T J aw B4T Class _Til2.M CopghtN" COPYRIGHT DEPOSm J NOTE S ON MACHINE DESIGM BY • / CHARLES H. BENJAMIN, M. E, PROFESSOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, CASE SCHOOL. OF APPLIED SCIENCE. }^-. I SECOND EDITION. * • • • < • • • • • COPYRIGHTED • • • • ' • -» • CLEVELAND : ChARI^ES H. HOI^MES, PUBI.ISHER, 2303 EUCI.ID AvBw 1902. T3" zi o THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Oni Oopy Reccivco FEB. 24 1902 CofrrmoHT rwtry C1LAS$ ^ XXc No. OOPY B. m « • « « ©xjrnt^nt^* OHARTER 7. Page. Units used. Materials, properties and strength. Nota- tion. Formulas. Constants of cross-sections. Formulas for loaded beams 3 CHAPTER 2, General principles governing the design of frames and supports 12 CHAPTER 3. Stationary Machine Members: Thin and thick shells. Steam, gas and water pipe. Cast-iron steam cylinders. Flat plates. Machine frames. i6 CHAPTER 4. Springs : Tension and compression. Torsion. Flat or leaf springs 31 CHAPTER a. Fastenings: Bolts and nuts. Riveted joints. Joint pins and cotters. 39 CHAPTER e, S1.1DING Bearings: General rules. Angular slides. Gibbed slides. Flat slides. Circular guides. Stuffing-boxes .... . r^*-, . 53 CHAPTER 7. jouRNAi^, Pivots and Bearings : Adjustment, Lubrication. Friction. I/imits of pressure. Heating. Strength and stiffness. Caps and bolts. Friction of pivots. Conical pivot. Schiele's pivot. Collar bearings. 61 CHARTER 8. Bai.1. and R01.1.ER Bearings: General principles. Journal and step ball bearings. Materials and wear. Design. Roller bearings. Hyatt rollers. Roller steps 76 CHARTER a. Shafting, Couplings and Hangers : Strength of shafting. Couplings. Coupling bolts and keys. Hangers and boxes 83 CHARTER JO. Gears, Pui.i.evs and Fi.y-WheeivS. Gear teeth. Proportions and strength. Experimental data. Teeth of bevel gears. Rim and arms. Safe speed for wheels. Bursting of fly-wheels. Rims of gears 91 CHARTER n. Transmission by Bei.ts and Ropes. Friction of belting. Strength of belting. Rules for horse -power. Centrifugal tension. Manila rope trans- mission. Rules and tables. Wire rope transmission. . . 112 preface to ^jeconif @Mtf xtn. In presenting this book no claim is made of ^^, originality of subject matter, as nearly every ^ thing in it can be found elsewhere. The object in preparing the book was to gather together in small compass the more simple formulas for the strength and stiffness of machine parts, with an explanation of the principles involved, and with such tables and general information as the designer of machinery might find useful. The book pre-supposes an acquaintance with math- ematics and the laws of the strength of materials. In short, the aim has been to put the mathematical principles of macnine design in a compact form at a moderate price for the use of the student and the young engineer. In revising the text for a second edition some additions have been made to the physical constants in tables I and II as the result of recent experiments. Experimental data obtained by the author in the labor- atories of the school have also been added, notably those in regard to iron and steel pulleys, belts, fly wheels, gear teeth, ball bearings, and the friction of steam packings. The author wishes to acknowledge the great assist- ance given him by Mr. J. Verne Stanford in the preparation of drawings for the cuts in this edition. (S^haptev I* UNITS AND TABLES. 1. Units. In this book the following units will be used unless otherwise stated. Dimensions in inches. Forces in pounds. Stresses in pounds per square inch. Velocities in feet per second. Work and energy in foot pounds. Moments in pounds inches. Speeds of rotation in revolutions per minute. The word stress will be used to denote the resist- ance of material to distortion per unit of sectional area. The word strain will be used to denote the distortion of a piece per unit of length. The word set will be used to denote total permament distortion of a piece. In making calculations the use of the slide-rule and of four-place logarithms is recommended ; accuracy is expected only to three significant figures. 2. Materials. The principal materials used in machine construction are given in the following tables with the physical characteristics of each. By wrougt iron is meant commercially pure Iron which has been made from molten pig-iron by the puddling process and then squeezed and rolled, thus developing the fiber. This iron has been largely sup- planted by soft steel. In making steel, on the other hand, the molten iron has had the silicon and carbon removed by a hot blast, either passing through the liquid as in the Bes- semer converter, or over its surface as in the open-hearth furnace. A suitable quantity of carbon and manganese has then been added and the metal poured into ingot molds. If the steel is then reheated and passed throu g h 4 MACHINE DESIGNo a series of rolls, structural steel and rods or rails result. Steel castings are poured directly from the open iiearth furnace and allowed to cool without any draw- ing or rolling. They are coarser and more crystalline than the rolled steel. Open hearth steel is generally used for boiler plates and of these, two grades are commonly known as marine steel and flange steel. Bessemer steel is largely used in the manufacture of rails for steam and electric roads. Crucible steel usually contains from one to one and a half per cent of carbon, is relatively high priced and only used for cutting tools. It is made by melting steel in an air tight crucible with the proper additions of carbon and manganese. Cast iron is ma^e directly from the pig by remelt- ing and casting, is granular in texture and contains from two to five per cent, of carbon. A portion of the carbon is chemically combined with the iron while the remainder exists in the form of graphite. The harder and whiter the iron the more carbon is found chemi- cally combined. Silicon is an important element in cast iron and influences the rate of cooling. The more slowly iron cools after melting the more graphite forms and the softer the iron. Malleable iron is cast iron annealed and partially de- carbonized by being heated in an annealing oven in con- tact with some oxidising material such as haematite ore. This process makes the iron tougher and less brittle All castings including those made from alloys are somewhat unreliable on account of hidden flaws and of the strains developed by shrinkage while cooling. The constants for strength and elasticity are only fair average values, and should be determined for an^ special material by direct experiment when it is prac- ticable. Many of the constants are not given in the table on account of the lack of reliable data for their determination. MACHINE DESIGN. c^ ^ CO CO f-t- LO $ s 5 cS" 0) CD CD -^ -^ -n CD o !-*■ SL A o o o 3" c c c o 5" CD s s 3 0) F OQ 3- 0~t- OQ ^ c •<: ^-~ -^ 3 ^^ ^— ^_ 3 a;' CO p 3' (fQ CD CD o p O 3 o 3 Q- "O TJ "D Oi O^ o H p o CD * CD OP CD 3 2- o Ol • oT o_ ta • • o • ~~' ; o I ; OQ • 0* * • : D* • • • : * ! OQ • • • • • CO • > to 00 *. I '. I : to 00 3- • 00 m 4^ 00 : '. : I : 4^ 00 ??^^ ^ o o o O O O CD * r- o o o O o O a> CO o o o o o -X H r* m On 4i- 04 ^ c /O »0 (0 to CD —' /s» o La c-a O A p^ (0 U\ oo iJ: 3 0) 3 3 c/> CO — • ^ o O O o o Oa o o o O o o O o o o' • o' 3 o o o o o O o o -iJO s • • o 4^ o • • • • o o o o o o CD 4^ c^ to to to to to to ;;;^?i? ^ o o 00 -^ 00 La Ol ON o o o o O o o CD 0) O -^ CO _ o CO ^^ O 3^ o o o o O o o o o o o O o o OQ—^ o o o o o O o o o o o o o O o o . v<" CO o o o o O o o MACHINE DESIGN. . 1 w >> Modulu of Elastici Tension c c • c c I 00 On 10 C • ^ kW to M - 1— 1 ^ o 3 « 2 -J »- %^ c c 13 *■♦" "^ W o 3-2 CO ; CO ^ Qdl- . .0 . last innil ens N VO 00 ^ M M >H w H- UJ »J h- • c C3 c • 0) c CO c- -£: i-O M '^ CO _l CO M rf cs Tf < "So c w UJ 0) c c > ^ (75 c c > CL c c ) E IJ^ 10 W 10 c > c^ CO h- t—t CO CO M CS c^ T 00 to N rf cT" to T i- ~"ON~ -J en > U- ^ -t to CO ' to to : to < 1- . -c '"v3"~ ~C^~ ^ c ^ : C^ VO 10 00 oi c Q_ ui CO bJ) c c cc c i ^ CO CO § C c C3 "go CO a ) 2 r oT CL 6 E c £ C CO CO CO m C c c C ) DC J N c ) 00 N C E < 'e < MACHINE DESIGN. 7 3. Notation. Let S = Stress per square inch, W== Total load applied in pounds. M = Bending moment in pounds inches. T = Twisting moment in pounds inches. b = Breadth of cross -section in inches. h=: Depth of cross-section in inches. d = Diameter of circular section in inches. A=Area of cross-section in square inches. l=Ivength of piece in inches. I = Rectangular moment of inertia. J = Polar moment of inertia. c = Half depth of beam or shaft in inches. r= Radius of gyration of section in inches. — = Section modulus for bending. —= Section modulus for twisting. 4. Formulas. Simple Stress. Tension, compression or shear, S=-t- (i) Be7iding under Transverse Load, SI General equation, M= — (2) Rectangular section, M= — - — (3) Rectangular section, bh^= — - — (4) Sd^ Circular section, M= (s) ' 10^2 ^^^ Circular section, ' d=3 r^-^^ (5) Torsion or Twisting, S T General equation, T=— ^ (7) 8 MACHINE DESIGN. Sd^ 5-1 -n S.I s d^-d,* ..(8) .(9) .(id) Circular section, T Circular section, d Hollow circular section, Other values of — and — may be taken from Table 4. c c Combined Bending and Twisting, Calculate shaft for a twisting moment, T^=M + n/M' + T' (11) Column subject to Bending, W Use Rankine's formula, -^= i+q r (12) The values of r^ may be taken from Table IV. The subjoined table gives the average values of q, while S is the compressive strength of the material. TABLE III,— Values of q in formula 12. Material. Both ends fixed. Fixed and round. Both ends round. Fixed and free. Timber Cast Iron Wrought Iron... Steel I 1.78 3000 1.78 5000 1.78 36000 1.78 25000 4 16 3000 t6 5000 16 36000 16 25000 3000 I 3000 4 5000 5000 4 36000 4 25000 36000 I 25000 MACHINE DESIGN. 9 In this formula, as in all such, the values of the constants should be determined for the material used by direct experiment if possible. W 1 Or use straight line formula, -r- =S-— k — (12a) A r TABLE Ilia. — Values of S and k in fornnula (12a). (Memman's Mechanics of Materials.) Kind of Column. S k Limit — r Wrought Iron : Flat ends 42000 42000 42000 52500 52500 52500 80000 80000 80000 5400 128 157 203 179 220 284 438 537 693 28 218 178 138 195 159 123 122 99 77 128 Hinp'ed ends Round ends Mild Steel : Flat ends Hinged ends Round ends Cast Iron : Flat ends Hinged ends , Round ends Oah : Flat ends See also Carnegie's Pocket Companion (pp. 129, 147 and 152) for applications of these formulas. For values of — less than 90 mild steel columns are calculated for direct compression. lO MACHINE DESIGN. TABLE IV.— CONSTANTS OF CROSS-SECTION. Form of Square of Moment Section Polar Tortion Section Radius of of Mod'lus Moment ModUm and Area Gyration. Inertia I of Iner- J A r' I=Ar^ c tia. J c Rect'ngle bh 12 bh2 12 bh2 6 bh»H- bh3 bh3 + b^h 12 ^v/ba2th2 Square d^ d2 12 d* 12 d3 6 d^ 6 d3 4.24 Hollow Rect'ngle or I-beam bh3-b,h? bh3-bihf bh3-blhf (12bh-bihi) 12 6h bh— b,h, Circle d2 Trd^ d3 7rd4 d3 'd. 16 64 10.2 32 5.1 4 ' Hollow Circle -^(d.-dD d2+ df i6 7r(d^-dt) d^-df 10.2d 7r(d4-df) d^-df 5.1 d 64 32 Ellipse %b 4 a2 16 7rba3 64 ba2 10.2 TTba' + ab^ ba3- ab3 64 10.2 a Values of I and J for more complicated sections can be worked out from those in table, MACHINE DESIGN. I*: TABLE V.-FORMULAS FOR LOADED BEAMS. Beams of Uniform Cross-section. Maxi- mum Moment M Maxi- mum Deflec- tion A Cantilever, load at end Cantilever uniform load Wl Wl 2 Wl 4 Wl 8 3W1 i6 Wl 8 Wl 8 Wl 12 Wl 2 WV 3E1 Wl' 8EI WV 48Ei 5WI' 384 E I .0182 WP Ei .0054Wr Simple beam, load at middle Simple beam, uniform load Beam fixed at one end, supported at other, load at middle Beam fixed at one end, supported at other, uniform load Ei WV 192 Ei WV 384 Ei WV "l"2El Beam fixed at both ends, load at middle , Beam fixed at both ends, uniform load Beam fixed at both ends, load at one end, (pulley arm) The maximum deflection of cantilevers and beams of uniform strength is greater than when the cross- section is uniform, fifty per cent, greater if the breadth varies, and one hundred per cent greater if the depth varies. FRAME DESIGNS. 5. General Principles. The working or moving- parts should be designed first and the frame adapted to them. The moving parts can be first arranged to give the motions and velocities desired, special attention being paid to compactness and to the convenience of the operator. Novel and complicated mechanisms should be avoided and the more simple and well tried devices used. Any device which is new should be first tried in a working model before being introduced in the design. The dimensions of the working parts for strength and stiffness must next be determined and the design for the frame completed. This may involve some modification of the moving parts. In designing any part of the machine, the metal must be put in the line of stress and bending avoided as far as possible. Straight lines should be used for the outlines of pieces exposed to tension or compression, circular cross sections for all parts in tortion, and curves of uniform stress for pieces subjected to bending action. Superfluous metal must be avoided and this ex- cludes all ornamentation as such. There should be a good practical reason for every pound of metal in the machine. It may be sometimes necessary to waste metal in order to save labor in finishing, and in general the aim should be to save labor at the expense of the stock. It is thus necessary for the designer to be familiar with all the shop processes as well as the principles of MACHINE DESIGN. 1 3 strength and stability. The usual tendency in design, especially of cast iron work, is towards unnecessary weight. All corners should be rounded for the comfort and convenience of the operator, no cracks or sharp inter- nal angles left where dirt and grease may accumulate, and in general special attention should be paid to so designing the machine that it may be safely and con- veniently operated, that it may be easily kept clean, and that oil holes are readily accessible. The appearance of a machine in use is a key to its working condition. Polished metal should be avoided on account of its tendency to rust, and neither varnish nor bright colors tolerated. The paint should be of some neutral tint and have a dead finish so as not to show scratches or dirt. Beauty is an element of machine design, but it can only be attained by legitimate means which are appro- priate to the material and the surroundings. Beauty is a natural result of correct mechanical construction but should never be made the object of design. Harmony of design may be secured by adopting one type of cross-section and adhering to it through- out, never combining cored or box sections with ribbed sections. In cast pieces the thickness of metal should be uniform to avoid cooling strains, and for the same reason sharp corners should be absent. When aper- tures are cut in a frame either for core-prints or for lightness, the hole or aperture should be the symetrical figure, and not the metal that surrounds it, to make the design pleasing to the eye. Machine design has been a process of evolution. The earher types of machines were built before the general introduction of cast iron frames and had frames made of wood or stone, paneled, carved and decorated as in cabinet or architectural designs. When cast iron frames and supports were first introduced they were made to imitate wood and stone 14 MACHINE DESIGN. construction, so that in the earher forms we find panels, moldings, gothic traceries and elaborate decorations of vines, fruit and flowers, the whole covered with con- trasting colors of paint and varnished as carefully as a piece of furniture for the drawing-room. Relics of this transition period in machine architecture may be seen in almost every shop. One man has gone down to pos- terity as actually advertising an upright drill designed in pure Tuscan. 6. Machine Supports. The fewer the number of supports the better. Heavy frames, as of large engines, lathes, planers, etc., are best made so as to rest directly on a masonry foundation. Short frames as those of shapers, screw machines and milling machines, should have one support of the cabinet form. The use of a cabinet at one end and legs at the other is offensive to the eye being inharmonious. If two cabinets are used provision should be made for a cradle or pivot at one end to prevent twisting of the frame by an uneven foimdation. The use of intermediate supports is always to be condemned, as it tends to make the frame conform to the inequalities of the floor or foundation on what has been aptly termed the ' 'caterpillar principle' ' . A distinction must be made between cabinets or supports which are broad at the base and intended to be fastened to the foundation, and legs similar to those of a table or chair. The latter are intended to simply rest on the floor, should be firmly fastened to the machine and should be larger at the upper end where the great- est bending moment will come. The use of legs instead of cabinets is an assumption that the frame is stiff enough to withstand all stresses that come upon it, unaided by the foundation, and if that is the case intermediate supports are unnecessary. Whether legs or cabinets are best adapted to a cer- tain machine the designer must determine for himself. Where two supports or pairs of legs are necessary under a frame, it is best to have them set a certain distance from the ends, and make the overhanging part MACHINE DESIGN. 1 5 of the frame of a parabolic form, as this divides up the bending moment and allows less deflection at the center. Trussing a long cast-iron frame with iron or steel rods is objectionable on account of the difference in expan- sion of the two metals and the liabihty of the tension nuts being tampered with by workmen. The sprawling double curved leg which originated in the time of Louis XIV and which has served in turn for chairs, pianos, stoves and finally for engine lathes is wrong both from a practical and aesthetic standpoint. It is incorrect in principle and is therefore ugly. Exercise i. — Apply the foregoing principles in making a written criticism of some engine or machine frame and its supports. (S^lfaptev 3* STATIONARY MACHINE MEMBERS, Thin Shells Fig. I Let Fig. I represent a section of a thin shell, like a boiler shell, exposed to an inter- nal pressxH-e of p pounds per' sq. inch. Then, if we consider any diameter B AB, will the total upward pressure on upper half of the shell balance the total downward pressure on the lower half and tend to separate the shell at A and B by tension. I^t d= diameter of shell in inclies. r=radius of shell in inches. 1= length of shell in inches. t= thickness of shell in inches. S= tensile strength of material. Draw the radial line CP to represent the pressure on the element P of the surface. Area of element at P=lrd(? Total pressure on element =plrd<^. Vertical pressm-e on element =plr sin 6d0. Total vertical pressure on APB=^ I plr sin 6d6--—2plT The area to resist tension at A and B=2tl and its total strength = 2 tlS. Equating the pressure and the resistance 2tlS = 2plr pr_pd t = 2S (13) MACHINE DESIGN. 1 7 The total pressure on the end of cyUnder==:rr^p and the resistance of a circular ring of metal to this pressiu:e=27rrtS 2:rrSt=:7rr'p t- PL-Pi fTA^ Therefore a shell is twice as strong in this direc- tion as in the other. Notice that this same formula would apply to spherical shells. In calculating the pressure due to a head of water equals h, the following formula is useful: p=o.434h (15) exampi.es. 1 . A cast-iron water pipe is 1 2 inches in diameter and the metal is .45 inches thick. What would be the factor of safety, with an internal pressure due to a head of water of 250 feet? 2. What would be the stress caused by bending due to weight, if the pipe in Ex. i were full of water and 24 feet long, the ends being merely supported? 3. A standard lap- welded steam pipe, 8 inches in nominal diameter is 0.32 inches thick and is tested with an internal presstue of 500 pounds per sq. inch. What is the bursting pressure and what is the factor of safety above the test pressure, assuming 8=40000? 7. Thick Shells. There are several formulas for thick cylinders and no one of them is entirely satis- factory. It is however generally admitted that the tensile stress in such a cyhnder caused by internal pres- sure is greatest at the inner circumference and dimin- ishes according to some law from there to the exterior of the shell. This law of variation is expressed differ- ently in the different formulas. Barlow's Formulas. Here the cylinder diameters are assumed to increase under the pressure, but in such a way that the volume of metal remains constant. Experiment has proved that in extreme cases this last assumption is incorrect. Within the limits of ordinary 18 MACHINE DESIGN. TABLE VI.— WROUGHT IRON WELDED TUBES, For Steam, Gas or Water. y^ to 14 inclusive, butt-welded, tested to 300 lbs. per sq. inch hyraulic pressure. I ^/i inch and upwards, lap-welded, tested to 500 lbs. per sq. inch hydraulic pressure. o S n' 0) W- O p Pa 0) g' ^ P tf> (V P- P P- 0) ?- 2 p s ^ 0) •-t * w o W n O) P p. w w P-* (T) P 74. 3/8 1/ I 2 2^ 3 3'A 4 4^ 4 6 7 8 9 10 .40 •27 .24 27 ■54 •36 •42 18 .67 •49 •56 18 .84 .62 •85 14 1,05 .82 1. 12 14 I-3I I 04 1.67 11^ 1.66 138 2.25 11% 1.90 1. 61 2.69 11^ 2-37 2 06 3.66 ii'A 2.87 2,46 577 8 3-50 3.06 7^54 8 400 3-54 9-05 8 450 4.02 10 72 8 5.00 450 12.49 8 5-56 504 1456 8 6.62 606 18.77 8 7.62 7.02 2341 8 8.62 7.98 28.35 8 9.68 9.00 3407 8 10.75 10.01 40.64 8 .0572 .1018 .1886 .3019 .5281 .8495 1.4956 2.0358 33329 47329 7-3529 9.8423 12.6924 15-9043 199504 28.8426 387048 50.0146 63.6174 80.1186 MACHINE DESIGN. I9 practice it is, however, approximately true. Let d^ and d^ be the interior and exterior diam- eters in inches and let t=-^ be the thickness. 2 lyCt 1 be the length of cylinder in inches. Let Si and Sg be the stresses in lbs. per sq. inch at inner and outer circumferences. Then it may be proved that or the stresses vary inversely as the squares of the cor- responding diameters. Integrating, the total stress on the area 2tl is found to be ^='^^'^i (^) Equating this to the pressure which tends to produce rupture, pdl, where p is the internal unit pressure, 2S t there results : * P=^i — r — (16) di+ 2t ^ Lame"s Formula, — In this discussion each particle of the metal is supposed to be subjected to radial com- pression and to tangential and longitudinal tension and to be in equilibrium under these stresses. Using the same notation as in previous formula : d/-dx^ Pi (17) Fig. 2. for the maximum stress Qat the interior. andS,=-pf-f^p,..(i8) for the stress at the outer surface, f Fig. 2 illustrates the variation in S from inner to outer surface. For discussion see Merriman's Mechanics of Materials: * p. 26; t pp. 310-14. 20 MACHINE DESIGN. Solving for d, in (i8) we have ^=-■^IPI ^-> exampi.es. 1. A hydraulic cylinder has an inner diameter of 8 inches, a thickness of four inches and an internal pressure of 1500 lbs. per sq. in. Determine the maxi- mum stress on the metal by Barlov^'s and Lame"s formulas. 2. Design a cast iron cylinder 6 inches internal diameter to carry a working pressure of 1 200 lbs. per sq. in. with a factor of safety of 10. 3. A cast iron water pipe is i inch thick and 12 inches internal diameter. Required head of water which it will carry with a factor of safety of 6. 8. Steam Cylinders. Cylinders of steam engines can hardly be considered as coming under either of the preceeding heads. On the one hand the thickness of metal is not enough to insure rigidity as in hydraulic cylinders, and on the other the nature of the metal used, cast iron, is not such as to warrant the assumption of flexibility, as in a thin shell. Most of the formulas used for this class of cylinder are empirical and founded on modern practice. Va7i Bureri's formula for steam cylinders is : ^ .0001 pd + .i5^/~d~ (20) A formula which the writer has developed is somewhat similar to Van Buren's. lyct s'=tangential stress due to internal pressure. Then by equation for thin shells 2t Let s" be an additional tensne stress due to distor- tion of the circular section at any weak point. Then if we regard one-half of the circular section as a beam fixed at A and B (Fig. 3) and assume the * See Whitham's "Steam Engine Design", p. 27. MACHINE DESIGN. 21 maximum bending moment as at C some weak point, the tensile stress on the outer fibres at C due to the bending will be pro- pd^ portional to-^^^ by the Q laws of flexure, or cpd^ s"= un- where c is some known constant. The total tensile stress at C will then be , cpd^ Solving for c c=— r^ (a) Solving for t cpd' pM^ S i6S' (21) a form which reduces to that of equatiop (13) when c=o. An examination of several engine cylinders of standard manufacture shows values of c ranging from .03 to .10, with an average value : c = .o6 The formula proposed by Professor Barr, in his recent paper on * ''Current Practice in Engine Propor- tions'', as representing the average practice among builders of low speed engines is : t=.05 d-+-.3 inch ,.,...(22) Experiments made at the Case School of Applied Science in 1896-97 throw some light on this subject. Cast iron cylinders similar to those used on engines were tested to failure by water pressure. The cylinders varied in diameter from six to twelve inches and in thickness from one-half to three-quarters inches. Contrary to expectations most of the cylinders * Transactions. A. S. M. E,, vol. xviii, p. 741. 22 MACHINE DESIGN. failed by tearing around a circumference just inside the flange. In Table VII are assembled the results of the various experiments for comparison. The values of S by formula (13) are calculated for each cylinder, and by formula (14) for all those which failed on a circum- ference. It will be noticed that six out of nine faiied in the latter way. t+H m t/5 'v/i 'Ji tn t/3 (/3 7) C/3 r^ U Xi ^ ^ rd ^ ^ rO rQ ^ f oJ ^-H T- ^ '"' »— 1 y- ^ •"^ '""' '■"' '-"' bJO^ Q 8 8 8 8 g g g g g 00 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ CO^ M CN c< (N (N 11 __ ^ w '^ 3 L On t^ 00 10 > OS t ~^ 0^ 00 H ■H 10 ^ VO SP (J m VO t ■^ C^ M t ■^ 00 t^ t^ UJ 1— ( M <-t-l CO ^2i S ., ■H S a ., _; 3 a • tH a" (U < , -tI ^ c ^j CO VO M M .Si ^ ^ vi D M 10 ( D r^ On t>» CO !>- I ^ VO . ^ LO 10 10 10 Pres- sure. P ( 3 10 ( D LO (3 LO ( 3 CN ( D UO r^ t^ 00 i ^>» CO to vj D ON t^ 00 H-1 cs M 10 B vO 1 LO M On On (N oi t— t — 1 M M 6 cJ -1 d CD «-^-( - M CO ^ •o MACHINE DESIGN. 23 This appears to be due to two causes. In the first place, the influence of the flanges extended to the center of the cylinder, stiffening the shell and prevent- ing the splitting which would otherwise have occurred. In the second place, the fact that the flanges were thicker than the shell caused a zone of weakness near the flange due to shrinkage in cooling, and the pres- ence of what founders call ' ' a hot spot' ' . The stresses figured from formula (14) in the cases where the failure was on a circumference, are from one-fifth to one-sixth the tensile strength of the test bar. The strength of a chain is the strength of the weakest link, and when the tensile stress exceeded the strength of the metal near some blow hole or ^*hot spot", tearing began there and gradually extended around the circumference. Values of c as given by equation (a) have been calculated for each cylinder, and agree very well except in numbers 3 and 5. To the criticism that most of the cylinders did not fail by splitting, and that therefore formulas (a) and (21) are not applicable, the answers would be that the chances of failure in the two directions seem about equal, and consequently we may regard each cylinder as about to fail by splitting under the final pressure. If we substitute the average value of c=.05 and a safe value of s = 20oo, formula (21) reduces to: t=:-Pl-+ JL lp + _P^ (2^) 8000 200\ ^ 1600 ^ ^^ In Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book p. 794, the following formula is given as representing closely existing practice : t=.ooo4dp+o.3 inch (24) This corresponds to Ban's formula if we take p=i25 pounds per square inch. 24 MACHINE DESIGN. exampi.es. 1. Referring to Table VII, verify in at least three experiments the values of S and c as there given. 2. The steam cylinder of a Baldwin locomotive is 22 ins. in diameter and 1.25 ins. thick, Assuming 125 lbs. gauge pressure, find the value of c. Calculate thickness by Van Buren's and Barr's formulas. 3. Determine proper thickness for cylinder of cast iron, if the diameter is 38 inches and the steam pres- sure 100 lbs. by formulas 13, 20, 21, 23 and 24. 9. Thickness 6f Flat Plates. An approximate formula for the thickness of flat cast-iron plates may be derived as follows : Let l=length of plate in inches. b=breadth of plate in inches. t= thickness of plate in inches. p=intensity of pressure in pounds. S= modulus of rupture lbs. per sq. in. Suppose the plate to be divided lengthwise into flat strips an inch wide 1 inches long, and suppose that a fraction p' of the whole pressure causes the bending of these strips. Regarding the strips as beams with fixed ends and uniformly loaded : 6M _ 6W1 ^ pT^ bh^ ~ i2bh^~ 2t^ and the thickness necessary to resist bending is : =g^ s « In a similar manner, if we suppose the plate to be divided into transverse strips an inch wide and b inches long, and suppose the remainder of the pressure p— p' equals p" to cause the bending in this direction, we shall have : h *' But as all these strips form one and the same plate -J MACHINK DESIGN. 25 the ratio of p' to p'' must be such that the deflection at the center of the plate may be the same on either sup- position. The general formula for deflection in this case is t' and 1= — for each set of strips. Therefore the deflec- 12 tion IS proportional to -^y~ ^^^ ^~r~ '^ ^^^ ^^^ cases. .-. pl^=p''b^ But '+p''=P Solving in these equations for p^ and p^^ p i*+b* Substituting these values in (a) and (b) : ^=^^^>l.-s(iw (^^) As 1 > b usually, equation (26) is the one to be used. If the plate is square 1 ^^^ b and 2 \ s (27) If the plate is merely supported at the edges then formulas (25) and (26) become : For rectangular plate : *-T\i S(P+b*) ^"^> For square plate : =A |3P ■ 2\2S * — ^J:;o (29) 25 MACHINE DESIGN. Formulas for the thickness of a fiat plate under a concentrated load at the center, can be derived in a similar manner. A round plate may be treated as square, with side = diameter, without sensible error. The preceding formulas can only be reparded as approximate. Grashof has investigated this subject and developed rational formulas but his work is too long and complicated for introduction here. His for- mulas for round plates are as follows : Round plates : Supported at edges : '=Tji (3°) Fixed at edges : '=tJ •■•■ •■■■(-) where t and p are the same as before, d is the diameter in inches and S is the safe tensile strength of the material. Comparing these formulas with (27) and (29) for square plates, they are seen to be nearly identical. Experiments made at the Case School of Applied Science in 1896-97 on rectangular cast iron plates with load concentrated at the center gave results as follows: Twelve rectangular plates planed on one side and each having an unsupported area of ten by 1 5 inches were broken by the application of a circular steel plunger one inch in diameter at the geometrical center of each plate. The plates varied in thickness from one-half inch to one and one-eighth inches. Numbers i to 6 were merely supported at the edges, while the remain- ing six were clamped rigidly at regular intervals around the edge. To determine the value of S, the modulus of rup- ture of the material, pieces were cut from the edge of the plates and tested by cross-breaking. The average value of S from seven experiments was found to be 33000 lbs. per sq. in. MACHINE DESIGN. 27 In Table VIII are given the values obtained for the breaking load W under the different conditions. Those plates which were merely supported at the edges broke in three or four straight lines rad- iating from the center. Those fixed at the edges broke in four or five rad- ial lines meeting an irreg- ular oval inscribed in the rectangle . Number 1 2 however failed by shear- ing, the circular plunger making a circular hole in the plate with several radial cracks. EXAMPLES. 1 . Calculate the thick- ness of a steam-chest cover 8X12 inches to sustain a pressure of 90 lbs. per sq. inch with a factor of safety = 10. 2. Calculate the thick- ness of a circular man- hole cover of cast-iron 18 inches in diameter to sus- tain a pressure of 150 lbs. per sq. inch with a factor of safety =8, regarding the edges as merely sup- ported. 3. Work out formulas for a rectangular plate having a concentrated load= W at the center, and with edges either supported or fixed. 4. Test values for W given in Table VIII by formulas obtained in example 3. TABLE VIII. Cast iron plates : [OX15 ins. No. Thick- ness. t Breaking Load. W I .562 7500 2 .641 1 1840 3 .745 14800 4 .828 21900 5 1.040 31200 6 I. 120 31800 7 .481 9800 8 .646 17650 9 .769 26400 ID .881 33400 II 1.020 47200 12 1. 123 59600 28 MACHINK DESIGN. 5. In experiments on steam cylinders, a head 12 inches in diameter and 1.18 inches thick failed under a pressure of 900 lbs. per sq. in. Determine the value of S by formula (31). 10. Machine Frames. For general principles of frame design the reader is referred to Chapter 2. Cast iron is the material most used but steel castings are now becoming common in situations where the stresses are unusually great, as in the frames of presses, shears and rolls for shaping steel. Cored vs. Rib Sections. Formerly the flanged or rib section was used almost exclusively, as but a few castings were made from each pattern and the cost of the latter was a considerable item. Of late years the use of hollow sections has become more common; the patterns are more durable and more easily molded than those having many projections and the frames when finished are more pleasing in appearance. The first cost of pattern for hollow work, includ- ing the cost of the core-box, is sometimes considerably more but the pattern is less likely to change its shape and in these days of many castings from one pattern, this latter point is of more importance. Finally it may be said that hollow sections are usually stronger for the same weight of metal than any that can be shaped from webs and flanges. Resistance to Bending. Most machine frames are exposed to bending in one or two directions. If the section is to be ribbed it should be of the form y/ shown in Fig. 4. The metal ^ being of nearly uniform thickness ^ and the flange which is in tension /X having an area three or four times that of the compression flange. In a steel casting these may be i in a sreei casting tnese may oe (7 //nJ// //? y///y?/ % more nearly equal. The hollow V////^ section may be of the shape shown . in Fig. 5, a hollow rectangle with ^^* 4« MACHINE DESIGN. 29 VZY////////?m the tension side re-enforced and slightly thicker than the other three sides. The re-enforcing flanges at A and B may often be utiUzed for the attaching of other members to the frame as in shapers or drill presses. The box section has one great advantage over the I section in that its moment of resistance to side bending or to twisting is usually B much greater. The double Fig. 5. I or the U section is com- mon where it is necessary to have two parallel ways for sliding pieces as in lathes and planers. As is shown in Fig. 6 the two Is are i^yyyy J uyy jjy i usually conucctcd at intervals bv ^T ^ , P^ cross girts. Besides making the cross- section of the most economical form, it is often desirable to have such a longitudinal profile as shall give a uniform fibre stress from end to end. This necessitates a parabolic or elUptic outhne of which the best instance is the housing or upright of a modern iron planer. Resistance to Twisting;. The hollow circular section is the ideal form for all frames or machine members which are subjected to torsion. If subjected also to I bending the section may be made elliptical or, as is more common, thickened on two sides by making the core oval. See Fig. 7. As has already been pointed out the ^ box sections are in general better adapted to resist twisting than the ribbed or I sections , ! Fig. 6. 30 MACHINE DESIGN. Frames of Machine Tools. The beds of lathes are subjected to bending on account of their own weight and that of the saddle and on account of the downward pressure on the tool when work is being turned. They are usually subjected to torsion on account of the un- even pressure of the supports. The box section is then the best ; the double I commonly used is very weak against twisting. The same principle would apply in designing the beds of planers but the usual method of driving the table by means of a gear and rack prevents the use of the box section. The uprights of planers and the cross rail are subjected to severe bending moments and should have profiles of uniform strength. The up- rights are also subject to side bending when the tool is taking a heavy side cut near the top. To provide for this the uprights may be of a box section or may be reinforced by outside ribs. The upright of a drill press or vertical shaper is exposed to a constant bending moment equal to the upward pressure on the cutter X the distance from cen- ter of cutter to center of upright. It should then be of constant cross-section from the bottom to the top of the straight part. The curved or goose-necked portion should then taper gradually. The frame of a shear press or punch is usually of the G shape in profile with the inner fibers in tension and the outer in compression. The cross-section should be as in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5, preferably the latter and should be graduated to the magnitude of the bending moment at each point. EXERCISES. 1. Discuss the stresses and the arrangement of material in the girder frame of a Corliss engine. 2. Ditto in the G frame of a band saw. II. spiral Springs. The most common form of spring used in machinery is the spiral or hehcal spring made of round brass or steel wire. Such springs may be used to resist extension or compression or they may be used to resist a twisting moment. Tension and Compression, lyCt Iy=length of axis of spring. D=mean diameter of spring. 1= developed length of wire. d= diameter of wire. n= number of coils. P= tensile or compressive force. x= corresponding extension or compression. S=safe torsional or shearing strength of wire. =2500 for spring brass wire. = 75000 to 1 15000 for cast steel tempered. G= modulus of torsional elasticity. = 6000000 for spring brass wire. = 12000000 to 15000000 for cast steel, tempered. Then l=\/^^^D^n^+I?" If the spring were extended until the wire became straight it would then be twisted n times, or through an angle=27rn and the stretch would be 1 — L. The angle of torsion for a stretch =x is then ^ 27rnx , . ''=1=17 (^^ Suppose that a force P' acting at a radius will twist this same piece of wire through an angle d caus- ing a stress S at the surface of the wire. Then will the distortion of the wire per inch of length be s=— i- 5.1T 5iP^D .K^ 32 MACHINE DESIGN. ^ S I0.2 P^Dl . . •'•^=T=-7d^ ^"^ In thus twisting the wire the force required will vary uniformly from o at the beginning to P^ at the end provided the elastic limit is not passed, and the average force will be P^ P^D<9 = — The work done is therefore 2 4 If the wire is twisted through the same angle by the gradual application of the direct pressure P, com- pressing or extending the spring the amount x , the work done will be Px _ P^D^ Px — But = — 2 42 2Px .•.P^= - (d) Substituting this value of PMn (c) and solving for x: _Gd^ ^~io.2Pl Substituting the value of from (a) and again solving for x : 10, X If we neglect the original obliquity of the wire then 1 = -Dn and L=o and equation (e) reduces to 2,55P1D^ "" Gd* ^^^ Making the same approximation in equation (d) we have P^ = P i, e, — a force P will twist the wire through approxi- mately the same angle when applied to extend or compress the spring, as if applied directly to twist a piece of straight wire of the same material with a lever arm = — 2 This may be easily shown by a model. MACHINE DESIGN. 33 The safe working load may be found by solving- for P^ in (b) and remembering that P = P^ P=^4^ (33) 2.55 D ^^^^ when S is the safe shearing strength. Substituting this value of P in (24) we have for the safe deflection : IDS , , 13. Square Wire. The value of the stress for a square section is: where d is the side of square. The distortion at the corners caused by twisting through an angle 6 is: ^ ^d Equation (c) then becomes: ^ 6P'D1 The three principal equations (32), (33) and (34) then reduce to: 1.5PID' , . "=-5d^ (35) T3 Sd' , .. P=T7^ (36) "=05^ (37) The square section is not so economical of material as the round. 13. Experiments. Tests made on about 1700 tempered steel springs at the French Spring Works in Pittsburg were reported in 1901 by Mr. R. A French. These were all compression springs of round steel and were given a permanent set before testing by being 34 MACHINE DESIGN. closed coil to coil several times. Mr. French as a result of the experiments arrives at the following conclusions: 1. The average value of G is 14,500,000. 2. The safe working stress S depends upon the proportions of the spring and varies from 75000 to 112,000 lbs. per sq. inch for a good grade of steel properly tempered. 3. If R=--T- the ratio of spring diameter to wire diameter, the following values of S may be safely assumed. VALUES OF S. R=3 R=8 d = s/s inch or less d=-Y^ inch to ^/i inch.. d=-Y|-inch to i^ inch... 112,000 110,000 105,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 4. When a spring is subjected to sudden shocks a smaller value of S must be used. 5. In designing close coil extension springs the value of G will be as above but the values of S should not be over two-thirds the corresponding values for compression springs. 14. Spring in Torsion. If a spiral spring is used to resist torsion instead of tension or compression, the wire itself is subjected to a bending moment. We will use the same notation as in the last article, only that P will be taken as a force acting tangentially to the circumference of the spring at a distance — from the axis, and S will now be the safe transverse strength of the wire, having the following values: S=3ooo for vSpring brass wire. = 90,000 to 125000 for cast steel tempered. MACHINE DKSIGN. 35 E = 9000000 for Spring brass wire. = 30000000 for cast steel tempered. Let ^= angle through which the spring is turned by P. The bending moment on the wire will be the PD same throughout and = This is best illustrated by a model. To entirely straighten the wire by unwinding the spring would require the same force as to bend straight wire to the curvature of the helix. To simplify the equations we will disregard the obliquity of the helix, then will l=7rDn and the radius of curvature _ D 2 Let M ^= bending moment caused by entirely 5>i:raightening the wire ; then by mechanics ^^ EI 2EI ' and the corresponding angle through which spring is turned is 27rn. But it is assumed that a force P with a radius — turns the spring through an angle 0, ^ PD 2EI d 2 D 2-n _EI^_EI^ ■~-Dn~ 1 Solving for ^ : -li <>) and if wire is round ^ 10.2PDI '=-^d^ ^38) The bending moment for round wire will be PD Sd^ . , — -irrz (39) 2 10,2 3b MACHINK DESIGN. and this will also be the safe twisting moment that can be applied to the spring when vS = working strength of wire. The safe angle of deflection is founa PD by substituting this value of in (38): 2IS Reducing: ^^^d~ **" ^^^^ 15. Flat Springs. Ordinary flat springs of uniform rectangular cross-section can be treated as beams and their strength and deflection calculated by the usual formulas. In such a spring the bending and the stress are greatest at some one point and the curvature is not uniform. To correct this fault the spring is made of a con- stant depth but varying width. If the spring is fixed at one end and loaded at the other the plan should be a triangle with the apex at the loaded end. If it is supported at the two ends and loaded at the center, the plan should be two triangles with their bases together under the load forming a rhombus. The deflection of such a spring is one and a half times that of a rectangular spring. As such a spring might be of an inconvenient width, a com- pound or leaf- spring is made by cutting the triangular I spr i ng into I ^ I -| strips parallel I [ to the axis, and I piling one a- bove another as Fig. 8. in Fig. 8. f This arrangement does not change the principle, save that the friction between the leaves may increase the resistance somewhat. MACHINE DESIGN. 37 Let l=length of Span. b=breadth of leaves, t^^thickness of leaves. n=: number of leaves. W=load at center. A=deflection at center. S and E may be taken as 80000 and 30000000 respectively. Strength : ^^ Wl Snbt: M= — = Elasticity : 4 6 w=— -^ — (41) WP ^ , nbt' A= — =rrwnere I = 32EI 12 3WI' , , •■• ^=8E^' <42) For the benefit of those who wish to design springs in quantity, reference is made to Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Vol. XVII. p. 340, where will be found very complete tables for both helical and flat springs. EXAMPLES. 1. A spring balance is to weigh 25 pounds with an extension of 2 inches, the diameter of spring being y^ inches and the material, tempered steel. Determine the diameter and length of wire, and number of coils. 2. Determine the safe twisting moment and angle of torsion for the spring in example i, if used for a torsional spring. 3. Design a compound flat spring for a locomotive to sustain a load of 16000 lbs. at the center, the span being 40 inches, the number of leaves 1 2 and the ma- terial steel. 4. Determine the maximum deflection of the above spring, under the working load. 38 MACHINE DESIGN. 5. Measure various indicator springs and deter- mine value of G from rating of springs. 6. Measure various brass extension springs cal- culate safe static load and safe stretch. 7. Make an experiment on torsion spring to de- termine distortion under a given load and calculate value of E. FASTENINGS. i6. Bolts and Nuts. Tables of dimensions for U. S. standard bolts and nuts are to be found in all hand books and will not be repeated here. Roughly the diameter at root of thread is .83 Ox the outer diameter in this system, and the pitch in inches is given by the formula p=.24\/d+.625 — .175 (43> where d::= outer diameter. In designing bolts to resist simple tension, calcu- late the area needed to resist the given tension, divide this by the number of bolts to be used and the quotient will be the area of one bolt at the root of thread. From the tables the corresponding diameter and the diameter of body of bolt can be determined. Bolts may be divided into three classes which are given in the order of their merit. 1. Through bolts, having a head on one end and a nut on the other. 2. Stud bolts, having a nut on one end and the other screwed into the casting. 3. Tap bolts or screws having a head at one end and the other screwed into the casting. The principal objection to the last two forms and especially to (3) is the liability of sticking or break- ing off in the casting. Any irregularity in the bearing surfaces of head or nut where they come in contact with the casting, causes a bending action and consequent danger of rupture. 17. Eye Bolts and Hooks. In designing eye bolts it is customary to make the combined sectional area of the sides of the eye one and one half-times that of 4° MACHINE DESIGN. TABLE IV.-SAFE WORKING STRENGTH OF WROUGHT IRON BOLTS. Diam of Bolt. Inch. 1 6 3/8 7 16 V2 9 16 5/8 3/ /8 I iM I 3/^ l5/i 13/ I^ 2 Diam. at Root of Thread. Inches. 344 400 454 507 620 731 837 940 065 160 284 389 490 615 712 Area at Root of Thread. Sq. Ins. .0269 .0452 .0679 .0930 .1257 .162 .202 .302 .420 .550 .694 .891 1.057 1.295 1. 515 1.744 2.049 2.302 Safe lyoad in Tension Lbs. 150 250 375 510 690 890 mo 1660 2310 3025 3815 4900 5815 7^25 8335 9590 11270 12660 Safe Load in Shear, Lbs. 220 350 500 675 880 1120 1380 2000 2700 3535 4475 5520 6680 7950 9330 10825 12425 14130 Thr'ds per Inch. No. 20 18 16 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5K2 5 5 4/2 MACHINE DKSIGN. 41 the bolt to allow for obliquity and an uneven distri- bution of stress. Large hooks should be designed to resist com- bined bending and tension ; the bending moment is equal to the load X the longest perpendicular from the center line of hook to line of load. Check Nuts: A check is a thin nut screwed firmly against the main nut to prevent its working loose, and is commonly placed outside. As the whole load is liable to come on the outer nut, it would be more correct to put the main nut out- side. After both nuts are firmly screwed down, the outer one should be held stationary and the inner one reversed against it with what force is deemed safe, that the greater reaction may be between the nuts. The foregoing table is convenient for determining the size of bolt needed to resist tension or shear and is based on the U. S. standard form of thread using a factor of safety =10. For steel bolts, increase the loads given in the table 20 per cent. The loads given are correct within 10 pounds. The shearing area used is that of the body of the bolt. EXAMPLES. 1. Discuss the effect of the initial tension caused by the screwing up of the nut on tb e bolt, in the case of steam fittings, etc.; i, e, should this tension be added to the tension due to the steam pressure, in determin- ing the proper size of bolt ? 2. Determine the number of Y^ inch bolts neces- sary to hold on the head of a steam cylinder 15 inches diameter, with the internal pressure 90 pounds per square inch, and factor of safety =12. 3. Show what is the proper angle between the handle and the jaws of a fork wrench (i) If used for square nuts: (2) If used for hexagon nuts; illustrate by figure. 42 MACHINE DESIGN. 4. Determine the length of nnt theoretically necessary to prevent stripping of the thread, in terms of the outer diameter of the bolt. (i) With U. S. standard thread. (2) With square thread of same depth. 5. Design a hook with a swivel and eye at the top to hold a load of one ton with a factor of safety = 5, the center line of hook being three inches from line of load, and the material wrought iron. 18. Riveted Joints. No attempt will be made to go into the details of this subject, but only to state the general principles involved in designing joints. Riveted joints may be divided into two general classes : lap joints where the two plates lap over each other, and butt joints where the edges of the plates butt together and are joined by over-lapping straps or welts. If the strap is on one side only, the joint is known as a butt joint with one strap; if straps are used inside and out the joint is called a butt joint with two straps. Butt joints are generally used when the material is more than one half inch thick. Any joint may have one, two or more rows of rivets and hence be known as a single riveted joint, a double riveted joint, etc. Any riveted joint is weaker than the original plate, nsimply because holes cannot be punched or drilled in the plate for the introduction of rivets without re- moving some of the metal. Fig. 9 shows a double riveted lap joint and Fig. 10 a single riveted butt joint with two straps. Riveted joints may fail in any one of four Vays : c c i i ) ) MACHINE DESIGN. 43 1. By tearing of the plate along a line of rivet holes, as at AB, Fig. 9. 2. By shearing of the rivets. 3. By crushing and wrinkling of the plate in front of each rivet as at C, Fig. 9, thus causing leakage. 4. By splitting of the plate opposite each rivet as at D, Fig. 9. The last manner of failure may be pre- vented by having a sufficient distance from the rivet to the edge of the plate. Practice has shown that this distance should be at least equal to the diameter of a rivet. Let : t= thickness of plate. d= diameter of rivet-hole p= pitch of rivets. n=number of rows of rivets. T= tensile strength of plate. C= bearing or crushing strength of plate. S= Shearing strength of rivet. Average values of the constants are as follows : Material. T C S Wrought Iron. Soft Steel. 50 000 56 000 80 000 90 000 40 000 45 000 19. Lap Joints. This division also includes butt joints which have but one strap. Let us consider the shell as divided into strips at right angles to the seam and each of a width = p . Then the forces acting on each strip are the same and we need to consider but one strip. 44 MACHINE DKSIGN. The resistance to tearing across of the strip be- tween rivet holes is (p— d)tT •••(a) and this is independent of the number of rows of rivets. The resistance to compression in front of rivets is ndtC (b) and the resistance to shearing of the rivets is ^nd^S (c) The values of the constants given above are only average values and are liable to be modified by the exact grade of material used and the manner in which it is used. The tensile strength of soft steel is reduced by punching from three to twelve per cent according to the kind of punch used and the width of pitch. The shearing strength of the rivets is diminished by their tendency to tip over or bend if they do not fill the holes, while the bearing or compression is doubtless relieved to some extent by the friction of the joint. The average values given allow roughly for these modifications. If we call the tensile strength T=unity then the relative values of C and S are 1.6 and 0.8 respectively. Substituting these relative values of T, C and S in our equations, by equating (b) and (c) and reducing we have d=2.55t (44) Equating (a) and (c) and reducing we have p=d+.628-^ (45) Or by equating (a) and (b) p=d+i.6nd (46) These proportions will give a joint of equal strength throughout, for the values of constants as- sumed. 20. Butt Joints with two Straps. In this case the resistance to shearing is increased by the fact that the MACHINE DESIGN. 45 rivets must be sheared at both ends before the joint can give way. Experiment has shown this increase of shearing strength to be about 85 per cent and we can therefore take the relative value of S as 1.5 for butt joints. This gives the following values for d and p d=i.36t .^ (47) p=d+i.i8^ (48) p=d+i.6nd (49) In the preceding formulas the diameter of hole and rivet have been assumed to be the same. The diameter of the cold rivet before insertion will be -^\ inches less than the diameter given by the formulas. Experiments made in England by Prof. Kennedy give the following as the proportions of maximum strength : lyap joints d = 2.33t p=d+i.375nd Butt joints d=i.8t p=d+r.55nd 21. Efficiency of Joints. The efl&ciency of joints designed like the preceding is simply the ratio of the section of plate left between the rivets to the section of solid plate, or the ratio of the clear distance between two adjacent rivet holes to the pitch. From formula (35) we thus have Eflficiency= — -^— ^ — (50) i + i.6n This gives the efficiency of single, double and triple riveted seams as .615, .762 and .828 respectively. Notice that the advantage of a double or triple riveted seam over the single is in the fact that the pitch bears a greater ratio to the diameter of a rivet, and therefore the proportion of metal removed is less. 4^ machine: design. 22. Butt Joints with unequal Straps. One joint in common use requires special treatment. It is the inner ?? fi c 1 c i ) ) a double - riveted butt joint in which strap is made wider than the outer and an extra row of rivets added, whose pitch is double that of the origi- nal seam ; this is sometimes called diamond riveting. See Fig. II. Fig. II. This outer row of rivets is then exposed to single shear and the original rows to double shear. Consider a strip of plate of a widths 2 p. Then the resistance to tearing along the outer row of rivets is (2p— d)tT As there are five rivets to compress in this strip the bearing resistance is 5dtC As there is one rivet in single shear and four in double shear the resistance to shearing is I i + (4X 1.85) J — d^S=6.6d^S MACHINE DESIGN. 47 Solving these equations as in previous cases, we have for this particular joint d=i.52t (51) 2p=9d P=4-5d .-(52) Efficiency=-^ = — (53) 2p 9 23. Practical Rules. The formulas given above show the proportions of the usual forms of joints for uniform strength. In practice certain modifications are made for economic reasons. To avoid great variation in the sizes of rivets the latter are graded by sixteenths of an inch, making those for the thicker plates considerably smaller than the formula would allow, and the pitch is then calculated to give equal tearing and shearing strength. The following table gives the proportions gener- ally used in this country for lap joints, as given by '^Locomotive'' 1882. TABLE X.-RIVETED LAP JOINTS. Thick- ness of Diam. of Diam. of Pitch. Efficiency. Plate. Rivet. Hole. Single. Double Single. Double % ^8 1 1 16 2 3 .66 •77 5 1 6 1 1 16 ^ 2tV zyi .64 .76 3/8 Va 1 3 1 6 2yi z% .62 •75 16 1 3 16 ^8 2-A- 33/8 .60 •74 y- ^8 15 16 ^% 1% •58 •73 This table is for iron plates and iron rivets. For steel plates with iron or steel rivets increase the diam- eter of rivets -^ inch, the pitch remaining the same. 48 MACHINE DESIGN. A similar table has been calculated for butt joints. Table XI is for iron plates with iron rivets. For steel plates increase the diameter of rivet -jj- inch, the pitch remaining the same. TABLE XI.- -RIVETED BUTT JOINTS. Thick- ness of Diam. of Diam. of Pitch. Plate. Rivet. Hole. Single. Double Triple. V2 Va 13 16 2Y& 4 s'A Vz 13 16 /8 2 3/^ zV. sY. Va n 15 16 2 3/^ 2,Va sH % 15 16 I 2 Yd 2>Va 5 I I i-iV 2 3/^ 3K 5 EXAMPIvES. 1. Investigate proportions of joints for half -inch plate in Table X and criticise. 2. Criticise in same way the proportions of joints for one inch plate in Table XI. 3. Show the effect of increasing the diameter of rivets -jj- inch for steel plates and prove by example. 4. A cylindrical boiler 5X 16 ft. is to have long seams double-riveted laps and ring seams single riveted laps. If the internal pressure is 90 lbs. gauge pres- sure and the material soft steel, determine thickness of plate and proportions of joints. Factor of safety to be five and efficiency of joints to be allowed for. 5. A marine boiler is 11 ft. 6 ins. in diameter and 14 ft. long. The long seams are to be diamond riveted butt joints and the ring seams ordinary double riveted butt joints. The internal pressure is to be 175 lbs. gauge and the material is to be steel of 60,000 lbs. MACHINE DESIGN. 49 tensile strength. Determine thickness of shell and proportions of joints. Net factor of safety to be five allowing for efiiciency of joints. 6. Design a diamond riveted joint such as shown in Fig. iia for a steel plate f^ inches thick. Outer cover plate is 5^ inches and inner cover plate tV inches thick. Determine efficiency of joints. Fig. 1 1 a. 7. The single lap joint with cover plate, as shown in Fig. 12, is to have pitch of outer rivets double that of inner row. Determine diameter and pitch of rivets for fi inch plate and the efficiency of joint. \_7 ^ Fig. 12 14. Joint Pins. A joint pin is a bolt exposed to double shear. If the pin is loose in its bearings it should be designed with allowance for bending, by adding from 30 to 50 per cent to the area of cross- section needed to resist shearing alone. Bending of the pin also tends to spread apart the bearings and this should be prevented by having a head and nut or cot- ter on the pin. If the pin is used to connect a knuckle joint as in boiler stays, the eyes forming the joint should have a a net area 50 per cent in excess of the body of the stay, to allow for bending and uneven tension. 50 MACHINE DESIGN. 25. Cotters. A cotter is a key which passes dia- metrically through a- hub and its rod or shaft, to fasten them together, and is so called to distinguish it from shafting keys which lie parallel to axis of shaft. Its taper should not be more than 4 degrees or about I in 15, unless it is secured by a screw or check nut. The rod is sometimes enlarged where it goes in the hub, so that the effective area of cross-section where the cotter goes through may be the same as in the body of the rod Let: d=diameter of body of rod. d^^^diameter of enlarged portion. t=thickness of cotter, usually = — - 4 b= breadth of cotter. 1 = length of rod beyond cotter. Suppose that the applied force is a pull on the rod — causing tension on the rod and shearing stress on the cotter. The effective area of cross section of rod at cotter is ^Ail^^ ^._.dy 4 4 ^^ 4 and this should equal the area of cross-section of the body of rod. 4 4 ^^=^Jr^, = i.2id (54) Let P=pull on rod. S=shearing strength of material. The area to resist shearing of cotter is 2 S . K 2P •• ''^^ • (^> MACHINE DKSIGN. The area to resist shearing of rod is 51 and 1= 2d,S (b) If the metal of rod and cotter are the same 2d,l = ^A 1 (55) Great care should be taken in fitting cotters that they may not bear on corners of hole and thus tear the rod in two. A cotter or pin subjected to alternate stresses in opposite directions should have a factor of safety double that otherwise allowed. Adjustable cotters, used for tightening joints or bear- ings are usually accompanied by a gib having a taper equal and opposite to that of the cotter. (Fig. 13) In design- ing these for strength the two can be regarded as re- sisting shear together. For shafting keys see chapter on shafting. EXAMPI^ES. 1. Design a knuckle joint for a soft steel boiler stay, the pull on stay being 12000 lbs. and the factor of safety, six. 2. Determine the diameter of a round cotter pin for equal strength of rod and pin 3. A rod of wrought iron has keyed to it a piston 18 inches in diameter, by a cotter of machinery steel. 52 MACHINE DESIGN. Required the two diameters of rod and dimensions of cotter to sustain a pressure of 1 50 pounds per square inch on the piston. Factor of safety = 8. 4. Design a cotter and gib for connecting rod of engine mentioned in Ex. 3, both to be of machinery steel and ,75 inches thick. SLIDING BEARINGS^ 26. Slides in General. The surfaces of all slides should have sufficient area to limit the intensity of pressure and prevent forcing out of the lubricant. No general rule can be given for the Hmit of pressure. Tool marks parallel to the sliding motion should not be allowed, as they tend to start grooving. The sliding piece should be as long as practicable to avoid local wear on stationary piece and for the same reason should have sufficient stiffness to prevent springing. A slide which is in continuous motion should lap over the guides at the ends of stroke, to prevent the wear- ing of shoulders on the latter and the finished surfaces of all slides should have exactly the same width as the surfaces on which they move for a similar reason. Where there are two parallel guides to motion as in a lathe or planer it is better to have but one of these depended upon as an accurate guide and to use the other merely as a support. It must be remembered that any sliding bearing is but a copy of the ways of the machine on which it was planed or ground and in turn may reproduce these same errors in other machines. The interposition of handscraping is the only cure for these hereditary complaints. In designing a slide one must consider whether it is accuracy of motion that is sought, as in the ways of a planer or lathe, or accuracy of position as in the head of a milling machine. Slides may be divided ac- cording to their shapes into angular, flat and circular slides. 27. Angular Slides, An angular slide is one in which the guiding surface is not normal to the direc- tion of pressure. There is a tendency to displacement sideways, which necessitates a second guiding surface inclined to the first. This oblique pressure constitutes 54 MACHINK DKSIGN. the principal disadvantage of angular slides. Their principal advantage is the fact that they are either self adjusting for wear, as in the ways of lathes and planers, or require at most but one adjustment. Fig. 14 shows one of the V^s of an ordinary planing machine. The platen is held in place by gravity. The angle between the two surfaces is usually 90° but may be more in heavy machines. The grooves g, g are intended to hold the oil in place ; oiling is sometimes effected by small rolls re- cessed into the lower piece and held against the platen by springs. The principal advantage of this form of way is its abil- ity to hold oil and the great disadvantage its faculty for catching chips and dirt. /Fig. 15 shows an inverted V such as is com- mon on the ways of engine lathes. The angle is about the same as in the preceding form but the top of the V should be rounded as a precaution against nicks and bruises. The inverted V is pre- ferred for lathes since it will not catch dirf and chips. It needs frequent lubrication as the oil runs off rapidly. Some lathe carriages are provided with extensions filled with oily felt or waste to protect the ways from dirt and keep them wiped and oiled. Side pressure tends to throw the carriage from the ways; this action may be prevented by a heavy weight hung on the car- riage or by gibbing the carriage at the back (See Fig. 20) . Fig. 15 MACHINE DESIGN. 55 The objection to this latter form of construction is the fact that it is practically impossible to make and k^p the two V' s and the gibbed slide all parallel. 28. Gibbed Slides. All shdes which are not self-adjusting for wear must be provided with gibs and adjusting screws. Fig. 16 shows the most com- mon form as used in tool shdes for lathes and planing machines. The angle employed is usually 60°; notice that ^ Ss -pL the corners c c are clip- \ /A'^^"^- 3 ped for strength and to g" avoid a corner bearing; notice also the shape of gib. It is better to have p. j^ the points of screws ^' ' coned to fit gib and nol to have flat points fitting recesses in gib. The latter form tends to spread joint apart by forcing gib down. If the gib is too thin it will spring under the screws and cause uneven wear. The cast iron gib, Fig. 17, is free from this latter defect but makes the slide rather clumsy. The screws however are more accessi- ble in this form. Gibs are sometimes made slightly ta pering and adjusted by a screw Fig. 17. and nut giving endwise motion. 29. Flat Slides. This type of slide requires ad- justment in two directions and is usually provided with gibs and adjusting screws. Flat ways on ma- chine tools are the rule in English practice and are gradually coming into use in this country. Although more expensive at first and not so simple they are more durable and usually more accurate than the an- gular ways. — ?ri 1 t \ M MACHINK DESIGN. a flat way for a planing ma- _5 S6 Fig. 1 8 illustrates chine. The other way would be simi- lar to this but with- out adjustment. The normal pres- sure and the fric- tion are less than with angular ways and no amount of side pressure will lift the platen from its position. Fig. 19 shows a portion of the ram of a shaping machine and illustrates the use of an L gib for adjust- ^_^ . ,, — . ment in two di- llP , I rections. Fig. 20 shows a g i b b e d slide for holding down the back of a lathe carriage with two adjustments. The gib g is tapered and adjust- ed by a screw and nuts. The saddle of a planing machine the table of a shaper usually has a rectangu- lar gibbed slide above and a taper slide below, this form of the upper slide being ne- cessary to hold the weight of the overhanging metal. Some lathes and planers are built with one V or angular way for guiding the carriage j or platen and one flat wa}^ ^ acting merely as a support. or u 9) 9 TXJ Fig. 20. MACHINE DKSIGN. 57 30. Circular Guides. Examples of this form may be found in the column of the drill press and the over- hanging arm of the milling machine. The cross heads of steam engines are sometimes fitted with circular guides; they are more frequently flat or angular. One advantage of the circular form is the fact that the cross head can adjust itself to bring the wrist pin parallel to the crank pin. The guides can be bored at the same setting as the cylinder in small engines and thus se- cure good alignment. 31, Stuffing Boxes. In steam engines and pumps the glands for holding the steam and water packing are the sliding bearings which cause the greatest fric- tion and the most trouble. Fig. 2 1 shows the general arrangement. B is the stufl&ng box attached to the cylinder head; R is the piston rod ; G ^ the gland ad- 4 justed by nuts on the studs shown ; P the packing con- tained in a re- cess in the box and consisting of rings, either of some elastic fibrous material like hemp and woven rubber cloth or of some soft metal like babbit. The pressure between the packing and the rod, necessary to prevent leakage of steam or wa- ter, is the cause of considerable friction and lost work. Experiments made from time to time in the labora- tories of the Case School of Applied Science have shown the extent and manner of variation of this fric- tion. The results for steam packings may be sum- marized as follows : I. That the softer rubber and graphite packings, Fig. 21 58 MACHINE DESIGN. which are self-adjusting and self-lubricating, as inNos. 2, 3, 7, 8, and 1 1, consume less power than the harder varieties. No. 17, the old braided flax style, gave very good results, 2. That oiling the rod will reduce the friction with any packing. 3. That there is almost no limit to the loss caused by the injudicious use of the monkey-wrench. 4. That the power loss varies almost directly with the steam pressure in the harder varieties, while it is approximately constant with the softer kinds. The diameter of rod used — two inches— would be appropriate for engines from 50 to 100 horse-power. The piston speed was about 140 feet per minute in the experiments, and the horse-power varied from .036 to .400 at 50 pounds steam pressure, with a safe average for the softer class of packings of .07 horse-power. At a piston speed of 600 feet per minute, the same friction would give a loss of from .154 to 1.71 with a working average of .30 horse-power, at a mean steam pressure of 50 pounds. In Table 12 Nos. 6, 14, 15 and 16 are square, hard rubber packings without lubricants. Similar experiments on hydraulic packings under a water pressure varying from ten to eighty pounds per square inch gave results as shown in Table 14. The figures given are for a two inch rod running at an overage piston speed of 140 feet per minute. machine; design. 59 TABLE XII. ^ be 1—i ^g^g , , 4> o q 'u H S-^ oUr^pq ^^^ 6 (A en . Remarks on Leakage, etc. I 5 22 .091 .085 Moderate leakage. 2 8 40 .049 .048 Easily adjusted; slight leakage. 3 5 25 •037 .036 Considerable leakage. 4 5 25 •159 .176 lycaked badly. 5 5 25 .095 .081 Oiling necessary; leaked badly. 6 5 25 .368 .400 Moderate leakage. 7 5 25 .067 .067 Easily adjusted and no Tkage. 8 5 25 .082 .082 Very satisfactory; slight I'kage. 9 3 15 .200 .182 Moderate leakage. lO 3 .275 . Excessive leakage. II 5 25 .157 .172 Moderate leakage. 12 5 25 .266 •330 Moderate leakage. 13 5 25 .162 .230 No leakage; oiling necessary. 14 5 25 .176 .276 Moderate I'kage; oiling neces. 15 5 25 •233 .255 Difficult to adjust; no leakage. i6 5 25 .292 .210 Oiling necessary; no leakage. 17 5 25 .128 .084 No leakage. TABLE XIII. Kind of Pack- ing. Horse Power consumed by each Box, when Pressure was applied to Gland Nuts by a Seven - Inch Wrench. Horse Power before and after oiling Rod. 5 Pounds 8 Pounds 10 Pounds 12 Pounds 14 Pounds 16 Pounds Dry. Oiled. I 3 4 5 6 9 II 12 13 15 16 17 .120 .248 .220 .348 .126 .363 .6b6 .405 .161 .317 .526 .327 .198 .136 •430 .228 .500 •454 .242 •394 *.*86o .277 •303 .260 .535 •359 .582 .380 •330 .520 .454 •390 .340 •533 .055 .154 .323 .067 •533 .666 .454 .454 .021 .123 .194 •053 ,236 .636 .176 .122 6o MACHINE DESIGN • TABLE XiV. No. of Packing. Av. H. P. at 2o Lbs. Av. H. P. at 70 Lbs. Max. H. P. Min. H. P. Av. H. P. for entire Test. I .077 .351 •452 .024 ■259 2 .422 .500 512 .167 .410 3 .130 .178 276 •035 .120 4 .184 .195 230 .142 .188 5 .146 .162 285 .069 .158 6 .240 .200 255 .071 .186 7 .127 .192 213 •095 •154 8 .153 .174 238 .112 .165 9 .287 .469 535 •159 •389 lO .151 .160 226 •035 .103 ^ II .141 156 380 .064 .177 12 .053 •095 •143 •035 .090 Packings Nos. 5, 6, 10 and 12 are braided flax with graphite lubrication and are best adapted for low pressures. Packings Nos. 3, 4 and 7 are similar to the above but have parafine lubrication. Packings Nos. 2 and 9 are square duck without lubricant and are on- ly suitable for very high pressures, the friction loss being approximately constant. EXAMPLES. Make a careful study and sketch of the sliding bearings on each of the following machines and ana- lyze as to: (a) Purpose (b) Character, (c) Adjust- ment, (d) Lubrication . 1 . One of the engine lathes in the shop. 2. One of the planing machines. 3. One of the shaping machines. 4. One of the milling machines. 5. One of the upright drills. 6. One of the engines. ®Jtai:tt^r 7* JOURNALS, PIVOTS AND BEARINGS. 32. Journals. A journal is that part of a rotating shaft which rests in the bearings and is of necessity a surface of revolution, usually cylindrical or conical. The material of the journal is generally steel, some- times soft and sometimes hardened and ground. The material of the bearing should be softer than the journal and of such a quality as to hold oil readily. The cast metals such as cast iron, bronze and babbitt metal are suitable on account of their porous, granu- lar character. Wood, having the grain normal to the bearing surface, is used where water is the lubricant, as in water wheel steps and stern bearings of propel- lers, 33. Adjustment. Bearings wear more or less rap- idly with use and need to be adjusted to compensate for the wear. The adjustment must be of such a char« acter and in such a direction as to take up the wear and at the same time maintain as far as possible the correct shape of the bearing. The adjustment should then be in the line of the greatest pressure. Fig. 22 illustrates some of the more com- mon ways of adjusting a bearing, the arrows showing the direction of adjustment and pre- sumably the direction of pressure, (a) is the most usual where the principal wear is ver- tical, (d) is a form frequently used on the main journals of 62 MACHINE DKSIGisr. engines when the wear is in two directions, horizontal on account of the steam pressure and vertical on ac- count of the weight of shaft and fly wheel. All of these are more or less imperfect since the bearing, af- ter wear and adjustment, is no longer cylindrical but is made up of two or more approximately cylindrical surfaces. A bearing slightly conical and adjusted endwise as it wears, is probably the closest approximation to correct practice. Fig. 23 shows the main bearing of the Porter - Allen en- gine, one of the best examples of a four part adjust- ment. The cap, is adjusted in the nor- mal way with bolts and nuts; the bottom, can be raised and lowered the cheeks can be Fig. 23. underneath by liners placed moved in or out by means of the wedges shown. Thus it is possible, not only to adjust the bearing for wear, but to align the shaft perfectly. The main bearing of the spindle in a lathe, as shown in Fig. 24, offers a good example of symmetri- cal adjustment. The headstock A has a conical hole to receive the bearing B, which latter can be moved lengthwise by the nuts F G. The bearing may be split into two, three or four seg- ments or it may be cut as shown in (e) Fig. 22 and sprung into adjustment. A careful distinction must be made between this class of bearing and that before MACHINE DESIGN, 63 mentioned, where the journal itself is conical and ad- justed endwise. A good example of the latter form is seen in the spindles of many milling machines. 34 Lubrication. The bearings of machines which run intermittently, like most machine tools, are oiled by means of simple oil holes, but machinery which is in continuous motion as is the case with line shafting and engines requires some automatic system of lu- brication. There is not space in these notes for a de- tailed description of all the various types of oiling de- vices and only a general classification will be at- tempted. lyubrication is effected in the following ways: 1 . By grease cups. 2. By oil cups. 3. By oily pads of felt or waste. 4. By oil wells with rings or chains for lifting the oil. 5. By centrifugal force through a hole in the journal itself. Grease cups have little to recommend them except as auxiliary safety devices. Oil cups are various in their shapes and methods of operation and constitute the chief class of lubricating devices. They may be divided according to their operation into wick oilers, needle feed, and sight feed. The two first mentioned are nearly obsolete and the sight feed oil cup, which drops the oil at regular intervals through a glass tube in plain sight, is in common use. The best sight feed oiler is that which can be readily adjusted as to time intervals, which can be turned on or off without dis- turbing the adjustment and which shows clearly by its appearance whether it is turned on. On engines and electric machinery which is in continuous use day and night, it is very important that the oiler itself should be stationary, so that it may be filled without stopping the machinery. For continuous oiling of stationary bearings as in line shafting and electric machinery, an oil well below 64 MACHINE DESIG the bearing is preferred, with some automatic means of pumping the oil over the bearing, when it runs back by gravity into the well. Porous wicks and pads acting by capillary attraction are un- certain in their action and liable to become clogged. For bearings of medium size, one or more light steel rings running loose on the shaft and dipping into the oil, as shown in Fig. 25, are the best. For large bearings flexible chains are employed which take up less room than the ring. Centrifugal oilers are most used on parts which cannot readily be oiled when in motion, such as loose pulleys and the crank pins of engines. Fig. 26 shows two such devices as applied to an engine. In A the oil is supplied by the waste from the main journal; in B an external sight feed oil cup is used which supplies oil to the central revolving cup C. ^ Fig. 25 ;L... . B c Fig. 26. Ivoose pulleys or pulleys running on stationary studs are best oiled from a hole running along the axis of the shaft and thence out radially to the surface of the bearing. A loose bushing of some soft metal per- forated with holes is a good safety device for loose pulleys. Note: For adjustable pedestal and hanger bearings see the chapter on shafting. MACHINK DESIGN. 65 35. Friction of Journals: Let W=the total load on a journal in lbs. l=the length of journal in inches. d=the diameter of journal in inches. N= number of revolutions per minute. v= velocity of rubbing in feet per minute. F= friction at surface of journal in lbs. = W tan (p nearly. If a journal is properly fitted in its bearing and does not bind, the value of F will not exceed W tan

Solving in (a) for 1 TcNWtan^ ... 1= (b) w w Let— =:C a co-efficient whose value is to be ob- TTtan^ tained by experiment; then C = -^andl-=-^ (57) Crank pins of steam engines have perhaps caused more trouble by heating than any other form of jour- nal. A comparison of eight different classes of propel- lers in the old U. S. Navy showed an average value for C of 350000. A similar average for the crank pins of thirteen screw steamers in the French Navy gave C= 400000. Locomotive crank pins which are in rapid motion through the cool outside air allow a much larger value of C, sometimes more than a million. MACHINE DKSIGN. 67 Examination of ten modern stationary engines shows an average value of C= 200000 and an average pressure per square inch of projected area =300 lbs. In general we may use these formulas for station- ary practice : To prevent heating: 1= (s8) ^ ^ 200000 ^^ ^ W To prevent wear ld= (59) 38. Strength and Stiffness of Journals. A jour- nal is usually in the condition of a bracket with a uni- Wl form load, and the bending moment M = — Therefore by formula (6) Wl " --^T- w^ A 3 fWl ,^ , or d=i.72i' 1-^ (60) The maximum deflection of such a bracket is /\ = 8EI ;rd' WV 64 8EA 64WP ^ 2.547WP sttEa" ea If as is usual A is allowed to be ih inches, then for stiffness d=^ J?^^^^ (6i) or approximately d=4 ^=:- (6.?) 68 MACHINE DESIGN. The designer must be guided by circumstances in determining whether the journal shall be calculated for wear, for strength or for stiffness. A safe way is to use all three of the formulas and take the largest result. Remember that no factor of safety, is needed in formula for stiffness. Note that W in formulas for strength and stiffness is not the average but the maximum load. 39. Caps and Bolts. The cap of a journal bearing is in the condition of a beam supported by the holding down bolts and loaded at the center, and may be de- signed either for strength or for stiffness. Let : P=max. upward pressure on cap. L = distance between bolts. b= breadth of cap at center. h=depth of cap at center. A=greatest allowable deflection. Qf .;. AT Sbh^ PL Strength: M = — - — == — Stiffness : A = -J 2bS WL' (63) 48EI _ bh^_ WL^ 12 48EA '--'^^^r^ (64) WL' 4bEA If A is allowed to be xio inches and E for cast iron is taken = 18000000- then: h = .oiii5L'J^ (65) The holding down bolts should be so designed that the bolts on one side of the cap may be capable of carrying safely two thirds of the total pressure. MACHINE DESIGN. 69 exampi.es. 1. A flat car weighs 10 tons, is designed to carry a load of 20 tons more and is supported by two four wheeled trucks, the axle journals being of wrought iron and the wheels 33 inches in diameter. Design the journals, considering heating, wear, strength and stiffness, assuming a maximum speed of 30 miles an hour, factor of safety=io and 0=^300000. 2. Measure the crank pin of any modern engine which is accessible, calculate the various constants and compare them with those given in this section. 3. Design a crank pin for an engine under the following conditions : Diameter of piston = 28 inches. Maximum steam pressure = 90 lbs. per sq. in. Mean steam pressure = 40 lbs. per sq. in. Revolutions per minute = 75 Determine dimensions necessary to prevent wear and heating and then test for strength and stiffness. 4. Make a careful study and sketch of journals and journal bearings on each of the following machines and analyze as to (a) Materials, (b) Ad- justment, (c) lyubrication. (i) One of the engine lathes in the shop. (2) One of the milling machines. (3) One of the steam engines. (4) One of the electric generators. 5. Sketch at least one form of oil cup used in the laboratories and explain its working. 6. The shaft journal of a vertical engine is 4 ins. in diameter by 6 ins. long. The cap is of cast iron, held down by 4 bolts of wTought iron, each 5 ins. from center of shaft, and the greatest vertical pressure is 12000 lbs. Calculate depth of cap at center for both strength and stiffness, and also the diameter of bolts. 7. Investigate the strength of the cap and bolts of 70 MACHINE DESIGN. some pillow block whose dimensions are known, under a pressure of 500 lbs. per sq. in. of projected area. 8. The total weight on the drivers of a locomotive is 64000 lbs. The drivers are four in number, 5 ft. 2 in. in diameter, and have journals 7}^ in. in diameter. Determine the horse power consumed in friction under each of the three above named conditions, when the locomotive is running 50 miles an hour, assuming tan^=:i.o5 . 40. Friction of Pivots or Step -Bearings.— Flat Pivots. Let W=weight on pivot dj=outer diameter of pivot p= intensity of vertical pressure M = moment of friction f= co-efficient of friction = tan ^ We will assume p to be a constant which is no doubt approximately true. W 4W Then p= area TrdJ Let r= the radius of any elementary ring of a width = dr , then area of element=27rrdr Friction on element = fp X 27rrdr Moment of friction of element =2fp7rrMr -.1 and M = 2fp7r f— ^'^^ ^^) o r^ d' or M = 2fp7r =2fp7r — ^ 3 24 2f^d? 4W I .^^r. .^^. ' X ^=--Wfd, (66) 24 ^d: The great objection to this form of pivot is the uneven wear due to the difference in velocity between center and circumference. MACHINE DESIGN. 7 1 /It. Flat Collar. lyet d2= inside diameter Integrating as in equation (a) above, but using limits and — ^and — ^ we have 2 2 M= , dl-dl =2fp" 2 4 this case P = - 4W '(d^-d|) M= = ^Wf d^-d^ d?-d^ (67) 42. Conical Pivot. Let a = angle of inclination to the vertical. M-p ' rA X \ \ I: \ ^ — ■v -^ dW= Fig. 27. 4W -(d?-d^) As in the case of a flat ring the intensity of the vertical pres- sure is 4W Kd?-dD and the vertical pres- sure on an elementary ring of the bearing surface is X 2 TT rdrizz 8Wrdr dj~d As seen in Fig. 27 the normal pressure on the elementary ring is dP= -^ _ 8Wrdr sina (dj— d2)sina 72 MACHINE DESIGN. The friction on the ring is fdP and the moment of this friction is ,-- , ,_ SWf rMr dM=frdP^ ^^,_^.^^.^^ M= ,./^!. PrMr (df-d^)sinaJ d 2 sma dj— A\ TT As a approaches — the value of M approaches that of a flat ring, and as a approaches o the value of M ap- proaches 00 . If d2 =o we have Ayr T/ Wfd ,^ , M=^-^ (69) sina The conical pivot also wears unevenly, ucually assuming a concave shape as seen in profile. 43. Schiele's Pivot. By experimenting with a pivot and bearing made of some friable material, it was shown that the outline tended to become curved as shown in Fig. 29, This led to a mathematical investi- gation which showed that the curve would be a trac- trix under certain conditions. This curve may be traced me- ,5 chanically as shown in Fig. 28. I Let the weight W be free to j move on a plane. Let the string ; SW be kept taut and the end S • moved along the straight line SL. j Then will a pencil attached to the 1 center of W trace on the plane a ^ L tractrix whose axis is SL. Fig- ^8. o w MACHINE DESIGN, 73 r, - — >1 s *r_.~j/p /^ --w / d w > "~d Q L In Fig. 29 let SW=length of string = r^ and let P be any point in the curve. Then it is evident that the tangent PQ to the curve is a constant and = 1*1 r Also sin ^' Let a pivot be generated by revolving the curve around its axis SL. As in the case ol the conical pivot it can be ^^S' 29. proved that the normal pres- sure on an element of convex surface is dP= 8Wrdr (d?-d^)sin^ (a) Let the normal wear of the pivot be assumed to be proportional to this normal pressure and to the velocity of the rubbing surfaces, /. e, normal wear proportional to pr, then is the vertical wear proportional to '^ But- is a constant, there- sin^ .2857 .8976 18 .0555 -1745 46 .0217 .0683 4 .25 .7854 19 .0526 .1653 48 .0208 .0654 5 .2 .6283 20 .05 .1571 50 .02 .0628 6 .1667 .5236 22 .0455 .1428 56 .0179 .0561 MACHINE DESIGN. 93 The proportions given in Table XVI. are those most usual in practice, but many good authorities recommend a shorter tooth as giving less obHquity and sliding friction and as being much stronger. The length generally recommend-^d in such cases is equal to one-half the circular pitch plus the clearance. Short teeth are being more used every year. Strength of Teeth. P = total driving pressure on wheel at pitch 59. Let circle. This may be distributed over two or more teeth, but the chances are against an even distribution. Again, in designing a set of gears the contact is likely to be confined to one pair of teeth in the smaller pinions. Each tooth should therefore be made strong enough to sustain the whole pressure. Rough Teeth, The teeth of pattern molded gears are apt to be more or less irregular in shape, and are especially liable to be thicker at one end on account of the draft of the pattern. In this case the entire pressure may come on the outer corner of a tooth and tend to cause a diagonal fracture. Let C in Fig. 39 be the point of application of the pressure P, and AB the line of probable fracture. B 94 MACHINE DESIGN Use the notation of Fig. 38 and the proportions for pattern molded teeth in Table XVI. The bending moment at section AB is M=Py, and the moment of resistance is M' = -i-Sxw' where S = safe transverse strength of material. Py =4-Sxw^ 6 and Fig. 38. S = 6Py (a) when If P and w are constant, then S is a maximum y IS a maximum. But y = h sin a and x=- cosa y — = sin« cosa which is a maximum when «= 45"* and — = J^ X ^ ^P Substituting this value in (a) we have S = -^ 7 p But in this case w=.47p and therefore S = -^ — i ^'^ .22Ip* and p=3.684 f— (~p Diameter pitch, d= 1.173 — S^ P Unless machine molded teeth are very carefully- made, it may be necessary to apply this rule to them as well. Pitch number ' "^ = -853 J (76) (77) (78) MACHINK DESIGN. 95 Cut Gears, With careful workmanstiip machine molded and machine cut teeth should touch along the whole breadth. In such cases we may assume a line of contact at crest of tooth and a maximum bending mo- ment M==Ph The moment of resistance at base of tooth is M^ = >^Sbw^ when b is ^he breadth of tooth. In most teeth the thickness at base is greater than w, but in radial teeth it is less. Assuming standard proportions for cut gears : h — 2}id =.6765p W--.5P and substituting above : A A T. Sbp^ .6765 Pp=-^ P = .o6i6bSp .(79) The above formula is general whatever the ratio of breath to pitch. The general practice in this country is to make b=3p Substituting this value of b in (79) and reducing: p=2.326 I— (8o> or about two thirds the value obtained in Case I. |P" Diameter pitch d=.74 I— - ,. (81) I /"s~ Pitch number ~d'=^-35j-^ (82) 60. Lewis' Formulas. The foregoing formulas can only be regarded as approximate, since the strength of gear teeth depends upon the number of teeth in the wheel; the teeth of a rack are broader at the base and consequently stronger than those of a pinion. This is more particularly true of epicycloidal teeth. 96 MACHINE DESIGN. Mr. Wilfred Lewis has deduced formulas which take into account this variation. For cut spur gears of standard dimensions the Lewis formula is as follows : P=bSp (.124-^^51) (83) n where n = number of teeth. This formula reduces to the same as (79) for n=i4 nearly. Formula (79) would then properly apply only to small pinions, but as it would err on the safe side for (arger wheels, it can be used where great accuracy is not needed. The same criticism applies to formulas (80) (81) and (82). The value of S used should depend on the ma- terial and on the speed. The following values are recommended for cast iron and cast steel. Ivinear Velocity o 500 1000 1500 2000 ft. per minute Cast Iron 6000 4500 2500 2000 1800 Cast Steel 15000 loooo 7000 5000 4500 Good bronze will have about the same strength as the steel. The smaller values of S at the higher speeds are to allow for the blows and shocks which always occur in quick running gears. 61 Experimental Data. Inth^ American Mac hinisf for Jan. 14, 1897 ^^^ given the actual breaking loads of gear teeth which failed in service. The teeth had an average pitch of about 5 inches a breadth of about 18 inches and the rather unusual velocity of over 2000 ft. per minute. The average breaking load was about 15000 lbs. there being an average of about 50 teeth on the pinions. Substituting these values (83) and solv- ing we get 8=1575 lbs. MACHINE DESIGN. 97 This very low value is to be attributed to the con- dition of pressure on one corner noted in Art. 59. Substituting in formula for such a case. S=7^^7^ -8150 This all goes to show that it is well to allow large factors of safety for rough gears, especially when the speed is high. Experiments have been made ou the static strength of rough cast iron gear teeth at the Case School of AppUed Science by breaking them in a testing machine. The teeth were cast singly from patterns, were two pitch and about 6 inches broad. The patterns were constructed accurately from templates representing 15^ involute teeth and cycloidal teeth constructed with describing circle one-half the pitch circle of 15 teeth; the proportions used were those given for standard cut gears. There were in all 41 cycloidal teeth of shapes cor- responding to wheels of 15-24-36-48-72-120 teeth and a rack. There were 28 involute teeth correspond- ing to numbers above given omitting the pinion of 15 teeth. The pressure was applied by a steel plunger tan- gent to the surface of tooth and so pivoted as to bear evenly across the whole breadth. The teeth were in- clined at various angles so as to vary the obliquity from o to 25° for the cycloidal and from 15° to 25^ for the involute. The point of application changing accord- ingly from the pitch line to the crest of the tooth. From these experiments the following conclusions were drawn; 1 . The plane of fracture is approximately parallel to line of pressure and not necessarily at right angles to radial line, through center of tooth. 2. Corner breaks are likely to occur even when the pressure is apparently uniform along the tooth. There were fourteen such breaks in all. 98 MACHINE DESIGN. 3. With teeth of dimensions given, the breaking pressure per tooth varies from 25000 lbs. to 50000 lbs. for cycloids as the number of teeth increases from 15 to infinity; the breaking pressure for involutes of the same pitch varies from 34000 lbs to 80000 lbs. as the tooth number increases from 24 to infinity. 4. With teeth as above the average breaking pres- sure varies from 50000 lbs. to 26000 lbs. in the cycloids as the angle changes from 0° to 25^ and the tangent point moves from pitch line to crest, with involute teeth the range is between 64000 and 39000 lbs. 5. Reasoning from the figures just given, rack teeth are about twice as strong as pinion teeth and in- volute teeth have an advantage in strength over cy- cloidal of from forty to fifty per cent. The advantage of short teeth in point of strength can also be seen. The modulus of rupture of the material used was about 36000 lbs. Values of S calculated from Lewis' formula for the various tooth numbers are quite uniform and average about 40000 lbs. forcycloidal teeth. Involute teeth are to-day generally preferred by manufacturers. William Sellers & Co. use an obliquity of 20^ instead of 14^ or 15^ the usual angle. 62. Teeth of Bevel Gears. There have been many formulas and diagrams proposed for determining the strength of bevel gear teeth, some of them being very complicated and inconvenient. It will usually answer every purpose from a practical standpoint, if we treat the section at the middle of the breadth of such a tooth as a spur wheel tooth and design it by the foregoing formulas. The breadth of the teeth of a bevel gear should be about one-third of the distance from the base of the cone to the apex. One point needs to be noted; the teeth of bevel gears are stronger than those of spur gears of the same pitch and number of teeth since they are de- veloped from a pitch circle having an element of the normal cone as a radius. To illustrate we will suppose that we are designing the teeth of a miter gear and MACHINE DESIGN. 99 that the number of teeth is 32. In such a gear the element of normal cone is \/~2~times the radius. The actual shape of the teeth will then correspond to those of a spur gear having 32^/T"== 45 teeth nearly. Note.— In designing the teeth of gears where the number is unknown, the approximate dimensions may- first be obtained by formula (80) and then these values corrected by using Lewis' formula. EXAMPLES. 1 . The drum of a hoist is 8 ins. in diameter and makes 5 revs, per minute. The diameter of gear on the drum is 36 inches and of its pinion 6 ins. The gear on the counter shaft is 24 ins. in diameter and its pinion is 6 ins. in diameter. The gears are all rough. Calculate the pitch and number of teeth of each gear, assuming a load of one ton on drum chain and S = 6000, Also determine the horse-power of the machine. 2. Calculate the pitch and number of teeth of a cut cast steel gear 10 ins. in diameter, running at 250 revs, per min. and transmitting 20 HP. 3. A cast iron gear wheel is 30 ft. 6^ ins. in pitch diameter and has 192 teeth, which are machine cut and 30 ins. broad. Determine the circular and diameter pitches of the teeth and the horse-power which the gear will trans- mit safety when making 12 revs, per min. 4. A two pitch cycloidal tooth, 6 ins. broad, 72 teeth to the wheel, failed under a load of 38000 lbs. Find value of S by Lewis' formula. 5. A vertical water wheel shaft is connected to horizontal head shaft by cast iron gears and transmits 150 H P. The water wheel makes 200 revs, per min. and the head shaft 100. Determine the dimensions of the gears and teeth if the latter are approximately two pitch. LofC. lOO MACHINE DESIGN. 63. Rim and Arms. The rim of a gear, especially if the teeth are cast, should have nearly the same thickness as the base of tooth, to avoid cooling strains. It is difficult to calculate exactly the stresses on the arms of the gear, since we know so little of the initial stress present, due to cooling and contraction. A hub of unusual weight is liable to contract in cooling after the arms have become rigid and cause severe tension or even fracture at the junction of arm and hub. A heavy rim on the contrary may compress the arms so as actually to spring them out of shape. Of course both of these errors should be avoided, and the pattern be so designed that cooling shall be simul- taneous in all parts of the casting. The arms of spur gears are usually made straight without curves or taper, and of a flat, elliptical cross- section, which offers little resistance to the air. To support the wide rims of bevel gears and to facilitate drawing the pattern from the sand, the arms are some- times of a rectangular or T section, having the greatest depth in the direction of the axis of the gear. For pulleys which are to run at a high speed it is import- ant that there should be no ribs or projections on arms or rim which will offer resistance to the air. Experi- ments by the writer have shown this resistance to be serious at speeds frequently used in practice. A series of experiments conducted by the author are reported in the Anierican Machinist for Sep. 22, 1898, to which paper reference is here made. Twenty- four pulleys having 3^ inches face and diameters of 16, 20 and 24 inches were broken in a testing machine by the pull of a steel belt, the ratio of the belt tension being adjusted by levers so as to be two to one. Twelve of the pulleys were of the ordi- nary cast iron type having each six arms tapering and of an elliptic section. The other twelve were Medart pulleys with steel rims riveted to arms and having some six and some eight arms. Test pieces cast from MACHINE DESIGN. lOI the same iron as the pulleys showed an average modu- lus of rupture of 35800 for the cast iron and 50800 for the Medart. In every case the arm or the two arms nearest the side of the belt having the greatest tension, broke first showing that the torque was not evenly distributed by the rim. Measurements of the deflection of the arms showed it to be from two to six times as great on this side as on the other. The buckling and springing of the rim was very noticeable especially in the Medart pulleys. The arms of all the pulleys broke at the hub show- ing the greatest bending moment there as the strength of the arms at the hub was about double that at the rim. On the other hand some of the cast iron arms broke simultaneously at hub and rim showing a nega- tive bending moment at the rim about one-halt that at the hub. The following general conclusions are justified by these experiments : (a) The bending moments on pulley arms are not evenly distributed by the rim, but are greatest next the tight side of belt. (b) There are bending moments at both ends of arm, that at the hub being much the greater, the ratio depending on the relative stiffness of rim and arms. The following rules may be adopted for designing the arms of cast iron pulleys and gears : 1. Multiply the net turning pressure, whether caused by belt or tooth, by a suitable factor of safety and by the length of the arm in inches. Divide this product by one-half the number of arms and use the quotient for a bending moment. Design the hub end of arm to resist this moment. 2. Make the rim ends of arms one-half as strong as the hub ends. I02 MACHINE DESIGN. 64. Sate speed for Wheels The centrifugal force developed in a rapidly revolving pulley or gear pro- duces a certain tension on the rim, and also a bending of the rim between the arms. We will first investigate the case of a pulley having a rim of uniform cross section. It is safe to assume that the rim should be capable of bearing its own centrifugal tension without assist- ance from the arms. Let D= mean diameter of pulley rim. t=thickness of rim. b=breadth of rim. w=weight of material per cu. in. = .26 lbs. for cast iron. = .28 lbs. for wrought iron or steel. n=number of arms. N= number revs, per min. v=r velocity of rim in ft. per sec. First let us consider the centrifugal tension alone. The centrifugal pressure per square inch of concave surface is Wv^ P = "^ — ^") where W is the weight of rim per square inch of con- D cave surface = wt, and r= radius in feet = ~^T~ The centrifugal tension produced in the rim hj this force is by formula (13) ^— 2t Substituting the values of p, W and r and reducing: I2WV^ and v=^^- (85) MACHINE DESIGN. IO3 For an average value of w=.27, (86) reduces to v^ S = — nearly. a convenient form to remember. If v/e assume S as the ultimate tensile strength, 16500 lbs. for cast iron in large castings and 60000 lbs. for soft steel, then the bursting speed of rim is ; for a cast iron wheel v=4o6 ft. per sec (86) and for steel rim ^=775 ft. per sec (87) and these values may be used in roughly calculating the safe speed of pulleys. It has been shown by Mr. James B. Stanwood, in a paper read before the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers,^ that each section of the rim be- tween the arms is moreover in the condition of a beam fixed at the ends and uniformly loaded. This condition will produce an additional tension on the outside of rim. The formula for such a beam when of rectangular cross-section is Wl Sbd^ 17=-^ (^) W in this case is the centrifugal force of the frac- tion of rim included between two arms. TrDbtW The weight of this fraction is ~ and its cen- TrDbtw 24V^ 247rbtwv^ trifugal force W = - X -^^orW=— ^^^^ ttD Also 1 — ~~z~~ and d=t * See Trans. A. S. M. B. Vol. XIV. I04 MACHINE DESIGN. Substituting these values in (b) and solving for S : Dwv" 8=3.678-^^ (c) If w is given an average value of .27 then Dv' S = -^^ nearly (d) and the total value of the tensile stress on outer sur- face of rim is Dv' v' S'=^^ + j^nearly (88) Solving for v : V =.U . _i_ (89) X tn2^ 10 In a pulley with a thin rim and small number of arms, the stress due to this bending is seen to be con- siderable. It must however be remembered that the stretch- ing of the arms' due to their own centrifugal force and that of the rim will to some extent diminish this bend- ing. Mr. Stanwood recommends a deduction of one- half from the value of S in (d) on this account. Prof, Gaetano Lanza has published quite an elab- orate mathematical discussion of this subject. (See Vol. XVI. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engineers.) He shows that in ordinary cases the stretch of the arms will re- lieve more than one half of the stress due to bending, perhaps three-quarters. MACHINE DESIGN. I05 65 Experiment^ on Fly Wheels. In order to de- termine experimentally the centrifugal tension and bending in rapidly revolving rims, a large number of small fly wheels have been tested to destruction at the Case School laboratories. In all ten wheels, fifteen inches in dameter and twenty-three wheels two feet in diameter have been so tested. An account of some of these experiments may be found in Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Vol. XX. The wheels were all of cast iron and modeled after actual fly wheels. Some had solid rims, some jointed rims and some steel spokes. To give to the wheels the speed necessary for de- struction, use w^as made of a Dow steam ttu-bine capa- ble of being run at any speed up to loooo revolutions per minute. The turbine shaft was connected to the shaft carrying the fly wheels by a brass sleeve coup- ling loosely pinned to the shafts at each end in such a way as to form a universal joint, and so proportioned as to break or slip without injuring the turbine in case of sudden stoppage of the fly wheel shaft. One experiment with a shield made of two-inch plank convinced us that safety did not lie in that di- rection, and in succeeding experiments with the fifteen inch wheels a bomb-proof constructed of 6x12 inch white oak was used. The first experiment with a twenty-four inch wheel showed even this to be a flimsy contrivance. In subsequent experiments a shield made of 12x12 inch oak was used. Even this shield was split repeatedly and had to be re-enforced by bolts. A cast steel ring about four inches thick Uned with wooden blocks and covered wiih three inch oak plank- ing was finally adopted. The wheels were usually demolished by the ex- plosion. No crashing or rending noise was heard, only one quick, sharp report, like a musket shot. The following tables give a summary of a number of the experiments. lo6 MACHINE DESIGN, TABLE XVilL — FIFTEEN INCH WHEELS. Bursting Speed. Centrifugal Tension No. Revs. Feet per v2 10 Remarks. per Minute. Second =v. I 6,525 430 18,500 Six arms. 2 6,525 430 18,500 Six arms. 3 6,035 395 15,600 Thin rim. 4 5,872 380 14,400 Thin rim. 5 2,925 192 3,700 Joint in rim. 6 5,600* 368 13,600 Three arms. 7 6,198 406 16,500 Three arms. 8 5,709 368 13,600 Three arms. 9 5,709 365 13,300 Thin rim. lO 5.709 361 13,000 Thin rim. * Doubtful. TABLE XIX.— TWENTY- FOUR INCH WHEELS. Shape and Size of Rim. Weight ^0. of^ Diam- Breadth Depth Area Wheel, eter Sq. Style of Joint. Inches Inches Inches Inches Pounds. II 24 2H 1-5 3.18 Solid rim. 75.25 12 24 4A .75 3.85 Internal flanges, bolted 93. 13 24 4 .75 3.85 (( (( (( 91-75 14 24 4 .75 3.85 95. 15 24 4A .75 3.85 94.75 16 24 ^ 1.2 2.1 2.45 Three lugs and links 65.1 17 24 1.2 2.1 2.45 Two lugs and links. 65. MACHINE DESIGN. TABLE XX — FLANGES AND BOLTS. 107 Flanges. Bolts. Ko. Thick- ness, Inches. Effective Breadth, Inches. Effective Area, Inches. No. to each Joint. Diameter Inches. Total Tensile Strength, Pounds. 12 13 14 15 if 2.8 2.75 2.75 2.5 1.92 2.34 4 4 4 4 16,000 16,000 16,000 20,000 BY TESTING MACHINE. Tensile strength of cast iron = 19,600 pounds per square in. Transverse strength of cast iron = 46,600 pounds per square in. Tensile strength of -^^ bolts = 4,000 pounds. Tensile strength of | bolts = 5,000 pounds. TABLE XXI.— FAILURE OF FLANGED JOINTS. Area of Rim, Square Inches. Effect. Area flanges. Sq. Ins. Total Strength Bolts, Pounds. Bursting Speed. Cent. Tension. No. Rev. per Min. Ft.per Sec. = V. Per Sq.In. 10 Total Lbs. Remarks, II 3.18 3.85 3.85 3.85 3,672 385 lA 800 /It' rtnr\ Solid riin. 12 1.92 ,2:58 2.34 16,000 16,000 16,000 20,000 Flange broke. Flange broke. Bolts broke. Flange broke. 13 14 15 1,760 1,875 1,810 184 196 190 3,40013,100 3,85014,800 3,61013,900 io8 MACHINE DESIGN. TABLE XXII.— LINKED JOINTS. Lugs. Links. No. Area Sq. In. Effect Breadth. Inches. d CO Effective Area, Sq. Ids. i6 .45 I.O .45 3 •57 .327 .186 17 .44 .98 •43 2 .54 .380 .205 Rim. Max. Area, Sq. Ins. 2.45 2.45 Net Area, Sq. Ins. 1.98 1.98 BY TESTING MACHINE. Tensile strength of cast iron = 19,600. Transverse strength of cast iron = 40,400. Av. tensile strength of each link = 10, 180. TABLE XXIII, — FAILURE OF LINKED JOINTS. Bursting Cent. i i Speed. Tension. 3 Ft. Per No. 0^ Rev. per per Sec. Sq.In. v2 Total. Remarks. % ^ -*-» Min. = v 10 tn t/5 16 30,540 38,800 3,060 320 10,240 25,100 Rim broke. 17 20,360 38,800 2,750 290 8,410 20,600 Lugs and Rim broke. MACHINE DESIGN. I09 The flanged joirrts mentioned had the internal flanges and bolts common in large belt wheel rims while the linked joints were such as are commonly used in fly wheels not used for belts. Subsequent experiments have given approximately the same results as those just detailed. The highest velocity yet attained has been 424 feet per second; this is in a solid cast iron rim with numerous steel spokes. The average bursting velocity for solid cast rims with cast spokes is 400 feet per second. Wheels with jointed rims burst at speeds varying from 190 to 250 feet per second, according to the style of joint and its location. The following general con- clusions seem justified by these tests. 1. Fly-wheels with solid rims, of the proportions usual among engine builders and having the usual number of arms, have a sufficient factor of safety at a rim speed of 100 feet per second if the iron is of good quality and there are no serious cooling strains. In such wheels the bending du*e to centrifugal force is slight, and may safely be disregarded. 2. Rimjoints midway between the arms are a serious defect and reduce the factor of safety very ma- terially. Such joints are as serious mistakes in design as would be a joint in the middle of a girder under a heavy load. 3. Joints made in the ordinary manner, with in- ternal flanges and bolts, are probably the worst that could be devised for this purpose. Under the most favorable circumstances they have only about one- fourth the strength of the solid rim and are particularly weak against bending. In several joints of this character, on large fly- wheels, calculation has shown a strength less than one-fifth that of the rim. 4. The type of joint known as the link or prisoner joint is probably the best that could be devised for no MACHINE DESIGN. narrow rimmed wheels not intended to carry belts, and possesses when properly designed a strength about two-thirds that of the solid rim. 66. Rims of Cast Iron Gears. A toothed wheel will burst at a less speed than a pulley because the teeth increase the weight and therefore the centrifugal force without adding to the strength. The centrifugal force and therefore the stresses due to the force will be increased nearly in the ratio that the weight of rim and teeth is greater than the weight of rim alone. This ratio in ordinary gearing varies from 1.5 to 1.7. We will assume 1.6 as an average value. Neglect- ing bending we now have from equation (86) I2WV^ I9.2WV^ S=i.6x— ^= (90) and ^=S^ \19.2w = 326.2 ft. per second (91). Including bending «'=^-^^\^^+7^] (9^> As the transverse strength of cast iron by experi- ment is about double the tensile strength, a larger value of S may be allowed in formulas (88), (89) and (92). In built up wheels it is better to have tlie joints come near the arms to prevent the tendency of the bending to open the joints, and the fastenings should have the same tensile strength as the rim of the wheel. MACHINE DESIGN. Ill exampi.es. 1 . Design eight arms of elliptic section for a gear 48 ins. pitch diameter to transmit a pressure on tooth of 800 lbs. 2. Determine bursting speed of the gear in pre- vious example in revolutions per minute if the thick- ness of rim is .75 inch. (i) Considering centrifugal tension alone. (2) Including bending of rim due to centrifugal force, assuming that one-half the stress due to bending is relieved by the stretching of the arms. 3. Design a link joint for the rim of a fly-wheel, the rim being 8 ins. wide, 12 ins. deep and 18 ft. mean diameter, the links to have a tensile strength of 65000 lbs. per sq. in. Determine the relative strength of joint and the probable bursting speed. 4. Discuss the proportions of one of the following wheels in the laboratory and criticise dimensions. (a) Fly-wheel, AUis engine. (b) Fly - wheel, Fairbanks gas engine. (c) I^arge Medart pulleys, Electrical laboratory. (d) Belt - wheel, AUis engine. TRANSMISSION BY BELTS AND ROPES. 67. Friction of Belting. The transmitting power of a belt is due to its friction on the pulley, and this friction is equal to the difference between the tensions of the driving and slack sides of the belt. Let w= width of belt. Ti=tension of driving side. T2= tension of slack side. R= friction of belt f = co-efficient of friction " ^> between belt and pulley. = arc of contact in cir- I cular measure. T Fig. 40. The tension T at any part of the arc of contact is intermediate between T^ and Tg. Let AB Fig. 40, be an indefinitely short element of the arc of contact, so that the tensions at A and B differ only by the amount dT. dT will then equal the friction on AB which we may call dR. Draw the intersecting tangents OT and OT' to represent the tensions and find their radial resultant OP. Then will OP represent the normal pressure on the arc AB which we will call P. ^8 27-5 100 /s 185. 120 5/8 33 -o 120 /8 222. 9 80 Vz 41-5 15 80 ^ 217. 100 Vz 51-9 100 Vz 259- 120 Vz 62.2 120 n 300- MACHINE DESIGN. 1 23 Hunt's table and then check by calculating the centri- fugal tension and the total maximum tension on each rope. 5. Design a wire rope transmission to carry 1 20 H P a distance of one - quarter mile using two ropes. Determine working and maximum tension on rope, length of rope, diameter and speed of pulleys and number of supporting pulleys. INDEX. PAGE. Adjustment of Bearings 61-62 Ball Bearings 76-80 Barlow's Formula 17 Beams, Bending 7-8 Deflection 11 Bearings, Adjustment 61-62 Ball 76-80 Ivubrication 63-64 Roller 80-82 Rotating , 61-67 Sliding 53-57 Thrust 74 Belting, Friction of 112-113 Experiments 114 Speeds 116 Strength 114 Width 115-116 Boiler Shells 16 Bolts and Nuts 39 Coupling 86 Strength, Table 40 Bursting Fly-Wheels 105-109 Caps and Bolts 68 Columns, Strength 8-9 Cotters 50-51 Couplings, Shaft 85-86 Cylinders, Steam 20-24 Table 22 Deflection, Formulas 11 Design, Principles of . 12-13 Fly- Wheels, Experiments 105-109 Formulas, General 7~9 Frame Design 12-13 Frames, Machine 28-30 Friction of Belts 112-113 Journals 65 Pivots 70-73 Gearing 100 Arms and Rim loo-ioi Bevel 98 Safe Speed no Spur 91-98 Guides 57 Hangers 88 Heating of Journals 66 Hooks 41 Hyatt Rollers 81 Iron, Cast 4 Malleable 4 Wrought 3 Joints, Riveted 42-48 Butt 45-46 I/ap 43-44 Tables 47-48 Joint Pins 49 Journals, Friction . 65 Heating 66 Pressure 65 Strength 67 Keys, Cotter 50-51 Shafting 87 Ivamc's Formulas 19 Lubrication 63-64 Materials of Construction 3 Notation Used 7 Nuts, Check 41 Pipe, Table 18 Pivots, Conical 71 Flat • 70 Schiele 72-73 Plates, Flat 24-27 Experiments 26-27 Pulleys, Arms of loo-ioi Safe Speed 102-104 Riveted Joints 42-49 Roller Bearings 80-82 Rope, Manila 117-120 Horse - Power 120 Strength 119 Rope, Wire 120-122 Tables 122 Sections, Cored 28-29 Section Moduli 10 Shells, Thin 16 Thick 17-20 Shafting 83-85 Slides, General 53 Angular 54 Flat 56 Gibbed 55 Speed, Safe 102-104 Springs, Experiments 33-34 I^lat 36-37 Tension and Compression 31-34 Torsion 34-35 Steel 3-4 Stress and Strain 2; Strength of Metals 5-^' Stuffing Boxes 57-58 Experiments 59-^' Supports, Machine 14 Teeth of Gears 91-99 Experiments 96-9S Thrust Bearings 74 Units Used •• 3 TEXT BOOKS BY Charles H. Benjamin, M. E., » Professor of Mechanical Engineering, CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE. HEGHANIGAL LABORATORY PRACTICE Price $1.50 NOTES D N ME^T AND STKAM SECOND EDITION. Price $1.25 ND TE S D N MACHINE DESIGN SECOND EDITION. Price $2.00 PUBI.ISHKD By CHARLES H. HOLMES, PRINTER, 2303 EUC1.1D AvK., Ci.kve;i.and, O. t [BtA i^oii fEU. 24 '9U2