Class -^HS^^S'-J^'i- Book ife-zL^ CopightN" La:sa- CflFXRIGHT DEPOSrr. Legends of Life AND Other Poems % BERTHA OPPENHEIM 1921 THE STRATFORD CO., Tublishers BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS Copyright, 1921 The STRATFORD CO., Publishers Boston, Mass. The Alpine Press, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAN '9 1922 @C!.A654168 ^o (Memories WANDERER'S NACHTLIED Der du von dem Himmel bist, Alles Leid und Schmerzen stillest, Den, der doppelt el end ist, Doppelt mit Erquickung fullest, Ach, ich bin des Treibens miide ! Was soil alP der Sclimerz und Lust? Siisser Friede, Komm, ach, komm in meine Brust ! Goethe. WANDERER'S NIGHT SONG Thou, wJio art of heaven horn, All earth's pain and sorrow healest, Him, whose heart is hurt and torn. Deepest with sweet rest thou fillest, Ah, I pray for death's release! What is life and what its goal? Blessed peace, Come, ah, come into my soul! Contents PAGE Spring Songs Spring' Song . • . March, the Desolate . March, the Promise . Resurrection The Miracle of Miracles April Eain In April April Day .... Starlight .... Night Spearing in Spring . Apple Blossoms . Summer Pictures The Passing of Spring To Aurora .... ''The Flowers Appear on the Earth Flower Souls Nightfall in my Garden Midsummer Days Midsummer Evening . To a Dying Humming Bird The Screech Owl Autumn Songs September in Vermont Autumn on Lake Champlain Autumn Dawning not Death, but Life 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 CONTENTS October Lights . To a Fallen Oak Song of the Autumn Leaves Fulfillment .... Winter Trails When the Waters Freeze Under the Pines and the Stars Storm and Firelight . Winter Dusk in the Marsh My Garden in February The Frost Storm Mid Winter Night, Iridescent Love Songs ' ' Love is Strong as Death ' ' Alone . Longing Together Waiting Ecstasy My Love is Like a Caged Bird Thou art the Sunset Gold . Legends of Life Quatrains Consolation, Unafraid, Confession, My Valentine To the Days that are Gray Sunset Sunrise ''They will not Lend me a Child '^ Legend of the Mother Unconsoled Prayer CONTENTS PAGE After the Play 62 Happiness 63 Invocation 63 Freedom 64 How can it Be 65 War QQ Sonnets Twilight 70 ''And There Was Light" 71 Victory . . . . . . . .72 SPRING SONGS SPRING SONG Do\\T:i in the hollow, By the old orchard wall, There 's a brook purling swift. Where the cat-tails are tall. There grow willows gray, And swamp maples red. And cowslips pale gold In the brook ^s old bed. There 's a smell in the wind. There 's a sound in the air ; Oh, winter is gone ! Oh — spring is here ! [I] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS MAECH, THE DESOLATE The sky is lead, The wild wind moans, The trees are dead, The shore ice groans. In frosty lace, The snow melts away. The whole earth ^s face Is dun and gray. [^] SPRING SONGS MAECH, THE PROMISE A BIT of blue Appears in the sky, The voice of a crow I hear on high. The sweet sap runs From a maple tree, A crocus comes And a bumblebee. Low, soft twittering Is in the air. The promise of spring Is everywhere ! [3] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS EESUERECTION Life is waking in the byways, And the earth stirs in its sleep, Though the fields are brown and dreary, I can hear the rapture deep. There is red in maple bushes. And dull gold in willows bare. Gray green poplars, bluish birches, Blackbird-flutes are everywhere. Far up in the radiant heavens Geese are flying toward the north, And at night the moon of April Hearkens to a waking earth. [4] SPRING SONGS THE MIRACLE OF MIRACLES All the world is gray and green, April winds are blowing, Elms are weaving silvery veils. Maple trees are glowing. Little pussies, gray and soft, Willow shrubs are twining. Brooks are flowing ev'rywhere. Snowbanks undermining. Tiny, green things all about. From the brown earth springing. Make the air so wondrous sweet ; Birds are gaily singing. Songs of love and tender cheer. Greet the earth 's awaking ; Would I too were young again. Grief for joy forsaking! Ah, life is not made that way. Fate is not our choosing. And perhaps 'tis better so, Hope and faith not losing. [5] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS APRIL I HEAKD a robin, To-day, to-day. And a blackbird's Flute, so gay, so gay. Now April is come, At last, at last. Winter is gone And black grief is past. RAIN IN APRIL Mellow rain is threading silver into misty day, And the greening meadows shimmer, soft and gray: — Bursting leaf buds, velvet-lipped, on twigs and branches swing. In their hearts, the web and woof for the or- chards' blossoming. [6] SPRING SONGS APRIL DAY This morning the sunshine was warm and sweet, It called out birds and bees, And many tiny flowerets Turned up wistful faces to please. And now the north wind is bleak and cold, The sky is somber gray; Whereto have flown the winged folk I Flow 'rets have turned away. Ah, me, so — like happiness — Fair April's sunny gleams. Sweet promise of awakening. And its fulfillment — dreams ! [7] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS STARLIGHT My open casement lured me On a wondrous night in May, And behold, all the stars of Heaven Were alight in the deep, blue bay. The water was still, like the starlight, Radiant, with silvery gleams — Beyond, far beyond rose dim gray hills That ever hold promise and dreams. The fragrant peace of the midnight Was mine, and memory wove A mantle of dreams, exquisite fair Of starlight and mystery and love. [8] SPRING SONGS NIGHT SPEAKING IN SPRING The sun is set in a haze of gold, And all the world is still, Slowly the rising mists enfold Rock and tree and hill. The night wind song of the reeds is sweet, As we float slowly between. With rustle and swish, the tall reeds greet Our boat, and over it lean. Darkness has come, and the torch in the bow Looms weird and strange and bright, It holds up before us a world aglow, In deep shadow, with glorious high light. Ghostlike white birches with silver sheen. Swamp maples with leaves of bronze, Tall pines and cedars of deepest green, And willows with drooping fronds. And over it all the velvet night. With the magic of myriad stars. Reflected in murmuring water, bright With molten silvery bars. [9] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS All life seems real in the soft May night, And our fate a joyous thing. — wind, wave, starry light, O trees, love, spring! APPLE BLOSSOMS When the shadbush blows and columbine. When at last the oaks are golden green, And the glory of the spring is near its end — Then the apple blossoms come. Over old, gray fence rails, thorn trees lean pink, Orchards are filled with snowdrifts of bloom. Finches and orioles dart through the trees — Singing to the golden sun ! [10] SUMMER PICTURES THE PASSING OF SPEING Oh, the glory of awakening To the music of the waters, And the magic of soft color. And the lines of lacy silver In the branches of the leaf trees — 'Tis all past ! Oh, the greening of the meadows, And the mating of the song birds, And the first shy flower faces. And the fern fronds tightly curling In the pine woods by the water — 'Tis all past ! Gone, the fairest gift of nature. Gone, the deathless resurrection ! And my heart is strangely stirred. Strangely cold and melancholy. On this wondrous summer morning - Spring has passed ! [13] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS TO AURORA Thine is the sliimmering hour ! Singing da\vn unveiled, beliold, Purple fringed, with heart of gold, Like a wondrous blooming thing Filled with fragrance quivering. Men call the passion flower. ^^THE FLOWERS APPEAR ON THE EARTH'' Hark, the wilding bells are ringing Gay little peals for June. Golden orioles are winging To orchards sweet, abloom. All the heart of me is singing A lover's, lover's tune ! [M] SUMMER PICTURES FLOWER SOULS Flowees are sentient things, I know, They see and hear, they feel and glow. Else, why wonld they close at eventide, Or, starry eyed, with petals wide. Greet westering sun and silver moon ; While some their chalice cups at noon Hold high for humming birds to sip The golden wine their warm lips drip. [15] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS NIGHTFALL IN MY GARDEN In the fragrant shadows Flower faces everywhere — Beyond the garden wall I can hear a reedy call — Young Pan is lurking there. Peace broods over all things And mystery. Only dreams Are real and the far hills, Aglow with gold. Rest fills My soul — eternal seems. The sky grows darkly blue, The evening star is bright — The spirit of the winds Comes sighing through the pines — And from its wings falls night. [i6] SUMMER PICTURES MIDSUMMER DAYS No wings hath this leaden summer day, Nor shimmer of blue and gold, No passion of growth, nor joy of wind; A world dead, like gray leaf mold ! The wings of the wind waft new mown hay 'er ripening fields of gold. And pine woods sweet and harebells blue. And tasseling cornstalks bold ! [17] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS MIDSUMMER EVENING The wind that blew from the north all day Is stilled with the coming of night. The cobalt hills in the faraway Are rimmed with a golden light. A young moon hangs in an opal sky, Near the glittering evening star. Two phoebes call from a tree nearby; Hark, a screech owl 's plaint from afar ! Fireflies glimmer the pines among, And the new mown hay smells sweet and strong. [i8] SUMMER PICTURES TO A DYING HUMMING BIRD Oh, thou tiny, quiv'ring creature. Broken, weary of life's pain. Let me hold thee, help thee bear it ; — Thou wilt never fly again. Gauzy-winged, ruby-throated Like a dewdrop in the sun. All thy joyous humming ended; — For to-night thy sand is run. Nevermore in quest of honey Dip in flow'rs thy fairy bill. Thy bright eyes in death are filming; Ah, thy fluttering heart is still. Under this pale yellow lily. In the dying, red gold sun. Deep in mothering earth I lay thee ; - Sleep in peace, thou tiny one ! [19] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS THE SCREECH OWL STRANGE, shy bird, with eyes alight^ And name bedight Of fear and pain. Thou wakest at the fall of night With stars and rain. Thou fillest all the silent grove. With mournful tale Of life and love ; Or is it sin and death's dire wail, The trees above ! What makes thy voice so sweet and weird. Unhallowed bird I When night thee brings. With hearts unstrung, we are af eard Of unknown things. I've waited for thy tragic song, With aching soul, So oft and long — Yet I would fain thy grief condole, bird of wrong! [20] AUTUMN SONGS SEPTEMBER IN VERMONT When spiders weave their fairy webs, And the air is filled with golden haze, When schools of perch in the water play; These are the late September days. When fields of corn are tasseled out. And squirrels hunt their winter stores, When song of bird is rare and low; These are the days of memories. When insects fill the night with sound. And the harvest moon is silver bright. When beech and maples softly glow; These are the days of opal light. For winter is almost upon us, With its snow and ice and gloom; Thank God for these lovely autumn days Of light and color and sun ! [23] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS AUTUMN ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN OcTOBEE days are blue and gold, Yet soft, with autumn liaze, The lake is like a mirror, still, The hills are set ablaze. "White frosfhas stained the maples red. And touched the elms with gold. Has made the nut trees drop their fruit, And turned the moonlight cold. [^4] AUTUMN SONGS AUTUMN DAWNING NOT DEATH, BUT LIFE Haek ! wild geese at break of day, The sigliing wind, the singing leaves. Like birds of golden bronze in flight That earth retrieves. The dawning light has taAvny bars, In shimmering mists veiled as with spray, Pricked out with feeble glimm'ring stars. Behold the day! The autumn day, eternal blue. And lustrous with Etruscan gold. Like wondrous paths the rainbow drew. To lure the soul. Why long for rainbows' golden dreams. When radiant gold all round is rife ? Through autumn mists the sunshine gleams- Not death, but life ! [25] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS OCTOBER LIGHTS It is the time of frosty nights And days of glorious sun and sky, When muskrats build their house of reeds And flocks of geese and wild duck fly. When misty clouds the lake obscure And leaf trees paint a golden screen ; The wooded shores seem all aflame Against the wall of evergreen. The air is filled with homely smells Of warm, broAvn earth the plow upturns, When slowly, softly fall the leaves, And everywhere the brush wood burns. [26] AUTUMN SONGS TO A FALLEN OAK Who knows what tiny furry thing Once dropped an acorn here — How many storm-stressed centuries Since thou hast greened each year? Thy mighty branches lured the sun From grass and forest tree, And so, god-like, thou stood 'st apart In lonely majesty. And now the storm has laid thee low, All jade and bronze and gold. And never will thy leaves again The dappled sunlight hold. I pray that some day thou may 'st yield New love-light from the hearth ; — God never made a finer thing To be returned to earth ! [^7] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS SONG OF THE AUTUMN LEAVES The leaf trees are dressed in their autumn garb Of lustre and bronze and gold, Midst the emerald of cedars and pines Bright glories they slowly unfold. Is there in all the world music more rare Than leaves falling softly to earth! With low, minor swish and faintly sweet smell They swirl from the tree of their birth. Oh, the oaks and elms and birches The maples and beeches and ash. Yes, and the shagbarks glow amber, In nature 's great autumn gouache. The oaks are bronze and last to turn, All the elms and birches are gold. The beeches and ash are a coppery red. But maples have glories untold. Like northern lights on a winter night All splendor and flame and fire. Maple leaves sing pure harmony To autumn's golden stringed lyre. [28] AUTUMN SONGS FULFILLMENT Thou art mine, beloved, thou art mine ! The trees are touched with fire, flame-gold, The sky is scintillating light, The air is effervescing wine, 'Tis heady autumn 's rare delight. And life no greater joy can hold. — For thou art mine, beloved, art mine ! [29] WINTER TRAILS WHEN THE WATERS FREEZE Silent niglits with brilliant stars, Pure and cold and white, Radiant days of golden sun, Blue, with heavenly light. Open waters hung with mists. Opal, silver, gold. Glisten, like fair maidens' veils, In Iran's streets, of old. Weaving, shimmering — hiding Snow clad hills and dales. Like the gleam of sparkling eyes Under gossamer veils. [33] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS UNDER THE PINES AND THE STARS My world is wrapped in slumber, Sweet wood fires are burning low ; The winter night is a-glitter With stars and untrodden snow. Ancient gray rocks on the lake shore, Frozen white waves of the bay. Eternal hills in the distance. Towering black pines that sway. The peace and glory of heaven, Life ^s triumph and mystery, Seem near in the shimmering darkness And silent night ecstasy. Silence, deep — wondrous deep silence Under the pines and the stars, — Solitude blessed, I thank thee, Thou healest life 's crudest scars ! [34] WINTER TRAILS STOEM AND FIEELIGHT The fires of sunset are flaming red, These radiant winter days ; Dusk comes softly and night falls swift, Like a curtain of memories. And with the dusk comes a storm of wind. Deep — with a steady roar, That moans and howls through oaks and pines. Like the guns of tragic war. I love to be out in the night and wind Where big trees meet the sky. With glittering stars midst scudding clouds. And the lake with waves mountain high. The wind strikes great chords of passion and joy, Li the wild tossing crowns of the trees ; It sounds like an organ with all the stops out, Played by God with the storm harmonies. But the lamp-lit study windows call. And when I come in from the night, [35] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS A cheering driftwood fire burns, With myriad sparks alight. They speak to me of many things ; For all life is flame and fire, — Birth is the glowing, burning log. And death, its ashen pyre. The fire of love and passion and hate, Of persecution and shame. Of enthusiasm and sacrifice; Patriotism and purity's flame. Outside the great storm is raging black, — But over loved familiar things And the dying fire 's afterglow, White peace spreads her brooding wings. [36] WINTER TRAILS WINTER DUSK IN THE MARSH Blue ice roads With snowdrifts liigli, Ghostly birch, And wintry sky. Willows brown On distant shore, Sunset glow On hill and moor. Muskrat house In marshy reeds. Where in spring The wild duck breeds. Sleigh bells ring Where water jflows, And lily pad In summer grows. [37] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS MY GARDEN IN FEBRUARY Snowdkifts glow and shine, Where my flowers sleep ; Sentinel black pine Lonely vigil keep. O'er the frozen bay, Wheeling far and high. Only sea gulls gray, In a leaden sky ! [38] WINTER TRAILS THE FROST STORM Ah — you, who dwell in crowds And everlasting strife, Have you ever watched the clouds Or green things come to life ? Have you ever watched the play Of wind and wave and sun 1 Have you ever dwelt alone When love and faith seemed gone? One winter night, the wind Brought snow and bitter cold ; Yet morning broke in calm, With skies of blue and gold. And lo, with coming day. What wealth of glittering snow; A scene of fairy radiance With everything aglow ! With a myriad diamond crystals On every conifer tree, Wild beauty's blinding splendor Alight with mystery. [39] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHEE POEMS God's pure-white silent world Hath brought faith back to me — Glad to have loved and lost — That 's what life is meant to be ! MID WINTER NIGHT, IRIDESCENT The world is blue lustre Shadowed with mist, The moon is pale silver Dreaming, cloud kissed. Streamers of northern light Flame in the sky. Glittering stars are like Flowers on high. Silence broods wondrous sweet, Dripping with light. And with ^olian harps Winds greet the night. [40] LOVE SONGS *^LOVE IS STRONG AS DEATH Is it wrong for the leaf To turn to the sun? Is it wrong for the bird To sing, when day's done? Is it wrong for the rain To gladden the earth? Is it wrong for the spring To have its rebirth? Is it wrong when we feel No price is too great, No forgiveness too hard, God, before 'tis too late ! Is it wrong for the sun To shine in the sky? Is it wrong then to love, When love's stronger than I? [43] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS ALONE The bitter wind is moaning, And tlie sky is gray and leaden ; And my heart is heavy, heavy, Dear, my dear. All my soul is longing for you, And I know you Ve hungered for me ; You have left me lonely, lonely. Dear, my dear. For you have not come back to me. And to-night the wind is moaning. And the snow is ever falling, Dear, my dear. [44] LOVE SONGS LONGING I THINK of liim by day, I dream of him by night ; My dear, who is so far away. My love, who brought the light. It seems as if another self Had come to life in me ; A self that I have never known, A thing of mystery. [45] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS TOGETHER It was a day of storm, dear heart, That brought us two together ; It was a day for love, dear heart, For love and passion. How dear and sweet and still it was — Black storm without, white peace within. And we away from all the world. Alone — together. How often in the night, dear heart. Have I knelt down and prayed, And thought of you and longed for you — Your smile, your kiss. — Life was a dreary waste before Fate willed that we should meet. Ah, love me, let me love you — Loving is so sweet ! [46] LOVE SONGS WAITING Theee is April rain From a dreary sky ; All the world seems hnshed And waiting as I. Help me, dear God, Through the tragic night, And one more dead day, Till his coming brings light ! [47] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS ECSTASY Thou hast come, beloved, Thou hast need of me. Ah, hold me, hold me Tenderly. There is peace, beloved. In thy blessed brown eyes. Deep wells, wherein My heaven lies. I am thine, beloved, My kiss — Thou know'st, The joy we share — Life's uttermost! [48] LOVE SONGS MY LOVE IS LIKE A CAGED BIRD My love is like a caged bird With beating wings, That ever sings A song for me — Free, free, free — A heartbreak song Long, long, long ! My heart is like the caged bird With leaden wing, Remembering Life's ecstasy — Free, free, free — A tragic song Long, long, long ! caged bird, I'll let thee fly. To sing on high — Free, free, free — Sweet liberty, A joyous song Long, long, long ! [49] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS Oh, that my soul Could heal its wings Of passion's stings — Sweet peace divine, Forever mine, A blessed song, Long, long, long ! [so] LOVE SONGS THOU ART THE SUNSET GOLD Thou art the sunset gold After April rain, Thou art the healing spring After winter's pain. Thou art the waters' song After silent days, Thou art the touch of kin After lonely ways. Thou art the grateful show'r After summer drought, Thou art the light, the tire Of my inmost thought. Thine be all the beauty, All life's deepest joy. Thine the flame, the passion Death cannot destroy ! [51] LEGENDS OF LIFE QUATRAINS Consolation Out of the fire of passionate pain, Naught but the ashes of peace remain, Peace that is love, forgiveness and rest. Passion of pain — even thou art blessed! Unafkaid The vale of the shadow of death is mine, I have won to its farther rim, And life holds no fear f orevermore, E 'en though hope, faith and love grow dim ! Confession Like the warming rays of the golden sun To the spring budding leaf and flower. Is the beat of thy heart, beloved one. In the memory of love 's wondrous hour ! My Valentine I WISH I were a breath of wind In the storm of thy desire ; I wish I were a tongue of flame In thy heart of heart 's gold fire ! [55] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS TO THE DAYS THAT AEE GRAY Oh, don't you love a day in spring, When everything is gray. When hill and vale and wind and storm Seem very far away. When all the world seems wrapped in veils Of lovely things to come. When we poor mortals hope and dream Of life and love and home. When nature's hushed and resting seems For miracles' rebirth. When soon the great awakening comes For everything on earth. Oh, blessed he, who meaning sees In nature 's every mood. Nothing that life and grief can bring, Can overshadow good ! [56] LEGENDS OF LIFE SUNSET I AM tired of war and strife, I am tired of love and life, Of struggle and hope and fear. Of all my soul holds dear. Ah, could I sink with the dying sun Into the great unknown. At the quiet end of a soft, gray day, With fires of pain all burned away! [57] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS SUNRISE Over the oaks in my garden The sky is luminous gray, Robins are twittering gaily, The wind sings a roundelay. The earth is young and fair and sweet, She 's wrapped in glistening veils Of mauve and rose and silver dew. Like misty star dust trails. Dusky night has folded her wings That dawn may gladden the world, God^s radiant sun doth rise again With banners of hope unfurled. Banners that wave in the sunrise, All blue and red and gold. That waft to my inmost spirit The song of life retold ! [58] LEGENDS OF LIFE THEY WILL NOT LEND ME A CHILD "^ African Plaint In the clearing, by the river, Tropic night is velvet bound. Laced with silver ribboned moonlight. Jasmine scented, filled with sound. Children 's laughter, women 's chatter Greet the full moon 's radiant light. Hand in hand young lovers wander In the passion throbbing night. Where still shadows fall th(} deepest, Mourns a lonely, yearning wife, Eocking to and fro in anguish. For her wasted, useless life. She is young and pure and comely. And the daughter of a chief, But no child has come to bless her, To the whole tribe 's shame and grief. He no longer loves me greatly, And my breasts are undefiled, I am barren, barren, barren, — * ' They will not lend me a child. ' ' From the Tribal Chants of the Baronga of Southeast Africa. [59] LEGENDS OF LIFE LEGEND OF THE MOTHER UNCONSOLED* Once there was a loving mother, Mourning ever for her child ; All God^s mercy unavailing, Life meant tears, she never smiled. One night just before the dawning. When the world was dark and still, Lo, she saw a strange procession Winding down a distant hill. Long, long rows of little children Dragging slowly, sadly all. Staggering under heavy burdens, Pitchers great and pitchers small. And behold, her own lost loved one Drooping, burdened with her tears. He must carry, carry always. Through the long, long, weary years. Fragment of a German Legend. [60] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS PRAYER Ah, if perhaps I blind shall be, Before my life is done, Dear God, my soul's sight let me keep, Of trees and sky and sun. My memories of wondrous light. Of color, wind and rain. Of apple blossom, bittersweet. Of cardinal and crane. Of snow white winter, gray green spring, And magic stars and moon. Of smoky, gorgeous autumn days. Of hills and trail and dune ! [6i] LEGENDS OF LIFE AFTER THE PLAY The curtain falls on dead Isoult. — And we fare on into the night With heart afire and head awhirl, To meet the pulsing, seething sight Of hurtling throngs and dazzling light, Blazing, glittering, shifting, gay; The very stars do glimmer faint, So high, so far is heaven away. Burnished cars like forked lightning Flash — garish color, stifling smells, Shrieking horns like souls in torment Vie with harshly clamoring bells. Flowering stars, shimmering clouds, Whispering pines, I know, I know. Ah, misty hills are far away, Where spring is calling sweet and low ! [62] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS HAPPINESS The clutch of baby fingers, The thrill that music brings, The memory that lingers Of youth and passion's wings. The joy of work at flood-tide, The love of sun and wind, The peace of fearless ebb-tide, The faith that death is kind. INVOCATION Poppies flaming in the glare of noon. Winter sunset lurid through black pines, Music throbbing from a vioPs heart. Love eternal for all beauty's joy — Give me passion, give me life that burns ! [63] LEGENDS OF LIFE FREEDOM What matter though my body be Enclosed in prison walls ; My thoughts are mine, God 's love divine From every hill top calls. My spirit sings, My soul hath wings, And shall be free For all eternity ! [64] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS HOW CAN IT BE The brook is singing in its bed Of spring and thee, How can it be that thou art dead And lost to me ? New maple bnds are flaming red, Beloved, dost see? How can it be that thou art dead To spring and me ? Thou greetest ever sun and rain So joyously. Ah, thou wilt never sing again. — How can that be ? Thou liest on thy rose-wreathed bed So still and free. How can it be that thou art dead And lost to me ? [65] LEGENDS OF LIFE WAR Hush, beloved one, Mother guards thy sleep. Clouds float o'er the sun. Make gray shadows creep. Whisp 'ring, little winds Cooling, drifting slow, Through the somber pines Swaying to and fro. Under somber skies. In a forest deep. Son, thy father lies For his last, long sleep. Hush, beloved one. Mother guards thy sleep. Now he knows, sweet son. - God his spirit keep ! [66] SONNETS TWILIGHT DIM, strange hour, in chastened beauty veiled, When glowing sunset gold far hills has rimmed, And garish day's bright light in shadow paled. Fair trees and clouds with misty silver limned. Now softly calls the song bird to his mate. And rose and heliotrope are poignant sweet. Old memories crowd and happenings passion- ate — There heart to heart and soul to soul doth greet. Let us forget what never should have been — Thou'rt mine, beloved, for this one twilight hour. Love was so dear, eternity and sin So endless long, so seething, formless, dour — All soul alone, my gloaming thought tryst keep, 1 wait thy coming, sweet dark and sleep ! [69] LEGENDS OF LIFE AND OTHER POEMS ^^AND THERE WAS LIGHT'' Thou that banishest dusky shades of night, Thou that givest us color, form, sweet life. Hail to thee, heav'n sent healer of dark strife! Wisdom crowns thee and joyous freedom's might ; For all things beautiful and true and fair Thou bringest us with hands munificent. Thine is the glory of the firmament, The shimm 'ring rainbow is thy fabric rare, Thine is the golden green of spring and sun. Towards thee all growing leaves and flowers throng. To thee the lark sings her triumphant song. Through thee, eternal hope of peace is won. — Great, wondrous giver of all life and right, God's messenger art thou, blessed light ! [70] SONNETS VICTOEY To struggle smilingly with adverse fate, And face temptation with the will to scorn, Divine forgiveness find for insults borne, A world of love to make return for hate. To know the wise and unregenerate, And seek alike the rich man and forlorn, Thy banner of ideal truth untorn ; And banish fear to deep inferno 's gate. — To make a fetich nor of grief nor joy. To work as if the voice of work were all. Yet hearken ever to hope^s proud release. And nature 's wonder song without alloy ; But heed not praise nor passion's heady call. Life's victory be thine, triumphant peace! [711 m^^mmmmi^^mmm-i SSfi