THE LAND OF BEGINNING w m* m ^ TKe Coming of The White Man **) >? 3 "Oregon Is a Qreat State" (Editorial, Morning Oregonian, Jan. 2, 1922) ((^pHE late Governor Withycombe had a favorite declara- JL tion of faith, familiar to thousands of friends. It was, 'Oregon is a great state/ The statement is redeemed from triteness by the fact that so many citizens are unfamiliar with its fundamental truth. They are not aware, for exam- ple, that Oregon is the seventh state in the union, in area, and that western Oregon alone has an area four times as large as Massachusetts, while Maryland, New Jersey, New Hamp- shire and Connecticut could occupy comfortably the space between the Cascade range and the sea. There are single counties that cover more territory than do some states. Yet bulk alone is not inspiring. Confidence in the future of the state comes when one realizes that we have 23,000,000 acres of land suitable for cultivation ; that 9,000 farms, comprising 1,000,000 acres, are blossoming under irrigation; that the apple crop of a single district was $3,000,000 in 1921, and the fruit crop of another orchard section was valued at $1,800,000. "Nor is the average citizen cognizant of the Cyclopean resources that are, as yet, practically undeveloped — of the wealth in water power, of the several feasible and certain irrigation projects that will add to the productivity of the state, creating many thousands of farm homes; of the blend of natural advantages which bespeak for Oregon an undevi- ating progress to industrial preeminence. Throughout America the lumbering industry has depleted and virtually exhausted the stand of coniferous woods in all save one vast forest refuge — that of the Northwest. And of this most important national asset Oregon holds in trust more than any other western state." ©CU653951 FEB 27 1922 THE LAND OF BEGINNING THE LAND OF BEGINNING SUCCESS in life is more a matter of work than of geography. However, it cannot be denied that there are localities where a young man has greater chances for success than in other localities, if he applies himself diligently. It is reasonable to suppose that competition is keenest where the population is largest. The West has greater natural resources than the East, but the East has by far the greater population. Industries by necessity follow the people. The op- posite is also true, that people follow industries. It is obvious that the West with its vast resources and comparatively few people offers opportunities to men of ambition that the Easterners' great-grand- parents gobbled up the East a hundred years ago. It is no idle boast that if a young man wants the chance for success and wealth his granddad had when he was young, he will find that opportunity in the West. He will also find the same chance for failure. Success is not cut out in the West for a man. The man has to be cut out for success. If he has the stuff, the West holds for him an abundance of re- sources for his labor. The same man would undoubtedly succeed, no matter where he chose to live, but the degree of success would be limited by geography. A man who has a small business today, located in a logical position, will have a big business in a very few years if he does no more than keeps abreast of the times. THE LAND OF BEGINNING The development of Western resources, and the in- flux of Eastern men and capital insure success. Of all states in the West, Oregon seems to be the state which, by its position and present develop- ment, will have the greatest growth in the next few years. Rapid growth and development of resources make millionaires. Oregon has everything within its borders to make it a very wealthy state, and it requires wealthy men to make a wealthy state. Greater opportunities have never existed than now are offered in Oregon. A young man need only imagine what he would do if the State of Pennsylvania or New York could be put back in years when each had only nine people to the square mile, and he could be assured of their present growth. Oregon has that opportunity. The state has practically everything New York has, and some be- sides. It is only a question of migration which is as inevitable as the daylight which follows the dark- ness. To the men who believe in the romance of busi- ness and achievement; the men whose dreams turn to a far country where they may take their stand shoulder to shoulder with other American men who believe that the conquest of success is made by work; this book is offered with the hope that it will assist some of these argonauts of fortune in the selection of their chosen field of work. Realizing that there are many men over the en- tire United States who desire to go to the West and live because of climatic conditions, and better oppor- tunities, this book has been written as a guide to THE LAND OF BEGINNING show some of the opportunities in the most impor- tant fields, both for the men who will have to depend upon their labor for means of support, and men who have capital to invest. OREGON'S COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES. From the Oregon Almanac. "In relation to interior America and the com- merce of the world, Oregon's location on the Pacific Coast is as advantageous as is that of New York and Pennsylvania on the Atlantic Coast. The area of Oregon is greater than the combined areas of New York and Pennsylvania. Oregon 95,607 sq. miles New York and Penna 92,486 sq. miles "There is more open country in Oregon, the soil is infinitely richer, and the natural resources of timber, minerals, fisheries, etc., are far greater, so it is entirely reasonable to expect that Oregon will eventually support a greater population than the two great states of New York and Pennsylvania. " "Oregon is of oblong form, about 275 miles from north to south and 375 miles from east to west. The state is divided by the Cascade Mountains into two great divisions, known as Western Oregon and Eastern Oregon, each with distinct climatic and agri- cultural conditions, and together embracing all de- sirable elements of soil and climate of the temperate zone, from the humid region along the Pacific Coast to the high and semi-arid plains of Central Oregon. The area of the state is 96,699 square miles, in- cluding water. THE LAND OF BEGINNING Oregon's contour is extremely varied, with fertile valleys, rolling hills, high tablelands, rivers, lakes and mountains. The streams and rivers have tre- mendous latent water power. Nearly all the electric current employed in Oregon is derived from water power, the balance from sawmill refuse. The mountain slopes are covered with merchant- able timber, approximating one-sixth of the standing timber of the entire United States. The mountain ranges not only mark the geographical lines of division, but perform the highly important double function of serving as immense watersheds and Na- ture's reservoir for millions of tons of winter snows to supply needed moisture for the broad and fertile valleys during the summer months." WESTERN OREGON. "Coast Region — Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry Counties. "Willamette Valley — Columbia, Washington, Multnomah, Yamhill, Clackamas, Polk, Marion, Linn, Benton and Lane Counties. "Southern Oregon — Douglas, Josephine and Jackson Counties. "Approximately 35,000 square miles lie west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. Agriculturally, Western Oregon consists of a series of rich and pro- ductive valleys, with all the conditions necessary to produce in abundance, and to the highest perfection, all the varieties of fruits and vegetation character- istic of the temperate zone, with any desired altitude from sea level to 5,000 feet or more, and precipi- tation ranging from 20 inches annually in the south- THE LAND OF BEGINNING ern portion and 40 or 45 inches in the Willamette Valley, to an extreme maximum of 133 inches in the mountains along the coast. "Western Oregon is characterized by comfort- able summers and mild winters. While the tempera- ture occasionally registers above the 90 degree mark during the summer months, the heat is not oppressive because of the low summer humidity and rapid evaporation; the nights are cool, assuring re- freshing sleep. "Climatological conditions are so different as be- tween localities in this section that the most marked sub-divisions will be accorded separate description. The chief features of distinction in climate are the amount of rainfall, sunshine and length of growing season, all highly important factors from an agricul- tural and commercial standpoint. The ocean on the west and the mountains of the interior greatly mod- ify the climate — the ocean by tempering the heat and cold and the mountains by arresting and increas- ing the rainfall on the windward slopes and decreas- ing it on the leeward slopes. Only 10 per cent of the annual rainfall occurs during June, July, August and September. The months of the heaviest rainfall are either December or January, and of the lightest July or August." THE COAST REGION. "Consists of a strip along the Pacific Coast 40 miles in width at the widest parts, and running the entire length of the state, and is composed of rolling hills, small but fertile valleys, rich tidelands, sea beaches, high bluffs, rivers and mountain slopes. 8 THE LAND OF BEGINNING It is separated and distinguished from the other portions of Western Oregon by the Coast Range of mountains, which parallels the coast from north to south, with an average elevation of 2,000 feet and occasional peaks or ridges 3,500 feet or more in height. "The total approximate area of the entire Coast Region is 7,280 square miles. Soils of the valleys and lowlands are composed of alluvial deposits and silt, deep and rich in humus and other essential ele- ments; clay loams and sandy loams; and the up- lands of red clay and sandy loams. This region is especially adapted and devoted to dairying industry ; general farming is becoming extensive and fruit growing is successful in certain locations, but in infant stages of development. The general char- acter of this territory is timbered, and the majority of the farms, especially upon the higher elevations, are composed of cut-over or logged-off lands which have been cleared for farming and are highly pro- ductive of all kinds of agricultural and forage crops. Average maximum temperature for July throughout the region is 69 degrees and the average minimum for the same month is 51 degrees; average maximum for January is 48 degrees, and the minimum average for the same month is 37 degrees. Annual rainfall varies from 133 inches at Glenora, Tillamook County, and 55 inches at Doraville, Columbia County, the heaviest rainfall in the mountains, to 92 inches at Port Orford, Curry County, the heaviest near the coast, and 70 inches at Newport, Lincoln County, the lightest at the coast. Snow is quite rare. The rainy season lasts from October until near the end of April and the number of rainy days is greater than THE LAND OF BEGINNING anywhere else in the state. Length of growing sea- son ranges between 256 days at Gardiner, Douglas County, and 303 days at Port Orford. The prevailing winds are northwesterly off the ocean, and in mid- summer they blow with the regularity of trade winds. THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. "The watershed comprises a total area of about 11,200 square miles, and contains the largest and most open valley in the state. It is about 60 miles in width by 150 miles in length and embraces a most fertile and productive area, with slightly variable conditions of climate, soil, and other natural advan- tages to suit every requirement of agricultural and industrial activity. The Willamette River rises in the Calapooia Mountains in Southern Lane County, and flows north into the Columbia River, 10 miles below Portland. Numerous tributaries drain the slopes and foothills of the mountains on the east, west and south, all of which traverse small but rich subsidiary valleys, which contribute to the wealth of the Willamette Valley proper. Alluvial deposits form the basic elements of the soils of the valley bottoms, supplemented and enriched by decayed vegetable and animal matter, the accumulations of centuries, the lasting and productive qualities of which many years of successive cropping have failed to exhaust or determine. Descriptions vary from light gray to dark and black, clayey and sandy loams, with clay and gravel subsoils, and vary in depth from a few inches to many feet. The soils of the hills and lower mountain slopes, which are covered by a 10 THE LAND OF BEGINNING heavy growth of timber, mostly oak, are reddish clay in character, which possess rare lasting and pro- ductive qualities unexcelled anywhere. The general elevation of the valley, consisting of broad, open prairies, is between 200 and 400 feet above sea level. The average maximum temperature in July is 80 degrees, and the average minimum 54 degrees, while the average maximum for January is 45 degrees, and the average minimum for the same month is 34 degrees. In the valley bottoms the average annual rainfall is 45 inches at Portland and 40 inches at Eugene, there being a slight decrease in precipita- tion from north to south and rapid increase with ele- vation on the mountain slopes. In the foothills of the Coast Range the average annual rainfall is 52 inches and 70 inches in the Cascade Mountains at an elevation of 1,500 feet. The length of growing season averages from 240 to 250 days. The average number of days per year on which rain falls are 133 days at Salem, in the heart of the valley, and 172 days at McKenzie's Bridge, well up on the slope of the Cascades. The amount of the snowfall varies, being light in the valley bottoms and increasing with elevation on the mountain slopes. The prevailing winds are southwesterly. SOUTHERN OREGON "A term used by the Oregonians as including the Umpqua and Rogue River valleys, which merit sep- arate descriptions, as follows: Umpqua Valley. "Is contained wholly within Douglas County and THE LAND OF BEGINNING 11 is enclosed by the Cascade, Coast and Calapooia Mountains. It embraces an aggregate area of about 3,000 square miles and, like the other large valleys of Western Oregon, includes many rich but lesser valleys, which extend back into the creek canyons, contributing to the wealth and expanse of the val- ley proper. The soils of the valley bottoms are alluvial in character, containing all of the essential elements that are found in other Western Oregon valleys, and are adapted to almost every phase of agricultural and horticultural development. The soils of the foothills and mountain slopes, which are covered with brush and timber, mostly oak, in the central valley, are of a red clayish loam character and highly productive. Temperature and precipi- tation, the former increasing and the latter decreas- ing, are governed by the altitude, which graduates from 300 feet in the center of the valley to 5,000 feet at the summit of the Cascades. The average maximum temperature for July is 80 degrees and the average minimum for the same month is 52 de- grees; the average maximum for January is 47 de- grees; average maximum for January is 47 degrees and the average minimum for the same month is 35 inches at Sutherlin, in the lower valley, where irri- gation is practiced to an extent, and 40 inches or more on the mountain slopes. Average annual snow- fall, 2 inches. Length of growing season is from 160 days at Drain to 213 days at Roseburg. Pre- vailing wind direction northwest; average wind ve- locity, 2.8 miles per hour at Roseburg, the lowest indicated at any observing station in the United States." \2 THE LAND OF BEGINNING ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. "In the most southerly portion of Western Ore- gon, and lies between the Cascade range on the east, Umpqua range on the north, Coast range on the west, and Siskiyou range, which divides Oregon from California, on the south. It comprises an ap- proximate area of 2,300 square miles and includes several smaller tributary valleys . The main artery of drainage is the Rogue River, which rises on the west slope of the Cascades and breaks westward through the Coast Mountains into the Pacific Ocean. The soils of the valleys are of alluvial, disintegrated lava and granite formations, ranging in depth from 10 inches to several feet, rich in all of the essential chemical qualities for the production of deciduous fruits, vegetables and all agricultural crops. The red soils of the hills, which are covered with a heavy growth of oak timber, are highly productive, and the decomposed granite soils are especially adapted to grape culture. The surface of the valley is level, gently rolling hills and mountain slopes. The aver- age maximum temperature for July is 87 degrees, and the average minimum for the same month is 50 degrees; average maximum for January is 46 degrees and the average minimum is 30 degrees. Annual rainfall is 32 inches at Grants Pass, Jose- phine County; 28 inches at Medford, Jackson county; 22 inches at Central Point, Jackson county, and 20 inches at Ashland, Jackson County. Snowfall aver- ages vary from 4.8 inches at Grants Pass to 22.5 inches at Ashland, and the number of rainy days per year at Ashland is 103 and 106 at Grants Pass. Only 8 per cent of the rainfall occurs in June, July, THE LAND OF BEGINNING 13 August and September, hence the dry season is longer and there is more sunshine than in the Wil- lamette Valley or the coast counties. The growing season averages 170 to 180 days. EASTERN OREGON. "Central Oregon Region — Crook, Jefferson, Kla- math, Lake, Harney and Malheur Counties. "Columbia Basin Region — Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow and Umatilla Counties. "Blue Mountain Region — Wheeler, Grant, Baker, Union and Wallowa Counties. That portion of the state lying east of the Cas- cade Mountains — aggregating an area of about 60,000 squrae miles — is known as the Eastern Ore- gon Region and is divided into three divisions. The vast level and rolling plains which contain many lakes (some of which have no surface outlet), high tablelands, valleys, rivers and mountains, are com- monly known as Central Oregon or the Plateau Region. The region bordering on and sloping to- wards the Columbia River, consisting of fertile val- leys, and the best wheat lands of the state, is classed as the Columbia Basin Region. In the northeastern part of the state the rolling and mountainous sec- tion, in which are nestled many fertile and rich valleys, is known as the Blue Mountain Region. There is a wide dissimilarity between the climatic and other conditions of this section of the state and those of Western Oregon; the climate of the latter is of a marine and semi-marine character, while that of Eastern Oregon is of a continental nature. The chief characteristics of the Eastern Oregon climate 14 THE LAND OF BEGINNING are a scanty rainfall, wide range in temperatures, low absolute humidity, rapid evaporation and an abundance of sunshine. " OREGON COUNTIES COMPARED WITH EASTERN STATES. Land area Land area County Square miles. State Square miles. Harney 9,933 Maryland 9,941 Malheur 9,884 Vermont 9,124 Lake 7,920 Massachusetts . . 8,039 Crook 7,778 New Jersey 7,514 Klamath 5,999 Connecticut .... 4,820 Douglas 4,922 Delaware 1,965 EASTERN OREGON. "Central Oregon Region — The great level plains and rolling uplands of this section comprise about one-half the area of Eastern Oregon and contain productive valleys and tablelands. Elevation ranges from 2,600 to 4,700 feet. Annual precipitation throughout this section is from 9 to 17 inches, aver- aging 10 to 12 inches over most of the region, and it is difficult, except in a few locations, to mature crops without irrigation or dry farming methods, the latter being applied very successfully and extensively. The soils of the immense tillable areas are composed of disintegrated lava, underlaid with porous lava and basalt and supplemented by sedimentary soils car- rying all of the necessary chemical elements in abundance, though lacking in humus, and highly productive after being subdued. The uplands are of the decomposed basaltic and lava types of soil. Irri- gation is in a high state of development and many large projects are in operation or in course of con- THE LAND OF BEGINNING 15 struction. Although the rainfall in the open plains averages only 10 to 12 inches, there is from 13 to 17 inches on the average near the Cascade Mountains and in the higher altitudes of the southern portion of Klamath and Lake Counties. Of this precipitation, a considerable proportion falls in winter snow, from one to two feet in the open plains and from three to four feet in the hills and mountains. This snow is seldom on the ground for more than a few days or weeks at a time, and in the open country is sel- dom more than 4 to 6 inches deep at one time. The average maximum temperature for the district for July is 86 degrees, and the average minimum for the same month is 44 degrees; the average maximum for January is 40 degrees and the average minimum is 17 degrees. Length of growing season averages from 125 to 150 days. Summer nights are cold, often frosty, though damaging frosts are rare except in some of the most exposed localities. In many parts of Central Oregon tender vegetables and fruits are raised commercially, while in other portions only the hardy vegetables are raised. In the most irrigated regions, damaging summer frosts have become almost unknown, and the same applies to dry farming sections where the soil has been kept under cultivation for years. Number of rainy days during the year is fewer than 100 throughout the region, which permits of an abundance of sunshine for the rapid maturity of crops. The small mountain ranges in this region, some of the peaks of which rise to elevations of 5,000 feet or more above the level of the valleys (7,000 to 9,000 feet above sea level) and the East slope of the Cas- cades are covered with a heavy growth of merchant- H> THE LAND OF BEGINNING able timber." COLUMBIA BASIN REGION. "Bordering on and tributary to the Columbia River is the Columbia Basin Region, from 50 to 75 miles wide and about 150 miles long. It has a mean elevation of about 1,000 feet and a general northerly dip toward the river. Here the climate is dry and sunny. The relative humidity is low and evaporation from a water surface rapid. While the annual rain- fall for the district averages 14 inches, being lower near the river and increasing with altitude and dis- tance from the river, there is a high precipitation in the Hood River Valley and a relatively high rainfall in the mountains of Umatilla County. There is a long growing season close to the Columbia River, averaging about 200 days. The average for the entire district is about 157 days, corresponding to that of Southern Wisconsin. Strong breezes are common along the river, but decrease upon going back from the river and to higher altitudes. The nights are cool, the days clear and the air fresh and invigorating. The principal valleys in this district are the Hood River Valley, about 82 square miles; Three Mile, Eight Mile, Mill Creek and Dufur Val- leys, in Wasco County, aggregating about 800 square miles; the lower Deschutes and John Day canyons, the Rock Creek and Wilson Creek Valleys, and the Walla Walla, Hermiston and Umatilla Valleys. BLUE MOUNTAIN REGION. "In Northeastern Oregon is situated the high irreg- ular range of the Blue Mountains, between the vari- THE LAND OF BEGINNING 17 ous groups of which are very productive elevated val- leys, principal of which are the Powder River,Eagle, Pine, Sumpter, Grand Ronde, Wallowa, Imnaha and John Day Valleys. The largest of these are the Pow- der River Valley, including its principal auxiliaries; the Eagle, Pine and Sumpter Valleys, which approx- imate an area of 800 square miles; Grand Ronde, Union County, 600 square miles; Wallowa and Im- naha Valleys, Wallowa County, 300 square miles; John Day Valley, Wheeler and Grant Counties, over 4,000 square miles. The general elevation ranges from 1,800 feet on Snake River to 4,400 feet in Sumpter Valley. There are many mountains and peaks in this district rising to about 9,000 feet ele- vation. The rainfall ranges from 12 to 23 inches and averages about 16 inches annually. The grow- ing season ranges from 100 to 150 days, averaging about 140 days in the valleys and decreasing with the altitude. In many sheltered valleys the season permits commercial fruit growing. The mean sum- mer temperature corresponds to central Wisconsin and that of winter is similar to northern Iowa. The mountains of this region are covered with a dense growth of merchantable timber." 18 THE LAND OF BEGINNING OREGON'S POPULATION. Population of Principal Cities in Oregon, According to Official Government Census of 1920. From Morning Oregonian, Jan. 2, 1922. Portland 258,288 Portland (Mayor's estimate, Dec. 31, 1922) 275,000 Salem 17,679 Astoria 14,027 Eugene 10,503 Baker 7,728 Pendleton 7,387 La Grande 6,913 The Dalles 5,807 Medford 5,756 Corvallis 5,752 Oregon City 5,686 Bend 5,415 Klamath Falls 4,801 Albany 4,840 Ashland 4,283 Marshfield 4,034 North Bend 3,268 McMinnville 2,767 Newberg 2,566 Dallas 2,527 Hillsboro 2,468 Silverton 2,251 Population of State : : 783,389 THE LAND OF BEGINNING 19 AGRICULTURE Some of the richest, most extensive and product- ive land in North America is in Oregon, and the territory of which Portland is the distributing center. The farm population of this territory is nearly a half million. It is estimated that 80,000 farms in this territory are owned by those occupying them. The total average value of the farms in this territory is over $15,000, and the majority of the owners are men who started with practically no capital. The crop value alone for 1920 was $195,000,000. The average grain yield is 25 bushels per acre. The average yield in the Middle West, 12 bushels per acre. The total value for livestock in 1920 was over $170,000,000. In this territory there are over one-half million dairy cattle, of which the majority are pure bred stock. There are more than 12,000,000 fruit-bearing trees and vines. The state of Oregon alone produces annually more than $25,000,000 worth of hay. There are more than 5,000,000 acres of land in Oregon which can be made fertile by irrigation, and it is only a question of a few years until this will be done. Oregon alone, it has been estimated, has over 15,000,000 acres of unused arable land available for farming, and there is room for 50,000 new farms. The opportunities here are beyond the imagina- tion of the greatest dreamer. The limit of success is governed only by the ambition, aggressiveness, and work of the men who make the attempt. For the man who wishes to get on a farm of his 20 THE LAND OF BEGINNING own, there is perhaps no more virgin territory in the United States where all conditions are so ideal for success. One of the chief things for the man to decide who wishes to settle on the land is to determine what kind of farming appeals to him most. The particu- lar territory he selects for his home will depend upon this decision. Following is a list of the Agricultural Sections of the Oregon country, and their chief products : Willamette Valley — General Farming, Fruit, Hops, Dairying, Sheep. Hood River District — Fruit and Berries. Tillamook District — Dairying. Lincoln, Coos and Curry County District — Dairy- ing. Rogue River Valley — Fruit. Umpqua District — Dairying. Eastern Oregon District — Livestock and Alfalfa. Northeastern Oregon — Livestock and Grain. Big Bend Country — Grain. Southern Oregon — Livestock and Grain. A brief review will be made of each type of farming showing some of the possibilities of engag- ing in this business. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 21 1000000 000000000 0000 (NOOOOOOOlOOlOOOOOOOOO B rH © O O © O © © l> O l> lO o o o o © o © .3 CO ©©N©*©©* oo t^^o"i> t^io ©~©©~©~ ©io £©©ioco©©t-©cocoooco©©t-iOiiO©t> t- © 00 (N ^ CO C\I CO 00 UO © LO 00 CO 4H CO "* 00 02 M 3 3 S3 000 0) CO o o fi o 03 pj (1) (DT^.h s fl b c$ CO TO m •_» ~ - « « -^.^^H ^o1^.2 2S.22^ s CD GO a; pC| "a? '3 "aS - k" > o o o o o 22 THE LAND OF BEGINNING © ooo IG OO ■jjjoocvf© ^r-\ tM 00 €/3- OOOOOOOOO ooooooooo o o o ooo ooo ' o~ o~ o~ o~ o" o~ ^J.JcOCO.-JtOtOtOCOtOlO I8 oooooooooo oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO »S *\ #V •-. *S #N ••. ••. *s *\ 1000*0000000 coooooooo^o OOOOtHOOOOCOO T-i O O 00 O O ^OOOOOOOOOOO ^^h'^OOj^OOOOOIO rH t> rH CO c3 ^^ ^ a o I ^ Si s-g C D9 b "^ O % CJ |3 qj C >>-tJ o o £.s to ,jj b 03 S 5h 3 03 «.g«S ~g •^3 ?3 o+S/ 3 o3 O 03 O 03 3 ^ a) 3 o3 a> r5 OX'S « C 5i 03 03 ^ 2 «» fta> m ^ s iJ u P 2 ^ ^ . 03 O I a3 » o ^03 O o 2 £ o &fl &0 ?^ „ Pi - ^ O o cSm THE LAND OF BEGINNING 23 FRUIT Of all the wonderful opportunities offered by the great Northwest, and especially by Oregon, to the investor and opportunity seeker, fruit raising offers the best road to comfort and wealth. The soil is adaptable and the year around climatic conditions are almost perfect to insure quality and encourage extensive production of a wide variety of fruits. The most substantial progress in the development of fruit bearing lands, and the marketing of fruit products has taken place in the last ten years in Oregon. There are thousands of acres of fruit- bearing trees and vines, and many more in young trees coming into bearing each year. In a compara- tively short while many more will be planted to many varieties of fruit and nuts. Oregon's products are known the world over for their quality and flavor. During a ten-year period which saw several de- clines in the acreages of some of the leading fruits in the United States, Oregon increased her acreage in an impressive manner. In 1919 there were 7,854,006 bearing fruit trees, and ten years before there were 4,583,735 bearing trees. The number of bushels had increased from 4,500,000 to 10,500,000, with a normal valuation of over $17,000,000 per year. Fruit growing is no longer an experiment in Ore- gon for the industry has reached the scientific stage as to management and marketing. Oregon growers know the best soils adapted for the different kinds of fruit, the best varieties to plant for family and commercial uses. They know all the diseases and 24 THE LAND OF BEGINNING insects that infect the trees and fruit, and how best to combat them. The state agricultural college, one of the best in the world, has a complete horticultural department where this business is studied and taught in the most scientific manner known to man. The resources of this great institution are always ready to assist the grower to combat any pest. The State Board of Horticulture supplies an abundance of practical information to any one who will but ask for it. Local organizations and co-operative organi- zations have made a thorough study of market con- ditions, and all these have contributed to gain the world-wide reputation Oregon already has as a fruit- growing state. Oregon offers great opportunities to the fruit grower. Many men from every profession and activity have taken up fruit growing as a pleasant and healthful diversion. It brings an excellent in- come and healthful exercise in the great out-doors of Oregon. There are many climates in Oregon, and the pros- pective fruit grower has his choice of climate. Eastern Oregon with its diversified seasons; South- ern Oregon with delightful valleys, blue skies, and warm air; the Willamette Valley with its uniform climate throughout the year, and only a few hours on the electric trains from Oregon's great metrop- olis — Portland. In the Willamette Valley grows the apple, pear, prune, cherry, peach, walnut, filbert, and all small fruits. Here is also found in abundance the famous loganberry. All these can be grown on the same ranch. They bear in such manner that the grower can be pleasantly busy throughout the year. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 25 In Southern Oregon, in the Rogue River and Umpqua Valleys, grow peaches, apples, prunes, grapes, walnuts, dates and figs. In the Hood River Valley is grown the world-known Hood River berries and apples; the Wasco Valley, peaches and apples. In Eastern Oregon fruits are raised in the nu- merous fertile valleys. Irrigation has made a tre- mendous change in the Inland Empire, and has trans- formed it into a great fruit area. In the valleys along the west coast are found cranberries, straw- berries and apples. APPLES. The western apple has merited its great demand in the markets of the world because of its size, en- ticing color, excellent flavor. One hundred varieties are grown in Oregon but the Spitzenberg and Yellow Newton are the leaders, commercially. PEARS. Oregon produces pears of exceptional quality, and several sections of Oregon grow pears which are recognized the world over as being unexcelled in flavor and quality. The fruit not only keeps but it surpasses all others in delicious flavor. The Oregon Bartlett is recognized as best in the world. The Boss pear is rapidly coming to the front and last year surpassed all others in that it topped the market at $7.00 per box. To produce the perfect specimen, climatic conditions and soil must be perfect. Scien- tific cultural method, after careful selection of stock and variety, must be followed. Oregon can furnish all these. 26 THE LAND OF BEGINNING In Southern Oregon irrigation is best for produc- tion of a large pear. Five big ditches are being com- pleted which will open the following districts: Medf ord Irrigation District .... 10,000 acres Talent Irrigation District 9,600 acres Eagle Point Irrigation District. . 3,000 acres Grants Pass Irrigation District. . 14,000 acres These great districts are now ready for occupa- tion by the home seeker. Other varieties of fruit can be grown there, also. PEACHES. Three thousand acres of this fruit are now bear- ing, and most of this land is in the Rogue River and Wasco districts. This fruit is shipped to nearby markets and canneries. The grower is nearly always assured a price consistent with profit due to the numerous canneries in the peach growing section which take all the stock that cannot be sold in the open market as fresh fruit. PRUNES. The prune is a staple product because of its known health giving attributes, and its use is con- stantly increasing. It is known that it is equal if not superior to that grown anywhere in the world. At present there are 40,000 acres in prunes in Oregon. It has nearly doubled in the last two years. Marion, Yamhill and Polk counties, which are in the heart of the Willamette Valley, and Douglas county in the Umpqua Valley, contain four-fifths of the state's prune acreage. This fruit is not very exacting in the soil require- THE LAND OF BEGINNING 27 ments, and the hill lands which are unsuited to other fruits have been found excellently adapted to prunes. There is nothing difficult about prune raising. Good care will insure good production. Early, thorough tillage is the best method of care which leads to success. CHERRIES. There are 4,000 acres of cherries in the state, and more being planted every year. Large, Royal Annes, Lamberts and Bings thrive best in Oregon. Salem is the center of the cherry industry in the Willamette Valley, and the annual "Blossom Day" draws thousands of visitors. Cherries have been found to require rich soil, careful tillage, drainage and handling. Because large canneries are located throughout the valleys, good prices for cherries are paid. Cherry growing is easy to master, pays a good dividend, and is a good investment. SMALL FRUITS. Western Oregon's soil and climate are conducive to success in berry culture. Development of this industry was slow at first, due to perishableness of the fruit and the long distance to markets. This has now been overcome by the establishment of canneries near the berry fields. A near market for the product is never found wanting now. The in- dustry has now come to depend upon manufacturers of fruit juices, jams, jellies, preserves, dehydrated or canned fruits. These industries are located in the heart of each district with sufficient funds invested 28 THE LAND OF BEGINNING to keep pace with the rapidly growing production of berries. There are 66 fruit canneries located in these districts. LOGANBERRY. The loganberry is the leading berry of the state with 6,000 acres planted in this fruit. Four thousand acres are in Marion county, which has much fine fertile soil and splendid facilities for handling the product. The statistics quoted below do not give a maximum record of production. As high as six tons has been known to come off one acre, selling at 18c a pound, bringing the net profit as high as $800 per acre. The vines do not bear the first year they are set out, but the second year brings a small crop, and the third year they come into full bearing. After the third year the vines are good for years to come, if proper trimming and care is given them. RASPBERRY. Raspberries are produced in the same manner as loganberries. Some record yields of this fruit have been made in Oregon, netting large returns. There is a ready market for the berry. Loganberries and raspberries are grown nowhere else in the world in commercial quantities, except in Western Oregon and Washington. The future is especially bright in this field of horticulture in Oregon. STRAWBERRIES. In 1919, $100,000 was received by the growers THE LAND OF BEGINNING 29 in Oregon, which was 5 per cent of the total tonnage grown in the whole United States. Hood River Valley has led in strawberry produc- tion, but of late the Willamette Valley has had the greatest development. Marion county now leads with about 1,200 acres. Clatsop, Coos and other coast counties have recently entered the industry, and will be heavy producers of this fruit. There are hundreds of acres in Oregon available for this very purpose at reasonable figures. The greatest handicap to berry growing heretofore — dis- tance to market — has now been overcome by the motor truck. The co-operative associations' trucks call daily at the patches. The Marshall and Wilson are the most exten- sively grown. The Wilson, which requires rich soil, is an excellent canning berry, and its yield is the greatest. The Magoon, Oregon and Gold Dollar are important varieties grown extensively west of the Cascades, while the Clark Seedling leads east of the Cascades. CRANBERRIES. Cranberries have been known to exist here on the coast since the very earliest settlers, but it had reached no commercial proportions until 1910. At that time 280 acres were set out on the lower Colum- bia where the bogs and marshes predominate. This section is one of the best in the world because it is absolutely frost-free, and the long growing season and abundant rainfall, essentials to this type of plant, assures a good crop every year. In 1918 100 acres produced 3,000 barrels. The Clatsop county bogs are close to the market because they 30 THE LAND OF BEGINNING border the S. P. & S. Railroad and the paved high- way. One hundred barrels per acre is not unusual, and last year the one acre Delmoor bog in this county produced 135 barrels. The best record is held by the McFarland Marsh on Coos Bay, which yielded 1,000 barrels in one five-acre tract. Five hundred thousand barrels were produced last year in the United States, or about one pint per capita. The increase in this industry is not keeping pace with the increase in population, it is evident that the prospective cranberry grower does not need to fear over-production in the immediate future. OTHER SMALL FRUITS. Large quantities of red and black cap raspber- ries thrive. Wild blackberries grow in profusion all over the western part of the state, and are in great demand by the canneries because of their excep- tional flavor. Any family can pick enough during the season to amply take care of their needs for the winter. One bush will often grow to be 40 feet in diameter and six feet high, which will supply a whole family with fresh berries from August to late October. Currants and gooseberries are grown in nearly every garden. Wild huckleberries grow in pro- fusion, and are picked for the markets every year. NUTS. The future of the nut industry in Oregon is as- sured for the adaptability of Oregon climate and soil has been proven in the last decade. There is hardly a crop of anything grown that yields a better return THE LAND OF BEGINNING 31 on the investment. The walnuts bring the highest prices in the market and are unsurpassed for size and quality. The average consumption in America is one pound per capita per year, and this is con- stantly on the increase. Last year the supply gave out four months before the new crop came in. There are 3,000 acres in bearing at the present time. Land in the foothills, which is up out of the frost where there is good air and drainage, is best suited for walnuts. There is an abundance of just such land all over Western Oregon in the very heart of the district. It can be purchased reasonably from lumber syndicates who have taken off the lumber. Walnuts pay on a commercial basis when ten or twelve years old, but the ground between the trees can be so cultivated as to pay for their upkeep dur- ing the period they are growing to bearing size. FILBERT. A Filbert is a nut very much like the hazel, which is the only nut native to Oregon. It really is the cul- tivated cousin of the hazel, and for that reason especially adapted to the Oregon climate where its cousin, the hazel, thrives in such profusion. The filbert is practically frost-proof and is well adapted to the hill lands as well as the lowlands, to exposed or sheltered locations. The soil must be well drained. It bears a paying crop the fifth or sixth year, and prices over a ten-year period have averaged 20c per pound. The United States used 20,000,000 pounds or one-fifth pound per capita last year, and nearly all of these were imported. Filbert authorities be- lieve the Oregon home-grown variety to be superior 32 THE LAND OF BEGINNING and are confident consumption of the Oregon product will increase. C. A. Reed, nut culturist of the agricultural de- partment at Washington, D. C, says the Willamette Valley and a small part of Washington are the only places in the United States where this nut can be grown with great success, and he predicts the Will- amette Valley will supply the filberts for the entire country. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 25 In Southern Oregon, in the Rogue River and Umpqua Valleys, grow peaches, apples, prunes, grapes, walnuts, dates and figs. In the Hood River Valley is grown the world-known Hood River berries and apples; the Wasco Valley, peaches and apples. In Eastern Oregon fruits are raised in the nu- merous fertile valleys. Irrigation has made a tre- mendous change in the Inland Empire, and has trans- formed it into a great fruit area. In the valleys along the west coast are found cranberries, straw- berries and apples. APPLES. The western apple has merited its great demand in the markets of the world because of its size, en- ticing color, excellent flavor. One hundred varieties are grown in Oregon but the Spitzenberg and Yellow Newton are the leaders, commercially. PEARS. Oregon produces pears of exceptional quality, and several sections of Oregon grow pears which are recognized the world over as being unexcelled in flavor and quality. The fruit not only keeps but it surpasses all others in delicious flavor. The Oregon Bartlett is recognized as best in the world. The Boss pear is rapidly coming to the front and last year surpassed all others in that it topped the market at $7.00 per box. To produce the perfect specimen, climatic conditions and soil must be perfect. Scien- tific cultural method, after careful selection of stock and variety, must be followed. Oregon can furnish all these. 26 THE LAND OF BEGINNING In Southern Oregon irrigation is best for produc- tion of a large pear. Five big ditches are being com- pleted which will open the following districts: Medford Irrigation District. . . . 10,000 acres Talent Irrigation District 9,600 acres Eagle Point Irrigation District. . 3,000 acres Grants Pass Irrigation District. . 14,000 acres These great districts are now ready for occupa- tion by the home seeker. Other varieties of fruit can be grown there, also. PEACHES. Three thousand acres of this fruit are now bear- ing, and most of this land is in the Rogue River and Wasco districts. This fruit is shipped to nearby markets and canneries. The grower is nearly always assured a price consistent with profit due to the numerous canneries in the peach growing section which take all the stock that cannot be sold in the open market as fresh fruit. PRUNES. The prune is a staple product because of its known health giving attributes, and its use is con- stantly increasing. It is known that it is equal if not superior to that grown anywhere in the world. At present there are 40,000 acres in prunes in Oregon. It has nearly doubled in the last two years. Marion, Yamhill and Polk counties, which are in the heart of the Willamette Valley, and Douglas county in the Umpqua Valley, contain four-fifths of the state's prune acreage. This fruit is not very exacting in the soil require- THE LAND OF BEGINNING 27 ments, and the hill lands which are unsuited to other fruits have been found excellently adapted to prunes. There is nothing difficult about prune raising. Good care will insure good production. Early, thorough tillage is the best method of care which leads to success. CHERRIES. There are 4,000 acres of cherries in the state, and more being planted every year. Large, Royal Annes, Lamberts and Bings thrive best in Oregon. Salem is the center of the cherry industry in the Willamette Valley, and the annual "Blossom Day" draws thousands of visitors. Cherries have been found to require rich soil, careful tillage, drainage and handling. Because large canneries are located throughout the valleys, good prices for cherries are paid. Cherry growing is easy to master, pays a good dividend, and is a good investment. SMALL FRUITS. Western Oregon's soil and climate are conducive to success in berry culture. Development of this industry was slow at first, due to perishableness of the fruit and the long distance to markets. This has now been overcome by the establishment of canneries near the berry fields. A near market for the product is never found wanting now. The in- dustry has now come to depend upon manufacturers of fruit juices, jams, jellies, preserves, dehydrated or canned fruits. These industries are located in the heart of each district with sufficient funds invested 28 THE LAND OF BEGINNING to keep pace with the rapidly growing production of berries. There are 66 fruit canneries located in these districts. LOGANBERRY. The loganberry is the leading berry of the state with 6,000 acres planted in this fruit. Four thousand acres are in Marion county, which has much fine fertile soil and splendid facilities for handling the product. The statistics quoted below do not give a maximum record of production. As high as six tons has been known to come off one acre, selling at 18c a pound, bringing the net profit as high as $800 per acre. The vines do not bear the first year they are set out, but the second year brings a small crop, and the third year they come into full bearing. After the third year the vines are good for years to come, if proper trimming and care is given them. RASPBERRY. Raspberries are produced in the same manner as loganberries. Some record yields of this fruit have been made in Oregon, netting large returns. There is a ready market for the berry. Loganberries and raspberries are grown nowhere else in the world in commercial quantities, except in Western Oregon and Washington. The future is especially bright in this field of horticulture in Oregon. STRAWBERRIES. In 1919, $100,000 was received by the growers THE LAND OF BEGINNING 29 in Oregon, which was 5 per cent of the total tonnage grown in the whole United States. Hood River Valley has led in strawberry produc- tion, but of late the Willamette Valley has had the greatest development. Marion county now leads with about 1,200 acres. Clatsop, Coos and other coast counties have recently entered the industry, and will be heavy producers of this fruit. There are hundreds of acres in Oregon available for this very purpose at reasonable figures. The greatest handicap to berry growing heretofore — dis- tance to market — has now been overcome by the motor truck. The co-operative associations' trucks call daily at the patches. The Marshall and Wilson are the most exten- sively grown. The Wilson, which requires rich soil, is an excellent canning berry, and its yield is the greatest. The Magoon, Oregon and Gold Dollar are important varieties grown extensively west of the Cascades, while the Clark Seedling leads east of the Cascades. CRANBERRIES. Cranberries have been known to exist here on the coast since the very earliest settlers, but it had reached no commercial proportions until 1910. At that time 280 acres were set out on the lower Colum- bia where the bogs and marshes predominate. This section is one of the best in the world because it is absolutely frost-free, and the long growing season and abundant rainfall, essentials to this type of plant, assures a good crop every year. In 1918 100 acres produced 3,000 barrels. The Clatsop county bogs are close to the market because they 30 THE LAND OF BEGINNING border the S. P. & S. Railroad and the paved high- way. One hundred barrels per acre is not unusual, and last year the one acre Delmoor bog in this county produced 135 barrels. The best record is held by the McFarland Marsh on Coos Bay, which yielded 1,000 barrels in one five-acre tract. Five hundred thousand barrels were produced last year in the United States, or about one pint per capita. The increase in this industry is not keeping pace with the increase in population, it is evident that the prospective cranberry grower does not need to fear over-production in the immediate future. OTHER SMALL FRUITS. Large quantities of red and black cap raspber- ries thrive. Wild blackberries grow in profusion all over the western part of the state, and are in great demand by the canneries because of their excep- tional flavor. Any family can pick enough during the season to amply take care of their needs for the winter. One bush will often grow to be 40 feet in diameter and six feet high, which will supply a whole family with fresh berries from August to late October. Currants and gooseberries are grown in nearly every garden. Wild huckleberries grow in pro- fusion, and are picked for the markets every year. NUTS. The future of the nut industry in Oregon is as- sured for the adaptability of Oregon climate and soil has been proven in the last decade. There is hardly a crop of anything grown that yields a better return THE LAND OF BEGINNING 31 on the investment. The walnuts bring the highest prices in the market and are unsurpassed for size and quality. The average consumption in America is one pound per capita per year, and this is con- stantly on the increase. Last year the supply gave out four months before the new crop came in. There are 3,000 acres in bearing at the present time. Land in the foothills, which is up out of the frost where there is good air and drainage, is best suited for walnuts. There is an abundance of just such land all over Western Oregon in the very heart of the district. It can be purchased reasonably from lumber syndicates who have taken off the lumber. Walnuts pay on a commercial basis when ten or twelve years old, but the ground between the trees can be so cultivated as to pay for their upkeep dur- ing the period they are growing to bearing size. FILBERT. A Filbert is a nut very much like the hazel, which is the only nut native to Oregon. It really is the cul- tivated cousin of the hazel, and for that reason especially adapted to the Oregon climate where its cousin, the hazel, thrives in such profusion. The filbert is practically frost-proof and is well adapted to the hill lands as well as the lowlands, to exposed or sheltered locations. The soil must be well drained. It bears a paying crop the fifth or sixth year, and prices over a ten-year period have averaged 20c per pound. The United States used 20,000,000 pounds or one-fifth pound per capita last year, and nearly all of these were imported. Filbert authorities be- lieve the Oregon home-grown variety to be superior 32 THE LAND OF BEGINNING and are confident consumption of the Oregon product will increase. C. A. Reed, nut culturist of the agricultural de- partment at Washington, D. C, says the Willamette Valley and a small part of Washington are the only places in the United States where this nut can be grown with great success, and he predicts the Will- amette Valley will supply the filberts for the entire country. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 33 LIVESTOCK Oregon, the finest livestock state in the union, because of its even climate and vast expanse of grazing land, offers some excellent opportunities for wealth, comfort and success. It is practically in its infancy when compared to what it will be fifteen or twenty years hence. Ore- gon has always typified the romance and possibilities of the word "West," and the state has been thought of in this light rather than of industry and com- merce. Livestock — Cattle and sheep, have roamed the Oregon hills since the arrival of the first pioneers who came over the trail by prairie schooner. In most of Oregon the change from the sombreroed cowboy to the agriculturalist who grows livestock as a part of diversified farming has definitely taken place. With these changes has come development and stability which has made the livestock industry which brings Northwestern farmers twenty millions in cash annually for fat stock, and fifty millions for dairy products. When one looks to the future, and sees the tremendous growth in population which is sure to come, those that are there now are just pioneers. It is only natural to assume that with Oregon's wonderful year-round mild climate, and vast resources, Oregon is destined to be as thickly populated as any state east of the Alleghenies. Here are some livestock facts applying to Oregon only, which are contributed by the Oregon Agricul- tural College. The state has twice as many horses, beef cattle, 34 THE LAND OF BEGINNING dairy cattle and 7% times as many sheep in propor- tion to human population as the average state in the union. Three-fourths of its area is devoted to grazing. Most of the range lands are not suited to cropping, but their range-carrying power is being constantly increased by fencing and sunken wells for watering. Livestock is the major industry in three-fourths of the state. The development of irrigation is rapidly increas- ing the livestock production of the state by increas- ing the quantities of winter and finishing feeds. It is also tending rapidly to improve livestock quality through the development of pure-bred stock. The well-balanced grouping of field crops and summer and winter ranges makes livestock farming less of a hazard in Oregon than in other Western states. Uniform conditions of climate and feed supply with the absence of droughts, extreme cold and feed shortage, gives Oregon marked advantages over other livestock producing sections. The livestock industry finds at Portland the largest service in stockyards, market and transpor- tation facilities of any place west of the Rocky Mountains. The biggest market in the far West is thus at the very doors of the entire industry. Portland is the distributing center for the live- stock and dairy products of the Northwest. She is also the center for pure-bred stock of the terri- tory west of the Rockies. The Pacific International Livestock Exposition, which is held annually at Portland, is the largest exhibition of livestock in the world. It includes beef THE LAND OF BEGINNING 35 cattle, dairy cattle, horses, sheep, swine, goats, rab- bits and poultry. It is housed in the largest live- stock exposition building in America, which is main- tained in Portland for this purpose. Exhibitors are registered here annually from all parts of America. This great exposition has been a stimulant to the livestock industry, and especially an incentive to the pure-bred stock raisers. Livestock production must by necessity continue to be one of the West's industries. Its increase will be measured by the construction of irrigation proj- ects, the clearing of lands, the increase in popu- lation. The limit for livestock production is many times its present volume, and in both present production and future promise, Oregon offers many opportun- ities. Many are now wealthy who started with prac- tically nothing. To the man without capital who wishes to engage in this business, it is suggested that he get to this virgin territory and secure a position on a farm which is a success. Such positions are always open to men who are careful, conscientious, and anxious to work, as well as anxious to learn. The only way to learn anything is to do it. After a man has worked for some time he will have enough money saved to pur- chase a few cattle and run them with the employers. They can also be shipped to the market with the employer's stock. A few years, and the employee will find he must lease land to run his own herd, and this is not hard to do. Many young men have taken grazing land homesteads which they are glad to lease for the fencing or often just for the care and taxes. 36 THE LAND OF BEGINNING Also, homesteads of this kind can be bought cheaply, and the man who has a few grazing cattle can borrow ready cash on them. It is a great field of industry which offers an exceptional opportunity to the man without capital who is willing to work and save for the start. Stock men are very generous in helping another man who wants to learn this business, and the inside story of many of the finest pure-bred livestock farmers in Oregon will disclose just such co-operation. Another manner in which a man can get a start in this industry is taking up a homestead. The home- steads of Eastern Oregon are divided into 640 acres each. Some of the land is rocky or dry but there is always a great portion of it which makes excellent grazing land. The homesteads are still open, but of course those close to towns are gone. However, it is immaterial how far from a town a ranch is. The cattle grow and thrive as well there as they do any- where else. When time comes to market them they can be driven on foot to the railroad or place of shipment. If a man has capital to invest he can purchase grazing land for $5 to $25 per acre. It is known that only a very small percent of cattle have perished in twenty years due to adverse climatic conditions. The chances for success in this field are great, and the opportunities are best now while the industry and territory is yet young. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 37 DAIRYING The following facts will undoubtedly prove of interest to the man who wishes to engage in the dairying industry in Oregon: Over $200,000,000 are invested in dairy farms in the state of Oregon. Over 15 million pounds of butter produced an- nually. It is known that Oregon herds produce 25 per cent more butter fat than if the herds were in the Middle West. Nearly a billion pounds of milk produced an- nually. There are over eighty creameries in the state, many of which are owned by the farmers. There are seven milk condenseries. For the year ending September, 1920, these condenseries pro- duced approximately 50,000,000 pounds. There are 69 cheese factories in Oregon. Their combined annual production is over 10,000,000 pounds. Oregon supplies over one-third of all the cheese used on the Pacific Coast. One great fact concerning the dairying industry is that it is stabilized. The whole world is a market, and the various products in this industry are always in demand. The farmer has his choice of selling his milk to condenseries, his cream to creameries, or cheese factories. This always insures a ready market at a price consistent with profit. The climate in Oregon is ideal for dairying. It is 38 THE LAND OF BEGINNING possible for cattle to graze the entire year. Most of the dairymen raise all of their own feed. This gives them a double profit by the feed which they use, and the profit on the product the feed produces. Another factor in dairying is that the fertility of the soil is kept at its height of productiveness by the manure which is used as fertilizer. Nearly every farmer has a few cows which pro- duce not only milk and butter enough for his own household, but enough in addition to keep the house- hold supplied with all other forms of groceries. This can be done with only two cows for a family of four, and ten or fifteen acres of land would be sufficient for all the feed. The small farmer can, by raising fruit, provide his family with all the other necessities of life, and create an attractive surplus. A man who is able to invest $2,000 could arrange to procure such a farm. Men have succeeded with considerable less cap- ital by obtaining on easy terms unimproved land, and clearing it ; depending on outside work at inter- vals to support his family. Men have done this with a few hundred dollars. » It is also possible to rent dairy farms which are already in operation. This is not considered the best method, but it does give an experienced dairying man an opportunity to be making money when he investigates possibilities for buying a place of his own. The man who has $5,000 to $25,000 to invest in a dairy farm is assured of success if he manages intelligently. It has been found that it never pays to stock a THE LAND OF BEGINNING 39 farm with inferior grade milch cows. It is far bet- ter to have one well-bred cow of known production to build the herd on, than a half dozen scrub cows. Well bred cows can be purchased at prices rang- ing from $125 to $500 — depending on the pedigree. Many young men with their wives have obtained their start by being employed on a dairy farm. In this way the business was learned. When they had saved something they either rented a farm or paid a small payment down on a farm of their own. There is no safer form of investment; nor is there a surer or quicker way to independence than by owning milch cows. Additional information can be obtained by writing THE STATE DAIRYMEN'S ASSN., Portland, Oregon. THE OREGON DAIRYMAN CO-OP. LEAGUE, Portland, Oregon. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Portland, Oregon. 40 THE LAND OF BEGINNING POULTRY Another opportunity which Oregon has to offer the man who seeks to rid himself of the yoke of working for another is the poultry business. The markets are conveniently close, the climate is right, the price of feed consistent with the selling price to insure profit. The production is now below con- sumption, and for several years it has been necessary to ship eggs from the other states and China. The demand for fresh eggs is ever present. If the California poultry men can import their feed from Oregon, and make a profit, the Oregon poultry man should take for himself this profit spent in freight. Proximity to the egg markets and grain districts insures success to the poultry man in Ore- gon. Green food which has been found so essential to egg production is grown with success. The prices of poultry foods in Oregon is usually low because of the thousands and thousands of acres of grain in eastern Oregon. California has bought large quantities of wheat from Oregon for several years past for the purpose of poultry feed. The state should be the great poultry and egg producing state of the Coast, and as people become more familiar with the wonderful possibilities, it will be. To start a poultry ranch, a very small amount of land and capital is necessary. Many have started with one acre. This acre can be purchased near the city limits of almost any town for $25 uncleared to $200 cleared. A clearing just large enough for the hen houses, and the place of abode are all that is necessary if it is the intention to purchase the THE LAND OF BEGINNING 41 feed. For $150 the lumber for the coops can be pur- chased. If it is not desired to take the small chick- ens and raise them to pullets of egg-laying age, the four or six months' old pure-bred pullets can be purchased for $1.00 each. If the methods advocated in the free booklets issued by the Oregon Agricul- tural College are followed, the pullets should pay for themselves and their keep in three months. Hens have been known to lay 303 eggs in one year, and a hen laying more than 200 is a frequent occurrence. The pullets referred to above should be purchased in summer and kept during the winter when the prices are higher, and their laying ability at best. After a year many poultry men sell the hens in the market, and purchase new ones. Some keep them two years, but they should never be kept longer than that because their laying ability de- creases. This method of course takes away the care of raising the chicks to egg-laying age, and it also does away with any speculation as to how many are males. Another method of acquiring the chicks is to purchase them when they are a day old, and raise them. This method is tedious, and often more ex- pensive when it is taken into consideration the num- ber of non-laying birds it is necessary to feed before discovery of the males. When a day old they sell for from 15c to 25c each. Of course the stock men- tioned above is the standard egg-laying birds of varieties which have proved their ability. Another profitable branch of this industry is chicken incubation. Standard incubators of 400-egg capacity can be purchased for about $15.00. This, of course, takes more knowledge of the business than 42 THE LAND OF BEGINNING the care of the layers after they are grown. It also is more profitable. As maintained above, the chicks sell for 25c each almost as soon as born. The usual method is to take the orders in the winter and pre- pare incubators for the number sold. Last year one boy took orders for 84,000 chicks and being a careful, industrious and willing worker, he made a very neat profit in a very few months. This is a scientific branch of the industry and re- quires a thorough study. The Washington State College has an experiment station at Puyallup, Washington, that offers a short course in poultry raising which has proved to be very successful. Not a single person, young or old, who has completed the course has failed to make a good income above living expenses in this business. The Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, Oregon, teaches a thorough course in this field. As a special stdudent, any person, regardless of age or education, may take the course. There is no limit to what one may do with a little knowledge of this business. It is a cash business, and the returns mount up quickly. A lady who was widowed used $1000 insurance she received, to take the course and start in busi- ness. She started with 500 little chicks, four years ago. Today she has her home (new), her automo- bile, and her chickens net her $1,500 to $2,400 per year above all living and other expenses. It can be done by anyone. The main requisite is careful attention. For further information about the industry, write to either of the above named schools. For information about good land values for this THE LAND OF BEGINNING 43 business, write to the Oregon State Chamber of Com- merce, attention Farm Land Bureau. Additional in- formation concerning the Farm Land Bureau is given on page 49 of this book. Detailed information concerning construction and cost of all phases of this business is contained in Prof. Paul D. Dryden's book on poultry raising. He is a specialist and an instructor in poultry raising at the Oregon Agricultural College. 44 THE LAND OF BEGINNING General Agricultural Opportunities There are state lands in the state of Oregon which are for sale at $7.50 per acre and up. No residence on the land is required, and payments can be made in five annual installments of $1.50, the first when application is made. Deferred pay- ments draw 6 per cent interest. The character of this land can only be deter- mined by inspection, and it is not suggested that purchases be made without an inspection by a friend or relative or the prospective purchaser himself. This state land is located in the 16th and 36th sections in each township. Write to the office of the United States Surveyor General, Portland, Oregon, for in- formation. Their office contains information as to soil, timber growth, and to what uses the land may be put. Any person over 18 years of age, who is a citizen of the United States, or who has declared his intention to become such, may purchase as high as 320 acres of such lands. The applicant must de- clare on his oath that he does not intend to sell the land, but wants it for his own use. A glance at the map will disclose which county you desire to enter, it all depending on what field of farming you desire to go into. An idea of the yield and value of the various fruits, small fruits and vegetables raised in Western Oregon may be obtained from the following table, compiled by the horticultural department of the Oregon Agricultural College, from a number of Will- amette Valley farms, selected at random: THE LAND OF BEGINNING 45 20^l0^t-(X)t>G5lOOH(IiOt- '^OtHtHtHt— It-It— ICO <1 (MCO^OO^OWCOIOH 00(MCDtJ1|>IMWCOOOW^ COHH^H^^oOCOHW -t" Gi CO IO CO LO 6 LO CD CM CD CD CO oa CO ^ LO CO CD O LO CD rH O t-H . y 00 CO Oi © t>; © 00 O © ^ CO CD LO 0] LO < O O O d rH cm rH CO t-H t-H * €/3- CO rH & o3 72 X 42 CO 42 42 CO 42 CO 42 CO 42 CO O CO 42 CO 42 CO O CO 44 CO CO PI O +3 CO X 42 6 42 P! 42 N T3 CO 42 CO 44 CO CO 42 1 CO CD lO b- CM t- CD CO O CM 00 LO CD O CD 00 LO T? ca t-H N t-H O O rf LO 10 Ol cm t-H O b- O ^ CO Ol t-H £ t-H CM t-H t-H cm CM 00 00 CM ©^ of CM CO rH CO t-H t-H t-H CO 4-» t-H CM T-H . CO CO CO . d 42 -5 ft CO 42 CO X 42 6 42 CO 42 CO X 42 CO 43 CO 42 CO 42 PJ O CO* CO PJ O CO X 42 6 42 CO 42 CO 44 CO CO* 40 o f-l O o 05 O t-H O t-H O LO ^ CD CD CO O O O O O O OS ■^ O ^ O CO ^ Ol T-T- CM O.] CM O O O LO O .s ■— i CO CO CM t-H lO N CD ^ CD LO «tf CM t-H 0^1 c© ©^ CM t-H ctf CD t-H O CD 00 t-H CO "# tjT O LO Ol CO CM LO~ CM rh s> LO CO > OS ^ 42 Hfqup,' CO Q. ft -S 1 Pi CO H Ph 46 THE LAND OF BEGINNING All of the products cited in the above statistics are grown in Oregon, and at a glance one can see the possibilities of a small farm in this state. The incomes per acre shown are not high, and do not give any idea of the possibilities under proper care and careful tillage. The man who is willing to work will easily achieve success on a five-acre tract of land. A half acre tract of several of the commod- ities mentioned will net good returns, and by hav- ing a variety, a steady income is assured. If the state lands are all sold in the section in which you desire to locate, you can purchase logged off land. The clearing of this land is difficult, but it is worth the effort. The soil is rich, having stood for centuries, its fertility being added to yearly by decaying vegetation. Logged off lands can be bought on easy terms from logging companies at from $5 to $50 an acre. Lumber can be bought for $200 which will build a suitable house. While the clear- ing is being made, chickens can be raised with profit which will more than pay for the clearing. (Refer to Poultry for figures.) A cow may be kept which will supply family needs. Vegetables can be raised between the stumps which will take care of all the home needs. Potatoes thrive in all sections of Oregon. An excellent plan that is being followed by many is to raise chickens, which bring cash for immediate needs and improvements. There is immediate profit in poultry which pays for the clearing of the rest of the land. No clearing is necessary except for the erection of the chicken house, and the rest can be done at the leisure of the owner. There are cases of men who have arrived here with nothing, and THE LAND OF BEGINNING 47 inside of four years owned their ranch, cleared and planted in fruit and berries, built themselves a home, and owned an automobile. Devotion to duty and con- stant care is required for successful chicken raising, but if it leads to the ownership of your own ranch it has been found to be worth the effort. Methods of Procuring Oregon Land. There are several plans by which a man with courage and ambition may get located on an Oregon ranch. Three years ago the Oregon legislature passed a law which provided a large sum of money for the purpose of assisting willing and conscientious men in getting settled on a model ranch. This act provided for a commission of five representative citi- zens to be selected from various sections of the state and appointed by the governor. It is known as the Land Settlement Commission, whose duty it is to establish in different sections of the state, model farms for settlers, all modern improvements are made, including a modern bungalow, doors and win- dows well screened and just as neat as any city bungalow. Modern farm buildings are built and so arranged as to reduce the work to a minimum. The object is to create a one-man farm that will be in- tensively cultivated and operated under ideal living conditions for the farmer and his family. The farm will be stocked with fine breeds of cattle, horses, sheep, dogs, etc., and modern machinery that will meet the needs of that particular locality will be installed. The land selections will be made by the commis- sion with the assistance of the instructors at the 48 THE LAND OF BEGINNING Oregon Agricultural College. The acreage will de- pend upon the purpose for which the ground will be used. If for fruit, 20 acres is all one man can han- dle ; dairying, 20 to 40 acres ; diversified farming, 40 to 60 acres and if for grain and stock raising a great- er area will be prepared. When these places are all constructed and prepared for occupancy they will be sold at cost. Terms are granted to the extent that a payment down may be made and the balance paid in annual installments at a fair rate of interest. Write to Mr. George Quail, Secretary, 105 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon. It takes time and much money to build many such farms as described above and of course every one cannot be taken care of immediately. However, in order to safeguard the interests of any man coming to Oregon to purchase a farm, the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce has a plan that will appeal to the individual. If a man intending to come to Oregon who has less than $1,500 he should rent for a year or two and then make a purchase, as much less than $1,500 would hardly carry him through the purchase of equipment and current expenses until the first crop is harvested. However, if a man has $1,500 or more, he can invest in farm properties in this state, intelligently farm it himself, he will succeed. Before making the purchase the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, will furnish free, complete detailed information concern- ing every part of the state for his examination and determination as to what section of the state is most suitable to his needs. After the applicant makes his decision and notifies the Chamber they will canvas that particular district and ascertain what properties THE LAND OF BEGINNING 49 are for sale and what property he can purchase with what money he has available. This will be done through various dealers who must submit detailed information to the applicant, under the inspection and supervision of the Chamber. The applicant then picks the property or properties which suit him, noti- fies the board and appraisers will be sent to inspect and appraise it. These appraisers will be three disinterested persons who are familiar with values in that locality. They are appointed one by the bankers, one by the Commercial Club and one by the County Court. A description of the property will be sent the Chamber, who will check it over and if satisfactory the deal will be consummated, if all parties agree. By this method the prospective farmer will have the signed approval of the Chamber of Commerce and the Realty Board, Bankers, County Court and the Commercial Club of the section in which he has made his purchase. For further information write to the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon. (From the Oregon Almanac) "Farm Land Bureau — A Bureau is maintained that lists lands offered for sale, having such lands appraised by qualified appraisers. The purpose is to bring buyer and seller together with a minimum of expense and furnish reliable information relative to land descriptions and prices. The homeseeker often encounters difficulties in finding lands that meet his requirements and if he will make his wants known the Bureau will endeavor to put him in touch with owners of desirable lands. No fees or com- 50 THE LAND OF BEGINNING missions are charged by the Bureau. Address, Farm Land Bureau, Oregon State Immigration Commission, Portland, Oregon. "The Farm Land Bureau of the Oregon State Immigration Commission was made a part of that organization on the 18th of February, 1914. The purpose of the Bureau is to secure data and informa- tion of a reliable character, in order that the home- seeker and settler may be supplied with such infor- mation as will enable him to find desirable land at a minimum of expense. In order to acquire a knowl- edge of lands and their values, the listings of many farms have been secured, giving a minute descrip- tion, together with the price and terms offered, and these lands have been appraised by thoroughly qualified and competent appraisers, thus giving the Bureau not only the listing of particular tracts, but a general knowledge as to land values in each lo- cality. "The information contained in these listings is for the benefit of homeseekers and settlers. It is gathered by the Oregon State Immigration Commis- sion, with co-operation of local community organi- zations of business men and farmers. Every effort is made to see that this information is conservative and accurate. All of these listings that have been appraised and such others as appear reasonable are published in booklet form, which will be sent upon request. While the Bureau cannot guarantee the listings thus published, yet thorough investigation has been made and it is reasonable to assume that the description is correct and the prices quoted are fair. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 51 "Many tracts of from 1,000 to 5,000 acres are listed; such tracts being desirable for colonization purposes. Special attention will be given in cases where a number of families desire to locate on ad- joining lands. "No commissions or fees are accepted or shared by the Oregon State Immigration Commission or any of the organizations affiliated with it. It is the intent of the Commission to serve homeseekers and to assist them in every possible way, to save ex- pense and protect their own interests in inspecting and purchasing lands. The Commission has no land for sale, nor derives any direct or indirect profit of any character whatsoever from the sale of lands or the location of settlers. Inquirers are put in direct communication with the owner or agent of tracts listed. "Information of a general character is furnished relative to the homestead lands of the State, giving the location of unappropriated lands and the uses to which such lands are best adapted. A complete description of the many irrigation projects of the State is on file in this office, and information of a general character with regard to irrigation in Oregon will be furnished upon request. "In requesting information relative to farm lands it would be well if the homeseeker would state the number of acres desired, the kind of farming he wishes to follow and the amount of money he wants to invest. With this knowledge the Bureau would be able to give information of a more detailed characters." Write Farm Land Bureau of Oregon State Immi- gration Commission, Portland, Oregon. 52 THE LAND OF BEGINNING HOMESTEADS There are large areas of unappropriated Govern- ment lands all over the state, but the day of desirable homesteads in Oregon is almost past. There is much land in Eastern and Central Oregon, which is open, but it will need water before it can be made profit- able, and the uncertainty of when this will take place makes immediate financial return almost im- possible. When the water is put upon this land it will be valuable. Very little open land can be found elsewhere in the state that could be called desirable for agricultural purposes. The timber on these claims is worth something, but immediately one encounters the difficulty of harvesting it. Accurate and up-to-the-minute statistics are not available at this time, but it is estimated that there are more than 10,000,000 acres of land now avail- able under the homestead and other public land laws. It is mostly mountainous or semi-arid in character and while it will some time be valuable, the cost of taking it up and complying with the laws would have to be done without any prospects of immediate re- turns. The law relating to ordinary lands limits an entry to 160 acres. In the semi-arid regions one is permitted to take 320 acres, while the grazing land for stock raising may be homesteaded up to 640 acres. Any person who does not own more than 160 acres of land in any state or territory, and who is over twenty-one years of age and a citizen of the U. S. or has declared his intention to become such, and who THE LAND OF BEGINNING 53 has not taken a homestead before, is qualified to take up a homestead. Married women whose hus- bands have deserted them, or are incapacitated by- disease or otherwise from supporting them, or whose husbands are in the penitentiary and the wife sup- ports the family, may take land under this homestead act. Excepting as above specified, a married woman is not eligible. In the matter of residence the person must take up his residence on the land within six months after date of entry. The entryman may not be absent more than two periods aggregating not more than five months. He may only do this providing he files with the local land office date of leaving and date of re- turn. Cultivation is required for three years and during the second year not less than one-sixteenth of the land filed on must be brought under cultivation, and actually cultivated and during the third year not less than one-eighth must be actually cultivated, ex- cepting stock-raising homesteads, where no specific amount of cultivation is required. Improvements to the extent of $1.25 per acre must be made on stock- raising homesteads. At the end of three years, when proof is made a house and other improvements that will show good faith, must have been made. Credit Given for Military Service. For each year in service a man is given credit for one year on homestead up to two years. No matter how much military service a man has had as a sailor, soldier or marine, he must spend at least one year and show one year's improvement on 54 THE LAND OF BEGINNING the place. If a person has had two years' mili- tary service, he has only to spend one year on the place, show a year's improvement and prove up. Out of that one year's residence required, the soldier or sailor entryman is entitled to five months leave, the same as any other entryman. If discharged because of wounds or disabilities in- curred in the line of duty, credit for the whole term of enlistment will be given. A habitable house must be on the land at time of proving up. Widows and minor orphan children may make entry and receive credit for the term of service of the husband or father. OREGON-CALIFORNIA R. R. GRANT LANDS. This tract of land reverted to the Government by the act of June 9th, 1916. A great deal of this land has been classed as agricultural and is now open to entry. More than 45,000 acres have been taken, but there is a great deal of land still open to entry. That which has already been taken was close to the markets. Law in Regard to Payments. If the area selected is less than 81 acres, an entry fee of $5.00 must accompany the application. If more than 81 acres, $10.00 must accompany the application. Also commissions at the rate of 3% on lands valued at $2.50 per acre or a flat rate of 71/2 cents per acre. Fifty cents an acre must also be paid as the first installment, another payment of $2.00 per acre must be made at time of final proof. Residence requirements same as those of the THE LAND OF BEGINNING 55 Homestead law but without any requirements in re- gard to cultivation. The area that is cultivated must be enough to satisfy the Secretary of the Interior that the entry was made in good faith for settlement and not for speculation. For further information and details as to how a person may get located on this tract, write the Reg- ister, Government Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. 5b THE LAND OF BEGINNING IRRIGATED LANDS Oregon is one of the best watered states in the West. At present there are nearly one million acres irrigated. There are nearly a million and a half acres capable of irrigation. It is estimated that 2,500,000 acres in Oregon will be ultimately irri- gated and 2,500,000 additional doubled in product- iveness by drainage. The irrigable lands are located in eastern and southern Oregon. The claimable lands by drainage are along the lower Columbia River and the Coast, and nearly 1,000,000 acres in the Willamette Valley. Much of this land is practically idle. When re- claimed, these lands will be worth from $40 to $1,000 per acre, and will provide homes for thousands of families, and stimulate trade in all other industries. Some of these lands, at their present low prices, afford wonderful investment opportunities to those who can buy them, and wait until they are re- claimed, which cannot be very long with the pres- ent rapid growth of the State's wealth. The opportunities and possibilities of settlement and development by the courageous ambitious and willing worker with sufficient capital for a small investment can hardly be duplicated anywhere in the United States. Oregon has vast acreages located at altitudes from sea level to 5,000 feet, where the annual rainfall ranges from 10 to 120 inches, waiting for the industrious homeseeker. The State is di- vided into six zones because of natural differences in soil and climate, namely the Columbia Basin, the Willamette Valley, Eastern Oregon, Southern Ore- THE LAND OF BEGINNING 57 gon, and the Counties along the Coast. In all of these districts, irrigation is going forward by leaps and bounds. Following is information concerning all the projects in the state. UMATILLA GOVERNMENT PROJECTS. (From Land Settlement Bulletin issued by Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.) Located in Umatilla and Morrow Counties. Alti- tude 450 feet. Principal towns, Hermiston, Uma- tilla and Boardman. Headquarters and offices at Hermiston. Total acreage, 26,300. Irrigated in 1918, 6,819 acres. Value of crop, $400,642. Principal crops — Alfalfa, corn and fruit. Princi- pal industries, dairying, hog raising, general farming and fruit raising. On main line of O.-W. R. & N. Railroad and on the Columbia River, affording both rail and water transportation and excellent marketing facilities. Principal markets — Portland, Seattle and Spokane. Number of farms on project, 544. Price of land, including water rights, $50 to $300 per acre. Oper- ation and maintenance charge, $2.00 per acre per year. Very long growing season and moderate cli- mate. KLAMATH GOVERNMENT PROJECT. Located in Klamath County, Oregon, and Sis- kiyou and Modoc Counties in California. Altitude, 4,100 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Klam- ath Falls, Oregon. Total acreage when completed, 141,682. Irrigated in 1922, 70,000 acres. Acres cropped in 1918, 32,127. Value of crops, 1918, $929,131. 58 THE LAND OF BEGINNING Principal crops — Grains, alfalfa and hardier veg- etables. Principal agricultural industries — Live- stock, general farming and some dairying. On branch line of Southern Pacific Railroad, with Portland and San Francisco principal marketing points. Number of farms on project, 600, with popula- tion of 1,480. Population of towns, 5,700. Price of lands, $60.00 to $200.00 per acre, depending on im- provements, location, etc. Terms on water right — payment 20 years without interest. Operation and maintenance charge, 85 cents to $1.25 per acre. STATE TUMALO IRRIGATION PROJECT. Located in Deschutes County. Altitude, 3,200 feet. Total acreage when projec t is completed, 22,500. 5,678 acres were irrigated and in crop in 1918. The principal crops are alfalfa, clover, wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, root crops and corn for en- silage. The principal industries are livestock, dairy- ing, potato growing and poultry raising. Bend, Redmond and Deschutes are the principal railroad points. This is a project built by the State of Oregon at a cost of $460,000.00. There are 175 farms on the project. Land, including water rights, is priced at $40.00 per acre, 20-year term payments at 5 per cent inter- est. Operation and maintenance charges, $1.00 per acre per year. Privately owned lands sell at prices ranging from $60.00 to $150.00 per acre. No severe climatic conditions. Project office, Tumalo, Oregon. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 59 CENTRAL OREGON IRRIGATION COMPANY. Government Carey Act Project. Located in Des- chutes and Crook Counties. Altitude, 2,800 to 3,400 feet. Principal towns — Bend, Redmond and Prine- ville. Headquarters, Deschutes, Oregon. Total acre- age when completed, 140,000 acres; 31,097 acres were irrigated in 1918 and 22,261 acres produced crops valued at $908,153. Principal crops raised are alfalfa, clover, timothy, grain, potatoes and all kinds of root crops. Principal agricultural industries are livestock, dairying and raising of forage crops for market. There is a good local market for produce, and excellent railroad transportation provides an outlet to the larger mar- ket centers. There are 700 farms on the project now under irrigation. The population outside of towns is 1,481 and in towns about 7,000. The price of unimproved lands, including water right, is about $45.00 per acre, 25 per cent cash, bal- ance in five equal payments at 6 per cent interest. Operation and maintenance charge, 80 cents to $1.00 per acre per annum. Improved privately owned lands can be purchased at from $100.00 to $150.00 per acre, including the water right. SQUAW CREEK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Deschutes County. Altitude, 2,800 feet. Total acreage, 8,143, all of which is under cul- tivation and irrigated. The principal crops are clover, alfalfa, wheat, rye, corn (ensilage) and potatoes. Livestock and dairying are the principal industries. 60 THE LAND OF BEGINNING The lands are from 10 to 20 miles from Redmond and Bend, the railroad points; are all under private ownership and can be purchased at prices ranging from $80.00 to $100.00 per acre, according to dis- tance from market. Operation and maintenance charges, 60 cents per acre per year. No severe cli- matic conditions. OCHOCO IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Crook County. Altitude, 2,860 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Prineville, Ore- gon. Total acreage in project, 22,000; 6,000 acres more dry farmed. Value of 1918 crops, $425,000.00. Principal crops, alfalfa, grains and root crops. Agricultural industries, livestock, dairying and gen- eral farming. Railroad through project. Cost of project, $1,100,000. Number of irrigated farms, 200. Pop- ulation, outside of towns, 500; in towns, 1,500. Price of lands, including water rights, raw lands about $35.00 per acre; cleared lands, $50.00 per acre; seeded to alfalfa, $150.00 per acre. A charge of $4.00 per acre per annum is made for operation expenses and interest on bonded indebtedness. NORTH UNIT IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Jefferson County, Altitude, 2,000 to 2,700 feet. Principal towns, Madras, Metolius and Culver. Total acreage in project, 100,000, nearly all of which is under cultivation and raising grains un- der dry farming, but with only moderate success. When irrigated the crops will be alfalfa, grain and root crops. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 61 Bonds to the amount of $5,000,000.00 have been voted for construction of the project. Estimated con- struction cost, $55.58 per acre. On Oregon Trunk and O.-W. R. & N. railroads, giving excellent marketing facilities. Land, without water rights, at present selling from $20.00 to $30.00 per acre. SUTTLES LAKE IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Jefferson County. Altitude, 2,600 feet. Total acreage to be reclaimed, 35,000; 5,000 acres now under irrigation, 1922. An irrigation dis- trict has been formed and actual construction con- templated in the near future. All of the lands are under private ownership, and unimproved lands are selling at about $10.00 per acre. Improved lands from $20.00 to $30.00 per acre, to which must be added the cost of water rights. Nearest railroad point, 11 miles. Headquarters, Grandview, Oregon. EAST FORK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Hood River County. Principal town and headquarters, Hood River, Oregon. Total acre- age in project, 13,398, of which 11,064 acres are irrigable; 7,600 acres are now under irrigation. Principal crops, apples and strawberries. Located on main line of O.-W. R. & N. and S., P. & S. and on Columbia River, affording both rail and water transportation. The fruits of Hood River Valley go to all markets of the world. Price of land from $600 to $1,000 per acre. Operation and maintenance charges, $2.50 per acre per year. 62 THE LAND OF BEGINNING WAPINITA IRRIGATION COMPANY. Located in Wasco County. Altitude, 1,800 feet. Principal towns, Wapinitia (headquarters of project) and Maupin, Oregon. Project now under construc- tion. Total acreage in project, 30,000, of which 500 acres were irrigated in 1918. Principal crops — Wheat, alfalfa and root crops. Agricultural industries — General farming and live- stock raising. On O.-W. R. & N. and Oregon Trunk railroads. Lands are now being successfully farmed under dry farming methods, but with irrigation forage and vegetable crops, and fruit will be profitably raised. Lands are all privately owned and, without water rights, are being sold from $35.00 to $75.00 per acre. Water rights, $50.00 per acre on term payments. GOOSE LAKE VALLEY IRRIGATION COMPANY. Located in Lake Counity. Altitude 4,800 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Lakeview, Ore- gon. Acreage in project, 30,000. Irrigated and cropped in 1918 — 10,000 acres. Value of crops, $200,000. Principal crops — grains, alfalfa and root crops. Principal agricultural industries — livestock, general farming and some dairying. Northern ter- minus of N. C. O. Railway. Number of farms on project, 200; number irri- gated, 100. Lands are privately owned and sell at about $75.00 per acre, including water right. Terms on some lands, 20 to 30 years, interest 6 per cent. Operation and maintenance charge, $1.25 per acre per year. Dry lands can be purchased at from $20.00 to $50.00 per acre and water for these lands THE LAND OF BEGINNING 63 at $35.00 per acre. Terms on water contract, 20 to 30 years. SILVER LAKE IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Lake County. Altitude 4,476 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Silver Lake, Ore- gon. Ninety miles to Bend, nearest railroad point. New railroad construction in prospect. Total acre- age in district, 8,177, of which 7,777 are irrigable. Two thousand acres under cultivation, 1922. Principal crops — Alfalfa, grains and forage. Ag- ricultural industries — Livestock and dairying. Lands, including water rights, are selling at from $45.00 to $75.00 per acre. Estimated cost of water rights, $37.50 per acre; terms on water con- tract, 30 years at 6 per cent interest. THE HORSEFLY IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Klamath County. Altitude 4,100 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Bonanza, Oregon. System only partly completed and small acreage re- claimed in 1918. Acreage in first unit now under construction, 7,000 acres. Total acreage in project, 19,800. Principal crops — Grains, alfalfa and root crops. Principal agricultural industries — Livestock and dairying. Portland and California points chief mar- keting centers. Lands are privately owned and, including water rights, are selling for prices ranging from $50.00 to $75.00 per acre. Operation and maintenance charge, $2.00 and $3.00 per acre per annum. 64 THE LAND OF BEGINNING WALKER BASIN IRRIGATION COMPANY. A Government Carey Act project. Located in Deschutes County. Altitude, 4,200 feet. Principal town and headquarters, La Pine, Oregon. Thirty- two miles south of Bend, nearest railroad point. Twenty-five thousand acres in project, with only small acreage under irrigation. Nine miles of main canal completed and additional construction under way at the present time. Principal crops — Grasses and root crops. Agri- cultural industries — Livestock and dairying. Government lands, including the water rights, $36.00 per acre on 20 years terms at 6 per cent. Operation and maintenance charge estimated at about 50 cents per acre per year. Lands are cov- ered with a scattering growth of Jack Pine timber. Well water for domestic use at from 12 to 15 feet. TEEL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Umatilla County. Altitude, 700 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Echo, Oregon. There are approximately 16,000 acres in the project. The principal crops are grains, alfalfa, fruit and root crops. On main line of O.-W. R. & N. System, affording excellent transportation facilities. Price of lands, without water rights, $30.00 to $50.00 per acre. Water rights estimated at $70.00 per acre, on 20 years time at 6 per cent. No pay- ment required on principal during the first ten years. PAYETTE-OREGON SLOPE IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Malheur County. Altitude, {2,100 THE LAND OF BEGINNING 65 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Payette, Idaho. Acreage in project, 6,700. Irrigated in 1918, 5,184 acres. Principal crops — Alfalfa, wheat, corn and pota- toes. Agricultural industries — General farming and fruit growing. On main line of Union Pacific System. The price of lands range from $250.00 per acre downward, depending on the nature of the improve- ments, location, etc. Mild climate and long growing season. WARMSPRINGS IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in ^Malheur County. Altitude^ 2,200 feet. Principal towns of district, Ontario and Vale, Oregon. Headquarters at Vale. Total acreage, 31,600, of which 12,400 acres were under irrigation and cropped in 1918. Principal crops — Grains, alfalfa, corn, root crops and fruit. Principal industries — General farming, dairying and livestock. Alfalfa yields from 6 to 8 tons per acre. Good railroad transportation and excellent mar- keting facilities. Project when completed will cost about $1,300,000.00 Lands mostly privately owned and sell from $100.00 to $300.00 per acre, including water rights. Good climate, with a long growing season. GOLD HILL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Jackson County. Altitude, 1,100 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Gold Hill, Oregon. Total acreage in project, 5,000. Principal crops — Alfalfa, fruits, grain and gar- 66 THE LAND OF BEGINNING den truck. Alfalfa yields from 6 to 8 tons per acre. Agricultural industries — General farming, dairying and fruit raising. On main line of Southern Pacific Railway. Num- ber of farms on project, 50. Population, outside of towns, 200. Price of lands, including water rights, $100.00 to $400.00 per acre, depending on nature of improve- ments. Operation and maintenance charge, $2.00 per acre per annum. Splendid climatic conditions and a long growing season. GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Josephine County. Altitude, 963 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Grants Pass, Ore- gon. Total acreage of project, 13,000 acres, products. Principal crops — Alfalfa, grains, fruits, berries and root crops. Principal agricultural industries — Fruit raising, dairying, livestock and general farm- ing. Alfalfa yields 6 tons per acre. On main line of Southern Pacific Railway, affording excellent mar- keting facilities. Lands are privately owned and range in price from $75.00 to $400.00 per acre for improved land; $10.00 to $40.00 for uncleared land. Very mild cli- mate and long growing season. TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Jackson County. Altitude, 1,657 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Talent, Oregon. Project only partly constructed. Total acreage to be irrigated, 8,500. Irrigated in 1918, 1,000 acres. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 67 All of the lands of the project are under cultivation and have been dry farmed for many years. Irriga- tion will increase the yield and quality of the Principal crops — Alfalfa, grains, fruits, berries and root crops. Alfalfa yields from 5 to 8 tons per acre. Agricultural industries — Livestock, dairy- ing and fruit raising. On main line of Southern Pacific Railway, afford- ing excellent shipping facilities. Local market good. Lands are privately owned and sell at prices ranging from $200.00 to $300.00 per acre, including water rights. Operation and maintenance charge estimated at $1.50 per acre per year. Very mild climate and long growing season. MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Located in Jackson County. Altitude, 1,350 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Medford, Oregon. Total acreage, 19,565. Bonds to the amount of $1,500,000.00 have been voted for construction of the project. Principal crops — Hay, grain, fruit and vegetables. Principal agricultural industries — Livestock, fruit growing and general farming. On main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Number of farms on project, 670, with popula- tion of about 2,500. Population in towns, 20,000. All lands privately owned. Price of lands, with water rights, $400.00 to $2,000.00 per acre, which are sold on long time payments at 6 and 7 per cent interest. Very mild climate and long growing season. 68 THE LAND OF BEGINNING JORDAN VALLEY IRRIGATION PROJECT. Located in Malheur County. Altitude, 4,200 feet. Principal town and headquarters, Jordan Valley, Oregon. Sixty-five miles from Caldwell, Idaho, near- est railroad point. Acreage in project, 38,000, part of which is now under irrigation. Principal crops are grain and hay. Livestock raising is chief industry. Large free outside range. Lands sell at from $25.00 to $50.00 per acre, with water rights. WESTERN LAND AND IRRIGATION COMPANY Located in Umatilla County. Altitude, 500 feet. Principal town, iHermiston, Oregon. Acreage in project, 12,000. Principal crops — Alfalfa, corn and root crops. Chief industries are livestock and dairying. On main line of O.-W. R. & N. OTHER PROJECTS. There are a number of irrigation districts in dif- ferent parts of the State that have recently been or- ganized, or are in process of organization. Very little definite information concerning these is obtain- able at this time. Two new districts are being formed in the Rogue River Valley. In Baker County there are 146,500 acres capable of irrigation, and several new districts have recently been organized, among which are the Sparta Project of 10,000 acres, the Hereford District of 5,000 acres, the Unity District of 8,000 acres, the Durkee and Bridgeport Units of 6,000 acres and the THE LAND OF BEGINNING 6£ Medical Springs Project of 4,500 acres. In addition to these are two major projects, the Powder River Valley Project of 65,000 acres and the Baker Valley Project of 45,000 acres. The latter is, for the most part, privately owned and is being extensively farme dat present. The Powder River Valley Project was set aside as a Carey Act Project a number of years ago, but very little development work has been done. There are 40,000 acres of government land in this project, the balance being privately owned. Note — All of the above information concerning irrigation projects was taken from the Land Settle- ment Bulletin issued by the State Chamber of Com- merce. Some changes were made in bringing infor- mation up to date. Each project was brought up to date where the information was available. 70 THE LAND OF BEGINNING FISHING INDUSTRY The fishing industry is divided into classes as follows: Salmon, Clams, Herring, Sardines, Pilch- ards, Crabs. The most important is the salmon. The Columbia River produces more salmon than any- other in the world. At the present time there are about twenty-one salmon canneries on the banks of this river. The combined output for these canneries in 1919 was 580,028 cases, valued at $7,490,920. Most of the salmon packed on the Columbia river are known to the trade as Chinooks, and are considered to be the finest salmon canned. They rank with the Puget Sound Sockeye in quality, and the price is usually the same. For the Investor. Three locations should be considered — Alaska, Puget Sound, Washington and the Columbia River. Alaska packs the largest amount, with over four million cases to her credit in 1919. Puget Sound next, with over a million the same year, and the Columbia River third with 580,028 cases. Packers who confined their packs to the best grades of salmon have met with the most consistent success. By the best grades is meant, Columbia River Chinook, Puget Sound Sockeye and Alaska Red Salmon. The other grades consisting chiefly of Cohoes (me- dium red), Pinks, and Chums are just as edible as THE LAND OF BEGINNING 71 far as food is concerned, though they have not the flavor of the other grades due to their natural oil; and the buying public has been educated to buy only the red salmon. They are much cheaper, due to their excess numbers, and will prove consistent money-makers for packers if widely advertised, and the public is taught the truth. The Columbia River Chinook, the Puget Sound Sockeye, and the Alaska Red Salmon have always enjoyed a good demand, and the selling prices have been consistently high enough for the packers to make a good profit. Most of the labor used in packing is done by Chinese, Philippinoes and Japs, and is contracted for the canning season. The packer usually guarantees a fixed amount. The positions as inspector, foreman, superintend- ent, storekeeper, timekeeper, etc., are filled by white men, and in many instances are college students who make enough in this manner to pay for their school- ing during the winter term. Many canneries operate their own traps. All canneries, however, buy from independent fishermen who in good seasons make more than sufficient by their season's work to keep them the rest of the year in good circumstances. Their outfit consists of a sturdy gas boat, nets, lines, and other fishing equipment. There is no limit to the number of fishermen who may go into this business. Canning Opportunities Other Than Salmon. Blue Cod — Found in abundance on the coast, is 12 THE LAND OF BEGINNING an excellent canned food and at the present time is not being canned. Herring — Most abundant of all fish on the coast. It is a delectable food, and vast quantities are used in this country. The most is imported. They are very cheap, and can be packed economically. Here is a great opportunity for capital. Sardines and Pilchards — The same opportunities exist for canning as in Herring. Salmon Caviar — Most of the salmon roe are thrown away at the canneries. This product could be prepared and canned and put on the market as caviar. This product brings a fancy price, and for the most part is imported into this country. Crabs — Abundant on Oregon and Washington coast, and in Alaska. Not canned extensively and majority of canned crab is imported from Japan at fabulous prices. Clams — Very abundant on coast. Fish Oil and Fertilizer — There is a good demand for this product. There is a manufacturing possi- bility at all canneries ; at the present time there are only two such industries in Oregon. These are in Astoria. The young man who desires to learn the fishing industry, and has no capital, should secure employ- ment with some packing company. This should be done by the month of March. Other information desired in regard to this in- dustry can be obtained by writing the Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon ; the Associated Indus- tries of Oregon. The Pacific Fisherman, published in Seattle, Washington, is an authority on this subject. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 73 MANUFACTURING Oregon Has 286 Banks Whose Resources Total $300,447,528. Manufacturing, like other industries in Oregon, is only in its infancy. The people on the Pacific Coast are learning fast that they can manufacture as well, and in many cases cheaper, than their eastern brothers. The basic necessity for manufacturing — power — is one of Oregon's great assets. There is an abundance of coal and water power. All kinds of transportation is also available. One-sixth of all water power possibilities in the United States is in Portland trade field. There are over thirty steamship lines in Portland, and five transcontinental railroads, with equally as many inter-state lines. A great amount of raw material is shipped from Oregon annually to eastern cities for manufacture, and the Oregon people buy back the finished prod- uct, thus paying freight both ways and the necessary profit. This condition is unnatural and cannot last long when Oregon has all the essentials for manu- facturing the product herself. A few far-seeing men have seen the possibilities in this line of industry, and some manufacturing plants have begun. In all cases where the companies have been amply financed and the management ef- ficient they have met with success. Manufactured wool products from Oregon, and manufactured in Oregon, amounted to $13,000,000 in a single year. 74 THE LAND OF BEGINNING In this territory are the most valuable iron de- posits west of Minnesota. There is sufficient amount of iron deposits accessible to supply the western half of the United States for centuries to come. It is but a question of a short time until capital will take advantage of this rich, natural resource, and rapid development will take place. These are conditions which actually exist, brought about by nature and not superficially im- planted by man. For the man who has capital, here are listed some opportunities for manufacturing: Food producing plants Cereal manufacturing Paper and paper towel- Woolens and woolen cloth- ing ing Knit goods Yarns Orchardists' supplies Factory cut houses Furniture Lumber manufacturing Tool handles and by-products Box shooks Clothing and shoes Juniper slats are now being sent to New York and Europe for lead pencil manufacture. There should be an opportunity here for manufacturing the pencils. Most of the crude rubber which is imported from the Orient into the United States comes through Port- land and other Pacific Coast cities. It is then shipped overland to the large tire manufacturing plants, where it is made into tires. Portland, Oregon, by its position, should prove an excellent opportunity for the manufacture of all kinds of rubber goods. Such plants have already begun to operate on the Pacific Coast. To give the reader some idea of what is now THE LAND OF BEGINNING 75 being done in the State of Oregon, the following statistics are listed: NUMBER OF FACTORIES AND OUTPUTS BY CLASSES. Total Number Val. of Output Number Reporting of Plants Plants Output Reporting. Logging 126 117 $14,557,833.72 Sawmills and planers. . . 259 233 52,040,421.66 Sash, door and furni- ture factories 54 40 5,689,898.43 Creameries 77 68 10,722,716.71 Flour, feed and cereals. 106 61 36,475,251.37 Fruits, vegetables and fish 65 56 16,087,086.03 Meat packing 21 15 13,469,747.25 Woolen mills and woolen scouring 11 9 5,936,547.02 PEOPLE EMPLOYED, CAPITAL INVESTED AND WAGES PAID. 1919 1914 Pet. Increase Number of estab- lishments 2,707 2,320 16.7 Persons engaged in manufacture . 68,004 35,449 91.8 Proprietors and members of firms 2,540 2,189 16.0 Office employees, salesmen, etc. . . 6,905 4,431 55.8 Workmen in plants (avg. number).. 58,559 28,829 103.1 Primary horsepwr. 303,751 219,222 38.6 Capital invested.. $439,982,000 $139,500,000 215.4 Salaries & wages (all plants) . . . 94,986,000 26,615,000 256.9 Material used (all plants) 206,206,000 63,258,000 226.0 76 THE LAND OF BEGINNING Value of output (all plants) 366,783,000 109,762,000 234.2 Statistics compiled by the Northwestern National Bank, Portland, Oregon. For additional information concerning any spe- cific type of manufacturing write to the Associated Industries, Portland, Oregon, or the Chamber of Commerce. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 77 LUMBERING The lumbering industry is divided into two di- visions, logging and milling. LOGGING. The basic material for all the industries is lum- ber. Oregon is one of the world's greatest lumber producing areas, and contains the world's greatest and most valuable stand of timber. The total stand of timber in the United States is 2,215 billion board feet — 460 billion hardwoods and 1,755 billion softwoods. Of the softwood sup- ply, 77.6%, or 1,141 billion board feet are in the three Pacific Coast states, Oregon, Washington and California. Between the Canadian line on the North, Coos Bay on the South, the summit of the Cascades in the East, and the Pacific Coast is found the Douglas fir, which is half of all the timber in the coast states, or 558 billion feet. In this same terri- tory is an additional 242 billion feet of spruce, true fir, cedar and western hemlock. From this region the world will draw its main supply of soft wood for generations to come. The above figures give some indication of the region as a whole, but to be more specific in regard to Oregon we find that Oregon alone has 493 billion board feet of commercial timber, more than a quar- ter of the soft wood supply in the United States. It is estimated by competent authorities that if the development of lumber production is kept to its maximum, the present stand of timber will last nearly 78 THE LAND OF BEGINNING a hundred years, and by that time a second crop will be ready for commercial proportions. To harvest this vast field of wealth, Oregon has 150 logging camps with a daily capacity of 14 mil- lion board feet. It has 93 logging railroads with a total trackage of 940 miles, built for the express purpose of hauling the logs to the mills and water- ways. When logs are hauled to the waterways and dumped they are picked up by tugs and towed to the mills after being arranged in rafts. Ten thousand men are normally at work in the logging camps whose payroll aggregate $12,500,000 annually. Usually, unless there are a large number of rush orders on hand, the camps close two weeks about July 4th and Christmas. At that time the cities and towns in this region are visited with log- gers seeking recreation and rest after a six months stay at the camps. The food at the camps is always well prepared, and the quality is the best that money can buy. The competition is so keen among the logging companies for good help that they must have the best food to give the men or they will leave and work for other camps which do furnish the quality of food they want. The opportunity seeker, without capital, who wants to learn the logging industry, need have no hesitancy about going into the camps for fear of not getting proper nutriment. Before the war it was customary to work the crews eleven hours a day, but laws have changed all that. Eight hours is the rule, and any overtime is compensated by pay at the rate of time and a half. Laws, as well as the men, demand that the camps be healthy. Any young and healthy man can secure THE LAND OF BEGINNING 79 a position in the woods as a logger without previous experience, and in a very short while learn some of the more technical positions which require skill and dexterity and which draw the highest wages. All of the permanent camps have small four and five- room houses in which a married man can live com- fortably with his family, while he is learning his new vocation. For the investor, this is a wonderful field. There are many men who have standing tim- ber, but not the capital to harvest it. This standing timber can be bought cheaply, equipment purchased, loggers employed, and the logs taken to the mill and sold at a profit. The customary manner of do- ing this is to secure a contract from a mill to deliver so many thousand per day at so much per thousand. Co-operation between the mill owners and timber owners and the investor can be secured. Many of the great lumber barons in the coast started as log- gers and worked till they had learned the industry and saved enough to take a contract. For further information on logging write to the secretary of the Associated Industries of Oregon. MILLING. There are approximately 350 well organized saw- mills in the state. Twenty thousand men are nor- mally employed in the sawmills in Oregon with a payroll which aggregates $20,000,000 annually. Mills employ managers, superintendents, fore- men, timekeepers, tally men (who check the lumber as it is handled), electricians, truck drivers, men for every type of automatic saw and machine, carpen- ters, saw filers, mill wrights (men who superintend 80 THE LAND OF BEGINNING repair work and look after general upkeep) and la- borers. The young man without capital or skill in any one of the things mentioned above must of course secure a position as laborer or timekeeper. No tech- nical knowledge is required for either of these two positions. In normal times it is not at all difficult to secure a position in a mill, and once a man secures such a position, and makes himself a student of the mill industry, it will not take long before he is noticed, and a more lucrative position is assured, such as foreman or superintendent. For detailed information concerning the first step, write to Portland Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Oregon, and The Pacific Lumberman — a magazine published in Seattle. For the man who has money to invest in the man- ufacture of lumber, it is suggested that he secure a site for the mill on deep water with rail connection. If the mill is not on deep water it is necessary to load the lumber on a car, unload and then reload, to ship by water. Where either can be handled once and not touched until it reaches its destination the sav- ing is obvious. If the stand of timber to be drawn upon by the mill is at a distance from deep water, it is still the cheapest to put the mill on deep water because logs can be handled with greater ease and less expense than the manufactured product. With 800 billion feet of timber standing, and this being estimated to last 100 years, the mill owners need have no fear of depletion of the raw material. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 81 PAPER The paper industry in Oregon, Washington and Alaska is just in its infancy. Nature has endowed Oregon beneficently to become a center of a tremen- dous paper industry. The great necessities of paper manufacturing are wood, water and power, which are present in abundance in Oregon. Paper is the basic substance for which new uses are constantly being found. It is used in the manufac- ture of articles which range from crates to building material. The paper mills, which are now established in Oregon, produce news print paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, toweling, paper bags and chip board. Twenty thousand people are now employed by these plants, besides the great number who earn their liv- ing from concerns which are directly associated with the paper industry. When it is considered that there are nearly a hundred billion feet of spruce in Oregon, and more than that in Washington and Alaska, the following statistics will show that the industry is only in its infancy. Men employed 3,000 Annual output 175,000 tons Wood used annually 250,000 cords Annual payroll $3,500,000 Capital invested $25,000,000 82 THE LAND OF BEGINNING For the young man who wishes to get into this industry while it is yet young it is suggested that he secure a position in some paper mill. The force and personnel is constantly changing, and with these changes comes the opportunity for the man really interested to be transferred about the mills and learn every department thoroughly. A year or two service in the mill should see a man thoroughly qualified to handle some minor foreman's job, which is the first step towards securing a position of greater impor- tance in the new mills that are sure to be erected in the near future. The pulp wood supply of eastern Canada and the Eastern states is rapidly diminishing, and paper men are turning their eyes to the great untouched West, which offers such vast quantities of pulp wood. Water power is in abundance which cheapens the cost of manufacturing. It seems natural to presume that the paper mills of the West can compete suc- cessfully against those of the East, when freight rates are considered. The great population which is al- ready here, and those to come, will buy at home and save the freight, thereby giving this industry the op- portunity to thrive. Syndicates are now laying plans to erect mills along the whole coast from Southern Oregon to Alaska, and is it not natural to assume that the man who knows the business of manufacturing this com- modity will be given opportunities to show his worth ? Because this industry requires great capital it is suggested that the small capitalist turn to other means suggested in this book to increase his fortune. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 83 MINING. The map shows the various Mineral locations in the state. Mining property will increase many times in value when some of the proposed railroads are con- structed. This is especially true of the mining terri- tory in the southwestern part of the state. Consider- able mining is being done in Oregon, especially for gold. There are mining claims available for entry, but for the most part these are so great a distance from transportation facilities that they are not practical. It is possible, however, to purchase claims for nom- inal sums which contain pay dirt. Several of these claims should be valuable when a railroad is built within using distance of the territory. It is possible on many of these small claims along the rivers to do placer mining with enough success to earn wages. Many claim owners are doing this and thus meeting their expenses while they are waiting for the rail- road. The first mining in Oregon took place in Jackson and Josephine Counties (S. E. part) in 1852. Since then the production of ore has become a great indus- try and today mining is carried on in nearly every county in Oregon. Gold leads the field, but cop- per, chromite, silver, manganese, silver, lead, zinc and tungsten are mined in great quantities. Much iron ore is found in Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah Counties. Coal is found and produced in commercial quan- tities in Coos County. Other minerals found in the state are building stone, potash, nickel, cobalt, asphalt, quicksilver, as- 84 THE LAND OF BEGINNING bestos, platinum, mineral paint, soda, limestone, granite and antimony. In 1921 $6,000,000 was the value of the mineral output in Oregon. It is estimated that the total production of all metals in the state to date is $150,000,000. By far the greatest amount comes from the eastern part of the state. There are approximately 73 mining districts in the state. Baker County, Oregon, produces seventy-five per cent of all the minerals mined in Oregon. The mineral territory of Oregon and a part of Idaho is said by geologists to be the largest in North America. It begins near Canyon City, in Grant County, and extends northeast through Baker county, where the Snake River flows through the Blue moun- tains. This mining territory takes in Quartzburg, Suzan- ville, Greenhorn, Bonanza, Granite, Sumpter, Bourne, Virtue, Cornucopia and Mormon Basin districts. The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ore- gon Building, Portland, Oregon, publish an official publication entitled, "The Mineral Resources of Ore- gon/' This book is free for those who ask for it, and it gives detailed information concerning the state's mining resources. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 85 Portland as a Skipping Center and Port During the year 1921, 873 ocean-going vessels visited the port of Portland with a gross tonnage of 2,390,732 tons. It is estimated that each vessel spent an average of $7,500 in Portland channels of trade. This does not include value of cargo, but for stevedoring, fuel- ing, lining, repairs, commissary supplies, and other charges. This amounts to $6,547,500. It is the only port on the Pacific which showed a gain in exports during 1921. Seven Hundred Per Cent. (Editorial, Oregon Journal, January 27, 1922J "A port that records a 100 per cent gain in a dec- ade is warrantedly proud of the record. "Portland's export growth since 1912 is nearly 700 per cent. "A leaflet which comes from the traffic depart- ment of Port of Portland shows that our export com- merce, which in 1912 was $9,976,927, amounted to $69,129,971 in 1921. "The greatest gain of the 10-year period was made between 1920 and 1921, in amount $26,317,- 080. The gain of 1920 over 1919 was likewise sub- stantial—nearly $12,300,000. "These advances were made during a period when practically all other ports of the world were acknowledging commerce losses. "War conditions affected trade movement both in direction and amount. Certain competitor ports 86 THE LAND OF BEGINNING made spectacular gains in handling war materials or in passing along commodities that as soon as war ceased were redirected along normal lines. "The Port of Portland's recent commerce gains are based upon transactions in the staples of the vast region which this city serves. It is the kind of commerce that will continue to grow after ports built upon boom and unnatural conditions have dropped into obscurity." The Port of Portland is the only absolutely fresh water harbor on the Pacific Coast with ideal shipping conditions. It is 108 miles from the sea and all railroads from the rich mountain plateaus coming into Portland have a down grade, which gives to this port a tremendous advantage over other Pacific Ports. There are four municipal terminals which can accommodate over twenty 500-foot ships at one time. There are seven privately owned docks with a total capacity for over 30,000 tons of cargo. There are eleven privately owned grain eleva- tors and flour docks with storage capacity for 231,550 tons of sacked grain. There are eight lumber docks with over a mile of berthing space for vessels. NOTE — Most of the information concerning The Port of Portland was derived from a leaflet issued by the Traffic Department, The Port of Portland. THE LAND OF BEGINNING 87 OREGON AND THE TOURIST The State of Oregon has everything within its borders which appeals to the lover of outdoor life. For one who desires mountain life for his vaca- tion the Cascade range offers to him some of the most rugged and wild country in America. There are high mountain peaks covered with snow the sea- sons over; there are densely wooded foothills where all kinds of western wild game exists; there are placid lakes and turbulent mountain streams where game fish abound. There are trails, highways and byways for the hiker, autoist and horseman, which twine themselves from the crowded marts of a city's streets to the All Mighty loneliness and peace of a skyline moun- tain meadow; and from the peaceful tranquility of an inland lake to the colorful life of summer at the ocean. Office men in Portland can leave their offices Sat- urday noon and before nightfall can have their camp made in some of the finest fishing and hunting grounds in America. NATIONAL FORESTS IN OREGON. (From Oregon Blue Book.) "The purposes of the national forest service are to patrol, protect, and administer, at government ex- pense, the national forests in the state for the benefit of the community and the home builder. The chief resources of the national forests are timber, grazing range, power sites, and recreation opportunities. "Mature timber is being sold as rapidly as de- 88 THE LAND OF BEGINNING mand exists, and scientific measures are being taken for the production of another crop. The accessible ranges are grazed annually under permit, local stockmen receiving preference in range allotment. In 1920 the national forests of Oregon furnished sum- mer range for 120,000 head of cattle and 690,000 head of sheep, this number being included in 2,900 separate grazing permits. Sites for summer homes and other purposes are leased for long terms. The Oregon forests are used very largely by campers, fishermen, and hunters each summer, amounting in 1920 to over 225,000 people. Twenty-five per cent of the revenue received from the national forests is allotted the counties in which the forests lie, for road and school purposes. Ten per cent additional is used for roads and trails within the forests, besides annual appropriations for the same purpose. Ore- gon's share of national forest revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, was $170,272.90. Ore- gon's share of the ten million dollars appropriated by the federal aid road act to assist development of the national forests is $131,966.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. A similar amount will be available annually until 1927. Oregon also receives under the postoffice appropriation act for roads and trails in or adjacent to the national forests $607,- 742.00 for the calendar year 1919. "For convenience, the national forest area of Oregon is divided into fourteen units, each in charge of a supervisor, assisted by a clerk and from three to eight rangers. During the dry season this force is augmented ten to twenty by the employment of fire guards. The routine work is handled by the supervisor, who has authority to settle on the ground THE LAND OF BEGINNING 89 ordinary questions relating to the administration of the forest. Larger questions are referred to the dis- trict office at Portland. "Following is a list of national forests in Oregon, and headquarters of supervisors in charge : "Cascade — Central section Cascade mountains; Eugene. "Crater — Southern section Cascade mountains; Medford. "Deschutes — Central section east slope Cascade mountains; Bend. "Fremont — Principally in Lake county; Lake- view. "Malheur — Principally in Grant and Harney counties; John Day. "Ochoco — Principally in Blue mountain section of Crook and Wheeler counties; Prineville. "Oregon — Northern section of Cascade moun- tains; Portland. "Santiajm — Cascade 'mountain section of Linn and Marion counties; Albany. "Siskiyou — Southwestern section of state, in Curry and Josephine counties; Grants Pass. "Siuslaw — Coast section of Lincoln, Lane and Douglas counties; Eugene. "Umatilla — Morrow, Umatilla, Wheeler and Union counties; Pendleton. "Umpqua — Cascade mountain section of Douglas county; Roseburg. "Wallowa — Blue mountain section of Wallowa county; Wallowa. "Whitman — Grant, Union and Baker counties; Baker." 90 THE LAND OF BEGINNING Especially inviting is the Cascade National For- est in Oregon, which can be easily reached by auto, horse and on foot. Here abound the rainbow trout, steelhead and Dolly Varden trout, bear, deer, rab- bits, grouse, quail and squirrel. Here also are glis- tening glaciers and warm mineral springs. This territory is along the McKenzie River and there are convenient hotels and outfitting points for the tourist. To get to the Cascade National Forest of Oregon, one can take either the McKenzie Highway or the Old Willamette Military Road. These roads extend from Eugene, Oregon, across the entire forest. The McKenzie road from Eugene to Bend passes through the northern part of the forest. A distance of 118 miles by auto. The McKenzie bridge is about an eight-hour run from Portland by way of Eugene, or by the Southern Pacific railroad to Eugene, then by stage. The old military road from Eugene to the east- ern part of the state runs along the Willamette river through the southern part of the forest to Oak Ridge, which is in the center of the Cascades. Oak Ridge can also be reached by the Southern Pacific railroad. The Rigdon Ranger Station, which is above Oak Ridge, can be reached by automobiles. McKenzie Bridge is a small summering place, and is the outfitting point for the northern part of the forest. Here one may procure horses, guides, auto- mobiles, groceries and gasoline. Foley and Belknap Hot Springs are summer re- sorts in the heart of the mountains, and can be reached by automobile. For those who wish to make a permanent camp, THE LAND OF BEGINNING 91 where they may go, tracts may be leased from the Government from one to fifteen years. The fee is from $10.00 to $25.00 per year. When the lease ex- pires it can be renewed or sold. A very attractive and comfortable cabin can be built cheaply. It can be built of logs. A fireplace can be constructed of stones. Detailed maps of woods and existing conditions can be secured from the Forest Supervisor's office at Eugene, Oregon. For the sportsman who loves geese hunting, Ore- gon's lakes should prove to him a paradise. Geese are plentiful in practically all lake counties. CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK. It is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world because of its sapphire blue and the rugged magnificence of its shores. Thousands of tourists visit it annually. (From the Oregon Blue Book.) "The park contains an area of 249 square miles, or 159,360 acres, situated in southern Oregon, im- mediately upon the summit of the Cascade range. The lake is located in the crater of an extinct vol- cano which destroyed what was probably the mon- arch mountain peak of the western coast, and which is estimated by geologists to have been more than 16,000 feet high. The lake, which is practically in the center of the park, has a water surface of twenty and one-fourth square miles, is 6,177 feet above sea level and has a maximum depth of 1,996 feet. The almost vertical walls of the great caldera in which the lake is situated rise from 1,000 to 2,000 feet above the surface of the water. Crater lake was 92 THE LAND OF BEGINNING first discovered by John Hillman, the leader of a party of gold hunters, on June 12, 1853. "Convenient hotel and camping accommodations have been provided by a company given that con- cession by the department of the interior. Charges for services and accommodations are under the con- trol of the government and are very reasonable. Good roads have been constructed throughout the park, one of which is of special scenic importance and permits auto travel on the rim of this extinct crater the entire distance around the lake. Other roads and trails lead to many points of interest in the park. The interior department desires to extend the boundaries of the park to the north so as to include Diamond lake, which is connected with the rim road. This lake has wonderful scenic advantages. "Crater Lake national park has three entrances — the western one may be reached from Medford, the eastern one from Bend, and the southern one from Klamath Falls. Crater lake is the only national park in Oregon." COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. This wonder highway of the world extends from the ocean at the mouth of the Columbia River to Hood River, a distance of 185 miles. This highway is a poem of engineering and of beauty, and like a poem, is a constant inspiration to those who travel over it. Presidents and office boys have been en- thralled because of its scenic beauty. Its variety of rapidly changing scenes as one travels over it beggars description. One moment, and Browning's lines are felt, "Oh, our manhood's prime vigor, no Roses Bloom in Oregon Nearly the Whole Tear THE LAND OF BEGINNING 93 spirit feels waste," and the next the reverence of God is felt in the omnipotence, the splendor and the awful grandeur of his work. A trip over the Co- lumbia River Highway is a 185-mile sermon on God's creation. OREGON IS NOT A WILDERNESS. The name Oregon to a great many people of the United States has always meant a wilderness. A place populated chiefly by Indians, cowboys and trappers and they are amazed when they learn the truth concerning this great state. Many Easterners when they come to Oregon ex- pect to find nothing but unimproved roads and trails and the business enterprises to consist of Indian squaws sitting in front of their tents selling baskets, beads and moccasins. They expect to find the West- ern white women dressed in buckskin skirts and carrying rifles. Where they expected to find tents, they find sky- scrapers, and some of the finest homes in America. Where they expected to find wild Indians they find prosperous and modern farmers on whose farms can be found every convenience of a city home. They learn that Oregon ranks as one of the best states in the union educationally. That Portland, Oregon, has the largest high school enrollment per capita of any city in the United States; that the State University has an enrollment of nearly two thousand students and the State Agricultural College has an enrollment of nearly six thousand students and is rated as one of the best in the world. They learn that the state has some of the finest 94 THE LAND OF BEGINNING roads in the world and has more miles of improved roads per capita than any other state in the union and that the state in 1921 spent nineteen million dollars on roads alone. They learn that Oregon has two hundred and thirty-six banks whose resources total three hundred and a half millions of dollars. They learn that there are approximately one hun- dred and eighteen thousand automobiles in the state, or one automobile to every five inhabitants. They learn that Portland, Oregon, is the Rose City of the United States and that it is not an un- common sight to see the roses blooming at Christmas. They learn that Oregon has the most healthful climate in the United States, and they learn that Ore- gon is not a wilderness. (Editorial, Portland Telegram, Jan. 31, 1922.) "Things actually produced from the soil and waters of Oregon in one crop year — farm products including livestock, together with timber and fish, amount to $301,000,000, or about $400 per capita of population. This does not take into account the manufactured products of factories nor the output of the mines which amount might safely be placed at one-fourth more. Indeed we reckon the manu- factures of Portland (including lumber of course) at $100,000,000 a year. It may not be exact truth to say that only the surface of Oregon has yet been scratched for wealth; but it would be hard to find a state in the Union with so much natural wealth still undeveloped. " THE LAND OF BEGINNING 95 A SONG OF OREGON. A song of Love for Oregon, Her lakes and purple hills, Her woodlands and her meadows, Her trails and mountain rills. A song of Faith in Oregon And the dear souls striving there Are the flowers that bloom in Oregon Which God placed everywhere. A song of Hope for Oregon, As bright as the summer sun, As glorious as her history, When her statehood was begun. Faith, Love and Hope in Oregon Will make her dreams come true; For Nature's gifts to Oregon Are God's own gifts to you. 96 THE LAND OF BEGINNING You who are satisfied and happy, remain where you are, for you have what the countless thousands seek — contentment. There are no rules for happiness, but your own mind. There are no rules for success but your determination. If you are not contented with your lot today, and that Oregon country which we have called the "Land of Be- ginning" has a lure for you, then we say you may well heed the lure and trek to that last American new land, never forgetting that labor conquers all, and strong hearts always win. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 220 701 7