1^72. # LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I IS72, ^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. J >^ : >b ISRAEL'S MARCH- WORD. Forward ! God's majestic cloud Stands grandly o'er the sea. Forward ! Egypt, fierce and proud, Clanks chains behind the free. Forward ! waves thy mountain-walls Shall tower along thy way. Forward ! when Jehovah calls, 'Tis madness to delay. Forward ! where yon guiding glow Moves through the parted deep, Pharaoh shall lie buried low — In death his minions sleep ! Forward ! in that stately fire Jehovah makes his shrine ; Forward ! neither stop nor tire, And what is best is thine. Forward ! over rocks and foes Where smiles thy promised rest ! Milk there with the honey flows. And there the grape is press'd. Forward ! Heav'n's own fire shall die, And Heav'n's own manna cease ; But Jehovah thy supply, Thy bread, and light, and peace ! ^ ^^ 9i'S-7Q' HYMNS UE I^G. JOHN M. LEAVITT. ^Ncyri?.' NEW YORK: X. TVHITT AKER, No. 3 Bible House. ^ yS. * 4< r'='K^^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by JOHN M. LEAVITT, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. * * * INDEX. PAGE The God-Man .....•• i Come to Jesus ...... 2 The Love of Jesus . . . . . .4 Immortality ...... 5 The Face of Jesus ...... 6 Matin 7 Vesper ......•• 8 The Martyr's Prayer. .... 9 The Martyr's Triumph . . . . .10 Christian Love . . . . . . 12 A Prayer in Darkness . . . . .13 A Savior's Sympathy . . . . . i4 The Merit of Jesus . . . . .15 Resignation . . . . .17 Looking unto Jesus . . . . .18 Jesus Blessing Trials . . . . 19 (^ IV INDEX. PAGE The Heart's Master . . . . .20 Advent . . . . . . .23 Nativity . . , . . . . .24 The Crucifixion . . . . . .26 The Resurrection . . . . . .27 The Ascension . . . . ■ . . 28 Pentecost . . . . . . .30 Jesus our Priest . . . . .31 Jesus our King . . . . . .32 Jesus our Resurrection .... 34 Judgment. . . . . . . .35 Our Home . . . . . . -37 The Song of Glory. . . . . .39 Thou Holy Dove ..... 40 The Last Baptism . . . . . .42 The Trinity . . . . . .43 *- -* NOTE TO THE PUBLISHER. These are true Hymns. While poetically con- ceived and felicitous in expression, they glow with a divine fire. Some of them are well adapted to be sung ; others may be best enjoyed in the reading. They speak the emotions of a living Christian heart when under the impression of the most peculiar and sublime Christian truths, and can hardly fail to awaken a response in the breast of every Christian reader. Mr. Leavitt seems to the writer to have made a valuable contribution to this most important department of Christian literature. It may reasona- bly be anticipated that these fresh and stirring lyrics will quicken the devout affections of many readers whose hearts are attuned to the praise of the blessed Redeemer. RAY PALMER. New York, Juyie 28 fh, 18"/ 2. * -^ HYMNS TO OUR KING, THE GOB-MAN. Jesus, as man, thy blood I feel Flow'd from a kindred vein ; And ev'ry drop was shed to heal A brother's wound and pain. Jesus, as man, thy soul did know In life, in death, for me, Each sick'nino- orush, each writhinof throe Of mortal agony. Jesus, as God, thy nature gave All merit to atone : And grace, and light, and power to save Through Thee, our Lord, alone. HYMNS TO OUR KING. Jesus, as God, we Thee adore Whose glories matchless shine, And blend in one for evermore The Human, and Divine. COME TO JESUS. Come, thou child of wo and weeping, Ev'ry sin on Jesus cast! Linger not the burden keeping Thou must orive to Him at last ! All delay increases danger ; Heavier makes thy load of guilt ; Oh ! be then no more a stranger To the blood for thee He spilt. God's Law hast thou often broken ? Oft the death of Christ refused ? When the Holy Ghost has spoken, Was his whisper'd love abused ? Jesus on his Cross atoning, All these sins on Him were laid ; *- * HYMNS TO OUR KING. Useless, then, and vain thy groaning If in blood thy debt He paid. Still dost stand in doubt delaying ? Cannot life-drops melt thy heart ? " It is finish'd!" hear Him saying! Flesh and soul for thee do part. Moves thee not a Savior dying ? Let His grave persuade thy trust ! There, for thee, behold Him lying — God Incarnate in the dust! Angels stand, and cry, " Amazing! Cross, nor tomb his faith may gain ! " Oh, then, doubter, upward gazing, On his Throne behold Him reien ! Jesus there, not mocked, and bleeding. Nor in mortal weakness lies ; But, in glory interceding, Draws thee to Him in the skies. Yield thyself, and now believing Pardon have through Jesus' death ; b- 5«- HYMNS TO OUR KING. And, the Holy Ghost receiving, Thou art born by God's own breath. Hark ! to Heav'n fly seraphs singing ! Let them tell the joy abroad 'Till a universe is rin^inof O'er a sinner brought to God ! THE LOVE OF JESUS. Jesus, this Love, waked by thy breath. Which glimmers here below, A spark in life, will burst from death With a celestial glow. Nor harp, nor crown, nor song above. Nor gem, nor palm, nor gold. But, Jesus, this Immortal Love Shall Heav'n to us unfold. Yes! Faith, and Hope, and Time must fail, And earth, and sky remove. But when in death the sun grows pale, Jesus, still shines thy Love. *- * HYMNS TO OUR KING. i; IMMORTALITY. Be hushed before the face of death, When a Hfe he bears away : Removes from mortal Hps their breath, Parts a spirit from its clay — Shivering-, quivering Into day ! One last fond look it turns to earth. All the past before its eyes, And then, with an immortal birth, Bursts from gloom to Paradise — Fillinof, thrillinof With surprise. Oh! there uncloth'd it lives bright years While in dust the body sleeps ; On clouds a Great White Throne ap- pears ! High the Judge majestic sweeps, Light'ning, bright'ning Heav'n's far deeps ! *■ HYMNS TO OUR KING. See, starts the body from its clay In immortal beauty bright ! And wing'd the soul — it cannot sta}' — Fills the flesh with living light, Blending — ending Death, and night ! THE FACE OF JESUS. Jesus, the glory of thy face In Heav'n now brightest beams ; But shining thence with radiant grace Wide o'er Creation streams. Jesus, what films are on mine eye ! It cannot catch one ray ; And earth-clouds hang along my sky To hide from me thy day. Yet, Jesus, from within the veil Faith brings Thee to my heart, 'Till, when in death this flesh shall fail, I'll see Thee as Thou art. 5<- * HYMNS TO OUR KING. J/A UN. When morning with her ray Flashes the golden day, Let our glad thanks arise Bripfht-CTlowinof as her skies ! And when the bird songs swell From field, and hill, and dell, Earth, in loud chorus raise Thy matin-strain of praise ! With incense of the flower Breathed from the wood and bower, O, send my heart above Sweet fragrances of love. And as the Kintr of LiQ;ht The Earth and Heav'n makes bright, Blest Jesus, by thy grace, May we behold thy face ! ■* 8 HYMNS TO OUR KING. When evening stillness brings the dew, Ere shadows veil a world from view, Calm let my whisper'd Vesper rise As the hush'd earth, and twilight skies ! With the low murmur of the stream Which ripples in the moon's first beam. May the pure current of my soul To thee, my God, serenely roll ! While Heav'n with stars bends, vast and bright, Aw'd by the majesty of night. Reverent in earth's temple now Before Omnipotence I bo\y. Thus when the universe is found With solemn darkness veil'd around, To Jesus through the gloom I'll soar, And with a tranquil love adore. ^ ^ )J, HYMNS TO OUR KING, THE MARTYR'S PRAYER. While weighs the weary chain, And creep my Hmbs with pain, Chill'd by the place ; Tears gushing from mine eyes, A prayer breathes through my sighs, And chmbs into the skies — Jesus, thy grace ! The grass, the flower, the stream. The blushing morning's beam, A mother's face. With my home pure and bright, All rush across my sight, As I cry from this night — Jesus, thy grace ! Dark, dark, dark here I lie, Shut out from earth and sky To end life's race ; * 10 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Cold, cold, cold is this stone, Where chains clank to my moan, And these walls hear me groan — Jesus, thy grace ! But, Savior, through my night, A promise beams with light. And shows thy face ; Lo ! a bripht oleam of Qrold ! I see the grates unfold ! Heav'n's glory I behold ! Jesus, thy grace ! TNi: MARTYR'S TRIUMPH. The sullen river moans By these deep dungeon -stones So drearily ! Yet fetter'd by my doom Within the midnio-ht o-loom Of this cold prison-tomb^ — My soul is free ! «<- HYMNS TO OUR KING, I I Let tyrants screw the rack 'Till twist my limbs, and crack With agony, One thought shall not depart While crushing breaks my heart, And life-drops burst and start — My soul is free ! And should the morrow's fire Flash round my head in ire 'Mid demon-glee, That note shall swell the same Through the wild roar of flame Which wraps my writhing frame — My soul is free ! Oh, when I spring away To an eternal day And Jesus see, Then singing will I soar. Where tyrants harm no more. And smiles the crolden shore — My soul is free ! — * ^- 12 HYMNS TO OUR KING. CHRISTIAN LOVE. Child of Heav'n, Immortal Love, Flashing from the throne above, Wing'd with light, appear, appear ! Sweetly smile away each tear ! Jesus, warm'd by Thee, my breast, With the Spirit's life-breath blest. Melts with thanks, and burns with praise. While joy gilds my happy days. Duty now, and death, and hell With no slavish fear compel ; Jesus with his smile constrains ; In temptation's hour sustains. With his Love, life's path how bright ! Sweet the cross, the burden light ; Death no longer frowns in gloom ; Glory gilds beyond the tomb. * HYMNS TO OUR KING. 13 A PRAYER IN DARKNESS. Father ! to Thee I cry With burning brow, The prayer, the tear, the sigh Must move Thee now. Around, what mountains rise ! What clouds appear ! Wild tempests sweep my skies, And wake my fear. Oh ! bid these rocks divide — These billows cease ! Oh ! make these storms subside, And whisper peace ! Lo ! Jesus clears my way ; Shines through my night, His smile turns gloom to day ; Brings peace and light. -* fI-<- 14 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Hail, Jesus, brother, God ! Through Thee this grace I kiss thy Father's rod, And see his face. A SAJVOJiS SYMPATHY. Why dread the glance of cynic man When fails and dies each cherish'd plan '^ Why should the stinging word and sneer Start from mine eye one trembling tear ? Let Fame, and Wealth, and Worldly Power Be wither'd like a morning flower ; Let golden visions sink in night. As clouds when fades the evening's lio-ht — Let friends withdraw, and earth appear A chilling prison dark with fear, Where weep my eyes when feels my heart Man's trusted love in scorn depart — Q<- HYMNS TO OUR KING. 1 5 Yet, Jesus, in my lonely gloom, I will recall on earth thy tomb ; Then see in Heav'n a tender eye That marks my sorrow from the sky. Oh ! if no bruis'd and weeping rose Unseen by Thee its fragrance throws, Then, Jesus, then, on time's drear wild Is known to Thee a suffering- child. TI/i: MERIT OF JESUS. Sinai's flame no loneer now Blazes wrath around my brow : Now the Law with fiery breath. Cries not for eternal death. Not my groans, my griefs, my fears. Not soft penitential tears, Not confession of my sin Could deserve this peace within. -*; l6 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Vigils, crosses, prayers were vain To dispel sin's secret pain ; All we do, think, suffer, feel, Sin's deep wound can never heal. Did the Spirit's graces bloom. Shed o'er earth their rich perfume. Bright as Heav'n's own roses spring, These could not our pardon bring. Could our lives like those above Glow with holiness and love, Angel- virtues, pure and high, Never could Salvation buy. Jesus, thy shed Blood alone Merits at thy Father's throne ; Takes the guilt, the stain away, Sealing to eternal day. *- HYMNS TO OUR KING. 1 7 RESIGNA TIOK Father ! I all to Thee resign, And seek thy will alone ; Hush, struggling heart, nor dare repine ! Thy God is on the Throne. He leads a way I would not choose. Where thorns and rocks appear, Shall I his guidance hence refuse ? Be dry thou gathering tear ! What though the storm, the cross, the fire. Arise along my way ? My Father's will I yet desire, And look for realms of day. With grateful joy, with bursting praise. In Jesus loved below, I burn the loftier strain to raise Where ano-els sincr and orlow. o o o -* l8 HYMNS TO OUR KING. LOOKING UNTO JESUS. When Guilt my suffering soul weighs clown, Jesus, one look to Thee, Dispels the Father's righteous frown, And sets my conscience free. When Sorrow's cloud spreads o'er my sky, And gathers round my heart, Jesus, to Thee I lift mine eye ! A LOOK- — the shades depart. And in Temptation's dreadful hour When Earth and Hell unite, Jesus, a look arms me with power, And, lo, my foes take flight. When at Life's close, Death's dark, cold wave Around my head shall roll, Jesus, a look to Thee will save A sinkinof, shiverinof soul. ^ ->i^ >B HYMNS TO OUR KING. I9 And when beyond these reahns of night, Jesus, I soar to Thee, A LOOK through thy eternal Hght Thine image gives to me. JESUS BLESSING TRIALS. Oh ! Lord Jesus, hot my fire ! But 'tis flame refines thy gold ; Burn away each vain desire, And to thy bright image mould ! If, Lord Jesus, loud the blast, Tempests make thy trees more strong, Root into the mountain fast, Vigors breathe, and life prolong. 'Though, Lord Jesus, hard the stroke, Let the beaten anvil ring ! When the chain of sin is broke. Free and glad, my soul shall sing. * 20 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Touchy Lord Jesus, into light Grains which on thy censer He! Fire must make their blackness bright, And with fragrance fill the sky. As, Lord Jesus, earth's young seed Looks to Heaven for shower and dew, Oh ! refresh me in my need ! With the Holy Ghost renew ! THE HEARTS MASTER. When Morning pencils on her bright'ning sky The first faint traceries of the coming day, One low lone bird will trill its melody Responsive to a solitary ray. But as the sun floods heaven and earth with gold. Each leaf grows tremulous with exulting strains HYMNS TO OUR KING. 21 That gushing, minghng, swelHng high are roll'd Till orchestras burst out from hills and dales and plains. And thus from some Cathedral's solemn walls A single voice will chant in meltinof tone, While from a single stop the organ calls. Thunderous and deep, its supplicating moan. Now hark ! each tongue, each key wakes music round ! Peal upon peal, on billows, billows rise, 'Till all the temple shakes with bursting sound From that majestic choir which even thrills the skies. In some lone vale of Heav'n an angel strays, To view its glories in soft mellow'd light ; -►^ ii< 22 HYMNS TO OUR KING. See! o'er his harp involuntary plays His trembling hand — his lip moves to the siorht. One murmurino- strain awakes a thousand strings ; Lofty, and full, a gathering tide soon breaks ; Voice answers voice, to seraph, seraph sincjs, And in the mingling praise a universe partakes. And thus, O Christian, is it with thy heart! Each single chord with earthly music thrills ; Wife, parent, child and country have their part ; When Friendship strikes her string pure rapture fills. But only Jesus, Master, wakes the ivhole ; Can touch each key, can harmonize each tone ; ■< r € HYMNS TO OUR KING. 2^ And through his Cross stir love through a/l the soul, To burst, Immortal King, in songs around the Throne. All nature feels the glad surprise ; God in our Flesh we soon shall see ! Earth shout it upward to the skies, And let the joy immortal be ! Ye Jews and Gentiles both prepare ! Jesus a world will come to save: His Cross for all He will declare Who conquer through His death the grave. Now dawns the time glad prophets told! Now types and shadows pass away, As vanish morning-beams of gold Lost in the brightness of the day. * *- 24 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Ye sons of earth, your hearts attune, And anofels wake in Heav'n each string ! Our Jesus ye must welcome soon In strains which suit a God and Kins-. NATIVITY. Oh! Bards of the Bible, dim is your story Of Jesus our God a babe on the earth ! And, angels, ye catch but glimpses of glory Where lingers yon star to beam o'er his birth. The shadows and types at last disappearing. The long night of earth grows bright with morn's ray ; See mists of ages from mortals are clearing ! Lo ! bursts o'er our world the sun of Life's day! 5<- i^ HYMNS TO OUR KING. 25 Fly, angels of love, o'er yon heav'ns fly singing. And thrill all the worlds with notes ye must raise ! Ye sons, too, of earth, your rich tributes brinorin^, That infant your God, adore while ye praise ! Say on a Cross He must hang for man bleedino- ! Say He must sleep in the gloom of the erave ! Yet, on the throne of his light interceding, Immortal in glory, Jesus will save. Creator, that babe, will come, all beholding. Our Judge on his throne bright-flash- ing with fire : And to his people forever unfolding Will reiofn God their Kinor when suns shall expire. 26 HYMNS TO OUR KING. THE CRUCIFIXION. Can worms their own Creator slay ? Can sinners pierce the hands Which hung the sun to flash their day — Which rule the angel-bands ? Can God Incarnate bleed and die, Mock'd by the men He made ? While seraphs serve Him in the sky Shall He in earth be laid ? Shall they to whom He gives each breath And pulse and power to will, Use now their life to cause his death, And curse Him as they kill ? Nay ! God they own Him while He dies ; He shakes the earth He stains : If from his Cross burst anguish-cries, Rocks rend before his pains. ^- -^^ HYMNS TO OUR KING. 2J The sun He form'd He turns to g"loom, And makes the night his veil : He calls the dead to leave the tomb, And hear the living- wail. Then burst his grave and death in chains, Our Jesus mounts his throne, And there a Kinof forever reig-ns Whom saint and seraph own. Till: RESURRECTION. Lo ! the stone is roH'd away ! See ! the tomb stands open ! Jesus comes forth into day. And death's pow'r is broken. Hallelujah ! Earth could not her Maker hold, Jesus, Prince of Glory ; 28 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Nor Decay his form enfold, And tell hell the story. Hallelujah ! God in man for death too strong ! Mortals hear rejoicing ! Angels roll the news along All past songs outvoicing ! Hallelujah ! Jesus, we in Thee will rise. To thy glory taken, And immortal in the skies, Strains immortal waken. Hallelujah ! THE ASCENSION. All-gently lifted through the air, Majestic, Jesus, see ! How could the earth confine Him where Both sin and death must be ? *- HYMNS TO OtJR KING. 2C) God in our Flesh could only rise From these dark scenes of wo, And bear a glory to the skies Outdazzlinof all below. Ascending, smiles beam o'er his face, And earth, which pierced his heart, Beholds his hands drop down their grace, And with a blessing part. The mountain-top glows round with light As up his people gaze. Until a cloud hides Him from sio^ht Where brighter splendors blaze. Let Heav'n her gates wide-open fling ! Ye Angels, throng on throng. Take to his Throne with shouts our King, And glory be your song ! * ©- 30 HYMNS TO OUR KING. PENTECOST. Immortal Jesus ! on thy throne Encircled with thy glorious light, Not Heav'n makes Thee forget thine own, Since in thine absence earth is nig^ht. Behold them kneel ! behold them pray ! A hush of stillness in the room ; Thy Promise shines a beam of day, And Faith brings Thee to light their gloom. But hark! prevails that wrestling plea: It parts the sky thy throne to move, And calls the Holy Ghost from Thee To conquer with thy cross of love. Without, the storm, the tongue, the fire ! Within, a nobler flame's bright glow, To burn from hearts each base desire, And kindle Heav'n on earth below. ^- HYMNS TO OUR KING. 3I The Holy Ghost will dwell with men : O'er Jew and Gentile spread his wing 'Till Jesus to our world attain Comes on his clouds, and reigns our King. JESUS OUR PRIEST. See the burning- temple fall ! Types consume by God appointed ; Jesus is a Priest for all : Him the Holy Ghost anointed. He came down for man to bleed : He arose for man to plead. Earth the altar where He dies, And his temple now Creation ; Perfect his great vSacrifice Made for all in ev'ry nation. For a world the Gospel-feast ! For a world this last Hieh Priest ! * 32 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Not the blood of beasts is shed : Thus no more is sin forgiven : Jesus once for all was dead : Aloft He took our Flesh to Heav'n. On his cross He did atone, And will save us from his throne. Sinners, now dispel your fears ! Jesus see on earth hang bleeding ! Cannot this make dry your tears ? Then in Heav'n behold Him pleading ! He who died, can but forgive ; Look on Him, believe, and live ! JESUS OUR KING. Eternal King, While valleys ring, While mountains sing, With banners wide, We see Thee ! HYMNS TO OUR KING. 33 Lo ! nations call ! Now temples fall ! Earth disenthrall ! Hail'd by thine own — We see Thee ! From gates of day Where sunbeams play To evening's ray, 'Mid seraph-songs, We see Thee ! War's banner furl'd, Down Satan hurl'd. To claim our world. With Ihted cross, We see Thee ! Peace marks thy tread, Joys from Thee spread. Love crowns thy head ; As King of earth, We see Thee ! -© *- 34 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Time's lesson learn'd, When earth is burn'd, To Heav'n return'd, Bright on thy Throne, We see Thee ! JESUS OUR RESURRECTION. Jesus, Lord, in might excelhng, Thou by whom all worlds were made, Thine own Godhead in Thee dwelling On my dust shall be display'd. As all things b}' Thee are bounded. And as all exist in Thee, After death, by Thee surrounded, Shall my flesh immortal be. Thou who hung the stars in glory, Round our earth yon heav'ns who drew : Seraphs shaped to tell the story Of thy love forever new : HYMNS TO OUR KING. 35 Thou wilt watch, though widely flying, Over worlds my dust may fall ; Thou wilt — time and space defying — Back the wandering atoms call. Shall each pulse, O Jesus, beating "With the power Thou dost impart Waked from death, still throb repeating This same story of thine art ? If my form be now amazing, Bright my risen flesh must be, When upon thy glory gazing I thine image fix in me. JUDGMENT. Lo ! the mighty Heav'ns are bending With the weight of glory there ; Clouds of angels fly attending Up the Great White Throne to bear. Flames are flashing, And loud thunders burst through air. p^- 36 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Hark ! the trump of Christ is sounding ! Heav'n and Earth before Him flee ! And the dead crowd forth surroundings From the land, and from the sea ; All are bendinor — Slave and King both on the knee ! See the seal of ages broken And each mortal life display'd ! Lo ! the Book of God is open ! By his eye is all survey'd ! His scale lifting, Ev'ry human soul is weigh'd. Ah! the judgment-work is ended : Fix'd eternal life, and death ! Fly to Heav'n, or Hell attended All whoe'er drew mortal breath ! Time is finished ! Thus the voice Almighty saith. High the Great White Throne returning, Jesus reigns forever King : *- HYMNS TO OUR KING. 37 Now the globe and sky are burning ! Hence new Heav'ns and Earth shall spring. Hallelujah ! Let creation's praises ring ! 6>CT? NOMK The melting Heav'ns are robed in fire The solid Earth is burning ! Creation is a funeral pyre To Chaos wild returninQf, Day prophets saw : Day dread of awe, And ire. But when the flames have roll'd away No sun again bursts beaming : ->B 38 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Bright flashes what eternal ray Where moon, nor star are gleaming ? Christ fills the sight ; Christ is the light, And day. Round the new Earth new Heav'ns now bend O'er saints in glory glowing ; Pure souls to bodies beauty lend In bliss and brightness growing : To part never ; In light ever To blend. But from our world bright we will roam The universe wide- winging ; [dome, While Heav'n, all light, smiles down our And hears our praises ringing — Earth supernal ; Earth eternal. Our Home! HYMNS TO OUR KING. 39 THE SONG OF GLORY. See Heav'n opens ! now behold Blazing far bright lamps of gold On the crystal sea ! From the Throne, light-circled o'er. Lightnings flame, and thunders roar. While thy name swells evermore — Lamb of Calvary ! Yes! Thou mock'd, and crucified. Onward flows Salvation's tide Over Heav'n from Thee, Thrill from Thee its bursts of praise ; Smile from Thee its bliss-bright days ; Beams from Thee its glory's blaze — Lamb of Calvary ! Heav'n and Earth then join my song ! Saint and Seraph roll along This great joy with me ! * 40 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Thousand thousand voices sound ! Hear Creation's farthest bound ! Burst thy praise eternal round — Lamb of Calvary ! TNOfJ HOLY DOVE! Bright o'er my heart a ray — Sweet morning--beam of day, Came from above, To show through tears my sin, The Life of God begin. And shed thy Light within — Thou Holy Dove! Oh ! Thou who waked from death. My birth was from thy breath, To peace and love ! That Jesus' Blood I share, Descend and witness bear. And seal me son and heir — Thou Holy Dove ! ^— — ^ HYMNS TO OUR KING. 4I While I a pilgrim go Throuofh this wild scene of wo, And homebound move, Bright on thy Word still shine ! Show God the Father mine, And breathe thy love divine — Thou Holy Dove ! Oh ! when Life's day is o'er, And earth can help no more, Come Thou in love ! Spread o'er thy peaceful wing, And thy deep comfort bring, 'Till I in glory sing — Thou Holy Dove ! -* 42 HYMNS TO OUR KING. TIIi: LAST BAPTISM. Not the water from the fountain Takes away a stain of sin ; Brightest drops of vale or mountain Never yet made pure within. Oh ! Lord Jesus from the skies With the Holy Ghost baptize ! Human words in music flowing, Void of grace, no hearts unite ; While the Truth, when hate is glowing, Leaves behind a burn and blight. Oh ! Lord Jesus from the skies With the Holy Ghost baptize ! What shall heal the wounds of ages, Spread o'er earth the reign of love, * — ►i' HYMNS TO OUR KING. 43 And breathe, e'en when Satan rages, All the calm of Heav'n above ? Oh! Lord Jesus from the skies With the Holy Ghost baptize ! See ! the day of light is breaking ! Savior, soon thy Church be one I Hark ! a siMi in all is wakino- ; It shall burst, and reach God's throne. Oh ! Lord Jesus from the skies With the Holy Ghost baptize ! THE TRINITY. Our Father, thine shall know The Fount of Godhead Thou : And Heav'n, and Earth in rev'rence low Before Thee bow ! * 44 HYMNS TO OUR KING. Majestic we adore Thee from Thyself alone — All-hid in lieht for evermore On thy Great Throne ! The Father all in Thee, Eternal Son Divine ! His Everlasting Image be ! His Glory shine ! Creator, Thee we praise ; Redeemer, Thee we love ; O, Word made Flesh to Thee we'll raise The song above ! Thee, Holy Ghost, we bless, Thou Great Proceeding One ! And from the Father Thee confess. And from the Son ; Our world to Jesus move 'Till He is crown'd its King, And smile the thousand years of love Beneath thy wing ! u< ^ * HYMNS TO OUR KING. 45 To Father, and to Son, And Spirit, glory be ! The Everlastinor Three in One. And One in Three. Jehovah, each we sing : Jehovah, all adore : O God Triune to Thee we'll bring Praise evermore ! Amen ! *- INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Ail-gently lifted through the air, . All nature feels the glad surprise, . Be hush'd before the face of death, Bright o'er my heart a ray, Can worms their own Creator slay? Child of Heav'n, Immortal Love. ! . Come, thou child of wo and weeping, Eternal King, .... Father! I all to Thee resign, . Father ! to Thee I cry, Immortal Jesus, on thy throne, . Jesus, as man, thy blood I feel, Jesus, Lord, in might excelling, Jesus, the glory of thy face, . Jesus, this love waked by thy breath, . Lo ! the mighty Heav'ns are bending, PAGE . 28 ■ 5 40 , 26 12 2 32 ■ 17 13 • 30 I • 34 6 . 4 35 *- INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 47 PAGE Lo ! the stone is rolled away, . . . .27 Not the water from the fountain, . . . 42 Oh ! Bards of the Bible, dim is your story, . . 24 Oh ! Lord Jesus, hot my fire ! . . . 19 Our Father, thine shall know, . . . .43 See Heav'n opens ! now behold, ... 39 See the burning temple fall ! . . . .31 Sinai's flame no longer now, . . . . 15 The melting Heav'ns are robed in fire, . . ^y The sullen river moans, .... 10 When Guilt my suffering soul weighs down, . 18 When evening stillness brings the dew, . . 8 When Morning pencils on her bright'ning sky, . 20 When Morning with her ray, ... 7 While weighs the weary chain, . . . . 9 Why dread the glance of cynic man, . . 14 -HB