r-A'' "^. <='='' .)^^'' ">> ,!^''"^ ■fj. V* ^ "■^-. .^" -t, C*^' .<> ^'^. .^ <^ -^^ a V- v> x^^' .\:^: ^^^' ''^A V* "^rv^ nr TLT TT U K IGINAL -T S T S. riginal mtm PERSONS OF QUALITY; EMIGRANTS; RELIGIOUS EXILES; POLITICAL REBELS SERVING MEN SOLD FOR A TERM OF YEARS ; APPRENTICES ; CHILDREN STOLEN; MAIDENS PRESSED; AND OTHERS WHO WENT FROM GREAT BRITAIN TO THE AMERICAN PLANTATIONS 1600- I 700. WITH THEIR AGES, THE LOCALITIES WHERE THEY FORMERLY LIVED IN THE MOTHER COUNTRY, THE NAMES OF THE SHIPS IN WHICH THEY EMBARKED, AND OTHER INTERESTING PARTICULARS. /'XOM MSS. PRESERVED IN THE STATE PAPER DEPARTMENT OF HER MAJESTY'S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, ENGLAND. JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. 113 e to l^orfe: J. W. B O U T O X, 706, BROADWAY. 1874. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1 874. By JAMES IV. BOUTON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 1o iht J-Umb^rs of the GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THIS COLLECTION OF THE NAMES OF THE EMIGRANT ANCESTORS OF MANY THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN FAMILIES, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE EDITOR, JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. CONTENTS. Register of the Names OF ALL THE PASSENGERS FROM London during One Whole Year, ending CHRISTMAS, 163s 33. 145 In the Ship Bonaveiiture . J. Ricrofte, Master... 35 „ „ ,. .. J. Romsey, Master... 38 „ „ Hopewell . I. Wood, Master ... 39 „ „ Christian . J. White, Master ... ... 42 „ „ Planter ... . N. Trarice, Master . . . 43- 45, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55,56 „ „ Pe/er Bonaventure I. Harman, Master... 43,47.51 „ „ Hopewell . W. Bundocke, Master 44,46,49 „ Elizabeth . W. Stagg, Master ... 48, 53, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61,68 „ „ Rebecca .. Hodges, Master 50,54 „ Paul .. Acklin, Master 50 ., „ Eliza Sr' Ann .. R. Cowper [or Cooper], Master 54, 57, 58, 61, 69, 72, 76, 77, 78 „ „ Encrease . . . .. R. Lea, Master 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64 „ „ Susan &= Ellen .. E. Payne, Master ... 59,62,76 „ „ Falcon ... .. T. Irish, Master 63, 142 „ „ Expectation .. C. Billinge, Master 67,69 „ „ Ann &^ Elisabeth . .. J. Brookhaven, Master 70 „ „ Abigail ... .. R. Hackwell, Master 73, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 „ „ Alexander .. Burche & G. Grimes, Masters ... 73 „ „ Plain Joane .. R. Buckam, Master 78 „ „ Matthew... .. R. Goodladd, Master ... 80 „ „ Speedwell .. J. Chappell, Master 82 „ „ Thomas dr^ Jolin . .. R. Lambard, Master 83 „ „ Truelove . . . .. R. Dennis, Master... 85 „ „ James .. J. May, Master 88, 107 „ „ Defence ... .. — . Pearce, Master ... 89, 90 CONTENTS. In the Ship Dffencc... E. Bostocke, Master 89, 91, 98, 99. „ Blessing .. „ Philip ... „ America ... „ Transport „ Paul „ Pied Cow „ Love „ Alice „ Hope'iuell „ Assurance „ Primrose „ Merchant's Hope . „ Elizabeth „ Bachelor ... „ Globe „ Safety ... „ George „ Thomas ... „ William Sr" John . „ David „ Tnielove ... „ Dorset „ John „ Amity „ Constance „ Abraham ' „ Expedition „ Friendship Passengers by the Commission and Soldiers accord- ing to the Statute, Christmas, 163 i, to Christmas, 1632 Entries Relating to America, from the Patent Rolls Lists of the Living and Dead in Virginia, 16 Feuv., 1623 Walloons and French Emigrants to Virginia Musters of the Inhabitants of VmGiNiA ... 100, 105, 93. J. Lester, Master ... R. Morgan, Master W. Barker, Master E. Walker, Master... L. Belts, Master ... Ashley, Master J. Young, Master ... R. Orchard, Master T. Babb, Master ... 110,123,130, I. Bromwell & \. Pewsie, Masters Douglass, Master ... H. Weston, Master C. Browne, Master T. Webb, Master ... J. Blackman, Master J. Graunt, Master ... J. Severne, Master ... H. Tavcrner, Master R. Langram, Master J. Hogg, Master J. Gibbs, Master ... J. Flower, Master ... J. Waymoth, Master G. Downes, Master C. Campion, Master J. Barker, Master ... P. Blackley, Master , Master ... 147- 155- 169- 197- 201- 'ACE 101, 06 1 08 94 95 lOI 103 1 10 109 109 144 1 10 114 ii6 117 118 119 154 168 196 199 263 CONTENTS. Patents Granted to Settlers in Virginia (circa) 1626 ... ... ... ... ... ... 266-274 Returns of those who Embarked from Ipswich and Weymouth for New England, 1634 to 1637 ... 275-286 From Ipswich, in the Ship Francis ... J. Cuttinge, Master ... 277,279 „ „ „ „ Elhabcth ... W. Andrewes, Master 277,280,281 „ Weymouth, in the Ship [1635] ... , Master ... 283-286 Register of Persons about to pass into Foreign Parts, from March to Sept., 1637... ... ... 287-298 From Ipswich, in the John ^ Dorothy ... W. Andrewes, Master ... 289 „ Yarmouth, in the /?cje ... \V. Andrewes, Junr. Master 289 „ Southampton, in the F/r§-/«[ 1639] ... J .Weare & J. Delahay, Masters 296 „ „ „ Bevis\\(i-fi^ ... ... R. Batten, Master ... 298 The Summer Islands, 1673 to 1679 ... ... ... 301-314 Names of the Governor and Council of the Assembly, Aug., 1673 ••• 3°! Account of the Lands belonging to the Summer Islands Company, taken out of Mr. Richard Norwood's Survey Book, made in 1662-3 ... 304 Monmouth Rebellion of 1685 : — Lists of Convicted Rebels sent to the Barbadoes and other Planta- tions IN America... ... ... ... ... 315 Receipt for loo Prisoners to be transported from TaOnton, by John Rose, of London, Merchant ... ... ... ... ... 316 Invoice of 68 Men-servants shipped on Board the Jamaica Merchant, Capt. Chas. Gardner, for Account of John Rose & Compy., they being to be sold for 10 Years ... ... ... ... ... ... 317 Receipt for 100 Prisoners on Mr. Nepho's Account, to be sent to Barba- does. [Prisoners in Dorchester Gaol to be transported,] ... ... 317* Prisoners in Exeter Gaol to be transported ... ... ... ... 319 Prisoners at Wells to be transported ... ... ... ... 319 List of the Convicted Rebels on Board the Betty, of London, at the Port of Weymouth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 320 List of 72 Rebels Granted by his Majesty to Gerome Nepho, with the Names of their Masters in Barbadoes ... ... ... ... 322 Sir Wm. Booth's Receipt for 100 Prisoners, on Account of James Kendall [Prisoners in Dorchester Gaol to be transported.] ... .,. 326 b CONTENTS. Certificate of the Disposal of Capt. Kendall's Rebels. — A List of 90 Rebels by the Happy Return, with the Names of their Masters to whom they were disposed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 328 Sir Wm. Booth's List of Prisoners sent to Uarbadoes, with the Names of the Towns in Somersetshire and Devonshire from whence they came ... 332 A List of 77 Convicted Rebels, imported from Bristol in the Joint frigate 336 Sir Wm. Booth's Receipt for 100 Prisoners — 56 from the Bridewell at Tau.v- TON, 33 from Bridgewater Prison at Taunton, and 11 from Exeter 341 The Sale of 67 Rebels, delivered by Capt, Charles Gardner, of the Ja- maica Ale reliant ... ... ... ... ... ... 342 Tickets Granted to Emigrants from Barbadoes to New England, Carolina, Virginia, New York, Anti- gua, Jamaica, Newfoundland, and other places, '678-9 345-418 Barbadoes : — Parish Registers — Births and De.\ths — Lists of Inhabitants — Landed Proprietors — Servants, &c., 1678-9 ... ... ... ... 418 Parish Registers of St. Michael's— Baptisms ... ... ... 421 „ n n » Burials... ... ... ... 425 List of Inhabitants of St. Michael's, with their Hired Servants, 'Pren- tices, Bought Servants, and Negroes ... ... ... ... 438 List of the Jews of St. Michael's ... ... ... ... 449-50 Alphabetical List of Landowners in ST. Michael's, with the Ninnber of their Acres, Hired Servants, Bought Ser\'ants, and Negroes ... 451-459 Owners of Land in the Parish of St. George, Number of Acres, White Servants, and Negroes [1679] ... ... ... ... 460-464 Parish Registers of St. George — Baptisms [1678-9] ... ... 465-6 .. „ „ „ Burials ... ... ... 466-8 „ „ „ St. .'\ndre\vs — Owners of Lands, Number of Acres, Servants, Negroes, Christenings, Burials ... ... ... 469-472 Parish Registers of Christchurch— Landowners, Acres, Servants, Ne- groes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 473-48S Parish Registers of Christchurch— Baptisms [1678-9] ... 489-93 „ „ „ „ Burials [1678-9] ... 493-6 „ „ „ St. James' — Baptisms ... ... ... 496-7 » )i » ,. Burials ... ... ... 497-9 „ „ „ „ Landowners, Servants, Negroes [1678-9J 500-507 Parish Registers of St. John's— Baptisms [167S-9] ... ... 507-8 CONTENTS. List of Ships Conveying Emigrants fore 1625-6, mentioned in George Gift Great Hopewell God's Gift God Speed Hercules Hopewell Jacob James Jonathan John & Francis London Merchant Margaret Margaret & John Marmaduke Mary Ann Margaret Mary & James Mary Margaret Mary gold Mary Providence Neptune Noah Patience TO Virginia be- Abigail Ambrose Ann Blessing Bona Nova Bona venture Bonny Bessie Charity Charles Concord Delaware Deliverance Diana Discovery Due Return Duty Edwin Elianor Elizabeth Falcon Flying Hart Francis Bonaventure Furtherance 101-265 Phoenix Prosperous Return Sampson Samuel Sarah Seaflower Sea Venture Southampton Star Supply Susan S wallow Swan Temperance Tiger Treasurer Trial Truelove Unity Warwick William & John WiUiam & Thomas INTRODUCTION. ITTLE could even the most sanguine of the early emigrants to America have contemplated the subsequent effect which their action would work upon the world's history. Some of them, it is true, were men of position at home, with wealth and all its concomitant ad- vantages at their disposal, but by far the greater number was composed of comparatively obscure men— men of little means, but possessed of hearts and consciences of too honest a nature to permit them quietly to submit to the intolerance which was forced upon them at home. But those whose names are recorded in the following pages, with many others of whom no such minute particulars have come down to us, were the seed-grains from which the mighty Republic has sprung— the rapid growth of which has no parallel in the world's history. Colonization was but imperfectly developed in those early days, and many attempted settlements proved abortive; but the first settlers in Virginia, and subsequently those in New England, carried with them the elements of success, resulting in permanent establishments. Of the history of the Colonies, and the eventual establishment of Independence, I have nothing to say. My object is simply and briefly to point out some of the causes which contributed to the early emiora- tion of English families to America ; and then to estimate the practical value of the contents of the present volume as a means of assistance in making genealogical researches in the mother country. One of the earliest acts of Charles the First,— an act which raised a storm of indignation throughout the country,— was the imposition of a INTRODUCTION. forced loan without the grant of Parh"ament. The manner in which this unconstitutional measure was treated by those called upon to contribute towards the assessment, is well illustrated by the events which took place in Lincolnshire ; and a relation of the part taken by the leading men of that locality, some of whom were related to, or intimately associated with, the principal agents in the subsequent emi- gration to Massachusetts, under John WiNTHROP, in 1630, will be of some interest to the descendants of the New England emigrants. One of the richest men in the county of Lincoln, who strenuously opposed the forced loan, was Isaac JOIINSON, who, as is well known, married the Lady Arabella Fvnes, sister to Tiieopiiilus, Earl of Lincoln, who himself married a sister of the Lord Say and Sei-E. These two noblemen took a very active part in denouncing the loan as dangerous and unconstitutional. Lord Say and Sele, who, during the civil war, some years later, commanded a Parliamentarian regiment, openly asserted that he would rather lose half his estate than risk the impoverishment of his posterity by the establishment of so dan- gerous a precedent as a loan without the sanction of Parliament. But Lord Lincoln's opposition to the loan was more immediately pro- ductive of dissatisfaction. As soon as it was proposed he took upon himself to have an Abridgment of the Statutes prepared for distri- bution ; and it is not unlikely that in the compilation of this document he was aided by his former steward, Thomas Dudley, who subsequently went over to New England, and became Governor of Massachusetts. DUDLEY had received a legal education, under his relative. Sir AUGUSTINE NiCHOL, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, and was therefore peculiarly fitted for the work. The imme- diate result of this act on the part of Lord Lincoln, was to bring down upon himself and his servants the resentment of the King and Iiis party, and the Abridgment was rigorously suppressed. Not only was his lordship proceeded against in the Star Chamber, but more com- pletely to crush out the attempts made to incense the people, a procla- mation was issued for the apprehension of John Holland, Steward to the Earl, and Robert Blow, the Clerk. of his kitchen; and further, a Groom in the household of his lordship was condemned in tlic Star INTRODUCTION. Chamber to pay a fine of £1000 for his share in distributing the ob- noxious work. The Earl was soon after committed a close prisoner to the Tower, where he remained in custody for some years. I have not found any evidence of what was the result of the attempts made to apprehend Holland and Blow, but there are reasons for supposing that both escaped detection. A Robert Blow, in all probability the same person, was subsequently an ensign in the regiment of Lord S.VY and Sell, the nobleman before mentioned. The only trace of HOL- LAND we have met with brings out some information respecting the resi- dence, at Boston, of Thojl^s Dudley, and the estimated value of his yearly income. Letter from Sir EDWARD Heron, addressed to Sir HUMPHREY May, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster : — " Cressye, 28 July, 1627. " Right Honorable, " I had rather offende in too much officiousnes, then negli- gence, especially to the king's mat'^. I have hearde that Mr. Hollande who attended the earle of Lincolne, hath been in quest by the state ; yf it be soe, I doe heare for certeine, that he was scene dyvers tymes, about a month or six weekes past vpon the terras-walkes at Sempringham ; but since that tyme it is privatly whispered that he is now removed to the house of one Mr. Thomas Dudlye, in Boston, whoe did allsoe of late tymes wayte vpon the sayde earle ; and it is very p'bable, because Mr. Hollands wyfe is observed to make often viages frome Sempringham vnto Boston, and there to abide sometyme 2 or 3 dayes, sometyme a weeke together. * * * •• Edward Heron. " Yet maye you please further to vnderstande, that this Mr. DuDLYE beynge reported to have 300!! p. an., some saye 40oli, refused vpon our earnest request to beare 30J. towards the loane with a neyghbourgh that was deeply charged as we have informed in our certificatts vnto the lords of the councell, whereof I beseech your honor to direct the delyverye. INTRODUCTlO.y. " Since the writinge hereof, I vnderstande that one Addam Reston, brother in law vnto the s^' Mr. Hollande, came ridinge through our streete on fridaye in the nyglit, the 20th of this month, with a gentle- woman behinde him, supposed to be the wyfe of Mr. lIoLLANDE goeynge towards Boston ; and an other gent, sceminge vnwillinge to be knowne. " You maye allsoe please to take into your consideration that one Beniamine DiCKOsON of Boston adviseth, that the toune of Boston is able and ought to contribute to the charge and expence of theyre late mayor & Enw. TiLLSOX, or anye else, that suffer trouble in cause of the loane; and to helpc towards theyre losses, p JoilAN HOBSON, Collector. "The same DvKCON.so.v was 3!! lands, yet sett vnto ili by the lords at Lincoln."* A long list of Lincolnshire men who refused to contribute to the loan, has been preserved. Ten of the principal of them were immedi- ately committed to prison :— Sir JOHN Wray, Sir THOMAS GRANTHAM, and Sir Ldwaku Ascough, to the Gate House ; Sir William Armyn, Sir Thomas Darnell, William Anderson, Esq., the Mayor of Bos- ton, and Alderman (Edward) Tilson of that town, to the Fleet ; and William Tarold (Thorold), Esq., and — . Horwood, Esq., to the Marshalsea. The Boston men who refused to lend, or to enter into bond for their appearance before his Majesty's Privy Council, beside the Mayor, and Alderman TiLSOX, wereATTERTON Howgiie (Atherton Houoii), Edmond Jackson, Benjamin Diconson, Thomas Leve- RETT, Thomas Lowe, Thomas Toolv, John Coppyn, William Cot- TINGTOX (CODDINGTON), WiLLIAM CONDY, and RiCHARD WESTLAND. Of these, Leverett, Coddington, and HoUGH subsequently went out to New England, and there attained positions of eminence. The London prisons were soon filled with the more important of the ob- jectors, from various parts of the countrj', but chiefly from the city of Lon- don, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Essex, and Gloucestershire. The * Stale Papers, Chas. I., Domestic Series, Vol. 72, No. 36, Record Office. INTRODUCTION. gaols bemg filled to repletion, and moreover the expense of maintaining^ the prisoners proving a heavy charge upon the State-already impove^ nshed-the great majority were liberated from confinement, but were not allowed however, to return to their own homes for fear of their stirring up fresh disaffection among their neighbours. Thus a delinquent be longing to Essex vvould be sent, perhaps, to Wiltshire, or Yorkshire and under pain of severe punishment, forbidden to leave the town in which he was located, where, by-the-way, under the semblance of being a free man, he was compelled to earn, or at least procure, his own livin^^ This was a very ill-advised proceeding on the part of the Govern- ment, for each man thus removed to a distant town soon formed a focus of discontent. One of the most energetic of these prisoners, in free custody, as it was termed, was Richard Knightley, a gentleman be- longing to Northamptonshire, an intimate friend of the leaders of the Massachusetts Colony, and connected by marriage with John Hampden in conjunction with whom he was named as executor to the will of Isaac Johnson. Most of the proceedings against the remonstrants were taken in the btar Chamber, the decree-books of which are unfortunately lost or we might readily have traced many, if not all the suits, citations, fines and censures instituted in, or imposed by, the Court. The Star Chamber was a tribunal taking cognizance of all kind of delinquencies, and there still remains in the Record Office an immense mass of documents ap- pertaining to suits before the Court, in which, when they can be sorted arranged, and made available to the public, we may hope to find some important information respecting the personal histories of some of the original settlers in New England. The proceedings, which were taken chiefly against the Nonconformists caused many English families to leave their homes. Unfortunately the "l,". .T 'I' "?•? ''°"''' «f Commission, which has been not inaptly called The English Inquisition," are very imperfect, but enough remains to show that proceedings were taken in it against many of the ministers and public men who afterwards became eminent in the New England States. It was not until the Rev. John Cotton, Richard Belling- HAM, recorder, and William Coddington, a member of the corpo- INTRODUCTION. ration of the town of Boston (co. Lincoln), had been fined for noncon- formity, that they gave up their English preferments and places to join their friends in Massachusetts. Other instances might be adduced of the same result attending prosecutions in that Court. The imposition of Ship Money was the culminating measure that drove hundreds from England to find homes in America, and among other causes, was that which most of all contributed to bring about the war between the King and the Parliament. Though, after a long and tedious struggle, the levy of ship money was declared to be illegal, enough had been effected to make far-sighted men tremble for impend- ing troubles, and no doubt the stand made by men of great influence and high position, such as Hampden (who was intimately associated with the leaders of the Massachusetts settlement), had an immense weight with persons of an inferior standing in worldly wealth. By the Act of Parliament, which declared the illegality of the tax, it was ordered that all proceedings which had been taken should be cancelled, and in con- sequence a wholesale destruction of documents must have taken place, which, had they been preserved, would have been of great value to the topographer and genealogist, as the rolls of assessments were very minute. One volume of assessments only appears to have escaped the general fate, and this contains the names of all the persons assessed in the county of Essex (with the exception of four towns), numbering about 18,000, and, without doubt, includes many of the subsequent emigrants who went out from that county to New England, in the years 1637 and 1638. A copy of this very interesting document has been prepared for publication. In i860, Mr. Samuel Gardner Drake, of Boston (Mass.), pub- lished his "Result of some Riscarches among the British Archives, for information relative to the Founders of Ncii> England" That work first suggested the desirability of making a systematic collection of authentic documents relating to the early settlers in America, not only to those who removed to the New England State s but to those also who settled in Virginia, tlie Summer Islands, Barba- does, Carolina, Jamaica, and other places. It is impossible to over- estimate the value of these records, and it is a matter of the deepest INTROD UCTION. regret that comparatively so few have survived to the present time. Those that we have, therefore, of undoubted authenticity, are all the more to be prized. It is a transcript of some of these documents which is here submitted. The aim of the transcriber has been to present an absolute copy of the originals. He has not even ventured to correct palpable mistakes in the spelling of names, or other clerical errors. Where such occur, and they are by no means infrequent, he has called attention to the fact, either by inserting the correct word in brackets, or by adding a foot-note, but the text is a faithful reproduction of the originals. There are some papers included in Mr. Drake's volume, which have not been deemed admissible in the bodyof this work, inasmuch as they are not in themselves oiificial documents, but they may not inaptly be quoted here. The first to be noticed are the following lists, taken from the History of Sandwich, being transcripts of records belonging to the corporations of that port. A LIST OR REGISTER Of all such persons as embarked themselves in the good ship called the Hercules, of Sandwich, of the burthen of 200 tons, John Witherley, master, and therein transported from Sandwich to the plantation called New England in America ; with the certificates from the ministers where they last dwelt of their conversation, and conformity to the orders and discipline of the church, and that they had taken the oath of allegiance and supremacy. (The certificates, all dated February and March, 1634, are here omitted.) Masters of Families. Children. Servants. Nathanl. Tilden of Tenterden yeoman and i Seven Seven Lydia his wife j by name by name Tonas Austen of Tenterden and CoN-STANCE his ) „ ^ c Four. wife } Rob. Brook of Maidstone mercer and Anne his | Seven wife ■' Tho. Heyward of Aylesford taylor and Susannah ^ his wife 3 Will. Witherell of Maidstone schoolmaster) , KT 1 • T f Three One and Mary his wife J INTROD UCTION. Masters of Families. Fannet of Ashford hemp-dresser. Tlio BONEV and Hen. Ewell of Sandwich, shoe- makers Will. Hatch of Sandwich merchant and Jane his ") wife J Sam. Hinkley of Tenterden and Sarah his wife Isaac Cole of Sandwich carpenter and Joan his ) wife J Five Four. Two. Tho. Champion of Ashford Tho. Besbeech of Sandwich Jno. Lewis of Tenterden and Sarah his wife Parnel Harris of Bow London James Savers of Northbourn taylor Comfort Starre of Ashford chirurgion Jos. Rootes of Great Chart. Em. Mason of Eastwell wid. Margt. wife of Will. Johnes late of Sandwich, now \ of New England, painter S Jno. Best of the said parish taylor. Tho. Bridgen of Faversham husbandman and ^ his wife. 3 History of Sandwich, by W. BOYS, 1 79 Six One Three Six A Servant three Three pp. 750-1. A TRUE ROLL OR LIST Of the names, surnames, and qualities of all such persons who have taken passage from the town and port of Sandwich for the American plantations, since the last certificate of such passengers returned into the office of Dover Castle. Thomas Starr of Canterbury yeoman and i child Sarah his wife Edward John.son of Canterbury joiner and 7 children 3 servants Susan his wife INTROD UCTION. Nicholas Butler of Eastwell yeoman and 3 children 5 serv. JOICE his wife Samuel Hall of Canterbury yeoman and Joan 3 serv. his wife. Henry Bachelor of Dover brewer and 4 serv. Martha his wife Joseph Bachelor of Canterbury taylor and i child 3 serv. Elizabeth his wife Henry Richardson of Canterbury carpenter 5 children i serv. and Mary his wife Jarvis Bovkett of Chanington carpenter John Bachelor of Canterbury taylor Nathaniel Ovell of Dover cordwinder i serv. Thomas Calle of Faversham husbandman and 3 children Bennet his wife William Eaton of Staple husbandman and 3 children i serv Martha his wife Joseph Coleman of Sandwich shoemaker and 4 children Sara his wife Matthew Smith of Sandwich cordwinder and 4 children Jane his wife Marmaduke Peerce of Sandwich taylor and i serv. Mary his wife Certified under the seal of office of mayoralty 9th June, 1637. History of Sandwich, by W. Boys, 1792, p. 752. We have next to notice the record compiled by Mr. Daniel CusH- ING, first printed in Mr. SOLOMAN Lincoln's Centennial Address, at Hingham, September 28, 1835. It contains the names of one hundred and seventy-five emigrants from the county of Norfolk, who emigrated between the years 1633 and 1638, almost wholly from Hingham, Wind- ham, and other neighbouring parishes, and who consequently called their new settlement Hingham. But there is something to be said about this emigration, which it is believed has hitherto escaped notice— that is. INTRODUCTION. that the movement was largely fostered by, if not directly traceable to, the influence of JOHX Hayn'ES, who was subsequently Governor of Connecticut. The first name on the list referred to, is that of Tmeophilus Gushing, from Hingham, who lived several years upon the farm of Mr. Hains, as he is described in the original. Hitherto, Governor H.-\VNES has always been regarded as an Essex man, and he is said to have married Mary, daughter of RouERT Thornton, of Nottingham. This is not in accordance with the facts of the case, for John Haynes was the son of another John Haynes, who lived at Great Hadham, and afterwards at Codicote, both in the county of Hertford, but inherited an estate in Essex, which had been purchased by his father. He mar- ried Mary, one of the three daughters and co-heirs of Robert Thorn- ton, who possessed a good estate in Hingham, Windham, and Wramp- lingham. Mr. THORNTON died when his daughter, who was afterwards Mrs. Haynes, was very young, and there are reasons for the belief that after the marriage, John H.\ynes went to reside at Hingham, and that their first child, called JOHN (whose name is not recorded by any gene- alogist either in England or America), was born there. But, before he left England, Mr. Haynes certainly took up his abode in Essex, on a newly-acquired property, called Gopford. Taking then the residence at Hingham of a man of the character of Haynes, it is easy to account for the emigration from that place, especially as the first portion of the company went out in the same year ; indeed, there is every reason to suppose that they sailed in the same ship. There can be but little doubt that Theopiulus Gushing was a trusted servant of John H.\YNES, and probably a family connection on his wife's side, her maternal grandmother being the heiress of EDMUND GUSHING, by which marriage the Thornton family acquired the estates at Hing- ham, Windham, and Wramplingham, which they enjoyed at the time Mr. H.\YNES married into that family. This list of Mr. CUSHING'S is undoubtedly of great value, tending, as it does, to confirm other statements and unofficial lists, but as it is only a compilation made by a private individual, it is not inserted in this work. INTRO D UCTION. There is another very interesting paper included in Mr. Drake's work, which may be briefly noticed. It consists of extracts from the municipal records of Leyden, in Holland, made by the Hon Henry C Murphy. Many English families took refuge in Leyden, and the list referred to is a register of the births, marriages, and deaths which occurred there among the exiles. It was from Leyden that many of the first settlers in New England, popularly known as the Pilgrim Fathers, came, and embarking from English ports, sailed on board'' the ships Mayflozvcr, Fortune, Arm, and Little James. Among other notices contained in this list, are the following :— William Bradford, of Austerfield, Eng., m. Nov. \o, 1613 Dorothy May, of Witzbuts, Eng.* Edward Winslovv, of London, m. 16 May, 161 8, Elizabeth Barker, of Chetsum, Eng.* John Jenne, of Norwich, Eng., m. i Nov., 1614, Sarah Carey, of Moncksoon.f The three places here mentioned may be traced as Wisbeach in Cambridgeshire; Chesham, in Buckinghamshire; and Monk Soham m Suffolk. A family of the name of May certainly lived at Wis- beach at the time referred to, as did one of the name of Barker at Chesham. The foregoing extracts sufficiently demonstrate the nature of the Leyden records. Further notices are unnecessary, but the hst of those who embarked in the before-mentioned ships is of sufficient value to entitle its insertion in this place, though it must be remembered that it is not absolutely official. It is taken from the interesting work of the Rev. Ashbel Steele, A.M., entitled " Chief of the Pilgrims, or the Life and Times of William Brewster." Philadelphia, 1857, pp. 401—410. * Both Bradford and Winslow sailed in the Mayflmaer. t His wife probably died shortly afterwards, as the name of John Je.iny is given alone in the following list as coming over in the Ann, or Liitle James. INTRODUCTION. LIST OF PASSENGERS IN THE MAYFLOWER ; Being the names of those who came over first, in the year 1620, and were the founders of New Plymouth, which led to the planting of the other New England Colonies. This list of their " names " and families, was preserved by Governor Bradford at the close of his History, and Ls here presented in the order in which he placed them. The value of such an accurate list cannot be too highly estimated. Mr. John Carver ; who was chosen their first Governor on their arrival at Cape Cod. He died the first spring. Katherine, his wife ; she died a few weeks after her husband, in the beginning of summer. Desire Minter ; afterwards returned to her friends, in poor health, and died in England. John Howland ; man servant, afterwards married the daughter of John Tillie, and had ten children. Roger Wilder ; man servant, died in the first sickness. William Latham ; a boy, after more than twenty years visited Eng- land, and died at the Bahama Islands. A maid servant ; who married, and died one or two years after. Jasper Moore ; who died the first season. Mr. William Brewster ; their Ruling Elder, lived some twenty-three or four years after his arrival. MARY, his wife ; died between 1623 and 1627. Love Brewster; a son, married, lived to the year 1650, had four children. Wrestling Brew.ster ; youngest son. Richard More and Brother ; two boys placed with the Elder. Richard after^vards married, and had four or more children. His brother died the first winter. Mr. Edward Winslow ; Mr. W. afterwards chosen Governor, died in 1655, when on a commission to the West Indies. Elizabeth, his wife ; died the first winter. Mr. W. left two children by a second marriage. George Soule and Elias Story; two men in Winslow's family. G. Soule married and had eight children. E. Story died in the first sickness. INTROD UCTION. Ellen More ; a little girl placed in Mr. Winslow's family, sister of Richard More, died soon after their arrival. Mr. William Bradford ; their second Governor, author of the history of the Plymouth Colony, lived to the year 1657. Dorothy, his wife ; who died soon after their arrival. Governor Bradford left a son in England to come afterwards — had four children by a second marriage. Mr. Isaac Allerton ; chosen first assistant to the Governor. Mary, his wife ; who died in the first sickness. Bartholomew ; son, married in England. Remember and Mary, daughters. Re- member married in Salem, had three or four children. Mary married in Plymouth, had four children. John Hook ; servant boy, died in the first sickness. Mr. Samuel Fuller ; their physician. His wife and child remained, and came over afterwards ; they had two more children. William Butten ; servant, died on the passage. John Crackston ; who died in the first sickness. John Crackston, his son ; who died some five or six years after. Capt. Myles Standish ; who lived to the year 1656 ; chief in military affairs. Rose, his wife ; died in the first sickness. Capt. Stan- dish had four sons living in 1650, by a second marriage. Mr. Christopher Martin and his wife ; Solomon Prower and John LanGEMORE, servants ; all died soon after their arrival. Mr. William Mullins, his wife, Joseph, a son ; these three died the first winter. Priscilla, a daughter ; survived and married John Alden. ROBERT CARTER, servant ; died the first winter. Mr. William White ; died soon after landing. Susanna, his wife ; afterwards married to Mr. E. Winslow. Resolved, a son ; married and had five children. Peregrine, a son ; was born after their arrival at Cape Cod, he cannot therefore be num- bered among the passengers proper ; married, and had two chil- dren before 1650. William Holbeck and Edward Thomson, servants ; both died soon after landing. Mr. Stephen Hopkins, and Elizabeth, his wife ; both lived over d INTRODUCTION. twenty years after their arrival, and had a son and four daugh- ters born in this country. Giles, and Coxstantia, by a former marriage. Giles married ; had four children. Constantia mar- ried ; had twelve children. Damaris, a son, and OcE.\NUS, born at sea ; children by the present marriage. Edward Doty, and Edward Litster, servants. E, Doty by a second marriage had seven children ; after his term of service went to Virginia. Mr. Richard Warren ; his wife and five daughters were left, and came over afterwards. They also had two sons ; and the daughters married here. John Bh.lington ; he was not from Leyden, or of the Leyden Com- pany, but from London. Ellen, his wife. John, his son ; who died in a few years. Francis, the second son ; married and had eight children. PZdward Tillie, and Ann, his wife ; both died soon after their arrival. Henry Samson and Humiuty Cooper, two children, their cousins. Henry lived, married, had seven children. Humility returned to England. John Tillie, and his wife; both died soon after they came onshore. Eliz.\beth, their daughter; afterwards married John Hovvland. P'RANCIS Cooke ; who lived until after 1650 ; his wife and other children came afterwards ; they had six or more children. John, his son ; afterwards married ; had four children. Thomas Rogers; died in the first sickness. Joseph, his son; was living in 1650, married and had six children. Mr. Rogers' other children came afterwards, and had families. Thomas Tinker, wife and .son ; all died in the first sickness. John Rigdale, Aljce, his wife ; both died in the first sickness. James Chilton, his wife; both died in the first sickness. Mary, their daughter ; lived, married, and had nine children. An- other married daughter came afterwards. Edward Fuller, his wife; both died in the first sickness. Samuel, their son ; married ; had four children. John Turner, two sons; names not given; all three died in the INTR on UCTION. first sickness. A daughter came some years afterwards to Salem and there married. Francis Eaton, Sarah, his wife ; she died the first winter ; by a third marriage he left three children. Samuel, a son ; married and had one child. Moses Fletcher, John Goodman, Thomas Williams, Digerie Priest, Edmond Margeson, Richard Britterige, Rich- ard Clarke ; these seven died in the general sickness. The wife of D. Priest, and children, came afterwards, she being the sister of Mr. Allerton. Peter Brown ; lived some fourteen years after, was twice married, and left four children. Richard Gardiner ; became a seaman, and died abroad. Gilbert Winslow ; after living here a number of years, returned to England. John Alden ; "a hopeful young man," hired at Southampton, married Priscilla Mullens, as mentioned, and had eleven children. John Allerton. Thomas English. William Trevore, and — Ely ; two seamen ; are commonly, but incorrectly reckoned in the number of the first company of passengers for the Colony ; Bradford himself says : " Two other seamen were hired to stay a year ; * * when their time was out they both returned." Accordingly he says of the Mayflower company : " These being about a hundred souls, came over in the first ship." Afterwards he adds : " Of these one hundred persons who came over in this first ship together, the greatest half died in the general mortality, and most of them in two or three months' time." Omitting those two hired sailors who returned, and counting the person that died and the child that was born while on the passage as one passenger, we have the exact number — one hundred of the Pilgrim Company, "who came over in the first ship." And, as fifty-one died the first season, this enumeration makes good those other words of the historian, that, " the greater half died in the general mortality.' ' d—2 INTRODUCTION. LIST OF PASSENGERS THAT ARRIVED, AFTER ONE YEAR, IN THE SECOND SMALL SHIP FORTUNE; Being parts of families, with others, left in England or Holland the year before. They arrived at New Plymouth, on the nth of Nov., 1621. John Adams. William BassITE (Bassett, probably two in his family). William Beale. Edward Bom passe. Jonathan Brewster ; the oldest son of Elder Brewster. Clement Brigges. John Cannon. William Coner. Robert Cushman ; for several years the Leyden Company's agent in England. He returned in the Fortune to act still further as agent for the Company ; was of great service in various ways ; but died before coming again to settle in the Colony. Thomas Cushman, son of Robert, about twelve years old; came with his father in the Fortune, became an exemplary man in the , Colony, and succeeded Eider Brewster in the eldership, in 1649. Stephen Dean. Philip De La Noye. Thomas Flavell and son. Widow Ford and three children, William, Martha, and John. Robert Hickes. William Hilton. Bennet Morgan. Thomas Morton. Austin Nicholas. William Palmer (probably two in his family). William Pitt. Thomas Prince, or Prence ; married the Elder's daughter, Patience ; was afterwards Governor. Moses Simonson. INTR OD UCTION. Hugh Statie. James Steward. William Tench. John Winslow; brother of Mr. Edward Winslovv. William Wright. LIST OF THOSE WHO CAME OVER IN THE ANN AND LITTLE JAMES. The vessels parted company at sea; the Ann arrived the latter part of June, and the Little James some week or ten days later; part of the number were the wives and children of persons already in the Colony. Anthony Annabal ; afterwards settled in Scituate. Edward Bangs ; settled in Eastham. Robert Bartlett. Fear Brewster and Patience Brewster; daughters of Elder Brewster. Mary Bucket. Edward Burcher. Thomas Clarke. This Thomas Clarke's grave-stone is the oldest on the Plymouth Burial Hill. Christopher Conant. Cuthbert Cuthbertson ; was a Hollander. Anthony Dix. John Faunce. Manasseh Faunce. GooDWiFE Flavell; probaby the wife of Thomas Flavell, who came in the Fortune. Edmund Flood. Bridget Fuller ; apparently the wife of Samuel Fuller, the physician Timothy Hatherly. William Heard. Margaret Hickes and her children; the wife of Robert Hickes who came in the Fortune. ' INTRODUCTION. William Hilton's wife and two children. He had sent for them before his death. Edward Holman. John Jenny ; had "liberty, in 1636, to erect a mill for grinding and beating of corn upon the brook of Plymouth." RouERT Long. Experience Mitchell. George Morton ; he brought with him his son, Nathaniel, and four other children. Nathaniel Morton ; son of George Morton, and aftenvards Secretary of the Colony. Thomas Morton, jr. ; son of Thomas Morton, who came in the Fortune. Ellen Newton. John Oldham; a man of some note afterwards. Frances Palmer ; wife of William Palmer, who came in the Fortune. Christian Penn. Mr. Perce's two servants. Joshua Pratt. James Rand. Robert Rattliffe. Nicholas Snow ; settled in Eastham. Alice Southworth ; widow, afterwards the second wife of Governor Bradford. Francis Sprague ; settled in Duxbury.. Barbara Standish ; i.e., second wife of Captain Standish, married after her arrival. Thomas Tilden. Stephen Tracy. Ralph Wallen. It must not be imagined that the following pages furnish by any means a complete list of the early settlers in America. In 1637 Thomas INTR on UCTION. Mayhew was appointed, for a term of twenty-one years, to keep a record of all those persons who left England " to passe into forraigne partes," but of Mayhew's lists nothing is to be found but the fragment com- mencing at page 287, and that continues but for a few months. It cannot be doubted but that other lists were made, but they are either lost, or are among the mass of papers still uncatalogued at the Record Office. We learn incidentally that ships left England almost daily for America, but no records of them, or of their passengers, remain. Thus among the registers of deaths in the parish of Deal, co. Kent, we find that on the 4th of May, 1639, Margaret, wife of Thomas Waldigraue, bound for New England, was buried. Who was Thomas Waldigraue, and with what company did he sail ? We know that many ships sailed from Bristol, among others The Angel Gabriel and TJie James, conveying the Revd. Richard Mather and the Revd. Daniel Maude, but no records of departures from that port remain. Again, who were the companions who sailed in 1633 in the The Griffin, with John Haynes and the Revd. Thomas Hooker .' Where are the lists of The Arabella, and other ships, in which John Winthrop and the foun- ders of Massachusetts embarked .' Who went out with the Revd. Ezekiel Rogers from Rowley, and with Fenwick, and the Revd. Henry Whitfield > These are but a few instances, to show how very imperfect are our records of the early settlers. Further, it should be borne in mind that only the names of those were taken who legally left the shores of England. At page 142, for example, and elsewhere throughout the book, we find that the passengers were examined by the minister touching their conformity to the church discipline of England, and that they had taken the oaths of allegiance and supremacy ; elsewhere (p. 106, &c.) we find it certified that they are no subsidy men, that is, men liable to the payment of a subsidy to the crown. Among the thousands who emigrated to New England, it can- not be doubted but that a very large number left to avoid payment of the hateful subsidy, and that they would not take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. These, therefore, must have left secretly, and of such no record would exist. It is perhaps hardly necessary to say, that where, in the following INTRODUCTION. lists, it is stated that so many people were transported to New England, it does not mean that they were sent as felons, as the word, at the present time, usually implies. It simply means that they were conveyed. Those persons, however, who were convicted for upholding the cause of the Duke of Monmouth (pp. 315— 342), were undoubtedly //ww/or/^rt', as we now understand the word. The Summer Islands, mentioned at pages 301 — 314, and elsewhere, are now called the Bermudas. In 1609, Sir George Somers, or Sumers, was driven on the islands in the course of a voyage to Virginia, and from him the islands derived their name. The Virginia Company, who claimed the islands by the right of having discovered them, sold them to a com- pany of a hundred and twenty persons, who, having obtained a charter for their settlement in 1612, sent out sixty settlers, with a governor. During and immediately after the civil war in England, many persons of eminence took refuge in the Bermudas, among others the poet Waller, who cele- brated their beauty in a poem, entitled " The Battle of the Smnnicr Islands." Enough has been said to show the great value of the lists here given, and I trust that others may be induced to make further search among the documents in the Record Office, to bring to light the treasures there hidden. J. C. H. May, 1873. [Regi]ster of the names of all y^ Passinger w'^'' Passed from y" Port of London for on whole yeare Endinge at Xp-^^ l635. Pas singer w"^ Passed from London. y^ Port of Post festum Natalis Christi 1634. ^635 vsq' ad fcsttim Na: Christi Sectindo yanuarij 1634 IS'slHEIS vnder written are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued Igi^ in y<= Merch' boiiavcnturc jAMES RiCROFTE M"' bound thither have taken y^ oath of Allegeance. WiltM Sayer 58 Bazill Brooke 20 Robert Percy 40 Charles Milliard 22 Edward Clark 30 Jo: Ogell 18 Richard Hargrave 20 Jo: Anderson 20 Francis Spencer 23 John Lewes 23 Richard Hughes 19 John Clark 19 W" Guy 18 John Burd 18 James Redding 19 Richard Cooper , 18 Andrew Jefferies 24 W" MUNDAY 22 Arthur Howell 20 Jo: Abby 22 James Moyser 28 Mathew Marshall 30 W ' Smith 20 Garrett Riley 24 Miles Riley 20 WiitM Burch 19 Peter Dole 20 James Metcalf 22 Jo: Vnderwood 23 Robert Luck 25 John Wood 26 Walter Morgan 23 5—2 36 PASSJNGER wen PASSED FROM [1634 Henrie Irish 16 George Greene 20 Henry QuiNTON 20 Jo: Bryan 25 Robert Payton 25 Tiio: Symond's 27 MicHELL Browne *35 Jo: Hodges 37 Jo: Edmonu's 16 Garret Pownder., 19 Jo: Wise t28 Henry Bunnell 23 Symon Kenneday 20 Tho: Hyet 22 Tno: James 20 Jo Sotterfoytii 24 Emanuell Bomer 18 Leonard Wetiihrkield 17 James Lickburrowe 20 Tho: Singer 18 Jesper Withy 21 Robert Kersley 22 Jo: Springall 18 Tho: JESOPP 18 James Perkyns 42 Daniell Greene 24 W" Hutton 24 Jo: Wilkinson 19 Hugh Garland 20 Richard Spicer 18 HUMFREY TOPSALL 24 Tho: Stanton 20 Jo: Watson 28 Tho: Murfie 20 John Fountains 18 Henry Redding 22 LOUGHTON BoSTOCK l6 John Russell 19 Tho: Ridgley 23 Robert Harris 19 WiftM Mason 19 Victor Derrick 23 John Bamford 28 Geo: Session 40 Jo: Cooke 47 Tho: Townson 26 Tho: Parson 30 Michell Hopkinson 27 wsurgisson 25 Edward Fisher 35 Robert Fisher 34 Richard Ellis 29 Jo: Atkinson 24 Jo. Hickcombottom 24 Joseph Washborn 22 Richard Pitt 19 Edward Maior 19 Jo: Favor 18 Henry Anmer 16 Ellin Jones , 18 WittM RiDGDELL 24 Christopher Carnoll 23 Jo: Feeldhouse 19 Tho: Taylor 19 Jo: Grimscroft 27 Jesper Weston 27 John Lee 17 John Skorie 16 • [This age is uncertain, the first figure having been altered ; it, however, looks like a 3 followed by two 5's ] f [U IS doubtful whether this age is 18 or 28.] 1^34] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 37 Jo: MOSELY i8 JEREEMY Redding i8 Richard Ast 30 John Rolinson 26 Richard Glaister 31 Protherock Alis 24 John TowsE 26 Richard Cave 28 Tho: Goodman 25 Phillipp Conner 21 Launcelot Pryce 21 Fj-or Thomazin 18 Kat: Yates 19 Averyn Cowper 20 Jo: Dunn 26 Leonard Evans 22 Tho: Anderson 18 Edward Cranfield 24 Kir<7r Ann Cranfield 18 Jo: Baggley 14 Tho: Smith 14 WiftM Weston 30 Tho: Townsend 14 Edward Davies 25 Mary Saund''^ 26 Jane Chambers 23 Margaret Maddock's 21 Roger Sturdevant 21 John Wigg 24 John Greenwood 16 Andrew Dunton 38 John Wise 30 W" Hudson 32 Tho: Edenburrow 37 John Hill 50 Henry Rogers 30 Robert Smithson 23 Nic\- Harvy 30 James Graston {or Grafton] 22 Daniell Daniell 18 Reginoll Hawes 25 tjEO: Burlingham* 20 Jo: Hutchinson 22 James GRAMEt 17 Richard Harman 20 Sam: Ashley 19 Geo: Burlingham 20 Elizabeth Jackson 17 Sara Turner 20 Mary Ashley 24 Margerie Furbredd 20 Margaret Huntley 20 Richard Doll 25 Tho: Perry 34 vxor Dorothy 26 Ben: Perry 4 Mary Carlton 23 Abram Silvester 40 Tho: Bolton 18 Richard Champion 19 Richard Champion 18 Abram Silvester 14 Elizabeth Nunick 20 Jo: Atkinson 30 Ric Hore 24 Ralph Nicholson 20 Robert More 19 Joan Nubold 20 Tho: Hebden 20 * [It will be observed that this name is repeated five lines below.] t [It IS possible that this name may be intended for Grand ; the last two letters are very badly written.] ' ' 38 PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM ['634 vj' yaniiarij 1634. [IIEIS vnder written names are to be transported to S' Christophers C the Barbadoes, James Romsey M^ bound thither have taken y' oath of AUegeance. John Phillipps 21 John Allin 23 David JOHNES 24 W^' White 30 HUMFREY DAVIES 22 W'" CaNNION 21 Edward Lampeugh 35 George Cliffe 26 Abram Jnoson 27 Henrie Wells 23 John vsher 26 Edmond Knight 21 Tho: Rasbottom 23 W" Griggson 14 Richard Jones 23 Michell White 18 Richard Borne 24 Edward Fletcher 20 Francis Sowth 19 John Connv 20 Robert Skarvill 21 ]-:dward Robinson 18 John Holland 15 Edward Ash 20 Tho:Sandby 17 Tiio: Greene 24 Mark Theody 18 Wift.M Burt 22 John Bowes 23 Henry CuppLEDiKE 20 RoB'^ Stratford 16 Robert Holland 19 Tho: Borne 22 Edward Robert's 25 John Carter 26 George Sutton 19 Edward Jennor 24 Joseph Glade 20 Peter Monk 29 Richard Coke 38 IsACK Peter 20 PiiiLLiPP Squier 20 Bartholmew Flude 24 Richard Lawrence 20 Daniell Smith 20 John SvinES 17 Robert Kett 22 SuzAN Hudson 20 Mary Sea 16 John Shettleworth 28 Richard Fryme 26 RoB'^ Holme 22 John More 28 Richard Perce 45 Edward Jones 21 Mark Ellvyn 20 1634] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 39 Henry PuRSTYNN 18 Richard Chitting 23 Tho: Marfutt 22 Richard Edmond's 18 W«Prichard 25 Tho: Arnold 18 Richard Chamblis 19 Edward Brunt 25 George Stokes 23 Henry Fookes 21 Robert Granger 21 W" Walter 26 John Rods 20 EzECHELL Clement's 20 Tho: Carpenter 20 Tho: Smith 17 John White 27 John Watkinson 22 Joseph Pardy 23 Robert Langridge 20 Jno Etherington 17 George White 27 Tho: Cockey 25 Anto Blackgrove 24 John Higgins 20 WiftM Hodgson 20 Tho: Jenkynns 23 jNo Greenewood 26 John Place 22 W" Hayman 16 Edward Savage 20 Jo: Conniers 21 John More 30 RoB^ Ground 22 William Bruton 22 William Walton 22 WiltM Seward 26 Henry Rymes 40 Henry Iles 17 Bryan Erle 21 John Fox 19 Robert Gilby 18 Robert Baker 50 Tho: Peck 20 WittM Harris 35 John TowNE 27 Christian Mynnikyn 19 17 Februarij 1634. fe'^HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to the Barbadoes Sj9 imbarqued in ye Hopewell Capten Tho: Wood M^ bound thither, the passenges have taken the oath of AUegeance f Supremacie. WittM VSHER 22 Ric": Hanby 23 Richard Jackson 17 John Hill 19 Richard Clynton 23 Jno Harrison 46 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM ['634 James Read 19 DUNSTON KEMBER 20 VV" Owen 23 Jno Free 25 Richard Gane 19 Thomas Richard's 19 John Nicks 23 Martin Perkvnn 20 Anto Blades* 24 Robert Dymond 29 Tho: Daves 20 W" Walker 21 Ralph Harwood 23 Phillipp Philpott 30 James Pallister 28 Richard Clark 21 Daniell Baker 20 John Tayler 23 Thomas Prosser 20 John Eaton 20 Tho: Smith 21 John Johnson 18 Richard Holmes 24 Ralph Terrett 24 Henry Tatnum 20 Alexander Smith 18 John Crapp 37 John Faux 16 Joseph Bryan 20 Nevill Hutchins 20 W" Walters 22 WittM Puttex 20 Archibald Weyer 18 NaTHANIELL COBHAM 17 JARVICE DODDERIDGE 21 John Decborn 22 WiitM Seriff 19 John Offword 24 Tho: Lee 20 Robert Richard's 18 George Hiter 18 John Dreadd 17 Arthur Wynd 17 Richard osborn 22 John Phillipps 37 John Steevens 13 John Reddhedd 28 W^'GlBSON 18 Tho: Waterman 27 Tho: Jones 19 Jo: Nisom 23 Edward Layton 30 WittM Benson 28 John Whitehedd 23 Richard Barnard 23 Henry Long 21 John Wilks 22 Tho: Wellman 21 Tho: Gaton 25 WittM Allin 25 Tho: Letteny 20 Robert Porter 20 John Hughes 20 Henry Atkyns 22 Robert Kember 21 Robert Mills 19 John Davies 25 Thomas Crowder 21 • [This name is very faintly written, but I do not think there can be any doubt about it.] 1634] r^ PORT OF LONDON. 41 Richard Purnell 21 Robert Lynley 20 Henry Holmes 44 John Key 30 John Williams 21 John Fowler 24 John Owen 20 Owen Williams 21 Tho: Drew 26 w" bumstedd 21 Edward Jnqson 20 John Bownd 20 John Haies 30 John Lyon 18 WittM Corser 24 Thomas Trigg 21 Robert Nisbett 19 WittM Caddy 21 John Cassedy 20 Alexander More 24 Richard Wellyn 25 Richard Griff's [Griffiths] 24 Arthur Yeomans 24 Nicholas Hobson 23 W" Marrow 25 Francis Dene 21 John Philpott 16 John Strattergood 18 W»' Cant 19 Henrie Speckman 27 John Yat's 19 W" Ranse 2; George Selman 16 Nicholas Blades 21 John Clark 24 Tho: Eyerie Tho: Medwell Jo: Basher James Ellerton Richard Hands Medusala Watt's Tho: Hames Phillipp Cartwrite John Loftis Michell Rocks Jo: Ling Tho: Sherman W»' Jackson James Goldingham RiC : Rainolds Jo: NOKES Franc's [Francis] Symond's Thomas Lurting James Anderson Walter J ago John Bead John Young Tho: Hubbard Edward Browne W"Seere W" Levyns Jo: Hamond Edward Pullin James Cullimor Jo: DE Park Richard Walton Robert Collie Joseph Hepworth WiftM Walters Daniell Smith 6 42 PASSINGER IVCH PASSED FROM [1634 Richard Trueman 24 1 Randall Ogden 19 W" Masters 21 Tiio: Browne 11 Jo: Clere 26 I xj° Marcij 1634 dc;>ochiaSci ) Ig'SI H EI S vnder written names are to be transporter to Cnpplegate.' -* 'mI.HI New England having brought Certificate from the Justices of the peace f Minister of the pish the ptie hath taken the oaths of Allegcance f Supremacie. Peter Howson xxxj yeres f his Wife Ellin Howson 39ycrcs old. Turris ■) IS'^HEIS vnder written names are are (sic) to be transported J IH.wal to New-England having brought attestacoh f Certific from the Justices of peace f Minister of the jiish according to the LLs [Lords] of the Councells order the ptie hath taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. yeres Thomas Stares 31 SuzAN Johnson 12 16 Marcij 1634 Mildred ■) lUi'^IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New- S |B.Bal England imbarqued in y^ Christian dc Lo: Jo: White. M'' bound thither, the Men have taken ye oath of Allegeance f Su- premacie. yeres Francis Stiles 35 Tiio: Bassett 37 Tho: Stiles 20 TiK): Barrkr 21 JO: DvER 28 yeres Jo: Harris 28 James HoRWoou 30 Jo: Reeves 19 TlIO: FOULFOOT 22 James BusKET 28 i634, 1635] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 43 Tho: Coop [Cooper] 18 Edward Preston 13 Jo: Cribb 30 George Chappell 20 Robert Robinson 45 Edward Patteson 33 Francis Marshall 30 RiC: Heylei 22 Tho: Halford 20 Tho: Haukseworth 23 Jo: Stiles 35 Henrie Stiles 40 Jane worden 30 Joan Stiles 35 Henry Stiles 3 Jo: Stiles 9. Mo: Rachell Stiles 28 22" RIarcij 1634 IS^HEIS vnder-written names are to be imbarqued in y^ Planter El.al NlC: Trarice Mr bound for New-England p Certificat from Stepney pish, and Attestacoh from S"" Tho: Jay, f M'' SiMON MUSKETT 2 Justices of the Peace, the Men have taken the oaths of Supremacie f Alleseance. W" Lock 6 A Sawyer Jo: Maddox 43 Glover James LoNNiN- 26 Nicholas Davies 40 Sara Da VIES 48 Joseph Davies 13 Robert Stevens 22"^ A Sawyer John More 24 I A Labourer James Haieward 22 [4 servants Judith Phippin i6j 26 Marcij 1635 Ife'^jHIS vndcr written name is to be imbarqued in the Peter Bonaven- IgiM titre. Tho: Harman M"" bound for ye Barbadoes f S' Christo- phers p Certificate from S' Androwes pish Holborne : And Attestacoh from Justice Grimston f Justice Sheppard hath taken the oaths of AUegeance f Supremacie. WlltM Banks 21 yeeres. 6—2 44 PASSINGER WC'f PASSED FROM [1635 Priiiio Apr ill 1635 [g^X the Hopcu'cll oi Lond m' W^' BuXDOCKE vs New Engtd JO" Cooper 41 yers . of oney [Olncy]* /-theis hauo taken Edmond FarringtON 47 yers I in Buckingham- -| the othe of AUeg W'^' Parryer 36 ) sher ^fsuprcmcie Geo: Grigg's 42 f o*" I^anden "j i [? Lavenden]* I in Bucking Phillip Kyrtland ... 21 \ of Shcrington [hasher Na'^" Kyrtland 19 J of Sherington Tiio. Grigg's 15 yers W*' Grigg's 14 Elisa. Grigg's 10 Mary Grigg's 6 James Grigg's 2 Wibroe 42 ys wife of Jo^ Cooper Eliza: 49 yers wife of Edmond F'arrington Alyce 37 yers wife of W^' PURRYERf Aly^e 42 yers wife of GEO. Grigg's Mary Cooper 13 Jo'^ Cooper 10 / > Children of Geo: Griggs aforsaid Tho. Cooper 7C ■ Children of Ju^ CooPER aforsaid Martha Cooper 5 Phillip Phillipp 15 yers seru' to Jo'' Cooper Sarra Farrington... 14 n Matiiew Farrington 12/ Jo^- Farrington „ Children of Edw.^ Farrington Eliza. Farrington ... 8 -^ • [I have no doubt that Olney and Lavenden are meant ; both « hich places, as well as Sher- ington, are in the Hundred of Newport.] t [It is probable that this is intended for P.miryer, a name which appears above ; it is however, clearly written Purkver.] X [So in the original ; but doubtless intended for Eumond, which name occui-s above.] 1635] F-s PORT OF LONDON. 45 Mary PuRRYER* 7^ Sarra Purryer* 5 t Children of W" Purryer* Kathren PuRRYER* iSmonthes-' 27 psons 2" Aprilis 1635 Ib'djlHEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England ■^■™l imbarqued in the Planter Nico; Trarice M>- bound thither the pties have brought Certificate from the Minister of S' S' (sic) Albons in Hertfordshier f Attestacoh from the Justices of peace according to the Lords order. yeres A Mercer Jo: TUTTELL 39 Joan Tuttell 42 John Lawrence 17 W" Lawrence 12 Marie Lawrence 9 Abigall Tuttell 6 Symon Tuttell 4 Sara Tuttell 2 Jo: Tuttell i Joan Antrobuss 65 Marie Wrast 24 Tho: Greene 15 Nathan HEFORDf 16 servant to Jo: Tuttell Marie Chittwood 24 Shoemaker. Tho: Olney 35 Marie Olney 30 Tho: Olney 3 Epenetus Olney i Husbandman Geo: Giddins ... 25 Jane Giddins 20 Tho: Savage, a Tayler 27 A Tayl'- Richard Harvie ... 22 Husb:man Franc's [Francis] Peboddy 2r Lynnen wever W" WiLCOCK- S«^ 34 Margaret WiLcocKsoN 24 Jo: WiLLCOCKSON 2 Ann Harvie 22 A Mason W^'Beardsley 30 Marie Beadsley 26 Marie Beadslie 4 John Beadslie 2 Joseph Beadslie 6. mo: Husbandman Allin Perley . 27 Shoemaker Wit^M Felloe ... 24 A Taylor Francis Baker ... 24 * [See note t on previous page.] t [This name is very difficult to decipher.] 46 PASSINGER JVC» PASSED FROM [1635 Tiio: Carter 25. MiCHELL WlLLMSOX [WiL- / LIAMSON] ^^UervanfstoGEO:GlDDlXSprd Elizabeth Morrison 12' l' Aprill 1635 Statinor jAMES VVeauer 23 yers f Husbandman dwetgc in | Edmond Weaver ... 28 yers f his wife Auckstrey in herefordshcr J Marcrett aged 30 yers. IS^I 1 I>:iS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England 1^^ imbarqued in ye Hopcivcll M"" W" BUXDICK. the pties have hroLiglit Certificate from the Minister f Justices of peace, that they are no Subscdy men. they have taken the oath of allcg: f Supremacie. Husbandman JO: AsnvoOD ... 26 p Cert: from Stanstedd Abbcyf Jo: RUGGELLS 10 in com Hcrt. Martha Carter 27 Husb:man Lawrence Whitti- Marie Elliott 13 Nazing in Essex. Shoemaker Jo: Ruggells 44 ?'.w;'BARBARIE RUGGELLS... 30 Jo: Ruggells 2 Elizabeth Elliot 8 Giles Pavson 26 Is.\CK Morris -9 Husbandman. Jo: Peat 38 of Duffill* pish in Dcrbicshier. Edward Keele 14 Jo: GOADBY 16 Jo: Bin 13 Tiio: Greene 15 mor 61 Elizabeth Whittimor . 57 Elizabeth Turner 20 Sara Elliott 6 Robert Day 30 W" Peacock 12 Husbandman Is.\ckDisbr0UGII 18 of EIl-Tisley| in com Cambridge. Ei.iz: Elliott 30 LvDDiA Elliot 4 Phillip Elliot 2 Husbandman Robert Titus of St. Katherins 35 r.iw- Hanna Titus 31 Jo: Titus 8 Edmond 5 • [Probably Duffield, in Appletrec Hundred.] t [Stanstcd Abbol is a Township in the Hundred of Braughin, Herts] X [EUisIcy, a parish in the Hundred of Longsiow.] i63s] YE PORT OF LONDON. 47 Geo: Woodward 35. ffishmonger. p Certi from S'' Geo: Whitmor f S'' Nico Raynton two Justices of ye Peace in London, f from JO: Thorp Minister of y^ pish of St Buttolphs Billings gate. l^'nilO be Imbarqued In the Peter Boiiav^'' de Lo. m' Cap' Harman v's Ira.ml Barbades. Theis pties here vnder expressed haiie brought Certeficat from two Justices of peace that the toke the oathe of AUega f Sppremacie f Also cer' fro ye Ministr of the pishe this 3^ Aprill 1635 yers Tho: Hathorne aged 22 W" Morrison 23 Ralph Vaughan 22 f | Jane Maddockes 21 Alce Mace 22 Margrett Ellgate 24 Margrett Hartforde 22 \"' Aprill 1635 i^n'ralN the Peter Bonav*'' de Lo. m' Cap' Harman for Barbades Theis 1^^ two pties brought Cer' from two Justices of peace f the Ministr of their Conformity accord to order. W*' Clerke 29 yers. | Tho: Sergeant 23 yers. vj" Aprilis 1635 Ijfl'MlHEIS pties heerevnder mencioned are to be transported to New- IB)^ England : imbarqued in the Planter NlCO; Trarice M"" bound thither : they have brought Certificate from the Justices of Peace f Ministers of ye pish that they are conformable to the orders of ye Church of England and are no Subsedy Men : they have taken the oath of Supremacie f Allegeance die et An" prd. yeres A Carrier MARTIN SAUNDERS 40 vxor Rachell Saunders 40 48 PASSINGER W"f PASSED FROM [1635 /• Lea Saunders 10 3 children -| Judith Saundr's 8 V Martin Saunders 4 /-Marie Fuller 17 3 servant's -| Richard Smith 14 '- Ric : Ridley 16 Husb: Francis Newcom 30 /- Rachell Newcom 20 wife f 2 ciiildren-j Rachell NEWCOM 2^ vjo: NEWCOin 9 moncths A Glover Anto Stannion 24 Daniell Hanburv 29 Francis Dexter 13 WiltM Dawes 15 Marie Saunders 15 A Taylor CLEMENT Bates 40 >| Ann Bates 40 Hames Bates 14 • j Clement Bates 12 -^ Rachell Bates 8 Joseph Bates 5 .Ben: Bates 2 Wynchester 19 f arvice Gold* 30 5 children servant IjAI Thcis pties imbarqucd in the Elk. M'- W' Stack; bound for New England p Cert: from the Justic's f Ministers of y^ pish. More for the Planter Husbandman Richard Tuttell 42 Ann Tuttell 41 Anna Tuttell 12 Jo: Tuttell 10 Rabecca Tuttell 6 IsBELL Tuttell 70 Marie Wolhouston 30 * ["The scribe made a brace against Jo : Wyxchester, and began to write servant against ills name, but stopped when he had written /[■, and wrote j«"'^l England : imbarqued in the Elizabeth of London W" Stagg Mf bound thither : they have taken the oath of Allegeance f Supremacie p Cert: from the pish of St Alphage Cropplegate [Cripplegate] the Minister there. Tanners W" HOLDRED 25 Roger Preston 21 Daniell Brodley 20 ISACK Studman* 30 That theis 3 pties prd are no Subsedie men : wee whose names herevnto are written belonging to Blackwell Hall, do averr they are none. RoB'^'^ Farrands. Thomas Smith. p^HEIS pties herevnder written are to be transported in the Planter: I^M prd. p Cert: from the Minister of Kingston vpon Thames in the County of Surrey of their conformitie : f y' they are no Subsedy men. A Miller Palmer Tingley f 21 An ostler W" BUTTERICK 20 A Miller Tho: Jewell 27 ix° Aprilis 1635 Ig^N the Elizabeth de London prd Mf WiftM Stagg bound for New- l^'^l England : Theis vnder-written names have brought Cert: from ye Minister of Hauckust { in Kent : f Attestation from two Justices of * [This fourth name is in a different handwriting from the preceding three, and was doubtless inserted after the succeeding paragraph (in which three only are referred to) had been written.] t [The first letter of this name is very faintly marked; but, after close examination, I cannot doubt that it is aT.] X [Hawkhurst, in the Lathe of Scray.] 54 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [1635 Peace being conformable to the Church of England f that they are no Subsedy Men. yeres A Clothier James Hosmer 28 /- Vxor Ann Hosmer 27 wife f 2 children \ Marie Hosmer 2 vAnn HossMER 3. mo: ( Marie Donnard 24 ""^'^s^'^'' { Marie Martin 19 Jo: Ston 40 ; Edward Gold 28 Geo: Russell 19 Jo: Mussell 15 Nona die Aprilis 1635 IN the Rabecca M"" JO: Hodges bound for New-England. Husbandman. JACOB Welsh 32 Geo: Woodward 35 |HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England Hi imbarqued in the Rabecca prd. Elizabeth winckoll .. 52 I W" Swayne aged 16 Jo: winckoll 1 3 I Francis Swayne 14 if" Aprill 1635 N the Elisa f Atine m' Ro. COWPER vs New England Thomas Hedsall 47 yers. 1635] 1"^ PORT OF LONDON. 55 I N the Encrease of Lond. m' ROBERT LEA Vs New Engtd a Mason GEO: BACON* 43 yers : Samuell layers) r .u c -j n/r * „ f Children of the Said Mason* Jo" 8 r i j [Bacon]. Susan 10 ^ ■- -■ a Husbandman Tho: JOSTLIN 43 Rebecca his wife 43 Eliza. Ward a maid seru* 38 Rebecca 18 - Children of the said Nathaniell .. 08 y ^ ^ . \ Tho: Jostlin Eliza 6 Mary i . of Aprilis 1635 Ifej'^IHEIS vnder written names are to be transported in the Planter P^l prd NlC: Trarice M^ bound for New Engl: p Cert: of the Minister of Sudburie in Suffolk t from the Maior "of the Towne of his conformitie to the orders ^ discipline of the Church of England f that he is no Subsedy man. he hath taken the oath of Alleg: f Suprem: yeres Carrier Richard HASFELLf 54 vxor Martha 42 f Marie Hasfell 17 I Sara Hasfell 14 5 daughters. \ Martha Hasfell 8 1 Rachell Hasfell 6 1.^ Ruth Hasfell 3 * [This name was first written Mason, in mistake, and then altered to Bacon ; the correction, however, was not made for the children. I therefore suggest, in their case, what is doubtless the correct readmg, within brackets.] t [With some of the daughters, this name appears to be written Haffell; it is, however, evidently intended for Haskell : in the first name, that of Richard Hasfell, it is quite clear. ] S6 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [1635 Alice Smith 40 Elizabeth Coop [Cooper] 24 Jo: Smith 13 Job Hawkins 15 Ijg'raiN the Planter prd: Theis vnder names are to be transported to l^-™i New-England. Eglin Hanford 46 (•Margaret Hanford 16 2 daughters I j,j^j^^j:j^^j,Qj^^ ^^ RoDOLPiius Elmes 15 Tho: Stansley 16 |to'|M|N the Elizabeth of London : W Stagg M^ bound for New-England. WittMWiLD 30 Peter Thorne 20 Alice Wild 40 xj" die Aprilis 1635 |N the Eliz: prd w" Stagg M'' bound for New-England : the pties II vnder written have brought Certificate according to order A Carpenjter W" WlliTTEREDD 16 vxor Elizabeth 30 sonn Tho: Whittredd . . 10 Jo: Cluffe 22 Jo: Wild 17 SAinVEL HAIEWARD 22 Jo: UUKE 20 N the Planter pnt : Theis vnder written names arc to be trans- I)orted to New-England p Certificate according to order Sara Tittnei 22 ( Sara Pitnki . . 7 children ( Samvell Pitney \\ Margaret Pitney 22 Rachell Deane 31 i635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. sv xiij" Apr His 1635 B^N the Elizabeth f Ann W Roger Coop [Cooper] bound for New- BI.Ell England p Cert: from the Maior of Evesham in com wore' f from the Minister of y^ pish, of their Conformitie. Margerie Washborn 49 Jo: Washborne 14 1 ■^ \ 2 sonns Phillipp Washborne u J IB^N the Elizabeth de Lo: W" Stagg M"" prd: theis vnder written ^^ names brought Certi. from the Minister of St Savioi's Southwark: of their conformitie. Tho: Millet 30 vxor Marie Millet 29 vrsula Greenoway 32 Henrie Bull 19 JosuA Wheat 17 Jo: Smith 12 Ralph Chapman ^o Tho: Millet 2 HIS vnder written name is to be imbarqued in y^ Increase ROBERT Lea Mr bound for New-England. . p Cert, from Billerecay in Essex, from the Minister of yc pish that he is no Subsedy man. Husbandmen W" RUSCO 41 et vxor Rabecca 40 Sara Rusco 9, Marie Rusco 7 | SAiiiVEL 5 I W" Rusco i > • 4 children. 58 PASS/NGER WC" PASSED FROM [163s HMN the Increase prd. Thcis vndcr written names are to be trans- El^ ported to New England : p Cert: from All S''* Stayning's Mark-lane of their Conformitie to the Church of England. A Taylor Tho: Page 29 Elizabeth Page 28 -^ Tho: Page ." 2 V wife f 2 children. Katherin Page i) Edward Spark's 22 ) '. 2 serv's Kat: Taylor 24 j BWIN ihe Eihabeth^ Ann Roger Coop [Cooper] M"" : Theis pties IKi^l herevnder expressed are to be imbarqiied for New-England having taken the oaths of Allcgeance f Suprcmacie f likewise brought Certificate both from the Ministers C Justices where their abiding's were latlic of their conformitie to the discipline f orders of the Church of England, f y' they are no Subscdy Men. Husb: Robert Hawkynns . . 25 Jo: Whitney 35 Jo: Palmerley 20 Richard Martin 12 Jo: Whitney 11 Richard Whitney 9 Nathaniell Whitney .... 8 Tho: Whitney 6 Jonathan Whitney i NIC": Sension 13 Henry Jackson 29 W" Hubbard 35 Tho: Hubbard 10 Tho: Eaton i Marie Hawkynns 24 Ellin Whitney 30 Abigall Eaton 35 Sara Cartrack 24 Jane DaiTiand 9 Mary Eaton 4 Marie Bkoomer 10 Mildred Cartr.vck 2 Joseph Alsopp 14 i63S] ye PORT OF LONDON. 59 IWHjN the Sii-an f Ellin Edward Payne M^ for New- England IK^ Theis pties herevnder expressed have brought Certificate from the Minister f Justices of their Conformitie f that they are no Subsedy Men Husbandman John Procter . 40 Martha Procter 28 John Procter 3 Marie Procter i Alice Street 28 Husb: Walter Thornton . . 36 Joanna Thornton 44 John North 20 Mary Pynder 53 Francis Pynder 20 Marie Pynder 17 Joanna Pinder 14 Anna Pynder 12 Katherin Pinder 10 Jo: Pynder 8 Richard Skofield 22 Edward Weeden 22 George WiLBY 16 Richard Hawkins 15 Tho: Parker 30 Symon Burd 20 Jo: Mansfield 34 Clement Cole 30 Jo: Jones 20 W" Burrow 19 Phillip Atwood 13 W"Snowe 18 Edward LuiSus* 24 Husb: Richard Saltonstali Merriall Saltonstall Merriall Saltonstall . .9 Tho: Wells Peter Coop [Cooper] W" Lambart SaiTivel Podd . Jeremy Belcher Marie Clifford Jane Coe , Marie Riddlesden , Jo: Pellam Mathew Hitchcock Elizabeth Nicholls Tomazin Carpenter Ann Fowle Edmond Gorden Tho: Sydlie Margaret Leach Marie Smith Elizabeth Swayne Grace Bewlie Ann Wells Dyonis Tayler Hanna Smith Jo: Backley W" Battrick 23 Mo; 30 28 26 '7 20 21 16 30 20 48 30 '5 18 * It is very likely this name may be intended plainly written u. for Lam[m]as ; the second letter is, however, 8—2 6o FASSINGER JF^ff PASSED FROM [163s 15 May 1635 PenELOPY Pellam 16 yers to passe to her brother plantao" [plantation] xiiij'' Aprilis 1635 ]N the Increase of London M"' RoB'^'^ Lea bounde for New Eng land ^ Theis haue taken the Robert Cordell") Samuell Andrewes aged 37 y^ Gouldsmith in Limbert Stret* sent them a Way^ ROB'^'= Naney . . RoB'^'^ Sankev . . James Gibbons.. Also. . . aged 22 yeres , . aged 30 yeres . . aged 2 1 yeres oathes of Allcgance f Supreniacye, and haue brought Cer- teficatof their conformety w'^'^ are this day filed Jane the wife of thabouesaid SAm Andrewes 30 ys"^ All for ncwland Ellyn Longe her s'runte aged 20 yeares Jane Andrewes her daughter aged 3 yeares . . , Elizabeth Androwes her daughter aged 2 yeares [New England] in the Increase aforesaid xv"'Aprill 1635 N the Eliza, de Lond. m' W" Stagg vrs New Englad Rich. Walker 24 yers"" Jo" Beamond 21 W." Beamond 27 Tho: Lettyne 23 Jo" Johnson 23 theis ptis haue taken Oathe of Allegane f of Supremacy before Sr W" Whitimor f S^ NiCHO: Ranton WiltM Walker 15 [Doubtless intended for Lombard Street.] • 635] y^ POUT OF LONDON. 6i \l"' Aprill 1635 |N the Eliza. . f Anne de Lon m' Roger Cooper v^s New England Percy Kinge 24 yers. a Maid seruant to m' Ro: Crowley: ]N the Eliza. . de Lo. m' W" Stagg vrs New England James Walker 15 yers f Sarra. Walker 17 yers: Serums to Jo" Browne a Baker f to on W" Brasey linen drap in Cheapside Lond p Cert, of their Conformity. xviif Aprilis 1635 jg^HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England |gt^ imbarqued in the Increase de Lo: Robert Lea M^ the ptie prd having brought Certificat's from the Minister f Justices of ye Peace of his conformitie to the Church of England yeres Glover Tho: Bloggett 30 zif^i;' SuzAN Bloggett ij Daniell Blogget 41 Samvell Blogget J J2 children. ffi^N the Increase prd. The ptie vnder written hath brought Certifi- ^^ cate from the Minister of Wapping f from two Justices of peace, of his Conformitie to ye Church of England: to passe in ye said Ship for New-England Lynnen wever Tho: Chittingden 51 vxor Rabecca Chittingden 40 ISACK Chittingden 10' Hen: Chittingden 6. . j- 2 children. 62 PASSINGER WC" PASSED FROM [1635 |HKIS vrider written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Suzan f Ellin EDWARD PAYNE M^ : the pties ha\e brought Certificates from ye Ministers f Justices of the peace y' they are no Subsedy Men : f arc conformable to ye orders f discipline of the Church of England A Drap Ralph Hudson 42 vxor Marie Hudson 42 {Hanna Hudson 14 Eliz: Hudson 5 Jo: Hudson 12 Tho: Briggham 32 'Ben: Thwing 16 Ann Gibson 34 servant's-^ JUDITH KiRK 18 I Jo: More 41 Lhenry Knowles 25 Geo Richardson 30 Ben: Thomlins 18 Edward Thomlins 30 Barbara Ford 16 Joan Broomer 13 Richard Brooke 24 Tho: Brooke 18 Husbandman Symon Crosby 26 vxor Ann Crosby 25 Tho: Crosby 8, week's 1 1 child Husbandman Ric": ROWTON 36 vxor Ann Rowton 36 Edmond Rowton 6 1 1 child. A Husbiman Percivall Greene 32 vxor Ellin Greene 32 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 63 Jo: Trane 25 I Margaret Dix 18 j Jo: Atherson 24 Ann Blason 27 Ben: Buckley 11 Daniell Buckley 9 Jo: Corrington 33 Mary CoRRiNGTON n 2 servant s xiiij° Aprilis 1635 [HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to the Barbadoes imbarqued in the Faulcon de London, Tho: Irish M^ p Certifi- cate from the Minister of the pish of their conformity to the orders of the Church of England, The Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. Gabriell Bolt 29 Owen Bliss 30 Geo: Say 26 Bassell Terry 22 Marmaduke Turner 21 Jo: Bassett 19 Jo: Shp:ering 26 HeNRIE BiDDLESTON 1 7 Tho: Lett 22 Samvel Stor* 17 James Burt 13 Charles Fall 19 W" Sennott 20 Jo: Browne 20 Tho: Webb 18 Jo: Hopwood 20 NIC": Wade 19 Robert Davers 14 Henry Dye 20 Edward Bull 22 Farford Goldsmith 22 Tho: Crispin 19 Francis Sheres 26 John Bathe 23 Smith Baker 28 James Hibbins 17 Jo: Belton 48 Nicolas Flitcroft 16 W" Bingham 18 Humfrey Morris 18 Jo: Dallinger 16 Jo: Rogers 34 Jo: Spyer 32 Francis Smith 20 Abraham Halloway 20 Joseph Drap [Draper] 21 [The last letter is very indistinctly written : the name may be read as Stor, Ston, or Stow.] 64 PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM ■635 Tho: Bromby 59 Jo: Bromby 27 JeSPER GiGGON 18 John Brumwell 22 Ric": Dent 17 Thomas Gualmay 22 Richard Snathe 19 Richard CocKMAN 20 Thomas Allin 22 Valentine Love 18 Robert Haxley 21 Tho: Metcalf 20 W"'" Knight 30 Henrie Gilder 18 George Lee 16 Anto: Boldsworth 18 John Church 21 John Scott 16 Robert Jones 25 Nathaniell Write 32 John Jones 24 Tho: Wallis 27 Toby Hazell 20 Geo: Clark 15 Tho: Robert's 18 Marmaduke Crosby 28 Geo: Harris 17 Roger Sawter 17 Marie Perry 18 Elizabeth Elson 18 Bridget Gerden 19 Katherin Hill 20 Marie Newcom 17 Benedicter Sherhack 20 Marie Crew 19 Elizabeth Long 21 Winifred Hand 20 Elizabeth Curtis 22 \VLa:-lvv * ,4 W"Sturgis 18 Tho: Knowles 16 Peter Lostell 14 Walter Holburd 24 xif Apr His 1635. |HEIS ptics hereafter expressed are to be transported to New- England imbarqued in y^ Increase ROBERT Lea Mi"- having taken the oathes of Allegeance f Suprcmacie : As also being conformable to the Governm' f discipline of the Church of England whereof they brought testimony p Cert: from y^ Justices f Ministers where there abodes have latlie been, (viz*.) Husbandman Samvell Morse .' 50 vxor Elizabeth Morse 48 [Crossed through in the original ; the age is doubtful. ] 1635] ' V^ PORT OF LONDON. 65 Joseph Morse 20 Elizabeth Daniell 2 Alynnen wev' PHILEMON Dalton 45 vxor Hanna Dalton-. 35 Samvel Dalton 5 J- W" White 14 Husbandman Marthaw Marvyn 35 vxor Elizabeth Marvynn 31 Elizabeth Marvinn 31 Mathew Marvynn 8 Marie Marvynn 6 Sara Marv\-nn 3 Hanna Marvynn \ Jo: Warner 20 IsACK More 13 Carpenter Samvell IRELAND 32 vxor Marie Ireland 30 Martha Ireland i^ Plowrite. WiSm Buck 50 Roger Buck iS A joyner. JO: Davies 29 A Husbandman. Abram FLEmiNG 40 Hush: Jo: FOKAR 21 Clothier. Tho: Parish 22 John OwDiE 17 Butcher W" HOUGHTON 22 Husb: WitiM Payne n Anna Payne 40 W" Payne 10 Anna Payne 5 Jo: Payne 3 Daniell Payne , 8. week's. 66 PASSINGEH IVCtf PASSED FROM [163s JO: KiLBORNE 10 James Roger 20 Richard NuNN 19 Tho: Barret 16 Jo: Hackwell i8 Chirurgion SvMON Ayres 48 vxor Dorothy Ayres 38 Marie Ayres 15 Tho: Ayres 13 Symon Ayres 11 Rabecca Ayres 9 Jane Rawlin 30 James Bitton 27 W" Potter 25 Elizabeth Wood 38 Elizabeth Beards 24 SuzAN Payne 1 1 Aymes Gladwell 16 Phebe Perce 18 Carpenter Henry Crosse 20 Husb: Tho: Kilborne 55 vxor Francis Kilborne 50 Margaret Kilborne 23 Lyddia Kilborne 22 Marie Kilborne 16 Francis Kilborne 12 Husbandman Symon Stone 50 'c'xor Joan Stone 38 f Francis Stone 16 Ann Stone 11 Symon Stone 4 Marie Stone 3 Ljo: Stone 5 weckes Christian Ayres 7 Anna Ayres 5 Beniamin Ayres 3 Sara Ayres 3. mo: A Savvy Steeven vpson 23 Jo: Wyndell 16 f ISACK WoRDEN 18 Nathaniell Wood 12 Elizabeth Streaton 19 Marie Toller 16 children-^ scruants 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 67 16 Apr ills 1635 jB^HEIS pties hereafter expressed are to be transported to the Island M.hI1 of Providence imbarqued in ye Expcctacion CORNELIUS BlL- LINGE W, having taken the Ooaths of Allegeance f Supremacie: As likewise being conformable to the Church of England ; whereof they brought testimonie from the Ministers f Justices of Peace, of their Abodes Francis Smith 36 Tho: Palmer 18 Leonard Smith 22 Mathew Hamblen 38 W" Lynlie 58 Christian Whetston 19 W« Cawdle 19 Florence Dickenson 19 JO: Baker 42 Jo: Martin 30 W" Smith 20 Anto Dowsell 20 Richard Slie 20 Francis Dales 20 Peter AwBREY 32 Tho: Feld 18 Edward Hassard 24 Richard Bull 17 Richard Reinold's 16 W"Eakins IS Jo: TOTNELL 16 Edward Horsham 14 Richard Trendall 16 W«Read 16 Mathew Pippin . . , 20 Mary Baker 42 Elisha Bridges 16 WittM Thorp 30 Elizabeth Thorp 20 Elizabeth Thorp 2 Joan Felver 50 Margaret Rollright 45 Ellin Cooper 24 Elizabeth Coke 20 Marie Chaddock 20 Elizabeth Hamond 25 Alice Awbrey 29 Elizabeth Lawrence 26 Ann Noble 21 Marie Harrowigg 21 MiLLiCENT Leech 28 Marie Goodwynn 20 Katherin Webb 22 Elizabeth Scott 20 Marie Howes 18 Dorothy Lawrence 28 Elizab: Horsham 16 Alice Goldham 26 Richard Price 14 Richard Lane . 38 9—2 68 PASSINGER JV<^ff PASSED FROM [163s Alice Lane 30 Samvel Lane 7 Jo: Lane 4 OziELL Lane 3 Jo: Atkinson 36 Love Atkinson 18 Elizabeth Owen 30 Marie Milward 21 IsACK Barton 27 Abram Ray 20 Dorcas Horsham 40 Marie Grii-i'inn 17 17 April is 1635 Ig^IIEIS ptics herevnder expressed are to be transported to New- Bial England imbarqucd in ye Elhabeth W" Stagg M^ p Cert: from the Ministers f Justices of the Peace of their Conformitie to the Church of England : they have taken the oaths of Allcgeancc f Supremacie Hush: James Bate 53 Alice Bate 52 Lyddia Bate 20 Marie Bate 17 Margaret Bate 12 James Bates 9 Husbandman Edward Bul- lock 32 Elizabeth Stedman 26 Nathaniell Stedman 5 Isack Stedman i Robert Thornton n Margaret Da vies 32 Ixizabeth Davies I Dorothy Smith 45 filia Mary Smith 15 Peter Gardner 18 W" Hubbard 35 Rachell Bigg 6 Patience Foster 40 Hopestill Foster 14 Francis White 24 Joan Sellin 50 Ann Sellin 7 Edward Loomes 27 Jo: Hubbard 10 Jo: Davies 9 Marie Davies 4 Jo: Browne 40 1635] Y^ PORT OF LONDON. 69 [ra'slHE ptie herevnder named with his wife f children is to be trans- IP"m' ported to New-England imbarqued in the Elizabeth C Ann WiftM Cooper M"" bound thither the ptie hath brought testimony from the Minister of his conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England f from the two Justices of peace y' he hath taken the oaths of AUegeance f Supremacie. Alexander Baker 28 '\ Vxor Elizabeth 23 ( Elizabeth Baker 3 C y^*"^^ Christian Baker i Clement Chaplin 48 W" SWAYNE 50 24 Aprilis 1635 I^^HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to the Island of ^^^ Providence imbarqued in the Expectacon aforesaid, the pties have taken ye oath of Alleg: Nicholas Riskymer 31 W" Randall 26 Andrew Leay 24 Jo: Leay 25 Jo: Bloxsall 28 Sam: Goodenuff 22 Edward Hasting's 23 ThO: HOBBS 18 Jo: Saracole 17 Tho: Wilson 18 27 Aprilis 1635 p^HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New- HM England ROGER CoOPER M' bound thither, in the Elizabeth C Ann. the pties have brought Certificate from the Minister at West- 70 PASSINGER W^f PASSED FROM [1635 minster : f the Justices of the Peace of his Conformitie. the ptic hath taken the oaths of Alleg. C Suprem: A Carpenter Richard Brocke 31 Edward Sall 24 Daniell Preston 13 Hj^l IIEIS vnder-writtcn names arc to be transported to the Barbadoes li.Hll C St Christophers, imbarqued in the Ann f Elizabeth JO: Bkookehaven Captcn f M"- having taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. As also being Conformable to the orders f discipline of the Church of England f no Subsedy Men. whereof they brought test : from the Minister of St Kathcrins ncere y^ Tower of London. John Croft's 30 Nathaniell Bedford 19 JO: Mason 20 Jo: Oram 21 Christopher Fish 24 Owen Androwe 18 Robert Anderson 22 John Greene 25 JosErii Wallington 19 John Haieward 22 Thomas Martin 16 Edmond Hollow ay 17 Thomas Pierce 19 William Hayward 18 Edward Wilkinson 17 Richard Gale 16 Robert Tratt 21 Thomas Reddman 16 WitlM Grudb 16 John GoLDiNG 21 Clement Hutchinson, ..... 20 yeres Bartholomew Bennet 18 Thomas Tyler 21 John Prichard 20 Giles Barnes 19 Hugh Sadler 20 Harford Young 20 John Williams 16 Andrew Evans 16 John Barret 16 Joseph Walker 18 James Tate 17 John Smith 14 Nathaniell Bolton 19 W" Laydon 17 Thomas Avery 18 Tho: Leake 18 Davie WiLLL\MS 17 WiHm Harris 23 John TuRPiN 22 Francis Saiewell 18 Mathew Rogers 21 1 635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 71 Bryan Bourk 19 Anto Taylor 26 Andrew Carr 23 Owen Garret 20 John Frazill 29 John Porter 24 Charles Pollington 26 Charles Jackson 18 Edward Bacon 25 Thomas Robinson 31 Patrick Conly {or Couly]... 21 George Goddin 31 Arthur Roker..'. 20 Tho: Dale 28 John Davies ig Tho: Burton 19 Hugh Wynstonly 20 Bartholmew Draper 20 Robert Brock 25 Hugh Tawyer is W" Greene 17 Patrick CoNNYER 20 Richard King 23 WiltM Barnes \j WiftM Taylor 23 Robert Sennodd 23 Thomas Perkynn 29 WittM LONGWITH 26 Tho Gullifer 28 John Davies 18 Richard Cawood 25 Richard Dynley 19 Dennis Peke 20 Nicholas Greene 18 Robert Laycock 18 Michell Estplynn James Bell Frend Picto John Whithedd Jo: Maluon Tho: Bedlam Tho: Lone* Thomas Wazell , Edward Garrard 26 John Coke ,2 Jeremy Hartley 30 Gilbert Holdsworth 30 18 19 20 22 21 24 »9 21 Women. Katherin Lloyd ... Suzan Greene 19 20 MaRGERIE BaRRAN 19 Elizabeth Benning 18 Euzabeth Bruster 18 Joan Smith 27 Suzan More Alice Dixon 21 21 Jane Stafford 24 Alice Hilton 18 Katherin Russell 20 Mary Powell 23 DeBORA WiNKE 21 Rabecca Bedding is Mathew Page 20 Ann Spicer 26 Marie Jones 20 Margery Harding 20 Marie Kinderslie 26 * [Perhaps intei:ded for LouE, i.e. Love.] 72 PASSING ER WC" PASSED FROM [163s 2^° Aprilis 1635 Ig^HKIS vndcr written names arc to betrans ported to New-England IBJa imbarqucd in the Elizabeth f Ann Roger Coop [Cooper] M^ the |)ties have brought Certificate from the Minister of the pish f Justices of Peace of their conformitie to the orders f discipHne of the Church of England f y' they are no Subsedy-men RlC: GOARD 17 A Smith Tiio: Lord 50 vxor Dorothy 46 Thomas Lord 16 Ann. Lord 14 W" Lord 12 John Lord 10 james cobbett 23 Joseph Faberr 26 Tho: Fount* 21 Robert Lord 9 Aymie Lord 6 Dorothy Lord 4 josiAs Cobbet 21 jo: holloway 21 Jane Bennet 16 W"' Reeve 22 eodem 29 Apr His 1635 A Taylor CHRISTOPHER STANLEY 32 vxor SUZANNA 31 W" Samond 19 4° Maij 1635. IIEIS vndcr-written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Eli::: f Ann prd. The pties have brought Certificate from the Minister f Justic's of the Peace of their conformitie C that they are no Subsedy Men. A Tallow-Chandler HeN: WILKINSON 25 Robert Haies 19 A soapeboyler. •[It is impossible to decide whether this name is PoN.NT or PoUNT; il is so indistinctly written, that it may even be intended for Pound.] i63S] V£ PORT OF LONDON. 73 Ifes'o^jHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England: iB-al imbarqued in the Abigail Richard Hackwell M"-; The pties have brought Certificate from y^ Minister f Justices of their conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England Tho: Buttolph 32 vxor Ann Buttolph 24 W" Fuller 25 Jo: Fuller 15 Nathaniell Tylly 32 Peter Kettell 10 Tho: Steevens 12 Eliz: Harding 12 2 Maij 1635 jjui'^l EIS vnder-written names are to be transported to y^ Barbadoes mm, imbarqued in the Alexander Capt: Burche and Gilbert Grimes M'' p Certificate from the Minister where they late dwelt the Men tooke the oaths of Alleg. f Supremacie die et A" prd WiitM Rapen 29 Leonard Staples 22 Jo: Stanford 24 James Manzer 27 Jo: Watts 25 Tho: Clark 26 MiCHELL KiMP 27 Henry Broughton 20 Geo: Ventimer 20 Robert Hardy- 18 Tho: Dabb 25 Geo: Norton 22 W" Huckle 20 Edward Kemp 19 W" Powell 19 Ralph Prowd 26 Jo: BULLMAN 40 Jo: Watt's 19 W'^'Dench 16 Francis Peck 22 Jo: Benstedd 24 Symon Parler 24 Richard Howseman 19 Walter Jones 20 Phelix Lyne 25 Arthur Write 21 Lewes WiltMS [Williams] ... 21 W« Pott 18 10 74 PASSING EH JVC If PASSED FROM [•635 Thomas Gilson 21 Nic: Watson 26 Olliver Hookham 32 ChRI: BUCKLAND 25 Jo: Hill 23 Anthony Skooler 20 Jo: Anderson 21 W"PHILLirPS 17 Jo: Besford 18 Henry Yatman 21 Robert Duce 18 Owen Williams 18 Jo: Write 24 William Clark 19 Edward Halingworth 46 Richard Powell 32 Henry LoNGSHA 23 Jo: Bush 22 Jonathan Franklin 17 Jo: PlIILLIPPS 20 Richard Cribb 19 Tho: Browne : 18 Jo: Greenwich 21 Jo:Nedsom* 19 Edward Church 18 Anto Threlcatt 19 W"VVlLLIS 17 Clement Hawkins 16 Lewes Hughes 19 John Greene 22 Richard Marshall 36 Mathew Calland 16 Lewes David 28 Geo: White 18 Geo. Ridglie 17 Dennis m^ Brian [MacBrian] 18 jo: bussell 36 James Driver 27 Hugh Johnes 22 Tho: Gildingwater 30 John Ashurst 24 James Parkinson 23 WittM Young 21 W" Smith 18 Morgan Jones 31 Jo: Richard 30 Peter Flaming 16 Miles Earring 24 Robert Atkins 23 Beniamin Mason 23 Tho: Rutter 22 Jo: Howse 41 Jo: Cole 20 James Watts 35 W"' CROwEt 17 PHILLIPP LOVELL 34 z/jrcr Elizabeth LovELi 33 Rowland Mathew 27 Robert Sprite 30 Jo: Weston 41 James Smith 19 Jo: Smith 19 Richard Lee 22 W"Seely 29 Edward Plunket 20 Tho: Plunkett 28 Rowland Plunkett 18 Teague Nacton 28 * [Mis/it be read as Neesom.] t [Or, perhaps, Ckome.] i63Sj y^ PORT OF LONDON. 75 Dermond 6 Bryan 20 Charles Galloway 19 James Montgomery 19 JNO M^ Conry 28 SAiiivELL Friday 20 Samvell Farron 30 Edmond Montgomery 26 Olliver Bassett 14 Parry Wy 15 Daniell Burch 14 Richard Stone 13 Thomas Tayler 27 Edmond Nash 21 jo: Herring 28 W" Beaton 24 Tho: Roe 22 Edward Bank's 35 Tho: Fludd 21 David Collingworth 22 W" Mathews 30 Tymothie Goodman 27 Tho: Penson 20 WittM Anderson 36* Geo: Merriman 41 Jo: Dellahay 27 Robert Lee 33 Jo: Jackson 24 Alexander DE la Garde ... 27 Francis Marshall 26 Walter Lutterell 20 Jo: White 15 Jo: Burton 17 Symon Wood 14 Robert Mussell 14 Richard Fane 15 Robert Robert's 18 W"Lake 14 Richard Iveson 16 Humfrey Kerby 18 Edward Cokes 17 Henry Morton 20 James Brett 17 Tho: Dennis 18 Tho: More 33 Jo: Lawrence 17 W" Martin 13 Richard Philpe 17 Women. Barbarie Reason 20 Jane Marshall 21 Diana Drake 19 Mary Inglish 17 Annis Barrat 20 Marie Lambeth 17 Ann Mann 17 Elizabeth Warren 17 Ann Skynggle 18 Alice Chump* 20 Mathew May 21 Elizabeth Chambers 20 Elizabeth Farmer 20 Margaret Conway 20 Grace Walker 34 Edith Jones 21 Alice Guv 20 Mary Spendley 17 Ann Gardner \6 * [It is possible tliis name may be intended for Champ,] FASSnVGER IVCH PASSED FROM 1635] 6 MaiJ. 1635 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England imbarquod in the Elizabeth f Aim RoGKR CoOp [Cooper] M"", the ptics have brought Cert: from the Ministers where their abodes were: C from the Justices of peace of their conformitie to the orders f disci- pHne of the Church of England, f y' they are no Subsedy Men, they have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Suprem: Samvell Hall 25 w" swynden 20 tjo: Halsey* 24 Vyncent Potter 21 Ric": GOARD 17 W" Adams 15 tHENRY Curtis* 27 viij" MixiJ 1635. |S=pX the Elisabeth f Ann prd Roger Coop [Cooper] M^- Theis IP-^i vnder written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the said Shipp : They brought Cert, of their Conformite to the Church of England f y' they are no Subsedy Men. John Wylie 25 Jo: Thomson 22 Edmond Weston 30 Gamaliell Beomont 12 AwDRY Whitton 45 George Orris 21 tJo: Jackson* 27 Elizabeth Fabin 16 Grace Bulkley 33 A^ono die Maij 1635. IS^IIEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England, IB™ imbarqued in yc Susan f Ellin EDWARD Payne M""- The pties liavc brought Certificate from the Minister of the pish of their conformitie * [The t is in the original.] i63S] y^ PORT OF LONDON. -j-j to the Church of England, f that they are no Subsedy Men. the pties have taken the oaths of AUeg f Suprem: yeres Peter Bulkley 50 Tho: Brooke 20 Precilla Jarman 10 yeres Ric": Brooke 24 Elizabeth Taylor 10 Ann Lieford 13 |N the Elizabeth f Ann prd ROGER CoOp [Cooper] M^ bound for i New-England. yeres Robert Jeofferies 30 .Marie Jeofferies 27 wife f 3 J Tho: Jefferies 7 children"^ Elizabeth Jefferies 6 vMary Jefferies 3 Hanna Day 20" !l 3 „ „ ,2 maidserv''s Suzan Browne 21 Robert Carr 21 ATayler Calebb Carr 11 Ric": White 30-. Tho: Dane 32 vCarpenters W" Milliard 21 J xj" Maij 1635. SajHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England l^al inibarqued in the Elizabeth f Ann prd The pties have brought Certificate from the Minister f Justices of Peace of their conformitie to ye orders f discipline of the Church of England, f yt they are no Subsedy Men. A Shoemaker WiftM CoURSER 26- A Husbandman GeO: Wylde 37 J- yeres A Carpenter Geo: Parker 23. 78 PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM [1635 xij' Maij 1635 p^N the Elizabeth f Ann Roger Cooper W bound to New- We^I England : Thcis vnder written names are to be transported p Certificate from y-' Minister q{ Bcnnandin* in Kent of their Conformitie to ye orders f discipline of y^ Church of England. John Borden 28 vxor Joan 23 Nico; MORECOCK 14 BeNNET MORECOCK l6 Marie Morecock 10 Jeremy Whitton 8 Mathew Borden 5 Eliz: Borden 3 bro weverf THOMAS Whitton 36 Samvell Baker 30 14 Maij 1635 HEIS vndcr-written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Elizabeth f Ann Roger Cooper M'' the pties have brought Certificatt from the Minister of the pish of his conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England. A Tayler Richard Sansom . 28 Tho: Alsopp 20 John Oldham 12 Tho: Oldham 10 Rob^Standy 22 xzf Maij 1635 I^mIIIETS vndcr-written names are to Virginea : imbarqued in the IgM Plainc Joan Richard Buckam M"-. the ptics having brought Attcstacori of their conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England. ♦ [lieiicndon is a parish in llie HuiKlicd of Rolvenden, in the Lathe of Scray.] t [.Meaning not clear] i63S] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 19 Robert Briers Jno Johnson Robert Coke Jo: Alsopp W" PiGGOTT W" TOPLISS Tho: Arnold W" Paulson Jo: Northin Tho: Turner Jo: Beddell Jo: Barrowe Jo: Trent Jo: COKER Henrie Donoldson. W« Lavor Chri: Davies Chri: Taylor Daniell Clark Richard Day.; Robert Lewes Luke Bland Jo: Warren James Ward Tho: Stump* Tobias Frier WiLLM Steddall .... Chri: Thomas Richard FLEmiNG . Mathew LEm Henry Perpoynt .... Tho: Hall Edward Wilson .... Jo: Palliday 20 25 50 50 30 30 23 22 21 22 26 27 21 25 22 22 22 33 32 21 20 27 18 32 18 26 26 24 20 22 21 22 23 Richard WoLLEY .... WiltM Clark W" Baldwinn W" Collins Tho: Pitcher , Joseph Nelson Francis Gray Samvell Young .... Robert Hutt , Jo: Raddish , Tho: Bulkley Robert Brooke Richard Downes ... Arthur Peach W" James Tym: Blackett Roger Koorbe Ann Perk's Tho: Britton W" Collins Jo: Resburie , Henry Jackson Charles m» Cartie , Owen m^ Cartie .... Charles Flane Richard Lawrence , Tho: Godbitt Nico: Kent Thomas Newman .... Peter Sudburrowe . Tho: Lloyd W" Hitchcock Francis Barber .... Edward Wheeler . yeres .. 36 .. 27 .. 24 ,. 20 ,. 20 ,. 26 ,. IS ,. 14 ,. 14 .. 21 .. 32 •• 33 ■• 34 .. 20 .. 26 .. 40 .. 25 .. 27 .. 26 •• 34 .. 30 .. 24 .. 27 ,. 18 .. 18 .. 20 . 20 . 16 • IS . 20 . 20 • 27 . 18 . 18 [May, however, be read Stamp.] So PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [»635 James Miller i8 Jo: Shawe 21 Jo: Marshall 21 Jo: Aris 19 Robert Ward 22 Tho: Viper 26 ROB'^ SlIINGLEWOOD 26 Geo: Smith 34 Jo: Hughes 30 Geo: Talbott 18 Robert Gilbert 18 Jo: Bexxet 18 Jo: Rolles 22 James Wynd 23 Jno Marsh 26 Ralph Wray 64 21° Maij 1635 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to S' Christo- phers, imbarqued in the Mathciu of London, Richard Good- LADU M'' \) warrant from y^ Earle of Carlisle. Thomas Knight 21 Jo: Hill 18 Jo: Rawlins 18 Francis Penn 22 George Allerton 23 Rowland Millington 24 Ric": Thomas 40 Roger Thomas 22 Richard Griggson 34 Jo: Bruning 20 Robert Coke 32 Clinton Cutler 20 Tho: Turner 25 Jo: Wood 22 W"' Robinson 26 Edward Bicroit 22 Jo: Sturdy 26 Anto. Netbie 20 Robert Wendever 25 Samvel Trese 20 Evan Jones 19 Gabriell Davies 38 Edward Eeles 20 Davie Thomas 40 Richard Horribynn 31 Christopher Watson 21 James Hubbard 27 W" Stoe 18 Mathew Tomlinson 31 Tho: Hall 25 W» Marsh 26 Jo: Hatterton 38 Tho: Terrill 18 Robert Fauce {or Fanck] ... 40 Miles Coventrie 18 Jo: Thomas 14 1 635] Y^ PORT OF LONDON. ThO: ReeV'E 24 Lewes AwBREY 30 James Walker 30 Tho: Venn 27 Geo: Ball. 51 Tho: Gosling... 22 Jo: Palmer 19 James Cotes 21 W^" Helawe 21 Mathew Hely 21 Originall Lowis 28 Jo: Thomson 34 W" Brookes 25 Jo: Doe 22 Mathew Walker 19 Walter Collins 18 Jo: Clinton 19 Adam Chesterman 19 HuYN Hallowell 22 W"' Salmon 25 Jo: Lange 22 Richard Love 28 Jo: Greene 29 Edward Warren 28 Jo: Paple 21 Robert Denton 26 W" Elvyn 23 Geo: Tems \or Tenis] 20 Geo: Swales 19 Marmaduke Read 25 Jo: Kibe 21 Tho: Garrett 20 JO: GOSLINN 20 Tho: Milward 18 Morgan Brint 19 Pierce Stapleton 22 Geo: Eaton 27 Leonard Hunt 38 Jo: Cave 34 W" Barber 22 Jo: Hoddins 50 Alexander Tadd 38 RoB'^ Woodstock 40 John Offlent 20 NIC": Watts 18 Rich.\rd Brookes 16 Tho: Hadbie 22 Tho: Reinolds 18 Darby Hurlie 18 Jo: Hilliard 35 Robert Lacie 21 Tho: Bell 14 Rowland Morton 17 James Hide 22 Richard Nelme 20 Tho: Hodges 20 Edward Thomson 18 Tho: Williams 18 RiC: Lee 18 Walter Antony 23 Charles Caverlie 17 Tho: Coxson 21 Tho: Goodwynn 30 NlCO; WiLCOCKS 21 Geo: Eeke 26 Ric": Hubbard i8 WittM Rush 20 W" Donn 22 Paul Bottell 32 Jo: Boswell 17 1 1 82 PASSJNGEJi IVCH PASSED FROM '635 Jo: WOODGREENE 16 Jo: Harlowe 16 Robert Warrington 20 Jo: Reinolds 20 Ant"- True 18 W" Knight 13 Anto- Williams 14 Jo: Barloe 22 W" Parker 17 Jo: Wood, 18 Jo: Payne 18 Daniell Lee 25 Tho: Powell 21 Jo: Smith , 22 Gi;o: DoDD 17 Rob'^Sandley 20 Edward Mawfrey 15 Geo: Wade 16 Jo: Fulford 18 Geo: Smith 17 Tho: Powell 24 Wouicn. Margaret Priciiard 17 Jane Burrowe 17 Katiierin Arjistrong 20 Mary Barker 12 Eliz: Speere 20 28 Maij i6j5 iK^lIIEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea im- P.aal barqued in the Speedwell of London Jo: Chappell M'' being examined by the Minister of Gravesend of their conformitie to the orders f discipHne of the Church of England f have taken the oath of AUctJcance. Henry Beere 24 Jo: West 30 Richard Morris 19 NiC": Tetloe 35 W'' Shipman 22 Nathaniell faierbrother . 21 Richard Bavlie 22 W"Spencer 17 James LowDER 20 Chri: Metcalf 19 Jeremy Burr 20 WiftM Basford 19 Jo: Watson 22 Jo: Gilgate 22 RoB^ Spynk 20 Richard Rowland 20 Tho: Guilds 30 Jo: Curden 22 TilO: ROMNEY 19 Jo: Harris 20 Christopher Piddington .. 18 Edmond Clark 16 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 83 Jonas Smith 22 W"Hynton 25 Jo: MOWSER 22 Samvell Tyres 21 W" Steevens 22 Tho: Busby 19 Richard Harvy 32 Tho: Robins 17 Jo: Beeby 17 Jo: Turner 19 SAinvELL Holmes 20 Jo: Beyer 24 JO: Talbott 27 Edward Austin 26 Tho: Greene 24 Richard Browne 19 W« Appleby 32 Robert Parker 21 W" Cunningham 31 Tho: Willis ig W« Straughan 22 Geo: Sympson 19 Richard Phillips 20 Arthur Saiewell 25 Melashus m^Kay 22 Richard Thomas 30 Katherin Richard's 19 Marie Sedgwick 20 Elizabeth Biggs 10 Dorothie Wyncott 40 Ann Wyncott 16 Phillip? Biggs 6. mo: Elizabeth Pew 20 Francis Langworth 25 Chri: Reinolds 24 Abram Poore 20 Elizabeth Tuttell 25 vj" Jiinij 1635 lUaWHEIS vnder-writtcn names are to be transported to Virginea P^l imbarqued in the Thomas f John RICHARD Lambard M^: being examined by the Minister de Gravesend concerning their confor- mitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England : And tooke the oath of Allegeance. Richard Pew 23 Richard Waynewrite 24 Chri: Houghton 19 Richard Jones 24 Francis Garret 25 Richard Dally 18 Edward Dix 19 W" Chaplin 18 Jo: Singleton 18 Geo: Dickenson 19 Geo: Hawkins 18 Henry Rastell 30 1 1 — 2 84 PASSTNGER WCff PASSED FROM [163s Fra: Spight 21 W^'Aymie 26 W" Hynton 20 Jo: Edwardson 22 Tho: Mann 23 RoR'^ Aldred 24 Zachary Taylor 24 HUMFREY GRUIX;E 21 W"' White 22 Joseph Monnvs 21 W Yard 21 Christopher Wheati.v 28 Robert Heed 27 Edward Coles 20 Morris Jones 28 Wardin Fossitt 22 Tiio: Chamberlix 20 Jo: Shorter 26 AxT<^ Terry 50 Robert WiKms [Williams]. . 44 Tho: Rosdell 23 Thomas Terry 25 Charles Wyngate 22 Jo: Hampton 30 Jo: Evans 22 Robert Sewar 23 Richard Berry 23 Owen Hughes 27 Jo: Sutton 24 W" Stonhouse 43 W« Clark 18 Jo: Dickenson 22 Tho: Bell 17 W" Bett 20 James Cross 27 Sylus Foster 22 Edward Mountfort 20 Henry Newby 24 Jo: Eeden 19 Tho: Sherly 23 Jo: Thomson 24 Henry Warren 15 Jo: Wilkenson 28 Ralph Hudson 17 Tho: Allin 33 W" Jones 17 Tho: Sharples 20 W" Crooke 23 WittM Bead 15 Lawrence Platt 15 Robert Spencer 21 Samveli. Walden 16 Henry Morley 25 Ben: Easy 13 Jo: Moss 21 Jane Wilkinson 20 Ann Brookes 18 Katiierin Wiseman 19 Jane Scott 19 Jane Catesby 20 James PuwELi 12 W" Mann 25 Tho: Warner 26 Tho: Ram 19 Griffin Jones 21 Tho: Tollie 17 W" Jones 21 Morris Parry 30 Marmaduke Young 24 WittM White 22 i63S] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 85 yeres James Sherbone 15 W« Gardener 15 Jo: Robinson 19 Robert Turner 16 Tho: Clark 16 Giles Terry 33 Edward Cressitt 20 Tho: Waggitt 17 Mary Ford 22 Katherin Waterman 20 Suzan Sherwood 22 Grace Bycroft 20 yeres Francis Hunter 19 Francis Ashborn 20 W'" Dixon 18 W" Smart 20 Lawrence Preston 21 W« Wheatlie 17 W Lacy 18 James Bank's 30 Geo: Cobcrafte 22 Geo: Kennyon 25 Jo: Kennyon 21 xf Jimij 1635 ISSslHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to the Bormoodes I P-ctI or Somer-Islands, imbarqued in the Trudove de London, Robert Dennis M"", being examined by the Minister of Gravesend concerning their conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England as it now stands established : And tooke the oath of Allegeance. yeres Henry More 19 W" Holt 19 Jo: Norman 19 Anto Gilliard 38 Rob'^ Stock 26 Tho: Foster 27 Robert Hart 30 W" Pendleton 27 James Tayler 28 Chri: Hart 20 Richard Anderson 30 Tho: Richards 24 Jo: Norris 18 David HuswiTH 22 Henry Hill 24 Jo: Warren 19 Zeverin Viccars 18 Geo: Norman 25 Gabriell Stockwell 16 Tho: TooLiE 27 Edward Goddin 16 Tho: Dorrell 22 Richard Canon 24 vxor. Elizabeth Canon 23 Barnard Colman 26 ,Chri: Tuke 16 86 PASSTNGER IV^" PASSED FROM [1635 W" Paul 20 W"' Bates 17 SAmVELL Short 24 W" Hooper 18 Richard Hurt 17 WiftM Wells 17 Tho:Dene 17 Jo: A Negroc 18 Jo: Richards 21 Anto Bullock 19 Thomas Bassit iS Edward Alewortu* 13 Edward Vyncent 18 Jo: Trippatt 17 Anto Cooper 17 Jo: Lake 16 RiC: Tayler 16 ThO: MORDIN 18 Edward Sell 18 Roger Wi^ms [Williams] .. 16 Jo: Baylie 18 Francis Woodcott 16 Jo: Bee 17 Ric'':Greene 17 Geo: Palmer 18 Tiio: Smith 14 Nathaniel WiltMSON [Wn,- liamson] 17 PiiiLLipp Wharton 14 W" Henry iS Geo: Saires 12 NiC: Gaugiiton 14 Edward Hedley 13 W" Sares 17 RoB'^ Poole 20 Tho: Jones 17 Tho: Ewynn 16 Symon Barcott 16 Geo: Calverlie 14 Edward Parnell 16 W" Lee iS W" Tayler 17 Edavard Ghjbs 17 James Reason 27 Jacob Wilson 18 Ben: Strange 18 Ralph Vennable 21 Tho: Bloes 10 Tho: Hedley 11 Tho: Thomson 17 Hen: Stonword 13 SaiTivell Hubbard 16 Thomas Buli 13 Daniell HaiTiond 12 Geo: Morgan 12 Jo: Barnes 16 Abraham Claxson 17 James Aston 22 Ric- Daughton 13 Mathew Steevens 12 Tho: Larkynn 15 David Jones 15 George Hanmer 24 Roger Hodges 17 \V« Powell 15 Sampson Meverili 20 Henry Carter 42 Jo: Yates 48 read as Aldworth.] [May, however, be i635] y-E PORT OF LONDON. yeres Jo: Browne i6 Francis Ravnne \or Raymie] io Francis Hedges 13 Davie Morris 18 Tho: West 17 Hugh Wentworth 44 Ann Taylor 24 Elizabeth Groves 35 Jo: Groves i qr Blanch Robert's 20 2 Ministers. Jo: OXENBRIDGE 24 Henry Jenning's 24 Beniamin Miller 30 Henry Fletcher 35 Edward Staugiiton 50 JOSIAS Forster 43 Tho: Hall 24 Humfrey Smith 14 Francis Watson 16 Katherin White 18 Elizabeth Clark iS Ellin Burrowes 30 Jo: Page n Tho: Jennicom 21 Sara Page 31 Sara Page 3 Mary Page 3. mo. Richard Harris 17 J effery Wright 18 Samvell Mayo 10 Marie Goffe 18 Jo: Brookes 12 xv" yunij 1635 ifei'^|HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England: Im.imI imbarqued in the Abigail de Lo: M^- H: Hackwell: The ptie having brought Certificate from the Minister of Thissehvorth* of his conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England. He hath taken the oaths of Allcgeance f Supremacie. yeies Dennis Geere 30 Anns Pancrust 16 ■ r o /- Elizabeth Geere . 22 I Eliz: Taselie ci; wife C 2 ^^ , ., , \ Elizabeth Geere . 3 Constunt Wood 12 children J "^ vSara Geere 2 ♦ [Is it possible lliat this is iateudeJ for IsLEWoRTH? I can find no ThisselwoRTH.] 88 PASSIXGEJi n c" PASSED FROM •63: 19 yunij 1635 |HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to New-England imbarqucd in yc Abigail: Hackwell M' the pties having brought Certificate from the Minister of the pish of the Htle Miniries of his conformitie f opinion of the disciphne of the Church of England. W" Tilly 28 Robert Whiteman 20 Charles Jones 21 LiDDiA Browne 16 I BOARD the Jaiitis JO: May for N. England. Tayler Tho: Ewer 40 Sara Ewer 28 Elizabeth Ewer 4 Tiio: Ewer i\ Sara Beale 28 Elizabeth Newman 24 Jo: Skudder 16 xx"' yune 1635 I^^IIEIS vnder Written names are to be imbarqued in the -Abbigall P.oal de Lnd [London] m' Hackwell f bond to New Engtd haue taken oathe of Allcgance f Supremacie f Conforablc [conformable] to y^ Ch as p Cer' from Two Justices of Peace f minsf of S' Lawrence in Essex Henry BULLOCKE 40 yers husbandman f Susan his wife 42 J- Henry 8 iij Children^ Mary 6 (tho: 2 i63S] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 89 more xx"" 1635 ■PHIN the defence de Lond m' Pearce f bod for New Engtd p ^al Cert, fro ij Justices of Peace f Ministr of All Saint's homan* in Northapton. W" HOEMAN 40 yers husbandman his wife WiNiFRlD ... 35 Alce ASHBEY 20 yers amaid Seruant. f Hanna 8 5 Children \ ,^ ^„ , , ■' (Jeremy 6 Mary 4 Sarra 2 Abraham i qrtr- xx"' June 1635 BB^N the Abbigall dQ Lo. m' Hackwell bod for New Engtd p 1^^ Cert from.f of his Conformity from Justices of Peace f Ministr Eaton BrayJ in Co Bedford. Jo" Houghton 4 [? 40] yers old. f" Jtilly 1635 ^^ BostockeII ■MN the defence de Lond. m' Edward§ Pearc£ vrs New Engtd p ^al Cert fr5 ij Justices of peace f ministr fro Dunstable in Com'- Bedfordsher: Robert LONGE 45 yers Inholder Eliza: his wife 30 * [There is no place bearing this name in Northampton. Query, is it a misspelling of the name Hoeman in next line, wrongly written in here, and not afterwards erased ?] t \Sk. The word must be omitted, to make sense.] X [Eaton Bray is a Township in the Hundred of Manshead.] § \0r Edmond. The word is blotted in the original.] II [So in the original. There would seem to have been more than one ship called iht Defmce, since we find the names of four different commanders to ships so named : Edward Bos- TOCKE (as here) ; — Pearce (June 20) ; Edward Boswell (June 22) ; Thomas Bostock (July 2).] 12 9° PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [163s 'MiCHELL 20' Sarra 18 Robert 16 Eliza 12 X Children -^ Anne 10 Marv 9 Rebecca 8 Jo" 6 1<2achery.. 4J Joshua 3 q^trs old Luce Mercer... 18. aseruant xx"' JtPie 1635 N the Defence de Lond m' Pearce vrs New Engtd p Cert fr5 two Justices of Peace f Minstrof Towcester in Co'' Northampton Jo" Gould 25 ycrs husbandman Grace his wife 25 yers xxij"' June 1635 i]N the Abbigall de Lond. m' Hackwell vrs New Engtd p U Cer' fro Minstr of Cranebroke* in Kent. Edw. White 42 yers husbandman f his wife Martha 39 .. ^, ., , (Martha 10 ,j Children I ^,j^^^^, ^g Jo" Allen 30 yers husbandman his wife Anne 30 p Cort hernchil* in Kent " [Both Cranbrook and Herne-IIill are in the Lathe of Scray.] 1635] F^ PORT OF LONDON. 9t |N the Abbigall. \ p Cert- from Justice peace C Minisf of Stepney. Geo: Hadborne 43 yers Glouer. his wife Anne 46 (Rebecca 10 2 Children I ^^^^,^^ ^ Joseph Borebancke 24 1^ Seruant's to Geo: Had- JOANE JORDEN 16 j BORNE. 1 N the Defence de Lo. m' EdW: Boswell vrs New England p Cer'- 1 from S'' Henry Mildmay f Ministr of Baddow* in Essex. Jo" Browne 27 yers. ^ Tho: Hart 24 his 3 seruant's -| Mary Denny . . 24 I Anne Leake .. 19 Taylor. 26 Jtm ij 1635 IN the Abigail Robert Hackwell M^ to New-England p Cert: I from Northton Tho. Martin Maior f 2 Justices Shoemaker JO: Harbert 23 Bricklayer Richard Adams 29 SuzAN Adams 26 4'* Jnlly Henry Somner 15 ElISA. SOMNER 18 * [There are two Baddows, Great and Little, in the Hundred of Chelmsford.] 12 2 92 PASSINGER WCH PASSED FROM [163s. 17 yuni; 1635 is^iHEIS vndcr written names are to be transported to New-England P.a| imbarqued in the Abigail Robert Hackwell M"" p Cert from the Minister f Justices of Peace of their Conformitie, being no Subsedy Men. they have taken ye oaths of AUeg: C Supremacy being all Hus- bandmen yeres Ralph Wallis 40 Ralph Roote 50 J NO Freeman 35 Walter Gutsall 34 RiCPL\RD Graves 23 Robert Mere 43 Samvell Mere 3 Edmond Maning 40 Tho: Jones 40 Geo: Drewrie 19 W" Marshall 40 Thomas Knore 33 John Halliack 38 George Wallis 15 Rabecca Price 14 Marie Freeman 50 Jo: Freeman 9 Sycillie Freeman 4 Jo: West 11 Mary Moning's 30 Mary Monning's 9 Anna Monning's 6 Michelaliell Moning's . . 3 Elizabeth Ellis \6 Ellin Jones 36 IsACK Jones 8 Hester Jones 6 Tho: Jones 3 Sara Jones 3. mo: Cesara Covell 15 Joan Wall 19 W" Payne 15 Noll Knore 29 Sara Knore 7 RoBT Driver 8 Elizabeth Mere 30 John Mere 3. mo: iN the Abigail ■prd: p Cer': from the Minister of their conformitie f I from the Justices, that they are no Subsedy men. Christopher Foster 32 [ vxor Francis Foster 25 '635] F-E PORT OF LONDON. 93 IRabecca Foster . . 5 children Nathaniell Foster 2 [jo: Foster 1 Edward Ireson 32 W" Almond 34 Mary Jones 30 AwDRY Almond 32 Annis Almy 8 Chri: Almie 3 John Strowde 15 Edward Rainsford 26 RoB'f Sharp 20 John Rookeman 45 Elizabeth Rookman 31 Jo: Rookeman g Hugh Burt 35 Ann Burt 32 W" Bassett g Edward Burt g Tho: Freeman 24 W" Yates 14 Elizabeth Ireson 27 Jo:Fox 35 Richard Fox 15 Jo: Payne 14 Edmond Freeman 45 g^HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England Hill imbarqued in the Blessing Jo: Lecester M^ the pties htving brought Cert from the Minister f Justices of their conformitie being no Subsedy Men, tooke ye oaths of Alleg: f Supremacie. WittM Cope 26 Richard Cope 24 Thomas King 21 Jo: Stockbridge 27 Robert Saiewell 30 W" Brooke 20 Gilbert Brooke 14 Nathaniell Byham 14 Jo: Wassell 10 W« Vassall 42 RiC: More 20 Robert Turner 24 Eliza: Holly 30 Ann Vassall 6 Margaret Vassall 2 Mary Vassall •. . i Elizabeth Robinson 32 Sara Robinson i.i Nico: Robertson 30 Jo: MORY ig Charles Stucbridge i James Saiewell jj. 94 PASSINGER WCfJ PASSED FROM [163s Jo: Robinson 5 Ann Stocbridge 21 SuzAN Saiewell 25 AnnVassall 42 SuzAN King 30 Judith Vassali 16 Sara Tynkler 15 Fra. Vassall 12 Thomazin Munson 14 Kat: Robinson 12 Mary Robinson 7 RoB^ Onyon 26 20 Jtinij 1635 jU|'^|HEIS vndcr-vvritten names are to be transported to Virginca im- ISai.Hal barqued in the Phillip RiCHARD Morgan M>' the Men have been examined by the Minister of tlie towne of Gravesend of their con- formitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England: And tooke the oath of Alleg. die ct A" prd. John Hart 33 John Coachman 28 John Reddam 32 John Shawe 30 George Hill 23 George Bonham 31 W" Rogers 35 Edward Halock 22 RiC: Dawson 31 Peter Johnson 36 WiltM Bransby 34 Nicholas Rippin 31 James Quarrier 22 Isack Owdell 22 W" Taylor 36 James York 21 Thomas Goriiam 19 Nathaniell Disnall 23 John Taylor 16 John Gorham 18 Richard Wilson 19 Robert Morgan 33 SaiRvell Milner 18 Tymothie Featlie 23 W" Arundell 32 Alexander Leake 22 John Mason 16 WittM Enson 33 James Habroll 22 Thomas Trumball 22 Richard Jn"son 19 John Lawters 17 Thomas Edwards 20 Robert Davies 28 Richard Vppcott 26 Thomas Poslett 23 f635] F-E PORT OF LONDON. 95 Women. Ellin Burgis 45 Katherin Bowes 20 SuzAN Trash {or Trask] . . 25 Marcie Langford 24 Elizabeth Willerton 18 Sara Shawe i s Marie Baker 25 Ann: Barnie -> a 23" Jit-nij 1635 j^^HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea P,^ imbarqued in the America WlltM Barker M^: p Cert: from the Minister of the Towne of Gravesend of their conformity to the orders f discipHne of the Church of England. Richard Hersey 22 John Robinson 32 EdMOND CHIPPS ig Tho: Prichard 32 Jonathan Bronsford 21 . WittM Cowley 20 John Shawe 16 Richard GuiTiy 21 Bartholmew Holton 25 John White 21 Thomas Chappell *ii Hugh Fox 24 Davie Morris 32 Rowland Cotton 22 William Thomas 22 John Yates 20 Richard Wood ^e James SoMERs 22 Davie Bromley 15 Walter Brookes 15 Symon Richardson 23 Richard Sadd Thomas Wakefield Thomas Bennett .... 17 . . . . '''> Steeven Read WittM Stanbridge .... Henry Barker .... 27 .... iS James Foster Thomas Talbott Richard Young Robert Thomas . . . 20 John Farepoynt Robert Askvn Samvell Awde Miles Fletcher ... 27 William Evans ... ''? Lawrence Farebern . . . Mathew Robinson Isack Bull PhILLIPP REihiNGTON . . . Radulph Spraging George Chaundler ...23 ...24 ...27 ...29 •••37 ...29 [The original has been altered, and is not clear ; it is possible the age should be 23.] 96 PASSINGER IVCff PASSED FROM ['63s Thomas Jnoson 19 Jo: AVERIE 20 John Croftes 20 Thomas Broughton 19 Beniamin Wragg 24 Henrv Embrie 20 Robert Sabyn 40 George Brookes 35 Thomas Holland 34 Humfrey Belt 20 John Mace 20 Walter Jewell 19 WittM BUCLAND 19 Launcelot Jackson 18 John Williamson 12 Phillipp Parsons 10 Henry Parsons 14 Andrew Morgan 26 WittM Brookes 17 Richard Harrison 15 Thomas Pratt 17 John Eeles 16 Richard Miller 12 Robert Lamb 16 Thomas Boomer 13 George Dulmare 8 John Vnderwood 19 WiftM Bernard 27 Charles Wallinger 24 Thomas DyiTiett 23 Ryce Hooe 36 John Carter 54 Women. Elizabeth Remington 20 Katherin Hibbott's 20 Elizabeth Willis 18 Joan JOBE 18 Ann Nash 22 Elizabeth Phillips 22 Dorothy Standich 22 Suzan Death 22 Elizabeth Death 3 Alice REiniNGTON 26 DoROTHiE Baker 18 Elizabeth Baker 18 Sara Colebank 20 Mary Thurrogood 19 29 yimij 1635 jlBOARD the Abigail, ROB'^ Hackwell, M"- for New-England. A Baker JOSEPH Fludd .... 45 I'jror Jane Fludd 35 Elizabeth Fludd 9 Obediaii Fludd 4 Joseph Fludd .., J Edward Martin 19 Suzan Hathway 34 ^ 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON, 97 vltto ytmij 1635 ^wlBOARD the Abigail Robert Hackewell M-- p Cert from the ^^ Minister of Stepney pish of their conformitie : f that they are no Subsedy men. yeres Starchmaker Henry Collins 29 vxor Ann Collins 30 / Henry Collins 5 3 children X Jo: Collins 3 '^ Margery Collins 2 JosuA Griffith 25 v Hugh Alley 27/ MaryRoote jAservanfs Jo: Coke 27 ' Geo: Burdin 24 "N the Abigail prd p Cert from the Minister f Justices according to I order. yeres Edward Fountaine 28 yeres Ralph Sheppard 29 Thankes Sheppard 23l.„., „_ . SARA sheppard 2 } "^''^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^ Primo die Jtilij 1635 N the Abigail prd. Ann Gillam 28 sonn Ben: Gillam i Husbandman Thomas Brane 40 Tho: Launder 22 Husb: William Potter 27 vxor Francis Potter 26 13 98 PASSINGER WC" PASSED FROM [1635 Joseph Potter 20 week's. Ric^: Carr 29 W«KiNG 28 George Ram 25 Jo: Stantley 34 James DoDD 16 Mathew Abdy 15 Husb: Edward Freeman .. 34 z^4r(?r Elizabeth Freeman .. 35 Edmond Freeman 15 John Freeman 8 Jo: Jones 15 JOHN Cooke .... i 5*1 servant Edward Belcher 18*-' Ann Wh-liams 10 Phillip Drinker 39 vxor Elizabeth Drinker . . 32 Edward Drinker 13 Jo: Drinker 8 MarGt: Tucker 23 Ellner Hillman 33 Jo Terry 32 JO: EmERSON 20 RiC: Woodman 9 Elizab: Freeman 12 Alice Freeman 17 Hugh Burt 15 Annis Aldcock 18 Tho: Thomson 18 Secundo die yulij N the Abigail prd. p Certificate from y^ Minister of Shorditch pish, f Stepney pish. John Deyking 25"" Jesper Arnold 40 Alice Deyking 30 Ann Arnold 39^ Alice Steevens 22 Margaret Devocion 9 Ruth Bushell 23 ► yeres. bound to New-England fe'^IHEIS vndcr written names are to be transported to New-England PJal imbarqued in the Defence Tho: Bostock, M^ tlic ptie hath brought testimony from the Justices of Peace f Minister in Cambridge • [These figures are not dear in the original.] L/ 163s] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 99 of his conformitie to the orders f discipline of the Church of England: he hath taken y« oaths of Alleg: f Suprem: yeres A Taylor Adam Mott 39 vxor Sara Mott 31 Mason. Henry Steevens 24 Husb: John Sheppard 36 Margaret Sheppard 31 Tho: Sheppard 3. mo. Jo: Mott 14I Adam Mott 12 Jonathan Mott 9 V children. Elizabeth Mott 6 Mary Mott 4> |N the Defence prd Tho: Bostock M"" for New England, p Cert: li from the Minister of Fenchurch of his conformitie fc. Tho: Boylson 20 yeres 4'* Jtdly 1635 'SIN the Abbigall de. Lo: p Cert from the Ministr f Justice of peace isl of S' Oliues Southwarke : Ralph Mason 35 yers Joyner his wife Anne 35 yers {Richard 5 yers Samuell 3 yers Susan i yere IB^ralN the Defence prd: Elizabeth French 30 Elizabeth French 6 Marie French 2\ Francis French ...» 10 Jo: French 5. mo. FASSINGER W^" PASSED FROM ['63s nij"' Jtilly 1635 ^s^N the Defence dc I.ond m' Thomas Bostocke vrs New Engtd p ffl^l Cer': from the Minstr f Justice of Peace, of his Conformity to y* Gou'm' [Government] of Churche of Engtd f No Subsidy man. Roger Harlakenden aged 23 tokeoatheof AUcgancef Supremacie Eliza his wife 18 MablE his sister 21 Anne Wood his seru' .... 23" Samuell Shepherd ser' . . 22 Joseph Cocke 27 Geo: Cocke 25 W" French 30 Elisa. his wife 32 Robert a Man ser': .... — Sarra Simes 30^ Seruan''s to y<: afore said ROGER Harlakenden. 6'* Jully. ip^N the Defence de Lond. m' ThO: Bostocke vrs New Engtd JO" Jackson 30 yers whole Sale Man in Burchcnlane p Cer' from s^ GEO: Whitmore f Ministr of y^ pish x'Jtdij 1635 K^N the yl^i!^zi Geo: Barber 20 Richard Wheatlie 32 Richard Lloyd 28 Henrie Barnes 22 Tho: More 21 John Harrison 30 W" Hudson 20 W'« Mason 30 Mark Briggoll 21 Henry Porter 30 Patrick WoDDALL 20 John Gee 18 Richard Cooper 28 Richard Eggleston 24 W" Harbert 15 John Wise 18 Thomas Coles 32 Tho: Williams 18 George Ashon 22 Peter Sexston 20 Tho: Johnson 23 Thomas Saunders 20 John Lee 16 Robert Farest 20 Richard Bick 18 WiftM Hardisse 22 Daniell Rose 25 JIichard Anderson 17 James Phillips 26 Robert Tynman 21 Peter Waller 24 Richard Petley 22 Roger Hollidge 19 W*' Reddman 18 Robert Greene 20 Henry Meddonves 20 George Johnson 19 John Voss 22 Andrew Adams 18 John Wilson 32 Nathan Anley 28 Anthony Grimston 20 Tho: Hatchet 19 Robert Honniborn 21 Jo: Parson 18 Alexander BuRLiE 18 W" Hart 26 Nathaniell Patient 16 Henry Armstrong 22 Women. Katherin Long 34 Elizabeth Sames 19 Joan Hardiss 18 Elizabeth Riley 18 Ellin Rogerson 20 Elizabeth Lincoln 23 Elizabeth Corker 19 Ann Wandall 18 SiBBELL Lakeland 25 Ellin White 26 W" White 7 weekes old Ellener Rogers 19 Dorothie Charles 20 Hester Brotherton 18 Margaret Watson 18 Oliff Sprawe 21 Ann Brisco 22 Ann Gudderidge 23 Rabecca Lane 22 Elizabeth Yore 23 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 103 Ralph Golthorp 20 Edward Thomson 24 W" White 37 Robert Lewes 38 Barnabie Barnes 35 Edward Ison 20 John Somerton 24 Jo: Russell 14 Robert Bateman 20 W" Cooke 20 Henry Banister 22 Tho: Richardson 26 Jo: Waller ig Richard Wever 27 John True 26 Jo: Horne 21 Robert Medley jg Richard Atkinson 21 Jo: Pownd 20 Edward Roe ly Francis Webster 27 Jo: Syard ,g Geo: Midland jg W" Watson 24 HarbertJudd 16 John Fox Henry Burket Bennet Freeman Edward Salter Robert Covett Tho: More j^ Jo: Russell Edward Hunt Robert Beckwith Jo: Witton 16 John Harris 28 Jo:Baylie Jo: Hathorn Edward Drue JO: Arp 34 20 25 16 19 42 20 '9 Edmond Pryme i6 vj" ytilij 1635 |™N the Paide of London Leonard Betts Mr bound to Vir-inea rr r^ ^'u '^''i' ^'T '^' ^'"'''''' °^ Gravesend of their Conformitie to the Church of England. Adrian Ford 26 W" East 23 Robert Caplin 22 Edward Wade 24 Tho: Greene 21 Jo: Jones jg Tho: Barefoote ig Robert Taylor ,s PASSINGER JVCf/ PASSED FROM V(>l'i Jo: Richardson 22 Richard Hughes 20 Robert Markcom 22 Peter Price 23 John Davies 23 Nicholas Parker 23 John Gill 19 Jo Aynis 21 Aron Everett 20 LaUNCELOTT LiMRICK 20 W^' Strange 25 W" Palmer 18 Phillip Bagley 19 Ciprian Warner 21 Henry Dudman 18 Tho: Hitchcock 22 Giles Collins 20 Jo: Machem 18 Robert Wile \or Wild] 21 John Thomkins 25 Sylvester Thatcher 21 Nicholas Fox 20 Jeremy Watts 21 John Coop [Cooper] 24 Henry Bank's 19 Nathaniel Deane 27 Thomas Lister 22 Edward Wygon 20 W" Jackson 26 Tho: Simpson 17 Daniell Collier 30 John Cooke 20 Arthur Patient 22 Hugh Harrison 22 W"Pack 27 Francis Lattner 17 WittM Berry 17 David Fludd 17 Jo: Hodges 17 Samvell Burnet 17 Francis Woddall 18 Abram Bruster 16 Edward Hobson 22 Henry Jacob 20 Richard Clayton 24 Thomas Webb 18 Henry Worlidge 18 Richard Davies 20 W" Jackson 26 Tho: Draper 26 Anto. Pott's 27 Mark White 25 W" Hickey 22 Francis Searle 28 WiftM Riddell 16 Jo: Potter 26 William Capell 25 Jo: Mynter 16 W" Harefinch 30 Symon SlinES 15 Anthony Day 22 Richard Eggleston 16 Jo: Courtney 32 Robert vnderwood 30 W" Quynie 40 Nicholas Clark 31 Samvell Symonds 30 Jo: Gill 34 Mathew Bennet 18 WiftM Hind 35 1635] Y^ PORT OF LONDON. I OS Margaret HiNDE 30 AUGUSTIN HARWOOD 25 Katherin Wilson 28 J Robert Wilson ... 6 ^'^^^•'^'■- 1 Richard Wilson ... 5 Leonard Wood 22 W"Postell 22 Charles Ford 33 John Scott 26 Thomas Flexney 23 John Heron 18 Tho: Baker 16 WittM Hughes 20 Jo: COXSHEDD 14 Peter Fryer 26 Beniamin Hooke 20 Jo: GiBBS 35 Geo: Dawe 23 Hugh Beacon 25 Jo: Bishopp 23 Samvell Davies 24 Tho: Warner 12 Women. Grace Alderman 22 Mary Husband 20 Alice Fuller 22 Elizabeth Raynton 16 Elizabeth Collins 20 Dorothie Bradlie 18 Grace Jones 24 Sybbill Courtney 33 Joan Bowden 24 Annis Seeden r. 22 Joan Colchester 23 Elizabeth Stacie 20 Dorothy Day 17 Ann Emmerton 20 Martha Holland 24 xj° die yidij 1635 lE'SIHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England IgSi imbarqued in the Defence of Lndon [London], Edward Bos- TOCK M"" p Certificate of his Conformitie in Religion f that he is no Subsedy-man. A Miller Richard Perk 33 Margery Perk ... 40 ISABELL Perk 7 Elizabeth Perk... 4 yeres | HenryDuhurST 35 H to6 PASSIAGER WCH PASSED FROM li63S ^^•'' Jully 1635 N the Dcfaicc dc Lond m' Edmond Bostocke vs New England p Ccr' from the Minstr Robert Hill, 20 yers scru' to m' Craddocke. xviij° ytilij 1635 jjHEIS vnder written name is to be transported to New-England imbarqued in the Pide-Co'we p Cert: from the Minister of his conformitce f from S"" Edward Spen'CER resident necre Branford that he is no Subsedy man. hath taken the oathe of Alleg. f Suprem. WittM Harrlson 55 yeresold JO: Baldin 13 W»"^Baldin 9 ra^lHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to N. England P^l imbarqued in the defence prd p Cert: from the Minisfs f Justic's of their conformitie f y' they are no Subsedy Men. Sara Jones 34 Sara Jones 15 JO: Jones 11 Ruth Jones 7 Theopiiilus Jones 3 Rabecca Jones 2 Eliz. Jones \ Tho: Donn 25 Suzanna Farebrother 25 Eliz: Fennick 25 W" Sawkynn 25 Husb: W" Hubbard 40. Judith Hubbard 25 John Hubbard 15 W^'Hubbard 13 W" Read 48 M.\bell Read 30 George Read 6 Ralph Read 5 Justice Read 18 Mo: 1635] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 107 DoROTHiE Knight 30 Nathaniel Hubbard 6 Richard Hubbard 4 Martha Hubbard 22 Mary Hubbard 20 Robert CoLBURNE 28 Edward Colborn 17 DoROTHiE Adams 24 Francis Nutbrowne 16 W" Williamson 25 Marie WittiMSON 23 Luce Mercer 19 Jo: Fitch 14 Penelope Darno 29 Martha Banes ; 20 Jasper Gonn 29 Ann Gonn 25 Febe Maulder 7 Sym: Roger 20 Jo: Jenkynn 26 Robert Keyne 40 Eliz Steerer 18 Sara Knight 50 Ann Keyne 38 Ben: Keyne 16 Jo: Burles 27 Mary Bentley 20 13 July 1635 B^HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to N. England BMD imbarqued in the Jaines Jno May M^ for N. E. p Cert: from the Ministers of their conformitie in Religion f that they are no Subsedy Men. Husb: W" Ballard 32 Elizabeth Ballard 26 Hester Ballard 2 Jo: Ballard i Alice Jones 26 Eliza: Goffe 26 Edmond Bridges 23 MiCHELL MiLNER 23 Tho: Terry 28 Robert Terry 25 Ric: Terry 17 Tho: Marshall 22 W" Hooper 18 Edmond Johnson 23 Samvel Bennet 24 Ric : Palmer 29 Anto Bessy 26 Edw: Gardner 25 W" Colbron 16 Henry Bull 25 Salomon Martin 16 wheelewrite. W'* HiLL 70 NiCO BUTTRY 33 Martha Buttry 28 14 — 2 io8 PASSTNGER WCff PASSED FROM [163s Grace Buttry i Shoemaker Jo: Hart 40 Mary Hart 31 Shoemaker HENRY Tybbot ... 39 Elizabeth TiBOTT 39 Jeremy JVBBOTT 4 Samvell Tybbot 2 Remembrance Tybbott 28 Cloth Worker Nico; GooDHUE 60 Jane Goodhew 58 John Johnson 26 SuzAN Johnson 24 Eliza: Johnson 2 Tho: Johnson 18 mo. Barber Ralph Farman 32 Alice Farman 28 Mary Farman '.... 7 Tho: Farman 4 Ralph Farman 2 |S'S|HEIS vnder written names are to be transported to N. England I^.Bal imbarqued in the Blessing John Lester M^ the pties have brought Cert: from the Minisfs f Justices of their conformitie in Religion, f that they are no Subsedy Men. fisherman Jo Jackson 40 Margaret Jackson 36 John Jackson 2 Jo: Manifold 17 John Burles 26 Jo: Fitch 14 NIC: Long 19 Christian Buck 26 Barnabie Davies 36 Suzan Danes [or Daues] ... 16 Robert Lewes 28 Eliz: Lewes 22 Edward Ingram 18 Henry Beck 18 Jo: Hatho\x.\y 18 Richard Sexton 14 Mary Hubbard 24 Mary Spratt « 20 Ric : Hallingworth 40 SuzAN Hallingworth 30 Christian Hunter 20 Eliz: Hunter 18 Tho: Hunter 14 W" Hunter 11 W" Hollingworth 7 Ric : Hallingworth 4 Suzan Hallingworth 2 Eliz: Hallingworth 3 Tho: Trentum 14 Tho: Bigg's 13 Jo: Brigg's 20 Rob'' Lewes* 28 Eliz: Lewes* 22 [It will be obsen'ed that these names also appear in the first column.] 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 109 JHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England J imbarqued in the Love JOSEPH YoUNG Mr- Baker WiftM Cherrall 26 Vrsula Cherrall 40 Jo: Harman 12 Francis Harman 43 Sara Harman 10 Walter Parker 18 fisherman WiftM Browne 26 Mary Browne 26 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, im- barqued in the Alice Richard orchard M"" the Men have taken the oaths of AUegeance C Suprem: Edward Hughes 21 James Morfy 21 Robert Haggar 33 Tho: Askew 21 Ric": Cooke 21 Miles Atkinson 22 Rowland Vaughan 19 Richard Natt 18 Era: Jenkinson 28 WiltM Kendridd 20 Jo: Wilson 29 RoB'r Baxter 21 Jo: Bentley 34 Jo: Holdsworth 20 Jo: Wright 21 Charles Peacock 28 Chri: Hudson 30 Jo: Smith 20 Jo: Coop [Cooper] 20 Edward Waggitt 20 Jo: Viccars 35 Tho: Atkinson 27 Rowland Sudgerner 21 W" Massingburd 23 jo: hutton 17 Elizabeth Dew 32 Ann Dew 9 mo. Rachell Adams 16 Avis Deacon rg Hanna Clifford 20 Eliz: Blanch 20 Sophia Rottrie i6 PASSING ER WCH PASSED FROM [1635 23 July lU'^llIIS vnder-written name is to be transported to New-England f P.BM imbarqucd in the Pide-Cowe, M"" AsHLEY: the ptie hath brought Certificate of his conformitie in Reh'gion f Attcstacoii from the Justices that he is no Subscdy man. Husb: Robert Bills 32 28 July 1635 IB^ 1 1 EI S psons hercvnder expressed are to be transported to New- ra.CTi England, imbarqued in the Hopcivcll of London, Tho: Babb, Mr p Certificate, from the Minister of S' Giles Cripplegate, that they are conformable to the Church of England, the Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance, f Supremacie. yers I yeres A Smith Thomas Tredwell 30 Tiio: Blackly 20 Mary Tredwell 30 | Tho: Tredwell i [24 July^* |HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea im- barqued in the Assurance de Lo: ISACK Bromwell f Geo_ Pewsie Mf examined by the Minister of the Towne of Gravesend of their conformitie in C Religion, the men have taken the oaths of Alle- geance f Supremacie. yeres Robert Brian 27 Maudlin Jones 60 Ann Shawe 32 jo: duncomb 46 SiTH HAIEWARD 30 Richard Hamey \or Hamdy] 38 W" Holland 35 Henry Snowe 26 Marie Southwood 22 Francis Rowlson 29 * [There is no dale to this list ; but a list of troops to be transported to Flanders, which pre- cedes it in the original MS., is thus dated.] ^635] y^ POET OF LONDON. Jane Sowthern >ii 19 ( RiC: Rogers MAROERZE BAKER 3, r,,, l, J,',^ : ' ' " f^^^^^^^ 18 Jo: JAKES ■■ ANDREW Vnderwood 22 Tho: More PHILUPP JOHNS 22 Jo: BAKER Z HENRIE MARSHALL 33 NeHEMIAH CaSON* ' Henry Heiden 30 Robert Mayes TrH™o«".r" ^H'^'c„.„B.K..s' SAmvEL Handy Jo: Gater Joan Gater W"Lee JosuaTitloe JO: MiDDLETON Robert Haiward,... Samvel Powell Richard Glover Tho: Pagitt Mathew Holmes Elias Harrington Richard Smith Tho: Robinson EVANAP-EVAN Jo: Browne Robert Frith Tho: Wilkinson Dennis Hoggin Jo:Friccar Richard Ridges Edward Davies Theodorus Bakewell Jo: Dermot Jo: Morgan Tho: Baycock 'q l * Second letter not clearly written . 40 • 25 • 36 • 23 . 36 ■ 19 ■ 23 , 22 19 24 41 21 22 35 24 19 21 23 23 24 25 19 27 21 21 27 JO: Buttler W«Rebbell Robert Wyon Mathew Dixon John Wheeler Jo: North Mountford Newman Robert Steere W"Lake '"." HUMFREY WiLKINS .. AntoStilgo Tho: Deacon Rob^Rigglie Beniamin Pillard J 8 Robert Davies ' 28 Jo: Smith Walter Merridith Tho: Phillips James Kingsmill jg Jo. BOWTON.... Walter Chapman James Arnold ..., Richard Leake.. j'g Tho: Edwynn Handgate Baker Jo: Abrock Tho: Hall the name mi^/a be read CosoN.l . 48 • 51 . 20 ■ 19 . 22 21 28 38 50 19 22 18 23 24 27 J7 35 19 21 19 19 20 33 24 20 44 37 13 22 20 IS PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM [163s James Edwin 18 Edward ComiNS 28 Jo: Gater 15 Nico Gibson 22 Jo: Robert's 46 Geo: Mosely 20 James Ravish 20 Jo: Hales 21 Warram Tuck 20 Jo: Jones 30 W" Colture 19 Robert SiLBY 19 Ric»: Bruster 26 JO: SWANLEY 21 W" Charles 21 Anthony Lee 21 Witt.M Williams 28 Henry George 19 Jo: Billins 21 WM Write 18 Robert Lovett 20 Job Jeffkrie 19 Henrie Haler 22 Richard Svmonds 30 James Spark's 57 Richard KiRBiE 32 James HiNGLE 40 Tho: Saunderson 24 W" SricER 20 WiftM Thomas 19 Henry Madin , 30 Edward Ednall ,21 Tho: Jefferies 22 Nic": Jackson 22 THO: SI'RATT 23 Tho: Leonard 18 Tho: Beson 24 Chri: Dixon 24 Isack Kemp 23 Jeremie Slie 19 jo: 6 mullin 18 Anto Procter 16 Robert Handley 19 Jo: Aymies 18 Jo: Tavler 21 W>' Roffin 18 Ric: Halsey 13 Anto OTLAND i8 Robert Oldrick 18 W'Hall 21 Jo COPELAND 19 John Goad 18 Jo: POOLY 17 Francis Gayer 18 Tiio: Craven 17 Ric": Lucas 16 Geo: Cullidge 18 Lawrence Barker 26 Jo: Bowes 20 Jo: WOODBRIDGE 32 Jo: Johnson 20 Jo: Chappell 38 Geo: Whittaker 32 Richard LivERsiDGE 24 Henrie Wood 20 RoB"^ Max 21 Jo: Warren 18 Tiio: Turner 18 Jo: Garland 19 Jo: II UMFREY 23 i63S] y^ PORT OF LONDON. 113 IsACK Ambrose 18 w« huncote 35 Tho: Williams 19 Tho: Foxcrofte 19 Tho: Hobbs 22 Charles Collohon 19 Henry Donn 23 Roger Quintin 21 W" Small 18 W" Coleman 16 Anto Androwe 21 Jo: Richardson 18 W" Claddin 17 Tho: Gudderidge 17 Roger BuRLEY 17 Tho: Bard 16 Henry Butler 14 Jo: Budd 15 Jno Marshall 35 W" Read 30 Edward Mitchell 18 Robert Drewrie 16 Ric": Wells 17 Jo: Cotes 17 Jo: Stubber 17 Henry Lee 18 Ric'':Ball 17 Jo: Cooke 17 Tho: Syer 14 Jo: Partridge 18 Jo: Johnson 24 Women. ISBELL DAVIES 22 Isabell Hakesby 23 Joan Vallins 17 Marie Chambney 28 Elizabeth Allcott 20 Francis Bakewell 30 Elizabeth Payne 21 Elizabeth Hughson 22 Marie Averie 22 Sara Alport 25 Marie Lee 22 Elizabeth Bateman 23 Thomazin Markcom 26 Ann Goldwell 17 Ann Griffinn 26 James Brookes 28 vxor. Alice Brookes 18 Dorcas Mercer 30 Ellin Davies 23 Alice Harris 21 Eedie Holloway 22 Sara Coggin 20 Elizabeth Baker 20 Dorothie Davies 17 Elizabeth Raynard 20 Marie Olliver 21 Alice Riall 18 Rabecca Parmeton 19 Marie Middleton 17 Kat: Fulder 17 Eliz: Dick's 18 Sara Greene 20 Margaret Rickord 20 Winnifredd Congrave 22 Mathew Plant 23 Jo: More 28 15 114 PASSJNGER WC» PASSED FROM [163s Elizabeth Powell 17 I Marie Lee 14 weekes Marie Shorter 26 1 Mathew Clatworthy 25 188 "sT* 27" yuly 1635 ^^HEIS vndcr-written names are to be transported to Virginea im- H.Hl barqued in the Primrose Capten DOUGLASS, M"-- p Certificate vnder ye Ministers hand of Gravesend, being examined by him touching their Conformitie to the Church DiscipHne of England The Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance f Supremacie. William Sprawson 28 fetch off by Jo: SYMOND'S l8 WindebankJs WarraiU. LUKE SNODEN 21 W" Starling i8 Lawrence Whithorse 17 Robert Nuttall 18 Jo: Hall 24 Mathew Burr 27 Tho: Daggett 21 Jo: Baldwynn 27 Tho: Bruxston 20 Henry Banbridge 18 Nic»: Petting 24 Robert Williams 21 W» Thorncome 19 *Tho: Wiggin 21 Chri: Legg 19 Henrie Robinson 26 Jo: Sherrick 19 Jo: Palmer 18 W" Alderton 35 Tho: Clifton 25 W" Browne 19 Alexander Masie 21 Geo: Lee 16 Tho: Beane 21 Jo: Pew 16 George Cottingham 20 Jo: SWIFTE 23 Geo: Fowler 22 Tho: Farraby 26 Robert Sharp 21 W" Evans 25 W" Harris 50 Thomas Coke 24 Abram Swifte 23 Oliver Fayrie 25 Oliver Symon 30 Henry Maggitt 29 Tho: Bales 18 W" Allinson 25 * [There are 221 names in the list. together, wfU yield 221.] It \viU be observed that adding t&ese two numbers i63S] YE PORT OF LONDON. "5 Walter Marshall Jo: Shipley Tho: Smith Jo: Johnson Jo: Wick's Ric: West Geo. Wade W« Perce Jo: Beetell Francis Ratford. . Jo: MORFIN Jo: Lee Jo: Balme Jo: Strowde W" Fox Tho. Pynch Ric"- Gill Henry Dikes W" Shawe Henry Smith Ralph Hunt Jo: LUPTON James Rydie Garret Cooke . . . . Jo: Merie Olliver Clifford WittM White Tho: Mortimer . . . . Jo: Ridge Tho: Vinson Francis Dellicat Tho: Ridge Richard Cary . . . . Tho: Manning's . , W" Parry , 17 21 18 21 26 21 19 19 20 20 20 25 34 17 21 32 26 33 25 22 22 25 45 20 17 18 23 20 16 18 20 23 17 16 16 James Hall Robert Benton . . Tho: Mason ...... Tho: Saker Jo: Marsh Francis Mursh* .. Tho: Adams Philip Davies . . . . Edward Dannell Henry Chapman . . Jo: North Charles White . . John Parry Godfrey Hundley Richard Watt's • . Clement Donn . . . . Ric Stanford Ben: Gregorie Edward Mills .... Robert Eelie . . . . RiC: Kellum Robert Page Jo: Baldwyn Ellis Harman . . . . Jo: BOTTOMLY W" More Samvell Boswell W" SWIFTE W« Griffin Jo: Norman Richard Wardd . . Francis Jarvice . . Tho: Thomas Luke Richardson Jo: Fletcher 18 19 16 33 28 21 25 18 19 22 18 27 24 24 22 25 24 30 14 16 17 21 18 19 16 23 21 21 20 13 14 20 17 , 18 * [So in tlie original ; but probably intended for.MARSK,] ii6 PASSINGER WC" PASSED FROM [1635 RoB'f Harris 20 Robert Feat's 25 Jo: Saker 30 W" Johnson 26 Jo: Weekes 18 Edmond Ardinton 20 Christo: Banbridge 19 Eliz: Maynard 22 Ann Jackson 23 Jo: MOLIN 30 Margaret Clark 21 W« Clark i Ellin Haly 55 Sicillia Weston 37 Jane PRYin 18 Ann ViSHER 20 Kat: York 19 Dorothy Jakes 29 Aymie HuMFRiE 23 Margaret Jn^son 20 Marie Saker 24 Ellin Sutton 20 Jo: Saker 1 Tho: Poole 43 Jo: Whetston 20 Thomazin Mills 38 100 38 Vltimo Jnlij 1635 ira^lIIEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, im- P.aii barqued in y'^ Merchants Hope HUGH Weston M"": p examinacon by the Minister of Gravesend touching their conformitie to the Church discipline of England f have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Suprem: Edward Towers 26 Henry Woodman 22 Richard Seemes 26 Allin King 19 Rowland Sadler 19 Jo: Phillips 28 Vyncent Whurter 17 James Whithedd 14 JosiAS Watts 21 Peter Loe 22 Geo: Brooker 17 Henry Eeles 26 Jo: Dennis 22 Tiio: Swayne 23 Charles Rilsden 27 Jo: Exson 17 W" Luck 14 Jo: Thomas 19 Jo: Archer 21 Richard Williams 25 Francis Hutton 20 Savill Gascoyne 29 Ric": Bulfell 29 RiC: Jones 26 Tho: Wynes 30 Humfrey WiHms [Williams] 22 Edward Robert's 22 Martin Atkinson 32 ifijs] Y^ PORT OF LONDOK 117 Edward Atkinson 28 W" Edward's 30 Nathan Braddock 31 Jeffery Currish 23 Henry Carrell 16 Tho: Ryle 24 Gamaliel White 24 Richard Mark's 19 Tho: Clever 16 Jo: Kitchin 16 Edmond Edward's 20 Lewes Miles 19 Jo: Kenneday 20 SAm: Jackson 24 Daniell Endick 16 Jo: Chalk 25 Jo: Vynall 20 Edward Smith 20 •Jo: Rowlidge 19 W" Westlie 40 Jo: Smith x8 Jo: Saunders 22 Tho: Bartcherd 16 Tho: Dodderidge 19 Richard Williams 18 Jo: Ballance 19 W" Baldin 21 W" Pen 26 Jo: Geerie 24 Henry Baylie 18 Ric": Anderson 50 Robert Kelum 51 Richard Fanshaw 22 Tho: Bradford 40 W"' Spencer 16 Marmaduke Ella 22 Women. Ann Swayne 22 Eliz: Cote 22 Ann Ryce 23 Kat: Wilson 23 Maudlin Lloyd 24 Mabell Busher 14 Annis Hopkins 19 Ann Mason 24 Bridget Crompe 18 Mary Hawkes 19 Ellin Hawkes i8 m Primo die Augusti 1635 fes'^IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, im- Ibm.HI barqued in the Elisabeth de Lo: Christopher Browne M^ examined by the Minister of Gravesend touching their conformitie to the ord^s f discipHne of the Church of England the Men have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Supremacie. ii8 FASSINGER W^n PASSED FROM [163s Jo: Benford 20 LoDOWicK Fletcher 20 Jo: Bagbie 17 ROB"^ Salter 14 Edward White 18 Steeven Pierce 30 RiC: Beauford 18 Ric": Chapman 18 Andrew Parkins 18 Jo: Baker — 16 Jo: Wakers 16 Jo: Vaughan 17 Yeoman Gibson 16 Tho: Leed 16 Geo: Trevas 18 W" Shilborn 20 SAinVEL GrOWCE 38 W" Glasbrooke 21 Edward Dick's 30 Jo: Bennett 18 Michell Saundby 25 W» Thurrowgood 13 SAinVELL MaTHEW 14 Tho: Frith 17 Jo: Austin 24 Paul Fearne 24 Thomas Royston 25 Jo: Tayler 18 Women. Katherin Jones 28 Eliz: Sankster 24 Ellin Shore 20 Alice Pyndon 19 Sara Everedge 22 Margaret Smith 28 Elizab: Hoeman 20 MouLES Naxston 19 Marie Burback 17 Eliz: Rudston 40" Eliz: Rudston 5 26 13 N the Batchelcr de Lo: m' Tho. Webb vrs New Engtd Lyon Gardner 36 yers f his wife Mary 34 yers, f Eliza. Coles 23 yers, their maid Seruan', f W" Joi'E 40 yers, who are to passe to jiew England, haue brought Cert, of their Conformity. i63s] V^ PORT OF LONDON. "9 vij" Augusti 1635 HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in the 6^/1?^^ of London Jeremy Blackman M^, have been examined by the Minister of Gravesend of their Conformitie f have taken the oaths of Alleg: f Supremacie. Minister JOHN GOODBARNE ... 30 Edward Lewes 21 Jo: Whitwham 26 Jo: Babington 20 W"Satchill 22 Tho: Gowen 18 Symon Moody 20 Thomas Tucker 21 Jo: Watton 20 Jo: Ramsey .> 30 Richard Bates 16 WittM Bowler 14 Henry Hopes 23 W" Barnes 22 Henry Smithick 26 Tho: Grigg 16 Christopher Legg 18 Randall Burne 20 Humfrey Buckley 18 Henry Ston 27 Phillipp Sherringham 17 Tho: Sharp 17 W« Savory 25 Edward King 21 Nathaniel Rogers 17 Michell victor 18 W"Sharp 21 W" osmotherly 14 Geo: Nettellford 19 Tho: Parker 22 Philip Meredith 12 Robert Coppyn n W"Browne 20 Robert Yates 25 W"Griffith 18 Olough Berne 19 James Copley 22 Tho: Blithe 20 W"Howard 16 Jo: Hale 14 Nicholas Tatler 17 Benedict Rolls 16 Martin Perkins 18 W"Ennis 22 Davie Vaughan 18 Jo: Seaton 19 Tho: Bowyer 19 Abram Bentley 20 Ric: Adams 22 John Russell 15 W" Burton 20 Mathew Bateman 20 Jo: Bynstedd 20 Michell Haynes 2t THO: JNOSON 2t John Whitfield 20. PASSINGER wen PASSED FROM [1635 Henry Moston 23 Allin Hamock 32 George Forth 27 Charles Smith 22 Mathew Morton 19 W"' Lewes 25 Robert Arnold 30 Jo: Thatcher 22 W" Nash 22 Peter Payton 22 Robert Baldry 18 Edward Langstedd 18 James Scott 21 W^Androwes 18 Jo: Bland 26 Philip Westlake 20 Jo: Marwood 17 Jo: Griffith 20 Jo: Howgate 17 Luke Hanes \pr Haues] 27 Jo: Stibbs 19 Jeffery Wynch 20 Richard Abbott 25 Ric: Steevenson 19 Tho: Smith 30 Anto; Carter 22 Geo: More 25 Robert Gannock 20 Rig": Cooke 46 Richard Townsend 28 Nicholas Jernew 28 Tho: Wallis 32 WitiM Scarfield 22 Samvel Stringer 17 Nic^: Reinold's 38 John Peter 20 Richard Wollman 22 Edward Cleiborn 20 Nicholas Bate 24 W" Bate 35 Richard Wells 26 Richard Guy 23 Jo: SwANN 18 Edward Lene 32 Tho: Sawell 29 Tho: Whaplett 21 Mabell Eaton 27 Sara Cleyton 27 Ann Lev\'nns 31 Mary Willis 22 Ann Creede 22 Julian Merideth 38 Lucie Buckle 18 Joan Jernew 30 Eliz: Jernew 25 Robert Scriven 18 Robert IsHAM 14 Jo: Armsby 30 W«Lennon* 19 Michell Whitley 23 Jo. Manning's 20 W" Barloe 19 Edward Hollinbrigg 27 W" Manifold 20 Gregorie Allin 17 W"Talbott 14 Geo: Hawley 17 Edward Hodgskynns 21 Mark Gill 22 Tho: Harrwood 26 • \0r Lemon. The strokes of the letters are thick and clumsy.] 1635] y^ PORT OF LONDON. Abram Watson 17 Allin Rippin 28 John Hobson 25 Tho: Chapman 26 Robert Vass 19 Richard Ward 23 Geo: Aldin 20 W" Warner 25 Geo: Grace 25 Christopher Hamond .... 32 Jacob Averie 33 Geo: Averie 23 Francis Bullock 26 Richard Vpgate 21 Ann Willett 23 Joyce Robinson 20 Margaret Baylie 20 Mary Brackley 20 Francis Townsend 21 Francis Townsend 2 Tho: Needham 13 Tho: AxsTELL 35 Jo: Reddman 46 Robert Mascrie 32 Robert Crouch 15 Tho: Owen 23 Tho: Knibb 23 Robert Waltum 26 Debora Barnie 23 Jo: Tyler 16 Tho: Gregorie 15 Tho: Tate 22 Tho: Hancock 15 Fra: Pepper 16 W" SAUND^'s IQ x' A tig'' 1635 IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, I imbarqued in the Safety, JOHN Graunt M^ John Hardon 27 Richard Haieward 33 Barthol: Hoskyns 34 Anto Haies 24 JO: Catts 23 Jo: Wazen 19 Henry Gadling 16 Richard Hopkins 25 Robert Sutton 17 Robert Pitway 27 yeres Mary Pitway 4 Jo: Jones 29 Mathew Gough 22 Robert Boddy 19 Jo: Carter 22 Thomas Heath 23 Jo: HORNWOOD 21 Francis Barker 21 W"Tighton 24 Christopher Wynn 20 16 PASSINGEJi IVCH PASSED FROM [1635 Jo: HEinlNG Ralph Sympkynn . . . James Barnes Chri: Stope Robert Lendall . . . David Kiffin W"Symonds Tymotmy Trallopp . Henry Dugdell . . . John Lownd James Atkinson . . . Nico; Watson Jo: Taylor Arthur Raymond . Edward Spicer Robert Harrwood . Richard Foster . . . Jo: Bell Gabriell Fisher . . . Tho: Browne Cornelius Maies . . . Steven Gorton . . . Jo: Gloster JO: Pigeon Thomas Thorne . . . J o: Write Richard Preston.. . Andrew Stretcher Alexander Harvie. Edmond Jenkins . . . Nico: Morton Jo: Bay James Pattison W" Lowther Edward Saunders . 25 28 25 24 20 24 32 21 20 16 16 16 18 20 21 17 16 30 l(> 18 12 35 23 15 13 15 17 14 15 15 17 16 21 24 40 James Bethell Jo: Browne Jo: Gibson Tho: Belk Geo: Tucker Tho: Jennions Robert Perkins Jo: Martin Edmond Farrell W" Hassell Edward Gifford . . . , Roger Gilbert Richard Allin Jo: Wilkinson Francis Vyons WittM Davies Richard Alderley . . Henry Dalleper . . . . Rich: Hudson Jo: Hill Edmond Mulleneux Humfrey Blackman Richard Cotton . . . . James Allin Martin Church .. .. Henry Gilbert W" O'NY* Brian Kelly Lewes Smith Tho: Doe Thomas Saunders . . Edward Saunders . . Thomas Carter Thomas ap Thomas . . Richard Caunt . . . . 27 25 30 37 24 25 23 20 24 30 16 22 14 25 27 26 18 30 22 20 16 20 19 16 34 20 20 9 25 30 36 [Clearly so in the original. J i63S] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 123 Richard Moss 20 John Perryn 21 Hugh Le Roy 19 Thomas Reinolds 15 Jo: Curtis 21 Robert Glenester 25 Henry Buckle 30 Jo: Newman 20 Thomas Gardner 22 Jo: Newman 24 Robert Frister 20 Richard Field 20 Geo: Habbittell 26 WiftM Karsewell 20 W" Grasson 20 Richard Wright 23 Jo: Butler 21 Jo: Hendry 24 Richard Brookes 20 Jo: Martin 17 Geo: Castell 21 Jo: BiLLINS 26 Tho: Wrenn 20 Robert Piscer 44 Marie Lerrigo 19 Margaret Homes 23 Alice Ashton 20 Hanna Waddington 16 Elizabeth Holloway 26 Eliz: Gold 17 Elizabeth Frisby 24 Eliz: Smith 50 Margaret Gard 24 Margerie Smith 22 Elizab: Piscer 16 Elizabeth Ward 25 Joan Griffige 35 Eliz: Turner 44 Joan Allin 20 Marie Booth 19 Jane Cutting 17 W" HiNDSLEY 23 Katherin Smith 18 Thomazin Broad 24 Ann Waterman 18 Joan Turner 21 Jane Foxsley 25 Rose Hills 22 Ann Croft's 16 Grace Tubley 20 Margaret Snales 22 Ann Holland 19 Ann Fossitt 34 Dorothy Moyle 24 ■2\"' Aji^' 1635 |N the Hopewell de Lo: m' Babb, yrs New Engtd Henry Maudsley 24 yers hath brought CeH' from the Ministr of his Conformity hath taken the oathe of Allegance. 16 — 2 124 PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM [1635 21 Atif 1635 ^^IHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to Virginea, l^^l imbarqued in the George Jo: Severne M' bound thither p examination of the Minister of Gravesend fc. MicHELL Masters 21 Tho: Morecock 26 Jo: GiLLAM 21 ThO: GiLLAM 18 Humfrey Higginson 28 Mathew Silsby 31 Tho: BuLLARD 32 Tho: Rogers 15 NowELL Lloyd 16 Ann Higginson 25 Francis Foster 18 Robert Scotchmore 39 Jo: Evans 19 Rabecca Palmer 19 Arth* Bodilies 19 Peter Maning 25 Daniell Bowyer 30 MiCHELL Williams 18 Chri: Kirk 23 Richard Genney 20 Christopher Thomas 21 Walter Walker 23 Jo: Pope 28 Anto Hodgskins 22 John Bell 21 Ann Layfield 30 Jo: Hutchinson 47 Alice Levitt 16 Mary Burtwezill 18 Alice Watson 30 Joan Ludcole 18 Nathan: Wilson 23 Theodor Rogerson 20 W" Thomson 22 Jo: Jones 17 Michell Hedly 24 Edward Abbs 37 W".Golder 22 Tho: Hand 20 George Fox 14 Jo: Daynie 20 W" Hawkes 22 Ralph Cleyton 20 Tho: Best 33 Jo: Hunt 23 Jo: Feld 20 Eliz: Bristowe 17 Mary Robinson 18 Elizabeth Woodbridge 22 Bryan Hare 27 Roger Cutts 20 W»DlCKENSON 21 W« Mitchell 15 Marie Neele 13 Ann Cooper 20 Geo: Tayler 20 '635] ys PORT OF LONDON. "5 Henry Kilby 27 Jo: Fynch 27 Geo: QuiTHOR 25 ThO: MOTHROPP 21 James Horner 24 Jo: Ray 21 Ric^: Dixon 20 Tho: Peacock 19 Jo: Rogers 18 Griffith Hughes 24 Ann White 19 Jo: QuYLE 15 Tho:Allin 17 Jo: Butler 13 Tho: FuRNELL 16 Valentine BiSHOPP 11 W" Clowdlslie* 26 Richard Verdin 24 Jo: Baddam 40 Elias Wiggmore 24 Suzan Hare 24 Richard Hide — 24 Robert Dunham 30 Jo: Goodridge 19 Jo: Tiffing 19 Henry Cutling 40 Leonard Richardson 43 Jesper Hodgskyns ^. 24 Jo: Wynn 25 Tho: Howell 20 Lawrence Barwick 20 Jo: Musgrave 37 Edward LiLLiE 19 Jo: GooDSON 25 Michell Prynn 25 Alexander Greene 40 James Bankes 35 OLIFF GiBBINS 18 Constance Fister 23 W" Scott 24 Ralph Browne 23 RoB'^ Morrison 21 Edward Greene 6 Tho: Bank's 4 Eliz: Bank's 9 mo. Jo: Allin 2r Lewes James 30 Tho: Wiggins 20 Sara Merriman 20 Arthur Figiss 40 W" HiNSHAWE 20 Roger Nevitt 20 Mathew Price 20 Ric: James 33. W"Neesam 21, Tho: Buck 17 Geo: Smith » 20 Joseph Mills 20 Tho: Rogers 16 Jo: Richards 17 W" Saie 17 Geo: Cranwell 23 Jo: Weston 20 Francis Blake 18 Tho: Maynard 22 Jo: Price 34 Peter Starkie 22 James Hawkins 17 Joseph Warrwell 17 Francis Young -.. 21 [So in the original : doubtless intended for Clowdeslie.] 126 PASSINGEJi WO" PASSED FROM ['635 Tho: Connier 22 Tho: Perry 18 Jo: Staunton 27 Tho: White 16 RiC: Phillips 14 Jane Swifte 23 Margery Carter 23 Gressam Parkins 19 W" Block 23 Tho:'Gadsby 19 Minister. RICHARD James 33 Vrsula James 19 Arthur Figiss 33 Francis Havercamp 17 Edmond Jones 22 Henry Hawley 34 Robert Burr 19 W" MiLLKR 29 W" Curtis 19 Tho: Beomont 29 Jo: COVELL 18 Mary Lovett 18 Joan Vizard 18 W" Steevens 22 Tiio: Horrock's 22 Mary SoANES 26 152 IS^lIIEIS vndcr-writtcn names are to be transported to Virginca im- IP™I barqucd in the Tliomas HENRY Taverner M^, have been examined by the Minister of Gravesend touching their conformitie in o'' Reh'gion, f c. Jo: Lewes 16 W*"' Greene 18 Walter Smith 20 W" Burton 24 Jo: Hill 15 Joseph Browning 20 Tho: Foucii 16 Edward Sawnders 20 W" James 18 jo: tullie 20 Jane Gibbs 27 Mary CiiADD 17 Jane Colerack 22 Alice Wright 21 Edward Erle 45 Richard Crane 32 Adam Crowe 19 Jacob Denton 20 Hugh Stanley 16 BENIAMIN SYinES 42 Mary Jolly 21 Eliz: Ayres 26 HuMFREY AwDRY 21 Edward Johnson 28 Jo: CoLLOPP 22 Peter Ricard ig Henry Gew 20 W" Adams . 24 i63S] ys PORT OF LONDON. 127 RoB'' James 18 Jo: Browton 20 RiC: Wheeler 24 Robert Wells 30 Jo: Gressam 22 Teague Quillin 20 W" Peas 19 Bartholm: Furbank 20 Robert Johnson 27 Mary Johnson 23 Alice Jnoson 22 Eliz: Johnson 18 Mary Lucie 20 Joan Looker 20 Suzan Jennoway 26 Edward Robins 33 Geo: Dawe 23 Joseph Preston 20 Ananiah Dyer 24 Roger Wilkyns 33 Jo: Booth 19 Peter Harbynn 21 THO: MaLTMAN [<7rMULTMAN] 17 Nic": Folly 16 Hugh Fouche 17 MiCHELL Hutchinson 16 W" Pallmer 17 W" Chamberlin 16 Nathan: Tooly 19 Henry Wilson 12 58 Secmido die Septembris 1635 IUj'^IHEIS vnder-vvritten names are to be transported to S' Christo- IM.MI phers: imbarqued in the William f John ROWLAND Langram Mr- have been examined by the Minister of Gravesend f tooke the oaths of Alleg: f Supreiu: die et A° pd James Lampley 19 W" Greene 18 Henry Daniell 20 Rowland Davies 20 W„ Reddish 20 Edward Broomish 20 Robert Fitt , 18 Richard Lewes 26 Richard Corie 18 Richard Cristie 20 Jo: Brunt 24 W Williams 21 Christopher Steevenson... 19 Tho: Barnes 20 Robert Watler 20 Andrew Young 40 Francis Hudson 36 Jo: Parr 19 W" Morley 24 Ric : Gavyn 21 Tho: Phillipps .^ 35 Jo: Willard 16 T23 PASSiTNGER WC" PASSED FROM [163s Tho: Hanmer 14 W" BURNHAM 21 Walter Wall i6 W"Bathoe 18 Tho: Tapper 21 W« Baylie 23 Tho: Brookes .' 21 Nathaniell Bernard 22 Tho: Price 20 Geo:Frie 19 Tho: Hart 25 Mathew Addison.. 17 Theobald Wall 18 Robert Richardson 33 Robert Leake 38 Barnabie Brooke 20 Jo: Cock 18 NiC: Cobb 24 JO: Hinson 21 Tho: Ekkersoe 24 Geo: Carter 28 Ric": Harris 26 HeNRIE NOKES 27 Tho: Thomson 28 SAmVEL Knipe 23 Jo: Watton 25 Jo: Byrall 29 Morris Parry 30 Jo: Nayler 20 Edward Nayler 21 Geo: Noble 22 W"Cock's 20 Martin Sowth 19 W" Greenelefe 26 Jo: Sawnders 17 Tho: Hames \or Haines] 16 John Pinkley 30 Robert Thomson 22 W"Davies 30 Richard Beare 28 Geo: Ford 19 Tho: Lowynn 20 Jo: Drake 18 Robert Outmore 38 Hugh Hilton 23 Tho: King 27 Lawrence Adderford 26 James Dockkie \y EZECHELL RENNAM *I3 Tho: Haiden 15 Edward Brunt 26 Tho: Reinolds 16 W"Benn 24 Phillip Skorier .*.. 26 W" Worrall 23 Jo: Benson , 27 Henry Bugland 21 Jo: Morton 24 Jo: Ditchfield 22 Nathaniell Simpkins 26 W" Procter 26 Edward Gressam 17 W.»;Steevens 21 Tho: Whithedd 24 Tho: Clark* 25 W" Stiffchynn 16 Jo: Bonn 18 WDunbarr 15 Jo: Morrish 18 Alexander Glover 37 • [Originally written 15, but afterwards altered.] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 129 Edward King 25 Jo: Kent 23 Robert Lynt 21 Edward Bellis 21 Tho: Gill 30 W" Grove 32 Richard Mason 29 Manley Richardson 21 Isack Belt 23 John Pickering 25 Tho: Archbold 19 Mathew Wells ., 28 *io3 HEIS vnder written names imbarqued in the David JO: the Minister of Gravesend, fc. Edward Browne 25 Samvel Troope 17 W" Hatton 23 Daniell Bacon 30 Robert Alsopp 18 Tedder Jones 30 Tho: Siggins 18 Abell Dexter 25 Ric": Caton 26 Henry Spicer 28 Tho: Granger 19 Jo: BONFOLLYf 21 Roger Mannington 14 Josua Chambers 17 Henry Melton 23 David Lloyd 30 Donough Gorhie 27 Ger: Butler 27 Addam Nunnick 25 JO: Stann 27 Edward Spicer 18 Jo: Feelding 19 are to be transported to Virginea Hogg M""- have been examined by- Jo: Morris 26 Richard Brookes 30 Robert Barron 18 Jonathan Barnes 22 Henry Kendall 17 Tho: Poulter 31 Jo: Lamb 22 Tho: Nunn 22 Jo: Steevens 19 Edward Crabbtree 20 W" Barber 17 Ann Beeford \or Bedford] . 25 Martha Porter 20 Gurtred Lovett 18 Jane Jenning's 25 Margaret Bold 30 Mary Rogers 20 Margaret Walker 20 Freese Brooman 20 Eliz: Jones 20 41 * [It will be observed that these totals are not always correct; there are 104 names in this list. The next, too, is wrong.] + [Possibly BoNFiLLY. The fifth letter is indistinctly written ; it looks like an 0, but has a dot above it.] 17 13° PASSINGEE IVCtf PASSED FROM [1635 xf Sept: 1635 Ig^lHEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England mMi imbarqued in the Hopczae/iTno: Babb, m' p Cert from the Minis- ters f Justices of their conformitie in Religion to C Church of England: f yi they are no Subsedy Men. they have taken y^ oaths of Alleg: f Suprem. Husb: WittM Wood 27 Elizabeth Wood 24 Jo: Wood 26 Robert Chambers 13 Tho: JNOSON 25 Marie Hubbard 24 Jo: Kerbie 12 Jo: Thomas 14 Isack Robinson 15 Ann Williamson 18 Tanner. Jo: Weekes 26 Marie Weekes 28 Anna Weekes i SUZAN WiTHIE 18 Robert Baylie 23 Marie WiTHiE 16 SaiTiVEL YOUNGLOVE 30 Margaret YouNGLOVE 28 SaMVEL YOUNGLOVE I Andrew Hulls 29 Anthony Freeman 22 TwiFORD West 19 Roger Tootiiaker 23 Margaret Tooth AKER 28 Roger Tootiiaker i Robert Withie HENRIE TiCKNALL Harnis maker ISACK He.vth... Elizabeth Heath Elizabeth Heath Martha Heath W" Lyon Grace Stokes Tho: Bull Joseph Miller Jo: Prier Richard Hutley Daniell Pryer Katherin Hull Mary Clark Jo: Marshall Joan Grave Mary Grave Joan Cleven EDMOND CHII'pFIELD [ClHP- perfield] Mary With Robert Edward's Robert Edge Walter Lloyd 20 15 50 40 5 30 14 20 25 IS 15 IS 13 23 16 14 30 26 20 62 Z2 25 27 1 635] V^ PORT OF LONDON. 131 Ellin Leaves 17 Alice Albon 25 BARBARY ROFE 20 Jo: FORTEN 14 Gabriell Reld 18 54 xix Sept: 1635 jra^HEIS vnder-written names are to be transported to New-England W^i imbarqued in the Truclove Jo: GiBBS M''. the Men have taken the oaths of AUeg: f Suprem. Labouring man. Thomas Bur- chard 40 Mary BuRCHARD 38 Elizabeth Burchard 13 Marie BuRCHARD 12 Sara Burchard 9 SuzAN Burchard 8 Jo: Burchard 7 Ann Burchard 18 mo. Peter Place 20 W" Beeresto 23 Geo: Beeresto 21 Husbandmon Edward Howe. 60 Elizabeth Howe 50 Jeremie Howe 21 Sara Howe 12 Ephraim Howe 9 ISACK Howe 7 W» Howe 6 Jo: Sedgwick 24 Jeremy Blackwell 18 Lester Ganter [^^Gunter]. 13 Zacharia Whitman 40 Sara Whitman 25 Zacha: Whitman 2\ Rabecca Fenner 25 Tho: Tibbald's 20 Thomas Streme 15 Jo: Streme 14 Husb: Ralph Tomkins 50 vxor Kat. Tomkins 58 Elizabeth Tomkins 18 Marie Tomkins 14 SAinvEL Tomkins 22 Richard Hawes 29 Ann Hawes 26 Anna Hawes 2\ Obediah Hawes 6. mo. Ralph Ellwood 28 Geo: Tayler 31 Elizabeth Jenkins 27 W" Preston .' 44 Marie Preston 34 Eliz: Preston n Sara Preston 8 Marie Preston 6 Jo: Preston 3 W"JOES* 28 William Bentley 47 Alice Bentley 15 [This name may be read as Ives.] 17 2 132 PASSINGER WCff PASSED FROM ['635 Margaret KiLLixGHALL 20 Jo: Bentley 17 Tho: Stockton 21 Geo: Morrey 23 Richard Srayne 34 Sarah Haile ii Samvel Grover 16 Robert Browne 24 Tho: Blower 50 Edward Jeoeferies 24 John Done 16 Roger Broome 17 DoROTHiE Lowe 13 Jo: Simpson 30 Tho: Brighton 31 Tho: Rumball 22 Edward Parrie 24 Jane Walston 19 *66 Triccssinio die Scptcmbris 1635 jlBOARD the Dors' JoilN FLOWER M'' bound for y^ Bormodos. John Redford \or Reeford] 16 Robert Ramsey 15 John Williams 16 WittM Elliston 13 LuBAS Wright 16 Humfrey Holt 18 Tho: Joyner 16 RiC: Tregagell 18 Jo: LoE 18 Josua Woodcock 11 Robert Fisher 10 Tiio: Sharp 17 Jo: Rowland 21 W" Wheeler 22 W« Pennington 18 Jo: Mathews 16 Robert Vardell 20 Jo: Heth 21 Nathaniell Bonnick 16 Jo: Denman 14 Tho: More 18 W^'Bruister 17 George Hubbard 16 Edw: Middleton 15 Francis Russell 23 James Rising , 18 Geo: Absolon 16 Jo: Mosdell 24 W" Stoker 19 Edward M()rj' of Dartmouth the 15* day of Aprill Ano Dni 1634 Impris Daniell Powell of Curmer. ffio^l LIST of the names and surnames of those psons w<='i are bound for fejl S' Christophrs f haue taken the oath of Allegeance before M>" William Gourney Maio"": of Dartmouth they beinge brought befor me the Twentyeth day of February in ye Yeare of o'' lord god 1634 Inprimis William Haukins of Exon A Glover Aged 25 years or there abouts James Courtney of Exon A Blacksmith Aged 23 Years or there- abouts Richard Skose of Newton Abbot A Seafaringe man 37 Years or thereabouts Francis Boyce of London a Button hole maker aged 25 Yeares or thereabouts William Carkille of Plimouth A Saylemaker aged 21 Years or thereabouts William Gurge of Exon a Shoemaker aged 20 Yeares or thereabouts Alce Whitmore of Huniton in Devon Spinster Aged 25 Years or thereabouts Philipp* Stephens of Ashberton in Devon Spinster Aged 28 Yeares or therabouts Sara Coose of Exon Spinster aged 18 Years or therabouts Judeth Stevens of Exon Spinter [Spinster] aged 19 Years or therabouts Margarett Harwood of Stoke-gabriell in Devon spinster Aged 22 Years or therabouts Edward Morris of Exoh a Locker aged 21 years or therabouts Thomas Bryant of Bampton in Devonshire a husbandman aged 23 Years or therabouts * [Probably intended for Philippa.] 152 A BOOKE OF ENTRIE [1634 WiLLYAM May of Myniard in Somcrsctt a sea man aged 32 Ycares or therabouts HUTINNE OwETH of S' Stcevens in Cornwall a husbandman Aged 24 John Wills in Barnstable in Devon a Fcltmaker Aged 35 Years or thereabouts Symon Weeks of ExoTTa Worsted weaver aged 16 years or thereabouts Thomas Jermayne of Exon an Ostler aged 30 Years John French of Washford in Ireland a seaman 26 years Will" Hill of great Torington in Devonshire a husbandman Aged 28 Years John Hocksley of Stoke Cannon in Devon a Tayler aged 28 Years James Rosman of London a husbandman aged 21 years. Elizabeth Reed of Exon a Spinster aged 19 Years or thereabouts Mary Harte of Lyme a Spinster aged 18 Years or there abouts Mary Hoppine of Exmister a spinster aged 20 Yeares Maryes Harries of Stoke Pommeroy in Devon aged 23 Years or therabouts Elizabeth Ouicke of Barnstable in Devon aged 18 Years Elizabeth Hill of Brixam in Devon aged 24 Years JOANE Shorte of Exon Aged 20 Yeares Joane Laners \or Lauers] of Modbury in Devon aged 19 Years Jane Gouldinge of S' Thom. the Apostle in Devon aged 16 years or therabouts JAMES WORTHY Deputy. for Mr Thoroughgood The Name of stick as passed oici of the Poart of P limworth Alio Ditie 1634 ^Z"J:"tii. PASSENGERS. Mg'gllN the Robert Bonavcnture for S' Christophers. George Ford of Exon aged 30 yeares. Stephen Whittington of Lincolnc 20 yeares. John Thomas of S' Tissey 26 yeares. 1634] FOR PASSINGERS. IS3 John Liddicott of S' Cullum 22 yeares. W" Clarke of Truro 20 yeares. Tho: Frethy of Perintho 24 yeares. MiCHAELL BOWDEN of Helston 27 yeares. John Badland of Northill 22 yeares. Richard Slavelie of Stonehowse 40 yeares. Richard Cocke of Wincklye 33 yeares. Henry Rensby \or Reusby] of S' Stephens 28 yeares. Anthony Webb of Lanceston 20 yeares. Gregory Sam of Chidleigh 1 5 yeares. Christopher Carter of S' Gilt 45 yeares. Martin Rooby of Guindiron 23 yeares. W„ Curke of Monteratt 24 yeares. Henry Thomas of Luxulian 15 yeares. Stephen Symon of Plimpton 18. yeares. Mathew Arthur of Plimpton 18. yeares. Jane Trewin of Plimpton 26 yeares. W" Johnson of London 32 yeares. Reignold Frost of Tottnes 15 yeares. John Farren of Peter Tany 2 yeares. W" Wade of Bodmin 33 yeares. NiCHAS Dabbin of St Stephens 40 yeares. Andrew Picke of Great Dalby 34 yeares. John Penington of Symon Ward 40 yeares. Tho: Pollard of Paraneuth 23 yeares. Ellin NancARRO of Penryn 20 yeares. Rawleigh Edye of Bodmyn 1 5 yeares. W" Dun of Truro. 16 yeares. Anth: Pearse of S' Breage 16 yeares. Edward Tremineere of Helston 18. yeares. ROB'^ Treneighan of Helston 34 yeares. Tego Leane \or Leaue] of Corke in Ireland 30 y''^ Rec. for these All husbandmen bound to serve there some 3 and some 4- yeares. 154 A BOOKE OF EJNTRIE FOR PASSINGERS. [1633 1633. \° m cij \J\Iarcli\. N the Margarctt for S' Christophers. Thomas Roseter of Washford 20 yeares. Tho: Martin of Cardinham 24 yeares. John DustON of S' Cullom 26 yeares. Richard Williams of S' Cullom 30 yeares. John Newdon of S' Tue 28. yeares. John HewBRAYNE of Josias Newton 20 y^^ Anth: Burrowes of Jacobstow 20 yeares. Robert Oliver of Crediton 20 yeares. Barth: Cornew. of Crediton 18. yeares. Clement Barry of Exon 22 yeares. Francis Pedler of S' Breage 28 yeares. ROB^ Pedler of S' Breage 22 yeares. John Merry of Withiell 28. yeares. Walter Burlacy of Luggan 22 yeares. Samuell Forgiue of Wallen Lizard 26: ys Richard Edward of S' Vivian 28. yeares. Richard Symond's of Wantage 28 yeares. RoB^ Paine of Marrozion. 29 yeares. W" Badcocke of S' Hillary. 20 yeares. Simon Martin of St Ives. 18 yeares. John Martin of S' Ives. 18. yeares. George Griffin of Marozion 18 yeares. Tho: Sleman of S' Hillary i8 yeares. John Sanders of Marozion 18. yeares. Thomas Borinthon of Helston 22 yeares. W" Wiett of Marozion. 17 yeares. NiCHAS. Waterman or [of] Marozion 15 y^- Samuell Purefoy of S' Ives 13 yeares. George Mathew. of Ludswan 23 y" Teage Williams Irishman 18. yeares li S (1 reed, for them o. 15 o All husbandmen for the most pt as the former. JOSEPH BOOLE is Debutie ther [ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &c. TAKEN FROM THE INDEXES TO THE PATENT ROLLS, COMMENCING 4 JAMES I. (1606), AND ENDING 14 WILLIAM III. (1702).] [The following entries, (pp. 155 — 168*), relating to Proclamations, Commissions, and Grants of Offices, Land, &c., in different parts of America and elsewhere, are taken from the Indexes to the Patent Rolls in the Public Record Office, commencing in 1606 (4 James I.), and ending in 1702 (14 William III.). There are several entries of the appointment of Commissioners to ad- minister oaths to persons desirous of passing beyond the seas, (officers being stationed for this purpose at the ports of London, Harwich, Weymouth, Kingston-upon-HulI, the Cinque Ports, &c. ) ; and the student will find among them valuable hints upon which to base more detailed researches. These entries must embody very many memoranda throwing light upon questions of settlement in America. We may add, that licenses were necessary, on leaving England, not only for civilians, but also for soldiers, whether under command, or going singly to join their regi- ments. Reference to /"<;// and Part is given at the end of each paragraph.] [ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &c.] I^^OMMISSION granted to Sir Henry Billingsley and Sir Wil- Iti^^l LIAM ROMNEY, Knights, and others, to minister an oath to all women and persons under the age of One-and-twenty years, that shall desire to go over the seas, at our port of London, &c. (Pat. 4 Jac. I. part 12.) Commissions granted to the Mayor of Kingston-upon-Hull ; the Cus- tomer and Comptroller of the Haven of Harwich ; the port or haven of Weymouth ; to administer an oath to all persons under the age of One-and-twenty who are desirous to pass the Seas from the said ports ; also to HENRY, Earl OF NORTH- AMPTON, to appoint Deputies to administer an oath to all per- sons of convenient age who pass the seas at the Cinque Ports. (4 Jac. I. p. 12.) Proclamation licensing all manner of persons under the age of One-and- twenty years upon due examination of them to pass b'eyond the Seas. (Pat. 4 Jac. I. p. 12.) 10 April. Grant to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Knts. and others, special license to make habitation and plantation, and to deduce a Colony of people into that part of America called Virginia. (Pat. 4 Jac. I. p. 19. ) Commission granted to Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor of England, to award Commissions to divers men for exami- nation of all such persons as go out of the kingdom at any of the Ports of London, Harwich, Weymouth, and Kingston-upon- Hull. (Pat. 4 Jac. L p. 24.) 20 July. Grant to Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor of England, of a special Warrant for licensing such as go beyond the Seas. (5 Jac. L p. 22.) 29 July. Grant to Henry, Earl of Northampton, of a special license to appoint deputies for ministering the oath of Allegiance to such as pass beyond the Seas. (5 Jac. L p. 22.) 156 ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &-€. 21 May. Grant to Hexrv.Earl OF Northampton, Commission special, by his Deputies, to examine all such as shall pass from the Cinque Ports beyond the Seas, &c. (6 Jac. I. p. 20.) Another of the loth Oct. (same year), p. 30. 7 October. Grant to TnoM.A.S, Lord Eli.esmere, Commission special, to seal several Commissions directed to several persons for the Port of London, licensing persons going beyond the Seas. (6 Jac. L p. 30.) 1 May. Grant to Sir Thomas Cromi'ton, Sir Thomas Smyth, Knts., and others, Commission special, to minister an oath to all passengers that desire to pass over the Seas at the Port of London, and to examine them. (6 Jac. L p. 37.) 23 May. Grant to Robert, Earl of Salisbury, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, Henry, Earl of SouTHA^^'TON, Willl\m, E.vrl of Pembroke, and divers others, to plant and inhabit in Vir- ginia, and to incorporate by the name of Treasurer and Com- pany of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London, for the first Colony in Virginia. (7 Jac. I. p. 8.) 2 May. Grant of Incorporation, by the name of the Treasurer and Com- pany of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London and Bristol, for the Colony and Plantation in Newfoundland. (S Jac. L p. 8.) 12 March. Grant to the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London, for the first Colony in Virginia, all the Islands in any part of the Ocean, bordering upon the Coast of the Colony in Virginia, &c., to their heirs and succes- sors ; with full power for keeping a Lottery. (9 Jac. I. p. 14.) 28 August. Grant to Robert Harecourt, Esq., Sir Thomas Chal- LONER, Knt., and John RovenSON, P'sq., and to the heirs of the said ROBERT, all that part of Guiana or continent of America lying between the River of Amazons and the River of Dessequebe, et alia. (11 Jac. I. p. 9.) 9 Aug. Commission to Edw.a.rd Lord Zouch, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, concerning the examining and licensing of passengers, with Instructions touching the same. (13 Jac. I. p. 16.) 29 June. Incorporation of the Governor and Society of the Cityof London, for planting of the Summer Island.s, &c. (13 Jac. I. p. 19.) 3 November. The King grants, ordains, establishes and confirms that LoDowicK.DuKE OF Lenox, George,Marquis of Bucking- ham, and divers others, be the first modern and present Coun- cil established at Plymouth in the county of Devon, for the plant- ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, ^-c. 157 ing, ruling and governing of New England in America, and that they shall elect and choose others to the number of forty persons, and no more, to be of that Council, and that they shall be incor- porated by the name of the Council established at Plymouth for the governing of New England in America. (18 Jac. I. p. i5.) 24 January. Grant to Francis, Lord Verulam, Warrant special, to make out divers Commissions to such Justices, Officers and Ministers, and to such ports of this Realm as he shall think convenient, for the taking of an oath of all such as shall pass beyond the Seas. (The form of oath is recited in this patent.) (18 Jac. I. p. 16.) 3 1 Dec. Grant to Sir George Calvert, Knt., of Newfoundland. (20 Jac. I. p. 14.) Similar grant made to the said Sir George Cal- vert, on the 7th April. (21 Jac. I. p. 19). Proclamation against irregular and disobedient persons and disorderl)' trading into New England, in America. (20 Jac. I. p. 16.) Commission directed to the Supervisor General of the Customs in the port of London, to examine such persons as pass beyond the Seas, and to minister unto them an Oath. A similar Warrant granted to JOHN, Bishop of Lincoln. (21 Jac. I. p. 19, in dorso.) Commission directed to Sir WILLIAM JONES, Sir NICHOLAS FORTES- CUE, Knts., and others, to view, peruse and consider all Char- ters, Letters Patent, Proclamations and Commissions concern- ing the Colonies or Plantations in Virginia. (21 Jac. I. p. 19.) Commission directed to HENRY, ViscoUNT Mandeville, William, Lord Paget, and divers others, giving them power and autho- rity to take into their considerations the state of the Colony and Plantation in Virginia, and to consider of all matters con- cerning the people's safety, their strength and government. (22 Jac. I. p. I.) 20 December. Grant to George, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, Commission special, for him, or his deputies, to examine upon oath all passengers going beyond the Seas from those Ports, and to grant them licences ; with instructions. (22 Jac. I. p. 14.) 26 August. Grant to Sir Francis Wyatt, Knt., Francis West, Sir George Yardley, Knt., and others. Commission special, for the better government of the people in Virginia. (22 Jac. I. p. 17,) 18 September. Commission, appointing Sir George Yardley, Knt., Governor in Virginia. (22 Jac. L p. 17.) 9 November. The King constitutes Edward Dichfeild and others to be his officers to search and see that no Tobacco be brought 158 ENTRIES RELATIAG TO AMERICA, &-c. into this Kingdom from foreign parts, except from Virginia and the Summer Islands. (22 Jac. I. p. 4.) Proclamation for the settling the Plantation of Virginia. (1 Chas. I. p. 4.) 1 3 September. Grant to THOMAS WARNER, and others, the Custody of the Islands of St. Christophers, the Barbadoes and " Moncerat " [Mountscrrat] in the Continent of America, (i Chas. I. p. 6.) 19 May. Grant to George, Duke of Buckingu.vm, William, Earl of Pembroke, Phillip, Earl of Montgomery, James, Earl of Carlisle, and divers others, that they shall be one body politic and corporate of themselves, by the name of Governor and Company of Noblemen and Gentlemen of England, for the Plantation of Guiana ; and that they shall have perpetual succession. (3 Chas. I. p. 5.) 26 March. Grant to John Harvey, Francis West, and divers others, Commission special, to be the present Governor and Council for the Colony and Plantation in Virginia. (3 Chas. I. p. 3.) 4 March. Grant to Samuel Aldersey, Thomas Adams, and others, all that part of New PZngland, in America, lying and extending between the bounds and limits in an Indenture expressed, with divers liberties, jurisdictions and royalties, to them and their heirs for ever. — (4 Chas. I. p. 11.) 20 September. Grant to George Archbishop of Canterbury, and others. Commission special, to reprieve and stay from execution such persons as stand convicted, or hereafter shall be convicted, for small offences, who for strength of body or other ability shall be thought fit to be employed in foreign discoveries, or other services beyond the Seas. {4 Chas. I. p. 23.) 4 Feb. Grant to Sir WiLLlAM ALEXANDER, Knt., and others of a Commission special, to make a voyage into the Gulf and River of Canada and the parts adjacent for the sole trade of Beaver Wools, Beaver Skins, Furs, Hides and Skins of Wild Beasts. (4 Chas. I. p. 34.) 25 May. Grant to PATRICK CRAFORDand Mathew BYRKENiiEAD,the office of clerks for the writing and entering of licences and passes granted by any Commissioners to persons going be- yond the seas from the ports of Bristol, Beaumaris, Chester and Liverpool. (6 Cha.s. I. p. 5.) 19 Nov. Commission special directed to all Mayors, Recorders, Cus- tomers and other Officers within all port towns, ports and havens to examine and minister an oath to all passengers be- yond the seas, except merchants and their factors. (6 Chas. I. p. 6, in dorso.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, ^-c. 159 4 December. Grant to Robert, Lord Brooke, and others, to incorporate by the name of the Governor and Company of Adventurers of the City of Westminster, for the plantation of the Island of Providence, Henrietta, and the adjacent Islands lying upon the Coast of America. (6. Chas. I. p. i.) Proclamation forbidding the disorderly trading with the "Salvages" in New England in America, especially the furnishing of the Navies in those and other ports of America, by the English, with weapons and habiliments of war. (6 Chas. I. p. 11.) 19 Nov. Grant to Edward Thorowgood, the office of Clerk for writing of licences and passes to be granted by Commissioners to any person going out of this Realm, for 21 years. (6 Chas. I. p. 6.) 22 June. Grant to ROBERT, Earl of Warwick, and others. Governor and Company of Adventurers of the City of Westminster, for the plantation of the Islands of Providence, Henrietta, and the adjacent Islands, lying upon the coasts of America ; all other Islands not formerly granted unto them, beginning at 6 degrees from the Equinoctial line towards the North, and extending from thence to 24 in Latitude towards the Tropic of Cancer, and between the degrees of 290 and 310 of Longitude, and Meridian distance through all the said Latitude, as the said degrees are in common computation reckoned and accompted in this King- dom, to their heirs and successors. (7 Chas. I. p. 14.) 27 June. Grant to Edward, Earl of Dorset, Henry, Earl of Den- bigh, and others. Commission special, to consider how the Virginia Plantation now standeth, and to consider what com- modity may be raised in those parts. (7 Chas. I. p. 20.) 1 1 May. Grant to SiR William Alexander, and others, to collect Beaver Skins, &c., similar to the Grant made 4 Feb., 4 Chas. I. p. 34, (which see). (9 Chas. I. p. 7.) 23 September. Grant to Thomas Younge, gent.. Commission special, to discover, find out, and search what parts are not yet inhabited in Virginia and America, and other parts thereunto adjoining. (9 Chas. I. p. I.) 3 April. Grant to Robert, Earl of Warwick, Henry, Earl of Holland, William, Lord Say and Self, Robert, Lord Brooke, and others, Merchants Adventurers of the City of London, trading into the parts of America. (11 Chas. I. p. 8.) Commission Special, directed to the Recorder of the City of London, SiK Paul Pynder, Knt, and others, for the taking of oaths of such persons as shall desire to go beyond the seas, and for the doing of many other things, such as in discretion shall seem meet to them, (i I Chas. I. p. 9.) i6o EATJUES RELATING TO AMERICA, &-r. 2 April. Grant to Sir JOHN Harvye, Knt, Commission special, to be the present Governor of the Colony and Plantation in Virginia, with several powers and authorities therein mentioned. (12 Chas. I. p. 21, ifi dorso.) 10 April. Grant to William, Arciibp. ok Canterbury, Thomas, Lord Coventry, Keeper of the Great Seal, and others, Com- mission special, for the government of all persons within the Colonics and Plantations beyond the seas, according to the Laws and Constitutions there ; and to constitute Courts as well ICcclcsiastical as Civil for the determining of Causes there. (12 Chas. L p. 21, in dorso) 10 May. Grant to Thomas Mahewe, the office of clerk of the passes and licences in the Outports, and the writing and registering of the same, and of the names of all those that shall go out of this Kingdom beyond the Seas, for 21 years in reversion. (12 Cha.s. L p. 14.) 13 November. Grant to Ja.mes, Marquis of Hamilton, Henry, Earl ok Holland, and others, all that whole Continent, Lsland or Region commonly called Newfoundland, bordering upon the Continent of America, to them and their heirs. (13 Chas. I. p. 32.) Proclamation against the disorderly transporting his Majesty's subjects to the plantations within the parts of America. (13 Cha.s. L p. 15.) 1 1 January. Grant to Sir FRANCIS Wyatt, Knt., Commission special, to be Governor of the Colony and plantation in Virginia during pleasure. (14 Chas. L p. 29.) 29 March. Grant to Richard Morison, Esq., the office of Captain or Keeper of the Castle of " Poynte Comfort," within the Lord- ship of Virginia, during pleasure, in reversion. (14 Chas. L p. 38.) Proclamation to restrain the transporting of passengers and provisions to New England without licence. (14 Chas. L p. 6, in dorso) 16 December. Grant to Henry Ashton, Esq., Peter Hay, Esq., and others. Commission special, to declare in his Majesty's name, in all public assemblies and places of the Islands and province of l?arbadoes, against Henry Hawley, to be Governor or Lieutenant General of the said Island ; and to charge and require him and his Deputy or Agents, under his and their Allegiance, forthwith to yield up the said office and place of government, and all the incidents thereunto, unto Henry Hunckes, or to such person or persons as the E.4RL OF CAR- LISLE shall appoint. (15 Chas. I. p. 23, /;/ dorso.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &^c. 159* 3 April. Grant to Sir Ferdinand Gorges, Knt, all that part, purpart and portion of the main land or country, now commonly called or known by the name of New England in America, to him and to his heirs. (15 Chas. I. p. 25.) 6 August. Roger Wingate, Esq., appointed King's Treasurer within the Lordship of Virginia for life. (15 Chas. I. p. 23.) Commission to James, Duke of Lennox, and others, for the tendering of an Oath to all persons that go beyond the seas, except women, and children, and sailors. (16 Chas. L p. 13.) 9 August. Grant to Sir William BERKELEY, Knt., and divers others, Commission special, to be the present Council of and for the colony and plantation in Virginia, and to perform and execute the places, powers, and authorities incident to a Governor there. (17 Chas. L p. 6.) 31 July. Grant to Sir WILLIAM BERKELEY, Knt, and others, Com- mission special, to be present Governor and Council of and for the colony and plantation in Virginia, and for the managing of affairs there, during pleasure. (12 Chas. IL p. 26, in dorso.) 22 December. Grant to all Mayors, Recorders, Customers, Comptrollers, Surveyors, and Searchers in all ports of England and Wales, a special Commission to minister an Oath to all and every person or persons that shall be licensed to go beyond the seas. (12 Chas. II. p. 31, 171 dorso.) 2 August. Francis Craddock, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal Ge- neral of the Barbadoes for life. (12 Chas. II. p. 32.) 17 August. John Dawes appointed Secretary of the Islands of Barba- does, and to the Governor and Council there : also clerk of the several Courts there, during life. (12 Chas. II. p. 23.) 8 January. THOMAS LiNCH appointed Provost Marshal of Jamaica for life. (12 Chas. II. p. 30.) 22 September. Grant to Thomas Mayhew, Esq., of the office of clerk and clerkship of all Licences or passes in the Outports made, and to be made, to any person or persons, to go unto any foreign parts or places beyond the sea ; and also the office of Register [Registrar] of the names of all the said persons for the term of 21 years in reversion. (12 Chas. II. p. 24.) 26 January. Confirmation of several Laws, concerning the people in Newfoundland, and upon the sea adjoining, and the bays, creeks and fresh rivers there. (12 Chas. II. p. 17.) 10 January. Richard Povey appointed Secretary of and for Jamaica for life. (12 Chas. II. p. 30.) i6o» ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, ofc. 1 2 September. Major James Russell appointed Governor of Nevis, during pleasure. (i2 Chas. II. p. 35.) 21 November. Grant to Francis, Lord WiLLOUGllDV, all and singular prize sliips, vessels, ordnance, furniture, ammunition, tackle and apparel, goods, chattels, merchandize, and lading whatsoever in the late Wars between this nation and the Dutch taken and seized at sea, in harbour, and at land, in or near the Islands of Barbadoes, St. Christophers, and other Islands in the parts of America, not sold or disposed of, accompted for, and discharged by sufficient discharges or acquaintances, or not pardoned, and discharged by his Majesty, or authority of Parliament, without any accompt whatsoever to be rendered or made for the same. (12 Chas. II. p. 27.) 13 March. Elie Ashmole, Esq., appointed Secretary of Suranam [Su- rinam] and clerk of the King's Courts there. (13 Chas. II. p. 44.) 27 Sept. TllONLVS Breedon appointed Governor of Laccady and Nova Scotia, during life. (13 Clias. II. p. 16.) 13 May. Grant to John, Earl oe Bath, of 200 acres of land in the parish of St. George, Barbadoes, to him and his heirs. (13 Chas. II. p. 40.) 8 February. Commission appointing EDWARD DOYLEY to be Governor of Jamaica, with instructions. (13 Chas. II. p. 4.) 1 February. John Manne, gent., appointed Chief Surveyor of Jamaica during pleasure. (13 Chas. II. p. 8.) Proclamation for the encouraging of Planters in Jamaica. (13 Chas. II. p. 17, in dorso.) 2 August. Thomas, Lord Windsor, appointed Governor of Jamaica. (13 Chas. II. p. 46.) 10 June. Revocation of Letters Patent appointing THO^L\s Breedon Governor of Laccady and Nova Scotia. (14 Chas. II. p. 6.) 15 March. Grant to Willl\m Davidson and others, licence .specia^to dig for all mines of gold and other metals in Jamaica, for two years. (14 Chas. II. p. 11.) 17 Feb. James, Duke of York, appointed High Admiral of Dunkirk, New England, Virginia, &c. (14 Chas. II. p. 12.) 23 April. Grant to the Governor, &c., of the Engli.sh Colony of Con- necticut in New P^ngland, of an Incorporation with divers privi- leges. (14 Chas. II. p. 1 1.) 7 Feb. Grant to tiie Company for propagating of the Gospel in New England, an Incorporation with divers privileges. (14 Chas II. p. II.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, a-c. i6i 17 July. Thomas Temple, Esq., appointed Governor of Laccady, and other the territories in America, for life. (14 Chas. II. p. 5.) 18 November. Grant to FRANCIS, LoRD WiLLOUGHBY, all those Is- lands called the Caribee Islands, containing in them the Islands of St. Christopher's alias St. Aristooall, Granado alias Greinada, St. Vincent, St. Lucy alias St. Lucre, Barbidas alias Barbadoes, Mittalania alias Martenico, Domenico, and others, to hold the same for 7 years. (14 Chas. II. p. 20.) 24 March. Grant to GEORGE, Duke of Albemarle, Anthony, Lord Ashley, and others, all that territory or track [tract] of land called Carolina. (15 Chas. II. p. 2.) 17 July. Commission to THOMAS Temple, Esq., to be Governor of several places in America. (15 Chas. II. p. 18.) Grant to John Clarke and others, Inhabitants of New England, of divers liberties, &c. (15 Chas. II. p. 15.) 9 April. Grant to Thomas Rosse and others, the office of Receiver Ge- neral, of all sums of money due and payable from the several plantations in Africa and America, for life. (15 Chas. II. p. 11.) Grant to the Governor and Company of Rhode Island of divers privileges. (15 Chas. II. p. 15.) 2 June. Grant to Francls, Lord Willoughby, and others, of the main tract of land, being part of the continent of Guiana in America, called Surinam. (15 Chas. II. p. 10.) 13 August. Grant to John Collins, of a moiety of the profits of the Isle of Barbada, alias Barbuda [Barbadoes], reserved to the King for 7 years, and after the expiration of the said 7 years, then grants it to the said John for 31 years. (16 Chas. II. p. 11.) 26 April. James Drebble appointed Escheator of the Isles of Bar- badoes and Caribee, for life. (16 Chas. II. p. 3.) 12 March. Grant to James, Duke of York, and his heirs, all that part of the main land of New England, and several Islands adjacent. (16 Chas. II. p. 8.) 17 Feb. Grant to Thomas Elliott, of certain Copper Mines and other metals in Nova Scotia, for 31 years. (16 Chas. II. p. 17.) 29 May. Grant to Sir George Carteret, Knt., and John Trethe- WY, one annuity of 500/. per annum, to be paid out of one moiety of the profits arising out of the Caribee Islands, and due or payable to the Crown during the lives of WILLIAM Ley and James Carterett. (17 Chas. II. p. 5.) 3 April. Declaration that the commodities of Jamaica shall pay no cus- toms for the space of five years. (17 Chas. II. p. 3.) 1 62 ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &'c. 20 December. Grant to Sir JAMES MODYFORD, Knt., licence to dis- tinguish the Island of Providence alias St. Katherine, into counties, towns, manors, lordships and other privileges. (18 Chas. II. p. 4.) 4 February. William Willougiiby, Esq., appointed Captain General of the Caribee Islands for three years. (18 Chas. II. p. 4.) 19 March. Edward Scarburgii appointed Surveyor General of Vir- ginia during life. (19 Chas. II. p. 8.) 8 May. Grant to Henry, Earl of St. Albans, John, Lord Berke- ley, Sir William Moreton, and John Tretiiewey, all that entire tract, territory, or parcel of land in America, and bounded by and within the head of the rivers Tappahanocke, alias Rappahanocke, and Ouiriough or Patawomack rivers, to them and their heirs. (21 Chas. II. p. 4.) I November. Grant to Christopher, Duke OF Albemarle, William, Earl OF Craven, John, Lord Berkeley, Anthony, Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir Peter Colliton, &c., all those Islands called the Bahama Islands or the Islands of Lucayos, lying in the degrees of 22 to 27, and all ports, havens, creeks, &c., to their heirs and assigns. (22 Chas. II. p. 9.) I I January. Grant to EDWARD, Earl OF SANDWICH, RICHARD, Lord Gorges, William, Lord Allington, Thomas Grey, and Henry Blouncker, Esquires, Sir Humphry Winch, Sir John Finch, and Edmond Waller, several yearly salaries, viz': to the Earl of Sandwich, 700/. per annum, and to the rest (to each) 500/. per annum, they being of the Council for Foreign Plantations. (22 Chas. II. p. 8.) 6 August. Grant to Francis Raynes, all the lands and estates of one Henry Edlyn, lying and being in the Island of Barbados, escheated to the Crown by his being executed for the murder of his wife. (22 Chas. II. p. i.) 8 July. Edwyn Steed appointed Provost Marshal General of the Barbadoes, for life. (22 Chas. II. p. i.) 9 Sept. Grant to John Strode to farm the Imposts upon the growth of the Leeward Islands, for 7 years. (22 Chas. II. p. 5.) 23 March. Sir Ernest Bryan, Knt., appointed Escheator in the Barbadoes and the Caribee Islands, for life. (23 Chas. II. p. 3.) 4 April. Commission for Jame.s, Duke of York, and others, to be of the Council for Foreign Plantations. (23 Chas. II. p. 2.) 7 March. Charles Wheeler appointed Captain General of the Caribee Islands. (23 Chas. II. p. 2.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, crc. i6i 19 June. Commission appointing Sir RICHARD Temple, Knt., to be of the Council of Foreign Plantations. (23 Chas. II. p. 2, in dorso.) Another Commission (same part) dated 15 Aug. 17 November. Alexander Culpeper appointed Surveyor in Virginia, during pleasure. (23 Chas. II. p. 8.) 16 September. Robert Clowes appointed Chief Clerk to attend the Supreme Council in the town of St. lago, in Jamaica, during life. (24 Chas. II. p. 3.) 27 September. Commission granting to Anthony, E/rl of Shaftes- bury, and others, a standing Council for Trade and Traffic both at home and for the Foreign Plantations. (24 Chas. II. p. 4.) 19 July. Grant to WlLLL\M, Earl OF KiNNOUL, in consideration of a surrender by him made of his interest in the Caribee Islands, one annuityof6oo/. per annum for five years, to be paid out of the four and a half per cent. Customs from those Islands, and after the expiration of five years the like annuity of looo/. per annum to be paid for ever. (24 Chas. II. p. i.) 10 February. Revocation of the Grant formerly made to Sir CHARLES Wheeler, of the Government of the Leeward Islands. (24 Chas. II. p. 2.) 10 February. WILLIAM Stapleton appointed Governor of the Lee- ward Islands during pleasure. (24 Chas. II. p. 2.) 6 July. William, Lord Willoughby, appointed Captain General, and Governor in Chief, of the Barbadoes and Caribee Islands, during pleasure. (24 Chas. II. p. 2.) 13 April. Grant to Leonard Compeare and Thomas Martyn, Esq., the office of Receiver of the Duties upon all Wines, Brandies, &c., imported into Jamaica, for life. (26 Chas. II. p. 2.) 29 June. Grant to James, Duke OF York, of several Islands and main land, near New England, particularly bounded, to him and his heirs, &c. (26 Chas. II. p. 5.) 28 March. RiCHARD MORLEY, Esq., appointed Secretary of Barbadoes, and Clerk of the Courts there, during life. (26 Chas. II. p. 2.) 8 July. Thomas, Lord Culpeper, appointed Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, during life. (27 Chas. II. p. 7.) 18 March. Grant to George Gosselyng, of all the lands, tenements, goods, and chattels of his brother jAMES GosSELYNG, in the Island of Jamaica, forfeited by his being an alien. (27 Chas. II. p. 2.) 27 January. The King declares and confirms several Laws concerning his people in Newfoundland, and upon the sea adjoining, &c. (27 Chas. II. p. 1 1.) i62^ ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &c. Proclamation to prohibit commodities into Foreign Plantations, but from England only. (27 Chas. II. p. 10.) 1 1 March. JoilN Richards appointed Secretary of the Barbadoes, for life. (27 Chas. II. p. 2.) 25 June. Robert Thornton, gent, appointed Provost Marshal of Jamaica, for life. (27 Chas. II. p. 7.) 3 September. H.\RUOTTLE Wingfield, gent., appointed Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas at Port Royal, Jamaica. (27 Chas. II. P-3.) • 27 January. Ralph Wyatt appointed Clerk of the Market in Barba- does, during pleasure. (27 Chas. II. p. 11.) 10 October. Commission granted to Sir WnxiAM Berkeley, to pardon the Rebels in Virginia upon their submission. (28 Chas. II. p. I.) 10 October. Herbert Jeffery, and others, Commissioners appointed to enquire and report the grievances of the Inhabitants of Virginia. (28 Chas. II. p. i.) 10 October. Captain Robert Walter, Commissioner, appointed Go- vernor of Virginia, in the absence of Herbert Jeffery. (28 Chas. II. p. I.) 9 October. Herbert Jeffery appointed Governor of Virginia in the place of Sir William Berkeley. (28 Chas. II. p. i.) 11 November. Commission granted for Herbert Jefferyes to be Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. (28 Chas. II. p. 3.) 9 March. Garrett Cotter appointed Secretary and Marshal of the Islands of Nevis, Teago, and Mountserrat, for three lives. (28 Chas. II. p. 5.) 10 October. Grant to the Governor and Council of Virginia ; a special pardon for passing Acts of State to the Rebels. (28 Chas. II. p. I-) Same date and part, the King confirms and grants to the Inhabitants of Virginia, privileges, &c. Commis.sion to John Willoughby, and others, to administer an oath to Sir JON/VTHAN Atkin.s, appointed Captain General of the Caribee Islands ; another, to RANDOLPH RussELL, and others, to administer an oath to William Stapleton, appointed Captain Genera! of the Caribee Islands, lying leeward of Guada- loup, and for William Stapleton to administer an oath to the Deputy Governors of the same. (29 Chas. II. p. 10.) 2-j Apr Charles Herbert appointed Chief Clerk in the town of St. lago de la Vaga, in Jamaica. (29 Chas. II. p. 4.) I March. Charles, Earl of Carlisle, appointed Governor and Cap- tain General of Jamaica. (30 Chas. II. p. 6.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &-<:. 163 13 April. The King confirms divers Laws made in Jamaica. (30 Chas. II. p. 7.) The heads of the Bills are forty in number. 26 September. Grant to Edward Randolph, Esq., and others, Commis- sion to administer an oath to JOSIAS WiNSLOW, Governor of New Plymouth ; also to BENEDICT ARNOLD, Esq., Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation; toJOHN Leverett, Esq., Governor of Massachusetts Bay ; and to WiLLIAM Leet, Esq., Governor of the Corporation of Connecticut. (30 Chas. II. p. I.) 20 April. Indenture between the King and Robert Spencer, Jmin Strode, Charles Tucker, and Henry Daniel, Esquires, as to the Imposts and Customs due to the King, of four and a half percent, in the Islands of Barbadoes, Nevis, Antegua,Mountser- rat, and St. Christopher's for seven years. (30 Chas. II. p. 4.) 21 June. John Bindloss and Simon Winslow appointed Chief Clerk, Register [Registrar], and Sole Examiner in the Court of Chan- cery in Barbadoes for their lives. (31 Chas. II. p. 5.) 6 December. Thomas, Lord Culpeper, appointed Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, for life. (31 Chas. II. p. 2.) 2 August. Garrett Cotter appointed Secretary and Marshal of the Islands of Nevis, St. Christopher's, Antegua, and Mountserrat, for three lives. (31 Chas. II. p. 6.) Commission to John Cutts, and^ others, for governing the Colony of New Hampshire, in America. (31 Chas. II. p. 6.) 8 May. Charles Jones appointed Postmaster and Register of the Admiralty in Barbadoes. (31 Chas. II. p. 5.) 5 April. Thomas Robson appointed Clerk of the Market in Bridgtown, in Barbadoes, during pleasure. (31 Chas. II. p. 5.) 20 March. Nicholas Spencer appointed Secretary in Virginia, during pleasure. (31 Chas. II. p. 6.) 8 December. Concerning Laws to be made in Virginia : the confir- mation of Tithes, &c. (31 Chas. II. p. 2.) 24 February. John BiNDLOSSE appointed Clerk of the Markets in Jamaica. (32 Chas. II. p. 2.) 6 March. Joseph Crispe appointed Esclieator in the Leeward Islands. (32 Chas. II. p. 2.) 19 May. William Blathwaite, Esq., appointed Surveyor and Audi- tor General of all the Revenues in America. (32 Chas. II. p. 2.) 28 October. Richard Sutton appointed Governor of Barbadoes, &c. (32 Chas. II. p. 3.) 28 February. Grant made to William Penn, Esq., of a tract of land, 21* 1 64 ENTHIES RELATING TO AMERICA, g-c. with the Islands belonging to it, in America, bounded on the east by Delaware, &c. (33 Chas. II. p. 2.) 2 September. Sir Thomas Lynch appointed Governor of Jamaica. (33 Chas. II. p. 2.) 21 April. OiiEDiAii Clayton and Samuel Travel appointed Clerks of the Passes, for 21 years. (33 Chas. II. p. 3.) 9 May. Edward Cranfeild, Esq., appointed Governor of New Hamp- shire. (34 Chas. II. p. I.) i4"Nov. CoRNW.\LL SoMERS, gent., appointed Postmaster in Barbadoes, vice Charles Jones, deceased. (34 Chas. II. p. 8.) 14 December. Timothy Thornhill, of Barbadoes, created a Baronet. (34 Chas. II. p. 9.) 22 March. The King doth give and grant to Jame.s, Duke of York, his heirs and assigns, the town of Newcastle, alias Delaware, and fort thereunto belonging, situate between Marj-land and New Jersey ; and all that tract of land within the circle of twelve miles about the said town, situate upon the river De- laware ; and all Islands in the .said river ; and the said river and soil thereof, lying north of the said circle ; and all that tract of land upon Delaware river, beginning 12 miles south from the said town of Newcastle, alias Delaware, and extend- ing south to Cape Lopin. To be holden of the manor of East Greenwich, co. Kent, in free and common socage, and not in capite or by knight's service, yielding and rendering there- fore every year four beaver skins, when the same shall be de- manded, or within ninety days after such demand made — with several powers and authorities, amongst others to exercise Mar- tial Law. (35 Chas. II. p. i.) 23 Nov. George Hannah, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal General of Barbadoes. (35 Chas. II. p. 2.) 28 Sept. Francis, Lord Howard of Effingham, appointed Lieuten- ant and Governor General of Virginia, during pleasure. (35 Chas. II. p. 2.) I January. RlClL\RD CONY, Esq., appointed Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Bermuda or Summer Islands, during pleasure, with power of constituting officers ; the places of Sheriff, Provost Marshal, and Secretary of the said Islands always excepted. (36 Chas. II. p. 7.) II December. JOHN MoUNTSTEVEN, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal General of Jamaica, during pleasure ; to execute by deputy, first approved by the Governor, or some of the Council there, for the time being. {},(} Chas. II. p. 8.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, &-r. 163* 17 December. John Tucker, gent., appointed Provost Marshal Gene- ral, or Sheriff, and Secretary of Bermuda, alias the Summer Islands, to exercise by himself or deputy, during pleasure. (36 Chas. II. p. 8.) 2 July. Thomas Robson, gent., appointed Clerk of the Markets of St Michael's, alias Bridge Town, Spikes Town, and all the Towns in the Barbadoes. (i Jac. II. p. i.) II April. John Mountstevens, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal General of Jamaica, (i Jac. II. p. 4.) 17 October. George Hannay, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal Gene- ral of Barbadoes. (i Jac. II. p. 8.) 15 October. EDWARD Randolph, Esq., appointed Collector, Surveyor, and Searcher of the Customs, within the colonies of New England, which office was erected the 15 Oct., 33 Chas. II., with a salary of 100/. per ann. (i Jac. II. p. 8.) 8 October. The King doth erect, constitute, and appoint a President and Council to take care of the territory and dominion of New England, commonly called Massachusetts Bay ; and appoints Joseph Dudley, Esq., to be the first president, (i Jac. II. p. 8.) 28 October. Francis, Lord Howard, of Effingham, appointed Lieu- tenant and Governor General of Virginia, (i Jac. II. p. 8.) 21 October. Nicholas Spencer, Esq., appointed Secretary in Virginia. (I Jac. II. p. 9.) 21 October. Alexander Culpeper, Esq., appointed Surveyor General in Virginia, (i Jac. II. p. 9.) 17 October. Reginald Wilson, of Jamaica, gent, appointed Clerk of the Naval or Navy Office in Jamaica, (i Jac. II. p. 9.) 28 October. Sir Philip Howard, Knt., appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief, in and over Jamaica, and the other territories depending thereon, (i Jac. II. p. 10.) 5 December. Grant to Hugh Noden, Merchant Taylor of London, of five shares of land, with the edifices thereupon, situate in the Summer Islands alias Bermuda, to him and his heirs for ever. To be held in free and common socage, by fealty only, (i Jac. II. p. 10.) 8 January. Archibald Carmichael appointed Clerk of the Navy in Barbadoes. (2 Jac. II. p. 2.) 30 April. Richard Cony, Esq., is constituted Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of Bermuda or Summer Island : a Quo Warranto being issued, and Judgment thereon entered against the Bermuda Company. (2 Jac. II. p. 6, i/i dorso.) 21* — 2 1 64* ENTRIES RELATING 10 AMERICA, ^'c. 9 June. Grant to Colonel JOHN Legg, Christopher Guise, and John Robins, (upon the surrender of Roger Whaley,) the office of Master or Registrar, for the taking cognizance of the free consents of such persons as shall go into the plantations in America or elsewhere. (2 Jac. II. p. 7.) 29 June. John Tucker appointed Secretary and Provost Marshal General of the Bermuda or Summer Islands. (2 Jac. II. p. 9.) 3 June. Sir EDMUND Andros appointed Governor of New England. (2 Jac. II. p. 9.) 10 June. Thomas Dungan, Esq., appointed Governor of New York. (2 Jac. II. p. 9.) 9 Sept. Thomas Montgomery appointed Attorney General of I3ar- badoes. (2 Jac. II. p. 10.) 9 Sept. Sir ROBERT Robinson appointed Governor of Bermuda. (2 Jac. II. p. 10, in dorso) 28 Sept. Sir Nathaniel Johnson to be Governor in and over the Islands of Nevis, &c., known by the name of the Caribee Islands. (2 Jac. II. p. 10, in dorso.) 25 Nov. Commission for the Duke OF Albemarle to be Governor of Jamaica. (2 Jac. II. p. 1 1.) 28 Dec. William Tv.vck, gent., appointed Escheator of the Leeward Islands. (2 Jac. II. p. 12.) 4 March. Grant to Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, of all Wrecks of plate, gold, silver, &c., on the north side of Hispa- niola, or about the Islands of Bahama and Florida. (3 Jac. II. p. I.) 2 March. Grant to CHRISTOPHER, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE, of all Mines of Gold, &c., in the Colonies of America. (3 Jac. II. p. 2.) 12 August. Ratification of the Letters Patent made to the DuKE OF Albemarle on the 4th March. (3 Jac. II. p. 7.) 23 August. Grant to the DuKE OF Albemarle, the sole use of saw mills in the plantations of America, (New England excepted), for the term of 14 years. (3 Jac. II. p. 8.) 13 August. The King erects the office of Provost Marshal General of New England, and grants the same to Sir William Phipps. (3 Jac. II. p. 8.) 12 November. Henry Hordesnell, Esq., appointed Justice, or Chief Judge of the Bermuda or Summer Islands. (3 Jac. II. p. 9.) January 20. Proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppress- ing pirates or privateers in America. (3 Jac. II. p. 9.) ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, 6-f. 165 4 November. Mathew Plowman appointed Collector and Receiver of New York, with a salary of 200/. per annum, vice LuCAS San- TEN. (3 Jac. II. p. 10.) 20 October. Grant to the Earl of Feversham, of all Wrecks, &c., on the north side of the main land of America. (3 Jac. II. p. 10.) 28 February. Grant to Robert Brent, all Wrecks, &c., in or upon any of the rocks, shelves, seas, or banks, on or near the coast of America, between the Bermudas and Porto Rico, or between Cartagena and the Havanna. (4 Jac. II. p. 3.) 5 May. The King authorises the DuKE OF Albemarle, (during his being Governor of Jamaica), to confer knighthood upon any six deserving persons, according to his own discretion, in that Island. (4 Jac. II. p. 4.) 20 April. The King erects and establishes the office of Secretary and sole Register [Registrar] in New England, and grant the said office to Edward Randolph, Esq. (4 Jac. II. p. 4.) 27 September. The King confirms to Thomas, Lord Culpeper, an entire tract of land in Virginia, bounded within the springs of the rivers of Tapphannock and Quiriough, to him, his heirs and assigns for ever — yielding and paying therefore, 6/. ly. /\d. (4jac. II. p.7-) 5 September. Grant to John, Earl of Bath, Anthony, Lord Falkland, and others, the use of the ship Forsiglit, to take up and recover Gold near Hispaniola. (4 Jac. II. p. 7.) 25 September. Henry Fifield, gent, appointed Secretary and Provost Marshal General of the Summer Islands, alias the Bermudas. (4 Jac. II. p. 8.) 7 April. Sir Edmund Andros appointed Captain General and Gover- nor over the Massachusetts Bay, &c. (Pennsylvania and the county of Delaware only excepted, vide Pat. 3 June, 2 Jac. II.) (4 Jac. II. p. 8.) 6 April. Major Henry Carre appointed Provost Marshal General of Jamaica, (i Will. & Mary, p. i.) 19 July. Hender Molesworth, of Jamaica, Esq., created a Baronet. (I Will. & Mary, p. 2.) 8 August. Archibald Carmichaell appointed Clerk of the Navy in the Barbadoes. (i Will. & Mary, p. 4.) 25 July. Sir Hender Molesworth appointed Captain General of Jamaica, (i Will. & Mary, p. 4.) 3 August. James Kendall, Esq., appointed Captain General of Barbadoes, St. Lucca, &c. (i Will. & Mary, p. 4.) 1 66 [ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, 6-r. 14 September. Chidley Brooke appointed Collector and Receiver of New York, (i Will. & Mary, p. 5.) 8 August. Reginald Wilson appointed Clerk of the Navy in Jamaica. (i Will. & Mary, p. 5.) 3 October. Grant to James Kendall, (who was made Governor of Barbadoes on the 3d of August last), a salary of 1200/. a year. (I Will. & Mary, p. 6.) 3 October. Grant of a large Commission to James Kendall, lately made Governor of Barbadoes. (i Will. & Mary, p. 6.) 26 October. Christopher Codrington, Esq., appointed Governor of the Islands of Nevis, &c. (i Will. & Mary, p. 6.) 15 November. Henry Fifeild* appointed Secretary and Provost Mar- shal of Bermuda, (i Will. & Mary, p. 7.) 8 November. Isaac Richier appointed Governor of Bermuda, &c. (i Will. & Mary, p. 7.) 23 December. William, Earl ok Inchiquin, Lieutenant General of Jamaica, appointed Vice Admiral of the said Island, (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 12 December. RiCH.\RD Lloyd appointed Clerk of the Crown in Jamaica, (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 6 November. The King erects an office to be called the Secretary' of New York, and appoints Mathew Clarkson to the same, (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 25 November. JOHN Stede appointed Clerk of the Markets of St. Michael, alias Bridge-town, &c., in Barbadoes. (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 4 January. HENRY Slater appointed Governor of New York, (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 7 October. William, Earl of Inchiquin, appointed Lieutenant or Governor General of Jamaica, (i Will. & Mary, p. 8.) 13 December. Thomas Ferneley, Esq., appointed Secretary of the Islands of St. Christopher's, &c. (i Will, k, Mary, p. 9.) 12 December. Ep.vphroditus Houghton appointed Provost Marshal General of the Islands of St. Christopher's, (i Will. & Mary, P-9) 17 January. Colonel William Cole appointed Secretary in Virginia. (I Will. & Mary, p. 9.) 31 December. Christopher Codrington, Captain General of Nevis, appointed Vice Admiral of the said Island, (i Will. & Mary, P-9-) • [See 25 Sept, 4 Jac. XL] ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, -, p. 6.) 16 January. CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, Esq., appointed Secretary in Virginia. (4 Will, k, Mary, p. 8.) 8 February. Licence granted to found a College in the West part of Virginia. (4 Will. & Mary, p. 9.) 21 October. Benjamin Fletcher (lately made Governor of New York), appointed Governor of Penn.sylvania. (6 Will. & Mary, p. 10.) I March. JOHN GoDDARD, Esq., appointed Governor and Commander of the Bermuda or Summer Islands. (5 Will. & Mary, p. i.) 20 February. The King pardons Geerrard Beeckman, Mvndert CoARTEN, Thom.\s Williams, John Vernnillie, Abraham Brasier, and Abraham Governeur, all of New York ; all treasons and murders for the death of JosiAH Brown, of New York (is particularly mentioned). (5 Will. & Mary, p. i.) 10 March. Grant to Mainhardt, Duke of Leinster, of all Wrecks, &c., &c., between the Latitudes of 12 Degrees South and 40 Degrees North, by him to be recovered at any time within 20 years after the date hereof, (the Bermudas, Cartagena, and Ja- maica excepted) for several terms of years, one full tenth of the premises reserved to the King and Queen. (5 Will. & Mary, p. I.) 10 February. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Esq., appointed Captain General and Governor of Maryland. (5 Will. & Mary, p. 2.) 27 January. William Barnes, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal Ge- neral of the Islands of St. Christopher's, Nevis, Mountserrat and Antegua, during pleasure. (5 Will. & Mary, p. 2.) 25 April. Grant to THOMAS Nkai.e, Esq., and JOHN Tyzacke, gent., all Wrecks, «S:c., &c., witliiii 30 Leagues of the Isle of Stables, and betwixt 40 and 50 Degrees of North Latitude, to be gotten and recovered by them within seven years after the date hereof. (5 Will. & Mary, p. 3.) 1 5 April. Grant to the Widows and Children of JACOB Leisler and Jacob Milburne, of New York, all the real and personal estates of the said Leisler and Milburne, executed for ENTRIES RELATING TO AMERICA, o be read as GUME, or GuiNE.] 178 THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. Living in Jams Hand John Osbourn vx OsBOVRN [Osbourn] George Pope Robert Cunstable William Jones vx Jones John Johnson 7'jr Johnson . r (Johnson jnfans \ ■' (.Johnson John Hall vx Hall William Cooksey vx Cooksey infans COOKSEV Alice Kean Robert Fitts 'i'X FiTTS John Reddish John Grevett vx Grevett John West Thomas West Henry glover Goodman Stoiks* vx Stoiks infans Stoiks M"" Adams Mf Leet Living William Spence vx Spence infans Spence James Tooke James Roberts Anthony Harlow Sara Spence George Shurke John Booth Robert Bennett y neck of land. M"" Kingsmeale vx Kingsmeale . -- f Kingsmeale infans \ ( Kingsmeale Raph Griphin Frances Compton John Smith John Filmer Edward a Negro Thomas Sulley vx Sulley Thomas Harwood George fedam Peter Staber Thomas Popkin Thomas Sides Richard Perse vx Perse Allen his man ISABELL Pratt * [First written Stocks, tlien altered.] THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. 179 L iving Thomas Alnutt Z'jr AlNUTT John Paine Roger Redes Elinor Sprad Oiter the River John Smith vx Smith infans Smith John Vergo Richard Fenn William Richardson Robert Lindsey Richard Dolfemb John Bottam John Elliott Susan Barber Thomas Gates vx Gates Percivall Wood Anthony Burrin William Bedford William Sand's John Proctor Mrs Proctor Phettiplace Close Henry Horne Richard Hornn Thomas Flower William Bullocke Ellias Hinton John Foxen Edward Smith L iving John Skinner Martine De Moone William Naile Thomas Fitts Elizabeth Abbitt Alice Fitts At y Pla7ttaco7i oiicr ag' James Cittie Capt; Sam: Mathews Beniamin Owin Rice ap Williams JiRO a Negro Walter Parnell William Parnell Margreat Roades John West Francis West Vid Thomas Dayhurst Robert Mathews Arthur Gouldsmith Robert Williams Morice Loyd Aron Conway William Sutton Richard Greene Mathew Haman SAMWfiLL DaVIES John Thomas John Docker Abram Wood Micheall Lupworth John Davies Lewis Baly 2; i8o THE L/l'LXG ly VIRGIXIA. Living James Daries Alice Holmes Henry Barlow Thomas Button Edmond Whitt Zacharlv Crlsi'E John Burland Thomas Hawkins Thomas Phillips Paule Reinold's Nich: Smith Elizabeth Williams Hugh Cruder Edward Hudson Robert Sheppard Thomas Ottawell Thomas Crouch Robert Bew John Russell Robert Chantry George Rodgers Lanslott Damportt John Shule Nath: Loyd William Sawyer William Ward William Hartly Jerime Whitt LiueteiTTit PURFREY I^dward Gkindall Mr Swift WiLLiAN IIames* Living George Gurr Henry Wood John Baldwine John Needome William Bincks Nicholas Tompson John Dency \or Deucv] Erasmus Cartteu John Edward's George Bayley George Sparke Nicholas Comin Nicholas Arras Marttin Tvrner John Stone infans Davy Mansfield John Denmarke Elizabeth Rutten GooDwiFE Bincks a servant of mf Morewood's tlic glasc Iwivse ViNCENCIO Bernardo OULD Shepi'ARD his sonn Richard Tarborer M's Barn A K do At A rchurs hoop. Lcftcnnat Harris Rowland Lottis vx Lottis * [There is a dot above this word, but I fancy it is of later date than the original writing If it be part of the word, we must read the name as Haines.] THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. i8i Living John Elison vx Elison George Sanders Thomas Corder Joseph Johnson Georg Pran John Bottom Thomas Farly vx Farley a Child Nicholas Shotton A t Hogg Hand David Sand"^ mnster [minister] John Vtie [Utie] Mrs Vtie John Vtie infnas \infans\ William Tyler Elizabeth Tyler Richard Whitby William Ramshaw Rice Watkins Thomas Foskew lost Hener Elsword Thomas Causey George Vnion* [Union] Henry Woodward Roger Webster John Douston Joseph Johnson Richard Crocker Child William Hichcocke, lost George Prowse Robert Parramore Living John Jarvtce, ats, Glover John Browne William Burcher John Burcher John Fulwood Thomas Bransby Thomas Colly Thomas Simpson Thomas Powell Nicholas Loxge At martins hundred William Harwood Samwell March Hugh Hues John Jackson Thomas Ward John Stevans Humphry Walden Thomas Doughtie John Hasley Samwell Weaver Vid's Jackson filia Jackson Mrs Taylor Ann Windor Elizabeth Bvgraue Mr Lake Mr BURREN John Stone Samwell Culley John Helline vx Hellin * [I am not quite sure as to this name ; it certainly might be read as Vinon.] 23—2 t82 THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. Living a frcnch man ct vx Thomas Siuery At IVafu'ick Sqiicakc John Batt Henry Pinffe Wassell Weblin Anthony Read Frances Woodson Henry Phillh's Fetter Collins Chr: Reinold's ICinvAKD Mabin John Maldman Thomas Collins George Rushmore Thomas Spencer George Clarke Rich: Bartlett Franc's" Banks JOHN Jenkins Thomas Jones William Denham Peter Anthony Franc's Marc John Bennett Nicholas Skinner John Atkins John Pollentin Rachell Pollentin Margrett Pollentin MARY a maid anc's i RGRETT J L. nesj:rcs Living Hi:nrv Woodward Thomas Sawyer Thomas a boye At the Indian thicket t Henry Woodall Gregory Dory John Foster John Greene John Ward Christo: Windmile Richard Rapier CUTBERT PEIRSON Adam Rumell Richard Robinson James a french ma At Elizabeth Cittyc Cap Isacke Whittakers Mary Whittakers Charles Atkinson Charles Calthrop John Lankfeild Bridg's Freeman Nicholas Wesell Edward Loyd Thomas North Anthony Middi.eton Richard Popkly Thomas Harding William Joy Raph Osborne Edward Barnes Thomas Thorngood THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. 183 Living Ann Attkinson Lankfeild Medclalfe* George Nuce Elizabeth Whittakers George Roads Edward Johnson William Fouller Reinold Goodwvn James Larmount John Jackson vid's Johnson vid's Fowler 2 french men George Medcalfe Walter Ely Thomas Lane Barthelmew Hopkins John Jefferson Robert Thresher John Rowes M"- Yates Robert Goodman vx Ely vifans Ely Cap Rawleigh Crashaw Robert Wright James Sleight John Welchman John More Henry Potter M"" Roswell William Gawntlett Living Osborne Smith vx More vx Wright vx Wright filia Wright Thomas Dowse Samwell Bennett William Browne William Allen Lewis Welchman Robert More M« Dowse vx Bennett f Bennett pue (. Bennett At Bitcke Roiv Thomas Flint JcmN Hampton Richard Peirsby William Rookins Rowland Williams Steven Dixon Thomas Risbv Henry Wheeler James Brooks Samwell Kennell John Carning Thomas Neares Robert Salvadge William Barry Joseph Hatfield Edward Marshall Ambrose Griffith * [Query Medcalfe. See twelve lines below.] THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. Living Fetter Arrundell Anthony Bonall ) ^ , „ !- trench men La Gaurd } James Bonall John Arrundell John Hanie \or Haine] NiCH: Row Richard Althrop John Loyd vx Hame* vx Hampton Elizabeth Arrundell Margreat Arrundell At Basse Chaise Cap: Nethaniel Basse Samwell Basse Beniamin Simes Thomas Sheword Beniamine Handcleare William Barnard John Shelley Nathaniell Moper Natha: Gaumon Margrett Giles Richard Longe vx Longe infafis Longe Richard Evans William Newman John Army Peter Languen Living Henry Andrew Rawley Petter more at Elizabeth Cittie Liuetennat Sheppard John Powell John Wooley Cathren Powell John Bradston Franc's Pitts Gilbertt Whitkeild Peter Hereford Thomas Faulkner EsAW De la Ware William Cornie Thomas'Curtise Robert Brittaine Roger Walker Henry Kersley Edward Morgaine Anthony Ebsworth Agnes Ebsworth Elinor Harris Thomas Addison William Longe William Smith William Pinsen Cap W^' Tucker Cap Nicii: Marteaw Leftennt Ed: Barkly * [II is possible that a dot may have been omitted from this word, and that tlic lady's name should be read Hanik or Haink ; she may have been wife to the man mentioned four lines above.] THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. 185 L iving Daniell Tanner John Morris Georg Thomson Paule Thomson William Thomson Pasta Champin Stephen Shere Jeffery Hall Rich: Jones William Hutchinson Richard Apleton Thomas Evans Weston Browne Robert Mounday Steven Cvlloe Raph Adams Thomas Phillips Francis Barrett Mary Tucker Jane Brakley Elizabeth Higgins Mary Mounday Choupouke an Indian Anthony | ^^^^^^ issabella 3 LefterTnt LUPO Phillip Lupo Bartholmew Wethersby' Henry Draper Joseph Haman Elizabeth Lupo Albiano Wethersly* John Laydon L iving Ann Laydon Virginia Laydon Alice Laydon Katherne Laydon William Evans William Julian William Kemp Richard With'e [Withere] John Jornall Walter Mason Sara Julian Sara Gouldocke John Salter William Coale Jereny Dickenson Lawrance Peele John Evans Marke Evans George Evans John Downeman Elizabeth Downeman William Baldwin John Sibsey William Clarke Rice Griffine Joseph Mosley Robert Smith John Cheesman Thomas Cheesman Edward Cheesman Better Dickson John Baynan Robert Sweet [Sic in orig.] 1 86 THE LIVIXG JN VIRGINIA. L iviiig John Parrett William Fours John Clackson John Hill William Morten William Clarke Edward Stockdell Elizabeth Baynam George Davies Elizabeth Davies Ann Harrison John Curtise John Walton Edward Aston Toby Hurt Cornelius May Elizabeth May Henry May. child Thomas Willowbey Oliuer Jenkinson John Chandeler Nicholas Davies JoNE Jenkins Mary Jenkins Henry Gouldwell Henry Prichard Henry Barber Ann Barber John Hutton Elizabeth Hutton Thomas Baldwin John Billiard Reynold Booth Mary Lhnng Elizabeth Booth child Cap: Tho: Davies John Davies Thomas Huges William Kildridge Alexand" Mountney Edward Bryan Persivall Ibotson John Penrice Robert Locke Elizabeth Ibotson Ann Ibotson Edward Hill Thomas Best Hanna Hill Elizabeth Hill Robert Salford John Salford Phillip Chapman Thomas Parter Mary Salford Francis Chamberlin William Hill William Harris William Worlidge John Forth Thomas Spilman Rebecca Chamberlin Alice Harris Pharow Piilinton Arthur Smith Hugh Hall Robert Sabin John Cooker THE LIVING IN VIRGIMA. 187 Living Hugh Dicken William Gayne Richard Mintren Junior JOANE Flinton Elizabeth Flinton Rebecca Coubber Richard Mintren senic John Frye William Brooks SiBiLE Brooks William Brooks Thomas Crispe Richard Packe Miles Prichett Thomas Godby Margery Prichett JONE Goodby JONE Grindry John Juiman Mary Grindry John Grindry child John Waine Ann Waine Mary Ackland George Ackland John Harlow William Capp's Edward Watters Paule Harwood NicH: Browne Adam Througood Richard East Stephen Read Grace Watters Living William Watters William Ganey Henry Ganey John Robinson Robert Browne Thomas Parrish Edmond Spalden Roger Farbracke Theoder Jones William Baldwin Luke Aden Anna Gany Anna Gany fillia Elizabeth Pope Rebecca Hatch Thomasin Loxmore Thomas Garnett Elizabeth Garnett Sussan Garnett Frances Michell Jonas Stockton Thimothee Stockton William Cooke Richard Boulten Frances Hill John Jackson Richard Davies Ann Cooke DiCTRAS CHRISMUS Thomas Hill Arthur Davies William Newcome Elizabeth Chrismus JOANE Davies 24 IIJE LJVJAG IN VIRGINIA. Living Thomas Hethersall William Douglas Thomas Douthorn Elizabeth Douthorn Samwell Douthorn a bo[y] Thomas an Indian John Hazard JOANE Hazard Henry Frances Mason MlCIIEALL WiLCOCKS William Ouerke Mary Mason Maudlin Wilcocks W Keth mister John Bush John Coop [Cooper] Jonadab Illett John Barnahy John Seaward Robert Newman William Parker Thomas Snapp Clement Evans Thomas Spilman Thomas Parrish At the Eastern Shore Cap William Epps Mfs Epps Petter Epps William — Edmond Cloake William Bibby Living Thomas Cornish John Fisher William Dry Henry Wilson Petter Porter Christo: Cartter John SufnFiLL ~ Nicholas Graunger James vocat Piper Edward John Thomas George Charles Farmer James Knott John Ascomb Robert Fennell Phillip Daniell Cogley William Andrews Thomas Graues John Wilcocks Thomas Crampe William Coomes John Parsons John Coomes James Chambers RoBERTT Ball Goodwife Ball Thomas Hall ISMALE Hills John Tyers Walter Scott Goodwife Scott THE LIVING IN VIRGINIA. Living Robert Edmond's Thomas Hichcocke John Evans Henry Wattkins Peregree Wattkins Daniell Wattkins John Blower GoDY Blower John a boy of M^ Cans \or Caus] John How John Butterfeild William Davies Fetter Longman John Wilkins Goodwife Wilkins Thomas Powell GoDY Powell Thomas Parke Living William Smith Edward Drew Nicholas Hoskins and his Child William Williams Mrs Williams John Throgmorton Bennanine* Knight Chad Gunston Abram Analin \or Aualin, i.e. Avalin] Thomas Blacklocke John Barnett Thomas Savadge William Beane Saloman Greene John Wasborne William Ouills. [Evidently a misspelling for Benjamine.] 24 2 A List of the names of the Dead in Virgn'' since Aprill last february 16: 1623 Collcdg John Wood -, William More Thomas Nayi.or )-kild John Hunter I James Howell ^ William Lambertt At the neck of land Moses Con vers George Grimes William Clements Thomas Fernley kid [killed] Edward — At Jnrdains Jorncy Roger Much Mary Reefe Robert Winter Robert Wood's Richard Shreife Thomas Bull John Kinton Daniell — At west and Slier low hundred Samwell Foreman Zorobabell 2 Indians one Negar Thomas Roberts John Edmonds John Lasey Daniell Francke Cap: Nath West Christopher Harding kild A t flower de hundred John Mayor William Waycome Thomas Prise Robert Walkin John Fetherston John ap Roberts Richard Jones Richard Griffin Richard Ranke \or Rauke] William Edger John Fry Dixi Carpenter William Smith James Cinduare* Edward Temple Sara Salford [Spelling not very clear ; may be read CiNDNARE or CiNDVARE.] THE DEAD IN VIRGINIA. 191 Dead John Stanson Christo: Evans At James Cittic Mf SOTHEY John Dumpont Thomas Browne Henry Sothey Thomas Sothey Mary Sothey Elizabeth Sothey Thomas Clarke Margrett Shrawley Richard Walker Vallentyn Gentler Fetter Brishitt Humphry Boyse John Watton Arthur Edward's Thomas Fisher William S pence ) Mrs Spence J George Sharks John Buth Mr Collins vx Mr PEGDEN Fetter De maine Goodman Ascomb Goodman Witts William Kerton Mr Atkins Thomas Hakes Fetter Gould lost Dead Robert Raffe Ambrose Fresey Henry Fry John Dinse Thomas Tindall Richard Knight* John Jeffereys* John Hamun* John Meridien* John Countwane* Thomas Guine \or GunieI* Thomas Somersall William Rowsley Elizabeth Rowsley a maid of thers Robert Bennett Thomas Roper Mr Fitziefferys Mrs Smith Fetter Marttin James Jakins Mr Crapplace John Lullett Ann Dixon William Howlett Mr FURLOWs child Jacob Frophett. John Reding Richard Atkins his child John Bayly William Jones his srvant John Mr Fearns servant JosiAs Hartt Judith Sharp * [See next page, where these names are repeated.] 192 THE DEAD IN VIRGINIA. Dead Ann Quaile Reignold's William Dier Mary Dier Thomas Sexton Mary Bawdrye Edward Normansell Henry Fell Enims \or EuiMs] Roger Turnor Thomas Guine [o^Gunie]* John Countway* John Meriday* BENIAMINE VSHERf John Haman* John Jefferyes* Richard Knight* John Walker Hosier William Jackson William Apleby John Manby Arthur Cooke Stephen — At y Plantacoii ouer against James Cittie Humphry Clough • Morris Chaloner Samwell Betton John Gruffin William Edwards William Salsbury Dead Mathew Griffine Robert Adward's John Jones Thomas Prichard Thomas Morgaine Thomas Biggs Nicholas Bushell Robert Williams Robert Reynold's Edward Huies Thomas Foulke Nathew Jenings Richard Morris Frances Barke John EwiNsf Samwell Fisher John Ewis James Cartter Edward Fletcher Aderton Greene MoRicE Baker Robert 'W Ewins man Robert Pidgion Thomas Triggs James Thursby Nicholas Thimbleby Frances Millett John Hooks Thomas Lawson William Miller Nicholas Fatrice John Champ John Maning * [It will be noticed that these names, given above (see previous page).] although in some cases with different spellings, are t [Repeated on next page.] THE DEAD IN VIRGINIA. 193 Dead Richard Edmonds David Collins Thomas Guine \or Gunie]"* John Vicars John Meridie* Beny Vsher* John Cantwell Richard Knight* Robert Hellue Thomas Barrow John Euines* Edward Price Robert Taylor Richard Butterey Mary Lacon Robert Baines Joseph Archer Thomas Mason John Beman Christo: Pittman Thomas Willer Samwell Fulshaw John Wamsley Abram Colman John Hodges Naamy Boyle At Hog Hand William Brakley Better Dun John Long At martins hundred Henry Bagford Nicholas Gleadston Dead Nicholas Dorington Raph Rogers Richard Frethram John Brogden John Beanam Frances Atkinson Robert Atkinson John Kerill Edward Davies Percivall Man Mathew Staueling Thomas Nicholls 2 Childrens of y^ french men John Pattison ^ vx Pattison \ kild Edward Windor -' Thomas Horner John Walker Thomas Pope Richard Ston John Catesby Richard Stephens William Harris Christopher Woodward Joseph Turner At Wariuicke Squeak JosiAS Collins Clement Wilson William Robinson Chr: Rawson Thomas Winslow vx Winslow infans WiNSLOW [Again repetitions. See previous page.] 194 THE DEAD IN VIRGINIA. Dead Alexander Sussames Thomas Prickett Thomas Maddox John Greene Nathanel Stanbridg John Litton Christo: Ash vx Ash infans ASH Nethaniel Lame [o^LaineJi Jane Fisher J Phillip Jones Edward Banks John Symons Thomas Smith Thomas Griffin George Cane Robert Whitt Symon an Italian At Elizabeth Cittic Charle Marshall William Hoi>kicke DoRiTHiE Parkinson William Robertts John Farrar Martin Cuffe Thomas Hall Thomas Smith Christoph' Robertts Thomas Browne Henry Fearne Thomas Parkins M'' Hussy Dead James Collis Raph Rockly William Geales George Jones Andrew Allinson ■ William Downes Richard Gillett GOODWIFE NONN \or NOUN] Hugo Smale Thomas Wintersall John Wright James Fenton CiSELY a Maid John Gavett James 1 t • - •' \ Irishmen John ) JOCKY ArMESTRONGE WOLSTON PeLSANT Sampson Pelsant Cathrin Capps William Elbridg John Sanderson John Benbricke John Baker li Charles citty. Land in the Corporation of Charles Cittie in Virginia taken the 24''* of January 1624. LUKI'; licjVSE aged 44 yeares arived in the Edwine in May 1619 Allici; his wife arived in the Bona-Noita in Aprill 1622 Servant's Robert Hoi.lam aged 23 yeares in t\\Q Bonavcntnrc August 1620 Joseph Royall aged 22 yeares in the Charitie ]\x\y 1622 The MUSTER of Josuah Charu JosUAll Cuaru aged 36 yeares in the Scavcnturc May 1607 Ann his wife aged 33 yeares m the Bony bcsse August 162 ; The MUSTER of John Dod's Jdiin Don's aged 36 yeares in the Susan Constant Aprill 1607 Jane his wife aged 40 yeares The MUSTER of William Vixcene William Vincene aged 39 yeares in the Mary & yawcs JOANE his wife aged 42 yeares MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. chtiefaui:' The MUSTER of Thomas Harris Thomas Harris aged 38 yeares in the Prosperous in May Adria his wife aged 23 yeares in the Marinadnke in November 1621 Ann Woodlase theire kinswoman aged 7 yeares Servant's Elizabeth aged 15 yeares in the Margrctt & Jolin 1620 The MUSTER of John Price John Price aged 40 yeares in the Starr in May Ann his wife aged 21 yeares in the Francis Bonavcntiirc August 1620 Mary a Child aged 3 Months The MUSTER of Hugh Hilton. Hugh Hilton aged 36 yeares in the Edivine in May 1619 The MUSTER of Richard Tavlo-^ Richard Taylor aged 50 yeares in the Mary Margrctt September 1608 Dorothy his wife aged 21 yeares in the. Loudon Marcliannt May 1620 Mary theire Child aged 3 months. Servant's Christopher Browne aged 18 yeares in the Dutk in May 1620 The MUSTER of Thomas Oage Thomas Oage aged 40 yeares in the Starr in May Ann his wife in the Neptune in August 16 18 Edward theire sonn aged 2 yeares. i6 -2 204 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Neck-of-Lancl. Charles Citlie The MUSTER of RoBlCRT GrEENLLAFE Robert Greenleafe aged 43 yeres in the rry^// August 1610 Susan his wife aged 23 yeres in the Jonathan May 1620 Thomas theire sonn aged 3 yeres Ann a daughter aged 22 week's The MUSTER of Henery Coltman Henery Coltman aged 30 yeres in the Noah August 1610 Ann his wife aged 26 yeres in the London Marcltannt May 1620 The MUSTER of Hugh Price Hugh Price aged 35 years in the William & John January 1618 Judith his wife aged 24 yeres in the Marygold May 1619 John his sonn aged 2 yeres. The MUSTER of Thomas Farmer Thomas Farmer aged 30 yeres in the Tryall 1616 The MUSTER of Thomas Siieitky Thomas Shepi-EY aged 22 yeres in the Supply Januar>' 1620 The MUSTER of Allexander Bradway Allexander Bradway aged 31 yeres in the Supply January 1620 SiSLEY his wife aged 28 yeres in the Jonathan May 1620 Adria theire daughter aged 9 Months. MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 205 Neck-of-Land. The M USTER of WiLLIAM ShARP Charles Cittie William Sharp aged 40 yeres in the Starr in May Elizabeth his wife aged 25 yeres in the Bonavcnture August 1620 ISACK his sonn aged 2 yeres Samuell his sonn aged 2 Months Servant's Richard Vause aged 20 yeres in the Jonathan May 1620 West & shedey The M USTE R of the Inhabitant's of West and hundred. , fu r t Charles Cittie Sherlcy Hundred taken the 22"^ ot January 1624. Richard Bigg's his MUSTER Richard Bigg's aged 41 yeres arived in the Sivann in August 1610 Sarah his wife aged 35 yeres in the Marygold May 1618 Richard theire Sonn aged 3 yeres Thomas Turner his Cozen aged 1 1 yeres in y^ Marygold 1616 Susan Old his Cozen aged 10 yeres in the Marygold 1616 Servant's James Guy aged 20 yeares in the Marygold 1622 William Brock aged 26 yeres in the Margrctt in May 1622 Edward Temple age 20 yeres in the Margrett May 1622 Mary Peeters aged 16 yeres in the London Marchant May 1620 William Bayleys MUSTER William Baley aged 41 yeares in the Prosperous in May 16 10 Mary his wife aged 24 yeres in the George 161 7 Thomas his Sonn aged 4 yeares 2o6 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. West & humirai. Robert Partixs MUSTER Robert Partin aged 36 yeares in the Blessitigc in June 1609 Margrett his wife aged 36 in the George 1617 Robert > ^ aged 4 Months. A\'is j-theire Children -| aged 5 yeares. Rebecca-' vaged 2 yeares. Servant's Thomas Hale aged 20 yeares in the George 1623 inOctober EixiN Cooke aged 25 yeares in the London Marcliaiint June 1620 Christopher Woodward's MUSTER Christopher Woodward aged 30 yeares in the Tryall in June 1620 John Higgins 1 j^j^ ,^ ( aged 21 yeres in the George 1616 Rice Howe i ( aged 26 yeres in the Gijte 1618 Servant's Mathew Gloster aged 20 yeres in the Wanvick 1621 William Totle aged 18 yeres in the George 1623 John Canon aged 20 yeres in the Abigaile 1622 The MUSTER of Amias Bolte Amias Bolte aged 23 yeares in the Neftinie in August i6ii The MUSTER of John Collin.s John Collins aged 30 yeares in the Siiply 1620 Susan his wife aged 40 yeres in the Treasurer 1613 Ann Vsher aged 8 yeares born heare MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 207 West & hSi The MUSTER of Henery Benson Henery Benson aged 40 yeares in the Francis Bonaventure August 1620 Nicholas Blacicman his ptner aged 40 in the same Shipp West & Sherley charkfatiie '"' Thomas Pawlett's MUSTER Thomas Pawlett aged 40 yeares in the Neptune in August 161S Servant's John Trussell aged 19 yeres in the Southampton 1622 The MUSTER of William Askew William Askew aged 30 yeres in the Prosperous in May 16 10 The MUSTER of Rebecca Rose Widdow Rebecca Rose aged 50 yeares in the Marygold in May 1619 Marmaduke Hill ) ri,;u.»„ f aged 1 1 yeres ") • ., ^u- \ Children -^ ^ ' \m the same bhipp Jane Hill ' <. aged 14 yeres 3 The MUSTER of m'^ Mary Maddison Widdow Mary Maddison aged 30 yeares in the Treasurer 16 18 KatheRIN Layden a Child, aged 7 yeares Servant's James Watson aged 20 yeares in the George 1623 Roger Lewes aged 19 yeares in the Edwin in May 1617 2oS MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. West & Sherley Charles Citlii; The MUSTER of RoiiKRT* BaGWKLI. ^ Henery* Bagwell aged 35 yeares in \\\e. Deliucrance 160.S Symon Turgis aged 30 yeares in the William &■ Thomas 1618 Servant's Randall Bawde aged 30 yeares in the Due Rctiirnc 1623 Charles aged 19 yeares in the Jacob \62\ ^Charles CUtie The MUSTER of RtJBERT MiLXKR f Robert MiLNERaged 24 yeares in the />«««> AV«rtTr«/«rr August 1620 John Passeman aged 29 yeres in the Jonathan May 1620 Jenkin Osborn aged 24 yeres in the George 1617 William Weston aged 25 yeres in the Joi/athan Maj- 1C20 The MUSTER of John Thkogmorton f- John Throgmorton aged 24 j-eares in y \Villiavi& Thomas 161S Chyna Bovse aged 26 yeres in the Georg in May 1617 Servant's Edward Sparshott aged 31 yeares in the Scafionre 1621 Francis Downing aged 24 yeres in the Retunie March 1624 Ellis Ripping aged 23 yeares in the Rcturiie 1624 The MUSTER of Roger Ratlife Roger Ratlife aged ,44 yeares in the Gcorg in May 1619 Ann his wife aged 40 in the George in May 1619 I SACK his Bonn aged 9 Months * [So in the original. It will have been observed, that generally the name in the lu-a,lin^ is the same as the first name in the list.] MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 209 Charles cittie The MUSTER of Nathaniell Tatam Nathaniell Tatam aged 20 yeares in the George May 16 19 The MUSTER of m'^ Katherine Benett Widdow Katherine Benett aged 24 yeres in the Abigail 1622 William Benett her sonn aged 3 week's Servant's Randall Crew aged 20 yeres in the Charles 162 1 DEAD at WEST & Sherley. and at Sherley Hundred. 1624. Andrew Dudley, came in the Tmeloice 1622 Raph Freeman, in the Margett and John 1622 m' William Benet Minister in the Seafloure 162 1 Capt ISACK Maddeson James Crowder in the Returne 1623 Daniell Viero in the George 1623 Barnard Jackson in the Margrett f John 1623 Thomas Weston in the George 1623 James Rolfe Liueteriht Gibe's Man % John Michaell tslaine by the Indians. Francis Capt Madisons Man. -' {omey! The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Jordans Jorney Qtui"^ taken the 21* of January 1624 The MUSTER of m' William Ferrar f m'^ Jordan William Ferrar aged 31 yeares in the Neptune in August 16 18 SiSLEY Jordan aged 24 yeres in the Swan in August 1610 27 210 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Jordans Jorney. Charles Cittie Marv Jordan her daughter aged 3 yeares n Margrett Jordan aged i yeare I borne heare. Temperance Balev aged 7 yeares J Servant's William Dawson aged 25 yeres in the Discoitery March 162 1 Robert Turner aged 26 yeres in the Tryall ]unc 1619 John Hely aged 24 yeares in the Charles November 162 1 Roger Preston aged 21 yeares in the Discomric March 1621 Robert Manuell aged 25 yeres in the Cliarlcs November 162 1 Thomas Williams aged 24 yeares in the Dntie May 161 8 Richard Johnson aged 22 yeares in the Southampton 1622 William Hatfeild aged in the Southampton 1622 John Pead 35 yeares old in the same Shipp John Freame aged 16 yeares in the same Shipp The MUSTER of Thomas Palmer Thomas Palmer arived in the Tyger November 162 1 JoANE his wife in the same Shipp Prisflla her daughter aged xj yeares Servant's Richard English aged xj yeares in Wxajavics 1622 The MUSTER of Robert Fisher Robert Fisher arived in the lihabcth May 161 1 Katherine his wife in the Marmaduk October 1621 SiSLY theire daughter aged i yeare Servant's Tdve Halliers a Maid servant aged 30 yeares in y<-" Jonathan 1619 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Jordans Jorney Charles Cittie The MUSTER of JOHN ClAYE John Clave arived in the Treasuror February 1613 Ann his wife in the Ami August 1623 Servant's William Nicholl's aged 26 yeres in the Dutic in May 1619 The MUSTER of Christopher Safford Christopher Safford arived in the Tnasiiror 16 13 John Gibb's his ptner in the Supply 1619 Servant's Henery Lane aged 20 yeres in the Southampton 1623 The MUSTER of Henery Williams Henery Williams arived in the Treasuror 1613 Susan his wife in the William & Tliomas 16 18 The MUSTER of William Branlin William Branlin arived in the Margrett & John 1620 Ann his wife in the Trueloue 1622 The MUSTER of John Fludd John Fludd arived in the Swan 1610 Margett his wife in the Supply 1620 Frances Finch her daughter in the Suply 1620 William Fludd his sonn aged 3 week's. 27- 212 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Siciu'e' The MUSTER of Thomas Chapman* Thomas Chapman arived in the Tryall 1610 Ann his wife in the George 161 7 Thomas his sonn aged 2 yeare Ann theirc daughter aged 6 week's The MUSTER of Joseph Bull Joseph Bull arived in the Abigaile 1622 The MUSTER of John Davies €' John Davies arived in the George 1617 William Emerson his ptner in the Sampson 1618 Servant's William Popleton aged in the James 1622 EUSTICE DowNES aged 25 yearcs in the Abigail 1622 The MUSTER of Thomas Cawsev. Thomas Cawsey arived in the Francis Bonaventure 1620 The MUSTER of Thomas IronMonger Thomas Ironmonger arived in the The MUSTER of Richard Milton Richard Milton arived in the Suply 1620 * [The fifth letter of this name is not clear ; the word begins with an ascending letter, and might be read as Chaplain ; but it is certainly Chai'MAN in the next line.] MUSTERS OP THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 213 tte's-'S The MUSTER of Nathaniell Cawsey Nathaniell Cawsey arived in the Phoenix 1607 Thomasine his wife in the Lyon 1609 Servant's Edward Denison aged 22 yeares 1 • , - ^. v- / \. arived \\\ the Trueloue 1623 JAMES Bonner aged 20 yeares j James Dore age 19 yeares in the Bona Nova 162 1 Laurance Evans aged 15 yeares in the Janies 1622 JOANE WiNSCOMB aged 20 yeares in the George 161 8 DEAD at JoRDANs Jorney 1624 LiDiA Sherley came in the George 162$ Susan Sherley an Infant. ^chott ^^^ MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Chaplains Citrie*^^ Choyse and the Trueloues Company taken the 2 1* January 1624 The MUSTER of Ensigne Isack Chaplaine Isack Chaplaine arived in the Starr 1610 Mary his wife in the jfa7nes 1622 John Chaplaine his kinsman aged 15 yeares in the James 1622 Servant's Robert Hudson aged 30 yeares n Henery Thorne acred 18 yeares / . , . , T T-^ ,' Vanved in the James 1622 John Duffill aged 14 yeares I -^ IviE Banton a Maid servant ^ Ann Mighill a Maid servant arived in the George 1619 214 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. ^''cSi'iScIlt^'" The MUSTER of Walter Price f'" Walter Price arivcd in the WiYim &■ Tlumias 1618 Henery Turner arived in the Jolm &■ Francis 161 5 Servant's Edward Fallowes aged 30 yeares in the Hopewell 1623 The MUSTER of Thomas Keie Thomas Keie aged 30 ariued in the Prosperous June 1619 Sarah his wife in the Trucloue 1622 The- MUSTER of John Browne John Browne aged 28 yeares in the Bofia Noi'a Aprill 1621 The MUSTER of John Trehearne John Trehearne aged 33 yeares in the Trueloue 1622 The MUSTER of David Jones David Jones aged 22 yeares in the Truclmie 1622 The MUSTER of John Box John Box aged 23 yeares in the Trncloue 1622 Murderers for the forte 3 MUSTERS OF THE INJTABIIANIS IN VIRGINIA. 215 DEAD at Chaplins Choise 1624. Henery Wilson came in the Tnieloice 1622 slaine by ye Indians Nicholas Sutton in the yamcs 1622 slaine by the Indians Nicholas Baldwin in the Tnceloue 1622 slaine by the Indians William Barnett in the Trueloue 1623. wre'd. '^^^ MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Peirseys hun- dred taken the 20* of January 1624. Samuell Sharpe arived in the Scaveiiturc 1609 Elizabeth his wife in the Margrett and John 1621 Servant's Henery Carman aged 23 yeares in the Duty 1620 The MUSTER of m' Grivell Pooley Minister Grivell Pooley arived in the James 1622 Servant's John Chambers aged 21 yeares in the Bona Nova 1622 Charles Magner aged 16 yeres in the George 1623 The MUSTER of Humfrey Kent Humkrey Kent arived in the George 1619 Joane his wife in the Tyger 162 1 Margrett Arrundell aged 9 yeares in the Abigaile 1621 Servant's Christopher Beane aged 40 yeares in the Neptune i6iS 2i6 MUSTERS OF iHE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Picrscys hundred. The MUSTER of Thomas Doughtie Thomas Doughtie arived in the Marigold 1619 Ann his wife in the Marmadiike 1621 The MUSTER of Edward Auborn Edward Auborn arived in the JonatJian 1620 The MUSTER of William Baker William Baker arived in the Jonatluin 1609 The MUSTER of John Woodson John Woodson \ ,.u n ,^.^ ■' > in the George 1019 Sarah his wife ) The MUSTER of Edward Threnorden Edward Threnorden arived in the Diana 16 19 Elizabeth his wife in the George 1619 The MUSTER of Nicholas Baly Nicholas Baly arived in the Jonathan 1620 Ann his wife in the Marmadnk 1621 The MUSTER of John Lipps John Lipps arived in the London Ma7cltannt 1621 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 2 17 !- arived in the Soittliamptoii 1623 Pierseys hundred. The MUSTER of m' Abraham Peirseys Servant's. yeres. Thomas Lea aged 50"^ Anthony Pagitt 35 Saloman Jackman 30 John Davie.s aged 45 Clement Roper 25 John Bates aged 24 Thomas Abbe 20 Thomas Brook's 23 William Jones 23 Peeter Jones 24 Pierce Williams 23 Robert Graues 30 Edward Hubberstead 26 John Lathrop 25 Thomas Chambers 24 Walter Jackson 24 Henery Sanders 20 William Al,len 22 Georg Dawson 24^ John Vpton aged 26 in the Bonanova 1622 John Bamford aged 23 yeares in the James 1622 William Garrett aged 22 in the George 1619 Thomas Sawell aged 26 in the George 1619 Henery Rowinge aged 25 yeares in the Temperance 1621 NathANIELL Thomas aged 23 yeres in the Temperance 1621 Richard Broadshaw aged 20 yeares in the same Shipp Robert Okley aged 19 yeares in the William & Thomas i6iii Negro N Negro Negro I Negro ^ -4 Men 28 2i8 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Pierseys hundred. Allice Thorowden Katherine Leman Negro Woman. Negro Woman and a yong Child of hers N "1 • > maid servant's arived in the Southampton 1623 S' Samuell Argall's Cattell DEAD at Peirseys Hundred Anno Dfii 1624 John Linicker. Edward Carlowe. Robert Hus.sye. Jacob Larbee. John English. Christopher Lees Wife. Elizabeth Junes. Pasbehayghs jh^. MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Pasbeiiavs & Corporation °cut"^' the Maine taken the 30"^ of January 1624 bclont^r. ing to the Corporation of James Citty Adam Dixon arived in tlic Margrctt & John Joseph Ryale arived in the William & Thomas George Frier arived in the William & Thomas Vrsula his wife in the London Marchant Allen Keniston arived in the Margrctt &■ John Robert Paramour arived in the Szcan William Kemp arived in the George Margrett his wife in the George Anthony his Sonn aged 7 week's Richard BridgwATTER arived in the London Marchaunt Isbell his wife in the same Shipp Hugh Haward arived in the Starr Sus.W liis wife in the George. MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 219 Pasbehaighs James Citty Henery Turner arived in the London Marchannt Joseph Crew arived in the London Marchannt Thomas Jones arived in the London Marchannt Margrett his wife in the same Shipp Edward Bourbicth in the London Marchannt Revoll MorcocK arived in the Jonathan Elizabeth his wife Thomas his Sonne aged i yeare. Edward Fisher arived in the Jonathan Sarah his wife in the Warwick Edward Kildale her sonn aged 6 yeares Clare Ren a girle aged 10 yeares. John Moone arived in the Returnc 1623 Servant's. Julian Hallers aged 19 yeares \ Giles Martin aged 23 yeares ^in the Trueloue 1623 /' Clinion Rush aged 13 yeares Richard Smith arived in the London Marchannt The MUSTER of the Governors Men at Pasbehaighs Thomas Jorden aged 24 came in the Diana. John Milnhouse aged 36 in the London Marchannt Richard Sanders aged 25 in the Francis Bonavcnturc. Griffin Winne aged 28 in the Francis Bonavcnturc. Arthure Chandler aged 19 in the Jonatluin. William Dorrell aged iS in the Tmeloue. Christopher Ripping 22 in the Francis Bonavcnturc Thomas Osborn aged 18 in the Fi-ancis Bonavcnturc. George Nelson aged 19 in the Fraticis Bonavcnturc. Francis Butler aged 18 in the Francis Bonavcnturc. 28—2 2 20 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Pasbehaighs James Cilty Thomas Blanck's aged 17 in the Francis Bonaventure. Henery Dowtie aged 19 in the Jonathan. John Swarbeck came in the the Maine. James Citty. Thomas MarloE came in the Bona Nova. Thomas Bunn Bridgitt his wife Thomas his sonn aged i yeare Servant's JOHN Smith aged 30 jeares \ .^ ^j^^ .^^ Thomas Smith aged 16 yeres ) Thomas Jones aged 35 in the Bona Nova James Robesonn aged 35 in the Sican. Elizabeth Hodges a Maid servant in the Ahgaue Thomas Swinhow came in the Diana. Servant's Lawrance Smalei'AGE aged 20 yeres in the Abigaite John Carter came in the Prosperous. David Ellis in the Mary Margretf Margrett his wife in the Margrett & John James Tooke arived in the William Bink'S came in the George Ann his wife in the George MiCHAELL Batt came in the Hercules. Ellin his v\ife in the Wariinck. Robert Lince came in the Treasuror. Hugh BalDWINE came in the Tryall Susan his wife in the MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. the Maine. James Citty Robert Scotchmore came in the George 1623 Thomas Kniston cane [Keniston came] in the George i62j Servant's Roger Kidd aged 24 yeares in the George 1623 Robert Cholmle "1 ■ u\ r-i ■.■ \ came in the Lliaritie James Standish ) The MUSTER of Docto' Pott's Men in the Maine Thomas Leister aged 33 yeares Roger Stanley aged 27 "^ Thomas Pritchard aged 2S Henery Crocker aged 34 i.came in the Abigaile 1620 Thomas Crosse aged 22 John Trye aged 20 Walter Beare aged 28 Randall Holt aged 18 yeares in the George 1620 The rest of his servant's, Provisions, Amunition &ct. at James CiT'J Y. DEAD at Pasbehaighs & in the Maine 1624. Joachim Anndre\vs. Henery Scott. Richard | , y^^^ ^^ ^, b^nns. Richard J James fhe MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of James Cittie Citty. ■' taken the 24'" of January 1624 The MUSTER of S-" Francis Wyatt K' &ct. S"" Francis Wyatt K' Governo' f ■ came in the George 1621 Servant's Christopher Cooke aged 25 in the George 1621 222 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. James Citty. Georg Hall aged 13 in the Siiply 1620 Jonathan Giles 21 in the Triall 16 19 John Matheman 19 in the Jonathan 1619 Jane Davis 24 in the Abigaile 1622 The MUSTER of S^ George Yearley K' &ct. Sf George Yearllev K' ("■ came in the Dcliuerance 1609 Temperance Lady Yearlley came in tlio Fankon 1608 m' Argall Yearlley aged 4 yearcs x m' Francis Yearlley aged i yearc '-Children borne heare ni's Elizabeth Yearlley aged 6 ycres J Servant's at James Citty Richard Gregory aged 40 . Anthony Jones 26 / . , ,^ ^ ^ >came in the I cnipcranncc 1620 Thomas Dunn 14 T Thomas Phildust 15 J Thomas Hatch 17 in the Duty 1619 Robert Peake 22 in the Margrctt & John 1623 William Strange 18 in the George 1619 Roger Thompson 40 \n London Alarcliannt 1620 Ann his wife Richard Arrundell in the Abigail 1620 Geokg Deverill 18 in the Tcmpcranncc 1620 Thomas Barnett 16 in the Elsabcth 1620 Theophilus Beriston 23 in the Trcasuror 1614 Negro Men. 3 Negro Woemen. 5. Susan Hall in the William & Thomas 161 8 Ann Willis in the Tanperance 1620 Elizabeth Arrundell in the Abigail 1620. Tlie rest of his servant's at HoG Iland. MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. jamei; citty. The MUSTER of DocTo' John Pott Docto' John Pott ^ - ,- , ^ , ^ ^ ;■ arived in the Gcors:c 1620 m s Elizabeth Pott j ^ Servant's. Richard Townshend aged 19 yeares in the Abigaik 1620 Thomas Wilson aged 27 yeares in the Abigaile 1620 Osmond Smith aged 17 yeares in the Bona Nova 1620 Susan Blackwood a Maid servant in \\\q Abigaile 1622 The MUSTER of Cap- Roger Smith Capt Roger Smith came in the Abigaile 1620 m'!' JOANE Smith came in the Bkssinge Elizabeth Salter aged 7 yeares came in the Scafloitre Elizabeth Rolfe aged 4 yeares 1 , .,,... I borne m Virgmia. Sarah Macock aged 2 yeares. j Servant's Charles Waller aged 22 came in the Abigai/e 1620 Christopher Bankus aged 19 yeares in the Abigaile 1622 Henery Booth aged 20 in the Bu/ie Henery Lacton aged 18 yeares in the Hopivdl 1623 The rest of his men tlieire Provisions Armes &ct. Over the Watter. The MUSTER of Cap"^ Raph Hamok Cap' Raph Hamor m'^ Elizabeth Hamor Jeremy Clement ) , ^, ., , ■^ - her Children. Elizabeth Clement ) Servant's John LightfoOTE in the Scavcntitre FRANCIS Gibb's a boy in the Seaflozver. Ann Addams a Maid servant. The rest of his servant's, Provisions Armes f^- ^^ Hog-Iland. 224 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. jame. citty The MUSTER of C.\['^ William Pierce Cap' William Pierce came in the Sea-venture m'^ JONE Pierce his wife in Xhc Blessinge Servant's Thomas Smith a^'cd 17 yeares in the Abig-aile Henery Bradford aged 35 yeres in the Abigaile Ester Ederife a maid servant in the Jonathan Angelo a Negro Woman in the Tirasiiror. The rest of his servant's ; Provisions, Armes, Munition &ct at Mulbery I land. The MUSTER of m' Adraham Peirsey Marchannt m' Abraham Peirsey came in the Susan 16 16 Elizabeth his daughter aged 1 5 yeres ) ■ .^. c- ., ^. ^ ° o J y \ came in the Soutkanipton 1023 Mary his daughter aged 1 1 yeres .' Servant's. Christopher Lee aged 30 yeres \ Richard Serieant aged 36 yeres ( • ^u c ./ ... came in the 5w/ //«;«//(; 1622 Aaron Conaway 20 John Thomas 18 Michaell Lapworth... 16 William Lusam 27 William FEiLD 23 \m t\\ft Charles \62\ Peeter Montecue 21 Robert FLRNALL 31 in the London Marchant 1619 Walter Coop [Cooper] 33 in the Jonatlian 1619 William Walters 27 in the Bona Nova 16 iS Nicholas Chapman 31 in the Jonathan 1619 Gregory Spicer 22 in the Triall 1618 Nicholas Peirse 23 in the Falcon 1619 Robert Penn 22 in the Abigaile 1620 William Dalby 28 in the Furtherance 1622 Thomas Hopson 12 in the Bona Nova 161 8 Abraham Wood id in the Margntt f John 1620 30 234 MUSTEHS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Cap' Mathews Plant James Citty William Kingsley 24 ) . ^, ,,, , , ^ ^ \ in the Mannaauk 1023 Thomas Bridges 12 ) Arthure Goldsmith 26 came in the Diana 1618 ra, Crowders Plant. James Citty m' Hugh Crowder came in the Bona Nova 1619 Servant's Richard Ball in the George 161 7 Thomas Hawkins in the James 1622 Paule Renalles in the Trja// 1619 Nicholas Smith a boy of 18 yeres in the Bona Nova 162 1 John Verin a boy of 14 yeares in the George 1623 >came in the George 1621 m' Treasurers Plant. The MUSTER of m' Georg Sand's Esquire m' Georg Sandis Esquire Treasure' ff came in the George 1621 Servant's Martin Turner George Bailife John Spark's John Dancy John Edward's Nicholas Tompson Rosamus Carter John Stone a boy Nicholas Comon | .^ ^j^^ ^^^.^^^ ^g,, Nicholas Eyres a boy 3 David Mansfeild | .^ ^,^^ ^,^,^^^ ^^^,^ ^^^^ ^^-^^^ ^^^^^^^.^ John Claxon .' Thomas Swifte ) .^ ^^^^ j^,^^^. ^^^^^^^ ^^,^_ John Baldwine ) MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 235 nv Treasurors Plant. hired. Daniell Poole a French man his wife a yong Child of theires m' Treasurors Plant. James Citty The MUSTER of those that Liue in y^ Treasurors Plant. Robert Sheaperd came in the George 162 1 James Chambers in the Diitie 1620 John Parsons "j William Benge John Evens |^ '" the Marygold 1619 Robert Edmund s | John Comes J John Tyos ") William Pilkinton ^ in the Bona Nova 1620 Elias Longe Thomas Hall J Margrett Pilkinton | ^^^^^^^ Jane Long ■' m' ViNCENCiO the Italian m' Bernardo his wife a Child Zachary Cripp's camie in the Margrett & John 1621 Edward White in the Botia Nova 1620 Mathew Hamon in the Sojttliampton 1622 Phillip Kithly in t\\& Furtherance 1622 Anthony West in the jamcs 1622 236 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. m' Treasurers Plant. James Citty DEAD at all these John Philmott William Plant Thomas Rowlson Edward Jones John Dimsdale John Docker KOBERT ALDRIDGE Richard Greene James Davis David Williams John Foxen Plantations Over the Walter 1624 Elias Henton Tho: Fitch Enecha Fitch John Sere William Sand's Georg Gurr William Comes Robert Evars. Peaceable Sherewood William Hall I slaine by the j Indians The MUSTER of Cap^ Raph Hamors servant's Jeeferey Hull came in the George Mordecay Knight in the William & John Thomas Doleman in the Retume Elkinton Ratliffe in the Seaflonre Thomas Powell in the Scqfloure. Thomas Cooper in the Retume John Davies in the Gnifte. The MUSTER of Liuetennt Barkley. Liuetennt Edward Barkley in the Vnitie. m's Jane Barkley in the Seafloure. Jane Barkley his daughter. Servant's Thomas Phillip's ) ■ ,, n - in the Bona Nova FRANCIS Barrett J MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 237 Hog Hand Robert Martin in the George. Katherin Davies in the Southampton. John Vty came in the Francis Bonavcnturc Ann his wife in the Seafloure. John his Sonn in the SeaHonrc. Servant's William Burt | j^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^,^.^^^ William Stocker J Richard Bickley in the Retimie. John Chew came in the Charitie. Sarah his wife in the ScaJIoitre. Servant's. Roger Delk in the Southampton. Samuell Parson in the Hopewell. Walter Haslewood in the Due Rcturne. Henery Elwood I i,^ ^j^g ^^,^„^ -^ Bonaventure. William Ramshaw ) John Stone in the Sivann SiSLY his wife in the Seafloure. Henery Crocker in the Marygold J one his wife in the Swan. Henery Woodward in the Diana. Jane his wife Thomas Hitckock in the Marygold Alice his wife Roger Webster JOANE his wife JOANE Davis. 238 A/L'.'i7£A'S OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Hog Hand. The MUSTER of S-- Georg Yearllkvs Men Maximillian Stone aged 36 came in the Temperance 1620 Elizahetm his wife in the same Shipp. Maximillian his sonn aged 9 months. Robert Guy 22 in the Sivaun 1619 Edward Yates 18 in the Duty 1619 Cesar Puggett 20 in the Diana 1619 Allexander Sanders 24 in the Truelone 1623 William Strachey 17 in the Temperance 1620 George Whitehand 24 in the Temperance 1620 Henery King 22 in the Jonathan 1620 John Day 24 in the London Marcliannt 1620 The wife of JOHN D.\Y in the same Shipp John Root in the Guift ^ Walter Blake in the Swan /-Dwellers. Thomas Watt's in the TreasurorJ D.WID DUTTON 1 T^ , \ Dead Rich: Baker ) The rest of his servant's. Provisions Amies &ct reconed at James Citty Martins Ilumlrcti. The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's of Martins Hundred taken the 4^"^ of February 1624. m' William HaRWOOD came in the Francis Bouavcntiire Servant's Hugh Hughs came in the Guijtc. Ann his wife \ Thomas Doughtie aged 26 I came in the Abigail. John Hasley aged 22 yeres } Sam U ell Weaver 20 in the Bony bess Elizabeth Bygraue 12 came in the Waru.'ic/c. MUSTEJiS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 239 Martins Hundred Ellis Emerson ^ Ann his wife Vcame in the George 1623. Thomas his sonn aged 1 1 ^ Servant's. Thomas Goulding aged 26 yeres came in the George 1623 Martin Slatier aged 20 cam fro Canada in the Su'dii 1624 Robert Addams | came in the 5^«« .V<;r«. Augustine Leak ) Winifred Leak his wife came in the George 1623 Servant's Richard Smith aged 24 yeres came in the George 1623. Steephen Barker came in the James Humphrey Waldex in the Wanvick John Jackson | ^^^^ j^ ^,^^ Warwiek. Ann his Wife J A Child aged 20 week's Servant's. Thomas Ward aged 47 yeres ... j ^^^^ ;,^ ^,^^ Wan.iek John Steephens 35 yeres ^ Samuell March came in the William & Thomas. COLLICE his wife in W\z Ann 1623 Samuell Culley came in the London Marchatnt Robert ScotchmoRE and his Company now planted heare are reconned before in the MAINE DEAD at Martins Hundred this yeare Allice Emerson a girle Robert a boy of m' Emarsons a girle of JOHN JacksONS a Child of Samuell March. 240 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Mulburie Ilaml. The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's att Mulbuuy Iland taken the 25''^ of January 1624. The MUSTER of Cap^ William Pikrces servant's Richard Attkins aged 24 came in the London Marcliannt Abigall his wife 1 ^„^^, ;,^ ^^^ ^ ^.^^^n William Baker aged 20 . J Robert Aston 29 in the Trcasuror Hugh Wing 30 "^ Robert Lathom 20 . , ^ ^ . >came in the (jtorcrc 1620 Richard Aldon 19 ^ Thomas Wood 35 J Roger Ruce came in the Charles Allexanuer Gill 20 in the Bony bess Samuell Morris 20 in the Abigail Thomas Rose 35 in the Jonathan Robert Hedges aged 40 yeres in the John Virgo came in the Trcasuror Susan his wife in the same Shipp John Gatter came in the George 1620 WiLLLVM Richardson came in x\\q E divine Richard Fine came in the Ncptnnc John Nowell came in the Alargrett & John Richard Downes came in the Jonathan John CranICH came in the Marygold Percevall Wood came in the George Ann his wife in tlic George. William Raymont came in tlie Neptune William Bullock came in tlie Jonathan MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Mulbury Hand Anthony Baram came in the Abigail Ellizabeth his wife in the William &■ Thomas Thomas Harwood came in the Margrctt &■ John 1622 Grace his wife in the George Servant's. Thomas Read aged 65 yeres Wariscoyaclv. The MUSTER of the Inhabitant's at Wariscoyack taken the 7''' of Febr 1624. The MUSTER of m' Edwaru Bennett's servant's Henery Pinke came in Xhe London Marchaunt 1619 John Bate in the Addam 1621 Peeter Collins in the Addam 162 1 Wassell Webling ").,,_ ^ \ m the James 1 02 1 Antonio a Negro 3 Christopher Reynold's •> Luke Chappman vin tlie John & Francis 1622 Edward Maybank J John Attkins a William Denum tin the Gni/te 1623 Francis Bank's J Mary a Nergro Woman in the JMargrett &• John 1622 [Basses Choyse] A MUSTER of the Inhabitance of Basses Choyse Cap^ Nathaniell Basse his MUSTER Nathaniell Basse aged 35 in t\\Q fnrtlicrance 1622 William Barnard aged 21 in the furtherance 1622 Edward Wigge aged 22 in the Abigail 162 1 242 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Basses Choyse The MUSTER of Thomas Phillipes Thomas Phillipes aged 26 in the William and Thovias 1618 Elzabeth Phillipes aged 23 in the sea Floiuer 1621 The MUSTER of Thomas Bennett Thomas Bennett aged 38 in the Neptune 1618 Mary Bennett aged 18 in the Southampton 1622 Roger Heford aged 22 in the Rcturne 1623 Beniamine Simes aged 33 in the Richard Longe his MUSTER Richard Longe aged n in the Alice Longe aged 23 in the London MarcJiant 1620 RoBART Longe a Child borne in Virsrinia Wariscoyack Richard Evand's his MUSTER Richard Evand's aged 35 in the Neptune 1618 William Newman his MUSTER William Newman aged 35 in the Fnrtlierance 1622 John Army aged 35 in the Furtherance 1622 Henrie Woodward his MUSTER Henrie Woodward aged 30 in the John Browninge aged 22 in the Abigail 162 1 Servant's Amiirose aged 25 in \.\\q Marviidueke 162 1 "'KETER aged 19 in the Margett and John 1620 MUSTEHS OP THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 243 Wariscoyack A list of the DEAD in Wariscoyacke 1624. John Selley Nathaniell Haukworth [or Hankworth] Thomas Shewoud Beniamen Handcleare Servant's Margrett Symes Nathaniell Thomas of M' Bennet's men slayne by the Indianes } }■ Newportes newes Mr Danniell Gookines muster Servantes William Wadsworth aged: 26 William Foockes aged: 24 Thomas Curtis aged: 24 Peeter Sherwood aged: 21 Gilbert Whitfild aged: 23 Rise Griffin aged: 24 William Smith aged: 23 Anthonie Ebsworth aged: 26 Tsaye Delywarr aged 22 Henrie Carsley aged: 23 Roger Walker aged: 22 Edmond Morgon aged: 22 William Clarke aged: 25 Joseph Mosley aged: 21 John Parratt aged: 36 RoBART Smith aged: 22 William Croney aged: 24 William Longe aged: 19 Anne Ebsworth aged: 44 Ellnor Harris aged: 21 All W-'li Came injthe Flyingc Hartc. 1621: in the Prouidaicc 1623* DEAD in this Plantato one Armestronge * [I suppose this refers to the whole of the names from Delywakr to Harris ; but there is no " brace " m tlie original.] -,I 2 244 MUSTEHS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Elizabeth Citlie Cai't William Tucker his MUSTER Capt William Tucker: aged: 36: in the Maty and James: 1610 M''s Mary Tucker aged: 36: in the George: 1623. Elzabeth Tucker borne in Virginia in August: George Tomson aged: 17 -v Paule Tomson aged: 14 [in the George 162 WiLLL\M Thomson — u ... i"' Pascoe Champion aged 23 \. ., „ , ■ m the hllonor 1621: bTRENGHT Sheere aged: 23 ) Thomas Evand's aged: 23 \ Stephen Collowe aged: 23 r\n the George: 1623. Robart Munday aged: iS -' Mathewe Robinsonn aged: 24 in 'Cnf: grcate hopen'cll 1623: Richard Appleton aged: 19: in the James 1622. John jMorris aged 24: in the Bona Nona: 1619. Mary Morris aged 22: in the George 1623 William Hutchinson aged 21: in the Diana i6i8 Peeter Porter aged 20 in the Tyger 162 1. William Crawshaw an Indean Baptised. Anton EY Negro: Isabell Negro: and William thcirc Child Baptised John Downeman his MUSTER John Downeman aged: 33: in tiic JoJin and Francis: i6u: Elzabeth Downeman aged: 22: in the Wai-wicke 1621. MOYSES Stones aged: 16; in the Bone Bes 1623 JuiiN Lavdon his MUSTER John Laydon aged 44: in the Susan 1606 Anne Layuon aged 30: in the Mary Margett 1608 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 245 Elzabeth Cittie Virginia Laydon v Alce Laydon / , . . V borne in Virgmia. Katherin Laydon l Margerett Laydon ^ William Cole his MUSTER William Cole aged 26 in the Neptune 161 8 Francis Cole aged 27 in the Susan 16 16 Roger Farbrase aged 26 in the Elzabeth 1621 Miles Prickett and Francis Mitchell their MUSTERS. Miles Prickett aged 36 in the Starr: 1610 Francis Mitchell aged 38 in the Neptune 1618 Maudlin Mitchell aged 21 in the Bona Nona 1620 John Mitchell borne in Virginia 1624 Richard Yonge his MUSTER Richard Yonge aged 31 in the George 1616 Joane Yonge aged 26 in the Guifte 161 8 Joane Yonge aged 2 borne in Virginia Susan aged 12 in the Sivan 1624 Leiueten: Albiano Lupo his MUSTER Albiano Lupo aged 40 in the Swan 16 10 Elizabeth Lupo aged 28 in the George 1616 Temperance Lupo aged 4 borne in Virginia Servant's Henrie Draper aged 14 in the George 162 1 Joseph Ham aged 16 in the Warwkke 162 1 2.^6 MUSTERS 01' THE lATIABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. IClzabelh Ciltie John Powkll his MUSTER John Powell aged 29 in the Sivalloivc 1609 Kathren Powell aged 22 in \.\\e Jlyiiige Hart 1622 Joiix Powell borne in Virginia Servant's Tllo^L\s PkATER aged 20 in the Marie Pronidaicc 1622 Larence Peale his MUSTER Larknce Peale aged 23 in Xhe Afargctt atid John 1620 WlLLL\M Smith aged 30 in the Jacob 1624 RoBART Brittin his MUSTER RoKART Brittin aged 30: in the Edwin 1618 MiHKi.L WiLcocKES and John Slater ihcir MUSTER RIniELL WilcoCKES aged 31 in the Prosporoitsc 1610 lu./.AUETH WiLLCOCKES aged 23 in the Concord 162 1 John Slater aged 22 in the George 1617 Anne Slater aged 17 in the Gnyft 1622 Servant's James Feild aged 20 in the Sivan 1624 John Jornall aged 20 in the Ann 1623 Theodore Joones aged 16 in the Margeti and John 1620 JosKi>n Cobb his MUSTER JosEI'H C in the Bona Nona 1622 William Worlidge aged 18 J SIONELL* RoWLSTON aged 30 in the God's Gniftc 1623 Richard Burton aged 28 in the Swan 1624 Percivall Ibottson his MUSTER Percivall Ibottson aged 24 in the Neptune 1618 Elzabeth Ibottson aged 23 in \.\i& Flyinge Hart 162 1 John Davis aged 24 in the Jvlin and Francis 1623 Servant's William Greene aged 28 in the Hopewell 1623 ROBART Locke aged 18 in the Warwicke 1621 M' Danniell Cookins his MUSTER William Wadsworth aged 26 1 Thomas Curtis aged 24 William Foulke aged 24 j Peeter Sherewood aged 21 * [So in the original : probably intentkd for Lionei.l,] MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 255 Eizabeth cittie Thomas Bouldinge his MUSTER Thomas Bouldinge aged 40 in the Swan 1610 William Bouldinge borne in Virginia. William Coxe aged 26 in the Godspeede i5io Richard Edward's aged 23 \ j^ ^^e Jacob 1624. Niccolas Dale aged 20 > Reynold Booth his MUSTER Reynold Booth aged 32 in the Hercules 1609 Elizabeth Booth aged 24 in the Ann 1623 Servant's George Levett aged 29 in the Bona Nona 1619 Thomas Seywell aged 20 in the Ty^er 1623 Thomas Garnett his MUSTER Thomas Garnett aged 40 in the Szmn 1610 Elzabeth Garnett aged 26 in the Neptune 16 18 Susan Garnett aged 3 borne in Virginia Ambrose Gyffith aged 33 in the Bona Noua 1619 Joyse Gyffith aged 20 in the Jacob 1624 Thomas Dunthorne his MUSTER Thomas Dunthorne aged 27 in the Margett and John 1620 Elzabeth Dunthorne aged 38 in the Tryall 1610 Servant's William Tomson aged 22 a George Turnor aged 27 I in the Swan 1624 George Banckes aged 15 ) Thomas an Indian Boaye Elzabeth Joones aged 30 in the Patience 1609 Sara Joones aged 5 borne in Virginia 256 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Klzabeth Cittie Thomas Stepney his MUSTER Thomas Stepney aged 35 in the S-Min 1610 M' Stockton his MUSTER Jonas Stockton aged 40 in the bona Nona 1620 Richard Popeley aged 26 Richard Davis aged 22 / Walter Barrett aged 26 } '" ^'''-" ^'""^ ''^'""' ' ^^^ Timothey Stockton aged 14 ^ Sen-ant's William Duglas aged 16 in the Margett and John 162 1 John Watson aged 24 in the Szvan 1624 Tobias Hurst his MUSTER Tobias Hurst aged 22 in the Treasurer 1618 M' William Gaxy his MUSTER William Gany aged 33 in the George 1616 Anna Gany aged 24 in the Bona Nona 1620 Servant's Anna Gany borne in Virginia ThomasiN Eester aged 26 in the Falcon 1617 Elizabeth Pope aged 8 in t\\c Abbigall 1621 John Wright aged 20 William Clarke aged 20 / . , ^ , „ „ , „ Km the Ambrose 1621 Hather Tomson aged 18 f Thomas Savadge aged iS ' MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 257 EUabeth Citlie Allexa.nuer Mountnev his MUSTER Allexand' Mountney aged 33 in the Mary James 1610. Lenord Mountney aged 21 in the Bona Nona 1620 John Walton aged 28 in the Ehabeth 162 1 Bryan Rogers aged 18 in the Elzabcth 1621 John Washborne aged 25 in the Jonathan 1619 A list of the BURIALLES in Elzabeth Citty 1624. Weston Browne Aprill. 20. Richard Wiffe Aprell 26 John Mh^eman Aprell 28 John Jackson Maye 12 Edward Hill Maye 15 Peeter Maye 16 James More June 24 M' TOMSON Phillip Coocke July 8 Thomas Ebes July 12 M' Chamberlins Man July 17 Sibill Morgon July 18 Wethersby August 8 . James Chamberlin August 1 1 M' Fenton Minister Septemb' 5. William White Septemb' 1 2. James Chamberlin Septemb' 22 Mary Downeman a Child Xmi- emb' 23. John Stamford Septemb' 30 Thomas Davis Peeter Dickens'on Richard Easte Thomas Hunter John Simnell* Henrie Middellton Sammuell Lambert John Bush. A MUSTER of the Inhabitente of Elizabeth Cittie beyond Hampton River. Beinge the Companyes land. Cap^ Francis West his MUSTER Cap' Francis West Counseler aged 36 in the Ulaiy Ann Marge tt 1610 Mrs Francis West Widdowe in the Supply 1620 Nathaniell West borne in Virginia * [This name has been altered from some previous spelling : but it is doubtless correct a> printed.] 258 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Elzabeth Cittie Servant's JOANE FairI'XIIH.I) a;4cd 20 in the George 1618 Beniamin Owin a^cd 18 in the Swan 1623 William Parnki.l a^ed 18 in the Southampton 1622 Walter Coupkr aged 22 in the Neptune 1618 Reinould Godwin aged 30 in the Abigail 1620 John Pedro a Neger aged 30 in the Swan 1623 Cai'^ John Martin his MUSTER Cap' John Martin "^ Sackford WETHEREi.Laged 21 I John Smith aged 31 )-in ihc Szvan 1624 John Howard aged 24 > John Anthonie aged 23 J George Medcalfe his MUSTER George Medcalfe aged 46 Sara Medcalfe aged 30 in the Hoprwell 1624 Joane a Child. Edward Johnson his MUSTER lanvARD Johnson aged 26 in the Abigail 162 1 in the Bona Nona 1621 A Child borne in Virginia John Lauckfild his MUSTER John Lauckfild aged 24 in the Bona Nona 162 1 Alice Lauckfild aged 24 in the Abbigall 1621 Sammuell Kennell aged 30 in the Abigail 1621 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 259 Elzabeth Cittie William Fowler his MUSTER William Fowler aged 30 in the Abigail 162 1 Margrett Fowler aged 30 in tlie Abigail 1621 Walter Ely his MUSTER Walter Ely Elzabeth Ely aged 30 in the Warwicke 1622 Ann Ely borne in Virginia William Tiler his MUSTER William Tiler in the Francis Bonaveniure 1620 Elizabeth Tiler in the Fraiuis Bonavcnturc 1620 Servant's ROBART More aged 50 in the Proitidaice 1622 William Browne aged 26 in the Prouidcncc 1622 ROBART Todd aged 20 in the Hopeivell 1622 AnthoNIE Burt aged 18 in the Hopurll 1622 Samiell Bennett aged 40 in the Pronidetice 1622 Joane Bennett in \.\\q pmiidaice 1622 Thomas Flynt his MUSTER Thomas Flynt in the Diana 1618 Thomas Merres aged 21 in the F'/ancis Bona Venture 1620 Henrie Wheeler aged 20 in the Tryall 1620. John Brocke aged 19 in the Bona Nona 1619 James Brookes aged 19 in the Jonathan 1619 Robart Savadge aged iS in the Elzabeth 1621 3i-2 2bo MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. KI/aliflliCiKie John Ward his MUSTER John Wauu in the Elzabcth 1621 Adam Rimwkli. aged 24 in \\\cBona noiia 161 9 CllKiSTOPllKR VVy.nwill aged 26 in the Bona Nona 1619 Ol.iUKR JKNKIN aged 40 JOAN'E JKXKIN f a littell Child Hknrik Potter aged 50 Ann Potter in the London Marchant RoiiART Goodman aged 24 in the Bona Nona i6iy Grkgorie Dorie his MUSTER (iREiiOKiE Dorie aged' 36 in the Bona Nona 1620. his wiffc t a httell Child borne in Virginia John More his MUSTER John More adge 36 in the Bona Nona 1620 Ee/aheth More in the Abigail 1622. Sargent William Barry his MUSTER William Barry in the Bona Nona 1619 Servant's Richard Frisbie aged 34 in the Jonathan 1619 William Rookines aged 26 in the Bona Nona 1619 JosEi-ii Hattkild aged 24 in the Bona Nona 1619 Cuthert Seirson aged 22 in the Bona Nona 1619 John Gh!I!Es aged 24 in the Abigail 1621 Francis Hill aged 22 in the Bona A-ona 1619 John Vaohan aged 23 in the Bona Nona 1619 luiWARD Marshall aged 26 in the Abigail 162 1 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 26r Elzabeth Cittie William Joyce aged 26 in the Abigail 162 1 William Evand's aged 23 in the Bo7ia Nona 1619 Ralph Osborne aged 22 in the Bona Nona 16 19 Morris Stanley aged 26 in the hopeivell 1624 NiCCOLAS Weasell aged 28 in the Abigail 1621 Stephen Dickson aged 25 in the Bona Nona 1619 Thomas C alder aged 24 in the Bona Nona 16 19 William Hampton his MUSTER William Hampton age 34 in the Bona Nona 1621. JOANE Hampton John Arndell age 22 in the Abigail 162 1 Anthonie Bonall his MUSTER Anthonie Bonall age 42 } ;,^ ^he Abigail 162 1 Elias Legardo age 38 1 Robart Wright age 45 in the Swan 1608 JOANE Wright and two Children borne in Virginia William Binsley age 18 in the Jacob 1624 Robart Godwin age 19 in the Swan 1624 ViR Oble ^ \ two frenchmen in the Abigail 1622 le Hero ) Robart Thrasher his MUSTER Robart Thrasher age 22 in the Bona Nona 1620 Roland Williames age 20 in the Jonathan 1623. Servant John Sacker age 20 in the Margct and J oJ in 1623 John Haney age 27 in ihc Margett and John 1621 262 MUSTERS OF THE LXHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Elezabeth Cittie Klzabeth Hanie in the Abigail 1622 Nicholas Rowe in the Ehabeth 1621 Makv Rowe in the London Marchant 1620 Servant's THOMAS MORELAND | ^^^ ^^ j^ Xh^ Abigail 162I Ralph Hoode > A list of the DEAD beyond Hampton River of M' BONALES Servant i M' Dowse his men 2 M' Peeter Arndell TheEasterne A MUSTER of the Inhabitancc of the liasterne Shore. Shore ouer the Baye. Cai'"^ William Ei'Es his MUSTER, (in the ]Villia7n atid Tlioinas Margrett Epes in the George 162 1 Servant's NiCCHOLAS Raynberd age 22 in the Szvan 1C24 William Burditt age 25 in the Susan 161 5 Thomas Cornish age 25 in the Dtelie 1620 Peeter Porter age 19 in the Tiger 1621 John Baker age 20 in the Ann 1623 Edward Rogers age 26 in the Ann 1623 Thomas Warden age 24 in the Ann 1623 Beniamine Knight age 28 in the Bona Nona 1620 Niccolas Granger age 15 in tiie George 161 8 William Munnes age 25 in the Sampson 1619 Henrie Wilson age 24 in the Sampson 1619 James Blackborne age 20 in the Sampson 1619 Nicholas SuiTierfild age 15 in the Sampson 1619 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 263 The^Easterne CaP^ John WiLLCOCKES his MUSTER Capt John Willcockes in the Bona Nona 1620 Henrie Charlton age 19 in the George 1623 Ancient Thomas Sauage his MUSTER Thomas Savage in the John and Francis 1607 Ann Savage in the Sea Flower 1621 Servant's John WashbornE age 30 in the Jonathan 1620 Thomas Belson age 12 Cap'^ Tao: Graues his MUSTER Cap' Thomas Graues in the Mary and Margrett 1607 Walter Scott his MUSTER Walter Scott in the Hercules 16 18 Apphia Scott in the Gift 1618 Percis Scott borne in Virginia Tpiomas Powell his MUSTER Thomas Powell in the Sampson 1618 William Smith his MUSTER William Smith age 26 in the Sampson 1618 Edward Drewe his MUSTER Edward Drewe age 22 in the Sampson 161 8 264 MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. Kasterne .shore ClIARLES HaRMAN his MUSTER CharLKS Har.MAN age 24 in the Furtherance 1622 John Askume age 22 in the \ ^, , ^ •" " \ Cliarks 1624 Robert Fennell age 20 in the -' James Knott age 23 in the George 1617 Nicholas Hodgskins his MUSTER Nicholas Hodgskines age 27 in \.\\&Edivin 1616 Temporance Hodgskines in the Joitathati 1620 Margkett Hodgskins borne in Virginia SoLLoMAN Greene his MUSTER SOLLOMAN Greene age 27 in the Diana 1618 Thomas Gaskoyne his MUSTER Thomas Gaskoyne age 34 in the Bona Nona 1619 William Andros at the age 25 in the Treasurer 1617 Danniell Cugley age 28 in the London Marchant 1620 John Blore his MUSTER John Blore age 27 in the Star 1610 Francis Blore age 25 in the London Marcluint 1620 Servant's John Parramore age 17 in the Bona Venture 1622 John Wilkines MUSTERS OF THE INHABITANTS IN VIRGINIA. 265 Easteme shore RoBART Ball his MUSTER ROBART Ball age 27 in the London Alarchant 1619 William Bibbie his MUSTER William Bibbie age 22 in the Swan 162 1* Thomas Sparkes age 24 in the Susan 16 16 John Home his MUSTER John Home age 25 in the Margerett and John 1621 JohnWilkines his MUSTER John Wilkines age 26 in the Mary goidd 161 8 Briggett Wilkines age 20 in the Warwkke 162 1 Perregrim Watkines his MUSTER Perregrin Watkines age 24 in the George 1621 William Davis his MUSTER William Davis age 33 in the IVilliam and Thomas 1618 DEAD in this Plantation 1624 Thomas Helcott. John Wilkines. * [Not quite clear : may be 1620, blotted.] 34 [PATENTS GRANTED, &c.] THE CORPORACON OF HENERICO* [1626.] On the Northerly side of James River, from the Fallcs downe to Heiierico. Contayning about x Miles in length, are y« publique Land's, reserved f laid out, wherof 10,000: Acres, for the Vniuersitie Lands, 3000 Acres for the Companys Lands, w'h other Land belonging to the Colledge ; the CoiTion Land for the Corporacoh 1500 Acres. On the Southcrlcj- side begining from the Falles, their are these PATTENTS graunted (vizt. John Petkrson 100: Acres Anthony Edward's 100: NATHANELL WORTON lOO: John Procter loo: Thomas Tracy 100: John Billiard 100: Francis Weston : 300: Phettii'lace Clossk 100: John Price 150: PETTER NEVMARTf I20:t William Perry 100: John Blower 100: Surrcndrcd for the vse of the Iron Workes. Edward Hudson 100: Thomas Morgan 150: Thomas Shekfield 150: J >■ By Pattcnt. * [There is a duplicate of this list, but it agrees in the main : we have indicated in notes all differences of any importance in the spelling of names.] t [Nkwmaui' in the duplicate list.] J [Apparently 120, though blotted ; but in the duplicate list it is 100.] PATENTS GRANTED, 6-. Pattent. t [Neimart in the duplicate list.] : the duplicate list .] 34- 2 268 PATENTS GRANTED, &'c. John Harris 200 Acres planted Robert Parttin 100 planted Nathaniell Causey 200 John Cartter 40 Captaine M ADDISON 250 planted Richard Biggs 150 planted Francis Mason 50 Henry Bagwell 50 Samuell Jarratt* 100 John Dade 100 Thomas SwiNHOw 300 Thomas Hobson 150 Symon Fortescue 100 THo^L\s Oague 100 William Baly 100 John Writters 100 Leift: RiCH: Crudge 250 John Carr 100 Richard Taylor 100 Robert Bourne 250 planted > By Pattent. Laid out for the Company Land belowe Siierley HUNDRED Hand 3000 Acres Claimed by Captaine Francis West, att Westouer 500 Acres Vppon Apmatucke River William Farrar 100 Acres "] Henry Mi LWARD 250 I Charles Magnor 650 Samuell Sharpe 100 Humphery Kent 50 )> B>- Pattent. [Jerratt in the duplicate list.] PATENTS GRANTED, &-r. 269 Mr Abra: Persey 1150 Acres Richard Symons 100 Arthur Antonye 150 Acres William Sizemore 100 Acres William Dowglas 250 Acres By Pattent J Here is Land laid out for Charles Cittie, and the Comon Land. y By Pattent The Territory of create Weyonoke. Christopher Harding 100 Acres "j William Baily 50 Richard Pratt 150 William Jarret* 200 | Capt Jo: Woodliffe 550 Temperance Baily 200 Samuell Jordan 450 planted Temperance Baily 200 planted ISACKE Chaplin ;... 200 planted Capt: Nathaniell Powle ... 600 Acres M"^ Samuell Maicockes Diuident. PersEYS hundred 1 000 Acres planted. Tanks Wayonoke ouer arainst "j „^^^ » ^ (■ 2200 Acres. Perseys hundred ) Captaine Spillmans Diuident. Marttin Brandon belonging to Captaine John Marttin by I'attcnt out of England (planted). Vppon the easterly Side of Chapokes Creeke, is appointed 500 Acres, belonging to y^ place of Treasure by order of Courtt John Marttin 100 Acres George Harrison 200 Samuell Each 500 ) By Pattent * [Jerr.\tt in the duplicate list.] 2 70 PATENTS GRANTED, «5vr. On the Northerly Side, is the land belonging to Southampton hundred Containeing looooo: Acres, extending from Tanks Wayonoke downe to the mouth of Chicahomny River. THE CORPORACON OF JAMES CITTIE Adioyneing to the mouth of Chicohominy River ther are 3000 Acres of Land, laid out for y^ Company 3000 Acres, laid out for the place of the Gouerner (planted) in w-'^ are Some smale parcells, graunted by Sir Thomas Ualk and Sir Samuki.l Arcall (planted) M' Richard BucKE 750 Acres planted) ,, „ . ' ' ■ By lattcnt The Gkabe [Gleabe] Land loo ) 111 the Hand of James Cittie, are many parcells of land, graunted to the inhabitant's by Pattent, and order of Courtt The Territory of Tappahanna ouer against James Cittie. John Dodd's 150 Acres John Burrows 150 planted Richard Pace 200 planted Francis Chapman 100 ^ By Pattent Thomas Gates 100 MrJOHNRoLFE 400 planted Capt W" Powell* 200 planted J Capt Samuei.l Mathews Diuident planted Captaine John Hurlestons Uiuidcnt planted John Bainham 200 Acres planted M' George Sandys 300 planted Edward Grindon 150 planted William Ewens 1000 planted ^% Pattent Capt W" Powell* 550 planted Ensigne JO: Vtie 100 Robert Euers 100 Acres * [I'OWLE, in each case, in the duplicate list] PATENTS GRANTED, ds'c. 271 In Hog Hand Mary Baily 500 Acres planted (by pattent Southapton hundred in Hog Hand planted Captaine Raphe Hamar* by Clame in Hog Hand. 250 Acres planted Archers hope Capt Roger Smith 100 Acres planted . Richard KiNGSMELL 200 Ibyorderof Courtt. M^W" Claybourne 250 3 Ensigne W Spence | ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ f John Fowler > John Johnson 100 Richard KiNGSMELL 300 William Fairfax 200 Joakin Andrewes 100 [.By Pattent. John Grubb 100 John Jefferson 250 George Perry 100 Richard Staples 150 Richard Brewster 100 Marttins hundred Containeing as is Alledged 80000 Acres part planted Nere Mulbery Iland Nathaniel HuATTf 200 Acres n CaptW"PEERCE -J / CaptW"PEERCE -J f Mr John Rolfe with some |- 1700: Acres planted f ^ others -' ^ * [Hamor in the duplicate list.] t [Apparently so, though the second and third letters are blotted ; but it is clearly Hurr in the duplicate list.] 272 PATENTS GRANTED, &c. Warosquoiacke Plantacon Contayncing downe ward's, from Hog Hand xiiij's" miles by the River side, in \vcl> are these patients following (vizt) : John Carter loo Acres Christopher Daxiell loo Adam Dixson loo John Berry loo Thomas Winter loo John Pollington 600 Thomas Poole 100 Anthony Barham 100 Capt Netha: Basse 300 planted Giles Jones 150 planted \ By Pattent Blunt Pointe Ml- W" Claybourne 500 Acres by orde' of Court John Bainham 300 Acres by pattent Capt Raphe Hamer* 500 Acres by order of Court Gilbert Peppett 50 Acres planted I g Francis GiFFORD 50 Acres planted) Captaine Samuell Mathews his Diuedent by order of Court, planted. Thomas Hetiiersall 200 Acres Cornelius May 100 Richard Crauen 150 Richard Tree 50 [- By Pattent. Richard DoMELAWE 150 Persiuall Ibbison 50 Edward Watters 100 Acres [H.\MOR in the duplicate list.] PATENTS GRANTED, <5v<-. 273 Belowe blunt point Capt John HuRLESTONE ... 100 Acres -] Robert Hutchins 100 Acres J ^' ^^^ '^^ John Southerne 40 Acres -1 S'' Francis Wyatt 500 Acers J ^ Morris Thomson 1 50 Acres ^ John Salford 100 Pharaoh Flinton 150 Leift Giles Alington 100 William Bentley 50 Thomas Godby 100 Acres J Order of Courtt > by pattent THE CORPORACON Newports Newes The Gleab land Mr KeYTH* Thomas Taylor John Powell Capt W" Tucker Richard Boulton John Salford Robert SALFORDf Robert SALFORDf Miles Prickett John Bush William Julian Leift: Lupo Elizabeth Lupo Thomas Spilman Edward Hill Alexander Mountney William Cole William Brooks The Gleab land Eliza: DonthorneJ William Gany > by pattent OF ELIZABETH CITTIE 1300 Acres plantd ICO planted 100 planted 50 planted 150 planted ISO 50 Acres Claimed f planted 50 Acres planted 100 100 150 300 150 350 50 SO 100 100 SO 100 TOO 100 200 ^by pattent planted planted planted planted planted planted planted planted planted planted planted Pla^te'^) by pattent planted J * [Keth in the duplicate list.] + [Thus repeated in the original, J [Dunthorne in the duplicate list.] 35 274 PATENTS GRANTED, &-<:. r-by Pattern. William Capps divident planted William Landsdeli loo Acres plantd ^ Mr W" Claybourne 150 planted John Gunnery 150 planted Mary Bouldin 100 planted Thomas Bouldin 200 planted Mr Petter Arundell 200 Bartiiolmew Hoskins 100 Capt Raughly Croshaw ^ betweenc Fox hill f Pe- > 500 monkey River ' J Tho: Willowsaby about 2 -j miles w'l^in the mouth of \ 200 Acres, by order of Court Pemonkey Kiver -' On the Easterly Side of Southampton River, their arc 3000 Acres, be- longing to the Company at Elizabeth Cittie, planted. And 1500* Acres Comon Land, On y« South Side of the maine River against Elizabeth Cittie Thomas WiLLOUGHBYE 1 00 Acres "1 Thomas Chapman 100 Thomas Brewood 200 John DowNMANt 100 -bypattent Capt W" Tucker 650 John Sipsey 250 LEIET: Jo: CllEESMANj 200 The Easterne shore Ouer the Bay. John Blower 140 Acres Ensignc Salvauge his Diuidcnt Sir George Yaruly at Hangers 3700 Acres by Order of Court Ccrtainc others have planted their, but no Pattents haue bene graunted them, the Companyes and the Secrctarycs Tcnnants, were alsoe their Seated but no land ordered, to bee laid out for them, as in the other 4 Corporacoiis. * [150 in the duplicate list.] \ [CllESMAN in the duplicate list.] + [DnwNKMAN in the duplicate list.] [PORTS OF IPSWICH AND WEYMOUTH. RETURNS OF THOSE WHO EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 1634—1635.] 35-2 [RETURNS OF THOSE WHO EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 1634—1635.] To the right honnoWe the Lords & others of his Ma''^ mostc honnoWe privie Councell. The humble peticon f Certificates of JOHN CUTTINGE Ma"" of the Shipp called the Francis, and William Andrewes Maf of the Elisabeth, both of Ipsw'^h Right honnoble accordinge to yo' Lopps order, wee doe heercw'h presente vnto yo' Lopps, the names of all the Passengers that wcntc for Newe- England in the said Shipps the Tenth daye of Aprill laste paste. Humblie intreatinge yo' LoPP^ (they havinge pforemed yo' honno's order) that the bond's in that bchalfe given may bee delivered back to yo' peticon's. And they as in dutie bound will daylie praye for yo' honno's healthes f happynes I^TgsipSWICH A Note of all the names and ages of all those which l^.^l did not take the Oath of Allegiance or Supremacy being vnder age shipped in our Port In the Frauds of Ipswich M' JOHN CUTTING: bound for New England the last of Aprill 1634 r John Lea aged 13 yeres Will: Westwood:* (Grace Newell ...aged 13 yeres [The " braces " are not in the original, but have been inserted for the s.ake of clearness.] 278 EMBARKED EOR NEW ENGLAND. RoB^: Rose: Will: Fkekbourn:.. J NO: Bp:rnard: AbraiiA: Newell ... Edward: Bu(;bv John: Pease: Rowland: Stebing: Mary: Blosse: Tho: Sherwood: ... ROB^ : Cooe: Rich: Pepper: John Rose aged 15 [yeeres] Robert Rose aged 15 Eliz: Rose aged 13 Mary Rose aged 11 Samuell Rose aged 9 Sarah Rose aged 7 Danyell Rose aged 3 Darcas Rose aged 2 Mary Freebourne . aged 7 Sarah Freebourne aged 2 John Aldburgh aged 14 Fayth Newell aged 14 Henry Haward aged 7 Abraham Newell... aged 8 John Neweli aged 5 ISAACKE Newell ...aged 2 Sarah Bugbye aged 4 Fayth Clear ke aged 15 Robert Pease aged 3 Darcas Greene aged 15 Thomas Stebing ...aged 14 Sarah Stebing aged 11 Eliz: Stebing aged 6 John Stebing aged 8 MaryWinche aged 15 Richard Blosse aged 11 Anna Sherwood ...aged 14 Rose Sherwood aged 11 Thomas Sherwood . aged 10 Rebecca Sherwood aged 9 John Cooe aged 8 Robert Cooe aged 7 Beniamin Cooe aged 5 Mary PEPp [Pepper] aged 3 and halfc Stephen Beckett... agod 11 EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 279 /- Eliz: Hamond aged 15 [yeeres] Eliz: Hamond: -< Sarah Hamond aged 10 V John Hamond aged 7 Ipswich Customehouse this xij"^ of Nouember 1634 PHIL: BROWNE EDW: MANN Compt p Custr. [p^PSWICH A Note of the names and ages of all the Passengers l^i^l which tooke shipping In the Francis of Ipswich M' JOHN CUT- TING bound for new England the last of Aprill 1634 [yeeres] Robert Pease aged 27 Hugh Mason | aged 128 Hester his wife J aged J 22 Rowland Stebing ... -j aged \ 40 Sarah his wife j aged J 43 Thomas Sherwood... ^ aged 48 Alice his wife j aged 47 yeeres John Beetes aged 40 William Haulton aged 23 ...aeed 22 Nicholas Jenning's William Westwoode \ aged 1 28 Bridgett his wife J aged J 32 Cleare DR.\p [Draper] aged 30 Robert Rose -j aged \ 40 Margery his wife | aged j 40 John Bernard ■) aged \ 36 Mary his wife / aged i 38 William Frebourne ] aged 1 40 Mary his wife J aged) 33 Anthony White aged 27 Edward Bugbye | aged ^ 40 Rebecca his wife 3 aged J 32 Abraham Newell ... | aged -j 50 Francis his wife j aged J 40 Just Houlding aged 23 John Pease aged 27 Robert WiNGE aged 60 Judith his wife aged 43 John Greene aged 27 Thomas King aged 19 John Mapes aged 21 Mary Blosse aged 40 Robert CooE | aged "138 Anna his wife JagedJ43 Mary Onge aged 27 Thomas Boyden aged 21 Richard Wattlin aged 28 John Lyuermore aged 28 Richard PEPp [Pepper] -i aged 27 Mary his wife j aged 30 Richard Houlding ...aged 25 Judeth Garnett aged 26 Eliz: Hamond aged 47 Thurston Clearke ...aged 44 EMBARKED EOJi NEW ENGLAND. These psons aboue named tooke the Oath of Allegeance and Supre- macy at his Matles Custome house in Ips^'ch before vs his Maties Officers according to the order of the Lords & others of his Maties most hono''''-" I'riuy Councell: This xij'I^ of Nouember 1634 Ipswicli Customehousc THO CLERI scr EDW: MANN Compt PHIL BROWNE p Custr. IBWIl'^WICH A Note of the names and ages of all the Passengers I^SI which tooke shipping In the Elizabeth of Ipswich M' WillIa Andrews bound for new EngLand the last of Aprill 1634 [yeeres] 30 27 24 John Sherman aged Joseph Mosse aged Richard Woodward ] aged Rose his wife I aged E;,dmond Lewis | aged Mary his wife ( aged John Spring ) aged P2i,lNOR his wife j aged Thurston Raynor... ^ aged Elizabeth his wife ... f aged Thomas Skott.. ) aged P:lizabETH his wife ... j aged HeNERY KeMBALL ... I aged Susan his wife ) aged Richard Kembaei. ... ) aged VRSULA his wife j aged LsA.\CKE Mixer j aged Sarah his wife j aged Martha Scott aged George Munning's... ) aged Elizabeth his wife ... J aged vceres 20 24 45 50 II i2 45 46 40 36 40 40 44 60 17 41 John Bernard 1 aged Pheke his wife J aged Thomas Kilborne ... ) aged Elizabeth his wife ... f aged 20 John Crosse j aged 50 Anne his wife j aged 38 Robert Sherin aged 32 Humphry Brad.stkkkt^ aged 40 Bridgett his wife j aged 30 Henekv Glouer aged William Blomkield. "| aged Sarah his wife J aged Robert Day •) aged Mary his wife j aged Sarah Reynold's aged Robert Goodali ) aged Katherin his wife ... j aged Samuell Smith e ^ aged Elizabeth his wife ... j aged Thomas Hasting's ... j aged Susan his wife J aged 24 30 25 30 28 20 30 28 32 32 29 34 EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 28» [yeeres] Susan Munson aged 25 Martin Vnderwo(jd 1 aged Martha his wife j aged Henery GouLDSON... ■) aged Anne his wife S aged Anne Gouldston aged William Cutting a^ed 38 31 43 45 18 26 John Palmer aged Danyell Pierce aged John Clearke aged John Firmin aged Rebecca Isaacke aged Anne Dorifall asred [yeeres] 24 23 40 36 24 These psons aboue named tooke the Oath of Allegeance and Supre- macy, at his Mat's Custome house in Ipswich before vs his Mafies Officers according to the order of the Lords & others of his Mat's most Hono''''^ Priuy Councell : This xij''i of Nouember, 1634. THO CLERI Scr Ipswich Custome House PHIL. BROWNE EDW: MAN p Custr Compt to'^IPSWICH A Note of all the names and ages of all those which B^i did not take the oath of Allegiance or Supremacy being vnder age shipped in o' Port In the Elisabeth of Ipswich M'' Willia An- DREWES, bound for New England the last of Aprill 1634 Ed: Lewis: J John Lewis: aged 3 yeeres 1 Thomas Lewis: aged 3 quarters Rich: Woodward: I"" 1 V George Woodward: aged 1 3 fOHN Woodward: aged 13 Mary Spring: aged 11. John: Spring: \ Henry Spring aged 6 John Spring aged 4 William Spring aged 3 quarters f Thurston Rayner aged 13 Joseph Raynor aged 1 1 Elizabeth Raynor aged 9 Sarah Raynor aged 7 LiDiA Raynor, aged i Edward Raynor aged 10 Elizabeth Kemball aged 1 1 Thurston: Raynor:... J^ L 382 EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. r Elizabeth Scott aged 9 [yeeres] Tho- Scott- \ Abigail Scott aged 7 ' Thomas Scott aged 6 ISAACK Mixer aged 4 c Elizabeth Kemball aged 4 Hex: Kemball: J Susan Kemball aged i and halfe '- Richard Cutting aged 11 Henry Kemball aged 15 yeeres Richard Kemball aged 1 1 Mary Kemball aged 9 Martha Kemball aged 5 John Kemball aged 3 ^ Thomas Kemball aged i John Lauericke aged 15 George: Munnings:... [ ^^^^^^ Munning's aged 12 \ Abigail Munning's aged 7 John Bernard aged 2 Jn"; Bernard: \ Samuell Bernard aged 1 Tho: King aged 15 Anna Bradstreet aged 9 Rich: Kemball < \ John Bradstreet aged 3 Hump; Bradstreet.... -s ,t -n j ^ Martha Bradstreet aged 2 V Mary Bradstreet aged i Wh.li: Blomfield: ... Sarah Blomfield aged i /- Samuell Smith aged 9 Sam: Smith: 3 Mary Smith aged 4 I Eliz: Smith aged 7 ^ Phillip Smith aged i c Mary Goodale aged 4 Rob\ Good.ale: J Abraham Goodale aged 2 ^ ISAACKE Goodale aged halfe a yeere Hen: GouLDSON: Mary Gouldson aged 1 5 Ipswich Custome house this xijth of Nouember 1634 PHIL: BROWNE. THO CLERI scr \^ Custr. EDW: MAN Compt EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 2S3 BOUND FOR NEW ENGLAND |AYMOUTH ^ I ye 20th of l March 1635* 3 1 Joseph Hall of Somerst a Ministr aged 40 year 2 Agnis HALL his Wife aged 25 y 3 JOAXE Hall his daughf aged 15 Yeare 4 Joseph Hall his sonne aged 13 Yeare. 5 Tristram his son aged 11 Yeare 6 Elizabeth Hall his daught^ aged 7 Yeare 7 Temperance his daughf aged 9 Yeare 8 Grissell HALLf his daughti- aged 5 Yeare 9 Dorothy HALLf his daughf aged 3 Yeare ID Judeth French his s'vamt aged 20 Yeare 11 John Wood his s'vaunt aged 20 yeare 12 ROB'^ Dabyn his sVamt aged 28 Yeare 13 Musachiell Bernard of batcombe Clothier in the County of Somersett 24 Yeare 14 Mary Bernard his wife aged 28 yeare 15 John Bernard his sonne aged 3 Yeare 16 Nathaniell his sonne aged i Yeare 17 Rich: Persons salter f his s'vant: 30: yeare 18 Francis Baber Chandler aged 36 yeare 19 Jesope Joyner aged 22 Yeare 20 Walter Jesop Weaver aged 21 Yeare 21 Timothy Tabor of Som's' of Batcombe taylor aged 35 Yeare • 22 Jane Tabor his Wife aged 35 Yeare 23 Jane Tabor his daugh'"" aged 10 Yeare 24 Anne Tabor his daughf: aged 8 yeare 25 Sarah Tabor his daughf aged 5 Yeare [Really 163J.] f [So in the original.] 6 — 2 284 EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 26 WiftM Fever his s'vaunt aged 20 Yeare 27 JNO; WillTMARCK aged 39 yeare 28 Alce Whitmarke his Wife aged 35 yeare 29 Jm"* Whitmarcke his Sonne aged 1 1 yeare Portus Waymouth 30 Jane his daughf aged 7 Yeare 31 OusEPH \or Onseph] Whitmarke his sonne aged 5 yeare 32 Ricii: Whytemark his sonne aged 2 Yeare 33 Wltt.M Read of Batcombe Taylor in 34t Som's't aged 28 Yeare 35 Susan Read his Wife aged 29 Yeare 36 Hanna Read his daugh"" aged 3 yeare yj LusAX* Read his daughf aged i yeare 38 Rich: Adams his s'vante 29 Yeare 39 Mary his Wife aged 26 yeare 40 Mary Cheame his daughf aged i yeare 41 Zachary Bickewell aged 45 Yeare 42 Agnis Bickwell his Wife aged 27 yeare 43 Jn" Bickwell his sonne aged 11 Yeare 44 Jn" Kitchin his servaunt 23 yeare 46§ George Allin aged 24 Yeare 47 Katherin Allyn his Wife aged 30 yeare 48 George Allyn his sonne aged 16 yeare 49 WlltM Ally'N his sonne aged 8 year so: Mathew Allyn his sonne aged 6 yeare 5 1 Edward Poole his s'vaunt aged 26 yeare 52 Henry Kingman aged 40 Yeares 53 Joane his wife beinge aged 39 54 Edward Kingman his son aged 16 year 55 Joane his daughf aged 1 1: yeeare * [Sic. But doubtless intended for John.] + [It will be noticed that No. 34 is placed against the name of a place instead of that of a pereon.] X [Probably intended for SusAN.] § [There is no No. 45.J EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 285 56 Anne his daughf aged 9 Yeare 57 Thomas Kingman his sonne aged 7 Yeare 58 John Kinghman his sonne aged 2 yeare 59 J"' Ford his servaunt aged 30 Yeare 60 William Kinge aged 40* Yeare 61 Dorothy his Wife aged 34 yeare 62 Mary Kinge his daughf aged 12 year 63 Katheryn his daughf aged 10 Yeare 64 WiftM Kinge his sonne aged 8 year 65 Hanna Kinge his daughf: aged 6 year 66f Somm'. [Somerset] Thomas Holbrooke of Broudway aged 34: yeare 6^ Jane Holbrooke his wife aged 34 Yeare 68 John Holbrooke his sonne aged 1 1 yeare 69 Thomas Holbrooke his sonne aged 10 yeare 70 Anne Holbrooke his daught^ aged 5 yea[re] 71 Elizabeth his daught"^ aged i yeare 72 Thomas Dible husbandiTi aged 22 yeare 73 Francis Dible soror aged 24 Yeare 74 Robert Lovell husbandman aged 40 Year 75 Elizabeth Lovell his Wife aged 35 year 76 Zacheus Lovell his sonne 1 5 yeares 78! Anne Lovell his daughf: aged 16 yeare 79 John Lovell his sonne aged 8 yeare Ellyn his daughf aged ... i yeare 80 James his sonne aged i yeare 8 1 Joseph Chickin his servant 16 year 82 Alice Kinham aged 22 yeare S3 Angell Hollard aged ... 21 yeare 84 Katheryn his Wife 22 yeare 85 George Land his servaunt 22 yeare 86 Sarah Land§ his kinswoman 18 yeare * \0r 30. One figure is written over the other, and I cannot tell which is the later.] t [Thus in the original. This number should evidently come against the next line.] * [There is no No. 77 ; but it will be observed that two lines below there is a name without number.] § [Originally written LA.NG.] 286 EMBARKED FOR NEW ENGLAND. 87 Richard JOANES of Binder 88 ROB"^ Martyn of Badconibe husband m 44 89 HUMFREY SlIEPllEARD husbandiTi... 32 90 John Vpham husbandman 35 91 Joane Martyn 44 92 Elizabeth Vpham 32 93 John Vpham Juu 07 94 William Graue [Grave] 13 95 Sarah Vpham 26 96 Nathaniell Vpham 05 97 Elizabeth Vpham 03. Dorst Richard Wade of Simstuly 98* Cop [Cooper] aged 60 99 Elizabeth Wade his Wife 6t ICX3: Dinah his daughr 22 loi Henry Lush his sVant aged 17 102 Andrewe Hallett his s'vaunt 28 103 John hoble husbandfu 13 104 Rob"^ HUSTE husbandin 40 105 John Woodcooke 2 106 Rich Porter husband 3 JOHN PORTER Deputy Cleark to EDW: THOROUGHGOOD • [This number should be in the line above.] t [Sic in orig.] A Register of the of such persons a and vp^A^ards and haue t to passe into forraigne partes from . . march 1637 tothe29*'^^^day of [S]ept. . by vertu of a commission granted to m'" thomas mayhew gentleman. * [The list does not go beyond the igth of September 1637 ; the above date must therefore be an error. It should be mentioned that many passages to Holland are included in the original document : these we omit, as not pertinent to our object. The last passage for America is dated May 15. The dots indicate parts of the indorsement eaten away by age.] [A REGISTER OF PERSONS ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. 1637-] Ig^HESE people went to New England: with William:* Andrewes: l^^l of Ipswich M-- of the: JoJin: and Dorethey: of Ipswich and With William Andrewes his Sone. M'- of the Rose: of Yarmouth. Aprill the /S'li / 1637. The examinaction of JOHN: Baker: borne in Noi'wch in No'ffolck Grocar / ageed / 39 yeres and Elizabeth: his Wife/ ageed/ 31 yeares with 3 Children Elizabeth: John: and Thomas— and 4 Saruants. Marey: Alxarson: aged/ 24 yeares Anne: Alxarson: aged / 20 yeares / Bridgett Boulle: aged/ 32 yeares/ and Samuell: Arres: aged 14 yeares ar all desiroues to goe for / Charles Towne in New England ther to inhabitt and Remaine // " Aprill. the / 8* / 1637. The examinaction of NiCHO: BUSBIE: of No'wch in Norff / Weauer / aged / 50 yeares and / Bridgett: his Wife /aged/ S3 yeares with / 4 / Children. NiCHO: JOHN: Abraham: and Sarath: ar desirous to goe to boston in New England to in habitt /// Aprill. the/ Sth/ 1637 The examinaction of MiCHiLL: Metcalfe: of No'wch Do'nix Weauear / aged. 45 yeares and / Sarrah: his Wif / aged / 39 yeares with. / 8 Children / MiCHiLL: Thomas: Marey: Sarrah: Elizabeth: Martha: Joane: and Rebeca: * [We follow tlie very peculiar punctuation of this list throujjlioul.l 290 ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. and his Saruant Thomas COMBERBACH: aged / 16/ yeares ar desirous to passe to boston in New England to inhabitt /,/ Aprill. the /8*/ 1637 The examinaction of John: Pers: of Ncwch in Noi^fif VVeaucar ageed 49 yeares / and ELIZABETH: his Wife aged / 36 yeares / with 4 Children. JoHX: Barbre: Elizabeth: and JUDETII and one Saruant / John: Gedney aged / 19 yeares. are desirous to passe to boston in New England to inhabitt /// Aprill. the /S'h/ 1637. The examinaction of William: LUDKEN: of Noi'wch in No'ff / Locksmith ther bo^nc / ageed 33 yeares / and Elizabeth: his Wife / ageed. / 34 yeares. With one Child and one Saruant / Thomas: Homes: are desirous to goe to Bostone in Ncvve England there to inhabitt / and Remaine /// *ks: of Ncwch in Ncfif / Cordwynar aged / 28 yeares and. / with / 4 / Children Samuell: John: Elizabeth: and Debra: NS: aged / iS yeares and Anne: Willi AMES: aged / 15 yeares / England to Inhabitt //Z RANCIS: Lawes: bene in No^wch in Nofff and their liuing Weauear / aged nd LiDDEA: his Wife / ageed / 49 yeares / With one Child Marey: and 2 saruants. Samuell: Lincorne: aged 18 yeares / and Anne: Smith: aged. 19 yeares ar desirous to passe fo' New-England to inhabitt / / 8 1637. The examinaction of William: Nickerson: of No^vch in Nofff/ Weauear / ageed 33 yeares. and. Anne: his Wife / aged / 28 yeares with / 4 Children / NiCHO: Robaktt: Elizabeth: and Anne: ar desirous to goe to Bostone in New England ther to Inhabitt /// Aprill the / S'h / 1637. The examinaction of Samuell: Dix: of No^wch in Noi'ff Joynar ageed 43 yeares /and JOANE: his / Wife / aged 38 yeares with 2 Children Presella: and AbegELL: and 2 Saruantcs William: / Storey: and Daniell: Linsey: the one aged / 23 the other / 18 yeares/ ar all desirous to pass to Boston in New England there to Inhabitt/// * [The cots here ami after indicate parts of the original MS. eaten away by age or damp.] ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. 29t Aprill. the / ii* / 1637 The examinaction. of Henry: Skerry: of great yarmouth in the County of Nofff / Cordvvynar. / ageed / 31 yeares, and Elizabeth : his Wife / ageed / 25 yeares / with one Child Henry: and / one Aprenties / Edmund: Towne: aged / uS yeares. / ar desirous to passe for New England to inhabitt /// Aprill. the / I I'll/ 1637 jhe examinaction of John: Moulton: of Ormsby in NCff husbandman, aged. 38 yeares., and. Anne his Wife / ageed / 38 yeares with 5 Children. Henry: Marey Anne: Jane: and / Bridgett: and / 2 Saruants. Adam GooddeN-S: aged. 20 yeares and Alles: Eden: aged 18 yers / ar all desirous to passe, to New England there to inhabitt ij and abide /,',/ Aprill. the/ I I'll/ 1637 "The examinaction of MareY: MoultoN: of Ormsby in Nofff / Wydow, ageed / 30 yeares and 2 / Saruants. John: Maston: aged / 20 yeares and Merrean: Moulton: ageed / 23 yeares / are desirous to goe to New England to inhabitt and dwell /// Aprill. the / ii'h/ 1637 The examinaction of Richard: Caruear: of Skratby.* in the County of No'ff / husbandman / ageed / 60, yeares, and Grace: his Wife, ageed, 40 yeares. with / 2 Chil- dren. Elizabeth: ///ageed / 18 yeares and, Susanna: aged 18, yeares. being twynes. / mc 3 Saruants ISACKE: Hartt: ageed, 22 yeares and Thomas: Flege: aged / 21 yeares. and one I\Iarable: Vnderwood: a mayd. Saruant / ageed, 20 yeares. goes all for New England to Inhabitt / and Remaine //// Aprill. the /ii'h/1637 The examinaction of RuTH: Moulton: of Ormsby in Norff. Singlewoman. ageed / 20 yeares. is desirous to passe for New England there to Inhabitt and dwell /// Aprill .the / I I'l'/ 1637 The examinaction of RoBERTT: Page: of Ormsby in No'ff. husbandman, ageed ^i yeares and / Lucea: his Wife, aged 30 yeares with / 3 Children / Frances: Margrett: and Susanna: // and 2 Saruants / William: Moulton: and Anne: Wadd: the one aged 20 yeres the other / 15 yeares. and are all desirous to passe fo"" New England to inhabitt and Remaine. /// * [Perhaps Scratley, a part of Ormsby.] -, ■y___2 292 ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. Aprill. the / I l/ 1637 The examinaction of Elizabeth: Willl-\.MES: of Ya''mouth. in No' ff / Singlcwoman ageed 3 1 yeares / is desirous to passe into New England thcr to inhabitt and Remaine /// Aprill. the / I2'h/ 1637 The examinaction of Kathren: Rabev: of Yarmouth / a Wattermanes. Wydow. / ageed. 68 yeares. is desirous to passe into New England there to Remaine With her Sone / Aprill. the/ I2'l> / 1637 The examinaction of RiCHARU: Leeds: of great ya'mouth. Marrinar. ageed 32 yeares. and JoANE: his Wife/ageed. 23 yeares / with one Child / arc desirous to passe fo"" New England and there to inhabitt / and dwell /// Aprill. the / 12''' / 1637 The examinaction of HENRY: Smith: of New- bucknam husbandman / ageed 30 yeares. / and Elizabeth: his Wife ageed. 34 /yeares. with 2 / Children JOHN: and SlTliE: ar desirous to passe into New England /// to inhabitt /// Aprill. the / 13''' / 1637 The examinaction of JollN: ROPEAU: of New Bucknam Carpentar. / ageed. 26 yeares. and Alles: his Wife / ageed, 23 yeares / with / 2 Children. Alles: and Elizabeth: are desirous to goe for New England there to Remaine* /// * [Here come a number of entries of passages for Holland.] ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. 293 . . ese people went to New England with William: / Goosii: m'' of the Marey: Anne: of Yarmouth: /// 1637 The examinaction of THOMAS: Paine: of Wrentom in Suffolcke / Weauear / ageed / 50 yeares / and Elizabeth: his Wife / ageed / 53 yeares with / 6 / Children / Thomas: John: Marey: / Elizabeth: Dorethey: and Sarah: are desirous to goe for Salame in New England to inhabitt May: the / 10*/ 1637 The examinaction of Margrett: Neaue: of great yarmouth in No'"ff / Wydow. / ageed / 58 yeres / and Rachell: Dixson: her grand Child is desirous to passe into New England to inhabitt / May: the/io"i/ 1637 The examinaction of Beniemen: Cooper: of Bramton in Suffolck / husbandman / ageed / 50 / Yeares / and. Elizabeth: his Wife / ageed / 48 yeares With / 5 Children Larwance: Marey: Rebeca: Beniemen: and Francies: Fillingham: his Sone/in Lawe / ageed / 32 yeares allso his Sister ageed / 48 yeares / and 2 Saruants / JOHN: KiLiN: and Feleaman: Dickerson: ar all desirous to goe for Salam in New England and there, to inhabitt /// May: the / lo'h/ 1637. The examinaction of Abraham: Toppan: of yarmouth Cooper / ageed /31 yeares and Susanna: his Wife / ageed. 30 yeares With / 2 Children Fetter: and Elizabeth: and one Mayd / Saruant / Anne: GoodiN: ageed / 18 yeares are desirous to passe to New England to / inhabitt /// May: the / io''i / 1637 The examinaction of William: Thomas: of great Comberton in Wo'stershire husbandman / Singleman / ageed / 26 yeares. is desirous to passe to Exerden / in New England to inhabitt May: the / lo'h / 1637 'I he examinaction of John: Thurston: of Wrentom in Suff / Carpentar/ ageed, 30 yeares. and Mar- grett: his Wife / ageed. 32 yeares. With / 2 Children Thomas. and John: ar / desirous to passe to New England /// to inhabitt /// May: the / 10"'' / 1637 The examinaction of LuCE: Poyett: of No^wch Spinster / ageed. 23 yeares is desirous to pass into New England and there to Rcmaine /// 294 ABOUT TO PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. May: the / lo"" / 1637 The examinaction of JOHN: BOROWE of yarmouth Cooper / aged 28 yeares. and Anne: his / Wife / ageed / 40 / yeares is desirous to passe to Salam in New England and thcr to inhabitt May: the / ii'li / 1637 The examinaction of WiLLlAM: Gault: of yar- mouth Cordwynar / Singleman /ageed 29 /yeares is desirous to passe to New England and there to Rcmaine /// May: the/ iitl>/ 1637 The examinaction of JoANE: AMES: of yarmouth. Wydo»v / ageed / 50 yeares with / 3 Children Ruth: ageed / 18 yeares WiLLiAM: and JoilN: are desirous to passe for. New England and there to inhabitt and Remaine /// Maj-: the / i it'' / 1637 The examinaction of AuGSTEN: Cali Alles: his Wife / ageed / 40 / yeares desirous to goe to Salam in New Eng May: the / i ith / 1637 The examinaction of JoiiN: Darrell: of . . . .passe into Salam in New England and there May: the/ i if' / 1637 The examinaction of JoiiX: GeuneY: of NoUvch in No^ff Weauear to passe for New England / with his Wife Sarah: aged 25 yeares Ledia: Hanah: and John: mo"" / 2 Saruantes / William: Walker: ageed .... BURGES : ageed / 26 yeares / ar desirous to passe fo"" Salam /// May: the/ i it'i / 1637 The examinaction of Samuell: Aires: of No^wch an apintes / ageed / 15 yeares is desirous [to] passe into New England to his Mr John: Baker: as he had apointed him /// This man was ^The cxaminaction of JOHN: YONGES: of S' Margrctts: Sufif/ Minister/ageed 35 yeares.and. / JOAN: his Wife/ ageed /34/ yeares with /6/ Children /JOHN: Tho: Anne: Raciiell: AIarey: and / JosUEPH: ar desirous to passe fo'' Salam: in New England to inhabitt /// May: the/ 12/ 1637 The examinaction of Samuell: Grexsild: of No^wch Weauear / ageed, 27 yeares, and Barbrey: his Wife / ageed /3s yeares. With two Children Marey: and Barbrey: and John: Teed: his Saruant / ageed, 19 yeares ar all de- sirous to passe into New England to inhabitt /// ABOUT 20 PASS INTO FOREIGN PARTS. 295 May: the/ 12* / 1637 The examinaction of Thomas: JOANts: of Elzing in Noiff, Buchar / Singleman / ageed. 25 yeres is desirous to passe into New England: and there to Remaine /// May: the / 13* / 1637 The examinaction of TllOMAS: Olliuer: of Nonvch Cah'nder / ageed / 36 yeares. and MareY: his Wife / ageed. 34 yeares, with 2 Children. ThO: and JOHN: and 2 Saruants/ Thomas: Doged: aged, 30 yeares and Marey: Safe: ageed / 12 yeares ar desirous to pa.sse fo^ New England, to inhabit May: the / 15*/ 1637 The examinaction of William: Cockram: of Southould in Suff / Marinrar/ ageed 28 yeares. / and CHRISTEN: his Wife ageed. 26 yeares with 2 Children and / 2 Saruantes desirous to passe fc new england to inhabitt /// [ Then follow more passages for Holland; and the zvJwle is signed .•] HENRY: HILL Deputy for m' Thomas Mayhew Gentleman.// SOUTHAMPTON. I^ORTUS SOUTHTON. A List of the Names of such Passengers IB.^1 as were shipped in the Virgin of Hampton of 60 tonnes John Weare M^ for the Barbathoes, & John DE ea. May mcrcliant wlio haue taken the oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy the 30''' of Marchc. 1639 [1640]. Viz'. Aged. *57. ycares. Michaell Edmo.nd'.s of Crawley Com Southt husbanct. 28. Jeremy Robinson of Singleton Coiii Suss hoopmaker. 29. John Vennell de eod Cordwayner. 25. W" Fr.\NCIS of Catterington CoiTi Southt sergweau'. [serge-weaver] 20. JAME.S Wilson of Glascowe husbandfn. 20. W" Barnes of Wimbome Com Southt shocmak' 22. Nichas Bardin of Southton Smith 22. Andrewe Drudg of SouthTon p'ct husbandm 27. Ahraiiam Sad of Southton p'd sergewcau' 24. James Barrey of Dorchester husbandm 16. John Stevens of Ringwood Corn Southt husbandin 15. Gyles Weekeham of Bansteed Coin Surr husbandi7i. 18. Peter Woodland of Soutlvton Ropemaker. 16. Richard Shingle of Bevis hill nere Soutlfton. ■ 17. James H.\cker of Andivcr CoiTi Southt. 15. WittM TUCKE of Husborne ncrc Andiver p'd. 30. John Hudlice of Newport in y-- Isle of wight taylof. 16. James Blanche of the Isle of Wight p'd. 31. Richard Trodd of Southstoncham husbandin. * [The first fijjure is almost cflaceJ.] Aged H 12 12 14 12 I I EMBARKED FOR THE BARBADOES. 297 ROB'^ Clitson of Andiver p'd. Henry Harris of Southton p'd. WittM Decke of Wimborne p'd. Walter Smalle of the Isle of Wight p'd. John Bassett of Christchurch. ROB'^ Bruton of Andiver p'd. These sixe vndcr yeares, & not szvorne. IteSHE names of such as were sworne the 8"i of Aprill, & passed in the |b^,p][ same Shipp. Aged. 29. yeares. Andrewe Bullaker of Southton barbo"". 24. Miciiaell Oxford of Bevis hill husbandih. 24. RoB'^ Maijor of SoutTTton, Chaundler. 19. 14. Thomas Gretrick f Rich. Warren serves 14. Thomas Turner vnder age f not sworne. 22. Daniell de la Hay seaman. 45. John Newman of Brading in the Isle of wight. 30. Thomas Holmes of Southton Currier. 24. WittM Cockerell. Coin Staff Taylo^. 24. Henry Dainty of Bymesf Coiii Dors' shoemakr. 25. Henry Pressey of Hamsteed Coin Berk glou' [Glover] 26. Gerrart Sister a form' Inh'itant there. '29. Charles Darvall. of Southton clothworker. 14. Francis Desart of SoutFton. 14. WiJtM Gilbert of SoutFtbn p'd. eight serv' maydes, Not sworne. These & the former which passe in this Shipp were noe Subsidy men, but people & servants of meane condicon. 38 EMBARKED FOR THE BARBADOES. ORTUS SOUTHTON ; 28. June Regnald Allex* of Kent of 30. yeares gent, Gerraru 1639. Haughtox of 30. yeares Cofii OxoTi gen f David HiXE of 35. yeares Com Kane geii free planters of the Barbathoes. John Evenson of the County of Chesf f Tho: Evenson his brothr, ANDREW Waller of 18. yeares Com Hertf, Humi'HRY Burgis of 19. yeares of Cornewall, John Wethered of 22 — yeares in the County of Yeorke scrv''* to the Planters aboue named, they passe in the Boldadvcutiire of Hampton for the Isle of Guarnzcy, f from thence they take shipping for the Barbathoes, who haue taken the oathes vt sup^ [ut supra] {_May 1638.] P^IOUTHTON The list of the names of Passengrs Intended to shipe | p§Mffll thcmselues, In the Bcuis of Hampton of CI Tonnes, RoiiERT Batten M"" for Ncwengland ; And thus by vertue of the Lord Tre- surers Warrant of the second of May. w* was after the restrayne[t] & they some Dayes gone to sea Before the King* Mat^^. . Proclamacon Came vnto Southton. Ages. John Frey of Basing wlelvvrite. [wheelwright] his wife ) 05 — & three Children. J 40 — Richard Austin taylcr of Bishopstocke. his wife I 05 — & two Children. ) Robert Knight his seruant Carpenter [Three entries of passengers for Jersey and Guernsey precede this in the original.] ABOUT TO EMBARK FOR NEW ENGLAND. 299 } [Ages] 37 — Christopher Batt of Sarum Tanner. 32 — Anne his wife. 20— DOROTHIE Batt there sister. & fine 10 & vnder. Children vnder tenne yeares. 34.— Thomas Good \ 22. — Eliza: Blackston | serv's 18. — Rebecca Pond ' 62. — William Carpenter | ^ u- 1, r- \ of Honvell Carpent' 33. — William Carpent jun . 32. — Abigael Carpenter. 10 & vnder & fower Children 14 — Tho: Banshott Servt 38 — Annis Littlefeild & six Children John Knight Carpenter... \ ^^ Heugh Durdal J 26 — Henery Byley of Saru tanner. 22 — Mary Byley Tho:Reeues Serves 20 — John Byley 40 I Richard Dum' [Dummer] of Newengland. 35 Alce Dum' 19 Tho: Dum' 19 Joane Dum' 10 Jane Dum' *09 Steephen Dum' husbandman. 06 Dorathie Dum'. 04 Richard Dum'. 02 Tho: Dum'. * [Evidently either the age or the occupation must be wrong liere.] .^.8—2 300 ABOUT TO EMBARK FOR NEW ENGLAND. [Ages] 30 26 19 22 20 18 14 20 IS 20 John HucHINSON Carpent' Frauncis Alcocke Virg Adam Mott tayler Witt Wackefeild Nathanuel Parker of London Backer Samuel Poore Dayell Poore Alce Poore Richard Bayley Anne Wackefeild ^Serv's 20 ANNE wackefeild J The numb' of the passeng's aboue mentioned are Sixtie & one Soules, HEN: CHAMPANTE Cust^ N. DINGLEY Comptr THO: WULFRIS Cott & Far [THE SOMMER ISLANDS. 1673— 1679.] [THE SOMMER ISLANDS.] August the 22)Ci 1673 jHE Names of ye Govern' & Councill of ye Assembly J Heydon: D. G. [Deputy Governor] Henry Tucker seni'. Richard Wolrich Henry Moore John Hubbard John Wainwright seni'. Thomas Wood Jonathan Turner senir. Thomas Lecraift Cornelius White secretary Charles Whetenhall Speaker John Bristow Juni'. Samuell Brangman BoAZ Sharp Thomas Shaw James Farmer John Welch Thomas Stow Edward Sherlock Sen'. Robert Dickonson S'* Georg Tucker Thomas Kersey Edward Chaplain Georg Bascomb William Basden Phillip Lea John Rawlins sen'. Nicholas Thornton John Arthur John Stow John Sqire John Hutchins Richard Hanger Georg Hubbard William Milborn Lawrence Dill John Cox John Somersall Sen'. Richard Jennins Richard Peniston [But possibly S', i.e. Sir.] 304 THE SOMMER ISLANDS. Severn Vicars William Righton Seni' Thomas Hall Georg Ball John Morrice Scni'. Witt. BURCU Thomas Forster Richard Mathelin Natmaniell Butterfield Hamond Johnson Clerk of y<= Assembly Hjp^N Accompt of the Generall Lands belonging to the Somer ^^ Islands Conip^ taken out M'' Richard Norwoods Survey booke by him made in the yeares 1662: 1663: GENERALL LANDS* N" :icr': roo: Perch Begining with S' Georges Island I The Governo' holds of the Hono''''^ Comp» as . belonging to his place Twelve Shares of Land / at the East End of S' Georges Island Containe- 1 ing p Estimacori ^ Namely in the Occupacon of David Stokes p Estimation i: share Joseph Goodfaith p Estimat i: sha: John Mills p EstimaT \ sha: John Bedwell p Estimat i^ John Mills p Estimat i sha: Robert Powell p Estimat i sha. Cornelius Evans Matthew Norman ) , and Roger Browne p Estimat ) Alexander Smith p Estima"con i sha: John Welsh John Bristowe Marshall, Roger Bayley Hannah Holloway, Edward Middleton, Tiio: Shaw John Hurt, these seaven hold p Estimacon 2 sha: The residue of these twelve Shares are in the Occupacon of the Governo' himselfe. T [There are two copies of this list, one going down to No. 26 only (see p. 307), the other to tl> e end, as here. We have printed from the longer and more complete one. There arc, however, no important variations in them, so far as they both extend.] THE SOMMER ISLANDS. 2 Gleabe in the Tenure of m': Sam'-'- Smith the psent^ Minister there Two shares Containeing p stimat. V 50 00 [estimation] J 3 The Sheriffe Mr John Nicholls as belonging to his n Office Fower Shares of Land containeing p v 100 00 Estimat ) 4 The Secrary M'' Henry Tucker as belonging to-v his Office holds of the Hono^''^ Comp^ 2 shares v 050 — Containeing p Estimat ) 5 Mr John Vaughan holdeth by Lease from m'' Case- -j WELL of the Compos Land i sha: containeing >- 025 00 p Estimat j 5 Leut: Edward Brack ley holdeth of the HonoWe ) Compa at Will 2 sha: containeing p Estimat I 7 Mr John Bristowe Marshall holdeth of the Honoble Compa as belonging to his Office 2 sha: Containe- (. 050 00 ing p estimat j 8 M's Stalvers holdeth of the Honoi^'e Comp-i n as belonging to the Ferry 2 sha: Containeing > 50 00 Estimat } SuiTie 27: shares But the whole Island (as formerly measured) conteynes 706: acres that is 28: sha: and Six acres. 050 00 The Small Islands neare S' Georges. Two Islands against the East End of S' Georges ) T . - ^ - ^ . . ^ r OS 00 06 Lyemg m Comon contamemg J Pagetts Fort whereof Captaine Francis Tucker ^ is Comander w* the Island whereon it stands sometimes called Penestons Island and a Tenem' or Dwelling house there in the Occupacon of Leivt: Jonathan Stokes as belonging to the I Fort cont J 39 > 00 (. 03 oi 04 306 THE SOMMER ISLANDS. N" Generall acr roo: perch. 1 1 Smiths Fort whereof Captaine Godheard Aser is Comandcr the Island Containeing 12 Smiths Island in the tenure of Captaine Godheard Aser from the Hono'''= Comp-^ as Comander of \- 61 Smiths Fort cent 13 An Island Called Hen-Island neare the West End of Smiths Island Lyeing in Coinon and Containeing *I3 A small Island Lyeing betweene Hen-Island afore- -v said and Smiths Island Lyeing in Coinon f Con- r 00 taineing ) *I4 Long Bird Island in the Tenure and Occupacon of-, James Stirrup and Ralph Wright Weavers t 46 \\^^ they hold of the Hono'''^ Compel containeing J *IS Conny Island Lyeing at Burnt Point in the Occu- 1 j, paeon of M'- Henry Stalvers containeing J' *i6 Certaine small Islands in ye towne harbor Mullett bay f towards burnt point about Tcnn in number cont p cstiiTi 02 02 06 Suiii of all these Islands lyeing neare S Georges 165 : 2 : 16 Davids Island and first the Easterne part thereof which is Called y^ Companyes land there 17 Capt Francis Tucker Comand' of Pagetts Fort 18 holdeth of ye hono^le Compa A parcell of Land neare Davids head in y^ occupacon of his Lcive- teiiiit Jonathan Stokes Item another pcell there in y^ occupacon of John Hurt, both pcells lyeing together f cont p estim 60: 00: 00 19 Miles Higges holdeth of y* hono^^'e Compa i sha: cont pest 25: 00: 00 * [This and the succeeding numbers, in the other list, read — 14, 15, 16, 16.] THE SOMMER ISLANDS. 307 N": Landes Acr: roo: per 20 Hugh Harding holdeth of y^ honoWe Compa i Share cont p estimat 25: 00: 00 21 William Allen holds as aforesaid i share cont p est 25: 00: 00 22 Capt Richard Jennyxgs of Smiths tribe comand'' of Southampton fort holds of y^ honoh'e Compa as belonging to y<^ Fort f in ye occupacon of JOHN Grazbury f Randall Davis p estim 2 sha: of Land cont 5°: 0°: 0° 23 Lievt ThO: Hilton' holds of y^ honoWe Compa p est 2 sh: con: 5°: 00: 00 24 ROBT. BURCHER holds as afores^ p est i sh: cont 25: 00: 25 Lievt Edward Brangman and his sonne Samuel Bran GMAN holds as aforesaid p est i sha: cont ... 25: 00: 26 William Bell holds of the HonoWe Compa two pcells of Land namely one pcell on the South side cont p est 13 acres and another pcell on y^ North side next ye Bay cont pest 12 acres both pcells cont pest one Share or 25: 00: acr: roo: The Lands in S Davids Island given by y hono^''= Company to Harrington ats Hamilton tribe 27 ThO: Sparke of Davids Island holdeth freely a pcell of land w* formerly belonged to two shares in Hamilton tribe that sometimes were Capt John Bernards and are there marked (No: 19) cont p estimat 10: 28 Tho: Sparke afores^ holdeth of m>- John Milner as belonging to y^ two shares in Hamilton tribe where he dwells and another share In ye occupacon of M'* Cox widdow In all three Shares being ye Lands of M"" Perient Trott f numbred there: 9 f 20 he holdeth I say as belonging to these 3 sh p est 15: 39—2 00 ThesuiTieof these Lands in S Davids called y^Companyes 310: 00: 00 3o8 THE SOMMER ISLANDS. Generall acr: 29 William Adams holdeth of Jacob Axton as be- longing to ye Share of Mf MATTHEW WiCKS in Hamilton tribe (No there 11''') pest 05: 30: M's Mary Mountaine (formerly Mary Stow) hold- eth a pccll of Tenn acres belonging to two Shares in Hamilton tribe now M^ SOUTHERNES (No: 21) Item another pcell of Five acres belonging to a share in Hamilton tribe in ye free tenure of John Place (No 30: both pcells lyeing together f cont p estimat 15: 31 Mary Mountaine afores'l holdeth as belonging to two shares in Hamilton tribe being the Shares of Capt George Hubbart of Dcvonsheire tribe (No 12) a pccU cont p est 10: 32 Leivt John Fox holdeth of Capt Godheard Asser as apperteyneing to y*^ 3 shares in Hamilton tribe whereon he the said Capt AsSER dwe'ls w'" were Late M' Delbridge A pcell cont p estimat 15: 33 Henry Sharpe holdeth freely a pcell of thirtj- acres 34 of w'^'' 15 acres did formerly belong to y-' three shares of Capt Covells in Hamilton tribe (No 27: 28) the whole lyeing together f Cont p est 30: 35 John Lyddale holdeth of M' Sam'- Whitney of Sandys tribe as apteyncing to y<^ Land formerly m' Dykes in Hamilton tribe a pcell Cont p estimacon 30: 36: M' John Moore holdeth freely a pcell w''' was here- tofore John Day and apperteyneing to a share in Hamilton tribe now M' Webus (No 16) cont p estimat 05 : n John Moore afores" Banner Secry to ye Company 25 Sept: 1684." Z9' [MONMOUTH'S REBELLION OF i685. LISTS OF THE "CONVICTED REBELS" SENT TO THE BARBADOES AND OTHER PLANTATIONS IN AMERICA.] ; [MONMOUTH'S REBELLION OF 1685.] [Som's. Somerset.] rgjaiECEIPT for one hundred Prisoners to be transported L^l from Taunton by JOHN RosE of London Merchant. Daniell Rutter Jeremiah Poole John Baker Robert Pearce Leonard Staple Edward Kent Charles Bennett John Parsons John Gibbs John Bryer Thomas Goold John Hartey William Pitts James Webb Nicholas Collins junf Richard King Emanuell Marchant "William Marchant John Slade Samqell Bond John Rogers Bernard Loveridge Percivall Nowis William Saunders William Veiyard Henry Chambers Thomas Rowsewell Mathew Cooke John Crane Charles Burrage William Ley John Robins Luke Porter Thomas Preist Cornelius Radford. Phillip Cheeke Robert Earle John Mogridge Henry Randall James Maynard John Culverwell George Trubbs Sylvester Lyde William Phelpes !l6* LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Elias Lockbeare Sylvester Poole Thomas Moore Lawrence Preist WiLLLVM Gould Henry Preist Knock Gould John Bennett John Baker Samuell Mountstephen Thomas Buglar Stephen Jeffreyes John Morse William Scurrier John England Jacob Powell John Godsall John Andrewes Samuell Sweeting George Rowsell Edward Bellamy William Crosse Jonas Browne John Crosse Christopher Knight Thomas Meade John Needes Thomas Pitts Robert Richards Christopher Row Mathew Craft jun- Richard Peircy John Miller George Snow Samuell Collins John Cockram James Cockram Christopher Hoblyn John Marwood John Timothy Thomas Austin Moses Osborne Walter Hucker Randall Babington John Knight Job Hunt William Woodcocke John Adams Thomas Pomfrett James Patten Thomas Bambury James Clift Thomas Chamberlyne Humfrey Justine Isack Dyer Richard Symons Receiued according to his Ma"^ order the warrant from the Lord Cheifc Justice w^' a Schedule therevnto annexed of one hundred persons- attainted of High Treason w^h arc by JOHN ROSE Merch' to be trans- ported into his Mat'^^ Island of Barbadocs or other his Ma'i^s plantacoas [plantations] in America according to a Condicon of a Recognizance entrcd into by me for that purpose In Wittncsse whereof I haue here- LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 317 vnto put my hand this 12* day of October in the first yeare of his Mat'es Raigne. Annoq, Dni 1685" JOHN ROSE Wittnesse herevnto ROB^ HYDE GILES CLARKE. M'= Rose's LIST* [S^NUOICE of Sixty Eight Men Seruants Shipped on board Cap" PJol Charles Gardner in ye Jamaica Merchant for acco' of Ml- John Rose & Compa, they being to be Sold for ten Yeares theire Names as followeth Viz: ISAACK Dyer 25 year James Webb 18 „ William WooDCOKE 19 „ Humphry Justin 17 „ Richard Pearcey 20 James Cockram 21 „ Daniel Rutter 20 „ James Clift 20 „ xopher holbin 40 „ Thomas Pitt 18 „ John Timothy 29 „ Enoch Gould .. 15 „ Jerimiah Poole 30 „ William Scurrier 22 „ Emanuel Merchant 20 ,, Edward Bellamy 27 „ John Godsall 27 „ . George Rousell 30 „ . Trades Comber Hosbanman Comber . Ditto. , Ditto. Ditto. , Sarge Weauer x Weauer Ditto Comber Riben Veauer Wauer Clothier Weauer Plowman Carpenter Boucher Woolle Comber • [It will be noticed that so far as names are concerned, this list is in large part a repetition of that previously j^iven,] 40" 3i8 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Age Thomas Gould 35 years. Luke Porter 20 „ . John Mageridge 23 „ . John Cross 18 „ . John Rogers 38 „ . Robert Richards 28 „ . James Maynard 22 „ . Robert Pearce 25 „ . Nicholas CoLLiN'Gs 20 „ . John GiBiis 19 „ . Thomas Meade 22 „ . Richard Simons n „ . John Cockram 18 „ . Bernard Loueridge 22 „ . Robert Earle 24 „ . Samuel Bond 20 „ . Percifull Nowes 23 „ . William Lee 20 „ . William Phillip 26 „ . Siluester Poole 24 „ . Edward Kent 19 „ . William Sanders 19 „ . Cornelius Radford 20 „ . Charles Burrage 27 „ . Jobe Hunt 26 „ . Leonard Staples 20 „ . John Slade 25 „ ., Jonas Browne 20 „ . John Baker 35 „ .. Phillip Cheeke 16 „ ., Thomas Preist 20 „ .. William Verryard 17 „ .. Mathew Cooke 21 „ .. Mathew Craft 19 „ .. John Baker 27 „ .. Trades Tayler . Showmaker Weauer , Plowman . Clothier . Tayler Plowman Clothier Weauer Plowman Glouer . Weauer . Comber Sope boyler Plowman Serge Weauer Hatter Plowman Plowman Boucher Clothier Weaer Comber Carrier Plowman Sergevveauer Plowman Sergeweauer Plowman Sergeweauer Carpenter Plowman Weauer Mason LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 517' John Chamberlin SiLUESTER LyDE 27 John Bruer 25 George tRUEBS 28 William Pitts 28 Richard King 18 John Andrews 27 John Miller 35 Henry Preist 22 George Snow 19 Elias Lockebear 18 Xtopher Row 34 Henry Chamber 25 Thomas Aaustin 27 Age Trades 20 years Shoemaker Boucher Mason Plowman Woollecomer Plowman Woollecomer Plowman Ditto Commer Tanner Weauer WooUcomer Mercer (in dorso) 9 Dec: 1685 The men whose names are conteined in the within written list are Shipt upon the ace' of John Rose & company on board the Jam^ Mcrch' to be landed & disposed of in Barbados or in Jamaica : JOHN ROSE RECEIPT for one hundred Prisoners on Mr Nepho's Acc" to be sent to Barbudos* Prisoners in Dor dies ter Goale to bee Transported John Meggeridge Thomas Quick Nicholas Salter Francis Smith Richard Green W" Mathewes John Facy W" Greenway Richard Daniel Peter Kent Christopher Jewell Abraham Thomas * [There are three copies of this list, as well as the certificate given in p. j20, each diiftring in some points from the other. Important variations are mentioned in the footnotes ; the diffe- rences in spelling, common at that time, I have not indicated. I have chosen as "copy" that which appears, from the signatures, to have been the original document.] 40* 2 3i8* LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. John Baker Samuel Pinson Robert Clarke George Ebdon Samuel Dolebeer Ben'jamin Whicker* John Wphcker John Hitchcott Thomas Forcev VV« Gyles Joseph Gage Robert Mullens Roger Bryant Charles Broughton Richard Parker John Hayne John Con;^ett BARNARDf LOWMAN John Heathfeild Edward Venn Richard Pine Thomas Pester* [not found there and so not dcliucrcd to mc] John Sam Henry Simes§ W" Deale W" Haynes Thomas Franklyn|| W" GUPPY Mal/k:::i Mallcgke i being Azarias Pinney J wittnesse^ John Bovett Robert Sandy Thomas Dolling Edward Marsh John Easemond John Vincent Allen England Robert Vater John Prew Oliver Hobbs Philip Cox Peter Tickin** Wm Clarke Walter Osborne Richard Hoare Robert Foane Daniell Parker Prft Bagwell • [Thus in two lists ; Whitker in one.] t [Bernard in the other two lists.] J [In two copies of this list he is called Lester : in l/iis list it was first so written, and then altered to a P. The bracketed words are found only in oiu- of the copies. § [In one copy clearly written Sunes.] II Fr.\nci.yon in one of the copies ; Krancklyn in the other. II In both the copies Malachi Mallocke's name is left unerased : one differs from the original only in using the word " evidences " instead of " witnesses." The other reads thus : — Malachi Mallocke taken out of my custody for a wittnes Azarias Pinney sent away to BristoU. This explains why Mallocke's name is erased ; for Pinney, see the letter in note *, p. 320.] '* [Written thus in two lists ; TiNKiN in one.] ++ [Peter in two lists.] LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 319 Prisoners in Exeter Goale to bee transported Abraham Hunt Peter Bird Christopher Cooper John KEMPLYNf Edmund* Bovett Walter Teape John Follett Prisoners att John Joliffe Robert Peirce John Dodds Henry Pittman Nathaniel Beaton Peter:[: Cordylion W" Biggs § w" puttman John Cooke John Harcombe John Collins Nathaniel Standerwick|| Richard Dyke John Denham Abraham Gooden John Mead John BriceI Reed aeeording to his Ma''es direccons yeWarrt from ye Lord Cheife Justice w* a Schedule thereunto annexed of one hundred psons attainted of High Treason w* are by JEROM Nepho to bee transported into some of His Majesties Plantacons in America according to a Con- dicon of a Recognizance entred into by me for that purpose In witnes * [Thus in two lists ; Edmond in one.] + [Scamplyn in the two other lists.] X [Petard in one list.] § [Thus in two lists ; Briggs in one.] II [Sanderwick in one of the two copies ; Sanderwicke in the other.] IT [Thus in two lists. Price in the other.] ■** [Thus repeated in the original and other lists.] Wells to bee Transported Andrew Holcombe John Hooper** Thomas Venner Lawrence Caswell Thomas Chyn Samuel Weaver Robert Batt John Hooper** John Goald John Cooke John Johnson John Willis Richard Nash ats Lyllant John Foot John Reeves John Gill jun 320 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. whereof I have hereunto putt my hand this six f Twentieth day of Sep- tember In the first yeare of his now Majesties reigne Anoq, Dni 1685 GEORGE PENNE Witness CHARLES WHITE ROB^ HYDE SAM' GEE* CKRTIFICATE of M^NtPiio's Prisoners Landed at Barbados, t LIST of the Convicted Rebells put on Board the Betty of London at tlic Port of Waymouth in the County of Dorsett, James May Coniander, and is according to Bill of Ladeing by him signed bound for the Island of Barbados, Uiz'- John Whicker Benjamin Whicker Roger Bryant Peter Bagwell Abraham Thomas John Baker • [At ihe en 1 of one of the copies the following is written : These men are to bee transported to Barbados. GEO: PENNE. That same list is preceded by the following letter : M' NEPHOS Acct of Prisoners. S' Where as you haue signified to me that you are ordered to giue me an exact Acctt of y*: hundred Ketjclls which his Ma'«" was pleased to grant you, in whome you haue transported your Right unto me to be tran.sported according to his Mat" order to some of his Plantacions In America pursuant to y« Recogni- zance which 1 have entered Into, I doe as.surc you that there arc in Goale sixty fine of them at Dorches- ter one wounded man by name Edmund Bouett now Remaining In Exeter Goale, and three and thirty at llchester besides Azarias Pi.nney who was sent in Custody to Bristoll to be transported who it will be made appeare upon y* Return of my Express sent for that purpose hath been shipd for some one of his Matei Plantacions according to his Mat" order, of ye Rest 1 haue here annexed an exact Li.st and expect with in feue daies by my afore-mentioned messenger the Cirtificat there of I am 2i«' Oct — 85. I y' humble Seruant GEORGE Pl;.\NE The men that are to bee transported as iu the list annexed, arc to bee Sentt in the Ship Rebecca, the Commander is Cap' James Mav: witlness my hand GEORGE PENNE. It will be observed that the ship in which the men sailed is called the Betty, in the certiticatc given above. + [There is another copy of this li-.t — an " iiivoyce" of the prisoners made out before they .started for the Barbadoes. The following are all the important differences in spelling of names &c., as given by it and in the above-printed list. See list for the corresponding numbers. LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 319' William Biggs John Foot John Dodds Richard Parker Thomas Quicke Nicholas Salter Edward Venn Joseph Gaich Samuell Pinson Peter Kent Christopher Jewell Francis Smith John Uincent John Eastmond Phillip Cox John Reeues Robert Mullens John Connet (1) John Facey John Hayne Thomas Francklyn Dan I ELL Parker John Heatchfeild(2) John Mogeridge Abraham Hunt William Clarke John Sam Robert Vawter. William Madder. John Follett John Collins John Cooke (3) William Greenway William Guppy Allen England Edward Hoare (4) Richard Daniell Lawrence Caswell Richard Pine Samuell Dolbeare Robert Clarke Robert Peare (5) Oliver Hobes (e) Richard Green John Willis Robert Sandy Thomas Pestor Thomas Venner William Hayne John Hitchcock William Gyles Charls Braghton (7) John Kemplin (s) Peter Bird Richard Nash Andrew Haulkon (9) Thomas Forcy Christopher Cooper John Hill (10) John Harcomb Peter Cordelon (n) John Bovett Henry Sims William Dale (12) (1) CUNNET, (1) Heathfeild. (3) Cocke. (■•) Richard Hoare. (5) Pearce. (8) HOBBS. (') Broughton. (8) Kamplinn. (9) Hawlkom. (">) Gill. (") Petard CoRDELioN. ('2) Deale. 320* LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Nathaniell Standerwick (13) i' Robert Fawn (is) Thomas Dollen Abraham Goden Edward Bovett(u) Edward Marsh John Prew Samuell Weaver Henry Pitman William Pitman and one Servant woman by name Susannah Toleman(ic) The Bill of mortallity of the said Rebells that dyed Since they were reced on Board and were thrown over board out of the said Ship are these uiz. December the sixteenth TllOMAS Venner, Seaventeenth W" Guppv, Eighteenth John Willis, Nineteenth Edward Venn, the same day Phillip Cox one and Twentieth ROBERT Vawter, Five and Twentieth W" Greenwav Jannuary the First PETER BiRD, Witnessed by the Comander, March' and officers of the said Ship this Eighth day of Janu'y 1685* JOHN MAY JOHN PENNE JOHN MADDISON GABRIEL WHITHORN MALCUM ERASER Barbados. By the R' Hon'^'e the Leiu' Gouernor Captaine James May Comander of the ship Bettj; John Penne Marcht J no Maddison Mate, Gabriell Whithorn Boats- wain & Malcum Eraser Dcor of s^h Shipp, personally appeared before mee and made oath on the Holly Evangelists of Allmighty God, that the within servants or Convicted Rebells by the said May taken in at the Port of Waymouth in the County of Dorsett, are the very same Convicted Rebells that were delivered to, and by the said May brought in the said Ship to this Island, and that they were all of them here (") Standerick. (") Edmund. (") Fowne. (") Susan Doleman. • [1685-6.] LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. landed and delivered to m' Charls Thomas and Company Factors to Jerom Nepho or his assignes Except Eight of them w* dyed on board the said ship in the voyage, and buried in the sea, whose names are mentioned in the within Bill of Mortallity. Giuen vnder my hand the 8* day of Jannuary 1685* A true Coppy attested this Ninethdayof Janu'y 1685* EDWYN STEDE JNo WHETSTONE Depty Secrty Warr for Delivery of Rebells convict to M"^ Nepho. AUG'f Ss Whereas the severall persons whose names are conteyned in a Schedule hereunto annexed remaine now in yo' custody being attainted of high Treason for leavying Warr against his Sacred Ma'ie vnder the late Duke of Monmouth, before mee and other his Ma'ies Justices of Oyer and Terminer for this Westerne Circuit ; And whereas his Ma''« has been pleased to signifie to mee, his Royall pleasure of his gratious intentions to extend his mercy to the s^^ persons, and to pardon them their lives vpon Condicon of Transportation into some of his Ma'ie^ Plan- tacons beyond the Seas And for that purpose the said persons should bee delivered to JEROME Nepho or Order, he haveing allready pursuant to his Ma^'^s Coiiiands entred into a Recogni- zance for their safe and speedy transportacon into his s'l Mat'^^s Jeffreys Plantations beyond the Seas according to his Royall directions, and is alsoe obliedged to discharge you and all yo' Officers & Ministers from further trouble and the Country from further charge, relateing to the said persons within tenn dayes after the date of these p'sents, and upon such other Conditions as his Ma''« has required. These are therefore in his Ma'ies name to will and require you forth- wth vpon sight hereof to deliver unto the said JEROME Nepho or his * [1685-6.] 41 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS Order the said severall persons in the s^ Schedule named, in order to their Transportacon as aforesaid, and you are herebv directed to take a receipt from the person or persons to vvhome you shall deliver the said Prisoners Pursuant to this Order of the Receipt of them, and for soe doemg this shall bee yo' Warrant Giuen vnder my hand and scale this psent 35.1. day of September, in the first yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraignc Lord King James &c Annoq, Dili 1685. To the High Sherrififs of the Counties of Dorsett Devon and Somersett, & to his f their Deputies & all other Officers vvhome these may conccrne. A true Coppy attested this 9"i day of Jannuary 1685 JN" WHETSTONE Depty Secrty [B.VKIiADOKS.] P| LIST* of Seaventy tvvo Rebells by his Matyes Mercy granted to mm Gerome Nepiio to bee transported to this Island by the Betty James May Master received by Ciiarls Thomas and John Pexne by order of George Penne Esq' being the order of Jerom Nepho ' Masters. j,^^^,,,^ William Biggs William Hayne William Deale Edmoxd Bovett Richard Walters Mkiiaell Child. Samuell Weaver Robert Mullins William Giles Daniell Parker John Facey * [The names of the "Rebels" in this List have been riven'in " A R,c.-iM f.,. ,r^ r^" on Mr Ar,^,o'sA.o,..U," on ^.^.,.r; )«n it was deen,«l Xjl^^^^^^^^""^'' .econd hst. made on their arrival in the Bari.does. becanse of its incLing' e aL ' of thf LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 323 Masters. 1 Rebelis Thomas GiBBs ! John Easman Richard Cheesmax Cap'" John Sutton Caphi Robert Harison William Chester Esq' Cap'" John Gibbs Nicholas Maynard John Smart John Chace Thomas Berresford Thomas Pearce Peter Flewilling . Rebecca Beal Henry Sims John Collins Joseph Gaich John Follett Thomas Dollex Lawrence Casewell John Foot Richard Pine Peter Bagwell John Heathfeild John Hercombe John Reeves John Dodds Richard Parker Edward Marsh John Sams Nathaniell Standericke Thomas Franklyn John Cooke Robert Clarke Andrew Haukom John Prew Samuell Pinson John Gill Christopher Jewell Richard Nash Thomas Pestor 324 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Masters Barnabas Chater U Collo" Richard Vinter Thomas Holeman William Marchaxt John Shahany Rali'h Lane. Collo" John Waterman., Christopher Williams Mathew Chapman Thomas Protiiers Thom.vs Austin Elizabeth Fo-ster Thomas Linton John Goldixgh.\m Captn John King Daniell Deusbury Maj' George Bushell .. 1:i)ward Henley Rebells Benjamine Whicker John H.a.ynes Thomas Faucey Robert Peirce Samuell Dolbeare John Connett Oliver PIobiss Robert Foaxe Nicholas Salter Abraham Thomas Thomas Ouicke John Baker William Clarke Allen England Richard Green Richard Hoare Peter Kent John Hitchcocke John Mogeridge Roger Bryant Robert Sandy John Vincent Ciiarls Braughton Francis S.mith Abraham Hunt LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 325 Masters Richard Scott John Jackman Charls Thomas and Company .. Robert Bishopp Hester Foster Rebells Abraham Godding Pettard Cordelion John Whicker Christopher Cooper John Bovett Richard Daniell Henry Pitman William Pittman John Kemplin W" Mader dead CERTIFICATE of the Disposal] of the Rebells sent by M-- Nepho. Barbados' By the R' Hon'^'^ the Leiu' Gouernor. M' Charls Thomas and m' John Penny Factors for Jerome Nepho Esq'' to whom the within Convicted Rebells menconed in this List were consigned, personally appeared before mee and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that the said Rebells were de- livered them out of the ship Betty of London, whereof James May is Comander, and were all of them by the said Thomas and Penny, Sold and disposed of here to the Seuerall persons menconed in the Said List, Except one of the said Rebells by name William Madder that dyed on Shoar Since the Arriveall of the said Ship Giuen vndcr my hand the First day of February 1685* EDWYN STEDE A true Coppy attested this \ Second day of February 1685* 3 JNo WHETSTONE Depty Secrty [1685-6.] 326 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 1^1 R WILLIAM BOOTH'S Receipt for the Prisoners within men- IS^I ciin'd on the Account of JAMKS KlCNDALL Esq^- to be sent to Barbados* Prisoners in Dorchester Gaolc to bee Transported EUWARD LUTIIER(l) John Downe Ben'j: Crowe Thomas Bennett John Fisher John Manning Robert Lumbard(2) \V« WADr0RD(3) Richard KEEcn(4) George Pi.UxMLEY Thomas Allen John Reason John Speerixg Matiiew Porter Robert SruRWAY(5) John Edwards John Hardiman Barnard Bryant John Minifie(6) John White(7) James Pomeroy(8) Robert Shale(9) Thomas Hoare Peter Row John Loveridge Elias Stephens(io) John Bridle Thomas Parsons(]i) Nicholas Palmer Thomas Williams Mathew Hutchins(i2) Nicholas Smith Emanuell Collins Roger Hobbs(i3) John Gay(i4) Joseph Hallett(i5) Nathaniel Webber(]6) Edward Moreton(i7) James Salter William Loveridge(i8) Ambrose Ashford Roger French(i9) Nicholas Warren(-2o) William Wills(2i) * [Tliere is an " atleste- Cap'" Walter Scot George Masey -' Roger Hobes Capt" Robert Harrissox John Downe Stephen Devorax John Witte , „ T S- Richard Adamsox Robert Lambert Barbados, By the R' Hon'bie the L' Gouernor. M' John Browne one of the Factors for s"- W^' Booth K< to whom the aboue and within Convicted Rebells menconed in this List were consigned personal}' appeared before mee and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of AUmighty God that they were delivered him and Company, out of the ship Happy Returne of Pool, Roger Wadham Comander, and were all of them bj'him and Company sold and disposed of here to the severall persons menconed in the said List, Giuen vnder my hand the 8* day of Janu'y 1685* EDWYN STEDE A true Coppy Attested this ■) Nineth day of Janu'y, 16S5.* j JNo: WHETSTONE' Depty Secrty * [16S5-6.] 42—2 332 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. WILL: BOOTH'S LIST of Prisoners sent to Barbados. Summersctt. Shire. Witt: Drew of Bridgwater John Seamer of Chilton William Smith of Road William Hall of Cheard JUSTINEAN GuiTY of Tanton (i) George Carrow of Bridgwater Thomas Dennis of Bridgwater Ambross Winter of West Buckland Thomas Galhamton(2) of West Zoyland William Daw of Tanton Henry Gibbons of Tanton Rob: Easton of Tanton George Micell of Bridgwater Daniel Pumrey(3) of Tanton Edward Counsell of AUcrton John. Wall of Bridgwater John Leaker(4) of Hunspill [Iluntspill] Edward Vildy of Tanton Robert TkaI'E of Bridgwater Joseph Wickham of Burnam Jeremiah Atkins of Tanton Samuel Boone of Tanton John Buston of Milverton John Walters of Tanton Rob: Sease of Tanton (j) George Mullins of Tanton Thomas Brocke of Tanton * [In an "attested copy" the umler-nanied differences of spelling of names occur (^ce llie reference numbers) : — (•) Jl'ZTlPllliR GUl'l'Y. (') JUMKEY. (') Sk.\KS. (■-') (IiLiiA.MTO.v. (•") Li:akk. Z/SrS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Rob: Seaman of Tanton Laurance Hussey of Wellington Wift. Tiverton of Bridgwater George Warren of Milverton Rob: Coward of Road John Chappell of Petherton Will: Burrow's of Corfe (e) Wift: Haynes of Beckington George Keele of Chilton (s) Stephen Rodeway (7) of Frome Henry Quant of Tanton Will: Mead of Bridgwater Thomas Gamage of Tanton James Baker of Milverton Humphery Pope of Tanton John Warrin of Milverton Joseph Vinicott(s) of Bridg Water Henry Mire of Bridgwater John Harris of Hunspill Francis Came of Hunspill Richard Stephens(9) of North Carre George Nowell of Tanton Morris Fusse of Milverton James Hillman of Milverton John Stoodly of Trent Witt: Barnard of Hust Bartholomew Randall (10) of West Cott-r John Rodgers (u) of Mackington Rob: Mitchell of Illton Jonas Crosse of Cullington Richard Allin of Creech Thomas Midleton of Tanton C) Left out. (9) Stevens. (') RODWAY. (10) ReNDELL. C) ViNcoTT, (11) Rogers. 334 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Richard Bickham (12) of Dosin John Budge of Cheard RoBART Paul of Illton Osmond Read (13) of Tanton John Burges of Tanton William Parker of Tanton John FAR>n:R of Tanton Abraham Pollard of Cheard Dct'on — Sliire Timothy Hawker of Thorn Combe John Mitciiill of Thorn Come John Bagg of Thomcomc William Smith jun: of Vpportrc [Uppottery^ Micell Powell of Neath Glomorging William Walter's of Membery Humphery Trlmp of West Sanford John Bartlett of Pitmisser John Chilcot (u) of Tiverton. William Harvey of Memre William Hutcmings (15) of Vpportre John Smith of Hunington John Clode of Vppertre John Cantlebury of Sanford Pcfrin Richard Wadham of Froome William Woolridge of Tiverton Simon Poole of Bemister William Combe of Broad Winscr Richard Edgar of Mosterton. Wilt: PiHPl'lN (16) of High Church John Gale (17) of Coscam (") BRICKHAM. (") HUTCHINS. (") Symond Rkid. (") Shippin. (") CiiiLucoTr. ('■) Jdsf.ph Gaix. LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 335 Thomas Matthews of Chiddicke John Keele of Chilton Put on board the John friggct cap WiLL: STORES comand'' ninty Prisonners consined for the burbadous dated at Dorchester oc*"' the 24 16S5 WILL: BOOTH Shipt at Bristoll Barbados * By the Right Hon^''^' the Leiv' Governo': John Rogers Chcife Mate, and William Alexander Second Mate of the Ship John Friggott of Bristoll, whereof WiLLlAM Stoakes deceased was lately Master, personally appeared before mee, and made Oath on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that the above convicted Rebells by the sd Stoakes taken in att the Port of Bristoll, are the very same Rebells, that were delivered to, and by the said Stoakes brought in the said Shipp to this Island, and that they were all of them here landed, and delivered to M' John Browne and Company Factors for S' William Booth Kn' except Joseph Wickham who dyed on board the said Shipp in Kingroad, and was from thence carryed on Shoare in the Port of Bristoll and there buryed, as alsoe twelve more of them which dyed on board the said Shipp on the voyage and were buryed in the Sea, whose names are as followeth viz' Justipher Guppy, Thomas Gilhampton, George Micell, Edward Councell, George Keale, William Smith jun'. William Hutchins, Symon Poole, W" Mead Francis Came Jonas Cross and Robert Paul Given under my hand this 28''i day of January i685.t EDWYN STEDE A true Coppy Attested this -j First day of February 1685! j JNo WHETSTONE Depty Secr'y * [This certificate, as will be seen from its ending, is taken from the attested copy. + [1685-6.] 336 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS list of seaventy seaven Convicted Rebells by the John Friggat of Bristoll Captn W« Stoaks Comandcr Imported this Island are all the very same Rebells that was taken on board the said ship at the Port of Bristoll, P:xcept thirteen of tlicm that dyed before the Arriveall, and one since the arriveall of the said ship to this Island: Cap'" Walter Scott Rebells r]ony. Leakk Edward Vildy Robert Easton John Stoodly Richard Bickham Thomas Dennis George Carrow William Smith jun' John Bartlett Rouert Mitchell Michaell Powell Henry Quant John Farmer Richard Allen jNo& W" Holder ■John Wall Ambrose Winter John Cantlebury Richard Edgar Richard Stevens . W" Tiverton. Thomas Gamadge Robert Coward George Warren LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Ann Gallop ■{ Rebells John Walters Stephen Rodway George Nowell John Warrin John Burgis William Parker John Chilcott [.George Seaman 337 Collo'i John Farmer John Seamar ^William Haynes Henry Quintyne Esqr J Robert Sease V John Bagg Samuell Smart William Phippin John Buston ^William Burrowes William Drew Humphry Pope John Clood John Gale Osman Read William Coomb '^JoHN Budge CoUo" John Hallett. ["Humphry Trumpe Ithomas Brocke W« Hectrop George Mullins Richard Harwood Esq'' /-Thomas Middleton -j James Hilman ^John Smith 338 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS fTiMOTHY Hawker Collo" John Sampson J ^^"^ Mitchell I Richard Wadham [w« Barnard CapfiSXOAKS / JAMF.S BaKKR ^ Bartholomew Randall Dcor Battyn f Henry Myre (Morris Fuss Dcor John Springiiam Henry Gibbons John ALciioRNE Thomas Mathews Othniell Haogat John Buston John SuMERs Joseph Vinicott SiLUs Marchant William Hall Major Johnson John Rodgers John Hethersell Esqr John Harris Hugh Williams Robert Teap William Allamby John Chappell John Denner DaniellT^re Thomas Burke William Harvey William Slograve Lawrence Husse Samuell Warner William Walters Anthony Palmer WilliamIjIw William Marcif Abraha.^^llard LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 339 Masters Rebells { Jeremia Atkins John Browne J Samuell Boon ( William Woolridge John Keal Dead Barbados By the R' Hon''^'<= the Leiu' Gowernor. M'' John Browne one of the Factors for S'' William Booth K' to whom the within convicted Rebells menconed in this List were consigned ; and m' Daniell Richardson personally appeared before mee and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Allmighty God, that the said Rebells were delivered him the said John Browne and Company out of the ship John Friggat of Bristoll, whereof WiLLIAM Stoaks deceased was lately Master, and were all of them by him the said Browne and Company sold and disposed of here to the seuerall persons menconed in the said List, Except one of the said Rebells by name John Keale that dyed on shoar Since the arriveall of the said Ship Giuen vnder my hand the 29H1 Jann'y: 1685 EDWYN STEDE A true Coppy Attested this ) First day of February 1685 ' jNo WHETSTONE Depty Sccr'y I^^R WILLIAM BOOTH'S Receipt for the Prisoners within men- Att the Bridcivdl at Taunton Richard Stevens i Charles Lucas *Richard Edgar | George Gray * [The names mavked with an asterisk are mentioned in previous Lists.] 43—2 340 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. John Bartlett *JOIIN Stoodley *RoBT Paul *RoBT Mitchell *JOHN Gale *Bartho: Randall *JoHN Rogers *W" Haynes *WiftM Barnard *Thomas Mathewes *Hexry Meyer John Bressett *RicnARD Allen John Poole *J0HN Burges *JOHN Farmer *RlCHARD BiCKHAM *Henry Gibbons John Bason *George Nowell *MORRIS FURSE ats VOSS *HuMPHREY Trump *JOHN Warren *George Warren ^Humphrey Pope *OsMOND Read *Henry Quant *WiliM Burroughs *W« Daw *W'" Parker *R0BT Sease *Thomas Midleton *James Hillman John Bray *Ambrose Winter •Laurence Hussey *RoBT Seaman Edward Lvde •John Chappell *ROBT Easton •John Walter •Thomas Brocke George Mollins •Daniell Pumroy •Jeremy Atkins •Sam"^"- Boone John Edwards Out of Bridgtvatcr Prison' that came frojii Taunton ♦George Miciiill •W'' Drew •Thomas Dennis John Avoake •W" Tiverton •Joseph Vinicott John Seymer •John Leaker •Symon Poole •John Wale •Richard Wadham ♦Stephen Rodway •Francis Came •Michell Powell •John Kekle •Thomas Galhampton •George Carrow •Abraham Pollard •John Budge I/S7S OF CONVICTED REBELS. 34' *W'" Harvey *W" Hall •*W" PHIPrEN *JOHN ChILCOTT *RoBT Coward *JOHN CaNTLEBURY *W« WOOLRIDGE *W" Smyth John Smyth *W" Mead *George Keel *Edward Councell *Joseph Wickham John Harris Out of ilie Prisoii' that came from Exeter to Taunton. *RoBT Teap *Tymothy Hawker *W»' Smyth Joseph Newberry *JoHN Smyth John Clode *JONAS Cross *John Bragg *WiltM Hutchins *John Mitchell *Edward Vildy *justinian guppy W" Combe *James Baker ♦Thomas Gamage *W" Walter Received According to his Ma'ies direccons the Warr' from the Ld Cheif Justice w"' a Schedule therevnto annexed of One hundred persons attainted of high Treason w^* are by me to be transported in to his Maties Island of Barbadoes according to a Condicon of a Re- cognizance entred into by me for that purpose in Wittness whereof I have herevnto put my hand this present 25"' of September in the i^'year of his now Ma''e^reigne Annocj, DoiTi 1685. Witness ROB-^: HYDE SAM-- GEE (in-dorso) Prison'^ 100 Bridwell at Taunton . . Bridgewater Prison'^ ) at Taunton 3 Exeter Prison's att ) Taunton f WILL: BOOTH 56 342 LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. Ira^IIE sale of Sixty Seaven Rebells delivered by Cap'" CllARLS Issi Gardner Comander of the Jamaica Marchant to CllARLS Thomas and Thomas Sadler for acco' of Messrs John Palmer John Richardson Samuell Young and Willlvm Rose the 12''' day March 16S5. Viz> AUsters Rebells Willlvm Chester Esq^ Thomas Pitt Francis Bond esq'' John Bruer William Cross Robert Richards John Miller John Cross Benjamin MiDDLETON Luke Porter Edward JouRDEN John Slate Daniell Rutter Daniell Parsons Isack Dover Samuell Bond Mathew Gray jo„n Magridge Nicholas GiBiis James Cockram Thomas Estwicke William Sanders Richard Forstali jqhn Adams John Gray Christopher Holbin Maj"- Richard Salter Henry Chambers Francis Young Silvester Lovd Joseph Jones Percyfull Nowis William Baron John Chamberlin Archibald Johnson George Russell HuMPi-iRV Justin Leonard Staple Thomas Goold George Scrubs William Varier Robert Pearce LISTS OF CONVICTED REBELS. 343 Masters Rebells Maj'- Abell Allex Richard Simmons Knock Goold Jeremiah Pool James Clift Emanuell MARCir George Hannay esq-- Georg Snow William Currier John Cockram John Bawden Esq"- James Webb Richard King John Hethersall Esq'- Richard Pearce Edward Bellemie George Harper Cornelius Radford Job Hunt Majr George Bushell John Baker Colloii Thomas Colleton Thomas Bugler Nicholas Collins Mathew Cooke Christopher Roe Thomas Meade John Baker Thomas Preist Nicholas Prideaux William Phillips James Maynard Robert Kelly Henry Preist William Alemby Edward Kent Michaell Child John Gibes Capto John Sutton Robert Earle William Pitts Muse Walford John Godsal Majf George Lillington Silvester Pool Jonas Browne John Summers John Roggeks Ann Walters John Timothy o44 LISTS OF CONVrC'IED REBELS. Masters R^bells Capt" Thomas Morris Mathew Crafts . Barnard Loverilge Chari.s Thomas f Tno>rAS Sad- \ William Woodcocke ^^'^ -* Thomas Austin Kiavard Huklstone PHiLur Cheek Chares Burrage William Lke dead before the sliip arii\cd in Barbados Barbados By the R Hon''''^^ the L' Gouernor. M' Thomas Sadler one of the Factors to whom the within convicted Rebells menconed in this List were consigned to, personally appeared before mee and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Allmighty God that they are the very same Rebells that were delivered liim and m' Charls TllOMAS the other Factor for Messrs J oil X Pal- mer, John Richardson Samuell Young f W" Rose out of the Ship Jamaica March', whereof Chares Gardner is Comandr and where all of them by the said Sadler disposed of there to the Severall j)ersons menconed in the said List, Except one of the said Rebells that dyed at Sea by name William Lee, and was thrown over board, as appeared by the oaths of the Said Comander, and John Lloyd Mate of the Said Shipp, Giuen vndcr my hand this 24th day of March (1685) EDWYN STEDE A true Copi)y attested this ) 25'!' day of March 1686 ) JN" WHETSTONE Dep'y Secny* * [There is "An Account of one Hundred and three Convict Rebells taken on board the Jamaica March' Charls Gardner Comander, at the Port of Waymouth in old England, viz', thirty flive p bill of loading, for acco' of s'Christopher Mlsgravf., and to bee delivered to ('a|i'" SvMON Mi'scRAVtc in Jamaica, and sixty Eight for acco' of Mess" John Pai.mkr, John Rrmakdson, Samuei.i. YouNi; and W" Rose, delivered on the Island of Barbados to m' Charls Thomas and Thomas Saulkr, the 12''' March 1685." But all the names contained in this account have been mentioned in other Lists printed in this book.] [TICKETS GRANTED TO EMIGRANTS FROM BARBADOES, TO NEW ENGLAND, CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, NEW YORK, ANTIGUA, JAMAICA, NEWFOUNDLAND, AND OTHER PLACES. 1678 — 1679.] 44 [BARBADOS-TICKETS.] mm LIST of what TICQtts- have been granted out of the Secrty^ llkal Office of the Island aforesaid for the departure off this Island of the several psones hereafter menconed begining in January 1678 t ending in December following. (Viz'.) — Febriiary y^ 26'* 1678: Albercht Hennigo in the Ship Judith, for London Robert Kings- land Command'' time out March f \i'" \(i']Z Armitage Henry in the ship Society, for Boston, WILLIAM GUARD Comander. Security March f 20"' 1678: Aris John in the ship Indcavoiir for London, James Gilbert Coman- der time out Apr ill the 26''': 1679 Adamson George in the Ketch Vnity for Virginia JAMES RAINY, Comander time out Aprill f 26'''' 1679: Adams Thomas in the Ship Dcfcyance for London W" Creed Comander. time out 44—2 34S TICKETS GRANTED. Aprill the 28'* 1679. Albert Ann in the ship Midj for Carolina NiCRo LoCKWOOD Comandcr time out Aprill y 28'" 1679 Anderson Margret in the Ketch Unity for Virginia JAMES Rainv Comander. time out ApHll f 29"* 1679 Armstrong Ann in the Ship Francis for Antegoa Peter Jefferys Comander. time out May the first 1679 Abraham Agnus in the Ketch Francis f Susan for Boston Phillip Knell Comandf. time out May 2"^ 1679 Arthur Katherine in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia David Fogg Comander time out ]\Iay the 2"^ 1679 Adams George in the Ship Adventure for Londo W" Johnson Comand"^- security May )f 22 1679 AUST Henry in the Ship Industry for Bristol! James Porter Comand' time out May the 27" 1679 Allix Eliazer in the ship Prudence and Mary for Boston JACOB Green Comandi" time out yune the 1 4'^' 1 6 79 Allison Thomas in the ship Johns Adventure for Jamaica Edward Winslow Comand' time out TICKETS GRANTED. 349 Jtdy t/ic?>"' 1679 Aluerson Thomas in the ship Friendship for London John Williams Comander time out August the 18"' 1679 Avery Mary in the Ship Goldtm Fleece for London Henry Pascall Comand'' time out October the A^ i6yg Atherton W" in the Ship Nathanicll for Boston W^' Clarke Comand^ time out Novembei' the 2^"': 1679 Abudient Abraham in the Ketch Pluenix for Antegoa Robert Flexny, Comand security November the 25. 1679 Are Sarah in the Sloop Katlierinc for Antegoa Andrew Gall, Comand-- security Novevib" 27"' 1679 Alsop Katherine in the Sloop Kathcrine for Antegoa Andrew Gall Comand^ security Fcb7'U7'ay 13 1678* BOWDLER Andrew in the ship James for New Yorke WiLLlAM Sweetland Comander time out February the if' 1678 Brown Rachaell, in the Barcj, Adventure for Antegoa CHRISTOPHER Berrow Comander security February iV 1678 Blake John in the sloop Resolution for Montseratt John Ingleby Comander time out • [1678-9.] 35° TICKETS GRANTED. Ma rch first 1678 Barwell John in the Constant Wanvick friggott for Londo Cap' Ralph DliLAVALL Comand'' time out March the 5'* 1678 BiLFOKD James in the Pink Seaventiire for Antegoa GeoR(;e Bat- TERSBY Comand' time out March the 12'* 1678 Bartox James in the Ketch W'" and Susan for New England Ralph Parker Comand'' time out March the 22 1678 Ban'cks Joseph in the Ketch W"' f Susan for New England Ralph Parker Comander time out 3Iarch the 27" 1679 Barnard Humphry Senior and Jun^ in the Ketch ATary and Sarah for Carolina Geo: Conway Comand^ time out Aprill the first 1 6 79 Bates Richard in the ship Expedition for London John Harding Comander time out Aprill the third 1679 Browning Ann in the Ship J/(«-//« for Newfoundland Christopher Martin Comander. time out Aprill 4"' 1679 Ba(;nall John in the Sloop Rutter for Jamaica Edward Duffeild Comander time out Aprill the 7'* 1679 BiCKLE Thomas in the Sloop May Flozvcr, for Bcrmudes Edward Hubdert Comand^ security TICKETS GRANTED. Aprill the \\"' 16-9 BuRGOSS Abraham in the Ketch W"' f John for New England John Sanders Comander time out Aprill the 15"' 1679 Brett John in the Ship Honor for London Thomas Warren Comander time out Aprill the \f'' 1679 Barnes Nicholas in the Barq^ Blessing for Prouidence Francis Wat- LINGTON Comand''. time out Aprill the \f' 1679 BuSHELL W" in the Ship Pcarle for Antegoa, Ricu" Williams Comand' time out Apj'ill the 19'* 1679 Ball James in the ship Pelican, for London John Cocke, Comander security Aprill the 22'' 1679 Balrick Thomas in the Ship Hope for London Joseph Ball Co- mander. security Aprill f 2q"' 1679 Bagwell Francis in the Keatch Calieta for Topsham Samuell Paul Comand^ time out May f 5'^' 1679 BiNCKS Charles Esq"' in the Ship Expcrim" for London Allan Cock Comand"^ time out May the 5''' 1679 Brearly Martin in the Ship White Fox London John Lee Comand^ time out 352 TICKETS GRANTED. May the Sixth 1679 Box Ann in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg, Co- mander time out Mfay the 6"' 1679 BuRNi-: Dennis A servant belonging to M"- Henrv Aplewhite in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia David Fogg Comander May the 7"' 1679 Brown W" in the Ship Merchants Adventure for Leverpool JOHN Greigs Comand' time out May y 8'* 1679 Blackleech John Senior and Jun' for Boston in y<-' Ketch il/rtj F/irarr Robert Kitchin Comand' time out May the 10"' 1679 Bisiioi' Robert in the ship experiment for London Allan Cock Comand''- security May the 16"' 1679. Brome John in the Ketch Prouidcnee for Boston Marke Hunking Comand"" time out May the if' 1679. Bolton Ambross in the ship New Concord, for Londo James Strutt Comandf time out May y' 29'* 1679 Bond Thomas in the Ketch Eli^- {or Boston John Fletcher Comander time out May the 21'' 1679 Berrow Christopher in the ship Society, of Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comand"" time out TICKETS GRAXTED. 353 ♦ June the 2'' 1679 BOWHANE Teag in the ship Society, for Bristol! Edmond Ditty Comaridr- time out June y" 22^^ 1679 Bread Thomas, in the Ship Proiddence for Boston Timothy Prout Comand'^ time out yiily the first 1 6 79 Bird Henry in the Ship /^wz// for London Benj^ Grove Comandf time out July the 2-i 1679 Bradley Michaell in the ship Ami/y for London Benj* Grove Comand'- time out yuty f \"' 1679 Butler John in the Ketch New London for ditto Adam Pickett Comander time out July the 7''' 1679 Bolton Samuell in the Ship Bare for London W-^'Dickins Comand^ security July f 12"" 1679 Browne Hugh in the ship Bachelor for London W" Knott Comand'' time out July the 21 1679 Brograve Henry in the Ship Malligoe Merck" for London Roger Homer Comand'' time out August the first 1679 Bodkin Martin in the ship Young W" for Virginia Tho. Cornish Comander time out 45 3S4 TICKETS GRANTED. August the third 1679 » Bodkin Nich" in the ship Yoiuig William for Virginia Tho Cornish Comander time out August the 9''' 1679 Barker John Laborer in the ship friendship for London John W"*- Comander time out August the 11'* 1679 Bevenister Eliam* in the Ship friendship for London John Wil- liams Comander time out August, y' 12"' 1679 Beard John in tlie ship friendship for Lond° John Williams Comand'- time out Atigust the 15'* 1679 Bodingham John in the Ship friendship for New Engt^l W" Murphy Comander security AngJist y 19''* 1679 15UTLER Elinor A Seru" belonging to M^ W^' Bulkley in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia JO: Knott Coinand September y 16: 1679 Browne Francis in the Barq, blessing for Burmudos Francis Wat- LINGTON Comander time out September the 30"' 1679 Brandby Eliz* a Servant belonging to David Watkins in the sloop Rittter for Jamaica Ed: Duffeild, Comd [There is a doubt as to this name ; it has been written over another which is only par- tially erased.] TICKETS GRANTED. 355 October f 2'^ 1679 Blunt George in the Ship Lixboa Merchu for New Yorke Roger WlllTFEiLD Comander time out October the third 1679 Barton Christopher in the Ship Barbados Merchant for Virginia James Cock Comand' security October the 4"' 1679 Belfour James in the Sloop true fricndsliip for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comand"'- time out October f 4."' 1679 Bishop Thomas in the Ship Virgin for Leward Islands Thomas Alumby Comander security October f 4"' 1679 Banister Rich° in the sloop true Frcindship for Antegoa Charles Kallahane Comander time out October f 6"' 1679 Butcher John in the Sloop true friendship for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comand' security October y' 9" 1679 Benson Mary in the Sloop Endeavor for Carolina Thomas Shaw Comand' security October y' 13"' 1679 Battison Julian in the Barq, ^'w^/ir^i't'r for Carolina Thomas Shaw Comand' time out October the 20"' 1679 Buttler Walter in the Keatch John f Sarah for New Yorke James Shoare Comander security 45-2 356 TICKETS GRANTED. Nove^nbcr y 7"' 1679 Babbixoton Thomas a Servant belonging to Tho: Gladdix in the B3LTq^Adz>ait/av for Jamaica Edward Duffeild Comand November f 20"' 1679 Bkxtly Martix in \.\\rill the 22 1679 Densy Jane in the Ship Hope for London Joseph Ball Comander security Apr ill the 25''' 1679 Drayton Thomas juur in the ship Mary for Carolina Nicholas LOCKWOOD Comand'' time out Apr ill the 28''' 1679 Davies Jane A Servant to Rich'-- Townsend in ye Ship Nathanicll for Boston W" Clarke Comand^ May the 2'^ 1679 Davies Samuell in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia David Fogg Comander time out May the 13: 1679 Davies John jun^ in the Ship Roe Buck for London W" Shafto Comandr security May 13"' 1679 Dowell Dennis in the Ship Industry for Bristol! James Porter Comander time out May the 14''' 1679 Dangerfeild Walcup in the ship Baehelor for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comander time out May the 23'^ 1679 DUNNOHOE Teag in the ship Margaret for Bew Morris* ALEXANDER Wood Comand^ time out * [/.c, Beaumaris.] 46 2 .S64 TICKETS GRANTED. May the 24 1679 DUBOYES John in the Ship Supply for Boston JoiiX Mf.llowks Coinandcr time out June the 11'* 1679 DUXNOIIOE CORXELIUS and jEEFOitv in the s\{\^ Margrctt for Bcw Morris ALEXANDER WoOD Comand'' time out yiine the 1 \"' 1679 Davies, John in the ship Coast Friggotl for Lond" Pitrr.r.ip Varloe Comandcr time out yiinc the w"' 1679 Davfes John of Christ Church in the Ketch Joseph for New Yorke Abraham Knott Comandcr security ynly the 21 1679 Davies Peter in th,> I'inke Neptune for Carolina Joseph Knott Comander time out July the 29''' 1679 Dran Maren a servant bclon;jinij to Jacoi! Leroux in the Kctcli Dove for Antegoa John Graeton Comand'' Atigiist the first 1679 Dundas W"' in tlie ship Yoniig IVilliain for Virginia Tiio: CoRNlSH Comander time out ^lugust the 2'' 1679 Dawson Tremaht in the ship ^//:r« for Jamaica SlEVANUS Payne Comander time out August the 2'' 1679 Davies Katherine a servant belongini; to John Aisitn in the ship Young William for Virginia TilOMAS CORNISH TICKETS GRANTED. 365 Septemb' the if' 1679 Daniell Wilbert in the Ship Supply ior Virginia John Ady Coman- der time out November y' 15'* 1679 Dewer Stephen in the Barq, Resolution for Antegoa Tho Gilbert Comander time out Dcccmb'' the 15"'' 1679 Dexter W" in the Ship^4«« ami jauc for Londo Richard Ratford Comander time out December the 22'' 1679 Douse Bridgett in the Ship^«/; f Ji-i»e for Load" Richard Ratt- FORD Comander time out December the 22: 1679 Downing John in the Ship Laivrell for Nevis Robert Ox Comander time out December the 24''' 1679 Davy Robert in the Ship Ann and Jane for London Ricil° Ratford Comander time out December /' 24"'' 1679 De Wevkr Lewin in the ship Blossom for Surranam Rich" Martin Comander ' security March the 13'" 1678 Enuerbee Oliuer in the Ship .-iww an i Mary for Antegua JoilN Johnson Coihander security March the 20"' 1678 ElsoN W" in the Ketch Bcgining for New Yorke W*' Play Comander time out 366 TICKETS GRANTED. A prill (he 2^ 1679 Evans Lewis in the Ketch Unity for Virginia James Rainy Comandcr time out Aprill the 26"' 1679 Earle John in the ship Dcfyancc for Londo- W" CREED Comand'' security Aprill the 26'* 1679 Elliston George in the ship Natltauicll for Boston W" CLARKE Comander time out Aprill the 28" 1679 Edwards John in the ship Society for ]5ristoll Edmond Ditty Comander time out I\Iay the 24 1679 Ellicott Vines in the ship Supply for Boston JOllN Mellowes Comandcr security jftme the 20'* 1679 EUANS W" in the ship W'" and Robert for London Giles Bond Comander time out Jtdy y 21: 1679 Evans Edward in the Pink Neptune for Carolina Joseph Knott Comander time out JtUy the 26"' 1679 Eastchurcii William in the Ship Joseph for Lond. yuly t/te 31 1679 Emery John a Servant belonging to Liev'- Collo- Hallett in the Ship Young William for Virginia Tho Cornish Comand^ TICKETS GRANTED. 367 September the 12''' 1679 Ellinsworth W'^' in the Pink Portsmouth for Road Island Joseph Briar Comand' time out October the 2'' 1679 Elliott Henry in the Sloop true friendship for Antegoa Charles Callahane Comand"^ time out Fanning Andrew a servant belonging to Daniell Stanton in the Ship Diligence for New England JER: Jackson February the 13"' 1678 FORBUSH James in the Ship tzvo Brothers for Jamaica RiCE Jefferyes Comander time out March the \"' 1678 Fitzrandolph Phillip in the ship Vnity for Saltertudos Abraham Wise Comand'' security March the 19'* 1678 Fyers Jone in the ship Katlierinc for BristoU ROBERT Dapwell Comander time out March the 24"'' 1678 Frrz James Edward in the Ship Merdi" Bonadventure for London W" Bulklev Comander time out March the 26''''' 1679 Franklin Thomas in the Ship Supply for Lond" Joseph Freeman Comander time out 368 TICKETS GRANTED. March the 29"' 1679 Fox Stephen in the ship Mm-y for Carolina NlCH" LOCKWOOI) Comander time out March the 2C)"' 1679 Fox Phillis in the ship Maty for Carolina Nicil"^ LOCKWOOD Coinander time out March the 31: 1679 Fransum Joseph in the Barq^ Blessing for Prouidence Francis Wat- LINGTON Comander time out April the 29"' 1679 Fitz Nichols Mary a Serv"- belonging to Rich" Michell sen"" in the ship Nathaniell for Boston W" Clarke Comander May the Sixth 1679 P'EAGHERY Thomas in the Ship John f I ho: for Prouidence TllO. Jenour Comander time out May the 8'* 1679 Finn Teage in the Ship Industry for Bristoll James Porter Coman- der time out May the 14'* 1679 Foster Hester in the ship Ann and Eli^ for Leverpoole Hugh Reynolds Comander time out May the 21 1679 Fitz Jarrell John in the ship Swallow for Leverpoole TllO WiTH- INGTON Coiiiander time out TICKETS GRAMED. 369 Alay the 23 1679 FoNTLEROY JaMES in the ship Prudence and Mary for Boston JACOB ^ „ J time out Green Comander May the 26"' 1679 Fakrer JAMES in the ship Conclusion for Londo- W^' BeedinG Coma, - time out der May the 2%"' 1679 FRENCH SamUELL in the Ketch Joseph and Mary for New Yorke Abraham Knott Comand' ^'"^^ °"^ May the thirtieth 1679. Fowler Joshua in the ship y. //;. W y^/^r/ for London John Lree „ security Comand ^ June the fourth 1679 FLEMG [? FLEMING] EdMOND in the ship Society for Bristol! EdMOM. ^ ,, time out Ditty Comand"^ June the 11"'' 1679 Fell Lidia in the Ketch John and Sarah for New Yorke Peter ^ , time out CarOW Comander July the 21: 1679 Frith Samuell in the Pinke Rebecca for Virginia Thomas Williams , time out Comander July the 2b"' 1679 FORD Francis in the ship Mallego Merch"-ior London ROGER HOMKR , time out Comand"^ 47 370 TICKETS GRANTED. October the first 1679 Fear Francis in the ship Barbados Merchant for Virginia James Cock Comander time out October y 29'* 1679 Farrell HU(ai in the Barq, Dove for Nevis ANTHONY JENOUR Comander time out November the 26'* 1679 Fai'.rell Roger in tlie Sloop Katlierine for Antegua Andrew Gali, Coinander security December the 22 1679 FavELL Christopher in the ship Ann and Jane for London RiCII" Rattford Comand' time out December 24'* 1679 Farror Fdmond in the s\\\^ Ann f Jane for London RiciP Ratt- ford Comandi" ' time out March the \o"' 1678 Grigg Robert f Ai.CE Gricg in the ship Mary for Caroh'n[a] NICHO- LAS LOCKWOOD Comander time out March the 11'* 1678 Gardner George in the Ship Samaritan for Leverpo[ol] Valentine Trim Comand' timeout March the 18"' 167S Grestninh Jacobus in the Pink Desire for Pool Tho Wadham Comander security TICKETS GRANTED. 371 Mai'ch the 20"' 1678 GOLDIN'G Persivall in the ship White Fox for London JoHN Lee Comander time out March the 22'' 1678 Gerish Benjamin in the Ketch Mary for Boston John Gardnkk Comander time out Aprill the 7'* 1679 GODFRV Marv in the Ship Mary for Carolina NlCH^' LocKWOOD Comand'" time out ApHllthe \i"' 1679 Gooding Joseph in the Bar<], Boiieta Rich" Riply Comand^ for Jamaica time out Aprill the 25'* 1679 Gittes Henry in the Ship Mary for CaroHna NICHOLAS LocKWOOD Comander time out May the 6'* 1679 Golding Percivall in the Ship Concord for London James Strutt Comandr May the 6"' 1679 Gibbs Rich° in the ship Bachelor for Bristol! ROGER Bagg Comand' time out May the 14"' 1679 Gibes Edward in the ship Roe Buck for Lond^ W" Shafto Comander time out 47—2 37 ^ TICKETS GRANTED. May the 23 1679 G(k;in William in tlic ship Baclulor ioxV>x\fXo\\ Rchier Bagg Coman- '■'^■'' time out July the 22'' 1679 Gray Robkrt in the Koatch Endeavor for New England Lawrence CUTT Comandcr time out August the 9'* 1679 GoKOKN Gkokcwc in the s\\\^- Plaittacon for Carolina ASER SllARrr. Comandcr time out August the 16"' 1679 Gorton John A servant belonging to John Browne in the Kctcli Neptune for Virginia Joseph Kn'oit Conuind"" August the 19'* 1679 GoDKi'iu-.E Gilbert a seru" belonging to l\r W" Bulkly in the Kctcli Ncptnitc for Virginia JosElMl Knott Cofiiand September y' 2'' 1679 Gkii'mn Dennis in the sloo'p yohti and Francis for Antcgua John lioWARl) Comandr October the first 1679 GorilER Hknkv in the Sloop /?M//i7- for Jamaica Edward Dufeeilh Comandcr time out October the 2"' 1679 Gorton Rich" in the Sloop Rutter for Jamaica Edward Dl'ki-i;ii d Comandcr time out / TICKETS GRANl ED j73 October tlie 7'* 1679 Greenslatt Thomas in the Sloop true frtcndship for Antc^ua Charles Kallahane Comandr security Novcmb' the 2^^"' 1679 GiDiON Rowland in the Ketch Ph^nix for Antegua Robert Flexny Comandr security February 11"' 1678 Hayem Abraham in the ship y.?;«^j for New Yorke W" Sweetland Comandcr time out March the 3'' 1678 Hatton Robert in the Sloop flimtcr for Surranam Walte[r] Assu- EROS Comander tnne out March the 3'' 1678- HOLLARD Thomas in the Constant Warxvick Frigott for London Capt Ralph Delavall Comand-- security March the w"' 1678 IIoLL(nvAY Rich- in the ship Samaritan for Levcrpool Valentine Trim Comandcr .• time out March the 12"' 1678 Herrick Isaac in tiie Ketch IV- f Susan, fur New Englarndl Ralph Parker Comander ^^^^ ^^^ March the 20"' 1678 Harvey, Griffith, in the ship Merck" Bonadventnrc, fo[r] London W" BULKLY Comandcr .• time out 374 TICKETS GRANTED. March the 2\ 167S Hamilton Adam in the Ketch IF'" f Susan for New England Rai.ih Parker Comand"^ time out March the 24"' 1678 Heywood John in the Pinke Submission for London Christopher Newham Comander time out March the 24"' 1678 HiGLEY John in the Ketch Mary for Boston John Gardner Coman- der time out March the 28"' 1678 \J shojild be 1679]. Hasell William in the Ship Olliuc Tree for Bristol! Thomas Shel- LAM Comander time out A prill the first 1679 Hawton Gerard in the ship Expedition for London John Harding Comander time out A prill the first 1679 Haviland Miles in the Ketch Swallow for Rhoad Island JosEl'H Hardy Comander time out Aprill the 2'' 1679 Hendly Daniell and ELIZ'^in the ship Olive Tree for Bristoll THOMAS Shellam Comandf time out Aprill the C)"' 1679 Hetherington Katherine in the Pink Greyhound for London Joseph Wasey Comander time out TICKETS GRANTED. 375 A prill the 10" 1679 Howell Sarah in the Barq, Prouidence for Burmudos Francis Wat- LINGTON Comander time out Aprill the lo"' 1679 HuRLES, Eliz'^ in the ship Margin for Newfoundland Christopher Martin Comand' time out Aprill the ig'** 1679 HiGGlSON Henry in the ship freinds Adventure for Londo John Blades Comander time out Aprill the 19''' 1679 Holliday Mary in the ship Rteouery for New Yorke Thomas Chin- nery Comander time out Aprill the 22'^ 1679 HoLDiP Hilliard in the Ship Lond" Merck" for London Edward Desworth Comander security Aprill the 22 1679 Holt Rowland in the Ship Honor for London Thomas Warren Comander time out Aprill the 30'* 1679 Hacker Ferdinando in the ship Faireffax for London NiCH" Faire- FAX Comander time out May the 2'^ 1679 Healy W" in the ship Society for BristoU Edm^-Dii'TY Comander time out 376 TICKETS GRANTED. May the third 1679 Hurst W" in the S\\\i^ Adventure for Lond'^ W" JoiiNsoN Coniand'' time out May the third 1679 HOLSEY Richard in the Sloop Batchelor for Leward PliTER Swaine Comandr time out May the 23"'' 1679 HaCKETT Robert in tlie ship Society for Bristoll EdmOND DiTTY Comand"- time out May the 23'' 1679 Haley DenmS in the ship Society for Bristoll EUMOND DlTTV Comander time out May the 31 1679 Helmes John in the Ketch Nict t Rebecca for New Yorke Nicholas Blake Comandf time out June the 2'' ib'jc) Hook W" in the Barq, Hopewell for Boston Nicholas Morrell Comander security J tine the 13 1679 Hunt Dennis in the ship Coast Friggott for London Phillip Var- LOE Comander time out yune the 14 1679 How Eliz^ in the S\\\\i Joh?is Adventure for Jamaica Edward WlN- SLOW Cuiuauu..r time out \ \ \ TICKETS GRANTED. ^^^ ytinc (he 77" 1679 Hooper Daniell in the Ketch Joseph for New Yorke Abraham Knott, Comand-- time out yune the 21 1679 Harris Edward in the Ship Experiment for Londo Henry Sutton Comand'' time out June the 21 1679 Hill John in the ship Charles iox Londo Thomas Nash Comander security June the 21 1679 HoUGH_W" in the Ship W" f Robert for London GiLES Bond Comander time out Jtme the 28 1679 Hunt John in the ship Prouidcnce for Boston Timothy Prout Comander ,• time out Jttly the third 1679 Horne Gustavus Adolphus in the ship W" f Ann for London Phillip Hanger Comander time out yuly the 10"' 1679 Hughs Andrew in the ship Amity for Londo Benj^ Grove Comand"^ time out ytily the 31 1679 Hall Giles ju>- in the Ketch John f Mary for Boston John Parreck 37S TICKETS GRANTED. August the 14 1679 Herbert Hexry in the Ship yjhn ^ Henry for Bristo[I] Thomas Cades Comandcr time out August the 20"' 1679 HoBBS Eliz* in the ship Robert for Lond^ RrcnARD CoCK Comander time out September the if" 1679 Haricer John in the ship Hape for New Engl^ John Price Comander time out September the 18"' 1679 HoLDSWORTH Arther in the Ship Thomas f Sarah for Lon[don] James Day Comandcr time out October the j"' 1679 IIoTEN Margery in the Sloop Affrica for Leward Islands Anthony Burgess Comander security October the 1"' 1679 II [I, K John in the Sloop true friendship iox Antigua Charles Kal- LAHANE Comander security October the i"' 1679 Hancock. Alexander in the Sloop true frcindship for Antequa CUAKLES KAiLAHANE Comander security October the 20"' 1679 Hasell Peter in the Ship Happy rcturne for London Isaac Ragg Comand' time out TICKETS GRANTED. 375 October the 29"' 1679 Hale Barnabie and Tho How Seru"s belonging to Collf- Christo- pher CODRINGTON in the Barq, Done for Nevis ANTHONY JenouX Comander October the 29"' 1679 Holt Joseph in the Sloop Hopezvell for Antegoa John Ayres Comand'' time out November f 6"' 1679 Hunt Luke in the Barq, Adventure for Jamaica Edward Duffeild Comander time out November the 27"' 1679 Hannah, Andrew a Serv" belonging toW" Stickland in the Sloop Katlicrme for Antesjua Andrew Gall Comander December the 24'^' 1679 Holeman Roger in the Sloop tutc frcindsliip for Antegua CHARLES Kallahane Comandr time out March the w"" 1678 Jarmin'Symon in the Ship Society for Boston W" Guard Comander time out March the 14"' 1678 Jaccson W" in the ship Ann and Mary for Antegoa JOHN JOHNSON Comander time out March the 20" 1678 Jaccson George in the Ship Merck" Bonadventnre for London W" Bulkley Comand^ time out 48—2 38o TICKETS GRANTED. March the 29"' 1679 JlPSON Sarah in the ship Mary for Carolina NiclP LOCKWOOD Comand"^ time out Aprill the c)"" 1679 Jacob JoiIM in the Ketch Providence for New England Marke Hunk- ING Comandcr time out Apr ill the \c,"' 1679 Johnson Nathaniei.l in the friends Adventure for Antegua, JOHN Long Coinander time out May the 9"' [?i9] 1679 Jones John juni" in the s\\\^ Ann and Eli-' for Leverpool Hugh Rey- nolds Coinander time out May the 20'* 1679 Jones Robert in the Ship Rose and Croivn for London Thomas Crofts Coinander security May the 22'' 1679 Jordan W, in the Ship Prudence and Mary for Boston Jacob Green Conuuuicr A I ay the ?.2'' 1679 Johnson Jcihn in the Ketch Joseph for New Yorke ABRAHAM Knott Comandcr time out May the 22,,. 1679 Jones Rici.'^ in the Ship Battchelor for BristoU ROGER Bagg Comander time out TICKETS GRANTED. May the 23'' 1679 James William in the Ship Society for Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comander time out yuiie the 11"' 1679 JELSON JOELL in the Ship Bachelor for Bristoll R<^( ;er Bagg Comander time out yune the 11"' 1679 Irish George in the ship Baclielor for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comander time out yiine the ly"' 1679 Jenkins Owen in the Ketch JoJins Adventure for Jamaica Edward WiNSLOE Comand'' time out June the iS""' 1679 Jones Samuell in the Ketch Johns Adventure for Jamaica EDWARD WiNSLOE Comandr security Jiine the 27"' 1679 Ingleey Nicholas in the ship Pronidence for Boston Timothy Prout Comand'' security Aligns t the 13'* 1679 JaccsoN James in the Barcj, Hopewell for Virginia Tho Curle Comander time out August the 14"' 1679 Jones EliZ'^- in the Barq, Plantacon for Carolina AsER Sharpe Comander security 382 TICKETS GRANTED. September the fonrth 1679 James Ricii° A serv" belonging to Coll° Sam"- Newton in the ship Joseph for New Yorke Stephen Clay Comand'' September the 13"' 1679 Johnson Nathaniell in the Sloop true frdndship for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comander time out September the 13 1679 Jordan James in the ship Mallcgo Mcrch" for London Ro(;i:r Momer Comander time out September the 19'* 16 79 Jenkins Jane in the Ship Lixboa Mcrch" for New Yor[k] Roger Whitfeild Comander security September the 26'* 1679 Jennings Michaell in the Sloop Ritttcr for Jamaica Edward Duf^ FEILD Comand"^ time out October the 7"' 1679 Jennings William, in the Sloop True friendship for Antegu[a] Charles Kallahanl Comand^ security October the 29"' 1679 John Morgan in the Barq, Dove for Neuis Anthony Jennor. Comander. time out. Noiiember the 71679 Jones William in the Sloop Hopewell for Antegua W" Murphy Comand"- time out TICKETS GRANTED. 3S3 Nouember the f' 1679 Jones Hector in the Sloop Hopewell for Antegua W" MURPHV Comander time out Aprill the 24''' 1679 King William in the ship friends Adventure for Lond" Edward Blades Comander security May the 2'' 1679 Kennedy John and Ellinor his wife in the Ship Society for Bristol! Edmond Ditty Comander time out May the 2?>"' 1679 Kyte John in the Ship Prudence ami Mary for Boston JACOB Green Comandr time out August the 2^ 1679 Keith Henry in the Ship Young William for Virginia Tho: Cornish Comand'' time out November the 29"' 1679 Kew Nicholas in the Barq, Resolution for Antegua Tho Gilbert Comander security Feb"-'' if' 1678 Lynch Nicholas and Alice his Wife in the Barq, Adventure for Antegua CHRISTOPHER Berrow Comand' time out March the iW' 1679 [1671] Lock Ann in the Ketch, IV'" f Susan for New England Ralph Parker Comand "■ timeout 384 TICKETS GRANTED. March the 20"' 1679 [167^] Lyttcot Leonard in the Ship Supply for Lond" Joseph Freeman Comander security April I the first 1679 Lee Henry in the Ketch Unity for Virginia James Rainy Comander time out Aprill the third 1679 Lee Henry in the Ship Martin for Newfoundland CHRISTOPHER Martin Comand"" time out Aprill the 16"' 1679 Langley W"' in the Ship Brot/iers Adventure for New Yorke John SelloCK Comand"" time out Aprill the 2\" i6yg Lopes Abraham in the ship Hope for Lond" Joseph Ball Comand'' time out Aprill the 22'' 1679 Lowther Christopher a servant belonging to Collo Henry Drax in the Ship Honor for Lond" Tho Warren Comand^ May the 12"' 1679 LangtoN Thomas in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg Comand'- time out May the 28"' 1679 Lydiatt Timothy in the Ship W"'tjohn for Boston Samuell Legg Comander time out TICKETS C'RANTED. 385 ytme the if' 1679 LoNGSON William in the Ketch yohn^sAduenture for Jamaica Edward WiNSLOW Comandf security July the if 1679 Lee Rich" in the Pinke Rebecca for Virginia THOMAS W"= Co- mander time out July tJu 2<)"' 1679 Leroux Jacob in the Ketch Dove for Antegua John Grafton Comand"^ security August the %"' 1679 Lewgar John in the ship freindship for London JOHN WiLLlAMs Comand'' time out Atigzist the 12,"' 1679 LadsON John in the Barq, Plantacon for Carolina ASER Sharpe Comander time out August the 28"' 1679 Lloyd John in the ship Barbados Merck** for Leward Islands time out September the 2'^ 1679 Langford Harry in the Ship Joseph for New Yorke STEPHEN Clay Coinander time out September the i^"' 1679 Lynn Robert in the Ship Mallego Merck" for Lond" ROGER HOMER Comand'' time out 49 386 TICKETS GRANTED. September the id"' 1679 Lynch Richard in the Sloop true friendship for Nevis Charles Kall.\hane Comand"" time out October the 25"' 1679 Lee Henry in the Ship Happy rcturne for Londo Isaac Rand Comand'' security Notietnber the 2i\"' 1679 LilBURNE Rich" in the Ketch Mary f Sarah for Prouidence GEORGE CONOWAY Comand'' security November the 29'* 1679 Lynch Morgan in the Barq, resolution for Antegua Thomas Gil- i BERT Comand'' the said LYNCH being a Seru" belonging to John Codrington Esq"". December the 22: 1679 Lyne Christopher Esqi" in the Ship Rccoucry for Jamaica James Browne Comandr December the 31. 1679 Lopez Telles Abraham in the ship Rccoucry for Jamaica James BrO'WN Comand'' time out y actuary the 4."' 1678 Maynard James A Seru'i belonging to Mathew VV"^ in the ship Otd head of Kingsalc for Lew^ ROBERT Barker Comand Jamcary the 28"' 1678 Marshall Jarvis in the Ship James for New Yorkc James Sweet- land Comander time out TICKETS GRANTED. 387 Feb'-" 11'* 1678 Mastus Joseph and Martha Mastus in the Ship Patience for London Thomas Hudson Comand' time out March the 10"' 1679 [1678] Morris W" in the Ship Society for Boston W" Guard Comand'' time out March the 14"' 1678 Melony Timothy in the Ship Aim and Mary for Antegua John Johnson Comand'' security March tJte 18" 1678 Morris Isaac in the Ketch Begining for New Yorke W" Play Comand^ time out March the 19''' 1678 Maddox Jone in the Ketch Begining for New Yorke W" Play Comandf time out Aprill the f' 1679 Mattson Benja in the Ship John and Mary for Lond" Edward Calcott Comandf time out Aprill the %"' 1679 Mannen Andrew in the Ship Mary for Carolina Nicholas Lock- wood Comand"" time out Aprill the \q>"' 1679 Maul Thomas in the Ketch W'" f John for New England John Saunders Comand"" time out . 49—2 388 TICKETS GRANTED. Aprill the ly"' 1679 Major W" in the Barq, Blessing ior Prouidence Francis Watlington Comandcr time out Aprill the 28"' 1679 Mahony Daniell in the ship frchids Adventure for Antegua John Long Comand'' time out Aprill tJie 25"' 1679 MiCHELL Rich"' in the Ship Nathan" for Boston W« CLARKE Comander security Aprill the 25''' 1679 MiCHELL John in the Ship Nathan" for Boston W» CLARKE Comander time out May the 8"' 1679 Morgan John in the Ship Society for Bristol! Edmond Ditty Co- mander time out May the Z"' 1679 Maccmash Charles in the Ship Roc Buck for Lond" W" Shafto Comander security May the 13'* 1679 Murphy Daniell in the Ship Industry for Bristoll James Porter Comander time out May the 14"' 1679 Morgan Thomas in the Ship Bachelor for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comand"^ time out TICKETS GRANTED. ,o May the 14'^ 1679 Magwaine Owen in the ship /,uiustry for Bristol! James Porter Comand"' time out May the if" 1679 Mather George in the Ship Hannah and Eli^ for Londo Rich" Fix Comand^ security May the 19'* 1679 Mason Sylam in the Ship W" e John for Boston Samuell Legg Comander time out May the 23'' 1679 Marrow Cornelius f Katherine in the Ship Socieiy for Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comander ^risrou time out May the 24'^ 1679 MOSELY RICHARD in the Ship IV-'t John for Boston Samuell l^EGG Comander time out May the 24'* 1679 time out May the 24''' 1679 ""crL*™ '" "" ''■"' ""*""••' "" "*"="" ^«^ PORTER ^ time out May the 28"' 1679 time out 390 TICKETS GRANTED. May the 30'* 1679 Macclahen Owen in the Ship Society for Bristoll Edmond DiTTY Comandcr time out J line the 18"' 1679 MattsoN MatiIEVV in the Ship Concord for Londo W" FOSTER Comander time out ytmc the 1 4"' 1 6 79 March Thomas, Mary f Sarah in the Ship Society for Bristol! Edmond Ditty Comand'' time out jftily the f' 1679 MacCENREE John in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia THOMAS W^' Comand'' time out yuly the 16" 1679 Matthews George in the Pink Eli:f for Boston John Bonner Comander time out yuly the 21^' 1679 Mansell Robert in the Ship Rich'' and Mary for New England Samuell Fitch Comand"' security August the 12'^' 1679 Mahone James A Scruant belonging to Henry Quintyne Esq' in the Barqj Plantacoii for Carolina ASER SilARPE Comand'' August the 13" 1679 MaccDaniell Patrick in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia JOSEPH Knott Comand^ time out TICKETS GRANTED. 391 Atigust the 14'^' 1679. MiDLETON Arthur in the Barqj Plantacoli for Carolina AsER Sharpe Comand'" time out September the 16'* 1679 MOUNTACK Andrew in the Ship Eli;::^ for Holland Allexander Mattison Comandr security October the first 1679 Maden Patrick in the Sloop tnce friendship for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comand^ time out October the 2'' 1679 MUSKETT W" in the Sloop Rulter for Jamaica EDWARD DUFFEILD Comander time out October the fourth 1679 Melloly James in the Ship Virgin for Virginia Tho: Allumby Comander security October the f' 1679 MOUNTAINE John in the Sloop true freindship for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comand"" security October the 25'* 1679 MORECOCK Thomas in the Ship Happy returne for London Isaac Rand Comand"" security November the 21 1679 Manerick Nathaniell in the Ketch Phoenix for Antegua Robert Flexny Coihander security 392 TICKETS GRANTED: December the 23'' 1679 Marriott Robert in the Ship Rccouery for Jamaica James Browne Comand'' time out March the']"' 1678 iJEUiLL John in the ship Society for Boston W" Guard Comander time out July the 15'* 16,79 l^EWTON Abigall in the Ship Eli^ fpr Boston John Bonner Co- mandf time out July the 22'' 1679 TSTeedler John in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia THOMAS WILLIAMS Comand^ time out Augtist the 4'* 1679 Neagle Martin in the Ship Yoimg WiUiaf/t for Virginia Thomas Cornish Comand"" time out September the 4''' 1679 Neuill John in the Ship Pearle for Leward Islands EDWARD Peir- SON Comander security September f 18"' 1679 Nasy Daniell in the ship Hope for New England JOHN PRICE Comander time out October the 14"' 1679 Nuttall Thomas in the ship Hapfy returne for Londo Isaac Rand Comand"^ time out TICKE7S GRANTED. 39J October y 2^ 1679 Oneal Ann in the Sloop Ruttcr for Jamaica Edward Duffeild Comand'' time out Nommb" the 10'^ 1679 Qldridge Abell in the Sloop Hopewell for Antegua W« MURPHY Comandr time out Notietnber y' 20"'- 1679 Ogle John in the Ketch Mary and Sarah for Prouiden [Providence! George Conoway Comand^ security Nouember y 2^"' 1679 OSBURNE Robert a Serutt belonging to RiCH° LiLBURNE in ye Ketch Mary and Sarah for Prouidence GEORGE CONWAY Comandr Januaiy the 13''* 1678 Paty Eliz* in the Ship Joseph and Ann for Carolina Samuell Evans Comandr time out February the 21: 1678 Peirce John in the Ship Judith for Londo ROBERT KiNGSLAND Comander .. time out Febncary 2?>"' 1678 Pearson John in the Ship Samudl for London John Clarke Comander March the third 1678 Piper W« in the Ship begining for Virginia Tho: Bossinger Comand"" time out 50 394 TICKETS GRANTED. March the third 1678 PerriN MargARETT in the ship Arthur for Lond° Hf.nrY Coskf.r Comand'' security March the fifth 1678 Perwidge Job in the ship Expedition for Virginia John Harding Comander time out March the 13 1678 Pile W" in the Barq, Susanna for Carolina HUGH Babell Comander time out March the 21 1678 Parris Owen in the Barq, yosc/>h for Saltcrtudos Stephen Clay Comand'' security March the 28"' 1679 Perwidg Job in the Ship Endcauor for London James Gilbert Comander renewed Aprill the first 1679 Pead Thomas in the Keatch Swallow for Road Island JosEni Hardy Comand^ time out Aprill the fifth 1679 Pi-UinER John in the Barq, May fflowcr for Prouidcnce Kdward Hubbert Comander time out Aprill the 5" 1679 PenistON Samuell in the Barq, May fflozver for Providence Edward HUBBART Comand' time out TICKETS GRANTED. 395 Aprill the i6'^ 1679 "^'"'comandr"'""'' '" "''' ""'"'' '"' L^"'^^" ^HO: Warren security Aprill the lb"" 1679 POLEGREEN JOHN in the Ship ^.«.. for London Thomas Warren Comander security Aprill the 22'' 1679 Pope Charles in the Ship Honor for Londo Thomas Warren Comander time out Aprill the 22'' 1679 Pkxximan Jane in the -.\,\^ Honnor for London Thomas Warren Comandf time out Aprill the 25'* 1679 PiDDOCK W" in the Ship Freinds Adventure for London Edw Blades Comand'" time out Aprill the 2^'" 1679 POSLETT Rich'> in the Ship Conclusion for Londo W« Beeding Co- mander time out Afay the 2'' 1679 Pinke John in the Ketch Prosj,crons for Virginia David Fogg Comander time out May the ^"' \6j() Parsones Francis in the Ship Concord for Londo James Strutt Comand^ time out 50 — 2 396 TICKETS GRANTED. May tlie 13'* 1679 Pottle Christopher in the Pink Dymond for Topsham Ezekiah Vass Comandcr time out May the 14'* 1679 Price John in the Ship Bachelor for Bristoli ROGER Bagg Comand"' time out May the 19'* 1679 Price John in the Ship Bachelor for Bristoli ROGER Bagg Comand^ • time out May the 19'* 1679 Pemmell Thomas in the Ship Rose and Crown for Lond^ Thomas Crofts Comand^ time out *y Wiethe 16"' 1679 Platt John in the Ketch Joseph for New Yorke Abraham Knott Comand"' time out ytrne the 17'* 1679 Pechey Lambert in the ship Ruth for Londo W" Taylor Comand"" time out yum the 28"' 1679 Phillips Eliazer in the Ship Pronidence for Boston Timothy Prout Comand"" time out \yuly the 22"^ 1679 PearshoUSE Chester in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia Tho W*" Comandr time out * [In the original the name of RiCORD pcrcedes this ; but in order to keep to the alpha- betical arrangement I have transposed it among the R's, and to its proper date (see p. 400).] t [A similar remark applies to the name Richard, which stands here in the original (see p. 401).] TICKETS GRANTED. 397 July the 29'* 1679 Poor Miles in the Ketch Dotie for Antegua John Grafton Comand'' time out Aiigust the <^"' 1679 Powell Arthur in the Ship Friendship for Londo John Williams Comand"' Augtist the 18"' 1679 Poor Mary A seru" belonging to Mr W" BULKLEY in the Ketch Nep- tutie for Virginia Joseph Knott Comander Augtist the 19'* 1679 PiCKFORD Robert in the Ketch Ncptime for Virginia JOSEPH Knott Comand' time out September the i^' 1679 Pollard Joseph in the Pinke Trent for Boston George Munjov Comandr time out September the i^'' i^']^ PiCKFORD Robert in the Ship Pearle EdW Peirson Comand-- for Lewd Islands renewed September the 8"' 1679 Pendleton Mary in the Ship Trent for Boston George Munjoy Comandr time out September the 15''' 1679 PiLSON Edward in the Ship Hope for New England John Prick Comander time out 398 TICKETS GRANTED. October the 1 1'* 1679 PoRTMAN Christopher in the Sloop Endeavor for Carolina Thomas Shaw Comandr time out October the w"" 1679 Popple Magnus in the Sloop Emicaiwr for Carolina Thomas Shaw Comand"" time out October the 29"' 1679 Parker John a Seruant belonging to Colb Christopher Codring- TON in the Bartji Done for Neuis Anthony Jennor Comand^ October the 29 1679 Page John a Seruant belonging to CoUo ClIR: CODRINGTON in the Barq, Done for Neuis ANTHONY JENOUR Comand Noiiembcr the 27''' 1679 Parris Owen in the Banj, Resolution for Antegua Thomas Gilbert Comand'' time out December the 22,'' 1679 Persivall Andrew in the Ship Ann ^ Jane for Londo Rich" Ratt- FORD Coinand'' security March the 13"' 1678 Ouerk John a Servant belonging to TiiOMAS Allen in the Ketch IF'" C Susan for New England Ralph Parker Comand^ August the 12'* 1679 Quintyne Rich" in the Barq, Plantacon for Carolina ASER Sharpe Comand'' time out TICKETS GRANTED. 399 February the 2^"" 1678 Rose Christopher in the Ship Patience for Londo Thomas Hunsox Comandr security February the if' 1679 [1678] ROYDON W" in the Constant Warwick Friggott for London Cap' Ralph Delauall Comandf time out March the s'' 1678 Ryder Symon A seruant belonging to GEORGE MoOR in the Ship Vineyard for Virginia Henry Perrin Comandf March the third 1678 Roane Bancks in the Sloop Hunter for Surranam Walter Assueros Comand"' time out March the 12'* 1678 Robinson Allexander in the Ship Ann f Mary for Antegua John Johnson Comand^ security March the 21 1678 Ross William in the Ketch W"" t Susan for New England Ralph Parker Comand^ time out March the 26: 1679 Roberts W" in the Pinke Endeauor for Lond" JAMES Gilberts Comand'' time out Aprill the 2'' 1679 Ridley George in the Sloop Rutler for Jamaica Edw" Dufkeild Comand' time out 400 TICKETS GRANTED. Aprill the 12'* 1679 Row Lawrence in the ship Robert for Boston Nathan Hayman Comander time out Ap7'ill the 19'* 1679 Roth Rich" in the Ship Rccoucry for New Yorke TllOMAS Chinery Comander time out Aprill the 30'* 1679 Remnant James and Jone his Wife in the Ship Industry for Bristoll James Porter Comand'' time out May the d"' 1679 Rainy Luke A ser\'ant belonging to M"" Henry Aplewhite in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg Comand^ May the 13'* 1679 RiCHBELi, Richard in the Ship Expcrim" for London Allen Cock Comander security May the 19'* 1679 RavenscROFT Benj^ in the Ship Rose and Crotvne for Londo THOMAS Crofts Comand"" time out May the 20'* 1679 Remnant James f Jone in the Ship New Concord for Lond" James Strutt Comand' renewed *\May the 24'* 1679 RiCORD Charles in the Ship Society for Bristoll EdmoND Ditty Comander time out] • [This name is entered among the P's in the original, as is the case with RICHARD, James, at bottom of next page.] TICKETS GRANTED. 401 May the 28'^ 1679 Rainsford Edward in the Ship W'" f John for Boston Samuell Legg Comand"" time out May tite 28'-^ 1679 Russell Edward in the Ship W"' f John for Boston Samuell Legg Comand"^ time out May the 28'* 1679 RicHBELL Robert in the Ship W"' f John for Boston Samuell Legg Comander time out June the 28''' 1679 Rich Robert Senior in the Ship Amity for London Benj* Groves Comander time out July the first 1679 RiCHBELL John in the ship Prottidencc for Boston Timothy Prout Comander security July the \q"' 1679 Rule Thomas in the Pinke Rebecca for Virginia Tho: Williams Comander time out July the if' 1679 RuDGE Thomas in the Briganteen Brothers Aducnture for New Yorke Robert Darkin Comand^ security {July the 21 1679 Richard James in the Pinke Rebecca for Virginia Thomas Williams Comand"^ time out] 51 402 TICKETS GRANTED. August the third 1679 Rice James and John in the Ship Young W" for Virginia Thomas Cornish Comand"' time out August y 15'* 1679 Rich Robert in the ship Postilion for New England John Praul Comand'' security AugJist y 15'* 1679 RUDLE Robert in the Ship John and Henry for Bristol! THOMAS Cades Comander time out September the 4'* 1679 ROBOTHAM William in the Ship Joseph for New Yorke Stephen Clay Comand-- a serv" belonging to CoUo Sam*-"- Newton Nouember the third 1679 Reddin Katherine a Serv" belonging to Martin Hayes for Jamaica in the Barq, Aduenture Edw° Duffeild Comander yantiary the fourteenth 1678 Slaughter William a Serv" belonging to John Jennings in the ship Joseph f Ami for Carolina Sam--^ Euans Comand^ January the 14"' 168 [1678] Serjeant Rich" in the S\n^ Joseph and Ann for Carolina Samuell Evans Comander security January the 28"' 1678 Smith Phillip in the Ship James for New Yorke W" Svveetland Comand"^ time out TICKETS GRANTED. 403 February the 11"' 1678 Symons Samuell in the Ship James for New Yorke W" Sweetland Comandf time out February the 13: 1678 Stockley John and Mary in the ship two BrotJurs for Jamaica Rice Jefferys Comander time out February the 13'* 1678 Sherwood Samuell in the ship Two Brothers for Jamaica RiCE Jefferys Comand^ time out Febriiary the if" 1678 Steel Mary in the ship Merck" Bonaduenture for London W" Buck- ley Comandf time out February the 25"' 1678 Smith Hester in the Barq, Plantacon for Carohna Aser Sharpe Comandf time out March the V'' 1678 Stoakes Michaell in the Ship Society for Boston William Guard Comander time out March the 11'* 1678 Stacy W in the Ship Society for Boston W»' GUARD Comand' time out March the 12"' 1678 Smith Edward in the Barq^ Susannah for Carohna Hugh Babell Comander security- Si— 2 404 TICKETS GRANTED. March the i8"' 1678 Sanders Benj* in the Ketch begining for New Yorke W" Play Comandr time out March the 26"' 1679 Steel Mary* in the Ship Supply for London JOSEPH FREEMAN Comand'- renewed March the 29'* 1679 Sailes Rich" in the Ketch Szvallow for New England Joseph Hardy Comander time out March the 31" 1679 Sewer John in the ship John and Tlwvias for Prouidcnce Thomas Jenour Comander time out March the 31'' 1679 Scott Benj* in the Ship Expedition for Londo John Harding Comand' time out Aprill the first 1679 Smith W" in the Ketch Unity for Virginia James Rainy Comand^ time out Aprill the 3'' 1679 Salt Samuell in the Ship Change for London W" KiNG Comander time out Aprill the 12"* 1679 Sandiford Henry in the ship Robert for Boston Natiian Hayman Comander time out [See under date Feb. 17, in previous page.] TICKETS GRANTED. 405 Aprill the 15''' 1679 Sfrane Almons in the Ship £//.?" for Neuis Peter Major Comandf time out Aprill the 19"^ 1679 Stephens Nathaniell in the Ship Rcconcry for New Yorke Thomas Chinery Comander time out Aprill the 19"' 1679 Sedgwick Ralph in the Ketch Unity for Virginia James Rainy Comander time out Aprill the 22'' 1679 Spicer Samuell in the Ship Hope for London Joseph Ball Comander time out Aprill the 26''' 1679 Smith Margerett a Seru" belonging to Thomas Doxey in the Ship Brother's Adiientiwe for New Yorke JN° Selleck Comf Aprill the 28'* 1679 Snacknell Rich" in the Ship Nathan" for Boston W" Clarke Comand'' time out May the 2'^ i6'j() Southworth Francis in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg Comander time out May the fifth 1679 Stapleton Walter in the Ship Society for Bristoll Edmond Ditty Comander time out 4o6 TICKETS GRANTED. May the lo'* 1679 Stanton Pearce in the Barq, Resolution for Antcgua John Ingle- BEE Comand"' time out May the 12"* 1679 Short Walter in tiic Ship Bachelor for Bristoll Roger Bagg Comandf time out May the 14'* 1679 Skahane Teige in the Ship Industry for Bristoll James Porter Comand'' time out May the 14'* 1679 Smith Isaac in the Ship Supply for Boston John Mellowes Comand"^ time out May the 19'* 1679 Sandome Rich" in the Ship Swallow for Leuerpoole Tlio Wrrn- ingtun Coiriander time out May the 20'''' 1679 Smith William in the 'S\(v^ Ne^v Concord for Londo James Strutt Comand'' time out May the 20'* 1679 Stephens Sylvester in the Ketch Nick" f Rebecca for New Yorke Nicholas Blake Comand^ time out May the 22"^ 1679 Sherland John jun' in the Ship Prudence and Mary for Boston Jacob Green Comand'' time out TICKETS GRANTED. ^^^ May the 28"' 1679 Serfatty Joshua in the Ship Momdug Starr for Surranam John Uanderspike Comand"- . security May the 29'* 1679 Sparkes Samuell in the Ship W- f John for Boston Sam- Legg Comand"" time out May the 29'" 1679 Salter Rich in the Ketch W" f John for Boston Sam- Legg Lomander time out June the 2^"' i6yg SUTTON JOHN in the ship Pros/>erous for Londo THOMAS Wood- COCK Comand'' time out ytdy the g'^ 1679 Smith Thomas in the Ship BacMor for London W" Knott Co mander time out July the 15'* 1679 Scott Thomas in the Pink ^.te for Virginia Thomas Williams Comander time out Jtdy the 22*^ 1679 time out J^2(fy the 22'' 1679 ^''' Comand'^' " '"' ^'"^ ^"^'""" '°^ ^°"^°" ^"^'^^^ AuBONV time out 4o8 TICKETS GRANTED. Aiigust the 2'' i6'jc) Stone John in the ship Bachelors Delight for Lond" ROBERT Greenwav Comander time out August the 16"' 1679 Sealy Henry in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia Joseph Knott Comand"" time out Atigust the 16'* 1679 Smith Thurlo a Serv" belonging to Henry Sealy in the Keatch Neptune for Virginia Joseph Knott Comand'' September the 1 6'* 1 679 SoNE George in the V>7i.x% Blessing for Burmudos Francis Watling- TON Comander security September the 20"' 1679 Stanley Robert in the Ship Malligo Merch" for London Roger Homer Comander time out September the 22'' 1679 Seaman Thomas in the Ship Thomas f Sarah for London James Day Comander time out October the first 1679 Short ]\L\rtha in the Ship Barbados Merch" for Virginia James Cock Comand. time out October the first 1679 Sandford John in the Ship Barbados Merch" for Virginia James Cock Comand'' time out c October the 2'' if^Tn Searle Rich- a Servtt k., • ^^ SwiNNv Thomas i„ ,H,'^f "'•*''"' "^W Kai...„.« Co^ndf'""" '""^-'-^''O f» Antego c„.h„s security S-.OM.CO. inthe^it'/'T"'" security SMITH JoHNa Servtt bT'^"'^"'''' ^'79 - the Barq, .,.., ..^ Cri^;™?]!;'"/"'""'' C00KZ.CTO. SwKETmc R:cH- .^-^--^^^-Z/.. 3^1679 DUFFEiLBComander' ''"'* ^^^^'^''^-^ ^r Jamaica Edward — ___ time out Sinnv V ^otiembev the 6"' 1670 iJlDDi Henry in the Bara A^ , ^^ FEiLD Comandr * ^''""^^'^''^ ^^ J-'naica Edward Due- — . security Salter George i„ .f""'"*'- * /' >679 ________ time out SPiTTEE Robert i„ ^f""^"' '"''"' ^O'" '6/9 C«.a„d° '" "" =">■"' ^■''*"« for An,eg„ ANDREW Gaee time out 52 410 TICKETS GRANTED. December the 15'* 1679 Sidney John in the Ship Lawrdl for Lewi Robert Oxe Comand'' security December the 22'' 1679 Smith John in the Ship Ann and Jane for Londo RlCH° Ratt- FORD Coinander time out December the 24'* 1679 Smart John in the ship Ann f Jane for Lond° Ricil" Ratt- FORD Comander security December 24'* 1679 Sherwin John in the Ship Ann f Jane for Londo Rich" Ratt- FORD Comander security December the 24'* 1679 SiNDRY John in the ship Recoucry for Jamaica James Browne Comander time out December the 30''* 1679 SWANLEY Robert in the Ship Ann and Jane for London Rich" Rattford Comander time out December the 2)'^'^ \6ic) ShaRPE Mary in the Ship Recoucry for Jamaica JAMES BROWNE Comand'' time out Febr7(ary the 21" 1678 Travis Richard in the Ship Fclloivship for Antegua Thomas Pim Comandr time out TICKETS GRANTED. 411 March the first 1678: TIPPIN John in the Constant Warwick Friggott for London Cap. Ralph Delavall Comander .■ \ lime out Aprill tlie 11'* 1679 Tmico Jacob in the Ketch W" W John for New England John Sanders Comander ,. time out Aprill the 19'* 1679 TOOLES Morgan in the Ship Freinds Aduenture for London Edward Blades- Comander time out Aprill the 25'* 1679 THORNTON Wm in the ship Freinds Adventure for Londo Edward Blades Comander time out Aprill the 28'* 1679 TowNSEND Richard in the Ship Natlutn'^ for Boston W" Clarke Comander time out Aprill the 29 : 1679 Turner John in the ship Nathaniell for Boston W« Clarke Comander time out May the 10'* 1679 Terry Christopher jun^ in the Ship Experiment for London Allan Cock Comander time out May the 20^"' 1679 Thomas George in the Ship Prudence and Mary for Boston Jacob Green Comander time out 52—2 412 TICKETS GRANTED. Jiine i/ie 26 : 1679 TE-VGE John in the ship Freindship for London John Williams Comander time out July the 12'* 1679 ToLLO Demeuerez Lewis in the ship Bachelor for Londo W''' Knott Comander time out July the 17'* 1679 Thayer Nathaniell in the ship Society for Boston VV« Guard Coinander time out August the 16"' 1679 Turdall John in the Ketch Neptune for Virginia Joseph Knott Comand"^ a Serv" belonging to Henry Sealy September y' I'S"' 1679 Tapper Thomas in the ship Malligo Merck" Roger Homer Co- mander for London time out Noticmber the 7"' 1679 Tremills W" in the Sloop Hopewell for Antegua W" Murphy Comander time out December the 11"' 1679 Thorpe John in the ship Ann and Jane for London Rich" Ratt. FORD Comander time out March the 10'* 1678 ViNER Anthony in the Ship James for Antegua Paul Crean Comander time out TICKETS GRANTED. 413 May the 2'' 1679 Vaux John in the Ship Roe Buck for London W" Shafto Co- mander time out July the 16'* 1679 Verin Nathaniell in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia Thomas Williams Comander time out Nouember f 8'* 1679 UrquHART Allexander in the Sloop Hopeivcll for Antegua W" Murphy Coinander time out December y 24' 1679 Vernon Peter in the ship An7t and Jane for Londo Rich°Ratt- FORD Comander security January tJte 4'* 1678 Williams Matthew in the Ship Old Iwad of Kingsale for Leward Robert Barker Comander time out February 11'* 1678 Willis Henry in the Ship Dilligence for Boston Jeremiah Jacson Comander time out February the \f'' 1678 Wills John in the ship Endeaiwur for Virginia Abraham Newman Comand'' time out March the 10'^ 1678 Weltden Anthony in the Ship Society for Boston W" Guard Comander secCfrity 414 TICKETS GRANTED. March the 12"' 1678 Whiteliff George in the Ship SamaritaJi for Lcverpool Valentine TRIiii [? Trimmer] Comandr security March the 19'* 1678 Whittee Mary in the Ketch bcgining for New Yorke W" PLAY Comand^ time out March the 19'* 1679 [1678] Wright Robert and Mary in the Ketch bcginiug for New Yorke W" Play Comandr time out March the 2\" 1678 WiLKS Nathaniell in the ship Merch" Bonadvetiture for London W" Buckley Comander security March the 2']"' i6y() Wright Rich" in the Ketch Mary and Sarah for Carolina GEORGE CONOWAY Comand'' time out March the 31" 1679 Whitefoot Amos in the ship Robert for Boston NATHAN Hayman Comand'' time out Aprill the 10"' 1679 Wilkinson Daniell in the Barq, Resolution for Prouidence Daniell ACKLIN Comandf y« said WILKINSON a Seru" belonging to Robert Hall Aprill the 15'* 1679 Webster Henry in the ship Robert for Boston Nathan Hayman Comandf time out TICKETS GRANTED. 415 Aprill the 19'* 1679 WiLSE Francis in the ship Hope for Londo Joseph Ball Co- mandr time out Aprill the 26'* 1679 Webster Edwakd in the Ship Nathati'^ for Boston W« Clarke Comand'' time out Aprill the 26'* 1679 WiLKiNS John in the ship Nathan^^ for Boston W" Clarke Comander time out Aprill the 26''* 1679 Williams Symon in the ship Francis for Leward Peter Jefferys Comander security May the 2"' 1679 Whitfeild Mathew in the Ketch Prcsperons for Virginia David Fogg Comand^ time out May the 5'* 1679 Wheeler W" in the Sloop Bachelor for Leward Peter Swaine Comander time out May the 2,"' 1679 Wingatt John in the Ketch Prosperous for Virginia David Fogg Comandf time out May the 20''' 1679 WiCKHAM Benj^ in the Barq, Resolution for Antegoa John Inglebe Comandf security 4i6 TICKETS GRANTED. May the 26'* 1679 WniTElNG W" in the ship Francis arid Susan for Boston PHILLIP Knell Comandcr time out May the 26"* 1679 Wattkins Phillip in the ship Prndoue and Mary for Boston Jacob Green Comander time out JtmeOie 18"' 1679 Wolfe Emanuell in the Ship Thomas and Susan for Boston David Edwards Comand'' security June the 18'* 1679 Wood James in the ship Thomas and Susan for Boston Dauid EdW"^^ Comandr time out July the 15'* 1679 WiLLSON W" in the Barq, Rebecca for Virginia Tho Williams Comand'' time out Jtdy tJie 18'* 1679 Welch Edmond a Seru" belonging to John Hopcroft in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia ThO: W"^ Comander A iigiist the first 1 6 79 Wheeler John jun^ in the Ship Rctume for New Engt^ Thomas Harvey Comand'' security Augtist the 19'* 1679 Wolfinden Jeremiah in the Sloop true frcindship for Nevis Charles Kallaiiane Comand"^ time out TICKETS GRANTED. 417 Ajigtist y' 28'"^ 1679 Wheler Christopher in the Ship Robert for London Rich" Cock Comander security Septe7nber the first 1679 WiCKHAM Eliza jn the Sloop John f Francis for Antegua John Howard Comander time out September the fii'st 1679 Westbury Thomas in the Ship Barbados Merch" for Lew<^ Islands Edward Griffin Comand"^ time out September the t^ i6yg Watlington Mary in the Sloop Jo/in f Frances for Antegua John Howard Comand"' time out September the 16"' 1679 Weaver Thomas in the Ship Mallcgo Merck" for London Roger Homer Comander time out September y' 22 1 6 79 Woodcock Tho: in the ship Thomas f Sarah for Lond° JAMES Day Comand"' time out October the 6"' 1679 WiCKHAM Thomas in the Sloop Tme freindship for Antegoa Charles Kallahane Comand"^ security October y" 7'* 1679 Wall Samuell in the Sloop true freindship for Antegua Charles Kallahane Comand"' security October y' 8'^ 1679 Willoughby Oliver in the Sloop Affrica for Antegoa Anthony Burgess Comand"' security 53 41 8 TICKETS GRANTED. October y' 17'* 1679 Wilde W" in the Ship Happy Rcturne for Lond° ISAAC Rand Comand' time out October f 24'* 1679 Wainwright James in the ship Happy Retiirne for London Isaac Rand Comand^ time out Noueniber y' first 1 6 79 Whitehead Joseph in the Ship Time Brothers for New Yorke Peter Boss Comand"^ security Noiiemb'' y f' 1679 Williams Arthur in the Sloop Hopeivell for Antegua W« Murphy Comand' time out Decemb' y 6"' 16 79 Warner Nathaniell in the Sloop Unity for Jamaica Lawrence Sluce Comander time out May the 2'' 1679 Yates ThOxMAS A Seru" belonging to Fran: Southworth in the Kcatch Prosperous for Virginia Dauid Fogg Comd. 7nly y 18'* 1679 Young Mathew in the Pink Rebecca for Virginia THOMAS Wil- liams Comand"^ time out Noiiemb" f \"' 1679 Yarwood Thomas in the Barq, Endeavor Iqx Carolina TllOMAS Shaw Comand"' time out Total of Men 523 Total of Women 60 In all 583 BARBADOES. PARISH REGISTERS:- BIRTHS AND DEATHS, LISTS OF INHABITANTS, LANDED PROPRIE- TORS, SERVANTS, &c. [1678-1679.] 53—2 [PARISH REGISTERS.] Barbados The Parish of S' Michaels, lAPTISMS. 1678 March 31 April. 2. 16. 25- May, S- 7- IS- 19- 19- 20. 28. June. 3. JoicE y* daughter of Charls & Margaret Yates Thomas y^ Son of Henry & Anne Smith. Esther y daughter of Francis & Elisabeth Hall Mary y< daughter of Caleb & Elisabeth Powel Mary y daughter of Jane Scot. LovEL y- Son of John & Elinor Hobcraft. Jane y daughter of Jone Davis. Mary r daughter of William & Mary Standon Susanna y= daughter of John & Anne Hall William y^ Son of Steven & Margaret Lansdale Mary y= daughter of Francis & Katharine Harding David y<= Son of John & Elisabeth Murral. John y- Son of Richard & Elisabeth Perkin Edward y= Son of Thomas & Katharine Prout Edward y< Son of Edward & Hannah Matthews Richard r Son of Maj> Thomas Jelly & Mary his Wife Margaret r daughter of M' John Crisp & Sarah his wift 422 PARISH REGISTERS. ■ 1678. June. 9. William y' Son of William & Margaret Stickland. Elisabeth y' daughter of John & Elisabeth Gosnel. Katharin y' daughter of SiMON & ANN Williams, Christian Negroes. 16. Elisabeth y' daughter of Ursula Pease. Mary y<= daughter of John & Judith Smith. 20. Andrew y<= Son of Andrew & Sarah Godfrey. 24. Arthur y« Son of Richard & Sarah Mendam. 25. Petronilia y« daughter of Georg & Elisabeth Parr. 28. Ann y« daughter of Thomas & Elisabeth Clark. July. 25. Hannah y^ daughter of D"^ John Stringham, & Sarah his wife. 26. Jane y' daughter of M"" SAMUEL SiiENTON & Grace his wife. August. 9. William y= Son of Stephen & Margaret Landsdale. 19. Mary y^ daughter of Nicholas & Elisabeth M.\ynari). Lake y' Son of Capt Will. Marshal. 21. Clement y' Son of Robert & Rebecca Laniere. 25. Elisabeth y= daughter of John & Susanna Newport. September. 7. Frances y^ daughter of M^ Robert Codrington & Elisabeth his Wife. 8. William y<= Son of Robert & Mary Ellis. 22. Hannah y' daughter of John & Mary Liswel. 26. Thomas y' Son of Richard & Elen White. 28. David y= Son of Hugh & Jane I>avis. October. 7. Chrlstopher y' Son of Major John Hallet & Mary his Wife. 13. John y-^ Son of John & Margaret Awman. Edward y"= Son of Brasil & Rebeccah Benfield. 14. Elisabeth y= daughter of M'' Thom.\s Pierce & Elisa- beth his Wife. 20. Mary y' daughter of M' John Smith & PiiiLirvA his Wife. Sarah y= daughter of Samuel & Sarah kis^ife *Perrot. November. 3. Mary y' daughter of Thomas & Ann Kanniday. * [Thus crossed through in the oriijin.il.] PARISH REGISTERS. 1678. March. 13. 19. 23- 1679 30. April. 13- 14- 19- 25- May. 13- June. 3- 4- 8. 16. 22. July. 15- 24. 25. 27. 29. August. 5, J7- 22. 26. 28. Sarah y' daughter of Charls & Martha Leigh. . Rebecca y= daughter of Nicholas Prideaux & Rebecca his Wife. Frances y^ daughter of M^ John Ogilby & Elisabeth his Wife. Ann y= daughter of Daniel & Barbara Lawrence. James y= Son of John & Elenor Fitzgerard. John y' Son of John & Susanna Crag. Cornelius y"= Son of John & Susanna Mackenny. Abraham y^ Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkins. Alice y' daughter of Thomas & Bridget Johnson. Joseph y' Son of Georg & Hannah Oats. Giles y= Son of Giles & Mary Eldridg. John y"= Son of M-- John Steward & Margaret his Wife. Thomas y= Son of Mary King. John y" Son of Anthony & Elisabeth Suillivant. Matthew y= Son of Francis & Thomasin Christian. Thomas y' Son of John & Jane Janes. John y" Son of Thomas & Jane West. William y= Son of William & Elisabi th Herbert. Elisabeth Erpey. Thomas y= Son of Daniel & Sarah Gun, Mary y= daughter of Martha Turner. Edward y= Son of Jeffry & Priscilla Batley. Henry y"= Son of Ann Smith, Wid. Elisabeth y= daughter of M' Richard Bunny and Hannah his Wife. Timothy y^ Son of Timothy & Margaret Ennys Nicholas y= Son of Nicholas & Margaret Morrel. Darby y' Son of Lanthil & Mary Halloway. Susanna y^ daughter of Robert & Elisabeth Pain. Elisabeth y' daughter of John & Margaret Tine. Edwyn y= Son of Edwyn Steed Esq'' & Calia his Wife. MuNDUSiA y« daughter of JOHN & Elisabeth Smith. Elisabeth y' daughter of M"- Robert & Susanna Beckles. PARISH REGISTERS. 423 1678. November. 10. Peter, alias Thomas y= Son of Robert & Jane Porter. 1 1. Jonathan y= Son of Jonathan & Sarah Peach. 14. Edward y"= Son of M"^ Nathaniel Brancker & Mary his Wife. 17. Elisabeth y= daughter of Jacob & Priscilla Allen. Uecember. 8. Richard y"= Son of John & Mary BUTCHER. 12. Francis y Son of M^ Francis Bond & Elisabeth his Wife. 13. William y^ Son of William & Ann Paris. 15. Thomas y= Son of Daniel & Elisabeth Frisel. 17. Elisabeth y"= daughter of M'^ William Barns & Sarah his Wife. 22. Ann y= daughter of Nicholas & Dorcas Willoughby. 27. John y Son of Stephen & Elisabeth Cornish. Ann y"^ daughter of John & Mary Harwood. January, i. WiLLiAM y' Son of William & Margaret Roper. John y<= Son of Lawrence & Mary England. 8. Thomas y"= Son of M-' Thomas Fergusson & Elisabeth his Wife. 9. Thomas y*^ Son of John & Elisabeth Willis. 12. Katharin y"= daughter of M^ John Sutton & Mary his Wife. 14. Charls y= Son of CiiARLS Cavenaugh. 20. Nicholas y<= Son of Archibald & Frances Macquin. 22. John y« Son of Milliard Holdip & Frances his Wife. Februarj'. 6. Dorothy & Thomasin y" daughters of Capt. Thomas Morris & Sarah his Wife. Roger y Son of M^ Rogers & Mary his Wife. 9. Eusabeth y= daugliter of M^ Georg Che.ney & Mary his Wife. 23. Samuel y^ Son of I-'rancis & Mary Th.vtcher. 27. Elisabeth y* daughter of Roger Cowley Iv-sq^ & Susanna his Wife. March. 6. Francis y Son of Capt. Fr.\ncis Burton & Judith his Wife. PARISH REGISTERS. 425 1679. September. 2. Mary y^ daughter of Andrew & Mary Main. 5. William y= Son of Leonard & Ann Robinson. 10. Esther y^ daughter of Edmund & Elisabeth Morgan. 12. GEORGy^ Son of Capt. Francis Burton & Judith his Wife. 21. Elisabeth & Margaret y= daughters of M' Benjamin & Margaret Matson. 25. Margaret y« daughter of M' Thomas & Margaret Dod- 107. Barbados ^URIALS. The Parish of S' Michaels. 1678 March 26* John Swan Master of y= Hope of Amsterdam. 28. M'^ William Fletcher. 30. Francis Boys's child. 31. Francis Varnam. April. I. William Fellow. 2. Vrsula Grey. Rose Ford. 3. Alice y" daughter of Henry & Mary Lela.m. Roger Jones from y= Almshous. 4. Martha Clay. 8. Edward Roberts. M"' Robert Ramsey. 14. John Hughs. 15. Jone Allen a Widdow. 16. William Trusdal. Henry Jennison. 17. M' Thomas Paris, Merch' William Miller. 54 4^6 PARISH REGISTERS. 167S. April. 18. 19- 24. 27. 28. 29. May. 4. 5- Mary y= daughter of Caleb & Elisabeth Powel. Agnes y= daughter of M' Thomas Forrester & Jane his Wife. Margaret y' daughter of Richard & Elisabeth Richardson. Elisabeth y« daughter of John & Jane Carn.* Hannah y" wife of John Wade. Margaret, a distracted Woman. Ralph Warner. William Ferriman. Katharine Miller. M"' Hector Stevens. Patric Kilhammy. Susanna Withers. Edmund Joy. M'' John Jones chief Mate of y Arany Manhant, M' John Hall, M'' Susanna Stedman. Thomas y' Son of Henry & Ann Smith. Susanna Rose. Georg Hill. Thomas Stevens Gunner of y* Thomas & Susan of London, Georg Pye Commander. Jane y= Wife of Capt. Henry Ha\vley. Thomas Walker. John Robinson. HuMH.iTY Hobs, from y^ Almshous. JONE Wiley. Andrew Wood. John Washburn. Daniel Suillivant. Thomas English, from y"^ Almshous. Sarah Bunting. Edward Russel, from y" Almshous. (Seems to have been originally written Corn, and then altered 10 Cakn.] i PARISH REGISTERS. 427 1678. May. 22. Edward Matthews. 27. Thomas James. 28. John Hollin. 29. John Williams, from y= prison. 31. Katharine y' daughter of Denis & Alice Dayley. June. 4. William Rayner. S. Mary Copeland. 15. Humphrey Rosser. 17. Elisabeth y= daughter of Ursula Pease. 19. Thomas Bal. 20. Robert Horton Mate to William Shackerly. Henry Griffin. 21. John -f Son of M"' Thomas Warner & Ann his Wife. Thomas * a Serv' to L.Cot. John Codrington. Mary y= daughter of John & Judith Smith. 23. Mary Jackson. 25. Arthur y" Son of Richard & Sarah Mendam, 28. John y' Son of Ann Austin, Widdow. 29. Ann y« daughter of Thomas & Elisabeth Clark. Phillip Le Voh. Roger y= Son of Thomas & L.-etitia Clark. Georg y= Son of Georg & Elisabeth Dodson. July 3. John Filks, a Serv' to Richard Whiting. Katharin Morris. 5. Noah Fletcher. 7. John Wilson. 8. James Reynolds. Samuel Peacock, mate of y' Africa C. John Hurlock Comd„. 9. David Rogers. 10. John Dan. 12. Frances y= daughter of M'' John Ogilsby & Elisabeth his Wife. * [Blank in ori^nal.] 54—2 428 PARISH REGISTERS. 1678. July 13. Two daughters of JoiiN Pearson, infants. 15. GuALTER Griffin. 15. Margaret SuiLLivANT. 16. Alice yda ughter of M' Robert Codrington. Katharin Hoskins. 17. Margaret Adaudly. Henry Overbury. 20. Richard Hughs. Benjamin Middleton, an Infant. 21. Isabella Levant. 22. Ann Smal. Edmund Ship. 24. An Irishwoman. 27. Elisabeth Fee. 28. M' William Davis Citisen & Merchant of London. 29. Richard Howes. 30. William Astin. August. I. Capt. Thomas Brown, from y"^ Almshous. Anthony Hall. 2. Daniel Neal, from y<^ Almshous. 3. Martha Neal. Richard Mendam, a child. 5. Margaret Bland. William Bunnel. 7. Mary Connet. M' Sarah Frith. 9. John Taylor. 12. Elisabeth Guy. 14. M"' Thomas Larkham. 16. Mary Horn, Widdow. Andrew, from y" Almshous. Alice Townsend. 17. Mary White. William Leigh y^ Son of Charls & Martha Leigh. 19. John Radford, ^1 PARISH REGISTERS 429 1678. August. 19. Sarah Cook. Edward Chamberlain. 20. M^ Richard Button. Bartholomew Jones. 22. Alexander Hilgrove. 26. Thomas Williams. Mary Hackwood. 28. Lake ye Son of Capt. William Marshal 30. Elisabeth r daughter of John & Susanna Newport 31. Ralph Henly. ^^wpurt. September, i. Henry Banks. Mary Smith. 4- Katharin Craddock. 5. Lawrence Peterson. 7. Susanna Moyse. 8. Samuel Jones. A Child of Daniel & Margaret Suillivant FRANCESyedaughterofROBERT&ELISABETHCODRINGTON 10. Ann Marshal. '^i^^'uiUN 1 2. Jane y= Wife of Robert Holman. IS. Elisabeth r Wife of John Peers, Esq' 19- Nicholas Brewer. 21. Thomas Hog. 22. Hagar a Christian Negro. Elisabeth Pierce. 25. Hannah r daughter of M' Bernard Sckenken Ralph y^ Son of Christopher & Jane Smith 26. Robert Aldridg. 2^. M-- Edward Bushel Merch' Hugh Davis. 29. Nicholas Coney. 30. M^ Pickering. Jone Perry. October. I. joNE ye wife of Christopher Hodges. Elisabeth r daughter of Robert & Elisabeth Webster. 430 PARISH REGISTERS. 1678. October. 2. M' Thomas Oresby. 3. M'' Hugh Stone. Robert Reading. Elisabeth Webster. 9. Roger y' Son of Roger Cowley Esq^ & Susanna his Wife. Ann y* Wife of THOMAS Hatton. 10. Mary y' Wife of Patric Golane. 13. Ann y-^ daughter of John Smith. Margaret y"= Wife of Robert Chandler. 14. John Hart. 15. Dearman Suillivant, out of prison. 16. Christopher y= Son of Major John Hallet & Mary his wife. 17. John Lockton. Jane Elliot. 19. Samuel Okelly. 21. Mary y' daughter of William Richardson. 23. James Bayns. John Kelley from y= Almshous. 24. Elisabeth Blanchflower. Thomas Marshal. 31. M" Joseph Rumsey from y' prison. William Shirley. November, i. Sarah Blackman. John y= Son of William & Dorcas Morris. 3. Susanna y= daughter of Henry & Ann Bunting. 4. John y= Son of John & Elisabeth Murril. 5. Elisabeth Hunt. 6. Georg Elliot. 7. Zechariah Dunsthorp. 15. Katharin y= Wife of Daniel Oneal. :6. Mary y' Wife of Abel Dean. 18. John y' Son of JOHN Baily & Jane Conner. 19. Mary y' Wife of Mrj Richard Tudor. J PARISH REGISTERS. 431 1678. November. 23. Mary y= Wife of John Brush. 24. M'' Thomas Bonnet. 26. Thomas Grant. Anna Henry y daughter of Anthony Henry. 27. William y Son of John & Ann Shrewsbury. 30. James Jonas. December. 2. Elisabeth Smith, Robert Clark. 3. Georg Poet. 5. Francis Peterson. 6. M'' Joseph Hussey. 11. Hannah Harris. William Broughton. 12. Elisabeth y"= daughter of Mary Tanner. 15. Jane Davis. 16. John Walker. 17. Mary y« daughter of William Blackman. A poor woman from D'' DE ViLLERMARSK. 19. Phoebe y<= Wife of M"' William Caps. 24. Thomas y' Son of Thomas & Jane Paris. 25. Ann y= Wife of M"' Joseph Warren. . 26. Abigail y= Wife, and Elisabeth y"^ daughter of Thomas Cooper. 29. Nathaniel Lane. Elisabeth Mackartee. 30. Benjamin Godbehere. . January. 4. WILLIAM PARSONS. 7. Henry Fern. 8. Robert Gilbert, 10. Benjamin y= Son of Benjamin & Amey Jones. 11. Edward Mackloghlin. Elisabeth y" Wife of John Adams, alias Adamson, 12. Elisabeth y^ Wife of Christopher Bancroft. John Horton. Elisabeth Rumley. 432 PARISH REGISTERS. 1678. January. 14, M^'Barnet y« Wife of M' William Barnet. 15. M'' Edward Crisp, Mercht Charls y= Son of Charls Cavenaugh. 17. David Mayo. 30. Samuel Collins. 31. Cornelius Suillivant. February. 4. David Miller. 6. John y« Son of M"' John Ham & Susanna his Wife. Bernard Cornelius, a Norman belonging to y' Endeavor of N. England, Sam. Smith, Com' 9. Edward Berridg. 10. Elisabeth y^ daughter of Edward & Jone Gislingham. 12. Margaret y« Wife of Peter Beal. 13. Rebecca y"= daughter of Robert & Grace Griffith. 14. Ann Patric Scrv' to Susan Hall. Barbara y"= daughter of Mary Tailor. 15. Edward Farthing belonging to y" Endeavor of London, James Gilbert Com' 20. Mary y= daughter of M' JOHN Smith & Philippa his Wife. James y' Son of Roger & Sarah Dyer. 21. Michael Rogers, belonging to his M''«Frigat, y Europa, Capt. Will. Long Com' 26. John Buckly Serv' to M' Brooks. 27. Jonathan y^ Son of Thomas & Sarah Ellarce.* 28. John Richardson. March 3. Georg Adson. 6. Henry Smith. 9. Jonathan y= Son of Robert & Elisabeth Pain. 10. William Rose. Elisabeth Brown. Elisabeth Tester. 12. Georg Bradley. 13. Elisabeth y' daughter of Mues Walford. 21. Mary Letiierland. • [This name may be read Ellaree.] PARISH REGISTERS. 433 1679. March. 26. Walter Bush. 28. Capt. Andrew Riches Com"^ of y' White Fox of London, & his Son Samuel Riches, who were both killd by y bursting of a gun. 31. Jacob Bastions, Serv' to M^ Latimer Richards of S' Georges. April. I. James Fowler. Grissel Allen. 2. Elisabeth Wilson, from y' almshous. Sarah y"= daughter of Charls & Martha Leigh. 5. Richard Thorogood. 12. John Sutton. 14. Zebulon y= Son of M"" John Cunningham & Ann his Wife. Elisabeth Elliot, Widdow. 15. Thomas y' Son of Daniel & Eli.sabeth Frissel. 17. Thomas Stranfellow. Elisabeth Williams. 18. Elisabeth y= daughter of Stephen & Mary Wilson. 20. Mary y= Wife of M"" Joseph Smith, Merch' Cornelius Mackelly. 21. Elisabeth Dick. Stephen y= Son of John Lizard. 22. Elisabeth Beacham. William Avery. 24. Henry Gitly. 26. Mary Underwood. 27. Thomas Ferriman. May. I. Joseph y^ Son of Georg & Hann.\h Oats. 2. Edward Leek. Georg Spar. 3. John Bruncock. 4. Elias Blackweller. 6. Ann Trowsdale. Thomas Boon. 55 434 PARISH REGISTERS. 1679. ]\Iay. 7. M"^ Robert Blake. 9. Mary y Wife of Denis Cocklin. 15. Humphrey Kelley. Jane Atkins. M' Gregory Hallet. 23. Ann Rayment. 24. TEAG MULLINS.. Robert Danes. 25. Phillis y= Wife of John Kingston. 29. John Jones 30. James y= Son of M"^ William Bowen. 31. M"" John Gilliard of y' Guianabo of London, Sam. Jones Com' June. I. S.\GE y= Wife of James Andrews. Elisabeth y' Wife of Thomas Lambert. Richard Hendy of y= Coast Frigat, Capt. Varlo\v, Com'- 2. Susan y' wife of Edward Walker. Isaac Hogdon. Georg Potter. 3. Prudence y' wife of M^ Georg Pearson. 4. Edward Reevs. Mf William Br.\g. 5. Arthur Serv' to John Richardson. 7. Joyce y"= daughter of Edenden. 8. Capt. Henry Hawley. 9. Ann y Wife of Henry Bradley. 11. Henry Kirby, a Seaman. William Watson of y= y?«//;,THEorinLUs PoMi-Rov.Com'- Isaac Cole belonging to a Guiney-ship, Jehu Hal Com'' 12. John y<= Son of ANTHONY & Elisabeth Suillivant. Ann y' Wife of Thomas Henwood. 13. Elisabeth y= Wife of M"^ Edward Paris. 16. John Brown of y= Friendship, John Williams Com'- 17. Thomas Atkins. 18. Elisabeth Taggard. PARISH REGISTERS. 435 1679. June. July. 19. 20. 21. n- 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. 2. 3- 12. 13- 14. 15- 17- 18. Richard May. Nicholas Francklin. Sarah y' daughter of M"^ Gabriel Morgan & Mary his Wife. William Mansfield. Mr Richard Pierce. Katharin Carvis. Edward y' Son of Edward Walker. Robert Lane, from y= almshous. Barns Pastor. Matthew Bentham, Serv' to L.Cot. Codrington. Sarah Blackweller. Anthony Hayley. Elisabeth y<= daughter of Gabriel & Mary Morgan. Capt. Evan Morgan. Capt. William Long Com'' of his M'''^ Ship y' Europai buried in y= Sea. Grace Harvey, Widdow. Mary y"= Wife of Thomas Stratton. John Dick. John Buckly, from y* almshous. Gabriel Morgan. David Fogo, from y^ almshous. M"" Thomas Baldwin. Jane y= Wife of Henry Karvis. Mr John Cunningham. Mr Edmund Dawson. Timothy Garman. Cassandra y' wife of Edward Williams. Mr John Cotton. Jane Bagget. Robert y Son of Jane Dempster, Widd. Jane Ward. John Roberts, from y= prison. 55—2 436 PARISH REGISTERS. 1679. July 18. Peter Gascoign. 19. Mary Buckly. Martin Stith. Phillip Brian. 21. Richard Vanlang. Sarah Abbey. William Bunney, from y' almshous. Elenor daughter of Mary Brian, Widd. 22. Mary Morris a Christian Negro. Philippa y"= Wife of M"^ John Smith, Mercht. 23. S' Thomas Warner, K' 24. Georg Smith, a Trumpetter to C. Robinson. 25. Mary y= daughter of John Woodland. MfJoHN Richardson. 26. William Abraham. John y« Son of Mary Woodyard. 27. Nathaniel Thomas. August.4. William Anderson. Ann y"= wife of Patric Campel. • Sarah y« daughter of C. John Johnson & Sarah his Wife. 5. Edward Parsons. 6. Francis y' son of C. Francis Burton & Judith his Wife. 7. John Vincent. 8. Elisabeth y"= daughter of M' Richard & Hannah Bunny. Cot. Georg Thornburgh. 9. Ralph Montrevers. James Dodsworth. John Williamson. 1 5. Mary y' Wife of M^ John Cock. Thomas Banks. 17. Elisabeth Freeman. Mf Gulliver. 18. Isaac y' Son of Anthony Sands. Daniel Lawrence. 438 PARISH REGISTERS. 1^/79- September. 24. M' Edward Preston. ] Georg y' Son of Capt. Francis Burton & Judith his ' Wife. 25. Alexander Mackrery from L.Col. Jelly's. Elisabeth Rul. Richard y^ Son of Richard & Jone Elliot. 26. Susanna y' daughter of M"' Thomas & Susanna Reynolds. William Lawless, out of prison. 27. John Cooper. 29. John y= Son of M' Thomas & Jane Forrester. 421. Ano: 1680 Barbados LIST of the Inhabitants in and about the Towne of S' Michaells w* their children hired Seruants, Prentices, bought Seruants and Negroes. Allan Lyde & wife Henry Mosely & wife . . . Witt" Bishop & wife Edward Duffeild & wife. Benj^ Grace jun^ & wife . . . Anthony Michell & wife. Thomas Garrott & wife . Sarah Waker Abraham Langford George Pearce & wife . . . hired Seru** & Prent bought Seni** Neg" 6 6 5 PARISH REGISTERS. 1679. '9- 20. 21. ^l- 26. 27. August. IS. Jane, from y'almshous. jAMt:.s, ditto. Elisabeth Dick. Teag Conner. Elisabeth Jeffrvs. Man us Callen. Mary r Wife of John Wor.^am Esq' John Bal. ' ' 28. Thomas Strafford. Charls Harrison • v.iciL\ y vvifc of John Miles. 4. Esther ^ daughter of Francis & Elisaiu-th II m 5. M JULIAN Nelson Widd. aged 92 year.s. ' 6. M^ Robert Palmer aged 95 years. /• JOHN Greenwood. Jane Dempster. 1 1. Edward Hardinc; acred "n Rr ^^ , ^' ''to<-u / o Ci: odd \-cars Dorothy Sutton. nTciio! C T °' ^''''" "^ '^'^'^^-^'^^^ Salmon. N1CM0L..VS Barnwel from M^ Rey.xolds's Daniel Oree, from r almshous. Esther Morgan. Elisabeth Erpey. Martin Swain. THOM..VS Smith. M.-VRYyMVifcofJoHNH^RE Alice r Wife of Thomas FoLiNSBY. MrHENRYTuRPiN aged 87 years Katharin Caryl. 12. 14- 16. 17. 18. '9- 20. ^3- PARISH REGISTERS. 439 John Barker , John Borrows , George Tuthill , Olliuer Hutton & wife SAMUELL BRUNTTS & Compa . Daniell Claney & wife Rebeccah Jones John Orpen & wife Joseph Smith W" BULKLY Allexander Harbin & wife W" Harding & wife Walter Benthall & wife . . Samuell Carpender John Costeen & wife Joseph Harbin & wife ^ W" Stickland & wife Thomas Emperor & wife Richard Williams & wife . . Stephen Langton & wife Henry Deuillermas & wife James Sicklemore John Busshell Senior & wife Thomas Doxy & wife John Hutton & wife Tpiomas Wattson & wife . . . . Lucy Buttler John Whettston & wife Henry Crofts & wife Christopher Fowler Rich" Dearsley & wife Thomas Smith & wife Peter Baker & wife hired Seru" & I'rcnt I 2 bought Scru*' Ncg" 4 4 2 3 5 4 I I 6 6 4 8 8 3 lO 3 4 PARISH REGISTERS. Thomas Clarke & wife Jn'o Oglesuy & wife Lettecia Bate RoB^^ Draper Jno Smith Jno Haruey Rich" Forstall Joseph Groue Jno Mercer Thomas Perce & wife . . . Rich" Lennon & wife Jno Felton & wife James Poke & wife Francis Cristian & wife . Muse Walford & wife . . . . Anne Owen Charles Collins «Si wife . Rich° Shetman & wife . . . W" CRITCHLOW & wife . . . George Harper & wife . . . COLLo Batte Cap" Jno Johnson & wife. Olliuer Smitth Jno Smartt Thomas Breakly & wife . Jeremiah Cooke & Comp^ Elizabeth Bancks W" Smith & wife Jno Pitt Owen Dauis Widdo Crisp Paul Gwyne & wife W" Gold & wife children hired Seru"* & Prefltt* bought Seni'" 6 4 5 12 3 4 I 8 4 i6 4 3 I 6 8 3 7 I 20 PARISH REGISTERS. 441 children hired serut" & Prett" bought seru'" Slaues HUMRY Browne & wife .. .. 3 jNo COSSENS I George Flettcher & wife 4 12 Cap"^ Thomas Morris & wife 3 3 II Jno Raymon I Thomas Mountaine & wife • • I James Sharpe & wife 2 3 Thojias Hollard & wife 3 2 i8 Jno Higginbotham & wife .. 3 Jno Newbott & wife .. 7 I Jno Cock I Widdo Thornbrugh 3 8 Thomas Searle & wife I 6 Tho: Blake & wife 2 Tho: Ashendine 2 George Mason I Mrs: Magettess 4 Kath: Toyer .. I Thomas Lamborne & wife .... .. 2 Rich" Bristow & wife .. W" Hollyday & wife 4 3 5 W" Brooke & wife 5 Jno Hallett Esq"- & wife 3 14 Roger Corbitt & wife 9 Antho Prince & wife I 5 W" BiCKNALL o 2 Martin Creamer ■y Jn° Cholemley 2 W" Emberee 2 Jno Crisp jun"" & wife .. 2 RiCH° Parker & wife I I .. 4 Jno Stuard & wife 8 4 RlCH° Trantt I 56 442 PARISH REGISTERS. Hugh Archer & wife George Snouks George Nedham & wife . . . W" Sanders Widd" TURPIN RoB^T tatt's W" Price W" Baynes & wife James Vickars & wife Thomas Bishop & wife Roger Dyer & wife Rich" Bunney & wife Charles Jues [?Ives] & wife. J N« Hancock & wife Rich" Nusom & wife Mary Doue Rich" Attwood & wife M'^ Dauis Samuell Mead & wife Widdo Laroch W"Capps J NO PUDDIFORD & wife Daniell Brewer Gamaliell Ellis Widd" Bush Stephen Scar k. wife Nathaniell Eldred & wife. Jn" Johnson & wife Rich" Poore & wife Roger Anderson & wife . . . Jno Boles Nicholas Molder & wife Jno Hudson & wife hired seru"* & Pren" 3 I I I O 02 O 2 boug« seru'" Slaus 6 PARISH REGISTERS. 443 jNo Prince & wife Jno Hopcroftt & wife . . . ROB^^^ Landall & wife . . . Rob" Gray & wife Widdo Smith Abell Deane Thomas Forrestor & wife Xtopher Akers & wife ... Jno Creswell & wife Andrew Hawkins & wife . , Hester Lane Henry Jacobs & wife Thomas Wrightt & wife . . Jno Coocke & wife Tho: Read & wife Jno Coppin sen"- & wife Thomas Simson & wife . . . . Francis Bestt & wife Ambross Addams W" Cragg W" Parris Rob" Lanier & wife Xtopher Frankling & wife Abraham Fifeild & wife . . John Olliuer & wife , Widdo Baines Beniamin Rawlings & wife . Jno Peirceson Samuell Sourton Rich° Hallett Benja Mattson & wife Edward Sturdiuantt- Hugh Hall & wife hired sera"' & Prentt, bough I seru" Slaues s6— 2 444 PARISH REGISTERS. Jn" Barnes Jno Deuexish & wife Jno Firebrass & wife Rob" HussEY & wife Mathew Hauiland Jacob Legay Jn" Man & wife Rob" Beckles & wife Judith Sparrow Henry Fissiier & wife . . . Roii^^ Rich junr & wife . . , Widit" Bragg Samuell Gifford & wife . Martin Hayes & wife . . , Samuell Stoker & wife , Thomas Warner & wife W" Cannings & wife Bridgett Collett Thomas Lowe & wife Samuell Ballard & wife Thomas Fercharson & wife Phillip Trauers George Newton Jno Bayley & wife Edward Parsons & wife . Widii" Barrowman Gabriell Newman & wife. Mary Chapman RICH" Addamson & wife , Benj* Hassell Rob" Stone & wife Thomas Dod & wife W^' Wilson & wife child' hired seruan'" & Prett" bought seru'" Slaues 2 2 4 2 2 I 6 I 3 6 5 3 I 3 4 II II I 13 3 2 2 5 I 2 4 3 2 7 8 I 4 I I I 2 I "e . . . 5 2 17 2 2 I lO I 5 12 3 2 4 I 5 4 I 9 I 5 2 I -7 I 2 3 PARISH REGISTERS. 445 Joseph Borden & wife , Samuell Parris RiCH° TuDAR & wife Mathew Deane & wife Jno Hasell & wife Samuell Shenton & wife. , . Guy & wife W" Litton & wife Henry Lelland & wife Jno Legay Thomas Heslerton & wife . , Edmond Jefferres & wife . , Widdo Seay Thomas Pilgrim & wife , George Bread & wife W" Jordan & wife , W« Cope & wife , Thomas Eles & wife Thomas Horner & wife W" Preswell Theophilus Barrodall DowNES Daniell James Taggartt & wife Nathaniell Claire & wife . . Jno Hudson & wife Olliuer Gilhampton & wife Thomas Clouan & wife Nicholas Maynard & wife . . George Oates & wife Barnard Man & wife - Jno Dauis & wife Jno Murrell & wife Widdo BOUEY hired seruants &Prentt bougtt serutt' Slaues 14 I 16 2 20 3 I 3 II 3 6 6 3 5 6 4 3 4 10 446 PARISH REGISTERS. children hired seruant, & Prentt* bougtt seruU' Slaues W» Harding Vintner & wife I I Thomas Tickner & wife 2 3 Vallentine Copman & wife — 4 W" Shipton & wife 5 George Cheyney & wife 2 JNO Bradham Owen Dayley & wife I Francis Wood & wife 4 Henry Bvrch & wife 6 ROB-^T Hole & wife 8 Mathew Willox & wife 3 Jn° Heaton I Rich" Wilson & wife 4 W" BiDDLE & wife 3 Mrs HOSKINS [ o Benj* Elly & wife [ George Hannah & wife 4 2 lO Jno Hunter & wife I 4 Rich" Alford & wife 3 3 5 Thomas Whiteing & wife 8 3 14 Thomas Bringhurst & wife 5 2 S Jno Haywood & wife 3 Henry Freman & wife 5 3 jNf Plumly p El: Browne ... 9 Edward Towne & wife 3 Laughline Bayne & wife I o Thomas Walden & wife 2 Benj'^ Jones & wife ^ . . I W" Cliggatt & wife 3 Lawrance Reed & wife I Rob" Hewitt & wife 3 13 Edward Huntt & wife 3 5 Natiianiell Branker & wife . . I S PARISH REGISTERS. 447 Nathaniell Smith & wife Stephen Gascoyne Esqf & wife . Edwine Steed Esq"- & wife Benj* Dweightt & wife , Thomas Reynoldson & wife . . Henry Stepbing Rich" Ford & wife Henry Haruey & wife Jno Frederick & wife Thomas Parker James Ely k, wife Jonathan H utchinson Urselah Pea Rich": Hall & wife W" Welding Theophilus Bowden Jn" Legard Jno Sanders k. wife Stephen Clay & wife Jacob: Mackerness & wife W" Sidney & wife Thomas Biffin & wife Rich" Barrett Thomas Rowse & wife M>-s Tothill Samuell Smartt & wife Susanah Beeke W" Michleborne & wife Jno Fisher Jacob: Legay sen' Christopher Jacson & wife W" Mackerness Widd° Haywood children hired seru'" & Pren«» bought seru"' Slaues I O 7 12 3 I 2 3 I 13 5 4 7 3 I 2 I 2 4 7 2 7 3 I 13 S 2 I 3 S 448 PARISH REGISTERS. Edward Prestton Widd° Baldwine J NO TOWNSEND & wife Jno MuNROW & wife J NO SHROESBERRY & wife . . Jno Mills & wife Isaac Roett Charles Lee & wife . , Benj'' Bird & wife Basell Dunkly & wife Martin Dallison & wife . . Mary Lister Anne Kew Kathrine Whiteing Jno Hunter Jno Spencer & wife W" Maxwell & wife Doctor Richard Lawford Thomas Parris & wife . . . Edward Rainsford Samuell Dyer Edward Peireson & wife . Marke Noble & wife Francis Louell John Chason & wife W» Beale Daniell Jones Peter Swaine & wife Jno Ladston &; wife Ellinor Walter Jno Williams & wife Jno Lamply & wife Mary Busher hired sera'" & Pren<" bought sera'" PARISH REGISTERS. 449 Mary Wilson Jn" Rawlings & wife James Miller & wife Edward Fennell & wife . . Jonathan Taylor & wife . , W" SiMMES & wife , RoB" Webster & wife . . . , RoB'^'" Paine & wife Jno Paine & wife JN" Stedham Madam Fits James THE JEWES Jacob Franco Nunes Aron Nauaro Aron Barruch Paul Deurede Isaac Perera Dauid Ralph Demereado Lewis Dias Abraham Qay Abraham Barruch Dauid Israell Anthony Rodrigus Abraham Sousa Leah Medinah ISACK Abof Abraham Burges Aron . Moses Hamias Mis Leah Decompas Hester Bar Simon Daniell Boyna Abraham Lopes Abr: Valuerde children Jewes 4 7 5 2 2 3 6 2 3 5 3 hired seruen" & Pren" bought I II s 3 4 II 57 45° PARISH REGISTERS. judieah torez Moses Mercado Jaell Serano Eliah Loi'EZ Isaac Gomez Joseph Senior Isaac Perera ISACK Meza SOLOMAN CoRDOZA . . . , Abraham Obediente.. Judith Risson Dauid Namias Moses Arrobas Gabriell Antunes . Jacob Preett Sarah Atkins Abraham Costanio . Psons slaues 2 2 5 2 I 5 5 2 3 2 3 4 6 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 9 5 4 2 2 I 4 I I 2 6 Samuell Nauarro . . . Rachell Burges . . . MORDECAH PaLACHE . Rebecah Paciieco . . . Rebecah Barruch . . , Jacob Paciieco Rachell Lopez Jacob Fonceco Vale , Mordecah Sarah . . , Samuell Dlchauis , Dauid Swaris Judith Nauaro Hester Nov JUDIII Israell Moses Desauido IsACC Nov >SOIU slaues 4 I 6 2 I 2 4 5 4 4 I S 4 4 I 2 4 5 2 2 I 2 2 5 3 6 2 Total of Inhabit. .,. 404. Mem'l that ye Town of S' Michael only has rcturnd an A ceo'- of Children Total of Inhabitants ..{^J-^-;;^°4|8o6. Total of White sen-ants 4' 2 Total of Ne<7roes 1325- PARISH REGISTERS. 451 [Barbadoes.] LIST of Owners and possessors of land Hired Seruants & Appren- tices, Bought Seruants & Negroes in ye Parish of St. IMichaells * A Thomas Ashendine . , Bartho Aldsworth . . Anthony Anthony . . CoRNELious Austrian Allin Thomas Allexander Antor . . Jacob. Allen B Theo: Barradall Borden Joseph Bonett Edw-- Plant-^ Francis Bond Esqi- CoiJo W Bate Francis Burton Thomas Batson J NO Battyne junf J NO Boucher George Birkehead . . Hugh Brandon Jno Bird Jno Barron , Humphry Brogdon . . . Allice Baines Jno Barnes acres land 5 46 19 6 7 7 Ac' 4 9 88 160 125 130 35 hired Seru" bought Seru" 3 8 25 6 14 ID 30 2 IS ' 3 \ 16 15 6 I 94 s 93 I 60 - 60 3 20 • 21 14 16 * [Totals are given in the original at the end of every page of MS., but are not carried forward; as it is impossible to keep page for page with the MS., we have omitted them alto- gether, with the exception of the sum-totals at end.] 57—2 452 PARISH REGISTERS. W" Barron W" Barnett. Jno Brett Joseph Beedlk w" bussiiey Jno Bignall scnr , Jn" Bignall juiv Mrs BURNELL W^' Bragg Allexander Barraman Jerreard Boucher — Phillip Brewster CoRNELious Bryan Daniell Boyna C Capps. William . . . JN" Crisp senr Roger Co^VLEY Esq^ W" Cannings Mfs Coather Tho: Carnock ?^ JN^ Chace Patick Carney Kathrin Cleaner t W"' Cliggatt Chrictopher Coale James Cissell jNoCLEANERf Tiio: Clark dcnrt^* . . NiCHO. Chandler . . Henry Cleauer cres hired seru'" boug' Ser'" Neg !9 I IS 15 I II 4 5 8 3 4 10 1 •4 7 4 1 1 10 I 2 14 6 2 10 2 4 8 3 5 3 14 I 1 9 10 I 14 ac' hired seru'" bong" Ser'" SL-iu 12 I 5 56 I 2 7 88 I 3 40 7 5 15 I 8 8 I 2 60 I 2 24 5 I 20 I 4 13 I 1 6 5 I 22 I 16 10 — 20 — 5 — 20 I 3 * [Tliiis erased in the original.] t [So in the oriijinal : but see Cleaier [Cleaver] at the bottom of the page.] PARISH REGISTERS. 453 Tho: Coale J NO CODDRINGTON Esqr Tho. Child Benj'^ Caime w" cockman George Clarke Symon Cooper Allex: Coachman his Estate Henry Clark CoRDiu Paulus jNo Cattlin , BoHAM Carter , D. Benj* Dwight Dauis W" dunidge w" Thomas Drayton James Daneff Jno Dick Giles Deboyce Dennis Dowell Roger Dunn E W" Embree , Jno Elliott James Ard Mrs Ellacott Lawrance England ju^ Seaborne Egginton 39 300 7 13 14 20 80 8 land 25 lOI 15 12 5 5 16 5 7 acres lanji 10 35 7 27 10 hired seru"' hire'' Seru"' boug" Ser'" hired sera'" Slau' 4 137 13 8 II 6 26 13 35 4 7 4 Negros 454 PARISH REGIS7ERS. F. Rich" Forstall George Fletcher Jn" Farmer Henry Feake Rich" Fifeild Jn" Fowler Philip Fonseire Roger Fauell , RoB'^'^ Feauer JOANE Fuller Francis Frostt G. Benjamin Grace Rich" Gayton Ellizab: Gritton Ellz: Goodman jNo Griggory Peter Goding H. Harris J N" Hallett jNoEsq"- Hutchinson Jno Hawksworth Jn« Samiell Hanson Ralph Hassell Rich" Howell & Guy Esqrs Symon H untt dead Francis Harding acres land hired seni"' bough' seru'" 294 4 6 10 179 3 5 8 I 12 I 8 I 25 1 3 10 30 I I 10 I 2 26 I I 50 I 2 10 I 204 I 4 7 ! land Ac'. hired seru'" i 1 bong" Sera"" 20 I 220 4 s 5 63 I lOI 10 I 605 5 20 40 I 10 129 93 3 8 I 19 3 16 7 10 26 26 8 85 4 Neg" 6 84 5 18 lO 40s 24 PARISH REGISTERS. 455 Daniell Hurlow . . . Christopher Hooper Francis Hall Edward Huntt , Jno Hawksworth*. . . , Daniell Harwood Jno Handy Edward Harding Samuell Hyatt Francis Hardwick . . Jno Ham Widdo Hamblin Georg Harper W" Hecthrop VV"' Hearst Jno Hill Jno Hare Jno Higginbotham Ralph Hollinsworth Samuell Hathway . . I Jacson Xtoph: Thomas Jelly Jno Jefferres Allex Jennison , Jno Johnson , W" Jacobs , K. Humry Kentt land Ac'. 17 25 26 5 63 10 56 3 30 10 20 4 20 14 10 10 5 10 10 II 200 S 3 6 52 hired seru'" I I hired seru'" I 3 2 boug" Seru'" boufft Seru'" Neg"^ 5 10 30 49 3 7 12 9 5 3 5 S Negroes 28 70 4 17 * [This name will also be found six lines from the bottom in p. 454 ; the number i hoM-ever, is dilTerent.] 4S6 PARISH REGISTERS. L Leek Thomas , Roger Louell , Xtopher Lyne Phillip Lancaster . . . Jno Ledra , W" Litton Rich" Layton Mrs LUCOMB Nicholas Langwortiiy Georuer Lillington . Mrs Louell Thomas Links Thomas Lucomb M Morris Thomas Euan Morgan Gabriell Martin W" Marchall Rich" morris Jno Macklaire W" Murrell Mrs MULLINAX . . Rich" Mullinax Anthony Michell Bryan Murphe Jno Murrow Jno Murrell N. Neale Tho: ac' hired seru'" boug« Seru'" 234 2 18 13 S3 50 2 27 ! 4 50 9 12 32 7 6 9 •44 3 140 2 3 10 I So 2 35 I 6 II 7 9 5 9 3 3 SO 2 I Negroej 160 S 25 7 3 27 6 II 27 12 5 100 72 5 S2 12 6 8 3 5 4 14 16 PARISH REGISTERS. 457 O Samell Osborne . . . Thomas Odiarxe . Francis Oakley . . . Jno Odell P Nicholas Prideaux Rich^Pearce , Thomas Pilgrim Edward Parris Jno Piggott Mrs Panton George Parris . . . . Adrian Paily Widdo PiRKINS Jno Perriman Job Perridge Samuell Perry Henry Price Jno Plumley Jno Pollard ..; Rich° Pollard R Edward Rundall . . . Anne Rowe Rich° Robinson . . . . W« Robinson Thomas Reynolds . . . Isacc Roett ac' 40 I ^1 lOI I 17 6 S 2 230 2 6 76 IS .. 80 20 I 34 35 I 12 5 I 3 3 32 I 23 S I 16 .. , , 6 7 7 .. 4 4 .. 7 5 .. IS I 6 5 .. 3 • • •• II I 16 22 •• 3 12 3 y6 1 86 2 3 28 •• .. 12 5 • • 58 45S PARISH REGISTERS. S Barnard Shenkincii jNo Strode M""^ Stanlv BicNj'^ Scott Simmons Piiili Mrs Spenswick Simmons Phillip* . . . Steede Edwyne Esq- Cap' Jno Sutton Alice Smith Jno Springham Joseph Salmon Allex: Sinklaire . . . Rich" Sweeting T Turi'IN Henry Scnr Tudar Richard .... Allex Taggartt . . Francis Turton — Xtopher Terry Widdo Twine George Tyrwiiki t . . Roger Thomas Herculous Tyrwili. Henry Turpin jun'- Dauid Thomas Phill. Trowell .. .. 19 10 8 4 ^5 12 10 49 5 5 7 4 9 Innil hired ac Sciu'" ID 50 10 .. 10 .. 39 •• 30 39 •• 12 129 12 , , 'c°"^>„ Negroes 40 4 18 22 18 30 105 6 28 12 7 8 3 6 33 4 4 5 4 PARISH REGISTERS. 459 w Willis Jn° ac' 5 6 ID lO 20 IS 5 30 26 10 5 13 5 40 I I 5 14 10 Warren Joseph Francis Wood W" Welding W" WiTHINGTON Mary Waters 9 9 6 Jno Willoughby George Walton George Willoughby Samuell Warner 8 8 2 Jno Williams Dauid Welch Nath: White Bridget Ferrell {sic) Y John Young 13 13 * Tot. of Inhabitants 225. Total of Acres 7063. Total of Serv's 303. Total of Negro's 3746. * [There are 227 names entered, but 2 have been entered twice, viz. Hawksworth and Simmons.] 58—2 460 PARISH REGISTERS. [Barbadoes.] Masters & mistrcscs names y' are Owners of Land in the Parish of S' Georges in y Island of Ijarbados taken by the command of his Ex- cellency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y« 23"' Day of December: 1679 Robert Dauers Esq-^ Mr Robert Dauers Junio'' Mf James Robinson M'' John Robinson Mr William Dauis Mr John Koker Mr Thomas Br,o\vne Mrs Sarah HauswooD Mrs Margaret Roe M's Ellinor Bowdler Mr Job: Lullman Edward Pye Esqr Mr Thomas Prothers Mr William Catlink Mr Henry Euans Mrs Francis Holdii' Mr John Holdip Mr Brian Blackman Mr Fran: Smith Jujo' Mr Miles Toppin Mr Henry Burrell Mr Miciiaell Weylv Mr Fran: Bell Mr John Jemot Mr Henry Eastwick Mr John Goldingham Mr Richard Eastwick Number of Number of Acres I White Seruants 47 6 40 6 400 55 106 19 10 6 30 IS 10 12 8 50 118 40 Number of Negroes I 4 10 5 3 4 6 2 2 190 15 5 42 9 7 10 18 38 8 5 37 76 PARISH REGISTERS. 461 Masters & mistreses names y' are owners of Land in the Parish of S' Georges in y Island of Barbados taken by the command of his Ex- cellency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y« 23'''-Day of December: 1679 Mr Marmaduke Nicholes . M'' Fran: Bond M'' John Gibbons Mr Edward Cleypole M"" Richard Sutton Mr George Briggs Mr John Battine Senjor . . . Mr Samuell Webb Mr Thomas Blackman The Lady Ann Willoughby Mr Samuell Coward Mrs Grace Siluester Mr Tho: Wilbraham Mr Henry Harding CoUo Xtopher Line & Sonn. Mr Walter Chamell Mrs Martha Alt Mr John WiLKiNS Mr Joseph Miles Mr Joseph Robinson Major Paule Lyte capt John Coussins Mr John Coussins Senjor . . . Mr William Snipe Mr Latymore Richards . . . Mr Samuell Sedgwick Mr John Sedgwick Mr John Lahane Mr Phillip Fusheir Mr William Weauer Mrs Mary Ridgway Number of Number of Acres White Seruants 30 .. 105 I 7 •• 325 12 106 5 140 172 .! 317 20 515 10 20 95 .. 272 ^J 36 40 5 235 8 70 I 60 12 12 10 10 7 100 39 Number of Negroes 60 3 ^6 60 64 81 I I 160 4 220 6 54 27 22 8 6 3 120 50 50 4 8 5 5 4 3 30 462 PARISH REGISTERS. Masters & M'": names that are owners of Land in y* Parish of S'Gcorges in The Island ot Barbados Taken liy the Command of Ilis Ex- cellency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y' 23"' Decem- ber — 1679 — Mrs Elizabeth Barnes M'» Elizabeth Woluerstone .... W John Price Mf Joseph Ridgway My Edward Robert's M'" William Bradsiiaw Mf Robert Custis M'' Richard Lintott Mf William Sapster M'' John Marshall M' Henry Gorges Mr Benja Middleton Mr John Wiltsheir Mr Basill Di.wvell M'' William Greene M"- Robert Hooper Mr Richard Salter Mr Samuell Hanson ■ Mr William Harmer Mr Samuell Warner Mr John B.vttine Jujor Mr John Tull Mr Dauiu Morgan Mr Thomas Gunstone Mr John Renney Mr William Harris Mr Gabrill Deane Mr George Keyser Mr John Morecott Mr Barnes Widdoe I\Ir Richard Britland Number: of White Seiu" 57 20 10 40 ID 10 10 144 46 125 379 140 37 100 219 217 57 32 4 190 10 20 165 15 29 22 104 55 15 25 Number ol Negroes 40 6 I 6 7 8 7 60 14 58 130 43. 19 42 117 120 105 12 16 80 8 19 42 8 2 14 42 27 13 19 PARISH REGISTERS. 463 Masters & mistreses Names y' ai'e owners of Land in y= Parish of S' Georges in y. Island of Barbados taken by the command of his Ex- cellency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y" 23"' Decem- ber — 1679 — Mf George Willson Mr James Butler M"" Thomas Leare Sf Peter Leare Mr Thomas Battsox Mr Samuell Palmer M'' Charles Buttall Mr George Gre* ne his Planta Collonell Hen: Drax William Bulkely Esqr f his sonn . . Samuell Husbants Esqr Mr Tho: Wiltsheir Deceased Mr James Butt & Mary Middle- ton Mr Sam: Smith Mr John Wheeler Mr Robert Rich Mr Jonathan Andrewes Mr Peirse Poor Mrs. Applewhite Widdoe Mrs Booth Widdoe Mr John Renney Jujor Mr John Robins Mr John Elliott Sr Thomas Bendish Mr John Evans Mr Darby Mackone Mr William Clarke Mr Michaell Poore Mr Antho: Lord 464 PARISH REGISTERS. Master & mistreses Names y' are owners of Land in y* Parish of S' Georges in y« Island of Barbados taken by the command of his Excel- lency S' Jonathan Atkins K' y« 23"" December —1679— Number of Number of Acres White Seru" Number of Negroes Mf Robert Dawson IS IS M^ BiTLER & COLETON ■■ Suine Totall 9569 1 III 4316 i 1 Baptized in The aboue S'^. pish p the Register Booke from ys 25 march 78: to y^ 29: 7*^ 1679 ^ Buried in S'^ Parish in y* time ■36 66 p Jno Coussins & Paule Lyte, Church Wardens (In-dorso Acco' of Inhabitants 12 Land &c in the parish of S' George. Rec^l 3d June 1680. PARISH REGISTERS. 465 Barbados. Baptismes. ^^HILDREN BAPTIZED in the parish of S' Georges from ^^ march the 25'''' 1678. till September y= 29''' 1679 d Miles y^ Sonne of Miles Tuppin: baptized Aprill— 01 — 78 John y'' Sonne of John Pitts baptized Aprill — 04 — John y= Sonne of Lawland Claree . .baptized Aprill — 12 — Jdeth y' daughter of John Robbison . . baptized May — 30— Anne y= Daughter of Michael Pore; . . baptiz'd July — c6— Mary, & Elizabeth y= daughters of Thomas White . .July — 18 — Samuel, y= Sonnne \sic\ of James Downing. . baptiz'd . .July— 21 — Sarah y« daughter of marmaduke Nicolls. . baptiz'd . -July — 26 — George y' Sonne of John Sedgewicke . . . .baptized • . July — 30— Elizabeth y= daughter of william Greene, baptized August — 07 — Anne y= daughter of MATTHEW Jennins . . . .baptized august — 25 — Paul y= Sonne of Paul Lyte baptized august — 31 — Henry y« Sonne of DANIEL GUNNE baptized . .7bcr. — 14— John y= Sonne of EDWARD MORGAN baptized.. .7ber. — 22 — Margaret y= daughter of George Keyzar 8ber — 03 — Samuel y' Son of Bonaventure Jellfes baptized 8ber — 13 — John y= Sonne of John Whiting baptized 8ber— 25 — Thomas y= Sonne of John Dollstan baptized 8ber — 3 1 — Hester y= daughter of Alexander Crookshan k 9ber — 03 — John y= Sonne of william Allen baptized 9ber— 24 — Henry y' Sonne of John Gouldingham xber — 04 — Elizabeth y"= Daughter of Anne Rees widdow xber — 06 — John y'= Sonne of Robert Part baptized xber — 09— John y" Sonne of John Bradford baptized January — 26— ts John y^ Sonne of John Jemmot baptized february— ig ^ Elizabeth y' daughter of Charles Sawyers march — 06 59 466 PARISH REGISTERS. Sarah y' daughter of Edward Gibbs baptized march — 21 — George y^ Sonne of John Pitts baptized Aprill. 23-1679 Benjamin y= Sonne of Widdow Wiltsihcir Aprill— 25 — Nathanael y= Sonne of Henry Harding baptiz'd June — 10 — William y^ Sonne of Jonathan Andrewes baptiz'd ...June — 15 — ' Elizabeth the daughter of John H.vndy baptized July— 20— Marmaduke yf Sonne of marmaduke Nicolls July— 22 — Richard y' Sonne of John Tulls baptized /bcr — 04 — John y" Sonne of John I PSLEY baptized 7bcr. — 07 — William y Sonne of miles Tapi'IN; baptiz'd 7bcr — 15 — Coppicd out of y= register- p. nie. DANHCL DYKE Cleric booke for y^ parish of S' Georges — in ye Island of Barbados. December y 8''' 1O79. Bariiados. 11^1, URI ALLS in y" parish of S' Georges from y" 25'l'of March: 1678. |8.B8!! untill y" 29''' September. 1679. BURIALI.S John y"^ Sonne of Lawland Ci.aree buried Aprill-14- 1678 William Plowman buried May — 12 — Thomas, y" Sonne of Barbary Steele buried May— 31 — Sarah y^ Wife of William Davis buried June — 13 — John Booth buried June — 14 — John y"' Sonne of THOMAS Neale buried July — 07 — Anne y= daughter of Michael Pore buried July — 07 — Sarah y' daughter of Marmaduke Nicolls august— 01 — Richard Lacon's daughter buried ...august — 05 — Nicholas Willson buried ...august — 26 — PARISH REGISTERS. ^67 William y= Sonne of John Palmer buried ybtr— 07I- Thomas Wiltsheir Junio'- buried 7ber-T9— Joyce Williams buried 7ber-2o- Amy y^ Wife of William Brettland buried 7ber— 28— Amy y= Wife of Thomas Brookman buried Sbcr— 07— Elizabeth y= daughter of William Greene buried 8ber— 09— Robert QUARREE* buried 8ber-i4- RiCHARD Harris buried 8ber-2S— John Whiting buried 8ber-28- James y= Sonne of John Holman buried 8ber— 29— William y= Sonne of William Matthewes, buried 8ber— 30— Elizabeth Jones 9ber— 02— Nathan Morris gber— 11— Robert Hoskins ^b '.rie'd'. '. '. ". '. '.9ber-2o- Charles y= Sonne of Charles Cheyny buried xber— 17— Anke y= Wife of James Gad buried xber-28— Thomas Wiltsheir Senio^ buried xber-31— Bridget ye daughter of Edward morris .. .buried. ..January-C4-I^^ Peter LITTLEVVOOD buried... January- ^,0- '' Richard Posslet buried. ..January-30— Bridget ye wife of William Sapster buried February— 01— Rose ye daughter of Robert Graves buried Feb!— o-^- Matthew Macklond buried Feb'-og- JohnCrage buried Feb'-i2- Daniel Morton buried Feb.-2S- Sarah ye wife of John weaver buried... march— 02— Richard Foot buried... marcli- 19- MosesNaseby buried... March-27-i67g Samuell Brookes buried. ..Aprill— 03-1679 JohnTeene buried... Aprill-04— Mary graves buried... Aprill - 16— PeircePore buried. ..Aprill-17— George Nice burie d May-02- 1^''" '"^^' '^'""^ '" '''"^ ^^'^' '*' '^'°'"=''' '^"' ^ ^° ""' 'hink Ihere tan be much doubt a>, toTlie 59-2 468 PARISH REGISTERS. Burialls Peter More buried May-04-1679 Thomas Colton buried May — 05 — Mary ye Daughter of Samuel Boys May — 06 — Alexander Buckle buried May — 07 — Charles Axdrewes buried May — 22— John Hollowell buried June — 05 — Benjamin Wolverston buried June — 1 1 — Teage Onan buried June — 14 — Henry Jones buried June — 24— Frances ye Wife of Oliver Cottom buried July — 01 — Abigail ye daughter of Edward Claypole July— 16— Jane ye daughter of William Avery July— 25— Margaret ye Wife of John Price July — 28 — George ye Sonne of Barbary Steele buried July — 31 — John ye Sonne of Richard Harlow buried... august — 10 — Mary ye daughter of Thom.\s Read buried. ..august — 11 — Martha ye wife of Anguis Banes buried. ..august— 12 — William Davis buried... august^^25 — L.\WRENCEye Sonne of Thomas Wiltsheir Junior, deceasd buried jber. 03 — Benjamin ye Sonne of Thomas Wiltsheir junio' deceasd buried jber — 06 — William Crafts buried /ber— 07. — Samuel ye Sonne of Bonaventuke Jellfes buried 7ber — 21 — M.\RY ye Daughter of Robert Part buried jber — 23 — (66) Coppied out of ye register- December ye 8"i booke for ye parish of S' Georges. 1679. in ye Island of Barbados. pr. me DANH^L DYKE Cleric. [endorsed] Barbados Acco' of Christnings . ^6. Burials 66. in the Parish of St. George. Reel 3J June. 1680. PARISH REGISTERS. 469 List of the Masters & Mistresses names wf'i what Lands & Seruants & negrees they haue, & Asoe what Christenings & Burialls hath been in the Parish of S'. Andrews. Masters & Mistris names Acres | of Seruants: Negroes:! Christnings Leu* Bassill Gibbes John Foord Esq'': Cap'n John Gibbes Thomas Leake Esq"" Mr Richard Edwards Captn Abbll* Alleyne Cap'" Samuell Woodword Mr John Houlder The Widdow Hutchins .... Mr John Swann Mr Samuell Austen John Boden Esqr Mr Richard Morris , Mr Edward Jordan Thomas Richards Doctor Edward Lam my Mrs Martha Hamerly | gg Mr George Hurst 130 2: men 280 4: men 200 ISO 30 316 120 57 10 42 6 250 IIS 28 12 14 John Savery C3 iioii: man Mr William Hawksworth Cap'n TyMOTHY THORNHILL . . ; 170 Mrs Anne Johnston U^r L' Charles Sandiford. . . . Lt William Hall Captn Archibald Johnston Mr W" Dotten IS 40 60 109 3: men 3: men I2:men i:man 045 120 093 060 031 "S 046 041 003 014 002 143 03 s GIG 0G8 005 019 040 og6 ISO 041 004 0G9 036 60 one Mary I • man Eliz.: BuRGEs 4" men 2: Child'-eH one Sarah one Richard one Anne two Sonns I : Sarah ii: man 3: men : men men I : boy [?Abell.] 470 PARISH REGISTERS. Masters & misCris names Acres of Land Seniants: 75 i: man 30| L' John Sandiford Doctor John Hayward . . . John Somerhaies Esq' i'4°i^" '"^" John" Merrick Esq^ 266 ,6: men Mr Allexandkk Bartlett Mr John Jethscjn William Roach Mr John Burges Mr David Smith Mr Stephen Smith Mrs Mary Cobham Mr Robert Hayte Doctor Stephen Gibbes Mr Hugh Williams Mr Thomas Brookes Mr W" Rawlings The Widdow Ellicott .... MrJOHNTAYTE Mr Hugh Dunn Mr John Belforu Dennis Murfey Mr Thomas Cadle John Bootiiman Daniell Donavan Caleb Rouse* Mr John Swan Mr Henry Collett John Thomas Andrew Fallin Daniell Shams James Stollaru William Roch* Negroes: 033 006 051 167 006 003 001 016 008 26 COS 014 005 02 1 004 CIO 005 002 001 000 003 14 02 003 001 001 001 001 Christnings Burialls: one Anne ti:Boy i:Giile i: Boy * \\ pen lias been drawn through these names in the Orig. MS.] PARISH REGISTERS. 471 Masters & mistris names .Acres I of Seruants:| Negroes: George Dent James Webb Mr Robert English Philip Charles — John Smith Teague Boy Mr John Slye Mr Thomas Coppin. . lOO 260 Cap' Abell Gay i 100 The Widdow Gay L*: John Mills Mr Henry Jeenes Mr Andrew Follyn 26 Mr Daniell Shahanisse 10 Mr George BusTiAN 1 10 Mr John Welch I 19 Mr Robert Hiue 10 Mr Robert Hewitt 10 Mr Henry Kelsoll 105 Mrs Hellen Cantey 20 Mr Bartholomew Reese 1 152 Mr Thomas Beresford 180 U Bennett Reese 60 Mr Nathaniell Snow 1 80 Mr Caleb Rouse 76 Mr Edward Paine 5 D HuMPHERY Waterman .. 186 Mr Robert Richards 60 Mr William Davies 82 Mr John Wayte 93 Mr Phillip Rosse 12 Mr Richard Willis 5 Danill Dynegeli 5 006 001 004 001 002 OCX 005 009 028 019 90 12 01 001 001 005 030 007 051 028 006 048 003 092 25 22 050 004 001 Christnings one Andrf.w two Sonns two Sonns one Daii"hler 472 PARISH REGISTERS. masters & mistris names Ralph Frettwell Esqf M"" John Locke Mf Thomas Russell . . . Mr Andrew Black M"- David Michell John Nobi? W" Campion James Binney W" Henderson W'PURSS Thomas Johnston Symon Run Richard Willis Daniell Dougle Dermott Mahont Dennis Mackhala John Daniell Thomas Layton Henry Layton & 1 . Jane Webb 3 Acres of Land Negroes Christnings Burialls Total 109 oo6 C05 014 003 005 003 001 002 008 001 001 001 002 002 003 003 005 55971 47 I 2248 18 44 Lands in dispute between^ MATTHEW GREY Minister the Lady ykamans Madam \ 719 jqhN EOORD t...,...„ M..,nn. ^^PARKS Amot» ) BASILL GIBBES.. churchward Farmer Madam Sparks Amot» j Lands in this parish & the \ owners hves in other parishes J- 1 260 Amounts to J Totall 7576 (endorsed) Bakhahos. Ace' of Inhabitants 109. 44. Christnings Burials Land &c in S' Andrew's parish. Rec^ 3'' June. 1680. PARISH REGISTERS. 473 Am: i6So(?) True and Perfect List of all y^ Names of ye Inhabitants in ye i^yl Parrish of Christ Church, with an Exact accompt of all ye Land, white Seruants ; and Neg's within ye Said parrish Taken This 22'h Decemb' 1679 Adam Arnett Andrews . Adams Alcorn . . . Anderson . ashburner Austine Alsopp . . . . Addice , . . . Addis John Anderson . Austine . . . Alsopp . . . Ashurst.. . ASHURST.. . Andrews . Arthur . . . Arnett . . . Arch Anderson . A John , Dauid . . . .Roger .. . .Conradt . .John .Adam .William . Thomas . . . Richard . Edward... Orphant . .William . .John .Edward . .John .Beniamin • .Thomas . .MiCHAELL .Patrick . .John ... .Thomas . 192 50 10 10 S 5 13 5 5 20 3 2 30 10 33 3 411 Neg" 185 60 474 PARISH REGISTERS. B. BiSHOPP Joan BucKWOKTii . . Richard BoNNETT .. ..Thomas deed.. .. Bond Francis Browne Stephen Barry John Blanchard ..William Bull Christoph" Boxfielo Thomas Baker Esias Brigstock Richard Barnes Olliver Burton Agnes Widdow . . BURBON John and Comp'' Bourne John BouRN John Junio' Bently Martyn Esqu" . . Brooks John Blake Nicholas Bayly Robert Bourne Samuell Buenno Beniamin ..... Bouline(?) ..Henry Briggs William Burk Tobias Barry Alce Bateman John Bayly Charles Bradly Ralph Bradly Robert Banbrigg Robert BUTTLER William Boyner John .202 .iSS .138 . 60 . S5 • 14 • 15 . 18 ...5 ...5 • --Zl I ■ • 55 ....8i. .. 12 ....7 ..245 .. 30 ....9 ....7 ....5 ....4 .. 12J 4 .. 10 ....7 .. 32 ....5 ... .2 •• 33i .. 10 Neg- ...65 ...6; 16 ,12 . 4 . 3 .17 . 2 . I ,.ii 154 .. 8 • ■ 7 PARISH REGISTERS. 47? acres Land w" Seruants Neg'- BuRK James ....81 .. . lO Budding Richard .... 8 Bayly Richard 5 6 Baxter Edward ....8 Beard Rich° deed ....4 1256^ ..14 412 C acres Land w" Seruants Neg" Clark Margarett ..167 .... s ....78 Cooper Thomas .. 21 ....17 Clement ....William .. 14 .... 3 .... 7 Clark Francis .. 12 .... 6 Conoway .... Cornelius ....3 I COUGHLAN TEAGUE ....7 .... 4 Chaffin Daniell I 2 Conner Bryen ....6 CocKTON ....Daniell 7 ...... 2 Clark Edward I Coppinger John ....8 ....6 Carner [PCarver] Michaell . . I Crichlow Elizabeth .... s Chrichlow ..James ....9 .. 20 6 Clark Roger II Clark Christoph' .. 60 .•■.31 Cason Thomas 8 .... 5 Crichlow Henry .. IS . . 10 .... 4 Clancey ....Cornelius .... 3 Cudden John ....8 • -.. 3 2 Collyer ....Tobias COMELL DUGWELL . . 10 3 Clark William and Comp't ....7 CONNEY EDMOND 60- 476 PARISH REGISTERS. Clougiian Elizabeth Creede John CoLLEY Thomas CORTEENE ElLINOR Chizell Daniell Cauan John Chappell Jonah Deed Cooke Margrett Widdow Chase Stephen CONNEYLAND . Patt: and Comp" COPPINE John Carew Richard Churcher . . . .Thomas Clark Thomas CoDD James Cammell — Gilbert D DORN John DoRN Francis Dowell Richard . . Dawson Milles Dauis Edward Daniell Nicholas .. Drury Richard . . Dennis John Dollar John Duke Henry DuMESNiLL .. Carew Dauis Margarett ..2 26 ID ..6 ..2\ . .2 2I ••5 ••9 12J ••5 38 • •S IS 13 ••4 558 acres Land .. 56 ■ • 37 ....3 ....5 — I . . 10 .. 61 23 70 10 Neg'* !l6 . I . I 25 , 2 . 4 ■37 . 2 PARISH REGISTERS. 477 Denham John ... Demster John ... Dillon Garrett DURANT NaTTHAN Dennis John ... DowLiNG William . Daniel John ... Danby John ..,. Durant Thomas . E Eyton William . Edney Peter . . . Elliott Joan ... EuANS John ... Enes Phillipp Earl Thomas . Elliott Richard . Frere Tobias Esqu' Frere John Esqu' Frere William FitzGerald . . Morris Fa'well \i.e. Farewell].. James Forestall Richard ...,,.. Fawne John Frere William Farrow Robert acres Land w" Seruants Neg" ....I .... 6 .... 20 .... 9 .... 8 .... 9 .... 5 • -.. 3 .... 5 .... 2 .... 6 .... 4 333 .... 2 w» Seruants 134 acres Land Neg" ....98 .... 3 ....70 ....52 ....10 2 .... 3 2 .... 4 .... 4 .... 3 12 I 20 179 .... 6 .. 99 Acres Land w" Seruants Neg'" 395 .... 5 .. ISO I So .. 80 120 .. 40 .. 15 .... 9 .. 18 2 .. 10 ....5 ....r ....I 47o PARISH REGISTERS. Fov Hugh . . Frame William . Ford Thomas . Foster John ... Field Anthony Feyfield ....Richard. Fell Thomas . Gunning ....John Gray Richard deed .. Greenidge ..Richard Gray Robert Greenidge ..Jean Gaslee John Gorman Matthew Gilham John Garuey James Goodman Richard Griggs John Gilbert Natthan'-'- .... Gary Edward Gregory Ormond Griffin Edward GiLLES Edward Gorden Peter GiLLES Edward Junio'. . Grigson Robert George Thomas Gibbs John • •3 ID IS 25 11 23 ••5 842 267 ISO 40 8 9 20 o 4 622 Neg'" 9 . ID 5 305 Neg'» •47 •55 9 4 4 ,16 I 3 9 2 I 4 3 6 182 PARISH REGISTERS. 479 H Harding ....Henry Deed .... Hargraues ..Allis Haselwood . .Thomas Hooper Jonathan Hawen [or Hausen] Samuell.. Hooper Crispins Harlstone . . Edward Horniold .... William Hagthorp William Hyde Henry Hanmerry ..Nicholas HUTTON OLLIUER Harris Zachariah Holmes John deed HuMPHRYES . .Edward Humphryes . . Edward Holmes James , Holder Nicholas Herringman William , Hart Edward , Hallam W" Deed Haley Thomas , Harris Anthony Harman William , Henderson . .Francis , Hughinis Pattrick Hogman Elizabeth Hatton Charles , Haywood John Holmes Henry , Hackett William , Hart Walter , Hayes Thomas , acres Land. 2 20 126 170 50 SO 100 30 12 ..9 • •5 ..6 36 15 25 ..2 ..9 33 14 32 20 12 10 ID ••5 ..9 10 2Si 15 12 ••7 37 w" Seruants Neg'' ,90 78 17 14 3 iS ■15 6 .28 .16 4^0 PARISH REGISTERS. Harbert Edward , Hackett Ann & Compi' Haughtaine . Richard Hanbury Nicholas . . . Hooper Daniell Hough William Ireland Thomas — Ilam Richard . . Jones Anthony . . Jelph's John Jeames Margarett Jones Robert Jeames Margarett K. KiNSLAND . . NaTTHAN"-"- Esqu'. KiRTON Phillipp deed. . . Kipps Jean Kelly Dauid Kezar Teague Key William Knights John Knowles Andrew Kendall William deed . King Richard Neg" 13 21 30 •5 1268 18 10 •3 •5 10 46 acres Land 340 360 . 10 • 13 •••3 . 16 . 20 ... I ...5 . 12 779 9 4 419 2 I 5 16 Neg'' 170 130 3 14 315 PARISH REGISTERS. 481 Lewis Edmond Leigh Sarah Lewis Dauid Lucas Richard Lambert Arthur . . . LiNCK Thomas . . . Lewis John Lee James Lettis Thomas Lacon Thomas Leland Christoph' . Locksmith .... Thomas LowRE John LouELL Constance. LONGSTAFF ELIZABETH . M Maxwell Thomas . . . Mattson Matthias . Moore Robert . . . MuRFORD ....Richard . Merricks . . . .John deed . Mason Thomas . . . Moore Alce Mitchell Thomas. . . Macc Graugh..Daniell . Moody Dauid ... Morris William . Mattson Smithell . Macc Daniell..Allexand' MuNKOW Andrew . Morris Hugh 214 172 10 15 4 9 IS 19 42 9 30 Ik 7 • 9 576 Neg'- \v" Seruants 2 .... 2 193 Neg's. 30 61 483 PARISH REGISTERS. Marsax Edward . Markland.... Henry ... Macc Graugii.John Morris Edmond Macc Breecly Bryen Monk Henry ... Moholland ..James May John MUNROW Allexand' . Mii.lington ..John ..lO • •44 •• 5 . . lO ..19 . . 2 ..10 ••'3 2?7i Neg'" 6 .20 106 N Newton Samuell Esqu Nemias Dauid a Jew . Noble Mark NORRON KaTIIERINE . NusuM Arthur NusuM Arthur J unio Newman Margarett . Nixon Mary Nurse Robert O Oker George . OwTRAM Dorothy Oistine James .. . OuERTON Robert . Oistine Nicholas 5S1 20 5 10 48 13 28 5 715 .69 116 .67 ■ 5 • 4 Seruants 15 16 w" Seruants 260 12 7 7 12 9 309 Ncg'' . . . 22 28 17 PARISH REGISTERS. 483 Olliuer Margarett OuTRAM Robert .... Pears John Esqu' Perriman Richard PiNCHBACK .... Thomas Pile Theophilus ... Pile Sarah Perry John Pead John PocKETT William Payne Elizabeth Perrott Ralph Pecock Robert PoYER Thomas Parsons William deed . Pittman Arthur Pitts Hugh , Peak Christoph' Price Matthew , Price Henry Price William Perry Edward Potter Robert Porter Robert Pike Olliu deed PooRE Peter Pumfrett ...Ann Phelomy . . . . John Phillipps William 5 acrs 2 Neg's acres Land 1 w" Seruants Neg- .... 4 ....10 1 .. 27s .... I ....68 Acres Land w" Seruants Neg'» 910 .... 8 .. 180 ••••17 .... I 20 •...38 ....II ••••45 .... I • ... 12 . . . . 20 .... 3 ....IS ••••4i ..... 7 .... 3 .... 4 ....70 ....15 .... 7 2 .... 7 .... 13 .... 3 .... 4 .... 15 .... s .... 8 4 2 .... 5 .... 2 ••••35 I ....IS .... 5 .... 4 .... 5 .... 7 ....2\ .... 3 .... 5 1 10 1273 12 291 61 2 484 PARISH REGISTERS. QuiGGEN John R RiCHBELL ....Robert RiSLEY CRESSENT . . . RusHBROOK ..Henry Rodman Sarah Rodman John Rodman John Junio' .. Richards . . .John Richardson . . Mary Rycraft Sarah Richardson . . Dauid Reynold Jean Widdow Robinson Thomas , Robinson — Robert , Rogers Jxjhn , Rawlines John Rose Elizabeth Richardson . .George Robinson ....Manuss (?) RossE John , Robinson .... William Rainsford ...John - Renny Teague Renny Teague Jun'. Rycord Samuell Ruck John , Redman Richard Robinson ....Edward Rentfree .... Robert , Rymore Allexand' .. . , 315 148 so 75 ■•7 47 ID 33 45 ..4i 10 I2i 124 15 ,.8 10 17 •3 '•5 10 . .2 44 10 ■•7 10 .1 Ncg'' Neg'- 140 .84 13 2 3 13 7 10 12 2 PARISH REGISTERS. s acres Land w" Seruants Neg'« SCAWELL .. 1 ^ _ r „ I RlCH° Esqu' [i ye: 18"' ye: 25"' PARISH REGISTERS. JOHN ye Sonn of Thomas and Elizabeth Serle bapt ye- ,o.h Mary ye [sic] of John and Mabell Gittings of ye A<.e of , Eighteen years and Seaven moneths was bapt in ye P^nce I v- ^.h of Edward Wasson and Anne Packson Wittnesses J Nicolas ye Sonn of Hugh and Mary Morrice was bapt ye- g.h Mary ye Daughter of DowGALL and Mary Campbell bapt le'. g* Francis ye Sonn of John and Ann Hanson .as bapt ye-' igth ROBERT ye Sonn of Robert and Mary Stanford was bapt ye-' 24th John ye Sonn of John and Abigaill Collins was bapt ye; ^'^ Decoder Christopher ye Son of John and Anne Snipe was bapt ye ^.h William ye Son of John and Margery Hinch was bapt l.. ^oth Lancelott ye Son of LANCELOT and Mary Thompson bapt ye' ^o-h JANE ye Daughter of W.^- and Elianor Davies was bapt ye l^, Machell ye Daughter of EDWARD and Machell Alsope bapt ye 3^,^ November Richard ye Sonn of Richard and Mary Bridgestock bapt ye iQth MlTx''''''r."^^''''°'''°''''^^"'^^™^^^^'^ Church ye ,,.. Martha ye Daughter of James and Hanna Anderson bapt \. L W« ye Son of Obah a Christian Negroe Won.an was bapt ye ~L SUSANNA a Negroe Woman of John Osbourn's was bapt ye \\ whose yndertakers were Herbert Griffith, Ann Kelly and Eliz:VVatkIi\s W« ye Son of ye Said Susanna, whose vndertakers were Ralph Bretton and Edward Price, and Mary Smith was baptized ye ^^.h MARTHA a Moletto Daughter of ye sd Jo'^ OSBURN and Susanna Theophilus ye Son of Richard and Elizabeth Lucas waT ""^ '^^' ALEXANDER ye Sonn of THOMAS and Ann Ireland ^I^tapt 'yl Z 62 fh \ 490 PARISH REGISTERS. 1678 Margret y<= Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Bradly was bapt y^: 28'1' Mary y^ Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Jones was bap' ye aS"" December Sarah y-- Dau.;Iiter of George and Elvy Hare was bap' ye i^' Grace y^ Daughter of Oliver and GRACE PiKE was bap' y^: 10"' Anne y^ Daughter of John and Susanna Webster was bap' y-" ij''^ Richard ye Sonn of Zaciiarie and Elizabeth Harris was bap' ye 26'h Mary ye Daugliter of W^' and Mary Phillips was bap' ye 30"' Jannary 167I- JOB ye Son of Walter and Dorothy Hart of about, n 22. years of Age his Chosen wittnesses Walter Hart I bap' ye 2J and Thomas Hayes -' Charity ye Daughter of Walter and Dorothy Hart . of about 19 years of Age whose Wittnesses were / Walter Hart Thomas Hayes and Elizabeth f ^^P' y^ ^'^ JEWSON and Jane Hayes -' Elizabeth of ye age of 8 years, and Katherine of y^ - Age of Seaven years and Amarinzia of ye Age :e of 5 / lildren T bap'* ve years, and Benj^ of ye Age of 7 moneths, all children I of Bernard and Elizabeth Schenckingh were bap" Elizabeth ye Daughter of Nathaniel and Ann RiDGEWAY of ye Age: 11: years was bap' y« 4''' John ye Sonn of Robert and Anne Snellin was bap' ye 7"' Elizabeth ye Daughter of William and Anne Mercer was bap' ye 19"' Philocleon ye Daughter of RICHARD and Jane Greenidge was bap' ye 21''' CiiRlSToriiER ye Sonn [of] Christopher and Ann BULLwasbap' ye 22''' Arthur ye Son of Arthur and Susanna Nusum was bap' ye 22''' PARISH RE GTSTERS. 49 1 February. Mary of y« Age of 5 years and 6 moneths, and Henry -> the Age of 4 months, Daughter and Son of JAMES and v bap' y^ 1 3"' Mary Simson were-' John ye Son of Daniell and Miriam Magrauhan was bap' y^ 18"' Katherine ye Daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Carew was bap' y^ 28"' Anthony ye Sonn of George and Mary Richardson was bap' ye 28"' March Anna ye Daughter of Peter and Mary Jarret was bap' ye 7"^ Anne ye Daughter of RICHARD and Anne Perrvman bap' ye i I'h Samuell ye Sonn of James and Elizabeth Madder was bap' ye i2"» Jno the Sonn of John and Mary Byno was bap' ye 13"! Lucy of ye Age of 2 years and Six moneths, and Anthony x ten dayes old, Daughter and Son of Anthony and Mabell V ye i3"> Harris were bap'-J Conrad ye Son of Conrad and Elizabeth Adams... was bap' ye 23"' Robert ye Son of Robert and Rebecca Hanson ...was bap' ye 23"' Elizabeth ye Daughter of W" and Marie Speights was bap' ye 23"» Aprill James ye Son of Henry and Susanna Chructhloe was bap' ye 4"' Elizabeth ye Daughter of Peregrine and Isabell Guard was bap' ye 6"' Elenor ye Daughter of Alexander and Elenor Osbourn was bap' ye 19'h Jno ye Sonn of John and Lowrie Spenlove was bap' ye 26"> James ye Sonn of Patrick and Jane Chain (or Ohani) was bap' ye 26"^ Katherine ye Daughter of Isaac and Susanna Ragg was bap' ye 26"' May Mary ye Daughter of Jno and Hester Adams was bap' ye 3d 62 — 2 4 9 2 PARISH REGISTERS. 1679 William ye Son of William and Ann Bridgestock was bapt y^ 11 '"^ John the Son of James and Mary Holmes was bap' y^ 15''' William ye Son of Margaret Cook Widdow was bap' ye 14''' June Elizabeth y Daughter of Smithy and Martha Matson was bap' ye i4<'i James the Sonn of John and Mary Jelph was bap' ye 29"' July James ye Son of James and Axgeletta Oistixs ... was bap' ye 2'' Susanna ye Daughter of John and Elizabeth Gaselee was bap' ye 3d Edward ye Son of Stephen and Margret Chase was bap' ye S'*" George ye Son of George and Ann Giles was bap' ye 8'^ Nicolas ye Son of Nicol.\s Bidlecomb by a Negroe Woman was bap' ye 9'h Anne ye Daughter of Jno and Anne Creed was bap' ye 13111 Augiist John ye Son of John and Anne Daniell was bap' ye 7"! Mary ye Daughter of Roger and Mary Clarke ... was bap' ye 711" John ye Son of John and Elizabeth Smith was bap' ye 28''' Daniell ye Son of Darby and Elizabeth Mallonee was bap' ye 17th Thomas ye Son of Owen and Joan Mallonee was bap' ye 3iih September William of ye Age often moneths Son of William and Frances Smith bap' ye 3d William ye Son of W" and Elizabeth Woodfine was bap' ye 7th Samuel of ye Age of 7 months Son of David and J.\ne Arnet. was bap' ye 91I1 Katherine ye Daughter of Teage and Katherine Keyzar was bap' y^ 9th PARISH REGISTERS. 493 1679 Anne ye Daughter of John and Katharine Rogers was bapt ye 15 th W« ye Son of William and Joan Cole was bapt ye »th Walter ye Son of Richard and Charity Hickman was bapt ye 25 »> Davers ye Son of Richard and Elizabeth Seawell was bapt ye 26'" October Thomas ye Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Hughs, was bapt ye 13th John ye son ofJOHN and Susanna Merick was bapt ye jgrn John ye Sonn of John and Mary Bunnyon was bapt ye jga, Elizabeth ye Daughter of James and Rebecca Crutchloe was bapt ye 17 Total 93 1 jxo KEXNEY n RICH : ELLIOTT \ Church Wardens JNo; ADAMS J Barbados |N Extract from ye Register of Christ Church of ye Burialls wthfn I y« Said Parish from March ye 25111 1678. to September ye ^q.h 1679 ^ ^ -y Anno Dom 1678 May th John ye Son of John Markland buried ye 31 yiine Annanias Man SemV buried ye 4.h MARYyeWifeofW«HALLUM buried ye 17th Jane Bryan buried ye 2o George Strode was buried ye 29"! Dccemb' Arthur ye Son of Arthur and Susanna Nusum buried ye 28''' yamiary 167^ Margaret Oliver buried ye 29'h Jane ye Wife of jNo Thompson buried ye 3iih Mabeel the Wife of Zaciiariaii Harris buried ye 31th PARISH REGISTERS. 495 1671 February Stephen Smith buried y« S"» John BUSSIE buried y^ 9"^ John Burton Junio' buried y^ 10"' Edward Addison Junio' buried y<= io"> Jno Burton Senio' buried y« 13"' John and his Wife Jane Little buried ye i3'ii Christian a Negroe Servant of Maj' Kingslands buried y<: i3'i> John Holmes buried y^ i5'i» William Kendall buried ye iS"i Deliverance Addison buried y^ i8'h Christopher Clancy buried y^ iSi'' Jane the Wife of Edward Marson buried y^ 26'h March W" Cook buried ye 2<1 S' Robert Hacket buried ye 3^1 Aprill Henry Harding buried ye 211'' Oliver Pike buried ye 22t'> Rebecca Potter buried ye 23(11 Sarah ye Daughter of Alexander and Mary Blowden buried ye 26"' May Susanna ye Wife of Henry Holmes buried ye 17th yziiie David Robinson buried ye 10"' Mathew Gormon buried ye 23"! James ye Son of John Jelph buried ye 24"' Thomas Chester buried ye 30''! 496 PARISH REGISTERS. 1679 July Peter Alsope buried y-^ i^' John Bashford buried y<= i^ William SiLCOMB buried y« 5^ Edward the Sonn of Stephen and Margret Chase... buried ye 9'^ Anthony Richardson buried y^ 13'h Henry Holmes buried y^ 22"> Richard Bedford buried y^ 23"' Martha Cauldwall buried y« zi^'^^ August Michaell Clark buried y* s"" Dorothy Callahan buried y^ lo'h Machell ye Daughter of ICdward Alsope buried y<= ig"' SepietJiber Samuell ye Son of Capt David, and Jane Arnet buried ye 13H1 JNo KENNEY . RICH: ELLIOTT '. Church Wardens. JNo; ADAMS i Barbados IferujIN account of all the Persons who have been baptized within the i^l Parish of S^ James since the 25"* of March 1678 to the 29''> of ScjJtember 1679 167S May — 23 — Elizabeth ye Daughter of Thomas Sertain August 1 1— Elizabeth ye Daughter of David Poor Aug — 17 — Mary ye Daughter of Francis Waltho Aug — 25 — Anne ye Daughter of James Walwyn Esq' Septemb i — JOAN ye Daughter of William Habberd PARISH REGISTERS. 497 1678 Sept — 5— Elizabeth ye Daughter of William Thomas Sept — 8 Elizabeth ye Daughter of Alexander CuTHBERT — Mary the Daughter of Richard Middleton October — 10 — ^JOHN the Son of JOHN HiLL Octob — IS — William ye Son of John Leech Oct — 15 — George ye Son of John Leech Oct — 15— Susanna ye Daughter of John Leech Oct — 15— William ye Son of William Foster Oct — 20 — John ye Son of John Mirch November — 17 — RALni ye Son of Thomas Kemp Nov — 17 — Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Kemp Nov — 24 — Anne ye Daughter of Richard Chom December 8 Henry ye Son of M'' William Chester February 23 DoRCAS ye Daughter of Henry Wright 1679 August 24 Pierce ye Son of Henry Watty Aug — 27 Andrew ye Son of L' Cott Andrew Affleck: September 5 John the Son of Mr John Hooker Sept — 25 Thomas ye Son of John Daniel Esq'. Baptized in the Parish . of S' James since ye / 25"' of march 1678 j^^ to ye 29 of Septemb 1679 / Concordat cu Registro C. LEGARD vicarius ibid w Barbados IN ace' of all the Persons that have been buried within the Parish I of S' James since the 25 of March 1678 to the 29 of September 1679 1678 March 28 — MATTHEW ye son of Matthew Pedder C3 498 PARISH REGISTERS. Burialls 1678 Aprill— 8— Ralph y^ son of M' JoilN HoOKER Apr — 13 — Henry Yates April — 29 — John Hudson — who was casually dround May — 6 — ELEANOR Pavn May — 7 — Elias Williams May — 8 — Mary yc Daughter of JOHN SLAUGHTER May — 23 — Robert Bell May — 31 — John Thomas June — I— Nicolas Lawrence of S' Thomas's Parish June — 27 — Mary Slate, — Serv' to Cap' JosiAS Cox July — I — Matthew Whetty July — 3 — Mary Driskell July — 10 — John OsDELL September — 4 — David Callahone Sept 16 — John Sparke Esq' Sept — 18— Joan y<; Wife of Ralph Carr October — 9 — Mary yc Daughter of Richard Middleton Octob — 14 — Capt Robert Arundell Octob — 16— William Lincklate, serv' to Judge Reid Octob 30— John Downs Novemb I — ALEXANDER Robinson Novem— 4— JOHN NiCOLLS Nov — 14 — Elizabeth Cook. December I— MICHAEL y^ Son of James Goffe Decemb 22 — JOHN Seaton February 12 — William Jones PARISH REGISTERS. ^^^ ,^ ,. Burialls. 1679 May— 8— FRANCES ye Wife of John GOEING June— 7— Mary ye Wife of Morgan Murphy June— 13— Edward Webb, June— 29— John Dudley July— 4 Alice ye Wife of Thomas Walter July 14— James Innis July— 22— Tobias Payne July 27— John ye son of Mr John Batt July 29— Owen Collohone August 6 Anthony Steerman Agu 7 John Armitage of the Parish of S' Peters who was casually drowned August— 19 Francis Bearne Sept 6 John ye Son of Mr John Hooker Sept 7 jAMEsyeSonof Alexander Murrey Sept 8— Cornelius ye Son of Dearman Driskell Sept 11 James PuRSLEY Sept 22 Elizabeth ye Wife of William Spence Buried in ye Parish of St -j Concordat cu Registro /ove'tn'T/'f^ "i^T"^ ^678 [44 C LEGARD vicarius to ye 29 of September 1679 J ibid [indorsed] BARBADOS Acco' of Christnings 23. Burials ~^ in St James Parish. Reel 3d June jggg 63—2 500 PARISH REGISTERS. HjgmlNN: Acco': of the: land As Itt: Stondcth: In ye church Books: With 1^^ the Number of Servants And Ncgros With the Names: of the Owners thereof In the psh: of S' James: As: Was taken by the Church Wardens of the Said Parrish the 2od December 1679 A Aflick: Andrew: Leu' CoHo Andrews: Euen Andrews: W" AllinG Jacob Very pore B. Bavlye: Richard: CoH" Bond: Francis: Esq^ Burhall: George Banbrig: Robert: Docto' BURROWES John Batt: John Senj' Balam: Charles Cap' BURGIS ThoMAZING m'^ Burton Francis: Cap' BissEX William m' BVRNE: Dinnis Blake: John Belchem: John Very pore Biggnell W" Very pore Ball: John — Dec^ his Widdow is pore C Chester William: ms Cox: JosiAS: Cap' ...96 . ..20 N<--g"„ 228 120 10 10 40 20 15 9 ID 24 3 3 3 120 247 .70 • 7 2 ,.45 122 PARISH REGISTERS. 501 Chamberlaine: Francis: Capt CoLLiNGs: James Chace John Christopher William COURTYERE GeORGE Camerrame John Chapeman Richard Challener Rob'^ ■ Crksswell John CuTA Mathew: Day: Thomas: Miller: Jnq: pore Clements Robert pore D. Daniell John: Esq' Dymocke: William: Cap' Dyer: William Dec Bagnall, John, 350 Bagwell, Francis, 351 - — , Henry, 170. 20S, 268 , I'r., 318*, 320, 323 , Robert, 208 , Thomas, 1 70, 229 I'ailife, George. 234 liaily, John, 430 , Mary, 271 J , Temperance, 269 J , William, 269 , see Bailey, Baley, Baly, &c. Baines, Allicc, 451 , Robert, 193 ! , Widow, 443 ^ — — , see liancs, Baynes U Bainham, John, 270, 272, s,e Baynam P.aker, Alexander, 69 , Christian, 69 , Daniell, 40 , Dorotliie, 96 , Elizabeth, 6g, 96, 113, 289 , Ellis, loi , Esias, 474 , Francis, 45 , Handgate, III . James, 333, 338, 341 , John, 67, III, 118, 194, 262, 289, 294, 316, 316*, 318, 318*, 320, 324, 343 Baker Margcrie, 1 1 1 , Marie, 95 , Mary, 67 , Morice, 192 , Peter, 439 •, Richard, 238 , Robert, 39 , Samvell, 78 , Smith, 63 , Thomas, 105, 289 , William, 171, 176, 216, 232, 240 Bakewell, Francis, 113 ■, Theodoras, 1 1 1 Ballard, Jo., 107 , Samuell, 444 , Wm., 107 Balls, Robert, 195 Balme, Jo., 115 Balrick, Thomas, 35 1 Baly, see Baley, Baily, &c. Bambury, Thomas, 316* Baniford, John, 36, 172, 217 Banbridge, Christo.. 116 , Henry, 114 Bal, John, 437 , Thomas, 427 , see Ball Balam, Charles, 500 Baldin, Jo., 106 — , Wm., 106, 117 Baldry, Robert, 120 Baldwin, Baldwine, Baldwinn, BaUlwyn, Baldwyne, Bald- wynn , Hugh, 177, 220 , John, 114, 115, iSo, 234 , Mary, 508 , Nicholas, 215 , Susan, 220 , Thomas, 173, 186, 435, 508 , Widow, 448 , William, 79, 185, 187, see Bauldwin Bales, Tho., 114 Baley, Baly, see Baily, &c. • , Ann, 216 , Lewis, 179 , Mary 205 , Nicholas, 170, 216 , Temperance, 2io , Thomas, 205 , Will:am, 205, 268 Ball, Eli/abclh. 488 — — , Geo., Si, 304 , (ioodwifc, 188 , Humphrey, 4^8 , James, 351 , John, 500 , Jo.scph, 351, 363. 384, 405.415 , Mary, 4S8 — , Richard, 113, 234 , Robart, 265 , Robcrtt, 188 , see Bal Bal lance, Jo., 117 Ballard, Elizabeth, 107 , Hester, 107 Banbrig (or Banbrigg), Robert, 474, 500 Bancks, Banckes, see Bank's Bancroft, Christopher, 431 , Elisabeth, 431 Banes, Anguis, 46S , Martha, 107, 46S , see Baines, Baynes Bangton (or Baugton), Isacke, '73 Banister, Henry, 103 , Richard, 355 Bank's, Bancks, Banckes , Edward, 75, 194 , Elizabeth, 125,440 , Francis, 1 82, 241 , George, 255 , Henry, 104, 429 , James, 85, 125 , Joseph, 350 , Thomas, 125, 177, 43^ , William, 43, 51 Bankus, Christopher, 223 Banner, Ri , 313* Banshott, Tho., 299 Banlon, Ivie, 213 Banum, Elzabeth, 249 1 John, 249 , see Baynam Baram, Anthony, 241 , Elizabeth, 241 , see Barham Barbe, Adrian, 199 Barber, Ann, 186, 195 , Francis, 79 , Geo., 102 , Henry, 186 , Susan, 179 , Tho., 42 , Wm., 81, 129 Barcrofle, Jane, 150 , John, 150 Barcott, Synion, 86 liard, Tho., 1 13 Bardin, Nichas., 296 Barefoote, Tho., 103 Barham, Anthony, Baram Barke, Francis, 192 272. INDEX. S13 Barker, Alice, 136 , Francis, 121 , Henry, 95, 176 , John, 138, 354, 439 , Lawrence, 112 , Mary, 82 • , Robert, 357, 386, 413 , Steephen, 239 , William, 95 Barkly, Barkley , Edward, 184, 236, 267 , Jane, 236 Barloe, Jo., 82 , \Vm., 120 Barlow, Henry, 180 Barnaliy, Barnabe, Baniabie , John, 188, 247 Barnard, Humphry, 350 , Richard, 40 , William, 184, 241,333, 338. 340 Bamardo, Mrs., 180 Bame, Robert, 134 Barnes, Barns , BaiTiabie, 103 , Edward, 51, 182 , Elizabeth (or Elisa- beth), 423, 437, 462 , Giles, 70 , Henrie, 102 , James, 122 , Jonathan, 129 , John, 86, 444, 451 , Nicholas, 351 , Olliver, 474 ' , Richard,! II ■ , Sarah, 423, 437 , Tho., 127 , Widow, 462 , William, 71, 119, 133, 166*, 167, 296, 423, 437 Baniet, Bamett , John, 142, 189, 226 > Mrs., 432 , Thomas, 172, 222 , William, 215, 432, 452 Barnewel, Nicholas, 437 Barnewell, Robert, 356 Bamie, Ann, 95 , Debora, 121 Bamit, Francis, 139 Baron, William, 342, jcir Barron Banadall (or BaiTodall), Theo- phihis, 445, 451 Barraman, Alexander, 452 Barran, Margerie, 71 Banat, Annis, 75 Barret, Banett , Frances, 185, 236 1 John, 70 Barret, Richard, 447 , Tho., 66 , Walter, 256 , William, 172 Barrey, sa Barry Barrith, Wm., 133 Barrodall, see Barradall Barron, John, 451 , Robert, 129 , Wm., 452, see Baron Barrow, Rebecca, 356 , Thomas, 193 Barrowe, Jo., 79 Barrowman, Widow, 444 Bar Simon, Hester, 449 Barruch, Abraham, 449 , Aron, 449 , Rebecah, 450 Barry, Baney , Alee, 474 , Clement, 154 , James, 296 , John, 474 , William, 1S3, 260 Bartcherd, Tho., 117 Bartlett, AUexander, 470 , John, 334, 336, 340 , Richard, 1S2 , Robert, 150 Barton, Christopher, 355 , Isack, 68 , James, 350 Barwell, John, 350 Bar\vick, Lawrence, 125 Bascomb, Georg, 303 Basden, William, 303 Basford, William, 82 Basher, Jo., 41 Bashford, John, 496 Ba.skervile, Robert, 137 Bason, Elizabeth, 507 — — , John, 340 , Rockingham, 507 Basse, Mrs., 171 , Nathaniell, 184, 241, 27 , Sam well, 184 , William, 171 Bassett, John, 63, 297 , Olliver, 75 , Tho., 42 , Wm., 93 Bassit, Thomas, 86 Bastions, Jacob, 433 Batcheller, John, 134 Bate, Alice, 68 ■ — —, James, 68 , John, 241 , Lettecia, 440 , Lyddia, 68 , Margaret, 68 Bate, Marie, 68 , Nicholas, 120 — — , Wm., 120, 451 Bateman, Elizabeth, 113 , John, 474 , Mathew, 119 , Robert, 103 Bates, Ann, 48 , Ben., 48 , Clement, 48 , James, 48 , John, 217 , Joseph, 48 , Rachell, 48 , Richard, 119, 350 , Wm., 86 Bath, John, Earl of, 160*, 165 Bathe, John, 63 Bathoe, Wm., 128 Bathurst, Joseph, 165* Batley, Edward,, 424 , Jeffry, 424 , Priscilla, 424 Batson (or Baltson), Thomas, 451. 463 Batt, Anne, 299 , Christopher, 299 , Dorothie, 299 , Ellin, 220 , John, Scnr., 500 , , 182, 499 , Michaell, 176, 220 , Robert, 319 Battala, Jeffery, 507 , Samuell, 507 Eatte, ColK, 440 Batten, Robert, 298 Battersby, George, 350, 357 Baltine, Battyiie, Battyn , Doctor, 338 , John, Senr., 461 , , Junr., 451, 462 Battison, Julian, 355 Battrick, Wm., 59 Battyn, &c., see Battine Baugh, Thomas, 170, 202 Baugton (or Bangton), Isacke, 173 Bauldwin, William, 247, see Baldwin Bawde, Randall, 20S Bawden, John, 343 Bawdrye, Mary, 192 Baxter, Edward, 475 , Robert, 109 Bay, Jo., 122 Baycock, Tho., ill Bayley, Baylie, Bayly, Eaylye , Ann, 170 , Charles, 474 65 SU INDEX. Bayley, George, I So , Henry, 117 , John, 86, 103, 191, 444 , Margaret, 121 , Robert, 130, 474 , Roger, 304 , Richard, 82, 300, 475, 500 , Wm., 128 Baylife, Temperance, 171 Baylys, Col., 506 Baynam, Elizabeth, 186, J0-. 355 , William, 40 Benstcdd, Jo., 73 Benthall, Walter, 439 Bentham, Matthew, 435 Bentley, Bently, Bentlie , Abram, 119 , Alice, 131 , Jo., 109, 132 , Martin, 356, 474 , Mary, 107 , William, 131, 251,273 Benton, Robert, 115 Beomont, Gamaliell, 76 , Tho., 126 Beresford, Berresford, Berris- ford , Henrie, 140 , Thomas, 323, 471 Beri.ston, Theoder, 171 . ■ — , Theophilus, 222, 267 Berkeley, John, Lord, 162 , Sir William, 159* 162* Berkynn, Tho., 51 Berman, Margrctt, 170 Bernard, John, 278, 279, 2S0, 282, 283, 307 — . -, Mary, 279, 283 , MiLsachiell, 2S3 , Nathaniell, 12S, 283 , I'hebe, 280 — , Samuell, 282 , William, 96 Bernardo, , 180, Sheppard , Mr., 235 Berne, Olough, 119 Berresford, see Beresford Bcrridg, Edwatd, 432 INDEX. 515 Berrisford, see Beresford Berrow, Christopher, 549, 352, 383 Berry, John, 272 , Richard, 84 , William, 104 Besford, Jo., 74 Beson, The, 112 Bessy, Ante, 107 Best, Christopher, 174 , Richard, 140 , Thomas, 124, 1S6, 327, 330 Bestt, Francis, 443 Bethell, James, 122 Belt, Wm., 84, 136 Betton, Samuell, 192 Betts, Leonard, 103, 145 Bew, Robert, 174, 180, 224 Bewlie, Grace, 59 Bevenister, Eliam, 354 Bever, Isack, 137 , Jo., 83 Bibbie (or Bibby), William, 188, 265 Bick, Francis, loi , Richard, 102 Bickham (or Brickham), Richard, 334, 336, 340 Bickle, Thomas, 350 Bickley, Richard, 237 Bicknall, William, 441 Bickwell, Agnis, 284 , John, 284 , Zachary, 284 Bicroft, Edward, 80 Biddle, Wm., 446 Biddleston, Henrie, 63 Bidlecomb, Nicholas, 492 Biffin, Thomas, 447 Bigg, Rachel], 68 Biggnell, Wm., 500 Biggs, Elizabeth, 83 , Mrs., 171 , Phillipp, S3 , Richard, 170, 171, 205, 268 , Sarah, 205 , Thomas, 108, 171, 192 , William, 171, 319*, 322 (or Briggs), William, 319 Bignall, John, Junr., 452 , , Senr., 452 Bilford, James, 350 Bill, Jo, 46 , Marie, 49 Billiard, John, 186, 266 Billinge, Cornelius, 67 Billinghurst, John, 136 Billingsley, Sir Henry, 155 Billins, Jo., 112, 123 Bills, Robert, no Binckes, Bincks, Bink's , Ann, 220 , Charles, 351 , Goodwife, 1 80 , William, 180, 220 Bindloss, John, 163 Bingham, Wm., 63 Bink's, see Binckes Binney, James, 472 Binsley, William, 261 Bird, Benjamin, 328, 448 , Henry, 353 , John, 451 , Peter, 319, 3 19*. 32°* , see Burd Birkehead, George, 451 Birkenhedd, Francis, 140, se. Byrkenhead Bishop, Bishopp , Joan, 474 ■ Jo., 105 , Robert, 325, 352 , Thomas, 355, 442 , Valentine, 125 , William, 438 Bissex, William, 500 Bitler, Mr. 464 Bilton, James, 66 Bi.xe, David, 298 Black, Andrew, 472 Blackborne, James, 262 Blackett, Tym., 79 Blackgrove, Ante, 39 Blackleech, John, 352 Blackler, Peter, 139 Blacklock, George, 139 Blacklocke, Thomas, 189 Blackly, Tho., 110 Blackman, Brian, 460 , Humfrey, 122 , Jeremy, 119 , Mary, 431 , Nicholas, 170, 207 , Sarah, 430 , Thomas, 461 , William, 431 Blackston, Eliza., 299 (or Blakeston), Na- thaniel, 167*, 168 Blackwell, Jeremy, 131 Black weller, Elias, 433 , Sarah, 435 Blackwood, Susan, 176, 223 Blades, Anto., 40 , Edward, 383, 395, 411 , John, 375 , Nicholas, 41 Blake, Bartlomew, 229 , Francis, 125 , John, 145, 349, 500 , Nicholas, 376, 406, 474 , Robert, 434 , Tho., 441 , Walter, 171, 238 Blakeston, see Blackston Blanch, Eliz., 109 Blanchard, William, 474 Blanclie, James, 296 Blancliflower, Elisabeth, 430 '^ Blanck's, Thomas, 220 Bland, Jo., 120 , Luke, 79 , Margaret, 428 Blaney, Edward, 174, 224, 232 Blason, Ann, 63 Blathwaite, William, Bliss, Owen, 63 Blithe, Tho., 119 Block, Steeven, loi , Wm., 126 Bloes, Tho., 86 Blogget, Bloggett , Daniell, 61 , Samvell, 61 , Suzan, 61 , Tho., 61 Blomfield, Sarah, 280, 282 , William, 280, 282 163 Blore, Francis, 264 , John, 264 Blorke, William, 145 Blosse, Mary, 278, 279 , Richard, 278 Blouncker, Hemy, 162 Blowden, Alexander, 495 , Mary, 495 , Sarah, 495 Blower, Gody, 189 , John, 189, 266, 274 , Tho., 132 Bloxam, alias Ingles, Nicholas, 139 Bloxsall, Jo., 69 Blunt, George, 355 Boddy, Robert, 121 Boden, John, 469 Bodilies, Arthur, 124 Bodingham, John, 354 Bodkin, Martin, 353 , Nicho., 354 Boeman, Richard, 135 Bold, Margaret, 129 Boldsworth, Anto., 64 Boles, John, 442 Bolt, Gabriell, 63 Bolte, j\mias, 206 Bolton, Ambross, 352 65—2 5i6 INDEX. Bolton, Nathaniel!, 70 , Richard, 267 , Samuell, 353 , Tho., 37 Bomer, Emanuell, 36 Bonales, Mr., 262 Bonall, Anthony, 184, 261 , Jamc5, 184 Bond, Elisabeth, 423 , Francis, 342, 423, 451, 461, 474, 500 1 , Giles, 366, 377 , Samuell, 316, 31S, 342 — — , Thomas, 352 Honett, Edward Plant*, 451 Bonfilly (or Bonfolly), John, 129 Banham, George, 94 Bonn, Jo., 12S Bonner, James, 213 , John, 139, 390 , Richard, 145 Bonnett, Thomxs, 431, 474 Bonnick, N.athanicU, 132 Booghert, Barnard, 359 Boole, Joseph, 154 Boomer, Thomas, gj Boon (or Boone) , Jo., 52 , Samuell, 332, 339, 340 , Thoma.s, 433 Boot, Francis, 169 Booth, Elizabeth, 1S6, 255 , (iregorie, 143 ■, Henry, 174, 177, 223 , John, 127, 178, 466 , Mary, 1 86 , Marie, 123 , Mrs., 463 , Reynold, 116, 255 , Sir William, 326, 328, 331. 332. 335. 34« -, William, 339 Boothman, John, 470 Borden, Eliz., 78 , Joan, 78 , John, 78 , Joseph, 445, 451 , Mathew, 78 Borebanckc, Joseph, 91 Borinthon, ITiomas, 154 Borne, Marniaduke, 134 , Richard, 38 , Tho., 38 Borowe, Anne, 294 , John, 294 J Borrows, John, 439 Boss, Peter, 418 Bossineer, Tho., 393 Bostock (or Bostocke) Bostock, Edmond, io5 , Edward, 89, 105, sei Boswell , Menrie, 140 , Loughton, 35 , Tho.Tias, 89, 98, 99, Boswell, Elward, 8), 91, see Bostock , Jo., 81 — , Samvell, 1 15 Bottam, John, 179 Bottell, Paul, 81 Bottom, John, 181 Bottomly, Jo., 115 Boucher, John, 451 , Jerreard, 452 Bouett, see Bovett Bouey, see Bovey Boughei, Jo., 135 Bouldin, Mary, 274 , Thomas, 274 Bouldinge, Thomis, 255 , William, 255 Bouline, Henry, 474 Boulle, Bridgett, 2S9 Boult, Annis, 171 Boulten (or Boullon), Richard, 187, 25r, 273 Bourbicth, Edward, 219 Bourk, Bryan, 71 Bourn (or Bourne) , John, 474 , , Junr., 474 , Robert, 268 , Samuell, 474 Bovett, Edmond (or Edmund), 3'9. 320, 320*, 322 , Edward, 320* , John, 318*, 319*, 325 , Thomas, 327, 329 Bovey, Widow, 445 Bowden, Joan, 105 , Michaell, 153 , Theophilus, 447 Bowdler, Andrew, 349 , Ellinor, 460 Bowen, James, 434 , William, 434 Bowe.s, John, 38, 112 , Katherin, 95 Bowhane, Teag., 353 Bowler, William, 119 Bownd, John, 41 Bowton, Jo. , III Bowycr, Daniell, 124 , Tho., 119 Box, Ann, 352 , Benianine, 195 , John, 19s, 214 Boxlield, Thomas, 474 Boyce, Chri., 137 , Francis, 151 , Joseph, 140 — — , see Boyse, Boys Boyden, Thomas, 279 Boyle, Naamy, 193 Boylson, Tho., 99 Boyna, Daniell, 449, 432 Boyner, John, 474 Boys, Francis, 425 , Luke, 169 , Mary, 468 , Mrs., 169 , Samuel, 468 , see Boyce, Boyse Boyse, AUice, 202 , Chyiia, 20S , Luke, 202 , Humpliry, 191 , see Boyce, Boys Braban, Robert, 51 Brabant, Alexander, 133 Braby, Elizabeth, 172 ■, Stephen, 172 Brackley, Edward 305 , Mary, 121 , see Brakley Braddock, Nathan, 117 j Bradford, Henry, 224 , John, 465 I , Tho., 117 Bradham, John, 446 Bradley, Bradly, Bradlie } , Ann, 434 ' , Dorothie, 105 , Elizabeth, 490 , Georg, 432 , Henry, 434 , Margret, 490 , Michaell, 353 , Ralph, 474 , Robert, 474, 490 Bradshaw, Richard, 172 , William, 462 Bradston, John, 184, 225 Bradstreet, Anna, 2S2 , Bridgett, 280 , Humphry, 280, 282 , John, 2S2 , Martlia, 282 ■, Mary, 2S2 Bradway, Bradwaye , Adria, 204 , AUexander, -, Sisley, 204 Bragg, John, 341 , Widow, 444 , William, 434, 452 Braghton (Braughton, ot Broughton), Charls, 319*, 324 Brakley, Jane, 1S5 , William, 193 , sc-e Brackley Branch, Christopher, 169, 201 , Mary, 20 1 — , Thomas, 201 — • , see Braunch Brancker, Branker , Edwai'd, 423 — , Mary, 423 , Nathaniell, 423, 446 Brandby, Elij'., 354 Brandon, Hugh, 451 , Marttin, 269 Brane, Thomas, 97 Brangman, Edward, 307 — ' . Samuell, 303, 307 Branker, see Brancker Branlin, Ann, 2H ■—, William, 21 r Bransby, Thomxs, 181, 233 — ■ , William, 94 Bransbyes, Mr., 231 Brasey, Wm., 61 Brasier, Abraham, 166" Brass, Alice, 137 Braughton (Brighton, or Broughton), Charls, 319*, 324 Braunch, Jo., 138, see Branch Bray, John, 340 Bread, Arthur, 356 , George, 445 ■' Thomas, 353, 356 Brearly, Martin, 351 , Thomas, 440 Breddy, Patrick, loi Breedon, Thomas, 160* Brent, Robert, 165 Bressett, John, 340 Brett, James, 75 , John, 351, 452 Brettland, Amy, 467 , William, 467 Bretton, Ralph, 489 Brewer, Daniell, 150, 442 , Elizabeth, 137 , Nicholas, 429 Brewett, George, 138 , Kat., 136 Brewood, Thomas, 274 Brewster, Phillip, 452 , Richard, 271 Brewynn, Tho., 134 Brian, Elenor, 436 , Mary, 436 , Phillip, 436 INDEX. Brian, Robert, no , see Bryan, Mac Brian Briar, Joseph, 357, see Bryer Brice (or Price), John, 319 Bricke, Edward, 174 Brickham (or Bickham), Rich- ard, 334. 336. 3+^ Bridges, Edmjal, 107 , Elisha, 67 ■, Henry, 195 ■—, Thomas, 234 Bridgestock (or Bridgestocke) ■ . \nn, 4.')2 , Miry, 4S5 — , Richard, 489, see Brigstock ■ — , William, 492 Bridgwatter, Isbell, 218 ^ • — , Richard, 177, 2lS Bridle, John, 328, 330 Briers, Robert, 79 Briggham, Tlio., 62 Briggins, Leonard, 139 BriggoU, Mark, 102 Briggs, George, 461 . James, 135 , Jo., loS (or Bigg.;), Wm., 319 — ■— — , William, 474 Brighton, Tho., 132 Brigstock, Richard, 474, see Bridgestock Bringhurst, Thomas, 446 Brint, .Morgan, Si Brisco, .\nn, 102 Brisliitt, Petter, 191 Bristow, Bristowe — ■ , Eliz., 124 ■ — 1 John, Jiinr., 303 — , , 305, see Marshall ■, Richard, 441 Britland, Richard, 462 Brittaine, Britten, Brittin, Brit- ton — ■ • — ; Dennis, 142 , Jo., 138 , Robert, 184, 246 ■, Tlio., 79 Bro.ad, Thomazin, 123 Broadshaw, Richard, 217 Brock, Brocke , John, 259 , Lawrence, 140 , Richard, 70 , Robert, 71 — — , Thomas, 332, 337, 340 , William, 173, 205 Brodbanke, Thomas, 195 Broderick, Brodricke ■, AUen, 167* sn J/ Broderick, William, 165* Brodley, Daniell, 53 Brogan, Nico., 141 Brogden, John, 193 Brogdon, Humphry, 451 Brograve, Henry, 353 Bromby, To., 64 , tho., 6). Brora>, John, 352 Bromadg, Sar.ah, 233 Bromley, D.ivie, 95 • ■, Laimcelott, 141 Bromwell, Isack, iio Bronsford, Jonathan, 95 Broockes, William Morgm, alias, 247 Brook, ISrooke, Brookes, Brooks , -Vlice, 113 ■—, Ann, 84 , Barnabie, 128 , Bxzill, 35 •, Chidley, r63, 13;* — • , Cutberd, 195 , George, 96 •— , Gilbert, 93 , James, 113, 1S3, 25 j , John, 87, 474 , Mr., 432 , Richard, 62, 77, Si, 123, 129 , Robert, Lord, 159 . ;:; , 79 , Samuel, 467 , Sibile, 1S7 , Thomas, 62, 77, 128, 171. 217, 356, 470 ■, Walter, 95 ■ — ) William, 81, 93, 9'), 140 1S7, 273, 441 Brookehaven, Jo., 70 Brooker, Geo., 116 Brookes, see Brook Brookman, Amy, 467 • , Thomas, 467 Brooks, see Brook Brooman, Freese, 129 Broome, Roger, 132 Broomer, Joan, 62 , Marie, 58 Broomish, Edward, 127 Broqne, Gillain, 198 , Louis, 199 , Robert, 1 98 Brotherton, Hester, 102 Broughton ( Braghton or Braugh- ton), Charls, 31S*, 319*, 324 — , Henry, 73 ■, Thomas, 96 — ■ — , William, 431 5iS INDEX. Browing, see Browning, &c. Brottingc, William, 201 Brown, Browne , Christopher, 117, 170, 203 , Edward, 41, 129 , lil-, 446 , Elisabeth, 432 , Francis, 354 , Hugh, 353 , Humr)', 441 , James, 356, 386, 392, 410 , John, 61, 63, 68, 87, 91, III, 122, 135, 140, 150, 171, 173, 181, 214, 311, 327, 328, 331. 335. 339. 372. 434 , Jonas, 316*, 318, 343 -, Josiah, 166* , Liddia, 88 , Mary, 109 , Michell, 36 , Nicholas, 187, 253 , Phil., 279, 280, 281, 282 , Rachadl, 349 , Ralph, 125 , Rebecca, 252 , Richard, S3 , Robert, 132, 141, 187, 252 , Roger, 304 , Stephen, 474 , Suzan, 77 , Thomas, 42, 74, 122, 191, 194, 428, 460 , Weston, 185, 257 , William, 109, 114, 119, 183,231, 250, 259, 327. 328. 352 r.rowiiing, Browninge . -^nn, 350 , John, 242 , Joseph, 126 , William, 169 Brownley, Richard, 52 Hrowton, Jo., 127 Bnier, John, 317*, 342 liruister, Wm., 132 Bnunwell, John, 64 Bruncock, John, 433 Bnifiing, Jo., 80 Bnnil, Edward, 39, 128 , Jo., 127 liiunlts, Samuell, 439 Brush, John, 431 , Mary, 431 Bnister, Abram, 104 , Elizabeth, 71 , Richard, 112 Bruton, Robert, 297 , William, 39 Bruxston, Tho., 114 Bryan, Cornelious, 452 , Edward, 186 , Sir Ernest, 162 , Henry, 139 , Jane, 493 . Jo., 36 , Joseph, 40 , see Brian, 0'Br)an, &c. Bryant, Barnard, 326, 330 . Roger, 318*, 320, 324 , Thomas, 151, Bryer, John, 316, see Briar Bucher, Frances, 177 Buck, I3ucke , Benamy, 175, 225 -, Christian, 108 , Francis, 142 , Gercyon (or Gercian), 17s. 225 , Isack, 13s , Mara, 175, 225 , Peleg., 175, 225 , Richard, 142, 270 , Roger, 65 , Thoma.s, 125 , William, 65 Buckani, Richard, 78 Buckingham, George, Marquis of, 156 , , Duke of, '57. 158 Buckland, Chri., 74, see Buc- l.md Buckle, Alexander, 468 , Henry, 123 , Lucie, 120 Buckley, Buckly , Ben., 63 , Daniell, 63 , Humficy, 119 , John, 432, 435 , Mary, 436 , William, 139,403,414 , see Bulkly, &c. Buckmuster, John, 227 Bucks, Mr., 226 Duckworth, Richard, 474 Bucland, William, 96, sec Buckland Budd, Jo., 113 Budding, Richard, 475 Budge, John, 334, 337, 340 Buenno, Bcniamiii, 474 Bugby, Bugbye , Edward, 278, 279 , Rebecca, 279 , Sarah, 278 Buglaiid, Henry, 128 Buglar (or Bugler), Thomas, 316*, 343 Bulfcll, Richard, 116 Bulkly, Bulkley, Bulkely , CIrace, 76 , Peter, 77 , Tho., 79 , William, 354, 356, 367. 372, 373. 379, 397, 439. 4^3 , see Buckley Bull, Ann, 490 -, Christopher, 474, 490 , Edward, 63 , Henry, 57, 107 , Isack, 95 , Joseph, 212 , Richard, 67 , Thomas, 86, 130, 190 Bullaker, Andrewe, 297 BuUar, Jo., 138 Bullard, Tho., 1 24 Bullen, Silvester, 227 Bullington, Nichol.ns, 176 Bullman, Jo , 73 Bullock, Bullocke , Anto., 86 , Edward, 68 , Francis, 121 , Henry, 88 , Mary, 88 , Susan, 88 , Tho., 88 , William, 179, 240 Built, Jan, 198 lUimstedd, Wm., 41 Bun, see Bunn Bunce, Jo., 52 Bundock (or Bundicke), Wm., 44. 46, 49 Bunn, Bun , Bridgitt, 220 , Mrs., 177 , Thomas, 177, 220 Bunnel, William, 428 Bunny, Bunney , Elisabeth, 424, 436 , Hannah, 424, 436 , Richard, 424, 436, 442 , W'illiam, 436 Bunnyon, John, 493 , Mary, 493 Bunting, Ann, 430 , Henrj-, 430 , Richard, 132 , Sarah, 426 , Susanna, 430 Bui back, Marie, llS Buibon, John, 474 INDEX. 519 Burch, Burche , Capt., 73 , Daniell, 75 , William, 35, 304 , see Byrch Burchard, Ann, 131 , Elizabeth, 131 , Jo-, 131 , Mary, 131 , Marie, 131 , Sara, 131 , Suzan, 131 , Thomas, 131 Burcher, John, 181 , Robert, 307 -, William, 181 Burd, John, 35 , Symon, 59 ■ , see Bird Burdin, Geo., 97 Burditt, William, 262 Burges, Burgess, Burgis, , 294 , Anthony, 378, 417 , Aron Abraham, 449 , Eliz'., 460 , Ellin, 95 , Humphry, 298 , James, 49 , John, 334, 337, 340, 470 , Rabecca, 142 , Rachell, 450 , Thomazing, 500 Burgoss, Abraham, 351 Burhall, George, 500 Burk, Burke , James, 475 , Jeoffery, 356 , Thomas, 338 , Tobias, 474 Burket, Henry, 103 Burkitt, Jo., 143 Burlacy, Walter, 154 Burland, John, 180 Buries, John, 107, 108 Burley, Roger, 113 , Timothy, 194 Burlie, Alexander, 102 Burlingham, Geo., 37 Burne, Dennis, 352, see Byrne , Randall, 119 Burnell, Mrs., 452 Bumham, Tho., 140 , Wm., 128 Burnhouse, William, 195 Burnet, Samvell, 104 Burnett, Jo., 138 Burr, Jeremy, 82 , Mathew, 114 Burr, Robert, 126 Burrage, Charles, 316, 318,344 Burrell, Henry, 460 Burren, Mr., 181 Burridge, Robert, 327, 329 -, Thomas, 327, 330 Burrin, Anthony, 179 Burrowes, Burrow, Burrowe, Burrows, Burroughes, Burroes , Anthony, 154, 171, 175, 250 , Bridgett, 225 , Ellin, 87 , Jane, 82 , John, 136, 175, 225, 270, 500 , Mihil, 308 , Mr., 231 , Mrs., 17s , William, 59, 134. 333. 337. 340 Burston, John, 330 Burt, Ann, 93 , Anthony, 259 , Edward, 93 , Hugh, 93, 98 , James, 63 , John, 314 , William, 38, 237 , see Burtt Burton, Agnes, 474 , Charles, 494 , Elizabeth, 494 , Francis, 423, 425, 436, 438, 451, 500 , Georg, 141, 425, 438 , John, Junr., 495 1 . Senr., 495 . . 75. 494 , Judith, 423, 42s, 436, 438 , Richard, 254 , Tho., 71 , Wm., 119, 126 Burtt, Jane, 173 , William, 177 , see Burt Burtwezill, Mary, 124 Busbie, Busbee, Busby , Abraham, 289 , Bridgett, 2S9 — , Edward, 177 , John, 2S9 , Nicho., 289 , Sarath, 289 , Thomas, 83 Bush, John, 74, loi, 18S, 257, 273 , Susan, 249 • , Walter, 433 Bush, Widow, 442 Bushel, Bushell , Edward, 429 , George, 324, 343 , Nicholas, 192 , Ruth, 98 , Wm., 351 , see Busshell Busher, Mabell, 117 , Mary, 448 Bushnell, Francis, 49 , Jo-. 49 , Marie, 49 •, Martha, 49 Busket, James, 42 Bussell, Jo., 74 Busshell, John, Senr., 439 , see Bushell Busshey, Wm., 452 Bussie, John, 495 Bustian, George, 471 Buston, John, 332, 337, 33S Butcher, John, 355, 423 , Mary, 423 , Richard, 423 Buth, John, 191 Butler, Buttler , Edward, 173 1 Elinor, 354 , Francis, 219 , Ger., 129 , Henry, 113 , James, 463 , John, III, 123, 125, 142. 353 , Lucy, 439 , Walter, 355 , William, 474 Butt, James, 463 Buttall, Charles, 463 Butterey, Richard, 193 Butterfeild, John, 1S9, 232 Butterfield, Nathaniell, 304 Butterick, Wm., 53 Buttler, see Butler Buttolph, Ann, 73 . The, 73 Button, Thomas, 180 Bultry, Grace, 108 , Martha, 107 , Nico., 107 Buwen, Thomas, 195 Bycroft, Grace, 85 Bygraue (Bygrave), Elizabeth, 181, 238 Byham, Nathaniell, 93 Byley, Henerey, 299 , John, 299 , Mary, 299 Byno, John, 491 52 = INDEX. Uyno, Mar)', 491 Hvnstcdd, Jo., 119 U'yiall, Jo., 12S ]iyich, ilenry, 446, J•. 74 , Thomas, 359 , William, 166, 245, 273 493 , see Coles, Coale Colebank, Sara, 96 Coleman, John, 139 , Wm., 113 j Colerack, Jane, 126 Coles, Edward, 84 j , Eliza., 118 ! , Margaret, 136 , Thoma,s, 102 , see Cole, Coales Colethorpe, Christopher, 247 Coleton, Mr., 464 Colleton, Thomas, 343 CoUett, Bridgelt, 444 -, Henry, 470 Colley, Thomas, 476 Collie, Robert, 41 Collier, Daniell, 104, see Col Iyer Collings, James, 501 , Nicholas, 31S , see Collins Collingworth, David, 75 Collins, Abigaill, 4S9 j . Ann, 97 , Charles, 440 , liavid, 193 , Elizabeth, 105 , Emanuell, 326, 330 , Giles, 104 , Henr)-, 97 , John, 97, 161, 206, 319. 3 '9*, 323. 360, 4S9 — , Josias, 193 , Margery, 97 — , Mr., 191 — , Nicholas, 343 ■ . , Junr., 316 , Fetter (or Peeter), 182, 241 , Samuel], 316* 432 , Susan, 206 , Thomas, 182 , A\ alter, 81 , Wm., 79 , see Collings Collis, Alexander, 360 , James, 194 Colliton, Sir Peter, 162 Collohon, Charles, 113 Collohone, Owen, 499 Collon, Nicholas, 139 Collopp, Jo., 126 I CoUowe, Stephen, 244 Colly, Thomas, iSi , Walter, 137 Collyer, Ambross, 35S , Tobias, 475 , see Collier Colman, Abrani, 193 , Barnard, 85 Colthrough, Peter, 359 Coltman, Ann, (170), 204 , Henry, 170, 204 Colton, Thomas, 46S Colture, Wm., 112 J Colwell, Samuell, 358 I Combe, William, 334, 341 I Comberbatch, Thomas, 290 Combes, Austen, 173 j Cornell, Dugwell, 475 Comes, John, 235 I , William, 236 I Comin, Nicholas, 180, see Co- I mon 1 Coriiins [/.<•., Commins], Ed- I ward, 112 j Comon, Nicholas, 234, see Co- ' min 1' Compeare, Leonard, i5l* Compton, Frances, 178 . Jo., 141 ' Conaway, see Conway Coney, Conney, Conny, Cony , Edmond, 475 , John, 38 I , Nicholas, 429 , Richard, 163*, 164 i Congrave, Winnifredd, 113 I Coiiisby \i.e. Connisby], Wm., '43 ' Conly (or Couly), Patrick, 71 I Conne, Jacque, 197 Conner, Bryen, 475 , Jane, 430 , PhiUipp, 37 T > Teag, 437 Lonnet, Mary, 428 Connett, John, 31S*, 3i9», 324, see Cunnet Conney, see Coney Conneyland, Patt, 476 Connier, Tho., 126, .vfConyer Conniers, Jo., 39, see Conyers Conny, see Coney Connyer, Patrick, 71, see Con- nier Conoway, see Conway Conway, Conaway, Conoway , Aron (or Aaron), 179 233 , Cornelius, 475 , George, 350, 356, 386, 393. 414 , Margaret, 75 Cony, see Coney Conyard, Nathaniel, 314 Conyers, Moses, 190, see Con- niers Cocke, see Cooke, John Coocke, John, 443 , Phillip, 257 Cooe, Anna, 279 , Beniamin, 2 78 66—2 524 INDEX. Cooe, John, 27S , Robert, 27S, 279 Cook, Kli/abeth, 498 , Sarah, 429 , William, 492, 495 Cooke, Ann, 187 , Arlhur, 192, 196 , Christopher, 221 , Edward, 134, 173 , Ellin, 206 — , Garret, 115 , George, 195 , Jeremiah, 440 (or Cocke), John, 36, 98, 104, 113, 175, 226, 319, 319*. 323 , Margarett, 476 , Matiiew, 316, 318, 343 , Richard, 109, 120 , Wm., 103, 1S7 Cooker, John, 186 Cookins, Danniell, 254 Cooksey, William, 169, 178, 228 Coomb, William, 337 Coombes, John, 135 Coomes, John, 188 , William, 188 Coop, sei Cooper Cooper, 286 , Abijjail, 431 , Ann, 124 , Ant"., 86 , Bcniemen, 293 , Christopher, 319, 319*, 325 , Elizabeth, 56, 293, 431 , Ellin, 67 , George, 135 , John, 44, 104, 109, 142, 1S8, 438 , Lawrance, 293 , Martha, 44 , Mary, 44, 293, 35S , Veter, 59 , Rebeca, 293 , Richard, 35, 102 , Roger, 57, 58, 61, 69, 72, 76, 77, 78 , Symon, 453 , Thomas, 43, 44, 236, 357. 43'. 475 , Walter, 169, 233 , Wibroe, 44 , Wm., 69 Coose, .Sara, 151 Covel', Cesara, 92 Cop [(.(■., Coper], see Cooper Cope, Richard, 93 , William, 93, 445 Copeland, Jo., 112 Copcland, Mar)', 427 , Mr., 312 Copley, James, 119 , Lionel, 165* Copman, Vallentine, 446 Coppin, Jane, 494 , John, 443, 494 , Thomas, 471 Coppine, John, 476 Coppinger, John, 475 Coppyn, Rol)ert, 119 Corbett, Benjamin, 508 , Mary, 508 , William, 361 Corbitt, Roger, 441 Cordelion (Cordelon, or Cor- dylion), Peter (or Petard), 319, 319*, 325 Cord ell, Robert, 60 Corder, Thomas, iSl Cordiu, Paulus, 453 Cordoza, Soloman, 450 Cordylion, see Cordelion Cone, Richard, 127 Cork, Margaret, 492 Corker, Elizabeth, 102 Com, JcvCarn Cornbury, Lord, 16S* Cornelius, IJernard, 432 , Krancis, 358 , Thomas, 327, 329 Cornew, Barth., 154 Comie, William, 184 Cornille, Pierre, 198 Coniish, Edward, 359 — , Elisabeth, 423 , John, 423 , Stephen, 423 , Thomas, 188, 262,353, 354. 360. 364. 366, 383. 392. 402 Coniwell, W'illiam, 142 Corrington, Jo., 63 , Mary, 63 Corser, William, 41 Corleene, Ellinor, 476 Cosker, Henr)', 394 Coson (or Cason), Nehemiah, III Cossen, Elizabeth, 143 Cossens j see Cous- Cosson, Wm., 142 j sens, &c. Costanio, Abraham, 450 Costeen, John, 439 Cote, Eliz., 117 Cotes, James, 81, 136 , Jo., 113 Cotesworth, James, 143 Cotinho, Moses Henriqucs, 361 Cotter, Garrett, 162*, 163 Cottingham, George, 114 , Kathcrine, 360 Cottom, Frances, 46S , Oliver, 468 Cotton, John, 435 , Richard, 122 , Rowland, 95 Coubber, Rebecca, 187 Coughlan, Teague, 475 Coulbume, John, 359 Couly (or Conly), Patrick, 71 Councell (or Counsell), Ed- ward, 332, 335, 341 Countwane (or Countway), John, 191, 192 Couper, Walter, 258 Courser, William, 77 Courtney, James, 151 , Jo., 104 , Sybbill, 105 Wm., 361 Courtyere, George, 501 Coussens, Coussins, Cossens, Cosson, Cozens , John, 44 1, 461, 464 , , Junr., 461 , Wm., 142, 327, 329 Covell, Jo., 126 Covells, Capt., 308 Coventrie, Miles, 80 Coventry, Thomas, Lord, 160 Covett, Robert, 103 Coward, Rob., 333, 336, 341 , Samuell, 461 Cowdell, Thomas, 141 Cowley, Elisabeth, 423 , Roger, 423, 430, 452 , Susanna, 423, 430 , William, 95 Cowly, Bryan, 142 Cowper, Averyn, 37 , Ro., 54 Cox, Francis, 360 , John, 303 , Josias, 498, 500 , Mrs., 307 - — , Phillip, 3i8», 3I9», 320* , .Samuel, 167* Coxe, William, 255 Coxsall, John, 150 Coxshedd, Jo., 105 Coxson, Tho., 8 1 Cozens (or Coussens), Wm., 327. 329 , see Coussens Crabbtree, Edward, 129 Craddock, Craddocke , Francis, 159* , Isabel!, 50 INDEX. 525 Craddock, Kathaiiii, 429 — , Mr., 106 Cradouke, William, 267 Craford, Patrick, 15S Craft, Crafts ■ -, Mathew, 318, 344 , , Junr., 316* , William, 468 Crag, Cragg, Crage , John, 357, 424, 467 — — , Susanna, 424 , Wm., 443 Crampe, Thomas, 188 Crane, John, 316 , Richard, 126 Cranfield, Ann, 37 , Edward, 37, 164, 167 Thomas, loi Cranich, John, 240 Cranwell, Geo., 125 Crapp, John, 40 Crapplace, Mr., 191 Crashaw, Rawleigh, 183, see Crawshaw and Croshaw Crauen, sec Craven Craven, Richard, 272 , Thomas, 112 , William, Earl of, 162 Crawford, Thomas, 494 Crawshaw, William, 244, see Crashaw and Croshaw Creamer, Martin, 441 Crean, Paul, 412 Creed, Creede , Ann (or Anne), 120, 492 , John, 476, 492 ■ , Wm., 347, 366 Crenne, Jan de, 199 Crepy, Abel de, 199 Cressitt, Edward, 85 Creswell, Cresswell , lohn, 443, 501 ."William, 135 Crew, Joseph, 219 , Josua, 177 ■ , Marie, 64 , Randall, 209 , Robert, 230 Cribb, Jo., 43 , Richard, 74 Crichlow (or Chrichlow) , Elizabeth, 475 — — , Henry, 475 , James, 475 CriUick, James, 357 Cripp's, Zachary, 235 Crisp, Crispe — — •, Edward, 432 , John, Senr., 452 Crisp, John, Junr., 441 , , 421 , Joseph, 163 , Margaret, 421 , Roger, 36: , Sarah, 421 , Thomas, 187 , Widow, 440 , Zacharia, 180 Crispin, Tho., 63 Cristian, Francis, 440 Cristie, Richard, 127 Critch, Richard, loi Critchlow, Wm., 440 Crocker, Henery, 221, 237 , Jone, 237 , Richard, 181 Croft's, Croftes , Ann, 123 , Henry, 439 , John, 70, 96 , Thomas, 380, 396, 400 Cromby, Mr. Abo — , 310 Crome (or Crowe), Wm., 74 Crompe, Bridget, 117 • , Thomas, 227 Crompton, Sir Thomas, 156 Croney, William, 243 Croningburgk, Peter, 141 Crooke, Wm., 84 Crookshank, Alexander, 465 , Hester, 465 Crosby, Ann, 62 • ■ — , Marmaduke, 64 , Symon, 62 , Tho., 62 Croshaw, Raughly, 274, sec Crashaw and Crawshaw Cross, Crosse , Ann, 280 , Henry, 66 , James, 84 , John, 280, 316*, 318, 342 , Jonas, 333, 33S, 341 , Thomas, 177, 221 , William, 316*, 342 Crossing, Wm., 358 Crouch, Richard, 177 , Robert, 121 , Thomas, 175, 180, 232 Crowder, Hugh, 234 , James, 209 , Richard, 51 , Thomas, 40 Crow, Crowe , Adam, 126 , Benjamin, 326, 328 , Mitford, 168* . (or Crome), Wm., 74 Crowley, Ro., 61 Croy, Jan de, 198 Crader, Hugh, iSo Crudge, Richard, 268 Crust, Thomas, 225 Crutchfield, Thomas, 437 Cmtchloe, Chracthloe , Elizabeth, 493 , Henry, 491 , James, 491, 493 , Rebecca, 493 , Susanna, 491 Cryer, Ben., 508 Cudden, John, 475 Cuffe, Martin, 194 Cugley, Danniell, 264 Culley, Samuell, 181, 239 CuUidge, Geo. 112 Cullimor, James, 41 Culpeper, Alexander, 161*, 163* , Thomas, Lord, 161*, 163, 16s Culverwell, John, 316 Cunnet (or Connet), John, 319* Cunningham, Ann, 433 > John, 433, 435 , William, 83 , Zebulon, 433 Cunstable, Robert, 1 78 Cuppledike, Henry, 38 Curden, Jo., 82 Curke, Wm., 153 Curie, Tho., 381 Currier, William, 343 Curstis, John, 359 Curtis, Elizabeth, 64 , Henry, 76 , James, 1 36 , John, 123, 253 , Thomas, 243, 254 , William, 126, 150 Curtise, John, 186 , Thomas, 184 Custis, Robert, 462 Cuta, Mathew, 501 Cuthbert, Alexander, 497 , Elizabeth, 497 Culler, Clinton, 80 , The, 51 Culling, Henry, 125 Cutt, Lawrence, 372, see Cutts Cutting, Cuttinge , Jane, 123 , John, 277, 279 , Richard, 282 , Wilham, 281 Cutts, John, 163 , Roger, 124 , sec Cutt 526 INDEX. Cvlloe (CuUoe), Steven, 185 DABB, Tho., 73 Uabbin, Nicholas, 153 Dabyn, Robert, 283 Dade, John, 268 Daggett, Tho., 114 Dainty, Henry, 297 Dalbey, Joane, 501 Dalbie, W illiani, 169 Dalby, William, 233 Dale, Niccolas, 255 , Sir 1 lionias, 270 , The, 71 (orDeale), \Vni.,3l9*, sa Deale Dales, Francis, 67 Dalleper, Henry, 122 Dallinger, Jo., 63 Dallison, Martin, 448 Dally, Richard, 83 Dalton, Hanna, 65 , Philemon, 65 , Samucll, 65 Damand \i.c. Dammand], Jane, 58 Damcvall, Thomas, 501 Dameron, Bridgctt, 195 Daniont, Jan, 199 Damport, Lanslott, 1 75, 180 , Lawley, 233 Dan, John, 427 Danby, John, 477 I^ancy, John, 234 Dandg, Henry, 313* Dane, Tho., 77 DanelT, James, 453 Danes, Richard, 51 , Robert, 434 (or Danes), Suzan, 108 Dang, Margarott, 361 Dangerficld, W'alcup, 363 Daniel, Daniell , 190 , Anne, 492 , Christopher, 272 , Daniell, 37 , Downes, 445 , Elizabeth, 65 , Homy, 127, 163 , John, 362, 472, 477, 492. 497. 501 , Nicholas, 476 , Richard, J17*, 319*, 32s , Robert, 358, 362 , Thomas, 497 , Gilbert, 365 Dannell, Edward, 115 Daiiwell, Robert, 367 Darics, James, i8o Darkin, Robert, 401 Danio, Penelope, 107 D;irrell, John, 294 Dart, Jane, 133 Darvall, Charles, 297 Daucrs, see Davers Danes, see Daves Daughton, Richard, 86 , Wm., 135 Dauis, see Davis Davenport, Jo., 141 Davers, Robert, 63, 460 , , Junr., 460 Daves, Richard, 145 (or Danes), Suzan, 108 , see Davis David, Lewes, 74 Davidson, William, 160* Davie, Geo., 137 ■ , Morrice, 136 , Tho., 140 , see Davy Davies, Arthur, 187 , Barnabie, loS , Chri., 79 ; Daniell, 51 , Dorothie, 113 , Edmond, 51 , Edward, 37, HI, 133, 193 , Elianor, 489 , Elizabeth, 68, 186, 195, 362 , Ellin, 113 , Emanuell, 138 , Galmell, 80 , George, 186 , Humfrey, 38 , Isbell, 113 , Jane, 363, 4S9 , Joane (or J one), 174, 187 , John, 40, 65, 68, 71, 104, 137, 171, 179, 186, 212, 217,236, 363, 364 . Joseph, 43 , Katherine, 237, 364 , Margaret, 68 , Marie, 68 , Nicholas, 43, 186 , Peter, 364 , Philip, 115 , Richard, 104, 1S7 , Robert, 94, iii , Rowland, 127 , Samuel], 105, 179, 233. 363 -, Sara, 43 , Tho., 140, 143, 1S6 Davies, William, 122, 128, 13s. 189. 195. 47'. 489 Davis, David, 422 , Edward, 476 , Hugh, 422, 429 , James, 236 , Jane, 222, 421, 422, 43' , Joane (or Jone), 237, 421 , John, 254, 445 , Margaret, 476 ] •, Mrs., 442 , Niccolas, 248 , Owen, 440 , Randall, 307 — , Richard, 201, 256 , Robert, 176 , Sarah, 466 , Thomas, 254, 257 , William, 265, 428, 453, 460, 466, 468 , see Daves Davison, Alice, 173 Davy, Robert, 365, see Davie Daw, William, 332, 338, 340 Dawe, Geo., 105, 127 Dawes, John, 159* , "William, 48 Dawlen, Henry, 177 Dawse, Margery, 176 Dawson, Edmund, 435 , Georg, 217 . Hugh, 139 , Milles, 476 , Richard, 51, 94 , Robert, 464 , Trenimitt, 364 , William, 171, 210 Day, Anthony, 104 ■ , Dorothy, 105 — ■ — , Hanna, 77 , James, 378, 408, 417 , John, 133, 169, 238, 308 , Mary, 280 , Richard, 79 , Robert, 46, 280 , Samuel, 167 — — , Thomas, 501 Dayes, Tho., 40 Dayhurst, Thomas, 179 Dayley, Alice, 427 , Denis, 427 , Katherine, 427 , Owen, 446 Daynie, Jo., 124 Deacon, Avi.s, 109 , Tho., Ill Deale (or Dale), Wm., 318*, 319*, 322 INDEX. 527 Dean, Deane , Abel, 430, 443 , GabiiU, 462 , Mary, 430 , Mathew, 445 , Nathaniel, 104 , Rachell, 56 Dearsley, Richard, 439 Death, Elizabeth, 96 , Suzan, 96 Deboyce, Giles, 453 De Cane, John, 137 Decborn, John, 40 De Carpentier, Martin, 19S De Carpentry, Jan, 198 Dechauis, Samuell, 450 Decke, William, 297 Decompas, Leah, 449 Dederix, Baltazar, 141 De Forest, Jesse, 199 D3 La Garde, Alexander, 75 De La Hay, Daniell, 297 , John, 295 De La Met, Jan. 19S De La Montagne, Mousnier, 197 Delavall, Ralph, 350. 373, 399, 411 Dennis, Daniell, 52 , John, 116, 476, 477 , Robert, 85 , Tho., 75, 332, 336, 340 Denny, Mary, 91 Densy, Jane, 363, see Dency Dent, Elizabeth, 508 , George, 471 , John, 52, 50S , Richard, 64 , Thomas, 508 Denton, Jacob, 126 , John, 362 , Robert, 81 Denum, William, 241 De Pasar, Paul, 198 Dermot, Jo., ill Derrick, Victor, 36 Desart, Francis, 297 Desauido Vie., Desavido], Moses, 450 Desendre, Anthoin, 199 Desworth, Edward, 362, 375 De Trou, Jan, 199 Deucy (or Dency), John, 180 Dauenish, see Devenish Deuillermas, see DeviUermas Deurede, see Devrede De La Ware, Esaw, 1S4, Ji? Jo., 37 , Fetter, 193 , Roger, 453 , Thomas, 222 ■ , Wm., 153 Dunnell, Henry, 36 Dunnohoe, Cornelius, 364 , Jeffory, 364 , Teag,'363 Dunstarr, Robert, 142 Dunsthorp, Zechariah, 430 Duntliorne (or Donthorne), Elizabeth, 255, 273 ■ , Thomas, 255 Dunton, Andrew, 37 Du I'on, Michel, 198 Dupper, Edward, 195 Durant, Natthan, 477 , Thomas, 477 Durdal, Heugh, 299 Duston, John, 154 Dutton, David, 238 ■ , Richard, 429 Dweight (or Dwight), Benjamin, 447. 453 Dyamond, sec Diamond Dye, Henry, 63 Dyer, Ananiah, 127 - — -, Isack, 316*, 317 , James, 432 , Jo-. 42 , Roger, 432, 442 , Samuell, 448 , Sarah, 432 , William, 501 Dyke, Daniel, 466, 468 , Richard, 319 Dykes, Mr., 308 Dymett {i.e., Dymmett], Tho- mas, 96 Dymocke, William, 501 Dymond, Robert, 40, see Dia- mond Dynegell, Danill, 471 Dynley, Richard, 71 Dyos, Geo., 137 EACH, Samuell, 269 Eakins, Wm., 67 Earl, Earle , John, 366 , Robert, 316, 318, 343 , Thomas, 477 Easemond (Easman, or East- mond), John, 318*, 319*, 323 East, Easte , Richard, 187, 257 , Wdliam, 103, 133 Eastchurch, William, 366 Easte, see East Eastmond, see Easemond Easton, Rob., 332, 336, 340 Eastwick, Henry, 460 , Richard, 460 Easy, Ben., 84 Eaton, Abigail, 58 , George, 81 , John, 40 , Mabell, 120 , Mary, 58 , Tho., 58 Ebdon, George, 318* Ebes, Thomas, 257 Ebsworth, Anne, 243 , Agnes, 184 , Anthony, 184, 243 Eccallowe, Peter, 249 Eden, AUes, 291, see Edens, and Eeden Edenburrow, Tho., 37 Edenden, 434 , Joyce, 434 Edens, Jo., 140, see Eden Ederife, Ester, 224 Edgar, Richard, 334, 336, 339 Edge, Robert, 130 Edger, William, 190 Edlow, Mathew, 169, 201 Edlyn, Henry, 162 Edmond, Edraondes, Ed- mond's, Edmund's , Jo., 36, 190 , Michaell, 296 , Richard, 39, 193 , Robert, 189, 235 , Titus, 46 Ednall, Edward, 112 Edney, Peter, 477 Edward, 188 Edward (a Negro), 178, 229 Edwards, Anthony, 266 , Arthur, 191 , David, 416 , Edmond, 117 •, John, 180, 234, 326, 329. 340. 366 -, Richard, 154, 255, 469 Robert, 130, 141, [? ], Sarah, 469 , Thomas, 94 , William, 117, 192 Edwardson, Jo., 84 Edwin, James, 112 Edwynn, Edward, 133 , Tho., Ill Edye, Rawleigh, 153 Eeden, Jo., 84, see Eden Eeke, Geo., Si Eeles, Edward, 80 , Henry, 116 , John, 96 , see Eles Eelie, Robert, 115, see Ely Eester, Thomasin, 256 Egerton, Wm., 135 Egginton, Seaborne, 453 Eggleston, Richard, 102, 104 Ekkersoe, Tho., 12S Elbridg, William, 194 Elding, Edward, 501 Eldred, Nathaniell, 442 Eldridg, Giles, 424 , Mary, 424 Eles, Thomas, 445, see Eeles Elinor, , 175 Elison, see Ellison Elizabeth, , 203 (a Maid), 195 Ella, Marmaduke, 117 Ellacott, Mrs., 453, see EUicott EUarce (or EUaree), Jonathan, 432 , , Sarah, 432 , , Thomas, 432 Ellatt, John, 231 Ellerton, James, 41 Ellesmere, Thomas, Lord, 1 55, 156 Elley, Benj'., 446 Ellgate, Margrett, 47 Ellicott, Vines, 366 , W"idow, 470 , see Ellacott EUinsworth, Wm., 367 Elliot, Elliott , Elizabeth, 46, 433 67 53° INDEX. Elliot, Georg, 430 ■ ; Henry, 367 , Jane, 430 ■ > Jo.-"i, 43^, 477 • , John. 137, 179, 453, 463 , Lyildia, 46 , Marie, 46 , I'hillii), 46 ■ , Ricliard, 438, 477, 488, 493. 496 , Sara, 46 , Thomas, 161 Ellis, David, 173, 176, 220 , Elizabeth, 92 , Gamaliell, 442 , Margrett, 220 , Mary, 422 , Richard, 36 , Robert, 137, 422 , William, 422 Ellison, Ellin, 230 , George, 231 (Elison), John, 181, 230 , William, 250 Elliston, George, 366 . William, 132 Ellitt, Walter, 135 Ellmer, Edward, 150 EUotts, Henr}', 142 Ellvyn (or Elvyn) , Mark, 38 , Wm., Si Elhvood, Ralph, 131, ji-ifEKvood Elmes, Richard, 134 , Rodolphns, 56 Elson, Elizabeth, 64 , Wm., 365 Elsword, Hener., iSl Elvyn, see Ellvyn Elnood, Henery, 237, sec Ell- wood Ely, Ann, 259 — , Elizabeth, 259 — , James, 447 — , Walter, 183, 259 — , see Eelie Emarson, see Emerson Enibree (or Emberec), W'illiam, .441, 453 Embrie, Henry, 96 Emerson, Emarson, Emerson \i.e., Emmerson] , Allice, 239 , Ann, 239 , Ellis, 239 ■ Jo.. 98 , Mr., 239 [? ), Robert, 239 . , Thomas, 239 — , William, 171, 212 Emery, John, 366 Emmerton, Ann, 105 Eni]ieror, Thomas, 439 Enderbee, Oliver, 365 Endick, Daniell, 117 Enes, Phillipp, 477 England, Allen, 318*, 319*. 3^4 , Johii, 316*, 423 , Lawrence, 423 > . Junr., 453 , Mary, 423 English, John, 21S , Richard, 171, 210 , Robert, 471 , Thomas, 426 Enims (Euines, or Euims), John, 192, 193 Ennis \Vm., 119 Ennys, Margaret, 424 , Timothy, 424 Enson, William, 94 Epes, Margrett, 262 , William, 262 Epps, Elizabeth, 100 , Mrs., 188 , Fetter, 188 , William, iSS Eritage, Roger, 141 Erie, Bryan, 39 , Edward, 126 Erpey, Elisabeth, 424, 437 Estplynn, Michell, 71 Estwicke, Thomas, 342 Ktherington, John, 39 Euans, see Evans Ellens, see Ewens Euers, see Ewers Euims (Euines, or Enims), John, 192, 193 Euines, John, 501 Evan, Evan ap, ill Evand's, Clement, 249 , Richard, 242 , Thomas, 244 , William, 261 Evans, Andrew, 70 , Clement, 188 , Christo., 191 , Cornelius, 304 , David, 50 , Edward, 140, 366 , George, 1S5 , Grififinn, 143 , Henry, 460 , Hugh, 139 , John, 52, 84, 124, 185, 189, 463, 477 , Lawrance, 171, 213 , Leonard, 37 , Lewis, 134, 366 Evans, Marke, 185 , Nico., 52 , Richard, 134, 184 , Samuell, 357, 393, 402 , Thomas, 52, 143, 185 , William, 95, 114, 185, 366 Evars, Robert, 236 Evens, John, 235 Evenson, John, 298 , Tho., 298 Evere, Ester, 174 Everedge, Sara, llS Everett, Aron, 104 Everie, Tho., 41 Ewens, Richard, 501 , William, 270 Ewer, Elizabeth, 88 , Sara, 88 , Tho., 88 Ewers, Robert, 270 Ewin's (Euines, &c. ), John, 192 Ewis, John, 192 Ewynn, Tho., 86 Ex.son, Jo., 116 Eyres, Nicholas, 234 Eytun, William, 477 FA15ERR, Joseph, 72 Fabin, Elizabeth, 76 l-'acy (or Facey), John, 317*, 3'9*. 322 Faierbrother, Nathaniell, S2, see Farebrother Fairbore, Stafford, 167* Fairechild, Joane, 258 P'airfax, William, 271 Fairefax, Nicho., 375, see Fear- fax Faliloe, Barthol., 49 Falkland, Anthony, Lord, 165 Fall, Charles, 63 Fallin, Andrew, 470, see Follyn Fallowes, Edward, 214 Fance (or Fauce), Robert, 80 Fane, Richard, 75 Fanning, Andrew, 367 Fansh.aw, Richard, 117 Farbracke, Roger, 187 Farbrase, Roger, 245 Farebank, James, 140 Farebern, Lawrence, 95 Farebrother, Suzaima, 106, sit Faierbrother Farcpoynt, James, 95 Farcst, Robert, 102 Farewell, James, 477 Farley, Farly , Ann, 230 , Jane, 230 INDEX. S3I Farley, Thomas, i8r, 230 Farnian, Alice, loS , Mary, 108 , Ralph, 108 , Tho., loS Farmer, Charles, 188 , Elizabeth, 75 — — — , James, 303 , John, 135, 329, 334, 336, 337. 340. 454 , Madam, 472 , Thomas, 52, 170, 204 Farmor, Henry, 174 Farnarcque, Thomas, 198 Farnell, Robert, 169 [Farquaharson], Fercharson, Thomas, 444 Farr, Edward, 134 Farraby, The, 114 Farrands, Robert, 53 Farrar, John, 194 , Robert, 1 01 , William, 171, 268 Farrell, Edmond, 122 , Hugh, 370 , Roger, 370 , Simon, 138 Farren, John, 153 Farrer, James, 369 Farring, Miles, 74 Farringlon, Edmond, 44 , Edward, 44 , Eliza., 44 , John, 44 ■ , Mathew, 44 ■ , Sarra, 44 Farron, Samuel!, 75 Farror, Edmond, 370 Farrow, Robert, 477 Farthing, Edward, 432 Fassitt, James, 142 Fatrice, Nicholas, 192 Fauce (or Fance), Robert, 80 Faucey, Thomas, 324 Fauell, see Favell Faulkner, Thomas, 184, 250 Faux, John, 40 Favell, Christopher, 370 , Roger, 454 Favor, Jo., 36 Fa'well, see Farewell F'awn (Foane, or Fowne), Robert, 318*, 320*, 324 Fawne, John, 477 Fayrie, Oliver, 114 Feaghery, Thomas, 368 Feak, Richard, 502 Feake, Henry, 454, 501 Fear, Francis, 370 Fearfax, Tho., 51, see Fairfax Fearne, Henry, 194 , Paul, 118 Feat's, Robert, 116 Featlie, Tymothie, 94 Feaver, Robert, 454, see Fever Fedam, George, 178 Fee, Elisabeth, 428 Feeld, Henrie, 134, JtvEeld Feeldes, Henrie, 247 Feeldhouse, Jo., 36 Feelding, Jo., 129 Feild, James, 246 , William, 233 , see Field Feld, Tho., 67 Fell, Henry, 192 , Lidia, 369 , Thomas, 47S Feld, Jo., 124, sec Feeld Felkynn, John, 140 Felloe (or Fellow), William, 45. 425 Felton, John, 440 Felver, Joan, 67 Fenn, Alderman, 50 , Richard, 50, 179 Fennell, Edward, 449 , Robert, 188, 264 Fenner, Rabecca, 131 Fennick, Eliz., 106 Fenton, Agnis, 329 , James, 194 , Mr., 257 Fercharson [Farquaharson], Thomas, 444 Fergusson, Elisabeth, 423 , Thoma.s, 423 Fern, Henry, 431 Femall, Robert, 233 Ferneley (or Femley), Thomas, 166, 190 FeiTar, William, 209 Ferrell, Bridget, 459 Ferriman, Thomas, 433 , William, 426 Fetherston, John, 190 Fever, William, 284, see Feaver Feversham, Earl of, 165 Feyfield, Richard, 47S Field, Anthony, 478 , Henry, 139 , Richard, 123 . , see Feild Fifield, Abraham, 443 , Henry, 165, 166 , Richard, 454 Figiss, Arthur, 125, 126 Filborne, Robert, 141 Filenst, Tliomas, 172 Filks, John, 427 Fillingham, Francies, 293 Filmer, John, 1 78 P'inch, Benjamin, 488 , Frances, 211 , Joan, 4S8 , Sir John, 162 , Katherme, 488 , see Fynch Fine, Richard, 240 Y'vcm, Teage, 368, see Fynn Firebrass, John, \\\ Firmin, John, 2S1 Fish, Cliristopher, 70 Fisher, Edw-ard, 36, 51, 177, 219 , Gabriell, 122 (or Fissher), Henry, 171, 444 , Jane, 194 , John, 176, 1 88, 326, 329, 447 , , Katherine, 2 to , Robert, 36, 132, 210 , Samuell, 192 , Sarah, 219 , Sisly, 210 , Thomas, 191 , W'm., 138 Fister, Constance, 125 Fitch, Abigail, loi , Enecha, 236 , James, loi , Jo., 107, loS , Samuell, 390 , Tho., 236 Fits, Fitt, Fitte, Fitts , Alice, 179 , Ann, 227 , Robert, 178, 127,227, 501 , Thomas, 179 , see Fitz Fits James, Madam, 449, see Fitz James Fitzgerald, Morris, 477 Fitzgerard, Elenor, 424 , James, 424 , John, 424 Fitz James, Edward, 367, see Fits James Fitz Jarrell [? Fitzgerald], John, 368 Fitziefferys, Mr., 191 Fitz Nichols, Mary, 368 Fitzrandolph, Phillip, 367 Flaming, Peter, 74 Plane, Charles, 79 Flatter, Nico., 141 , Wm., 143 Fleetwood, Alexander, 134 Flege, Thomas, 291 67 2 532 INDEX. Flemg [? Fleming], Edmond, i Fontleroy, James, 369 369 Foockes, William, 243, see Fleming, [/.<•., Flemming], I Fookes Abram, 65 \ Foode, \Vm., 327 , Richard, 79 Fookes, Henrj-, 39, j« Foockes Fletcher, Benjamin, 165*, l66*, Foord, John, 469, 472, sec Ford 167 Foot, John, 319, 319*, 323 , Edward, 38, 192 1 , Richard, 467 (or Flettcher), George, ' Forbush, James, 367 441. 454 , Henry, 87 , John, 115, 352 , Lodowick, 118 , Miles, 95 , Noah, 427 , William, 425 F'lewellin (or Flcwilling), Peter, , 323. 328 Flexney, Thomas, 105 Flexny, Robert, 349, 356, 373, 391 Flint, George, 502 (or Flynt), Thomas, 183, | Forcey (or Forcy), Thomas, 318*, 319* Ford, Adrian, 103 , Barbara, 62 , Charles, 105 , Francis, 369 , George, 128, 152 , Jn., 285 , Mary, 85 , Richard, 447 , Rose, 425 , 'Ihomas, 478 , Tristram, 143 Foord Foreman, Samuell, 190 Forest, Jesse de, 199 Forestall, Richard, 477 Forgiue [/.f.. Forgive], Samuell, •54 Forrester, Agnes, 426 , Jane, 426, 438 , John, 438 , Thomas, 426, 438 Forrestor, Thomas, 443 ', Thomas", 138, 179, 247 Forstall, Richard, 342, 440, 454 259 Flinton, Elizabeth, 187 , Farrar, 251 , Joane, 187, 251 , Pharaoh, 273 Flit, Marie, 198 Flitcroft, Nicolas, 63 Floid, Nathaniel], 232 Floyd Flower, John, 132 Floyd, Thomas, 170, sec Floid Forster, Josias, 87 Fludd, David, 104 , Elizabeth, 96 , Jane, 96 , John, 211 , Joseph, 96 , Margett, 211 , Obediah, 96 , Tho., 75 , William, 211 Flude, Bartholmew, 38 Flynt, sec Flint Foane (Fowne, or Fawn), Robert, 318*, 320*, 324 Fogg (or Fogo), David, 348, 352, 363. 3«4. 395. 400, 405. 415, 418, 435 Fokar, Jo., 65 Folinsby, Alice, 437 Thomas, 437 Follett (or Follitt), John, 319, 319*. 323. 357 F'olly, Nico., 127 Follyn, Andrew, 471, jircFallin [ , Richard, 122 Fonccco Vale, Jacob, 450 '- , Robert, 502 Fonseire, Philip, 454 1 , Sylus, 84 , Thomas, 304 Forten, Jo., 131 Fortescue, Sir Nicholas, 157 , Symon, 268 Forth, George, 120 , John, 186, 254 Foskew, Thomas, 181 Fossitt, Fossett , Ann, 123, 172 , Robert, loi , Thomas, 172 , Ward in, 84 Foster, Christopher, 92 , Elizabeth, 324 , Francis, 92, 124 , Hester, 325. 329, 368 , Ho]iestill, 08 , James, 95 , John, 93, 173, 182, 478 , Nathaniell, 93 , Patience, 68 , Rabecca, 93 Foster, The, 85 . William, 390, 497 Fouch, Tho., 126 Fouche, Hugh, 127 Fouks, William, 186 Foulfoot, Tho., 42 F'oulke, Thomas, 192 , William, 254 FouUer, Frances, 174 , William, 183 Fountaine, Edward, 97 , John, 36 Fourdrin, Franyois, 198 Fousher, Phillip, 329 F'owle, Ann, 59 Fowler, Christopher, 439 , Francis, 232 , Geo., 114 , James, 327, 329, 433 , John, 41, 271, 454 • , Joshvia, 369 , Margrett, 259 , ^\•idow, 183 , William, 259 Fowne (Foane, or Fawn), Ro- bert, 318*, 320', 324 Fox, George, 124 , Hugh, 95 , John, 39, 93, 103, 30S , Nicholas, 104 , Phillis, 368 , Richard, 93 , Stephen, 368 ■ , Wm., 1 15 Foxcrofte, Tho., 113 Foxen, John, 179, 236 Foxsley, Jane, 123 Foy, Hugh, 478 Frame, William, 478 Framerie, Martin, 198 Francis, 209 j (a Negro), 182 , William, 296 Francisco, Mathias, 254 Francke, Daniell, 190 Francklin, Nicholas, 435 Franklin, Jonathan, 74 (Francklyn, Frank- lyn, or Francklyon), Thomas, 318*, 319*, 323, 367 Frankling, Christopher, 443 Fransum, Joseph, 368 Eraser, Malcum, 320* Frazill, John, 71 [210 Freame (or Freme), John, 171, Freboume, sec Freebourne Frederick, John, 447 .Free, John, 40 ■ Freel)ourne, Freeboum, Fre- I bourne, Fribourne INDEX. Freeboume, Mary, 278, 279 , Sarah, 27S , William, 278, 279 Freeman, Alice, 98 , Anthony, 130 , Bennet, 103 , Bridges, 182 , Edmond, 93, 98 , Edward, 98 Elizabeth, 98, 134, 436 (or Freman), Henry, 446 > John, 92, 98 . Joseph, 35S, 367, 384, 404 , Marie, 92 , Raph, 209 , Sycillie, 92 , Thomas, 93, 139 , William, 138, 502 Freme, see Freanie Freman, see Freeman French, Elizabeth, 99, 100 , Francis, 99 , John, 50, 99, 152 , Judeth, 283 , Marie, 99 , Roger, 326 , Samuel], 369 , Wm., 100 Frere, John, 477 , Tobias, 329, 477, see Frier , William, 477 Fresey, Ambrose, 191 Frethram, Richard, 193 Frethy, Tho., 153 Fretwell (or Frettwell), Ralph, 329, 472 Frey, John, 298 Friboume, see Freeboume Friccar, Jo., 11 1 Frie, Geo., 128, seeYvj Frier, George, 21S , Tobias, 79, see Frere , Vrsula, 218 , see Frj'er Frisbie, Richard, 260 Frisby, Elizabeth, 123 Frisle, Frissel, Frissell , Daniel, 423, 433 , Elizabeth, 423, 433 — — , Margery, 194 , Thomas, 423, 433 Frister, Robert, 123 Frith, Robert, ni , Samuell, 369 , Sarah, 42S , Tho., iiS Frogmorton, John, 176 Frost, Frostt , Francis, 454 , Reignold, 153 , Tho., 134 Fry, Fr}'e — , Henry, 191 — , John, 187, 190 — , Richard, 145 — , see Frie Fryer, George, 117, Ji-t" Frier Fryme, Richard, 38 Fulcock, Heniy, 133 Fulder, Kat., 113 Fulford, Jo., 82 Fulham, Thomas, 195 Fuller, Alice, 105 , Joane, 454 . Jo-. 73 , Marie, 48 , Wm., 73 Fulshaw, .Samuell, 193 Fuhvood, John, 181 Fulhvood, George, 141 Furbank, Bartholm, 127 Furbredd, Margerie, 37 Furey, Charles, 502 Furlow, Mr., igi Furse [alias Voss, Fusse, or Fuss), Morris, 333, 338, 340 Fusheir, Phillip, 461 Fusse, see Furse Futer, Thomas, 502 Fyers, Jone, 367 Fynch, Jo., 125, see Finch Fynn, John, 136, see Finn GAD, Anne, 467 , James, 467 Gadling, Henry, 12I Gadsby, Tho., 126 Gage, Joseph, 318* Gaich, Joseph, 319*, 323 Gaile, Elias, 175, 226 Gale, John, 172, 334, 337, 340, see Gall, Joseph , Richard, 70 Galhampton (Galhamton, Gil- hampton, or Gilhamton), Tho- n>as, 332, 335, 340, see Gil- hampton Gall, Andrew, 349, 361, 370, 379. 409 , Joseph, 334, see Gale, John Galler, Wm., 135 Galley, Tho., 135 Gallop, Ann, 337 Galloway, Charles, 75 Gamlin, Robert, 149 533 Gammage, Gamage, Gamadge, or Gamidge ,_ Stephen, 327, 330 .' Thomas, 333, 336, 341 Gane, Richard, 40, see Gayne Ganey, Henry, 187, Jtv Gany Gannock, Robert, 120 Ganter (or Gunter), Lester, 131 Gantois, P., 19S Gany, Anna, 1S7, 256 , Henrie, 251 , William, 187, 256, 273 , see Ganey Gard, Margeret, 123, jcf Guard Garde, Alexander de la, 75 Gardener, Wm., 85 Gardiner, Edward, 170 , Thomas, 507 Gardner, Ann, 75 , Charies, 317, 342, 344 , Edward, 107 , George, 370 , John, 371, 374 , Lyon, 118 , Mary, iiS , Peter, 68 • , Thomas, 123 , William, 507 Garland, Hugh, 36 , Jo., 112 Garman, Timothy, 435 Gamer, Mary, 502 t^ , Miller, 502 Garaett, Elizabeth, 1S7, 255 , Judith, 279 , Susan, 187, 255 • , Thomas, 187, 255 Gamey, James, 47S Garr, Symon, 137 Garrard, Edward, 71 .' Garret, Garrett , Emond, 502 , Francis, S3 , Owen, 71 , Steeven, 50 , Richard West — I3C , Tho., 81 , William, 217 Garrott, Thomas, 438 Gary, Edward, 478 Gascoign, Peter, 436 Gascoyne, Savill, 116 , Stephen, 447 ■, see Gaskoyne Gaselee, or Gaslee -, Elizabeth, 492 -, John, 478, 492 , Susanna, 492 Gasko, Thomas, 172 534 INDEX. GaskojTie, Thomas, 264, see Gascoyne, iSic. Caspar, Pierre, 198 Gass, Edward, 51 Gastrell, Ebedmelech, 169 Gater, Joan, 1 1 1 , Jo., Ill, 112 Gates, Klizabcth, 232 , Sir Thomas, 155 , Thomas, 179, 232, 270 Gather, John, 173 (ialon, The, 40 Gatter, John, 240 (iaughton, Nico., 86 <;ault, William, 294 Gaumon, Nallia., 184 Gauritlett (or Gawntlett), Wil- liam, I S3, 195 Gaurd, La, 1S4 (Javett, John, 194 Gavyn, Richard, 127 Gawntlett, see Gauntlett (jawyn, see MacGawyn Gay, Abell, 471 , James, 171 (or Guy), John, 326, 328 , Widow, 471 Gayer, I'^rancis, 112 Gayne, William, 187, 253, see Gane Gavton, Richard, 454 Gcales, William, 194 Ijean, Pontus Le, 199 Gedney, Hanah, 294 , John, 290, 294 , Ledia, 294 , Sarah, 294 Gee, John, 102, 229 , Samuel, 320, 32S, 341 Geere, Dennis, 87 , Elizabeth, 87 , Sara, 87 Geerie, Jo., 117 Geies, Wm., 135 Genney, Richard, 124 (Jenller, Vallentyn, 191 George, 188 , Henry, 1 12 , Thomas, 478 Gerden, IJridgct, 64 Gerish, Benjamin, 371 Gew, Henry, 126 Ghiselin, Claude, 199 Gilibes, see Gibbs Gibbins, OlilT, 125 Gibbons, Henry, 332, 33S 340 * , James, 60 , John, 461 — — , Malhew, 140 Gibbs, Gibbes ' , Bassill, 469, 472 , Edward, 86, 371, 466 , Francis, 223 , Jane, 126, 144 — — , John, 105, 131, 171, 211, 260, 316,318,323,343, 469, 478 , Joseph, 502 , Lieut., 209 [? — ], Mary, 469 , Nicholas, 342 , Phillip, 502 — — , Richard, 371 , .Sarah, 466 , Stephen, 329, 470 , Thomas, 323 Gibbson, Gibson , Ann, 62 , Francis, 174 , John, 122, 502 , Mathew, 502 , Nico., 112 , Richard, 141 , Walter, 52 , William, 40, 139 , Yeoman, 1 1 8 Giddins, Geo., 45, 46 , Jane, 45 Gidion, Rowland, 373 Gifford, Edward, 122 , Francis, 272 , Samuell, 444 Giggon, Jesper, 64 Gilbert, , 195 , Henry, 122 , James, 347, 358, 362, 394. 399.432. , , Nathaniell, 478 , Robert, 80, 43 1 , Roger, 122 , Thomas, 141, 365,383, 386, 398 , William, 297 Gilby, Robert, 39 Gilder, Henrie, 64 Gilding\vater, Tho., 74 Giles, Ann, 492 , George, 492 , Jonathan, 177, 222 -, Margrett, 184 , William, 322 , see Gyles Gilgate, Jo., 82 Gilhampton, Olliver, 445 Galhaiiipton Gill, Mark, 120 , Richard, 115 , Thomas, 129 GiUam, Gilham, Gillham , Ann, 97 , Ben., 97 , Eraanuell, 502 , Jo., 124, 478 , Tho., 124 , Wm., 137 Gille, Jan., 199 Gilles, Edward, 47S , , Junr., 47S Gillett, Richard, 194 Gilliard, Ante, 85 , John, 434 Gilson, Thomas, 74 Gislingham, Edward, 432 , Elisabeth, 432 J one, 432 Gilham, Gillham, see Gillam Gill, Allexander, 174, 240 , John, 104, 319*, 323 , , Junr., 319 Gitly, Henry, 433 Gittes, Henry, 371 Gittings, John, 489 , Mabell, 489 , Mar)-, 489 Gladdin, Tho., 356 Glade, Joseph, 38 Gladwell, Aymes, 66 Glaister, Richard, 37 Gla,sbrooke. Wm., 118 Glassenden, John, 133 Gleadston, Nicholas, 193 Glenester, Robert, 123 Gliffovd, Hanna, 109 [? Clif- ford] Gloster, Jo., 122 , Mathew, 170, 206 Glouer [/.c, Glover] Glover, Ale.xander, 128 , Henry, 178, 280 , John Jarvice, atuis, 181 , Richard, HI Glower, Charles, 1 50 Glynn, Bryan, loi Goad, John, 112, 142 , 'i'ho., ICX3 , Wm., 141 Goadby, Jo., 46 Goald, John, 319 Goard, Richard, 72, 76 Godbehere, Benjamin, 431 Godbitt, Tho., 79 Godbv, Joane, 253 '-, Thomas, 187, 253, 273 Goddard, John, 166* Goddin, Edward, 85 , George, 71 — , Jo, 13s , see Goding INDEX. Godding, Gooden or Goden, Abraham, 319, 320*, 325, see Coding Godftree, Gilbert, 372 • Godfrey, Andrew, 422 , Jo., lOI , Sarah, 422 Godfrie, Henrie, 140 Godfry, Mary, 371 Godmg, Peter, 454, see God- ding, &c. Godsall (or Godsal), John, ^ 316*, 317. 343 Godwin, Reinould, 258, see Goodwyn • , Robert, 261 Goeing, Frances, 499 , John, 499 Goff, William, 136 Goffe, Eliza, 107 , James, 49S , Marie, 87 , Michael, 498 Gogin, William, 372 Golane, Mary, 430 , Patric, 430 Gold, Edward, 54 , Eliz., 123 , Jarvice, 48 , William, 440 Goldenham, Jonas, 133 Golder, Wm., 124 Golding, George, i68 , John, 70 , Percivall, 371 , see Goulding Goldham, Alice, 67 Goldingham, James, 41 , John, 324, 460 see Goulding- ham Goldsmith, Arthure, 234 , Farford, 63 ■ , see Gouldsmith Goldwell, Ann, 113 Golthorp, Ralph, 103 Gomez, Isaac, 450 Gonn, Ann, 107 , Jasper, 107 Good, Thomas, 299 Goodale, Abraham, 282 , Isaacke, 282 , Mary, 2S2 ■ — , Robert, 282 Goodall, Katherin, 280 , Robert, 2S0 Goodbame, John, 119 Goodby, Jone, 187 Goodchild, Richard, 193 , Chrismus, 195 Gooddens, Adam, 291 Gooden, see Godding Goodenuff, Sam , 69 Goodfaith, Joseph, 304 Goodhew, Jane, 108 Goodhue, Nico., 108 Goodin, Anne, 293 Gooding, Joseph, 371 Goodladd, Richard, 80 Goodman, Ellz., 454 , Richard, 478 , Robert, 183, 260 , Tho., 37 , Tymothie, 75 Goodridge, Jo., 125 Goodson, John, loi, 125 Goodwene, John, 145 Goodwinn, Mary, 134 Goodwyn, Goodwynn , Jane, 134 , Marie, 67 , Reinold, 183, see God win , Tho., 81 , William. 150 Gookines, Daniell, 243 Goold (or Gould), Enock,3i6*, 3 '7. 343 , Thomas, 316, 342 , see Gould Goose, William, 293 Gorden, Edmond, 59 ■ , George, 372 , Peter, 478 Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 159* , Henry, 462 , Richard, Lord, 162 Gorham, John, 94 ^ Thomas, 94 Gorhie, Donough, 129 Gorman (or Gormon), Matthew, 47S, 495 Gorton, John, 372 , Richard, 372 , Steven, 122 Gosling, Tho., 81 Goslinn, Jo., 81 Gosnel, Elisabeth, 422 , John, 422 Gosselin, Wm., 142 Gosselyng, George, 161 • , James, 161* Gother, Henry, 372 Gough (or Gowgh), Mathew, 121, 137 Gould (or Goold), Enock, 316* 317. 343 — , Grace, 90 — , John, 90 — , Petter, 191 535 Gould, Thomas, 318 , William, 316* , see Goold Gouldfinch, Nicholas, 226 Goulding, Thomas, 239, see Golding Gouldinge, Jane, 152 , Sara, 249 Gouldingham, Henry, 465 , John, 465 , see Goldingham Gouldocke, Sara, 1S5 Gouldsmith, Arthur, 179 , Nicholas, 175 •, see Goldsmith Gouldson, Gouldston , Anne, 281 , Henery, 281, 2S2 •, Marv, 282 Gouldwell, Henry, 186 Gourdeman, Jean, 198 Gourney, William, 151 Govemeur, Abraham, 166* Gowde, Henry, 140 Gowen, Tho., 119 Gowgh, see Gough Grace, Benjamin, 454 ' ~ . Junr., 43S , Geo., 121 Grafton (or Graston), James, 37 , John, 364, 385, 397 Grame (or Grand), James, 37 Grane (or Graves), George, 175 Granger, Niccolas, 262 , Robert, 39 , Thomas, 129 , see Graunger Grant, Thomas, 431, .ffcGraunt Grasson, Wm., 123 Graston (or Grafton), James. 37 Graue, Graues, see Grave, Graves Graunger, Nicholas, 1S8, see Granger Graunt, John, 121 , Zeth, 150 , see Grant Grave, Elnor, 225, see Snow , George, 225 , Joan, 130 , John, 225 , Mary, 130 , William, 286 Graves (or Grane), Georee, 175 ^ , Mary, 467 , Richard, 92 -, Robert, 217, 467 , Rose, 467 536 INDEX. Graves, Thomas, 1 88, 263 Gray, Edward, 51 , Francis, 79 , George, 339 , John, 342 ■ , Mathcw, 342 , Richard, 137, 478, 494 , Robert, 372, 443, 47S , sec Grey Graye, Jone, 176, 228 , Margrett, 228 , Thomas, 176, 228 , William, 176, 228, 502 Grazbury, John, 307 Grazebury, James, 31 1 Greefeson, WiUiam, 139 Green, Jacob, 348, 369, 380, 383, 389, 406, 411, 416 , Richard, 317*, 319*, 324 , sec Greene Greene, Abigail, 150 , Aderton, 192 , Alexander, 123 , Ambrose, 140 , Daniell, 36 , Darcas, 278 , Edward, 125 , Elizabeth, 465, 467 , Ellin, 62 , George, 36,463 , Jacob, 150 , John, 70, 74, 81, 150, 176, 182, 194, 279 , Joseph, 150 , Nicholas, 71 , Percivall, 62 , Perseverance, I Jo , Richard, 86, 179, 236 , Robert, 102, 170 , Roger, 138 , Saloman (or SoUo- manj, 189, 264 , Sara, 113 , Sisley, 174 , Suzan, 7' , Thomas 38, 4S, 46, 83, 103, 142 , William, 7t, 126, 127, 141, 254, 462, 465, 467 Greenelefe, \Vm., 1 28, see Greenleafe Greenewood, John, 39 , Robert, 141 , see Greenwood Greenhill, Nicholas, 230 Greenidge, Jane, 490 , Jean, 478 , I'hilocleon, 490 , Richard, 478, 490 Greenleafe, Ami, 204 Greenleafe, Robert, 204 , Susan, 204 , Thomas, 204 ■, see Greenelefe Greenly, Jo., 51 , Steeven, 52 Greenoway, Ursula, 57 Greenslatt, Thomas, 373 Greenway, Robert, 357, 408 , Wm., 317*, 3I9*, 320* Greenwich, Jo., 74 Greenwood, John, 37, 437 , Tho., 51 , sec Greenewood Greevett, Ellin, 227 , John, 227 , see Grevett Gregorie, Alexander, 138 , Ben, IIS , Tho., 121 , sec Griggory Gregory, Orniond, 478 , Richard, 171, 222 , Thomas, 327, 331 , see Griggory Greigs, John, 352 Grenier, Antoine, 1 98 Grensild, Barbrey, 294 , Marey, 294 , Samuell, 294 Gressam, Edward, 128 , Jo., 127 Grestninh, Jacobus, 370 Gretrick, Thomas, 297 Grevett, John, 178, see Gree- vett Grey, Matthew, 472 ■, Ralph, 167*, 168 , Thomas, 162 , Ursula, 425 , see Gray, Graye Gribell, Thomas, 145 Griddick, Jo., 135 Griffige, Jo.an, 123 Griffin, Griffine, Griffinn , Ann, 113, 133 , Dennis, 372 , Edward, 417, 478 , George, 154 , Gualter, 428 , Henry, 427 — , John, 136, 226, 267 , Marie, 68 , Mathew, 192 , Rice (or Rise), 185, 243 , Richard, 190, 195 — , Thomas, 133, 194 , \Vm., 115 Griffin, .rccGriphin and Gruffin Griffith, Ambrose, 183 , Edward, 138 , Grace, 432 , Herbert, 489 , Jo., 120 , Josua, 97 , Rebecca, 432 , Robert, 432 , Wm., 119 , sec Gyffith. Griffiths, Richard, 41 Griff's, sec Griffith, Griffiths Griggory, John, 454, see Gre- gory, Gregorie Grigg's, Grigg , Alyce (or Alee), 44, 370 , Elisa, 44 , Geo., 44 , James, 44 , John, 478 , Alary, 44 , Robert, 370 , Tho., 44, 119 , Wm., 44 Griggson, Grigson , Richard, 80 , Robert, 478 , Wm., 38 Grimes, Ann, 173 , Gilbert, 73 , George, 190 (or Grines), George, 267 Grimscroft, Jo., 36 Grimston, Anthony, 102 Justice, 43 Grind, Richard, 135 Grindall, Edward, 135, 180 Grinder, Thomas, 172 Grindon, Edward, 270 Grindry, John, 187 ■', Jone, 187 , Mary, 187 Grines (or Grimes), George, 267 Griphin, Raph, 178, set Griffin, &c. Gritton, Ellizabeth, 454 Groneare, John, 502 Groue, Groues, see Grove, Groves Ground, Robert, 39 Grove, Benjamin, 353, 377 , Joseph, 440 , Richard, 231 , Wm., 129 , sec Groves Grover, Samuel, 132 Groves, Benjamin, 401 , Elizabeth, 87 , Jo., 87 , scv Grove Growce, Samuell, 118 Grubb, John, 271 , Thomas, 228 , William, 70 Grubthorn, Edward, 133 Grudge, Humfrey, 84 Gmffin, John, 192, sa- Griffin, &c. Gualmay, Thomas, 64 Guard, Elizabeth, 491 , Isabell, 491 , Peregrine, 491 , AVilliam, 347, 3:8, 362, 379. 387, 392, 403. 4'2. 413 , sfc- Card Gudderidge, Ann, 102 , The, 113 Guine (Gunie, or Gume), Grif- fine, 177 ( ), Thomas, 191, 192, 193 Guise, Christopher, 164* Gullifer, Tho., 71 Gulliver, Mr., 436 Gulstons, Chad., 195, see Gun- ston Gume (Guine or Gunie), Grif- fine, 177 GuiTiy [i.e., Gummy], Richard, 95 Gun, Daniel, 424 , Sarah, 424 , Thomas, 424 , see Gunne Gundrie, John, 251 ■ , Marie, 251 Gunie (Guine, or Gume) Grif- fine, 177 (or Guine), Thomas, 191, 192, 193 Gunne, Daniel, 465 , Henry, 465 , see Gun Gunnery, John, 274 Gunning, John, 478 Gunston, Chad., 189, see Gul- stons Guustone, Thomas, 462 Gunter (or Ganter), Lester, 131 , Wm., 142 j G"PPy> Justinean (or Juzti- pher, 332, 335, 341 , Wm., 318*, 319*, 320* Gurge, William, 151 Gurr, George, iSo, 236 Gurrish, Jeffery, 117 ' INDEX. Gutsall, Walter, 92 Guy, 445, 454 , Alice, 75 , Elisabeth, 428 , James, 205 (or Gay), John, 326, 32S , Richard, 120 , Robert, 171, 22S , Whitney, 195 , William, 35 Gwyne, Paul, 440 Gyffith, Ambrose, 255 , Joyse, 255 , see Griffith Gyles, Wm., 318*, 319*, sec Giles HABBARD, Joan, 496 , William, 496 Habbittell, Geo., 123 Habing, Thomas, 502 Habroll, James, 24 Hach, Thomas, 171 Hacker, Ferdinando, 375 , James, 296 , John, 233 Hacket, Hackett , Ann, 480 , Sir Robert, 494 , Robert, 376 , William, 479 Hackwell, Hackewell , , 88, 89, 90 , H., 87 , Jo., 66 , Richard, 73, 100 Robert, 91, 92, 96, 97 Hackwood, Mary, 429 Hadbie, Tho., 81 Hadbome, Anna, 91 , Anne, 91 , Geo., 91 Rebecca, 91 I'adnet, Humfrey, loi Haeward, Thomas, 149, see Haieward, Haiward, Hay- ward Haffell, see Hasfell Hagar (a Ncgi'o), 429 Haggar, Robert, 109 Ilaggat, Othniell, 338 Haglhorp, William, 479 Haiden, Tho., 128, see Hey- don, Heiden Haies, Ant"., 121 , James, 137 , John, 41 , Robert, 72 , William, 50 537 Haies, see Hayes Haieward, John, 70 , .Samuell, 56 , Sith, no , Richard, 121 , see Haeward, Ifay- ward, Haiward Haieword, Jaines, 43 Haile, Sarah, 132 , Thomas, 173 Maine (or Hanie), John, 1S4, see Hayne Haines (or Hames), Thomas, 128 ' ) • — — , William, , see Haynes Haiward, Robert, 1 11, ^^t' Hae- ward, &c. Hakes, Thomas, 191 Hakesby, Isabell, 113 Hal, Elisabeth, 437 — , Esther, 437 — , Francis, 437 •. Jehu, 434 , see Hall Halam, Robert, 169, see Hul- 1am, Halhmi HaUlin, Richard, 133 Hale, Barnabie, 379 , Jo., 119 , IJiomas, 206 Haler, Henrie, 112 Hales, Jo., H2 Haley, Dennis, 376 , Thomas, 479 , see Hayley, Haly, Hevlei Hal ford, Tho., 43 Halfyard, Aymies, 135 Halingworth, see Hallingworth Hall, Agnis, 283 , Anne, 421 [?-], , 469 , Anthony, 428 , Christopher, 176, 227 , Dorothy, 283 , Elizabeth, 283, 421 , Esther, 421 , Francis, 421, 455 , George, 173, 222 , Giles, 377 , Grissell, 283 , Hugh, 186, 252, 443, 507 , James, 115 , Jeffery, 185 , Joane, 283, 507 — — , John, 114, 141, 178, 227, 421, 426, 502 — , Joseph, 283 — , Richard, 447 68 538 INDEX. Hall, Robert, 414 , Samuell, 76 , Susan, 173, 222, 227, 4J2 , Susanna, 421 , Temperance, 283 , Thomas, 79, 80, 87, 1 1 1, 137, 188, 194, 235, 304 , Tristram, 283 , William, 112, 236, 332, 33S, 341, 469 , Si-c Hal Hallam, \Vm., 479, Jtv Halam, Hallum Hallers, Julian, 219 Hallett, Hallet ■ — •, Andrewe, 286 , Christopher, 422, 430 ■ — , tlregory, 434 , John, 328, 337, 366, 422, 430, 44'. 454 , Joseph, 326 , Mary, 422, 430 , Richard, 443 , Thomas, 327, 329 Halliack, John, 92 Hallier^, Idye, 210 Hallingworth, Halingnorth , Edward, 74 , Eli^., 108 , Richard, loS , Suian, 108 , iivHollingworth Halloway, Abraham, 63 , Darby, 424 , Lanthil, 424 — , Mary, 424 Hallowell, Huyn, 81 Hallum, Mary, 493 , \Vm., 493 , sci Halam, Hallum Halock, Edward, 94 Halsey, Jo., 76 , Richard, 112 Haly, Ellin, 116, sec Haley, Hayley, &c. Ham, John, 432, 455 , Joseph, 245 , Susanna, 432 Haman (or llamun), John, 191, 192 , Joseph, 185 , Malhew, 179 , si-e Hayman llamar, sec llamor Ilnmblon, Mathew, 67 Ilainblin, Wiilow, 455 Hamdy (or Harney), Richard, no Hamer, see Hamor llaiiierly, see Hammerly Hames, Clement, 136 , Richard, 143, see Hamis , Tho., 41 (or Haines), Tho., 12S ( ), William, l83 Hamey (or Haoidy), Richard, no Hamias, Moses, 449 Hamilton, Adam, 374 , James, Marquis of, 160 Hamis, Richard, 141, see Hames Hamlin, Giles, 360 Hammerly, .Martha, 469 Haniock, AUin, 120 Hamon, Mathew, 235 Hamond (or Hammond) , Christopher, 121 , Daniell, 86 , Elizabeth, 67, 279 , John, 41, 279 , Sarah, 279 Hamor, Hamar, Hamer, Ha- mors ^— — ; Elizabeth, 223 , Mrs., 174 , Raphe, 174, 223, 236, 271, 272 Hampton, Joane, 253, 261 • , John, 84, 183 , Mrs. 184 , William, 253, 261 Hamun (or Haman), John, 191, 192, see Hayman Hanbury, Daniell, 48 — — , Nicholas, 480 Hancock, Alexander, 378 , John, 137, 442 , Tho., 121 Hand, Tho., 124 , Winnifred, 64 Handcleare, Beniamine, 184, 243 Handley, Robert, n2 Hands, Richard, 41 Handy, Elizabeth, 466 , John, 455, 466 • — , Samuell, n I Hanes (or Haues), Luke, 120 Haney, John, 261 Hanford, Eglin, 56 , Eliz., 56 , Margaret, 56 I Hanger, Phillip, 377 — — — -, Richard, 303 Hanie, Elizabeth, 262 ! (or Hainc), John, 184 Haning, Wni., 142 Hankworth (or Haukworth), Nathaniell, 243 Hanmer, George, 86 , Tho., 128 Hanmerry, Nicholas, 479 Hannah, Andrew, 379 , George, 164, 167,446 • — , James, 167 Hannay, George, 163*, 343 Hannis, Richard, 141 Hanson, Ann, 4S9 -, Francis, 489 , John, 489 , Rebecca, 491 , Robert, 491 , Samuell, 454.462 Hanway, CJeorge, 165* Harberl, Edward, 480 , Jo., 91 , Wm., 102 Harbin, Allexander, 439 , Joseph, 439 Harbynn, I'eter, 127 Harcombe (or Hercombe), John, 319, 319*, 323 Ilardcastell, Mathew, 252 Hardeman (or Hardiman), John, 326, 330 Harding, Christopher, 190, 269 , Edward, 437, 455 , Kliz.,73 , Francis, 421, 454 •, Henry, 461, 466, 479, 495 404 , Hugh, 307 , John, 350, 374, 394, Katharine, 421 , Margery, 71 , Mary, 421 , Nathanael, 466 , Sara, 133 , Thomas, 182 , W^m., 133, 439, 446 Hardiss, Joan, 102 Hardisse, William, 102 Hardon, John, 121 Hardwick, Francis, 455 Hardy, Joseph, 357, 358, 374, 394. 404 , Robert, 73 Hare, I?ryan, 124 , Elvy, 490 , George, 490 , John, 437, 455 , Mary, 437 , Sarah, 490 , Suzan, 125 Harecourt, Robert, 156 Haret'iiich, Wm., 104 Hargrave, Richard, 35 Hargraves, Allis, 479 Hargrove, William, 493 Harison, set- Hairison Harker, John, 37S Harknood, Jo., 133 Harlakenden, Eliza, 100 — , Mable, 100 > Koger, 100 Harlow, Harlowe , Anthony, 178 , John, 82, 187, 250, 46S -, Richard, 468 Harlstone, Edward, 479 Harman, Captain, 47 , Charles, 264 , Ellis, 115 , Francis, 109 , Jo., -109 , Richard, 37 , Sara, 109 , Tho., 43, 51 , William, 462, 479 {^^'■P^'"' ?5°''g^' 343. 44°, 455 Harries, Maryes, 152 Harrington, Elias, iii Harris, Adria, 203 . Alice, 113, 1S6 , Anthony, 479, 491 , Dorithe, 170 , Edward, 377 , Elinor (or Elinor), 184, 243 , Elizabeth, 490 , Geo., 64 , Hannah, 431 , Henry, 297 , John, 42, 82, 103, 170, 252, 268, 211, 33S, 341, 359, 454 , Lieut., 180 , Lucy, 491 ■, iMabell, 49J, 494 , Richard, 87, 128, 467, 490 -I Robert, 36, 116, 142 , Thomas, 170, 203 , Walter, 149 > William, 39, 70, 114^ 135. 186, 193, 462 , Zachariah, 479, 490, 494 Harrison, Abraham, 502 , Ann, 1 86 , Charls, 437 — , George, 269 , Hugh, 104 , John, 39, 102 , Raphe, 195 INDEX. Harrison, Richard, 96 (Harison, or Harris- son), Robert, 1 38, 323, 331 William, 106 539 Harrowigg, Marie, 67 Harrwell, Tho., 143 Harrwood, sec Harwood- i^Iart, Harte, Hartt , Captain, 176 , Charity, 490 , Cliri., 85 , Dorothy, 490 , Edward, 479 , Isacke, 291 , Job, 490 , John, 94, 108, 149, 430 , Josias, 191 , Mary, 108, 152 , Robert, 85 , Tho., 91, 12S, 137 , Walter, 479, 490 , Wm., 102 Hartey, John, 316 Hartforde, Margrett, 47 Hartlie, Christopher, 140 Hartley, Jeremy, 71 . William, 174, 180, 233 Haruey, see Harvey Harvey, Harvye, Harvy, Harvie , Alexander, 122 I , Ann, 45 , Grace, 435 , Griffith, 373 , Henry, 447 , Sir John, 160 , John, 158, 440 , Nicholas, 37 , Richard, 45, 83 , Samuell, 195 •, Thomas, 232, 416 , William, 334, 338, 341 Harwood, Harrwood . Ann, 423 , Augustin, 105 , Daniel], 455 , Grace, 241 , John, 423 . Margarett, 151 -, Mary, 423 -, Paule 187, 253 -, Ralph, 40 -, Richard, 329, 337 -, Robert, 122 -, Thomas, 120, 178, 241 •, William, 181, 238 Hasfell, Marie, 55 , Martha, 55 , Rachell, 55 , Richard, 55 Hasfell, Ruth, 55 •, Sai-.i, 55 Hasell, John, 445 { ~, Peter, 3 78 , William, 374 , see Hassell, Hazel Haselwood, Elizabeth, 488, 494 , Jane, 494 , Richard, 488 -> Thomas, 479, 488, 494 Haslewood, Walter, 237 H.asley, John, 181, 238 Hassard, Edward, 67, see Hazard Hassell, Benjamin, /[-].[ , Ralph, 454 , Wm., 122 , see Hasell, Hazel Hastings, Edward, 69 — , Susan, 280 . — , Thomas, 280 Hatch, Rebecca, 187 , Thomas, 222 Hatchet, Tho., 102 Hatfeild, Hatfield, Hattfild , Joseph, I S3, 260 , William, 172, 210 llathorn, Jo., 103 Hathome, TIio., 47 Hathoway, Jo., 108 Hathway, Samuell, 455 , Suzan, 96 Hatrell, George, 135 Hattertoii, Jo., 80 Hattfild, see Hatfeild Hatton, Ann, 430 -, Charles, 479 ■, John, 248 -, Olive, 248 , Robert, 373 , Thomas, 430 , Wm,, 129 Hanby, Richard, 39 Haues (or Hanes), Luke, 120 Haughtaine, Richard, 4S0 Haughton (or Houghton), Epaphroditus, 165*, 166 — , Gerrard, 298, see Hawton Hauiland, see Haviland Haukins, see Hawkins Haukom, see Hawlkom, &c. Haukseworth, Tho., 43, see Hawksworth Haukworth (or Hankworth), Nathaniell, 243, see Hawks- worth Haulkoni, see Hawlkom Haulton, William, 279 540 INDEX. llausen (or Hawen), Samucll, 479 llavercamp, Francis, 126 liavilaml, .Mathew, 329, 4^+ — , Miles, 374 Haward, Henry, 278/ , Hugh, 218 , Susan, 2l8 , ste Hay ward Haway, Thomas, 172 Hawen (or Hauscn), Samuel!, 479 Hawes, Ann, 131 , Anna, 131 , Obediah, 131 , ReginoU, 37 , Richard, 131 1 lawker, Timothy, 334, 33S, 341 Hawkes, Ellin, 117 , Mar)', 117 , \Vm., 124 Hawkins, Abraham, 424 , Andrew, 443 , Clement, 74 , Geo., 83 , James, 125 , Job, 56 , Mar)-, 424 , Richard, 59 ■ — , Thomas, iSo, 234, 424 , William, 151 see Hawkynns Hayman, Nathan, 400, 404, 414 , William, 39 Hayman, see Haman Hayne, Haynes , John, 318*, 319*, 324 , Michell, 119 , William, SiS", 319*, 322. 333. 337, 340 , see Haine, Haines Hayse, Thomas, 331 Hayte, Robert, 470 Hay ward, John, 470 -— , William, 70 , see Haward, Hae- %vard, &c. Haywood, John, 331, 446, 479 , Widow, 447 , see Heywood [?Hazard], Henry, 188 , Joane, 188 , John, 188, 24S see Hassard Hawksworth, John, 454, 455, 459 , William, 469 , see Haukworth Hawkynns, Marie, 58 , Robert, 58 , see Hawkins Hawley, Geo., 120 , Henry, 126, 160, 426, 434 , Jane, 426 Hawlkom (Haulkom, Haul- kon, Haukom, or Holcombe), Andrew, 319, 319*, 323 Hawton, GerartI, 374, see Haughton Haxley, Robert, 64 Hay, baiiiell de La, 297 , John De La, 296 , I'eter, 160 Hayem, Abraham, 373- Hayes, Jane, 490 , Martin, 402, 444 , Thomas, 479. 490 , see Haies Hayley, Ar.thony, 435, see Haly, Haley, Heylci Hazell, Toby, 64, see Hasell, Hassell Healy, Wm., 375, see Hely Hearst, Wm., 455 Heath, Elizabeth, 130 , Isack, 130 , Martha, 130 , Robert, 1 35 , Thomas, 121 •, William, 150 Heathfeild (or Heatchfeild), John, 318*, 319*, 323 Heaton, John, 446 Hebbs, Thomas, 175 Hebden, Tho., 37 Heck, Katherin Van, loi , Olliver Van, lOl , Peter Van, tot Hecthrop (or Hectrop), Wm., 347. 455 Hedges, Francis, 87 , Robert, 1 74, 240 Hedley, Hedly , Edward, 86 , Michell, 124 , Tho., 86 Hedsall, Thoma.s, 54 Heed, Robert, 84 Heelis, Geo., 134 Heford, Nathan, 45 , Roger, 242 Heiden, Henry, iii, see Hai- den, Heydon Helawe, Wm., 81 Helcott, Thomas, 177, 265 Helin (Hellin, Helline, or He- [ lyn), John, 176, 181, 313* Hellicr, see Hellyer Hellin, &c., see Helin Hellue, Robert, 193 Hellyer (Hellier or HiUier), Robert, 327, 329 ( ), Thomas, 327, 329 Helmes, John, 376 , Thomas, 502 Hely, John, 171, 210 , >Iathew, 8l , see Healy Heljm, see Helin Heming \i.e.. Hemming], Jo., 122 Henderson, Francis, 479 , Wm., 472 Hendly, Daniell, 374 , Eli/.-, 374 Hendry, Jo., 123 Hendy, Richard, 434 Henley, Edward, 324 llenly, Ralph, 429 Henman, Jo., 134 Henry, 184, 1 88 , Anna, 431 , Anthony, 431 , Wm., 86 Henson, Phillipp, 52 Henton, Elias, 236 Henwood, Ann, 434 Thomas, 434 Hepworth, Joseph, 41 Herbert, Elisabeth, 424 , Charles, 162* , Henry, 378 , W'illiani, 424 Hcrcombe (or llarcombe), John, 319, 319*, 323 Hereford, Peter, 184 Hernden, Tho., 134 Hero, Oble, 261 Heron, John, 105, 140 Herrick, Isaac, 373 Herring, Jo., 75 Herringman, William, 479 Herrott, Edward, 137 Hersey, Richard, 95 Heslerlon, Thora»s, 445 Heth, Jo., 132 Hetherington,.Katherine, 374 Hethersall, Thomas, 188, 272 Hethei-sell (or Hethersall), John, 330, 338, 343 Hewbrayne, John, 154 Hewes, John, 502 , Thomas, 254 , see Hughes, Hughs, Hues INDEX. 541 Hewitt, Robert, 446, 471, see Huett Heydon, J., 303, see Haiden, Heiden Heylei, Richard, 43, see Haley, Hayley Heywood, John, 374, see Hay- wood Ilibljins, James, 63 Hibbott's, Katherin, 96 Hichcocke, Kilibett, 173 , Thomas, 177, 189 , William, 181 , see Hitchcock Hickcombottom, Jo., 36, see Higginbotham Hickey, Wm., 104 Hickles, Jane, 143 Hickman, Charity, 493 , Richard, 493 , Walter, 493 Hickmore, Mr., 174 Hicmott, James, 224 Hide, James, 81 | , Richard, 125 I , see Hyde j Higges, Miles, 306 ] Higginbotham, John, 441, 455, see Hickcombottam Higgins, Elizabeth, 185 , John, 39, 206 Higginson, Ann, 124 , Hu^frey, 124 — ^ , Margaret, 502 Higgison, Henry, 375 Higley, John, 374 Hilgrove, Alexander, 429 Hilk, John, 37S Hilnian, jv Jenkin, Jenkyns, Walter, 137 ) &.c. Jennicom, Tho., 87 Jennings, Heniy, 87 ■ , Jane, 129 , fohn, 141, 402 , Michaell, 382 — ■ , Mallieiv, J 92 , Nicholas, 279 , Phillip)), 51 , Richard, 133 — , Sara, 133 , William, 382 ■ , /£V Jennins, Jennyngs Jennins, Anne, 465 , Matthew, 465 , Richard, 303 , see Jennings, Jennyngs Jennions, Tho., 122 Jennisun, AUex, 455 , Henry, 425 Jennor, Jenor, Jenoiir, Jenoux , Anthony, 370, 379, 3S2, 398, 409 , Edward, 38 — , Thomas, 36S, 404 Jennoway, Suzan, 127 Jennyngs (or Jenyngs), Rich- ard, 307, 310 Jephson, John, 470 Jermayne, Thomas, 152 Jernew, Eliz., 120 , Joan, 120 ■ — , Nicholas, 120 Jerratt, sec Jarratt, Jarret Jesop, Walter, 283 Jesope, , 2S3 Jesopp, Tho., 36 Jeiine, Gregoire le, 198 Jewell, Christopher, 317*, 319*, 323 , Tho., 53 , Walter, 96 Jewson, Elizabeth, 490 Jinkines, AUexander, 252 , Joane, 252 ■ — , Oliver, 252 , j, 189, 191 , (Irishman), 194 , NIorgan, 3S2 , (Negro), 86, 172 Johnes, Uavid, 38 , Hugh, 74 , Jo., 49 , Oliver, 135 , Sara, 150 , see Jones, Joanes, &c. Johns, PhiUipp, 1 1 1 Johnson, Al-, 55 , Nathaniell, 55 — , Rebecca, 55 , Tho., 55 Jourden, Edward, 342, see Jor- dan Joy, Edmund, 426 , William, 182 Joyce, Henery, 145 , William, 261 Joyner, Jo., 52 , Tho., 132 Judd, ilarbert, 103 Jues (or Ives), Charles, 442 Juiman, John, 187 Julian, Robert, 227 , Sara, 185, 247 , William, 185, 247, 273 Jumrey, see Pomre, &c. Justin (or Justine) Humphry, (&c.) 316*, 317, 342 KALLAHANE, Charles, 355, 356, 359. 361, 373. 378. 379. 3S2, 386, 391, 409, 416, 417 Kamplinn, see Kemplin Kanniday, Ann, 422 , Mary, 422 , Thomas, 422 Kanty, Darby, 503 Karsewell, William, 123 Karvis, Jane, 435 — , Henry, 435 Kay, see Mac Kay Keal, Keale, Keel, Keele, Kerle , Oeorge, 333, 335, 341 , John, 335, 339, 340 Kcan, Alice, 178, 228 Keatch (or Keech), Richard, 326, 330 Kedby, tho., 138 Keech, see Keatch Keel, see Keal Keele, Edward, 46, sec Keal Keie, Sarah, 214 , Thomas, 214 , see Key Keith, Elizabeth, 508 , Henry, 3S3 , James, 508 , see Keth Kelly, Ann, 489 , Brian, 122 , David, 480 . Robert, 343, 503 KcIIey, Humphrey, 434 '-, John, 430, 503 Kellum, Ricliard, 115 Kelsoll, Henr)', 471 Kelum, Robert, 1 17 Kemball, Elizabeth, 28r, 282 — — — , Henery, 28io, 282 , John, 282 , Martha, 282 • — , Mar)', 282 , Richard, 280, 282 , Susan, 280, 282 , Thomas, 282 , Ursula, 280 Kember, Robert, 240 Kenij), Anthony, 218 , Edward, 73 , Humfrey, 133 , Isack, 112 , Margrett, 218 , Mary, 497 , Ralph, 497 , Thomas, 497 , William, 177, 185, 218, 247 Kemplin (Kempl)!!, Kamplinn, or Scamplyn), John, 319, 319% 325 Kendall, Henry, 129 , James, 165, 166, 326, 328 , William, 480, 495 Kendridd, William, 109 Keninston, Thomas, 195 Keniston, Allen, 218 (or Kniston), Thomas, 221 Kenn, Mathew, 503 Kenneday, Jo., 1 17 , Symon, 36 Kennedy, Ellinor, 383 . John, 383 Kennell, Samuell, 183, 25S Kenney, John, 488, 493, 496 Kennyon, Geo., 85 , Jo., 85 Kent, Edward, 316, 318, 343 , Humfry (&c.), 215, 268 , Joane, 215 , Jo., 129 , iN'ico., 79 , I'etcr, 317*, 319*, 324 Kentt, Ilumry, 455 Kerbie, Jo., 130 ) jfrKirbie, Kerby,liumfrey,75 ( Kirby Kerfitt, Thomas, 227 Kcrill, John, 193 Kerle, sec Keal Kersey, Thomas, 303 Kersley, Henr)-, 184 , Robert, 36 Kerton, William, 191 Keth, (Jcorge, 248 , John, 248 (or Keylh), Mr., 188, 229, 273 , .Susan, 229 , sec Keith Kett, Robert, 38 Kettell, Peter, 73 Kevynn, Robert, loi Kew, Anne, 448 , Nicholas, 383 Key, John, 41, 141 ■ , William, 480 Keyne, Ann, 107 , lien., 107 , Robert, 107 Key.ser, see Keyzar Keysie, Lawrence, 143 Keylh, see Keith, Keth Keyzar, Kezar, Keyser . (leorge, 462, 465 , Katherine, 492 , Margaret, 465 , Teague, 480, 492 Kibe, Jo., Si Kid (or Kidd), Roger, 176, 221 Kiddall, Sara, 177 Kiilson, Marmaduke, loi Kiffin, David, 122 Kilborne, Dunston, 40 , Elizabeth, 2S0 , Francis [Frances], 66 , Jo., 66 , I.yddia, 66 , Margaret, 66 , Marie, 66 , Thomas, 66, 280 Kilby, Henry, 125 Kildale, Edward, 219 Kildridge, William, 186 Kilhammy, Patric, 426 Kilin, John, 293 Killinghall, Margaret, 132 INDEX. 547 Killson, Thomas, 249 Kimp, Michell, 73 Kinderslie, Marie, 71 King, Allin, 116 , Edward, 119, 129 , Henery, 238 , John, 143, 324 , Mary, 424 — — , Richard, 71, 316, 317*, 343, 480 , Robert, 503 , Suzan, 94 , Thomas, 93, 128, I41, 279, 282, 424 , William, 51, 98, 137, .383. 404 Kinge, Dorothy, 2S5 , Hanna, 2S5 , Katheryn, 2S5 , Percy, 61 , Mary, 285 , William, 285 Kinghman, sec Kingman, John Kingman, Anne, 2S5 , Edward, 2S4 , Henry, 284 , Joane, 284 -, (or Kinghman), John, 285 , Thomas, 285 Kingsland, Major, 495 , Robert, 347, 393 Kingsley, William, 234 Kingsmeale, Mr., 178 , Mrs., 178 Kingsniell, Jane, 229 , Mr., 230 , Nathaniell, 229 ■ , Richard, 229, 230, 271 , Susan, 229 Kingsmill, James, ill Kingston, James, 140 , John, 434 • > Phillis, 434 Kinham, Alice, 285 Kinnoul, William, Earl of, 161* Kinsland, Nathaniell, 480 Kinston, Thomas, 176 Kinton, John, 190 Kipps, Jean, 4S0 Kirbie,Richard,ii2 ) j^cKerbie, Kirby, Henry, 434 j Kerby Kirk, Chri., 124 , Judith, 62 Kirton, PhiUipp. 480' Kitchin, John, 117, 2S4 , Koliert, 352 Kithly, Phillip, 235 Knatchbull, John, 503 Knell, Phillip, 34S, 416 Knibb, Tho., 121 Knight, Beniamin, 189, 262 , Dorothie, 107 , Christopher, 316* , Edmond, 38 , John, 195, 299, 316" , Mordecay, 236 , Richard, 191, 193 192 Robert, 298 , Sara, 107 , Thomas, So , Wm., 64, 82 Knights, Benjamin, 503 , John, 480 Knightingall, Nathaniell, 503 Knipe, Samuel, 12S Kniston (or Keniston), Tliomas 221 Knore, Noll, 92 , Sara, 92 , 'I'homas, 92 Knott, Abraham, 364, 377. 380, 396 , James, 18S, 264 , John, 354 , Joseph, 360, 364 372. 390> 397. 40S, 412 , Wm., 353, 407, 412 Knowles, Andrew, 480 ■, Henry, 62 -, Isarell, 195 -, John, 139 •, Tho., ;69, 366, Lake, Jo., 86, 139 , Mr., 181 . Wm., 75, III Lakeland, Sibbell, 102 Lamb, Jo., 129 , Robert, 96 Lambard, Richard, S3 Lambait, Wm., 59 Lamberd, Tho., 52 Lambert, Arthur, 481 , Elisabeth, 434 , Charles, 139 , Henry, 198 , Robert 331 , Sammuell, 257 , Thomas, 434 Lambertt, William, 190 Lambeth, Marie, 75 Lamborne, Thomas, 441 Lame (or Laine), Nethaniel, 194 Lammas, Edward, 59 Lammy, Edward, 409 Lampeugh, Edward, 38 Lampley, James, 127 Lamply, John, 448 Lainyn [i.e., Lammy n"', Wra. 5' Lancaster, Govven, 101 , Phillip, 456 Land, Geoige, 2S5 , Sarah, 285 Landall, Robert, 443 Landman, John, 172 Landsdale (or Lansdalc), Mar- Koker, John, 460 Koorbe, Roger, 79 KuUaway, John, 174 Kyrtland, Nalh., 44 , Phillip, 44 Kyte, John, 383 LACIE, Robert, 81 Lacon, Launcelott, 141 , Mary, 193 , Richard, 466 , Thomas, 481 Lacton, Henery, 223 Lacy, Wm., 85 Ladson, John, 385 Ladston, John, 448 La (jarde, Alexander De, 75 La Guard, 1S4 Lahane, John, 461 La Hay, Daniell De, 297 , John De, 296 Laine (or Lame), Nethaniel, 94 Lake, Jacob, 52 garet, 421, 422 phen, 421, 422 Ste- Wil- liam, 421, 422 Landsdell, William, 274 Lane, Alice, 68, 253 , Anthony, 503 , Henery, 211 , Hester, 443 , Jo., 68 , Nathaniel, 431 , O^iell, 68 , Rabecca, 102 , Ralph, 324 , Richard, 67 , Robert, 435 , Sanmel, 68 , Thomas, 183, 253 Laners (or Lavers), Juane, 152 Lang, see Land Langbridge (or Laughbridge), Francis, 327, 329 Langden, Peter, 184 Lange, Jo., 81 69 — 2 548 IXDEX. Langford, Abraham, 438 , Harry, 385 , Marcie, 95 LaiUjham, Thomas, 503 l„inglcy, Mr., 196 , Sara, 1 74 , Wni., 64, 384 I,angman, Mar>', 225 — — '■ , IVeter, 225, 229 l-angram, Rowland, 127 l-inj;ritige, Robert, 39 l-angslold, Edward, 1 20 Laiiglon, .Stephen, 439 , Thomas, 384 j Ling\vorth, Francis, 83 I J.angworthy, Nicholas, 456 I^niere, Clement, 422 , Rebecca, 422 (or Lanier), Robert, 422, 443 Lankfeild, , 183 , John, 182 Lan.sdale, st-e Landsdale Lapworlh, Michael), 233 , Robert, 201 l.arbce, Jacob, 218 I.arkham, Thomas, 42S Larkynn, Richard, 135 , Tho., 86 Larmount, James, 183 l.aroch. Widow, 442 l.asey, John, 190 , Sus.an, 227 , William, 227 l.athom, Robert, 240 l„-ithrop, John, 217 1, aimer, Francis, 104 l-auckfild, Alice, 258 . , John, 258 Lauerickc, see Laverickc Lauers, see Lavers l.aughbridge (or Langbridge), Francis, 327, 329 Launder, Tho., 97, see Lawn- der I^vericke, John, 282 Lavers (or Laners), Joane, 152 Lavor, Wm., 79 Lawes, [F]rancis, 280 , Liddea, 290 , Marey, 290 Lawford, Richard, 448 Lawle-ss, William, 438 Lawnder, Jo., 143, see Launder I»iwrancc, Henry, 503 , Sir Thomas, 165* , see Lawrence Lawrell, William, 177 Lawrence, Ann, 424 Lawrence, Barbara, 424 167*, Lawrence, Black well, 139 , Daniel, 424, 436 , Dorothy, 67 , Elizabeth, 67 , John, 45, 75 , Marie, 45 , Nicolas, 49S , Richard, 38, 79 , ."^amuel, 327, 329 , Sir Thomas (165*), 168 , Thomas, 168 , William, 45, 1 38 , see Lawrance Lawson, Alee, (174), 232 , Christopher, 174, 232 , Thomas, 192 Lawsone, .Samuell, 145 Lawlei-s, John, 94 Laycock, Robert, 71 L.ayden, John, 267 , Kalherin, 207 l.aydon, Alice, 185, 245 , Anne, 185, 244 , John, 185, 244 , Kalherin, 185, 245 , Margerett, 245 , Virginia, 185, 245 , Wm., 70 Layfield, .Ann, 124 Layton, Edward, 40 , Henry, 472 , Richard, 456 , Thomas, 472 Lea, John, 277 , I'hillip, 303 - — , Robert, 55, 57, 60, 61, 64 , Thomas, 217 , Wm., 49 , see Lee Leach, John, 503, see Leech , Margaret, 49, 59 Leachman, James, 135 Leager, Widow, 503 Leak, Augustine, 239 , Winifred, 239 Leake, Alexander, 94 , Anne, 91 (or Leaker), John, 332, 336. 340 , Richard, in , Robert, 1 28 — ■ — , Thomas, 70, 469 Leaker, see Leake, John Lcane (or Leave), Tego, 1 53 Leare, Sir Peter, 463 , Thomas, 463 I>;xs, George, 141 Leaue, see Leave Leauer, see Leaver Leave (or Leane), Tego, Leaver, Robert, 195 Leaves, Ellin, 131 Leay, Andrew, 69 , Jo., 69 I^ca, Jan., 198 Lecester, Jo., 93, see Leister Lester Lecheillcs, Jacques dc, 198 Ix;craift, Thomas, 303 Ledra, John, 456 Lee, Anthony, 112 , Charles, 448 , Christopher, 224 , Danicll, 82 , George, 64, 1 14 , Henry, 51, 113, 3S4, 386 , James, 143, 4S1 , John, 36, 102, 115, 143, •45. 35'- 37' , Marie, 113, 114 , Richard, 74, 81, 3S5 , Robert, 75 — — , Tho., 40 , Waller, 134 , William, 86, III, 31S, 344, see Ley , see Lea Leech, George, 497 , MiUicent, 67 , John, 497 , Richard, 51 , Sasanna, 497 , William, 497 , see 1^'ach Leed, Tho., 118 Leeds, Joane, 292 , Richard, 292 Leek, Edward, 433 Leer, Thomas, 136, 456 Lees, Christopher, 218 Leet, Mr., 178 , William, 163 Legard, C, 497, 498 , John, 447 Legardo, Elias, 261 Legay (or Lagaye), Jacob, Senr., 447, 503 , Jacob, 444 , John, 445 Le Gean, Pontus, 199 Lcgg, Christopher, 114, 119 , John, 164* , Samuell, 359, 384, 389, 401, 407 Leigh, Charts, 424, 428, 433 , Martha, 424. 428, 433 , Sarah, 424, 433, 481 INDEX. 549, Leigh, William, 428, 494 Leinster, Mainhardt, Duke of, 166* Leisler, Jacob, 166* Leister, Thomas, 174, 221, see Lecester, Lester Le Jeune, Gregoire, 198 Lelam, Alice, 425 , Henry, 425 , Mary, 425 LcHntl, Christopher, 481 Lelland, Henry, 445 Lern \i.e., Lemm], Mathew, 79 Leman, Kathprine, 218 Le Marlier, Nicolas De, 199 Lemon (or Lennon), Wm., 120 Lendall, Robert, 122 Lene, Edward, 120 Lennon, Richard, 440 ■ — (or Lemon). Wm., 120 Lennox, James, Duke of, 159* , Lodowick, Duke of, 156 Leonard, Tho., 112 Le Rou, Jan, 198 Leroux, Jacob, 364, 385 Le Roy, Hugh, 123 , Jerome, 199 Lerrigo, Marie, 123 Leslie, John, 507 Lester, John, 108 , see Pester, Lecester, Leister Letherland, Mary, 432 I^tt, Tho., 63 Letteny, Tho., 40, see Lettyne Lettis, Thomas, 481 Lettyne, Tho., 60, see Letteny Leusier, Michel, 199 Levant, Isabella, 428 Leverett, John, 163 Levett (or Livett), George, 172, 255 Levins, John, I49 Levitt, Alice, 124 Le Voh, Phillip, 427 Le\'ynii3, Ann, 120 Levyns, Wm., 41 Lewes, Edward, 119 , Eliz., 108 , John, 35, 126 , Richard, 127 — , Robert, 79, 103, 108 , Roger, 207 , William, 120, 150 , see Lewis Leisgar, John, 385 , WiUiam, 328 Lewis, David, 48 1 , Echnoud, 280, 281, 4S1 , Hugh, 503 , John, 281, 4S1 , Mary, 280 -, Roger, 172 , Thomas, 281 , see Lewes Ley, Thomas, 173 ■, William, 161, 316, see Lee Lickburrowe, James, 36 Liddicott, John, 153 Lieford, Ann, 77 Lielate, Anthoine de, 199 Lightbound, Richard, 140 Lightfoote, John, 174, 223 Lilburne, Richard, 386, 393 Lillie, Edward, 125 Lillington, George, 329, 343, 456 Lilliot, Martha, 134 Limrick, Launcelott, 104 Lince, Robert, 220 Linch, Thomas, 159*, see Lynch Linck, Thomas, 481 Lincklate, William, 498 Lincoln, Elizabeth, 102 , John, Bishop of, 157 — ■ , see Linkon Lincolne, Cap., 195 Lincorne, Samuell, 290 Lindsey, Robert, 179 Line, see Lyne Ling (or Linge), John, 41, 172 Linge, Henry, 172 Linicker, John, 218 Linkon, Ann, 171, «« Lincoln Links, Thomas, 456 Linsey, Daniell, 290 Linton, Thomas, 324, see Lyn- ton Lintott, Richard, 330, 462 Lipps, John, 216 Lister, Mary, 448 , Thomas, 104 Liswel, Hanna, 422 , John, 422 , Mar)', 422 Little, Jane, 495 , John, 495 Littlefeild, Annis, 299 Littleton, Edward, 503 Littlewood, Peter, 467 Litton, John, 194 , Wm., 445, 456 Liversidge, Richard, 112 Livett, see Levett Lizard, John, 433 Lizard, Stephen, 433 Lloyd, David, 129 •, John, 344, 385 , Judith, 136 , Katherin, 71 • , Leolin, 508 , Maudlin, 117 • , Nowell, 124 , Richard, 102, i66 , Tho., 79 , Walter, 130 , see Loyd Lock, Ann, 3S3 , Richard, 50 , Wm., 43, 141 Locke, John, 195, 472 , Robert, 186, 254 Lockbeare (or Lockebeare), Ellas, 316*, 317* Lockley, Richard, in Locksmith, Thomas, 481 Lockton, John, 430 Lockwood, Nicholas, 348, 35S, 362, 363, 368, 370,371,380. 387 Lodge, Wm., 52 Loe, Jo., 132 , Peter, 116 Loftis, John, 41 Lone (or Love), Tho., 71 Long, Elizabeth, 64 , Henry, 40 , Jane, 235 , John, 52, 193, 327, 330, 3S0, 38S , Katherin, 102 , Nic-, loS , Will., 432, 435 Longe, Alice, 242 , Anne, 90 , Elias (or Ellias), 170, 285 , Eliza, 89, go , EUyn, 60 , John, 90 , Joshua, 90 •, Mary, go , Michell, 90 , Nicholas, 181 , Rebecca, 90 , Richard, 184, 242 — — , Robert, Sg, 90, 242 , Sarra, 90 — ^, William, 184, 243 , Zachery, 90 Longman, Petter, 1 89 Lonnin, James, 43 Longsha, Henry, 74 Longson, William, 385 Longstaff, Elizabeth, 481 550 INDEX. Longwith, William, 71 Looker, Joan, 127 Loomes, Edward, 68 Lopes, Lopez • , Aliraham, 384, 449 ■ , Eliah, 450 , Rachell. 450 , Tclles Abraham, 386 Lord, Ann, 72 , Antlio., 463 , Ayniie, 72 — — , Dorothy, 72 , John, 72 ' , Robert, 72 , Thomas, 72 , WiUiani, 72 Lort, Sampson, 133 Lostell, Peter, 64 Lottis, Rowland, 180 Loue, see Love Louell, see Lovell Loueridgc, see Loveridge Love, Mary, 503 , Richard, 81 (or Lone), Tho., 71 — — • Valentine, 64 Loveley, Lovely , Ann, 52 ,. Mary, 52 Lovell, Anne, 285 , Constance, 481 , Elizabeth, 74, 285 , EUyn, 285 , Francis, 448 , James, 285 . , John, 285 , Mrs., 456 , Phillijip, 74 , Robert, 285 , Roger, 456 , Zacheiis, 285 Lovely, sec Loveley Loveridge, Bernard (&c.), 316, 318. 344 , John, 326, 329 , William, 326 Lovett, Gurtred, 129 , Mary, 126 , Robert, 112 Lowdcr, James 82 Lowe, Dorolhie, 132 , Thomas, 444 Lewis, Originall, 81 Lowman, Harnard (&c.), 318* Lownd, John, 122 Lowre, John, 481 Lowther, Christo])her, 384 , Luke, 503 , Wm., 122 Lowynn, Tho., 128 Loxmore, Thomasin, 187 Loyd, Edward, 182 , John, 184 — , Math., 17s , Morice, 179 , Nath., 180 , Silvester, 342 , see Lloyd Lucas, Elizabeth, 4S9 , Charles, 339 , Richard, 112, 481, 489 , Theophilus, 489 Luccom, Henry \'an, 143 Luch (or Lush), Arthur, 327, 330 Lucie, Mary, 127 Luck, Robert, 35 , Wm., 116 Lucock, Margaret, 52 Lucomb, Mrs., 456 , Thomas, 456 Lucott, William, 195 Ludcole, Joan, 124 Luddington, Christiom, 49 Ludken, Elizabeth, 290 , William, 290 Luke, Elias, 503 Lullett, John, 191 LuUman, Job, 460 Lumbard (or Lumberd), Ro- bert, 326 Lumus {i.e., Lummus], Ed- ward, 59 Lunthome, Robert, 176 Lupo, Albiano, 185, 245, 273 , Elizabeth, 1S5, 245, 273 , Phillip, 185, 248 , Temperance, 245 , William, 194 Lupton, Davie, 136 ,Jo., 115 , Mary, 141 Lupworth, Micheall, 179 Lurting, Thomas, 41 Lusam, William, 233 Lush (or Luch), Arthur, 327, 330 , nenry,*286 Luther (or Lutter), Edward, 326, 330 Lutterell, Walter, 75 Lyddale, John, 30S Lyde, Allan, 438 , Edward, 340 , Robert, 359 , Sylvester, 316, 317* Lydiatt, Timothy, 384 Lyllant, Richard Nash, alias, 3>9 Lynch, Alice, 383 Lynch, Morean, 386 , Nicholas, 383 , Richard, 386 , Sir Thomas, 164 , see Linch L)nilie, Wm., 67 Lynley, Robert, 41 Lyne (or Line), Christopher, 386, 456, 461 , Mary, ICX3 , Phel'ix, 73 Lynn, Robert, 385 Lynt, Robert, 129 Lynton, Nico., 142, jcif Linton Lyon, Elizabeth, 173 , John, 41 , Wm., 130 Lyte, Paul, 461, 464, 465 Lyltcot, Leonard, 384 Lyverniore, John, 279 MABIN, Edward, 1S2 Mac Brian, Dennis, 74 Mace Breecly, Bryen, 482 Mace Cartie, Charles, 79 , Owen, 79 , see Mackartce Mace Daniell, Allexander, 481 ■ , Patrick, 390 Maccenree, John, 390 Mace Graugh, Daniell, 481 , John, 482 Macclahen, Owen, 390 Maccniash, Charles, 388 Mac Conry, John, 75 JIaceony, Dinnis, 504 Maccowdin, Wra., 52 Mace, Alee, 47 , John, 96 Mc Gawyn, Brian, loi Macheni, Jo., 104 Mackartee, Elisabeth, 431, su M.acc Cartie Mc Kay, Malashus, 83 Mackelly, Cornelius, 433 Mackenny, Cornelius, 424 , John, 424 , Susanna, 424 Mackemess, Jacob, 447 , John, 447 Mackgerry, William, 504 Mackhala, Dennis, 472 Macklaire, John, 456 Mackloghlin, Edward, 431 Macklond, Matthew, 467 Mackone, Darl)y, 463 Mackrery, Alexander, 438 Mackward, Eellen, 504 Macock (or Macocke), Sara (or Sarah), 174, 223 INDEX. 551 Macquin, Archibald, 423 , Frances, 423 , Nicholas, 423 Macy (or Masey), George, 327, 331 Madder, Elizabeth, 491 , James, 491 , Samuell, 491 (or Mader), 319*, 325 Madders, John, 327, 330 Maddeson, Maddison , Isacke, 172, 209, 268 -, John, 320* -, Mary, 172, 207 Maddockes, Jane, 47 Maddocks, Margaret, 37 Maddox, Alexander, 138 . Jo., 43 , Jone, 387 — , Thomas, 194, 504 Maden, Patrick, 391 Mader, Wni., 325 Madford (or Wadford), William, 326, 330 Madin, Henry, 112 Mageridge, Maggeridge, see Mogeridge Magettes, Mrs., 441 Magitt, Henry, 114 Magner (or Magnor), Charles, 215, 268 Magrauhan, Daniell, 491 , John, 491 , Miriam, 491 Magridge, see Mogeridge Magwaine, Owen, 389 Mahane, John, 3S9 Mahewe, see Mayhew Mahone, James, 390, see Ma- hony Mahont, Dermott, 472 Mahony, Daniell, 388 Maicockes, Samuell, 269 Maies, Cornelius, 122, see Mayes Maijor, Robert, 297, see Maior, and Major Main, Andrew, 425 , Mary, 425 Maine, Petter De, 191 Maior, Edward, 36 , Thomas de la, 228 , see Maijor Jfajor, Peter, 405 , Wm., 388 Makynn, James, 135 Maldman, John, 182 Mallion, Jo., 71 Mallocke, Malachi, 318* Mallonee, Daniell, 492 , Darby, 492 , Elizabeth, 492 , Joan, 492 , Owen, 492 , Thomas, 492 Maltnian (or Multman), The, 127 Man, see Mann Manby, John, 192, 196 Mandeville, Henry, Viscount, "57 Manerick, Nathaniel!, 391 Manifold, John, loS Wm. Maning, see Manning Mann, INIanne, Man , Ann, 75 , Annanias, Senr., 493 , Barnard, 445 , Edward, 279, 280, 281, 282 , John, 139, 160*, 444 , Percivall, 193 , Tho., 84 , Wm., 84 Mannell (or Manuell), Robert, 171 Mannen, Andrew, 387 Mannering, Joseph, 149 Manning, Manning's, Maning , Anne, 292 , Edmond, 92 , P'rancis, 140 •, John, 120, 192, 326, 330 -, Peter, 124 -, Tho., 115 Mannington, Roger, 129 Mansell, Robert, 390 Mansfield, Davy (or David), 180, 234 . Jo., 59, 133 , Richard, 52 , William, 435 Manton, William, 138 Manuell (or Mannell), Robert, 171, 210 Manzer, James, 73 Mapes, John, 279 Marburie, Gilbert, 249 March, CoUice, 239 , Samuell, 181, 239 Marchall, Wm., 456, see Mar- shall Marchant, Emanuell, 316, 343 , Silus, 338 William, 316, 324, 338 Marfult, Tho., 39 Margaret, 426 Margrett (Negress), 182 Markcom, Robert, 104 ■, Thomazin, 113 Markes, Mark's , John, 327 , Richard, 117 , Walgrave, 226 Markland, Henry, 482 John, 493 Marlett, Thomas, 169 Marlier, Nicolas De la, 199 Marloe, Thomas, 220 Maroh, Mary, 390 , Sarah, 390 , Thomas, 390 Marritt, Wm., 141 Marriott, Robert, 392 Marrow, Cornelius, 389 , Daniel, 310 , Katherine, 3S9 , Wm., 41 Marsan, see Marson Marsden, Francis, 137 Marsh, Edward, 318*, 320*, 323 (or Mursh), Francis, "5 — , John, So, 115 , Wm., 80 Marshall, Marshal , Ann, 228, 429 , Charle, 194 , Edward, 183, 260 , Francis, 43, 75 , Henrie, 1 1 1 , Jane, 75 ■, Jarvis, 386 , John, 80, 113, 130, 462 , John Bristowe, 304, 305(?), see Bristowe , Lake, 422, 429 , Mathew, 35 , Richard, 74 , Robert, 176, 228 , Thomas, 107, 327, 330, 430 , Walter, 115 , William, 92, 329, 422, 429 Marson (or Marsan), Edward, 482, 495 , Jane, 495 Marteaw, Nicholas, 184 Martha (a Mulatto), 489 Martin, Marting, Marttin, Mar- tyn 1 Antoine, 198 SS2 INDEX. Martin, Christopher, 350, 375, 384 — , Edward, 96 , Francis, 143 , Gabriell, 456 , CJilcs, 219 , Jeanne, 198 , Joane, 286 , John, 67, 122, 123, 154. 258, 269, 504 , Marie, 54 , Nicholas, 176 , I'elter, 191 , Ricliard, 58, 365 , Robert, 237, 286 , Salonian, 107 , Simon, 154 , Thomas, 70, 91, 154, 161* , \Vm., 75 Manue, Niccolas, 249 Marvynn, Marvyn, jlarvinn , PUizabelh, 6$ , Hanna, 65 , Marie, 65 — — , Marthaw, 65 , Mathew, 65 , Sara, 65 Marwood, John. 120, 316* Mary, , 182, 186 (a Negress), 241 Mascrie, Robert, 121 Masey (or Macy), George, 327, 331 Masie, Alexander, 114 Mason, Alice, 251 - , Ann (or Anne), 99, 117 , Beniamin, 74 , Captain, 150 , Klizabeth, 195 , Frances, 1 88 , Francis, 251, 268 , George, 55, 441, see Hacon , Hester, 279 , Hugh, 279 , John, 70, 94, 142 -, Mary, 188 . Ralph, 99 , Richard, 99, 129 ■ , Samuell, 99 , Susan, 99 , Sylani, 389 , Thomas, 115, 193, 48 1 , Walter, 185 , William, 36, 102 (or Masonn), Wyatt, 247 Massingburd, Wm., 109 Massling, William, 504 Masters, Jo., 13S , Michell, 124 , Wm., 42 Maston, John, 291 Mastus, Joseph, 387 , Martlia, 387 Mathelin, Richard, 304 Matheman, John, 173,222 Mather, George, 389 . Jo.. 5- Mathew, Mathews. Mathewes, Matthews, Matlhcwes , Edward, 421, 427 , George, 154, 390 , Hannah, 421 . Jo-. 132 , Robert, 179, 233 — , Roger, 1 38 , Rowlanil, 74 , Samuell, I iS, 179, 233. 234. 270, 272 , Thomas, 335, 338, 340 , William, 75, 138, 317*, 467 Maton, Philippe, 199 , Richard, loi Matson, Mattson , Benjamin, 387, 425 , Elizabeth, 425, 492 , Margaret, 425 , Martlie, 492 , Mathew, 390 , Matthias, 481 , Smithell, 481 , Smithy, 492 Matthews, Mattliewes, see Ma- thew Mattison, Alexander, 391 Mattson, see Matson Maudsley, Heni-y, 123 Maul, Thomas, 387 Maulder, Febe, 107 Mawfrey, Edward, 82 Max, Robert, 112 Maxwell, Marie, 136 , Thomas; 48 1 , Wm., 448 May (orMaye), Cornelius, 186, 247, 272, see Maies , Elizabeth, 186 , Henry, 186 , James, 320, 320*, 322, 32s , John, 88, 107, 320*, 482 , Mathew, 75 , Richard, 435 , Willyam, 152 Maybank, Edward, 241 Maye, sec May Mayes, Robert, HI, j , Joseph, 130 , Katherine, 426 , Phillipp, 142 , Richard, 96 , William, 126, 192, 425 Millet, Tho., 57 MiUett, Frances, 192 , Marie, 57 Millington, John, 4S2 , Rowland, 80 Mills, Edward, 115 , John, 304, 44S, 471 , Joseph, 125 , Robert, 40 , Thomazin, 116 Millward, Milward , Henry, 268 , John, 507 , Marie, 68 , Tho., 81 , William, 507 Milner, John, 307 , Michell, 107 , Robert, 170, 208 , Samuell, 94 Milnhouse, John, 219 Milton, Richard, 212 Mihvard, sec Millward Mimes, Thomas, 172 Ming, David, 309 Minifie (or Minify), George, 17s, 226 , John, 326 Mintrene, Mintren , Edward, 250 , Richard, Senr,, 1S7 Mintrene, Richard, Junr., 187 Mirch, John, 497 Mire (Meyer or Myre), Henry, 333. 338, 340 Mitchell, Edward, 113 , Francis, 245 (orMitchill), John, 133, 137. 24s. 327. 331. 334. 338. 341 , Maudlin, 24S . Rob., 333, 336, 340 , Thomas, 481 , William, 124 , see Michell Mixer, Isaacke, 280, 2S2 , Sarah, 280 Modyford, Sir James, 162 Mogeridge, (Mageridge, Mag- geridge, Magridge, Mcgge- ridge, or Mogridge), John, 316, 317*, 318', 319*, 324, 342 Moholland, James, 482 Moier, Hugh, 150 Moises, see Moyses Molder, Nicholas, 442 Molesworth, Sir Hender, 165 Moleton, see Moulton Molin, Jo., 116 Mollins, see MuUins Molton, Thomas, 135, 232 Moncaster, Richard, 142 Moning's, see Monnings Monk, Henry, 482 . Peter, 38 Monmouth, Duke of, 321 Monning's, Mofiing's — , Anna, 92 , Mary, 92 , Michelaliell, 92 Monnvs, Joseph, 84 Montague, Mousnier de La, 197 Montecue, Peeter, 233 Montgomery, Edmond, 75 . James, 75 , Phillip, Earl of. Thomas, 164* Ralph, 436 Mont Moody, David, 481 , Symon, 119 .Moone, luhn, 219 , Martine de, 179 Moor, George, 399 Moore, Alee, 481 ■ , Dorothy, 507 , Henry, 303 , John, 308 70 SS4 INDEX. Moore, Joseph, 310 I , I^onard, 202 1 , Richard, 507 \ , Robert, 481 , Thomas, 316* I , Wm., 310 , see More | Moper, Nathaniel], 184 Morcock, Elizabeth, 219 , Revolt, 219 i , Thomas, 219 1 , see Morecock | Mordin, Tho., 86 I More, Alexander, 41 | , Elizabeth, 260 I , Geo., 120 , Henry, 85, 1 36 , Isack, 65 , James, 257 , John, 38, 39, 43, 62, 113, 183, 260 , Leonard, 169 , Mrs., 183 , Peter, 468 , Richard, 93 , Robert, 37, 183, 259 , Sara, 173 , Suzan, 71 , Tho., 75, 102, 103, III, 132. '37 — — , Wm., 115, 190 , see Moore Morecock, Morecocke , Bennet, 78 , Marie, 78 , Nic'., 78 — ; Reignold, 177 , Thomas, 124, 391 , see Morcock Morecott, John, 462 Moredecah, Sarah, 450 Moreland, Thomas, 2O2 Moreton, Sir William, 162 , see Morton Morewood, Mr., 180 , Richard, 173 Morfin, Jo., 115 Morfy, James, 109 Morgan, Morgaine, Morgon , Andrew, 96 , David, 462 , Edmond, 243 , Edmund, 425 , Edward, 184, 389,465 , Elisabeth, 425, 435 — . , Esther, 425, 437 , Evan, 435, 456 , Gabriel, 435 , Geo., 86 , John, 111,382,388,465 Morgan, Mary, 435 , Pierce, 141 , Richard, 94 , Rob., 504 — ; Robert, 94, 195 , Sarah, 435 -— , Sibill, 257 ■, Thomas, 192,266, 388 , Walter, 35 , William, 141 , alias Broockes, Wil- liam, 247 Morison, Richard, 160, see Morrison Morley, Henry, 84 -, Richard, 161* , Wm., 127 Morlin, PhiUipp, 139 Morraine, John, 504 Morrell, Margaret, 424 [424 , Nicholas, 376, 389, Morrey, Geo., 132, see Mory Morrice, Hugh, 489 , John, Senr., 304 j — , Mar)', 489 , Nicolas, 489 , Richard, 138 Morris, Bridgett, 467 , Davie, 87, 95 — ■ , Dorcas, 430 , Dorothy, 423 , Edmond, 482 , Edward, 132, 151,467 , Hugh, 481 , Humfrey, 63 , Isaac, 46, 387 , John, 129, 185, 244, 430 , Katharin, 427 ^, Mary, 244, 436 , Nathan, 467 , Richard, 82, 192, 456, 469 , Sarah, 423 , Samuell, 176, 240 Thomas, 344, 423, 44I, 456 , Thomasin, 423 , William, 387, Morrish, Jo., 128 Morrison, Elizabeth, 46 , Robert, 125 , Wm., 47 , see Morison [481 430. Mortimer, Tho., 1 15 Morton, Morten , Daniel, 467 (or Moreton), Edward, 3^5, 329 , Henry, 75 , Jo., 128 , .Mathew, i2oi , Xic°., 122 , Rowland, 81 , William, 186, 249 Mory, Jo., 93, see Morrey Mosdell, Jo., 132 Moseley, Geo., II2 Mosely, Henry, 438 . Jo., 37 , Richard, 389 Mosley, Joseph, 185, 243 Moss, jo., 84 , Richard, 123 Mossc, Joseph, 280 Moston, Henry, 120 Mothropp, Tho., 125 Mott, .Vlam, 99, 300 , Elizabeth, 99 \ , lo-. 99 I , Jonathan, 99 , Mary, 99 Moulston, Thomas, 174 Moulton, Anne, 291 , Bridgett, 291 , Henry, 291 (or Moleton), Hum- I phry, 327. 33« I > J^ns. 291 , John, 291 , -Marey, 291 , Merrean, 29 1 , Ruth, 291 , William, 291 Mounday, Mary, 185 . Robert, iSs , sec Munday Mounlack, Andrew, 391 Mountain, Mountaine , John, 50, 391 — — , (late Stow), Mary, Morse, Elizabeth, 64 , John, 316* , Joseph, 65 , Samuell, 64 Mortagh, Dennis, 52 Morten, see Morion -, Thomas, 441 Mountfort, Edward, 84 Mountney, Alexander, 1 86, 257. 273 ■, Lenord, 257 Mountstephen, Samuell, 316* Mountsteven, John, 163*, 164 Mowser, Jo., 83 Moyle, Dorothy, 123 Moyse, Susanna, 429 Moyscr, James, 35 INDEX. 555 Moyses, Matliew, 50 (or Moises), Theoder, 169, 202 Mucli, Roger, 190, see Mutch Mudge, William, 176 MuUeneux, Edmond, I2Z , Jo., 134 Mullenex, William, 504 MuUinax, Mrs., 456 , Richard, 456 MuUins, Mullens, Mollins , George, 332, 337, 340 , Robert, 318*, 319*, 322 . Teag, 434 Multman (or Maltman), The, 127 Mumford, Richard, 229 Munday, Robart, 244 , William, 35 , see Mounday Mundy, Eliz*., 504 Munjoy, George, 397 Munnes, William, 262, see Munns Munning's, Abigail, 282 , Elizabeth, 2S0, 282 , George, 280, 282 Munns, Thomas, 504, see Munnes Munrow, AUexander, 482 , Andrew, 481 , John, 448 Munson, Susan, 2S1 , 'I'homazin, 94 Murfey, Dennis, 470 j see Murfie, The, 36 \ Murphy Murfitt, Nathan., 142 Murford, Richard, 481 Murphe, Bryan, 456 Murphy, Daniell, 388 , Mary, 499 , Morgan, 499 , William, 354, 361, 382, 383, 393, 409,412,413, 418 , see Murfey, &c. Murral, David, 421 , Elisabeth, 421 , John, 421 , see ^Iurril Murrell, John, 445, 456 , Wm., 456 Murrey, Alexander, 499 ■ — , James, 499 Murril, Murrill , Elisabeth, 430 , Isack, 150 , John, 430 , see Murral Murrin, Elizabeth, 134 Murrow, John, 456 Mursh (or Marsh), Francis, 115 Musgrave, Sir Christopher, 344 , Jo., 125 , Symon, 344 Musick, John, 135 Muskett, Simon, 43 ■, Wm., 391 Mussell, Jo., 54 , Robert, 75 Mutch, Margery, 226 , William, 226 , sec Much Mynnikyn, Christian, 39 Mynter, Jo., 104 Myre (Mire, or Meyer), Henry, 333. 338. 340 NACTON, Teague, 74 Naile, see Nayle Nailer, Elizabeth, 309, see Naylor, &c. Namias, David, 450 Nancarro, Ellin, 153 Naney, Robert, 60 Naseby, Moses, 467 Nasfeild, Henrie, 252 Nash, Ann, 96 , Edmond, 75 , Richard, 319*, 323 , Thomas, 377 , Wm., 120 , alias Lyllant, Richard, 319 Nasy, Daniell, 392 Nathaniell, 243 Natt, Richard, 109 Navaro, Aron, 449 , Judith, 450 Navarro, Samuell, 450 Naxston, Monies, 118 Nayle (or Naile), William, 179, 231 Nayler, Edward, 128 . , Jo., 128 Naylor, Thomas, 1 90 Neagle, Martin, 392 Neal, Daniel, 428 , Martlia, 42S Neale, John, 466 , Jonathan, loi , Thomas, 165* 456, 466 , .ftv Neele Neares, Thomas, 1S3 Neave, Margrett, 293 Nedham, George, 442 Nailer Nedsom (or Neesom), Jo., 74 Needes, John, 316* Needham, Tho., 121 , William, 168 Needier, John, 392 Needome, John, 180 Neele, INIarie, 124, see Neal, &c. Neesam, Wm., 125 Neesom (or Nedsom), Jo., 74 Neimart (Neinneart, Nevniart, or Newmart), Fetter, 266, 267 Nelme, Richard, 81 Nelson, George, 173, 219 , Joseph, 79 , Julian, 437 , Thomas, 504 Nemias, David, 4S2 Nepho, Jerome, 317*, 319, 320, 321, 322, 325 Nesse, Wm., loi Netbie, Ante, 80 Nettellford, Geo., 1.19 Nettleton, James, 140 Nevell, Nicholas, 141 Nevill, John, 392 Nevitt, Roger, 125 Nevmart, see Neimart Newberry, Joseph, 341 Newbolt, Richard, 143 Newbott, John, 441 Newby, Henry, 84 Newcom, Francis, 48 , Jo., 48 , Marie, 64 , Rachell, 48 Newcome, William, 187 NewdoM, John, 154 Newell, Abraham, 27S, 279 , Fayth, 278 , Francis [Frances], 279 , Grace, 277 , Isaacke, 27S , John, 278 Newham, Christopher, 374 Newman, Abraham, 362, 413 , Elizabeth, 88 , Gabriell, 444 , John, 123, 297 , Margarctt, 482 , Mountford, ill , Robert, iSS, 253 , Thomas, 79 , Wdliam, 1S4, 242, 311 Newmart, see Neimart Newport, Elisabeth, 422, 429 , John, 422, 429 , Susanna, 422, 429 70—3 556 INDEX. Newton, Abigail, 392 , George, 444 , John, 141 , Samuel], 382, 402, 482 Nice, George, 467 Nichcott, Huch, 195 Nicholas, , 195 Nicholes, sec Nicolls NichoUas, William, 170 Nicholls, Elizabeth, 59 . Jer-. '35 , John, 305 , Thomas, 193 , William, 211 , sec Nicolls Nicholson, Francis, 166*, 167*, -, Garret, 136 -, Ralph, 37 Nickerson, Anne, 290 , Elizabeth, 290 -, Nicho., 290 Nicklin, Jo., 133 Nicks, John, 40 Nicolas, 492 Nicolls, John, 49S (or Nicholes), Marma- duke, 461, 465, 466 , .Sarah, 465, 466 , sec Nicholls Nisbett, Robert, 41 Nisom, Jo., 40 Ni.xon, Mary, 4S2 Nobb, John, 472 Noble, Ann, 67 , Geo., 128 , Marke, 448, 482 Noden, Hugh, 163* Nokes, Ilenrie, 128 , Jo., 4t Nonn (or Noun), Goodwifc, •94 Nordin, Nathaniell, 140 Norman, Geo., 85 ,Jo., 85, 115 , Matthew, 304 Normansell, Edward, 192 Norri.s, Jo., 85 , Samuell, 504 Norron, Katherine, 482 North, John, 59, ill, 115 , Nathanael, 310 , Thomas, 182 Northampton, Henry, Earl of, "55. «56 Northin, Jo., 79 Norton, Geo., 73 Norton, William, 144, 149 Norwood's, Richard, 304 Nott, Tho., 51 Noun (or Nonn), Goodwife, 194 Nowell, George, 333, 337, 340 — , John, 240 , Peternell, 133 Nowes (or Nowis), Percifull (or Percivall), 316, 318, 342 Noy, Hester, 450 , Isaac, 450 Nubold, Joan, 37 Nuce, George, 183 Nunes, Jacob Franco, 449 Nunick, sec Nunnick Nunn, Richard, 66 , Tho., 129 Nunnick, Addam, 129 , Elizabeth, 37 Nurse, Robert, 4S2 Nusom, Richard, 442 Nusum, Arthur, 482, 490, 494 , , Junr., 482, 490 — , Susanna, 490, 494 Nutbrowne, Francis, 107 Nuttall, Robert, 114 , Thomas, 392 OAGE, Ann, 203 , Edward, 203 , Thomas, 170, 203, 268 Oakley, Francis, 457 Oats (or Oates), George, 424, 433, 445 , Joseph, 454, 433 , Hannah, 424, 433 Obah (a Negress), 489 Obediente, Abraham, 450 U'Kryan, Dermond, 75 Odam, William, 504 O.lcll, John, 457 Odgne, Edniond, 504 O.liarne, Thomas, 457 Offlent, John, 81 OITword, John, 40 Ogden, Randall, 42 Ogell, Gregorie, 52 . Jo., 35 Ogilby, Ogilsby, Oglesby , Elisabeth, 424, 427 ■ — , Frances, 424, 427 , John, 424, 427, 440 Ogle, John, 393 Ohain, Ohani , James, 491 , Jane, 491 , Patrick, 491 Oistine, Oistines , Angeletta, 492 , James, 482, 492 , Nicholas, 482 Okelly, .Samuell, 430 (-)ker, George, 482 Okley, Rol^rt, 172, 217 Old, Susan, 205 Older, Richard, 51 Oldham, John, 78 , Tho., 78 Oldrick, Robert, 112 Oldridge, Abell, 393 Oliues, .(,(• Olives Oliver, OUiver , Edward, 176 , John, 149, 295, 443 , Marey, 295 — , Margaret, 483, 49 V , Marie, 113 , Robert, 154 , Thomas, 149, 295 Olives, John, 172 Olmsteild, James, 150 Olney, Epenetus, 45 , Marie, 45 , Tho., 45 O MuUin, Jo., H2 Onan, Teage, 46S Oneal, Ann, 393 , Daniel, 430 — — , Katharin, 430 Onge, Mary, 279 Onion, Elizal)eth, 227 , George, 227 Onyon, Robert, 94 Oram, Jo., 70 Orchard, Richard, 109 , Thomas, 359 Oree, Daniel, 437 Oresby, Thomas, 430 Orpen, John, 439 Orris, George, 76 Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osburne , Alexander, 491 , Elenor, 491 , Jenkin, 1 72, 20S , John, 178, 228, 489 , Mary, 228 , Moses, 316* , Ralph, 1 82, 261 , Richard, 40 , Robert, 393 , Samell, 457 , Thomas, 169, 177, 20I 219 , Walter, 318* Osdell, John, 498 Osmotherly, Wm., 119 INDEX. 557 Ossebrooke, Tho., 141 Otland, Ant"., 112 Ottawell (or Ottowell), Tho- mas, 180, 232 Ottway, Thomas, 175 Ouerton, see Overton OuiUs \i.e., WiUs], William, 189 Outmore, Robert, 1 28 Outrara, Robert, 483, see Ow- trara Overbury, Henry, 428 Overton, Robert, 482 Owdell, Isack, 94 Owdie, John, 65 Owen, Anne, 440 , David, 135 , Elizabeth, 68 , Evan, 312 , John, 41 , Lazarus, 313 , Tho., 121 , Wra., 40 ■, see Owin Oweth, Hutinne, 152 Owin, Beniamin, 179, 258, see Owen Owly (or Owlye), John, 267 Ownstedd, Arnold, 142 Owtrara, Dorothy, 482, see Outram Ox (or Oxe), Robert, 365, 410 Oxenbridge, Jo., 87 Oxford, Michaell, 297 PACE, Richard, 270 Pacheco, Jacob, 450 , Rebecah, 450 Pack, Stephen, 137 , Wm., 104 Packe, Richard, 187, 253 Packer, Thomas, 170 Packson, Anne, 4S9 Page, Elizabeth, 5S , Frances, 291 , John, 87, 398 , Katherin, 58 , Lucea, 291 , Margrett, 291 , Mar)', 87 , Mathew, 71 , Robert, 115, 291 , Sara, 87 , Susanna, 291 , Tho., 58, 142 , Wm., loi , see Paige Paget, William, Lord, 157 Pagitt, Anthony, 217 , Tho., Ill Paige, Sarah, 504, see Page Paily, Adrian, 457 Pain, Elisabeth, 424, 432 , Jonathan, 432 , Robert, 424, 432 , Susanna, 424 , see Payn Paine, Dorothey, 293 , Edward, 471 , Elizabeth, 293 -,John, 179, 293, 449 , Marey, 293 , Robert, 154, 4.^9 •, Sarah, 293 , (or Payne), Silvanus, 360, 364 , Tobias, 504 , Thomas, 293 , see Payne Painter, Elin, 176 Palache, Mordecah, 450 Pall, Thomas, 227 Palliday, Jo., 79 Pallister, James, 40 Palmer, Ann, 136 , Anthony, 338 , Ellis, 133 , Francis, 227 , Geo., 86, 133 , Joane, 210 , John, 81, 114, 137, 165*, 281, 342, 344, 467 , Nicholas, 326, 330 , Prisilla, 210 , Rabecca, 124 , Richard, 107, 133 , Robert, 437 , Samuell, 463 , Thomas, 67, 140, 171, 210 (or Pallmer), William, 104, 127, 467 Palmerley, Jo., 58 Pancrust, Anns, 87 Panke, Richard, 142 Panton, Mrs., 457 Paple, Jo., Si Paramour, see Parramore Pardy, Joseph, 39 Pare, Edward, 504 Paris, Parris , Ann, 423 , Edward, 434 457 , Elisabeth, 434 , George, 457 , Jane, 431 , Owen, 394, 398 , Samuell, 445 , Thomas, 425, 431, 44S Paris, William, 423, 443 Parish (or Parrish), Thomas, 65, 1S7, 188, 252 Park, Jo. de, 41 Parke, Thomas, 189 Parker, Charles, 135 , Daniell, 318*, 319*, 322 -, Geo., 77 , John, 398 , Mary, 137 ■, Nathanuel, 300 , Nicholas, 104 . Ralph, 350, 358, 373, 374, 383. 398, 399 , Richard, 318*, 319*, 323, 441, 504 , Robert, 83 , Samuel, 134 •, Thomas, 59, 119, 202, 447 ' , Walter, 109 , William, 82, 188, 249, 334, 337, 340 Parkhurst, Ant°., 138 Parkins, Andrew, 11 S , Gressam, 126 , Thomas, 194 Parkinson, Dorithie, 194 , James, 74 Parler, Symon, 73 Parlin, John, 140 Parmeton, Rabecca, 113 Pamell, Edward, 86 , John, 331 , Walter, 179 , William, 179, 258 Parr, Elisabeth, 422 , Georg, 422 , Jo., 127 , Petronilia, 422 Parramore, John, 264 , (or Paramour), Rtj- bert, 181, 218 Parratt (or Parrett), John, 186, 243 Parreck, John, 377 Parrett, see Parratt Parrie, Edward, 132, see Parry Parris, see Paris Parrish, see Parish Parry, John, 115 , Morris, 84, 128 , Wm., 115 -, see Parrie Parryer (or Purryer), Wm., 44 Parsons, Daniell, 342 , Edward, 167, 436, 444 , (or Parsones), Francis, 395 S58 INDEX. Parsons, Henry, 96 , John, 102, 188, 235, 3'6 , Phillipp, 96 , Samuell, 237 , Tho., 36, 331 — - — — , (or I'assens), 'I'liomas, 326 , William, 431, 483 Part, John, 465 , Mary, 468 , Robert, 465, 46S Partcr, Thomas, 186 Partin, Partlin, Partten , Avis, 206 , Margrett, 170, 206 , Rebecca, 206 —, Robert, 170,206,267,268 Partridge, Jo., 113 , William, 167 Pasar, Paul De, 198 Pascall, Henry, 349 Pascoll, James, 249 Passeman, John, 20S Passens (or Parsons), Thomas, 326 Passmore, Jane, 227 (or Pasmore), Thomas, 175, 227 Pastor, Bams, 435 Patient, Arthur, 104 , Nathaniell, 102 Patric, Ann, 432 Patrick, Tho., 136 Patten, Jame.s, 316* Patteson, Edward, 43 Pattison, James, 122 , John, 193 Pattman, Jo., 52 J'aty, Eliza, 393 Paul, Joseph, 327, 331 , Richard, 327, 331 , Robart, 334, 335, 340 , Samuell, 351 , Wm., K6 Paulett (or Pawlett), Thomas, 170, 207 Paulson, \Vm., 79 Paulus, Cordin, 453 Pawlett, see Paulett Payn, Eleanor, 498, see Pain Payne, Anna, 65 , Daniell, 65 , Edward, 59, 62, 76 , Elizabeth, 113, 4S3 , Jo., 65, 82, 93 , Robert, 135 (or Paine), bihanus, 364 , Suzan, 66 , , Tho., loi' Payne, Tobias, 499 , William, 65, 92 , see Paine Payson, Giles, 46 Payton, Henry, 195 , Peter, 120 , Robert, 36 Pea, Urselah, 447 Peach, Arthur, 79 , Jonathan, 423 , Sarah, 423 Peacock, Charles, 109 , Samuel, 427 , Tho., 125, 139 , Wm., 46 , see Pecock Pead, John, 2IO, 4S3, see Peede , Thomas, 394 Peak, Christopher, 483 Peake, Marie, 49 , Robert, 172, 222 , see Peke Peale, Larence, 246 I Pearce, Pearse, Pcerce, Peerse, Peirce, Peii'se \ , Anth., 153 j , Benony, 504 j — ^, Edmond (or Edward ), , 89 , George, 438 — , Hester, 494 I . John, 393, 494, 507 ' , Katherme, 507 ! , Mr., 89, 90 , Mrs., 229 , Nicholas, 233 , Richard, 343, 457 (or Pcare), Robert, 316, 318, 319, 3t9», 324, 342 , '1 homas, 323 , Wm., 271 , see Pierce Pearcey, see Peircy Peams, Mr., 191 I Pears, John, 483 I Pearse, see Pearce Pearshouse, Chester, 396 ' Pearson, Georg., 434 — , John, 393, 428 , Prudence, 434 , Peirson, Pierceson I'e.ns, Wm., 127 1 Ptase, Elisabeth, 422, 427 , John, 278, 279 I , Robert, 278, 279 I , Ursula, 422, 427 ' Peat, Jo., 46 Ptboddy, Francis, 45 Ptchey, Lambert, 31,6 Peck, Francis, 73 , Tho., 39 Pecock, Robert, 483, see Pea- cock Pedder, Matthew, 497 Pedler, I'rancis, 154 , Robert, 154 Pedro, John, 258 Peede, John, 171, see Pead Pecle, Lawrence, 185 Peerce, see Pearce Peers, Elizabeth, 429 , John, 429 Peerse, see Pearce j Peeter, , 242, 257, see I Peter Peeters, Mary, 205 ' Pegden, Mr., 191 Peirce, see Pearce I I'eirceson, John, 443, see Pear- son, Peirson I Peircy (or I'eartcy), Richard, I 316*, 317 ' Peirsby, Richard, 183 Peirse, see Pearce Peirsey, Abraham, 217, 224 , Elizabeth, 224 1 , Mary, 224 Peirson, Cutbert, 1S2 (or Peireson), Edward, 392. 397. 448 , see Pearson, Peirceson Peke, Dennis, 71, se; Peake Pell, Marie, 49 , Richard, 52 , Tho, 49 Pellani, Penelopy, 60 , Jo-. 59 Ptlsant, Sampson, 194 , Wolston, 194 Pelteare, Abraham, 248 Pelton, George, 231 Pemberton, Charles, 508 , James, 508 , John, 508 , William^ 508 Pembroke, William, Earl of, 156, 158 Pemmell, Thomas, 396 I'en, see Penn Pendleton, Mar>% 397 , Wm.', 85 Pendred, Robert, 52 Penford, Tho., 138 Penington, John, 153, see Pen- nington Penibton, Richard, 303 , Samuell, 354 Penn, Eiancis, io , Robert, 233 INDEX. 559 Peiin (or Pen), William, 117, 163 Peiinaird, Robert, 144 , Tho., 14:^ Penne, sei Penny Penniman, Jane, 395 Pennington, Wm., 132, see Penington Penrice, John, 186 Penrise, Robart, 254 Penson, Tho., 75 Penny (or Penne), George, 51, 320, 322 ( , or Pinney), I John, 320*, 322, 325, 327, 330, see Pinney Pepp {i.e.. Pepper] Pepper, Fra., 121 , Mary, 278, 279 — , Richard, 278, 279 Peppet (or Peppett), Gilbert (or Gibert), 172, 272 Perce, Jone, 174 , Phebe, 66 •, Richard, 38 , Thomas, 440 • , Wm., 115, 174 , see Perse Percy, Annis, 52 , Roliert, 35 , see Persey Pereing, Sebasting, 504 Perera, Isaac, 449, 450 Perk, Elizabeth, 105 , Isabell, 105 , Margery, 105 , Richard, 105 Perkin, Elisabeth, 421 , John, 421 , Richard, 421 , see Perkynn, Pirkins Perkins, Martin, 119 , Robert, 122 , William, 149 , see Perkyns Perkinson, Elizabeth, 169 Perk's, Ann, 79 Perkynn, Martin, 40 , Thomas, 71 , see Perkin Perkyns, James, 36, see Per- kins Perley, AUin, 45 Perpoynt, Henry, 79 Perrie, see Perry Perridge, Job, 457, see Perwidg Perriman, John, 457, see Perry- man Perrin, Henry, 399 , Margarett, 394 Perrin, see Perryn Perrot, Samuel, 422 ■, Sarah, 422 Perrott, Ralph, 4S3 Perry, Ben., 37 , Dorothy, 37 , Edward, 483 •, George, 271 , Hugh, 143 (or Perrie), John, 167, 483 , Jone, 429 , Marie, 64 , Mrs., 175 , Samuell, 457 , Tho., 37, 126 , William, 266 Ferryman, Anne, 491 (or Perriman), Richard, 483, 491 see Perriman Perryn, John, 123, see Perrin Pers, Barbre, 290 , Elizabeth, 290 , John, 290 , Judith, 290 Perse, Nicholas, 169 , Richard, 178 , see Perce Persey, Abra., 269, see Percy Persivall, Andrew, 398 Persons, Richard, 2S3 Perwidg (or Perwidge), Job, 394, see Perridge Pester (Pestor, or Lester), Thomas, 318*, 319*, 323 Peter (a Negro), 182 , Isack, 38 -, John, 120 , see Peeter Peterson, Francis, 431 , John, 266 , Lawrence, 429 Petite, Bastian, 135 Petley, Richard, 102 Petter, 184 , Samuell, 504 Fetters (a Maid), 171 Petting, Nic"., 114 Few, Elizabeth, S3 , Jo., 114 , Richard, 83 Fewsie, Geo., 110 Phelomy, John, 483 Fhelpes, William, 316 Phildust, Tliomas, 222 Philkynn, Robert, 52 Phillip, Phillipes, Phillipp, Phillips, Phillipps , 1S8 Phillip, Eliazer, 396 , Elizabeth, 96, 242 , Elmer, 170 , Henry, 182 , James, 102 , John, 38, 40, 74, 1 16, 195 , Mary, 490 , Phillip, 44 , Richard, 83, 126 , Thomas, iii, 127, 173, 180, 1S5, 236, 242 , William, 74, 14J, 31S, 343, 4ii3. 490 Philmott, John, 236 Philpe, Richard, 75 Philpott, John, 41 •, Phillipp, 40 Phinloe, 229 Phinnei, Richard, 135 Phippin, Judith, 43 -^— — (Phippen, or Shippin), William, 334, 337, 341 Phipps, Thomas, 141 , Sir William, 164*, i65» Phlinton, Pharow, 186 Picke, Andrew, 153 Pickering, John, 129 Mr., 429 Pickett, Adam, 353 Pickford, Robert, 397 Picto, P'rend, 71 Piddington, Christopher, 82 Piddock, Wm., 395 Pidgion, Robert, 192, se Pigeon Pierce, Danyell, 281 , Elisabeth, 429 422, John, 139 Jone, 224 Richard, 230, 435 Steven, 118 Thomas, 70, 422 William, 224, 240 . see Pearce Pigeon, Jo., 122, see Pidgion Piggott, John, 457 , Walter, 138 , Wm., 79 Pike, Grace, 490 , John, 139 , Oliver, 4S3, 490, 495 Pile, Sarah, 483 , Theophilus, 483 — , Wm., 394 Pilgrim, Thomas, 445, 457 Pilkinton, Margrett, 235 , WilUam, 235 S6o INDEX. Pillarcl, Benjamin, 1 1 1 I'ilson, Edward, 397 I'im, Thomas, 410 I'inchback, Thomas, 483 I'indcr, Joanna, S9 , Katherin, 59 , sec Pynder Pine, Richard, 318*, I'inflTe, Henry, 182 I'inkc, Henery, 241 , John, 395 Pinkley, John, 128 I Plowman, Malhew, 165 ' , William, 466 I Plunier \i.e., Plummer], John, 394 j Plumley, George, 326, 330 I (or Plumly), John, 446, I 457 , [ Plunckett, Geo., 52 Plunket, Kdward, 74 Plunkett, Rowland, 74 The, 74 Pockett, William, 483 1 Podd, Samuel, 59 Pinney, Azarias, 318*, 320, see Poet, Georg., 431 I'enny Pinsen, William, 184 Pinson, Samuel, 318*, 319*, 323 I'iper, James, called the, 188 , Wm., 393 Pippin, Mathew, 67 Pirkins, Widow, 457, see Per- kins, &c. Piscer, Elizabeth, 123 , Robert, 123 Pitcher, Tho., 79 Pitney, Pitnei, Pittnei , Margaret, 56 , Samucll, 56 , Sara, 56 Pitt, John, 440 , Richard, 36 , Thomas, 342 , Wm., 140 , see Pitts Pittman, Arthur, 483 , Christo. , 193 , Henry, 319, 320*, 323 (or Puttman), Wm., 319, 320*, 325 Pittnei, see Pitney Pitts, Francis, 184 , George, 466 -, Hugh, 483 Poke, James, 440 , Kice, 136 Polegreen, John, 395 Pollard, Abraham, 334, 340 , Henr}% 508 , John, 457 , Joseph, 397 , Richard, 457 , Sarah, 508 , Tho., 153 i Pollen, John, 145 Pollentin, John, 182 , Margrctt, 1S2 , Kachell, 1 82 Pollington, Charles, 71 , John, 272 Pomell, Elizabeth, 173 Pomeroy (Pomre, Pumrey, Pumroy, or Jumrey), Daniel, 332. 338. 340 (or Pomrey), James, 326, 329 , Theophilus, 434 Pomfrett, Thomas, 316*, see Punifrctt Pon, Michel Du, 198 Pond, Rebecca, 299 Ponnt (Pound, orPount), Tho., 72, see Pownd — , John, 327, 329, 465, 466 ] Pontes [? Pountes], John, 174 , Thomas, 135, 316", 317 ! Poole, Edward, 284 , Wdliam, 316, 317*, 343 1 , Daniell, 235 Poor, Poorc, Pore , Abram, 83 — . — , Alee, 300 , Anne, 465, 466 , Danyell, 300 , David, 496 , Elizabeth, 496 , Innocent, 195 , Mary, 397 , Michacll, 463, 465, 466 , Miles, 397 , Peirce, 463, 467 , Peter, 483 , Richard, 442 , Samuel, 300 Pope, Anto., 143 , Charles, 395 , Elizabeth, 187, 256 , George, 178 , Humphery, 333, 337, I 340 Jo., 124 ■ , Thomas, 193 1 I'opeley (or Popely), Richard, I 182, 256 j Popkin, Thomas, 1 78, 229 1 Popleton, William, 212 ] I'opplc, Magnus, 398 Pore, see Poor I Porte, Nicholas, 145 Porter, Abraham, 175, 225 , Edmond, 137 , Edward, 135 , Henry, 102 . James, 348, 363, 36S, 388, 389, 400, 406 , J^ne, 423 , John, 71, 2S6 , Luke, 316, 318, 342 , Martha, 129 , Mathew, (&c.), 326, Pitt Pitway, Mary, 121 , Robert, 121 Pix, Richard, 389 Place, John, 39, 308 - — -, Peter, 131 Plant, Mathew, 113 , William, 236 Piatt, John, 396 , Lawrence, 84 Play, Wm., 365, 387, 404, 414 riomer, Wm., 141 (or Pool), Jeremiah, 316, 317. 343 , John, 340 , Robert, 86, 224 , Simon, 334, 335, 340 (or Pool), Sylvester, 316*, 3 '8. 343 , Tho., 116, 272 Pooler, Elizabeth, 507 , Richard, 507 , Thomas, 507 I'ooley, Grivell, 172, 215 Pooly, Jo., 112 330 262 Peeler, (&c.), 188,244, , Richard, 286 , Robert, 40, 423, 483 , alias Thomas, Peter, 423 Portnian, Christopher, 398 Poslett (or Posslet), Richard, 395. 467 , Thomas, 94 I'ostell, Wni., 105 Pott, Elizabeth, 174, 223 , John, 174, 221, 223 , Wm., 73 , see Potts Potter, Ann, 260 , Francis [Frances], 97 , Georg., 434 Potter, Henry, 183, 260 , Jo., 104 , Joseph, 98 , Rebecca, 495 , Robert, 483 — — , Vyncent, 76 , WilliaiJi, 66, 97 Pottle, Christojiher, 396 Potts, Anto., 104, see Pott Poulter, Tho., 129 Pound (Pount, or Ponnt), 72, see PoNviul .'Pountes (Pontes), John, 174 Povey, Ricliarcl, 159* Powel, Caleb, 421, 426 , Elizabetli, 421,426 , Mary, 421, 426 Powell, Arthur, 397 , Danieli, 151 , Cathren, 184 , Elizabeth, 114 , Gody, 189 , Jacob, 316* , James, 84 > John, 184, 246, 273 , Kathren, 246, see Powell, Cathren , Mary, 71 , Micell (or Midmell), 334, 336, 340 , Richard, 74 , Robert, 304 , Samuel, III , Thomas, 82, 181, 1S9, 236, 263 , \Vm., 73, 86 (or Powle), Wm., 2 Powis, Tho., Carnocke, 452 Powle, Nathaniell, 269 (or Powell), W'ni., 270 Pownd, Jo., 103, see Pound Pownder, Garret, 36 Poyer, 1 homas, 483 Poyett, Luce, 293 Pran, Georg., 181 Prater, Thomas, 246 Pratt, Isabell, 178, 229 • , Isack, 52 , Richard, 139, 269 ■ — ■ — , Thomas, 96 Praul, John, 402 Preett, Jacob, 450 Preist, Henry, 316*, 317*, 343 ■ , Lawrence, 316* , Thomas, 316, 318,343 , see Priest Pressey, Henry, 297 Preston, Danicll, 70 ■ (or Prestton), Edward, 43. 438, 44S INDEX. Preston, Elir., 131 , George, 138 . Jo., 131 , Joseph, 127 , Lawrence, 85 , Marie, 131 , Mathew, 135 , Richard, 51, 122 , Roger, 53, 171, 210 , Sara, 131 , Wm., 131 Preswell, Wm., 445 Frew, John, 31S*, 320*, 323 Price, Ann, 203 , Edward, 175, 193, 489 , Henry, 457, 483 , Hv.gh, 170, 204 , John, 125, 170, 203, 204, 266, 319, 360, 37S, 392, 396, 397. 462, 46S, see Brice , Judith, 204 , Margaret, 468 , Mary, 203 , Mathew, 125, 4S3 , Peter, 104 , Rebecca, 92 , Richard, 67 , Tho., 12S , Walter, 214 , William, 142, 169, 202, 442. 4S3 , , see Prise, Pryse Prichard, Henry, 186 . Jol>". 70 , Joseph, 136 , Margaret, 82 , Ma.vimillian, 142 Thomas, 95, 177 192 Wm., 39, 136 , see Pritchard Prichett, Margeiy, 1S7 , Mdes, 187, see Prickett Prickett, Miles, 245, 273, see Prichett , Thomas, 194 Friday, Samuel, 75 Prideau.\, Nicholas, 330, 343, 424. 457 -, Rebecca, 424 [&c. Prier,Jo., 1 30, .w Pryer, Prior, Priest, Walter, 173, see Preist Primatt, Humphry, 395 Prince, Anth"., 441 , John, 443 Prior (or Pryor), John, 327,330, see Prier, Pryer, Pryor Prise, Edward, 226 , Thomas, 190 , .r.v Price, Pryce 5Gt Pritchard, Thomas, 221, see Prichard Procter, Ant'., 112 . John, 59, 265 , Marie, 59 , Martha, 59 , Wm., 128 Proctor, Allis, 231 , John, 179, 231 , Mrs., 179 Prophett, Jacob, 191 Prosser, Thomas, 40 Prouse{or Prowse), George. 181 231 Prothers, Thomas, 324, 460 Prout, Edward, 421 , Katherine, 421 , Thomas, 421 .Timothy, 353, 377, 3S1, 390, 401 Prowd, Ralph, 73 Pro\\.se, see Prouse Pryce, Howell, 141 , Launcelot, 37 , Thomazin, 37 , see Price, Prise Pryer, Daniell, 130 , Peter, 105 , see Prier, Prior, Pryor Prynie, Edmond, 103 Vrymli.e., Prymm], Jane, 116 Prynn, Michell, 125 Pryor (or Prior), John, 327, 330, see Piier, Pryer Puddiford, John, 442 Pugett, Christopher, 172 Puggett, Cesar, 238 Pullin, Edward, 41 Pumfrett, Ann, 483, see Pom- fret t Pumrey, &c., see Pomeroy Purefoy, Samuell, 154 Purefray (Purfrey, or Purfry), Thomas, 180, 247 Purnell, Richard, 41 , Thomas, 125 Purryer, Alyce, 44 , Kathren, 45 , Mary, 45 , Sarra, 45 (or Parryer), Wm., 44, 45 Purseli, Tho., 136 Pursley, James, 499 Purss, Wm., 472 Purstynn, Henry, 39 Puttex, William, 40 Puttman, see Pittman Pye, Edward, 460 — , Georg., 426 71 &6t INDEX. Pynch, The, 115 | I'yndcr, Anna, 59 , Francis, 59 ■ -, J"., 59 , Margaret, 133 — , Mane, 59 , Mary, 59 , Sir Paul, 159 , Tymothie, 133 , siY I'indcr I'ymlon, Alice, 118 I'ynkston, John, 135 OAY, Abraham, 449 Oiiaile, Ann, 192 l^)uale, Hugh, 505 Ouant, Henry, 333, 336, 340 (^uarree, Robert, 467 Q inrricr, James, 94 Qjerk, John, 398 l,)ucrke, Richard, 505 , William, 188, 251 (,)uesnee, Pierre, 199 Qnicke, Elizabeth, 152 ■ • (or Quick), Thomas, 3' 7*. 3>9*- 324^ Quiggcn, John, 484 Quillin, Teague, 127 (Juintin, Roger, 113 • Jumton, Henry, 36 Quintyne, Henry, 337, 390, 508 • , Richard, 398 , Thomas, 508 (Juithor, Geo., 125 Quyle, Jo., 125 (Juyfiie (or (J'ny), \Ym., 104, 122 R.MiKY, Kathrcn, 292 Radilish, Jo., 79 Radford, Cornelius, 316, 318, 343 , Henrie, 134 , John, 428 , Richard, 356, 361, siy Ratford RalTe, Robert, 191 Ragg, Isaac, 378, 491 , Katherinc, 491 , Susanna, 491 Kailey (Rawley, or Ralye), Andrew, 175, 184, 228, sa Rayley Rainolds, Richard, 41, Si-t Reynolds Rainsecrofte, Jo., 140 Rainsford, Edward, 93, 401, 448 , John, 484 Rainy, James, 347, 348, 366, 384, 404, 405 , I.uke, 400 Ralye, st-c- Railey, Rayley Ram, tieorge, 98 , Tho., 84 Ramsey, Jo., 119 , Roas, 505 , Robert, 132, 425 Ramshaw, William, 181, 237 Rand, Isaac, 386, 391, 392, 418 Randall (or Rendell), Bartho- lomew, 333, 338, 340 , Henry, 316 , Wm., 69 Randolph, Edward, 163, 163*, 165 Ranke (or Rauke), Richard, 190 Ranse, Wm , 41 Ranton, StY Kaynton Rapcn, William, 73 Rapier, Richard, 182 Rapson, Andrew, 327, 330 Rasbottom, Tho., 38 Rastell, Henry, 83 Ratclife, Ratlife, Ratliffe , Ann, 208 , Elkinton, 174, 236 , Isack, 20S , Roger, 170, 20S Kalford, P'rancis, 115 (Rattford, or Radford), Richard, 356, 3G1, 365, 370, 398, 410, 412, 413 Ratlife, siv Ratclife Raucn, siv Raven Rauglilon, l^zekiah, 202 , Margrett, 202 , scY Rawton Rauke (or Ranke), Richard, 190 Raven, Christopher, 505 Ravenett, Wilham, 174 Ravcnscroft, Itenjamin, 400 Ra\ish, James, 112 Rawlin, Rawlincs, Rawlings, Rawlins , Beniamin, 443 , Henry, 139 , Jane, 66 , John, Senr., 303 , John, 80, 449, 484 , Wm., 470 Rawse, Richard, 170 Rawson, Chr., 193 Kawton, Esaias, 169, ue Raughton Ray, Abram, 68 Ray, Jo., 125 Rayley, Jonas, 170, sa Railev, &c. Rayment, Ann, 434 Raymie, s^e Rayne Raymon, John, 441 Raymond, Arthur, 122 Raymont, William, 240 Raynard, Elizabeth, 113 Raynberd, Niccholas, 262 Rayne (Kaynes, Raynnc, or Rayinne), Prancis, 87, 162 , Sarah, III, jiv Raynnc Rayner, Raynor , Edward, 281 , Elizabeth, 280, 281 — ■ — ■ — , Joane, 226 , Joseph, 281 , Lidia, 281 , Sarah, 281 , Thurston, 280, 281 , Wassell, 175, 226 , William, 427 Raynes, Raynne, siy Rayne Raynor, Siy Rayner Raynlon, Elizabeth, 105 (or Ranton), Sir Nicholas, 47, 60 Read, Anthony, 182 , George, 106 , Hanua, 284 , James, 40 (or Reid), Justice (or Judge), 106, 498 , Lusan, 2S4 , Mabell, 106 , Marmaduke, 81 , Mary, 468 (or Reid), Osmond (or Symon), 334, 337, 340 , Ralph, 106 (or Reede), Stephen (or Steeven, 95, 187, 253 , .Susan, 284 (or Reade), Thomas, 241, 267, 443, 468 ■ , William, 67, 106, 113, 2S4 , StY Reed, Reid Reading, Robert, 430, sa Reding, Redding Reason, Barbaric, 75 , James, 86 , John, 326 , Ralph, 50 , Thomas, 330 Rebbell, Wra., ill Reddain, John, 94 Reddhedd, John, 40, .7* , Margery, 279 , Mary, 278 , Rebecca, 207 , Robert, 278, 279 , Samuell, 278 , Sarah, 278 , Susanna, 426 , Tl.o lias, 240 , WiU.am, 342, 344, 432 INDEX. 56s Roseter, Thomas, 154 Rosman, James, 152 Ross, William, 399 Rosse, Henry, 133 , John, 484 , Phillip, 471 , Rebecca, 171 , Thomas, 161, 267 Rosser, Humphrey, 427 Roswell, Mr., 183 Roth, Richaril, 400 Rottrie, Sophia, 109 Rou, Jan le, 198 Rouse, Caleb, 470, 471, see Rowse Rousell, George, 317, see Row- sell Rovenson, John, 156 Row (or Roe), Christopher, 316*, 317*, 343 , Lawrence, 400 , Nich., 184 , Peter, 326, 329 , see Roe Rowe, Anne, 457 , Mary, 262 , Nicholas, 262 , see Roe Rovves, John, 183 Rowinge (or Rownige), Henry, 172, 217 Rowland, Jo., 132 • , Richard, 82 Rowles, Henrie, 135 Rowlidge, Jo., 117 Rowlson, Francis, no , Thomas, 236 Rowlston, Sionell [?LioneIl], 254 Rownige (or Rowinge), Henry, 172, 217 Rowse, Thomas, 447, see Rouse Rowsell, George, 316*, sec Rousell Rowsewell, Thomas, 316 Rowsley, Elizabeth, 191 , William, 191 Rowton, Ann, 62 , Edniond, 62 , Richard, 62 Roy, Hugh Le, 123 , Jerome, Le, 199 Royall, Joseph, i6g, 202 , Sibill, 229 Roydon, Wm., 399 Royston, Thomas, 118 Ruce, Roger, 240, see Reuse Ruck, John, 484 Rud, Symon, 472 Rudge, Jo., 140 , Thomas, 401 Rudle, Robert, 402 Rudston, Eliz., 118 Ruese, Roger, 174, see Ruce Ruggells, Barbaric, 46 , Jo., 46 Rul, Elisabeth, 43S Rule, Thomas, 401 , Wm., 136 Rumball, The, 132 Rumell, Adam, 182 Rumley, Elisabeth, 431 Rumsey, Joseph, 430 Rundall, Edward, 457 Rusco, Marie, 57 , Rabecca, 57 , Samuel, 57 , Sara, 57 , Wm., 57 Rush, Clinion, 219 , William, 81 Rushbrook, Henry, 484 Rushmore, George, 182 Russell, Edward, 401, 426 , Francis, 132, 167 , George, 54, 342 , James, 160* , John, 36, 103, tl9, 180, 224 , Katherin, 71 , Phillip, 505 , Randolph, 162* , Thomas, 472 Rutten, Elizabeth, 180 Rutter, Daniell, 316, 317, 342 , Tho., 74 Ryale, Joseph, 218, see Riall Ryce, Ann, 1 1 7, see Rice Rycord, Samuell, 484 Rycraft, Sara, 484 Ryder, Symon, 399 Rydie, James, 115 Ryle, Tho., 117 Rymes, Henry, 39 Rymore, Alle.xander, 484 SABYN, Geo., 142 (or Sabin), Robert, Sage, Richard, 506 Sale, Wm., 125, see Say Saiewell, Arthur, 83 , Francis, 70 ■, James, 93 , Robert, 93 , Suzan, 94 96, 186, 250 Sacker, John, 261 Sad, Abraham, 296 Sadd, Richard, 95 Saddock, Tho., 137 Sadler, Hugh, 70 , Rowland, 116 , Thomas, 342, 344, 485 Saford (or Safford), Christo- pher, 171, 211 Sage, Jan, 198 Sailes, Richard, 404 [162 St. Albans, Henry, Earl of, ?.St. Pailin, Thomas, 141 Saires, Geo., 86, see Sares Sakell, Samuell, 135 Saker, Jo., 116 , Marie, 116 , Tho., MS Salford, John, 1S6, 250, 273 , Mary, 186, 250 , Robert, 186, 250, 273 , Sara, 190 Salisbury, Robert, Earl of, 156 Sail, Edward, 70 Salmon, Joseph, 437, 458 , Margaret, 437 , Peter, 135 , Wm., 81 Salsbury, William, 192 Salt, Samuell, 404 Salter, Edward, 103 , Elizabeth, 174, 223 , George, 409 , James, 326, 329 , John, 185 , Nicholas, 3i7*,3i9*, 324 , Rich., 407 , Richard, 342, 462 , Robert, u8 Saltonstall, Merriall, 59 , Richard, 59 Salvadge, Ensign, 274 , Robert, 183 Sam, Gregory, 153 , John, 318", 319* Sanies, Elizabeth, 102 Saniond, Wm. , 72 Sampson, John, 330, 338, 505 Samuell, 290 Sams, John, 323 Sandby, Tho., 38 Sanderick, see Standerwick Sanders, Alexander, 173, 23S , Kenj*., 404 , David, 181 — , George, 181 , Henery, 217 . John, 154. 194. 351, 411, 447 , Richard, 177, 219 • , William, 330, 342, 442 • , see Saunders, .Sawnders Sanderwick, see Standerwick 566 INDEX. Sandford, John, 408 Handiford, Charles, 469 , Henry, 404 , John, 470 [ ?], Richard, 469 Sandley, Robert, 82 Sandome, Richard, 406 Sandrs , sec Sanders, Saunders Sands, Sand's , Anthony, 436 , David, 233 , George, 174, 234 , Isaac, 436 , William, 179, 236 Sandwich, Edward, Earl of, 162 Sandy, Robert, 318*, 319*, 324 Sandys, George, 270 Sanford, Roger, 142 Sankey, Hamblet, 135 , Robert, 60 Sankster, Eliz., 118 Sansom, Richard, 78 Santen, Lucas, 165 Sajie, Marey, 295 Sapster, Bridget, 467 , William, 462, 467 Saracole, Jo., 69 Sarah, Mordecah, 450 Sares, Wm., 86, see Saires Satchill, Wm., 1 19 Sauewell, Daniell, 195 Saundby, Michell, 118 Saunders, Edward, 122 .John, 117, 3S7 , Judith, 48 , Lea, 40 , Marie, 48 , Martin, 47, 48 , Mary, 37 , Rachell, 47 , Thomas, 102, 122 , William, 121, 316, 318, 327 , see Sanders, Sawn- ilers Saunderson, Jo., 135, 4S5 , Robert, 4S6 , Tho., 112 Savadgc, Robert, 259 , Thomas, 189, 256 Savage, Ann, 263 , Edward, 39, 51 , Thomas, 45, 263 Savery, John, 469 Savory, Wm., 119 Sawcott, Jo., 52 [217 Sawell, Thomas, 120, 172, ijawier, Thomas, 225 I Sawier, William, 175, 232 , see Sawyer ' .Sawkynn, Wm., 106 Sawnders, Edward, 126 — , Jo., 128 , see Sanders, Saun- ders Sawter, Roger, 64 Sawyer, Margarett, 485 , Thomas, 182 , William, 180 , see .Sawier Sawyers, Charles, 465 , Elizabeth, 465 Say, Geo., 63, .t Wm., 447 Siggins, Tho., 129 Silby, Robert, 112, jc- Sylbic Silcomb, William, 496 Silsby, Mathew, 124 Silvester, Abram, 37 , Grace, 461 , Madam, 485 Simes, Beniamin, 184, 242 — — (Sims or Suncs), Henry, 3'8*, 3'9*. 323 , Sarra, 100 , see Symes Sifiies [/.<•., Simmes], Symon, 104, see Synics Simmes, Symon, 104 , Wm., 449 Simmons, Phillip, 458, 459 ■ , Richard, 343 Simnell, John, 257 Simon, Ilester Bar, 449, see Symon Simons (or Symonds), Richard, 316*, 318, ^9'. 324 , , Junr., 460 , George, 80, 82, 125, 436 , Hanna, 49, 59 ■ , Henr)', 115, 292, 421, 424, 426, 432 , Hester, 403 — — ■ — , Humfrey, 87 , Isaac, 406 , James, 74, 141 , Jane, 429 , Joan, 71, 223 , John, 56, 57, 70, 74, 82, 109, III. 117, 135, 139, 140, 177, 178, 179,220,229, 231, 258, 292, 334, 337,409, 410, 422, 424, 427, 430, 432, 436, 437. 440. 47'. 492 , Jonas, 83 , Jo.scph, 433, 439 , Judith, 422, 427 , Katherin, 123 , Leonard, 67 , Lewes, 122 , Margaret, 118, 405, 505 , Margerie, 123 — ■ — — , Marie, 49, 59 , Mary, 68, 2S2, 422, 427, 429. 432. 433. 4S9 , Mrs., 174, 191 , Mundusia, 424, 437 , Nathaniel, 447 , Nicholas, 180, 234 , Olliver, 440 , Osborne, 1 83 , Osmond, 223 , Osten, 175 , Peter, 10 1 , Phillip, 282, 402 , Philippa, 422, 432, 436 , Ralph, 429 , Richard, 48, iii, 134, •39. '77. 219, 239 , Robert, 172, 185, 243 , Roger, 174, 223, 232, INDEX. 569 Smith, Samuel!, 280, 2S2, 305, 432, 463 , Silhe, 292 , Stephen, 470, 495 , Susanna, 231 , 'I'homas, 37, 39, 40, 53, 86, 115, 120, 137, 174, 177, 194, 220, 224, 407, 421, 426, 437, 439 , Thurlo, 40S -, Walter, 126 , Widow, 443 , William, 35, 67, 74, 138, 184, 189, 190, 243, 246, 263, 326, 329, 332, 334, 404, 406, 44°. 492 . . Junr., 335, 336 , see Smylli Smitheman, Jo., 51 Smithick, Henry, 119 Smithson, Robert, 37 Smithwicke, Wm., 505 Smyth, Arthur, 252 , John, 341 , Sir Thomas, 156 , Wm., 341 Snacknell, Richard, 405 Snales, Margaret, 123 Snape, John, 135 Snapp, Thoma?, iSS Snathe, Richard, 64 Snellin, Anne, 490 , John, 490 , Roliert, 490 Snerling, Robert, 485 Snipe, Christopher, 489 , Elizabeth, 4S9 , John, 485, 489 , William, 461 Snoden, Luke, 114 Snouk.i, George, 442 Snow, .Snowe , George, 316*, 317*, 343 , Henry, no , Nathaniell, 471 , Rebecca, 175, 225, see Grave, Elnor , Richard, 141 , Sara, 175, 225, see Grave , Wm., 59 , see Swnow Snowood, John, 246 Soanes, Mary, 126 [Somerhaies?], Anne, 470 , John, 470 Somers, Cornwall, 164 , Sir George, 155 , James, 95 , see Summers Somer.sall, John, Senr., 303 Somersall, Thomas, 191 Somerton, John, 103 Sommer, Elisa, 91 , Henry, 91 vSone, George, 40S Sothey (or Soolhey), Ann, 176, 226 ( ), Elizabeth, 191, 226 , Henry, 191 , Mary, 191 , Mr., 191 , Mrs. 176 , Thomas, 191 Sotterfoylh, Jo., 36 Sourton, Samuell, 443 Sousa, Abraham, 449 Southampton, Earl of 313* , Henry, Earl of, 156 Southern, John, 175, 225, 273, see Sowthern Soiithernes, Mr., 308 Southward, Henry, 143 Southwood, Marie, no Southworth, Francis, 405, 41S Sowth, Francis, 38 , Martin, 128 Sowthern, Jane, in, see Sou- thern Spalden, Edmond, 187 Spalding, Edward, 176 Spar, Georg, 433 Sparke, Sparkes, Sparks , Edwartl, 58 , George, iSo , James, n2 , John, 195, 234, 49S , Joye, 505 , .Madam, 472 , Samuell, 407 , Thomas, 265, 307 S. Parplin [?St. Parlin], Tho- mas, 141 Sparowhawk, James, 485 Sparrow, Judith, \\\ Sparshott, Edward, 173, 208 Speckman, Henrie, 41 Speed, Richard, 52 Speere, Eliz., 82 Speering, John, 326, 329 Speights, Elizabeth, 491 , Marie, 491 (or Speghts), William, 485, 491 Spence, Elizabeth, 499 , James, 327, 331 , John, 327 , Mrs., 191 , Sara, 178, 249 Spence, William, 17S, 191, 271. 499 Spenceley, John, 141 Spencer, Allice, 22S , Sir Edward, 106 , Francis, 35 , James, 142 , John, 142, 448, 485 , Kathren, 173 , Margaret, 506 , Nicholas, 163, 163* , Peter, 141 , Robert, 84. 163 , Thomas, 1S2 , William, 82, 117,228, 229 Spendergrass, Tho., 51 Spendley, Mary, 75 Spenlove, John, 491 ■ , Lowrie, 491 Spenswick, Mrs., 458 Spicer, Ann, 71 , Edward, 122, 129 , tJregory, 233 , Henry, 129 , Richard, 36 , Samuell, 405 Spight, Fra,, 84 Spilman, Hanna, 252 (or Spillman), Thomas, 175, 186, 188, 226, 252, 273 SpiUmans, Captain, 269 Spittle, Robert, 409 Sprad, Elinor, 179 Spraging, Radulph, 95 Spratt, Mary, 108 , Tho., 112 Sprawe, Oliff, 102 Spraw.son, William, 114 Spreate, Jo., lot Spring, Elinor, 2S0 , Henry, 28 1 , John, 2S0, 28 1 , Mary, 281 , William, 2S1 .Springall, Jo., 36 Springham, Hannah, 422 John, 338, 422, 458 -, Sarah, 422 Sprite, Robert, 74 Spurling, Richard, 172 Spurr, Robert, 51 Spurway (Spurwey, or Spur- nay), Robert, 326, 329 Spyer, Jo., 63 Spynk, Robert, 82 Sqire, John, 303 Squier, Phillipp, 38 72 S70 IXDEX. Srayne, Richard, 132 Stabcr, Peter, 17S Slacie, liliznbclli, 105 Stacy, \V., 403 Stafferlon, Mr., 176 StafTord, Jane, 71 , Mr., 309 , William, 249, Z51 .Slagg, Will., 48, 53, 56, 57, Co, 61, 08 Stalvers, Henry, 306 — , Mn,., 305 Stamford, Jon, John, 191 Stantley,'jo., 98 Siawton, bai iell, 367 , I'earce, 406 , 'Iho., 36 .Staple, see Staples Staplcliill, Alle.\ander, 151 Staples (or Staple), Leonard, 73. 316. 318. 342 -, Richard, 271 Siapleton, Tieiec, 81 , Waller 405 , William, l6l*, 162* .Siapons, Cornelius, 488 , Margaret, 488 , 'Ihoinas, 488 Stares, 1 honias, 42 Starkey, Elizabeth, 175 Starkie, I'eter, 125 Starling, Wni., 114 Siauebng, ife Staveling Staughton, Edward, 87 Staunton, Jo., 126 Staveling, Mathew, 193 Staysmore, Krancis, 505 Stebing, Eliz., 278 , John, 278 , Rowland, 278, 279 , Sarah, 278, 279 , Thomas, 278 Steddall, William, 79 Stede (Steed, or Steede), Edw7n, 162, 321, 325, 331, 335. 339, 344. 424. 447. 4S8 , John, 166 , sec Steed Stedhani, John, 449 Stedm.in, Elizabeth, 68 , I sack, tS , Nathaniel], 68 , Susanna, 426 Steed, Calia, 424 , sec Stede Steel, Mary, 403, 404 Steele, Barbary, 466, 468 , George, 46S , '1 homas, 466 Steephens, sec Stephens Steere, Richard, 136 , Robert, III Steerer, Eliz., 107 Steerman, Anthony, 499 Steevens, Alice, 98 , Edward, 139 , Henry, 99 , John, 40, 129, 506 , Mathew, S6 , Tho., 73, lOi , Wm., 83, 126, 128 Stevens, Ste- phens Stievenson, Christopher, 127 , Richard, 120 Stepbing, Henrj', 447 Stephen, , 192 Stei>hens, Steephens, &c. (or Stevens), Elias, 326, 329 . John, 239, 485 , Nathaniell, 405 , rhilipp (PPhilippa), 15" or Stevens), Richard, Stepney, Thomas, 256 Sterry, Geo., I40 Steven, 196 Stevens (or Stephens), Elias, 326, 329 , Hector, 426 (or Stevans), John, 181, 296 , Judeth, 151 (or Stephens), Richard, 333. 33°. 339 , Robert, 43 , Thomas, 426 , sec .Steevens, Stephens Steward, Amey, 505 , John, 424 , Margaret, 424 , William, 139 , see Sheard .Stewart, John, 329 Stibbs, Jo., 120 Stickland, Margaret, 422 , William, 379,422,439 175, 193, 226, 333, 336, 339 , Sylvester, 406 , see Steevens, Stc- Stifrch)Tin, Wm., 12S Stiles, Erancis, 42 , Henry, 43 , Joan, 43 , jo., 43 , Rrch.l, 43 , Tho., 42 Stilgo, Ant"., Ill Stint, Henry, 140 Stirrup, James, 306 Siith, Martin, 436 Stoak's, Stoakes, see Stokes Stocbridge, Ann, 94, see Stock- bridge, Stuckbridge Stock, Robert, 85 Stockbridge, Jo., 93, see Stoe» briher, 506 , Jane, 494 , John, 4S6, 494 , Lancelot!, 4S9 , Mary, 489 , Roger, 222 (?) , Thomas, 486 — , William, 195 see Tompson Thomson, Chri., 134 , Edward, Si, 103 , Georg, 185 , Jo., 52, 76, 81, 84, 134, 135 , Morris, 273 , Paulc, 1S3 INDEX. 573 Thomson, Robert, 128 , Tho., 86, 98, 1 28 , \Villiain, 124, 142, 185, 244 -, sie Tomson Thornbnigh, Widow, 441 Thornburgh, George, 436, 486 Thorncome, Wm., 114 Tliorne, Arthur, 133 , Henry, 173, 213 , Peter, 56 , Thomas, 122 Tliornebury, Thomas, 253 Thornegood (or Thorngood), Thomas, 1 76, 182 Thornehill (or Thcmhill), Timothy, 164, 469, 506 Thornton, Joanna, 59 , Nicholas, 303 , Robert, 68, 162* , Walter, 59 , Wm. ,411 Thorogood (or Thorougood), Adam, 1S7, 253 , Richard, 433 Thoroughgood, Edw., 286 , see Thurrow- good, &c. Thorowden, Allice, 218 Thorovvgood, Edwaixl, 159 , Thomas, 226, 486 , see Thurrowgood, &c. Thorp, Elizabeth, 67 , John, 47 , William, 67 Thorpe, James, 329, 506 , John, 412 Thrasher, Robert, 261 Thredder, Niccolas, 249 Threlcatt, Ant"., 74 Threnorden, Edward, 216 , Elizabeth, 216 Thresher, Robert, 183 Throgmorton, John, 189, 20S Througood, see Thorogood Thurrogood, Jo., 142 , Mary, 96 Thurrowgood, Wm., 118 , see Thorowgo &c. Thursby, James, 192 Thurston, John, 293 , Margrett, 293 , Thomas, 293 Thvvait's, Alexander, 49 Thwing, Ben., 62 . John. 357 Tibbald.s, Tho., 131 Tibott, .r^^Tybbott Tichbourn, Winnefred, 4S6 Tickin (or Tinkin), Peter, 318"' Ticknall, Hcnrie, 130 Tickner, Thomas, 446 Tifiin, Tho., 142 Tiffing, Jo., 125 Tighton, W., 121 Tiler, Elizabeth, 259 , William, 259 , see Tyler Till, John, 136 Tilly, Wm., 88, see Tylly Tilney, Thomas, 486 Timothy, John, 316*, 317, 343 Tindall, Richard, 506 , Thomas, 191, 267 , Widow, 176 Tine, Elisabeth, 424 , John, 424 , Margaret, 424 Tingley, Palmer, 53 Tinico. Jacob, 411 Tinkin, see Tickin Tippin, John, 411 Tippsley, Francis, 138 Tissall, Robert, 143 Titcomb, Samuell, 329 Titloe, Jo.sua, m [Titus], Edmond, 46 , Jo., 46 , Hanna, 46 , Rolx-rt, 46 Tiverton, William, Todd, Robert, 259 Toleman (or Doleman), Su- sannah, 320" Toller, Marie, 66 Tolhe, Tho., 84 ToUo, Demeuerez Lewis, 412 Tomkins, Elizabeth, 131 , Kat., 131 ■, Marie, 131 , Ralph, 131 , Samuel, 131 333) [340 336. Tomlinson, Mathew, 80, se Thomlinson Tompson, Ann, 172 , Nicholas, I So, 234 ■, Roger, 172 , see Thompson, &c. Tomson, George, 244 , Hather, 256 , Mr., 257 , Paule, 244 •, William, 255 , see Thomson Tooke, James, 1 78, 220,see Tuke Tooles, Morgan, 411 Toolie, Tho., 85 Tooly, Nathan, 127 Toothaker, Margaret, 130 , Roger, 130 Topleife, Wm., 140 Topliss, Wm., 79 Toppan, Abraham, 293 , Elizabeth, 293 , Petter, 293 , Susanna, 293 Toppin, see Tappin Topsail, Humfrey, 36 Torez, Judieah, 450 Tothill, Mrs., 447 Totle, William, 206 Totman, Jo., 150 Totnell, Jo., 67 Toulban, Robert, 138 Touey, see Tovey Tounsend, see Townesend, &c. Tovey, Richard, 506 Towers, Edward, 116 Towne, Edmund, 291 , Edward, 446 , John, 39 Townesend (or To%vnsend), Thomas, 327, 329 Townsend, Alice, 428 , Francis, 12 r , John, 44S (or Townshend) chard, 120, 134, 174, 363. 4" , Tho., 37 Townson, James, 51 •, Tho., 36 ;1), Ri- Towse, John, 37 Toyer, Kath., 44 1 Tracheni, John, 173 Tracy, Thomas, 266 Trallopp, Tymothy, 122 Tramorden, Edward, 172 Trane, Jo., 63 Trantt, Richard, 441 Trarice, Nic°., 43, 45, 47, 55 Trash (or Trask), Suzan, 95 Tratt, Robert, 70 Travel, Samuel, 164 Travers, Phillip, 444 Travis, Richard, 410 Tredwell, Mary, 1 10 •, Thomas, no Tree, John, 227 , Richard, 227, 272 Tregagell, Richard, 132 Treheame, John, 214 Tremills, Wm., 412 Tremineere, Edward, 153 Trendall, Richard, 67 Treneighan, Robert, 153 Trent, Jo., 79 Trentum, Tho., 108 574 INDEX. Tiese, Samuel, 84 Trethewy (or Trethewey), John, 161, 162 Trcvas, Geo., 118 Trewin, Jane, 153 Trigg, Thomas, 41 Triggs, Thomas, 192 Trhn, TriiTi, \i.i.. Trimmer], Valentine, 370, 373, 414 Trippatt, Jo., 86 Trodil, Kicharil, 296 Troope, Samuel, 129 Trott, Pcricnt, 307, 309 Trou, Jan de, 199 'IVoWfU, I'hillipp, 45S, 486 Trowstlale, Ann, 433 Tnibbs, George, 316, 317* True, Ant"., 82 , John, 103 Trueman, Richard, 42 Truniball, Thomas, 94 Trump (or Trumpe), Ilum- phciy, 334, 337, 340 Truren, John, 327 Tru.idal, William, 425 Trusedell, I'hines, 142 Tnissell, John, 170, 207 'I'rye, John, 221 'J'ubb.s, Edward, 4S6 'l"ul)ley, Grace, 123 Tuck, Warram, 112 Tuckc, \\'illiam, 296 Tucker, Ann, 506 , Charles, 163 , Klizabelh, 244 , Francis, 305, 306 , Geo., 122 , Henry, Senr., 303 . . 305. 327. 330 ■ > John, 163*, 164* , Margaret, 98 , Maiy, 1S5. 244 • — ~, St. George, 303 , Thomas, 119 , William, 184,244,273, -~iA< 3-7, 330 Tudar, Richard, 445, 458 Tudor, Mary, 430 , Richard, 430 Tuke, Chri., 85, Jtv? Tooke Tull, John, 461 Tullie, lo., 126 'I'ulls, John, 4O6 , Richard, 466 Tuppin, s,v Tappin Turdall, John, 412 Turgis, Symon, 170, 2oS Turk, Geo., 133 Turner, Kli/.abeth, 46, 123 ,Ilenry, 173, 177,214,219 Turner, Joan, 123 , John, 83, 4H , Jonathan, 303 , Joseph, 193 , Marmaduke, 63 , Martha, 424 , Martin, 180, 234 , Mary, 424 , Mathew, 51 , Robert, 85, 93, 170, 210 , Sara, 37 , Symon, 170 , Thomas, 79, So, 112, 144, 205, 297 Turiior, Geoige, 255 , Roger, 192 Turpin, Henry, Junr., 458 , , Senr., 438 , John, 70 , Witlow, 442 Turton, Francis, 45S 'I'ustin, Jo., 133 Tuthill, George, 439 Tuttell, Abigail, 45 , Ann, 48, 49 — , Anna, 48 — , Illizabeth, 49, S3 , Isbell, 48 , Joan, 45 , Jo., 45, 48, 49 , Rebecca, 48 , Richard, 48 , Sara, 45 , Symon, 45 , Tho., 49 , William, 49 Twine, Widow, 458 Tyack, William, 164* TybbotI, Tybbot, Tibott , Elizabetli, 108 , Henry, 108 , Jeremy, 108 , Remembrance, loS , Samucll, 108 Tyers, John, 18S Tyler, Elizabeth, 181 , Jo., 121 , Robert, 486 , Thomas, 70 , William, 181 , Siv Tiler Tylly, Nathaniell, 73, w Tilly Tynkler, Sara, 94 Tynman, Robert, 102 Tyos, John, 235 Tyres, Sainuell, 83 Tyrwliitt, (Jeorgc, 458 Tyrwill, Hcrculous, 458 Tyse, Wm., 137 Tysoe, Wm., 486 Tyzacke, John, 166* UBANK, William, 135 UfTord, John, 486 Underwood, Andrew, 1 1 1 , John, 35, 96 , Marable, 291 , .Martha, 2S1 , .Martin, 2S1 , Mary, 433 , Peter, 50 , Robert, 104 Union (Vnion or Vinon), George, iSl Uniton (or Vinton), Thomas,4S6 Unyon, Tho., 143 Upgate, Richard, 121 Upham, Elizalieth, 2S6 , John, 2S6 , , Junr., 286 I , Nathaniell, 2S6 , Sarah, 2S6 I Upjjcolt, Richard, 94 j Upson, Steeven, 66 Upton, Jiihn, 172, 217 Uree, John, 369 Urquhart, Alle.xander, 413 Ustltt, Thonuis, 150 Usher, Ann, 2o5 , Beniamine (or Beny), J 92. 193 , John, 38 , William, 39 Usherwood, Thomas, 142 U.shur, James, 267 Utie (or Uty), Ann, (iSi), 237 ( ), 181, 237, 270 ^'aghan, siv \'aughan Vale, Jacob Fonceco, 450 Vallin's, Joan, 113 Valuerde, -Abr., 449 Vanderspike, John, 407 Van Heck, Katherin, loi , Olliver, 101 — — , Peter, lOI Vanlang, Ricliaril, 436 Van Luccom, Henry, 1 43 Vardell, RolxMt, 132 Varier, William, 342 Varloe, Phillip, 3O4, 376 Varlow, Capt., 434 Varnam, Kiancis, 425 Vass, Ezekiah, 396 , Robert, 121 Vassall, Ann, 93, 94 , Fra., 94 , Judith, 94 , Margaret, 93 INDEX. 575 Vassal!, Marj', 93 , Wm., 93 Vater, St-c Vawter Vaughan, Davie, 119 (or Vaglian), John, 118, 135, 260, 305, 507 , Ralph, 47 , Rowland, 109 , Sarah, 507 Vause, Richard, 205 Vaux, John, 413 Vawter (or Vater), Robert, 31S*, 319*. 320* \eazey, Nathanael, 313 Veiyard, William, 316 Venn, Edward, 3i8*,3i9*, 320* • — -, Tho., Si Vennable, Ralph, S6 Vennell, John, 296 Venner, Thomas, 3 1 9, 3 1 9*, 320* Ventimer, Geo., 73 Verdin, Richard, 125 Vereing, Alice, 506 , Joshua, 50O Verge, Daniell, 173 , John, 179 Verin, John, 234 , Nalhaniell, 413 Vemie, John, 176 Vernnillie, John, 166* Vernon, James, 165* , Peter, 413 Verryard, William, 31S Vemlani, Francis, Lord, 157 Vicars, John, 193 , Severn, 304 Viccars, Jo., 109 , Zeverin, 85 Vickars, James, 442 Victor, i\Iichell, 119 Viero, Daniell, 209 Vildy, Edward, 332, 336, 341 Villermarsk, Dr. De, 431 Vincencio, Mr., iSo, 235 Vincene, Joane, 202 , William, 202 Vincent, John, 31S', 319*, 324. 436 , Mrs., 169 , William, 169, 267 , see Vyncent Viner, Anthony, 412 Vinicolt (or Vincott), Joseph, 333> 33S, 340 Vinon (or Union), George, 181 Vinson, Tho., 115 Vinter, Richard, 324 [486 Vinton (or Uniton), Thomas, Viper, Tho., So Virbritt, 261 Virgo, John, 240 , Susan, 240 Visher, Ann, 116 Vizard, Joan, 126 Voh, Phillip le, 427 Voss, John, 102 , Morris Furse, alias, 340, see Fuss, &c. Vynall, Jo., 117 Vyncent, Edward, 86 . , Ezia, 133 , Marthew, 133 , see Vincent Vynn, Jo., 52 Vyons, Francis, 122 WACKEFEILD, Anne, 300 •, William, 300 Wadd, Anne, 291 Waddine, Thomas, 487 Waddington, Hanna, 123 Wade, Dinah, 2S6 , Edward, 103 , Elizabeth, 286 , Geo., 82, 115 , Hannah, 426 , John, 136, 426 , Jonathan, 150 , Nic"., 63 , Richard, 286 ■ , Robert, 50 , Wm., 153 Wadford (or Madford), Wm., 326 Wadham, Richard, 334, 338, 340 , Roger, 32S, 331 , Tho., 370 Wadsworth, William, 150, 243, 254 Waggitt, Edward, 109 , Tho., 85 Waine, Amyte, 250 , Ann, 187 , John, 1S7, 250 Wainwright, James, 418 , John, Senr., 303 , see Waynewrite Wakefield, Thomas, 95 Waker, Sarah, 438 Wakers, Jo., iiS Walden, Humphrey, 181, 239 , .Samuell, S4 , Thomas, 446 Wale, John, 340, 506, see Wall Walford, Elisalieth, 432 — , Muse, 343, 432, 440 Walker, Edward, loi, 434, 435 , Grace, 75 , James, 61, Sr , John, 192, 193, 196,431 Walker, Joseph, 70 , Margaret, 129 , Mathew, 81 , Richard, 60, 191 , Roger, 184, 243 , Sarra, 61 , Susan, 434 , Thomas, 134, 426 , Walter, 124 , William, 40,60, 169,294 Walkin, Robert, 190 Wall, Joan, 92 , John, 332, 336, see Wale , Samuel, 417 , Thaobald, 12S , Walter, 128 Waller, Andrew, 298 , Charles, 174, 223 , Edmond, 162 , Jo., 103, 140 , Peter, 102 Walley, Henry, 507, sic Whaley Wallinger, Charles, 96 Wallington, Joseph, 70 , William, loi 40, Wallis, George, 92 , Ralph, 92 , Tho., 64, 120 Walrond, Thomas, 4S7 Walston, Jane, 132 Walter, Alice, 499 , Ellinor, 44S , Richard, 4S7 , Robert, 162* — , Thomas, 499 , William, 39 Walters, Ann, 343 , Christopher, 4S6 , John, 332, 337, 340 , Richard, 322 , William, 40, 41 233. 334. 338, 341 Waltho, Francis, 496 , Mary, 496 Walton, George, 459 , John, 1S6, 257 , Margaret, 488 , Mary, 4SS , Richard, 41, 487 , William, 39, 4SS Walters, Richard, 506 Waltum, Robert, 12I Walwyn, Anne, 496 (or Walwyne), James, 496, 506, 507 Wamsley, John, 193 Wandall, Ann, 102 Wanerton [Wannerton], Ham, 229 Wil- 576 INDEX. Ward, Eliza, 55 ■ , Elizabeth, 123 , Heniy, 314 , James, 79 , Jane, 435 , John, 182, 260 , Richard, 121, 4S7 , Robert, 80 , Thomas, iSl. 239, 314 , Wdliam, 1 74, 180,233,487 Wardd, Richard, 115 t Warden, Thomas, 262 f Wardle, Christopher, 506 Ware, Esaw de La, 1 84 Warner, Ann, 427 , Ciprian, 104 , John, 6;, 427 , Nathaniell,4lS , Ralph, 426 , Samucll, 338, 459, 462 , Stephen, 487 , Sir Thomas, 436 -, Thomas, 84, 105, 158, 427. 444 , \Vm., 121 WaiT, William, 140 Warren, Anne, 431 , Edward, 81 , Elizabeth, 75 , George, 333, 336, 340 , Henry, 84 (or Warrin), John, 79, 85, 112, 135, 333, 337, 340 , Joseph, 431, 459 , Nicholas, 326 , Richard, 297 , Thomas, 35 1, 363, 375. 384, 395 Warrington, Robert, 82 Warrwell, Joseph, 125 Wartumbee, Richard, 139 Warwick, Robert, Earl of, 159 , Earl of, 309 Wasey, Joseph, 374 Washborn, Washborne, Wash- burn, Wasborne , John, 57, 1 89, 257, 263, 426 , Joseph, 36 , 'Margerie, 57 , Vhillipp, 57 Waslev, John, 487 Wasse'll, Jo., 93 Wasson, Edward, 489 Waterman, Ann. 123 , Iliimphery, 471 , John, 324 , Katherin, 85 , Mr., 309 , Nicholas, 154 Waterman, Tho., 40 Waters, Watters , Edward, 1S7, 253, 272 , Grace, 187, 253 , Jo., loi , Margarett, 253 , Mary, 459 , William, 187, 253 Wathin, Tho., 137 Walkines, Watkins, WatkjTis, Wattkines, Wattkins , Arthur, 52 , Daniell, 189, 231 , David, 354, 486 , Eliz., 489 , Henry, 189 — , I'ercgree (or Pere- grin, &c.), 189, 265 — , Phillip, 416 , Rice, 181, 232 , Richard, 138 , Robert, 4S6 , 'I'lu.mas, 4S7 Watkinson, John, 39 Watler, Robert 127 Wallington, Krancis, 351, 354, 368, 375, 388, 40S ■ , Mary, 417 Watson, Wattson : , Abram, 50, 121 I , Alice, 124 i , Christopher, 80 ' , Francis, 87 I ■ , James, 172, 207 , John, 36, 82, 150, 169, 201, 256 , Margaret, 102 , Thomas, 50, 172, 439 , William, 103, 434 , sa Whatson Watt, David, 487 Watters, .f 57» INDEX. Whitney, Jo., 58 , JonatliaTi, 58 , Nathaniel!, 58 , Richard, 58 , Samuel, 308 , Tho., 58 Whitt, Eilmoiul, 180 , Jerime, 180 , Robert, 194 , William, 173 Whittaker, Gco^ 112 Whittakers, Elizabeth, I S3 , Isacke, 182 , Mary, 182 WTiittee, Mar)', 414 Whilteredd, Whittredd , Elizabeth, 56 , The, 56 , Wm., 56 Whittiiigton, Stephen, 152 Whittimor, Elizabeth, 46 , Lawrence, 46 , see Whitimor, Whit- more Whitton, Awdry, 76 . Jeremy, 78 , Thomas, 78 , see Wittoii Whitreed, see Whiteredd Whitwham, Jo., 119 \\hiirter, Vyncent, 116 Whyteraark see Whitmarck Wickham, Benj'., 415 , Eliz'., 417 . Joseph, 332, 335, 341 , Tho., 417 Wicks, Jo., 115 , Matthew, 30S Wiett, Wm., 154, sec Wyatt Wiffe, Richard, 257 ■^■'gg. John, 37 Wigge, Edward, 241 Wiggm (or Wiggins), The, 114, 125 \\ iggmore, Elias, 125 Wilbraham, Tho., 461 Wilby, George, 59 Wilcockes, Mihell, 246 Wilcocks, John, 188 , Maudhn, 188 , Miche.ill, 188 , Nico., 81 , see Willcockes Wilcockson, Margaret, 45 . Wm., 45 , see Willcockson Wild, Alice, 56 - — . Jo., 56 (or Wile), Robert, 104 (or Wilde), Wimam,s6,4i8 Wild, see Wylde Wile, xe Wild Wiley, Jone, 426, see Wylie Wilkenson, see Wilkinson Wilkines, Briggctt, 265 , John, 264, 265 Wilkins, Goodwife, 189 , Humfrcy, III , John, 189, 415, 461 , sec Wilkyns Wilkii\son, Daniell, 414 , Edward, 70 -, Hen., 72 , Jane, 84 , Jo., 36, 84, 122 , Mathew, 140 , Parnel, 310 Tho., Ill Wilks, John, 40 , Nathaniell, 414 WilkjTis, Roger, 127, sie Wil- kins Willard, Jo., 127 Willtockes, Elizabeth, 246 , John, 263 see Wilcocks Willcockson, Jo., 45, see W'il- eockson Wilier, Thomas, 193 Willerton, Elizabeth, 95 Willet, Tobie, 150 Willett, .^nn, 121 Willey, Rawley, 507 William, , 188 (Negroes), 172, 244,489 Williames, Alles, 292 , Ann, 98 , Anne, 290 , Elizabeth, 292 , Roland, 261 , William, 292 Williams, Ann, 422 Anto., 82 , Arthur, 418 ■ , Cassandra, 435 , Christopher, 324 , David, 169, 236 , Davie, 70, 137 , Edward, 226, 435 , Elias, 498 , Elizabeth, 180, 433 , Ellis, 140 , Henry, 171, 211 . Hugh, 174, 329, 338, 470 , Humfrey, 116 , John, 41, 70, 132, 139. 141, 349,354, 3S5. 397, 412, 427, 434, 448, 459 : — , Joyce, 467 Williams, Katharin, 422 , Lewes, 73 , Matthew, 386, 413 , Maurice, 52 , Michell, 124 , Mrs., 189 . Owen, 41, 74, 138 , Pierce, 217 , Rice ap, 179 , Richard, 116, 117, "54. 329. 35". 439. 487 Robert, 84, 1 14, 179. 192 , Roger, 86, 137, 253 , Rowland, 165*, 183 Simon (or Symon), 415, 422 , Susan, 211 , Teage, 154 , Thomas, 81, 102, 113, 166*, 171, 210, 326, 330. 369. 3S5. 390, 39-', 396, 401, 407, 413, 416, 418, 429, 506 , William, H2, 127, 138, 189, 329, 506 (or Will?), William, 326, 327, 329 Williamson, hnn, 130 , John, 96, 436 , Marie, 107 , Michell, 46 , Nathaniel, Wm., 107 [501 80, Willis, Ann, 222 , Elizabeth, 96, 423 , Henry, 413 , John, 50, 319, 319*, 320*, 423. 459 , Mary, 1 20 , Rich.ird, 471, 472 , Thomas, S3, 423 , Wm., 74 Willkisson, I3eniamone, 145 , Larence, 145 Willmott (or Willmatt), Ed- ward, 327, 328 ( ), Hugh, 327. 330 Wittms, see Williams Wiftmson, see Williamson Willoughby, La Worden, Isaac, 66 , Jane, 43 Worlidgc, Henry, 104 , William, 186, 254 Wormley, Ralph, 167 Worrall, Wm., 12S Worsam, John, 437 , Maiy, 437 Worthall, Thomas, 251 Worton, Nathanell, 266 Wragg, Beniamin, 96 Wrast, Marie, 45 Wray, Ralph, 80 Wrench, \Vm., 140 Wrenn, Tho., 123 Wright, Alice, 126 , Dorcas, 497 , Henry, 497, 507 , liorten, 229 • . Jeffery, 87 , Joane, 261 , John, 109, 194,256,487 , Lubas, 132 . Mary, 414 • ■, Mr., 196 , Ralph, 306 , Richard, 123, 414 ■ , Robert, 183, 261, 414 , Thomas, 443 , William, 4S7 , see Write Wrighton, Mr., 309 Write, Arthur, 73 , Jo., 74, 122 , Nathaniell, 64 , Wm., 112 , see Wright Writters, John, 268 Wulfris, Tho., 300 Wy, Parry, 75 W'yatt, Christopher, 487 , Sir Francis, 157, 160, 173. 22'. 273 , Hant, 173 , Margaret, Lady, 173 Wyatt, Ralph, 162* , see Wiett Wydhouse, Jo., 52 Wygon, Edward, 104 WyUle, Geo., 77, see Wild Wylie, John, 76, see Wiley Wynch, Jeflery, 120, j^c Winch Wynchester, Jo., 48 Wyncott, Ann, 83 , Dorothie, 83 Yeardley, Frances, 173, 222 , Sir George, 157, 173, 222, 238, 274 Temperance, Lady, Wynd, Arthur, 40 , James, 80 , Mar)', 136 Wyndell, Jo., 66 Wynes, Tho., 116 Wyngate, Charles, 84, see Win- gate Wynkles, Jo., 52 Wynn, Christopher, 121, see Winne , Jo., 125 , Richard, 486 W)mnstonly, Hugh, 71 Wynsloe, Edmond, 149, see Winslow Wynter, John, 140, see Winter Wynthropp, see Winthropp WynwiU (or \Vindwilc), Chris- topher, 1 82, 260 ^ Wyon, Robert, 1 1 1 Wythins, Jo., 137 YARD, W'm., 84 Yardley, s;e Yeardley Yarwood, Thomas, 418 Yateman, William, 135 Yates, Edward, 238 , Chads, 421 , Henry, 498 , Joice, 421 (or Yat's), John, 41, 85, 95 , Kat., 37 , Margaret, 421 , Mr., 183 , Robert, 119 , Thomas, 418 , Wm., 93 Yatman, Henry, 74 Ycamans, Eliz'., 507 , Lady, 472 Yeardley, Yardley, Yeardly, Yearlley , Argall, 173, 222 , Elizabeth, 173, 222 173, 222 Yeats, Leonard, 172 Yemanson, James, 174 Yeomans, Arthur, 41 Yonge, Joane, 245 , Richard, 245 p ], Susan, 245 , see Young, &c. Yonges, Anne, 294 , Joan, 294 , John, 145, 294 , Josueph, 294 , Marey, 294 , Rachel, 294 , Tho., 294 , see Young, &-c. Yore, Elizabeth, 102 York, James, Duke of, l6o*, 161, 161*, 162. 164 , James, 94 , John, 140 , Kat., 116 Yott, Tho., 135 Young, Andrew, 127 , Francis, 125, 342 , Harford, 70 , John, 41, 459 , Joseph, 109 , Marmaduke, 84 , Mathew, 418 , Nathaniell, 137 , Richard, 95 , Samucll, 79, 342, 344 , William, 74 , see Yonge, Yonges, &c. Younge, , 1 73 , Jone, 176 , Richard, 176 , Thomas, 159 Younglove, Margaret, 130 , Samuel, 130 ZOROBABELL, 190 Zouch, Edward, Lord, 156 es, Debra, 290 es, Elizabeth, 290 es, John, 290 es, Samuell, 290 BILLING, PRINTER, GUILDFORD, SURREY. Uhe (St. 3'^^"^"^^'^ gcraltiic Office, 151 B, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. (orPOSITE THE ST. JAMES's HOTEL.) MR. EDWARD A. HARRISON, for some years Manager of the Heraldic Department in the Establishment of the late Mr. J. Camden Hotten, begs to announce that, having succeeded to that branch of the business, he is enabled to undertake researches into J;amilj) |)istories, and to execute any Heraldic commissions that may be entrusted to his care. Having access to all the de- positories of genealogical information in England, — among others, the Ttlccorb ©ffi'cc.lllci-allis' eioUcge, the ^Iritish ^ttitsctim, goctors' CEomiuons, and JJaro- chial ^legistcrs, — he is enabled to compile pedigrees from sources both original and trustworthy. Plain Sketches of Arms, artistically executed in pen and ink, supplied for 3J. The same tinted in heraldic colours, ss. ; or splendidly emblazoned in gold and colours, on paper or vellum, from los. to five guineas. Arms painted on silk, for banners or fire-screens. Masonic banners for Chapters and Encampments, correctly and artistically painted. Heraldic Designs stained on wood, in imitation of inlaid work ; suitable for panels, screens, cabinets, blotting-pads, &c. Memorial Windows, or stained glass for windov.-s of any dimensions. A Shield of Arms, or other device, admirably adapted for a staircase window, for 21^. Seals engraved on stone or metal, in the true spirit of Aledifeval Art. Dies for stamping paper and envelopes, designed and engraved with Mono- gram, Arms, or Crest. Book plates designed in every style; either with the coarse beauty of Albert Diirer, the effective result of Bewick, or the most elaborate Mediaeval designs on Copper or Steel. Designs and Estimates of Cost sent on application. EDWARD A. HARRISON, 151 b, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. Reference in America, Mr. J. W. Bouton, 706, Broadway, New York. ^^ '^^■. .0 ,.S^ -5* .^^ "v '^A V*' "-C,. C*' '^^^ v^' "■fj. >^ ,^*.' ^0 o^ C \> .Or, <^^ '■^^ eS'' ■"%-. c