619 W695 opy 1 VICTORY White House Vocabulary Containing all the different words used by PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON in the delivery of his seventy-five CLASSIC ADDRESSES 1913-1918 By BANNELL SAWYER, B. C. L. Author of "Victory High-Speed Shorthand" Published by the Engineering Company of America New York City Copyrighted 1918 By Bannell Sawyer ©CLA506451 VICTORY White House Vocabulary Containing all the different words used by PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON in the delivery of his seventy-five CLASSIC ADDRESSES 1913-1918 By BANNELL SAWYER, B. C. L. Author of Victory High-Speed Shorthand Published by the Engineering Company of America New York Citv Copyrighted 1918 By Bannell Sawyer NOV -2 ISIS Addenda brown flood until under undue unite units unity union upset urban urged usual usurp using utter value veins vexed vigor visit vital vivid vocal voice waged wages wagon waits wants walls wards waste watch water wears weary weave weeks weigh wells wider wince winds wires whale wheat wheel where which while whirl white whole woman women words works world worse worth would worst write wrong yacht years years' yield young youth lying Foreword In these latter days, when words have been used with such skill as to remind us again that the pen is mightier than many armies, it occurred to us that the most potent list of words obtainable was such as could be found in the admirable addresses of President Woodrow Wilson. We, therefore, set to work on the pleasant task of reading those 75 addresses, containing over 175,000 words and classifying them. The final list contains 6221 different words as set forth in the following pages. They are arranged alphabetically, grouped according to the length of the words. The average length of word consists of 7.7 letters. In the class- room the list should be invaluable. Students cultivating a good classic style of English, would do well to study the list assiduously. Students of spelling and shorthand could not get a more usable list. With these words, one should be able to express almost anything desired ; and should find them a great improvement on the artificial, and farcical compilations of most text-books. While studying these words we would suggest that a thorough read- ing should be given to Mr. Wilson's addresses, and many of the passages memorized. American ideals are there expressed, in language so clear and so just, that they should be known verbatim by all good Americans. Those who most admire the literary artistry, so effectively operative in those addresses, will not be unwilling to undertake this loving enterprise. We purpose later to afford an opportunity of using this vocabulary in a practical manner. Bannell Sawyer. New York City, October, 1918. 3 Victory Vocabulary Am an as at be by do go he if in is it me my no of on or ox s so to up us we ye Act age ago aid air all and any apt are art ask bad ban beg bid big bit but buy can cue cut day did die due eat ebb end era eve eye far fed few fit fix foe for fry get God got gun had has her him his hit hot how hut its job key lag law lay lea leg let lid lie lot mab man map mar may men met mix mot • net new nor not now off old one our out owe own pan pat pay pig pit ply pry pre put raw red rid run sat saw say sea see set she sit sum tax the tie too toy try two use war was way who why win won yet you you may see the man now Abet able acid aero airs alas also amid anew area arrns army arts Asia avow away Band bare base bays bear been belt bend best bill bind blew blue body bold bolt bond bone boss both boys bred bulk butt buys call calm came camp care cars case cash cast cent city clay coal cold cool cope come cost Cuba cure cuts dare dark dawn days dead deal dear debt deem deep defy desk deny Diaz died draw drop does done door dull dumb dupe dust duty each earn ears ease easy else ends epic even ever evil eyes face fact fail fain fair fall fame fare farm fast fate fear feed feel feet fell felt fend file fill fire firm fine flag flat flow foes fold food four free from fuel full feud gage gain game gate gave gift give glad goal God's gold gone good gray grim grip grow gulf guns half hand hang hard harm hate haul have head heed held help here high hint hire hold holy home hope host hour hurt idea idle idly into iron isn't item jail John join July June jury just keep kept keys kind knew know lack laid lain lamb last laws lead left lend less lies life lift like Lind line list live loan lock long look loom loss lost lose love made make many mark mass maws Mayo maze mear i meet men's mere mild mill mind mine miss mobs ! mood moon more most move : much must navy near need next none note oath obey omit once one's only open ores ours oust over owed pace paid pale palm part past path pawn peak peep pick pine pity plan play plea plot plow pool poor port post pray pull pure push quit race rank rare read real reed rend rest Rico ■ rise rose role ruin rule runs safe said sake sale same . sane sand save seas seat seed seek seem seen sees sell sent side sift sink slow snob sift soil some soon sort soul stay step stir stop stow such sued suit sums sunk shot shut span take task tear tell tend test than that them then they this thus tide ties time toil told toll tomb took tore torn true turn ugly undo upon urge used uses vast veil very veto view wait wake warm wars ways weak weal Webb well were what when whom wide will wise wish with wits won't word work year York your zeal zero zest zone Abide about abuse acres acted adapt added admit adopt adorn afoot after again agony agree ahead . alert alien alike alive allay allow alloy along aloof altar alter amity among ample amuck apart apply April ardor areas argue arise armed armor arose aside astir avail avoid await awake aware Baker based bases basis bears beats befit began begin begun L being birds birth black blame blare blaze blind blink block blood blown blush board boast boats bonds borne bound break Brest brief bring 5 brown brows brute build built bully burns buyer cabin camps canal cards cargo carry casts catch cause cease chase check chide chief child chose civil clash class clean clear cloak close cloud coals coast codes Colby color comes corps costs could count court cover covet craft crave creed creep crews cries crops crowd crown crude cruel crush daily dares darky dealt death decks delay dodge doors doubt dozen draft drama drawn dread dream drill drive drunk dupes dwell dying early earth eaten edged Egypt elect else's empty enact ended enemy ensue equal equip erect erred error event every evils exact exalt excel exert extra faced facts faith false fancy farms fatal fears feels Felix fever field fiery fifty fight fills final finds finer fired firms first fixed flame flank fleet flesh flies fling flout folds folly force forms forth forty frame frank freed freer fresh front frown fully gains gamut gates gaunt giant gifts given globe glory going grade grain grand grant grasp grave great green grief gross group grown guess guest guide habit halts hands hangs happy harsh hasn't haste hasty hated heaps heard heart heats heavy heels heirs helps hives holds homes honor hoped hopes hosts house human hurry hurts ideal imply incur India inner Ishii issue Italy items James Japan joint jolly July's known knows label labor lacks large lasts later latin leads learn leash least leave legal lends level libel lifts light limit lines lives livid Lloyd loans loath lobby local logic looms loose lords loser loses Louis loved loyal lungs Madam magic major makes manly March marks marts masks match maxim mayor means meant media mercy middy midst might mimic minds miner mines mists model modes money moral motto moved mules naive naked named naval needs never newly night noble nobly norns north notes novel occur ocean offer older order other ought overt owned pains panic paper parts party paths pause pawns peace peril petty piece piled pivot place plain plane plank plans plate plots point Porto ports pound power prate press price pride prime prior prize proof proud prove pupil purge quest quick quiet quite quota quote raced races raids rails raise rally ranch ranks rapid rates reach ready reign relax renew repel reply right rigid risks rival river roads roots rough round route royal ruins ruler rules rumor rural sabre sally saves seeks seems sense Serbs serve sever scale scene scope score scorn scrap shall shame share sheer sheet shift shine ships ship's shone shops short shown sides sight signs since sinew sixth sixty skill sleep small snare sober soils solid sorry sorts sound south spade speak spend spent spies spilt spite spoke squad stage stain stake stamp stand stark stars start state steam steel steps stern still sting stint stood storm story stout strip strut stuff sugar swarm sweep swept swing sworn swung taint taken tasks taste taxes tense terms tests Texas tides tight times timid tinge title their theme there these think third those threw throw today token tolls tonic tools total touch trace trade tramp tread trial tried truly trust Turks turns twain twice tying types tyros Ablaze aboard abroad absent absorb abuses accent accept access accord across acting action active actual adding adhere adjust admire advice advise affect afford afield afraid afresh agents agreed alarms Alaska aliens allied allies almost Alsace altars always amazed amazes amidst animus annals answer anyhow appeal Arabic arctic ardent ardors argues aright arisen arises armies around arrest arrive ashore aspect assent assert assets assist assume assure astray astute asylum attack attain attend August Austro Autumn avowal avowed awaits awards backed Bagdad Balkan Baltic banded banker barons barred barren barter battle beaten beauty beckon become before behalf behind behoof belong benign Berlin bestir bestow betray better beware beyond bidden bigger bitter bodies boldly borrow bottom bought bounty bowles brains branch Brazil breach breath breeds breeze bridge brings broach broken brutal budget burden buried called calmly candid candor cannot casual cattle caught ceased ceases census center centre chance cheats cheers choice choose chosen circle cities claims climax clique closed closer closet clothe coasts coerce colors column coming comity common cooled cooler corral cotton county confer course courts covert cradle create credit creeds crises crisis Croats Cubans custom Czechs damage danger darken darker dawned daunts deadly dearer debase debate debtor decade deceit decent decide deemed deeply defeat defend defers defray degree demand denied denies depart depict derive desert desire detail devise devote differ direct dismay divert divest divide divine dollar domain double dreams driven duress during easier easily effect effort eighty either elapse elbows embark emblem embody emerge empire employ enable endure enemy's energy enfold engage enjoys enlist enmity enough enrich ensued equals equity errand errant errors escape esteem eulogy Europe evaded events exceed except excite excuse exempt exists expert export expose extend extent fabric facile facing failed fairer fairly fallen family famous faster favors favour fealty feared fellow fervor fields fierce figure filled finger fiscal fitted flight floats forbid forced forces forego forged forget formal formed former foster fought framed France freely freest French friend fronts fuller futile future gained gallon gather genial genius gently George German giving globes govern grains grants graver groans ground groups growth grudge guards guests guided guides guilty guises habits hamlet hamper handed handle hanker happen harbor harder hardly hasten hatred haunts having Hawaii hazard headed health hearts heated heaven heeded height herald heroic higher hinder holder homely homily honest honour hoping horses hotbed hotels hourly housed houses Huerta humane humble humors hurled ideals ignore impair impede impose impure indeed infact infect injury inside insist insite insure intend intent invade invest invite island issued issues itself judged judges junior justly Kansas keenly labors labour ladies larger lasted latest latter laurel lawyer laying liable lifted likely limits linger linked liquid listen little living London lonely longer looked lovers lowest lustre Lyman s making malign manage manned marine marked market marred masses matter meagre member memory menace merely merits meshes method Mexico midday middle mighty milder miners mining minors minute misled misuse modern modest moment moneys Monroe months morals Moscow mother motive moving muster mutual myself namely narrow nation native nature navies nearby nearer nearly needed nerves nobler nobody normal notice notion object obtain occurs oceans odious offset opened openly oppose orders origin others other's outlaw outlay outset owners oxygen Panama papers parcel parole passed patent paused people period perish permit Persia person phrase pieces pitted placed places played pledge plenty plunge points poised poison Poland policy Polish polity posted poured powder powers praise prayer preach prefer pretty priced prices prided profit prompt proper proved proves public pulses purged purify purity pursue pushed quaint queen's racial racing raging raised rancor ranked rather really realms reared reason rebuke recent recess record recoup redeem reduce reform refuge regard region regret relief remedy remind remote render repair repeal repeat report rescue resist resort retail review revolt riches rights rising rivals robber rocked rooted roused routes ruined rulers Russia sacred safely safety salute saving saying scales scores seamen search seated second secret secure seeing seemed seldom select seller senate Serbia serene series served serves Servia severe shaggy shaken shared shares shines shiver shores should showed shreds shrewd shrine signal silent simple sinews single singly sinned sinner sister sketch Slavic sleeve slight slopes slowly smacks smiled social solemn sooner sorely sorrow sought source spaces spared sparks speech speaks spirit spoken sports sprang spread spring sprung square squeal stable staked stamps stands staple stated states statue status staves steady stocks stolen stored stores street stress strict strife strike strong stuffs stupid sturdy submit subtly succor sudden suffer suited summed summer summit summon supply surely surtax survey Sussex swayed system taking talked talons tangle target tariff tastes taught temper terror tested theirs thence theory things thinly thirty though threat thrift thrill thrive throbs throes thrown thrust timely tinder topics toward tracks tracts tragic treats treaty trench troops trusts trying Turkey turned twelve Ukrane umpire unable undone uneasy unfair unfold unison united unjust unless unrest unsafe untrue unwise urgent urging usable useful utmost vacant valour vapors varied vassal verify vessel vestal vested Vienna vigour virile virtue vision vitals voices volume voters voting voyage waited walked Walker wander wanted wanton warned waters weaken weaker wealth weapon weight welded welled wholly widest wilful Wilson wisdom wisely wished wishes within wonder worked worker world's worthy wrongs yonder 10 Abiding ability abolish academy accents account achieve acquire acreage actions acutely adapted adjudge Admiral admired adopted adverse adviser affairs affront against allowed alluded allying already altered amateur amazing America amongst anarchy ancient another anxiety anxious appears applaud applied apprise arbiter arduous arising Arizona armored aroused arrayed arrests arrived ascetic ashamed aspects assumed assured asunder athwart attacks attains attempt attests attract audible audibly Austria average averted avoided awkward awaited balance Balkans bandits bankers banking bargain B as tile battery battled bearing beating because Belgium believe beloved beneath benefit besides betters between bidding biggest bigness binding blessed blinded blindly blocade blocked boasted Bohemia bondage borders branded bravery breathe briefly Britain British broader broker's brother brought builder bullets bulwark burning Cabinet calling candour canvass capable Captain careful cargoes carpets carried carrier carries catered centers central centred centres century certain cession chances changed changes chapter charged charges Charles charmed charted cheaper checked cheques cherish chiefly chilled choices chooses circles citidal claimed clangor clarify classes cleanse cleared clearly cliques closely closing closest closets. clothed clouded cluster coached colored command commend comment complex compose conceal concert concord condemn conduct confine conquer consent consist contact contend contest control cordial corners correct corrupt costume couched counsel counted counter country courage courses cradled created creates credits crowded crowned crudest cruelty crushed cunning current curtail custody customs dailies dammage dangers darkest daunted dealers dealing dearest debtors decades deceive declare decline deeming debased deepest default defense deficit defined delayed deliver demands denying depends 11 deprive desired details differs disease diverse dropped eastern element enemies enhance equally exacted excused exploit extreme falling fearful fiction fitting foresaw forward freight further gentler granted greatly Hamburg harmony health's helpful himself hopeful hurtful immense imposes Indiana insight intrude jealous deputed desires Detroit dignity dislike divided eagerly economy embassy enforce enlarge escapes exactly excuses explore fabrics farmers feather figures foolish forests founded freshen gainsay genuine grapple grosser handful harness hearjng helping hirsute horizon husband impeded impress indulge insists invaded jeopard derived despise develop dinning disrupt drastic earlier editors emerged engaged entente essence exalted exempts exports faction fashion federal finally footing forever franker freshly gallant Germany gravely grossly handled harsher hearten herself history hostile identic impedes improve inhabit instead involve jointly derives despite devised discord dissent drawing earnest elasped emotion engines entered eternal example exerted exposed factory fathers feeding finance forbade forgets frankly friends garment ghostly gravest guarded happier harshly heavens hideous holders however ignored implied impulse inheres insular Ireland justice deserve destiny devoted discuss distant dreamed earshot elastic empires England erected evening excited exigent expound failure fatigue feeling Finland forbids formula fraught Florida gathers gladden gravity hailing happily hatched heights highest holding Hungary illegal imports include initial insults jackets justify designs destroy dictate disdain disturb dressed easiest elected enabled English errands evident exclude experts express faintly fatuous ferment fitness foreign fortify freedom fullest general Gompers greater halfway harbors healing helpers highway honored hurried imagine imposed incomes inquire intense January keenest 12 keeping kindled kindred knowing labeled lacking largely landing lasting lawyers leaders leading learned leaving leisure lending lessons liberal liberty license lifting limited Lincoln lineage linking listens Litovsk lobbies lockout longing loudest loyalty madness Magyars majesty mandate mankind marines markets marking martial massage masters mastery matters meaning measure mediate medical members mentors mercies methods Mexican milling minimum minutes mislead mission mistake modesty moments monarch morning motives mystery nations nation's natural nearest neglect neither nervous neutral noisily notable notably nothing noticed nowhere nucleus nullify nursery nursing objects obliged obscure observe obvious offence offered offhand officer offices ominous onerous o'nights opening operate opinion opposed orators ordered orderly organic origins ostrich Ottoman outcome outlaws outlays outline outrage outside overawe overrun oversea Pacific painful Palermo parcels parleys partial parties partner passage passion patches patient patriot payment peacock penalty pending peoples perfect perform perhaps periods Persian perusal pervade phrases picture pitiful plainly planted playing pleased pledged pledges pockets politic popular possess posture Potomac pouring praying precede precise predict present presume pretend prevail prevent primary printed privacy private proceed process produce profess profits program prolong promise promote prosper protect protest proudly provide proviso prudent Prussia pulling pulpits purpose pursued pursuit putting quality quarrel quarter quibble quicken quicker radical raiding raising rallies Ralston rampant rangers rapidly reached reaches readily reading reality realize reasons rebirth rebuilt receive recital records recover rectify redress reduced refined reflect reforms refrain refusal refused refuses regards regular rejoice related relates release removal removes renders 13 renewal renewed replied reports reposed reposes request reserve resolve respect respond restore results resumed retards retrace returns reunion revenge reverse revised revival rewoven rivalry riveted rolling rootage rounded routine ruinous Rumania runners running Russian sailors saluted sampled satisfy saviors schools science seasons secrecy secured seeking seeming selfish sending serious servant service serving session setting settled several severed shadows shallow sharing sharper sharply shelter Sherman shifted showing sifting signify simpler sincere singled sinking sitting slacken slavery smaller smiling snuffed society sojourn soldier sources sparing speaker special spirits springs squared stagger stained started stature statute sternly stiffly stirred stopped stories storing strange streams stretch strings stripes striven strokes studied stunted subject subsidy succeed success suffers suffice suggest sullied support suppose supreme surface surplus suspect sustain synonym tackled talking Tampico tangent taproot tardily teacher teem ing tempted tenders tension thereby thither thought threads threats thrives thrones through timidly tipping titanic titular tonight torpedo touched touches towards traders trading tragedy trained treated tribune tribute triumph trivial trodden trouble truancy trusted Turkish turmoil typical tyranny unaware uncover undergo undoing unhappy unified uniform uniting unknown unmanly unsound unusual upbuilt urgency usurped usurper uttered utterly vaguely valleys vantage variety vassals venture verdict vessels veteran vicious victors victory violent virtual visible visions vividly waiting warfare warning warrant watched watches weapons weighty welcome welfare western whereas whereby whether whither willing windows winning without witness workers working workman wounded written wronged wrongly wrought younger 14 Abnormal absolute absolved absorbed abundant accepted accident accorded achieved acquaint acquired actually actuated addicted addition adequacy adequate adjourns adjudged adjusted admitted adverted advising advisory afforded affronts agencies agitated airships alliance almighty- although amateurs ambition American Americas amicable amicably analysis analyzed animated antidote anybody's anywhere applause applying appraise approach approval arbitral ardently argument arrested arrogate arteries articles assailed assemble assembly asserted assigned assuming astonish Atlantic attached attacked attained attitude audience availing aviation awaiting awakened backward balances bargains barriers befriend begrudge behooved believed believer believes belittle bereaved bestowal bestowed betrayed blunders boasting boldness borrowed branches breaches breathes breeding bringing bristles brooding brothers building Bulgaria bulwarks bursting business bustling calamity calendar campaign Canadian candidly capacity captured careless carriage carrying catching catholic cemented centered ceremony chairman chambers champion changing channels charging charting chattels checking childish children choosing citizens civilian claiming clerical coercive coersion collapse colonies Colorado colossal Columbus combined commands commerce compacts compared complain complete compound comrades conceded conceive concerns conclude concrete colleges colonial confined conflict Congress conjured conquest conserve consists constant contempt continue contrary conveyed convince coolness corroded costumes coteries counting courtesy covenant covetous cravenly creating creation credible creditor criminal critical crowding crucible cruisers currency currents darkened darkness deadlock dealings debating decadent December decipher decision decisive declined decrease dedicate defenses defining definite delicacy delicate delivery demanded depended deposits derelict detached detailed devotees devotion devoutly dictated dictates dictator diligent dilution diminish directed directly disabled disaster disclose diseases disgrace disguise disorder dispatch disperse IS displays disposal disputed disputes distinct distrust diverted division domestic dominant dominate dominion doubtful downfall drawback dreamers drinking dwelling earliest earnings eastward economic effected elements elevated eloquent embarked embodied embodies embraced emotions emphasis endeavor energies engineer enhanced enlarged enlisted enormous enriched enslaved entangle entering entirely entirety entitled entrance enviable equality equalize equipped equities especial European eventful eventual everyday evidence exacting exchange excludes • executed exertion existing expected explicit exploits extended exterior external facility factions fairness familiar families farthest fashions fearless feasible February feelings feverish fiercely fighting Filipino financed finished firearms fireside firmness Fletcher floating football foothold forbears forcibly forecast foreseen forester foretell formally formerly fortunes fostered fourteen friendly fruitage fruitful fullness function furlough futility gasoline gathered generous gigantic glorious Godspeed governed governor gracious granting grasping greatest greeting grounded grudging guaranty guardian guidance gunboats habitual handicap handling handsome harbours harmless harvests headlong hearings heartily heedless helpless Hercules heritage hesitate highways hillside hindered hitherto hoisting homeless honoring hopeless horizons hospital humanity humanize humblest hundreds identity ignition ignorant Illinois immersed imminent immunity impaired imperial implicit impotent impulses impunity inasmuch incident inclined included increase indicate industry infantry infinite informal informed infringe initiate injuries innocent insecure inserted insisted inspired instance instinct insuring invasion invented inviting involved involves isolated itemized iturbide Japanese jealousy jeopardy judgment j udicial juncture kindness knightly knitting laborers labourer laggards language latchkey latitute lavishly lawfully Lawrence learning lessened lethargy liberals liberate likewise Lincoln's listened litigant lodgment lowering Lorraine luxuries majestic majority managers managing mandates maneuver manifold maritime 16 masterly material maturely maturity measures memorial memories merchant militant military millions minister minority mischief misprize misruled mistaken mistakes mistress mixtrust mixtures moderate modified monarchy monetary monopoly movement moreover mountain munition multiply mutually Napoleon narrowly national negative neighbor neutrals nobility nominees nonsense notified notifies November nowadays numerous nurtured nurtures oblivion observed obstacle obtained occasion occupied occurred offended official openness operated opinions ordinary ordnance organize original ornament outlasts outlined overcame overcome overlook palpable parallel partisan partners passages passions passport patience patterns peaceful peculiar penalize perceive perilous permeate personal phantoms physical pitiless pittance planning platform pleasant pleasing pleasure poisoned policies politics portions possible postpone powerful practice preacher preceded pregnant presence pressing pressure prestige pretense previous probable probably problems prodigal produced products profound programs progress projects prolific promises promptly property prophecy prophets proposed proudest provides province provoked prudence Prussian publicly punitive purchase purified purposed purposes pursuing pursuits quantity question quickens quickest railways rapidity ratified reaction realized realizes rebuking recalled receipts received recently reckless recorded recourse recreant recruits redeemed referred regained regarded regiment regulate rejected relative relaxing released reliable relieved remained remarked remedial remedied remedies remember reminded removing rendered renewing reopened repaired repeated reported reproach republic required reserves resident residing resolute resolved resorted respects restored restrict revealed revenues reversal reversed reverses rightful rigorous rotating rustling ruthless sacredly sailings sanguine sanitary satisfied scandals scarcity schemers schooled scorning scouting scruples scrutiny seaboard secretly sections security sedition selected senators sensibly sentence sequence serenely shackles sharpness shelters shielded shippers 17 shipping shocking shortage shortest shuttles silently simplest singular sinister skeptics sketches skimping slanders slothful sneering sobriety softened soldiers solemnly solidity solution somebody somewhat sonorous southern speaking speeches specific spending spirited splendid sporting spurring squarely standard standing startled stations steadily stewards stimulus straight strained strength stricken striking striving struggle studious studying stumbled subjects succored suddenly suffered suitable summoned superior supplied supplies supposed surprise surround survival sweeping sympathy symptoms taxation teachers teacher's teamwork tempting tendency terrible Teutonic thankful theories thinkers thinking thorough thoughts thousand threaten thrilled throwing timidity together tomorrow touching tragical training tramples tranquil transact treading treasure treasury treaties treatise trenches tribunal triumphs tropical troubled trumpets trustees tutelage ulterior ultimate unabated unafraid unbroken underlay underlie undersea unfitted ungainly uniforms unitedly universe unjustly unlawful unlikely unlisted unlocked unsettle unstable untangle untimely untiring untoward unworthy uplifted validity vanguard vehicles ventured vigorous violated violates violence Virginia vitality vitalize warrants wasteful watchful watching weakness welcomed westward whatever whenever wherever whetting wielding withdraw withdrew withheld withhold workable worthily wringing yearning yielding all- important Alsace-Lorraine Austro-Hungarian Austro-Hungary battle-cruisers Berlin-Bagdad Berlin-to-Bagdad best-informed Brest-Litovsk Hyphenated Words much-to-be-desired self-possession never-to-be-neglected self-pleasing new-world self-respect ninety-seven self-respecting ninety-two self-restraint non-partisan self-revelation non-Turkish self-satisfaction one-third self-styled open-minded self-sufficiency 18 Abdicated acquiesce advantage affecting alongside Americans antitrust apologies armistice assertion astronomy augmented available beginning blessings butchered centuries character clamorous collusion companion concealed conducive confusion consigned contagion corrected criminals dangerous decisions degrading democrats deposited despotism detriment differing direction discloses displayed dissected abilities addressed adventure affording amazement amounting anxieties arbitrary arrogance assessing attaching authentic beautiful believing blockades candidate certainly chastened clergymen commander competent conceding conducted congenial constancy contemned corrupted criticism deathless declining delegated departure describes destinies devolving difficult disavowal discredit disposing dissipate absorbent adherence adverting agitation ambitions ancestors appalling arguments artillery assisting attempted authority beckoning belonging borrowing carefully cessation chivalric coastwise commodity completed conceived conferred conquered consulted contented countless crumbling debatable dedicated delegates dependent designate destroyed diagnosis diligence discharge disguises disregard distemper abundance adjourned advisable alleviate ambitious Annapolis appealing armaments ascertain assurance attendent autocracy beclouded benignant breakdown catalogue challenge citizenry collected communing component concerned confident consensus consumers continent covenants cultivate debauched defending delivered depending desirable detention dictation diplomacy disciples dishonour disrepair disturbed accepting admirable advocates alliances amendment answering appendage Armenians assembled assuredly audiences auxiliary befitting bettering bulletins celebrate champions civilized collision community composite concerted confusing conserves consuming contrived creatures cunningly deception defensive democracy deploying desperate determine different directing disclosed dispelled disrepute diversitv 19 divesting dogmatics ■earnestly effectual elevating embarrass eminently emotional engineers entrusted equivocal •exceeding executive ■exhausted expedient ■exporters extremely favorable fireproof forfeited fortunate frontiers generated greatness hampering harboring Hertling's hostility immediate imperious incapable indicated influence injustice instantly intensely interfere interview intrusion irritable dividends dominated economics efficient elevation embattled employees enactment engulfing equipment essential excluding exemplify exhibited expending extending factories fellowman flowering forgotten fountains furnishes gentlemen greetings handicaps hardships highroads housewife immensely impotence incidence indignant infringed insidious instincts intensity interject intimated intrusted isolation divisions dominates education elaborate eliminate embodying employers encounter ennobling equipoise estimated exclusion exempting existence expensive extension falsehood fellowmen following formulate frankness gallantry graduates grievance haphazard heartfelt honorable Hungarian immigrant impotency incidents inelastic ingenious insistent insurance intensive interpret intricacy investors justified 20 doctrines dynasties effecting elections eloquence embroiled employing encourage enriching equitable estimates exclusive exemption expansion exploited extirpate falseness fertility forecasts forthwith fraternal gathering gratified guarantee happening heartless honorably idealists impairing imprudent incorrupt infection inhabited insisting integrity intention interrupt intricate invisible knowledge documents eagerness effective electoral elsewhere emergency empowered enforcing enthroned equitably evacuated execution exertions expecting explosion extortion familiars financial foresight fortnight frightens generally gratitude hammering happiness hereafter hopefully ignorance impartial impulsive increased inflation injurious instances intending interests intervals intrigues inwrought laborious labourers largeness lassitude leisurely leniently lessening Lexington liability liberated liberties licensing limitless listening literally litigants- lodgement Lusitania machinery maelstrom magnitude makeshift malignant marketing materials mechanism mediating memorable mentioned Mercator's merchants middlemen Milwaukee Minnesota misguided mobilized modifying momentous mortgages multitude mustering naturally navigable necessary necessity neglected negligent Newcastle newcomers niggardly northward notoriety novelties numerical obedience oblivious observant observers observing obtaining occuring offenders omissions operating operation opportune oppressed organized organizer originate otherwise ourselves outsiders overtaxed overthrew overthrow overwhelm ownership Pacifists paralized parallels partisans passenger patriotic patronage paymaster penalized penalties peninsula Pensacola perfected perfectly performed permanent permitted perplexed personnel pertinent physician piecemeal plainness platforms plenitude plottings political ponderous posterity powerless practical practices preaching precludes predicted prejudice premature preparing presented presently pretended prevented primaries primarily primitive principle prisoners privilege procedure processes producers producing professed professes prognosis projected prominent promoting" pronounce proposals proposing prospects prostrate provident providing provinces provision provoking publicist publicity punctilio purposing pursuance qualified questions quickened quicksand quietness radically ratifying readiness realities rearrange reassured rebellion reckoning recognize recommend rectified reduction refrained refreshed regardful regiments regularly regulated rehearsal Reichstag reimburse rejecting rekindled relations releasing relenting religions religious remaining rendering repelling reservoir resisting resorting resources respected responded restraint restricts rivalries roughness rudiments Runnymede sacrifice sagacious 21 salvation sanctions satisfied schooling searching secretary selecting selection selfishly semblance sentences sentiment separated September seriously servitude sharpness shattered shipyards shoulders similarly situation skilfully slackened slightest smallness societies solemnity solicited something southeast southward southwest sovereign spectacle spiritual spokesman spokesmen spreading squadrons stability standards statement statesman statesmen stationed steadfast straining strangely strangers stretched stricture strongest structure struggled stupidity stuttered submarine submitted subsidies substance succeeded suffering suggested summarize supersede supplying supposing supremacy surrender surveyor's suspicion sustained talkative Tarnowski technical temporary terminals territory therefore thirtieth thousands threading threatens thrilling thrusting thundered tolerable tolerance torpedoed tradition transfers transmute trappings treachery treasured treatment trembling unbridled unchecked unclouded undecided undermine undertake undertone undoubted unfeeling unfolding unforseen unfounded ungrudged unhappily unanimity universal unmindful unpitying unruffled unselfish unstained untouched uppermost upsetting utterance vagueness valiently veritable vindicate violating violation virtually visionary voiceless voluntary volunteer wandering warehouse weakening Wednesday weightier whaleboat wholesale wholesome withdrawn withstand witnessed wonderful worthless yesterday Hyphenated Words Commander-in -Chief Pan-American side-tracks co-operate Pan-Germans sixty- third co-operation peace-loving sixty- two deep-wrought pre-eminent so-called eighty-five public-spirited Spanish-American eight-hour re-electing thirty -first far-reaching safe-guarding thirty -five fellow-citizens scout-cruisers thirty -four fifty-two self -aggrandizemen t 22 thirty -six Abominable accessable accounting accustomed adequately admiration affections allegiance ammunition antagonist appearance articulate assessment assumption attraction autonomous beneficial bitterness businesses chancellor classrooms commercial comparison compromise conception conclusive conduction conformity conjecture conserving constitute contingent convention convincing correction countrymen criticized custodians definitely delightful absolutely accidental accredited activities addressing admittance afterwards alteration anexations anticipate appreciate assemblage assistance assurances attributed background benefitted borrowings calculable challenged coincident commission compelling compulsion concerning concretely conductors confronted conquering consistent consulting continuity conversant coordinate corrective courageous cultivated dedicating definition democratic abundantly accomplish accumulate adaptation adjustment advantages aggression altogether annoyances antiquated apprentice assembling associated atmosphere authorized beforehand betterment breathless calculated cheerfully colleagues committee's compounded compulsory concession condescend conference confusions conscience consisting contiguous continuous conveyance cordiality corruption covenanted cumulating dedication delegation demoralize acceptance accordance accurately additional administer advertised agreements ambassador antagonism apparently arbitrator assertions associates attempting autocratic beginnings bipartisan burdensome candidates classified commanders compassion comprehend complexity conclusion conditions confidence congestion consenting constantly continents controlled conviction correcting counseling critically cumulative deepseated deficiency deliberate 23 department describing detachment diligently disastrous discontent discussion dislodging disrespect distressed domination eighteenth encouraged enterprise equipoises evenhanded excellence executives expediting expression familiarly fearlessly flattering forthright friendless furthering graciously gratifying habituated heartening hesitation hopelessly Huertistas impatience importance inadequate incredible indiscreet industries inferences dependence designated determined diplomatic disclosing discovered dishonored disloyalty dissention distribute economical elementary Englishman entertains especially everything excellency exercising explicitly fabricated fascinates federation formidable fortuitous friendship generation gradations guaranteed handsomely hemisphere historians horsepower humbleness impediment impossible incapacity increments individual inequities inflations deplorable desolation determines directness discipline discretion disengaged dispatches distempers disturbing editorials eliminated enlistment enthusiasm essentials everywhere excitement exhibition exposition facilitate falsehoods Federalist formulated foundation fulfilment generosity graduation guarantees harmonized henceforth historical hospitable immemorial imperative impression incidental inculcated indulgence inevitable infliction depressing destroyers detracting disappoint disconcert discussing dislocated displaying distinctly dominating efficiency embodiment entangling enumerated evacuation exaltation excursions expedients expressing facilities favourable ferryboats foodstuffs fractional furnishing government grandstand guarantors hearthfire hesitating honourable Housatonic immunities imperilled inactivity increasing indictment industrial inevitably influences 24 iniquities inspectors intimation interstate invincible irritation liberalism limitation magistrate makeweight marketable midshipman mistakenly Montenegro narratives neutrality objections observance operations organizers outpouring partiality peacemaker perfecting permanency perplexity pitilessly postponing preference Presidency privateers proclaimed profitable prohibited propaganda protracted punishment reasonably reconsider redemption iniquitous instituted interfered intolerant inviolable leadership liberality liveliness magnifying malevolent meditation militarism moderation mortifying narrowness newspapers objectives occupation oppression organizing overcoming passionate penetrated perfection permeating persuasive poignantly precarious prejudices preventing privileged production profitably projection proportion providence purchasers reciprocal recruiting reductions initiating instrument interferes introduced invitation legislated liberation localities maintained manifested melancholy misconduct monopolies multiplied navigation nineteenth obligation officially oppressive originally overlooked patriotism percentage perilously perpetuate philosophy politician precedence prescribed prevention privileges profession profoundly prominence proscribed provincial purchasing recognized recurrence reassuring insistence intimately interprets inveterate irritating legitimate likelihood locomotive majorities manifestly membership misleading monopolize mysterious negligible nominating obligatory oftentimes ordinarily originated parliament patrolling perception permanence perplexing physically population prediction preserving principles proceeding professors programmes promptness protection publishers reasonable reconciled recreation regenerate 25 regulation remarkable repetition requesting responsive revolution sacrificed sanitation securities settlement similarity solidarity spoliation starvation structures submarines subsidiary sufferarice supplement surrounded suzerainty thoroughly traditions truculence unavailing underneath undictated unexpected unimpaired unprovided utterances vigorously vocational vouchsafes withdrawal quantities youngsters relatively remembered repression resentment restraineds ridiculous sacrifices scientific sedulously shamefully simplicity sovereigns stabilized stimulated struggling submission subsidized sufficient supporting suspicions systematic threatened translated ultimately unbearable understand undisputed ungrudging unmolested unregarded vanquished vindicated vociferous Washington workingman quarreling yourselves relentless reparation reproaches resistance restraints Roumanians safeguards scrupulous separately shipowners socialists speediness staggering stringency stubbornly subscribed substitute suggesting suppressed sustaining storehouse thoughtful transports unadjusted uncensored understood uneasiness unhindered unobserved upbuilding Victoriano vindictive volunteers widespread workingmen questioned reluctance repeatedly reputation respective retrospect ruthlessly sanctioned scrutenize separation shortening solicitude squandered standstill stronghold stupendous subsequent successful suggestion surprising sustenance themselves throughout triumphant unaffected undefeated undertaken unenviable unhampered unoccupied usurpation victorious violations vouchsafed wilderness worthiness yesterdays 26 Accommodate achievement advertising alleviation antagonisms apportioned arbitration asphyxiated authorities battleships calculation centrifugal citizenship commodities competitors compunction conceptions conditional confidently consolidate constitutes continental convenience cooperating cooperators countenance coincidence deliverance derivations detrimental diminishing disciplines disinclined dissolution distributed effectually emphasizing enlargement equilibrium exceptional accountable adjustments aggregation alternative antagonists appreciated archipelago aspirations authorizing belligerent capitalists centripetal clamorously communities complicated comradeship concessions confederate confronting conspicuous constrained contingents conventions cooperation coordinated countryside Dardanelles demonstrate desperation development directories disclosures dislocating distinctive distruction elaboration encouraging enlightened essentially exclusively accountings advancement agriculture Americanize antecedents appropriate aristocracy associating automobiles biographies catastrophe ceremonious combination competition compliments conceivable conclusions conferences conjectural constituent consumption contracting convictions cooperative corroborate culminating declaration departments destination dictatorial discharging discourages disposition distinguish disturbance emancipated enforcement enterprises established expenditure accumulated adversaries allegiances anniversary application arbitrarily arrangement association battlefield bureaucracy celebrating circulation comfortable competitive compulsions concentrate concurrence confidences consciously constituted contentment controversy credentials cooperative corruptions cultivation definitions dereliction determining differences disciplined discredited dissentions distressing duplication embarrasses engineering entertained exceedingly experiences 27 facilitated forbearance governments illustrated impediments independent indorsement inexcusable innumerable instinctive interchange interrupted irreparable legislative managements misinformed necessities obligations originators parenthesis permanently politicians precautions preliminary pretensions promulgated prospective punishments recognition regulations reservation restraining rudimentary serviceable sophistries spiritually stimulating substantial superlative •telegraphic fascination formulating grandfather illustrious impertinent indignation industrious influencing inseparably instructive intercourse interspaces justifiable limitations manufacture misjudgment negotiation opportunity ' overburdens Parliaments permissible practicable predictions preoccupied proceedings proposition provisional questioning recommended reprobation responsible restriction scrutenized serviceably sovereignty spontaneous subjugation substituted supervision temporarily fearfulness foundations humiliation imaginative impregnable individuals ineffectual influential inspiration instruments interfering intolerable landholders locomotives merchandise monopolized nervousness oppositions overflowing partnership perpetuated practicably predominant preparation progressive proprieties provocation realization refreshment Republicans resolutions restricting selfishness shipbuilder speculation steadfastly subordinate superficial susceptible territorial fertilizers fundamental hypocracies immediately indemnities indomitable inestimable information inspiriting intelligent interlocked intrigueing lawlessness maintenance merchantman nationality nonpartisan origination overwhelmed performance Philippines practically preferences presumption prohibition prosecution publication reassurance registering requisition restoration retaliation sentimental significant speculative stimulation subservient superintend sympathetic territories 28 theoretical traditional trusteeship underground unexhausted unlookedfor unregulated unspeakably voluntarily theretofore tranquility twelvemonth undeveloped unification unorganized unsatisfied unspeakable willingness thoughtless transcended uncertainty undisturbed unimbroiled unqualified unseaworthy vindication withdrawing toastmaster troublesome uncorrected undoubtedly universally unreclaimed unselfishly vindicating withholding Abbreviation acquiescence agricultural architecture backwardness certificates completeness conciliatory consequences conspiracies construction continuously coordination deliberately depredations disappointed disobedience economically expectations extortionate governmental heedlessness impartiality improvidence incompatible indefensible indisputable infringement intelligible accomplished administered announcement arrangements belligerents civilization concealments condemnation conservation conspirators consummation conventional cosmopolitan deliberating difficulties disconnected distribution emancipation expenditures extravagance guaranteeing historically imperatively imperialists inconsistent independence indisputably inspirations interminably accumulating affectionate antagonistic ascertaining brotherhoods commissioned concentrated confidential considerable constituting contemptible conversation countenanced demonstrated disadvantage discontented distributors enfranchised explanations facilitating guardianship imaginations imperishable incalculable indebtedness indifference industrially institutions intermission achievements afterthought apprehension associations catastrophes compensation conciliation congratulate consistently constitution continuation coordinating definiteness demoralizing disappearing discontinued dreadnoughts entanglement explicitness geographical heartstrings immeasurable implications incomparably indefeasible indiscretion inefficiency interference interpreters 29 interruption irresistibly mobilization multifarious notification overlordship passionately perpetuating philanthropy preposterous productivity provincially reassembling recollection registration remuneration restrictions satisfactory spirituality substitution thoroughness unacceptable uncriticized unimaginable unmistakably unprofitable unreservedly unthreatened watercourses fifty-seven food-producing forty-four forty-one forward-looking four-fifths free-hearted fuel-oil good-will ill-informed intollerable legislatures modification negotiations oppressively overwhelming Pennsylvania perpetuation postponement preservative professional purification recalcitrant reconsidered relationship renunciation ruthlessness schoolmaster standardized successfully thoughtfully unaccustomed undertakings uninstructed unpardonable unquestioned unrestrained vicissitudes introductory manipulation monopolistic neighborhood organization participants peradventure perplexities preparedness presumputous profiteering questionable recklessness recuperation relinquished requirements salesmanship scrupulously strengthened sufficiently traitorously unaffectedly ungrudgingly universities unparalleled unreasonably unrestricted volunteering Hyphenated Words self-centered self-comprehension self-contained self-control self-correction self-defense self-denial self-determination self-development self-examination irresistible misinterpret monopolizing nevertheless overburdened particularly peremptorily Philadelphia preponderant proclamation progressives readjustment recognizable rededication reminiscence respectfully satisfaction significance subordinated thanksgiving transactions unchallenged unhesitating unmistakable unprejudiced unreconciled unsuspecting wastefulness thirty-three to-day to-morrow twenty-five twenty-four twenty-second twenty-seven twenty-sixth twenty-three unlooked-for 30 Accoutrements apprehensions assassination characterized clarification comparatively comprehensive conflagration consideration contradiction contributions deliberations determination discreditable dispassionate embarrassment establishment extraordinary exploitations heartbreaking impracticable inconvenience inexhaustible insignificant intelligently international jurisprudence manufacturers miscellaneous mortification nonessentials parliamentary particularize proportionate quartermaster revolutionary sportsmanship strengthening supplementary transformable advertisement appropriation authoritative circumference commonwealths comprehending concentrating consciousness conspicuously contradictory controversies demonstration disagreements disinterested distinguished encouragement energetically extravagances forgetfulness imperialistic inappropriate indispensable inexperienced instinctively intemperately interrogation justification manufacturing misconception nationalities opportunities participation predilections provincialism readjustments righteousness statesmanlike substantially temperateness uncalculating 31 annexationist ascertainable authorization circumstances companionship comprehension concentration conservatives contemplating contravention corresponding denominations disbursements disparagement effectiveness encroachments exaggerations exterminating gratification impossibility inconceivable indoctrinated infringements insusceptible interlockings irresponsible manifestation Mediterranean misunderstood neighborhoods ornamentation particularity preoccupation provisionally relationships sensitiveness steadfastness superintended thoroughgoing uncertainties uncomfortable uninterrupted unremunerated unselfishness Accomplishment advertisements characteristic conscienceless constitutional discrimination indiscriminate manifestations multiplication penitentiaries providentially reconstructing responsibility systematically understandings unquestionable Americanization disinterestedly instrumentality notwithstanding plenipotentiary serviceableness Constitutionally responsibilities Disinteres tedness Maladministrations life-giving long-admired long-cherished lookers-on many-sided self-governed uncomplaining unjustifiable unrighteously unwillingness administration aggrandizement classification Constantinople demonstrations extemporaneous interpretation misconceptions naturalization preponderating reacquaintance rectifications scientifically transportation unhesitatingly unquestionably congratulations exemplification misapprehension parenthetically representatives unsophisticated incontrovertible sentimentalizing instrumentalities misinterpretations Hyphenated Words self-governing self-government self-interest self-mastered self-mastery self-possessed 32 unembarrassed unnecessarily unprecedented administrative appropriations congratulation constituencies discriminating fortifications irreproachable misinterpreted neutralization prepossessions reconciliation requisitioning serviceability unaccommodated unpremeditated disillusionment inexpensiveness misrepresenting philosophically resourcefulness prognostications uncharacteristic maladministration uncharac teristically Vice-President well-balanced well-considered world-wide worn-out fifty-six LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 914 160 7 THE LOTUS PRESS WM. F. ANDRES. PREST. NEW YORK