p 74 69 R53 Copy 1 MOORS SCHOOL AT OLD DISTRICT NO. 2 GROTON. MASSACHUSETTS THE STORY OF A DISTRICT SCHOOL BY EDWARD ADAMS RICHARDSON SEPTEMBER, 1911 AVER, MASSACHUSETTS Mooris School. ITicJ— 11)11. X. MOORS SCHOOL AT OLD DISTRICT NO. 2 GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS THE STORY OF A DISTRICT SCHOOL By Edward adams Richardson The good old-fashioned district school has many friends and staunch supporters. Among them are those who were once pupils and know from experience the advantages and disad- vantages of the system as compared with the more recent method of con- centrating all schooling in the vil- lages, in graded schools. However isolated and inconvenient many of the schoolhouses were, the association there of younger with old- er pupils was not altogether to their disadvantage. Those who have en- joyed the privilege of attending a dis- trict school, or a school in a rural district, will readily recall how many of the older ones felt that they were held up as models for the younger ones and thus renewed their efforts in industry and good behavior. PMucation, too, is largely a process of assimilation and frequently the younger pupils could equal the older ones in knowledge contained between the covers of text books to which they had not yet been assigned. The district school furnishes just the training needed to broaden the younger minds, to teach them that there is something more to be acquired besides that which is laid down in their particular school books and their association with older pupils leads them to hope to know the things their further advanced schoolmates are learning. It is, however, admitted, that when our district scliool children have arrived at an advanced age it seems desirable that they be gathered with others into the graded schools where undiTided attention is given to studies arranged especially for older pupils. The associations of the rural dis- trict school are close and intimate. Many of the pupils are of families who are bound together by ties of kinship or have been friends and neighbors for years. There is a friendliness and tenderness in the gathering together of these children in the small country schoolhouses and quite often the teacher has a kindly interest in their moral and intellectual welfare greater than in the village schools where their environment is supposed to be under the oversight of the village authorities. 1 — In the rural district the teacher be- comes an intimate friend of the par- ents of her pupils, more often living in their homes and learns of their hopes for their offspring and is fully in sympathy with the sentiment as expressed in the frontispiece of the New England primer of 1836. Children, like tender osiers, take the bow, And as they first are fashioned al- ways grow; For what we learn in youth, to that alone. In ages, we are by second nature prone. The ungraded school is an institu- tion dating from the early days of the settlement of this country and in the new colonies after 1700 that institu- tion known as a traveling school, suc- ceeded the old dames school. Under this arrangement the out- lying districts were given a school- master or mistress who went about gathering in various farm houses a few pupils who were taught the rudi- ments of the three R's — Reading, 'Kit- ing and 'Rithmetic. Shortly after 1700, there was less interest in educational matters than in the Pilgrim days, especially in the interior towns. The New England primer was quite an advance as a text book over the school book of the Pilgrim days, which was one book for the whole school, the old English hornbook. This was a single card, containing the al- phabet and a few simple arithmetic tables, and the whole covered with a transparent sheet of horn to protect it from the inquisitive fingers of as- piring youth, who resorted to it for instruction where it hung suspended by a string from the wall. This is to be compared with the present day method when every pupil has ample text books furnished at public ex- pense. In Groton, S'chools had been kept in the various angles or squadrons of the town for many years previous to the promulgation of the new school law in 1789. These schools were in small and rough buildings, often cold and heated in a manner by fires in open fireplaces. An interpretation of the history of Groton leads us to believe that these schools were supported wholly by the parents of the children in the par- ticular squadron in which the school was maintained, until about the year 1755. At this time, from the total amount of money appropriated by the town for schools, "twenty pounds was set apart for the 'outskirts.' " The year 1753, was the date of the setting up of Shirley and Pep- perell as separate districts, and in the latter district the same method of providing for the "outskirts" was fol- lowed. Again in Groton in 1758, twenty pounds was set apart for the "read- ing and writing schools in the sev- eral angles of the town," besides thirty pounds for the grammar school at the center of the town. This amount was to be applied only for instruction and the inhabitants of the angles or squadrons, later called dis- tricts, undoubtedly provided their own rude schoolhouses on land contributed by individuals as is shown by the clause in many of the deeds which provided that the land should revert to the original owners or their heirs or assigns, should the school cease to exist. From the year 1789, dates the be- ginning of Number Two school as a district school, for which the inhabit- ants of that part of the town were taxed for its maintenance. It is re- corded in 1790, that there were sixty- six children of school age in "Major Moors' District No. 2." In 1792, the town voted to erect several schoolhouses on the sites of the old ones and undoubtedly the present house in Major Joseph Moors' immediate neighborhood was built in accordance with this vote. The law of 1789, required that towns of fifty families should have six months of schooling, and that reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic be taught in the common or English schools, and that towns having two hundred families should have a gram- mar school. This last was in a man- ner letting down the bars, for in the ancient law of 1647, towns of one hun- dred families were required to main- tain a grammar school where young men could be prepared for the minis- try, having particular reference to their being fitted to enter Harvard college. This had no reference to the education of the girls, who rarely ■ trot%on) No. is. 'I'he Asm Sunnier (ira\e> IMiu-e. Nil. .'). Thf t iirlis Lawrt-iitt' Farm. No. .to. The F;iriis\v()rtli-l)(>iiiil)iif' ri:ice. Im h iij ' t* . «, . d ^ ^ i»i • ,v ,- ' .Nil. ."(,;. I'lic -lolui -ImcIooii (ira\('s House. wont bpyond the New Enghand primer in tliose early days. At tiie time of the new school law of 1789, the requirements were that the districts siiould be organized and that the organization should choose a clerk and prudential coinmittoe, who had almost autocratic power. The records of some of these district meet- ings show between the lines petty jealousies, particularly in the employ- ment of the teacher, who might of- ten be a member of the family of the prudential committee. After 1789, the academies, which were intended as fitting schools for young men for college, and as semi- naries for young ladies, became the goal to which many youths in the district schools were looking. It is true that since that date, in about 1827, the district school training had steadily advanced into geography and grammar and other studies often spoken of by their brothers before them in college. A year at the acad- emy often led them to desire some- thing more. The summer schools of those days were taught by the acad- emy girls and the winter terms by young men still in college classes, who were permitted to take a vaca- tion for the purpose of teaching a district school and thus help pay their way through college. In the employment of male teachers for the winter terms, the committee had in mind their ability to master their pupils should occasion arise. They undoubtedly had instilled into them from out their old New England prim- ers: "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of cor- rection will drive it from him." Happily the rod of correction is laid on the shelf and is seldom used in an age where love and mutual re- spect are prevalent in the schoolroom between teacher and pupils. In the state library at Boston, is a copy of the school by-laws for Gro- ton in 180B. Article V'llI was insert- ed as follows: "That the advantages of the grammar s<'hool may be ex- tended to the greatest possible num- ber of individuals and may be en- joyed as equally as may be, the said school shall be kept in District No. I four months, in No. II, III and V. two months respectively In each year." This was probably another reason for employing college graduates large- ly, about this time as teachers of the winter schools. They were e.xpected to be proficient in tiie advanced branches which would prepare the way for the young men for college and the ministry. The following from the same source, though printed in full in Dr. Samuel A. Green's Groton Historical Series, Vol. I, No. IX, is so pertinent that it will bear repeating: At a meeting of the school committee of Groton, held November 30, 1805, it was voted to adopt the following: "1. The bible, which affords the best lessons of mor- ality and religion, must be read in all the schools, at least a portion of it, in the forenoon, and another, in the afternoon, either by the instruc- tor, or by a class of such scholars, as can read with propriety, accord- ing to his discretion. All those who can read well enough to belong to the bible class, must be required to sup- ply themselves with bibles for their use in schools." In 1800, the law gave the power to tax the inhabitants of the district for the maintenance of the school and even for the erection of new houses, if required, and from this time the district system was in full swing and power for many years, until finally abolished in 1882. Under such con- ditions our little brick school at No. 2 came into existence, and like many others was erected in a barren, unat- tractive spot, near the fork of the roads and as near as may be to the center of the district. A description of the limits of the district is interesting as showing the residents. In 1805, the by-laws of Groton relative to schools gives the limits of the various school districts at that time. These are published by Dr. Samuel A. Green, at length, in Groton Historical Series. Vol. I. No. IX. The second description of the dis- trict published in 1827, in a new code of by-laws is as follows: "No. 2 ex- tends from Russell's lane on the road towards Harvard to the forks souther- ly of William Hurgess'; easterly to Snake Hill Including Curtis I^w- rence's House: from the fork of the roads southei y of Wm. lUncroft's House by Levi Stone's to Harvard Road; by Benjamin Moors to the guide — 3 post at Lunenburg Road; and by Charles Warren and Capt. Tlios. Farnsworth to Pages Bridge." Comparing tliis with the description of 1805, we find that Russell's lane is mentioned in both; that William Bur- gess lives where John Fiske was, and Curtis Lawrence has succeeded to the estate of Joel Lawrence; I\Iajor Jo- seph JMoors, the veteran of two wars, has passed on and his son Benja- man is living at the farm settled by his ancestor, Abraham Moors, in 1716. The William Bancroft place referred to is the place a few years later occupied by John Jackson Graves. William Bancroft was a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, and later a sheriff and town officer. Charles Warren, in 1827, lived near the present Gardner estate, and Capt. Thomas Farnsworth resided at the old Farnsworth house on the hillside towards the river. In the law of 1827, it was required that towns choose prudential com- mittees for the several districts, which was done by allowing the districts to select their own and this was the method generally throughout the state. In view of our knowledge of suc- ceeding school events in ^Massachu- setts, we are to believe that the peri- od immediately thereafter was rather a degenerate one as regards educa- tional matters, perhaps due to un- scrupulous overseers in school affairs and this decadence continued until taken up by James G. Carter of Lan- caster, who preceded and became an able coadjutor with Horace Mann, the secretary of the newly established Board of Education in 1837, the date which marks tbe revival of the school laws. The third description of the dis- trict is printed in the new code of town by-laws which is inserted with the state laws in a record book print- ed in 1838, and distributed by the town to the various districts for the use of the clerks. The original record book of District No. 2 school for the years 1838 to 1868, inclusive, is in existence and has revealed much interesting mat- ter. Extracts have been made which may be of peculiar interest since they show the residents of the district for thirty years, and the number of their children between the ages of five and fifteen, and fifteen and twenty-one, male and female as required by law to be enumerated by the district clerk on May first of each year. In order to show the limits of the district in 1838, it seems desirable to also insert tbose of District No. 1. "No. 1 is bounded beginning at the bridge over James' Brook in the cen- ter of the Town, on the great county road, thence running southwesterly by the current of said brook to the mid- dle of broad meadow, thence south- erly through the middle of said broad meadow, crossing the road at "Swill bridge," and thence by the current of water to the road called Russell's Lane, thence easterly by said Lane to the road leading to Harvard, thence northerly by the Harvard Road to a point therein northerly of the house of Curtis Lawrence, thence south- easterly to Half Moon pond, thence northwesterly to the road midway be- tween the houses of Rufus Moors and Joshua Davis, thence nortberly to the great county road at the brook issu- ing from Cady's pond, thence to the road midway between the houses of David Torrey and Sally Whitman, thence to the top of Gibbet hill, thence northwesterly to the point of begin- ning." "No. 2 is bounded northerly by No. 1, from Half-moon pond to the water course in Russell's lane thence run- ning northwesterly to the forks of the road between the houses of John J. Graves and Stephen Kendall, thence due west to Nashua River, thence up said river to Page's bridge, thence southeasterly to the forks of the road southerly of Oliver Blood's house, thence easterly to the top of snake hill, thence northerly to the place of beginning at half-moon pond." In the enumeration as made by the clerk it does not follow that all were in attendance at this school. Some of the older ones were attending school at Groton Center, in the earlier years at the academy, and later at the high school which was established in 1859. Some were going to the grammar school at South Groton and some through with school and at work long before the age limit of twenty-one. To one familiar with the birth dates of the sons and daughters of the old families this enumeration is a pretty clear index of the attending scholars of old No. 2. 4 — No. •_'!. Ilciiiic (.1 the .Mui.r- Kiiinih. IT Hi— ls:»it. m No. Is. Ilir ,l,.liii ll;irt\\tll II. .MM-. .M.iMcl in jstis. (in.tuii Aciiilciin. Krectfd IT'.CJ— lUinu'd Julv 4, l.s6f^. Lawrence Aca. A. ,M.( olk-t.r. ivii i!tll. >;n. 1(1. ii(ilood, John, 1853-59. Blood. Roxanna, 1853-57. Blood, Charles, 1853-59. Blood, Nancy M., 1853. Blood, Frank, 1854-59. Blood, Olive, 1853-55. Blood, Maria M., 1855. Blood, Henry, 1859-60. Blood, Eliza. 1856. 10 N... :'.t. r.)ll,inl llniiM' No. .".0. lloiiM' .>( tllf I5i^; i;."'l. Nrii Aiiril is, 1,S4J. George M. Shattuck place and Ren- jainin built a now house on i)art of the Benjamin Ilall farm. They wore sons of Doacon Samuel and Caroline Matilda Wright Hartwell of Groton. Samuel Noah Hartwell was the only one of John's children who altondod the school. He is now living at Ger- mania, Wis., and is town clerk, librari- an and a general business man at that place. The sons of Benjamin, Benjamin H. and Harris C, became distinguisiied in the councils of the state, both being members of the legislature and the latter a member of the state senate and its president. The services of Benjamin H. Hart- well in this vicinity as teacher, physi- cian, school committee and the pro- moter of all work for the public good, will never be forgotten. Harris was a lawyer in Fitciiburg and both died in the very midst of their useful ca- reers much lamented. Emma C. Hartwell was a daughter of Benjamin and a brief account of her is given among the list of teach- ers. In a pamphlet heretofore published, entitled "The Community at Groton," is an extended account of the Walter Dickson family. The names of the sons and daughters will be found among the early iiupila. They attend- ed school here between 1838 and 1843, and three of these — Henry, Almira and Mary, with the younger one Caro- line, accompanied their parents to Palestine on their mission of humanity and suffered greatly in a brutal as- sault made by brigands in that coun- try. Rufus B. Richardson was born in Westford, Mass., April 18, 1845, son of Joseph and Lucy M. Richardson, at- tended this school 1856-59, graduated at Lawrence academy in 1865, after his return from the war, and Yale college in 1869. He studied for the ministry at Yale Divinity school and was licensed to preach. After a brief period of preaching, he was appointed a tutor at Yale, followed by an ap- pointment as professor in Greek lan- guages at Indiana State university, and later at Dartmouth college. He was at the head of the American School of Archeology and Research at Athens, Greece, for eleven years and made important discoveries In the ex- cavations at Corinth. He is a cloar tliinkor and writer, and a lerturor upon subjects of archeologica! inter- est. He married Alice E., daughter of the late Henry C. Bowen of Brook- lyn, N. Y., and Woodstock, Conn., and resides at Woodstock. One old pupil in 1855-62, Sanford P. Proctor, says: "After leaving Mr. Wright I enlisted in the navy and at tiie close of the war, was sent to Europe for two years; then sent to India, China and Japan for four years; then to South America, one year. Was married here in Waterbury, Conn., in 1878, and have lived here ever sinco. We have two daughters living in Now Haven. My wife and I are passing the evening of our lives here in Wa- terbury, and talking over the past." George Ford was the son of Rev. George Ford, a missionary to southern India in November. 1846. The son George boarded in the family of Ephra- im Sawtell while liis father was doing missionary work in various places in the United States. Benjamin F., Samuel L. and Henry G. Graves, residents of District No. 3 in 1857, when that school was tem- porarily closed, attended this school. Samuel L. Graves graduated at Am- herst college in 1870, is a successful lawyer in Fitchburg and in 1891, was elected mayor of that city. Franklin Earland Gilson was born on September 7, 1852, son of John M. Gilson, attended Lawrence academy after leaving No. 2, and studied den- tistry with the Colton Dental associ- ation in Boston. Began practice in Groton in 1880, and at present Is one of the most successful dentists in the state, being located in Aver. ]io is a successful fruit grower, owning one of the largest apple orchards in Groton, in which town he resides. His interest In Moors school is deeply rooted, continued from his boyhood days, when he was a pupil, to the pres- ent time, and is further shown by the attendance of three of his childron there, though he resides nearer to the village schools. To Dr. Gilson. the writer wishes to extend appreciation for assistance rondored in the securing of much information from the older pupils who are now living. — 15 — Everhard, Clarence and Henry Gove were sons of Edward H. Gove, once secretary of the state of Maine, who bought and lived for about a year at the Alva Wright farm. James Hackett is an officer at the truant school for boys at North Chelmsford, Mass. Charles, Frank and Henry Blood were for many years employed on the old Fitchburg railroad, all at one time on one train as engineer, conductor and brakeman. The engineer, Charles, is still employed as such on the same division and the other two have died. In the year 1857, after the breaking up of the "community," as a religious sect, the private school previously held in the "Old shop," was not maintained, and from out the west came advise to the remaining families to have their boys and girls attend the town schools. As one of them remarks he felt like a "fish out of water," but they had good friends in the teacher of 1858, Mr. Bancroft and in Nathaniel Sawtell, the prudential committee for 1858-59-60, who had to come over and talk pretty strongly to some of the older boys who were inclined to make life at school miserable for them. Samuel N. Hartwell of Wisconsin, v.rites: "We all read two verses in the Testament each morning, and then Mr. Bancroft offered prayer, standing behind his desk. Mr. Bancroft was always very kind to the community children and gave us much credit for being good and studious. I have al- ways had pleasant memories of my going to school at school No. 2 in Groton, Mass." The following is a sketch of a form- er pupil who like his father, .Joseph H. Richardson, attended school here for a short period. This was publish- ed in Turner's Public Spirit shortly after his death, which occurred on July 1, 1894: "Charles H. Richardson was born in Groton, in 1857, being the eldest of a family of nine children. His boyhood years were spent with his parents on a small farm in that part of the town known as "the community" and near where is now located the Groton School; afterward working somewhat with his father at the carpenter's trade. Becoming at an early age fa- miliar with all the branches taught in the common schools in the vicinity of his home, he attended the Ayer high school, graduating with its earli- est class. He attended the academy and later Phillips academy, from which he graduated. He then enter- ed Yale college, graduating with hon- or in the class of '80. Immediately upon leaving Yale, before returning to his home, he took a civil service ex- amination, passing successfully, near the head of the list. On August 16, 1880, he was appointed to a clerkship in the patent office at Washington. There he was from time to time pro- moted upon his merits as shown by competitive examination, from a $1200 position to that of first assistant ex- aminer at a salary of $1800 a year. When taken down with his last sick- ness he was acting principal examiner, with prospect of an early promotion to the position of principal." His wife was Anna Bancroft, daugh- ter of the late Edmund Dana Bancroft of Ayer, and she taught Moors school in 1878-79. Edward Adams Richardson, a pupil in 1864 and again from 1870 to 1875, was born in Groton Junction, Novem- ber 24, 1859. After leaving this school and the excellent methods of instruc- tion of Mrs. Torrey, he attended Law- rence academy, graduating in the class of 1879. He entered Yale in the class of 1883, and left college in his junior year to take up a business life. Has served the towns of Shirley and Ayer in public positions and now resides in Ayer. His name is also found among the list of pupils who have taught school after leaving No. 2. He is a son of Joseph H. and Mary Hart- well Richardson, and is of a family which has furnished several scholars at this school. Amos L. Ames, pupil 1868-72, was elected a selectman of Groton in the year 1911. Henry A. Billings, 1885, became a noted turfman at Chicago, where hia father was a wealthy gas manufac- turer. The Brown children of 1851, are liv- ing in New York and Pennsylvania at the present time, and were brothers and sisters of the late Michael Brown of Ayer, an older son of Mrs. Ellen Brown, a widow, who lived at the "pink house" south of James brook. 16 — .\(i. It. I'.(ii.i:iiiiiii ll:irt\vcll Iloii-f. Uiiilt IMT— Mi>\f.| 1!HI4. No. i:.. i;i.li;ir.l-.m llniin'. Ituilt Is.M. K. I);m:i r.Murrolt. Is-Jl— is'.Ki George B. Duren is a successful comiuission merchant in dry goods in New Yorlt city. He was a member of Company B, 26tli Massachusetts Regiment in the war of the rebellion. His parents, Robert and Betsey Duren, died, the one July 25, 1886, aged 82 years and 8 months, the other on July 7, 1886, aged 82 years and 8 months. John Willard Coding was born at Waterville. Me., April 5, 1866, the son of T. Madison Coding, who came into the district in 1874. John and his brothers attended Moors school and when the family removed to Ayer he entered the high school there, where he graduated in the class of 1883. Dur- ing his school days in Ayer he assisted Ceorge H. Hill as a druggist clerk, and in 1884, entered West Point mili- tary academy, where he ranked high in his studies. He was a favorite in all the schools he attended and a young man of great promise. He died suddenly at West Point at the age of nineteen, appar- ently up to that time in perfect health, after running up stairs to his room. Alline E. Marcy will be remembered by a few of the past pupils as having attended the school for a short time while her aunt, Mrs. Ellen M. Torrey, taught and with whom she lived at the time. Miss Marcy is the daughter of Dwight and Alline Williams Marcy, and was born at Tolland, Conn., in February, 1868. Her mother was one of the Williams family of Chicopee row, a family which furnished men and women as teachers for the schools of Groton for many years. Miss .Marcy is a graduate of Boston Law school and is a practicing lawyer in Boston and was among the first young ladies to graduate from that institution. Ralph Farnsworth Culver, son of James and Mary Holland Culver, was born on August 1, 1881, in Groton, graduated at the Lowell TeJctile school and as a chemist was employed at Littleton, Providence and Pawtucket, and then was head dyer for the Ar- nold Print Works, North Adams. He is now superintendent of the Hollis- ton mill at Norwood. IMass., and is quite a successful man along the lines of his chosen work. He has been a director and trustee of the institution in Ix)well at which he secured his technical training. The five sons of Theophilu.s Ciiinan Smith, who resides on the old Levi Stone and John .M. Cilson farm, have all extended the education received here by attending the high school and Lawrence academy at Groton. Fran- cis went to Tufts college, bocame a civil engineer and was employed by the Inited States government in the Phillipine Islands. lOdward went to Williams college, Lawrence took a course at the Massachusetts Agricul- tural college and Theophilus, jr., at- tended the Lowell Textile school. George attended the Groton high school and all the brothers have ex- cellent postions. It may be interesting to state that Nathan F. Culver once told his oldest daughter, Mary Elizabeth, that li<« and her mother often ploughed their way across the very farm they afterwards owned when they were pupils togeth- er at No. 2, one winter. They then lived at the Amos Farnsworth farm and the boy led the way to school, breaking the path through the deep snow for his future wife. When public spelling matclies were the rage in the New England towns, the schoolhouse was opened on several occasions in the evenings for a neigh- borhood contest and lamps were brought in and a generally social time was had. The presence of the fixed seats probably was all that prevented a country dance to wind up the meet- ing. So in the earlier days, spirit lamps were brought by every pupil to the writing schools given by some peripa- tetic teacher. The evening prayer meeting held here In the revival peri- od of 1871, gives another tJirn to our interest in the old schoolhouse and was intended to bring into the fold those in the district who were, per- haps, not afRliated with any particu- lar church. These meetings were af- terwards conducted at the "Yeast house," up on the hill, and later in a tent by evangelists from Boston. Some of the more recent pupils have expressed their pleasant recollections of the ride to school with the teacher, Miss Lonpley. as she drove from the neighborhood of the "other road," and recall the great alarm and constant solicitude they had for her and Clar- ence Tuttle when they were injured 17 at the railroad crossing on Decem- ber 23, 1891. One of the "school girls" who lived quite near the school Avrites: "I re- member with peculiar pleasure my five years of school life at the little brick schoolhouse on the hill. Time has brought many changes, but the fragrance of the memory of my child- hood days in Groton lingers very near my heart." Many of the teachers at this school afterwards continued their labors as educators in other places and some became famous as the heads of class- ical and technical schools. The following list of teachers will be found interesting for reference: 1802-3. John Farrar. 1817. Joshua Green. 1832. Curtis Lawrence. 1833. Elizabeth Jacobs. 1834. Maria Nutting. 1836. Clifford Belcher. 1840. Charles Dickson. 1841. Mary Brigham. 1842. Cynthia Jacobs. 1842-3. Samuel C. Wheeler. 1846. Curtis Lawrence. 1847. Harriet B. Harwood; Curtis Lawrence. 1848-9. Artemas Longley. 1849. Susan F. Lawrence; J. Otis Whitney. 1850. Agnes B. Pollard; Hollis Carr. 1851. Agnes B. Pollard; John P. Towne. 1852. Alma Willard; Alden Ladd. 1853. Agnes B. Pollard; Alden Ladd. 1854. Mary E. Andrews; Mary P. Baker. 1855. Frances O. Peabody; Charles O. Thompson. 1856. Jane E. Davis; Solomon Flagg. 1857. Amanda Parsons; Earl Web- ster Westgate. 1858. Elizabeth Graham; Cecil F. P. Bancroft. 1859. Susan F. Bancroft; Cecil F. P. Bancroft. 1860. Susan F. Bancroft; Rufus Liv- ermore. 1861. Susan F. Bancroft; George A. Bruce. 1862. Julia M. Page; Charles E. Blgelow. 1863. Emma C. Hartwell; Emma C. Hartwell. J864. Emma C. Hartwell; Benjamin H. Hartwell. 1865. Lizzie S. Jaquith; Maria C. Wright. 1866. Fannie E. Wright; James C. C. Parker. 1867. Fannie E. Wright; Jennie Wright. 1868. Cynthia A. Goodnow; Andrew F. Reed. 1869. Arabella Prescott; Andrew P. Reed. 1870. Genie A. Hunt; Jennie Wright, two terms. 1871. Jennie Wright, three terms. 1872. Jennie Wright; Lucy Hill; El- len M. Torrey. 1873-4-5-6. Ellen M. Torrey. 1877. Ellen M. Torrey Mason, thir- teen terms in all. 1877. Clara F. Woods, three terms. 1878. Clara F. Woods; Abby D. Pen- niman; J. H. Warren. 1879. Anna Bancroft, two terms; Sarah F. Longley, one term. 1880-1891. Sarah F. Longley, thirty- six terms. 1892. Dora L. Bailey taught in winter. 1892-3. Nannette J. May, three terms. 1893. M. Leola Wright, one term. 1893. Sarah F. Longley, one term. 1894-1907. Sarah F. Longley, forty- two terms. 1908. Mary H. Kimball, two terms. 1908-1911. Sarah F. Longley, ten terms. John Farrar, who taught In the winter of 1802-3, was born in Lincoln, Mass., July 1, 1779, and graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1803. From 1805 to 1836, he was connected with the college as tutor and instruc- tor in Greek in the early years and later held the chair of Hollis profes- sor of mathematics and natural phil- osophy. He also published a text book on the elements of algebra. He died on May 8, 1853. The following is taken from a notice in the Chris- tian Examiner for July 1853: "Like other students of limited means he kept school in some coun- try town during the winter vaca- tions; once at Groton, where he form- ed a friendship with the elder member of the family of Lawrence, which lasted through their lives." The following letter contributed to this article by Dr. Samuel A. Green, the historian of Groton and librarian of the Massachusetts Historical soci- ety, from his files, is so peculiarly 18 — of interest locally that It is inserted here in complete form. It is acMress- od to Deacon Samuel Farrar of Lin- coln, and that person was undoubt- edly iiis father, as is shown by tlie customary respectful tone of letters in those days to parents. There were evidently other stu- dent teachers in the party. The farm referred to was the one known in recent years as the Culver place, then owned and occupied by Major Joseph Moors, a soldier of the colonial and revolutionary wars, who was born on May 30, 1738. He was at the siege of Louisburg in 17.^8, and commanded a company under Col. William Pres- cott at the battle of Bunker Hill. He died on July 25, 1820. His son Ben- jamin was born in 1793, and died at Groton Center, August 16, 1853, after ho sold the farm to Aaron Mason. The Farrar letter Is as follows: Groton, January 1, ISO.''.. Dear Sir: After leaving you at Con- cord we proceeded on our journey as fast as the badness of the road would permit us to travel and arrived at Groton about 6 In the evening:. We tarried at Mr. Hall's tavern near the meeting house over night and the next morning were conducted to our re- spective districts. On the friday fol- lowing I opened my school with about twenty schollars. The number has been increasing since so that now I have about fifty. With respect to my boarding place I have such an one as I could wish. I live with one of the first farmers in the County of Middle- sex. Maj. Moors the gentleman's name, keeps about forty head of cattle besides sheep, horses, turkeys, hog.s. etc., etc. He sometimes raises seven or eight hundred bushels of rye, near- ly as much corn and between ten and fifteen thousand weight of hops. His hops this last season brought him in upwards of one thousand dollars, but they cost him more labor to pre- pare them for the market than to got his hay. Last year they wero cut off together with large fit-Ids of rye and nnples in all probability for one hun- drpd and fifty beryls of cyder, by a most remarkable hall storm near the first of .Tune. The hall stones were many of them as large as partridge eggs and fell In such quantities and with such violence as to break all the glass of the buildings faceing the wind, and to cover the floors of houses with soot and black hnll stones. The Rtohm happened on Monday, when it was very warm, and, altho' It lasted but onTel hour and an half, the hall stones were knee deep In a certain tray fashion place near here on the Friday following. Parson Write fUev. rblneas Wright] of Boulton, preaching hero the succeeding Sunday. picked up hall stones In the road and carried homo for a show. Orrhards were so stripped and briilsod that they havo borne but little since and large dints In the buildings about here still remain as monuments of this tremen- dous storm. I live, sir, with a very hospitable and benevolent people. My accoinoda- tlons are very good. I live about one quarter of a mile from school and about two miles from meeting. Wo have today, sir, experienced a very pleasant and agreeable com- mencement of a new year. While it reminds of the benevolence and the contlnu<>d mercy of Providence, ought It not to lead us to rellect on the quick sticcesslon of years, on the short- ness and the value of life, to consider and to correct the errors of the past year, and to fortify our minds with such principles of virtue and piety, as shall preserve us In the pleasant and peaceful paths of wisdom. You, sir. and the rest of the family wheth- er at home or absent T mfost] cordial- ly wish a happy new year, and many yet to come. I acknowledge the debt of gratitude. I feel a tender attach- ment in the family. Every new scene of life leads me to value more and more highly those habits and prin- ciples Imbibed in early youth, for which I am Indebted to kind and obliging Parents. I wish, sir. to hear from home, particularly of the acci- dent which .Tames lately met with, of his health, of Samuel's, what doing, etc., etc. My health, sir. God bo praised, is good, and think not, sir, that I am unconslous of the Important blessing. JOHN FARRAR. One of the early teachers was .Tosliua Green, the father of Hon. Samuel A. Green, the historian of Groton and the present librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Gene- alogical society, born on March Ti, 1830. Dr. Green the elder, was born In Wendell, Mass., October 8, 1707. He attended the academies at New Salem, Westfield and Milton, and f::raduated at Harvard in the class of 1818, and took his M. D. degree at the Harvard Medical school In 1821. It was during his Harrard course that he taught the school here for one winter and boarded on Farmers' row, in the family of Major Samuel Lawrence, whose daughter Eliza, ho married in January F>. 1824. He began the practise of his profes- sion In Sunderland in March 1823, but returned to Groton In the spring of 182.^^, whrro he continued in his Iirnfession for many years. He rep- resented the town In the legislature in 1S36 and 1837, was a trustee of the — 19 academy from 1831 to 1867. He had a fondness for genealogical research, which his son has inherited to a marked degree. In 1849, he was chosen a corresponding member of the New England Historical and Genealogical society. After the death of his wife he went to live with his daughter in Morristown, N. J., where he died on June 5, 1875. Maria H. Nutting, or as she was christened in Groton, Hannah Maria Nutting, was an early teacher here in about the year 1834. She was the daughter of Joseph Danforth and Lu- cinda Keep Nutting, and was born on January 17, 1814. Entered Groton academy in 1832, and after teaching a few years in this vicinity, went to Hudson, Ohio, where her uncle, Rufus Nutting, of Groton, was one of the first professors in Western Reserve college, then located there and which she attended. In 1839, she returned east and was married on March 4, in that year, to Rev. Nathan Stone Ben- ham of Byron, N. Y., a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. As intending mis- sionaries they were married at a pub- lic service in the church at Groton by Rev. Dudley Phelps, and sailed from Boston in the ship Arno, July 6, 1839, with other missionaries, for Singa- pore, where they arrived on October 2:^ and located at Bangkok, Siam, on March 1, 1840. Mr. Benham was not long engaged in the work before he was drowned by the upsetting of a boat in April, 1840, and his widow returned to the United States in May, 1840. She mar- ried again in Dummerston, Vt., Dr. Isaac Newton Knapp, November 17, 1845, and died at Clear Lake, Minne- sota, on January 18, 1884. Her brother. Rev. John W. Nutting, of Auburndale, Fla., says of her: "Her life was a checkered one, but was wholly spent in humble service to others. She was the good angel for all the sick or destitute wherever she lived. Through long assisting her husband, in attending upon the sick, she became so much of a physician that her usefulness in the new regions of her later life was very great." Clifford Belcher was born in Farm- inc,ton, Me., March 31, 1819, and died at Homeopathic hospital in Boston, December 24, 1879. He was the son of Clifford and Deborah Allen Belcher, the father being of Stoughton and his mother of Princeton. He taught this school in 1836, and was one of those student teachers for he was a gradu- ate of Harvard college in the class of 1837. In the "Memorials of the Class of 1837, of Harvard University," is an extended notice. He studied law and began the practice of his profession in New York city. Went to New Or- leans about 1846, and is said to have accumulated a large property which was swept away at the time of the civil war. He served one year as major in the Confederate army. Judge Holmes (who saw him in St. Louis, about 1875) says: "His success in his profession would seem to argue ability, character, and knowledge of the law, and I have no doubt he pos- sessed all these in an eminent degree. The civil law and practice of Louisi- ana are quite different from the juris- prudence of the other states, and re- quire familiarity with the system and much comprehensive learning, and he appears to have been a com- petent master of it." Charles Dickson was a son of Wal- ter Dickson 2nd, and was born at the Groton homestead near No. 3 school on August 8, 1809. He fitted for college at Groton academy and went to Yale where he graduated in the class of 1835. in the winter of 1840, he taught the school in District No. 2. In the spring of 1855, he moved with his family to Kansas and was one of those earnest eastern men who sought to save Kansas for the group of free states. His daughter Louisa, afterwards married William Liver- more and they were living about five and one-half miles south of Lawrence at the time of Quantrell's raid, during the civil war, and Mr. Dickson's house was burned. The Livermore house on an adjoining claim was not burned. After the destruction of Lawrence the guerrillas returned to Missouri by the road that passed the Livermore farm and Mrs. Livermore, who is now living in Shirley, tells how the fam- ilies hid in the sugar cane and watch- ed their destructive passage. Mr. Dickson died at Quenemo, Osage County, Kansas, July 5, 1881. ^20 — Kuril ;il (.ruloii. Mil".. Mr. .nili.T 2s. IMT. I'i.-.l I •.■.■.iiil-tT :•. IM'I. Curtis Ltiwrence. lT!)!t— 1SS8. No. 4. Nathiin Sawtell House. Mary Loring Brigham, daughter of George Brigham, of Groton, was born in that town on November 2, IS^li. She was a half-sister of tlie late George Dexter Brigham, for many years the town clerk. She attended Groton academy, entering in IbuG, and in the spring of 1841, taught No. 2 school. She married Mr. Gardner .Morse of New Haven, Conn., in De- cember, 1843, and died on February 20, 1856. Elizabeth Jacobs was born in 1813, and taught in 1835. She died in Gro- ton in the year 1899. Cynthia S. Jacobs probably taught in 1842. She was the daughter of Sylvester and Cynthia Jacobs of Gro- ton. and was born on the homestead in 1815, and died In the year of 1842. She was a sister of Elizabeth, who also taught here, and Charles Jacobs, who had particular charge of this school as committee-man for years. In the spring of 1847, Miss Harriet Byron Harwood was the teacher. She was the daughter of Nahum and So- phia (Kimball) Harwood, and was born in Littleton, Mass., October 6, 1822. She entered Groton academy in 1840, and there prepared for teach- ing. She also taught in Lancaster, Mass., in 1848, and was married on January 1, 1850, to John W. Mulliken of Boxborough, and died in Charles- town, Mass., June 5, 1853. She was one of five brothers and sisters of the family, of which Joseph A. Har- wood of Littleton, and Nahum Har- wood of Leominster, were members. The records show that Deacon Cur- tis Lawrence taught this school in 1847 and since his daughter went to school to him at her first attendance here we then have a verbal record of an earlier charge over this school. Mr. Lawrence in 1847 was a veteran teacher in the schools of Groton dur- ing the winter terms. He was born in Groton April 26, 1799, at the old homestead on the east road in the district and his sons and daughters were pupils here and some of them went on througli llie academy and college. His administration was marked by great interest and improvement. The school committee remarked in their report that "Love and respect for teacher were everywhere manifest." •Mr. Lawrence also taught what was called the grammar school at No. 12, CJroton Junction, which some of the larger boys of District No. 2 attended winters. He was a remarkably tall nian and kindliness lurked in the eyes overshadowed by his long shag- gy eyebrows. He was long a notice- able person in tills vicinity and died ill Groton February 23, 1888. His lirst wife was Lucy Merriam, the mother of his children and she died November 18, 1846. Susan Frances Lawrence, daughter of Deacon Curtis Lawrence, is now living in Groton in the home of her son. She married Reuben Lewis on November 8, 18G6, and has one son, Frank D. I^ewis, and one daughter, Susie E., wife of George S. Knapp. Mrs. Lewis was born in Groton on November 30, 1828, and is probably both the oldest living pupil and teacher of this school. As a pupil in 1833 Mrs. Lewis re- members the old fireplace which was supposed to sulhciently heat the building. After leaving the school as a pupil she attended Groton Academy and Appleton academy in New Ips- wich, and one year at Mt. Holyoke seminary and returned as a teacher in the summer of 1849 and taught several years elsewhere. The following description of the schoolroom in 1833, may interest some of the present day scholars. Mrs. Lewis says: "I remember the schoolroom as it was in those early days. The large fire-place was in the middle of the side opposite tlie door at which one entered. The teacher's desk was in the corner of the same side. On the other sides were the seats for the scholars with desks in front of them; the boys on one side, the girls on the other. There was a large space be- tween them, where the scholars wont out and stood in a line to read, spell, etc. "The word given out to spell, if not spelled correctly by the one to whom given, was passed on, the one who spelled it right going above the others. The one who was at the head of the class wore a nitMial home at night, in tlie morning returning it and taking a place at the foot of the class. The medal was a twenty- five cent piece with a hole in it." — 21 — This system of spelling down, or spelling up, was quite in vogue about forty years ago, and the description given us by Mrs. Lewis shows that it had continued from a much earlier date. In those days the teacher must have been considered when the desk was located in the corner, comforta- bly near the fire-place. Lucy Maria Lawrence, a sister, was a pupil here previous to her attend- ance at Groton Academy in 1837. She married Rev. William Wood on July 11, 1847, and they sailed in the same month for Bombay as missionaries at Satara mission in India. Two sons were born there and after the death of their mother in India they were sent to Groton to their grandfather, Deacon Curtis Lawrence and were pupils at the district school in 1857. One was William Curtis Wood, who went to li'ale and died in New Haven in 1875, the other was Edward Ad- dison Wood, who graduated at Har- vard Medical school in 1869 and be- came a successful physician and di d July 18, 1886. Edward Addison Lawrence, oldest son of Curtis Lawrence, was a pupil here before 1837, when he attended Lawrence Academy. He was born February 25, 1823, graduated at Dart- mouth in 1843 and was a teacher for many years. He was principal of Ap- pleton academy at New Ipswich, N. H., for a period of seven years, after- wards a high school teacher, and he also taught a select school for boys at Wyoming, Pa., for several years. He died in Orange, N. J., February 6, 1911, aged eighty-eight years. The interest of the Curtis Lawrence family has continued for over a cen- tury in this school, through the fath- er and son and daughters, and Mrs. Lewis's husband, the late Reuben Lewis, was one of the school com- mittee for several years. Samuel Cragln Wheeler, a son of Artemas and Esther (Cragin) Wheel- er, was born in Temple, N. H., April 27, 1820. After 1834, he was living with his parents in Groton on the road to the soapstone quarry at a farm just northerly of the farm of Deacon Isaiah Cragin, whose daugh- ter Asenath he married, September 29, 1852. He entered a student at Groton academy in 1838, and it was probably at the close of his course here that he taught the school at District No. 2. John P. Hildreth of Townsend sat under his instruction for two terms after 1841, and without much doubt he taught in the winters of 1842 and 1843. He died In Gro- ton on January 3, 1857. Artemas Longley of Shirley was the winter school master for the term of 1848-49. He was born in Shirley October 19, 1815, and married May 18, 1845, Elizabeth Barrett of Shirley. Mr. Longley was a teacher of exper- ience and a strict master of discipline in the school. One old scholar re- members how one daj' he called up an unruly boy, took him and threw him out of the window into a large snow bank, saying "When you think you can behave yourself you come in and do so." He had no further trouble with that boy. Mr. Longley purchased a farm in Groton, on the cross road, in 1852, where his family now reside, and his daughters have all been most suc- cessful teachers, one of whom Sarah H. is the present teacher. He died at Groton, February 26, 1876. Agnes Bancroft Pollard was em- ployed as teacher for the spring terms of 1850-51-53. She was a most ener- getic teacher and in full control of her school. She was born in Groton on November 8, 1833, the youngest child of Jacob and Betsey (Davis) Pollard. She married, April 25, 1854, Asa Stillman Lawrence of Groton, and died on March 15, 1861. A son of this union, William Asa Lawrence, is a resident of Groton and one who has always manifested a deep inter- est in the public schools of his na- tive town. Hollis Carr was born in Stow, Mass., June 12, 1825, and this school in Gro- ton in 1850, was one of the early ones taught by him. He also taught the Ballard Hill school in Lancaster, Mass., and in New Jersey and Phila- delphia. In 1862, he married Annie Parker of Pepperell, who died several years ago. Mr. Carr died on December 17, 1910, in Harvard, where he had been a resident many years. A notice of him appeared in Turner's Public Spirit under date of December 24, from which the following extract is taken: "Mr. Carr was a man of unusual education for his times, and during — 22 — his younger days gained a reputation as a succesBful" teacher in the sur- rounding towns. He was of an ex- ceedingly Itlndly disposition and was universally liked by young and old." Alden Ladd presided over the s<;hool during the winter terms of 1852 and 1853. He was born at John- son, Vt., in 1830, and came to Law- rence academy in 1849, as a student. His parents were Avery S. and Sally (Cole) Ladd. He spent some time at Windsor Hill, attending lectures in the theological seminary, preparing for the ministry. He became a preach- er of the Congregational faith and was pastor at Waterville, sixteen years in Roxbury and six years in Berlin and West Berlin, all in Ver- mont. He married first Sarah Ed- wards and secondly Mary Prentiss, both of Roxbury. The last years of his life were passed at West Ran- dolph, Vt., where he died .July 1, 15^87. At the close of Mr. Ladd's services in Groton, Mr. Boutwell, for the school committee, reported that they believed female teachers could be em- ployed all the year around to advant- age in some cases. Some of the par- ents had complained of the over strict discipline and the harshness of his corrective methods. Miss Alma H. Willard was a lady of fine scholarship. She was born in 1828, the daughter of Stedman and. Mary Howard Willard, who lived on the more recent John W. Tuttle farm. The family came from Lancaster to Groton in 1844, so that her attendance here as a pupil was quite brief before she went to the academy in 1845. After leaving the academy she taught at school No. 4 in Westford, and at No. 10 and 11 in Groton, and at this school in 1852. She was much loved and respected as a teacher on account of her thoroughness and ability to con- trol the children under her care. Her two sisters, Almeda and Lydia, were also fine teachers. She married George Kendall of Ashby in 1864, who died on April 18, 1893. She was nearly blind In her later life and died in March, 1904. Miss Mary Elizabeth Andrews taught the school in 1854, and boarded in the family of John Hodgman. She was In the next year a student at Law- rence academy and had attended Ap- pleton academy in New Ipswich, N. H.. before teaching. The school at No. 2 was her first experience as a teacher and was followed by engage- ments at the Harris Crossing school in Shirley, called the southeast dis- trict; tlnn at Shlrlfy village, and at Groton Junction, where she labored successfully for several years. She was the daughter of Peter and Sarah (.Miirston) Andrews of Shirley, and was born on September 30, 1833, on tlie farm where her brother Charles now lives. She married In 1871, Al- pheus A. Adams, a merchant of Ches- ter, Vt., and died there In 1899. In 1855, Mary P. Baker came from Lowell, Mass., to teach this school. She was the daughter of Stephen and Sarah Curtis Baker, and was born at Tunbridge, Vt.. .March 6, 182C. Her mother died while the child was In infancy, and at the age of thirteen, she was deprived by death of her father. She was always bright and precocious as a child and could read in tlie new testament at the age of three years, and at the age of seven was the last to remain standing at a union spelling school. Her excel- lent education was secured in Lowell and she taught school in Tunbrldge, Groton and Pepperell. She married Joseph Whitney in Pepperell on No- vember 20, 1856, and is now living in Wells River, Vt.. and Is an invalid. Frances O. Peabody, a daughter of John and Abigail (Spaulding) Pea- body, was born in Groton. Mass., Feb- ruary 21, 1825. The home of her par- ents was the present Bigelow place on Main street, from which her brother William moved to the farm on the Ayer road, where he died on June 19, 1910. Frances, called Fannie in those days, was one of a family of six daughters and two sons, and of the sons, William only grew to man- hood. The daughters were Frances, Elizabeth. Sarah, Mary Jane, Susan and Abigail. The first four became school teachers and taught In Gro- ton and the surrounding towns. Their early education was supplemented by an attendance at Groton academy, and Francos taught at No. 2 In the spring of 1S55, and at other times at school No. 3, Farmers' row, and at No. 9 in the Brown Ixiaf Hill district Miss Peabody for several years was matron in Dr. Brown's institution for feeble minded children and youth at — 2.3 Barre, Mass., and filled the position with marked success. She was never married and died in Groton, March 19, 1907. Charles O. Thompson, during the winter of 1855-56, came from Dart- mouth college and taught the school, as others have done, resuming the college work in the spring. Mr. Thompson afterwards was president of the school now known as the Wor- cester Polytechnic institute at Wor- cester, Mass., and became one of the foremost educators of his time. The older pupils at No. 2 will remember the valuable instruction he gave them. The following extract is taken from a memorial to Charles O. Thompson, prepared by a committee of the Terre Haute Literary club, of which he was a member, "Charles Oliver Thompson, A. M., Ph. D., was born September 25, 1835, in East Windsor Hill, Connecticut, where his father, William Thompson, D. D., was then professor in the Con- necticut Theological Seminary since removed to Hartford in the same state. He prepared for college under Paul A. Chadbourne, and entered Dartmouth in 1854. He was gradua- ted in 1858, and received his degree of Master of Arts in 1861. His own college bestowed upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1879, and Williams in 1880. Prom September, 1858, till November, 1864, he was prin- cipal of Peacham academy in Ver- mont. From 1864, till the opening months of 1868, he was principal of the Cotting high school of Arlington, Mass. In February, 1868, he was elected principal of the Worcester Free Institute of Industrial Science. After spending eight months in Eu- rope, he assisted at the opening of that school in November of the same year. In April, 1882, he accepted the presidency of the Rose Polytechnic institute at Terre Haute. Beginning with the following July, he spent an- other eight months in Europe. March 7, 1883, he delivered his inaugural ad- dress at the Rose Polytechnic, and held the presidency of that institution till his death, March 17, 1885. May 14, 1862, he married Miss Maria Goodrich, daughter of Horace Goodrich, M. D., at East Windsor Hill, Connecticut. His widow and three children survive him. Miss Jane Elizabeth Davis was born in Newburyport, Mass., January 26, 1834, the daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia Knapp (Hills) Davis. Her grandfather Davis built and lived in the old Adolphus Holden house, now in Ayer, on the Nashua river. The present house was built about one hundred years ago, but the original house stood where the barn now is, and was built by the maternal an- cesteors of Mr. Davis, the Stones, who were the original settlers of the farm. Miss Davis, the subject of this sketch, moved up to the Amos Farnsworth farm in 1851, when a young lady of seventeen, at that time of its pur- chase by her father. Miss Davis taught the school at No. 2 in 1856, and this was her only experience at teach- ing. In June, 1866, she married Al- fred Pollard, who died in August, 1871. In November, 1872, she became the wife of Asa Stillman Lawrence, and died in her home in Groton in October, 1888, leaving no children. A sister, Sarah M. (Davis) Powers, is now living in Leominster. Earl Webster Westgate taught here the winter term of 1856-57. He was born in Plainfield, N. H., August 31, 1838, son of John and Betsey Ann Westgate. While teaching he boarded like many other teachers in the fam- ily of John M. Gilson, near the school. Since leaving Groton he has been en- gaged in teaching and farming in Kansas and now lives in Manhattan, Kansas. He has been master of the state grange from 1900 to 1906, and representative for his county in the state legislature for the years 1909- 10. He was married on August 21, 1861, to Julia Maria Porter, and No- vember 11, 1905, to Lousia M. Cow- ell, and has a son Porter and daugh- ter Julia. He is an active, energetic man in his county and state. In the spring of 1857, Miss Amanda Parsons came from East Gloucester, Mass., to teach this school and while in Groton boarded with her cousins, the Harrimans, who lived on the old Moors place near the school. Miss Parsons had attended the public schools in her native town and taken a course at the Salem Normal school, and was a fine scholar. She was the daughter of Thomas L. and Matilda C. Parsons, and was born at East Glou- sester, December 14, 1836. Her father — 24 — I'.iitlcr lliuli S,li,M,l. r.iiill 1^7(1. N... III. .Inlin K. (,il-.in llcni-c. Itiiilt in IsTI - ISiininl in 1!h>J. Dr. Cecil F. 1". I'.aiu roll. was an old-time sea captain and the homestead of her parents was her home for years after her teaching ex- perience at Grotou. She never mar- ried and died at the old Parsons home on April 19, 11)10. Miss Mary p]lizabeth Graham was In charge of this school In the summer term of 1858. She was a graduate of the State Normal school at Framing- ham and had attended Lawrence acad- emy. She was born in Lunenburg, Mass., in December, 1839, the daugh- ter of Ephraim Graham, who had been a teacher in Fitchburg, Lunenburg and Leominster. After leaving Gro- ton. Miss Graham taught in East Wal- pole, Westminster, North Leominster and four years in Worcester. She then married Henry L. Bates of Bos- ton, and is living in Dorchester. The scholars of the winter terms of 1858 and 1859, were favored in hav- ing for their teacher, none other than Cecil F. P. Bancroft, who here began that profession which he made his life work and in which he was preemi- nently successful. Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft, Ph. D., Lit. D., Will- iams; L. L. D., Yale; was born in New Ipswich, N. H., November 25, 1839, and died at Audover, Mass., Oc- tober 1, 1901. Mr. Bancroft was a student at Dartmouth college and was permitted to come to Groton to teach. He still kept up his studies and grad- uated at the college in the class of 1860. After graduation he was prin- cipal of Appleton academy, Mt. Ver- non, N. H., from 1860 to 1864; a theo- logical student at Union Theological seminary, Schenectady, N. Y., 1865-66, and at Andover Theological seminary, 1865 to 1867. He married on May 6, 1867, Miss Frances Adelia Kittredge, a former pupil and resident at Mt. Vernon, and immediately they went to Chattanooga to assume charge of "A loyal Chris- tian New England school for i)Oor whites," on Lookout Mountain. Here they remained until the school was closed in 1872. The years 1872-73, were spent In travel and study In Europe, and returning to America In 1873, Mr. Bancroft assumed the prln- cipalship of Phillips academy at An- dover, Mass. He labored here with great success for twenty-eight years, a beloved instructor and greatly la- mented at his death, October 4, 1901. Three generations of Mr. Bancroft's ancestry lived in Groton in its early settlement and his parents, Dtvicon James Bancroft und his wife, Sarah Kendall Bancroft, moved to New Ips- wich, N. H., where the subject of lhl.s sketch was born, p^urly in life h« went to live with .Mr. and Mr». Patch of Ashby, friends of his parents. They had recently lost a little son by death and Cecil seemed to All the aching void in their hearts. He attended the schools in Ashby and prepared for college at Appleton academy In New Ipswich. Here he formed a life-long friendship with John Wesley Church- ill, who was with him at Andover. later in life, and was a noted teacher of elocution and reader. .Mr. Bancroft was present at the centennial celebration of Lawrence academy at Groton in 1893, and re- ferred to the fact that he was "ex- amined" by the late George S. Bout- well, when he applied to teach dis- trict school No. 2. One of his pupils at this school states that she always remembered the impressive manner in which their teacher conducted the re- (luired religious service at the open- ing of school and how on the last day of his teaching here he was greatly surprised when presented with a bible by his scholars. His son, Cecil K. Bancroft, of An- dover, informs me in writing: "I have before me a bible, 'Presented by liis piipils of District No. 2, In Gro- ton, Mass., February, 1859.'" His services here were most ef!1- cient and brought out from the school committee the terse and fitting en- dorsement: "The school was in every respect a good one." He was a close companion at Dart- mouth of George A. Bruce and George A. Marden, who both came from Mt. Vernon, N. H., and this undoubt- edly led to his going there to teach. Mr. Bruce afterwards taught at Dis- trict No. 2, and George A. Marden was for years the editorial head of the Lowell Journal and Courier, and treiusurer and receiver general of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. As principal at Appleton academy, Mt. Vernon, Mr. Bancroft had the able as.sistance, im j»receptes3, of his accomplished sister, who also taught the summer term for two years here at No. 2. — '2b — The following extract as tributes from friends are taken from an obit- uary notice of him in the Andover Townsman of October 1, 1901: "His early success as a teacher forecast his life work, although in the meantime he made full prepara- tion for the gospel ministry." "Thousands of young men who have gone out into the larger educational fields, or into business life from the great school, whose head. Dr. Ban- croft so long was, will ever tell by the influence of their lives, by the high standards they will raise, and through the strong characteristics they will ever show, that the founda- tions were laid by a master hand in the building of young manhood." "All those that taught with him and a large proportion of his pupils are grateful that they were privileged to hear the morning petitions offered in the school chapel. Those prayers were gracious messages of peace and strength, and enabled many to es- tablish their ways against evil and live a life that was true and service- able." "But I cannot forbear adding that the boy was father to the man, the young teacher was the prophecy of the mature education, for the same genial, cheery, kindly, unselfish heart, that won and blessed all who came under its influence in earlier days, is the sufficient secret of the success, which has crowned his twenty-eight years of tireless service in Andover, and makes the whole town, as well as the hosts of his scattered pupils sincerely mourn his death." Susan F. Bancroft was a successful teacher here in the summer terms of 1859-60-61. She was born in New Ips- wich, N. H., October 25, 1836, the daughter of James and Sarah W. Kendall Bancroft. She married Al- bert Conant of Boston, June, 1867, and died in Charlestown on January 28, 1885. The following is an extract from an obituary notice of her in 1885: "At an early age she attended the common schools of her town and then entered New Ipswich Appleton acad- emy where she pursued her studies, attained a high rank as a scholar and commenced the development of those noble traits of womanly character which became so conspicuous in her after life. At the age of sixteen she began to teach the "District school," first in the town of Nelson, and, sub- sequently, in New Ipswich, Rindge and Wilton. In the autumn of 1860, she became preceptress of Appleton academy, now McCollom institute, in Mt. Vernon, where she remained four years, the academy during that time being under the charge of her brother. Rev. Cecil F. P. Bancroft, Ph. D., now principal of Phillips academy, An- dover, Mass. She again taught pub- lic schools in Mt. Vernon, Amherst, and also in Randolph and Charles- town, Mass. She was devoted to her chosen profession and never seemed to be more happy than when engaged in imparting instruction. She was always at ease in the schoolroom and made it attractive for her pupils. With them her rule was love and her word was law which they kindly and cheer- fully obeyed. She had a thorough knowledge of her subjects and the wonderful art of making her scholars to understand them. Of her it can be truly said, she was apt to teach." Rufus Livermore. who taught this school in the winter of 1860, was born in Groton on November 1, 1839, son of Daniel and Abigail (Trask) Liver- more. He fitted for college at Law- rence academy and studied for a while at Williams college. He then attend- ed the Albany Law school and was admitted to the bar of New York state. While familiarizing himself with the Massachusetts legal code and teach- ing, the war broke out and he was one of the first to enlist and as a member of (Groton) Company B, 6th regiment, was in the bloody march through Baltimore, April 19, 1861. He returned to Groton and assisted in securing further enlistments and final- ly went again to the war in the Third Rhode Island cavalry. On January 22, 1863, he was married to Martha Elizabeth Todd. After the war he lived for a while at the Lewis Blood place on Washing- ton street, Groton Junction, now Ayer. After this brief residence here, he moved to Orange, and became closely identified with the concern which eventually became the Rodney Hunt Machine Company, of which he was secretary and director. He became one of the most prominent and re- spected citizens of the town. He was — 26 Iliilii- LiMTiiiniv. ls;!!i-ls;il. ^ Vi^iMt;^^ ^fj m '■( ■ ^ J ^itM ■B^jf* "^iin^^^^^^^^l 1 ^ . "^r-^*^ * J N.'. ;;■'. I»i.k-<>n l>j.Uiii"'ii II. mi Dr. r>L'iiJamiii Hull llnrtw t'll. J>oru r\'l)riiary 27, iSiJ— Died December 0, rj04. a representative to the state legisla- ture in 1879, and a state senator for the years 1883 and 1SS4. Mr. Livermore diod in Orange, July 8, 1891. after a short illness. Ho was closely connected with many local organizations, was an active, earnest member of the Congregational church, a superintendent and teacher in the Sunday school, and active in all work which promoted tiie welfare of the community. One of his associates has fittingly said: "Mr. Livermore was a man for whom I felt the highest respect. It was not necessary to know him a long time and to watch his course through a series of years in order to be assured of his sterling character. He was one of the few men whose every act was impressed with inti- mate integrity and honor." George Anson Bruce, in the winter of 1861, became the teacher. It is interesting to note that Cecil F. P. Bancroft, a former to;icher, was then teaching at l\lt. Vernon, N. H., the place of birth of Mr. Bruce, where he was born on November 19, 1839. His parents were Nathaniel and Lucy (Butterfield) Bruce. He graduated at Dartmouth in the class of 1861, and after leaving school No. 2, served in Thirteenth N. H. Volunteers in the war of the rebellion. He was admit- ted to the bar of Middlesex county in Massachusetts in April, 1866. He was a member of the New Hampshire legis- lature, and in 1882-3-4, in the Massa- chusetts senate, being president in the last named year. He moved to Somerville in 1874, and was mayor of tliat city for three years. He mar- ried on .January 26, 1870, Clara Moors Hall, daughter of Joseph Fletcher and Sarah (Longley) Hall of Groton. Julia Maria Page was the teacher in the spring of 1862, and was born in Shirley on August 12. 1844. She was the daughter of George and Abi- gail (Gibson) Page. Slie had tlie ben- efit of the instruction at Shirley Cen- ter of Charles Goodrich, who taught advanced scholars in the lower room of the town house, whero she and her brother Walter both attended. She was also taught privately by Mary Longloy, a sister of tiio late Melvln W. Longley. This school at Groton was her first, and she taught later at Shirley village and Sliirlt-y Cen- ter. She married Tliomas L. Hazea of Shirley on November 17, 1867, and died on September 6, 1883. Their daugliter, Mabel G. Hazen, born on July 27, 1872, wa« a graduate of Fitchburg high school, Smith <-ollege, and took a course at P.ridgewater as preparation for teacher. Like her mother, she has been a successful teacher. Emma Caroline Hartwell. daugliter of Benjamin F. and Emma Whitman Hartwell, was born in Acton, .Mass., May 20, 1843, and with her brother Benjamin came with tlieir parents to Groton, the place of birth of the fath- er, when quite young. She graduated at Lawrence academy and became a teacher. She taught this scliool in the summer and winter of 1863. and in the summer of 1864. She afterwards went to Galiopolis, Ohio where she taugiit for several y«'ars and wliere she was married to .M. V. B. Ktnnedy. The family afterward moved to Zanes- ville. Ohio, where .Mr. Kennedy died. She now resides witli her only son in the last named city. The school committee were pleased to say in tiieir rei)ort for 1863-64: "The summer and winter terms were taught by Miss Emma C. Hart- well of tills town, wlio possesses ad- mirable (lualities for a teacher"; and in the next report for 1864-65: "She is a thorough scholar and insists upon thoroughness on the part of her pu- pils." Benjamin Hall Hartwell. who taught in the winter of 1S64. had been a pupil with his brother Harris in the same school. This was his first experience in the profession which he later gave up for that of a physician. He was born in Acton, Mass., February 27. 1845. and came to Groton with his parents in 1847. to the "community" location. He graduated at I>awrence academy and after his season of teach- ing here, taught the school at Sandy Iiond. now in Ayer, and then the high scliool at Groton Center. Educational interest lost a good teacher and the medical profession gained an eminent- ly successful practitioner. He be- came a re«ld»'nt of (he present town of Ayor In 1869, and was closely Iden- tifit'd with Its schools and other pub- lic institutions. He died at Ayer on — 27 December 6, 1904, much lamented and long to be remembered. Miss Lizzie S. Jaquith, the teacher for the summer of 1865, was born in Ashby, Mass., and attended the dis- trict schools and the high school in that town. From the high school she came to teach the school in this dis- trict. After leaving Groton she taught in Ashby, Ashburnham, New Ipswich, Milford district schools until her marriage in 1876, to Erastus O. Wheel- er of Ashby. She died in 1880. A sister resides in Fitchburg, and a son in Pomfret, Vt. Maria Catherine Wright, the eldest daughter of Deacon Alva Wright, taught in the winter of 1865. She was born in Groton, August 18, 1842; was a pupil at No. 2, and entered Law- rence academy in 1854. With some other ambitious young ladies in 1858, she was examined at the old brick schoolhouse opposite the academy for a position as teacher and at that early age of sixteen began to teach in Groton. At various times she taught first at No. 14, at the paper mill; at No. 11, Sandy pond; also, in Dun- stable and South Lancaster. She also taught in the academy at Mt. Vernon, N. H., taking the place there of Miss Susan F. Bancroft, who had previous- ly been a teacher at our school at No. 2. In 1867, she went as a teacher in a large school for freedmen, the Lincoln school at Memphis, Tenn., lo- cated in surroundings especially try- ing for our eastern girls accustomed to good roads, sidewalks and well- kept grounds. In 1877, she married Shelby H. Sawyer, whom she sur- vives and she makes her home in Groton. In this place it may be said that the Wright girls had a fine reputation for punctuality and scholarly appli- cation, and at one of the examinations when they were pupils, the committee after looking over the register, wished to see those Wright sisters. "Where are they; let them stand up." They had not been absent or tardy during the long, severe winter term. Fannie E. Wright, the teacher for the spring of 1866, was one of the three daughters of Alva and Fanny G. (Woods) Wright, who all taught this school at different times. She was born in Groton, December 10, 1846, and attended this school as a pupil and also at Lawrence academy. She was married in 1868, to Burton W. Potter, esq., who had also attended the academy. She also taught in the north and east schools of Groton. Since her marriage she has held many positions of usefulness in the church. Woman's club, and patriotic organiza- tions of Worcester, where she now resides. James Calvin Carter Parker came to this school in the winter of 1866, as a teacher, but did not make an ex- tensive stay. This may have been a hard school for Mr. Parker, but at any rate he failed to arouse the interest of his pupils. He was born in Shir- ley on July 19, 1846, the son of Dr. James Otis and Martha Lincoln Carter Parker. After seven months' mili- tary service in the Second Massachu- setts cavalry in 1865, he attended Lawrence academy, being enrolled in 1866. He also taught at East Shir- ley. He was a direct descendant of Captain James Parker, an early set- tler of Groton, and his father was a graduate of old Groton academy in 1820, and Amherst college in 1834, and was a well-known physician at Shir- ley. The son died recently, January 27, 1911, at his home in Shirley. Miss Cynthia A. Goodnow, a teach- er in the spring of 1868, was born in Boston, the daughter of Asa and Cyn- thia Hamilton Goodnow, June 27, 1849. In her early life, with a sister, Mary A., now wife of Leonard Stone of Rox- bury, she came to Littleton, after the death of their mother, to make her home in the family of a cousin, Mrs. Mary J. Priest, and for about ten years Littleton was their home. Dur- ing these years she attended Law- rence academy at Groton, being en- rolled at that institution with her sis- ter in 1865, during that time taking private lessons also of Miss Clarissa Butler. She graduated at Salem Nor- mal school on January 23, 1868, and was one of the essayists. After the period of teaching in Groton, she went to Brookline, Mass., to make a home for her father, and died there on Feb- ruary 10, 1877. The teacher for the spring term of 1869, was Miss Rebecca Arabella Prescott of Westford, Mass. She was the daughter of Levi and Rebecca Fletcher Prescott, and was born in 28 Westford in October, 1848. Wliile teaching this school she boarded in the family oP John M. Gilson, as sev- eral teachers have done. Miss Pres- cott attended the i)ublic schools of her native town and received private instruction preparatory to hor taking up the profession, which she followed at Littleton, Westford, Sandy pond, Granitf'ville and Bridgewater. N. II. She died in Westford on August 13, 1881. Miss Genio A. Hunt came from Ver- mont to teach the school in the spring of 1870. She was born in Fairfax, Vt., on April 21, 1847, daughter of Heman and Julia Safford Hunt. While in Groton, she boarded at the Ephra- ini Sawtelle house. Vermont had more claims on her services and she returned there after the term of teaching here. Since then she has taught in Vermont, Wisconsin, Ne- braska, California and is now teach- ing a course in manual arts at Brig- ham academy at Bakersfield, Vt. Sarah Jane Wright, better known to her pupils as Miss Jennie Wright, taught several terms, beginning in 1870. She was born in Groton on October 24, 1848, the daughter of Deacon Alva and Fanny Gilson Wright. She was also for some years a pupil here, beginning with Miss Alma Willard and ending with her own sister, Maria C. Wright, as teach- er. Besides teaching here, she also taught other schools in Groton, Gran- itevllle and Worcester. Miss Wright married on December 24, 1873, Josiah K. Proctor, and they now live at Wyn- cote. Pa., a suburb of Philadelphia. She recalls many amusing incidents as pupil and teacher. At one time a boy was given this sentence to read: "Why do you not take better care of your king?" taken from a bible story. In a halting manner the boy read: "W-h-why d-do y-o-you n-o-t-not tak-take a b-e-basket and c-a-r-carry you-your k-i-n-g-king?" Mr. Andrews, one of the committee, was once questioning a class in gram- mar and called upon this same lad who had tried "to carry a king in a basket," and asked him to give the plural of scissors: "Shears sir," he replied, and of sheo]), "Sheeps sir." A small boy failed to recognize his own name when he began to spell it: S-t-o-p — h-e-n, until told that It was really "Stephen." Miss Lucy Maria Hill was well- known in the di.strict when she came to teach the school in the fall of 1872. She lived with hor parents, Hmry and Abigail CofTin Hill, upon Farnifrs" row, nearer Groton, and liad attended the academy in 1864, when her sister also attended. She also attended Ab- bott academy in Andovor, .Mass She was born in Bradford, -Mass., Decem- ber 15, 1849; married Frederick Fosdick, son of Rev. David Fos- dick, a neighbor, April 24. 1873, and resided in Fitchburg until her death on December 8, 1908. Mr. Fosdick has held many positions of trust in that city, having been elected mayor several times. Mrs. Ellen M. Torrey, as a teacher of Moors school, will always be re- membered as one of the most suc- cessful teachers Groton ever had, though her work was confined to the district schools. She is the daughter of the late Samuel and Clarissa (Hartwell) Williams, and was born in Groton on Chicopee row in 1846. She married first. Rev. Watson Wil- lard Torrey, a son of Willard Torrey, of the T'hicopee row neighborhood, and secondly, Sumner R. .Mason. He was a son of Rev. S. R. !\Iason, D. D., of Cambridge, Mass., who was killed in a railroad wreck near Boston, sev- eral years ago. The .Mason family, after his death, came to Groton in 1875, and purchased the old Levi Stone farm below the school. She attended school at No. 7 in her young days, and was enrolled at Lawrence academy in 1857. During her years of teaching she kept school in Con- necticut, Iowa, Harvard, Weymouth and four different schools in Groton, besides giving private instructions in Newton. Mrs. Mason says: "The motto, 'Not how much but how well,' which I tried to impress on the minds of my beloved pupils of .Moors school has in the main been my own." Her own children have gone out into the world earnest exponents of their mother's belief and two have been teachers in Groton and Pepperell. Mrs. Mason will have the sympathy of all her old pupils in the loss of her husband. Sumner R. Mason, who died on August 5, 1911. — 29 — The following is a tribute from a former pupil to her old teacher: "Mrs. Ellen M. Torrey, under whose guidance I was fortunate enough to be, was far above the average coun- try school teacher. Her sunny nature and rare womanliness made us all love her. She developed the best in each one and held up high ideals which left an impression upon our after lives." The teacher for 1877-8. was Miss Clara F. Woods of Ayer, a graduate of the high school there in 1876, and the class secretary. Miss Woods was the daughter of Moses W. and Caro- line L. Woods, and was born in Shir- ley, Mass., December 5, 1859. She was a successful teacher here and afterwards went to Wellesley college, and then taught in Needham, Natick and Ayer. She married in April, 1882 George H. Hill of Ayer, where she now resides. In 1892, for two terms, Miss Nancy Jane May of Groton, was in charge of the school. She was the daughter of George and Mary May, and was born in Groton on June 14, 1873. She taught also the Willard and Chaplin schools in Groton, the Coolidge and Hosmer schools in Watertown, and was a teacher at the Elliot school in Boston just previous to her death, which occurred in that city on Jan- uary 17, 1907. She was a graduate of the Groton high school, class of 1890, and attended the State Normal school at Framingham. In the spring of 1893, the school was taught by Miss Martha Leola Wright, daughter of Henry T. and Martha A. Wright of Groton. She was born in Ayer, Mass., July 30, 1872, and this was her first school, taken up after two years at Smith college, Northampton. She had previously completed a four-years' course at Vermont academy, Saxton River, Vt. After a successful term here, she re- turned to Smith college and completed the course in 1895. She has since taught in Ware, Mass., and at present is a teacher of history in the North- ampton high school. As a pleasant accompaniment to the work, she trav- eled in 1905, in France, Italy and Greece. Miss Mary A. Kimball, a well-known and successful teacher in Groton Center at the present time, presided over the school for two terms in 1908, while Miss Longley was in California. Miss Kimball was born in Alfred, Me., the daughter of Alden B. and Caroline C. Kimball. She is a gradu- ate of the Alfred high school and the normal school at Gorham, Me. She taught in Maine, and in Massachu- setts in the towns of Danvers, Bev- erly and Lynn, and in this vicinity in Townsend and Pepperell. Miss Anna Bancroft, who taught in 1879, was one of the four daughters of the late Edmund Dana and Mary P. M. Bancroft. She was born in Shirley, Mass., November 21, 1854, and her home was at Ayer for many years. She graduated at Lawrence academy in the class of 1872, and taught school ten years in this state previous to her marriage to Charles H. Richardson of Groton and Wash- ington, D. C, October 10, 1883. Mr. Richardson had been a pupil at this same school nineteen years before. As a teacher she was universally loved by her pupils and was alto- gether successful. Since her hus- band's death, Mrs. Richardson has resided at Washington, holding a po- sition in the dead letter office. The long continued service of Miss Sarah H. Longley as teacher of this school, is one that is quite noticeable and which meets with universal ap- probation on the part of pupils and parents. Thirty complete school years at one little brick schoolhouse is a record to be proud of, and the teacher can see her pupils grow into useful men and women while still keeping guard over the moral and intellectual welfare of those who are to follow from the same neighborhood school. Miss Longley came to this school well equipped with a normal school training and is considered one of Groton's best teachers, who are always needed in tne rural district schools. A list of pupils who have taught school: Evans, Harrison D.. Peterboro, Mason. Hillsboro, Wilton and Sharon in New Hampshire: also, in Illinois, and in West Townsend and Chelms- ford, Mass. Oilson, Mary Emeline, Groton. Hartwell, Benjamin H., No. 2-11-Gro- ton high. Hennisan, Kate, in Groton at Trow- bridge, Butler Intermediate and — 30 Miniiil L. (.r:i\r-. I'.i.ni mI dr.. I. in. M:i>«., .Iiil\ l». I>t' Xu. o.s. IlMckett House. 'riic (icrri>li Sturo. ITs;!— iss"). 'r('iii|Mir;ir\ <^)u;irliT- nl (;nitiiii Iliiih Sdmol. Tarbcll schools; in Hohlen and at Belmont echool, Maldon, Mass.. since 1S92. Kcycs, Lizzie, Acton. Keating, Susie. Maynard and Everett. Keating. Mary J., Croton. Lawrence. Curtis. No. 2 and No. 12. Lawrence. Edward Addison. Apploton academy. New Ipswich. N. 11. Lawrence. Susan F., No. 2. Pollard. Agnes B., No. 2. Richardson, Mary Kliza, Westford Richardson, Rufus B., Yale, Now Hav- en; Bloomlngton, Indiana; Dart- mouth. Richardson, Charles H., Ayor. Richarfffin. Edward A., Groton. Stone. Emma. Westford, Shirley and Tyngsboro. Torrey, Llnette W.. Groton. Tuttle Lena W.. Bolton, Littleton, Groton. Bradford. N. H.. Green- field. N. H., Boscawen. N. H. Willnrd, Alma H., No. 2. Wright, Sarah J., Groton, Westford, Worcester. Wright, Maria C.. Groton, Dunstable. Now Hampshire. Tennessee. Wright. Fannie E.. Groton. 3 schools. Walt. Charles H., Kansas. Weber, Elinor May. Goshen. Mass., Salisbury, N. H.. Plalnfleld. Mass. There were four pupils at No. 2 in about the same period, who were close neighbors and chums and kept up the acquaintance in after years as they went on to the high school or academy and on to still higher edu- cational institutions. Benjamin H. Hartwell took a course of lectures at the medical school at Dartmouth and at Jefforson Medical college at Philadelphia, where he graduated in tSfiS. He became a skilled physician as has been stated elsewhere. His only brother, Harris- C. Hart- well, went to Harvard and graduated in the class of 1Rfi!>. He located as a lawyer in Fitchhurg. where he died in 1S91, in the very midst of a suc- cessful career. Samuel L. Graves went to Amherst college, where he graduated in the class of 1870. He also located as a lawyer in Fitchburg, where he has filled many important positions of trust. Rufus B. Richardson went to Yale, where he graduated in ISfiO. and after- wards taught there and held profes- sorship chairs at Indiana State uni- versity and Dartmouth college, and became a noted student of Grecian antiquities. The names of the one-time pupils who have had a milit.ary service and their enrollment Is here given: Brown, Daniel, war of rebellion. Brown, William, war of rebellion. Dickson. Ihnry A.. Co. B, 6th Massa- chusetts regiment; Co. E. 33r