_■_ H"' : 11 ■NB MB ■2 ■"'-'■■" :"' ':' -.■-' .JEWESS* •ft || J 'if 6 NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Approval of Secondary Softools MANUAL 1911-12 :■?.■,■■■':.-■'■ .-.■V -v.: [■■^■■:- :■/■'.,: .;.:> ^^-s: .< : ;», '•::■■.: . ','. -..va : . ■.'■.(■■, .■■,:,v:^-.-V'.''-''' .'■■• .I-.: :.■■■, '■.'V u; '. : ,-" ■■'■■:■■■■ . ^ : - ■, ^ :■ .- ;...,:"''.,:,./:', \ '■. , ' '■ ■- "iv.'i ■<\'^', '"'■':"■■ ': ; 4 ■!':>? -;-■■■'■::' V-^.' ■■■- ---v : : '-.^.■.. - :.■■.-,;*,' ^ -. ■ .; y ; y :, : ; : :, : '- : y'y , ; . ■ A' y y y y,y ., :;. '^.' y' y: ,- yyyy-, ■ . :;.;... ; „ yy : .,..y : vy y ^V*^v■- J ^.--■.•■;Uv.■■■,^■^■--■^ . : *"-"-.- : : ■--■":.■, -■.-:^/. : -7. "■ ^■■ V" i-^V'. ■^-.'-■">: : ^- .-V : v V .■■-".:-^-:vi- : ". ■=■■--:.- . ,. -v,.v..,i = ^ y-v^y:;-;; .■■■■■- '■-■■ .-, ;.--:V ■ ■.-.: ■:■: : /y/:.v ' -'■ "■> <-s : . ■■'■■ ^ - : ' ^' v " ■■ ■: ■■' ■'■■/ '■:<■■■■■■■■■■'■;•'. ■ ■'■■■■ ■,■ '■ ' ■ ' . : ■ (: / ; -'. > ■■•;■; _s NEW HAMPSHIRE lyjST'l OCTtOf\ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Approval of Secondary Schools Manual for 1911-12 CONCORD, N. H. Ira C. Evans Co., Printers 1912 0. OF ft ^v J THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. Conditions of Approval. Teaching Force. A first or second class approved secondary school must have a teaching force composed of graduates of approved colleges or of persons possessing for the purposes of their position equivalent education. A third or fourth class secondary school may have a teaching force composed of persons credited with not less than two years of approved study subsequent to four years of secondary school. Equivalent education is a matter for the decision of the department in each case as it arises. Equipment. Each school must possess : (a) A suitable building and schoolroom furniture; (6) Text-books sufficient in quantity and quality for the courses taught; (c) Maps, globes and charts sufficient for the courses taught ; (d) A suitable encyclopedia, and unabridged dictionary; (e) Lexicons and other reference books sufficient for courses taught; (/) Apparatus sufficient and suitable for each of the science courses taught. Approved list of apparatus, library books, etc., will be furnished by the department on application. Program of Study. Each approved school must maintain a program com- posed of secondary subjects exclusively, to the following extent : if a first class school, not less than fourteen units ; if a second class school, not less than twelve units; if a third class school, not less than eight units; if a fourth class school, not less than four units. Review courses are not counted as units. Each first class school must give one unit, required of all pupils, of instruction in the constitutions of the United. States and of New Hampshire. A Senior course in con- stitutional history of the United States and of New Hamp- shire is recommended. Ratio of Teachers to Periods. The faculty of each school must be sufficient so that no teacher will be required to teach more than eight periods per day. Admission, Promotion and Graduation. Pupils may be admitted to, promoted in, and graduated from, approved secondary schools only under regulations approved by the department. Pupils entering from ele- mentary schools not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Control of the secondary school must pass examinations in arithmetic, spelling, English composition and grammar, history, geography, physiology; and the principal or the superintendent holding the examinations will report the results to the department on blanks furnished for the purpose. Pupils may be admitted without examination on the certificate of any professional superintendent of schools in the state. Examinations for admission of pupils entering as above must be held by the principal of the school, by the superintendent of schools if there is one, or by some teacher under the jurisdiction of the school. They cannot be deputed to persons outside the jurisdiction of the school. Violation of this regulation will be held to be sufficient ground for the revocation of the approved standing of the school. Record of Secondary School Work for the Year 1910-1911. GENERAL REFERENCES. fl=Work sufficient, unless otherwise indicated, but re- port not in form to be conveniently recorded. *=Defective in this course or particular and notified. f=School on probation this year. $=Reapproval refused. — =No course this year. Ec=Several texts used. Numeral directly following name of school indicates the number of years in its course. If no numeral appears, four is to be understood. English Language and Literature. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. (See also above.) x=Manual of rhetoric, composition or grammar. y=Historical study of literature with manual. I e> s On s ft > a •SuipBej epTSjno -° : - : •ss^io ui Suiptray; CO ; CD . lO • KO . OJ • •pailBj -on rf : •pessua -ojj CO . x : 3 : !» : > W GO 13 o ■Suip'eei epis^no CD CD CO •I^OED^O . .tOtO(DCD'0«;!OtO . 1 tDtOO . •ssbp ui Suipi3aa CD CD CO • k~~ CD CD DC CO • • CD CD CD ' ~ DC CO CD CD . 1 CO CO CD • •S8UI8UJ -om 883 .cSSSSS : :g*88.8S88 :ISSS : •peirej -on OOr-i ; O O O © O - • © © i— I O ~1 © O © •IOOi-H . : : : : 1 : ■pessrcd -o^i CO l^ CD 'l^'OMOW • • CI CO i.O 1/3 DC l^iCC"] • | lO O CO . >> : >>»> t» : : . >. : ! i» • XX . >,X X >=X . . X >>>=>>X X X -1 X >=X ■ w o •Suipusi apis^no :| : : i •ssrap ui Suipnaa lOCOcD . | COCDOCCO | ; CO CO CO lO CO CO CO CO CO Jf CO CO CO . •sauioq., -o^[ OO'O . 1 CO ICO lO O - . lOiOCOCOOOcDOOcDOOilO ■ CO CO CO • CO CI CM CM • • CM CO i-H CO CN CM r-l CO CO CO CM -* CM - •pail-ej -OK OOO . I OOOO . '.©COOrHT)COQ0COcOCOCOCOCOCOCO00COCOCOCOCOCOcOCOCO •ssbio ui Suip^ea CD CO CD . l~ CD CD DC 1 CD CD CD CD CD 1 - 'O CD CO CO CD CO CD i- CD CO ■sauiem -o^j ■ -■■cii- • = c ■-. --.::-.- .o cd ::-■-..-- z. - D = .c cd COiOCO • MlfC-INHrlCNWri CO CC Ol CI i- CI CO CO CO •» CM CO •paijuj -on i-l OO .OOOriOOOHKOOiOOMriOOOMO:; •passed -ok iOI>CM . C1C.C1 -r I- COr-i CD DC DC — S. 1- CD CD .Cl-OCOOrt r-l • . i-l CO HINH-* t«H CMCO X X X ^ X X X XXXX XS XX XXX XXXX W 00 3 o •Suip'eai episino CD CD CO CD CD CD — iO CD CD CD CD CD CC — CD CD CD CD CD CO CO CO CD CO •ssup uiSuip^aa CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CD tji CO CD CD CD l~ T CD :D CD CD CD 'O r- LO -r •S9UI81I1 ■oij lOOCPCIC ■!-. i". "D /. .- .0 i- D C /. - ~ -■ D S. OOOOCCO COlO CO CM CO 0) CI 1-1 i- i- Ol CO CI D. CC 01 01 1- O) r-l t^t^TT o o o o p "o to m com sax c c i p E ■ a a mo • ; j 50 : : :° - 1 - : 1 :° • • .© ■ • • >> ■ X 1 ;| ; i ; ; * * * ; 1 H : O O l- O O O O lO O O O 1 .OOO .afHOOO'ChO^M . OOOO | MBIOOOOCIOIN • **~ i" — X CO O CM . CO CM ^ CI CO . CM CN CI CO 1 • CO i— 1 CO 'CIHClHr^OJCl HCOCOH • OOO | ooooooo • 1 : OOOOCMOO .OOOTfl ;000 .Oi-HOr-iOOOOOOrH . 1 (NHH i-i 1 » n! >>X >> ' >=!»X X X X X ■ :t MOOOXJI ■^bHH 1 . CM I~iO -inLOOlHOHCCH CM O O - COCMCMCMi-l • CM t-H CM 1 • r-l lO • r-l r-l r-l C-l r-l C-l T!> r-l • >,x X >>x >>>> • XX t»>> 1 -XX>, -x xxxx t»xxx : O O O CO O lO O OOO -OlOOOOOOOOOOt-HOO -OOO (ChiOTtttDOiOOtOCO • O O O LO O O O O CC CO .OOOOOOiOlz-OCCOOOO .OOO OlOCOiOOl^OOiOt^OTJiiO - o oo o o o x o ~ — o x .y. :ii:r.-r:i ic o i - cc c ~ x -r . 1 - x o icciciot. ^oic:i x — - o • corHTf^cMcoeo+Scocoo .HHmH-*nHco . ^HrH rH . T7< CM ^ CO CM CM r-l .H .(MOO tH CM rn i-l OOtHO X X >= X X X X XXX^XXXXXXXKXXiSXK^XX.Ix X X X t»X X X X X X X X '■ O O O CO r~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CC O O O O O l> OC}"}iOonooxo • MnlOtOHCOCOW CO O »0 t-H rH CO CM CO CI r* CO CO C4 CI -^ CJ ^H r-< t-t j-< CI CO CO rH CO o x ■" x cc — cc :c >o x i- x . ■ 1- - n ct *— co o en ^ t^oo c~~ i — i • H iH t-l >OCItHCO(M HC-IHIO ^r- HHCJHHrt CO iH r-l 1.^ CM . -JXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX '■ oooooo^oooi>ooooooooooo-.r.oooooooo o-^^cooioor^ooooo : C _" ' " .. -;: ~ : i ~ ;; C O O O O —V O O >C L-- O O T O O) O O O O O lO CC- -t Tt< Oip O -fOffl^OJ' CO CM CO O rt CO CO CO r-l O O lO rH CO CI CO t- C4 d- CO CC C> -T : CC — C 1 — ' CO CI OLOcoocc-rrpoooocoouo -»!DriC-IOO-*OOOOO(NOTHKlMiCHOOC0CJ«OH«lt0O COOrHi-ICMOCMOt-llOOrOO : x -r ~ o i- >o ci o x co ic x r-^:coa)Q0i0(0 XXXXXXXXXXXX 3S c.i-:i:ioccot^SHOioc CM NHlNHHf HMOC1 XXXXXXX XXX XI ^ S?c S3 .. u _. ._. - . . .. • 5 t-2 o.-S-ocsOtH cs g 5 e §§s sc^^^^s s §^ g g g b. o Its s-g^'g s g« ^tla E 2.Sm O c i O ^ (S CC UnM , > w 13 SuipBei apisimo : : : : •ssup ui Suip^aa ill 2 •saraaui -ok ill E •P9[IBJ -OH I CM CM :' : 1 ■ passed -oft 00 > K O 'A ■Suip'BSj apisrno CO CO CO iO CO co to CO .CO .cocococo .CO 1 CO ; ; ; i » ■ss«p ui Suipuaa lO tO tO iO CO CD I> CO -tO .cOtC-fcO • CO 1 J 1 ^ >M •passed -o>i OCKHCiCCOHH • Ol •-^OiCOTji . tO 88 V. •SutpBej apiscmo CO CO CO iO CO to to CO -CO OcOcOcO • CO j I> ; ; ; 1. ■ * •ssrap m Suipisay; (NcolC' t> CO CO i> CO -CO .CD^TCD * I> | °^ ; : * ; 1 - •satnam -o^i occootocoinoo .O .COOOCO ■ O 1 C cf c-. M ^ CO CI CO -CO .,-ICO» CO .10 1 i t» : >c : • >> XXX K >.« X >= -X -MM >» • X CO drTci K o •Smpi38J apisrmo 50UCjcOcOiOCOCDCDCOI>CDCOCOCOCO 1 CO •ssi3p ui SuipEaji C- CO l£3 CO CO CO t-C CO iC CD" CO CO -f CO CO C- CO 1 CO •sauratfl -o^j ~ - - ~ \- ■- - / : i i - . -. r co co cc I ,-i x cc :c ci :: :: — :: — cc -r ci ci # co co ot 1 co ■pairej -on ^uOfWrtHICCOOriWNMOH | (NO! iS- 1 •passed -om fCOCDCC'HC.HHOOHSOHOf 03 CI-3<) XK XXXXXXX MXKX « CM Sz; Suipuai apisimo COCO^-OCOCOlOCOCOCDCOt~COCOCOCOCO| CO | id ■ssrap ui 3uipB9H COr^»OTPcOcOCOiOLOcocDl^-cf O O.vQ £ O O 03 ^iyt h I Jj>o° c: — ci v :3t) S IP O O -8 5 — :«o 03 ° • Oftg 03 S O ■gftg ?P ft G 4.-°=s ?P fi O SpSr- 4-pSt- ^-IcJM-^' rt c-i eo ^ -< c>i to -r s aid HMP. ■ o ft£ rp ft d dpsS j^p»g coQco-r 3^ °2S l£ 1x5' 13 1*%Z )Tf HN«t Eo >oS -Ofio • rt£ftaSO ;d£? o Q + w -1 ■ h «d* 3 Is o . « i°£! ■ mS- iCieoii r-i'M 15c 5 .« P cm t^ r~ -I- > PL, jTj CO *3< CO rH 0 .SftSo T|o3° ^PMcot-'-i I . o P.! 1 r\9> 4,6 £5 lllll cSO s« ? s i^e I ^se s - i^es i? O w w - ~ " w OC R O t~ rl isHoot-* ;II! W& HUMTf H«! S3 5£? lOWiao coooo uo Ph 10 r- .s± .^- HNMrf i-H (M CO -T rt3rt ™Hc coCPo of r-i oi CO H! 17 f S, 5 •- o S fl r4 •-: rH "3 .'Sj - P CI O .-H -Sd« ciPhE-o |^S>u AS? IdB r-i C1M -f rtM! i =3 -S _•£: :C s; . o a £ o ^ ■— £ >p »« | ^ a c .£$: o o ^ I, J>fi3 18 r o . >> •6 '■ > ■ 6 . > ft 50 S 6 _; be . bo ? • > i's 5>E a 3 o ft.2 1 fiO 4 1 o is j> '« > B S © 3 H .s 2 Tj •IS d -a ■p IS ^©■d 6"0 0J 8 O 1 g = w 5 B M fcj ° T o T3 (g'g ."is So ?3i§ 1 Pf'G •»Oi-s» J.HOH s ,= - O INIOH 3pSc~ H««>* rHoioj-* rl NCO^ H d M*i i-Je4eo-*" h ei CO -*' IS ■> •6 > O 1 C .10 ~§ • .O O B i* .gn § -o o oco rH O m ° c o^ • -8-; ^^ 6^ •.£ ® gdS& © •2 M 03 ■ 03 tU ■ — ~ cj fn • o d'£ 42?l ?g£s O | 03 o O?» J^ a XsISS ctPg^ 4-Po3£~ OS B°0>rH ^ p l-i » - fl o O ^ o | £ lO ^ .§! 3pSU .8 •£ MOOj) 1 '+= 03 Sb§o 7-5 (N 03 ■* rHCMCOTF rH oieOTiH rH C-! C0-# 1-5 Ol CO -#' r-icico"^ isS >B — IOMO 1 cS P. 6 1,145 753 476 424 29 3 Pi 6 1,312 824 496 427 29 r 3 > 03 ■s^ 03 >> . ^£? o C *h ■a sS ! e * g £ 8 d o '"S £ -2 £ W W -2 JU4S II " 2 -2 ^2 8 *g"3 p t» g * o ■*> - 53 •« -O §11 ill "d IS P bo cS o H « ^. o I £ i •S P u Txl Greek Language and Literature. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. Greek I. Greek II-III. l=Pupils passed and failed. l=Pupils passed and failed. 2=Beginner's book (Bb.). 2=Prose composition. 3=0ther Greek. 3=Sight reading. 4=Greek read. C&D=Collar & Daniell. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Greek I. Beginner's book, easy reading, Anabasis be- gun, Greek prose. Greek II. Four books of Anabasis, complete; Greek prose composition ; selections from other Greek. Greek III. Iliad I-III, or equivalent from Homeric poems; Greek prose composition; prosody. 24 GREEK. ACADEMIC YEAR igw-igu. GREEK III. Colby. Concord, 5. Concord, St. Mary's Holderness...t Kimball Union Manchester. New Hampton Literary In- stitution 1. 2—0. 2. Bb. 3. Some Anabasis. 1. 6-0. 2. Bb. 3. 12 pp. Cyropfedia. 7 ch. Anabasis. 1. 1—0. 2. Bb. 3. 24 pp. Anabasis. 1. 1—0. 2. Bb. 3. 10 pp. Anabasis. 1. 3—1. 2. Bb. 3. 2i ch. Anabasis. 1. 11—0. 2. Bb. 3. 27 pp 1. 1—0. 2. Bb. 3. Some Anabasis. 1. 1—0. 2. Bb. 3. 1 Anabasis; 5 pp An. Hat sight. 1. 6— *3. 2. Bb. 3. Sel. from Anabasis 1. 2—1. 2. Bb. 3. Some Anabasis. 1. 2—0. 2. Jones. 3. 25%. 4. 4 Anabasis. 9—0. Woodruff. 50 pp. 4 Anab. 1—0. Pearson. 60 pp.; 1,000 11. 4 Anabasis. 6 Iliad. 1. 7—0. 2. Ksegi. 3. 40 pp. 4. i Anabasis. 1. 2—0. 2. C. &D. 3. 25011. 4. 4 Iliad; 2 Anab. 1. 1—0. 2. C. &D. 3. 20011. 4. 4 Iliad. Anabasis. 1. 4—0. 2. Jones. 3. 33%. 4. 6 Homer. 1. 2—0. 2. Pearson. 3. 60011. 4. 3,50011 Homer. 1. 10—0. 2. Woodruff. 3. 1,20011.; 50 pp. 4. 4 Homer. 1. 1—0. 2. Woodruff. 3. 1,10011. 4. 2,590 Iliad. 1. 5—0. 2. Ksegi. 3. *0. 4. 3 Iliad. 25 GREEK. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-1911.— Continued. GREEK I. GREEK II. GREEK III. 1 . 8—0. 1. 1—0. 2. Pearson. 3. 1 4. 5 Iliad; 1 Anab. (1) Special class arranged for six men to enable them to read New Testament in Greek. SUMMARY. No. pupils. No. passed. No. failed. Per cent, failed. 42 19 26 37 19 26 5 12 Greek II Greek III 26 Modern Languages. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. cp=connected prose. gr_grammatical study. French. German. A&F=Aldrich & Foster. C=Chardenal. E=Edgren. F&S=Fraser & Squair. F=Francois. K=Keetels. N=Newson. S=Super. B=Bierwirth. Bn=Bacon. C=Collar. F&V=Fraser & Vander Smissen. H=Harris. J-M=Joynes-Meissner. J&W=Joynes & Wesselhoeft. N=Newson. S=Spanhoofd. T=Thomas. V=Vos. W=Wesselhoeft. 27 STANDARD RK^UIREMENTS. Study of grammar, prose composition, and drill upon inflected forms throughout the several courses. In addi- tion, the reading of standard literature as follows: /. French — 125 duodecimo pages. German — 75 duodecimo pages. II. French — 300 duodecimo pages. German — 150 duodecimo pages. III. French — 500 duodecimo pages. German — 400 duodecimo pages. 28 dd 'p^aa qousij; •dd 'Suip^enqSis -t '•'. v'\ •uonisoauioo esojj ooooo oo ooo j iC ^ ." 77 ^ it ^ CO ■ggt-g*^ ;^ S ^« •dd 'pnaa qouejj •del 'Suipi38J ?qS;s I .H O) CN CM L- >C 1C t £^7i7i^s a^ssg •jpoq .sieuinSag; COCO » 00 CO °3?3ddd°3^i°3&H"d 3dSMfedfe j d^d^d fe^ to to to I - IOt-hOOOCNOOOOOCNCI OOOHCI ■ClOCnClffiL^NnOO ^ = crl : =11 : i- x 7^ JUS : :$&* i8 §U< 5P 5-..S' <;o o o X O i ^ i •' :$R : : sss ,?g ooooo o • x '-' o "—i : ■ ooo 1 MO o 01 00000000 = c c o o o o ■O.OOOOT-^OIOOOOOOlt-H.OO 3 CO 1T3 U5 OC CO IM c . o x x x ~r I cocoiooii X X X — 1 co.^ I '" ^- S '" :: ' " f - >~ — x - 10 :: — — .- vc it — v c 1 — — . ~ r. >o 1-":-: 1- 1- ~ -jz / >~: - 1 — - ~- — — "1-" — o . r-.i- - ci - a 1- i- 01 = :: - r n - ■_; 1- — r . - -.-. .- ,- 1- i- / ri - r - :: = r 1- .- mo -t -.-. =■ >~ x o . - cm* .eN. ... ri 01 ~ ,- ~ 01 oi — — oi# -roioi.^-t-i *:c . ci . . cc co ^* ri-^cir-irtSSw o ^ ^ - " '" o - c ; ^ c c 1 : 1 : - 1 : ^ o : 1 c c c 01 >.- o c ^- o LCICjiCLCCOO* LOO CO CO 01 X I- — ! — — ■- <2 '-■ '-- -■-. 01 O => X -T* 0; r o ■ " o - r ~ : : > ~ ~ ~ > ^ t«^ E^co 090Q to ojhaj^ toai oi w fa oioioimfifaai ^dS^d^frd^cd^d^^^d^ddd^dfrdd^dwd^d^^^^^c — ■_ -. Z - 1-1 rt 1-1 HCIO rH 1-1 0=0 . c ooooo 1-1 CO * 0. *° rH « . ■* "* i-O X O ^ ?! lOOOl " - l 5 8 § £ 0. CO H rtC 3 "^ s ~ ^ S3 s 00 " s g s ri 8 10 ,« S O a o en R-fi-pC^^ fe CC 3 --SKSSKSSas"My^jKiHi335SSSSS^^^? ( z;^ii:a;''£iSi:S2:i 30 S o On i ■aa 'p^ej ipuej^ •aa 'SmpB8j mSis •uoiiisodinoo 8S0Jc[ •p8SS13Cl -OR ■aa 'p\3aj qouaij ■aa 'SuipBai ;qSis •uouisodraoo asoij •da 'piwj ipueiji ■aa 'Suipuai iqSis >Iooq .sieuuiSae; ir: i.c i- is: tr. : oooooo ©ICOX^liO d '— o ^ r i ~4 O OOlOOO rH OOCOOO ss i .'- :t t"i o d >. — "X >- : .-.--=■- = 0000 I o o -r r i >- t-h o ~. ~r .c o iO . COO . •aa 'Suipi3ar %qsig . . © . ■ o • o : : :l • CN . OlO • • uoi^isoaiuoo ascuj y ; • C5 : : :* : p, : ft ft • oo : ■paiFBJ -om :° : : ° : . . .© • o • oo ■ •pass'ea -oj^ . CI . . to . COlO . •aa 'pB9i uBiiueo to .OOlOlO co . I -r -f co -f CI CO • •si-:: . :§ : • t-H CO UC -CO ■ad 'Suiprcei iqSjS O • OtOUI o CI " StHCN ci 2 • ooo • * Ci lO • .o . :Sfc§ ;S • uoiijsoauioo asojd a : » d a a o ;oooq a d '■ ci a a : ooo ; -■ft ." : cifta : a ;000 ;0 ■petrej -on O . CI o o o o o . rHOO ■ . Ot-Hi-i ;0 •passua -o^ CO ; CO i> te CO rH : I th : ■ r-lr-ltS _ ' •aa 'pB9i umiueo ^ 'c"i 3 c'i t. ci :: ~ ~ >c :: i~ ft ^ c ^- r". ic ~. v: ^ ~ ■aa 'Sutpnaj iqSig SSSs^'S^g^S^SSaSlSSgSSi •j[00([ .siauuiSag •pairej o^ OrOr-COCICi-r-OCC^C:OCT^HG pessea -o>j rt eooog» a e.^ S «D^ SS »^» rt * 5 joe ? M a - 5 :7 - > : - c ; 1 : i « : • . . .c •e . . in • ;n £ s /" ->*•■< o o c OQOf 'id '■ t Viis - •- = = ' CO i33'^ -1 : If 33 - — leSu: oc gg :g :g :$8 : & ad, ! a : a ■ a a '. oo .o . o .oo • oo in a c°? '• S '• § : :S : . ■ CO m 5 ss- ; S I s . . o . o a t-j a a : a 1 a, : : a : : :^ : OOri -i-l • O . .o • to iC 00 . iO . iC : : rt : 3> 1 XIHiOiCTIOOOO . i-l •# 3 1 ; rt 8 dcri^W-fe'dg^ri :> = o O-fOOJOONOOO -r-cO M X ™ m " , ' H I s CO 1 5 7 'I 1 I : t 5 E sill : : -> ■ 5 = i - 7xt- p . c 1 34 Algebra. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. l=Pupils passed and failed. 3=Extent of work. 2=Text. D&R=Durell & Bobbins. S&L=Slaught & Lennes. F&S=Fisher & Scliwatt. Y&J= Young & Jackson. R&S=Robbins & Somerville. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Algebra I and II. To quadratics, including ratio and proportion. Algebra III. Review of I and II, and through pro- gressions, including binomial theorem for positive integers. 35 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-ign. Algebra I. Algebra II. Algebra HI (Review). Alton 1 . 4-0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1 . 7-0. 2. Ec. ■ ',. Thro' binomial. Antrim 1,13-4. [Touton. 2. Hawkes, Luby & 3. To quadratics. 1 . 7—0. [Touton . 2. Hawkes, Luby & 3. "Thro' quadratics. Appleton 1. ll-o. [Sen. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.5—0. 2. Wentworth's High'r. 3. Thro' binomial. Ashland, 1 1.18—2. 2. Y. & J. 3. Thro' quadratics. Atkinson 1.7-2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1.7—2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' logarithms. 1.5-0. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Ind. Cceff. Austin-Cate — 1. 2-0. 2. Wentworth. 3. To quadratics (+). 1. 5—0. 2. Wentworth's H. Sch, 3. Thro' binomial. Bath 1.4-0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1 . 3—0. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binom. theor. Berlin 1. 113—13. 2. S. &L. 3. To quadratics. 1. 22—0. 2. Milne's High Sch. 3. Thro' logarithms. Bethlehem — 1. 7-2. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 4—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' binomial. Bristol, 2 1.5—1. 2. Schultze. 3. Thro' quadratics. Canaan, 2 1. 11—2. 2. Wentworth's El. 3. To quadratics. Coe's 1.12—0. 2. No text. 3. To quadratics. 1. 2—0. 2. S.&L.Adv. 3. Thro' binomial. Colby t 1. 27— *11. 2. Hawkes-Touton. 3. Thro' fractions. 1.15—4. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' series. 1. 12—0. 2. McCurdy. [tions. 3. Thro' cont'd frac- Colebrook 1. 14—1. 2. Wentworth. 3. To quadratics. 1.15—2. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binomial. Conant(Jaffrey) 1. 7—0. 2. Wells' First Course. 3. To quadratics. 1.5—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' binomial. Concord, 5 1. 174—19. [Book. 2. Somerville, 1st 3. (1) Thro' factoring. 1. 147—15. 2.Ec. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 43—3. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. To logarithms. 36 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-1911. —Continued. Algebra II. Algebra III (Review). Concord, St. Mary' Epping Karmington . . Franklin, 5... ililnianton. 2 . Hampstead . 1.8-1. 2. Y. & J. 8. Thro' binomial and graphs. 1. 85—6. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.5—0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. To quadratics. 1.3—1. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1. 8—0. 2. D.&R. 3. To quadratics. 1. 18— *6. [mentary- 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. &~2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. (2) Thro' binomial. 1.34—8. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1.4—1. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. To quadratics. 1. 18—2. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.19— *7. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1.12—2. 2. .Somerville. 3. *To involution. 1. 3—0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' quadratics. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1. 34—0. 2. Schultze. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 2— *3. [Sch 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 5—0. 2. Y. & J. 3. Thro' binomial and graphs. 1. 6—0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binominal. 1. 37—0. [Sch 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.1—0. 2. Wells' Secondary andSchultze'sadv. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 39-2. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' binomial. 1.17—1. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 9—0. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 15—0. 2. Schultze. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 9-1. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. *Thro' quadratics. 1.1C— 2. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 16—2. 2. Somerville. 3. *To quadratics. 1.7—0. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' binomial. 1 . 12—2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial- 1.14—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro binomial. 37 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR 1910-1911.— Continued. Algebra HI (Review ). Holderness...t .IHYcrson Lebanon, West 1.11—1. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.12—3. [mentary. 2. Wentworth 's Ele- 3. To quadratics. 1.9—2. [Sen. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.*. [Touton. 2, Hawkes. Luby & 3. To quadratics. 1.14—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1. 19—2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1. 4— *2. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. To quadratics. 1.80—14. 2.Y. & J. 3. Thro' quadratics. 2. Collins. 3. Thro' quadratic; 1. 42—5. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 30—10. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. To quadratics. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1. 3—1. [Touton 2. Hawkes, Luby & 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.5—1. [Touton 2. Hawkes, Luby & 3. To quadratics. 1. 7— *3. [Sch 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 28—5. 2. At wood. 3. To quadratics. 1.8—0. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.9-0. 2. Wells' College. 3. (3) Thro' Theory of Equations. 1.30—0. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. To quadratics. 1.7—0. 2. Wentworth; Wells 3. Thro' quadratics. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 8—0. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. *Thro' quadratic: 1. 6-0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.3—0. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. *Thro' quadratics. 1.6—1. 2. Schultze. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.21-2. 2. R. & S. 3. (2) Thro' p'rmutat'ns & combinations. 1.14—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' binomial. 1.16—1. 2. Wells Higher. 3. Entire. 1.10—0. [lege. 2. Wentworth's Col- 3. Thro' logarithms. 1. 2-0. 2. S.&L. 3. Thro' series. 1. 4—0. 2. Milne's Academic. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.5—0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.14—0. 2. Wells' Adv. 3. Thro' binomial. 38 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-ign.— Continued. Alcebra III (Review). Manchester. Marlborough New Hampton Literary In stitutlon. Nute ( Milton Peterborough 1. 5-1. 2. Sehultze. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 175-32. 2. Ec. :;. Thro' quadratics. 1.9—1. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1.9—2. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1.107—11. [Sch 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.0—0. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- ::. To quadratics. 1.27—5. [Steps. 2. Wentworth's First 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.7—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. To quadratics. 1. 15-*9. 2. Wells' Essentials 3. To quadratics. 1. 11—2. 2. Well's Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1.17—4. [tary. 2. Schultze's Elemen- 3. To quadratics. 1.9— H. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. 1. 13-3. 2. Wentworth. 3. To quadratics. 1. 35— *24 [mentary 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 8—0. [Sch 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.121-2:;. 2. Wells' Essentials . Thro, binomial. 1.20—3 [mentary 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' logarithms. 1.9-0. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 10—0. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 50—0. 2. F. & S. 3. Thro' logarithms. 2. R. ct S. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.15-2. [Sch. 2. Wentworth's New 3. Thro' logarithms. 1.16—1. 2. Wells' Essentials. :;. Thro' binomial. 1. 11— 1. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' Theory o f Limits. 1.2—0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth New 3. Thro' logarithms. 1.16—4. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.15—1. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. Thro' binomial. l.S— 1. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.7—0. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial. 2. Wentworth'sElem'n- tary & McCurdy. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.11-0. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. Thro' logarithms. 39 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR iqio-iqii.— Continued. Algebra i. Algebra ii. Algebra III (Review). Plymouth 1. 31—5. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.21—0. 2. Milne's Academic. 3. Thro' binomial. Portsmouth . . . 1.85—16. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.31—3. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. Proctor 1. 21— *6. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. To quadratics. 1.12— *7. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.8-0. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' binomial. Raymond, 1... 1. 6—0. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. To quadratics. Robinson 1.37—6. .[Touton. 2. Hawkes.Luby & 3. Elements. 1. 16-2. 2. S.&L. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.6—0. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' binomial. Rochester — 1. 52— *19. 2. Wells' First Course. 3. To quadratics. 1. 13—0. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. Thro' binomial. St. Anselm's... 1. 22— *8. [plete 2. Wentworth's Com- 3. To quadratics. 1. 7— *3. 2. Wentworth. 3. Thro' quadratics. Sanborn 1. 18— *10. 2. Wentworth's Sen. 3. *To radicals. 1.26—6. 2. Wentworth's Sch. 3. To logarithms. Simonds (Warner) 1. 4— *3. 2. Well's First Course. 3. To quadratics. Somers worth.. 1. 21— *6. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 9-0. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. Higher equations. Stevens (Claremont) 1.34—2 [Touton. 2. Hawkes, Luby & 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 10—0. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial. Stratford 1.3—0. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. To quadratics (+). 1. 10 — 0. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' binomial. Sunapee, 2 1. 8-0. 2. Milne. 3. To quadratics. Tilton 1. 41— *12. (tary. 2. Schultze's Elemen- 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.28—2. [tary. 2. Schulze's Elemen- 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 25—1. [tary. 2. Schultze's Elemen- 3. Entire. Troy, 2 1. 12—2. 2. Schultze. 3. Thro' quadratics. Walpole 1. 8— *6. [mentary. 2. Wentworth's Ele- 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.3—0- [others. 2. Wentworth's El. & 3. *Thro' quadratics. 40 ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-lQU.— Continued. Algebra II. Algebra III (Review). Winchester . 1. 26—2. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1.18-2. 2. 8. &L. 3. Entire book. 1. 6— H. [mentary 2. Went worth 'sEle- 3. To quadratics. 1. 7—3. 2. Wentworth. 3. To quadratics. 2. Wells' Secondary. 3. Thro' quadratics. 1. 7—1. 2. Wells' Essentials. 3. Thro' binomial. 1.9-0. [Sch. 2. Wentworth 's New 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 6-0. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. Thro' logarithms. 1.4—1. 2. McCurdy. 3. Thro' binomial. 1. 8—1. 2. Wells' Secondary- 3. Thro' logarithms. Many pupils covered entire book, being allowed individual liberty. Omitting indeterminate equations, imaginary numbers, variation, inequali ties. (3) Binomial theorem for any exponent. (4) Myers' First Year Mathematics. About two thirds of text covering arithmet- ical, algebraic and geometric problems. One day per week mechanical drawing. Each pupil has done about 15 plates, mostly correlated with the geometric work of the main course, — some pupils much more. SUM MAR Y Pupils passed. Pupils failed. Per cent, failed. Algebra I Algebra II Algebra III 1,923 532 726 372 68 36 16 11 5 41 Geometry and Trigonometry. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. PT=Plane trigonometry. A=A11 original work. In ' ' ground covered ' ' in geometry, several different texts are used, but the scope is reduced to the equivalent of Went worth, — plane geometry, five books, and solid geome- try, three books. standard requirements. Plane geometry. Five books of plane geometry, as set forth in the texts of Wentworth or Wells, or equivalent texts. Not less than four hundred original exercises in Courses I, II and III combined. Not less than three hundred should be worked in Course I, or in Courses I and II, in those schools in which plane geometry is covered in two courses. Solid geometry. The text of Wentworth or Wells, or the equivalent complete, with not less than one hundred original exercises. Trigonometry. Texts as above indicated, or the equiv- alent. Theory of functions, solution of plain triangles, use of logarithmic and trigonometric tables in the solution of problems. 42 o s On S •p.a>iAO.) imnojf) ■pairej sndnj siidnj •pejoAo.) s>[uuvi siidrij ■poJ.IAll.) S>[<><>$[ •peiraj sncinj ■SIBUI3U0 ■pAI.lAO.) S>|(IOVI •paiiuj slicing •p9ss«d siiclnj •siuuiSijo •p9J9AO0 S>[< ><>;.[ sndnj s g ^ -r c = -X I- i- — — — r — "* ^- oo oo c i - - r = i - = -.-. s- oc o o o o ti :t -^ :: ri n :: ?i 1-104 -^ -^ u lOiOlOOiOiAlCl I O r-t O O O O O OO O C lr-< lOOS 0> > - CO Tl-Mr o ic Lr: ri i.c 1- l- i-t i-t Lt i- ic >~ ic '^ .— 10 i.t »-t ic ic ltho MOMnOOXOCOr<»eOriOOHHriO'*OOf > = ice ^ ci -1 eo : (MrlHCi lO i-l OS rH 43 •1:11 | || S Cm' Oh' _,' i,' PkPn Ch' Pm Ph' CuCm" o o o o o OCO O o o ©ri 01 '--"■-5 S :: r i t - l- CM tO CO en 1 CO rH rH CO CSI ■» to O CM CM CO CM 03 O 00 to j: -. 01 HtJtO^CUtCp- toco >|l»)',I •pen'Bj sndiitj siidnj ■SI13UISIJO O OH H 1 I- Ot TT - i§ §§ 8 Slls 1 o o o o cnt •S[mn3uo •p..aOA().) <>|<>o;| ■p9[in.l S]idn[om;.j - o c i- o c w r — -c ;_; --i — , I =■: •passed spdnj 113 ;£-°MS.5oo 45 Advanced Algebra and Arithmetic. Academic year 11)10- ID 11. Abbreviations. See also page 5. l=Pupils passed and failed. 3=Extent of work. 2=Text. Com==Commercial. S&M=Stone & ]\Iillis. . M&M=Moore & Miner. W&R=Williams & Rogers. S&A=Sensenig & Anderson. Y&J= Young & Jackson. STANDARD requirements. No standard requirements have been outlined. The work of each school is passed upon individually. 46 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-ign- Marlborough . 2. (1) Castle's Prac. Math. 3. 16 chapters. 1.24—0. 2. Wells' Higher. 3. Thro' solution of higher equations. 1. 3-0. 2. Sehultze. 3. Thro' higher equations. 1.3—0. 2. Wells' College. 3. Thro' determinants. 1.4—0. 2. Hawkes Adv. 3. Complete. 1.5-0. 2. Hawkes. 3. Thro' Theory of Equations. 1.4-0. 2. Wells' Academic. 3. (2) Thro' Theory of Equations. (1) Special work in the study of gears. Mech. Arts seniors. (2) Also some elementary work in analytic geometry. SUMMARY. No. passed. No. failed. Per cent, failed. 50 47 ARITHMETIC. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-igu. 2. Wentworth. 3. Complete. 1 . 20-0. 2. M.& M. 3. hi part. Appleton I 1. Colby Franklin, 5. >. M. ct M. :;. Complete. 1.5—1. 2. M.& M. 3. Complete. 1. 4—0. 2. Wentworth. 3. Complete. (1). 1. 3—0. 2. Wentworth's Adv. 3. To logarithms. 1.6—0. 2. S.&A. [problems. 3. Simple processes and many farm 1. 9-2. 2. Mcintosh. 3. Entire with supplementary work. 1. 42—3. 2. Wentworth. 3. Complete. (Arithmetic.) 1.119-30. 2. Nichols. 3. Thro' Involution and Evolution. (Commercial Arithmetic.) 1. 31— *11. 2. M. & M. 3. Thro' taxes. 1.9-0. 2. Moore. 3. Entire. 1. 8—0. 2. Moore. 3. Entire. 1. 5—0. 2. Moore. 3. Entire. 1.14—0. 2. Moore's Com. 3. Business processes. 48 ARITHMETIC. ACADEMIC YEAR igw-igu. — Continued. 1. 5—0. 2. Wentworth's High Sch. 3. Entire. 1.11—1. 2. W. & R. 3. Complete. 1. 16—1. 2. Went worth's Adv. 3. Thro' powers and roots. 1. 10—0. 2. Wentworth's High Sch. 3. Entire with supplementary work. 1.3—1. 2. M.&M. 3. Entire. 1. 5—0. 2. W. & R. 3. Entire. Hillsborough 4-0. Moore . Entire with supplementary work. 13—7. M.&M. Entire. Wentworth's Adv. Entire. 13—3. Milne. Review. Lebanon. West 3—0. Milne. Completed. 3S— 5. . Moore. . Complete. .4—1. . S. ct M. . 140 pp. IS— 2. Moore. To proportion. S. & M. Entire. 5-0. M. & M. Nearly complete. 4!) ARITHMETIC. ACADEMIC YEAR iqio-iqii. — Continued. 1. 1— 0. 2. M. & M. ::. Entire. Lisbon 2. Wentworth's Adv. ■!. Review of important processes. McGaw 2. M. & M. ::. Entire: 2. M. & M. 3. Thro' insurance and taxes. Milford 2. Moore. 3. Review of important processes. 2. Moore. 3. Complete. 1. 29—6. •J. Moore. 3.250 pp. with supplementary work. 1.9-0. 2. Milne. 3. Entire book. . New Hampton : 1. 33 — 6. j 2. Wentworth's Adv. 3. Thro' powers and roots. Peterborough Plymouth I 2. Wentworth's Adv. 3. Thro' powers and roots. 1. 7—1. 2. Wentworth. 3. Complete. 1.6-*4. 2. M. & M. 3. Entire. 1. 16—1. 2. M. & M. 3. Nearly complete. 1. 15-0. 2. M. & M. 3. Entire. 1.13— *5. 2. W. & R. 3. Complete. 1.42-9. 2. Moore. 3. Entire. 50 ARITHMETIC. ACADEMIC YEAR igio-igu. — Continued. Proctor 1.6-0. 2. M. & M. 3. 'Addition to interest. Rochester 1.17— 1. 2. M. & M. 3. Complete. St, Anselm's 1.5—1. 2. Moore — New Com. 3. Complete. 1. 6—0. 2. M. & M. 3. 29 ch. Simonds (Warner) .. .- 1.9— *3. 2. M. & M. 3. Entire. 1. 13—0. 2. M. & M. 3. To exchange. 1. 11—1. 2. Moore. 3. Complete. Stratford 1.8-0. 2. Wentworth's Practical. 3. Entire with supplementary work. 1. 5—0. 2. M. & M. 3. Nearly complete. Tilton 1. 10—4. 2. Moore. 3. Complete. VValpolc 1.3—0. 2. Y. & J. 3. Entire. Whitefield 1. 9—1. 2. Milne's Standard. 3. Complete. Woodstock, 2 % 1. 7—3. 2. W. & R. 3. To " Partial Payments." (1) In connection with bookkeeping I. SUMMARY. No. failed. Per cent, failed. 51 Physics and Chemistry. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. Ph ysics. Chemistry. A=Avery. B=Brownlee. Cr=Culler. C&D=Clark & Dennis. C&C=Carhart & Chute. G=Godfrey. G=Gage. H&S=Hessler & Smith. Gn=Gorton. M&H=McPherson & Hen- Gy=Godfrey. derson. H=H'oadley. N=Newell. Hn=Higgins. P=Peters. H&W=Henderson & Wood- R=Remsen. hull. "W=Williams. H&B=Hall & Bergen. M&G=Milliken & Gale. W&H=Went worth & Hill. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Physics. (1) The elementary principles of mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity, as outlined in approved texts. (2) Not less than forty experiments from approved list worked out by individual pupils and recorded in note- books. (3) Illustration of principles by calculations in sufficient number to adequately cover the groand. No mini- mum number has as yet been set by the department; at- tention to calculation is taken into account in determining approval or reapproval of school. Chemistry. (1) Study of standard text, the same subject to approval of department. (2) Not less than fifty illustra- tive experiments to be worked out in the laboratory by each pupil and results recorded in note-books. (3) Chemical computations sufficient in number and character to insure the exact comprehension of the principles taught, subject to the same conditions as for physics, above indicated. 52 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. igio-igii. ACADEMIC YEAR Physics. Chemistry. •6 S » 3 a, t3 '3 - 'S s g 6 1 ft a> 6 A •6 .'I i »:.l si!iulna go" g*d«d ^i^^fi - = = i— r = - c c: r - — . o i- — . -■ = o W HH HK C o °3o go o o o o o oo o-. 1^ CO o •SuipBOJ iBiojenoo ^KSKSSSs'SS|sSSSS sssjw« •peipsj sn<3n -* co 1-1 o :o c x — : SS; rH r^OOt o u-o H H BHH« W CW W X X X X X w wwww XXX www X X X X X XX WHWWWWW XX WW W o X * W X w iA >. >-. id s4 o hij < o ooocn OOCl CNOO^Nr-i OCI CO rH oo (N S M g 383^8 OOOOl r-j CN 10 X X 6 X X X X X X X X X d X ^ M X X X X d o HWOWWWWWWWWWOW K WWW wwo* x x X x ^6? WWWW WWO* XoX X W* WW CO XXXXXXoXXXXX-JXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXpXXl SSSSKSCS^iiiJ-HSSHa fcKWWWWWW WWW* W* WW 'OOOffiCII^TOrHOTj. MOr^KO: 5 to tN o '-O o ' IHHHHfl'HCflKri occcicoon ;£ T, ?i 'S I ° a * ■*- o 2 64 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Ancient History. From beginnings in Egypt and Tigro- Euphrates valley to Charlemagne, 800 A. D. Medieval and Modern. From foundation of empire of Charlemagne to recent European history. English History. From Roman conquest to recent. Advanced United States History. Study of constitu- tional and economic development suited to the age of high school seniors. Most schools fulfill the statutory require- ment for the study of the constitutions of the United States and New Hampshire in this way. It is expected that all history courses will be pursued with due regard to extensive historical reading and to the study of the inter-relations of geography and history. For this purpose, a school not provided with adequate historical collateral reading will be held to be not properly equipped Avithin the meaning of the law. Specifications are furnished by this office. In case the local public library is so situated as to be able to furnish the necessary books, the school will be considered to be properly equipped. 65 Stenograph? \m> Typewriting. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. A=Andersori. G=Gregg. B— Bates-Torrey. Gm==Graham. C=Chandler. P=Pitman. D=Dement. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Stenography. At the end of the final course pupils must be able to take dictation on new matter accurately at the rate of one hundred words per minute. Typewriting. At the end of the final course the pupil is expected to be able to transcribe his own shorthand notes at the rate of thirty words per minute. This standard is subject to change, upward. 66 STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. ACADEMIC YEAR ipio-igii. Stenography I. Stenography II. Typewriting. e o CD 1 ^ . -d >d -d S -o to CO -d to en u t3 ■a g o Pi 8) & 1 as as a -S 2 CD S to " fi 03 0) to cc O to u a* a a p, a a a CL, fu CO Ph Ch CO •A fi. < -< lfi 1 p. in P 103 43 n 3 28 Colby G. 4 G. 110 8 i 2 50 Oolebrook 9 3 P. 3 P. *97 10 2 30 19 12 C. P. 13 9 C. P. 101 100 29 9 3 2 3 33 Dover 35 Dow 2 1 P. 9 P. 100 10 ■M 30 Hillsborough 4 P. 4 C. 100 8 3 30 Keene IS 1 G. 14 1 G. 110 19 S>* 35 Lancaster 12 n B. 2 B. 110 16 *5 3 52 6 n Gm. 3 Gm. 100 13 2 32 12 92 i 5 D. G. 3 108 D. G. 108 105 16 206 3 3 25 Manchester 40 Nashua 15 3 P. 8 P. 125 48 3 4 40 New Hampton 4 D. 9 4 35 Penacook 5 1 G. — 6 3 30 Pinkerton 11 1 A. 4 (t A. *80 16 31-5 35 Plymouth 3 P. 1 P. 100 4 U 30 Portsmouth 21 ?. P. 15 P. 100 13 3 27 Proctor 2 Gm. *80 8 1 Rochester 9 P. 8 P. 100 17 5 27 Simonds (Warner). . . . 2 P. 1 1-6 30 Stevens (Olaremont)... 5 P. 4 P. 100 9 2 46 Tilton 9 P. — 9 (1) 18 Totals "XS 19 9 24 1 52? M Percent, failed ... fi .4 3 Averages 1021 2.6 36 (1) End of one year. 67 Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Commercial and Industrial History. Academic year 1910-1911. Abbreviations. See also page 5. Ex Oe R=See History. B=Bly. B&G=Bly & Gano. B-M=Bobbs-Merrill. B&S=Bryant & Stratton. E=Ellis. G=Gano. G&W=Gano & Williams. G-M=Goodyear-Marshall. H=Huffcut. M=Meservey. M&M=Moore & Miner. N&C=Neal & Cragin. R=Richardson. S-R=Sadler-Rowe. T&B=Tiller & Brown. W=White. Wr=Webster. W&R= Williams & Rogers. 20th=20th Century Book- keeping. No general standard requirement has been established. <) 5 < k ^ In o '3aip?ai [luej'uiio,) Xq(I-BlS083 pairej siianj sydn.i •passed s[uln,i g . I C I ; « •paipms v, y. WW W HfiS w WW B ■pasu jxox OS ej a^c w *i6 ca o pairej siidna o o = c z o oo " •passed sydnj r "" H ^ - -; a =3 pa'=a i- o h COO' £a> mggga a^ £ OMO.riONIOOOOO^ri^L-J HClO:0OCI MOOOOOOtNOOCO JOO. >-i -_2 x^; i- >r. >r. :: n ri ?i ^ >_- i- r: -z ;i on tj; ch oc of oicc nc x -£ r 1 1 - g S S^ P g^ ....igg j o c • 3£! O ' swotfd 5^iii!iillf s iiiilifi3!iiii|iii J^H3^W(^i^f5J^&(pHP4DHP<&HPHWa3tC3Qajcocca3HI?l> O . t , ' • ; fe:^ ; ■■ : V-.:- ! : .- ( --':v'-'V. ■;'f..v,::^;-,;.>;;.v •■.■,•.-..,■■-.<'- - . ',■■■'.'■;;■■<-■ ' , .'■■■' , ;■ ;■-:'•;■•.■• • X,. .^.," ■•.... . : ...; ■,.■.■■■'.■.•... :v,^% ■■'■■■■,:■ '- ,- : v-' ...-"' " . ■■■ " ' : ' ! VVi;i 5Ls l ' v • -. •■ i .■■■,■ • ; ... ."r- .-fiv;v ...'"v /' : ... . • :.r>-; : '- , ;,'•;' '■„ ..■..,'■ * ,-,-,-. • r ', '• :. 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