• -^ ^ % s^s^s LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II lliliii I III llll 1111 llllii 014 432 803 6 # /-■ ~t:»_ D, *-^,.' ■■Y^ -ftJ^- ill 'Sa ^^x-*iX^>^.<^' jtu/y-CAXA^T Rooms at Riverhead, L. I. President, Nat. W. Foster, Riverhead. lat Vice Prea ,Rev. Epher Whitaker, D. D., Southold. 2d Vice Pre.s., Augustus Floyd, 32 Piue St., Now York. Cor. Sec, O. B. Ackbrly, 115 Broadway, New York. Bee. Sec, Treas., Timothy M. Gripking, Riverhead. Curator, Geo. F. Stackpole. Riverhead. President's Office, Riverhead, L. I. • • • o TO FRIENDS Of The Suffolk County Historical Society. We earnestly appeal to you for immediate help. We are not receiving money enough to pay our current and necessary expenses — to say nothing of reducing the amount of the mortgage. Interest on the mortgage calls each year for jSioo. Besides, there are taxes, fuel, postage, expressage and necessary printing. Contributions of articles are very encouraging. Of our splendid collec- tion we may all feel proud. The Society is an educator to old and young. Do not let these contri- butions drop. The room should be open at least two days in each week, that everybody may see and learn. To do this it would be necessary to hire a janitor. The officers gladly give their services, but they are seriously embarrassed in their work for want of funds. TWO HUNDRED LIFE MEMBERS WOULD WIPE OUT THE MORTGAGE. Ten dollars paid, constitutes a Life Member. Will you not send your check at once? )^^2^ ■Je'04 <. Co (0~ ^ o Make your friends Life Members or induce them to become such. One hundred dollars will constitute yourself and nine friends Life Mem- bers. Will you do it? Keep the Society and its work and its needs before those with whom you associate. This is an important institution of Suf- folk County, it NEEDS and DEMANDS your immediate and constant sympathy and help. Do not delay. NAT. W. FOSTER, Pres. ORVILLE B. ACKERLY, Cor. Sec. TIMOTHY M. GRIFFING, Treas. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 803 6 I SB mm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 803 6 /~' <._..-.._«:»« D, "1X1