy Jarvis Elisabeth Gould Novr 14 Israel Piatt II Prudence Blachley, 26 Zebulon Titus Mothr. 1765 Jany. 13 Gilbert Smith Piatt Buffit Sarah Smith ) ^^^^^ Mary Hubbs j 29 Jonah Bishop Lemuel Jarvis Hannah Blachley Phebe Blachley Feby 3 Augustine Arthur Jemima Blachley 5 Eliphelet Chichester Freelove Blachley March 10 John Conkline Brush Rhoda Blachley 17 Jarvis Wood Jane Blachley 31 Nathaniel Sammis 23 Freelove Carll 14 Michael Hill Sarah Wickes Huntington, Long Island, I'^syi'jjg. 55 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1765 May 12 Ichabod Brush Charles Piatt Rogers 1764 Septr. 30 Phebe Carll, Adult Hannah Piatt June 2 Nathan Bunce Mary Lysaght Augt. 4 Silas Rusco Octr. 21 Keturah Piatt 25 Enoch Ketcham Novr. 14 Rebecca Smith Septr. I Henry Havens Stephen Highbe Jacob Smith 24 Sarah Titus Phebe Titus Rebecca Titus 15 Theodorus Bunce Deer. 10 Abigail Sammis 29 Stephen Sammis 16 Martha Potter Octr. 6 Jarvis Dennis by Mr. 1765 Feby. 5 Sarah Nostrant Tenat. 10 Hannah Titus Deer. I Israel Morgan March 7 Rhoda Conkline, P. B. 1766 Jany. 12 Philetus Scuddar by Mr. L. 31 Naomi Conkline Elisabeth Jarvis Deer. 16 Melanchton Bryan Wood Apl. 7 Hannah Wickes March 5 Abiel Gould 14 Anne Sammis Bennett Conkline 28 Rachel Buffit.Adt.Mothr. Apl. 13 Robert Rogers Elisabeth Buffit, ) Abigail Buffit, S °^"'^- Richard Brush May 9 Nathaniel Williams Timothy Williams May 5 Hannah Baylis Susanna Sammis Sons of Nathan and 19 Elisabeth Scudder Rachel Williams 26 Sarah Ketcham Jotham Wood Scudder June 2 Violeta Bunce II James Dickerson David Bryan 9 Esther Jarvis Abigail Valentine 18 Philetus Vail by Mr. B. • Sarah Lewis Piatt Wood by Mr. Buel 31 Mary Fleet June 15 Samuel Piatt by Mr. Hannah Brush Lewis Septr. I Phebe Piatt July 6 David Sammis Octr. 6 Ruth Wicks by Mr. Tenat Ebenezer Smith Novr. 17 Abigail Pearall Joseph Lewis 24 Amelia Scudder Augt 3 Timothy Jarvis Deer. I Gloriana Carll Septr . 10 Jeffery Bunce 1766 March 5 Sarah Mott 56 Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1766 Octr. 19 Oliver Carll 1766 March 5 Martha Sammis Thomas Gildersleave Naomi Wheeler Joshua Smith Judith Piatt Deer. 7 Daniel Sammis Apl. 13 Ruth Brush 1767 April 26 Reuben Brush Richard Hill 27 Mary Rogers P. B. Mary Harresen June 8 Piatt Rogers Joanna Oakley Piatt Sammis May 9 Rachel Williams, Adt. 1768 Feby. 28 Gilbert Kelcey Hannah March i John Carmon Conkline Content 22 Samuel Brown, N. Y. Sarah 24 Thomas Gildersleave Charlotte - Williams July 10 Zadok Wheeler Rebecca Daurs. of Na- thanl & Rachl 22 Wright Post Rachel Williams. 24 Ebenezer Wickes Piatt Mead Elisabeth Wickes Mary Scudder Augt. 28 Zophar Sammis II Elisabeth Udale Octr. 16 John Piatt by Mr. Lewis Mary Chichester Novr. 9 David Scudder, C. M. Joanna Smith Deer. 18 Nathaniel Bryan 18 Deborah Titus by Mr. B. 1769 Octr. 26 Seth Wickes David Wickes June 15 Hannah Conkline Hannah Rogers 29 Moses Blachley July 6 Rebecca Wood Novr. 5 Timothy Wood Elisabeth Conkline 19 Zadock Negro- York 20 Elisabeth Conkline 1770 May 10 William Gould Elisabeth Bryan 23 Eber Ketcham 27 Experience Blachley June 22 Piatt Titus Prudence Carll July I John Conkline Augt. 24 Temperance Ketcham 5 John Burtis Novr. 2 Elisabeth Wickes Augt. 5 8 Melanchton Wheeler Simeon Huff Mary Rogers Sarah Huff 12 Elijah Wickes, S. T. 16 Phebe Buffit Septr. 23 Joel Conkline Deer. 7 Experience Piatt 30 Silas Sammis 1767 Feby. 8 Prudence Scudder Octr. 7 Jubal Wickes April 26 Phebe Jarvis Huntington, Long Island, 77^5-/779. 57 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1770 Novr 18 Isaac Willets 1767 April 26 Levina Conkline John Smith May 31 Susanna Jarvis Deer. 9 David Chichester Bryan Abel Ketcham June 8 21 Phebe Smith Anne Fleet 3771 March 5 Cornelius Conkline, P. B. 1768 Jany. I Priscilla Weekes May 25 John Slous Wiggins Feby. 21 Rebecca Wheeler Stephen Jarvis March i Susanna Sammis Septr 9 Youngs Prime Scudder 24 Keturah Bunce 15 John Brush Apl. 10 Freelove Wickes Zebulon Robbins 1769 May 21 Mary Rogers 24 Tredwell Scudder Novr 9 Else Rogers Octr. 6 Henry Newton S. Town Deer. 31 Sarah Sammis 27 John Jean S. Town James Brewster, S. Town 1770 May 31 23 Phebe Smith Susanna Bunce .1772 May 31 Eliphaz Buffit June 22 Sarah Titus, Mothr. Adt. Augt. 7 9 Samuel Tredwell, P. B. Zephaniah Piatt Elias Smith, Smith T. 24 Kezia Titus ) Mary Titus \ ^^''''- Keturah Wickes 21 Medad Rogers July I Mary Rogers Octr. 16 Jesse Jarvis 8 Elizabeth Denton Novr. I Elias Pine-Hemsted 22 Mary Piatt ■3773 May 2 Moses Vail Augt. 5 Susanna Sammis 9 David Gould 19 Phebe Conkline 23 Selah Smith Septr 9 Amelia Lewis June 3 Jesse Scudder Octr. 5 Nance Smith ) ' P B Mary Smith f July 13 Samuel Stratten Augt. I Jesse Mott 7 Phebe Jarvis 8 Jacob Ketcham 14 Charity Highbe Septr. 12 Benoni Newman 23 Charity Piatt 26 Jesse Wickes Buffit Novr. 16 Merinela Scudder Octr. 28 James Greaton Deer. 9 Ruth Bryan Son to the Rev. Mr. 1771 Apl. 28 Jerusha Rogers Greaton late Minister May 26 Lette Veal to the Episcopal Chh. in Mary Udale Huntington, deceased. Sarah Buffit Deer. 12 Alexander Smith Septr. 22 Elisabeth Paine, S. T. 58 Records of the First Church im A. M. D. Males Baptised bv E. P. M. D. Females Baptised bv E. P. 1774 Jany. 9 Feby. 27 Apl. 29 May I 15 Augt. 20 20 Septr. 2 II Octr. 16 Xo\T. 5 20 775 Feby. 26 March. 1 1 Apl. Mav 19 Jesse Piatt Sniitli Gilben Fleet Fathr. Adt. Augustine Fleet "j Ranseler Fleet \ "" L\Tiian Potter Smith Silas Smith P. Baptm. Jacob Hart Nathaniel Pederick John Dickerson Eliphelet Smith Gilbert ^'olentine Jesse Brush, P. B. Zebulon Williams by Mary Scudder Ebenezer Sammis Samuel Beagle John Br>-an. C. H. Daniel Smith Harry Titus Jar\'is Titus \\'alter A\"iggins Henry Brian Solomon Carll Joseph Rogers Ezra ^'olintine Epenetus \ Stephen ^ Piatt Brs. Peleg ^ Elkanah Hart John Cannon, Fathr. John Carmon. Son Jonah Highbe Tames Lysaght Alexander New-mar Abel Ketcham Georsre ^^"ood i~~2 May 24 31 July 5 Augt. 23 1773 J'lny. 10 May 16 June 3 6 J"l.^' 13 Septr. 12 Deer. 12 1774 Jany. 23 Feby. 27 March 5 13 -3 Aprl. 17 Mav I S 15 June 26 Sarah Willets Experience Titus Hannah Scudder ^lary Smith-Smith Towti Abigail Sammis Mary Jarvis Sarah Smith Rebecca Conkline Freelove Conkline MarA- Scidmore Elisabeth Stratten Hannah Carll Kezia Kelcey Margaret Conkline Estlier ^\'ickes Kezia Sammis Asena or Asenath New- man Lettice Rogers Betsie Brush Elisabeth Smith Rebecca Oakley Freelove Fleet | DaurSv Elisabeth Fleet \ of G. F. Esthes Griffis Rebecca Fleet Daur. of S. F. Elisabeth Wickes, P. B. Ruth Chichester Rebecca Jai-s-is Hannah Ha\nland. Adt. Deborah Sammis Elisabeth Conkline Hannali Brush Hannah Hart Prudence Sammis Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779- 59 Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1775 May II Daniel Kekey 1774 June 26 Melinda Robbins Reuben Ketcham July 10 Sarah Jarvis John Smith Keturah Jarvis 14 Henry Sammis Septr. 13 Abigail Havens, P. B. 26 Alexander Smith Jacob Romp Novr. 5 20 Phebe Jarvis Experience Rogers by June I Ephraim Chichester Mr. Case Scidmore 1775 Jany. 22 Rebecca Scudder 13 Benjamin Ketcham Feby. 26 Mary Volintine Adt. Nicolas Jarvis March 1 1 Mary ) Jesse Bryan „ , I Piatt Sisters. Hannah f 18 Moses Wickes Hannah Scudder 25 Abraham Bryan Apl. 2 Hannah Wheeler by July 16 John Oakley Elkanah Lewis 19 Mr. Horton Ruth Ketcham Augt. 13 Abel Brush Hannah Jarvis Deer. 17 Israel Wickes Davis 0. M. Freelove Wickes Mary Hill 1776 Jany. 14 Lester Sammis May II Elisabeth Vail May 8 Bryan Titus P. B. 14 Elisabeth Kelley June 9 Jacob Oakley 28 Mary Stratten Seth Conline June I Elisabeth Piatt Zebadiah Jarvis II Mary Sammis Jarvis Rogers 16 Deborah Mott Daniel Kelcey Ruth Ketcham Isaac Wickes 25 Phebe Rogers James Chichester 29 Sarah Buffet Richard Montgomery July 30 Zerviah Rogers Hart Augt. 6 Mary Fleet Adult Bryan Smith Septr 10 Unice Conkline July 21 Enoch Smith Thomas Bunce Lewis Octr. I 8 Joanna Jarvis Elisabeth Wheeler The 2 last Bapts. by Mr. Deer. 17 Zerviah Piatt Hart 1776 Jany. 7 Theodosia Conkine Augr II Oliver Smith Naomi Lewis, Both these 1777 Octr. 31 Scudder Brush P. B. by Mr. Bradford 6o Records of the First Church in Males Baptised Females Baptised A. M. D. by E. P. A. M. D. by E. P. 1778 July I John Smith Avery, P. B. Richard Oakley, P. B. 1776 Jany. 14 Margaret Sammis, Adt. Prudence Ketcham Novr. 15 Elison Piatt Mary Denton Mary Brush. Feby. 13 Elisabeth Jarvis Dr, of M.J. May 28 Experience Smith June 9 Abigail Carll Mary Oakley Hannah Brush Penewood Wiggins Hannah Pedrick Elisabeth Pedrick Elisabeth Smith Augt. 4 Mary Smith 1777 Novr. 7 Hannah Jarvis, P. B. Huntington, Long Island, 1^23-i^^p. 61 MARRIAGES. A record of Marriages Consummated by Me E. P. Ab Anno 1723 Ad Annum &c. Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntingtoa , 1723 Octobr. 31 Epenetus Piatt and Sarah Scuddar Huntington Decemr". 18 Jonathan Foster and Elisabeth Chichester Huntington 1724 June I Daniel Keleg and Norwalk In Connecticot Unice Jarvis Huntington 30 Stephen Miller and Bedford On ye main Sarah Warin Oysterbay Decemr. 21 Richard Drage and Mary Coone Oysterbay. 22 Samuel Plumbe and Anna Roe Huntington 1724/5 Feby. 10 Jonathan Smith and Stamford in Connectcot Temperance Whitman Huntington. Edward Brush and Sarah Whitman Huntington. March 23 Josiah Rogers and Elisheba Conkline Huntington. 1725 29 Hezekiah Rogers and Ruth Scuddar Huntington. April 20 Nathaniel Brown and Stamford in Connecticot Anna Brush Huntington May 3 Samuel Stratten and Esther Jarvis Huntington Augt. 24 Joseph Smith and Rebecka Hubbart Huntington 62 Records of the First Church in Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriasre. Huntington, 1725 Octobr. 15 28 Novemr. 18 30 Decnibr. 15 1725/6 30 January 6 March 11 1726 April 14 June 7 Octobr. 24 Novemr. 30 1726/7 January i 3 5 23 1727 .A.pril 18 Richard Dinge and Esther Chichester Christian Tobias and Ruth Dean John Satterley and Martha Sammis John Rogers and Jemima Whitman Philip Piatt and Phebe Rogers Nathan Brown and Ruth Brush Thomas ^^'hitehead and Deborah Dennis Stephen Remington and Bethiah Rogers Joseph Rogers and Mary Conkline Cornelius Hart and Elisabeth Wickes John Wickes and Jemima Conkline Thomas Conkline and Mary Wickes Samuel Ackerley and Rachel Udale Amos Piatt and Zerviah AMiitman Thomas Butson and Jemima Udale Silas Witkes and Sarah Rogers John Abbit and Elisabeth Wood Huntington Oysterbay Brook-Haven Huntington Huntington Huntington Stamford in Connect. Huntington Huntington Smith Town Oyster Bay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington, Long Island, i}^2j-iy^p. 63 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day- Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington, 1727 June 5 Nathan Wilson and Phebe Hubbart Abiel Titus and Mary Smith Charles Wright and Ann Smith 14 Thomas Jarvis and Abigail Smith Septemr. 5 William Johnson and Jane Lyon Octobr. 30 David Jones and Rebecka Sopar Decemr. 14 Timothy Titus and Elisabeth Blachley 21 William Rublier and Abigail Brush Benjamin Akerley and Sarah Dennis I'/^y/S January 18 Pelatiah Sopar and Martha Sopar February 5 Timothy Scuddar and Mary Whitehead 12 John Whitman and Martha Sammis March 8 Stephen Conkline and Martha Wickes 22 James Dickinson and Mary Hart 1728 27 Solomon Closs and Deborah Brush John Sammis and Susanna Kelcey April 2 Samuel Straiten and Ruth Piatt Ridgefield, Connecticot Huntington Huntington New-Town, Long Island Huntington Huntingdon Huntington Norwalk, Connecticot Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington North Castle on ye main Huntington Greenwitch, Connecticot Huntington. Huntington. Huntington. 64 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Smith Town 1728 May 15 Stephen Jarvis and Huntington. Ann Wheeler Smith-Town Huntington December 23 Elnathan Wickes and Miriam Whitman Huntington. 1728/9 February 4 Alexander Smith and Bathsheba Carle Huntington March 6 Solomon Smith and Smith-Town. Hannah Conkline Huntington. 1729 April 16 Jehiol Smith and Kezia Wood Huntington. May 4 Isaac Brush and Hannah Minthorne Huntington. 30 Josiah Wickes and Mary Conkline Huntington. June 24 Richard Dinge and Huntington. Rachel Arthur Smith-Town. July 2 Jeremiah Anderson and Rye on the Main Abigail Anderson Greenwitch, Connectct 4 Isaiah Jarvis and Hannah Whitman Huntington 28 Joseph Ketcham and Sarah Conkline Huntington. Septr. 7 Joshua Lyon and Oysterbay Lydia Davis Huntington Decembr. 9 John Bailey and Abigail Smith Huntington 1729/30 26 Thomas Macoone and Oysterbay Abigail Bailey Huntington John Wright and Ruth Bailey Oysterbay William Underbill and Mary Bailey Oysterbay 31 George Wiser and Rebecka Udale Huntington Huntington, Long Island, J/^j-J/zp. 65 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington, 1729/30 January 15 February 2 1730 March 26 April 22 Oysterbay June 25 Huntington 29 July 20 Septembr 11 Octobr I December 7 1730/1 January 3 5 14 1730 Decembr 15 I 730/1 February 4 March 17 John Roberts and Rebecka Brush David Scidmore and Abigail Dennis Jolui Brush, Widower and Huntington Huntington Huntington Jane Ketcham, widow Jiliphelet Wickes and Hannah Piatt Stephen White and Alary Brush Sanuiel Youngs, widower and Sarah Pelton, widow Thomas Conkline and Abiah Hubbart Andrew Rublier and Hannah Brush Thomas Everett widower Queens Village and Deborah Brush, widow Huntington John Russel and Huntington. Stamford, Connecticot Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Mary Tedd Samuel Lum and Hannah Tedd John Wood and ; Ruth Sammis i= Jonah W^ood and Temprance Whitman Jeremiah Conkline and Deborah Conkline John Woolsey and ^lary Sammis Edward Johnson and Dinah Chichester Parret Fleet and Abigail Wood Huntington Derbe In Connecticot Huntington Brook-Haven Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntineiion Huntington 66 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1 730/1 March 21 1731 28 April 8 13 May 5 August 5 Decemr. 14 1731/2 January 11 February 2 9 17 1732 April 23 Zephaniah Piatt and Hannah Sexton Thomas Alderman & Eve Watts John Scuddar and Jemima Whitehead John Farmer and Tabitha Ketcham Benijah Jarvis and Jemima Smith Joshua Arthur widr. and Elisabeth Wood, widow Edward Brown and Mary Herrard Joseph Lewis and Abigail Scuddar Jacob Scuddar and Abiah Roe Moses Scudder and Mary Smith Ezekiel Hubbart, widr. and Susanna Goodridge, widow Cornelius Berian and Ame Roe Samuel Bailey and Phebe Piatt Francis Willmot and Charity Ketcham Jonathan Wright and Meribah Case Tliomas Smith and Martha Burtis Micajah Townsend and Elisabeth Piatt Smith-Town Huntington Huntington Islip Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington New-Town, Long Island Huntington Huntington Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay. Huntington Huntington, Long Island, i;^2^-i^/p. 67 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1732 May 28 Jacob Rogers and Sarah Smith Huntington June 6 Samuel Smith and Jamaica, Long Island August 29 Esther Wickes Epenetus ConkHne and Unice Wood Alexander Bryan and Huntington Huntington Novemr 7 Phebe Wood Ananias Rogers and Huntington Prudence Carle Cornelius Conkline and Huntington Decembr. 8 Priscilla Rogers Eliphelet Wickes and Huntington 1732/3 29 Jemima Scuddar John Carman and Huntington January 29 ■■ February 15 Elisabeth Wood Huntington James Smith and Carington, York Island Mary Ketcham Huntington Thomas Campbel, widr. New York, Bowry and Elisabeth Brush, wid. Huntington Samuel Smith widr. and Huntington 1733 April 2 Mary Vanscoi, widow William Akerley and Cold Spring Oysterbay 13 Elisabeth Wickes Edward Holland and Huntington Mary Willets Islip 29 Nathaniel Ketcham and May I 24 Charity Carle Sampson Hawkxhurst and Ame Wright Joseph Piatt widr and Huntington Oysterbay Eaton's Neck July 6 Jane Blachley, widow Thomas Grant widr. and Susanna Whitman widow Huntington City of New York. Huntington 68 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1733 July 30 Andrew Rublier widr. and 1 Abigail Hawkins Huntington August 26 Timothy Kelcey and Kezia Ketcham Huntington Septembr. 10 Henry Burtis and Huntington Hannah Loosee Oysterbay 19 Richard Allison and Elisabeth Piatt Huntington 1733/4 January 2 Joseph Wood, widr. and Eve Alderman, widow Huntington 3 Isaac Powel and Oyster Bay Martha Whitman Huntington 8 John Brush and Jane Rogers H"untington 9 William Mott and \\ inno-Commock Susanna Johnson Huntington February 6 Robert Brush, widr. and .Mary Brush, widow Huntington 1734 April 9 ; Philip Wickes and * Mary Conkline Huntington April 9 Stephen Scott and Walcrbury, Connecticot Rebecka Woolsey Huntington. 18 Charles Sexton, Esq. widi and r Sarah Brush, widow. Huntington 25 Ebenezer Chichester and Ruth Whitman Huntington June 5 Jonathan Rogers, widr anc 1 Hannah Whitman, widow Huntington 6 Jacob Sopar and Phebe Willson Huntington July 16 York Negro and Flora Negro, both my Huntington servants. Huntington, Long Island, 77^5-/779. 69 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1734 July 30 Peter Negro and Bridget, Negro Servts. of Huntington S. Brush Octobr. 3 John Bennet and Rebecka Titus Huntington 7 Samuel Munger and Smith Town Sarah Akerley, widow Huntington ' William Green and Islip Ruth Wickes Huntington Smith 29 Edmund Smith and Charity Smith Smith-Town Town Ebenezer Smith and Anna Smith Smith Town Huntington Decemr. 10 Samuel Tedd and Elisabeth Loorin Huntington 23 Robert Arthur and Smith Town Tabitha Piatt Huntington 1734/5 February 18 Noah Rogers and Keziah Whitman Huntington 26 Abraham Jarvis and Levina Rogers Huntington 1735 April 25 James Lysaght and Martha Morgan widow Huntington May 26 John Satterly and Mary Brush Huntington 27 George Scott and Dorothy Jones Huntington June 15 Augustine Bryan & Deborah White Huntington 24 Philip Rogers and Esther Sexton Huntington Septr. 10 John Brown and Elisabeth Pedrick Huntington II Isaac Marvin and Norwalk, Conect. Phebe Brush Huntington 70 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Daj Married Marriage. Huntington 1735 Novemr. 9 Stephen Gates and Anne Amos Eatons Neck 24 Henry Scuddar and Bridget Gildersleave Huntington Decembr. 16 Amos Smith and ' Mary Lewis Huntington Smith Town 1735/6 January 7 David Sammis and Huntington Mary Rudyard Smith Town Huntington 14 Benjamin ConkHne and Hannah Wood Huntington 29 David Conkline and Dorothy Howel Huntington February 24 Richard Denton and Tabitha Rogers Huntington March 3 Abiel Titus widower & Elizabeth Wood Huntington 17 James Rogers and Huntington Mary Smith Smith Town 24 James Pine and Hamstead Mary Brush Huntington 1736 June 24 Jonas Adams and Ehsabetli Sexton Huntington 28 Edward Armstrong and EHsabeth Gildersleave Huntington August 15 Isaac Piatt, widr. and Abigail Bayles, widow Huntington 25 Amos Soper and Bethiah Foster Huntington i6 Jonathan Brush and Elisabeth Smith Huntington 27 Richard Willets and Islip Hannah Strong Brook-Haven Septembr i Josiah Wheeler and Mary Piatt Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ijs^-iyj^. 71 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1736 Septembr 2 John Wood and Phebe Jarvis Huntington 3 James Matthews & Phebe Wood Huntington 12 Phihp Titus and Charity Conkline Huntington October 14 Joshua Arthur and Smith Town Sarah Scidmore Huntington 15 Benjamin Cornish and Naomi New Town Ame Wickes Huntington 29 Elias Chichester and EHzabeth Wnght Huntington Decembr. 23 Henry Sopar and Mary Burtis Huntington 1736/7 January 12 Thomas Brush and Temperance Denton Huntington February 2 Joseph Whitman and Anne Wood Huntington 23 Timothy Sammis and Elisabeth Sammis Huntington March 10 Nathan Nash and Norwalk Jerusha Johnson Huntington Joseph Lockwood and Norwalk Rebecka Rogers Huntington 1737 29 Jonathan Wickes and Elizabeth Gates Huntington 31 Jacob Bunce and Deborah Wood Huntington April 3 Thomas Netherway and Anne Bryan Huntington May 25 Peter Buckhourt and Bushwick Tabitha Chichester Huntington June 6 Joshua Ketcham and Jerusha Whitman Huntington 72 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1737 July 6 Septembr 5 12 14 27 October 25 Novembr 3 1737/8 January 3 1738 May 24 28 Augt. 7 25 Octobr 2 Novemr 19 Decemr 3 William Pleas and Zerviah Brotherton James Morrice and Elizabeth Hart James Harris and Anne Soper Thomas Barker and Martha Wood Eliphelet Smith and Anne Wood Nehemiah Mead and Deborah Rogers Ezekial Brush and Mary Burto Isaac Smith and Sarah Titus Jacob Miller and Susanna Wickes Caleb Ketcham and Sarah Hobart John Abrams and Elisabeth Murray Eleazer Luce, widr. and Mary Smith, widow, Thomas Scidmore and Hulda Smith Ephraim Kellam and Elisabeth Titus, widow Zophar Piatt and Rebecka Wood Timothy Carle and Jerusha Scuddar Thomas Weeks and Mary Udale Hamstead Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Norwalk Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Hamsteed Huntington Southold Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay — South Islip Huntington, Long Island, lyz^-iy'/'f. 73 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1738 Decemr 15 1738/9 January 18 23 28 February 11 13 1739 April I Smith Town Huntington May 2 15 30 June I 18 26 August 16 Timothy Tredwell and Mary Piatt Philip Ketcham, widr. & Elisabeth Williams, widow John Denton and Elizabeth Kelcey Nehemiah Palmar and Abigail Piatt Reuben Brush and Ruth Wood Azariah Wickes and Anna Whitman Abiel Titus, Senr. widr. & Mary Scuddar, widow Benjamin Sopar, widr. and Martlia Woolcot, widow Hezekiah Smith and Hannah Bunce Moses Scuddar, widowr. and Elisabeth Smith Elnathan Smith and Hannah Jarvis widow Joshua Wedge, and Abigail Johnson John Scidmore, Junr. and Elisabeth Brush Jonas Wood and Elisabeth Ketcham Dennis Golfind and Phebe Sopar Dennis Wright and Susanna Smith John Piatt, widowr. and Marv Wood, widow Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Greenwich Connecticut Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Eatons Neck Huntington Huntington 74 Records of the First Church Place of Places of their Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties abode before Married Marriage. Huntington 1739 August 16 Jacob Noakes and Esther Sopar Huntington 26 Sampson Hawkshurst and Oysterbay Jerusha Smith Huntington Octobr 15 Samuel Munsay and I slip Jemima Lewis Huntington Novembr 6 Matthew Bunce and Mindwell Brush Huntington Decembr 3 John Wood and Elizabeth Gildersleave Huntington 4 Robert Kellam and Phebe Sammis Huntington 12 Isaac Ketcham and Hannah Barker Huntington 20 Timothy Brush and Keziah Sexton Huntington 24 Epenetus Bryan and Elisabeth Stratten Huntington 26 Peter Scuddar and Martha Brush Huntington 1739/40 January 9 Jotham Wood and Elisabeth Rogers Huntington 29 Isaac Bunco and Mary Smith Huntington March 16 Theophilas Sherrard and Greens-farm, Connect. Sarah Thomas, widow Huntington 18 Timothy Norton and Brook-Haven Cybil Bryan Huntington Southold 1740 25 Josiah Smith widr. and Huntington Christian Potts, widow Southold Huntington April 27 Ephraim Chichester and Jerusha Rogers Huntington May 13 John Pedderick and Mary Highbe Huntington Huntington, Long Island, i/sj-iyyp. 75 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. ■Queens Village 1740 Augt. 18 Thomas Leach and Martha Hutchinson Queens Village Huntington Octr. I Archibald Greenfield and Mary Piatt Huntington Decmr. 2 Jonathan Rogers, Senr .and [ Huntington 23 1740/1 Decembr. 30 January 19 26 February 2 9 16 17 18 March 18 Mary Barker, widow David Dingham and Jemima Conkline Nehemiah Whitman and Phebe White Jeremiah Wood, widr. and Hannah Whitman, widow John Rudyard and Martha Conkline Nehemiah Brush and Bathsheba Brush John Ketcham, Junr. and Sarah Matthies Thomas Dennis and Elisabeth Akerley, widow Thomas Brush, widr. and Martha Matthies, widow Jonathan Sammis and Abigail Ketcham Daniel Kelcey and Abigail Brush Ananias Brush and Keziah Rogers Solomon Tidd and Phebe Levin Nathaniel Wickes and Jemima Wood Nathaniel Bufiht and Temperance Wood, widow Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington 7^ Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1741 April 30 Nathaniel Williams and Keziah Brush Huntington Islip 26 Israel Howell and Smith Town Mary White Islip Huntington Octobr. 4 John Titus, Junr. and Susanna Rogers Huntington 7 Isaac Brotherton and Huntington Mary Nicols Islip 27 Jonas Smith, Junr. and Sarah Wood Huntington Novembr. 8 Nathaniel Bunce and Charity Wood Huntington 18 Abij.ih Ketcham and A. c; 11 OS Pine Huntington Decembr. 8 Joini Carmon and Mary Morrice Huntington 22 James Whippo and Priscilla Tillot Oysterbay Smith Town 1741/2 January 5 Daniel Smith and Elisabeth Smith Smith Town Huntington 6 Joseph Sexton and Islip Elisabeth Scidmore Huntington 10 William Smith and Elizabeth Daguidy Huntington 12 George Youngs and Oysterbay Phebe Ketcham Huntington 25 Charles Allen and Eliz. Town. E. J. Sarah Smith Huntington February 2 Samuel Wickes and Bethiah Wickes Huntington 10 Lazarus Pine and Mary Wood Huntington Queens 22 Dennis Welch and Oysterbay Village Anne Alias Agnes Wildley Queen's Village Huntington, Long Island, Ij2^-ij/g. 77 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1741/2 : February 22 Eliakim Wood and 25 Mary Rogers, widow Jacob Smith, widr. and Huntington Hamstead Islip March 18 Phebe Conkline Leonard Smith and Huntington Bedford Huntington 1742 ! May 18 Ruth Mobray Jacob Mott, and Islip Queen's Village June 21 Catharine Johnson William Crawford and Huntington Huntington October 5 Joyce Hutchinson Zophar Smith and Susanna Sammis Queen's Village Huntington Novemr. 10 Matthew Scribner and Martha Smith Norwich Huntington 23 Daniel Blachley and Prudence Wiser Huntington ,— 1742/3 January 28 Thomas Ketcham and February 7 Rebecca Ketcham John Howard Smith and Huntington 21 Sarah Brush John Titus Widowr. and Huntington Huntington March 24 Martha Hughgins, widow Ananias Brush and Oysterbay 1743 30 Mary Kelcey Joshua Wood and Huntington April 4 Ruth Brush Eliakim Smith and Huntington Islip 7 Mary Piatt Israel Conkline and Deborah Smith Huntington Huntington Islip Huntington i May 24 Septembr 28 John Lewis Junr. and Jemima Sexton Isaac Smith and Jemima Piatt Huntington Islip Islip Huntington 78 Records of the First Church in Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1743/4 Decembr. 26 January 9 24 23 26 Smith-Town Huntinpton February 22 1744 March 26 April 2 17 May 8 28 August 23 October 3 Daniel Bates and Deborah Bunce, widow George Tapping and Dinah Soper Nehemiah Hart and j\lercy Lewis Dennis Hart and Eleanor Nangle Timothy Biggs and Mary Wickes Daniel Whitman an 1 Phebe Brush Sylvanus Sammis and Deborah Jarvis Daniel Pierson and Deborah Ketcham Philip Scribner and Phebe Smith Jesse Carle and Jemima Whitman Job Smith and Ruth Smith Thomas Tannery and Penelope Foster Abraham Scribner and Sarah Dean John Johnson and Abigail Smith Moses Roff and Phebe Smith Simon Fleet and Anne Bryan Timothy Soper and Leah VanHuzle Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Norwalk Huntington Huntington Smith-Town Huntington Norwalk Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Greensfarm Huntington, Long Island, lyz^-iyy^. 79 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1744 October 9 Novr. 14 28 29 Decemr. 10 1744/5 January 10 16 February 7 1745 27 March 27 April II 15 16 29 May 2 27 Thomas Noakes and Mary Smith Huntington i'liihp Flatt, Junr. and Temperance Smith Huntington John Trenchard and Dinah Soper, widow Huntington Tliomas Bunce, Junr. and Ehzabeth Wood Huntington Peter Ruland and Oysterbay Mary Jackson Huntington Charles Sexton, Junr. and New Jersey Elizabeth Brush Huntington Joseph Piatt, Junr. and Mary Barker Huntington Samuel Conkline and Elizabeth Conkline Huntington Munson Gold and Stamford Rebecka Smith Huntington Isaac Piatt, Junr. and Esther Ketcham Huntington Nathaniel Mead and Greenwich Prudence Wood Huntington Zophar Wood and Esther Smith Huntington Abraham Foot and Branford Abigail Rogers Huntington Thomas Jackson and Hannah Kellam Huntington Alexander Wood and Amy Scudder Huntington Isaac Brush and Sarah Wood Huntington Jotham Wright and Rye Tabitha Sammis Huntington 8o Records of the First Church in Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1745 May 30 June 16 Septembr. 4 October 10 Novembr. 28 Decembr 24 1745/6 30 January 20 February 20 March 4 1746 April 23 May I 6 May 14 June 26 July 9 October 30 James Chichester, Junr. and Rebecca Stratten Huntington Ephraim Chichester, widr. and Meribah Oakes Huntington Return Sopar and Ciiarity Causoboom Huntington Benjamin Gildersleave and Elizabeth Highbe Smith Town Joseph Gould and Phebe Wickes Huntington Stephen Gildersleave and Elizabeth Whitehead Huntington Wihiam Jarvis, Junr. and Zerviah Rogers Huntington Jonathan Jarvis and Anna Brewster Huntington Stephen Bozworth & Abigail Woods Huntington Caleb Wood and Mary Veal Huntington Daniel Sammis and Margaret Ketcham Huntington Jonas Williams and Sarah Fleet Huntington Joseph Bennet and Elisabeth Bryan Huntington Tredwell Brush and Hannah Piatt Huntington Joseph Brush, widr. and Rebecka Scidmore Huntington Joseph Ridgway and Mary Rogers, widw. Huntin,gton William Sexton and Smith Town Dorcas Rogers Huntington Huntington, Long Island, i72yiJT). Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1746 Decembr 18 Moses Veal, Junr. and Mary Gidersleve Huntington 1747 March 26 Benjamin Denton and Rebecca Ketcham Huntington May 13 Joseph Straiten, Junr. and Ruth Wickes Huntington June 16 Tappin Wood and Mary Conkline Huntington Smith-Town 18 Revd. Mr. Nathanl Tucker Eliz. Twn. Bur and Sarah Piatt Smith Town Huntington July 2 Joseph Foster and Mary Reddin Huntington 27 Edward Johnson, widr. and Huntington Rebecca Stratten alias Brush, widow Cold Spring Octobr 13 John Wood Hunter, widr and Hannah Wood, widow Huntington 25 Epenetus Wood and Mary Piatt, widow Huntington Novembr. 17 Isaac Rogers and Mary Rogers Huntington Decembr. 7 Henry Titus and Jane Wood Huntington 23 Edward Bailey, widr and Susanna Hobart, widow Huntington 1747/8 January 7 Cornelius Conkline and Elisabeth Rogers Huntington 13 Zebulon Whitman Junr. Huntington and Margeret Van Wycke Oysterbay 19 Obadiah Smith, Junr. and Smith-Town EHsabeth Chichester Huntington 25 John Hobart and Elisabeth Arthur Smith-Town 27 Benijah Jarvis, widr. and Anne Sammis Huntington 82 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage /ear Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1747/S January 28 February 2 1748 March 31 April 25 May II 1748 June 8 August 19 24 Septembr 15 1748/9 Decemr 29 January 24 February i 8 23 March 7 March 14 John Trenchard widr. and Elizabeth Ruland Huntington James Mott, Junr. and Hempstead Anne Rogers Huntington Jonathan Smith and Lin B. God Mary Pederick, widow Huntington Amos Piatt, widr. and Sarah Rogers, widow Huntington Benjamin Cromwell and Sarah Sammis Huntington Philip Udale and ■ Thankfull Bryan Huntington Daniel Benedict and Norwalk Phebe Wood Huntington Jonathan Ketcham and Mary Davis Huntington David Jackson and Elizabeth Ougher Huntington Jerimiah Hart and N. York Tabitha Wood Huntington David Resco and Jemima Scudder Huntington Jesse Conkline and Azaba Brush Huntington John Bayley and Experience Gildersleave Huntington Philip Gildersleave and Sarah Brewster Huntington Gilbert Potter and Elizabeth Williams Huntington Zebediah Bunce and Abigail Resco Huntington Jonathan Kelcey and Theodosia Sexton Huntington Huntington, Long Island, iy2^-iyjg. 83 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1748/9 March 23 July 19 1749 24 Augt. 7 Octobr. 4 Novembr 2 28 Deer. 7 14 1749/50 January 10 24 25 31 Samuel Powel Alary Wood Isaac Sammis widr. and Mary Jackson widow Amos Willets and Kezia Piatt Jonathan Titus and Martha Ketcham Jacob Brush and Sarah Piatt Thomas Oakley and Mary Oldfield Philip Jarvis and Elisabeth Sammis Joseph Wickes and Mary Piatt Micah Smith and Martha Sammis Abel Brotherton and Sarah Rliyon The Revd. Mr. James Brown & Margeret Prime Joshua Arthur and Charity Hobart James Smith and Anne Green John Smith, Junr. and Anne Scudder John Wickes and Bathsheba Highbe Israel Veal and Rebecca Hobart David Chichester and Sarah Lewis Bathphage Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington B. Hampton Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington 84 Records of the First Church in Place of Marriag:e Ye-r Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntingdon 1749, 50 Febry. 14 1750 April 20 June 5 July 2 Septr. 6 Novr. 15 19 22 Deer. II 13 Smith Town 16 17 Hmitington 1750/1 Jany. 17 Obadiali Gildersleave and Mary Dinge Richard Conkline and Rebecca Titus John W'hitson and Martha \^"hitman Simon Huff and Jemima Oakes Jonathan Roswel and Elizabeth Waits Epenetus Brj-an vddr. and Rhode Rogers Ebenezer Titus and Jerusha Rogers Jonas Wood widr. and Charity Smith Job Sammis and Elisabeth Kellam William McCuller and Mani- Smith Thomas Kellam and Lexina Sammis Joseph Benedict and Keria ^^"ood Daniel Wickes and Rebecca Wood Jacob Piatt and Marj- Bryan Daniel Kelcey, widr. and Anne ^^^leeler. widow The Revd. Mr. Aaron Richards and Snsanna Smith \\"ilham Gould and Ruth Titus Himtington Himtington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Islip Himtington Himtington Huntington N. Canaan Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington IsHp EUz. Bur. Smith Twn. Smith Town Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ly^j-i^yp. 85 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1750/1 Jany. 24 30 March 6 1 75 1 April 2 16 June 26 July 24 Octr. 3 4 13 Octr. 13 Novr. 21 26 Deer. 9 Jesse Piatt and Mary Brush Huntington Solomon Ketcham and Hannah Conkline Huntington Reuben Johnson and Elizabeth Brush Huntington Stephen Highbc and Esther Jarvis Huntington John Lewis widr. and Phebe Veal, widow Huntington James Pearson and Huntington Mary Seaman Hampsted John Darrow widr. and Norwalk Susanna Bunce Huntington Israel Wood and Sarah Ketcham Huntington Samuel Allen and Margeret Wickes Huntington Samuel Akerly widr. and Hannah Wickes, widow Huntington Derick Vanderbelt and Hampsted Margaret Hoghlandt Oysterbay Barnabas Stagg and Oysterbay Jemima Rogers Huntington Obadiah Smith and Mary Scidmore Huntington Jonas Rogers and Mary Jarvis Huntington Zebulon Whitman widr. and Phebe Jarvis Huntington Nathaniel Williams, widr. & Rachel Fleet Huntington Timothy Rogers and Jemima Conkline Huntington 86 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 175 1 Deer. 23 175 1/2 January 10 IS 16 23 1752 Feby. 16 17 23 March 16 23 31 Apl. 6 14 30 May 14 Abraham Whitney and Anne Plumbe Peter Nostrant and EHzabeth Amberman Joseph Conkhne and Charity Rogers John Morgan and Abiah Rogers Nathaniel Plarrison and Rebecca Smith Thomas Rogers and Mary Whitehead Stephen Ketcham and Anne Titus Obadiah Piatt and Mary Carle Henry Smith and Mary Chichester Thomas Conkline, Junr. & Mary Conkline Joseph Scidmore, Junr. & Elisabeth Abbit Israel Ketcham and Esther Scidmore Stephen Kelcey and Anne Piatt Benjamin Soper and Elizabeth Soper Timothy Carll and Hannah Scudder Richard Piatt and Elizabeth Jarvis The Rev. Mr. James Brown and Sarah Williams Norwalk Huntington Hempsted Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Bridg Hampton. Huntington Huntington, Long Island, //^j-z/zp. 87 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1752 May 26 Henry Jarvis and Sarah Rogers Huntington Augt. 6 Joseph Mott and Deborah Wood Huntington Septr. 21 Nehemiah Smith and Sarah Foster Huntington 28 Silas Sammis and Ruth Rogers Huntington Octr. 8 Samuel Plumbe and Kezia Kelcey Huntington Deer. 7 John Wheeler and Phebe Piatt Huntington 9 Zophar Rogers and Deborah Whitehead Huntington 13 Obadiah Jerman and Abigail Highbe Huntington 15 Nathaniel Weeks and North Castle Freelove Wood Huntington 16 Nehemiah Smith and N. S. Leah alias R. Sopar widow Huntington 1753 J^-i^y- 14 John Sammis widr. and Phebe Piatt, widow Huntington 23 John Bunce and Phebe Smith Huntington Feby. 21 Hewlett Jones and Oysterbay Sarah Wood Huntington March 15 Abiel Titus and Rene alias Irene Satterley Huntington 28 Eliphelet Sammis and Anna Totten Huntington Apl. 9 William Oldfield and Phebe Oakley Huntington 19 Jonathan Wickes, widr. and Anne Netherway, widow Huntington Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1753 Apl. 23 John Brush, and Hannah Wickes Huntington May ID Timothy Conkline and Ruth Ketcham Huntington 29 Ambrose Wickes and Phebe Russels Huntington Augt. 12 Edmund Anderson and New York Mary Smith Huntington 16 Israel Wood and Mary Prime Huntington Novr. 3 Jonathan Lewis, wiar. and Strat. Island Anne Kelcey, widow Huntington 13 James Bishop and Susanna Scidmore Huntington 20 Isaac Mulford Hunting East Hampton and Ruth Stratten Huntington Deer. II Azariah Wood and Ruth Chichester Huntington Smithtown 19 The Revd. Mr. Naphtali Dagget and Sarah Smith Smith Town Huntington 1754 Jany. 15 Josiah Rogers and Ruth Bunce Huntington 28 Joseph White and Sarah Wood Huntington John Collier and Sarah White Huntington 30 Thomas Scudder Junr. and Abigail Sammis Huntington Oysterbay Feby. 4 Joseph Sexton and Nepewe, N. J. Bounds Phebe Campbel Oysterbay Huntington 5 Jeremiah Sammis Junr. and Hannah Lewis Huntington 12 William Nichols and Hempsted Hannah Brush Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ij2yiyj(). Place ui Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. JrLuntington 1754 March 6 Apl. 19 16 1755 June 17 19 July 9 28 Septr. 22 Novr. 28 Deer. 12 Jany. 29 Feby. 4 Philip Udall and Susanna Sammis Huntington Daniel Hendrickson and Oysterbay Elisabeth Ryder Huntington James Dickinson and Priscilla Rogers Huntington Ichabod Smith and Phebe Veal Huntington Samuel Hart and Hannah Wickes Huntington James Baldwin and Sarah Wood Oysterbay Isaac Frost and Hephzibah Oakley Huntington Samuel Pearsall and Hempsted Kezia Satterley Huntington Abraham Chichester widr. and Sarah Sammis Huntington Luke Reuland and Margeret Wood Huntington Augustine Jarvis and Sarah Bunce Huntington Samuel Beesly and Deborah Valentine Oysterbay Jonas Piatt and Rebecca Bennet Huntington Ananias Carll and Jerusha Scudder Huntington Hezekiah Wickes and Lois Jarvis Huntington John Bailey and Phebe Lewis Huntington. Thomas Jackson widr. and Amy Southard, widow Huntington 9° Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Alarriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1755 Feby. 24 March 3 16 27 May 7 June 18 24 July 30 Novr. 26 Deer. 18 28 1756 Jany. 18 25 Jonathan Pine and Susanna Stalker Daniel Sherwood and Anne Stratton William Brickell and Deliverance Thomson John Wood and Elisabeth Elison Jonas Baldwin Surgeon and Yiolette Conek John Frost and Mary Plumbe Benijah Jarvis widr. and Zerviah Jarvis, widow Christopher Smith and Mary Chichester Reuben Sammis and Margeret Huff Jacobus Huff and Sarah Liscomb Robert Volentine and Naomi Bunce Tappin Wood and Jane Lewis Nathaniel Oakley and Margeret Carmon William Jarvis widowr. and Esther Titus, widow Daniel Brush and Ame Burto James Wright and Ame Bufht Stephen White and Milleson Hughgins Courdand Manor Danbury Greenfield Huntington Oysterbay, N. Y. Huntington Smith-Town Oysterbay Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington, Long Island, 77^5-1779. 91 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1756 Jany. 27 March 2 16 28 April 5 May June 18 14 July 13 Auart. 10 Septr. 9 13 Octr. 25 Deer. 3 28 William Griffis and Abiah Gates Piatt Titus, and Hannah Highbe Abel Akerly and Ruth Highbe Ezekiel Wickes and Sarah Plevelon Jotham Wickes and Sarah Hugligins David Vanheuser and Hannah Foster Richard Rogers and Bathsheba Thomas Eliphelet Wood and Grace Scidmore Monbray Smith and Phebe Tidd Martin Pendergrass and Phebe Kelcey Stephen Jarvis Junr. and Sarah Mott Selah Carll and Elisabeth Hart Jacob Miller widowr. and Mary Reuland widow Salathiel Johnson and Elisabeth Jackson John Wood, widr. of South and Frances Blachley Thomas Place and Sarah Tillot William Satterly and Azuba Sammis Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Islip Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Hampsted Oysterbay (Q. C.) Brook Haven Huntington 92 Records of the First Chnrch in Places of their Place of Xanies of Farcies abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 175 - Jany. j Fhilip Smith and Bathsheba Hart Huntington iS Joseph Highbe and Charity Tucker Huntington March i Benjamin Reuland and Sarah Hymes Huntington 10 ^\'illiam James and Freelove Thomas Himtington 23 Jerhamiah Rogers and Abigail Kelcey Huntington 28 Isaac Scudder and Elisabeth Baldw-in Himtington April 6 Stephen Se>-mour and Susanna Mott Kuntingion II Zophar Platr and Sarah Flan Huntington aS Stephen Veditoe and Fhebe Soper, widow Huntington Cold Spring May 27 Hermanns \'anheuser and i Rosaima Collrns Coldspring Huntington June S Solomon Piatt and Hannah Wood Huntington July 27 Benajah \Mckes and Oysterbay Harmah Conkline Huntington Octr. 13 Josiah Rogers widr. and Rachel Arthur Huntington 16 Jesse Brush and Ruth Conkline Huntington Deer. 12 Joseph Powel and Deborah Scott Queens County 19 Eliphdet Piatt and Smith Town Elizabeth Scudder Huntington Nathaniel Smith and Zer\-iah Wood Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ij2^-ijf^. 93 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1757 Deer. 21 1758 Jany. Feby. 19 IS 19 Feby. 23 March 12 28 April 4 May 22 25 June 20 July 31 Luke Fleet and Esther Smith Huntington John Conkline and Elizabeth Brush Huntington Jonathan Bloomfield and Woodbridge Elisabeth Wood Huntington Aram Nostrant and Hannah Reuland Huntington Arthur Dingey and Martha Rogers Huntington Jesse Sammis and Mary Huff Huntington Timothy Scudder Junr. and Rebecca Wiser Huntington Loose Ireland and Elisabeth Jarvis Huntington Joseph Whitman widr. and Hannah Brush, widow Huntington Isaac Wickes and Oysterbay Elisabeth Titus Huntington Hazael Lewis and Charity Bryan Huntington Peter Totten and Jerusha Soper Huntington Cornelius Hart, Junr. and Mary Smith Huntington Eliphelet Wheeler and Ruth Brush Huntington Reuben Johnson, widr. and Susanna Titus, widow Huntington Peter Scudder widr. and Katharine Mott, widow Huntington Jonas Highbe; Junr. and Sarah Davis Huntington 94 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. iiuntington 1758 Augt. 10 13 Septr. II 18 Novr. Deer. II 1759 Jany. 9 23 Feby. 14 March 5 12 April 26 July 10 Augt. 8 Octr. 25 Daniel Tucker, widr. and Elisabeth Piatt, widow Epenetns Piatt, Junr. and Plannah Marvin Eliphelet Chichester and JMary Pine Isaac Conkline and Jane Titus, widow Joseph Jarvis and Phebe Burtis Joseph BufTet, Junr. and Sarah Smith Isaac Ketcham widr. and Mary Rogers widow Robert Arthur widr. and Elisabeth Highbe Obadiah Rogers and Mary Rogers Henry Chadeayne and Ruth Conkline Simon Losee and Margaret Brush William Allabe and Vashti Johnson Lue Felton, Prisonr. and Elisabeth Flammin Justus Plumb and Margeret Sammis Furman Smith and Elisabeth Bunce Timothy Rogers widr. and Mary Thomas Obadiah Jones widr. and Charitv Bunce, widow Greenwich, Conect. Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith-Town Huntington Huntington Huntington New York Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington South Hampton Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ij2^-ijy<). 95 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1759 Novr. 7 Nov. 7 Deer. II n Jany. IS Feby. 5 7 March 16 30 June 10 II 25 July 31 Augt. 4 Septr. 15 16 Joseph Lewis, Junr. and Naomi Conkline Jonathan Wickes and Mary Bunce Junius Wortman and Rhode Coles Gilbert Carll and Rebecca Brush Jonathan Scudder and Elisabeth Sammis Samuel Akerley and Elisabeth Wickes Cornelius Smith and Hannah Reuland, widow Thomas Dennis and Mary Arthur Austin Jarvis and Jemima Whitehead Matthew Hopper and Mary Hugens Josiah Rogers Junr. and Jerusha Rogers Andrew Leet Colee and Elisabeth Rogers Silas Carll and Mary Rogers Abraham Jarvis widr. and Hannah Conkline widow Reuben Sammis widr. and Jemima Totten Thomas Smith Junr. and Jemima Smith Uriah Wright and Mary Williams Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Fairfield, Cont. Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Eaton's Neck Huntington 96 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1760 Octr. 23 27 Novr. 24 25 Deer. I 30 1761 Jany. Jany. 27 29 May 26 June I Epenetus Weed and Mary Brush Samuel Denton and Hannah Wickes, widow Jacques L'Etoille, F. Pris- onr. and Phebe Casaubon Jesse Bunce and Sarah Highbe Robert Jarvis and Sarah Ireland William Place and Anna Totten Samuel Bunce and Unice Scudder James Hill and Deborah Conkline Isaac Smith, Junr. and Anne Smith Sterling Negro of J. S. and Sarah Indian widow of Samsn. Philip Conkline and Mary Bennet Abner Reeve and Hannah Barnes Aaron Gold and Rebecca Scudder William Denton and Mary Smith Jonah Wood and Sarah Bryan Joshua Rogers and Hannah Smith Stamford, Connect. Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Queen's County Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington R. in M. C. E. J. Huntington Greenfield, Connt. Huntington Jamaica Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington, Long Island, ijs^-iyjg. 97 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1761 June 8 17 23 July 25 Augt. 3 Octobr. 7 Novr. 3 Deer. 6 24 30 1762 January 5 John Reuland and Naomi Gates Epenetus Bishop and Rebecca Wood Philip Smith and Mary Shadbolt Moses Haight and Naomi Soper Jonathan Titus widr. and Sarah Brush, widow Jacob Totten and Racliel Van Scot Thomas Alsop and Phila Butler, widow Jesse Ketcham and Temperance Brush William Lysaght and Jemima Wickes Timothy Chichester and Sarah Wood Cornelius Stretton and Mary Wickes David Van Cot and Martha Chichester John Rogers Junr. and Ruth Wood Josiah Highbe widr. and Mary Miller, widow John Doty and Lucy Smith Samuel Brush widr. and Martha Titus widow Eliphelet Brush and Sarah Carmon Huntington Canaan, Connt. Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington 98 Records of the First Church in Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1762 Feby. 4 10 March 29 April 26 May I May 13 23 June 20 July 29 Augt. 18 Octobr. 9 Deer. 15 16 1763 Jany- II Feby. 3 16 Zebulon Doty and Esther Henderson Hobart Conkline and Alary Wood Obadiah Burto and Anne Ketcham Timothy Sammis Junr. and Elisabeth Scudder Israel Wood widr. and Vashti Piatt Capt. Isaac Piatt widr. and Mary Smith, widow Thomas Wickes and Sarah Brush John Scudder, Junr. and Deborah Rogers Seth Jarvis and Charity Gates Eliphelet Jarvis and Ruth Whitman, Jesse Brown and Mary \\'ickes Philip Rogers and Phebe Rogers Huntington Ezekiel Conkline and Mary Titus Huntington Josiah Wickes, Junr. and Hannah Scidmore Huntington Daniel Smith and Mary Hart Huntington Stephen Wood and Susanna Jarvis Huntington Isaac Dennis and Sarah Jarvis Huntington Oysterbay, Q. C. of the Same County Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Norwalk, Cont. Huntinston Huntington, Long Island, 1^22-1779. 99 Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriage. Huntington 1763 March 3 30 Apl. 17 April 20 May 18 June 29 Augt. 8 24 S.eptr. 12 Smithtown Huntington 29 Octobr. 19 Novr 28 Deer. 22 27 1764 Jany. i John Seaman and Rachel Jones William Scudder and Elisabeth Wood Joseph Townsend and Margeret Wickes Jotham Post and Winifred Wright Samuel Titus and Martha Lisaght Samuel Broome and Phebe Piatt Jonathan Wickes widr. and Elisabeth Arthur Benjamin Conkline and Kezia Jarvis Joseph Jarvis, widr. and Elisabeth Rogers Thomas Jarvis Junr. and Hannah Bryan Piatt Carll and Phebe Smith Jesse Bryan and Mary Ketcham John Totten, Junr. and Phebe Arthur Jedekiah Raymond and Elisabeth Piatt Elkanah Conkline and Dinah Carmon Smith Brush and Sarah Smith William Davis and Hannah Alleben Oysterbay E. Woods Huntington Oysterbay, E. W. Queens County Suffolk County Huntington New York Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith Town Huntington Huntington Norwalk, Connt. Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington L.ofC. Records of the First Church in Place of Marriage Year Mo. Day Names of Parties Married Places of their abode before Marriasre. Huntington 1764 J^ny. 9 II Feby. 8 16 22 April 12 May 2 16 17 29 June 12 13 19 July 17 July 23 Augt. 5 Joel Ketcham and Mary Denton Ezekiel Ketcham and Tabitha Rogers Abijah Hyat and Mercy Soper James Nostrandt wadr. and Phebe Whitman widow David Russell and Elisabeth Williams Reuben Deane and Elisabeth Jarvis William Sammis and Sarah Conkline Abraham Camp and Milleson Jar\'is Samuel Smith and Sarah Blachley John Smith and Elisabeth Ireland Jeremiah Fleet and Deborah Sammis Henry Sammis and Abiah Conkline Timothy Cornish and Mary Wickes Thomas Taylor, widr. and Experience Bayley, widow John Abbit and Anne Netherway Joshua Brush and Margeret Ireland John Sammis, Junr. and Marv Piatt Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Bridg-Hampton Huntington Norwalk, Connect. Huntington Huntington Norwe, Connectict Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington New-Town Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington, Long Island, lys^-iyy^. Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1764 Augt. 9 David Bolt and Norwalk Sarah Mot Huntington Nov. 7 Thomas Jones and Oyeterbay South Mary Jones Queens County. 21 Richard Smith and Eastwoods Mary Brush Huntington Dec. 9 Jesse Sammis and Thankfull Fleet Huntington 26 Thomas Whitehead Gildersleave & Rebecca Rogers Huntington Queen's 1765 Jany. 23 Embree Shadbolt and Oysterbay Village Mary Barker Queen's Village Huntington 28 Henry Scudder and Phebe Carll Huntington E. Woods Feby. s Jeramiah Brush and Huntington Elisabeth Smith Oysterbay, E. Woods Huntington April I Jesse Sammis, widr. and Elisabeth Totten Huntington 20 Johannes Van Cotts and Dorothy Fine East Woods, 0. B. May 21 Daniel Smith and Islip Mary Titus Huntington 23 Eliphelet Chichester widr and Margeret Oakley, widow Huntington June 9 Johannes Siminson and Jemima Stagg, widw Oysterbay, Q. C. July 10 Simon Fleet, Junr. and Ruth Sammis Huntington Aug. 18 John Cornelius and Mary Powel Queens County. Septr. 17 Selah Piatt and Sarah Whitman Huntington Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntingdon 1765 Septr. 18 Octr. 9 14 Novr. 5 18 25 Deer. 15 17 1766 January 14 Feby. 15 19 27 May 5 Martin Griffin and Rachel Soper William Ward and Martha Hufi' Stratten Bryan and Sarah Satterly Benjamin Wood and Mary Wheeler Nathan Skidmore and Sarah Smith Silas Wickes and Esther Pine Jonah Scudder and Hannah Bunce Jonathan Jarvis, widr. Charity White John Durye and Anne Pratt John Oakley and Ruth Rogers Isaac Losee and Ruth Taylor Josiah Pederick and Abigail Arthur John Close, A. B. and Mary \Mckes Selah Bunce and Sarah Davis Joseph Ketcham and Dorothy Bailey Piatt Titus, widr. and Sarah Akerley Nathaniel Oakley and Phebe Ireland and Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Queens County Huntington, S. C. Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington, Long Island, 17^5-/779. 103 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1766 May 21 Ebenezer Davis and Winefred Huff Huntington July 21 Isaac Bunce and Cybil Bryan Huntington 24 Nehemiah Hart, Junr. am d Martha Titus Huntington Octobr. 5 Isaac Sexton and N. Jersey Mary Kelcey Huntington 14 Gershom Smith and Hempsted Charity Brush Huntington 1767 Feby. 10 Josiah Wickes, Junr. Widr, and Mary Conkline Huntington April 23 Samuel Lewis and Mary Smith Huntington June 2 James Chichester, Junr. widr. and Rachel Akerley Huntington Deer. 2 Jesse Oakes and Anna Fleet Huntington 10 Maltbie Burtis and Phebe Conkline Huntington 1768 Febry. 15 Stephen Bennett and Elisabeth Satterley Huntington 24 Epenetus Smith and Susanna Scudder Huntington July 9 Abel Bennett and Phebe Gildersleave Huntington 1769 March 11 Nathaniel Jarvis, and Phebe Allen Huntington May 27 Thomas Netherway and Ruth Wood Huntington Octr. 29 Daniel Youngs, and Oysterbay Susanna Kelcey Huntington 1770 April 29 Silas Hand and East Hampton Sarah Wickes Huntington I04 Records of the First Church Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1770 May 5 29 E. Woods Huntington June 14 July 10 15 Augt. 14 Septr. 20 Octobr 21 Novr. 18 19 Deer. 13 19 1771 Jany. Feby. Samuel Bennett and Elisabeth Wood Huntington Jacob Sammis and Rebecca Akerley Huntington Agustine Bryan, widr. and Elisabeth Scudder widow Huntington John Buffet and Rebecca Ketcham Huntington William Nethaway and Huntington Hannah Denton East Woods David Smith and Sarah Wickes Huntington Thomas Fleet and Francis Haviland Huntington Joel Scudder and Sarah Brush Huntington Jesse Bufifet and Sarah Scudder Huntington Timothy Ketcham and Zerviah Pleas, widow Huntington Lemuel Wickes and Anne Carpenter Huntington Zebulon Ketcham and Hannah Conkline Huntington Jonas Titus and Rhode Sammis Huntington Ichabod Jarvis and Phebe Bunce Huntington Simeon Waters and Levina Denton East Woods Joshua Bunce and Sarah Fleet Huntington Joseph Whitman and Elisabeth Nostrant Huntington Huntington, Long Island, 1122-1779. 105 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1772 Jany. 22 May II 21 June 4 July 6 Jesse Carll widr. and Temperance Piatt, widow Jonah Conkline and Kezia Brush John Jarvis and Naomi Bunce Philip Scidmore and Margeret Wickes Eliphelet Hill and Sarah Conkline ' Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Smith Town Octr. 8 William Haveland and Deborah Smith Huntington Smith Town Huntington Deer. 17 Ananias Langdon and Mary Mott Huntington 1773 May 20 John Schenk and Sarah Nostrant Queens County June 3 Zophar Wheeler and Anne Smith Smith Town H. Crab Meadow 19 David Ludlow and Elisabeth Sammis Hempsted Huntington 23 Ezekiel Brush, Junr. and Freelove Bennett Huntington Deer. 5 Daniel Vanselser and Elisabeth Beedle Queen's County. 27 William Wantar and Mahetabel Causabon Queen's Coim^ 1774 Jany. 14 Feby. 10 22 John Rogers and Sarah Tobias Isaac Kane and Rose Weeks David Kelley and Ruth Gould Zophar Ketcham and Jemima Rusco Oysterbay Oysterbay Huntington Huntington io6 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1774 March 26 July 3 Octr. 16 2; Novr. 2 Deer. II 13 18 31 1775 Jany. i 15 Jany. 26 Feby. 5 Benjamin Wanser and Jane Wanser Danver Osborne and Sarah Buckhout Ebenezer Conkline and . Phebe Brush Timothy Bewster and Phebe Wood Nathaniel Bufifit and Zerviah Piatt Nathaniel Coolman and Hannah Van-Velzer George Wieser and Sarah Allen Jonathan Scudder widr. and Sarah Bufifit Ananias Brush, widr. and Ruth Whitman John Sammis and Margeret Bennett Benjamin Y. Prime and Mary Greaton, widow Henry Titus and Phebe Piatt George Wickes and Mary Kellam Nathaniel Brush and Hannah Piatt Jacob Vanderbelt and Lucretia Reuland, widow Thomas West and Mary Tobias Tunis Cott and Anna Brush Oysterbay N. York Huntington N. Windsor Huntington Huntington East Woods. Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington South Huntington Huntington Huntington Oysterbay Eastwoods Huntington, Long Island, lyz^-iyj^. 107 Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Queens Village 1775 Feby. 6 Simeon Crosman and Sarah Smith Queens Village Huntington April 22 Jesse Whitman and Hannah Brush Huntington July 4 Samuel Rogers and Sarah Rogers widow Coldspring 13 George Cob and Martha Barker Queen's Village 17 John Wood widr. and Martha Brush widow Huntington Septr. 16 John Titus and Sarah Norton Huntington Jacob Ireland and Elisabeth Kelcey Huntington Octr. 16 William Wood and Anna Shadbolt Queen's Village 1776 Jany. 31 Stephen Denton and Naomi Waters Cold Spring Feby. 11 William Rogers and Sarah Potter Huntington 15 Timothy Conkline, Junr. and Mary Piatt Huntington March 9 .\biel Titus and Ruth Wood Huntington 27 Amaziah Wheeler and Hester Cooper, widow Oysterbay March 31 James Brush, and Huntington Sarah Skilman Bushwick April II Abner Crosman and Elisabeth Barker Queen's Village June 9 Joseph Denton and Martha Waters East Woods July II Timothy Dunning and Goshen, N. R. Abigail Nostrant Huntington io8 Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1776 July 30 Novr. 26 Deer. I 1777 Feby. 15 March 6 April 12 May 14 May 26 June 15 July 18 Augt. 5 Septr. 10 Octr. II Long Swamp David Stilwell and Sarah McCoone Thomas Conkline Junr. widr. and Rebecca Hulse, widow Thomas Dougall, Sergt. Majr. & Margeret Allen, widow Tredwell Brush and Anne Gould James Hufif, widr. and Sarah Prindle widow Isaac Wood and Angelia Waters Lemuel Rose and Lorahama Wickes Daniel Ketcham and Martha ConkHne Isaac Huff and Sarah Scudder Zachariah Rogers and Mary Jarvis Isaac Whitman and Mary Nostrant Philip Kellam and Mercy Oakley Edmond Scudder and Elisabeth Highbe Ebenezer Chichester and Freelove Shadbolt Elisha Jillit, widr. and Hannah Piatt, widow William Hanwey, widr. and Jane Eustick, widow Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Suf. County Q. County Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington South Huntington South-Oysterbay Huntington Capt. Elkanah Conkline's Huntington, Long Island, 1^2^-i^^p. log Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Huntington 1777 Octr. 22 Novr. II 16 30 Deer. 24 28 1778 Jany. 22 25 L. Swamp March 3 31 June 15 18 June 30 Augt. 9 16 Septr. Charles Smith and Rachel Hobart Charles Berryc and Greche Amberman Abiathar Camp and Mary Fleet Thacher Sears and Rebecca Smith Uriah Gritman and Kezia Akerley Daniel Brewster Highbe and Elisabeth Dennis Melzer Carver and Phebe Wickes Stephen Stratten and Jane Eustick Ezekiel Hobart and Mary Gildersleave Israel Mills and Martha Smith David Rusco, Junr. and Hannah Piatt Stephen White widr. and Ruth Fleet widow Annina Mobray and Maray Willets Abijah Ketcham, widr. and Mary Smith, widow William Taylor and Sarah Plighbe Elisha Brotherton and Deborah Nichols Green Carrier and Hannah Lewis Smith Town B & C. Hollow South Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington South Smith Twn. Smith Town Huntington Huntington Huntington South Huntington Huntington South Records of the First Church in Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. L. Swamp 1778 Septr. 3 27 Octr. 4 Deer. 20 24 1779 Jany. 12 26 Long Swamp 1779 Feby. 11 14 16 March 7 25 April 5 13 IS Cornelius White and Boston Thankfull Highbe Cowharbor Daniel Furman and Elisabeth Lewis Hempsted Ezra Conkline and Sarah Piatt Huntington Frederick Nodel and Boston Phebe Reuland H. South Henry Smith, widr. and 'RebeccaSmith Havers wid. Huntington Piatt Conkline and Sarah Vayl Huntington Joseph Conkline, Junr. and Martha Conkline, widow Huntington Israel Tilden and Marshfield. Elisabeth Wickes Huntington Nehfemiah Brush, Junr. and Mary Jarvis Huntington Jonathan Birch and Huntington Sarah Birchum South William Wilson and N. York Hannah Clock, widow Huntington .Stephen Brooks and N. London Rebecca Conkline Huntington Solomon Ketcham, Junr. and Rebecca Piatt Huntington Jesse Baldwin and Sarah Arthur Huntington Lemuel Carll and Christian Smith Huntington Stephen Whitman and Sarah Wood Huntington Daniel Gildersleave and Hempsted Experience Kellam Huntington Huntington, Long Island, lyz^-iyj^. Places of their Place of Names of Parties abode before Marriage Year Mo. Day Married Marriage. Long Swamp 1779 April 20 Jesse Fleet and Huntington Mary Howel Islip May 2 Abraham Snidekar and Deborah Wood Huntington 24 Isaac Sele and Oysterbay Anna Burto Huntington June 5 Benjamin Cornel and Rockway Abigail Havens Huntington 13 Zophar Smith and Ann Carmon Oysterbay S. July 8 George Randel and New York Ruth Sele Batons Neck July 27 John Jones and Q. Village Margeret Smith Huntington \ugt. 2 James Stewart and N. York Mary Hopper Huntington Records of the First Church in Miscellanea Quaedam. Per Ebenezer Prime. Or An Account of Marriages, Birth of my Children, Deaths, &c. Ebenezer Prime ) and V ^^^^ married at Shelter Island, Oct. 2nd, 1723, by ye Margaret Sylvester \ ^^^- '^^- Benjamin Woolsey, of Southold. Ebenezer Prime, Son of Ebenezer Prime and Margeret his wife, was born at Huntington, July ye nth, 1724, between one & two o'clock Post Meridiem, it being Saturday, and baptised July ye 12th, Anno Eodem. Margeret Prime, Daughter of Ebenezer Prime & Margeret his wife was born at Huntington, on Saturday morning about two or three of ye clock, it being April the 9th, 1726, and baptised the Day following. Horresco Referens. On the 26th day of September 1726 between twelve and one Post Meridiem Margeret Prime wife of Ebenezer Prime the Beloved wife of his youth departed this life In Huntington, haveing lived in a married state three years wanting six days. Ebenezer Prime ) J ( were married at Southold November ye 12th, 1730, Experience Youngs \ ^^ *^ ^^^- ^^- ^^".i"- Woolsey of Southold, &c. Mary Prime, Daughter of Ebenezer Prime and Experience his wife was born at Huntington September ye 12th 1731 at about 12 o'clock in the morning and baptised September the 19th Anno Eodem. Sarah Prime, Daughter of Ebenezer Prime & Experience his wife, was born at Huntington, September ye 15th, 1732, on Friday about eight o'clock in the morning and baptised the Lords Day following Sept. 17th. , And Dyed, Precious Babe, December 12th, 1732, aged three months want- ing three days. God is righteous in all his ways & holy in all his Works. Rom. 5:13. 14. Huntington, Long Island, j/^j-i/zp. 113 Benjamin Youngs Prime \ Was Born December ye 9th, 1733 at about 8 or 9 Son of Ebenezer Prime ^ o'clock in the morning, it being the Lords Day, and Experience his wife \ was baptised in the afternoon of the same Day. Breach upon Breach, Job. 16. 14. On the first day of January 1733/4 dyed at Huntington in Childbed, Experience Prime the 2d wife of Ebenezer Prime in the 35th year of her age, being born at Southold November 6th, 1699, & lived in a married State three Years one Month and nineteen Days. Job 10. 12. Recognitio Mortis Parentum Tempore Elapso. On the 20th of August 1721 Sarah Prime, my tender and godly Mother departed this life at Milford. In the same Town dyed mine aged Father on the i8th of July 1736. Lam : 3. 19. Remembering mine Affliction and my Misery ye Wormwood & ye Gall (v. 20) My Soul hath them still in Remembrance & is humbled in me. The Clouds Return after the Rain, and I have Reason (with deep Humilia- tion) to say to my God as Job Chapt. 10. 17. Thou renewest thy witnesses against me and increasest thine Indignation upon me, Changes & War are against me. For On October 3rd, 1736, after a short but violent illness dyed at Huntington, of the Throat-Distemper my dear Sister Hannah Prime. Job. 17. 14. I have said to Corruption thou art my Father; to the worm, thou art my Mother & my Sister. Gen : xi. 28. And Haran died before his Father Terah in the Land of his Nativity. But when the Order of Nature is inverted the Appointment of God takes place and is executed. Heb : ix. 27. Wednesday morning October 20th, 1742, between one and two my dear Son Ebenezer Prime departed this Life, aged 18 years, 3 months & nine days, and I trust is triumphing with Christ in Glory. With low Submission O God enable me to bow to thy D. Sovereignty, for Jesus' Sake, Amen. 114 Records of the First Church in January 19th, 1749/50. Alas, Alas! I have Reason to mourn bitterly, and to be deeply humbled before the Lord, for on this Day between eleven & twelve departed this Life my dear Daughter Margeret Browne (in Huntington) Wife to the Revd. Mr. James Brown of Bridg-Hampton, aged 23 Years 9 Months and 10 Days. The only Branch of my Family by my first Marriage is now taken away. But blessed be God for the abundant Reason I have to hope that She is now triumphing with Christ in Glory, whether I trust her dear Brother ascended more than seven Years ago. But alas, alas ! I am here in a World of Sin & Sorrow. The Root is waxed old and dried up in the Earth, and both the Sprigs are cut of? as with a pruning Hook, so that I am left as a poor old Tree bereaved of those precious Branches. Yet I desire to bless God, and say, as in Job : i. 21. Ebenezer Prime ) and y '^^^^ married at Huntington March ye nth, 175 1/2 O. S. by Hannah Carll ( t^e Revd. Mr. Naphtali Dagget.* December ye loth, 1756, this Day about 12 o'clock departed this Life my dear and only Daughter Mary the wife of Isrl. Wood aged 25 Years, 2 Months and nineteen Days, having lived in a married State, 3 Years 3 Months, and 24 Days, left two motherless Childrn, a Son and Daughter. A bitter Day ! a bitter Dispensation ! Never to be forgotten. But O how much more bitter is Sin ! My Sins ! Yet blessed be God I do not mourn altogether without Hope. On Fryday Morning about 6 o'clock February the 9th, 1776, my third lov- ing Wife departed this Life having compleated the 70th Year of her Age. (The following is the only record in the book not in Mr. Prime's handwrit- ing-) The Revd. Ebenezer Prime departed this life Sept. 25th (or Oct. 3rd) 1779. He commenced preaching to this Church June 21, 1719, was ordained June 5th, 1723, and thus stood connected with the church 60 years. *Rev. Naphtali Dagget became Professor of Divinity Yale College 1755, and President of Yale College 1766. Huntington, Long Island, //^^-///p. 115; A Record of the Birth of the Negro Children of my Servants, York and Jenne. Jupiter, Born December 11, 1746. Judith, Born December 6, 1747. Peter, Born August 11, 1749. Mortuus, Born January 4, 1750/51 Still Born. Mortuus, Secundus, Born Jan. 17, 1751/52, Still Born. ' Priscilla, Born September 8, 1753, New Stile, died on October ye 8th following. Presents from the Congregation the 4th year, August 26, 1737. Jesse Bufifet pickle pork 8 Z. Smith bit of pigg 2/6 Zephas Piatt quarter Lamb & Butter 3/6 Zadoch Smith Quarter Mutton 5/6 Piatt Carl Butter & Lard 6/ Ii6 Records of the First Church in MEMORANDUM. Daniel Lewis and His wife v. The widow Eliz. Williams. After some months of unhappy Contention between the Parties above men- tioned, on the 4th Day of Feby. 1735/6, appeared at the house of Deacn. David Sammis, Daniel Lewis and his wife where was present Elizabeth Williams abovsd, at a Church Conference held for the exercises of Religion and the Mutual Instruc- tion and Edification of ye members of the Church of Xt in Huntington. After the Conclusion of the solemn Exercises of Religion & the Blessing ministerially pronounced, the wife of sd Lewis without Leave ask'd or obtained, spoke in the Church and said to this effect ; that she desired all those of the Church that were dissatisfied with her upon the account of the Difiference between the Wid'w, Elizabeth Williams and herself, would tarry and hear what was to be said in that affair, and that the rest, would depart. Upon which the most considerable part of the Church stopt. And thereupon presently arose a warm and disorderly Dispute, betweeh the abovesd parties at variance. Sd Lewis and his Wife by sundry passages, gave the Church Ground and Reason to think, they had some- thing to ofifer by way of Complaint agt, ye sd Eliz. Williams, and did, tho not in order and form, ofifer sundry things to that purpose. Whereupon by the Pastr of said Church, it was observed to sd Lewis and his wife that if they had anything to object agt sd Williams to the Church, the orderly and regular Method to be ob- served by them was to draw up their Articles of Complaint in form and exhibit them to the Church with sufficient Evidence. To which, sd Lewis (among other things) answered that he did not under- stand our methods, but if that was the way, he could and would do it, if we would give him time or to the like purpose. But thereupon ensued a great deal of disorderly Jaring & Contention, Saying and Gainsaying, notwithstanding such endeavours of the Pastr. of the Church to the contrary as he tho't the Circumstances of the Case and the Persons therein concerned would bear. Many arguments and endeavours were used to persuade the parties at Vari- ance to ye exercise of Christian Charity and a friendly Accommodation, but all at that time proved abortive. Towards the Conclusion of the Debate, Daniel Lewis afforesd gave the Huntington, Long Island, i^2j-i//C). 1 17 Church reason to think, that at the next Church Conference or Lecture, pre- paratory to the Sacrament, he would exhibit to the Church his articles of Corn- plant agt the widw Eliz. Williams. However, the Pastr of the Church, being solicitously concerned for the peace of the Church, after a few Days Consideration, by messages sent, desired the parties at variance to meet at his house. Accordingly, Feby. nth, 1735/6, they met and with them the two Deacons and two other Brethren of the Church. Something was alledged by sd Lewis and wife agt sd Williams, but nothing of scandal made evident. Here also all argu- ments and endeavours to effect a reconciliation prov'd abortive thro' the Obstinacy of said Daniel Lewis. But at the conclusion of the meeting desired some time to consider of the affair, and promised that within a few days he would give some farther acct to the Pastr of the sd Church. Here it is to be remembred, that the most material thing objected Feby. nth, 1735/6 By sd Lewis and wife agt. sd Williams was matter of falsehood if not a plain and full charge in so many words, yet what amounted to it in writing. The circumstances of the affair being to this effect so far as I can remember, viz : — that when the unhappy Controversy between sd Williams and Jerusha Scuddar was first brought before the Civil Authority, Charles Sexton, Esqr. Justice, &c., sd Williams declared that if Jerutha Scuddar would clear herself by her oath, she would take up satisfied without prosecutingherany further and that some time after at the house of Isaac Piatt sd Williams denied that she had ever made any such offer, upon which Isaac Brush as sd Lewis intimated in his paper being called told said Williams that she did, and that Justice Sexton declared to the same purpose, so far as he understood the matter. But a few days after Justice Sexton & Isaac Brush witnesses inserted in sd Lewis's Paper declared privately that they remem- bred no such thing as the Widow Williams's declaring that if sd Scuddar would clear herself by her Oath she would take up satisfied. Feby. i8th Anno eodem the Parties at variance met again and with them the two Deacons & several Brethren of ye Church to endeavr further on healing of the Breach. After the affair had been recommended to God by Prayer and some words of Caution and Counsel given by the Pastr of the Church, various things were discoursed off and a peace at last concluded between the Widw Williams and the wife of sd Lewis & methods agreed to for giving Satisfaction to the Church. But sd D. Lewis continued obstinate, professed indeed a willingness to be at peace with the woman and declared in Presence of sundry of the Brethren that he had nothing to alledge agt her, but yet refused to give any reasonable satisfaction to the Church upon acct. of what he had alledged and promised to article and ■a 1 8 Records of the First Church in prove agt. her as is before mentioned, and so after a great deal of fruitless Labour and Discourse as to him, the Meeting ended. At a Church Conference held at the house of Deacon David Sammis on ye 3d of March 1735/6, Daniel Lewis not appearing either to exhibit and prove any Arti- cles of Complaint agt. the Widw E.Williams or to give Satisfaction to the Church, which had been (repeatedly in private) represented to him as necessary and rea- sonable, it was proposed by the Pastor of sd Church as a thing reasonable and necessary, that the sd Daniel Lewis (being a member of the Church by his Bap- tism and having subjected himself to the Government of the Church by an explicit Renovation of his Baptismal Covenant) should by the Authority of Christ in his Church be ordered to appear before them in convenient time and place in order to give such satisfaction in the premises as should appear necessary and reason- .able. Accordingly after some Consideration and Debate it was voted by the Fraternity, that the Pastr of sd Church should transmit such an order to sd Lewis for the purposes aforesd. Nemine Contradicente. Sd Order to be transmitted to said Lewis is as followeth : — The Elders and Brethren of the Church of X in Huntington, to Daniel Lewis within the limits of the same place, send Greeting Having by a Solemn and explicit Renovation of your Baptismal Covenant in the Presence of the Alseing God, and before his People, subjected yourself to the •Government and Discipline of X in this his Chh, it seemed good unto us, being assembled, not only to desire but to order and require you ; and we do hereby •order and require you to appear before this Chh on the 24th day of this present Month at the house of Deacon David Sammis, in order to give such satisfaction to the Chh in the Case of our Sister Elizabeth Williams, as shall appear to be agreeable to Scripture and Reason. Fail not but govern yourself accordingly. Ebenr Prime, Pastr Huntington, In the name and with the consent of ye March ye 3rd, 1735/6. Fraternity. A copy of the above written order was accordingly transmitted to said Lewis by the hand of our Brother Zophar Piatt Die Proximo March 24, 1735/6 The Church being met after usual conference exercises were over, the Case of Daniel Lewis was mentioned and he not being there, but being in Town was sent for, and after some time came, but refused either to make any Acknowledgment or to bring in any Allegations against the sd E. Williams in order to give satisfaction. But after some disorderly Discourse desired from that time to the second Sabbath in April to consider further, which after some Opposition by some of ye Brethren of ye Church was by the pastor of sd Church granted. Huntington, Long Island, //^j-z^/p. 119 April nth, Die Dom. after way made by the pastr of sd Chh, Lewis put a paper into ye hand of sd Pastr, exhibiting something against sd WiUiams, the con- sideration of which is refered to ye Chh, appointed to meet on Wednesday next at the house of Deacon David Sammis at one o'clock Post Meridiem. April ye 14th, the Chh met according to the Appointment of Apl nth, at which time, after the usual Exercises of Religion were over, and some Measures taken to persuade Daniel Lewis to the most easy way of Accommodation, but to no purpose, then Danl Lewis's Articles of Accusation or Complaint were read to ye Chh. His pretended Profs given in, and read, & thereupon Liberty was given to the Widw, Elizabeth Williams to make her Defence, which being done, the Brethren of the Church withdrew to consider the Allegations of sd Lewis and the Defence of sd Williams, and upon mature Consideration of the whole matter could find no good Ground to censure the sd E. Williams, or withdraw Communion from her, but one and all of them professed a willingness to own her as a member of the Chh in as good standing as ever, notwithstanding what had been alledged against her by invidious Tongues. As might more fully appear on both sides by the Minutes of the Chh's Judgement then taken, Reference being thereunto had. June ye 2nd, 1736, at a Conference meeting held at the house of Deacn D. Sammis, after the usual exercises of Religion, some means were used to bring Danl Lewis to an Acknowledgment and Submission, but to no purpose, he continueing obstinate. A peace was concluded between ye Widw E. Williams and his wife, and they accepted of the Church. (Note. Since made his submission, etc.) Records of the First Church in Records of the Chh of Christ in Huntington of which Ebenezer Prime is, now the Pastor, begun March 30, 1748. Whereas the Practise of this Chh as to ecclesiastical Government has, in Time past, been according to the congregational Scheme, which has for some Time been attended with Inconveniences, and the Pastor of sd Chh being otherwise minded, he presiding as Standing ^loderator on Lord's Day the 27th of this Instant March last past appointed a Chh Meeting of which he gave publick Notice, desireing it might be full, on the acct. of some things of Importance he had to communicate to the Chh. The Chh met according to sd Appointment at the House of Deacon David Sammis, March 30th above sd. A Sermon being preached, in which Something of the Nature of ecclesiastical Government was delivered the Presbyterian Form explained and vindicated. Deacon Rogers Senr. & Deacon Sammis were chosen by the Chh to subscribe such Votesof this present fleeting as should be proper as Witnesses and Evidences of the Chh's Proceedings. Nemine Contradicente Test : Ebexr. Prime, Modr. Then it was put to Vote by the Moderatr, whether this Chh should come un- der a Presbj-terian Form of Government agreeable to the Plan and Form of Gov- ernment agreed upon by the following Ministers of Suffolke County on the 9th of April last past at South Hampton, Viz : — Ebenr White of Bridghampton Nathl Mather of Aquabaug South Hold Ebenr Prime of Huntington Ebenr Gould of Chochauge South Hold Sylvanus White of South Hampton Samll Buel of East Hampton. Voted in the affirmative by all present, one being withdrawn viz, — J. Conk- line. Joseph Rogers The Revd. Messrs .st:|J- <- D.\ Tes.. , ~).\vid s.\mmis Huntington, Long Island, ij2^-iTjg. 121 Voted by the Chh that our beloved Brn. Deacon David Sammis and John Roberts attend the Jr'resbytery of Suffolke County on the 6th of Apl next as Dele- gates & Representatives of this Chh. Test Ebenr. Prime, Past'r. Huntngton June 12 1748, Voted that Eliphalet Hill attend the Presbytery at BridgHampton as a Delegate of this Chh, or Jonas Smith, in Order to the Ordina- tion of Mr. James Brown on Wednesday next. Sepbr. 16, 1748, voted that Eliphelet Hill attend the Presbyterial Council at Southold on the 20th instant as the Delegate of this Chh, in Order to the Installa- tion of the Revd. Mr. Throop. Octob'r 16 1748, Eliphelet Hill chosen to attend the Presbytery at the House of Nathl. Smith, Esqr. of Moriches on the 19th instant as a Delegate of this Chh. April 9th, 1749, Deacon Joseph Rogers chosen Delegate of this Chh to sit with the Presbytery in Huntington on Wednesday next w. will be the 12th instant. April I, 1750 Abraham Chichester or Benijah Jarvis were chosen by the Chh, either the one or the other as best shall suit their Conveniency, to sit as this Chh's Delegate, with the Presbytery, at Brook Haven next Wednesday. Octr. 21, 1750, D. D. Elnathan Wickes chosen as the Chh's Delegate or Elder to sit in the Presbytery at Bridg Planipton Wednesday next. May 19th, 1751, D. D. Deacon David Sammis chosen as the Chh's Delegate or Elder to sit in the Presbytery at Huntington on Wednesday next, the 22d In- stant. September 15, 175 1, Voted by the Chh that Elnathan Wickes attend the Ses- sion of the Presbytery at Smith Town on Tuesday next as their Delegate or Elder. 122 Records of the First Church in March 29, 1753 N. S. voted that Deacon Thos. Rogers attend the Presbytery as a Delegate or Elder on Wednesday next, i.e. Apl. 4th in Huntington the Place of their next Session. June 2d, 1754, Voted that Deacon Thomas Rogers attend the Presbytery at Smith Town on Wednesday next as the Chh's Delegate. At a Chh Meeting Augt. 2, 1754, appointed for solemn Prayer with Fasting, according to a Proposal made to the Chh before, the following Brethren of the Chh were Chosen ruleing Elders, viz : — Doctr Zophar Piatt, Thomas Rogers, El- nathan Smith and Abraham Chichester, nemine contradicente. The two first be- ing Deacons before and still continued in that office tho now Elders. Thomas Campbel, one of the Brn. who had been suspended for many years, upon acct. of an Axe belonging to Jonas Brush, which sd Campbel refused to de- liver till obliged by Law, made his Acknowledgment. But other Things being objected his Suspension was continued till they should be enquired into and adjusted. At a Session held for the Presbyterian Chh of Huntingdon, Septr. 13, 1/54, According to an Appointment notified the Lord's Day before, present : — E. Prime, Pastor Z. Platt Elder Thos Rogers " A. Chichester " Eln. Smith " Opened with Prayer : Then took into consideration the Charge of Falsehood exhibited by Reben Johnson, against Benjamin Brotherton, one of the Brn. of the Chh. upon acct. of which sd Brotherton has been denied special Privileges for some Time. But sd Johnson not appearing to make good sd Charge upon examining the Testimony of Justice Elnathan Wickes sent in, and a variety of Circumstances in Favour of sd Brotherton, it was judged that the Charge was not well grounded, and therefore that the sd Brotherton ought not any longer to be denied Privileges. The Cases of Sundry disorderly Brn. taken into Consideration, concluded that some Pains should be taken with them privately before they were called to an Acct. by the Session. Concluded with Prayer. Huntington, Long Island, I'j 27,-1779. 123 At a Session held for the Presbyterian Chh of Christ in Huntington, accord- ing to an Appointment last Lord's Day, held this 29th Jany. 1755, present Eben- •ezer Prime, Pastr. Z. Piatt, Thos. Rogers, Abrm. Chichester and Elnathan Smith Elders. Opened with Prayer. Entered upon the Case of James Kelcey &c. But he, persisting in asserting his own Innocency, as to Dr. Z. Piatt's Charges, adjourned the further Consid- eration of it till some Witnesses could be called & examined in order to obtain further Light. Agreed to cite some other disorderly Brethren to appear at our next Session. Viz : — Azariah Wickes James Smith and Thomas Campbel. Con- cluded with Prayer. Huntington Jany. 31, 1755, at a Chh Fast Azariah Wickes being dealt with by the Elders consented to make a 2d confession upon act. of excessive Drink- ing. It was read and owned by Him in ye publick Congregation, Lord's Day following, Feby. 2d, 1755. Concluded to admit him to Priviledges upon due Evi- dences of the Truth of his Repentance by a Reformation. At a Chh Session held in Huntington March 3d 1755 according to a previous Appointment, present E. Prime, Pastr. Thomas Rogers, Abraham Chichester, Elnathan Smith, Dr. Zophar Piatt ruleing Elders, opened with Prayer. N.B. The Citation of James Smith & Thos. Campbel concluded upon Jany. 29 last as above was omitted upon Supposition that the Case of our unhappy Brother James Kelcey would take up much time. Entred upon the further Consideration of his Case, as to the Charge of Dr. Piatt (upon Suspicion sd Dr. being excluded from Sitting as Judge in his own Case) upon Hearing some circumstantial Evidences against James Kelcey, as well as what some of his Friends ofifered in his Vindication, it was concluded that there was great Reason to suspect and fear that he had in a clandestine Way taken from the Doctr's Mills Flour and Grain belonging to the Dr. by the Help of John Taylor & his Wife one or both, she being his Daur. As it is evident he has stoolen a considerable Quantity of Corn out of the Field of Abrahm Chichester last Fall, and sundry other things appearing which gave just Ground to suspect he, sd Kelcey has frequently without Leave cut Wood on and carried it off from other Men's Land, which he did not deny but excuse and endeavour to evade. Altho he offered to make a Confession of his stealing Corn from Abrm. Chiches- ter, his Case and Conduct otherwise appearing very dark, it was judged there was just Ground for Censure and Suspension from the Lord's Table, until his case 124 Records of the First Church in should be cleared up and Satisfaction given. Accordingly he was admonished and suspended. Concluded with Prayer. At a Chh Session held in Huntington Jany. 17, 1757 according to a previous Appointment, Present E. Prime, Pastr. Thomas Rogers, Zophar Piatt, Abraham Chichester, Elnathan Smith ruling Elders. Opened with Prayer. Azariah Wickes one of the Brn. under Censure appearing according to Cita- tion, much Pains was taken to convince him of his immoral and unchristian Con- duct, without answering the desired end. And Inasmuch as he desired some Time for Consideration and Reflection and two other Brethren Delinquents viz :— James Kelcey and James Smith failed of appearing according to Citation, it was con- cluded to adjourn this Session to the 31st of this Instant January, and Azariah Wickes promising to attend, fresh written Citations were ordered to James Kel- cey and James Smith to attend according to Adjournment on the 31st of this Instant at the House of E. Prime, Pastr. Concluded with Prayer. January 31st Met according to Adjournment, opened with Prayer, Azariah Wickes not appearing according to Promise, nor James Smith, according to Cita- tion repeated, the Proceedure as to them was adjourned. But James Kelcy appearing, the consideration of his case was resumed. But after Pains taken for his conviction, he, continuing to evade or deny every Charge, excepting in the case of Abraham Chichester, was admonished a 2nd Time, and his Suspension continued. Agreed that two of our Members should go to Az. Wickes and J. Smith and enquire into the Reasons of their neglecting to attend our Session according to Promise and Citation. Concluded with Prayer. Deacon Thomas Rogars, Elder of tlie Chh as well as Deacon departed this Life Feby. 24, 1759, much to be lamented. Antecedent to his Death, at diverse Times not made Matter of Record here, Pains were taken with sundry disorderly members such as John Roberts, Azariah Wickes, James Smith &c. to little Purpose, unless, with Reference to Az. Wickes who being bro't to make a publick Confession of his Sins especially of Intemper- ance, was admitted to the Privilege of having his unbaptized Children baptized^ and it was concluded he should be admitted to the Lord's Table upon the Evi- Huntington, Long Island, lys^-i^/p. 125 ■dence of his Sincerity, by a good Conversation maintaind so long as miglit in a Judgment of Charity be accounted a good Evidence. A little before Deacon Rogers's last sickness and Death a Meeting of the Session was concluded upon at his House to correct the Disorders in the Chh. But his Sickness and Death preventing it, therefore Lord's Day — March 4, 1759 a Chh Fast was appointed on account of the sad and deplorable Circumstances of the Chh the publick Calamities of War, and mortal Sickness among us, by which sundry of our most valuable members are remov'd out of the World, while a number are walking very disorderly. At said Chh Fast attended according to Appointment March 8, 1759, our Brother James Nostrant was chosen to the OfiSce of an Elder in the Room of Deacon Thomas Rogers, and Abraham Chichester, one of the Elders, chosen to discharge the Ofifice of a Deacon in the Room of Deacon Thomas Rogers deceas'd. Some Methods of Dealing with the disorderly Members in a private way, to reduce them, before we proceed to publick Censures were proposed to be attended by the Elders. '' April 26, 1759, After some Part of the Day spent in Prayer accompanied with Ministry of the Word, the Minister and Elders of the Chh, that is, E. Prime, Pastr. Zophar Piatt, Abrahm Chichester, Elnathan Smith and James Nostrant, Elders, retir'd to the house of Doctr Z. Piatt, to consult some Measures for redressing Disorders in the Chh and removing Scandals. And after some Time of Delibera- tion and Consultation, appointed a Session to be attended next Tuesday, i.e. on May 1st, at three o'clock in the Afternoon at the tlouse of E. Prime, Pastr., and order'd that written Citations should be sent John Roberts and James Smith two disorderly Brethren to attend sd Session, which was done accordingly, and being directed to them severally (Nominis Mutatis) is as follows : — The Minister and Elders of the presbyterian Chh of Christ in Huntington To — (J.R. — J.S.) one of their Brethren send Greeting. Whereas many of this Chh are grieved at your disorderly Conversation, Religion thereby wounded, and Occasion given to the Enemies of God to reproach the Christian Name and Profession: and Whereas Methods taken to redress those Grievances have hitherto fail'd of desir'd Success : these, therefore, are not only to desire but cite and require you, to attend our next Session, at the House of Ebenezer Prime Pastor of sd Chh, on Tuesday next, at three o'clock in the Afternoon, on the first Day of May next, then and there to answer such Things as shall be alledged against you, and to give suitable christian Satisfaction, or abide by the Direction, and submit to the Censures of the Chh. Hereof fail not, 126 Records of the First Church in as you will answer your Contempt of the Authority of Jesus Christ, the Supreme Head and King of the Chh in the great Day of Account. Sign'd by Order of the Session Ebenr. Prime, Modr. After which Doctr. Piatt was directed by sd Modr. to desire Moses Scudder, Esqr. Benijah Jarvis and Josiah Wheeler to attend as Evidences, and to order John HuiT to attend sd Session in order to give Satisfaction in some matters of Scandal objected against him as an ofTending Brother. May 1st, 1759, met according to the Appointment of last Session, present E. Prime, Pastr. Z. Piatt, A. Chichester, E. Smith and James Nostrant Elders. Post Preces sederant qui supra. James Smith attending according to Citation, enter'd upon and examind his Case, as to moral Scandal in a Course of intemperate Drinking, with Respect to which he gave no christian Satisfaction, but he pleading that we would not imme- dately proceed to further Censures, but give him a further opportunity to open and plead his own Case, in compliance with his Desire, adjourned the further Consideration of his Case to our next Session, appointed to meet in the same Place on Fryday the nth of this Instant May, and order'd him to attend. John Roberts not appearing according to Citation, order'd that he be cited a second Time, to attend our next Session, to give an Account of his Neglect and answer such other Things as shall be alledged against him. A Citation was order'd to him accordingly. John Huff not appearing, propos'd to Dr. Piatt to desire him to appear at our next Session. The Tenor of the second Citation sent to John Roberts, is as foUoweth. Huntington, May ist, 1759. The Pastor and Elders of the presbyterian Church of Christ in Huntington to John Roberts one of their Brethren send Greeting. Whereas you have failed of attending this our Session according to a Cita- tion bearing Date the 26th of April just past, these are to order and require you, to attend our next Session at the House of Ebenezer Prime, Pastor of the Church of which we are Elders, on the nth day of this Instant May at three o'clock in the Afternoon. Then and there to answer for your neglect, and such other Alle- gations, as shall be brought in against you, according to the Tenor of the former Huntington, Long Island, ly^j-i^^p. 127 Citation. Hereof fail not, as you will answer the Charge of Contumacy against ecclesiastical Authority. Signed by Order of the Session, Ebenr. Prime, Modr. Citations were ordered to Moses Scudder, Esqr., Benijah Jarvis and Josiah Wheeler to appear at our next Session, as Evidences, to give light in the Case of our Brother John Roberts. Concluded with Prayer. May II, 1759, Met according to the Appointment of last Session, present E. Prime Pastr, Z. Piatt, A. Chichester, E. Smith and J. Nostrant Elders. Post Preces sederant qui supra. John Huff appearing in Compliance with Desire made known to him by Dr. Piatt, upon Examination own'd his Faults in some Measure, but declined making a publick confession. His Case being considered by the Session con- cluded that a suitable Confession be drawn and ofTer'd at our next Session, to be made publick, and that if he shall then refuse to comply, he be proceeded against by Admonition and publick Suspension. John Roberts not appearing according to the 2nd Citation, but treating both the first and second with utmost Contempt, in Language not fit to be repeated, proceeded to a Consideration of his Case and upon Examination of the Evidences above mentioned, it appear'd clearly that besides his neglect of publick Worship and Ordinances, and many scandalous Disorders in his Family, he has, for a considerable Time, gone on in a course of intemperate and excessive Drinking and continues so to do, notwithstanding all the Pains taken with him in a private and more publick way. Concluded that he be proceeded against in a publick Way as a scandalous and contumacious Offender, and unless he complies with proper Methods of Satisfaction, that he be cut off from the Fellowship and Communion of the Church, and that as soon as shall be judged expedient at our next Session. James Smith appearing, owned his scandalous Faults, particularly in a Course of intemperate Drinking, profess'd a Readiness to make a publick confession. Concluded that a Confession be drawn suitable to his case to be ofTer'd at the next Session, and that if he complies with its being made publick in a proper Way, it shall be accepted upon Condition of his evidencing the Sincerity of his Confes- sion by a thorough Reformation ; but if he returns to his former Sins after con- fession, as he has done heretofore, concluded that he be cut off from the Fellow- ship and Communion of the Church, as soon after as shall be judg'd proper. Appointed that our next Session be attended on Fryday the 25th of this Instant May at 3 o'clock P.M. Concluded with Prayer. 128 Records of the First Church in May 25, 1759, Abrahm Chichester failing to attend and John Huff and James Smith not appearing as ordered, no Business was done, only an Appointment made by the Pastr and other Elders conveen'd of Meeting on Thirdsday next which will be May 31, Part of sd Day to be observ'd in solemn Prayer according to synodi- cal Direction. ]\Iay 31, 1759, having spent some Part of the Day in Prayer accompanied with the Ministry of the Word, John Huff attended the Pastr. and all the Elders con- veen'd in Session, and consented to a written Confession, order'd to be made pub- lick in due time. James Smith not attending as was ordered, a Message was sent to him to repair to the Pastr. this week or at furthest next to subscrbe the Con- fession ordered for him by this Session to be made publick. Concluded that John Roberts should be cut off from the Communion of this Chh. as soon as the above mentioned Confessions are made publick &c. &c. June 10, 1759 Lord's Day, John Huff made a publick Confession as written and was restor'd &c. James Smith being hindred by Sickness, in his Family, from repairing to the Pastor as above ordered, attended him on this Day, between Meetings, subscribed the written Confession order'd, which was made publick, and publickly own'd by him. Upon which it was order'd he should be restor'd upon Evidences of the Sin- cerity of his Repentance by the genuine Fruites of Reformation ; otherwise that he should be cut off from the Communion, if he relapsed into former Immorali- ties as he had done after repeated Confessions. John Roberts was, in a publick and solemn Manner cut off from the Com- munion, this Day, for his Immorality, and Contumacy against ecclesiastical Authority. June 14, 1761, This Day Mary, the wife of John Russels, made a free, full and humble confession of the Sin of Adultery, with Capt. J. P. professing her Repentance and solemn Resolutions of Duty and Virtue in the publick solemn Assembly; and was thereupon reed, into Charity upon her good Behaviour, nnd so recommended to the Communion of the Clihs in the Jerseys, where she resides, or in any other Place where she may take up her abode. July 23d, 1761, John Roberts, having been excommimicated on June icth, I759> for manifold Disorders in his Conversation, particularly a Course of exces- sive Drinking persisted in, accompanied with contempt of ecclesiastical Author- ity, and a contumacious Obstinacy, under aggravating circumstances, this Day, Huntington, Long Island, i/2j-i^/p. 129 being a Day of solemn Fasting and Prayer, voluntary made and subscrib'd a very humble Confession of the Sins for which he was excommunicated, professing his hearty Repentance and Resolutions of Holiness which being read in the publick Assembly, and own'd by him as his Confession, he was thereupon restor'd, own'd as a Brother, and being exhorted to persevere in his Resolutions, was assur'd of being admitted to the Lord's Table upon good Evidences of the Sincerity of his Repentance, by a good Life and Conversation, during the Term of a proper period of Time, for Probation. INDEX OF NAMES. ABBIT, Elisabeth, 31, 86. Hannah, 27. James, 33. John, 62, 100. Joseph, 28. Kezia, 29. Martha, 22, 24. Mary, 26. ABRAHAM, Negro of Dr. T. Rogers, 43. ABRAMS, John, 72. ACKERLEY, Samuel, 62, 95. ADAMS,, Elisabeth, 34. John, 19. John, 'Son, 32. Jonas, 19, 70. Jonas, Adt. Fathr., 32. Sarah, 38. ADDAMS, Elisabeth, 22. Phebe, 36. AKERLEY, Ananias, 27. Benjamin, 29, 30, 63. ElLsabetb, 26, 75. Kezia, 109. Nathaniel, 31. Phebe, 29. Prudence, 29. Rachel, 103. Rebecca, 104. Sarah, 69, 102. Timothy, 28. William, 67. AKERLY, Abel, 91. Samuel, 85. William, 33. ALDERMAN, Eve, 68. Thomas, 66. ALLABE, Hannah, 49. Isaac, 47. Jane, 48. William, 94. ALLEBEN, Hannah, 99. ALLEN, Charles, 76. Margeret, 108. Phebe, 103. Samuel, 85. Sarah, 106. ALLISON, Elisabeth, 32. Richard, 68. ALSOP, Thomas, 97. AMBEKMAN, Elizabeth, 86. Grecbe, 109. AMOS, Anne, 70. ANDERSON, Abigail, 64. Edmund, 88. Jeremiah, 64; ANDREW, Negro J. Smiths, 42. ANN, Negro of Mr. Lid, 31. ARMSTRONG, Alice, 29. Edward, 70. Francis, 19, 30. Mary, 21, 32. Robert, 27. ARTHUR, Abigail, 39, 102. Augustine, 54. Dorcas, 23, 36. Eliphelet, 50. Elisabeth, 32, 81, 99. Elizabeth, 44. Jacob Piatt, 46. Jesse, 44. Joshua, 66, 71, 83. Mary, 33, 95. Phebe, 29, 99. Piatt, 44. Rachel, 31, 64, 92. Reuben, 52. Robert, 38, 69, 94. Ruth, 42. Sarah, 47, 51, 110. Thomas, Jr., 35. AVERY, John, A. B., 20. John Smith, 60. BAILEY, Abigail, 64. Benjamin, 30. Dorothy, 102. Edward, 81. Hannah, 27. Jemima, 47. John, 50, 64, 89. Mary, 64. Milleson, 22, 36, 49. Philip, 46. Rebecka, 29. Ruth, 64. Samuel, 66. Sarah, 29. BALDWIN, Elisabeth, 92. James, 89. Jesse, 110. Moses, A. B., 19. BALL, Mary, 46. BARKER, Elisabeth, 107. Hannah, 74 Martha, 107. Mary, 75, 79, 101. BARKER, Thomas, 72. BARNES, Hannah, 96. BATES, Daniel, 78. John, 42. Kezla, 39. Lemuel, 26. Rebecca, 44. BAYLES, Abigail, 70. Letltia, SL Nance, 53. Rebecca, 50. BAYLEY, Experience, 100. Jacob, 44. John, 82. Loruhamah, 38. Wilkie, 44. BAYLIS Hannah, 55. BEAGLE, Samuel, 58. BEDEL, Stephen, 5L BEEDLB, Elisabeth, 105. BEESLY, Samuel, 89. BENEDICT, Daniel, 82. Joseph, 84. BENJAMIN, Negro, 33. BENNLT, Abel, 40. John, 69. Joseph, 80. Judith, 32. Mary, 96. Rebecca, 89. Rebecka, 31. Timothy, 42. Titus, 38. BENNETT, Abel, 103. Freelove, 105. Judith, 23. Margeret, 106. Mary, 34. Samuel, 104. Stephen, 103. BENTON, Alexander, 42. BERIAN, Cornelius, 66. BERRYC, Charles, 109. BEWSTER, Timothy, 106. BIGGS, Timothy, 78. BIRCH, Jonathan, 110. BIRCHUM, Sarah, 110. BISHOP, Abigail, 46. Epenetus, 97. James, 88. John White, 52. Jonah, 54. BLACHLEY, Benjamin, 54. Index of Names. 131 BLACHLEY, Daniel, 54, 77. Ebenezer, 54. Elisabeth, 63. Experience, 56. Frances, 91. Freelove, 54. Hannah, 54. Jane, 54, 67. Jemima, 54.' Moses, 56. Phebe, 54. Prudence, 54. Rhoda, 54. Sarah, 100. BLACKLEY, Hannah, 31. Jane, 21. BLIDENBURROW, Anne, 35. Charity, 35. Daniel. 35. Mary, 35. BLOOMFIELD, Jonathan, 93. BOLT, David, 101. BOSWORTH, James Woods, 41. BOZWORTH, Stephen, SO. BREWSTER, Anna, SO. Anne, 22. James, 57. Sarah. 82. BRIAN, Henry, 58. BRIDGET, Negro, 69. BROOKS, Stephen, 110. BROOME, Samuel, 99. BROTHERTON, Abel, 83. Benjamin. 19, 122. Daniel, 51. Eli, 27. Elisha, 46. 109. Hannah. 53. Isaac, 76. Jemima, 44. Jerutha, 24. Mary, 23. Naomi, 43. Nathaniel, 47. Othniel, 29. Ruth. 40. Samuel, 49. Zerviah, 72. Zilpah, 28. Zophar, 37. BROWN, Edward, 66. Jar 121. The Rev. Mr. James, 83, 86, 114. Jesse, 98. John. 69. Nathan. 62. Nathaniel, 61. Samuel. 56. BROWNE. Margeret, 114. BRUMBLEY, Charity, 26. Elijah, 26. William, 19. BRUSH, Abel, 59. Abigail, 63, 75. BRUSH, Abner. 53. Alexander, 44, 47, 57. Ame, 44, 46. Amni, 36. Ananias, 38, 41, 75, 77, 106. Anna, 61, 106. Anne, 41. Azaba, 82. Azula. 25. Bathsheba, 23, 39, 46, 51 Benjamin, 38. Bethia, 22. Betsie, 58. Charity, 41, 103. Daniel, 38, 90. David, 45. Deborah, 38, 63, 65. Ebenezer, 48, 63. Edward, 33, 61. Eliphelet, 34, 48, 97. Elisabeth, 18, 25, 20, 47, 67, 73. Elizabeth, 33, 35, 79, 85, 93. Elkanah, 52. Epenetus. 26, 38. Esther, 21, 44. Ezekiel. 34, 72. Ezekiel, Junr., 105. Freelove, 47. Gilbert, 42, 50. Hannah. 30, 32. 46, 50, 55, 58, 60, 65, 88, 93. 107. Ichabod, 55. Isaac, 24, 43, 64, 79, 117. Isabel, 45. Israel, 27. Jacob, 19. 25, 31, 36. 48, 49. Jacob, 52, S3. Jacob, Senr., 18. James, 47, 107. Jane, 40. Jecamiah. 36. Jemima, 45. Jeremiah, 101. Jerusha, 36. Jesse, 31. 39, 44. 58, 92. Johanna. 32. John, 19, 20, 25, 33, 38, 42, 52, 57, 65, 68, 88. John Conkline, 54. Jonas, 37, 122. Jonathan. 31, 70. Joseph, 35, SO. Joshua, 100. Josiah, 40. Katherine, 33. Kezia, 22, 33, 37, 45, 76, 105. Lemuel, 39. Margaret, 34. 94. Martha, 28, 74, 107. Mary, 18, 21, 22. 28, 30. 38, 41, 43, 47, 49, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 85, 96, 101. Mindwell, 74. Naomi, 25, 49. BRUSH, Nathaniel, 35, 39, 106. Nehemiah, 47, 75. Nehemiah, Junr., 110. Phebe, 21, 24, 26, 36, 43, 48, 69, 78, 106. Plerson, 31, 40. Piatt, 41. Rebecca, 41, 46, 95. Bebecka, 18, 33, 34, 35, 65. Reuben, 20, 56, 73. Rhoda, 44. Richard, 37, 55. Robert, 68. Ruth, 24, 30, 50, 56, 62, 77, 93. Samuel, 19, 40, 42, 50, 97. Sarah, 21. 23, 26, 37, 40, 44, 53, 68, 77, 97, 98, 104. Scudder, 59. Smith, 35, 99. Stephen, 43, 52. Susanna, IS, 24, 36, 38. Susanna, 46, 47. Temperance. 23, 34, 97. Theodcjsia, 47. Thomas. 19. 71. 75. Thomas, Senr., 18. Timothy, 74. Tredwell. 46, SO, 108. Unice, 41. William. 43. Zophar, 27, 41, 44, 45, 50. BRYAN, Abraham, 59. Augustine, 104. Alexander, 46, 67. Ann, 24. Anna, 37. Anne, Daur. .\., 23. Anne, 38, 71, 78. Augustine, 69. Cecil, 33. Charity, 33, 93. Cybil. 22, 74, 103. CyblUa, 30. David, 55. David Chichester, 57. Deborah, 23. 47. Ebenezer, 35. Elisabeth, 23, 56, SO. Elizabeth, 34, 44. Epenetus, 40, 74, 84. Gilbert, 37. Hannah, 36, 99. Isaac, 53. Jacob, 53. Jar 40. Jemima, 45. Jesse, 37, 59, 99. John. 58. Lemuel, 36. Mary, 44, 53, 84. Melanohton, 26, 31. Nathaniel, 56. Phebe, 23. Rebecca, 49. 132 Index of Names. BRYAN, Ruth. 42, 57. Sarah. 33. 96. Stratteu. 20. 39, 102. Susanna. 43. Thankfull. S2. Unice, 39. BUCKHOURT. Peter, 35, 71. Tabitha. 22. BUCKHODT. Sarah. 106. BUCKINGHAM, Stephen, 10. BUEL. Samll, 120. BUFFET, Jesse, 9, 104, 115. John, 104. Joseph, Junr., 94. Sarah, 59. BUFFIT, Abigail, 55. Ame. 51, 90. Anna, 2S. Eliphaz, 57. Elisabeth, 55. Isaac, 50. Jesse, 32. Jesse Wickes, 57. John, 25, 26. Joseph. 29. Joshu.i, 43. Josiah. 31. Nathaniel, 36, 75. 106. Phebe, 41, 56. Piatt, 54. Rachel, 55. Sarah, 23, 24, 34, 57, 106. Temperance, 22. Zebulon, 39. BUNCE, Adeth, 53. Anne, 32, 45. Charit.v, 94. Deborah, 22. 24, 7S. Edmund, 46. Elisabeth, 34, 94. Hannah, 21. 42, 43, 51, 73, 102, Isaac, 19, 32, 74, 103. Jacob. 19. 34, 71. Jeffery, 55. Jesse. 45, 96. John, 25, 53, S7. Joseph, 41. Joshua, 20. 32, 36, 104. Keturah, 57. Lemuel, 35. Mary, 23, 27, 31, 95. Matthew, 74. Mercy, 21. Mindwell, 23. Naomi, 25, 27. 47, 90, 105. Nathan, 25, 28, 55. Nathaniel, 4S, 76. Phebe, 43, 104. Rebecca, 45. Ruth, 26, 47, 88. Samnel, 30, 96. Sarah, 29, 89. Selah, 39, 102. Susanna, 21, 57, 85. BDNCE, Theodoras, 55. Thomas, 49, 51. Thomas, Junr., 79. A'ioleta, 55. Zebadiah, 24. 82. BURTIS, Fordham, 36. Henry, 68. John, 19, 56. Maltbie, 103. Margeret, 51. Martha, 66. Mary. 71. Mattbie, 38. Phebe, 94. Richard, 37. BURTO, Ame, 90. Anna, 111. Mary, 72. Obadiah, 98. BUTLER, Phila, 97. BUTSON, Thomas, 62. CAMP. Abiathar, 109. Abraham. 100. CAMPBEL. Benjamin, 35. Phebe, 32. 88. Thomas, 19. 67, 122, 123. CARL. Mary, 45. Piatt, 9. 115. CARLE. Abigail, 35. Ananias. 29. Bathshcba, 42, 64. Charity, 67. David, 44. Freelovc, 37. Gilbert, 30. Hannah. 22. Jemima. 23. Jesse, 78. John. 35, Jonathan Scudder, 34. Lemuel. 34. Mary, 2S. 86. Nathaniel, 39. Phebe. 37. Piatt. 32. Prudence, 67. Ruth. 42. Sarah, 39. Selah, 28. Silas. 30. Susanna, 40. Timothy. 27. 72. CARLL. Abigail, 60. Ananias, 89. Anne, 49. Charity, 46. Eleanora, 51. Eliphelet Whitman, 53. Elisabeth, 54. Ellis, 51. Freelove, 54. Gilbert, 95. Gloriana, 55. Hannah, 47, 58, 114. CARLL, Israel, 51. Jacob Smith, 54. Jesse, 47. 105. Juliana, 53. Keturah. 52. Lemuel, 47, 110. Oliver, 56. Phebe, 52, 55, 101. Phineas, 4S. Piatt, 99. Prudence. 56. Sarah, 53. Selah, 91. Scudder, 49. Silas, 95. Solomon, 58. Timothy, 50, 86. CARMON, Ann, 111. Benjamin, 36. Dinah, 41, 99. John (Son), 58. John (Father), 58. John, 39. 41, 67, 76. Margeret, 90. Mary, 22. Sarah. 48. 97. CARPENTER. Anne, 104. CARRIER. Green, 109. CARVER. Melzer, 109. CASE, Meribah, 66. CASAUBON, Phebe. 96. CATE, Negro J. Piatt, 35. Negro womn. of J. D., 22. CAUSABON, Mahetabel, 105. CAUSOBOOM, Charity, 80. CHADEAYNE, Henry, 94. CHAPMAN, Daniel, 10. CHICHESTER, Abigail, 52. Abraham, 19, 46, 89, 121, 1. 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128. David, 24, 53, S3. Dinah, 65. Ebenezer, 35, 53, 68, 108. Elias, 71. Eliphalet, 32. Eliphelet, 20, 54, 94, 101. Elisabeth, 18, 25, 39, 61, ; 1 Elizabeth. 22, 44. Elizabeth. Dr., 22. Ephraim, 51, 74, 80. Esther, 26, 42, 62. James, 18, 25, 50, 59. James, Junr., SO, 103. James Pine, 50. Jemima, 32. Jeremiah, 27, 45. Jerusha, 41. Joseph, 40. Margt., 45. Martha, 97. Mary, 30, 45, 56, 86, 90. Mercy, 32. Mordecal, 38. Phebe, 43. Index of Names. 133 CHICHESTER, Ruth, 22,31,58,88, Samuel, 24, 40, 41. Sarah, 21, 28. Stephen Straiten, 47. Sylvanus, 33. Tabitha, 71. Timoth.T, 97. CLOCK, Hannah, 110. CLOE, Negro of Isr. &M. Wood, 47. CLOSE, John, 102. CLOSS, Solomon, 63. COB, George, 107. COLEE, Andrew Leet, 95. COLES, Rhoda, 95. COLLIER, John, 88. COLLINS, Rosanna, 92. CONEK, Vlolette, 90. CONKINE, Theodosia, 59. CONKLINE, Abel, 52. Abiah, 35, 100. Ablel, 53. Abigail, 21. Ananias, 20, 37. Benjamin, 20, 37, 70, 99. Bennett, 55. Buell, 63. Charity, 71. Cornelius, 25, 57, 67, 81. David, 38, 70. Deborah, 28, 32, 65, 96. Ebenezer, 48, 106. Eliakim, 34. Elisabeth, 25, 53, 56, 58. Elisabeth C, 23. Elisheba, 61. Elizabeth, 79. Elkanah, 32, 99. Epenetus, 34, 67. Esther, 44. Ezekiel, 34, 98. Ezra, 110. Freelove, 58. Gamalel, 39. Gilbert, 41, 50. Hannah, 23, 26, 33, 53, 54, 56, 64, 85, 92, 95, 104. Henry, 52. Hobart, 31, 98. Isaac, 20, 29, 94. Israel, 42, 77. J., 120. Jacob, 44, 48. Jemima, 38. 53, 62, 75, 85. Jeremiah, 65. Jesse, 82. Joel, 56. John, 20, 31, 47, 93. John Carmon, 56. John, Senr., 18. Jonah, 44, 105. Jonathan, 30, 50. Joseph, 20, 28, 50, 86. Joseph. Junr., 110. Lemuel, 44. CONKLINE, Lelviiia, 57. Margaret, 58. Martha, 21, 29, 37, 46, 52, 75, 108, 110. Mary, 18, .21, 22, 26, 29, 62, 64, 68, 81, 86, 103. Naomi, 35, 55, 95. Nathaniel, 42, 49. Phebe, 40, 53, 57, 77, 103. Philip, 33, 36, 96. Piatt, 42, 110. Priscllla, 39. Rebecca, 50, 53, 58, 110. Rebecka, 30. Rhoda, 55. Richard, 20, 41, 52, 84. Ruth, 33, 92, 94. Samuel, 30, 51, 53, 79. Sarah, 28, 38, 64, 100, 105. Stephen, 26, 63. Thomas, 19, 28, 39, 45, 62, 65, 86. Thomas, Junr., 108. Timothy, 29, 45, SS, 107. Titus, 52. Unice, 59. Zophar, 51. CONLINE, Seth, 59. COOK, Nehemiah, 41. COOLMAN, Nathaniel, 106. COONE, Mary, 61. COOPER, Hester, 107. CORDES, John Piatt, 20. CORNEL, Benjamin, 111. CORNELIUS, John, 101. CORNISH, Benjamin, 71. Elisabeth, 32. Naomi, 22. Timothy, 34, 100. COTT, Tunis, 106. CRAWFORD, Mary, 37. William, 77. CROMWELL, Abigail, 25. Benjamin, 25, 82. CROSMAN, Abner, 107. Simeon, 107. DAGGET, The Revd. Mr. Naph- tali, 88. 114. DAGDIDY, Elizabeth, 76. DANIEL, Son of Sampson, 36. DARROW, John. 85. DAVIS, Ebenezer, 103. Isaac, 35. Israel Wickes, 59. John, 35. Lydia, 64. Mary, 82. Sarah, 93, 102. William, 38, 99. DAYTON, Ebenezer, 20, 54. DEAN. Esther, 21, 34. Gilbert, 29. John, 31. Jonathan, 27. Joseph, 25. DEAN, Ruth, 62. Sarah, 24, 78. DEANB, Reuben, 100. DENNIS, Abigail, 65. Benjamin, 38. Daniel, 54. Deborah, 62. Elisabeth, 109. Elizabeth, 43, 45. Isaac, 36, 98. Jarvis, 55. Sarah, 63. Thomas, 36, 75, 95. Thomas, Junr., 54. DENTON, Benjamin, 20, 45, 81. Elisabeth, 34. Elizabeth, 44, 57. Esther, 47. Hannah, 43, 104. Isaac, 49. Israel, 42. James, 40. Jemima, 54. Jesse, 52. John, 20, 33, 36, 73. Joseph, 44, 107. Joslas, 39. Levina, 38, 104. Martha, 54. Mary, 33, 34, 50, 60, 100. Phebe, 42, 50. Rebecca, 44, 47. Richard, 47, 70. Richard, Junr., 19. Ruth, 38, 46. Samuel, 31, 96. Sarah, 37. Selah, 52. Stephen, 42, 107. Tabitha, 22. Temperance, 35, 71. William, 96. DICKENSON, Zebulon, 50. DICKERSON, Elisabeth, 52. James, 55. John, 58. Priseilla, 23. DICKINSON, James, 63, 89. Mary, 22, 46. DINGE, Elizabeth, 43. Esther, 23. Mary, 25, 84. Richard, 25, 62, 64. Ruth, 43. DINGEY, Arthur, 93. DINGHAM, David. 75. DISBERRY, Sarah, 54. DOTY, John, 97. Zebulon, 98. DOUGALL, Thomas, 108. DBAGE, Richard, 61. DUNGAN, Joseph, 35. DDNGHAM, David, 37, 39. DUNNING, Timothy, 107. 134 Index of Names. DURYE, Jobn, 102. ELIAKIM, Negro of N. & R., 31. ELIJAH, Negro Sampson, 45. ELISON, Elis.ibeth, 90. ELKANAH. Negro, 33. ETOILLE, Jacques L., 96. EUSTICK, Jane, 109. EVERETT, Tbomas, 65. FARMER, John, 66. FELTON, Lue, 94. PINE, Dorothy, 101. FLAMMIN, Elisabeth, 94. FLEET, Alexander, 40, 45. Anna, 103. Anne, 23, 57. Augustine, 5S. Elisabeth, 58. Esther, 25. Freelove, 58. Gilbert, 58. Hannah, 50. Israel, 49. Jeremiah, 100. Jesse, 111. John, 51. Luke, 49, 93. Mary, 55, 59, 109. Parret, 65. Rachel, 85. Ranseler, 58. Rebecca, 51, 53, 58. Sarah, 54, 80, 104. Simon, 78. Simon, Junr., 101. Thanktull, 101. Thomas, 26, 51, 104. FLORA, Negro, 68. FOOT, Abraham, 79. FOSTER, Bethiah, 70. Elisabeth, 22. Hannah, 91. Jonathan, 24, 61. Joseph, 81. Penelope, 78. Ruth, 24, 48, 109. Sarah, 87. FRANK, Negro of J. S., 43. FRONT, John, 90. FROST, Isaac, 89. FURMAN, Daniel, 110. GATES, Ablah, 26, 37, 91. Anne, 22. Charity, 37, 98. Elizabeth, 71. Milleson, 40. Naomi, 37, 97. Quandian, 33. Stephen, 37, 43, 70. William, 36. GAULER, Anne, 22. GEORGE, Negro child of J. S.,49. GETHRO, Negro of S. Brush, 43. GILDERSLEAVE, Azuba, 42. Benjamin, 24, 80. GILDERSLEAVE, Bridget, 70. Daniel, 110. Elisabeth, 48, 50, 70. Elizabeth, 46, 74. Esther, 45. Experience, 27, 46, 82. Finch, 43. Henry, 47. John, 47. Jonas, 49. Mary, 44, 46, 47, 81, 169. Obadiah, 26, 84. Phebe, 44, 103. Philip, 25, 48, 54, 82. Rebeka, 42. Richard, 27, 45. Ruth, 30, 50. Sarah, 23, 53. Stephen, 19, 80. Thomas, 40, 56. Thos. Whitehead, 40. Zeno, 41. GINNINGS, Mary, 18. GOLD, Aaron, 96. Munson, 79. GOLFIND, Dennis. 73. GOODRIDGB, Susanna, 66. GOOLD, Ebenezer, 19. GOtJLD, Abiel, 55. Ame, 52. Anne, 48, 108. Benjamin, 50. David, 57. Ebenr., 120. Elisabeth, 54. John, 48. Joseph, SO. Mary, 44. Rebecca, 50. Ruth, 46, 105. Titus, 51. William, 56, 84. GRANT, Thomas, 19, 67. GREATON, James, Son to the Rev. Mr., 57. Mary, 106. GREEN, Anne, 83. Miriam, 35. William, 69. GREENFIELD, Archibald, 75. GRIFFIN, Martin, lfi2. GRIFFIS, Anne, 51. Esther, 58. James, 49. William, 31, 91. William Gates, 4S. GRITMAN, Uriah. 109. HAGOR, Negro of E. W. & Wife, 40. HAIGHT, Moses, 97. HAND, Silas, 103. HANNAH, Mary, 21. HANWEY, William, 108. HARRESEN, Mary, 56. HARRESEN, Nathaniel, 52. HARRESON, Rebecca, 49. HARRESSEN, Hannah, 49. HARRIS. James, 72. HARRISSEN, Sarah, 49. HARRISON, Daniel, 48. Jesse, 53. Nathaniel, 86. HART, Ame, 32. Bathsheba, 33, 92. Cornelius, 25, 62. Cornelius, Junr., 93. Daniel, 41. Dennis, 78. Ebenezer, 50. Elisabeth, 22, 30, 91. Elizabeth. 72. Elkanah, 58. Gilbert, 51. Hannah, 46, 58. Jacob, 58. Jane, 42, 44. Jerimiah, 82. John, 29, 40. Joseph, 25. Joshua, 20, 34. Mary, 32, 63, 98. Mary C. H., 23. Mercy, 44. Micah, 20, 27, 37. Nehemlah, 40, 78. Nehemiah, Junr., 103. Phebe, 49. Ruth, 31. Samuel, 89. Sarah, 34, 36. Stephen, 26. Tahitha, 23. Zebulon, 28, 52. HAVELAND, William, 105. HEVELON, Sarah, 91. HAVENS, Abigail, 53, 59, 111. Henry, 55. Rebecca, 52. HAVERS, Rebecca Smith, 110. HAVILAND, Francis. 104. Hannah, 58. HAWKINS, Abigail, 68. HAWKXHURST, Sampson, 67, 74. HENDERSON, Esther, 98. HENDRICKSON, Daniel, 89. HERRARD, Mary, 66. HEZEKIAH. Negro, Lloyd, 39. Negro son of Rachel, 29. HIGBE, Abigail, 27, 87. Bathsheba, 24, S3. Charity, 57. Danl. Brewster, 44, 109. Desire, 26, 47. Elisabeth, 25, 49, 94, lOS. Elizabeth, 80. Hannah, 29, 52, 91. Jonah, 50, 58. Jonas, 51, 93. Index of Names. 135 HIGBE, Joseph, 25, 53, 92. Joslah, 97. Mary, 74. Natbaniel, 53. Ruth, 37, 91. Sarah, 22, 23, 31, 33, 50, 96, 109. Stephen, 24, 55, 85. Thankfull, 49, 110. Thomas. 53. HILL, Anu, 29. Eliphalet, 19, 121. Eliphelet, 27, 29, 105. Elizabeth, 31. James, 24, 96. Jane, 22. Jemima, 53. Mar.y, 34, 59. Michael, 54. Peter, 25, 52. Richard, 56. HOBART. Charity, 83. Esther, 48. Ezekiel, 42, 46, 109. Hooker, 3L John, 81. Rachel, 50, 109. Rebecca, 83. Sarah, 72. Susanna, 81. HOGHLANDT, Margaret, 85. HOLLAND, Edward, 67. HONEUR, Johanna D., 28. HOPPER, Mary, 111. Matthew, 95. HORTON, David, 49. James, 49. HOWEL, Dorothy, 70. Edmund, 43. Mary, 111. HOWELL, Israel, 76. HUBBARD, John, 44. HUBBART, Abiah, 21, 65. Charity, 26. Ezekiel, 66. Phebe, 63. Rebecka, 29, 61. Sarah, 21, HUBBS, Charles, 20. Mary, 54. HTJPF, David, 51. Isaac, 47, 108. Jacobus, 49, 90. James, lOS. Jesse, 50. John, 19. 44, 126, 127, 128. Losee, 53. Mary, 49, 93. Martha, 39, 102. Margeret, 90. Sarah, 22, 51, 56. Simeon, 56. Simon, 84. Tabitha, 52. Thomas, 47. HUFF, Winefred, 103. HUGBNS, Mary, 95. HUGHGINS, Martha, 77. Mary, 38. Milleson, 90. Sarah, 91. William, 38. HULSE, Rebecca, 108. HUNTER, John Wood, 81. HUNTING, Isaac Mulford, 88. HUTCHINSON, Joyce, 77. Martha, 75. Mary, 22. HTAT, Abijah, 100. HYMES, Hannah, 23. Hannah, Adt., 43. Ruth, 23, 46. Sarah, 23, 92. Sarah, Adt., 43. IRELAND, Daniel, 48. Elisabeth, 100. Elizabeth, 48. Jacob, 48, 107. James, 51. Joseph, 48. Loose, 93. Margeret, 48, 100. Mary, 49. Phebe, 102 . Sarah, 96. Thomas, 48. JABEZ, Negro of Jer. Piatt, 25. JACKSON. David, 82. Elisabeth, 91. Mary, 79, S3. Thomas, 79, 89. JAMES, Negro of J. Carll, 54. William, 92. JANE, Negro Daur. of Rachel, 24, 25. JARVIS, Abigail, 22. Abraham, 40, 69, 95. Alexander, 53. Ann, 27. Anne, Step. J., 23. Augustine, 27, 52, 89. Austin, 95. Austine, 32. Benijah, 19, 66, 81, 90, 121, 126, 127. Daniel. 51. David, 44, 51. Deborah, 25, 53, 78. Drusilla, 53. Eliphelet, 31, 9S. Elisabeth, 28, 34, 51, 55, 60, 93, 100. Elizabeth, 40, 86. Esther, 21, 2S, 43, 55, 61, 85. Hannah, 22. 54, 59, 60, 73. Henry, 24, 87. Ichabod, 41, 104. Isaac, 25, 42, 52. Isaiah, 27, 33, 50, 53, 64. JARVIS, Jacob, 44. Jemima, 22, 33, 47. Jesse, 57. Joanna, 59. John, 34, 105. Jonathan, 80, 102. Joseph, 28, 94, 99. Joseph Ireland, 54. Keturah, 59. Kezia, 38, 99. Lemuel, 54. Levina, 23, 39. Lois, 29, 89. Mahetabel, 21. Mary, 32, 48, 49, 54, 58, S5, 108, 110. Milleson, 21, 40. 100. Nathaniel, 36, 38, 103. Nicolas, 59. Phebe, 23, 29, 48, 56, 57, 59, 71, 85. Philip, 47, 50, 83. Rebecca, 58. Robert, 31, 96. Ruth, 41, 47. Samuel, 40. Sarah, 29, 32, 38, 52, 53, 54, 59, 98. Seth, 98. Stephen, 26, 30, 57, 64. Stephen, Junr., 91. Susanna, 29, 57, 98. Thomas, 19, 31, 63. Thomas, Junr., 99. Timothy, 52, 54, 55. Unice, 61. William, 19, 43, 54, 90. William, Junr., 80. William, Senr., 19. Zebadiah, 59. Zebulon Rogers, 49. Zerviah, 22, 90. JEAN, John, 57. JENNE, 115. Negro Sam Brush, 40. Molatto of J. B., 37. JEN., Negro of A. Wiekes. 37. JERMAN, Hannah, 50. Mary, 50. Obadiah, 87. JILLIT, Elisha, 108. JOHNSON, Abigail, 73. Anne, 39. Bathsheba, 39. Catharine, 77. Edward, 65, 81. Elisabeth, 49. Jane, 21. Jerusha, 31, 39, 71. John, 78. Joseph, 50. Phebe, 53. Rebecca, 44. Reben, 122. Reuben, 44, 51, 85, 93. 136 Index of Names. JOHNSON, Ruth, 39. Salathiel, 91. : Sarah, 30, 39. Susanna, 23, 68. Temperance, 39. VasUti. 94. William, 46, 63. JONES, David, 63. Dorothy, 69. Eliphalet, 10, 18. Esther, 26, 27. Hannah, 4S. Hewlett, 87. John, 30, 47, HI. Mrs. Martha, 18. Mary, 101. Obadiah, 94. Phebe. 29, 33. Rachel, 99. Thomas, 101. JUDITH, 41, 115. JUPITER, 41, 115. Negro of J. Smith, 47. KANE. Isaac, 105. KELCEY, Abigail, 33, 92. Anne, SS. Daniel, 39, 59. 75, 84. Ebenezer, 54. Elisabeth, 21, 47, 107. Elizabeth, 73. Gilbert, 56. James, 19, 28, 32, 123, 124. Jonas, 33. Jonathan, 25, 51, 82. Kezia, 30, 58, 87. Keziah, 22. Mary, 40, 77, 103. Nathaniel, 34. Phebe, 30, 91. Piatt, 47. Rebeclja, 24. Ruth, 25. Sarah, 42. Stephen, 2S, 46, 50, S6. Susannah, 21, 39, 44. Susanna, 51. 63, 103. Timothy, 31, 68. KELEG, Daniel, 61. KELLAM, Anna, 22. Betteann, 42. Ebenezer, 51. Elisabeth, 22, 25, 84. Elizabeth, 40. Ephraim, 19, 72. Experience, 51, UO. Hannah, 37, 79. Jemima, 35, 51. Jerusha, 27, 34, 49. Jesse, 51. Joshua, 39, 53. Levina, 38, 51. Mary, 41, 106. Obed, 47. Phebe. Daur., 37. KELLAM, Phebe, Mothr. Adt.,37. Philip, 43. 108. Robert, 74. Ruth. 51. Susanna, 22. 24, 46. Thomas. 84. Ziba. 52. KELLEY, David, 105. Elisabeth, 59. KETCHAM, Abel, 35, 57, 58. Abigail. 18, 45, 75. Abijah, 38, 76, 109. Alexander, 41. Anne, 31, 98. Kenjamin, 59. Caleb, 37, 45, 72. Charity, 28, 52, 66. Oonkline. 50. Daniel, 36, 47, 108. David, 41, 42, 45. Deborah, 50, 78. Eber, 56. Eliphelet, 39. Elisabeth, 21, 23, 44, 73. Enoch. 55. Epenetus. 31. Esther, 47, 79. Ezekiel. 35, 100. Ezra. 40. Hannah, 21, 26, 35, 41, 43. Hobart, 50. - Isaac, 34. 74, 94. Isaac Carll, 44. Israel, 24, SB, 86. Jacob, 38, 57. Jane, 21, 65. Jesse. 30. 97. Joel, 32, 100. John, 19, 42, 45, 48, 53. John, Junr., 75. Jonas, 24, 29. Jonathan, 33, 82. Joseph, 20, 27, 28, 38. 64, 102. Joshua, 33, 71. Kezia, 46, 49, 68. Mara. 46. Margaret, SO. Margt., 45. Martha. 27, 30, 38, 83. Mary. 28, 31, 36, 37, 42, 67, 99. Miriam, 21, 42. Nathaniel, 39, 53, 67. Nehemiah, 52. Phebe, 33, 76. Philip, 36, 43, 44, 73. Prudence, 60. Rebecca, 49, 77, 81, 104. Rebecka, 32. 36, 39. Reuben, 37, 59. Ruth, 27, 34, 46, 59, SS. Sarah, 22. 27, 33, 39, 40, 42, 55, 85. Selah, 43, 47, 54. Solomon, 24, 48, 85. Solomon, Junr., 110. KETCHAM, Stephen, 25, 42, 47, 86. Tabitha, 66. Temperance, 56. Thomas, 77. Timothy, 20, 33, 104. Whitehead, 52. Zehulon, 35, 104. Zophar, 30, 40, 105. KIRKUM, Ann, 2S. Elijah, 24. Mary. 29. Ruth, 25. Thomas, 24, 31. Zebede. 32. LANGDON, Ananias, 105. Elizabeth, 34. Jonathan, 32. LEACH, Thomas, 75. LEVIN, Phebe, 75. LEW, Negro of J. W., 45. LEWIS, Abigail, 51. Alexander, 50. Amelia, 57. Azel, 54. Benjamin, 25. Daniel, 24, 116, US, 119. Deliverance, 29. Elisabeth, 27, 52, 53, 110. Elkanah, 59. Esther, 30. 34, 50. Hannah, 2S, 45. SS, 109. Hazael. 31, 93. Henry Scudder, 44. Israel, 26. Jane, 27, 90. Jemima, 27. 33. 35. 37, 43, 52, 74. Jemima, Mothr., 23. Johanna, 27. John, 47, 85. John, Fathr., 27. John. Son, 27. John. Junr.. 77. Jonathan. 25. 33, 88. Joseph, 33, 55, 66. Joseph, Junr., 95. Kezia, 27, 43. Mary, 22, 27, 30, 40, 43. 70. Mary, Danr., 23. Mercy, 21, 78. Naomi, 59. Phebe, 30, 51, 89. Rnth, 43. Samuel, 36, lOJ. Sarah. 28. 32. 55, S3. Thomas Bunce, 59. LISAGHT, Martha, 99. LISCOMB, Sarah. 90. LOCKWOOD, Joseph, 71. LOORIN, Elisabeth, 69. LOOSEE, Hannah, 68. LOSEE, Isaac, 102. Simon, 94. LUCE, Eleazer, 72. LUDLOW, David, 105. Index of Names. 137 LUE, Negro ot B. J., 36. LUM, Samuel. 65. LYON, Jane, 63. Joshua, 64. LYSAGHT, James, 5S, 69. Mary, 55. William, 97. MACGERE, Elizabeth, 34. James, 31. John, 19, 29. Mary, 21. Eebecka, 30. William, 19. 28. MACOONE, Thomas, 64. MAJE, Negro of Jer. Piatt, 25. MARCUS, Negro of A. W., 43. MAREAR. Negro of T. S., 47. MARK, Negro of Carll, 52. MARVIN, Hannah, 94. Isaac, 69. MARY, Negro chiia of J. Smith, 39. MATHER, Nathl., 120. MATTHEWS, James, VI. MATTHIAS, Martha, 3S. MATTHIES, Anne, 34. Elisabeth, 42. Martha, 75. Mary, 40. Phebe, 32. Sarah, 36, 75. McCOONB, Sarah, lOS. McCULLER, William, 84. McGEAR, William, 35. MEAD, Nathaniel, 79. Nehemiah, 72. Piatt, 66. MERCHANT. Ruth, 36. MILLER, Elisabeth, 34. Elizabeth, 36. Freelove, 40. Jacob, 45, 72, 91. Mary, 97. Matthew, 38. Stephen, 61. Susanna, 23. MILLS, Israel, 109. Jacob, 40. Michah, 40. Ruth, 42. Timothy, 40. MINTHORNE, Hannah, 64. MOHRAY, Annina, 109. Ruth, 77. MONTGOMERY, Richard, 59. MORGAN, Abigail, 23. Ebenczer, 46. Elisabeth, 51. Israel, 55. James. 53. John, 20, 27, 86. Martha, 69. Rebecca, 49. Titus, 27, 45. MORICE, Henry, 36. MORRICE, Gilbert, 33. James, 72. Mary, 76. William, 41. MORRIS, Isabella, 62. James, 34. Mary, 3S. MORTUUS, 115. MOSIER, Abigail, 23, 52. MOT. Reuben, 37. Sarah, 101. Susanna, 33. MOTT, Deborah, 59. Deborah J. D., 23. Jacob, 77. James, Junr., 82. Jesse, 57. Joseph, 87. Katharine, 93. Margeret, 34. Mary, 105. Sarah, 31, 55, 91. Susanna, 31, 92. William, 31, 68. MUNFIL, Deborah, 36. MUNGER, Samuel, 69. MCNSAY, Samuel, 74. MUNSB, Silas, 37. MUNSEE, Isaai', 40. MUNSBY, Samu"l, 35. MURRAY, Damcl, 30. Elisabeth, 7L. James, 29. NANGLB, Eleanor, 7S. NAOMI, 71. NASH, Mathan. 71. NERO, Negro ailult, Mr. Lloyd'i 28. NBTHAWAY, William, 104. NETIIERWAY, Anne, 87, 100. Thomas, 71. 103. NEWMAN, Alexander, 58. Arthur, 20. Asona or Asenath, 58. Benoni, 57. Scudder, 46. Silas, 20. NEWTON, Henry, 57. NICHOLS, Deborah, 109. William, 88. Mary. 76. NOAKES, Jacob, 74. Meribah, 22, 35. Thomas. 79. NOAKS, Elisabeth, 27. Hannah, 31. Isaac, 29, 33. Jemima, 22, 26. Rachel, 22, 25. Sarah, 24. NODEL, Frederick. 110, NORTON, Sarah, 107. Temperance, 43. NORTON. Timothy, 74. NOSTRAND, Elizabeth, 43. Katheriue, 41. Samuel, 20. NOSTRANDT, James, 100. NOSTRANT, Abigail, 47, 107. Aram, 93. Elisabeth, 104. Hanuah, 45. James, 125, 126. J., 127. Mary. 49, 108. Peter, 86. Phebe, 53. Ruth, 50. Sarah, 55, 105. Susannah, 51. OAKES, Ephraim, 45. Jemima, 84. Jesse, Son, 39. Jesse, 103. John, 43, 47. Joshua, 49. Mary, 41. Meribah, 80. Thomas, Fathr., 39. OAKLEY, Abigail, 23. Hephzibah, 89. Jacob, 59. Jesse, 41. Joanna, 56. John, 59, 102. Margaret, 48. Margeret, 101. Mary, 60. Mercy, 108. Nathaniel, 48, 90, 102. Patience, 53. Phebe, 87. Rebecca, 58. Richard, 60. Thomas, 83. Wilmot, 38. OAKLIE, Andrew, 36. OAKLY, Israel, 34. OBIUM, Negro Adt. Mr. Lloyd's 28. OLDFIELD, Mary, 83. William, 87. OSBORNE, Danver, 106. OUGHER, Elizabeth, 82. OVERTON, Alathea, 49. PAINE, Elisabeth, 57. PALMAR, Nehemiah, 73. PEARALL. Abigail, 55. PEARSAL, James. 19. PBARSALL, Benjamin, 52. Daniel, Son, 46. James, Fathr., 46. Mary J. S., 23. Samuel, 89. Sarah. 47. PEARSON, James, 85. PBDDERICK, John, 74. 138 Index of Names. PBDDERICK, John, 39. Josiah, 37, 102. Mary, S2. Nathaniel, 5S. PBDRICK, Elisabeth, 60, 63. Hannah, 60. PBLTON, Ananias, 25. Benjamin, 19. Elizabeth, 35. John, 37 Kezia, 27. Keziah, 22. Mary, 29. Philip, 24. Samuel, 31. Sarah, 65. PENDERGRASS, Martin, 91. PERSALL, Mary, 49. PETER, Negro Son ot Rachel, 28. Negro of J. & E. S., 34. Negro P. S. Brush's, 30. My Negro, 42. Negro, 69. PETER, 115. PETTIT. Violetta, 51. PHILLIPS. Abiel, 25, 29. Jacob, 28. Lydie, 31. Mary, 35. Philip, 24. Ruth, 26. William, 35. PIERSON, Daniel, 41, 78. David, 50. Deborah, 40. Martha, 41. Mary, 43. Phebe, 40. PINE, Agnes, 76. Elias, 57. Esther, 37, 102. James, 19, 34, 70. Jonathan, 90. Lazarus, 37, 76. Mary, 22, 32, 94. , . PLACE, Thomas, 91. William, 96. PLAISE, Ruth, 46. PLASE, Morice, 38. William, 38. Zeryiah, 38. PLATT, Abigail, 73. Amos, 27, 50, 62, 82. Ananias, 52. Ann, 29. Anne, 86. Bathsheba, 47, 50. Charity, 57. Charles, 37. Daniel, 48. David, 40. Dorcas, 21. Ebenezer, 45. PLATT, Elipbelet, 92. Elison, 60. Elisabeth, 21, 33. 36, 41, 46, 51, 59, 66, 68, 94, 99. Elizabeth, 39. Epenetus, 27, 36, 58, 61. Epenetus, Junr., 94. Experience, 56. Gilbert, 45, 49. Hannah, 22, 24, 34, 35, 45, 48, 55, 69, 65, SO, 106, 108, 109. Henry, 53. Isaac, 53, 70, 117. Isaac, Junr., 79. Capt. Isaac, 98. Ishmael, 48. Israel. 33, 34, 54. Jacob, S4. Jemima, 21, 77. Jeremiah. 19, 38. Jesse, 24, 26, 51, 85. John, 24, 31, 56, 73. Jonas, 26, 89. Joseph, 40, 67. Joseph, Junr., 79. Judith, 56. Keturah, 55. Keziah, 23, 26, S3. Margeret, 26. Mary, 25, 29, 31. 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 52, 54, 57, 59, 70, 73, 75, 77, 81, S3, 100, 107. Mercy, 21. Naomi, 32. Nathan, 20, 35. Nathaniel, 36. Justice Obadiah, 19, 26, 40, 86. Peleg, 58. Phebe, 25, 2S, 34, 36, 41, 46, 51, 55, 66, 87, 99, 106. Philip, 25. 43, 62. Philip, Junr., 79. Philip Smith, 2S. Rebecca. 39, 48, 110. Richard, 53, 86. Ruth, 63. Samuel, 33, 55. Sarah. 28, 36, 43, 48, SI, S3, 92, 110. Scudder, 49. Selah, 38, 101. Solomon, 26, 92. Stephen, 28, 52, 5S. Tabitha, 69. Temperance, 105. Tredwell, 52. Uriah, 29. Vashtl, 25, 98. William, 50. Zebulon, 38. Zephaniah, 32, 57, 66. Zephas, 115. Zerviah, 21, 29, 42, 59, 106. Zophar, 19, 20, 27, 30, 72, 92, lis, 122. PLATT, Z., 123, 124, 125, 126, 127. PLEAS, William, 20, 72. Zerviah, 104. PLUMB, Justus, 94. PLUMBE, Ann, 29. Anne, 86. Green, 30. Jemima, 36. Justus, 27. Mary, 31. 90. Mercy, 33. Samuel, 25, 45, 61, 87. Stephen, 34. Timothy, 26. POST, Jotham, 99. Wright, 56. POTTER, Elisabeth, 49. Gilbert, 24, 82. Martha, 55. Nathl., 9. Nathaniel, 52. Peleg, 43, 44. Sarah, 47. 107. POTTS, Christian, 74. POWEL, Isaac, 68. Joseph, 92. Mary, 101. Samuel, S3. POZLIE, Elisabeth, 21, 29. Rebecka, 30. William, 19. PRATT, Anne, 102. PRIME, Benjamin Youngs, 29^ 106, 113. Ebenezer, 9, 24, 112. 113, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125^ 126, 127. Experience, 113. Hannah, 113. Margeret, 22, S3, 112. Margaret, 25. Margaret Sylvester, 112. Mary, 2S, SS, 112. Sarah, 29, 112. PRINCE, Negro I. S., 44. PRINDLE, Sarah, 108. PRISCILLA, Negro Mine, 45. Negro of H. Jarvis, 49. PRISCILLA, 115. RANDEL, George, 111. RAYMOND, Jedeljiah, 99. Sarah, 26. REDDIN, Mary, 81. REEVE, Abner, 96. REMINGTON, Keziah, 26. Stephen, 62. EESCO, Abigail, 82. David, S2. Elisabeth, 53. Jemima, 43. EEULAND, Benjamin, 92. Benjamin Jones, 49. Hannah, 50, 93, 95. Israel, 49. Index of Names. 139 REDLAND, John, 97. Luoretia, 106. Luke, 20, S9. Mary, 23, 40, 91. Peter, 51. Phebe, 110. Rebecca, 46. Ruth, 47. Sarah. 45. REWLAND, Ellisabetli, 37. Thomas, 35. RHYON, Sarah, 83. RICHARDS, Revd. Mr. Aaron, 84. RIDGWAY, Joseph, 80. ROBBINS, Mellnda, 69. Zebulon, 57. ROBERTS, John, 19, 65, 121, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128. ROE, Abiah, 66. Ame, 66. Anna, 61. ROFF, Benjamlu, 44. David, 41. Hannah, 42. Moses, 78. Rebecca, 41. Reuben, 41. ROGARS, Abiah, 30. Mary, 21. Micah, 28. Thomas, 26. ROGERS, Abiah, 86. Abigail, 23, 24, 79. Alexander, 40. Ananias, 67. Ann, 30. Anna, 26. Anne, 82. Augustine, 29. Bathsbeba, 26. Bethiah, 62. Caleb, 45. Charity, 27, 86. Charles Piatt, 55. Daniel, 30. David, Senr., 18. Deacon, Senr., 120. Deborah, 33, 42, 72, 98. Dorcas, SO. Elisabeth, 21, 25, 39, 54, 74, 81, 95, 99. Elizabeth, 33. Else, 57. Esther, 34, 47, 51. Experience, 69. Ezekiel, 35. Hannah, 34, 38, 56. Hezelil.ih, 33, 61. Isaac, 25, 49, 53, 81. Jacob, 33, 48, 50, 63, 67. James, 34, 70. Jane. 18, 68. Jarvis, 44, 59. ROGERS, Jemima, 28, 85. Jerhamiah, 9i. Jerusha, 27, 57, 74, 84, 95. John, 32, 54, 62, 105. John, Junr., 97. Jonah, 19, 35. Jonas, 20, 85. Jonathan, 68, 75. Joseph, Senr., 18. Joseph, 29, 32, 41, 42, 45, 58, 62, 120. Deacon Joseph, 121. Joshua, 31, 96. Josiah, 19, 27, 61, SS, 92. Josiah, Junr., 95. Kezia, 75. Lettice, 58. Levina, 52, 69. Lucretia, 27. Lydia, 54. Martha, 29, 93. Mary, 23, 26, 31, 32, 56, 57, 77, 80, 81, 94, 95. Medad, 57. Nathaniel, 35. Noah, 69. Obadiah, 18, 26, 94. Phebe, 18, 27, 62, 53, 59, 62, 98. Philip, 32, 69, 98. Piatt, 34, 56. Priscllla, 2S, 67, 89. Rachel, 23. Rebecca, 101. Rebecka, 27, 38, 71. Reuben, 26. Rhoda, 84, Richard, 91. Robert, 55. Ruth, 21, 24, 31, 36, 47, 50, 87, 102. Samuel, 107. Sarah, 9, 26, 37, 38, 62, 82, 87, 107. Seth, 43. Stephen, 25, 45. Susanna, 76. Tabitha, 70, 100. Temperance, 39. Thomas, 19, 53, 86, 122: 123. 124. 125. Deacon ThoB., 122. Timothy, 25, 85, 94. William, 29, 36, 46, 107. Zaehariah, 108. Zebulon, 34, 52. Zecharlah. 31, 36, 38. Zerviah, 24, 59, 80. Zophar, 37, 87. ROLFE, David, 51. Phebe, 50. ROMP, Jacob, 59. ROSE, Lemuel, lOS. Negro B. Scudir. 27. ROSWEL, Jonathan, 84. RUBLIER, Abigail. 22, 26. Andrew, 31, 65, 6S. Hannah, 30. John, 34. Reuben, 32. Thomas, 30. William, 29, 63. RUDYARD, John, 75. Mary, 70. Matha J. P., 23. RCLAND, Elizabeth, 82. Peter, 79. RDSCO, David, 46. David, Junr., 109. Hannah, 50. Jemima, 105. Mary, 45. Nathaniel, 47. Sarah, 52. Silas, 55. RDSSEL, John, 65. RUSSELL, David, 100. RUSSELS, Elisabeth, 40. Hannah, 42. Jacob, 37. John, 33, 128. Jonathan, 32. Mary, 22, 28, 128. Phebe, 29, 88. William, 35. RUTH, Daur. of Sampson, 36. RYDER, Elisabeth. 89. SALMON, Sarah. 49. SAMMIS. Abigail, 22, 24, 28, 40, 45, 55, 58, 88. Abijah, 40. Alexander, 37. Amos, 29. Ananias, 25. Anna, 22. Anne, 55. 81. Augustine, 51. Azuba, 25, 91. Daniel, 66, SO. David, 46, 51, 55, 70. David, Senr., 18. Deacon David, 116. 118. 120, 121. Deborah, 23, 33, 58, 100. Ebenezer, 36, 38, 58. Eliphelet, S7. Elisabeth, 33, 26, 32, 53, 71, 83, 95, 105. Elizabeth. 40. Hannah. 22, 41, 46. Henry, 32, 59, 100. Isaac, 19, 36, 52. Isaac, Junr. Tertlus, 19. Israel, 42. Jacob, 36, 104. Jarvis, 46. Jeremiah, 51. Jeremiah, Junr., 88. Jesse, 9, 32, 44, 53, 93, 101. Job, 84. I40 Index of Names. SAM MIS, Jol), Adt.. 44. John, 29, 37, 63, S7, 106. John, Junr., 100. John, Senr., 19. Jonas, 34. Jonathan, 41, 75. Joseph, 42. Kezia, 58. Lester, 59. Leviua, 84. Margaret, 40, 60. Margeret, 32, 94. Martha, 18, 26, 56, 62, 63, 83. Mary, 21, 23, 33, 40, 42, 52, 59, 65. Michael, 41. Nathaniel, 30, 48, 49, 54. Nehemiah, 35. Phebe, 35, 39, 41, 42, 52, 74. Philip, 48. Piatt. 56. Prudence, 58. Rebecca, 45. Eebecka, 21, 35. Reuben, 90. Rhoda, 45, 104. Robert, 95. Ruth, 27, 38, 49, 53, 65, 101. Sarah, 18, 21, 22, 27, 42, 56, 57, 82, 89. Scuddar, 53. Selah, SI. Silas, Senr., 18. Silas, 28, 56, 87. Smith Elisabeth, 22. Stephen, 30, 35. Susanna, 26, 44, 48, 55, 57, 77, 89. Sylvanus, 78. Tabitha, 79. Timothy, 33, 71. Timoth.y, Junr., 98. William. 39, 100. Zarah, 37. Zophar, 56. SAMPSON, Elijah, Son, 43. Enoch, 41. Hannah, 39. Negro H. S., 19. Negro of J. S., 36. Negro T. Sudrs., 28. SARAH, Negro, 32. Indian widow of Samsn., 96. Daur. of Samson, Negro, 49. SATTERLEY, Deborah, 33. Eliphelet, 35. Elisabeth, 103. John, 62. Kezia, 89. Nathaniel, 37. Rene, alias Irene, 87. Sarah, 40. Zerviah, 35. SATTERLT, Elisabeth, 42. SATTERLY, John, 69. Kezia, 31. Sarah, 102. William, 91. SCIDMORE, Abigail, Wid., 23. Abigail, 23. Conkline Hannah, 30. Daniel, 30. David, 40, 65. Deborah, 30. Elisabeth, 21, 76. Ephraim Chichester, 59. Esther, 86. Grace, 28, 91. Hannah, 98. John, 30. John, Junr., 73. Joseph, 86. Mary, 30, 58, 85. Michael, 49. Nathaniel Tuclser, 45. Peter, 30, 46. Phebe, 32. Philip, 38, 105. Rachel, 23, 33. Rebecka, 80. Sarah, 47, 71. Susanna, 88. Temperance, 30. Thomas, 30, 35, 51, 72. SCOTT, Deborah, 92. George, 69. Sarah, 31. Stephen, 68. SCRIBNER, Abraham, 78. Matthew. 77. Philip, 78. SCUDDAR, Abigail, 66. Ann, 28. Benjamin, 29. Clemens, 30. Elisabeth, 25, 28. Elizabeth, 36. Enoch, 33. Gilbert, 27. Hannah. 21. 26. 28. Henry, 70. Isaac, 30. Jacob, 66. Jemima, 21, 26, 67. Jerusha, 29, 72, 117. Jerutha, 117. John, 66. Lemuel, 36. Mary, 21, 73. Moses, 73. Nathaniel, 29. Peter, 74. Phebe, 30. Philetus, 55. Rebecka, 21, 35. Ruth, 24, 61. Sarah, 24, 61. Timothy, 30, 63. SCUDDAR, Unlce, 33. William, 33. Wm. Smith, 34. SCUDDER, Abiah, 21. Abigail, 35. Alexander, 46. Amelia, 55. Amy, 79. Anne, 83. Cybil, 41. David, 56. Drusilla, 42. Edmond, IDS. Edmund, 41. Elisabeth, 23. 55, 98, 104. Elizabeth, 32, 92. Esther, 45. Gilbert, 54. Hannah, 45, 58, 59, 86. Henry, 36, 101. Isaac, 92. Jacob, 48, 53. Jemima, 21, 82. Jerusha, 89. Jesse, 57. Joe, 104. Joel, 40. John, Junr.. 98. John, 28, 34. 46. Jonah, 20, 39, 102. Jonathan, 32, 95, 106. Jotham Wood, 55. Lucretia, 32. Martha, 41. Mary, 21, 22, 42, 56. Merinela, 57. Moses, 51, 66, 126, 127. Nathaniel, 49. Obadiah, 46. Peter, 93. Prudence, 56. Rebecca, 51, 59, 96. Robert, 43. Ruth, 39. Samuel, 39. Sarah, 104, 108. Susanna, 39, 103. Thankfull, 31. Thomas, 25. Thomas, Junr., 88. Timothy, 93. Tredwell, 57. Uncle, 96. William, 99. Youngs Prime, 57. Zeno, 32. SEAMAN, John, 99. Mary, 85. SEARS, Thacher. 109. SELE, Isaac, HI. Ruth, Ul. SEXTON, Bathsheba, 26. Charles, 68, 117. Charles, Junr., 79. Index of Names. 141 SEXTON, Elisabeth, 21, 70. Esther, 69. George, 24. Gilbert, 33. Hannah, 66. Isaac, 40, 103. Jared, 32. Jemima, 77. Joseph, 27, 76, 88. Justus, 31. Keziah, 74. Mabel, 27. Nathaniel, 28. Nehemiah, 30. Ruth, 36. Sarah, 21. 25. Seymour Mary, 37. Silas, 35. Taphath, 32. Temperance, 34. Theodosia. 29, 82. William, SO. SEYMORE, Daniel, 40. SEYMOUR, Esther, 36. Mary, 22. Matthew, 33. Stephen, 92. SHADBOLT, Anna, 107. Embree, 101. Freelove, 108. Mary, 97. SHERRARD, Theophllas, 74. SHERWOOD, Daniel, 90. SIAS, Negro of H. T. Y. & J., 51. SIMINSON, Johannes, 101. SKIDMORE, Nathan, 102. SKILMAN, Sarah, 107. SMITH, Abigail, 25, 35, 45, 63, 64, 78. Alexander, 42, 43, 48, 57, 59, 64. Amos, 35, 70. Ann, 33, 63. Anna, 36, 69. Anne. 44, 49, 96, 105. Austlne. 26. Bathsheba, 44. Benjamin, 33, 39. Bryan, 59. Charity, 69, 84. Charles, 109. Christian, 22, 51, 110. Christopher, 90. Cornelius, 95. Daniel, 20, 32, 45, 46, 58, 76, 98, 101. David, 42, 43, 48, 104. Deborah, 77, 105. Ebenezer, 46, 52, 55, 69. Edmund, 69. Eliakim, 42, 60, 77. Elias, 57. Ellphelet, 58, 72. Elisabeth, IS, 21, 23, 26, 30, 37, 49, 50, 64, 58, 60, 70, 73, 76, 101. SMITH, Elisabeth E. W., 23. Elizabeth. 38, 44, 45, 46. EInathan, 19, 73, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127. Enoch, 59. Epenetns,! 29, 39, 103. Esther, 22, 31, 42, 47, 79, 93. Experience, 60. Ezekiel, 29, 47. Ezra, 49. Purman, 94. Gershom, 103. Gilbert, 53, 54. Hannah H., 23. Hannah, 34, 46. 50. 96. Henry, 20, 30, 52, 86, 110. Hephzibah, 31. 54. Hezekiah, 44, 73. Hulda, 72. Ichabod, 27, 89. Isaac, Junr., 96. Isaac, 35, 36, 72, 77, 83. Israel, 39, 42, 46. Jacob, 43, 47, 55, 77. James, 19, 30. 42, 67, S3, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128. James Daguidy, 45. Jemima, 32, 66, 95. Jehiol, 64. Jeremiah, 24. Jeremiah, Senr., 18. JerusUa, 54, 74. Jesse, 37. 41, 42, 46. Jesse, Piatt, 58. Joanna, 56. Job, 78. Joel, 37. John, 24. 26, 39, 57, 59, 100, 105. John Howard, 77. John, Junr., 83. Jonas, 19, 50, 121. Jonas, Junr., 76. Jonathan Conkllne, 43. Jonathan, 61. 82. Joseph. 26, 29, 50, 61. Joseph, Junr., 19. Joshua, 56. Josiah, 38, 46, 74. Keturah, 53. Kezia, 44. 46. Keziah, 21, 25, 40. Lemuel, 47, 54. Leonard, 77. Lucy, 97. Lusl, 37. Lyman Potter, 58. Margt., 45. Margeret, 111. Martha, 18, 22, 23, 26, 38, 41, 77, 109. Mary, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 50, 51, 52. 57, 58, 60, 63, 66, 70, 72, 74, 79, 84, 88, 93, 96, 98, 103, 109. SMITH, Mary, widow, 22, 23. Matthew, 53. Micah, 83. Michael, 25, 34. Monbray, 91. Nance, 57. Nathaniel, 29, 40, 92. Natbl., 121. . Nathanl. Bunce, 41. Nehemiah, 41, 87. Obadiah, 49, 85. Obadiah, Junr., 81. Oliver, 59. Peleg, 49. Phebe, Widow, 23. Phebe, 23, 25, 27, 38, 43, 57, 78, 87, 99. Phileta, 43. Philip, 28, 92, 97. Piatt, 38. Radley, 42. Rebecca, 40, 55, 86, 109. Rebecka, 21, 24, 25, 31, 79. Richard, 20, 54, 101. Rosanna, 53. Ruth, 35, 41, 44, 78. Samuel, 33, 39, 67, 100. Sarah, 23, 24, 33. 35. 37, 41, 46, 49, 53, 54, 58, 67, 76, 88, 94, 99, 102, 107. Selah, 57. Shubael, 27. Silas, 46, 52, 58. Solomon, 51, 64. Susanna, 25, 36, 38, 42, 48, 73, 84. Tabitha, 45. Temperance, 37, 48, 79. Thaddeus. 47. Thomas, 20, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 54, 66. Thomas, A. B., 19. Thomas, Junr., 95. Thomas, Senr., 19. William, 31, 76. Z., 115. Zadoch, 115. Zadock, 44. Zebulon, 38. Zecharlah, 42, 45. Zophar, 41, 77, 111. SNIDBKAR, Abraham, HI. SOPAR, Benjamin, 73. Esther, 74. Henry, 71. Jacob, 68. Leah, alias R., 87. Martha, 63. Pelatlah. 63. Phebe, 73. Rebecka, 63. Return, 80. SOPER, Amos, 70. Anne, 72. 142 Index of Names. SOPER, Benjamin, 86. Dinah, 78, 79. Elizabeth, S6. Jerusha, 93. Mercy, 100. Naomi, 97. Phebe, 92. Rachei, 102. Timothy, 78. SOUTHARD, Amy, 89. STAGG, Barnabas, 85. Jemima, 101. STALKER, Susanna, 90. STERLING, Negro J. S., 19, 96. Negro of J. S., Adt., 43. STEWART, James, 111. STILWELL, David, 108. STRATTEN, Anne, 30. Cornelius, 32. Eliphelet, 20. Eliphelot, 40. Elisabeth, 22, 58, 74. Elizabeth, 35. Esther. 25. John, 26. Jonathan, 41. Joseph, 24. Joseph, Junr., 81. Martha, 27. Mary, 59. Rebecca, 80. Rebecka, 22. Ruth, 8S. Samuel, 27, 57, 61, 63. Stephen, 29, 109. STRATTON, Anne, 90. Eliphelet, 32. Ruth, 28. STRETTON, Cornelius, 97. STRONG, Hannah, 70. Sarah. 35. STUART. Keturah, 35. SUNDRYS, Jamaica, 39. SURGEON, Jonas Baldwin, 90. TANNERY, Thomas, 78. TAPPING, George, 78. TAYLOR, Elisabeth, 54. Hannah, 23. Israel, 44. James, 39. John, 20, 37, 123. Rebecca, 40, 41. Ruth, 38, 102. Thomas, 100. William, 109. TED, Andrew, 39. Hannah, 39. Phebe, 39. TEDD, Hannah, 21, 65. Mary, 65. Samuel, 69. THOMAS, Bathsheba, 91. Freeioye, 92. Mary, 94. THOMAS, Sarah, 74. THOMSON, Deliverance, 90. THROOP, Revd. Mr., 121. TID, Anne, 41. Elizabeth, 35. Jacobus, 35. Johanna, 33. Jonathan, 33. Lemuel, 37. Phebe, 36. Unice, 36, 37. Zophar, 37. TIDD, Elisabeth, 31. Esther, 42. Phebe, 31, 91. Samuel, 31. Solomon, 43, 45. 75. TILDEN, Israel, 110. TILLOT, Priscilli, 76. Sarah, 91. TITUS, Abiel, 28, 47, 63, 70, 73, 87, 107. Ann, 27. Anne, 86. Benjamin, 39. Bryan, 59. Deborah, 56. Ebenezer, 34, 84. Elisabeth, 27, 52. 72, 93. Esther, 21, 52, 90. Experience, 58. Hannah, 55. Harry, 58. Henry, 24, 81, 106. Israel, 38. Jane, 94. Jarvis, 58. John, 44, 77, 107. John, Junr., 76. Jonas, 44, 104. Jonathan, 20, 25, 52, S3, 97. Joseph, 41. Kezia, 57. Martha, 52, 97, 103. Mary, 34. 45, 57, 98, 101. Phebe, 55. Philip, 32, 71. Piatt, 30, 37, 56. 91, 102. Priscilla, 45. Rebecca, 55, 84. Rebecka, IS, 28, 35, 69. Ruth, 23, 26, 43, 53, 84. Samuel, 30, 31, 34, 99. Sarah, 52, 55, 57, 72. Silas, 35. Susanna, 45, 93. Timothy, 34, 63. Zebulon, 31, 54. TOBIAS, Christian, 62. Mary, 106. Sarah, 105. TOTTEN, Anna, 87, 96. Deborah, 23, 43. Elisabeth, 101. TOTTEN, Elizabeth, 43. Greeche, 43. Isaiah, 42, 43, 50. Jacob, 43, 97. Jemima, 95. John, Junr., 99. Losee, 50. Peter, 43, 93. Phebe, 51. Sarah, 43. Simeon, 43. TOWNSEND, Joseph, 99. Micajah. 66. Piatt, 29. TREDWELL, Samuel, 57. Timothy, 73. TRENCHARD, John, 79, S2. TUCKER, Charity, 92. Daniel, 94. Revd. Mr. Nathl., 81. , Udale, Elisabeth, 56. Jemima, 62. ^yj[^ Mary, 57, 72. Philip, 82. Rachel, 62. Rebecca, 53. Rebecka, 64. Ruth, 44. Sarah, 42. Thankfull, 49. UDALL, Philip, 89. UDIL, Nathaniel, 47. Philip, 47. UDILL, Joseph, 50. UNDERHILL, William, 64. VAIL, Elisabeth, 59. Mary, 53. Moses, 57. Phebe, 51. Philetus, 55. Piatt, 4S. Sarah, 50. Susanna, 52. VALENTINE, Abigail, 55. Deborah, S9. Mary, 43. VAN COT, David, 97. VAN COTTS, Johannes, 101. VANDERBELT, Derick, 85. Jacob, 106. VANHEUSER, David, 91. Hermanns, 92. VAN HUZLE, Leah, 78. VANSCOI, Mary, 67. VAN SCOT, Rachel, 97. VANSELSER, Daniel, 105. VAN-VELZER, Hannah, 106. VAN WYCKE, Margeret, 81. VARGISON, Charles, 28. VAYL, Sarah, 110. VEAL, Elizabeth, 45. Isaac, 32, 36. Israel, 26, S3. John, 42. Index of Names. 143 VEAL, Lette, 57. Mary, 24, SO. Micah, 27, 43. Moses, Juni-., 81. Phebe, 22. 31, 47, S5, 89. Piatt, 28. Samuel, 46. Susanna, 46. VEDITOE, Stephen, 92. VOLENTINE, Gilbert, 58. Jane, 44. Nathan, 19. Robert, 90. VOLINTINE, Ezra, 58. Mary, 59. WAITS, Elizabeth, 84. WANSER, Benjamin, 106. Jane, 106. WANTAR, William, 105. WARD, William, 102. WARIN, Michael, 27. Sarah, 61. WATERS, Angelia, 108. Martha, 107. Neoml, 107. Simeon, 104. WATTS, Eve, 66. WEBB. Joseph, 10. WEDGE, Joshua, 73. WEED, Epenetus, 96. WEEKS, Nathaniel, 87. Rose, 105. Thomas, 72. WEEKES, Priscilla, 57. WEIGHT, Elisabeth, 31. WELCH, Dennis, 76. WEST, Thomas, 106. WHEELER, Amaziah, 107. Ann, 64. Anne, 47, 84. Cybil, 39. Daniel, 34. Eliphelet, 32, 93. Elisabeth, 36, 52, 59. E'izabeth, 50. Gilbert, 33. Hannah, 59. Jemima, 30. 45. Jeremiah, 51. John, 46, 87. Josiah, Junr., 20. Josiah, 19, 41, 70, 126, 127. Mary, 22. 38, 52, 102. Melanchton, 56. Mordecal, 43. Naomi, 56. Obadiah, 48. Phebe, 48, 52, 53. Philip, 45. Piatt, 44. Rebecca, 57. Ruth, 46, 51. Sarah, 50. Zadok, 56. WHEELER, Zophar, 105. WHELER, Jonas, 37. WHIPPO, James, 76. WHITE, Charity, 102. Cornelius, 110. Deborah, 69. Ebenezer, 10. Ebenr., 120. Joseph, 88. Mary, 76. Phebe, 75. Sarah, 88. Stephen, 65. 90, 109. Sylvanus, 120. WHITAKER, Eliphelet, 28. Elisabeth, 24. Isaac, 26. Jonathan. 19. 24. Nathaniel, 27. Sarah, 25. WHITEHEAD, Daniel, 27. Deborah, 30. 87. Elisabeth. 25. Elizabeth, 80. Jemima, 34. 66, 95. Mary, 28, 03. S6. Thomas, 62. WHITMAN, Ananias, 19, 30. Anna, 73. Anne, 34, 41. Cybil, 18. Daniel, 25, 78. Deborah, 21, 29, 32. Eliphalet. 31. Elizabeth. 3S. Hannah. IS, 46, C4, 63, 75. Isaac, 108. Isaiah, 46. Israel, 26, 37. Jarvis, 49. Jemima, 25, 62, 78. Jerusha, 71. Jesse, 107. John, 28, 32, 63. John, Senr., 19. Joseph, 44, 71, 104. Joshua, 36. Keziah, 69. Margeret, 48. Martha, 26, 34, 68, 84. Miriam. 64. Nathl., 33. Nehemiah, 75. Phebe, 100. Robert. 3S. Kuth, 36 6S, 98, 106. Sarah, 61, 101. Silas, 29. Stephen, 110. Susanna, 18, 67. Temperance. 61, 65. Zebulon, 19, 85. Zebulon, Junr., 81. Zervlah, 62. WHITNEY, Abraham, 86. WHITON, Dinah, 39. WICKES, Alexander, 25. Ambrose, 27, 88. Ame, 71. Ananias, 28. Anna, 22, 33, 34. Anne, 53. Azariah, 19, 73, 123, 124. Bathsheba, 52. Benajah, 92. Bethiah, 23, 76. Conliline, 48. Daniel, 24, 42, 48, 84. David, 46. 56. Deborah, 36. Ebenezer, 42, 56. Elijah, 30, 56. Eliphelet, 32, 65, 67. Elisabeth, IS, 21, 34, 40, 41, 48, 51, 56, 58, 02, 67, 95, 110. Elizabeth, 33, 38, 43. Eluathan, Junr., 19. Elnathan, 19, 27, 64, 122. D. D. Elnathan, 121. Enoch, 19, 29. Epenetus, 35, 43. Ester, 41. Esther, IS, 58, 67. Ezekiel, 26. 91. Freelove, 57, 59. George, 106. Gilbert, 28, 52. Hannah, 28, 30, 31, 43, 44, 46, 55, 85, 8S, S9, 96. Hezekiah, 24, 29, 89. Isaac, 45, 49, 59, 93. Jacob, 45. Jemima, 32, 97. Jesse, 32, 47. Joanna, 48. Joel, 53. John, 26, 38, 45, 62, 83. Jonah, 44. Jonas, 37, 52. Jonathan, 33, 71, 87, 95, 99. Joseph, 83. Josiah, 19, 30, 64. Josiah, Junr., 19, 98, 103. Josiah Tucker, 53. Jotham, 37, 91. Jubal, 56. Keturah, 57. Keziah, 36. Lemuel. 39. 104. Lorahama, 108. Lo-rahamah, 51. Marg., 48. Margaret, 30, 43. Margeret, 85. 99, 105. Martha, 41, 51, 63. Mary, 22, 23, 25, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 50, 54, 62, 78, 97, 98, 100, 102. 144 Index of Names. WICKES, Miriam, 21, 32. Moses, 35, 59. Nathaniel, 41, 46, 47, 75. Phebe A., 23. Phebe, 24, 38, 44, 50, 109. [■ - Plillip, 32, 68. Phineas, 50. Piatt, 28, 52. Rebecca, 51. Ruth, 27, 42, 55, 69, 81. Samuel, 46, 76. Sarah, 43, 54, 103, 104. Seth, 56. Silas, 24, 34, 49, 62. 102. Stephen, 26, 34, 49. Susanna, 52, 72. Tappe, 48. Thomas, 34, 98. Unioe, 49. William, 44. Zophar, 47. WIESER, George, 106. WIGGINS, John Slous, 57. Penewood, 60. Walter, 58. WIKES, Phebe, 80. WILDLEY, Anne Alias Agnes, 76. WILLETS, Amos, 83. Isaac, 57. Kezia, 23. Mary, 67. Mara.y, 109. Richard, 70. Sarah. 58. WILLIAMS, Charlotte, 56. Content, 56. Elisabeth, 21, 26. 73, 100. Eliz., 116, 117, 118, 119. Elizabeth, 38, 82. Hannah, 56. Jonas, 80. Mary, 24, 36, 95. Nathaniel, 19, 55, 76, 85. Nathl. Senr., 18. Rachel, 56. Rana, 39. Rebecca, 56. Sarah, 18, 23, 28, 37, 42, 56, 86. Timothy, 55. Zebulon, 58. WILLMOT, Francis, 66. WILSON, Nathan, 63. Phebe, 68. William, 110. WISE, Rebecca, 93. WISER, George, 64. Prudence, 77. WOOD, Abigail, 65. Alexander, 79. Anne, 71, 72. Azariah, 26, 88. Benjamin, 20, 38, 102. Caleb, 80. Charity, 41, 76. Cybil, 32. 38. David, 42, 48. Deborah, 18, 35, 52, 71, 87, 111. Ebenr. Prime, 46. Eliakim, 77. Eliphelet, 26. 91. Elisabeth, 21, 24, 37, 62, 66, 67, 93, 99. 104. Elizabeth, 22, 35, 42, 46, 70, 79. Epenetus, 45, 81. Esther, 23, 44. Freelove. i87. George, 58. Gilbert, 39. Hannah, IS, 21, 40, 53, 70, 81, 92. Isaac, 108. Israel, 24, 85, 88, 98, 114. Jane, 24, 81. Jarvis, 32, 54. Jemima, 75. Jeremiah, 49, 75. Jeremiah, Senr., 18. John, IS, 45, 49, 65, 71, 74, 90, 91, 107. Jonah, 65, 96. Jonas, 30, 35. 50, 73, 84. Joseph, 46, 6S. Joshua, 77. Jotham, 74. Kezia, 28, 44, 64, 84. Margeret, 89. Martha, 72. Mary, 34, 35, 39, 44, 48, 73, 76, 83, 98, 114. Melanchton, Bryan, 55. Penelope, 22. Phebe, 25, 42, 46, 47, 67, 71, 82, 106. Philip. 36. Piatt, 55. Prudence. 79. Rebecca, 56, 84, 97. Rebeclsa, 21, 29, 35, 40, 72. Rhoda, 54. Richard, 37. Ruth, 23, 37, 40, 73, 97, 103, 107. Samuel, 38, 53. Sarah. IS, 24, 41, 47, 52, 54, 76, 79. 87, 88, 89, 97, 110. Selah, 51. WOOD, Silas, 41. Stephen,' 33, 98. Tabitha, 82. Tappin, 81, 90. Temperance, 75. Thomas, 47. Timothy, 56. Unice, 67. William, 107. Zerviah, 92. Zophar, 19, 41, 79. WOODS, Abigail, 28, 80. WOODING, Experience, 47. WOOLCOT, Martha, 73. WOOLSEY, Benjamin, 10. Rev. Mr. Benjamin, 112. Hannah, 27. Israel, 36. John, 19, 32, 65. Lammons, 39. Mary, 29. Melanchton, Lloyd, 49. Rebecka, 30, 31, 68. Zcphaniah, 34. WORTMAN, Junius, 95. WRIGHT. Ame, 67. Charity, 48. Charles, 63. Dennis, 73. Elisabeth, 23, 48. Elizabeth, 71. Elleson, 48. James, 90. John, 64. Jonathan, 66. Jotham, 79. Mary, 48. Sarah, 48. Uriah, 95. William. 4S. Winfred, 48. Winifred, 99. YORK, Negro, 20, 54, 68, 115. YODNGS, Daniel, 103. Experience, 49, 112. George, Fathr., 40. George, 76. Isaac, 45. Mary, 52. Phebe, 23, 41. Philip, Son, 40. Samuel, 65. Sarah, 48, 51. ZADOCK, Negro- York, 56. ZILPAH, Negro Sam Brush, 40. Sd ».0l ^i-;s^ -<- r./YT'T^ ^°-n^. 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