COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF) FLORIDA WITH THE EEGULATIONS OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS OF THE DEPART- MENT OF EDUCATION Compiled by W. N. SHEATS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Authorized by Section 153, Revised General Statutes of Florida TALLAHASSEE, FLA. 1921. T. J. APPLEYARD, PRINTER. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIS* COMPILATION OF THE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA WITH THE EEGULATIONS OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS OF THE DEPART- MENT OF EDUCATION Compiled by W. N. SHEATS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Authorized by Section 153, Revised General Statutes of Florida TALLAHASSEE, FLA. 1921. T. J. APPLEYARD, PRINTER, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA r**" I Tf rmn ( [ii~ii n ■ n' l i n. n~ iii i »i _ -bmwi ■■ RiCSJVED AUG181922 POCUMENTS DIVISION 1 ^:: STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. (Ex-Officio.) HON. CAEY A. HAEDEE, Governor, President. HON. H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State HON. RIVERS H. BTJFORD, Attorney General. HON. J. C. LUNING, State Treasurer. HON. W. N. SHEATS, State Superintendent of PuUic Instruction. Constitution of Florida. ARTICLE XII. EDUCATION. Section 1. The Legislature shall provide for a uniform system of public free schools, and shall provide for the liberal maintenance of the same. Sec. 2. There shall be a Superintendent of Public In- struction, whose duties shall be prescribed by law, and whose term of office shall be for four years and until the election and qualification of his successor. Sec. 3. The Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney- General, State Treasurer, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall constitute a body corporate, to be known as the State Board of Education of Florida, of which the Governor shall be President, and the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction Secretary. This Board shall have power to remove any subordinate school officer for cause, upon notice to the incumbent ; and shall have the management and investment of all State School Funds under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, and such supervision of schools of higher grades as the law shall provide. Sec. 4. The State School Fund, the interest of which shall be exclusively applied to the support and mainte- nance of public free schools, shall be derived from the following sources : The proceeds of all lands that have been or may here- after be granted to the State by the United States for public school purposes. Donations to the State when the purpose is not speci- fied. Appropriations by the State. The proceeds of escheated property or forfeitures. Twenty-five per cent, of the sales of public lands which are now or may hereafter be owned by the State. See. 5. The principal of the State School Fund shall remain sacred and inviolate. Uniform system. State Super- intendent. State Board of Education. Powers. State School Fund. Principal inviolate. 6 state one- mill tax. Apportion- ment of. County levy. As amended in 1904 and 1918. County Scliool Fund. School districts. District school tax. Expenditure of. Sec. 6. A special tax of one mill on the dollar of all taxable property in the State, in addition to the other means provided, shall be levied and apportioned annually for the support and maintenance of public free schools. See. 7. Provision shall be made by law for the appor- tionment and distribution of the interest on the State School Fund, and all other means provided, including the special tax, for the support and maintenance of public free schools among the several counties of the State in proportion to the average attendance upon schools in the saicl counties respectively. (As amended, 1894.) Sec. 8. Each county shall be required to assess and collect annually for the support of public free schools therein, a tax of not less than three (3) mills, nor more than ten (10) mills on the dollar, of all taxable property in the same. Sec. 9. The County School Fund shall consist, in ad- dition to the tax provided for in section eight of this Article, of the proportion of the interest of the State School Fund and of the one-mill State tax apportioned to the county; *the net proceeds of all fines collected under the penal laws of the State within the county; all capitation taxes collected within the county; and shall be disbursed bj^ the County Board of Public Instruction solely for the maintenance and support of public free schools. Sec. 10. The Legislature may provide for the division of any county or counties into convenient school districts ; and for the election bi-ennially of three school trustees, who shall hold their office for two years, and who shall have the supervision of all the schools within the dis- trict ; and for the levying and collection of a district school tax, for the exclusive use of public free schools within the district, whenever a majority of the qualified electors thereof shall pay a tax on real or personal prop- erty shall vote in favor of such levy; Provided, That any tax authorized by this section shall not exceed three mills on the dollar in any one year on the taxable property of the district. Sec. 11. Any incorporated town or city may consti- tute a School District. The Fund raised by section ten may be expended in the district where levied for building (*Fines and forfeitures given to general county fund impliedly by amendment to Article XVI. Section 9, adopted at general election in 1894.) or repairing school houses, for the purchase of school libraries and text books, for salaries of teachers, or for other educational purposes, so that the distribution among all the schools of the district be equitable. Sec. 12. White and colored children shall not be taught in the same school, but impartial provision shall be made for both. Sec. 13. No law shall be enacted authorizing the diver- sion or the lending of any county or district school funds, or the appropriation of any part of the permanent or available school fund to any other than school purposes ; nor shall the same, or any part thereof, be appropriated to or used for the support of any sectarian school. Sec. 14. The Legislature at its first session shall pro- vide for the establishment, maintenance and management of such Normal Schools, not to exceed two, as the inter- ests of public education may demand. Sec. 15. The compensation of all county school officers shall be paid from the school fund of the respective coun- ties, and all other county officers receiving stated salaries shall be paid from the general funds of their respective counties. Sec. 16. (Proposed section defeated at general election of 1908.) Sec. 17. The Legislature may provide for Special Tax School Districts, to issue bonds for the exclusive use of public free schools within any such Special Tax School District, whenever a majority of the qualified electors thereof, who are freeholders, shall vote in favor of the issuance of such bonds. Whenever any such Special Tax School District has voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds, a tax not to exceed five mills on the dollar, in any one year, on the taxable property within the district voting for the issue of bonds shall be levied in accordance with the law pro- viding for the levying of taxes, to become a fund for the payment of the interest and redemption of such bonds. Races separated. School funds not divertible. Forbidden sectarian schools. Normal schools. Pay of school officers. District bonds and (Added to Article at general elec- tion 1912.) Freeholders may vote. Tax limited to five mills. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. state Super- intendent an administra- tire officer. How chosen. Duties and powers. To make reports. AETICLE IV. Sec. 20. The governor shall be assisted b}- adminis- trative officers as follows : A secretary of state, attoruey- general,_ comptroller, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, and commissioner of agriculture, who shall be elected at the same time as the governor, and shall hold their offices for the same term; Provided, That the first election of such officers shall be had at the time of voting for governor A. D. 1888. Sec. 25. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have supervision of all matters pertaining to public instruction; the supervision of State buildings devoted to educational purposes, and perform such other duties as the Legislature may provide by law. Sec. 27. * * (He) shall make a full report of his official acts, of the receipts and expenditures of his off'ice, and of the requirements of the same, to the Governor at the beginning of each regular session of the Legislature, or whenever the Governor shall require it. Such - * (report) shall be laid before the Legislature by the Gov- ernor at the beginning of each regular session thereof. Either house of the Legislature may at any time call upon "^ '•' (him) for information required by it. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE State of Florida ' COMPILED FROM THE REVISED GENERAL STATUTES AND THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF 1919 AND 1921. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR OOMMON SCHOOLS AND COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS. Note. — Numbers in parentheses refer to corresponding sec- tions in tlie Revised General Statutes. Section 1. (427) Uniform System of Piiblic Instruction, cb. 3872, School Age. — There shall be established and mamtamed a ^^^^ ■^^^^^ uniform system of public instruction free to all the youth residing in the State between the ages of six and twenty- one years, as far as the funds will admit, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. (428) School Year. — The school year for all cii. 4i96, public schools shall begin on the first day of July and i^^f 5! ^^^^' end with the last day of the following June, and all re- ports, financial and otherwise, to the State department shall embrace such business and matters only as take place within the limits of the school year thus defined. Sec. 3. (429) V/hen Schools May Begin. — No school in ib., sec. 4. any county shall begin before July 1st of the school year to which that term of school belongs and for Avhich the apportionment was made. Sec. 4. (430) Opening and Closing. — The time for open- j^,^ g^^. o. ing public schools for each county shall be determined by the county board of public instruction: Provided, That all schools must begin so as to close before the last day of June. 10 Ch. 4195, Acts 1893, Sec. 1. Sec. 5. (431) School Day, Month, Term and Year.— A school day shall comprise not less than five hours nor more than six hours, exclusive of recesses. The time to be fixed by the Board of Public Instruction of the county. A school month shall consist of twenty days, exclusive of the first and last days of the week. A school term contains four school months. The school year contains two terms. Sec. 6. (432) Vacation and Holidays. — All public schools shall observe the period from December 24 to January 1, both days inclusive, as a vacation, and Inde- pendence day and Thanksg-iving day as holidays, and no one of these days shall be counted as taught in a teacher's monthlj" report. Sec. 7. (433) Duty of State Treasurer. — The treasurer of the Board of Education shall keep an account with the several counties, in which he shall credit each county with its proportion of its income of the common school fund, and of the fund raised by the one mill tax author- ized by the Constitution, and shall charge each with the amount receipted for by the treasurers of the Boards of Public Instruction. U3.. Sec. 40. Sec. 8 (434) Duty of Tax Collector.— The several tax collectors shall receive only the current funds of the United States in payment for all taxes provided for in this article, except such certificates of indebtedness as may be issued by the County Boards of Public Instruc- tion, which shall be receivable for countv school taxes. Ch. 4292, Acts 1901, Sees. 1 and 3, amending Sec. 256, Rev. Stats. 1892. Ch. 3872, Acts 1889, Sec. 39. lb.. Sec. 43. revised. Ch. 4682. Acts 1899, Sees. 1 and 2, Revised. Sec. 9. (435) To Whom School Funds to be Paid.— Every officer having moneys which by law go to the State school fund shall pay the same to the State Treas- urer, and every officer having moneys which by law go to the countj^ school fund shall paj^ the same to the de- pository legally entitled to receive the same. Sec. 10. (436) Purchase of Real Estate for Educational Purposes. — The Board of County Commissioners of any county in this State upon the request of the Board of Public Instruction in such county, after an affirmative vote of the qualified voters who are taxpayers therein and have paid all taxes due by them for two years next and preceding said election in any special tax school dis- trict, or county, are hereby authorized to contract debts 11 for the purchase of real estate, to be used for educational purposes for the erection of school buildings and to pay such debts out of the current income of any year, or out of the income of succeeding years, and are authorized to borrow money, from time to time, as occasion may re- quire to discharge any debt or liability incurred for the purchase of real estate for such purpose, which debt shall be a charge or lien only upon such special tax school dis- trict or county as the case may be : Provided, That the necessary expenses of maintaining the schools in any county during any year shall constitute the first claim against the school fund of that year. Sec. 11. (437) Attendance by Youth of One County of 2cts^!sl9 School in Another.- — When it is more convenient for sec. 35" ' youth residing in one county to attend school in an ad- joining county, they may do so by the concurrence of the superintendents of public instruction of the two counties. The proportion of school money for each youth shall be transferred by requisition of the county superintendent . of public instruction of the county in which the youth resides, upon the treasurer of the school funds of that county to the treasurer of the school funds of the county in which the school is located. Sec. 12. Attendance of Youth in Another State. — That cii. 8546, the Board of Public Instruction for all counties of the gg*.^ i^'-^^' State of Florida bordering on the States of Alabama and Georgia, in this State, is hereby authorized and empow- ered to make arrangements with the public school author- ' ities of an adjoining county or counties in an adjoining State for the entrance and instruction in the public schools of such adjoining county or counties of pupils from all counties of the State of Florida bordering on the States of Alabama and Georgia in this State and to pay such sums for the instruction of such pupils as such Board of Public Instruction may deem proper and as may be agreed to by the school authorities of such other State, and, if said Board deems it necessary, it may arrange for the transportation of such pupils to and from school. Sec. 13. (438) Forfeiture by County of School Funds.— ib. see. 36. Any county or school district neglecting to establish and maintain such school or schools as the available funds will support, shall forfeit its proportion of the common school fund during such neglect, and in that case all moneys so 12 Ch. 4196, Acts 1893, Sec. 3, as amended by Ch. 5386, Acts 1905. Ch. 3872, Acts 1889, Sec. 2 re- vised. Ch. 3872, Acts 1889, Sec. 3. lb., Sec. 5. lb.. Sec. 6. lb.. Sec. 7. lb. Sec. 8. forfeited shall be apportioned among the several coun- ties at the next annual apportionment. Sec. 14. (439) Forfeiture by School of School Funds. — Any public school in the county failing to complete its public term before the termination of the school year, shall, if such lost time of such term be not made up within the next school year thereafter, forfeit the proportion of its financial apportionment not used by neglecting or failing to maintain a school for the full term of school in that county, and in that case all moneys so forfeited shall be apportioned among the several schools of the county at the next annual apportionment. Sec. 15. (440) Officers. — The officers of the department of public instruction shall be a State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a State Board of Education, a board of public instruction for each county, a superintendent of public instruction for each count}', local school sujDervis- . ors and trustees. Sec. 16. (441) Board of Public Instruction.— A board of public instruction shall consist of not more than three members; no two of whom shall reside in the same dis- trict. Sec. 17. (442) Regulations. — Terms and Removal of Officers. — All such officers who shall hold their offices by statutes shall conform to the regulations of the depart- ment of public instruction. Sec. 18. (443) No Officer to Vote on His Own Com- pensation. — No officer shall vote on a question tixing his own compensation. Sec. 19. (444) Majority a Quorum. — A majority of any educational board shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. Sec. 20. (445) Certain Ofiioers to Qualify and Give Bond. Disposition of Moneys and Property. — Every school officer who shall be elected or appointed under statutory provisions is required : First. — Before entering upon the duties of his office, and within ten days after receiving notice of his appoint- ment, to subscribe to an acceptance of the appointment and to pledge that he will faithfully perform the duties 13 of the position, and to forward the same with his post- office address to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction. Second. — Before receiving any school moneys or prop- erty of any kind, for safe keeping or disbursement, to give bond with two good sureties, the bonds to be fixed and approved by the board of public instruction for the county, the original to be filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court, and a certified copy to be held by the officer giving the security to be produced when re- quired. Third. — Any officer in charge of. school moneys, or property to be so disbursed, shall satisfy himself that the officer to whom he issues it has given bond as aforesaid, or be personally liable for any loss in consequence of such neglect. ^ Sec. 21. (446) Officer to Turn Over Moneys and Prop- ib. see. s erty to Successor.— Every office^ shall turn over to his successor in office, on retiring, all books, papers, docu- ments, funds, moneys and property of whatever kind, which he may have acquired, received and held by virtue of his oft'ice, and take full receipt for them of his suc- cessor. Sec. 22. (5866) White Children and Negro Children Are Not To Be Taught in Same School. — It shall be a penal offense for any individual, body of individuals, cor- poration or association to conduct within this State any school of any grade, public, private or parochial, wherein white persons and negroes shall be instructed or boarded within the same building, or taught in the same class, or at the same time by the same teachers. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section by patron- izing or teaching in such school shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred and fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than three months, nor more than six months for every such offense. Sec. 23. (5870) Unlawful for White Teachers to Teach Negro School and for Negro Teachers to Teach in White Schools. — It shall be unlawful in this State for white teachers to teach negroes in negro schools, and for negro teachei's to teach in white schools. Any person or per- ch. 4335 Acts 1895. Sees. 1 and Ch. 6490. Aets 1913, Sees. 1 and 2, eonsoli- dated. 14 sons violating the provisions of this section shall be pun- ished by a fine not to exceed five hundred ($500.00) dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six (6) mouths. ch. 3724, Sec. 24. (1568) Bonds Required by Gotiiity Officers. — Sec*^ i^^"*' Each of the county officers of whom a bond is or shall be required by law, shall, before he is commissioned, give bond, with not less than two securities, or a surety com- pany as hereinafter specified, to the Governor of the State of Florida and his successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, which shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners and Comptroller, and be filed with the Secretary of State, lb. See. 7 Sec. 25. (1570) Bond of County Superintendent. — The 3S44f\cts dountj^ * * * superintendent of public instruction, 18S9. * * * shall * give a bond in the sum of one thou- sand dollars. Ch. 6477, Sec. 26. (1571) * * * Members of School Board lecf i!^"*"^' to Give Bond. — Each and every * * * member of the board of public instruction of the several counties, of the State of Florida, elected or appointed to such office, before he is commissioned, shall be required to give a good and suft'icient bond with not less than two sureties, or a surety company duly authorized under the laws of the State of Florida, in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000), conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, which bond shall be approved by the board of county commissioners and the Comptroller of the State of Florida. The premium of the bonds given with surety companies as sureties shall be paid out of the county treasury or the county school fund as the case mav be. THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Ch. 3872, Sec. 27. (152) To Have Charge of All Matters Pertain- icts "^1889. i^^ to Public Schools. — The State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction shall have the oversight, charge and man- agement of all matters pertaining to public schools, school buildings and grounds. 15 j ■■ : ■ Sec. 28. (153) Duties. — It is his duty and he is hereby ib., see. i2„ empowered : First. — To prepare and cause to be printed and dis- tributed gratuitously to boards of public instruction, and other officers and teachers, as many copies of the school laws, and such forms, instruments, instructions, regula- tions and decisions as he may judge necessary for their use. Second. — To call conventions of county superintendents of public instruction, and other officers, for obtaining and imparting information on the practical workings of the school system, and the means of promoting its efficiency and usefulness. Third. — To assemble teachers in institutes and employ competent instructors to impart information on improved methods of teaching and conducting schools, and other relevant matters. Fourth. — To apportion the interest on the common school fund and the fund raised hy the one-mill State tax authorized by Section 6 of Article XII, of the Constitu- tion, among the several counties of the State in propor- tion to the average attendance upon schools in the said counties respectively of children residing therein between the ages of six (6) and twenty-one (21) years. Fifth. — To make such apportionments as may in his judgment be right and just, when the census and returns on which the apportionments should be made are mani- festly defective or have not been received by him. j Sixth. — To entertain and decide upon appeals and ques- tions arising under the law, or refer such to the Board of Education for decision. Sev^th. — To prescribe rules and regulations for the management of the department of public instruction. 'Eighth. — To file and preserve certified copies of the monthly lists of persons who have paid their poll taxes, Acts ''Sg, in his office as a part of the public records, and furnish ^^^- ^ copies thereof when requested by citizens of this State. Sec. 29. (154) To Inspect Institntions of Higher Learn- ch 5384 ing. — That the Superintendent of Public Instruction is 4cts i9oK hereby directed and it is made his duty to make an in- ^*^*^' ^^' 16 spection of the University of Florida, Florida State Col- lege for Women, Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, once in each month and to make report thereof in writing to the Governor and a duplicate annual report embodying the results of his monthly reports, one to the Governor and one to be filed with the Comptroller. Sec. 30. (155) Seal. — He shall have a seal for his office, with v,diich in connection with" his own signature, to au- thenticate copies of decisions, acts, or documents, which copies so authenticated shall be of the same force as the originals. Const. 1885, Sec. 31. (156) Residence and Office. — He shall reside at Sec' io' ^^6 seat of government of this State, and shall keep his office in a room in the capitol. Ch. 1686. Acts 1869. Sec. 12. STATE BOASD OF EDUCATION. Ch. 3872. Acts 1889, Sec. 9. lb.. Sec. 10. Sec. 32. (601) State Board of Education.— The State Board of Education shall consist of the Governor, the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, the State Treas- urer and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Governor shall be the president, the State Treasurer shall be the treasurer, and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction the secretary of said board. Said board is a body corporate with full power to perform all corporate acts for educational purposes. Sec. 33. (602) Powers and Duties of State Board.— The State Board of Education are directed and empowered: First. — To obtain possession of and take charge, over- sight and management of all lands granted to or held by the State for educational purposes, and to fix the terms of sale, rental or use of such lands, and to do whatever may be necessary to preserve them from trespass or ill- jury, and for their improvement. Second. — To have the direction and management, and provide for the safe keeping and expenditure of all the educational funds of the State, with due regard to the highest interests of education. 17 Third. — To entertain and decide upon questions and appeals referred to them by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on any matter of difference or dispute arising- under the operation of law, and to prescribe the manner of making appeals and conducting arbitrations. Fourth. — To remove any subordinate officer in the de- partment for incompetency, neglect of duty or other cause which would disqualify a person for the appointment. Fifth. — To keep in vicM^ the establishment of schools on a broad and liberal basis, the object of Avhich shall be to impart instruction to youth in the professions of teach- ing, in the knowledge of the natural sciences, the theory and practice of agriculture, horticulture, mining engineer- ing aud the mechanic arts, in the ancient and modern languages, in the higher range of mathematics, litera- ture, and in the useful and ornamental branches not taught in common schools. Sixth. — To co-operate with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the management of the department, and in the general diffusion of knowledge in the State. Sec. 34. (603) Lands Not To Be Sold on Credit.— Credit ch. 1490, shall not be allowed for the purchase mone}^ on the sale fgcf 1.^^^ ' of any of the school or seminary lands of this State, but every purchaser of such lands shall, at the time of pur- chase, make complete payment therefor. Sec. 35. (604) Board to Provide Teacher-Training De- cb. esso, partment in High Schools.— The State Board of Educa- i^^^ i?^^"* tion shall provide a Teacher-Training Department in one high school in each county of the State under such rules and regulations as shall be adopted by said State Board of Education ; provided, that such high school shall have not less than ten pupils ready and prepared for and who will take the teacher-training course of study. Sec. 36. (605) Appropriation to Each Teacher-Training Department; Proviso. — The State Board of Education shall appropriate to each Teacher-Training Department the sum of five hundred dollars, provided the county board of public instruction appropriates an equal amount or more to secure a competent teacher, all of whose time shall be devoted to the Teacher-Training Department. 2 — S. Laws lb., Sec. 2. 18 ch. 5384, _ Sec. 37. (606) Property Vested in State Board of Edu- Sec.^ 2. '^' cation. — That all and singular all the lands, tenements and hereditaments, estate and property, 'real, personal and mixed, including bonds, funds, moneys and invest- ments, and the rents, issues and profits thereof, had, held or possessed by The Florida Agricultural College (now officially designated and known as the "University of Florida") located at Lake City, the West Florida Sem- inary (now designated and known as The Florida State College) located at Tallahassee, The White Normal School located at DeFuniak Springs, The East Florida Seminary located at Gainesville, The South Florida College located at Bartow, and The Florida Agricultural Institute located in Osceola County, or any of them, or to which said in- stitutions or any of them might or could have, claim, or be in any way or manner entitled to either in esse or in futuro and from any source whatsoever, be and the same are hereby declared forfeit and to revert to the State of Florida, and upon the passage and approval of this Act, to vest absolutely in the State Board of Education in fee simple absolute, in trust, nevertheless, for the uses and purposes hereinafter provided for herein. lb., Sec. 26. Sec. 38. (607) Property Transferred to State Board of Education for Use of the University of Florida.— That all the bonds, moneys, properties and assets belonging to the University of Florida, abolished by Section 1, Chapter 5384, Acts 1905, or held in any way or manner for its benefit, or which it might or could be entitled to, are directed to and hereby set apart and appropriate exclu- sively to the establishment, maintenance and support of the University be transferred and conveyed under the provisions hereof to the State of Florida, and all and singular the rents, revenues, issues and profits thereof, and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station estab- lished as a department of the University of Florida, shall be and remain a Department of the University of Florida, together with all the rents, benefits, donations and emolu- ments that may accrue therefrom, or under the act of Congress commonly known as the ' ' Hatch Act, ' ' or under the act of Congress commonly known as the "Morrill Act" in so far as the same or so much thereof can be used and appropriated for the benefits of said institution by the provisions of said acts, and that the provisions of Chapter 3564, Acts of 1885, and Section 7 of Chapter 19 1776, Acts of 1870, are made applicable hereto in so far as the same are or can be made effective, and all estate, right, property, claim, emoluments and the rents and is- sues thereof or any substitutions thereof, and all claims and demands arising or that may or can arise thereunder or any act of Congress in that regard are hereby pre- served, maintained and transferred to the State Board of Education for the use and benefit of the University of Florida. Sec. 39. (608) Property Held Which May Be Applied ib., see. 28. to Higher Education To Be Apportioned for Support of Certain Institutions. — All other funds, appropriations and property of every nature and description which may come to the State of Florida, or the hands or control of the State Board of Education, for such purpose, or which may lawfully be applied to the promotion and advance- ment of schools of higher education in this State, includ- ing the assets of said abolished institutions not otherwise disposed of, shall be held and appropriated by the State Board of Education in conjunction with the Board of Control for the maintenance and support of the said four respective institutions, equally and ratably, in proportion as the needs of the said respective institutions may from time to time require the same, in the judgment of the said boards ; provided, that what is known as the seminary fund shall be subject to the control, management and in- vestment of the State Board of Education as a fund for the benefit of the Florida State College for Women and the University of Florida, the interest arising from which shall be used and appropriated for the maintenance and support of said two institutions, in equal proportion. Sec. 40. (609) Funds Provided by the United States.— ib. sec. 29. That the State Board of Education, through its presi- dent, is hereby authorized and empowered to sign all vouchers for all moneys coming to said institutions cre- ated and maintained by this act from the United States, or any fund provided by the United States and which shall be paid by it to the State for the benefit of the said institutions, and shall deposit the same with the treasurer of the State of Florida. Sec. 41. (610) State Treasurer to Receive and Disburse ib., see. 32. Certain Funds.— The treasurer of the State of Florida shall receive and pay out all moneys and funds provided 20 for in this act, or which shall come to the hands or control of the State Board of Education in any way or manner for the purposes thereof, and he shall keep all said moneys so received in a separate fund, and classify' the same as provided herein, or by any law of the United States re- lating to any portion thereof, of which he shall render an annual report to the Governor of the State of Florida, showing in detail the amounts received and from what funds and sources, and expenditures, when paid and to whom, and no moneys shall be paid out by him except upon a warrant drawn by the Comptroller upon the funds in his hands, a duplicate voucher from the Board of Con- trol showing the purposes of such expenditures, which shall be filed with him. COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Ch. 4196, Sec. 42. (447) County Boards To Be Corporations. — and^ Ch^^' Each board of public instruction is constituted a body lisl' sec^ corporate by the name of "The Board of Public Instruc- 13. ' " ' tion for the County of , State of Florida," and in that name may acquire and hold real and personal property, receive bequests and donations, and perform other corporate acts for educational purposes. Ch 387-^ ^®*^- ^^- (448) Organization a Primary Duty. — Each Acts 1889, board before proceeding to anv other business, shall com- Sec 18. * . plete its own organization. The chairman and secretary shall then make and sign two copies of the proceedings of organization, and annex their affidavits to each that the same is a correct and true copy of the original. They shall file one copy in the oi^'ice of the clerk of the circuit court of the county, to be by him recorded in the record of deeds, and file the other copy in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. lb Sec 14 Sec. 44. (449) Title to County School Property.— The title to the school property of the county shall be vested ^ in them and their successors in office, except in such special tax school districts as provided for. 21 Sec. 45. (450) Compensation of Members of County Board. — The members of the various countj^ school boards sliall be paid from tlie county scliool fund for their serv- ices, four dollars per day, for each day's service, and ten cents per mile for every mile actually travelled in going to and from the county court house by the nearest prac- ticable route. Sec. 46. Compensation in Counties of 37,000, Etc. — The members of the various county school boards in counties having a population of not less than thirty-seven thou- sand, and not more than fifty thousand persons, accord- ing to the census taken by this State in 1915, shall be paid from the county school funds for their services, an annual salary of six hundred dollars ($600.00) each, pay- able in monthly installments. Sec. 47. Compensation in Counties Between 37,000 and 40,000. — The members of the various county school boards in this State in counties having a population of more than thirty-seven thousand people and not more than forty thousand people, according to the census taken in this State in 1915, shall be paid from the county school funds for their services in lieu of all other compensation, eight hundred dollars per year, payable in monthly install- ments. Sec. 48. Compensation When Over 50,000. — The mem- bers of the various county school boards in counties hav- ing a population of not less than fifty thousand and not more than one hundred and fifty thousand, according to the Federal census taken in 1920, shall be paid from the county school funds for their services, an annual salary of six hundred dollars ($600.00) each, payable in monthly installments. Sec. 49. (451) Salaries of County Superintendents. — That the salaries of county superintendents of public in- struction be based upon the total ai^m^al receipts of each county, for school purposes, including special school dis- trict taxes, and excepting borrowed\ money, as follows: In counties where the receipts are le^s than $14,000, the salary shall be not less than $50 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $14,000 and less than $20,000, the salary shall be not less than $75 per month; in counties where the receipts are more than $20,000 and Ch. 4567, Acts 1897, Sec 1, amending Ch. 4195, Acts 1893, Sec. 5, Ch. 5656. Acts 1907, Sec. 1, amending Sec. 344, Gen. St. Ch. 7882, Acts of 1919. Chap. 8545, Sec. 1, Acts 1921. Chap. 8495, Sec. 1, Acts 1921 Ch. 5658, Acts 1907, Sec. 1. 22 less than $40,000, the salary shall be not less than $100 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $40,000 and less than $70,000, the salary- shall be not less than $125 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $70,000 and less than $100,000, the salary shall be not less than $150 per month ; in counties where the receipts are more than $100,000 and less than $120,000, the salary shall be not less than $175 per month ; in coun- ties where the receipts are more than $120,000 and less than $200,000, the salary shall be not less than $200 per month. ch. 8545. Sec. 50. Pay of County Superintendents. — That in coun- Acts 19-^1 ^^^^ mentioned in Section 1 (Chap. 8495) of this Act [with population between 37.000 and 40,000], the several Super- intendents of Public Instruction shall be paid from the county school fund for their services in lieu of all other" compensation, two thousand seven hundred dollars each, per year, payable in monthly installments. Ch. 3872, Sec. 51. (452) Secretary of County Board. — The county Acts 1S89, superintendent of public instruction shall be the secretary of the board. lb.. Sec. IT. Sec. 52. (453) Treasurer of. — The county depositories of the several counties shall be and the same are hereby constituted the treasurers of the school funds in their re- spective counties. lb. Sec. 20. Sec. 53. (454) Duties of Board of Public Instruction. — Each board of public instruction is directed : First. — To obtain possession of, accept and hold, under proper title, as a corporation, all property possessed, ac- quired or held by the county for educational purposes, and to manage and dispose of the same for the best in- terest of education. Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any special tax school district from holding school property that it has, or may hereafter acquire, for school purposes, or prevent such districts from receiving their portions of money set apart for school purposes. Second. — To locate and maintain schools in every local- ity in the county where they may be needed, to accommo- date, as far as practicable, all the youth between the ages 23 of six and twenty-one years, during not less than four months in each year. Third. — To appoint one supervisor for each school on the recommendation of the patrons, whose duty it shall be to supervise the work of the school and to report to the county superintendent of public instruction monthly the result of his observations. Fourth. — To select and provide a site for each school house of not less than one-half acre of ground in the rural districts, and as nearly that amount as is practicable in the villages or cities. The situation to be dry, airy, health- ful and pleasant, also reasonably central and convenient of access for all who should attend the school. Fifth. — To do whatever is necessary with regard to purchasing or renting school sites and premises, con- structing, repairing, furnishing, warming,- ventilating, keeping in order or improving the school houses, out buildings,' fences, land and movable property, procuring proper apparatus for the schools, grading and classifying the pupils, and providing separate schools for the differ- ent classes in such a manner as will secure the largest attendance of pupils, promote the harmou}' and advance- ment of the school, and establishing, when required by the patrons, schools of higher grades of instruction where the advancement and number of the pupils require them. Sixth. — To employ teachers for every school in the county, and to contract with and pay the same for their services ; Provided, That schools shall not be located nearer than three miles to each other, unless for some local reason or necessity. Seventh. — To audit and pay all accounts due by the board of public instruction. Eighth. — To keep accurate accounts of all their official acts, proceedings and decisions, of all moneys received, held or disbursed, of all property acquired or disposed of, in a proper set of account books, and a record of the state and condition of each school, and to report the same to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction when required. They shall also at the close of the scholastic year prepare an itemized report of all moneys by them received and disbursed. 24 Cb. 4332^ Ninth. — To prepare and file with the clerk of the cir- sec. 3, Re- euit court of their respective counties by the first Tuesday ^^""^ ' after the first Monday in every month, an itemized finan- cial statement showing all sums of money received during the month next preceding, on account of county school funds, and from whom received, and from what source derived, all appropriations made by such board, and for what purpose made, all warrants drawn by such board, in whose favor and for and on what account drawn, de- scribing such warrant by date, number and amount. All such monthly financial statements shall be certified by the chairman of the board of public instruction for the county, and attested by the county superintendent of public instruction, and the said board shall without delay cause the same to be published in a newspaper of the county, when any such newspaper exists : Provided, That the cost of such monthly publication shall not exceed two dollars per month; otherwise they shall post the same at the court house and at three other public places in the county. Ch. 3872. Tenth. — To prescribe, in consultation with prominent le? "^0^^ teachers, a course of study for the schools of the county and grade them properly; and to require to be taught in every public school in the county over which they pre- side, elementary physiology, especially as it relates to the effects of alcoholic stimulants And narcotics, morally, men- tally and phyically; and all persons applying for certifi- cates to teach shall be examined upon this branch of study, under the same conditions as other branches re- quired by law. Eleventh. — To perform all acts reasonable and neces- sary for the promotion of the educational interests of the county and the general difilusion of knoAvledge among the citizens. Twelfth. — To hold regular meetings for the transaction of business, by arrangement with the State Superinten- dent of PulDlic- Instruction, and to convene a special ses- sion on emergencies when requested by the county super- intendent of public instruction. Thirteenth. — To prepare, on or before the last Monday in June of each year, an itemized estimate showing the amount of money required for the maintenance of the 25 necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing scholastic .year, stating the amount in mills on the dollar of taxable property in the county, which shall not be less than three or more than ten mills, and furnish a copy of the statement to the assessor of taxes of the county, and file a copy in the office of the board of public instruction ; and the assessor shall assess the amount so stated, and the collector shall collect the amount assessed and pay over the same monthly to the county depository, which is also by law school treasurer, to be used for the sole benefit of the public schools. County boai-ds of public instruction to "ascertain and determine" amount of tax to be levied and collected for school purposes. Jones v. State, 17 Fla. 411. The "itemized estimate" of moneys required to be raised by county tax for school purposes should give the estimated income from the State school tax and other probable sources. State v. County Commissioners Gadsden County, 17 Fla. 418. The existing statutes do not authorize the county commissioners to revise the decision of the county board of public instruction as to the millage required for the maintenance of the necessary schools of the county. Tomasello v. Board of Public Instruction Santa Rosa County, 55 Fla. 341, 45 So. 886. Fourteenth. — To select candidates for admission to the State colleges and seminaries. Fifteenth. — To examine at least twice each year the ch. 4666. books and records of the tax collector which relate to the '^^^f _^1899, collection of poll taxes, and said board shall require prompt settlement for all poll taxes assessed, together with those not assessed, but collected. Any member of a county school board who neglects to comply with the pro- visions of this act shall be suspended from office. Sec. 5i. (458) County School Board Authorized to Borrow Money. — That when there is no money in the county school fund applicable to the payment of out- standing school warrants issued by any county board of public instruction in this state, the county boards of pub- lic instruction of the several counties in this State are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow money at a rate of interest not to exceed eight per cent per annum, for the purpose of paying all outstanding warrants, and for the further purpose of paying any and all legitimate expenses incurred in operating the schools of said county : Provided, however, That it shall be unlawful for any county school board to borrow any sum of money in any one year in excess of eighty per cent of the amount as Ch. 5390. Acts 1905, Sec. 1, as amended by Ch. 6828, Acts 1915, Sec. 1. 26 Ch. 5390, Acts 1905, Sec. 2, as amended by Ch. 6828, Acts 1915, Sec 1. revised. Ch. 5390, Acts 1905. Sec. 3, amended by Ch. 6828, Acts 1915, Sec. 3. Ch. 8549, Sec. 1, Acts 1921. estimated by them to be required for the maintenance of the necessary common schools of their county for the next ensuing' scholastic year in the manner prescribed by Sec- tion 454, sub-section 13, of these Revised General Statutes, which said sum so borrowed shall be paid in full before the board shall be authorized to borrow on the estimate for any succeeding year. Provided, further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to invalidate any outstand- ing debt of any count}" as now existing and now due, or to become due, or as requiring any board of public in- struction to pay for the same in full before being per- mitted to borrovv^ eighty per cent on the estimate for the next ensuing year, or to prohibit any board from funding or refunding at its maturity any debt created and exist- ing on or before July 1st, A. D. 1915, and being thereby prohibited from borrowing eighty per cent of its income for tiie ensuing year, as provided above ; and provided, further, that no school bpard shall, after July 1, 1915, incur debts of any nature in excess of the estimated amount, except as herein provided. Sec. 55. (459) Presentation of School Warrants. — That it shall be the duty of the county depository, upon pre- sentation to it of the county school warrants, to pay the same, if there are any funds in its custody applicable thereto. Sec. 5'3. (460) How Interest Payments Made.— That all interest payments made under Section 458 shall be by warrant issued by the county board of public instruction in the same manner as warrants for other indebtedness are issued. Sec. 57. Outstanding Indebtedness of School Boards Validated. — All outstanding, unpaid county school war- rants, notes, and other evidences of debt made, issued and delivered by the Board of Public Instruction in any County in the State of Florida, and duly signed by its Chairman, attested by its Secretary, for and in considera- tion of service performed as teacher, for labor performed and material furnished in the construction of school build- ings or additions thereto, furniture, equipment or supplies for the same, or for money loaned to and received by such Board of Public Instruction for educational purposes and for interest on such loans, prior to this Act becoming a law, are, hereby in all respect, validated and declared to 27 be legal and binding obligations ; provided, however, that this Act shall not apply to any warrants, notes or evi- dence of indebtedness of any Board of Public Instruction where the consideration or purchase price agreed to be furnished or paid said Board therefor, or the money agreed to be loaned to said Board thereon, has not been fully furnished to and received by the Board issuing the same. Sec. 58. Outstanding Indebtedness — Interest Bearing ch. so48, Coupon Warrants. — The Board of Public Instruction of l^g -'^921. each County in the State of Florida, now having an out- standing indebtedness, evidenced by County School War- rants, Notes or otherwise, made, issued and delivered by such Board of Public Instruction, duly signed by the Chairman and attested by the Secretary of such Board, for and in consideration of service performed as teacher, for labor performed and material furnished in the con- struction of school buildings or additions thereto, furni- ture, equipment or supplies for the same, or for money loaned to and received by such Board of Public Instruc- tion for educational purposes and for interest on such loans, shall be, and is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell interest bearing coupon warrants in a sum or sums not to exceed the total amount of such out- standing and unpaid school warrants, notes or other evi- dences of debt issued and delivered by such Board as aforesaid, for the purposes aforesaid, or for such portion thereof as such Board maj be liable, under the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Florida, where a new county has been created from a portion of the County in which such indebtedness was incurred, and any new Comity created from a portion of any County in which such indebtedness was incurred, as aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby likewise authorized and empowered to issue and sell such interest bearing coupon warrants in a sum or sums equal to the amount of the proportion of such in- debtedness for which it is liable as provided by the Con- stitution of the State of Florida ; the interest bearing cou- pon warrants herein provided for to bear interest at a rate not to exceed eight (8) per centum per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, as may be found necessary or expedient and shall be in such form and denominations as the Board issuing same shall prescribe, and none of such warrants shall be issued to run for a longer period of time . 28 than twenty (20) years from the date of issue. Said war- rants to be numbered consecutively, beginning with num- ber one, and each warrant shall have attached thereto interest coupons, each coupon bearing the number of its warrant and representing or calling for an annual, or semi-annual, as the case may be, payment of interest on its warrant. Each warrant shall be signed by the Chair- man and attested by the Secretary of the Board issuing the same, and shall have the seal of said Board affixed thereto, and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by or bear the printed or lithographed facsimile signature of said Chairman and Secretary. Each war- rant and interest coupon shall be dated and shall bear their due date. Said warrants and interest coupons shall be issued upon and payable out of the County School Fund of the County in which issued. lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 59. Money To Be Set Apart for Payment. — It shall be the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction issuing interest bearing coupon warrants, provided for in Section one, and its successors, each year during the time such warrants shall run,' to set apart out of the County School Fund sufficient money to meet and pay off said warrants and the interest coupons thereon as the same shall become due and paj-able. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 60. Payable at Depository. — The coupon warrants herein provided for and the interest coupons shall be payable to the order of bearer at the County School Fund Depository of the county in which such warrants are issued. lb. Sec. 4. Sec. 61. Proceeds To Be Applied Solely to Payment of Warrants. — The proceeds arising from the sale of such interest bearing coupon warrants shall be applied solely to the payment of the warrants, notes and other evidences of debt mentioned and described in Section one of this Act, and at and upon the payment thereof said warrants, notes and other evidences of debt shall be surrendered and cancelled. lb. Sec. 5. Sec. 62. Warrants Negotiable. — All the interest bear- ing coupon warrants herein authorized, including the in- terest coupons, thereto attached, when issued shall have all the properties and attributes of commercial paper and 29 negotiable mstruments in favor of the holders thereof, respectively. Sec. 63. Powers Not Abridged. — Nothing in Section ib. see. 6. 458 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida, nor in any other law of this State, shall be construed to limit or abridge the powers herein granted, nor shall the warrants herein authorized to be issued held to be a loan falling within any of the restrictions or prohibitions of said Sec- tion 458 of the Revised General Statutes or other law of this State, Sec. 64. Section 458, Revised General Statutes, Not ib. see 7. Impaired. — Nothing contained in this Act shall be con- strued as limiting or abridging any of the powers con- ferred upon any County Board of Public Instruction un- der the provisions of Section 458 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida, and said Board shall continue to have all the powers and authority provided for in said Section 458 of the Revised General Statutes unimpaired by anything contained in this Act. Sec. 65. State Board of Education May Invest in Cou- hj- see. 8. pon Warrants. — The State Board of Education may, if it so determine, purchase from any or all the counties in the State issuing interest bearing coupon warrants hereinbe- fore authorized, such amounts of said warrants, in such sum and with such maturities as that the interest thereon will not exceed the annual amount apportioned to said County from the State's one mill tax and interest of the State School Fund, said amount to be determined by the average annual amounts apportioned to said County from both said funds for the five years immediately preceding the purchase of said warrants. Sec. 6Q. (461) Not to Contract With Members. — No ch. 3S72, board of public instruction shall have power to enter into ^^^^ ol^^^ contract with any of its members, except for the purpose of obtaining school sites. ' Sec. 67. (462) County Board of Public Instruction Dis- cii. 4193, tricts. — The county board of public instruction in each sec.^ 2. county shall divide their respective counties into three county school board districts so as to place in each dis- trict, as nearly as practicable, the same number of quali- fied voters, the lines of said district to be so drawn as to place each election district wholly within one or another 30 of said county school board districts; and the members of the county board of public instruction shall file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for such county a certificate of their said action, containing a description of the boundaries, of said districts, and naming the election districts comprising each county school board district, which certificate shall be published in a newpaper pub- lished in the county, or if there be no newspaper published in the county, then by posting at the county court house door for four weeks thereafter. The county board of public instruction may thereafter change the boundaries of any such districts at a meeting in July of the year of a general election, but such change shall be certified in the clerk's office and published as required for fixing such districts in the first instance. ch. 4193, Sec. 68. (463) Vacancies; How Filled. — All vacancies sec.^ ^'oQQ on said board of public instruction shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the State Board of Education on the nomination of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Acts 1893. OTHER DUTIES OF COUNTY BOARDS AND OTHER OFFICERS. PART-TIME SCHOOLS. Ch. 8550, Sec. 69. Duty to Maintain Part-Time Schools. — That Acts "1921. wherever there are fifteen children for any cause, except mental or physical disability or the completion of the eight grammar grades, exempted from regular school at- tendance upon any school or schools three miles or less apart and residing or employed within the regular attend- ance area of such school or schools, the Board of Public Instruction is hereby required and directed to provide a part-time school or schools ; such part-time school dr schools to be in session at least one hundred forty-four hours in any one school year during regular employment hours and furnishing instruction in any subjects designed to enlarge the civic or vocational intelligence of such children. 31 Sec. 70. Who May Be Exempted, and When Law Man- ib. see. 2. datory. — That any Board of Public Instruction may at its discretion exempt from regular school attendance any child fourteen years of age or over who may be properly employed under the laws of Florida and who is enrolled in a part-time school as provided in Sections 1 and 3 of this Act ; provided, that this section shall be mandatory upon Boards of Public Instruction only where Federal funds provided for under Act of Congress and funds matching such Federal funds are available for the salaries of teachers of such part-time schools. Sec. 71. Subjects To Be Taught.— That Boards of Pub- ib. sec 3. lie Instruction are hereby authorized to provide part-time schools furnishing instruction to persons fourteen years of age or over in any subjects designed to enlarge the civic or vocational intelligence of such persons. Sec. 72. Attendance at Part-Time Schools Required. — i^. see. 4. That any parent, guardian or other person having the control, custody or charge of any child who has been ex- empted from regular school for any cause, except mental or physical disability or the completion of the eight gram- mar grades, is hereby required to cause such child to attend a part-time school for at least one hundred forty- four hours in any one school year wherever such part- time school has been provided in compliance with Sections 1 and 3 of this Act ; and any person employing such child is hereby required to permit such child to attend such, part-time school; provided, that wherever a night schj>.«D.I giving instruction equal in length to that of a part-sehooK established in compliance with Section 1 of this Act has^ been established prior to the passage of this Act and is maintained by the Board of Public Instruction, the Board of Public Instruction may accept such night school at- tendance in lieu of part-time school attendance. Sec. 73. Compulsory Attendance Law Applicable.— m. see. 5. That the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Law, Chapter 7808, Acts of 1919, Laws of Florida, and amendments thereto, relating to the enforcement aad ad- ministration of compulsory school attendance are hereby made applicable to the enforcement and administration of this Act, and the State Board of Education may prescribe such rules and regulations as in their discretion are neces- sary to carry out the provisions of this Act, 32 KINDERGARTENS. ch. 5387. Sec. 74. (455) Kinderg-artens May Be Established in Sec.^ 1. '^' Counties. — That any county board of public instruction or board of trustees of any special tax school district is hereby empowered to establish and maintain kindergar- tens in communities guaranteeing the attendance of twenty-five (25) kindergarten pupils. "" lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 75. (456) Kindergarten Part of Public School.— That every kindergarten established under this act shall be a part of the public school taught in the same com- munity, and shall be under the direction and control of the principal of the said public school. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 76. (457) Qualifications of Principals for Kinder- gartens. — That no person shall be employed to teach as principal of a kindergarten department who does not hold a certificate of graduation from a reputable kindergarten training school. FIRE ESCAPES. Ch. 5937, Sec. 79. (466) School Building-s To Be Provided With Acts _^i909, p^g Escapes.— That all public school buildings within the State of Florida, of two or more stories in height, the story or stories of which shall be used for public school purposes, shall be provided with adequate stairways or fire escapes for egress in case of, fire. lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 78. (467) Board of Public Instruction to Desig- nate Number and Location, Etc. — The number of such stairways or fire escapes, and their location, material and construction, shall be as designated and prescribed by the board of public instruction of the county in which said school building or buildings shall be located. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 79. (468) Fire Escapes To Be Kept in Perfect Order. — The board of public instruction of each of the counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before Octo- ber 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, have constructed the stairways or fire escapes hereinbe- fore described, and shall at all times keep or have the same kept in perfect order. lb. Sec. 4. Sec. 80. (469) Doors of School Houses to Swing Out- ward. — That all the outer doors of any public school 33 building, where there shall be two or more rooms, shall be so hung that when they are opened they will swing to the outside. Sec. 81. (470) Time for Compliance With Regulation. — lu. see. 5. The board of public instruction for the several counties of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, have the doors of said school building changed, if necessary, to comply with the provisions of said Section 469. Sec. 82. (471) Fire Drills in Public Schools.— The Su- ib. see. 6 perintendent of .Public Instruction of the State of Florida shall, on or before October 1st, 1909, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, formulate and prescribe tactics of instruction for fire drills for all the public schools of the State of Florida, and each teacher teaching in such school shall be provided with a copy of such tactics, and it shall be the duty of each and every of such teachers to instruct the students of their respective schools in such fire drills as prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public In- struction. Sec. 83. (472) Penalty for Failure to Comply With ib. see i. Preceding Sections. — Any teacher or officer mentioned in Sections 468, 470 and 471 of these Revised General Stat- utes who shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of said sections shall be removed from his position or office. SCHOOL CLOSETS. Sec. 84. (473) School Closets; Separate Compartments ch. esse, for Each Sex.— That all school buildings, public or pri- f^^^^^ ^^^^' vate, in this State shall be provided with adequate facili- ties for nature's conveniences, by either water carriage or surface closets, with separate compartments for each sex. Sec. 85. (474) School Closets in Rural Districts.^That ib. sec. 2. in rural districts where sewerage systems do not exist, all surface closets used in connection with such schools shall be of fly-proof construction and in conformity with plans recommended or approved by the State Board of Health, with separate compartments for each sex. 3 — S. Laws 34 ch. (5836, Sec. 86. (5872) Failure to Provide School Building sec.^ 3^ ' with Closets. — That any public school board or any per- son, firm or corporation conducting any private school, who shall have charge of the erection, repair or mainte- nance of any school building, who shall fail to provide said buildings with the facilities required by Section 473, or who shall fail to provide surface closets as required by Section 474, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding fifty ($50) dollars. AGRICULTURE AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Ch. 5938, Sec. 87. (475) Agriculture and Civil Government To sec^ 1^^^' -^^ Taught in Public Schools. — That the elementary prin- ciples of agriculture and the elements of civil government be included in the branches of study taught in the com- mon and public schools of the State of Florida, and shall be studied and taught as thoroughly and ui the same man- ner as other like required branches are studied and taught in said schools. lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 88. (476) School Board to Require Agriculture, Etc., To Be Taught.— That it shall be the duty of the county school board of education of the several counties of the State to prescribe and require that the teachers throughout their counties respectively, teach the elemen- tary principles of agriculture, and the elements of civil government in the same manner as other like required branches are studied and taught in said schools. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 89. (477) Examining Boards to Require Teachers to Stand Examinations in Agriculture and Civil Govern- ment. — That it shall be the duty of all examining boards in this State in prescribing examinations for teachers in the public schools, to require them to stand a satisfactory . examination in the elementary principles of agriculture and the elements of civil government, the same as upon any other subjects taught in said schools. lb. Sec. 4. Sec. 90. (478) Penalty for Failure to Comply with Pre- ceding Sections. — That any person who fails or neglects to comply with the foregoing provisions of Sections 475, 476 and 477, when the requirements of said provisions apply to them, shall be guilty of negligence of their duty and subject to removal by the proper authority for such failure to comply with said law. Ch. 6S32, 35 ALCOHOLICS AND NARCOTICS. Sec. 91. (479) Evils of Alcoholic Beverages and Nar- cotics To Be Taught. — That the evils of alcoholic bever- ^cjs ^1915, ages and narcotics shall be taught in the public schools of the State, and. that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby authorized and directed to encour- age and put in execution an effective system for teaching the evils of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics in the pub- lic schools of the State to all children between the ages of six and twelve years. Sec. 92. (480) Duty of Superintendent and School ib. sec 2, Board to Require Instructions, Etc.^ — It is herebj'^ made the duty of ■ the county superintendent and the county board of public instruction of each and every county to receive, promulgate and to require all instructions and directions of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion for the teaching of the effects of alcoholic beverages and narcotics to all youth between the ages of six and twelve years to be faithfully and efficiently executed, and to require such reports from teachers showing that such subjects are being faithfully taught by means of pictures and oral instructions to pupils not sufficiently advanced to use a text-book on the subject ; and to see that properly graded text-books treating of the effects of alcoholic beverages and narcotics are provided all pupils under the age of twelve years that are prepared to use such text- books, and that the same are faithfully and efficiently taught. Sec. 93. (481) Duty of Principal to Make Report, Etc. ib. see. 3. It shall be the duty of the principal of every school to make report as may be required to the county board of public instruction, showing that the instruction required in Section 479 is being efficiently given by competent teachers, and that the spirit of this law is being faithfully carried out. Sec. 94. (482) Failure of Teachers to Instruct. — Any ib. Sec. 4. <3ounty board of public instruction may be enjoined from employing any teacher who does not make a faithful at- tempt to teach the subject directed in Section 479, and to make such report as may be required. S6 lb. Sec. 5. Sec. 95. (483) Annual Report to State Superinten- dent. — It shall be the duty of every county superinten- dent to make, at least annually, and oftener when re- quired, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on blanks furnished, a full and complete report of the method of instruction, the time devoted to the teaching of the subject embraced iii Section 479, and of such other matters as may be required in the several schools under his supervision. Refusal or neglect to make such reports shall subject any county superintendent to be reported to the Governor as negligent in the discharge of his duties. lb. Sec. 6. Sec. 96. (484) Appropriation for Expenses. — The an- nual appropriation for the contingent expenses of the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be sufficient to cover all necessary expenses in the proper execution of this law ; and he shall make report of this matter in his biennial report to the Governor. HOME ECONOMICS. ch. 6833, Sec. 97. (485) Home Economics Authorized To Be Acts ^1915, Taught. — Any county board of public instruction or the board of trustees of any special tax school district is hereby authorized and empowered to establish and main- tain a department of home economics or a department of home demonstration work in any of the high schools of this State, and to pay the expenses of such departments out of any public school fund at their disposal. lb. sec. 2. Sec. 98. (486) Canning- Clubs, Etc.; Qualifications of Instructor. — Section 485 shall extend to and include can- ning clubs, corn clubs, and departments of agriculture, to acquire land, stock, fertilizer, seed and implements necessary to maintain the same. And no person shall be employed to demonstrate, teach or instruct in any of the departments mentioned herein who does not hold a certi- ficate of graduation from a recognized college, university or normal school indicating special training in home eco- nomics, home demonstration work or agricultural work, or any one who has had satisfactory experience in home economics or canning club work. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 99. (487) School Board Authorized to Employ County Agents. — County boards of public instruction are further empowered to employ county agents who shall, 37 under the joint supervision of the county superintendent of public instruction and the Florida State College for Women or the University of Florida, conduct practical demonstration work in home economics, girls' and- wom- en's contest work, canning club, corn club or agricultural work and other movements for the advancement of coun- try home life, and shall aid the county superintendent and teachers in giving practical education in home, fiarm or garden economics. Sec. 100. Boards Authorized to Acquire Land. — The g^^ ''^sie, County Boards of Public Instruction of the several coun- Acts ]'9i9. ties of this State are hereby authorized to acquire by purchase or lease or gift suitable lands for use in Farm Demonstration Work in connection with any school in the county ; Provided, any tract so acquired shall not ex- ceed forty acres in area for each school and shall be located convenient and accessible to the school in connec- tion with which it is to be used. SCHOLARSHIPS. Ch. 6837, Sec. 101. (1482) May Authorize Scholarship in Agri- cultural Department of University. — That the board of |<^js ji^i's, county commissioners of each county in this State is hereby authorized to offer and create one scholarship to the agricultural department of the University of Florida at Gainesville. Sec. 102. (1483) Awarding of Scholarship.— The said scholarship shall be awarded by competitive examination under the rules and authority prescribed by the said board of county commissioners, and shall entitle the holder thereof to a full course of instruction at the Uni- versity of Florida, and shall subject the holder thereof to the same rules and regulations as other students at the University of Florida. Sec. 103. (1484) Eligibility of Applicant.— All appli- cants for the said scholarship shall be eligible for admis- sion to the University of Florida, and anyone so appointed shall sign a certificate agreeing, if capable and otherwise qualified, to engage in agricultural pursuits in this State. Nothing in this act shall be construed to interfere with their receiving compensation for services rendered while engaged in such pursuits. lb. Sec. 2. lb. Sec. 3. 38 lb. Sec. 4 and 5. Sec. 104. (1485) Appropriation Authorized for Schol- arship; Term "Board" Defined. — That for the purpose of maintaiuiug such scholarships the board of county com- missioners of each county iu this State is hereby author- ized to appropriate from any funds at their disposal a sum sufficient to pay the board of the person receiving the said scholarship. The term board herein named shall be construed to mean the regular dormitory rate and shall be paid monthh' while the holder of the said scholarship is in attendance at the Universitv of Florida. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. ^h. 3872, Acts 1889, Sec. 22 ; Ch. 4679, Acts 1889, Sec. 1, as amended by 6242, Acts 1911, Sec. 1. Sec. 105. (464) Duties of County Superintendent. — The county superintendent of public instruction is directed : First. — To make timely inspection of the county, to ascertain the location in which schools should be estab- lished, the number of youth who would attend each, and the amount of aid that the citizens of the neighborhood will contribute to encourage the establishment of a school. Second. — To visit each school at least once during each school term, and to make a thorough examination of its conditions as respects the progress of the pupils in learn- ing, the order and discipline observed, the system of in- struction pursued, the attendance of the pupils, the mode of keeping the school records, the character and condi- tion of the school buildings, furniture, books, apparatus and premises, the efficiency of the school supervisor, the interest and co-operation of the citizens in regard to edu- cational matters, and to give such advice as he may deem proper. Third. — To do all in his power to awaken an increased interest in parents, guardians, school supervisors and teachers, with regard to the better education of youth in. every respect and the general diffusion of knowledge. Fourth. — To confer with the school supervisors fre- quently and see that they attend to their duties, keeping them supplied with a copy of the school laws, decisions, blanks and regulations of the department. 39 Fifth. — To select for school supervisors persons whost: character, qualifications and sympathy with education specially commend them to those positions. Sixth. — To keep a record bj^ number, name and descrip^ tion of the locality of each school established, of the ex- penses incurred for, and of his visits of inspection to, the several schools. Seventh. — To notify the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, immediately upon entering upon his duties, the names and addresses of all county school officers. Eighth. — ^To decide upon questions and disputes which arise when submitted to him by the parties interested, a-nd to refer his decisions to the board of public instruc- tion. Ninth. — To see that the interests of the county are properly guarded and its rights secured in the making and performance of every contract for the construction of school buildings, or for other purposes ; and that all monej^s apportioned to or raised by the county are ap- plied to the objects for which they were granted or raised. Tenth.— To revoke or suspend certificates and suspend those issued by other authority for cause manifestly suffi- cient, giving notice in writing to the authority issuing them and of the grounds for so doing ; also notifying the teacher in like manner, and of the right of appeal, to whom and when the appeal should be made. Eleventh. — Acting as secretarv of the county school ch. 4666 " ■ n Acts 1899 board, he shall make and forward monthly a certified sec 2, copy of the tax collector's monthly lists of persons who Revised, have paid their poll taxes, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall file and preserve the same in his office as a part of the public records and furnish copies when requested by the citizens of this State. Sec. 106. To Make Annual Report to the State Super- gh. 8547, intendent. — It shall be the duty of each and every County Act's 1921. Superintendent of Public Instruction to prepare and file an accurate report of school operations in his county in conformity with blanks sent out by the State Department lb. Sec. 2. 40 of Public Instruction, and to file the same in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on or be- fore the fifteenth day of August of each and every year. Sec. 107. Penalty for Failure to Report. — It shall be the dut}' of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, when said report from any county is not filed and accepted by August 15th, to notify the Count}' Board of Public Instruction that the report of the County Superin- tendent has not been received, or has not been accepted on account of the defective manner in which it was made out ; and it shall be the duty of the County Board of Pub- lic Instruction of such county to withhold the further payment of salary to the said County Superintendent until the County Board of Public Instruction is notified by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction that said report has been received and accepted. The member or members of any County Board of Public Instruction who shall be responsible for the violation of this Act shall be subject to removal by the Governor or complaint filed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. SCHOOL SUPERVISORS AND TRUSTEES. Acts^^i?89, Sec. 108. (465) Duties of Supervisor. — Every super- Sec. 23. visor is directed : First. — To supervise the work and management of the school and its interest over Avhich he is appointed, and report monthly to the board of public instruction. Second. — To supervise the construction, rental, repair and improvement of the school buildings, furniture, fences, grounds and fixtures ; to procure a copy of the school laws, regulations and decisions for the use of the teacher and his own instruction. Third. — To attend at all times when requested by, and co-operate with the teacher in his effort to elevate the character and condition of the school ; to review all sus- pensions from school by the teacher of pupils guilty of gross misconduct and a disregard of and persistent oppo- sition to the authority of the teacher, and to promptly report the same to the county superintendent of public instruction. 41 Sec. 109. (568) Supervisor Superseded by Trustees. — Whenever a special tax school district is created and trustees are elected, they shall have the supervision of all the public schools within said district. The position of supervisor shall be superseded by that of trustees, and the duties prescribed by law for the supervisors shall be performed by the trustees. The powers of trustees shall not be those of control, but of supervision only, and shall extend to all the public schools within the special tax district. Any trustee failing to discharge the duties of the position shall be removed, after due notice to such trustee, by the county board of public instruction, and all vacancies occurring in the board of trustees from any cause, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the covinty board of public instruction, upon nomination by the patrons of the schools. Ch. 4678, Acts 1899, Sec. 9. CERTIFICATION AND EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. Ch. 7372, Acts 1917, Sec. 1. Sec. 110. (488) Persons Permitted to Teach in Public School; Proviso. — No person shall be permitted to teach in the public schools of this State who does not hold a teacher's certificate granted under this article; nor shall any county board of public instruction employ, contract with or pay any person salary for services as a teacher who does not hold a valid teacher's certificate granted under this article : Provided, That the validity of no cer- tificate issued under the laws of this State since A. D. 1894 shall be rendered invalid thereby. Sec. 111. (489) Grades .of Certificates. — There shall be ib. see. 2. ten grades of teachers' certificates issued, the require- ment for each being as hereinafter specified, and such cer- tificates shall be known and named as follows : Tempor- ary, primary, third grade, second grade, first grade, spe- cial, State, life primary, life first grade, life State cer- tificate. . Sec. 112. (490) Certificates Issued on Oral and Writ- i>' ten Examination. — No certificate, except as otherwise pro- vided in this article, shall be issued except upon oral and written examination. Sec. s. 42 lb. Sec. 4. Sec. 113. (491) Certificates Must Cover Subjects Taug"ht. — No person shall teacli any subject in a public school unless he holds a valid certificate covering the sub- ject taught. lb. Sec. 5. Sec. 114. (492) Applicants Must Present Endorse- ments; Fees. — Any applicant for any certificate, before being eligible for examination, shall present to the board of examiners a written endorsement of good moral char- acter, signed by two responsible persons, and shall pay the following examination fee : Applicants for third grade, $1 ; for second grade, $1.50 ; for first grade, $2 : for primary, $3 ; for special, $2.50 ; for State, $5, which fees shall be applied as hereinafter provided. lb. Sec. 6. Sec. 115. (493) Temporary Certificates. — A temporary certificate shall be issued without examination by the State Superintendent upon the request and recommenda- tion of a county superintendent -of public instruction in an emergency, which emergency must be clearly set forth in said request for a temporary certificate ; said certificate shall be valid for teaching only until the State board of examiners shall hold an examination within the county or an adjoining county in which the holder of said tem- porary certificate is employed. Any person desiring to teach upon a diploma awarded outside of this State shall obtain a certificate before teach- ing as hereinafter provided in this article. lb. Sec. 7. Sec. 116. (494) Primary Certificates. — A primary cer- tificate shall be issued to any eligible applicant meeting the following requirements : First, who presents satisfac- tory evidence of having received either special instruction for one year or more in primary methods and practice teaching in a recognized normal school, or its equivalent ; second, who passes an oral and written examination on reading, arithmetic, English grammar, composition, geog- raphy and United States history, and makes an average grade of 80 per cent, with a grade on no subject below 60 per cent ; third, who makes an average grade of 80 per cent, with a grade on no subject below 60 per cent upon the following subjects, as they relate to primarj^ teaching, nature study, drawing, manual training, school singing, and the elements of psychology. A primary certificate shall be valid for teaching onlv in the first, second or 43 third grade of regular graded schools of four teachers or more, and shall be valid for only four years, except as otherwise provided in this article. Sec. 117. (495) Third Grade Certificate.— Any eligible ib. see. s. applicant passing a satisfactory oral and written examin- ation on orthography, reading, arithmetic, English gram- mar, composition, geography. United States history, phy- siology and theory and practice of teaching, and making an average grade of 70 per cent, with a grade on no sub- ject below 50 per cent, shall receive a third grade certifi- cate valid for one year from date of issue. Sec. 118. (496) Second Grade Certificate. — Any eligible ib. see 9. applicant passing a satisfactory oral and written examin- ation on the subjects prescribed for a third grade certifi- cate and on agriculture and civil government, and making an average grade of 80 per cent, with a grade on no sub- ject below 60 per cent, shall receive a second grade cer- tificate valid for three years from date of issue. Sec. 119. (497) First Grade Certificate.— Any eligible ^^- ^^''- ^^^ applicant passing a satisfactory oral and written examin- ation on the subjects prescribed for a second grade cer- tificate and on physical geography and algebra, and mak- ing an average grade of 85 per cent, with a grade on no subject below 60 per cent, shall receive a first grade cer- tificate valid for five years from date of issue, except as otherwise provided in this article. Sec. 120. (498) Special Certificates. — Any eligible ap- H). see. ii. plicant presenting satisfactory evidence of possessing ability to teach one or more subjects not embraced in the requirements for a second grade certificate, and passing a satisfactory oral and written examination on one or more subjects, shall receive a special certificate on every subject on which a grade of 90 per cent is made. A special certificate shall be valid for teaching only the subjects covered by it and for .five years from date of issue. Sec. 121. (499) State Certificate. — Any eligible appli- i^. see 12. cant presenting satisfactory evidence of having taught successfully twenty-four months in all, and passing a satisfactory oral and written examination on geometry, trigonometry, physics, botany, zoology, Latin, rhetoric, English literature, psychology and general history, and 44 making- an average grade of 85 per cent, with a grade on no subject below 60 per cent, shall receive a State certifi- cate valid for five years from date of issue, except as otherwise provided in this article. lb. Sec. 13. Sec. 122. (500) Life Primary Certificate. — Any appli- cant filing with the State Superintendent of Public In- struction a valid primary certificate, and presenting satis- factory evidence of having taught successfully in the pri- mary department of a regular graded school of not less than four teachers for a period of thirty-two months under a primary certificate, shall receive a life primary certificate valid during the life of the holder for teaching in primary department only of any public school. lb. Sec. 14. Sec. 123. (501) Life First Grade Certificate. — Any ap- plicant filing with the State Superintendent of Public In- struction a valid first grade certificate, and presenting satisfactory evidence of having taught twenty years in the public free schools of this State, the last ten years consecutively on first grade certificates, and as being of good moral character, faithful and successful as an irb- structor and disciplinarian, shall receive a life first grade certificate, valid during the life of the holder and in any part of the State. lb. Sec. 15. Sec. 124. (502) Life First Grade Certificate. — Any ap- plicant filing with the State Superintendent of Public In- struction two first grade certificates, each Avith an average of not less than 90 per cent, the last one valid, and pre- senting satisfactory evidence of having taught a total of forty-eight months on the certificates filed, and as being of good moral character, faithful and successful as an instructor and disciplinarian, shall receive a life first grade certificate, valid during the life of the holder and in any part of the State. Sec. 125. (503) Life State Certificate. — Any applicant filing with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction a valid State certificate issued in this State, and present- ing satisfactory evidence of having taught successfully in a high school or college in this State for a period of eighteen months under a State certificate, and presenting endorsement of three holders of life State certificates as possessing eminent ability both as a teacher and discip- Ib. Sec. 16. 45 linarian, shall receive a life State certificate of perpetual and State-wide validity. Sec. 126. (504) Life First Grade Certificate.— Any per- ib. see. la, son filing with the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- '^^* ^^^' tion one first grade certificate with three extensions of same, secured by attendance at either of the State sum- mer schools, and, presenting satisfactory evidence of hav- ing taught a total of forty-eight months on the certificate filed and containing such extensions, and as being of good moral character, faithful and successful as an instructor and disciplinarian, shall receive a life first grade certifi- cate, valid during the life of the holder, and good in any part of the State. Sec. 127. (505) Graduates of Standard Colleges to Re- i^b. f^^J^^ ceive Certain Certificates. — (A) Any regular graduate of by ch. 7942, a standard university, college, or normal school requiring '^^*® ^^^^' a four-year course for graduation, having graduated therefrom since June 15, 1905, and desiring a teacher's certificate in Florida, shall file an application in the form prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, which form shall contain, with other matter, a com- plete transcript of the applicant's college record, showing the branches pursued and completed with the grades made on each branch expressed on the basis of 100, and the number of months each branch was pursued in the school reporting, with a certified copy of his or her diploma, and satisfactory evidence of having taught school successfully for a period of twenty-four months after graduation, a fee of five dollars, and satisfactory testimonials as to health and moral character, with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who, with the president and dean of the Normal Department of the Florida State College for Women, shall constitute a com- mission to review and pass upon all applications for cer- tificates based upon diplomas ; and the State Superinten- dent shall issue a graduate primary, a graduate first grade, a graduate special, or a graduate State certificate as the commission may determine. The applicant's college record must be the same or equivalent as to branches completed and grades made as is required for a primary, first grade, special, or State certificate issued upon examination under Sections 494, 497, 498 and 499 of this Article ; and all certificates issued 46 under this section shall have the rights, privileges and benefits conferred upon those holding like certificates issued as the result of examination. (B) Courtesy Certificate. — The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby authorized to issue to any applicant who files a valid teacher's certificate, or license to teach, issued by or in a state other than the State of Florida, when such applicant is endorsed and recom- mended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the county wherein such applicant has been elected or employed to teach, a courtesy temporary certificate valid for two months, except as otherwise provided, authorizing the applicant to teach in the school and that school only, and the subjects and only the subjects embraced in the certificate, or license filed ; Provided, that the holder of such courtesy temporary certificate must obtain, on or before the expiration of said two months, a regular Flor- ida certificate under this Chapter ; Provided further, that should the holder of such courtesy temporary certificate fail upon examination to merit a certificate or fail to be awarded by the commission a certificate based upon a diploma from a standard university, college or four-year normal school, the said courtesy temporary certificate shall be void at once and no other temporary certificate shall be issued to said person ; or if the certificate merited upon examination or awarded by the commission does not embrace each and all the subjects set out in said courtesy temporary certificate, then the authority to teach the sub- ject or subjects not so embraced shall immediately ter- minate. ch. Soli, Sec. 128. Substitute Certificate. — Any applicant who amend ' to ^^'^^ received a conditional assignment to teach school in eh. 8542 Florida, presenting to the State Superintendent of Public Acts 1921. Instruction a valid teacher's certificate issued in another State Avhose requirements for the certification of teachers are similar and fully equal to those of Florida ; furnishing satisfactory evidence of having graduated from an ap- proved four-year high school, employing a faculty of not less than four teachers devoting full time to high school work, and, in addition thereto, of having completed a course of two to four years in a recognized standard uni- versity, college, or normal school; also submitting satis- factory evidence of having taught successfully for a 47 period of twenty-four (24) months, an endorsement of good moral character, a health certificate signed by a reputable practicing physician, and a fee of Five ($5.00) Dollars, shall be eligible to receive in substitution a Flor- ida teacher's certificate of like grade as the one filed. Sec. 129. State Superintendent to Issue. — The State ch. 8542, • • • Sec 2 Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby authorized and required Mdien the requirements in Section 1 (Section 128) of this Act are complied with, to issue to such appli- cant without examination a certificate in substitution for the one filed. Sec. 130. Substitute Certificates Must Equal First jj, g^,, 3 Grade or State Certificates.— The certificate filed for sub- stitution shall be equivalent to and not lower in grade than a Florida First Grade or a State Certificate, and the certificate issued in lieu of the one filed shall be valid for teaching in any public school of the State of Florida for a period of three (3) years from its date, but in no grade above the tenth (10th) unless the applicant has completed a four year course in a recognized standard University, College or Normal School, under the provisions of Sec- tion 1 of this Act and holds a degree on the basis thereof, in which case the substituted certificate issued will be valid for teaching in all grades of the High School, in- cluding the Eleventh and Twelfth. All certificates issued under the provisions of this Act shall have all the rights, privileges, and benefits as to life extension conveyed to the holders of similar certificates obtained by examina- ^ tion in this State and of a like subject to revocation for cause. Sec. 131. Disposition of Fees. — The fees accruing from ib. gee. 4, Section 1 [Sec. 128] of this Act shall be turned over to the State Treasurer and disbursed with other examination fees for the payment of salaries, traveling and incidental expenses of the State Board of Examiners as provided in Section 513 of the Revised General Statutes. ■ Sec. 132. Reciprocation Necessary. — This Act shall only n,. see. 5, apph- where the State from which applicants for certifi- cates under this Act come, extend to Florida certificate holders the same rights and privileges as in this Act pro- vided for holders of certificates from other states. 48 Acts^iln Sec. 133. (506) Qualification of Principals. — Xo person Sec. 18. '' shall be eligible for the principalshj^ of a junior high school who does not hold a valid life State certificate, a State certificate, a graduate State certificate or a first grade certificate supplemented by a certificate or certifi- cates covering the subjects embraced in the junior high school course of study. No person shall be eligible for the principalship of an intermediate or senior high school who does not hold a life State certificate, a State certificate or a graduate State certificate. lb. Sec. 19. Sec. 134. (507) State Board of Examiners Created.— For the conduct of all examinations of teachers there is hereby created a State board of examiners, to be com- -.posed of three eminently successful and well qualified teachers, to be appointed by the State Board of Educa- tion upon the nomination of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. li.. Sec. 20. Sec. 135. (508) Duty of State Board of Examiners. — It shall be the duty of the State board of examiners to prepare all examination questions ; to personally conduct all teacliers' examinations, oral and written, under such rules and regulations as the said board of examiners may suggest and as shall be approved by the State Board of Education; to grade all examinations, oral and written, except as may be provided by the State Board of Educa- tion, and report weekly to the State Superintendent the name of each examinee with the grade made on each sub- ject and the grade of certificate to which each is entitled. lb. Sec. 21. Sec. 1361 (509) State Superintendents to Issue Certifi- cates. — It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue and transmit without delay each and every certificate as recommended by the said board of examiners, to keep a stub record of each certifi- cate issued, and to publish in his biennial report a roster of all living holders of valid certificates. lb. Sec. 22. Sec. 137. (510) Examinations To Be Practical and Uniform; Places and Dates of Examinations. — The State board of examiners shall make the examination questions practical, conducting them with the aim of testing ability to teach rather than verbal memory and a knowledge of specific facts, and they shall make the examinations as lb Sec. 23. 49 uniform in the conduct, in the grading and in the question tests as may be possible without repetition of the same questions. In July of each year the board of examiners shall for- ward to each county superintendent a printed schedule giving the places and dates of examinations for the en- suing year, so arranged that one examination will be held in four or more different sections of the State during each month, and one in each county of the State during the year: Provided, It shall not be unlawful for the boards of public instruction of two or more counties in which the number of examinees is small to consent for the examina- tion to be held at some convenient and central point to their counties. Sec. 138. (511) Certificates May Be Revoked.— All cer- tificates issued under this article shall have state-wide validity, and any certificate may be suspended or revoked by a county superintendent as now provided by law, or by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction upon his own motion, or upon the recommendation of the State board of examiners, when the holder proves to be incom- petent, unsuccessful, or is guilty of some gross immor- ality. Sec. 139. (512) Examiners; Term of Office, Salary; ib. gee. 24. Statements. — The members of the state board of exam- iners shall hold their positions at the discretion of the State Board of Education, and each shall receive an an- nual salary of two thousand dollars and traveling ex- penses not to exceed eight hundred dollars, payable monthly upon requisition upon the comptroller approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This board shall remit monthly to the State Treasurer all ex- amination fees collected by them and make to the State Board of Education a detailed statement of all such fees, attaching thereto a copy of the State Treasurer's receipt. Sec. 140. (513) State Treasurer to Keep Fees Separate ; ib. see. 25. Disbursements; Annual Appropriation. — The State Treas- by ch!*^79\4, urer shall keep in a separate fund all fees arising under Acts 1919. Sections 505 and 512 of this Article, from applications for certificates upon diplomas and from examinations held by the State board of examiners, which funds shall be disbursed for the payment of salaries and traveling 4 — S. 50 expenses of the State board of examiners and for all expenses incident to and necessary in conducting the examinations, in grading the papers, and in reviewing applications under Section 505 of this Article, upon war- rants drawn by the Comptroller upon vouchers approved by the State Board of Education ; and there is hereby appropriated the sum of four thousand dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Article in case the fund provided for above shall be found insufficient. ch. 6165, Sec. 141. (514) Divulging- Questions To Be Used in sec.^ i!^"^"*^' Teachers' Examinations. — That it shall be unlawful for any school official or employee of any school board or school official to divulge to another any of the questions, or to give possession of any of the questions or question sheets, or information pertaining thereto, to be used in any teachers' examination in this State, except as pro- vided for by law to those lawfully entitled to receive such questions or question sheets. lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 142. (515) Penalty for Violation of Preceding Section. — That any person or persons convicted of the violation of the provisions of Section 514 shall forever thereafter be disqualified for holding any public office of honor or trust in this State. lb. Sec. 3. Sec. 143. (516) Unlawful for Applicant for Teacher's Certificate to Obtain Question Sheets. — That it shall be unlawful for any applicant for a teacher's certificate in any wa}^ to gain possession of any question or question sheets, or information pertaining thereto to be used in the teachers' examination, except as provided for by law. lb. Sec. 4. Sec. 144. (517) Penalty for Violation of Preceding Sec- tion. — That any applicant convicted of the violation of the provisions of Section 516 shall be forever barred from holding a teachers' license in this State or from teaching any public school in this State. Ch. 6165. Sec. 145. (5868) Unlawful Use of Teachers' Examina- Secs. "^5 ' "*" tioii Questions. — It shall be unlawful for any person, or and 6. persons, to have in his possession, or to sell or to offer for sale, any of the questions or question sheets to be used in any teachers' examination in this State, or to use, or offer for use any of said questions for pecuniary gain : Pro- vided, however, That any person or persons named by the 51 State Superintendent of Public Instruction to prepare or assist in preparing, printing and distributing, any such questions, and transportation companies in so far as the lawful handling of the same for purposes of transporta- tion, shall not be guilty of a violation of this section so far as it applies to the possession of such questions or question sheets ; but in no case shall this be construed to exempt any person, or persons, or any association of per- sons, from the penalty imposed for selling or offering for sale, or otherwise unlawfully divulging said questions or question sheets. Any person or persons, or association of persons, convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months. Ch. 8544, CERTIFICATES TO GRADUATES OF STATE COLLEGES. Sec. 146. (518) Graduates of State Colleges Awarded Graduate State Certificates; Proviso. — All persons who |ec-^ ^^^^^^ have heretofore or may hereafter graduate from the Nor- amending mal or Collegiate Departments of the University of Flor- ||^; "qIq ida or the Florida State College for Women, who in the ^t^^t. regular examinations held in these institutions at the close of the Junior and Senior years, made or shall make a general average of not less than 85 per cent, on all sub- jects pursued and completed during these two years with a grade on no subject below 60 per cent, shall be awarded a graduate State certificate by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction upon certified reports filed with him by the Presidents of these institutions. Provided, that graduates of the Collegiate Department shall devote three-twentieths of their time to the study of psychology and education ; and provided, further, in lieu of such time devoted to the study of psychology and education, twenty- four months' teaching experience in the public schools of this State may be accepted. Sec. 147. (519) Graduates of Certain Other Colleges ^b. sec. 2. Awarded Graduate State Certificate. — Any chartered col- lege or university in this State that v/ill submit to such in- Ch. 6540, spection and regulations as the State Board of Education and the State Board of Control may prescribe, and it being found that any such institution prescribes and sustains the same or an equivalent course in the normal or collegiate departments as maintained in the State University or the Florida State College for Women, the graduates of any and all such institutions in this State shall receive the same graduate State certificates as provided in Section 518, as amended by Section 1 hereof, for graduates of the University of Florida and the Florida State College for "Women, and they shall be based upon like reports filed by the President or Presidents of any and all such insti- tutions. Sec. 148. (520) Colleges to Make Annual Report of Acts i!^i|. Graduates. — The president of each of the two State insti- by cb. TsVs, tutions named in Section 518, and the president of each sec^ 3^^^"' ^iicl every institution coming under the provisions of Sec- tion 519, shall make a certified annual report, as soon as practicable after each commencement, to the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, which report shall show in separate lists the names of all pupils completing the normal and collegiate courses, and specify the subjects pursued and completed by each graduate both in the junior and senior years with the grade made on a per cent basis on each subject completed severally and separately: Provided, that the grades of the freshman and sophomore years of such graduates as complete a full four-year course in any of the colleges or universities coming under Sections 518 and 519, shall be reported in the same man- ner as the grades for the junior and senior years; pro- Added, further, that each report may show the grades made by each graduate in the high school course pursued previous to entering any of said universities or said col- leges naming the high school or institution of learning in which these grades were obtained. tb. Sec, 3. Sec. 149. (521) State Superintendent to Issue Grad- uate State Certificates. — It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent to issue to each such graduate a graduate State certificate, recording therein all subjects pursued and the grades made thereon, in the junior and senior years, as well as those reported for the high school course and the freshman and sophomore years, which certificates shall have all the privileges, rights and benefits conveyed 53 to those holding like certificates issued as the result of examination as provided by law. Sec. 150. (522) Life Graduate State Certificates. — A ib. see. 4. life graduate State certificate, good in any part of the State and of perpetual validity, shall be issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, without ex- amination, to any teacher holding a graduate State cer- tificate who has successfully taught in this State for a period of twenty-four months under a graduate State certificate, and who shall present satisfactory endorse- ment from three persons holding life certificates showing eminent ability in teaching and school government, and the said life certificate shall have thereon the subjects enumerated in the graduate State certificate and shall have all the privileges, rights and benefits conveyed to those holding a life certificate issued as a result of an examination State certificates as provided by law. DUTIES AND POWERS OF TEACHEES. Sec. 151. (523) Every teacher is directed: First. — To labor faithfully and earnestly for the ad- ch. 3872, vancement of the pupils in their studies, deportment and g^^^ 29^^^' morals, and to embrace every opportunity to inculcate, by precept and example, the principles of truth, honesty and patriotism and the practice of every Christian virtue. Second. — To require the pupils to observe personal cleanliness, neatness, order, promptness, and gentility of manners, to avoid vulgarity and profanity, and to culti- vate in themi habits of industry and economy, a regard for the rights and feelings of others, and their own re- sponsibilities and duties as citizens. Third. — To see that the school house, and all things pertaining thereto are not unnecessarily defaced or in- jured. Fourth. — To enforce needful restrictions upon the con- duct of the pupils in or near the school house or grounds, avoiding at all times unnecessary severity and measures of punishment that are degrading in their tendency. Fifth. — To suspend pupils from school for ten days for gross immorality, misconduct or persistent violations of 54 the regulations, giving immediate notice to the parents or guardian of the pupil, apd to the school supervisor, of the suspension and the cause of it. Sixth. To hold a public examination at the close of each school term, either oral or written. Seventh. — To deliver up the keys and all school prop- erty to the supervisor on closing or suspending the school, and in all things to conform to the regulations of the de- partment. Acts nn7. Sec. 152. (524) Mother's Day; Duties of Teachers to and^"2."'' Observe. — That the first Friday in November of each and every year shall be set apart and known as Mother's Day in the State of Florida. It shall be the duty of all teach- ers in the public schools of the State of Florida to com- memorate Mother's Day with appropriate exercises. Sec. 153. (525) Teachers Exempt From Jury and Mili- ^ , tary Duty. — No teacher while actually engaged in his pro- Acts 1889 fession shall be liable to military or jurv duty. Sec. 30. Sec. 154. (526) Temporary Absence of Teacher, How cii. 5207. Filled. — Whenever a teacher in a public school of this Acts. _^ 1903, State desires to be temporarily absent from duty, not to exceed three days, and shall be excused from duty during such absence by the county superintendent, or by the trustees or supervisor of such school, such teacher may provide a substitute, who shall be first approved by the county superintendent, trustees or supervisor of such school, and the pay of such absent teacher shall be left to the discretion of the board of public instruction, for the time of such absence ; but the pay of such substitute shall be provided for by the teacher whose place is thus taken. When any such teacher referred to herein is employed in a graded or high school, the principal of such school may approve of such substitute and excuse such teacher. lb.. Sec. 2. Sec. 155. (527) When Absence Exceeds Three Days. — When a teacher in a public school of this State is granted leave of absence from duty by the county superintendent or trustees of such school for a time exceeding three days, the temporary vacancy shall be filled by the county board of public instruction, or by the count}" superintendent, or 55 by the trustees of such school, and such substitute, if practicable, shall be one holding a teacher 's certificate for the grade to be supplied, and shall receive such pay as shall be agreed upon by the county board, or by the trus- tees making such appointment, before entering upon duty. The pay of the absent teacher shall cease during such absence. Sec. 156. (528) Forfeiture of Pay in Certain Cases. — u,. see. ; Any teacher absent without leave, shall forfeit pay for the time of such absence : Provided, An absence of not exceeding two days may, with the consent of the county superintendent, trustees or supervisor, be made up by such teacher teaching additional time : Provided, This section shall not apph^ to graded or high schools. Sec. 157. (529) Teacher's Report. — A teacher's monthly ch. 4902, report shall in every case, except as herein provided, be ^^^ts woi made for twenty days of actual teaching, and such report must be filed with the county superintendent before war- rant may be drawn for all or any part of such service : Provided, That a school holiday occurring in any scho- lastic month may be counted as one of the twenty days taught; and, Provided, That when a school term may embrace a fractional number of months, the last monthly report shall be made for a fractional part of a month and payment shall be made for such fraction of a month. Ch. 5200 RURAL AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADES. Sec. 158. (530) Number of Years of Instruction. — The uniform system of public free schools of the State of Flor- |^J^ i^-^'^cii Ida shall provide for twelve consecutive school years of •">3S2, Acts instruction, exclusive of kindergartens, normal schools, ' ''' colleges and universities, and such other schools as may be designated or established by the Legislature. Sec. 159. (531) School Year. — Each school year of in- ch. .-,208, struction shall be designated as a grade, and no official -^^f^^* 2^-^'rh course of study shall recognize less than a school year of "'•"'^r- ^'^f'^ ,, eight months of instruction as constituting the work of a grade. 56 Ch. 5206. Acts 1903. Sec. 3 ; Ch. 5382, Acts 1905, Sec. 3 Ch. 5206. Acts 1903. Sec. 4: Ch. 5382. Acts 1905 Sec. 4. Ch. 5206, Acts 1903, Sec. 5 : Ch. 5382. Acts 1905. Sec. 5. Ch. 5206, Acts 1903. Sec. 6; Ch. 5382, Acts 1905. Sec. 6. Ch. 5206, Acts 1903, Sec. 7; Ch. 5382, Acts 1905, Sec. 'i Ch. 7910, Acts 1919. Sec. 1. Sec. 160. (532) Grades of Instruction. — The first two grades shall be known as primary grades; the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades shall be known as inter- mediate grades ; the seventh and eighth grades shall be known as grammar grades; the ninth and tenth gTades shall be known as junior high school grades, and the eleventh and twelfth grades shall be known as senior high school grades. Sec. 161. (533) Primary Grades. — Instruction shall be given in the primary grades in reading, spelling, lan- guage, physiology and hygiene, numbers and writing, and such lessons in music, drawing, geography, nature study, morals and manners, as may be provided for in the county course of study. Sec. 162. (534) Intermediate Grades. — Instruction shall be given in the intermediate grades in reading, spelling, language, arithmetic, geography, physiology, hygiene, writing, elementary science, and such lessons in music, drawing, history, nature study, morals and manners, as may be provided for in the county course of study. Sec. 163. (535) Grammar Grades. — Instruction shall be given in the grammar grades in reading, orthography, grammar, arithmetic, (oral and written,) science, physi- ology, geography, history and civil government of Flor- ida, and of the United States, and such lessons in music, drawing, morals and manners, manual training, domestic arts and, sciences, and agriculture, as may be provided for in the county course of study. Sec. 164. (536) High School Grades. — Instruction shall be given in the high school grades in such subjects and to such extent as shall be designated in the course of study for high schools hereinafter provided for. Sec. 165. Uniform Course of Study.— That the Uni- form Course of Study for the Elementary and High Schools issued by the State Department of Education in 1918, be and the same is hereby adopted and validated and prescribed as the Course of Study for the Schools of the State of Florida ; provided, however, that said Course of Study shall be considered as containing and prescribing the minimum requirements only, and that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent or prohibit 57 any school or schools from pursuing or completing other, and additional or advanced work. Sec. 166. Appropriation for. — That the State Superin- ib., see. 2. tendent of Public Instruction is hereby authorized and empowered to have said Course of Study revised and at least 5000 copies of same printed, and the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, to pay for such revision and printing. RURAL SCHOOL INSPECTORS. Sec. 167. (539) Appointment and Duties of Rural en. G539, School Inspectors.^ — Two rural school inspectors are here- ^^^^^ l^'^^' by created, who shall be appointed by the Governor upon the nomination of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction and shall hold their positions subject to the State Board of Education. It shall be the duty of each of these inspectors to devote all of his time and attention to the work of visiting and supervising rural schools, and shall perform such educational work, when the rural schools are not in operation, as may be required of them by the State Board of Education, and shall work under the direction and advice of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to whom reports shall be made as re- quired. Sec. 168. (540) Salary of Rural School Inspectors. — ib. sec 1. rural school inspectors shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars and contingent and traveling ex- penses not to exceed twelve hundred and fifty dollars each, which shall be paid in monthly installments upon requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion upon the Comptroller of the State. ARTICLE VI. SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Sec. 169. (560) Special Tax Schools.— Bach county Ch. 4678. shall constitute a school unit ; all sub-divisions of a Acts 1899 county for school purposes shall be designated as school ^''^' ^' 58 districts ; all school districts levying a school district tax shall hereafter be designated as special tax school dis- tricts, and all schools receiving any district tax, as special tax schools. lb., Sec. -1. Sec. 170. (561) Petition for Election, Etc.— It shall be the duty of the board of public instruction of any county to order an election to be held in any sub-division of any city, or incorporated town, community or sub-division of the county, at such time and place as said board may direct, whenever one-fourth of the qualified electors that pay a tax on real or personal property, and are resident in such city, incorporated town, community, or sub- division of the county, shall petition for such election, to determine whether such city, incorporated town, com- munity or sub-division of the county shall become a special tax school district for the purpose of levying and collecting a district school tax for the exclusive use of public free schools within the district ; at such election the following matters shall be determined by a majority of the ballots cast by electors qualified as herein pre- scribed, except that the three persons receiving the high- est vote at such election shall be declared school trustees of said district : First, whether the city, incorporated town, community or sub-division of the county shall be- come a special tax school district ; Second, who shall be the school trustees of said district : Third, the number of mills of district tax to be levied and collected annually for the two succeeding years. The three persons receiv- ing the highest number of votes cast shall be declared the trustees elected for the special tax school district : Pro- vided, a majority of all the votes cast be in favor of cre- ating such special tax district, who shall serve for the next ensuing two years and perform the duties herein- after prescribed. Chap. S35.5, Sec. 171. (562'i Boundaries of District. — The petition Sec. 1, Acts mentioned in the preceding section shall prescribe the amending boundaries of the sub-divisions of any city or incorpo- Rev. ifen."* rated town or community, or sub-division of the county Stat. intended to be formed into a special tax school district. The Board of Public Instruction is hereby authorized and required to inspect the said petition and if such inspec- tion- discloses that it embraces territory that would be more equitably and properly served by some other exist- ing public school in the said county, not embraced in such 59 territory, it is hereby made the duty of the said Board of Public Instruction to revise the boundaries of such pro- posed Special Tax School District before ordering any such election, but shall in no case include territory not in- cluded in the original petition, and notice of such change or revision shall be given in the notice of election. Spe- cial Tax School Districts created under this Act shall con- tinue until disestablished or changed by like proceedings as those by which they were created. The petition pro- vided for by the preceding section shall be published once . a v^^eek for four successive weeks in some newspaper pub- lished in the county of general circulation throughout the county and the publication when stated in such petition will be presented to such boards. In case there shall be no newspaper published in the county such petition and notice shall be posted in the manner provided in the next section for the posting of notices of such election. Sec. 172. When Boards May Change Boundaries of m.. see. 2. Special Tax School Districts. — That when complaint is made to any Board of Public Instruction in this State that any Special Tax School District has been created in such a manner that it embraces territory that properly belongs to and would be more easily and beneficially served by a public school, not in a Special Tax School District or by a public school, in some other special tax school district, near or adjacent thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the Board of Public Instruction of the county in which such Special Tax School Districts lie, before the next election after such complaint, held as provided in Section 567 of the Revised General Statutes of Florida, to revise and change the boundaries of said Special School Dis- tricts to, as near as possible, distribute the territory cov- ered thereby equitably and beneficially. Notice of such change of boundary shall be given in the same manner that notice of election for the formation of such Special Tax School Districts is given and shall be given in con- nection with the next succeeding election for the election of trustees and the assessment of millage, which last elec- tion shall be held in the Special Tax School District or Districts as modified or changed. Provided, the provi- sions of this Act shall not apply to any Special Tax School District which shall have an outstanding bond issue. 60 Chap. 40TS, Sec. 173. (563) Board of Public Instruction to Give ietst'f 1899. Notice and Appoint Inspectors. — It shall be the duty of the board of public instruction of the county to cause a notice of said election to be published once a week for four successive weeks prior thereto in a newspaper pub- lished within the county, and having a general circulation throughout the county ; but if no newspaper be published in such county, then it shall cause five written or printed notices of said election to be posted in five public places within the territory in which the election is ordered. It shall also be the duty of the county board of public in- struction to appoint inspectors and clerks for said elec- tion, whose duty shall be the same as those of similar officers in general elections, except as herein stated. lb.. Sec. 5. Sec. 174. (564) Canvass of Returns. — The board of public instruction shall canvass the returns of election as made to it by the inspectors and clerks of election, and declare the results at the next regular meeting of said board, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. lb., Sec. 6. Sec. 175. (565) Election. — All special tax school dis- trict elections shall be held and conducted in the manner prescribed by law for holding general elections, except as provided in this article, and it is hereby made the duty of the supervisor of registration of any county, to fur- nish upon payment for such service to the county board of public instruction, on demand, a certified list of the qualified voters residing in a special tax school district, or the territory to be created into a special tax school district, that have paid a tax on personal or real property for the year next preceding any such special tax election. lb., Sec. 7. Sec. 176. (566) Who Entitled to Vote; Expenses.— All qualified voters residing within the territory sought to be made a special tax school district that pay a tax on real or personal property shall be entitled to vote in said elec- tion, and a majority of the votes cast shall determine any matter voted upon, pertaining to a special tax school dis- trict. The cost of the publication of the notice and of the election itself, shall be paid by the county board of public instruction out of the first moneys collected from the special tax district. lb., Sec. 8. Sec. 177. (567) Election Bi-ennially.— Elections shall be held bi-ennially in each special tax school district, as near as practicable upon the anniversarj' of the original 61 election under the direction of the county board of public instruction, to determine who shall be trustees for the next succeeding two years, and the number of mills of district school tax to be levied for each of said years ; said election shall be held under the same rules and regu- lations, and qualifications of electors shall be the same as prescribed for those voting in the original election cre- ating a special tax school district. Sec. 178. (568) Supervisor Superseded by Trustees. — ib., sec 9. Whenever a special tax school district is created and trus- tees are elected, they shall have the supervision of all the public schools within said district. The position of super- visor shall be superseded by that of trustees, and the duties prescribed by law for the supervisors shall be per- formed by the trustees. The powers of trustees shall not be those of control, but of supervision only, and shall extend to all the public schools within the special tax district. Any trustee failing to discharge the duties of the position shall be removed, after due notice to such trustee, by the county board of public instruction, and all vacancies occurring in the board of trustees from any cause, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the county board of public instruction, upon nomination by the patrons of the schools. Sec. 179. (569) Under Control of Comity Board of ib., see. i«. Public Instruction and County Superintendent. — All pub- lic schools conducted within a special tax school district shall be under the direction and control of the country board of public instruction and county superintendent as in other districts, and subject to the same laws, rules and regulations prescribed for the conduct of other schools, except that the trustees shall have the power to nominate to the county board of public instruction teachers for all schools within such special district: Provided, That no person be nominated for teacher who does not hold a teacher's certificate unimpaired by suspension, revoca- tion or limitation, or that will not remain in full force for the term of school, and obtained in compliance with the laws of this State. The county board of public instruc- tion shall have the right to reject any teacher nominated, and in case the second nomination of a teacher for any position be not ratified, the said board shall then proceed, on its own motion, to fill vacancies in the teaching force in any school in the special tax school district. G2 lb., Sec. 11. Sec. 180. (570) Application of School Funds. — The board of trustees shall have the further right to say what proportion of the school funds raised within the district shall be applied in any year to buildings, repairs on build- ings, to school libraries, to salaries of teachers and to other educational purposes : Provided, That they shall make a fair and equitable distribution of the funds among all the schools in the special tax school district, which shall be shown in their itemized estimate. lb., Sec. 12. Sec. 181. (571) Duty of Trustees as to Money To Be Raised. — It shall be the duty of these trustees, on or be- fore the first day of June in each year, to prepare an itemized estimate, showing the amount of money neces- sary and likely to be raised for the supplement of the county school funds appropriated to the district for the next ensuing scholastic year, and to certify therein the rate of millage voted .to be assessed and collected upon the taxable property within the special tax school district for that year. This estimate shall set forth clearly the apportionment of money raised within the district, pro- rated to each school within the district, stating the amount that will be applied to the salaries of teachers, buildings, furniture or for other educational purposes. It shall also state the number of miles of railroad track and telegraph lines within the boundaries of the district. This itemized estimate shall be made in triplicate, one copy to be filed with the clerk of the board of county com- missioners, one copy with the Comptroller of the State, one copy with the county board of public instruction : Provided, That where there are no railroads or telegraph lines in such district such itemized estimate need not be furnished to the Comptroller. lb., Sec. 12. Sec. 182. (572) Duty of County Commissioners. — It shall be the duty of the county commissioners to order the assessor to assess, and the collector to collect the amount legalh^ assessed upon the property of the special district, at the rate of millage designated by the board of trustees, and pay the same to the county treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the State to assess all railroads and railroad property together with tele- graph lines and telegraph property situated in such spe- cial tax school district and to collect the taxes thereon in the same manner as required b}^ law to assess and collect 909, 63 said taxes for State and county purposes, and to remit the same to the treasurers of the counties, to be by. them held to the credit of each special tax school district fund and to be paid out as hereinafter provided. Sec. 183. (573) Tax Assessor to Furnish School Board ^ts'iS. Amount Special District School Tax Assessed.— Tha^ it see. i." ' shall be the duty of the county tax assessors to furnish to the boards of public instruction of their respective coun- ties on or before the first day of October of each year the total amount of special district school tax assessed in each and every special tax school district. Sec. 184. (574) Duty of County Board of Public In- c^.^-^fTS^ struction.— It shall be the duty of the county board of sec. 12. ' public instruction to add the amount set apart for the salaries of teachers in each school within the special tax school district to the county appropriation made for that school, and upon this determine the salaries to be paid teachers and the length of the term that the school shall continue, and contract with teachers for the full term that said fund, arising from both county appropriation and the special tax fund, will sustain the school. The part of this fund arising from the special tax shall be paid to the teachers upon the order of the county board, based upon reports approved by the trustees, the same as other school funds are paid upon the endorsement of school supervisors. Sec. 185. (575) Special Tax Fund. — The special tax ib., see. 13. fund set apart by the board of trustees for the payment of teachers shall not be subject to requisition for any. other purpose by said trustees, the fund estimated for other educational purposes shall be paid out by warrants of the board of public instruction of the county upon the county treasurer, and said warrants to be based upon requisitions made by the board of trustees, accompanied by itemized bills for things purchased or work performed. All special funds collected within school district shall be disbursed solely for school purposes within the district in which the tax is collected, and, as near as practicable, in the year in which the tax is collected, u|)on the recom- mendation of the board of trustees: Provided, That the trustees shall make no contract with any of its' members embracing any monetary consideration. 6i lb., Sec. 14. Sec. 186. (576) Trustees Shall Be a Corporation. — The trustees of any school district shall be a corporation and may hold property, sue and be sued, and perform other corporate functions, and perform the usual duties neces- sary to provide buildings, repair the same, and to pur- chase libraries and other school appliances : Provided, That no debt shall be created without the approval of the county board of public instruction. No claim against the funds of a special tax school district can be en- forced by mandamus unless approval of the claim by the county board of public instruction be first shown. Pennock v. State, 61 Fla. 383, 54 So. 1004. A special tax school district and its trustees have a right to file a bill to secure the reasonable use of a school building erected by the dis- trict for school purposes. Special Tax School Dist. v. Smith, 61 Fla. 728, 54 So. 376. lb.. Sec. 16. Sec. 187. (577) Non-resident Children May Attend.— Children residing outside of any special tax school dis- trict shall not attend school in any such district without the consent of the trustees thereof, and of the county board of public instruction: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent attendance from an adjoining county provided the county school board of such adjoining county shall pay a pro rata share of such attendance. Such pro rata share to be estimated by the trustees of such school where such attendance is made : Provided, further. That pupils from other districts or sub-districts shall be subject to same conditions as pupils from other counties as herein provided for. lb., Sec. 17. Sec. 188. (578) Form of Ballot. — Each voter voting at any such election shall vote but one ballot, and the same shall be written, or printed in black ink on plain white paper, and be substantially of the following form, accord- ing as he may desire to vote upon any, or all of the ques- tions submitted : For (or against) Special Tax School District School Trustees (stating their names) Maximum tax levy mills. (Board of trustees empowered to establish kindergar- tens. See Sections 74, 75, 76.) 65 CONSOLIDATION OF SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Sec. 189. Districts May Consolidate. — That any two or ^.j^p 7913 more contiguous Special Tax School Districts in the State |cts 1917, of Florida may be consolidated as hereinafter authorized. Sec. 190. Procedure for Consolidation. — It shall be the ib. sec. 2. duty of the Board of Public Instruction of any county to order an election to be held throughout any two or more contiguous Special Tax School Districts at such time and place as said Board may direct whenever one-fourth of the qualified electors that pay a tax on real or personal property and are residents in such Special Tax School Dis- trict shall petition for such election to determine whether said districts shall become consolidated into a single Spe- cial Tax School District for the purpose of levying and collecting a district school tax for the exclusive use of the public free schools in the entire area included within the said district and of having the other powers of a Special Tax School District under the Constitution and Laws of Florida. Such petition shall contain one-fourth of the qualified electors residing in each of the districts proposed to be consolidated. At said election the follow- ing matters shall be voted upon and determined: First. — Majority Vote in Each District RecLuired. — Whether the said districts shall be consolidated and shall become a single Special Tax School District. To author- ize the consolidation of said district it shall be required that at said election a majority of the votes cast in each of the districts proposed to be consolidated shall be in favor of consolidation. Second. — Trustees Elected. — Who shall be trustees of the proposed consolidated district, and the three persons receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be de- clared the trustees elected for said consolidated Special Tax School District, if the result of said election be in favor of consolidation, and shall serve for the next en- suing two years. Third. — Millage Voted. — The number of mills of dis- trict tax to be levied and collected annually for the two succeeding years within the proposed consolidated dis- trict for tlie exclusive use of the public free schools 5 — S. Laws 66 thereof. If said election be in favor of consolidation, the number of mills of district tax for the two succeeding years receiving the highest number of votes shall be levied and collected in said district. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 191. Existing Laws Apply. — Except so far as in conflict with the provisions of this Act, the existing pro- visions of law relating to the calling, holding and can- vassing and determining the result of elections for the creation of Special Tax School Districts, shall apph' to elections provided to be held under the terms and pro- visions of this Act. lb., Sec. 4. Sec. 192. Consolidation When Effective. — When the result of any election held under the provisions of this Act shall be in favor of consolidation, the districts voting in favor of such consolidation shall become one entire district from and after the expiration of thirty days after the entry of the Board of Public Instruction of the county in which such districts are situated in the minutes of said Board of the result of such election. lb.. Sec. 41/2. Sec. 193. Liabilities and Resources Merged. — When two or more Special Tax School Districts shall be con- solidated as authorized by the provisions of this Act, the entire consolidated district shall become liable for the payment of all bonds and other indebtedness of each of the districts so consolidated, and the entire area of the consolidated district shall be subject to be taxed for the payment thereof. The consolidated district shall become entitled to all of the funds and property of the districts consolidated. lb.. Sec. 5. Sec. 194. Taxes Levied Not Impaired. — Where any tax school districts become consolidated under the provisions of this Act, no tax that shall have been levied or assessed prior to such consolidation in any one or more of the dis- tricts mcluded within the consolidated district shall be impaired by such consolidation, but subsequent to such consolidation all taxes thereafter levied and assessed in said consolidated district for the support exclusively of the schools of such district shall be in accordance with the result of the election creating such consolidated dis- trict or subsequent elections held therein. 67 Sec. 195. Existing Laws Not Repealed. — Except so far as in conflict with the provisions of this Act, the existing provisions of law relating to Special Tax School Districts, the powers and duties of the trustees thereof and County Boards of Public Instruction, and the County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, the levy and assessment of taxes and the issuance and sale of bonds by Special Tax School Districts shall apply to any consolidated district created under the provisions of this Act. SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Sec. 196. (579) Issuance of Bonds for Certain Pur- 'gJ^P-i'^^IJ'tg poses.— That whenever the residents of a special tax of i92i, school district in any county in this State shall desire the l™*^"^!^"^ issuance of bonds by said special tax school district for Rev. Gen. the purpose of acquiring, building, enlarging, furnishing, ' '^ " or otherwise improving buildings or school grounds or for any other exclusive use of the public free schools within any such special tax school district, they shall present to the county board of public instruction of the county in which the said district is located a petition signed by not less than twenty-five per cent, of the duly qualified electors residing within the said special tax school dis- trict, setting forth in general terms the amount of the bonds desired to be issued and the purpose thereof and that the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds shall be used for the purposes set forth in the said peti- tion ; provided, that in special tax school districts located wholly or partially in cities of 25,000 population, or more, according to the last Federal Census, the said petition may be dispensed with and the proposition of issuing bonds for the purposes as herein outlined may be initiated by the board of public instruction of the said county' or by the Trustees of said Special Tax District, or by both bodies. Sec. 197. (580) Amount of Bonds, Rate of Interest, rb., sec. 2. Etc. — At their first meeting after the receipt of the said petition the county board of public instruction shall de- termine by resolution to be entered in its records what amount of bonds is required for the purposes set forth in the said petition, the rate of interest to be paid thereon 68 and the time when the principal and interest of such bonds shall be due and when payable. [b., Sec. 3. Sec. 198. (581) Publication of Resolution. — It shall be the dut3- of the county board of public instruction, upon the adoption of the resolution provided for in Section 580, forthwith to cause said resolution to be published once each week for four successive weeks in some news- paper published in said special tax school district if there be a newspaper published in said district, and if no such newspaper be published therein, then in some newspaper published in the county in which said district is located. lb., Sec. 4. Sec. 199. (582) Notice of Election; Qualification of Electors. — The said county board of public instruction shall also at the meeting at which is passed the resolution provided for in Section 580, also order that an election shall be held in said special tax school district to deter- mine whether or not there shall be issued by said district the bonds provided for in said resolution, in which elec- tion only the duly qualified electors thereof who are free- holders shall vote and prior to the time of holding said election the said county board shall cause to be published once each week for four successive weeks in a newspaper published in said district a notice of the holding of said election which shall specify the time and place or places of the holding thereof, or if there be no newspaper pub- lished in said district, then in some newspaper published in the county in which said district is located. One who has an immediate beneficial ownership interest, legal or equitable, in the title to a fee simple estate in land, may be regarded as a "freeholder" under this section. Dean v State, 74 Fla. 277, 77 So. 107. lb.. Sec. 5. Sec. 200. (583) Conduct of Election; Form of Ballot; Appointment of Inspectors; Canvassing- Returns. — The election provided for in the preceding section shall be held at the place or several places in said special tax school district where the last general election was held throughout said district, unless the said county board of public instruction shall otherwise order, and the said county board of public instruction shall appoint inspec- tors for the said election and cause to be prepared and furnished to said inspectors the ballots to be used at said election ; the form of the ballots for such election shall be "For Bonds" or "Against Bonds." The inspectors shall make returns to the said county board of public instruc- 69 tion immediately after the said election, and the said county board shall hold a special meeting as soon there- after as practicable for the purpose of canvassing said election returns and shall determine and certify to the result thereof. Sec. 201. (584) Result of Election Held.— If it shall fb., sec 6. appear by the result of said election that a majority of the votes cast shall be "For Bonds" the said county board shall be authorized and required to issue the bonds authorized by said election for the purposes specified in the said resolution as published, not to exceed the amount therein named; but if the majoritj^ of the votes cast shall have been "Against Bonds," no bonds shall be issued. Sec. 202. (585) If Election Adverse, No Second Elec- ib. see 7. tion Within One Year. — If the result of the said election shall be adverse to the issuance of said bonds, no election shall be held for such purpose within one year thereafter. Sec. 203. (586) Receiving Bids and Sale of Bonds. — In [b., sec 8. case the issuance of bonds shall be authorized by the said election, the county board of public instruction shall cause notice to be given by publication in some newspaper published in the said county, that said county board will receive bids for the purchase of said bonds at the office of the superintendent of public instruction of said county, on or before the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of said notice. Such notice shall specify the amount of bonds offered for sale, the rate of interest and the time when the principal and installments of interest shall be due and payable, and any or all bids may be re- jected by the board if they deem it for the interest of said district so to do, and they may cause a new notice to be given in like manner inviting other bids for said bonds. Said bonds shall be disposed of to the highest bidder. Sec. 204. (587) Bidders To Give Security.— The said ib., see. 9. board of public instruction may require of all bidders for said bonds that they give security by bond or by a deposit to said county Board that the bidder shall comply with the terms of the bid, and any bidder whose bid shall be accepted shall be liable to the said county board for all damages on account of the non-performance of the terms of such bid or to a forfeiture of the deposit required by said county board. Sec. 1. 70 lb., Sec. 10. Sec. 205. (588) Form and Denomination of Bonds. — The county board of public instruction may prescribe tlie form and denomination of the bonds to be issued and such bonds may be issued witli or without interest cou- pons as may be deemed expedient. [b., Sec. 11, Sec. 206. (589) Proceeds; How Expended. — The pro- as amended cecds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be held Acts 1915, ' by the county board of public instruction, and shall be expended by the said Board for the purpose for which said bonds were authorized for said special school tax district, and shall be held and expended in the manner following : First. — The board of public instruction shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, the proceeds arising from the sale of bonds, together with the interest in sinking fund collected for said bonds in any bank or banks of the dis- trict issuing bonds that will agree to pay said board two per cent on daily balances of all funds so deposited, and four per cent on all said funds deposited for a period of three months or longer, and give the said board a surety bond, as hereinafter prescribed, for protection of said de- posits, provided that the board shall divide the deposits herein mentioned equitably among the banks of the dis- trict that will meet the above conditions, or in case no bank in the district will so qualify, then the board shall deposit the money in the banks of the county that will qualify as above provided, or, in case no bank in the county will qualify, then the board will deposit same in any bank in the State that will so qualify ; and any bank or banks before receiving any moneys as herein provided shall file a written offer with the said board guaranteeing to pay two per cent on daily balances and four per cent on time balances, and shall make surety bond in some fidelity company duly authorized to do business in this State, to be approved and in an amount to be fixed by the Comptroller of the State. Said bond shall be to the Governor of the State of Florida, and shall insure that the said bank shall faithfully discharge duties imposed upoii it on account of its acting as depositor}^, and shall further insure the safe-keeping, accounting for and pay- ing over by said bank upon demand all money that may come into its hands by virtue of its acting as depository and each bank acting as depository as herein provided. 71 shall make a monthly statement to the board of public instruction, showing amount of money on hand to the credit of each fund at the beginning of each month, the amount received for each fund, the amount expended from each fund, the amount earned on daily balances and time deposits in accordance with the terms of contract ; which amounts so earned shall be credited by the board of public instruction to the interest and sinking fund of the district on whose deposit the said interest was earned ; provided, that the money in time deposits account shall not be subject to check until transferred to daily balance account ; and provided, further, that the board shall have power at all times to transfer money from either account to the other. Second. — The bank acting as depository as herein pro- vided shall pay out any and all money coming into its hands by virtue of its acting as said depository, upon a check drawn by the board of public instruction, signed by the chairman of said board ,and countersigned by the secretary of said board, with the seal of said board thereto affixed, and the said board shall number each check with its proper number, and a list certified by the secretarj^ of said board giving the number and amount of each check, with the name of the person in whose favor the check shall be issued, shall be furnished to the de- pository within five days after the same shall have been issued, and the depository shall not pay out any checks before receiving said certified list from the secretary of the board of public instruction stating the number and amount of each check and to whom issued ; and it shall be the duty of the board of public instruction to deter- mine by resolution to be entered in its minutes the checks to be issued, to keep a record of all checks in the order in which they are issued, with the numbers of the same, the person to whom each check is drawn, and the number and purpose for which each check is drawn, and no money shall be drawn from the depository herein provided for except by check issued as hereinbefore provided in this Article. Sec. 207. (590) Advertising and Awarding- Oontract ch. 6542, for Building or Improvements. — As soon as practicable gg^*^^^^^^' after the said bond issue has been voted upon and author- ized, if the same be for the purpose of acquiring, enlarg- 72 ing, furnishing or otherwise improving school buildings, the county board of public instruction, upon the recom- mendation of the trustees of such special tax school dis- trict, shall prepare proper plans and specifications there- for ; and after advertising the same in the manner pre- scribed by law, shall award the contract for such build- ing or improvements to the lowest responsible bidder therefor; provided that the contract price shall not ex- ceed the amount of the bonds authorized to be issued and provided, further, that the county board may within their discretion reject any and all bids received if they deem the same expedient and re-advertise the contract until a satisf actor}' bid is received and accepted. lb., Sec. 13. Sec. 208. (591) Substance of Contract; Contractors to Give Bond. — Upon accepting a satisfactory bid, the county board of public instruction shall enter into a con- tract with the party or parties whose bid has been ac- cepted, such contract shall contain the specifications of the work to be done or the material to be furnished, the time limit in which the construction is to be completed or material furnished for improvement, the time and amounts in which payments are to be made upon said contract and the penalty to be paid by the contractor for any failure to comply with the terms of the said contract. The contractor shall also enter into a good and sufficient bond with the said county board of public instruction for the faithful execution of the said contract, the sureties upon which and the sufficiency and provisions of which bonds shall be determined by the said county board. lb., Sec. 14. Sec. 209. (592) Bonds for Other Purposes Than Build- ings, etc. ; Disbursing Proceeds. — If any special tax school district shall authorize, as herein provided for, the is- suance of bonds for a purpose other than acquiring, build- ing, enlarging, furnishing, or other improvement of school buildings, the county board of public instruction may and shall have the authority to disburse the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds in such manner as may be necessary and proper to carry out the purposes and objects for which the said bond issue was authorized. is'amendJd' ^®^' ^^^' i^^^^ County Commissioners to Levy Tax by ch. 6967, for Bonds ; Sinking Fund. — Whenever any special school tec.^ 2.^Mrst. ^^^ district bonds shall have been issued in pursuance of this Article, it shall be the duty of the board of county 73 commissioners of said county to levy annually a tax upon all real and personal property, railroad, telegraph and telephone line, owned or situated within said special school tax district, not to exceed five mills on the dollar in any one year sufficient to raise and pay the interest on said special tax school district bonds and sufficient ta create the sinking fund for the payment of principal of said bonds at maturity of same, which sinking fund shall be provided for by resolution of the county board of public instruction before the issuing of any bonds. All special tax school district taxes for the payment of in- terest and to create a sinking fund for the retirement of said bonds shall be assessed, equalized and collected upon taxable property in the special tax school district by the same officers and in the same manner as is provided by law for the assessment, equalization and collection of other county taxes. And the board of county commis- sioners shall levy and have collected from all taxable property within the special tax school district a special tax herein provided for, and until all bonds issued in pursuance hereof shall be paid and retired, and all money now in the hands of any county treasurer of this State which has been collected on account of the interest and sinking fund for any special tax school district, or which may hereafter be turned over to any county treasurer for the purposes mentioned above shall be immediately turned over to the bank selected as said depository for that district's funds by the county treasurer upon his being so notified hy the board of public instruction that the said depository has been selected and has qualified as herein provided, and provided that after the first day of January, A. D. 1917, it shall be the duty of the county tax collector to turn over to the said depository as desig- nated by the board of public instruction all money col- lected for the interest and sinking fund of all bonds issued and outstanding against any such special school tax district. Sec. 211. (594) Sinking Fund May Be Invested in Cer- ib., see tain Bonds; Attorney-General to Pass on Legality of Bonds To Be Purchased. — The county board of public instruction shall have power at all times to invest the sinking fund collected for the retirement of any bonds of any district in the bonds of another special school tax district of the same county; provided, said bonds shall Second. 74 be purchased at par, and the board shall have further right to invest the sinking fund of any district in any municipal or county bonds of the county under its juris- diction, provided that the said bonds shall be of such date and maturity that they will mature on or before the date of the maturity of the district's bonds, with whose sink- ing fund they have been purchased, and provided, fur- ther, that it shall be the duty of the county board of public instruction before investing the sinking fund as herein provided to secure the opinion of the Attorney- General of the State of Florida, approving the legality and validity of the bonds to be so purchased, and no bonds shall ever be purchased hy any board which have not been entirely and fully approved by the opinion of the Attorney-General as herein provided ; provided, al- ways, that the board shall have the right to keep the sinking fund on deposit earning the rate of interest agreed upon until such time as in their judgment they may be able to invest it in bonds to better advantage as herein provided for. lb.. Sec. 2, Sec. 212. (595) Animal Reports To Be Pubiislied. — It Third, shall be the duty of the board of public instruction to prepare annually on or before the 30th day of June of each year, a separate report for each district having issued bonds, in which they shall state the amount of money received for said bonds, the amount of money ex- pended from the proceeds, the amomit on hand, the amount of money collected for interest and sinking fund of said bonds, the amount expended, the amount invested and enumerating the kind and amount of securities held therefor, describing the same separately and giving such other information as may be necessary to fully explain the financial condition of the district, which report shall be published at length in a newspaper of general circula- tion of the district or the county in Avhich the district is located. Cli. 6542, Acts 191.3 Sec. 16. Sec. 213. (596) Additional Bond Issues. — After the issuance by any special tax school district of bonds in the manner herein authorized, the qualified electors of such special tax school district may thereafter, from time to time, in the manner herein provided for, authorize one or more additional bond issues as they may determine upon. 75 Sec. 214. (597) Disposition of Surplus of Bond Issue. — ib., see it. Should there remain any of the proceeds of the sale of special tax school district bonds after the purpose and object for which the said bonds were issued shall have been carried out and performed by the said board of public instruction, the said surplus then shall be held by the said county board and paid out by said board for the exclusive use of the public free schools within such spe- cial school district as said county board may deem reason- able and proper ; provided, such disposition be first recom- mended by the trustees of said special tax school district. Sec. 215. (598) Bonds May Be Validated. — When any ib., see. is. special tax school district shall have authorized and issued bonds in the manner provided for under the terms of this Article, such bonds shall be subject to validation in the manner provided for in Article 7, Chapter 11, Title 3, Second Division of these Revised General Statutes. Sec. 216. (599) District May Be Abolished or Limits ch. 5389. Changed; Proviso. — That any special tax school district tea i.^^*^' may at any time under the provisions hereinafter men- tioned abolish or extend or contract the limits of such special tax school district ; provided, that no special tax school district shall be abolished while it has any out- standing indebtedness without first making provision for the liquidation of such outstanding indebtedness. Sec. 217. (600) District Abolished or Changed by Ma- ib., sec 2. jority Vote. — That any special tax school district laaj be abolished or the limits thereof extended or contracted by a majority vote at an election called by the board of pub- lic instruction of the county for the purpose, after publi- cation of such notice as is required to create such special . tax district, at which election the qualifications of voters shall be the same as in elections to create special tax school districts. . SCHOOL TEXT BOOK LAW. Sec, 218. Book Commission Created; Duties. — The chap. sooo. Board of Commissioners of State Institutions shall be t^*^ ^^ ^^^^• and is hereby constituted the State School Book Commis- sion, hereafter designated in this Act as the Book Com- mission, whose duty it shall be to select and adopt a uni- 76 form series or system of school books for use in the public schools of the State of Florida, to enter into contracts with publishers for furnishing said books at stipulated prices, to enforce the use of said books, and to see that all contracts are faithfully executed. lb., See. 2. Sec. 219. Adoptions for Eight Years. — All adoptions under this Act shall be for a period of eight years, dating from July 1st after the adoption ; and all contracts with publishers for supplying school books shall terminate on June 30th, eight years after the adoption; provided, that contracts now existing with publishers for supplying high school text-books, expiring September 15th, 1922, and contracts for supplying text-books for the elementary schools, expiring September 22nd, 1924, shall not be in- validated by the provisions of this Act. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 220. State Superintendent to Submit List of Books for Adoption; Regulations. — On or before the first day of November of any year preceding the expiration of con- tracts with publishers for supplying either high school or elementary school text-books, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall submit to the Book Commis- sion for its approval a list of subjects on which books are to be adopted deemed needful to meet the demands of the State course of study for either high schools or elemen- tary schools, to be determined by the expiration of the contracts for furnishing books for either grade of schools. Immediately following the approval of the list of subjects on which books are to be adopted, the Book Commission shall be authorized to adopt all needful regulations gov- erning the advertisement for bids ; when and how prices for furnishing books shall be submitted ; when, how, and the number of sample books to be submitted ; the nature, kind, and amount of cash deposits and bonds which shall be required of bidders or publishers seeking adoptions ; and any other regulations not otherwise specified in this Act and deemed needful in the adoptions for supplying books for the schools of the State and in securing adopted books for use in the schools ; such regulations shall have the force and effect of law. lb.. Sec. 4. Sec. 221. Sub-Commission To Be Appointed. — Prior to the date set by the Book Commission for the filing of sample books by bidders or publishers, the Governor shall appoint, upon the nomination of the State Superintendent 77 of Public Instruction, a School Book Sub-Commission to be composed of seven prominent educators actually en- gaged in school work in the State, to be known as the Sub-Commission for high school books or elementary school books, according as the books next to be adopted are for use in high schools or elementary schools, and hereafter designated in this Act as the Sub-Commission. The names of the persons composing any Sub -Commission are not to be made public until the Sub-Commission is called together at the Capitol to enter upon the discharge of its duties. The duties and term of service of each Sub- Commission shall terminate with the filing of its report. A new Sub-Commission shall be appointed for every eight-year adoption of either high school or of elemen- tary school text-books. The Governor is hereby author- ized to remove any member of a Sub-Commission for cause, or to fill, upon the nomination of the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, any vacancy occurring thereon. Sec. 222. Oath of Sub-Commission. — Each member of ib., sec. 5. any Sub-Commission, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of the position, shall subscribe to an oath substantially as follows, and file the same with the Secre- tary of State : I certify, upon my sacred honor, that I am not now and never, prior to this appointment, have been an agent of, in the employment of, or interested in, any book concern, publishing house, or corporation making or proposing to make bids for the sale of school books. I promise and swear that I will act faithfully, honestly, and conscien- tiously in the discharge of the duties placed upon me as a member of said Sub -Commission, and will not, during my term of service, accept any emolument or promise of future reward of any kind from any publisher of school books, his agent, or any one interested in or intending to bias my judgment in any way in the selection of any school book to be adopted and used in the schools of the State. I further promise and swear that I will examine care- fully and faithfully all books submitted for adoption, and make true report thereon according to my honest judg- ment. So Help Me God. 78 lb.. Sec. 6. Sec. 223. Duties of the Sub-Commission. — It shall be the duty of the ' Sub-Commission, for the adoptiou of either high school or elementary school text-books, to convene in the State Capitol on the day fixed by the Book Commission, to organize by electing a Chairman and Sec- retary, and to adopt such rules and regulations for the prosecution of its work as it may deem necessary, sub- mitting the same to the Book Commission for its approval. The said regulations being approved, the Sub-Commis- sion shall receive from the Book Commission the speci- men copies of all books bid for adoption, and shall, in executive session from day to day until the work is com- pleted, examine faithfully and honestlj' all books sub- mitted, without interruption, suggestion, or interference by any one ; provided, that am- bidder or publisher may mail, at the request of the Sub-Commission, printed or written matter addressed to and for the use of the entire Sub-Commission. The Sub-Commission shall consider and valuate all books bid for adoption, irrespective of the price of the book or books, the subject matter, paper, printing, binding, and the general mechanical execution, teachability, suitability, adaptability, and desirability for the purposes intended as a school text-book. After all books have been carefully examined, it shall be the further duty of said Sub-Commission to make and file with the Book Commission a type-written report, not later than January 1st of any year when a book adoption is to be made. Said report shall indicate the merits of a book or books by recording the first choice, second choice, and on down to the fifth choice of the Sub-Com- mission ; the rank of any book or series of books below the fifth choice may be omitted. Opposite each book or series of books down to its fifth choice, the Sub-Commis- sion shall record in its report a brief statement of the merits or demerits of any book or books, and also the names of the members voting for and against each book. The Sub-Commission is authorized to make in its report such suggestions or recommendations to the Book Com- mission as it shall deem proper and advisable ; it shall recommend basal readers and such supplementary read- ers as it may deem necessar}^ for adoption. The report of the Sub-Commission shall be kept secret and delivered sealed to the Secretarv of the Book Com- 79 mission, -which report shall not be opened until the Book Commission meets to open and consider bids or proposals of publishers and to make adoption of books. The duties, term of service, and per diem of every Sub-Commission shall terminate with the filing of its report with the Sec- retary of the Book Commission. Sec. 224. Duties of Book Commission. — The Book Com- ib,. see 7. mission, as soon as practicable after the report of the Sub-Commission is filed, shall open and consider the bids or proposals of publishers for furnishing books, and shall proceed to select and adopt, for a period of eight years, a uniform system or series of text-books for use either in the high schools or in the elementary schools, to be de- termined by the expiration of the contracts of the class of books next to expire. The said. Book Commission in adopting books shall give due consideration both to the prices bid for furnishing books and to the report and recommendations of the Sub- Commission, and shall, itself, consider the merits of the books to be adopted as to subject matter, printing, bind- ing, and the general mechanical execution, suitability, adaptability, and desirabilit}'- of the books offered for adoption ; and it shall adopt such books as will, in its own best judgment, meet the ends desired. When the Book Commission shall have finished with the report- of the Sub-Commission, said report shall be filed and preserved in the office of the State Superinten- dent of Public Instruction and shall be open at all times; for public inspection. Sec. 225. Dates for Completion of Adoptions and Be- '^^■' see. s. ginning" of Contracts. — In any year when books must be adopted, the adoptions shall be fully completed, that is, all books adopted, contracts with bidders executed, and bonds submitted and approved, on or before the 1st day of March, in order that contractors shall have ample time in which to supply books by July 1st, the beginning of the school year, which is also the date fixed for the beginning of all contracts .for furnishing books. Sec. 226. Duties of Attorney General in Relation to i''-' ^^c. 9. Contracts. — It shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the State, as soon as practicable after the Book Com- mission shall have made the adoption of books and all 80 bidders or publishers, having secured the adoption of any book or books, have been notified of the same by regis- tered letter, to prepare a contract, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, in triplicate, with ever^^ bidder or publisher awarded the adoption of any books ; said con- tracts shall be executed by the Governor and Secretary of State under the seal of the State ; one copy to be kept by the contractor, one copy to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, one copy to be filed in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. And each contract prepared and executed shall provide that when any book or books covered by any such contract shall thereafter during the life of such contract be contracted for any other State of the United States at a lower con- tract retail price fixed by the publisher than is desig- nated in such contract for such book or books, the same contract retail price fixed by the publisher shall imme- diately become the price of such book or books in the State of Florida. It shall be the further duty of the Attorney General to prepare and have executed a bond by each contractor, conditioned for the faithful, honest, and exact perform- ance of each contract, in any guaranty company author- ized to do business in the State of Florida, in an amount not to exceed ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, payable to the State of Florida; the amount of bond in each case to be fixed by the Book Commission. Provided, however, that said bond shall not be exhausted by a single recov- ery, but may be sued on from time to time until the full amount shall be recovered. lb.. Sec. 10. Sec. 227. Duties of State Treasurer Relating to Cash Deposits. — It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer, immediately after the Book Commission shall finish the adoptions, to return the cash deposit to bidders or pub- lishers not awarded the adoption of any book or books ; also to return the cash deposit of any successful bidder or publisher when the execution of a contract and the required bond is submitted and approved by the Attorney General. But should any bidder or publisher fail or refuse to enter into contract or to submit the required bond, within thirty days after notification of being awarded an adop- tion of any book or books, the cash deposit of such bidder 81 or publisher shall be deemed and declared forfeited to the State of Florida and placed by the State Treasurer to the credit of the State School Fund. Sec. 228. Secretary of State to Preserve Specimen ib., sec. ii. Books. — It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to carefully preserve in his office the specimen or sample copies of all books which have been adopted and made the basis of any contract, together with the original bid or proposal, that the books furnished under anj^ contract may be seen to be equal in all respects to the standard of quality and excellence of the sample copies furnished with the bid. The specimen copies submitted by any bidder failing to receive adoption shall be subject to the order of the bidder or publisher submitting them. Sec. 229. Duties of Contractors Relating- to Prices. — n,., see. 12. It shall be the duty and be required of all contractors to plainly print, stamp, or paste a printed slip on the back or the inside cover of each book furnished under their contracts, both the contract retail price and the exchange price at which books are to be furnished. Provided, that the commission shall stipulate in any contract for the supplying of any book or books, as herein provided, that the contractor, or contractors, shall take up school books in use at time for making anj^ contract, and receive same in exchange for new books, allowing a price for such old books not less than fifty per cent, of the contract price of the new books. Sec. 230. The State Not Liable.— It shall always be a part of the terms and conditions of every contract made in pursuance of this Act, that the State of Florida shall not be liable to any contractor in any manner or any sum whatever, but all contractors shall receive their pay or compensation solely and exclusively from the sale of books as provided in this Act. The Book Commission shall always reserve to itself the right to reject any and all bids, or proposals, if it shall be of the opinion that any or all bids, for any reason, should be rejected, and said Book Commission shall be authorized to re-advertise for sealed bids or proposals under the same terms and conditions as before, and pro- ceed in all respects as it did in the first instance, and as required bj^ the terms and provisions of this Act ; Pro- 6— S. Laws lb.. Sec. 13. 82 vicled, that in all cases, bids or proposals shall be aeeoni- panied with a cash deposit of from $500 to $2,500, as the Book Commission may direct. lb.. Sec. 14. Sec. 231. Governor to Make Proclamation. — It shall be the duty of the Governor, as soon as the Book Commission shall have adopted books and completed all contracts and approved bonds for the faithful performance of contracts for the furnishing or supplying of books for use in the public schools of the State, either high schools or elemen- tary schools, to issue his proclamation announcing such fact to the people of the State, and direct the use of the books adopted. lb. Sec. 15. Sec. 232. Contractors to Maintain a Book Depository and Agencies. — Each contractor, or the several contract- ors combined, shall establish and maintain a book depos- itory at some convenient point in the State of Florida designated by the Book Commission, selected with special reference to transportation facilities and freight rates ; and the said contractors shall maintain one or more agencies in each county of the State for convenient and speedy distribution of books. Persons living in a county where no agency has been established, or no arrange- ments made for the distribution of books, may order the book or books from the contractor publishing the same, and if the retail contract price of the book or books accompanies the order, it shall be the duty of the con- tractor or contractors to deliver, without delay, any book or books so ordered, to the person ordering, to his post- office address, postage or express charges prepaid. lb., Sec. 16. Sec. 233. Book Commission to Secure Performance of Contracts. — The Book Commission may, from time to time make any necessary regulations, not contrary to the pro- visions of this Act, to secure the prompt and faithful per- formance of all contracts, and it is expressly provided, that should any contractor fail or refuse to furnish books as provided in this Act, or otherwise break his contract, the Book Commission may sue on the bond hereinbefore required, in the name of the State of Florida, in the courts of the State of Florida having jurisdiction, and recover damages on the bond given bj^ the contractor for failure to furnish books ; the sum recovered to mure to the State School Fund. 83 Sec. 234. State Superintendent to Issue Circular of ib., see n. Information. — ^The State Superintendent of Public In- struction, as soon as practicable after the adoption of either high school or elementary school text-books under this Act, and contracts for furnishing the same have been executed, shall issue a circular letter to the educators of the State, containing such information as he may deem necessary. Sec. 235. Adopted Books Must Be Used.— The books ib.. see. is. adopted as a uniform system of text-books for use in the high schools and in the elementary schools shall be intro- duced and used as text-books, exclusive of all others, in all public free schools of the State ; Provided, that pre- scribed and adopted supplementary text-books may be used after the basal book of the same grade has been com- pleted. Provided, further, that basal and supplementary readers, with the consent of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, may be used alternately, equal time being given to each. Any teacher wilfully refusing to use any book adopted by the Book Commission, or permitting to be used in his or her school any text-book not adopted and prescribed by the Book Commission, it is hereby made the duty of the County Board of Public Instruction to discharge such teacher from service, and of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction to revoke the certificate of any such teacher, or to report the case to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 236. Overcharg-e for Books a Misdemeanor. — Any ib., see. i9. dealer in school books, his clerk, or the manager of any agency or depository selling any school book adopted for use in the Public Schools of this State at a greater price than the contract retail price, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of Fifty ($50) Dollars. Sec. 237. Pay of Sub-Commission ; Appropriation for. — Each member of the Sub-Commission shall be paid Five ($5.00) Dollars for each day's actual service, not exceed- ing twenty days, and shall be paid, in addition thereto, actual traveling expenses for one trip to and from Talla- hassee, and a per diem allowance of not more than Three ($3.00) Dollars for board and lodging; and there is here- Ib., See. 20. 84 by appropriated the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, for the payment of the Sub-Commission and the incidental expenses of the Book Commission in the execu- tion of this Act. Each member of the Sub-Commission shall submit to the Book Commission a certified statement of his or her expenses, which shall be paid by the Comptroller upon the approval of the Book Commission, upon certificate by its Secretary. lb.. Sec. 21. Sec. 238. Bidders to Register All Agents. — Any bidder or publisher submitting school books to the Book Com- mission; for adoption shall register in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction the names and home addresses of all agents, or employees of any kind whatever, authorized to represent said bidder or pub- lisher in any book adoption in the State of Florida, and this registered list shall be open for inspection by the public. 11... soc. 22. Sec. 239. Existing Text-Book Laws Repealed. — Sec- tions 668 to 686, both inclusive, of the Kevised General Statutes of Florida, relating to a uniform series of text- books, and all other laws and parts of laws in confiict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. ch. 6163, Sec. 240. (687) School Boards Required to Furnish Acts 1911. Free Books to Children of Parents Unable to Purchase.— Sec. 1. That the respective school boards of the respective coun- ties of this State be, and they are herebj' required to fur- nish free of cost to any child not over fifteen years of age, whose father or mother or either of them is on the roll of the countj' poor, and any child who is an orphan under the age of fifteen years, and who is without the necessary means to procure the same, or who has no brother or other near relative who has the necessary means, or to any child, not over said age, whose parents are poor, and indigent or afflicted, and are financially unable to procure the same for such child, all the school text-books necessary' for the use of the child, upon requi- sition made therefor by the teacher of such child, accom- panied by the affidavit of not less than two reputable citizens, taxpayers of the county, certifying to such finan- 85 cial condition of such child or its parents, and upon the recommendation of the county superintendent of public instruction : Provided, That when the child in whose be- half the application is made, resides or has its home in a special tax district, the financial circumstances shall be certified to by not less than two of the trustees of such district, and the cost of the books furnished such child shall be charged against and paid for out of the funds to the credit of such district. Sec. 241. (5756) Penalty for School Officers Dealing ch. 3456, in Text-Books. — No superintendent or school board of any ^^*® ^'^^^- county, or any person officially' connected with the gov- ernment or direction of the public schools, or teacher thereof, shall receive any private fee, gratuitj^, donation or compensation, in any manner whatsoever, for promot- ing the sale or the exchange of any school book, map or chart in any public school, or be an agent for the sale or the publisher of any school text-book, or be directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in the introduction of any such text-book, and any such agency or interest shall disqualify any person so acting or interested from hold- ing any school office whatsoever, and the party so offend- ing shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days. CHAPTER V. COUNTY DEPOSITORIES. Sec. 242. (1558) County Treasurer Abolished. — That ^.^^ qq^o,- from and after the first Monda}^ in January, A. D. 1917, Acts i9i"5, office of county treasurer shall be and the same is hereby abolished. Sec. 243. (1559) Banks To Be County Depositories. — ib., see 2. Any bank, National or State, authorized to do business in this State, that will pay two per cent, per annum on daih' balances of county funds, and four per cent per annum on balances of county funds deposited for a period of three months or longer, and give, at his own expense, a surety bond issued by some surety company authorized to do business in this State, or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of the county sufficient Federal, State, 86 county or municipal bonds for the protection of said de- posits, is hereby created a county depository and author- ized and entitled to receive public funds in the manner and method as hereinafter provided in this Chapter. lb.. See. 3. Sec. 244. (1560) How Banks May Qualify as Depos- itories; Deposits To Be Divided Equitably. — Any bank, as described above, desiring to become a county depository as herein provided, shall file with the board of county commissioners or board of public instruction, or both boards, a written offer and guarantee to pay said board or boards two per cent per annum on all daily balances when such funds exceed two thousand dollars, and four per cent per annum on time deposits, and shall execute and deliver to said board or boards a surety bond issued hy some company duly authorized to do business in this State, or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of the county, Federal, State, county or municipal bonds, in an amount to be determined by each of the said boards, re- spectively, and be approved both as to amount and to validity by the Comptroller of the State, and conditioned that said bank insure the safekeeping, accounting for and paying over upon demand by proper authority all money that may come into its hands by virtue of its acting as said depositorj^, and will in all respects duly and faith- fully perform the duty imposed upon it, is entitled and authorized to receive an equitable share of the public money of the county in which it is located ; provided the county commissioners and board of public instruction shall divide the deposits of their county equitably among the banks of the county that have qualified as provided in this Act, and in case no bank in the county should qualify, then the said boards are authorized and com- manded to divide the deposits among the banks in some other county meeting the conditions as provided in this Chapter. Sec. 245. (1561) County Funds To Be Paid Into De- positories ; Triplicate Receipts To Be Issued. — The county treasurers of this State shall, on or before the first Mon- day in January, A. D. 1917, pay over to the bank or banks qualified on or before that time to act as depository of money that may be in the hands of the county treasurer at that time, and after said time tax collectors and all other persons having or receiving or collecting any money lb.. Sec. 4. 87 payable to the county funds not otherwise provided for, shall pay the same to the bank or banks qualified to re- ceive the same. Each bank receiving any money, as pro- vided in this Chapter, shall make receipt for same in triplicate ; one copy of vs^hich the said banks will carefully preserve and keep ; one copy to be given to the person from whom money was received and one copy to be given to the board for whom said money was received. Sec. 246. (1562) Depositories to Keep Two Accounts for ib., see. 5. Each Board; How Interest on Deposits Credited. — Each bank acting as depository shall keep two separate ac- counts for each board for which it is a depository; one account shall contain the daily balance account, subject to immediate checking, the other account shall be the savings account or time deposit account, and shall not be subjected to check without being transferred to the checking account :^ Provided, That each board shall have full authority at all times to transfer money from one of two accounts to the other. All interest earned on the daily balances shall be credited by the board of county commissioners or the board of public instruction to the general fund of the county or the general school fund of the county, and all interest earned on time deposits shall be credited by the board of county commissioners or board of public instruction to the account on which it was so earned, and all interest shall be computed and credited quarterly. Sec. 247. (1563) County Boards to Keep Set of Books; ib., see e. Overdrawing Prohibited. — The board of county commis- sioners or board of public instruction shall keep an accu- rate and complete set of books showing the amount on hand, amount received, amount expended and the bal- ances thereof at the end of each month for each and every fund carried by said boards, and no check or warrant or warrants shall ever be draAvn in excess of the known balances to the credit of that fund as kept by the said board : Provided, however. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the board of public instruc- tion from borrowing money, as now or as may hereafter be provided by law. Sec. 248. (1564) How Funds Drawn Prom Depositories. ^'' • see. 7. — And all money drawn from any depository holding same under this Chapter shall be upon a check or war- 88 rant or warrants issued by the board drawing the same, said check, or warrant or warrants, both as to number and amount and person to whom drawn and purpose for which drawn shall be recorded in the minutes of the board having ordered the same drawn, and each check, or warrant or warrants, so drawn shall be signed by the chairman of said board, attested by clerk or secretary of said board with the corporate seal thereof affixed, and the bank upon which each check or warrant or warrants is drawn shall not pay same until it shall receive a cer- tified list from secretary or clerk of board issuing check, or warrant or warrants giving date and number and amount of each check or warrant or warrants and person to whom issued. lb.. Sec. 8. Sec. 249. (1565) Depositories to Make Reports ; Boards to Publish Monthly Statements; Comptroller Authorized to Require Additional Security. — Any bank acting as de- pository shall at the end of each and every month file with the board for which it is a depository a report, showing the balances on hand at the beginning of the month, on the sums received and paid out during the month, balances on hand at the end of the month and return with said report all checks or warrant or warrants properly cancelled which the said bank has paid during the month ; each board shall make and publish a monthly statement and at such other time as now. required, or at such other times as may be required by the Comptroller, the board of county commissioners or the county board of public instruction, and other such reports and statements regarding the conditions of each and every fund, as now or as may be hereafter required by law. If at any time the security furnished by any county depository becomes insufficient or inadequate, the Comptroller shall have au- thority on such terms, conditions and penalties as he may prescribe to require such other or additional security to be provided. lb., Sec. 9. Sec. 250. (1566) Accounts Subject to Examination by Authorized Persons. — The accounts of each and every board and the county accounts of each and every bank acting as depository, mentioned or provided for in this Chapter, shall at all times be subjected to the inspection and examination of county auditor, the State Auditor and the State Comptroller, or persons designated by him. 89 Sec. 251. (1567) Designation of Depositories; When ib. see. ii. Made. — That the designation of depositories under the provisions of this Chapter shall be made between the first and fifteenth day of December, 1916, and during the same time annually thereafter. CHAPTER III. COUNTY FINANCES. ARTICLE I. REGULATIONS CONCERNING COUNTY FINANCES. Sec. 252. (1517) Comptroller to Furnish Forms for Financial Statements. — That the Comptroller of the State of Florida is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe a form or forms of financial statements or reports to be made by the county commissioners and clerk of the cir- cuit court, and the county board of public instruction and the county superintendent of public instruction of each of the counties of the State of Florida, which shall provide for and require an accurate report of all the re- ceipts, disbursements, unpaid warrants and assets and liabilities of such counties, in such form and manner as to set forth a comprehensive and complete statement and report of the administration, conduct and condition of the financial affairs of each such county, and all separate funds thereof. Such forms may be altered from time to time by said comptroller, and he shall have the poAver to prescribe and promulgate rules for the effectual adminis- tration and enforcement of the provisions of this article, and to prescribe and alter, from time to time, such other forms and books as may be necessar}" in connection with and conforming to the provisions of this article. Sec. 253. (1518) Duty of County Officers to Make Sworn Statements of County Finance. — That it shall l)e the duty of the county commissiojiers and clerks of the circuit court and the county boards of public instruction and the county superintendents of public instruction to make out, fill in and subscribe such reports or statements of county finances, upon the form or forms prescribed by Ch. 6428, Acts 1913, Sec. 1, as amended by Ch. 6813, Acts 191.5, Sec. 1. Ch. 6428. Acts 1913, Sec. 2, as iimended by Ch. 6813. Acts 191.3, Sec. 2. 90 Ch. 6428, Acts 1913, Sec. 3, as amended by Ch. 6813, Acts 1915, Sec. 3. Ch. 6428. Acts 1913, Sec. 4, as amended by Ch. 6813, Acts 1915, Sec. 4. Ch. 6428 Acts 1913, Sec. 5, as amended by Ch. 6813, Acts 1915, Sec. 5. said Comptroller, from time to time, and to swear to the accuracy and completeness of the same to the best of their knowledge, information and belief ,and file the same with the Comptroller of the State of Florida at such times as the same may be called for and required by said Comp- troller. Sec. 254. (1519) Copies of Financial Statements To Be Preserved. — That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the circuit court and the county superintendent of public in- struction of each such county to preserve in their respec- tive offices in a substantial book provided for that pur- p®se complete and accurate copies of every such financial report or statement, with the signatures and affidavits thereon, which said reports and records shall be a part of the public records of said boards of county commis- sioners and county boards of public instruction, and open at all times to the use and inspection of the public. Sec. 255. (1520) Public Inspection of Reports; Publi- cation; Expense. — That all of said reports made as afore- said to the Comptroller shall likevrise be kept by him for permanent reference, and be subject to the inspection of the public at any time. Said Comptroller shall cause each of said reports ,in condensed form, to be published in at least one newspaper published in the county from which said reports shall be received, and cause a copy of such publication to be transmitted to the Governor for his in- formation ; the expense of which publication shall be paid from the general fund of the county and the county school fund respectively. Sec. 256. (1521) Examination of Reports; Comptroller May Employ Examiner. — That the Comptroller shall have the power and it shall be his duty to cause every such financial report or statement to be examined and verified by a person employed for that purpose by the Comp- troller, whenever in the judgment of the Comptroller the same may be requisite or necessary, and for that purpose all of the books of account of the County Treasurer, clerk of the circuit court, county commissioners, county board of public instruction and county superintendent of public instruction and other county officers shall be open to the inspection of the Comptroller or his representative. 91 Sec. 257. (1522) Removal of Officers for Failure to Make Reports. — That if any county commissioner or clerk or any member of the county board of public instruction, or any county superintendent of public instruction, shall fail, decline or refuse to make, subscribe or swear to, file or return any of said financial statements or reports, or shall knowingly make, consent, subscribe or ^wear to any financial statement or report which shall be false or un- true in any particular, or shall otherwise violate any of the provisions of this article, or to fail to keep or perform or shall violate any rule or regulation adopted under the provisions of this article, it shall be the duty of the Comp- troller to certify said fact to the Governor of the State of Florida, and to the State's Attorney and county solicitor of the proper county. The failure or refusal of any countj^ commissioner, clerk of the circuit court, member of the county board of public instruction or any county superintendent of public instruction to conform or comply with any of the provisions of this article, or to such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed under the provi- sions of this article, shall be cause for removal by the Governor. Sec. 258. (5324) Failure of County Officers to Swear to or File Financial Statements. — ^That if any county com- missioner or clerk of the circuit court or any member of the county board of public instruction or county superin- tendent of public instruction shall decline, refuse or fail to make, subscribe or swear to or file with said Comptrol- ler any of the financial statements or returns required by law, at the time required by the Comptroller under the provisions of law, or if any such county commissioner or clerk or any member of the county board of public in- struction or county superintendent of public instruction shall knowingly or wilfully make, consent, subscribe, swear to or file any such financial report or statement which shall be false, incomplete or untrue in any respect, or otherwise in any respect violate any of the provisions of Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 9, First Division of these Revised General Statutes, or any of the rules and regu- lations therein provided for, he shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction, he shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year in the county jail ,or by a fine not exceeding five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. Cl2. 6428, Acts 1913, Sec. 7, as amended by Ch. 6813, Acts 1915, Sec. 7. Oh. 6428, Acts 1913, Sec. 6, amend- ed by Ch. 6813. May :9, 1915, Sec. 6. 92 ch. G8i3^ Sec. 259. (1523) Annual Appropriation. — For the pur- Sec.^s.' ""' pose of carrying- out the provisions of this article, the sum of $12,500.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby annually appropriated out of any funds in the treasury- not otherwise appropriated. INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS AND OTHER INSTITU- TIONS. CHAPTER IX. Ch. 7.^-8^ Sec. 260. (691) Commission Appointed by Governor. — hii<\i. '' That the Governor of this State, upon the recommenda- tion of the Board of County Commissioners, shall appoint a commission in each count}', to consist of six members, three of whom shall be women and three shall be men, to inspect all public and private charitable institutions with- in the county, including hospitals, sanatoriums, public and private schools, high schools and colleges, alms houses, houses of the Good Shepherd, detention and re- formatory institutions, nunneries, convents, asylums, seminaries and any other institutions maintained by re- ligious or educational institutions. lb., Sec, 2. Sec. 261. (692) Duty of Commission.— It shall be the duty of the commission to visit each institution mentioned in the foregoing section situated within the county, once each year, or oftener, if the commission deem it necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the treatment of the in- mates of said institutions and the general conditions of said institutions, and report their findings to the Governor and the county commissioners of the county : Provided, The visits of the said commission shall not be made known or announced beforehand. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 262. (693) Commission to Serve Without Pay. — The members of said commission shall serve Avithout com- pensation, but shall be allowed their actual traveling ex- penses, to be paid by the comity. Ch. 7378^ Sec. 263. (5377) Interfering- with Commission to In- tec.^4!^"^' spect Charitable Institutions. — That any officer, agent or employee or other person who shall refuse to permit or interfere in any way with the visits or investigations pro- 93 vided for by Section 692, or in any manner hinder or delaj' the commission or any member thereof in the dis- charge of their duties shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. CHAPTER II. MEDICAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN. Sec. 264. (2020) Medical Inspection of School Children ch. 6829, Under Supervision State Board of Health.— The State gee' i^.®^'^' Board of Health shall have supervision over all matters pertaining to the medical inspection of school children in Florida, with such duties and powers as are prescribed by law pertaining to public health, and all school children shall be examined as to their physical condition at least once during each school year. Sec. 265. (2021) Rules for Medical Inspection To Be ib.. see. 2. Formulated by State Board of Health. — It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health to formulate and adopt such rules and regulations as will be necessary to provide for thorough and uniform medical inspection of school children in Florida, as provided in Section 2020. Sec. 266. (2022) County Medical Inspectors; Payment ib.. scc. 3. for Services Out of State Board of Health Fund. — The county phj'sicians of each count}' in the State of Florida shall act as county medical inspectors of school children in their respective counties, providing that in such coun- ties where there are no regular appointed county physi- cians, it shall be the duty of the board of county commis- sioners to appoint a physician as county medical inspector of school children : Provided further. That the county phj^sician or county medical inspector of school children be paid for their services out of the State Board of Health funds : Provided further, That no one physician shall have more than twenty-five hundred school children un- der his charge, and in counties having more than twenty- five hundred school children, there shall be two medical inspectors of school children appointed, as aforesaid. 94 lb., Sec. 4. Sec. 267. (2023) Oities Already Having Medical In- spection Not Affected. — The provisions of this chapter shall not affect cities of over five thousand inhabitants, where medical inspection of school children has already been established under the jurisdiction of the city board of health, provided that the city board of health adopt the forms prescribed by the State Board of Health, and make full report to the State Board of Health. lb.. Sec. 5. Sec. 268. (2024) Expenditures To Be Certified by Pres- ident State Board of Health ; Annual report to Governor. — The expenditures of the State Board of Health for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter shall be certified by the president of the State Board of Health, and he shall make an annual report to the Gov- ernor of all such expenditures, together with any special observations, recommendations or facts that he may pre- sent, showing the value of medical school inspection from a public health standpoint, or from a standpoiut of educa- tional efficiency, or otherwise, and such annual statements shall finally be submitted by the Governor to the State Legislature, when in regular session convened, and shall be published like other reports of State officers. The accounts necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter shall be approved, audited and paid in the same manner as is prescribed for the payment of other accounts of the State Board of Health, and out of the State Board of Health funds. MOTHERS' PENSIONS. ch. 7920. Sec. 269. General Duties of Officers. — The County Com- |cts of i9i9, missioners of the several counties of the State of Florida are empowered and authorized to provide in the annual budget of the General Revenue Fund an appropriation sufficient to meet the purposes of this law for the support of women who have dependents upon them for food, rai- ment and education an orphan or orphans or half orphan children under sixteen years of age, including any woman whose husband is dead or an inmate of some State insti- tution, or whose husband has been prosecuted for deser- tion or non-support and has been adjudicated by the Court where prosecuted to be wholly unable to support 95 his wife and children; whose support and the support of the children depend wholly or partially upon her labor, shall be entitled to the assistance as provided for in this Act, for the support of herself and for her children. Sec. 270. Allowance Authorized.— The allowance for i^., sec 2. the aid of such women shall not exceed twenty-five dollars a month when she has but one child under sixteen years of age. If she has more than one child under the age of sixteen years it shall not exceed twenty-five dollars for the first child, and eight dollars a month for each of the other children. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 271. Condition of Allowance.— That the County Commissioners of their respective counties shall levy a tax of not more than % of one mill on all taxable prop- erty of their respective counties for the purpose of sup- plying funds to carry this bill into effect, and provide means for the same, provided the condition of allowance of said allotment shall be made by the County Commis- sioners upon the recommendation of the School Board in the county in which such Mothers reside, and only upon the following conditions : First.— The child or children for whose benefit the allowance is made, must be living with the mother of such child or children. Second. — The Mother must in the judgment of the County Commissioners of such county, which body shall finally pass upon all applications for aid under this Act, be a proper person morally, physically and mentally for the bringing up of her children. Third.^Said allowance shall, in the judgment of the County Commissioners, be necessary to save the child or children from neglect. Fourth. — No person shall receive the benefit of this Act who shall not have been a resident of the State for at least four years and a resident of the county in which the allowance is given, for at least one year next before the making of the application for aid in such county. Sec. 272. When Allowances Shall Ce^se. — Whenever j,,^ gee. 4. any child shall reach the age of sixteen years, or the mother shall remarry the allowance to the mother or the I!).. Sec. G. 96 children shall cea-se : Provided, however, that if it is made to appear to the Board of Count}' Commissioners, after an investigation and recommendation by the County School Board, that there exists some special reason that it is for the besti interest of any child, as well as for society, to continue said allowance for a longer period of time such allowance may be continued for such time as the justice of the case maj' demand. In all cases, how- ever, when the mother remarries all allowances shall cease. Sec. 5. Sec. 273. Female Relative. — The provisions of this Act shall also be extended for the benefit of orphan children who are dependent on some female relative unable to sup- port them, or to any such child or children under guar- dianship who are dependents or paupers and have no means of support. Sec. 274. How Carried Into Effect. — In order to carry the provisions of this Act into effect, it shall be the duty of the County School Attendance Officer, or like officer by whatever name called, to have direct supervision of the investigation of all cases, and he shall have the as- sistance of the Bureau of Education and Child Welfare of the State Board of Health to cooperate with the Board of Public Instruction or social workers of each county in the State in investigating all persons entitled to the pro- visions of this Act in the gathering of data and the his- tory, and making a report on each case, and to this end the necessary blanks will be provided, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Child Welfare and Education of the State Board of Health to provide uniform blanks to be printed and paid for by the counties to be used in gather- ing and recording the history of each case. lb., Sec. 7. Sec. 275. History of Each Ca^e. — The history of each case when investigated by the Board of Public Instruc- tion, School Attendance Officer, or the nurse or social worker of the county, or a committee hereinafter pro- vided to be appointed, shall be made up in triplicate, the original to be filed with the Board of County Commis- sioners of the county, which shall include the recommen- dation of the Board of Public Instruction of the county, and one copy shall be retained by the Board of Public Instruction, and one copy forwarded to and filed with 97 tlie Bureau of Child Welfare and Educatiou of the State Board of Health. Sec. 276. How Families Are To Be Investigated. — It ib., see. s. shall be the duty of the Board of Public lustructiou of each county to require each nurse or social worker em- ployed by said County Board of Public Instruction or School Attendance Officer to carefully and speedily in- vestigate the condition of any and all poor mothers' chil- dren, orphan and half orphan children, whose needs may be brought to their attention, and after having gathered the history of each case and recorded such history upon the blanks as hereinbefore required to be provided, to immediately place such report of such case before the Board of Public Instruction of such county for its imme- diate action, and said Board of Public Instruction shall * examine such report and immediately transmit such ap- plication together with its recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners of the county for final action. The Board of County Commissioners shall immediately take up such application and grant or reject such appli- cation as that Board in its judgment shall find the appli- cant entitled in this Act. Sec. 277. Other Persons May Be Appointed to Carry ib., see. 9. Law Into Effect. — In absence of a social worker or nurse, as provided for in Section 8, in any county of the State, it shall become the duty of the Board of Public Instruc- tion, upon this Act becoming a law, to immediately recom- mend for appointment three capable women, residents of such county, who will be willing to accept such appoint- ment and serve without compensation, to investigate and report the cases of poor mothers, orphans and half orphan children entitled to the provisions of this Act, and who shall serve until a nurse or social worker or School At- . tendance Officer is employed, and such persons so ap- X^ointed shall individually or collectively make their investigation of poor mothers, orphans and half orphans in the same manner as nurses and social workers as is provided for in Section 8 of this Act. Sec. 278. Where Child May Reside.— The child or chil- ib., see. lo. dren to whom the allowance is made under this Act must be living with the mother, or other female guardian of such child or children unless special privilege of separa- tion is authorized by the Board of County Commissioners, 7 — S. Laws 98 upon the recommendation of the Board of Public Instruc- tion for the sake of the child's education. lb., Sec. 11. Sec. 279. — Construed Liberally. — The provisions of this Act shall be construed liberally to the ends that the best interest of all dependent children shall be conserved. lb., Sec. 12. Sec, 280. Require Attendance at School. — All children receiving aid under the provisions of this Act shall be required to attend the schools of the county during the whole term or terms of such schools, and upon failure of such children to attend schools for the whole term or terms thereof, the aid herein provided for such mothers and child or children shall cease without notice. lb., Sec. 13. Sec. 281. Penalty for Fraud. — Any person procuring an allowance under the provisions of this Act for a person or persons not entitled thereto shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the trial judge. MILITARY INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING IN HIGH SCHOOLS. ch. 7911 Sec. 282. Course of Military Instruction. — That the Sec." 1.^ ^^^^' State Board of Education of the State of Florida be and is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe a course in military instruction and training to be used in high schools of the State of Florida having an enrollment of twenty-five or more male pupils in and above the ninth grade ; and to prescribe the kind and style of uniform and equipment to be used by pupils taking the said course in military instruction and training. lb.. Sec. 2. Sec. 283. County Boards May Designate Schools. — That the boards of public instruction in and for the sev- eral counties in which high schools are maintained shall be empowered to designate the high school or schools in which the said course in military instructon and training shall be used and maintained. 99 Sec. 284. Boards May Procure Equipment. — That the ib.. sec. 3. said boards of public instruction be and are hereby au- thorized to receive or procure rifles or other military equipment necessary for the said course in military in- struction and training and to give security therefor when leased or borrowed from the Federal Government. Sec. 285. Students to Furnish Own Uniform.— That the ib., sec. 4. pupil or pupils taking the said course in military instruc- tion and training shall be required to buy and furnish his or their own uniform or uniforms. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Sec. 286. Who Must Send Children to School.— That ch. tsos, from and after July 1, 1919, ever parent, guardian or sec^ i. other person having citizenship within the State of Flor- ida having the custodj^, control or charge of any child or children within the State of Florida between the ages of seven and sixteen years, both inclusive, shall cause said child or children to attend a public, or private school each year for a term or period of not less than substan- tially the number of days the public or private school which said child attends is held annually in the district in which the school is located or in which such chold or children may reside ; Provided, that any child may be taught by parent or guardian upon written authority from the County Superintendent of Public Instruction of the county in which they reside ; the County Superinten- dent of Public Instruction being hereby authorized to grant such permission only in cases of necessity, which permission shall not extend for a period of time beyond the end of the current school year, and in cases where such authority is granted the said child shall report to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, or some person designated by him, for examination in the work covered, at least twice a year, and if the County Sviperin- tendent of Public Instruction shall determine, after such examination that any child has not been properly taught, he shall revoke the authority of the parent or guardian to teach such child, and shall require said parent or guar- dian having the custody, control or charge of said child to cause said child to attend a public or private school 100 for the remainder of the said school year; and if any parent, guardian or other person having the custody, con- trol or charge of any child shall fail to complj^ with the order of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction he shall be liable to the penalties hereinafter provided. Provided, that in. the following enumerated cases all chil- dren between the ages of seven and sixteen years, both inclusive, shall be exempt from the provisions of this Act : Exemptions : First. — Any child who is mentally or physically inca- pacitated to perform school duties ; satisfactory proof of such incapacity to be submitted to the Attendance Officer. Second. — Any child who has satisfactorily completed the eight grammar school grades, as prescribed by the State Course of Study of this State, or a course of study adopted by any county or private school or tutor, or the equivalent of such eight grades completed in another State, and holding a certificate of having completed such grades, signed by the principal of the school under whom completed and countersigned by the County Superinten- dent of Public Instruction of the county in which said grade was completed. Third. — Any child whose services are necessary for the support or assistance of a widowed mother or other per- son dependent upon said child for support ; said depen- dency to be proven by affidavit of the dependent person and at least two other affidavits as to such dependency by disinterested persons not related to said child or de- pendent, and such other proof as may be required by and is satisfactory to the Attendance Officer having authority to grant exemptions. Fourth. — Any child between the ages of seven and nine years, inclusive, who resides more than two miles from any school, and any child from ten to sixteen years of age who resides more than three miles from any school, unless free transportation is furnished. Fifth. — Any child whose parent, guardian or other per- son having the custody, control or charge of said child can make satisfactory proof that he or she is unable to provide the necessary books and clothing, unless said necessary books and clothing shall be furnished by some other means to said child. 101 Sixth. — Any unusual cause acceptable to the Attend- ance Officer for the district in which the school, public or private, which any child is required to attend is lo- cated; Provided that request for excuse, setting forth the cause, be made in writing by the parent, guardian or other person having the custody, control or charge of said child, such request to be filed within two days after the first day's absence. Sec. 287. When Private Instruction Acceptable ; Ver- ib., see 2. ify. — Whenever, under the provisions of this Act, any child shall receive instruction privately or in any private school, the private teacher, principal or teacher in charge of such private school shall keep a record of the attend- ance of such child or children and the County Superin- tendent in checking his lists of attendance may call on the private school principal to verify a child's attend- ance. Sec. 288. Four Days Absence Excusable. — Occasional ib., see. 3. non-attendance at public school by any child required to attend public school under the provisions of this Act, amounting to not more than four days unexcused absence in any school month, shall not render any parent, guar- dian or other person having the custody, control or charge of such child liable to any of the penalties pro- vided by this Act. Sec. 289. Accurate Record To Be Kept and Reported Weekly.— The principal or teacher in charge of any pub- lic school shall keep an accurate record of the attendance and non-attendance of all children enrolled in the school over which he or she is in charge, and shall make report of non-attendance of any child to the Attendance Officer on Friday of each week during the school term, together with the reason therefor, if known to said principal or teacher. The certificate of any teacher failing to ■ keep such record and make such report may be revoked by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction upon satisfac- tory proof of such failure. Sec. 290. Attendance Officers, Compensation, Removal. — The County Board of Public Instruction in each county is hereby authorized and directed to appoint one or more Attendance Officers, as may be necessary for the faithful execution of the provisions of this Act, and to prescribe lb., Sec. 4. Ib., Sec. 5. 102 the district or territory to be nncler the supervision of said Attendance Officer or Officers, and to fix the com- pensation of said Attendance Officer or Officers for the time actnally employed in the performance of duties, said compensation to be paid from the County School Fund. And if deemed advisable by the County Board of Public Instruction, any Supervisor or Trustee of schools within the county may be appointed as Attendance Officer or Officers. The County Board of Public Instruction is hereby authorized to remove any Attendance Officer who fails to perform his duties as herein prescribed. lb., Sec. 6. Sec. 291. Duties of Attendance Officers.— Each At- tendance Officer is directed c^id authorized : First. — To Take Census and Report. — During the month of June in each and every year, it shall be the duty of every Attendance Officer appointed under the provisions of this Act to take an accurate census, in triplicate, of all children between the ages of seven and eighteen years in the territory or district in which he is acting ; the said census to show the name, sex, age and date of birth, and distance from the nearest school, of each child, the school grade completed, and the name of the parent, guardian or other person havuig the custody, control or charge of such children, Avith the postoffiee address thereof; and on or before the first day of July of each and every year, one copy thereof shall be filed with the County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, one copy with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and one copy shall be retained by the Attendance Officer, but no child over sixteen years of age is under compulsion to attend school. lb., Sec. 7. Second. — To Notify Violators of the Law; Penalties. — It shall be the duty of the Attendance Officer to serve a notice upon any parent, guardian or other person having the custody, control or charge of any child who has been absent from school in violation of the provisions of this Act, to cause said child to attend school as herein pro- vided ; and any parent, guardian or other person having the custody, control or charge of any child Avho, upon notice herein provided for being served on him or her, fails to comply Avith the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial and con- viction thereof by any Court of this State having juris- diction of misdemeanors, shall be fined not more than 103 Five Dollars for each offense, and upon failure or refusal to pay such fine, said parent, guardian or other person having the custody, control or charge of said child shall be imprisoned not exceeding five days for each offense; Provided, that upon conviction for any first offense sen- tence may, upon payment of costs, be suspended until the second conviction of the same person for a similar offense, and that each day a child remains away from school after service of notice by the Attendance Officer, as herein pro- vided, unless one of the grounds for excuse provided for by this Act exists, shall constitute a separate offense, and subject the offending person to penalties accordingly. All fines collected under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the County School Fund of the county in which collected. Third. — To Furnish Teachers Names. — It shall be the ib., see. s. duty of each Attendance Officer appointed under the pro- visions of this Act to furnish the principal or teacher in charge of any school within the territory or district for which the Attendance Officer is appointed with a list of the names of all children in such district who should at- tend school. Fourth. — To Enter Places of Business. — Any Attend- ib., sec. 9. ance Officer appointed under the provisions of this Act is hereby authorized to enter, for the purpose of assisting in the proper enforcement of this Act, any office, factory or business house, of any nature whatsoever, for the pur- pose of ascertaining whether or not any child or children are enrolled or employed therein who should, under the provisions of this Act, be in attendance upon any school. Fifth. — To File Complaint in Court. — It is hereby made the duty of the Attendance Officer in the territory or dis- trict over which he has supervision, or for which he is appointed, to make and file in the proper court complaint in due form against any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act. Sixth. — To Keep Records.^Every Attendance Officer j^, gg^. n, appointed under the provisions of this Act shall keep a record of all attendance notices served, all cases prose- cuted, fines imposed and other services rendered, and shall make annual report of the same to the County Board of Public Instruction, on blanks to be furnished lb., Sec. 10. 104 him, and shall make reports more frequently if required by the County Board of Public Instruction, and shall perform such other duties as shall be required of him by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction. lb., Sec. 12. Sec. 292. When Patrons Exempt; Correctional Schools. — If any parent, guardian or other person having the custod.y, control or charge of any child within the eom- pulsorj^ school attendance ages as herein provided shall present to the County Board of Public Instruction, or to the court beford which a trial may be had in cases of prosecution under this Act, satisfactory proof that he or she is unable to compel said child to attend school, said person or persons shall be exempt from the penalties herein provided for the non-attendance of such child; and in all such cases said child shall, if a boy, be com- mitted by the said court to the Florida Industrial School for Boys, and if a girl, to the State Industrial School for Girls, or said boy or said girl may be committed to some other Correctional School for the remainder of the cur- rent school term. lb., Sec. 13. Sec. 293. Fine for County Superintendent. — Any County Superintendent of Public Instruction who fails to perform the duties required of him by this Act shall, upon conviction, be fined not exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each offense. lb., Sec. 14. Sec. 294. state Superintendent to Prescribe Forms. — All notices, forms and blanks to be used in properly car- rying out the provisions of this Act shall be prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and furnished by the County Board of Public Instruction. lb., Sec. 15. Sec. 295. Publication of Act. — The Board of Public Instruction of each county in this State shall cause this Act to be published in full once a week for at least two weeks prior to the first day of July, 1910, in some news- paper in the county, and if there be no' newspaper pub- lished in the county, then to cause same to be published by posting copies thereof at the Court House of the county and at each public school in the county for at least two Aveeks prior to the opening day of each of said schools. lb. Sec. 16. Sec. 296. Period of Compulsory Attendance. — The pe- riod of compulsory attendance under this Act shall com- 105 mence with the beginnmg of the school term nearest the school term nearest the sixteenth birthday, except as is seventh birthday of the child and end at the close of the otherwise herein provided. Sec. 297. Whole Act Not Invalidated. — That if for any ib., see. ii reason any Section, Paragraph, Provision, Clause, or Part of this Act, shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, that fact shall not affect or destroy any other Section, Para- graph, Provision, Clause or Part of this Act, that is not in, and of itself invalid, but the remaining portion shall be in force without regard to that so invalidated. SUNDRY PROVISIONS AND PENALTIES. Sec. 298. (709) Tax Collector to Furnish List of Polls ch. 4666, Acts 1899 to School Board. — It shall be the duty of the tax collector sec. i in each county to file, on or before the tenth day of every month with the county board of public instruction a cer- tified list of the names of all persons whose poll taxe§ were paid durmg the previous month, giving the year for which payments were made. Sec. 299. (1298) Fees of County Judge; License Money ch. 6969 Acts 193" Sec. is. To Be Paid Into County School Fund ; Reports to County ^^^^ ^^^^' Board of Public Instruction. — County judges shall retain of the money received for licenses issued by them the sum of twenty-five cents for each resident county license, the sum of Mty cents for each non-resident county license, and the sum of one dollar for each non-resident hunter's license, which fees shall cover the fees for swearing the applicants to the affidavit herein provided for, when such affidavit is made before him, and all other services re- quired of them under this article, and shall pay the bal- ance, on the first day of each month, into the county treasury to the credit of the county school fund, and the said county judge shall report to the county board of public instruction, on the first day of each month, the number of licenses issued during the previous month, and the amount of money paid into the countj^ school fund under this article. 100 Ch. 1637, Acts 1868, Sub-Ch. 4, Sec. 62. Ch. 3872, Sec. 41, Acts 1S89. Ch. 3872, Sec. 42, Acts 1889. Ch. 1637, Sub. -Ch. 8, Acts 1868. Sees . 19, ; n. 22 ; June Ch. 5; !3, il! 1907 , Sec. 1. Ch. 4192. Acts 1893. Sec. 21. Sec. 300. (5288) Injuring Dwelling- Houses, School Houses, Churches, Etc. — Whoever wantonly and mali- cionslv, or wantonly and without cause, destroys, defaces, mars or injures any dwelling house or any school house, church or other building erected or used for the purpose of education or religious instruction or for the general diffusion of knowledge, or any of the outbuildings, fences, walls, or appurtenances of such school house, church or other building, or any furniture, apparatus or other prop- erty belonging to or connected with such school house, church or other building, shall be punished by imprison- ment not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. Sec. 301. (5441) Obscenity on School Buildings, Etc. — Whoever wilfully cuts, paints, pastes or defaces, by writ- ing or in any other manner, any school building, furni- ture, apparatus, appliance, outbuilding, ground, fence, tree, post or other school propertj'- with obscene word, image or device shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding fifteen days, or by fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars. This section shall not apply to any pupil 'in and subject to the discipline of the school. Sec. 302. (5443) Insulting Teachers in Pupils' Pres- ence. — AVhoever, within the school house or grounds, up- braids or insults any teacher in the presence of the pupils shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding fifteen days, or by fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. This section shall not apply to any pupil in and subject to the discipline of the school. Sec. 303. (5448) Disturbing Schools and Religious and Other Assemblies. — Whoever v^dlfully interrupts or dis- turbs any school, or any assembly of people, met for the worship of God, or for any lawful purpose, shall be pun- ished by fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), or im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding sixty days. Sec. 304. (5867) For Violation of the Law to Secure Impartiality and Fairness in the Examination of Teach- ers. — ^Any superintendent, county or State, violating the provisions of law relating to the examination and certifi- cation of teachers, upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be debarred from holding any school office in this State. 107 Sec. 305. (189) County Official May Be Suspended for ^i^-^siij^ Eefusal to Submit Books. — Any county official who shall see 2. refuse to submit his books of account, records, vouchers, papers, warrants and other property in his possession or control belonging to the State or county or kept by him for the use of the State or county to the State Auditor for inspection may be suspended from office by the Gov- ernor, I Ph. 5703 Acts 1907, Sec. 1. lb. Sec 2, Sec. 306. (193) County Officers May Be Required to Make Reports to Auditor. — That Clerks of the Circuit Court, Clerks of Criminal Courts of Record, County Judges, Tax Collectors, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Boards of County Commissioners and Boards of Public Instruction of the several counties of this State, may be required by the State Auditor to make monthly reports to him of all matters touching the financial transactions of their respective offices, on such forms as he shall pre- scribe. Sec. 307. (194) Failure of County Officers to Make Reports. — That any county officer or board of county oft'icers who shall refuse to make reports when required to do so by the State Auditor in compliance with the pro- visions of Section 193, may be suspended from office by the Governor. Sec. 308. (1206) Flag of United States To Be Dis- on. 7.369, played. — The flag of the United States of America shall |g]^ J^^'^' be displaj'ed daily, when the weather j)ermits, from a ' ' ' staff upon the State capitol, county courthouse, upon one building of each State educational institution, and upon every county public school building, except when the in- stitution or school is closed for vacation. Sec. 309. (1207) Duty of Certain Officers to Provide Flag. — It shall be the duty of the officer or officers charged with the maintenance or upkeep of said build- ings to provide suitable flags and cause them to be dis- played, the expense to be borne out of the funds provided for the upkeep and maintenance of said buildings men- tioned in Section 1206. lb. Sec. 2. 108 TEACHERS' HEALTH CERTIFICATES. The following is prescribed by the State Board of Health by virtue of the duty and powers conferred and granted under Title XI, Chapted I of the Revised Gen- eral Statutes of Florida. This Board has authority to enforce its regulations. Rule No. 81. Who Forbidden to Teach.— ''A Rule for- bidding individuals to teach in the public schools of Flor- ida without having a health certificate from a reputable physician showing that they are not affected with or are carriers of communicable diseases. Section No. 1. All Teachers Must File Health Certifi- cates. — "All teachers or instructors in any public school operating in the State of Florida, or in any private school operating within the State of Florida, shall be required to file with the Board of Health of Florida annually be- fore the beginning of each school year a certificate ob- tained from a reputable physician, who is licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida, certifying that said teacher or instructor has been duly and carefully examined and is free from communicable diseases and is believed to be a non-carrier thereof." STATE INSTITUTIONS. ARTICLE II. UNIVERSITY OF "FLORIDA AND STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. Ch. 5384, Acts 1905 Sec. 12; Ch. 5926, Acts ; 1909, Spc 1 : Ch. 5924, Acts 1909, Sec. 1. Ch. 5384, Acts ; 1905, Sec. 24. Sec. 310. (611) University and College for Women Created. — That there shall be established, and there is hereby created the following institutions of higher edu- cation in this State, to-wit: one university to be known as the University of Florida, and one female seminary to be known as the Florida State College for Women. Sec. 311. (612) Admission of Students From Other States ; Admission of Students From Florida. — In case of the admission of students to either the said university or college from other States, the same may be admitted by 109 and with the consent and upon the certificate of the Board of Control upon such terms as to tuition, board, etc., as the said board may from time to time establish. The several departments of the said college and of the said university shall be open to applicants for admission who are citizens of this State at the lowest rate and ex- pense consistent with the welfare and efficiency of the respective institutions, and as may be established from time to time by the said board. Each county shall have the right to send one student annually, or so often as vacancies may occur to each of the said institutions and normal department, such students to be selected by the boards of public instruction of the several counties pos- sessing the qualifications required for admission thereto, and such students so selected shall be received into said respective institutions and entitled to receive the benefits of a full course of instruction at either said college or university, or normal department, or other institution aforesaid, without any charge for instruction, but sub- ject to such rules and regulations as may be established by the said board for the governance and direction of the same, and the board may make such requisite as to previous instruction for entries into the normal depart- ments as it shall deem best. Sec. 312. (622) Departments of University.— The Uni- ch. 5384, versify of Florida shall have and contain the following |g*® .j^^^' departments and such other departments as may from I'evised.' time to time be determined upon and added at any joint meeting of the State Board of Education with the said State Board of Control, to-wit : A Department of Agriculture, Mechanical and Indus- trial Arts; A Scientific and Classical Department ; A Normal Department for the training and instruction of white teachers. It being intended that the design and scope of this institute shall be to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechauMal and industrial arts, scientific and classical studies and instruction in all the various higher branches of educa- tion ; the fundamental laws in what regards the rights and duties of citizens, and shall include military tactics if the said joint boards deem the same requisite and proper. 110 That all Summer Schools now or that may be hereafter provided for shall be taught, had and held m and at the University of Florida, and the Board of Control shall make such necessarj^ provisions therefor as shall be requi- site and necessary; provided, that whenever a normal de- partment shall be established at the Florida State College for AVomen, a branch of such summer school may be there located if deemed advisable, and the boards may establish summer schools for colored teachers at the Florida Agri- cultural and Mechanical College for Negroes whenever it shall deem the same necessary. lb. Sec. 23. Sec. 313. (623) Qualification of Students for Admis- sion; Board May Change Requirements. — No student shall be admitted to the University of Florida who has not passed a satisfactory examination at some high school and through the twelfth grade as now established, or some other institution of learning having an equivalent of instruction to the twelfth grade. The State Board of Control may change the grade at any time they may see fit as a prerequisite to such entrance. No person shall be admitted to said university except Avhite male students having the prerequisite qualifications to which the said Board of Control may add others in their judgment and discretion, except to the Normal Department thereof for the instruction and education of teachers ; when both male and female students maj' be admitted to that department. ch. 6i7o,_ Sec. 314. (624) Certain Books To Be Furnished by sec.^2''^; "^°' Clerk of Supreme Court. — The Clerk of the Supreme revised. Court of the State of Florida is hereby authorized and directed to furnish the Board of Control three bound copies of each volume of the Florida Supreme Court Re- ports as the same are issued and published, for the use of the School of Law of the University of Florida. The said Clerk of the Supreme Court is further authorized and directed to transmit to said School of Law any law books coming into his possession for the Supreme Court which are not necessary for said court. The clerk of said court is to furnish said Supreme Court Reports, and said law books, without cost to the Board of Control, or the said laAV school. Ch. 6432, Sec. 315. (625) Annual Appropriation. — That an an- ^e'c^ i^'^^' nual appropriation of the sum of $2,716 is herebj^ made for the use of the University of Florida, it being entitled Ill to the benefits of the act of Congress approved July 2nd, 1862, the said amount to be transferred to the agricul- tural college fund annually by the comptroller on the first day of July of each year. Sec. 316. (626) State Museum Established at Univer- ch. -ssk, sity of Florida. — There shall be established at the Uni- gg*^{®^^' versity of Florida at Gainesville, Florida, a department of said university to be known as the Florida State Mu- seum. Sec. 317. (627) Functions of Museum.— The functions ib, sec.2. of the Florida State Museum shall be to make scientific investigations towards the further development of the natural resources of the State and maintain a depository and exhibition of the collections acquired by the surveys provided for in this bill, and of collections and specimens otherwise coming into its possession, and of a library of publications pertaining to the work as herein provided. The collections and librarj^ of said museum shall be open free to the public, under suitable rules and regulations to be promulgated by the director of said museum, and ap- proved by the State Board of Control. Sec. 318. (628) State Museum Under Control of Direc- ib., sec 3. tor; Compensation. — The said museum shall be under the control of a director who shall be nominated by the presi- dent of the University of Florida and elected by the State Board of Control. He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the State Board of Control. Sec. 319. (629) Duty of Director; Collection of Speci- n,. sec 4 mens and Data.— It shall be the duty of the director to conduct surveys of the State of Florida and collect speci- mens and data of a scientific and economic nature in the three kingdoms ; mineral, vegetable and animal, in such numbers and quantities as may be needful for the pur- pose of said museum. Said collections and acquisitions may be made at any season of the year and upon all prop- erties owned by the State of Florida, and no provision of any existing law shall be construed so as to prohibit the taking of necessary specimens for said museum. The per- mission of the owner or agent shall be first secured be- fore taking any specimens from the lands of any person or corporation. The director shall collect specimens and data of a civic nature pertaining to the early history of 112 the State, locate and chart historic sites, prehistoric earthworks, shell heaps, and collect specimens relative to the prehistoric and aboriginal tribes of the State as rep- resented in its mineral, vegetable and animal industries. He shall, as may be practicable, prepare such duplicate specimens as may accrue into traveling exhibits and cir- culate them as loans to the public schools of the State. lb., Sec. 5. Sec. 320. (630) Director to Make Annual Reports. — The director shall make an annual report of the expendi- ture and general work of the department to the State Board of Control, which said board shall publish, and tlie director shall from time to time publish and distribute bulletins and monographs recording data and exploiting the work of the said museum. lb-. See. 6. Sec. 321. (631) Assistants. — The director may, subject to the approval of the State Board of Control, authorize persons in writing to assist him in procuring specimens in any section of the State. FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. Ch. .5384 Acts 1905, Sec. l2 ; Ch. 5924, Acts 1909, Sec. 1, revised. Sec. 322. (632) Objects; Only Female White Students Admitted; Normal Department. — The design of the Flor- ida State College for Women shall be to teach and in- struct in all the higher branches of education, and in all the useful arts and sciences that may be necessary or ap- propriate to be taught in like institutions, and as may be deemed requisite and necessary from time to time by the joint boards herein provided for its governance and con- trol. None but female white students shall be admitted to this institution, and no student shall be admitted therein unless and until she shall have passed a satisfactory ex- amination in some high school of this or some other State having a like standing and through or beyond the tenth grades as now established for the high schools in this State, or such other grade not lower than the tenth grade as may be hereafter established, and no student from any other State shall be admitted to such institution, except by the consent and upon the certificate of the State Board of Control. 113 That the State Board of Education jomtly with the Board of Control is hereby authorized and empowered at any time it may deem the same requisite or necessary, to establish and maintain a Normal Department for the in- struction of white female teachers in the Florida State College for Women, and when established the same shall be under the charge and control of the State Board of Control, with all the powers and duties in relation thereto as provided herein, and under such rules and regulations as it shall prescribe. Sec. 323. (633) Property Set Apart for Florida State ch. 5384, College for Women. — The bonds, property, assets and l^^f 27^?re effects, of every nature and description whatsoever, in- vised, eluding all the donations belonging to or donated to the West Florida Seminary or the Florida State College, its successor, and the rents, revenues, issues and profits thereof, be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart for the establishment, maintenance and support of the Florida State College for Women. THE FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR NEGROES. Sec. 324. (642) Normal School for Colored Teachers. — ch. 53S4, A normal school for the training and instruction of col- fg*f A^^^' ored teachers is established under the supervision and control of the State Board of Education and the Board of Control hereinafter provided. The Board of Control shall elect a faculty to consist of a principal and two assistant instructors who shall have in charge the train- ing and instruction of all students, subject at all times to the approval of and under such rules and regulations as the Board of Control hereinafter created shall prescribe, and such board, under the rules and regulations herein- after to be made, shall have the power of removal of all or any of the faculty, may increase or diminish the same, and may add such other departments of instruction and education to such institution from time to time as may be deemed advisable. The Colored Normal School now es- tablished at Tallahassee shall be such school, and the faculty remain as now until changed by said board, but the State Board of Education shall have power to change the location of same at any time it may deem it of benefit or advantage to such institution or the purposes for which S — S. Laws 114 it was created, and that one-half of the Morrill fund com- ing or that may come to the State for the purposes pro- vided in such act is set apart and appropriated to the support and maintenance of said school. ch. 5925, Sec. 325. (643) Name of Colored Normal Scliool Acts ^1909, Changed.— That the Colored Normal School as at present defined by law be and is hereby changed to and shall be known as the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege for Negroes. SUMMER SCHOOLS. Ch. 6835, Sec. 326. (634) Summer Schools Established; Loca- Sec^ 1^'^°' tion. — That there is hereby created and established in this State three summer schools, to be located as follows : One in connection with the University of Florida, at Gainesville; one in connection with the Florida State College for Women, at Tallahassee, and one in connection with the Agricultural and Mechanical College for Ne- groes, at Tallahassee. lb., Sec. 2. Sec. 327. (635) In Charge of State Board of Educa- tion; Sessions. — The summer schools created herein shall be in charge of the State Board of Education, whose duty it shall be to hold sessions of one or more of them each summer ; the said sessions to begin not later than June 28th and to continue for a period of not more than ten weeks. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 328. (636) Open to All Students; Qualifications of Teachers. — The summer schools herebj- created shall be open to all students who desire to graduate, and under- graduates for professional or vocational work of any character, and no teacher shall be employed to teach therein who is not a specialist and whose educational qualifications have not thoroughly equipped him or her for high grade work. lb., Sec, 4. Sec. 329. (637) Board Created to Name Teachers of Summer Schools. — The president of the University of Florida and the president of the Florida State College for Women, and the president of the Agricultural and Me- chanical College for Negroes shall be president, respec- tively, of the summer school conducted with each of said institutions, and the president of the University of Flor- 115 ida and the president of the Florida State College for "Women, in connection with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall constitute a board whose duty it shall be to name all teachers for the summer schools, to prescribe the course of study therefor, and to make such further rules and regulations governing the same as they may deem fit and proper. Sec. 330. (638) Credit for Work Performed by Stu- ib., sec. 5. dents. — All work conducted at the said summer schools shall be of such character as to entitle the students doing the same to collegiate, normal or professional credit therefor, and may be applied towards making a degree. Sec. 331. (639) Teachers Attending Entitled to Exten- it,., sec 6. sion on Teacher's Certificate. — All teachers attending any of the summer schools herein created and whose work en- titles them to credit therefor, upon making proof of the same to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, are hereby entitled to one year's extension on any Florida teacher's certificate they may hold and which has not fully expired, and such certificate may be extended one year for each succeeding session attended by the said teacher. Sec. 332. Appropriations For. — The sum of Fifteen chap. 844o Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars for the year 1921, and the |cts ^1921. sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars for the ' " "' year 1922, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated for the maintenance of the Summer Schools created by Chapter 6498, Laws of Flor- ida, approved June 5th, 1913. Sec. 333. (640) Warrants for Cost of Summer Schools. — The Comptroller is hereby directed to draw warrants upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction out of any funds in the treasury not other- wise appropriated for the legitimate cost of said summer schools, the amount not to exceed the appropriation made in Section Two (2) of this Act. Sec. 334. (641) Board of Control to Include Amount Necessary for Summer Schools in Annual Budget. — It l^c^g^^^- shall be the duty of the Board of Control, upon the re- ' quest of the State Superintendent of Public Instruct-ion, to include such amount as will be necessary to conduct lb., Sec. 3. Chap. 6S35, 116 the summer schools in the manner herein provided in their annual budget for the expense and maintenance of State, institutions of higher learning. FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND. Acts?905 ^®^' ^^^- ^^^^^ Property of Institute Vested in State sec.^ 20 : ch. Board of Education ; Management by Board of Control. — 1909, sec.^ 1. That the State Board of Education be and the same is hereby vested with the title to all the assets and property of the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind that it is now or may hereafter become entitled to, but the con- trol, possession and management thereof and of the said school and each and every department thereof be and the same is hereby vested in the Board of Control according to the terms and provisions of this Act except as may be herein otherwise provided. Ch. 5209. Sec. 336. (645) Who To Be Educated and Maintained. Se? 3^; Ch. — The Board of Control shall provide for the education, iQn-' vfnHc, care and maintenance at said school of all persons resid- mg m this State between the ages oi six and twenty-one years of age, who are blind or deaf or dumb : Provided, That no person attending said school who is making- marked progress on attaining the age of twenty-one years shall be dismissed from said school excepting at their own option, until such person shall have graduated. Ch. 5209, Sec. 337. (646) Admission. — Any person entitled to Se? 4^"'^' admission to the said school, or the parent, guardian, or next friend of said person, may apply to the board of county commissioners of the county of his or her resi- dence, and the county commissioners if satisfied that such person is entitled to such admission, shall issue a certifi- cate to that effect, upon which the applicant shall be re- ceived into the school. lb.. Sec. 4. Sec. 338. (647) Transportation.— The said board of county commissioners shall supplj" means of transporta- tion of such person to said school, and at the close of each term of school the board of trustees shall supply means of transportation for the students to their respective homes, and return at the opening of the succeeding ses- sion thereof, the same to be paid out of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school. 117 Sec. 339. (648) Those Who Have the Means to Pay.— Those who have the means shall be required to pay the necessary expenses, tuition excepted, of their children or wards : Provided, That the Board of Control upon the recommendation of the superintendent, may allow pupils to remain after they reach the age of twenty-one years. Sec. 340. (649) The Board of Control to Provide Nec- essaries. — The Board of Control shall provide for the students of said school necessary bedding, clothing, food and medical attendance, and such other things as may be proper for the health and comfort of said students. Sec. 341. (650) The Board of Control to Employ- Teachers, Provide for Examinations, Make Report. — The Board of Control shall employ only such teachers as are competent to instruct the blind, deaf and dumb, and shall provide for the examination of all applicants to teach in said school, and shall provide all necessary equipments to be used in said school, and shall provide for the equip- ment of the industrial department, and shall furnish a detailed report of the condition and management, the work done and expenditures of said school annually to the State Board of Education. lb.. See. 4; Ch. 5384, Acts 1905, Sec. 20. Ch. 5209, Acts 1903, Sec. 4 Ch. 5384, Acts 1905, Sec. 20. Ch. 5209, Acts 1903, Sec. 5 ; Ch. 5384, Acts 1905, Sec. 20. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Sec. 342. (613) Board of Control; Appointment; Qualifications, Term of Office, Etc. — That there is hereby created a Board of Control which shall consist of five citizens of this State, one from East Florida, one from South Florida, one from West Florida, one from Middle Florida and one from Middle South Florida, who shall have been residents and citizens thereof for' a period of at least ten years prior to their appointment, who shall be appointed by the Governor, and their terms of oifice shall be for four years, and until their successors are appointed and qtialitied, except that of the first board appointed under this act two members thereof shall be appointed for the term of two years, and three members thereof shall be appointed for the term of four years, and thereafter every such appointment shall be for the term of four years, except in case of an appointment to fill a vacancy, in which case the appointment shall be for the unexpired term. The Governor shall have power to re- Ch. 5384, Acts 1905, Sec. 13. 118 move any member of such board for cause, and shall fill all vacancies that may at any time occur therein. No member of said first board shall be appointed from anj' county in -which any of the institutions named in this act are at present located, and no appointment upon such board shall ever be made from any county in which any institution created, established or maintained by this act is or may hereafter be located or situate. There is nothing in chapter .5384 of the laws of 1903 which conflicts with section 3 of article 12 of the Constitution or in any way prohibits or -prevents the State Board of Education from exercising "such supervi- sion of schools of higher grade as the law shall provide," the act pro- viding that the State Board of Control shall be under the supervision of the State Board of Education. lb. lb., Sec. 14. Sec. 343. (614) Organization of First Board; Chair- man; Actual Expenses of Board Paid by State. — That immediately upon the passage of this act the Governor shall select five of the most capable and efficient citizens having the qualifications prescribed herein, and appoint the same as herein provided, to constitute such Board of Control, whose duty it shall be to immediately, after such appointment, assemble at the capital and there organize b}' selecting one of their number as chairman. The chair- man shall be elected from the long-term members, and the chairmanship shall exist dairing his term of office. The board shall elect a chairman as often as that office shall become vacant. The members of said board shall be paid only their actual expenses while in the perform- ance of their duties, and in traveling to, from, or upon the same, the accounts for w^hich shall be paid quarterly by the State Treasurer upon itemized vouchers duly ap- proved by the chairman of said board and the Comptrol- ler as herein provided for the disbursement of funds. lb., Sec. 15. Sec. 344. (615) Board of Control Subject to Super- vision of State Board of Education. — Said Board of Con- trol, except as herein provided, shall act in conjunction with, but at all times under and subject to the control and supervision of the State Board of Education. lb Sec 19- ^®^- 2^^- (^1^) Powers and Duties of Board of Con- Revised.' ' trol. — The Board of Control shall have jurisdiction over and complete management and control of all the said several institutions and each and every of them, to-wit : The University of Florida, The Florida State College for Women, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for 119 Negroes, and The Institution for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and is hereby invested with full power and au- thoritj^ to make all rules and regulations necessary for their governance not inconsistent with the general rules and regulations made or which may be made at any joint meeting of the said board with the State Board of Edu- cation. To appoint all the managers, faculty, teachers, servants and employees, and to remove the same as in their judgment and discretion may be best ; fix their com- pensation and provide for their payment. To have full management, possession an^i control of each and every of the said institutions and every department thereof, and the lands, buildings, structures and property be- longing thereto. To provide for the course of instruc- tion and the different branches and grades to be kept and maintained thereat, and to alter and change the same. To visit and inspect the said institutions and each and every department, and to provide for the proper keeping of accounts, registers and records thereof. To make and prepare all necessary budgets of expenditures for the enlargement, proper furnishing, maintenance, support and conduct of the same. To audit and approve all the accounts and expenditures, supervise the employ- ment and removal of all teachers and instructors ; select and purchase all property, furniture, fixtures, parapher- nalia necessary for the same from time to time ; to build, construct, change, enlarge, repair and maintain any and all the buildings or structures now in existence, or that may hereafter be necessary for each and every of said institutions created and maintained by law; to purchase and acquire all lands and property necessary for same of every nature and description whatsoever; and to care for and maintain the same, and to do and perform every other matter or thing requisite to the proper manage- ment, maintenance, support and control of each and every of the said institutions necessary or requisite to carry out fully the purposes of this act, and for raising to and main- taming them at the proper efficiency and standard as required in and by the provisions of law, but at all times subject to the supervision and control of the State Board of Education. Sec. 346. (617) Disbursements for Institutions Made ib., sec 34. on Written Voucher by Board of Control. — No moneys shall be expended for and on behalf of any of the said 120 iiistitiitions, or any department thereof, except upon a written voucher drawn by the Board of Control, in dupli- cate, stating the nature of said expenditure, and the per- son to whom the same shall be made payable, which vouchers shall be submitted to the Comptroller of the State of Florida, and audited and approved by him, and upon such approval the Comptroller shall draw his war- rant upon the State Treasurer for the payment thereof, transmitting duplicate of said voucher approved by him to the Treasurer, and shall file the other duplicate of said voucher approved by him in his office. No voucher shall be issued or drawn by the Board of Control for the pay- ment of any moneys except the same be approved by said board in regular session and countersigned by the chair- man and secretary thereof. lb., Sec. 3.5. Sec. 347. (618) Board of Control Incorporated; Pow. ^ ers, Etc. — The State Board ofi Control shall be a body corporate, and shall have a corporate seal, to be selected by it at its first meeting ; shall elect a secretarj^, and re- move him at will ; have and employ all necessary clerks and servants ; shall have power to contract and be con- tracted with ; sue and be sued ; plead and to be impleaded in all courts of law and equity ; to receive donations ; to mak'e purchases of lands and tenements, and to contract for the sale and disposal of the same, but the title to all such donations and property, however acquired, shall be vested in the State Board of Education, and shall only be transferred and conveyed by it, and shall have and possess all the powers of a body corporate for all the purposes created hy or that may exist under the provi- sions of this act, or any act or acts amendatory thereof. lb., Sec. 38. Sec. 348. (619) Board Authorized to Provide Examina- tions for High Schools. — That the said Board of Control are hereby authorized and empowered to provide a sys- tem and course of written examinations by question and answers for all the public high schools in the State, and that no pupil shall be admitted to said high schools or be advanced to any successive grade therein, or shall be permitted to enter any institution created or maintained in and by this act until such examinations have been had according to such procedure, and the result of said ex- aminations shall have been approved by the said Board of Control in each instance and a certificate of such ad- 121 mission or advancement by the said Board of Control, and the said board shall have power to alter and change these rules and regulations from time to time where it shall be deemed necessary, and shall provide all the nec- essary blanks and distribute the same for such purpose. Sec. 349. (620) Board Empowered to Exercise Rig-ht oii. (3174, of Eminent Domain. — Whenever it becomes necessary for Acts ^lofi, the welfare and convenience of the Florida State College for Women, the University of Florida, the School for the Deaf and the Blind and the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, to acquire private prop- erty for the use of said institutions, and the same cannot be acquired by agreement satisfactory to the Board of Control and the parties interested in, or the owners of said private property, the Board of Control is hereby em- powered and authorized to exercise the right of eminent domain, and to proceed to condemn the said property in the same manner as provided by law for the condemna- tion of property. Sec. 350. (621) Attorney-General to Represent Board in Condemnation Proceedings. — Any suits or actions brought by the said Board of Control to condemn prop- erty, as provided in Section 620, shall be brought in the name of the Board of Control, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General of the State of Florida, to conduct the proceedings for, and to act as, the counsel of the said Board of Control. lb.. See. 2. BOARD OF CONTROL IN RE EXTENSION DIVISION. Sec. 351. To Extend Educational Institutions. — The ^.j^ -c,^- State Board of Control is hereby empowered and directed Acts loio to extend the outside work of the educational institutions under its direction into all fields of human endeavor which, in its judgment, will best accomplish the objects herein expressed. Sec. 352. To Gather Information. — It shall be the duty ib. Fee. :; of the Board of Control to gather information on all sub- jects useful to the people of Florida, and to carry it to 122 them in ways that will help them most in the shortest time ; to spread knowledge among them by taking it to them in an attractive war: to stimulate thought and en- courage every movement among the people for their mutual improvement. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 353. To Enlarge Work of Extension Division.— To carry out the provisions of this Act, the Board of Con- trol is hereby empowered to enlarge the work now done by the Extension Divisions of the University of Florida, and the State College for Women, as it may from time to time deem advisable, and to emploj^ all needful per- sons and appliances to carry on the work in the most efficient manner. lb., Sec. 4. Sec. 351. To Seek Out Students.— It shall be the duty of the Board of Control to seek out, among all the schools of Florida, every student who may by nature have a special aptitude and genius for some one branch of learn- ing, and to encourage him in the prosecution of the study of that branch, to the end that he may become an expert and a leader in that subject. lb.. Sec. 5. ^^°' 2^^- Appropriation for the Work.— The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general revenue fund to carry out the work herein authorized, for a period of two (2) years and one (1) month from June 1st, 1919, to June 30th, 1921, and shall be expended as follows : Salary of Director, one year , $ 3,000 Salary of Field Agent, one year 3,000 Salary of Office Assistants, Stenographers, Filing Clerks, and Librarians, one year 2,700 Extra pay for Professors engaged in outside work, estimated for 352 days at $5.00 per day, one year... 1,760 Extra pay for ten students assisting in Avork in office at $300 each, one year 3,000 Pay for Lecturers and Entertainers, one year 500 $13,960 Appropriation for items listed above may be trans- ferred from one to another as need may arise. Traveling expenses for Field Agent, estimated 150 days at $7 per day, one year $ 1,050 Traveling expenses for Professors and Students engaged in outside work, one year 1,290 123 Traveling expenses for Lecturers and Entertain- ers, one year - ■" ■■.•■: Contingencies, telegrams, researches, advertising and extra salaries, one year " ^'^^^ $ 4,340 Appropriations £or items listed above may be trans- ferred from one to another as need may arise. Subscription for Periodicals, one year $ &UU Printing, one year |' ^^J^ Stamps, one year ^''f^'i Purchase of Correspondent Courses, one year i,uuu Purchase of slides and films, one year ■_• -,UUU Purchase of filing cases, writing machines, and other office furniture, one year ^^^ $ 6,700 Total $25,000 Add for second year - ^5>QQQ $50,000 Sec. 356. Duty of Comptroller; Board of Control to jb., see. Report —The Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer on the order of the Board of Control upon this fund. The Board of Control shall make report in detail of the expenditure of this fund, and & general report of the work done, which report shall be included in its bi-ennial report to the Government. BOARD OF CONTROL IN RE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Sec 357. (651) Experimental Station.— There shall be ch.^4234,^ established at some suitable point in Florida possessing see. i. climatic conditions for growing all kinds of plant lite including cinchona, logwood and camphor, olive and India rubber trees, also manilla, tea, coffee, jute, New Zealand flax, etc., on muck lands over which the trustees of the internal improvement fund have exclusive control under the act of Congress of September 28 1850, an ex- perimental station, to be operated by or under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Agriculture, and under such rules, regulations and conditions as may be pre- 124 scribed by the trustees of the mternal improvement fund of the State of Florida. lb., Sec. 2. Sec. 358. (652) Duties of Trustees of I. I. Fund.— For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the pre- ceding section, and to create a fund for the establishment and maintenance of said agricultural station, and for the further drainage and reclamation of the lands set apart for that purpose, the trustees of the internal improvement fund of the State of Florida are hereby authorized and directed to set apart one hundred thousand acres of the land granted by the State of Florida by the act of Con- gress of September 28, 1850, to be sold at such prices as may be fixed by the trustees, and the proceeds thereof to be expended by the said trustees of the internal im- provement fund in carrying out the provisions of said section. ch. 5704, Sec. 359. (653) Act of Congress Assented to; Federal Sec^ i"*"^*^^' Appropriation. — That the objects and purposes contained in the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to Provide for An Increased Annual Appropriation for Agricultural Experiment Stations and Regulating the Expenditure Thereof," be and the same are hereby assented to, and the State Board of Education of the State of Florida is hereby authorized to accept and receive the annual ap- propriations for the use and benefit of the agricultural experiment station fund of the agricultural department of the University of the State of Florida, located at Gainesville, upon the terms and conditions contained in said act of Congress. cb. 7379, Sec. 360. (654) Board of Control Authorized to Es- secliand2 t^^lish Branch Experiment Station.— That the board of control be authorized and directed to locate, establish and maintain a branch experiment station, in or near Winter Haven, Polk county, in the citrus growing section of the State, where insect pests, diseases and other agen- cies affecting the production of citrus fruits and citrus trees shall be studied. That the supervision and direc- tion of the research vork of such a laboratory shall be vested in the board of control. lb.. Sec. 3. S®c- 361. (655) Board of Control Authorized to Accept Donations. — That the board of control is hereby author- ized to accept donations of lands, groves, monies, or Acts 1915, Sec. 1. 125 other things of value that may be utilized in conducting the aforesaid investigations : Provided, That no branch station shall be established if such lands, groves, monies and other things of value be less than ten thousand dol- lars value. BOARD OF CONTROL IN RE AGRICULTURAL AND HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION WORK. Sec. 362. (656) Assent to Provisions of Certain Act ch. essa of Congress; Board of Control Authorized to Receive Grants, Etc. — That the Legislature of the State of Flor- ida in behalf of and for the said State does hereby assent to and does hereby give its assent to the provisions and requirements of a certain Act of Congress approved by the President May 8, 1914, being entitled "An Act to Provide for Co-operative Agricultural Extension Work between the Agricultural Colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, and of acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," and that the board of control, having supervision over and control of the University of Florida, located at Gainesville, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to receive the grants of money appropriated under said Act of Congress, and to organize and conduct agricultural and home economics extension work, which shall be car- ried on in connection with the said University of Florida, in accordance with the terms and conditions expressed in said Act of Congress. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Sec. 363. (660) State Accepts Provisions of Certain Act of Congress; Good Faith of State Pledged. — That the State of Florida hereby accepts the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved February 23, 1917, entitled, "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational edu- cation; to provide for co-operation with the States in the promotion of such education of agriculture and the trades and industries ; to provide for co-operation with the States in the preparation of teachers of vocational sub- jects; and to appropriate money and regulate its expen- ditures." The good faith of the State is hereby pledged to make available for the several purposes of said Act Ch. 7376, Acts 1917, Sec. 1. 126 funds sufficient at least to equal the sums allotted, from time to time, to this State from the appropriations made by said act and to meet all conditions necessary to entitle the State to the benefits of said act. lb., Sec. 2. Sec. 364. (661) State Treasurer Custodian of Fund, — The State Treasurer is hereby designated custodian of all funds allotted to this State from the appropriations made by said act, and he shall receive and provide for the proper custody and disbursement of the same in ac- cordance with said act. lb., Sec. 3. Sec. 365. (662) State Vocational Education Board Created; Duties. — The State Board of Education is here- by created the State vocational education board contem- plated in Section five of said Act of Congress, and said board is hereby designated, authorized and required to co-operate as provided in and required by the aforesaid Act of Congress, with the federal boarcl of vocational education, in the administration of the provisions of said act, and to do all things necessary to entitled the State to receive the benefits thereof. lb., Sec. 4. Sec. 366. (663) University of Florida and Florida State College for Women Designated for Vocational Training. — The State vocational board shall designate the University of Florida at Gainesville' and the Florida State College for "Women at Tallahassee as the schools for the training of teachers of agricultural, trade, indus- trial and home economics subjects, the one for men and the other for women. ^ _ Sec. 367. (664) Powers of State Vocational Education amended by Board. — The State vocational education board shall have i9i9,^s°e"c. 1. all necessary authority to co-operate with the federal board for vocational education in the administration of said Act of Congress; and to administer any legislation pursuant thereto enacted by the State of Florida ; and to administer the funds provided by the Federal govern- ment and the State of Florida under the provisions of this Chapter for the promotion of vocational education in agricultural subjects, trade and industrial subjects, and home economics subjects. It shall have full author- itj to formulate plans for the promotion of vocational education in such subjects as an essential and integral part of the public school system of education in the State 127 of Florida, and to provide for the preparation of teachers in such subjects. It shall have authority to fix the com- pensation of such officials and assistants as may be neces- sary to administer the Federal Act, and this Chapter for the State of Florida, and to pay such compensation and other necessary expenses of administration from funds appropriated in this Chapter. It shall have authority to make studies and investigations relating to vocational education in such subjects; to promote and aid in the establishment by local communities of schools, depart- ments or classes ; to prescribe qualifications for the teach- ers, directors and supervisors of such subjects and to have full authority to provide for the certification of such teachers, directors and supervisors. It shall have full authority to co-operate with local communities in the maintenance of schools, departments or classes, or to es- tablish such schools, departments or classes under its own direction and control. It shall have full authority to establish and determine by general regulations the quali- fications to be possessed by persons engaged in the train- ing of vocational teachers. Sec. 368. (665) State Superintendent of Public Instruc- ^^jg^^I^^v tion Is Executive Officer of the Board; Eules and Regu- see. 6, as' lations; Records.— That the State Superintendent of Pub- 0^7952,^^ lie Instruction, who is ex-officio a member of the State Acts i9i9, vocational board, shall act as executive officer of the board for the purpose of administering the said Federal Act and this Chapter, and shall, by and with the advice and consent of the State vocational education board, designate such assistants as shall be necessary to properly carry out the provisions of this Chapter. The State". Superintendent of Public Instruction shall also carry into effect such rules and regulations as the State voca- tional education board may adopt for the promotion of vocational education in this State as the State vocational education board may require. The records of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as far as they per- tain to the provisions of this Chapter, shall be kept in. his office in the capitol of the State. Sec. 369. (666) Counties, and Trustees of Any Educa- Stall^V tional Institution May Maintain Vocational Schools. see. 7, as' The Board of Public Instruction of any county, or the Ch.^79?!, Sts^ Board of Trustees of any educational institution, main- tel^i^^^' 128 taining a department of less than college grade under public control, may establish and maintain vocational schools, departments, or classes, giving instruction of less than college grade in agriculture, trades and indus- tries, or in home economics, and any such Board of Pub- lic Instruction or Board of Trustees may use any moneys raised by public taxation in the same manner as moneys for other school purposes are used for the maintenance and support of public schools or classes of less than col- lege grade. cia. 737G. §60. 370. (667) Schools or Classes Established Entitled tec^ 8 ^as' ^^ Federal and State Aid. — Whenever anj" school or amended by classcs havc been oro-anized in accordance with rules and Cli. 79.j2. Acts '^ 1919. Sec. 4. regulations adopted by the State vocational education board and shall have been approved by the State voca- tional education board, the district or institutions main- taining the same, shall be entitled to share in Federal and State funds available for the promotion of vocational education to an amount not less than fifty per cent of the moneys expended for the salaries of teachers for voca- tional subjects in such approved schools or classes. Chap. 84.36. Sec. 371. Appropriation to Carry Out Act of Con- Acts 1921. gress. — For the purpose of carrying out an Act of Con- gress and Sections 660 to 667, both inclusive, of the Re- vised General Statutes of Florida, the sum of Forty-two Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars ($42,787) shall be available July 1, 1921, and the sum of Forty- seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($47,- 418) shall be available July 1, 1922, and the said sums are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. lb. Sec. 2. Sec. 372. Amount for Administration. — The money appropriated under Section 1 of this Act shall be paid out hy the State Treasurer under the order of the State Vocational Education Board, provided that not more than Five Thousand Dollars shall be expended annually by said Board for the purpose of administration, research, investigation, etc., as provided for in Section 660 of the Revised General Statutes. REGULATIONS AND FORMS PRESCRIBED BY THE State Board of Education. Department of Public Instruction. In compliance with Section 16 and Paragraphs First and Seventh of Section 28 of this Compilation, the follow- ing Regulations, Instructions and Forms have been pre- scribed by the State Board of Education for the use and guidance of school officers and teachers and have the full force of law. REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS. General. Regulation 1. Eligibility to School Office. — Persons to be eligible to school offices or positions must be of good moral character, temperate, upright, responsible, compe- tent and in full sympathy with the public educational system of the State. Reg. 2. Force of Regulations. — All Rules and Regula- tions prescribed by County Boards of Public Instruction not at variance with the Statutes or the Regulations and Instructions of the State Board of Education, shall have the full force and effect of law, and must be respected accordingly. Reg. 3. Use of Blanks. — County school officers and teachers shall in all cases use the blanks, forms, registers, etc., prescribed and furnished by the State Department. COUNTY BOARDS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Reg. 4. To Be Commissioned. — Members of County Boards of Public Instruction before assuming the office, must be commissioned. 9 — S. Laws 130 Reg-. 5. To Hold Regular Meetings. — County Boards of Public Instruction shall hold regular meetings, at least monthly, during the session of schools, when they shall examine carefully all teachers' reports, issue warrants, hear reports of the County Superintendent and transact other business. Reg. 6. When to Issue Warrants. — County Boards of Public Instruction shall not issue a warrant to any teacher, until the monthly report of said teacher, on which the warrant is based, be made in conformity with the blanks furnished and in compliance with the direc- tions given in the Teacher's Register. Reg. 7. When to Contract with Teachers. — County Boards of Public Instruction shall not contract with any person to teach a school who does not hold a Teacher's Certificate, unimpaired by suspension, revocation or limi- tation, and granted in accordance with law. Nor shall any person be entitled to compensation from the public fund until he has been employed and contracted with by the County School Board. Reg. 8. To Assign Teachers. — It is the duty of County Boards of Public Instruction to select, assign and contract with teachers. This duty can in no case be delegated to Supervisors or patrons ; but the Supervisor or Trustees may report to the County Board, for its consideration, the names of such teachers as are best suited to the re- quirements of the school and most satisfactory to the patrons. Reg. 9. When to Assign Teachers. — County Boards of Public Instruction shall, at the first regular meeting in June of each year, proceed to assign teachers to schools for the ensuing scholastic year, selecting as teachers only those holding valid Florida Certificates. Salaries may be fixed and contracts entered into at a subsequent meeting. All vacancies that may exist shall be filled in like manner. Reg. 10. To Avoid Favoritism. — The State Board of Education earnestly admonishes County Boards of Pub- lic Instruction to exercise great caution in the employ- ment of teachers, that they may not subject themselves to the charge of Ijeing influenced by personal or political favoritism, sectarianism, or by ties of relationship. 131 Reg. 11. To Print Rules and Regulations, Etc. — The State Board of Education recommends the adoption by County Boards of a system of rules and regulations for their guidance and for the government of schools, teach- ers, and pupils. Such rules and regulations should be printed in pamphlet form and copies of the same filed in the office of the State Department. The State Super- intendent shall, upon request, furnish a copy of such pamphlet to other County Boards. Reg. 12. Arbor Day. — The State Board of Education names the first Friday after the first Monday of January of each year as Arbor Day, which shall not be observed as a holiday, but shall be devoted to the planting of trees on school grounds or other appropriate public places, to- gether with suitable exercises, lesson or lectures designed to interest and instruct the children in the care and cul- tivation of trees. No teacher should be allowed compen- sation for Arbor Day, unless a prescribed number of trees has been properly planted and securely protected against injury. Reg. 13. May Require Tuition Fees. — County Boards of Public Instruction should adopt a regulation requiring pupils from other States, or from other counties, to pay a specified tuition fee to the teacher, to be by him paid to the County Superintendent, and reported by the latter to the County Board. Reg. 14. To Observe 3 Mile Limit. — The attention of County Boards of Public Instruction is called to the fact that the law expressly prohibits the establishing of schools, for the same race, nearer than three miles of each other, unless made necessary by local geographical features. Where this law has been violated in the past, it is the duty of County Boards to proceed as speedily as consistent with the interest of all concerned, to combine two or more schools into one, when practicable, or other- wise rearrange them so as to conform to Paragraph Sixth, Section 53 of this compilation. Reg. 15. To District Counties. — County Boards of Pub- lic Instruction are directed and enjoined to sub-divide their respective counties into convenient and permanent school districts, for each race separately, and to keep a record of each district by name, number, and description 132 of lands contained therein, or by boundaries, in order that specific knowledge may be had as to the metes and bounds of each school district. It shall be the duty of said Boards to furnish each Supervisor or Board of Trus- tees with a proper description of the territory embraced within its jurisdiction. Reg. 16. To Restrict School Attendance to Proper Dis- trict. — It shall be the duty of each County Board to adopt necessary- regulations to restrict the attendance of pupils to the school within their own district, except as the Board may by special permit or by regulation allow at- tendance elsewhere ; Provided, All pupils of the county, qualified therefor, may attend the county high school. Reg. 17. Not to Contract for a Term Beyond the Life of a Certificate. — Count}- Boards of Public Instruction shall not enter into a contract with any teacher for a term of service extending beyond the life of the certifi- cate held by the teacher. Reg. 18. To Remove Trustees and Appoint. — Countj'^ Boards of Public Instruction shall have the authority' to remove any member of a Board of Trustees of a special tax school district who fails to discharge his duty. All vacancies in Boards of Trustees shall be filled for the un- expired term by the County Board of Public Instruction upon nomination by the patrons of the school. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Reg. 19. Notice of Examinations. — The County Super- intendent shall advertise for at least two weeks prior thereto the time and place of eYery teachers' examination held by the State Board of Examiners in his own or an adjoining county. Reg. 20. Arrange for Examinations. — The County Su- perintendent shall make all necessary arrangements for all teachers' examinations, providing when necessary sep- arate places for white and negro examinees. Reg. 21. When He May Appoint Teachers. — In case a vacancy occurs in the teaching force of any school be- tween the regular meetings of the Board, the Counts- Superintendent is authorized to fill the same, subject to the ratification of the Board at its next regular meeting. 133 SUPERVISORS AND TRUSTEES. Reg. 22. How Governed. — School Supervisors and Trustees shall be governed in the general discharge of their duties by the directions and the Rules and Regula- tions of the County Board of Public Instruction. Reg. 23. Powers Defined. — The office of Supervisor or Trustee is not one of control, but of supervision only. Schools while in session are under the immediate control of the County Board of Public Instruction. But in case of emergency, the County Superintendent may suspend or close a school, subject to the action of the Board at its next meeting. Reg. 24. Discretionary Powers of County Superinten- dents. — The patrons may recommend to the County Su- perintendent suitable persons for Supervisors (Sec. 53, Par. Third) ; but the County Superintendent may exer- cise some discretion in nominating such to the Board of Public Instruction for appointment (Sec. 90, Par. Fifth). Reg. 25. Trustees Supersede Supervisors. — The posi- tion of Supervisor is superseded by a Board of Trustees, when a school district becomes a special tax district. The duties prescribed for Supervisor shall then be performed by the Trustees. TEACHERS. Reg. 26. Primary Duties of Teachers. — Before begin- ning a school a teacher must exhibit to the County Super- intendent a certificate unimpaired by suspension, revoca- tion or limitation, enter into a contract, procure a register and all necessary blanks. He must keep his register in accordance with the printed directions therein, and must make out his monthly reports in strict conformity to the blanks furnished. Reg. 27. Corporal Punishment. — Teachers are notified that there is nothing in the school laws of the State pro- hibiting the infliction of corporal punishment when in their judgment it is necessary ; Provided, however. That such punishment shall not be unnecessarily severe. Reg. 28. Prerequisites for State Certificates. — Appli- cants for examination for State certificates must file with 134 the State Superintendent of Public Instruction written evidence of having taught successfully twenty-four months in all before offering for examination. Reg. 29. Prerequisites for All Life Certificates. — An applicant for the extension of any kind of certificate into a life certificate must file with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction a valid certificate and satisfactory written evidence, on and in conformity with blanks fur- nished, of having taught successfully the full time re- quired by law for the conversion of that particular cer- tificate into a life certificate. Reg. 30. Teachers Should Advance Their Certificates. — "All teachers should of their own purpose seek from time to time to advance the class of their certificates by diligent and persistent study and the constant reading of the best journals of school work, and books treating of methods, discipline and government of the school, and so pass from the lowest to the highest grade of certificate, and carry with it the increased capacity for the true work of the school room. County Superintendents dis- covering a dispositon on the part of certain teachers to remain content with any certificate they may be fortunate enough to obtain, exhibiting no desire to rise higher or to become better qualified for their important work, should at once report the same to the Board of Public Instruction and recommend their removal from the corps of teachers in the county." — Hon. A. J. Russell, Reg. of 1891. HIGH SCHOOL EEGULATIONS. (As amended and re-adopted by the State Board of Edu- cation, March 5, 1915.) The Regulations of the State Board of Education Pre- scribing Minimum Requirements for Accrediting High Schools. These regulations are based upon Sections 160 and 164 of this compilation, which provide for only two grades of high schools, Junior and Senior ; but the State Board of Education thought best to authorize three grades. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior High Schools. 135 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS. Regulation 1. No school shall be recognized as a Junior High School which does not meet each of the following requirements : 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months, or 160 days. 2nd. The average daih^ attendance of all pupils shall not be less than 50. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than a total of 10 pupils in one or both of the Ninth and Tenth grades, regularly and properly promoted from the grade next below. 4th. It must employ not less than a total of 4 teachers, each legally certified according to the laws of this State, and devoting all of his or her time to teaching in the school. 5th. The principal shall hold either a Life State or State Certificate, or a valid First Grade Certificate issued under the laws of this State and, in addition, a Special Certificate covering all the academic branches or subjects, not covered by a First Grade Certificate, embraced in and prescribed in the Uniform Course of Study for the Ninth and Tenth Grades. 6th. At least one capable teacher must devote all of his or her time to teaching the Ninth and Tenth grades, and where there is but one teacher giving full time to these two grades, but one of the Uniform Courses of Study must be offered. 7th. The average length of recitation periods in the two high school grades shall not be less than 40 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must at all times carry not less than four academic subjects; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective study may occupy one recitation period. 9th. The building must have not less than four ample and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackboards, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory equipment and a well selected library, each worth not less than $100. 136 INTERMEDIATE HIGH SCHOOLS. "Reg. 2. No school shall be recognized as an Inter- mediate High School which does not meet each of the following requirements : 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months, or 160 2nd. The average daily attendance of all pupils shall not be less than 100. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than a total of 20 pupils in the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh grades, 5 of whom must be in the Eleventh grade, all regularly and properly promoted from the next grade below. 4th. It must employ not less than two teachers, ex- clusive of the principal, each legally certificated accord- ing to the laws of this State and devoting all of his or her time to teaching high school classes ; the certificate held by each shall be a Life State or State Certificate, or a First Grade Certificate and a Special Certificate cover- ing all the academic branches or subjects each teaches em- braced in and prescribed in one of the Uniform Courses of Study for the three lowest high school grades. 5th. Every teacher of any subject must hold a certi- ficate covering the particular subject taught. 6th. The principal shall hold either a State Life or State Certificate, and shall not hear more than four regu- lar recitations a day. 7th. The average length of recitation periods, in all high school grades, shall not be less than 45 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must carry all the time not less than four academic subjects ; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective subject may take the period of one subject. 9th. The building must have not less than seven ample and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackboards, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory equipment and a well selected library of books, each worth less than $150. 137 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS. " Reg. 3. No school shall be recognized as a Senior High School which does not meet each of the following require- ments : 1st. The term shall not be less than 8 months, or 160 days. 2nd. The average daily attendance of all pupils shall not be less than 150. 3rd. It must have in regular attendance not less than a total of 30 pupils in the four high school grades, not less than a total of 10 pupils in the tw^o highest grades, all regularl}^ and properly promoted from the grade next below. 4th. It must employ not less than three teachers, ex- clusive of the principal, each legally certificated accord- ing to the laws of this State and devoting all of his or her time to teaching high school classes; the certificate held hy each shall be a Life State or State Certificate, or a First Grade Certificate and a Special Certificate cover- ing all the specific academic branches or subjects each teaches, embraced in and prescribed in one of the Uni- form Courses of Stud3\ 5th. Every teacher of any subject must hold a certi- ficate covering the particular subject taught. 6th. The principal shall hold either a Life State or State Certificate, and shall not hear more than three reg- ular recitations a day. 7th. The average length of recitation periods in all high school grades shall not be less than 45 minutes. 8th. All pupils in high school grades must carry all the time not less than four academic subjects ; provided, that some vocational, industrial, or elective subject may take the period of one subject. 9th. The building must have not less than eight ample and well adapted recitation rooms, all properly equipped with patent desks, blackboards, and other necessary teaching appliances. 10th. It must have laboratory" equipment and a well selected library of books, each worth not less than $200. J 138 GENERAL. Reg. 4. The State Board construes the legal meaning of the Avord teacher to be one legally licensed according to the certification laws of this State, regularly elected and contracted with by a County Board of Public In- struction, devoting his or her entire time to school work, and paid for services directly by warrant of the County Board of Public Instruction. Reg. 5. Tlie Uniform Course of Study, or its equiva- lent with such modifications or additions by local school authorities as may be submitted to and approved by the State Board of Education, is the minimum requirement for graduation from any grade of high school. SUGGESTED REGULATIONS. Reg. 6. It is urgently recommended that the final an- nual examinations of all high school grades, after the school year 1914-15, be uniform throughout the State upon questions submitted by the State Inspector of High Schools, and that promotions and graduations be partly based upon these examinations. Reg. 7. It is further recommended that all high school diplomas for the different Courses of Study and grades be uniform for that course or grade, be furnished by the State, and be signed by the Governor, the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, the Inspector of High Schools, one or all, and local school authorities. Reg. 8. All past Regulations relating to high schools, adopted by the State Board of Education and in conflict with these eight Regulations, are hereby annulled. 139 REGULATIONS FOR TEACHER-TRAINING DEPART- MENTS IN HIGH SCHOOLS. (Adopted by the State Board of Education, August 28, 1916.) These Regulations Are Based Upon Sections 35 and 36 of This Compilation. Regulation 1. The Teachers. — The teacher of the Teacher-Training Department shall not be the principal of the High School, nor shall the Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) appropriated by the State for such Department be used in supplementing the salary of a principal, though the principal, or other capable teachers, may hear one or more recitations in said Department. Reg. 2. State Board Must Approve Teacher. — No per- son shall be selected as teacher of any Teacher-Training Department who does not hold a valid Florida teacher's certificate, and the teacher of such Department in every County High School may be nominated by the County Board of Public Instruction, but must be approved by the State Board of Education before any appropriation will be made by said State Board for the salary of the teacher of any such Department. Reg. 3. Qualifications of Teachers. — In the selection of teachers for such Training Departments preference shall be given to holders of Florida State Certificates, or to regular graduates of Standard Normal Schools who are legally certificated in this State, presenting satisfactory evidence of having had successful experience as teachers ; Provided, That if it be necessary to employ teachers for such Departments with less qualifications than above pre- scribed, every such teacher shall be the holder of a valid First Grade Florida Certificate and a Special Certificate on Psychology, History of Education, and the Theory and Practice of Teaching, the latter also taken in Florida. Reg. 4. Duty of County Boards. — Any Countj' seeking to establish a Teacher-Training Department in any school within such County must appropriate from County School funds not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for the salary of the teacher of such Department, which, with the appropriation by the State Board of Education, fixes 140 the salary of such teacher at not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for eight months' service; Provided, That any County Board of Public Instruction shall not be prohibited from making the salary greater than One Thousand Dollars ; Provided further. That more than one teacher may be employed for such Department and be paid from County or District fund, one or both. Reg'. 5. Salary How Paid. — The salary of the teacher of every Teacher-Training Department shall be paid for the first four months from County- funds. The Five Hun- dred Dollars appropriated from State funds shall be transmitted to the County Board of Public Instruction for the payment of the salary of the teacher for the last four months of the school; Provided, That monthly re- ports of such Department shall be made as required, on blanks furnished, to the State Board of Education and must show that the said Department has met all the re- quirements of the law and of these regulations. Reg. 6. Number of Pupils, Age and Qualifications. — Any school, before receiving State appropriation in aid of the establishment of a Teacher-Training Department, must present evidence that not less than ten (10) teacher- pupils will regularly attend such Department. Each of such pupils must be sixteen years of age, or over, and must have regularly and creditably completed at least the Eighth Grade of a school with a standard not lower than the average Eighth Grade course of study of Florida, or must have taught a public school for not less than six months. Reg". 7. Number and Length of Recitations. — The num- ber of daily recitations by the teacher in a Teacher- Training Department shall not be less than six, nor ex- ceed eight, per day, and all such recitations shall be lorty-five (45) minute periods ; Provided, That some reci- tations may be shorter than forty-five minutes and others as long as sixty (60) minutes, but the average shall not be less than forty-five (45) minute periods. One recita- tion daily of not less than forty-five (45) minutes shall be devoted to Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching. Reg. 8. Length of School Term. — The term of every school establishing a Teacher-Training Department shall not be less than one hundred and sixty (160) daj's, or eight (8) months, of actual teaching in such department. 141 Reg. 9. Schools Eligible for Such Department. — A Teacher-Training Department shall not be established in any school unless that school is recognized as a High School hy the State Board of Education, and meets the requirements of a High School as prescribed by the regu- lations of said State Board of Education ; Provided, That any county not having had a sufficient number of high school pupils in any one school as to have hitherto ob- tained recognition as a High School, the State Board of Education may, however, establish a Teacher-Training Department in such county with no present recognized High School, but which, by the close of the school year 1916-1917 shall have such recognized High School. Reg. 10. Course of Study.— All- Teacher-Training De- partments shall be conducted in accordance with an ad- visor}^ Course of Studj' submitted by the State Board of Education, until such Course shall be perfected and made mandatory in all Teacher-Training Departments of tlit State. CERTIFICATE BOOKS. 555. Temporary Certificate. 556. Courtesy Temporary' Certificate. 557. Third Grade Certificate. 558. Second Grade Certificate. 559. First Grade Certificate. 560. Primary Certificate. 561. Special Certificate. 562. State Certificate. 563. Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7373.) 564. Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 565. Graduate Special Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 566. Graduate First Grade Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 567. Graduate Primary Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 568. Life Primary Certificate. 569; Life First Grade Certificate.— 20 Year Plan. 570. Life First Grade Certificate.— 2 Certificate Plan. 571. Life First Grade Certificate — Extension Plan. 572. Life State Certificate. 573. Life Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7373.) 574. Life Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 142 575. Life Graduate First Grade Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 576. Life Graduate Primary Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 577. Extension Certificate, University of Florida. 578. Extension Certificate, Fla. State College for Women. 579. Extension Certificate, Fla. Agri. & Mech. College. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BLANKS. (Prescribed by State Superintendent ; Paid for by County Boards.) 1. Permit for Parent or Guardian to Teach. 2. Revocation of Permit for Parent or Guardian to Teach. 3. Exemption from School Attendance. 4. Teacher's Report of Non-Attendance to Attendance Officer. 5. Notice of Non-Attendance to Parent or Guardian. 6. List of Children Required to Attend School. 7. Census for Compulsory School Attendance. 8. Attendance Officer's Record Book. Forms can be ordered by Number, or Title; better by both. COPY OF FORMS. It has been the practice heretofore to print copies of the foregoing forms in the Compilation of the School Laws, but it is now deemed best to leave out most of these forms, both to save expense and because it is im- possible to print these forms on a page the size of this and to give an intelligent conception of the form itself. The forms of the Third Grade Certificate and the "Con- tract With Teacher" are the only ones printed in this Compilation. There are twenty-five separate and distinct forms of teachers' certificates. All are issued with stubs, contain- ing a brief biographical sketch of the holder, and all the certificates, except the Temporary, have recorded both on the stub and in the certificate the specific branches the 143 holder is authorized, to teach, with his rating on each branch given in figures on a basis of 100 for perfect. The following Third Grade Certificate form conveys a very correct idea of each of the 25 different certificates, varying principally in the branches and grades recorded both on the stub and the certificate. Form 514. CONTRACT WITH TEACHER. This Contract, made on this day of , 192 at , by and between : Teacher, and the Board of Public Instruction for the County of , State of Florida, Witnesseth : That the said agrees to teach the Public School No , at , or such other Public School as the Board may elect, commencing on the day of , 192 , for the term of months, and to perform well and faithfully the duties of Teacher, according to the Laws of the State and the Reg- ulations of the Department of Public Instruction of Flor- ida, and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Public Instruction of County. The said Board of Public Instruction of County, for and in consideration of the services being rendered, agrees to pay the said the sum of Dollars per school month, and to give such further aid as the law requires. Provided, The Board may raise the salary or lengthen the term specified in this Contract, or if the average at- tendance of such school for any month shall fall below per cent, of the largest enrollment during the year;, or if said Teacher fails to comply with the provisions of the Contract, then the Board may lessen the salary, shorten the time specified herein, or annul this Contract altogether. Signed , Teacher. County Superintendent and Secretary — By order of the Board of Public Instruction. Witness : N. B. — The original must be filed in the office of the County Superintendent, who may give any teacher a duplicate, if de- manded. lU Form 557. TEACHER'S THIRD GRADE CERTIFICATE. IMo Valid for 1 Year. STATE OF FLORIDA. (Seal of State.) Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Whereas, , having presented endorsement of Good Moral Character and having passed satisfactory examination on the subjects prescribed and made the Grades required by Section 9, Chapter 7372, Laws of Florida, as reported by the State Board of Ex- aminers ; Therefore, by authority vested in me by Section 21 of the above Act, I do hereby issue to this Third Grade Certificate, which authorizes to teach in any of the Public Schools of this State for One Year, the subjects, and only the subjects, recorded herein and made a part of this Certificate. This Certificate void one year after date below. Witness my hand and the Seal of the State Board of Education, this the day of , 19 State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Grades Made on Examination — Scale of 100. Orthography % Reading % Arithmetic % English Grammar % Composition % Geography - % United States History % Physiology % Theory and Practice % General Average Grades required : Average 70 ; no grade below 50. 145 STUB DATA THIRD GEADE CERTIFICATE. No Issued , 19 To Sex Race Age Yrs. Date of birth , A. D. 1 Where born , State of Home P. Present P. , Fla. School and State where prhicipally educated : , (State) : Taug'ht m life months ; Taught in Florida months. Name of last two schools taught, M^nte after each (iit figures) months taught there Grade of last certificate :...Grade. Date of same , 191 Issued in County. By whom Graduate of Degrees held (Grades made on Examination — Same as body of Cer- tificate.) LIST AND NUMBER OF FORMS PRESCRIBED AND USED IN THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. No. 501. Organization Board of Public Instruction. 502. Recommendation of School Supervisor. 503. Appointment of School Supervisor. 504. Acceptance of School Supervisor. 505. Notice of Election of School Trustees. 506. Commission of School Trustee. 507. Acceptance of School Trustee. 508. Itemized Estimate of School Trustees. 509. Itemized Estimate Board of Public Instruction. 510. Financial Statement Board of Pul)lic Instruction. 511. Notice Special Meeting Board of Public Instruction. 512. Notice of One-Mill Tax Apportionment. 513. Notice of Interest Apportionment. 514. Contract with Teacher. 10 — S. 146 515. Teacher's Monthly Report. 516. Teacher's Final Report. 517. Teacher's Monthly Report, Home Economics Depart- ment. 518. Teacher's Monthly Report, Teacher-Training Depart- ment. 519. Salary Requisition for Teacher-Training Department. 520. Monthly Report of Teachers' Summer Schools. 521. Salary Requisition for Summer School Teacher. 522. List of Teachers Endorsed for Extension Certificates. 523. Weekly Report of Rural School Inspector. 524. Salary Requisition for Rural School Inspector. 525. Traveling Expense Requisition for Rural School In- spector. 526. Weekly Report of State Board of Examiners. 527. Salary Requisition for State Board of Examiners. 528. Traveling Expense Requisition for State Board of Examiners. 529. List of Appointments of State Board of Examiners. 530. Character Certificate of Examinee. 531. Notice to Examinees of Grades Made. 532. Notice to Primary Examinees of Grades Made. 533. Stub Data for Primary Certificate. 534. Stub Data for Third, Second, First, and Special Cer- tificates. 535. Stub Data for State Certificate. 536. Stub Data for Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7373.) 537. Application for Temporary Certificate. 538. Application for Courtesy Temporary Certificate. 539. Application for Examination for Primary Certificate. 540. Application for Certificate on Diploma. (Chap. 7372.) 541. Application for Life Primary Certificate. 542. Application for Life First Grade Certificate — 20 Year Plan. 543. Application for Life First Grade Certificate — 2 Cer- tificate Plan. 544. Application for Life First Grade Certificate — Exten- sion Plan. 545. Application for Life State Certificate. 546. Application for Life Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7373.) 547. Application for Life Graduate State Certificate. (Chap. 7372.) 147 548. Report of Graduate of Florida College, Collegiate Department. 549. Report of Graduate of Florida College, Normal De- partment. 550. Report of High School for Standardization. 551. Annual Report of County Superintendent. 552. Teacher's Daily Register for 60 Pupils. 553. Teacher's Daily Register for 100 Pupils. 554. Teacher's Dailj^ Register for 200 Pupils. INDEX Sec. Pgf. 288 101 291 102 154 54 155 54 155 54 A ABSENCE— t'«i- Of pupil -.■ Penalty for illegal absence - 2 ABSENCE— Of teacher, temporarily When more than three days How filled ; substitute - ACCOUNTS— Audited and paid by county boards 7 53 23 AGE— For compulsory attendance 296 104 AGRICULTURE AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT— Boards to require examination in 89 34 Penalty for failure to comply 90 34 Required to be taught 88 34 Power of County Boards to establish depart- ments of and employ agents 99 36 AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR NEGROES— Normal school for colored teachers Name of colored normal changed ALCOHOLICS AND NARCOTICS— Evils to be taught Failure to instruct in evils of Instruction required as to evils ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY SUPERINTEN- DENT— When required to report l Penalty for failure to report APPARATUS— County Board to provide 5 County Superintendent to inspect 2 Penalty for defacing APPEALS— State Supt. to decide upon or refer 6 State Board to entertain and decide 3 324 113 325 114 91 35 94 35 92 35 106 39 107 40 53 23 105 38 300 106 28 15 33 17 150 Par. Sec. Pge. APPOINTEES— To notify State Supt. of acceptance 1 Supervisors appointed by County Board 3 APPORTIONMENT— Of one mill tax Of interest on State school fund By State Supt 4 When made on discretionary basis 5 Form of notice to County Supt. Forms 512, 513 APPROPRIATIONS— For carrying out Act of Congress For regulations governing county finances For teaching of alcoholics and narcotics For extension work For revising course of study For scholarships For school book sub-commission For State Board of Examiners For Summer Schools For University of Florida ARBITRATIONS— Who to prescribe manner of conducting 3 ARBOR DAY. See Regulation 12 ASSESSMENT— Certain millage, Tax Assessors to assess 13 Special tax school districts Bond taxes how assessed and collected Comptroller to assess millage, certain property, special tax school districts 182 62 ASSESSORS— To furnish County Boards amount assessed on special tax school districts 183 63 ATTENDANCE— At part time schools Of youth in another county Of youth in another State Of non-resident pupils at district schools Of children whose mothers receive pensions.... For holidays, how reported Restricted to own district. See Reg. 16 ATTENDANCE, COMPULSORY SCHOOL— Accurate record to be kept and reported weekly Attendance officers; removal Blanks Duties of Attendance Officers 1-6 20 12 53 23 7 6 7 6 28 15 28 15 145 371 128 259 92 96 36 355 122 166 57 104 38 237 83 140 49 332 115 315 110 33 17 131 53 24 210 72 210 72 72 31 11 11 12 11 187 64 280 98 157 55 132 289 101 290 101 142 291 102 I 151 Par. Sec. Pge. Fine for County Superintendents 293 104 Four days' absence excusable 288 101 Period of compulsory attendance 296 104 Publication of act 295 104 State Superintendent to prescribe forms 294 104 When patrons exempt; correctional schools 292 104 When private instruction acceptable 287 101 Whole act not invalidated 297 105 Who must send children to school 286 99 Exemptions 1-6 286 100 B BALLOT— Bond election, special tax district 200 68 Special tax districts, to establish 188 64 BLANKS— Preparation, printing and distribution 1 28 15 Use of mandatory. See Reg. 3 129 Forms. See Pages 145 to 147 BOARD OF CONTROL— Appointment, qualifications, term of office, etc.. 342 117 Attorney-General to represent in condemnation proceedings 350 121 Authorized to provide examinations for High Schools 348 120 Disbursements for institutions, etc 346 119 Empowered to exercise right of eminent do- main - 349 121 Incorporated; powers, etc 347 120 In re Agricultural and Home Economics Ex- tension work 125 In re Agricultural Experiment Stations 123 In re Extension Division of State Institutions.. 121 Organization of first board; chairman; actual expenses, etc 343 118 Powers and duties of 345 118 Subject to supervision of State Board of Edu- cation 344 118 To include in budget amount necessary for Summer Schools 334 115 BOARD OF EXAMINERS. STATE— Created :. *. 134 48 Duty of 135 48 Examiners; term of office; salary; statements 139 49 152 Vav. BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, COUNTY— Membership of Must be commissioned. Reg. 4 Must conform to regulations State Dept Not to vote on own compensation , Majority a quorum Members must qualify 2 Board to be a corporation Organization, first duty To hold title to school property Compensation of. Sections 45 to Secretary of Treasurer of Duties of 1-15 To locate and maintain schools 4 To observe three mile limit 6 To appoint supervisors 3 General discretionary powers 5 To employ and contract with teacheres 6 To audit and pay accounts 7 To keep accurate accounts 8 To report to State Superintendent 8 To file financial statement with Clerk of Court 9 To publish financial statement monthly To require certain studies to be taught 10 To perform all necessary acts ■. 11 To hold regular and special meetings 12 To prepare annual budget and fix millage 13 To select candidates for State colleges 14 53 25 To examine books of Tax Collector -.- 15 53 25 Authorized to borrow money 54 25 How interest payments made Must furnish free text books in certain cases...- May establish Home Economics Department.... May establish Department of Agriculture, Can- ning Clubs, etc Empowered to employ county agents Authorized to acquire land , Not to contract with members School Board Districts Vacancies, how filled Te call election for abolishing or changing special tax districts * To publish notice of election To appoint inspectors , 16 12 129 17 12 18 12 19 12 20 13 42 20 43 20 44 20 48 21 51 22 52 22 53 22 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 23 53 24 149 88 53 24 53 24 53 24 53 24 56 %^ 240 84 97 36 98 36 99 36 100 37 66 29 67 29 68 30 217 75 173 60 173 60 15a . Par. 1o canvass returns of election ...-. To demand list of voters from Supervisor of Registration To fill vacancies of Trustees To remove Trustees To receive itemized statement of Trustees To issue warrants on special tax funds To approve debts of Trustees To provide fire escapes To examine teachers' reports, issue warrants.. Duty to maintain part time schools May invest in county warrants May require security of bidders for district bonds To advertise and award contracts for building.. To contract for building and improvemeat To determine amount of district bonds To disburse proceeds from sale of bonds To dispose of surplus of bond issue To draw checks, etc 2 To give notice for bids district bonds To give notice of district bond election To hold and expend proceeds from sales dis- trict bonds .' - 1 To keep set of books To make sworn statements of finances To prepare report of district bonds To publish resolution on district bonds When Board may change boundaries of dis- tricts 172 59 For other duties see Regulations, Pages 120 to 132. BONDS— Bond of County Superintendent Bonds required by county officers Required of bidders for special tax school dis- trict bonds Members of School Board to give bond County Commissioners to approve bond Who liable for loss where no bond given BONDS, SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICTS— Constitution for How issued Pages C7 to Certain petition to Board required Amount of, determined; rate of interest Sec. Pg«. 174 60 175 60 178 61 178 61 181 62 185 63 186 64 78 32 6 130 69 30 65 29 204 69 207 71 208 72 197 67 209 72 214 75 206 71 203 69 199 68 206 70 247 87 253 89 212 74 198 68 25 14 24 14 204 69 26 14 26 14 20 13 17 7 75 196 67 197 67 154 Par. Sec. Pge. Publication of resolution 198 68 Board to order election 199 68 Qualification of electors 199 68 How election conducted, ballot, etc 200 68 Bonds issued, when 201 69 If adverse vote, no election within a year 202 69 Board to advertise for bids 203 69 Bidders to give security 204 69 Form and denomination of bonds 205 70 Proceeds from sale of, how expended 1-2 206 70 Proceeds deposited in banks; interest 2 206 70 Banks must furnish bonds and render monthly statements 2 206 70 Advertising and awarding contracts for bldg.... 207 71 Contractor's bond 208 72 Bonds for other purposes 209 72 Tax to create sinking fund 210 72 How bond taxes assessed and collected 210 72 Tax money to be turned over to depositories.... 210 72 Sinking funds may be invested in other bonds.. 211 73 Attorney General to pass on validity 211 73 Annual reports to be published 212 74 Additional bond issue 213 74 Disposition of surplus 214 75 Validation of bonds 215 75 Liable for payment of, when consolidated 193 66 BOOK COMMISSION— Created; duties 218 75 To consider bids of publishers 224 79 To secure performance of contracts 233 82 (See Sub-Commission.) BORROWED MONEY— Procedure for County Boards 54 25 Limit as to amount borrowed 54 25 Interest payments to be made by warrant 56 26 Outstanding indebtedness validated 57 26 BUDGET— School Board to prepare 13 53 24 BUILDINGS— (See school houses.) e CENSUS— Attendance officers to take 1 291 102 146 51 148 52 147 51 150 53 149 52 155 Par. Sec. Pge. CERTIFICATE BOOKS— List of . 141 CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER— For examinee for teacher's certificate 114 42 Certificates to graduates of state colleges— Awarded Graduate State certificates; proviso... College to make annual report of graduates Graduates of certain other colleges awarded, etc Life Graduate State certificates State Supt. to issue graduate State certificates.. CERTIFICATION AND EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS— Applicants to present endorsements; fees 114 42 Certificates issued on oral and written exam- ination Certificates may be revoked Certificates must cover subjects taught Courtesy certificate (B) Disposition of fees Divulging questions to be used in examinations Duty of State Board of Examiners Examinations to be practical, etc.; places and dates, etc Examiners; term of office; salary; statements.. First grade certificate Grades of certificates , Graduates of standard colleges to receive cer- tain certificates (A) Life first grade certificate (20 years plan) Life first grade certificates (48 months plan).... Life first grade certificate (extension plan) Life primary certificates Life State certificate Penalty for applicant guilty of obtaining ques- tion sheet Penalty for divulging questions, etc Persons permitted to teach in public schools; proviso Primary certificate Qualifications of principals Reciprocation necessary Second grade certificate Special certificates 112 41 138 49 113 42 127 46 131 47 141 50 135 48 137 48 139 49 119 43 111 41 127 45 123 44 124 44 126 45 122 44 125 44 144 50 142 50 110 41 116 42 133 48 132 47 118 43 120 43 Sec. r.if. 134 48 121 • 43 136 4S 140 49 128 46 130 47 115 42 117 43 143 50 145 50 141 50 143 50 145 50 144 50 Par. State Board of Examiners : State certificate - State Superintendent to issue certificates State Superintendent to issue substitute cer- tificates 129 47 State Treasurer to Iveep fees separate; dis- bursements, etc Substitute certificate Substitute certificate must equal ,etc Temporarj- certificates Third grade certificate Unlawful for applicant to obtain question sheets Unlawful use of examination questions CHARACTER ENDORSEMENT— Applicant for examination to present 114 CHEATING IN EXAMINATION— Unlawful to divulge questions Questions obtained unlawfully Unlawful use of questions Penalties Sees. 142 and CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND AGRICULTURE— To be taught CLASSIFICATION OF GRADES— (See Grades.) CLERK OP CIRCUIT COURT— Bond of school officers to be filed with 2 Organization of Board to be recorded by School Board districts, creation of filed with... COLLECTORS, TAX— Duty of To pay school moneys over to depositories COLLEGES— (See State Institutions.) COMMISSION OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS— Regulation State Board of Education No. 4 129 COMMISSION— (See Sub-Commission.) COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY— Duty of, regarding district assessments May authorize granting scholarships To levy tax for district bonds COMPENSATION— (See Salaries.) COMPTROLLER— Itemized estimate of Trustees to be filed with.. To assess and collect certain taxes To approve amount and validity of bonds of depositories 244 86 20 12 43 20 67 29 S 10 245 86 182 62 101 37 210 72 181 62 182 62 157 I'ar. Sec. Pgc. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW— Applicable to part time schools 73 31 COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE— Accurate record to be kept and reported weekly Attendance Officers; removal Blanks Duties of Attendance Officers 1-6 Fine for County Superintendents Four days' absence excusable Period of compulsory attendance Publication of Act State Superintendent to prescribe forms When patrons exempt; correctional schools When private instruction acceptable; verify.... Whole act not invalidated Who must send children to school Exemptions 1-6 CONDUCT OP PUPILS— What teacher to require 2 Teacher to enforce needful regulations 4 CONSOLIDATION OF SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICTS— Districts may 'consolidate Existing laws apply Existing laws not repealed Liabilities and resources merged Procedure for 1-3 Taxes levied not impaired Consolidation, when effective CONSTITUTION— " Article IV. — State Supt. of Public Instruction: An administrative officei* Duties and powers... How chosen To make reports ; Article XII. — Education: County Levy County school fund District bonds and tax; limited to live mills District school tax Expenditure of , Normal schools Pay of school officers Races, separated _ School districts ". 289 101 290 101 142 291 102 293 104 288 101 296 104 295 104 294 104 292 104 287 101 297 105 286 99 286 100 151 53 151 53 189 65 191^ M 195 67 193 66 190 65 194 66 192 66 20 8 25 8 20 8 27 8 8 6 9 6 17 7 10 6 11 6 14 7 15 7 12 7 10 6 158 Par. Sec. Pge. State Board of Education; powers 3 5 State one mill tax 6 6 Apportionment of 7 6 Forbidden sectarian schools 13 7 Not divertible 13 7 Principal inviolate 5 5 contract- To be made with teachers Reg. 26 133 Boards to advertise and award contracts 207 71 To contract for building and improvement 208 72 Not to contract with members 66 29 Board not to contract for term beyond life of certificate Reg. 17 132 COUNTY DEPOSITORIES— Accounts subject to examination by persons authorized 250 88 Banks to be county depositories 243 85 County Boards to keep set of books; overdraw- ing prohibited '■ 247 87 County funds to be paid into; triplicate re- ceipts, etc 245 86 County Treasurer abolished 242 85 Depositories to make reports; Boards to pub- lish monthly statements; Comptroller au- thorized to require additional security 249 88 Designation of depositories; when made 251 89 How banks may qualify as; deposits to be divided equitably 244 86 How funds drawn from 248 87 COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS— Comptroller to furnish forms for financial statements 252 89 Copies of financial statements to be preserved.. 254 90 Duty of county officers to make sworn state- ments, etc. 253 89 Examination of reports; Comptroller may em- ploy examiner 256 90 Failure of county officers to swear to or file financial statements 258 91 Public inspection of reports; publication; ex- penses 255 90 Removal of officers for failure to make reports 257 91 COUNTY JUDGE— Fees of 299 105 159 Par. Sec. Pge. COUNTY LEVY— Levy (Constitution for) 8 6 COUNTY LINE PUPILS— Attendance of 11 11 COUNTY OFFICERS— Duty of to make sworn statements, etc 253 8? Failure of to swear to or file financial state- ments 258 91 Failure of to make reports 307 107 May be required to make reports to auditor 306 107 May be suspended for refusing to submit books 305 107 Removal of for failure to make financial report 257 91 To give bond 24 14 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND— Sources of 9 6 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS— Duties of 1-11 105 38 Failure to swear to or file financial statements 258 91 Fine in re violation of compulsory school at- tendance act 293 104 May be required to make reports to aduitor 306 107 May be suspended for refusing to submit books 305 107 Pay of 50 22 Penalty for failure to make annual report, etc. 107 40 Regulations prescribed for by State Board of Education 132 Removal for failure to make financial reports.. 257 91 Salaries of 49 21 To give bond 25 14 To make annual report to State Superintendent 106 39 To preserve copy of financial statements 258 91 To receive bids for special tax school district bonds 203 69 COURSE OF STUDY 165 56 D DAYS— Arbor Day Reg. 12 131 Mother's Day 152 54 Vacation and holidays 6 10 School day 5 iq DEFACEMENT OF BUILDINGS— Teacher to protect school property 3 151 53 Penalty for certain defacement 300 106 160 I'ai-. Sec. I'uc. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— State Superintendent - 27-31 14-16 State Board of Education 32-41 16-20 Officers of -— 32 1C DEPOSITORIES, COUNTY— Accounts subject to examination 250 H8 Banks to be county depositories 243 8C County Boards to keep seL of books; over- drawing prohibited 247 87 County funds to be paid into; triplicate re- ceipts, etc 245 86 County Treasurer abolished 242 85 Depositories to make reports; Boards to pub- lish monthly statements; Comptroller au- thorized to require additional se Penalty for fraud Require attendance at school When allowance shall cease Where child may reside N NOTICE— For creation special tax districts 173 60 Notice of examination 19 132. NORMAL SCHOOLS— (See Schools.) OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— Composed of whom 15 12 Certain officers to qualify and give bond, etc.... 1-3 20 12 16 12 20 .12 66 29 68 30 8 6 10 6 284 99 283 98 282 98 285 99 5 10 157 55 152 54 279 98 270 95 271 95 273 96 269 94 275 96 274 96 276 97 277 97 281 98 280 98 272 95 278 97 170 Par. Sec. Pge. No officer to vote on his own compensation 18 x2 Officer to turn over money and property to successor 21 l'' P PATRONS— May recommend Supervisor 3 53 23 May require schools of higher grade 5 53 23 Not authorized to employ teachers 6 53 23 PAY OF COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICERS— (See Salaries.) PENALTIES— For applicant in teachers' examination obtain- ing question sheets I44 '50 For County Official refusing to submit books.. 305 107 For disturbing schools- 303 106 For divulging questions to be used in teachers" examinations ^^4]^ 5q For failure of County Officials to make reports 307 107 For failure of County Superintendent to make annual report to State Superintendent 107 40 For failure to comply with regulations as to fire escapes §3 03 For failure to comply with regulations as to teaching of agriculture and civil government 90 34 For failure to make financial reports 257 91 For failure to provide school buildings with closets g6 34 For failure to swear to or file financial state- ^e^ts 258 91 For fraud in re mothers' pensions 281 98 For injury to school houses 300 106 For insulting teachers in pupils' presence 302 106 For obscenity marked on school buildings, etc„ 301 106 For school officers dealing in text books 241 85 For unlawful use of teachers' examination questions ^^45 ^q For violation of law to secure fairness, etc., in teachers' examinations 304 106 POLLS— Tax Collector to furnish list of 298 105 PRIMARY CERTIFICATES 116 42 PRIMARY GRADES kji 55 171 PRINCIPALS— '^^'■• Qualifications of Qualifications of for Kindergartens To make weekly report to Attendance Officer.. PROPERTY, SCHOOL— County Board to acquire and hold i To keep record of g Special tax districts may own 1 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— Uniform system of PUNISHMENT— Not to be too severe, etc 4 PUPILS— Four days' absence of, excusable Those exempted from school attendance 1-6 Those exempted from attendance at part time schools To undergo medical examination PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE— For educational purposes •Sec. Pge. 133 48 76 32 289 101 53 22 53 23 53 22 1 9 151 53 288 101 286 100 70 31 264 93 10 10 Q QUALIFICATIONS— Of officers. (See Officers.) Of teachers. (See Teachers.) Of voters in special tax districts Of voters in bond elections.. QUESTIONS, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION— Not to be divulged Penalty for divulging Penalty for obtaining question sheets Unlawful to obtain question sheets Unlawful use of examination questions QUORUM— A majority to constitute R RACES— Separated White children and negro children not to be taught in same school REAL ESTATE— Purchase of, for educational purposes 176 60 199 68 141 50 142 50 144 50 143 50 145 50 19 12 12 7 22 13 10 10 172 RECORDS— Par. Sec. County Board to keep 8 53 County Superintendent to keep 6 105 REGISTERS— Teachers to use those prescribed.; 26 REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION— General regulations and instructions .-. Regulations as to County Boards of Public In- struction Regulations as to County Superintendent of Public Instruction Regulations as to High Schools Intermediate High Schools Junior High Schools Senior High Schools Suggested High School regulations Teacher-Training Departments in High Schools REMOVAL— Of school officers.... 4 33 REPORTS— By State Superintendent 27 By County Board — 53 By County Superintendent 106 By Rural School Inspectors 167 By Teachers 157 By Teacher-Training Departments 5 RURAL SCHOOL INSPECTORS— Appointment and duties of 167 Salary of 168 s SALARIES— Of County Boards 45 In Counties of 37,000, etc 46 In Counties of between 37,000 and 40,000 47 In Counties of over 50,000 48 Of County Medical Examiners 266 Of County Superintendents 49 Of Museum Directors at University of Florida 318 Of Rural School Inspectors 168 Of School Book Sub-Commission 237 Of State Board of Examiners 139 Pge. 23 39 133 129 129 132 134 136 135 137 138 139 17 24 39 57 55 140 57 21 21 21 21 93 21 111 57 83 49 104 38 102 37 101 37 103 37 11 11 12 11 it:] SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY— Par. Sec. Pge. By County Boards 1 53 22 SANITARY PRECAUTIONS— (See Medical Inspection.) (See School Closets.) SCHOOL AGE— (See Age.) SCHOLARSHIPS— Appropriation authorized for; term "Board" defined Awarding of Board of County Commissioners may author- ize, etc Eligibility of applicant SCHOOL ATTENDANCE— By youth of school in another county By youth of another State SCHOOL BOARD— (See Board Pub. Inst.) SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICTS 67 29 SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION— (See Book Com.) SCHOOL BOOKS— When furnished free : 240 84 SCHOOL CLOSETS— Failure to provide school buildings with In rural districts School closets; separate compartments for each sex SCHOOL DAY, MONTH, TERM AND YEAR... .... SCHOOL FUNDS— (See Funds.) SCHOOL HOLIDAYS— (See Days.) SCHOOL HOUSES— Authority of teacher in or near 4 Care of by teacher... 3 Obscenity on Injury to SCHOOL LANDS— (See Lands.) SCHOOL LAWS— Printed and distributed by State Supt 1 28 15 SCHOOLS— High Schools: Military training in : gg Regulations prescribed for 134 Inspection of schools 92 Normal Schools 14 7 Opening and closing of schools 4 9 86 34 85 00 84 33 5 10 151 53 151 53 301 106 300 106 72 31 73 31 69 30 71 31 70 31 169 57 179 61 114 3 9 53 23 105 39 174 Par. Sec. Pge. Part Time: Attendance at required Compulsory Attendance Law applicable Duty to maintain Subjects to be taught Who may be exempted and when law man- datory Special Tax District Under control of County Board and County Superintendent Summer Schools When schools may begin Not to be located nearer than three miles 6 Superintendent to keep record of 6 SCHOOL SUPERVISORS— (See Supervisor.) SCHOOL TEACHER— (See Teacher.) SCHOOL TERM— Defined; day, month, term 5 10 SCHOOL TEXT BOOK LAW— Adoptions for eight years Adoptions must be used.., Bidders to register all agents Book Commission created; duties Book Commission to secure performance of contracts 233 82 Contractors lo maintain depository and agen- cies 232 82 Dates for completion of adoptions and begin- ning of contracts 225 79 Duties of Attorney-General in relation to con- tracts Duties of Book Commission Duties of contractors relating to prices Duties of State Treasurer in relation to cash deposits made by bidders and publishers Duties of Sub-Commission Existing text book laws repealed Governor to make proclamation Oath of Sub-Commission '. Overcharge for books a misdemeanor Pay of Sub-Commission; appropriation for Penalty for school officers dealing in text books 241 85 School Boards required to furnish free books, ~ etc 240 84 219 76 235 83 238 84 218 75 226 79 224 79 229 81 227 80 223 78 239 84 231 82 222 77 236 83 237 83 220 76 221 76 30 16 118 43 211 73 120 43 175 Par. Sec. Pge. Secretary of State to preserve specimen books 228 81 State not liable 230 81 State Superintendent to issue circular of infor- mation 234 83 State Superintendent to submit list of books, etc. ; regulations Sub-Commission to be appointed SCHOOL TRUSTEES— (See Trustees.) SEAL— State Superintendent to have SECOND GRADE CERTIFICATE SINKING FUND— May be invested in certain bonds; Attorney- General to pass on legality, etc SPECIAL CERTIFICATES SPECIAL SESSION— Of County Boards, called by Superintendent 12 53 24 SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT BONDS— (See Bonds.) SPECIAL TAX DISTRICTS— (See Districts, Special Tax.) STATE BOARD OP EDUCATION— Constitution for and personnel 32 16 Powers and duties of 1-6 33 16-17 To manage school lands To entertain and decide questions and appeals 6 To remove subordinate officers for cause 4 To foster higher education 5 To co-operate with State Superintendent 7 To fill vacancies in School Boards Certain property vested in Certain property transferred to Regulations and forms prescribed by 7 Summer Schools in charge of Teacher-Training Departments provided for STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS— Created Duty of Term of office, salary, statement STATE BOARD OF HEALTH— To have charge of medical inspection Rules to be formulated by STATE CERTIFICATE STATE INSTITUTIONS— See Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege for Negroes. 34 17 28 15 33 17 33 17 33 17 68 30 37 18 38 18 28 15 327 114 35 17 134 48 135 48 139 49 264 93 265 93 121 43 27 14 31 16 28 15 CG 48 iTi; Par. Sec. Pge. See Florida School for Deaf and Blind. See Florida State College for Women. See Universitj' of Florida. STATE ONE MILL TAX— Apportionment of 7 6 Levy of '. 6 6 STATE SCHOOL FUNDS— (See Funds, State School.) STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— An administrative officer 20 8 Constitutional powers and duties 25 8 To make report -.- 27 S Duties to be prescribed by law 2 5 Term of office — 2 5 Member of State Board of Education 3 5 Secretary State Board of Education 3 5 Given general oversight of schools Residence and office Special duties - 1-8 To issue certificates on examination To issue various other certificates. Sec. 122, Page 44, and - 128 46 To make nominations for vacancies On School Boards - To nominate Rural School Inspectors To revoke certificates — To inspect Institutions of Higher Learning STATE TREASURER— (See Treasurer.) SUB-COMMISSION, SCHOOL BOOK— To be appointed Duties of - - . Oath of -- Pay of, appropriation for — SUBSTITUTE CERTIFICATES SUMMER SCHOOLS— Appropriation for Board created to name teachers Board of Control to include amount necessary, etc Credit for work performed by students Established; location In charge of State Board; sessions Open to all teachers; qualifications of teachers.. 68 30 167 57 138 49 29 15 221 76 223 78 22-2 77 237 83 128 46 332 115 329 114 334 115 330 115 326 114 327 114 328 114 331 115 333 115 108 40 53 23 105 39 108 40 109 41 151 53 23 133 22 133 151 53 108 40 •108 40 177 m, , Par. Sec. Teachers attending entitled to extension on certificates Warrants for cost of SUPERVISOR, school- To supervise schools and report 1 How appointed 3 Superintendent to select and confer with 5 Special duties of Superseded by Trustees Supervisor or Trustees to be notified by teacher of suspension of pupil 5 A position of oversight, not control , How governed SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION— Duty of, relative to special tax school districts.. 175 60 SUSPENSION— Of pupils by teacher 5 Supervisor to review 3 To be reported to County Superintendent 3 T TAX ASSESSORS— To assess millage ordered by County Board 13 53 24 To furnish board with amounts assessed on special tax school districts 183 63 TAX, CAPITATION (OR POLL) — Part of County School Fund..... •Tax Collector to furnish list of polls TAX COLLECTOR— Must collect taxes assessed 13 Shall receive only current funds for taxes TAX, .COUNTY SCHOOL— Three to ten mills .'. § q TAX, DISTRICT SCHOOL— Not more than three mills 10 6 Five mills additional for bonds I7 7 TAX, STATE ONE MILL— Constitutional levy g g Apportionment among counties, basis of 7 g TEACHERS— Miiist file health certificates 108 Attendance of children in private school 287 101 Attending Summer Schools, extension, etc Board to name teachers of Summer Schools 329 114 12— S. Laws 9 6 298 105 53 ' 24 8 10 ITS Par. >