GV '&' ,m> ■^■^ 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf -—aA-^ UNITES STATES OP AMEEI€A. Ke Irxterp^atiop^al YacKt J^aces^ OCTOBER, 1893, t / PUBLISHED BY THE TABER ART GO. New Bedford, Mass, U. S. A. f From negatives by N. L, STEBBINS, of Boston, Mass. COPYRlriHT 1893 ilY THE TABER ART CO. 'J'r Of >A(i\4^''. i^s*/ ^nj N SUMMARY OF RACKS. Start. 11.25 A. M. &-V'S3o ; -J Vigilant allows Valkyrie I m. 48 s, in first two. and 1.33 in last Oct. 5th. COURSE. — 15 miles to windward or leeward and return. Start. Outer Mark. 11.25 A. M. Valkyrie, 3.37.20 Vigilant, 4.03.40 Oct. Jth. COURSE. — 15 miles to nindward or leevi/ard and return. Start. Outer Mark. 11.25 A. M. Vigilant, 1.50.50 Valkyrie, 1.58.56 Vigilant won /jy 5.5S, corrected time. Oct. 9th. TRIANGULAR COURSE.— 10 miles each side. First Mark. Second Mark. Vigilant, I. Ob. 35 Vigilant, 1.59.55 Valkyrie, 1. 11.20 Valkyrie, 2.05.52 Vigilant won by 10.35, corrected time. Oct. nth. COURSE. — 15 miles to windward or leeward and return. Start. Outer Mark. 1.45 P. M. Vigilant, 6.07.11 Valkyrie, 6.14.— Oct. 13th. COURSE. — 15 miles to windward or leeward and return. Start. Outer Mark. 12.27 P. M. Valkyrie. 2.33.40 Vigilant, 2.35.35 Vigilant won by 40 seconds, corrected time. race. Finish. Did not finish. Race declared off. Finish. Vigilant, 3.30.47 Valkyrie, 3.38.23 Finish. Vigilant. 2.50.01 Valkyrie, 3.02.24 Finish. Did not tlnish. Race declared off. Finish. Vigilant, 3.51.39 Valkyrie, 3.53.52 VIGILANT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/internationalyacOOtabe VALKYHIE ^-^^ ^^^s^ ttj JUBILEE, COLONIA, PILGRIM ^_^g^;^^a^E*r5=,SgS'SS£.- OCT 5TH START 11 : VIGILANT. OCT 5TH 11,35 A M VALKYRIE OCT. 5TH. 1,30 P M VIGILANT BECALMED, VALKYRIE AHEAD OCT, 5TH, 4 05 VIGILANT AFTER ROUNDING OUTER MARK ■li fV.: ,,«?■:• VIGILANT VALKYRIE OCT, 5TH, 3,39 P, M VALKYRIE AROUND OUTER MARK, VALKYRIE, OCT. 7TH. START 11,25 A M VIGILANT, ONE MINUTE AFTER VIGILANT 11 ;";'7 A M VALKYRIE VIGILANT 11.31 A. M. VALKYRIE. VALKYRIE OCT. 7TH. 12.10 P. M. OCT. 7TH, 152 P M VIGILANT AROUND OUTER MARK OUT. vTH, 0.00 t M VIGILANT AT i^TNibii LINE. EXCURSION LLOWING RACE, OCT tiTH STEAMERS AT OUTER MARK OCT 7TH f\ m '-'^^^^lit^^-. ..—'^•^' „-*«•* t" OCT 9TH START 11.25 A, M, ^ VALKYRIE, UCT. 9TH, 11.27 A. M. VIGILANT. VALKYRIE OCT, 9TH 1145 A. M VIGILANT ROUNDING FIRST MARK 8 57 AHEAD OCT 9TH 157.55 P M ■'T^Cffl' VALKYRIE (HEAD OCT. 9TH 12.25 P. M. VIGIl GEN SLOCUM A COUPLE OP EXCURSION STEAMERS. TAURUS. I / i/±i.J_iri_ I pi,iil, OCT. IITH START 146 P. M VIGILANT aSiKaO^^' VALKYRIE OCT. UTH. TWO MINUTES AFTER START. VIGILANT ^/^k-ia-a^iiaifliicast^iiaaK'--: , VALKYRIE, OCT. IITH. 3.35 P. M. CILAITT " ' rtH^8MP^~— -- A OCT^ IITH^ 6.47 r. M. VALliYli ^•'-■iL^'^.vy VALKYRIE. OCT 13TH. START 12.27 P M, OCT, 13TH. 12 45 P M, VALKYRIE VIGIL/iNT, VALKYRIE OCT, 13TH L15 P, M. VALKYRIE OCT. ,LvTtl. L,n.n i' M VIGILANT OCT 13TH, 2.33.40 P M fr. VIGILANT VALKYRIE ROUNDING OUTER MARK, .#** VALKYRIB. VIGILANT. VALKYRIE, OCT. 13TH. 2.34.40 P M AT OUTER MARK, OCT. 13TH. 2.41 P. M, SIX MINUTES AFTER VIGILANT ROUNDED OUTER MARK, s^^f%:- VALKYRIE VIGILAWT OCT. 1.3TH. 3 25 P M VIGILANT OVERTAKES VALKYRIE, A MARK BOAT iH LIGHTSHIP VIGILANT W^?^^ms*ss^mim&^^ MAY UC'L loTH FINISH 3,5139 VALKYRIE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■-l|;||"|iirmMII •! 020 108 584 6^