LB /6'S7 77^ Mi, HoUinger Corp. pH 8.5 LB 1S57 .n24 Copy 1 IS 31 JgSi ISES mm mm m& mm mm k2£i KB The Union e^ i School System, r i^ND mm ^•3 Ba UM Ea Ea mm EIS ii@ Ea IS&i Eg y^ mm mm mm Ea mm mm igy Ba mm mm mm Mm mm mu Ba i£m mm ^m mm ea Ba )Bim Ba )^m mm Ha Ba mm mm mm ^m Ea mm mm mm mm Ea mm mm mm mm mm sa Nine Year Course of Training ^, mm mm II For the Rural Schools, by means of Co-operative Work 'ii^m mm Ba Ba Ea lis Ba Ba Ba iiil ES Qgl Ba Bia Ba mm Ba Ba Ba Ea mm ROBT. L. McCREADY, MANSFIELD, OHIO. KUHL, PRINTER, MANSFIELD, OHIO. BaBaBaEaE3EaEaB£caEaBaEaE3BaBaBaBaEaEaBaBaBaEaBaBaEa )£:s(EaEaE!aE3B:aE3s:aeaEaEgEaeaieaBaEaEafe2eaEaEaE'aEgEge5iE5i r** PREFACE. This pamphlet may serve a three-fold purpose. I. To aid in the classification and grading of an ungraded school. II. To aid in uniting or organizing those schools who may have a general system, by means of co-operation. III. That the Board of Education may by requiring this work done by special contract with its teacher, serve as superintendent of all schools under its jurisdiction and that all reports of school work may have a uniform basis. Sept. 20th, 1898. R. L. M. I. ORGANIZATION OF TEACHERS. The teachers shall meet in the evening of the first day of school or previous to that time for the purpose of organization, and one or more shall be nominated for president, and one or more for secretary, one of whom shall be elected by ballot as president, and one for secretary for the entire year or term. II. After organization the president shall choose one or more to procure or prepare an outline of the respective branches to be taught in the township during the year. If there is no uniform set of books in the township the organization should notify the board and have them see to it at once. In outlining the work care should be taken not to outline too far so that the pupil may thoroughly understand what he has studied. III. 1. The preparatory grade should complete the chart and primer during the first year. 2. The First Grade should complete the First Reader and have a drill on language of about two pages per month in some elemen- tary book of language, and should complete about four steps per month in numbers. 6fi933 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM, Grade 2. Complete Second Reader, complete ten steps per month in numbers, about 4 pages in language and should have drill in Oral Geography. Grade 3. Complete Third Reader, about H pages per month in language, 2 pages per month in Elementary Geography, commit- ting definitions, and in numbers study addition, multiplication, subtraction, etc. Grade 4. Complete first half of Fourth Reader, about 60 pages of the Elementary Grammar, first half of Elementary Arithmetic, and first half of the Elementary Geography, during the year. Grade 5. Complete Fourth Reader, about 50 pages in Gram- mar; complete the Elementary Arithmetic, and complete the Elementary Geography. Grade 6. Complete first half of the Fifth Reader, complete the Elementary Grammar, about 15 pages per month in the complete Arithmetic, about 12 pages per month in the complete Geography. Grade 7. Complete Fifth Reader, about 15 pages per month in Grammar, about 15 pages in Arithmetic, about 12 pages in Geo- graphy, 11 pages in Physiology and 25 pages per month in history. Grade 8. Should read and spell with grade 7, complete the arithmetic teacher, preparing extra practical work ; complete the Geography with extra work such as "The nations and their pos- sessions," etc. Complete the physiology and complete the history. III. After the outline has been prepared the teachers should ar- range for the first examination and classification of their schools. The examination for classification shall be heldat the close of the first month's work and any pupil falling below 50 per cent in any branch in which grade he is being examined, shall be classified in the next lower grade in said branch only, while with an average of 70 per cent, he may be considered as properly classified. The first regular examination shall be held at the close of the third month, the second at the close of the sixth, and the final examination the third week of the last month of the school year. After a school has once been classified the first examination may be omitted. IV. On the first day the pupils shall begin their work following the outline in all branches. The first examination shall be based upon the outline of the first month's work in all grades and branches. V. The first examination, like the succeeding ones, shall be held jointly. According to the number of teachers in the township the work shall be as nearly equally divided as possible. The teacher then prepares the questions in his grade or grades and duplicates a copy of the same for each school in the township, keeping a copy of the same for his own school ; each teacher preparing the questions likewise until the entire list in spelling, grammar, geography, physiology, history and arithmetic are made up. Grades 2 and 3 should be examined in spelling and numbers. 'Tis not advisable to examine grade one in the joint examination. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. VI. The questions shall be mailed to the director of the respective districts on Saturday preceding the examination, and procured by the teacher on the morning of examination, board paying the pos- tage. VII. The examination shall be held on the last two school days of the month of examination. The teachers shall hold a meeting on the following Saturday or Monday evening for the purpose of exchanging manuscripts; each teacher collecting the manuscripts of all the schools in the respective topics in which he has prepared the questions. At the time of examination the manuscripts corresponding to each teacher's questions should be kept separate to avoid confusion in separating them at teachers' meeting. VIII. Rules for examination : a. There shall be no more nor less than ten questions in the respective branches, except in spelling, which shall consist of twenty words selected from the reader ac- cording to work as outlined, h. No question shall consist of more than four parts marked a. b. c. and d. If separate from the main question, c. Any question being entirely missed, 10 per cent shall be deducted from the base of 100 per cent., and for each partially missed question, if being a separate and distinct part of the main question, such a part shall be deducted as it is a part of 10 per cent. (/. Five per cent, shall be deducted from 100 per cent, for each misspelled word in spelling, e. One-half per cent, shall be deducted on all manuscripts (except in spelling) for the non use of capitals and periods. ./'. All manuscripts shall be ruled and head- ed neatly, giving, name, age, date, grade, topics, number of district, and name of the township. The paper should first be neatly ruled with a leadpencil about Po inches from the top and \ inch margin at the left. g. In tardiness 5 per cent, shall be deducted from 100 per cent, for each tardy mark. IX. After the manuscripts have been examined another meeting will be necessary for the re-exchange of manuscripts. X. The grades shall then be transferred to the grade cards after which the cards shall be sent to the parents for their approval and signature. In determining the total average add together the grades in reading, writing and spelling, grammar, arithmetic, geography, history, physiology, deportment and tardiness, and divide the sum by the number of branches, thus constituting the standing of the school at the time of examination. XL After examination the teacher shall give a report of his school to the district clerk. This report should bear the names and grades of all pupils enrolled at that time and should give a report to the organization at the next teachers' meeting. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. XII. All monthly reports and reports of examinations shall be taken by all the teachers and placed on the board in the respective schools, so that the pupils may know their standing with other schools. XIII. The manuscripts shall all be held by the teachers until the close of the term, when they shall be left with the district clerk or towhship clerk as the board may elect. XIV. Any difficulty as to grade cards or grades should be referred directly to the manuscripts. XV. The teacher shall, at the close of each month give a report to the organization of the standing of the school in attendance, tardi- ness, number of visitors and number of pupils enrolled. XVI. The secretary shall keep a record of the standing of all the schools, also the business transacted by the organization, so that he may give a report in full to the Board at the close of the term. XVII. Not only should the teachers meet for grading, examining, etc., but should discuss different topics as may be chosen or assigned by the secretary, such topics as " Reading," " Penmanship," " Methods of teaching Grammar," " Arithmetic," " Geography," " Keeping interest in school work," " How avoid tardiness," " Habits," etc. SUGGESTIONS. Grades two and three should not only be taught to read and write their lessons as found in their books, but should be taught to write letters and short descriptive essays, draw outline maps of the school grounds, the townships and county, name the tow^nships of the county and locate them ; tell of their soil, their schools, their railroads, etc. Grades two and three shall also form the Oral Geography class. Grade three committing all definitions to page 20 of the Elementary Geography. Grade eight shall do general review work, reciting occasion- ally with Grade 7 iji Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, etc. In the Preparatory Grade the lessons from the chart should be taught in script form as well as the printed and should be taught to write them. In all Grades above Grade 1, pupils should write their lessons in spelling, lessons to be taken from the reading lessons as outlined. Pupils should be able to spell all the words before at- tempting to read the lesson. Spelling should all be written. The pupil will be seated with slate and pencil, the teacher then pro- nounces the most important words, the pupil writing them on his slate, which has been neatly ruled and headed same as the manu- scripts for examination. At first several lessons may be necessary before the pupil may be able to spell all the words correctly. After the slates have been graded, the pupil may be required to write the misspelled words correctly several times on the blackboard. In all grades lessons should be short and thorough. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. In Arithmetic, Grade 8, should be required to write notes and bank checks computing the interest and discount for the time. Teachers should furnish practical work as land measure, circular measure, cubic measure, lumber measure, rooting, painting, plaster- ing, measuring hay in the stack or mow, corn in the crib, etc. All grades except Grade 1 should form a writing class and should be taught three lessons per week of 25 minutes each. The teachers shall discuss the subject of Penmanship and if possible have the same system throughout the township. Alternate Friday afternoons should be spent in literary work, Grades 7 and 8 reading and reciting original essays, orations, etc. In order to have a uniform basis from which to grade reading and writing each teacher should at the beginning determine the grade of the average reader, also the average writer in his school, when at teachers' meeting the several teachers will add together the said average grades in reading, also in writing, and divide the sum by the number of schools, thus determining the average reader and writer of the township upon which they will base the examinations in said branches. After the final examination when all the average grades trom the examinations have been given, the Teachers' organization shall designate the one having the highest total average as the^ honor school of the year. Also in attendance, the one having the highest per cent, of attendance shall be designated the honor school. And in tardiness the one having the smallest number ot tardy marks shall be designated the honor school in tardiness. ^ ^ „ ^ ^ Not only should the teachers organize, but the Grades < and 8 pupils, at least, should have an organization for the purpose ot literary training in which they should be dependent upon tlieir teachers for drills in Elocution and Parliamentary Law, etc. ; thus constituting in the rural schools an organization within an organ- ization. A few objects of co-operative work may be 1. To encourage our pupils. 2. To maintain our harmony with them. 3. To have the Board acknowledge our efforts by adopting our reports. 4. To acquaint our schools with one another by means ot a Union System. . 5. That in contesting for highest honors all pupils may be in- spired. 6. To encourage social education and culture, neatness, ac- curateness, etc. THE OUTLINE. Owing to the condition of most of our ™1 schools and the immense number of different books used in the state and county, rSfniDoSe to constri^ a topical outline which would be appli- caMeTo' more than a single town^ship. Whei^e [he [ownship^as no uniform set of books the Board should see to it at once ^^e^ ill submit the following blank outline J^, ^^^^ "lay be h ed by the nro-ani/Mtion for an eiijht or nine month's course or term, ieacii erfshouldarrmig"^ term with a union entertainment or picnic. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, I. For a Board to require the teachers to grade their schools, at- tend the meetings, etc., a binding contract is necessary. We will submit a formula blank contract which, after the teacher has been selected, the district clerk should have him sign the contract, which the clerk then presents to the Township Board. If it is then approved by the board it shall then be signed by the clerk. II. The Board should meet occasionally with its teachers for the purpose of encouraging and assisting them in their work. III. Board should call for a report in full of the standing of all the schools at the close of the term. IV. The Board should provide grade cards for the schools. V. The Board should adopt a passing grade for promotion. We would suggest that for promotion no grade should be below 50 per cent, with an average of 70 per cent., and if on the first or final ex- amination any pupil should fall below-^5 per cent, in any branch, should be turned back one grade in that branch. The Board should adopt these grades to maintain the harmony of the teacher and pupil. VI. The manuscripts shall be held by the teacher until the close of the term, when they shall be filed by the township clerk. VII. The teachers shall hold three joint examinations at regular in- tervals during the year. VIII. The Board should furnish paper so that the manuscripts may be alike and arranrred in order. IX. An eight or nine month term is preferable to a division in the school year. However when the term is divided the pupils will begin at the beginning of the summer term where they left off at the close of the winter term as outlined. All pupils shall preserve their grade cards, or the certificate of their standing, which may be presented in case of a change of teachers. X. The first regular teachers' meeting should be called by the President of the Board before the beginning of the school year. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. TEACHERS^ CONTRACT With the Board of Education of Mifflin Township, Richland County, Ohio. 1899. I I, do hereby agree to teach the winter term of school in district No of said Mifflin Town- ship. Term commencing 1899, and continuing from date, for the consideration of $ per month. And for the consideration of $ per month shall attend all teachers' meetings necessary to be held in said term, not less than in number, and shall carry out the outline and in- structions on the same as adopted by the Board of Education, and shall classify all pupils and grade them according to instructions as adopted by said Board. At the end of each month shall give a report to the teachers' organization of said school, and at the close of the term give a report in full to the Board. Signed Teacher. Clerk. UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. FIRST MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE IL 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE IIL 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages inclusive. 3. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE V. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " GRADE VL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " GRADE VIL L Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar .^ " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " 5. Physiology " '* 6. History " " GRADE VIIL 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions " 3. Geography " " 4. Physiology " 5. History " " 1 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. SECOND MONTH'S WORK. GRADE L 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE II. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages " GRADE in. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages inclusive. 3. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " GRADE V. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " GRADE VI. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " GRADE VII. L Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " 5. Physiology " ♦• 6. History " " GRADE Vm, 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions ..." " 3. Geography " 4. Physiology " " 5. History " " 10 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. THIRD MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages " GRADE II. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers . . steps 3. Language pages GRADE III, 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages^ inclusive. 3. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE V. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " GRADE VL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE VIL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " ' 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " 5. Physiology " 6. History GRADE VIIL 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions. .. " 3. Geography " 4. Physiology " 5. History UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. 11 FOURTH MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps " 3. Language pages GRADE II. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE III. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages inclusive. 3. Language " " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages " 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE V. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " GRADE VL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " 3. Arithmetic . . " " 4. Geography " " GRADE VIL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " ' 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " 5. Physiology " '• 6. History " " GRADE VIIL 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions ..." " 3. Geography " 4. Physiology " " 5. History 12 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. FIFTH MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE n. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE IIL 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages^inclusive. 8. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE V. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic 4. Geography " GRADE VL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE VIL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " 5. Physiology " '' 6. History GRADE VIIL L Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions . . " 3. Geography " 4. Physiology " 5. History UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. 13 SIXTH MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. Reading pages inclusive. Numbers steps Language pages GRADE II. Reading lessons inclusive. Numbers steps " Language pages GRADE TIL Reading lessons inclusive. Numbers pages inclusive. Language " " Oral Geography — inclusive. GRADE IV. Reading lessons inclusive. Grammar ... pages " Arithmetic ^ " " Geography " " GRADE V. Reading lessons inclusive. Grammar pages Arithmetic " Geography " " GRADE VL Reading pages inclusive. Grammar " Arithmetic " " Geography " GRADE VIL Reading pages inclusive. Grammar " Arithmetic " " Geography " Physiology " History " " GRADE VIIL Grammar pages inclusive. Arithmetic Fractions ..." Geography " Physiology " History " " 14 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. SEVENTH MONTH^S WORK, GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE II. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages GRADE III. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages inclusive. 3. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. 1. Reading . lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " GRADE V. L Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " GRADE VI. L Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " GRADE VIL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " 5. Physiology " 6. History " GRADE VIII. 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions . . " " 3. Geography " 4. Physiology " " 5. History " " UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. 15 EIGHTH MONTH^S WORK. GRADE I. 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Numbers steps " 3. Language pages " GRADE 11. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers steps 3. Language pages " GRADE IIL 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Numbers pages inclusive. 3. Language " 4. Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " GRADE V. 1. Reading lessons inclusive. 2. Grammar pages 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " GRADE VL L Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " " 3. Arithmetic " " 4. Geography " " GRADE VIL 1. Reading pages inclusive. 2. Grammar " ' 3. Arithmetic " 4. Geography " " 5. Physiology " '' 6. History " " GRADE VIIL 1. Grammar pages inclusive. 2. Arithmetic Fractions " " 3. Geography " " 4. Physiology " " 5. History 16 UNION SCHOOL SYSTEM. NINTH MONTH'S WORK. GRADE I. Reading pages inclusive. Numbers steps Language pages " GRADE 11. Reading lessons inclusive. Numbers steps " Language pages " GRADE in. Reading lessons inclusive. Numbers pages inclusive. Language " Oral Geography inclusive. GRADE IV. Reading lessons inclusive. Grammar pages " Arithmetic " Geography " GRADE V. Reading lessons inclusive. Grammar ^ pages " Arithmetic " " Geography " " GRADE VL Reading pages inclusive. Grammar " " Arithmetic " - " Geography " " GRADE VIL Reading pages inclusive. Grammar " ' Arithmetic " Geography " " Physiology " '* History GRADE Vin. Grammar pages inclusive. Arithmetic Fractions ..." " Geography " " Physiology " " History " " JUL 2 1900 019 760 014 7 .hvi IIA LIBRARY OF CONGRF<;<: wm. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5