E 359 . U504 Copy 1 is^l HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ^ REi'd'T No.4iv. BAILEY & DELORU. May 14, 1858. Mr. S. S. Marshall, from the Committee of Claims, made the fol* lowing REPORT. The Committee of Claims, to tvhom ivas referred the petition of IVilliarn Bailey and Henry Delord, formerly merchants and partners selling goods in Flattsbnrg, Neiv York, ^'praying compensation for merchan- dise furnished the soldiers stationed at Plattshurg in 1814-'15j" have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report: The claim of the heirs of Michael Johnson, reported on adversely by your committee, was one, in every respect, similar to the claim of Bailey & Delord, which has been before Congress for the last twenty- five years. The evidence shows that Bailey & Delord furnished a large amount of merchandise to the officers and soldiers of the United States army, upon the assurance of the officers that they should be paid so soon as the troops received their money. The credit was evi- dently given the men, though induced by the personal assurance of the officers that they would aid in securing payment. The amount furnished is not established by satisfactory evidence, nor is it shown how much was eventually paid for by the sol liers. Estimates are made by one or two witnesses, but not based upon any dxda. The papers of Bailey & Delord are proven to have been destroyed by fire in 1825. But your committee believe that if the amount could be ac- curately ascertained, it would still be no claim against the govern- ment. As was shown in the case of the heirs of Michael Johnson, " the troops were supplied with rations not by commissaries, but by contractors ; and that for supplying the troops in the portion of the State of New York wherein Plattsburg is situated, from the 1st June, 1814, to the 31st May, 1815, William D. Cheever was the contractor, and on file with his accounts there are found to be regularly certified monthly abstracts of issues of complete rations to the troops at Platts- burg for the whole time " On the 10th of April, 1840, Mr. Hubbard reported from the Com- mittee of Claims as follows : " The Committee of Claims, to tvhom teas referred House hill No. 43, ^for the relief of JVilliam Bailey, survivor of Bailey ct Delord,' report: " That the claim in this case, and the evidence upon which it rests, are fully set forth in the printed reports accompanying the bill. After LIBRARY OF CONGRESS i I I MM I lill l|{l l|[' / BAILKY AM) DELORD. 011 898 197 » careful examination, your conimitteu can see no reason for allowing iny part of the petitioner's claim. Tliev cannot recognize any justice in tlie |irinc-ijilt' iipun wliicli its ])fiyinent is advocated — that the United iStates arc buuml td make gotnl to individuals losses wliich they may have 8Uf