3. 'o , » * .'\ i '-'♦O^ c>_ * ♦• /% IW«- ./\ '••^•\ /% . '•! 1^ . t • o . ■^ "-.c,^^ .^'\ J' 4. T r o » " • • ^ : '-l-Mri ''^ : ^^ C> {j> i'omtg of Olclnmal Wars in tl|p iiatrta of Soc. xi Name Address No. N° 3472 124 Peter, Armistead. Jr 1818QSt Washington. D. C. 3964 144 Peter, George Freeland (Rev.) Tudor Place, 3 1st St.. Washington, D. C. 3919 143 Phillips, Duncan Clinch 1600 21st St Washington, D. C. 3068 146 Raymond, Prof. George Lansing The George Washington University, Wasliington, D. C. 3349 119 Reynolds, Frederick Pratt, U. S. A. (Capt.) Care Surgeon General. -Washington, D. C. 2918 103 Riggs, Elisha Francis 131 1 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. Rittenhouse, David Riggs National Bank- .Washington, D. C. Roe, Fayette Washington. U. S. A. (Lt.-Col.) " Roeskilde " Cottage, Port-Orange-on- the-Halifax, Florida. Roe, George Vallejo, Cal. Root, Charles Stevens Treasury Dept Washington, D. C. Russell, Alvey Claude Holmes The Benedick. 1808 1 St.. Washington. D. C. Root, Cyrus Laurel, Md. Sanger, Joseph Prentice, U.S. A. (Gen.)..CareAdjutantGeneraI, Washington, D. C. Sexton, Henry Dearborn War Dept Washington, D. C. Seymour, Henry Albert 913 F St. Washington, D. C. Smith, Roland Cotton (Rev.) 1461 R. I. Ave Washington, D. C. Smith, Robert Atwater War Dept. Washington, D. C. Stetson, Caleb Rochford (Rev.) 509 I St. N. E Washington, D. C. Stetson, George Rochford 1441 Massachusetts Ave., Washington. D. C. Swartout. Dr. Frank Austin 11 Iowa Circle Washington. D. C. Tainter, Frank Stone 92 WQliam St New York City Taylor. John Yeatman. U. S. N. (Dr.).. 1727 Q St Washington, D. C. Thompson. Gilbert U. 5. Geological Survey. Washington. D. C. Thompson. WiJliam Baker 1419 F St. Washington. D. C. Tupper. James Brainard Taylor 1316 19th St Washington. D. C. Tweedy, Frank U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 648 35 Vaughan, Dr. George Tully Marine Hospital Service, Washington. D. C. Van Dyke. Harry Weston Bond Bldg Washington. D. C. Wallace. EJliott Lambert Library of Congress Washington, D. C. Webb, John Sidney Bond Bldg Washington. D. C. Woodward. Samuel Walter Cor. I 1th and F Sts. .Washington. D. C. Wyman. Dr. Walter Marine Hospital Service. Washington. D. C. 3804 134 157 5 205 6 3849 138 699 147 3531 126 1144 54 629 16 2498 91 3917 140 647 34 1556 69 1434 66 3473 125 3993 145 1550 68 628 15 2688 95 3172 108 3346 116 1207 58 3959 142 880 48 3459 121 633 20 DECEASED MEMBERS Gen. D. C. Soc. Soc. No. No. 627 14 Dorsey, Rev. James Owen, Died February 5, 1895. 881 49 Mann, Charles Addison, Died March 13. 1896. 666 40 Webster. William Holcomb, Died March 23, 1896. 1 208 59 Baker, Charles Henry, U. S. N., Died May 6, 1 896. 638 25 Goode, Dr. G. Brown. Died September 6, 1896. 635 22 Meade, Richard Worsam. U. S. N., Died May 4, 1897. 11 07 53 Hubbard, Gardiner G. , Died December 1! , 1 897. 631 18 Johnson, J. B.. Died January 10, 1899. 247 1 1 Mason, T. B. M., U. S. N.. Died October 1 6, 1 899. 236 7 Batchelder, Richard Napoleon, U.S.A., Died January 4, 1 90 1 . 1432 64 Wilhelm. William Hermann. U. S. A.. Died June, 1901 . 645 32 Beale. Charles F. T., Died November. 1901 . 118 3 Roe, Francis Asbury. U. S. N.. Died December 28, 1901 . 646 33 Merrill, James Gushing, U. S. A., Died October 27, 1 902. 2499 92 Appleby. George Franklin, Died April 30, 1903. 1 559 72 Watkins, John Elfreth. Died August 1 1 . 1903. 1431 63 Anderson. James Thomas, U. S. A., Died May 13, 1904. 630 1 7 Smith, Frank Birge. Died December 2 1 . 1 904. 818 98 Tilton, Palmer, U. S. A., Died March 7, 1905. 2613 93 Barber, LeDroict Langdon, Died May 19, 1905. 672 46 Baird. Absalom. U. S. A., Died June 14. 1905. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY Goveraor-General, ARTHUR J. C. SOWDON. Vice-Goveraor-General, HOWLAND PELL, Secretary-General. SAMUEL V. HOFFMAN. Deputy Secretary-General, GUY VAN AMRINGE. 66 Beacon Street, Boston. 7 Pine Street, New York. 45 William Street, New York. 45 William Street, New York. Treasurer-General, WILLIAM MacPHERSON HORNOR. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Acting Deputy Treasurer-General. FRANCIS HOWARD WILLIAMS, Bullitt Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Registrar-General, GEORGE NORBURY MACKENZIE. 1 808 Park Avenue. Baltimore. Md. Historian-General. DR. THOMAS PAGE GRANT. Louisville, Ky. Chaplain-General. RT. REV. WILUAM LAWRENCE, I Joy Street. Boston. Matt. Surgeon-General. DR. JAMES GREGORY MUMFORD. Boston. Mats. ChanceHoi-General. THEODORE S. WOOLSEY. 250 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. 28 W ♦ V .•••/•. .<* V^^ 0^ 'o. ♦-rTvT' /^ 'bV^ c^ * o*. ''•.^•* ^0 '"^ *i:^'*

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