■AT .•"•'» « " « t ^O ^ <^J. CV r O " * -» . ^ O. • . , 1 • a" " rr- And my happy heart brimmed over, in the days gone by. In the days gone by, when my naked feet were tripped By the honeysuckle tangles where the water-lilies dipped, i 3 And the ripples of the river lipped the moss along the brink Where the placid- eyed and lazy-footed cattle came to drink. And the tilting snipe stood fearless of the truant's wayward cry KSSii (% ¥ '\A '3 Bm^^F^^FmEs^ And the splashing of the swimmer, in the days gone by. O the days gone by ! O the days gone by ! The music of the laughing lip, the luster of the eye ; The childish faith in fairies, and Aladdin's magic ring — m^w?s^w:^f^^^ W^^777IS^^i'5?[?S^777F777^^ S?^WW^^?^¥^^PS' The simple, soul- reposing, glad belief in every thing, — When life was like a story holding neither sob nor sigh. In the golden olden glory of the days gone by. W- f/M/^J^/J^KW^Jjt/jA ^) WTOKWW? BE OUR FORTUNES AS THEY MAY ESTERDAY you lost a friend — Bless your heart and love it ! For you scarce could comprehend All the aching of it; — ^-a^ gyfggffffl^Kj^- V. J V ,_^. .4- fe But I sing to you and say: Let the lost friend sorrow — Here's another come to-day. Others may to-morrow. '^^i^^WWTWWW^ '^>i WHO BIDES HIS TIME HO bides his time, and day by day Faces defeat full patiently. And lifts a mirthful roundelay. o I I However poor his fortunes be, — He \A/ill not fail in any qualm Of poverty — the paltry dime It will grow golden in his palm. Who bides his time. O V '^ OOBBSBROS. iS^^* -a.^ ''V ^» ^%^/ ^ '^ c .^^>i ST. AUGUSTINE ^"^ ,g ► ^,-1 .^^^ FLA. l^ -^1 CONGRESS