F v-4-n \V. ^?^^/' ^^^-- What State is it? W00OW*»0 * T,t,N»N m NT'N« CO. S' LOU'! f ..Arkansas.. of Course. The Land of Sunshine and Plenty. •<^^*?^- Hunting Scenf, Arkansas. Fact for the . . Millions . . Who are Seeking Homes in the South-Land. Investigate Arkansas. Fact FOR THE Home-Seeker, Manufacturer and Investor, In the land of sunshine, health, fruit, flowers, textile fibre, timber and minerals. In the same latitude where the arts and sciences reached their highest development in ages past, and where our Savior was born. /^rl^a 1)838. There is no place on the face of the globe where nature has done more for the comfort of man than in Arkansas. Investigate and you will come and make y<^ur home among a good people, where under your own vine and fig tree you literally gather your family, praising God you hnve found that better land. ARKANSAS. PICTURESQUE SURROUNDINGS. PLENTY OF SUNLIGHT. PURE WATER. Qimat<^. Arkansas, with an area of over 53,000 square miles, occupies the most desirable part of the temperate zone, and her varied altitude gives the State what equals ten degrees of latitude, thus rendering it the most desir- able locality on the continent for the home of man. Within this area is found a great variety of product, ranging from those of the north temperate zone to what grows in semi-tropical regions. Arkansas courts investigation and invites all, regardless of nationality, politics or relig- ion, to come and help develop this empire within itself, and enjo}' the fruits of their labor. The opportu- nities afforded are un- equalled, lands of every class can be had at nominal price, which in a few years more will be out of the reach of many who can now secure a home. Srai^sportatioi). With over two thousand miles of railway and three thousand miles of navigable rivers, makes every part of the State accessible. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Rail- $oil. The soil is wonderfully fertile, producing all crops grown in this latitude in abundance, equalling any and rivalling many of the States celebrated for their corn, wheat, oats and root crops. Jimb<^r. The State has a greater variety of timbers useful for the mechanical arts than any of her neighbors, or all the New England States combined, and with her navigable waters and railways, they are easily placed on the market. /T)ii7(^ral8. The mineral deposits are vast and varied. With a coal area of some two million acres to reduce our metallic ores for the use of the artisan, and with a greater variety of clays, used in the ceramic art, than has ever been found in the same space, supplemented by almost every kind of metallic minerals, Arkansas needs but skill and capital to rank with the most favored in the land. SpriF>(Js. In mineral springs of medicinal qualities, Arkansas is without a rival. The virtues of the Hot vSprings are well known in all parts of this country and Europe. Qrasse5. With over one hundred and fifty varieties of native grasses, th< are eight months pasture out of the tw^elve, and the introduction of cultivated grasses, with all the forage plants that can be grow^n in the greatest abundance, will make this State the prom- ised land of the stock raiser. pmits. The fact that Arkansas has taken the first prizes for fruit at New Orleans, lioston, New York, Louisville, St. Louis and River- side, California^ needs nothing more to convince the reader that this is the home of the apple, peach, strawberry and the vine. /r\a9ijfa(;ture5. Such abundant raw material of every kind used by the manufacturer is not found in all this land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as here awaits the hand of industry. publi\ ^e\)Oo\s. The Public School system is modeled after that of the more advanced Northern States. Every child in the State, white or black, is granted the privilege of a good common school education. The motto of the State is, "An educated child is the best legacy that can be left for the perpetuity of the country." [Railroad a^d C|0uer9/T\ei>(: Ca9d5. The United States has, and offers as a gift to the homesteader, 4,000,000 acres ; the State has for sale and donation a million and a half acres ; the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern and Little Rock & Ft. Smith Railways have for sale, at low prices, on easy terms, with undisputed title, about two million acres. The railroad lands are all located within twenty miles of the track, and were selected over thirty years ago, before the cream of the Government lawds had been taken. Every part of the land grant is well supplied with public schools and churches, and a market is fouid for all farm products at some near station. The climate is all that can be desired. In com- parison with the much talked of climate of California, we find the mean annual tem- perature of Los Angeles is but one degree less than Little Rock, which is located about the centre of Arkansas. ARKANSAS. FARMS AND HOMES IN TH'i SUNNY SOUTH-LAND. The advantages offered by Arkansas to the home-seeker, manufacturer and investor are too numerous to mention in this short notice. That this State has natural ad- vantages over other States is readily conceded by all who have made proper- investigation. It has everything nature can give, and all that is needed to place it in the first ranks of progress, is enterprise, skill and money. This brief publication is merely designed to call attention to the State, and w^here further and more explicit information is required, write G. A. A. Deane, Land Commissioner, Little Rock, Ark., and he will send you, free, an illustrated pamphlet and other matter that treats more fully of the State and its resources. Railroad Lands. Farms ^ Homes in Arkansas ..Two Million.. Acres Farming, Grazing, Fruit, Timbered and Mineral Land. Sold ia tracts to suit Purchasers. MILD CLIMATE, Variety of Products, LOW PRICES, Low Interest, Easy Terms. Maps and Circulars free. Address Q. A. A. DEANE, Land Commissioner, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern and Little Rock & Ft. Smith Railways, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 647 915 7 G.A.A.DEANE. LAND COMMISSIONER.