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insignia of tlje
Sorictn of tl)e four of 1812.
of the
December I, 189^.
Organized September 14, 1814. Re-organized January 9, 1854.
Instituted in Joint- Convention
at Philadelphia, Pa., April 14, 1894.
Philadelphia, Pa.,
tofy *
President- General,
JOHN CADWALADER, (of Pennsylvania Society).
Vice- Presidents-General,
JOHN BIDDLE PORTER, (of Pennsylvania Society).
Commander FELIX McCURLEV, U. S. N., (of Maryland Society).
WILLIAM LITHGOW WILLEY, S. D., (of Massachusetts Society).
Colonel GEORGE BLISS SANFORD, U. S. A., (of Connecticut Society).
ORLANDO W. ALDRICH. Ph. D., LL. D., (of Ohio Society).
CHARLES PAGE BRYAN, (of Illinois Society).
Secretary- General,
Captain HENRY HOBART BELLAS, U. S. A., (of Pennsylvania Society).
(Address: Geruiantown, Philadelphia, Pa.)
Assistant Secretary-General,
(Address : P. O. Box 36, Station A, Boston, Mass.)
Treasurer- General,
SATTERLEE SWARTWOTJT, (of Connecticut Society).
(Address: 8 Park Place, Stamford, Conn.)
Assistant Treasurer- General,
(Address: P. O. Box 117, Zanesville, Ohio).
Registrar- General,
ALBERT KIMBERLY HADEL, M. D., (of Maryland Society).
(Address: 1143 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md).
Surgeon- General,
GEORGE HORACE BURGIN, M. D., (of Pennsylvania Society).
Judge- Advocate- Getieral,
CHARLES HENRY MURRAY, (of Pennsylvania Society).
Chaplain- General,
Reverend ALEXANDER HAMILTON, (of Connecticut Society).
Executive Committee ,
Captain WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE HOFF, U. S. N., Chairman, (of Pennsylvania Society).
JAMES EDWARD CARR, Jr., (of Maryland Society).
FRANKLIN THOMASON BEATTY, M. D., (of Massachusetts Society).
AUGUSTUS FLOYD DELAFIELD, (of Connecticut Society).
HARRY PARKER WARD, (of Ohio Society).
CHARLES CROMWELL, (of Illinois Society).
Whereas, In the Providence of God, victory having crowned the
forces of the United States of America, in upholding the principles of the
Nation against Great Britain in the conflict known as the War of 1812 ;
we, the survivors and descendants of those who participated in that contest,
have joined together to perpetuate its memories and victories, to collect and
secure for preservation, rolls, records, books and other documents relating to
that period ; to encourage research and publication of historical data, in-
cluding memorials of patriots of that era in our National history ; to care
for and, when necessary, assist in burying actual veterans of that struggle ;
to cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and
foster true patriotism and love of country.
This Society shall be known as the "General Society of the War of
The General Society shall be composed of State Societies, which shall
meet annually, on the day appointed therefor in their respective by-laws,
and oftener if they shall deem it necessary.
The State Societies shall choose annually such officers for their own
government and in such manner as shall be set forth in their respective
by-laws, and shall transmit annually to the General Society a list of the
officers so chosen for the year and such other information as may be of
interest to the Society at large. Each State Society shall conform in the
number and character of its officials to those of the General Society, and
shall regulate all matters respecting its own affairs, and shall judge of the
qualifications of members therein. Provided always, That the action of such
State Society be, in all cases, in conformity with the provisions of this
The officers of the General Society shall consist of a President General
a Vice-President General for each State Society represented, a Secretar
General and Assistant Secretary General, a Treasurer General and Assistan
Treasurer General, a Registrar General, a Surgeon General, a Judge Advc
cate General and a Chaplain General. They shall be chosen by ballot a
the regular meeting of the Society, by and from members in good standing
and shall serve until the next regular meeting or until their successors ar
duly chosen.
There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the officers c
the General Society and a delegate from each State Society, to be chosen b;
ballot at the regular meeting of the General Society, upon selection by th
respective State delegation hereinafter provided for. It shall be the duty c
said Committee, nine (9) members of which shall constitute a quorum, t
supervise the affairs of the General Society, as well as the admission c
State Societies, and transact such other business as may come before it
The said Committee shall meet in the City of Philadelphia, in the State c
Pennsylvania, once in every six (6) months, during the time interveniu;
between the meetings, and subject to the approval of, the General Society
The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every secom
year, on or about the nineteenth day of June, being the anniversary of th
declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain, and specia
meetings may be held upon the order of the President General, or upoi
the request of two (2) State Societies.
Such meetings shall consist of the officers of the General Society, th
delegate from each State of the Executive Committee, and a representatioi
not exceeding five (5) additional delegates from each State Society ; whicl
representation from each State shall be entitled to five (5) votes. Th
expenses of all such meetings shall be borne by the State Societies.
At each meeting of the General Society, the time and place of whicl
shall have been determined upon at the preceding meeting of the Society
the circular letters and other communications sent by the State Societies
shall be considered, and where questions in dispute may be referred to it
the General Society shall have power to act thereon.
The General Society shall be located in the City of Philadelphia, in the
State of Pennsylvania.
The Executive Committee thereof shall have the right at any of its
meetings to warrant, constitute and recognize one State Society in any State
or Territory of the United States, whenever ten (10) or more persons, who
are already members or are eligible to membership in this Society, and
residing in said State or Territory, shall apply for authority to organize
such Society, or where such Society may already be formed and is approved
by this Society.
The style and title of each State Society shall be as follows : "The
Society of the War of 1812, in the State of "
The members of each such State Society shall be borne upon the mem-
bership roll of the General Society.
Any male person above the age of twenty-one (21) years, who partici-
pated in, or who is a lineal descendant of one who served during the War
of 18 1 2, in the army, navy, revenue-marine or privateer service of the
United States, offering proof thereof satisfactory to the State Society to which
he may make application for membership, and who is of good moral char-
acter and reputation, may become a member of this Society when approved
of by said State Society, under such regulations as it may make for passing
upon applications for membership.
In case of the failure of lineal descendants of an actual participant in the
War on behalf of the United States, one collateral descendant, who is deemed
worthy, may be admitted to represent the said participant.
Every application for membership shall be made in writing, upon such
form as may be set forth by this Society for that purpose, which application
shall be made in duplicate, and one copy thereof filed in the archives of
the General Society.
The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the Secretary
of the General Society a list of the members thereof, together with a list of
those from whom said members derive claim to membership, and thereafter
upon the admission of additional members, the Secretary thereof shall trans
mit to the General Society such similar information respecting said members
Each State Society shall pay into the treasury of this Society an entrancf
fee of ten dollars, and remit annually thereafter the sum of twenty-five cent;
for each and every member in good standing on the rolls of such State Society
so reported on January first of each year.
The insignia of the Society shall consist of a badge of gold, pendant fron
a ribbon. Said badge shall be in the form of a Maltese cross (emblematic
of faith in the justice of our cause), between four (4) golden eagles (symbol
izing the four sections — north, south, east and west of our common country)
and resting upon an anchor of gold (representative of the American navy
by which so many glorious victories of the War of 18 12 were achieved)
The arms of the cross to be enameled in scarlet, with a white border, and fe
bear the insignia, in gold, of the four (4) arms of service (infantry, cavalry
artillery and naval), and in the centre thereof, a medallion of dark-blu
enamel, with the figures 1812 thereon in gold, surrounded by a band of blacl
enamel, bearing eighteen (18) stars in gold, representing the number c
States of the Union during the period of conflict. The anchor and cross t
be suspended from the ribbon by a ring of gold.
The ribbon shall be of watered silk, dark-blue in the centre, with whit
and black stripes on the sides successively, and edged with scarlet ; the entir
ribbon to be one and one-half inches in width and the same dimensions i:
displayed length.
The insignia shall be worn on the left breast by the members of th
Society at all general meetings, on all occasions of ceremon)', or when the;
shall assemble for any stated purpose or celebration. On all other occasion;
other than those specified above, members may wear a rosette of the prescribe
ribbon and pattern, in the upper buttonhole of the left lapel of the coal
which rosettes, like the insignia, shall be procured and issued by the Secr«
tary of the Society, and by whom a record of all such issues to members wi!
be kept. The insignia shall never be worn as an article of jewelry or orns
ment, and should be returned to the Society on the resignation or expulsio
of a member ; but otherwise, it shall be deemed an heirloom.
The custodian of the insignia shall be the Secretary General, and he
shall issue the same to members of the State Societies under such rules as
may be formulated by the General Society.
The seal of the Society shall be two and one-half inches in diameter,
and shall consist of a rising sun, bearing on its face a representation of the
bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British fleet, while above the sun and
its rays, rises, displayed, the Star Spangled Banner of our country, with the
motto of the Society, "For our Country's Rights," in small Roman capital
letters overhead. The design described to be surrounded by wreaths of oak
and laurel (emblematic of the valor and victory of our soldiers and sailors),
with trophies of cannon, musket, sword and anchor on each side of and below
said design. The whole to be encircled with a waving ribbon, one-fourth of
an inch wide, bearing in plain Roman capital letters, the legend, "The Gen-
eral Society of the War of 1812."
The Secretary General shall be the custodian of the seal, which shall be
used only for the purposes designated by the Society.
Each member of the Society shall be entitled to a certificate of member-
ship, which shall be signed by the President, Secretary and Registrar of the
State Society to which he may belong, as well as by the President General,
Secretary General and Registrar General of the General Society, and to which
the seal of the Society shall be affixed.
The form shall be as follows :
General Society of the War of 18 12.
Be it known that
has been duly admitted a member of this Society in right of the services of
his ancestor, (from
whom he is degree in descent), in the War of 1812 for American
Dated at the City of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, this
day of in the year
of our Lord one thousand hundred and and
of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred
President General.
President of the Society.
Attest :
Seal \ Sea-etary General.
I of the ]
I Society.
Secretary of the Society.
Registrar General.
Registra r of the Society .
No alteration or amendment shall be made to this Constitution until a
written resolution to that effect be offered at a meeting of this Society, con-
sidered and approved by two-thirds of the State Societies, and at the next or
some subsequent meeting of the General Society, be ratified by the votes ot
the majority of the officers and delegates present.
(To be ratified by the State Societies and approved finally at next meeting of the
General Society, June 19, 1S96.)
To amend Article II by striking out the words ' ' number and, ' ' in the
ninth line.
To amend Article IV by striking out the second paragraph, beginning
with the words "such meetings" and ending with the words "borne by the
State Societies," and substituting therefor the following: "Such meetings
shall consist of the officers of the General Society, each of whom shall be
entitled to one vote and a representation not exceeding five (5) delegates
from each State Society, (one of whom shall be the delegate to the Executive
Committee of the General Society), which representation from each State
Society shall be entitled to five (5) votes. ' '
To amend Article VI by adding at the end of the second paragraph,
the words, "Provided always, That such representation shall be limited to the
descendant of either a brother or sister of the participant in the war, in right
of whose services application for membership is made. ' '
To amend Article VIII by adding after the words ' ' period of conflict ' '
in the twelfth line, the following: "The reverse of said insignia to bear in
the centre of the cross, a wreath of oak leaves in gold, one-half inch in diam-
eter and in conformity with the design submitted to the General Society."
To amend Article IX by substituting for the first paragraph, the follow-
ing : ' ' The seal of the Society shall be two and one-half inches in diameter
and shall consist of an eagle displayed, in the centre of the seal, holding in
his talons the American flag of the period (of fifteen stars), with rays of a
rising sun above, and wreaths of oak and laurel (emblematic of the valor and
victory of our soldiers and sailors), with trophies of cannon, musket, sword
and anchor, below. The motto of the Society, 'For our Country's Rights,'
to be placed above the sun's rays in small Roman capital letters, and the
whole to be encircled with a ribbon one-fourth of an inch wide, bearing in
plain Roman capital letters, the legend, 'General Society of the War of 18 12.
Founded 18 14.' The seal to be in conformity with the design submitted to
the General Society."
Register of Membership.
* Allen, George R., aged 101 years, 6 months. (Pemia. Society.)
Norwood, N. Y.
Private. Served i year, 6 months. Company Commander, Captain
Robinson, New York Militia. In battles of Ogdensburg, New York,
1812, and Lundy's L,ane, Canada, 1814.
* Died March 15, 1894.
*AmES, David H., aged 101 years, 7 months. (Penna. Society.)
Jerseyville, 111.
Corporal. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Hovey;
Regimental Commander, Colonel Thomas B. Benedict, New York
Militia. In battle at Ogdensburg, New York, 18 12.
* Died December 1, 1893.
Amick, Jacob, aged 102 years, 11 months. (Penna. Society.)
High View, Va.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain F. I.
Marston, Thirty-first Virginia Regiment, Colonel Taylor, Command-
ing. At bombardment of Fort MeHenry, Maryland, 18 14.
Blair, David, aged 98 years, 2 mouths. (Penna. Society.)
Charity P. O., Gallia, Co., Ohio.
Corporal. Served 6 months. Company Commander, Captain Sam-
uel Meulah, Ohio Militia. (Youngest of four brothers who served.)
Brown, Hosea, aged 103 years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
Grant's Pass, Josephine Co., Oregon.
Private. Served 20 days in New York Militia, 1S14. Company
Commander, Captain E. Burgess.
Buffington, Stephen, aged 101 years, 2 months. (Penna. Society.)
Swansea Centre, Mass.
Private. Served 1 month. Company Commander, Captain John
Hood, Massachusetts Militia. Stationed at Fort Phcenix, Fair
Haven, Mass.
Burroughs, Wieeiam, aged 102 years, 10 months. (Penna. Society.)
Mountainberg, Ark.
Sergeant. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Stevens
Griffith. Guarded Indian warriors.
*Cleveeand, Moses, aged 94 years, 8 months. (Penna. Society.)
Dubuque, Iowa.
Orderly and Private in Company "B," Seventh Regiment, Vermont
Militia. Served 3 months under his father, Colonel Augustine
Cleveland. At battle of Plattsburg, New York, 1814.
* Died March 5, 1894.
Coffman, Joseph, aged 93 years, 2 months. (Penna. and Md. Societies.)
Millsap, Parker Co., Texas.
Drummer. Served 4 years. Company Commander, Captain W.
Sumpter, Seventh Regiment, United States Light Infantry. In
battle at New Orleans, Louisiana, January 8, 181 5.
*Coon, Hezekiah, aged 96 years. (Penna. Society.)
Boonesboro, Boone Co., Iowa.
Private. Served 8 months. Company Commander, Captain Lemuel
Potter. Regimental Commander, Colonel Daniel Wright.
*Died ,1893.
Curl, Jarrot, aged 99 years, 10 months. (Penna. and Md. Societies.)
Whitfield, Hickman Co., Tenn.
Sergeant. Served 7 months. Second Regiment Mounted Volunteers,
Colonel Thomas Williamson, Commanding. In battles at New
Orleans, Louisiana, December 23, 1814, and January 8, 1815.
^Cypher John, aged 97 years, S months. (Penna. Society.)
Farmer's Creek, Lapeer Co., Mich.
Private. Served 3 months. Company Commander, Captain Joseph
Petre, Michigan Volunteers.
♦Died March 12, 1894.
*Dally Abram, aged 97 years, 8 months. (Penna. Society.)
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adjutant. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Andrew
Brennan. Eleventh Regiment Heavy Artillery. Stationed at Fort
Gausevoort, New York. In battle at Lundy's Lane, Canada, 18 14.
*Died February 15, 1893.
Dromillard, Joseph, aged 99 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Gallipolis, Ohio.
Fife-Major. Served 2 years. Company Commander, Captain Chum.
Regimental Commander, Colonel Robert Safford, Ohio Volunteers.
Brigade Commander, General Edward W. Tupper, 18 12.
+FERGUSON, Jared, aged 101 years, 8 months. (Penna. Society.)
Decorah, Iowa.
Sergeant. Served i year, 6 months. Company Commander,
Captain Jesse Ives, Thirty-seventh Regiment, United States Infantry ;
Lieutenant, Solomon Dewey. Served at Fort Hale.
*Died October 2, 1895.
Franklin, Andrew McKee, aged 104 years. (Penna. and Mass. Societies.)
Burlington, Kansas.
Served 3 years. Private and Ensign in Captain Martin Armstrong's
Company in the First Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel David
Sutton, Commanding); Ohio Militia; 1812-13. Ensign in same
Company in the Second Regiment of Infantry, (Colonel John Fer-
guson, Commanding); Ohio Militia; 1813. In battle at Fort
Stephenson, Ohio, August 2, 1S13, (Major George Croghan, Seven-
teenth U. S. Infantry, Commanding) ; also at Lundy's Lane, Canada,
*Fritz, Michael, aged 95 years 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
Friedensburg, Schuylkill Co., Pa.
Private. Served from September 2, 1S14, to March 5, 1815, in
Captain Peter Snyder's Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant
Colonel Adam Ritscher, Commanding), First Brigade, Pennsylvania
•Died November 26, 1892.
Gardenhier, George \V., aged 97 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Meigs Post Office, Tenn.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commanders, Captain John
Childs and Lieutenant Paul Childs.
Gilmore, William, aged 96 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Montezuma, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Bassett.
Regimental Commander, Colonel Bloom. Corps Commander, General
McClure, New York Militia.
*Goodwin, Wells, aged ioo years. (Penna. Society.)
Newberry Centre, Vt.
Private. Served iu New York Militia. Wounded at battle of
Lundy's Lane, Canada, 1814.
*Died November, .18M.
Haines, William Jack, aged 107 years. (Penna. Society.)
Memorial Home, St. Louis, Mo.
Private. Served in Captain Gregory's Company, Tennessee Militia.
Participated in battle of New Orleans, Louisiana, January 8, 1S15.
Hendron, Joel, ioi years 2 montbs. (Penna. Society.)
Spring Water, Livingston Co., N. Y.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Chester
Barrow, New York Militia.
*Higgins, Saul C, aged 100 years, 9 months. (Penna. and Mass. Societies.)
West Gorham, Maine.
Private. Served 44 days. Company Commander, Captain Barnabas
Higgins, Maine Militia.
*Died February 17, 1895.
Hooper, James, aged 92 years, 3 mouths. (Penna. and Md. Societies),
121 1 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, Md.
Coxswain. Served 3 years on United States Schooner " Comet, "
Captain Boyle, United States Navy. Cruising in Chesapeake Bay,
watching British fleet.
Klock, Abraham, aged 94 years, 4 months. (Penna. Society.)
Brier Hill, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.
Private. Company Commander, Captain Jacob Failing, New York
*Loomis, Robert, aged 93 years. (Penna. Society.)
Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio.
Sergeant. Served 2 years. Company Commander, Captain Jared
Ingersoll. Regimental Commander, Colonel Ethan Allen. In bat-
tle at Fort Erie, Canada, 1814.
*Died November 1, 1892.
*LovETT, Erastus, aged 104 years. (Penna. Society.)
Rome, Bradford Co., Pa.
Private. Served in Pennsylvania Militia.
*Died December, 1891.
Eumberson, John. (Md. Society.)
421 Hanover St. Baltimore, Md.
Enlisted September i, 1813, as Musician in Captain M. M. Payne's
Company N, First Battalion, Corps of Artillery. (Re-enlisted October
13, 18 19, in Company E, U. S. Artillery Corps. Re-enlisted September
9, 1824. Re-enlisted August 13, 1829. Sergeant, September 29, 1829.
Again re-enlisted in same battery August 13, 1834, and served until
August 13, 1837.)
*McCoy, David, 104 years, n months. (Penna. Society.)
Redlands, San Bernardino Co., Cal.
Corporal. Served 2 years. Company Commander, Captain Thomas
McGilton. Regimental Commander, Colonel Williams. Corps
Commander, General William Henry Harrison. In battle of the
Thames, Canada, 1S13. (Saw Tecumseh slain.)
*Died March 25, 1895.
Mickley, Daniel, aged 99 years, 9 months. (Penna. Society.)
Waynesboro, Franklin Co., Pa.
Sergeant. Served 30 days. Company Commander, Captain Miller,
Pennsylvania Militia. First Company fired on by the British in the
attack on Baltimore, Maryland, 1S14.
Miller, Charles, aged ioo years, 2 months. (Penna. Society.)
Boonville, Oneida Co., N. Y.
Private. Company Commander, Captain Wliitmore, New York
Militia. In battle at Sackett's Harbor, New York, 18 13.
Moore, Michael, aged 95 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Lieutenant United States Army.
20 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Musician. Served through the war in Captain John Sproul's Com-
pany, Thirteenth Regiment, United States Infantry.
Morris, Henry, aged 96 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Port Chester, N. Y.
Drummer. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Brett,
New York Militia. Served in Block House in the Narrows, New
York Harbor, New York.
Murray, John, aged 93 years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
Boothy, Maine.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain William
M. Reed, Maine Militia.
*Nye, Cornelius, aged 98 years, 4 months. (Penna. and Mass. Societies.)
Fairfield, Somerset Co., Maine.
Musician. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Ansel
Tobey, Maine Militia.
* Died September 11, 1895.
*Orsburn, David, aged 101 years. (Penna. Society.)
Tupper's Plains, Ohio.
Drummer. Served 6 months. Company Commander, Captain
William Hull; Regimental Commander, Colonel Dobbins; Corps
Commander, Major General Jacob Brown, United States Army.
*Died . 1894.
Osgood, Janna, aged 101 years 2 months. (Penna. Society.)
Dundee, Yates Co., N. Y.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Levi
Dunnie, New York Militia.
^Packard, Samuel, aged 91 years. (Penna. Society.)
Rockland, Maine.
Drummer. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Samuel
Tolman, Maine Militia.
* Died September 27, 1893.
Parks, Davis, aged 106 years, 2 months. (Penna. Society.)
Fowler, Clinton Co., Mich.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Roswell
Lyster, New York Militia.
*PeavEy, John W., aged 96 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Braintree, Vt.
Private. Company Commander, Captain Nathaniel Gilman, New
Hampshire Militia. Served at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, guard-
ing United States stores.
* Died June 19, 1893.
Philbrook, Alfred Spooner, aged 93 years. (Mass. Society.)
P. O. Box 36, Station A., Boston, Mass.
A Volunteer, who, too young to enlist, was present with the
Company in which his father, Benjamin, served, at Fort McClary,
New Hampshire, 181 2. Subsequently a Private in the Vermont
Militia, 18 15.
Son of Benjamin (Philbrick) Philbrook, Private in Captain Robert
McNeil's Company of Artillery of the Battalion of Detached
New Hampshire Militia, under command of Major Timothy Upham,
U. S. A., and subsequently of Major John Bassett; assigned to Fort
McClary, New Hampshire, (Lieutenant Colonel John Darrington,
U. S. A., Commandant); for the defense of Portsmouth, New Hamp-
shire, and the Navy Yard; 1 Si 2.
*Phillips, Henry, aged 101 years. (Penna. Society.)
Versailles, Cattskill Co., N. Y.
Private. Company Commander, Captain Pollard, Independent
Indian Company. In action six (6) times on Canadian border;
Major General Peter B. Porter, Commanding, 1813-1814.
* Died , 1894.
PIERCE, Dyer, aged 104 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Belvidere, Boone Co., 111.
Ensign. Served 6 months. Company Commander, Captain Abraham
Smith. Served on Canadian frontier.
Pitkin, John, aged 101 years, 5 months. (Penna. Society.)
Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Private. Served 3 years. Company Commander, Captain G. Spencer,
Thirtieth Regiment United States Infantry.
*Poor, Benjamin, aged 97 years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
Raymond, N. H.
' Musician. Served in Captain Samuel Shackford's Company, New-
Hampshire Militia, 1S12-1815.
* Died March 30, 1893.
*Ray, Leonard, aged 97 years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.')
Baltic, Texas.
Private. Served 2 years, 7 months. Company Commander, Captain
Winslow, Twenty-fourth Regiment United States Infantry, Major
Frank Armstrong, Commanding.
* Died , 1894.
*Richards, Isaac, aged 99 years, 9 months. (Penna. Society.)
East Machias, Maine.
Private. Served three years. Company Commander, Captain James
H. Winslow, Maine Militia.
* Died June 11, 1893.
*Root, Anon, aged 102 years. (Penna. Society.)
Whitewater, Wis.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Briggs.
* Died October, 1894.
*Scruton, Miles, aged ioo years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
■ Merrill, N. H.
Private. Served i month. Company Commander, Captain William
Cousins, New Hampshire Militia.
♦Died ,1894.
*SEVEY, Ira, aged 96 years, 5 months. (Penna. Society.)
Mt. Vernon, Kennebec Co., Maine.
Private. Served 6 months. Company Commander, Captain Bailey ;
Regimental Commander, Colonel Wool ; Brigade Commander,
General Wade Hampton ; 1813-14.
* Died March 25, 1895.
Sexton, Isaiah B., aged 90 years, 8 months. (Penna. Society.)
Sparta, Kent Co., Mich.
Waterboy. Served 6 months. Company Commander, Captain
Moses Waters, New York Militia.
*Simpson, Presley, aged 97 years. (Penna. Society.)
Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky.
Private. Served 3 months. Company Commander, Captain John
De Bell ; Regimental Commander, Colonel A. T. Mason ; Douglass
Brigade, Virginia Militia. In battle at Fort McHenry, Maryland,
* Died December 21, 1893.
Smart, Edward, aged 97 years, 10 months. (Penna. and Mass. Societies. )
North Dixmont, Maine.
Sergeant. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain J. Dow ;
Lieutenant, James Field ; Ensign, Nathaniel Muncy ; Massachusetts
(or Province of Maine) Militia ; 1S13-14.
Smith, ELEAZER, aged 97 years, 7 months. (Penna. and Mass. Societies.)
Alexandria, Grafton Co., N. H.
Private. Served 1 year in the Sixth Company (Captain Joshua
Meriam, Commanding), of the Third Regiment of Infantry, (Lieu-
tenant Colonel Edward Sise, Commandant) ; ' ' Western Brigade, ' '
Detached New Hampshire Militia, (Brigadier General Montgomery,
Commanding); stationed at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for the
defense of the sea-board; 1S14.
*Sparrow, Harvey, aged 100 years, 9 months. (Penna. Society.)
Orleans, Barnstable Co. , Mass.
Private. Served 8 mouths. Company Commander, Captain Moses
Higgins, Massachusetts Militia.
* Died June 6, 1893.
*Spinney, Thomas, aged 93 years, 2 months. (Penna. Society.)
Bay Point, Sagadahoc Co., Maine.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Richard
Hagan; Regimental Commander, Colonel Andrew Reed; Corps
Commander, General William King, Maine Militia.
.* Died November 5, 1894.
*Stought, Jacob, aged 104 years. (Penna. Society.)
Dadeville, Tallapoosa Co., Ala.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain John
McLean, Alabama Volunteers.
* Died , 1S94.
Sturtevant, Thomas M., aged 95 years, 3 months. (Penna. Society.)
Madison, Morris Co., N. J.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain George
Ashbridge, New York Militia.
*Taylor, Jordan, aged 100 years. (Penna. Society.)
Buckingham Court House, Va.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain George
Booker; Brigadier General Robert B. Taylor's Brigade, Virginia
* Died , 1894.
Tinto, Frederick, aged ioo years, 4 months. (Penna. Society.)
Alder Creek, Oneida Co., N. Y.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Rudolf
Root, New York Militia. In battle at Sackett's Harbor, New
York, 1S13.
*TownlEY, James, aged 93 years, 6 months. (Penna. Society.)
Chili, Coshocton Co., Ohio.
Drummer. Served 3 years. Company Commander, Captain Mar-
tin ; Regimental Commander, Colonel Phillips, Pennsylvania Vol-
* Died , 1894.
*WiLUAMS, David J., aged 99 years. (Penna. Society.)
Saratoga, N. Y.
Private. Served in New York Militia.
* Died January, 1894.
*Wood, Jabin, aged 99 years, 10 months. (Penna. Society.)
So. Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y.
Private. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Alvin
Smith. In battle at Sackett's Harbor, New York, 1813.
* Died , 1S91.
Yancey, Wiluam, aged 94 years, 5 months. (Penna. Society.)
Daphne, Ala.
Drummer. Served 4 years. Company Commander, Captain Gilbert
C. Russell; Regimental Commander, Colonel Purdy. (His father
served in same Company.)
Young, Nathaniel, aged 102 years, 1 month. (Penna. Society.)
Linneaus, Aroostook Co., Maine.
Musician. Served 1 year. Company Commander, Captain Bailey,
Maine Militia.
Total Veteran Membership 65
Deceased, .......... 3 2
Veteran Membership, December 1, 1895, ■ ■ • 33
Society of the War of 1812
From its Organization, January 9, 185-4.
Joel B. Sutherland, Jan. 9, 1854, to Nov. 24, 1861.
Peter Hay, July 4, 1S62, to Nov. 15. 1879.
John D. Hester, July 5, 1880, to Nov. 5
Thomas B. Darrach, Jan. S, 1881, to Nov. 26,
John Stallmax, Jan. 8, 1S85, to Nov. 10
John Cadwalader, Jan. 8, 1891,
Hiram Ayres,
John H. Frick,
John B. Springer,
Thomas B. Darrach,
*Peter Stuart Hay,
Captain Henry H. Bellas, U. S.
tjAMES Varnum Peter Turner,
1S54 to i860
i860 to 1S72
1872 to 1877
1877 to 1880.
1880 to 1894
1894 to 1895
James Benners,
Alexander B. Thompson,
Peter Stuart Hay,
Henry Martyn Hoyt,
Adam Arbuckle Stull,
*Served as Assistant Secretary from
fServed as Assistant Secretary from
1857 to 1880.
1S80 to 1886.
1S91 to 1893.
1893 to 1S94.
1894 .
February 22, 1S76.
February 19, 1S94.
Veteran of 18 12
Veteran of 18 12
Veteran of 18 12
Veteran of 18 12
Veteran of 181 2
Veteran of 181 2.
Veteran of 18 12.
Veteran of 18 12.
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized January 9, 1S54. Re-organized January 8, 1S91.
Incorporated November 19, 1S92.
l89 5 -
Brigadier General ADOLPHUS W. GREELY, TJ. S. A.
(Address: 517 City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.)
Assistant Secretary,
Executive Committee,
charles henry murray, william chetwood spencer,
reynold webb wilcox, m. d., ll. d., beverley randolph keim,
david Mcknight hobart, francis mark brook k,
charles williams, russell duane.
Delegates to lite General Society,
Descendant Members
State No.
1891. Abbot, Charles Wheaton, Jr., Lieutenant U. S. Army, 53
Fort Niobrara, Neb.
Grandson of Joel Abbot, Midshipman United States Navy;
1812-15. Served under Commodore Thomas McDonough,
United States Navy.
1892. Adams, Hon. Robert, Jr., 14 1
124 South Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William H. Hart, Private in First Troop, Philadel-
phia City Cavalry, (Captain Charles Ross, Commanding) ; at-
tached to the "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volun-
teers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding);
1892. Alden, Charles Henry, Colonel and Assistant Surgeon 167
General U. S. Army, War Department, Washington, D. C.
Son of Charles Henry Alden, Musician in Captain Judson
Cheristree's Company, Twelfth Regiment, (Colonel John T. Van
Dolfsen, Commanding), New York Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1892. Alden, Charles Henry, Jr., 104
86 Charles Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Charles Henry Alden, Musician in Captain Judson
Cheristree's Company, Twelfth Regiment, (Colonel John T. Van
Dolfsen, Commanding), New York Militia; 1814. (Transferred
to Massachusetts Society.)
1895. Aldrich, Orlando W., Ph. D., LL. D., 319
Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Stephen York, Private in Captain Spencer's Com-
pany, First Battalion, Third Regiment, New York Militia ;
18 1 2-14. (Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1891. Alexander, John S., 54
San Antonio, Texas.
Grandson of Hugh Alexander, Captain of (Crawford County)
Rifle Company of Pennsylvania Volunteers ; 18 12-13.
1891. Allen, Edward Gray, 72
New Post Office Building, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Jacob Strembeck, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding); 1813; and "Philadel-
phia Blues," (Captain Henry Meyers, Commanding); First
Detachment Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, (Colonel Lewis Rush,
Commanding) ; 1813.
1891. Allen, Louis J., Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy, 21
Union Club, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Jacob Strembeck, Private in ' ' Junior Artillerists, ' '
(Captain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding) 1S13; and "Philadel-
phia Blues," (Captain Henry Meyers, Commanding); First
Detachment Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, (Colonel Lewis Rush,
Commanding); 1813. (Transferred to Connecticut Society. )
Elected. State No.
i 89 i. Allen, Theodore L., 43
Pittsfield, Mass.
Grandson of Moses Allen, Ensign in Lieutenant Colonel
Matthew Trotter's Regiment, (Albany County), New York
Militia; 1811-12. Also Adjutant of Colonel D. Rogers' Regi-
ment, New York Militia ; 18 14.
1892. Anderson, Thomas McArthur, Colonel U. S. Army, 165
Vancouver Barracks, Washington.
Grandson of Duncan McArthur, Colonel First Regiment, Ohio
Volunteer Militia ; 1812; appointed Colonel Twenty-sixth Regi-
ment, United States Infantry, and promoted Brigadier General,
United States Army; also, Major General Ohio Militia; 1813.
In command of the Department of the Northwest; 18 14. (Trans-
ferred to Ohio Society.)
1892. Appleton, Daniel Fuller, 122
28 East Thirty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y.
Son of James Appleton, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Second
Regiment, First Brigade, Second Division, Massachusetts Militia ;
1813-14. In service and pay of the United States; 1814.
1892. Atkinson, Benjamin Walker, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 109
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Grandson of Henry Atkinson, Colonel and Inspector General
United States Army ; 18 13; Colonel Fourth and Thirty-seventh
Regiments, United States Infantry ; 18 14-15.
Grandson of Benjamin Walker. Served with American forces in
repulse of British at mouth of Otter Creek, Vermont; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1891. Averile, Henry K., Jr., 36
Plattsburg, N. Y.
Son of Henry K. Averill. Served in New York Militia, 1812;
Private in Captain Mix's Company, Colonel Thomas Miller's
Regiment, New York Volunteers ; 1813; and in Captain Martin
J. Aiken's Volunteer Company of Independent Riflemen, under
the immediate command of General Alexander Macomb, United
States Army; 181 3-14. Honored by Joint Resolution of Con-
gress, approved May 20, 1826, for gallantry and patriotic service
in the war, and presented with a rifle.
1895. Avery, Frank Montgomery, 298
154 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Ebenezer Avery, (3d), Private in Captains
Thomas Allen, Jr., and Amos Williams' Companies, Connecticut
Militia; 1813-14.
1892. Backus, Rev. Brady Electus, 172
360 West Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Electus Mallary Backus, Colonel Commanding First
Regiment, United States Dragoons. In command of United States
(regular) troops in repulse of British, battle of Sackett's Harbor,
New York; 1813. Mortally wounded in action.
1893. Baieey, Joseph Trowbridge, 196
Chestnut and Twelfth Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Major Bailey, Private in " Poughkeepsie Fusileers,"
(Captain Peter P. Hayes, Commanding), New York Militia;
1892. Baird, Henry Carey, 115
S 10 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Thomas James Baird, Third Lieutenant First Regiment,
United States Eight Artillery ; 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1893. Baker, George Livingston, 227
60 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Grandnephew of Henry Beals, Private in Regiment Massa-
chusetts Militia ; 18 13.
1893. Baker, George Livingston, Jr., 202
New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.
Great-grandson of George Armistead, Major Third Regiment,
United States Artillery ; 1812-15. Breveted Lieutenant Colonel
for gallantry at capture of Fort George, Canada ; 18 13. Presented
with a sword by the State of Virginia for gallant defense of Fort
McHenry, Maryland, and repulse of British; 1814.
1891. Baker, George T., 94
149a Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Ebenezer Hunt, Major of Lieutenant Colonel
Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia ; 1814.
(Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1892. Barbour, Charles Justin, 128
Springfield, Mass.
Great-grandson of Reuben Dart, Private in Captain John French's
Company, Connecticut Militia; 1813.
Great-grandson of Jonathan Jennings, Private in Captain John
B. Walback's Company of United States Artillery ; 1814-15.
1895. Bell, William Duffield, M. D., 3 2 7
160 West Eighty-third Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of William Duffield Bell, Private in Captain Andrew's
Company, Fifth Regiment, Maryland Volunteers; 1814.
Elected. State No.
i 89 i. Bellas, Henry Hobart, Captain U. S. Army, 30
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William Rudolph Smith, Lieutenant Colonel Thirty-
third Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1811-14. Also, Colonel
Sixty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves ; 1814-15.
Great-grandson of Joseph Anthony, Captain Third Company of
"Washington Guards," Pennsylvania Volunteers; 1813-14.
Died in service.
Grandnephew of Thomas Anthony, Third Lieutenant of Captain
Condy Raguet's Company of "Washington Guards," First
Detachment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, (Colonel Lewis
Rush, Commanding) ; 1813.
1892. Benham, Henry Hill, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 102
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Grandson of John McNeil, Captain Eleventh Regiment, United
States Infantry, 1812-13; Major Twelfth Regiment, United
States Infantry, 1813-15; breveted Lieutenant Colonel for gal-
lant conduct at battle of Chippewa, Canada ; 18 14 ; and breveted
Colonel for gallantry at battle of Niagara, Canada; 18 14.
1S95. Benjamin, Marcus, 343
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
Great-grandson of Ezra Hough, Sergeant in Captain McMahan's
Company, New York Militia; 1814,
1S92. Biddle, John, Captain U. S. Army, 131
Nashville, Tenn.
Grandson of John Biddle, Second Lieutenant Third Regiment,
United States Artillery; 1812-13; First Lieutenant, same Regi-
ment ; 18 13; Captain Forty-second Regiment, United States
Infantry; 1813-15. Also Aid-de-Camp to General Winfield
Scott, United States Army.
1893. Biddle, William S., Jr., Lieutenant U. S. Army, 184
West Point, N. Y.
Grandson of John Biddle, Second Lieutenant Third Regiment,
United States Artillery ; 1812-13; First Lieutenant, same Regi-
ment ; 1813; Captain Forty-second Regiment, United States
Infantry ; 1S13-15. Also Aid-de-Camp to General Winfield
Scott, United States Army.
1893. Blunt, Stanhope English, Captain U. S. Army, 180
Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y.
Great-grandnephew of Mark S. Blunt, Lieutenant of the Priva-
teer "Portsmouth;" 1812-15. (Transferred to Massachusetts
1893. Bonaffon, Ferdinand Victor, 20S
Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Anthony Bonaffon, Second Lieutenant Thirty-second
Regiment, United States Infantry ; 18 13 ; First Lieutenant and
Adjutant, same Regiment ; 18 14.
1893. Bonaffon, Sylvester, Jr., 209
3439 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Anthony Bonaffon, Second Lieutenant Thirty-
second Regiment, United States Infantry ; 1813; First Lieuten-
ant and Adjutant, same Regiment; 1814.
Grandson of Joseph Allen McClintock, Private in Pennsylvania
State Guards, (Captain Henry Meyers, Commanding) ; the
Ninth Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer In-
fantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); of "Advance
Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General
Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
State No.
1893. Boughter, Francis, Ensign U. S. Navy, 200
Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I.
Great-grandson of John Reichart, Private in Fourth Company,
(Captain Peter Nungesser, Commanding), Second Regiment,
Volunteer Eight Infantry, (Colonel Louis Bache, Commanding),
First Brigade, Second Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814-15.
Great-grandnephew of John Berry, Ensign in Captain Thomas
McElhenny's Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
Ritcher, Commanding), First Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia,
1894. Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood, 258
Southport, Conn.
Great-grandson of Lyman Hull, Private in Second Company,
(Captain Jeremiah Sturgis, Commanding) ; Battalion of Con-
necticut Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Eli Fowler,
Commanding); [First Brigade, Connecticut Volunteers; 1814.
(Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1895. Brewster, Hon. Henry Colvin, M. C, 34 2
Washington, D. C.
Grandson of Elisha Belcher Brewster, Quartermaster Sergeant,
Colonel Belcher's Regiment, Connecticut Militia; 1813-14.
1894. Brice, Philip Howard, 276
1537 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Nicholas Brice, Special Judge Advocate on
the Staff of Major General Samuel Smith, Commanding Third
Division of Maryland Militia in the service of the United States ;
Elected. State No.
1893. Briggs, Frank Harrison, 187
45 High Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandnephew of Thomas Otis Briggs, Sailor on American Priva-
teer captured by British, (1813,) and imprisoned at Halifax, Nova
Scotia, and Dartmoor, England. (Transferred to Massachusetts
1895. Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, 321
Mansfield, Ohio.
Son of George R. Brinkerhoff, Quarter Master of Lieutenant
Colonel George Flemming's Regiment New York Militia, 1812-14.
(Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1 89 1. Bristol, Henry Brevoort, Captain and Brevet Lieutenant 66
Colonel U, S. Army, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada.
Grandson of Henry Brevoort, Captain Third Regiment, United
States Infantry, 1811-14; Major Forty-fifth Regiment, United
States Infantry, 1814-15. Distinguished in battle of Maguaga,
Michigan; 18 12. Received silver medal from Congress for
gallantry in Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Erie; 18 13.
1893. Bristow, Frank Henry,
300 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Daniel Sickles, Sailing-Master United States
Navy; 1S12-14. Served in the New York Flotilla.
1891. Brooke, Benjamin, Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, 65
U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Grandson of Jesse Brooke, Private in Delaware County Troop,
(Captains Robinson and John F. Van Leer, Commanding), Penn-
sylvania Militia ; 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1893. Brooke, Francis Mark, [Life Membership]. 188
16 16 Summer Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Nathan Brooke, Private in First Company, Sixty-
fifth Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel John Pierson, Commanding),
Pennsylvania Militia ; 1S14-15.
1891. Brooke, John, Major and Surgeon U. S. Army, 64
Radnor, Delaware Co., Pa.
Son of Jesse Brooke, Private in Delaware County Troop, (Cap-
tains Robinson and John F. Van Leer, Commanding), Pennsyl-
vania Militia; 18 14-15.
1891. Brooke, John Rutter, Brigadier General U. S. Army, 44
St. Paul, Minn.
Son of William Brooke, Private in Eleventh Company ("Wash-
ington Guards," of Reading, Berks County, Captain Daniel de B.
Keim, Commanding) ; First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding) ; Pennsyl-
vania Volunteers ; 1814-15.
1S94. Brown, Dudley Parrish, 255
Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Great-grandson of William Dudley, Colonel of Regiment Ken-
tucky Volunteers; 1812-13. Killed at Battle of Fort Meigs,
Ohio; 1813.
1891. Bryan, Charles Page, S9
University Club, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of William Bryan, Lieutenant in Captain Joseph
Mallory's Company, Colonel Armstead's Regiment, Virginia
Militia; 1S13. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
Elected. State No.
1892. Buffum, William Mansfield, 134
45 High Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of James R. Buffum, Private in Captain J. C. King's
Company, Colonel" James White's Regiment, Massachusetts
Militia; 1814.
Grandson of Benjamin Swan, Private in Captain William B.
Dodge's Company of Colonel James White's Regiment, Massa-
chusetts Militia; 18 14. (Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1892. Bulloch, Joseph G., M. D., 173
137 Duffy Street, Savannah, Ga.
Grandson of John Lewis, Sergeant of Liberty County Indepen-
dent Troop, (Captain Joseph Jones, Commanding); and Colonel
John McPherson Berrien's Regiment, Georgia Militia, 1S12.
1 89 1. Bullus, William Ellison, 60
162 West Penn Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Bullus, Surgeon United States Navy and
Navy Agent of Port of New York; 181 2-15. Served under
command of Commodore James Barron, United States Navy.
1891. Burbank, Clayton Sullivan, Captain U. S. Army, 32
Fort Sill, Oklahoma Territory.
Grandson of Sullivan Burbank, Captain and Brevet Major, United
States Army. Distinguished for gallant service at battles of
Sackett's Harbor, New York; 18 13; Plattsburg, New York;
Chippewa and Niagara, Canada; 1814. Led "forlorn hope"
and severely wounded in latter action. Received brevet of Major
for bravery.
Elected. State No.
189 r. Burdett, Charles L., 92
Hartford, Conn.
Grandson of Lewis Prescott, United States Navy. Served on
United States Frigate "Constitution," under command of Cap-
tains Isaac Hull and William Bainbridge, United States Navy;
18 12; and on United States Brig, "Enterprise," Lieutenant
William Burrows, United States Navy, Commanding; 1813.
1893. Burgin, George Horace, M. D., 181
63 West Chelten Avenue, Germantowu, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandnephew of John Burgin, Deputy Contractor and Forage
Master. Served in Army of the Northwest under General
William Henry Harrison; 18 12-15.
Great-grandson of Jacob Lentz, Private in Captain William Hold-
gate's Company of Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
attached to First Brigade, (Brigadier General Samuel Smith,
Commanding); Second Division, (Major General Henry Scheetz,
Commanding); Pennsylvania Militia; 1814.
1894. Burgin, Herman, M. D., 244
63 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Jacob Lentz, Private in Captain William Hold-
gate's Company of Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
attached to First Brigade, (Brigadier General Samuel Smith,
Commanding) ; Second Division, (Major General Henry Scheetz,
Commanding) ; Pennsylvania Militia ; 18 14.
Grandnephew of Johu Caner Herman, Private in Second Com-
pany, ("Junior Artillerists," Captain Jacob Cash Commanding) ;
First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant
Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Commanding) ; of " Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1880. *Burkhart, Valentine,
711 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sou of Valentine Burkhart, Private in Third Company, ("Wash-
ington Guards," Captain Condy Raguet, Commanding'); First
Detachment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Militiaf (Colonel Lewis
Rush, Commanding); 18 13. Also, Private iu Captain John R.
Mifflin's (First) Company of "Washington Guards," First
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, (Colonel Clement
C. Biddle, Commanding); of the "Advance Light Brigade,"
Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwala-
der, Commanding); 1814-15.
*Died, , 1802.
1893. Burton, Chester Warren, x 77
Brocton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
Son of Hiram Burton, Private in Captain and Brevet Lieutenant
Colonel Benjamin Forsyth's and Captain Samuel V. Hamilton's
Company, First United States Rifle Regiment ; 1812-15.
Grandson of Simon Burton, Private in same Company and Regi-
ment ; 1812-15.
Nephew of Salmon Burton, Private in same Company and Regi-
ment; 18 1 2-1 3. Died of wounds received at battle of Little
York, Canada, 18 13.
Nephew of Simon Burton, Jr. , Private in same Company and
Regiment; iS 12-15.
Nephew of Willard Burton, Private in same Company and Regi-
ment ; 1812-15.
Nephew of Samuel Millett, Private in New York Militia; 181 2-15.
1894. Cadle, Henry, 2 7 t
Bethany, Missouri.
Representative of John Cadle, Surgeon's Mate, United States
Navy ; 18 13-15. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
Elected. State No.
1894. Cadwalader, Charles Evert, M. D., 245
240 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Cadwalader, Captain Second Troop, Phila-
delphia City Cavalry; 181 2. Colonel of Regiment of Cavalry,
Pennsylvania Volunteers; 1S13-14. Brigadier General Com-
manding the "Advance Light Brigade," of Pennsylvania
Volunteersfor the defence of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1814-15;
and in command of the Middle Military Division of the United
States to close of war ; 1815.
1891. Cadwalader, John, 8
1519 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Cadwalader, Brigadier General Command-
ing the ' ' Advance Light Brigade, ' ' of Pennsylvania Volunteers
for the defence of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 1S14-15.
1S95. Calhoun, John Franklin, 292
Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
Great-grandson of David Calhoun, Private in Captain John
Wallace's Company, Pennsylvania Volunteers, attached to First
Regiment, Second Detachment, Pennsylvania Militia, (Briga-
dier General Richard Crooks, Commanding), in the service of
the United States; 1S12-13. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
1891. Carr, Camillo C. C, Major U. S. Army, 40
Fort Meade, South Dakota.
Great-grandson of John Koontz, Colonel Thirty-first Regiment
of Infantry, Brigadier General Robert Taylor's Brigade, Virginia
Militia ; 18 13-14. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
Elected. State No.
1892. Case, David Brainard, 161
Marietta, Pa.
Grandson of William G. Scott, Ensign and Second Lieutenant
Fifteenth Regiment, United States Infantry, (Colonel Zebulon
M. Pike, Commanding) ; 1812.
1894. Chapman, Paul Goddard, 241
1244 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Ebenezer Chapman, Private in Captain Samuel
Collins' Company, First Regiment, New Hampshire (Detached)
Militia; 18 14.
1880. Chase, Thomas, 3
1 34 1 North Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Thomas G. Chase, Lieutenant in Captain William Gates'
Company, United States Artillery Corps; 1814-15.
1894. Chauncey, Harry David, 253
109 West Eighty-second Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of John E. W. Stevenson, Private in Captain James B.
Murray's Company of New York Artillery, Major Daniel E.
Dunscomb's Battalion of Governor's Guards, New York Militia;
1893. Chenoweth, Alexander Crawford, 191
Manhattan Club, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of William Bradford Crawford, Private in Captain
Richard B. Magruder's Company of "American Artillerists,"
First Regiment of Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris,
Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814. Also, Captain of Bat-
tery, in same Regiment, (Colonel Richard B. Magruder, Com-
manding); 1 8 14-15.
Elected. State No.
1891. Clark, Arthur Wellington, M. D., 48
Cor. Ontario and Ohio Streets, Lawrence, Kan.
Great-grandson of Ralph Houghton, Private in Detached Com-
pany of Captain Humphrey, in Lieutenant Colonel Dudley's
Regiment, Massachusetts Militia ; 1814.
1892. Clement Charles Maxwell, H9
Sunbury, Pa.
Grandson of Evan C. Clement, Sergeant Major in Colonel
Joshua Howell's Regiment, New Jersey Militia ; 1814.
1891. Coe, Charles Pierson, 7 6
560 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn.
Grandson of Darius Coe, Private in Captain Amos Fowler's
Company, Colonel Benjamin Baldwin's Regiment, Connecticut
Militia; 1813-14. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1891. Colles, Christopher John, M. D., 51
30 West Thirty-third Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of James Colles, Corporal in Captain Daniel Baehr's
Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Curtain, Com-
manding,), New York Artillery Militia; 1812; also served in
Captain S. Swartwout's Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant
Colonel Stevens, Commanding), New York Artillery Militia;
1893. Collins, Charles Lee, Lieutenant U. S. Army 174
Denver, Col.
Great-grandnephew of Robert Stevenson Coffin, enlisted as a
Sailor in United States Navy; 18 12. Captured and held as
prisoner of war on board British frigate.
Elected. State No.
1891. Collins, Holdridge Ozro, 73
Los Angeles, Cal.
Grandson of Anthony Van Etten, 1st Sergeant in Captain
Daniel Curtice's Company, Colonel Philetus Swift's Regiment,
New York Militia; 1812-13. Wounded at Black Rock, N. Y.
Subsequently commissioned First Lieutenant, New York Militia.
189 1. Comegys, William H,, Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, 87
Omaha, Neb.
Grandson of Cornelius Parsons Comegys, Lieutenant Colonel
Commanding Fifth Regiment, and Adjutant General of Delaware
Militia; 1S14-15.
1891. Corbusier, William Henry, Captain and Assistant Surgeon 16
U. S. Army, 487 Lexington Avenue, N. Y.
Grandson of Stephen Myers, Private in Captain John Snedeker's
Company, Eighty-third Regiment, (Colonel Benjamin F. Gurnee,
Commanding), New York Militia; 18 14.
1 89 1. Corliss, Augustus Whittemore, Captain U. S. Army, 55
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming.
Grandson of Ebenezer Corliss, Private in Captain Daniel
Mitchell's Company of (Detached) Maine Militia ; 1S14. Also
served in North Yarmouth (Maine) Guards.
1894. Cromwell, Charles, 279
200 Adams Street, Chicago, Ills.
Grandson of Nathan Cromwell, Adjutant of Colonel John Regan's
Regiment; also Adjutant First Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
Stiner, Commanding) ; Eleventh Brigade, (Brigadier General
Stausbury, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1S14. (Trans-
ferred to Illinois Society.)
Elected. State No.
1891. *Dallas, Alexander J., Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, 34
Orlando, Fla.
Son of Alexander James Dallas, Lieutenant United States Navy ;
1812-15. Served under Commodore John Rodgers, United States
Navy; 1811-12; and under Captain Charles Ridgely, United
States Navy ; 18 14.
*Died July 20, 1895.
1895. Damon, Albert Forster, 306
221 South Forty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Joseph Damon, Private in Captain Edward F.
Jacobs' Company of Artillery, Second Regiment, First Brigade,
Fifth Division, Massachusetts Militia ; 1814.
1895. Damon, Edwin Adams, 307
1904 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Joseph Damon, Private iu Captain Edward F.
Jacobs' Company of Artillery, Second Regiment, First Brigade,
Fifth Division, Massachusetts Militia; 1814.
1895. Darrow, Walter Nicholas Paine, 324
Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Leavitt Darrow, Captain Connecticut Militia ; 18 14.
(Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1891. Davenport, Richard Graham, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, 23
Navy Department, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of Isaiah Davenport, Private in Captain James Hunter's
Company, First Regiment, Georgia Militia; 1815.
Grandson of George Graham, Captain of Fairfax County Com-
pany of Cavalry, Second Regiment, Virginia Militia; 1814.
Great-grandson of James Watson, Private in Captain Richard S.
Briscoe's Company of Cavalry, First Regiment, (Colonel George
Magruder, Commanding), District of Columbia Militia; 1813-14.
Elected. State N "°'
1895. Davidson, Robert M., 3 iS
Newark, Ohio.
Grandson of Robert Davidson, First Lieutenant, Captain John
Spencer's Company, First Batallion, Third Regiment, Ohio
Volunteers, (Colonel Lewis Cass, Commanding); 1812. Also
Lieutenant Colonel, Second Regiment, Second Brigade, Third
Division, Ohio Militia; 1813. Commissioned Colonel same year.
(Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1891. Davis, Augustus Plummer, 82
Cor. Howe Street and Denniston Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Grandson of Jacob Davis, Captain of Company of Infantry in
First Regiment, (Colonel John Stone, Commanding), First Brigade,
Eighth Division, Massachusetts (or Province of Maine), Militia;
1893. Davis, Charles Lukens, Captain and Brevet Major 220
U. S. Army, Asheville, N. C.
Nephew of Isaac Davis, Surgeon Sixth Regiment, United States
Infantry; 1812-13. Also Surgeon Third Regiment, United States
Infantry; 18 14. Died in service.
1894. Delafield, Augustus Floyd, 2 57
Noroton, Conn.
Son of Edward Delafield, Surgeon ot "Sea Fencibles," New
York State Militia; 18 14. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1894. Denis, Augustus Henry, 2 3
St. Denis Grove, Tampa, Fla.
Great-grandson of Daniel Carmick, Major United States Marine
Corps; 1812-1815. Died of wounds received at battle of New
Orleans, Louisiana; 18 15.
Elected. State No.
1894. Derr, Andrew Fein, 267
38 North River Street, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Grandson of Michael Derr, Private in Captain Phineas Kelly's
Company, (Bucks County), First Brigade, Second Division,
Pennsylvania Militia; 1814.
1894. Dewey, George Eugene, 289
651 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Grandson of Jeremiah Dewey, Fifer in Lieutenant Witt Lane's
Company, Thirty-sixth Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
Miller, Commanding), New York State Militia; 18 13.
1894. Dewey, Hiram Stapleford, 290
138 Fulton Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Jeremiah Dewey, Fifer in Lieutenant Witt Lane's
Company, Thirty-sixth Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
Miller, Commanding); New York State Militia; 1813.
1894. Dewey, Hiram Todd, 288
657 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Son of Jeremiah Dewey, Fifer in Lieutenant Witt Lane's Com-
pany, Thirty-sixth Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Mil-
ler, Commanding), New York State Militia; 1813.
1893. DeYoung, Charles, 224
1000 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Isaac DeYoung, Musician in Captain Benjamin H. Price's
Company, Third Regiment, New Jersey State Artillery; 1812-15.
Participated in eleven (n) actions during war, and wounded in
battle of Lundy's Lane, Canada; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1894. Dorcy, Ben. Holladay, 272
1430 South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Nathaniel H. Downe, Captain of Privateer
"Dolphin;" 1812-14. Captured by enemy, held prisoner-of-
war at Halifax, N. S., and exchanged; 1814.
1894. Duane, Russell, 263
2101 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of William Duane, Lieutenant-Colonel of United
States Rifle Regiment; 1812-13. Also, Colonel and Adjutant
General United States Army; 1813-15,
1893. Dudley, Augustus Palmer, M. D., 211
640 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Patrick Dudley, Ensign Company "F," (Captain
E. Percy, Commanding), Colonel A. Reed's Regiment, Massa-
chusetts (or Province of Maine) Militia; 1812-13.
Grandson of Francis Wyman, Orderly Sergeant Company "F,"
(same Regiment), Massachusetts (or Province of Maine) Militia;
1891. Dudley, Edgar Swartwout, Captain and Assistant Quarter- 67
master U. S. Army, San Antonio, Texas.
Grandson of Peter Dudley, Brigadier General (Commanding
Brigade of Bennington County), Vermont Militia; 1812-15.
1893. Egle, William Henry, M. D., 201
Harrisburg, Pa.
Grandson of John von Treupel, Private in Captain John Hurst's
Company of Montgomery County Riflemen ; the Fifteenth Com-
pany, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen, (Col-
onel Thomas Humphreys, Commanding); of "Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1891. Eldredge, Edward H., 70
27 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Oliver Eldredge, Quartermaster on Staff of Lieu-
tenant Colonel Amos Benny, Commanding First Regiment,
Third Brigade, First Division, Massachusetts Militia; 1812.
1894. Ellis, Edward Dimick, 286
128 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Asa Chapman, Private in Captain William
Palmer's Company, Connecticut Militia ; 1813.
1895. Este,, 302
41 1 1 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Charles Este, Surgeon Third Ohio Volunteers,
Army of the Northwest; 18 12.
1893. Evans, Ellwood Waller, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 189
Fort Myer, Va.
Great-grandson of William Waller, Private in Captain James
Foster's Company of Fifty-first Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
Henry Aniey, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1895. Faber, William Henry, 313
Williamsport, Penna.
Great-grandson of Samuel Faber, Private in Captain Fisher's
Company, Fifth Battalion, First Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia;
1894. Farrington, Charles Lincoln, 254
East Peoria, Tazewell Co., Ills.
Grandson of Elijah Farrington, Private in Captain S. L. Van
Vorhees' Company, Sixty-first Regiment, New York State
Militia; 1814. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
State No.
1894. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 252
35 Broad Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Joseph Piatt Fitch, Sergeant in Fourth Company,
Thirty-fourth Regiment, (Colonel Nehemiah Lockwood, Com-
manding), Connecticut Militia; 1813.
Great-grandson of Daniel Jones, Private in Captain O. E. San-
ford's Company, Lieutenant Colonel S. Sterling's Regiment,
Connecticut Militia; 1813. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1894. Forbush, William Curtis, Captain U. S. Army, 281
Fort Ringgold, Texas.
Representative of Asa Forbush, Private in Westboro Company
of Massachusetts Militia ; 1812.
1892. Ford, John D., Chief Engineer U. S. Navy, 130
1522 West Lauvale Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Ford, Private of the "Baltimore Patriots,"
(Captain Robert Lawson, Commanding); Fifth Regiment In-
fantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, .Commanding),
Maryland Militia ; 1814.
1892. Fowler, Edward Sydney, 121
87 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Gilbert Ogden Fowler, Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier
General Leonard Smith, Commanding Thirty-fourth Brigade,
New York Militia ; 1813-14 ; also Brigade Quartermaster; 1815.
Grandson of Chauncey Belknap, Major Orange County Regi-
ment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Belknap, Com-
manding), New York Militia; 1812-15.
Elected. State No.
1895. Franklin, Robert Scott, 3 2 3
Chillicothe, Ohio.
Great-grandson of James Strode Swearingen, Colonel and
Quartermaster General Eighth Military District, U. S. Army ;
1814. (Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1895. Frazer, James Patriot Wilson, 340
416 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Steele, Jr., Captain Thirty-second United
States Infantry; 1813-15.
1892. Frazer, Persifor, D. Sc. (Un. de France), 145
Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Cave, Assistant Apothecary General, United
States Army; 18 14.
1895. Frazer, Reah, Paymaster, U. S. Navy, 341
League Island, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Steele, Jr., Captain Thirty-second United
States Infantry; 1S13-15.
1894. French, Louis Mardenbrough, 256
Noroton Heights, Fairfield Co., Conn.
Grandson of Samuel Beach, Jr., Private in Captain John Butler's
Company, Colonel Elihu Sanford's Regiment, Connecticut Militia;
18 14. (Transferred to Connecticut Society. )
1 89 1. French, William Freeman, M. D., 96
Noroton, Conn.
Grandson of Samuel Beach, Jr., Private in Captain John Butler's
Company, Colonel Elihu Sanford's Regiment, Connecticut Militia;
1814. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
Elected. State- No.
1877. *Frick, Albert W. ,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Jacob Frick, Private in "State Fencibles," (Captain
Hartman Kuhn, Commanding); First Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteer Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding);
of " Advance Light Brigade, " Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Briga-
dier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 18 14-15.
♦Died May 2, 1893.
1 89 1. Frost, Rev. Timothy Prescott, 33
2212 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Timothy Moore Frost, Private (and Musician), in Captain
Ambrose L. Brown's (Rutland) Company, Vermont Militia; 1814.
1892. Garlington, Ernest Albert, Captain U. S. Army, 137
Fort Riley, Kansas.
Grandson of Christopher Garlington, Private in Captain Cook's
Company, Georgia Militia; 1814-15.
1891. Garrard, Joseph, Captain U. S. Army, 18
Fort Robinson, Neb.
Grandson of Daniel Garrard, Captain of Kentucky Militia;
1891. Glentworth, James, 71
15 South Thirty-sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of James Glentworth, Private in Third Company of "Wash-
ington Guards," (Captain Thomas F. Pleasants, Commanding);
the Fifth Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle Commanding); of the
"Advance L,ight Brigade," (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwala-
der, Commanding), Pennsylvania Volunteers; 18 14-15.
Elected. State No.
1893. *Goodwin, Charles Ridgely, 190
900 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Robert Morris Goodwin, Ensign Fifth Regiment, United
States Infantry, 1812; transferred to Third Regiment, United
States Infantry, 18 12; Third Lieutenant, same Regiment, 18 13;
Second Lieutenant, same Regiment, 18 13-14.
*D!ed May 19, 1834.
1S92. Gordon, Ray Tompkins, 120
245 West One Hundred and Thirty-second Street,
New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Honorable Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of the
State of New York and Commander-in-Chief of the Third Military
District, (comprising New York frontier), of the United States ;
1S91. Greely, Adolphus W., Brigadier General and Chief Signal 31
Officer U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
Son of John Balch Greely; served in Detached Company, (Captain
John Chickering, Commanding), under command of Lieutenant
Colonel Paul Merrill, Massachusetts Militia; 18 14.
Grandson of Samuel Cobb. Served in battle of Lundy's Lane,
Canada; 1S14.
1S95. Green, Frank Delaplaine, 329
141 5 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Isaac Green, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob Cash, Jr., Commanding) ; the Second Company,
First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, (Colonel
Andrew M. Prevost, Commanding) : of " Advance Light Brigade, ' '
Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalad-
er, Commanding); 1814-15.
Elected. State No,
1894. Green, James Oscar, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 240
Appleton, Wis.
Great-grandson of James Burnham, Private in Captain J. Wheat-
ley's Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel E. Fifield,
Commanding), Vermont Militia ; 1812. Also, Private in Captain
S. Wright's Company, same Regiment : 1S12-13. (Transferred
to Illinois Society.)
1891 *Green, William Webb, 46
235 Central Park, (West), New York, N. Y.
Son of Richard Green, Captain of East Haddam South Company,
Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia; 1812-13.
*Died December 30, 1894.
1891. Greene, Richard Henry, 45
235 Central Park, (West), New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Richard Green, Captain of East Haddam South Com-
pany, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia; 1812-13.
Grandson of William W. Todd, Major Fifty-first Regiment,
(Colonel Isaac Van Hook, Commanding), New York Militia;
1812. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, same Regiment ; 1814.
1892. Gregg, Levi Laertes, 164
122 Front Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Levi Hardin Parish, Private in Captain Elijah
Clark's Company, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Allen's Regiment,
New York Militia; under command of General Stephen Van
Rensselaer. Wounded at battle of Queenston, Canada; 1812.
Also, Sergeant in Captain Jeremiah B. Parish's Company of
Riflemen, Twenty-second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Peter
Allen, Commanding), New York State Militia; 1815.
Elected. State No.
1893. Gresham, John Chowning, Captain U. S. Army, 213
Fort Riley, Kansas.
Grandson of Rawleigh Dunaway, Quartermaster Sergeant Ninety-
second Regiment, Virginia Militia, (Lieutenaut Colonel John
Chowning, Commanding); iS 13-14.
1895. Haddock, Stanley Brickett, 314
438 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of John Shinn, First Troop, Philadelphia City
Cavalry. Also, Colonel Seventy-ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers; 1S14.
1S92. Haight, Frederick Everest, 136
22 Thomas Street, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandnephew of Joel Cook, Captain Fourth Regiment,
United States Infantry, (Colonel John P. Boyd, Commanding).
Officially complimented by General William Henry Harrison for
bravery at battle of Tippecanoe ; 1811. Surrendered prisoner of
war by General Hull at Detroit, Michigan ; 18 12.
1893. Hains, John Power, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 197
Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La.
Great-grandson of William Smythe Jenkins, Sergeant in Captain
William Smith's Company of Mounted Volunteers, Virginia
Militia; 18 13-14.
1893, Haeberstadt, Baird, 198
Pottsville, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas J. Baird, Third Lieutenant United States
Light Artillery; 18 14; transferred to United States Artillery
Corps; 1815.
Elected. State No.
1895. Halberstadt, George Howeel, 332
Pottsville, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas J. Baird, Third Lieutenant United States
Artillery; 18 14; transferred to United States Artillery Corps;
1894. Hamilton, Rev. Alexander, 259
Lyons Plains, Fairfield Co., Conn.
Grandson of John Church Hamilton, Lieutenant First Regiment
Infantry, United States Army. Also, Aid-de-camp to Major
General William Henry Harrison, United States Army, Com-
manding Army of the Northwest; 1812-14. (Transferred to
Connecticut Society. )
1891. Hammond, Andrew Goodrich, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 97
Fort Meade, S. D.
Grandson of Franklin Ripley, Quartermaster in Colonel Edwards'
Regiment of Massachusetts Militia; 18 14.
1894. Hart, Byerly, 268
108 South Twenty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Byerly, Corporal in Second Troop, Philadel-
phia City Cavalry, (Captain William Rawle, Jr., Commanding);
attached to the "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volun-
teers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding) ;
1894. Hatcher, Robert Stockweel, 283
Lafayette, Ind.
Grandson of Archibald Hatcher, Lieutenant of Captain James
Shelton's Company, Colonel R. T. Mason's Regiment, Virginia
Militia; 1813-14. Also, Private in Captain John Hewett's
Company, Second Regiment, Virginia Militia; 1S14. (Trans-
ferred to Illinois Society. )
Elected. State No.
1895. Hatfield, Henry Reed, 308
723 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Adam Hatfield, Captain Fifty-first Regiment,
Pennsylvania Militia; 1S12-14.
1894. Haverstick, George Henry, 235
505 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of George Musser, First Lieutenant, afterward Cap-
tain, First Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonels Jeremiah Schappel
and William Hamilton, Commanding); Second Brigade, (Briga-
dier General John Addams, Commanding ) ; in Division of Penn-
sylvania Militia, Commanded by Major General Nathaniel
Watson; 1 8 14.
18S8. *Hay, Maecoem, 7
Asheville, N. C.
Great-grandson of Peter Hay, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding); 1813; and Sergeant in
Third Company, "Northern Liberty Artillerists," (Captain
John Naglee, Commanding); First Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Andrew M. Prevost,
Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania
Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Command-
ing); 1814-15.
♦Died , 1894.
1875. Hay, Peter Stuart, i
4542 Rubicam Avenue, German town, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Peter Hay, Private in "Junior Artillerists," (Captain
Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding); 1813; and Sergeant in Third
Company, "Northern Liberty Artillerists," (Captain John
Naglee, Commanding); First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer
Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Command-
ing); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers,
(Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding) ; 1S14-15.
Elected. State No.
1885. Hay, William Henry Odenheimer, Lieutenant U. S. 6
Revenue-Marine Service, U. S.S. " Forward," Mobile, Ala.
Great-grandson of Peter Hay, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding); 1813; and Sergeant in
Third Company, " Northern Liberty Artillerists," (Captain John
Naglee, Commanding); First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer
Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Command-
ing); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers,
(Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding) ; 1814-15.
1892. Hayden, Rev. Horace Edwin, 129
Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Grandson of Horace H. Hayden, Sergeant in Captain Thomas
Warner's Company, Thirty-ninth Regiment, Maryland Militia,
(Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Fowler, Commanding). Also,
Acting Assistant Surgeon, under orders of Major General Sam-
uel Smith, Commanding forces at Baltimore, Maryland; 1814.
Grandnephew of Nicholas Nixon Robinson, Ensign Fourteenth
Regiment United States Infantry, 18 12 ; Third Lieutenant, same
Regiment, 18 13; Second Lieutenant, same Regiment, 18 13;
Second Lieutenant, Second Regiment, United States Infantry,
Grandnephew of John Manlove Robinson, Private in Captain
Peter Pinney's Company, Twenty-seventh Regiment, (Lieuten-
ant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding), Maryland Militia;
Grandnephew of Benjamin Hazel Robinson, Private in Captain
Aaron R. Levering's Company, Fifth Regiment, (Lieutenant
Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding), Maryland Militia ; 1814.
1894. Heaton, John Edward, 251
245 York Street, New Haven, Conn.
Grandson of Levi Jennison, Sergeant in Captain Return B.
Brown's Company, Fourth Regiment, United States Infantry,
(Colonel John P. Boyd and Lieutenant Colonel James Miller,
Commanding); 1811-13. On staff of General William Henry
Harrison, United States Army, and wounded at battle of Tippe-
canoe, (1811) ; captured by British, ( 1812), and paroled, (1813).
(Transferred to Connecticut Society).
Elected. State No.
1S92. Henry, James Malcolm, 100
2040 F Street, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of John A. Kearney, Surgeon United States Navy;
1S13-15. Served on frigate "Constitution" under Commodore
Charles Stewart, United States Navy. Received the thanks of
Congress and a silver medal, "in testimony of the high sense
entertained of his good conduct and services in the capture ot
the British vessels of war, 'Cyane' and 'Levant,' after a brave
and skillful combat."
1892. Henry, John Francis, Jr., 169
117a St. James' Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Peter Gale, Private in Captain Walker's Com-
pany, Second Regiment, (Colonel E. Fifield, Commanding),
Vermont Militia ; also Private in Captain Henry Mayo's Com-
pany, First Regiment, (Colonel William Williams, Command-
ing) ; Second Brigade, Third Division, Vermont Militia, under
command of General Alexander Macomb; 1S12-14.
1892. Henry, John William, 99
2040 F Street, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of John A. Kearney, Surgeon United States Navy ;
1813-15. Served on frigate "Constitution" under Commodore
Charles Stewart, United States Navy. Received the thanks of
Congress and a silver medal, "in testimony of the high sense
entertained of his good conduct and services in the capture of
the British vessels of war, 'Cyane' and 'Levant,' after a brave
and skillful combat."
1S91. Heyl, Charles Heath, Captain U. S. Army, 95
Fort Clark, Texas.
Grandson of Philip Heyl, Captain and Owner of Privateer Brig
"Amy." Captured during war, (1814), and held as prisoner
one year at Dartmoor, England.
Elected. state No.
1S91. *Heyl, Edward Miles, Colonel and Inspector General 24
U. S. Army, Chicago, 111.
Grandson of Philip Heyl, Captain and Owner of Privateer Brig
"Amy." Captured during war, (1814), and held as prisoner
one year at Dartmoor, England.
*Died January 2, 1895.
1891. Hobart, David McKnight, 59
2219 St. James' Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Nathaniel Potts Hobart, Sergeant in Eleventh Com-
pany, ("Washington Guards," of Reading, Berks County,
Captain Daniel deB. Keim, Commanding) ; First Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle,
Commanding); of "Advance Eight Brigade," Pennsylvania Vol-
unteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding);
Grandson of William Rudolph Smith, Eieutenant Colonel Thirty-
third Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1811-14; also, Colonel
Sixty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves ; 1814-15.
Great-grandson of Joseph Anthony, Captain Third Company of
"Washington Guards," Pennsylvania Volunteers; 1S13-14.
Died in service.
1892. Hodgkins, Joseph Wilson, 139
P. O. Box 1942, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of John Bubier, Midshipman United States Navy;
1813; Captured on United States Brig "Siren," (Eieutenant
Campbell, Commanding); 1814; and held as prisoner of war at
Dartmoor, England, till close of war.
Elected State No.
1891. Hoff, Arthur Bainbridge, Ensign U. S. Navy, 62
Navy Department, Washington, D. C.
Great-grandson of William Bainbridge, Captain United States
Navy. Received the thanks of Congress and gold medal for
capture of British frigate "Java," by United States frigate
"Constitution;" 18 12.
1891. Hoff, William Bainbridge, Captain U. S. Navy, 61
U. S. S. "Lancaster," at sea.
Grandson of William Bainbridge, Captain United States Navy.
Received the thanks of Congress and gold medal for capture of
British frigate "Java," by United States frigate "Constitution;"
1892. Hoffman, Alexander W. , 125
806 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.
Grandson of William Hoffman, First Lieutenant in Captain Gil-
bert Seaman's Company, Forty-first Regiment United States
Infantry, (Colonel Robert Bogardus, Commanding); 1813-15.
1892. Hoffman, Charles Wheeler, 15 1
Bozeman, Montana.
Grandson of William Hoffman, First Lieutenant in Captain Gil-
bert Seaman's Company, Forty-first Regiment United States
Infantry, (Colonel Robert Bogardus, Commanding); 1813-15.
1892. Hoffman, Eugene Baker, 150
45 East Forty-first Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of William Hoffman, First Lieutenant in Captain Gil-
bert Seaman's Company, Forty-first Regiment, United States
Infantry, (Colonel Robert Bogardus, Commanding); 1S13-15.
Elected. State No.
1891. Hollander, Elmer Rand, 80
290 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Charles North Baldwin, Sergeant in Captain
John Cook's Company, Third Artillery Regiment, (Lieutenant
Colonel Andrew Sitcher, Commanding^ , New York Militia;
1812; also, First Sergeant in Lieutenant William Swaine's Com-
pany; 18 12; and First Lieutenant in Captain William Swaine's
Company of same Regiment; 1S14.
1893. Horn, Tiemann Newell, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 217
Fort Preble, Maine.
Great-grandson of Joseph Horn, Captain of Company of Second
Regiment, New York State Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Cur-
tenius. Commanding); 1812. Major of same Regiment; 1814.
1892. Horton, William Edward, 108
639 A Street, Washington, D. C.
Great-grandson of William Clarke, Private in Captain Josiah
Perry's Company, Colonel John Prior's Regiment, New York
Militia; 1814.
1894. *Houston, Henry Howard, 265
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Samuel Nelson Houston, Private in Captain Henry Ship-
pen's Company of Lancaster County Yagers, First Brigade,
Fourth Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814.
♦Died June 20, 1S95.
1894. Houston, Samuel Frederic, 266
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Samuel Nelson Houston, Private in Captain Henry
Shippen's Company of Lancaster County Yagers, First Brigade,
Fourth Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1891. Howe, Henry Smith, Captain U. S. Army, 19
Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.
Grandson of Nathaniel Sias, Major Fourth Regiment of Infantry
and Artillery, New Hampshire Militia; 1812-15.
1891. Hoyt, Henry Martyn, 52
310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Ziba Hoyt, Second Lieutenant in Captain Samuel
Thomas' Company of Artillery, of Colonel Reese Hill's Regi-
ment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1813-14. Commended for gallant
conduct at battle of the Thames, Canada ; 18 13.
1892. Hughes, Henry Douglas, 127
1414 South Penn Square, Philadelphia. Pa.
Grandson of Edward Hughes, Private in Captain John May's
Company, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, (Colonel
Jeremiah Schappell, Commanding); 18 14.
1894. HURD, RUKARD, 243
32 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Grandson of Alexander Duncan, Private in Captain M. Wood's
Company, Colonel D. Collier's Regiment, Ohio Militia; 1814.
Also, Private in same Company, Colonel J. Dawson's Regiment,
Ohio Militia; 18 14.
1895. Hyde, James Clarence, 335
114 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Norman Clark, Sergeant First Regiment,
First Brigade, Thirteenth Division, Massachusetts Militia ;
Elected. State No'
1895. Hyde, Raymond Newton, 336
1 14 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Norman Clark, Sergeant First Regiment,
First Brigade, Thirteenth Division, Massachusetts Militia;
1894. Ives, Francis Joseph, Captain and Assistant Surgeon 275
U. S. Army, Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y.
Grandson of Raphael Semmes, Private in Captains Roger Dun-
nington and Thomas Burgess' and Lieutenant Walter M. Miller's
Companies of Maryland Militia, under command of Brigadier
General Stewart; 18 14.
1894. Jackson, Alfred Baury, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 242
Fort Robinson, Neb.
Grandson of Samuel Jackson, Private in First Troop, Philadel-
phia City Cavalry, (Captain Charles Ross, Commanding) ; at-
tached to the "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volun-
teers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding) ;
Grandnephew of Frederick Baury, Midshipman United States
Navy; 1812-14. Promoted Lieutenant, United States Navy;
1814. Presented with sword by Congress, for gallant services in
capture of the British sloop-of-war, ' ' Reindeer. ' ' Drowned by
sinking of the United States sloop-of-war, "Wasp," (Captain
Johnston Blakeley, Commanding) ; 1814.
1892. Jackson, Charles B., 11 1
2542 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Andrew Sitcher, Lieutenant Colonel Third
Regiment, New York State Artillery ; 1S12; also, Colonel First
Regiment, United States Volunteer Artillery ; 1812-13.
Elected. State No.
1895. James, John Faradav, Tenth Regiment U. S. Infantry, 309
Fort Sill, Oklahoma Ty.
Grandson of Zebulon Townsend Hubbs, Private in Captain
Cheeseman's Company, Colonel Bedell's Regiment, New York
Militia; 18 14.
1891. Johnson, Alfred B., Lieutenant U. S. Army, 47
Fort I,ogan, Col.
Grandson of James Steele, Brigade Inspector, Pennsylvania
Militia; 1812. Promoted Brigadier General same year, "for
gallant and meritorious services in the field." Promoted Major
General Third Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 18 13.
l8 93- Johnson, Harvey, 176
U. S. Consulate, Antwerp, Belgium.
Grandson of James Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel of Regiment,
Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, (Colonel Richard M. Johnson,
Commanding). Distinguished for gallantry in the battle of the
Thames, Canada; 18 13.
1883. *Johnson, John C. , 4
4100 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Samuel Johnson. Served in Maryland Militia in defence
of Fort MeHenry, Maryland; 1S14.
♦Died July 31, 1894.
l8 93- Jones, Richmond Legh, 194
Reading, Pa.
Grandson of Jehu Jones, Private in Captain George Hetzel-
berger's Company, Second Regiment, (Colonel John Lutz, Com-
manding); Second Brigade, (Brigadier General John Addams,
Commanding); in Division of Pennsylvania Militia, commanded
by Major General Nathaniel Watson; 1S14.
1S95. Jones, Stockton White, 297
1009 South Forty-eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Samuel Hunter Eakiu, District Paymaster of
Third Military District, (State of New York); 1812-15.
1S94. Jordan, Scott, 282
499 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of John Jordan, Private in Captain Samuel Cald-
well's Company, Colonel George Adams' Regiment, Ohio Militia;
18 12. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
1893. Keen, Gregory Bernard, 215
3237 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nephew of John Gait Hutton, Adjutant First Regiment, Penn-
sylvania Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Andrew M.
Prevost, Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsyl-
vania Volunteers, ( Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Com-
manding); 1814-15.
Keim, Beverley Randolph, 15 6
131 1 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Beverley Randolph, Second Lieutenant
United States Army, and Aid-de-Camp to Major General Lewis
and Brigadier General Covington; 18 12. First Lieutenant
United States Artillery Corps; 18 13. Captain Twentieth Regi-
ment, United States Infantry, (Colonel T. M. Randolph, Com-
manding); 18 1 3-1 5. Volunteered and led advance which
stormed and carried heights at Queenston, Canada; 1812.
Elected. State No.
1892. Keyes, Alexander Brooks, Major U. S. Army, 101
Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
Grandson of Alexander Scammell Brooks, Captain Third Regi-
ment, United States Artillery; 1812-15. Breveted Major for
gallantry at battle of Plattsburg, New York; 1814.
Grandnephew of John Brooks, Lieutenant United States Navy.
Killed at the battle of Lake Erie; 18 13.
1895. Laubenstein, Ezekias, 315
328 South Sixteenth Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Son of Michael Fritz, Private in Captain Peter Snyder's Com-
pany, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Adam Ritscher,
Commanding), First Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814-15.
1893. Lee, Edward Clinton, 204
21 17 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Thomas Lothrop, Private in Lieutenant Levi
Top's Company, (in absence of Captain Stillman Howard),
Lieutenant Colonel Walter R. Blaisdell's Regiment, Massa-
chusetts Militia; 1S14.
1891. *Leidy, Philip, M. D.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Philip Leidy, Private in Montgomery County Riflemen,
(Captain James Robinson, Commanding); the Fourth Company,
First Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen, (Colonel
Thomas Humphreys, Commanding); of "Advance Light Bri-
gade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding ) ; 1814-15.
*Died April 29, 1891.
Elected. State No.
1892. Lewis, Albert Nelson, 106
18 1 1 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Elisha Lewis, Sergeant in Captain Peter Pinney's Com-
pany, Twenty-seventh Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy
Long, Commanding), Maryland Militia. Promoted on the field
for gallantry at battle of North Point, near Baltimore, Maryland ;
1892. Lindesmith, Eli Washington John, Chaplain U. S. Army, 163
Doylestown, Wayne Co. , Ohio.
Grandson of Daniel Lindesmith, Private and Bugler in Captain
William Pritchard's Company, Second Ohio Mounted Rifle Regi-
ment, (Colonel Findlay, Commanding); 1812-15.
1 89 1. Long, Oscar F., Captain and Assistant Quartermaster 28
U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
Great-grandson of Jacob Mabie, Lieutenant Colonel of New York
Militia; 1812-15.
1884. Ludington, Marshall I., Colonel and Assistant 5
Quartermaster General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
Son of Zalmon Ludington, Private in Colonel Churchill's Regi-
ment, New York Militia; 181 2-15.
1892. McClellan, John, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 148
Presidio, Cal.
Grandson of John McClellan, Surgeon of Franklin County Regi-
ment, Pennsylvania Militia ; 1814.
1895. McCormick, Robert Laird, 295
Hayward, Wis.
Great-grandson of Hugh White, Colonel of Lycoming County
Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1812. (Transferred to Illinois
Elected. State No.
1895. McCulloch, Champe Carter, Jr., First Lieutenant 339
and Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army,
Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.
Grandson of William Horsley MeCulloch, Corporal in Captain
William Coleman's Company, Ninetieth Regiment, Virginia
Militia; 1813-14.
189?. Macdonald, Malcolm, 138
The "Beresford," New York, N. Y.
Grandson of John McDonald, Brigadier General Second Brigade,
First Division, Maine Militia; 181 2-1 5.
Grandson of John Hyde, Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, under
command of Lieutenant Colonel William Randall; 1813-14.
1891. McDowell, William Osborne, 25
20 Spruce Street, Newark, N. J.
Grandson of Enos A. Osborne, Private in Captain Benjamin
Coleman's Company, Colonel John Seward's Regiment, General
William Colfax's Brigade, New Jersey Militia; 1S12-15.
1892. MacKinlay, William E. W., 152
Ottawa, 111.
Great-grandson of John Gibson, Second Lieutenant in Captain
John Robert's Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun-
teers; 18 1 3.
Great-grandson of Matthias Trumbo, Private in Captain
Matthews' Company, Virginia Militia; 1S14.
Great-grandson of Thomas E. Scofield, Sergeant in Fishkill Com-
pany, Dutchess County Regiment, New York State Militia;
1S12-15. (Transferred to Illinois Society).
Elected. State No.
1893. McNair, Thomas Speer, 182
Hazleton, Pa.
Son of Thomas McNair, Corporal in Captain John B. Moorehead's
Company, First Regiment, (Colonel Maxwell Kennedy, Com-
manding); First Brigade, (Brigadier General John Forster, Com-
manding), Pennsylvania Militia; 18 14-15.
1894. Manigault, Gabriel E., M. D., 284
6 Gibbes Street, Charleston, S. C.
Son of Charles Manigault, Private in Third Company, (Captain
Thomas F. Pleasants, Commanding), of "Washington Guards;"
the Fifth Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); of
"Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier
General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1S14-15.
1894. Marston, John, 274
Bullitt Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sou of John Marston, Midshipman United States Navy; 1813-15.
1892. Mason, Theodorus Bailey Myers, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, 1 18
1606 Twentieth Street, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of Mordecai Myers, Captain Thirteenth Regiment,
United States Infantry, (Colonel Peter B. Schuyler, Command-
ing); Brigadier General Smy the' s Brigade. Wounded at battle
Williamsburg, (or Chrysler's Farm), Canada; 1813.
1895. Massey, Frank Hogan, 304
4604 Wayne Avenue, Germautown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Jacob Vogdes, Major Detachment of (Phila-
delphia), Pennsylvania Militia, (Lieutenant Colonel Peter L.
Berry, Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsyl-
vania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader,
Commanding); 18 14-15.
Elected. State No.
1895. Massey, Henry Vogdes, 3°°
505 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Jacob Vogdes, Major Detachment of (Phila-
delphia), Pennsylvania Militia, (Lieutenant Colonel Peter L.
Berry, Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsyl-
vania Volunteers, ( Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Com-
manding); 1814-15.
1895. Mateack, John Rugan, Jr., 299
19 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William Vaudever, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob Cash, Jr. , Commanding) ; the Second Company,
First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant
Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Commanding) ; attached to the
"Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier
General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 18 14-15.
1895. Mercur, James Watts, =93
Wallingford, Delaware Co., Pa.
Grandson of John Davis, Ensign of Captain William Purdy's
Company of Bucks County Riflemen ; the Ninth Company, First
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen, (Colonel Thomas
Humphreys, Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Penn-
sylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader
Commanding); 1814-15.
1893. Mercur, Rodney Augustus, 221
Towauda, Pa.
Grandson of John Davis, Ensign of Captain William Purdy's
Company of Bucks County Riflemen ; the Ninth Company, First
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Riflemen, (Colonel Thomas
Humphreys, Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade, " Penn-
sylvania Volunteers, ( Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader,
Commanding); 1814-1,5.
Elected. State No.
1894. Merwin, Walter Lee, 233
170 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Grandson of Miles Merwin, Private in Captain Medas Hotchkiss"
Company, Connecticut Militia ; 1813. Also, Private in Captain
John Butler's Company, Connecticut Militia; 1814,
1895. *Mifflin, James, 3 12
1824 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Representative of John Ross Mifflin, Captain First Company of
"Washington Guards;" the Second Company, First Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle,
Commanding); of "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania
Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Command-
ing); 1814-15.
*Died November 24, 1895.
1892. Mills, Stephen Crosby, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 142
Fort Niobrara, Neb.
Grandson of Stephen Crosby, Second Lieutenant of Captain
Warner Folt's Company, Fortieth Regiment, New York Militia;
1894. Miner, Sidney Roby, 277
Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Great-grandson of William Ross, Brigadier General Commanding
Second Brigade, Ninth Division, Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia ;
1 89 1. Moore, Harry Thornton, 86
56 Thirty-fifth Street, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of Joel Haws, Private in Captain William
Fordyce's Company, Second Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, (Colo-
nel Summalt, Commanding), General Denoe's Division ; 1813-15.
(Transferred to Illinois Society. )
Elected. State No.
1891. Moore, John W., Chief Engineer U. S. Navy, 77
Mare Island, San Francisco, Cal.
Grandson of Benjamin Mooers, Major General, (Commanding
six Brigades), New York Militia; 1812-15.
1891. Morgan, Appleton, LL. ©., 63
Westfield, N. J.
Grandson of James Appleton, lieutenant Colonel Commanding
Second Regiment, First Brigade, Second Division, Massachusetts
Militia; 1S13-14. In service and pay of the United States; 1814.
1891. Morgan, James Henry, 98
59 Water Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Avery Morgan, Lieutenant Regiment, Connec-
ticut Militia, (Colonel Newhall Tainter, Commanding); 1814.
1894. Morrell, Edward de Veaux, 285
505 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Hare Powell, Brigade Major on staff of Briga-
dier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding "Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers for the defence of Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania; iS 14-15.
1S93. Morris, Galloway Cheston, 231
128 South Eighteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of James Cheston, Lieutenant and Adjutant Fifth
Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterett, Commanding;,
Maryland Militia; 18 14. Also, Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-first
Regiment, Maryland Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No -
1892. Muhlenberg, Francis Benjamin, 133
430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Peter Muhlenberg, Captain Sixth Regiment, United
States Infantry; 1811-14. Major Thirty-first Regiment, United
States Infantry, (Colonel Daniel Dana, Commanding); 1814-15.
Also, Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier General Zebulon M. Pike,
United States Army.
1 89 1. Murray, Charles Henry, 49
115 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Dauphin Murray, Colonel Regiment, New
York Militia; 1812-15.
Grandson of Andrew Billings, Sergeant in Lieutenant Abraham
Brook's Company, Seventy-second Regiment, (Lieutenant Col-
onel T. H. Hicks, Commanding); New York Militia. Subse-
quently commissioned Major, New York Militia; 1812-15.
Great-grandson of Hezekiah Seymour, Corporal in Captain J.
Selsbee's Company of Lieutenant Colonel J. McMahon's Regi-
ment, New York Militia; 1813-15.
1893. Nichols, George F., 186
Plattsburg, N. Y.
Sou of John Nichols, Private in New York Militia. In service
during the siege of Plattsburg; 18 14.
1S93. Nichols, Henry Kuhl, 185
2216 Trinity Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Francis Boude Nichols, Midshipman United States Navy;
18 12. Served under Captain James Lawrence, United States
Navy. Wounded in action, while in command of vessel, between
"Chesapeake" and "Shannon," 1813; takeu prisoner to Halifax,
Nova Scotia, and afterwards exchanged.
Elected. State No.
1891. Nichols, Maury, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 22
Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Great -grandnephew of Abraham Maury, Lieutenant Fourth United
States Rifle Regiment ; 18 14.
1895. Noble, Henry Harman, 334
Essex, Essex Co., New York.
Grandson of General Ransom Noble, New York Militia ; 18 13-14.
1894. Norris, Alexander Wilson, 261
5 North Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa.
Great-grandson of John Swoyer, Private in Captain Richard M.
Crain's (Dauphin County) Company of First Regiment, (Colonel
Maxwell Kennedy, Commanding), First Brigade, Pennsylvania
Militia; 1814-15.
Great-grandson of George Stine, Private in Captain Peter Snyder's
(Dauphin and Lebanon Counties) Company of Second Regiment,
(Lieutenant Colonel Adam Ritscher, Commanding ) , First Brigade,
Pennsylvania Militia ; 1814-15.
1895. Norton, Thomas Herbert, Ph. D., 326
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Grandson of Jedediah Horsford. Served in garrison defending
Burlington, Vermont, 18 12-13. Commissioned Colonel (Livings-
ton County ) Regiment of New York Militia ; 18 14. (Transferred
to Ohio Society.)
1894. Noyes, Charles Phelps, 247
400-10 Sibley Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Son of Daniel Rogers Noyes, Lieutenant Second Company,
(Captain Joseph Gavitt, Commanding); Third Regiment of Infan-
try, (Colonel Joshua H. Lew, Commanding), Rhode Island
Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Oliver, Charles Augustus, M. D., 236
1507 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William George Oliver, Major Second Battalion,
Twenty-eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia ; 1811-13. Cap-
tain Forty-second Regiment, United States Infantry; 1813-15.
1892. Oliver, Paul Ambrose, 144
Oliver's Mills, Pa.
Son of Paul Ambrose Oliver, Master United States Navy;
1895. O'Neill, Charles Frank, 296
2558 Cedar Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Busick, Private in Captain John H. Rogers'
Company, Fifty-first Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonels James
Amey and James Cheston, Commanding), Maryland Militia;
18 1 3-1 4. Severely wounded at battle of North Point, near Balti-
more, Maryland ; 18 14.
1894. O'Neill, Hugh Lewis, 280
2312 East Huntingdon Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Busick, Private in Captain John H. Rogers'
Company, Fifty-first Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonels James
Amey and James Cheston, Commanding), Maryland Militia;
1813-14. Severely wounded at battle of North Point, near
Baltimore, Maryland; 18 14.
1894. O'Neill, James Busick, 273
2713 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Busick, Private in Captain John H. Rogers'
Company, Fifty-first Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonels James
Amey and James Cheston, Commanding); Maryland Militia;
18 13-14. Severely wounded at battle of North Point, near
Baltimore, Maryland; 1S14.
Elected. State No.
1892. O'Neill, James Wilks, M. D., 83
2 1 10 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John O'Neill, Private in Third Company, ("North-
ern Liberty Artillerists," Captain John Naglee, Commanding);
First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, ( Lieutenant
Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Commanding; 1814-15.
1892. Ord, Edward O. C, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 26
Searcy, Ark.
Grandson of James Ord, Midshipman United States Navy; 18 13.
Also, Lieutenant Thirty-sixth Regiment, United States Infantry,
(Colonel Henry Carbery, Commanding;; iS 14-15.
1 89 1. Otto, John, 84
394 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Son of Jacob S. Otto, Aid-de-Camp to Honorable Simon Snyder,
Governor of Pennsylvania, and Commander-in-Chief of Penn-
sylvania forces; 18 12-15.
1S92. Parker, Montgomery Davis, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 126
Fort Robinson, Neb.
Great-grandson of Amasa Davis, Quartermaster General of Massa-
chusetts; 18 12-15. (Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1S95. Patterson, Robert, 337
1S02 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Robert Patterson, Captain Thirtieth Regiment,
United States Infantry; 18 14.
1895. Patterson, William H., 317
1802 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Robert Patterson, Captain Thirtieth Regiment, United
States Infantry; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1891. Paulding, Charles H., 57
347 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Isaac F. Russell, Aid-de-Camp to Major General
Morgan Lewis, New York Militia; 1814.
1893. Paulding, Tattnall, 193
135 West Penn Street, Germautown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Hiram Paulding, Midshipman United States Navy; 18 12-
15. Served under Commodores Isaac Chauncey and Thomas
Macdonough, United States Navy.
1895. Pendleton, Edmund, 291
Union Club, New York, N. Y.
Son of Nathaniel Greene Pendleton, Colonel and Aid-de-Camp
to Major General Edmund Pendleton Gaines, United States
Army; 1814-15.
1893. Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel Whitaker, LE. D., 192
1540 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Joseph Whitaker, Private in First Company, "Wash-
ington Guards, " (Captain John R. Mifflin, Commanding); the
Second Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer In-
fantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); of "Advance
Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General
Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
1891. Penrose, Charles Wilkinson, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 90
War Department, Washington, D. C.
Great-great-grandson of William Hoffman, First Lieutenant in
Captain Gilbert Seaman's Company, Forty-first Regiment, United
States Infantry, (^Colonel Robert Bogardus, Commanding;
Elected. State No.
1891. Penrose, George Hoffman, Acting Assistant Surgeon, 15
U. S. Army, U. S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C.
Great-grandson of William Hoffman, First Lieutenant in Captain
Gilbert Seaman's Company, Forty-first Regiment, United States
Infantry, (Colonel Robert Bogardus, Commanding); 1813-15.
1895. Pepper, Edward, M. D., 33 8
Algiers, Africa.
Grandson of Thomas Cave, Assistant Apothecary General,
United States Army; 18 14.
1892. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 112
P. O. Box 36, Station A, Boston, Mass.
Great-great-grandson of John Sly, Private in Captain Joseph
Morrill's (Danville) Company, Regiment, Vermont Militia;
1813. (Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1894. Pinkerton, Samuel Stanhope Smith, 234
67 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Grandson of John White Pinkerton, Private in Captain John
Wright's Company, Colonel Washington Parke's Regiment,
Pennsylvania Militia; 18 14. Served under Major General James
1893. Pool, Wellington, 226
Wenham, Essex Co., Mass.
Son of William Pool, Private in Captain Charles Tarr's Com-
pany, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel James Appleton,
Commanding); First Brigade, Second Division, Massachusetts
Militia; 1814. (Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1892. Poore, Benjamin Andrew, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 146
West Point, N. Y.
Son of Andrew Poore, Private in Captain Thomas Harrington's
Company of Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Page's Regiment,
Massachusetts Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1891. Pope, James Worden, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster 85
U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Grandson of James Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel of Regiment,
Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, (Colonel Richard M. Johnson,
Commanding). Distinguished for bravery at the battle of the
Thames, Canada; 1813.
1892. Porter, John Biddi.e, 103
1529 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Biddle, Second Lieutenant Third Regiment,
United States Artillery ; 18 12-13; First Lieutenant Third Regi-
ment, United States Artillery; 1S13; Captain Forty-second
Regiment, United States Infantry; 1813-15. Also Aid-de-Camp to
General Winfield Scott, United States Army.
1892. Potter, Thomas, Jr., 171
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Jacob Bower, Brigadier General Commanding
First Brigade, Sixth Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1812-13.
1892. Potter, Hon. William, 153
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Jacob Bower, Brigadier General Commanding
First Brigade, Sixth Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1812-13.
1895. Rankin, John Hall, 311
421 West Lehman Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of First Lieutenant John Jeffries, First Lieutenant of
"Lancaster Phalanx," (Captain John Humes, Commanding),
Twenty-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1S13-14.
Elected. State No.
1893. Rawle, William Brooke, 175
230 South Twenty-second Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William Rawle, Jr., Captain Second Troop, Phila-
delphia City Cavalry, attached to the "Advance Light Brigade,"
Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader,
Commanding); 18 14.
1893. Rea, Samuel, 203
Pennsylvania Railroad Offices, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Rea, Major General Seventh Division, Penn-
sylvania Volunteer Militia; 1812-14.
1892. Read, John Joseph, Captain U. S. Navy, 160
Mt. Holly, N. J.
Grandson of Samuel J. Read, Major in Brigadier General Ebenezer
Elmer's Brigade, New Jersey Militia; 1814.
1879. Reilly, Andrew Jackson, 2
1437 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Paul Reilly, Private in Second Company of ' ' Washington
Guards," (Captain John Swift, Commanding); the Fourth Com-
pany, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, ( Colonel
Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); Pennsylvania Volunteers,
(Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
1891. *Reilly, George Francis, 9
1437 North Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Paul Reilly, Private in Second Compan3^ of ' ' Washington
Guards," (Captain John Swift, Commanding); the Fourth Com-
pany, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, (Colonel
Clement C. Biddle, Commanding) ; Pennsylvania Volunteers,
(Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
♦Died September 18, 1894.
Elected. State No.
1891. Reilly, Paul, 10
1437 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Paul Reilly, Private in Second Company of ' ' Wash-
ington Guards," (Captain John Swift, Commanding); the Fourth
Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,
(Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); Pennsylvania Volun-
teers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding);
1891. Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury, 35
11 East Seneca Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Grandson of Shadrach Remington, Private under Colonel Erastus
Granger, Commanding forces at Black Rock and Cold Spring,
(Buffalo,) N. Y.; 18 12-15.
1893. Reynolds, William Butler, Captain (J. S. Army, 183
Fort Lea ven worth , Kan.
Grandson of John Reynolds, Private in Captain Coates' Company,
Baltimore Rifles, Maryland Volunteers; 1814. Member of the
' ' Society of Old Defenders of Baltimore. ' '
1893. Rhoades, Lyman, 195
120 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Cornelius Harsen, Lieutenant Colonel Eleventh
Battery, (formerly Third), New York State Artillery; 1S12-14.
1891. Rice, Edmund, Captain and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 27
U. S. Army, War Department, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of Edmund Rice, Ensign First Regiment of Infantry,
First Brigade, First Division, Massachusetts Militia; 1812.
1895. Rice, Lewis, 32S
1 2 15 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Nathaniel Brigham, Corporal Fourth Regiment,
First Brigade, Seventh Division, Massachusetts Militia; 1813-14.
Elected. State No.
1893. Ripley, Winfield Scott, Jr., 230
SS Court Street, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Uriah Ripley, Captain of Company "B," First
Regiment, First Brigade, Thirteenth Division, Massachusetts (or
Province of Maine) Militia; 1814.
Great-grandson of Jotham Perham, Captain of Company of In-
fantry, (of Woodstock, Maine), in Colonel William Ryerson's
Regiment, Maine Division of Massachusetts Militia; 1814.
(Transferred to Massachusetts Society.)
1892. Robe, Charles F., Major U. S. Army, 147
Fort Buford, N. D.
Grandson of Roswell Robe, Sergeant in Captain Sereno Petti-
bone's Company, Connecticut Militia; 1813.
1893. Roee, Lucien Stevens, 207
Fort Buford, N. D.
Great-grandson of Roswell Robe, Sergeant in Captain Sereno
Pettibone's Company, Connecticut Militia; 1S13.
Great-grandson of George W. Burnham, Captain in United
States Revenue Marine Service; 1812-15.
1S92. Rockenbach, Samuel D. , Lieutenant U. S. Army, 166
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va.
Great-grandson of William Hannah, Private in Captain George
Hannah's Troop of Cavalry, Virginia Militia, under command of
General Porter, at Norfolk, Virginia; 18 14.
1891. Roe, Fayette Washington, Captain U. S. Army, 11
Fort Snelling, Minn.
Grandson of Isaac Roe, Sergeant in Captain J. Butterworth's
Company, Lieutenant Colonel Smith's Regiment, New York
Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1S91. Roe, Francis Asbury, Rear Admiral U. S. Navy, 12
1232 Seventeenth Street, Washington, D. C.
Son of Isaac Roe, Sergeant in Captain J. Butterworth's Company,
Lieutenant Colonel Smith's Regiment, New York Militia; 1814.
1891. Roe, George, 37
Vallejo, Cal.
Grandson of Isaac Roe, Sergeant in Captain J. Butterworth's
Company, Lieutenant Colonel Smith's Regiment, New York
Militia; 1814.
1895. Rogers, Archibald, 330
Hyde Park, on Hudson, New York.
Grandnephew of Stephen Drummer, First Lieutenant Thirty-
seventh Regiment, United States Infantry; 1S12-14.
1894. Rupp, Henry G. G, 270
551 North Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of John Wilson, Private in Captain John F.
Ruhe's Company of "Northampton Blues;" the Fifth Company,
Second Regiment, (Colonel Lewis Bache, Commanding); First
Brigade, Second Division, Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Infantry;
1893. Rupp, Henry Wilson, 205
551 North Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of John Wilson, Private in Captain John F. Ruhe's
Company of "Northampton Blues;" the Fifth Company, Second
Regiment, (Colonel Louis Bache, Commanding); First Brigade,
Second Division, Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Infantry; 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1895. Saffarrans, George Cooudge, Lieutenant U. S. Arm}', 303
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Great-grandson of John McCartney, Private in "Independent
Blues," (Captain Peter A. Brown, Commanding); the Sixth
Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,
(Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); of "Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
1894. Sands, James Thomas, 262
510 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Grandson of James Sands, First Lieutenant of Captain Joseph
Sands' Company of Montgomery County Riflemen; the Thir-
teenth Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Rifle-
men, (Colonel Thomas Humphreys, Commanding); of "Advance
Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General
Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15. Commanding
Company; 18 14.
1892. Sanford, George Bliss, Colonel U. S. Army, 107
Litchfield, Conn.
Great-grandson of Elihu Sanford, Jr., Colonel Regiment,
Connecticut Militia; 1813-14.
Grandson of Hervey Sanford, Adjutant of same Regiment, Con-
necticut Militia; 1S14. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1891. Sanno, James'M. J., Major U. S. Army, 75
Fort Snelling, Minn.
Grandson of George Michael Sanno, First Lieutenant in Captain
George Hendel's Rifle Company, Pennsylvania Volunteers;
Grandson of Conrad Zeller. Served during war, in Pennsylvania
Volunteers, and died in service.
Elected. State No.
i 89 i. Sawyer, James Estcourt, Captain and Assistant 88
Quartermaster U. S. Army, Presidio, Cal.
Son of Horace Bucklin Sawyer, Midshipman United States Navy;
18 12-15. Served under Commodores Charles Stewart and Thomas
Macdonough, United States Navy.
1895. Sayres, Edward Stalker, 305
1825 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Graudnephew of Samuel Humes, Surgeon Second Regiment,
(Lieutenant Colonel John Lutz, Commanding); Second Brigade,
Division Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Major General Nathaniel
Watson, Commanding); 18 14.
1895. Schultz, Bernard Van Horne, 316
Zanesville, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Isaac Van Horne, Adjutant General of Ohio
during war; 18 12-14.
Great-grandson of Meredith Darlington, Captain in Colonel
Boyd's Regiment of Virginia Militia; 1814. (Transferred to
Ohio Society.)
1893. Sener, Samuel Miller, 2I 9
Lancaster, Pa.
Great-grandson of Adolph Christian Fick, Private in Captain
George Hetzelberger's Company, First Battalion, Second Regi-
ment, (Colonel John Lutz, Commanding); Second Brigade,
(Brigadier General John Addams, Commanding); in Division of
Pennsylvania Militia, commanded by Major General Nathaniel
Watson; 1814.
Elected State No.
1S91. Sharpe, Alfred C, Captain U. S. Army, 13
Denver, Col.
Grandson of Nicholas Snider, First Lieutenant and Adjutant of
Seventh Regiment, Maryland Militia; 1812-14. Also, First
Lieutenant of Captain John Gait's Company, Third Regiment,
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Shubrick, Edward Rutledge, 113
519 North Second Street, Camden, N. J.
Son of Edward Rutledge Shubrick, Midshipman United States
Navy; 1812. Lieutenant United States Navy; 1815. Served
under Commodore John Rodgers, United States Navy.
1894. Skiddy, William Wheelwright, 264
Stamford, Conn.
Son of William Skiddy, Sailor in United States Navy; 1812-15.
Captured by enemy and confined at Dartmoor, England. (Trans-
ferred to Connecticut Society.)
1893. Snyder, Frederic Antes, 206
426 Third Avenue, Williamsport, Pa.
Great-grandson of Honorable Simon Snyder, Governor of Penn-
sylvania and Commander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania forces;
1892. Snyder, George Duncan, 155
426 Third Avenue, Williamsport, Pa.
Great-grandson of Honorable Simon Snyder, Governor of Penn-
sylvania and Commander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania forces;
1895. Spangler, Tileston Fracker, 310
Zanesville, Ohio.
Grandson of Jacob Spangler, Private in Captain John M. Rhorer's
Company, Thirty-second Regiment, Maryland Militia, (Lieu-
tenant Colonel Thomas Hood, Commanding); 18 14. (Transferred
to Ohio Society.)
x 01
Elected. State No.
1892. Sparhawk, Charles Wurts, 132
400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Sparhawk, Private in Captain Condy
Raguet's Company of "Washington Guards," Detachment of
Pennsylvania Militia, (Colonel Lewis Rush, Commanding); 1813.
Also, Sergeant in Captain Thomas F. Pleasants' Company of
"Washington Guards," First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding) ; of "Advance
Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General
Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
Grandson of Lewis Vauuxem, Private in First Troop Philadel-
phia City Cavalry, (Captain Charles Ross, Commanding), attached
to "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Briga-
dier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 18 14.
1892. Sparhawk, John, Jr., 140
400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Thomas Sparhawk, Private in Captain Condy
Raguefs Company of "Washington Guards," Detachment of
Pennsylvania Militia, (Colonel Lewis Rush, Commanding); 18 13.
Also, Sergeant in Captain Thomas F. Pleasants' Company of
" Washington Guards, " First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Colonel Clement C. Biddle, Commanding); of "Advance
Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General
Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
Grandson of Lewis Vanuxem, Private in First Troop Philadel-
phia City Cavalry, (Captain Charles Ross Commanding), attached
to "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Briga-
dier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814.
Elected. State No
1893. Spencer, William Chetwood, 210
Elizabeth, N. J.
Grandson of Oliver Hatfield Spencer, Garrison Surgeon United
States Army; 18 12-14. Also served as Chief Surgeon at battle
of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1815.
1S91. Spencer, William Gardner, Captain and Assistant 17
Surgeon U. S. Army, 509 Stevenson Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Grandson of Silas Spencer, Sergeant in Captain M. A. Bonnell's
Company, Fifteenth Regiment, (Colonel Thomas B. Benedict,
Commanding); Fifth Brigade, (Brigadier General Jacob Brown,
Commanding), New York Militia; 1812.
1892. Sproat, Harris Elric, 159
Westtown, Chester Co., Pa.
Grandson of James W. Sproat, Captain of ' ' Germantown Eight
Infantry Blues," Major Sparks' Battalion, Second Brigade, First
Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814-15.
1S95. Stanford, Eewellyn M., 333
Bryn Mawr, Penna.
Grandson of Peter Beach, Private in Captain Hinchman's Com-
pany, New Jersey Militia; 1812-14.
1894. Stevens, John Conyngham, 250
1914 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William Stevens, Lieutenant First Regiment, (Light
Infantry), Massachusetts Militia; 1811-13. Also, First Lieuten-
ant Thirty-fourth Regiment, United States Infantry, (Colonel J.
B. Lamed, Commanding ) ; 1S13.
Elected. State No.
1894. Stevens, William Coppee, 249
St. Augustine, Florida.
Grandson of William Stevens, Lieutenant First Regiment, (Light
Infantry), Massachusetts Militia; 1811-13. Also, First Lieuten-
ant Thirty-fourth Regiment, United States Infantry, (Colonel J.
B. Larned, Commanding); 1813.
1894. Stevenson, James Madison, 278
347 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Son of John E. W. Stevenson, Private in Captain James B. Murray's
Company, New York Artillery; Major Daniel E. Dunscorab's
Battalion of Governor's Guards, New York State Militia; 1814.
1892. Stull, Adam Arbuckle, 124
813 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Adam Stull, Private in "The Benevolent Blues,"
(Captain Henry Read, Commanding); Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, (Major Samuel Sparks, Commanding Battalion); under
command of Brigadier General Thomas Snyder, Commanding
Fourth Military District of Pennsylvania; 1814-15. Member of
"Society of War of 1812," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grandson of Jacob Delaney, Private in Fourth Company,
(" Frankford Artillerists,") First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun-
teer Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Com-
manding); attached to the "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsyl-
vania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Com-
manding; 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1892. *Sutherland, Charles, Brigadier General U. S. Army, 117
2026 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Son of Joel B. Sutherland, Surgeon "Junior Artillerists," (Cap-
tain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding), and First Detachment of
Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, (Colonel Lewis Rush, Com-
manding); 18 13. Also, Lieutenant Colonel of Rifle Regiment,
Second Brigade, First Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814-15.
*Dled May 10, 1895.
8 Park Place, Stamford, Conn.
Great-grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General United
States Army. Quartermaster General ; 1813-15. (Transferred
to Connecticut Society.)
1894. Swartwout, John Henry, 260
Stamford, Conn.
Grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General United States
Army. Quartermaster General; 1813-15. (Transferred to Con-
necticut Society. )
1S91. Swartwout, Satterlee, 69
8 Park Place, Stamford, Conn.
Grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General United States
Army. Quartermaster General; 1813-15. (Transferred to Con-
necticut Society. )
1893. Taylor, Clarence Wills, 222
310 Market Street, Camden, N. J.
Great-grandson of Richard Moore Crain, Captain of "Harrisburg
Artillery," First Regiment, (Colonel Maxwell Kennedy, Com-
manding), First Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814-15.
1891. Taylor, James L., 79
18 Cockspur Street, London, England.
Son of John Bradford Taylor, Assistant Surgeon Sixth Regi-
ment, Maryland Militia; 1S14.
Elected. Statk No -
1891. Towle, George Francis, Captain and Brevet Lieutenant 14
Colonel U. S. Army, 59 Rue de Provence, Paris, France.
Grandson of George Towle, Captain of Company of New Hamp-
shire Militia, in service of United States; 1812-13.
1892. Townsend, James Hill, 135
92 Front Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Artemus Mead, Private in Captain Serxe's Com-
pany, Second Regiment, (Colonel Peter Curtenius, Command-
ing), New York Militia; 18 12-13.
1892. Townsend, Rufus M. : 5 8
279 River Street, Troy, N. Y.
Great-grandson of George Boyd, Private in Captain D. Bryan's
Company, Colonel \V. Runchbet's Regiment, New York Militia;
1895. Townsend, Thomas Gerry, Captain U. S. Army. 301
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Grandson of Daniel S. Townsend, First Lieutenant Ninth Regi-
ment, United States Infantry; 18 12; Captain same Regiment;
18 1 3. Severely wounded at battle of Chrysler's Fields, Canada;
1813. (Transferred to Ohio Society.)
189 1. Trenchard, Edward, 2 °
50 West Ninety-second Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Edward Trenchard, Lieutenant United States Navy;
1812. Commander United States Navy; 18 1 3. Commanded the
"Madison," Flagship of Commodore Isaac Chauncey, United
States Navy; 18 13-15.
Grandson of John Mortimer Barclay, Captain Forty-fourth Regi-
ment, United States Infantry, (Colonel James T. Ross, Command-
ing); under command of General Andrew Jackson; 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
1S93. Tufford, Walter H., 178
Denver, Col.
Grandson of Philip Tufford, Private in Captain Gideon Frisbee's
Company, of Colonel Joseph Wilcox's Regiment of Canadian
Volunteers; 18 13-14.
1891. Tupper, Tuixius C, Major U. S. Army, 56
67 Streator Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Son of Charles Tupper, Private in Captain Asa Aiken's Company,
Thirty-first Regiment, United States Infantry, (Colonel Daniel
Dana, Commanding); 1813-14.
1 89 1. Turner, James Varnum Peter, 78
West Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of William Turner, Fleet Surgeon United States Navy.
Served on Flotilla of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, United
StatesNavy; 1811-12. Surgeon United States Army; 1812-15.
Grandnephew of Peter Turner, Surgeon United States Light
Artillery Corps; 1811-12.
Grandnephew of Daniel Turner, Midshipman United States Navy;
1811-12; Lieutenant United States Navy; 1S13-15. Commanded
U. S. S. "Caledonia," under Commodore Perry, United States
Navy, at battle of Lake Erie; 18 13.
Grandnephew of Henry Edward Turner, Midshipman United
StatesNavy; 1814-15.
46 Adams Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Grandson of James C. Bebee, Private in Captain Timothy Corn-
wall's Company, Fifty-fifth Regiment, (Colonel Anthony Sprague,
Commanding), New York Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No -
1891. Van Deursen, William W., 93
Middletown, Conn.
Son of William Van Deursen, Jr., Captain Third Regiment,
United States Artillery, (Colonel Alexander Macomb, Command-
ing); 1S12-15. (Transferred to Connecticut Society.)
1892. Vanuxem, Louis Clark, 168
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Lewis Clark Vanuxem, Private in First Troop
Philadelphia City Cavalry, (Captain Charles Ross, Commanding);
attached to the "Advance Light Brigade," Pennsylvania Volun-
teers, (Brigadier General Thomas Cadwalader, Commanding);
1 89 1. Viele, Sheldon Thompson, 5 8
298 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y
Great-grandson of Benjamin Barton, Deputy Quartermaster
General United States Army; 18 12- 15.
Grandson of John L. Viele. Served in New York Militia; 1812.
1892. Viven, John Ludlow, Captain U. S. Army, 154
Fort Sully, S. D.
Grandson of John Viven, Private in Fourth Company, (Captain
Peter Fenton, Commanding); of Lieutenant Colonel Peter L.
Berry's Battalion, First Brigade, First Division, Pennsylvania
Militia; 1814-15.
1891. Von Schrader, Frederick, Captain and Assistant 105
Quartermaster U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Great-grandson of Daniel Bissel, Colonel Fifth Regiment, United
States Infantry ; 1 8 1 2- 1 4 ; Brigadier General United States Army ;
Elected. State No.
1891. Voorhies, Gordon, Lieutenant, U. S. Army, 91
Fort Walla- Walla, Wash.
Great-grandson of Peter Gordon Voorhies, Ensign in Captain
Hickman's (Frankfort) Company, of Kentucky Volunteers.
Transferred to the Quartermaster Department. Served undei
General William Henry Harrison; 1812-15.
1893. Wakeman, Jesup, 228
Southport, Conn.
Grandson of Lyman Hull, Private in Second Company, Volun-
teer Artillery, (Captain Jeremiah Sturges, Commanding); First
Brigade of Connecticut Volunteers, (Lieutenant Colonel Eli
Fowler, Commanding); 1814. (Transferred to Connecticut
1892. Wallace, Herbert Fairfax, 114
517 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-great-grandson of William Brooke, Brigadier General
Commanding Third Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1S13-14.
1891. Walworth, Hiram, 36
Plattsburg, N. Y.
Son of Hiram Walworth, Private in Captain Martin J. Aiken's
Rifle Corps, (New York Volunteers), under the immediate com-
mand of General Alexander Macomb, United States Army;
1813-14. Honored by Joint Resolution of Congress, approved
May 20, 1826, for gallantry and patriotic service in the war, and
presented with a rifle.
1893. Ward, Aaron, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, 229
Roslyn, L. I., N. Y.
Grandson of Aaron Ward, Lieutenant Twenty-ninth Regiment,
New York Militia; 18 13. Promoted Captain, same regiment;
Ki.kcted. State No.
1895. Ward, Harry Parker, 3 2 °
Columbus, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Martin D. Follett, Captain in Lieutenant
Colonel Luke Dixon's Regiment, Vermont Militia; 1S13. (Trans-
ferred to Ohio Society.)
1895. Ward, Hubert Herrick, 322
Cleveland, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Martin D. Follett, Captain in Lieutenant
Colonel Luke Dixon's Regiment, Vermont Militia; 1813. (Trans-
ferred to Ohio Society.)
1892. Watmough, James H., Commodore aud Pay Director 170
U. S. Navy, 1711 I Street, Washington, D. C.
Son of John G. Watmough, Lieutenant Second Regiment, United
States Artillery, (Captain Alexander Williams, Commanding
Company). Wounded at assault on Fort Erie, Canada; 1814.
1894. Wayne, Hon. William, 239
Paoli, Chester Co. , Pa.
Grandnephew of Isaac Wayne, Captain Union Troop of Cavalry
of Chester and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania Militia; also
Colonel of Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia;
1893. Webb, DeWitt, M. D., 216
Atlantic P. O., Brevard Co., Fla.
Son of John Webb, Lieutenant of Detached Company, New York
Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1892. Webster, Edmund Kirby, Captain U. S. Army, 116
Fort Omaha, Neb.
Grandson of Joseph Lee Smith, Major Twenty-fifth Regiment,
United States Infantry, 1812; Lieutenant Colonel Twenty-fourth
Regiment, United States Infantry, 1813; transferred to Twenty-
fifth Regiment, United States Infantry; 18 14.
1893. Webster, Frank Daniel, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 218
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Great-grandson of Benjamin Severance, Corporal in Captain
S. Call's Company of Lieutenant Colonel Steel's Regiment, New
Hampshire Militia; 1814.
1S91. Webster, Le Roy Charles, Captain U. S. Marine Corps, 29
U. S. Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, N. H.
Grandson of John A. Webster, Sailing Master United States
Navy; 1S14-15. On staff of Commodore Joshua Barney, United
States Navy, at battle of Bladensburg, Md.; 1814. Presented
with swords by both the State of Maryland and the City of Balti-
more, Md., for gallantry in defence of Fort McHenry, and repulse
of British; 1814.
1892. Wessells, Charles H., ho
43 West Ninety-first Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of John Wessells, Private in Captain Strachan's Com-
pany, Colonel Jasper Ward's Regiment, New York Militia; 1814.
1893. Wessells, Henry Walton, 212
Litchfield, Conn.
Representative of Chillion Palmer, Private in Captain Luther
Hadley's Company, Connecticut Militia; 1813. (Transferred to
Connecticut Society.)
Elected. State No.
1891. Westbrook:, Frederick Edward, 50
10S East Fifty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Frederick Westbrook, Brigadier General New York
Militia; 1812-15.
Son of C. D. Westbrook, Chaplain of Fishkill Regiment, (Colonel
Abraham Van Wyck, Commanding), New York Militia; 1812-15.
1S92. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 119
194 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Moses Holden, Sergeant of Guard detailed
from Regiments of Massachusetts Militia, for service in Boston,
Mass., (Sergeant Nathaniel Phillips, Commanding detail); 1813.
1891. Wetherill, Alexander Macomb, Captain U. S. Army, 157
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Great-grandnephew of Alexander Macomb, Lieutenant Colonel
Third Regiment, United States Artillery; 1812; Brigadier Gen-
eral United States Army; 18 14. Received the thanks of Congress
and a gold medal for distinguished and gallant conduct in defeat-
ing British Army at Plattsburg, N. Y. ; 18 14.
1893. Wetmore, William Boerum, [Endowed Membership], 179
67 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of William Boerum, Midshipman United States Navy;
1S1 2-15. Aid to Commodore James Biddle, United States Navy.
1893. Whipple, Charles Henry, Major and Paymaster 223
U. S. Army. Army Building, St. Paul, Minn.
Grandson of Benjamin Wright, Lieutenant in Company of
"Silver Grays," of Jefferson County, New York State Militia.
Served under General Jacob Brown, United States Army; 18 13.
Elected. State No.
21 10 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Robert O'Neill, Sergeant Major of First Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, ( Lieutenant Colonel Andrew
M. Prevost, Commanding); attached to the "Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
1891. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, M. D., LL. D., 39
706 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Reynold Webb, Musician, (Lieutenant Zacariah
Clarke, Commanding Company); in Colonel Elisha Sill's Regi-
ment, Connecticut Militia ; 1S13-14.
1895. Wilkinson. Ogden Dungan, 294
2031 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Elisha Wilkinson, Colonel and Quartermaster
of Second Brigade, ( Brigadier General Samuel Smith, Command-
ing), Second Division, Pennsylvania Militia; 1813-14. Also,
Assistant Quartermaster General, Pennsylvania Militia; 1814.
1891. Willey, William Lithgow, 74
17 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of John Willey, Captain in Colonel Size's Regiment,
New Hampshire Militia; 1812-15. (Transferred to Massachu-
setts Society.
1892. Williams, Charles, 123
416 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Josiah Randall, First Sergeant, Second Company,
("Junior Artillerists," Captain Jacob Cash, Commanding),;
First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant
Colonel Andrew M. Prevost, Commanding); of "Advance Light
Brigade," Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Brigadier General Thomas
Cadwalader, Commanding); 1814-15.
Elected. State No.
i 89 i. Winne, Robert L., 81
Manhattan Building, St. Paul, Minn.
Grandson of Francis D. Winne, Private in Captain G. P. Van
Wies' Company, Colonel D. Rogers' Regiment, New York
Militia; 18 14.
1895. Woltz, James Mitchell, 325
Chillicothe, Ohio.
Great-great-grandson of Robert. Hoddy, Adjutant, Colonel Wil-
liam Clark's Regiment, Ohio Militia; 1S12-13. Also, First
Sergeant of Captain Conrad Fleischer's Company, Third Regi-
ment, Ohio Militia; 1814. (Transferred to Ohio Society.)
1 89 1. Wood, Benjamin F., Chief Engineer U. S. Navy, 41
34 West Sixty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y.
Son of James Wood, Contractor for Army supplies. Served in
battle of Sackett's Harbor, under command of General Jacob
Brown, United States Army; 1813.
189 1. *Wood, Charles Ogden,
Washington, D. C.
Grandson of John Wood, Private in Captain Berry's Company,
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
•Died April 17, 1891.
1892. Wood, Marshall William, Major and Surgeon U. S. Army, 162
Boise Barracks, Idaho.
Great-grandson of Joseph Marshall, Private in Captain John
Butler's Company, Regiment, Connecticut Militia; 1S14.
1894. Woodman, Rev. Clarence Eugene, Ph.D., 287
415 West Fifty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Stephen Woodman, Second Lieutenant, Thirty-
third Regiment, United States Infantry; 1S13; Adjutant, same
Regiment, 1814; First Lieutenant, 1S15.
Elected. State No.
1893. * Woodward, Edwin Tully, Commander U. S. Navy, 199
Buffalo, N. Y. ,
Grandson of Theodore Woodward, Surgeon's Mate, Eleventh
Regiment Infantry, Vermont Militia; 1813-14.
*Died February 22, 1894.
[893. Worth, William Scott, lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, 214
Governor's Island, N. Y. H.
Son of Williams Jenkins Worth, First Lieutenant Twenty-third
Regiment, United States Infantry; 1813-14. Also, Aid-de-Camp
to Generals Morgan Lewis, John P. Boyd and Winfield Scott,
United States Army. Breveted Captain for gallant conduct at
the battle of Chippewa, Canada; 1814; and breveted Major for
distinguished conduct at battle of Lundy's Lane, Canada; 18 14.
Severely wounded in latter action. Promoted Captain United
States Army; 18 14.
1894. Wright, George Riddle, 269
Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Grandson of Joseph Wright, Third Sergeant in Captain Peter
Hallock's Company, Thirty-sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Mili-
tia; 1814.
1894. Wright, Jacob Ridgway, 237
8 South Franklin Street, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Grandson of Joseph Wright, Third Sergeant in Captain Peter
Hallock's Company, Thirty-sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Mili-
tia ; 1S14.
1895. Yeager, Frederick M., 331
433 Penn Street, Reading, Pa.
Grandson of Daniel Yeager, Private in First Regiment, Pennsyl-
vania Volunteer Militia; 18 13-14.
Elected. State No.
1893. Zieber, Eugene, 225
Wayne, Delaware Co., Pa.
Grandson of Isaac Zieber, Private in Captain Hall's Company,
Sixty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, (Colonel Pearson,
Commanding); 1S14-15.
Total, Descendant Membership, - - 34S
Resigned, - - - - - 2
Deceased, - 15
Membership, December i, 1895, - 331
Society of the War of 1812,
From its Organization, September 14, 1814.
Military Commanders,
First Military Commander, . . Major General Samuel Smith
(I8H to 1S15.)
Second Military Commander, Major General George H. Stewart
(1S15 to 1841.)
Major General William McDonald, 1841 to 1844. Veteran of 1812.
Colonel David Harris,
Major Jackson,
Colonel Joseph K. Stapleton,
Captain Andrew A. Warner,
Major Joshua Dryden,
Captain John J. Daneker,
Colonel Elijah Stansbury,
James C. Morford,
Samuel A. Downs,
James Hyland,
Louis P. Griffith,
Edwin Warfield,
1844 to 1846. Veteran of 1812.
1846 to 1847. Veteran of 18 12.
1847 to 1852. Veteran of 1812.
1852 to 1870. Veteran of 18 12.
1870 to 1878. Veteran of 1812.
1878 to 1881. Veteran of 1812.
1 88 1 to 1883. Veteran of 1S12.
1883 to 18S8. Veteran of 1812.
1888 to 1890.
1S90 to 1891.
1891 to 1S94.
1894 to 1896.
Captain Samuel Myers, 1841 to 1844
Howard Griffith, 1S44 to 1845, 1848 to 1850
Edward Roberts.
Colonel Nicholas Brewer,
William H. Daneker,
Lewis H. Miller,
Albert K. Hadel, M. D.
John Edwin Warner,
Arthur M. Easter,
William Harrison Gill,
James D. Iglehart, M. D.
1845 to 1847
1851 to 1879
1880 to 1888
1889 to 1891
1891 to 1892
1892 to 1893
1893 to 1894
1894 to 1895
1895 to 1896
Veteran of 18 12.
Veteran of 18 12.
Veteran of 18 12.
Veteran of 1812.
Samuel G. Hyde, 1841 to 1S45. Veteran of 1812.
Colonel Nicholas Brewer, 1845 to 1850. Veteran of 1812.
Samuel Childs, 1850 to 1852,
1861 to 1862, 1865 to 1866. Veteran of 1812.
Asbury Jarrett, 1853 to I 855,
1863 to 1864, 1867 to 1879. Veteran of 1812.
William H. Daneker, 1880 to 1888.
Lewis H. Miller, 1889 to 1892.
Robert T. Smith, 1892 to 1S96.
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized September 14, 1S14. Re-organized August I, 1841.
Incorporated October 25, 1893.
(Address: 1214 Linden Avenue, Baltimore, Md.)
Executive Committee,
(The Officers and the following additional Members)
Delegates to the General Society,
Descendant Members
Elected. State No -
1893. Addison, Taylor, 5 6
32 East Henrietta Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Peter Armstrong, Private in Thirty-sixth Regiment
United States Infantry, Captain Thomas Y. Carbery's Company;
stationed at Fort McHenry during bombardment by Admiral
Cockburn, September 13, 18 14.
1893. Albough, Jacob, 57
1503 Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of William Albough, Color Bearer of Baltimore County
Company, Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1S94. Boggs, Francis Henry, 85
140S Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Alexander L. Boggs, Private in "First Baltimore Huzzars,"
Captain John Sterrett; Fifth Regiment Cavalry, Lieutenant Colo-
nel James Biays' Maryland Militia. Engaged at battle of North
Point, 1814.
Elected. State No.
1893. Bouldin, Augustus, 58
1 712 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Bouldin, Captain "Independent Light Dra-
goons;" Fifth Regiment Cavalry, (Lieutenant Colonel James
Biays, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14. Engaged in
battle of North Point, 1814.
1894. Bransbry, John C, 76
219 South Ann Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Weaver, Ensign "First Baltimore Light
Infantry, ' ' (Captain John Schrim, Commanding) ; Fifth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding),
Maryland Militia. Present and engaged in battle of North Point,
September 12, 18 14.
1892. Buckingham, Charles Wesley, 28
822 West North Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Sou of Levi Buckingham, Private "First Baltimore Light
Infantry, (Captain John Schrim, Commanding); Fifth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenaut Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1892. Carr, Alfred J., 20
226 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Wright, Second Corporal ' ' Franklin Artillery,"
(Captain John Myers, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. Present at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 18 14,
and North Point, September 12, 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1892. Carr, James Edward, Jr., 10
1026 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Wright, Second Corporal "Franklin Artillery,"
(Captain John Myers, Commanding) ; First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. Present at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 1814, and
North Point, September 12, 1814.
1895. Carr, William Edwin, . 119
509 Robert Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Wright, Second Corporal ' ' Franklin Artillery, ' '
(Captain John Myers, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland
Militia. Present at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 1814, and
and North Point, September 12, 18 14.
1893. Cassard, Jesse L. , 63
39 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Gilbert Cassard, Private "Washington Artillery,"
(Captain John Berry, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland
Militia. Present at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 1814, and
North Point, September 12, 1814.
1893. Cassard, William L., 59
519 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Gilbert Cassard, Private "Washington Artillery,"
(Captain John Berry, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland
Militia. Present at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 18 14, and
North Point, .September 12, 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1892. Christhilf, Edward, 8
839 Harlem Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Henry Christhilf, Private Sixth Company, (Captain
Henry Myers, Commanding); Thirty-ninth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Fowler, Commanding), Maryland
Militia. Present at battle of North Point, September 12, 18 14.
1892. Chambers, Robert Marion, 18
1514 John Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John McLaughlin Chambers, Private "Baltimore
Union Artillery," (Captain John Montgomery, Commanding);
First Regiment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris,
Commanding); Maryland Militia; at battle of North Point,
September 12, 1814.
1895. Cole, John Carroll Le Grand, 115
453 East Twenty-third Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Walter Cody Hayes, Private ' ' Marine Artillery, ' '
(Captain George Stiles, Commanding); Maryland Militia. Present
at battle of North Point, September 12, 1814.
1894. Cole, Robert Clinton, 97
1805 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of William Cole, Private Tenth Company, (Captain
Nicholas Burke, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry, (Lieu-
tenant Colonel William MacDonald, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. Engaged at battle of North Point, September 12, 18 14.
1S95. Conrad, James Madison Monroe, S7
837 North Fulton Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of David Conrad, Ensign Twentieth Regiment United States
Infantry. Recruiting service ; 1S14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Conrad, Townsend Nelson, 116
12 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of David Conrad, Ensign Twentieth Regiment, United
States Infantry. Recruiting service ; 1814.
1892. Contee, Richard, 42
Laurel, Prince George County, Md.
Son of John Contee, Lieutenant United States Navy. Served
on frigate "Constitution," under Commodores Hull and Baiti-
bridge, United States Navy, and to whom the State of Maryland
presented sword, and United States Government presented two
medals (now in his possession), representing the British ships
"Guerriere" and "Java" striking colors to the United States
frigate "Constitution;" 18 12-15.
1894. Craddick, Joseph N., 78
920 Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Joseph Craddick, Private Seventh Company, (Captain
Schwarzauer, Commanding); Twenty-seventh Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding), Maryland
Militia. Present at battle of North Point, September 12, 1S14.
1894. Culver, Francis Barnum, 107
3 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of John Appleby, Private Sixth Company,
(Captain James Foster, Commanding); Fifty-first Regiment In-
fantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Mary-
land Militia. At battle of North Point, September 12, 1814.
1889. Daneker, Edward T., 77
529 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John J. Daneker, Private Seventh Company, (Captain
Schwarzauer, Commanding) ; Twenty-seventh Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. At battle of North Point, Md., September 12, 1814.
Elected. State No.
1892. Deal, John Thomas, Jr., 13
817 North Eden Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Stewart, Private ' ' Baltimore Union Ar-
tillery," ("Captain John Montgomery, Commanding); First Regi-
ment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Command-
ing); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Dennis, James Teackle, 104
Princess Ann, Somerset County, Md.
Great-grandson of Thomas Willson, Private "Independent
Blues," (Captain A. A. Levering, Commanding); Fifth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Dickey, Charles Herman, 79
121 East Twenty-fifth Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;"
Fifth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett,
Commanding); Maryland Militia. At battles of Bladensburg
and North Point, Md.; 18 14.
1S94. Dickey, Philip Sadtler, 72
Chicago, 111.
Grandson of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;"
Fifth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett,
Commanding); Maryland Militia. At battles of Bladensburg and
North Point, Md.; 18 14.
1SS9. Downs, Samuel Addison, 6
407 Warren Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Neven, Private Eighth Company, (Captain
Samuel McDonald, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Mary-
land Militia. Present at battle of North Point; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Dulany, John Highenbotham, 93
22 East Twenty-fifth Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Samuel Dulany, Private "Mechanical Volun-
teers," (Captain B. C. Howard, Commanding); Fifth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding);
Maryland Militia. At battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 18 14,
and North Point, September 12, 1S14.
1893. Dulany, John Mason, 48
22 East Twenty-fifth Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Samuel Dulany, Private "Mechanical Volunteers,"
Captain B. C. Howard, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. Engaged at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 1814,
and North Point, Md., September 12, 1814.
1S94. Dulany, William J. C, 95
8 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Samuel Dulany, Private "Mechanical Volunteers;"
(Captain B. C. Howard, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding); Maryland
Militia. Engaged at battles of Bladensburg, August 26, 1814,
and North Point, Md., September 12, 1S14.
1893. Dulany, William Mason, 49
22 East Twenty-fifth Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Samuel Dulany, Private "Mechanical Volun-
teers," (Captain B. C. Howard, Commanding); Fifth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding);
Maryland Militia. Engaged at battles of Bladensburg, August
26, 1814, and North Point, Md., September 12, 1814.
Elected. State No.
1S92. Dutton, Thomas Waltham, 3 1
1608 Edmundson Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John Dutton, Private, Sixth Company, (Captain Benjamin
Ringgold, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant
Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Maryland Militia.
Engaged at battle of North Point, September 12, 1814.
1892. Easter, Arthur Miller, 3 s
12 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Lewis Klein, Private in Captain George W.
Blincol's Company, Virginia Militia.
Great-grandson of Daniel Miller, Private in Maryland Cavalry,
(Captain Jacob Baer, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Cavalry,
(Lieutenant Colonel James Biays, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1814.
1895. Elliott, Thomas Ireland, 118
222 Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Bunting, Private in Captain Michael Peters'
Company, Fifty-first Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel
Henry Amey, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Ford, Thomas G., 43
1522 West Lauvale Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of James Darling, Third Corporal, Second Company,
Captain William Chalmers, Commanding); Fifty-first Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Mary-
land Militia; 18 14.
1889. Freeburger, Alexander Cooper, 12
713 Light Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Robert Cooper, Sergeant, Fourth Company, (Captain
William Brown, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry, (Lieut
tenant Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Gehring, John George, 102
420 North Gay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John George Gehring, Private "Baltimore Yeagers,"
(Captain Philip B. Sadtler, Commanding); Fifth Regiment In-
fantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding) ; Mary-
land Militia; 1814.
1895. Gill, Nicholas Rufus, 112
125 Aisquith Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Stephen Gill, Captain of Company in Forty-first
Regiment Infantry, (.Lieutenant Colonel William Hutchins,
Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1895. Gill, Robert Lee, "3
125 Aisquith Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Stephen Gill, Captain of Company in the
Forty-first Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel William
Hutchins, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1895. Gill, Roger Taney, "4
2123 Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Stephen Gill, Captain of Company in the
Forty-first Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel William
Hutchins, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1893. Gill, William Harrison, 5 2
Catonsville, Md.
Son of William Lowry Gill, Midshipman United States Navy.
Served on frigate "Superior," under Commodore Isaac Chauncey,
United States Navy; 18 12-15.
Elected. State No.
1893. Green, Thomas N., 50
2056 East Hoffman Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Neven, Private Eighth Company, (Captain
Samuel McDonald, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1889. Griffith, Louis Philip, . 2
304 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Howard Griffith, Private "Independent Blues," (Captain
Aarou R. Levering, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1S14.
1889. Hadel, Albert Kimberly, M. D., 5
1 143 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Nathaniel Kimberly, Private in "Washington
Blues," (Captain George H. Stewart, Commanding); Fifth Regi-
ment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Command-
ing), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Hale, Joseph Cotton, 32
1 106 Clifton Place, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Joseph Hall, Private "Sea Fencibles," (Captain M. Sim-
mons Bunbury. Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Hill, Nicholas Sluby, 90
123 East Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Gardiner Hill, First Sergeant, Company
commanded by Captain John McKane, Twenty-seventh Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding I ;
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1S94. Hill, Samuel Emory, 81
1S13 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Thomas Gardiner Hill, First Sergeant, Company com-
manded by Captain John McKane, Twenty-seventh Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1894. Hill, Thomas, 80
Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Thomas Gardiner Hill, First Sergeant, Company com-
manded by Captain John McKane, Twenty-seventh Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1894. Holloway, Reuben Ross, 109
207 East Preston Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Reuben Ross, Lieutenant "First Baltimore Volun-
teer Artillery, ' ' (Captain Abram Pike, Commanding) ; First Regi-
ment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1892. Hough, John Edward, 25
1422 Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John T. Sumwalt, Fourth Corporal "Washington
Artillery," (Captain John Berry, Commanding); First Regiment
Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Howard, Ernest, 22
1600 John Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Wright, Second Corporal ' ' Franklin Artillery, ' '
Captain John Myers, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1S14.
Elected. State No.
1889. Hyland, James, ii
1308 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Henry M. Hyland, Private in Kent County Company,
(Colonel Griffin, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Iglehart, James Davidson, M. D., 91
1 2 14 Linden Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of James Davidson, Private "Union Artillery," (Captain
John Montgomery, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1895. Keplinger, John Bernard, 117
1529 North Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Michael Keplinger, Private in Company of Captain
William Chalmers, Fifty-first Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
Henry Amey, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Lamping, William, 7 1
18 18 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of William Starr, Private in the "American
Artillerists," (Captain Richard B. Magruder, Commanding);
First Regiment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris,
Commanding); Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1893. Laughter, William Hunt, 61
302 West Lauvale Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of William L. Laughter, Captain of Company, First Regiment
Infantry, (Colonel Duncan McDonald, Commanding); North
Carolina Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Lee, Howard Hau Macy, hi
313 North Carey Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of George W. Ford, Private in "Independent
Artillerists," (Captain C. Pennington, Commanding); First
Regiment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Com-
manding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Long, Samuel Burkett, 26
800 North Gilmor Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Jesse Long, Private in "Washington Blues," Cap-
tain George H. Stewart, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1814.
1892. Long, William F. , 19
800 North Gilmor Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Jesse Long, Private in "Washington Blues," (Captain
George H. Stewart, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1814.
1892. Lowry, Nathan Parks, 36
171 1 Carlisle Place, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Dutton, Private in Sixth Company, (Captain
Benjamin Ringgold, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1892. Lowry, Robert Kelly, 40
171 1 Carlisle Place, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Dutton, Private in Sixth Company, (Captain
Benjamin Ringgold, Commanding); Sixth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel William McDonald, Commanding); Mary-
land Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
J893. McCurley, Felix, Commander, U. S. Navy, 51
League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa.
Grandson of Felix McCurley, Private in Eighth Company, (Cap-
tain Andrew Smith, Commanding) ; Fifty-first Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1S14.
1893. McCurley, James Wallace, 53
406 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great-grandson of Felix McCurley, Private in Eighth Company.
(Captain Andrew Smith, Commanding); Fifty-first Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1S92. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 35
1808 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Mackenzie, Private in Second Company,
(Captain John Kennedy, Commanding); Twenty-seventh Regi-
ment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Command-
ing); Maryland Militia ; 1S14.
Grandson of Howell Downing, Private in Fifth Company, (Cap-
tain John Stewart, Commanding) ; Fifty-first Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 1S14.
1894. Maloney, James Aloysius, M. D., 86
1424 Q Street, Washington, D. C.
Grandson of Anthony Grady, Private in Second Company, (Cap-
tain William Chalmers. Commanding); Fifty-first Regiment In-
fantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Mary-
land Militia: 1S14.
Elected. State No.
1892. Mare, William G., 54
232 South Strieker Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Joseph Merrikin, Private in Third Company, (Cap-
tain Thomas Watson, Commanding); Thirty-ninth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Fowler, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1895. Martin, Harry Culver, 121
Greensboro, N. C.
Grandson of Francis Monmonier, Second Sergeant of "Fell's
Point Riflemen," (Captain William B. Dyer, Commanding); First
Battalion of Riflemen, (Major William Pinkney, Commanding) ;
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1893. Medairy, George R., 4 6
50 North Howard Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John Medairy, Private in "Union Volunteers," (Captain
Christian Adreon, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding) ; Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1893. Medairy, Jacob H., 47
1616 Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John Medairy, Private in "Union Volunteers," (Captain
Christian Adreon, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding) ; Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1892. Merrikin, David Willis, 16
St. Dennis, Howard County, Md.
Grandson of Joseph R. Merrikin, Private in Third Company, (Cap-
tain Thomas Watson, Commanding); Thirty-ninth Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Fowler, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1889. Miller, Lewis H., 4
1S15 Eagle Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Francis Miller, Private in First Company, (Captain
Jacob Deems, Commanding); Fifty-first Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding); Maryland
Militia; 18 14. Was captured at battle of North Point, Md.,
September 12, 1814, carried away in the British ships, and im-
prisoned at Dartmoor, England.
1S92. Mills, Ezekiel, Jr., 21
2132 Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Ezeziel Miller, Sr., Private "Baltimore Union Artil-
lery, ' ' (Captain John Montgomery, Commanding) ; First Regiment
Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding);
Maryland Militia; 1814.
1892. Mills, George Albert, 33
705 North Gilmor Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Ezekiel Mills, Sr., Private "Baltimore Union Artil-
lery," (Captain John Montgomery, Commanding); First Regi-
ment Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Command-
ing); Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1894. Morgan, John Hurst, 106
219 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of John Berry, Captain " Washington Artillery, "
First Regiment of Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris,
Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Morling, Frank L-, 14
18 North Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas B. Watts, Private in "Sharp Shooters,"
(Captain Edward Aisquith, Commanding); First Rifle Battalion,
(Major William Pinkney, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
Elected. Statk No -
1894. Myers, Joseph A., 62
1 104 Myrtle Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Charles Goddard, Private in First Company, (Captain
James McConkey, Commanding); Twenty-seventh Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Nash, Charles W., 4 1
17 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Hugh Davey, Private in "Marine Artillery," (Cap-
tain George Stiles, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1893. Norwood, Randolph, Major U. S. Army, 65
Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.
Son of John Norwood, Private in First Company, (Captain
Archibald Dobbin, Commanding); Thirty -ninth Regiment In-
fantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Fowler, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1894. Parrish, James Hagerty, 83
115 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of William Parrish, Private in "Sharp Shooters,"
(Captain Edward Aisquith, Commanding) ; First Rifle Battalion,
(Major William Pinkney, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Parrish, William Tippett, 84
115 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of William Parrish, Private in "Sharp Shooters,"
(Captain Edward Aisquith, Commanding); First Rifle Battalion,
(Major William Pinkney, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Peters, Winfield, i01
1 1 17 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of William Furlong, Private in "Marine Ar-
tillery," (Captain George Stiles, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1892. Primrose, Samuel Fletcher, 17
1 1 17 East Oliver Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Samuel Hush, Private in Company commanded by
Captain G. McGee; First Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel
John Ragan, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1894. Randall, Watson Beale, 94
1 2 14 Linden Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Thomas Watson, Captain Third Company,
Thirty-ninth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin
Fowler, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
Great-grandson of Lemuel Taylor, Adjutant of the Fifth Regi-
ment Cavalry, (Lieutenant Colonel James Biays, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1894. Reed, John Loduvicus, 103
11 South Gay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Henry L. Reed, Private in Captain John R. Jones' Com-
pany, (18 13); and Private in Captain George Brooks' Company,
Virginia Militia; 18 14.
1892. Reip, Thomas Henry, 23
228 North Paea Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Henry Reip, Private, "Baltimore Yeagers," (Captain
Philip B. Sadtler, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1894. Reynolds, Charles Ambrose, Colonel U. S. Army, 69
207 East North Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John Reynolds, Private in Captain Coates' Company,
Maryland Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1892. Sadtler, Charles Herbert, 37
Circuit Court, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;"
Fifth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett,
Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Sadtler, Christopher Columbus, 64
217 Huntington Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;" Fifth
Regiment Infantrj', (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Com-
manding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1892. Sadtler, Howard Plitt, 29
1622 Bolton Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;"
Fifth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett,
Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Sadtler, J. P. Benjamin, 75
219 East Twenty-fifth Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Philip B. Sadtler, Captain of "Baltimore Yeagers;"
Fifth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett,
Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Schminke, Frederick William, 27
49 German Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of George Schminke, Private in " Baltimore Yeagers, " (Cap-
tain Philip B. Sadtler, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1894. Shoemaker, Michael Myers, iio
446 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.
Grandson of Henry Steiner, Captain of "Steiner's Artillery,"
(Frederick County, Maryland); First Regiment Artillery, (Lieu-
tenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland Militia;
1892. Smith, Asa H., 34
1509 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Benjamin B. Smith, Private in ''Marine Artillery,"
(Captain George Stiles, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1889. Smith, Robert T., 7
20 North Calhoun Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Benjamin B. Smith, Private in "Marine Artillery," (Captain
George Stiles, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 1S14.
1894. Sticeney, George Henry, 70
1 1 South Gay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Henry Stickney, Private in "Baltimore Fencibles,"
Captain Joshua H. Nicholson, Commanding); First Regiment
Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding),
Maryland Militia, 1S14.
1894. Strobel, Albert Perigo, 82
53 Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Peter Strobel, Corporal in "Eagle Artillery,"
(Captain George J. Brown, Commanding); First Regiment Ar-
tillery, (Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Mary-
land Militia; 1814.
Ei.ectkb. State No.
1894. Tucker, James Armstrong Owings, 96
200 Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Gardiner Hill, First Sergeant Fourth Com-
pany, (Captain John MeKane, Commanding); Twenty-seventh
Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy Long, Com-
manding), Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Wade, Samuel Henry, 89
307 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of Thomas Sample, Private in Commodore Joshua
Barney's Flotilla; Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Warfield, Edwin, 88
Fidelity Trust Building, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Gassaway Watkins, Lieutenant Colonel in command
of troops, Annapolis, Md., 18 13.
1894. Warner, Culbreth Hopewell, 68
Law Building, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Michael Warner, Quartermaster Fifty-first Regiment
Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Henry Amey, Commanding),
Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Warner, John Edwin, 15
1 7 19 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Andrew E. Warner, Captain of Fifth Company,
Thirty-ninth Regiment Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin
Fowler, Commanding), Maryland Militia; 18 14.
1892. Watts, Benjamin, 24
1 3 16 North Strieker Street, Baltimore, Md.
Son of Nathaniel Watts, Private in Company commanded by
Captain A. Showers; Maryland Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1893. Whyte, William Pinkney, Jr., 44
9 East Chase Street, Baltimore, Md.
Great-grandson of William Pinkney, Major Commanding First
Rifle Battalion ; Maryland Militia ; 1814.
1894. Wilson, John Appleton, 67
5 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of Thomas Wilson, PriYate in "Independent Blues,"
(Captain Levering, Commanding); Fifth Regiment Infantry,
(Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Sterrett, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1894. Wood, Philip Bryson, M. D., 105
910 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Grandson of John Wood, Private in "Washington Artillery,"
(Captain John Berry, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
1892. Wright, John Randolph, 3
910 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Son of John Wright, Second Corporal in "Franklin Artillery,"
(Captain John Myers, Commanding); First Regiment Artillery,
(Lieutenant Colonel David Harris, Commanding), Maryland
Militia; 18 14.
Total Descendant Membership 120
Resigned 7
Deceased, 8
Membership, December i, 1895, . . . 105
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized April 3. 1S94. Incorporated September 10, 1894.
Vice- Presidents,
(Address: P. O. Box 36, Station A, Boston, Massachusetts.)
Executive Committee,
The President, Secretary and Treasurer, and
Delegalts to the General Society,
Descendant Members
Elected. State No.
1895. Adams, William Porter, 38
278 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111.
Grandson of Eliphalet Davis, Private in the ' 'Volunteers' ' engaged
in throwing up breastworks on Dorchester Heights, for the defence
of Boston, Massachusetts; 1814. (Transferred to Illinois Society.)
1894. Alden, Charles Henry, Jr., 5
Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Charles Henry Alden, Musician in Captain Judson
Cheristree's Company, Twelfth Regiment of Infantry, (Colonel
John T. Van Dolfsen, Commanding); Xew York Militia; 1S14.
1894. Barbour, Charles Justin, ii
Springfield, Mass.
Great-grandson of Jonathan Jennings, Private in Captain John B.
Walback's Company of United States Artillery; 1814-15.
Great-grandson of Reuben Dart, Private in Captain John French's
Company of Infantry, Connecticut Militia; 1813.
1894. Beatty, Franklin Thomason, M. D., 3
84 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of James Beatty, United States Navy Agent of the
Port of Baltimore, Maryland; 1812-15.
Elected. State No.
1894. Binney, Amos, A. B., S. B., 7
Exchange Building, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Amos Binney, United States Navy Agent of the
Port of Boston, Massachusetts; 1812-15. Also, Lieutenant
Colonel Commanding First Regiment of Infantry; Third Brigade,
(Brigadier General Arnold Welles, Commanding); First Division,
(Major General Elijah Crane, Commanding); Massachusetts
Militia; 1813-15. In service of the United States, 1814.
Great-Grandson of John Binney, Captain in the Fourth Regiment,
United States Infantry, (Colonel Robert Purd}-, Commanding);
1895. Binney, Arthur, 31
153 Highland Street, Roxbury, Mass.
Great-grandson of Amos Binney, United States Navy Agent of the
Port of Boston, Massachusetts; 1812-15. Also, Lieutenant
Colonel Commanding First Regiment of Infantry; Third Brigade,
(Brigadier General Arnold Welles, Commanding); First Division,
(Major Geneial Elijah Crane, Commanding); Massachusetts
Militia; 1813-15. In service of the United States, 1814.
Great-grandson of John Binney, Captain in the Fourth Regiment,
United States Infantry, (Colonel Robert Purdy, Commanding);
1895. Binney, William Greene, A. B., A. M., 34
Burlington, N. J.
Grandson of Amos Binney, United States Navy Agent of the
Port of Boston, Massachusetts; 1812-15. Also, Lieutenant
Colonel Commanding First Regiment of Infantry; Third Brigade,
(Brigadier General Arnold Welles, Commanding); First Division,
(Major General Elijah Crane, Commanding); Massachusetts
Militia; 1813-15. In service of the United States, 18 14.
Grandson of John Binney, Captain in the Fourth Regiment, United
States Infantry, (Colonel Robert Purdy, Commanding); 1812-14.
Elected. State No.
1895. Blaisdell, Frank Moses, 3 6
Exchange Building, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Moses Blaisdell, Private in the Sixth Company,
(Captain Joshua Meriam, Commanding), of the Third Regiment
of Infantry, ( Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sise, Commanding);
"Western Brigade," Detached New Hampshire Militia, (Briga-
dier General John Montgomery, Commanding); stationed at
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for defence of the sea-board; 18 14.
1894. Blunt, Stanhope English, Captain U. S. Army, 29
Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y.
Great-grandnephew of Mark S. Blunt, Lieutenant of the New
Hampshire Privateer "Portsmouth;" 18 12-15. Lost at sea off
the Island of Madeira, January, 1815.
1894. Bowen, Hosea Emery, 14
4 Liberty Square, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Mathew McDaniel, Private in Captain
Chamberlain's Company of Infantry, Massachusetts, (or Prov-
ince of Maine) Militia; for defence of the sea-coast; 1812-13.
1895. Briggs, Frank Harrison, 3°
45 High Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandnephew of Thomas Otis Briggs, Sailor on American Priva-
teer captured by British; 18 13. Imprisoned at Halifax, Nova
Scotia, and Dartmoor, England.
1894. Buffum, William Mansfield, 6
45 High Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of James R. Buffum, Private in Captain J. C. King's
Company, Colonel James White's Regiment of Infantry, Massa-
chusetts Militia; 18 14.
Grandson of Benjamin Swan, Private in Captain William B.
Dodge's Company of Colonel James White's Regiment of
Infantry, Massachusetts Militia; 18 14.
Elected. State No.
1894. Collamore, Hon. John Hoffman, 8
510 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Nephew of John Hoffman, Lieutenant in the American Priva-
teer Service, from Massachusetts; 1S12-15.
1894. Eldredge, Edward Henry, 15
27 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Oliver Eldredge, Quartermaster of the First Regi-
ment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Amos Binney, Command-
ing); Third Brigade, (Brigadier General Arnold Welles, Com-
manding); First Division, (Major General Elijah Crane, Com-
manding); Massachusetts Militia; 1S12.
1894. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, LL. B., 12
P. O. Box 70, Penacook, N. H.
Great-great-grandson of Joseph Butterfield, Corporal in the
Fourth Company, (Captain Phineas Stone, Commanding), of the
First Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Fisk, Command-
ing); "Western Brigade," Detached New Hampshire Militia,
(Brigadier General John Montgomery, Commanding); stationed
at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for defence of the sea-board; 18 14.
1895. Gage, Seth Newton, A. B., 32
Exchange Building, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Seth Shaler Arnold, Orderly Sergeant in Captain
James Veitch's Company of Infantry, Maryland Militia; for the
defence of Annapolis against British fleet; 1813.
1894. Galloupe, Charles William, A. B., M. D., 4
1S4 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Isaac Gallop, Sergeant in Captain Nathaniel
Lamson's (Beverly) Company of Infantry, Massachusetts Militia;
Elected. State No,
1894. Galloupe, Hon. George Augustus, 61
House of Representatives, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Isaac Gallop, Sergeant in Captain Nathaniel
Lamson's (Beverly) Company of Infantry, Massachusetts Militia;
1895. Hall, Bordman, LL- B. , 40
27 School Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Frye Hall, Private in Lieutenant N. Brooks's Com-
pany; in Lieutenant E. Hanford's Company, and in Captain
Asher Palmer's Company of Infantry; Massachusetts Militia; 1814.
1894. Hastings, Henry, 25
126 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Walter Hastings, Captain in ( " North ' ' Company
of Townsend), Second Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts
Militia; 1S12. Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Second Regi-
ment of Infantry, Second Brigade, (Brigadier General Simon
Coburn, Commanding); Third Division, (Major General Joseph
B. Varnum, Commanding); Massachusetts Militia; 1812-14.
Commanded Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, 18 14.
1894. James, George Frank, 10
648 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Samuel James, Captain of the Fifth Company,
Fifth Regiment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
Lovering, Commandant); "Western Brigade," Detached New
Hampshire Militia, (Brigadier General John Montgomery,
Commanding); stationed at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for
defence of the sea-board; 18 14.
1895. Jordan, William Meserve, 4 1
20 Greenville Street, Roxbury, Mass.
Great-grandson of Stephen Porter, Captain Commanding Com-
pany of Cavalry ; Massachusetts (or Province of Maine) Militia;
Elected. State No.
1895. Macdonough, Rodney, 42
205 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Thomas Macdonough, Lieutenant United States
Navy; 1812; Master Commandant : 1813. Commanded the
United States Naval Force on Lake Champlain, and received
the thanks of Congress and a gold medal for his brilliant
victory, "achieved over a confident, vigorous and powerful foe,"
on that lake, off Cumberland Head; 18 14. Captain United
States Navy ; 18 14.
1895. Packard, Ambrose, 39
140 West Eighth Street, Bayonne, N. J.
Grandson of Ambrose Packard, Private in Captain Nehemiah
Lincoln's Company of the Third Regiment of Infantry, (Lieu-
tenant Colonel Caleb Howard, Commanding); First Brigade,
("Brigadier General Sylvanus Lazell, Commanding); Fifth Divi-
sion, (Major General Nathaniel Goodwin, Commanding);
Massachusetts Militia; 18 14.
1894. Parker, Montgomery Davis, Lieutenant U. S. Army, 24
Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Great-grandson of Amasa Davis, Quartermaster General of
Massachusetts forces, (with the rank of Brigadier General);
1894. Pearson, Joseph Hiram Starr, 27
401 Meridian Street, East Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Charles Marston, Private in the Second Company,
(Captain George Evans, Commanding); of Major Edward J.
Long's Regiment of Infantry; Detached New Hampshire Militia;
1814. Stationed at Fort Washington, for the defence of Pisca-
taqua Harbor.
1894. Philbrook, Charles Calhoun, 9
358 Centre Street, Boston, Mass.
Son of Alfred Spooner Philbrook, a Volunteer, who, too young
to enlist, was present with the Company in which his father,
Benjamin, served, at Fort McClary, New Hampshire; 18 12.
Subsequently a Private in the Vermont Militia; 1815.
Grandson of Benjamin (Philbrick) Philbrook, Private in Captain
Robert McNeil's Company of Artillery, of the Battalion of
Detached New Hampshire Militia under command of Major
Timothy Upham, U. S. Army, and subsequently of Major John
Bassett; assigned to Fort McClary, New Hampshire, ^Lieutenant
Colonel John Darrington, U. S. Army, Commandant); for the
defence of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Navy Yard; 18 1 2.
Great-grandson of John Sly, Private in Captain John Morrill's
Company of Colonel Edward Fifield's Regiment of Infantry;
Detached Vermont Militia; 1813-14.
1894. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 2
P. O. Box 36, Station A., Boston, Mass.
Grandson of Alfred Spooner Philbrook, a Volunteer, who, too
young to enlist, was present with the Company in which his
father, Benjamin, served, at Fort McClary, New Hampshire;
1812. Subsequently a Private in the Vermont Militia; 1815.
Great-grandson of Benjamin (Philbrick) Philbrook, Private in
Captain Robert McNeil's Company of Artillery, of the Batallion
of Detached New Hampshire Militia under command of Major
Timothy Upham, U. S. Army, and subsequently of Major John
Bassett; assigned to Fort McClary, New Hampshire, (Lieutenant
Colonel John Darrington, U. S. Army, Commandant); for the
defence of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Navy Yard; 1812.
Great-great-grandson of JohnSly, Private in Captain John Morrill's
Company of Colonel Edward Fifield's Regiment of Infantry;
Detached Vermont Militia; 1813-14.
Elected. Statk No.
1894. Pool, Wellington, 13
Wenham, Essex County, Mass.
Son of William Pool, Private in Captain Charles Farr's Company,
Second Regiment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel James
Appleton, Commanding); First Brigade, (Brigadier General
Samuel G. Derby, Commanding); Second Division, (Major
General Amos Hovey, Commanding); Massachusetts Militia:
18 14. In battle with British Marines (attempting to laud to
destroy the town), at the alarm of Gloucester, September 19, 18 14.
1894. Ripley, Winfield Scott, Jr., 26
SS Court Street, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Uriah Ripley, Captain of Company "B," First
Regiment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel William Ryerson,
Commanding); First Brigade, (Brigadier General John Turner,
Commanding); Thirteenth Division, (Major General Alford
Richardson, Commanding); Massachusetts (or Province of Maine)
Militia; 18 14.
Great-grandson of Jotham Perham, Captain of (Woodstock)
Company in First Regiment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel
William Ryerson, Commanding); First Brigade, (Brigadier
General John Turner, Commanding) ; Thirteenth Division, (Major
General Alford Richardson, Commanding); Massachusetts (or
Province of Maine) Militia; 1814.
1895. Robbins, Howard Sumner, 33
S2 Worth Street, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Josiah Robbins, Private in the Eighth Com-
pany, (Captain Silas Call, Commanding), of the Second Regi-
ment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel John Steele, Commanding);
"Western Brigade," Detached New Llarnpshire Militia,
(Brigadier General John Montgomery, Commanding); stationed
at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for defence of the sea-board; 1S14.
Elected. State No.
1895. Roberts, Charles Bailey, 37
86 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Reuben Rich, Captain in the Privateer service
from Massachusetts (Province of Maine); 1812-14. His vessel
was engaged with a British frigate and burned in the Bucksport
Narrows, near Bucksport, Maine, 1814.
1894. Soule, Frederick William, 28
554 Broadway, South Boston, Mass.
Great-grandson of Henry Mason, Ensign in the Ninth Company,
(Captain Oliver Warren, Commanding), of the First Regiment
of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Fisk, Commanding);
"Western Brigade," Detached New Hampshire Militia, (Briga-
diet General John Montgomery, Commanding); stationed at
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for defence of the sea-board;
1895. Weeks, John Wingate, 35
Exchange Building, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandnephew of John Wingate Weeks, Captain in the Eleventh
Regiment, United States Infantry, (Colonel Isaac Clark, Com-
manding); 1812-14. Breveted Major for gallantry at the battle
of Chippewa, Canada, 18 14, under command of Colonel Campbell,
in Brigadier General Winfield Scott's Brigade. Commended for
gallantry at the battle of Eundy's Lane, Canada, 1814, under
command of Major John McNeil, Jr., in Brigadier General
Winfield Scott's Brigade. Promoted Major, same Regiment;
Elected. State No.
1894. Willey, William Lithgow, S. D., i
17 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass.
Grandson of John Willey, Captain of the Fifth Company, Third
Regiment of Infantry, (Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sise, Com-
manding); "Western Brigade," Detached New Hampshire
Militia, (Brigadier General John Montgomery, Commanding);
stationed at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for defence of the
sea-board; 18 14.
Total Descendant Membership, . . 35
Membership December i, 1895, . . 35
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized April 5, 1894. Incorporated April 6, 1S94.
(Address: Noroton, Conn.)
Executive Committee,
LOUIS J. ALLEN, Chief Engineer U. S. Navy,
Delegates to the Genera! Society.
Descendant Members
•tiLKcTED. State No
1891. Allen, Louis J., Chief Engineer United States Navy, 1
Union Club, New York, N. Y.
Grandson of Jacob Strembeck, Private in "Junior Artillerists,"
(Captain Jacob H. Fisler, Commanding), 1813; and "Philadel-
phia Blues," (Captain Henry Meyers, Commanding); First
Detachment Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, (Colonel t,ewis
Rush, Commanding); 18 13.
|.. Andrews, William Taylor, 18
Noroton, Connecticut.
Great-grandson of Ambe Richards, Private in Captain
Schemerhom's Company, Colonel Mape's Regiment, New York
Militia; 1812.
1894. Bowen, James Barton, 21
Putnam, Connecticut.
Grandson of Rensselaer Cooms, Served in United States Navy on
frigate "Constitution," under command of Captain Isaac Hull,
United States Navy; 1812. Wounded in action. Also, Musician
in Captain John Chandless' Company, Connecticut Militia; 1813.
Elected. State No.
1S94. Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood, 13
Sonthport, Connecticut.
Great-grandson of Lyman Hull, Private in Second Company,
(Captain Jeremiah Sturgis, Commanding); Battalion of Con-
necticut Volunteer Artillery, (Lieutenant Colonel Eli Fowler,
Commanding); First Brigade, Connecticut Volunteers; 18 14.
1894. Bulkeley, Hon. Morgan Gardner, 19
Hartford, Connecticut.
Grandson of Avery Morgan, Lieutenant in Captain Newhall
Taintor's Company, (New London), Connecticut Militia; 1S14.
1891. Coe, Charles Pierson, 4
560 Main Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Grandson of Darius Coe, Private in Captain Amos Fowler's
Company, Colonel Benjamin Baldwin's Regiment, Connecticut
Militia; 18 13-14.
1894. Delafield, Augustus Floyd, 12
Noroton, Connecticut.
Son of Edward Delafield, Surgeon of "Sea Fencibles," New
York State Militia; 1814.
1S94. French, Louis Mardenbrough, ii
Noroton Heights, Connecticut.
Grandson of Samuel Beach, Jr., Private in Captain John Butler's
Company, Colonel Elihu Sanford's Regiment, Connecticut
Militia; 18 14.
1891. French, William Freeman, 6
Noroton, Connecticut.
Grandson of Samuel Beach, Jr., Private in Captain John Butler's
Company, Colonel Elihu Sanford's Regiment, Connecticut
Militia ; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1894. Grannis, George Washington, 22
628 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Son of Alva Grannis, one of the crew of the United States
Privateer brig "General Armstrong, "and participated in fight with
enemy in harbor of Fayal, Azores Islands, September 27, 18 14.
1894. ' Hamilton, Rev. Alexander, 14
Lyons' Plains, Fairfield Co., Conn.
Grandson of John Church Hamilton, Lieutenant First Regiment
Infantry, United States Army. Also, Aid-de-camp to Major
General William Henry Harrison, United States Army, Com-
manding Army of the Northwest ; iS 12-14.
1894. Heaton, John Edward, 10
245 York Street, New Haven, Conn.
Grandson of Levi Jennison, Sergeant in Captain Return B.
Brown's Company, Fourth Regiment, United States Infantry,
(Colonel John P. Boyd and Lieutenant Colonel James Miller,
Commanding); 1808-13. On staff of General William Henry
Harrison, United States Army, and wounded at battle of
Tippecanoe (181 1); captured by British on the Miami River,
(1812), and paroled at Quebec, (18 13).
1894. Reid, Samuel Chester, (Honorary Membership). 25
Bangor, Maine.
Sou of Samuel Chester Reid, Captain United States Privateer brig
"General Armstrong." Commanding in fight with enemy in
harbor of Fayal, Azores Islands, September 27, 1S14.
1892. Sanford, George Bliss, Colonel U. S. Army, 7
Litchfield, Conn.
Great-grandson of Elihu Sanford, Jr., Colonel Regiment,
Connecticut Militia ; 1813-14.
Grandson of Hervey Sanford, Adjutant of same Regiment,
Connecticut Militia ; 1814.
Elected State No.
1894. Seymour, Origen Storrs, 24
Litchfield, Conn.
Great-great-grandson of Elihu Sauford, Jr., Colonel Regi-
ment, Connecticut Militia ; 1813-14.
Great-grandson of Hervey Sanford, Adjutant of same Regiment,
Connecticut Militia ; 1814.
1895. Skiddy, William Wheelwright, 16
Stamford, Conn.
Son of William Skiddy, Sailor in United States Navy; 1812-15.
captured by British and confined at Dartmoor, England.
1S91. Swartwout, Egerton, 2
8 Park Place, Stamford, Conn.
Great-grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General, United
States Army. Quartermaster General ; 1813-15.
1894. Swartwout, John Henry, 15
Stamford, Conn.
Grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General, United States
Army. Quartermaster General ; 1813-15.
1S91. Swartwout, Satterlee, 3
8 Park Place, Stamford, Conn.
Grandson of Robert Swartwout, Brigadier General, United
States Army. Quartermaster General ; 1813-15.
1894. Turner, John Clock, 17
Noroton, Conn.
Grandson of Charles Turner, Private in Captain George Ash-
bridge's Company, New York Militia ; 1S14.
Elected. State No.
i 89 i. Van Duersen, William \V., 5
Middletown, Conn.
Son of William Van Duersen, Jr., Captain Third Regiment,
United States Artillery, (Colonel Alexander Macomb, Com-
manding); 1812-15.
1893. Wakemax, Jesup, 9
Southport, Conn.
Grandson of Lyman Hull, Private in Second Company, Volun-
teer Artillery, (Captain Jeremiah Sturges, Commanding); First
Brigade of Connecticut Volunteers, (Lieutenant Colonel Eli
Fowler, Commanding) ; 18 14.
1894. Warren, Henry Joseph, _ 23
Stamford, Conn.
Great-grandson of George Bromley Raymond, Master's Mate,
United States Navy ; 1813. Served on frigate "United States,"
under command of Captain Stephen Decatur, United States Navy.
1893. Wessells, Henry Walton, 8
Litchfield, Conn.
Representative of Chillion Palmer, Private in Captain Luther
Hadley's Company, Connecticut Militia; 1S13.
Total Descendent Membership, . . 23
Honorary Membership (by Descent), . 1
Membership, December i, 1895, . . 24
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized January S, 1S95. Admitted to General Society, June 19, US95.
(Address: P. O. Box 117, Zanesville, Ohio.)
Executive Committee,
The President, Secretary and Registrar, and
Delegates to the General Society,
Descendant Members
Elected. State No.
1895. Aldrich, Orlando W., Ph. D., LL. D., D. C. L., 16
Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Stephen York, Private in Captain Spencer's Com-
pany, First Battalion, Third Regiment of New York Militia.
Served at the battle of Fort Erie, Canada, 18 14.
1892. Anderson, Thomas McArthur, Colonel U. S. Army, 25
Vancouver Barracks, Washington.
Grandson of Duncan McArthur, Colonel First Regiment, Ohio
Volunteer Militia; 1S12; appointed Colonel Twenty-sixth Regi-
ment, United States infantry, and promoted Brigadier General,
United States Army; also, Major General Ohio Militia; 1S13.
In command of the Department of the Northwest; 1814.
514 Goldsmith Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wis.
Great-grandson of Samuel Armstrong, Captain Fifteenth Regi-
ment, (Colonel Thomas B. Benedict, Commanding), New York
State Militia; 1812. Also, Private in Captain Jehiel Dimmick's
(Ogdensburg) Company, New York State Militia; 1S13.
Elected. State No.
1895. Brinkerhoff, General Roeliff, 2
Mansfield, Ohio.
Son of George R. Brinkerhoff, Quartermaster of Lieutenant
Colonel George Hemming' s Regiment of New York Militia;
1895. Burt, Andrew Sheridan, Colonel U. S. Army, 27
Fort Missoula, Montana.
Great-grandson of John S. Gano, Major General Ohio Militia.
In service of United States and commanding Ohio frontier during
the war.
1895. Darrow, Walter Nicholas Paine, 5.
561 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Leavitt Darrow, Captain in Connecticut Militia in
the War of 1812-14. Served in the defence of New London,
1895. Davidson, Robert Mason, 8
60 South Fifth Street, Newark, Ohio.
Grandson of Robert Davidson, First Lieutenant of Captain John
Spencer's Company, First Battalion, Third Regiment of Ohio
Volunteers, (Colonel Lewis Cass, Commanding). Also, Lieutenant
Colonel Second Regiment, Second Brigade, Third Division, Ohio
Militia, 1813; commissioned Colonel same year.
1S95 Dickey, John Lincoln, 29
969 Franklin Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Martin Peterson, Sergeant in Captain Kilgore's
Company, Colonel John McDonald's Regiment, Ohio Militia; 1813.
1895. Flint, Wyman Kneeland, 22
no West Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis
Great-great-grandson of William Gregg, Captain Second Regi-
ment, Detached Militia of New Hampshire; 18 14.
Elected. State n "
1895. Follett, Edgar Austin, 2S
150 Duane Street, New York, N. Y.
Great-grandson of Martin Dewey Follett, Captain of Company in
the Vermont Militia, and in service of the United States, three
months from September 25, 1813.
Great-grandson of Spencer Wright, First Lieutenant in Captain
Augustus Munson's Company of (Granville), Ohio Volunteers.
Was surrendered by General Hull to British, at Detroit, Michigan;
1895. Franklin, Robert Scott, "
Chillicothe, Ohio.
Great-grandson of James Strode Swearingen, Quartermaster
General of Eighth Military District, (Ohio), with rank of
Colonel; 1814.
1895. Gard, Daniel Hosmer, 3
648 East Long Street, Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of Phiueas Dunsmoor, Captain of Cavalry, and served
in the defence of the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 18 14.
1895. Gaujier, Daniel H., 2 °
Zanesville, Ohio.
Grandson of Daniel Gaumer, Private in Captain William McCon-
nell's Company, First Regiment, Ohio Militia, August 29, to
September 9, 1812; and in same, April 5, to July 16, 1813.
Grandson of John Barrett, Private in Captain Thomas Shannon's
Company of Colonel H. Zumault's Regiment of Ohio Militia from
September 3, 1813 to January 13, 1814.
1895. Gilmore, Tiffin, r 4
Chillicothe, Ohio.
Grandson of William Young Gilmore, Private of Ohio Volunteers
in War of 1S12. On duty at Erie, Pennsylvania, during con-
struction of Perry's fleet; 18 13.
T-lected State No.
1S95. Johnston, Charles Calvin, 10
102 Ohio Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Great-grandson of William Johnston, Captain in Ohio Militia in
the War of iS 12-14.
1 S95. Johnston, Lee Ralston, 9
102 Ohio Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Great-grandson of William Johnston, Captain in Ohio Militia in
the War of 1812-14.
1S95. Munson, Marvin Morgan, 12
Granville, Ohio.
Son of Augustine Munsou, Private in Captain Rose's Company
and Leader of Band of Colonel Lewis Cass' Third Regiment
Ohio Volunteers; 18 12-14.
1S95. Nelson, William Wallace, 17
1097 Hunter Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Son of Benjamin Nelson, Private in (Harrison County), Ohio
Volunteers; 1813. Served until the close of the war.
1895. Norton, Thomas Herbert, Ph. D., Sc. D., 18
Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Grandson of Jerediah Horsford. Served in the garrison defend-
ing Burlington, Vermont, 1812-13. Commissioned Colonel
Livingston County Regiment of New York Militia; 1S14.
1895. Reid, Henry Nelson, 21
Room 2, Wesley Block, Columbus, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Thomas Goldsherry, Private in Captain Clem-
ent Brown's Company, Third Brigade, Second Division, Oliici
Militia. Served from July 28, 1S13 to August 15, 1S13.
Elected. State No.
1895. Schui/tz, Bernard Van Horne, 15
Zanesville, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Isaac Van Horne, Adjutant General of Ohio
during the war.
Great-grandson of Meredith Darlington, Captain in Colonel
Boyd's Regiment, Virginia Militia; 1S14.
1895. Spangler, Tileston Fracker, 4
Zanesville, Ohio.
Grandson of Jacob Spangler, Private in Captain John M. Rhorer's
Company, Thirty-second Regiment, Maryland Militia, (Lieutenant
Colonel Thomas Hood, Commanding); 18 14.
1895. Swearingen, Thomas Townsley, 23
22 East Spring Street, Columbus, Ohio.
Grandson of James Strode Swearingen, Quartermaster General
of Eighth Military District, (Ohio), with rank of Colonel; 1814.
1895. Townsend, Thomas Gerry, Captain U. S. Army, 26
Fort Thomas, Ky.
Grandson of Daniel S. Townsend, First Lieutenant Ninth Regi-
ment, United States Infantry; 18 12; Captain same Regiment,
1813. Severely wounded at battle of Chrysler's Fields, Canada,
1895. Turney, Omar Asa, 19
Phoenix, Ariz.
Great-grandson of Johnadab Winchester, of Ohio, a soldier and
pensioner of the War of 1S12.
Elected. State No.
1895. Ward, Harry Parker, 6
15 East Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Martin Dewey Follett, Captain of Company
in the Vermont Militia, and in service of the United States,
three months from September 25, 1813.
1895. Ward, Hubert Herrick, 7
863 Fairmount Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Martin Dewey Follett, Captain of Company
in the Vermont Militia, and in service of the United States,
three months from September 25, 18 13.
1S95. Woltz, James Mitchell, 13
229 East Main Street, Chillicothe, Ohio.
Great-grandson of Robert Hoddy, Adjutant, Colonel William
Clark's Regiment, Ohio Militia; 1812-13. Also, First Sergeant
of Captain Conrad Fleisher's Company, Third Regiment, Ohio
Militia; 1814.
1895. Wright, General George Bohan, i
43 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Son of Spencer Wright, First Lieutenant in Captain Augustus
Munson's Company of (Granville), Ohio Volunteers. Was sur-
rendered by General Hull to British, at Detroit, Michigan; 1812.
1895. Wright, George Mitchell, 24
Akron, Ohio.
Grandson of Alpha Wright, Sergeant in Captain Rial McArthur's
Company of Riflemen, attached to the odd Battalion of the Fourth
Brigade, Fourth Division, of Ohio Militia in the service of the
United States; 1812-13.
Total Descendant Membership,
Membership, December i, 1895,
Society of the War of 1812,
Organized September 19, 1895. Incorporated September 3, 1895.
(Address : 27S East Madison Street, Chicago, 111 )
Major CAMILLO C. C. CARR, U. S. A.
Executive Committee,
Major CAMILLO C. C. CARR, U. S. A.
Delegates to the General Society,
Descendant Members
Elected. State No -
1S95. Adams, William Porter, i
278 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111.
Grandson of Eliphalet Davis, Private in the "Volunteers,"
engaged in throwing up breastworks on Dorchester Heights for
the defence of Boston, Massachusetts; 1814.
1895, Brown, Harold Atherton, 14
Upper Alton, 111.
Great-grandson of Eleazer Prindle, Private in Captain Waugh's
Company, Connecticut Militia; 18 13-14.
1895. Brown, Willis, "
Upper Alton, 111.
Grandson of Eleazer Prindle, Private in Captain Waugh's Com-
pany, Connecticut Militia; 1813-14.
1 89 1. Bryan, Charles Page, 3
University Club, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of William Bryan, Lieutenant in Captain Joseph
Mallory's Company, Colonel Armstead's Regiment, Virginia
Militia; 18 13.
Elected. State No.
1894. Cadle, Henry, 8
Bethany, Mo.
Representative of John Cadle, Surgeon's Mate, United States
Navy; 1813-15.
1895. Calhoun, John Franklin, 13
Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
Great-grandson of Daniel Calhoun, Private in Captain John
Wallace's Company, Pennsylvania Volunteers, attached to First
Regiment, Second Detachment, Pennsylvania Militia, (Brigadier
General Richard Crooks, Commanding), in the service of the
United States; 1812-13.
1891. Carr, Camillo C. C, Major U. S. Army, 10
Fort Meade, S. Dak.
Great-grandson of John Koontz, Colonel Thirty-first Regiment
of Infantry, Brigadier General Robert Taylor's Brigade, Virginia
Militia; 1813-14.
1894. Cromwell, Charles, 2
200 Adams Street, Chicago, 111.
Grandson of Nathan Cromwell, Adjutant of Colonel John Regan's
Regiment; also, Adjutant First Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
Stiner, Commanding); Eleventh Brigade, (Brigadier General
Stansbury, Commanding); Maryland Militia; 1814.
1894. Farrington, Charles Lincoln, 7
East Peoria, Tazewell Co., 111.
Grandson of Elijah Farrington, Private in Captain S. L- Van
Voorhees' Company, Sixty-first Regiment, New York State
Militia; 1814.
Elected. State No.
1894. Green, James Oscar, Lieutenant U. S. Arm}', 12
Appletou, Wis.
Great-grandson of James Burnham, Private in Captain J.
Wheatley's Company, Second Regiment, (Lieutenant Colonel
E. Fifield, Commanding), Vermont Militia; 1812. Also, Private
in Captain S. Wright's Company, same Regiment; 1812-13.
1594. Hatcher, Robert Stockwell, 17
Lafayette, Ind.
Grandson of Archibald Hatcher, Lieutenant of Captain James
Shelton's Company, Colonel R. T. Mason's Regiment, Virginia
Militia: 1813-14. Also, Private in Captain John Hewett's Com-
pany, Second Regiment, Virginia Militia; 1814.
1595. Jarves, Deming, 19
5 Front Street, Detroit, Mich.
Son of Deming Jarves, Private in Captain George Sullivan's
(Boston) Company of Artillery, ("New England Guards"),
Massachusetts Militia ; 1 8 1 4. Under command of Captain William
Bainbridge, United States Navy, at Charlestown Navy Yard.
1894. Jordan, Scott, 5
499 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of John Jordan, Private in Captain Samuel
Caldwell's Company, Colonel George Adams' Regiment, Ohio
Militia; 1812.
1895. Lahee, Eugene H., 20
Alton, 111.
Grandson of Johnson Kendall, Private in Captain Reuben Gray's
Company, New York State Militia; 1S12.
1895. McCormick, Hon. Robert Laird, 9
Hayward, Wis.
Great-grandson of Hugh White, Colonel of L} r coming County
Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia; 1812;
Elected. State No.
1892. MacKinlay, William E. W., 6
Ottawa, 111.
Great-grandson of John Gibson, Second Lieutenant in Captain
John Roberts' Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers;
Great-grandson of Matthias Trumbo, Private in Captain Mat-
thew's Company, Virginia Militia; 1814.
Great-grandson of Thomas E. Scofield, Sergeant in Fishkill
Company, Dutchess County Regiment, New York State Militia;
[891. Moore, Harry Thornton, 4
56 Thirty-fifth Street, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of Joel Haws, Private in Captain William For-
dyce's Company, Second Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, (Colonel
Summalt, Commanding); General Denoe's Division; 1813-15.
1895. Rogers, Edward Sidney, 15
205 Ea Salle Street, Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of Joseph Harriman, Private in Regiment,
New Hampshire Militia; 18 13-14.
1895. Woodward, Theron Royal, 16
Chicago, 111.
Great-grandson of John Perkins, Jr., Private in Captain Phineas
Williams' Company, Eleventh Regiment, United States Infantry;
1895. Young, E. Weldon, M. D., 18
Seattle, Wash.
Great-grandson of William Young, Private in Captain Murray
Dawson's Company, Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia;
Total Descendant Membership, . . 20
Membership, December i, 1895, . . 20
Total Veteran Members, .... -65
Total Descendant Members of State Societies, 577
Total Deceased Members, (Veterans and Descendants,) 55
Total Resigned, ... -9
Total Membership of General Society, December i, 1895, 57S
Note— Members should promptly notify the Secretary General, through the Secretaries of their
respective State Societies, of any errors or omissions in their records, that the necessary corrections
may be made.
Act of Congress
Relating to the Insignia of Military Societies, with Decisions of the
Secretary of War thereon.
Joint Resolution granting permission to officers and enlisted men
of the Army and Navy of the United States to wear the badges adopted by
Military Societies of men who served in the War of the Revolution, the War
of Eighteen Hundred and Twelve, the Mexican War, and the War of the
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled, That the distinctive badges adopted by
Military Societies of men who served in the Armies and Navies of the United
States in the War of the Revolution, the War of Eighteen Hundred and
Twelve, the Mexican War, and the War of the Rebellion, respectively, may
be worn upon all occasions of ceremony* by officers and enlisted men of the
Army and Navy of the United States who are members of said organizations
in their own right.
Approved, September 25, 1890.
Decision of Acting Secretary of War, April 23, 1891.
Officers of the Army who are members by inheritance of an}' of the
Societies referred to in the act of September 25, 1890, published in General
Orders, No. 133, of November 18, 1890, from this office, are entitled to wear
the badges adopted by such Societies on occasions of ceremony.* {Circular
No. 4., Head Qrs. of the Army, A. G. O., Washington, May 9, 1891.)
*In compliance with the above Joint Resolution of Congress, *
the phrase "occasions of ceremony," in the resolution, will include all musters,
reviews, inspections, parades and other occasions on which officers and men
are required to appear in full-dress uniform.
The badges are to be worn on the left breast of the coat, the tops of the
ribbons forming a horizontal line, the outer end of which shall be from two
to four inches (according to the height of the wearer), below the upper line
of the shoulder.
The ribbons are to be suspended from a bar of metal passed through
their upper ends and attached to the coat. {General Orders, No. ijj, Head
Qrs. of the Army, A. G. O., Washington, November 18, 1890.)
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