STATISTICS Indian Tribes, Indian Agencies, Indian Schools OF EVERY CHARACTER. Compiled under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Corrected to January J, 1899* IX WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. IAN " 1908 d. ot a CONTENTS. Page. IXDEX— To Indian Agencies - 5.6 To Indian Tribes 7-16 To Schools and School Plants 17-23 Agency Day Schools 17 Independent Day Schools 20 Reservation Boarding- Schools 20 Non-Reservation Boarding Schools 23 Statistics of Agencies. Tribes, and Schools 25-172 Non-Reservation Boarding Schools 69-72 Independent Day Schools 73, ^4 Contract Schools 7v Indians in Public Schools Non-Reservation School Plants 79-98 Reservation School Plants 99-172 (3) INDEX TO INDIAN AGENCIES. TRIBES. AND SCHOOLS. INDIAN AGENCIES. Agency. State or Territory. Page. Blackfeet Mont 25 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Okla 25 Cheyenne River S. Dak 27 Colorado River Ariz... 27 Colville Wash 28 Crow.. Mont 29 Crow Creek . S. Dak : __. 29 Devils Lake . N. Dak 30 Eastern Cherokee N. C 31 Flathead... . Mont . 31 Fort Apache Ariz 31 Fort Belknap Mont. 32 Fort Berthold N. Dak _ 32 FortHall „._ Idaho 33 Fort Peck ___ Mont 34 Grande Ronde Oreg 34 GreenBay ' Wis 35 Hoopa Valley Cal 36 Hualapai Ariz 37 Kiowa Okla 37 Klamath Oreg ._. 38 La Pointe Wis 39 Lemhi Idaho 40 Lower Brule S. Dak _. 41 Mackinac Mich 41 Mescalero . X. Mex 42 Mission-Tule River Cal _ . 42 Navajo .._' N. Mex 43 XeahBav Wash 44 6 INDEX TO INDIAN AGENCIES. Agency. State or Territory. Page. Nevada Nev 45 New York N. Y 45 NezPerces „„ Idaho ;._ 46 Omaha and Winnebago Nebr 46 Osage Okla 47 Pima ___ Ariz. ___..._ . 48 Pine Ridge S. Dak 48 Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe and Oak- land Okia 49 Pottawatomie and Great Ne- maha -_-- Kans-.. ____• 50 Pueblo and Jicarilla 1ST. Mex . 51 Puyallup Wash 52 Quapaw Ind. T___ , 53 Rosebud S. Dak 54 Round Valley Cal _ 55 Sac and Fox Iowa . 55 Sac and Fox Okla _ 56 San Carlos Ariz „__. ^6 Santee Nebr r _ r 57 Seminole Fla 58 Shoshone Wyo 58 Siletz Oreg ..._ 59 Sisseton S. Dak 59 Southern Ute Colo 60 Standing Rock N. Dak 60 Tongue River Mont 61 Tulalip Wash 62 Uintah and Ouray Utah 62 Umatilla...- Oreg -... 63 Union Ind. T 64 Walker River Reservation _ _ _ . Nev __--___ 64 Warm Springs Oreg 64 Western Shoshone Nev 65 White Earth Minn . m Yakima Wash 67 Yankton.. S. Dak 68 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. INDIAN TRIBES. 1 Tribe. Agency. Page. Absentee Shawnee . Sac and Fox, Oklahoma. _ . 56 Apacne_- Kiowa 37 Apache, Coyotero San Carlos 56 Apache, Jicarilla Pueblo and Jicarilla 51 Apache, Mescalero Mescalero 42 Apache, San Carlos San Carlos . 56 Apache, Tonto -___ San Carlos.. 56 Apache, White Mountain Fort Apache 31 Arapahoe . . _ Cheyenne and Arapahoe _ _ 25 Arapahoe, Northern Shoshone 58 Arickaree Fort Berthold 32 Assinniboine Fort Belknap _ 32 Assinniboine Fort Peck 34 Bad River Chippewa La Pointe 39 Bannock Fort Hall 33 Bannock Lemhi 40 Blackfeet Blackfeet 25 Blackf eet Sioux Cheyenne River 27 Blackfeet Sioux ___ Standing Rock 60 Black River Chippewa Mackinac 41 Bloods Blackfeet 25 Boise Fort Chippewa La Pointe __. 39 Brule Sioux Rosebud 54 Brule Sioux, Lower ... Lower Brule 41 Capote Ute Southern Ute 60 Carlos- Band of Flatheads Flathead 31 Cass Lake and Wiimibigosh- ish Chippewa White Earth _ 66 Cayuga ... New York 45 Cayuse Umatilla 63 Cedar City . (No agency) 58 Chehalis Puyallup 52 Chemehuevi Colorado River r 27 Cherokee Union 64 I INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. Tribe. Agency. Page. Cherokee, Eastern ___ ___ Eastern Cherokee- ___ 31 Cheyenne •__ Cheyenne and Arapahoe _ _ 25 Cheyenne ___ Pine Ridge ___ 48 Cheyenne, Northern ___ Tongue River __ 61 Chickasaw Union 64 Chippewa Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha--,- 50 Chippewa and Ottawa ___ Mackinac 41 Chippewa, Cass Lake and Winnibigoshish „ White Earth _ 66 Chippewa, Leech Lake Pillager. White Earth - 66 Chippewa, Otter Tail Pillager _ White Earth ______ 66 Chippewa, Pembina White Earth _ 66 Chippewa, Red Lake White Earth 66 Chippewa, Turtle Mount Devils Lake 30 Chippewa : At Bad River La Pointe . 39 At Boise Fort La Pointe . 39 At Fond du Lac La Pointe 39 At Grand Portage La Pointe 1 _ 39 At Lac Court d'Oreiiles La Pointe 39 At Lac du Flambeau La Pointe 39 At Red Cliff La Pointe 39 Chippewa (Miss.): Gull Lake White Earth _ m Mille Lac White Earth 66 White Earth .. White Earth „ 66 White Oak Point White Earth m Chippewa of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River Mackinac 41 Choctaw Union 64 Citizen Pottawatomie Sac and Fox, Oklahoma. . _ 56 Clackama Grande Ronde 34 Cceurd'Alene Colville 28 Columbia, Moses Band Colville 28 Colville. Colville .... 28 Comanche Kiowa . 37 Concow Round Valley 55 Cow Creek Grande Ronde 34 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. 9 Tribe. Agency. Page. Coyotero Apache.--. San Carlos _. 56 Creek Union 64 Crow... Crow 29 Digger (No agency) ... 30 D'Wamish Tulalip 62 Eastern Cherokee Eastern Cherokee 31 Eastern Shawnee.--. Quapaw- 53 Flandreau Santee Sioux Santee 57 Flathead, Carlos' Band Flathead 31 Flathead, Pend d'Oreilles and Kootenai (conf ed. ) Flathead 31 Fond du Lac White Earth 66 Fond du Lac Chippewa. La Pointe 39 Fort Hall Indians ._._ Fort Hall. _ ■ ._ : 33 Georgetown. Puyallup 52 Grand Portage Chippewa La Pointe . _ 39 Gros Ventre ... Fort Belknap 32 Gros Ventre Fort -Bert-hold 32 Gull Lake Chippewa White Earth 66 Hoh Neah Bay 44 Hoopa Hoopa Valley 36 Hualapai . Hualapai 37 Humptulip Puyallup 52 Hunkpapa Sioux Standing Rock 60 Huron Pottawatomie Mackinac 41 Iowa Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Iowa Sac and Fox, Oklahoma. _ _ 56 Jicariila Apache , Pueblo and Jicarilla 51 Joseph's Band Nez Perces Colville 28 Kaibab ... (No agency) 58 Kalispel Colville ... 28 Kalispel, Lower Flathead 31 Kansas Osage 47 Kaskaskia Quapaw 53 Kaw Osage . 47 Kickapoo ___„_. Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Kickapoo, Mexican Sac and Fox, Oklahoma _ _ _ 56 10 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. Tribe. Agency. Page. Kiowa Kiowa '37 Klamath Hoopa Valley 36 Klamath Klamath : _ . 38 Kootenai Flathead 31 Lac Court d'Oreilles Chippewa. La Pointe 39 Lac clu Flambeau Chippewa. _ _ La Pointe 39 Lake Colville ------ 28 L'Anse Chippewa _ Mackinac 41 Leech Lake Pillager Chippewa. White Earth 66 Little Lake and Redwood Round Valley 55 Loaf er Sioux .__. Rosebud 54 Lower Brule Sioux Lower Brule 41 Lower Kalispel Flathead 31 Lower Spokane Colville 28 Lower Yanktonai Sioux Crow Creek 29 Luckamute Grande Ronde 34 Lammi Tulalip 62 Madison Tulalip 62 Makah NTeah Bay 44 Makah at Ozette Neah Bay 44 Mandan Fort Berthold - 32 Maricopa - Pima ■_ 48 Marys River •_ Grande Ronde 34 Medawakanton Sioux (No agency) 42 Menomonee - Green Bay 35 Mescalero Apache Mescalero 42 Mexican Kickapoo Sac and Fox, Oklahoma- _ _ 06 Miami Quapaw 53 Middle and Upper Spokane on Cceur d'Alene Reserve Colville 28 Middle and Upper Spokane on Spokane Reserve. Colville . 28 Mille Lac Chippewa "White Earth _■__ 66 Minneconjou Sioux Cheyenne River „___ 27 Mississippi Chippewa : Gull Lake WhiteEarth ____ 66 Mille Lac — WhiteEarth 66 WhiteEarth WhiteEarth 66 White Oak Point White Earth 66 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. 11 Tribe. Agency. Page. Mission •__ Mission-Tule River 42 Missouria and Otoe Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland 49 Moache Ute Southern Ute 60 Modoc Quapaw 53 Modoc, PiUte and Pitt River __.. Klamath 38 Mojave Colorado River 27 Mojave San Carlos 56 Mojave : At Fort Mojave Colorado River 27 At Needles Colorado River 27 Molel Grande Ronde 34 Moquis Pueblo Navajo . 43 Moses Band, Columbia Colville . 28 Muckleshoot Tulalip 62 Muddy (No agency) 58 Munsee Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Munsee and Stockbridge Green Bay 35 Navajo Navajo 43 Nebraska Ponca Santee _ _ . 57 Nespilem Colville _ 28 Nez Perces Nez Perces 46 Nez Perces, Joseph's Band Colville 28 Nisqually Puyallup 52 Nomadic Papago '_ _ _ _ Pima 48 Nomelackie Round Valley 55 Northern Arapahoe Shoshone 58 Northern Cheyenne Tongue River 61 Northern Sioux Rosebud 54 Okanogan Colville 28 Omaha Omaha and Winnebago ___ 46 Oneida Green Bay 35 Oneida New York 45 Onondaga New York _ 45 Osage Osage . 47 Otoe and Missouria _ Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland 49 Ottawa Quapaw 53 12 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. Tribe. Agency. Page. Ottawa and Chippewa Mackinac 41 Gtter Tail Pillager Chippewa . . . White Earth 66 Ouray Uncompahgre Ute Uintah and Ouray -, 62 Ouray White River Ute Uintah and Ouray 62 Ozette Makah Neah Bay 44 Pah-Ute _ Nevada 45 Pah-Ute Walker River Reservation. 64 Panaca _._ (No agency) 58 Papago Pima-- 48 Papago at San Xavier Pima... . 48 Papago, Nomadic Pima 48 Pawnee Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland ______ 49 Pembina Chippewa White Earth 66 Pend d'Oreilles Flathead _ 31 Peoria Quapaw .--.- 53 Piankeshaw Quapaw ._. 53 Piegan . Blackfeet . 25 Pillager, Leech Lake, Chippewa White Earth . _ _-_ 66 Pillager, -Otter Tail, Chippewa. White Earth . 66 Pima Pima 48 Pitt River Klamath _ _. 38 Pitt River and Nomelackie Round Valley 55 Pi-Ute ._.:___■ --- Klamath _._,_. 38 Pi-Ute, Warm Springs, Wasco, Tenino Warm Springs 64 Pi-Ute. _ Western Shoshone 65 Ponca Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland.. _._. 49 Ponca of Nebraska _______ Santee . _ . - - 57 Pottawatomie, Citizen ___ Sac and Fox, Oklahoma. ... 56 Pottawatomie of Huron Mackinac 41 Pottawatomie, Prairie Band.. _ Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Prairie Band of Pottawatomies. Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Pueblo Pueblo and Jicarilla 51 Pueblo, Moquis Navajo 43 Puyallup Puyallup . . o INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. 13 Tribe. Agency. Page. Pyramid Lake Pah-Ute Nevada. 45 Quapaw Quapaw 53 Queet Puyallup 52 Quillehute-.- Neah Bay 44 Quinaielt Puyallup 52 Red Cliff Chippewa . La Pointe 39 Red Lake Chippewa White Earth : .. 66 Redwood . Round Valley .--. 55 Rogue River Grande Ronde 34 Sac and Fox of Mississippi Sac and Fox, Iowa 55 Sac and Fox of Mississippi Sac and Fox, Oklahoma 56 Sac and Fox of Missouri Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 50 Saginaw Chippewa Mackinac 41 Saint Regis - New York 45 San Carlos Apache San Carlos 56 San Poil Colville 28 Sans Arc Sioux Cheyenne River 27 Santee Sioux Santee 57 Santee Sioux of Flandreau Santee 57 Santian Grande Ronde. 34 San Xavier Papago Pima 48 Seminole Union 64 Seminole in Florida Seminole 58 Seneca Quapaw 53 Seneca New York 45 Shawnee, Absentee Sac and Fox, Oklahoma ___ 56 Shawnee, Eastern Quapaw , 53 Shebit (No agency) 58 Sheepeater Lemhi 40 Shoshone Fort Hall " 33 Shoshone Lemhi 40 Shoshone (or Snake) Shoshone 58 Shoshone Western Shoshone 65 Siletz Siletz 59 Sioux Devils Lake 30 Sioux Pine Ridge 48 Sioux, Brule Rosebud 54 Sioux, Loafer Rosebud _ _ 54 14 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. Tribe. Agency. Page. Sioux, Lower Brule Lower Brule 41 Sicux, Lower Yanktonai Crow Creek 29 Sioux, Medawakanton Band, in Minnesota (No agency) 42 Sioux, Northern Rosebud 54 Sioux, Santee Santee 57 Sioux, Santee of Flandreau Santee 57 Sioux, Sisseton and Wahpeton- Sisseton 59 Sioux, Two-Kettle Cheyenne River 27 Sioux, Two-Kettle Rosebud _ 54 Sioux, Wahpeton _ Sisseton 59 Sioux, Waziaziah Rosebud _ . ^ 54 Sioux, Yankton Yankton 68 Sioux, Yanktonai, Hunkpapa, and Blackf eet _ - Standing Rock 60 Sioux, Yanktonai Fort Peck . 34 Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux _ Sisseton 59 S'Klallam-. Puyallup 52 S'Kokomish Puyallup - 52 Snake Shoshone 58 Spokane Flathead _ . _ 31 Spokane, Lower Colville 28 Spokane, Upper and Middle, on Cceur d'Alene Reserve Colville 28 Spokane, Upper and Middle, on Spokane Reserve Colville 28 Squaxon Puyallup 52 Stockbridge and Munsee Green Bay 35 Supai, Yava Huaiapai 37 Swan Creek Chippewa Mackinac 41 Swinomish Tulalip 62 Tenino Warm Springs 64 Tonkawa Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland 49 Tonto Apache. San Carlos 56 Tulalip Tulalip . 62 Tule River Mission-Tule River 42 Turtle Mountain Chippewa Devils Lake 30 Tuscarora New York 45 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. 15 Tribe. Agency. Page. Two-Kettle Sioux Cheyenne River 2? Two-Kettle Sioux Rosebud 54 Uintah Ute Uintah and Ouray 62 Ukie and Wylackie Round Valley 55 Umatilla Umatilla 63 Umpqua Grande Ronde 34 Uncompahgre Ute at Ouray. _ _ Uintah and Ouray 62 Upper and Middle Spokane on Coeur d' Alene Reserve Colville 28 Upper and Middle Spokane on Spokane Reserve Colville 28 Ute, Capote Southern Ute 60 Ute, Moache Southern Ute - 60 See Pah-Ute and Pi-Ute. Ute, Uintah Uintah and Ouray 62 Ute, Uncompahgre, at Ouray. _ Uintah and Ouray 62 Ute, White River, at Ouray Uintah and Ouray 62 Ute, White River, at Uintah- _ _ Uintah and Ouray 62 Ute, Wiminuchie Southern Ute 60 Vieux de Sert Chippewa Mackinac 41 Wahpeton Sioux Sisseton _' _ 59 Walker River Pah-Ute Nevada 64 Walla Walla Umatilla 63 Wapeto Grande Ronde 34 Warm Springs Warm Springs 64 Wasco Warm Springs 64 Wasco Yakima 67 Waziaziah Sioux Rosebud 54 Wea Quapaw 53 White Earth Chippewa White Earth 66 White Mountain Apache Fort Apache 31 White Oak Point Chippewa _ _ _ White Earth 66 White River Ute Uintah and Ouray 62 Wichita and affiliated tribes. _ _ Kiowa 37 Wild Yakima _ Yakima 6T Wiminuchie Ute Southern Ute 60 Winnebago Omaha and Winnebago _ _ _ 46 Winnibigoshish Chippewa White Earth 66 Wyandotte Quapaw 53 16 INDEX TO INDIAN TRIBES. Tribe. Agency. Page. Wylackie Round Valley . 55 Yakima, Wasco, and others __ _ Yakima 67 Yakima, Wild Yakima , _'. . 67 Yam Hill Grande Ronde 34 Yanktonai Sioux Standing Rock 60 Yanktonai Sionx, Lower Crow Creek 29 Yanktonai Sioux Fort Peck- _ _■ 34 Yankton Sioux Yankton 68 Yava Supai i _ _ Hualapai 37 Yuma . _ . Mission-Tule River ._._ 42 Yuma San Carlos 56 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. 17 AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS. Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency: Page. Whirlwind _ „ 26,134 Cheyenne River Agency: Xos. 1, 2, and 3 27.148 Colyille Agency: Nespilem - — 28.161 Spokane 28,161 Devils Lake Agency: Xos. 1, 2, and 3 30,127 Fort Berthold Agency: Xos. 1, 2, and 4 33,128 Green Bay Agencv: Stockbridge 35,166 Hualapai Agency : Hackberry _ 37,104 Hnalapai . 37. 104 Supai 37, 104 Kiowa Agency: Kiowa __ 38,135 La Pointe Agency: Fond du Lac 40,168 Grand Portage 40, 168 Lac Court d'Oreilles Day School, No. 1 40,168 Lac Court d'Oreilles Day School, No. 2_ . . 40, 168 Lac Court d'Oreilles Day School, No. 3 40. 169 NettLake 40,169 Normantown 40, 169 Paquahawong 40, 169 Red Cliff 40,170 MissiON-TuLE River Agency: AguaCaliente-. 43,106 Capitan Grande . 43,106 16563- — 2 18 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. Mission-Tule River Agency— Continued. Page. Cohuilla 43,107 La Jolla * 43,107 Martinez 43,107 Mesa Grande 43,107 Pechanga , 43,103 Potrero - 43,108 Rincon . 43,108 Saboba _ _.. 43,108 Tule River 43,108 Navajo Agency: Blue Canyon __ _ 44.101 Little Water 44,101 Oreibi 44,102 Polacca . 44.102 Second Mesa 44,102 Neah Bay Agency: Neah Bay 45.161 Quillehute 45,161 Pine Ridge Agency: Nos. 1 to 31, inclusive 49.146-154 Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency: Acomita 52,122 Cochiti 52.122 Isleta -.-- 52,123 Jemez. . 52,123 Laguna 52,123 Nambe . .__. 52,123 Palmate - - . 52,124 Picuris..-- -__. 52, 124 Santa Clara 52,124 Santa Domingo . . '_ _ . 52, 124 San Ildefonso 52, 125 San Felipe 52, 125 San Juan 52, 125 Taos _ 52,125 Zia . 52,126 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. 19 Puyallup Agency: ra ? e - Chehalis 53.162 Georgetown 163 Jamestown ._. 53, 163 Port Gamble _ ._ 53.163 Quinaielt - - 53,163 S'Kokomish 53,161 Rosebud Agency: Block Pipe Creek ._- 156 Butte Creek ... 157 Corn Creek 156 Cut Meat Creek ... 155 He Dog's Camp 1 156 Ironwood Creek = . . . „ 155 Little Crow's Camp 158 Little White River . ._.. 15? Lower Cut Meat Creek 156 Milks Camp __ 158 Oak Creek 158 Pine Creek __ „ 15? Red Leaf's Camp 156 Rosebud 155 Spring Creek . 155 L^pper Cut Meat Creek 155 Upper Pine Creek _ 15? Whirlwind Soldier's Camp 158 White Thunder Creek 15? Santee Agency: Ponca 58,120 Standing Rock Agency: Xos. 1 and 2 61.131 Bull Head 61,131 Cannon Ball - 61, 132 Porcupine __„ 132 Tongue River Agency: Tongue River 61.118 Tulalip Agency: Lummi 62.165 Swinomish . 62. 165 20 . INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. Under Carson School superintendent: Page. Big Pine, Cal . 69 Bishop, Cal 69 Independence, Cal _ . _. 69 Walker River, Nev . 69 Under Oneida School superintendent: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5_ ..... 36,170 INDEPENDENT DAY SCHOOLS. Baird, Cal .' . 73 Baraga, Mich 73 Bay Mills, Mich 73 Birch Cooley , Minn 73 Hat Creek, Cal 73 Manchester, Cal _ _ _ _ 73 Potter Valley, Cal 74 Shebit, Utah... 74,160 Ukiah, Cal 74 Upper Lake, Cal 74 RESERVATION BOARDING SCHOOLS. School. Agency. Absentee Shawnee Sac and Fox, Oklahoma ___ 56, 138 Agricultural Standing Rock 61 , 129 Arapahoe Cheyenne and Arapahoe _ _ _ 26, 132 Blackfeet Blackfeet 25,116 Cantonment Cheyenne and Arapahoe 26,133 Cherokee, Eastern Eastern Cherokee . v 31,126 Cheyenne Cheyenne and Arapahoe. __ 26,133 Cheyenne River Cheyenne River 27,143 Colorado River Colorado River 28, 99 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. 21 School. Agency. Page. Crow Crow 29,117 Crow Creek Crow Creek 29,144 Eastern Cherokee Eastern Cherokee 31 , 126 Fort Apache Fort Apache 32, 99 Fort Belknap ._.. Fort Belknap 32,117 FortBerthold Fort Berthold ..._. 33,128 Fort Hall -. Fort Hall 33,109 Fort Lapwai Nez Perces 46,110 Fort Peck Fort Peck 34,117 Fort Sill Kiowa ._ ...... 38,134 Fort Totten Devils Lake 30,126 Fort Yuma Mission-Tule River 43.104 Grace Crow Creek. 29,144 Grande Ronde Grande Ronde .- 35. 139 Grand River Standing Rock 61,130 Great Nemaha Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 51.112 Green Bay, Menomonee Green Bay 35. 166 Hoopa Valley Hoopa Valley 36, 105 Hope Santee 57. 120 Industrial Standing Rock 61.130 Kaw _. Osage 47,136 Keams Canyon Navajo 44, 100 Kickapoo Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 51.113 Klamath __ . Klamath 39,140 Lac du Flambeau La Pointe 40, 167 Leech Lake White Earth 67.114 Lemhi Lemhi . 41, 110 Lower Brule Lower Brule. 41, 145 Menomonee Green Bay.. 35. 166 Mescalero Mescalero 42.121 Navajo Navajo 44. 100 Nevada Nevada 45, 121 Omaha Omaha and Winnebago _ _ _ 47. 118 Oneida Green Bay 36,170 Osage Osage 47,136 Otoe Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland 50,136 22 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. School. Agency. Page. Ouray Uintah and Ouray 63,159 Pawnee . Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland __ 50,137 Pima . Pima 48,102 Pine Point White Earth . „____ 66,114 Pine Ridge Pine Ridge 49, 145 Ponca , Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland 50,137 Pottawatomie Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha 51,114 Puyallup Puyallup 53,162 Quapaw Quapaw 54,111 Rainy Mountain Kiowa ... _ _ _ 38, 135 RedLake White Earth 67,115 Red Moon Cheyenne and Arapahoe _ _ 26, 133 Riverside Kiowa .. 38,135 Rosebud Rosebud 54, 154 Round Valley . Round Valley _-_ 55,109 Sac and Fox _ Sac and Fox, Iowa . 55,112 Sac and Fox Sac and Fox, Oklahoma. _ . 56,138 San Carlos San Carlos . 57,103 Santee Santee 57, 120 Seger - Cheyenne and Arapahoe.-- 26,139 Seneca Quapaw . ... 54, 111 Shoshone Shoshone 59,172 Siletz . Siletz 59,141 Sisseton .. Sisseton 60,158 Uintah _ _ Uintah and Ouray 63, 160 Umatilla Umatilla 63,142 Vermillion Lake LaPointe 40,167 Warm Springs Warm Springs 65,142 Western Shoshone Western Shoshone 65,121 White Earth White Earth 66,115 Wild Rice River White Earth 67,116 Winnebago _ _ . f_ Omaha and Winnebago ... 47, 119 Yainax Klamath 39,141 Yakima Yakima 67,165 Yankton Yankton 68,159 Zuni . Pueblo and Jicarilla 51, 122 INDEX TO SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL PLANTS. NON-RESERVATION BOARDING SCHOOLS. School. State. Page. Albuquerque 1 X. Mex . 69, 79 Carlisle Pa 69,80 Carson Nev - 69,81 Chamberlain S. Dak 70,82 Chilocco Okla - 70,82 Clontarf Minn 70,83 Flandreau S. Dak 70,84 Fort Bid NvelL__ Cal ■_.._ 70,84 Fort Lewis Colo 70, 85 Fort Mojave Ariz 70, 86 Fort Shaw Mont 70, 87 Genoa Nebr 71,88 Grand Junction. _ _._' Colo 71, 89 Greenville Cal 71,89 Haskell Institute Kans 71 , 90 Morris Minn 71, 91 Mount Pleasant Mich 71,92 Perris Cal 71,92 Phoenix Ariz 72, 93 Pierre S. Dak 72,93 Pipestone Minn 72, 94 Rapid City ,. S. Dak 72,95 Salem Oreg 72, 95 Santa Fe N. Mex 72, 96 Toniah Wis - 72,97 Wittenberg Wis 72,97 4 ■ «—■■• f nuu/f. WAfijU^L &d fa Railroad station: Holbrook, Ariz., on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. "MiTinhft miles to agency by blackboard. 32 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. Nearest military post : Fort Apache, Ariz. Post-office address : FojiIj AjjulIu,, AlU. Telegraphic address : Fi i i p i 1 j \mm, i i i TTnlVr^lr, tVrfr Fort Apaclie Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 65; enrollment, 74; average, 69. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. FORT BELKNAP AGENCY, MONTANA. Tribes. Population. Gros Ventre 574 Assinniboine 716 Total 1,290 Area, unallotted, 537,600 acres; surveyed. Railroad station : Harlem Station, on Great Northern Railway. Four miles to agency. Nearest military post : Fort Assinniboine, Mont. Post-office address : Harlem, Choteau County, Mont. Telegraphic address : Harlem Station, Mont. Fort Belknap Agency Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 100; enrollment, 105; average, 101. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. FOUT BERTHOLD AGENCY, NORTH DAKOTA. Tribes. ♦ Population. Arickaree 126 Gros Ventre 169 Mandan 253 Total 1,148 Area, 965,120 a^res ; unallotted.* * Allotments made in the field, but not yet approved. fit. // v •tw'ti dirtrfl *f/*&^ rAA. Jut- STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. 33 Railroad station: IMautj jii Great NuilliUll IUlUtv^ . So¥ » w*iU milu lu Uj^LllU/ Nearest military post : Fort Yates, N. Dak. Post-office address : Elbowoods, via Bismarck, N. Dak. Telegraphic address : Bismarck, N. Dak. Fort Berthold Agency Boarding School, North Dakota. Location, same as agency. Bnrned March 30, 1898. Three Day Schools. Capacity, 120; enrollment, 94; average, 85. Nos. 1,2, and 4. Location, same as agency. Number of teachers, 1 at each. FOBT HALL AGENCY, IDAHO. Tribes. Population. Bannock 430 Shoshone 1 , 016 Total ...._ 1,446 The tribes under this agency are known also as Fort Hall Indians. Area, 864,000 acres; unallotted. j* // Railroad station: Rossfork, on Oregon Short Line ana tjfrali Sfrw^fee wn. Rojilr - oncu Nearest military post : Fort Douglas, Utah. Post-office address : Rossf ork, Bingham County, Idaho. Telegraphic address : Pocatello, Idaho. Fort Hall Agency Boarding; School. Location, Blackfoot, on Oregon Short Line, thence by private conveyance 10 miles. Capacity, 150; enrollment, 185; average, 183. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. 16563- — 3 34 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. FORT PECK AGENCY, MONTANA. Tribes. Population. Yanktonai Sioux 1,239 Assinniboine 600 Total 1,839 Area, 1,776,000 acres; unallotted. Railroad station: Poplar, on Great Northern Railway. One- Mlf mile to agency. Nearest military post : Fort Assinniboine, Mont. Post-office address : Poplar, Mont. Telegraphic address : Poplar, Mont. Fort Peck Agency Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 200; enrollment, 172; average, 141. A superintendent and 6 teachers employed. GRANDE RONDE AGENCY, OREGON. (Under School Superintendent.) Tribes. Population. Molel (absorbed in the tribes below). Rogue River 54 Santian 28 Clackama , - 64 Luckamute ______ 35 Cow Creek 31 Wapeto - -. 24 Marys River _ 36 Yam Hill 38 Umpqua 88 Total 398 Area. Acres. Allotted 33,148 Unallotted 26,111 Reserved for agency.-.,-- 440 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. 35 Railroad station : Sheridan, Oreg. Fifteen miles to school. Nearest military post : Fort Spokane, Wash. Post-office address : Grande blonde, Oreg. Telegraphic address : Sheridan. Oreg. Grande Roncle Boarding School. Location, Grande, 15 miles west of Sheridan, Oreg. Capacity, 100: enrollment, 92; average, 90. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. GREEN BAY AGENCY, WISCONSIN. Tribes. Population. Oneida 1,945 Menomonee 1. 375 Stockbridge and Munsee ,. 509 Total . 3,829 Area of Menomonee and Stockbridge reserves, 243,583 acres; unallotted. All of Oneida lands allotted except 84 acres reserved for school purposes. Railroad station: Shawano, on Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. Eight miles to agency by stage. Nearest military post : Fort Snelling, Minn. Post-office address : Keshena, Shawano County, Wis. Telegraphic address : Shawano, Wis. Green Bay Olenomonee) Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 160; enrollment, 173; average, 172. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Stockbridge Day School. Location, 8 miles west of agency. Capacity, 40 ; enrollment, 50 ; average, 34. Xumber of teachers, 1. 30 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. The following schools, although within the jurisdiction of the Green Bay Agency, are under the control of a bonded superin- tendent : Oneida Boarding School, Wisconsin. Location, Oneida, Wis. Capacity, 120; enrollment, 134; average, 131. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Also Three Day Schools. Capacity, 116; enrollment, 69; average, 39. Nos. 1, 2, and 4, located near the Oneida School, Wis. Nos. 3 and 5 discontinued. Number of teachers, 1 at each. HOOPA VALLEY AGENCY, CALIFORNIA. (Under School Superintendent.) Tribes. • Population. * Hoopa .-._ 510 f Klamath . 673 Total . 1,183 Area. Acres. Unallotted, Hoopa Reserve -.. 99,051.00 Allotted 29,143.38 Reserved for 3 villages 68.74 Railroad station: Korbel, on Areata and Mud River Railway. Forty-four miles to agency by team. Nearest military post : Presidio, Cal. Post-office address : Hoopa, Humboldt County, Cal. Telegraphic address : Eureka, Cal. Hoopa Valley Agency Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 200; enrollment, 214; average, 197. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. * Allotments have been made in the field to a portion of this tribe, but not yet approved. fAllotments made to 639 Klamaths on Klamath River. P.0./U~ V STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. 53 Railroad station : Tacoraa, on Northern Pacific Railroad Nearest military post : Fort Spokane, Wash. Post-office address : Tacoraa, Wash. Telegraphic address : Tacoma, Wash. Puyallup Boarding School. Capacity, 200; enrollment, 228; average, 214. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Five Day Schools. Capacity, 195; enrollment, 101; average, To. Number of Name of school. Location. teachers, Chehalis Grate City, Wash _ _ 1 Jamestown 3 miles from Dungeness, Wash _ 1 Port Gamble 35 miles from Seattle, Wash _ _ 1 S'Kokomish _ 3 miles from Union, Wash 1 Quinaielt 50 miles from Aberdeen, Wash. 1 GITJAPAW AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY. Tribes. Population. Peoria, Kaskaskia, Piankeshaw, and Wea . _ _ _ 172 Ottawa n ----- 162 Quapaw 251 Modoc -, 51 Seneca 323 Eastern Shawnee 93 Miami - 92 Wyandotte 325 Total 1,469 Area. Acres. Unallotted - 37,602 Allotted . 173,404 Authorized to be sold 557 Reserved 664 Railroad station: Cuiillu, ITu ., on St. Lonis and San Francisco Railway. 'Bij private tranm i railoc to agflnoy. Nearest military post : Fort Reno, Okla. Post-office address : S e iiooaj i frliowton County. Iky . Telegraphic address : Seneca. Mo. 54 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. Qaapaw Agency Boarding School. Location, 7 niiles from Baxter Springs, Kans. Capacity, 90; enrollment, 119; average, 96. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. Seneca Boarding School. Location, Wyandotte, Ind. T. Capacity, 180; enrollment, 145; average, 130. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. ROSEBUD AGENCY, SOUTH DAKOTA. Tribes. Population. Brule Sioux 1 Loafer Sioux I Waziaziah Sioux }■ 4, 451 Two Kettle Sioux ..... '. i Northern Sioux ■ J Area, 3,228,160 acres; unallotted.- Railroad station : Valentine, on Fremont, Elkhornand Missouri Valley Railroad. Thirty -five miles to agency. Nearest military post : Fort Niobrara, Nebr. Post office address : Rosebud, S. Dak. Telegraphic address ; Rosebud, S, Dak. , via Valentine, Nebr. Rosebud Agency Boarding- School. Location,. 15 miles east of agency, and 30 miles from Valentine, Nebr, Capacity 200, enrollment, 203; average, 192. A superintendent and 5 teachers employed. Nineteen Day Schools. Capacity, 728; enrollment, 505; average, 474. Number of teachers, 1 at each. All located on reservation and reached by transportation from agency. * Allotments now being made. STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. ROUND VALLEY AGENCY, CALIFORNIA. (Under School Superintendent.) Tribes. Population. Concow 164 Little Lake and Redwood 117 Ukie and Wylackie 276 Pitt River and Nomelackie 64 Total . ... 621 Area. Acres. Allotted— __. 5,249 Unallotted. 32,. 442 Reserved for school, mission, and cemetery _ 190 Reserved for agency .Jfe. j.^^^% . 180 Railroad station: Ukiah, on mm ' ¥mm oic o i mi 1 3T ji Lin i ' ii Pcurafi c Railroad. Sixty-fire miles to school. Post-office address : Covelo, Cal. Telegraphic address: Covelo, via Cahto, Cal. Round Valley Boarding School. Capacity, 70; enrollment, 75; average, 65. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. SAC AND FOX AGENCY, IOWA. Tribe. Population. Sac and Fox of Mississippi 388 Area, 2,965 acres; unallotted. Railroad station : Toledo, Iowa, on Toledo and Northern Iowa Railroad, and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Nearest military post : Fort Omaha, Nebr. Post-office address : Toledo, Iowa. Telegraphic address: Toledo, Iowa. Sac and Fox Agency Boarding- School, Iowa. Location, Toledo, Iowa. Capacity, 75; enrollment, 35; average, 32. A superintendent and 1 teacher employed. 5fj Statistics of agencies, tribes, etc. SAC AND FOX AGENCY, OKLAHOMA. \ Tribes. Population. Sac and Fox of Mississippi . 521 Iowa 89 J\ hmnton SWnmis n 493 Monioan iritlmpiDiD 246 d* ti tqii ■C y L Ui i, i( "Li LUTLTtb 756 Total ._... 2,105 Area. Acres. Allotted 405, 369 Reserved 1,810 Railroad station : Stroud, on St. Lonis and San Francisco Rail- way. Fp^e miles to agency. Nearest military post : Fort Reno, Okla. Post-office address: Sac and Fox Agency, Okla. Telegraphic address : Stroud, Okia. ; telephone to agency. Sac and Fox Agency Boarding School, Oklahoma. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 120; enrollment, 101; average, 80. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. r Shawnee Mmemmmmm; School. Location, Shawnee, Okla. Capacity, 75; enrollment, 97; average, 93. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. SAN CARLOS AGENCY, ARIZONA. Tribes. Population. Coyotero Apache 647 San Carlos Apache 1, 288 Tonto Apache 863 Mojave 526 Yuma 42 Total . 3.366 Area, 1,834,240 acres; unallotted. ikufj- % H+ ££*A*0*L.- STATISTICS OF AGENCIES. TRIBES. ETC. 57 Railroad station: San Carlos, on Gila Valley, Globe and North- ern Railway. / ***^ if Af4***j - Nearest military post: Fort Apache. Ariz. Post-office address : San Carlos, Ariz. Telegraphic address: San Carlos, Ariz. San Carlos Boarding School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 100; enrollment. 104; average, 103. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. SANTEE AGENCY, NEBRASKA. Triljes. Population. Santee Sioux of Flandreau. _^ 296 Santee Sioux 1. 019 Ponca of Nebraska 227 Total 1,542 Area. Acres. Homesteads 32. 8T5. To Allotted __.. 66,110.09 Reserved 1, 290. 70 Railroad station: Springfield,. S. Dajk., on Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Tte£& B &nd/ane-hal." 163 Lummi . 369 Muckleshoot < . . . 146 Swinomisli 312 Total 1,455 Area. Acres. Allotted 34,717 Unallotted. ....^^17, 906 jd 'Railroad station : Marysvilie (ma Quit Liu) , on MmpSSm uiul TjoaUk Railway, ^ig^fc miles to agency. Nearest military post: Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Post-office address : Tulalip, Snohomish County, Wash. Telegraphic address : Marysvilie, Wash. Two Day Schools. Capacity, 82; enrollment, 73; average, 40. These figures do not include Tulalip Day School, which was established January 9, 1899. Name of school. Location. Lummi 7 miles from New Whatcom, Wash. S winomish 10 miles from Mount Vernon, Wash. Number of teachers, 1 at each. UINTAH AND OURAY AGENCY, UTAH. Tribes. Population. Uintah Ute at Uintah ___ 470 White River Ute at Uintah 366 Uncompahgre Ute at Ouray 851 White River Ute at Ouray . 24 Total _ - 1,711 Area, 3,972,480 acres; unallotted. ilticL $M H*U** IfAj+t+ly* Nearest military post : Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Post-office address : Pendleton, Oreg. Telegraphic address : Pendleton, Oreg. Umatilla Boarding; School. Location, same as agency. Capacity, 100; enrollment, 86; average, 85. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. 64 STATISTICS OF AGENCIES, TRIBES, ETC. * UNION AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY. Tribes. - Population. Cherokee 32,161 Chickasaw ._. 8,730 Choctaw 18,456 Creek 14,771 Seminole , 2, 900 Total . 77,018 Area, 19,785,286 acres; unallotted. Railroad station: Muscogee, on Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. Nearest military post: Fort Reno, Okla. Post-office address: Mus^pgee, Ind. T. Telegraphic address : Mus/^pgee, Ind. T. No Government school under this agency. WALKER RIVER RESERVATION, NEVADA. (Under Carson School Superintendent.) Tribe. Population. Pah-Utes . . 596 Area, 318,815 acres; unallotted. Note. — The Carson Boarding School and the Walker River Day School, in Nevada, and the day schools at Bishop, Big Pine, and Independence, in California, are under the control of the Carson School superintendent. (See p. 69.) WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON. Tribes. Population Warm Springs Wasco Tenino Pi-Ute J 962 Hla Mifi~ ew Mexico. Location, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Capacity, 300; enrollment, 321; average. 314. A superintendent and 8 teachers employed. Carlisle School, Pemisylvauia. Location, Carlisle, Pa, Capacity, 800; enrollment, 913; average, 893. A superintendent and 14 teachers employed. Carson School, Nevada. Location, Carson City, Nev. Capacity, 125; enrollment, 161; average, 152. A superintendent and 5 teachers employed. Also Four Day Schools. VXDER CARSON SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Location of No. 1. Independence, Cal. Capacity, 28; enrollment, 16: average attendance, 14. Number of teachers, 1. Location of No. 2, Bishop, Cal. Capacity, 50 ; enrollment, 72 ; average attendance, 40. Number of teachers, 1. Location of No. 3, Big Pine, Cal. Capacity, 35 ; enrollment, 33 : average attendance, 26. Number of teachers, 1. Location of No. 4, Walker River, Nev. Capacity, 36 ; enrollment, 37 : average attendance, 36= Number of teachers, 1. (69) 70 NON-RESERVATION BOARDING SCHOOLS. Chamberlain School, South Dakota (New). Location, Chamberlain, S. Dak. Capacity, 75 ; enrollment, 63 ; average, 62. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. Chilocco School, Oklahoma. Post-office address, Aahmmm m QiU, Ham . Capacity, 450 ; enrollment, 354 ; average, 348. A superintendent and 8 teachers employed. Flandreau School, South Dakota. Location, Flandreau, S.Dak. Capacity, 250; enrollment, 211; average, 209. A superintendent and 6 teachers employed. Fort Bidwell School, California (New School) c Location, 150 miles from Amedee, Cal. Capacity, 150 ; enrollment, 59 ; average, 53. Industrial teacher in charge. Number of teachers, 1. Fort Fewis School, Colorado. Post office, Hesperus, Colo. Capacity, 300; enrollment, 317; average, 301. A superintendent and 8 teachers employed. Fort Mojave Boarding: School, Arizona. Location, 20 miles from Needles, Cal. Capacity, 150; enrollment, 156; average, 155. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Fort Shaw Boarding School, Montana. Location, 25 miles from Great Falls, Mont. Capacity, 250; enrollment, 276; average, 259. A superintendent and 6 teachers employed. fiOMku. cll^M, ■< I / J 'a U kiLt. & fatwU, &*£. NON-RESERVATION BOARDING SCHOOLS. 71 Genoa Roarding School, Nebraska. Location, Genoa, Nebr. Capacity, 300; enrollment, 311; average, 309. A superintendent and 7 teachers employed. Grand Junction School, Colorado. Location, Grand Junction, Colo. Capacity, 150; enrollment, 150; average, 146. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Greenville School, California. Location, 52 miles from Beckwith, CaL, at town of Greenville, Gal. Capacity, 50; enrollment, 66; average, 58. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. Haskell Institute, Kansas. Location, Lawrence, Kans. Capacity, 500; enrollment, 597; average, 566. A superintendent and 13 teachers employed. 3Iorris School, 3Iinnesota. Location, Morris, Minn. Capacity, 100; enrollment, 141; average, 125. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. 3Iount Pleasant School, 3Iichigan. Location, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Capacity, 160; enrollment, 240; average, 232. A superintendent and 5 teachers employed. Perris School, California. Location, Perris, Cal. Capacity, 100; enrollment, 209; average, 209. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. 72 XOX-RESERYATIOX BOARDING SCHOOLS. Plioenix School, Arizona. Location, Phoenix, Ariz. Capacity, 600; enrollment, 666; average, 665. A superintendent and 10 teachers employed. Pierre School, South Dakota. Location, Pierre, S. Dak. Capacity, 150; enrollment, 143; average, 141. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Pipestone School, Minnesota. Location, Pipestone, Minn. Capacity, 100: enrollment, 105; average, 102. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. Rapid City School, South Dakota. Location, Rapid City, S. Dak. Capacity, 80; enrollment, 49; average, 44. A superintendent and 2 teachers employed. Salem School, Oregon. Location, Chemawa, Oreg. , 5 miles north of Salem, Oreg. Capacity, 300; enrollment, 379; average, 378. A superintendent and 7 teachers employed. Santa Fe School, >'ew 3Iexico. Location, Santa Fe, N. Mex. Capacity, 200; enrollment, 285; average, 283. A superintendent and 7 teachers employed. Toiiiah School, Wisconsin. Location, Tomah, Wis. Capacity, 125; enrollment, 153; average, 153. A superintendent and 4 teachers employed. Wittenberg School, Wisconsin. Location, Wittenberg, Wis. Capacity, 140; enrollment, 111; average, 106. A superintendent and 3 teachers employed. INDEPENDENT DAY SCHOOLS. The buildings in which the several independent day schools are conducted are the property of Indians or other persons. The Government pays no rent for them, but pays the salaries of the teachers. At each school there is employed one teacher, who reports directly to the Indian Bureau. Baircl School, California. Location, Baird, Cal. Enrollment, 23; average, 17. One teacher. Baraga School, Michigan. Location, Assinins, Mich. Capacity, 40; enrollment, 45; average, 31. One teacher. Bay Mills School, Michigan. Location, Bay Mills, Mich. Capacity, 50; enrollment, 49; average, 24. One teacher. Birch Cooley School, Minnesota. Location, Morton, Minn. Capacity, 36; enrollment, 19; average, 14. One teacher. Hat Creek School, California. Location, Cassel, Cal. Capacity, 40; enrollment, 23; average, 17. One teacher. Manchester School, California. Location, Manchester, Cal. Capacity, 40; enrollment, 18; average, 10. One teacher. (73) 74 INDEPENDENT DAY SCHOOLS. Potter Valley School, California. Location, Potter Valley, Cal. Capacity, 50; enrollment, 30; average, 27. One teacher. Shebit School, Utah. Location, St. George, Utah. Capacity, 40; enrollment, 49; average, 42. One teacher. The teacher in charge of this school is a bonded official. Ukiah School, California. Location, Ukiah, Cal. Capacity, 30; enrollment, 17; average, 15. One teacher. Upper Lake School, California. Location, Upper Lake, Cal. Capacity, 30; enrollment, 25; average, 22. One teacher. CONTRACT SCHOOLS. It is provided in the appropriation act for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1899— that the Secretary of the Interior may make contracts with con- tract schools, apportioning as near as may be the amount so contracted for among the schools of various denominations, for the education of Indian pupils during the fiscal year 1899, but shall only make such contracts at places where nonsectarian schools can not be provided for such Indian children to an amount not exceeding 30 per cent of the amount so used for the fiscal year 1895. For the fiscal year 1S95 there was used for contract schools of all denominations the sum of 8463,505, of which amount 853.-140 was appropriated for schools specifically named by Congress, which leaves a total of 8410,065 as the true amount from which the 30 per cent should be taken. The amount allowed for the two schools at the Osage Reservation (811.250), being paid out of Osage trust money, is not included in the amount set apart for contract schools, and, therefore, that sum has been deducted from the above total, which would leave a new total for 1895 of 8398,815, of which sum Congress evidently intended only 30 per cent to be used for 1899, thus making the sum of 8119,644.50 available for such purpose. When the schedule for the fiscal year 1898 was prepared, there were two Protestant schools — the Bay Mills, Mich. , 8600, and the John Roberts, Shoshone Agency, Wyo., 82.160, a total of 82. TOO. However, during the past year the school at Bay Mills. Mich., has been discontinued, and no contract was made therefor, leav- ing only one Protestant contract school in existence. In order to arrive at the amount to be set aside to the Catholic contract schools, 82, 760 was deducted from the total amount of §119, 644. 50, leaving 8116, 884. 50 for distribution to the various Catholic schools. Contracts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S99, have been executed with the different schools for the number of pupils and at the rate and for the amount given in the schedule on the next page. (75) I 76 CONTRACT SCHOOLS. Schools conducted under contract, with number of pupils con- tracted for, etc., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899. Name and location of school. Number allowed. Amount. Banning, California Baraga, Michigan Blackf eet, Montana Bayfield, Wisconsin Bernalillo, New Mexico Colville, Washington Cceur d'Alene, Idaho Crow, Montana Devils Lake, North Dakota Flathead, Montana Fort Belknap, Montana Harbor Springs, Michigan _ . Odanah, Wisconsin, boarding Pine Ridge, South Dakota Bosebud, South Dakota San Diego, California Shoshone, Wyoming Tongue River, Montana Tulalip, Washington White Earth, Minn., St. Benedict. White Earth, Minn., Red Lake Pinole, California Hopland, day, California St. Turibius, California Green Bay, Wisconsin Kate Drexel, Oregon Shoshone Mission, Wyoming 52 19 34 19 34 34 41 34 72 161 49 34 34 86 61 51 34 26 50 51 27 10 11 6 45 24 20 Total I 51,119 Hampton Institute, Virginia a j 120 Lincoln Institution, Phila. , Pa. a l 200 Grand total 1,439 S108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 30 30 108 108 100 108 167 167 §5,616 2. 052 3, 672 2,052 3,672 3, 672 4.428 3, 672 7, 776 17.3S8 5,292 3, 672 3,672 9,288 6.588 5, 508 3,672 2,808 5,400 5. 508 2. 916 300 330 648 4, 860 2,400 2,160 119, 022 20, 040 33. 400 172.462 a Specially appropriated for by Congress. b Not including the two schools of Osage and two Pottawatomie schools at Sac and Fox agencies, Okla., nor one day school at La Pointe Agency, which was converted into a Government school during the year. INDIANS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The plan of placing Indian children in the public schools of the country for the purpose of coeducation of the races was con- ceived in 1890. The following table shows the list of public schools at which Indian pupils were placed under contract (at the rate of $10 per capita) with the Indian Bureau during the fiscal year ended June" 30, 1898: State. School district. County. Pupils. California Helm San Diego 12 Anahuac 9 Idaho No. 1 Bannock 5 No. 21 Shoshone 8 No. 24: Bingham 2 No. 27 Nez Perces 12 Michigan No. 1 Isabella 5 Nebraska No. 39 Knox 15 No. 67 2 No. 91 5 No. 104 do 21 No. 105 3 No. 1 Thurston 20 No. 11 19 No. 13 12 No. 14 25 No. 16 ... do 10 No. 17 ,___do 15 Oklahoma . No. 60_._, Cleveland 11 No. 6o_ Canadian 4 No. 30^ Pottawatomie . 10 No. 17 .—do 3 No. 77 10 No. 79 10 No. 82 6 No. 90 -___. Lincoln 5 No. 48 Oklahoma 5 Utah _. . ._ No. 12 No. 87 Boxelder King 40 Washington - 18 No. 36 3 Wisconsin No.l,Odanah__ Ashland 15 Total ___ 340 (77) SCHOOL PLANTS, NON-RESERVATION, ALBUQUERQUE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 300. Location, 2 niiles froni city of Albuquerque, X. Mex. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2| Boys' dormitory 2 Girls' dormitory 2 Office and storeroom 1 Shops and kitchen 1 Assembly hall 1 Bakery : 1 Barn 1 Bath house 1 Carriage house 1 Coal house 1 Corncrib 1 Superintendent's residence 1 Farmer's residence ,. 1 Hospital.. 2 Laundry 1 Poultry house 1 Storeroom 1 Storeroom 1 Coal house 1 Water system, steel tank, tower, etc story brick §12, 000 " 25.000 frame _ adobe . brick— frame . 10 000 2 500 2 500 800 300 1 000 1 200 100 40 80 500 350 1 500 900 50 60 CO 50 1 993 Total . §60,983 The school farm consists of 60 acres of land, which was donated by the citizens of Albuquerque. Estimated value, about 82,000. The soil is strongly alkaline. Congress has appropriated 814,000 for an adequate sewer sys- tem and bathing facilities, which will be installed during the summer of 1899. (79) i 80 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. CARLISLE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 800. Location, Carlisle, Pa. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story Office ! 2 " Teachers' quarters 2 " Superintendent's quarters 2 " Assistant superintendent's quarters 2 " Small boys' quarters 2 " Large boys' quarters 3 " Girls' quarters . 3 " Hospital 2 " Dining hall and extension 2 " Bakery 1 Warehouse 3 " Lumber storehouse 1 " Shops 2 " Shops 2 ." Warehouse 2 " Hostler's house I " Stable 2 " Coal house 2 " Disciplinarians' quarters 2 (s Engineers' quarters 1 " Coal house 1 " 'Water-closets for boys 2 " Mansion house (Parker farm) 2 " Tenant house (Parker farm) 1£ " Smokehouse (Parker farm) 1 " Barn 2 " Wagon shed and corncribs 1 " Spring house 2 " Pigpen 2 " Boiler house and printing office ._2 " Gymnasium and society hall 3 " Laundry 1 1 " Guardhouse -1 " Total . 8181,175 The school farm consists of 109 acres, purchased for 818,000; improvements, §7,000. There are also 27 acres belonging to the original Carlisle Barracks, on which the school stands. Five acres are the property of the charity fund of the school. In addition, 157 acres belong to the charity fund, for the use of which the Government pays §600 per annum. The title to this brick _ 993 000 " _ 3,000 " _ . 13,000 " _ 7.000 frame 1,100 brick 1 0. 000 " - 18, 000 ' : . . 33.300 frame ■ : ..: 4. 000 12.000 brick 500 " _ ' •■ 3.500 stone _ 1 , 000 brick 1 " 1 19 700 frame ) 300 " 2.500 stone 500 frame .. . 800 " 600 " 400 brick 675 " 3. 000 frame _ _ 400 brick _ _ 150 stone and frame frame 6, 000 150 stone 200 frame 300 brick and stone brick 5,000 13. 000 " _ _ _ 3.700 stone 500 I XOX-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 81 157 acres is in a board of trustees. Besides this, 40 acies are rented by the Government, making a total of 333 acres used for farming and pasturage. The school was organized September, 1879, having 82 pupils the first year. It is the largest Indian school. CARSON INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 125. Located 3^ miles from Carson City, JSTev. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Main school building . Cottage (residence) 2 Cottage (residence) V/ 2 Storehouse and office 1 Bakery 1 Tank tower . 4 Engine house 1 Laundry and bath room 1 Hennery ± 1 Coal and wood shed 1 Closets 1 Eoot house 1 Cow barn 1 Barn 1% Wagon shed 1 Tool house 1 Cow shed 1 Smokehouse , 1 Blacksmith shop 1 Carpenter shop . 1 Storehouse 1 Ice house 1 Cow barn 1 story frame $31 stone _. frame . stone and frame- frame $31,419 2, 500 1,500 789 249 2,250 178 1, 232 67 487 69 900 25 2,000 165 150 25 25 60 269 1,018 102 281 Total . 845, 760 There are about 272 acres in the school farm, 100 acres of which can be cultivated. Cost of land, 88,15464; present value, about §3,000. The improvements on the land were originally donated by the county of Ormsby, in the State of Nevada, which was reimbursed under an act of Congress, June 80, 1898, to the amount of §6,375. 82 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. CHAMBERLAIN INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 75. Located 1 mile north of Chamberlain, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and dormitory, combined 2 story brick §21,100 Hospital 1 " frame 1 Laundry _1 " " ITT 11 t CC ? ^J ' t0 workshop 1 Stable 1 " " J Water and sewer system 5, 000 Total $30, 813 The school has a farm of 160 acres, most of which is rolling land, suitable for grazing. About one-fourth of it is level enough to permit of irrigation. Soil is good. Cost and present value, §2,600. CHILOCCO INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 450. Located in Oklahoma, 5-J miles southwest of Arkansas City, Kans. The north line of the school farm borders on the south side of the State of Kansas. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School and chapel 2 story stone >, Girls' Home dormitory 3 " " [S61, 725 Kitchen, etc „ 1% " " J Boys' Home dormitory 3 " " 15,000 Stock barn _ ^_1 " frame 6,998 Office 1 " " 350 Hospital 1% " " 3,500 Hospital 2 " " 5,250 Granary \% " " 400 Granary 1 " " 1,200 Cottage (residence . 1% " " 400 Cottage (residence) 1% " " 500 Cottage (residence) 1% " u 500 Outhouses (5) 1% " " 450 Cattle shed 1 " stone 2,000 Henhouse 1 " frame 75 Barn \% " " 1,100 Storehouse —V/q. " stone h 20 ° NON-RESERVATIOX SCHOOL PLANTS. 83 Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Corn cribs 1 story frame 500 Workshops 2 " stone 5,500 Slaughterhouse 1 " frame 725 Parmer's residence 2 " ' s 3,000 Combination house 3 " stone 2,000 Implement house 1 " frame 1,000 Pump house 1 " " 100 Total „„„__„ $113, 473 The school farm, which was set apart out of the Cherokee country by Executive order of July 12, 1884, consists of 8,598.33 acres. The estimated value is 850,000. A new stone dormitory for boys will be provided this year, out of a specific appropriation of S12*000. CIOXTARF IXDIAX SCHOOL. (Conducted under the superintendency of the Morris Indian School, Minnesota.) Located 1^ miles from Clontarf, Minn., and one-fourth of a mile w r est of a point on the Breckenridge division of the Great Northern Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. story frame £5, 000 Schoolroom . Dormitories Dining room Employees' quarters, etc J Employees' quarters and office 2 " " 1.000 Warehouse 1 " " 100 Laundry. 1 " " 250 Play hall 1 " " 200 Henhouse 1 " ' : 50 Icehouse : 1 " " 400 Barn 1 " " 2,000 Storehouse 1 " " .1,000 Total §10, 300 This school w r as purchased March 10, 1897, from the Clontarf Industrial School, a Catholic organization which had been con- ducting an Indian school, the price paid being $10,060. The farm contains 640 acres. It was for a short time conducted as an inde- pendent nonreservation school, afterwards consolidated with the Morris School, and finally, on June 30, 1898, abandoned as an 84 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Indian school. Authority has been granted by Congress to sell the same and appropriate the proceeds for general Indian school purposes. FJ1ANDREATJ INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 250. Location, f mile north of Flandreau, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School and assembly building 2 story brick $12,200 Girls 5 dormitory (main building) 2 " " 14,500 Boys' dormitory 2 " " 11,300 Dining hall 2 " brick and stone \ Boys' dormitory 2 " " " " > 37, 617 Addition to girls' dormitory 2 " " " " ) Laundry and boiler house 1 " brick 8,000 Hospital 2 " frame 5,529 Superintendent's cottage 2 " " 3,432 Storehouse 1 " " 1,141 Barn 1 " brick and stone 2,800 Tool house 1 " frame > Oil house 1 " " ) Steam-heating plant 9, 150 Total $105, 854 The school farm comprises 320 acres of excellent land, pur- chased at a cost of §10,000. The school was organized in 1893. The steam-heating plant above referred to is now in process of construction. A new school building, to be erected out of a §20,000 appropriation for the fiscal year 1899, has been advertised for. FORT BIDWE1LL, INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Location, extreme northeast of State, 8 miles west of State of Nevada, and same distance south of Oregon ; 135 miles in north- east direction from Amadee, nearest railroad station (C.N. and O.R.R.). NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 85 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' dormitory Girls' dormitory 2 Employees' quarters 2 Employees' quarters 1% Employees' quarters 1 Superintendent's residence 1 Physicians office 1 Laundry, storeroom, and warehouses 1 Carpenter and blacksmith shop 1 Chapel 1 Implement shed 1 Stable 1 Granary 1 Hay shed 1 Bath and wash room 1 Closets ■ 1 Butcher shop 1 Bath house_ 1 2 story frame $4, 000 4,000 3,000 3, 000 1, 500 1, 600 1, 200 1,800 500 300 500 200 200 100 100 100 50 25 Total. This is an abandoned military fort and reservation, containing about 3,000 acres, — '640 acres of timber, 40 acres cultivated, 300 acres pasture land. Estimated value, 850 per acre. FORT LEWIS IXDIAX SCHOOL. Capacity, 300. Located 18 miles by rail and 12 miles by wagon road west of Durango, Colo., and 4 miles from Hesperus post office, shipping and receiving point on the Rio Grande Southern Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolrooms 1 story frame SI, 400 Chapel and kindergarten 1 Girls' dormitory 2 Large boys' dormitory ^ 1 Small boys' dormitory 2 Dining room, pantry, kitchen, etc 1 Hospital and superintendent's residence__2 Offices and clerk's quarters V/ 2 Employees' quarters V/ 2 Employees' mess, kitchen, etc ____2 Employees' quarters „ 1% Employees' quarters 2 brick . frame . 2,500 7,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,0C0 86 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Bakery 1 story frame 600 Shoe and tailor shops, etc __2 " " 1,500 Laundry shops 1 " " -1,400 Xatatorium 1 " " 600 Dairy '. 1 " " 400 Warehouse 1 " stone 5,000 Coal, wood, and implement house 1 " frame 1, 500 Meat house, tool room, etc 1 " stone 2,000 Stable for cattle 1 " frame 1,5 Barn __„ __1 " _ " 3,500 Total S53, 700 This is a military reservation, of 8, 080 acres, turned over to the Interior Department October 28, 1891, for use as an Indian school so long as it shall not be required for military occupation. By Executive order January 27, 1892, certain tracts were tempora- rily withdrawn from settlement and declared to be the military reservation of Fort Lewis. The full boundaries w T ere settled in General Order No, 5, February 8, 1892. The school was organ- ized in 1892. FORT MO J AVE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Located 20 miles north of Needles, Cal., up the Colorado River, and on right bank. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School, dining room, and laundry 1 story adobe §5,000 Girls' dormitory 1 " " 4,000 Boys' dormitory, kitchen, etc 1 " " 4,500 Dormitory and assembly hall 2 " " ._ 5,000 Dormitory : ___1 <; frame 9,859 Superintendent's office 1 " adobe 1,000 Hospital and physician's office 1 " " 5,000 Bathhouse 1 " frame 2, 000_ Superintendent's quarters 1 " adobe 4,500 Teachers' quarters 1 " " 4,500 Employees' quarters 1 " " - 3,000 Employees' quarters 1 " " 1,000 Employees' quarters 1 " •' 400 Commissary 1 " " 2,000 Bakery 1 k ' " 1,000 Guardhouse 1 " " 100 NON-EESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 87 Use, cliaracter, and cost of buildings— Continued. Bell house 1 story adobe Storeroom and carpenter shop 1 " " Engine house and blacksmith shop 1 " " Well house 1 " " Storeroom . 1 " " Traders' quarters 1 " " Meat house 1 " " Wagon shed 1 " " Total. 100 000 800 20 400 400 000 200 _S54, 770 This was originally a military reservation, containing 14,696 acres ; was transferred by the War Department for school pur- poses May 2, 1890; Indian school established August 22, 1890. FORT SHAW IXDIAX SCHOOL. Capacity, 250. Located at Fort Shaw, 25 miles west of Great Falls, Mont. Use, cliaracter, and cost of building's. diooiroom, chapel, etc V/ 2 story abobe and stone 67, 000 dioolroom and laundry 1 " adobe 6.000 4,300 loyees loyees V/ 2 Addition to school buildin Beys' dormitory and empl Boys' dormitory and emp Boys' dormitory and emp Girls' cottage and employees 134 Girls' cottage and employees 1} 2 Dining room and kitchen 1 Dormitory for boys 1 Hospital V/ 2 Superintendent's residence 1% Gymnasium 1 Tailor shop and employees 1 ■ Warehouse 1 Carpenter and blacksmith shop 1 Hay barn and stock shed 1 Lumber and paint room 1 Barn (horses) and dairy 1 Ice house • 1 Tank building, boiler house, and reservoir_l Cattle sheds . , 1 Sheds - 1 Carriage house — 1 Machinery house 1 Total . Stone V/ 2 story adobe . —IK frame . adobe . 6,000 6,000 6,000 6, 000 6,000 6, 000 2,000 6, 000 6, 000 5, 000 j, ooo 4,000 6,000 2, 000 S00 stone frame stone frame 3,000 700 7,200 1,300 100 100 200 88 NOX-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. This is a part of the Fort Shaw Military Reservation, con- taining 4, 999. 5 acres, turned over to the Interior Department by the War Department April 25, 1892. School was organized December 27, 1892. The cost of irrigating and fencing the land was §2,360. Estimated present value of same, §75, COO. GENOA INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 300. Located at Genoa, Nebr. , on Omaha and Republican Valley Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story brick $6, 500 Boys' dormitory, dining room, etc V/ 2 " " 10,000 Girls' dormitories 9,]/ 2 " " 15,000 Dawes Hall _' 3% " " : 10, 000 Steam-heating plant 7, 590 Power house and laundry 2 story brick 3, 854 Granary and cellar . 1 Ice house 1 Warehouse 2 Hospital 2 Farmhouse 1% Stables 1 Cattle sheds 1 Broom-corn house 1 Harness and shoe shop 2 Corn crib 1 Carpenter shop 1 Bakery 1 Guardhouse 1 Coal and kindling house __2 Meat house 1 Poultry house 1 " 150 " 200 frame 1. 500 " 800 " 800 " 1,800 " 1,000 " 500 " 500 " 100 " 200 " 100 " 300 " 50 Total $(51,014 The school farm contains 320 acres of land; 160 acres were purchased December 20, 1882, under act of Congress August 7, 1882 ; the balance, 160 acres, was part of the old Pawnee Reser- vation, upon which a large building belonging to the Pawnee Agency was located. Two thousand two hundred dollars was the amount paid, and the probable value of the farm is 830 per acre. The steam-heating plant above referred to is now under contract. There is an appropriation of $3,000 for electric -light plant, which will be installed during the year 1899. NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLAXTS. 89 GRAND JUNCTION INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity. 150. Location, 2 miles east of Grand Junction, Colo. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story frame So Boys' dormitory 2 <; brick Girls' dormitory 2 Office _ 2 Hospital 2 Laundry 2 Barn V/ 2 Wash room 1 Factory l 1 ^ Kitchen and laundry 1 Storeroom ' 1 Storeroom 1 Dairy 1 Coal house 1 Coal house 1 Coal house 1 Guardhouse 1 Ice house 1 Poultry house 1 Wagon shed 1 Cow shed 1 Bee shed 1 Blacksmith simp 1 Closets 1 Closets 1 Closets 1 So 891 13 500 11 975 1 800 1 500 . 1 600 . 1 500 1 500 450 225 300 175 150 125 125 20 150 125 no 175 155 50 50 125 125 10 Total . School farm consists of 167.7 acres of land, which was donated to the Government for school purposes by citizens of Mesa County, Colo. The estimated value is S20,000. The soil is of a stubborn adobe character. School was organized in 1886. GREENVILLE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 50. Location, 4 miles from town of Greenville, Cal. , 52 miles from Beckwith, Cal. (nearest railroad station). 90 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' dormitory 2 story frame §21,605 Schoolroom, dining room, etc 1 " " 400 Girls' dormitory and laundry V/^ " " 125 Total $22, 130 This school, established in 1890 by the Woman's National In- dian' Association, was opened as a day school, and soon was changed to a boarding school. It was purchased in 1897 by the Government for §600. Forty acres of land are connected with the plant. Plans for adequate sewer and water systems, to cost about §6,000, are now being prepared, and the same will probably be installed during 1899. HASKELL INSTITUTE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 500. Location, Lawrence, Kans. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse Stone $20, 000 Dining hall and dormitory 3 story stone 40, 000 Dormitory, large boys 3 " " 20,000 Dormitory, small boys 3 " " 20,000 Auditorium Stone 13,500 Lavatories , " 8,820 Boiler house and laundry^! 2 story stone 8. 000 Shop building Stone 5,845 Shop building Frame 4,500 Office Stone 2, 15G Hospital 4 story frame 2,500 House, farm 2% " " 1,500 House, farm 2 " " 1,000 House, farm 2 " " __. 1,000 Girls' playhouse , Frame 1,500 Band house 1 story frame 800 Barn (superintendent's) 1% " " 600 Barn 2 " " 2,000 Barn 2 " " 600 Barn 2 " " 600 Bakery 1 " stone = 1,500 Guardhouse 1 " " 1,200 Hay barn and cow stable 1% " frame 2,250 Engine and pump house . 1 " " 500 Cattle shed 1 ; ' " 450 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 91 Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Cattle shed 1 story frame 300 Corncrib 1 " ;; 500 Corncrib - 1 :i !; 300 Farm tools and wagon shed ._ 1 ' : " 400 Hog house 1 '' "' " 500 Slaughterhouse Frame 100 Tool house Lumber shed Wood and coal house- 100 120 350 Carpenter shop " 1,200 Shop " 75 Steel tank and tower 2, 560 Total $168,826 The school farm contains 654 acres, which cost about §40,608. The first three buildings, with a capacity of 300, were erected in 1883 and 1884. School opened September 1884, with 17 pupils, since which time it has been gradually increased to a capacity of 500 pupils. MORRIS INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located % of a mile east of the town of Morris, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Girls' dormitory building 2 story brick $9, 400 Girls' dormitory, etc 3 " frame 5.000 Boys' building, etc 1 " " 600 Laundry : 1 !1 " 250 Cow shed 1 " " 200 Barn 1% " " 150 Granary 1]4 " " 150 Henhouse 1 " " 75 Wagon shed 1 iS i( 100 Icehouse—!- : 1 i; " 100 Farmer's house 1 " " 100 Sheep shed 1 i; " 100 Total §16,225 This school was founded about fourteen years ago by the Sisters of Mercy, and was purchased by the Government in the early part of 1897, since which time it has been under the control of the Government. There are 80 acres of land attached, for which, including the buildings, the Government paid 814,519. 92 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. MOUNT PLEASANT INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 160. Located 1J- miles from city of Mount Pleasant, Mich. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Bc^s' dormitory 3 story brick £28,000 Dormitory 2% " " and stone 14,149 Electric-light plant 2, 500 Steam-heating plant G, 375 Boiler house Brick and stone 3, 214 Barn (sheep) 1 story frame 800 Farmhouse 1 " " 400 Hay barn 1 " " 600 Sugarhouse 1 " " 140 Ice house . 1 " " 400 Henhouse 1 " " .250 Lumber shecl 1 " " 100 Tool house 1 " " 200 Shop___ 2 " " 900 Barn (stock and fodder) 1 " " 2,300 Storehouse 3 " " 1,500 Tailor shop „ 1 " " 150 Laundry __ 2 " " 1,200 Total ___ £63, 178 The school farm contains 320 acres of land, of which 280 are under cultivation and 40 acres in a grove. Cost of land, §17,900, which is about its present value. An electric-light system is now being installed, and under a special appropriation a sewer and water system will be installed during the year 1899. PERRIS INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Location, 4 miles north of Perris, Cal., and 16 miles southeast of Riverside, Cal., on Southern California Railway. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' quarters 2 story brick $12,000 Girls' quarters 2 " " 12,000 Washhouse 1 " frame- Laundry 1 Storehouse 1 Shop building 2 Barn 2 Shoeshop 1 Hospital - 1 . 1 000 420 ] 250 . 1 000 600 125 . 1 825 Total S30, 220 The school farm contains 80 acres of land, which was donated to the Government. Under normal conditions the land is worth about 32,000. XON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 93 PH(ENIX INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 600. Location, 3 miles due north of Phoenix, Ariz. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story brick $14,969 Dining hall 2 " " 13,000 Dormitory 2 " lc _ 14,600 Dormitory, boys '. 2 " frame 7,800 Employees' quarters 1 " " 1,950 Boys' quarters 1 " ; ' , 1,460 Hospital 1 " w 2,430 Shoe and tailor shop 2 " " 755 Workshop 2 " brick 2,850 Office Band stand Kitchen i_. Blacksmith shop . Warehouse Laundry Machinery shed Barn Carpenter shop Oil house Dwelling frame . 365 " „ 157 " . 960 " 181 brick __ 2,98 frame 100 " 150 " 50 ; ' 375 ;s 125 " 500 Water and sewer system 15,016 Total $80, 777 The school farm contains 160 acres, for which the Government paid $6,000, as provided for in the Indian appropriation act of March 3, 1881. The citizens of Phoenix contributed §3,000, mak- ing the total amount paid §9,000. This school now carries an appropriation for six hundred pupils. It is the second largest Indian school. PIERRE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Location, 1 mile from Pierre, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story brick §35,540 Hospital - 2 " " 6,980 Boiler house 1 " " 2,345 Laundry.. 2 " frame 1,800 94 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Horse stable 2 story frame Gow stable 2 " Shop 1 " Farmer's cottage- 1 ' ; Pigpen 1 " Poultry house 1 " Tool shed 1 " Hose house 1 " Storehouse 1 " Guardhouse 1 " Root cellar 1 " Cottage, superintendent's 2 " Ice house 1 " Oil house 1 " Carpenter shop 1 " Coal shed 1 " 680 .425 450 300 453 354 216 715 240 ,700 200 25 900 ,165 Total i?5y, 265 The school is located upon a 20-acre tract of land about 1 mile from the town of Pierre. There is an additional tract of 160 acres 5 miles distant. All of this land was donated by the citi- zens of Pierre, S. Dak., in 1887. The value of the 20-acre tract is about §500, and of the 160-acre tract about §400. PIPESTONE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located on Pipestone Indian Reservation, 1-J miles from village of Pipestone, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boarding school 2% story stone 621, 840 School building Stone 1 9, 950 Water system 1,560 Horse barn 1 stor} 7 frame Machine shed 1 " " Closets (2) 1 " " Cow barn 1 " " Boiler house and laundry 1 " stone Warehouse . 1 " frame Chicken house 1 " " Repair shop 1 4i " 418 139 162 546 1,147 375 135 224 Total . $36, 496 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 95 There are about 640 acres in this tract of land, which is a part of the Pipestone Indian Reservation. The act of Congress approved February 16, 1891, authorized the establishment of an Indian school, and made the necessary appropriations, out of which the buildings were erected. The appropriation bill for 1S99 carries an item of 825,000 for new buildings, which will be erected during the present year, thus increasing the capacity of the school to between two and three hundred pupils. The probable value of the land is 820,000. RAPID CITY INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 80. Located 24- miles west of Rapid City, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of building's. Dormitory building 2% story brick 822, 700 Water and sewer system 2, 646 Hospital 2 story frame 1,444 Laundry V/ 2 " " _ 1,000 Workshop 1 " " 1,378 Stable 1 " " 887 Total S30 ; 055 This school was organized under special act of Congress. One hundred and sixty acres were purchased near the town of Rapid City, at a cost of 83,000, on which the buildings were erected. The school was opened in 1898. SALEM INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 300. Location, on the Southern Pacific Railway, 5 miles north of Salem, Oreg. , and 47 miles south of Portland, Oreg- Use, character, and cost of buildings. School and assembly building 2 story brick $14, 900 Girls' dormitory 2 x / 2 " frame 6,000 Boys' building. 2% " " 5,225 Chapel 2 " ' " 6,225 Employees' quarters 2 " " 3,600 Little boys' building 2% " " 4,000 Hospital and addition 2 " " 4,500 Cottage 2 ' ; " :;,500 Office 2 li " 2,000 96 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Barn 2 Boiler house 1 Blacksmith shop 2 Bath house 2 Commissary and storehouse 1 Shoe and harness shop 2 Tailor shop 2 Carpenter shop 2 Girls' gymnasium 1 Bakery _. 2 Laundry 1 Laundry 1 Guardhouse 1 Water-closets (3) 1 Wood sheds (2) 1 Water tower (80 feet) story frame 1-, 600 " brick 1,500 " frame 1,000 1,000 1,600 1,000 1,000 750 1,500 500 — . 500 300 250 ._ 450 325 1,000 Total $64, 225 School farm contains 262.24 acres, of which 177.32 were donated by the citizens of Salem, Oreg. , and 84. 92 were purchased and paid for out of proceeds of labor of children at the school. The present value of the farm is about §75,000. The school was organized at Forest Grove in 1880, and removed in 1885 to Che- mawa, a station about five miles north of Salem. SANTA FE INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Location, 2 miles west of city of Santa Fe, N. Mex. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building . Brick . School building with two wings 2 story brick . Two extensions 2 " " . Employees' quarters with wings 2 " " . Laundry . 2 " " . Laundry Brick Hospital.. 2 story brick . Barn 1 Warehouse 1 Fuel house 1 Carpenter shop 1 Blacksmith shop 1 Oil room 1 Hothouse 1 Summerhouse 1 Hose-cart house 1 frame, brick _ frame _ brick _ frame. brick . $9, 749 !■ 28, 295 5,700 3, 100 1,794 2,500 1,200 750 750 350 35 35 25 25 Total $54, 308 XON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 97 School plant consists of 106.94 acres, which were donated by the citizens of Santa Fe from July 10, 1885, to May 13, 1887. School was organized in 1890, and at that time was called the Dawes Institute, the name being changed to the present title in 1893. TOMAH INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 125. Location, 1 mile from city of Tomah, Wis. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story brick =_ S9, 139 Dormitory with wing 3 Addition Vy^ Laundry and wing for boiler house 1 Barns (2) connected by corner addition 1 Workshop 1 Tool bouse 1 Barn for straw 1 Barn for sheep 1 Total . §40, 227 This school was established by act of Congress approved Feb- ruary 16, 1891, which directed the establishment of an Indian school in Wisconsin, appropriating $25,000 therefor. The citi- zens of Tomah donated 200 acres of land and the school was located at that place. Buildings were completed in January, 1893. ^ 122,000 " 5,800 frame 1, 000 800 300 300 WITTENBEKG INDIAN SCHOOL. Capacity, 140. Location, J mile from village of Wittenberg, Wis., on main line Chicago & Northwestern R. R., 180 miles north of Mil- waukee, Wis. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, girls' 2 story brick $8, 000 Superintendent's dwelling 1 " frame 1,000 Laundry and shops 2 kt " 2,700 Barn and stable 1 " " 1,300 Water tower and warehouse 2 " " 800 Tool and fuel house 1 " £i 400 Blacksmith shop 1 " " 300 Girls' playhouse 1 " " 300 Chicken house 2 " " 300 Outhouses (3) 1 " " 150 Total §15, 250 K3563 7 98 NON-RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. School tract contains 80 acres of land. This school was organ- ized by the Norwegian Evangelical Church of America, July 4, 1886. In 1887 a contract was made with the Government for 27 scholars, which number was increased from year to year until it reached 140 children. In 1895 the contract system was abolished at this school and the whole plant was leased at a rental of §1,800 per annum, and has since been operated as a Government Indian Boarding School. SCHOOL PLANTS ON RESERVATIONS. COLORADO RIVER AGENCY BOARDIXG SCHOOL, Capacity, 80. Location, at agency, in Arizona, 1 mile froni Colorado River, 85 miles south of Needles, Cal., and ISO miles north of Yuma, Ariz. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Main school building 2 story adobe 84, 042 School building "(old) 1 " " 3,400 Bakery . 1 " " 275 Employees"' quarters 1 " " 400 Laundry 1 " " 100 Boys' dormitory 1 {; " 2,000 Pumping works Frame 9T5 Total Sll. 192 The school farm consists of 4J acres of land in the Colorado River Reservation. FORT APACHE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 65. Location, on north fork of White River, on the White Moun- tain Indian Reservation, Ariz., 8 miles north of military post of Fort Apache. L'se, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 8362 1, 000 1,000 800 Boys' dormitory 1 Girls' dormitory 1 Storeroom : 1 Mess room 1 Stable 1 300 Total =, 83, 798 A small farm of about 11 acres has been reserved for school purposes; Owing to insufficient water supply, however, it does not amount to very much. (99) 100 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Ariz. NAVAJO AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 120. Located at Fort Defiance, Ariz., on Bonita Creek, about 30 miles northwest from Gallup, N. Mex., 2 miles to the west of boundary between New Mexico and Arizona. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' building, schoolrooms, dormitories, etc Z% story stone Girls' building, dormitories, etc 2 " " Dining room, employees' quarters, etc 2 " " Laundry 1 " frame Chapel and class room 1 " stone Shoe shop 1 " adobe Coal house 1 " frame Pump house 1 ' ; stone §10, 000 8,000 7,000 500 1,000 200 200 125 Total 527,025 The school farm contains about 4 acres of good soil set aside from the reservation. KEA3IS CANYON BOARDING SCHOOL. (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 90. Located 90 miles west from the Navajo Agency, Ariz., and 80 miles north of Holbrook, a station on Santa Fe R R. R. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Superintendent's house 1 story stone. Office and storeroom 1 Schoolhouse 1 " adobe. Grain room 1 " stone Storehouse 1 Stable 1 Laundry and teachers' quarters 1 " " V $10,000 Carpenter shop 1 Employees' quarters.. 1 Dormitory, large boys 1 Dormitory, small boys 1 Laundry 1 Milk house 1 Schoolhouse 1 Dispensary and physician's quarters Adobe > 3, 000 Girls' dormitory 2 story stone J Total. No school farm. Ariz.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 101 111 May, 1887, this school was established in a trading post rented from Thomas V. Kean, who afterwards sold it to the Government in 1889. It was conducted as an independent bonded school until two years ago, when it was made a reserva- tion boarding school under the Navajo agent. BLUE CANYON DAY SCHOOL. (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 40. Located 75 miles northwest of Keams Canyon and 25 miles east of Tuba City. School building, employees' quarters, etc., 1 story stone building 82,000 No school farm. The building and property at the Blue Canyon School were pur- chased in 1897. Only a small school, however, has since been con- ducted, it being impossible to make the required improvements. LITTLE WATER DAY SCHOOL. (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 30. Located 35 miles east of Navajo Agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory 1 story adobe 83, 000 Employees' quarters, etc 1 story stone 500 Water system \ 440 Total §3,940 No school farm. At the Little Water Day School an adobe building was put up in 1897 in. open market for about S3, 000. The school, while classed as a day school, is in reality a quasi boarding school, a majority of the pupils at times being kept at the school as regular boarding pupils. An addition to this building will be constructed during the present year, which will increase the capacity to 60 pupils. 102 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Ariz. OREIBI DAY SCHOOL, (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 40. Located 35 miles west of Keams Canyon. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe. Teachers' cottage 1 " " No school farm. |1 3 500 POLACCA BAY SCHOOL. (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 40. Located 15 miles west of Keams Canyon. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolroom, etc .1 story brick $800 Employees' quarters 1 " stone , 500 Total $1,300 No school farm. SECOND MESA DAY SCHOOL. (Navajo Agency, Arizona.) Capacity, 40. Located on the hills near Keams Canyon. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse . 1 story stone Teachers' cottage__ 1 " " $1, 800 No school farm. PIMA AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Location, Sacaton, Ariz., 16 miles north from Casa Grande, Ariz. , nearest railroad and telegraph station. Ariz.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 103 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 sto: Dormitory 2 Dwelling, employees 1 2 Dwelling, employees' 1 Dwelling, employees' 1 Shop 1 Storehouse 1 Mill 2 Hospital 1 Office 1 Bakery 1 Closets (4) 1 Granary 1 Granary 1 Bath 1 Prison : 1 v adobe _ $3, 500 8,000 6,000 600 600 3,000 3.000 3,000 1,000 600 200 200 200 70 40 75 Total____ $30,085 School farm contains 40 acres of Gila River bottom land, fenced with barbed wire; fencing is valued at 8100. The first Indian school organized in Arizona was at San Tan, an Indian village under this agency. It was a Government day school, and was opened February 15, 1871. This school continued until Septem- ber, 1881, when the present boarding school was organized. Plans for a new brick schoolhouse to accommodate 200 pupils and sewer and water systems for the plant have been prepared, and will in all probability be carried out during the fiscal year 1900. SAN CARLOS AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Location, i mile from San Carlos Agency, Ariz. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolrooms, sewing rooms, etc 2 story stone §7,696 Girls' dormitory, infirmary, matron's room, etc___ 2 Boys' dormitory 1 Girls' dormitory 1 Employees' dwelling 1 Carpenter and shoe shop, storeroom, employees' quarters 1 adobe 1, 500 " 1.500 " 700 " 1,700 " 1,400 Total. ____„ $14, 104 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Ariz. Plans and specifications for an entirely new school plant have been prepared, and buildings according to the same will probably be erected during the year 1899, at a cost of about 860,000, when all the above buildings will be abandoned, as they are practically worthless. SUPAI SCHOOL. Capacity, 60. Location, 75 miles from Seligman, Ariz. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 52,000 Teachers' residence 1 " " 1,000 Farmer's residence 1 " " 500 Warehouse 1 " " 400 Total §3, 900 HUALAPAI BAY SCHOOL. Capacity, 40. Location, Hualapai, Ariz., on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. School building rented at §10 per month. HACKBERRY DAY SCHOOL. Capacity, 40. Location, Hackberry, Ariz. , on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroac School building rented at S10 per month. FORT YUMA BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 250. Located near the town of Ynma, Cal., on California side of Colorado River. Cal.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 105 Use, character, am Boys' schoolrooms Girls' dormitory and schoolroom Boys' dormitory Pining room and kitchen Superintendent and employees' quarters- Shoemaker's residence, etc__, Physician's office and quarters Carpenter's quarters '. Industrial teacher's quarters Storeroom Bakery Laundry Carriage and wagon house Stable and feed rooms Sewing room and employees' quarters Teachers' quarters - Carpenter shop Shoe shop Pump house cost of buildings. story adobe $5, 000 Total 86,100 This was an old military post, established in 1852. Record of the cost of these buildings is not found in the Interior Depart- ment nor in the War Department. Has no school farm attached. The Fort Yuma school was organized in April, 1884. HOOPA VALLEY BOARDING SCHOOL. (Hoopa Valley Agency, California.) Capacity, 200. Location, Hoopa, Humboldt County, Cal. , 53 miles from Eureka, on Humboldt Bay. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory; girls' 1 Dormitory, boys' 1 Agent's residence 1% Teachers' dwelling 1 Superintendent's quarters : 1 Blacksmith's quarters 1 Carpenter's quarters 1 Physician's residence \% Schoolhouse 2 story frame *$4, 0.00 " * 3,500 " * 2,900 " * 1,400 " * 900 " * 250 " * 400 " * 800 " 1.550 ? Cost unknown, but above is considered present value. 106 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Cal. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Kindergarten building Employees' quarters Dining room and kitchen Cooks 1 dwelling Storehouse and addition Clerk's office and dispensary. Carpenter shop Barn and stable Teachers' quarters Teachers' quarters Blacksmith shop Power house . Annex to girls' dormitory Warehouse Seed house 1 story frame * 550 $300 x << t< * 1,200 -L « 200 .1% «.-'•» * 300 * 550 .1% " " __ _ * 200 3,000 x * 900 ! a n « 700 ! 200 l :l 175 ! ct 450 t << 600 X « 200 Total $25, 225 The school was organized in 1892. There are about 36 acres in- closed for farm and garden. It is taken out of the reservation land; is worth probably §60 per acre. AGUA CALIENTE DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 28. Located on AguaCaliente Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building __. No school land. $1,200 CAPITAN GRANDE DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tale River Agency.) Capacity, 30. Located on Capitan Grande Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1% story frame building. $1,000 No school farm. '■• Cost unknown, but above is considered present value. Cal.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 107 COHUILLA DAY SCHOOL. (3Iission-Tnle River Agency.) Capacity, 32. Located on Cohuilla Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building SI, 000 No school land. LA JOLLA DAY SCHOOL. (3Iission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 34. Located on Potrero Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building SI, 000 No school land. 3IARTINEZ DAY SCHOOL. (3Iission-Tnle River Agency.) Capacity, 28. Located on Torres Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building 81,000 No school land. MESA GRANDE DAY SCHOOL. (3Iission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 24 Located on Mesa Grande Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building S'l. 000 No school land. 108 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Cal. PECHANGA DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 32. Located on the Temecula Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building , SI, 000 No school land. POTRERO DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 28. Located on the Morongo Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building __, SI, 400 No school land. RIXCON DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 25. Located on Rincon Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse : 1 story frame building S600 No school farm. SABOBA DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 32. Located on San Jacinto Reservation, Cal. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building SI, 500 TITLE RIVER DAY SCHOOL. (Mission-Tule River Agency.) Capacity, 34. Located on the Tule River Reservation, Cal. ■ Schoolhouse 1 story frame building Si, 000 No school land. Idaho.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 109 ROUND VALLEY INDIAN SCHOOL. (Round Valley Agency.) Capacity, TO. Location, Round Valley, Cal., 50 miles inland from coast, about 200 miles north of San Francisco, Cal. ; 65 miles distant from Ukiah, Cal., nearest railroad station. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolroom, dining room, dormitory, kitchen, and employees 1 quarters 2 story frame $10,000 School farm consists of 180 acres; present value, probably 825 per acre. The day school for this reservation was, on May 10, 1897, converted into a boarding school and all agency affairs placed under the direction .of the superintendent of the school. FORT HAUL AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Located 10 miles from Blackfoot, Idaho, and 18 miles from Fort Hall Agency, on extreme northwest part of reservation. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse Frame Boys' dormitory ;; So, 070 Girls' dormitory No. 1 " Girls' dormitory Xo. 2 t; : * Dining room and laundry " * Superintendent's quarters " * Employees' quarters " * Employees' quarters " Hospital " Office " Warehouse 1 story frame Harness shop and sewing room Frame Kitchen,' storeroom, etc " The buildings marked with an asterisk were erected in 18T0, and cost is unknown, but is supposed to be about 810,000. It is impossible also to obtain the cost of all of the other buildings, except the boys' dormitory. The Fort Hall military post build- ings and reservation were transferred by the War Department to the Interior Department April 26, 1883, for Indian school pur- poses, and in the following fall the school in operation at Fort 110 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Idaho. Hall Agency was removed thither. The reservation was pro- claimed by Executive order of October 12, 1870, and contained 646.50 acres. One hundred acres of the school farm, under fences, are used for hay and grain, the balance being swampy, covered with willows, and of no value except as a cattle ranch. FORT LAPWAI BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 250. Located 4 miles from Nez Perces Agency, Idaho, and 12 miles from Lewiston, Idaho. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story frame 84,500 Girls' dormitory 2 " Boys' dormitory 2 " Dining hall 2 " Employees 1 quarters 1% " Employees' quarters 1% " Employees' quarters 134 " Office 1 " Shoe and harness shop 1 " Laundry „1 " Warehouse 1 " 8,000 5,850 4,790 600 GOO 600 800 810 500 800 Total §27,850 Was a military post from 1863 to 1885 ; was an agency school from 1886 to 1890, then placed nnder a bonded officer from 1890 to 1898. Since that time it has been conducted as a reservation boarding school under the Nez Perces Agency. LEMHI AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 40. Located 1 mile north of southern boundary of the Lemhi Reservation, Idaho. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $500 Dormitory, sewing room, etc 1% " " 1,200 Physician's dwelling and employees' quar- ters Y%\ 1 " 800 Total $2,500 The school farm contains 25 acres of good, tillable soil, and is valued at $2,500. Ind. T.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. Ill OUAPAW BOARDING SCHOOL. (Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory.) Capacity, 90. Location, 7 miles south of Baxter Springs, Kans., 15 miles northwest from Quapaw Agency, Ind. T., and 20 miles from Seneca', Mo. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory (girls'), kitchen, and dining room 2 story frame $1,800 School building- 1 " " 1,000 Large boys' quarters 1 " " 950 Small boys 7 quarters 1 " " 750 Employees' quarters 2 " " ■ 960 Superintendent's quarters 1 " " 850 Large boys' sitting room 1 " " 850 Laundry 2 " " 790 Bathhouse 1 " " 500 Storeroom 1 " " 600 Barn and stables 1 " " 900 Tank house * 1 " " 800 Commissary and cellar 1 " " 500 Henhouse 1 " " 130 Cellar for vegetables 1 " stone 40 Windmill : 150 Total $11,570 The school farm contains 325 acres of good land, worth about $25 per acre. The school was originally organized by the Society of Friends in 1872. The tribes from which the pupils are taken are the Quapaw, Wyandotte, Miami, Peoria, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Modoc. SENECA BOARDING SCHOOL. (Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory.) Capacity, 130. Location, 5£ miles southwest of Quapaw Agency, Ind. T., 8 miles from Seneca, Mo. , and j- mile from village of Wyandotte, on St. Louis and Santa Fe Railroad. 3 661 1 700 1 800 2 525 1 500 1 224 800 950 425 250 333 190 75 112 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Iowa. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $4 r 250 Girls' dormitory, kitchen, dining room, etc_2 " " Large boys' quarters 2 " " Small boys' quarters 2 " " c Employees' quarters 2 " " Barn 1% " " Laundry 2 " " Bathhouse __1 " " Tank house Storeroom 1 story frame Carpenter shop 1 " " Subsistence and fruit house 1 " " Farmer's house 1 " " Icehouse 1 " " Total . 819, 683 The school farm contains 160 acres of land. The school was organized in 1872; conducted as a contract school for one year. Since that time it has been a regular Government school for the Wyandotte, Eastern Shawnee, Seneca, Ottawa, Modoc, Peoria, and Miami tribes. SAC AND FOX AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL, IOWA. Capacity, 75. Located 1 mile west of Toledo, Iowa. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory and school building 2 story brick $19, 130 Laundry 1 " " 1 Warehouse 1 " " I 3,673 Barn 1 " frame j Total $22, 803 The Indian appropriation act for the fiscal year 1896 appro- priated $35,000 for the purchase of land and the erection of buildings for a school plant for the Iowa Sac and Fox Indians. A tract of 70 acres of land was purchased for §5, 250. The school was organized October 1, 1898. GREAT NEMAHA BOARDING SCHOOL. (Pottawatomie and Great Neniaha Agency, Kansas.) Capacity, 40. Location, on the Iowa Reservation, in Brown County, Kans. , 75 miles northeast of agency, 8 miles west of White Cloud Sta- tion, on the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Kans.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 113 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, kitchen, dining room, sewing room, etc 2 story frame $6, 000 Schoolhouse 1 " " 700 Schoolhouse and storage room 1 " " 500 Granary 1 " " 300 Barn 1 " " 250 Corncrib 1 " " 140 Calaboose 1 " K 50 Total ST, 940 Farm contains 160 acres, set apart by allotment ; fertile soil; value about 86,400. KICKAPOO BOARDING SCHOOL. (Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, Kansas.) Capacity, 30. Location, on the Kickapoo Reservation, on south line of Brown County, Kans. ; 35 miles north of agency ; 8 miles north of Neta- waka, a station on Chicago, Burlington and Union Pacific Rail- way. Use, character, and cost of huildings. Dormitory and school building 2 story frame $12, 800 Dormitory, kitchen, employees' quarters, etc 1% " Schoolhouse 1 " Barn 1% " Storeroom 1% " Smokehouse 1 " 2,000 1,200 195 195 Total $16, 465 All of the buildings above enumerated, except the dormitory and school building, are what is known as the present Kickapoo school plant. The appropriation act for the fiscal year 1899 provided 815,000 for a new school building for the Kickapoo Reservation, to be located as near as possible to the railway sta- tion of Germantown. A site has been selected, the contract for the erection of the new building has been assigned, and it will be completed and ready for occupancy by September 1, 1899, when the old plant will be abandoned. Some small portion of the original 640 acres will be retained for the present as a farm. The new site and farm, however, will contain about 240 acres. 114 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Minn. POTTAWATOMIE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, Kansas.) Capacity, 80. Location, on the Prairie Band Pottawatomie Reservation, Jackson County, Kans., 18 miles south of Holton (county seat) and 10 miles from Hoyt, Jackson County, the nearest railroad station. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building and dormitory 23^ story frame » $17, 250 4,000 4,000 2,000 500 500 stone 500 frame 175 School and assembly room 1 Schoolhouse and employees' quarters 1 Barn 2 Laundry 1 Closets (2) 1 Smoke and milk house 1 Coal house and workshop 1 Total $28, 925 The farm contains 160 acres, valued at about S3, 200. School was organized in 1871. LEECH LAKE BOARDING SCHOOL. (White Ear tli Agency, Minnesota.) Capacity, 50. Location, 100 miles east of White Earth Agency, 2 miles from Walker, on the shores of Leech Lake, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story log | Schoolhouse 1 " frame J Has a garden of 5 acres out of the reservation ; present value, §10 x>er acre. In the appropriation act for the fiscal year 1899, §20,000 have been appropriated for new buildings, which will probably be erected during the year 1899. PINE POINT BOARDING SCHOOL. (White Earth Agency, Minnesota.) Capacity, 65. Location, on southeast corner of White Earth Reservation, Minn. Minn.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 115 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and girls' dormitory 2 story frame $2, 000 Boys' building— schoolrooms, employees' quarters, etc 2 " " 2,200 Boys' play room and employees' quarters__2 " " 800 Laundry and granary 1 " log 300 Total $5, 300 No school farm ; small garden of 3 acres. RED LAKE BOARDING SCHOOL. (White Earth Agency, 3Iinnesota.) Capacity, 50. Location, on Red Lake Reservation, 85 miles northeast of White Earth Agency, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and addition, hoys' dormi- tories : 2% story frame *$150 Schoolhouse 1 " " 50 Interpreter's house . 1% " " 50 Bam for cattle 1 " " 20 Total " S270 The school farm contains about 280 acres, mostly used as a pasture, taken out of the reservation. In the appropriation act for the fiscal year 1899, §35,000 are appropriated for new build- ings, which will be erected during the year 1899, thus increasing the capacity of the school to probably 125 pupils. WHITE EARTH BOARDING SCHOOL. (White Earth Agency, Minnesota.) Capacity, 40. Location, 1 mile from White Earth Agency, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School huilding (temporary) 1 story frame $300 Old schoolhouse . 1 " " 300 Stable 1 " " 750 Boot house 1 li " 100 Total SI, 450 * Present value. 116 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Mont. A few acres only have been set aside for a garden. There are now under contract, and to be completed on or before September 1, 1899, the following new buildings: Brick school building 2 stories ._ §11,290 Brick dormitory 2 " 26,192 Laundry 2, 090 Warehouse 1,390 Sewer and water systems 6, 400 Total $47, 362 This will increase the capacity of the school to about 150 pupils. WILD RICE RIVER BOARDING SCHOOL. (White Earth Agency, 3Iiimesota.) Capacity, 65. Location, 18 miles north of White Earth Agency, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' building — dormitory, sitting room, schoolroom, and employees' quarters 2 story frame Girls' building — dormitory, sitting room, y§$ } 800 kitchen, dining room, and employees' quarters 2 " " Warehouse 1 " " 250 Barn 1 " " 200 Total ST, 250 No school farm. BLACKFEET AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 125. Located 2£ miles from Blackfeet Agency, Mont. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story frame 121, 320 Boarding house and quarters for girls and employees 2 " " Boys' dormitory and employees' quarters_2 " " Bake shop and laundry 1 " " Storehouse 1 " log Wood house and workshop 1 " frame Icehouse 1 " " Horse stable 1 " " Cattle sheds 1 " " There has been no farm regularly allotted to this school, although the agent has set apart 1,206 acres. Mont.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 117 CROW AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 160. Located at Crow Agency, Mont., 71 miles southeast of Billings, Mont. Use, character, and cost of building's. School building and recitation ball 1 story frame 32, 861 Girls' dormitory, etc 2 " brick 11,995 Boys' dormitory 2 " " 10.338 3Iess quarters, laundry, etc frame 9,000 Total $34, 194 School farm, contains 13 acres of very rich bottom land, taken out of the Crow Reservation ; present value would be about S2. 000. FORT BELKNAP AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located -§- mile west of Fort Belknap Agency, 4 miles south of Harlem, Mont., a telegraph and railroad station on Great Northern Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Industrial training scbools (2) 2 story frame Barn and fuel sbeds and closets 2 ' c " Storehouse 1 story frame Henhouse 1 " " Carpenter shop 1 " " Engine and pump house 1 " " §19 159 2 356 438 183 803 2 100 Total $25,039 This school was established in 1891, with a capacity of 50 pupils, which has been gradually increased. Small school garden and farm have been set aside by the agent out of the reservation. FORT PECK BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Location, at Fort Peck Agency, Valley County, Mont. , on Pop- lar River. Poplar Station, on Great Northern Railroad, is j- mile from the school. 118 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Mont. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Girls' quarters 1 story Girls' quarters 1 " Boys' quarters 1 " Commissary 1 " Laundry 1 " Kitchen 1 " Meat house 1 " Bakery 1 " Mess quarters 1 " Sewing room 1 " Schoolroom 1 " Schoolroom 1 " Schoolroom 1 " Sheds and outbuildings (24) for wood, chickens, and closets log_ Total_ ?4, 000 100 300 100 100 100 $4, 775 There is no school farm ; only a garden attached to the school. There are no data to show the original cost of the buil dings. The plant, however, when transferred by the War Department to the Interior Department, was valued at 8700. The one new building was built of logs in 1895, at a cost of 84,000. AH of the buildings are in a very dilapidated condition. Plans are now pending for the erection of two dormitories, with accommodations for 100 pupils each. The buildings will probably be erected during 1899. TOXGUE RIVER AGENCY DAY SCHOOL. Capacity, 40. Location, at Tongue River Agency, Mont. Schoolroom, kitchen, etc 1 story log building $400 03IAHA BOARDING SCHOOL. (Omaha and Winnebago Agency, Nebraska.) Capacity, 75. Location, about 10 miles from agency headquarters (Omaha and Winnebago Agency, Nebr. ) ; 3 miles from Missouri River. Nebr.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 119 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitories for boys and girls, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, employees' quarters, etc 2 story frame §5,000 Schoolhouse 1 Cl " *_ 800 Wagon and blacksmith shop l]/£ " " 1,200 Barn 1% " " 500 Storeroom 1% " " 395 Laundry : V/ 2 " " 300 Physician's office " 300 Cottage No.l 1 " " 150 Cottage No. 2 1 " " 150 Woodhouse L " " 100 Hog house 1 " " 50 Chicken house 1 " " 50 Total 18,995 The school farm consists of one section of land reserved for school purposes ; has 75 acres under cultivation. A day school was organized in 1868, and in 1880 it was changed into a board- ing school. WIXXEBAGO BOARDING SCHOOL. (Onialia and Winnebago Agency, Nebraska.) Capacity, — . Location, on Winnebago Reservation, Thurston County, Nebr. Nearest railroad station is Dakota City, Nebr. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' dormitory 2 story brick $S,400 Barn (cow) 2 " frame 568 Barn (horse) 2 ' k " 600 Total $9,568 The school farm and grounds consist of 325 acres, valued at about 830 per acre. One hundred acres under the plow. All the Winnebago buildings, except those above named, were destroyed by fire April 26, 1898. Plans have been prepared for rebuilding the school during the year 1899. 120 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Nebr. SANTEE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 80. Location, at Santee Agency, Knox County, Nebr. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolrooms, dormitory, kitchen, dining room, etc 2 story brick $17,700 Schoolroom 1 " frame 1,300 Total $19,000 There were set apart for agency and school purposes 492.60 acres. About 150 acres are on the Missouri bottom, and are used as a school pasture, which is valued at about §10 per acre. The buildings were first erected in 1873; burned in 1886; rebuilt in 1888; again burned in 1895, and rebuilt in 1897, the last con- struction being in brick. HOPE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Santee Agency, Nebraska.) Capacity, 60. Located at Springfield, S. Dak., near the Missouri River, on Santee Agency, Nebr. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, schoolhouse, kitchen, etc Stone building Dormitory Frame " } 8l2 ' 00 ° This school was carried on as an Episcopal mission school until June 30, 1895, when the buildings were rented by the Govern- ment for an Indian school, at SI, 080 per annum. PONCA DAY SCHOOL. (Santee Agency, Nebraska.) Capacity, 34. Location, at Ponca subagency, Nebr. School building 1 story frame SI, 100 Nev.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 121 NEVADA AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located at Pyramid Lake Reserve, at agency headquarters, [Nevada Agency, NTev. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse (2 wings) old l^sti Schoolhonse, etc 2 Schoolhouse, etc ^ 2 Dining room, etc 1 Kitchen 1 Bath house 1 Laundry 2 Ice house 1 Barn and stable 1 Total $15,787 The school farm contains 15 acres of good bottom land, valued at about $75 per acre. ory frame S3. 647 " 4,000 " 4,000 " " _ ) \ 95 ° " " _ _ 1,990 " ' ; _ 800 " " 350 " _ 50 WESTERN SHOSHONE BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 50. Located at Western Shoshone Agency, Nev. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse, etc __2 story stone _ Hospital 2 ;: frame_ Cow shed 1 Chicken house 1 Wagon house 1 Laundry 1 Woodhouse 1 Stable 1 Storehouse 1 Outhouses (2) 1 Total §15,065 School farm contains about 50 acres, valued at about 820 per acre ; part of the reservation. The school was organized in 1893. $8,300 3,300 200 40 250 500 1,200 stone : 1,000 frame : 200 3IESCAEERO AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located at Mescalero Agency, IN. Mex., 110 miles from railroad station at Las Cruces, IN. Mex. 122 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [KT. Mex. Use, cliaracter, and cost of buildings. Main school building, including dining room, kitchen, girls' and boys' dormi- tories, sewing room, hospital, etc 2 story adobe and frame Assembly and class rooms 1 " " Classroom 1 " " Laundry and bath house 1 " " Employees' mess room, boys' dormitory, sitting room, wash room, and em- ployees' rooms 1 " " . $7, 200 1, 100 1. ,000 2. 100 770 Total $12, 170 The school farm contains 80 acres, of which 50 acres are under cultivation. Original cost, §400 ; present value, §2, 000. ZUNI BOARDING SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 50. Located at Zuni Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N". Mex. Use, cliaracter, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story stone ^ Laundry and employees' quarters 1 " frame >$1,970 Storehouse 1 " " j This school plant was purchased by the Government from the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions in 1896. ACOMITA DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 50. Located near Acoma Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story stone building. This building is rented by the Government for §10 per month. COCHITI DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 30. Located in the town of Cochiti, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, 1ST. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building. Eented by the Government, at §50 per annum. N. Mex.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 123 ISLETA DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New 3Iexico.) Capacity, 50. Located in the pueblo of Isleta, Pneblo and Jicarilla Agency. X. Mex. Scboolhouse 1 story frame building. This building is rented by the Government from the Roman Catholics, at 87.50 per month. JE3IEZ DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New 3Iexico.) Capacity, 40. Located at Jemez Pneblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, X. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building. This building is rented by the Government, at SI 00 per annum. LAGUNA DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New 3Iexico.) Capacity, 40. Located at the pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, X. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building. This building was built by the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions and turned over to the Indians. The Government pays no rent. Twenty acres of land reserved by the Government for school purposes. NA3IBE DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New 3Iexico.) Capacity, 30. Located at Xambe Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, X. Mex. Schoolbouse 1 story building. This school was organized September 1, 1898. The building is rented from an Indian by the Government, at 85 per month. 124 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [N. Mex. PAHUATE DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 40. Located at Pahuate Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, K Mex. Schoolhouse- 1 story adobe. This building is rented by the Government from the governor of Laguna, at $5 per month. PICURIS DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, — . Located at Picuris Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Reservation, N. Mex. Schoolhouse This school has not yet been opened. It will be opened during the year 1899. The Government will pay $7 per month for rent of the building. SANTA CLARA DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 30. Located at Santa Clara Pueblo., Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building. This building belongs to an Indian, and is rented from him by the Government, at §6 per month. SANTO DOMINGO DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 30. Located at Santo Domingo Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building. This building is rented from the vicar general of the diocese for §5 per month. Quarters are also rented for teacher for §2 per month. N. Mex.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 125 SAN ILDEFOXSO DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 30. Located at San Ildefonso Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, X. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building. This building is rented from the governor of San Ildefonso Pueblo, at 85 per month. The Government also rents teachers quarters, at 82. 50 per month. SAX FELIPE DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico,) Capacity, 30. Located at San Felipe Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, K Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story adobe building. The Government rents this building from the Indians, at 85 per month. SAN JUAN DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 50. Located at San Juan Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Schoolhouse - 1 story adobe building. The Government rents this building from the vicar general of the diocese for 85 per month. TAOS DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 40. Located at Taos Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Schoolhouse 1 story building. This building is rented from the Catholic priest at Taos. The Government pays §7. 50 per month rent. 126 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [N. C. ZIA DAY SCHOOL. (Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico.) Capacity, 35. Located at Zia Pueblo, Pueblo and Jicarilla Agency, N. Mex. Sehoolhouse . _ 1 story adobe building. This building is rented from the Indians, at §7. 50 per month. CHEROKEE TRAINING SCHOOL. Capacity, 150. Location, Cherokae, Swain County, N. C. Use, character, and cost of building's. School building 2 School building (Cherokee) 1 Teachers' quarters 2 Boys' quarters . 2 Girls' dormitory 2 Commissary and offices __2 Band house 1% Barn and stable 1 shop \y 2 Bakery 1 Employees' quarters 1 Soco Day School V/ 2 Big Cove Day School 1% Birdtown Day School 1 Birdtown Day School 1 torv frame _ _ S3. 999 " " _ _ 1,000 " " 3,800 " " 2,600 " " _ 1,800 " " _ 1,000 " " _ .. 500 " " 600 " " _ _ 250 " 100 " _ _ 350 " 3og_ 851 706 ' ' frame 318 log > _ . 350 Total $18,224 The first site was given by the Eastern Band of Cherokees to the United States for school purposes. Subsequent additions have cost the band §905 and the United States §540. Title re- verts to the band. This school was originally under the Society of Friends, but passed under the control of the Government in January, 1893. FORT TOTTEN BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 350. Located on south shore of Devils Lake, N. Dak. , 14 miles from town of Devils Lake, on main line of Great Northern Railroad. N. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 127 Use, character, and cost of buildings. 2^2 story frame . brick— __ $18,000 ._ 5,000 Schoolhouse (main building) __. Scboolrooms 2 Boys 1 dormitory, reading rooms, cloth- ing rooms, etc 2 " " Dormitory for girls_ 2 " " Boys' dormitory (large) 2 " " Boys 1 dormitory (not at present in use) 2 " " Dining room, kitchen, and employees' rooms 2 " " Hospital and carpenter shop, etc 1% " " Boys 1 bathing rooms and boiler room 1 " " Commissary 1 " " Superintendent's office 1 " " Sewing room, employees 1 mess and sleep- ing rooms =: 13^ " " Superintendent's residence 2 " " Employees 1 quarters .. 2 " " Employees 1 quarters . 2 " " Meat storage house . 1 " " Harness shop, shoe shop, and tailor shop_l " " Guardhouse '. . 1 " " Laundry and wood house 1 " " Bakery 1 " ' : Granary _1 " frame Barn for machinery 1 " " Barn for stock and hay 1 " " Ice house . 1 " stone Ice house 1 " frame Laundrj' : 2 " k ' Hog house V/ 2 " stone Total $100,500 By General Order, October 4, 1890, promulgating order of October 1, 1890, the unoccupied military post of Fort Totten was set aside for Indian school purposes. The school was opened October 27, 1890. Reservation is supposed to contain about 9,000 acres, of which 160 acres are in the school farm. Con- nected with this school, and only a short distance therefrom, are buildings of the school formerly operated under contract, but now conducted as a Government school in connection with the Fort Totten School. 5,000 7,000 5, COO 5,000 8, 000 4,000 3,000 3, 000 1,800 4,000 5,500 7, 000 5,000 800 2, 500 1, 200 1,500 800 1,000 1,000 2, 800 600 700 800 500 DEYELS LAKE AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS. Day School Xo, 1. Capacity, 50. Located east end of Turtle Mountain Reservation, 1ST. Dak. Schoolhouse 1 story log and frame $1,250 128 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [N. Dak. Day School No. 2, Capacity, 50: Located about center of Devils Lake Reservation (east and west), N. Dak. Schoolhouse 1 story log and frame §1,250 Day School No. 3. Capacity, 50. Located west end of Turtle Mountain Reservation, N. Dak. Schoolhouse 1 story log and frame „. §1,250 FORT BERTHOLD AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located at Fort Berthold Agency, N. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 2 story brick §29,990 Cottage and employees 1 quarters 1% s ' frame 1,600 Laundry, etc 1 " " 720 Barn 1 " " 225 Water system . 4, 790 Total §37, 325 On March 29, 1898, the boarding school building, with a capacity of 60 pupils, erected in 1894, valued at §8,630, was destroyed by fire. This building was practically the school plant, and therefore the school was discontinued. The school buildings above noted and a water system are now under contract, to be completed and ready for use by the 1st of Sep- tember, 1899. FORT BERTHOLD AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS. Day School No. 1. Capacity, 40. Located at Armstrong substation, 15 miles east of Fort Berthold Agency. N Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 129 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Scboolhouse 1 story frame $720 Cottage for employees 1 ; " " 843 Total SI. 563 Day School Xo. 2. Capacity, 40. Located at Independence, 15 miles west of agency, on west bank Missouri River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Scboolhouse 1 story frame 8720 Cottage for employees I " " 843 Total $1,563 Bay School >*o. 3. Burned in 1898. Day School No. 4. Capacity, 40. Located 25 miles west of Fort Berthold Agency, on Shell River Reservation. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame Cottage for employees 1 " " j - 1 ' 428 AGRICULTURAL BOARDING SCHOOL. (Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 100. Located 16 miles south of Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak. on west bank of Missouri River. 16563 9 130 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [N. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and girls' dormitory 2 story frame Bo3 r s' quarters, etc 2 Dining room, etc 2 Employees' quarters and dining room 1 Teachers' quarters, etc 1 Laundry 1% Barn ___2 Stables (2) 2 ' log___ Granary 1 " frame- Storehouse 1 " log $17,500 Was the first boarding school established on the reservation ; organized in 1879. In 1882 all the girls and small boys were transferred to the agency boarding school. From 1882 to 1886 it was a farm school for larger boys only. Since that time it has been reorganized as a regular boarding school. School farm contains 100 acres,, under fence. Original cost, §1.25 per acre; present value, §10 per acre. GRAND RIVER BOARDING SCHOOL. (Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 80. Located 32 miles southwest of Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak. , 1 mile from Missouri River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building, dormitories, etc_ _2% story, frame $17,906 Physician's quarters 1 Stable \y 2 Storehouse 1 Ice house 1 Cow barn 1 1,000 1,696 2,000 650 701 Total $23, 953 School farm contains nearly 4 acres, and another field of 5 acres fenced in for garden purposes. Hay and pasture are ob- tained from the range. INDUSTRIAL BOARDING SCHOOL. (Standing- Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 110. Located at Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak., 65 miles south of Bismarck, N. D. N. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 131 Use, character, and cost of buildings. School, dormitories, etc 2 story frame- Hospital 2 Laundry 1 Stable \y> Workshop and wood shed 1 Ice house 1 Chicken house and wagon shed 1 Windmill and water tank Steam-heating plant Y $28,000 ,fi7-4 Total $31, 674 Farm contains lO acres of very poor soil, but, being heavily manured, raises nearly all the vegetables used. STANDING ROCK AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA. Day School No. 1. Capacity, 30. Located 18 miles north of Standing Rock Agency, }4- mile from Missouri River. Schoolhouse and teacher's residence 1 story frame building— S750 Day School No. 2. Capacity, 80. Located 3 miles northwest of Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak. Schoolhouse and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $750 BULL HEAD DAY SCHOOL. (Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 30. Located 40 miles from Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse Industrial cottage . _1 story frame $1, 000 _1 " " 1,000 Total $2, 000 132 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Okla. CANNON BALL DAY SCHOOL. (Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 25 miles north of agency, near mouth of Cannon Ball River. Schoolhouse and teacher's residence _: 1 story log building $1,250 PORCUPINE DAY SCHOOL. (Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota.) Capacity, 30. Located 30 miles west of Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $1, 000 Industrial cottage 1 " " 1,000 Total $2, 000 School discontinued. The Government still owns the build- ings. ARAPAHOE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 130. Located at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, 1-J- miles from the Darlington station, on Rock Island Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolroom and girls' dormitory 2 story frame §10,000 Boys' dormitory, dining hall, etc 2 " :< 6,500 Dormitory. __-_ brick 15,262 Teachers' quarters 1 " " 1,100 Laundry 1 " frame 360 Superintendent's cottage 1% " " 500 Dispensary V/ % " " 1,200 Carpenter shop 1 " " 700 Barn and crib (2) 1 " " 700 Bathhouse 1 " " 1,600 Outhouse " _ 136 Sewer system 2, 194 Total $40, 252 The school farm consists of 230 acres, which were set apart for the use of the school April 12, 1892. Okla.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 133 CANTONMENT BOARDING SCHOOL. (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 125. Location, Cantonment Snbagency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building and dormitory 2 story frame £18, 600 Laundry and mess hall__ 3, 885 Sewer and water system . 3, 875 Total $26, 360 This school has not as yet been fully organized, the superin- tendent and a partial corps of employees only being on hand. CHEYENNE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 200. Located at Darlington, 7 miles northeast of El Reno, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Manual labor boarding school 3 story frame 812,000 Boys' dormitory 2 Gymnasium and bathroom I Carp3nter and blacksmith shop 1 Laundry Barn 2 Implement shed 1 Cattle shed 1 Band stand . 1 Outbuildings (2) 1 Springhouse 1 Total _ |29, 030 The land reserved for this school consists of 4,831.64 acres, which was set aside April 12, 1892. brick 15,000 frame 400 " 600 " 500 " 230 " 50 " 50 " 00 " , 100 stone 100 RED 3IOON BOARDING SCHOOL. (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 75. Location, 92 miles west of Darlington, in Custer County, Okla, . on the Wichita River. 134 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory and school building 2 story frame .. $13,498 Barn and wagon shed 2 " " 468 Closets 1 " " 386 Stock shed 1 " " - 113 Total $14, 465 One thousand two hundred and eighty acres of land were set aside by Executive order July 12, 1895, for the use of this school, which was organized May 12, 1897. WHIRLWIND DAY SCHOOL. (Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 20. Located at Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $855 Industrial cottage 1 " " 740 Outhouse 1 " " 90 Storehouse 1 " " 94 Total , $1, 779 FORT SIUL BOARDING SCHOOL. (Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 125. Location, 4 miles south of Fort Sill, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. * Boys' home and employees' quarters 2 story stone * Girls' home, hospital, etc 1 " frame School building 1 " brick $12,986 Employees' quarters 1 " frame 1,260 Mess hall 1 " stone 4,900 * School building 1 " " Total $19,146 One section of land has been set apart for school purposes. *,No record of cost of these buildings. Okla.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 135 RAINY MOUNTAIN BOARDING SCHOOL. (Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 50. Location, 40 miles west of Anadarko, on northwestern part of Kiowa Reservation. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Sehoolhouse and girl?" dormitory 2 story stone Dormitory and mess hall 2 " " Employees' quarters 2 " frame Laundry and dormitory 1 " " Bakery 1 £i " Boys 1 play room 1 (i " Bam 1 " " Machinery shed 1 " " $12, 000 ^ 24,000 500 5i in 401 525 136 Total 838, 062 On November 22, 1892, 4 sections of land were set apart for the use of the Rainv Mountain School. RIVERSIDE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 100. Location, 1 mile northwest of agency, on north bank of Washita River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, girls' 2 story brick 610,000 Dormitory, boys' 2 " " ^ Mess hall 1 " frame \ 19,000 Laundry 1 '• " 1,000 Cottage, kindergarten : 1 " " 150 Cottage, superintendent's dwelling 1 fi " 300 Cottage V/ 2 " " 150 Barn, grain and stuck 1 >; " 400 Total '. §31, 000 The school farm consists of 2 sections of land along the north bank of the Washita River ; 5 acres are fenced, 150 are cultivated. The present value is about 810,000. KIOWA AGENCY DAY SCHOOL. Capacity, 25. Located on Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Reservation, Okla. Schoolhonse 1 story frame 81, 000 136 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Okla. KAW BOARDING SCHOOL. (Osage Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 60. Location, at Kaw Agency, Okla., 15 miles east of Kildare, Okla. , the nearest railroad station. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, kitchen, dining room, etc 3 story stone _) Schoolhouse ______: 1 « " p, (-00 School barn 2 " " 2,000 Total $14, 000 The school farm contains 90 acres ; estimated cost, §2,000 ; pres- ent value, §4,000. The school was organized in 1874. OSAGE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 180. Location, at Osage Agency, near the village of Pawhuska, Okla,, 30 miles south of Elgin, Kans., the nearest railroad station and telegraph office. Use, character, and cost of building's. Boys 1 dormitory 3 story stone ) ^ Dining room, laundry, etc 2 " frame $ v ~ ' Girls' dormitory 3 " stone 16,800 School building 2 " " 6,400 Schoolhouse 1 " " 500 Boiler house, etc 2 " " 1,875 School barn 2 " " 1,850 Hospital 1 " frame 1,200 Engineer's residence I " " 650 Employees' mess building \y 2 " " 400 Waterworks, steam-heating plant, etc 10, 500 Total $67, 175 The school' farm contains 70 acres of farming and 500 acres of pasture land. Estimated cost of farm, §2,000; present value, about §2,500. The school was organized in 1873. OTOE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Ponca, etc., Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 75. Location, at Otoe subagency, Okla., on Otoe and Missouri^ Reservation, 8 miles from Redrock station, on Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Okla.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 137 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' quarters, schoolrooms, sewing room, etc 2 story frame $3, 800 Girls' home, kitchen, and bake shop 2 " " 1,000 Dining room 1 " " 500 Laundry 1 " " 400 Commissary, shop, etc 2 " " 200 Bam ___2 " " 300 Cattle shed 1 " " 350 Granary and workshop 1 " " 300 Ice house 1 " " 400 Total §7,250 School farm contains 640 acres, which were reserved about the same time that the allotment of lands to Otoe Indians was in progress. PAWNEE BOARDIXG SCHOOL. (Ponca, etc., Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 125. Location, about 1 mile east of Pawnee, the county seat of Paw- nee County, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' dormitory, hospital, employees' rooms, bathrooms, kindergarten, etc 3 story stone $8, 800 Girls' dormitory, kitchen, bakery, dining rooms, etc 2 " " 8,800 Carpenter shop 1 " frame 1,000 Laundry 1 " stone 500 Commissary, shoeshop, and sewing room__2 " frame 400 Barn „___ 1% " " 400 Barn 2 " " 400 Corncrib 2 " " 400 Ccrncrib 1 " " 75 Cowshed 1 " " 200 Total 820,975 The Pawnee School Reservation, which was set aside July 10, 1893, contains about 670 acres of land. PONCA BOARDING SCHOOL. (Ponca, etc., Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 100. Location, at Ponca Agency, Okla., 3 miles south of White- eagle station, on Santa Fe Railroad. 138 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building, class rooms, dormitories, hospital, dining room, kitchen, bakery, etc Employees' quarters, etc 1 Commissary and sewing room 2 Barn 1 Laundry 1 Bath house : 1 Cattle shed 1 Coal shed 1 _2i story brick $16,000 frame 600 755 770 500 200 350 45 Total $19, 220 The school farm contains about 384 acres, set apart out of the Ponca Reservation April 6, 1895. ABSENTEE SHAWNEE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Sac and Eox Agency, Oklahoma Territory.) Capacity, 75. Location, 2 miles south of Shawnee, in Pottawatomie County, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory for girls and boys, schoolrooms, etc Laundry __. Barn Wood shed . _2 story frame . _1 " " _ .1 - ^$10,000 -I -J The school farm contains 313 acres of good land, valued at about §15 per acre, which was set apart out of Government res- ervation for school purposes. SAC AND EOX AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. Capacity, 120. Located at Sac and Fox Agency, Lincoln County, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Girls' dormitory, dining room, etc 2 story frame School building 2 " brick. Boys' dormitory, etc 2 Laundry 1 " frame _ Stable 2 Outhouses 1 Wood shed 1 $28, 000 Okla.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 139 The school farm contains 640 acres, out of 800 acres originally set apart for school and agency purposes, under act of Congress approved February 13, 1891. The present value is about §3.50 per acre. Sac and Fox of the Mississippi children attend this school. SEGER BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 120. Location, Colony, Okla. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolliou&c 2 st< Girls' dormitory 2y 2 ' Cottage 2 { Barn J \y 2 : Laundry 1V£ ' Schoolroom 1 Commissary 2 Stable 1 ' Mill 1 ; Veil house 2 ' Spring house 1 Hennery 1 ' Outhouse 1 ' Outhouse 1 ' Outhouse 1 Outhouse 1 ' Outhouse 1 ; Water system Total {31, 054 School farm contains 2,560 acres of land, present value of which is about 813,800. It consists of four sections, which were set aside for school purposes April 12, 1892, out of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation, Okla. The school was organized in 1893", bv John H. Seger, who is still in charge. brick $12 000 _ 10 090 1 300 1 500 « . _ 1 000 brick rPO 500 frame _ 150 150 4! 150 brick 100 frame 100 brick and stone 100 50 frame « 90 o 975 GRANDE RONDE INDIAN SCHOOL. (Grande Ronde Agency.) Capacity, 100. Location, Grande Ronde, Yamhill County, Oreg., 15 miles west of Sheridan, Oreg. (nearest railroad point), and 65 miles south- west from Portland, Oreg. 140 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Oreg. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story frame Dormitory 2 " Mill, grist and saw Vy^ " Agent's dwelling 2 " Physician's dwelling 1 " Office ._ V/ 2 " Barn No. 1 1 " Barii No. 2 1 " Blacksmith shop 1 " Blacksmith's dwelling 1 " Sawyer's dwelling 1% " Granary 1 " Milk house 1 " Total . $2, POO 1,000 3,000 1,200 000 800 800 300 500 250 100 25 25 $10, 600 The superintendent of this school is acting agent of the reser- vation. School farm comprises 200 acres, valued at about §6,000. School was organized in 1855 as a day school ; was made a board- ing school in 1875. KLAMATH BOARDING SCHOOL. (Klamath Agency, Oregon.) Capacity, 140. Location, near Lake Klamath, in southern Oregon, 95 miles from Ashland, Oreg. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitorj-, girls' 2 story frame Schoolhouse 2 Dormitory, boys' 2 Laundry 2 Wood shed _. 1 Wood shed 1 Bell tower . Closets (3) 1 story frame- Oil house 1 " " ST, 000 3,500 1,000 300 40 30 20 100 25 Total $12, 015 There have been set aside for agency and school purposes 3,401.03 acres of land. Oreg\] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 141 YAINAX BOARDING SCHOOL. (Klamath. Agency, Oregon.) Capacity, 100. Location, 40 miles southeast of agency, 2 miles south of Sprague River, on Klamath Reservation. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolroom and dormitory 2 story frame_ Commissary and storehouse 1 " " Laundry, dormitory, etc Farmer's residence 1 story frame_. Physician's residence 1 Shop 1 Carpenter shop 1 Blacksmith shop 1 Sawmill 1 Farmer's residence 1 Wood shed 1 Carpenter's residence 1 Barn 1 Boys' bath house 1 Laundry and sewing room 1 Dwelling house 1 log frame _ $800 400 100 200 600 00 50 50 800 500 50 50 400 200 300 200 Total §4, 700 For agency and school purposes, 2,397.50 acres of land have been set apart. SILETZ AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 80. Location, Siletz, Oreg. Use, character, and cost of building's. Boaiding school Hospital : Laundry Bakery Warehouse,. commissary . Barn Stock shed Woodhouse story frame $5,000 " 2,150 " 500 " 283 " 571 " 250 " 200 " 80 Total „ $9, 034 A small farm and garden were set aside for the use of this school. 142 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Oreg. UMATIIXA BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 100. Located 1 mile east of Umatilla Agency, Oreg. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School budding 2 story brick $7 Girls' dormitory .2 li " Boys' dormitory 2 " frame. Laundry 1 " brick _ Drying room 1 " "" Windmill tower 1 " frame_ Woodhouse 1 " " Cellar 1 " brick _ Henhouse 1 1 " frame_ Carpenter shop 1 Stable and sheds (2) 1 Barn and sheds (2) 1 Total $31, 690 There are 12 acres of farm land adjoining the buildings. One acre is an orchard ; 300 acres used in raising wheat ; soil light, sandy loam ; about §40 per acre. The whole school farm contains 640 acres, and is a part of the diminished Umatilla Reservation. Land selected August 1, 1887. ST 981 12 440 5 300 1 532 1 144 1 333 40 500 20 100 500 800 WARM SPRINGS BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 125. Located at "Warm Springs Agency, Oreg. , 75 miles south of The Dalles. Use, character, and cost of buildings. 1 story frame School and assembly hall Dormitory for boys and girls 2 Laundry 1 Employees' quarters 2 Hospital 2 Mess hall and kitchen. 1 82, 600 9, 200 1, 063 1,437 1,613 2,964 Sewer and water systems 6,243 Total §25, 120 In 1893 the boarding school at the agency was discontinued, the buildings were condemned, and school rebuilt in 1897, a new and more suitable site being selected. The farm consists of 30 acres, S. Dak. RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 143 although 1,140.78 acres of land were set aside June 9, 1896, for agency and school purposes and for the Simnasho school. When the new agency school buildings were occupied, the Simnasho school was discontinued. CHEYENNE RIVER AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 130. Location, in South Dakota, J mile from the Missouri River. 20 miles west from Gettysburg, S. Dak., the terminus of Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. ITse, character, and cost of buildings. School assembly ball 2 story frame_ Girls' dormitory 2 Boys' dormitory 2 School building 1 Laundry _ 1 Barn 2 Henhouse . 1 Coal house 1 Sroivhouse 1 <13,783 1,500 1,000 1, ooo 275 300 250 Total $18, 108 The school farm consists of 12 acres of land out of the body of the reservation. The school was organized in 1893. CHEYENNE RIVER AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS. Day Scliool No. 1. Capacity. 22. Located on Cheyenne River Reservation, S. Dak. Schoolhouse 2 story frame building 81,000 Day Scliool No. 2. Capacity, 20. Located on Cheyenne River Reservation, S. Dak. Schoolhouse 2 story frame building Si, 000 144 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. Day School No. 3. Capacity, 27. Located on Cheyenne River Reservation, S. Dak. Schoolhouse 2 story frame building $1,000 CROW CREEK BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 140. Located on school farm adjoining Crow Creek Agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse . 1 story frame S3, 898 Boys' dormitory 2^ " " 4,800 Employees' quarters 1% " " 1,500 Hospital iy 2 " " 2,000 Laundry '. 1 " " 225 Dairy 1% " " 411 Barn 1% " " 977 Hog house 134." " 307 Cattle shed 1 " " 632 Fuel house 1 " " 400 Poultry house 400 Total 815, 550 This school was organized in 1873, by the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was conducted under its auspices until the Gov- ernment assumed control in 1881. The school farm consists of 100 acres, all under ditch for irrigation by artesian water. The artesian well, reservoir, etc. , cost §3, 500. The present school farm cost about §4,500. The total amount of land set apart August 9, 1895, for agency and school purposes was 393.90 acres. GRACE BOARDING SCHOOL. (Crow Creek Agency, S. Dakota.) Capacity, 50. Location, 12 miles southeast of Crow Creek Agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Main school building 2 story frame 86, 100 Granary and meat house 1 " " 400 School building 1 " " 900 Carnage house and stable 1 " " 500 Sod barn 1 story 100 Total 88, 000 S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 145 This school was organized in 1888, by Miss Grace Howard, and conducted by her as a contract school until the plant w&s pur- chased by the Government in 1897. One hundred and sixty acres of land were set apart for this school August 9, 1895. LOWER BRULE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 140. Located at Lower Brule Agency, S. Dak., 30 miles north of Chamberlain, S. Dak. , on west bank of Missouri River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 84,595 Girls' dormitory 2 " brick 12,000 Boys' dormitory 2 " frame 7,195 Mess hall and kitchen 1 " " 3,450 Hospital " 1,448 Employees' cottage 2 " " 1,425 Laundry __2 " " 1,365 Warehouse and workshop 2 " " 975 Stable 1 " " 699 Cow shed 1 " " 450 Engine house 1 :1 " : 625 Hennery 1 " " 200 Hog house_— I " " 250 Coal house 1 " " 445 Total $35, 122 The present school plant was erected during the summer of 1894. The school has a pasture of 245 acres, with 23.9 acres of cultivated land. PINE RIDGE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Located at Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building '. 2 sto: Boys' dormitory 3 Girls' dormitory 3 Mess hall, etc ^ 2 Employees' quarters, double sets 2 Boiler house 1 Warehouse 1 16563 10 y brick $12, 908 ^ | ^ _ 15 " 4,793 " 7,448 " 5,503 " 1,547 146 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Steam heating plant ^10,-277 Electric light plant 3, 380 Pump house 1,000 Water and sewer systems 6, 590 Total $77, 961 School was organized in 1883 ; buildings destroyed by fire in 1894, and school suspended; reopened in new buildings February 7, 1898. The new plant is one of the best appointed in the entire service. PINE RIDGE AGENCY DAY SCHOOLS. Day School No. 1. Capacity, 35. Located at Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and industrial cottage 1 story log $600 Woodshed 1 " frame 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total Day School No. 2. Capacity, 35. Located 5 miles west of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total Day School No. 3. Capacity, 40. Located 14 miles west of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. White River. S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 147 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame £999. Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Wood shed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 4. Capacity, 35. Located 10 miles north of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on White Clay Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame §999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 "Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 5. Capacity, 35. Located 20 miles north west of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , at mouth White Clay Creek. Use, character, and cost of building's. Schoolhouse . 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Wood shed 1 " <; 97 Closets 1 " " 105 Total §2, 200 Day School No. 6. Capacity, 40. Located 25 miles northwest of Pine Ridge Agency, on White River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 ;< il 105 Total $2, 200 148 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dka. Day School No. 7. Capacity, 35. Located 15 miles east northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, on Wounded Knee Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " log _ 600 Woodshed _1 " frame 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total SI, 801 Day School No. 8. Capacity, 35. Located 16 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Wounded Knee Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 9. Capacity, 35. Located 18 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Wounded Knee Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame S999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 10. Capacity, 35. Located 22 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Wounded Knee Creek. S. Dka.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 149 Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 • Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total „ £2, 200 Day School No. 11. Capacity, 35. Located 30 miles north of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Grass Creek. Use, character, and cost of building's. Schoolhouse . ' 1 story frame §999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total ^ §2, 200 Day School No. 12. Capacity, 35. Located 32 miles north of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Wounded Knee Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame §999 Industrial cottage 1 " " . 999 Wood shed___ 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " ' ; 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 13. Capacity, 35. Located 35 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. 3 on Porcupine Creek. 150 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 Si ;i 97 Closet 1 " " 1 105 Total $2, 200 Day School >o. 14. Capacity, 35. Located 52 miles east of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Lake Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage I " " 999 Woodshed -- 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2. 200 Day School No. 15. Capacity, 35. Located 30 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Porcupine Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed : 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 16. Capacity, 35. Located 25 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Porcupine Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame : $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 939 Woodshed 1 '' " 97 Closet ____ 1 ' ; " 105 Total _. $2,200 S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 151 Day School No. 17. Capacity, 35. Located 40 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on American Horse Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 8999 Industrial cottage -___: I " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet T 1 ' ; " 105 Total _. $2' 200 Day School No. 18. Capacity, 35. Located 45 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Medicine Root Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 8999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed I " " 97 Closet 1 " il 105 Total 82, 200 Day School No. 19. Capacity, 40. Located 40 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., at Little Wound Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " . " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total 82, 200 Day School No. 20. Capacity, 35. Located 45 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on No Flesh Creek. 152 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $i)99 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " _'__ 105 Total |2, 200 Day School No. 21. Capacity, 35. Located 50 miles east northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., near Corn Creek. . Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame 8999 Industrial cottage__: 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total £2, 200 Day School No. 22. Capacity, 35. Located 65 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Bear Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse __1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " , c 105 Total . Day School No. 23. Capacity, 35. Located 60 miles north northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. , on Potato Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " - 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total 62, 20U S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 153 Day School No. 24. Capacity, 35. Located 89 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on Lone Tree Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 " " 105 Total §2, 200 Day School No. 25. Capacity, 35. Located 15 miles northeast of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., on White Clay Creek. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse : 1 story frame $999 Industrial cottage 1 " " 999 Woodshed 1 " " 97 Closet 1 ;t " 105 Total $2, 200 Day School No. 26. Capacity, 35. Located 30 miles northeast of Pine Riage Agency, S. Dak., on White River. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse and industrial cottage 1 story frame | Closets (2) 1 " " J *' * Day School No. 2T. Capacity, 35. Located on Little White River, S. Dak. Schoolhouse and teacher's quarters 1 story frame building $1, 909 154 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. Day School No. 28. Capacity, 35. Located 10 miles east of Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Schoolbouse and teacher's quarters 1 story frame building $1, 944 Bay School No. 29. Capacity, 35. Located on White Clay Creek, Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Schoolhouse and teacher's quarters 1 story frame building SI, Day School No. 30. Capacity, 35. Located on Medicine Root Creek, Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Schoolhouse and teacher's quarters 1 story frame building $2,167 Day School No. 31. Capacity, 35. Located on Big White River, Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. Schoolhouse and teacher's quarters 1 story frame building §2,220 ROSEBUD AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Location 15 miles east of Rosebud Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, boys* 2% story brick ) Dormitory, girls '2}< 2 J School building, etc 2 " " 12,908 Mess hall 2 " " 4,793 Employees' quarters, double sets 2 " " 7,448 Boiler house 1 " " 5,503 Steam-heating plant 10, 277 Electric-light plaut__. 3,380 Warehouse 1 story brick 1, 547 Pump house 1 " " • 1,000 Water and sewer systems . 6,590 Workshop 1 story brick 2, 400 Stable 2 " " 4,500 Total §84, 861 S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 155 This is the first Government boarding school for the use of the Rosebud Sioux. Having been only recently established, the industrial features, so far as the farm is concerned, have not been fully organized. ROSEBUD DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located at agency. Schoolroom and sewing room 1 story frame building $800 No school land. SPRING CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 15 miles southwest of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building S2, 000 No school land. IROXWOOD CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 8 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame laiilding §2,000 No school land. UPPER CUT MEAT CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 50. Located 10 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building S2. 000 CUT 3IEAT CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 45. Located 12 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building SI, 250 No school land. 156 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. HE DOG'S CAMP DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 33. Located 18 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence _1 story frame building §2, 000 No school land. LOWER CUT MEAT CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 12 miles northwest of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $1, 000 RED LEAF'S CAMP DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 30. Located 25 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building 81,500 No school land. BLOCK PIPE CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 34. Located 30 miles west of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building SI, 000 No school land. CORN CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 34. Located 30 miles northwest of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $1,500 No school land. S. Dak.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 157 UPPER PINE CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 20 miles northwest of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $2,000 Xo school land. EITTEE WHITE RIVER HAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 34. Located 30 miles north of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building S800 Xo school land. PIXE CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 22 miles north of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building Xo school land. WHITE THUNDER CREEK DAY SCHOOL. Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 34. Located 25 miles northeast of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building = — _„_ SI. 300 Xo school land. BUTTE CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 35 miles northeast of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building . $2,000 Xo school land. 158 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [S. Dak. LITTLE CROW'S CAMP DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South. Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 40 miles northeast of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $2,000 No school land. WHIRLWIND SOLDIER'S CAMP DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 50 miles northeast of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $2,000 No school land. OAK CREEK DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 34. Located 25 miles from agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $1,300 No school land. MILKS CAMP DAY SCHOOL. (Rosebud Agency, South Dakota.) Capacity, 40. Located 90 miles east of agency. Schoolroom and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $2,000 No school land. SISSETON AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 130. Location, 1 £ miles from Sisseton Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings* School building and addition 2 story frame _ $21,000 Boys' dormitory 2 " " 2,000 Bakery and laundry —2 " " 1,200 S. Dak. RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 159 $1,000 400 436 100 375 200 150 100 40 Use, character, and cost of buildings— Continued. Barn 2 story frame Blacksmith's house l]4 Carpenter shop 1% ' Spring house 1 Shed 1 Hennery 1 Closets 1 Wagon shed 1 Oil house Total $27, 001 Four hundred and eighty acres were set apart for school pur- poses April 15, 1892, 60 acres being hay land. Present value, §10 per acre. YANKTON AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 160. Located at Yankton Agency, S. Dak. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Boys' building, dormitory.. 3% story frame- Girls' building, dormitory 2 Mess hall and kitchen 1 Laundry and addition 1 Teachers' residence V/ 2 School barn 1% Assistant industrial teacher's residence 1 School barn and shed 1 Blacksmith and carpenter shop 1 Corncrib and hog houses V/^ 85, 000 9,700 3,994 900 350 400 300 300 350 280 Total $21, 574 Five hundred and eighteen and forty one -hundredths acres allotted to the Yankton Agency Boarding School April 27, 1894, of which the farm uses 90 acres, worth about §200. OURAY BOARDING SCHOOL. (Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah.) Capacity, 80. Located on Uintah River, 15 miles northwest of Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah, and 5 miles southeast of Fort Duchesne. 160 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Utah. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building, dormitory, etc 2 story brick $12,100 School building, dormitory, etc 2 " " 8,525 Boys' dormitory, etc 2 " " 7,700 Storehouse 1 " frame 1,515 Gymnasium 1 " " 1,440 Barn 1% " " 1,030 Dwelling (physician's) 2 " " 2,500 Laundry _2 " " 2,000 Total $36, 810 School farm contains 160 acres, 40 acres of which are under cultivation. Very rocky land ; present value, §20 per acre. Three hundred and twenty acres additional to the above were set aside March 28, 1898. UINTAH BOARDING SCHOOL. (Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah.) Capacity ; 90. Located in Uintah Valley, near eastern boundary of Utah. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Industrial building 2 story frame $1,400 Girls' dormitoiy and addition 2 Dining room, kitchen, dormitories, etc 2 Employees' quarters 2 Root house 1 Laundry 1 Total $29, 491 School was organized in 1894, but has no school farm attached to it. " 6,641 brick 10,950 frame 7, 500 " 500 " 2.500 SHEBIT DAY SCHOOL. Capacity, 40. Located at St. George, Utah. Schoolhouse 2 story frame building $500 This school was established during fiscal year 1898 on land held in common by the Shebit Indians. In the appropriation act for fiscal year 1900, $25,000 is appropriated for a new school plant and equipment, which will probably be provided during fiscal year 1900. Wash.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 161 SPOKANE DAY SCHOOL, NO. 1. (Colville Agency, Washington.) Capacity, 40. Location, Spokane Reserve, 8 miles from Colville Agency. Schoolhouse and residence 1 storv frame building $1,456 NESPILE3I DAY SCHOOL, NO. 2. (Colville Agency, Washington.) Capacity, 40. Location, Nespilem, 60 miles from Colville Agency. Schoolhouse and residence 1 storv frame building- SI. 376 NEAH BAY DAY SCHOOL. (Neah Bay Agency, Washington.) Capacity, 40. Location, Neah Bay village, 2 miles from Neah Bay Agency, Wash. School building 1 story frame building $100 This school was originally a boarding school, which was con- verted into a day school June 30, 1896. QITLLEHUTE DAY SCHOOL. (Neah Bay Agency.) Capacity, 60. Location, La Push, Wash., 35 miles southwest from Neah Bay Agency, Wash. , and on the Pacific Ocean. Schoolhouse ,_ . The school building does not belong to the Government, but is rented for the purpose. 16563 11 162 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wash. PUYALLUP BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Located 1 mile from the eastern limits of Tacoma, Wash. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Main school building and 3 wings 2 story frame $11,000 Laundry V/ 2 " " ■ 575 Storeroom —1% " " 150 Jail 1 " " 200 Shops 1% " " 200 Barn (including wings) 1% " " 800 Farmer's dwelling 1 " " 1,000 Physician's dwelling 1% " " 1,000 Warehouses (Nos. 1, 2, and 3) 1 " " 565 Boys' quarters 2 " " 3,100 Office 1 " " 500 Agent's dwelling 1% " " 1,300 Clerk's dwelling 1% " " 1,000 Disciplinarian's dwelling 1 ; ' " 200 Total $21, 590 The school grounds cover 62.12 acres, valued at about $100 per acre. This school was promised to the Puyallups by the treaty of 1855, and was established in 1871. The first buildings were located on the Puyallup River bank about i mile nortrrwest of the present site, and in 1873 were removed to the present site. The superintendent of the Puyallup School is the acting agent for the Puyallup Consolidated Agency. Plans and specifications for a new water system to cost about §10,000, and of two new buildings to cost about §10,000, have been prepared. The work of construction will be done during the fiscal year 1900. CHEHALIS DAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 60. Located on the Chehalis Reservation, 3 miles from village of Gate, Wash. , 60 miles from Puyallup Agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building 1 story frame $2, 400 4,300 1,200 . 800 125 25 Boarding hall 2 Superintendent's cottage 1% Physician's cottage 1 Commissary 1% Jail-_ 1 Total &8, 850 Wash.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 163 This school was. until two years ago, conducted as a boarding school. Four hundred and seventy-one acres are in the school reserve. GEORGETOWN BAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 30. Located on the shore of the Pacific Ocean at entrance to Shoal Water Bay, 130 miles southwest of Puyallup Agency. Schoolhouse V/ 2 story frame building 8400 A day school was started here in 1880, continued six months. and then closed. JA3IESTOWX BAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 30. Located in the Indian village of Jamestown, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 3 miles from town of Dungeness, Wash. Schoolhouse The schoolhouse at this place belongs to the Indians. The school was opened in 1873. PORT GA3IBLE DAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 25. Located in midst of village called Boston, near Port Gamble. Wash. Schoolhouse The schoolhouse is the property of an Indian. It is located, however, on land belonging to a lumber milling company. The school was organized at request of Indians in 1889. QUIXAIELT DAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 40. Located in Indian hamlet of Granville, on left bank of the Quinaielt River, at beach of Pacific Ocean, 140 miles west of Puyallup Agency. 104 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wash. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Boarding house Dwelling Dwelling Barn and stable Kitchen Office and store Smith and cooper shop _ Warehouse and stable.. % story frame $150 " 150 " _-_ 200 " 275 " __-_ 15 " 175 " 200 " 50 " 30 " 50 Total $1, 295 The school farni contains 160 acres. This was originally a boarding school, which was discontinued in June, 1896, when it was converted into a day school. S'KOKOMISH DAY SCHOOL. (Puyallup Consolidated Agency.) Capacity, 40. Located on the S'kokomish Reservation, 3 miles from town of Union, Wash. , 75 miles northwest of Puyallup Agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame „ $850 Boarding house 2 ' ■ Boys' quarters - 2 ' Dwelling 1 ' Dwelling 1 ' Dwelling (missionary) 1 ' Dwelling (physician) 13^ ' Carpenter shop Blacksmith shop Root house Storehouse Apple house Laundry Woodshed Jail Barn .. _1 -1 _1 _1 ' _1 _l ■ 1 ' Horse stable 1 Total .. 2,600 1,515 500 700 700 1,200 75 75 500 250 75 250 75 50 400 275 $9,990 The school farm consists of 276 acres, of which 27 acres are fenced and under dike. It was formerly a boarding school, and w T as changed to a day school about 1897. Wash.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 165 LIMMI DAY SCHOOL. (Tulalip Agency, Washington.) Capacity, 40. Located on Lummi Reservation, in Whatcom County, Wash., 75 miles from Tulalip Agency, Wash. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $400 Dwelling and kitchen 1 " " 300 Total $700 Organized in 1891. Buildings were erected, by some mistake, on allot ed land. Efforts now being made to remove to Govern- ment land. SWIN03IISH DAT SCHOOL. (Tulalip Agency, "Washington.) Capacity, 42. Located on Swinomish Reservation, Wash., and 45 miles from Tulalip Agency, Wash. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 1 story frame $400 Kitchen ____ 1 " " 100 Total ' $500 YAKI3IA AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 140. Located at Yakima Agency (Fort Simcoe, Wash.), 35 miles from North Yakima, nearest town, on line of Northern Pacific Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhouse 2 story frame 83,000 Boys' dormitory 2 '* " 5.225 Girls' dormitory 2 " " 7,968 School commissary 2 ; " " 100 Tool house 1 " " 100 Slaughterhouse 1 " " _. 250 Barn, agency and school 2 "■ " 1,500 Ice house 1 " " 100 Root house 1 " " 150 Laundry 1 " " 500 Woodshed 1 " " 50 Teachers' residence 1% " " 600 Total S19,543 166 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wis. This school was organized in the fall of 1860; has a school farm of 100 acres, of which 60 are under cultivation and 40 hay land; portion of the reservation set aside May 11, 1897; worth about §1,500. GREEN BAY AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOIL, (Menomonee School.) Capacity, 160. Location, at Green Bay Agency, Keshena, Wis. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dining room, dormitories, etc V/ 2 story frame $10,000 Boys' dormitory 2 Barn 2 Industrial building, shops, etc 2 Industrial teacher's dwelling 1% Teamster's dwelling 1% Oil house 1 Hog house 1 Ice house 1 Wagon house 1 Chicken house 1 Coal house 1 3,000 1, 000 400 350 3'>0 100 150 100 150 150 100 Total $15, 800 The school farm consists of 320 acres, of which 125 acres have been cleared from timber, and 125 are under cultivation. The purchase of the claims of two Indians cost the Government $400. The present value of the farm, not including barn and other buildings, is estimated at §3,000. STOCKBRIDGE BAY SCHOOL. (Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 40. Location, on Stockbridge and Munsee Reservation, 8 miles west of agency. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolroom 1 story frame $825 Teacher's house V/% " " 625 Wood house 1 " " 110 Total $1, 590 Wis.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 167 This school was organized in 1856, and is said to have been in- strumental in teaching all the Stockbridge and Menomonee In- dians to read and write English. LAC DU FLA3IBEAU BOARDING SCHOOL, (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 160. Location, on Lac du Flambeau Reservation, 3 miles west of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad station. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory, dining room, etc 2 story frame $10,164 Schoolroom 1 ;> " 3,789 Laundry 1 " " 1,280 Warehouse 1 " " " 1,257 Fire-engine house 1 " " i 66 Coal house 1 1! " 49 Icehouse 1 " '- 58 Carpenter shop I " ; ' 105 Superintendent's residence 2 i( i; 1,711 Employees' quarters 2 " t; J 2,533 Hospital 1 " " 1,134 Coal house 1 4i ;i 60 Barn 2 " " 2,001 Carpenter shop, etc 1 " " 1,221 Blacksmith shop 1 " " 784 Dormitories and reading rooms 2 " " 2,833 Cold storage building 2 " " 346 Chicken house 1 " ; ' 230 Oil house 1 " " 70 Water system 4, 589 Total $31, 280 Four hundred and ninety-two acres have been set apart and fenced for a school farm and pasture. Present value is about 83,460. VER3IILLION LAKE BOARDING SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 125. Location, across Vermillion Lake from Tower, Minn. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Dormitory_ 2 story frame $16,400 School building 2 " " 5,740 Employees' quarters . 2 " " 3,390 168 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wis. Use, character, and cost of buildings — Continued. Laundry 2 story frame $1,490 Warehouse 2 " " 1,390 Pump house 1 " ' k 1,140 Stable X% lt " 1,389 Sewer and water system 5, 665 Total ., $36, 604 This is a new school, which it is expected will be opened by September 1, 1899. No farm has as yet been set apart. FOND DU LAC DAY SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 38. Located at Fond du Lac Reservation, 2 miles from village of Cloquet, Minn., and about 90 miles west of La Pointe Agency. Schoolhouse and teachers' residence 1 story frame building $777 GRAND PORTAGE DAY SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 50. Located on Grand Portage Reservation, Minn., on Lake Supe- rior, about 200 miles northeast of La Pointe Agency, Wis. Schoolhouse and employees' quarters 1% story frame building $1, 292 LAC COURT D'OREILLES DAY SCHOOL, NO. 1. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 36. Located on Lac Court d'Oreilles Reservation, Wis., 20 miles from Hayward ; 80 miles Southeast of La Pointe Agency. Schoolhouse and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $489 LAC COURT D'OREILLES DAY SCHOOL, NO. 3. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 36. Located on Lac Court d'Oreilles Reservation, 20 miles from town of Hayward, and 80 miles southeast of La Pointe Agency. Schoolhouse and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $635 Wis.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 169 LAC COURT D'OREIULES BAY SCHOOL, NO. 3. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 80. Located at Odanah, Wis. This school was originally conducted as a contract school by the Bureau of Catholic Indian Mission. It was turned over to the Government in October, 1897, to be conducted as a day school. The building is rented by the Government at S100 per annum. NETT LAKE DAY SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 30. Located at Nett Lake Reservation, Minn., about 240 miles northwest of Tower, Minn., the nearest railroad point. Schoolkouse and teacher's residence 1 story frame building $758 NORMANTOWX DAY SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 30. Located near village of Sawyer, Wis., on Fond du Lac Reser- vation, 10 miles from Cloquet, Minn., and 90 miles west of La Pointe Agency. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building $585 PAQUAHAWONG DAY SCHOOL. (La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin.) Capacity, 32. Located at Lac Court d'Oreilles Reservation, Wis., 20 miles from Hayward, and 80 miles southeast of La Pointe Agency. Schoolhouse '. t% story log $300 Teacher's residence 1% " frame . 595 Total §895 170 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wis. RED CLIFF DAI SCHOOL. (La Point e Agency, "Wisconsin.) Capacity, 80. Location, on shore of Lake Superior, about 3 miles from Bay- field, Wis. , and 22 miles from La Pointe Agency. The school building at Red Cliff is rented from the Roman Catholic Bishop of La Crosse, Wis. £$12, ooo ONEIDA BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 120. Located 10 miles west of the city of Green Bay, Wis., near the Oneida station, on the Green Bay and Western Railroad. Use, character, and cost of buildings. School building (boarding) ,___2 story brick School building (boarding) . 2 ■" " School building (boarding) 2 " " 6,764 School building (boarding) 2 " " 3,250 Steam-heating plant 1 " frame 6,000 Electric-light plant 990 Boiler house 1 story brick 3.225 Barn 2 " frame 1,000 Laundry 2 " " 580 Warehouse 1 " " 1,180 Farmer's cottage 1% " " 300 .Workshop 1 " " 450 Wagon and tool house 1 " " 150 Wood and coal house 1 " " 200 Icehouse 1 % " " 100 Blacksmith shop 1 " " 95 Chicken house and outbuildings 1 " " 115 Total §36, 399 The school farm, including grounds, etc., contains 80 acres. The land was set apart by the Government for school purposes at the time of the allotment of land to the Indians. Its estimated value is about §1,200. Oneida Day School No. 1. Capacity, 40. Located 4 miles south of the Oneida Boarding School, Wis. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building. Wis.] RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. 171 The school building belongs to Methodist Episcopal Mission, for which a rental of §6 per month is paid. This school was organized by the Methodist Episcopal Mission in 1834. Oneida Day School No, 2. Capacity, 36. Located 7 miles southwest of Oneida Boarding School, Wis. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building $762 This school was organized by the Government in 1878 at the request of the Indians in the vicinity. Oneida Day School Xo. 3. Capacity, 40. Located one-half mile east of the Oneida Boarding School, Wis. Schoolhouse 1 story frame building. This school building belongs to the Hobart Episcopal Mission, having been established by said mission in 1 836. A rental of 86 per month is paid to the mission for the building. Oneida Day School Xo. 4. Capacity, 28. Located 4 miles southeast of Oneida Boarding School, Wis. Schoolhouse 1 story log building. This school building was erected by the Indians for school pur- poses when the school was first organized. Oneida Day Scliool No. 5. Capacity, 32. Located 4 miles southwest of Oneida Boarding School, Wis. School building 1 story frame building $400 This school was organized in 1880, at the request of the Indians. A new building was erected in 1897, at a cost of 8400. 172 RESERVATION SCHOOL PLANTS. [Wyo. SHOSHONE AGENCY BOARDING SCHOOL. Capacity, 200. Location, on the Wind River Reservation, Wyo., 2 miles northeast of Shoshone Agency, Wyo. Use, character, and cost of buildings. Schoolhousi 2 story brick ___1. Girls' dormitory, etc 2 " " .,$51,700 Boys' dormitory, etc 2 " " I Barn__ ____2 " frame 2,000 Carpenters' house (farm) Laundry and tank house _ Coal house '_» Bath house Ice house __ Boot cellar Meat house Outbuildings (3) Chicken house Policemen's houses (2) Pigpen " 1,500 " 300 " . 400 " 225 " 189 log 200 frame 75 " 136 log 25 " 40 " 30 Total £56, 820 School farm, contains 600 acres, all under fence, and mostly under ditch — set apart out of Government Reservation. Present value about §6,000. An electric -light system, shops, and hospital are under con- tract, and will probably be erected during the fiscal year 1900. * estimated value of indian school plants. Non -Reservation School Plants §1,566,884 Reservation School Plants 1,995,876 Total . 3,562,760 * In a great many cases where the cost of buildings is specified it really reiers to pres- ent value. This is especially true in the case of very old school plants and those trans- ferred from the War Department. Records concerning these are so meager as to be valueless in the preparation of these tables. SJ s r^