ilt ^^axpow-^-- (AAA^l^JUL^jt^ ' * FOREST FIRE WARDENS Covering the River Systems OF MAINE. .907 bo d FOREST FIRE WARDENS. The following pages contain a complete list of the Forest Fire Wardens, for plantations and un- incorporated townships, who have been appointed to this date. EDGAR E. RING, Augusta, May 20, 1907. Forest Commissioner. FORESTRY LAW. AN ACT relating to the prevention, control and extin- guishment of forest fires in plantations and unor- ganized townships. Section i. The forest commissioner shall take measures for the prevention, control and extinguishment of forest fires in all plantations and unorganized townships, and to this end he shall establish such forest districts as he may- deem necessary for effective protection against loss or dam- age by such fires. Sect. 2. The said commissioner shall appoint in and for each of said districts, so established, a chief forest fire war- den, and he shall also appoint within such districts such number of deputy forest fire wardens as in his judgment may be required to carry out the provisions of this act, assigning to each of the latter the territory over and within which he shall have jurisdiction. All chief and deputy forest fire wardens, so appointed, shall hold office during the pleasure of said commissioner, be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties by any officer authorized to admin- ister oaths, and a certificate thereof shall be returned to the office of such commissioner. Sect. 3. The said chief forest fire wardens, under the direction of said commissioner, shall have general super- vision of their respective districts and of the deputy forest fire wardens therein. Each chief forest fire warden, when directed by the said commissioner, shall patrol the forests of his district for the purpose of searching out, extinguish- ing and guarding against forest fires. He shall investigate and gather evidence regarding the causes of forest fires, enforce all laws relating to forests and forest preservation, arrest all violators thereof, prosecute all offenses against the same, and in this connection shall have the same power to serve criminal processes against such offenders and shall be allowed the same fees as a sheriff, or his deputy, for like services, and shall have and enjoy the same right as a sheriff to require aid in executing the duties of his office. Said 4 chief forest fire wardens shall perform such other duties, at such times, and under such rules and regulations, as the said commissioner may prescribe, and each shall receive as compensation two dollars and fifty cents for each and every day of actual service, with an allowance for expenses of travel and subsistence not to excel two dollars daily for such period. The said commissioner may authorize the employment of suitable persons to assist said chief forest fire wardens in patrolling their respective districts and every person so employed shall be paid fifteen cents for each hour of service so rendered by him and be provided with subsistence during such period. Deputy forest fire wardens shall perform such duties, at such times and under such rules and regulations, as the said commissioner, or the chief fire warden of the district, with the approval of said commissioner, may prescribe, and they shall receive as com- pensation two dollars for each and every day of actual service. Sect. 4. Whenever a fire occurs on, or is likely to do damage to forest lands within the district of any chief forest fire warden, he shall take immediate action to control and extinguish the same. If such fire occurs upon or is likely to do damage to forest lands within the territory of a deputy forest fire warden and the chief fire warden of the district is not present, then and in such case the deputy forest fire warden having jurisdiction of the territory shall forthwith proceed to control and extinguish the same, and he shall meanwhile, with all consistent dispatch, cause the said chief fire warden of the district to be notified of the occurrence of such fire. Until the arrival of the chief warden at the place of fire the deputy warden shall be in charge of the control and extinguishment of the same. For the purpose of con. trolling and extinguishing fires as aforesaid chief forest fire wardens, and deputy forest fire wardens when in charge of the control and extinguishment of forest fires or when so directed by the chief warden, may summon to their assistance citizens of any county in which said fire may be, and each person so summoned and assist- ing shall be paid fifteen cents, for each hour of service rendered by him. Immediately after the extinguishment of a fire the deputy forest fire warden who for any time may have been in charge of the same shall make return to the chief warden of the district of the expense thereof during the period of his being in charge, including the names of the persons so summoned and assisting, with their postoffice addresses and the hours of labor actually performed by each under his direction. The return shall be made upon oath and the said chief warden is hereby authorized and empow- ered to administer such oath. Upon receipt of such return the said chief fire warden shall carefully examine and audit the same and he may direct the deputy to amend and cor- rect any return found to be incomplete, incorrect or insuffi- cient in form. If upou examination and auditing of said return, and investigation* of the subject matter thereof , said chief fire warden believes said return to be just and correct, he shall endorse his written approval thereon and forward the same so approved to said forest commissioner. The chief fire warden of every district burned by a forest fire shall, upon the extinguishment of such fire, promptly for- ward an extract and detailed statement of the expense, if an}-, which said chief lire warden may have incurred in connection with the extinguishment of such fire, to the said forest commissioner, who may confirm, reject or recommit either or both said approved return of said deputy or said detailed statement of said chief fire warden if justice so requires. Sect. 5. All expense incurred under the provisions of this act shall be paid from the funds appropriated to and for the use of the forest commission. Sect. 6. All acts and parts of acts which are inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE WARDENS. An important part of practical forestry is the prevention of fire. This cannot be accomplished successfully without a well organized force, in which the duties of each individ- ual are well defined and clearly understood. To this end the following instructions should receive careful attention. It is the duty of the chief fire warden to see that the district fire wardens are fully supplied with printed notices contain- ing the rules and regulations relating to the prevention of forest fires. Early in the season fire notices are sent to all wardens but more can be obtained at any time by writing to the Forest Commissioner. The district fire wardens should see that their respective districts are properly posted with these notices, putting them lip on trees along each forest trail and locations frequented by fishing and hunting parties. During the dry seasons when fires are most likely to occur, especially in spring before the trees are in leaf, the chief fire wardens and their deputies should keep a sharp lookout for any sign of fire, and have everything in readiness so that when the smoke is seen there will be no unnecessary delay in reaching the spot. Fishermen, hunters and campers should always be cautioned whenever the opportunity offers to be careful in the use of fire ; to refrain from throwing lighted matches on the ground ; and especially, to extin- guish their camp fires completely before leaving them. No instructions seem necessary here as to how the work at a forest fire should be conducted, for it is assumed that each fire warden has had ample experience in this respect. At the same time it may be well to remind each one that backfiring should not be resorted to until its necessity is plainly evident; and, even then, the entire situation should first be carefully examined and well understood. It should be remembered, also, that in controlling a wood- land fire, one hour's work in the early morning or late eve- ning is worth six in the middle of the day. For this reason, if a fire is not extinguished at evening, the men should remain on the ground all night, and the fire wardens should make arrangements to send in food and blankets to the party. If the men are allowed to leave a fire at evening and go back to their homes much valuable time is lost. Especial pains should be taken to ascertain the cause of the fire, and the person or persons who started it. Too many reports are received in which the printed questions as to the origin of the fire is answered with the words, " Cause unknown." If attended to promptly, there should be little- trouble in ascertaining the point at which the fire started, and, in most cases, who started it. The facts should then be written out fully in the report, no matter whom it may concern. Each fire warden should discharge his duty fearlessly in this respect, without fear or favor. If the fire warden is unable to report definitely as to who the guilty parties were and their connection with it, he is at liberty to give his opinion as to the cause and who were to blame in the matter. In addition to answering fully the printed questions in the report, the fire warden should furnish such further information as may not be conveyed in the preceding answers, and should take pains to include also everything that might relate directly or indirectly to the matter. After a fire occurs the chief fire warden should, as soon as possible, mail the report of the same to the Forest Com- missioner, using the printed form furnished for this pur- pose. Before sending the report he should make an exam- ination of the burned area, so that he may be able to state approximately the number of acres burned over, the extent of the damages, the amount and kinds of timber destroyed. EDGAR E. RING, Forest Commissioner . AROOSTOOK WATERS. CHIEF WARDENS. S. C. Cummings (Haynesville), all of Aroostook County from south line to north boundary of Township No. 9 ; also No. 7 R. 6 in Penobscot County. William Sewell (Island Falls), Township No. 4, R. 3. Harry Ha sey (St. Francis), St. John waters in Maine. DEPUTY WARDENS. Hazen Huson (Presque Isle), Townships Nos. 10 R. 3 ; 10 R. 4; 11 R. 4; Chapman Plantation. James Crandall (Burleigh), Merrill Plantation; Town- ships Nos. 7 R. 3 ; 7 R. 4. D. H. Moore (Houlton), East y z 8 R. 3 ; Hammond Planta- tion ; Townships 9 R. 3; 8 R. 4; 7R.5; 8R.5; 7R.6; C; D. J. J. Niles (Houlton), same as D. H. Moore. Miles D. Arbo (Oxbow), Townships Nos. 9 R. 11 ; 10 R. 11 ; 9 R. 12 ; 10 R. 12 ; Oxbow Plantation. Elmer E. Gilpatrick (Davidson), Townships Nos. 1 R. 6; 2 R. 6. John Brown (Eagle Lake) Eagle Lake Plantation ; Town- ships Nos. 15 R. 5 ; 15 R. 6; 16 R. 6. C. A. Trafton (Ashland), Garfield Plantation; Sheridan Plantation ; T. No. 10 R. 6. Romuld Labbe (Wallagrass), Wallagrass Plantation ; Townships Nos. 15 R. 8 ; 16 R. 8 ; 16 R. 9. John Tall (Stockholm), Stockholm Plantation. John McLain (Oxbow), Oxbow Plantation ; Townships Nos. 9 R. 7 ; 10 R. 7 ; 11 R. 7. H. H. Jewell (Caribou), Connor Plantation; Caswell Plantation ; Cyr Plantation ; Hamlin Plantation. F. Hess (Ashland), Townships Nos. 11 R. 8; 12 R. 8; 11 R. 9 ; 12 R. 9 ; 11 R. 10. D. E. Cummings (Houlton), T. No. 16 R. 5. Benjamin Straight (Milford), Upper St. John waters in Maine. Chas. H. Shannon (Macwahoc) North Yarmouth Academy- Grant. Alec Currier (Oxbow) Oxbow Plantation ; Townships Nos. 7 R. 8; 9 R. 8; 10 R. 8. Ralph E. Pineo (Chesuncook), Townships in vicinity of Eagle Lake, Piscataquis County. August Carlson (Jemtland), Township No. 15 R. 4. George Burns (Collins Station, Jemtland), Township No. 17 R. 3- William Atkins (Oxbow) , Townships 8 R. 9; 9 R. 9; 10 R. 9. Cyrur Chase (Westfield), East y z No. 10 R. 3. Wm. N. Carpenter (Houlton), Hammond Plantation; No. 7R-3- Samuel Ross (Houlton), T. C. R. 2; Hammond Plantation. W. C. Collins (Burleigh), Townships 7 R. 3; West )/ z 8 R. 3; 7 R- 4- C. M. Moore (St. Croix), Townships Xos. 9 R. 4; 8 R. 5; 9 R- 5- Joseph Green (Linneus), Townships Nos. A. R. 2; 4 R. 3. Allen Quimby (Stockholm), vStockholm Plantation. J. B. Bartlett (Ashland), Aroostook waters. Claude L. Saw)^er (Old Town), St. John waters in Maine. Osgood F. Smith (Portage), Townships Nos. 13 R. 5; 14 R. 6; 15 R. 6; 16 R. 6; 12 R. 7; 13 R. 7; 13 R. 7; 14 R. 7; Por- tage Lake Plantation; Nashville Plantation. Fred D. Cummings (Houlton), T. 16 R. 5. Harry G. Tingley (Island Falls), T 3 R. 4, W. E. L. S. John Landers (Island Falls), T. 3 R. 4, W. E. L. S. John B. Bnssell (Old Town), Aroostook waters. H. W. Stevens (Portage), Portage Lake Plantation; Nash- ville Plantation; Townships Nos. 13 R. 5; 14 R. 6; 12 R. 7; 13 R. 7; 14 R. 7; 13 R. 8; 15 R. 8: 14 R 9; 15 R. 9. Frank McMannus (Rockabema), T. No. 8 R. 5. Fred A. Stinson (Rockabema), T. No. 8 R. 5. Chas. Condon (Rockabema), Townships Nos. 7 R. 4; S. '_. 7 R. 5; N. W. M Merrill Plantation; N. K. % Moro Planta- tion. Henry Souci (Winterville) , Eagle Lake Plantation; Townships Nos. 15 R. 5; 15 R. 6; 16 R. 6. Charles Peterson (Garfield), Garfield Plantation; Sheri- dan Plantation; T. No. 10 R. 6. C. F. Farrar (South Amity), Forks Town. Sylvain Corbin (Grand Isle), Townships Nos. 17 R. 3; 18 R. 3; 18 R. 4. Olaf Stadig (St. Francis), St. Francis Plantation; St. John Plantation. E. G. Hunter (Hodgdon), Cary Plantation; T. A R. 2. Fred Nolan (Guerette), Townships Nos. 16 R. 4; 17 R. 4; 17 R. 5. William Howlett (Mars Hill), Townships No. 9 R. 3; E- R. 2; D. R. 2. Fred Cyr (Winterville), Winterville Plantation; Town- ships Nos. 14 R. 7; 14 R- 8; 15 R. 8. HANCOCK COUNTY. CHIEF WARDEN. H. T. Silsby (Aurora), all unincorporated townships in Hancock County. DEPUTY WARDENS. M. B. Joy (North Hancock), Township No. 8. Fred S. Blinker (Franklin), Townships Nos. 7, 9 and 10. Henry French (Eastbrook), Township No. 16; South y 2 No. 22. Naham Jordan (Aurora), Townships Nos. 21; North y 2 No. 22; South )A No. 28. Ezra Williams (Great Pond), Townships Nos. 32; North ]/ 2 No. 34; No. 33. John Baker (Bradley), Townships Nos. 39, 40; South ]A No. 2; North y 2 No. 34. Chas. Merritt (Deblois), East >< No. 22. S. D. Madden (Greenfield), No. 32. Howard Fletcher (Ellsworth), Plantation No. 8. John R. Shuman (Great Pond), Number 33 Plantation. KENNEBEC WATERS. CHIEF WARDENS. W. M. Shaw (Greenville), all unincorporated townships in Piscataquis County within 20 miles of Moosehead Lake. E. P. Viles (Skowhegan), all unincorporated townships in Somerset County, south of a line running east and west distant 6 miles south of the north line of Bingham's Kenne- bec Purchase. F. H. Sterling (Caratunk) same territory as E. P- Viles. D. J. Kelley (Jackman), all unincorporated townships in Somerset County north of a line running east and west dis- tant 6 miles south of the north line of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase. Frank E. Haines (Dead Water), Mayfield PI.; Bald Mt.; Caratunk ; West Forks ; East Moxie ; Moxie Gore ; Cold Stream; Square Town ; Indian Gore ; Chase Stream. DEPUTY WARDENS. Henry Hudson ( West Forks) , Township No. 1 R. 5. William Lockyer (Eustis), Jim Pond Town; Chain of Ponds ; No. 4 R. 5, Kibbie. Alfred Fortier (Jackman), Thorndike ; Holden ; Attean ; No. 4 R. 6; 5 R. 6; Dennistown ; Sandy Bay. Frank Haggan (Holeb), Holeb ; Forcythe ; Lowelltown ; No. 6 R. 7, B. K. P. W. K. R. C. S. Skinner (Lowelltown), Skinnertown ; Lowelltown ; Townships Nos. 1 R. 7 ; 2 R. 7. M. P. Colbath (North West Carry), Big W ; Little W ; Seboomook ; Soldier Town. John H. Green (Lexington), Lexington PL; Highland PL Bert Herrick (Jackman), Townships Nos. 4 R. 6 ; 5 R. 6. W. H. Galusha (Greenville), Little and Big Squaw; Gore A. R. 2 ; Lily Bay ; Sugar Island ; Deer Island. A. J. Kennedy (Greenville), Spencer Bay; Blake; East Middlesex ; Day's Academy Grant. F. G. Smart (Kineo), Day's Academy Grant. Silas Nelson (Moosehead), Taunton and Raynham ; Misery Gore. Chas. Meservey (Roach River), Townships Nos. 1 R. 12 ; A. R. 12; 1 R. 13; A. R. 13. Will P. Forsyth (The Forks), West Forks PL; Townships Nos. 2 R. 5 ; 2 R. 6, B. K. P. W. K. R. George L. Smith (Augusta), Townships Nos. 2 R. 5 ; 3 R. 5 ; 2 R. 6, B. K. P. W. K. R. Frank Savage (Stratton), Bigelow PL; Coplin PL; Dead River PI J. K. Viles (North New Portland) , West Eustis; No. 3 R. 5. Harry Pierce (Eustis), King; Bartlett ; Pratt; 4 R. 5, B. K. B. W. K. R. John Holden (Rockwood), Blue Ridge; Tomhegan ; Rockwood Strip ; Middlesex ; Farm Island ; Taunton and Raynham ; Soldier Town ; Brassua. Martin Minister (Askwith), Misery Gore; Taunton and Raynham. E. Gilbert (Askwith), Misery; 10,000 acre tract; Misery Gore ; Taunton and Raynham Strip ; Brassua ; Sandwich Academy. John Prince (Jackman), Long Pond Town; Thorndike and Holden. Michael Redmond (Jackman), east half Moose River. Rnel Holde (Jackman), Attean ; No. 4 Twp. B. W. Adams (Mayfield), Mayfield PL H. J. Lane (Caratunk), Carry Town ; Pierce Pond Town. H. P. McKenney (Jackman), Townships 3, 4, 5, 6 R. 6, B. K. P. W. K. R. M. S. Tyler (Blanchard), Bald Mt. Twp. Frank J. Durgin, Oliver Adams and Henry Hodgson (The Forks), No. 1 R. 5, 1 R. 6. Jerome Pastine (Lily Bay), Lily Bay ; Gore A. R. 2. Louis Oakes (Greenville Jet.), Lily Bay ; Day's Academy ; Gore A ; French Town. Paul York (Greenville Jet.), Kibbie ; Appleton ; Sand- wich Academy ; Misery ; 10,000 acre tract. John B. Carville (Flagstaff), T. 3 R. 4. Fred Parent (Rockwood), Taunton and Raynham ; Blue Ridge ; Tomhegan ; Rockwood Strip ; Middlesex ; Farm Island ; Day's Academy. Alva Berry (Eustis), Chain of Pond ; Mass. Gore ; Seven Ponds Town ; Alder Stream. J. M. Patten (N. E. Carry), East and West Burbank. J. II. White (Eustis), T. 5, R. 6; 4 R. 6 ; B. K. P. Somer- set County ; I. R. 6 Franklin County. C. A. Spaulding (Caratunk), Pierce Pond. Henry Hughey (Jackman), Thorndike; Alder Brook; Soldier Town ; Moose River PL; Long Pond Town. Colin McRitchie (Holeb), Holeb ; Forcythe ; Gorham Grant; No. 6 R. 7, B. K. P. Elmer Tufts (Kingfield), Crocker Town; Jerusalem; Mt. Abrani. Albert Edgerley (Greenville), A R. 13; A R. 14: 1 R. 13, W. E. L. S. Sylvere Gaudet (Rockwood), Taunton & Raynham; Blue Ridge; Tomhegan; ■ Rockwood Strip; Middlesex; Farm Island. Webster Moore (Jackman), Jackman PL; Moose River PL J 3 Walter Taylor (Stratton), Bigelow PI.; Coplin PL; Dead River PI. F. M. Wyman (Mayiield), Mayiield PL; Kingsbury PL; Brighton PL M. R. Hastings (Hastings), Batchelder Grant." M. J. Marr (Moosehead), i R. 6; i R. 7; 2 R. 7. J. S. Williams (Jackman), Sandy Bay Township. Benj. DeWitt (Skinner), Kibbie; 1 R. 6 Franklin Co. William Chatfield (Flagstaff), Flagstaff PL; No. 3 R. 4; 2 R. 3, W. B. K. P.; Dallas PL; 2 R. 3, B. K. P. V. B. Jordan (Hartland), Spencer Mt. Lookout Station. Chris Stewart (Caratunk), Bald Mt. Township. OXFORD AND FRANKLIN. CHIEF WARDEN. Silas F. Peaslee (Upton), all unincorporated townships in Androscoggin waters in Maine. DEPUTY WARDENS. Rufus O. Dyer (Coplin), Lang Plantation. J. W. Buchnam (Wilson's Mills), Lincoln Plantation; Townships Nos. 5 R. 3; 5 R. 4; 5 R. 5. Frank Dolliff (Oquossoc), Letter D. Freeland D. Abbott (Hoighton), Letter E. Charles H. Adams (Rangeley), Dallas Plantation. Cyrus A. Campbell (Rangeley), East ]/ z Dallas Plantation. Phineous Richardson (Kennebago Lake), Township No. 3R. 4. Henry W. Dunn (Andover), North and West Andover surplus. Stillman N. Littlehale (Bethel), Riley Township. Temple E. Spaulding (Oquossoc), T. 4 R. 3, Oxford County; T. 2 R. 1; 3 R. 1; 3 R. 3, Franklin County. George E. Allen (Middle Dam), Letter C Oxford County. Percy Ripey (Wilson's Mills), Parmachene; Lynch & Parker towns. Walter S. Hodges (West Phillips), No. 6 North of Weld. Benj. DeWitt (Skinner), Kibbie; T. 1 R. 6. 14 PENOBSCOT SYSTEM OF FOREST FIRE WARDENS. CHIEF WARDENS. S. C. Cummings (Haynesville), all of Aroostook County from south line to north boundary of Township No. 9 ; also T. No. 7 R. 6 in Penobscot County. J. A. Lobley (Mattawamkeag), all unincorporated town- ships in Penobscot County north of Mattawamkeag. J. L. Chapman (Milo), Townships north of C. P. R. R. John Appleton (Bangor), all of West Branch waters above Ripogenus Lake. Chas. R. Goodwin (Brewer), Townships Nos. 4 R. 10; 5 R. 10; 6 R. 10 ; 5 R. 9 ; 6 R. 9 in Piscataquis County; T. 6, R. 7 ; 7 R. 7 ; 5 R. 8 ; 6 R. 8 ; 7 R. 8 in Penobscot County. DEPUTY WARDENS. D. E. Huff (Danforth), Township No. 8 R. 3, N. B. P. P. George H. Huston (Bangor), Aroostook and Penobscot Counties. C. H. Randall (K. I. Works), T. A. R. 10; A. R. 11 ; A. R. 12. Harry Bowers (Burlington), Townships Nos. 3, B. P. P.; 3 R. 1, N. B. P. P. J. M. True (Lee), Township No. 3. George S. Ranney (Winn), Webster and Drew Plantation. J. E. Smart, Jr. (Seboeis), Seboeis Plantation. W. J. Curran (Patten), Townships Nos. 6 R. 8 ; 6 R. 9 ; 5 R. 9; 5 R-8; 7R.8. Fred Stinson (Moro), Townships Nos. 7 R. 5 ; 7 R. 6 ; 8 R. 5 ; west half 7 R. 4. C. C. Garland (Debsconeag), Townships Nos. 2 R. 9 ; 2 R. 10 ; 2 R. 11. Frank Tuck (Norcross), Townships Nos. 1 R. 8 ; 1 R. 9 ; 1 R. 10. M. M. Tracy (Stacyville), Stacyville PL; Townships Nos. 3 R. 7 ; 2 R. 6 ; 2 R. 7 ; 4R.7; 3 R. 8 ; 4 R. 8. E. F. Drew (Onawa), Elliottsville PL; Townships Nos. 7 R. 9; 8 R. 10; 7 R. 10, N. W. P. Earl S. Page (Burlington), T. No. 3. Ruel Bell (Wytopitlock), Reed Plantation. 15 Fleetwood Pride (St. Croix), Townships 7 R. 4 ; 8 R. 4 ; 7R-3! 8R. 3. A. L. Green (K. I. Works), K. I. Works; B. R. 10; B. R. 11. John H. Rice (Bangor), A. R. 10; A. R. 11 ; 1 R. 10; 1 R. 11. S. A. Potter (Norcross), A. R. 10; A. R. 11; 1 R. 10; 1 R. 11. J. P. Mallett (East Winn), T. No. 3. W. L. Hobbs (Milo), Seboeis Plantation. Howard Wood (Sebooinook), West Branch. A. R. Haskell (Schoodic), T. 4 R. 9, N. W. P. Guy Butterfield (Drew), Drew Plantation. H. G. Robinson (Patten), Townships Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 R. 7; 6 R. 6; 8 R. 8. Albert Ross (Chesuncook), Townships No. 1 R. 9; 2 R. 10; 2 R. 11; 3 R. 11; 4 R. 11; 1 R. 12. Charles H. Collins (Norcross), Townships No. 2 R. 10; 2 R. 11; 2 R. 12. Charles Hoxie (West Seboeis), Townships 3 R. 9; 4 R. 9; Lakeview Plantation. Oscar Thomas (Lincoln), Townships 4 R. 9; 6 R. 9; S. W. X A 5 R- 9- Joshua F. Smith (Chesuncook), Townships 17 R. 3; 17 R. 4; 17 R- 5- B. F. Bickford (Abbot), Kingsbury Plantation. Z. L. Harvey (Mattagamon), Townships 5 R. 9; 7 R. 9, Piscataquis County; 5, 6 & 7 R. 8 Penobscot County. Chas. Dacy (Norcross), 4 & 5 R. 10. R. J. Russell (Brownsville), Bowerbank. O. B. Packard (Milo), 4 R. 9, N. W. P. M. P. McCaffrey (Mil.linocket), 3 & 4, I. P. James Mack (Millinocket), T. A. and unincorporated part ofT. 3, I. P. Frank Keegan (Wytopitlock), Glen wood PL; Reed PL; North Yarmouth; T. 2 R. 4. Joshua F. Smith (Chesuncook), Townships No. 6 R. 13; 6 R. 14. F. H. Decker (Patten) Townships 7 R. 13; 7 R. 12; 7 R. i6 14; 8 R. 11; 8 R. 12; 8 R. 13; 8 R. 14; 9 R. 12; 9 R. 13; 9 R. 14; 10 R. 11 and 10 R. 12. Louis Ketchum (Old Town), 1 R. 11; 1 R. 12; 2 R. 11; 2 R. 12. WASHINGTON COUNTY. CHIEF WARDEN. Victor M. Smith (Northfield), Nos. 18 and 19. DEPUTY WARDENS. James Christie (Lambert Lake), Lambert Lake Planta- tion; Forest; Dyer; T. 11 R. 3, N. B. P. P. George Andrews (Waite), Codyville Plantation; Kossuth; Dyer. W. B. Hoar (Grand Lake Stream), Grand Lake Stream Plantation; T. 6 N. D.; 6 R. 1, N. B. P. P.; 43 and No. 5. Waldo Mercier (Princeton), Indian Township; T. No. 7; 1 R. 1 ; 21, 26 and 27. John Graham (South Springfield), Townships Nos. 5 R. 1 ; No. 4 N. D.; No. 4 R. 1 ; Kossuth. L. F. Leighton (Kpping), Townships Nos. 18, 19 and 25 M. D. L. C. Bridgham (Beddington), Townships Nos. 36, 37, 29, 80, 31, 24. Fred Albee (Machias), Townships Nos. 24, 31, 36, 29, 37. Gilmore Driscoll (Wesley), Townships Nos. 24, 26, 27, 29, 30> 3 1 * 36, 37- John O. Tuell (East Machias), West y 2 No. 14 Plantation. Frank Gray (Wesley), Townships Nos. 30, 31, 36, 37. Thomas S. Smith (Bast Machias), Bast y 2 No. 14 Planta- tion. John R. Sullivan (Whitneyville), Townships Nos. 42 and 43. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II II f| I || HI HI || [I || 001 455 822 6 0****