mass / '! : .■ .'^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV CARDINAL NEWMAN. '(/ / CARDINAL NEWMAN'S DREAM OF GERONTIUS WITH IntroduBion and Commentary FOR USE IN HIGH SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES BY JULIUS GLIEBE, O.F.M. Franciscan Friary, Oakland, Cal. Sometime Professor of Rhetoric in St. Anthony''s Seraphic College, Santa Barbara, Cal. NEW YORK SCHWARTZ, KIRWIN & FAUSS Copyright, 1916, by SCHWARTZ, KIRWIN & FAUSS FEB 19 1916 2)aA4l889S 1^ CONTENTS J Page Introduction i The Dream 23 Appreciations 71 Notes 75 . . . For one zvJio speaks in nnmhers ampler scope His utterance finds; and conscious of the gain, Imagination zvorks with holder hope. , . . Sonnets, Wordsworth. INTRODUCTION History of the Poem. — The year 1865 found John Henry Newman, the author of The Dream of Gerontius, an old man, Hving with his brethren in quiet seclusion in the Oratory at Birmingham. He was now close upon his sixty-fourth birthday, and natur- ally, as the years advanced, began to look forward with greater frequency to his ap- proaching end. That supreme moment in every man's life when the soul goes out to meet its Judge, had been to him at all times as if a present reality; and now that the time was very near, as he thought, when he should pass '' from shadows and images to the truth," that moment became more than ever the subject of his thoughts and meditations. In January, 1865, ^^ suddenly came into his mind to put his thoughts on death into the form of a dramatic poem ; and 2 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS having finished writing it — current e calamo as it seems — he laid the thing aside not quite satisfied with it. A few months later it so happened that Newman w^as asked by Father Henry James Coleridge S. J., editor of The Month, for a contribution to that magazine; and having just then nothing theological to oiTer, he sent the editor a poem, along with the re- mark that he might do wath it what he chose. The poem thus carelessly offered was none other than TJie Dream of Gerontius. It was thankfully w^elcomed by Father Cole- ridge, and shortly afterwards made its appearance in two parts in successive num- bers of The Month. After the first part appeared in the May number, Newman w^-ote to his friend, Thomas William Allies : " As to Gerontius, perhaps the second part will be a failure, so be cautious with your criticism." The second part appeared in the subsequent number, and was received with as much enthusiasm and praise as the first. It would seem that the author was urged to HISTORY OF THE POEM 3 make further additions to the poem, for in another letter to Mr. AlHes, written not long after, Newman says : " No, I as- sure you, I have nothing more to produce of Gerontius. I could no more write any- thing else by willing it, than I could fly/' And to the Reverend John Telford he wrote : " You do me too much honor if you think I am to see in a dream everything that is to be seen in the subject dreamed about. I have said what I saw. Various spiritual writers see various aspects of it, and, under their protection and pattern, I have set down the dream as it came before the sleeper. It is not my fault if the sleeper did not dream more. Perhaps something woke him. Dreams are generally fragmentary; I have nothing more to tell." The Dream was afterwards added to the author's earlier poems, which were published together under the title Verses on Various Occasions. Previous to this, however, a separate edition of the poet's masterpiece had been prepared and brought out, which was affectionately inscribed to a departed 4 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS friend and brother Oratorian, Father John Joseph Gordon, as follows : — Fratri Desideratissimo Joanni Joseph Gordon Oratorii S. P. N. Presbytero Cujiis Anima in Refrigerio. In die Comm J- ^' ^' Omn. Fid. Def. 1865. To my very dear brother, John Joseph Gordon, Priest of the Oratory of St Philip Neri. May his soul be in the Place of Refreshment. John Henry New'MAN. All Souls' Day, 1865. This edition of TJie Dream has since gone through more than forty-five reprints. It was translated into French in 1869, and into German in 1885. Two other events have contributed to the increased knowledge and popularity of The Dream; it was made the subject of an inaugural address by the Pro- fessor of Poetry at Oxford, Sir Francis Doyle; and by Sir Edward Elgar, the cele- brated composer, was worked into an ora- torio which, since its first appearance in 1900, has received a wide appreciation at home and abroad at the hands of the best musical critics. THE METRE 5 The Dream has already taken, and holds to-day, as in 1888 William Ewart Gladstone said it would take and hold its position in the literature of the world. With the best contemporary critics w^e may confidently say that the great Oratorian's poetic master- piece is simply imperishable, and will ever be numbered among the great poems of the w^orld. The Metre. — The metre in The Dream is as highly varied as it is elegantly chosen. There are throughout the poem no less than eight variations of verse and stanza forms. It is interesting and instructive to observe how wonderfully each measure in its turn obeys, as its dictator, the inner thought and sentiment ; and in reading the poem, it is im- possible not to be struck with the author's masterliness, which, with apparent ease and consummate grace, blends the tw^o opposing rhythms, phrasal and metrical, into a living harmony. The most prevalent measure is the Iambic Pentameter, the standard English line for serious poetry. It is used by the two prin- 6 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS cipal actors in the drama, Gerontius and his Guardian Angel. The recitative and ex- planatory portions are usually blank, and are massed, according to the sense, into para- graphs of unequal length. But as soon as the underlying sentiment becomes more in- tense and lyrical, the blank verse is straight- way abandoned and gives way, following the current of the sense, to a variety of stanzas, the lines of which are variously grouped and interrelated by means of the rhyme, by the interspersion of alternate trimeters or di- meters, and by the use of an Alexandrine or fourteener as conclusion of a period, — thus transfusing the whole with the life-blood of an ever-changing yet delightfully harmoni- ous movement. Take the closing lines of the poem, the parting words of the Angel Guardian to the Soul, and observe how fittingly they are thrown into a slightly modified form of the Elegiac Stanza. The standard four alter- nately rhyming iambic pentameters are, by the introduction of an occasional trochee, and by the addition of a rhyming over-syl- THE METRE 7 lable in the second and fourth Hnes, limbered up to a charmingly graceful and easy move- ment and softened into a tone of ineffable sweetness and tenderness : — Softly and gently, dearly ransomed soul, In my most loving arms I now enfold thee, And o'er the penal waters, as they roll, I poise thee, and I lower thee, and hold thee. This is the movement and tone of purest song, and hence too it so readily lends itself to the rhythm of music : — III I I I III III I I I :^ Fare - well, | but not | for e | ver, bro | ther dear, I III I I I ll I I I I I Be brave | and pa | tient on | thy bed j of sor | row, J^J J J |J J i J J |J J I J ^ Swift - ly I shall pass | thy night | of tri | al here, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I And I I will come | and wake [thee on| the mor row. As an illustration of how pliant and varied in pause, accent, and rhyme the standard verse may under a master hand become, we may instance the passage where the dying 8 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Gerontius describes his feelings of fear and dread at his approaching dissolution : — I can no more, for now it comes again, That sense of ruin, which is worse than pain, That masterful negation and collapse Of all that makes me man ; as though I bent Over the dizzy brink Of some sheer infinite descent; Or worse, as though Down, down for ever I was falling through The solid framework of created things, And needs must sink and sink Into the vast abyss. And, crueller still, A fierce and restless fright begins to fill The mansion of my soul. And, worse and worse, Some bodily form of ill Floats on the wind, with many a loathsome curse Tainting the hallowed air, and laughs, and flaps Its hideous wings. And makes me wild with horror and dismay. Observe, first of all, at what irregular in- tervals the lines are made to rhyme; and next, how the precipitousness of the " sheer infinite descent " and the consequent horror of the '' fierce and restless fright " are strik- ingly brought out by the sudden breaking ofif of three of the lines, the very reading of which gives one the sense of bending over a dizzy brink and having one's breath sud- THE METRE 9 denly taken away. Two further lines are cut short, indicating Gerontius' pausing in utter dismay at sight of the Evil One, whose loathsome curses and offensive shrieks are onomatopoetically echoed in the two inter- vening full lines. And how deftly yet how simply the movement is varied! First, it is accelerated by the use of a trochee - ^ instead of an iamb --, producing a dactylic inter- weave in the line : — Over the dizzy brink ; next, two lines later, it is suddenly slowed down by a spondee - -, which admirably brings out the feeling of Down, down for ever falling ; and then it becomes rapid again, even hurried, and breathless, indicating the de- parting soul's restless fright and anxious trepidation. It appears then that the poet, while on the whole faithful to the original pattern of iambic pentameters, still moves with the perfect ease and freedom of a mas- ter, obeying only the fundamental require- lO THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS ments of the underlying thought; and by thus continually breaking and varying the structure of the verse, skilfully avoids the ever present danger of monotony, which would else naturally arise from five iambic feet succeeding each other line after line. Next to the pentameter in prevalence is the so-called Ballad Measure, consisting of two iambic tetrameters alternated with two rhyming iambic trimeters; which measure is most suitably adopted for the songs of creation, fall, and redemption sung by the five Choirs of Angelicals : — J ! J J N J N J N To us I his el | der race | He gave J I J J ! J To bat I tie and I to wm, With - out I the chas | tise - ment | of pain, J I J J I J J I J With - out I the soil | of sin. Then there is the Trochaic Measure, used in the final prayers of Gerontius and his Assistants, as also in the pleading of the THE METRE II Angel of the Agony. Gerontius' prayer takes the form of the alternate rhyming Hymn Stanza, technically called the 8s and 7s, the second and fourth lines being one syllable short. Its light and tripping move- ment suits well with the confident tone of his dying prayer : — J J N J N J N J Sim - ply to His grace and whol - ly J J I J J I ^ J I J Light and life and strength be - long, I And I to His grace and 1 whol I 1 1 life and strength 1 be - 1 III love su - preme - ly, sole Ml III II I I ill III III Him the ho - ly, Him the strong. while the solemnity of the reverent and piercingly ardent prayer of the Angel of the Agony aptly registers itself in the tro- chaic hexameter: — I II ! ! I I 11 I I I I I I I <^ d \ d d \ ^ d \ ^ d \ ^ d \ <^ Je - su, by that shud-dering dread which fell on Thee. In the Litany of the Saints recited by the Assistants we have a perfect specimen of 12 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS interchange and blending of measures. The Church's solemn prayer is opened in an ir- regular flow of anxious ejaculatory cries to Heaven for help in this hour of need. While for a moment it becomes more even and quiet, as expressed in the subdued strain of two iambic lines, it suddenly leaps into the more rapid anapestic and amphibrach tune, where with impetuous eagerness God is im- plored to preserve His servant From the sins | that are past, From Thy frown | and Thine ire, From thS per|ils of dying, From any | complying With sin or | denying His God, or | relying On self I at the last. Here the first two lines are regular ana- pestic dimeters, but from the third on each line snatches in its hurrying course a short syllable from the next following, thus pro- ducing an amphibrach blend; and the ana- pestic scheme is fully recovered only in the last line. The Litany then goes on in a lighter and more confident tone, which is THE METRE 1 3 well expressed in the movement of the trochee. It appears first in rhymed couplets of 7s : — By Thy | birth and | by Thy | Cross Rescue | him from | endless | loss ; and then in rhymed couplets of lis: — Rescue | him, O | Lord, in | this his | evil | hour As of I old so I many | by Thy gracious | power. Finally there is to be noted the measure of the Demon's Chorus, which is a wonderful achievement of poetic artistry. The medley of iambs, trochees, amphimacers, dactyls, and anapests is completely controlled by the undertone of phrasal rhythm, which by sud- den abrupt breaks and by the congestion of short syllables operates to produce the ef- fect of a howl of infernal dissonances. The feet vary in length almost at random from two to five syllables, yet are so masterfully held together by a complete scheme of rhyme, which, though copious and perfect, shoots to and fro so irregularly that it seems ap- parently but to serve to heighten the effect of confusion and disorder. This solitary 14 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS note of harmony amid the continued jangle of disharmonies is probably meant by the poet to indicate the one principle upon which these lawless beings are agreed — their inveterate hatred of, and relentless opposition to, God and the human race. The Flight of the Soul — The Dream of Gerontius is not a theological treatise on the state of the soul after death. But, in spite of what Newman himself has re- marked regarding it, — that it is merely a fragment, — in the sense, viz., that the sleeper did not see all that was to be seen in that new and undiscovered country, it must nevertheless be admitted that the poem as a w^hole presents so complete a view of one phase at least of the soul's existence, that it is difficult to see how even formal theology could tell us more of that wonderful flight of the soul from earth to purgatory. This central idea and theme of the poem is beautifully elaborated in seven parts, which are chronologically so closely linked to- gether that they have simply been called paragraphs. THE FLIGHT OF THE SOUL 15 The first of these paragraphs, which serves as an introduction, describes the lat- ter part of that dread hour, the novissima hora of this Hfe, the hour of immediate preparation for the Soul's appearance be- fore its Judge. The remaining six para- graphs, which tell the Soul's history in an- other land, can hardly be said to have any chronology at all, For spirits and men by different standards mete The less and greater in the flow of time; and all the Soul's experience, from the in- stant it leaves the body to its final immersion in the lake, covers a space less than a million- million-millionth part of a moment. Yet in this infinitesimal fraction of a moment we have compressed by a master theologian the vast and complicated history of God's deal- ings with His creatures. The Line of Argument. — Following the divisions made by the author himself, we may now attempt a brief characterization of the various parts and point out the lead- ing ideas employed in each paragraph. 1 6 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Paragraph I. — The prevailing tone of this part is one of deep sorrow and intense pain, yet tempered withal by Christian resig- nation and confidence in God's abiding love. Gerontius, fortified by the rites of Holy Church, and strengthened by the Bread of the Strong, lies calm and recollected on his death-bed ready to die. But as he hears death knocking its dire summons at his door, he is seized with a sudden terror by which he is driven to invoke the powerful names of Jesus and Mary. The little time that still remains he uses well in making acts of faith, hope, contrition, and love ; and then unreservedly surrenders himself into the hands of God. His account of the awful agony is con- stantly interspersed by short ejaculatory prayers ; and though he instinctively flinches from that " sense of ruin which is worse than pain," he is yet powerfully assisted and buoyed up by the prayers of his friends who presently begin with the attending priest to say the Litany, asking all the Saints of God to intercede for him, and imploring God THE FLIGHT OF THE SOUL 17 Himself to deliver him from the danger of a final fall, and to save him by the merits of Christ. With the words of the expiring Saviour on his lips, Gerontius dies, answer- ing the call of the Master, just at the mo- ment when the priest, in the name of God, bids the Soul go forth on its journey from this world. Paragraph 11. — The final struggle over, Gerontius goes to sleep — the sleep of death, and in the same moment awakens in another world, refreshed by a sense of inexpressible lightness and freedom. But the Soul being deprived of its body, through which on earth it held communion with the outer world, is now thrown entirely upon itself; and, being in a state of separation not originally in- tended, feels its solitariness out in the deep stillness despite the '' sweet soothing rest " of eternity. For a moment it is perplexed in its new surroundings ; lodged, as it were, in the rent of the veil that divides this life from the next, it feels itself neither here nor there ; from the one side it hears but faint echoes l8 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS of earthly voices, and on the other it has before it the infinite stretch of the undiscov- ered country. And as it is borne forward on its way, traversing it knows not whether infinity of space muhiphed, or infinitesimal- ness of space divided, it is suddenly arrested by the AngeFs song, in which he tells in heart-subduing melodies the varied his- tory of his client: his high destiny, his fallen state, his costly repurchase, his dreary life-long fray, and relentless fight with the foe, his wonderful nature — a strange com- posite of heaven and earth, a nature w^hich the Guardian Angel alone among Angels can comprehend. By the drinking in of this heavenly music the Soul becomes So whole of heart, so calm, so self-possessed. With such a full content, and with a sense So apprehensive and discriminant, As no temptation can intoxicate. Paragraph III. — The Soul now fully at home in the Angel's company, would have nothing but to speak with him for speaking's sake. It raises various questions W'hich are answered and explained by the Angel, who THE FLIGHT OF THE SOUL 1 9 condescendingly assumes the role of inter- preter. Two misapprehensions are cleared up, one regarding the nature of eternity, where . . . intervals in their succession Are measured by the hving thought alone, And time is not a common property ; the other regarding the strange disappear- ance of its one-time fear and dread of having to meet the awful Judge. Paragraph IV. — As the Soul and the An- gel approach the judgment court, they hear the fierce hubbub raised by the demons prowling about the entrance, who mali- ciously heap all manner of evil names upon God and man, and contemptuously cast their venom of abuse on the Saint who gains the guerdon which they have forfeited. The Soul is much surprised at their impotence to harm; but the Angel explains that even on earth those fallen ones could show so majestical only because man had a traitor nestling close at home — his inborn evil inclinations. 20 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS The state of the disembodied Soul is next portrayed. Bereft of all the senses, the Soul now lives in a world of signs and types, wrapped and swathed around in dreams. Dreams that are true, yet enigmatical. Its longing for one glimpse of the Most Fair, ere it plunges into the avenging flames of Purgatory, is neither vain nor rash; yet that sight will not only gladden but likewise pierce and burn. Paragraph V. — While the Angel is mak- ing it clear to the Soul by a concrete example what in its present condition its desire to see God implies, they enter the House of Judgment, — of which every smallest por- tion. Cornice, or frieze, or bakistrade, or stair, The very pavement is made up of life — Of holy, blessed, and immortal beings. Who hymn their Maker's praise continually. These Angelicals, formed into choirs, sing of creation, original justice, the fall and re- demption ; and tell, as only an Angel's death- less fire, an Angel's reach of thought can THE FLIGHT OF THE SOUL 21 tell, of the infinite display of God's victori- ous grace, of the triumph God has wrought, . . . that He who smote In man for man the foe, The double agony in man For man should undergo. The Angel further explains the nature of the Soul's approaching agony, when it shall be smitten from the face of the Incarnate God with a double pain — The longing for Him when it sees Him not, The shame of self at thought of seeing Him, which will be its " veriest, sharpest purga- tory." Paragraph VI. — They pass the gate and come into the veiled presence of God. Just then come floating up from earth the echoes of voices of interceding friends, while the Angel of Christ's Agony, who '' saw the Creator reel amid that solitary fight in the garden shade," pleads with the Judge in a litany calm and sweetly pathetic. The Soul is judged as with the intemperate energy of love it flies to the dear feet of Em- manuel; but before it reaches them it is 22 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS seized and scorched by the flame of the Everlasting Love, consumed yet quickened by the glance of God. The happy suffering Soul breathes the touching prayer : — Take me away, and in the lowest deep There let me be, And there in hope the lone night watches keep Told out for me. Paragraph VII. — The Angel bears the Soul away through the gates of the Golden Prison, out of whose depths the sad yet hopeful strain of the Psalm is heard: " Lord, Thou hast been our" refuge in every generation." He lovingly dips his precious burden in the lake, giving his charge to the keeping of the Angels of Purgatory* and hovering over the penal waters which clo'se in upon the dearly ransomed Soul as it sinks '' deep, deeper into the dim distance," he speaks his tender parting words : Farewell, but not for ever! brother dear, Be brave and patient on thy bed of sorrow ; Swiftly shall pass thy night of trial here, And I will come and wake thee on the morrow. THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS § I Gerontius JESU, MARIA — I am near to death, And Thou art caUing- me; I know it now Not by the token of this faltering breath, This chill at heart, this dampness on my brow, (Jesu, have mercy ! Mary, pray for me!) s 'Tis this new feeling, never felt before, (Be with me. Lord, in my extremity!) That I am going, that I am no more. 'Tis this strange innermost abandonment, (Lover of souls! great God! I look to Thee,) lo This emptying out of each constituent And natural force, by which I come to be. Pray for me, O my friends ; a visitant Is knocking his dire summons at my door. The like of whom, to scare me and to daunt, ^s Has never, never come to me before ; 24 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS 'Tis death, — O loving friends, your prayers ! — 'tis he ! . . . As though my very being had given way, As though I was no more a substance now. And could fall back on nought to be my stay, 20 (Help, loving Lord! Thou my sole Refuge, Thou,) And turn no whither, but must needs decay And drop from out the universal frame Into that shapeless, scopeless, blank abyss. That utter nothingness, of which I came : 25 This is it that has come to pass in me; Oh horror! this it is, my dearest, this; So pray for me, my friends, who have not strength to pray. Assistants Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Holy Mary, pray for him. 30 All holy Angels, pray for him. Choirs of the righteous, pray for him. Holy Abraham, pray for him. St. John Baptist, St. Joseph, pray for him. St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. John, ss All Apostles, all Evangelists, pray for him. PARAGRAPH ONE 25 All holy Disciples of the Lord, pray for him. All holy Innocents, pray for him. All holy Martyrs, all holy Confessors, All holy Hermits, all holy Virgins, 40 All ye Saints of God, pray for him. Gerontiiis Rouse thee, my fainting soul, and play the man; And through such waning span Of life and thought as still has to be trod, Prepare to meet thy God. 4S And while the storm of that bewilderment Is for a season spent, And, ere afresh the ruin on thee fall. Use well the interval. Assistants Be merciful, be gracious ; spare him, Lord. 50 Be merciful, be gracious ; Lord, deliver him. From the sins that are past ; From Thy frown and Thine ire; From the perils of dying; From any complying S5 With sin, or denying His God, or relying 26 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS On self, at the last; From the nethermost fire; From all that is evil ; 60 From power of the devil; Thy servant deliver, For once and forever. By Thy birth, and by Thy Cross, Rescue him from endless loss; 6^ By Thy death and burial. Save him from a final fall ; By Thy rising from the tomb, By Thy mounting up above, By the Spirit's gracious love, 70 Save him in the day of doom. Ger on tilts Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Deus, De profundis oro te, Miserere, Judex mens, Parce mihi, Domine. 7S Firmly I believe and truly God is Three, and God is One; And I next acknowledge duly Manhood taken by the Son. PARAGRAPH ONE 27 And I trust and hope most fully 80 In that Manhood crucified ; And each thought and deed unruly Do to death, as He has died. Simply to His grace and wholly Light and life and strength belong, 85 And I love, supremely, solely, Him the holy, Him the strong. Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Deus, De profundis oro te. Miserere, Judex mens, 90 Parce mihi, Domine. And I hold in veneration. For the love of Him alone. Holy Church, as His creation. And her teachings, as His own. 95 And I take with joy whatever Now besets me, pain or fear, And with a strong will I sever All the ties which bind me here. Adoration aye be given, loc With and through the angelic host. To the God of earth and heaven. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 28 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Deus, De profundis oro te, 105 Miserere, Judex meus, Mortis in discrimine. I can no more ; for now it comes again, That sense of ruin, which is worse than pain, That masterful negation and collapse "o Of all that makes me man; as though I bent Over the dizzy brink Of some sheer infinite descent; Or worse, as though Down, down for ever I was falling through "S The solid framework of created things, And needs must sink and sink Into the vast abyss. And, crueller still, A fierce and restless fright begins to fill The mansion of my soul. And, worse and worse, 120 wSome bodily form of ill Floats on the wind, with many a loathsome curse Tainting the hallowed air, and laughs, and flaps Its hideous wings, And makes me wild with horror and dismay. 125 PARAGRAPH ONE 29 O Jesu, help ! pray for me, Mary, pray ! Some angel, Jesu ! such as came to Thee In Thine own agony. . . . Mary, pray for me. Joseph, pray for me. Mary, pray for me. ^30 Assistants Rescue him, O Lord, in this his evil hour. As of old so many by Thy gracious power : — (Amen.) Enoch and Elias from the common doom; (Amen.) Noe from the waters in a saving home; (Amen.) Abraham from th' abounding guilt of Hea- thenesse; (Amen.) ^35 Job from all his multiform and fell distress; (Amen.) Isaac, when his father's knife was raised to slay; (Amen.) Lot from burning Sodom on its judgment day; (Amen.) Moses from the land of bondage and despair; (Amen.) Daniel from the hungry lions in their lair; (Amen.) ho 30 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS And the Children Three amid the furnace- flame; (Amen.) Chaste Susanna from the slander and the shame; (Amen.) David from Golia and the wrath of Saul; (Amen.) And the two Apostles from their prison- thrall; (Amen.) Thecla from her torments; (Amen.) ms — so, to show Thy power, Rescue this Thy servant in his evil hour. Gerontius Novissima hora est ; and I fain would sleep. The pain has wearied me. . . . Into Thy hands, O Lord, into Thy hands . . . The Priest Proficiscere, anima Christiana, de hoc mundo ! 15° Go forth upon thy journey. Christian soul ! Go from this world! Go, in the Name of God, The Omnipotent Father, who created thee! Go, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, PARAGRAPH TWO 31 Son of the living God, who bled for thee ! iss Go, in the Name of the Holy Spirit, who Hath been poured out on thee! Go, in the name Of Angels and Archangels; in the name Of Thrones and Dominations; in the name Of Princedoms and of Powers; and in the name i6o Of Cherubim and Seraphim, go forth! Go, in the name of Patriarchs and Prophets ; And of Apostles and Evangelists, Of Martyrs and Confessors; in the name Of holy Monks and Hermits ; in the name 165 Of holy Virgins; and all Saints of God, Both men and women, go ! Go on thy course ! And may thy place to-day be found in peace, And may thy dwelling be the Holy Mount Of Sion : — in the name of Christ, our Lord. 170 Soul of Gerontius I went to sleep; and now I am refreshed, A strange refreshment : for I feel in me An inexpressive lightness, and a sense 32 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Of freedom, as I were at length myself, And ne'er had been before. How still it is ! I hear no more the busy beat of time, No, nor my fluttering breath, nor struggling pulse ; Nor does one moment differ from the next. I had a dream; yes : — someone softly said '' He 's gone " ; and then a sigh went round the room. lo And then I surely heard a priestly voice Cry '' Subvenite " ; and they knelt in prayer. I seem to hear him still ; but thin and low, And fainter and more faint the accents come, As at an ever-widening interval. ^5 Ah! whence is this? What is this severance? This silence pours a solitariness Into the very essence of my soul ; And the deep rest, so soothing and so sweet. Hath something too of sternness and of pain. 20 For it drives back my thoughts upon their spring By a strange introversion, and perforce I now begin to feed upon myself, Because I have nought else to feed upon. PARAGRAPH TWO 33 Am I alive or dead? I am not dead, 25 But in the body still ; for I possess A sort of confidence which clings to me, That each particular organ holds its place As heretofore, combining with the rest Into one symmetry, that wraps me round, 30 And makes me man; and surely I could move. Did I but will it, every part of me. And yet I cannot to my sense bring home By very trial, that I have the power. 'Tis strange ; I cannot stir a hand or foot, ^s I cannot make my fingers or my lips By mutual pressure witness each to each. Nor by the eyelid's instantaneous stroke Assure myself I have a body still. Nor do I know my very attitude, 40 Nor if I stand, or lie, or sit, or kneel. So much I know, not knowing how I know, That the vast universe, where I have dwelt, Is quitting me, or I am quitting it. Or I or it is rushing on the wings 4S Of light or lightning on an onward course, And we e'en now are million miles apart. 34 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Yet ... is this peremptory severance Wrought out in lengthening measurements of space Which grow and multiply by speed and time ? so Or am I traversing infinity By endless subdivision, hurrying back From finite towards infinitesimal, Thus dying out of the expansed world? Another marvel : someone has me fast 55 Within his ample palm; 'tis not a grasp Such as they use on earth, but all around Over the surface of my subtle being, As though I were a sphere, and capable To be accosted thus, a uniform 60 And gentle pressure tells me I am not Self -moving, but borne forward on my way. And hark! I hear a singing; yet in sooth I cannot of that music rightly say Whether I hear, or touch, or taste the tones. 65 Oh what a heart-subduing melody! Angel My work is done, My task is o'er, And so I come, PARAGRAPH TWO 35 Taking it home, 70 For the crown is won, Alleluia, For evermore. My Father gave In charge to me 7S This child of earth E'en from its birth, To serve and save. Alleluia, And saved is he. 80 This child of clay To me was given. To rear and train By sorrow and pain In the narrow way, 85 Alleluia, From earth to heaven. Soul It is a member of that family Of wondrous beings, who, ere the worlds were made, Millions of ages back, have stood around 90 36 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS The throne of God : — he never has known sin; But through those cycles all but infinite, Has had a strong and pure celestial life, And bore to gaze on th' unveiled face of God, And drank from the eternal Fount of truth, 95 And served Him with a keen ecstatic love. Hark! he begins again. Angel O Lord, how wonderful in depth and height. But most in man, how wonderful Thou art ! With what a love, what soft persuasive might i°° Victorious o'er the stubborn fleshly heart. Thy tale complete of saints Thou dost provide. To fill the thrones which angels lost through pride! He lay a grovelling babe upon the ground. Polluted in the blood of his first sire, 105 With his whole essence shattered and un- sound. And coiled around his heart a demon dire, PARAGRAPH TWO 37 Which was not of his nature, but had skill To bind and form his opening mind to ill. Then was I sent from heaven to set right no The balance in his soul of truth and sin, And I have waged a long relentless fight. Resolved that death-environed spirit to win. Which from its fallen state, when all was lost, Had been repurchased at so dread a cost. "S Oh, what a shifting parti-colored scene Of hope and fear, of triumph and dismay, Of recklessness and penitence, has been The history of that dreary, life-long fray ! And oh, the grace to nerve him and to lead, 120 How patient, prompt, and lavish at his need! O man, strange composite of heaven and earth ! Majesty dwarfed to baseness! fragrant flower Running to poisonous seed! and seeming worth 38 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Cloking corruption ! weakness mastering power! 125 Who never art so near to crime and shame, As when thou hast achieved some deed of name ; — How should ethereal natures comprehend A thing made up of spirit and of clay, Were we not tasked to nurse it and to tend, 130 Linked one to one throughout its mortal day? More than the Seraph in his height of place. The Angel-guardian knows and loves the ransomed race. Soul Now know I surely that I am at length Out of the body ; had I part with earth, 135 I never could have drunk those accents in, And not have worshipped as a god the voice That was so musical ; but now I am So whole of heart, so calm, so self-possessed. With such a full content, and with a sense 140 So apprehensive and discriminant, As no temptation can intoxicate. PARAGRAPH THREE 39 Nor have I even terror at the thought That I am clasped by such a sainthness. Angel All praise to Him, at whose sublime decree us The last are first, the first become the last; By whom the suppliant prisoner is set free, By whom proud first-borns from their thrones are cast; \Mi(5 raises Mary to be Queen of Heaven, While Lucifer is left, condemned and un- forgiven. ^5© § 3 Soul I will address him. Mighty one, my Lord, My Guardian Spirit, all hail ! Angel All hail, my child ! My child and brother, hail! what wouldest thou? Soul I would have nothing but to speak with thee s For speaking's sake. I wish to hold with thee 40 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Conscious communion ; though I fain would know A maze of things, were it but meet to ask, And not a curiousness. Angel You cannot now Cherish a wish which ought not to be wished. lo Soul • Then I will speak. I ever had believed That on the moment when the struggling soul Quitted its mortal case, forthwith it fell Under the awful Presence of its God, There to be judged and sent to its own place. 15 What lets me now from going to my Lord? Angel Thou art not let ; but with extremest speed Art hurrying to the Just and Holy Judge : For scarcely art thou disembodied yet. Divide a moment, as men measure time, 20 Into its million-million-millionth part. Yet even less than that the interval PARAGRAPH THREE 41 Since thou didst leave the body; and the priest Cried " Subvenite/^ and they fell to prayer; Nay, scarcely yet have they begun to pray. 25 For spirits and men by different standards mete The less and greater in the flow of time. By sun and moon, primeval ordinances — By stars which rise and set harmoniously — By the recurring seasons, and the swing, 3° This way and that, of the suspended rod Precise and punctual, men divide the hours, Equal, continuous, for their common use. Not so with us in the immaterial world ; But intervals in their succession 35 Are measured by the living thought alone, And grow or wane with its intensity. And time is not a common property; But what is long is short, and swift is slow. And near is distant, as received and grasped 40 By this mind and by that, and every one Is standard of his own chronology. And memory lacks its natural resting-points Of years, and centuries, and periods. It is thy very energy of thought as Which keeps thee from thy God. 42 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Soul Dear Angel, say, Why have I now no fear at meeting Him? Along my earthly life, the thought of death And judgment was to me most terrible. I had it aye before me, and I saw so The Judge severe e'en in the crucifix. Now that the hour is come, my fear is fled ; And at this balance of my destiny. Now close upon me, I can forward look With a serenest joy. 55 Angel It is because Then thou didst fear, that now thou dost not fear. Thou hast forestalled the agony, and so For thee the bitterness of death is past. Also, because already in thy soul The judgment is begun. That day of doom, 60 One and the same for the collected world, — That solemn consummation for all flesh, Is, in the case of each, anticipate Upon his death ; and, as the last great day In the particular judgment is rehearsed, 6s PARAGRAPH FOUR 43 So now, too, ere thou comest to the Throne, A presage falls upon thee, as a ray Straight from the Judge, expressive of thy lot. That calm and joy uprising in thy soul Is first-fruit to thee of thy recompense, 70 And heaven begun. §4 Soul But hark ! upon my sense Comes a fierce hubbub, which would make me fear Could I be frighted. Angel We are now arrived Close on the judgment court; that sullen howl 5 Is from the demons who assemble there. It is the middle region, where of old Satan appeared among the sons of God, To cast his jibes and scofifs at holy Job. So now his legions throng the vestibule, lo Hungry and wild, to claim their property, And gather souls for hell. Hist to their cry. 44 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Soul How sour and how uncouth a dissonance ! Demons Low-born clods Of brute earth is They aspire To become gods, By a new birth, And an extra grace, And a score of merits, 20 As if aught Could stand in place Of the high thought. And the glance of fire Of the great spirits, 25 The powers blest, The lords by right, The primal owners. Of the proud dwelling And realm of light, — 30 Dispossessed, Aside thrust. Chucked down By the sheer might PARAGRAPH FOUR 45 Of a despot's will, 3S Of a tyrant's frown, Who after expelling Their hosts, gave, Triumphant still. And still unjust, 40 Each forfeit crown To psalm-droners, And canting groaners, To every slave. And pious cheat, 4S And crawling knave. Who licked the dust Under his feet. Angel It is the restless panting of their being; Like beasts of prey, who, caged within their bars, so In a deep hideous purring have their life, And an incessant pacing to and fro. Demons The mind bold And independent, The purpose free, ss 46 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS So we are told, Must not think To have the ascendant. What 's a samt? One whose breath 60 Doth the air taint Before his death; A bundle of bones, Which fools adore, Ha! ha! 65 When life is o'er; Which rattle and stink, E'en in the flesh. We cry his pardon ! No flesh hath he ; 70 Ha! ha! For it hath died, 'Tis crucified Day by day, Afresh, afresh, 75 Ha! ha! That holy clay. Ha! ha! This g-ains guerdon. So priestlings prate. 80 PARAGRAPH FOUR 47 Ha! ha! Before the Judge, And pleads and atones For spite and grudge, And bigot mood, 85 And envy and hate, And greed of blood. Soul How impotent they are ! and yet on earth They have repute for wondrous power and skill; And books describe, how that the very face 90 Of the Evil One, if seen, would have a force Even to freeze the blood, and choke the life Of him who saw it. Angel In thy trial-state Thou hadst a traitor nestling close at home, Connatural, who with the powers of hell 95 Was leagued, and of thy senses kept the keys. And to that deadliest foe unlocked thy heart. And therefore is it, in respect to man. Those fallen ones show so majestical. 48 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS But, when some child of grace, angel or saint, loo Pure and upright in his integrity Of nature, meets the demons on their raid. They scud away as cowards from the fight. Nay, oft hath holy hermit in his cell. Not yet disburdened of mortality, 105 Mocked at their threats and warlike over- tures; Or, dying, when they swarmed, like flies around, Defied them, and departed to his Judge. Demons Virtue and vice, A knave's pretence, no Tis all the same; Ha! ha! Dread of hell-fire. Of the venomous flame, A coward's plea. us Give him his price. Saint though he be. Ha! ha! From shrewd good sense PARAGRAPH FOUR 49 He '11 slave for hire 120 Ha! ha! And does but aspire To the heaven above With sordid aim, And not from love. 125 Ha! ha! Soul I see not those false spirits ; shall I see My dearest Master, when I reach His throne ; Or hear, at least. His awful judgment-word With personal intonation, as I now 130 Hear thee, not see thee. Angel? Hitherto All has been darkness since I left the earth; Shall I remain thus sight-bereft all through My penance-time? If so, how comes it then That I have hearing still, and taste, and touch, 135 Yet not a glimmer of that princely sense Which binds ideas in one, and makes them live? Angel Nor touch, nor taste, nor hearing hast thou now; 50 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Thou livest in a world of signs and types, The presentations of most holy truths, 140 Living and strong, which now encompass thee. A disembodied soul, thou hast by right No converse with aught else beside thyself; But, lest so stern a solitude should load And break thy being, in mercy are vouch- safed 14s Some lower measures of perception, Which seem to thee, as though through channels brought. Through ear, or nerves, or palate, which are gone. And thou art wrapped and swathed around in dreams, Dreams that are true, yet enigmatical ; 150 For the belongings of thy present state. Save through such symbols, come not home to thee. And thus thou tell'st of space, and time, and size. Of fragrant, solid, bitter, musical, Of fire, and of refreshment after fire; 15s As (let me use similitude of earth. PARAGRAPH FOUR 51 To aid thee in the knowledge thou dost ask) — As ice which blisters may be said to burn. Nor hast thou now extension, with its parts Correlative, — long habit cozens thee, — i6o Nor power to move thyself, nor limbs to move. Hast thou not heard of those, who after loss Of hand or foot, still cried that they had pains In hand or foot, as though they had it still ? So is it now with thee, who hast not lost 165 Thy hand or foot, but all which made up man. So will it be, until the joyous day Of resurrection, when thou wilt regain All thou hast lost, new-made and glorified. How, even now, the consummated Saints 170 See God in heaven, I may not explicate. Meanwhile, let it suffice thee to possess Such means of converse as are granted thee, Though, till that Beatific Vision, thou art blind ; For e'en thy purgatory, which comes like fire, 175 Is fire without its light. 52 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Soul His will be done ! I am not worthy e'er to see again The face of day; far less His countenance Who is the very sun. Nathless, in life, When I looked forward to my purgatory, iSo It ever was my solace to believe That, ere I plunged amid th' avenging flame, I had one sight of Him to strengthen me. Angel Nor rash nor vain is that presentiment; Yes, — for one moment thou shalt see thy Lord. i8s Thus will it be : what time thou art arraigned Before the dread tribunal, and thy lot Is cast forever, should it be to sit On His right hand among His pure elect. Then sight, or that which to the soul is sight, 190 As by a lightning-flash, will come to thee. And thou shalt see, amid the dark profound. Whom thy soul loveth, and would fain ap- proach, — One moment; but thou knowest not, my child, PARAGRAPH FIVE 53 What thou dost ask : that sight of the Most Fair 19s Will gladden thee, but it will pierce thee too. Soul Thou speakest darkly, Angel ! and an awe Falls on me, and a fear lest I be rash. Angel There was a mortal, who is now above In the mid glory: he, when near to die, 200 Was given communion with the Crucified, — Such, that the Master's very wounds were stamped Upon his flesh ; and, from the agony Which thrilled through body and soul in that embrace, Learn that the flame of the Everlasting Love 205 Doth burn ere it transform. . . . § 5 . . . Hark to those sounds ! They come of tender beings angelical. Least and most childlike of the sons of God. 54 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS First Choir of Angelic als Praise to the Holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise: s In all His words most wonderful; Most sure in all His ways ! To us His elder race He gave To battle and to win, Without the chastisement of pain, ^^ Without the soil of sin. The younger son He willed to be A marvel in his birth: Spirit and flesh his parents were ; His home was heaven and earth. is The Eternal blessed His child, and armed. And sent him hence afar, To serve as champion in the field Of elemental war. To be His Viceroy in the world 20 Of matter, and of sense; Upon the frontier, towards the foe, A resolute defence. PARAGRAPH FIVE 55 Angel We now have passed the gate, and are within The House of Judgment; and whereas on earth ^s Temples and palaces are formed of parts Costly and rare, but all material, So in the world of spirits nought is found, To mould withal and form into a whole, But what is immaterial ; and thus 3© The smallest portions of this edifice. Cornice, or frieze, or balustrade, or stair, The very pavement is made up of life — Of holy, blessed, and immortal beings, Who hymn their Maker's praise continually. 35 Second Choir of Angelicals Praise to the Holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise : In all His words most wonderful; Most sure in all His ways ! Woe to thee, man ! for he was found 40 A recreant in the fight; And lost his heritage of heaven, And fellowship with light. 56 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Above him now the angry sky, Around, the tempest's din; 45 Who once had Angels for his friends, Had but the brutes for kin. O man ! a savage kindred they ; To flee that monster brood He scaled the seaside cave, and clomb so The giants of the w^ood. With now a fear, and now a hope. With aids which chance supplied. From youth to eld, from sire to son, He lived, and toiled, and died. 55 He dreed his penance age by age ; And step by step began Slowly to doff his savage garb And be again a man. And quickened by the Almighty's breath, 6o And chastened by His rod. And taught by Angel-visitings, At length he sought his God; And learned to call upon His name, And in His faith create 6s A household and a fatherland, A city and a state. PARAGRAPH FIVE 57 Glory to Him who from the mire, In patient length of days, Elaborated into life 7° A people to His praise ! Soul The sound is like the rushing of the wind — The summer wind among the lofty pines; Swelling and dying, echoing round about, Now here, now distant, wild and beautiful ;7S While, scattered from the branches it has stirred. Descend ecstatic odors. Third Choir of Angelic als Praise to the Holiest in the height. And in the depth be praise : In all His words most wonderful; 80 Most sure in all His ways ! The Angels, as beseemingly To spirit-kind was given, At once were tried and perfected, And took their seats in heaven. 85 For them no twilight or eclipse ; No growth and no decay : 58 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Twas hopeless, all-ingulfing night, Or beatific day. But to the younger race there rose 9° A hope upon its fall ; And slowly, surely, gracefully, The morning dawned on all. And ages, opening out, divide The precious and the base, 95 And from the hard and sullen mass Mature the heirs of grace. O man ! albeit the quickening ray. Lit from his second birth. Makes him at length what once he was, loo And heaven grows out of earth ; Yet still between that earth and heaven — His journey and his goal — A double agony awaits His body and his soul. ^°s A double debt he has to pay — The forfeit of his sins : The chill of death is past, and now The penance-fire begins. Glory to Him, who evermore "o By truth and justice reigns ; PARAGRAPH FIVE 59 Who tears the soul from out its case, And burns away its stains! Angel They sing of thy approaching agony, Which thou so eagerly didst question of : us It is the face of the Incarnate God Shall smite thee with that keen and subtle pain; And yet the memory which it leaves will be A sovereign febrifuge to heal the wound ; And yet withal it will the wound provoke, 120 And aggravate and widen it the more. Soul Thou speakest mysteries; still methinks I know To disengage the tangle of thy words : Yet rather would I hear thy angel voice, Than for myself be thy interpreter. 125 Angel When then — if such thy lot — thou seest thy Judge, The sight of Him will kindle in thy heart All tender, gracious, reverential thoughts. 6o THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Thou wilt be sick with love, and yearn for Him, And feel as though thou couldst but pity Him, 130 That one so sweet should e'er have placed Himself At disadvantage such, as to be used So vilely by a being so vile as thee. There is a pleading in His pensive eyes Will pierce thee to the quick, and trouble thee. us And thou wilt hate and loathe thyself ; for, though Now sinless, thou wilt feel that thou hast sinned. As never thou didst feel ; and wilt desire To slink away, and hide thee from His sight : And yet wilt have a longing aye to dwell 140 Within the beauty of His countenance. And these two pains, so counter and so keen, — The longing for Him, when thou seest Him not; The shame of self at thought of seeing Him, — Will be thy veriest, sharpest purgatory. us PARAGRAPH FIVE 6l Soul My soul is in my hand : I have no fear, — In His dear might prepared for weal or woe. But hark ! a grand mysterious harmony : It floods me like the deep and solemn sound Of many waters. Angel We have gained the stairs 150 Which rise towards the Presence-chamber; there A band of mighty Angels keep the way On either side, and hymn the Incarnate God. Angels of the Sacred Stair Father, whose goodness none can know, but they W^ho see Thee face to face, 155 By man hath come the infinite display Of Thy victorious grace; But fallen man — the creature of a day — Skills not that love to trace. It needs, to tell the triumph Thou hast wrought, 160 An Angel's deathless fire, an Angel's reach of thought. 62 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS It needs that very Angel who with awe, Amid the garden shade, The great Creator in His sickness saw, Soothed by a creature's aid, 165 And agonized, as victim of the Law Which He Himself had made ; For who can praise Him in His depth and height, But he who saw Him reel amid that solitary fight? Soul Hark ! for the lintels of the presence-gate 170 Are vibrating and echoing back the strain. Fourth Choir of Angelicals Praise to the Holiest in the height. And in the depth be praise : In all His words most wonderful; Most sure in all His ways ! 17s The foe blasphemed the Holy Lord, As if He reckoned ill, In that He placed His puppet man The frontier place to fill. For even in his best estate, 180 With amplest gifts endued. PARAGRAPH FIVE 63 A sorry sentinel was he, A being of flesh and blood. As though a thing, who for his help Must needs possess a wife, ^^s Could cope with those proud rebel hosts Who had angelic life. And when, by blandishment of Eve, That earth-born Adam fell, He shrieked in triumph, and he cried, 190 "A sorry sentinel; " The Maker by His word is bound, Escape or cure is none ; He must abandon to his doom. And slay His darling son." 19s Angel And now^ the threshold, as we traverse it, Utters aloud its glad responsive chant. Fifth Choir of Angelicals Praise to the HoHest in the height. And in the depth be praise : In all His words most wonderful; 200 Most sure in all His ways ! 64 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS O loving wisdom of our God ! When all was sin and shame, A second Adam to the fight And to the rescue came. 205 O wisest love ! that flesh and blood Which did in Adam fail, Should strive afresh against the foe, Should strive and should prevail. And that a higher gift than grace 210 Should flesh and blood refine, God's Presence and His very Self, And Essence all divine. O generous love ! that He who smote In man for man the foe, 215 The double agony in man For man should undergo ; And in the garden secretly. And on the cross on high. Should teach His brethren and inspire 220 To suffer and to die. § 6 Angel Thy judgment now is near, for we are come Into the veiled presence of our God. PARAGRAPH SIX 65 Soul I hear the voices that I left on earth. Angel It is the voice of friends around thy bed, Who say the " Subvenite " with the priest. s Hither the echoes come; before the Throne Stands the great Angel of the Agony, The same who strengthened Him, what time He knelt Lone in the garden shade, bedewed with blood. That Angel best can plead with Him for all lo Tormented souls, the dying and the dead. Angel of the Agony Jesu ! by that shuddering dread which fell on Thee; Jesu! by that cold dismay which sickened Thee; Jesu ! by that pang of heart which thrilled in Thee; Jesu! by that mount of sins which crippled Thee; 15 Jesu! by that sense of guilt which stifled Thee; 66 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Jesu ! by that innocence which girdled Thee ; Jesu ! by that sanctity which reigned in Thee ; Jesu! by that Godhead which was one with Thee; Jesu! spare these souls which are so dear to Thee ; 20 Who in prison, calm and patient, wait for Thee; Hasten, Lord, their hour, and bid them come to Thee, To that glorious Home, where they shall ever gaze on Thee. Soul I go before my Judge. Ah ! . . . Angel . . . Praise to His Name ! 25 The eager spirit has darted from my hold. And, with the intemperate energy of love. Flies to the dear feet of Emmanuel ; But, ere it reach them, the keen sanctity. Which with its effluence, like a glory, clothes 30 And circles round the Crucified, has seized. And scorched, and shrivelled it; and now it lies PARAGRAPH SIX 67 Passive and still before the awful Throne. O happy, suffering soul ! for it is safe, Consumed, yet quickened, by the glance of God. 35 Soul Take me away, and in the lowest deep There let me be. And there in hope the lone night-watches keep. Told out for me. There, motionless and happy in my pain, 40 Lone, not forlorn, — There will I sing my sad perpetual strain, Until the morn. There will I sing, and soothe my stricken breast, Which ne'er can cease 4S To throb, and pine, and languish, till possest Of its Sole Peace. There will I sing my absent Lord and Love : — Take me away, That sooner I may rise, and go above, 50 And see Him in the truth of everlasting day. 68 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS §7 Angel Now let the golden prison ope its gates, Making sweet music, as each fold revolves Upon its ready hinge. And ye great powers, Angels of Purgatory, receive from me My charge, a precious soul, until the day, When, from all bond and forfeiture released, I shall reclaim it for the courts of light. Souls in Purgatory 1. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge: in every generation ; 2. Before the hills were born, and the world was : from age to age Thou art God. 3. Bring us not. Lord, very low : for Thou hast said. Come back again, ye sons of Adam. 4. A thousand years before Thine eyes are but as yesterday: and as a watch of the night which is come and gone. 5. The grass springs up in the morning: at evening-tide it shrivels up and dies. PARAGRAPH SEVEN 69 6. So we fail in Thine anger : and in Thy wrath we are troubled. 7. Thou hast set our sins in Thy sight: and our round of days in the light of Thy countenance. 8. Come back, O Lord ! how long : and be entreated for Thy servants. 15 9. In Thy morning we shall be filled with Thy mercy: we shall rejoice and be in pleasure all our days. 10. We shall be glad according to the days of our humiliation: and the years in which we have seen evil. 11. Look, O Lord, upon Thy servants and on Thy work: and direct their children. 12. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and the work of our hands, establish Thou it. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost. ^o As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. Angel Softly and gently, dearly ransomed soul, 70 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS In my most loving arms I now enfold thee, And, o'er the penal waters, as they roll, I poise thee, and I lower thee, and hold thee. 25 And carefully I dip thee in the lake, And thou, without a sob or a resistance, Dost through the flood thy rapid passage take. Sinking deep, deeper, into the dim distance. Angels, to whom the willing task is given, 30 Shall tend, and nurse, and lull thee, as thou liest; And masses on the earth, and prayers in heaven, Shall aid thee at the Throne of the Most Highest. Farewell, but not for ever ! brother dear, Be brave and patient on thy bed of sorrow ; 35 Swiftly shall pass thy night of trial here. And I will come and wake thee on the morrow. APPRECIATIONS The Dream is a rare rendering into Eng- lish verse of that high ritual which, from the deathbed to the Mass of Supplication, en- compasses the faithful soul. It pierces, in- deed, beyond the veil, but in strict accordance or analogy with what every Catholic holds to be there. Hence we shall interpret its meaning if we liken it, not to Milton, whose supernatural worlds are his peculiar device, founded upon heathen rather than Chris- tian tradition; nor to Dante, who mingles history and landscape from his time and travels in the solemn sweet Piirgatorio which remains his masterpiece, but to Calderon's Autos Sacramentales, at once an allegory and an act of faith. . . . The Dream is the answer given at length to Lead, kindly Light — a revelation of the Unseen, severe yet tender, demanding an heroic service, but to One who was entirely human; the simple 72 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Christian truth, set in a mystery almost scenic, that it might be the more taking. William Barry. The Dream of Gerontius was the true copestone for Newman to cut and lay on the literary and religious work of his whole life. Had Dante himself composed The Dream as his elegy on the death of some beloved friend, it would have been universally re- ceived as altogether worthy of his superb genius, and it would have been a jewel al- together worthy of his peerless crown. There is nothing of its kind, outside of the Purgatorio and the Paradiso, at all equal to The Dream for solemnizing, ennobling, and sanctifying power. It is a poem that every man should have by heart who has it before him to die. Alexander Whyte. The Dream of Gerontius resembles Dante more than any other poetry written since the great Tuscan's time. Sir Henry Taylor. APPRECIATIONS 73 To my mind The Dream of Gerontius is the poem of a man to whom the vision of the Christian revelation has at all times been more real, more potent to influence action, and more powerful to preoccupy the imagi- nation than all worldly interests put together. Richard H. Hutton. Newman's poems are not so well known as his prose, but the reader w^ho examines the Lyra Apostolica and Verses on Various Occasions will find many short poems that stir a religious nature profoundly by their pure and lofty imagination; and future generations may pronounce one of these poems — The Dream of Gerontius — to be Newman's most enduring work. . . . Both in style and in thought The Dream is a powerful and original poem, and is worthy of attention not only for itself, but, as a modern critic suggests, " as a revelation of that high spiritual purpose which animated Newman's life from beginning to end." W. J. Long. NOTES ON THE DREAM PARAGRAPH I. Gerontius. From the Greek yepc^v, an old man. Line i. Jesu, Maria. The Latin forms for the two sacred names which a Christian invokes most frequently in life, and which now in his last ex- tremity Gerontius instinctively calls upon. 10. Lover of souls! . . . Note the firmness of the ejaculatory prayers interspersed in the dread account of his agony. 11. This emptying out . . . The soul of Geron- tius is gradually disengaging itself and receding from the outer senses of the body. 17. your prayers! ... As one sense after an- other grows weaker, he begins to feel his loneliness, and asks the prayers of the bystanders. 28. who have not strength to pray ... In his growing dread of falling out into the great deep, he again begs the prayers of his friends. The urgency of the appeal is emphasized by the addition in the metre of an extra foot. 29. Kyrie Eleison . . . Kupte eKe-qaov, the Greek for Lord have mercy. 42. Rouse thee . . . Having recovered from 76 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS the first storm of bewilderment, thanks to the prayers of the bystanders, Gerontius, summoning all his strength, speaks courage to his soul, to prepare to meet his God. 52-63. Interchange and blending of measures. See Introd. p. 12. 72. Sanctus fortis . . . Holy Strong One, Holy God — From the depths I pray to Thee — Be Thou merciful, my Judge — Spare Thou me, O Lord. 77. God is Three and God is One. . . . The mystery of the Blessed Trinity : God is Three in Person, but One in Substance. 94. Holy Church . . . The teaching body es- tablished by Christ to be for all times and for all men the oracle of God. 107. Mortis in discrimine ... In death's criti- cal moment. 108-125. Pliancy of measure illustrated. See Introd. p. 7. 119. Note the significant alliteration in this line. 122. Note the onomatopoetic effect of the hiss- ing words echoing the demons' offensive shrieks. 126. O Jesu, help! . . . Under fire of tempta- tion from the devil, Gerontius, now brought to the last extremity, takes recourse to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. His weakness is aptly indicated by the stopping short of this line and the irregular flow of the metre in the next. 131. Rescue him, O Lord. . . . Seeing Geron- NOTES 77 tins in the throes of his last agony, the bystanders, still following the Church's ritual, confidently ask of God to rescue the dying man, as He had rescued so many of His servants of old. 144. the two Apostles ... St. Peter and St. Paul. 147. Novissima hora est . . . The last moment is come. 149. into Thy hands . . . The last words of the dying Saviour. 150. Proficiscere, anima Christiana . . . The opening line of the Church's prayer at the mo- ment of the soul's departure. The next line and a half is a translation of it ; the solemn prayer then goes on to the end in a beautifully rendered English version. PARAGRAPH 11. Line i. I v^ent to sleep . . . The sleep of death. 1-8. How light and buoyant the movement of these lines, the sound answering to the sense ! 9. I had a dream . . . The key-note to the poem. 12. Subvenite . . . The opening word of the prayer recited by the priest immediately after the death of Gerontius : Subvenite, Sancti Dei ; oc- currite, Angeli Domini, Suscipientes animam ejus; 78 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS Offerentes earn in conspectu Altissimi : Come to 'his assistance, ye Saints of God ; come forth to meet him, ye Angels of the Lord ; Receiving his soul ; Offering it in the sight of the Most High. 22. By a strange introversion . . . Here on earth the Soul's thoughts were occupied for the most part with things external to itself, and always conditioned by the operations of the various senses ; but now, in its state of severance from the senses, living " out of the expansed world," the Soul has " nought to feed upon " but itself, and hence its thoughts are naturally driven back " upon their spring by a strange introversion." 45-46. Or I or it is rushing . . . Note the rapid movement of these lines, indicating the swift- ness of the Soul's flight. 45-54. An illustration of Newman's perfect mas- tery over form, which he knows how to bend and shape at will to suit the requirements of the under- lying and determining thought. Observe the two sublimities of space, boundless in extent, and end- less in divisibility ; both majestic in their expression, yet contrasted in their movements : the one grave and measured, Wrought out in lengthening measure- ments of space, the other light and tripping. By endless subdivision hurrying back. NOTES 79 55. some one . . . Gerontius' Angel Guardian. It is Catholic teaching that every man is given at his birth a ministering angel whose office it is to guide and protect his client through life. 66. Oh what a heart-subduing melody! . . . The Angel overjoyed at his client's final victory and his own task successfully performed, breaks out into a jubilant song of triumph. 72. Alleluia ... A Hebrew compound word meaning Praise ye the Lord. 89. Of wondrous beings . . . The nine choirs of Angels. 90. Millions of ages back . . . Before the creation of the visible world. 98. O Lord, how wonderful . . . The Angel looks serenely back upon the long and arduous struggle of his client, recounts his varied history, of which, having been his constant, lifelong com- panion, he knows every particular, and gives glory^ and praise to God, " at whose sublime decree the last are first, the first become the last." 105. in the blood of his first sire ... By the sin of Adam. 107. a demon dire . . . Man's proneness to evil resulting from original sin. 115. at so dread a cost . . . The life-blood ^ of the Saviour. 122. O man, strange composite . . . The great- ness and littleness of man are here expressed with 8o THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS a precision and a boldness of contrast that rival the excellence, if not the celebrity of Shakespeare's and Young's parallel passages : — What a piece of work is man ! How noble in reason ! how infinite in faculties ! in form, and moving, how express and admirable ! in action, how like an angel ! in apprehension, how like a god ! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust ? Hamlet, Act H. Sc. 2. How poor, how rich, how abject, how august, How complicate, how wonderful is man! Distinguished link in being's endless chain; INIidway from nothing to the Deity! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ; Though sullied and dishonored, still divine! Dim miniature of greatness absolute; An heir of glory ; a frail child of dust : Helpless immortal! insect infinite! A worm! A god! Night Thoughts. Man. 132. More than the Seraph . . . How beauti- ful and touching the sympathy of the Angel with man, his younger brother. 137. as a god . . . The Soul calls the Angel a god in the unusual sense in which it is sometimes found in Scripture ; e. g. Ps. 81 : 6, John 10: 34. 142. As no temptation can intoxicate . . . NOTES 8 I The Soul can no longer be deceived by sinful allurements. 144. such a saintliness . . . On earth saintli- ness is sometimes stern and forbidding, and more often inspires awe than confidence. PARAGRAPH III. Line 16. What lets me ... To let is to prevent. 24. Subvenite . . . See note on line 12 of para- graph 11. 29. rise and set harmoniously . , . That is with perfect regularity. 31. the suspended rod . . . The pendulum. 42. standard of his own chronology . . . Length, swiftness, nearness, and their oppositcs are all relative ideas, which vary according to the mind's intensity and energy of thought. The mind needs in its judgments no longer to conform it- self to external things, but they to the mind. A passage in Dante's Pur gator io expresses the same thought : — So here the ambient air Weareth that form, which influence of the soul Imprints on it. Canto XXV. 53. balance of my destiny . . . Whether saved or lost for all eternity. 82 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS 63. anticipate . . . An old preterite form for anticipated. 70. first fruit ... of thy recompense . . . Possibly the reward for his good deeds as done in obedience to the dictate of reason. PARAGRAPH IV. Line 12. Hist to their cry ... As soon as the demons, prowling about the judgment seat, catch sight of the Soul borne hitherward by the Angel, and from its fearless and tranquil manner conclude that it is likely to get from the Judge a favorable sentence, they are suddenly seized anew by envious liate, and break out into a ranting tirade, in which they heap all manner of evil names upon God and man : God they call a despot and a tyrant ; man, a low-born clod ; the con- templative, a psalm-droner ; the preacher, a canting groaner; the doer of the law, a slave; the devout person, a pious cheat ; the humble man, a crawling knave. 18. By a nev7 birth . . . That is, by Baptism. 19. an extra grace . . . The grace of Redemp- tion through the Saviour. 23-29. Of the high thought . . . The demons here unwittingly describe the state of the faithful Angels, — the high eminence, from which as rebels they had justly been hurled; but in their vault- ing pride, they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge NOTES 83 the justice of their punishment, and would fain still be great spirits, powers blest, lords, primal owners of the realm of light. 56. So we are told . . . The demons are con- strained to admit their hopeless state of bondage; and, as if to compensate themselves for the forced admission, fly into a contemptuous rage, casting their venom of abuse upon the Saint who by his loyalty wins the prize which they have lost. 59. What's a Saint? . . . Contrast the pic-^ ture here given by the demons of man and his varied history, with the picture drawn by the Angel in his song of victory, as remarked upon in note on line 66 of paragraph II. The demons' vision is distorted, and the picture they draw reflects but the black and murky colors of their own utter baseness, and their torn recital of man's laborious upward striving strikes but the notes of sardonic scorn, Satanic hate, and wild ghoulish jealousy. 94. Thou hadst a traitor . . . The disordered tendency, called concupiscence, through which man's heart is from his youth up inclined to sin and rebellion. 125. And not from love . . . The demons, unable to deny that the Saint has reached his last end and highest good, mockingly insinuate that after all it was only sordid selfishness that moved him to love and to serve his God. 149. And thou art v^rapped and swathed 84 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS around in dreams . . . This line gives the clue to the title " Dream." The soul, having passed the threshold of this mortal life, finds that, with the loss of its outer senses, it has lost too its connatural means of converse with the external world. But just as in a dream the mind ranges amid the images of the various impressions received in the waking state, so, in like manner, does the disembodied spirit live, as it were, among its own reminiscences, and more especially among the truths of faith which on earth, albeit they were seen but through a glass darkly, were yet its truest and highest possession : — it is said, now that it has wholly transcended the ex- periences of sense, in a manner to dream As ice which blisters may be said to burn. It is this novel and mysterious mode of perceiving things spiritual that gives significance to the title of the poem. It is not simply Newman's habitual caution in dealing with subjects of importance — as ]\Iaurice Francis Egan suggests, — that has led him to call the poem a " Dream," as if the author had been unwilling to set forth his thoughts and poetical musings on that solemn moment of death as rep- resenting actual facts; nor yet, — as Alexander Whyte seems to hold — the false notion that the Soul on its first entrance into the realm of light should possess a lesser degree of self-consciousness than it had the moment before ; but it is rather, as NOTES 85 I venture to think, the fact that Gerontius' Soul, now free and unencumbered, has at last gone out among the immensities, if not straightway to see face to face, at least by a lower measure of per- ception to DREAM, the realities of that higher world which it has entered. 159. Nor hast thou now extension . . . Ex- tension, being a property of matter in virtue of which the different portions of a material body correspond to the different portions of space, can- not be a property of the soul, which is in its nature a spiritual and an uncompounded being. 167. day ,of resurrection . . . The day of the Last Judgment, when all men will rise from the dead, the good unto glory, the wicked unto damnation. 174. Beatific Vision . . . The happiness which the Blessed in heaven enjoy by seeing God face to face, and participating in the Divine Nature and in God's own happiness. 179. Nathless ... A contracted form of never- theless. 199. There was a mortal . . . The reference is to St. Francis of Assisi, who, two years be- fore his death, while contemplating in prayer on Mt. Alvernia the passion of Christ, was miracu- lously transformed into an image of Christ Cruci- fied, inasmuch as the Five Wounds of the Passion were visibly imprinted on his hands, feet, and 86 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS side by Our Lord Himself, appearing as a Seraph with six winces resplendent and aflame, bearing the image of the Crucified. This stigma- tization, as it is called, produced in St. Francis at once exceeding joy and piercing pain. PARAGRAPH V. Line i. Hark to those sounds . . . The Choirs of Angelicals, one after another, sing the praises of God, harmoniously rehearsing the whole history of man. 6. In all His words . . . Not merely spoken utterances, but also deeds executed; as in Scrip- ture language the Hebrew Dabar and the Latin Verhiim mean both word and deed. 8. His elder race . . . The whole hierarchy of Angels. 12. The younger son . . . Man, who unites in his nature all things outside of God, both spi'itual and material. 1 8. To serve as champion . . . Man is the crown of the visible creation destined by God to rule the whole visible world in Jiis stead, and to turn it to his own service. 19. elemental war . . . War of the elements that constitute the material universe. 22. towards the foe . . . Satan and his hosts, who, after their ejection from heaven, were al- lowed to carry on a war of hatred against God NOTES 87 and His Elect. In this war man was to prove his fidelity to his Maker. 33. made up of life . . . The Roman Breviary has a hymn in the Office for the Dedication of a Church, in which the heavenly Jerusalem is de- scribed as made up of living stones : — Coelestis urbs Jerusalem, Beata pacis visio, Quae celsa de viventibus Saxis ad astra tolleris, Sponsaeque ritu cingeris Mille Angelorum millibus. Blessed city, heavenly Salem, Vision dear of peace and love Who, of living stones upbuilded, Art the joy of heaven above. And with angel cohorts circled As a bride to earth dost move. / 41. A recreant in the fight ... By his dis- obedience to God. 44. the angry sky . . . The anger and indig- nation of an offended God. 45. the tempest's din . . . The revolt of ex- ternal nature, especially animals and hurtful natu- ral influences. 56. dreed . . . Suffered. 56. age by age . . . The 4,000 years that pre- 88 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS ceded the cominor of the Redeemer, in the course of which man's helplessness and entire dependence on God were forcibly brought home to him. 60. And quickened by the Almighty's breath . . . During the long interval between the promise of the Redeemer and His actual coming, God did not altogether abandon man, His disobedient son, but gave the grace of Redemption by anticipation to all who deserved it. 66-67. A household . . . and a state . . . The founding of the Jewish nation, which God selected as the living preparation for the advent of the Saviour. 72. like the rushing of the wind . . . How admirably the sound of the words corresponds to their meaning:! 77. Descend ecstatic odors . . . The figure called Prolepsis : the epithet ecstatic is introduced in advance of the odors, which are the cause of the ecstasy. 86. For them no twilight or eclipse . . . The trial of the Angels, as described in this stanza, forms a beautiful contrast to the description in the next few stanzas of man's trial. 93. The morning dawned on all . . . The coming of the Saviour, with His light and warmth- giving grace, is aptly likened to the rising sun. 95. divide the precious and the base . . . The Elect — those who avail themselves of the NOTES 89 merits of Christ — are even now being gradually separated from the wicked. 99. his second birth . , . Baptism, through which man is restored to the supernatural life and to the inheritance of the sons of God. 107. The forfeit of his sins ... By sin man had lost not only the supernatural Hfe of the soul, which made him a perfect image and likeness of God, but had lost as well all the preternatural gifts, that is, privileges bestowed on man, which elevated him above his own nature to a state similar to that of the Angels. These privileges, chief among them immortality of the body, were for- feited by sin, and not restored by Redemption. 109. The penance-fire . . . Purgatory, a middle state between Heaven and Hell, where departed souls are detained because of their being still bur- dened either with unforgiven venial sins, or with an uncancelled debt of temporal punishment for their forgiven sins. 119. A sovereign febrifuge ... A medicine to cure fever. 120. And yet withal . . . How paradoxical, yet how convincing! 133. as to be used so vilely . . . The mys- tery of the permission of evil : that God should have allowed Himself to be injured or damaged in His external glory by His creature's offense. 143-144. The longing for Him , . . A superb 90 THE DREAM OF GERONTIUS description of the paradoxical nature of the pun- ishment of Purgatory : the tenderest love joined to the most bitter contrition and sorrow. 154-169. Observe the greater sweep and roll in the verse as the fervidness of the sentiment grows. 156. By man hath come the infinite display . . . The goodness and mercy of God, and the greatness and superabundance of Christ's saving grace through the Incarnation, shine forth most brilliantly in the varied history of man. 163. Amid the garden shade . . . The garden of Gethsemane. 166. the Law which He Himself had made . . . *' In what day soever thou shalt eat of it (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) thou shalt die the death." Gen. II. 17. 176-195. The foe blasphemed ... A strong presentation of Satan's contempt for God's recreant son, rebellious man. 179. The frontier place . . . Where man was to have proved his fidelity to his Maker, and to have covered the devil with greater shame, in that the enemy should have been overcome by the weaker creature, *' a being of flesh and blood." 202-221. O loving wisdom of Our God: . . . The unwarranted boast which the foe had made, as if God had reckoned ill, receives a fit reply in the song of the Fifth Choir of Angelicals. They tell in glowing words of God's infinite mercy, NOTES 91 wisdom and goodness, which found in the In- carnation a means not only of wresting fallen man from the grasp of the sneering tyrant, but also of elevating him to a state of perfection higher than that from which he fell. Human nature had en- grafted upon it the Author of grace, so that now it lay in the power of every child of Adam to be- come himself a god, another Christ. 212. God's presence . . . Through the Incar- nation and the Holy Eucharist. 214-217. that He who smote ... A succinct expression of Christ's vicarious satisfaction : Christ in His human nature suffers death to repurchase for man the liberty of the sons of God. PARAGRAPH VI. Line 5. Subvenite . . . See note on line 12 of paragraph II. 12. Jesu, by that shuddering dread which fell on Thee! Observe again, how fittingly the metre is changed to suit the underlying sentiment. 23. To that glorious Home . . . This last line of the Angel's prayer literally overflows, as in in- tensity of appeal, so in the number of feet, with mention of the sight of the Most Fair. 24. Ah! . . . The bare exclamation after w^hat has gone before is more piercingly eloquent than any words, however burning, could have been. 92 THE DREAM OE GERONTIUS 29. But, ere it reach them . . . How vividly the Angel portrays the act of judgment! The very words seethe and crackle as he tells how the happy suffering soul is smitten by the keen sanctity of the Crucified. 36. Take me away . . . The Soul now feels what the Angel meant when he spoke of his ap- proaching agony : — the sight of the Most Fair Will gladden thee, but it will pierce thee too. And again : — thou wilt desire To slink away, and hide thee from His sight, And yet wilt have a longing aye to dwell Within the beauty of His countenance. PARAGRAPH VH. Line i. Now let the golden prison ope its gates . . . Purgatory is here called a golden prison, a name which fitly designates the paradoxical state in which the Soul is now placed. 8-19. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge . . . A paraphrase of Psalm 89, which is a prayer for the mercy of God, recounting the shortness and miseries of the days of man. 22-37. Farewell . . . How subduingly tender and affectionate the words of parting! For the verse, see Introduction. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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