- •-: I : '^' \ K^ S^ C l"-- -f. ■ '■'.. ' 'f ^- "^ , ' /\ O, V cv -• ■ ,. ''^ ' ■■ - "^ ■^^ .. - ,■ ^-^ ■S' - '" ^ '- >- ^ '.r!^^/^- - ; y $;:■ - ^\^ : ::^ry: - ,^ ,^^ "^ .\., ..V V ^ V,-. ^^^ ,^ .^^ --I:-'- ^/■^..^^■■\X.o^ ■.^' '^^**'' " .V' .-.: x^^'^v, %'; >> ..^ ■'. 'C' '- "fj. ^^^ ;:> ■ ^O >A^ "f^. v-J- t J 7 __ .^'' '■*.. -. 1 ^ s>' '- v^ -^ ■^-^ "-■< \^' ■i-. . "C/, ' , x^'' . . -. ,0 \ \ ■<^^ - t^ v*« ' %. ..^*'' - .<^ ;MV "^r^ c ' <>^ "■ .." .' <^- ■^>-. ' ■; j'^ 1 " ■ .' -V <>. "^ - "V, ,.vr-v .'" A^^ <■ - ' ■''■■. ' -' ^ ' /\ O ^ " 1 <■ .A ■^ *-^^' "^'■^ ''V , ■ ^ \:::^ ■■■■.^\ "^^ V*' ,^ "> ' >-, A ^ '^^■~ "^v. v^^ .^ ^ -4' ■>-, ,\ x^^ --;, s . i ; \^" '-^ 1 \,^ :fr^. ■<.. ,,x^^ .>:^^'% •5^ S'^ X^' ■'■■f "' I * / , -^ it^ >^' xO o. ■,^ '■u <& .^■•^. "'-V ■o. V* S^ ^^^ :" .-; -^ : S(^-n^5^ = x*5 ■ 0^ :^S'-^ ''^- ^ >--\n^..^>, . .<^-% y .A .^^ -■J- .vV ,0- : ^0' O •''- ■-^. ..^' '?, ''^7,-- -:0 V\. = , %/' --\<^■ ^;*^so' .0' '.>. A^^ : .xx^ .•^' 7 ■■^...-^^ ^ V aV ■/•. •^.. ,,^ ,0 o^ \^^ . : ,^s\^'cL aJtAjju'-t'^^i/j' "!-■■ V '•oj-leci by ?>©« ember ?;^??TOBB or THE CHUR^^H. L700-l'?O5. -- - l'7G5-lVfi9. - - 1.7ij8-l7o6 , 17 54-1'' 34. i7oL-1304. -^ 1794-1797. -- lC.C^-130e. '^ornslius -Bogferaus- x-uo-j. a. . ■penardue "freeman " oh artn e & T , y.i : - . ThoTnes "^.rou.-v„r ■Reinlmrdt Eric-i/ rornelius 7fa.n Sfer^rv. ■5^&rent Vrooinan — T>irc:< '1U.1. / - -jacoTj Sicilies Tohn ■ '■' /:•':!.' •«t«^y. ?•»« j-.rl ^mni« *«<^ A««4« *s#b3 •n verjf . an itlhuni^^ »nd EUxufcl)©: VI Tin ;en«etftilon« of inmns. If •••• July ,' j>i»l>13eft%l«n« »f ^Mmns, -fllllAffi Bowlng, ^n-. i.;fcf'-«l TO inkers. /rent T»n ?6t^P/» ITOS* S<«>tja6. feftftr ^ options of ^ftni}*, .T(i«ot>i« frtKswttl, ifK strife ?&lll!»ii»n. ( 2ittet>rrcfe 17, l>Ut«r vl^ie. Arm* M«ynd«rt» J«4« . ♦. 1704- Time !•?. dar '/ol^i^ftn, T,d, T i; ■ * 4- ■■ 170: - *- ■'. -rf. '-h^nn^^ «^«d4er» and Kvert iFfca !?•«;■ f^nnm rtg^nnen ''^sV^J ,.l ,d, v>»,--: e^ WMAtI '■ i7» f5(»t' 2'i ■'^fet'uri^ wf 1v.-'r'-ij The .. a TteTrlMll, ^,„ -- ... , If IS- June,-*, iim T)«»ft@l x*?*.:-' ■ tr S prorri ■■» tif r she lirifxg in th« W««»tyn«, WieeX»u» itf /llittnl.i^nd. Engsltlm Vie^,J.ri"i*))-:5 Tt^irt lat e pfcfBfcR^ ■rle-^ 13.*"fi.,irr' 13.T?i.-:i, with ft Xlc«RJ- , »tidi»r,J,ii* I^a5>« If: i-^s®- "«i JtAilM-irJ^ CW. both Xlvinj^ tt««rt>« U&rlik KTfcA Mt-*.4.' M?« ir»« A#r tT«liA«t^ atslhiar. ' ' ' . ^*f» irwjn&a^ IT* i triune , l^Sj-'-^K,". hiir«. ^■X,J,a, -;:*,; 5. 4n .vi^n-rTos; ^^, "^KVidS , .^. , mfe-rr' irm V^5)' -•'«.. n.m.v nsl ri>-- - , ,,, , -, 173,:.. "•*'^»4, *Miif»«S« «tro«il.K IPtb.16 . ./ 13. f!^,. ^i . r*»'"*^ t. ,1 •»■{*► f., msm* Oct, 14* Tcsh: ■•, • . dd^T&n ii«iiLri«t '"fed^'-, "I " -' -- ■ . "bwv i,i.vir«H »iftr#. :'ik Ti-ii . i«,£»J ^ - , '^iJ«ndi 1 '.^Oftstyn . ;-> 4 <»n> iirinij *t bom %nti liTing h«r«^ 1735* /tJ*,^, ^--^■- rrfrnirl-*^, t5..!.?t. Aoii»«ri^*ntJ« l'»4(^ jj^Vfe.rT, :j. X*)5.fc, l*?^'- 1 »» «r i^r^^n ijiua ^rri i-JS-r-Ar- ^roaivr>CK "Vit-* Vi<. X73«- April n«?t,^,an.l«l vfc.n Ant- ■ %>'— -;, -ri^s.^.u. -/\th Xiemni , 17 4^- «C«ni»«. stjo vfen / '41- Jul. v.'t ;a > -ivs:- , ! •- ' - - «,— .—.'* *i^Ji -"—lii^ ^ :-i«ehtfc' i'?4ia*jwl il»h«d, ^.«irrt«4 Ai^. , 1*'4;> Arrittd Oet.lfi. J.d. - 4i^- Oct. 5, i9«nnti pubXiKhad, »ferri»d 0«t«^ v<.».., t- 1.. find " ■^'neetfoCj i-^^^- ■. Vor* , both 11-? "Hcth of ?seif^Ort®<^htfrda, TJ^::- J^*«rt.J.m. j: rls,,>n, ?^^^*!I '•'''• '"■ -^ van d«r Wren i. I of 5chtm«o^jt5ida, iS^yln^r here.. p*.trlc.V; ^loo<}.,j .eB^^Tt-^ ?^li- -fSll H lfr»lfr«' *' be t ■ : 1 ' V 5, n ■ ■■ 1 n ■ ■> frti ■ ■ i'43- Cet,-:'., >>u>*n3 puV;isn»«, T^rrlad 0«t.i'', ■;;wf ' of <^r-. f.r.i . bo '1:1 sf S an ©'tech t: ^'{. rrt.je Tra&3c, ©f th-n a.K.;s-4- j'ifce- ^»»^ff^ ^k{a«i!ii, '■■■«»■". i'?44/a- T*ft.S, *lth Ue«fi)i»fi, It*.- «•. 1 , . <* insXar, l-J^r-.. I' 1 ^ 'i '■ . - {>et«j>i»r 1 lOft YS- ;rt»»om y WtXll»'ft Tfeyiorj,' Tfen SlyifO In Zr9l«n4, fend l74ft/<5» T»nu«ry, 11, with li<;«ns«« VUIiftm tilnit«, «f e««inty of Alb*^* .,, - > «• , Ttrrlt y*i«cl>» t^riBlnpfrs ,9f city ©f Mbimyi ^wnwxjlth^ &n«l l'r45/f-. jiknuiury 26, with X4e«ni«, f|«th Tr«!iRftn» !«txJil(»>«tlLy at Albany &eftm%, . 'gfti de fr Ftffff ^ at V'.^ p.fc,;->:d i.,ifccf;, «... 'irt£l@r, l'V46* Ai^riX &« b»«tn» proeXikinM, mmrrXm(& April ^€. '■ ivi rsar 6. t ^ l'»4«* />t>rll 1^, btttma i>reeliilffi«d, mikrrti^ W^y '• Xa^ftlc 4Lm v««J«ii, Tatn 4« H»1t4 nckfttR,no« of iabfcay»*^il r»th«rlnft Quaklc4mb«ee!i J«d, ▼«» S#i»oht«i[e«»lc,»«>«i In AXbftny, IT^e* way 4, with 1 !««)•«, --•rrit, T-rr Ant«*rp«n of tho «i;«nty of Alboay|T*ylor« s.,nfi 174':^» •^u-.;. „ .;•:■ lieonoo, Eyer r^ci^.trrarhom of iehon#«jhtftd«,eoun". ^ .,--. : «nd Hurt* "TOddorfOf tho •&»• pl»ee, npirtnter, 1748- reV/ 31, with l}e«ni«, r ^und^iOf the county ©f /ilbf^ny, «»rp««jt*jr, ^nd. R«1>«e«« Rieh«ra5,«, bfer- - ■ ■■'^^ieh«4, a«rri«^' ^t-^;,-.., v'—./^, T.o\sl« 9o$««fr!.'ber no, hb-nnn pu^»Xi»h. rrl«d :f«ei«d» ^miry Wtrriit, of fii»nl»t«gloe- l'?4?/'^- ^ebttrfcry 14, with Xleanset Sll^swni foh, T«d«r of t>!« Towwflhlp of Soh«n«cta.. , ■!, fend 's«»«,J« Tr&»«>^ ,, '■ •" •*■'-" —SKI jiiins«,ji|>ln»t«r, 1747- April 11, hi^nri9 pxkhl a&rried April a6, Flt«fefe«t Tifea iforst.J,*, v^n f?<}hon««5ht»«;«>r!e puMleh^d, aftrrlad ~ ov,l4, I»R5»tJ« '^rlstleewBe.j ,d, vfen <';eil»taii^io«r SJ4, with li irle«l«a8 A^drlaRseti vt.. -;,*:- ■,^.-. ,0** t*t« tewnehtp ©f i^ehu>)ll»h«d, 9aftrrl««i •"i-w.i, but- Vf :£; 1747- ■ «i *^»er t „f AlWny,eoi}|»«r, »nd 1747- Daeember la, with llcen»«, 'etji«trln» f««ftittyl»r, iipin«t«r, '1'949«» T>aG^^>«r Hf , b»noa published, :a .l-ff, l" ■■■'■ ' Tttt-wld 'S'ftftflXay, firnitu T.i,trhthell , 1747/8- jraB„9, b»nne prrci: '., rosrrlcd .TeiiiSsSf, b©th ©f 8chon«ehtad« , 1747/8* f»nvi , lio«n»©, "flcholfes T©.n at^r •«?ogfc.brt. of ■ ■';'t«Ka©, T?ti,tis&k«r| fe.n< Arrl&fcntje sehersaerhoom.of a place, eplneter. t747/a ?«ll«.^ont, of tho same plaea, 1747/8- y^hrch 11, v, jm- ii^-^jviat^, John v&'i Siae of =^cVKi.'-:€inVitiiay county of Albany, lunsKn 1th, and tiai^ftr«t« fort, of tho aame i>lae«, aplnator« 1747/ - ~ -.-, latk jaeobao 8wita,of Townahlja of Schenect^ ly, and '^olkjo ^r«tBan, of tho aaid T©«nahlp,epinat«r, 1748» rarch /i6, btnna p«>.ai«hed, married Ai^rll IS, jeramias ?»art,j,ffl, and laria ▼an Vlao&,J.d, both liTing in sebonachtbda, 1748- April «* banna publlahod, sarriad April 15, «i©aaa Ail.i.a. van - hifc, and ^ ^ ^uaanna lrana«l,J.d^ v lechiada, both livii^ b^re. » rr 1««nt ef th* tow-AUhl 1?M* Tvly ir bfe -t>r& «*fcrt,J,dl, both ef r -u.«$i &, 3«, 'o.-'.r? ■^jiTenport af •9'i«p;»tciw,ftii*nty «»f Ul»t«r,oordl«Kln«r t^nd ^-B-^s: r -»-.4 .. -i-^. "hristia&n Jurist 1 **«»«, fSiunty .;. .iv, ....,, KT»^ Toll, of th« «»«« eownty , «ld>feny, ecopor, fcn4 tn^ii t i « arctt, i;" nft,;r^'3 county, isiddo^i* ^th of «ffr[Quaftjs T.*«*i, t»hillip Ryl«y,T®d»r ran gv** ▼»>« rp®nt«r,fend I'JiJ- April i^ < publi«h6i. . -0, 17'J..- "iiy 6, hfcnna pui-jlishcd, 'ncrried '"fe./ itO, raeobus rsin "yoret.tKed'r van Anni* nek* fend ^»ra *onfi»,j,4, vitn schonechtfcd© ,bot.h iiirin;; h-irfe, I'f'i - . 1?» ffl»rrifc lioenise, "vtTowlius 'f'wklr;-, ul rutchesfc r'o, euu^.^r, fond *n.ry foepfer, of the city uf Ail^»iny, BplnBtfcr, 174?»» Tuny 1, ■Rerric' T.ovjrie, fe-sd Tfeco'^^ynt, ;<-.,, IndtB'iA of Mfequfefa*: T.^ '■''^« X'?4'-'- ▼»*♦!:/ i., 'r.fcrrlfed with licen&e, ^'usttnnfc^, '^■eddor, '" ,<$ ocunty, «pinst«r, 1749» Tuny iO, bbnna i>ubli»h»'»n«6k» Joseph '!?'lsn»burn%vtm7y-*> "wAri'r, &nd ,11, bimn» j^ulUiehtxi, ferried rrov.iio,. choti«R'nt»««,»n«l ih«re iiiring. '^^-o': V ;n ,},K\, fend ' ' t. ':.,1»d, both of «;ehon©cht»«e,li*J^inir thore, /hrsthfe?;! «?»lt» j ,«, end '^eeltjfe: iicth of «!o''^cn#cht*,dc. , *- -St ». 1 , .''<,'j/?^n- "''•"»^n'?.-rj» '', "^ferried with license -■ -■-iner^tedy in C' fc.r,d Kff^^ardfclacn, (Tndi&ne) :>nd €st&rri«d in ^9>)£w»6e I.t^^nd, Tfecob Klrar j,*n, rtm j^oftharrl©, end .ere i i'TEri— /ipril 15, ajjsrrled with licen«3, "»'feet Kj-^'se Tunifcr of the city of Albfcny,e> *r1fofentj« Tiindsr "ol^en ©f ??chtin«e>ttfchs.«n«» '^tHNiftr af the eeKntj of Al'^fer?/, fjsrss©*', e« l^SO* ^«w«n^«i' ^, >-^«irrl®l» Cl&ra. B«it»I« '«r«4*« V4& C&jr;:i*» tXXii Ji^*r l^f-l- ??&/ 11, ss&rrl««l with ll«feH«« •*«d«^tis ^ isf«^ ltt4» both «f i«^«>-??^t*-f.t:fc, ,tttdtt Tftn f^«tc i.d, fe&m in «Nr5^feagftft6#,*K=..t-fe llirifs^ n-ir*, ,.T»eoT^« ?jjr«he«i. , s -3", tint if- r, r?«i ?»fc<^«.-. i-^-- '/»r»t j,tl, i»et*st ii»l??«: H®r«, (X^S^, ^^fcrfti*^'^ r&c,) 1^-64- ^?&reti S. K5?rri«4 after thr«« in^c !**»>- 4 lfrs« «f ij».??'i» i|7^*^. T&nufcry 11, :.i»>f*rife« *ftgr three i>rf-elfe5^*fei««« T=^*! "fcn dllniJit, Tl*©t>i of p^<^«fseei»^^ay. r:-r.- >i ril i^, ir.fcrrie«l with llc«n««r, l"r i!>, K^fcrrlao, with licenst /lories Trutx» e^nd wophife Truax, t>oth tf ??chcn««;tfccly, I'JfcS- .Tune iiH, "itrriod fcfter threo i.r©eltia*tiofi» of bfenr«s, both of *chcns, , m&rrled, fcfter :>xiblScetion of %e.nn», tTggtdr 'ffen AemhiiSi, "?e,rj jilb*ny, >>oi'h of «f*^hon»»«^t»dy, I'^Sfi- f)eto^r 11, 'ju.rrled wJt-: • , T»>illip ii8»ley,T€Kl»r, en T: Tim *ley1f,,1,d, both of Fchcnertfedy, 1*!'66- Oeto>>«i* 25, 'mnrle??. eftsr third pro<»l«fc vs»*ion of banne \>(it>! Tin R«nselE,lidei Tol,'bcth cf Rchonectfc^ly, 1756- ^»^tre'i i-0, tkrriod kfter third i-u>)i' option - , Mohiilfc*.* !»e3tT.5y, e'^ Rua&noi. riement, of «■:- . >f5y» I'ySf- /prll If), ratrrlGf? tfter fhird ? vibll^^stion of bfcnna, b©t>^ of itehonectedy, I76f,» /prll l'>, tfter third publlcistiorj of >>fcnn8, Bo"h^ert •ssitt, ram W* jeraisy, an Ke>>«eee f?root,Vfen «r'--.cn- 17Sf- /i>rii gi:, mtrrlsti feftfer third publleiitJcn of ^mnnm, hoth of ffehenoct«.dy, l*?.^?-- ▼un,* 12, jfsf.rrlec^ rfttjr third puhii/*f.tU:-. ^: ..rjna, -lUla vfcn f&jrat -^m-^ en Anne.tJ« t^rit,bet>; of Schotseted, l^tf" ORto"ber 30, -r-fcrrlod *ft«r third prorilferfttti Al1t>«rt ,T, ■^^•dder, «n '»«itatr van '?«=>♦' ^-"- -^ ■- '"■ "noth of ^chc^«<»t»ay. l';'5<5- v«iven5>>er 1^*?, !ni.rr>-*-. «ith licence. 175«- •nec»R'b«r 11, murriftii teJtli licence. Tfccob ne«KB»trk*!t, «n we«t«r ^arlnus, "both of ilelt»««r' 1787- ,T»f!«* ry 30, mtsrriet? &fter t>jlrd publletttion «f banns "DitYld winter, %n j«innot,|e Tm.&r, bcth »f the <^lt>nl«( Yfcn Ban»elt:&r, I76f«» ^a: rv.tr/;-, nf-rrJW' , &fter thir-- ^- vrviirv ^ .' ^.;-' %*." prri'iB 17^?- April o, '!!4:rri<;ri i^ft^.j- th,:r.; ^ uoiic?- 1 ^.v-; u f^ rl sst op h«r "'•elthuyften.'yfeyj ^fergburs^, ©?i '.*ferl«. Bi^Je, Yfcn ?»cHof}«etti,4y, I'l^ff- April S^J, is*rri€Hl *ft«r third i^ublieftti«a of ^n?i«, T»jse« janes, ▼*»« T.ondon, en "ttrinfe i>'-!lli.p6e?s,V)fe?> «ie t'iiiop'fe. Tfcc©^ floet, on Rfeensi «i.e ^fersellft, e-. rent **or«eli», botn of soione^t^dy, 17S7- Tune 7, aaarried »ft€r third publSe*tlon of htnna l)©tVi of ^ic-.onecvfedy. 1757- .Tiil/ 16, '^trried tfi'::r x>-iri i-vMlMrtlo • of hi "^.ne TK«0hue vfrn «!«/»««» w6^jinabr, i*r> !?fer*(h ?-er«eli» J,fl« both o'" *^Hone«?tsi<1y, 'oth of Sc^tonectfcdy, 17h7- /u~Uftt Iw, .ifarried sclth licence, |>wu$t«; Twii^U.^, tt«>«t,^iM(*»>^i''( #M liiihuCii^ %'i.iV^-^ >"«^<^^ > ■both of ScHisnechtfcdy, l*??;*?- <»s|jteaber ik., .-^i. rrla«i,tfter third jpublif^fetton ©f *n»hn« Tooth of 'et«etj ;?Ji^o>7«, !'?&'?- Oetaber 2*., mferris^ wit*i llr»ar5ce, ■bot^i of «'rhv.nef'ht*»dy, 1'7R7<» OPtu'f>ar,k''^i, ^ntrrlQti pfter third pw>)l 1 ♦*>: 1 1 c? of bfe*i^« rom©liu8 t,fan«lnff ,wt3;d««r en i>oborfe Kittel, l»t"h ©f |?€^v©n«chtkdy, 17 f)*?- " - •■ >-*rriec «ith lleence, /lb«;rt siin?-erlind, vfen j»lbtny, en 1*757- ^oY&u,iih^r ^i;., .w>. rri«jd wlm itCi.nc«, W^trt lun" Sr'.honaetfc.d V, ili»'j« •(;wTCiiib«r *4, i£.fc.rriiid -ith licence, ,Te«o>> vsin Arnhem, ef th« ''olonle v&n Reneelisir, ''etferir.js ^talker, Vfcn «(*i«n€(Ct&dy, 17£*?- '*Tcre'">i©r i.f, ftjferri^d vlth i Irenes, Tfc?»y\«tje «wit6 ran «;choneetfedy, 17f>7- woT9«>>©r 30, m«.rrl6r! sftur third puMJefctlon of >>&.nn» "fender lets a l^eiik, or F3.l7«f,^i- -^cbruery 11., miirriud j.rter tnirc-. >,.-ubli<'&tior of *^t-nn», TUlsB rioet , en ""fcrit. «omu,"both of ^ehc?5eetfe4y. 1*?68* "-fcrc^ 1, r.irriQii tftcr third p'-^'^'li^ttio-^ cr ^t^r.ns 1788- »f|ireh 1, «»rrleT •e'icner'htjidy, Arfefit ^'sdder, wtid^amt (^r, en '•ettrin* "'fen p6ttffn wtttfyw Yfen jt«$Rjn Rswort, bc'th of pr onaeht^dy, 175a- *s^y 14, sih-rrim kftar thir*? public&tion ©f bt^Rns, 176H- Tune 30, nfcrrle^ t.fter t»*.ird publication of bfcnn«, 17S >• ,Tuiy 17, mferried efter tv.lrd publicbtion of bcnne 1758. ruiy k,4, merrlsd wlt>i licence, .Tohn y^rrorif «n Flis&beth '^ol Ian, both &f Schoneotfady, 1753- /vt»a«t — -s^ferrleiS fefter t'lir^ j:ti>^liefctit^" of bfenne ,Toh*n?i«« run «l«r h«y4^, •f;:-!•.«» ^illlsia i?felr, J, 19, »n Hlise^beth rie:n«5«t J,<5, i'?6B- vcvi?;r=>>oth of i«?eh<»nischtiidy, 1*759- .Tfenu».ry «, .^©rriar; Irs -^'aqii&jBlfend iflur thlrrl. j^ttMlcfctior. of "hftnTts, "WRrant "f, Wis9|>«l, en ■(arRh ««ltt, l75y» sifcrrlad bfter third publi'iation of bfenns, jo»i&.nn«» i^uHer'k:, er; Rsfhcl '•lost, r- >^ ?eh»>nectfcay, ■i'?6v- T>,.nu«jry 20, tatrrled ^fter third pu^bll cation of i."fcnn8 AXb«rt ''.tedder, en /tnnfestja (?Ufik!c«ibo»ch , bcti cf ^ehcnachtfidy, I'iftjb** TtT'ufc.r/ A-i , •.;i.rri.(j^. i - Vur wi^r-- ^/u-i. i cation of '^•infsft Anbrcielus ?ellsm'.t.r, tsn ^''traiifcrict «ch«ly, bot^"! vfen^THiytelfcTtd^tud llrinT hare 1759- r«iy ft J r.»»rri<&d »ith licence, 1769- T'-'ly *-'^, p;.< rridi-i oith lirsnre, Vvth o" *cher«cht»idy. iftM Worried *it>i llaenc*, Lfcnk ^•imnera, en Arijinntje TK^n Mtw^rp^, ■fecth or* *>fenn», ''I I- fee A, ^e <%ri$mf t ©n -«»tet«. guak>: ©n'bti t.eh , both • ▼ftn de TTlll^e* i75«ii- Ej»rri9d Oct^'hsr 2, »ftar third i»u"hlic»tlon of b«^nn« Korol "cf&nsd Tell, ^^trlfc l^lttl«,l^ot"n of *;Qnon*eht«td.y, 17&3- «J©Te'.c"her 3, Kiferrled after third publication of banns, 1759- ^ovamhQr 17, married with li««nce, ffept, Tohrt Kr^rey, y&n n, .T«re«/, en '*Bth£rln& vfcrt fent-*erpe, ran !?c*acnocht «dy, |7g9* - v',fcrrl€4 t-.fter third publicfetlo'ia of fetonna, r^risti&8jri fiehoff al£*ir, ©n •'^httferins * -nuck, "both Vim •^mytfllfcui'i* I7e©» reauftry 12, ssferri©'? wltli 15c®n<5e, in Ai"bfeny, ■tssrant "^rootti&n, prgigilca-nt vs*! ««hon®eht»^y, ■^at 1700- - - «{.rrtgf5 fo^''t4r tt-ilr^ p^Mlcfttlon of bftnr»» ''o melius tjofffe^r-? jVfaTJ ^T,Yfc^r'< ei Ells&Teeth Willltas ▼*n whll&delphifc, l7eo» t'crc^, a*^, -;R&.rrl©d. aftar thir«l ptil>li<;*ticn of benns Jt-i '^ris Tftn ■^^r^ ,T«reoy, ?.760- ^'trch 16, tatrrlij4 feft©r tsl rd ptt>>licfctj<^n cf bfenna Tcr/sfcn «iirclfcud r^n •chotl&nd, en *7vO- ;.^ril t, M^eria,^ Aitii licsncs, Tohu *»onro, rt>n fchotlsnd, en y&rlfc 'ftrc»*'er, n-rs ♦'chwrtftchtfedy, ■i7«o- jUprll 6, '^H rri - -nee, T«lrek f^loftt ^VJ-" ' /wn^j, c* #nn» hao^^strt-ftt T»n "■'■.t : t ■- of* * ■■ '■'. t> ;* / , l^fiO- April 25, fit? rrled witn ilcance, both Ttn Albfcn/, l7fo- ^itrrlo. Kith lleencis, Richard Ti*n TrhfCd-it, en tffcrlt v&rsclJLe,> ut"i «f ScHttnectfcdy 1"*'^ ru\w 14^ mfc-rrlad fcfter third »HV?*rEtl&!i «?f btenns ^ohit^nn^e fleraent, an juanetjs ^rsttt.beth of Schon^ctafc^y, l'*^0- October 11, siRrrlfei feith llc«')ce. l*?*©* wover ^, mfarrlei, with lle«nco, /br^haa flrlta, en '««6r^tirltfe "^0Her?ont, l^hrfciw ''orfc,vi.n '^^ Town 'op te I,«»np; Ilfen^i" en I'ifCi" T^aca-nber 20, arrled *ith lif^enn^s, T«xn bttptiftt '3'fcn Ep», on .T&.nn©tje T^tosin^, both of Schoasfhttdy, /Ibart 'sTy^)!^^ ^jrj gnpicitje Troaia*a,>>vth of Schi-nechtiitdy, Tohtnnaa '»eb, en "omolii* Ttistadoomt^rOth of *!eh©nacht«tfy Tehn Wfelkar, j&n ^fmry Tcbnson, Isoth li-rin;' here, i*^?'!- ^sbnu-ry 3, .■«»-, rrio- t-r-^^ir '. '•iro , ubi:. -^t-i; cr, ^ ^'iehell Turr^ll, qoldthuit ^i»n T»G«twn, ;net ''«1- r-'?^)ru&r/ )ftnn», T.et •rM?0tn«s, /brfc'^ari' Truex Tu, e*! EXitebeth Ten sntwtirpe, - 1^«1- /: ril 10, !'j-rr5e4 with 1 3 renews, tTlekolfefce •terens, #n '^br^^eritfc '^6^l«,T>oth of ,^ehoneet»«S. l^Cl- A~.ril 11, ?y.fcrri3<5 e^ftar t^jri rv^??«£t!cT1 af bfcnna, Tfcpomyntjo "'erry, bom Int '-', I'Jfl- t^sy Si, Tnarrled B'ter thirl pu'^licfc.tio'^ of beinne, Ten beptist T, "^en Ept, en ^nnt.at,1e ^T,"^edder, both of se'nonervitud/, '^ornelius 's&r^ieyt, en Rachel """sm den "Posr&ftrd, >.otH of •Jcnonachtftd/, I'.ei- :^t^l-l3, -ttrrled if tor tMrd publication of \>cinn8, T^Yld y-ittol llvlnrc at sc-ieriksick, en ■'lebort ""rlele, T^n «:chon©chtttdy, 1761- "ay 1&, mtrrie': with lirenre, •»«t«»r "R, vrcomitn, en eu-rbh wwf*?^ ,"^-t'n of ^ohary, 1761- ^i^rried v.it2i liccnct;, Adam '^'^froom&n, en .Tennet.1& rlell©,T3cth of SIrohary, 1761- v'ey i;£, mtrried sfter third pu'blic&ticn of "bfenne, ??fi.muel ''.ferdenler, rtn v&^nfcwfcge, en Ti'Sirift "^an Tueren, t4 r ^eifejoharry, 17 fi- mf. rried with licence, ^^ilbort Tyee, ▼^'•'^ "^« Terssy, en ''hrlstinfe vsn ^leyk, v&n ^cnonerhtady, 17«1- mtrrled with licence, /Ibert Alex: redder, en "eeitje "^.bnckerthoth of Schonech tady 1761- June 13, merria^^ tfter third puhllctition of hf-nnn, A"brb.hea» '•{, "^^tn tntwerpe, en streh '■Tar, &ntwerpe, "both of ?c'"cnechtf.dy, 1761- July 5, nirried bCt&r third pishlicfcticn of hfr-nne, Dftinlel yittel, e'^ *fcnih "tn nciii.lk,"hoth llvinr^, t ^nionec- tfadj' 1761- Tuly 18, 'Tterrifed tftor third ^iublicbtloi of btnna rTirletitfen T.fc {?rtmsie Jruex, en Ells^abeth Cu&ckenboseh, y>r>fh of P.choneehttdy, l'«i>l- ,7^x^ «><^, iaoi'riL<&a wltia llCwilCd, Evert W«ndel,vtn Albany, en '%rlfc Brfett, ren Kchoner-htedy, Tehn l>»Tt8, er. <*lclly Conner, ^otb of Sehwseehtiidy, tv.niiil "omu, &n mf^.r^h Tasssle, "both of Sft^hone^^htfe-d/, Tohtn^eB Teller, en junnetje T\siiier.oit, both ©f «!chone»»>itii'!y, jIbrfchiiJB Y<»tson, «n ■otta "^ratt, both of Sehonechtady, 'ei- r^etober 10, c^rriod tfter third ptJbiiei»tion of b*n^^e, '•«!- nntu'aar 1£, mforri^d with li*'**'"--;, Christoffel ysts?, g-^ Tferinet.fe "^re;! t .botn of 5choneett*«ly l*?*'!- -ijirridti i»*'ter Tnlrd puliliefetion ©f "hfcnna, Tiller '^yne, on ffethssrin* f5ehoolcr*if t, b.-th of «feoh*rry, 17fi- "oYea'ner 4, •nferridti with ll«©nc©, 'mr^Bnus '^ietare, en ""arfrtoritu "Peek, tsoth of ??eh«n«chti»dy t>atru« ""tin der '^al^''en, en '!e»vrtru/ *iTii of Se>ien«eht»d Beynier '^cn jreren, to t^i^tj^I o>i».rry fsn 176^- rnf-rrlS'^^ sfter third j.ubl lest Ion of >".t.nna, ■?»etru8 ouderkerk, «n "trls Sy^trt, >>otv>, of the **6noe of F®n€sl*»*r»lelr, ■both ^■^ """''('" e''>it»(5y, Thowfce Porter, -^'^ -^^ '''^ ^"i''>ficn,>3ot>- r.f ««*v,i^nechtb.dy. Till em "*Tfell, •*" "'-*•■«■ -rrvc,-^ •!■-,*•■ . -' «5<. -.^Yj^jchtftdy, I'j'^sa-. "Gbrufcry 1«, ;sferritfd with lieenee, Aria (!e T,fi •^.r4in8y,Tfen de ^'orejae^ns kill, en *'&rib "fcn fertt^erpe '''en fchcmerhtfedy, Flii-B '•root, e^ '•-©ertruy t»fe^»^oorn,'b&t'- of 5U*biiCfcticn <>f bimn*, ■pletar Ptlers, &r. r*t».tbr\n& Rey^'n«n,b "■ *' *«hiine«yitfcfty, 176k;- MtorrJed with licinra, June ii., John "rcot, &n Enreltjc ?*.n p«tt«n,bot'- of BchvRenhto-dy, Xlf'j.,- ntirrlQ'l T»lth llcerj-^o, "1/ , I'/fi^i- Tuiy I'l. T.arried with lioancd, ^ v.*..^. •*^ 'da ran de ^illsron, " '?f.ii- - -July iiii, JSfcrrisd with llo«ne«s. ^;^r1fe ^eoer, van ^c'lonarHttsfy, .?k«- Oetji,, 'c&rrisi '*Sth licence, /rent «»?clt, »,-i.^ ffc'tferim* rfr;linir,bot^ cf ^chonecht&d/, 6i-- Octeb^r i, rc&rrlad tft^r third i^ubi icfeticn of bfefina. I'^fi,— Oct, ft, fnsii'rivd i<h licence. jinft*r third publication* ef ^nr^a. ^ferlc; ■!?r8nk, snd ifa.r?T&r5tt f&.r^l ^hoth of T^-^ne«Ht^^/, l^f:,,— -^ofombsr 5, ?*rr'*er2'b#r *i^» 'siarrled »oi^- s^elw^i^e^tip* , .,^v*-.- 1 *; f :-^— Tfe«u r*. ry 2'i, ns^.rri.e'^^ wlih licence, j&hn TeTles, Tftn ^Ihfeny, and 1'?#''5 — ^5"br«? rj ,.* » ferrlad f-^t^r thlr-3 imbllcfeticn ef >&nnfi pch^srt '''fcseetrd, frt>.« Tral&.nd, end "beta IJ^ln.c: in Sehonscht&iiy, >n1ri«» "^rrin, and '='ferfeH "sfe, both of ?!e'i«n00ht&dy. /lliert /. 'fetSdcr^ tnd '^eertruy wwe^rt .both of Pchonecht*^ I'^eij— .runs 4, sif. rrisl v^ith licence, both i>f ^ctionee'ritfc.i/, l'"';'-- Tune il, ^ferrisf! «-it>i llceafro, ''fi-- T»ns 13, '^ferried «tft«r tljlrd iiUl>llc«tion ef b&nnis, John F*«gse, «i:i?! Annfetje eu8.'-Jc4>nbaseh, 'i'ifZ-- 1^.1.^ ., ^ ..-ittrri^d ^.Jtn licence, ^ahf-nnog ruylt'sr, ti»M «u«ifennfc "f^edder "vtiAvsv;^ ^j.r) i-stten" both cf rc'it-ndchtftcly, V65— ?8pt, 1?, sirrrl9-5 «?itv-, licenc-e, 7«3-- -"i'jvten^sr >-•', u rrisi f'ter third publlc&tion of hianna, Hichard Oliver, vb>.a Albany* *n4 Tsunis «%ftrt, ^n- ^erth ^^n ■^roret, both of* Schoncschtsdy, ^«iT:u«3 Fuller "i?8^cir&n in •^^ Sn^eifc^d" snd both tjf *.r^e©€:n^er ll , f*ftc;r thl.r^ pu^aScf.tien ef ^t=?>f^«. = :i»» -.jgcsTEber 51, i«-i»rrJee fefttr third pablicetlon fef bfe?iyi», }.7fti-»Ts.nufer/ 4, mtrritid *ith licence, bet'-; r.-f ''«'^- -1 ■i(^V> i-fi4y. l^f4-- ?Sfcnur&r>'" 13, mis.rrie5 ^^^ftsr third publicfctl'jns cf b&nns, Abrfehfcfij v«n f r«d«nburp;h , sn4 fr& 'rian ??attan , both bom it SeynbQeV ^twd llvln?? Xn !^c>>«nechtAr?y, ir#:rufc.ry 11, sjferricd *lth lirence, rsw «^tcft rifon, f' /nnt-fc^t,!© i»Seters both of Sehcn«eh*:itdy, ■^fifS of '^cbt.rjfjc'ht&d/, i«f4-- ^pHl 12:, ■"fcrried ^ItH licence, ."f;4— .f.-^ril 1«, nnrrleri tarter thtr4 pufellcft.tion ef ^tnna, "^ferritjs *rl :.^r?* rtTj v^.i T-&r>f*st»jt«*.1o«5rie, I'?«4— ^«%jt8f?'h«ir t, stfter thJrrf publications cf Ije^nns, r'^4-» rro're;7;h4jr 1C-, rsH-trie6 with licence. -'"■«*-.^ Tiiaiir&^w •^^ » ^trrls.^ • fife £?j»J»»^^»?r* * l^f^.. T'erHrufcry 3, -^.skTrl^z ic'tsr t lira iiwl>lle«tiv?^ cf l?«-nn», IPilllfc.'s %T€^e"kiRtj,»«r, fend *'fetferlan f^aloa. •i:?nS8 ^^lejr.fc rider, .v?t'c HfecneX ^r;^ea. Tohea rrcfter, tad *«fci^er}tfe tr^innlng, "heth of fe'ncvneehtady, 1 '? 6 8- - jun i! 1 , ;,^f- r r i « > 1 • n*^ «l r i 6 '< e rk 1 yk s -t e'*'^© ^: e n ' fehfennes ?:enVclt, fetid Kli^^"^©*^ ^rseydsr, "f^e. — iur/UKt Si, married »;lfh llf»«rj*»«»j both of *?f>honeehtfcc?y. ry%& price, t^nd Ar-,'-^ forry, "both of <'.*:'honechtiidy. Tonn "aford, fen?! ^n-.ry wildy. Tohf; nr>5js *ec-«Wrfc 'f«df!er, "fcihiar ?isbcraa" both of «fc'-cn#c>^t»dy, -^'fn-- October -c , ?5f rrle<' v^iih lJr«nr«, I'^fh-" October ^ '=, -^ferri^d, T&cob«s villa, fend fnTtht^a »*eraeli»,of ^^^honefri-tedy, 1766«-. .js&rri»d &fl«rr third F«*5ll©feti»ri ©f b^nns, {>etr»» r)infrem^n», fend "trite -^-rs^nkhdyt, '^yd® ^fc-. Wilire" 1766— ^oreaf'ber nQ, i^rri^^ , "5— •»'eire-»»bfir 25, serried •»» ©rie Scferfelyke Pftboaen* Tecob «?rofct, *nd T^ri«^ r'lowt, «byfi«. var >?lstci-f:J©«««, X'?C»'— ?>«'■'«>':% ft r 4, BM>,rr5e4 with lice^e*, with lic^ncQ dfct^i.-; '"w"yti7,i'?il€, -arrit Tun sstf-ifcik, v&n '^eh&chtai£yck,fend #«»«Ty thr^e .msrrifcsfQJs reocr-rifiA <»• '♦"'ff) «'7-- -s?i.rc''; »vv>, mfcij'ricd with lic^ncs, ^'?« April Xii, »&rri®4 with lieen?;©, Antony Tfen ?5loyk, an* '^l&re. "raf ?ley«, hfi^h Off Hr^ -oin-arhtfefly. /r1fc(fcRt4& Y«ia4«».n t^«»gii«t rd. » "beth of *chuno«htfedy, »fio'>'3&«l trsy^or, - - " ■grrt f^iTersa, both T&n B«a»**'^ife«.ra l'?67-« .Tyii« i.k, latirrle*. with lieQn45e, "■bisyTie tv/t d?s f*owT»ty Tfen AIbfe-«y* — /uguet u, a*.rri8d feft^r third pubiiefction ef b^jwia jirent i^«nn«t, Tun ▼.*»««? yl&na, frnd tirnne ^chiller, T^n -^oiwek. >>ot>i of ?eh«nephtfei*^r aO, ;'>«irrisd. fetter third puTBlieutlsn ef b»nn« fynsi^nt rt-t d«n •nerwh, 6-nd "prfenesy-itje flc-^t. Nith of '?ehfcn«chtiniy. l^e?.-. o^-tolser 6, jfiferrloti fcjfter third p»Blie*(tion ef banns "-endsric^^ Applie, fend EVfc- ^"feg^nii*: r , buth cf Hfe?*»»3tJl«*er*yek, 17<:7— Drtcber ^.ii, -i?frr.*»' v ltj\ licence, »*Maia '^ififeoJaar, van Alb&ny, aj"* *'srt& Teyaysfcs, Tohanne* Wlnp ru, e-nd N^rift ^odcrj^bydg van rfechMsw«ge* T&henn$0 «^le;^, fen^ iKS.ri*k Pe«wel, •'byd6' van vachnfcWfi^** 1T?.7-- '"oreffl^^er a, m&rrl«fl, Tfecob ^&rrls, ««tt®ta»n, •byde t^b S»e6n4fep^i Iff.'fmm i?roTe^b«r 15, ^urrit}/^ s.'t^r third publicetion >c, VllllftjR Tot tripe, Whfi /llifen/, fe«d Ji^hn v&rr&\ , und Rachel 'rrfcoman, Ijcth &f ?e>ioia©«htfeji|'. /br&Hfc::t Oc^tht-ut^ fend ^*&r^kriX» T,&n&lng, bath iif FO^MfJiiChtfcdy, l^'C?— T!se«,-..anfen, ryr^ ?*drryi!boec>» , and. X'Tf' ,-- Ti -ui^Ti- io, aarri«d fefter third putelicfetlon of b«L»?ui ffcrol Tol .Tu, , i^no vllaeibeth Beyly,^&th: of ??c «Re<»htakdy lies— .TeKurefry :Si, married after tnJrot pubiiCfctAcn it^f Hgtnn* jn'ifie— sab, 'nh ??®rrisci. .7€S— T-el>,14, >frrrj©d *iftcr thSrd ,ru'blic&tl©n of b&n-?s. ii.ii^m '5>£nr»«, Tobs^nnes t, "Peok, iiKn.art i^ivver., ssi^i .t»8« l«&eewly, "both of 5^s>«ee>it«M3y, 17 ^B— -?iiy 22, ijiirrisd \sltH 11 canes, X70S— ,TUTi« 3, ?gferri«.1 tfter thirit"hil9«itioa ©f bi^nne, 5.7es— Orftober 11, msrrJe*^ softer third pulslictetiun of bt-ftns l*<«a— October l*?, T^«rrl©ul>llc«i.tion of >:*nn» ^cf.n of T;onts€dfct*iryiek, I'Jeo-— ■"OTs^'i'bsr JtO, n«&rrl€d kftar thtrd puSHe&tion ©f b^nns 173gr 1, ni^rri^d tSV^r thlrft publication of b&nne, ^^th froir Benael*»^r«yck, l^CS— T'«?caffi>i«r 4, KtN^^rried *ith lieenee, l^fiij— - ■nscscib^r 9, merriiid with li«©ncii, .Tuhannis Itj^ls, hr.6 imnRctJa OUfckkonboseh, "both fcf «;chcnc*?htfe€iy, I'Jf.i.V— ■»^ac*ial38r 10, mstrried *ith liccnfje, Arant .«•. "^rftdder, and .Tdn«o^e Trues, bo tn of «ch«nechtfc4y 1*;«3«» r..!;ca':j\er 11, nrrriii i.ft.3r third ^itilsl lest ion of Isfinnii, Tteca^ /, "?roo«&», £1'"^ »releni« 7, ^wit«, bot^ of f?ehea«et»^y l*?*a— T>e«e«"b0f 14, :r<4.rri<:»'I feftgr third rmbllc&tioTi o*' b^nna Td'*&r-i ''lerly, sn'', '»«reh T^'^'eraelie, Ixith of <»p'-!on€cV?ti>d;/, 1?«8-- i^d'>e:!b«jr ..-,, -•;.. rrlj" srit»i lfc«snce, \K>th «f !?eh«*n««hi*.oly. Tnwi^ig, and Sferah, "i^ro^elytfen' 17«9— Tinurur/ 50, murried with llcsnce, ■snw^h ^Itc'nel, .fend '^eph^fc pitera, >.v. •- ' '-himachtfea^% TBca^uo -eratt, eft-? Fllsy&'hdth -nalin, ..•■•. , both of •fn'hcnschtfcdy. treyrj'iert da T,t j^r&n«!S, rsjS de nc-r^ens "kil, and •;f9». ••^ere'h 1«, merrlftd sft^r third publication of hfr.nnm rf.coh T»n oii«5f » ^'^^- ?»feehie!l ru«»k>.h»js T, Trafey., and i ?43ddsr, l^'/O— rw; , /runt •^, "?ad'5t,r, i-'^^a ?cphla Tfcn f>«tten. ■O— ?fiptsaber 16, ja*rri«id with iissBce, l'''?0— Cetilser 1^, ssstrried s^ft&r third eublic»^tie3 cf htnnn John ^rfci^eTi, tnd ^-^rr-trite -'^dd^r ,rii.n Ser 10, r^^rrJed rii>^ l>cersce, 1?'?0— . ^'cv^subtr ^' , 5?ferr3s t' t r thiru ^«bilCbti«tt of bfenns, ^th ©/ «Sehttn&e^ltfcdy, xr*iQ»m T'&te^rfihet 1, ffiferrled vith llneace, Philip Ta?l5ttn of *9eHon«c>»ta«}/, l"?*)! — Tiitr!3 9, m>.rriQ& *fter third pw'hllestlon of b^^nns. irr-^xi— . rane £.1, t->*rrlec wi?h licsnce, ■J) ■. ■''; uf «eh ,}« ef»'t isd y , i'?^;-,— v»e1)ru£iry K2 , tntrriec! afttr titlrd i'uMlni^tian of b*inn«, /rent T,jiOi>tmfe-n, sind El-is'.f^'i>«th ■■:» =?pitstr, X?7i,— vabnj&ry 23, agrried *ft«r thlr4 public«ttl«n of bknn« 1»cfi o* ^Thcnschtbdy, !'?'?&— October i.5, rnr., rria.'' «i*.''\ lic&ne©, l^^d"" Orto'esr 51, i8ferrl©d. with lic»?T»«e, AlexfcRdsr «t3aitt, and «*&r?f«rS«t j,saEl>»rt, "byd.i ?er! r'orrye'bcseh" 177i— jiprll 4, mferri»d j.rter thir'? publlcfction ef bsinns, .Tohfcnnss ^-^. ^mn antw^rps, &n ■ "''iyl^, ■btit>> cf ■^cboncc^jttedy. 1^73— ^^'c.y 7, i3farrl«5d fcftiir third pubiiccfctlun of yit^nnn. ■^ferauel ^scHelly, an^ "B^h&r.cu Ledies, both of fc^orsschtftl^ ^4^(:rd ¥ildy, And »««rt6 »»oor, both af 5?ohoa«<;''?t8cdy, .. ;> ^ , , . . ■ , - V .... ,-. ' .. ^ .. ti&n of 'b&nn« Tos^ph ltjrx%ili&t van re-n8«»l?H&.twyclc, fend 1775— fa^^s^tr 1» is&rriad feftor thJrc? pMbilcttien of b«,nn», ■^^iiic nreot, irlfeejitje ^Ijisp, 'teeth of !^cfhon«cht«Ltly, jfShn reliotm, end Boefe»wfc. '^fc.gnfell, 17*?..i — -'^ic^jaber 18, mferried wit'-, iSeenee, Tj«rk "^ten "^^es, -fi- rimy ?^loat,"b/dG T«n Flstoung- -Jsen« ••^syd^i Tfen etc '•relri.jrben?h« 1774— ^alfiruiir/ Z''>^ 'nsrrlid irftsr t>iirft i.-ublioation of "b&yj'^s. ▼o"hn ^rifett^ fijtdl ^^mrls JTegor, •'bytia v€.n Eaaeelei.niyk' '?errit Ttn Antwerp. a, fer.d Rsbecce 7<^ridi*f 1 T7^— oets'bar 3<5, ^eferri-s;' jsfter third |»u"felJcfctl©n of bt.n»i». both tif «?fY^icn§c''*tB'^;^^ 1*"'?4— • -^Te">-er 5, issftrrJst? Klf^i licence, Ti 1 1 1 E .T , Ton.-'i If «>• no **.« rl s. '»*3 ynf^B »t> e , ■fTerd*4ric>: «!tsr>hfenvs ''toj (or «tef) fend Fitr>' ^&neft» ^^•j*?^— ^'c^cTR^isr If, 'Esrrief? with li'-enee, 17'? 4-- ^^cr;-?)"hi;r *:2, merried %! r?i licence, l^rfehftn -iPOfulR, Dtnd Rachel vrooa&n, •wseduw wimj^* 'i'/'?4— •^ec&^''ber ID, fH&rrlsc «ith ll'^anrse, X'7«7jfc-.- rs^(^' 15, -::?£*rir1 yd ift.-:-'* fhlriu pu*t)lic«»t.ic-n of o^nna T^n ▼&?! pet ten, »Rfl sc'.onsc>TitAdy, fend »f6rfK.rlt«r. *T&^\»tr*ii».t, vfcn i:?«ns#l8>*-r9ByC'fe.» I'/^.n— ft^uftry 19, sjfcrrie!^ tfter thlr?? publicbtiv^n of bsifins pietar YSin dtm "»erg, tmn i^rx«i. "^vrt, ▼&« "^istouriiifjoono* jV*-?v-- r&r>u«ry k9 ^ «nfcrrl^>S aft«r third piiVilcs ticn cf hrrsn«. I'^i'B— •^obru*ir> ■. , :--rr*i" ^fter third pvtd i efe t J c - ■^ ^' - ■■", .Te»fie ■'>fcsV:» r ■' ~ .rtr«y 'bo&i.a, "both t>f ■Schensc^tifc^y, vo t la iif ?tf<>, on e ch ted v . l'?7f*— *»{i./ ^'*, i;.itp,rriy^ &f£er imbii cation «/ 'ai^-rj?^s. 1^-5— runs 11, ra»rrisd *ith liossaee. I'/^fi— ru>-!r^ il, t-;fe.rriao t-ftcr i'U^oj^ic^^i^n qT b^>m^ ?errfenlel Toll "loet^ t.-s 1 >in&fttj@ mjakar. I77fjr— Tuly Si, riurri^(i wltb licence, ■^nldl Tell, fen.i «:u«fcnn* feisit«, "hyc.n -rf--- "- >. - ^ (T^ero seswe to H^ve b«6n no r^^t.rri»fre record f^ between jaly *6,1'5'''5 trid ▼is.nwRry 1, I'JSS, iwlt?i the ©xin^« tlon of the folle^rJnf^ »in>!rl« entrjr' with n&te) T..s^9ir&nee ■Wfx^tntkn, raet ?oliy ^rfedt» ^y(3a ▼«•-. -'i-x^'-o^.tvesu. (^Gt«» •^is l»t«»% rsecrd itrr »iii^« by T,«»«r«ne« R, ^roassjfrn asome ti!^s Ifes^t «u.f?un«r, th« ftu"b«erl'b«r kn» ftrj I'^prot^er «ntry in this Ha»k,t"nl« n&t ,-.#• ^-rpiifc.^^rtioTJ ifi inK'-rt^- " '^ --<--. -r -n,,. «..-...,.* „*^^.-^ »Tr«u« r^&nk* t^enndn ,i^s, isi, Anna I?4}6, 1785— ,Tft*>uc«=ry 9, Atr«;£ Xrudj;L»i.«^«.4Na«.r ri^ b<^^ TdiU$r, ttsA jinnfctjo "!?© /ir»»f ,«eduise Ttn 7<£iftime& Tv© «ra.fef J. 7?? 5—. T?!.n, 9, «fcrri«d. K08«& «tyieB ,j&n;^ ::..-:;, i^nfetterBon ,1,i!i, "bcm in ^im Fii^ltind, ^nd rr&ncy -nornjwsdufte rtn rfccch ??ullTeni bom "luTerfcck, 1735— ^a?-!U£ry 18, jnsrried, Flliz&beth 7fcin t'^-k y^unr: M<\C':^Txa2-.':\X lij Schohtry duor John "Tan nyckj^J-Ciorlef gchchfery. 1785-- -'cil}ru£r/ o, rat- rrSeo, jO.n "urry j,i?i, horn in t^e mfc.ii'jor of Renslensyok.fcjid Trortnjyc ''•urry j,d, 'btriri ir «?chonechte4y, "both iivlfl?» Vere, Tohn Tyley,wed£«-ena*c» end Anna T,yor>di ^ " ' -^agnowfeTc c^or- "^r T, EOTseyn '^''.'n,'", .vldfcbr" I7d:^ 17Sf:-- -oohrufary 6, mi.rriQ6^ 'Tenry ^vH,born in t^llln 'saortH nonn, ino liTln?; in ■pobl^ton, fcnd Ee"fc«cku Wfct<3rnouse,bom in Ci^tm, and liying In fBciwaechtaciy, l')'8r>— ^eb,12, bfehne publishef^, serried veh^'ei'^Sfl'i^^^ «i.f^j«y noor, j'cunr:^ dfcu^^htsr bom in Philips 'f^b-mnor both lirin.'f' in r«iifton TJurlc, 1785 — ^(j>j,^, .ntrried, Tohfe-nnes ■='ontfcin,''wt;du*dnfcur* v&n T^iari^- T.fefafs-e tj.ixfbrrQ) llv.-jiK ut^'w^stij^ulne*' f>nd '-fiirifi M?nitry 14, lu rri^=: In /,i"bj.ny, 'Ter}??riV-us Ocstorhout ,j ,;,., boro at T'&tsKill, and "lisydo flonfcrjntip te rericho in de msnnor irir T^anssl*.fcr- 17B5— > .fcrr-loo in nhti.r\y, •TohfennoB Moogtelink .jjis, fens f*ath*s.rln«* 'ftai /le- .1,1, both bom tnd. lirlnj' in na-nor of Renseljtnsyfe, bet-h of '-.->"• 5 - ' - - ^» both tff ¥eonis*<.ns rill. eH--! "both llvlf5s^ in th« v^nncr ©f R^nselfct^rwylE,* Jiftifi rfeln€ .1,;!s, fend «?si>>il» ^rsdsrife , j , «i , both ^Ksm rns ilfti^m in ■l'«--rrs*?8 ^erauf^b* lfS8»- w^reh. «, m».rri«'. th j,cl, "bam Irs T^stcheater l^SS— «ffcreh 1^, b^nne published, S8«rrifi5. ?%.rtls ?ett«»gel,J,is, and ?^ri«itift«ttbllshG<\» tmrri&ck jsjjrll 11, Tanry 01an,y,!Ep», horn in j.&nA&n, itndl llYiniq; i^, Albtnift, &mi r»«>.tHRrin«. «7crary,,f ,: ^^\ frenry Ell«rfc,*: •inv,r*>5«&r?? Ir? "^ ■ «?e©>*d;fe/tiil«,ndl both llvt??^ In •nwfitne8>>t?rou^li, i7-5— - aasrrled fet ••ur^ t©??* , Tha^«.«s "9ov;l«ter» j ,ia, "bom in Islin.-'tiJR •r^ld Bi^sland •feii^l iS-?i»^:T.i« ?*yrryf fe^seh, ^n-'^ Abigi^sl fo«i^4ir J ,£*, bom X7^f;-— j3*rrSerf. In lewllst&vn. I73f«-*'ey *;7 .'Nsnn* publlehed, 3ie>rrie4 „ty 31, 17^}5— . Tune 5, ^erristf «t ritTereelc, f.r»d (Kristin* <'li&r$»,J,d, ibern in f^itirarikek «t«4l living 17@5— Tvn& df, T^&rrJed, 17S8-» Tun© l^»t>t "hfirv^s jmlslish^d 5S»rri©fi Its Jlll?ii*niii - hoiti living t^t •'=?iaw» '^•JLlfewfey" *»«m^rlek ■W»*.sler,i ,BS, fend **«.r»»»w»t *^t^.)grly,j,4. l*?3fe»« July 16, b&nna publlBhed, married Jul/ iiS, Vlili*.^ H«or,/,2£, tend wt/ratt*. -^^'^igauhlk , f ,d. 17S5— Tuly iO 'b4-n'',s published, fe^4 'fWirrSe?! the stms 4&.y, 1^82— "'vdy Sin, "bfcnns j--aT5li»^5Sd, «».rrji«5e7de -fffen d® ¥^«*Jc "District ■ !'■/-?*>-- /u-rw.st *,! , Vjfc>n7ig publishe'l ^n4 serried sfe^s^ dfct«, in ■phll«ifi@lKhl», -Tohn ?«n Kjlr, Tfen fosyes^&nife, tM I'ys^s-- /itj^ust kl, "htLnne |»ti>jli»hed ^nd serried sjfe^« i *.^ «?is!on #, -^rfeot, fend T>#'fe«e^i- "" f* : CI ^'^ t-* o y , ^ebart AlX*»n, J,'a, 'bona ta Beetlaad, ^nd .Teht^nnea <8!hitterly,,1, •--.<» ii^Sns* fet ■sreijisnber*^, and l'*85— fjctcsl>#r ii3, banns puMleJied un'. -married nimt d»t«, Arl« "fixti viiet,J,m, fend w*rlfe ««^ll,J,d, both of Brr&.«*fe/, fend KliKfobeth }-iurry\ >?oth iivln*? fct"^«ll anise r^h" T»eter ?lno8, fend ^^e^ry worton, Tc>m ?*hriRti»n8e, fern! i 'teadrich, "^'Vth lirin?* in t>»e ©eisnty of *font*^fj-a5§ry, isgter ■«'lero, llTln^, Jn "de "Bosht* »ndJ*?lr&«f , both of •?«^onefi'tfef?y. both of*inirrya "«*o8« ^fenrl'^ua "^sm "^onth^yBen, t^nS f*fet&lln*. ■f«iaa, both of AUHf^nle, I'/SR— •^©ees^bar 14, s'trrle??, Klehftrd ?»«irker, fcnd isfftry i?r»nk,both of ?*oh©n©«!t«dy. l*ja5». "^eee^^st^ftr 11, isfcrried, both Of f?e>>c-n©ctfedy. l'?Sft-- TvfiC£r';t.-er irj,b«tn-n» publSsha^^, r!>fcrrlsc5 Jfenja,!"??!*?, 1'Howftss WilkaB, fcnri /inm •^-'lith, bot'-? wf /l>;fenle. 1?S6— »«b,19i, marrl«4 (^^i^ ef ^ejn- « not i?iT€n) ■hctH of ^eMonas^tip-rty, X'rr?^— ,risn,14 V.fefl'^8 puMSs'^e^, ss^rrlea Tfe«,,af>,l'?^--l€ pic>i«irr! Tones, ,1, '8, ^.n^i Eli8*>>eth ♦•«'s\ilt©r,j,«. \K,%h of "*?««te«i^feun«'» John T Icllua ^0Ofe,l,??:, 4jr;--l 7- ■ 'S»i»j»^» *^^ I'^HtJ.-. Tisnufery il » tefcwnK |)vTr.l Jelled, ^«t»rried wftbjljl^SC, "■beyfta ran T&r®na>>ui^,h» -J'lli, «'?d /.na&lja: ^p&fen,'bsrn it "'.n-^ftr'iGr.k i.ru', living Tticob »hiiriJ ,"b«rai in ss^ncr i,iTinf?stoa, b^^na Tfin^'^x ^ing- -^fen»,boifi in W«rr«inburiFh, "feeth living; >ier«, Ti>h&nn«s T&a 4er iFerken,,i,ia, bom Jn «e!er».t&gm,liTlng tt ^oiRsfenakiil, 17^-* trifH,7, bsnns puMished, ss&rrlsd ?*eb,21,l*?3e, 17f^*!— '?«>), 5, res.rrJft.'*! (no dfcta of "bc.n ») wilXifcin Wf j^se, C*?feii(»«) »nf! Mns Thrown, '^Mt'-' af mils Vovm, l"?Sg*- (atte of iben^a net f^lren) wferriei -!»eb,il,l?Bt, fc-nd Sii«fel>«th Jid*««,b<&rn &jhI living at SeH660gt»dy, i*;- -.t-. (dfcttie net giTeni "at. , ., -,^.>., in Alb&ni©* Philip Bte,>>oth of ^ftllatotm, "^Itue ^tiojratriisar.bom in T!i^«i*.nh«r«uen(1>om in ficetle^n^ written fens cr«a«©f! o. fend Ulr^beth ♦fc(-r»r»mid ?) "l>«3?ds f^Qy>er&n in «?e©tl«fid" "^or^g »^'i&rl«s ^tock, mnd Wf^ry ^i^i^»«n, both lJTlr>r» ii" ^c >@r»6ctfe«y. l*?-!!*— >*Mrch 5, married, ?let«r faioats, fend Ei^eli'^*^ '■^^'^ «fTyV,>v;>v>> w.r" ■> -^^ liTiJiF In ScHenect^y, l*?^^— '?Brt?>^ 'if 'bttnn» publish©^, wferriad »^reK 1*?, ♦■Hr** i»uy», fcujrn fet •i»'is'-il» *-*^ '^Ef* 1?cTi«ns«rh©em, vern *t ffthensctfedy^fenn hoth liTlnj? here. 1706— "^r^reh IS, astirried, »*fertlnu« ?>«(^o«,\K>rR in ^*lva :-*•»&«» **«il *^rie ?ltd«?!t>«figh born in '''iskll, both lirln^ «t ?»fclT« ^aisfi. l^j5f.— K'fereVi 1?=, ?s*,rrier?, "both iirinf? i»i Ra«i!«lfet nrylc^ T»c©b f«lwt«, teem et ^^atlafujw* ttn4 liTln^r ^i , wnsfens kilX, smd rfereih «l*tto, Xlring fet lfeofn«i&na'feil. 173f— '*sr«h 31, ^j-rri«3<^. Al«Xftit«*er Tempi©, cf imilatenjbviTi ifj Se©tl*^4, nad 17a^— April *^c, raerried. '^'**— ♦lint i^., rinrrled, ^Bft» «scher!^erhG«rB, tnd fttharin* 5Nritt«, both of ^corK&nsV:!!!, Ahnm ?cher?nerhom Jr, and rtithlyntj® fl^g«ttt. both fra'^.e fferr»neburt?h* I'/ji^^-- . »?j,y e^ iMsnne published, gsfcrri^.- . ,, ., /©rsnt #l>r»ae ^f*dt, ftnd ll»g«ltje V^n ?«tten, bv*- cf "^eihenegteidy, 17S6— ^%y 13, V/fenns pubiiehed, T^arried '^J^y la, A'brfaSR Ouaekdnbea, fend .7&nn»tJ« 1>© ^^0€, both liTinf3r ttt ^«lTa *?&»«, X^ae- ^?f^y 1*?, mt-rrlsd, ■'ff'lchdlfcg Ti«-rfcw*y, fend ifeeltjo Tru«x,feeih ef ^«riS8«ts^tl '^■^ r-omeils, T«f*«y 28, b«iiiis» piiMinhsd, tm-rri^i Jv.n& l^,!*?^!!, .TfthB ■''©Isl^, fenn »'?.ry Fe.rd,both bom Irs S<^c-hfcriwi,. ^ lirln^ in *TJeil©a'b«rBh" l';'re— Jysie 4, btijina published, .a»rri«d ju?i« 16, Eyert w&fi jim^iRs, fend T.ena i^rorafca, ■^it»«®r Tillebach, and llljR<*>>«th ??islth, both llrinp' In Rajeale.&risyk" l^ag— Tyn*-? *>'*, hi-.n-:» i--/bli6hed, slurried Ti«i^ Alexander T>unea, fersd /!i?»e ''nfewfoni, both. liTlnn in •«iea«€t8idy* both liYlng &t •^eiienber^h* 1 •?««?—• Tvay 1€, a*.rrler^, Toft^ph <>jfilth, bcm in "^©etcn, tnd Allied rr&nt shorn. 1«?B«— Tuly ii3, b*nn« publ Jshed, s»*rried Aw«5:,ii4,l'?S«, l^rt*^— Aw»«6t If^, bbnns publl«h©d end siterriad serait d&t«, Tohn ''Rimlnr, "r* n f^x^rr^^ ■wose* and rtthferln© Tru«x, l«rse— Ai^uet IS, b&nn« publishM, tsferried in Alb«tni«* both of Al^»nle, X7S6— Augrust IH, bij^ns published , 'Si^rrl^t «i£^t,14,l7Sth Gf riifton lerk* 1756— «!^t, 3, .T%>hn «f*%rt, «tnn ^««ltj9 Van ]^8, ■b«yda Tfcn do »oe«tyn8» •b«y^e ▼kin ii«itt«ns "»!©e«» !•?£;«•. '^ei^t.y, bfcn-?e published, «jR*rrie^ In /l^^nis*... , _ Antbony Hn 7fea«v«wrt, snd ^#feri& Ra*f ,botb of Alb»nift" beth of «ch«n#ctfedy, ?!rt»Hr-" -"^ 'tnft- , fend AXic:^' --v-i ■,'■ ■" "^ "' ^'"^^ ■■■'>ttr^h' ■^jn^i^fc-mt Silas, •▼tn wdtaoma*^ *«»%»«.*~i» i-" >>j» «».-.» j. ^ , '^^sorflje Anthony, of «»«h«*?sectfe4y, tn^ beth of «?hh@?i;Ct&4y, Hob«rt irerlim«y, and ?-»fertfc 1?««ni*f ,bet>i of ?tc}n*ns©tfcdy, 7fa*»« ¥ille.o'6n, "run de i?Of.ht* itnd ^orib^ii Pfctt^rscn, iT'-^f-- (d^tc'i-. not jEfive^J "sj^rrisd in AlWnS*" "both from welIt;nl>ftrftH, l'?Hf5— nece^bsr 10, ^enns published, ajfcrried T>«e,ll, 1^©6» •phillp ?!!hfc«^, of riiftcn -^ferk, &nd ("rote--Th« «d chrn.l3,l78? •Sla^sae-B ^ytteh, isnd rally *?c?i®rai#i*icrrt, 17g7— renufepy *1, /^arri^d » t ^Kg»n«.*f»>«?o, Tohn f^mlth, »n* 'mi^rsr©! «!no®k, "both of wrr(»n»^urgh, 17S7— Tcnufer/ kj*? "bfennie puMishe^i, a6irri%<5 *bja,2S, "»^»»Jal wort, and *«nfet,1e 'S'imHAr, i-soth >)orr frn'l liriniT tt ir@6ti^,ubn6, 178'3'— ^fthnitr/ 11, >>t>nT5«5 pulslishe^, «iarrl«d "^objll, R«th foasetoek, af «?&.r»to^B "^sutrlet* 17^57— C4«td« not fl-iren) •ssiirri©' In 'Montgomery f^ouaty* Robert r*&f&&f ewd Be'^cc^Mi p®br«/, "b^yHtt Tfef) 4& Tvsstrict irsn !»c^*@nofttft(^y* both cf ?»ch«n«ctatty, T.um'b^rt f?idJ«ent, of fu^.ntimti^o* un-i »»teri* ''?«dd«r, "▼»»n Ro«ersdi*^l* 17B7— iiffcre'i .., Isfenns puMiishsct, :ji«itrr*sa in MbenAs" f?ftthetrSn» srpH»«, •Tt»n rasnrtor r^n B«na«ife«.r«fyl?* /r".'? — 'h*..fms ptiMie^ed, isse.rri»i©r dktc of bfcins or a?&rrlfc. i) both of ^Chaniitetm^y, Ifm"" •'mr«h 24, >w^nn8 publlsh^sd, amrriet^. April lO,!"?©*/, biith fr&m ^«ll0nb(3nff. 17.H*?— -^fferch iiJs, married, ,Tahn Louis Tiefeor T,« Tonueiler,»fr^boorti» in V^retJctKryk" *Lnd *?&riti. -Dorothea Trcntijn , both of "^ehonectfoG/, 17«'r— ^prli If, b&nns publJshed, ?8«.rri«d in il3LbKiil«, both of illbfrnie, ivti*?— April 12, bfcnn» publishes^, mftrried *. rlX lis, flr^on "^e nrfcbf ,*w«duwen»*r'' fend jmnnetje Bradt, botvj of fii«^@n©ct*dy, 1?^«. April I4,b&nn8 jiuhliehed, ssferri^ri In Al>.?te.nla, •'Jerri t T,T,fe'iJ!ilnB;,«-*redu«-enfe*;r*, i"' jfsrife 'fen Mrneas, "wsdu*©*, "btiy" o Boght' i7H7«— April 2*?, benns pulsllehed, married ^^fcy 6,1'»'^7, ▼oYin ¥inchel, of ^Xhtuny^ fcfso l»?i>7— April 2R,V.{;>nns published, ?R&rrled April Jt8, jiicob "^rtjithvyaen, etkI r-tthtrlne young, both of Fchsnectfedy, Ai«i>.i'n5ler R.obsrtecn, fend. Jonn/ Mc!?owghtcn, *"h«ydci vfe-a FQ^bred /l'b»rj "?5us>i.* both from vsstlgfcune" l<7|jV— ''fey e, rja.rrie<<, ?«t®r Kontf;^««w8ry, fend T>oreft» ((Elites) -»^itJt» Mo»r«, both of /lfe«.nle. 178*?— *jr&y 10, 'bi^nns, "'Qsvastlght ti >>ot>» of f*cgfia«Ago, 17^7— ?'&y 13, b&nr?s, sifcrrlan w»y 14, n©rrit fleet, van 'ysetirfcune, and prrlunt^& ^la«Bt,"vii?n Pensaltifc rwyk. 1787— ^'fey 15, «?,rri@'l, Tch^nnas Teller, fend E»t«r ".Toil, ^cth of ??elien«ctadsr. I'/s?-* ^©th ©f*W«rr«as 1le«8» Te&«c Ingle»on, and f^ty Sd««.l,bcth of T>u»nBeb»ir??, 17S7-- w»y ;ri7, Hi&rrl«d, Hathew Tft»tt«r, wjd wferp;feret Wendsl.both of #lb&.nl«, 1^37»« Tuna 3, hsurun, 'nbrriert rune *?, trendrlck -BiMSts .of /«llfton -^ferk, *tn5 Fnr*«ltje f-ehera^jrtiom cf »t !** "^or.tge^sry* .Twtie« ^lllifer. •»— •, end mm^rimt l!«cksr, «b«yde TJ^n ifferrtnsburgh* 1767— rune 30. "he^rins, jswirried T«ly 5, l'?;57, ¥111 ea Vaddssr, ri>.n i«6©tl?««Be, trnd X7P7— "b«nr»8, lasrrisd Tuly 17, I7.;s'?, Alex&ndar pifttoo. »ni "mrimtft S&a»fty, both «f vr.ui-nKnji >ill, . 17?^7— . iMtnnft, r;'.»rriec Ti*ly S,!"?^^, ■artr.-sfenus i>e^,"«edu*antefer» an? rally Yun Antw«?*w^er», both 9f «ish#a#cte4y. Villls^'fi ''&r«l,of «'fth©n»cisdy, bnd »<'»rit' ''i.rlnTar, of "^eor^'tne '--ill. l7-«7— .Tuly 2;i, bfenna, ?nfcrH®c! ruiy i6f>,l7B7, Al«x»ind«r Tedder, i.r.d <;u6fenn» "^ToeiBfan, both ugu«t S, "bfen^na, ~*»ifST«et4i?Ht*-^ (sTldentlJ' not ajferriod) Tf»n&«i*« «;i.xte«rry, b'^o vtrle Patterson, "both from "tgnaiftfego T«iatrlct In ^fontgoatery County, •Objected tc hy '^r Pfctternoa* /ndrifis '7ujr«>:,Tfcn wa^kfetok" and Ee"bcV>E Cu6>^x«nb©«,of «"eh0nect6.dy. l^S7-« /'i«;^«»t 12, w«rrl#d, l«?a7»- #ur-U8t la, Isenns, "sferrisd iyv^iist i;l, Bolbert f^ifnnen .Tun'r, fend Wawcy ^'*«s'iregor, both of jfoorm^nB kill, Vttlter Ttiylcr, «idi iP^ney ^?rfedt,bct^ of *'«^©n«otedy. 17 -i*?-- /urust SI, bfcnna, ^ferried ^eptewhor ii, 17S^, both frars the TSlienberofh, 17a7«» f?0ptc:->.er 5, b*in««, m&rried Oct, 22, Saloajisn pulTer, and Ksry TJ«ni6t«n,^oth of TiwtnsBbwr^h, i'/Q?-- ^(jplamMr 1^, "biinnc, worried 5^^pt,lS;, Keynd^rt A, Wimple, tnn T>oroth«fe Town, both «if Prher»eet».d7, 1787— Hepta;ah©r 14, b&nnn, m&rri«f! 3&?r!« dsie, Abrom nroot, luid Esther 7^ ?loll,bcth of feh®nees BrB^dah&w,fun ne« friiehold" fcrjd -- E»ehel !?«««, Titn ffurryji 'ioss" l^itj*?— Octybar 17, rfttj-ritid, •*b«yd« run Traushold '•otmty Vfcn Mbitny" I'JB'T— October Sil, "henie, mfcrrie^d ^e^me d»t.e» joh&nn«a Eri«V:san, and flll®?»pje Trojan , *'«Mi • "hat'T of ''e'hgnsetfsdy, "i of faer^ens kill, X*?^^— — mferriad Offto'bisr 31, 1 •?■?•?, wenry «*>iel6«n, s^.n^ »*ary ^n©«lar,b«t>^ of ^«ill«n^erg, X'^^f-m voremher lD»'"^^n':s, rr.&rrie-': "^^cTjll, Isath in s«hen»ct&4jr ai strict, 17a*?—- — — n«irrie« >?ot,11, l^B'?, i.'iw^*"" - • jii^rriv^ g«T4«-&r l%,i,''~v, jd^n Titn 'Taeesn, fend Rftcnei L«^i»,btith of S^en«s€t»dly, 3 7e'?— '- - ?a».rri«d ^«*TC!fi?>s©r ir.,i'?l^7, Tohn fn:tl«r, and Polly |?itsssl, "rtYn fliften Pferk* 1?8*?« - - "bfcnns, vmrricA ,Tfemift.r/ i*,!*??^:; „T«By ?iras8r,v«fj «!^ohtry, «m?i fHntherlfte 2;lttl«,Tft« d«n *f«lle«b«r^H« l7-i'7 — - - banns, gsgrried ^fev.SO.lfa*?, «rar33*iius A,'*^'an Antwerp sr?,Tfcr! •^?'«etlf^fe«ne, ^^'^ Ann&t^fc "^jsrs !^»», Tfcr^ «^<5^en^tfcfiyt .?rm«» ^latd»y, w.4 fl.ty.iti'^et>» Ts/lor, i^S*?— «- -- 1*?»'^8, ir,ftrri»d n«se«R>»«r €,l'''-?'», ^ATthol emeus eioet, fend »?*irg»ri«te. ^««k, both cf »r!hansia:tedy, t»t«t«r WAJirea ^Itb^fl*. »«ftl®n, both of ''ohenscle.'f^y, "^Inlfcy T^eTvillftm, and T^'s-r^jtri ©t !?ci»?e-.u,«5>iton, botl^ fjp«R?3 Johnsons >so8s wontg©?»«ry f?ount/" 178";— -~ — "bbnns, Kifc rr i«ci .««ireh XS.l'JaQ, ,Tohn ^mk#r, end i»irsatje o^ideiicirlc, •>Msvd« vfcji di'i ^oors3«infi kill* Tohn f^YfcteB, run nr««me wo««* fcnd Wftrsr&rietjQ ffoyndereon.TteJi ?;eh«nectfcdy, ;!r<^ii Benny, &nd ^nnatja T«ll«r, both of ?eh&B«!Otftdy, 17BS— ■• -- bf.n'^g, «fcrri«d ,rf»reh 13,17S8, Asa ^fcjnaes, ft?i, /l^frn5«. '»'3Testip,ht »»«.y 29,1788, X7^V- Tune 1, r^^-^s puMlsh'Jn, merri^d Tteie lis,l7B^i, Tosej-h v&n,T6sn ds *»«f rt« kill* fcnd Mns Toles.Tsn I'l'.'jCi— -- — bj^nns, rii-rrira' rune li;,17'^H, f^rif,ht ?>fevis,run de p«trte Xlll" fan! ■oh6>>e '^Inrsfenj'Tfcn de TTdll3nbtirj;h* i*? '.'^■— -- -- ^£^n K, z.tirrle>6n«e, ^trrlod sr.«t 4j^^^%, iboth frosp the B>g?i.t, ^leholii.8 ^mrgfelius, tnd ''^Hgdel Rotsa, 1738»» s«|ite3>ber 2Si, mtrried, Willltre "»eejfe, «ind .Tudit'n wieka,twjth of ft«?th3noctfedy, 1«75B— •jejitem'bar i4,>j&nr3S;, m^rrlod octo^sr 26,17Bj'5, I»6fe.« •^•3@ifl8trsiet, fend *»ts.rifc Tearpennlng , l'?8it locr ^T Younp-^ Ell*«»betH '^^y, Ttn -"lifton "^rk, ?'illl&® /luneuek, 6.sid trfc^mfeh (forn»v"k *>) T'lohclfes '^fcuch,v*-n rchwhferlftif es-nd .John BodlBOn, anc ^^rry ^©ek.both af )^«»ae?tB "^eBS, 178B— October *,5, l)4.n>-B i-'Uhliahed, ^'fe-rrit-d (aui*' net glren] B«t>«ek» Trull, Tfen nufenesbur^h, bdth froM ^«ll«nb«rgh. in^iS»» -- -- ^eni"«^ fi-jf. rri&d "^©t,! jl^'^fe both of 9^(sr»4'4ct.»-dy, 1738— -• -biin'-'s, mt-rrieo. ^▼ea!l)«r le.lff.*^, 1»«t©r Vhlte, and lUgel^eth •St rh^'-jyt. , !•?:>?<„ — 'bjjyjv^a, fjis-rrled October ;iC,i?SH, i»«t©r Vfn To«tten, and ^oivia Van ^nt-jteriittn, •batn of 's^e^Gnactiidy, r?lrck 'ladder, Y&n '^rd&tif^aune, tn-i ?^fe r i*. T, VrcHiitvn , "^^- '-• "■ ^i r^-ndK ill, 178?^— "^foce^n'oer 13, baniR, ntrried n3c,l£,l'?^3. l^rA^'m -nt- .. ..', h&.nn»f acrried r&nui^ry 12,lTV*, "hctJi of •9«5?-x€nect«4y, Tchn J^^ich^rssentome, urtA ^&nny Clyde, 17S9— — -- b^niE, married w«br\»«ry l,l'?a&, 17881— — ■b«>nr« :n&rri*j)i,Trng, .ntrrie?' •s'ebrus'. r/ 17 ay, ■bctM frfim *?Poi»mrTis kill. X'>!t, Ro«l3f v&nhuyisiinf fcna «5ar£*i 7«in Tn^iticAii, both C'f «;Rh8nfeCtfcii/, jn«»o«« vt^'uruHry iiljTsenns, m«»rri&d. «i«rf»V 1 •*,!'" S3, •"beyie ran de ■well^nber^r* .Ttfhfennc-e A,"^r&dt, fend L««nfe ^ded^r, •both vf •!chs*>6Ctf.dy, 1*735— -- htiTss» is«>rrisd 'jr^rch lJi,l78y, bcith of f^e^isntjctft-iy. yohfervnit ^oof^t q«1 in*? ,Tfer; t^ /sJ 6& kill , ■ yonepb I'd ^clfer, enij" darnel 1& ^oon, '?laeis Van *'^y«€» ifeic A^-^st.-f*? ovrn^vt^ Ijoth of ?t«*Hen5fetfc,tiy, ?Hll«»?c Teller, "55sdui»enfcii.r" iind K«ther '{©dd^rln^'ter!, ■Hot>i ll-vinpr in rScinit/ «r -r«.ll 3n>>6rg, .Tohn f*Ar\ «iait>», fend ?«»«ny Ho>eling, ■bcth of J»ehan€Cttd/, .jftcCb j»., Tnisx , V fen wcorsneni* k-lll, fe.nc «oj>hife OoiJderk«rk:,Vi''^ "- ' ^ in'haro;h, 1', ;r^.- •• bartns, ?»i8.rrJ^'' April 5,1733, jheijh Tsaliaont, fend neborfch ^s-dt, I7fv^— — bsu^ns, «n«irriaa A^^rii S-,l73f., ■^e-lter ■^, vi«oome.n, fend Ell»fe.^eth I'elsh, v»ct;i of *Jch0ns«tady, i'/'^y-- -- bfenns, Tnerri&ii April l*i,l7S9, 1739— April ii5, h«nn«, married »f»y 179a •, j»web seaith^vars f^arryv 'Roes, >»«'• l^lBJ'i "^r&f. c , y.-.n !?0Ol;-KKni» Kill, 1735-- Tune 12, ■h#Ar,r>|R^ thrrie--^ tx U^y.^an^ •JoKfj" {nQ afcte) Tilll»4s <^«trt, &nr> 'intrifc -redder. •sTttdrl!^ Trcvdt, tnd ^nnatje 'feeder, v.cth i>f FJcheneetfcdy, ■Polly '^irlnef&r, nr d€. m)©r?^fc!!ie kill, l^BQ— jiina ;i7,i3i,nna, minrried Tune 28,178-*, ■hotV; of ■«est«q;&.>-v?>e* niliiin virtne,vfen ventsr&wer/ ^cxmt/, and. »«ferife TlensVvSf^h, rsn rarlchc" I'JAO-.- -- "^Minns, rnsrriefi. in Al'bfenls (nc dfcte«) TSftt^gr ■ncu?ie 5i««ki«fen, fend trfennfch 'Til tan. Vayj-"' Tul/ 11, bs-.iie, marrloi in /lbs ".id, John Tfen rieu»on,Tfin Tdrlcho, ana Mtje Titb^eX, P«t«r yr&5!iein Veeder, md ,T»nn«tj« VS^n l^t), bt>th wf '^cheoecti-iy. I7y*>—- -« 'htrire, ratrrl;?' ♦?6>f't©- ■»)«!' 1,173»', rihristi&ifcn Hoefi,T»*n T;ut.na»bur^, and 17a¥— -- bf-^npfe, :n&rrie-,i /MrMtA i;»l'?''V> both of •'♦j'ititteet.is.dy. iVSi—^uj^UBt ?^, b*nR8, !«*rrla« ^ntust •^,176^, Tuhn '♦I o el ,■»»•'- 'jGormiijje kill, en4 ffefeh^rlnii. T«li«r,Tr*n «sc>n?n©etfedy. l'?a9— -~ V.^'.nj?, m^trien ^lur.uet !»,17ui', 17B9— Aujp;ust IS, l»&nn», rmrrim AnrMm% ie,l*?8y, 173V— — 'b&yina, m&rrler! AUf^uat lci,l7o9, l'?»'.9«- -- bt'^.n;:, is&rri«d >vi>-?ust 29,173^, ■fcoth iif 'WOOJT.^t-R© Icill, TohR /ail, ¥nd Polly ^6rry, "bey;* a risn ■*N&e»buri* filhHhXiye* 17>'jS-« ■. •" r 7^-1 ^ i^tO-"- ranu-^r/ 1"?, ht-n-is, •jiarrled i'l ilii"bfc«i^" •peter "Warily, twi rJdif spefrrbeek, l*??©— Tsnufer/ 24, banns, •«»fe.rrifj'i •ewtji dfcts, both of «?char!<9ctsdy. l*?'*-©— — b?n'^a, ntsrrit^a T»nuery i.4, l'?^0, — benne, ■^crHe'i .TEnuwry £f jlTsO, i7gC— •- bfcsas, saaarri^ wsibrw^r^ ii^.l^SO, John ^cvanpfeo^i, ty.^ fue&nnfe ■'5»sis^?:<#t,"hot>' <;i '^sstii^o-. !«n«' l'?^©"'- ^'a'brufary 14, \»8inns, mnrrted veb,ii5 17V0, 1790— — bfcfina, 3«6.rrie': F«b, I'/^^O, TfaMas FC-^nntil f' , ^wl ^ff-.ry fining. ^ both of S«Sienect»^y, 17S0~- ^ebrui-r/ ;<;*, b^-nns, atjrris^T ^&rch 4,l'<^iO, John T-sarpcnnin^ .TuR»r, and Tulianb "^t^lsted, both Qf ^llTton "oarlr. 1790— February ^1 ,>5»nii8, atrrlsd ^e"b,i^4,l79o, T6iB«» «j>t.rt£e, and Fli2H>j«th ^rssmfcn, Isfctc "^e T*^«, and ^-^^fjrt roy ?H>x,>»ot>) frc-t '-?&!▼« «**»»», l*?i^O~ -- hsfmBf ""ceTrestlcht to ja,>)^ni9* (no detee) in-^0— — ^nna, mhrritid ^®>J,ii?5,l790, ■pster ''."^fen f>iy^, t-nd Tfttrpisrletje Tjghthfll, both of Bshijrectfcdy, i*?:*©— ''&rch 7,bf..nn8, mfcrried ^t.-rr-'H at.>. 1790— --hi-nns, wtrrUd -'fcrch 13,1790, both of 'T^atlf innffi" Kob«rt Little, and '-r«i>Hjs9'b& Armold, "both of «?ch!eneett!dy. ■hs/'l^ run Woor^-EinsVlll , V:^0-"- — h*?nre, -aerrieci Tune 13,1'?»»0, Tjoth of «^€hen.ectiidy. "both iif f^ch^ft^cts-dy. bistii wf Wtcnfi&a* it ill. i"vO,-- — birrs, :-nKrrled July IS.l^s/O, irsr.t /, redder, fcnd >nf?enl«tje '^r Epe, l^fiO — .- •bfcmift, mfarriBd /up;n«t 10,1790, Atjrsja fchermerhom jr, -■■■' "^*:rif. r!lx"bir, "both of *5chanectftdy. » w •■i» »* Abrfaj^ TXhjjts'x, £*nd Mary fyllTfii.n,'bot-H of CCrrrys 'wosa. 1790— -- 'bfe'^na, rR&rri«dt o«'tfe'fc#r Ift,!*?'^©, l*?>-0— Octfei>er I'J.b&nf.fi, vtrrigd >ToTemlj®r 1,1^'asO, jss.C4>bua .T,"&n i^s, fend ji^ustknAa. V*iri ^f/ii»ilin;7, tooth at Bcrien«ctiid,/, l"?*©— ■»rove?';b«fr ?. .tunne, iSfcrried ■^foT&wber i.i,l*"s*0. "both fr«n -fTfeilenber^, X^yO*- 'stinns, •.^rrliiti. "•"^acejf'ber j»,i'7S0, T»eter i.«trfctfefcy, "Taj-: tie '^^.y t>f twenty" if-«Ti l?'i!Of« «- b^rfT 5- , jaitrris.a p.t.vry iS.'Hifenrs, ;aferriei 'door «n justicu" .To>-n ThUif8, fcn-s Fiis.*^feeth bitterly, Teeter Ash, enc '•tthtria* v^rrihes., V»th of "1 if ion w^rk, X7S*i»- 'inyjiry l!i*,^.fcnne, wfcrrls?? Tfcfi, — i?al, l864LCk J^T^ttLtkTf t.r6 f«fcr& foil, both of ^(^sndet&dy. r^.ri&tit ft« ?rhftel, fend Vferg*ri*tfc T «& w , 1 "i il , .Terr^?al*h Tull«r, fen<-> Polly rsndfcll, >>ct*<^ of 'Jrhene'rtp^.y, bot>5 of ?^rry« '^»«» l^vl-*- •- >>fenns» ^ncrried rtk^M»ry -i^,!*?*!, lV9i«« .- tifcti'^B rijRrried Tfeniiery iiS,!*?*! , l«?^l-« -- bbnne, mtrriao Tfenu&«-y ►i?,l7vi, Filli&en ^»fcn Benseli Kr.vfcin '"larareck, fend 1791— bunna, sifcrrisd ?f».rch 3,1791, T>ot^. oi" .^'Uvjr^.fane kill, 17yi— — nfenne, me-rried ^terch l,l''9l, lioth froiis tha ''TutjrsRfcn* kill , \?91— ■February 5, >^fenns, *m\rri9tc!*) jontntj nrfcnc, fond Ellijinor «*t*.i/, bcth uf Itssssen* ''^oas, ««tj-euol «!eh&rp8n£,teyn, tad ^■^fery yr%»RC>i, bcth tf •»? feline en 6 --t'Jift, 17^1-- - hkn'-is, intLrrled j»nit*6ry ao,!'?^!, f^ttrtth "Tt-r. r*-jttan, ran f^Cnenect^.d/, 1791— — bfcnns, • ratirrled ir. «»eJ^orll ^^S,!*?^!, ji'brRH»?s '•ouotryBUMSj ««nd <*fc.tHtrinfe r re una, l'?i*i— fij^riX *4v», bimnB , «.«- rr.i.c^^ >,yri.i *i%, i'<-.>i.. l^n— •?&>' U *) bfcnns, si*^rrled June 14, i^vi. l'79l-- -- htn"*, aerrisf Tii;ns 14,i'"^l, hct\ of '^'Orry "bosis" l?yi->- - 'bftnn«», Mferrled nine J^.l'JSl, 17^1-- -- bfnnii, "•nev^stipjht door T*o. T.Ror^eyn* (nc? -ifctea) Tohn Aflfeir, Tfen H«wi»©n» "aoBs, »-nri *f8ry 'cl^iftkar , "rtn fn'ry "Sosh, I'ydl-- Vnrs, •^ferried (*-:' ^'utf^s^) l'J'91— "benriR, a?*.rriod Tunc 12,1791, "^otJ^© ^OGt, end Elifs^toti "^en Huyaen, T>oth of ^'c'hc'iact'fe/iy, '5ilh«li;us. T€*{i«r, uftsl Elii.i^'a^th tiaftii , hct^- of «chc-!e«tfc^y. •1)eyfi<^ v*'j Ifoorsiiine kill » ? '^ ^-ur-rv;-; **tisB' ^fith of ?i»iilTe t?*.»«, both f rti*'5 "^UfenosburfTh , 1791-- >H>«r>g, .Hjfcrrteri ruly 31,1791, "h&rl®*? ?forl6, fan? <'«.thferinfe '^*.»i Mtwerpen, /'on.r'} ^4*11 s, Tfcn roxtjcl^" an-' l^cii — — h?*nna, swrrisfd peptesabor 31,17^1, Toti&i>h ".Y&tes, fcnc^ Ann SULllca, "wedsme Vb?i !T .Tfam«» 1?«t«r l?ipaon,T?xn ■»,©u%T«t.ns kill, un^ 1«?91«- - b&rtns, rafer-riefi ''©^lesibar 10,1^91, 1791-»- " ">6. *''nO'lo&-»i,>>eth of '^Uftrs e«buf^,h, 1*?' 1— woTts^ihsr 19, bainiDe, 5?,&rried t?qc,4,1'^91 , j&eote f!!»lth,trfc.r? forrys bose, tnr mfcckfail ?illiftw -^11, v«n Phil fed ^IpHiit.&nd •'feLrgferictti r.eftloy,Tt«n i»h.llfadalphi44, l'iJl-~ ^oca?3b«r k;4,^ienn«}, surrlfid (no det«,} l'?91' d.nns, fsjKrrled T»ec ember £4,1'? 31 , 17'tfi*- --• bfc.nns, ststrrliJd '^av^'.j'her 5,j.7iil, TifenU KB^-n", both ., Wi;— ~- ■h^niit, jsa-rrifed Ttnt^e-ri/ v,!?^'^, ■both oT ini«in»Bbari»*i, IVv.'.— "bfeans, .tJHrrJiod Ttnuciry s^, l'?Vl, Adfeia H%nt«r, *in4 f»i*thfcria«. tMnny, both qT Tiiafenesbwrg, i';Jki-- «- b^nns, :?ifc.rris2d , (no dt.t«B) John T.Taaon, »nd ^ett» wtmrifc r?lbsen, l'/:*^-- heins, .n&rrlar (no d* tea) both ©f Schenectady, >dno ■'^fctfes, &na "^ul«ih «:tliaeon, 'Vii-- ■'PQhrUit.r"/ rn, >>fc^>i8, fi^rris'l { both fro;s r'HHftJo^fc'riQ, T«^3i035 "^idiefe, t-nd Vfrry n»©li,'rjoth of ferrys bo&s. *:..'>*»?^-— -- 'h«inv::»j i'rj&rrj-i'ii-' '■'■•ire. •■jj^*"-'. jRirtwa ^ifciVar, and <®ujs6«nu Raialx, "^at^, ef PcM&neeWdy, .Tohn ''?hallK?«d, i-ntl jinn ?*e»tirlfen, *?v;th of Corry» "^lae, ''^fenisil ^^elnt Jra,vfcn ^ij- ^rer^ AlLuni* fend l'.?L— April 14, biinnif, imrriQd i^prll *4, I'TSa, Kta^cisl Tmnnieton, »n6 Mfcrg&rl^tfe, pul-ror, 17&«,— '?p.y i;*?, benign, »f.rrlfi': Juno ii,t'7-;>£, Ed^erd "nsTsr, »in<1 Bech«l /cif^tiiifcj 'JjctH of >To©r5?«ins kill, John Ooetrfmdar, ind T.snii 0rried (dtta nut raeor*■«'!£, aserrien .Tuna i'?,!"^^, bot'i of Tdonsuns kill, ??«iauQl ''PI T'eit, &nd Ellxebeth ^aselo, i '.?<-- -- bj.n'ts, wtrried ,Tvil/ 1, l'?*i», Ti'sholfes ?,*'6n "oettsn, weduwe-nfefer, fend /ni»t.1e ''5'eirl/, "hot^ of *!'^^''^»rer*,viy, I'/ya— --\)fcr>-t«, 'iftrrJ«rt July ";, I'J'ik., ^redriek /."^rs-dt, and ^fctlyntja Scherajsr^icm, Tjct^ Of ®«?hen9etfctt!y. 7':;;. — -- bennC; n^rrif^ Avervmt 18, "both Of R«haiie«ttdy, wu^h tfrir^t, fe-'d Js\n TJonlft;*, "Kotn v,f f^c*^ erect id y, i'7V •-- htrirtn, -rif.rrae';! ''eT>tei«"b*r l,l'?i«i, i7V;-- "hFiT^s, >»«rri«r: tsr i;,l "omsli^a "lost, f • 1^* •' i;ictt*:«"bi^e rl'jtu ^^a^i T>yke, Robert Tfcnnyhill, and «r»ey T^imneR, V-ot^ i.'- e«'--;.in^tfody. J'o'n* ' , iKij^S Elii , both iff Sch€i?t6©ta.er 2, Wnna, mfcrrisd (ds*tt? not glrsn) ▼4Jt?i ^ fcnt J u h «-: !" 1 e , ^jjth from '»sll«nberef, i7 Connoi/, una laertruy l?ilti)£«3r,*ritdu%j'* 1^93— -- ban^fe, ir>.rri£;ti .T;i*i.v.»«ry ^-jl^?"-^, *brti!^. wc-l^e, »r»d ««treh ^rfc«?hfta, «f ^oorsacns kill. tjasttf. *T.oet, Thf> wo/ra^^ne kill. nn 17S2" hfenns, i?ifis.rrl0-5 r^^niAary l?,!*?'***;, .Tohn Tirsdt, fcnd TiHftifsji.ie vj^bje, both cf .«3«^«n»«t«rdy, 1T93-— - iHtna, ri.rrle(i ^sbru* r>^ 3,i??3, i*?^2^~ - Yjtfrr*;, s'fe-ir'rie'l TWlUfcTJ? 'i,iVifO, ".stbrl^ii ' , and Hix&"h«th ?'3lt«, bct^ of ^' a,?ft, 1793-- fetnns, 33ttrri«rf? vt^x^rt^try 11, 17^3, X*iitim» m i;;.,aas;, is^^i'riau f^brui-r^ i,i.Vi.-^, "fcrlinue Ktsterly, r-^^n riiftt^r? "P^rk, ^nd 17y^-- - bfcr»R8., rifcrried TisVnnafery i;i,X'?'i3, ■be/d • ? ■^'- '^ -^ ' •■ *1 ■hi.-;", i o"f, f ; 1*1 *= c" t . i * If 93-- =«=«brui.r/ e.^, hpms, A^rrv^h (ne dtty) both of riifti^n T*rk, i^ys — - -^^tHrci, ;r.^^rl«fi titQh^^* ry :^4,i'/i*3, nfcnlQl ■sjr&dt, ant Anni^t.lo Ols^v^ir, both of ?!cV,«ner»t»dy, rli* v%v. ^dtter, ^ttjTt.of 'foorafens kiil, Ahrsw* T^-vier^TE-n «e5^%nsrt.{*d.y, end i*?S3— («fereh 14 '9) ^4&.rri®d ti-ebrv&ry S.i'yS'a, /bran '^ict i^^s jun'r, &fi- o t h of ntc^ xni c t: fc ay , E2-r» fcf^ers, j-nd Tft&be-llss *fc''«>1.3-Uf??,Te.'^s ^urr/» boss, 1»?V3— April f., bf-nnfi, n*rriaf=: J!,uril i;4,l"'jf4, f?stwuei ■'^rfcdt ,Tt*n ^hsrs act tidy, e-r'.d 1"?93-- -- btnns, w;iarri€d A|»rll 11, l'^ls5» pitttorn ■"'itt^f-wrald, fend T*fenn^.in KoMfcrlln, ■both frfc: ^errys ^osa, both fro-n tha -^fellsnberff, jfcafcs ■^'ct^iS&.n, fend l?t>nlnlfc ,'?t«ft&rt,"hct : of fTunrys 'bos«, l*?;*,'-. -« b&nns, >*arriftd April lS,i'?93, reaper ^ii.len>»«ck, &n>ot^i. of '"o^-'v-jnectiiv'!/, 17Vi«« - Tiwinns, ais.rr.t®*? /prii ^3,1'?93, l'»03— />-rSl *:'-,-bt»n'^a, r»j»rr?ed >»»/ 1«,1'?9S, /n^us ?fcT)ons.lrf, end "^h^'be v>iltfe, " Tni&n««'b«r?^h, 1?S.>-- -- '&«.r.rift, mt^rrlad wfey .1,1^^3, V. tn of TffiOfi^fcns :^ili. Tohit "^ftptist T»snry, and »fferth«i ^ith. 17^3— -"bi-nns, «&.rri®d *n5(.y ie'^jl'^SX, 17-^3— — "b-:^n?^s, jmrried June 2S,l'y93, i"v^— ' •- Ivvnns, Tiferriea ;^u«:ufit, i:-^,,i,vj^, jTijrrjr. Tfen Mme.'?), Sin.-^ Elisii-'beth divers on, "ornailue ??roii»er, tun's j&.nn6tj€! "^#i!ter IS, 1793, •^t-ui*>».: "Trv-f.,. 5n '^■f'-^ r-f. .-,,■- -y IV --■«•. i)i 5^i' ^ ■■ " -•:-, ■i(.e,,,t Tft4i-.;S, both cf th-^s ^CQctyne, l'?^3-» Octo^-ar 13, bt-nns, "i&rried Octohar ol,l^^v., both of ^.lifX(ir>. ^fcrk, If's?."-' -•bfnna, ■Bsrrle. Tr, &nd K&rl? WtT^r,"-- cor-n&ns kill, i?95-- -- ■'jv-nns, .nisrriei r»ctobijir 7,1793, jUL«x«»{)d3r '*lferteston, rtn forrysbcsa, and 17V<^-- -bfeiinb, Mt-rri^ »»oy<3J.i\>4jr *7,17<*3, Anthony ■'Tirry.virf Basiecna boay, Jari-': E«th fjorrjieel. both af : ^A^, 17^.5— -^^r^eaosar c, 'bimns, w»rrle4 T)«ceT?^"ber 2S,17S3^ i7^.3-_ •oi>'i*^s, «s.rrlc-1 •^a- ■,!"-■-:, l'?ycv'-~ banns, umrri^^l rv^emih^r 3,l'?j»;5, Tuhn Cutsckenbos T^n «'c';enectti'1y, fend i7'j^;j-~ - bii/?T^c, ^^irrl^i "l^tjcoaber iO,iVi»^, Iftfette I.Truax, »n*1 f^tg ''lost, bcth of "^'ocirnfens kill. i*?s»4»- -- btttins, ;?i&rrled Tenufcry d,l7'^4, both of nchsnentfedy, 1*^94— -- bbnna, mtirrlod ▼fcniary 15, i'?i#4, «fe-i!U8i Wright of T)u*n»*sburi?, , and ^bthferinc tb^jrntcR, if "orr/r, botr,, 1»?V4— -- bbnr;«, '-iferriSfl Tj.-nUfcry' iil,l''V4, Tonn rurrjr, and "Odlly Tfeolceon, btttn of T^uanesbur?;, l^y*— T?.'.^v..r. 1. , >■?. -2, ,<^^r;c^: vQ^rifery -i.I'^^^-C, beth cf r»iirry» bors. i"5v«— -- >f *".-nfe, mikrrim'^ m6th Xdung, I'JV'ft— — 'bunriE, r&^nri&d r^'bmm-ry f,l'?'^4, jr^s; £;a$>«^^&<4, «.j;iu lbi.nrt», Hsarrled April 1^'&4, Trsd^rik l>»fe*p», fcsa we-rltv l^r^iy, ■hot*-, --f •►-flder^jajng, Ann*tJ'& '?»pr adeem, rfen -?e>ii»n«et»^y, rTohn Ptwfcrt,»T6.n "hfeXi-te boas, fend Hun^ Sfcss^ie, Cfcl«>» ?utnii«<6, fend gliat-bsth Iti^nl?;, bc-th ijf ^eHisr^6e*ft4y, i'794— -^ 'h*«r-«, w»rri^4. .July ;&I,i^94, both of T.i-aJ®« l£iil, 1784— — •b»nn8 amrried ^Mf^Mt&t k,^X'!%!^-t both of T./sJe*; kSli, •l»;V4.— — 'hsnn»» ssi&rrl«d |.tt*w«t ^.l'^^*,. ■fill OB'S ner'.int&S, £i'l #nrt»t„1© fr&ax,'^^t7'> ^f 5?®h€n9et»dy, 1704— jkoisfwst i^, ^itnre, labrrte^ ^«^tfe,s?"ber ia,l^^4, .Toht.nn«» "n^IT^^^atrsi^t, fi,mi n&ri stint. Ri€«, I'/y*— — 'bt^nna, :^*rri<'.i^. fM^i^^Mi SO,!****, ts^Uij; jferrlniptyn, &n4 B«.chal Oo»tr3Wt4«r, both isf r.ohenectfcfiy, lt'^iy»" — .b««!nr'«, Hi6.rrl«H #y.tuat SO.i'f'w*, •both of FlRrt^igfe-»rgi>.|SL>j.>->C^. ii«Si»t»l«*.rwy5c, 1 »^ ^ 4-- ~e},>tiS!RV . ber-.nB, .Bsrrlfta CJctcbsr ^.,l'^>-'4. >ic»th of .''chfineetrr , , X';u4-- -->5»nji», sarrler. ncto^ier 3,.i-. ,■,, 175*4-- bt-nnB, risrrien {tm.. atta) Waliy Vrs4ae-n*1» ran Rem>«- besai, Bieher* rock, &nd jstimh ?h«liy, bot.h of ^e"hQ?5set«t4y, I'/s?^*-- --btnns, ratirrlisd October IS, 1^V4, 'both '^f *Tvor^fena kill. 1^94--. -.-'bfen'^.6| Biftrrittd October i;9,i'/54, T.stI I'iliferd, and «;ophl» '^ith, both of ^^c^he-^ft^t-tdy, ' "v4— --btnns, mfcrrled October ;l,':?,17v4, /nthony Rc"bln8<»n, h^d /matje Vlfeck, bctn of r.chonectfcdy. "both vf jM9at«ri;«.!«, If^ft— "bfei«n«, H!fcrri«d .jfcnttttr/ ««in«*'b«»*5*t ^tT^a— TfeniiSfery S,bjt-«n«, m^rri^d st^^a $ftt«, ''^rtudl r^ «r»*,f ^«d«r, And. Aisnfttjw «r«BSirt, ^it&^^th ^rrnaf^^ir'f.oj-n, of ?*cH*-}nae*a.4y, l'?'i5— «'ebtti,*tr>^ iil, bfeRHf}, <«»rria4 '?sb,i.*i, !'?''*», 172ri— -- fe*inftii, a»irri«^*i/, fend A^«« 5?cFii !•.«,▼».% T>«ter '?,"f^d«r, fend T©i>r,1« Toil, Ta^th of Sehensotftd/, "both of S!«'Hen««tiv4/-, Tfcn dn Aftlpl«**'t» kill, '■^"i rencj ^t r I y , y i^ i *^y a ns »> ju ah • l^V*— be^ns, •^^rrifed ruly S,l^y?^, (thi« «fe^*s to hfrTsi bt?*n rss>©th of "^che-nectfed/", l?Sfi— btnr.s, infcrrl&d tuI/ i?, !•?¥£, "^^rim 'floret frk-r. '■'^t, ^met#rdft^, 1^95«. br.«r*, rsi^rripd AU'rusit l'?,l?Ofe, beth of Schendctfe^S?-, l'?i&— fefe^ine, rris^rrl*^; Aeevet ISjl'JSS, l?':^fv-.- hfccnE, jTii^rri^d n^-i^t&r^j&r 5,l^i^fe, bath of f!f;h9n©cti#dy, ll^h^" hi.nr;Bf minrri&iS «»pt«^>>ar «iO,l'?'?S, v»ctn wf ft-wr-^ft^n.ft kill, 17&5— Y»«>n«.»» r^i^rri-s'S Oetfe'^^f ^^fl'T^S, yynt^^ Ouder«*rst T«»4a nooratna kill, 1755— *K.'Rf»e, 'sfcrrldd Octot>«r 11, i'^Ws, Jinrir#*- Synix, fend «^rfc.H f^fenrtttrr^b^sth *f ^ch«msct*>i*tl Ts^nBCJi, l^Sf.— ^tr.f.e. 3?v«rritt*1 oett^lser ^5,l'f3a, I'J-.'S-- h^nn&f Hnft-rrle^t v^rc ' '■■, ," 735— -^cr^s^feiir 11, >^mnR, Ta«.rrl*# C^^^tg mat r««artl«4) I'TO^-^ >*^:nnsE, sifkfrl^d r-s^Te^^r IJ, l'^^5, "both frtap-t th* *fisieetyn<&, 17§5»- l^nne, «*i--Hd(f r^-rgMber l^, !*?§&, 27V5— >i*nns, «t»-rri»?^ T>r3^#r ^,lt'^tf rfefnual ??ftTSnn«y, tad PRr» T,ts«in|f, l':"r^«>-.- bjf.np.8, =a*rrJ«'* '"^<»e^'hsr ft,l^t5, both of !?p!hen»rt» 17§5«. bi^rsne, r^rrrie^ '^ft^^ip^her 13,1^&6, ir-.^f... >>t..?in«^ y»;«cr)ti«» ^«e«j»li«r 12, married (no dti#) -"•osUi.. >*ii.nn«k^ a«.3rrled "^.flft/^A'ber 24.^1 *J«*^»j JfJ^alt— bsmrsj »*.rrtad tHnufcry XI, l^"*^^', >bmhiEiB» ''•fen In^^en, «.nd El !«*>»« th Vs^n ^8lt«rk, 1796-- Wnnft, "Tifrrlsi rfenunry 2^,1795, John f?t*jr5s, fcn^ He^eckr "Post, *beynd ^^r, i?c«rt ^«^uylor,»«rkiai€r County," X7i<»»» hfcnne, n»fcrri«d Tabrufcry S.l'^wf , b«.th wf ?7cur?nan« i:iil. l-j^ft.. ^Mknr.a, m*^rri.t9^ vulsruiir^ S,l'?«€, >K*th »if Tt>iUTSfen« kill, I7J€-- b£.nnit Ki«trri«d ?6'r.r\-ury I9,l'?5e, "^«a*-^ ^iunsia^ 2&s.rrlad tPS'hinifcry il, 1'^?*, ■both cf •^fecrr.fcni^lXl , iTfii^-— -e-cbrviirry lA,"e«i.nf3», serried sg-^e 4iiVe, '^, I h ' r !- ^ ' "«, l*?)^*!— t»«*,»in», sst-rrlfe-l «?*rf^h S0,i'-?9€, -^et^r ^rsj^n, fcnd F-\i«fc>-?^t>i «!6»,1«, "both of «ch9n»etik«y, XT^g— "hfcn'^e, strrliK-t April €',1*^5>«tH ef gchea»ct&4y» I'yaiJ— . bi.nne, -ifc-rris! April ^.jLTi^e, B*»r«nt Sosne>>i.ds, v^n ri»n«jj«ih&rl«s, fend l'?96— br.nne, mt-rrisd April li, 1^9€, <*nrl stint '^ou.^ht, T*r. '9'cughta Pfetsnt,* l'!9g«, banns, «vfcrri#d runs &»l?*»6, "D&niwl y^uk Jr, fcirid jssnfiatja ?a#"k, both cf ^ch««««ta{ty. X1U&»» bsoma, im^irridil Siiii.& 11, II'^S^ 17Sg-« bfenne, ^-^rri^d {*« d.&t)fe.n-»», 'n»trrlj-j^-i. .t'. c, -J'-i'-, 'Gideon "!>€'^ra*.f, sni ^^tr^^.ri^x Te^srpennln.'j, i?'J#» — b&nne, «»ftrr5e/! July 14, 1''96, !•?;?>ctH of '^f!'n07iQct».ay, 17'JC-- "bfctins, f-trrJsd Au;/ust l€,17irfg. l"'ifi-» l^fcrjnis, ^5^rri3f^ 9r 3,l7v»6, Tere*»*l?^ <9wnrt, vt^^ >>u?h, fen?' "Tester '^fen "^.-^^E! , "ve i *:3*-' tooth •• "Philip True/, ia ■^d'^rr-.iif , • ^ntifedy. 17'i6— bfcnnjs, f-wi-ritc October S,l?§6, ■»i6r<»:r.y c&fiirt, and r.anib. ^an ^*R, V.stl^ *f woe»tj*'n«S, irv*- ... ».i.:-^j T>&vid rn»j[^» feii<5. Re"b«!cka Toll, bofh ef =-^eh©n»?iate««,both of "nusns»>>urj?, ^etoj* ''•vjndis, f«ml ^lb4,n» vtn 'settsn, both .vr "c:^@v»€Jot«^y, i7.j,s,. be..rs)iii, ?n^rrSe^. ■^©«.- h^n>i«, ••>h..ri'io(. ■^.'•'iruerw' i , ■*''-■» glij^b T.t«pierf > nd 'i«fir3r'' "istaiser, b*. i if ton P&rSc, ,TMcnb IMnne, fc>"c '^Uly •"'&.n. '^fettan, of f^chenectet^y, >bn<'-< s». BoTjIei, r^t*. T.yfiJi* ?€*kk , "tj«yd« v* • "^ -.'rlec^." f5^.» ?iferriact '9«'bru&ry fltf^,l?§*?. X^e*?— rBfeffi^f! «»ferch v'^: rtin r>olr(©, '/fenfjy "^ferr. '^chfensetfefjy. 1797— mtrrlec Ai-rii ii':=,1797, -eH-sn6et»4y, I'rvV— jnferrl«*ot^ c.f Aalpli^fets kill, ^fc^sti yek , 1 '• . ', - - ':i&, rri Oil *.«r.u»t 1,17^7, i'v''-- -pf.rri^d /Wj^uct 1, 17<;/7, iitCti-^^', !»ol03!cn Ficholfe, &»'■.; ^-f refer t*T ^'wg^t.Hni jnjr, 1797— Turrled •AUS.UBt 28,1797 •• 1*^^ <.,";-- ';-&rried ^sptsjsbsr 10,179'/, ^llllfe?! *^ne.pton, an*^ "w^n* -oun, hof-i of '^phQ-fj.^rjwv^.^y^ 1797— ^tiBLamrled ««'t»sR)er 171)7 •» Tohn ^^cT'onnal, and ''fcrib *Tin «:'^ft '/?;«r 16, both of Fc?-iC?n«5«ted^ , TfcCiibus T<.\ Teller, '-■ «'. f--« ?-irf ^t-A4:rt, liyt.- ?»i.,rrisd -ns.-y -fcer 1,1797, Tlifiothy fock, of f«hferiton, fe«d Tohn EJrjhirvi 'Treen.TfeC /l>>tiny, fend 1757— Tstrr J fed f^ecemher 2,1797, "Dirk f.''?rcwt, &nd jako-uyTtja 1Cey?ienisiii, "bcth of ••^QStlp;8,1U'1#«» ;! fl€tr*,h rrtjs:f'4r', svt^i ^Xizuctfix "". " -y.rrye '-o:;r:, l'?4'«— ' j©fcrtied T»nufe.ry i^l,l?S8, bofi of «?.rerrle'3 (di-ts not rt.r'i.r^ e-;) l?§a. l-^y--- .^ftri-iai o-tf/ber 11, !'.':»', liilifi-r? '»©ntwi*^, «»-■-! /^»t>i- ri'-.'.s K««dy, 179S— -s&rridO {Oet(j"b0r *) Is., l'?^.*^, "both of "WerKfcsie kill, 1')'9''?— October ;i«,l7«-i, bor:v of r-^lificn P*.r>, ef ^o^nafenn kill, Afer«,« ,T,"Psfi>T .Tun'r, tT^ "•eoJ'^Tii ..' -^f/in '»fel'-"«-v.(r-s , of To^styne, Tsfee<» «5oufherd, c^d tai?«"het>i Northrop, of "llfto^ "s^feri, Tohn "^n Ess, end ^•cr/fc «ickO"", of west lirri una, John Bft:^h t «nbd r : , & • - '4«^ r/ TjOronbarg , of <*i> r ir >' £ "h u aH , J 799-.. Pttrri«« '^^ferch iv,i'7>t^, •»05*,'!-*n f?9umey, »na i.idi*; Btirrts, of Cliftots P»rk, Ty'H-1 *ffvy»tc«, end Ai»i £lttie, i ^ '''^.^neetfady, I'yi*^-- :.-:fc.rri«*d April i.3, 17:^5, ,TOB«rj"h KLlict . r^' *f^T5#s ^>all, hoVn of ^felro Kean town, 1799— Htrrl©^ ^ffcy aO,l'?C^<^, both of «!«gienectfedy, H*^ert ^ro«n, fend v&r/ T»eii, isot'i of '?allft'»%y, X799— Tticrrioi ^apten?b«jr 11, 17S9, ^lchol»» I'.f^lodt, fend T.e«M f!c'riar:aej1ii.ra,of ^eh«nectfcdy, 1799— married f!«pte^ber 24,17fc:>, TFlllifcrr. Rutherford, fend ^fc.Rcy Cost rfendar, iv»r««i3 f^ixby, fend ' fc.rlf. '5'ei;'«r, , feri-; Midi- O^ifcck^^ntioe, r.ti' r,rir-fti:Ay, John TerpOnif?*?, J-"^'' T3heV>ie> c?i^< i.h?, f r- ^ O-f '^.^^r7r,-^i»t*rinca, eerrsJit of ^'^r rrilbert, i,i6 i&wFii, 3«rvfcnt- tjtirl «f J.'^len, 1800— married vebi-ufery 5,l;iC0, iSOO— morrlad ■?•«>; ruEr>' ^,1^500, ^hirlet johnafcn, ftr v^t ii.i'''''.i »-^ '.vSi u j JbiCs'. Tjrt^wxi, fer.d m»rie. T&ri>ftnny, Ciiftcn Pari", .7o>?.n ni^^mn 1gi;«, and M»rlfc f^^nry, tjotn cf f?ch€nectfe.dy, 1800— ;r.forrieerse«t*dy, fViristcfel T.fa.nelno', ertn isbifsjattl Oestrum, Wetervllet, Peter yjin "^^s r-sCT^h^ ^nd Hc^'CheX yi»ii«r, T?ar8tigfcua9, ISOO— >a«rriteii .tw.-- l'i-,i-GO, ^il.--4 "-rli-ftSj i.--^/- ■^ann/, ■Mtock people* 1600- •^•-rrieo Tuly iiO.lBOG', Abri»4a Cl^et, «tnd Eliji»b«gth Bostt, both *;f 1?MitJjB;&ji4!^e, l<^'y\^^ mf:,rritid Aa-Tust 15,iB0O, (»«> ^'jTricc'i \B00— atrried July i;4,1800, (6B rftcordftd) ISOO— J.ifc.rr.l&d Augxist 6,lc»00, <**& racordsd) J'ohn Cass, and 7>olly -oolef '^* len'her,':;, ISOO— ::x.iirried /ugust ii4,ldC0, jasKt^ 'jo^cr'^ i-n.) r^.n-; :;t;'*E', tort , boc" •ri' '^f-"ij. etun, 13CN5— ffltrriod >Uf.tar gljltO'', ISCO— tjtrried ':v^v«3)ber 13,1800, xrilliafii Schrasj, fend ¥arlft ff<»d, -, ncs-ro elare of K.'er I'l'jiple, tnd Tlnfc, netr^" -A'orat.n sltre cf ^&\ry CTlon, ISOI7- married Ti^nurr./ '?,1801 , Tr«cobU8 I5o*», fend fnar&'n \r&n 1"$ ^ogi^rdt, ftchenectiidy, 1301 — ifcrricrt THnu'iry 1^,1^01, Isaac T-root, s.nd P&tty r?orey, "Ss^condagd' 1801— Kfcrrled T.t'^vier;' £1, IBOl, «?l'ncn TiSenhart, i.nd He^ecea ^r^ fatten, 1801-- ni.rri33 Tsnui ry i;:'.' ^ ... c .1 » l^'Ol— r-.<'irri&.i. •^eV.rue-ry 4,1B01, 'f'llll&TO tTiinna, and "^ncy ^oabs, ■ " '■ '»ncct&dy, 1^'Oi-- lab/Tied '©"brufary 6,1801, TiK^oh Rifiall, fend /n»^et1e ^r4(^T*a^■>^c♦^ of "^ocrtufcos kill. Tftcob ?flller, and K«rge.riet i^ro*n, Schenects dy. i«d«« "^roBiaa, and /nnatj^ Ti^ TranJron, '.c s^nectiidy. S'HvWMi.a '^-eterin^, tnd l£i let* "oath f6srs?i*ri»feBB'a:iil, wart In furtie, tmrf ousannii f^tuferdt, ??«5hi3iiect6.dy, IdOl— :'sfcrri«K' April 4,1?^1, Joseph 'wuliseti, fan«' *iif'& ^<^der, >>f '^<5n«»i««l«Ldy, l>«w*'« ^ttiiTri^fi M*>^ w, 14^01, 1001-- mfc.rri€i'^ »^ty "44,1801, igfgnjfctsind '?'C'tv«», *n« "Pally JStisk'bume (I's^g'feum) 1801-- w?*rrie«« .Twly l,l«f>i, 1^01— rncrrled Jul;' 15,1301, ▼fccob Foot, Hrd Ell2»b«th Tnaear, '«oor?f*RsXili, ?Ji-th9Us ^^rhdyt, i.r n r»tth trine Stfcley, *u«iBtyn.3, l''Oi«— "bi.nnsi lie-URt i>3, 1 HOI , f^i:rrii-6 Nk. -'utf;') l-^ei— rs&rr!ad rrctcber 7,1301, 1^1 — sjferried octt\>er 10,1^^1, ISOi— KtrrifiQ O'-tober iiS.X^oi, T«i!i«eiih. '^reJil, fend ?egy i='ei!*n, h^V, cf •»sm, 's^ndrick -yrederlk, tnl Esther rriiddrick, of n^ellcnhei^h, John Tore©6ter, *ad iibis;^«l ^enj&stn 6f I,&nftin{?l>«r?:H, 180X— Tuferrieu ^uye'^'btr ;•,! ^01, Id^Oi— ai-rritj.'i ^■rcTei^bcr l^.itsOi, 7um<5J£ B«toun, unti gii2*Jjeth King, 8ch«n«ct*t4y, Tohn Fnif^ht, «t«cl »«&ri:f&rlst flow, ^eatigrfcune. 1.501-* i?4te.rried raTejsbar 1^8,1601, ^eter, aorytrt of its, ^tirecfi^rAt hn& ??UBfen, tcnrfcnt p.lrl of the RuV,T?,Ei»j<-.yii, 1501— married TjoTanbor i^.'>,lci01. ISOl— ctarriad n&cjdSfrnef l0';-, f*&mnrt^d vrufikf and ?Kr^ ^loytar, l^Ofi— s»rrieippl«, both of Schenectfcdjr, liri02"- Ktrrlefl "reiiuRT/ itS,! ioi, jteoh BGiPferd, «!&^ At'h&ni®, end 1H02— ■ ffl»rrJed yf^^irx-tiry 2-3,1/^Ok., 1802" rat^rricr} Tanuary ::S,1'0£, jSkC«b ??e»hf!r55eerhom Jr, tn^d rt.t'hferins «»ltterly» f^*^hsn®ct».4; 180^- "ifcrrl^.-f i?a>?rui-,ry 11, l^^Oi-, Henry Snyaor, unJ «jvr*Ji ^toel , A^jstarcfc-a, l&Oic— ft-nrrli.! •5'«jhrus-,r/ ;i4,130*;, ISOii— ^t-rrSefl T^-ebrutry 27,i.8n?., /"brftos wisher, sr^ ••"fcyeVe TyEiertoSn, -^ilss <'?isii«A, at Ontario ''t?='p-y, snd John ^»o2lld»y, end «;e.rth OlUisft^vdr, of «?e>v6n«ctti,dy, 1C02-- js6rrl®d Tuly 10,1 8oi;, John T.Vrooman, &n« r&tha rsli i a "'^.SKsrop* "^^oonsfeR^kill, lvOiOi&— st!&rriea OcVolser i6,lti0i;, IcOii— jgfcrriC'd ■'TOTsm'btsr ':,i5o«-, lao*:— 'i&rrltif? tTiJvas{"ber ii6,130i;. Xvi^w*" H>*-irx*Aw>'> i>wC««i«u«>wi' X^fX-^^O^wt i-^Oi.-- Ti£.rriec». '^ccaita^er 30,1-X>ii, I'^O.V- -nferris^ TfcTji5».r.. ...... j. j„, Tohn I.^lcet, fro^^. r'Hsrleator. , Xnc,5~ wfcrr^e'' Tfenu&ry iu.fi, 1303, l';^3-- -fttrrisd .mnufe-ry ^6,1:^03, '!.'-'♦"*— M^rjri&d i^abrutry C,lSOo, Yfc-cobua *^sin ■^fran'ji: an » fans El^/r-.. .>r.; v.: vmiKf^, 'j »;.tj.T-v4;dy, X -:-03— R'.tsrrisd -r-sbrusiri- X*,l'jOi, l.;'.,'"^"* asfc.rri4d ipcl>rufc.ri - - ■, John Fisher, ».m Ells*>>«th B»«6rlc, l?GorAvn« kill. /■'•.•v-;j- '^Itterl. trlstinfe »«f8yer, tKjraifen skill, i--,'-u';: . "ran Slyk, •■s&*"^i«yt. 11^03-- K-Arrle<» .?uly $, ISoi, Telle® ?s*B.rt, £nc «©stsr i?&b^®, 1;C3-- Kii-rrleH i\.i-htA lz^i::C.if ' idre» Truex, *^n6 T,9nm ■«?reli«?h. issael '^.Tesnelee, and w*rj?fcret 'r^n '^6r*ie/d»?«, ] 'O- sT&rrl«fl Off^-^'^r 1.',1«o;j, "by T, -.pc^Keyn' IdOSi-- jaferrie^ '«f€T«:i\)«r iS, 1.303, ■^-erret ?,«¥5;sr., ^n6 ■nets/ nii i.^2;t.n. 1503 — :n4fcrrle3©r 4,1 3Q3, 1 -^3-. ly^urrii. h&r 10,1 '^OS, i ^03— -nf rrl si "^^stss^ii r 1 7 , 1 "»0 3, i 03— ' ..trrisd T>4JC5C4, 1^04— t)itrrlc« ruly 9,1304, rrl^d July £6,1S04, 1304— at£.rrie!»sb«r i&,l»04, 1:'04— aserried 8«pt^fe«r 9,1804, 1804.. m©.rrie^ !?aiiit«mber I3,18©4, ^i.rlus 'ne^t, fend Jany lhit«. 1S04— aferrl«d «;^te3sT30r St'^,lBO*t T«ni@l ^«5»r 4,1?K)4, cf eric's r'.^rifn p*tt«n, 1/J04 — rrsfcrrier? •'roT*:i'ni5er ^, 1B04, T»f-f««<^ '^ll, and I*©*^. Trudx, X4^04»- «)*, und '-^tftllnfc ^*tn lmt»«rp, X'04-- fT^rried '^ocdJsbar i,ls04. Ii5rt4-- ^»rrJ©€l T^sc^K.ber l,l'-'rs4. i :04— merried T^«cesj"ber E3,1804, j,«>04t- rnerrlod ^s«5®».b©r 31,1304, '•- — ■'■B-rriiid jenufer/ l,l&05. T; «''>«— iNsfcrrl«£ „.atniiK.r>r 15^,1^05, I'^OR— ts*rrJ«d Tfensiwiry 20,1^6, 1S05— marrisA ^tfbrufcry <£»1<>0&« ISDS— sjttrrled Tdbrufery S, 1S05, 1505— m(B.rri«tile, l<*^ii — 'fmrt^lmd »6brufcrsr i;e,1305. 130^» married vs'brum.ry 2'\1B05, 1805*- ^rshru^^ry *i'?,1305, Richbrd ^os«, fenrf "anrlett^ T»r? Antwerp, iao5— married *»ftreh ^,1806, 1S05— -nfcrrie:; ^'|;r«;'Vi .14,1 -iOti, ^^ie'nfcel T,«rvy, end ^olly iTfiller, laos— •■«'ferrK%a ♦rkrch l'',iao5, ,Tohn l!»rlnfi«, »nd ve^ry Me'ftrlfind, IftOS-* m&rrl«d wfcrch k;5,lB05, TfcTi4 ^lOKn, Stiid ^knny Vc?Clnr.y, 1805,— ?«*rrisd *« roh 30,1905, Tohn T.''<»h«m;«rhcrw, Rnd »'»rlfe Sl»t«r, 1805— miirrle'. April 13,1305, 1*^05-- .Ti^rriyd April 14,1 Ho5, John Tiuna^l, trj'? Bil*»ib«th "Obri»n* 1?^05— M«krrlod April 14,1805, 1505— ^trrJQd April 14,1 '05, 1805— •rj.rrie'^; April lB,l'-i05, ia06— ^i&rrlisci /Lrii 16,1 hoIj, Robsrt -f^ns^T^ein Ju»r, fend Pell/ Tru»x, i:mr— :rftrr.;,. .- .. 8,1805, ATs'Tn 'nroot, fend Kvfc rfernrlke. If 05— rmrrieA ,,*y 12,iao5^ THo»«(') "^ftn Imuran, 1.803— mt«rri«»d 7»»y i;,S,l30ft, i805—s»rri(a»d runw 15,1S05, ir^OS— tnfcrrl#d July jL4,iao5, ,?««»« ^.fuller, — • ?J.lsal»«th Li^hth»ll, 180S— Bifcrrl«d iu^wftt 11, 1B05, f^egfcr ▼»!! ffciidToort, and Blieifcb«th Tiou«#, 1R05— r;i&rrittd Au^-utat ii5,iyr?6, lf» ^ii.rri«c;. ost^biir l«,x-««^., 1«06— m«i.rrled oetobar iiifi,lHO&, ,ToHn Thompson, fend ^olly ^»^n Vrwdken, ^ «»'>«-.• n»i»i»rlj»4 wovttmhar 3,lRrvE^ Tfcaieo T»hillp8, fend rfet/ <«hitnnon, 1S06— jKfcrrled w&yaiaber 9,1805, John croot, tnd 'ffcry -oct»a«^e. John lM»rm&, t^nii fmriti r.^nnin???. 1H05— i9i«rried •Joveaber 24,1S0B, .T6a«ft Mex&fuler, and Eli^^abdth V«nddll, J©hn t?i»h«r, fcnd Lovinna Tiomat>n, widow «f jt»aiidi» Thontpeon, lf}05,«m«irrl«d 7>«cem'bar 1«,,1805, rjterry, proparty of Tboola J,«!eihera©rncrn, &ad ■nimth, fe tr&a black wow&A, Ton«» irolifettd, ifn6 wfej^^^ret peek, "by R«T,.T,^,Rcweyn* iao&>*£9brrldd T>ac<»nber l4,i os, T»ft6 D,TomBon, fend «nAB«in, •WLkOke" ISOS-- mikrrl®:? T>ecom"ber ill, 1305, Veas^l niuta, 4.nd ?!i.r&h ,.l iob, ▼111 lam Ostarun;, ftnd FJHs-febsth !9l8^nnon, iMOr;-- Karris J ,Ti,n'jary Z, Ad.-, ■'I ^TrooKihiiy t.nd syaj;.. Ref?fc.r, v.ici.o*« ofJij^ia F iaowiatn, 1806— marriiid .T&nuury i*i, I0O6, ChristOfhor (>T*>^afc.irion, ao.o. BuBtn Johnson, lS06,-mbrried ^abrutry o,lB06, 1S06-- married TPebrufc,ry 10,lBv06, ,TuV»n Huriphrey, and ■'^arj^aret Mono/, 1606— mtrried ^ebrui^ry 11, 1B06, Andrew ^'rc/^lyrr^fen, i nrt Anne '-iiroy, 1' Ofi— inferrierl ^ebrxiary ii.!;, 1*^00, ^reyndert T&n uioallnr, end Anne '^iristi&nnse, 1' Ofi-- iTitirried T?ebru*iry 23,1806, Eder ^^ubbard, .n-: ^Abby ge.!© rsri) enter, l?^06— married »?fc.rch 3,lS0f', Tho.«i£iB hooper, t^nd ;'^i.ry Vuddcr, 1 0^5 — M&rr:!.«d wfarch B,1B06, l'i06-- rafcrrled ''ferch S,iao6, TT^nry J.Corl, und -«^fary Wood, l')06 — mtrried nu- rch 9,1 B0<^, fT«nry Enls, ina >Tfancy ver l?er "nof^ert. i'OP-- mfcrried ^'brch '^.loOfi, John nogdon, tind rentJ ''"tn T>i^, IS \>- rfifc-rried ''fcrcin in, 1 806, Abrt.?n,slRve of vie* a «Tfcll , fc-nd Rose, " of Kr TT.'feifcr, 1806— ntrried ^«'fercb. Ii,l.'-'i06, Robert. Beb-ver, and '■■£.r,^6ret "^etitherly, l-:f><^— married ^'erch 15, .▼e»eph pJioff Jcl on s^me »»»*•• f*2) In i}rl(i;inttl,f>.n4 the likst beincr numbered •lr,C4 eirre ,T»nut.ry 9,l'?8b* f»«)7e» #63-ien«etftdy,l8t,w»rd ^nd 1803— afcrriod 'necdmbor 23, John viin /ntwerp of '?ehen©ctbny,4th wurd, **nd Pfcttt/ T!5ttton, of •• • " 1808-" mfcrriod rv^cemT^^or 23, Vklo'holtn ^'c^'ferlfcp. ,of '^rlncotown, fend Kfargfcret "ne'jrfHif, of «!chon@ct&..;y, :Srd *t^.rd, 180t>— r&rriod January 1, .Telllsi (;r&y,of »luild9rlfcnd, fend «««i^h 08trom,uf • Pftter Ti»ckBon,"fre€ffa«xn* of fi«>ien©etfcdy, t^nd ¥»ry» 8v'^»Tt*nt of TJhJllp Tr©dd«r, "with hi» ooneant* 1309— mtt.rri%d jfanu&ry 3, 7ohn ^,*J''«dd8r,of f?e>ten©ctiid/,ird ward, «^nd lao^—ffibrrisd jfeniiitry 8, Tohn J,<^lut©,of (r^il«lariJ*.nd, fend rh&rlt/ r?ordon,t«f * 1809— Rttrrlsd Tebrueiry 6, mlly ^^fjtnr/t of » ifiOi^-- naetrrlefJ *e"hru£, AbrtiihtaB Ven T>i*:<3.of v-- mRrri«d *fftreh lis, fllhelmu* Ostsrttcui of ic^om, fc.nd ^'«»rp:fcret ^ ore ahoy en, of rullderlfend, 1 'Oy— pjerrifed '?fcrch i;ii, "ottB/ ffc« Ktt«n,of • X30gu.«j)sf» rr i«rJnc#town, »nd "Rtttsey ^rink0llaer,of ■ 1309— married jkprll H, ,Tcnath«tn rferter, "fr«ef»en* i^nd ^u»t*nnfc, wenr&nt cf /rch»d f;r».lg, l^oi^- iRfcrried A^ril S, Simon ?rig<:'e, "frtserifc.n'" t.nd fhriatlfc.nnn, uenrfent of irillinjn .T fc, Toll sr, "with hl« conacnt laot-— fsfcrrled /kpril 13, 'Nfcty Mc^ferltinjOf • l*i09--?«hrrled »'*iy iJD, Tohn (corrected, to rfetd T,»«rdnee)Sch&olcrsift ,of !?5 «?prina:er. lB09*-aftrrled April 30, "V Rfev.'^.^.s^uyler' Al3)r»h«m f!,'?root, and Ann ?'«nn, 180^-m»rri':id r^'t-y i7, rtenry "Rdocltr.Kfen , «f schen«otady, »nd i»utft We;889lft6, of " * 1809— aftrried jime 8, Btamtuntuel E,1>eif»r«i«tf , of «?chenecteidy,4th,'*»rd, »nd Tftne Teller, • • » 130^- merrled .Txane 8, Fldert y*rs«luii,of «!if'he?ieot»''y,'*t>i wbrd, end KliK*ib«th Teller, n » » lBO'>-rr»fcrrlad Tun© 1"?, /^ftttuerus "fferBfilue, of rchenectady, bnd i'iOy— .TJ*^rri(id Tuly 4, Andrew Covenhuven, of rjuilderl&nd, and rnne V^n Vfclk«nburp;h, • iBO*-- married rxiXy 16, Joshua '»Jfeeker,of pfchenactbdy, tnd iJdtty 34.t«*, wf • 1S09— :ai»rried July If-, fiebert o«bum, cf ^ehen&ctudy, t>nd ""i^rlii «Tar»elus, of * 1309— married jwly £9, jfcoob A,Vedder,tif f!ch&neotfe.dy, fend TgLizft-heth Wftrd, of -nrincetown, I'iO)^* mfe^rri^d August !«., TonvitHDin McT'fichksl.OiT ncfxeneotfcdy, and certrude flute, of " 1809— jnerried r«pte:iil^er JiS, OliTOr 0«tru», of j?chenaotbdy, and prudence "^bcock, of " yrunein j.ymantQT aoahan riasu, «knd "*\»n wltehell , t,f -RTiViAir^ erst fed y, 1^0d«*^a.rriftd October ;.^, ■'?©njfemln «nritrt,of prjhenactedy,4th,werd, and Wfc-ncy Tru6ix, "'^ido* of T^.^^e^rrfet-f " ISO'^-mtirridd October 29, John Tftckieon, "freeffitn" fcnd KXlztl^ath T7«12bu«, lBO§»»jr.trrio(5 i«T0Tem^8r &5, Lemuel stoughton, of <^ch enact ad y, 4nd (^ftthferlno sister, cf » ISO^-BSbrried T>©cerr."ber in, ^renry Buys, of rfch(in;jctfcdy,3rd fttrd, fcnd -qetey "^n inttrerji.of Hrinc3t«wn, (Prinoetoi^n) 1809— mferrlad "^ocaffher ii3, Tftmes .T,<"ferl0y, cf e!ch9nect*.dy, fcnd 180^-fliiferrled ■p*ee«mber 31, Wllllfer/! ^.T'oore, of , tnfi If&rlti Vim Antwerp, of r^cheneettdy. isio— aiferrled Tebrufery i64, «fik, of «;ehonectfedy. 1810— mil rr led »«brufcir/ if, TRCOb ?5»lth,of pehoharie, fcnd Sliatbeth ¥«d8«orth,of <;ohen«otady,3rd w»rd, 1810— intrrlsd ^T>rll 9, f^erftrd "SHiecki»n,of w«w york, «»nd r>»th»rln6 «>ftnd«rs,of nchenecttdy. laxo— ms^rrlod April l1 , jBrte T^rndford, of » " laio— raivrried Aj-ril itl, isfcee TTkrt, of schen*jotiidy, *nd Raclitti Terwiiliger, of cio^ianoet^d/, 1810— Mi*rri«d April ii9, 1810— snferriart .runo it, "V Rer.-'.r.ruyier" .TMiQB -Derry, tn^ Rebaccfe Teller, cf «?ch«n«ot«icy, 1310— Biftrrled rune 10» iffirtln sersffcrd, end Mnesi fonine, ISIO— (Rferried .Tuno 14, <»fcrr3t fftn vie, of "orincetoim, t»nd Kebeccfc ^ftver, of •• laiO— Biferrled nine 1*?, r*niel ""otter ref^inr, cf 'luJidCirit-nd, inri Fli£ftb*th T.onewb/, of " lHlO--rr!trrle'!C*uiy 15, William «ni»ddoek, of Albcny, fc.nd Sr« 7*in Tt« l?o^Art, "widow of s^lchol&e Ole&rer** laiO*— raterried Tuly ;i9, Simon f^»rt, of gehenectsidy, 4th ward, i»n4 «?arfeh van Pttton, " " 1310— .'fltiirrlod /uf^uBt ;ir>, ■«fc.ltu8, slivve of T7(.rraenu9 'I'&'bl*, end laiO— :7i*rriod October HO, .T«8B8 T.^s^riftif, of f^ehencictfedy, 4th »iird, and Ittwrln I<'»re€ilu8, of " ■ .Tohn '^trt.i.f j^chfsnectfcdy, t-nd »^len Toll, of rtchdnoctfcdy 4th futrd. flirietcpher T^.T'ynfler*, of «5chen9ctfcdy,4th wtrd, fend THiborfch Honroe, of r!chen«i«t»dy, 4th,«»rfl, 181X— merrltd jrwiuary 14, nenry 7««d«r,t>f Reheneottidy, «na '^hrifttlRnnft. «or>aeli» "hriatlfcnsa, 1911— ntrrlen '^'t.rf'M 5, John Cutint,of 5?ft>ienectRdy,3rf! tffsrA, t^nd. '*ari?.ftret Eldsr, of » •• lail— »fcrried Mtrch lii, 'ntnicl f^onv0ra«i,of f?che;ieotfedy, «nd '^•org* ^«i»hlnfl?ton '''*rfcel'>b,of f;c>i»n«ctt.dy, *.n<-s Annti Yfet«», of «!chanect tidy, 1811— r.iirridd April 9, ISll— married >pril 10, John ?',<5tewt ri5 ,of (•'> 'n rtler, ef • 1811--m«trrl0d ^^hy iiS, A»ron ^'Itzar, cf «?Rhena«ttrt:/, 4fn w^rd, t=nd Teaia.fcbetV\ ouderkerX, " " loii--rr.torrl«d ^"ty :i<^, »?krk jr«nne, cf rhtrltcn, *.nd Esther vfcf! '/erst, of cchensctntdy, 4th «»rd, l«.ll--.'nbrri©a June ;i, «»»fcr, la&va of wyndort v,r^^^rol*»•^^ £jlrock«, • • 1811«-iTifcrrlert ▼une '^, Tohn ▼oXford Jr. of ^ern, VXizk Abbot, » " lail— Bxarrten run© 29, iffctlldt, olfcTe of Auron "©dler, 1311--r5frrrled Jun*» 30, rricViclRS A.^'fttn Patten, of iuild>enecthay ,4th wfcrd» fend IHll— merrled T>eo«rab«ir 30, 1m*kfi Tt/hnson Tr, of «:chene«5tei*\y, and r,Qstlrt» r5teera, of " " ▼csoph "BrtdBhaw , of •nrln'^Qtotsn, fcnd F.lt».««.'b®th VfcEBOn, of " 1 Mil— 'tjifo rrt«d ▼'sceinhor 31, RicHard '^ond, of T>rlncetown, t^rid T«,nrjife w«un»on, of * •• lJii;i;--t(ibrrl&d .Tfenut^ry 1, laiii— rai.rri«d .Tanubry 4, ^•#i««^iii r!«j»ub«ll of i5fctrtrTli*?t, err' »»*irlfe "ifrooisifcn, of «saJ^oneet»rty, UaJi— mfcrrled jtnu* ry 9, Tftmes A."^itr Etten, of TetarrHet, t nd iai2— m»rried runufery 11, /.djiTS ■^»n "(forfst, of Pchoherie, fend T&ns «ro?Rn, of " lBll6--infc.rrlo<* ^i^n'^it.ry 19, Tfeiwei! 'Settle jr., of TTtiot, h.nA ^'argferet «rlneetcwn, 1812— rei&rrled ?ebru«fct,ten, of «;chen«etfedy, 3rd wt-rd, 6ad T'ft.rgiiret ."^feasfedy, •• • « 1 *!. 9— ">« rr 1 6.-^ iB»obrusi rv f , ¥fcrl« Alkins, • m ^ l'"lki— nsBrried vebrtitry S, Willtftmi-.lfS r.hnsinpf, • 131i2--Tn£»rrid'.- ^s^rufcry 1;;, Alfred Lrlrll ,1312, fcnd Tiui,lii 1615, the 1812 recorrtfc »pj>3fcri'T- ofl pf.r'e "i"? In oi-irinfel ,fcnd then* of ISin *i<^<»lri ^'..-^ on : f>'rft 7B , by F\eT,TfccoY> Vtn Vaehten) 1?S15— ffifcrriod Ttnuer/ lit, Elifcs Y38der, end j-nna ««feper, /bner ^Ith, und Angellne Tili^tn, ' ! '•— wferris'i ■s'ebruft.r/ 23, Tohn f?cott, ar.d xranc/ riute, AbrahArc '. iReh«r.ierhom, t.nd ptury AdBmn, 1-ilr— ,,t.i f ii^.': -^i,y 15^ ISIS— 'flifcrried -n../ rf*?, woflsa »orbU8h, i.nd "oiotaey "Oaulay, 1 IS— rifcrrlad Tun-i o, 'Gilbert 'V'fcn r«nt, anii ^brnh C?opl«y, 1K15— £}4>rri«d rune 15, lfl5— fsicrrltid «fe>>teBtber 9, ▼t^m^s T''iorntoR, finf" Tja^rbkry fornell, l'»l:i--r:!t rrier '^opte.-Jber ;i3, X815— -tctrried nrxobor ;:,6, "brten Pufcckenbos, bud /n^elicfe ^rndford, 1916—acrrlod T^cessbcr i<, ?roiui fry«r, s^nd N«-n»y C*.ley, liili»»-afc,rrited ^>«c«tnbci"' >-, '°enj0!iten v^n Lo^n, t^nd ?lia»b«th Oud«ilE«r1c, "v?ldo* of John nud«rk«rtc» t>©ter "Tinker, fend ffMter 'i'»n "''orst, lSlf<— atirplar? wshrutry 6, ar«nry '^reen, fond ^ebif»» ueblst, "'^nlei '^,"^©f»r«aiuf , end Kaffyeret s«itrt. 1316— rftrrisd /^rll^J, /brfchtta '/tn pet ten, ^rsd 5?ophl*t 7»ii Pdtt*torts, ttnd Aftn& SI^jtsj*, 1616— ait rriorl ootohvir 1'^, Peter ^laneburrfh, b.nd sell/ 'Unnens, lB16--i,';imoo! October ^.-i, Evert -^rfcT 'T^enber-rh, j-nd Tfne •''fctn 'Trankciri, 1^^16--!'.f: rried T<*'OTfl"^tifer &, Joseph "^uyee, and Wllltt?Bina T^&n&riat,, ;16-— ^'.j.rrlert "s-'oyeiriber If., '■'16— mR rrlert,wo-9'ft!f»i)er £3, Tt'jnes "Piece, &r>d Rfcchel '^'Ittle, lltj~- ■■■■.■£■- -u 'ovasEher 30, 1 '-'l''---^f- i-riwd Tfonuferv 1, l.''>H--~iirriv5d Ttnuery 5, To>in .T, Tedder, brd "Sffcria ■•^ro^erj Philip R.Toll, »nd veney -^erra&f, 1817— .w^rriiid .Tfa.nutory J&7, Peter -^-lllet, tnc" PejT?'y potttir, lbl7--f;.i.ri:'iod s^'ebrUi. ry li^, *?reie, of XM7— rfii;rrief< ♦'trrh >.2, John »M?.r:ine, cf •o'lorJd^. '^& El.i.2.t.beth Bchiaiir, !«!'?— .yaiurr led rune 19, ■M-£.r-!f>ni33 «!T,'6rt, c!c'nonecte.dy,4th werd, and l'-l7--ni&rricd "^rne ■Rlchsrd TSiCkson Thome !5 ■^cn 'niysen, IB].'?— Ti rriod October ]1, 'Tic'v.ole!? "^edderj prv.j'^or-tf y^ J> c *! ■nehoreh "'^fcn T»ctt©n, /iej:tnd£r •'■ail, tncl '^runnfa.a 3/aith, j»m«» S&iiaon, ».rd Krs rrelen Tenfcllleger, 3. ?'is>«-;j:i/rrit:?. '"■^rcii iC, Jsctib Wilson, end ^fitRnfah -tsdfcrd, ^ater FIIp-r T.eie&ndtl, /ngi^lia© 7h.n "Pelt, 1 'a ->-('-.«- rr lea "•?. ^ i' , • -^l -i^-ras. rri«i4 t~*fttcibar 1,4, voltfc-r '^off , »n(i Anna ^''erlellen. Anthony ftn Rlycic, "ch^neet&dy ,3rf? wtrd, i.nd Ro>»«rt Wilson, end »««3r/ veloffi*. ■^Icholiks "^lele, '^'•'^•joeeti.riy, 4t'i nffir*?, fend jkna »oherrne/*>orn, • 3rd wer^. Tynfc«t W^Ve,n T*«nb«r(»h, ■'scByit , ttnd i^^leb T^,-,'t.rt ^fijfcjit, *«d Ellxfehsth -^IfrcJd, 1513— an rr lad Wfcrch 1^^, lAi'S— ms.rried /i.-ril 10 » !19— ??iMrri«d vE>y i-S, a #ji'£NiK*«;}»■.<»»«' » ^i «i •»-l» -tfAj IBl &•-««> rri«bd >,vrot>M»«rt, in' i>c-!Ci. ":»*offl8n, I 1,1 '# - "is*.. rr i ti ... >f ^^ v -j;,'*. t;- © r e"- , ThoNjuis r«nn«dy, fend wfcrriet rif%.dt , "^i^o^ of ns^rla 'tfckcr^ 1-1 tf- «m» rri «f? '^ae tttnber 1 «. , Thi-fRfefc Trfc-ncls, fc^nd Ann T>s«t>i6«n, *cul«ir«d« 1 ">1V— atrrii;-^; ■^eeejK'^'er IC, l*il';>— mi.rrled "'^searsbor 1 , Ti&cob -iivot'%si\ Jr, i«n?l Ann nrvVierssartioni, 1 ftJa©— wft rri «C4 tk«ui. r y 3 , »% r i M u a is r i 1 r.t' , pirhwrd Van Etten, «?c;iftnectedy, ^rr! vjcra, • "tj 1 '"•— tnt-rfHad ».'^rch ^i, John ","^'roc>,8, en*9 iPfiTjollft. •'troTifl^j ■"irl?. "Beler, Tittle -^alls, nvn v<}lly Allen, D I *■ rl «jt "^ t J. nf c r;^ , end "D^rus 3 e ''l^&.dwl efc ,, '^tri.Btouhttr v^'cird, fend ■?«».rlb "'fciri r^X/c's, .7p.f5c» "^.n ifri. ikG'T ,c>er i:(^, T©a«ph f pi re, of riiftcn '>;L.r>, t-r"-! T«rtt«h6 Taylor, • " ''lies v»n ^ntwer^i, fend ^om#lie ^*«r8eliue, I "k-O— ^--4*rr' etl "«.i!ce,r.''.>or k'^, Tllllfc3i rrerj "^snbttr^h, fcrjd Ann*, v^n Ett«n, IS^O— "i^rriiSd •n'3Cd;..ib«r fed, dTfaaJai-lek f3mltir.ilr : . fci'sd i^tity »^-^l "T/jnufr) of '^ullcJ'Srlfcfld, •".»,, — . .-»-» ■ ■ z- '- ' \ •■■ ^^ fferruaX /.ysin v&eht««rx, tend vary 700k, Tfhn OVvterVlrV, ird F1J*»- ^ist»{iy, 1 :>*il»-m6rrli&d .mi* IV, 1 :-ii !••«»& rrl«d T\iXy •?, •^l'?'50l«sfe ^sl«r, tend jtie (^-ifcrlott^, •*»<-lon;d'» 1 •ii-l-"mferrl©f( Ycvamber 10, Tlllltsi "ftnler, of rittltj tkHis, tn-l f^ftlly ?©&k, 13^1— Murri«d ■Jfove^'aar ii4, 18i,l'»-ir.i.rrlc'5 ■n«c«inb©r 6, A"brthftv Tary,Qf "FQihor " ':'v-r »^}-. r«t ''orri f.w»i, Tehn «,vadder» of Rotherdfc.'n, ftrsd Anna Cta&ektanbuch, Mr&n T.yj'Ort, of '^lenv.UIft, fe-na r-iitHfcrine Thornton, Tfccob I.'^cTeet ti-d ^rfcrisi Van ^», .Tchn ■'frcoMun, «!rhcnectei!iy 2nt>^ vr ^l^rsTiU*. 70hr> ■o^illli; j^, of Fcitt.f KLir* wjieher, • .T«,ire» 9*encr, r.f •Prlneetown, and '?>ony Byrrex, of Kotherdam, 9et(Br F,riut©, vf -pothQnltan^ end l*;'icf;2— ret, rri^d' Ofte*»er 1"^, lb*!*;— rr-i>rried ^'or^snb^r kl , t>olly ^fcR T>ycJc, of Bottard&i?i, 1 oi. id» - rr.fc r r 1 e ■ '. "^i- ■? e f ;'be r i^ ''i , ■phliijj '^fttes.cf «fth©nect»r«y, fcif« Ann r»Ubol», both of 5?chc;n8ct«^4y, John "^.Tiin 7t,B.et,fcnd v^trife I«Jii*r,bwth wf r.fj.'u;n4>ct*v;ly, rirmrX«ft «Ti^r ring ton, **?;■, -^fennun Rcr^ntun.buth vf auilHarli»nd, it)ii;5--fl>« rrlfcd ,Tfe.m«*ry SO, T'ttary MuiX,i'r f*Jbi».rltcn,fer.fl i^rgbn^t ?eri>,fcf "JiimYillo, ^Tfejat/ti <*ol tfejr-, tend H&ry 'r«i'X*eli.,f,vV'i wf *>v.k.n»ahvr>?', John ^'■.Oufierkirk.fend wi»r<»fer«*v K©s?,att>r,t)«t'\ vf usnvSll*, a,?,'-«;'3— swfcrrJeA T«iTbruit-ry lit Bfech^*! fjreot, of ^lekaunti, 1 Sii3»-.rf: r rit/ti '' i vci i, -^siTld O.'s^rlfent, fens Tfin*^h YcrV , •eoior^d* 1023— mtrrlod /iprU 10, Town send ^ln«h, af ^fciienectsfiyj&^nd ••«i-y -^viw, cf ''hii.rleet.ui^n, i ■-.,.,..''•*»■ brr 1ft'! '"fc .'■ 1» both tif '»l««rm«. Rlenor v&n ?Iyok, of • 13;i3— rsbrrlad Tune I,i, «rnnisl& T,T,tinalnff, tnfi larii *ti.i*i*" ,*-;r.f i .,jf 'Vftdarvi.lvit , Wioholiift «!wit«,fcnd M}««lleft v*ddtiir,both of *?chan«ctfa(ly. IS23— aarried ^ucrust 16, l9«njMaine ^fbn Ktt^n.fend v:li)R»betVt Ptngbum , both cf tt;llrl^rl£rd, i3;t3— .ri rrii;d ^c,-tyn>>4r 10, "both C'f «»<*hen»'5t.*sr»,-/, FlSxtibeth '^lutCjOf RottordJim, 13;(j3-»i3ferrlod October If., l»«t«r ?rtv.t>flr»tn<5 !T»rrJut .TtocbBcr; both og auii ieritnd, ia*.5—r?ftrrl#/d October *0, l'j;:;'V-»rBt--rrlac: October «;!, ■^r«nt w,*elthou«en, *?»'» ^lEub«th ••Tor«ri*ll, ■both of •feh»nact»dy. Wm rHity ^tsn Tng©n, ?!chen«ct»4y, >kn8Q»j nfctde, and Kf^^hel V»n vrb.njc«n,'k>oth of W*torTll«t, pfclly Rynex, of Hottardsus, t*at«r i»,T»e«lc,fen5! Ann r.i^hthftll.'JjefeH of Sc>i«n«ot««cly, •»«iit<*r Ty, i*nd "^i&rjy^. rat A.lilliftt, •color*d» Ttevld T.yon, fcn.1 >**.ry ^yHwrtleff ,b«th of «5oh«r»««tiMiy, Afer*h»^; "Brsi^hftkasjand trnrg:ar«t rftiuol van "iiehtfcn, of "f^looifni^RTBurffh, aind T.ulftft ■'ri.n !^yck, of ^Ishklll, jmestii r:iiECirft,fc.nd !^fcry M-^ Pixi|;fe,1ricth v.f Sehonocttedy, Both of RcttentMi, 1^24— mi«rr Jed Octo'ear i,.l, f^hrlQv '-Ttirrlu, cf 'rlonrllXs, ir.^ .T&n» Tho?R8ori, of T? otters lifn - iaa4— mtrrlod f>etc>)«r i;5, ^^yr4>n nun««.nii Pftlr»?©r, cf Vermont, ivnd •oaraaiifc AnfcT.a, of Albany, 1°?^ — "»A*Tl*iiJ Oatober 2B, Tonry P.You^^.of onbld, of T»rlnc«tou'n ano oertruda ''-attker, Annutje "l^slaiaont, alao of Kutt erdsL^n, lHk.f:-'<^'jM-,rriG^ ^'6 re'-; I, ''errlt "^'an 0*T/lnd&, of Pfcletino, ^-nd Hiij-fe>>3th nlldarslsGTS, of «'«hsriant»dy, ISii8-»?nekrried y»rch i, iRXlrtft •Tktrt, of «tchonGctb-tly, ?!i*rfch * !uru 1 cV: , o?" "fjh ur; or 1 1. <1 y, l>y;cS»»n«irrlart ^uly -s?, VUll«a Turner, i^nci Hary Worris, T^^nob "»*roii, yf ilanTille, unA Rfe«hel "ontntul, of €ilwtiont of ^^eneotbd/, ia^6«»osicf*ri«4 f winery •?, C?ortraut? *^04,-bunth, cf t"att:nrliet'", ¥ajv T,^,VoCl«ll4.nr;., of " Wliiietta T.ee, trnd Annk T'eri* ^«?skm(6.n,\»ofeK of f;c>i«n«otft4y, Rich*.ni ?(&irc®, ^nel Ann Ts^Aeriboth of 9lilEfiyun«« John L.'i'ftn Eois, £»mi Vi»nc/ Voo^ins*. lae of f chone-jtfedy. Rubor K<5nn9y, und iffarf^fcrot Ten =Uyck,noth of ''.chtsnocttdy, l;^2e— fflj-rrlcc ' - 33, psrteh ^m-i ?^», *'f Rot-terdfaia, I9ii9— rtii^rriad .Tv;ly li, H&lph fiitnvi^yOf Am«terdsm. -.'id f*»vet\ Xna riuto, of nr^^ft " -' %nr?a ,Toyoe,of !=!f:henectbdy, l'-*J.^5'— riRrri ^rl October 28, A'brel';®* ^'ifRsnt, of '^e.th&rine Clute, of Albert ''vrd, cf ryrtltnd '^ount. 3. -.»,?*— i^fcrrled ■nece!r;b«r £3, ta>«er,?'.caor5eot(BiAy,«i»e'J .'.;■, end V"JtnQ8«-- p«tGf -orowor, and John t.v^dar, 1830— :nj--rri0-: April ;ci7, ThomBs Bllea Rtlllte&n, r;cVi«n*sotfedy, aifcohiiai«t,(i,3:>» TjttnrVjt;* Albany, T)i«of «t6i«or c' ""it,"^.*!, »-?;uc; », ^nd Blizt^^Qth r&na "illur,of «?chsniJot&dy, 1630— afcrrled Tuly 31, TltnasB— .Tohn I.yutea.fcnu '^ra Harriot V»in "De^JOjPiet, 1B30— 2B6rriod OctcTaor ^iO, 'fenry T>iit'j, of Osv'arfu, end <^vblly '!ftllee'blo, of <^ch«8>iactiidy, vitnasifc — "*- 'ifaAkins, ■= "J,*-, Tan "^uck. lS30-»-mt. rr l«d ■wgvesiV.or 1, T'fe V 1 d >' tsa.iiJ 1 i«^rl * 4> n , i M-l V.k^rli^ 'Tun Etten, of nlenrlll*, 1830— m&rridd fTov ember 5, ^8al Tlowor, of "jfeinsTille, t.r.d 1B30— rae^rried "SirovG:!;"})©*^ 15, .Toahua ^?/':iirj.3nbaaii, of ;-:cheii&ott»,dy, t.nd El ire. bath TsUrcn, of " ^illl&^^ Tfcylcr.cf Tctt^rdvjSt i-ncl lS.";i— xerrled July 0, Tsii,ao ■'.?*.n ?'oriier,tnd "uBun ^e-»ii;onar,botl-i of '^uilderland, I" •^. «h h r d '"1 ■} f:! o n , o .r '■> rlnc e t '. lSSl«.-r,isrr5 od October <;o, i "31 - -mfc r r i fid TTor a-.')"^-^ 3 j" 2 , ■hot" cf «;e'h9'icct.f.,dy, 1831— slurried T^ovam>)6r lo, '•ijrdon rtro'-v, of -s^^enecthd/, ere" It-rit Tilii:jjai£-, 1331<-"ai«»rrifc"- of f^chenoc »fody, ri^'-i.ij-^s — /./i.'"«5d)ot.H of tJr^ien.eet&f^y, lB3k!— worrier' --e^inj?. ry ^i^, ^ ,, ^ ^. ^ ., , Vflie-'^ nardan'berffh., tind Ji»rte TTlnklor, noto of ; oi.u,.r,;ii.i, ■o^itness — Tohn T/'oddar, and ^leorge ^fethev/a, Xii^H""- -h rex.: '. ■■ f^.„r,' ,'..'!, ^■lt.n^es--,Toht r?lo«*, s^nd <^klHtiri;iv> ,r«.'-iO ■■h-r.-t-uirn. ^mrlfe. 7«r4d«r, iff * - - kr\r\ ^forefwll, of «:e?hia!noct«ic»y, William fSosalln*, t,! -r-'ic.-a^c!.5iv-iy, ».n4 rsrfeh !'oritJre» of • 1^3k.— mst.r.rj'iJi; *^..y ^i , Bi>'bart T^eii, ^nd '*sroiin«» Kll4«s, both cf ncHanactitdy, fr»rB?.fenu» v.fj^ftjri T>6,.tt0n, wTui '"^an 0u44rk&jr-k., both wf «;©?■; *ne>ct*<'.y. of H\mfiy, ^iliifttss TTfeVfe-r, fe-rtw ?*fcriis ■»foru^, both of ?:di*i»nef?tfc4y, «lihu Ellis. *^nes Bontld, f^nd rit^rinan Tycy?8. hot*? of Trr-y, '^rcr^ufi PJclff, tjni Lt«''''fou'»hton, both of fl-ph^neets-dy. T ' ? <* -i"'. bt*r or 'ujtrsec^urpr'n, . ''',CXi»te» *nd Flirt L,riTir?g8tcr»,'bot."i of ?;rhenaetR.dy , ifj33— ;3U!fr*(5"^ July ii, "-i.l'.,!?.;.- '^^"'^all. uf cpv,,^,.,^tf. ,:!,•. t -f, " urii* Klein ('^•) Soth of ,of Albr«ny, &r:4 ■ "^.t i^ltirlf, cf <;chentTOt-fedy, 1B33— Bt^rri ott! of «t.^^©noctRdy, is;:i3--.?rj-..rri ' ' , ■ .'OttHy, ii>54— raft rrl ad .Taniutry i, Ellen Truft.1t, of t^cb enacts iy, l'.i.j4--ni:rri.:.vi Ti r.uary iV, TsfeKC T,True.x,end Krs FliKf.'bath '^!iibcoclc,>5oth of ?«ichen©ctiidy Tint-dford «:dfcwaan,wf n»reitot»a, end :!'it^©rp,of «'cVienec+fcdy, iS34-«-in*.rried Avri *>oth of «fthen««t©irisr, lSS4«»?nfe.rrlemftrrl«d ruly la, f?yn thla Taylor, of Bruntivielc, "TUnei^ft— Tmvld Tierrlck, of??jrun»w1lek, 1634— m^rrlttd «f©|i.t«Kst>«r JIO* 1834— ."46 rrl«d se5*t«s5l>«r *6, X«a»e Bo««« »n«etfc4y, lS34-»»i«brri#ai l?©T«m1»(ftr 1£, Bo^ert <«nell, And HiMk Qikii«mul| t>ot>\ of ,in>>«r 544, f!6fl}u«l ?*|!»r», fen«l lather *?root-, *«ot^ of f^«!h«r!#ctfK4>*, lS35-«a».,rrla4 .Tfenwfery 1*?, P.leh»rd Tfcehir.??ton f?»41er ef .Tchnatuwn, eufid Hli»»V/«ith ^o«3c, of S«:^i«n«©t»dy, l?'3R--pifcrrle) of Sait«n««t«uiyy lasr^— jajirrJ«d April IX , l»^t^r Kcra>iBiin,i»nd w©lly v«m B^«,b«th of ?;oh«fi««t«Miy, ia36— Married a i^-jl *;1, ■Fr&nol« "ftyer, »n(l rHith»rln« T,onff,both of nehen«otft4y, l«35"B»rri«d i^r 11 ga, H«rai«n Hinmi»n,t.nd Eli«»^ Ann PiiIly,both of 11«nvAll©, 1S35— wtrrled /prll 2a, !?olomon ^,rlnf^,fcnd fickr&h Vwa T>«l<»R©rt ,both of S«h«ii«ei»Ay 1835— i4ttrri«d April k9, Wilnon ntmu, »nd M»tlXitd«r l?e<:!lyBi«n,tknd Eli»&b«th Rnoa,both of ?rino«toi»n, XS36*«aferrltd July 11, Pet«r Ligh thill 1, and y»n;»r«t Vfcrran, both of Bcbenectfcdy, 1B35— married «ejjte»?»b«r IS, ftwnual Voed,of ?f», alBO of <;ohQn«ot«dy, Mr» lij'Ai* liifcnn«r«, of s*5n©n»et«4y, 1836— nurrlftd v^y^ruh^ry 25, 1636— mftrrled *ffereh 17, 7»o«b !?«g»n«tlna,«.r ,T»»th ©f 8&tt«r4Ml, ie36«-m»rrl«4 j«*reh a€, Abigail !liRm,6f ^i^Kyufift, 1854— msrrifNi *%y IS, fmriattiin t^ntit,of Arsatftrdws, and ?!«Hy •? tickle*, of 4|e>t«fi«et«4y, lfKl«»«a«irrl®i ?«fty 3fe«, Tohn ^T«ll, 6n«S dlMAnnii Vftldroti, b«*H ttf «K»>i«r»«et»u";wi»t k'4, ir«rtln f?.jiy*rB,*ti*l ii»ry A^m W«m;»l«,b«tH of fiohi^aQti&dy, 183«»«iB»Prl««com"ber XO, T»meg R.f^teere, of ffch©n«ct«».dy, i^nd Tfcn» f!Hl«»ia,of Rotterdara, ISS'y—rrig.rrlai T»nuary 11, ^Tfernan (note sfcys tyu>>«rtu«)Trftn Vfwhten Clut«,of flo>\«n«etA<: miEftbath Min f?lwte, ftl»© of flehen«otftdy, X931— married f*ftrch a, .T«»c©b Oudertc«rV:,«*nd w^^rridt Holdatoek,feoth ©f 8eh«n«ct»dy, 133*?— wfcrr id's April ^v, .Tohn Andsmon of clenTlll«,fcnd tfllids. rtudttrieark, of ««iK«n««tifc«iy, Tohn V.'fffcn r*s«o?»<^rt, ^nd i«fery T,u»h«r,>«>th of l9e>iftn«etMy» 1837—}a*rrled .Twn« *(«, T>ftnl«l mrrinRor, tnd ^mrriet ftuMn vrewsan, bot>> of Rchenectfcdy, las'?— jn»rrl«rt .Tuly Jt'^i ^ _^ AbreHMi Oothoat fflute, end i>fiirl* puRckenouen, ljot>? of «!(5h«n««tfedy, 183*»— jnarrle^ raly 31, ) Bithlnger, fcl»o of Albany, ],S3V«]flKrri0d August k.3, I»«Lfto H.fonde. of Tfew Origan* , end ^ffery Moore, of ??e>i«noctfedy, 1S37— mtrrleri '?ej»t«nl5«r S, ▼«Hi»4i* vruiu), of vmrerV w,.t, •.«^ K«rgftr«t •'*»*^ <^antToord,of Bttll#Tille ^.Y, „S,..«rrUJ^;.^«^W 11.^^^ Ann 1».tt.b«tn of Seh««t»dr. Lukft Biunu^p, fend AMi^^bil B«;>l)'blna,'both of T>Ufendsbui*sh« John v*n TJei'ioi'ert, fend Wftrlfc stone, ho th of r;fiheindettody, 1837— 'niRrried woTewb«r 14, Abrehata 7e«d6r, of Rottord«m, cind nar^Arat irtdder.of «;^«noet&dy, i;i37..iaiirrl«d T>fte«Bb«r 27, TfRrtln ''5*Ti8,nn\ of #aist«rd4Mi, 1B37— m&rriod T^e:«r, of rhitrlton, and Aftnfte Vtn T>e iROPtart, of h Van vrfcnkan, of 8«(Hen«ot«»dy, 1833«»mi»rrle.i ^«&rch 2S, t%liiinder "^NSftrupyiiJld .T«lift im» 9«»rtffkg«r, both of ''cVienoctfedy, J(D»9» T&ylor,of Albany, fcnd tfra BliS'fcbath 7«lthou8«n, of Sehdnaot^^dy, Abnthfcrr; 'r»p?rfcftf ,of '*h«irltoii, »^nd "•tjfcrla 7room&n, of <;ohenaet6dy, 1838«* -married .June ^, jea«« T>e^,of Tlorldst, ynd Ann 1»aak, of vrlneetown. 183G-»ffl6rried .Tun« IS, Tmniel T^^tjii T)«^og«rt,fend iftlly Ann Saith, both of sehanaetudy, lQ30—niarrl9d rune iJL, ,T»Me» 'fenry ?>««?raaf , and Abigail ^l&rla "Van flljrek:, both of "Port Jaekaon, i33.V»«*iTled Tidy 4, ronrfcd Lir5s;dnfelter,»nd BllKft'b9t>i Ann P(M(at, both of i?lorld6. fornallua i?.Thaiiipaon,fcnd Fr&neea 'VM) Xiig«a, both of js^eneotfcdy. Mary ?fcn f^witTOord, of ''chenectferty, Xa3^^— merrled !3epteab«r 1», John veir«e» and mncy "B.Mcaflehfceltboth of Seaitnoetady, 1838— ssftrrier? peptembor 24, ,To>in I.Trufcy, of sehsnectfcdy, and Kfrrgfcret Ann T)eal» ^t mmt&rA^m, 1838- -worried October 16, John i^.rlappjof ^chcdeelf Benss«l&er fo, and Cathiirlna «?haxTP» ^f fU.©nTiH©, ISSB—raarrls^. October 1^, ilttor^e T*rro»,of ^ftmtcgta f3prin)!;s, fend Elisabeth "dexter, of "^^tkim^r. 1S38— 'narriad October iJ"», .Tobn Rfthermerhom Tr, and Reb«eoa V«dd«r, bot'') of Bottordam, 1838— iferritd e«tob«r SO, Ellbu Boiieo, Cuyfthof^a fjo.Ohlo, and Elixa Ann "^rottn, cf Ta»bar 5, Jllee ■'Grower, and «rAen 'yrooajftn.both of f^chanaetady, 18S8— merried TJecember 1, l^onjawlne 'onea, of 01 If ton Parte, and gaily O'T^rian, of aotterdam. 1838— marrlad "n^ceaber 18, jwaaa V.^rlfrht, and sliet^bath 7roomfcn, both of 'Tuiidarland, ^rfencis T«r.ifenBin<^,iind «ue»n Hartln, both of V&terrllet, ■'^8n,1t-.-.5'S3 V"i),; I.- ..:.s, tnd iir»noy .Tftol£»on,'both of f;e>)«nt«tiidy, 183^»3n8krrl«d .Tftnuary SO, «fon*"»et«r T.?»?rner,cf vort Pluln, iinril yi»8 }fm-X^h.rBt Qothout, of J^ohtaneetiitdy, 1839»-m6-rrlad Jtjnufcry 31, H«nJ"y ^X&ppu6.rteetourf^h, 13S&— fftbrrJed -we^vrmiry 14, A,M,f*fa88,of schersiSotBKly, 18.39— rstrriefi J.'^itrch *?, Villi«Bi ?r,PMiifi:'bum,»nHe.T.l& ^'ftri ^r©ohtan, of «»eh«nect»dy, 1839— »i»irrlebrfeha» E.yfm Petten, fend '^iristlene S«?;«r, both of Hotterdam, lftS9»-ra»rrl«d T>eee«b®r 2f, Tobn alle Jr. of Pohuylarville, end ^«len Vfcrlfr nute, of «;cb«neet«dy, 1840— '"ittrrl art jB-nMury 2, Alexander T,v«dder, and "sthferlne H«id«y, both of Rotterdain, 1340«--at.rried Tenuary 4, rohn Othln^, fend Torothy Ve«^therw»x,both of 'Jlonyllle, l'^i4f>— -i^ftrrJed Tfenusry 13, '^fani«l Tyrral.Rnd ??r» Vfcr/ >oth of «<»>»«»»««* nfly, 1840— mfcrrlttd july 8, 0i»rr6t Vien«, 6.nd gLli«b«ih ffVftrt, twth ef ^4l%«noet»dyt 1340— mftrrlft^ jxar S*» Uiil&a C.?;«a^va.ftr Jtll«gta/ Co. «j;i IMO-^mtrrittd #uguat 1'^, John ?T«»J.«ind,*knd f^^thftrlnd r^lam, iKfth of «!«hd«i««t*dy, ,Tohn "«l,»»it«,ft«d jfen© T»it«h«r, both ©f «che8n«ct«*fl/, 1H40— >mii>rri«d S«jpt«»5b4r 3, fhftrlfts T»«P4t«r«©n,iiintS As»nda ^tOT9n8,both of Sfsh«n«et»dy, 15540— w*rri©d T»ec«fnbor 3, A*ro« •Twfci'tjOf K*itor«To«, of ??cH®nect».dy, Tohn ■0)B.itln;i'fel«, of ipe«ton Onsidn (?ownty, ^nd •^•t|i>lau VMwklrk, of fS'ehenAfit&dy, 'iTonry T,,T»»rino,of Mohftwk.vontgiKstry . rried '^To'^OPi'her 1, T>erry ^odf];e,of ^Rrsaw ,'?%«.. ^ r.. 'cu-!-. y. t ua c&reh Ye^tes, of Erie rounty. 1841--m(&rriGd "^ecoTCbor 7, 'ierrot T.snsln;^ Oothout,of >Te* Ycr\ , tnc: "fcT'Tt-ret ''■'eer'or, n-'- pchenect&dy. fl ■» s-ahfttb 'Ten 'Tuysen, of c, wtd <5uB«n B,T«ll«r, of peheneetady, 1842"iatorrl«d ^ebrufary IS, jolm r^mUhjof (iltnriHe, fettd <^ath»>rlAo --ind, of Al>'»iyt 1842— .'Tiwrriad \^6*y 3, ^fiinry ??h«pp«rd, cf Al>e.ny, und f««sth«*rln« i3!*rheyAt, of a/, ^-r^i sjklly Ellenor T?ro*9r,fel«o of onfcld, of ftchaneetedy, 1842— m«rrled septenitoar If., f«hftrlee »r»nehot,of -mjitemute, and i Paft'^ifj, hot'- o^ '^'*'*m«ct».dy, 184i2- -married 0«to"her «;7, ''«orpj« f,ni»«bift, unci variT»r«t |il3it)ri«-^t , both of Sehoneetfedy, 1S42— ai»rrled ^wemher X4, '^teTld w^febsaon, and vr« ji<^UBt» rrh.n P*"Rof5ert, both of Schenectady, lS4£-«m6rrl«d T>«canb9r 7, fckldb T.Feot, und r%th9krine Vfeurie«,bwth of Tro/, ie4ic--Ki6rri«d 'nacernbar 28, FdwfrT'i I,,l^«oord, of Fiskfe yvnb, ^nd 1843«*nt«rrl«d ««»rch 26, Justus 9«Olll««pio,and f!u»«nfw C^SwitB.both of f^chen«et«idy 1843— Buirrlsd April 6, 7«n«« iPwnfrbttm, t^nd nridg«t M,MoiDunBOt,both of Soh*nt«t«erolin« "Plka, *l1bo of <;nhen©ct«4cl/, lB4S--ni&rrJed pei>te fiber 13, ¥illla;r, f^ohrler,».nd r>«i.thferln« T!«»TlB,both of ?>eh«n«st»dy, -^<>^<^_ni»^i.]^iij c«itamber 12, «t«ph«n T.Pulta,, of v'lndflr^ook, i*nd ftusan Luisft n^vit, of ^chensete^dy, ia43-«aftrried «r«ptemb«r 28, Rleh»rd nTftnehot.of ^tt«mut«, Knd MM9. Vui vr^rik^nt of «;ehon«etad/. John C. '..' xc'---^^r, o- ^uLjrv i v Clerissa 'Toor-isn, of ^Schenectady, r»ed\vr.d '^./.■^elthousen,both of Schenectady, 1844--marriec! 7^-ily 5, Tilliain 7.T>trks,ar>.d >f8r"-eret ■^.8liter,hot.h of Sciienectady, 1844--mfe rrled July 4, .Tohn T.^Bohtnar; ,!?'••:■ ^arpfcret TTeech, "bot'a of ITislctyuna, 1844--'^>i rried Tul/ 6, -'' o rn el i lis Ton ^^ran/-en t.>f ■cc'T-f'tc'-hO y , tnd "urtara ^'&lker, of Rotterdam, 1B44 — narri e'^ /uruBt 3, ?tf;yt£ rt."^j?-rer, eii'I 'tennah Ellen •'Tiees'bcrcuc-h, ho"^' .'"' "": " "^cotl&nd, 1344 — Married «TJrust 22, - • -; nelia Bhs^fer, both cf Alht^ny, Thomfis Tinfr ^ ♦in-'! «^fc *•*."-. •a-?.-^(v ',-.,. . >>.:?>. ^f Kotterdi»a, 1844— sn&rried Aup^ust ^a, 1844**aarrl«d f^^tembor !3, Tob tiaoloy, tnd tfferffiiret Hosdkrana, both of "eHan««t»m»rrittd October 24, Alexander T^cAlllster, cmd .?«•«« 15111a, both of t i..n^.RV,.;,Jy, 1»54R— meirried T^tnu&ry 1, Tbcob fluta.&nfi ffcthsrlne «t@«nb«rffh,both of TTlsVbytinc^, 1346— ?!a»rried Tenutry 1ft, •Kieboliis rlttX®, &nd '^Ti.ai&h BabeocV. , both of "^ehcsntetftdy, ia44«-fl}i*rried April 9, rHftrlSB il.T,eo, ttnd vary r,^^ro<,k>^ , i-i.. of ai'jnvlllc;,e.nd he of ($ehen«et»dy, 1344— mfcrrifed April 23, f?teph«n ^.Tohnson, fend El«nor '^or»f all , both of ?eH«nMt«dy lR44--?T}fcrrltd Wfty £9, vortlrter ffcdhiwn,«nd -ofru "nt^ry Ann Trout, both of !°>ch«n«otady 1 844- -me rr led Tune 10, John Vood,of Troy, ftn<^ H«b6«ee '^orafall of ??eben»etiAjr, I?j45--Tuly 3, Haxt^niar r^orkey.t^nd >nn Ellw* Van Patten, both of Rottvrdtun, 134£— ffibrrled /i;^:u»t 6, rill I Sin OBbwrn '?»rdn«r of Troy, fcnd '••rtlllna Tsftlieay r:arle«ik,of ««>»«»«»«i?tKdy, Join 'eii.i 1Q4S— vggjr.^jij^,^ Octo'>Qr 15, '-•- -irtiorn, ~ 'hurln« Eletncr ''■lller, 'ooxh ti- 55c;icnacc.. iv , 1345---n8rr.l oer 29, Ptj1t)eccfc Yi-Uii., of Fc-ienectfcd/, l84&--;.ai*,rrit>d Tjscea'aar ii, Rlnon 'T'ejap?. e, of -lalv/ay, and jane r!,?,TcFinne, of c'chsrjectfc.dy, l845«-merrifc'i "^c^m'bar 4, both of ?.'eBt Trc/, 184S»-,-'£i rriaci ■n>rucn(jnsotady, 134^--^^ rri "-Jles 08tr.-nckur,cf "Xlfto", "Pfarkjand r'ttnerint! yen reusfcrijfciao of ^lifton Park, 1 846- -T^t rri G' / .ril 1, rustfivus croif , i ' ronelir, ^'ino, •^"^Ir Ifefit vrltttn or: t t>liy of piiper,Bnd ptsted In the boov, tnd is without signature) lS^.r-«mi, rrie'1 fur)-: f, also i>f S<5h&naeth*i]iarrleoth of Troy, 1646--m6rrle«^ iroTejn'ber 25, Frederick rtroever, bxi^ ?f*ry 3tA-T,ester, both of soheneotbdy, 1646—merried 'f^scem^ar 5, T.ouift Tfoffraey«r,fend saJza 'f^eysr, both of ??ehc!r)eet6dy, l847»-acirriad .T«iu«Lry 1, TTlcholBB v.irirkQr, of Test Troy, fcnd }mry Ann 0«t rand er, cf cuildarlbwd, ia.t7— married ^itoruery 23, (Thriatlan r«*tln, tnd rtrollne !?oiyhi& Stfhw©ntlc«r, both of «5cHeneot&dy, 1847— mftrrl94 *'»rch ag, jfehn Vferahftll ??oxon» »nd ^elen T»mi», >)otH of ^torrllot, rrorctoo '^hilliJe of TliiniviXla, end ne^orifch t%n Wfctten, ilonylH©, >>ot>j cf •^ch«n^ot»dy, 1^47— sftrri»)ar t^ .Tfe35(3« W,??lut »,!»'»-' f^rtre-.h .T«^ne Pwltn, both of B«h«aMt»4y» TGhn T,V»ii«on wf B<*tt©rnr Zr ^ 1348--iifcrrled .Tenufa.r/ c, AbriCnair. \^n reus en, of ^^l if ton "Park, end PuBtn '"trii- •^rj-dt, of rrhenc-ctadv , 1348--jnfcrrled ,T«.au&ry 15, riduon ?locrti,burri T)eceaher kiltl^S^, tf rtillwator, h.nd rfc-t.afc.rln© f!lut6,"oorn ■DccemVi.r ^i^f ,!';•...*, of "^chanectbdy, 1848— rifcrried CTaTiu&ry £6, ■"enry sticXlc, of r-leriTllle fer;ed ;i6,'born in ''clvnhia fOjiT.Y 1848— ."-trriers yttivbry i.6, /nson r',T>unh6-'5?,cf rlenTille,k>ged idl.'bcrn TTeesb.u '^.jf, fcnd TTelen '«'QstfaH,&f rienvl"ile,6.p:©d 16,^orn f^t-ndlake TT,Y, 134S--n6rried TPelrruery 29, John Tjfcusch,of nch&nectc.dy, &riQd ii^jhom In Termfc-ny, &nd Fliifc"h6th p6i»iec.^,of c-cherjtjcttdy aged 20,borr. in '•'snibny, rheriefc ■»,Pal:^eter,cf rjionfef t-lls, fcnd F&rtr.h '^leveltrid , cf ^^ohenectady, 1343— Turr.i. ei -••trc"'''. i;5, neorr^e ?lffert,of i^chensd ftdy-a^jed 3.<:,"V)or'i i'^ nQrnbn/,tkn6. viirerunta ^"oVrer, of ^^che'-eett.dy, born in qerni&ny, 1846--v:urriirA A: I'iJL •^'' , T»fcvjd T.ConBtul.lsCm £-nd living; Ir Schenectady, trod 22, Aiicfc Bleckburn.o.frud IS, Lorn in Engltnd.fcnd of "^cheneetaidy 1548— u ri I Hplt.ral-Ti X.Ving, of 7:dln>:'var*h,f:Ked k.9,'born Edinburgh, end Tp^A WftfthhurnjOf CR>i«rt«et&riy,».«»«'» 21,TDorn in Tlenville, TToretlo Tff.Bail, n^-rE.tOB?& <'o,fe,ceQd oSj'born in SOientjotady, fcnd Eimir* Rulpha,of Kontrromery ro,fe.ged i;5,1>,in f?cheneet»dy 1348— 'fs> rriei rxina *;9, f^&rmh .T,7iwj B;pfl,Hotterdi>m, »ic^€id kl, Isom in f;i«nTlXl«, 1348— mi&rr led ruly 4^ f?«*th«rlnd Csasiibell ,cf Albany, fei-^eoi fc*^;,bum in likt«rm«t« 1848— r.'i&rri«d nil/ 51, THiTid '(*&n "Der Toyd'jn.ej^ed 24, born mrd livln" (aenvlll«,»ad Afjnos R.woodbeck , fcp:ed is, of ^rlnoetown,b9m Bottordsii, 1848— married Aup:u»t 14, John •'fooeon.of *5;chftn8ett-c!y,«k«red 30, bom in Rn^land, fcod . n&rsjar&t TJowsrjOf ^fcieneotjadyi&fyotl *j7,'borrJ ir JreltnA, 1348— 23ferrijenectj»dy aoied i44,borri AnwterdMi, and Anna T,e»Ty,efTed iiit,bt,m tnd llyins In BottsrdMi, 1S43— married •*^ovatj>)er 1^, r.^yt^VrttnatmyU^ad ;il,hoi*o tnd i i«>l»- in "Prlnceto-wn, b.n4 >ffery risfjOf •nrlncatawn,fefl;«d 24, bom Tfudson, lB48»-merried 'foreaiber k;o, A, ''."^ftrrey, of "Hfe* if«>**<,6f^ed 30, bom R@n8»«Ila«r Oo, and KLi^abath "«rorriBtlns,&.i?od iiO,*crn tin', llrlnft 8<^«ii««t«4y» X84*»-a»rrled *fOT«nber i;3, ToHn TSftyne.cf ''ch^nectady fcged -i<;,bom in I^lcnd, »nd - Vfcrlft .'•ort.,cf «;rhen8Ctady,ii(»©d «iS,bom In Potterdam, 1843— "a&rried ""ToTajabsr :-7, "VilllfcTTi "Pellet, of •!ehanectfcdy,bom in Ototgo Co,ft?8d £4, fT^rtrudtt V*n fs:iycle, s^^od IB, born fend llyln^ in ;^ch«n«etit4y 1S48— married IJeeember *5, ^rhnoi* ▼Ullfern T)tr!n,of ««hen«otfcdy,fc»ed ;i2,bom in ?^»t4«n Ophellfe Anrellr® Keed,»«:^o(t IB, "horn en<^ Urln-'' «f:^©neot».dy, 1948— ta&rrltd T^«c«rabar ^B, ^enry "^^n vokst ,«.pqo ^-3,b,*nd llyin^ in Feh«n«ctiidy, ftnd Catharine l>tforeat,«f Bott9rd5^,*.rt<*d iil,b, in ?»<^sn«ot*dy, r*M»lIXti rjUlot,of Troy»»=5rdd 30,>»u<*n in J^o^o, Ulttt tou«m*n,fr.?«d «j35,born fcnrl livin«? ftt ^orthkjsiton, and r^ijirlty Mfer,^,li§«i ld,«f ^i»k».yunit,bom Jn Schodwck, l, iR49»»^frrried .Tune ^, y»rlft ?.f,"»?&rhyT5t ,Kg6d i^jbom i-n':5 living In ^*»sn««tiidy, •frt^ry '^ronch.of «:eh«n6et6'!y,tf.>*o-^ 12,"teorrs in Emlund, l.S4»— ,Tiirrl©ujrust *;7, ,Tohn ,Tfcck60r^,*,ftedl ;^'?,born end lirlng in «^oh«i««i*dy, fca« «!iirt»>i Will«»yd.t.f jtTxtdrdft^,fe.|»ojorr5 in ?>eheneet»d;/, fill«« Teller, ».n-wr ;ci;, •©el©r«d» i>^49*«B»prrIed •n«c«ssb6r 26, Yillian T«ll '«t«ifTar of ^fthimfrtcn D,C, ftnd .^^ •v.^' ..-. \ -"'J- '-, ,^\^ ■7: J • V ' r! ; %'. '^- ^ d - ^ J :; -i 0" .<*WJ ■■,•, aX^ * r^N-J!;';?*. •■'• ^^^' "^^^^ ,0^- .'v^i^s'. ^-^^■. ^>^^-. "^0^ / ,^--'^. ;^^^^^.. H ' V- V X^=.. t^^-:^- ■ .0 ^,. ..s^ '■'■•■/>• O 0^ ■■<^ v^^ 't. - ' - , -V ■- ' , V ,0 o^ ^0^ ■./•,, .\\^ '^:,' A %'%-''<^\^^ ^'''^iS^^y^ \'^''%-^^^^ "^^ '->^^\ ^ ' 4 . „ "> .V--^ %.,^^^ .^^' v-- '^' X'^;:'^;^;./ ^■/'^^^^^ '\^^°^^^^*/ %,;^^.-^ S^m °' f'-'^' ■••i^ .-.i.^ ^ '- '"-f^. V* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS