LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 704 956 9 E 523 .7 Jth F bpy 2 ^^^F LOSSES OF THE EIGHTH NEW-YORK HEAVY ARTIL^ ERY \ 2d brigade, 2d division, 2d CORPS. AUGUST 22, 1862 -JUNE 5, 1865. JiJLrW\0.^v<^ , t,-Qr. LOSSES OF THE EIGHTH NEW-YORK HEAVY ARTILLERY, 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps. Compiled by William F. Fox, Lt.-CoL, U. S. V., for " Regimental Losses in the American Civil War " : Albany Publishing Company, Albany, N. Y. \Printed as a supplement to " Historical Roll of Co. D, 8th Neiv-York Heavy Artilleiy," with the author s permission, by James M. Hudnut, J46 Bfoad^vay, JVew-Vork.] Companies. Killed and Died of Wounds. Died of Disease, Accident, in Prison, etc. Total Died. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field & Staff 3 I 4 4 19 Co. A I 20 2 I 23 23 44 210 Co. B I 55 56 26 26 82 237 Co. C Co. D 2 2 37 26 39 28 ^3 16 23 16 62 44 217 202 Co. E 34 34 I 28 29 ^3 224 Co. F 4 18 22 30 30 52 225 Co. G I 12 13 I 30 31 44 209 Co. H 32 32 I 19 20 52 215 Co. I Co. K I I 21 26 22 27 25 26 25 26 47 S3 197 204 Co. [. Co. M 3 20 40 20 43 I 34 18 35 i8 55 61 203 213 Totals . . 19 342 361 4 298 302 663 2575 Died in Confederate Prisons (previously included), 102. Battles. K. and M. W. K. and M. W. Battles. Reams' Station, Aug. 25, '64 . 24 Boydton Road, Oct. 27, '64 . 13 Hatcher's Run, Mar. 25, '65 . i Dabney's Mills 2 White Oak Road 2 On Picket, Feb. 8, '65 . . . i By Prison Guards 3 Present also at Totopotomoy; High Bridge; Farmville; Appomattox. Spotsylvania, May 19, '64 . North Anna, May 24, '64 . Cold Harbor, June 3, '64 . Petersburg, June 16-18 . Weldon Railroad, June 22 Siege of Petersburg . . . Deep Bottom 207 42 34 16 4 Recapitulation and Percentages. Killed and died of wounds . . Died from disease, accident, etc Total died, all causes 663 = 25.7 Wounded (not mortally) 649 = 25,2 Killed and wounded 1010 = 39.2 Died and wounded (not mortally) 131 2 ^ 50.9 361 =z 14.0 per cent, of enrollment. 302 = II. 7 By the kindness of the author of " Regimental Losses in the Ameri- can Civil War," — a book Avhich cost immense labor, and is of absorbing interest, — I am enabled to supplement the "Historical Roll of Coin- pany D " with the losses for the whole Regiment, by companies and by battles. Col. Fox says, in a note to the editor : " On the records at Washington your Regiment is credited with tlie following loss: killed, officers lo, enlisted men 192, — total, 202; died of wounds, officers 9, enlisted men 143, — total, 354; died of disease, etc., officers 4, enlisted men 302, — total, 306 ; total deaths, officers 23, enlisted men 637, — total, 660. I make more killed owing to some who were " wounded and missing in action." I include these with the killed : the War Department does not, unless official and definite information is received as to their fate. There were 20 officers killed; one of them killed before muster." Col. Fox's book shows that the highest percentage of deaths from battle in any regiment was 19.7 per cent, of total enrollment in the 2d Wisconsin. One hundred regiments had a mortality from battle of over ten per cent. Thirty-five regiments (out of over two thousand) had a higher percentage than our own, and three, the 7th W. Va., 28th Mass., and 37th Wis., had the same percentage. One regiment only — the ist Maine Heavy Artillery — lost more men, and one only — the same — lost more in any one battle. This Regiment lost 423 men (19.2 per cent, of enrollment, and next to the 2d Wis.), killed or mortally wounded, and lost 210 at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. It also lost 147 at the Freder- icksburg Pike, May 19, 1864, where we were engaged for the first time. The statistics of losses for the Federal army during the entire Avar are as follows : Total number of enlistments reduced to a three years' basis . 2,320,272 Killed (67,058) and mortally wounded (43,012) 110,070 Wounded (not mortally) 275,175 Total killed and wounded 385,245 Died of disease, accidents, etc 249,458 Total deaths 359,528 Reducing these figures to percentages of total enrollment, and com- paring the casualties of our own Regiment with those of the whole army, we have the following : 8th N. Y. H. A. All. Killed and died of wounds 14.0 .... 4.7 Died of disease, accidents, etc 1 1.7 ... . 10.8 Total died, all causes 25.7 .... 15.5 Total wounded (not mortally) 25.2 .... 11. 9 Total killed and wounded 39.2 .... 16.6 Total died and wounded (not mortally) 50.9 .... 27.4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 704 956 9^ ir LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 704 956 9