UfMU H8EMM X^SfiB m in rthMrJwUX 7. ('lass \ n G 3B 3 Book _ »/i 3 L> i> /SGO PRESENTED BY >W'\ a ^w^*^*^ T XJb~^~4Ls~*~s$ w^ THE WORKS OF HORACE WITH ENGLISH NOTES FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, BY J. L. LUTCOLJT, PSOFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BSOWN UNIVERSITY. SEVENTH EDITION. NEW-YOKE: D. APPLETON & CO., 443 & 445 BROADWAY. M.DCCC.LX. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, b/ D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New- York. PREFACE. > ♦ • The text of this edition of Horace is that of Orelli, as it ex- ists in his second edition, published in two successive volumes in 1843 and 1844; the comparatively few readings of Orelli, which have not been adopted, are given at the foot of the page, p th his name attached to them. As will be seen, the most Mortant various readings are also given in foot-notes; a which, it is believed, will, so far as it has been well exe- -d, meet with the approbation of scholars and teachers. In preparing the Notes, I have derived invaluable aid from edition of Orelli, already mentioned, and from the excel- 6 work of Dillenburger, in many respects a model of a ool edition of a classical author, published first in 1843, «^d, in a revised form, in 1848. These editions I have had constantly before me, and have freely consulted ; and the obli- gations I am conscious of owing them are so great and vari- ous, that I cannot specify them in detail, and can adequately state them only by a general acknowledgment. At the same time, it is not improper to say, that what I have gained from these editors, I have not appropriated by mere translation or compilation, but have so modified and changed by independ- ent examination and study, that I deem myself entitled to consider it, in some sense at least, my own ; and, moreover, IV PEEFACE. that a large part of the Notes is solely the result of my pro- fessional labors and experience. The method which I have aimed to pursue in the prepara- tion of the Notes is the same as that which I followed in my edition of Livy, modified only by the character of the present author, and by the fact that the reading of his works belongs to a later stage of the course of study in our schools and col- leges. While I have endeavored to keep in view the study of the language in all its bearings, it has been a cherished object to take advantage of the means so variously and richly fur- nished by Horace for promoting the literary culture of the student. I have sought to explain only real difficulties, and these chiefly by suggestion and reference, and to give such and so much aid, as may at once stimulate and reward the pupil's industrious efforts ; and also not to supersede or inter- fere with the course of direct instruction and illustration which every good teacher is accustomed to follow with his classes. The commentary on the Epistle to the Pisos, or the Art of Poetry, is fuller and more extended than in any other part of the work ; a circumstance naturally occasioned by the peculiar character and merits of that celebrated piece. Of the editions I have consulted besides those already mentioned, the following are the only ones which it is neces- sary to name : the two of Diintzer, the one in four vols., 12mo., 1840-44, and the other in one volume, 8vo., 1849; Wustemann's Heindorf's, of the Satires, 1843 ; Schmid's, of the Epistles, 1828-30; Th. Obbarius's, of the Odes, 1848; S. Obbarius's, of the First Book of the Epistles, 1837-47; Lubker's, of the first three Books of the Odes, 1841 ; Grirdle- stone and Osborne's, London, 1848 ; and Keightley's, of the Satires and the Epistles, London, 1848. PREFACE. V I have also been able to avail myself of the Notes of Lanibin, contained in the Aldine edition, published at Venice, 1566, a fine copy of which, forming a part of the rare col- lection of Aldines in the private library of John Carter Brown, Esq., of this city, was kindly placed at my disposition by that gentleman. To this list of foreign editions, remain to be added those of American editors ; the well known edition of Mr. Gould, whose name, as I write it here, awakens within me the most grateful recollections, as it was my good fortune to receive from him, then the Principal of the Boston Latin School, my first instructions in Latin ; the larger and the smaller edition of Professor Anthon, which have done much for the study and appreciation of Horace, and to the merits of which I cheerfully bear my testimony, though I differ from the distin- guished editor in the principles which should be followed in the preparation of editions of the classics for the use of schools and colleges ; and lastly, the recently published edi- tion of Mr. Edward Moore, the Notes of which will, by their neat and tasteful character, secure the favor of scholars, even if they be found by teachers not altogether suited to the wants of their classes. The grammatical references have been chiefly made to Andrews and Stoddard's, and to Zumpt's Grammar, and are indicated by the abbreviations, " A. & S." and " Z. ;" the abbreviated form, " Hand, Turs.," stands for Hand's Tursel- linus, "Am. Pr. Intr." for Spencer's edition of Arnold's Latin Prose Composition, published by the Messrs. Appleton, and " Diet. Antiqq." for Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Boman Antiquities ; the occasional references to Freund's Lexicon, will now apply equally well to the admirable Ameri- VI PREFACE. can work recently published, Andrews's Latin Lexicon ; the other references need no particular explanation. The Life of Horace, which has been written for the work, together with the brief estimate connected with it of the char- acter and writings of the poet, will perhaps be a source of gome interest and value to the student. The illustrations, which have been introduced with a view at once to the embellishment and the usefulness of the book, have been, with three exceptions, taken from Rich's Illus- trated Companion ; those on pages 204 and 241 have been taken from Becker's G-allus, and the one on page 309 from Milman's elegant edition of Horace. It is hoped that the superior mechanical execution oT the volume will gain the attention and praise which it merits ; and I cannot but acknowledge the very liberal manner in which the Publishers have superintended it, sparing no pains or ex- pense to make it as perfect as possible. I avail myself of this opportunity to make my grateful acknowledgments to Professors and Classical Teachers for the very favorable reception which they have given to my edition of Livy ; and to express the hope that the present work, the result of a larger experience and of more extended labors, may be found not unworthy of their approbation. J. L. LINCOLN. Beown Univebsity, February 22d f 1851. CONTENTS. -■•♦•- Life of Horace .... Chronological Table Lyric Metres of Horace . . Index of the Metres . . . Carminum Liber Primus . . . " " Secundus " " Tertius . " QUARTUS Epodon Liber .... Carmen Saeculare . . . Satirarum Liber Primus " " Secundus . Epistolarum Liber Primus " Secundus Epistola Ad Pisones De Arte Poetioa . NOTES. The Odes, Book First " Second . " Third " Fourth . The Book of Epodes . . Introduction to the Secular Hymn . Notes on the " " Introduction to the Satires * The Satires, Book First " Second Introduction to the Epistles The Epistles, Book First " Second . Introduction to the Epistle to the Pisos Notes on the " " Index of Proper Names . pa ax. • • ix • • , yvYi, • • 1 • xxxiii, • Xxxvii. • 1 « • 1 42 • 69 • • 114 • 140 • 165 1 169 • 205 • 242 • 278 • 294 • a 313 • 349 • 369 • 403 • 421 • 436 • 437 * 439 • 440 • 468 493 . 495 519 . 529 530 9 553 LIFE OF HORACE. • • • Qit-Ntus Horattus Flaccus was born on the 8th of December, in the year U. C. 689, B. C. 65, in the consulship of L. Aure- lius Cotta and L. Manlius Torquatus. 1 His birthplace was Venusia, a municipal town in Apulia, close by the borders of Lucania; 2 where his father, who belonged to the humble class of freedmen, 3 owned a small farm, 4 with the care of which, yielding as it did but a scanty revenue, he united the business of a collector 5 of payments at auctions. On this farm, not far from the banks of " the far-sounding Aufidus," 6 and amid the varied scenery of one of the most romantic districts of Italy, the poet passed the years of his infancy and early boyhood. The story recorded in one of his Odes 7 of his preservation by " the fabled wood-pigeons " from the bears and serpents of Mount Yultur — his earliest experience of the Muses' care 8 and the presage of his future fame — is a pleasant recollection of his childhood ; and the charming picture, in the same pas- sage, of the p? ices in the neighborhood, and numerous allusions ' 1 0. 3, 21, 1 ; Epod. 13, 6; Epist. 1, 20, 27; Suet. Vita Hor. 6. 3 0. 3, 4, 9-13 ; Sat. 2, 1, 34. 8 Sat. 1, 6, 6 & 45 ; Epist. 1, 20, 20 ; cf. O. 2, 20, 5; ib.3, 30, 12. * Sat. 1, 6, 71 ; cf. Epist. 2, 2, 50. 6 Sat. 1, 6, 86 ; Suet Vita. Hor. 1. « O. 4, 9, 2 ; cf. O. 3, 30, 10. " O. 3, 4, 9. 8 0. 3, 4, 20. 9 0. 3, 13, 1 ; ib. 30, 10; ib. 4, 9, 2 ; ib. 4, 14, 25 ; Epod. 2, 42 ; ib. 3, 16 ; Sat. 1, 1, 58 ; ib. 1. 9, 29 ; ib. 2, 2. X LIFE OF HORACE. in his writings to the people and the scenes of his early years, bear witness to the impressions they then made upon his sus* ceptible spirit, and to the fond remembrance with which he turned back to them in all his after life. The father of Horace, though of servile origin, was an upright, intelligent man, and of a turn of mind that was generous and truly noble ; and whether from the workings of his own impulses, or from his discernment in the boy of signs of high promise, he early resolved to devote his time, his per- sonal efforts, and his slender resources, to the moral and intel- lectual culture of his son. The first fruits of this noble resolve were reaped by the poet, as he tells us himself, 1 in a fine strain of filial pride, when, in his boyhood, perhaps about twelve years of age, he had got beyond the first rudiments of learning. His worthy father, unwilling to send him to the municipal school of Flavius 2 at Yenusia, boldly ventured to bring him to Rome, and to give him the liberal education of a knight's or a senator's son. 3 While, however, he was ambitious that the mind of his son should be trained and developed at the best schools and under the best intellectual influences of the metropolis, he was equally careful to keep his heart secure from its vicious allurements ; he always attended him in per- son to all his teachers ; 4 by judicious counsels and warnings he guarded and strengthened his expanding character ; 5 " so that the boy escaped not merely the taint, but even the re- proach of immorality." To one of his teachers, " the flogging Orbilius," 6 the poet has given an immortal fame ; with him he read the poems of Livius Andronicus ; 7 and the impressive lessons of the hard disciplinarian he seems to have long re- membered, though probably at the time, and certainly in after life, the writings of Livius, aud indeed all the old Roman poetry, were not at all to his taste. 8 With Orbilius, or some other teacher, he studied Homer ; 9 probably he read othei 1 Sat. 1, 6, 71-80. « Sat. 1, 6, 72. 8 Sat. 1, 6, 77. 4 Sat, 1, 6, 81. * Sat. 1, 4, 105 seqq. • Plagosum Orbilium, Epist. 2, 1, 70. 7 Epist. 2, 1, 69-71. • Epist. 2, 1, passim. 9 Epist. 2, 2, 41 ; cf. Epist. 1, 2, 1 & 2. LIEE OF HORACE. XJ poets both Latin and Greek, and also went through the usual course of instruction in Rhetoric and Oratory. These school-years of the future poet fell in one of the most eventful periods of Roman history ; and doubtless many a day. as, by his father's side, he hastened along the streets to his usual tasks, or sat over his books under the uplifted rod of the stern Orbilius, his eyes and ears were rudely greeted, and his studies were suddenly broken up by the fierce scenes and tumults of political excitement. For it was then that the contest was raging between Caesar and Pompey ; it was the time of the famous passage of the Rubicon, and of Caesar's triumphant entrance into Rome, of the battle of Pharsalia, and the death of Pompey, of Caesar's return, and the brilliant scenes of the usurper's rule, destined so soon to end in that memorable act of " the Ides of March." At about the age of twenty, Horace went to Athens, which held nearly the same relation to the Romans of that time, as the German universities do to us. We may easily imagine with what eager delight the young scholar hastened to that ancient seat of the Muses, where yet lingered, long after the loss of freedom, the lights of learning and the arts, with what enthu- siasm he touched the soil which all his youthful studies had taught him to reverence as the cherished home of genius, where every spot on which he gazed and the very air he breathed awoke in his breast the glorious memories of poets, orators, and philosophers. Of the studies he there pursued, under the inspiring influence of the genius of the place, we have to gather our knowledge partly from a few direct words, but chiefly from scattered hints and intimations in his works. Speculative inquiries could hardly fail to have some attractions for the young student in a city, where philosophy had, in a former age, employed in her service the greatest intellects the world has known, and had ever since engaged the ablest minds of every generation. In quest of truth, as we learn from himself, he resorted to the Academy ; l and in those quiet groves where 1 —inter silvas Acadesii quaerere verum j Epist. 2, % 45. Xll LIFE OF HORACE. Plato once taught his disciples, he listened to the teachings of ThcomnestuSj who was then the chief of that celebrated school of philosophy ; probably, too, with something of the roving turn of mind, to which he often playfully alludes, he frequently strayed from the Academy to the lecture-room of Philodemus l the Epicurean, and of Cratippus the Peripatetic, who at this time numbered among his pupils the son of Cicero f and thus with the independent and practical spirit which always characterized him in later life, he heard all the great teachers of philosophy, and began to construct for himself, not a consistent speculative system, but a body of sound and valuable lessons, that might be taught and practised in the real life of the world. But we may well suppose that, guided by his prevailing tastes, he was constantly occupied at Athens with Attic literature, and especially with the immortal produc- tions of the Attic Muse. Doubtless he studied Homer again, perhaps in the identical copy he had thumbed over at school, and he now read the great poet with a sense of freedom and a lively intelligent interest he had never felt under the rule of Orbilius ; and to his more willing mind and more mature intellect the tale of Achilles' wrath, 8 and of the wanderings of Ulysses, now began to reveal, as they had never done before, all their wondrous significance. The masterpieces of the Grecian drama must also have found their place in this more genial course of study ; especially the plays of Aristophanes 4 and of other writers of the Old Comedy, which undoubtedly had a large share of influence in developing that singular aptitude for the nice observation and skilful painting of life and man- ners, which he afterwards displayed in a kindred species of poetry in his own language. With the lyric writers, too, he gained a familiar acquaintance, and in the study of these great models trained himself for the honors he was destined to win 1 Sat. 1, 2, 121. 2 Quamquam te, Marce fili, annum jam audientcm Cratippum, idqu* Alhcnis, etc., Cic. de Offic. 1, 1. 8 Epist. 2, 2, 42. « Sat. 1, 4, 1&2. LIFE OF HORACE. XI 11 as the "minstrel of the Roman lyre." 1 It was probably at this time that he applied himself to the composition of Greek verses ; 8 but warned by a vision from Romulus, 3 or rather by the teachings of his own good sense, he speedily abandoned the gratuitous * task, doubtless convinced " that no man can be a great poet except in his own native speech." The stay of Horace at Athens was brought to an abrupt and unwelcome close 5 by the political commotions of the times. From a place and from pursuits so congenial to his tastes, he was borne away by the storm of civil war 6 that broke out at Rome, on the death of Julius Caesar, and had now involved in its spreading influence the provinces east of the Adriatic. The Caesarian party, headed by Octavianus, Antony, and Lepidus, was now in the ascendant at Rome. Brutus and the other conspirators, and all their adherents, had either fled from Italy or been cut down by the sword of proscription, and all things were gathering to that crisis which was to decide the fortunes of the Roman Commonwealth. Brutus, on his way to Macedonia 7 to secure that province with its legions, arrived at Athens ; and with the rallying cry of " the Republic," uttered in a place where liberty had so many and so brilliant associations, he readily kindled the patriotic ardor of the Roman youth who were there residing, and drew them to the ranks of his party. Horace was one of the number who yielded to the summons of the republican commander, and though a young man of but twenty-two, the son of a freedman, and a stranger to the service, he was at once raised to the rank of military tribune ; an appointment which, under the circumstances, might reasonably excite some pride in himself, as well as provoke the envious carping of the world. 8 In this capacity he entered the republican army at 1 Romanae fidicen lyrae, 0.4, 3, 23. 8 Sat. 1, 10, 31. * Sat. 1, 10, 32 & 33. 4 In silvam now, ligna feras, etc., Sat. 1, 10, 34. • Dura sed emovere loco me tempora grato, Epist. 2, 2, 46 • CivUisque rudem belli tulit aestus, etc., Epist. 2, 2, 47. ' See note on Sat, 1, 7, 18. 8 Sat. 1, 6, 45-48. XIV LIFE OF HORACE. the end of the year 43 b. c. It is probable that he went over into Asia at the beginning of the year 42, and was with Brutus and Cassius at their meeting in Sardis ; and at that time visited Clazomenae 1 and Lebedus, 2 and perhaps other places, 3 with which, in some of his poems, he seems to exhibit a personal acquaintance. But he was certainly present at Philippi, in the summer of 42, and took part in that decisive battle, which sealed the fate of the republic. He has re- corded, in one of his Odes, 4 his military experience at Philippi, confessing the abandonment of his shield and his hasty flight, and attributing his rescue to Mercury, the god of poets. This playful passage has been the subject of far too grave discussion by learned writers, who have labored in turn to accuse and to acquit Horace of rank cowardice ; but the truth seems to be, that along with the frank admission from the poet that he was not born to be a soldier, " the abandoned buckler," " the hasty flight," and the rescue by Mercury, "When Valor's self exhausted sank, And forced was e'en the boldest rank Th' ignoble dust to bite," point to a defeat which he shared with all his comrades, to the abandonment of a desperate cause, and to the flight from a field on which the republic itself had fallen for ever. With the battle of Philippi, Horace renounced war and politics, and, availing himself of the indulgence of the conqueror, made his way back to Rome ; by what route it is quite uncer- tain, unless we accept the view suggested by a line in one oi his Odes, 5 that he sailed for the western coast of Italy, and, on the voyage, escaped the peril of shipwreck off Cape Palinurus, to which he there alludes. On his return to Rome, the prospects of Horace were by 1 Sat. 1, 7, on which see the Introd. a Epist. 1, 11, 6. • 0. 1, 7, H ; Epist. 1, 3, 4 ; ib. 16, 13. * 0. 2, 7, 8-16. • — inopemque paterni Eb Laris et fundi, Epist. 2. 2, 50. LIFE OF HORACE. XV no means encouraging. His father had died during his ab- sence ; the little Yenusian estate yielded him no longer its humble revenues, whether it had been sold, and the proceeds were now exhausted, or had been lately confiscated along with other Yenusian lands, and assigned to some veteran of the triumviral army ; the son of a freedman, he had no rich family connections ; and, an ex-tribune in the republican army, he could hope for no favor from Octavianus and his associates. Casting about him for some way of support, he seems to have found sufficient means, from the remnant of his patrimony, or from some other source, to purchase the place of a quaestor's clerk, 1 the small emoluments of which supplied his immediate wants. But the condition of Horace at this time was far from hopeless, find many a son of genius has risen to eminence from circumstances much less propitious. He had ample means of help near at hand, and within himself, and these were to be fully developed by the pressure of necessity. Nature had been kind to him at his birth ; and, besides endow- ing him with rare intellectual gifts, had blessed him with a parent, who had furnished him with all the means of educa- tion, both at home and abroad, which the times afforded. His studies at Athens had widened and enriched his earlier literary culture ; and even his brief and hapless military experience, while it damped his youthful ardor, and taught him some salutary lessons of life, added directly to his poetic resources, by storing his mind with lively images caught from the camp and the field. The exigencies of his situation now forced him to enter his proper career of literature ; "bold poverty," to use his own emphatic words, " impelled him to write verses."* These words have given rise to much speculation touching the immediate motives and expectations of Horace ; but it seems obvious from the words themselves and from the scope of the 1 This is a point involved in obscurity. Suetonius (Vita Hor.) says : scriptum qucsstorium comparavit. The only direct allusion which Horace makes to his holding such an office, is in Sat. 2, 6, 36 & 37. 2 — paupertas impulit audax, Tit versus facer em ; Epist. 2, 2, 51. B XVI LIFE OF HOEACE. whole passage, 1 that he turned to poetry, at the impulse of 11 bold poverty," that he might thereby in some way or other better his condition, and rise to fame and fortune. Though some of the Epodes as well as of the Odes were probably composed at the very beginning of his career, yet he chiefly gave himself at first to the composition of satire ; to which kind of poetry he was naturally drawn by the manners of the times, so fruitful in satiric themes, as well as by his own natural turn for the observation of character, and perhaps, too, by a sense of dissatisfaction with his present fortunes. His poetical talents soon attracted the attention of Virgil and Yarius, who had already acquired some celebrity, and were high in favor with the great men of the day. These two poets, discovering in the young Horace a congenial spirit, cultivated his acquaintance ; and, generously aiming at his advancement in the world, procured 2 him an introduction to Maecenas, who was no less distinguished for his patronage of men of letters, than for the active part he bore in public affairs. Of this interview Horace has given an interesting account in a Satire, 3 written not long after it occurred. The poet approached the courtly statesman with some embar- rassment, but told him with a manly frankness the story of his humble origin and fortunes ; Maecenas received him with his usual reserve, and dismissed him with few words, and no proposals ; and, after the cautious interval of nine months, summoned him again to his presence, and admitted him to the brilliant society of his house, and to a personal acquaintance with himself, which rapidly matured to an intimate and abiding friendship. With the commencement of this near relation to Maecenas which belongs to the year 38 B. C, we have reached the decisive epoch of the poet's life ; it was the auspicious event, 1 The words sed, quod non desit, etc., are plainly opposed to what has gone before, and the manifest meaning is, that, as he is now in com- fortable circumstances, he is not, as he was then, compelled to write. 8 Sat. 1, 6, 55. 3 Sat. 1, 6, 56-62. LIFE OF HOEACE. * XV11 which turned the tide of his fortunes, and shaped with a kindly influence the whole course of his subsequent personal and literary career. In the following year, along with his brother poets Yirgil and Yarius, he accompanied Maecenas on a journey to Brundusium, an incident which he has celebrated by one of his Satires ; and the First Book of Satires, published two years later, every where abounds in familiar allusions to his patron and friend, besides containing two pieces directly addressed to him. During the interval of the publication of the First and the Second Book of Satires, he received a welcome and substantial proof of the friendship of Maecenas in the gift of a small estate in the romantic country of the Sabines, about thirty miles from Rome. This was the Sabine farm, — intimately associated with the life and poetry of Horace, the very name of which has a charm for every reader of his works. Its situation, extent, and scenery, and the capacities and uses of its lands, are all described in the poet's verses. 1 It was situated about fifteen miles north-east from Tibur, (the modern Tivoli.) in a secluded valley, 2 which was watered by u the cool Digentia," 3 and sheltered by the high Sabine hills alike from u the rainy winds and the fiery heat of summer ;" 4 in near view were ' ; the sloping Ustica/' 5 and the lofty Lucretilis ; 8 and close by the farm-house were " the garden, the spring of never-failing water, and the little piece of wood-land," 7 to fulfill the long-cherished wishes of the poet. The place yielded corn, wine, and olives ; 8 and was large enough to sup- port in other times the families of five Sabine farmers, 9 and under its present and probably less thrifty proprietor to need the oversight of a steward, 10 and the labor of eight slaves. 11 The occupation of his Sabine farm was an important and memorable event in the history of Horace ; it gave him a 1 Epist. 1, 16, 1-16 : ib. 1 ; 11 ; ib. 1, 18, 101 & 105 ; compare 0. 1, 17 ; ib. 22, 9; ib. 2, 18, 11; Epist. 1. 10. 6-23. 9 0. 1, 17, 17. 3 Epist. 1, 18, 104. * 0. 1, 17, 2-4. * O. 1, 17, 11. 6 1. 17, 1. 7 Sat. 2, 6, 1-3. 8 Epist. 1, 16, 1-3 ; ib. 1, 14, 23 ; ib. 1, 8, 4 & 5 ; comp. 0. 1, 20, 1 ; ib. 3, 16, 29-31. 9 Epist. 1, 14, 1-3. io Epist. 1, 14. » Sat. 2, 7, 118. XVlii LIFE OF HOEACE. home of his own, with means of support and enjoyment, that satisfied his moderate wants, and met the cherished longings of his heart; 1 a delightful rural retreat, 2 remote from the smoke and noise and crowds of the city, 3 and congenial to study, and the exercise of his art. In its possession, he ex- presses his sense of full content; 4 he would not exchange his Sabine vale for troublesome riches, 5 assured that he is far happier than the lords of vast estates. 6 Here he loved to repose in the deep shades of the valley, 7 or invigorate his body and spirit 8 by the pure air and romantic beauty of the adjoining hills ; here by his own hearth he gathered about him his country neighbors for cheerful and instructive discourse, 9 or entertained his friends from the city with a plain but cordial hospitality ; and here, from such scenes as these, whether amid the solitude of nature, or the glad festivities of the social hour, he caught the inspiring influence of many of his finest poems. From this time the life of Horace went on in even pros- perity ; passed chiefly in the retirement of the country, or in the stately mansion 19 of Maecenas at Rome, and devoted in turn to his poetic studies, and to the claims of friendship and society. The Epodes and Odes, his next works in the order of publication, if not of composition, bear witness to the intelligent and patriotic interest with which he watched the progress of public affairs, to his lingering apprehensions of renewed civil strife, 11 and his joy at the brightening pros- pect of settled peace and order. 12 His constant intercourse with Maecenas brought him into friendly connections with the eminent men of the time, 13 and at length drew upon him the favorable regards of Augustus. The relations of Horace with Augustus have been the sub- * Hoc erat in volis : Sat. 2. 2, 61. 2 Hae latebrae dulces, Epist. 1, 16, 15. 3 0. 3, 29, 12 ; Sat. 2, 6, 28. 4 0. 2, 18, 14, satis beatus xmicis Sabinis. 5 0. 3, 1, 47 & 48. 6 0. 3, 16, 25-32. ' Epist. 1, 16, 5. 8 Sat. 2, 6, 18 & 19 : Epist. 1, 16,16. 8 Sat. 2, 6, 70-117. 10 Molem propinquam nubibus arduis, 0. 3, 29, 10. 11 Epod. 7 : Epod. 16. 12 0. 4, 15. " Sat. 1, 5, 31-33.; ib. 40-44 ; Sat, 1, 10, 81-88. LIFE OF HOEACE. xix ject of undeserved animadversion ; his acquiescence in the emperor's sole dominion, his praises, in verse, of the majesty of his person, of the triumphs of his arms, and the peaceful glories of his reign, have provoked from hasty critics the charge of servile adulation, and of a weak abandonment of cherished sentiments. It was certainly a mark of good sense in the poet, and was a good fortune for the world, that at the fatal battle of Philippi he did not, like Brutus, throw himself upon his sword, or like a few of his comrades, impracticably adhere to an utterly hopeless cause. When the battle of Actium and the overthrow and death of the profligate Antony had put an end to the bloody civil wars, and left Augustus the master of Rome and of the world, it was true patriotism and humanity in Horace to yield his homage to a government which restored tranquillity to his long-distracted country, and to lend his poetic talents to the promotion of its wise and peaceful policy. In his Odes in honor of Augustus, he expressed the senti- ments of the best and most enlightened classes throughout the empire ; and, in ascribing to him divine honors, 1 he clothed in a poetic form, familiar to the genius and the usage of an- tiquity, the prevailing admiration for one who was the most exalted personage of the time, and was justly regarded as " the tutelary guardian of peace, civilization, and progress." But while he acquiesced in the new order of things, and sang the praises of Augustus, he cherished with a Roman's pride the memories of the lost republic ; he portrays the virtues and the deeds of the statesmen and heroes of by-gone days ; 2 he speaks without disguise of his associations with the last republican army, of Brutus his leader, 3 and of his comrades in arms, 4 and renders enthusiastic homage to the unyielding spirit and noble death of Gato. 5 And in his personal rela- tions with Augustus, he always conducted himself with a noble dignity and freedom ; so far from courting his favor, he even 1 O. 3, 3, 11 & 12 ; Epist. 2, 1, 15 & 16. 1 0. 1, 12, 37-44; ib. 2, 15, 11-20 ; ib. 3, 5, 12-56 ; ib. 3, 6 : 33-48. 8 0. 2, 7, 2. 4 0. 2, 7, 1-16 ; 0. 3, 21. 5 0. 1. 12, 35; ib. 2, 1,24, XX LIFE OF HORACE. declined the advances made by Augustus himself ; when, so- licited by him to accept the place of his confidential secretary, 1 he respectfully refused it ; and when afterwards assured by him, in his letters, of his undiminished regard, and urged to come without ceremony to his palace and his table, 2 the poet showed himself nowise disposed to avail himself of the tempt- ing offers of the emperor. 3 We have thus touched upon the leading events in the life of Horace. The struggles of his youth, overcome by the exer- cise of his poetic talents, were followed in manhood by ample and abiding consolations, — fame, independence, friends, the in- timacy of Maecenas, and the favor of Augustus. He com- manded a position agreeable to his tastes and wishes, and (eminently favorable to the development of his poetic charac- ter. Enjoying free access to the court of Augustus, and to the brilliant circles of the capital, and thus brought into con- nection with all men of distinction in letters, in the state, and in the world, he was familiar with the manners and forms of character of Roman society, and with all the best intellectual and social influences of Roman life. And when weary of the tumults and busy scenes of the city, he could avail himself of all the advantages and pleasures of country life ; he could visit his favorite Tibur, 4 where, by " the headlong Anio and the grove of Tiburnus," he passed in rambling and study 1 " Ante ipse sufficiebam scribendis epistolis o.micorum; nunc occupa- tissimus et infirmus Horatium nostrum te cupio adducere. Veniei igitur ab ista parasitica mensa ad hanc regiam, et nos in epistolis scribendis adjuvabit :" Epist. of Augustus to Maecenas, in Suet. Vita Hor. 2. 2 " Surne tibi aliquid juris apud me. tanquam si convictor mihifueriSj etc. :" Augustus to Horace, in Suet. Vita Hor. 3. 3 " Neque enim, si iu superbus amicitiam nostram sprevisti, ideo nos quoque av&vTrepQpovov/ji.w." Aug. to Hor. in Suet. V. H. 3. 4 O. 1, 7, 10-14 ; ib. 2, 6, 5-8 ; ib. 3, 4, 23 ; ib. 3, 29, 6 ; ib. 4, 2, 30 & 31 ; ib. 4, 3, 10-12 ; Epist. 1, 7, 45 ; ib. 1, 8, 12 ; ib. 2, 2, 3. It is a disputed point, whether Horace owned a place at Tibur, or when there, lived in a villa of Maecenas. A passage in Suetonius favors the former view : Vixit plurimum in secessu ruris sui Sabini, met Tiburtini, domusque ejus ostenditur circa Tiburni luculum. LIFE OF HOE ACE. XXI many a delightful hour ; or resort to the cool Praeneste, 1 or tc the healing waters and gay scenes of Baiae ; 2 or if he longed, as so often he did, for complete retirement, he could hasten back to his own secluded home in the Sabine valley. The friendship of Maecenas and Horace continued un- broken and unaltered, and terminated only in death ; and in their death they were not long divided. Maecenas died in the year b. c. 8, commending his friend to Augustus, in his last words : Horatii F/acci, ut mei, esto memor. 3 Horace died a few weeks later, on the 27th of November, 4 in the fifty- seventh year of his age ; thus singularly fulfilling his own poetic resolution, 5 Ibimus, ibimus Utcunque praecedes, supremum Carpere iter comites parati. In different passages, Horace has described various par- ticulars pertaining to his person, habits, and temperament * and all the leading features of his character are easily gather- ed from his writings. He was of short stature, 6 with dark hair, 7 which early turned gray, 8 and dark eyes. 9 In his youth he seems to have enjoyed vigorous health, 10 except that he was subject to a weakness in the eyes. 11 In advanced life, with generally feeble health, 12 he was very corpulent, 13 even to a rotundity of person ; a circumstance which provoked the very lively raillery of Augustus. 14 He describes himself as hasty of I 0. 3, 4, 22. 9 0. 3, 4, 24. 3 Suet. V. H., 1. « Suet. V. H., 6. 6 0. 2, 17, 10-12. 6 Epist. 1, 20, 24. 7 Epist. 1, 7, 26. 8 Epist. 1, 20, 24; 0. 3, 14, 25. 9 Ars. P. 37. a0 Epist. 1, 7, 20. II Sat. 1, 5, 30. 12 Epist. 1, 7, 3 seqq. & 25 seqq. » Epist. 1, 4, 15. 14 n pertulit ad me Dionysius libellum tuum, quem ego, tie accuscm brevitatem, quantuluscunque est, boni consido. Vereri autem miki vidcris, ne majores libelli sint, quam ipse es. Sed si tibi statura dcest, corpusculuvi non deest. Itaque licebit in sextariolo scribas, quum circuitous voluminis tui sit byKuBicrraros, sicut est ventriculi tui. XX11 LIFE OF HORACE. temper, 1 though easily appeased, and rather negligent in hia dress. 2 His writings exhibit him as a man of a singularly con- tented and happy nature ; moderate and reasonable in his wishes, 3 deprecating alike riches and poverty, and loving and praising " the golden mean ;" 4 and under all circumstances striving to preserve a calm and even mind, ^-hough he was no enemy to choice wines and good living, 5 he was generally simple and frugal in his habits ; 6 he knew how to put a limit to his pleasures, how to enjoy the blessings of life without abusing them ; his dulce desipere 7 is qualified by in loco ; and the convivial scenes to his taste are those where the presence of the comely and united Graces 8 forbids the rude and noisy strifes of Mars and Bacchus. 9 He was eminently fitted both to enjoy and to enliven and adorn society ; with his genuine good-humor, his delicate wit, varied knowledge, skilful tact, and perfect sense of propriety, he was every where a welcome guest, the most delightful of companions. He was a warm, faithful and constant friend ; such Odes 10 as those to Varus, Septimius, Yalgius, and most of all, the Ode to Virgil, 11 show how he shared alike in the joys and the sorrows of those to whom he was attached, how he exercised the true office of friendship, in lightening their adversity, and rendering their prosperity yet brighter. ' 2 With all his lively social sympathies, Horace had a sincere and earnest love of Nature. This was a prominent trait in his character no less as a man than as a writer ; he was never so 1 Epist. 1, 20, 25. 2 Epist. 1, 1, 94. 3 e. g. 0. 1, 31, 15-20 ; ib. 2, 3 ; ib. 2, 10; ib. 2, 16, 13-16 ; ib. 2, 18; ib. 3, 1; ib. 3, 16, 21-44; Sat. 1, 6, 104-131. 4 O. 2, 10, 5. 5 e. g. O. 2, 7, 21 ; ib. 3, 21. 6 O. 1, 20, 10-12 ; ib. 1, 31, 15 & 16 ; ib. 3, 29, 14 ; Sat. 1, 6, 114-118. 7 0. 4, 12, 28. B O. 3, 21, 22 ; comp. O. 1, 4, 6. 8 0. 1, 17, 21-24 ; ib. 1, 27, 1-8 ; ib. 3, 8, 15. 10 0. 2, 7 ; ib. 9 ; ib. 6. " 0. 1, 24. 18 Nam et secundas res splendidiores facit amicilia, el adversas, partieia communicansque, leviores. Cic. de Amic. 6. LIFE OF HOKACE. XX111 happy as when he was in the midst of natural scenery and rural life ; he held communion with Nature in all " her visible forms." and in them all— in grove and forest, in hill and vale, in prattling fountain, 1 and in rushing river 2 — she spoke to him " her various language." The fruits of these cherished communings are visible in the many faithful and delightful pictures of natural scenery, scattered throughout his works ; and the second of his Epodes, for its beautiful delineation of the employments and delights of rural life, its charming snatches of landscape, and "its glances at the cheerful interior of the peasant's home, — the care and fidelity of lt the chaste wife," the dry fagots piled upon the hearth, " the shining Lares " and '• the unbought feast," is a production unrivalled in the whole range of literature. A feature in the character of Horace, which shows itself prominently in his writings, is a love of his personal freedom, with a constant striving to maintain and enjoy it to the utmost possible extent under all circumstances. It was essential to his well-being, needful to the health and activity of his spirit, 4 to be the master of his own actions and movements, to go or stay where and when he might choose, and devote himself un- fettered by the will of others, to what he deemed best and most agreeable to himself. He preferred any situation, however humble and obscure, in which he could have the free disposi- tion of his life, to any position in the world, which gave promise of honors, fame, emolument or other advantages, but threatened or seemed to threaten the sacrifice of his own independence. He carefully preserved this feature of character in all his re- lations to society, and in his most intimate friendships. He honored Augustus, and as a poet and a subject ever did him homage ; but he was unwilling to sustain to him a near rela- 1 — loquaces lymphae, O. 3, 13, 15. 2 O. 1, 7, 13. 3 e. g. O. 1, 21, 5-8; ib. 2, 3, 9-12 f ib. 1, 9, 1-4; ib. 3, 25, 8-14 ; ib. 3, 29, 33-41 ; ib. 4, 3, 10-12 ; Epist. 1, 10, 6 & 7 ; ib. 1, 16, 5-14. 4 " That life,— the flowery path which winds by stealth, Which Horace needed for his spirit's health." Wordsworth 's Poem on " Liberty." XXIV LIFE OF HOE ACE. tion as a man ; he declined the tendered office 1 which would attach him to his palace and his person, for he knew that such an office, though it might bring him worldly distinction, would involve him in a connection with the emperor and his court, that would he sure to hind, though in golden fetters, his personal freedom. The same independent bearing he always observed in his relations with Maecenas, and in an epistle 2 addressed to him, which ranks among the most characteristic of his writ- ings, it is most strikingly illustrated. He gratefully acknow- ledges the kindness of Maecenas, but with a manly frankness insists upon consulting his own tastes and wishes ; he is pro- foundly thankful for his bounty, but prizes his own liberty far more than even the wealth of Arabia, and rather than part with that inborn, priceless possession, he would cheerfully re- sign all the gifts of his generous patron. Some of the earlier writings of Horace justify an unfavor- able view of his moral character ; they show that at least in earlier life, he was not free from vices, for which youth, the spirit and customs of the age, and the other considerations, so often pleaded for modern as well as ancient writers, are of course no sufficient apology. But we are entitled to infer from the high moral tone of by far the greater part of his works, that, in his manhood and in all his later years, he gave himself to an earnest study of moral and religious truth, and sought to make a practical use of the results he reached ; his profound veneration for the memory of his father, and his warm acknowledgment of his virtuous precepts and example, 3 are no slight proof of goodness of heart and life ; and his ex- alted conceptions of a supreme Being, the all-powerful Creator and the all-wise and all-just Governor of the universe, 4 his distinct and grateful recognitions of an overruling Providence, 5 1 See above on page xx. and the note there. 2 The Seventh of Book First. 3 Sat. 1, 6, 65-99. 4 E. g., 0. 1, 12, 13-18; ib. 1, 34, 12-14; ib. 2, 10, 15-17; ib. 3, 4, 42-48 ; ib. 3, 6, 5-8 ; ib, 3, 29, 29-32. 5 E. g., O. 1, 22, 9 seqq. ; ib. 1, 31, 13-15 ; ib. 1, 34 ; ib. 3, 2, 29-32; ib. 3, 6, 1-8 ; ib. 3, 4, 20. LIFE OF HORACE. XXV and the pure and elevated sentiments lie every where teaches* and enforces, impress us with the conviction, that he was one of the best and most enlightened characters of antiquity. It is unnecessary to dwell at length upon the literary merits of a writer, whose fame has long been permanently established, and " whom all men admire in proportion to their capacity for appreciating him." The versatility of the genius of Horace is shown by the various departments of poetry, which he cultivated, in all of which he was eminent, in some original and unequalled. It was his own boast, 1 that he had reared, in his odes, the peculiar and enduring monument of his fame ; and certainly his lyric compositions, though not the most valuable and popular of his works, yet best exhibit his distinctively poetic powers. If they do not indicate the pre- sence of the highest attributes of genius, they display a rare assemblage of the gifts and attainments of a true poet ; a lively and well-stored fancy, an exquisite sensibility, delicate perceptions, a faultless taste, with a mastery of the graces and powers of metre and of language, harmony of numbers, ele- gance and vigor of style, and a felicity of expression 2 which was won and can be won only by the most assiduous culture. . The claims of Horace to originality as a lyric poet have been much discussed, and his odes have been characterized, sometimes in an ambiguous and very often in a directly dis- paraging tone, as imitations of the lyric poets of Greece. It is an obvious fact, that the metres of his odes are Greek, and the fullest admission of the fact is of course no disparagement to his originality ; he boasted himself that he had been the first to transfer to the Roman lyre the Aeolian measures, 3 and well he might be proud that he had so skilfully adapted those graceful and flowing measures to his inflexible native tongue. In other respects, in all that is essential to the char- acter of the odes, it is difficult to determine, in the absence of direct evidence, how far and in what sense he was an imitator, 1 0. 3, 30; 4, 3. 2 Horatii curiosa felicitas, Petronius, Sat. c. 118. 3 O. 3, 30, 13. XXVI LIEE OF HORACE. But the close resemblance of some passages to existing frag- ments of Greek poetry is no sufficient ground for the opinion often expressed, that the Roman lyrist was a mere copyist of Greek originals ; and it was a singularly gratuitous observa- tion of an early critic, 1 " that if the Lyrics of the Greeks were extant, very many of his thefts might be detected." On the contrary, those pieces and parts of pieces which, by the pre- sence of the originals, we know were borrowed from Greek writers, so far from diminishing the imputation of the Roman poet, are such as none but a master could produce ; his trans- lations of single words and phrases are executed with such a rare felicity, that the language " seems to be born, as it were, with the thought," and those passages, which are reproduc- tions from the Greek, are written with such a boldness and genial freedom, that they admirably illustrate that power of adaptation, which fixes the stamp of originality upon an ac- knowledged imitation.* And we may use for Horace, as War- ton has done for Pope, 3 the words with which Virgil is said to have replied to those who accused him of borrowing from Homer : " Cur non Mi quoque eadem furta tentarent ? Veram intellecturos, facilius esse Herculi clavum, quam Homero versum sumpere?^ But very many of the best odes of Horace are so thorough- ly Roman in their whole character, in their occasion, subjects, sentiments, imagery, and allusions ; that they could by no pos- sibility have been formed upor, Greek models, but are pecu- liarly and exclusively his own. This class includes those which celebrate the glories of Augustus in peace and in war, and the two which describe the victories of Lis step-sons 1 The elder Scaliger. in Poet. Lib. 5, c. 7 : De Horatio qutdcm ita sentimus ; si Graecorum Lyrica exstarent, futurum, ut illius furta quam," pluurimti deprehenderentur. 2 See some illustrations of this point in Encyc. Metropol., vol. 0, p. 400; also in Tate's Horatius Restitutus, Append, vi. 3 E3say on the Genius and Writings of Pope, vol. 1., p. 96. 4 Donat. in Vit. Virgil. LIFE OF HOEACE. XXVU Tiberius and Drusus, 1 those which lament the degeneracy of the age, and aim to bring back the virtues and discipline of earlier days, 2 and in short, all which owed their origin to the inspiring events of the times, to peculiar influences, national, local and personal. All these belonged to a purely Roman vein of lyric song, and could have been wrought out only by the genius of a Roman poet. Whence, for instance, but from the soul of a Roman poet, could have emanated the sublime martial ode to Antonius ? 3 or the peaceful lay called forth from the lyre by the closing of the temple of Janus? 4 Who but a Roman poet could have drawn the fine picture of the disinterested patriot- ism of Regulus? 5 or produced the noble ode, 6 in which Juno, in the council of the gods, admits Romulus to divine honors, and pronounces the lofty destinies of his people ? or those spirited stanzas, 7 in which Hannibal, impressed into the service of the Latian Muse, is made to own and honor the inherent energy and invincible might c-f the Roman nation 1 While such living monuments as these attest the originality of the Roman poet, we need not give heed to any hypothetical charges against his literary honesty. The truth seems to be, that Horace was an imitator in the true and noble sense of the word ; his resemblance to the Greek poets is such as is com- mon to all the illustrious kindred of genius ; he owed to them what the eminent artists and writers of all times have owed to the genial study of the best models ; he read them, studied them, communed with them, and catching the spirit that glowed in their poetry, he breathed it into his own. But it is the Satires and the Epistles 8 of Horace, and especially the Epistles, which show his greatest powers, and establish his claim to the respect and admiration of the world. It is there that we find his sterling good sense, his vigorous understanding, his deep irfsight into the human heart, his *■ O. 4, 4 & 14. 2 e. g., The first six in Book Third. 8 0. 4. 2. * O. 4, 15. • 0. 3, 5, 14-57. ° O. 3, 3. 7 0. 4, 4, 49-7G. 8 See the introductory remarks on pages 439, 440, and on pages 493, 494. XXV111 LIFE OF HOKACE. keen observation and familiar knowledge of the character and ways of men, — it is there that we find the wise, comprehensive and genial mind, that could readily seize, and interpret in easy and graceful verse, the characteristic incidents of his eventful times, the features of Roman life and manners, and the great facts of human life and experience. The value of these writings to the student of Roman history and Roman character, has been briefly and truly expressed by Mr. Mil- man. 1 " Of Rome," he says, " or of the Roman mind, no one can know any thing, who is not profoundly versed in Horace ; and whoever really understands Horace will have a more per- fect and accurate knowledge of the Roman manners and the Roman mind, than the most diligent and laborious investigator of the Roman antiquities." In their relations to the study of poetry as an art, and to all aesthetic criticism, they are scarcely less valuable. Critics and writers on rhetoric have always ranked them among thSir chief authorities, and have found in their aphoristic maxims, admirable alike in thought and ex- pression, the fundamental rules of good taste and good com- position. But these writings have a greater and wider value — a value for all men of all times. This consists in the practical wisdom that pervades them — the noblest and best wisdom of the world, and more than this was not then attain- able — the cheerful philosophy of human life, gained by a large and thoughtful observation and experience of the world, and imparted in no obtrusive, dogmatic tone, but with all the kindness of a familiar friend, bidding us shun " the care that loads the day with superfluous burden," and thankfully accept every joyous hour that is given us, to seek for happiness not in honors and riches, or rank, or in any external circumstances, but in ourselves ; not in distant lands, and in new and strange scenes, but here, 2 at home, wherever our lot may be cast, in a 1 In his Life of Horace, prefixed to his illustrated edition of the poet's works. a Quod petis, hie est, Est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit aequus. Epist. 1, 11, 29, 30. LIFE OF HORACE. XXIX cultivated, well-regulated mind, in reasonable desires, in an even ; contented spirit. It is here that we discover the secret of Horace's power over so many minds ; it is not his style, with its rare union of elegance and vigor, it is not his terse- ness and felicity of expression, — these alone could never ex- plain nor could they create so wide and enduring a popular- ity ; but it is the wise thoughts, just sentiments, and genuine truths, universally applicable to the every-day lives of men, which are the staple of his work, and of which the graces of style, the felicitous expression, are the rich and finished set- ting, — it is these that have made him the favorite companion, not only of classical scholars, but of statesmen, philosophers, and men of the world ; the most read, the best remembered, and the most frequently quoted of all the writers of antiquity. The fame of Horace has far exceeded the measure of his own proud prophecy. ' It has outlived those solemn proces- sions to the Capitol of pontiffs and vestal virgins, it has out- lived the entire religion of ancient Rome, and ancient Rome itself, and after the lapse of ages, it still flourishes in all its early freshness ; and with equal truth and beauty has it been described in an apostrophe to Horace, by an Italian poet : Salgo la cima ombrosa, e fresco e verde Veggio l'alloro tuo lassu tenersi, Che per si lunga eta foglia non perde : Veggiol dell' immortal tua lira adorno, E le immagini belle e i sacri versi Con la grand' Ombra tua girarvi intorno. " I climb the shady summit, and behold Thy laurel there still ever fresh and green, Which thro' long ages not a leaf hath lost : I see it decked with thy immortal lyre, And beauteous images and sacred verse Still wandering round it with thy mighty shade. 1 0. 3, 30. 8-10. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. TJ. O. 689 701 705 706 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 719 723 724 725 65 53 49 48 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 35 31 30 29 L. Aurelius Cotta, L. Manlius Torquatus. 12 Cn. Domitius Calvinus, M. Valerius Messala. 16 O. Claudius Marcellus. L. Cornelius Lentu- lus Crus. 17 C. Julius Caesar II., P. Servilius Vatia Isau- ricus. 19 C. Julius Caesar HI., M. Aemilius Lepidus. 20 C. Julius IV. (without colleague). Dictator. 21 C. Julius Caesar V, M Antonius. 22 C. Vibius Pansa, A. Hir- tius. 23 24 25 27 28 30 34 35 M. Aemilius Lepidus II , L. Munatius Plancus. P. Servilius Vatia Isau- ricus II., L. Antonius Pietas. Cn. Domitius Calvinus II., C. Asinius Pollio. 26 L. Marcius Censorinus, C. Calvisius Sabinus. App. Claudius Puicher, C. Norbanus Flaccus. M. Agrippa, L. Caninius Gallus. L. Cornificius, Sext. Pompeius. C. Caesar Octavianus III., M. Valerius Mes sala Corvinus. C. Caesar Octavianus IV.. M. Licinius Cras- 36 |C Caesar Octavianus V., Sex. Appuleius. Horace is born, on the 8th of December. Horace is carried to Roil*. Civil war between Caesar and Pompey. Pompey leaves Italy. Caesar goes to Rome. Battle of Pharsalia. Assassination of Pompey. Battle of Thapsus. Death of Cato at Utica. Horace goes to Athens. Assassination of Julius Caesar. Octavianus, Antony and Lepidus form the second triumvirate. Preparations for war between the triumvirs and Brutus and Cassius. Horace enters the army of Bru- tus, as tribune. Death of Cicero. Birth of Ovid. The two engagements at Philippi. Death of Brutus and of Cassius. Birth of Claudius Tiberius Nero. Horace returns to Rome. The alliance between Octavianus and Antony, formed at Brundusium, and called Foedus Brundusinum. Asinius Pollio is sent against the Parthini ; triumphs over them. Horace is introduced to Maecenas. Beginning of the friendship between Mae- cenas and Horace. The journey to Brundusium ; see Sat. 1, 5. Phraates, the Parthian king, dethroned on account of his cruelty, and Tiridates placed upon the throne. Horace publishes the First Book of Satires. Horace offers to accompany Maecenas to war, Epod. 1. Battle of Actium: Epod. 9; O. 1,37. Horace publishes the Second Book of Satires, and the Book of Epodes. Octavianus returns to Rome, and celebrates a threefold triumph. The temple of Janus is closed. XXX11 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. tr. o. B. C. 61 H ° 5 4J PS tfj o 726 28 37 727 27 38 729 25 40 730 24 41 731 23 42 732 22 43 733 21 44 735 19 46 736 18 47 737 17 48 739 15 50 741 13 52 742 12 53 746 j S 57 C. Caesar Octaviarras VI., M. Agrippa II. C. Caesar Octavianus Aug. VII., M. Agrip- pa III. C. Caesar Octavianus Aug. IX., M. Junius Silanus. C. Caesar Aug. X., C. Norbanus Flaccus. C. Caesar Aug. XL, A. Terentius Varro Mu- rera. M. Claudius Marcellus, L. Arruntius. M. Lollius, Q,. Aemilius Lepidus. C. Sentius Saturninus, Q. Lucretius. P. Cornelius Lentulus, Cn. Cornelius Lentul- us. C. Furnius, C. Junius Silanus. M. Livius Drusus Libo, L. Calpurnius Piso. Tib. Claudius Nero, P. Quinctilius Varus. M. Valerius Messala, P. Sulpicius Quirinus. C. Marcius Censorinus, C. Asinius Gallus. Octavianus dedicates the temple of Apollo on the Palatine ; O. 1, 31. Octavianus receives the title of Augustus and of Imperator. Preparations are made for an expedition against Arabia ; O. 1, 29. Expedition of Augustus against the Cantab- rians. Expedition against Arabia, under command of Aelius Gallus. Phraates expels Tiridates from Parthia. Au- gustus, having conquered the Cantab rians, returns to Rome, and closes for the second time the temple of Janus ; O. 3, 14 ; ib. 4, 15. Death of Quinctilius; O. 1,24. Horace (probably) publishes the first Three Books of his Odes. Death of the young Marcellus ; O. 1, i2, 45 seqq. Augustus is invested with the tri- bunician power for life. A conspiracy against Augustus discovered and suppressed." Augustus goes to Greece ; winters at Samos, Death of Virgil at Brundusium. Horace publishes the First Book of Epistles. Augustus celebrates the Lvdi Saeculares ; Horace writes the Secular Hymn. Defeat of the Raeti and Vindelici by Tiberius and Drusus ; Odes Fourth and Fourteenth of Book Fourth. Horace publishes the Fourth Book of Odes. Death of Agrippa. Death of Horace (a few weeks after that of Maecenas) on the 27th of November. THE LYRIC METRES OF HORACE [For the details pertaining to versification, such as the names and component parts of the feet, and the terms employed for the different metres and kinds of verses, the student is referred to the Grammars : to Andrews and Stoddard's, % 302-301, and % 310-318, and to Zumpt's, Appendix I.] I— Alcaic. In- thirty-seven Odes, viz., I. 9, 16, 17, 26, 27. II. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20. HI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 21, 23, 26, 29. IV. 4, 9, 14, 15. Four verses : first two greater Alcaics, third an Iambic dimeter hyper- meter, fourth a smaller Alcaic. 2, 3. Z — | w — | 4. -w^I- II. — Sapphic and Adonic. In twenty-five Odes, viz., I. 2, 10, 12, 20, 22, 25, 30, 32, 38. II. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16. III. 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, 22, 27. IV. 2, 6, 11 Four verses : first three Sapphic, fourth Adonic. 1. c _ 2. < — v -' | ■"" - ~ | — >> -' N -' I — v - / I """ ^^ 4. — v-/ w I III. — Gltconic and Asclepiadic In twelve Odes, I. 3, 13, 19, 36. 111. 9, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28. IV. 1, 3. Two verses : first Glyconic, second Asclepiadic. 1. | — w s^ — I >-/ >_• 2. --I-VV I — N»> W — | ^ w XXXIV LYRIC METRES OF HORACE. XV. — Iambic Trimeter and Iambic Dimeter. In first ten Epodes. 1. V — V. — Asclepiadic and Glyconic. In nine Odes, viz. I. 6, 15, 24, 33. H. 12. III. 10, 16. IV. 5, 12. Four verses : the first three Asclepiadic, the fourth Glyconic. II-- N^ ^— J >•/ V^ 4. — • VI. — Asclepiadic, Pherecratic, and Glyconic In seven Odes, viz., I. 5, 14, 21, 23. III. 7, 13. IV. 13. Four verses : the first two Asclepiadic, the second Pherecratic, the fourth Glyconic. • 1 ] S^v-/ J WS^ | V 3. | — w w — | — 4. | — v-'W |w VII.— Asclepiadic. In three Odes, viz., I. 1. III. 30. IV. 8 One verse : | — v^w — | — w ^ — |s^ — VIII. — Iambic Trimeter. In Epode 17 ; same as 1. of IV. IX. — Hexameter with a Dactylic Tetrameter aPosteriore. In three Odes, viz., I. 7, 28. Epode 12. 1. — 2. — X. — Hexameter with an Iambic Dimeter. In Epodes 14, 15. 1 ; same as 1. of IX; 2 ; same as 2. of IV. XI. — Hexameter with an Iambic Trimeter. In Epode 16. 1 ; same as 1. of IX. 2; same as 1. of IV. LYEIC METEES OF HOEACE. XXXV XII. — Choriambic Pentameter. In three Odes, viz., I. 11, 18. IV. 10 \_/ — I \~r \*r — I — v^ \«^ — I \^> XIII. — Hexameter with an Iambico-dactylic. In Epode 13. 1 ; same as 1. of IX. 2; ^_, w _| w _j^_ 1 | v^ XIV. — Hexameter with a Dactylic Trimeter Catalectic. Id Ode 4, 7. 1 ; same as 1. of IV. 2 j — w <-/ | — w w | w XV. — Iambic Trimeter with a Dactylico-Iambic. In Epode 11. 1 ; same as 1. of IV. 2;-^ | w|-B~— I- — |3— | w — XVI. — Archilochian Heptameter with an Iambic Trimeter Catalec- tic. In Ode 1, 4. . — W N-> | S-> \^ | — >_/ >• A W | V-/ J — V^ 2. \^ I v^ [ ^^ — | V-» | \-/ — J \-> XVII. — Choriambic Dimeter with a Choriambic Tetrameter. In Ode 1, 8. I. — *~s v^ — I s_/ — — \^ 2. — \> — — |— N^\^ — | — . v^ v./ — j y^ _ .__ Note. — In 2. Horace departs from the regular choriambic tetrameter by substituting a spondee for an iambus in the latter half of the first choriambus. XVTII. — Iambic Dimeter Acephalous with an Iambic Trimeter Cata- lectic. In Ode 2, 18. 1. — | — — | — — I — — 2 ; same as 2. of XVI. XIX.— Ionic a Minore. In Ode 3, 12. Two verses: n' j v vy — — | w w— — Jww— — | V W — ■» 3. W— — I v/ V— — INDEX TO THE METRES. »-* METRE. a~w — MBTB& Mli, vetusto i. Impios parrae - ii. iEquam mementa- i. Inclusam Danaen - V. Albi, ne doleas v. Intactis opulentior iii. Altera jam teritur xi. Integer vitae - ii. Angustam amice i. Intermissa, Venus, iii. At, deorum iv. Jam jam efficaci - viii. Audivere, Lyce vi. Jam pauca aratro i. Bacchum in remotis i. Jam satis terris ii. Beatus ille, - iv. Jamveris comites, v. Coelo supinas i. Justum et tenacem i. Coelo tonantem i. Laudabunt alii ix. Cum tu, Lydia, iii. Lupis et agnis iv. Cur me querelis i. Lydia, die, per omnes xvii. Delicta majorum i. Maecenas atavis vii. Descende coelo i. Mala soluta -, iv. Dianam tenerae vi. Martiis caelebs ii. Diffugero nives ; xiv. Mater sseva Cupidinum iii. Dive, quern proles ii. Mercuri, facunde ii. Divis orte bonis, v. Mercuri nam te, ii. Donarem pateras vii. Miserarum est ■ xix. Donee gratus eram iii. Mollis inertia X. Eheu fugaces, i. Montium custos ii. Est mini nonum ii. Motum ex Metello - ■ 1. Et thure et fidibus iii. Musis amicus - • 1. Exegi monumentum vii. Natis in usum i. Extremum Tanain v. Ne forte credas i. Faune, Nympharum ii. Ne sit ancillae ii. Festo quid potius die - iii. Nolis longa ferae v. Herculis ritu ii. Nondum subacta i. Horrida tempestas xiii. Non ebur, neque xviii. Ibis Liburnis iv. Non semper imbres i. Icci, beatis i. Non usitata i. Ille et nefasto i. Non vides, quanto - ii. XXXV111 INDEX TO THE METRES. METRE. METRE. Nox erat, X. Quem tu, Melpomene, iii. Nullam, Vare, - - xii. Quern virum - ii. Nullus argento ii. Quid bellicosus i. Nunc est bibendum, i. Quid dedicatum - i. crudelis adhuc, xii. Quid fles, Asterie - vi. Diva, gratum i. Quid immerentes - iv. fons Bandusiae, vi. Quid tibi vis, ix. matre pulchra i. Quis desiderio - v. nata mecum, i. Quis multa gracilis «■ vi. navis ! referent - vi. Quo me, Bacche, - iii. saepe mecum i. Quo, quo scelesti iv. Venus, regina - ii. Rectius vives, - ii. Odiprofanum i. Rogare Ion go iv. Otium divos - ii. Scriberis Vario - v. Parciusjunctas ii. Septimi, Gades ii. Parcus deorum - i. Sic te Diva - iii. Parentis olim iv. Solvitur acris hiems xvi. Pastor quum traberet - v. Te maris et terrae - ix. Persicos odi ii. Tu ne quaesieris, xii. Petti, nihil me, - XV. Tyrrhena regum - i. Phoebe, silvarumque ii. Ulla si juris ii. Phoebus volentem i. Uxor pauperis Ibyci - iii. Pindarum quisquis - ii. Velox amoenum i. Poscimur. Si quid - ii. Vides, ut alta - - l. Quae cura patrum, - i. Vile potabis ii. Qualem, ministrum i. Vitas hinnuleo - - vi. Quando repostum - iv. Vixi puellis, i Quantum distet - iii. a. HORATII FLACCI C A E M I N U LIBER PRIMUS. CARMEN I. AD MAECENATEM. Maecenas atavis edite regibus, O et praesidium et dulce decus meum, Sunt quos curriculo pulverem Olympicum Collegisse juvat, metaque fervidis Evitata rotis palmaque nobilis 5 Terrarum dominos evehit ad deos ; Hunc, si mobilium turba Q,uiritium Certat tergeminis tollere honoribus ; Ilium, si proprio condidit horreo, Q,uidquid de Libycis verritur areis. 10 Gaudentem patrios findere sarculo Agios Attalicis conditionibus Nunquam dimoveas^ ut trabe Cypria Myrtoum pavidus nauta secet mare. Luctantem Icariis fluctibus Africum 15 Mercator metuens, otium et oppidi 3. Olympium. 7. nobilium. 13. demoveas. CAKMINUM Laudat rura sui ; mox reficit rates Q,uassas, indocilis pauperiem pati. Est qui nee veteris pocula Massici, Nee partem solido demere de die 20 Spernit, nunc viridi membra sub arbuto Stratus, nunc ad aquae lene caput sacrae. Multos castra juvant,et lituo tubae Permixtus sonitus,bellaque matribus Detestata. Manet sub Jove frigido 25 Yenator, tenerae conjugis immemor, Seu visa est catulis cerva fidelibus, Seu rupit teretes Marsus aper plagas. Me doctarum hederae praemia frontium Dis miscent superis ; me gelidum nemus 30 Nymphar unique leves cum Satyris chori Secernunt populo, si neque tibias Euterpe cohibet, nee Polyhymnia Lesboum refugit tendere barbiton. Q,uodsi me lyricis vatibus inseris, 35 Sublimi feriam sidera vertice. CARMEN II. AD CAESAREM AUGUSTUM. Jam satis terris nivis atque dirae Grandinis misit Pater, et rubente Dextera sacras jaculatus arces Terruit Urbem, 17. tuta, dc conjectura. 29. Te, de conj. 35. Inseres, Orellius. 36. Sublimis. C. ii. 2. rubenti. LIBER I. c. n. 3 Terruit gentes, grave ne rediret 5 Saeculum Pyrrhae nova monstra questae, Omne cum Proteus pecus egit altos Yisere montes, Piscium et summa genus haesit ulmo, Nota quae sedes fuerat columbis ; 10 Et superjecto pavidae natarunt Aequore damae. Yidimus flavum Tiberim, retortis Litore Etrusco violenter undis, Ire dejeetum monumenta regis 15 Templaque Yestae ; Iliae dum se nimium querenti Jactat ultorem, vagus et sinistra Labitur ripa, Jove non probante, u- xorius amnis. 20 Audiet cives acuisse ferrum, Q,uo graves Persae melius perirent, Audiet pugnas vitio parentum Rara juventus. Q,uem vocet divum populus ruentis 25 Imperi rebus ? prece qua fatigent Yirgines sanctae minus audientem Carmina Yestam ? Cui dabit partes scelus expiandi Jupiter? Tandem venias, precamur, • 30 10. palumbis. CAEMINUM Nube candentes humeros amictus, Augur Apollo ; Sive tu mavis, Erycina ridens, Q,uam Jocus circumvolat et Cupido ; Sive neglectum genus et nepotes 35 Respicis, auptor, Heu nimis longo satiate ludo, Q,uem juvat clamor galeaeque leves, Acer et Mauri peditis cruentum Vultus in hostem ; 40 Sive mutata juvenem figura Ales in terris imitaris, almae Filius Maiae, patiens vocari Caesaris ultor ; Serus in coelum redeas, diuque 45 Laetus intersis populo Q^uirini, Neve te nostris vitiis iniquum Ocior aura Tollat. Hie magnos potius triumphos, Hie ames dici pater atque princeps, 50 Neu sinas Medos equitare inultos, Te duce, Caesar. 31- candenti. 39. Marsi, de conj. 46. Quirino. LIBER I. C. HI. CARMEN III. AD NAVEM, Q.UA VEHEBATUR VIRGILIUS ATHENAS PROFICISCENS. Sic le diva potens Cypri, Sic fratres Helenae, lucida sidera, Yentorumque regat pater, Obstrictis aliis, praeter Xapyga, Navis, quae tibi creditum 5 Debes Virgilium, finibus Atticis Reddas incolumem, precor, Et serves animae dimidium meae. Illi robur et aes triplex Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci 10 Commisit pelago ratem Primus, nee timuit praecipitem Africum Decertantem Aquilonibus, Nee tristes Hyadas, nee rabiem Noti Q,uo non arbiter Hadriae 15 Major, tollere seu ponere vult freta. Quern mortis timuit gradum, Q,ui siccis oculis monstra natantia, Q,ui vidit mare turgidum et Infames scopulos Acroceraunia ? 20 Nequidquam deus abscidit Prudens Oceano dissociabili m Terras, si tamen impiae Non tangenda rates transiliunt vada. Audax omnia perpeti 25 Gens humana ruit per vetitum nefas. 8. Ut. 18. rectis, de conj. 19. turbidum. 20. alta Ceraunia. 22. dissociabiles, de conj. 6 CARMINUM Audax Iapeti genus Ignem fraude mala gentibus intulit. Post ignem aetheria domo Subductum, macies et nova febrium 30 Terris incubuit eohors, Semotique prius tarda necessitas Leti corripuit gradum. Expertus vacuum Daedalus aera Pennis non homini datis : 35 Perrupit Acheronta Herculeus labor. Nil mortalibus ardui est. Coelum ipsum petimus stultitia, neque Per nostrum patimur scelus Iracunda Jovem ponere fulmina. 40 CARMEN IV. AD L. SESTIUM. Solvitur acris hiems grata vice veris et Favoni, Trahuntque siccas machinae carinas ; Ac neque jam stabulis gaudet pecus, aut arator igni ; Nee prata canis albicant pruinis. Jam Cytherea choros ducit Venus, imminente Luna, 5 Junctaeque Nymphis Gratiae decentes Alterno terram quatiunt pede, dum graves Cyclopum Vulcanus ardens urit officinas. Nunc decet aut viridi nitidum caput impedire myrto, Aut rlore, terrae quern ferunt solutae. 10 37. arduum. C. iv. 8. visit. LIBEE I. C. V. 7 Nunc et in umbrosis Fauno decet immolare lucis, Seu poscat agna, sive malit haedo. Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas RegumqUe turres. O beate Sesti, Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam. 15 Jam-te premet nox, fabulaeque Manes, Et domus exilis Plutonia ; quo simul mearis, Nee regna vini sortiere talis, Nee tenerum Lycidan mirabere, quo calet juventus Nunc omnis,et mox virgines tepebunt. 20 CARMEN V. AD TYRRHAM. Q,uis rnulta gracilis te puer in rosa Perfusus liquidis urget odoribus Grato, Pyrrha, sub antro ? Cn i flavam religas comam. Simplex munditiis ? Heu quoties fidem 5 Mutatosque deos rlebit, et aspera Nigris aequora ventis Emirabitur insolens, Qui nunc te fruitur credulus aurea ; Qui semper vacuam, semper amabilem 10 Sperat, nescius aurae Fallacis. Miseri, quibus 12. agnam — haedum. 19. Lycidam. C. v. 5. Quotiens. 8. ut mirabitur ; demirabitur, de conj. 8 OAJiMUJUM Intentata nites ! Me tabula sacer Votiva paries indicat uvida Suspendisse potenti 15 Yestimenta maris deo. CAKMEN VI. AD M. VIPSANIUM AGRIPPAM. Scriberis Vario fortis et hostium Victor Maeonii carminis alite, Q,uam rem cunque ferox navibus aut equis Miles te duce gesserit. NoSj Agrippa, neque haec dicere, nee graven} 5 Pelidae stomachum cedere nescii, Nee cursus duplicis per mare Ulixei, Nee saevam Pelopis domum Conamur, tenues grandia, dum pudor Imbellisque lyrae Musa potens vetat 10 Laudes egregii Caesaris et tuas Culpa deterere ingeni. Q,uis Martem tunica tectum adamantine Digne scripserit ? aut pulvere Troico Nigrum Merionen? aut ope Palladis 15 Tydiden Superis parem? 14 humida. C. vi. 2. aliti. 3. qua rem - 4/wjoe. 7. duplices; Ulyssei. 14. Troio. LLBER I. c. vn. 9 Nos convivia, nos proelia virginum, Sectis in juvenes unguibus aci-ium, Cantamus vacui, sive quid urimur, Non praeter solitum leves. 20 CARMEN VII. AD MUNATIUM PLAN CUM. Laudabunt alii claram Rhodon, aut Mitylenen. Aut Epheson, bimarisve Corinthi Moenia, vel Baccho Thebas vel Apolline Delphos Insignes, aut Thessala Tempe. Sunt quibus unum opus est, intactae Palladis urbem 5 Carmine perpetuo celebrare, et Undique decerptam fronti praeponere olivam. Plurimus, in Junonis honorem, Aptum dicet equis Argos ditesque Mycenas. Me nee tarn patiens Lacedaemon, 10 Nee tarn Larissae percussit campus opimae, Q,uam domus Albuneae resonantis, Et praeceps Anio ac Tiburni lucus, et uda Mobiiibus pomaria rivis. Albus ut obscure- deterge t nubila coelo 15 Saepe Notus, neque parturit imbres Perpetuos, sic tu sapiens finire memento Tristitiam vitaeque labores C. vii. 2. Ephesuirv 5. arces ; arcem. 6 et 7. celebrare, Indeque, 7. decerptae frondi, de conj. 9. dicit. 15. detergit. 17. Perpetuo. 1* 10 CAKMINUM Molli, Plane e, mero, seu te fulgentia signis Castra tenent, seu densa tenebit 20 Tiburis umbra tui. Teucer, Salamina patremque Cum fugeret, tamen uda Lyaeo Tempora populea fertur vinxisse corona, Sic tristes affatus amicos : Q,uo nos cunque feret melior Fortuna parente, 25 Ibimus, o socii comitesque ! Nil desperandum Teucro duce et auspice Teucro ; Certus enim promisit Apollo, Ambiguam tellure nova Salamina futuram. O fortes pejoraque passi 30 Mecum saepe viri, nunc vino pellite curas ; Cras ingens iterabimus aequor. CARMEN VIII. AD LYDIAM. Lydia die, per omnes Te deos oro, Sybarin cur properes amando Perdere ; cur apricum (Merit campum, patiens pulveris atque solis ? Cur neque militaris 5 Inter aequales equitat, Gallica nee lupatis Temperat ora frenis ? Cur timet rlavum Tiberim tangere ? cur olivum Sanguine viperino Cautius vitat ? neque jam livida gestat armis 10 27. auspice Teucri. C. viii. 6 et 7. equitet — Temzwet. LIBER I. C. IX. 11 Brachia, saepe disco, Saepe trans finem jaculo nobilis expedito 1 Q,uid latet, ut marinae Filium dicunt Thetidis sub lacrimosa Trojae Funera, ne virilis 15 Cultus in caedem et Lycias proriperet catervas ? CARMEN IX. AD THALIARCHUM. Vides, ut alta stet rive candidum Soracte, nee jam sustineant onus Silvae laborantes, geluque Flumina constiterint acuto. Dissolve frigus, ligna super foco 5 Large reponens, atque benignius Deprome quadrimum Sabina, O Thaliarche, merum diota. Permitte divis cetera : qui simul Stravere ventos aequore fervido 10 Deproeliantes, nee cupressi Nee veteres agitantur orni. Q,uid sit futurum eras, fuge quaerere : et duem Fors dierum cunque dabit, lucro Appone, nee dulces amores I? Sperne puer, neque tu choreas, C. ix. 7. Depone. 14. sors. 12 CAEMINUM Donee virenti canities abest Morosa. Nunc et campus et areae, Lenesque sub noctem susurri Composita repetantur hora, '20 Nunc et latentis proditor intimo Gratus puellae risus ab angulo, Pignusque dereptum lacertis, Aut digito male pertinaci. CARMEN X. AD MERCURIUM. Mercuri, facunde nepos Atlantis, Q,ui feros cultus hominum recenturfi Voce formasti catus, et decorae More palaestrae, Te canam, magni Jovis et deorum 5 Nuntium, curvaeque lyrae parentem, Callidum, quidquid placuit, jocoso Condere furto. Te, boves olim nisi reddidisses Per dolum amotas, puerum minaci I ( Voce dum terret, viduus pharetra Risit Apollo. C. x. 1. Mercuri facunde, nepos Atlantis. LIBER I. C. XI. 13 Q,uin et Atridas, duce te ? superbos Ilio dives Priamus relicto Thessalc-sque ignes et iniqua Trojae 15 Castra fefellit. Tu pias laetis animas reponis Sedibus, virgaque levem coerces Aurea turbam, superis deorum Gratus et imis. 20 CAKMEN XI. AD LEUCONOEN. Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quern tibi Finem di dederint, Leuco-noe, nee Babylonios Tentaris numeros. Ut melius, quidquid erit, pati ! Seu plures hiemes, seu tribuit Jupiter ultimam, Ctuae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare £ Tyrrhenum : sapias, vina liques, et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas. Carpe diem, quam minimum creduia postero C. xi. 1. quaesieris scire, nefas. 4. tribuet. 14 OAKMINTJM CARMEN XII. AD CAESAREM A U G U S T U M . Quern virum aut heroa lyra vel acri Tibia sumis celebrare, Clio ? Quern deum ? cujus recinet jocosa Nomen imago Aut in umbrosis Heliconis oris, 5 Aut super Pin do, gelid ove in Haemo ? Unde vocalem temere insecutae Orphea silvae, Arte materna rapidos morantem Fluminum lapsus celeresque ventos, 10 Blandum et auritas fidibus canoris Ducere quercus. Quid prius dicam solitis Parentis Laudibus, qui res hominum ac deorum, Qui mare ac terras variisque mundum 15 Temperat horis ? Unde nil majus generatur ipso, Nee viget quidquam simile aut secundum : Proximos illi tamen occupavit Pallas honores. 20 Proeliis audax, neque te silebo, Liber, et saevis inimica virgo G. xii. 2. sumes. 3. recinit. 13. Quid prius? Dicam solitis Paret. k em 19. occupabit. 20, 21. Pallas honores, Proeliis audax. Neque. LIBER I. c. xn. 15 Belluis, nee te, metuende certa, Phoebe, sagitta. Dicam et Alciden, puerosque Ledae, 25 Hunc equis, ilium superare pugnis Nobilem ; quorum simul alba nautis Stella refulsit, Defluit saxis agitatus humor, Concidunt venti, fugiuntque nubes, 30 Et minax — quod sic voluere — ponto Unda recumbit. Romulum post hos prius, an quietum Pompili regnum memorem, an superbos Tarquini fasces, dubito, an Catonis 35 Nobile letum. Regulum, et Scauros, animaeque magnae Prodigum Paullum, superante Poeno, Gratus insigni referam Camena, Fabriciumque. "" 40 Hunc, et incomptis Curium capillis Utilem bello tulit, et Camillum Saeva paupertas et avitus apto Cum lare fundus. Crescit, occulto velut arbor aevo, 45 Fama Marcelli : micat inter omnes Julium sidus, velut inter ignes Luna minores. 31. quia sic ; qua sic ; nam sic ; di sic. 35. anne Curti, Bentl. 41. intonsis. 16 CAEMINUM Gentis humanae pater atque custos, Orte Saturno, tibi cura magni 50 Caesaris fatis data ; tu secundo Caesare regnes. Ille seu Parthos Latio imrainentes Egerit justo domitos triumpho, Sive subjectos Orientis orae 55 Seras et Indos, Te minor latum reget aequus orbem : Tu gravi curru quaties Olympum, Tu parum castis inimica mittes Fulmina lucis. 60 CARMEN XIII. AD LYDIAM. Cum tu, Lydia, Telephi Cervicem roseam, cerea Telephi Laudas brachia, vae meum Fervens dimcili bile tumet jecur. Turn nee mens mihi nee color 5 Certa sede manent ; humor et in genas Furtim labitur, arguens Gtuam lentis penitus macerer ignibus. Uror, seu tibi candidos Turparunt humeros immodicae mero " 10 57. laetum ; ibid, regat. C. xiii. i. jecor. 6. manet LIBER I. C. XIV. 17 Rixae, sive puer furens Impressit mem^rem dente labris notam. Non, si me satis audias, Speres perpetuunij dulcia barbare Laedentem oscula, quae Venus 15 Q,uinta parte sui nectaris imbuit. Felices ter et amplius, Quos irrupta tenet copula, nee malis Divulsus querimoniis, Suprema citius solvet amor die. 20 CARMEN XIV. AD REMPUBLICAM. O navis, referent in mare te novi Fluctus. O quid agis ? Fortiter occupa Portum. Nonne vides, ut Nudum remigio latus, Et malus celeri saucius Africo 5 Antennaeque gemant, ac sine funibus Vix durare carinae Possint imperiosius Aequor ? Non tibi sunt integra lintea, Non di 3 quos iterum pressa voces malo. 10 duamvis Pontica pinus, Silvae fllia nobilis, 13. audies. C. xiv. 1. refemnt. 6. gemunt 8- possunt 18 CAEMINUM Jactes et genus et no-men inutile : Nil pictis timidus navita puppibus Fidit : Tu, nisi ventis 15 Debes ludibrium, cave. Nuper sollicitum quae mihi taedium, Nunc desiderium, curaque non levis, Interfusa nitentes Yites aequora Cycladas. 20 CARMEN XV. NEREI VATICINIUM DE EXCIDIO TROJAE. Pastor cum traheret per freta navibus Idaeis Helenen perfidus hospitam, Ingrato celeres obruit otio Ventos, ut caneret fera Nereus fata : Mala ducis avi domum, 5 Q,uam multo repetet Graecia milite, Conjurata tuas rumpere nuptias Et regnum Priami vetus. Heu, heu ! quantus equis, quantus adest riris Sudor ! quanta moves funera Dardanae 10 Genti ! Jam galeam Pallas et aegida Currusque et rabiem parat. 15. Tu nisi ventis Debes ludibrium cave. C. xv. 9. Eheu. LEBER I. C. XV. 19 Nequidquam, Veneris praesidio ferox, Pectes caesariem, grataque feminis Imbelli cithara carmina divides : 15 Nequidquam thalamo graves Hastas et calami spicula Cnosii Vitabis, strepitumque, et celerem sequi Ajacem : tamen lieu serus adulteros Crines pulvere collines. 20 Non Laertiaden, exitium tuae Genti, non Pylium Nestora respicis ? Urgent impavidi te Salaminius Teucer et Sthenelus sciens Pugnae, sive opus est imperitare equis, 25 Non auriga piger. Merionen quoque Nosces. Ecce furit te reperire atrox Tydides. melior patre : Q,uem tu, cervus uti vallis in altera Visum parte lupum graminis immemorj 30 Sublimi fugies mollis anhelitu, Non hoc pollicitus tuae. Iracunda diem proferet Ilio Matronisque Phrygum classis Achillei ; Post certas hiemes uret Achaicus 35 Ignis Iliacas domos. 20. Cultus. 21,22. Num— num. 24. Teucer, te ; Teucerque et, de conj. 35. Achaius. 36. Pergameas. 20 CARMINUM CAEMEN XVI. AD AMICAM. O matre pulchra filia pulchrior, Q,uem criminosis cunque voles modum Pones iambis, sive flamma Sive mari libet Hadriano. Non Dindymene, non adytis quatit 5 Mentem sacerdotum incola Pythius, Non Liber aeque, non acuta Sic geminant Corybantes aera, Tristes ut irae, quas neque Noricus Deterret ensis, nee mare naufragum, 10 Nee saevus ignis, nee tremendo Jupiter ipse mens tumultu. Fertur Prometheus, addere principi Limo coactus particulam undique Desectam, et insani leonis . 15 Vim stomacho apposuisse nostro. Irae Thyesten exitio gravi Stravere, et altis urbibus ultimae Stetere causae, cur perirent Fundi tus, imprimeretque muris 20 Hostile aratrum exercitus insolens. Compesce mentem ; me quoque pectoris C. xvi. 8. Si, de conj. LIBEE I. 0. XVII. 21 Tentavit in dulci juventa Fervor, et in celeres iambos Misit furentem. Nunc ego mitibus 25 Mutare quaero tristia, dum mihi Fias recantatis arnica Opprobriis animumque reddas. CAEMEN XYII. AD TYNDARIDEM. Telox amoenum saepe Lucretilem Mutat Lycaeo Faunus, et igneam Defendit aestatem capellis Usque meis, pluviosque ventos. Impune tutum per nemus arbutos Quaerunt latentes et thyma deviae Olentis uxores mariti ? Nee virides metuunt colubras '3 Nec Martiales Haediliae lupos, Utcunque dulci, Tyndari, fistula 10 Yalles et Usticae cubantis Levia personuere saxa. Di me tuentur : dis pietas mea Et Musa cordi est. Hie tibi copia C. xvii. 5. totum. 8. colubros. 9. hoeduleae. 14. Hinc. 22 CAKMINUM Manabit ad plenum benigno 15 Ruris honorum opulenta cornu. Hie in reducta valle Caniculae Vitabis aestus, et fide Teia Dices laborantes in uno Penelopen vitreamque Circen. 20 Hie innocentis pocula Lesbii Duces sub umbra : nee Semeleius Cum Marte confundet Thyoneus Proelia, nee metues protervum Suspecta Cyrum, ne male dispari 25 Incontinentes injiciat manus, Et scindat haerentem coronam Crinibus, immeritamque vestem. CARMEN XVIII. AD aUINCTILIUM VARUM. Nullam, Vare, sacra vite prius severis arborem Circa mite solum Tiburis et moenia Catili. Siccis omnia nam dura deus proposuit, neque Mordaces aliter diffugiunt sollicitudines. Q,uis post vina gravem militiam aut pauperiem crepat 1 5 Q,uis non te potius, Bacche pater, teque, decens Venus ? At ne quis modici transiliat munera Liberi, Centaurea monet cum Lapithis rixa super mero 2.5. nee. C. xviii. 5. increpat. 7. ac. LIBEE I. C. XIX 23 Bebellata, monet Sithoniis non levis Evius, Cum fas atque nefas exiguo fine libidinum 10 Discernunt avidi. Non ego te, candide Bassareu, Invitum quatiam, nee variis obsita frondibus Sub divum rapiam. Saeva tene cum Berecyntio Cornu tympana, quae subsequitur caecus amor sui, Et tollens vacuum plus nimio gloria verticem, 15 Arcanique fides prodiga, perlucidior vitro. CABMEN XIX. AD GLYCERAM. Mater saeva Cupidinum Thebanaeque jubet me Semeles puer, Et lasciva licentia Finitis animum reddere amoribus. Urit me Glycerae nitor 5 Splendentis Pario marmore purius : Urit grata protervitas, Et vultus nimium lubricus adspici, In me tota ruens Venus Cyprum deseruit, nee patitur Scythas, 10 Et versis animosum equis Parthum dicere, nee quae nihil attinent. Hie vivum mihi caespitem, hie Yerbenas, pueri, ponite, thuraque, Bimi cum patera meri : 15 Mactata veniet lenior hostia. C. xix. 12. attinet. 24 CAKMINUM GASMEN XX. AD MAECENATE'lSi. Vile potabis modicis Sabinum Cantharis, Graeca quod ego ipse testa Conditum levi, datus in theatro Cum tibi plausus, Care Maecenas eques, ut paterni 5 Fluminis ripae, simul et jocosa Redderet laudes tibi Vaticani . Montis imago. Caecubum et prelo domitam Caleno Tu bibes uvam ; mea nee Falernae 10 Temperant vites, neque Formiani Pocula colles. CARMEN XXI. IN DIANAM ET APOLLINEM. Dianam tenerae dicite virgines ; Intonsum, pueri, dicite Cynthium, Latonamque supremo Dilectam penitus Jovi. Vos laetam rluviis et nemorum coma, Q,uaecunque aut gelido prominet Algido, C. xxi. 5. comam. LLBEE I. C. XXTY. 25 Nigris aut Erymanthi Silvis, aut viridis Cragi : 'i Vos Tempe totidem tollite laudibus, Natalemque, mares, Delon Apo-llinis, 10 Insignemque pharetra Fraternaque humerum lyra. Hie bellum lacrimo-sum, hie miseram famem Pestemque a populo et principe Caesare in Persas atque Britannos 15 Vestra motus aget prece. CAKMEN XXII. AD ARISTIUM FUSCUM. Integer vitae scelerisque purus Non eget Mauris jaculis, neque arcu, Nee venenatis gravida sagittis, Fusee, pharetra ; . Sive per Syrtes iter aestuosas, 5 Sive facturus per inhospitalem Caucasum, vel quae loca fabulosus Lambit Hydaspes. Namque me silva lupus in Sabina, Dum meam canto Lalagen, et ultra 10 C. xxii. 2. Mauri ; nee. 26 CAEMINUM Terminum curis vagor expedites, Fugit inermem : Quale portentum neque militaris Daunias latis alit aesculetis. Nee Jubae tellus generat, leonum 15 Arida nutrix. Pone me, pigris abi nulla campis Arbor aestiva recreatur aura, Quod latus mundi nebulae malusque Jupiter urget ; 20 Pone sub curru nimium propinqui Solis, in terra domibus negata.: Dulce ridentem Lalagen amabo, Dulce loquentem. OAKMEN XXIII. AD CHLOEN. Vitas hinnuleo me similis, Chloe, Q,uaerenti pavidam montibus aviis Matrem, non sine vano Aurarum et siliiae metu. Nam seu mobilibus veris inhorruit Adventus foliis, seu virides rubum 11. expeditus. C. xxiii, 5. vitis ; vepris, de conj. LIBER I. C. XXIV. 2 10 Surgente decedunt amores, Nee rapidum fugiente Solem. C. ix. 3. Versant. LIBER II. C. X. 53 At non ter aevo functus amabilem Ploravit omnes Antilochum senex Anno-s, nee impubem parentes 15 Tro-ilon, aut Phrygiae sorores Flevere semper, Desine mollium Tandem querelarum ; et potius nova Cantemus Augusti tropaea Caesaris et rigidum Niphaten, 20 Medumque flumen gentibus additum Yictis minores volvere vertices, . Intraque praescriptum Gelonos Exiguis equitare campis. CARMEN X. AD LICINIUM MURENAM. Rectius vives, Licini, neque altum Semper urgendo, neque, dum procellas Cautus horrescis, nimium premendo Litus iniquum. Auream quisquis mediocritatem Diligit, tutus caret obsoleti Sordibus tecti, caret invidenda Sobrius aula. 22. vortices. 54 OAEMINUM Saepius ventis agitatur ingens Pinus, et celsae graviore casu 10 Decidunt turres, feriuntque summos Fulgura montes. Sperat infestis, metuit secundis Alteram sortem bene praeparatum Pectus. Informes hiemes reducit 15 Jupiter ; idem Summovet. Non, si male nunc, et olim Sic erit : quondam cithara tacentem Suscitat Musam neque semper arcum Tendit Apollo. 20 Rebus angustis animosus atque Fortis appare : sapienler idem Contrahes vento nimium secundo Turgida vela. CARMEN XL AD Q.UINCTIUM HIRPINUM. Quid bellicosus Cantaber et Scythes, Hirpine Q,uincti, cogitet Hadria Divisus objecto, remittas Q^uaerere, nee trepides in usum C. x. 9. Saevius. 10. Pinus, excelsae. 12. Fulmina. 18. citharae. LIBER II. C. XI. 55 Poscentis aevi pauca. Fugit retro 5 Levis juventas et decor, arida Pellente lascivos amores Canitie facilemque somnum. Non semper idem floribus est honor Yernis, neque uno Lima rubens nitet 10 Yultu. Quid aeternis minorem Consiliis animum fatigas ? Cur non sub alta vel platano vel hac Pinu jacentes sic temere, et rosa Canos odorati capillos, 15 Dum licet, Assyriaque nardo Potamus uncti ? Dissipat Evius Curas edaces. Q,uis puer ocius Restinguet ardentis Falerni Pocula praetereunte lympha? 20 Q,uis devium scortum eliciet domo Lyden ? Eburna, die age, cum lyra Maturet, in comptum Lacaenae More comas religata nodo. C. xi. 15. odorata. 23. incomptara— comam. 56 CARMINUM CARMEN XII. AD C. CILNIUM MAECENATEM. Nolis longa ferae bella Numantiae Nee dirum Hannibalem nee Siculum mare Poeno purpureum sanguine mollibus Aptari citharae modis, Nee saevos Lapithas et nimium mero . 5 Hylaeum do-mitosque Herculea manu Telluris juvenes, unde periculum Fulgens contrerauit domus Saturni veteris : tuque pedestribus Dices historiis proelia Caesaris, 10 Maecenas, melius ductaque per vias Regum colla minacium. Me dulces dominae Musa Licymniae Cantus, me voluit dicere lucidum Fulgentes oculos, et bene mutuis 15 Fidum pectus amoribus : Q,uam nee ferre pedem dedecuit choris Nee certare joco nee dare brachia Ludentem nitidis virginibus, sacro Dianae Celebris die. 20 Num. tu, quae tenuit dives Achaemenes, Aut pinguis Phrygiae Mygdonias opes C. xii. 2. durum. 6. domitosve. 12. minantium. 13. dulcis. LEBEK II. C. XIII. 57 Permutare velis crine Licymniae, Plenas aut Arabum domes, Dum flagrantia detorquet ad oscula 25 Cervicem, aut facili saevitia negat, Q,uae poscente magis gaudeat eripi, Interdum rapere occupat ? CARMEN XIII. IN ARBOREM, CUJUS CASU REPENTINO PAENE OPPRESSUS FUERAT. Ille et nefasto te posuit die, Q,uicunque primum, et sacrilega manu Produxit, arbos, in nepotum Perniciem opprobriumque pagi ; Ilium et parentis crediderim sui 5 Fregisse cervicem et penetralia Sparsisse nocturno cruore Hospitis ; ille venena Colcha Et quidquid usquam concipitur nefas, Tractavit, agro qui statuit meo 10 Te, triste lignum, te caducum In do-mini caput immerentis. Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis Cautum est in horas : navita Bosporum C. xiii. 8. Colchica. 3* 58 CAEMESTUM Poenus perhorrescit neque ultra 15 Caeca timet aliunde fata ; Miles sagittas et celerem fugam Parthi, catenas Parthus et Italum Robur ; sed improvisa leti Yis rapuit rapietque gentes. 20 Q,uam paene furvae regna Proserpinae Et judicantem vidimus Aeacum, Sedesque discretas piorum, et Aeoliis fidibus querentem Sappho puellis de popularibus, 25 Et te sonantem plenius aureo, Alcaee, plectro dura navis, Dura fugae mala, dura belli ! Utrumque sacro digna silentio Mirantur umbrae dicere ; sed magis 30 Pugnas et exactos tyrannos Densum humeris bibit aure vulgus. Quid mirum, ubi illis carminibus stupens Demittit atras bellua centfceps Aures, et intorti capillis 35 Eumenidum recreantur angues ? Q,uin et Prometheus et Pelopis parens Dulci laborum decipitur sono ; Nee curat Orion leones Aut timidos agitare lyncas. 41) 23. discriptas; descriptas. 38. laborem. LIBEE II. C. XIV. 59 CABMEN XIV. AD POSTUMUM. Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, Labuntur anni, nee pietas moram Rugis et instanti senectae Afferet indomitaeque morti ; Non, si trecenis, quotquot eunt dies, 5 Amice, places illacrimabilem Plutona tauris, qui ter amplum Geryonen Tityonque tristi Compescit unda, scilicet omnibus, Q,uicunque terrae munere vescimur 10 Enaviganda, sive reges Sive inopes erimus coloni. Frustra cruento Marte carebimus Fractisque rauci fluctibus Hadriae, Frustra per autumnos nocentem 15 Corporibus metuemus Austrum : Visendus ater rlumine languido Cocytos errans et Danai genus Tnfame damnatusque longi Sisyphus Aeolides laboris. 20 Linquenda tellus et domus et placens Uxor, neque harum, quas colis, arborum C. aav. 1. Heu, hew. 5. tricenis; trecentis. 18. Cocytus. 60 CAKMmUM Te praeter invisas cupressos Ulla brevem dominum sequetur. Absumet heres Caecuba dignior 25 Servata centum clavibus, et mero Tinget pavimentum superbo, Pontificum potiore coenis. CARMEN XV. IN SUI SECULI LUXUM. Jam pauca aratro jugera regiae Moles relinquent, undique latius Extenta visentur Lucrino Stagna lacu, platanusque caelebs Evincet ulmos ; turn violaria et 5 Myrtus et omnis copia narium Spargent olivetis odorem, Fertilibus domino priori ; Turn spissa ramis laurea fervidos Excludet ictus. Non ita Romuli 10 Praescriptum et intonsi Catonis Auspiciis veterumque norma. Privatus illis census erat brevis, Commune magnum : nulla decempedis 27. superbum ; superbus ; superbis. C. xv. 10. acstus. LIBER II. C. XVI. 61 Metata privatis opacam 15 Portions excipiebat Arcton : Nee fortuitum spernere cespitem Leges sinebant, oppida publico Sumptu jubentes et deorum Templa novo decorare saxo. 20 CARMEN XVL AD POMPEIUM GROSPHUM. Otium divos rogat in patenti Prensus Aegaeo, simul atra nubes Condidit lunam, neque certa fulgent Sidera nautis ; Otium bello furiosa Thrace, 5 Otium Medi pharetra decori, Grosphe, non gemmis neque purpura ve- nale neque auro. Non enim gazae neque consularis Summovet lictor miseros tumultus 10 Mentis, et curas laqueata circum Tecta volantes. Vivitur parvo bene, cm paterilum Splendet in mensa tenui salinum, C. xvi. 2. Pressus. 3. lumen. 62 CAEMINUM Nec leves somnos timor aut cupido 15 Sordidus aufert. Q,uid brevi fortes jaculamur aevo Multa ? quid terras alio calentes Sole mutamus ? Patriae quis exsui Se quoque fugit 1 20 Scandit aeratas vitiosa naves Cura, nec turmas equitum relinquit, Ocior cervis et agente nimbos Ocior Euro. Laetus in praesens animus, quod ultra est, 25 Oderit curare, et amara lento Temperet risu. Nihil est ab omni Parte beatum. Abstulit clarum cita mors Achillem, Longa Tithonum minuit senectus, 30 Et mihi forsan, tibi quod negarit, Porriget hora. Te greges centum Siculaeque circum Mugiunt vaccae, tibi tollit hinnitum Apta quadrigis equa, te bis Afro 35 Murice tinctae Vestmnt lanae : mihi parva rura, et Spiritum Graiae tenuem Camenae Parca non mendax dedit, et malignum Spernere vulgus. 40 19. patria? quis. 26. laeto. LEBER H. C. XVII. 63 CAEMEN XVII. AD MAECENATEM. Cur me querelis exanimas tuis 1 Nee dis amicum est nee mihi, te prius Obire, Maecenas, mearum Grande decus columenque rerum. Ah ! te meae si partem animae rapit 5 Maturior vis, quid moror altera, ■ Nee cams aeque nee superstes Integer ? Ille dies utramque Ducet ruinam. Non ego perfidum Dixi sacramentum : ibimus, ibimus. 10 Utcunque praecedes, supremum Carpere iter comites parati. Me nee Chimaerae spiritus igneae, Nee, si resurgat, centimanus Gyas Divellet unquam : sic potenti 15 Justitiae placitumque Parcis. Seu Libra seu me Scorpios adspicit Formidolosus, pars violentior Natalis horae, seu tyrannus Hesperiae Capricornus undae, 20 Utrumque nostrum incredibili modo Consentit astrum. Te Jovis impio C. xvii. 5. At te. 6. alteram. 8. Ilia. 14. Gigas; Gyges 17. Scorpius. 19. Fatalis. 64 CARMINUM Tutela Saturno refulgens Eripuit volucrisque Fati Tardavit alas, cum populus frequens Laetum theatris ter crepuit sonum : Me truncus illapsus cerebro Sustulerat, nisi Faunus ictum Dextra levasset, Mercurialium Custos virorum. Reddere victimas Aedemque votivam memento : Nos humilem feriemus agnam. 25 30 CARMEN XVIII. AD A VARUM. Non ebur neque aureum Mea renidet in domo lacunar, Non trabes Hymettiae Premunt columnas ultima recisas Africa, neque Attali Ignotus heres regiam occupavi, Nee Laconicas mihi Trahunt honestae purpuras clientae. At fides et ingeni Benigna vena est, pauperemque dives Me petit : nihil supra Deos lacesso nee potentem amicum C. xviii. 8. clientes. 10 liber ii. c. xvin. 65 Largiora flagito, Satis beatus unicis Sabinis. Truditur dies die, 15 Novaeque pergunt interire lunae. Tu secanda marmora Locas sub ipsum funus, et, sepulcri Immemo-r, struis do-mos, Marisque Baiis obstrepentis urges 20 Summovere litora, Parum locuples continente ripa. Quid, quod usque proximos Revellis agri terminos, et ultra Limites clientium 25 Salis a varus ? Pellitur paternos In sinu ferens deos Et uxor et vir sordidosque natos. Nulla certior tamen Rapacis Orci fine destinata 30 Aula divitem manet Herum. Gluid ultra tendis ? Aequa te^lus Pauperi recluditur, Regumque pueris, nee satelles Orci Callidum Promethea 35 Revexit auro captus. Hie superbum Tantalum atque Tantali Genus coercet ; hie levare functum Pauperem laboribus Yocatus atque non vocatus audit. 40 25. Limitem. 66 CAEMINUM CAEMEN XIX. AD BACCHUM. Bacchum in remotis carmina rupibus Yidi docentem, credite posteri, Nymphasque discentes et aures Capripedum Satyrorum acutas. Kvoe ! recenti mens trepidat metu, 5 . Plenoque Bacchi pectore turbidum Laetatur. Evoe ! parce, Liber ! Parce, gravi metuende thyrso ! Fas pervicaces est mihi Thyiadas, Vinique fo-ntem, lactis et uberes 10 Cantare rivc-s, atque truncis Lapsa cavis iterare mella ; Fas et beatae conjugis additum Stellis honorem, tectaque Penthei Disjecta non leni ruina, 15 Thracis et exitium Lycurgi. Tu rlectis amnes, tu mare barbarum, Tu separatis uvidus in jugis Nodo coerces viperino Bistonidum sine fraude crines. 20 Tu, cum Parentis regna per arduum Cohors Gigantum scanderet impia, Rhoetum retorsisti leonis Unguibus horribilique mala ; LIBER II. 0. XX. 67 Q,uanquam choreis aptior et jocis 25 Ludoque dictus, non sat idoneus Pugnae ferebaris ; sed idem Pacis eras mediusque belli. Te vidit insons Cerberus aureo Cornu decorum, leniter atterens 30 * Caudam, et recedentis trilingui Ore pedes tetigitque crura. CARMEN XX. AD MAECENATEM. Non usitata nee tenui ferar Penna biformis per liquidum aethera Yates, neque in terris morabor Longius, invidiaque major Urbes relinquam. Non ego, pauperum 5 Sanguis parentum, non ego, quern vocas, Dilecte Maecenas, obibo, Nee Stygia cohibebor unda. Jam jam residunt cruribus asperae Pelles, et album mutor in alitem 10 Superne, nascunturque leves Per digitos humerosque plumae. C. xx. 1. Non — non. 11. Superna. 38 CAKMINUM Jam Daedaleo ocior Icaro Visam gementis litora Bospon Syrtesque Gaetulas canorus 15 Ales Hyperboreosque campos. Me Colchus et, qui dissimulat metum Marsae cohortis, Dacus et ultimi Noscent Geloni, me peritus Discet Hiber Rhodanique potor. 20 Absint inani funere neniae Luctusque turpes et querimoniae ; Compesce clamorem, ac sepulcri Mitte supervacuos honores. 20. Iber. Q. HORATII FLACCI CAHMINUM LIBER TERTIUS. CAKMEN I. Odi profanum vulgus et arceo : Favete Unguis : carmina non prius Audita Musarum sacerdos Virginibus puerisque canto. Regum timendorum in proprios greges, 5 Reges in ipsos imperium est Jovis, Clari Giganteo triumpho, Cuncta supercilio moventis. Est, ut viro vir latius ordinet Arbusta sulcis, hie generosior 10 Descendat in Campum petitor, Moribus hie meliorque fama Contendat, illi turba clientium Sit major : aequa lege necessitas TO CARMINUM Sortitur insignes et imos ; 1 5 Omne capax movet urna nomen, Destrictus ensis cui super impia Cervice pendet, non Siculae dapes Dulcem elaborabunt saporem, Non avium citharaeque cantus 20 Somnum reducent. Somnus agrestmm Lenis virorum non humiles dorms Fastidit umbrosamque ripam, Non Zephyris agitata Tempe. Desiderantem, quod satis est, neque 25 Tumultuosum sollicitat mare, Nee saevus Arcturi cadentis Impetus aut orientis Hoedi, Non verberatae grandine vineae, Fundusque mendax, arbore nunc aquas 30 Culpante, nunc torrentia agros Sidera, nunc hiemes iniquas. Contracta pisces aequora sentiunt Jactis in altum molibus : hue frequens Caementa demittit redemptor 35 Cum famulis, dominusque terrae Fastidiosus : sed Timor et Minae Scandunt eodem, quo dominus, neque Decedit aerata triremi et Post equitem sedet atra Cura. 40 Q,uodsi dolentem nee Phrygius lapis Nee purpurarum sidere clarior LIBEE III. C. II. 71 Delenit usus, nee Falerna Vitis Achaemeniumque costum ; Cur invidendis postibus et novo 45 Sublime ritu moliar atrium ? Cur valle permutem Sabina Divitias operosiores ? CAEMEN II. Angustam amice pauperiem pati Robustus acri militia puer Condiscatj et Parthos feroces Yexet eques metuendus hasta Yitamque sub divo et trepidis agat 5 In rebus. Ilium ex moenibus hosticis Matrona bellantis tyranni Prospiciens et adulta virgo Suspiret : eheu ! ne rudis agminum Sponsus lacessat regius, asperum 10 TactUj leonem, quern cruenta Per medias rapit ira caedes. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori : Mors et fugacem persequitur virum, C. i 43. delinit. C. ii. 1. Angustam, amici. 5. dio. 14. prosequitur. 72 OARMIJSTUM Nee parcit imbellis juventae 15 Poplitibus timidoque tergo. Virtus, repulsae nescia sordidae, Intaminatis fulget honoribus, Nee sumit aut ponit secures Arbitrio popularis aurae. 20 Yirtus, recludens immeritis mori Coelum, negata tentat iter via, Coetusque vulgares et udam Spernit humum fugientc penna. Est et fideli tuta silentio 25 Merces : vetabo, qui Cereris sacrum Vulgarit arcanae, sub isdem Sit trabibus fragilemve mecum Solvat phaselon : saepe Diespiter Neglectus incesto addidit integrum : 30 Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede poena claudo. CARMEN III. Justum et tenacem propositi virum Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida, neque Auster, 16. timidove. 27. Vulgavit. 28. fragilemque. C. iii. I ac. LIBEE HI. C. III. 73 Dux inquieti turbidus Hadriae, 5 Nee fulminantis magna manus Jovis : Si fractus illabatur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruinae. Hac arte Pollux et vagus Hercules Enisus arces attigit igneas, 10 Q,uos inter Augustus recumbens Purpureo bibit ore nectar. Hac te merentem, Bacche pater, tuae Vexere tigres, indocili jugum Gollo trahentes ; hac Gtuirinus 15 Martis equis Acheronta fugit, Gratum elocuta consiliantibus Junone divis : " Ilion, Ilion Fatalis incestusque judex Et mulier peregrina vertit 20 In pulverem, ex quo destituit deos Mercede pacta Laomedon, mihi Castaeque damnatum Minervae Cum populo et duce fraudulento. Jam nee Lacaenae splendet adulterae 25 Pamosus hospes, nee Priami domus Perjura pugnaces Achivos Hectoreis opibus refringit, Nostnsque due turn seditionibus Bellum resedit. Protinus et graves 30 7. illabetur. 10. Innisus. 12. bibet. 4 74 CAEMINUM Iras et invisum nepotem, Troica quem peperit sacerdos, Marti redonabo ; ilium ego lucidas Inire sedes, ducere nectaris Succos, et adscribi quietis Ordinibus patiar deorum. Dum longus inter saeviat Ilion Romamque pontus, qualibet exsules In parte regnanto beati ; Dum Priami Paridisque busto 4C Insultet armentum et catulos ferae Celent inultae, stet Capitolium Fulgens triumph atisque possit Roma ferox dare jara Medis. Horrenda late nomen in ultimas 45 Extendat oras, qua medius liquor Secernit Europen ab Afro, Q,ua tumidus rigat arva Nilus, Aurum irrepertum et sic melius situm, Cum terra celat, spernere fortior, 50 Q,uam cogere humanos in usus Omne sacrum rapiente dextra. Gtuicunque mundo terminus obstitit, Hunc tangat armis, visere gestiens Q,ua parte debacchentur ignes, 55 Qua nebulae pluviique rores. 32. Trola. 34. discere. 35. Sucos, Orelhus. 54. tanget, Orcllius. LIBER III. C. IV. 75 Sed bellicosis fata Quiritibus Hac lege dico, ne nimium pii Rebusque fidentes avitae Tecta velint reparare Trojae. 60 Trojae renascens alite lugubri Fortuna tristi clade iterabitur, Ducente victrices catervas Conjuge me Jo vis et sorore. Ter si resurgat murus aheneus 65 Auctore Phoebo, ter pereat meis Excisus Argivis, ter uxor Capta virum puerosque ploret, 5 ) Non haec jocosae conveniunt lyrae. Quo, Musa, tendis ? Desine pervicax 70 Referre sermones deorum et Magna modis tenuare parvis. CARMEN IV. A.D CALLIOPEN. Descende coelo et die age tibia Regina longum Calliope melos, Seu voce nunc mavis acuta, Seu fidibus citharaque Phoebi. 69. hoc — conveniet, Orellius ; haec — convenient C. iv. 4. citharave. 76 CARMINUM Auditis ? an me ludit amabilis 5 Insania ? Audire et videor pios Errare per lucos, amoenae Q,uos et aquae subeunt et aurae. Me fabulosae Yulture in Apulo. Altricis extra limen Apuliae, 10 Ludo fatigatumque somno Fronde nova puerum palumbes Texere, mirum quod foret omnibus, Quicunque celsae nidum Acherontiae Saltusque Bantinos et arvum 15 Pingue tenent humilis Forenti, Ut tuto ab atris corpore viperis Dormirem et ursis, ut premerer sacra Lauroque collataque myrto, Non sine dis animosus infans. 20 Vester, Camenae, vester in arduos Tollor Sabinos, seu mihi frigidum Praeneste seu Tibur supinum, Seu liquidae placuere Baiae. Vestris amicum fontibus et choris 25 Non me Philippis versa acies retro, Devota non exstinxit arbos Nee Sicula Palinurus unda. Utcunque mecum vos eritis, libens Insanientem navita Bosporum 30 5. Audiris? de conj. 10. Nutricis. 27. arbor. liber in. C. IV. 77 Tentabo et urentes arenas Litoris Assyrii viator. Visam Britannos hospitibus feros, Et laetum equino sanguine Concanum, Yisam pharetratros Gelonos 35 Et Scythicum inviolatus amnem. Yos Caesarem altum, militia simul Fessas cohortes abdidit oppidis, Finire quaerentem labores, Pierio recreatis antro. 40 Yos lene consilium et datis, et dato Gaudetis, almae. Scimus, ut impios Titanas immanemque turmam Fulmine sustulerit cadueo, Q,ui terram inertem, qui mare temperat 45 Yentosum, et urbes regnaque tristia Divosque mortalesque turbas Imperio regit unus aequo. Magnum ilia terrorem intulerat Jovi Fidens juventus horrida brachiis, 50 Fratresque tendentes opaco Pelion imposuisse Olympo. Sed quid Typhoeus et validus Mimas, Aut quid minaci Porphyrion statu, 31, arentes. 37. Caesarem altum (educatum) militia. 38. addidit, Orellius; reddidit. 43. turbam. 47, turmas. 78 CAEMINUM Quid Rhoetus, evulsisque truncis 55 Enceladus jaculator audax. Contra sonantem Palladis aegida Possent ruentes ? Hinc avidus stetit YulcamiSj hinc matrona Juno et Nunquam humeris positurus arcum, 60 Q,ui rore puro Castaliae lavit Crmes solutop, qui Lyciae tenet Dumeta natalemque silvam, Delius et Patareus Apollo. Vis consili expers mole ruit sua : 65 Vim temperatam di quoque provehunt In majus ; idem odere vires Omne nefas animo moventes. Testis mearum centimanus Gyas Sententiarum, notus et integrae 70 Tentator Orion Dianae, Virginea domitus sagitta. Injecta monstris Terra dolet suis Moeretque partus fulmine luridum Missos ad Orcum : nee peredit 75 Impositam celer ignis Aetnam : Incontinentis nee Tityi jecur Reliquit ales, nequitiae additus Custos ; amatorem trecentae Pirithoum cohibent catenae. 80 69. Gigas ; Gyges ; Cf. lib. I, 17, 14. 78. Relinquit LIBER in. C. Y. 79 CARMEN V. IN LAUDEM CAESARIS AUGUSTI. Coelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare : praesens divus habebitur Augustus, adjectis Britannis Imperio gravibusque Persis. Milesrie Crassi conjuge barbara 5 Turpis maritus vixit ? et hostium, Pro Curia inversique mores ! Consenuit socerorum in armis Sub rege Medo Marsus et Apulus, Anciliorum et nominis et togae 10 Oblitus aeternaeque Testae, Incolumi Jove et urbe Roma ? Hoc caverat mens provida Reguli, Dissentientis conditionibus Foedis, et exemplo trahentis 15 Perniciem veniens in aevum, Si non periret immiserabilis Captiva pubes. Signa ego Punicis Affixa delubris, et arma Militibus sine caede, dixit, 20 Derepta vidi, vidi ego civium Retorta tergo brachia libero C. v. 8. arvis. 15. trahenti, de conj. 80 CAEMINTJM Portasque non clausas et arva Marte coli populata nostro. Auro repensus scilicet acrior 25 Miles redibit ! Flagitio additis Damnum : neque amissos colores Lana refert medicata fuco, Nee vera virtus, cum semel excidit, Curat reponi deterioribus. 30 Si pugnat extricata densis Cerva plagis, erit ille fortis, Q,ui periidis se credidit hostibus, Et Marte Poenos proteret altero, Q,ui lora restrictis lacertis 35 Sensit iners timuitque mortem. Hie, unde vitam sumeret, inscius, Pacem duello miscuit. O pudor ! O magna Carthago, probrosis Altior Italiae minis ! 40 Pertur pudicae conjugis osculum, Parvosque natos, ut capitis minor, Ab se removisse, et virilem Torvus humi posuisse vultum : Donee labantes consilio Patres 45 Firmaret auctor nunquam alias dato, Interque moerentes amicos Egregius properaret exsul. 29. occidit. '•> LIBER tii. C. VI. 81 Atqui sciebat quae sibi barbarus Tortor pararet : non aliter tamen 50 Dimovit obstantes propinquos Et populum reditus morantem, Q,uam si clientum longa negotia, Dijudicata lite relinqueret, Tendens Yenafranos in agros 55 Aut Lacedaemonium Tarentum. CARMEN VI. AD ROMANOS. Delicta majorum immeritus lues, Romane, donee templa refeceris Aedesque labentes deorum et Foeda nigro simulacra fumo. Dis te mmorem quod geris, imperas : 5 Hinc omne principium, hue refer exitum. Di multa neglecti dederunt Hesperiae mala luctuosae. Jam bis Monaeses et Pacori maim? Non auspicatos contudit impetus 10 Nostros, et adjecisse praedam Torquibus exiguis renidet. C. vi. 6. Hue cmne — . 9. Monaesis. 4* 82 CAKMmUM Paene occupatam seditionibus Delevit Urbem Dae us et Aethiops ; Hie classe formidatus, ille 15 Missilibus melior sagittis. Fecunda culpae saecula nuptias Primum inquinavere et genus et domos ^ Hoc fonte derivata clades In patriam populumque nuxit. 20 Motus doceri gaudet lonicos Matura virgo, et fingitur artibus ; Jam nunc et incestos amores De tenero meditatur ungui : Mox juniores quaerit adulteros 25 Inter mariti vina, neque eligit. Cui donet impermissa raptim Gaudia, luminibus remotis : Sed jussa coram, non sine conscio Surgit marito, seu vocat institor 30 Seu navis Hispanae magister, Dedecorum pretiosus emptor. Non his juventus orta parentibus Infecit aequor sanguine Punico, Pyrrhumque et ingentem cecidit 35 Antiochum Hannibalemque dirum : Sed rusticorum mascula militum Proles, Sabellis docta ligonibus 22. artubus; frangitur. 27. intermissa. 26. durum. ' libee in. c. vn. 83 ■ Versare glebas et severae Matris ad arbitrium recisos 40 Portare fustes, Sol ubi montium Mutaret umbras et juga demeret Bobus fatigatis, amicum Tempus agens abeunte curru. Damnosa quid non imminuit dies ? 45 Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit Nos nequiores, mox daturos Progeniem vitiosiorem. CAKMEN VII. AD ASTERIEN. Q,uid Acs, Asterie, quern tibi candidi Primo restituent vere Favonii, Thyna merce beatum, Constantis juvenem fide, Gygen? Ille, Notis actus ad Oricum 5 Post insana Caprae sidera, frigidas Noctes non sine multis Insomnis lacrimis agit. Atqui sollicitae nuncius hospitae, Suspirare Chloeii et miseram tuis 10 43. Bubus. C. vii. 4. fidei 84: CAKMmiTM Dicens ignibus uri, Tentat mille vafer modis. Ut Proetum mulier perfida credulum Falsis impulerit criminibus, nimis Casto Bellerophonti 15 Maturare necem, refert. Narrat paene datum Pelea Tartaro, Magnessam Hippolyten dum fugit abstinens ; Et peccare docentes Fallax historias movet : 20 Frustra : nam scopulis surdior Icari Voces audit adhuc integer. At tibi Ne vicinus Enipeus Plus justo placeat cave : Q,uamvis non alius flectere equum sciens 25 Aeque conspicitur gramine Martio, Nee quisquam citus aeque Tusco denatat alveo. Prima nocte do-mum claude, neque in vias Sub cantu querulae despice tibiae, 30 • Et te saepe vocanti Duram, dimcilis mane. 14. compulerit. 20. monet. LIBER m. C. VLTL 85 CARMEN VIII. AD MAECENATEM. Martiis caelebs quid agam Calendis, Quid velint nores et acerra thuris Plena, miraris, positusque carbo in Cespite vivo, Docte sermones utriusque linguae : 5 Voveram dulces epulas et album Libero caprum, prope funeratus Arboris ictu. Hie dies anno redeunte festus Corticem adstrictum pice demovebit 10 Amphorae, fumum bibere institutae Consule Tullo. Sume, Maecenas, cyathos amici Sospitis centum, et vigiles lucernas Perfer in lucem : procul omnis esto 15 Clamor et ira. Mitte civiles super Urbe curas : Occidit Daci Cotisonis agmen, Medus infestus sibi luctuosis Dissidet armis, 20 Servit Hispanae vetus hostis orae Cantaber, sera domitus catena, C. viii. 10. dimovebit, Orellius. 15. Profer. 86 CAKMIOTM Jam Scythae laxo meditantur arcu Cedere campis. Negligens. ne qua populus laboret, 25 Parce privatus nimium cavere : Dona praesentis cape laetus horae, Linque severa. CARMEN IX. AD LYDIAM HORATIUS. Donee gratus eram tibi, Nee quisquam potior brachia candidae Cervici juvenis dabat, Persamm vigui rege beatior. LYDIA. Donee non alia magis 5 Arsisti neque erat Lydia post Chloen, Multi Lydia nominis Romana vigui clarior Ilia. HORATIUS. Me nunc Thressa Chloe regit, Dulces docta modos et citharae sciens, 10 26. cavere et. 27. rape ; ibid, horae, ct, Orcllius; horae, ac. C. ix. 5. aliam. lebee m. C. X. 87 Pro qua non metuam mori 5 Si parcent animae fata supei^titi. LYDIA. Me torret face mutua Thurini Calais films Ornyti, Pro quo bis patiar mori, 1 5 Si parcent puero fata superstiti. HORATIUS. Quid, si prisca redit Venus Diductosque jugo cogit aeneo ? Si flava excutitur Chloe, Rejectaeque patet janua Lydiae ? 20 LYDIA. Q,uamquam sidere pulchrior Ille est, tu levior cortice et improbo Iracundior Hadria, Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens. CARMEN X. IN L Y C E N. Extremum Tanain si biberes, Lyce, Saevo nupta viro, me tamen asperas Porrectum ante fores objicere incolis Plorares Aquilonibus. 21. Quamvis. 88 CAKMINTTM Audis, quo strepitu janua, quo ifemus 5 Inter pulchra satum tecta remugiat Ventis ? et positas ut glaciet nives Puro numine Jupiter ? Ingratam Veneri pone superbiam, Ne currente retro funis eat rota. 10 Non te Penelopen difricilem procis Tyrrhenus genuit parens. O quamvis neque te munera nee preces Nee tinctus viola pallor amantium Nee vir Pieria pellice saucius 1 5 Curvat, supplicibus tuis Parcas, nee rigida mollior aesculo Nee Mauris animurn mitior anguibus. Non hoc semper erit liminis aut aquae Coelestis patiens latus. 20 CARMEN XI. AD MERCURIUM. Mercuri. nam te docilis magistro Movit Amphion lapides canendo, Tuque, testudo, resonare septem Callida nervis, C. x. 6. Situm. 18. animo. liber in. C. XI. 89 Nee loquax olim neque grata, nunc et 5 Divitum mensis et arnica templis, Die modos, Lyde quibus obstinatas Applicet aures, Q,uae, velut latis equa trima campis Ludit exsultim, metuitque tangi, 1 Nuptiarum expers et adhuc protervo Cruda marito. Tu potes tigres comitesque silvas Ducere et rivos celeres morari ; Cessit immanis tibi blandienti 15 Janitor aulae, Cerberus, quamvis furiale centum Muniant angues caput ejus, atque Spiritus teter saniesque manet Ore trilingui. 20 Q,uin et Ixion Tityosque vultu Risit invito, stetit urn a paullum Sicca, dum grato Danai puellas Carmine mulces. Audiat Lyde scelus atque notas 25 Virginum poenas et inane lymphae Dolium fundo pereuntis imo Seraque fata, Quae manent culpas etiam sub Oreo. Impiae — nam quid potuere majus ? 30 C. jd. 18. caput, exeatque, de conj. Bentl. 30. numquid. 90 CAKMINUM Impiae sponsos potuere dure Perdere ferro. Una de multis, face nuptiali Digna, perjurum fuit in parentem Splendide mendax et in'omne virgo 35 Nobilis aevum, Surge, quae dixit juveni marito, Surge, ne longus tibi somnus, unde Non times, detur ; socerum et scelestas Falle sorores, 40 Q,uae, velut nactae vitulos leaenae, Singulos, eheu ! lacerant. Ego illis Mollior nee te feriam neque intra Claustra tenebo. Me pater saevis oneret catenis, 45 Quod viro clemens misero peperci ; Me vel extremos Numidarum in agros Classe releget. I, pedes quo te rapiunt et aurae, Dum fa vet nox et Venus, i secundo 50 Omine, et nostri memorem sepulcro Scalpe querelam. 52. Sculpe. LIBER in. C. XTTT. 91 CARMEN XII. AD NEOBULEN. Miserarum est neque amori dare ludum neque dulci Mala vino lavere, aut exanimari metuentes Patruae verbera linguae. TiDi qualum Cythereae puer ales, tibi telas Operosaeque Minervae studium aufert, Neobule, 5 Liparaei nitor Hebri, Simul unctos Tiberinis humeros lavit in undis, Eques ipso melior Bellerophonte, neque pugno Neque segni pede victus : Catus idem per apertum fugientes agitato 10 Grege cervos jaculari, et celer alto la titan tern Fruticeto excipere aprum. CARMEN XIII. AD FONTEM BANDUSIAE. O fons Bandusiae, splendidior vitro, Dulci digne mero, non sine noribus, Cras donaberis hoedo, Cui frons turgida cornibus Primis et venerem et proelia destinat; 5 Frustra : nam gelidos inficiet tibi C. xii. 11. arto. 92 CAEMINUM Rubro sanguine rivos Lascivi suboles gregis. Te flagrantis atrox hora Caniculae Nescit tangere, tu frigus amabile 10 Fessis vomere tauris Praebes et pecori vago. Fies nobilium tu quoque fontium, Me dicente cavis impositam ilicem Saxis, unde loquaces 15 Lymphae desiliunt tuae CARMEN XIV. AD POPULUM ROMANUM. Hercuiis ritu mode- dictus, o plebs, Morte venalem petiisse laurum, Caesar Hispana repetit penates Victor ab ora. Unico gaudens mulier marito 5 Prodeat, justis operata divis : Et soror clari ducis et decorae Supplice vitta Virginum matres juvenumque nuper Sospitum. Vos, o pueri et puellae 10 8. soboles. 16. Nymphae. C. xiv. 6. justis — sacris LIBER LTI. C. XY. 93 Jam virum expertae, male ominatis Parcite verbis. Hie dies vere mihi festus atras Eximet curas : ego nee tumultum Nee mori per vim metuam, tenente 15 Caesare terras. I. pete unguentum, puer, et coronas Et cadum Marsi memorem duelli, Spartacum si qua potuit vagantem Fallere testa., 20 Die et argutae properet Neaerae Myrrheum nodo cohibere crinem ; Si per invisum mora janitorem Fiet. abito. Lenit albescens animos capillus 25 Litium et rixae cupidos protervae ; Non ego hoc ferrem, calidus juventa, Consule Planco. CARMEN XV. IN CHLORIM. Uxor pauperis Ibyci. Tandem nequitiae fige modum tuae 11. expertes, de co nj. ; nominatis. 19. si quae. C. xv. Q. pone. 94 CARMINUM Famosisque laboribus : Maturo propior desine funeri Inter ludere virgines, 5 Et stellis nebulam spargere candid is. Non, si quid Pholoen satis, Et te, Chlori, decet : filia rectius Expugnat juvenum domos, Pulso Thyias uti concita tympano. l^ Illam cogit amor Nothi Lascivae similem ludere capreae : Te lanae prope nobilem Tonsae Luceriam, non citharae, decent, Nee flos purpureus rosae, 15 Nee poti, vetulam, faece tenus cadi. CARMEN XVI. AD MAECENATEK. Inclusam Danaen turris ahenea, Robustaeque fores, et vigilum canum Tnstes excubiae munierant satis Nocturnis ab adulteris, Si non Acrisium, virginis abditae 5 Custodem pavidum, Jupiter et Venus Risissent : fore enim tutum iter et patens Converso in pretium deo. 16. vetula. LIBEE III. C. XVI. 95 Aurum per medios ire satellites Et perrumpere amat saxa, potentius 10 Ictu fulmineo : concidit auguris Argivi domus, ob lucrum Demersa exitio : diffidit urbium Portas vir Macedo, et subruit aemulos Reges muneribus : munera navium 15 Saevos illaqueant duces. Crescentem sequitur cura pecuniam Majorumque fames. Jure perhorrui Late conspicuum tollere verticem, Maecenas, equitum decus. 20 Q,uanto quisque sibi plura negaverit, Ab dis plura feret : nil cupientium Nudus castra peto et transfuga divitum Partes linquere gestio; Contemptae dominus splendidior rei, 25 Q,uam si, quidquid arat impiger Appulus Occultare meis dicerer horreis, Magnas inter opes inops. Purae rivus aquae silvaque jugerum Paucorum, et segetis certa fides meae, 30 Fulgentem imperio fertilis Africae Fallit sorte beatior. Q,uanquam nee Calabrae mella ferunt apep Nee Laestrygonia Bacchus in amphora C. xvi. 26. non piger. 96 CARMmUM Languescit mihi nee pinguia Gallicis 35 Crescunt vellera pascuis, Importuna tamen pauperies abest, Nee, si plura velim, tu dare deneges. Contracto melius parva cupidine Vectigalia porrigam, 40 Quam si Mygdoniis regnum Alyattei Campis contirmem. Multa petentibus Desunt multa ; bene est, cui deus obtulit Parca, quod satis est, maim. CARMEN XVII. AD AELIUM LAMIAM. Aeli, vetusto nobilis ab Lamo, — Q,uando et priores hinc Lamias ferunt Denominatos et nepotum Per memores genus omne fastos Auctore ab illo ducit originem, 5 Qui Formiarum moenia dicitur Princeps et innantem Maricae Litoribus tenuisse Lirim Late tyrannus ; — eras foliis nemus Multis et alga litus inutili L0 Demissa tempestas ab Euro Sternet, aquae nisi fallit augur LIBER HI. C. XVIH. 97 Annosa cornix. Dum po-tes, aridum Compone lignum : eras Genium mero Curabis et porco bimestri, 15 Cum famulis operum solutis. CARMEN XVIII. AD FAUNUM. Faune, Nympbarum fugientum amator. Per meos fines et aprica rura Lenis incedas, abeasque parvis Aequus alumnis, Si tener pleno cadit haedus anno, 5 Larga nee desunt Veneris sodali Vina craterae, vetus ara multo Fumat odore. Ludit herboso pecus omne campo Cum tibi Nonae redeunt Decembres : 10 Festus in pratis vacat otioso Cum bo-ve pagus : Inter audaces lupus errat agnos : Spargit agrestes tibi silva frondes : Gaudet invisam pepulisse fossor 15 Ter pede terrain. C. xvii. 13. Dum potis, Orellius. C. xviii. 5. cadet. 12. pardus. 5 OS CARMLNTTM CARMEN XIX. AD TELEPHUM. Quantum distet ab Inacho Codrus, pro patria non timidus mori, NarraSj et genus Aeaci Et pugnata sacro bella sub Ilio : Q,uo Chium pretio cadum 5 Mercemur, quis aquam temperet ignibus, Q,uo praebente domum et quota Pelignis caream frigoribus, taces. Da Lunae propere novae. Da Noctis mediae, da, puer, auguris 10 Murenae : tribus aut novem Miscentur cyathis pocula commodis. Q,ui Musas amat impares, Ternos ter eyathos attonitus petet Vates : tres prohibet supra 15 Rixarum metuens tangere Gratia Nudis juncta sororibus. Insanire juvat : cur Berecyntiae Cessant flamina tibiae ? Cur pendet tacita fistula cum lyra? 20 Parcentes ego dexteras Odi : sparge rosas : audiat invidus Dementem strepitum Lycus Et vicina seni non habilis Lyco. Spissa te nitidum coma, 2b Puro te similem, Telephe, Vespero, Tempestiva petit Rhode : Me lentus Glycerae torret amor meae. O. xix. 1. distat 12. Miscentor. LIBER III. 0. XX. 99 CARMEN XX. AD PYRRHUM Non vides, quanto moveas periclo, Pyrrhe, Gaetulae catulos leaenae? Dura post paullo fugles inaudax Proelia raptor, Cum per obstantes juvenum catervas 5 Ibit insignem repetens Nearchum : Grande certamen, tibi praeda cedat Major an illi. Interim, dum tu celeres sagittas Promis, haec dentes acuit timendos, 10 Arbiter pugnae posuisse nudo Sub pede palmam Fertur, et leni recreare vento Sparsum odoratis humerum capillis, Qualis aut Nireus fuit aut aquosa 15 Raptus ab Ida. C. xx. 7, 8. tibi praeda cedat, Major an ilia, de conj. Peerllcampii et Hauptii; recepit Orellius. 100 CARMESTUM CARMEN XXL AD AMPHORA M. O nata mecum consule Manlio, Seu tu querelas sive geris jocos Seu rixam et insanos amores Seu facilem, pia testa, somnum ; Q,uocunque lectum nomine Massicum 5 Servas, moveri digna bono die, Descende, Corvino jubente, Promere languidiora vina. Non ille, quanquam Socraticis madet Sermonibus, te negliget horridus : 10 Narratur et prisci Catonis Saepe mero caluisse virtus. Tu lene tormentum ingenio admoves Plerumque duro : tu sapientium Curas et arcanum jocoso 15 Consilium retegis Lyaeo ; Tu spem reducis mentibus anxiis Viresque, et addis cornua pauperi, Post te neque iratos trementi Regum apices neque militum arma. 20 Te Liber, et, si laeta aderit, Venus, Segnesque nodum solvere Gratiae C. xxi. 10. negleget, Orellius. LIEEE m. C. XXTTT. 101 Vivaeque producent lucernae, Dum rediens fugat astra Phoebus. CARMEN XXII. AD D I A N A M. Montium custos nemorumque, Virgo, Quae laborantes utero puellas Ter vocata audis adimisque leto, Diva triformis, Imminens villae tua pinus esto, Q,uam per exactos ego laetus annos Verris obliquum meditantis ictum Sanguine donem. CARMEN XXIII. AD PHIDYLEN. Coelo supinas si tuleris manus Nascente Luna, rustica Phidyle, Si thure placaris et horna Fruge Lares avidaque porca, Nee pestilentem sentiet Africum 5 Fecunda vitis, nee sterilem seges 102 CAKMINUM Robiginem, aut dulces alumni Pomifero grave tempus anno. Nam, quae nivali pascitur Algido Devota quercus inter et ilices, 1 Aut crescit Albanis in herbis Victima, pontificum secures Cervice tinget : te nihil attinet Tentare multa caede bidentium Parvos coronantem marino 15 Rore deos fragilique myrto. Immunis aram si tetigit manus, Non sumptuosa blandior hostia Mollivit aversos Penates Parre pio et saliente mica. 20 '3 CARMEN XXIV. IN AVAROS, Intactis opulentior Thesauris Arabum et divitis Indiae, Caementis licet occupes Tyrrhenum omne tuis et mare Apulicum, Si figit adamantinos Summis verticibus dira Necessitas Clavos, non animum metu, C. xxiii. 7. Rubiginem. 12. securim. 19. Mollibit. LIBER III. C. XXIV. 103 Non mortis laqueis expedies caput. Campestres melius Scythae, Quorum plaustra vagas rite trahunt domos, 10 Vivunt et rigidi Getae, Immetata quibus jugera liberas Fruges et Cererem ferunt, Nee cultura placet longior annua, Defunctumque laboribus 15 Aequali recreat sorte vicarius. Illic matre carentibus Privignis mulier temperat innocens Nee dotata regit virum Conjux, nee nitido fidit adultero. 20 Dos est magna parentium Virtus et metuens alterius viri Certo foedere castitas, Et peccare nefas, aut pretium est mori. O quisquis volet impias 25 Caedes et rabiem tollere civicam, Si quaeret Pater urbium Subscribi statuis, indomitam audeat Refrenare licentiam, Clarus postgenitis ; quatenus — heu nefas ! 30 Virtutem incolumem odimus, Sublatam ex oculis quaerimus invidi. Quid tristes querimoniae, Si non supplicio culpa reciditur ? Q,uid leges sine moribus 35 Yanae proficiunt, si neque fervidis Pars inclusa caloribus Mundi nee Boreae finitimum latus Durataeque solo nives Mercatorem abigunt, horrida callidi 40 C. xxiv. 24. pretium mori. 30. Carus. 104 OARMIJSTUM Yincunt aequora navitae, Magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet Q.uidvis et facere et pati Virtutisque viam deserit arduae ? Yel nos in Capitolium, 45 Q,uo clamor vocat et turba faventium, Vel nos in mare proximum Gemmas et lapides, aurum et inutile, Summi materiem mali, Mittamus, scelerum si bene poenitet. 50 Eradenda cupidinis Pravi sunt elementa, et tenerae nimis Mentes asperioribus Formandae studiis. Nescit equo rudis Haerere ingenuus puer, 55 Yenarique timet, ludere doctior, Seu Graeco jubeas trocho, Seu malis vetita legibus alea, Cum perjura patris fides Oonsortem socium fallat et hospitem, 60 Indignoque pecuniam Heredi properet. Scilicet improbae Crescunt divitiae : tamen Curtae nescio quid semper abest rei. 49. materiam. 60. hospites. liber in. C. XXV. 105 CABMEN XXV. AD BACCHUM. Q,uo me, Bacche, rapis tui Plenum ? quae nemora aut quos agor in specus, Yelox mente nova? quibus Antris egregii Caesaris audiar Aeternum meditans decus 5 Stellis inserere et consilio Jovis ? Dicam insigne, recens, adhuc Indie turn ore alio. Non secus in jugis Exsomnis stupet Evias, Hebrum prospiciens et nive candidam 10 Thracen ac pede barbaro Lustratam Rhodopen, ut mihi devio Ripas et vacuum nemus Mirari libet. O Naiadum potens Baccharumque valentium 15 Proceras manibus vertere fraxinos, Nil parvum aut humili modo, Nil mortale loquar. Dulce periculum est, O Lenaee, sequi deum Cingentem viridi tempora pampino. 20 C. xxv. 2. quae in nemora. 6. concilio. 12. ac mihi. 5* 106 CAKMINUM CARMEN XXVI. AD VENEREM. Vixi puellis nuper idoneus Et militavi non sine gloria : Nunc arma defunctumque bello Barbiton hie paries habebit, Laevum marinae qui Veneris latus 5 Custodit. Hie hie ponite lucida Funalia et vectes et arcus Oppositis foribus minaces. O quae beatam diva tenes Cyprum et Memphin carentem Sithonia nive, 10 Regina, sublimi flagello Tange Chloen semel arrogantem. CARMEN XXVII. AD GALATEAM. lmpios parrae recinentis omen Ducat et praegnans canis, aut ab agro Rava decurrens lupa Lanuvino Fetaque vulpes : Rumpat et serpens iter institutum, Si per obliquum similis sagittae G. xxvii. 5. Rum pit. LIBER ILL C. XXVLLL 107 Terruit mannos. Ego cui timebo, Providus auspex, Antequam stantes repetat paludes Imbrium divina avis imminentum, 10 Oscinem corvum prece suscitabo Solis ab ortu. Sis licet felix, ubicunque mavis, Et memor nostri, Galatea, vivas, Teque nee laevus vetet ire picus 15 Nee vaga comix. Sed vides, quanto trepidet tumultu Pronus Orion. Ego quid sit ater Hadriac novi sinus, et quid albus Peccet Iapyx. 20 Hostium uxores puerique caecos Sentiant motus orientis Austri, et Aequoris nigri fremitum, et trementes Verbere ripas. Sic et Europe niveum doloso 25 Credidit tauro latus, et scatentem Belluis pontum mediasque fraudes Palluit audax. Nuper in pratis studiosa riorum et Debitae Nymphis opifex coronae, 30 Nocte sublustri nihil astra praeter Vidit et undas. 7. cur timebo ; Ego quid — auspex? 15. vetat. 17. trepidat. 22. astii. 23, 24. trementis Verbera ripae. 108 CAEMINUM Q,uae simul centum tetigit potentem Oppidis Creten : Pater, o relictum Filiae nomen, pietasque, dixit, 35 Victa furore ! Unde ? Q,uo veni ? Levis una mors est Yirginum culpae. Yigilansne ploro Turpe commissum, an vitiis carentem TiUdit imago 40 Vana, quae porta fugiens eburna Somnium ducit ? Meliusne nuctus Ire per longos fait, an recentes Carpere rlores? Si quis infamem mihi nunc juvencum 45 Dedat iratae, lacerare ferro et Frangere enitar modo multum amati Cornua monstri. Impudens liqui patrios Penates, Impudens Orcum moror. O deorum 50 Si quis haec audis, utinam inter errem Nuda leones ! Antequam turpis macies decentes Occupet malas teneraeque succus Derluat praedae, speciosa quaero 55 Pascere tigres. Vilis Europe, pater urget absens : Q,uid mori cessas ? Potes hac ab orno 48. tauri. liber ni. c. xxvm. 109 Pendulum zona bene te secuta Laedere collum. 60 Sive te rapes et acuta leto Saxa delectant, age te procellae Crede veloci, nisi herile mavis Carpere pensum, Regius sanguis, dominaeque tradi 65 Barbarae pellex. Aderat querenti Perfidum ridens Venus et remisso Filius arcu. Mox, ubi lusit satis : Abstineto, Dixit, irarum calidaeque rixae, 70 Cum tibi invisus laceranda reddet Cornua taurus. Uxor invicti Jovis esse nescis ; Mitte singultus, bene ferre magnam Disce fortunam : tua sectus orbis 75 Nomina ducet. CAEMEN XXVIII. AD L YD E N. Festo quid potius die Neptuni faciam ? Prome reconditum 59, 60. secuta e — Lidere collum. 110 CAEMINUM Lyde strenua Caecubum, Munitaeque adhibe vim sapientiae. Inclinare meridiem 5 Sentis, ac, veluti stet volucris dies, Parcis deripere horreo Cessantem Bibuli consulis amphoram. Nos cantabimus invicem Neptunum et virides Nereidum comas : 1 Tu curva recines lyra Latonam et celeris spicula Cynthiae. Summo carmine, quae Cnidon Fulgentesque tenet Cycladas et Paphon J -.metis risit oloribus ; 15 Dicetur merita Nox quoque nenia. CARMEN XXIX. AD MAECENATEM. Tyrrhena regum progenies, tibi Non ante verso lene merum cado Cum flore, Maecenas, rosarum et Pressa tuis balanus capillis Jamdudum apud me est. Eripe te morae, Nee semper udum Tibur et Aesulae Declive contempleris arvum et Telegoni juga parricidae. C. xxix. 5, 6. morae ; Ne-, Orellius LIBER III. C. XXLX. Ill Fastidiosam desere copiam et Molem propinquam nubibus arduis : 10 Omitte mirari beatae Fumum et opes strepitumque Romae. Plerumque gratae divitibus vices, Mundaeque parvo sub lare pauper um Coenae, sine aulaeis et ostro, 1 5 Sollicitam explicuere frontem. Jam clarus occultum Andromedae pater Ostendit ignem, jam Procyon furit Et stella vesani Leonis, Sole dies referente siccos : 20 Jam pastor umbras cum grege languido Rivumque fessus quaerit et horridi Dumeta Silvani ; caretque Ripa vagis taciturna ventis. Tu, civitatem quis deceat status, 25 Curas, et Urbi sollicitus times, Quid Seres et regnata Cyro Bactra parent Tanaisque discors. Prudens futuri temporis exitum Caliginosa nocte premit deus, 30 Ridetque, si mortalis ultra Fas trepidat. Q,uod adest, memento Componere aequus : cetera fluminis Ritu feruntur, nunc medio alveo 34. medio aequore, Orellius. 112 CARMINUM Cum pace delabentis Etruscum 35 In mare, nunc lapides adesos Stirpesque raptas et pecus et domes Volventis una, non sine montium Clamore vicinaeque silvae, Cum fera diluvies quietos 40 Irritat amnes. Ille potens sui Laetusque deget, cui licet in diem Dixisse, Vixi : eras vel atra Nube polum Pater occupato, Yel sole puro : non tamen irritum, 45 Gtuodcunque retro est, efiiciet, neque Diflinget infectumque reddet, Q,uod fugiens semel hora vexit. Fortuna saevo laeta negotio, et Ludum insolentem ludere pertinax, 50 Transmutat incertos honores, Nunc mihi, nunc alii benigna. Laudo manentem : si celeres quatit Pennas, resigno quae dedit, et mea Yirtute me involvo probamque 55 Pauperiem sine dote quaero. * Non est meum, si mugiat Africis Malus procellis, ad miseras preces Decurrere et votis pacisci, Ne Cypriae Tyriaeque merces 60 60. Syriae. libee ni. C. XXX. 113 Addant avaro divitias mari. Tunc me, biremis praesidio scaphae Tutum, per Aegaeos tumultus Aura feret geminusque Pollux. CAEMEN XXX. AD MELPOMENEN. Exegi monumentum aere perennius, Regalique situ pyramidum altius ; Quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens Possit diruere, aut innumerabilis Amiorum series et fuga temporum. 5 Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei Yitabit Libitinam : usque ego postera Crescam laude recens, dum Capitolium Scandet cum tacita Yirgine pontifex. Dicar, qua violens obstrepit Aufidus 10 Et qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestium Regnavit populorum, ex humili potens Princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos Deduxisse modos. Sume superbiam Quaesitam meritis, et mihi Delphica 15 Lauro cinge volens, Melpomene, comam. 62. Turn. 64. ferat. C. xxx. 12. Regnator. Q. HORATII FLACCI CARMINUM LIBER aUAKTUS. CARMEN I. AD VENEREM. Intermissa, Venus, diu Rursus bella moves. Parce, precox, precor ! Non sum, qualis eram bonae Sub regno Cinarae. Desine, dulcium Mater saeva Cupidinum, 5 Circa lustra decern ilectere mollibus Jam durum imperiis. Abi, Q,uo blandae juvenum te revocant preces. Tempestivius in domum Paulli, purpureis ales oloribus, 10 Comissabere Maximi, Si torrere jecur quaeris idoneum : Namque et nobilis et decens Et pro sollicitis non tacitus reis, Et centum puer artium, 15 Late signa feret militiae tuae. C. i. 9. in domo. LIBER IV. 0. I. 115 Et, quandoque potentior Largi muneribus riserit aemuli, Albanos prope te lacus Ponet marmoream sub trabe citrea. 20 Illic plurima naribus Duces thura, lyraeque et Berecyntiae Delectabere tibiae Mixtis carminibus, non sine fistula: Illic bis pueri die 25 Numen cum teneris virginibus tuum Laudantes, pede candido In morem Salium ter quatient humum. Me nee femina nee puer Jam, nee spes animi credula mutui, 30 Nee certare juvat mero, Nee vincire no vis tempora floribus. Sed cur, heu, Ligurine, cur Manat rara meas lacrima per genas ? Cur facunda parum decoro 35 Inter verba cadit lingua silentio ? Nocturnis ego somniis Jam captum teneo, jam volucrem sequor Te per gramina Martii Campi, te per aquas, dure, volubiles. 40 18. Largis. 20. Cypria. 22, 23. lyraque et Berecyntia — tibia. 28. quatiunt. 116 CAKMINTTM CARMEN II. AD ITJLUM ANTONIUM. Pindarum quisquis studet aemulari, Iule, ceratis ope Daedalea Nititur pennis. vitreo daturus Nomina ponto. Monte decurrens velut amnis, imbrea 5 Q,uem super notas aluere ripas. Fervet immensusque ruit profundo Pindarus ore, Laurea donandus Apollinari, Seu per audaces nova dithyrambos 10 Yerba devolvit numerisque fertur Lege solutis : Seu deos regesve canit, deorum Sanguinem, per quos cecidere justa Morte Centaurij cecidit tremendae 15 Flamma Chimaerae : Sive, quos Elea domum reducit Palma coelestes, pugilemve equumve Dicit et centum potiore signis Munere donat. 20 Flebili sponsae juvenemve raptum Plorat, et vires animumque moresque Aureos educit in astra nigroque Invidet Oreo. + LIBER IV. C. II. 117 Multa Dircaeum levat aura cycnum, 25 Tendit, Antoni, quoties in altos Nubium tractus. Ego, apis Matinae More modoque, Grata carpentis thyma per laborem Plurimum, circa nemus uvidique 30 Tiburis ripas operosa parvus Carmina fingo. Concines majore poeta plectro Caesarem, quandoque trahet feroces "Per sacrum clivum, merita decorus 35 Fronde, Sygambros : Q,uo nihil majus meliusve terris Fata donavere bonique divi, Nee dabunt, quamvis redeant in aurum Tempora priscum. 40 Concines laetosque dies et Urbis Publicum ludum, super impetrato Fortis Augusti reditu, forumque Litibus orbum. Turn meae, si quid loquar audiendum, 45 Vocis accedet bona pars, et, o Sol Pulcher, o laudande ! canam, recepto Caesare felix. Teque, dum procedis, Io triumphe ! Non semel dicemus, Io triumphe ! 50 C. ii. 49. Tuque, — Teque, dum procedit; Orellius. 118 CARMINUM Civitas omnis, dabimusque divis Thura benignis. Te decern tauri totidemque vaccae. Me tener solvet vitulus, relicta IWatre qui largis juvenescit herbis 55 Tn mea vota, Fronte curvatos imitatus ignes Tertium Lunae referentis ortum, Qua notam duxit niveus videri, Cetera fulvus. 60 CARMEN III. AD MELPOMENEN. Quern tu, Melpomene, semel Nascentem placido lumine videris, Ilium non labor Isthmius Clarabit pugilem, non equus impiger Curru ducet Achaico 5 Victorem, neque res bellica Deliis Ornatum foliis ducem. Q,uod regum tumidas contuderit minas, Ostendet Capitolio : Sed quae Tibur aquae fertile praefluunt, 10 Et spissae nemorum comae, Fingent Aeolio carmine nobilem. C. iii. 5. Achaio. 10. perliuunt. LIBER IV. C. IV. 119 Romae, principis urbium, Dignatur soboles inter amabiles Vatum ponere me choros, 15 Et jam dente minus mordeor invido. O testudinis aureae Dulcem quae strepitum, Pieri, temperas, O mutis quoque piscibus Donatura cycni, si libeat, sonum, 20 Totum muneris hoc tui est. Q,uod monstror digito praetereuntium Romanae fidicen lyrae : Q,uod spiro et placeo, si placeo, tuum est. CARMEN IV. AD URBEM ROM AM. Q,ualem ministrum fulminis alitem, Cui rex deorum regnum in aves vagas Permisit, expertus fidelem Jupiter in Ganymede rlavo, Olim juventas et patrius vigor 5 Nido laborum propulit inscium, Vernique jam nimbis remotis Insolitos docuere nisus Yenti paventem, mox in ovilia Demisit hostem vividus impetus, 10 C. iv. 7. Vernisque. 120 CARMENUM Nunc in reluctantes dracones Egit amor dapis atque pugnae : Qlialemve laetis caprea pascuis Intenta,fulvae matris ab ubere Jam lacte depulsum leonem, 15 Dente novo peritura, vidit : Videre Raetis bella sub Alpibus Drusum gerentem Yindelici ; — quibus Mos undo deductus per omne Tempus Amazonia securi 20 Dextras obarmet, quaerere distuli ; Nee scire fas est omnia ; — sed diu Lateque victrices catervae Consiliis juvenis revictae Sensere, quid mens rite, quid indoles 25 Nutrita faustis sub penetralibus Posset, quid Augusti paternus In pueros animus Nerones. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis ; Est in juvencis, est in equis patrum 30 Yirtus, neque imbellem feroces Progenerant aquilae columbam : Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam, Rectique cultus pectora roborant : Utcunque defecere mores, 35 Indecorant bene nata culpae. 24. repressae. 36. Dedecorant. ■ LLBER IV. C. IV. 121 Quid debeas, o Roma, Neronibus, Testis Metaurum flumen et Hasdrubal Devictus et pulcher fugatis Ille dies Latio tenebris, 40 Q,ui primus alma risit adorea, Dims per urbes Afer ut Italas Ceu rlamma per taedas vel Eurus Per Siculas equitavit undas. Post hoc secundis usque laboribus 45 Romana pubes crevit, et impio Vastata Poenorum tumultu Fana deos habuere rectos, Dixitque tandem perfidus Hannibal : Cervi, luporum praeda rapacium, 50 Sectamur ultro, quos opimus Fallere et effugere est triumphus. Gens, quae cremato fortis ab Ilio Jactata Tuscis aequoribus, sacra Natosque maturosque patres 55 Pertuli 5 Ausonias ad urbes, Duris ut ilex tonsa bipennibus Nigrae feraci frondis in Algido, Per damna, per caedes, ab ipso Ducit opes animumque ferro. 60 Non hydra sec to corpore firmior Vinci dolentem crevit in Herculem, 42. Durus. 60. animosque. 6 122 CAKMINUM Monstrumve summisere Colchi Majus, Echioniaeve Thebae. Merses profundo : pulchrior evenit : 65 Luctere : multa proruet integrum Cum laude victorem geretque Proelia conjugibus loquenda. Carthagini jam non ego nuntios Mittam superbos : occidit, occidit 70 Spes omnis et fortuna nostri Nominis, Hasdrubale interempto. Nil Claudiae non periicient manus, Q,uas et benigno numine Jupiter Defendit, et curae sagaces 75 Expediunt per acuta belli. CARMEN V. AD CAESAREM AUG U STUM. Divis orte bonis, optime Romulae Custos gentis, abes jam nimium diu ; Maturum reditum pollicitus Patrum Sancto concilio, redi. Lucem redde tuae, dux bone, patriae ; Instar veris enim vultus ubi tuus 65. Mersus; exiet. 66,67,73. proruit, geritque, perficiunt C. v. 4. consilio. LIBER IV. C. V. 128 AfTulsit populo, gratior it dies, Et soles melius nitent. Ut mater juvenem, quern Notus invido Flatu Carpathii trans maris aequora 10 Cunctantem spatio longius annuo Dulci distinet a domo, Votis ominibusque et precibus vocat, Curvo nee faciem litore dimovet, Sic, desideriis icta fidelibus, 15 Qjiaerit patria Caesarem. Tutus bos etenim rura perambulat, Nutrit rura Ceres almaque Faustitas, Pacatum volitant per mare navitae, Culpari metuit Fides ; 20 Nullis polluitur casta domus stupris, Mos et lex maculosum edomuit nefas, Laudantur simili prole puerperae ; Culpam poena premit comes. Quis Parthum paveat, quis gelidum Scythen, 25 Q,uis Germania quos horrida parturit Fetus, incolumi Caesare ? quis ferae Bellum curet Hiberiae ? Condit quisque diem collibus in suis, Et vitem viduas ducit ad arbores ; 30 Hinc ad vina redit laetus, et alteris Te mensis adhibet deum : 7. Effulsit. Ibid, gratior et dies — 14. demovet. 31. venit. 124 CARMINUM Te multa piece, te prosequitur mero Defuso pateris, et Laribus tuum Miscet numen, uti Graecia Castoris 35 Et magni memor Herculis. Longas o utinam, dux bone, ferias Praestes Hesperiae ! dieimus integro Sicci mane die, dieimus uvidi, Cum Sol Oceano subest. 4C CAKMEN VI. AD APOLLINEM. Dive, quern proles Niobea magnae Vindicem linguae Tityosque raptor Sensit et Trojae prope victor altae Phthius Achilles, Ceteris major, tibi miles impar ; 5 Filius quamvis Thetidis marinae Dardanas turres quateret tremenda Cuspide pugnax. Ille, mordaci velut icta ferro Pinus aut impulsa cupressus Euro, 10 Procidit late posuitque collum in Pulvere Teucro. 34. DifFuso. 37. rex bone. C. vi. 6. quamquam ; Thetidos. 10. impressa. 11, 12. collum Pulvere Teucro. LIBER IV. C. VI. 125 • Ille non inclusus equo Minervae Sacra mentito male feriatos Troas et laetam Priami choreis 15 Falleret aulam : Sed palam captis gravis, heu nefas heu, Nescios fari pueros Achivis Ureret flammis, etiam latentem Matris in alvo ; 20 Ni, tuis victus Yenerisque gratae Yocibus, divum pater annuisset Rebus Aeneae potiore ductos Alite muros. Doctor argutae fidicen Thaliae, 25 Phoebe, qui Xantho lavis amne crines, Dauniae defende decus Camenae, Levis Agyieu. Spiritum Phoebus mihi, Phoebus artem Carminis nomenque dedit poetae. 30 Yirginum primae puerique claris Patribus orti, Deliae tutela deae fugaces Lyucas et carvos cohibentis arcu, Lesbium servate pedem meique 35 Pollicis ictum. Rite Latonae puerum canentes, Rite crescentem face Noctilucam, 17. captos ; victor ; raptor. 19. latentes. 21. flexus. 25. Ductor ; Argivae. 126 CAKMmtJM Prosperam frugum celeremque pronos Yolvere menses. 40 Nupta jam dices : ego dis amicum, Saeculo festas referente luces, Reddidi carmen, docilis modorum Vatis Horatt. CARMEN VII. AD L. MANLIUM TORQ,UATUM. DifFugere nives, redeunt jam gramina campis Arboribusque comae : Mutat terra vices et decrescentia ripas Flumina praetereunt : Gratia cum Nymphis geminisque sororibus audet 5 Ducere nuda choros. Immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum Q,uae rapit hora diem. Frigora mitescunt Zephyris ; ver proterit aestas Interitura, simul 10 Pomifer auctumnus fruges effuderit, et mox Bruma recurrit iners. Damna tamen celeres reparant coelestia Lunae : Nos, ubi decidimus, Quo pius Aeneas, quo dives Tullus, et Ancus, 15 Pulvis et umbra sumus. C. vii. 12. recurret. 15. pater Aeneas; Orellius ; Tullus dives ; Tullus, dives et Ancus. LIBER IV. C. VIII. 127 Q,uis scit, an adjiciant hodiernae crastina summae Tempora di superi ? Cuncta manus avidas fugient heredis, amico Quae dederis animo. 20 Cum semel occideris et de te splendida Minos Fecerit arbitria, Non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te Restituet pietas ; Infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum 25 Liberat Hippolytum. Nee Lethaea valet Theseus abrumpere caro Vincula Pirithoo. CARMEN VIII. AD C. MARCIUM CENSORINUM. Donarem pateras grataque commodus, Censoriiie, meis aera sodalibus, Donarem tripodas, praemia fortium Graiorum, neque tu pessima munerum Ferres. divite me scilicet artium, 5 Q,uas aut Parrhasius protulit aut Scopas, Hie saxo, liquidis ille coloribus Sollers nunc hominem ponere, nunc deum. Sed non haec mihi vis, non tibi talium Res est aut animus deliciarum egens. 10 Gaudes carminibus : carmina possumus Donare et pretium dicere muneri. 17. hodiernae — vitae. C. viii. 1. commodis. 9. nee tibi. V2. muneris. 128 CAEMINUM Non incisa notis marmora publicis, Per quae spiritus et vita redit bonis Post mortem ducibus, non celeres fugae 15 Rejectaeque retrorsum Hannibalis minae, Non incendia Carthaginis impiae Ejus, qui domita nomen ab Africa Lucratus rediit, clarius indicant Laudes, quam Calabrae Pierides : neque. 20 Si chartae sileant quod bene feceris, Mercedem tuleris. Q,uid foret Iliae Mavortisque puer, si taciturnitas Obstaret meritis invida Romuli ? Ereptum Stygiis fluctibus Aeacum 25 Virtus et favor et lingua potentium Vatum divitibus consecrat insulis. Dignurn laude virum Musa vetat mori ; Coelo Musa beat. Sic Jovis interest Optatis epulis impiger Hercules : 30 Clarum Tyndaridae sidus ab infimis Q^uassas eripiunt aequoribus rates : Ornatus viridi tempora pampino Liber vota bonos ducit ad exitus. CARMEN IX. AD L O i/L I U M . Ne forte credas interitura, quae, Longe sonantem natus ad AufidjLim, 17. impendia ; stipendia, de conj. UBEE IV. C IX. 129 Non ante vulgatas per artes Yerba loquor socianda chordis. Noil] si prior es Maeouius tenet 5 Sedes Homerus, Pindaricae latent Ceaeque et Alcaei minaces Stesichorique graves Camenae ; Nee. si quid olim lusit Anacreon, Delevit aetas : spirat adhuc amor. 10 Yivuntque commissi calores Aeoliae fidibus puellae. Non sola comptos arsit adulteri C rines. et aurum vestibus illitum Miiata regalesque cultus 15 Et comites Helene Lacaena, Primusve Teucer tela Cydonio Direxit arcu : non semel Ilios Yexata ; non pugnavit ingens Idomeneus Sthenelusve solus 20 Dicenda Musis proelia : non ferox Hector vel acer Deiphobus graves Excepit ictus pro pudicis Conjngibus puerisque primus. Tixere fortes ante Agamemnona 25 Multi ; sed omnes illacrimabiles Urgentur ignotique longa Xocte. carent quia vate sacro. Paullum sepultae distat inertiae Celata virtus. Non ego te meis 30 6* 130 CARMINUM Chartis inornatum silebo, Totve tuos patiar labores Impune, Lolli, carpere lividas Obliviones. Est animus tibi Rerumque prudens et secundis 35 Temporibus dubiisque rectus ; Vindex avarae fraudis et abstinens Ducentis ad se cuncta pecuniae : Consulque non unius anni. Sed quoties bonus atque fidus 40 Judex honestum praetulit utili, Rejecit alto dona nocentium Vultu, per obstantes catervas Explicuit sua victor arma. Non possidentem multa vocaveris 45 Recte beatum : rectius occupat Nomen beati, qui deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, Duramque callet pauperiem pati, Pejusque leto rlagitium timet, 50 Non ille pro caris amicis Aut patria timidus perire. C. ix. 31. sileri. 41. utili et. 43. Vultu et. LIBEE IV. C. XI 131 CARMEN X. AD LIGURINUM. O crudelis adhuc et Veneris muneribus potens, liisperata tuae cum veniet pluma superbiae, Et, quae nunc humeris involitant, deciderint comae, Nunc et qui color est puniceae rlore prior rosae, Mutatus Ligurinum in faciem verterit hispidam, 5 Dices, heu ! quoties te speculo videris alterum : Quae mens est hodie, cur eadem non puero fuit ? Ve\ cur his animis incolumes non redeunt genae 1 CARMEN XL AD PHYLLIDEM. Est mihi nonum superantis annum Plenus Albani cadus ; est in horto, Phylli, nectendis apium coronis ; Est hederae vis Multa, qua crines religata fulges ; 5 Ridet argento domus ; ara castis Vincta verbenis avet immolato Snargier agno ; Cuncta festinat manus, hue et illuc Cursitant mixtae pueris puellae ; 1 C. x. 5. Mutatus, Ligurine — . 6. te in speculo. 132 CABMINUM Sordidum flammae trepidant rotantes Yertice fumum. Ut tamen noris quibus advoceris Gaudiis, Idus tibi sunt agendae, Q,ui dies mensem Yeneris marinae 1 5 Findit Aprilem, Jure sollemnis mihi sanctiorque Paene natali proprio, quod ex hac Luce Maecenas meus affluentes Ordinat annos. 20 Telephum. quern tu petis, occupavit, Non tuae sortis juvenem, puella Dives et lasciva, tenetque grata Compede vinctum. Terret ambustus Phaethon avaras 25 Spes, et exemplum grave praebet ales Pegasus, terrenum equitem gravatus Bellerophontem, Semper ut te digna sequare et ultra Q,uam licet sperare nefas putando, 30 Disparem vites. Age jam, meorum Finis amorum, — Non enim posthac alia calebo Femina — condisce modos, amanda Voce quos reddas : minuentur atrae 35 Carmine curae. C. xi. 13. advocere. LIBEE IV. C. XII. 133 CARMEN XII. AD VIRGILIUM. Jam veris comites, quae mare temperant, Impellunt animae lintea Thraciae : Jam nee prata rigent, nee fluvii strepunt Hiberna nive turgidi. Nidum ponit, Ityn flebiliter gemens, 5 Infelix avis et Cecropiae domus Aeternum opprobrium, quod male barbaras Regum est ulta libidines. Dicunt in tenero gramine pinguium Custodes ovium carmina fistula 10 Delectantque deum, cui pecus et nigri Colles Arcadiae placent. Adduxere sitim tempora, Virgili ; Sed pressum Calibus ducere Liberum Si gestis, juvenum nobilium cliens, 15 Nardo vina merebere. Nardi parvus onyx eliciet cadum, Q,ui nunc Sulpiciis accubat horreis, Spes donare novas largus amaraque Curarum eluere efficax. 20 Ad quae si properas gaudia, cum tua Velox merce veni : non ego te meis C. xii. 11. Delectante Heum, — . 16. mereberis. 134 OARMINUM Immunem meditor tingere poculis, Plena dives ut in domo. Verum pone moras et studium lucri ; 25 Nigrorumque memor, dum licet, ignium, Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem. Dulce est, desipere in loco. CARMEN XIII. IN L Y C E N. Audivere, Lyce, di mea vota ; di Audivere, Lyce : fis anus, et tamen Vis formosa videri, Ludisque et bibis impudens, Et cantu tremulo pota Cupidinem 5 Lentum sollicitas. Ille virentis et Doctae psallere Chiae Pulchris excubat in genis. Importunus enim transvolat aridas duercus, et refugit te, quia luridi 10 Dentes te, quia rugae Turpant et capitis nives. Nee Ooae referunt jam tibi purpurae Nee clari lapides tempora, quae semel C. xiii. 14. can. LIBEE IV. C. XIV. 135 Notis condita fastis Inclusit volucris dies. Quo fugit venus, heu, quove color ? decens Q,uo motus ? quid habes illius, illius, Q,uae spirabat amores, Quae me surpuerat mihi, - 20 Felix post Cinaram, notaque et artium Gratarum facies ? Sed Cinarae breves Annos fata dederunt, Servatura diu parem Cornicis vetulae temporibus Lycen, 25 Possent ut juvenes visere fervidi, Multo non sine risu Dilapsam in cineres facem. CARMEN XIV. AD AUGUSTUM. Quae cura Patrum quaeve Q,uiritium, Plenis honorum muneribus tuas, Auguste, virtutes in aevum Per titulos memoresque fastos Aeternetj o, qua sol habitabiles Illustrat oras, maxime principum ! 17. quove color decens? 28. Delapsam. C. xiv. 4. fastus. 136 CAEMINUM Q,uem legis expertes Latinae Vmdelici didicere nuper, Q,uid Marte posses ; milite nam tuo Drusus Genaunos, implacidum genus, 10 Breunosque veloces et arces Alpibus impositas tremendis Dejecit acer plus vice simplici : Major Neronum mox grave proelium Commisit immanesque Raetos 15 Auspiciis pepulit secundis, Spectandus in certamine Martio, Devota morti pectora liberae Q,uantis fatigaret ruinis : Indomitas prope qualis undas 20 Exercet Auster, Pleiadum choro Scindente nubes, impiger hostium Vexare turmas, et frementem Mittere equum medios per ignes. Sic tauriformis volvitur Aufidus, 25 Q,ui regna Dauni praefluit Apuli, Cum saevit, horrendamque cultis Diluviem meditatur agris, Ut barbarorum Claudius agmina Ferrata vasto diruit impetu, 30 Primosque et extremos metendo Stravit humum, sine clade victor, 26. perfluit. LIBER IV. 0. XV. 137 Te copias, te consilium et tuos Praebente divos. Nam, tibi quo die Portus Alexandrea simplex 35 Et vacuam patefecit aulam, Fortuna lustro prospera tertio Belli secundos reddidit exitus, Laudemque et optatum peractis Imperiis decus arrogavit. 40 Te Cantaber non ante domabilis, Medusque et Indus, te profugus Scythes Miratur, o tutela praesens Italiae dominaeque Romae. Te, fontium qui eel at origines, 45 Nilusque et Ister, te rapidus Tigris, Te belluosus qui remotis Obstrepit Oceanus Britannis, Te non paventis funera Galliae Duraeque tellus audit Hiberiae : 50 Te caede gaudentes Sygambri Compositis venerantur armis. CARMEN XV. CAESARIS AUGUSTI LAUDES. Phoebus volentem proelia me loqui Victas et urbes increpuit lyra, 138 OAEMTNUM Ne parva Tyrrhenurn per aequor Yela darem. Tua, Caesar, aetas Fruges et agris retulit uberes, 5 Et signa nostro restituit Jovi Derepta Parthorum superbis Postibus, et vacuum duellis Janum Gluirini clausit, et ordinem Rectum evaganti frena licentiae 10 Injecit, emovitque culpas. Et veteres revocavit artes, Per quas Latinum no-men et Italae Crevere vires famaque et imperi Porrecta majestas ad ortus 15 Solis ab Hesperio cubili. Custode rerum Caesare, non furor Civilis aut vis'exiget otium, Non ira, quae procudit enses Et miseras inimicat urbes. 20 Non, qui profundum Danubium bibunt, Edicta rumpent Julia, non Getae, Non Seres infidive Persae, Non Tanain prope rlumen orti. Nosque et profestis lucibus et sacris 25 Inter jocosi munera Liberi, Cum prole matronisque nostris, Rite deos prius apprecati, C. xv. 9. Janum Quirinum, de conj. 15. ortum. 18. eximit. 19. producit. LIBER IV. C. XV. 139 Virtu te functos, more palrum, duces, Lydis remixto carmine tibiis, Trojamque et Anchisen et almae Progeniem Veneris canemus. 30 Q. HORATII FLACCI E P O D O N LIBER. CARMEN I. AD MAECENATEM. Ibis Liburnis inter alta navium. Amice, propugnacula, Paratus omne Caesaris periculum Subire, Maecenas, tuo. Q,uid nos, quibus te vita si superstite 5 Jucunda, si contra, gravis ? Utrumne jussi persequemur otium, Non dulce, ni tecum simul, An nunc laborem mente laturi, decet Q,ua ferre non molles viros ? 10 Feremus, et te vel per Alpium juga, Inhospitalem et Caucasum, Vel Occidentis usque ad ultimum sinum, Forti sequemur pectore. Roges, tuum labore quid juvem meo, 15 C. i. 4. tui, de conj. 5. sit. 10. Quem. LLBEE. C. II. 141 Imbellis ac firmus parum? Comes minore sum futurus in metu, Q,ui major absentes habet ; Ut, assidens implumibus pullis, avis Serpentium allapsus timet 20 Magis relictis, non, ut adsit, auxili Latura plus praesentibus. Libenter hoc et omne militabitur Bellum in tuae spem gratiae, Non ut juvencis illigata pluribus 25 Aratra nitantur mea, Pecusve Calabris ante sidus fervidum Lucana mutet pascuis, Neque ut superni villa candens Tusculi Circaea tangat moenia. 30 Satis superque me benignitas tua Ditavit : haud paravero, Q,uod aut a varus, ut Chremes, terra premam, Discinctus aut perdam nepos. CARMEN II. Beatus ille, qui procul negotiis, Ut prisca gens mortalium, Paterna rura bobus exercet suis, Solutus omni foenore, Neque excitatur classico miles truci, Neque horret iratum mare, 21. non uti sit. 26. meis. 28. pascua. 29. Nee ; supini, de conj. 34. perdam ut nepos. 1 42 EPODON Forumque vitat, et superba civium Potentiorum limina. Ergo aut adulta vitium propagine Altas maritat populos, 10 Aut in reducta valle mugientium Prospectat errantes greges : Inutilesque falce ramos amputans, Feliciores inserit ; Aut pressa puris mella condit amphons, 15 Aut tondet infirmas oves ; Vel, cum decorum mitibus pomis caput, Auctumnus agris extulit, Ut gaudet insitiva decerpens pyra, Certantem et uvam purpurae, 20 Qua muneretur te, Priape, et te, pater Silvane, tutor finium ! Libet jacere modo sub antiqua ilice, Modo in tenaci gramme. Labuntur altis interim ripis aquae, 25 Q,ueruntur in silvis aves, Fontesque lymphis obstrepunt manantibus, Somnos quod invitet leves. At cum tonantis annus hibernus Jovis Imbres nivesque comparat, 30 Aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas, Aut amite levi rara tendit retia, Turdis edacibus dolos, Pavidumque leporem et advenam laqueo gruem 35 Jucunda captat praemia. Q,uis non malarum, quas amor curas habet, Haec inter obliviscitur ? C. ii. 18. arvis. 21. Quis. 25. rivis. 27. Frondeaque. 28. invitat. 37. malorum. LIBEE. C. II. 143 Q,uod si pudica mulier in partem juvet Domum atque dulces liberos, 40 Sabina qualis aut perusta solibus Pernicis uxor Apuli, Sacrum vetustis exstruat lignis focum, Lassi sub adventum viri, Claudensque textis cratibus laetum pecus, 45 Distenta siccet ubera. Et horna dulci vina promens dolio, Dapes inemptas apparet : Non me Lucrina juverint conchylia Magisve rhombus aut scari, 50 Si quos eois intonata rluctibus Hiems ad hoc vertat mare ; Non Afra avis descendat in ventrem meum, Non attagen Ionicus Jucundior, quam lecta de pinguissimis 55 Oliva ramis arborum, Aut herba lapathi prata amantis et gravi Malvae salubres corpori, Vel agna festis caesa Terminalibus, Vel haedus ereptus lupo. 60 Has inter epulas ut juvat pastas oves Yidere properantes domum, Videre fessos vomerem inversum boves Collo trahentes languido, Positosque vernas, ditis examen domus, 65 Circum renidentes Lares ! Haec ubi locutus foenerator Alphius, Jam jam futurus rusticus, Omnem redegit Idibus pecuniam. Q,uaerit Calendis ponere. 70 43. Sacrum et vetustis. 54. Ionius. 69. relegit. 144 EPODON CARMEN III. AD MAECENATEM. Parentis olim si quis impia manu Senile guttur fregerit, Edit cicutis allium nocentius. O dura messorum ilia ! Q,uid hoc veneni saevit in praecordiis ? 5 Num viperinus his cruor Incoctus herbis me fefellit ? an malas Canidia tractavit dapes ? Ut Argonautas praeter omnes candidum Medea mirata est ducem, 10 Ignota tauris illigaturum juga Perunxit hoc Iasonem : Hoc delibutis ulta donis pellicem, Serpente fugit alite. Nee tantus unquam siderum insedit vapor 15 Siticulosae Apuliae ; Nee munus humeris emcacis Herculis Inarsit aestuosius. At, si quid unquam tale concupiveris, Jocose Maecenas, precor, 20 Manum puella savio opponat tuo, Extrema et in sponda cubet. C. iii. 3. Edat. 8. tentavit. LIBEE. C. V. 145 CARMEN IV. Lnpis et agnis quanta sortito obtigit, Tecum mihi discordia est, Hibericis peruste funibus latus, Et crura dura compede. Licet superb us ambules pecunia, 5 Fortuna non mutat genus. Videsne, Sacram metiente te Yiam Cum bis trium ulnarum toga, Ut ora vertat hue et hue euntium Liberrima indignatio 1 10 " Sectus flagellis hie triumviralibus Praeconis ad fastidium Arat Falerni mille fundi jugera, Et Appiam mannis terit, Sedilibusque magnus in primis eques, 15 Othone contempto, sedet. Quid attinet, tot ora navium gravi Rostrata duci pondere Contra latrones atque servilem manum, Hoc, hoc tribuno militum V 20 CARMEN V. IN CANIDIAM VENEFICAM. "At, o deorum quidquid in coelo regit Terras et humanum genus, C. iv. 8. bis ter. C. v. 1. quisquis — regis. 7 146 EPODON Q,uid iste fert tumultus ? et quid omnium Yultus in unum me truces ? Per liberos te, si vocata partubus 5 Lucina veris afTuit, Per hoc inane purpurae decus precor, Per improbaturum haec Jovem. Quid ut noverca me intueris, aut uti Petita ferro bellua T 10 Ut haec trementi questus ore constitit Insignibus raptis puer, Impube corpus, quale posset impia Mollire Thracum pectora ; Canidia, brevibus implicata viperis 1 5 Crines et incomptum caput, Jubet sepulcris caprificos erutas, Jubet cupressus funebres, Et uncta turpis ova ranae sanguine Plumamque nocturnae strigis 20 Herbasque, quas Iolcos atque Hibena Mittit, venenorum ferax, Et ossa ab ore rapta jejunae canis Flammis aduri Colchicis. At expedita Sagana, per totam domum 25 Spargens Avernales aquas, Horret capillis ut marinus asperis Echinus aut currens aper. Abacta nulla Yeia conscientia, Ligonibus duris humum 30 Exhauriebat, ingemens laboribus, duo posset infossus puer Longo die bis terque mutatae dapis Inemori spectaculo. 3. aut quid, Orellius. 11. trementc. 15. illigata. 18. cupressoa. 21. aut. 25. expetita. 33. bis terve LIBEK. C. V. 14^ Cum promineret ore, quantum exstant aqua 35 Suspensa mento corpora : Exsucta uti medulla et aridum jecur Amoris esse poculum, Interminato cum semel fixae cibo Intabuissent pupulae. 40 Non defuisse masculae libidinis Ariminensem Foliam, Et otiosa credidit Neapolis Et omne vicinum oppidum, Q,uae sidera excantata voce Thessala 45 Lunamque coelo deripit. Hie irresectum saeva dente livido Canidia rodens pollicem, Quid dixit aut quid tacuit ? " O, rebus meis Non infidcles arbitrae, 50 Nox et Diana, quae silentium regis, Arcana cum fiunt sacra, Nunc, nunc adeste, nunc in hostiles domos Iram atque numen vertite ! Formidolosis dum latent silvis ferae. 55 Dulci sopore languidae, Senem, quod omnes rideant, adulterum Latrent Suburanae canes, Nardo perunctum, quale non perfectius Meae laborarint manus. — 60 Quid accidit ? cur dira barbarae minus Yenena Medeae valent ? Q,uibus superbam fugit ulta pellicem, Magni Creontis filiam, Cum palla, tabo munus imbutum, novam 65 Incendio nuptam abstulit. 37. Exsucca ; exusta ; exsecta. 55. Formidolosae ; cum. 60. laborarunt. 63. superba. 65. infectum. 148 EPODON Atqui nee herba nee latens in asperis Radix fefellit me locis. Indormit unctis omnium cubilibus Oblivione pellicum. — 70 Ah, ah, solutus ambulat veneficae Scientioris carmine. Non usitatis, Vare, potionibus O multa fleturum caput, Ad me recurres, nee vocata mens tua 75 Marsis redibit vocibus. Majus parabo, majus infundam tibi Fastidienti poculum, Priusque coelum sidet inferius mari, Tellure porrecta super, 80 Quam non amore sic meo flagres, uti Bitumen atris ignibus." Sub haec puer, jam non, ut ante, mollibus Lenire verbis impias, Sed, dubius unde rumperet silentium, 85 Misit Thyesteas preces : " Yenena magnum fas nefasque non valent Convertere humanam vicem. Diris agam vos ; dira detestatio Nulla expiatur victima. 90 Quin, ubi perire jussus exspiravero, Nocturnus occurram furor, Petamque vultus umbra curvis unguibus, Quae vis deorum est Manium, Et inquietis assidens praecordiis 95 Pavore somnos auferam. Vos turba vicatim hinc et hinc saxis petens Contundet obscoenas anus : 81. mei. LIBEE. C. VI. 149 Post insepulta membra different lupi Et Esquilinae alites ; 100 Neque hoc parentes, heu mihi superstites, EfTugerit spectaculum." CARMEN VI. Q,uid immerentes hospites vexas, canis, Ignavus adversum lupos ? Q,uin hue inanes, si pote's, vertis minas, Et me remorsurum petis ? Nam, qualis aut Molossus aut fulvus Lacon, 5 Arnica vis pastoribus, Agam per altas aure sublata nives, Gluaecunque praecedet fera : Tu, cum timenda voce complesti nemus, Prqjectum odoraris cibum. 10 Cave, cave : namque in malos asperrimus Parata tollo cornua, Gtualis Lycambae spretus infido gener, Aut acer hostis Bupalo. An, si quis atro dente me petiverit, 15 Inultus ut rlebo puer 1 102. Effugerint. C. vi. 2. adversus. 3, 4. verte — pete. 8. praecedat. 150 EPODON CARMEN VII. AD POPULUM ROMANUM Q,uo, quo scelesti ruitis ? aut cur dexteris Aptantur enses conditi 7 Parumne campis atque Neptuno super Fusum est Latini sanguinis ? Non, ut superbas invidae Carthaginis 5 Romanus arces ureret, Intactus aut Britannus ut descenderet Sacra catenatus Via, Sed ut, secundum vota Parthorum, sua Urbs haec periret dextera. 10 Neque hie lupis mos nee fuit leonibus Unquanij nisi in dispar, feris. Purorne caecus, an rapit vis acrior ? An culpa? Responsum date. Tacent, et albus ora pallor inficit, 15 Mentesque perculsae stupent. Sic est : acerba fata Romanos agunt Scelusque fraternae necis, Ut immerentis fluxit in terram Remi Sacer nepotibus cruor. 20 0. vii. 12. Nunquam. 13. caecos. 15. et ora pallor albus. LIBER. c. vni. 151 CARMEN VIII. IN ANUM LIBIDINOSAM. Rogare longo putidam te saeculo, Vires quid enervet meas ? Cum sit tibi dens ater, et rugis vetus Frontem senectus exaret, Hietque turpis inter aridas nates 5 Podex, velut crudae bovis ? Sed incitat me pectus et mammae putres, Equina quales ubera, Venterque mollis et femur tumentibus Exile suris additum ! 10 Esto beata, funus atque imagines Ducant triumphales tuum, Nee sit marita, quae rotundioribus Onusta baccis ambulet. Quid, quod libelli Stoici inter sericos 15 Jacere pulvillos amant ? Illiterati num minus nervi rigent, Minusve languet faseinum ? Quod ut superbo pro voces ab inguine, Ore adlaborandum est tibi. 20 152 EPODON CARMEN IX. AD MAECENATEM. duando repostum Caecubum ad festas dapes, Yictore laetus Caesare, Tecum sub alta — sic Jovi gratum — domo, Beate Maecenas, bibam Sonante mixtum tibiis carmen lyra, 5 Hac Dorium, illis barbarum, Ut nuper, actus cum freto Neptunius Dux fugit, ustis navibus, Minatus Urbi vincla, quae detraxerat Servis amicus perfidis ? 10 Romanus, eheu ! posteri negabitis, Emancipatus feminae, Fert vallum et arma miles, et spadonibus Servire rugosis potest, Interque signa turpe militaria 15 Sol adspicit conopium ! At hoc frementes verterunt bis mille equos Galli, canentes Caesarem, Hostiliumque navium portu latent Puppes sinistrorsum citae. 20 Io triumphe ! tu moraris aureos Currus et intactas boves ? Io triumphe ! nee Jugurthino parem Bello reportasti ducem, Neque Africanum, cui super Carthaginem 25 Virtus sepulcrum condidit. C. ix. 5. rnixtis 17. At hue ; Ad hunc ; Adhuc ; At hune. 20. sitae. 25. Africano. LE6EB. C. X. 153 Terra marique victus hostis Punico Lugubre mutavit sagum. Aut ille centum nobilem Cretam urbibus Ventis iturus non suis, 30 Exercitatas aut petit Syrtes Noto, Aut fertur incerto mari. Capaciores affer hue, puer, scyphos, Et Chia vina aut Lesbia ; Vel, quod nuentem nauseam coerceat, 35 Metire nobis Caecubum. Curam metumque Caesaris rerum juvat Dulci Lyaeo solvere. CARMEN X. IN MAEVIUM POETAM. Mala soluta navis exit alite, Ferens olentem Maevium. Ut horridis utrumque verberes latus, Auster, memento rluctibus. Niger rudentes Eurus, inverso mari, 5 Fractosque remos differat. Insurgat Aquilo, quant us altis montibus Frangit trementes ilices : Nee sidus atra nocte amicum appareat, Q,ua tristis Orion cadit ; 10 ' Quietiore nee feratur aequore, Q,uam Graia victorum manus, 34. Aut Chia. 154: EPODON Cum Pallas usto vertit iram ab Ilio In impiam Ajacis ratem. quantus instat navitis sudor tuis, 15 Tibique pallor luteus, Et ilia non virilis ejulatio. Preces et aversum ad Jovem, lonius udo cum remugiens sinus Noto carinam ruperit ! 20 Opima quodsi praeda curvo littore Porrecta mergos juveris, Libidinosus immolabitur caper Et agna Tempestatibus. CARMEN XI. AD PETTIUM. Petti, nihil me, sicut antea, juvat Scribere versiculos, amore percussum gravi, Amore, qui me praeter omnes expetit Mollibus in pueris aut in puellis urere. Hie tertius December, ex quo destiti 5 Inachia furere, silvis honorem decutit. Heu me ! per Urbem — nam pudet tanti mali — Fabula quanta fui ! Conviviorum et poenitet, In quis amantem languor et silentium Arguit, et latere petitus imo spiritus. 10 Contrane lucrum nil valere candidum Pauperis ingenium ? querebar applorans tibi, C. x. 19, 20. sinu Notus. 22. Projecta, de conj. ; juverit. C. xi. 2. perculsum. 8. ut poenitet. 9. amantem et languor 11. contraque. LIBER. C. XII. 155 Simul calentis inverecundus deus Fervidiore mero arcana promorat loco. Quodsi meis inaestuet praecordiis 15 Libera bilis, ut haec ingrata ventis dividat Fomenta vulnus nil malum levantia, Desinet imparibus certare summotus pudor. Ubi haec severus te palam laudaveram, Jussus abire domum, ferebar incerto pede 20 Ad non amicos, heu mihi postes et heu Limina dura, quibus lumbos et infregi latus. Nunc, gloriantis quamlibet mulierculam Yincere mollitie, amor Lycisci me tenet ; Unde expedire non amicorum queant 25 Libera consilia nee contumeliae graves, Sed alius ardor aut puellae candidae Aut teretis pueri longam renodantis comam. CARMEN XII. IN ANUM LIBIDINOSAM. Q,uid tibi vis, mulier nigris dignissima barris ? Munera quid mihi, quidve tabellas Mittis, nee firmo juveni, neque naris obesae ? Namque sagacius unus odoror, Polypus an gravis hirsutis cubet hircus in alis, 5 Q,uam canis acer, ubi lateat sus. Q,uis sudor vietis et quam malus undique membns Crescit odor, quum pene soluto 15. inaestuat. 17. allevantia. 24. mollitia. C. xii. 2. cur mihi. / 156 epoboist Indomitam properat rabiem sedare ; neque illi Jam manet humid a creta colorque 10 Stercore fucatus crocodili, jamque subando Tenta cubilia tectaque rumpit ! Vel mea cum saevis agitat fastidia verbis : Inachia langues minus, ac me : Inachiam ter nocte potes, mihi semper ad unum 15 Mollis opus. Pereat male, quae te Lesbia, quaerenti taurum, monstravit inertem. Cum mihi Cous adesset Amyntas. Cujus in indomito constantior inguine nervus, Q,uam nova collibus arbor inhaeret. 20 Muricibus Tyriis iteratae vellera lanae Cui properabantur? Tibi nempe, Ne foret aequales inter conviva, magis quern Diiigeret mulier sua, quam te. O ego non felix, quam tu fugis, ut pavet acres 25 Agna lupos, capreaeque leones ! CAKMEN XIII. AD AMICOS. Horrida tempestas coelum contraxit, et imbres Nivesque deducunt Jovem : nunc mare, nunc siluae Threicio Aquilone sonant. Rapiamus, amici, Occasionem de die, dumque virent genua Et decet. obducta solvatur fronte senectus. 5 Tu vina Torquato move consule pressa meo. 25. O ego infelix. LIBEE. c. xrv. 157 Cetera mitte loqui : deus haec fortasse benigna Reducet in sedem vice. Nunc et Achaemenio Perfundi nardo juvat et fide Cyllenea Levare diris pectora sollicitudinibus : 10 Nobilis ut grandi cecinit Centaurus alumno : Invicte, mortalis dea nate puer Thetide, Te manet Assaraci tellus. quam frigida parvi Findunt Scamandri flumina, lubricus et Simois ; Unde tibi reditum certo subtemine Parcae 15 Rupere, nee mater domum caerula te revehet Illic omne malum vino cantuque levato, Deformis aegrimoniae dulcibus alloquiis. CARMEN XIY. AD MAECENATEM. Mollis inertia cur tantam diffuderit imis Oblivionem sensibus, Pocula Lethaeos ut si dncentia somnos Arente fauce traxerim, Candide Maecenas, occidis saepe rogando: 5 Deus, deus nam me vetat Inceptos, olim promissum carmen, iambos Ad umbilicum adducere. Non aliter Samio dicunt arsisse Bathyllo Anacreonta Teium, 10 Qui persaepe cava testudine flevit amorem Non elaboratum ad pede-m. Ureris ipse miser : quodsi non pulchrior ignis Accendit obsessam Ilion, 158 epodojst Gaude sorte tua : me libertina, neque uno 15 Oontenta, Phryne macerat. CARMEN XV. i.D NEAERAM. Nox erat et coelo fulgebat lima sereno Tnter minora sidera, Cum tu, magnorum numen laesura deorum, In verba jurabas mea, Artius, atque hedera procera adstringitur ilex, 5 Lentis adhaerens brachiis : Dum pecoii lupus, et nautis infestus Orion Turbaret hibernum mare, Intonsosque agitaret Apollinis aura capillos, Fore hunc amorem mutuum. 10 O dolitura mea multum virtute Neaera ! Nam, si quid in Flacco viri est, Non feret assiduas potiori te dare noctes, Et quaeret iratus parem ; Nee semel offensae cedet constantia formae, 15 Si certus intrarit dolor. At tu, quicunque es felicior atque meo nunc Superbus incedis malo, Sis pecore et multa dives tellure licebit Tibique Pactolus rluat, 20 Nee te Pythagorae fallant arcana renati, Formaque vincas Nirea, C. xv. 8, 9. turbarit — agitarit. LIBEE. C. XVI. 159 Eheu ! translatos alio maerebis amores ; Ast ego vicissim risero. CARMEN XVI AD POPULUM ROMANUM. Altera jam teritur bellis civilibus aetas, Suis et ipsa Roma virions rait : Q,uam neque finitimi valuerunt perdere Marsi, Minacis aut Etrusca Porsenae manus, Aemula nee virtus Capuae, nee Spartacus acer, 5 Novisque rebus infidelis Allobrox, Nee fera caerulea domuit Germania pube, Parentibusque abominatus Hannibal, Impia perdemus devoti sanguinis aetas, Ferisque rursus occupabitur solum. 10 Barbaras, heu ! cineres insistet victor, et urbem Eques sonante verberabit ungula, Q,uaeque carent ventis et solibus ossa duirini, Nefas videre ! dissipabit insolens. Forte, quid expediat, communiter aut melior pars 15 Malis carere quaeritis laboribus : Nulla sit hac potior sententia : Phocaeorum Yelut profugit exsecrata civitas Agros atque Lares patrios, habitandaque fana Apris reliquit et rapacibus lupis 20 Ire, pedes quocunque ferent, quocunque per undas Notus vocabit aut protervus Africus. 23. Heu lieu. C. xvi. 14. videri. 21.ferunt. 160 EPODON Sic placet ? an melius quis habet suadere ? Secunda Ratem occupare quid moramur alite? Sed juremus in haec : simul imis saxa renarint 25 Vadis levata, ne redire sit nefas ; Neu conversa domum pigeat dare lintea, quando Padus Matina laverit cacumina, In mare seu celsus procurrerit Apenninus, Novaque monstra junxerit libidine 30 Mirus amor, juvet ut tigres subsidere cervis, Adulteretur et columba miluo, Credula nee ravos timeant armenta leones, Ametque salsa levis hircus aequora. Haec, et quae poterunt reditus abscindere dulces, 35 Eamus omnis exsecrata civitas, Aut pars indocili melior grege ; mollis et exspes Inominata perprimat cubilia ! Yos, quibus est virtus, muliebrem tollite luctum, Etrusca praeter et volate litora. 40 Nos manet Oceanus circumvagus ; arva, beata Petamus arva, divites et insulas, Reddit ubi Cererem tellus inarata quotannis, Et imputata floret usque vinea, Germinat et nunquam fallentis termes olivae, 45 Suamque pulla ficus ornat arborem, Mella cava manant ex ilice, montibus altis Levis crepante lymph a desilit pede. Illic injussae veniunt ad mulctra capellae, Refertque tenta grex amicus ubera ; 50 Nee vespertinus circumgemit ursus ovile, Neque intumescit alta viperis humus. Pluraque felices mirabimur : ut neque largis Aquosus Eurus arva radat imbribus, 29. proruperit. 33. flavos ; fulvos ; saevos. 51. ovili. LIBEE. C. XVII. 161 Pinguia nee siceis urantur semina glebis, 55 Utrumque rege temperante Coelitum. Non hue Argoo contendit remige pinus, Neque impudica Colchis intulit pedem : Non hue Sidonii torserunt cornua nautae, Laboriosa nee cohors Ulixei. 60 Nulla nocent pecori contagia ; nullius astri Gregem aestuosa torret impotentia. Jupiter ilia piae secrevit litora genti, Ut inquinavit aere tempus aureum : Aere, dehinc ferro duravit saecula, quorum 65 Piis secunda, vate me, datur fuga. CARMEN XVII. AD CANIDIAM V E N E F I C A M, . HORATIUS. Jam jam efficaci do manus scientiae, Supplex et oro regna per Proserpinae, Per et Dianae non movenda numina, Per atque iibros carminum valentium Refixa coelo devocare sidera, 5 Canidia, parce vocibus tandem sacris, Citumque retro solve, solve turbinem. Movit nepotem Telephus Nereium. In quern superbus ordinarat agmina Mysorum et in quern tela acuta torserat. 10 61. austri. 63. sacravit. 65. Aerea dehinc. C. xvii. 5. Defixa. 1.62 EPOBON Unxere matres Iliae addictum feris Alitibus atque canibus homicidam Hectorem, Postquam relictis moenibus rex procidit Heu ! pervicacis ad pedes Achillei. Setosa duris exuere pellibus 15 Laboriosi remiges Ulixei, Volente Circa, membra : tunc mens et sonus Relapsus atque notus in vultus honor. Dedi satis superque poenarum tibi, Amata nautis multum et institoribus. 20 Fugit juventas, et verecundus color Reliquit ossa pelle amicta lurida ; Tuis capillus albus est odoribus, Nullum ab labore me reclinat otium : Urget diem nox et dies noctem, neque est 25 Levare tent a spiritu praecordia. Ergo negatum vincor ut credam miser, Sabella pectus increpare carmina, Caputque Marsa dissilire nenia. Quid amplius vis ? O mare, o terra ! ardeo, 30 Quantum neque atro delibutus Hercules Nessi cruore, nee Sicana fervida Virens in Aetna flamma ; tu, donee cinis Injuriosis aridus ventis ferar, Cales venenis ofneina Colchicis. 35 Quae finis aut quod me manet stipendium ? Effare : jussas cum fide poenas luam, Paratus expiare, seu poposceris Centum juvencos, sive mendaci lyra Voles sonari : tu pudica, tu proba 40 Perambulabis astra sidus aureum. Infamis Helenae Castor offensus vicem 11. Luxere. 18. Relatus. 30. O mare et terra. 33. Furens ; urens. 42. vice. LIBER. C. XVII. 163 Fraterque magni Oastoris, victi prece, Adempta vati reddidere lumina : Et tu 3 potes nam, solve me dementia, 45 O nee paternis obsoleta sordibus, Nee in sepulcris pauperum prudens anus Novendiales dissipare pulveres ! Tibi hospitale pectus et purae manus, Tuusque venter Pactumeius, et tuo 50 Cruore rubros obstetrix pannos lavit, Utcunque fortis exsilis puerpera. CANIDIAE RESPONSIO. Q,uid obseratis auribus fundis preces ? Non saxa nudis surdiora navitis Neptunus alto tundit hibernus salo. 55 Inultus ut tii riseris Cotyttia Yulgata, sacrum liberi cupidinis, Et, Esquilini pontifex venenci, Impune ut Urbem nomine impleris meo ? Quid proderat ditasse Pelignas anus, 60 Yelociusve miscuisse toxicum ? Sed tardiora fata te votis manent : Ingrata misero vita ducenda est in hoc, Novis ut usque suppetas laboribus. Optat quietem Pelopis infidi pater, 65 Egens benignae Tantalus semper dapis ; Optat Prometheus obligatus aliti, Optat supremo collocare Sisyphus In monte saxum : sed vetant leges Jovis. Yoles modo altis desilire turribus, 70 50. partumeius. 56. et tu. 60. proderit. 62. Si — manent ? 64. doloribus. 65. infidus. 67. alite. 164 EPODON LEBER. Modo ense pectus Norico recludere. Frustraque vincla gutturi nectes tuo, Fastidiosa tristis aegrimonia. Yectabor humeris tunc ego inimicis eques, Meaeque terra cedet insolentiae. 75 An quae movere cereas imagines, Ut ipse nosti curiosus, et polo Deripere lunam vocibus possim meis, Possim crematos excitare mortuos Desiderique temperare pocula, 80 Plorem artis- in te nil agentis exitus ? 72. innectes. 81. nullum habentis exitum ; nil habentus exitus. Q. HORATII FLACCI CAEMEN SAECULAEE AD APOLLINEM ET DIANAM. Phoebe, silvarumque potens Diana, Lucidum coeli decus, o colendi Semper et culti, date, quae precamur Tempore sacro, Q,uo Sibyllini monuere versus 5 Yirgines lectas puerosque castos Dis, quibus septem placuere colles, Dicere carmen. Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui • Promis et celas, aliusque et idem 10 Nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma Yisere majus. Rite maturos aperire partus Lenis, Ilithyia, tuere matres, C. s. 5. Quod. 166 CABMEN SAECULAKE. Sive tu Lucina probas vocari^ 15 kSeu Genitalis. Diva, producas subolem Patrumque Prosperes decreta super jugandis Feminis prolisque novae feraci Lege marita. 20 Certus undenos decies per annos Orbis ut cantus referatque ludos, Ter die claro, totiesque grata Nocte frequentes. Vosque veraces cecinisse, Parcae, 25 Q,uod semel dictum est stabilisque rerum Terminus servet, bona jam peractis Jungite fata. Fertilis frugum pecorisque tellus Spicea donet Cererem corona : 30 Nutriant fetus et aquae, salubres Et Jovis aurae. Condito mitis placidusque telo Supplices audi pueros, Apollo : Siderum regina bicornis, audi, 35 Luna, puellas. Roma si vestrum est opus, Iliaeque Litus Etruscum tenuere turmae, Jussa pars mutare Lares et urbem Sospite cursu, 40 27. servat, Orellius. 39. urbes. CARMEN SAECUXARE. 167 Cui per ardentem sine fraude Trojam Castus Aeneas, patriae superstes, Liberum munivit iter, daturus Plura relictis : Di, probos mores docili juventae, 45 Di, senectuti placidae quietem, Romulae genti date remque prolemque Et decus omne. Quaeque vos bobus veneratur albis Clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis, 50 Impetret, bellante prior, jacentem Lenis in hostem. Jam mari terraque manus potentes Medus Albanasque timet secures ; Jam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi 55 Nuper, et Indi. Jam fides et pax et honos pudorque Priscus et neglecta redire virtus Audet, apparetque beata pleno Copia cornu. 60 Augur et fulgente decorus arcu Phoebus acceptusque novem Camenis, Qui salutari levat arte fessos Corporis artus, Si Palatums videt aequus arces, 65 Remque Romanam Latiumque felix 46. senectutis 49. Quique — imperet. 65. aras. 168 CABMEN SAECULAEE. Alterum in lustrum meliusque semper Proroget aevum. Q,uaeque Aventinum tenet Algidumque, Q,uindecim Diana preces virorum Curet, et votis puerorum arnicas Applicet aures. 70 Haec Jovem sentire deo-sque cunctos, Spem bonam certamque domum reporto, Doctus et Phoebi chorus et Dianae . Dicere laudes. 75 68. Prorogat. 71, 72. Curat ; Applicat. Q. HORATII FLACCI S A T I E A E U M LIBER PRIMUS. SATIRA I. Q,ui fit, Maecenas, ut nemo, quam sibi sortem Seu ratio dederit seu fors objecerit, ilia Contentus vivat, laudet diversa sequentes ? O fortunati mercatores ! gravis annis Miles ait, multo jam fractus membra labore. 5 Contra mercator, navem jactantibus Austris, Militia est potior. Q,uid enim ? Concurritur : horae Momento cita mors venit aut victoria laeta. Agricolam laudat juris legumque peritus, Sub galli cantum consultor ubi ostia pulsat. 10 II le. datis vadibus, qui rure extractus in urbem est, Solos felices viventes clamat in urbe. Cetera de genere hoc, adeo sunt multa, loquacem Delassare valent Fabium. Ne te morer, audi, S. i. 2. ulla. 4. armis, de conj. C. navim. 8. Momento aut cita. 10. cantu. 8 170 SATIRAEUM Quo rem deducam. Si quis deus, En ego, dicat, 15 Jam faciam quod vultis : eris tu, qui modo miles, Mercator : tu, consultus modo, rusticus : hinc vos, Vos hinc mutatis discedite partibus. Eia ! Quid statis ? — nolint. Atqui licet esse beatis. Quid causae est, merito quin illis Jupiter ambas 20 Iratus buccas inflet, neque se fore posthac Tarn facilem dicat, votis ut praebeat aurem? Praeterea, ne sic, ut qui jocularia, ridens Percurram : — quanquam ridentem dicere verum Quid vetat ? ut pueris olim dant crustula blandi 25 Doctores, elementa velint ut discere prima ; — Sed tamen amoto quaeramus seria ludo. Ille gravem duro terram qui vertit aratro, Perfidus hie caupo, miles, nautaeque, per omne Audaces mare qui currunt, hac mente laborem 30 Sese ferre, senes ut in otia tuta recedant, Aiunt, cum sibi sint congesta cibaria : sicut Parvula, nam exemplo est, magni formica laboris Ore trahit quodcunque potest atque addit acervo, Quern struit, haud ignara. ac non incauta futuri. 35 Quae, simul inversum contristat Aquarius annum, Non usquam prorepit, et illis utitur ante Quaesitis sapiens, cum te neque fervidus aestus Demoveat lucro, neque hiems, ignis, mare, ferrum, Nil obstet tibi, dum ne sit te ditior alter. 40 Quid juvat, immensum te argenti pondus et auri Furtim defossa timidum deponere terra ? — Quod si comminuas, vilem redigatur ad assem. — At, ni id fit, quid habet pulchri constructus acervus ? Millia frumenti tua triverit area centum, 45 Non tuus hoc capiet venter plus ac meus : ut si 19. nolent ; nolunt. 23. Praetereo. 29. Perfidus hie campo miles. 46. quam meus. LEBER I. S. I. 171 Reticulum panis venales inter onusto Forte vehas humero, nihilo plus accipias quam Qui nil portarit. Yel die, quid referat intra Naturae fines viventi, jugera centum an 50 Mille aret ? — At suave est ex magno tollere acervo. — Dum ex parvc- nobis tantundem haurire relinquas, Cur tua plus laudes cumeris granaria nostris? Ut, tibi si sit opus liquidi non amplius urna Yel cyatho, et dicas : magno de flumine mallem 55 Quam ex hoc fonticulo tantundem sumere. Eo fit, Plenior ut si quos delectet copia justo, Cum ripa simul avulsos ferat Aufidus acer. At qui tantuli eget, quanto est opus, is neque limo Turbatam haurit aquam ; neque vitam amittit in undis. 60 At bona pars hominum, decepta cupidine falso, Nil satis est, inquit ; quia tanti, quantum habeas, sis. — Quid facias illi ? Jubeas miserum esse, libenter Quatenus id facit : ut quidam memoratur Athenis Sordidus ac dives, populi contemnere voces 65 Sic solitus : populus me sibilat ; at mihi plaudo Ipse domi, simul ac nummos contemplor in area. Tantalus a labris sitiens fugientia captat Flumina. . . Quid rides ? Mutato nomine de te Fabula narratur : congestis undique saccis 70 Indormis inhians, et tanquam parcere sacris Cogens, aut pictis tanquam gaudere tabellis. Nescis, quo valeat nummus ? quern praebeat usum 1 Panis ematur, olus, vini sextarius, adde, Quis humana sibi doleat natura negatis. 75 An vigilare metu exanimem, noctesque diesque Formidare males fures, incendia, servos. Ne te compilent fugientes, hoc juvat ? Horum 49. conferat. 50. viventis, de csnj. 55. malim. 57. delectat. 59. tantulo. 77. malos, fures, 172 SATIRARUM Semper ego optarim pauperrimus esse bonorum. — At si condoluit tentatum frigore corpus, 80 Aut alius casus lecto te affixit, habes qui Assideat, fomenta paret, medicum roget, ut te Suscitet, ac natis reddat carisque propinquis. — Non uxor salvum te vult, non filius : omnes Vicini oderunt, noti, pueri atque puellae. 85 Miraris, cum tu argento post omnia ponas, Si nemo praestet, quern non merearis, amorem 1 At si cognatos, nullo natura labore Q,uos tibi dat, retinere velis servareque amicos, Infelix operam perdas, ut si quis asellum 90 In campo doceat parentem currere frenis. Denique sit finis quaerendi ; cumque habeas plus, Pauperiem metuas minus ; et finire laborem Incipias, parto quod avebas ; ne facias quod Ummidius quidam — non longa est fabula — dives, 95 Ut metiretur nummos, ita sordidus, ut se Non unquam servo melius vestiret ; ad usque Supremum tempus, ne se penuria victus Opprimeret, metuebat. At hunc liberta securi Divisit medium, fortissima Tyndaridarum. — 100 Quid mi igitur suades? ut vivam Naevius? aut sic, Ut Nomentanus ? — Pergis pugnantia secum Frontibus adversis componere. Non ego, avarum Cum veto te fieri, vappam jubeo ac nebulonem. Est inter Tanain quiddam socerumque Viselli. 105 Est modus in rebus ; sunt certi denique fines, Q,uos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum. Illuc, unde abii, redeo, nemo ut avarus 79. optarem. 81. afflixit. 88. An, si ; Orellius ; Ac si ; de conj. Etsi, Non si, Aut si. 92. quoque. 95. Nummidius. 101. Quidne. 106. recti. 108. redeo. Nemon' ut — . LIBEE I. S. II. 173 Se pro bet, ac potius laudet diversa sequentes, Q,uodque aliena capella gerat distentius uber, 110 Tabescat, neque se majori pauperiorum Turbae comparet, hunc atque hunc superare Jaboret. Sic festinanti semper locupletior obstat : Ut, cum carceribus missos rapit ungula currus, Instat eqnis auriga suos vincentibus, ilium 115 Praeteritum temnens extremos inter euntem. Inde fit, ut raro, qui se vixisse beatum Dicat, et exacto contentus tempore, vita Cedat, uti conviva satur, reperire queamus. — Jam satis est. Ne me Crispini scrinia lippi 120 Compilasse putes, verbum non amplius addam. SATIRA II. Ambubaiarum collegia, pharmacopolae, Mendici, mimae, balatrones, hoc genus omne Moestum ac sollicitum est cantoris morte Tigelli ; Q,uippe benignus erat. Contra hie, ne prodigus esse Dicatur metuens, inopi dare nolit amico, 5 Frigus quo duramque famem propellere possit. Hunc si perconteris, avi cur atque parentis Praeclaram in grata stringat malus ingluvie rem, Omnia conductis coemens obsonia nummis : Sordidus atque animi quod parvi nolit haberi, 10 Respondet : laudatur ab his, culpatur ab illis. Fufidius vappae famam timet ac nebulonis, 113. obstet. 118. vitae. S. ii. 6. depellere. 174 SATIBAKUM Dives agris, dives positis in foenore nummis : Q,uinas hie capiti mercedes exsecat, atque Quaiito perditior quisque est, tan to acrius urget ; 15 Nomina sectatur, modo sumpta veste virili, Snb patribus duris, tironum. Maxime, quis non, Jupiter, exclamat, simul atque audivit ? — At in se Pro quaestu sumptum facit hie. — Yix credere possis, Q,uam sibi non sit amicus, ita, ut pater ille, Terentt 20 Fabula quern miserum gnato vixisse fugato Inducit, non se pejus cruciaverit atque hie. Si quis nunc quaerat, Quo res haec pertinet? Illuc: Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currant. Malthinus tunicis demissis ambulat : est qui 25 Inguen ad obscoenum subductis usque facetus : Pastillos Rufillus olet, Gargonius hircum. Nil medium est. Sunt qui nolint tetigisse nisi illas, Q,uarum subsuta talos tegat instita veste : Contra alius nullam nisi olenti in fornice stantem. 30 Q,uidam notus homo cum exiret fornice, Macte Yirtute esto, inquit sententia dia Catonis : Nam simul ac venas inflavit tetra libido, Hue juvenes aequum est descendere, non alienas Permolere uxores. — Nolim laudarier, inquit. 35 Sic me, mirator cunni Cupiennius albi. Audire est operae pretium, procedere recte Q,ui moechis non vultis, ut omni parte laborent ; Utque illis multo corrupta dolore voluptas, Atque haec rara, cadat dura inter saepe pericla. 40 Hie se praecipitem tecto dedit : ille flagellis Ad mortem caesus : fugiens hie decidit acrem Praedonum in turbam : dedit hie pro corpore nummos : Hunc perminxerunt calones ; quin etiam illud 18. exclamet. 25. Malchinus. 38. Moechos, Orellius. LIBER I. S. II. IT 5 Accidit, ut quidam testes caudamque salacem 45 Demeteret ferro. Jure omnes ; Galba negabat. Tutior at quanto merx est in classe secunda, Libertinarum dico, Sallustius in quas Non minus insanit, quam qui moechatur : at hie si, Qua res, qua ratio suaderet quaque modeste 50 Muniflco esse licet, vellet bonus atque benignus Esse, daret quantum satis esset nee sibi damno Dedecorique foret. Yerum hoc se amplectitur uno, Hoc amat et laudat : Matronam nullam ego tango : Ut quondam Marsaeus, amator Originis ille, 55 Qui patrium mimae donat fundumque laremque, Nil fnerit mi, inquit, cum uxoribus unquam alienis. Verum est cum mimis, est cum meretricibus, unde Fama malum gravius quam res trahit. An tibi abunde Personam satis est, non illud, qujdquid ubique 60 Omcit, evitare ? Bonam deperdere famam, Rem patris oblimare, malum est ubicunque. Quid inter- est in matrona, ancilla peccesne togata? Villius in Fausta Sullae gener, hoc miser uno Nomine deceptus, poenas dedit usque superque 65 Quam satis est, pugnis caesus ferroque petitus, Exclusus fore, cum Longarenus foret intus. Huic si mutonis verbis mala tanta videntis Diceret haec animus : Quid vis tibi ? Nunquid ego a te Magno prognatum deposco consule cunnum 70 Velatumque stola, mea cum conferbuit ira ? Quid responderet ? Magno patre nata puella est. At quanto meliora monet pugnantiaque istis Dives opis natura suae, tu si modo recte Dispensare velis ac non fugienda petendis 75 Immiscere. Tuo vitio rerumne labores, 45,46. cuidam — Demeteret ferrum. 51. Munificum. 54. Hoc laudat. 63. peccesve. 68. videnti. 1*76 SATIRAEUM Nil referre putas ? Quare, ne poeniteat te, Desine matronas sectarier, unde laboris Plus haurire mali est, quam ex re decerpere fructus. Nee magis huic inter niveos viridesque lapillos — 80 Sit licet hoc, Cerinthe, tuum — tenerurn est femur aut cms Rectius ; atque etiam melius persaepe togatae est. Adde hue, quod mercem sine fucis gestat, aperte Quod venale habet ostendit, nee, si quid honesti est, Jactat habetque palam, quaerit quo turpia celet. 85 Regibus hie mos est : ubi equos mercantur, opertos Inspiciunt, ne, si facies, ut saepe, decora Molli fulta pede est, emptorem inducat hiantem, Quod pulchrae clunes, breve quod caput, ardua cervix. Hoc illi recto : ne corporis optima Lyncei 90 Contemplere oculis, Hypsaea caecior ilia, Quae mala sunt, spectes. O crus ! o brachia ! Verum Depygis, nasuta, brevi latere, ac pede Ion go est. Matron ae, praeter faciem, nil cernere possis, Cetera, ni Catia est, demissa veste tegentis. 95 Si interdicta petes, vallo circumdata — nam te Hoc facit insanum. — multae tibi turn oincient res, Custodes, lectica, ciniflones, parasitae, Ad talos stola demissa, et circumdata palla, Plurima, quae invideant pure apparere tibi rem. 100 Altera, nil obstat : Cois tibi paene videre est Ut nudam, ne crure malo, ne sit pede turpi : Metiri possis oculo latus. An tibi mavis Insidias fieri pretiumque avellier ante Quam mercem ostendi ? " Leporem venator ut alta 105 In nive sectetur, positum sic tangere nolit :" Cantat, et apponit : " meus est amor huic similis : nam Transvolat in medio posita, et fugientia capiat." 81. Sit licet, o Cerinthe, tuum. 90. Lynceis. LIBER I. S. H. 1*T7 Hiscine versiculis speras tibi posse dolores Atque aestus curasque graves e pectore pelli ? 110 Nonne, cupidinibus statuat natura modum quem. Q,uid latura sibi quid sit dolitura negatum, Gluaerere plus prodest, et inane abscindere soldo ? Num, tibi cum fauces urit sitis, aurea quaeris Pocula? num. esuriens fastidis omnia, praeter 115 Pavonem rhombumque ? Tument tibi cum inguina, num, si Ancilla aut verna est praesto puer, impetus in quem Continuo flat, malis tentigine rumpi ? Non ego ; namque parabilem amo Yenerem facilemque. Illam : "Post paulo :" "sed pluris:" "si exierit vir:" 120 Gallis ; hanc Philodemus ait sibi, quae neque magno Stet pretio, neque cunctetur, cum est jussa venire. Candida rectaque sit ; munda hactenus, ut neque longa Nee magis alba velit, quam dat natura, videri. Haec, ubi supposuit dextro corpus mihi laevum 125 Ilia et Egeria est ; do nomen quodlibet illi, Nee vereor, ne, dum futuo, vir rure recurrat, Janua frangatur, latret canis, undique magno Pulsa domus strepitu resonet, vepallida lecto Desiliat mulier, miseram se conscia clamet, 130 Cruribus haec metuat, doti deprensa, egomet mi. Discincta tunica fugiendum est, ac pede nudo, Ne nummi pereant, aut pyga, aut deniqne fama. Deprendi miserum est ; Fabio vel judice vincam. 110. tolli; velli. 111. statuit. 124. det. 129. vel pallida ; vae ! pallida. 8* 178 SATIEAEITM SATIRA III. Omnibus hoc vitium est cantoribus, inter amicos Ut nunquam inducant animum cantare rogati, Injussi nunquam desistant. Sardus habebat Ille Tigellius hoc. Caesar, qui cogere posset, Si peteret per amicitiam patris atque suam, non 5 Quidquam proficeret : si collibuisset, ab ovo Usque ad mala citaret : lo Bacche ! modo summa Voce, modo hac, resonat quae chordis quatuor ima. Nil aequale homini fuit illi ; saepe velut qui Currebat fugiens hostem, persaepe velut qui 10 Junonis sacra ferret : habebat saepe ducentos, Saepe decern servos : modo reges atque tetrarchas, Omnia magna, loquens : modo : Sit mihi mensa tripes et Concha salis pari et toga, quae defendere frigus, Gtuamvis crassa, queat. Decies centena dedisses 15 Huic parco paucis contento, quinque diebus Nil erat in loculis. Noctes vigilabat ad ipsum Mane ; diem totum stertebat. Nil fuit unquam Sic impar sibi. Nunc aliquis dicat mihi : Quid tu ? Nullane habes vitia ? — Immo alia, et fortasse minora. 20 Maenius absentem Novium cum carperet : Heus tu, Q,uidam ait, ignoras te ? an, ut ignotum, dare nobis Verba putas ? Egomet mi ignosco, Maenius inquit. Stultus et improbus hie amor est, dignusque notari. Cum tua pervideas oculis mala lippus inunctis, 25 Cur in amicorum vitiis tarn cernis acutum, Q,uam aut aquila aut serpens Epidaurius ? At tibi contra Evenit, inquirant vitia ut tua rursus et illi. Iracundior est paulo, minus aptus acutis S. iii. 20. haud fortasse minora. 25. praevideas; male lippus.' LEBER I, s. in. 179 Naribus horum hominum ; rideri possit eo, quod 30 Rusticius tonso toga defluit, et male laxus In pede calceus haeret : at est bonus, ut melior vir Non alius quisquam, at tibi amicus, at ingenium ingens Inculto latet hoc sub corpore. Denique te ipsum Concute, num. qua tibi vitiorum inseverit olim 35 Natura aut etiam consuetudo mala ; namque Neglectis urenda filix innascitur agris. Illuc praevertamur, amatorem quod amicae Turpia decipiunt caecum vitia, aut etiam ipsa haec Delectant, veluti Balbinum polypus Hagnae. 40 Vellem in amicitia sic erraremus et isti Errori nomen virtus posuisset honestum. At pater ut gnati, sic nos debemus amici. Si quod sit vitium, non fastidire : strabonem Appellat pactum pater : et pullum, male parvus 45 Si cui films est, ut abortivus fuit olim Sisyphus : hunc varum distortis cruribus : ilium Balbutit scaurum pravis fultum male talis. Parcius hie vivit : frugi dicatur. Ineptus Et jactantior hie paullo est ? concinnus amicis 50 Postulat ut videatur. At est truculentior, atque Plus aequo liber : simplex fortisque habeatur ; Caldior est : acres inter numeretur. Opinor, Haec res et jungit, junctos et servat amicos. At nos virtutes ipsas invertimus atque 55 Sincernm cupimus vas incrustare. Probus quis Nobiscum vivit, multum demissus homo : illi Tardo cognomen pingui damus. Hie fugit omnes Insidias nullique malo latus obdit apertum, Cum genus hoc inter vitae versetur, ubi acris 60 Invidia atque vigent ubi crimina : pro bene sano Ac non incauto, fictum astutumque vocamus. 35. num tibi quid. 40. Agnae. 57. multum demissus homo ille: 180 SATIEAEUM Simplicior quis et est, qualem me saepe libenter Obtulerim tibi, Maecenas, ut forte legentem Aut taciturn impellat quovis sermone molestus : 65 Communi sensu plane caret, inquimus. Eheu, Quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam ! Nam vitiis nemo sine nascitur : optimus ille est, Qui minimis urgetur. Amicus dulcis, ut aequum est, Cum mea compenset vitiis bona, pluribus hisce, 70 jSi modo plura mihi bona sunt, inclinet, amari Si volet : hac lege in trutina ponetur eadem. Ctui, ne tuberibus propriis offendat amicum, Postulat, ignoscet verrucis illius ; aequum est, Peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus. 75 Denique, quatenus excidi penitus vitium irae, Cetera item nequeunt stultis haerentia : cur non Ponderibus modulisque suis ratio utitur, ac res, Lit quaeque est, ita suppliciis delicta coercet ? Si quis eum servum, patinam qui tollere jussus, 80 Semesos pisces tepidumque ligurierit jus, In cruce suffigat, Labeone insanior inter Sanos dicatur. Quanto hoc furiosius atque Majus peccatum est ! Paulum deliquit amicus ; Quod nisi concedas, habeare insuavis : acerbus 85 Odisti et fugis, ut Rusonem debitor aeris ,' Qui nisi, cum tristes misero venere Calendae, Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras Porrecto jugulo historias captivus ut audit. Comminxit lectum potus mensave catillum 90 Evandri manibus tritum dejecit ; ob hanc rem, Aut posit am ante mea quia pullum in parte catini Sustulit esuriens, minus hoc jucundus amicus Sit mihi ? Quid faciam, si furtum fecerit, aut si 74. Ignoscat. 81. trepidumque. 85. habeare insuavis, acerbus: Odisti — 91. tortum ; sculptum. LIBER I. s. m. 181 Prodiderit commissa fide sponsumve negarit ? 95 Quis paria esse fere placuit peccata, laborant, Cum ventum ad verum est : sensus moresque repugnant, Atque ipsa utilitas, justi prope mater et aequi. Cum prorepserunt primis animalia terris, Mutum et turpe pecus, glandem atque cubilia propter 100 Unguibus et pugnis, dein fustibus, atque ita porro Pugnabant armis, quae post fabricaverat usus : Donee verba, quibus voces sensusque notarent, Nominaque invenere : dehinc absistere bello, Oppida coeperunt munire, et ponere leges, 105 Ne quis fur esset, neu latro, neu quis adulter. Nam fait ante Helenam cunnus teterrima belli Causa, sed ignotis perierunt mortibus illi, Q,uos Yenerem incertam rapientes, more ferarum, Viribus editior caedebat, ut in grege taurus. 110 Jura inventa metu injusti, fateare necesse est, Tempora si fastosque velis evolvere mundi. Nee natura potest justo secernere iniquum, Dividit ut bona diversis, fugienda petendis : Nee vincet ratio hoc, tantundem ut peccet idemque, 115 Q,ui teneros caules alieni fregerit horti, Et qui nocturnus sacra divum legerit. Adsit Regula, peccatis quae poenas irroget aequas ; Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello. Nam, ut ferula caedas meritum majora subire 120 Yerbera, non vereor, cum dicas esse pares res Furta latrociniis et magnis parva mineris Falce recisurum simili te, si.tibi regnum Permittant homines. Si dives, qui sapiens est, Et sutor bonus et solus formosus et est rex : 125 Cur optas quod habes ? — Non nosti, quid pater, inquit, Chrysippus dicat: Sapiens crepidas sibi nunquam Nee soleas fecit ; sutor tamen est sapiens. — Q,ui ? — 182 SATIRARTJM Ut, quamvis tacet Hermogenes, cantor tamen atque Optimus est modulator ; ut Alfenus vafer, omni 130 Abjecto instrumento artis clausaque taberna, Sutor erat, sapiens operis sic optimus omnis Est opifex solus, sic rex. Yellunt tibi barbam Lascivi pueri ; quos tu nisi fuste coerces, Urgeris turba circum te stante, miserque 135 Rumperis, et latras, magnorum maxime regum. Ne longum faciam : dum tu quadrante lavatum Rex ibis, neque te quisquam stipator, ineptum Praeter Crispinum, sectabitur, et mihi dulces Ignoscent, si quid peccaro stultus, amici : 140 Inque vicem illorum patiar delicta libenter, Privatusque magis vivam te rege beatus. SATIRA IV. Eupolis atque Cratinus Aristophanesque poetae Atque aiii, quorum comoedia prisca virorum est, Si quis erat dignus describi, quod malus ac fur, Quod moechus foret, aut sicarius, aut alioqui Famosus, multa cum libertate notabant. 5 Hinc omnis pendet Lucilius, hosce secutus, Mutatis tantum pedibus numerisque ; facetus, Emunctae naris, durus componere versus. Nam fuit hoc vitiosus : in hora saepe ducentos, Ut magnum, versus dictabat stans pede in uno. 10 132. Tonsor. S. iv. 3. aut fur. LIBER I.. S. IV. 183 Cum flueret lutulentus, erat quod tollere velles : Garrulus atque piger scribendi ferre laborem, Scribendi recte ; nam ut multum, nil moror. Ecce, Crispinus minimo me provocat : Accipe, si vis, Accipiam tabulas ; detur nobis locus, hora, 15 Custodes ; videamus, uter pms scribere possit. Di bene fecerunt, inopis me quodque pusilli Finxerunt animi, raro et perpauca loquentis. At tu conclusas hircinis follibus auras, Usque laborantes, dum ferrum molliat ignis, 20 Ut mavis, imitare. Beatus Fannms ultro Delatis capsis et imagine ; cum mea nemo Scripta legat, vulgo recitare timentis, ob hanc rem, Quod sunt, quos genus hoc minime juvat, utpote plures Culpari dignos. Quemvis media erue turba ; 25 Aut ob avaritiam aut misera ambitione laborat. Hie nuptarum insanit amoribus, hie puerorum ; Hunc capit argenti splendor ; stupet Albius aere ; Hie mutat merces surgente a Sole ad eum, quo Vespertina tepet regio : quin per mala praeceps 30 Fertur, uti pulvis collectus turbine, ne quid Summa deperdat metuens, aut ampliet ut rem. Omnes hi metuunt versus, odere poetas. — Foenum habet in cornu ; longe fuge : dummodo risum Excutiat sibi, non hie cuiquam parcet amico : 35 Et, quodcunque semel chartis illeverit, omnes Gestiet a furno redeuntes scire lacuque Et pueros et anus. — Agedum, pauca accipe contra. Primum ego me illorum, dederim quibus esse poetis, Excerpam numero : neque enim concludere versum 40 Dixeris esse satis : neque, si quis scribat, uti nos, Sermoni propiora, putes hunc esse poetam. 15. Accipe jam. 25. elige ; eripe. 26. ab avaritia. 39. poetas. 41. si qui, Orellius. 184 SATIBAKTJM Ingenium cui sit, cui mens divinior, atque os Magna sonaturum, des nominis hujus honorem. Idcirco quidam, comoedia necne poema 45 Esset quaesivere ; quod acer spiritus ac vis Nee verbis nee rebus inest, nisi quod pede certo Differt sermoni sermo merus. — At pater ardens Saevit, quod meretrice nepos insanus arnica Filius uxorem grandi cum dote recuset, 50 Ebrius et, magnum quod dedecus, ambulet ante Noctem cum facibus. — Numquid Pomponius istis Audiret leviora, pater si viveret ? Ergo Non satis est puris versum perscribere verbis, Q,uem si dissolvas, quivis stomachetur eodem 55 Quo personatus pacto pater. His, ego quae nunc, Olim quae scripsit Lucilius, eripias si Tempora certa modosque, et quod prius ordine verbum est, Posterius facias, praeponens ultima primis, Non, ut si solvas : " Postquam Discordia tetra 60 Belli ferratos postes portasque refregit," Invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae. Hactenus haec : alias, justum sit necne poema ; Nunc illud tantum quaeram, meritone tibi sit Suspectum genus hoc scribendi. Sulcius acer 65 Ambulat et Caprius, rauci male cumque libellis : Magnus uterque timor latronibus : at bene si quis Et vivat puris manibus, contemnat utrumque. Ut sis tu similis Coeli Byrrhique latronum, Non ego sum Capri neque Sulci : cur metuas me? 70 Nulla taberna meos habeat neque pila libellos, Gluis manus insudet vulgi, Hermogenisque Tigelli. Nee recito cuiquam, nisi amicis, idque coactus ; Non ubivis, coramve quibuslibet. — In medio qui 49. insanit. 70. sim. 73. recitem. Liber i. s. iv. 185 Scripta foro recitent, sunt multi, quique lavantes : 75 Saave locus voci resonat conclusus. — Inanes Hoc juvat, haud illud quaerentes, num sine sensu, Tempore num faciant alieno. — Laedere gaudes, Inquit, et hoc studio pravus facis. — Unde petitum Hoc in me jacis ? est auctor quis denique eorum, 80 Vixi cum quibus ? Absentem qui rodit amicum, Qui non defendit alio culpante, solutos Q,ui captat risus hominum famamque dicacis, Fingere qui non visa potest, commissa tacere Q,ui nequit : hie niger est, hunc tu, Romane, caveto. 85 Saepe tribus lectis videas coenare quaternos, E quibus unus avet quavis adspergere cunctos, Praeter eum, qui praebet aquam : post, hunc quoque potus, Condita cum verax aperit praecordia Liber. Hie tibi comis et urbanus liberque videtur, 90 Infesto nigris : ego si risi, quod ineptus Pastillos Rufillus olet, Gargonius hircum, Lividus et mordax videor tibi ? Mentio si qua De Capitolini furtis injecta Petilli Te coram fuerit, defendas, ut tuus est mos : 95 Me Capitolinus convictore usus amicoque A paero est, causaque mea permulta rogatus Fecit, et, incolumis laetor quod vivit in Urbe : Sed tamen admiror, quo pacto judicium illud Fugerit. Hie nigrae succus loliginis, haec est 100 Aerugo mera : quod vitium procul abfore chartis Atque'animo prius, ut si quid promittere de me Possum aliud vere, promitto. Liberius si Dixero quid, si forte jocosius, hoc mihi juris Cum venia dabis. Insuevit pater optimus hoc me ; 105 Ut fugerem exemplis vitiorum quaeque notando. 79. Inquis. 87. amet, Orellius. 100. fucus. 186 SATIKABUM Cum me hortaretur, parce, frugaliter atque Viverem uti contentus eo, quod mt ipse parasset : Nonne vides, Albi ut male vivat films ? utque Barrus inops? magnum documentum, ne patriam rem 110 Perdere quis velit. A turpi meretricis amore Cum deterreret : Scetani dissimilis sis. Ne sequerer moechas, concessa cum Venere uti Possem : Deprensi non bella est fama Treboni, Aiebat. Sapiens, vitatu, quidque petitu 115 Sit melius, causas reddet tibi : mi ^atis est, si Traditum ab antiquis morem servare, tuamque, Dum custodis eges, vitam famamque tueri Incolumem possum ; simul ac duraverit aetas Membra animumque tuum, nabis sine cortice. Sic me Formabat puerum dictis : et sive jubebat, Ut facerem quid : Habes auctorem, quo facias hoc : Unum ex judicibus selectis objiciebat ; Sive vetabat : an hoc inhonestum et inutile factu Necne sit, addubites, flagret rumore malo cum 125 Hie atque ille ? Avidos vicinum funus ut aegros Exanimat, mortisque metu sibi parcere cogit, Sic teneros animos alien a opprobria saepe Absterrent vitiis. Ex hoc ego, sanus ab illis, Perniciem quaecunque ferunt, mediocribus, et quis 130 Ignoscas, vitiis teneor ; fortassis et istinc Largiter abstulerit longa aetas, liber amicus, Consilium proprium : neque enim, cum lectulus aut me Porticus excepit, desum mihi. Rectius hoc est, . . . Hoc faciens vivam melius. Sic dulcis amicis 135 Occurram. Hoc quidam non belle : numquid ego illi Imprudens olim faciam simile ? Haec ego mecum Compressis agito labris ; ubi quid datur oti, 119. possim. 123. electis. 124. factum. 132. abstulerint. LIBEE I. S. V. 187 Illudo chartis. Hoc est mediocribus illis Ex vitiis unum : cui si concedere nolis, 140 Multa poetarum veniet manus, auxilio quae Sit mihi ; nam multo plures sumus ac veluti te Judaei cogemus in hanc concedere turbam. SATIRA Y. Egressum magna me excepit Aricia Roma Hospitio modico ; rhetor comes Heliodorus, Graecorum longe doctissimus. Inde Forum Appi, Differtum nautis, cauponibus atque malignis. Hoc iter ignavi divisimus, altius ac nos 5 Praecinctis unum ; minus est gravis Appia tardis. Hie ego propter aquam, quod erat deterrima, ventri Indico bellum, coenantes haud animo aequo Exspectans comites. Jam nox inducere terris Umbras et coelo diffundere signa parabat. 10 Turn pueri nautis, pueris convicia nautae Ingerere : Hue appelle ! Trecentos inseris ! . . . Ohe Jam satis est ! Dum aes exigitur, dum mula ligatur, Tota abit hora. Mali culices ranaeque palustres Avertunt somnos, absentem ut cantat amicam 15 Multa prolutus vappa nauta atque viator Certatim. Tandem fessus dormire viator Incipitj ac missae pastum retinacula mulae Nauta piger saxo religat stertitque supinus. 141. veniat ; auxilioque. S. v. 1. accepit. 3. linguae. 6. Nimis. 7. teterriraa. 188 SATIRARUM Jamque dies aderat, nil cum procedere lintrem 20 Sentimus : donee cerebrosus prosilit unus, Ac mulae nautaeque caput lumbosque saligno Fuste dolat : quarta vix demum exponimur hora, Ora manusque tua lavimus, Feronia, lympha. Millia turn pransi tria repimus, atque subimus 25 Impositum saxis late candentibus Anxur. Hue venturus erat Maecenas optimus, atque Cocceius, missi magnis de rebus uterque Legati, aversos soliti componere amicos. Hie oculis ego nigra meis collyria lippus 30 Illinere. Interea Maecenas advenit atque Cocceius, Capitoque simul Fonteius, ad unguem Factus homo ; Antoni, non ut magis alter, amicus. Fundos Aufidio Lusco praetore libenter Linquimus, insani ridentes praemia scribae, 35 Praetextam et latum clavum prunaeque batillum. In Mamurrarum lassi deinde urbe manemus, Murena praebente domum, Capitone culinam. Postera lux oritur multo gratissima ; namque Plotius et Varius Sinuessae Virgiliusque 40 Occurrunt, animae, quales neque candidiores Terra tulit, neque quis me sit devinctior alter. O qui complexus et gaudia quanta fuerunt ! Nil ego contulerim jucundo sanus amico. Proxima Campano ponti quae villula, tectum 45 Praebuit, et parochi, quae debent, ligna salemque. Hinc muli Capuae clitellas tempore ponunt. Lusum it Maecenas ; dormitum ego Virgiliusque : Namque pila lippis inimicum et ludere crudis. Hinc nos Cocceii recipit plenissima villa, 50 Q,uae super est Caudi cauponas. Nunc mihi paucis 24. lavimur, de conj. LIBEE I. S. V. 189 Sarmenti scurrae pugnam Messique Cicirri, Musa, velim memores, et quo patre natus uterque Contulerit lites. Messi clarum genus Osci ; Sarmenti domina exstat : ab his majoribus orti 55 Ad pugnam venere. Prior Sarmentus : Equi te Esse feri similem, dico. Ridemus, et ipse Messius : Accipio ; caput et movet O, tua cornu Ni loret exsecto frons, inquit, quid faceres, cum Sic mutilus miniteris ? At illi foeda cicatrix 60 Setosam laevi frontem turpaverat oris. Campanum in morbum, in faciem permulta jocatus, Pastorem saltaret uti Cyclopa, rogabat : Nil illi larva aut tragicis opus esse cothurnis. Multa Cicirrus ad haec : donasset jamne catenam 65 Ex voto Laribus, quaerebat : scriba quod esset, Deterius nihilo dominae jus esse. Rogabat Denique, cur unquam fugisset, cui satis una Farris libra foret, gracili sic, tamque pusillo 1 Prorsus jucunde coenam produximus illam. 70 Tendimus hinc recta Beneventum, ubi sedulus hospes Paene macros arsit dum turdos versat in igni : Nam vaga per veterem dilapso flamma culinam Vulcano, summum properabat lambere tectum. Convivas avidos coenam servosque timentes 75 Turn rapere atque omnes restinguere velle videres. Incipit ex illo montes Apulia notos Ostentare mihi, quos torret Atabulus, et quos Nunquam erepsemus, nisi nos vicina Trivici Yilla recepisset, lacrimoso -non sine fumo, 80 Udos cum foliis ramos urente camino Gluatuor hinc rapimur viginti et millia rhedis, Mansuri oppidulo, quod versu dicere non est, 60. minitaris, Orellius. 67. Nullo deterius ; Nihilo deterius, Orellius. 70. producimus. 72. Paene arsit, macros dum — . 190 SATIRARUM Signis perfacile est. Venit vilissima rerum Hie aqua ; sed panis longe pulcherrimus, ultra 85 Callidus ut soleat humeris portare viator : Nam Canusl lapidosus ; aquae non ditior urna Q,ui locus a forti Diomede est conditus olim. Flentibus hinc Varius discedit moestus amicis. Inde Rubos fessi pervenimus, utpote longum 90 Carpentes iter et factum corruptius imbri. Postera tempestas melior, via pejor, ad usque Bari moenia piscosi : dehinc Gnatia, lymphis Iratis exstructa, dedit risusque jocosque, Dum, rlamma sine thura liquescere limine sacro, 95 Persuadere cupit. Credat Judaeus Apella, Non ego ; namque deos didici securum agere aevum : Nee, si quid miri faciat natura, deos id Tristes ex alto coeli demittere tecto. Brundusium longae finis chartaeque viaeque est. 100 3ATIRA VI. Non, quia, Maecenas, Lydorum quidquid Etruscos Incoluit fines, nemo generosior est te, Nee, quod avus tibi maternus fuit atque paternus, Olim qui magnis legionibus imperitarent, Ut plerique solent, naso suspendis adunco I Ignotos, ut me libertino patre natum. Cum referre negas, quali sit quisque parente Natus, dum ingenuus, persuades hoc tibi vere, S. vi. 4. regionibus imp°ritarunt ; imperitarint. 5. acuto. LIBER I. S. VI. 191 Ante potestatem Tiilli atque ignobile regnum Multos saepe viros nullis majoribus ortos 10 Et vixisse probos, amplis et honoribus auctos ; Contra Laevinum, Yaleri genus, unde Superbus Tarquinius regno pulsus fugit, unius assis Non unquam pretio pluris licuisse, notante Judice, quo nosti, populo, qui stultus honores 15 Saepe dat indignis et famae servit ineptus, Q,ui stupet in titulis et imaginibus. Quid oportet Nos facere, a vulgo longe longeque remotos ? Namque esto, populus Laevino mallet honorem, Quam Decio mandare novo, censorque moveret . 20 Appius, ingenuo si non essem patre natus : Tel merito, quoniam in propria non pelle quiessem. Sed fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru Non minus ignotos generosis. Quo tibi, Tilli, Sumere depositum clavum fierique tribuno ? 25 Invidia accrevit, privato quae minor esset. Nam ut quisque insanus nigris medium impediit crus Pellibus et latum demisit pectore clavum, Audit continuo: Gtuis homo hie est? Q,uo patre natus? Ut si qui aegrotet quo morbo Barrus, haberi 30 Ut cupiat formosus, eat quacunque, puellis Injiciat curam quaerendi singula, quali Sit facie, sura, quali pede, dente, capillo : Sic qui promittit cives, Urbem sibi curae, Imperium fore et Italiam et delubra deorum, 35 Quo patre sit natus, num. ignota matre inhonestus, Omnes mortales curare et quaerere cogit. — Tune, Syri, Damae, aut Dionysi films, audes Dejicere e saxo cives aut tradere Cadmo ? — . 13. pulsus fuit. 15. quern nosti. 18. longe lateque. 25. tribunum. 29. hie, aut quo ; hie, et quo. 31. Et cupiat. 35. Italiam. delubra. 192 SATIEAEUM At Novius collega gradu post me sedet uno ; 40 Namque est ille, pater quod erat meus. — Hoc tibi Paullus Et Messala videris ? At hie, si plostra ducenta, Concurrantque foro tria funera, magna sonabit Cornua quod vincatque tubas ; saltern, tenet hoc nos. Nunc ad me redeo libertino patre natum, 45 Quern rodunt omnes libertino patre natum, Nunc, quia sum tibi, Maecenas, convictor, at olim, Quod mihi pareret legio Rornana tribune Dissimile hoc illi est: quia non, ut forsit honorem Jure mihi invideat quivis, ita te quoque amicum, 50 Praesertim cautum dignos assumere, prava Ambitione procul. Felicem dicere non hoc Me possim, casu quod te sortitus amicum; Nulla etenim mihi te fors obtulit ; optimus olim Yirgilius, post hunc Varius dixere quid essem. 55 Ut veni coram, singultim pauca locutus, Infans namque pudor prohibebat plura profari, Non ego me claro natum patre, non ego circum Me Satureiano vectari rura caballo, Sed, quod eram, narro. Respondes, ut tuus est mos, 60 Pauca ; abeo ; et revocas nono post mense jubesque Esse in amicorum numero. Magnum hoc ego duco, Quod placui tibi, qui turpi secernis honestum, Non patre praeclaro, sed vita et pectore puro. Atqui si vitiis mediocribus ac mea paucis 65 Mendosa est natura, alioqui recta, velut si Egregio inspersos reprehendas corpore naevos, Si neque avaritiam neque sordes aut mala lustra Objiciet vere quisquam mihi, purus et insons, Ut me collaudem, si et vivo carus amicis ; 70 47. quia sim. 49. forsan. 53. possum. 66, alioquin. 67. reprendas. 68. ac mala ; nee mala. LIBER I. S. VI. 193 Causa fuit pater his, qui macro pauper agelio Noluit in Flavi ludum me mittere, magni Quo pueri magnis e centurionibus orti, Laevo suspensi loculos tabulamque lacerto, Ibant octonis referentes Idibus aera ; 75 Sed puerum est ausus Romam portare docendum Artes, quas doceat quivis eques atque senator Semet prognatos. Vestem servosque sequentes, In magno ut populo, si qui vidisset, avita Ex re praeberi sumptus mihi crederet illos. 80 Ipse mihi custos incorruptissimus omnes Circum doctores aderat. Quid multa ? pudicum, Qui primus virtutis honos servavit ab omni Non solum facto, verum opprobrio quoque turpi ; Nee timuit, sibi ne vitio quis verteret, olim 85 Si praeco parvas aut, ut fuit ipse, coactor Mercedes sequerer ; neque ego essem questus ; at hoc nunc Laus illi debetur et a me gratia major. Nil me poeniteat sanum patris hujus ; eoque Non, ut magna dolo factum negat esse suo pars, 90 Quod non ingenuos habeat clarosque parentes, Sic me defendam. Longe mea discrepat istis Et vox et ratio ; nam si natura juberet A certis annis aevum remeare peractum, Atque alios legere, ad fastum quoscunque parentes 95 Optaret sibi quisque ; meis contentus honestos Fascibus et sellis nollem mihi sumere, demens Judicio vulgi, sanus fortasse tuo, quod Nollem onus, haud unquam solitus, portare molestum. Nam mihi continuo major quaerenda foret res, 100 Atque salutandi plures, ducendus et unus Et comes alter, uti ne solus rusve peregreve 79. si quis. 87. ad hoc ; ob hoc. 102. peregre aut. 9 . 194 SATIBAKTJM Exirem : plures calones atque caballi Pascendi, ducenda petorrita. Nunc mihi curto Ire licet mulo vel, si libet, usque Tarentum, 105 Mantica cui lumbos onere ulceret atque eques armos ; Objiciet nemo sordes mihi, quas tibi, Tilli, Cum Tiburte via praetorem quinque jequuntur Te pueri, lasanum portantes oenophorumque. Hoc ego commodius quam tu, praeclare senator, 110 Millibus atque aliis vivo. Quacunque libido est, Incedo solus ; percontor quanti olus ac far : Pallacem Circum vespertinumque pererro Saepe forum ; adsisto divinis ; inde domum me Ad porri et ciceris refero laganique catinum; 115 Coena ministratur pueris tribus, et lapis albus Pocula cum cyatho duo sustinet ; adstat echinus Vilis, cum patera guttus, Campana supellex. Deinde eo dormitum, non sollicitus, mihi quod eras Surgendum sit mane, obeundus Marsya, qui se 120 Vultum ferre negat Noviorum posse minoris. Ad quartam jaceo ; post hanc vagor ; aut ego, lecto Aut scripto, quod me taciturn juvet, ungor olivo, Non quo fraudatis immundus Natta lucernis. Ast ubi me fessum sol acrior ire lavatum 125 Admonuit, fugi:> campum lusumque trigonem. Pransus non avide, quantum interpellet inani Ventre diem durare, domesticus otior. Haec est Vita solutorum misera ambitione gravique ; His me consolor victurum suavius, ac si 13( Qaaestor avus pater atque meus patruusque fuisset. 111. Multis atque aliis, de conj. 126. fugio rabiosi tempora signi. 130. victums. 131. fuissent. LIBER I. S. VII. 195 SATIBA VII. Prosciipti Regis Rupili pus atque venenum Hybrida quo pacto sit Persius ultus, opinor Omnibus et lippis notum et tonsoribus esse. Persius hie permagna negotia dives habebat Clazomenis, etiam lites cum Rege molestas ; 5 Durus homo atque odio qui posset vincere Regem, Confidens tumidusque, adeo sermonis amari, Sisennas, Barros ut equis praecurreret albis. Ad Regem redeo. Postquam nihil inter utrumque Convenit ; — hoc etenim sunt omnes jure molesti, 10 Quo fortes, quibus adversum bellum incidit ; inter Hectora Priamiden animosum atque inter Achillem Ira fuit capitalis, ut ultima divideret mors, Non aliam ob causam, nisi quod virtus in utroque Summa fuit ; duo si discordia vexet inertes, 15 Aut si disparibus bellum incidat, ut Diomedi Cum Lycio Glauco, discedat pigrior, ultro Muneribus missis — , Bruto praetore tenente Ditem Asiam, Rupili et Persi par pugnat, uti non Compositum melius cum Bitho Bacchius. In jus 20 Acres procurrunt, magnum spectaculum uterque. Persius exponit causam ; ridetur ab omni Conventu ; laudat Brutum laudatque cohortem : Solem Asiae Brutum appellat, stellasque salubres Appellat comites, excepto Rege ; canem ilium, 25 Invisum agricolis sidus, venisse. Ruebat Flumen ut hibernum, fertur quo rara securis. Turn Praenestinus salso multoque fluenti S. vii. 7. Confidens, tumidus, adeo — . 15. vexat ; verset. 28. multumque. 196 SATIRABUM Expressa arbusto regerit convicia, durus Vindemiator et invictus, cui saepe viator 30 Cessisset, magna compel lans voce cuculum. At Graecus, postquam est Italo perfusus aceto, Persius exclamat : Per magnos, Brute, deos te Oro ! qui reges consueris tollere, cur non Hunc Regem jugulas ? Operum hoc, mihi crede, tuorum est. 35 SATIRA VIII. Olim truncus eram ficulnus, inutile lignum, Cum faber, incertus scamnum faceretne Priapum, Maluit esse deum. Deus inde ego, furum aviumque Maxima formido : nam fures dextra coercet Obscoenoque ruber porrectus ab inguine palus : 5 Ast importunas volucres in vertice arundo Terret fixa vetatque novis considere in hortis. Hue prius angustis ejecta cadavera cellis Conservus vili portanda locabat in area. Hoc miserae plebi stabat commune sepulcrum, 10 Pantolabo scurrae Nomentanoque nepoti. Mille pedes in fronte, trecentos cippus in agrum Hie dabat, heredes monumentum ne sequeretur. Nunc licet Esquiliis habitare salubribus, atque Aggere in aprico spatiari, quo modo tristes 15 Albis informem spectabant ossibus agrum : Cum mihi non tantum furesque feraeque suetae 31. cucullam. 34. consuesti. S. viii. 7. fissa, de conj. LIBER I. S. VIII. 197 Hunc vex are locum, curae sunt atque labori, Quantum carminibus quae versant atque venenis Humanos animos : has nullo perdere possum 20 Nee prohibere modo, simul ac vaga lima decorum Protulit os, quin ossa legant herbasque nocentes. Yidi egomet nigra succinctam vadere palla Canidiam pedibus nudis passoque capUlo, Cum Sagana majore ululantem : pallor utrasque 25 Fecerat horrendas adspectu. Scalpere terram Unguibus et pullam divellere mordicus agnam Coeperunt : cruor in fossam confusus, ut inde Manes elicerent animas responsa daturas. Lanea et effigies erat, altera cerea : major 30 Lanea, quae poenis compesceret inferiorem. Cerea suppliciter stabat, servilibus ut quae Jam peritura mod is. Hecaten vocat altera, saevam Altera Tisiphonen. Serpentes atque videres Infernas errare canes, lunamque rubentem, 35 Ne foret his testis, post magna latere sepulchra. Mentior at si quid, merdis caput inquiner albis Corvorum atque in me veniat mictum atque cacatum Julius et fragilis Pediatia furque Voranus. Singula quid memorem ? quo pacto alterna loquentes 40 Umbrae cum Sagana resonarent triste et acutum, Utque lupi barbam variae cum dente colubrae Abdiderint furtim terris, et imagine cerea Largior arserit ignis, et ut non testis inultus Horruerim voces Furiarum et facta duarum. 45 Nam, displosa sonat quantum vesica, pepedi, Diffissa nate ficus ; at illae currere in urbem. Canidiae dentes, altum Saganae caliendrum 25. utramque, de conj. 41. resonarint, de conj. 45. Obruerim. 198 SATIEAEUM Excidere atque herbas atque incantata lacertis Vincula, cum magno risuque jocoque videres. 50 SATIKA IX. Ibam forte Yia sacra, sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum, totus in illis ; Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum, Arreptaque manu : Q,uid agis, dulcissime rerum ? — Suaviter, ut nunc est, inquam, et cupio omnia, quae vis. 5 Cum assectaretur : Num quid vis ? occupo. At ille : Noris nos, inquit ; docti sumus. Hie ego, Pluris Hoc, inquam, mihi eris. Misere discedere quaerens, Ire modo ocius, interdum consistere, in aurem Dicere nescio quid puero, cum sudor ad imos 1 Manaret talos. O te, Bolane, cerebri Felicem ! aiebam tacitus, cum quidlibet ille Garriret, vicos, urbem laudaret. Ut illi Nil respondebam, Misere cupis, inquit, abire : Jamdudum video ; sed nil agis ; usque tenebo ; 15 Persequar hinc, quo nunc iter est tibi. — Nil opus est te Circumagi : quendam volo visere non tibi notum ; Trans Tiberim longe cubat is, prope Caesaris hortos. — Nil habeo quod agam, et non sum piger ; usque sequar te. Demitto auriculas, ut iniquae mentis asellus, 20 Cum gravius dorso subiit onus. Incipit ille : Si bene me novi, non Viscum pluris amicum, S. ix. 3. Occurrit. 4. Quid agis, dulcissime, rerum? 16. Prosequar. — Distinguunt alii : Persequar hinc. Quo nunc iter est tibi 1 — alii : Persequar. Hinc quo — tibi 1 LIBER I. S. IX. 199 Non Varium facies : nam quis me scribere plures, Aut citius possit versus ? quis membra movere Mollius ? invideat quod et Hermogenes, ego canto. 25 Interpellandi locus hie erat : Est tibi mater, Cognati, quis te salvo est opus? — Haud mihi quisquam: Omnes composui. — Felices ! Nunc ego resto. Conflce : namque instat fatum mihi triste, Sabella Q,uod puero cecinit divina mota anus urna : 30 Hunc neque dira venena nee hosticus auferet ensis, Nee laterum dolor aut tussis, nee tarda podagra ; Garrulus hunc quando consumet cunque : loquaces, Si sapiat, vitet, simul atque adoleverit aetas. Ventum erat ad Testae, quarta jam parte diei 35 Praeterita ; et casu tunc respondere vadato Debebat ; quod ni fecisset, perdere litem. Si me amas, inquit, paullum hie ades. — Inteream, si Aut valeo stare aut novi civilia jura ; Et propero quo scis. — Dubius sum, quid faciam, inquit, 40 Tene relinquam an rem. — -Me, sodes. — Non faciam, ille, Et praecedere coepit ; ego, ut contendere durum Cum victore, sequor. — Maecenas quomodo tecum ? Hinc repetit ; paucorum hominum et mentis bene sanae ; Nemo dexterius fortuna est usus. Haberes 45 Magnum adjutorem, posset qui ferre secundas, Hunc hominem velles si tradere : dispeream, ni Summosses omnes. — Non isto vivimus illic, Q,u o tu rere, modo : domus hac nee purior ulla est Nee magis his aliena malis ; nil mi officit unquam, 50 Ditior hie aut est quia doctior ; est locus uni- Cuiquesuus. — Magnum narras, vix credibile ! — Atqui Sic habet. — Accendis, quare cupiam magis illi Proximus esse. — Yelis tantummodo ; quae tua virtus. 36. vadatus. 38. hue. 48. vivitur. 50. nil mi officit, inquam. 200 SATIEAEUM Expugnabis ; et est qui vinci possit, eoque 55 Difficiles aditus primos habet. — Haud mihi deero : Muneribus servos corrumpam : non, hodie si Exclusus fuero, desistam ; tempora quaeram : Occurram in triviis ; deducam ! Nil sine magno Vita labore dedit mortalibus. — Haec dum agit, ecce 60 Fuscus Aristius occurrit, mihi cams, et ilium Qui pulchre nosset. Consistimus. Unde venis ? et, duo tendis 1 rogat et respondet. Vellere coepi, Et prensare manu lentissima brachia, nutans, Distorquens oculos, ut me eriperet. Male salsus 65 Ridens dissimulare ; meum jecur urere bilis. — Certe nescio quid secreto velle loqui te Aiebas mecum. — Memini bene, sed meliore Tempore dicam : hodie tricesima sabbata : vin' tu Curtis Judaeis oppedere ? — Nulla mihi, inquam, 70 Religio est. — At mi : sum paullo infirmior, unus Multorum. Ignosces ; alias loquar. — Hunccine solem Tarn nigrum surrexe mihi ! Fugit improbus ac me Sub cultro linquit. Casu venit obvius illi Adversarius, et : Quo tu, turpissime ? magna 75 Inclamat voce : et : Licet antestari ? Ego vero Oppono auriculam : rapitinjus; clamor utrinque, Undique concursus. Sic me servavit Apollo. 60. dum ait. 64. Pressare. 69. vis tu. 76. Exclamat. 77. Appono. LIBER I. S. X. 201 SATIRA X. Lucili, quam sis mendosus, teste Catone, Defensore tuo, pervincam, qui male factos Emendare par at versus ; hoc lenius Me, Est quo vir melior, longe subtilior illo, Qui multum puer et loris et funibus udis 5 Exhortatus, ut esset opem qui ferre poetis Antiquis posset contra fastidia nostra, Grammaticorum equitum doctissimus. Ut redeam illuc : Nempe incomposito dixi pede currere versus Lucili. Q/uis tam Lucili fautor inepte est, Ut non hoc fateatur ? At idem, quod sale multo Urbem elefricuit, charta laudatur eadem. Nee tamen hoc tribuens, dederim quoque cetera ; nam sic 5 Et Laberi mimos, ut pulchra poemata, mirer. Ergo non satis est, risu diducere rictum Auditoris ; — et est quaedam tamen hie quoque virtus : — Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia, neu se Impediat verbis lassas onerantibus aures ; 10 Et sermone opus est modo tristi, saepe jocoso, Defendente vicem modo rhetoris atque poetae, Interdum urbani, parcentis viribus atque Extenuantis eas consulto. Ridiculum acri Fortius et melius magnas plerumque secat res. 15 Illi, scripta quibus comoedia prisca viris est, Hoc stabant, hoc sunt imitandi ; quos neque pulcher Hermogenes unquam legit, neque simius iste, Nil praeter Calvum et doctus cantare Catullum. — At magnum fecit, quod verbis Graeca Latinis 20 Miscuit. — O seri studiorum ! quine putetis Difficile et mirum, Rhodio quod Pitholeonti 9* 202 SATIEARUM Contigit ? — At sermo, lingua concinnus utraque, Suavior, ut Ohio nota si commixta Falerni est. — Cum versus facias, te ipsum percontor, an et cum 25 Dura tibi peragenda rei sit causa Petilli ? Scilicet oblitus patriaeque patrisque, Latine Cum Pedius causas exsudet Poplicola atque Corvinus, patriis intermiscere petita Verba foris malis, Canusini more bilinguis ? 30 Atqui ego cum Graecos facerem, natus mare citra, Yersiculos, vetuit me tali voce Q,uirinus, Post mediam noctem visus, cum somnia vera : In silvam non ligna feras insanius, ac si Magnas Graecorum malis implere catervas. 35 Turgidus Alpinus jugulat dum Memnona, dumque Defingit Rheni luteum caput, haec ego ludo, Quae neque in aede sonent certantia, judice Tarpa, Nee redeant iterum atque iterum spectanda theatris. Arguta meretrice potes Davoque Chremeta 40 Eludente senem comis garrire libellos, Unus vivorum, Fundani; Pollio regum Facta canit, pede ter percusso ; forte epos acer, Ut nemo, Varius ducit ; molle atque facetum Virgilio annuerunt gaudentes rare Camenae. 45 Hoc erat, experto frustra Yarrone Atacino Atque quibusdam aliis, melius quod scribere possem, Inventore minor ; neque ego illi detrahere ausim Haerentem capiti cum multa laude coronam. At dixi, nuere hunc lutulentum, saepe ferentem 50 Plura quidem tollenda relinquendis. — Age, quaeso, Tu nihil in magno doctus reprehendis Homero ? Nil comis tragici mutat Lucilius Atti, S. x. 27. patrisque Latini. 31. Atque, Orellius. 37. Diffingit. 45. annuerant ; annuerint. LEBER I. S. X. 203 Non ridet versus Ennl gravitate minores, Cum de se loquitur, non ut majore reprensis ? 55 Quid vetat et nosmet Lucili scripta legentes duaerere, num illius, num rerum dura negant Yersiculos natura magis factos et euntes Mollius, ac si quis, pedibus quid claudere senis, Hoc tantum contentus, amet scripsisse ducentos 60 Ante tibum versus, totidem coenatus ; Etrusci Q,uale fuit Cassi rapido ferventius amni Ingenium, capsis quern fama est esse librisque Ambustum propriis. Fuerit Lucilius, inquam, Comis et urbanus, fuerit limatior idem, 65 Q,uam rudis et Graecis intacti carminis auctor, Gluainque poetarum seniorum turba ; sed ille, Si foret hoc nostrum fato dilatus in aevum, Detereret sibi multa, recideret omne, quod ultra Perfectum traheretur, et in versu faciendo 70 Saepe caput scaberet, vivos et roderet ungues. Saepe stilum vertas, iterum quae digna legi sint, Scripturus ; neque, te ut miretur turba, labores, Contentus paucis lectoribus. An tua demens Vilibus in ludis dictari carmina malis ? 75 Non ego; nam satis est, equitem mihi plaudere, ut audax, Contemptis aliis, explosa Arbuscula dixit. Men' moveat cimex Pantilius, aut cruciet, quod Yellicet absentem Demetrius, aut quod ineptus Fannius Hermogenis laedat conviva Tigelli ? 80 Plotius et Varius, Maecenas Virgiliusque, Valgius, et probet haec Octavius optimus, atque Fuscus, et haec utinam Viscorum laudet uterque ! Ambitione relegata, te dicere possum, Pollio, te, Messala, tuo cum fratre, simulque 85 68. delatus ; dilapsus ; delapsus. 78. cruder. 204 SATERARUM Vos, Bibuli et Servi, simul his te, candide Furni, Complures alios, doctos ego quos et amicos Prudens praetereo ; quibus haec, sunt qualiacunque, Arridere velim, doliturus, si placeant spe Deterius nostra. Demetri, teque, Tigelli, 90 Discipularum inter jubeo plorare cathedras. I. puer, atque meo citus haec subscribe libello. 86. Bibulo, Orellius. 88. sink W-fiffaenrs. sc -— " Calamum, et chartas, et scrinia "— Epist. 2, 1, 111. a. HORATII FLACCI SATIKARUM LIBER SECUNDUS. SATIRA I. Sunt, quibus in satira videor nimis acer et ultra Legem tendere opus ; sine nervis altera, quidquid Composui, pars esse putat similesque meo-rum Mille die versus deduci posse. Trebati, Quid faciam, praescribe. — Q,uiescas. — Ne faciam, inquis, 5 Omnino versus ? — Aio. — Peream male, si non Optimum erat : verum nequeo dormire. — Ter uncti Transnanto Tiberim, somno quibus est opus alto, Irriguumque mero sub noctem corpus habento. Aut, si tantus amor scribendi te rapit, aude 1 Caesaris invicti res dicere, multa laborum Praemia laturus. — Capidum, pater optime, vires Deficiunt : neque enim quivis horrentia pilis Agmina nee fracta pereuntes cuspide Gallos Aut labentis equo describat vulnera Parthi. — 15 S. i. 1. videar. 2. intentkve. 10 capit. 15. iloscribit ; describet. 206 SATIEARUM Attamen et justum poteras et scribere fortem, Scipiadam ut sapiens Lucilius. — Haud mihi deero, Cam res ipsa feret. Nisi dextio tempore, Flacci Verba per attentam non ibunt Caesaris aurem, Cui male si palpere, recalcitrat undique tutus. — 20 Quanto rectius hoc, quam tristi laedere versu Pantolabum scurram Nomentanumque nepotem, Cum sibi quisque timet, quanquam est intactus, et odit, — Quid faciam ? Saltat Milonius, ut semel icto Accessit fervor capiti numerusque lucernis ; 25 Castor gaudet equis ; ovo prognatus eodem Pugnis : quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum Millia. Me pedibus delectat claudere verba Lucili ritu, nostrum melioris utroque. Ille velut fidis arcana sodalibus olim 30 Credebat libris, neque, si male cesserat, unquam Decurrens alio, neque si bene : quo fit, ut omnis Votiva pateat veluti descripta tabella Vita senis. Sequor hunc, Lucanus an Apulus, anceps : — Nam Venusinus arat finem sub utrumque colonus, 35 Missus ad hoc pulsis, vetus est ut fama, Sabellis, Quo ne per vacuum Romano incurreret hostis, Sive quod Apula gens seu quod Lucania bellum Incuteret violenta. Sed hie stilus haud petet ultro Gtuemquam animantem, et me veluti custodiet ensis 40 Vagina tectus ; quern cur destringere coner, Tutus ab infestis latronibus ? O pater et rex J upiter, ut pereat positum rubigine telum. Nee quisquam noceat cupido mihi pacis ! At ille, Q,ui me commorit, — melius non tangere, clamo — 45 Flebit et insignis tota cantabitur urbe. 20. recalcitret. 24. ut simul. 31. si male gesserat. 39, petit. 45. commordit. LIBER II. S. I. 207 Cervius iratus leges minitatur et urnam, Canidia Albuti, quibus est inimica, venenum, Grande malum Turius, si quid se judice certes. Ut 3 quo quisque valet, suspectos terreat, utque 50 Imperet hoc natura potens, sic collige mecum : Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit : unde, nisi intus Monstratum ? Scaevae vivacem crede nepoti Matrem, nil faciet sceleris pia dextera ; mirum, Ut neque calce lupus quemquam, neque dente petit bos ; 55 Sed mala toilet anum vitiato melle cicuta. Ne longum faciam : seu me tranquilla senectus Exspectat, seu mors atris circumvolat alis, Dives, inops, Romae, seu fors ita jusserit, exsul, Q,uisquis erit vitae, scribam, color. — O puer, ut sis 60 Vitalis, metuo, et majorum ne quis amicus Frigore te feriat. — Quid ? cum est Lucilius ausus Primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, Detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora Cederet, introrsum turpis ; num Laelius aut qui 65 Duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen, Ingenio oflensi aut laeso doluere Metello Famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus ? Atqui Primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, Scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque ejus amicis. 70 Q,uin ubi se a vulgo et scena in secreta remorant Virtus Scipiadae et mitis sapientia Laeli, Nugari cam illo et discincti ludere, donee Decoqueretur olus, soliti. duidquid sum ego, quamvis Infra Lucili censum ingeniumque, tamen me 75 Cum magnis vixisse invita fatebitur usque Invidia, et fragili quaerens illidere dentem, OrTendet solido, nisi quid tu, docte Trebati, 49. si quis — certet. C5. et qui. 208 SATIEAKUM Dissentis. — Equidem nihil hinc diffindere possum ; Sed tamen, ut monitus caveas, ne forte negotl 80 Incutiat tibi quid sanctarum inscitia legum ; Si mala condiderit in quern quis carmina, jus est Judiciumque. — Esto, si quis mala : sed bona si quis Judice condiderit laudatus Caesare? si quis Opprobriis dignum latraverit, integer ipse? — 85 SoJventur risu tabulae, tu missus abibis. SATIEA II. Quae virtus, et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo, — Nee meus hie sermo est, sed quae praecepit Ofellus Rusticus, abnormis sapiens crassaque Minerva — Discite, non inter lances mensasque nitentes, Cum stupet insanis acies fulgoribus, et cum 5 Acclinis falsis animus meliora recusat ; Verum hie impransi mecum disquirite. Cur hoc ? Dicam, si potero. Male verum examinat omnis Corruptus judex. Leporem sectatus equove Lassus ab indomito, vel, si Romana fatigat 10 Militia assuetum graecari, seu pila velox, Molliter austerum studio fallente laborem, Seu te discus agit, pete cedentem aera disco : Cum labor extuderit fastidia, siccus, inanis Sperne cibum vilem ; nisi Hymettia mella Falerno 15 79. hie ; diffidere ; diffingcre ; defringere. 84. laudatur. 85. laceraverit. S. ii. 1. bonis. 2. qucm ; Ofella, Orellius. 3. abnormi. 14. expulerit ; extulerit. LIBER II. S. H. 209 Ne biberis diluta. Foris est promus, et atrum Defendens pisces hiemat mare : cum sale panis Latrantem stomachum bene leniet. Unde putas aut Q,ui partiiQi ? Non in caro nidore voluptas Summa, sed in te ipso est. Tu pulmentaria quaere 20 Sudando : pinguem vitiis albumque neque ostrea Nee scarus aut poterit peregrina juvare lagois. Yix tamen eripiam, posito pavone velis quin Hoc potius, quamgallinatergere palatum, Corruptus vanis rerum, quia veneat auro 25 Rara avis et picta pandat spectacula cauda : Tanquam ad rem attineat quidquam. Num vesceris ista, Q,uam laudas, pluma 7 cocto num adest honor idem ? Carne tamen quamvis distat, nil hac magis ilia, Imparibus formis deceptum te patet. Esto : 30 Unde datum sentis, lupus hie Tiberinus an alto Captus hiet, pontesne inter jactatus an amnis Ostia sub Tusci ? Laudas, insane, trilibrem Mullum, in singula quern minuas pulmenta necesse est. Ducit te species, video : quo pertinet ergo, 35 Proceros odisse lupos ? Q,uia scilicet illis Majorem natura modum dedit, his breve pondus. Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit. Porrectum magno magnum spectare catino Yellem, ait Harpyiis gula digna rapacibus. At vos, 40 Praesentes Austri, coquite horum obsonia ! Q,uanquam Putet aper rhombusque recens, mala copia quando Aegrum sollicitat stomachum, cum rapula plenus Atque acidas mavult inulas. Necdum omnis abacta Pauperies epulis regum : nam vilibus ovis 45 Nigrisque est oleis hodie locus. Haud ita pridem 29, 30. Carne tamen quamvis distat nil, hac magis illam Imparibus formis deceptum te petere ! Esto : Orellius. 210 SATIEARUM Gallon i praeconis erat acipensere mensa Infamis. Q,uid ? tunc rhombos minus aequora alebaiit ? Tutus erat rhombus tutoque ciconia nido, Donee vos auctor docuit praetorius. Ergo 50 Si quis nunc mergos suaves edixerit assos, Parebit pravi docilis Romana juventus. Sordidus a tenui victu distabit, Ofello Judice : nam frustra vitium vitaveris illud, Si te alio pravum detorseris. Avidienus, 55 Cui Canis ex vero dictum cognomen adhaeret, Q,uinquennes oleas est et silvestria corna, Ac nisi mutatum parcit defundere vinum, et. Cujus odorem olei nequeas perferre, — licebit Ille repotia, natales aliosve dierum 60 Festos albatus celebret — cornu ipse bilibri Caulibus instillat, veteris non parcus aceti. Q,uali igitur victu sapiens utetur, et horum Utrum imitabitur ? Hac urget lupus, hac canis, aiunt. Mundus erit, qua non offendat sordibus atque 65 In neutram partem cultus miser. Hie neque servis, Albuti senis exemplo, dum munia didit, Saevus erit, nee sic, ut simplex Naevius, unctam Convivis praebebit aquam : vitium hoc quoque magnum. Accipe nunc, victus tenuis quae quantaque secum 70 Afferat. Inprimis valeas bene : nam, variae res Ut noceant homini, credas, memor illius escae, Quae simplex olim tibi sederit ; at simul assis Miscueris elixa, simul conchylia turdis, Dulcia se in bilem vertent stomachoque tumultum 75 Lenta feret pituita. Vides, ut pallidus omnis Coena desurgat dubia ? Q,uin corpus onustum 48. aequor alebat. 56. ductum. 58. diffundere. 64. angit. 65. qui ; offendit ; offendet. LIBEE II. S. H. 211 Hesternis vitiis animum quoque praegravat una, Atque affigit humo divinae particulam aurae. Alter, ubi dicto citius curata sopori 80 Membra dedit, vegetus praescripta ad munia surgit. Hie tamen ad melius poterit transcurrere quondam, Sive diem festum rediens advexerit annus, Seu recreare volet tenuatum corpus, ubique Accedent anni, et tractari mollius aetas 85 Imbecilla volet ; tibi quidnam accedet ad istam, Q,uam puer et validus praesumis, mollitiem, seu Dura valetudo incident seu tarda senectus ? Rancidum aprum antiqui laudabant, non quia nasus Illis nullus erat ; sed, credo, hac mente, quod hospes 90 Tardius adveniens vitiatum commodius, quam Integrum edax dominus consumeret. Hos utinam inter Heroas natum tellus me prima tulisset ! Das aliquid famae, quae carmine gratior aurem Occupat humanam : grandes rhombi patinaeque 95 Grande ferunt una cum damno dedecus ; adde Iratum patruum, vicinos, te tibi iniquum, Et frustra mortis cupidum, cum deerit egenti As, laquei pretium. Jure, inquit, Trausius istis Jurgatur verbis : ego vectigalia magna 100 Divitiasque habeo tribus amplas regibus. Ergo, Q,uod superat, non est melius quo insumere possis ? Cur eget indignus quisquam, te divite ? quare Templa ruunt antiqua deum ? cur, improbe, carae Non aliquid patriae tanto emetiris acervo ') 105 Uni nimirum recte tibi semper erunt res ? O magnus posthac inimicis risus ! Uterne Ad casus dubios fidet sibi certius ? hie, qui 79. affligit. 95, Occupet, Orellius. 99. Aes ; inquis. 106. rectae ; tibi recte. 212 SATIKABUM Pluribus adsuerit mentem corpusque superbum, An qui, contentus parvo metuensque futuri, 110 In pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello ? — ■ Q,uo magis his credas, puer hunc ego parvus Ofeilum Integris opibus novi non latius usum, Q,uam nunc accisis. Yideas metato in agello Cum pecore et gnatis fortem mercede colonum, 115 Non ego, narrantem, temere edi luce profesta Quidquam praeter olus fumosae cum pede pernae. At mihi seu longum post tempus venerat hospes, Sive operum vacuo gratus con viva per imbrem Yicinus, bene erat, non piscibus urbe petitis, 120 Sed pullo atque hoedo ; turn pensilis uva secundas Et nux ornabat mensas cum duplice ficu. Post hoc ludus erat, culpa potare magistra, Ac venerata Ceres, ita culmo surgeret alto, Explicuit vino contractae seria frontis. 125 Saeviat atque novos moveat fortuna tumultus . Quantum hinc imminuet? quanto aut ego parcius aut vos, O pueri, nituistis, ut hue novus incola venit ? Nam propriae telluris herum natura neque ilium, Nee me nee quemquam statuit : nos expulit ille ; 130 Ilium aut nequities aut vafri inscitia juris, Postremum expellet certe vivacior heres. Nunc ager Umbreni sub nomine, nuper Ofelli Dictus, erit nulli proprius, sed cedet in usum Nunc mihi, nunc alii. Q,uocirca vivite fortes, 135 Fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus. 113. lautius; laetius, de conj. 118. Ac, Orellius. 128. vix ; «. 129. proprie. 133. Ofellae, Orellius. 134. Dictus erat,. LIBEE II. S. III. 213 SATIRA III. Sic raro scribis, ut toto non quater anno Membranam poscas, scriptorum quaeque retexens, Iratus tibi, quod vini somnique benignus Nil dignum sermone canas. Quid net ? At ipsis Saturnalibus hue fugisti. Sobrius ergo 5 Die aliquid dignum promissis. Incipe. Nil est. Culpantur frustra calami, immeritusque laborat Iratis natus paries dis atque poetis. Atqui vultus erat multa et praeclara minantis, Si vacuum tepido cepisset villula tecto. 10 Q,uorsum pertinuit stipare Platona Menandro, Eupolin, Archilochum, comites educere tantos? Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta ? Contemnere, miser ! Vitanda est improba Siren Desidia, aut, quidquid vita meliore parasti, 15 Ponendum aequo animo. — Di te, Damasippe, deaeque Yerum ob consilium donent tonsore ! Sed unde Tarn bene me nosti ? — Postquam omnis res mea Janum Ad medium fracta est, aliena negotia euro, Excussus propriis. Olim nam quaerere amabam, 20 Q,uo vafer ille pedes lavisset Sisyphus aere, Quid sculptum infabre, quid fusum durius esset ; Callidus huic signo ponebam millia centum : Hortos egregiasque domos mercarier unus Cum lucro noram ; unde frequentia Mercuriale 25 Imposuere mihi cognomen compita. — Novi, Et miror morbi purgatum te illius. — Atqui Emovit veterem mire novus, ut solet, in cor S. iii. 1-4. Si raro scribes quid fiet ? 4. Ab ipsis. 5. fugisti sobrius. Ergo — . 12. Eupolin Archilocho — . 214 SATIEAKUM Trajecto lateris miseri capitis ve dolore, Ut lethargicus hie, cum fit pugil et medicum urget. — 30 Dum ne quid simile huic, esto ut libet. — O bone, ne te Frustrere : insanis et tu stultique prope omnes, Si quid Stertinius veri crepat, unde ego mira Descripsi docilis praecepta haec, tempore quo me Solatus jussit sapientem pascere barbam 35 Atque a Fabricio non tristem ponte reverti. Nam, male re gesta, cum vellem mittere operto Me capite in flumen, dexter stetit et, Cave faxis Te quidquam indignum ; Pudor, inquit, te malus angit, Insanos qui inter vereare insanus haberi. 40 Primum nam inquiram, quid sit furere : hoc si erit in te Solo, nil verbi, pereas quin fortiter, addam. Q,uem mala stultitia et quemcunque inscitia veri Caecum agit, insanum Chrysippi porticus et grex . Autumat. Haec populos, haec magnos formula reges, 45 Excepto sapiente, tenet. Nunc accipe, quare Desipiant omnes aeque ac tu, qui tibi nomen Insano posuere. Yelut silvis, ubi passim Palantes error certo de tramite pellit, Ille sinistrorsum, hie dextrorsum abit, unus utrique 50 Error, sed variis illudit partibus ; hoc te Crede modo insanum, nihilo ut sapientior ille, Q,ui te deridet, caudam trahat. Est genus unum Stultitiae nihilum metuenda timentis, ut ignes, Ut rapes fluviosque in campo obstare queratur ; 55 Alteram et huic varum et nihilo sapientius ignes Per medios fluviosque ruentis : clamet arnica, Mater, honesta soror cum cognatis, pater, uxor : Hie fossa est ingens, hie rupes maxima ; serva ! 33. veram. 39. urget. 48. Insani. 50. utrisque. 56. varmm. 57, 58. clamet arnica Mater — . LLBEE n. S. III. 215 Non magis audierit, quam Fufius ebrius olim, Cum Ilionam edormit, Catienis mille ducentis : Mater, te appello, clamantibus. Huic ego vulgus Errori similem cunctum insanire docebo. Insanit veteres statuas Damasippus emendo : • Integer est mentis Damasippi creditor. Esto. 65 Accipe, quod nunquam reddas mihi, si tibi dicam Tune insanus eris, si acceperis ? an magis excors, Rejecta praeda, quam praesens Mercurius fert ? Scribe decern a Nerio — non est satis, adde Cicutae Nodosi tabulas centum, mille adde catenas : 70 ErTugiet tamen haec sceleratus vincula Proteus. Cum rapies in jus malis ridentem alienis, Fiet aper, modo avis, modo saxum, et, cum volet, arbor. Si male rem gerere insani est, contra bene, sani ; Putidius multo cerebrum est, mihi crede, Perilli 75 Dictantis, quod tu nunquam rescribere possis. Audire atque togam jubeo componere, quisquis Ambitione mala aut argenti pallet amore, Q,uisquis luxuria tristive superstitione Aut alio mentis morbo calet ; hue propius me, 80 Dum doceo insanire omnes, vos ordine adite. Danda est hellebori multo pars maxima avaris ; Nescio an Anticyram ratio illis destinet omnem. Heredes Staberi summam incidere sepulcro : Ni sic fecissent, gladiatorum dare centum 85 Damnati populo paria atque epulum arbitrio Arri ; Frumenti quantum metit Africa. — Sive ego prave Seu recte, hoc volui : ne sis patruus mihi. Credo Hoc Staberi prudentem animum vidisse. — Q,uid ergo Sensit, cum summam patrimoni insculpere saxo 90 Heredes voluit ?— Q,uoad vixit, credidit ingens Pauperiem vitium et cavit nihil acrius, ut, si 216 SATIKAEUM Forte -minus locuples uno quadrante perisset, Ipse videretur sibi nequior : omnis enim res, Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulchris 95 Divitiis parent ; quas qui construxerit, ille Clarus erit, fortis, Justus. — Sapiensne ? — Etiam, et rex Et quidquid volet. Hoc, veluti virtute paratum, Speravit magnae laudi fore. Gtuid simile isti Graecus Aristippus, qui servos projicere aurum 100 [n media jussit Libya, quia tardius irent Propter onus segues ? Uter est insanior borum? Nil agit exemplum, litem quod lite resolvit. Si quis emat citbaras, emptas comportet in unum, Nee studio citharae nee Musae deditus ulli ; 105 Si scalpra et formas non sutor, nautica vela Aversus mercaturis, delirus et amens Undique dicatur merito. Qui discrepat istis, Q,ui nummos aurumque recondit, nescius uti Compositis metuensque velut contingere sacrum? 110 Si quis ad ingentem frumenti semper acervum Porrectus vigilet cum longo fuste, neque illinc Audeat esuriens dominus contingere granum, Ac potius foliis parcus vescatur amaris : Si positis intus Ohii veterisque Falerni 115 Mille cadis, nihil est, tercentum millibus, acre Potet acetum ; age, si et stramentis incubet, unde- Octoginta annos natus, cui stragula vestis, Blattarum ac tinearum epulae, putrescat in area ; Nimirum insanus paucis videatur, eo quod 120 Maxima pars hominum morbo jactatur eodem. Filius aut etiam haec libertus ut ebibat heres, Dis inimice senex, custodis ? Ne tibi desit ? Q,uantulum enim summae curtabit quisque dierum, 93. periret. 96. contraxerit. LIBEE H. S. III. 21? Ungere si caules oleo meliore caputque 125 Coeperis impexa foedum porrigine ? Q,uare, Si quidvis satis est, perjuras, surripis, aufers Undique ? Tun' sanus ? Populum si caedere saxis Incipias servosque tuos, quos aere pararis, Jnsanum te omnes pueri clamentque puellae : 130 Cum laqueo uxorem interimis matremque veneno, Incolumi capite es ? Q,uid enim? Neque tu hoc facis Argis, Nee ferro ut demens genitricem occidis Orestes. An tu reris eum occisa insanisse parente, Ac non ante malis dementem actum Furiis, quam 135 In matris jugulo ferrum tepefecit acuturn ? Q,uin, ex quo est habitus male tutae mentis Orestes, Nil sane fecit, quod tu reprehendere possis : Non Pyladen ferro violare aususve sororem est Electram : tantum maledicit utrique vocando 140 Hanc Furiam, hunc aliud, jussit quod splendida bills. Pauper Opimius argenti positi intus et ami. Q,ui Yeientanum festis potare diebus Campana solitus trulla, vappamque profestis, (Quondam lethargo grandi est oppressus, ut heres 145 Jam circum loculos et claves laetus ovansque Curreret. Hunc medicus multum celer atque fldelis Excitat hoc pacto : mensam poni jubet atque Effundi saccos nummorum, accedere plures Ad numerandum; hominem sic erigit ; addit et illud : 150 Ni tua custodis, avidus jam haec auferet heres. — Men' vivo? — Ut vivas igitur, vigila : hoc age. — Q,uid vis?— Deficient inopem venae te, ni cibus atque [ngens accedit stomacho fultura ruenti. 127. pejuras. 129. servosve, tuo quos — , de conj. 132. Quidni? neque enim tu — . 10 218 SATIEAEUM Tu cessas 1 Agedum, sume hoc ptisanarium oryzae !— 155 Quanti emptae? — Parvo. — Quanti ergo? — Octussibus. — Eheu ! Quid refert, morbo an furtis pereamve rapinis ? — . Gluisnam igitur sanus? — Qui non stultus. — Quid a va- rus ? — Stultus et insanus. — Quid, si quis non sit a varus, Continuo sanus ? — Minime. — Cur, Stoice ? — Dicam. 160 Non est cardiacus — Craterum dixisse putato — Hie aeger : recte est igitur surgetque ? Negabit, Quod, latus aut renes morbo tentantur acuto. Non est perjurus neque sordidus ; immolet aequis Hie porcum Laribus ; verum ambitiosus et audax ; 165 Naviget Anticyram. Quid enim differt, barathrone Dones quidquid habes, an nunquam utare paratis ? Servius Oppidius Canusi duo praedia, dives Antiquo censu, natis divisse duobus Fertur et hoc moriens pueris dixisse vocatis 170 Ad lectum : Postquam te talos, Aule, nucesque Ferre sinu laxo, donare et ludere vidi, Te, Tiberi, numerare, cavis abscondere tristem : Extimui, ne vos ageret vesania discors, Tu Nomentanum, tu ne sequerere Cicutam. 175 Quare, per divos oratus uterque Penates, Tu cave, ne minuas ; tu, ne majus facias id, Quod satis esse putat pater et natura coercet. Praeterea ne vos titillet gloria, jure- Jurando obstringam ambo : uter aedilis fueritve 180 Vestrtei praetor, is intestabilis et sacer esto. In cicere atque faba bona tu perdasque lupinis, Latus ut in Circo spatiere et aeneus ut stes, 163. teraptentur; tententur. 166. balatroni. 183. aut aeneus. LIBER II. S. III. 219 Nudus agris, nudus nummis, insane, paternis ; Scilicet ut plausus, quos fert Agrippa, feras tu, 185 Astuta ingenuum v 'pes imitata leonem. — Ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atrida, vetas cur ? — Rex sum. — Nil ultra quaero plebeius. Et aequam Rem imperito : ac, si cui videor non Justus, inulto Dicere, quod sentit, permitto. — Maxime regum, 190 Di tibi dent capta classem deducere Troja ! Ergo consulere et mox respondere licebit? — Consule. — Cur Ajax, heros ab Achille secundus, Putescit, toties servatis clarus Achivis, Gaudeat ut populus Priami Priamusque inhumato, 195 Per quern tot juvenes patrio caruere sepulcro 7 — Mille ovium insanus morti dedit, inclytum Ulixen Et Menelaum una mecum se occidere clamans. — Tu, cum pro vitula statuis dulcem Aulide natam Ante aras, spargisque mola caput, improbe, salsa, 200 Rectum animi servas ? — Q,uorsum ? — Insanus quid enim Ajax Fecit, cum stravit ferro pecus ? Abstinuit vim Uxore et gnato ; mala multa precatus Atridis, Non ille aut Teucrum aut ipsum violavit Ulixen. — ■ Yerum ego, ut haerentes adverso litore naves 205 Eriperem, prudens placavi sanguine divos. — Nempe tuo, furiose. — Meo, sed non furiosus. — Q,ui species alias veris scelerisque tumultu Permixtas capiet, commotus habebitur, atque Stultitiane erret, nihilum distabit, an ira. 210 Ajax cum immeritos occidit, desipit, agnos ; Cum prudens scelus ob titulos admittis inanes, Stas animo et purum est vitio tibi, cum tumidum est, cor? 191. reducere. 194. Putrescit. 201. Quorsum insanus ? quid enim — . 208. verivero. 211. immeritos cum, Orellius. 220 SATIRARUM Si quis lectica nitidam gestare amet agnam, Huic vestem ut gnatae paret, ancillas paret, aurum, 215 Rufam aut Pusillam appellet, fortique marito Destinet uxorem ; interdicto huic omne adimat jus Praetor, et ad sanos abeat tutela propinquos. Quid ? si quis gnatam pro muta devovet agna, Integer est animi ? Ne dixeris. Ergo ubi prava 220 Stultitia, hie summa est insania ; qui sceleratus, Et furiosus erit ; quern cepit vitrea fama, Hunc circumtonuit gaudens Bellona cruentis. Nunc age luxuriam et Nomentanum arripe mecum : Vincet enim stultos ratio insanire nepotes. 225 Hie simul accepit patrimoni mille talenta, Edicit, piscator uti, pomarius, auceps, Unguentarius ac Tusci turba impia vici. Cum scurris fartor, cum Velabro omne macellum Mane domum veniant. Quid turn ? Venere frequen- tes. 230 Verba facit leno : Quidquid mihi, quidquid et horum Cuique domi est, id crede tuum, et vel nunc pete vel eras. Accipe. quid contra juvenis respondent aequus : In nive Lucana dormis ocreatus, ut aprum Coenem ego : tu pisces hiberno ex aequore verris. 235 Segnis ego indignus qui tantum possideam : aufer ! Sume tibi decies : tibi tantundem : tibi triplex, Unde uxor media currit de nocte vocata. Filius Aesopi detractam ex aure Metellae, Scilicet ut decies solidum exsorberet, aceto 240 Diluit insignem baccam : qui sanior, ac si lllud idem in rapidum flumen jaceretve cloacam ? Q,uinti progenies Arri, par nobile fratrum, 216. et Pusillam. 235. vellis. 240. obsorberet, Orellius; absorberet. libee n. s. in. 221 Nequitia et nugis, pravorum et amore gemellum, Luscinias soliti impenso prandere coemptas, 245 Quorsum abeant ? sanin' creta, an carbone notandi 7 Aedificare casas, plostello adjungere mures, Ludere par impar, equitare in arundme longa, Si quern delectet barbatum, amentia verset. Si puerilius his ratio esse evincet amare, 250 Nee quidquam dirferre, utrumne in pulvere, trimus Quale prius, ludas opus, an meretricis amore Sollicitus plores ; quaero, faciasne quod olim Mutatus Polemon ? ponas insignia morbi, Fasciolas, cubital, focalia, potus ut ille 255 Dicitur ex collo furtim carpsisse coronas, Postquam est impransi correptus voce magistri ? Porrigis irato puero cum poma, recusat : Sume, Catelle, negat : si non des, optat. Amator Exclusus qui distat, agit ubi secum, eat an non, 260 Quo rediturus erat non arcessitus, et haeret Invisis fori bus 1 Nee nunc, cum me vocat ultro, Accedam ? an potius mediter finire dolores ? Exclusit ; revocat : redeam ? Non, si obsecret. Ecce Servus, non paullo sapientior : O here, quae res 265 Nee modum habet neque consilium, ratione modoque Tractari non vult. In amore haec sunt mala, bellum, Pax rursum : haec si quis tempestatis prope ritu Mobilia et caeca fluitantia sorte laboret Reddere certa sibi, nihilo plus explicet, ac si 270 Insanire paret certa ratione modoque. Quid, cum Picenis excerpens semina pomis, Gaudes, si cameram percusti forte, penes te es ? Quid, cum balba feris annoso verba palato, 246. sani ut — notati 1 259. optet, Orellius. 262. Ne nunc ; vocet. 222 SATIEAEUM 7j- ytten-e. The words of Virgil are similar, in Aen. 5, 71, Ore favete; and of Ovid, Fast, 1, 71, Linguis, animisque favete. 4. Virginians pneris- que. The poet designed his lessons of wisdom chiefly for the Roman youth. These words have no reference to a chorus. 5. Greges. In 16* 370 NOTES ON THE ODES. imitation of the Homeric iroiixeves Aaui>. 8. Supercilio. Literally eyebrow, and here nod. So Virgil, Aen. 9, 106, Annuit, et totum nuiu tremefecit Olympum. Both, in imitation of Homer, II. 1, 528, T H, kcA Kvaverjffiy iir txppvci revere npoviwv — p.eyav S'eAeKi^ev '"OKvp.irov. 9» Est, nt. Like accidit ut, and the Greek efrovTepov ov ; and from Dillenb. the follow- ing Latin paraphrase : agellus m.eus, sorte quam pracbet, beatiorem me red- dit, quam capere potest is qui maxima habet et fertilissima latifundia. — — — 33. Calabrae mella. The poet makes a similar allusion to the fine honey of Calabria in O. ii., 6, 15. 34. Laestrygonia. The Formian wine, to which the poet refers, 0. i., 20, 11, where see note. The tradition was, that the Laestrygones once lived in Formiae. Horn. Od. 10, 82 ; Ovid, Met. 14, 233. 35. Gallicis. Cisalpine Gaul. 39. Cnpidine. On the gender of cupido, see n. 0. ii., 16, 15. Cicero says (Paradoxa, 6, 3): Non intelligunt homines, quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia. 41. Mygdoniis. Phrygia, so called from the Mygdones, who peo- pled it, from Asia. 41. Alyattei. Second dec. form, like Ulixei, 0. i., 6, 7, where see note. Alyattes was the father of Croesus, of Lydia ODE XVII. Addressed to Aelius Lamia, the same to whom allusion is made in the 26th Ode of Book First ; where see the introduction. The poet alludes, probably in jest, to the antiquity of the family of Lamias, and invites him to spend the morrow with him in festive mirth. 1. Lame. The son of Neptune, and king of the Laestrygones ; see n. preceding ode, 1. 34. The Romans were fond of tracing their lineage far back to ancient kings. Thus Virgil, Aen. 5, 117, seqq., carries back to Trojan names several Roman families ; the Memmii to Mnestheus, the Sergii to Sergsstus, the Cluentii to Cloanthus. And Liv. 1, 49, says of Mamilius, ab Jkxe deaque Circa oriundus. And Cicero, Tusc. i., 16, 38, says, in sportive allusion to Servius Tullius, meo regnanle gentili. 4. Fastos. Here the genealogical registers, stemmata, of the family. ' The so-called Fasti Consulares contained the names of the consuls of each year, and of other important magistrates. To these is not here the allusion, though in them appeared the name of the Lamias here addressed. Comp. 0. iv., 14, 4. 6. Formiarum. Formiae, on the borders of Latium and Campania. See n. preceding ode, 1. 34. 7. Innaiitcm Marlcac litorilms. That washes the shores of Marica. Mari- ca was the name of a goddess worshipped at Minturnae, a town in La- tium. Virg. Aen. 7, 47, says of Latinus, Hunc Fauno et nympha geni- ium Laure?ile Marica. 9. Late tyrannus. Language of sportive hyperbole. On the expression, comp. Virg. Aen. 1, 21, populum late regem. It is the eupu/cpetW of Homer. 10. Alga. Fhicus; when carefully gathered, used in dyeing; but when thrown upon the shore, book in. ode xix. 389 useless. So Virg. Eel. 7, 42, projecta vilior alga. 12. Aquae ; i. e. pluviae^ of a shower. Virgil also mentions the crow, in describing the signs of a storm, in Georg. 3, 388. 14. Geniuui curabis. The an- cients meant by Genius one's good angel or tutelary spirit, that guided one's destinies. Here, in imitation of such phrases as Genium placare, invocare (as the Genius was propitiated by offerings), and of another class of expressions curare cutem, corpus, Horace says Genium curare; which, like Genio indulgere, came naturally to mean, to indulge one's tastes and desires in scenes of festivity and mirth. Comp. A. P. 210. 16. Operum ; a deviation from the usual construction, as solvere is ordinarily found with the abl. See Z. § 469. ODE XVIII. An ode to Faunus, the Greek Pan, the god of flocks, and of the fields, and the woods. The festival was celebrated twice in the year; on the Ides of February, and on the Nones of December. 3. Lenis. Propitious; the Greek irpaos. 4. Alnmnis. " The nurslings of my flocks." Osborne. 7. Vetus ara. My old, altar; long since erected here, and now venerable for age. 9. Herboso — Dccembres. We must bear in mind the mild climate of Italy. 10. Konae. See the explanation of the Roman month, A. & S. % 326. 13. Lupus — agnos. The presence of the god secures tranquillity ; makes the lambs, though among the wolves, safe from all harm. 15. Pepu- lissc. On thf tense, see n. O. i., 1, 4. ODE XIX. " A party of friends assemble to arrange the preliminaries of a festive meeting, per- haps in honor of Murena. One of them, Telephus, interrupts the proceedings by antiqua- rian and historical inquiries ; and Horace, in this ode, banters him on his ill-timed pe- dantry, and anon fancying himself the symposiarch, prescribes the laws of the festival, gives toasts, and calls for music and chaplets." — From Girdlestone and Osborne. 1. Ab Inacho. That is, the interval between Inachus, the first, and Codrus, the last, of the Argive kings. 2. Pro patria. Comp. O. iv., 9, 52. 3. Acaci. The Aeacidae, as Achilles, Telemon, etc. All such inquiries would be tedious and pedantic. 5. Chium. The wine of Chios, Scio, one of the best of the Grecian wines. Others were the Thasian, Lesbian, Sicyonian, Cyprian, and, in the time of Pliny, the 390 NOTES ON THE ODES. wine of Clazomenium. Becker's Gallus, p. 380 (Eng. edition). 6* Aquam — ignibus. Orelli and Dillenburger understand this expression of the warming of baths ; but it seems more natural to refer it to the calda or calida, a warm drink, the only one among the ancients, consist- ing of warm water and wine, mixed with spices, a sort of mulled wine. Comp. Juv. Sat. 5, 63; and see Becker's Gallus, p. 381. 7. Doninoi. That is, who will furnish a house for our feast. Some were to find one thing, some another. Quota, sc. hora. 8. Pelignis. This Pelig- nian cold; as bad as that of the Pelignian country, a proverbially cold region. The ode seems to have been written in winter. In respect to (this point, as well as to the scene itself, this ode resembles the ninth of Book First. Comp. introduction to that ode. 9. Da lnnae novae; sc. poculum ; a cup for the new moon. L/unae is the genitive, as always in such expressions ; as 0. iii., 8, 13, cyathos amici. In the Year of Nu- ma, the months were lunar, and there was a new moon on the Calends of every month. Hence the ancient custom of drinking on the Calends in honor of a new moon ; which from these words seems to have been observed in the time of Horace. 10. Noctis mediae* Because the feast was to be protracted till that hour. 11. "Tribus ant noveni — cyathis* The cyathus is explained in n. 0. iii., 8, 13. The numbers here refer to the proportion of the wine to the water, and are easily understood from the lines that follow. Either nine cyathi of wine to three of wat -r, which the poets will have (1. 13), or three cyathi of wine to n'ne of w iter, for moderate drinkers (1. 16). See Becker's Gallus, Exc. 3 to Sc. 9. 15. Tres supra ; for supra tres, above three; as quos inter, 0. iii., 1, 11 ; and Jlamma sine, Sat. i., 5, 95.- 16. Metuens. See n. O. ii., 2, 7.- — 18. Berecyntiae. Phrygian; see n. O. i., 18, 13. The Phrygian libit, was one of a grave mode. See n. 0. iv., 15, 30; and the cut on p. 115 28. Lentus. Slow — consuming; as lentis — ignibus, O, i., 13, 8. ODE XX. The poet humor asly describes a contest between Pyrrhus and some maiden for the exclusive regards ol Nearchus. 1. Quanto pe/ielo ; sc.tuo; at what peril to yourself '. 2. Gaetnlae — leaenae. That is : no less perilous to tear away Nearchus from his passionate mistress, than to snatch from the lioness her young. 3i Post paulo. For paulo post ; as often also with prose writers. 5. Obstantes cateryas. In keeping with the figure of the preceding verse, the catenae are the venatores, the huntsmen of the lioness. 7. Cer- book ni. ODE XXI. 391 tamen. In apposition with all that has gone before. Praeda — major an illi. Major praeda is difficult of explanation, as praeda manifestly refers to Nearchus. Dillenb. leaves the matter thus : " quae sana expli- cate possit inveniri, nescio." Orelli adopts the conjecture of Peerlkamp, Cedet, major an ilia, explaining- thus: "an ilia victrix futura sit;" which is ingenious, but changes too much the construction. But it seems unnecessary to take major praeda so absolutely. May it not mean the greater share of victory, i. e. the greater share, in the regards of Nearchus 1 11. Arbiter pngnae. Nearchus, who may decide in favor of either of the parties. Posnissc. In illustration of the per- fect here used, followed by recreare, Orelli quotes from Valerius Max. ii., 4, 2 : Senatus consultum factum est, ne quis in urbe — subseUia posuisse sedensve ludos spectare vellet. 12. Palmam. That is, of victory ; as is manifest from arbiter pugnae. The expression sub pede palmam ponere finely expresses the haughty contempt of Nearchus ; and humerum — re- creare, his air of negligence and utter indifference. 15. Nireus. A Grecian chief, famed for his beauty ; Horn. II. 2, 673 ; also Epod. 15, 22. 16. Raptns. Ganymede, carried off from Ida to Olympus. ODE XXI. Expecting a visit from his friend Messala, and intending to set before him the oldest wine in his cellar, the poet indulges in a eulogistic description of the uses of wine. The friend, in honor of whom the ode was written, was Marcus Valerius Messala Cor- vinus. Born a. u. c. 685, and therefore four years older than Horace, at his first entrance into public life, he was attached to the party of Brutus and Cassius, but went over to An- tony, after the battle of Philippi. Still later, he joined the party of Octavianus, and waa consul with him, a. u. c. 723. He was no less distinguished in peace than in war, being always fond of literary pur- suits, and favorably known as an orator and a poet. 1. Consnle Manlio. The year a. u. c. 689, b. c. 65, when L. Manlius Torquatus was consul with L. Aurelius Cotta. This was therefore the year of the poet's birth. — In regard to the expression, comp. note, O. iii., 8, 12 ; and in regard to the fact, which it fixes, see Epod. 13, 6. 4. Pia testa. To be joined with nata. Pia is used poetically : my good jar; like benigna. 5. Qnocnnqnc Icctum nomine. For whatever pur- pose gathered. Nomen is used in the sense of finis, usus ; and led urn, properly used of the uvae, is here transferred to the wine made from them. The idea is : whatever the purpose you were destined to serve. when you were made. Orelli quotes Varro, R. R. i., 1, 6, in illustration of the meaning of nomen. See others in Freund's Lex. 7. Descen- de. That is, from the apotheca or fumarium. See n. 0. iii., 8, 11. 392 NOTES ON THE ODES. 8. Promcre. Depends upon dcscende. Comp. 0. iii., 28, 7. 9. So- craticis. Such as are found in Plato and Xenophon. Comp. A. P. 310. 10. Horridus. With too much sternness. 11. Prisci Catonis. Cato Major, called also the Censor. Cicero gives a pleasant description of his habits, in his de Senec. chaps. 14-16. Comp. Bibliotheca Sacra, for May, 1846, p. 237. 13. Lene tormentum. Gentle torture. Comp. Epist. i., 18,38; A. P. 435.' The poet means: As real tortures, the rack, etc., compel the guilty to confession, so wine, quasi lene tormen- tum, softens by its agreeable violence, men of hard natures. 16. Lyaeo. Abl. of instrument. On the word, comp. n. O. i., 7, 22. Com- pare with the whole passage, Ovid, A. A. 1, 237, seqq. — —18. Cornua. Cornua, by a figure of eastern origin, indicates courage and strength. . Voss translates : des Muthes Horner. — Ovid says, in ihe passage refer-" red to in preceding note : tunc pauper cornua sumit. 22. Segnes — solvere. Slow to loosen; that is, who never loosen; the ever-united Graces. The Graces are always so represented in ancient as well as in modern art. Comp. the Greek x<*P lTes orvGvyicu. Eurip. Hipp. 1147. With Venus, the Graces (whom Horace calls decentes, O. i., 4, 6 ) were to be present, to maintain the decorum of the occasion. ODE XXII. The poet dedicates a pine tree to Diana, and vows to the goddess a yearly sacrifice. 2. Laoorantes utero ; i. e. parturientes. 3. Ter. See n. Epist. ii., 1, 36. 4. Triformis. In heaven, Luna, on earth, Diana, and in the infernal regions, Hecate. Comp. Virg. Aen. 4, 511. 5. Villae. On his Sabine farm. 6. Exactos annos. Quotannis ; with every com- pleted year. 7. Obliqnum. In allusion to the way in which the teeth of the boa • are set. So Ovid says, Her. 4, 104, nee obliquo dente timen- dus aper. ODE XXIII. The poet assures the rustic Phidyle, that the favor of the gods is gained, not by costly offerings, but by piety, and a blameless life. 1. Snpinas. Up-turned; i. e. the palms upward ; in distinction from pronas. This was usual with the ancients, in supplication. Comp. Virg. Aen. 3, 176 ; 4, 205 ; Liv. 26, 9. 2. IVascente Luna. On the Calends. book in. ode xxiv. 393 See n. 0. iii., 19, 9. 8. Grave tempns ; the autumn, on account of the prevailing south winds. See O. ii., 14, 15. The adjective is also thus used in Sat. ii., 6, 18; and Livy, 3, 6. 10. Devota; i. e. des- tined for sacrifice. Comp. 0. iv., 2, 55, vitulus — qui—juvenescit in mea vota. Comp. Virg. Georg. 3, 157, seqq. 16. Deos. The little images of the household gods, in the atrium of the house. IT— 20. Immu- nis — mica. Immunis means free from guilt, innocent. Sumptuosa is in the abl. For the force of the perfects tetigit, mallivit, see n. 0. i., 28, 20. Orelli gives the construction thus : Immunis manus si tetigit aram, mollivit aversos Penates farre pio et saliente mica, non blandior (futura) sumptuosa hostia. ODE XXIV. As in the Fourteenth Ode of Book Second, so here also, the poet umighs againsi the luxury and corruption of his countrymen, and draws in contrast a picture of the man- ners of ruder, but simpler and more virtuous nations. In allusion, doubtless, to the plana and efforts of Augustus, he declares, that he who would do aught for the real and perma- nent good of the country, must bring about a total reformation of manners, and the resto- ration of a purer and better discipline. 1. Intaetis. By the Romans. Comp. 0. i., 29, 1. 3. Caementis. See n. 0. iii., 1, 35, in connection with n. 0. ii., 18, 21. 6. Snmmis verticibus. To be understood of the tops of houses, as is manifest from the preceding caementis; for, by the caementa, the moles were formed, on which were erected villas and other buildings. Some understand sum. verticibus to refer to the heads of men, the owners of such villas ; but this view is not to be accepted. The image of dread Necessity fas- tening adamantine spikes into the tops of lofty buildings is sufficiently bold, but to represent Necessity driving such spikes into a human head is scarcely less than ludicrous, certainly quite unworthy of Horace. In illustration of Necessitas and of clavos, see 0. i., 35, 18. 9. Campcs- tres ; i. e. " in campis (the Steppes of Tartary) viventes ;" like vofidSes, nomadic ; in allusion to the wandering, Arab-like life of the Scythians. They are called profugi in 0. i., 35, 9 ; and iv., 14, 42. Described by Homer, and many succeeding writers, as a people of simple manners, and upright life. Horn. II. 13, 9 ; Strabo vii., p. 464 ; Dio Chrys. Ov. 69, p. 369, R. 10. Planstra— domos. So Aeschylus, Prom. 709 : vdvova eV cvkvkXois oxois. And Silius, 3, 291 : Scythis migrare per arva, Mos atque crrantes, circumvectare Penates. 10. Rite. According to their custom; as in Virg. Aen. 9, 352. 11. Gctae* A Thracian people, who lived on the Danube, and the borders of the Euxine. 12. lin- metata. Virg. Georg. 1, 126, mentions it as one of the features of the 17* 394 NOTES ON THE ODES. primeval times, the golden age, that the land was not divided and mark- ed out by boundaries. So also Ovid, Met. 1, 135. 13. Frngcs et Cerereni. By Hendiadys for fruges Ceteris. 14. Longior annua. This feature of primitive life, Horace seems to have borrowed from Caesar's account of the Suevi, B. G. 4, 1 : Centum pagos habere dicun- tur, e quibus quotannis singula millia armatornm bellandi causa educunt. Reliqui, qui domi manserint, se atque illos alunt. Hi rursus anno post in armis sunt ; illi domi remanent. — Sed privati ac separati agri apud eos nihil est, neque longius anno remanere uno in loco incolendi causa licet. — Comp. Tac. Germ. 28. 16. Aequali— scrtc ; must be joined with vi- carius. Vicarius is he who succeeds, and he succeeds under just the same conditions. 18. Tcmperat ; like parcit; spares, i. e. is kindly to. So Cic. in Verrem, 2, 2, non solum sociis — consuhdt, ve?-um etiam — hostibus temperavit. 21. Dos est— virtus. As Horace says, 0. ir. 4, 29, fortes creantur fortibus et bonis. Plautus has also an illustrative pas- sage, which is quoted by Orelli and Dillenb. : it is in Amphit. ii., 2, 207 : Non ego Mam dotem mi esse duco, quae dos dicitur ; sed pudicitiam et pu- dorem et sedatam cupidinern, Deum metum, parentum amorem, et cognalum concordiam. — The form parentium occurs very seldom, though similar ones are found, even in prose, e. g. civitatium. 24. Et pec^are. With this line, illic (1. 17) must be repeated. Peccare refers to violation of castilas. Aut=alioquin, else, if otherwise. To commit (that offence) is (deemed) the utmost wickedness, or eZse (that is, if the offence is commit- ted), the penalty is death. 26. Civicam. See n. 0. ii., 1, 1.- ; 27. Pater urMum. The poet probably alludes to Augustus. Comp introd. to Ode 6th of this Book. The words, however, arc not a title of Augus- tus, nor to be confounded with pater patriae. See n. O. i., 2, 50. 35. As illustrative of the same sentiment, comp. the words of Tacitus, Germ. 19 : Bonae leges minus valent quam. boni mores. 42. Magnum. Repeat the si from 1. 36. Opprobrium is in apposition with pauperies. 46. Tur&a faventium. Such donations were solemnly deposited in the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, amidst the applauding shouts of the people. Favere is often used in the sense of applaud. So Livy, 1, 25, clamore, quails— faventium solet. -57. Gracco. Used in contempt; as the Roman sports were more manly and healthful. So Juvenal, with yet more reason, satirizes the adoption of Grecian manners, in Sat. 3, 67: ''Rusticus ille tuus sumit trechedipna. Quirine, Et ceromatico fcrt nicetcria collo." 57. Lcgibas. There was such a law in Cicero's time. He speaks of persons condemned by it, in Oratt. Philippicae, 2, 23. Comp. Ovid, Trist. 2, 470. 60. Consortcin socium. Partner in business. 62. Propcrct. Used transitively, like deproperare, 0. ii., 7, 24, where see BOOK in. ODE XXVI. 395 note. 64. Curtae. Small; that is, in the opinion of the unsatisfied possessor. Comp. 0. iii., 16, 28, inter opes inops; and Epist. i. 2, 56. ODE XXV. A itthyrambic ode, in which the rapt poet sings anew, and in yet loftier strains, the praises of Augustus. 2. Nemora. Like specus, depends upon in. See Z. ty 778. Comp. the similar language, at the beginning of O. ii. 19. 4. Antris. Abl. case ; the preposition omitted, as often in poetry. It means grottoes, and is a finer, more poetic word than specus. Audiar. Future tense ; and also dicam, 1. 7. 5. Meditans— inserere. The infinitive, as fre- quently in poetic use, for ad inserendum. 6. Consilio. Comp. O. iii., 3, 17, consillantibus divis. 9« Exsomnis. Ever-wakeful, literally, sleepless. Like exsanguis, exlex, and similar words, where ex has the same force. In this and the following lines, the poet in his rapture, compares himself to a Bacchanal, and contemplates, with like amaze- ment, the strange regions into which he is borne. 10. Hebmm. A river in Thrace, where also the mountain Rhodope. 11. Barbaro. Of the Thracians, who, like the Phrygians, are always so designated by tha Greek poets. The allusion is to the wild orgies of the Bacchantes. 12. Tt» Join with non secus. Non secus — ut, not otherwise — than, just — as. 19. Lenaee. From Xrivbs, god of the wine-press. Lenaean. 20. Cingentem , sc. sibi. Comp. 0. iv., 8, 33. ODE XXVI. Scorned by the haughty Chloe, the poet, like a discharged soldier, will abandon tha arrris of" love, but begs of Venus, as a last request, that his slighted love may not go una- venged. 2. Militavi. A frequent poetic figure. Comp. 0. iv., 1, 16 ; Ovid, Am. i.. 9, 1. 4. Hie paries — latns. The poet represents himself in the temple of Venus, where he will hang up his lyre, and the arma, mentioned in lines 6, 7 ; and this he will do on the wall, to the left of the statue of the goddess, therefore on the right-hand wall of the tem- ple. 6. Cnstodit. Like Lotus tegere in Sat. ii., 5, 18; but more ele- gant. 7. Fnnalia ; torches, made of ropes, covered with pitch ; rcctcs, crowbars • arcus, bows, added in jest, perhaps to use with the janitorcs, in terrorry ; all these, instruments carried about by night-revellers, with 396 NOTES ON THE ODES. which to accomplish their purposes. 9. Cyprnm. Comp. 0. i., 3, 1 ; i., 30, 2. 10. Memphin. In this Egyptian city was a celebrated temple of Venus. On Sitkonia, comp. n. 0. i., 18, 9. ODE XXVII. The poet seeks to dissuade Galatea from braving the perils of a voyage in the season of autumn. Deprecating all evil omens (1-12), he urges a consideration of the autumnal storms, which she must needs encounter (13-24), and sets forth, in tones of warning, the story of Europa (25-76). In verses 1-7, the poet speaks of ill omens, which the wicked, not Galatea, iL-ff fear ; and (9-12) asks for her only favorable auguries. 3* Rava. Grayish ; the color, according to Festus, between fiavus and caesius. Lauuviiio. Lanuvium, a town on the right of the Ap- pia via, the road on which Galatea was to set out on her journey. See n. on 1. 12. 10. Divina ; prophetic, as in A. P. 218. 11. Oscinem corvum. Birds famished auguries in two ways ; by their singing, and by their flight ; hence called oscines, and alites or praepetes. 12. So- lis ab ortu. On the east ; that is, from the left of the augur ; as the Romans, in taking the auspices, faced the south, and therefore bad the east on their left, and the west on their right ; whence, with them, the lucky omens came from the left, since only from the eastern quarter of the heavens, as it was believed, could such omens come. The Greek augur faced the north, and therefore found his favorable auguries on his right. See Diet. Antiqq. 13. Sis licet. See n. O. i., 28, 35. 15. Laevus. Here, contrary to ordinary Roman usage, the corvus and the picus gave lucky omens on the right. Dillenb. adds Ovid, Ibis, 128, a laeva moesta volavit avis. 18. Pronns ; ad occasum vergens, setting ; like devexus, O. i., 28, 21. 19. Novi. I know by my own ex- perience ; referring, perhaps, to his voyage from Greece to Italy. Allms. See n. 0. i., 7, 15. Its very clearness might however mislead the sailor or voyager. Comp. n. 0. i., 3, 4. 21. Hostinm. A simi- lar imprecation in Virg. Georg. 3, 513. Comp. O. i., 21, 13, seqq. 28. Palluit andax. Palluit with ace. like silere, O. i., 12, 21. Audax is elsgantly put in contrast with credidit latus. The story was, that Euro- pa was carried off by Jupiter under the form of a white bull, across the sea from Phoenicia to the island of Crete. At first, charmed by the beauty of the creature, she boldly ventured to mount him, but soon was terrified by the monsters and perils of the deep. Translate : And yet, bold as she was, she soon grew pale at. 34 — 36. Pater — farore. Father, alas for the name of daughter, which I have abandoned, and for my filial affection, overcome by mad folly I The poet beautifully repre- book in. ode xxvin. 397 sents Europa mute with terror, so long- as she was on the sea ; hut as soon as she reaches the shore, she bitterly laments her rash folly i& abandoning the name and affection of a daughter. 41. Porta — cbnr- na. Homer's ivory gate in Hades, through which came all false dreams. The. true dreams came through a gate of horn. Od. 19, 562. 47. Amati. See above, n. on 1. 28. 51. Si quis — andis. Virgil, Aen. 4, 625, uses similarly the pronoun aliquis with a verb in the second person. 59. Pendulum — collum. Join pendulum with ab orno. Laedere is used in its primary signification, dash against, break. 66. Aderat — Venus. " A correct taste will not be gratified by the counsel ascribed to her father, by the merriment of Venus on the occasion, or by the poor topic of consolation suggested to a mind tortured by shame and compunction." Girdlestone and Osborne. 70. Irarnm. On the ge- nitive, see A. _& S. §220, 1. 75. Sectus orbis; the same as sectio or dimidia orbis, in allusion to the then known divisions of the globe, Eu- rope and Asia. ODE XXVIII. An invitation to Lyde, to celebrate with the poet the festival of the Neptunalia. 1. Potius. That is, than pass the day with thee. Die JVeptuni. Die, the abl. of time. The festival of Neptune was observed on the 23d of July. 2. Reconditum. Hidden, stored away, old. Comp. n. on interiore nota, 0. ii., 3, 8. 3. Strenua. Adverbial; like sapiens, 0. i., 7. 17, on which see note. Caecubnm. See n. O. i., 20, 9. 5, Meridiem ; i. e. solem meridie inclinare, or se inclinare ; as Liv. 9, 32, Sol meridie se indin&vit; Juv. Sat. 3, 316, Sol inclinat. 7. Horreo, or Apo- theca. See notes, 0. iii. 8, 11 ; 21, 7. 8. Bibnli. M. Calpurnius Bibulus was consul with Julius Caesar, b. c. 59. 9. Invieem. Alternately; an amoebaean strain ; I, Neptune and the Nereides ; you, Latona and Diana; and both together, Venus and Nox. 10. Nereidnm. The fift) ocean-nymphs, daughters of Nereus. 1 3. Snmmo. In our last strain her who. Summus in sense of extremus, as in Epist. i., 1, 1 ; Juv. Sat. 1, 5. On Cnidon, comp. 0. i., 30, 1. 16. Dicetnr. Agrees with Nox ; as the punctuation, which is Bentley's, indicates. 398 NOTES ON THE ODES. ODE XXIX. This charming ode the poet, from his Sabine farm, writes to Maecenas, begging him to hasten away from the noise and smoke of the city, and forget for a while the cares of state, amid the simple pleasures of rural life. He bids him remember that we must live wisely and well in the present, as the future is all uncertain, an. is hidden from mortal view. He who is content with what is given him, and who carrus within him a brave and fearless conscience, — that man is independent of all the changes of fortune. 1. Tyrrhena. See, n. 0. i., 1, 1. 2. VersOt Broached; literally, turned on one side, to let out the wine. 3. Flore— rosarum ; for chaplets ; so often referred to, in connection w Ith festive occasioj is ' Cum translate together with. 4. Balanus. An eastern nut, which yielded a ;elebrated oil. The best came from Arabia. 5. Jamdndnm — est. Has been for some time at my house. See Arn. Pr. Intr. Pt. i., 413. 6. Jfec semper— contempleris. With Dillenb. I give the preference to this reading, which is sustained by good MS. authority. The other reading, ne — contempleris, though a good MS. reading, and yielding, in general, the same sense as nee — contempleris, is yet inferior on account of the abruptness of the transition, which it requires, in passing from the preceding line; whereas nec=et non joins directly the two clauses, contempleris having an imperative force ; snatch thyself from delay, and be not ever gazing upon — . The poet imagines Maecenas in his lofty palace on the Esquiline, surveying with wistful gaze the charming pros- pect before him, — those delightful hills that skirt the plain on the east, and those attractive spots, Tibur, Aesula, and Tusculum; longing for the quiet delights of rural life, and yet fastened to the city by public cares. The conjectural reading, ut semper udum, besides being jejune and prosaic, is quite gratuitous, being founded in a wrong apprehension of the word contemplari ; as if it could apply only to objects quite near at hand. The mere mention (made by Orelli and Dillenbiirger) of such Latin expressions as contemplari astra, stellas, coelum, is sufficient to do away with such a view of this verb. Tusculum was about twelve, and Tibur sixteen miles from Rome, and always visible in clear weather from the high parts of the city. 6. Tibur. See 0. i., 7, 12. Aesula was between Tibur and Praeneste. 8. Telegonus, the son of Ulysses, who built Tusculum ; he had unwittingly killed his father. 9# Fas- lidiosam— copiam. " Cloying store." Dryden. 10. Molem ; the pa- lace of Maecenas on the Esquiline, which was very high, and built in a pyramidical, tower-like form ; hence sometimes called turris. Horace refers to this palace in Epod 9, 3, sub alta — domo. Maecenas had an- other fine residence at Tibur, called by Suetonius (Nero. 38), turris Maecenatiana. 13. Vices ; change ; i. e. to the simplicity of a poor book m. ode xxix. 399 man's home, which might well he an agreeable one. The poet urges it as an inducement to hasten away from Rome. Compare the words of Bishop Hall: "It is no ill counsel and not a little conducing to a con- tented want, that great persons should sometimes step aside into the homely cottages of the poor ; and see their mean stuffs, coarse fare, hard lodgings, worthless utensils ; and compare it with their own deli- cate superfluities." In "Remedy of Discontentment." 15. Aulaeis; from aula; the tapestried hangmgs of a hall, from the ceilings and along the sides ; ostro, the purple coverings of the couches, and other articles of furniture. 16. Explicuere. Are wont to smooth; another instance of the aoristic perfect. See note, O. i., 28, 20. 17. Pater. Cepheus, whose name was given to a star in the constellation of the Little Bear. It rose on the 9th of July. The poet means, that the heat of dog-days is at hand, another inducement to leave the city. 18. Procyon. IIpo/ciW. Antc-Canis, the name of a star in Orion, which arose on the 15th of July, eleven days before Sirius, or the Canicula, the Dog-star. 19. Leonis. The sun enters Leo on the 20th of July. 22. Horridi. Sylvanus, a name for the rural god, like Pan, Fau- nus. etc. The poet calls him horridus, rough, investing him with a form and character like those of the forests and thickets over which he pre- sided. 25. Tu — rrbi. Maecenas enjoyed the unlimited confidence of Octavianus, both before and after the latter had attained supreme power; at several times, in the absence of Octavianus from Rome, Mae- cenas was intrusted with the administration of Rome and of all Italy. It is to such a political position as this, that the poet here refers, not to his being praefectus iirbi, which was a regular municipal office, instituted after the establishment of the empire, at the suggestion of Maecenas. — The passages, which establish this view, are Tacitus, Ann. vi., 11 ; Sue- tonius, Aug. 37; Dio Cassius, L. ii., 21. — Urbi depends upon sollicitus. 27, Regnata Cyro Bactra. Bactra, formerly part of the Persian empire, was, in the time of Augustus, subject in part to the Parthians ; hence here used for the Parthian empire. Compare n. 0. i.. 2, 22; on regnata. see n. O. ii., 6, 11. Tanais ; the river, for the Scythians, who lived near it, 31. Ultra fas. Fas means here what is in accord- ance with the law of reason. Beyond ichat is reasonable. 32. Qnod adest. What is at hand, that is. praescniia, the present. 34. Medio alveo. In the middle of its bed, i. e. without overflowing either bank. In this image of the uncertain future, borrowed from the changeful course of a river, the poet lias in mind the Tiber, now flowing on qui- etly to the Tuscan sea. now swollen to overflowing by the waters of the Ario, the Nar, and other tributary streams. 36. Adesos. Comp. n. on mordct. 0. i.. 31, 8. 42. Ill diem; quotidic. singulis dicbus ; every day. But in dies is more common. 43. Yixi. The context shows that the poet means, that one should cheerfully enjoy the present, with- 400 NOTES OK THE ODES. out an excessive solicitude in regard to the future. I have lived ; that is, I have fully enjoyed what has been already given me, without being anxious about the future. "To-morrow do thy worst, for I have lived to-day." — Dryden. The fine exclamation of Titus, perdidi diem, arose from his regret, that he had let a day pass without doing a single act of benevolence. He who lives as a Christian ought, may invest the word Vizi with a yet deeper significance. 44. Polum ; for coelum ; the heavens. 48. Quod — vexit. Vexit means here avexit, as plainly shown by fugiens ; what the flying hour has once for all borne away ; that is, the past. 54. Resigno. I give back. " Resignare antiqui dice- bant pro rescribere." Festus. Rescribere was the business word br pav back, pay one's debts. 55. Virtute me involve / wrap myself in my own integrity ; as in a mantle ; expressing a lofty consciousness of me's own integrity, which lifts one above the changes of fortune. 56. Sine dote. The poet borrows the image from an honest but poor maid- en, who brings no dowry to her husband. — The celebrated William Pitt made a very happy use of these verses, in his speech in the House of Commons, in 1782, on resigning his office of Chancellor of the Exche- quer. The following is a part of the close of the speech : "It is impos- sible to deprive me of those feelings, which must always result from the sincerity of my best endeavors to fulfil with integrity every official engagement. — And with this consolation, the loss of power, Sir, and the loss of fortune, though I affect not to despise, I hope I shall soon be able to forget, Laudo manentem : si celeres quatit Pennas, resigno quae dedit probamque Pauperietn sine dote quaero." His biographer remarks, that the omission of et mca, etc., was generally considered as marking equally the modesty and good taste of Mr. Pitt. — Tomline's Life of Pitt, vol. i., p. 82. — 55. Non est menm. It is not mine ; i. e. it is contrary to my nature and habits. 59. Yotis pacisci ; to bargain with vows ; promise to offer costly sacrifices or gifts, on the condition (ne) that the merchandise be not lost. 64. Geminns. Cas- tor and Pollux, Gemini, the guardian star of sailors. See 0. i., 3, 2; 12.. 25. book in. ODE XXX. 401 ODE XXX. The poet confidently predicts his enduring fame as the first and greatest of the lyric bards of Rome. The sentiment which pervades the ode has been similarly expressed by other Latin poets ; in some instances evidently in imitation of Horace. In Ovid, in particular, there are several parallel passages. Most striking are the con- cluding lines of the Metamorphoses : Jamque opus exegi, quod nee Jovis ira, nec'ignes, Nee poterit ferrum, nee edax abolere vetustas. — Parte tamen meliore mei super ^Itaperennis Astra ferar nomenque erit indelebile nostrum ; Quaque patet domitis Romana potentia terris, Ore legar populi, perque omnia saecula fama, Si quid habent veri vatum praesagia, vivam. Metam. xv., 871, seqq. Also in Amor, xii., 15, 7: Mantua Virgilio gaudet, Verona Catullo : Pelignae dicar gloria gentis ego. See also Amor, iii., 15, 19; and Be Arte Am. iii., 339.— So Propertius, iii., 5, 56 : Carmina erunt formae tot monumenta tuae ; — Aut illis Jlamma aut imber subducet honores Annorum aut ictu pondera victa ruent. And Martial, x., 2, 8, and 12 : — Et meliore tui parte superstes eria. — Solaque non norunt haec monumenta mori. Comp. also Virg. Georg. iii., 8; and Ennius, quoted above, in notes on O. ii., 20. 1. Aere. Brazen statues and inscriptions. 2. Altius. The largest of the Egyptian pyramids were above 400 feet in height. 3. Impotens* Furious; — Sui non pote?is, vehementer furens. 6. NOtt omiiis. Not all. The poet associates himself with his undying works. They are a part of himself and he shares their immortality. 7# Libitinam. The goddess of funerals ; here by metonymy, for death. In her temple at Rome was kept a register of deaths, where was paid a small sum for the registration of the names. Here was sold every thing necessary for a funeral, and near by dwelt the undertakers (Libitinarii). — See Diet. Antiqq., Funus; and comp. Sat. ii., 6, 19; Epist. ii., 1, 49. 8. Dum Capitolium. So long as the pontiff shall ascend the Capitol, i. e. in sempi- ternum, for ever ; since, with the Roman, the Vestal worship and all the rites of the national faith were to share the eternal destinies of the City. The Roman believed that the duration of his City and its proud Capitol was bounded only by the duration of time itself. His creed on this head is well expressed by what Byron says of the Coliseum: " While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand ! When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall ; And when Rome falls— the world."— Childe Harold, c. iv. 402 NOTES ON THE ODES. With which compare Gibbon's Decline, ch. 71, n. 52. And the issue has more than answered to the proud prophecy of the poet. Long since has that monthly procession ceased to ascend the Capitol, long since the Ves- tal flame gone out upon the altar ; the Temple itself has crumbled to dust, and ancient Rome is in ruins ; but, in the immortal verse of Ho- race, yet live and will live for ever the solemn Vestal worship, and all the glories of the great City. — Comp. O. iii., 5, 11 ; and Virg. Aen. 9, 448; Ovid, Trist. iii., 7, 51. 10. Dicar, etc. Dicar must be joined with princeps — modes, and not directly with qua violens, etc. Orelli adopts the order of Acron, which is as follows : Dicar princeps Aeoliuri carmen ad Italos modos deduxisse (ibi natus), ubi Aufidus obstrepit, et qua — populorum, ex humili potens. I shall be celebrated as the poet, who was the first to bring down, etc. Aufidus. Venusium, the poet's birth- place, was on the Aufidus. Comp. O. iv., 9, 2. 11. Daunus. The name of a legendary king of Apulia, whence the country was called Daunia. Compare O. i., 22, 14. Pauper aquae alludes to the summer droughts in Apulia. 12. Regnavit populorum. A Greek construc- tion, rjp£e XaSiv. See A. & S. § 220, 2. Ex humili potens. Horace often refers to his humble origin. Comp. O. ii., 20, 5 ; Sat. i., 6, 45, 46 ; Epist. i., 20. 20. 13. Princeps. Horace claims the merit of first using in Latin the lyric measures {modos) of the Greek poets, referring in Aeolium, to Alcaeus and Sappho. BOOK IV. ODE I. It appears from the Life of Horace by Suetonius, that this Book was publisl ed at the request of Augustus. It contains some noble odes, in honor of the deeds of Augustus and some of the members of his family ; and besides these, there are are some effusions of an amatory character. To the last belongs the present ode, which was written about the year 14 b. c, when the poet was fifty years of age. Horace complains in playful strain, that in advancing age he is vexed with new de- sires by the cruel goddess of love ; and, deprecating her sway, bids her turn to a more youthful and a more worthy subject. The theme is similar to that in Ode 19 of Book First, of which compare the introduction. 4. Cinarae. Conrp. 0. iv., 13, 22; Epist. i., 7, 28; i., 14, 33. 6. Decern lustra ; fifty years ; one about fifty years old. Conrp. n. 0. ii., 4, 24. The language, flectej-e, mollibus, durum, is borrowed from the man- agement of horses. 9. Tcnipestivius. More fitly. Domum, the ace. of place, on account of ales oloribus, as well as comissabere. 10. Paulli. Probably the son of Paullus Fabius Maximus, now about twen- ty years old ; to whom Ovid addressed some of his Epistles. Pur- pureis. Poetic for bright, glittering. See n. 0. iii., 3, 12; comp. Virg. Aen. 1, 590, lumenque juventae purpureum. 12. Jecur. With the ancients, the seat of love, and of all the passions. Dillenburger makes torrere dependent upon both quaeris and idoneum; "si quaeris torrere jecur, quod idoneum sit ad torrendum." 14. Reis. Compare the address to Pollio, O. ii., 1, 13. 16. Militiae* Comp. 0. iii., 26, 2. 18. Muneribus;=quam munera, as it depends upon the compara- tive potentior. Paullus is superior to his rich and liberal rival. 19. Lacus* Besides the Lacus Albanus, there were three other and smaller ones near by. Hence the plural. Paullus probably had a villa in the neighborhood. 20. Citrea. The African citrus, a kind of cypress. See Diet. Antiqq. under Mensa, and Becker's Gallua, p. 22. 22. Be- rccyntiae. See n. 0. iii., 19, 20. Tibiae, dative, depends upon mixtis, as in Epoa. 9, 5. Miscere occurs usually with the abl.; but also with the dative, sometimes even in prose. See A. & S. ty 221, R. 3. The poet promises here an accompaniment, uniting the lyre, the tibia, and the fistula. Carminibus means modis, strains. Comp. 0. iv., 15, 30. 24. Fistula. The Greek syrinx, invented by Pan. It was made of seven pipes, joined with wax. — See Diet. Antiqq., Syrinx. 28. Sali- 404 NOTES ON THE ODES. urn. See n. O. i., 36, 12. 39. Gramina Martii. Sec n. O. i., 8, 4; and comp. O. iii., 12, 7. ODE II. This ode was occasioned by the victories won by Augustus, b. c. 15, over the German tribes, and especially the Sygambri, on the right bank of the Rhine. In anticipation of his expected return, Horace was probably requested by lulus to sing in a Pindaric ode these new triumphs of the emperor. As in the Sixth Ode of the First Book, so here too. the poet pleads the humble character of his own Muse, and defers to Antonius himself the >fty task. The task however he nobly executes, in the very act of declining it, and in the ode which he writes, confers a new "honor" upon Augustus, "better than a hun- dred statues;" centum potiore signis Munere donat. lulus Antonius was the son of Mark Antony and Fulvia ; he married the daughter of Octavia. The ode was probably written in the beginning of the year 14 b. c 3. Vitreo ponto. To the glassy deep. Osborne compares Milton, in Comus : " Glassy, cool, translucent wave." Comp. O. iii., 13, 1; Virg. Aen. 7, 759, vitrea — unda. Daturus nomi- na. Icarus, whose fall gave a name to the Icarian sea. The poet, who would rival Pindar, is destined to like failure and disgrace. — : — 5. Am- nis. A common figure, like the metaphors flumen orationis, flumen in~ genii, torrens oratio, and others. Cicero, Orat. 12, 39, comparing Hero- dotus and Thucydides, says: Alter — quasi sedatus amnis fluit; alter incibatior fertur. 6* Notas \ consuetas, accustomed. 7. Immensus ; unconjined, transcending the ordinary limits of poetic license. Os with rotundum, magnum, is often used of language. Here in connection with amnis, it seems, as Orelli remarks, to point, in the comparison, to the mouth of the river, where its deepest waters pour into the sea. Quinti- lian mentions Pindar's beatissimam rerum verborumque copiam. " Pindar foams, and\rolls on,»unconfined, with his mighty depth of expression." Os- borne. Garve gives well profundo ore by mit tiefem Wortstrom. 9. Donaudus. Worthy of being presented. In the following lines, 11-24, the poet mentions or indicates four principal species of lyric verse, in all of which Pindar was pre-eminent. 10. Dithyrambos. The Di- thyrambus was a song in honor of Bacchus, of a bold and free charac- ter, in respect both to its language and measure. Of this kind of verse, written by Pindar, there is extant but a single fragment. Nova— BOOK IV. ODE H. 405 verba. Particularly compound words, of many syllables, in forming which Pindar indulged the utmost license. 12. Lege solutis. So described, because in the dithyramb, the poet was not confined to any particular, regularly recurring measures, but wrote at will in every va- riety. In the word fertur Horace still keeps up the comparison of a river. 13. Deos — canit. The second kind of lyrics; Paeans, in ho- nor of gods, demi-gods, and heroes, such as Theseus and Pirithous, who conquered the Centaurs, and Bellerophon, who killed the fire-breathing Chimaera. 17. Sive quos. The third kind, Epinicia, iirivixia, in ho- *aor of the victors at the public games, especially the Olympic. — Elea. See note, 0. i., 1, 3 ; also on caelestes comp. in same ode, line 6. 19. Sigiiis. The statues, erected to the honor of victors, at Olympia. 21. Flebili. Alluding to the fourth class of lyric poems, ®p7Jvot, Threni, the dirges. 23. Mores aureos. Translate literally ; golden morals. 25. Dircaeum — cycnum. Dircaeum, from the fountain of Dirce, near Thebes, the native city of Pindar. On cycnum compare the intro- duction to 20th Ode of Book Second. Malta ; i. e. magna, vehemens; a strong breeze. 27. Apis. In this image of the swan and of the bee, Horace seems to ascribe genius to Pindar, and only talent to himself; he compares the sublime poetry flowing out, as it were, spontaneously from the one, with the verses wrought out by the other only with labo- rious effort. Matinae. Mons Matinus, in Apulia, famous for its ex- cellent honey. 32. Fingo. The regular expression used for the labors of the bee ; fingere mel, jlavos, like the Greek irXarreiv. All these expressions illustrate the curiosa felicitas of Horace ; carpentis, labor em plurimum, operosa carmina fingo. 33. Majore — plectro. Plec- trum, the staff, or quill, with which the lyre was struck ; here meta- phorical ; of higher strain. lulus Antonius is said to have written an epic in twelve books, descriptive of the fortunes of Diomed. 34. Quandoque. For quandocunque, whenever ; comp. preceding ode, 1. 17. 35. Per sacrum clivnm. The Sacer Clivus was the Clivus of the Sacra Via, the steep Clivus, leading from the top of the Velian ridge which joins on to the Palatine (and on which now stands the Arch of Titus), down to the southeastern angle of the Forum. The ancient pavement of this part of the Sacred Way is still visible. Along this Clivus passed the triumphal processions on their way to the capitol. The Sacer Clivus is sometimes confounded with the Clivus Capitolinus, which was the ascent leading from the other extremity of the Sacred Way up the Capitoline hill. To the Sacer Clivus Horace also alludes in Epod. 7, 7 : — Ut descenderet Sacra catenatus via — and Martial, 1, 70: Inde sacro veneranda petes Palatia clivo. — 406 NOTES ON THE ODES. See Becker's Rom. Antiqq. i., p. 238; and Classical Museum, voi. 5, p. 235. 36. Sygambros. A fierce German tribe, who lived between the Rhine and the southern bank of the Luppia, the modern JLippe. 39. In aunun— priscum ; i. e. aureum seculum priscurn, the golden age of old. 43. Reditu. Comp. introd. to the ode. Though expected, Augustus did not return till the year b. c. 13, two years later, being de- tained by wars in Gaul and Spain. 44. Litibns orbuni. On days either of public mourning or of public r-yoicing, there was proclaimed what was called a justitium, a suspension of all court-business (justitium mdicebatur). 49. Teque, — procedis. So read the most and the old- est MSS. A single MS. has procedit, a reading which, Orelli adopts. The direct address is to Triumphus personified, and Io Triumphe was the shout in which all the citizens joined, as the procession passed on. So in Epod. 9, 21 : " Io triumphe, tu moraris aureos Currus," etc. 53. Te. The address now returns to Antonius. 54. Solvet ; i. e. from my vows ; of which is direct mention, 1. 55, in mea vota, for the fulfilment of my vows. 57. Fronte. The horns of the calf are poetically compared with the crescent of the moon, when three days old. 5&. Niyeus videri. Like the Greek : \evKbs iBecbu. The calf was of a dun color, except in a single spot, perhaps on the foi shead, which was white.— On duxit, see note, O. i., 28, 20. ODE III As in the 30th Ode of Book Second, the poet here also addresses Melpomene, as his patroness, his cherished Muse. The man, he says, on whom at his birth she looks with friendly eye, wins renown ; not indeed in Grecian games (2-5), nor in Roman arms (G-9), but in lyric song (10-12). Himself has Rome, the queen of cities, deigned to rank among her poets; the Roman public awards him the title of master 0/ the Roman lyre. All this belongs to Melpomene — the inspiration, the honor, all is hers (13-24). Dillenburger mentions with approval the opinion of Weber, that Horace wrote this ode to express his joy at the praises which he gained from the emperor and the people, by his Secular Hymn. 3. Isthmins. The Isthmian Games, one of the four Grecian national festivals ; so called from the Isthmus of Corinth, where they were cele- brated every third year, in honor of Poseidon or Neptune. See Diet. Antiqq., under the word. 5. Cnrru Ackaico. Probably refers to the Olympian chariot-races, as O. i., 1, 3. Achaico for Graeco. 8. Qnod — contudcrit* For having crushed. The subjunctive with quod, because BOOK IV. ODE IV. 407 the action is something only conceived of. See Z, § 629. 11. Spis- sae — comae. Thick foliage, as 0. i., 21, 5, where see note. 17. Tes- tudinis. See note. O. i., 10, 6. Aureae is poetic, as in preceding ode, 1. 23. 18. Pieri. This use of the sing, number, rather than Pieri- des, is rare. Ovid has, Fasti, 4, 222, Pieris orsa loqui. Orelli. 24. Quod spiro. Quod is not the ace. of the relative, but a particle. That I am moved with poetic inspiration. ODE IV. This ode and the Fourteenth of this Book celebrate the victo. 'es of Drusus and Tibe- rius, the sons of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia, and the step-sons of Augustus, over the Rhaeti and the Vindelici. The present ode, though chiefly devoted to the praises of Drusus, yet in the expression Nerones, I. 28, and in the allusion to the Vindelici, 1. 18, also does honor to Tiberius ; while the fourteenth, in a similar manner, is chiefly in honcr of Tiberius, but does not omit the name of Drusus. The Rhaeti were defeated by Drusus b. c. 15, and soon after, the Vindelici by the two brothers together. After describing the valor of Drusus (1-24), the poet gracefully extols the careful educa- tion of the two brothers by Augustus (25-36), and in the remainder of the ode celebrates the honors of the Claudian family, and especially of Caius Claudius Nero, the conqueror of Hasdrubal, the brother of Hannibal. 1. Qualeni, etc. In the comparison of Drusus with the eagle and the lion, in verses 1-18, the correlative talem must be supplied with Drusum, 1. 18: qualem — alitem, — qualemve — leoneni, — talem Drusum ge- rentem — . Qualem ministrum fulminis alitem. As the winged minister of thunder. So Virg. A en. 5. 255, calls the eagle the armor-bearer of Jove ; and Pliny, Hist. N. 10, 3, 4, describes him as proof against light- ning; negant unquam solam hanc alitem ezanimatam fulmine. 4. Ganymede flavo. In allusion to the story of Ganymede being carried off by the eagle. Comp. note, O. iii., 20, 16. Flatus; fair, the poetic word for beautiful, like ^avSfSs ; often used with coma, crinis, golden, as in O. i., 5, 4. 9. Mox. Observe the connection with olim, 1. 5, and nunc, 1. 11 ; at first, by and by, now. 10i Dcniisit. With the force of a present indefinite, as also egit, 1. 12. See note, O. i., 28, 20. 11. Reluctantes dracones. The commentators compare Pliny, Hist. Nat. 10, 4 : Acrior cum dracone pugna — ille mullipltci nczu alas ligat, ita se implicans, ut simul decidat; and Virg. A en. 11, 751. 14, 15. Ab nbc- rc Jam Lacte depulsnni. The weaning of the young of animals is ex- pressed in Virg. Eel. 7, 15, by depulsus a lack (agnos), and in Georg. 3 f 187, by depulsus ab ubere (equus). In this place Horace chooses to em- ploy both ab ubere and lacte with the same participle depulsus ; though lacte adds nothing essential to the meaning of ab ubere dcpulsum, but 408 NOTES ON THE ODES only shows from the use of what the young lion is deprived, in being forced from his mother's side. Render, then, now weaned from the udder. Some translate ubere as an adjective, agreeing with lade ; but we can- not believe that Horace would have used the same word as an adjective, with which his readers were familiar as a substantive in the expression depellere ab ubere. 17. Raetis — Alpibus. This part of the Alpine range, still called the Rhaetian Alps, is between the St. Gothard, in Northern Italy, and the sources of the Adige, in the Tyrol. Its name is from the Rhaeti, who lived on its southern sides, and whose territory lay between Lake Como and the river Adige, the northern part of Lorn bardy, and the southern of the Tyrol. 18. Vindelici. This German tribe were the northern neighbors of the Rhaeti ; and their territory extended from Lake Constance through the south of Bavaria, and the north of the Tyrol. Qnibns — obarmet. Quibus depends upon obar- met ; but we translate such a dative by our possessive ; e. g. to whom custom — arms (their) right hands, i. e. whose right hands — custom arms, etc. Unde deductus depends upon quaerere. Obarmet is an unusual word, which we should not expect to find in Horace. Indeed the pas- sage quibus — sed is so heavy and prosaic, that its genuineness is ques- tioned, even by some of the best critics, who, omitting the whole, pro- pose to read thus : Vindelici ; et diu, etc. 24. Jnvenis. Drusus was at this time but twenty- three years of age. 27. Angnsti paternns. Au- gustus, after his marriage with Livia, adopted and educated her chil- dren, Tiberius and Drusus. — See introduction. 29. Fortibns et bonis. In the ablative case. Dillenburger cites Ovid, Met. 11, 295, genitore creatus, and 13, 615, viro — creatas. 33. Doctrina sed. The poet, though he asserts the influence of a noble ancestry, yet insists upon the necessity of a right education, as essential alike to intellectual and to moral excellence. 35. Utcunqne ; quandocunque, whenever. 38. Metanrum flnmen. The battle of the Metaurus, a river in Umbria, fought in b. c. 207, in which Caius Claudius Nero totally defeated Has- drubal ; a victory which inspired the Romans with fresh courage, and gave a decisive and favorable turn to their affairs. 41. Alma — adorea. Adorea, sc. donatio, means properly a donative of ador, spelt, grain ; given to soldiers after a victory ; hence, figuratively, as here, for victory, mili- tary glory. Smiled with benignant victory. 42. Ut. Ex quo, from the time when. 48. Deos— rectos. " Re-established. The statues were replaced, which had been thrown down by the invaders." Os- borne. 49. Pcrfidus. Horace writes like Livy, concerning Hanni- bal, and expresses the national sentiment touching their great enemy. Comp. Liv. 21, 4. But modern history is more just to the character of the great Carthaginian. See Arnold's Rom. Hist. vol. 2, p. 195 ; Schmitz's Hist. p. 195. 50. Cervi. As stags. The remainder of the ode is one of the finest passages any where to be found, in illustration of the BOOK TV. ODE V. 409 « invincible might of the Romans ; and Horace gives it an additional sig- nificance, by putting it into the mouth of an enemy of Rome. 57. Pertnlit— ad urbes. So Virgil, Aen. 1, 67 : " Gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat aequor, Ilium in Italiam portans, victosque Penates." 60. Ducit opes. This inherent energy of the Romans, by which they rose above their reverses, and made even losses and misfortunes arouse new strength and courage, is admirably illustrated in the Hamibalian war, immediately after the disastrous affair of Cannae. Observe how fine and just is this simile from the oak, especially in the words ab ipso ferro. 61. Hydra. The many-headed Lernaean hydra, destroyed by Hercules. .See Class. Diet. 63. Sunimisere. The teeth of the dragon slain by Cadmus, were sown partly in Colchis, and partly in Thebes ; and in each place, as the story was, there sprang up armed men from the earth. Of these, Echion was one ; hence Thebes is called Echioniae. 65. Mcrses. Si is omitted. See Z. ty 780 ; comp. Epist. i., 6, 31 ; 10, 24. — Dillenb. With this passage should be compared the words of Hannibal, in Livy, 27, 14 : cum eo nimirum hoste res est, qui nee bonam, nee malam ferre fortunam potest. Seu vicit, ferociter instat me- tis ; seu v ictus est, instaur at cum victoribus certamen. Evenit. So the best MSS. Orelli's reading (from Meineke) exiet was adopted merely to make the verb accord with proruet. The form exiet is not found in good writers. In Tibullus, i., 4, 27, the true reading is transiit, not tran- siet. Dillenb. 68. Conjugibus. By their wives ; i.e. of the Romans. Conjugibus is the usual dative after the part, in dus. 69. Nmitios. As e. g. after the battle of Cannae. See n. above, 1. 60. 73. Nil Clandiae. These may still be considered the words of Hannibal, whom the poet makes predict the achievements of the Claudian family. Thus the ode ends, as it began, with the praises of Drusus and his brother. ODE V. The poet begs Augustus to come back to Rome ; and describes the peace and good oi dcr of the kingdom under his reign. Compare introduction to second ode of this Book, and the note on 1. 43. 2. Abes jam nimitmi din. Already too long have you been absent. Hr had been absent nearly three years. — On jam with the present see note, O. iii., 30, 5. 4. Coucilio. Consilium is the regular prose expression for the senate, and for a deliberative assembly. Concilium is here used as a nobler expression, like concilium deorum. 9. Notus : the south 18 410 NOTES ON THE ODES. wind, a head-wind to any one crossing the Carpathian sea, on the return voyage from Asia Minor to Rome. The Carpathian sea, so called from the island of Carpathus, in the Mediterranean, between Rhodes and Crete. 13. Votis, etc. Livy has a parallel expression in his Preface : cum bonis ominibus votisque et precationibus. 18. Fanstitas. An unu- sual word, for felicitas. See list of such words in note, 0. i., 5, 8. 20. Cnlpari metuit. Dreads to be blamed. See note, O. ii., 2, 7. 22. Mos et lex. Compare the expression in 0. iii., 24, 35. The word lex probably refers to the Marriage laws of Augustus, by which he endea- vored to check the prevailing licentiousness. See Diet. Antiqq. under Adulterium and Julia Lex et Papia Poppaea. 25. Paveat. Should fear ?=who needs fear % On the subj. see Am. Pr. Intr. 424 ; Z. § 530. On Parthum, compare n. 0. iii., 5, 4. Scythen. See n. O. iii., 8, 23. 26. Horrida ; rough ; in reference both to the country and to the people. Tacitus, Germ. c. 2, describes the country as informem terris, and c. 5, silvis horridam. 27. Ferae. The fierce Cantabri, in Spain. Compare 0. ii., 6, 2. 29. Condit. Condere with diem, means to go through the day from morning until the evening ; to pass the whole day, with the idea involved of bringing the day to a peaceful close. It is a poetical transition from the meaning of condere, to bury ; to put away the day, as one would lay away in the tomb a deceased friend. So condere noctem, lustrum. — Suis. There is here an emphasis in suis, as in the scriptural expression, "his own vine and fig-tree." They are his own hills ; in the good order of Augustus's reign, his secure possessions. 30. Viduas ; widov;ed ; i. e. from which the vines have been sever- ed, in the prostration of agriculture during the civil wars. See n. O. ii., 15, 4. 31. Redit ; i. e. home after the toils of the day. Alteris men- sis, the mensa secunda or the dessert of a Roman coena, during which li- bations were offered to the gods ; and here in honor of Augustus. (See note on O. iii., 3, 12.) The three parts of the coena were— 1, the gusta- torium or promulsis ; 2, the fercula or several courses, called also mensa prima ; and 3, mensae secundae or alter ae. 35. Uti Graecia ; i. e. as Greece worshipped Castor and Hercules for their great services to their country, so all rank thee among their cherished gods. — Castoris and Herculis depend upon memor. 37. Longas — ferias ; "id est, diu, pre- camur, vivas; as in 0. i., 2, 46, diuque Laetus, etc." Orelli. 39. Sicci, when sober ;—nondum poti. Uvid\ i. e. vino; after the coena, or a late banquet. BOOK IV. ODE VI. 411 ODE VI. The last lhi3s of this ode plainly allude to the Secular Hymn of Horace, and it is pro- bable that the whole was written as a kind of prelude to that celebrated Hymn. The poet invokes the aid of Apollo in executing his task ; and gives directions to the chorus, appointed to sing the ode at the Secular Celebration. 1. Proles. The seven sons and daughters of Niobe, who were slain by Apollo and Diana. Magnae. Boastful. The story was, that Niobe, proud of her offspring, arrogated the honors offered to Latona. 2. Tityos. See n. 0. iii., 4, 77. 4. Phthius. Of Phthiotis, a district in Thessaly, where lived the Myrmidones, who went with Achilles to the Trojan war. 11. Procidit late. The simile and all the language of this stanza are designed to present the image of a hero of gigantic form. Dillenburger compares Virg. Aen. 2, 626 ; Horn. Od. 24, 39, 40. 13. Minervae— mentito. The wooden horse was left by the Greeks as an offering to Minerva. 16. Falleret. This word, and ureret, 1. 29, have the force of a pluperfect. See Z. § 525. 25. Thaliae. For the Muse of Grecian song, to which is opposed Dauniae Camenae, for the Latin Muse. Comp. n. O. iii., 30, 11. 28. Agyicu. An epithet of Apollo, 'Ayvievs, fr. ayvid, a street, as the presiding deity of streets and public squares. In the streets of Athens, statues were erected to his honor. — The epithet levis—imberbis has reference to the idea of Apollo's perpetual youth. 29. Spiritom, etc. Horace here claims for himself that inspiration of genius (spiritum), and that practice in the rules of his art {artem), which together are requisite to insure the name of poet. Compare Ars. P. 408-411, where Horace contends for the union of genius and study. 31. Primae. He addresses the Secular Chorus (see introd.), composed of youths and maidens, chosen from the noblest families. 33. Tutcla. The care; i. e. the object of her care. On Deliae, see n. 0. i., 22, 10. 35. Lesbium pcdcm. The Lesbian or Sapphic measure, in which the Se« nlar Hymn was written. Comp. 0. i., 1, 34. PoUicis ictum, the beat of the thumb, upon the strings of the lyre, to mark the cadences of the measure. The poet fancies himself the leader of the choir, magister chori, instructing them in the song and the dance, with the accompaniment of the lyre. 38. Noctilucam. From nox and luceo, vvKTiXafjar^s, that illumines the night. Face, with a torch, means here, light. Diana was represented with a torch in her hand. 39. Frngum. Poetic genitive. See Z. § 437. Pronos, fast pass- ing ; as 0. ii., 18, 16, pergunt interire lunae. Nupta. Addressing one of the maidens, probably the leader of the chorus, he suggests, by way of incitement, the delight with which she will some time look back to this festival and to the part she bore in its glad scenes. 42. Luces. 412 NOTES ON THE ODES. The festival continued three days. 43. Beddidi \=cantavi. The song is learned from a teacher, then given back, i. e. sung. ODE VII. An ode, occasioned, like the Fourth of Book First, by the return of Spri ng. There too the poet dwells upon the thoughts suggested by the season ; and comparet the chang- ing year with the life of man. In each alike, time ever hurries on ; but of the year, though it is always passing, there is always renewal, in the regular return of the seasons. Not so in human life ; it has but one Spring, one Summer ; and its winter once "lassed, the whole is closed for ever. "And pale concluding winter comes at last, And shuts the scene." — Thomson. It is not certain who is the Torquatus, to whom the poet addressed this ode, as well aa the Fifth Epistle of the First Book. Some suppose it to be the grandson, others the son of L. Manlms Torquatus, in whose consulship Horace was born. But of the grandson we know nothing with any certainty, and of the son, we know, from Cicero's Brutus, c. 76, that he died in Spain many years before this ode was written. 2. Comae. See note, O. i. ; 21, 5. 4. Praetereunt. Glide along; do not overrun. 5. Gratia. Compare n. 0. i., 4, 6. Osborne hero adds, from Thomson's Summer : 'i " The Seasons lead, m sprightly dance, Harmonious knit, the rosy-fingered Hours." 7. Almum. Benignant. A poetic epithet, used also with sol, Carm. Sec. 9. 9. Protcrit. Pushes aside. Comp. 0. ii., 18, 15, truditur dies die. 12. Incrs. Dull. 15. Dives. In accordance with the ideas of the vulgar, concerning the wealth and power of ancient kings, whose statues they daily saw in the Capitol. Orelli. 17. Quis scit an. An generally begins a second question, and means or ; but in the best Latin authors stands seldom as here, with a single indirect question. Orelli cites Hand, Turs. 1, p. 304; who supplies thus the first clause; quis scit, utrum hodie jam nobis moriendum sit, an, etc. — See Z. § 353. Am. Pr. Intr. 120. 19. Amic©— animo. Amicus animus is poetic, like the Greek eodemque igni, sis nostra Daphnis amore." NOTES ON THE SECULAR HYMN. 1. The festival of the Secular Games, together with the name itself, Ludi Saecuia- res, was peculiar to the period of the Empire. The real object of its introduction and first celebration was to do honor to Augustus and to his government, the first ten years of which had just passed away. It seemed a fitting occasion, by means of a series of public games, at once to acknowledge and to secure the. supreme power of Augustus, and to hand down his name to posterity, as the restorer of the state from strife and anarchy to harmony and established order. The Quindecemviri, in order to give greater eclat to the proposed games, sought to identify them with the existing Ludi Tarentini, which had been celebrated but three times during the period of the Republic. They declared that these games had been celebrated once in every century or saeculum ; and having con- sulted the Sybilline books, of which they had charge, they formally announced that '.?ie time had now arrived for another celebration. 2. But the Secular Games differed essentially from the Tarentine. The latter were in every instance celebrated for the specific purpose of averting from the state some pressing calamity, and the services were in honor of Dis and Proserpina; but, in the celebration of the former, the infernal deities held but a subordinate place, while their object, as we have seen above, was a purely political one. 3. On the above-mentioned announcement of the Quindecemviri, the jurist Ateius Capito was appointed to make the requisite arrangements, and Horace was directed to prepare an Ode. First of all, heralds were sent round to invite the people to a spectacle which they had never seen before, and would never see again. Next, in anticipation of the ceremonies, the Quindecemviri distributed among the free-born citizens, on the Pala- tine and the Capitoline, torches, sulphur, and bitumen ; and in these places, as well as in the temple of Diana on the Aventine, were alse distributed wheat, barley, and beans, as offerings to the Parcae. The festival was solemnized in summer, and lasted three days and three nights. Games were held in a place in the Campus Martius called Tarentum, and sacrifices were offered to the following deities : Jupiter and Juno, Apollo, Latona, and Diana, the Par- cae, to Carmenta, Ceres, and to Dis and Proserpina. At the second hour of the night, the ceremonies were opened by the emperor, who, by the river-side, sacrificed three lambs to the Parcae, upon three altars erected for the pur- pose. In the Tarentum a stage was erected, and on it was sung by a choir a festive hymn. On this first day the people went to the Capitol to offer sacrifices, and then re- turned to the Tarentum, to do honor to Apollo and Diana by singing choruses. On the second day, the most honored matrons of the city went to the Capitol, and sang hymns ; and the Quindecemviri sacrificed to the great divinities. On the third day, Greek and Latin choruses were sung in the temple of Apollo on the NOTES OK THE SECULAR HYMN". 437 Palatine, by three times nine boys and maidens. During these three days, feasts and games were going on throughout the city. The above account has been prepared from Hartung's description of the Tarentine Games, in Rel. d. Rumer, vol. 2, 92, seqq., a translation of which may also be found in the Dictionary of Antiquities. I add from the Dictionary of Antiquities the following statement of the several cele- brations of the Secular Games : " The first celebration of the Ludi Saeculares took place in the reign of Augustus, in the summer of the year 17 b. c. The second took place in the reign of Claudius, a. d. 47 ; the third in the reign of Domitian, a. d. 88 ; and the last in the reign of Philippus, a. d. 248." The following scheme, proposed by Steiner, and adopted by Orelli and Dillenburger, represents the manner in which the Secular Hymn was probably sung by the two choira of boys and of maidens : Stanzas 1 and 2, the Proodus, by the boys and maidens together. inz a 3, by the boya. Stanza 10, by the if .. boys. u 4, " " maidens. Stanza 9, the Mesodus, it 11, maiden: M 5, " " boys. verses 1 and 2, by the boys, u 12, u a boys. C< 6. " " maidens. " 3 " 4, " " maidens. cc 13, U a maidens M 7, " " boys. u 14, '( u boys. w o " " maidens. (( 15, (( (( maidens Stanzas 16-19, the Epodus, by the boys and maidens together. 5. Sybillini — versus. It was understood to be in obedience to the authority of the Sybilline books, that Augustus celebrated the Seculai Games. 6. Lectas— castos. It was required that the boys and th& maidens of the chorus should be of senatorial families, and the children of parents who were both alive, and had been married by the ceremony of the confarreatio, the most ancient and solemn of the Roman marriage forms. 10. Promis. Drawest out; i. e. from the darkness of night. Celas. Hldest ; in darkness. Aliusque et idem. Different and yet the same; that is, as Osborne remarks, different in semblance, and yet in reality the same. 14. Ilithyia ; Elke&vla, from e\eu&«, an appella- tion of Diana. As if to do more honor to the goddess, he adds two appellations, Ducina from lux, an appellation of Juno also, and Genita- lis from genitum (gigno). 20. Lege. The allusion is to the Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibns, which was passed b. c. 18 ; its object was to encourage and regulate marriages. See note, 0. iv., 5, 22, and Diet. Antiqq. under the word. 23. Ter. See note, Epist. ii., 1, 36. 24. Frequentcs. Numerously attended. Translate the word, according to the Latin order, last in the stanza. 26. Semel. Once for all. Stabilis rerum terminus. " The sure event of circumstances." Osborne. — Quod depends upon cecinisse, which is equivalent to in canendo. 31. Fetus. Here the fruits of the earth; as in Virg. Georg. 1, 55, Arbo- rei fetus ; also ib. 2, 390 ; and Cic. Or. 2, 30. 33. Condito. Compare the poet's language in the last stanza but one of Tenth Ode of Book Second. 39. Jassa pars. In apposition with turmae. Virgil repre- sents the voyage of Aeneas to Italy, and the settlement of the Trojans there, as done in obedience to the command of Apollo ; in Aen. 3, 94 ; 488 NOTES ON THE SECULAR HYMN. 4,345, 41. Sine frande. Without injury 47. Remquc prolem- que. Wealth and (numerous) offspring. The second que is elided be- fore the vowel in et in the next verse. 49. Quaeque — impetret. Thia is the true reading. Quaeque is governed by veneratur, which is equi- valent to venerando precatur. 51. Bellante, etc. The same sentiment in the celebrated line of Virgil, Aen. 6, 853: " Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos." 54. Mcdns. Here means the Parthian, as so often in Horace. 55. Responsa. Compare the poet's words, 0. iv., 15, 22. 60. Copia* See note, 0. i., 17, 16. 65. Arces ; here in the sense of colles; and the Palatine hill is thus referred because, as already mentioned in the introduction, hymns were sung in the temple of Apollo, on the Palatine. 69. Aventinum. On the Aventine was a temple of Diana. The Algidus is also mentioned in O. i., 21, 6, as a favorite haunt of Diana. 73. Haec — sentire. Haec ; i. e. quae precati sumus. Give heed to these prayers of ours. NOTES ON THE SATIRES. We are indebted to the Romans both for the word Satire, jnd the species of composition which it designates. We find, however, that in the progress of Roman literature, both these underwent important changes. The word Satura, which properly means the same as farra- go, a mixture of various things, was applied, at a very early period, to a kind of composition, which treated discursively of various sub- jects, partly in prose, and partly in poetry, and, in the poetical parts, in verses of different measures. From a passage in Livy,* which is the principal authority on this point, it would also appear that this early Satura was a rude kind of drama, partly extemporaneous and partly written, which developed no regular plot, and in its broad burlesque resembled the f Fescennine verses of the ancient people of Italy. The satires of Ennius and Pacuvius, though perhaps not dramatic, were, at lea^ in their mixed and irregular character, examples of the ancient Satura. In later times, after the regular drama had been introduced by Livi- us Andronicus, there arose the Satira or Satire, which, though not in- tended for the stage, yet in its aim to represent life, and in its adoption of something of the form of dialogue, shared some of the characteris- tics of the older Satura. Lucilius is mentioned by Quintilian as the first who gained distinction in this kind of writing, and he may be just- ly pronounced its inventor. He wrote in hexameter verse ; and took the material of his satire from the whole range of human life, its illustrations of good and evil, of virtue and of vice, of wisdom and of folly. It is this kind of Satire, which, both in its form and its subject- matter, these writings of Horace illustrate. His Satires are sketches of life and manners, of f he life and manners of the Romans, in the reign of Augustus. His own words in several passages help us to indicate the * B. vii., 2. tSee Diet. Antiqq. under Fescmnina. 440 NOTES ON THE SATIEES. particular style of satire in which he chose to write. In the First Satire of the First Book, he pleasantly inquires : " quanquam ridentem dicere verum Quid vetatl" And in the Tenth of the same Book he says— " Ridiculum acri Fortius et melius plerumque secat res." In a word, it is the playful style of Satire, . hat which employs all the gentle arts of humor and raillery, in which Horace wrote, and in which he excelled. His satirical writings present a striking contrast to those of Juvenal, the master of grave, severe satire; and the contrast between these two satirists is easily explained by the difference of their personal character and of the times in which they lived. Horace was a man of genial temper and easy habit, a wise and well-bred man of the world ; and living in a time when there yet lingered something of honor and virtue in the luxurious life of Rome, he could make merry with the follies and even the vices of men. But Juvenal was a man of uncom- mon gravity and earnestness of character, and lived in a later and utterly corrupt age ; and he came forth among his countrymen like an inspired prophet, arrayed in awful dignity, and scourged their wicked- ness with unrelenting severity. We find imitations of Horace's style of satirizing in various modern writers, especially in Pope and Swift in English, and Boileau in French literature. Some of these imitations will be alluded to in the notes that follow. BOOK I. SATIRE I. The poet illustrates the discontent of men with their own lot, and finds its cause in the passion of avarice. The tram of thought seems to be as follows : Introduction (1-27): no one is content with his own lot, tut every .das. But ut= ■. quomodo. To express simply that, credere is joined with ace. and infin. 73. Simul ; — simul ac. 77. Cocna dnbia. "What this means Terence shows in Phormio ii., 2, 28: Ph. " Coena dubia apponitur. Geta. Quid istuc verbi est 1 Ph. Ubi tu dubiles quid sumas potissimum." 79. Divinac— aurac. In allusion to the doctrine, that every human soul is an emanation from the Divine Spirit; — " ex universa mente divina delibatos animos :" — Cic. de Senec. c. 21. 80. Dicto citins. Join with curata. The whole expression is opposed to the Ion/* and luxuri- BOOK II. SATIEE II. 473 ous dinner of an epicure. 82. Quondam. Sometime*; see n. 0. ii., 10, 18. The poet goes on to say, that the man accustomed to plain living can relish best, on proper occasions, more generous fare. 97. Patrnnm. See n. 0. iii., 12. 3. 99. Trausius. Probably adduced as an illustration of one who lived beyond his means. 101. The indig- nant reply of Ofellus : then why not give something of your surplus to the needy, to the support of religion, to your country 1 106. Recte — crnnt. Esse, joined with adverbs, signifies to be in a condition. See Z. § 365. 114. Nunc accisis. Ofellus seems to have been one of those whose lands had been confiscated, and assigned to the veterans of Oc- tavianus. Virgil, in his 1st and 9th Eclogues, has similar illustrations. 115. He was now a tenant, cultivating for certain wages the soil formerly his own. Comp. n. 0. i., 35, 6. 116. Profesta. See n. 0. iv., 15, 25. 119. Vacuo; agrees with mihi. 121. Secandas — mensas. See n. O. iv., 5, 31. 122. Daplice ;= bifida, split in two. The figs were thus split, laid one upon another, and thus dried and kept. Orelli quotes from Gargallo, the Italian translator, who speaks of the same custom, as now prevailing in Sicily. 123. Culpa — magistra. Descriptive of a temperate feast ; a penalty was imposed upon any one who drank to excess ; hence culpa was, as it were, the magistra convivii, or bibendi. 124. Ita;'=:to sic, which is generally used to express a condition, connected with a prayer or religious cere- mony. Comp. n. 0. i., 3, 1. With surgeret supply, in translation, ul. Ceres was worshipped by libations, with the expectation that she would crown the husbandman's labors with a rich harvest. 125» Explicait. See n. 0. iii., 29, 16. SATIRE III. This Satire was probably elicited from the poet by the reproach, which he began to hear from some quarters, that he was relaxing from his literary labors, content with his present fame, and with the means he had, through the bounty of Maecenas, of living at his ease. In composing the Satire, Horace seems to have aimed in general, to expose the folly of men, in their various tastes and pursuits ; and, at the same time, to ridicule a class of people, doubtless common in Rome, ever since Cicero had made Greek philosophy the mode, who in their dress and air affected the philosopher, and especially the Stoic, and walked about the forum and the streets, talking very large and very loud of wisdom and virtue, and calling all the world fools except their ideal wise man. This two-fold end the poet reaches in a very ingenious manner. Damasippus, u a bankrupt virtuoso," but now a street philoso- pher of approved fashion, breaks in upon the poet at his Sabine farm, whither he had gone to get rid of the noise and confusion of the Saturnalia, and after rating him soundly for his literary inactivity, tells him the story of his conversion to philosophy by one Stertinius. He then details a conversation between Stertinius and himself, illustrative ol 474 NOTES ON THE SATIEES. the Stoic dogma, omnes stultos insanire. The two philosophers sumrr an before them tha various classes of men, and dismiss them, convicted all of mad folly in their several r ur- suits ; on Horace himself at last they pronounce a like sentence ; but all the while they mingle with their wise precepts and decisions so much of absurdity and extravagance, that they clearly give themselves too, a select place in the universal category of fools. Thus Horace retorts upon his critics, with the longest and one of the best of hi3 satires ; in which, delightfully mingling wit and earnestness, passing ever " from grave to gay, from lively to severe," he hits off, in the most polite and good-humored way pos- sible, the folly men are daily exhibiting, as they move about him, in the thronged, busy world of Roman life. 1. Sic, etc. The first sixteen lines to be understood as the words of Damasippus. 2. Membranam; parchment, called also Petgama, because invented at Pergamus. The ancients also had paper, charta, made of the papyrus, the Egyptian reed. On both these they wrote with a calamus or pen, made also of a reed. 2. Retexens. A meta- phorical expression for weaving, which we cannot directly translate ; we say retouch or remodel. 3. Tibi. Depends upon benignus. 5. Saturnalibus. The festival of Saturn, kept up for seven days in De- cember, during which the people gave themselves to feasting, sports, and unrestrained merriment. The modern Carnival, as now celebrated annually at Rome, corresponds in character to the ancient Saturnalia. See Diet. Antiqq. Hue. The poet's Sabine farm. 7. Laborat ; suffers ; i. e. from the vexed poet, who instead of finding fault with his own barren brain, finds fault with the wall of his study, and curses and beats it. 8. Iratis, etc. He facetiously speaks of the wall, as if of a person, on whom at its birth rested the curse of gods and poets. 9. Erat \ i. e. when you left the city. Minantis; of one who threatened. 11. Menandro. The principal writer of the New Comedy of the Greeks. See n. Sat. i., 4, 1. 12. Archilochum. See n. Epod. vi., 13. 17. Donent tonsore. Instead of invoking upon him all manner of blessings, the poet humorously wishes him the kindly services of a barber-, in allusion to the long beard which he wore, in imitation of the Strics. 18. Janum— ad medium. Different from the Janus in O. iv., 15, 9. The name Jani was given to three arched passages on the north side of the Forum, one at each end, and one in the middle. Near these, and especially the last, medium Janum, were the places of busi- ness of bankers and brokers. 21. Quo— acre. Cicero speaks of a Damasippus— the same, probably whom Horace means— who was a con- noisseur and a dealer in statues, and antiques of all sorts. Here the al- lusion seems to be to some foot-bath of Sisyphus, made of Corinthian bronze. Comp. n. Sat. i., 3, 91. Sisyphus was the reputed founder of Corinth. 25. Mcrcnrialc. Mercurius, from mcrx, was with the Ro- mans the god of gain and traffic. But generally, in Horace, he is in- vested with the attributes of the Greek Mercury, i. e. Hermes. 2T. Morbi ; dependent upon purgalum ; see A. & S. § 217, R. i. ; Z. § 446 BOOK II. SATIRE in. 4^5 30. Hie; on its force, see n. Sat. i., 1, 29, hie caupo. 31. Simile; refers to fit pugil. Damasippus suited the action to the word, in describing the pugnacious patient ; hence these words, said in jest, by the poet. Hide ; i. e. mihi or in me ; pointing to himself. Esto is in third person. 33, Uude. See n. O. i., 12, 17. 35. Barbam. See above, n# i. 17, 36, Fabricio. So named from L. Fabricius, its builder. This bridge connected the Insula Tiberina with the opposite side of the river ; with the city on one side, and the Janiculum on the other. It is now called Ponte di quattro Capi. 37. Male re gesta. Refers to his failure in business; as above, 1. 18, 19. 42. Nil— quin— addam. The construction with qui?i, because in nil addam is involved the notion of hindering ; will add not a word to hinder you from, &c. See n. Sat. ii.j 2, 23 ; and Z. § 543. 44. Porticus. The crroa ttoiklKv, at Athens, where Zeno taught the Stoic system of philosophy. On Chrysippus, see, n. Sat. ii., 3,127. 51. Hoc— modo— lit, etc. Hoc points back to velut, and forward to ut, which means so that. The sense is : Just as they all in common miss the true path, in this same way also are you insane, yet so that the man who laughs at you, is no less insane himself 53. Candam trail at. The Roman boys, not unlike boys of later times, played their tricks upon passers-by, for instance, crazy or intoxicated people, by fastening tails upon them, and then fol- lowing them, and having a laugh at the appendage ; whence the meta- phor here. 54. Nihiluui. Adverbial ; nowise. Join with metuenda. 56. Varum ; = oppositum. 60. Fnfins. The name of an actor. In playing the part of Iliona, in the tragedy of that name, by Pacu- vius, he was to feign sleep, and be roused by the call of Catienus, who played the part of Deiphilus ; but he got so sound asleep from intoxi- cation, that not twelve hundred Catieni could wake him up. 65, 66. Esto. Accipe, etc. Conceding what has just been said in 64, 65, he now goes on to show that the creditor too is insanus. 68. Mercu- risis. See above, n. 1. 25. 69, Scribe, etc. He proceeds to say, that a creditor might as well give away his money outright, as lend it, trusting to the security of written bonds, be they ever so various in form. Decern; sc. tabulas or syngraphas, a Nerio : elliptical ; = " quales a Nerio dictari solent debitoribus ;" Orelli. Like those of Nerius. Nerius and Cicuta were money-lenders, who made out their notes in a variety of ways, so as to make sure of their debtor. 70. Catenas ; metaphori- cal for cautiones ; bonds. 72. Malis ; abl. of mala, a jaw ; the sense is : laughing immoderately, as if he were using not his own, but another's jaws, and therefore didn't care if he perilled them. So the debtor makes himself merry over his creditor, who can get nothing out of him. 73. Fiet apcr, etc. Suggested by Proteus, 1. 71, who could trans- form himself into any thing at will. So the debtor resorts to all kinds of expedients to evade his creditor. Comp. Virg. Georg. iv., 407. 476 notes om the satiees. 75. Perilli. The money-lender; thought to be the same as Cicuta above, Cicuta being a nickname. 76. Dictantis ; sc. formulam cautionis ; similar to scribe, 1. 69. The lender would say, on giving the money, scribe cautionem pro, etc. 76. Rescribere ; = solvere, to pay. Scribere, to borrow, because when the money was paid, the fact was written, entered on the banker's book; rescribere, the converse of this, to pay, because the entry was cancelled, on the money being refunded. Com. n. O. iii., 29, 54. 77. Audire, etc. Stertinius now goes on to illustrate the dogma, omnes stultos insanire. See Introd. 83. Anti- cyram — omnem. The whole of Anticyra. Hellebore was a drug pre- scribed for insanity. Horace, in Ars., p. 300, refers to the two places of the name of Anticyra, where this plant grew ; one was in Thessaly, the other in Phocis. 84. Snmmam ; of the property left them. 86. Damnati ; by the terms of the will. 87. Sive ego, etc. To be understood as the words of Staberius. 97. Etiam, et rex, etc. Certainly, this estimate of riches and of the rich man was not quite peculiar to Rome, and the times of Horace ! Comp. n. Sat. i., 1, 61. 100. Aristippus. A disciple of Socrates, and afterwards founder of the Cyrenaic school; he flourished about b. c. 366. 103. Nil agit, etc. He corrects himself for citing Aristippus, because his exam- ple, though opposed to that of Staberius, is not necessarily a good one, and therefore nothing is proved by it. 110. Sacrum ; corap. n. Sat. i., 1, 71. 115. Iiitas ; i. e. in the apotheca. See n. O. iii 8, 11 ; for the rest of the line, see n. O. iii., 19, 5 ; and O. i., 1, 19. 116. Nihil est ; he corrects himself for mentioning so small a number as a thou- sand, as if that were nothing at all. 128 — 133. Tun' sanus, etc. The connection of thought is this : Sane you certainly are not, though you escape notice, merely because avarice is so common. If you were to stone people in the street, or injure slaves that had cost you a great price, all would vote you mad ; but, suppose you make way with a wife or mother privately, by hanging or poison — a thing so common — and not do an open act of murder, as did Orestes, — whatever the world may think, are you in your right mind I 1 137. Quin, etc. Nay more— the comparison is in favor of Orestes ; after that one mad act, we find nothing more in him to blame ; but there is no end to the madness of the miser. 142 — 157. The miser loves his possessions even better than his life. 142. Intus. Literally, within, i. e. his loculi (below 1. 146), coffers, or his chest, area; put away. 143. Veientannm. Proverbially poor and cheap. 144. Campana. Of Campanian earthenware, instead of being, as usual, of gold or silver. 145. Quondam. Once. See n. O. ii., 10, 18. 146. Loculos. See n.Sat. i., 3, 17. 153. Inopcm. Here means feeble; exhausted. 161. Non est, etc. The way is here prepared for the illustration of another form of human folly, viz. ambition. . The answer to Cur, Stoie ? is substan BOOK II. SATIRE III. 477 tially this. Because a man is not avaricious, it does not at once follow that he is sound in mind ; anj~ more than it follows, that a man is sound in body because he has not a disease of the stomach. He may have some other disease ; so, too, a man may be made a fool through some other passion — he may be ambitious. — Craterum. Craterus was a celebrated physician. 166. BaratJirone 1 Barathrum, primarily an abyss, here for any deep place whence any thing can never be recovered ; hence barathro donare = to squander. Applied to an ambitious man, the expression refers to largesses given to the people. The question here asked, is answered in what follows, by the advice given by Oppidius to his two sons. 175. Nonientanum. See n. Sat. i. 1, 102. On Cicuta, see above, on 1. 69. 185. Agrippa. See n. O. i., 6, 5. 1ST. Ke quiSj etc. To illustrate the folly of ambition, the Stoic now summons and examines Agamemnon. Hamasse. See n. 0. i., 1, 4; aud Z. § 590. 192. Ergo. Refers back to permitted. — Consulere, ask a ques- tion, the usual word in asking the advice of a lawyer. 195. Gandeat, etc. The poet adopts here the sentiments of Nestor, in Iliad i., 255. 19T. Mille oviam, etc. Ajax, maddened at the arms of Achilles being given to his rival Ulysses, slaughtered the sheep in the Grecian camp, fancying, in his fury, that he was slaying Ulysses, and the Atridae, who had favored Ulysses. 199. Natam. Iphigenia, who was given up by Agamemnon, to appease the wrath of Diana. According to the story, however, Iphigenia was spared by Diana, and carried from Aulis to Tauris, to be a priestess in her temple. See Class. Diet. 201. Quorsuai; sc. haec spectant? To which the answer, immediately given, is this ; to show that you are really no less insane than Ajax. 205. Naves. The story was, that Diana had sent ad- verse winds, which detained the fleet. 208. Species alias veris. Ideas different from, true ones. Veris is ablative. See Z. § 470; and comp. Epist. i., 16, 20; ii., 1, 240. 211. Desipit; i. e. as you say. 212. Titulos. See n. O. iv., 8, 13. 222. Vitrea. " Dazzling."— Keightley.— Comp. the use of the word, O. i., 17, 20; iv., 2,3. 223. Circunitonuit. In imitation of the Greek e/xfipouTau, strike with thvnder, and thence, strike with frenzy. The priests of Bellona, the goddess of war, were wont to run about the streets, prophesying, and cutting themselves with knives ; this they did on the 24th of March, which was called dies sanguinis.— Cruentis, is neuter abl. depending upon gaudens.—^i. Nunc age, etc. The third of the four forms of human folly, mentioned 1. 29, is now examined. 225. Yincet. See n. Sat. i., 3, 115. 227. Edicit. As if a praetor. 228. Tusci— vici. The Vicus Tuscus led from the S.W. corner of the Forum to the Vela- brum. It was a business quarter of the city, especially for all costly and expensive articles, hence also called Thurarius. Early tradition connected this part of the city with the Etruscans, who lived there and 478 NOTES ON THE SATIEES. there had their shops. The epithet impia is here used, because the quarter was in had repute. "In Tusco vico habitabant lenones, mere- trices" etc. Acron 229. Fartor. A poulterer. See Becker's Gallus, p. 139. Vclabro. The Velabrum was a low district lying between the Capitoline, the Palatine, and the Tiber. Here were shops, especially for the sale of all kinds of delicacies for the table. In its immediate neighborhood was the Forum olitorium, vegetable-market, the Forum boarium, the cattle-market, and the Forum piscarium, the fish-market. Hence here omne macellum. 234. Lncana. See n. Sat. ii., 4, 40. 237. Decies $ sc. centena millia sesterti&m ; a million sesterces. See A. and S. § 347 ; or Diet. Antiqq. under Sestertius. 239. Aesopi. The cebrated tragic actor ; he left an immense fortune. 240. Solidnm. Neuter ace. ; entire ; a million at once. The same story of foolish extravagance is told of Cleopatra. See Pliny, Hist. Nat. ix., 35. 241. Baccara, here means a pearl, though properly a berry. 244. Pravorum. See above, n. 1. 223. Gemellum agrees with par. 246. Creta. Comp. n. O. i., 36, 10.— 247-280. With the form of foUy under discussion, he connects, in these lines, illicit love. 254. Polcmon. An Athenian, who was reclaimed from extreme profligacy tc a virtuous life, by once listening to the teachings of Xenocrates, whose school he entered, after a night of feasting and debauchery, merely to ridicule the philosopher. He afterwards became a distinguished philoso- pher, and was the successor of Xenocrates in the Academy. 255. Fasciolas. Bandages worn around the legs ; worn only by men of feeble health, or effeminate character. — Focalia. A muffler or wrapper ; from fauces. 259. Amator, etc. Horace here imitates a passage in the Eunuchus of Terence, Act. i. sc. 1 ; where Phaedria, fancying himself slighted by Thais, is in hesitation whether to enter her house, and is ex- horted to more resolution by his slave Parmeno. 273. Claudes. A lover counted it a good sign, if he hit the ceiling with the seed of the appk he was eating. 276. Igneni — scrutare. A metaphorical maxim of Pythagoras, by which he meant : do not still further irritate a man who is angry. Modo, inquam, etc. I follow here the punctuation and interpretation of Orelli. Modo means lately, and the poet makes Stertinius adduce the example as one, that was fresh in the mind of his auditor. 277. Hcllade. Apparently the name of a girl, whom he had slain in a fit of jealousy. 281—295. The fourth form of insane folly among men, viz., superstition; illustrated by the case of a freed- man (281-87), and of a mother, (288-295.) 281. Compita. Crossways; at which, by the order of Augustus, statues of the lares were set up ; a pagan usage imitated by the Roman Church, in the images of the Virgin ; so often seen by the road-side, in Catholic countries. 283. Quid tam magnum 1 Some editors read Quiddam magnum addens, and explain Quiddam m. of a vow made at the moment; but there is BOOK n. SATIRE IV. 479 nothing to suggest the idea of a vow, and for such an idea Horace would not have used such obscure language. The idea expressed by quid-magnum ? simply is — it is but a small thing I ask of you. 283. Surpite; for surripite. 285. Litigiosus. Since by selling him for one sound in mind, he would inevitably have involved himself in a lawsuit for a fraudulent contract. 287. Meneni. Probably the name of some well-known crazy person. 289. Cubantis. See n. Sat. i., 9, 18. 290. Illo — die ; Thursday, of which the Roman name was dies Jovis. The poet is generally supposed to refer here to some Jewish or Egyptian fast. This may be the case ; still fasting, as a religious ser- vice, was known both to the Greeks and the Romans. It formed a part of the services at the festival of the Eleusinia, and also of the Thes- mophoria. Livy mentions a fast in honor of Ceres ; in Book xxxvi, 36 ; Jejunium instituendum Cerei esse, etc. The Commentators also cite, in illustration, Tertullian, de Jejunio, 15. 296. Octavus; in humorous allusion to the seven, wise of Greece — Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon, Chilo, Periander, Cleobulus. To the list must now be added, forsooth, Stertinius ! 299. Pendentia tergo. Perhaps in allusion to the fable of Aesop, in which he says that Jupiter has given every man two sacks ; one hanging at his breast, and, of course, readily seen, into which he puts the faults of his neighbors ; the other hanging at his back, into which he puts his own faults. 303. Quid? etc. The sense is: What % you think yourself sane 1 Just as little was Agave aware of her madness, when she carried about the head of her son, whom she had torn in pieces ! The story of Agave was the subject of Euripides' tragedy of the Bacchae. 30S. Aedificas. The poet sportively makes the Stoic represent him as enlarging his Sabine villa, and trying to make it resemble the lordly mansion of Maecenas on the Esquiline. — Longos is meant for a pun. referring both to stature and to rank. 309. Bipedalis. Horace refers to his small stature in Epist. xx. 21 ; corporis cx-ig'ji. 310. Tarbonis. The name of a gladiator. 323. Rabiem. To this too the poet alludes in Epist. i. 20, 25, Irasci celerum, etc. SATIRE IV. In this Satire, Horace makes one Catius go through with a lecture, which he tells the poet he had just the good fortune to hear from some person, whom he declares to be pro- foundly versed in the mysteries of cooking and good living. The lecture, thus reported verbatim — is grave and formal in its air, and tracks the culinary art all through the courses of the Coena ; but is found to contain some precepts good enough, but quite com- mon and trite, mixed up with others which every body sees to be arbitrary, unusual, and indeed, absurd and ridiculous. 480 NOTES ON THE SATIRES. It would seem, that the poet chiefly designed to show up, for the amusement of Maecenas and his friends, a class of vulgar persons, who were very fond of eating and drinking, and who prided themselves upon a minute and critical acquaintance with the kitchens and the tables of people of wealth and fashion. But the Satire has also a wider scope : and that is, to ridicule all who are devoted to the pleasures of the table, and make the gratification of these pleasures the object of study and labor. 2. Ponere signa ; i. e. litteris consignare, to write down. Catius is hurrying home to make a permanent record of the precious precepts he had heard. 3. Anytique ream. Socrates. Melitus was the prin- cipal accuser, and his partners were Anytus and Lycon. 9. Tenues. Nice. -12. (Ms. He begins ab ovo. See n. Sat. i. 3, 6. The coena consisted of 1. The Gustatorium, various dishes designed to stimulate the appetite ; 2. the Fercula, the several courses of fish, flesh, and fowl ; 3. the Mensae Secundae, or dessert. — Catius follows this order in the precepts given. 13. Alba. This is referred by Bently and Orelli to the yolk, by the Scholiasts to the shell, and still again by Fea to the albumen or the white; " non nostrum — tantas componere lites !" 15. Saburbano; i. e. grown in gardens close by the city and the Tiber, which were well watered. 16. Elutius. Elutus means washed off; hence watery, insipid. Dillenburger pronounces this dictum contrary to the judgment of writers on horticulture. 19. Mixto ; i. e. with water ; the opposite of mixtum would be merum. 23. Ante graYcm. Before the sun has grown oppressive ; i. e. early in the day. 24. Forti miscebat, etc. ; in making the mulsum, already mentioned above, in n. Sat. ii. 2, 15. The best was made of old wine, as new was too strong for the purpose. 29. Albo — Coo. The Coan (from the island of Cos), was one of the second-class Greek wines. The epithet given it by Persius lubrica Coa explains the use of it here referred to : Sat. v., 135. 30. Nascentes. This notion, that shell-fish increase in size with the age of the moon, occurs often in ancient writers. 32. Baian.o. See n. 0. ii., 18, 20. — Lucrina. See n. 0. ii., 15, 4. 33. Circeiis. A promontory on the coast of Latium. Misenum was on the Campanian coast, now Cape Miseno, which forms the northern extremi- ty of the beautiful bay of Naples. Juvenal, in Sat. iv., 140, mentions the skill of the epicure-senator, Montanus, in detecting by their flavor the place where oysters were taken : Circeis nata forent, an Lucrinum ad saxum, Rutupinove edita fundo— . 3 J. Pcctinibus ; comi-shellfish (scallops), so called from their resem- blance to a comb. Palulis, from their facility in opening and closing their shell. 37. Avcrtcrc; lit. rally turn off, i.e. get away, in an- ticipation of other purchasers.— Mensa is here the stall where high- BOOK II. SATIRE IV. 481 priced fish are to be had. 38. lgnarum. Agrees with the subject ace. of avertere. Quibas — aptias. For which the sauce is better suited ; i. e. which ought to be served boiled, or stewed. — Qoibas assis *, for which (i. e. for the sake of which) when roasted. Quibus is the dativus commodi. 39. la cnbitam. To his elbow; as they reclined, they leaned upon the left elbow, and took their food with the right band. Here, the guest, having once thrown himself, satiated, into a recumbent posture, is tempted back by the savory dish. 40. Umber, etc. The precepts touch now upon what was called the caput ccenae, the principal dish, the wild boar. The Roman connoisseur could always distinguish by the taste, from what part of Italy it came. The Tuscan and the LTm- brian were the best ; the Lucanian was always in repute ; the Lauren- tian, of inferior quality. Juvenal speaks of the boar being served up entire : totos-apros, animal propter convivia natum ! — Sat. i., 140. — So the precept here, as is manifest from curvat-lances. 44. Fecuadae. The ancients probably had a wrong notion (as Keightley remarks) of the fruitfulness of the hare, as it "has young only once in the year, and goes only a month with young." Comp. with this line, Sat. ii., 8, 89. 48. Satis ; sc. est. 54. Lino Yitiata ; i. e. by being strained through a filter-bag of linen. The better process was to strain it through the colum, a kind of metallic sieve. See Becker's Gallus, p. 377. 55. Surrentina. So named from Surrentum, now Sorrento, which forms the southern extremity of the bay of Naples. The Sur- rentine wine was thin and wholesome, but not rich. Columella gives a rule for improving a wine, by mixing with it the lees of another wine of good quality, in the form of cakes. As the wine was muddied by the mixture, it was then fined, as at the present day, by eggs, which created a deposit of the sediment. This is the process here described, and it is probably familiar to all the readers of the poet. 58. Sqnillis. Shrimps. Cochlea means snail. 59. Lactnca. The Roman meal generally ended with a salad of lettuce, the object of which was to cool the stomach after wine. The precept of Catius here was con- trary to the Roman custom. 61. Immorsns; sc. stomachus. Im- morsus, literally, bitten into, i. e. sharpened, stimulated. He speaks of one. who has already drunk much wine, and, in order to drink more, needs to be stimulated by ham (perna) and sausages (liillis). — Reficit ; i. e. advina. — Others (and among them Dillenburger) read in morsas ; but it is drinking, and not eating, which is spoken of. — Omnia malit ; i. e. rather than the lactuca, and similar things. 65. Maria; brine, or pickle. Catius recommends the pickle, made from the tunny-fish (thynni), which were caught at Byzantium, as that was in high repute It gave a strong smell to the jar ; hence putuit orca. 67. Hoe, etc. Catius now goes into the details of the mixed sauce, having just de- scribed the simple. 68. Corycio. Of Mt. Corycus, in Cilicia. 21 482 NOTES ON THE SATIRES. TO. Picenis, etc. Catius touches now upon the dessert ; see above n. 1.12. 71. Venncnla. The origin of the name of this species of grape, which was best suited for preserving, is unknown. 73. Hanc ego, etc. ; banc, sc. Albanam uvam. Ego is repeated to give point to the pompous, boastful manner of the professor, who is laying claim to these great inventions in the culinary art. — Faecem, lees of wine; in Sat. ii., 8, 9, we have faecula coa. They were reduced by boiling to a sort of jam, or jelly. — Allec; "a kind of caviare. It corresponded at the Roman table to our anchovies." — Keightlcy. 76. Imniane, etc. The lecture concludes with some precepts of a miscellaneous character. 76. Millia tcrna; sc. sestertium, sesterces, as above Sat. ii., 3, 237. 79. Fnrta lignrit. The slave steals some of the sauce from the dish, and then Avith his dirty hands gives a cup to one of the guests. 80. Craterae. The cratera was the large vessel, in which the wine was mixed with water, and from which the cups were filled. 84 f To- ralia ; hangings, valences, on the tori, couches ; they hung down to the floor, covering the lower part of the tori. See Becker's Gallus. p. 367. 88. Doctc Cati, etc. The poet, having heard out the lecture, in an amusingly formal air, begs the favor of an introduction to the learned professor ; not content with drinking at the streams of such wondrous science, he longs to get access to the fountain-head. SATIRE Y. Horace here satirizes a class of persons, which was but the natural offspring of a state of society, in which riches were practically considered the chief good of life, and poverty not only an evil but a positive reproach. That such was the prevailing senti- ment in Roman society in the time of Horace, we may gather from numerous passages in the poet's writings, and especially from those significant lines in the Third Satire of thin book : Omnis enim res, Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulchris Divitiis parent : and from the passage in the Twenty-fourth Ode of Book Third : Magnum pauperis opprobrium jubet Quidvis et facere et pati, Virtutisque viam deserit arduae. Hence all men were striving to be rich ; and in the general struggle, there sprung up a class of people who sought to reach the wished-for end, by courting the favor of wealthy persons, who had no children or near relations, in the hope of being made their heirs. These people were known by the name of Heredipetae, legacy-hunters; their easiest victims were rich old men, who had sprung from a low origin, and were flattered by at- BOOK II. SATIRE Y. 483 tentions and professions of esteem and love. They descended to the meanest artifices, and shrunk not from crime and infamy, in order to effect their purpose ; and their busi- ness of legacy-hunting had become a regular trade. This is the class of persons whom Horace here satirizes. The following description of the method which the poet adopted, I quote from Keightley. The Satire, abounding in irony, may, as Grotefend says, be regarded as a kind of travesty, from its transferring the manners of the times of Augustus to the heroic age. In the Eleventh Book of the Odyssey (v., 99 seq.), the seer Tiresias gives Ulysses a prophetic narrative of what was to befall him, in which he tells him that on reaching home, he would find all in confusion there, and his whole substance eaten up by the suitors of his wife, whom, however, he would put to death. Our poet then makes Ulysses put the natural question to Tiresias, how, now that he had lost every thing he was bringing from Troy and elsewhere, and, as he says, he should find all gone at home, he was to get the means of living? and Tiresias then tells him to turn legacy-hunter, and instructs him in the necessary arts. 1# Praeter narrata* See the Introd., the last paragraph. 7. Apotheca. See n. O. iii., 8, 11. 9. Missis ambagibus. Join with pauperiem — horres, in which two words Tiresias sums up all that Ulys- ses had just said. 13. Houores. This expression Horace has in the same sense, in 0. i., 17, 16. - — 14. Ante Lareni. It was customary to make an offering of the first-fruits to the lares of the family. Here they are presented, by preference, to the rich man, whose favor is sought. 15. Sine gente. Comp. n. Sat. 1., 6, 10. 17. Comes ex- terior. Literally, outside companion ; i. e. to take the outside, when in company with him ; a mark of respect shown any one, a lady, or a su- perior, just as we give to such the inside walk, or the place next the wall. 18. Ftne, etc. A form of question, expressive of indignation. To fully explain, we may supply e. g. num fieri potest. See Z. elf with renewed ardor to the cultivation of lyric poetry. The poet declares, in reply that, with advancing years, he has lost his taste for the sportive effusions of the Lyric Muse, and is now absorbed in the studies of philosophy (1-12). He then proceeds, — dis- claiming, at the same time, all allegiance to sect, and waiving all pretensions to the high- est attainments in philosophy (13-40), to set forth and inculcate some of his favorite doc- trines of practical wisdom. He teaches that virtue is far better than money, that a good conscience and a contented, independent mind are superior to all worldly goods (41-69) ; and he contrasts these teachings with the opinions and conduct of the multitude, which he shows to be various, uncertain, and inconsistent (70-end). 1. Prima — sunima. First — latest; i. e. always a Avorthy therue for my muse, from the beginning to the very close of my life as a poet. 2. Donatuni — rude. Horace compares himself with a gladiator who had gained an honorable discharge. In token of such discharge, a gladiator was always presented with a rudis, a staff, or foil. 3. Ludo. School; i. e. of gladiators. 6. Ne populnm, etc. A discharged gladiator was sometimes won back to the amphitheatre by prospects of high pay ; he then ran the same risks as an ordinary gladiator, and, if worsted in fight, was at the mercy of the populace. When appealed to, the populace turned up their thumbs {vertere pollicem) as a sign, that the gladiator should be spared, and turned them down (premere) as a sign that he should be put to death. 9. Ilia ducat ; literally, draw his flanks, an action in horses indicative of difficult breathing ; become broken-winded. So Virgil, Georg. 3, in describing the diseases of horses, says, imaque longo Ilia singultn tendunt. 11. Omnis in hoc. Comp. Sat. i., 9, 2. 13. Lare; here, by metonymy, for domus; on domus, see n. 0. i., 29, 14. 14. Addictus, etc. The poet goes back to the image of a gladiator. Addictus, used primarily of an insolvent debtor given over to his creditor, was also used of a person who became a gladiator for hire, because he was bound to the master of the school in which he was trained. Such a person also took an oath of allegiance to his master on entering his service. See Diet. Antiqq. under Next, and Gladiatores* 16. Nunc, etc. Preserving the image drawn from the sea, which is first used in the preceding line, the poet proceeds to describe himself pleasantly as a kind of Eclectic in philosophy, now studying the Stoics and now the Epicureans. Agilis. The Stoics taught their disciples to mingle actively in public affairs. 18. 496 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. Aristippi. See n. Sat. ii. 2, 100. 21. Opus dciocntibiis ; i, e. as hired servants. 27. Restat, etc. It remains for me, &c. ; i. e. with such feelings and views, it is my business to put to personal and prac- tical application the elementary principles of philosophy, and the time I devote to other things seems to be wasted and lost. Mis ; refers to what follows. 28. Lynceus ; who, according to fable, was <$o sharp-sighted as to be able to see through the earth. The poet first sets forth two examples (28-31), and then states the general principle (1. 32). — — 30. Ulyconis ; an athlete, of the poet's time. 33. Cupidine. On the gender, see n. O. ii., 16, 15. 34. Verba— YOces; the former refers to the formulas of incantation, the latter to the tones of music, vocal or instrumental; both are here ised figuratively for the precepts of true wisdom. 36. Piacnla ; here means remedies ; the transition from its primary meaning expiatory sacrifices is explained by the fact, that diseases were referred to the anger of the gods, who had to be appeased and propitiated, before the diseases were removed. Here, too, the remedies are the teachings of wise men, as is manifest from the next line. 37. Ter ; the favorite numeral with the ancients, to denote repetition, indefinite number ; especially in all solemn rites. Comp. 0. i., 28, 36; iii., 3, 65; iii., 22, 3; Carm. Sec. 23; Sat. ii., 1, 7. 43. Repnlsam. See n. O. iii., 2, 17. 45. Ad Indos ; hyperbolice ; "usque ad terras remotissimas." — Orelli. 47. Ne cures. Ne, that not, seems here to express a consequence, for which we ordinarily find ut non. So that you may not care for. Comp. Arn. Pr. Intr. 77 ; Z. § 532. 50. Coronari— Olympia. Olympia is in the ace, in imita- tion of the Greek ffrc sestertius a coin), was the legal pecuniary qualification for admission to the equestrian order. The sum was circa $15,000. 59. Ln- dentes, = in suis ludis, in their sports; i. e. the boys choose their rex or leader, on the ground of character. Comp. n. O. i., 36, 8. 62. Roscia. See n. Epod. iv., 16. 64. Cariis et Camillis; see notes O. BOOK 1. EPISTLE II. 497 i., 12, 41 and 42. 65. Qui, sc. suadet ; ut is omitted, according to A. & S. § 262. R. 4. — Rem means here money. 67. Pupi. The name of some tragic writer or actor. 69i Praesens; the Avord involves, besides mere presence, the idea of constant readiness to do one a ser- vice; who is ever at your side to exhort, &c. 73. Oliin. See n. Sat. ii., 6, 79. 78. Yiduas. See Introd. to Sat. ii., 5. 79. Excipiant, etc. Comp. Sat. ii., 5, 44. 80. Foenore. See n. Sat. i., 2, 14. — - 83. Baiis. See n. 0. ii., 18, 20. 84. Sentit. See n. 0. ii., 18, 21. — — 86. Tcanum, a town in Campania ; here in contrast with Baiae, aa it was in the interior. 89. Solis. See n. Sat. i., 1, 19. 92. Con- dncto. For variety's sake, the poor man hires a boat and makes an ex- cursion, but he gets weary of it, just as much as the rich man, who sails in his own trireme. 94. Tonsore. On the abl. see n. 0. i., 6, 2. 95. Pexae ; literally combed, but here means with the wool or nap on, still new. 96. Dissidct impar. Sits uneven. Comp. n. Sat. i., 3, 31. 99. Ordine. Usually with the abl. after compounds of di or dis, a or ab is expressed. See A. & S. § 224, R. 3. 101. Solennia ; = solen- niter, after the common fashion, like all other people ; i. e. you attach much less importance to these faults of character, than those irregulari- ties of personal appearance. 106. Sapiens, etc. The poet is in earnest in insisting upon the pursuit of what is truly wise ; but to give the epistle a pleasant turn at the end, he has another hit at the wise man of the Stoics. Comp. n. Sat. i., 3, 124. Pitnita, a cold in the head, with its usual inconveniences. Your wise man, with all his boasted independence of disease, must fain yield to these evils ! EPISTLE II. Lollius, to whom this Epistle is addressed, was the eldest son of the person of that name, to whom Horace wrote the Ninth Ode of the Fourth Book. The young Lollius, now about seventeen years of age, was pursuing his studies at Rome, in preparation for the offices of public life, and Horace, interested in the welfare of one who was a youth of talent and promise, and the son of a personal friend, writes to him from his quiet retreat at Praeneste, and seeks in a strain of paternal counsel, to turn him to the early study and practice of wisdom and virtue. He first sets before the young man the practical moral lessons which are taught by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey ; and then, in a tone at once familiar and earnest, inculcates some of those golden precepts, whose jbservance is necessary to the formation of right character, and to the conduct of a useful and happy life. 1. Maximc, sc. natu. 2. Dcclamas. It was needful to the young Roman who aspired to civil honors, to make himself a public speaker ; hence the study of elocution was an indispensable part of his education. 498 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. —On the tense of this verb, comp. n. 0. i., 22, 10. Praeneste. See n. 0. iii., 4, 22, 4. 4. Chrysippo. See n. Sat. L, 3, 127. Crantor was a philosopher of the Academic school, the head of which was Plato. 7. Barbariae, sc. terrae ; here used for Phrygia. The Greeks used the word corresponding to barbaria for a foreign country. 10. Ut salvus, etc. ; that is, that he will not consent to the restoration of Helen ; in persisting in this purpose he perilled his own rank and per- sonal happiness. Regnet must refer to the rank and station of Paris as a prince. 11. Lites. The quarrel that grew out of the seizure of Briseis. See n. 0. ii., 3, 4. 14. Plcetuntur. Comp. n. 0. i., 28, 27. 19. This line and the following one are a free translation of the opening of the Odyssey. Comp. Ars. P. 141. 23. Sirenum— Circae. The Sirens of the Odyssey, who charmed by their melodious voices the passing mariner, and Circe, who by her magic cup, turned men to beasts, Horace here teaches were meant by Homer as illustra- tions of the seductive and degrading influence of sensual pleasures. 27. Nos numems summus. Nos is here = maxima pars hominum, exactly as in English the pronoun we is often often used for people in general, the world, &c. Comp. the same use of nos in Sat. L, 3, 55. Numerus, like the Greek dpi^fios, means those who have only a numeri- cal value, people of worthless character; mere ciphers. — The sense of the passage is this : as Homer's Ulysses is a rare example of temper- ance and wisdom, so the worthless suitors of Penelope, and the young men of Alcinous, i. e. the sensual Phaeacians, are illustrations of the generality of men. 29. Plus aequo. See n. O. i., 33, 1. 31. Cessatuiu ducere curam. Cessatum is a supine, depending upon ducere ; and the whole expression is poetic for — " citharae cantu omnem curam abigere," (Orelli) to lull care to rest. 34. Noles, sc. currere, which in this line is meant for vigorous exercise. The poet teaches in the pas- sage, that, in regard to both health and to character, men learn by sad experience the necessity of care and discipline. 39. Est ; from edo; see A. & S. § 181. 44. Beata. Rich; see n. O. i., 29, 1. Pueris, dat. does not depend upon beata. 47. Non domus, etc. Comp. the passage 0. ii. 16, 9. 54. Vas. Here metaphorical for the mind. 56. Semper— eget. Comp. O. iii., 24, 64. 59. Irae. See Am. Pr. Intr. 220. 61. Fcstinat, = festinat exigere, or festi- nanter exigit ; comp. n. O. i., 16, 21. Odio is dat. 69. Quo semel, etc. Osborne aptly compares the lines of Moors : " You may break, you may ruin the vase, if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still." BOOK I. EPISTLE III. 499 EPISTLE III. This is a friendly epistle to Julius Florus, who, as we gather from the testimony of Horace himself, was a young man of talents and cultivation, and not without some merit as a poet. The Epistle furnishes a pleasing proof of the established position which Horace now held at Rome as a poet and a man of letters, and of the kind of paternal in- terest which he cherished in all young men who were aspiring to literary excellence. Julius Florus was now attached to the suite of Tiberius Claudius Nero, the step-son of Augustus, and afterwards successor to his imperial honors ; who had been dispatched with an army to the east to place Tigranes on the throne of Armenia, and to settle the af- fairs of that kingdom. Horace makes inquiries concerning the present occupation of Tiberius and his com- mand, and of Florus himself (1-25), and then exhorts Florus to the study of philosophy (25-29). and to a full reconciliation with Munatius (30-35). 3. Thraca. The Greek form, instead of Thracia. Tiberius' route to Armenia was through. Macedonia and Thrace, across the Hellespont (1. 4b.freta), and through Asia Minor (1. 5. Asiae). 4. Turres. Two towers, one at Sestos, the other at Abydos on the opposite shores of the Hellespont. 6. Studiosa. In early life, Tiberius was fond of literary pursuits, and at this time had in his train several literary men. Skb- diosa thus means learned. — Operum depends upon quid. 9. Quid, bc. struit. Of Titius nothing certain is known. He was one of the party, and, as is apparent from the passage, was a poet. 10. Piudarici fo litis. Metaphorical for the loftiest lyric poetry ; in contrast with which, lacus-apertos represents lyric poetry of an ordinary kind. It is a pleasant hit — without, however, any purpose of disparagement — at the adventurous spirit of the young poet. — Expalluit is poetic for extimes- cuit. 14. Desaevit — ampnllatur. Humorous words, to designate the passionate, and the grand, tone of tragedy. On ampullatur, comp. Ars. P. 97. 15. Mihit An instance of what is called the dativus ethicus. We may translate : what is my Celsus doing 1 See Z. <) 408. 17, Palatums. See Intr. to 0. i., 31. 19. Plumas. An allusion to the fable of the jackdaw shining in the plumes of the peacock. See Phae- drus, i., 3. 23. Civica. See n. O. ii., 1, 1. 26. Frigida cnrarnni fomenta; cold remedies for care; such as ambition, riches, which may help to relieve worldly anxiety, but yet tend of themselves to make the heart cold and empty ; hence called frigida. 27. Coelestis sapicntia* " Socrates autem primus philosophiam devocavit e coelo, et in urbibus collo- cavit. et in domos etiam inlroduxit, et coegit de vita et moribus. rebusque bonis et mails quaerere." Cic. TusC. v., 10. 30. Carae, sc. sit tantae. 31. Mnnatins. Who this was is not known ; it is conjectured, a son of the Munatius, who is addressed in Ode Seventh of Book First. • 36. Votiva. Comp. the passages, O. iv. 2, 55 ; i., 36, 2. 500 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. EPISTLE IV. An Epistle addressed to a brother poet, Albius Tibullus, at the time at his villa ut Pedum. Horace compliments him on his poetic gifts and attainments, on his good health, and his fortunate social position, and exhorts him not to be disturbed by cares and fears, but to live a quiet and cheerful life. 2. Pcdana. Pedum was on the road from Tibur to Praeneste. — — 3* Cassi Parmensis. A different person from the Cassius, satirized in Sat. i., 10, 61. This one had served in the army of Brutus and Cassius, and afterwards of Sextus Pompeius. Like Tibullus, he wrote elegies. 6. Noil— eras. Never were. The imperf. denotes continuance ; i. e. during all the time I have known you, down to the present moment. \'h. Omnem credc, etc. Comp. similar expressions of this senti- ment, in O. i., 9, 13; iii., 29,43; iv., 7, 17. 15. Me pingnem, etc. Horace pleasantly describes himself as such an Epicurean as the Stoics were fond of describing, and such a one, too, as many persons doubtless were ; one who made the chief good to consist merely in sensual pleasure ; but his own Epicureanism was a quiet, cheerful enjoyment of life, together with an ascendency over base and corroding desires. Tibullus, and every one else who knew Horace and his manner of life, at once appreciated the jesting tone of these two concluding lines of the Episth? EPISTLE V. An Epistle to Torquatus, the same friend of the poet, to whom is inscribed the Seventh Ode of Book First. Horace invites his friend to join him, on the eve of the birth-day of Augustus, at his frugal table, and bids him put aside the anxious cares of life, and give himself up to cheerful discourse, and all the gay and inspiring influences of the festive hour. This is one of those lighter pieces of Horace, which seem to bring us into the presence of the poet in his own home, and show us how he loved there to gather about him his friends, and with such cheer as his house might afford, share with them the delights of social converse. 1. Archiacis. So named from Archias, the maker of them ; probably simple, though tasteful, suited to men of moderate means. 3. Su- premo—sole. Supremo — ad occasum vergente ; at sunset. 4. Tauro. T. Statilius Taurus was consul the second time, a. u. c. 728. If the ode was written, as is generally supposed, a. u. c. 734, the wint would be five or six years old. Comp. n. 0. iii., 8, 12. Diffusa ; i. 6. BOOK I. EPISTLE VI. 501 into the amphorae. See n. 0. i., 20, 3. 5. Mintnrnas. See n. 0. iii., 17, 7. Petrinus was the name of a hill near Sinuessa ; it is now called Rocca di Monti Ragoni. 6. Imperinm fer ; submit to my authority ; i. e. as the host, master of the feast. 7. Splendet. This refers to the polishing of the lares in the atrium. See n. Epod. ii., 66. It does not refer to the fire, as is plain from aestivam in 1. 11. 9. Most hi. A celebrated rhetorician, then accused of poisoning, and defended by Torquatus.— Porphyrion. 11, Aestivam. Augustus' birth-day was the 23rd of September; so that strictly it was not a summer's night; but aestiva is used because the night was of about the same k ngth as in summer. 12. Quo; sc. " datam esse credam." Dillenb. 14. Assidet ; poetic for similis est, resembles; literally, sits near to. 15* Comp. the sentiment, 0. ii., 7, 26; iv., 12, 28. 20. Panpertate. Comp. 0. i., 18, 5. 22. Toral. See n. Sat. ii., 4, 84. 26. Butram, etc. Of the persons here named, we have no knowledge. 28. IJmMs. See n. Sat. ii., 8, 22. 30. Quotus ; = quot comites. 31. Postico. By the bach-door. A happy end to the Epistle. He tells his friend to dodge his clients who are waiting for him in the atrium, by making his exit at the back-door. EPISTLE VI. The sole means of securing a happy life is a dispassionate frame of mind (1, 2), free from the disturbing influence, alike of joy and of grief, of desire and of fear (3-14). Even virtue itself is not to be pursued beyond just and reasonable limits (15, 16). What folly, then, with passionate eagerness, to strive for gold, fame, worldly goods, all frail and perishable (16-27) ! As when in ill health, you seek the means of recovery, so, if you will live aright, us? earnestly the true means (28, 29) ; if the true means of right living be virtue, then vigorously cultivate virtue (30) ; if you think virtue an empty word, then go, find the chief good in riches (31-48), or in honors (49-55), or in luxurious living (56-64), or in love (65, 66). These are my sentiments ; use them, if you have no better, if you have, impart yours to me (67, 68). Thus in the mingled tone of a philosopher and a poet, and in the discursive style of en epistle, Horace exhorts Numicius to the rational, even-tempered pursuit of a virtuous life. Of this Numicius we have no definite knowledge. 1. Nil admirari; to regard nothing with passion; it is the Greek |47?8ej/ &avfid£€iv, the aSrav/jLaarla of Democritus, the aird^eia of the Stoics, the drapa^ia of the Epicureans. 2, Possit. See A. & S. § 264, 10. 4. Momentis. Laics of motion. 5. Quid censes, etc. On the construction, see Z. § 769. 7. Dona ; the civil honors. Quinlis = Quiritium, populi. 17. I mme, etc. He argues from the greater to the less ; see Introduction. The form of address is ironical, 502 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. and as familiar in English as in Latin. Aera. Bronzes ; vases of Corinthian bronze. 21. Dotalibns ; received, as a dowry, with his wife ; i. e. that Mutus, who has married a rich wife, may not have broader lands than you. 26. Portions Agrippae. An extensive public prome- nade, covered with a roof, and supported by columns, and adorned with paintings ; it was built by Agrippa. Via Appi. See n. Sat. i. ; 5, 6. 28. Si latns, etc. See Introd. 30. Yirtns. By some commentators this means a special virtue, that which consists in nil admirari, calmness of mind. But as no such limitation is expressed, it must necessarily be taken in its general sense — virtue. So also in the next line, virtulem. 31. Verba. Dillenburger aptly quotes Schiller : " Und die Tugend, sie ist kein leerer Schall." 32. Lncnm Ugiifr; = nihil esse nisiligna; that a sacred grove is a mere collection of trees, only so much wood. 32. Occupet. Reach before you. Comp. Livy, i., 14, bellum facere occu- pant; i.e. prius faciunt. 33. Cibyratica, Of Cibyra, a town in Phrygia, where iron was manufactured in large quantities. On Bithyna,. see O. i., 35, 7. 34. Rotnndentur; be rounded; i.e. the round sum of a thousand talents be made. 35. Quae — qnadret ; i. e. a fourth part or thousand. 36. Scilicet. Forsooth! 38. Suadela. The Gr. IIe<&, goddess of persuasion. 39. Rex. The then king of Cappadocia was Archelaus; of his predecessor Ariobarzanes, Cicero wrote ad Ait. vi., 1 ; Nihil illo regno spoliatins nihil rege egentius. Cappa- docia furnished Rome with many slaves. 40. Lucullus. The con- queror of Mithridates, and immensely rich. 49. Species et gratia. Show and popular favor. See Introd. 50. Servnm, etc. The slave, called nomenclator, whose duty it was, as he accompanied his master, to mention the names of people, that passed, so that the master might recognize and address them. 51. Trans pondera. A very obscure expression. Orelli explains it as the weights on the counter of a trades- man's shop or stall, across which the master stretched his hands for a friendly salutation. 52. Fabia — Velia. Names of two of the tribes. 61. Crndi— lavemur. Comp. Juv. i., 142 : " Poena tamen praesens, cum tu deponis amictus Turgidus, et crudum pavonem in balnea portas." 62. Caerite cera. Cera = cereis tabulis, the waxen tablets, on which were registered the names of citizens. The inhabitants of the Etru- rian town of Caere, were in early times made Roman citizens, but with- out the jus suffragil. Afterwards the name Caerites included all citi- zens who, from any cause, had lost the jus snffragii. 63. Rcmiginm. See n. Epist. i., 2, 23. 65. Miiuncrmns. An elegiac poet of Colophon, who lived in the time of Solon. BOOK I. EPISTLE VLT. 503 EPISTLE VIL This Epis'Te illustrates the independent bearing, which Horace observed in his rela- tions with Maecenas. It appears that Horace, in the summer, at the beginning of August, had left Rome to spend a few days in the country, and, contrary to his parting promise to Maecenas, who could ill bear the loss of his society, remained at his villa through the whole month. Moreover, constrained by considerations of health, he intended to pass the coming winter months at the sea-shore, and to return to Rome early in Spring. Under these circum- stances, he writes to Maecenas the present Epistle ; in which, witn a manly frankness, and yet with the sincerity and delicacy of grateful friendship, he at once excuses hia absence, and insists upon consulting his own private tastes and wishes. He is profoundly thankful for the generous bounty of Maecenas, but prices his personal freedom far more than even the wealth of Arabia ; rather than part with that cherished sense of freedom, he would cheerfully resign his Sabine farm, and all the other gifts of his patron ; senti- ments which he pleasantly illustrates by fable and storv. 1. Quinqne. For an indefinite number, like our " two or three." 2. Sextilcni. The sixth month, changed u. c. 746, in honor of Augustus, to August. 5. Ficus prima. The ripening of figs was in August and September, the season of the sickly south winds. Comp. n. O. iii., 23, 8 ; Sat. ii., 6, 19. 6. Designatorem. The undertaker at a funeral whose attendants are here called lictors ; so Cic. de Leg. ii., 24, 61 ; dominusqyie fwneris utatur accenso atque lictoribus. 9. Resignat, breaks the seal of, opens. 10. Nives. See n. O. i., 9, 4. 11. Ad mare. To some place on the coast, perhaps Tarentum ; or Baiae. 12. Contractus, perhaps retired ; away from the noise of the city ; op- posed to distractus. 13. Zcphyrus, same wind as Favonius,s&Q n. O. i., 4, 1; which, in Italy, begins to blow early in Spring. 14. Calaber. Calabria abounded in pears, apples, &c. It would seem from the story, that the Calabrians were rather vulgar in their hospitality. 16. Benigne. A polite form of refusal, when a thing was pressed upon one; as with us, "you are very kind." So below, 62. 21. Haec seges, etc.; a field sown thus; i.e. if you give in this way, the people you give to wili feel themselves under no obligation. 22. Paratus. See Am. Pr. Intr. 149 ; Z. () 612. 21. Pro laude merentis, merentis = bene merentis; literally in proportion to the praise of you who deserve; — in proportion to your merits. 25 — 28. The sense of these lines is : if you would have me always stay at Rome, you must make me again just as I once was, in my youth. My present age and feeble health require a different mode of life. 26. Angnsta fronte. See n. 0. i., 33, 5; Comp. Horace's description of his person in Epist. i., 20. 24. 35. SoDinum plcbis, which is sound, because disturbed by no effects of luxurious living. 36. Divitiis. Comp. n. O. i., 29, 1; 504 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. and. for the construction, n. O. i., 16, 25. 38. Audisti. See n. Sat. ii., 6, 20. 40. To illustrate his readiness to part with all that he has received from Maecenas rather than give up his freedom, he tells a story of Telemachus and Menelaus (40-45), and of Philippus and Vulteius Mena (46 — end). As Telemachus and Vulteius each preferred what was best suited to them, so did he. 45. Vacuum Tiber; i. e. free of hustle and business, quiet ; comp. Epist. ii., 2,81; and, in illustration of the poet's attachment to the places mentioned in the line, 0. ii., 6, 5-12 ; iii.. 4, 23. 48. Carinas. The name of a fashionable street on a part of the Esquiline. " As the edge of the hill makes a circuit from the Subura to the Coliseum, this (fact) may have given origin to the name, as resembling the keel of a ship." Keightley. 50. Umbra. Refers to the awning in front of the shop, the shaded shop. Vacua; the barber's shop in Rome was the place for loungers ; comp. n. Sat. i., 7, 3. Just now it is empty ; and the leisure air of this man, as he sits there cutting his nails, attracts the attention of Philippus. 57. Loco. See n. O. iv., 12, 28. 61. Non sane, not really, = vix, scarcely. He cannot credit the fact, that he is invited to the house of a great man like Philippus. 62. Benigne. See above, n. 1. 16. 66. Occnpat. See n. Sat. i., 9, 6. 67. Excnsare. Alleged in excuse. 68. Qnod non — venisset. For not having come. As excusare is here the histori- cal infinitive, = excusavit, the subj. is explained by A. & S. § 266, 3. 69. Proiidisset enm. Seen him beforehand. 72. Dicenda ta- eenda. Like the Greek £tjtoi na\ 'appajra, things worthy of mention, and things unworthy. So Virg. Aen. ix., 595, digna atque indigna relatu. 74. Piscis; sc. ut (like) a fish. 76. Indictis— Latinis, feriis. The Latinae feriae was a holiday season of very ancient origin ; first celebrated by the ancient Latins, then converted into a Roman festival by the last Tarquin, and ever afterwards annually observed. They were called indictae, because the particular time for the celebration was every year appointed by the magistrates. See Diet. Antiqq., under Feriae. 80. Mutua. As a loan. 85. Immoritur stndiis. Studiis is dative; dies at, or over, his labors. " Works' himself to death." Osborne. 87. Spem mentita. See n. O. iii., 1, 30. 94. Qnod. i. e. propter quod, the Gr. '6 for Si6ti. Genium. See n. O. iii.. 17, 14. EPISTLE VIII. A friendly Epistle to Celsus Albinovanus, already alluded to in Epistle Third of this Book, as one of the suite of Tiberius, when that prince made his expedition to Armenia. The poet begins with the usual salutation, and then goes on to describe his own BOOK I. EPISTLE IX. 505 present ill state of body and mind, and concludes with a word of admonition to Celsua, on the wise use of his good fortune. Compare Introduction to Epistle Third. 1. Gaudcre et bene rein gerere, the Greek x a ' l P* iV Ka ^ e&rp&rretr. 3. jlulta — nimanteiii ; projecting many and glorious things ; i. e. plans of writing- and study. 5. Yites. Comp. O. iii., 1, 29. 10. Cur — propereot. See n. 0. i., 33, 3. 14. Juveni. "Tiberius, who was then twenty-two years old." Dillenb. 16. Instillare; so Juvenal, Sat. iii., 110: quum facilem stillavit in aurem. 17. Nosj i. e. I and the rest of your friends. EPISTLE IX. This is a letter of introduction, in which Horace commends his friend Septimius (see O. ii., 6) to the favorable regards of the young prince Tiberius. With a rare skill and tact the poet faithfully discharges his duty to his friend, while he avoids all appearance of presuming upon his own influence with Tiberius. The piece may be justly regarded as a model of this kind of composition. 1. Ximirum. Assuredly ; in a pleasant tone of irony. 3. Scilicet. Also ironical. Forsooth I As if I had any influence ! 4. Legentis honesta. Who selects (only) what is honorable; i. e. has only men of high character about his person. Of Tiberius in his youth, Tacitus says (Ann. vL, 51) : " Egregius vita famaque, quoad privatus vet in imperio sub Augusto fuerat. 8. Mea 5 i. e. my influence with you. 11. Frontis urbanae. Frons, the brow, from its betraying any affection of the mind, comes to be used for any such affection itself; hers, as shown in next line, for pudor. But its connection w'.th urbanae gives it an opposite sense, viz. modest assurance, boldness ; urbanae, of one versed in the arts of city life, of a man, of the world. 13. Gregis ; company or coterie of friends. EPISTLE X. In this Epistle, addressed to Aristius Fuscus (see O. ii., 22), Horace expresses his hearty love of the country, and recommends his friend to keep aloof from the ambitious strifes of city life, and wisely seek for peace and independence in contentment and mode- rate desires. 5. Annuimns $ assent to ; the object being quidquid. Annuimus = pro- bamus nuta, there being a sportive allusion to the billing of doves. Comp. Sail. Cat. xx. : nam idem telle atqus nolle, ca demum firma amicitia 22 506 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. est; and Cic. de Am. vi. : Est autem amicitia nihil ahud, nisi omnium divinarum humanarumque rerum summa consensio. Yetnli; sc. ut or some such particle of comparison. 6. Nidnm. Keeping up the com- parison of the doves. 7. Masco circnmlita. Clothed around with moss, i. e. moss-grown. 8. Simnl ; = simulac, as soon as. 9. Fertis ; means, as well as the other reading, extol. So Sail. Cat. liii. ; ad coelum ferunt. 10. Liba* Sweet cakes, used as offering to the gods, and then given, as food, by the priests to their slaves. The slaves would naturally soon be cloyed with the dainty diet, and long for bread. 16. Caiiis Leonis. See n. i., 17, 17; in., 29, 19. 19. Lapillis. Mosaic floors, of Numidian marble ; see n. O. ii., 18, 3. 20. Plnm- bnm. The leaden pipes of the aqueducts in the city. Outside the city, the aqueducts, in their whole course, were generally made of brick. 21. Silva. The trees planted in the impluvium of a Roman house. See n. O. iii., 10. He urges, that men thus love to make the city re- semble the country as much as possible, by making a rus in urbe. 26. Contendere eallidns ; skilfully to compare, and therefore mistakes the purple of Aquinum for the genuine Tyrian. 30. Pins nimio. See n. O. i., 33, 1. 40. Improbns, immoderate in his desires; as in O. iii., 24, 62. 42. Olim. Sometimes; see n. O. ii., 10, 17. 49. Dic- tabam. The past tense, because, in writing a letter, a Latin writer has in view the time when the letter reaches the person addressed. See Z. § 503. Vacnnae ; the goddess of rural leisure, worshipped by the Sabines ; the poet seems, either in jest or in earnest, to use the word as a derivative of vacare. At the present day, in the neighborhood of the site of the poet's farm, are still standing some walls, bearing an in- scription, which show them to have belonged to a temple of Victory, repaired by the emperor Vespasian. It is probable, that this temple was fornr 3rly the Fanum Vacnnae. EPISTLE XL The sentiments of this Epistle resemble those expressed in several of the poet'a Odes; e.g. O. i., 16; iii., 1; i.,7. Horace remonstrates with one of his friends, who had wandered away to foreign lands, in quest of peace of mind. He tells him that no mere change of place and scene can change one's temper and character; that an even, contented mind is any where and every where a source of sure and lasting happiness. The Epistle is a sensible chapter on travelling, and may be read with profit by many a modern Bullatius. 1. CMOS; in the Aegean sea ; see n. O. iii., 19,5. Nota, for its wine; also its poets, see n. 0. i., 1, 34. 2. Samos. Also in the Aegean. It was especially celebrated for its elegant temple of Juno. BOOK I. EPISTLE XII. 507 Sardis. Generally written Sardes ; the capital of Lydia. 3. Smyr- na; also in Lydia. Colophon, in Ionia. 5. Attalicisi e.g. Per- gamus, Thyatira, which, with other places, beloDged to the empire of Attalus. 6. Lebedum, in Ionia, and once a flourishing place. 11. Sed ncqne, etc. The poet had said, that even at Lebedus, he himself could live content ; he goes on to show, by various illustrations (11-21) that one's stay in such a place would only be temporary, and the result of necessity ; and that a sensible man would not insist upon staying there, just because he was discontented with a different place. 18. Paennla. A rough, thick coat, used chiefly in travelling. Campestre ; an apron worn in the Campus (Martius), by persons engaged in gym- nastic exercises ; sometimes, too, in warm weather, in place of the tunic. 27. Coelnm. The climate. 28. Strenna — inertia; la- borious idleness ; a good illustration of the callida jundura of Horace in Ars. P. 47. 30. Ulubris. A small, unattractive place in Latium. Juvenal says, Sat. x., 102: vacuis — Ulubris. EPISTLE XII. Horace writes to Iccius (see O. i., 29), who was then agert of Agrippa's estates in Sicily. He seeks to do away with the complaints of his friend concerning his narrow means, the confinement incident to his position, and his want of leisure for literary pur- suits. He concludes by commending to his kindly regards Pompeius Grosphus, and by mentioning some items of city intelligence. 1. Frnctibus. Fructus is a general word for all the returns of pro- perty. 2. fton est nt, ovk iari. (Svvutov) '6-irws ; comp. n. O. iii., 1, 9. 7. In medio positorum. Of things that are put before you; ready for use, and at your own disposal. As these are here opposed to herbis eturtica, they must refer to the richer fare, which Iccius might enjoy as the factor of a rich man's estates.— The sense here is : if, under these circumstances you prefer a simple diet, you would exercise the same choice, if you were suddenly to grow rich yourself, either (1. 10) from your natural disposition, or (1. 11) from practical views of life. — 12-20. The poet pleasantly commends Iccius, that in spite of worldly engagements, he yet finds time for his scientific pursuits. 12. Democriti. Democritus, the philosopher of Abdera, who was so ab- sorbed in his lofty speculations, that he paid no attention to his worldly a ff a i rs . is. Quid— orbem. Obscurum agrees with orbem. Premat obscurum ; literally covers obscure, i. e. obscures, covers with darkness. 19. Concordia discors, in allusion to the force of attraction and of re- pulsion in matter ; " the harmony of opp< sing for xcs ." Osborne. Comp. 508 NOTES OJST THE epistles. Cic. de Amic. c. 7 : Agrigentinum quidem (Empedoclem) — vaticinatum ferunt, quae in rerum natura totoque mundo constarent, quaeque moveren- ia, ea contrahere amiciliam, dissipare discordiam. 20. Stertininm ; for Stertinianum ; of Stertinius, who is here humorously put as the repre- sentative of the Stoics. Comp. Sat. ii., 3, 33, and the Introd. to that Satire. 26. Cantabcr. See Introd. to 0. ii., 6. Neronis. See Introd. to Epist. L, 3. 27. Pliraatcs— minor. See Introd. to 0. i., 26; andn. 0. iii., 5, 6. EPISTLE XIII. Dispatching some of his poems to Augustus by the hands o' one Vinius Asella, Horace writes this charming little Epistle ; in which he professes most carefully to in- struct the uncourtly messenger, in what way he must approach the presence of the em- peror, and fitly execute his commission. The piece was probably not really written to Vinius, but to Augustus himself, and sent along with the other poems. In resorting to this little device, Horace shows his usual tact, and by the nice instructions given to his messenger, commends with a delicate, respectful modesty, both himself and his poems to the favorable notice of his imperial friend. t 2. Volumina ; from volvo, beceause, when a work was finished, the paper (charta, made from papyrus) or parchment (membrana) was rolled up by means of a staff fastened to one end of it. 2. Rcddes ; = red- das ; you ivill hand. 5. Sednlns. Officious. Vehemente opera ; initli excessive pains. By overdoing his commission he might disgust the emperor. 6. Si te, etc. On the other hand, he might discharge the service in a rude, unceremonious manner. 8. Asinac — cognomen. With a rather free jest at the cognomen of his messenger, he compares him with an uneasy, restive ass, glad to rid itself of its burden. People might say that he well merited his cognomen. Such names were not uncommon ; e. g. Lupius, Ovicula, etc. 0. Fabnla. See n. Epod. xi., 8. 10. Uteris, also future, with same force as reddes, 1. 2. 12. Sic. The poet suits the action to the word ; and tells him how to hold the volumes. 14. Pyrrhia. A female slave in some play, who had stolen some yarn, and betrayed the theft by her manner. 15. Tribnlis. Of humble rank. Such guests, having no slaves, would them- selves bring to a dinner their sandals and cap. Comp. n. Sat. ii., 8, 77. EPISTLE XIV. Horace remonstrates with his bailiff, on his discontent with country life, his impa. ticncc of its solitude and restraints ; and on the other hand, expresses his own distaste BOOK I. EPISTLE XV. 509 for the city, and his longing desires to get back to his peaceful occupations on his Sabino farm. It appears from the beginning of the Epistle, that Horace had gone into the city to condole with his friend Lamia on the loss of a brother. It is probable that he there wrote the Epistle for the entertainment of himself and his friends, and did not really ad- dress and send it to his bailiff. 2. Focis. Focus here for familia or domus. 3. Bonos— patres. In this language Horace means to illustrate the size of his farm. It was large enough to support five tenants (coloni) besides his own establish- ment. The expression, in Sat. ii., 7, 118, refers not to tenants, but to house slaves. Comp. n. 0. i., 35, 6 ; and Diet. Antiqq. under Praedium. Variant. The nearest market-town to the farm ; it is now called Vico-varo; thither the farmers carried their produce. 6. Laniiae ; to whom Horace addressed Ode i., 26; iii., 17. 8. Istuc, thither, where you are. 9. Claustra. See n. Sat. i., 1, 114. 14. Medias- tinus. A slave of all work ; "qui in medio stat ad quae vis imperata paratus." Acron. See Becker's Gallus, p. 223. 23. Ocius uva, i.e. not that it produced no wine at all, but wine of an inferior quality. See Introd. to 0. i., 20, and n. on 1. 1 of that Ode. 26. Et tamen. And yet (as you are wont to complain). 28. Frondibus. Cato, de Reb. Rust. 30, gives this rule : Bubus frondem ulmeam, populneam, querneam, ficulneam, usquedum habebis, dato. Comp. Virg. Eel. 9, 60. 33. Immuneni. Without a present. 34. De media lace. See n. Sat. ii., 8^ 3. 36. Incidere, = abrumpere, break off. 39. Glebas— nioven- tem ; i. e, when I, a poet, undertake to do any work myself. EPISTLE XT. Advised by his physician Antonius, Musa, to exchange the warm baths of Baiae for cold bathing at either Velia or Salernum, Horace writes to Numonius Vala, requesting some definite information on the relative merits of these two places. Probably Vala owned real estate near Velia and Salernum. 1. Quae sit, etc. The clauses in lines 1, 2 ; 14-16 ; 22-24 ; all depend upon par est, etc., in 1. 25. The passages 2-13, 17-21, are parenthetical- Veliac. Velia was in Lucania ; Salernum in the Picentine district, and now called Salerno. 3. Antonius. Antonius Musa was a physician of the day, who practised hydropathy. His cold water-treatment was of great sendee to Augustus; see Suet. Octav. 59, and 81. IUis; i.e. Baiis, or rather its inhabitants, who take it amiss that the poet quits their baths for other waters. 8. Caput— supponcre. Celsus pre- scribed pouring of cold water for weak heads and stomachs • what the 510 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. Italians call doccia, and the French douche. 9. Closinis. Clusium was in Etruria, and Gabii in Latium. There were cold springs at both these places. 10. Diversoria nota ; sc. equo. The poet must mean the inns on the road to Baiae, to which he, from the force of custom would turn of his own accord. But now, as is mentioned in next line his rider is not going to Baiae. 12. Laeva habena ; i. e. by pulling the left rein. One who was going to Baiae or Cumae would turn oft from the Appian way to the right ; but, going to Salernum, would turn off to the left. The branch road to the two former places commenced at Sinuessa, and was called Via Domitiana ; that leading to Salernum commenced at Capua, and was called Via Aquillia. See Diet. Antiqq. under Viae. 13. Equi— in ore. This remark explains and, as it were, excuses the expression habena dices, inasmuch as the horse was to be addressed, not by the voice, but by the bits which were in his mouth. 15. Coilectos; i.e. in cisterns. Fugis aquae = aquae fon- tanae, spring-water. Perennes adds the idea of never-failing. 16. Nam, etc. Elliptical. I make no inquiries about the wine, for I care nothing, &c. 24. Phaeax. See n. Epist. i., 2, 28. 26. Macnius. Having (1. 24) touched upon his hope of finding good living, he passes to the story of Maenius, humorously comparing himself with him ; a man who lived luxuriously so long as he had abundant means, but when these were exhausted, made himself content with humble fare. 28. Non qui, etc. Explanatory of vagus. He lived on other people, going now to one and now to another's table, like a stray horse who had no regular manger. 29. Hoste. Here used in its original sense of stranger. The man when hungry was rude to all alike. 31. PernicieSj etc. These nominatives are put by apposition to the subject of donabat. The words are borrowed from comedy, and descriptive of a glutton and hanger-on upon the markets. 37. Bestius. The name of a miser, who was fond of preaching against extravagance. 39. Verterat — cinerem ; = consumpserat. 41. Turdo — vulva. These were, by Roman epicures, accounted great delicacies. 46. Fandata ; made secure, i. e. collocata, safely invested. EPISTLE XVI. Quinctius, to whom this Epistle is addressed, seems to have been an ambitious man, absorbed in the pursuit of civil honors, and rejoicing in the success he had already gained. He probably wondered, as such a man well might, how Horace could be content with the unambitious life he was leading in the retirement of his Sabine farm. Horace, in this Epistle, first describes the spot in which he so loved to live, dwelling upon its delightful situation, its mild climate, its verdure and its healthfulness (1-16). Turning, then, in direct address to his friend, he congratulates him upon his good fortune 1 BOOK I. EPISTLE XVI. 511 in the world, but bids him remember that character is of higher value than fame and honor, that the favor of the multitude is apt to mislead and blind its votary, an J that it is fickle and often unworthily bestowed (17—40). He then illustrates the difference between a mere negative, and a real, positive virtue (41-62), and concludes by showing that none but the truly virtuous can lead a free and happy life. Nothing definite is known concerning the person to whom this piece is addressed. Perhaps it is the same as Quinctius Hirpinus, to whom Horace wrote the Eleventh of the Sacond Book of Odes. 5. Continai niontes, ni— valle. The Valley of Ustica (see 0. i., 17, 11), now Valle Rustica, or, in a "wider sense, the Valley of the Digentia (see Epist. i., 18. 101), now Valle di Licenza, in which lay the poet's farm, made a break in the otherwise continuous range of Sabine hills. 6. Sed. This word limits opaca. The valley was shady, but did not quite exclude the sun, which shone in upon one side in the morning, and on the other in the afternoon. Dextram latus— lae vuni. The course of the stream, which ran south; determines the direction of the valley, which was due north and south ; and hence, too, the meaning of dex- trum and laevum, which were respectively the western and the eastern •side of the valley. 7. Yaporet \ " vapore obducat." Orelli. Covers with vapor ; in allusion to the exhalations at sunset, with us as well as in Italy. 11. Dieas — Tarentani 5 i. e. so charming is the place, you would say it was another Tarentum in full bloom. Tarentum was a favorite place with Horace. See 0. ii. ; 6. 9, seqq. 12. Rivo; i. e. the Digentia ; comp. above n. on 1. 5. Ft ; i. e. talis (or) ita ut. 16. Septembribus. See n. Sat. ii., 6, 19. 17. Audis. See n. Sat. ii., 6. 20. 20. Alinm sapiente. Alius is here used with the abl. in the same way as a\\os is used with the genitive. Comp. Epist. ii.. 1. 210, Sat. ii., 2, 208. Also Cic. Fam. xi. 2 ; Nee quidquam aliud libertate com- muni quaesisse. 25. Tibi ; for a te. 27. Tene magis, etc. These verses are quoted from the Panegyric on Augustus, written by Varius. 36. Fareni ; sc. me esse. 40. Medieandnm ; (the man) who needs to be cured; i. e. of his faults: the word follows up mendosum. 41. Consultant patrura ; = scnatus consulta, which made a part of the jus civile. 43. Tcnentar. Are maintained. The opposite is causa caderc. 49. Sam bonus — renait, etc. ; i. e. if he thinks himself good merely on the ground of having done nothing grossly wrong, he deceives himself. On Sabellus, see n. iii., 6, 38. 53. Ta, etc.; opposed to boni in preceding line ; they shun wrong from the love of virtue, you from fear of punishment. 57. Yir bonus. Ironical. {Your) good man. The description following is a fine piece of satire upon a hypocrite. One is reminded by it of the outside religion of the Pharisees, as described by our Lord in the New Testament, 61. Sancto. On the construction, see n. Sat. i., 1, 19. 6i. In triyiis fixum. The poet probably refers to a trick the Roman boys had of 512 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. fastening a piece of coin in the pavement, so as to have a laugh upon any one who should happen to see it, and try to pick it up. 65. Qui" cupiet, etc. See a parallel passage in E. i., 6, 10. 69. Captiyum. The man who is lost to virtue, and is a slave of avarice, is like the coward who has flung away his arms, and is taken captive by tho enemy. But, as the captive in war may he kept as a slave, so the avaricious man lives indeed, but for low aims and objects. 73. Penthen, etc. An imitation of a passage in Euripides' Bacchae, where Bacchus, disguised as a priest, replies to Pentheus, the Theban king, who threatens him with chains and torture. 78. Volam. In allusion to suicide, which the Stoics taught was lawful. Seneca says, in De Provid. vi., 5 : " Contemnite mortem quae vos aut finit ant transfert. — Patet exitus. Si pugnare non vultis, licet fugere. 79. Ultima linea« A metaphorical use of the line drawn across the course in the Circus, to mark the goal. Cicero in de Senec. 23, has a similar metaphor : nee vero velim, quasi decurso spatio, a calce oA carceres revocari. EPISTLE XVII The poet teaches Scaera, some young friend of his, how he may gain the favor of the great, without any loss of self-respect. It seems to be his object at once to encourage an honorable ambition, and to censure an indolent spirit, which, under the pretext of inde- pendence, would content itself with obscurity. 3. Amiculns. The diminutive favors the friendly air of the piece. The poet adopts the tone of a familiar friend, rather than that of a teacher. 5. Fecisse. See n. O. i., 1, 4. 8. Ferentinum. A small retired town in Latium, 48 miles s. e. of Rome. The sense is: if you study your personal comfort, shun the city and the society of the great. Orelli thinks the poet refers to a journey with a patron, to the noise and dust on the road, and the bad public houses. 10i Fefellit 5 == vixit ignotus. See n. O. iii., 16, 32. 11. Tuis; your relatives and friends, whom, through a patron, you may aid. 12. Unci urn ; = opulentum ; so siccus = pauper. The expressions are sportively borrowed from a feast. We are not to infer that Scaeva Avas a poor man. 13. Si prandcrct. The words of the Cynic Diogenes, said of Aristippus, when the latter was at the court of Dionysius of Syracuse. 14. Si sciret. The reply of Aristippus. See n. Sat. ii., 3, 100. -21. ©fliemm facio. I fay my court. 22. Null ins. Masculine, as is manifest from danU minor. 24. Fere ; limits acquum ; for the most part. 25. Quem ; i. e. Diogenes. 25. Duplici. In allusion to to the SnrAc/fr, or double cloak which Diogenes wore, instead of the tunic and the pallium. BOOK I. EPISTLE XVHI. 513 30. Mileti. The woollens of Miletus, in Ionia, were in high repute, Comp. Virg. Georg. 3, 306. 32. liefer. The story was, that Aristip- pus wore home from the hath the coarse cloak of Diogenes, leaving his own in its place, and that the Cynic preferred to freeze with cold rather than appear in public in a purple robe. 33. Res gercre ; i. e. res magna.s in bellis. 35. Placuisse. See n. above on 1. 5. 36. Non. cuivis, etc. An old proverb from the Greek, used for any difficult en- terprise, which originally expressed the difficulties and expense attend- ing a voyage to Corinth. The commentators refer to Strabo, viii., 6. 20. 39. Hie; refers to fecit viriliter. On this, — namely, a course of manly action, what Ave are now discussing entirely depends. 41. Yirtns ; means here manly excellence. 42. Expcriens. Enterprising. 45. Hoc *, i. e. to gain some substantial advantage. 50. Haberet plus dapis. He would not, by his greedy noise, have gathered others about him. 52. Ductus ; i. e. by a patron. 55. Refert. Acts over again. 57. Veris. Like the fable of the boy, who cheated the people by crying Wolf ! when no wolf was near, and at last, when the cry was a real one, was the victim of his own trick. EPISTLE XVIII. This Epistle is addressed to the same Lollius, to whom Ilerace inscribed the First Epistle of this Book. See the Introduction to that Epistle. The piece is a brief but comprehensive manual of rules and maxims on the art of living with the great. Complimenting Lollius upon his free and independent spirit (1-4), the poet mentions certain things to be avoided, viz., rudeness (5-9), gross flattery (10-14), a fondness for con- troversy (15-20), and vices of character, such as licentiousness, gaming, ostentation, avarice (21-36). He then warns him, neither curiously to pry inio secrets, nor divulge them when intrusted to him (37-38), not to fail in adapting himself to the cherished tastes and pursuits 3f his patron (39-67) ; not to speak of others incautiously (68-71) ; not to be imprudent in recommending or defending people (76-S5). He exliorts him, finally, to the study of the character of his pati on (86-95), and of philosophy, which alone can guide him in discerning and holding to what is truly good (96-103), and closes the Epistle by enumerating, in the form of a prayer, his own most cherished thoughts and wishes. 4. Discolor. Unlike ; not merely in the color of her dress, but in her whole appearance. — — 4. Scurrae. Dative case. See A. & S. () 224, Rem. 3. 7. Tonsa ; means here close-cut, which was a mark of rude man- ners. Such a style was called caput ad cutcm tondere. Dillenb. 10. Imi— lecti. See n. Sat. ii., 8, 20. 14. Partes— secundas. Comp. Sat. i., 9, 46. 15. Lana — caprina. Proverbial for a thing of no conse- quence. 16. Scilicet, etc. The language of such a self-confident disputant. The expressions ut non, etc., are elliptical ; e. g. To think 22* 514 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. that, &c. — or, Is it possible that — 1 Thus : Is it possible, forsooth, that the chief reliance is not to be put in me, &c. 1 18. Pretinm, etc. Still the words of such a vain talker. Literally, another life, as the price, is of no value ; i. e. the price of not boldly uttering my sentiments ; even such recompense were worthless for the loss of independence. 19. Castor— Dolichos. The names of gladiators. — — 20. Brundusium, etc. The connection of the Appian Way with Brundusium is suf- ficiently explained in Introd. to Sat. i., 5. The Minucian, built by Tiberius Minucius Augurinus, lay, on the route from Rome, to the left of the Appian, and went through the hilly country of the Marsians and the Samnites. 25. Decern. Indefinite for many. " Ten times as bad " (Keightley) as is such a rich patron, he will tolerate no such vices in an humble friend. 31. Entrapelus ; iuTpdireAos, from rpeirw, versalilis, facetus, a name given to P. Volumnius, a Roman knight, on account of his wit and versatility. 32. Dabat. Customary action. Was wont to give. Beatis cnini, etc. So reasoned Eutrapelus. By such means he could in the end easiest ruin any one. 38. Tortus. See n. O. iii., 21, 13. 41. Ainphionis. See n. O. iii., 11, 2. His brother Lethus was described by the poets as a simple shepherd ; hence in 1. 42, the epithet severo ; and hence their disagreement growing out of a want of sympathy. The particular point of illustration here is in 1. 43, in Amphion's accommodating himself to the prejudices of his brother. 46. Aetolis. Aetolia was the country of the hunter Mcleager, and the scene of the famous Calydonian hunt. See Class. Diet. 52. Speciosius; i.e. than yourself. He turns aside for a moment to dwell upon the accomplishments and military services of Lollius. 53, Coronae. Of the ring. Comp. A. P. 381. 54. Cainpestria, Of the Campus Martius. See n. O. i., 8, 4. 55, Cantabrica. With the Cantabri. See Introd. to O. ii., 6. 56. Par- tbornm. See n. 0. iii., 5, 6. 57, Abest. Is distant. The sense is that the fate even of the most distant people is settled by Roman arms. 61. Partitur, etc. Illustrative of nugaris in preceding line. He bids him sometimes get up a sham sea-fight. Let the scene be the bat- tle of Actium, you being Augustus and your brother being Antony, your fish-pond be (lacus) the Hadriatic, boats your war-galleys, and the youth of the neighborhood the soldiers. The Romans were fond of such mock sea-fights. 66. Pollice. See n. Epist. i., 1, G. 71. Seinel cmissnm. In reference to publication, Horace has *a similar expression in A. P. 390. 80. Ut penitus notum— serves. In order that you may save one who is thoroughly known ; i. e. by leaving one to his fate, who has turned out ill, you will have the more power to protect those who are accused unjustly. Some Edd. make ut = sicut or quemadmodum ; but ut in that sense would require a future, and could not be followed by the subjunctive. 82. Theonino. Of Theon ; some person of bad BOOK I. EPISTLE XIX. 515 eminence as a slanderer. 87. Tu dam, etc. This metaphorical pre- cept, borrowed from the sea, belongs to what immediately precedes, viz. dulcis-metuit. Experience will teach one to beware lest he lose the hard-earned favor of his patron. 90. Potores, etc. The words bibnli— Odernnt are wanting in some MSS. But the words and the con- struction are illustrated by the passage in Epist. i., 14, 34, bibulum- Falerni. Bibuli is equivalent to avidi; de media, nocte = " per mediae noctis tempus;" Hand. Turs. vol. ii., p. 205 (cited by Orelli). 93. Vapores. Just as we, too, speak of the heating effect of wine ; fumes. -99. Rerum mediocriter ntilimn. The a$id%odo essent idonea. 54. Caecilio Plautoque. Camp. Epist. ii., 1, 58, 59. 55. Vario. See O. i., 6, 1. 56. Invideor, for invidetur mihi, in imi- tation of the Greek, .suited to the narrative than the action of a play. ■ - 184. Facnndia praesensj literally a present eloquence; that is, the eloquent narrative of one who was present, viz., at the scene which he relates. So in Cic. Ep. ad Quint., cetera praesenti sermoni reserventur. 185. Ne pueros, etc. Horace proceeds to give two instances of the horrible, Medea, Atreus, and of the incredible, Progne, Cadmus. 185. Coram popnlo ; as in the tragedy of Medea ascribed to Seneca ; but in Euripides the action takes place elsewhere, and is related by the HyyeXos or messenger ; and so in general, in the Greek tragedies, such scenes are narrated, not acted. The modern drama, on the contrary, is not always in accordance with the precept of Horace ; as, for instance, Shakspeare's plays, in which deaths and murders are so often repre- sented. 189. Quinto actu. The rule to have just five acts was strictly observed by the Roman dramatists. The Greek tragedies had three parts, the irpoXoyos, the €7retGro5ia, and the e|o8os. Where the episodes were three in number, the play thus had five parts, corresponding to the five Roman actus ; but there was no fixed number of episodes. — Orelli. Without doubt (as Orelli suggests) the Roman actus were modelled upon those parts of the Greek tragedy. In modern literature, the French and the Italian drama each observes Horace's rule ; so, too, in their master-pieces, the English and the German. 191. Dignns viudice nodus. Nodus, literally knot, is the complicated difficulty of a play, the intrigue ; vindex, avenger, rescuer, here one who can develop or unravel the intrigue, bring about the denouement. A writer, lacking invention, would be apt, in the catastrophe of the play, to have re- course to the supernatural, and rescue his hero by the interposition of a god ; hence the necessity of this rule of Horace. Euripides often availed himself of such means in the denouement of his plots. — Comp. Cicero, de Nat. D. i., 20: ut tragici poetae, cum explicare argumenti exitum non potestis, confugitis ad deum. 192. Nee qnarta persona, 540 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. i. e. there must always be only three actors. After the introduction, by Sophocles, of a third actor, the number of actors in the Greek tra- gedies was always three. There might be more persons upon the stage, but only three took part in the dialogue. The actors were called, from the importance of their respective part, irpooTaycovicrT-fis, actor primarum. partium, SevTepaycaviffrris, actor secundarum parti r xm, rpiTayuuLffT'fjs, actor tcrtiarum partium. 193 — 201. Horace describes, in these lines, the duties of the tragic chorus, in accordance with the practice of the Greek tragic writers. These duties were two : 1, to take the part of an actor {actoris — defendat). This was done through the medium of the cory- phaeus, or leader of the chorus, who ascended the Thymele (which was is the middle of the orchestra, and was the central point of all the movements of the chorus), and from this place joined in the dia- logue with the actors on the stage ; 2, to sing songs between the acts (medios intercinat actus). In the following lines (195-201), the poet gives the rules for these songs : a, that they be suited to the main design of the play (1. 195), b, that they exert a -salutary moral influence. The chorus, the lyric element of the Greek Tragedy, was no less es- sential to it than the dialogue or dramatic element. Indeed the chorus was the early and original element. The origin of the Greek Tragedy is found in the solemn dithyrambic odes, descriptive of the sufferings of Dionysus or Bacchus, which were sung at the Attic festivals, held in honor of that deity,, and called the Dionysia. In process of time, the songs described other subjects than the adventures of Bacchus ; actors were introduced, distinct from the chorus, the parts given to the actors constituted the dialogue, and thus was gradually developed the form of the regular Attic Tragedy. — Comp. below, notes on 1. 276, and 1. 279. — On the significance, the number, and other points, in detail, of the Chorus, see Diet. Antiqq. ; also Tlieaire of the Greeks, Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, and Witzchell's Athenian Stage, trans- lated by R. B. Paul, and edited by T. K. Arnold. 193. Officininque virile defendat; i. e. u pro virili parte adjuvet, hoc est, pro eo, quod officii ejus est;" (Lambinus) and vigorously maintain it. 198. Men- sae lirevis. Comp. O. ii., 16, 14. 199. Otia portis. Comp. 0. iii., 5, 23. 202 — 219. The music of the theatre, in earlier and in later times. 202. Tibia. In the Greek, and in the Roman, Drama, the flute and, at a later period, the lyre was used as an accompaniment ; in the Greek, to the lyric parts, in the Roman, also to the dialogue. See above, n. on 1. 155 ; also, see illustrations of Tibia on pp. 115, and 139. The comedies of Terence were accompanied by two pipes (see n. O. iv., 15, 30) ; e. g. the Eunuchus by tibiae dextrae, and the Andria by a double set, tibiae pares dextrae el sinistrae. Orichalco ; "from 6pos and XaA/cJy, that is, mountain-bronze, so called, probably, because it was ob- tained by fusing copper with an ore (metal as found in the mountain), EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 541 and not "with an already reduced metal." There is some uncertainty, however, in the name mountain-fo^^e, owing to its being uncertain what the ore was, with which it was mixed. If it was zinc ore (as the ancients seem not to have known zinc as a metal) then the composition was akin to brass. But if it was tin, as is the case with most of the ancient specimens of xaA-Ktk or aes, then the composition was, of course v bronze. See Diet. Antiqq., under the word. Vincta *, bound ; as probably the later flute was long, and therefore composed of parts, like our flute, and bound at the joints with brass or bronze. 203. Tenuis ; thu. seems to be opposed to tubae aemula, and hence to refer to the sound; of slender tone. 204. Adesse j accompany; see n. above on Tibia. 208. Victor ; sc. populus ; applied to the Greeks, the word may refer to the period after the Persian war ; to the Romans, the time after the Punic wars. 209. Vino diurno; i.e. "conviviis tempestivus" (Dillenb.); comp. n. Sat, ii., 8, 3. 210. Placari Genius. Comp. n. O. iii., 17,14. 211. Numerisque modisquc; the numbers (of the poetry) and the measures (of the music). 212 — 13. Indoctus quid enim, etc. These two lines seem intended to explain the one that immediately precedes, and assign, as the reason of the de- parture from the simplicity of the early music, and of the adoption of a freer style, the promiscuous character of the audience. Such a mixed crowd wanted louder and more varied music. — Still there is much difficulty in the passage, as in the earliest times the audience; though not large, yet must have been promiscuous, and certainly not more cultivated than the audience of later times. Besides, we can hardly suppose that the poet means to censure the later music, as really inferior to the earlier. — It is an ingenious conjecture of Engel, that these two lines do not belong here, but rather below, immediately after 1. 224. Lahoruni ; the genitive by a poetic construction ; comp. n. O. iii., 17, 16. 215. Per pulpita. The pulpitum, in Gr. \oye7ov, was the stage proper, from which the actors spoke. (See Diet. Antiqq. Theatrum.) This line applies to the Roman theatre, as in the Greek, the chorus and the musicians were in the orchestra. 215. Sic etiain fidibus. He now describes a similar change in the music of the lyre, and, along with it, a change in the choral poetry. 217. Tnlit; genuit, produced. Eloquium ; = genus dicendi ; style ; insolitum, because so far removed from that of ordinary life. Facundia praeceps $ bold language. 219. Sententia; this word designates the contents of the choral odes, the precepts or moral lessons, which it conveyed, or as the mention of Delphis suggests, its utterances. — Orelli thinks, that, in this allusion to the Delphic oracles, the poet, with a mixture of praise with something of irony, intended to indicate at once the sublimity and the obscurity of the Greek choral odes. The choruses of Aeschy- lus may, in particular, have been present to the mind of Horace. 542 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. 220 — 250# From the regular Tragedy Horace now passes to the Satyrit, drama, or Satyr-play, mentioning the reason for its intri duction (222- 224), and prescribing the rules for its conduct (225-250). It was the pe- culiarity of the Satyric drama, that it combined with the materials and characters of the regular Tragedy a chorus of Satyrs. Its invention belongs to Pratinas, a contemporary of Aeschylus ; afterwards, during the golden period of Attic tragedy, illustrated by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, it was a constituent part of the dramatic exhibitions, forming an after-piece to the trilogies or series of three tragedies which were always brought out at the Dionysia by those celebrated tragic composers. This conjunction of the trilogy with a Satyr-play wa& called a tetralogy. 220. Hircnm ; hence the name of tragedy, (rpaycpdla, rpdyos and ^5^) goat-song ; either because (as here) a goat was the prize, or because a goat was sacrificed on the altar round which the cnorus sang ; or the song of the goats or Satyrs, as the Satyrs were called rpdyoi, from their goat-like appearance (see n. 0. ii., -19, 4). 221. Asper; may be translated as an adv.; rudely; in allusion to the rustic satyrs. 222. Gravitate ; i. e. of tragedy, of its gods and heroes ; literally dignity being unimpaired, without loss of dignity. Eo, quod, etc. It thus appears, that the Satyr-play, like a modern farce or after-piece, was intended to divert and amuse the people. 225. Ita risores, etc. From what has been said above, it appears that this Satyric drama was partly tragic, as it represented gods and heroes in its dialogue, and partly comic, as it had a chorus of Satyrs. Now the rule of Horace for such a play, in respect to its characters (227-233), its diction (234-243), and the language of the Satyrs (244- 250), is substantially this : that it preserve a due medium between tragedy and comedy, neither rising to the loftier tone of the one, nor sinking to the lower tone of the other. 227. Ne. Joined with the preceding ita, this word seems to denote result, that— not, and to be used for ut -non. 228. Ntipcr ; need not be taken in the limited sense of lately, as if the line referred to the very same personages who had appeared in a tragedy just before acted, because the pieces of a trilogy had different plots and character ; but at some former time : the sense is, as Orelli gives it, thus: " iidem dii atque heroes, qui, in tragoediis saepe con- specti, notissimi nobis sunt." 232. Ut— matrona ; join with tragoedia, which is the subject of intererit. The poet aptly illustrates the bearing of Tragedy in the Satyr-play by the image of a matron, joining, with- out loss of dignity, in the festive dance. 234. Inornata \ " nt pura, Sat. i., 4, 54, sine tropis." Orelli. Dominantia; those which are in ordinaiy use ; reigning. 235. Satyrorum ; i. e. fabularum Satyri- carum. 236. Colori, See A & S $ 224, R. 3. 23T. Davus— et Pythias. Two comic characters, a male and a female slave ; opposed fco Silenus, the constant attendant of Bacchus, who, though, as Orelli EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 543 has it, "mire mixtus ex ebrietate et sapientia jocosa," yet should use language somewhat different from that of regular comedy. 210. Ex noto. These words, as well as de medio 1. 243. refer, as the context plainly requires, to the language of the play, not to its argument. Quivis, etc. Orelli aptly compares Pascal, in his Pensees, i., 3 : Les meilleurs limes sont ceux que ckaque lecteur croit, quHl aurait pu faire. 242. Jnnctura. Comp. n. above, on 1. 48. 245. Triviis; op- posed to silvis; in the streets of the city ; to which is added by ac, the more special and forcible paene forenses, well nigh living in the forum, as the forum was the centre of Roman life. 246, Jovencntnr ; a word peculiar to Horace in this one place ; it is like the G;eek veavievofj.ai j talk like young men. 248. Quibns est equns, etc. ; i. e. equites, ingenui, divites, men of rank, birth, and property. To these is opposed in the next line fricti-emptor, to designate the poor, who buy and eat in the streets, parched peas and nuts. 251—274. Having pre- scribed the rules necessary to be observed in Tragedy and the Satyric Drama, the poet now treats of the laws of Iambic verse, the measure in which they are written ; thence he passes to a censure of the Roman poets for not duly observing these laws; and holds up the Greek writers as models for imitation. 252. IJnde; refers to pes- citus. Trimetris; in apposition with iambeis, instead of with nomen. See A & S. % 204, Rem. 8. ; bade the name of Trimeter be added to Iambics ; so that they were called Trimeter Iambics. 253. Ianibeis ; instead of the usual word iambicis ; it is an adj.; sc. versibus. Cum — ictus ; though it gave six beats ; i. e. as the pure iambic line has six iambi, each foot would have its ictus or arsis, and there would be six beats ; whence called senarius. 254. Non ita prideni ; literally not so long ago ; i. e. not very long ago ; ita is elliptical, sc. ut quis pntet ; See Hand, Turs., iii., p. 491. The whole expression is here used for an indefinite time. 256. Stabiles; so called, in distinction from the iambi, from the slowness of the spondee, owing to its two long syllables. In jura patcrna ; into its hereditary rights ; the image being drawn from one who inherits property, and shares it with another. The whole passage has a poetical complexion, from the personification of the iambus. 257. Xon ut ; restrictive of the two preceding adjectives. The iambic admits the spondees, into the line, but not into the second and fourth places; these it retains exclusively for itself. 258. So- cialitcr \ after the manner of a socius or comrade ; " like a good comrade.'" Osborne. The word is peculiar to Horace. 258. Hie ; i. e. iambus in secunda aut quarta sede ; as those poets thought it enough to secure the sixth place to the iambus. Hie is the subject of apparet and of vremit. The fault of the verses of these poets was, that they were made heavy or ponderous by the great number of spondees. 259. Nobilibus; famous; ironical. 262. Prcniit — criininej presses (the 544 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. verses) with the charge i. e. brings upon (them) the heavy charge. 265. Idcircone, etc. The poet means to indicate two courses which poets might pursue, relying on the indulgence of the public ; both of them censurable, but the latter less than the former. The former is a total disregard of rules ; the latter only so much regard for rules, as may secure freedom from positive faults. 268. Son landem merui; i. e. my merit is a mere negative one. Osborne aptly quotes frorr? Pope's Essay on Criticism : " But in such lays as neither ebb nor flow, Correctly cold, and regularly low, Thai shunning faults one quiet tenor keep, We cannot blame indeed— but we may sleep." 210. Plautinos numeros et Sales. Here again, as in Epist. ii., 1, 170, Horace criticises Plautus. His severe taste was offended by the rough- ness of his numbers and of his wit. It is singular that Cicero, on the other hand, speaks of Plautus as illustrating that " jocandi genus." which he styles " elegans, urbanum, ingeniosum, facetum." See De Offic. i., 29. 275—284. Notices of the Greek Tragedy,— Thespis, — Aeschylus (to 1. 280); and of the Old Comedy (to 284). 275. Igno- tum — genus. The merit of Thespis, which gained for him the distinc- tion of the inventor of tragedy, was this : he combined with the songs of the chorus the recitations of an actor. This introduction of an actor gave a dramatic character to the performance, and was the first decided step in the formation of tragedy, properly so called. Whether the actor was the choragus, and his part was only the narration of some story, or whether he was a person independent of the chorus, and his part consisted both of narration and of dialogue with the chorus, are points not fully settled. The latter view, however, is probably the true one. — Thespis was a native of Icarus, one of the country demes of Athens, and he first appeared upon the stage in the beginning of the 61st Olympiad, 536-534 b. c. — For further details, see Diet. Antiqq., under Tragoedia. 276. Plaustris vexisse. It is generally supposed, that this story of actors being carried about in wagons, which were used as a kind of stage, belongs to the beginnings of Comedy, not of Tragedy ; and that Thespis really used a platform for his representations. See Diet. Antiqq., under Tragoedia and Comoedia. 277. Faccibus ; the lees of wine, used as a kind of pigment, probably formed the first spe- cies of disguise for the performers of Thespis's plays ; Thespis after- wards introduced linen masks. 279. Aeschylus, etc. This great tragic writer began his career b. c. 500, being then in the 25th year of his age. In this passage Horace touches upon the improvements made by him in Tragedy. They were chiefly these : He added a second actor, and thus further developed the dialogue. He entirely changed EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 545 tlie relative proportions of the two elements of the drama, viz., the choruses and the recitations, by abridging the former, and expanding the latter into a regular plot. He also improved the theatrical appara- tus, by furnishing the actors with the cothurnus (see n. O. ii.. 1, 11), and with better and more various masks and dresses. In what respect he modified for the better the construction of the stage, we are not in- formed ; as the words modicis-tignis can hardly refer to the stage of the new stone theatre, the building of which was commenced soon after his first appearance. (See Diet. Antiqq., under Theatrum.) The fall of the old wooden fabric on the occasion of Aeschylus's first representation, and the consequent erection of the magnificent theatre on the S. E. descent of the Acropolis, may be regarded as emblematic of the for- tunes of Attic Tragedy before and after tn^ time of Aeschylus, •— 28 (. Vetus — comoedia* (See n. Sat. i., 4,2.) The old Athenian Comedy, of which Aristophanes was the master, flourished from 458-404. Its chief characteristic, to which Horace here alludes, was the unbounded freedom with which it satirized distinguished Athenian citizens, poets, philosophers, statesmen, and the parties and measures, political, social, literary, with which such citizens were associated. The Middle Comedy succeeded the Old, and continued to b. c. 340. It was less personal, and satirized classes rather than individuals, or if it satirized indi- viduals, represented them under fictitious names. The New Comedy continued from b. c. 340 to b. c. 260. This was like the comedy of modern times ; it aimed at an imitation of ordinary life, and its subjects and characters were alike fictitious. 283. Lex est accepta. A law restrictive of the freedom of comedy was passed b. c. 440 ; a similar one, forbidding the ridicule of persons by name was passed b. c. 415. The political changes of the times were directly felt by the Old Come- dy ; political freedom was essential to its being and life ; and accord- ingly it flourished and fell, along with Athenian democracy. 284. ©bticuit. The Middle and the New Comedy had no chorus. III. 285 — 476. Critical Instruction for the poet. (See Introduction. The details will be given below, in their place.) 285 — 294. Horace commends the emulous spirit of Roman poets, and their adoption of Roman subjects, but declares that they have failed of literary excellence through their haste and their impatience of laborious composition ; and he inculcates upon the young Pisos the utmost care and correctness in writing. 287. Domestica ; opposed to foreign ; nation- al. 288. Praetextas; (sc. fabulas) for praetextatas ; that is, trage- dies, which represented a higher and nobler life ; so named, because the praetexto, was the dress of magistrates, of priests, and of senators on festival days ; togatas, comedies, which represent ordinary life ; from the toga, the ordinary Roman dress. ■ Docere is used with fabulam, like the Gr. diddo-Kciv, because the poet instructed the actors and 546 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. chorus in their parts ; hence exhibit or compose a play, by which latter word we may here translate. 293. Litnra. See n. Sat. i., 10, 72. 294. Perfectum; agrees with quod; = u \t& ut perfectum sit." Dillenb. Ad unguem. See n. Sat. i., 5, 32. 295—304. Horace proceeds to ridicule those poets who affect to despise art and rely solely upon genius, and who, in their reliance upon genius, confound vulgar madness with poetic frenzy, and mere eccentricity with poetic genius. 296. Sanos; i. e. those who have not the true insania or furor-poeticus ; comp. n. O. iii., 4, 6. 297. Democritus ; he wrote irept iroirto-eus and irepi 'OfA-fjpov. Cicero alludes to his words in De Divin., L, 37; Negat sine furore Democritus quemquam poetam magnum esse posse; and also in De Or at., ii., 46 : Saepe audivi poetam bonum neminem (id quod a Demo- crito et Platone in scriplis relictum esse dicunt) sine inflammatione ani- morum exislere posse et sine quodam afflatu quasi fur oris. Comp. Cic. pro Archia, c. 8. 300. Tribns ; see n. Sat. ii., 3, 83. The poet here means that a case so desperate as this, would* not be cured by all the produce even of three Anticyras ; or, which is the same thing for the jest, by three times the amount of hellebore produced in Anticyra (in allusion to either of the two). 301. Licino. The Scholiast tells us, that this was the name of a barber, who was made a senator by Julius Caesar, because he hated Pompey. It must have been a different per- son from the slave of that name, who was freed by Julius Caesar, and afterwards was made procurator of Gaul by Augustus ; mentioned by Dio. Cass., liv., 21. 301. Laevus; =stultus, as in Virg. Eel. i., 16; and Aen. ii., 54. 302. Bilem ; comp. Epist. ii., 2, 137. 304—308. Horace now, waiving all claim to the title and character of poet, assumes the office of a critic, and undertakes to teach what is necessary to the formation and guidance of the poet. Comp. Intr. 309 — 322. In opposition to the absurd notion he has just illustrated (in 295 seqq.) Horace insists upon good sense as essential to good writing (309) ; and recommends, in order to just views and exhibitions of charactei, the study of the Socratic or moral philosophy, and of human life (to 1. 318) - adding, in practical illustration, that a poem, in which the manners are justly delineated, is always successful even if it have no other excellence (to 1. 322). 309. Saperc ; a comprehensive word, which expresses the ability to think and judge aright on all subjects whatsoever (" recte cogitare atque judicare de omnibus rebus ;" Orelli) ; without which no one can be a poet, whatever other gifts and acquirements he may hare. 310. Socraticac — chartac ; the teachings of Socrates ; as embodied in the works of his disciples, e. g. Plato and Xenophon ; in these moral teachings, the writer, especially the dramatist, may find his subject- matter (rem) ; the best illustrations of all that belongs to character, of all the various relations and duties of men. 312. Qui didicit, etc Here follows a mention of particular illustrations of the general word EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 547 (rem) ; i. e. of particular relations and duties, of a citizen, a friend, &c. 314. Conscript! ; sc. senatoris ; from the expression patres con- scripti. See Livy, B. II., c. 1. 317. Exemplar Yitae mornmquc ; i. e. the model which the life and manners of men present to him who ob- serves and studies them. 318. Vivas J life-like; caught from, and reflecting, real life. So Virg. Aen. vi., 849, vivos ducent de marmore vul- tus. 319. Morata rectc; which rightly depicts the mores ^ a dif- ferent word from moratur, in 1. 321. 323 — 332. While the Greeks, animated alone by ambition, have excelled in letters, the education of the Ro- mans has formed in them a love of money, which has been fatal to their success in poetry. 323. Ore rotando ; well-rounded expression ; metaphorical for the highest, most perfect style of language ; like the Gr. arpoyyvKov a-Twfia, o-rpoyyvAr) Ae£ts (see Passow, and Liddell and So- it). 325. Rationibns. Calculations. 325. Dicat, etc. A scene from a Roman school. — In dicat the poet makes the teacher use the third for the second person ;= tell me, &c. Comp. 0. i., 27, 10. 328. Potcras dixisse. The encouraging words of the master. On the tense dixisse, see n. 0. i., 1, 4. 332. Cedro. Manuscripts were rubbed with oil of cedar, for their better preservation. — Cnpresso; i. e. in capsae or scrinia, made of cypress. See n. Sat. i., 4, 21 ; and the cut on p. 204. 333 — 346. Poets aim either to instruct, or to delight, or both to instruct and delight (333, 334) ; they who aim to instruct, must study brevity (to 1. 337 inc.) ; they who aim to delight^ must, in fiction, keep to what is probable (to 340 inc.) ; he who can unite the useful vjith the agreeable, will win all readers, he is the poet whose works vrill live (to 346). 335. Cito j join with percipiant. 337. This line furnishes a reason why the didactic writer should aim at brevity. The image seems to be taken from a vessel, from which, when filled full, whatever else is poured in, flows away and is lost ; so with the mind, when filled with instruc- tion. 339. Ne, etc. These two lines illustrate, negatively, the pre- ceding rule ; the former generally, the latter particularly. The subject of credi is in quodcunque. — Lamia is the name of a fabulous creature that was said to devour children. The Scholiast describes it thus : " est monstrum superne habens speciem mulieris, inferne vero desinit in pedes asininos." 341. Centuriae seniorum ; = senes, the old; the expression is taken from the centuries of old men in the classes of the comitia centuriata, instituted by Servius Tullius. See Diet. Antiqq., under comitia. 342. Celsi — Ramnes ; the haughty Ramnes ; for the younger knights, and then for the young. The Ramnes, because the oldest of the three centnriae equitum (described by Livy, i., 13), here represent the young men of highest nobility. 343. Puuctnm ; vote ; i. e. the favor of every reader. See n.Epist. ii., 2, 99. Dnlci ; see n. 0. iv., 1, 22. 345. Sosiis. See n. Epist. i., 20, 2. 347—365. Li a yoem of superior excellence, one or two blemishes are pardonable ; but tlie 548 NOTES ON THE EPISTLES. presence of one or two beauties cannot redeem a poem generally faulty (tol. 359) ; this truth is illustrated (to 1. 365) by a comparison of poetry with painting. 347. Xgnovissc. See n. 0. i., 1, 4. 352. Fudit; the word keeps up the metaphor in maculas. Comp. Sat. i., 6, 66. 354. Scriptor — librarius; the transcriber; the slave employed to copy books. See Becker's account of the librarii, in Gallus, p. 236. Idem ;• neut. ace. 357. Choerilus. See n. Epist. ii., 1, 233. 358. Idem. Nom. masc. ; see n. O. ii., 10, 16. 359. Dormitat Homerns. It is unnecessary to suppose that Horace had in mind any particular fault of Homer ; he merely uses Homer as an example of a good poet. 361. Ut pictura. Perhaps the mention of Homer, and the thought of his graphic, picture-like poetry suggested this c jmparison of poetry with painting. So Cic. in Tusc. v., 39, says, in speaking of Homer : Traditum est etiam, Homerum caecum fuisse. At ejus picturam, non poesin, videmus. Quae regio, quae ora, qui locus Graeciae, quae species formaque pugnae, quae acies, quod remigium, qui motus hominum, qui ferarum, non ita expictus est, ut, quae ipse non viderit, nos ut videremus, efficeret ? 364. Non formidat. The chief point in the comparison is, that the poem of high merit, the true poem, is that which will bear frequently repeated and the closest examination. 366 — 378. Having inculcated the necessity of excellence in poetry, the poet now shows the reasonableness of his doctrine : In such pursuits as are necessary to life, mediocrity is tolerated ; but from poetry, which is not indispensable, but is intended to please, mediocrity is excluded. 367. Sapis \ see above n. on 1. 308. 368. Tolle memor \ lay up in your memory. 368. Consultus juris — actor. Illustrations of certis-rebus. On cons. juris, see n. Sat. i., 1, 9. 371. Messalae. See n. Sat. i., 10, 29. 371. Cascellius Aulas. A Roman jurist; mentioned by Valerius Max- imus, 6, 2, 1, as vir juris civilis scientia clams; as this mention of him belongs to the year b. c. 41, he must have been, if still living, at the time of this allusion, a very old man. 372. Mediocribus ; on the construction, see n. Sat. i., 1, 19. 373. Columnae ; the columns or pillars of the porticoes, under which were the booksellers' shops. See n. Sat i., 4, 71 ; i. e. the books of such poets are not worth (as we should say) the advertising, are unsaleable. 375. Sardo. The Sar- dinian honey was bitter. Roasted poppy-seed with honey was a favor- ite dish at the dessert of a Roman dinner. 379. — 384. And yd many, entirely destitute of the requisite capacity, venture to write poetry. Comp. with this passage, Epist. ii., 1, 114-117. 379. Campestribus ; of the Campus Martius. Comp. nn. 0. i., 8, 4 and 10. — — 381. Coronac; the ring; the crowd of spectators. 382. Nescit; sc. fin- gere. 383. Census; a participle; followed by snmmam, as a Greek accusative; see n. O. i., 1, 21. On equestrcm summam, see n. Epist. i., 1, 58. 385—407. Turning again directly to Piso, he bids him consult EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 549 kis abilities, before he write ; if he ever write, to submit his writings to fau\ful critics, and to beware of hasty publication (to 390) ; then, to awaken in him a just sense of the sacred dignity of poetry (see lines 406, 407), he passes to an enumeration of the ancient and noble offices of the art (to 407). 385. Invita — Minerva. Cicero, in de Off. i., 31, ex- plains this expression ; invita ut aiunt, Minerva, id est, adversanle et repugnante natura. 386. Est. The true reading. Esto is a mere conjecture. 387. Meti. See n. Sat. i., 10, 38. 388. Aonum— in annum ; indefinite ; = " in aliquod tempus," which is the expression of Quinctilian in a parallel passage, 10, 4, 2 : " Nee dubium est, optimum esse emendandi genus, si scripta in aliquod tempus reponuntur, ut ad ea, post intervallum, velut nova atque aliena redeamus." 389. Intns; i. e. in the scrinium. On membranis, see n. Sat. ii., 3, 2. 390. Kes- cit, etc. See Epist. i., 18, 71. 391. Horace draws his firs* illustra- tions from the bards of the mythic period, Orpheus, Amphion, whose poetry he describes (to 1. 401) as the parent of civilization, the source of religion, laws, and the useful arts. Silvestres homines $ i. e. living in the woods ; " the barbarous natives of the wood." Colman. Comp. n. O. i., 10, 2. Sacer. Virg. Aen. vi., 645. uses of Orpheus the expres- sion Threicius Sacerdos. Dcornm ; i. e. of their will. 394. Dietns ob hoc. Comp. O. i., 12, 9-12. Thus Horace beautifully ex- plains the stories of the magical sway of Orpheus over nature and the beasts of the field ; it is the wondrous influence of music and poetry in promoting human civilization. 391. Amphion. See n. O. iii., 11, 1. 396. Sapientia quondam ; i. e. the ofiice of the ancient sages or poets. Haec points to what follows, publica, etc. 401. Post hos, etc. He now mentions briefly the different kinds of poetry, and the ends they aimed at. 402. Tyrtaeus. The poet- warrior, who in- spired, by his songs, the courage of the Lacedemonians in the 2d Mes- senian war. The commentators quote the words of Justin, 3, 5, con- cerning him: Carmina exercitui pro concione recitavit; in quibus horta- menta virtutis, damnorum solatia, belli consilia conscripserat. 403. Sortes. The lots or responses of oracles, which were in verse. See Diet. Antiqq. under the word. 404. Vitae — via; in allusion to in- structive or didactic poetry, e. g. the writings of Hesiod, Theognis, and others, see Manual Class. Lit., p. 168. Gratia regain. This expres- sion is illustrated by the lyric songs of Pindar, in praise of the exploits and victories of kings. 405. Lndnsque repertns ; dramatic poetry, which originated in the festivals (Dionysia) of the people, held at the time of vintage. See n. above on 193-201 ; and Diet. Antiqq. Dionysia. 408 — 415. Tlie poet must unite with genius the laborious culture oj art. 409. Ncc stadium. On this question Cicero expresses the same opinion, pro Archia, 7 : Atque idem ego contendo, cum ad naturam eximiam atque Uluslrem accesserit ratio quaedam conformatioquc doclrinae, 550 NOTES ON" THE EPISTLES. turn illud nescio quid praeclarum ac singulare solere ezistere. 412» Qui stndet. The necessity of art is illustrated in the case of the com- petitor in the foot-race (at the Olympian Games), and of the flute- player at the Pythian Games. Metam. See n. O. i., 1,4; and the illustration on p. 309. 414. Pythia; ace, sc. certamina. Comp. n. Epist. i., 1, 50. The Pythian Games were celebrated at Delphi; see Diet. Antiqq. The poet refers to the musical contests at the Games. 416 — 4.5 2» He who would be a true poet, must not be self-complacent (to 1. 418); nor give heed to selfish flatterers, to whom he will be especially ex- posed, if he happen to be rich (to 1. 437) ; but submit to the guidance of the honest and faithful critic (to 1. 452). 417. Occnpet — scabies ; plague take the hindmost ; an expression, borrowed (according to the Scholiast) from the sports of boys, as it was the usual cry of ihe boy who out- stripped his fellows in running. 421. Diyes agris, etc. Tnis line is repeated from Sat. i., 2, 13. 422. Unctnm; sc. cibum or convivium ; a "savory," (Osborne) sumptuous banquet. 423. Levi; light, who has no credit. 430. Salict ; i. e. for joy. Tundet pede ; = saltabit; comp. O. iii.. 18, 15. So Orelli, who thus explains the connection of saliet with tundet: " exsiliet, quin etiam saltabit." 431. Conducti ; used for all who were hired to mourn at a funeral ; more general than praeficae, on which see n. O. ii., 20, 21. 433. Derisor; as the oppo- site of vero laudatore, =falsus laudator, flatterer. 435. Torquere mere \ to put to the wine-torture ; i. e. to make wine (as a quasi torment- um), a test, or means of extorting, character. See n. O. iii., 21, 13. 435. Perspexisse. See n. O. i., 1, 4. 437. Vulpe ; i. e. pelle vulpina. ■ 438. Quinctilio. He now draws, in contrast to the flatterer, a pic- ture of an honest and faithful critic, selecting for the purpose the ex- ample of Quinctilius Varus (the literary and personal friend, whose death he had mourned in O. i., 24). 439. Aiebat ; the indie, although si-recitarcs precedes ; instead of sl-recitabas, — aiebat (or dicebat) or si- recitares, — diceret. See Z. ty 519, b. Negarcs *, sc. si.- 441. Tor- natos incudi. An instance of a mixed metaphor; drawn from the turner's lathe, and the smith's anvil. The text-books of rhetoric furnish similar instances from the poets, ancient and modern. 444. Quin — aniares ; subjunctive, because it is or alio obliqua ; Quinctilius would have said, in oralio recta, quin amas. — So Orelli ; and the explanation is better than that which makes the subj. dependent upon the idea of hin- dering supposed to be involved in nullum — insumehat. 447. Sigimm; the obelus (f), or the Greek Thela, put to a line by the ancient critics, to show that it was bad or spurious. Comp. Pers. iv., 13 ; : 'Et potis es nigrum vitio praefigere the/a." 450. Aristarchus ; an Arislarchus ; in allusion to the famous Alexandrian critic of that name. So Cic. ad Att. i., 11: "mearum orationem tu Arislarchus es." 453—476. In conclusion, to illustrate the last point he had proposed to himself as a EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. 551 critic, viz., quofeiat error (1. 308), Horace draws the picture of a bad poet ; who, despising all study and counsel, and infatuated by self-love, is an object of universal contempt and aversion. Dillenburger well says : " Respondet exitus initio, imago insani poetae imagini monstruosae Jigiwae." 453. Morbus regius, also called arquatus, means the jaundice; so called, according to Pliny and Celsus, from its requiring costly remedies and constant amusement. Yet our expression, king's evil, is used of scrofula. 455. Tetigisse ; see n. 0. i., 1, 4. 457. Snblimis; "with head erect" Colman. 460. Non sit; non is here used for ne ; and the subj. has an imperative force. 465. Em- pedocles; the philosopher of Agrigentum (see n. Epist. i., 12, 18), who flourished about 450 b. c. Horace humorously quotes one of the fables, told about his death ; the time and manner of which were unknown. 467. Occident! ; dat. depending upon idem ; see Z. § 704 ; A & S. § 222, P. 7. 470. Nee satis apparet, etc. Horace adds a satirical ground for not trying to save such a poet : perhaps this madness of verse- making is a visitation from heaven for some act of impiety. Factitet ; keeps moMng. 471. Bidental ; a name given to a place which had been struck by lightning, and on which, therefore, a two-year-old sheep (bidens) was offered up as an expiatory sacrifice. It was customary to build an altar on the spot, and surround it with a fence, and to venture into it was deemed sacrilege. 472. Certe ; in connection with utruni — an, etc., but certainly (at any rate) he is raging mad; whatever the cause, the fact is certain. INDEX OP PROPER NAMES. [O. stands for Odes, Sat. for Satires, Ep. for Epodes, and E. for Epistles.] A. Academus ; inter silvas Acaderai quaere re ▼erum. E. 2.2,45. Accius. Nil comis tragici mutat Lucilius Acci ? Sat. 1 10, 53 : aufert famam senis Accius alti, E. 2, I, 56; iambus in Acci no- bilibus trimetris apparet rarus, A. P. 253. Achaemenes. C. 2, 12, 21. Achaemenius. Achaemeniurn costum, C. 3. 1. 44. Achaemenio perfundi nardo, Ep. 13,8. Achaicus isnis, C. 1. 15, 35 ; curru Achai- co, C. 4, 3, 5/~ Acheron. Perrupit Acheronta Herculeus labor. C. 1. 3, 36. Quinnus Martis equis Acheronta fugit. C. 3, 3. 16. Acherontia. C. 3, 4, 14. Achilles. Pelidae stomachum. C. 1, 6, 6 ; marinae filium Theiidis, C. 1.8, 14 ; insolen- tem AchiUem, C. 2, 4. 4. Abstulit clarum cita mors AchiUem. C. 2, 16, 29. Phthius Achilles, C. 4, 6, 4. Filius Thetidis marinae. ib. v. 6. Invicte. mortalis dea nate Theiide. Ep. 13, 12; nepotem Nereium, Ep. 17. 8; pervicacis ad pedes Achillei. ib. v. 14 ; ani- mosum AchiUem, Sat. 1, 7, 12; Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus. Sat. 2, 3, 193. Peliden. E. 1, 2, 12. ; iratus Graiis quantum nocuisset Achilles. E. 2, 2, 42; honoratum si forte re- ponis AchiUem cet, Ae. 120. Achivi; pugnaces Achivi. C. 3, 3, 27: Achi- vis flammis, C. 4, 6. 18 : toties servatis cla- rus Achivis. Sat. 2, 3. 194 ; quidquid delirant reees. plectuntur Achivi, E. 1, 2, 14. Achi- vis" unrtis. E. 2,1.33. Acrisius. Acrisium Danaae custodem pa- vidum. C. 3. 16, 5. Acrvceraunia. C. 1, 3, 20. Activs. E. 1. 18,61. Aeacus ; judicantem Aeacum. C 2. 13. 22 ; eenus Aeaci. C. 3. 19, 3 ; ereptum Stygiis fluctibus Aeacum. C. 4, 8, 25. Aegaeum in patenti Aegaeo. C. 2, 16, 2. Aeeaeos tumultus, C. 3, 29, 63. Aegaeum mare. E. 1. 11, 16. Aelius (L.) Lamia. Vide Lamia. C. 1, 20. 8. Aeli vetuste nobilis ab Lamo, C. 3, 17,1. Aemilius. Art. poet. 32. Aeneas; rebus Aeneae, C. 4,6,23; piufl Aeneas, C. 4, 7, 15. Castus Aeneas, Carra. sec. 42. (Caesar) ab alto demissum genus Aenea, Sat. 2, 5, 63. Aeolides. C. 2, 14, 20. Aeolius. Aeolius fidibus, C. 2, 13, 24. Aeolium carmen, C. 3, 30, 13. Aeolio car- mine nobilem, C. 4. 3, 12; adhuc vivunt commissi calores Aeoliae fidibus pueUae, C. 4, 9, 12. Aeschylus. Sophocles et Thespis et Aes- chylus E. 2, 1. 163 ; personae pallaeque re- pertor honestae Aeschylus, Art. poet. 279. Aesopus tragicarum fabularum actor ; gra- vis Aesopus, E. 2, 1, 82. Filius Aesopi,~ho- mo prodigus, Sat. 2, 3, 239. Aesula. C. 3, 29, 6. Aethiops. C. 3. 6, 14. Aetna ; impositam Aetnam, C. 3, 4, 76 ; fervida in Aetna. Ep. 17,33; ardentem fri- gidus Aetnam insiluit Empedocles, Art. poet. 465. Aetolus. E. 1, 18, 46. Afer, A fri; deorum quisquis amicior Afris, C. 2, 1, 26. Afro murice, C. 2. 16, 33; qua medius liquor secernit Europen ab Afro, C. 3, 3, 47 ; dirus Afer. C. 4, 4, 42. Afra avis, Ep. 2, 53. Afra cochlea. Sat. 2, 4. 5S. Ca- nidia peior serpentibus Afris, Sat. 2, 8, 92. Afranius. Dicitur Afrani toga convenisse Menandro. E. 2, 1, 57. Africa ; ultima Africa, C. 2, IS, 5 ; fertilia Afncae, C. 3, 16,31 ; domita Africa, C. 4, 8, 13. Frumenti quantum mem Africa. Sat 2, 3, 87. Africanus (Scipio minor.) Ep. 9, 25. Africus ; luctantem Icariis fluctibus Afri- cum, Carm. 1, I, 15: praecipitem Africum decertantem Aquilonibus, C. 1, 3, 12; celeri Africo. C. 1, 14,5; pcstilentem Africum. C. 3, 23, 5 ; Africis procellis, C. 3, 29, 57 ; pro- tervus Africus. Ep. 16, 22. Agamemnon. C. 4, 9, 25. Agave ; caput absci?sum manibus cum portat Aeave enati infelicis, sibi turn luriosa videtur I Sat."2, 3, 303. Agrippa. C. 1, 6, totum ; plausus, quos fert Agrippa, Sat. 2, 3, 185 ; porticis Agrip- 24 554 INDEX OF PKOPER NAMES. pae, E. 1,6,26. Fructibus AgrippaeSiculis, E. 1, 12, 1. Cantaber Agrippae virtute ce- cidit, ib. v. 26. Agyieus. C. 4, 6, 28. Aiax ; celerem sequi Aiacem, C. 1, 15, 19. Movit Aiacem Telamone natum forma Tec- messae, C 2, 4, 5. Ne quis humare velit Aiacem, Atrida, vetas cur? Sat. 2, 3, 187. Aiax, heros ab Achilli secundus, ib. v. 193. Quid fecit? cet. ib. v. 201. Aiax cum im- meritos occidit desipit agnos 1 ib. v. 211. Aiax Oilei. Ep. 10, 14. Albanum vinum ; plenus Albani cadus. C. 4. 11,2; (vinum) Albanum sive Palernum, Set. 2, 8, 16. Albanus. Albanis in herbis, C. 3, 23, 11. Albanos lacus, C. 4, 1, 19. Albanas (Roma- nas) secures, Carm. sec. 54. Albanam uvam, Sat. 2, 4, 72. Albanis agris, E. 1, 7, 10. Al- bano in monte, E, 2. 1, 27. Albinovanus Celsus. E. 1, 8, tota. Albinus. Art. poet. 327. Albius stupet Albius aere, Sat. 1, 4,28; (alius.) Albi ut male vivat filius, Sat. 1,4, 109. Albius Tibullus. Albi, C. 1, 33, 1. Eius miserabiles elegi, ib. v. 2. Albi nostrorum sermon um candide iudex. Albunea. C. 1, 7, 12. Albutius. Canidio albuti quibus est ini- mica venenum minitatur, Sat. 2, 1, 48. Al- buti senis exemplo saevus, Sat. 2, 2, 67. Alcaeus. Lesbio civi, C. 1, 32, 5 ; te so- nantem plenius aureo, Alcaee, plectro dura navis mala, C 2, 13, 27. Alcaei minaces Ca- menae, C. 4, 9, 7. Temperat Archilochi Musam pede Alcaeus, E. 1, 19, 29. Discedo Alcaeus puncto illius, E. 2, 2, 99. Aleides. C. 1, 12, 25. Alcinous. E. 1, 2, 28. Alexander. Gratus Alexandra regi Masrno fuit ille Choerilus, E. 2, I, 232; ib. v. 237. Fortis Alexandri, ib. v. 241. Alexandrea. C, 4, 14, 35. Alfenius. Sat. 1, 3, 130. Alfius. Ep. 2, 67. Algidus ; gelido Algido, C. 1, 21, 6 ; nivali Algido, C. 3, 23, 9 ; nigrae feraci frondis in Algido, C. 4, 4, 58 ; tenet Algidum Diana, Carm. sec. 69. Allifanus, Sat. 2, 8, 39. AHobrox. Ep. 16. 6. Alpes. Raetis sub Alpibus, C. 4 4, 17 ; arces Alpibus impositas tremendis, C. 4, 14, 12. Alpium iuga, Ep. 1, 11 ; hibernas Alpes, Sat. 2, 5, 41. Alpinus. Sat. 1, 10, 36" Alyatles. C. 3, 16, 41. Amazoniiis. C. 4, 4, 20. Amor. Cythereae puer ales, C. 3, 12, 4 ; remisso Filius (Veneris) arcu, C. 3, 27, 68; lascivos Amores, C. 2. 16, 7. Amphiaraus. C. 3, 16, 12. Amphion. Movit Amphion lapides canen- do. O. 3, 1 1, 2 ; fratrum geminorum, Amphi- enis atque Zelhi, E. 1, 18, 41 ; fraternis ces- b\.33S putatur moribus Amphion, ib. v. 44. Amphion, Thebanae conditor arcis, Art. poet. 394. Amynlas. Ep. 12, 18. Anacreon ; si quid olim lusitAnacreon, C. 4, 9, 9. Samio dicunl arsisse Bathyllo Ana- creonta Teium, Ep. 14, 10. Anchises. Anchisen canemus, C. 4, 15, 31. Clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis, Carm. sec. 50. Ancus ; dives Tullus et Ancus, C. 4, 7, 15. Numa quo devenit et Ancus, E. 1, 6, 27. Andromeda. C. 3, 29, 17. Anio. C. 1, 7, 13. Antenor. E. 1,2, 9. Anticyra. Anticyram omnem, Sat. 2, 3, 83. Naviget Anticyram, ib. v. 166 ; tribua Anticyris caput insanabile, Art. poet. 300. Antilochus. C. 2, 9, 14. Antiochus. C. 3, 6, 36. Antiphates. Art. poet. 145. Antium. C. 1, 35, 1. Antonius. C. 4. 2. Antonius (M.) triumvir. Fonteius, Anto- ni Amicus, Sat. 1,5,33; rile Cretam ventia iturus non suis, Ep. 9, 29. Antonius Musa. E. 1, 15, 3. Anxur. Sat. 1, 5, 26. Anytus. Sat. 2, 4, 3. Apella. Sat. 1, 5, 100. Apelles. E. 2, 1, 239. Apenninus. Ep. 16, 29. Apollinaris. C. 4, 2, 9. Apollo; augur, C. 1, 2, 32. Apolline Del- phos insignes, C. 1, 7,3; certus Apollo, C. I, 7, 28; viduus pharetra risit Apollo, C. 1, 10, 2. Pythius, C. 1, 16, 6 ; intonsum Cynthium, C. 1,21,2; natalem Delon Apollinis, C. I, 21, 10 ; dedicatum Apollinem, C. 1, 31, 1 ; ne que semper arcum tendit Apollo, C. 2, 10, 20. Deli us et Patareus Apollo, C. 3, 4, 64 ; C. 4, 6, totum. Latonae puerum, ib. v. 37. Sup- plices audi pueros, Apollo ! Carm. sec. 34 ; dum intonsos agitaret Apollinis aura capillos', Ep. 15, 9. Sic me servavit Apollo, Sat. 1, 9, 78; magnus Apollo, Sat. 2, 5, 60. Scripta Palatinus quaecunque recepit Apollo, E. 1,3, 17; clare cum dixit, Apollo, E. 1, 16, 59; munus Apolline dignum, E. 2, 1,216; cantor Apollo, Art. poet. 407. Appia via. Appiam manis terit, Ep. 4, 14; minus est gravis Appia tardis, Sat. 1, 5, 6. Appius. Forum Appi, Sat. 1, 5, 3; via Appi, B. 1,6, 26, et.l, 18,20. Aprilis, C. 4, 11, 16. Apulia ; altricis Apuliae, C. 3, 4, 10 ; siti- culosae Apuliae, Ep. 3, 16; incipit montes Apulia notos ostentare mihi, Sat, 1,5, 77. Apulicus. C. 3, 24, 4. Apulus. Apulis lupis, C. 1, 33, 7. Vulture in Apulo, C. 3, 4, 8. Marsus et Apulus, C. 3, 5, 9 ; impiger Apulus, C. 3, 16, 26. Dauni Apuli, C. 4, 14, 26 ; pernicis uxor Apuli, Ep. 2, 42. Lucanus an Apulus anceps (Hora- tius,) Sat. 2, 1, 34. Apuli gens, ib. v. 38. Aquarius. Sat 1. 1. 36. Aquilo. Africum decertantem Aquiloni- bus, C. 1, 3, 13. Aquilonibus querceta Gar- gani laborant, C. 2, 9, 6 ; incolis Aquilonibus, C. 3, 10, 4. Aquilo impotens, C. 3, 30, 3. In- surgat Aquilo, Ep. 10, 7, Threicio Aquilo- ne, Ep. 13, 3. Aquilo radii terras, Sat. 2. 6. 25 ; pulveris, quantum non Aquilo Campa- nis excitat agris, Sat 2, 8, 56 ; receptus terra INDEX OF PKOPER NAMES. 555 Neplunus classes Aquilonibus arcet, Art. poet. 64. Aquinas. E. 1. 10,27. Arahes ; beatis Arabum gazis, C. 1, 29, 1. Massagetas Arabasque, C. 1. 35,40; plenas Arabum domo=, C 2, 12, 24. Intactis opu- lentior thesauris Arabum, C. 3, 24. 2 ; extre- mos Arabas, E. 1. 6, 6 ; divitiis Arabum, E. 1, 7, 36. Arbuscula. Sat. I, 10,77. Arcadia. C. 4, 12, 12. Arckiacus. E. 1,5, I. Archilncus. Lycambae spretus infiilo ge- ner. Kp 6,13. Eupolin Archilocum, Sat." 2, 3. 12; numeros animosque secutus Archilo- chi. E. I, 19,25. Temperat Archilochi Mu- sam pede mascula Sappho, ib. v. 28. Archi- loc.hu m proprio rabies armavit iambo, Art. poet. 79. Archytas. C. 1, 28, totum. Arctos ; sub Arcto, C. 1, 26,3; opacam Arcton, C. 2, 15, 16. Arcturus. C. 3, I, 27. Areleius. Sat. 2, 6, 78. Argeus. C. 2, 6, 5. Argi ; neque t'u hoc facis Argis, Sat. 2, 3, 132 ; fuit haud ignobilis Argis cet, E. 2, 2, 128. Thebis nutritus an Argis, Art. poet. 118. Argivi ; meis (Iunonis) Argivis, C. 3, 3, 67 ; auguris Argivi, C. 3, 16, 12. Argonaut ae. Ep. 3, 9. - Argos. C. 1, 7, 9. Argous. Ep. 16, 57. Aricia. Sat. 1, 5, 1. Aricinus. E. 2, 2, 167. Ariminensis. Ep. 5, 42. Aristarchus. Art. post. 450. Aristippus. Graecus Aristippus servos proiicere aurum in media iussit Libya, Sat. 2, 3, 100. Nunc in Aristippi furtim praecep- ta relabor, E. I, 1, 18; si pranderet olus patienter. regibus uti nollet Aristippus, E. 1, 17, 14. Omnis Aristippum decuit color et status et res, ib. v. 23. Arisiius Fuscus. Fusee ! C. 1, 22, 4 Fuscus Aristius mihi carus, Sat. 1, 9, 61. Fuscus, Sat. 1, 10 83, E. 1, 10, tota ; urbis amatorem. ib v. 1. Aristophanes. Cratinus Aristophanesque poetae, Sat. 1, 4, 1. Armenius Armeniis in oris, C. 2. 9, 4. Claudi virtute Neronis Armenius cecidit, E. 1, 12, 27. Arrius ( Q.) ; epulum arbitrio Arri, Sat. 2, 3, 86 ; progenies Arri, par nobile fratrum, ib. v. 243. Asella Vinnius. E. 1,13. tota. Asia ; ditem Asiam, Sat. 1, 7, 19. Solem Asiae Brutum appellat Persius, ib. v. 24 ; pincrues Asiae campi, E. 1, 3, 5. Asina. E. 1. 13, 8. Acinius Potlio. C. 2, 1, totum. PoIIio resnm lacta canit pede ter percusso, Sat. 1, 10;42. ib v. 85. Jissarams. Ep. 13, 13. Assyrius. Assyria nardo, C. 2, 11,16; urentes arenas litoris Assyri, C. 3, 4, 32. Colchus an Assvrius, Art. poet, 118. Asterie. C. 3, 7, 1. Atabulus. Sat. 1,.5, 78. Athenae. Palladis urbem, C. 1, 7, o: quidam memoratur Athenis sordidus ac divea cet, Sat. 1 , 1, 64. lam mallet doctor Athenis vivere, Sat. 2, 7, 13 ; poeta, qui modo me Thebis, modo ponit Aihenis, E. 2, 1,213; bonae Athenae, E. 2, 2, 43 ; vacuas Alhenas, ib. v, 81. Atlan/eus. C. 1, 34, U. At/anticus. C. 1, 31, 14. Atlas. C. 1, 10, 1 Atreus. Art. poet. 186. Atrides et Atridae. Atridas superbos, C. 1. 10, 13. Arsit Atrides medio in triumpho Virgine rapta, C. 2. 4, 7. Ne quis humare vein. Aiacem, Atrida, vetas cur? Sat. 2, 3, 187. Aiax mala multa precatus Atridis, Sat. 2, 3, 203 ; lites inter Peliden et inter Atriden, E. 1, 2, 12. Atride (Menelae .') E. 1. 7, 43. Atta(T. Quinctius). E. 2,1,79. Attalicus. Attalicis condiciombus, C. 1, 1, 12. Attalicis ex urbibus una, E. 1, 11, 5. Attalus. C. 2, 18, 5. Atticus ; finibus Atticis, C. 1,3, 6 ; ut Atti- ca virgo cum sacris Cereris procedit, Sat. 2, 8, 13. Auctumnus. Pomifer Auctumnus, C. 4, 7, 11; caput Auctumnus agrisextulit, Ep. 2, 18. Auctumnus gravis, Libitinae quaestua acerbae. Sat. 2, 6, 19. Aufidius. Sat. 2, 4, 24. Aufidius Luscus. Sat. 1,5, 34. Aujidus violens Aufidus, C. 3, 30, 10; longe sonantem natus ad Aufidum, C. 4, 9, 2; tauriformis Aufidus, C. 4. 14,25. Aufi- dus acer. Sat. 1, 1, 58. Augustus. Vide Caesar Octavianus. Aulis. Sat. 2, 3, 199. Aulon. C. 2, 6, 18. Aulas praenomen, Sat. 2, 3, 171. Cascel- lius Aulus, Art. poet. 371. Ausonius. C. 4, 4, 56. Aus/er; nocentum corporibus Austrum. C. 2, 14, 16. Auster dux inquieti turbidus Ha- driae, C. 3, 3, 4 ; motus orientis Austri, C. 3, 27. 22 ; undas exercet Auster, C. 4, 14, 21, Ep. 10, 4 ; navem iactantibus Austris, Sat. 1, 1,6; praesentes Austri, Sat 2,2,41; plum- beus Auster, Sat. 2, 6, IS ; Ieni Austro. Sat. 2, 8. 6; validus Auster, E. 1, 11, 15. Aventinus. Aventinum tenet Algidum- que Diana, Carm. sec. 69 ; cubat hie extremo in Aventino, E 2, 2, 69. Awrnalis. Ep 5,26. Avidienus. Sat. 2, 2, 25. B. Babylonius. C. 1, 11,2. Bacchae. C 3, 25, 15. Bacchius. Sat. 1, 7, 20. Bacchus. Baccho Thebas insignes, C. 1, 7, 3. Semeleius Thyoneus, C 1, 17. 22. Bacche pater, C, 1. IS. 6—7, 9, 11. Theba- nae Semeles puer, C. 1, 19.2; verecundum Bacchum, C. 1,27.3: f'ertili Baccho. C. 2, 6, 19. Bacchum vidi docentem, C. 2, 19, 1 ; pleno Bacchi pectora, ib v. 6. Pacis eras mediusque belli, ib. v. 28 ; te, Bacche pater, tuae vexere tigres, C 3,3. 13. Laestrygonia Bacchus in amphora, C. 3, 16, 34. Quo nv)i 556 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Bacche, rapist C. 3, 25, 1 ; inverecundus deus, Epod. 11, 13. Io Bacche ! Sat. 1, 3, 7. Scriptorum chorus rite cliens Bacchi somno gaudentis, E. 2, 2, 78; deus alumnus Sileni, Art poet. 239. Bactra. C. 3, 29, 28. Baiue ; maris Baiis obstrepentis, C. 2, 18, 20; liquidae Baiae, C. 3, 4, 24. Baiis amoe- nis, E. 1, 1, 83; mihi Baias Musa supervac- uas Antonius facit, E. 1, 15, 2, ib. v. L2. Baianus. Sat. 2, 4, 32 Balatro Servilius. Sat. 2, 8, 21, ib. v. 33, 40 ; suspendens omnia naso, ib. v. 64, ib. v. 83. Balbinus. Sat. 1, 3, 40. Bandusia. C. 3, 13, 1. Bantir, vs. C 3, 4, 15. Barbaria. E. 1. 2. 7. Barine. C. 2, 8, 2. Barium. Sat. 1, 5, 97. Ban-us. Barrus inops, Sat. 1, 4, 110; si qui aegrotet quo morbo Barrus, Sat. 1, 6, 30. Barros ut equis praecurreret albis Persius, Sat. 1,7,8. Bassareus. C. 1, 18, 11. Bassus ( Caecilius). C. 1, 36, 14. Bathyllus. Ep. 14, 9. Bellerophon ; casto Bellerophonti, C. 3, 7, 15. Eques ipso melior Bellerophonte, C. 3. 12, 8. Pegasus terrenum equitem grava- tus Bellerophontem, C. 4, 11, 28. Bellona. Sat. 2, 3, 223. Beneventum. Sat. 1, 5, 71. Berecyntius cum Berecyntio comu tym- pana. C. 1, 18, 13. Berecyntiae tibiae, C. 3, 19, 18, et 4, 1, 22. Bestius. E. 1, 15, 37. Bibaculus. Turgidus Alpinus iugulat dum Memnona cet, Sat. J, 10, 36. Furius hibernas cana nive conspuit Alpes, Sat. 2, 5 41. ' Bibulus. C. 3, 28, 8. Sat. ], 10, 86. Bioneus. E. 2, 2, 60. Birrius. Sat. 1, 4, 69. Bistonides. C. 2, 19, 20. Bithus. Sat. 1, 7. 20. Bithynus. Bithyna carina, C. 1, 35, 7. Bithyna negotia, E. I, 6, 33. Boeotus. E. 2, 1, 244. Bolanus. Sat. 1, 9, 11. Boreas. C. 3, 24, 38. Bosporus ; navita Bosporum Poenus per- horrescit, C. 2, 13, 14 ; gementis litora Bos- pori, C. 2, 20, 14 ; insanientem Bosporum. C. 3, 4. 30. Breuni. (\ 4, 14, 11. Briseis. C. 2, 4, 3. Britanni. Persas atque Britannos, C. 1 . 21, 15; ultimos orbis Britannos, C. 1, 35,30. Britannos hospitibus feros, C. 3, 4, 33 ; adi- ectis Britannis imperio, C. 3,5,3; remotis Britannis, C. 4,14,48; intactus Britannus, Ep. 7, 7. B-rundisium. Brundisium longae finis chartaeque "vlaeque, Sat 1, 5, 104. Brun- disium comes ductus, E. 1,17,52, E. 1,18, 20. Brutus (M.). Bruto militiae duce, C. 2, 7, 2. Bruto praetore tenente ditem Asiam, V \. 1, 7. 18, ib. v. 33. Bullatiua. E. 1, 11, tota. Bupalus. Ep. 6, 14. Butra. E. 1, 5, 26. Byzantius. Sat. 2, 4, 66. C. Cadmus. Art. poet. 18?. Cadmus carni/ex, Sat. 1, 6, 39. Caecilius ( Q.) Melellus Celer. C. 2, 1, 1. Caecilius Statius Dicitur vincere Cae« cilius gravitate, Terentius arte, E. 2, 1, 59. Caecilio Plautoque, Art. poet. 54. Caecubus. Caecubum tu bibes, C. 1, 20, 9; depromere Caecubum cellis avitis, C. 1, 37, 5. Caecuba servata centum clavibus. C. 2, 14, 25 ; reconditum Caecubum, C. 3, 28, 3 ; repostum Caecubum ad festas dapes, Ep. 9, 1 ; quod fluentem t auseam coerceat, Cae- cubum, ib. v. 36. Caecuba vina, Sat. 2, 8, 15. Caelius. Sat. 1, 4, 69. Caeris. E. 1, 6, 62. Caesar. Iulium sidus? Caesaris ultor, C. 1, 2, 44. Trans Tiberim prope Caesaris hortos, Sat. 1, 9, 18. Caesar Octavianus. Te duce, Caesar ! C. 1, 2, 52; egregii Caesaris, C. 1, 6, 11. Iulium sidus, C. 1, 12, 47? tu secundo Cae- sare regnes, C. J , 12, 52 ; principe Caesare, C. 1, 21, 14 ; iturum Caesarem in ultimos orbis Britannos, C. 1,35,29; redegit inveros timores, C. 1, 37, 16; nova August! tropaea Caesaris, C. 2, 9, 19 ; dices proelia Caesaris, C. 2, 12, 2. Augustus recumbens purpureo bibit ore nectar, C. 3, 3, 11. Caesarem altum, C. 3, 4, 37 ; praesens divus habebitur Augus- tus, C. 3, 5, 3, C. 3, 14, totum ; tenente Cae- sare terras, ib. v. 16 ; egregii Caesaris, C. 3, 25, 4; concines Caesarem, C. 4, 2, 34; fortis Augusti, ib. v. 43. O Sol pulcher — canam, recepto Caesare felix, ib. v. 48. Augusti pa- ternus in pueros animus Nerones, C. 4, 4, 27, C. 4, 5, totum. Divis orte bonis, optime Ro- mulae custos gentis ! ib. v. 1 ; quaerii patria Caesarem, ib. v. 16 ; incolumi Caesare, ib. v. 27, C. 4, 14, totum ; maxime principum, ib. v. 6, C. 4, 15, totum. Custode rerum Caesare, ib. v. 17. Clarus Anchisae Vene- risque sanguis, Carm. sec. 50 ; omne Cae- saris periculum, Ep. 1, 3. Victore laetus Caesare, Ep. 9, 2. Galli canentes Caesarem, ib v. 18; metum Caesaris rerum, ib. v. 37. Caesar, qui cogere posset Tigellium cet. Sat. 1, 3, 4 ; aude Caesaris invicti res dicere, Sat. 2, 1, 11. Casarem iustum et fortem, ib v. 16 ; attentam Caesaris aurern, ib. v. 19, ib. v. 84 ; iuvenis Parthis horrendus, ab alto demissum genus Aenea, Sat. 2, 5, 62. Clau- dius, Augusti privignus, E. 1, 3, 2. Quis sibi res gestas Augusti scribere sumitl ib. v. 7 ; eras nato Caesare festus dat •veniam dies, E. 1, 5, 9. Phraates Caesaris genibus minor, E. 1, 12, 23. Augusto reddes signata carmina, Vinni, E. 1, 13, 2. Carmina, quae possint oculos auresque morari Caesaris, ib. v. 18. Augusti laudes agnoscere possis, E. 1, 16, 29. Lolli, Cantabrica bella tulisti sub duce, qui templis Parthorum signa refigit, E. 1, 18, 56, E. 2, 1, tola. Praegenti tibi ma- INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 557 turos largimur honores, ib. v. 15 ; arma Cae- earis Augusti non responsura lacertis, E. 2, 2,48. Calaber. Hadriae curvantis Calabros sinus, C 1. 33, 16. Calabrae apes, C. 3, 16, 33. Calabrae Pierides, C. 4, 8, 20. Cala- bris pascuis, Ep. 1,27. De Calabro hospite narratiuncula, E. 1, 7. 14. Calabris saltibus adiecti Lucani, E. 2, 2, 177. Calabria. C. 1.31,5. Calais. C. 3, 9, 14. Calenus praelo domitam Caleno uvam, C. 1, 20, 9. Galena falce, C. 1, 31, 9. Cales. C. 4, 12, 14. Callimachus. Eiusepigramma significa- nt Sat. 1, 2, 105 ; quis nisi Callimachus 1 E. 2, 2, 100. Calliope. C. 3, 4. 2. Calvus. Sat. 1, 10, 19. Camena. Paullum insigni referam Ca- mena, C. 1, 12, 39. Graiae Camenae, C. 2, 16, 38. Vester, Camenae cet. ; C. 3, 4.21. Dauniae Camenae, C. 4, 6, 27. Pindaricae Camenae, C. 4, 9, 8. Phoebus acceptus no- verfi Camenis, Carm. sec. 62 ; gaudentes rure Camenae, Sat. 1, 10, 45. Prima dicte mihi. summa dicende Camena, Maecenas! E. 1, 1, I ; inhumanae senium depone Ca- menae, E. 1, 18,47; dulces Camenae, E. 1, 19, 5; tragicae Camenae, Art. poet. 275. Camillas (M. Furius) ; an memorem — Camilluml C. 1, 12, 42; puerorum nenia, decantata Camillis, E. 1, 1, 64, Campanus ; proxima Campano ponti vi!- lula, Sat. 1, 5, 45. Campanum morbum, ib. v. 62. Campana supellex, Sat. I, 6, 118. Campana trulla. Sat. 2, 3, 144. Campanis agris, Sat. 2, 8, 56. Campus Martius. Vide Martins. De- scendat in Campum petitor. C. 3, 1, 11 ; gramine Martio, C 3, 7, 26; si quis asellum in Campodoceat currere, Sat. 1, 1,91 ; fugio Campum lusumque trigonem, Sat. 1,6, 126; in Campo, Sat. 2, 3, 55 ; gaudentem Campo, E. 1,7,59; eunctane prae Campo sordent 1 E. 1,11,4. Canicula. Caniculae aestus, C 1, 17, 17; flagrantis atrox hoi - a Caniculae, C. 3, 13, 9. Canidia (Gratidia); an malas Canidia tractavitdapes? Ep.3, 8. Canidia brevibus implicata viperis crines, Ep. 5, 15. Canidia rodens pollicem, ib. v. 48. Cfr, Ep 12, 1. Annotatt, Ep. 17, toius Canidia, parce vocibus tandem sacris ! ib. v. 6 ; nigra suc- cinctam palla Canidiam, Sat 1, 8, 24 ; Cani- diae denies excidere, ib. v. 48. Canidia Al- buti, quibusest inimica, venenum minitatur, Sat. 2, 1,48; vHut illis Canidia afllasset peior serpentibus Afris, Sat 2, 8, 95. Cam's ; sidus, E. 1, 10, 16 Cam's : cognomen Avidieni, Sat. 2, 2, 56. Cantaber. Cantabrum indoctum iuga ferre nostra, C. 2, 6, 2 : bellicosus Cantaber, C. 2, 11, 1. Cantaber sera domitus catena, G. 3, 8, 22 ; Cantaber non ante domabilis, C 4,14.41. Cantaber Agrippae virtute ceci- dit, E. 1, 12, 26. Cuntabricus. E. 1, 18, 55. Canusinus. Sat. 1, 10,30. Canusium ; panis Canusi lapidosus ; qui locus a forti Diomede est conditus olim. Sat, 1, 5, 91, Sat. 2, 3. 168. Capito Fonteius. Sat. 1, 5, 32. Capilolinus Petillius ; mentio si qua de Capitolini funis iniecta Petilli, Sat. 1,4, 94, et 96 ; rei causa Petilli, Sat 1, 10, 26. Capitolium ; dum Capitolio Itegina de- mentes ruinas parabat, C. 1, 37, 6. Capito- lium fulgens, C. 3, 3, 41 ; in Capitolium, quo clamor vocat faventium, C. 3, 24, 45: dum Ca- pitolium scandet pontif'ex, C. 3, 30, 8; neqtie res bellica Deliis Ornatum foliis ducem Os- tendet Capitolio, C. 4, 3, 9. Cappadox. E. 1, 6, 39. Capra. C. 3, 7, 6. Capricornus. C. 2, 17, 20 Caprius. Sat. 1, 4 : 66. Capua: aemula virtus Capuae, Ep. 16, 5; muli Capuae clitellas tempore ponunt, Sat. 1, 5, 47 ; qui Capua Romam petit, E. 1, Carinae. E. 1, 7, 48. Carpathius. Carpathium pelagus, C. 1, 35, 8. Cappathii maris aequora, C. 4, 5, 9. Carthago. O magna Carthago ! C. 3. 5, 39 Carthagini iam non ego nuntios mittam superbos, C. 4. 4, 69. Carthaginis impiae, C. 4, 8, 12; superbas invidae Carthaginis arces, Ep. 7, 5 ; super Carthaginem Virtus sepulchrum condiuit AlVicano, Ep. 9, 25; qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine no men, Sat. 2, 1, 66. Cascetlius A. nee scit quantum Cascellius Aulus, Art. post. 371. Caspius. C. 2, 9, 2. Cassius Etruscus. Sat. 1, 10. 62. Cassius Parmensis. E. 1, 4, 3. Cast alia. C. 3, 4, 61. Castor et Pollux. Fratres Helenae, lucida sidera, C. 1, 3, 2; puerosqueLedae, C. 1, 12, 25. Giaecia Castoris memor, C. 4, 5, 35. Clarum Tyndaridae sidus. C. 4,8,31. He- lenae Castor offensus vicem, Ep. 17, 42 ; magni Castoris, ib. v. 43. Castor gaudet equis, Sat. 2, I, 26; cum Castore Pollux, E. 2, I, 5. Castor. E. 1, 18, 19. Calia. Sat. 1,2, 95. Catienus. Sat. 2, 3, 61. Catilus. C. 1, 18, 2. Catius. Unde et quo Catius ? Sat. 2, 4, L Docte Cati ! tb. v. 88. Cato Censorius ; intonsiCatonisauspiciis, C. 2, 15, 11. Narratur et prisci Catonis saepe mero caluisse virtus, C. 3, 21, 11 ; sententia dia Catonis, Sat. 1, 2, 32 ; vocabula priscis memorata Catonibus, E. 2, 2, 117; lingua Catonis et Enni, Art. po°t, 56. Cato Uticensis. Catonis nobile letum. C. 1, 12, 35; atrocem animum Catonis, C. 2, I, 24 ; si quis existuae togae simulet textore Catonem, E. 1, 19, 13. Catullus. Sat. I, 10, 19. Caucasus; inhospitalem Caucasum, C. 1, 22, 7. et Ep 1, 12. Caudium. Sat 1, 5, 51. Cecropius. Cecropio cothurno, C. 2, 1, 12. Cecropiae domus aeternum opprobrium, C. 4, 12, 6. Celsus dlbinovanus. Quid mihi Cfilsua 558 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. agin E. 1,3, 15, E. 1, 8, tota ; comiti scri- baeque Neronis, ib. v. 2. Censurinus (C. Marcius). C. 4,8, totum. Centaureus. C. 1 , 18, 8. Centaurus ; cecidere iusta morte Centau- ri, C. 4, 2, 15. Nobilis Centaurus, Ep. 13, 11. Cepheus. C. 3, 29, 17. Cerbtrus ; belua ceniiceps, C. 2, 13, 24. Te vidit insons Cerberus! C. 2, 19, 29; trilingui ore, ib. v. 31 ; immanis ianitor aulae Cer- berus, C. 3, 11, 17. Ceres. Cereris sacrum arcanae, C. 3, 2, 26; iugera Fruges et cererem ferunt, C. 3. 24, 13 ; nutrit rura Ceres, C. 4, 5, 18. Tel- lus spicea donet Cererem corona, Carm. sec. 30 ; venerata. Ceres, iia culmo surgeret alto, Sat. 2, 2. 124 ;[ ut Attica virgo cum sacris Cereris procedit, Sat. 2, 8, 13. Cerinthus. Sat. I, 2, 81. Cervius. Cervius iratus leges minitatur et urnam. Sat. 2, 1, 47. Cethegus ; vocabula priscis memorata Ce- thegis, E. 2, 2, 117. Fingere cinctutis non exaudita Cethegis continget, Art. poet. 50. Ceus. Ceae munera naeniae, C. 2, 1, 38. Ceae Camenae, C. 4. 9, 8. Charon. C. 2, 18, 34. Charybdis. Quanta laborabas Charybdi ! C. 1, 27, 19 ; cum Cyclope Charybdin, Art. poet. 145. Chia ; doctae psallere Cbiae, C. 4, 13, 7. Chimaera ; triformi Chimaera, C. 1, 27,24. Chimaerae spiritus igneae, C. 2, 17, 13 ; tre- mendae flamma Chimaerae, C. 4, 2, 16. Chios. Quid tibi visa Chios ! E. 1, 11, 1 ; ib. v. 21. Chiron nobilis Centaurus, Ep. 13, 11. Chius. Chium cadum, C. 3, 19, 5. Chia vina aut Lesbia, Ep. 9, 34; ut Chio nota si com mixta Falerni est, Sat. 1, 10, 24. Chii ve- lerisque Falerni, Sat. 2, 3, 115. Chium ma- ris expers, Sat. 2, 8, 15, 48. Chloe. Vitas me, Chloe ! C. 1, 32, 1. Sus- pirare Chloen, C. 3, 7, 10; neque erat Lydia post Chloen, C. 3, 9, 6. Thressa Chloe, ib. v. 9 ; flava Chloe, ib. v. 19. Chloen arrogan- tem, C. 3, 26, 12. Chloris. C. 2, 5, 18. Chloris. C. 3, 15, 8. Choerilus. Choerilus incultis qui versi- bus et malenatis rettulit acceptos Philippos, E. 2, 1,233. Choerilus ille, quern bis terve bonum cum risu miror, Art. poet. 357. Chremes ; avarus Chremes, Ep. 1. 33. Ira- tus Chremes tumido delitigat ore, Art. poet. 94. Davo Chremeta eludente senem, Sat. 1. 10, 40. Chrysippus; pater Chrysippus, Sat 1, 3, 127. Chrysippi porticus et grex, Sat. 2, 3, 44 ; ib. v. 287 ; planius Chrysippo et Cran- tore, E. 1,2,4. Cibyraticus. E. 1, 6, 33. Cicirrus Messius. Sat. 1, 5, 52. Cicuta (Perillius). Cicutae nodosi tabu- las, Sat 2,3.69; ib. v. 175. Cilnius Maecenas : v. Maecenas. Cinara ; bonae sub regno Cinarae, C. 4, 1, 4; felix postCinaram, C. 4, 13, 21. Cinarae breves annos fata dederunt, ib. v. 22. Inter Tina fugam Cinarae protervae, E. 1,7,28; (me) scis immunem Cinarae placuisse rap» ci, E 1, 14, 33. Circaeus. Ep. 1, 30. Circe; vitream Circen, C. 1, 17, 20 ; volento Circa, Ep. 17, 17. Circae pocula nosti, E. 1. 2, 22. Circeii. Sat. 2, 4, 33. Circus ; iallacem Circum, Sat. 1, 6, 113. Laius ut in Circo spatiere, Sat. 2, 3, 183. Claudius (Appius). Sat. 1, 6, 20. Claudius Nero Tiberius) maior Nero- num, C. 4, 14, 14; jarbarorum Claudius ag- mina vasto diruit impetu, ib. v. 29. Clau- dius Augusti urivignus, E. 1, 3, 2. Celso Albinovano, ccmitiscribaeque Neronis, E. 1, 8, 2 ; E. 1, 9, tota ; legentis honesta Neronis, ib. v. 4. Claudi virtute Neronis Armenius cecidit, E. 1, 12. 26 ; bono claroque Neroni, E. 2, 2, I. Claudius, adiect. Claudiae manus, C. 4, 4,73. Clazomenae. Sat. 1, 7,5. Clio. C. 1, 12, 2. Clusinus. E. 1, 15, 9. Cocceius (Nerva). Sat. 1, 5, 23. Coccei plenissima villa, ib. v. 50. Cocytos; ater, C. 2, 14, 17. Coarus. Quantum distet ab Inacho pro patria non timidus, mori Codrus, C. 3, 19, 2. Coelius. Vide Caelius. Colchicus ; flammis Colchicis, Ep. 5, 24; venenis Colchicis, Ep. 17, 36. Colchis. Ep. 16, 58. Colchus ; venena Colcha, C. 2, 13, 7. Me Colchus noscet, C. 2, 20, 17 ; nee monstrum submisere Colchi maius, C. 4, 4, 63. Col- chus an Assyrius, Art. poet. 118. Colophon. E. 1, 11, 13. Concanus. C. 3, 4. 34. Copia ; beata pleno Copia cornu, Carm. sec. 60; aurea fruges Italiae pleno defundil Copia cornu, E. 1, 12, 29. Cor anus ; dabitrisus Nasica Corano. Sat. 2, 5, 57 ; forii Corano, ib. v. 64. Corinthus ; bimarisve Corinthi, C. 1,7,2. Noncuivishominicontingi: adireCorinthum, E. 1, 17, 36; captiva Corinthus, E. 2, 1, 103. Corvinus. Vide Messala Corvinus et Poplicola. Corybanfes. C. I, 16, 8. Corycius. Sat. 2, 4, 68. Cotiso. C. 3, 8, 18. Cotyttius. Ep. 17, 56. Cous. Coae purpurae, C. 4. 13, 13. Coua Amyntas, Ep. 12, 18. Cois, Sat. 1,2, 101; faecula Coa, Sat. 2, 8, 9 ; albo Coo, Sat. 2, 4j 29. Cragus. C. 1,21, 8. Grantor. E. 1, 2, 4. Crassus. C. 3, 5. 5. Craferus. Sat. 2,3, 161. Cratinus. Eupolis atque Cratinus, Sat. 1,4, 1. Prisco si credis Cratino cet, E. 1, 19, 1. Creon. Ep. 5, 64. Cressa. C. 1, 36, 10. Creta ; centum potentem oppidis Creten, C. 3, 27, 34 ; centum nobilem Cretam urbi- bus, Ep. 9, 29. INDEX TO PEOPER NAMES. 559 Cretr.us. C. 1,26, 2. Crispinus. Crispini scrinia lippi, Sat. 1, ■(, 120; Ineptum praeter Crispinum, Sat. 1, 3, 139. Ecce, Crispinus minimo me provo- cate Sat. 1, 4, 14 ; quae Crispini docuit me ianitor, erlo, Sat. 2, 7,45. Cr'spus Salustius C. 2, 2, totum. Croesus. 1,11,2. Cumae. E. 1. 15, 11. Cupidines. C. I, 19, 1, et C. 4, 1, 5 Cupido. Vide Amor. Venerem circum vclat. C. 1, 2, 34. Fervidus (Veneris) puer, C. 1.3G, 5. Veneri semper haerentem pue- rv-n'. C. 1, 32,10; ferus Cupido, C. 2,8, 14. Cupidinem lentum, C. 4, 13, 5. Cotyttia, sa- crum liberi Cupidinis, Ep. 17,57. Cura scandit naves Cura ocior Euro, C. 16. 22 ; atra Cura, C. 3, 1, 40. Curius ; incomptis Curium capillis, C. 1, 12, 41 ; maribus Curiis, E. 1, 1, 64. Cybele. C. 1, J 6, 5. Cyclades ; nitentes Cycladas, C. 1, 14, 20; quae fulgentes tenet Cycladas, C. 3, 28, 14. Cyclicus. Art. poet. 136. Cyclops. Graves Cyclopum offlcinas, C. 1, 4, 7. Pastorem saltaret uti Cyclopa, Sat. 1, 5, 63 ; qui agrestem Cyclopa movetur, E. 2, 2, 125; cumCyclope Charybdin, Art. poet. 145. Cydonius. G. 4, 9, 17. Cylieneus. Ep. 13, 9. Cynirus. E. 1, 17, 18. Cynthia. C. 3, 28. 12. Cynthius. C. 1, 21, 2. Cynthus. C. 3, 4. 63. Cyprius. Cypriae merces, C. 3, 29, 60 ; trabe Cypria, C. 1, 1, 13; sub trabe Cypria, G 4, 1. 20. Cyprus. Diva potens Cypri, C. 1, 3, 1. Venus Cyprum deseruit, C. 1, 19,9; dilec- tam Cvp'ron. C. 1, 30. 2 ; quae beatam diva tenes Cyprum, C. 3,26,9. Cyrus. Cyri solio, C. 2, 2, 17: regnata Cyro Bactra,*C. 3, 29. 27. Cyrus; protervum Cyrum, C. 1. 17, 25. Lycorida Cyri torret amor, C. 1, 33, 6. Cytherea. lam Cytherea choros ducit Venus, C. 1, 4, 5. Cythereae puer ales, C. 3, 12, 4. D. Dacus. Dacus asper, C. 1,35, 9; qui dis- simulat metum Marsae cohortis Dacus, C. 2, 20, 18. Paene delevit urbem Dacus. C. 3, 6, 14. Daci Cotisonis, C. 3, 8, 18. Num quid de Dacis audistil Sat. 2, 6, 53. Daedaleus. Daedaleo ocior Icaro, C. 2, 20, 13 ; ceratis ope Daedalea nititur permis, C 4,2,2. Daedalus. Expertus vacuum Daedalus aethera, C. 1, 3, 34. Duma. Tune, Dnmae filius 1 Sat. 1, 6, 35. Utne tegam spurco Damae latus 1 Sat. 2, 5, 18. Ergo nunc Dama sodalis nusquam est ? ib. v. 101 ; prodis ex iudice Dama turpis, Sat. 2, 7, 54. Damalis; multi Damalismeri, C. 1,36, 13 ; in Damalin putres deponent oculos, ib. v. 17; lascivis hederis ambitiosior, ib. v. 18. Damasippus. Di te, Damasippe, deaequo verum ob consilium donent tonsore, Sat. 2, 3, 16 ; eius cognomen Mercuriale, ib. v. 25. In- sanit veteres statuas Damasippus emendo, ib. v. 64. Teneas, Damasippe, tuis te, ib. v. Danae. Inclusam Danaen, C. 3, 16, 1. Danaus. Danai genus infame, C. 2, 14, 18. Danai puellae, C. 3, 11, 23; ib. v. 45. Danubius. C. 4, 15, 21 Dardanus. Dardanae genti, C. 1, 15, 10. Dardanas turres, C. 4, 6, 7. Daunias. C. 1, 22, 14. Daunius. Dauniae caedes, C. 2, 1, 34. Dauniae defende decus Camenae ! C. 4, 6,27. Daunus pauper aquae C. 3, 30, 11. Au- fidus regni Dauni praefluit Apuli, C. 4, 14, Davus. Davo Chremeta eludente senem, Sat. 1, 10, 40. Davus sis comicus atque stes capite obstipo, Sat 2, 5, 92. Davusne loqua- tur . . ., an Silenus, Art. poet. 237. Davus. Davus, amicum manicipium do- mino (Horatio) et frugi, Sat. 2, 7, 2 ; te con- iux aliena capit, meretricula Davum, ib. v. 46 ; nequam et cessator Davus, ib. v. 100. December. Cum tibi (Faune) Nona? rede- unt Decembres, C. 3, IS, 10 ; hie tertii s De- cember, Ep. 11, 5. Age, libertate Decembr.i utere ! Sat. 2, 7, 4 ; quater undenos Decem- bres. E. 1,20,27. Decius. Sat 1, 6, 20. Decor. C. 2, 11, 6. Deiphobus. C. 4, 9, 22. Delius. Delius Apollo, C. 3, 4, 64. Deliis omatum foliis. C. 4, 3, 6. Deliae tutela deae, C. 4, 6, 33. Delius ( Q.) C. 2, 3, totum. Delphi. Apolline Delphos insignes, C. 1, 7, 3 ; sortilegis Delphis, Art. poet. 219. Delphicus. C. 3, 30, 15. Delus. C. 1, 21, 10. Demetrius (M.) simius iste nil praeter Calvum et doctus cantare Catullum, Sat. 1, 10, 19 ; men' cruciet. quod vellicet absentem Demetrius! ib. v. 79. Demetri, te discipu- larum inter iubeo plorare cathedras, ib. v. 90. Democritus. Miramur, si Democriti pe- cus edit agellos, E. 1, 12, 12. Si foret in ter- ris, rideret Democritus, E. 2, 1, 194 ; excludit sanosHelicone poetas Democritus, Art poet. 297. Diana. Vide Cynthia. Delia saevis ini- mica Virgo beluis, C. 1, 12, 22. Dianam dicite,virgines! C. 1,21,1. Dianae Celebris die,C 2, 12,20; integrae tentator Orion Dia- nae, C. 3, 4, 71. Virgo, — Diva triformis, C. 3. 22, 1 ; eeleris spicula Oynthiae, C. 3, 28, 12. Deliae Deae. C. 4, 6, 33. Infernis neque enim tenehris Diana pudicum liberat Hippolytum, C. 4, 7, 25; silvarum potens Diana, Carm. sec. I. Aventinum tenet Algi- dumque Diana, ib. 70. Dianae dicere lau- des, ib. v. 75. Nox et Diana, quae silen- tium regis ! Ep. 5, 51 ; per Dianae non mo- venda numina, Ep. 17, 3 ; lucus et ara Dia- nae, Art. poet. 16; iracunda Diana, ib. 454. Diespiter. Diespiter igne corusco nubila dividens plsrumque cet, C. 1, 34, 4 ; saepe 560 INDEX TO PKOPEE, NAMES. Diespiter noglectus incesto addidit integrum, C. 3, 2, 29. Digentin. E. 1,16,12; gelidus Digentia rivus, quem Mandela bibit, E. 1, 18, 104. Dindyrnene. C. I, 16, 5. Diogenes ; mordacem cynicum, E. 1, 17, 18 ; quem duplici panno patientia velat, ib. v. 25. Diomedes. V. Tydides ; bellum incidit Diomedi, cum Lycio Glauco, Sat. 1, 7, 16. Canusium, qui locus a ford Diomede est conditusolim, Sat. 1, 5, 92; reditum Diome- cis ab interitu Meleagri, Art. poet. 146. Dionaeus. C 2, 1, 39. Dionysius. Sat. 1, 6, 35. Dircaeus. C. 4, 2, 25. Discord/a. Sat. 1, 4. 60. Dolichos. E. 1, 18, 19. Dorius. Ep. 9, 6. Dosennus. E. 2, 1, 173. Drusus ; videre Raetis bella sub Alpibus Drusum gerentem Vindelici, C. 4, 4, 18. "Drusus Genaunos Breunosque deiecit, C. 4, 14, 10. E. Echionius. C 4, 4, 64. Edoni. C. 2, 7, 27. Egeria. Sat. 1, 2, 126. Egnata. Vide Gnatia. Elegi. Quis tamen exiguos elegos emise- rit auctor, Grammatici certant et adhuc sub iudice lis est, Art poet. 77* Elcus. C. 4, 2, 17. Empedocles. Empedocles, an Stertinium deliret acumen, E. 1, 12, 2). Empedocles ardentem frigidus Aetnam insiluit, Art poet. 465. Enccladus. C. 3, 4. 56. Enipeus. C. 3, 7, 23. Ennius. Calabrae Pierides, C. 4, 8, 20. Non ridet versus Enni gravitate minores Lu- cilius? Sat. 1, 10, 54. Ennius ipse pater cet, E. 1, 19,17. Ennius et sapiens et fortis et alter Homerus. E. 2. 1, 50 ; lingua Cato- nis et Enni, Art. poet. 56 ; in scenam missi masno cum pondere versus Enni, ib. 259. Eous. Eois partibus, C. 1, 35, 31. Eois fluctibus, Ep. 2, 51. Equus Tuticus. Sat. 1, 5, 87. Epkesus. C. 1, 7, 2. Ephialtes. Vide Otus. Epicharinus. E. 2. 1, 58. Epicurus. E. 1,4, 16. Epidaurius. Sat. 1, 3, 27. Erycina ridens, C 1,2, 33. Erymanthus. C. 1, 21, 7. Esquiliae. Nunc licet Esquiliis habitare salubribus, Sat 1, 8, 14; atras Esquilias, Sat. 2, 6, 33. Esquilinus. Esquilinae alites, Ep. 5, 100. Esquilini pontifex venefici, Ep, 17, 58. Etruscus litore Etrusco, C. 1,2, 14 Etrus- cum mare, C. 3, 29. 35. Litus Etruscum, Carm. sec. 38. Etrusca Porsenae manus, Ep. 16, 4. Etrusca litora. ib. v. 40. J-ydo- rum quidquid Eiruscos incoluit fines, Sat. 1, 6, 1. Etrusci Cassi ingenium, Sat. 1, 10, 61. Evander. Sat. 1, 3,91. Evias. C. 3, 25, 9. Evius. Sithoniis non levis Evius, C. 1, 18, 9. Dissipat Evius curas edaces, C. 2,- il. 17. Eumenides. C. 2, 13, 36. Eupolis. Eupolis atque Cratinus Aristo- phanesque poetae, Sat. 1, 4. 1. Eupolin Ar- chilocum, Sat. 2, 3, 12. Europe. C. 3, 3, 47. Europe. Europe niveum doloso credidit tauro latus, C. 3, 27, 25; vilis Europe! ib. v. 57. Eurus. Vide ad C. 1, 25, 20 ; quodcun- que minabitur Eurus, C. 1, 28, 25 Cura ocior Euro, C. 2, 16,24. Demissa lempestaa ab Euro, C. 3, 17, U ; ceu Eurus per siculas equitavit undas, C. 4, 4, 43 ; impuisa cupres- sus Euro, C. 4, 6,10; niger rudentes Eurus differat, Ep. 10, 5 ; aquosus Eurus, Ep. 16, 54. Euterpe. C. 1, 1, 33. Eutrapelus (P. Volumnius). E. 1, 18. 31. Fabia. E. 1, 6, 52. Fabius : loquacem Fabium, Sat. 1, 1, 14. Fabio vel iudice vincam, Sat. 1, 2, 134. Fabricius. C. 1, 12, 40. Fabricius. Sat. 2, 3, 36. Falernus et Falernum. Falernae vites, C. 1, 20, 10; severi Falerni, C. 1, 27, 10; in- teriore nota Falerni, (J. 2,3. 8. Falernisuvis, C. 2, 6, 19; ardentis Falerni, 2, 11, 19. Fa- lerna vitis, C. 3, 1, 43. Falerni fundi, Ep. 4, 13; ut Chio nota si commixta Falerni est, Sat. 1, 10, 24. Hymettia melia Falerno dilu- ta, Sat. 2, 2, 15. Chii veteriisque Falerni, Sat. 2, 3, 115 ; gallinam musto mersare Fa- lerno, Sat. 2, 4, 19 ; forti Falerno, ib. v. 24 ; faece Falerna, ib. v. 55. Albanum sive Fa- lernum te magis appositis delectat, Sat. 2, 8, 16 ; liquidi Falerni, E. 1, 14, 34 ; potores bi- buli Falerni, E. 1. 18, 91. Fannius (Quadratus); beatus Fannius ultro delatis capsis et imagine, Sat. 1, 4, 21 ; ineptus Fannius Hermogenis conviva Tigel- li, Sat. 1, 10, 80. Fatum. C. 2, 17, 24. Faunus et Fauni. Fauno decet immo- lare — agna cet. C. 1, 4, 11. Lucretilem mu- tat Lycaeo Faunus, C. 1, 17, 2. Faunus, Mercurial ium custos virorum. C. 2, 17,28. Faune, Nympharum fugientum amator! C. 3, 18, I ; adscripsit Liber Satyris Faunisque poetas, E. 1, 19, 4 ; silvis deducti Fauni, Art. poet, 244. Fausta. Sat. 1. 2. 64. Fauslilas. C. 4, 5, 18. Favonius ; grata vice veris et Favoni, d 1, 4, 1 ; candhli Favonii, C. 3, 7, 2. Favonius. Sat. 1, 5, 55. Febris,. C. 1, 3, 30. Ferentinum. E 1, 17, 8. Feronia. Sat. 1, 5, 24. Fescenninus. E 2, 1, 145. Fidenae. E. 1, 11, 8. Fides arcani prodiga, C. 1, 18, 16. In- corrupta Fides, C. 1,24,7; albo rara Fides velata panno, C. 1. 35, 21 ; culpari metuit Fides. C. 4, 5, 20 ; dea. Carm. sec. 57. INDEX TO PROPER NAMES. 561 Flaccus. Vide Horatius; si quid in Flacco viri est. Ep. 15, 12. Flacci verba per atten- tam non ibunt Caesaris aurem, Sat. 2, 1, 18. Flavins. Sat. 1,6,72. Florus. Vide lulius Florus. Iuli Flore, quibus terrarum militet oris cet, E. 1, 3, 1. Flore, fidelis amice Neroni ! E. 2, 2, 1. Folia. Ep. 5, 42. Fonteius Capito. Sat. 1, 5, 32. Forentum. C. 3, 4, 1 6. Formiae. Lamus Formiarum moenia dicitur princeps tenuisse, C. 3, 17, 6 ; inMa- murrarum uibe, Sat. 1, 5, 37. Formianus. C. 1, 20, 11. Fors. C. 1, 9, 14. Forluna rapax, C. 1, 34, 15. O Diva, gratum quae regis Antium! C. 1, 35, 1. Ludum Fortunae, C. 2, ], 3. Fortuna saevo laeta nesotio, C. 3, 29, 49. Fortuna secundos reddidit exitus, C. 4, 14, 37. For- tuna non mutat genus, Ep. 4, 6; saeviat Fortuna ! Sat. 2, 2, 126. Fortunae Alius, Sat. 2, 6, 49. Heu, Fortuna, quis est crudelior in nos te deus .' Sat. 2, 8, 61. Fortunae respon- sare superbae, E. 1, 1, 68; dum vultum ser- vat Fortuna benignum, E. I, 11, 20. Forum Appii. Sat. I. 5,3. Forum Komanum vespertinum pererro saepe Forum, Sat. 1, 6, 114. Foro nimium distaro Carinas queritur L. Philippus, E. 1, 7,48. Fufidius. Sat. 1, 2, 12. Fufius. Sat. 2. 3, 60. Fulvius. Sat. 2, 7, 96. Fundanius (C.) potes comis garrire libel- los unus vivorum, Fundani ! Sat. 1, 10, 42. Idem Fundanius Horatio Nasidieni coenam narrat, Sat. 2, 8. Fundi. Sat. 1, 5, 34. Furiae dant alios torvo spectacula Marti, V. 1, 28, 17; voces Furiarum (sagarum) et facta duarum, Sat. I, 8, 45 ; malis de- mentem actum Furiis, Sat. 2, 3, 135, ib. 141. Furius. Sat. 2, 1, 49. Furius Bibaculus. Turgidus Alpinus iugulat dum Memnona cet, Sat. 1, 10, 36 ; pingui tentus omaso Furius nibernas cana nive conspuet Alpes, Sat. 2, 5,41. Furnius. Sat. I, 10, 86. Fuscus Aristius. (Vide Aristius Fus- cus.) Fusee! C 1,22,4. Fuscus Aristius mini carus, Sat. 1, 9,61. Fuscus, Sat. 1, 10, 83, E. 1, 10, tota. G. Gabii. Lebedus Gabiis desertior vicus, j£. 1, 11, 7. Gabios et frisrida rura, E. 1, 15, 9; foedera regum vel Gabiis vel cum rigidis aequata Sabini*, E. 2, 1, 25 ; puerum natum Gabiis, E. 2, 2, 3. Gades remotis Gadibus, C. 2, 2, 11. Gades aditure mecum, C. 2, 6, 1. Gaetulus. Gaetulus leo, C. 1, 23, 10. Syrtes Gaetulas, C.2,20, 15. Gaetulae catu- los leaenae, C. 3, 20, 2 ; vestes Gaetulo mu- rice tinctas. E. 2. 2, 181. Galaesus. C. 2, 6, 10. Galatea. C, 3, 27, 14. Galli bis mille canentes Caesarem, Ep. 9, 18; fracta pereuntes cuspide Gallos, Sat. 2, 1,14. Galli. Illam— Gallis ; hanc Philodcmua ait, sibi, Sat. I, 2, 121. Gallia; non paventis funera Galliae, C. 4 14, 49 Gallicus. Gallica ora, C. 1, 8, 6. Galli- cis pascuis, C. 3, 16, 35. Gallina. Sat. 2, 6, 45. Gallonius. Sat. 2, 2, 47. Ganymedes aquosa raptus ab Ida, C. 3, 20, 16 ; in Ganymede flavo, C. 4, 4, 4. Garganus. E. 2, 1, 202. Gargilius. E. I, 6, 58, Gargonius. Sat. 1, 2, 27, et Sat. 1, 4, 92. Geloni. Gelonos exiguis equitare campis, C. 2, 9, 23; ultimi Geloni, C. 2, 20, 19; pharetratos Gelonos, C. 3, 4, 35. Genauni. C. 4. 14, 10. Genitalis. Carm. sec. 16. Genius ; eras Genium mero curabis, C. 3, 17, 14 ; per Genium deosque Penates, E. 1, 7, 94; agricolae prisci piabant vino Genium memorem brevis aevi, E. 2, 1, 144. Genius, natale comes qui temperat astrum cet, E. 2, 2, 187 ; vino diurno placari Genius coepit cet, Art. poet. 210. Germania. Germania horrida, C. 4, 5, 26 ; nee fera caerulea demuit Germania pube, Ep. 16, 7. Geryon. C. 2, 14, 8. Getae rigidi Getae, C. 3, 24, 11 ; non Ge- tae edicta rumpent Iulia, C. 4, 15, 22. Gigantes. Vide Tellus. Conors Gi?an- tum impia, C. 2, 19, 22; immanem turniam, C. 3, 4, 43. Giganteus. C. 3, 1, 7. Glaucus. Sat. 1, 7, 17, Gloria fulgente trahit constrictos curru, Sat. 1, 6, 23; ventoso Gloria curru, E. 2, 1, 177. Gloria quern supra vires vestit, E. 1, 18, 22. Glycera. Glycerae nitor, C, 1. 19,5. Gly- cerae decoram in aedem, C. 1,30,3. Me lentus Glycerae torret amor meae, C. 3, 19, 28. Glycera. C. 1, 33, 2. Glycon. E. 1, 1, 30. Gnatia. Sat. 1, 5,97. Gnidius et Gnidos. Vide Cnidius fit Cnidos. Gnosius. V. Cnosius. C. 1, 15, 17. Gorgonius. Vide Gargonius. Gracchus. E. 2, 2, 89. Graecia. Quam multo repetet Graecia milite, C. 1, 15, 6. Graecia Castoris memor, C. 4, 5, 35. Graecia Barbariae lento collisa duello, E. 1, 2, 7 ; positis nugari Graecia bellis coepit, E. 2, 1, 93. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit, lb. 156. Graecus. Graeca testa, C. 1, 20. 2 Graeco trocho, C. 3, 23, 57. Heliodorus Graecorum longe doctissimus, Sat. 1, 5, 3. Graecus postquam est Italo perfusus aceto, Sat. 1,7, 32. Lucilius verbis Graeca Latinis miscuit, Sat. I, 10. 20. Graecos versiculos, ib. v. 31 ; magnas Graecorum implere caterva*, ib. v. 35. Graecis intacti carminis auctor, ib. v. 66. Graecus Aristippus, Sat. 2,3, 100. Grae- corum sunt antiquissima quaeque senpta 24^ 562 INDEX OF PEOPER NAMES. vel optima, E. 2, 1, 28. Quodsi tam Grae- cis novitas invisa fuisset, ib. v. 90. Grae- cis chartis, ib. v. 161 ; litterulis Graecis imbutus, E. 2, 2, 7 ; habebunt verba fklem, si Graeco fonte cadent, Art. poit. 53; exem- plaria Graeca, ib. v. 268 ; vestigia Graeca, ib. v. 286. Grains fessis Grais, C. 2, 4, 12 ; Graiae Camenae, C. 2, 16, 38 ; tripodas, praemia fortium Graiorum, C. 4, 8. 4. Graia victo- rum manus, Ep. 10, 12. Te nostris ducibus, te Grais anteferendo. E. 2, 1, 19. Iratus Grais quantum nocuisset Achilles. E. 2,2, 42. Grais ingenium, Grais dedit ore rotundo Musa loqui, Art. poet. 323. Gratiae iunctae Nymphis decentes, C. 1, 4, 5; solutis Gratiae zonis, C. 1, 30. 6. Rixarum metuens Gratia, Nudis iuncta soronrjus. C. 3, J9, 16 ; segnes nod urn solvere Gratiae, C. 3, 21, 22. Gratia cum Nymphis geminisque sororibus, C. 4, 7, 5. Grosphus Pompeius. Grosphe ! C. 2, 16,8. 'lcci) utere Pompeio Grospho, E. 1, 12,22. Gya&, alii Guges. C. 2, 17, 14, et C. 3, 4,69. Gyges. Cnidius Gyges, C. 2, 5, 20. Thyna merce beatum Gygen,"C. 3. 7, 5. H. Hadria arbiter Hadriae Notus, C. 1,6, 15. Libertina fretis acrior Hadriae, C. 1. 33, 15. Hadria objecto, C. 2, 11,2; rauci Hadriae, C. 2, 14, i4; inquieti Hadriae, C. 3, 3, 5 ; improbo iracumljor Hadria, C. 3, 9, 23 ; ater Hadriae sinus, C. 3, 27, 19 ; (est) lacus Ha- dria, E. J, 18,63. Hadrianum mare, C. I, 16,4. Haedilia. C. 1, 17, 9. Haedus. C. 3, 1,28. Haemonia. C. 1, 37, 20. Haemus. C. 1, 12, 6. Hugna. Sat. 1, 3, 40. Hannibal ; clirum Hannibalem, C. 2, 12, 2. lannibalem dirum, C. 3, 6,36 ; dir'js Afer, C. 4, 4, 42 ; perfulus Hannibal, ib. v. 49 ; re- iectae Hannibalis minae, C. 4, 8, 16; paren- tibus abominatus Hannibal, Ep. 16, 8. Harpyiae. Sat, 2, 2, 40. Hasdrubal. Hasdrubal devictus, C. 4, 4, 38. Ilasdrubale interempto, ib. v. 72. Hcbrus ; hiemis sodali Hebro, C. 1, 25, 20. Evias Hebruin prospiciens, aestrygonius. C. 3, 16, 34. Laevinus. Sat. 1, 6, 12, ib. v. 19. Lalage. C. 1, 22, 10, ib. v. 23. Lamia. Art. post. 340. Lamia. (L. Aelius.) Necte meoLamiae v»ronam, Pimplca! C. 1, 26,8; dulci La- miae, C, 1, 36, 7. Aeli, vetusto nobilis ab Lamo, C. 3, 17, 1. Lamias, ib. v. 2. Lamia« pietas fratrem maerentis, E, 1 , 14, 5. Lamus. (J. 3, 17, 1. Lanuvinus. C. 3, 27, 3. Luomedon. C. 3. 3, 22. Lapithae. Centaurea cum Lapithis rixa. C. 1. 18, 8 ; saevos Lapithas, C. 2, 12, 5. Lares ; si placaris Lares, C. 3,23,4. Lari- bus tuum miscet numen, C. 4, 5, 84; reni- dentes Lares, Ep. 2, 66; donare catenam ex voto Laribus, Sat. I, 5, 66: immolet aequis hie porcum Laribus, Sat. 2, 3, 165 ; venera- bilior Lare dives, Sat. 2, 5, 14. Ante Larern proprium vescor, Sat. 2, 6, 66. Larissa. C. 1, 7, 11. Lalinae Feriae. E. 1, 7, 76. Latine. Sat. 1, 10, 27. Latinus. Latinum carmen, C. 1, 32, 3. Latino sanguine, C. 2, 1,29; legis expertes Latinae Vindelici, C. 4, 14, 7. Latinum no- men, C. 4, 15, 13. Parumne fusum est La- tini sanguinis? Ep. 7, 4. Lucilius verbis Graeca Latinis miscuit, Sat. ], 10,20; ridi- bus Latinis, E. 1, 3, 12 ; ego L itinus fidicen, E. 1, 19,32; verba fidibus mcdulanda Lati- nis, E. 2, 2, 143. Latium. Parthos Latio imminent.es, C. 1, 12,53. Latium ferox, C. 1,35, 10 ^ pulcher ille dies Latio, C. 4, 4, 4't. Latium felix, Carm. sec. 66. Parios ego primus iambos ostendi Latio, E. 1, 19, 24. Graeciaartes in- tulit agresti Latio, E. 2, 1, 157. Latium bea- bit divite lingua, E. 2, 2, 121, Art. poet. 290. Latona. Latonam dilectam Iovi, C. 1,21, 4 ; recines Latonam, C. 3, 28, 12. Latonae puerum, C. 4,6, 37. Latous. C. 1, 31, 18. Laurens. Sat. 2, 4, 42. Laverna. E. 1, 16, 60. Lebedus. An Lebedum laudas? E. 1,11, 6. Gabiis desertior vicus, ib. v. 7. Leda. C. 1, 12, 25. Lenaeus. Vide Bacchus. O Lenaee ! C. 3, 25. 19. Leo ; stella vesani Leonis, C. 3, 29, 19 ; mo- menta Leonis, E. 1, 10^16. Lepidus. ( Q. Aemilius.) Collesam Le- pidum quo duxit Lollius anno. E. 1, 20, 23. Lepos. Sat. 2, 6, 72. Leshia. Ep. 12, 17. Lesbius ; pocula Lesbii, C 1, 17, 21. Les- bio plectro, C. 1,26, 11. Lesbio civi, C. 1, 32, 5. Lesbium pedem, C. 4, 6, 35. Chia vina aut Lesbia, Ep. 9, 35. Lesbous. C. 1, I, 34. Lesbos. E. 1,11, 1. Lethaeus. Lethaea vincula, C. 4. 7, 27. Lethaeos somnos, Ep. 14, 3. Liber. Vide Bacchus proeliis audax Li- ber! C. 1, 12. 22. Non Liber aeque cet, C 1, 16,7; modici munera Liberi, C. 1, 18,7 Liberum et Musas, C. 1, 32, 9. Liber gravi metuende thyrso ! C. 2, 19, 7 ; voveram al- bum Libero caprum, C. 3, 8, 7. Te Libec cet, C. 3, 21, 21. Ornatus viridi tempora pampino Liber, C. 4, 8, 34 ; pressum Cali- bua Liberum, C. 4, 12, 14 ; iocosi munera Li- beri, C. 4, 15, 26 ; verax aperit praecordia Liber, Sat. 1, 4, 89. Adscripsit Liber Satyris Faunisque poetas, E. 1. 19, 4. Romulus et Liber pater, E. 2, 1,5. LNDEX TO PROPER NAMES. 565 Libitina ; multa pars mei vitabit Libiti- nam, C. 3, 30,7; auctumnus Libitinae qua- esius acerbae, Sat. 2, 6, 19 ; quod Libitina sacravit, E. 2, 1, 49 Libo. E. 1, 19, 8. Libra. C. 2, 17, 17. Libumae ; saevis Liburnis, C. 1, 37,30. Ibis Liburnis. Ep. I, 1. Libya. Libyam, C. 2, 2, 10; in media Libya. Sat. 2. 3, 101. Libycus. Libycis areis, C. 1, 1,9. Liby- cis lapillis, E. 1, 10, 19. Licentia. C. 1, 19, 3. Llcinius Calvus. Vide Calvus. Licinus. Art. poet. 301. Licymnia. C. 2, 12, 13, et 23. Ligurinus. C. 4, 1, 33, C. 4, 10, totum. Lipuraeus. C. 3, 12, 6. Liris. Liris tacimrnusamnis, C. 1,31. 7; mnantem Maricae lhoribusLirim, C. 3, 17,8. Liviiis (Andronicus). Livi scriptoris ab aevo, E. 2, 1,62. Non equidem— delenda— carmina Livi esse reor, ib. v. 69. Loirius. (M.) C. 4, 9, totum. Collegam Lepidum quo duxit Lollius anno, E. 1 , 20, 28. Lollius ; maxime Lolii ! E. I, 2, I, E. 1, IS, tota ; libemme Lolli ! ib. v. 1 ; saevam mili- tias puer et Cantabrica bella tulisti, ib. v. 55. Cjus frater, ib. v. 63. Longarenus: Sat 1. 2, 67. Lucania. Sat. 2, 1, 38. Lucanus. Lucana pascua, Ep. 1, 28. Lu- canus an Apulus anceps, Sat. 2, 1, 34 ; in nive Lucana dormis ocreatus. Sat. 2, 3, 234. Lucanus aper, Sat. 2, 8, 6 ; vinum, quod me Lucanae iuvenem commendet amicae, E. 1, 15, 21. Calabris saltibus adiecti Lucani, E. 2, 2, 178. Luceria. C. 3, 15. 14. Lucilius ; hinc omnis pendet Lucilius, Sat. 1, 4, 6. Olim quae scripsit Lucilius, ib. v. 57. Nempe incomposiio dixi pede currere versus Lucili, Sat. 1, 10, 1. Lucili fautor, ib. v. 2 ; verbis Graeca Latinis miscuit, ib. v. 20 ; inventor Satirarum. ib. v. 48. Accium in nonnullis reprehendit, ib. v. 53 ; ridet ver- sus Enni gravitate mfnores, ib. v. 54. Lucili scripta legentes, ib. v. 56 ; fuerit Lucilius Graecis intacti carminis auctor, ib. v. 64. Scipiada ut sapiens Lucilius (laudavit), Sat 2, 1, 17. Lucili nostrum melioris utroque, ib. v. 29 ; ausus primus in hunc ^peris com- ponere carmina morem. ib. v. 62 ; infra Lu- cili censum ingeniumque, ib. v. 75. Lucina. Ilithyia sive Lucina seu Genita- lis, Carm. sec. 15 ; si vocata pariubus Lucina veris affuit, Ep. 5, 6. Lucretilis. C. 1, 17, 1. Lucrinus. Lucrino lacu, C. 2, 15, 3. Lu- crina conchylia, Ep. 2, 49. Lucrina peloris, Sat. 2, 4, 32. Luna. Luna rubens, C. 2, 11,10; atra nubes condidit Lunam, C. 2, 16, 3. Novae- que pergunt interire Lunae, C. 2, IS, 16 ; ful- gebat Luna serena inter minora sidera, Ep. 15, 1 ; quae polo deripere Lunam vocibus possim meis, Ep. 17, 18; tertium Lunae or- tum, C. 4, 2, 58. Sklerum regina bicornis, Luna ! Carm sec. 36. Lupus. (L. Cornelius Lentu/us.) Sat. 2, 1, 63. Luscus Aufidius. Sat. 1, 5, 34. Lyaeus. Vide Bacchus ; uda Lyaeo tern- pora, C. 1, 7, 22; iocoso Lyaeo, C. 3, 21, 16 J metum dulci Lyaeo solvere, Ep. 9, 38. Lycaeus. C. 1, 17, 2. Lycambes. Lycambae infldo, Ep. 6, 13 ; agenda verba Lycamben, E. 1, 19, 25. Lyce. Extremum Tanain si biberes, Lyce ! C. 3, 10, I, C. 4, 13; fis anus, ib. v. 2; felii post Cinaram, ib. v. 21. Lycia. C. 3, 4, 62. Lycidas. C. 1, 4, 19. Lyciscus. Ep. 1 1, 10. Lycius. C. 1, 8, 16. Lycoris. C. 1, 33, 5. Lycurgus C. 2, 19, 16. Lijcus. C. 1,32, 11. Lycus. C. 3, 19, 23 et 24. Lyde ; devium scortum Lyden, C. 2,11, 22; testudo, die modos, Lyde quibus obstin- atas applicet aures! C. 3, 11 f. Lyde stre nua ! C. 3, 28, 3. Lydi. Sat. 1, 6, 1. Lydia Lydia, die, per omnes cet, C. 1, S, 1 ; Cum tii, Lydia, Telephi cet, C. 1, 13, 1, C 1, 25, totum ; multi Lydia nominis, C. 3, 9, 7 ; reiectae Lydiae, ib. v. 20. Lydus. C. 4', 15, 30. Lymphae. Sat. 1, 5, 97. Lynceus. Lyncei oculis, Sat. 1, 2, 90. Non possis oculis quantum contendere Lyn- ceus, E. 1, I, 28. Lysippus. Alexander edicto vetuit, no alius Lysippo duceret aera ipsius voltum simulantia, E. 2, 1, 240. M. Macedo. C. 3, 16, 14. Maecenas ( C. Cilnius) ; atavis edite regi- bus, C. 1, 1, 1, C. 2, 12 totum. Care Maece- nas eques ! C. 1, 20, 5 ; pedestribus dices historiis proelia Caesaris, Maecenas, melius. C. 2, 12, 11, C. 2, 17 totum. Dilecte Maece- nas ! C. 2, 20, 7, C. 3, 8. totum. Docte ser- mones utriusque linguae ! ib. v. 5. Maece- nas, equitum decus ' C 3, 16, 20, C. 3, 29, totum. Maecenas meus, C. 4, 11, 19, Ep. 1, totus, Ep. 3, totus. Jocose Maecenas ! ib. v. 20, Ep. 9, totus ; beate Maecenas ! ib. v. 4, Ep. 14, totus. Candide Maecenas ! ib. v. 5, Sat. 1, 1. tota. Qualem me saepe libenter obtulerim tibi, Maecenas cet. Sat. 1, 3, 64. Maecenas optimus, Sat. 1, 5, 27; interea Maecenas advenit, ib. v. 31. Lusum it Maecenas, ib. v. 48, Sat. I, 6, tota. Maece- nas quomodo tecum 1 Sat. 1, 9,43. Plotius et Varius, Maecenas Virgiliusque, Sat. 1, 10, 81. An, quodcunque facit Maecenas, te quo- que veriim est certare? Sat. 2, 3, 312. Ad Maecenatem memori si mente recurras, Sat. 2,6, 31. Imprimat his, cura, Maecenas signa tabellis, ib. v. 38. Ex quo Maecenas me coe- pit habere suorum in numero, ib. v. 41. .lus- serit ad se Maecenas serum sub lumina prima venire convivam, Sat. 2, 7, 33 ; fiuaa Maece- nas adduxerat umbras, ib. v. 22, E. 1, 1, tota, E. 1,7, tota, E. 1, 19, tota Maecenas docte! ib. v. 1. 566 INDEX OF PEOPEE NAMES. Maecius Tarpa (Sp.). Vide Tarpa. judice Tarpa, E. 1, 10, 38. Si quid olim scripseris, in Maeci descendat judicis aures, Art. poet. 387. Maenius suades, utvivam'? Sat. 1, 1, 101. Maenius absentem Naevium cum carpe- ret, Sat. 1,3,21. Maenius rebus maternis atque paternis fortiier absumptis, E. 1, 15, 26. Maeonius. Maeonii carminis alite, C. 1, C. 20. Maeonius Homerus, C. 4, 9, 5. Maevius. Ep. 6 ; olentem Maevium, Ep. 10,2. Magnessus. C. 3, 7, 18. Maia; almae Alius Maiae, C. 1, 2, 43. Maia nate ! Sat. 2, 6, 5. Maltinus Sat. 1, 2, 25. Mamurrae. Sat. 1 , 5, 37. Mandela. E. 1, 18, 205. Manes fabulae, C. 1, 4, 16 ; ut inde Manes elicerent, Sat. 1, 8, 29 ; placantur carmine Manes, E. 2, 1, 138. Manlius (Z,.) Vide Torquatus. Marcellus. C. 1, 12,46. Mareoticum. C. 1, 37, 14. Marica. C. 3, 17, 7. Mnrius. Sat. 2,3, 277. Mars. Vide etiam Mavors ; auctor pop- uli Romani cet, C. 1, 2, 36. Martem tunica tectum adamantina, C. 1, 6. 13; cum Marte confundet Thyoneus proelia, C. 1, 17, 23; torvo spectacula Marti, C. 1,28. 17 ; cruento Marte, C 2, 14, 13. Martis Equis, C 3, 3, 16 ; invisum nepotem Marti redonato, ib. v. 33; arva Marte populata nostro, C. 3, 5, 24. Mar- te Poenos proteret altero, ib. v. 33. Vindeli- ci didicere nuper, quid Marte posses, C. 4, 14,9. Marsaeus. Sat. 1, 2, 55. Marsus. Marsus aper, C. 1, 1, 28 ; pedes : Marsae cohortis, C. 2, 20, 18. Marsus et Apulus, C. 3, 5, 9 ; cadum Marsi memorem duelli, C. 3. 14, 18. Marsis vocibus, Ep. 5. 76; finitimi Marsi, Ep. 16, 3; caput Marsa dissilire nenia, Ep. 17, 29. Marsya. Sat. 1, 6, 120. Mariialis. C. 1, 17. 9. Martins Mensis. C. 3. 8. 1. Martins ; gramine Martio, C. 3, 7, 26 ; gramina Martii Campi, C. 4, 1, 39 ; in certa- mine Martio, C. 4, 14, 17. Martia bella, Art. poet. 402. Massagetae. C. 1, 35, 40. Massicum ; veteris Massici, C. 1, 1, 19; ohlivioso Massico ciboria exple ! C. 2, 7, 21 ; quocunque lectum nomine Massicum, C. 3, 21, 5. Massica vina, Sat. 2. 4, 51. Matinus. Matinum litus, C. 1.28,3 ; apis Matinae more modoque, C 4, 2, 27. Matina catumina, Ep. 16,28. Matuthius Pater. Sat. 2, 6, 19. Maurus ; pedes, C. 1, 2, 39. Mauris ja- culis, C. 1, 22, 2. Maura unda, C. 2, 6, 3. Mauris anguibus, C. 3, 10, 18. Mavors. C. 4, 8, 23. Maximus. (Paulus Fabius.) C. 4, 1,11. Ib. v. 15. Medea. Iasonem Medea mirata est, Ep. 3,10; barbarac venena Medeae. Ep. 5,62; mpudica Colchis, Ep. 16, 58. Sit Medea ferox invictaque, Art. poet. 123. Ne pueros coram populo Medea trucidet, ib. v. 185, Medum ; flumen, C. 2, 9, 21. Medus. Meu sinas Medos equitare inul- tos, C. 1,2,51. Medus acinaces, C. 1, 27, 5; horribilique Medo, C. I, 29, 5; auditum Me- dis Hesperiae sonitum ruinae, C. 2, 1, 31. Medi pharetra decori, C. 2, 16, 6 ; triumpiia- tis Medis, C. 3, 3, 44. Sub rege Medo, C. 3, 5, 9. Medus infestus sibi luctuosis dissidet armis, C. 3, 8, 19. Medus et Indus, C. 4, 14, 42. Medus Albanas timet secures, Carm. sec. 54. Megilla. C. 1, 27, 11. Me/eager. Art. poet. 146. Melpomene. Praecipe lugubres Cantus, Melpomene! C. 1,24,3; mihi cing r rolens Melpomene comam ! C. 3,30, 16. Quern tu, Melpomene, semel cet. C 4, 3, 1. Memnon. Sat 1, 10, 36. Memphis ; quae diva, C. 3, 26, 10. Mena Volteius. E. 1, 7, 55. Menander ; stipare Platona Menandro, Sat. 2, 3, 1 1. Dicitur Afrani toga convenisse Menandro, E. 2, 1, 57. Menelaus. Sat. 2, 3, 198. Atride ! E. 1, 7,43. Menenius. Sat. 2, 3, 287. Mercurialis. Mercurialium custos viro- rum, C. 2, 17, 29. Mercuriale imposuere Da- masippo cognomen com pita, Sat. 2, 3, 25. Mercurius. Caesaris ultor, CI, 2, 44. Mercuri, facunde nepos Atlantis ! C. 1, 10, 1 ; magni Iovis nuntium, ib. 5. Non lenis pre- cibus fata recludere Mercurius, C. 1, 24, IS; (comes Veneris), C. 1, 30, 8. Mercurius ce- ler, C. 3, 7, 13. Mercuri, nam te docilis ma- gistro, C. 3, 11, 1 ; praeda, quam praesens Mercurius fert. Sat. 2, 3, 68. Maia nate, Sat. 2, 6, 5 ; ut soles, custos mihi maximus adois ! ib. v. 15. Meriones ; pulvere Troico Nigrum Meri- onen, C. 1, 6, 15. Merionen quoque nosces, C. 1, 15, 26. Messala Corvinus ; testa, descende Cor- vino jubente ! C. 3, 21, 8. Socraticis madet sermonibus, ib. v. 9. Hoc tibi Messala vide- ris.1 Sat. 1, 6, 42. Messala. tuo cum fratre ! Sat. 1, 10, 85; diserti Messalae, Art. poet. 371. Messius Cicirrhus. Messi Cicirrhi pug- na, Sat. 1, 5, 52. Messi clarum genus Osci, ib. 54. Metaurus C. 4. 4, 38. Metelta (Caecilia). Sat. 2, 3, 239. Metellus. Sat. 2, 1, 67. MeteUus (Ceter). C. 2, 1, 1. Methymnaeus. Sat. 2. 8, 50. Melius. Vide Maecius. Mile/ us. E. 1, 17, 30. Milonius. Sat. 2. 1, 24. Mimas. C 3,4, 53. Mimnermus. E. 1, 6, 65 ; E. 2, 2, 101. Minae. C. 3, 1, 37. Minerva. Vide Pallas ; castae Minervaa C. 3, 3, 23; operosae Minervae studium, C 3, 12, 5 ; equo Minervae sacra mentiio, C. 4, 6, 13; crassa Minerva, Sat. 2, 2, 2; nihil in- vita dices faciesve Minerva, Art. poet. 385. Minos. .Iovis arcanis Minos admissus, C E5TE-EX OF PEOPEE :N T A3IE8. 567 1,28,9; cum de te splendida Minos fecerit arbitria. C 4. 7, 21. Minturnae. E. 1. 5, 5. Mimitius. E. 1. 18,20. Misenum. Miseno oriuntur echini, Sat. 2, 4,33. Mitylene. Vide Mytilene. Molussus. Ep. 6, 5. Molossis canibus, bat. 2,6. 114. Monaeses. C. 3. 6. 9. Mors ; quern Mortis timuit gradum — 1 C. 1, 3. 17. Pallida Mors aequo pulsat pede cet. C. 1, 4, 13. JMoschus. E. 1, 5, 9. Mucius (Scaerola). E. 2, 2, 89. Mulvius. Sat. 2, 7, 36. Munatius Plancus (M.) C. 1, 7, totum ; consule Planco. C. 3. 14, 2S. Munatius. E. 1.3. 31. Murena (L. Licinius). C. 2. 10, totum : auguns Murenae, C. 3, 19, 11. Murena praebente domum. Sat. 1.5 3S. Musa. Imbellis lyrae Musa potens, C. I, 6, 10; mea Musa. C" 1, 17, 14. Musis ami- cus, C. 1,26. 1. Pimplea dulcis ! ib. v. 9. Liberum et Musas, C. 1, 32. 9 ; sevevae Mu- sa tragoediae, C. 2, 1, 9. Musa procax ! ib. v. 37. Quondam cithara tacentem suscitai Musam Apollo, C. 2. 10. 19. Musa. C. 2. 12, 13 ; carmina Mtisarum sacerdos canto, C. 3. 1.3. Quo. Musa. tendis] C 3, 3. 70. Qui Musas amat impares, C. 3, 19. 13. Caelo Musa beat, C. 4. 8, 28. Dicenda Musis proe- lia, C. 4. 9, 21 ; mini pugnam. Musa, veiim memores ! Sat 1.5.53: nee Musae deditus ulli. Sat. 2. 3. 105. Musa pedesni. Sat. 2, 6. 17 ; auspice Musa, E 1,3, 13. Musa rosata refer! E. 1,8,2. Archilochi Musam, E. I, 19,28. Albano Musas in monte locutas, E.2, 1, 27 ; vatem ni Musa dedisset, E. 2, 1. 133. Musarum dona. E. 2, 1, 243 ; caelatum no- vem Musis opus. E. 2, 2, 92. Musa dedit fidibus divos puerosque deorum - - referre, Art. poet. 83. Die mihi, Musa. virum ! ib^ 141. Grais dedii ore rotundo Musa loqui, ib. 324. Musa lyrae sollers. ib. 407. Musa Anlojiius. E. 1. 15, 3. Mutus. E. 1.6.22. Mycenae. C. 1, 7, 9. Mygdonius. Phrvsiae Mvsdonias opes. C. 2, 12. 22. Mvsdohiis campfs, C. 3, 16, 41. Myrtale. C.'l,'33. 14. Myrtous. C. 1. 1, 14. Mi/si. Ep. 17. 10. Mystes. C. 2. 9. 9. Mytilene. C. 1.7. 1; E. 1,11, 17. N. Xaerius, pot'ta. E.2, 1,53. Naevius. Sat. 2. 2, 68. Naiades. C. 3. 25. 14. Nasica. Sat. 2. 5, 57 ; 65, 67. Xasidienus Rufus. Nasidieni coena bea- li, Sjat. 2, 8, 1 . Rufus, ib. v. 53 et 84. Sat/a. Sat. 1 , 6, 124. Xcaera : argutae Neaerae, C. 3, 14, 21. Ep. 15. O dolitura mea multum virtute Neaera! ib. v. 11. Ntapolis. Ep 5, 43. Kearchus. C. 3. 20, 6. Nccessitas ; saeva Necessitas, C-. 1, 35, 17 aequa lege Necessitas Sortitur insignes et imos, C."3, J 14; dira Necessitas, C. 3, 24. 6. Neobule. C. 3, 12. Xeptunius. Ep. 9, 7. Neptunus ; \ uenti maris deo, C. 1, 5, 15. Neptuno, sacri custode Tarenti, C. 1, 28, 29. Fesio die Neptuni, C. 3, 28, 2 ; cantabimus Neptunum, ib. v. 10. Parumne Neptuno super fusum est Latini sanguinis 7 Ep. 7, 3. Neptunus Hibernus, Ep. 17^55. Neptunum procul e terra spectare furentem, E. 1,11. 10; receptus terra Neptunus, Art. poet.' 64. Xereitles. C. 3. 28, 10. Xereius. Ep. 17, 8. Xereus. C. 1. 15. Xerius. Sat. '2, 3. 64. JSero. Vide Claudius. Xerones Augusti paternus in puc~os ani- mus Nerones, C. 4, 4. 28 ; quid debeas, O Roma Neronibus cet, ib. v. 37. Nes&us. Ep. 17,32. Xestor. Pyliuin Nestora, C. 1.15, 22; ter aevo functus senex, C. 2, 9, 13. Nestor com- ponere lices fesiinat, E. 1. 2, 11. Xilus ; tumidus Nilus, C. 3, 3, 48 ; fontium qui celat origines Nilus, C. 4, 14, 46. A iobeus. C. 4, 6, 1. Niphaies. C. 2, 9, 20. Xireus ; sparsum odoratis humeram ca- pillis. Qualis aut Nireus fuit aut Ganymeries, C. 3. 20, 15 ; forma vincas Nirea, Ep. 15, 22. 2\ocliluca. C. 4, 6, 3S. Xomentanus ; suades, ut vivam sic utNo- mentanus? Sa^. 1. 1, 102. Nomentanoque nepoti, Sat. 1,8,11. Nomentanumque ne- potem, Sat. 2, 1. 22, Sat. 2. 3. 175. Nomen- tanum anipe mecum, ib. 224 ; conviva Na- sidieni, Sat. 2, 8, 23 et 25 ; sapiens Nomen- tanus, ib. v. 60. Xoricus. C. 1, 16, 9 et Ep. 17, 71. Xothus. C. 3.15. 11. Xotus; rabiem Noti, quo non aribiter Hadriae Major, C. I, 3, 14 ; albus Noius, C. 1,7, 16; comes Ononis Notus, C. 1,28.21. Notis actum, C. 3, 7,5. Notus invido flatu cet. C 4, 5, 9 ; petit Syrtes Noto, Ep. 9. 31. Ncvendialis. Ep. 17, 48. Xovii. Marsyase voltum ferre negat No- viorum posse mlnoris, Sat. 1, 6, 121. Xuvius. Maenius absentem Novium cum carperet, Sat. 1, 3, 21. Novius collega gradu post me sedet uno, Sat. 1. 6, 40. Xox. Dicetur merita Nox quoque naenia, C. 3, 23, 16. Nox et Diana, Ep 5, 51. Xuma; quietum Pompili regnum, C. 1, 12, 34. Numa quo devenit et Ancus, E. 1, 6, 27. Saliare Numae carmen, E. 2, 1, 86. Numaniia, C. 2, 12, 1. Xnmicius. E. 1, 6, 1. Xumidae. C. 3, 11, 47. Xymphae. Nympharum leves chori, C. 1, 1, 31. Junctae Nymphis Gratiae. C. 1. 4, 6, C. 1, 30, 6. Item. C. 4. 7. 5 Gratia cum Nymphis— Simplices Nymphae, V. 2. 8, 14. Nymphaa discentes, C. 2. 19. 3. Paune, Nympharum fugientum amator, C. 3. 18, 1 j debitae Nymphis coronae, C. 3, 27, 30. 568 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. O. Occidens. Ep. 1, 13. Oceanus. Oceano dissociabili, C. 1, 3, 22. Oceano rubro, C. 1, 35, 32. Cum Scl Oceano subest, C. 4, 5 40 : beluosus Ocea- nus, C. 4, 14, 48. Oceanus circunivagus, Ep. 16,41. Octavius. Sat. i, 10, 82 ; C. 3, 14, 7. Ofellus. Ofellus rusticus, abnormis sa- piens, Sat. 2, 2, 2, ib. v. 53, 112, 133. Olympia; magna coronari Olympia, E.l, 1,50. Olympicus pulvis, C. 1, 1, 3. Olympus ; curru quaties Olympum, C. 1, 12, 58 ; opaco Pelion imposuisse Olympo, C. 3, 4, 52. Opimius. Sat. 2, 3, 142. Oppidius Aulus. Sat. 2, 3, 171. Oppidius Servius. Servius Oppidius, Sat. 2. 3, 168. Oppidius Tiberius. Sat. 2, 3, 173. Opuntius. C. 1, 27, 10. Orbilius. E. 2, 1,71. Orbius. E. 2, 2. 160. Orcus. Panthoiden iterum Oreo demis- sum, C. 1, 28. 10. Victima nil miseramis Orci, C. 2, 3, '24; rapacis Orci, C. 2, 18, 30; satelles Orci, ib. v. 34 ; luridum Orcum, C. 3, 4, 75; etiam sub Oreo, C. 3, 11, 29; impudens Orcum moror, C. 3, 27, 50 ; nigro Oreo, C. 4, 2, 24 ; si quis casus puerum ege- rit Oreo, Sat. 2, 5, 49 ; metit Orcus grandia cum parvis, non exorabilis auro, E. 2, 2, 178. Orestes. Nee ferro ut demens genitricem occidis Orestes, Sat. 2, 3, 133; male tutae mentis Orestes, ib. v. 137 ; sit tristis Orestes, Art. poet. 124. Oricum vel Oricus. C. 3, 7, 5. Oriens. C. 1, 12, 55. Origo. Sat. 1, 2, 55. Orion; comes Orionis Notus, C. 1. 28,21 Nee curat Orion leones agitare, C. 2, 13, 39; integrae tentator Orion Dianae, C. 3, 4, 71 ; pronus Orion, C. 3, 27, 18 ; tristis Orion, Ep. 10, 10; nautis infestus Orion, Ep. 15, 7. Omytus. C. 3, 9, 14. Orpheus ; vocalem Orphea. C. 1, 12, 10. Threicio Orpheo, C. 1, 24, 13; sacer inter- presque deorum Orpheus, Art. post. 392. Oscus. Sat. 1, 5, 54. Osiris. E. 1, 17, 60. Otho (i. Roscius). Ep. 4, 16. Pacideianus. Sat. 2, 7, 97. Pacorus. C. 3, 6, 9. Pactolus. Ep. 15, 20. Pactumeius. Ep. 17, 50. Pacuvius. E. 2, 1, 56. Padus. Ep. 16, 28. Paetus. Sat. 1, 3, 45. Palatinus. Palatinas arces, Carm. Sec. 65. Palatinus Apollo, E. 1, 3, 17. Palinurus ; non me — exstinxit--Sicula Palinurus unda, C. 3, 4, 28. Palla* ; (Vide Minerva ;) ope Palladis, C. 1, 6, 15 ; intactae Palladis urbem, C. 1, 7, 5 ; proximos occupavit Pallas honores, C. 1 12, 20. Jam galeam Pallas et aegida cet, C, 1, 15, 11 ; sonantem Palladis aegida, C. 3, 4 r 57. Pallas usto vertit iram ab Ilio in impiam Aiacis ratem, Ep. 10. 13. Panaetius. C. 1, 29, 14. Panthoides. C. 1, 28, 10. Pantilius. Sat. 1, 10, 78. Pantolahus. Pantolabo scurrae, Sat. 1,8, 11. Pantolabum scurram, Sat. 2, 1, 22. Paphus. Venus, regina Paphi ! C. 1, 30, I ; quae Paphon iunctis visit oloribus, C. 3, 28, 14. Parcae. C. 2, 3, 15. Parcae iniquae, C. 2, 6, 9. Parca non mendax. C. 2, 16, 39 ; sic placitum Parcis, C. 2, 17, 16 ; veraces ceci- nisse Parcae Carm. sec. 25 ; certo subtemine Parcae cet, Ep. 13, 15. Paris. Pastor cum traheret per freta n&- vibus Helenen, C. 1, 15, 1. Fatalis ince stusque iudex, C. 3, 3, 19. Lacaenae adul- terae famosus hospes, ib. v. 26. Paridia busto, ib. v. 40; arsitadulteri crines Helene, C. 4, 9, 13. Paridis propter amorem, E. 1, 2, 5. Quid Paris ? ib. v. 10. Parius. Pario marmore, C. 1, 19, 16. Parios iambos, E. 1, 19, 23. Parmensis. Vide Cassius. E. 1, 4, 3. Parrhasius. C 4, 8. 6. Parthi, v. Medi. Persae. Parthos Latio imminentes, C. 1,12,53; versis animosum equis Parthum dicero, C. I, 19, 12 ; perhor- rescit miles sagittas etcelerem fugam Parthi, catenas Parthus et Italum robur, C 2, 13, 17. Parthos feroces, C. 3, 2, 3. Quis Parthum paveat"? C. 4, 5,25; signa derepta Partho- rum superbis postibus, C. 4, 15, 7 ; secun- dum votaParthorum, Ep. 7, 9; labentisequo volnera Parthi, Sat. 2, 1, 15; juvenis Pariiiia horrendus, Sat. 2, 5, 62 ; templis Parthorum, E. 1, 18, 56. Invenior Parthis mendacior, E. 2, 1, 1 12 ; formidatam Parthis te principe Romam, ib. v. 256. Palareus. Patareus Apollo, C. 3, 4, 64. Paullus (L. Aemilius). C. 1, 2, 38. Paullus. Sat. 1, 6, 41. Paullus (Fabius) Maximus. C. 4, 1, 10, ib. v. 15. Pausiacus. Sat. 2, 7, 95. Pax, dea. Carm. sec. 57. Pecunia. E. I, 6, 37. Pedanus. E. 1,4, 2. Pidiatia. Sat. 1, 8, 39. Pedius Poplicola (Q.) Vide Poplicola. Sat. 1, 10, 28 et 85. Pegasus ; vix illigatum te triformi Pega- sus expediet Chimaera, C. 1, 27, 24 ; ales Pegasus — gravatus Bellerophontem, C. 4, 11,27. Peleus ; paene datum Pelea Tartaro, C. 3, 7, 17 ; tragicus Telephus et Peleus, pauper et exsul uierque, Art. poet. 96. Telephe vei Peleu, ib. v. 104. Pelides. Pelidae stomachum cedere nes- cii, C. 1, 6, 6 ; lites inter Peliden et inter At- riden, E. 1, 2, 12. Pelignus. Pel ignis frigoribus, C. 3, 19, 8. Peligna anus, Ep. 17, 60. Pelios. C. 3, 4, 52. Pclops ; saevarn Pelopis domum. C. 1, 6, 8 Pelopis genitor, C. 1, 28, 7. ' Pelopia INDEX OF PEOPEE NAMES. 56S parens, C. 2, 13, 37. Pelopis infidi pater. Ep. 17. 65. Penates. Penates iniquos, C. 2, 4, 15 ; aversos Penates, C. 3, 23, 19 ; patrios Pena- tes, C. 3, 27, 49 ; per divos Penates, Sat. 2, 3, 176 ; per Genium deosque Penates, E. 1, 7,94. Penelope; laborantes in uno Penelopen vitreamque Circen. C. 1, 17. 20. Penelopen difficilem procis, C. 3. 10, 11. Penelopam tam frugi tamque pudicam, Sat. 2, 5, 76 el 81 ; sponsi Penelopae, E. 1, 2, 23. Pentheus ; tectaque Penthei disiecta, C. 2, 19, 14, Sat. 2, 3, 304. Pentheu, rector Thebarum! E. 1, 16,73. Pergama. C. 2. 4, 12. Pergameus. C, 1, 15, 36. Perillius Cicuta. Cicutae nodosi tabulas, Sat. 2, 3, 69. Perilli dictantis cet, ib. v, 75 ; tu ne sequerere Cicutam, ib. v. 175. Persue ; eraves, C. 1. 2, 22 et C. 3, 5, 4 ; pestem in Persas atque Britannos aget, C. 1, 21, !5. Persarum vi?ui re°:e beatfor, C. 3, 9, 4 ; infidi Persae. C. 4, 15,~23. Persicus. C. 1. 38. 1. Per sins ; hybrida Persius, Sat. 1, 7, 2; dives, ib. v. 4.'ib. 19 et 22. Petillius Capitolinus ; mentio si qua de Capitolini funis injecta Petilli, Sat. 1, 4, 94 ; dura causa rei Petilli, Sat. 1, 10, 26. Petrinum. E I, 5, 5. Pet tins. Ep. 11, totus. Phaeax; ut domum possim Phaeax re- verti, E. 1. 15, 24. Phaethon. C. 4, 11, 25. Pha'antus. C. 2, 6, 12. Phidyle. C. 3. 23, 2. Philippi. Philippos et celerem fugam, C. 2, 7, 9. Philippis versa acies retro, C. 3, 4, 26 ; me-dimisere Philippi, E. 2, 2, 49. Philippus, Macedoniae rex ; diffidit ur- bium portas vir Macedo muneribus, C. 3. 16. 14 ; resale nomisma. Philippos, E. 2, 1, 234. Phocaei. Ep. 16, 17. Phoceus. C. 2, 4, 2. Phoebus v. Apollo ; metuende certa Phoe- be sasitta! C. 1, 12. 24; barbite, decusPhoe- bi ! C". 1. 32, 13 ; auctoie Phoebo. C. 3, 3, 66 : fidibus citharaque Phoebi, C. 3. 4, 4. Dura rediens fugat astra Phoebus, C. 3, 21, 24. Phoebe, qui Xantho lavis amne crinem ! C. 4, 6, 26; levis Asryieu, ib. v. 28. Spiritum Phoebus mini cet, ib. v. 29. Phoebus me increpuit lyra. C. 4, 15. 1. Phoebe silvar- umque potens Diana! Carm. seel; augur Phoebus, ib. 62. Phoebi laudes, ib. v. 75. Pholoe. Cyrus in asperam declinat Pho- loen, C. 1. 33. 7 et 9. Pholoe fusax, C. 2, 5, 17; si quid Pholoen decet, C. 3.^15. 7. Phraates ; redditum Cyri solio Phraatem, C. 2. 2, 17 : ius imperiumque Phraates Cae- saris accepit senibus minor, E. 1, 12, 27. Phryges. C. 1. 15.34. Phrygia. C. 2. 12. 22. Phrygius. Phrydae sorores, C 2,9, 16. Phrygius lapis, C." 3, 1, 41: carmen barba- rum. Ep. 9, 6. Phryne. Ep. 14. 16. Phthius. C. 4. 6. 4. Phyllis. Phyllidis flavae, C. 2, 4. 14, C. 4, il, totum ; meorum finis amorum, ib. v. 31. Picenus. Sat. 2, 3, 272, et Sat. 2, 4, 70. Pieris. Pieri ! U. 4, 3, 18. Calabrae Pie rides, C. 4, 8, 20. Pierius. Pierio antro, C. 3, 4, 40 ; vir Pieria pellice saucius, C. 3, 10, 15. Picriis modis. Art. post. 405. Pimplea. C. t, 26, 9. Pindaricus. Pindaricae Camenae, C. 4, 9, 6. Pindarici fontis haustus, E. 1,3, 10. Pindarus. Pindarum quisquis studet im- itari cet, C. 4, 2, 1 ; profundo Pindarus ore, ib. v. 8. Dircaeum eyenum, ib. v. 25. Pindus. C. 1; 12, 6. Pirithous ; amatorem Pirithoum, C. 3, 4, SO; caro Pirithoo, C. 4, 7,28. Pisones. Ars poetica tota. Cred if e, Pi- sones, ib. v. 6 ; ib. 235. Vos, O PomjTlius sanguis ! ib. 292. O major iuvenum ! ib. v. 366. Pilholeon. Sat. 1, 10, 22. Placideianus. Vide Pacideianus. Plancus (L. Munatius). C. 1,7, totum; consule Planco, C. 3, 14, 28. Platon; stipare Platona Menandro, Sat. 2, 3, 11 ; doctum Platona, Sat. 2, 4, 3. Plaatinus. Art. post. 270. Plautus ; dicitur Plautus ad exemplar Si- culi properare Epicharmi, E. 2, 1,58. Ad- spice, Plautus quo pacto partes tutetur aman- tis ephebi, E. 2, 1, 171. Quid autem Caeci- lio Plautoque dabit Romanus cet. "? Art. post. 54. Pleiades. C. 4, 14, 21. Plotius Numida. C. 1, 36, 1. Plotius (Tucca). Plotius et Varius, Sat. 1, 5. 40 ; rursusque, Sat. 1, 10, 81. Pluto. C. 2, 14, 7. Plulonius. C 1, 4, 17. Poena. C. 3, 2, 32 ; Cfr. C. 4, 5, 24. Poenus ; superante Poeno, C. 1, 12, 38, uterque Poenus, C. 2. 2, 11. Poeno sangui- ne, C. 2, 12, 3; navita Bosporum Poenus perhorrescit, C 2, 13, 15. Marte Poenos pro- teret altero, C. 3, 5, 34 ; impio Poenorum tumultu, C. 4, 4,47. Potemon. Sat. 2, 3, 254. Pollio (C. Asiniiis). C. 2, 1, totum. Pol- lio regum facta canit pede ter percusso, Sat. 1, 10, 42. Pollio, te, Messala, ib. v. 85. Pollux. Pollux arces attigit igneas, C. 3, 3, 9; geminus Pollux, C. 3, 29, 64; frater magni Castoris, Ep. 17, 43. Castor gaudet equis ; ovo prognatus eodem pugnis, Sat. 2, 1, 26 ; cum Castore Pollux, E. 2, 1, 5. Polyhymnia. C. 1, 1, 33. Pompeius (Sex). Neptunius dux, Ep. 9,7. Pompeius Grosphus. C. 2, 16, totum ; utere Pompeio Grospho. E. 1, 12, 22. Pompeius Varus. C. 2. 7, totum. Pom- pei, meorum prime sodalium, ib. 5. Pompilius, v. Xuma. C. 1, 12, 34. PoTtipil us. Art. poet. 292. Pomponius. Sat 1. 4. 52. Pon/icus. C. I. 14, 11. Poplicula (AT Valerius Poplicola Messa- la) Corcinus. Latine cum causas exsudet Poplicola Corvinus, Sat. 1, 10,28; te, Mes- sala, tuo cum fratre, ib. v. S5. Porcius. Sit. 2. 8, 23. Porcius Cato (-1/.), v. Cato. 670 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Porphyrion. C. 3, 4, 54. Porsena. Ep. 16, 4. Postumus. C. 2, 14, 1. Praeneste ; frigidum Praeneste, C. 3, 4, 23. Homerum Praeneste relegi, E. 1,2, 2. Praenestinus. Sat. 1, 7, 28. Priamides. Sat. 1,7, 13. Priamus ; dives Priamus, C. 1, 10, 14; regnum Priami vetus, C. 1, 15.8. Priami domus periura, C. 3, 3, 26. Priami busto. ib. v. 40; laetam Priami choreis aulam, C. 4, 6. 15; rex procidit pervicacis ad pedes Achillei, Ep. 1. , 13 ; populus Priami Priam- usque, Sat. 2,3, 195. Fortunam Priami can- tabo, Ait. poet. 137. Priapus ; uvam, qua muneretur te, Pria- pe ! Ep. 2, 21. Priapus, furum aviumque maxima formido, Sat.l, 8, 2. Priscus. Sat. 2, 7, 9. Procne. Art. poet. 187. Proculeius. C. 2, 2, 5. Procyon. C. 3, 29, 18. Proetus. C. 3, 7, 13. Prometheus ; addere principi limo coac- tus particulam undique desectam, C. 1, 16, 13. Prometheus et Pelopis parens dulci la- borum decipitur sono, C. 2, 13, 37. Calli- dum Promethea, C. 2, 18,35. Prometheus obligatusaliti, Ep. 17, 67. Proserpina ; saeva Proserpina, C. 1, 28, 20: furvae regna Proserpinae, C. 2, 13,21 ; oro regna per" Proserpinae, Ep. 17, 2; me imperiosa trahit Proserpina, Sat. 2, 5, 110. Proteus ; pecus egit cet, C 1, 2, 7; scele- ratus Proteus, Sat. 2, 3, 71. Quo teneam voltus mutantem Protea nodo? E. 1, 1, 90. Publius. Vide Quintus. Pudor ; deus, Carm. sec. 57. Punicus ; signa Punicis affixadelubris, C. 3, 5, 17. Infecit aequor sanguine Punico, C. 3, 6, 34 ; hostis Punico lugubre mutavit sa- gum,Ep. 9,27; post Punicabella, E. 2,1, 162. Pupius. E. 1, 1, 67. Pusilla; nomen, Sat. 2, 3, 216. Puteal ; adesse ad Puteal, Sat. 2, 6. 35. Forum Putealque Libonis mandabo siccis, E. 1, 19, 8. Pylades. Sat. 2, 3, 139. Pylius Nestor. C. 1, 15, 2& Pyrrha. C. 1, 2, 7. Pyrrha. C. 1,5, 3. Pyrrhia. E. 1, 13, 14. Pyrrhus. C. 3, 6, 35. Pyrrhus. C. 3, 20, 2. Pythagoras. C. 1, 28, 10 ; Cfr. ib. v. 13 : non'sordidus auctor naturae verique. Py- thagorae arcana renati, Ep. 15, 21 ; praecep- tis, qualia vincant Pythagoran, Sat. 2, 4, 3 ; faba Pythagorae cognata, Sat. 2, 6, 62. Pythagoreus. E" 2, 1, 52. Pythias Art. poet. 23G. Pythius; incola Pythius, C. 1, 16, 6; qui Pythia cantat tibicen, Art. poet, 414. Q. Quinctilius Varus. C. 1, 18, totum ; C 1, 24, totum. Quinctilio si quid recitares cet, Art. poet. 438. Quinctius Hirpinus. C. 2, 11, totum E. 1, 16, tota. Quinctius Atta (T.) E. 2, 1, 79. Quinquatrus. E. 2, 2, 197. Quintus. Sat. 2, 5, 32. Quirinus ; populo Quirini, C 1, 2, 46. Quirinus Martis equis Acheronta fugit, C. 3, 3, 15. Janum Quirini, C. 4, 15, 9 , quae carent vends et solibus ossa Quirini, Ep. 16, 13; monuit me Quirinus post mediam noctem visus, Sat. 1, 10, 32; in code Quirini, E. 2, 2,68. Quirts. Quis te redonavit Quiritem cet. 1 C. 2, 7, 3 , amici dona Quiritis, E. 1. 6, 7. Quirites ; mobilium turba Quiritium, C 1, 1, 7; bellicosis Quiritibus, C. 3, 3, 57 Quae cura patrum quaeve Quiritium? C. 4 14,1. R. Raetus. Ilaetis sub Alpibus, C. 4, 4, 17 Tiberius immanes Ri^eios pepulit, C. 4, 14 15. Devota morti pectora liberae, ib. v. 18. Ravines. Art. poet. 342. Regulus. Regulum - - insigni referarr Camena, C. 1, 12, 37 ; mens provida Reguli C. 3, 5, 13. Remus. Ep. 7, 19. Rex Rupilius. Vide Rupilius Rex. Rhenus. Rheni luteum caput, Sat. 1, 10 37 • flumen Rhenum, Art. poet. 18. Rhodanus. C. 2, 20, 20. Rhode. C. 3, 19, 27. Rhodius. Sat. 1, 10, 22. R/mdope. C. 3, 25, 12. Rhodos ; claram Rhodon, C. 1, 7, 1. Rh» dos et Myti'ene pulchra, E. 1, 11, 17; ib. 2K Rhoetus. C. 2, 19, 23 ; C. 3, 4, 55. Roma ; dum lo'ngus inter saeviat Ilion Rc- mamque pontus, C. 3, 3, 38. Roma feror, ib. v. 44. Incolumi Jove et urbe Roma, C. 3, 5, 12. Paene delevit urbem Dacus, C, 3, 6, 14 ; beatae fumum sti epitumque Romae, C. 3, 29, 12. Urbi sollicitus times, ib. v. 26. Urbis publicum ludum, C. 4, 2, 41. Romae principisurbium, C. 4, 3, 13. Quid debeas, O Roma, Neronibus, C. 4,4,37; tutelaprae- sens dominae Romae ! C. 4, 14, 44. Alme Sol, possis nihil urbe Roma visere maius ! Carm. sec. 11. Roma si vestrum est opus, ib. 37. Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit, Ep. 16, 2; magna Roma, Sat. 1, 5, I ; pater me puerum est ausus Romam portare docen- dum, Sat. 1,6,76. Romae seu forsitajus- serit, exsul, Sat. 2, !, 59. Romae sponsorem me rapis, Jane, Sat. 2, 6, 23; Sat. 2, 7, 13. Romae rus optas, ib. < . 28. Dum tu decla- ims Romae, E. 1, 2. 2; regia Roma, E. 1,7, 44 ; cur Romae Tibur amem, E. 1, 8, 12 ; qui Capua Romam petit, E 1, 11, 11. Romae laudetur Samos absens, ib. v. 21 ; (me) quandoyunque trahunt invisa tiegotia Ro- mam, E. 1, 14, 17. Jac'amus ia~mpridem omnis te Roma beaturr , E. 1, 16, 18. Carus eris Romae donee te ticserat aetas, E. 1, 20, 10. Roma potens, E.2, 1,61. Romae dulce diu fuit mane domo vigilare cet, E. 2, 1, 103; formidatam Parthis te principe Romam, ib. v. 256. Romae nutriri mini contigit, E. 2, 2, INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 571 41 ; me Rornaene poemata censes scribere posse 1 ib. v. 65. Frater erat consulti rhe- tor, ib. v. 87. Romanus. Delicta maiorem immeritus lues, Romane ! C. 3, 6, 2. Romana Ilia, C. 3, 9, 8 Romanae fidicen lyrae, C. 4, 3, 23. Romana pubes, C. 4, 4, 46 ; rem Romanam, Carm. sec, 66 ; ut Carthaginis Romanus ar- ces ureret, Ep. 7, 6 ; acerba fata Romanos agunt, ib. v. 17. Romanus emancipatus fe- minae, Ep. 9, 11 ; hie niger est, hunctu, Ro- mane, ca veto, Sat. 1, 4, 85rQuod mihi pareret legio Romana tribuno, Sat. 1, 6, 48. Romana militia. Sat. 2, 2, 10. Romana Juventus, ib v. 52. Romanus hospes, Sat. 2, 4, 10. Romano habitu, Sat. 2,7,54 : neper vacuum Romano incurreret hostis, Sat. 2, 1, 37 ; qtiodsi me populus Romanus forte roget cet, E. 1, 1, 70. Romana in ora, E. 1, 3, 9; quo sit Romana loco res, E. 1, 12,25. Romanis sollemne viris opus, E. 1, 18, 49. Romani scriptores, E. 2, 1, 29 ; vacuam Romanis va- tibus aedem, E. 2, 2, 94. Quid Caecilio Plau- toque dabit Romanus cet, Art. poet. 54. Romani equites peditesque, ib. 113 ; data Romanis venia est indigna poe'tis, ib. 264. Nil intentatum nostri liquere poetae, ib. v. 285. Romani pueri longis rationibus assem discunt in partes centum diducere, ib. 325. Romulus. Romulum post hos -- memo- rem cet, C. 1, 12, 33. Romuli auspiciis, C. 2, 15, 10 ; meritis Romuli, ib. v. 26. Romulus et Liber pater, E. 2, 1, 5. Romulus ; optimeRomulae custos gentis, C. 4, 5, I. Romulae eenti, Carm. sec. 47. Roscius (Q). E. 2, 1,82. Roscius. Sat. 2, 6, 35. Roscius Otho (L. ). Ep. 4, 16. Roscius. Roscia lex, E. 1,2, 62. Rostra. Sat. 2, 6, 50. Rubi. Sat. 1, 5, 94. Rufa; nomen. Sat. 2, 3, 216. Rujillus. Sat. 1,2, 27, et Sat. 1, 4, 92. Rufus Nasidienus. Vide Nasidienus Rufus. (Sat. 2, 8. 58.) Rupilius Rex (P.). Sat. 1, 7, 1. Ruso. Sat. 1,3,86. Rutuba. Sat. 2, 7 96. Sabaea. C. 1, 29, 3. Sabbata. Sat. I. 9, 69. Sabellus. SabeMis ligonibus, C. 3, 6, 3S. Sabella carmina. Ep. 17, 28. Sabella anus, Sat. 1,9,29; pulsis Sabellis, Sat. 2, 1,36; re- nuit nesitatque Sabellus, E. 1, 16, 49. Sabinus. Sabina diota, C. 1,9, 7. Vile Sabinum, C. 1, 20, 1 ; silva in Sabina, C. 1, 22, 9. Satis beatus unicis Sabinis, C. 2, 18, 14; valle Sabina, C. 3, 1,47; arduos Sabinos, C. 3, 4, 22. Sabina uxor, Ep. 2, 41 ; accedes opera agro nona Sabino. Sat. 2, 7, 113; cae- lum Sibinum. E. I. 7,77; foedera regum cum risidis aequata Sabinis E. 2, 1,25. Sab urns. E. 1,5, '27. Sacra Via. Sacra m metiente teviam, Ep. 4,7. Intactus aut Hrionnus ut descenderet Sacra catenatus via, Ep. 7, 8. Ibam forte via sacra, Sat. 1, 9, 1. Sagana. Sagana spargens Avernalea aquas, Ep. 5, 25. Canidiam cum Sasran,. majore, Sat. 1, 8, 25. Saganae caliendrum excidit, ib. v. 48. Salaminius, Teucer, C. 1, 15, 23. Salamis. Teucer Salamina cum fugeret, C. 1, 7, 21 ; ambiguam Salamina, ib. v. 29. Salernum. E. 1, 15, 1. Saliaris. Saliaribus dapibus, C. 1, 37, 2. Saliare Numae carmen, E. 2, I, 86. Salius ; morem in Salium, C. 1,36,12; in morem Salium, C. 4, 1, 28. Salustius Crispus (C). C. 2, 2, totum Sat. 1,2,48. Samius. Ep. 14, 9. Samnites. E. 2, 2, 98. Sumos ; concinna Samos, E. 1, 11, 2 ; . %\x- detur Romae. ib. v. 21. Sappho. Aeoliis fidibus querentem Ssj. pho puellis de popularibus, C. 2, 13, 2o ; mascula Sappho, E. 1, 19, 28. Sardinia. C. 1,31,4. Sardis. E. 1, 11, 2. Sardus. Sardus Tigellius, Sat. 1, 3, 3. Sardo cum melle papaver, Art. poet. 375 Sarmentus. Sal, 1, 5, 52. Satureianus. Sa.t 1, 6, 59. Saturnalia. Sat. 2, 3, 5. Saturnius. E. 2, 1, 158. Satumus ; orte Saturno, C. 1, 12, 50; ful gens domus Saturni veteris, C. 2, 12, 9 ; im pio Saturno, C. 2, 17, 23. Satyri. Nympharumque leves cum Sa tyris chori, C. 1, 1, 31 ; aures capripedum Satyrorum acutas, C.2, 19, 4 ; adscripsit Li- ber Satyris Faunisque poetas, E. 1, 19,4; qui Satyrum movetur, E. 2, 2, 125; qui agrestes Satyros nudavit, Art. poet. 221 ; dicaces Satyros, ib. v. 226. Tragoedia inte- rerit Satyris paullum pudibunda protervis, ib. v. 233. Satyrorum scriptor, ib. v. 236. Scaeva. Sat. 2, 1 , 53. Scaeva. E. 1, 17, tota. Scamander. Ep. 13, 13. Scaurus. Regulum et Scauros, C. 1, 12, 37; (ilium balbutit Scaurum pravis fultum male talis, Sat. 1,3, 48.) Scetanius. Sat. 1, 4, 112. Scipio Africanus Maior. C. 4, 8, 18. Scipio Africanus Minor. Africanum, cui super Carthaginem Virtus sepulchrum con- duit, Ep. 9, 25. Scipiadam ut sapiens Lu- cilius, Sat. 2, 1, 17; ib. v. 66. Virtus Sci- piadae, ib. v. 72. Scopus. C. 4, 8, 6. Scorpios. C. 2, 17, 17. Scylla. Art. pont. 145. Scythae. Venus me non patitur Scythaa dicere, C. 1, 19, 10 ; profugi Scythae, C. 1, 35, 9, et C. 4, 14, 42. Scythes'Hadria divisus ob- iecto, C. 2, 11,1. Jam Scythae laxo medi- tantur arcu cedere campis, C 3, S, 23 ; cam- pestres Scythae, C. 3, 24, 9 ; gelidum Scythen, C. 4, 5, 25. Cythae superbi nuper, Carm. sec. 55. Scythicus. C. 3. 4, 36. Scetanius. Vide Scetanius. Semele. C. 1,19, 2. Semeleus. Thyoneus, C. 1, 17,22. September. E. 1, 16,16. Septicius. E. 1,5, 26. 572 INDEX OF PEOPER NAMES. Septimius. Septimi, Gades aditure me- cum, C. 2, 6, 1. Septimius, Olaudi, nimimm intelligit unus. - - Quanti me facias, E. 1, 9, 1. Seres; subjectos Orientis orae Seras, C. 1, 12, 56; quid Seres parent, C. 3, 29, 27. Seres infidive Persae, C. 4, 15, 23. Sericus. C. 1, 29, 9. ServUius Balairo. Sat. 2, 8, 21-33^0- }3. Servius (Sulpicius). Sat. 1, 10, 86. Sestius (£.). C. I, 4, 14. Sestus. Vide Abydus. Sextilis. Sextilem totum mendax desi- .teror, E. 1,7, 2; E. 1, 11,19. Sibyllinus. Sibyllini versus. Carm. sec. 5. Sicanus. Ep. 17. 32. Sicilia. Sat. 2, 6, 55. Siculus. Siculum mare Poeno purpureum ranguine, C. 2, 12, 2. Siculae vaccae, C. 2, 16, 33. Siculae dapes, C. 3, 1, 18. Sicula Palinurus unda, C. 3, 4. 28. Siculas undas, C. 4, 4, 44. Siculi tyranni, E. 1, 2, 58. Fruc- tibus Agrippae Siculis, E. 1, 12. 1. Siculi Epicharmi, E. 2, 1, 58. Siculi poetae, Art. poet. 463. Sidonius. Sidonii nautae, Ep. 16, 59. Sidonio ostro, E. 1, 10, 26. Silenus. Art, poet. 239. Silvanus ; horridi dumeta Silvani, C. 3, 29,23; pater Silvane, tutor finium! Ep. 2, 22 ; agncolae prisci Silvanum lacte piabant. E. 2, 1, 143. Simois. Ep. 13, 14. Simon. Art. poet. 238. Sinuessa. Sat. 1, 5, 40. Sinuessanus. Ep. 1 , 5, 5. Siren ; improba Siren, desidia, Sat. 2, 3, 14. Sirenum voces nosti, E. 1, 2, 22. Si senna. Sat. 1, 7, 8. Sisyphus; damnatusque longi Sisyphus Aeolides laboris, C. 2, 14, 20 ; optat supre- mo collocare Sisyphus in monte saxum, Ep. 17, 68 ; vafer ille Sisyphus, Sat. 2, 3, 21. Sisyphus. Sat. 1, 3, 47. Sithonii. Sithoniis non levis Euius, C. 1, 18, 9. Memphin carentem Sithonia nive, C. 3, 26, 10. Smyrna. E. 1, 11, 13. Socraticus. Socraticam et domum, C. 1, 29, 14. Socraticis madet sermonibus Messa- la, (J. 3, 21, 9. Socraticae chartae, Art. poet. 310. Sol; rapidum StMem, C. 2, 9, 12. O Sol pulcher ! C. 4, 2, 46, cum Sol Oceano sub est. C 4, 5, 40. Alme Sol ! Carm. sec. 9. Sophocles. E. 2, 1, 163. Soracle. C. 1, 9, 2. Sosii ; liber, ut prostes Sociorum pumice mundus, E. I, 20. 2, hie meret aera liber Sosiis, Art. poet. 345. Sparlacus. Spartacum vagantem, C. 3, 14. 19. Spartacus acer, Ep. 16, 5. Spes. C. 1,35, 21. Sfaberius. Heredes Staberi summam in- cidere sepulcro, Sat. 2, 3, 84. Staberi pru- dentem animum, ib. v. 89. Sterlinius. Si quid Siertinius veri crepat, Sat. 2, 3, 33. Siertinius, sapicntum octavus, ib. v. 296. Stertinius. E. 1, 12, 20. Slesichorus. C. 4, 9, 8. Sthenelus ; sciens pugnae, C. I, 15, 24 ; non pugnavit Sthenelus solus dicenda Musia proelia, C. 4,9,20. Stoicus ; libelli Stoici, Ep. 8, 15. Cur, Stoice? Sat. 2, 3, 160. Stoice, ib. v. 300. Slygius. Nee Stygia cohibebor unda, C. 2, 20, 8. Stygiis fluctibus, C. 4, 8, 25. Styx. C. I, 34, 10. Suadela. E. 1, 6, 38. Suburranus. Ep. 5, 58. Sugambri; feroces Sugambros, C. 4, 2, 36 ; caede gaudentes Sugambri, C. 4, 14, 51. Sulcius ; acer. Sat. 1, 8, 65. Sulla. Sat. 1, 2, 64. Sulpicius Servius. Sat. 1, 10, 86. Sulpicius. C. 4, 12, 18. Surrentinus. Sat. 2, 4, 55. Surrentum. E. 1, 17, 52. Sybaris. C. 1, 8, 2. Sygambri. Vide Sugambri. Syrius. C. 2, 7, 8. Syrtes. Syrtesaestuosas, C. 1,22,5; bar* baras Syrtes, O 2, 6, 3. Syrtes Gaetulas, C 2, 20, 15 ; exercitatas Syrtes Noto, Ep. 9, 31. Syrus. Sat. 1, 6, 38. Syrus. Sat. 2. 6, 45. Si/rus. C. 1,31, 12. T. Taenarus. C. 1, 34, 10. Tanais ; extremum Tanain, C. 3, 10, 1. Tanais discors, C. 3, 29, 28. Tanain prope flumen orti, C. 4, 5, 24. Tanais. Sat. 1, 1, 105. Tantarus ; superbum Tantalum atque Tantali genus, C. 2, 18, 37 ; egens benignae Tantalus semper dapis, Ep. 17, 66. Tanta- lus a labris sitiens fugientia captat flumina, Sat. 1, 1, 68. Tarentinus. E. 2. 1, 207. Tarentum. Neptuno sacri custode Ta- renti, C. I, 28, 29. Lacedaemonium Taren- tum, C. 3, 5, 56 ; usque Tarentum, Sat. 1, 6, 105 ; molle Tarentum, Sat. 2, 4, 34 ; imbelle Tarentum, E. 1,7.45. Dicas adductum pro- pius frondere Tarentum, E. 1, 16, 11. Tarpa (Sp. Mdecius). Quae neque in aede sonent certantia iudice Tarpa, Sat. 1, 10, 38. Si quid tamen olim scripseris, in Maeci descendat judicis aures, Art. poet. 387 Tarquinius ; superbos Tarquini fasces, C. 1, 12, 35. Tarquinius regno pulsus fugk Sat. 1, 6, 13. Tartar a. C. 1,28, 10. Tartarus. C. 3, 7, 17. Taurus (T. Slatilius). E. 1, 5, 4. Teanum. E. 1, 1. 86. Tecmessa. C. 2, 4, 6. Te'ius ; fide Tela. C. 1, 17, 18. Anacreon ta Teium, Ep. 14, lO. Telegonus. C. 3, 29, 8. Telemachus. E. 1,7, 40. Telephus. Movit nepotem Telephus Ne- reium, Ep. 17, 8; tragicus Telephus et Pe- leus, pauper et exul uterque, Art. pocit. 96. Telephe et Peleu ! ib. v. 104. Telephus. Telephi cervicem roseam, C. 1, 13, 1. Puro te similem, Telephe, Vesp*- INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 5Y3 so ! C. 3, 19, 26. Telephum, quern tu petis cet. C. 4, 11, 21. Tellus ; domitos Herculea manu Telluris juvenes, C. 2, 12, 7. Fertilis frugum peco- risque Tellus, Carm. sec. 29 ; agricolae pris- ci Tellurem porco piabant, E. 2, 1, 143. Tempe. Thessaia Tempe, C. 1,7, 4. Vos Tempe totidem tollite laudibus, C. 1, 21, 9. Zephyris agitata Tempe, C. 3, 1, 24. Tempest ales. Ep. 10, 24. Terentius. Terenti fabula, Sat. 1, 2, 20. Dialogus ex Eunucho expressus, Sat. 2, 3, 262. Dicitur vincere Caecilius gravitate, Terentius arte. E. 2, 1, 59. Teridates. Vide Tiridates. Terminalia. Ep. 2, 59. Terra. C. 3, 4, 73. Teucer. Teucer Salamina patremque cum fugeret, C. 1, 7, 21 ; nil desperandum Teu- cro duce et auspice Teucro, ib. v. 27. Sala minius Teucer, C. 1, 15, 24 ; non Teucrum violavit Ajax, Sat. 2, 3, 204. Teucru's. C. 4, 6, 12. Thalia. C. 4, 6. 25. Thaliarchus. C. 1, 9, 8. Thebae. Baccho Thebas insignes, C. 1,7, 3. Echioniae Thebae, C. 4, 4, 64 ; Sat. 2, 5, 84. Pentheu, rector Thebarum! E. 1, 16, 74 ; poeta, qui modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis, E. 2, 1, 213. Thebis nutritus, an Argis, Art. poet. 118. Thebanus. Thebanae Semeles, C. 1, 19, 2 ; fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos, E. 1, 3, 13. Amphion, Thebanae conditor arcis, Art. poet 394. Theoninus. E. 1, 18, 82. Theseus. C. 4, 7, 27. Thespis. Sophocles et Thespis et Aes- chylus, E. 2, 1, 163. Ignotum tragicae genus invenisse Camenae dicitur et plaustris vex- isse poemata Thespis, Art. poet. 276. Thessalus. Thessaia Tempe, C. 1, 7,4. Thessalos isrnes, C. I, 10, 15. Thessalis ve- nenis, C. 1, 27, 21. Thessalo victore, C. 2, 4, 10 ; voce Thessaia. Ep, 5, 45 ; portenta Thessaia rides 1 E. 2, 2, 209. Thetis ; marinae filium Thetidis, C. 1, 8, 14. Thetidis marinae, C. 4, 6, 6 ; dea natus Thetide, Ep. 13, 12 ; mater caerula, ib. v. 16. TJiraca. Thracane vos moratur - ? E. 1,3, 3 : ut nee frigidior Thracam nee purior am- biat Hebrus, E. 1, 16, 13. Thrace ; bello furiosa Thrace, C. 2, 16, 5 ; hive candidam Thracen, C. 3, 25, 11. Thraces ; scyphis pusnare Thracum est, C. 1,27, 2. Thracis Lycuigi, C. 2, 19, 16; impia Thracum pectora, Ep. 5, 14. Thracius. Thracio vento, C. 1, 25, 11 ; animae Thraciae, C. 4, 12, 2. Threicius. Threicio Orpheo, C. 1,24, 13. Threicia amystide, C. 1, 36, 14. Threicio Aquilone, Ep. 13, 3. Thressa. C. 3, 9, 9. Threx. Threx Gallina, Sat. 2, 6, 45 ; ad imum Threx erit, E. I, 18, 36. T/rurarius Vitus. E. 2, 1, 269. Tliurinus. Thurini Ornyti, C. 3, 9, 14. Viscus Thurinus, Sat. 2, 8, 20. Thyestes. lrae Thyesten exitio gravi stravere, C 1, 16, 17; coena Thyestae, Art. poot. 91. Thyesteus. Ep. 5, 86. Thyias ; pervicaces Thyiadas, C. 2, 19, 9 ; pulso Thyias concita tympano, C. 3, 15, 10. Thynus. C. 3, 7, 3. Thyoneus. C. 1, 17, 23. Tiberinus. Tiberinis in undis, C. 3, 12, 7 ; lupus Tiberinus, Sat. 2, 3, 31. Tiberino flumine, E. 1, 11,4. Tibcris ; flavus, C. 1,2,13. Iliae toniux, ib. v. 17; uxorius amnis, ib. v. 19, flavum Tiberim, G I, 8, 8. Tiberim reverti, C. 1, 29, 12; flaws Tiberis, C 2, 3, 18. Trans Tiberim prope Caesaris hortos. Sat. 1, 9, 18. Ter uncti transnanto Tiberim cet, Sat. 2, 1, 8 ; puer nudus in Tiberi stabit, Sat. 2, 3, 292, E. 1, 11, 19. Tiberius Claudius Nero. Vide etiara Nero; immanes Raetos pepulit, ib. v. 15. Claudius, ib. v. 29. Claudius Augusti pri- vignus, E. 1, 3, 2. Tiberius. Sat. 2, 3, 173. Tibullus Atbius, Albi, C. 1, 33. Ejus miserabiles elegi, ib. v. 2. Albi, nostrorum sermonum candide judex, E. 1, 4, 1. (Vide totarn Epistolam.) Tibur ; densa Tiburis umbra tui, C. 1, 7, 21 ; mite solum Tiburis, C. 1, 18, 2. Tibur Argeo pesitum colono, C. 2,6, 5. Tibur su- pinum, C. 3, 4, 23 ; udum Tibur, C. 3, 29,6 ; uvidi Tiburis ripas, C. 4,2, 31. Tibur fertile, C. 4, 3, 10 ; vacuum Tibur, E. 1, 7, 45 ; cur amem Tibure Romam, E. 1,8, 12; puerum natumTibure, E. 2,2,3 Tiburnus. C. 1,7, 13. Tiburs. Tibur te via, Sat. 1, 6, 108. Pi- cenis cedent pomis Tiburtia, Sat. 2, 4, 70. Tigellius (M.); cantoris morte Tigelli, Sat. 1, 2, 3. Sardus habebat ille Tigellius hoc, Sat.' 1, 3, 3. Tigellius Hermogenes. Sat. 1, 3, 129, Sat. 1, 4, 72. Invideat quod et Hermogenes, ego canto, Sat. 1, 9, 25; comoediac priscae viros pulcher Hermogenes nunquam legit, Sat. 1, 10, 18. Fannius Hermogenis conviva Tigel- li, ib. v. 80; te, Tigelli, discipularum inter jubeo plorare cathedras, ib. v. 90. Tigris. C. 4, 14, 46. Tillius (Cimber) ; quo tibi, Tilli, sumere depositum clavum ? Sat. 1, 6, 24. Tilli, prae- torem quinque sequuntur te pueri, ib. 107. Timagenes. E. 1, 19, 15. Timor. C. 3, 1, 37. Tiresias. Hoc quoque, Tiresia, cet, Sat. 2, 5, 1 ; nulli quidquam mentite. ib. v. 5, ib. v. 60. Tiridates. C. 1,26, 5. Tisiphone. Sat. 1, 8, 34. Titanes. C, 3, 4, 43. Tithonus ; remotus in auras, C. 1 23,8. Longa Tithonum minuit senectus, C. 2, 16. 30. Titius. E. 1,3, 9-10. Tityos. Plutona, qui Geryonen Tityon- que tristi compescit unda, C. 2, 14, 8; incon- tinentis Tityi iecur. C 3, 4. 76. Tityos voltu risit invito, C. 3, 11, 21. Tityos raptor, C. 4,6,2. Torquatus (vel L. Manhus Torquatus.) C. 4, 7, totum. Idem fortasse : Supremo te sole domi, To^quate, manebo, E. 1, 5, 3. Torquatus [L. Manlius). Ep. 13, 5. 574 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Trausius. Sat. 2, 2, 99. Trebatius Testa (C.) Trebati, quid fa- ciam, praescribe ' Sat. 2, 1,4; docte Tre- bati ! ib. v. 78. Trebonius. Sat. 1. 4, 114. Triquetrus. Sat. 2, 6, 55. Triumphus ; io Triumphe ! C. 4, 2, 49; lo Triumphe ! Ep. 9, 21 et 23. Trivicum. Sat. 1 , 5, 79. TYoes. C. 4, 6, 15. Troja v. JWorc ; sub lacrimosa Trojae fune- ra, C. 1, 8, 14; iniqua Trojae casira,C. 1, 10, 15 ; avitae Trojae, C. 3, 3, 60. Trojae renas- censalite lugubri fortuna, ib. v. 61. Trojae al- tae, C. 4, 6, 3. Trojamque et Anchisen, C. 4, 15, 31 ; ardentem Trojam, Carm. sec. 41 ; classem deducere Troja, Sat. 2,3, 191. Haud ii a Trojae me gressi, Sat. 2,5, 18; domitor Trojae Mixes, E. 1, 2, 19; captae post tem- pora Trojae, Art. poet. 141. Trojanus. Trojana tempora, C. 1, 28, 11. Trojani belli scriptorem, E. 1, 2, 1 ; bellum Trojanum, Art. poet. 147. Troicus ; pulvere Troico, C. 1, 6, 14. Trojca sacerdos, C. 3, 3, 32. Troilus. C. 2, 9, 16. Tu/lius (Servius). Sat. 1, 6, 9. Tullus (Hostilius). C. 4, 7, i5. Tullus (L. Volcatius). C. 3, 8, 12. Turbo. Sat. 2, 3. 310. Turius. Sat. 2, 1, 49 Tusculum. Ep. 1,29. Tusctcs. Tusco alveo, C. 3, 7, 28. Tus- cis aequoribus, C. 4, 4, 54; amnis ostia sub Tusci, Sat. 2, 2, 33. Tusci turba impia vici, Sat. 2, 3, 228 ; mare Tuscum, E. 2, 1, 202. Tydides ; ope Palladis Tydiden su peris pareni, C. 1, 6, 16; atrox Tydides melior patre, C. 1, 15,28. Tyndaridae. Clarum Tyndaridae sidus, C. 4, 8, 31 ; fortissima Tyndaridarum, Sat. 1, 1, 100. Tyndaris. C. 1, 16, 1, Cfr. v. 10. Typhoeus. C. 3, 4, 53. Tyrius. Tyriae merces, C. 3. 29, 60 ; mu ricibus Tyriis, Ep. 12, 21. Tyrias vestes, Sat. 2, 4, 84. Tynos mirare coiores ! E. 1, 6, 18. Tyrrhenus; mare Tyrrhenum, C. 1, 11, 6. Tyrrhenus parens Lyces, C. 3, 10, 12. Tyrrhenum omne, C. 3, 24, 4. Tyrrhena regum progenies, C. 3, 29, 1. Tyrrhenum per aequor, C. 4, 15, 3. Tyrrhena sigilla, E. 2, 2, 180. Tyrtaeus. Art. poet. 402. Umber. Sat. 2, 4, 40. Umbrenus. Sat. 2, 2, 133. Ummidius. Sat. 1, 1. 95. Ustica. C. 1, 17, 11. Utica. E. 1, 20, 13. U. Ulixes ; duplicis Ulixei, C. 1,6, 7. Lae'r- tiaden, C. 1, 15, 20 ; laboriosa cohors Ulixei, Ep. 16, 00 ; Iaboriosi remiges Ulixei, Ep. 17, 16; inclitum Ulixen, Sat. "2. 3, 197. Ajax non violavit Ulixen, ib. v. 204; doloeus, Sat. 2, 5, 3. O Lafirtiade ! ib. v. 59. Qtiartae esto partis Ulixes heres, ib. v. 100; utile ex- emplar, Ulixem.E. 1,2,18; domitor Troiae, ib. v. 19; remigium vitiosum Ithacensis Ulixi, E. 1, 6,63; patienlis Ulixi, E. 1,7, 40. Ulubrae. E 1, 11, 30. Vacuna. E. 1, 10, 49. Vala Numonius. E. 1, 15, tota. Valerius Laevinus. Vide Laevinics. (Sat. 1, 6, 12.) Valerius Messala. Vide Messala. Valgius Rufus. Amice Valgi ! C. 2, 9, 5. Inter Horatii intimos amicos memoratur, Sat 1, 10, 82. Varia. E. 1, 14, 3. Varius (L.) Scriberis Vario fortis — Mae- onii carminis alite, C. 1, 6, 1. Varius Vir- giliusque, Sat. 1, 5, 40, ib. v. 93. Virgilius, post hunc Varius, dixere quid essem, Sat. 1, 6, 55; pluris amicum non Varium facies, Sat. 1, 9, 23 ; forte epos acer.ut nemo Varius ducit, Sat. 1, 10,44. Plotius et Varius, ib. 81 ; conviva Nasidieni, Sat. 2, 8, 21. Varius mappa compescere risum vix poterat, ib. v. 63; dilecti tibi Virgilius Vanusque poetae, E. 2, 1, 247. Virgilio Verioque, Art. poet. 55. Varro Atacinus (P.) Sat. 1, 10, 46. Varus. C. 1, 18, 1. Fortasse idem cum Quinctilio Varo, C. 1, 24. Ergo Quinctilium perpetuus sopor urget ! Varus Pompeius. C. 2, 7, totum. Varus. Ep. 5, 73. Valicanus. C. 1, 20, 7. Veia. Ep. 5, 29. Ve jam'us. E. 1, 1, 4. Veiens. E. 2, 2, 167. Veientanus. Sat. 2, 3, 143. Velabrum. Sat. 2, 3, 229. Velia. E. 1, 15, 1. Velina tribus, E. I, 6, 52. Venafranus. Venafranos asjros, C. 3, 5, 55. Venafranae baca olivae, Sat. 2, 4. 69. Venafrum ; viridi Venafro, C, 2, 6, 16 oleo, quod prima Venafri pressit cella, Sat 2, 8, 45. Venus. Vide Cytherea. Sive tu mavis, Erycina ridens, C. 1, 2, 33. Diva potens Cy- pn, C. 1,3, 1; iam Cytherea choros ducit Venus, C. 1, 4, 5 ; oscula, quae Venus quinta parte sui nectaris imbuit, C. 1, 13, 15. Vene- ris praesidio ferox, C. 1, 15, 13; decens Ve- nus, C. 1, 18, 6 ; in me tota ruens Venus Cy- prum deseruit, ib. v. 9. Quae te cunque domat Venus, C. 1, 27, 14. Venus, regina. Cnidi Paphique, C. 1, 30, 1. Musas Vene- remque, C. 1, 32, 9. Veneri placet, impares formas sub iuga aenea mittere, C. I, 33, 10; me melior cum peteret Venus, ib. v. 13. Quem Venus arbiirum dicet bibendil C. 2, 7, 25. Ridet hoc Venus ipsa, C. 2, 8, 13. Quid, si prisca red it Venus* O. 3, 9, 17. In- gratam Veneri pone superbiam, C. 3, 10, 9; dum favet Venus, C. 3, 11, 50. Si non Acri- sium Jupiter et Venus risissent, C. 3, 16.6. Veneris sodali craterae, C. 3, 18, 6; si laeta aderit, Venus, C. 3,21,21. Marinae Vene- ris, C. 3, 26, 5 ; quae beatam diva lencs Cy- INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 575 pron, rb. v. 9 ; perfidum ridens Venus, C. 3, 27, 67; intermissa Venus diu rursus bella moves ? C. 4, 1, 1. Veneris gratae, C. 4, 6, 21. Veneris muneribus potens, C. 4, 10, 1 ; mensem Veneris marinae Aprilem, C. 4, 11, 15; almae progeniem Veneris canemus, C 4, 15,32 Clarus Anchisae Venerisque san- guis, Carm. sec. 50 Venerem incertam, Sal. 1, 3.. 109. Suadela Venusque, E. 1, 6, 38; damnosa Venus, E. 1, 18,21. Venusinus. Venusinae silvae, C. 1, 28, 26. Venusinus arat finem sub utrumque co- lonus, Sat. 2. 1, 35. Vex. C. 4. 12, 1. Veritas. C. 1,24,7. Vertumnus. Priscus Vertumnis, quot- quot sunt, natus iniquis, Sat. 2, 7, 14. Ver- tumnum Ianumque, E. 1, 20, I. Vesper. Vespero surgente, C. 2, 9, 10; puero te similem, Telephe, Vespero ! C. 3, 19, 26. Vesta; templaque Vestae, C. 1, 2, 16; minus audiemem carmina Vestam, ib. v. 28 ; aetemae Vestae, C. 3, 5, 11 ; ventum erat ad Vestae, Sat. 1, 9,30; intra penetralia Vestae, E.2, 2. 144. Vibidius. Sat. 2, 8, 22-33-40-80. Villius Sat. 1, 2, 64. Vindelici ; videre bella Drusum gerentem Vindelici, C. 4,4, 18; legis expertes Latinae Vindelici, C. 4, 14, 8. Vinnius Asella. E. 1, 13, tota. Vipsanius Agrippa v. Agrippa. Virgilius Maro ; animac dimidium meae, C. 1, 3, 6-8. Virgili ! C. 1, 24, 10. Varius Virgiliusque, Sat. 1, 5, 40 (cfr. ib. v. 48) ; op- timus Virgilius, Sat. 1, 6, 55 ; molle atque facetum Virgilio annuerunt gaudentes rure Camenae. Sat. 1, 10, 45. Maecenas Virgilius- que, ib. v. 81 ; dilecti tibi Virgilius Variusque poeta, E. 2, 1, 247. Virgilio Varioque, Art. poet. 55. Virgilius. C. 4, 12, totum ; juvenum no- bilium cliens, ib. v. 15. Virtus. Phraaten — numero beatorum ex- imit Virtus, C. 2, 2, 19. Virtus repulsae nescia sordidae, C. 3, 2, 17 ; neslecta Virtus, Carm. sec. 58; super Carthaginem Virtus sepulchrum condidit Africano, Ep. 9, 25. Viscus ( Vibius) ; non Viscum pluris ami- cum facies, Sat. 1, 9, 22; haec utinam Vis- corum laudet uterque ! Sat. 1, 10, 83. Viscus Thurinus. Sat. 2, 8, 20. Visellius. Sat. 1, 1, 105. Volanerius. Sat. 2, 7, 15. Volcanus ; graves Cyclopum Volcanus ar- dens urit officinas, C. I, 4, 8; avidus Volca- nus, C. 3, 4, 59 ; pro igni, Sat. 1, 5, 74. Volteius Mena. E. 1, 7, 55, ib. 64, et 91. Voltur. C. 3.4, 8. Voranus. Sat. 1, 8, 39 XetZ. Xanthias Phoceus. C. 2, 4, totum. Xanthus. C. 4, 6, 26. Zephyrus. Zephyris agitata Tempe, C 3, 1, 24. Frigora mitescunt Zephyris, C. 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