liiill ■mmm' iiiii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress Of the Edition Immortal of tShe Famous Characters of History 1,000 Sets ha-Ve been printed, of Too hie h this is Set JSlo^ ■^ ,,,,afas,,,;^_^J, i t i l' rCT i fll I . „ ,l „ , ...lllllll.~llliill,..l(. III! ^W .^-^ .ase— .-■" PORTRAIT, ALFRED THE GREAT ^Famous Cbaracters of Ibistorp KING ALFRE OF ENGLAND BY JACOB ABBOTT Volume II. ILLUSTRATED 1906 THE ST. HUBERT GUILD NEW YORK Workshops : Akron, Ohio LIBRARY of CONGRESS ' Two Conies Received AUG 6 J 906 SoDyrigdt Entry . '^ ' XAc, No. COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY The St. Hubert Guild PREFACE King Alfred of England is one of the noblest of the sovereigns upon whom History has conferred the title of "The Great." At the very beginning of the world-encircling history of the Anglo-Saxon race looms his majestic figure. We see him through the mist of ten centuries hurling back the invaders of his country, giving peace to his realm, ruling it with consummate wisdom, laboring arduously at the translation and com- position of books that his subjects might receive the precious light of learning, codifying their laws that justice might prevail in the land, — in short, building up out of his broken little dominions a kingdom des- tined to become the corner stone of the mighty British Empire. (ix) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. THE BRITONS '5 II. THE ANGLO-SAXONS 3^ III. THE DANES '^ ' IV. ALFRED'S EARLY YEARS 66 V. STATE OF ENGLAND ^^ VI. ALFRED'S ACCESSION TO THE THRONE ... 99 VII. REVERSES ^ ^4 VIII. THE SECLUSION ^3^ IX. REASSEMBLING OF THE ARMY ....••• '45 X. THE VICTORY OVER THE DANES . . • • • l6l CHARACTER OF ALFRED'S REIGN ...... 177 THE CLOSE OF LIFE ^93 206 XI XII XIII. THE SEQUEL (xi) ILLUSTRATIONS Alfred the Great Pace PORTRAIT, ALFRED THE GREAT .... FrOflUspiece ALFRED AND ETHELWAITHA I l6 THE SCOLDING OF ALFRED BY THE PEASANT WOMAN FOR BURNING THE CAKES 1 36 (xiii) ALFRED THE GREAT CHAPTER I. The Britons. Alfred the founder of the British monarchy. — Hereditary succession. — The fabulous age of history. — Tradition. — The Trojan war. — Adventures of .