D 570 .8 .S4 P4 1917a Copy 1 a Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Report ii Session. \ | No. 37. SEIZITRE OF THE GERMAN INTERNED SHIPS. May 1, 1917. — Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the \ Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. Alexander, from the .Committee on the Merchant Marine and •Fisheries, suhmitted the following REPORT. I [To accompany H. J. Res. 62.] The Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries, to whom was referred the resolution (H. J. Res. 62) authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of vessels of any subject or citizen of any nation with which the United States may be at war, arid for other purposes, having considered the reso- lution, report the same to the House with certain amendments, with the recommendation that it do pass. Amend by striking out all the text after the enacting clause and inserting the following: That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to take over to the United States the immediate possession and title of any vessel within the jurisdiction thereof, including the Canal Zone and all territories and insular possessions of the United States except the American Virgin Islands, which at the time of coming into such jiu-isdiction was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war when such vessel shall be taken, or was flying the flag of or was under register of any such nation or any po- litical subdivision or municipality thereof; and, through the United States Shipping Board, or any department or agency of the Government, to operate, lease, charter, and equip such vessel in any service of the United States, or in any commerce, for- eign or coastwise. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint, subject to the approval of the President, a board of survey, whose duty- it shall be to ascertain the actual value of the vessel, its equipment, appurtenances, and all property contained therein, at the time of its taking, and to make a written report of their findings to the Secretary of the Navy, who sliall preserve such report with the records of Ms department. These findings shall be considered as com- petent evidence in all proceedings on any claim for compensation. Amend the title to read as follows : Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the immediate possession and title of any vessel within its jm-isdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or sub- ject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes. SEIZURE OF THE GERMAlSr INTERNED SHIPS. ^%'' ^^M The purpose of this resolution as amended is to authorize the Presi-/'^)7A^ dent to take over to the United States the possession and title of any vessel within the jurisdiction thereof, including the Canal Zone and the insular possessions of the United States, except the American Virgin Islands, which at the time of coming into such jurisdiction was owned in whole or in part by any corporation or citizen or sub- ject of any nation with which the United States may be at war when such vessel shall be taken, or was flying the flag of or was under reg- ister of any such nation, or any political subdivision or municipality thereof. The resolution further provides that such vessels may be oper- ated, leased or chartered, and equij^ped in any service of the United States in any commerce, foreign or coastwise, thi'ough the United States Shipping Board, or any other department or agency of the Government. The resolution further provides that the Secretary of the Navy shall appoint, with the approval of the President, a board of survey to ascertain the value of the vessels, their equipment, appurtenances, and property contained therein at the time of taking, and report their findings to the Secretary of the Navy; and that sucYi findings shall be competent evidence in all proceedings on claims for compensation, etc. This resolution is properly regarded an emergency measure, its purpose being to authorize the President at once to take over the , possession and title of the German vessels interned in ports of the i United States and our insular possessions at and since the beginning of the war in Europe. At the time the vessels were interned in our ports our status was that of a neutral nation. We are now involved in the war with Germany, and under our treaties with Germany and the rules of international law have the right to take over these vessels in the manner proposed in this resolution. The need is urgent that we should do so at once, in order that these vessels may be employed in our overseas commerce and especially to supply our allies with foodstuff's and munitions of war. The report of the committee is unanimous and they indulge the hope that this resolution may be enacted into law without delay. The following statement prepared by the Department of Com- merce, Bureau of Navigation, shows German and Austrian vessels in the ports of the United States and its possessions: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation, ^Yashmglon, May 8, 1915, GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN VESSELS IN PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES. [Asterisk (*) designates Austrian vessels; all others are German.) Name. Vaterland George Washington.. . Amerika Kronprinzessin Cecilio Kaiser Wilhelin II Gross tons. 54,282 25,.'i70 22,022 19,50:? 19,361 Net tons. 23,548 15,379 13,637 6,584 6,353 Pas- sen- gers. 2,264 2,755 2,567 1,576 1,593 Crew 923 525 541 650 655 Speed. Knots. 24 19 m 23i 23i New York, N.Y. do Boston, Mass do New York, N.Y. Owner. Ham burg- .\merican. North (ierman Lloyd. Ham burg- .\mericah. North German TJoyd. Do. D. of D. MAY t5 ' 1917 SEIZURE OF THE GERMAN INTERNED SHIPS. 3 GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN VESSELS IN PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES— Continued. Name. Gross tons. Net tons. Pas- sen- gers. Crew. Speed. At- Owner. Pres.ident Lincoln President Grant Cincinnati Pennsylvania , Grosser Kurfurst Bulgaria Barbarossa Prinzess Irene Friedrich der Grosse Hamburg Rhein Neckar Konig Wilhelm II , Bohemia , *Marthia Washington . . . Kohl *Dora Rhaetia *Erny Prinz Oskar Wittekind Ockenfels Armenia Arcadia Adamsturm Pisa *Himalaia *Morawitz WUlehad Prinz Joachim Serapis *Ida Prinz Eitel Friedrich . . *Franconia AJlemannia Harburg Saxonia *Clare Nassovia *Tercsa ♦Budapest *Oampania Hohenfelde Portonia. Maia .• Clara Mennig *Arma Neptun Pommern C.J. D. Ahlers Prinz Waldemar Setos Holsatia Loeksun Loong Moon Staatssekretar Kraetke Governeur Jaeschke . . . *Lucia Rudolph Blumbcrg Vogesen Frieda Leonhardt *Borneo Odenwald 69 vessels Kronprinz Wilhelm Prinz Eitel Friedrich... 18, 16S 18,072 16,339 13,333 13, 102 11.440 10, 984 10, 893 10, 771 10,531 10, 058 9,835 9,410 8.414 8,312 7,409 7,037 6,600 6,515 6,026 5,640 5,621 5,464 5,454 5,000 4,967 4,948 4,795 4,761 4,760 4,756 4,730 4,650 4,637 4,630 4,472 4,424 3,932 3,902 3,769 3,651 3, .551 2,974 2,778 2, 555 1,685 1,.575 197 6,557 7,490 3,227 4, 730 5,649 1,657 1,971 2,009 1,738 6,744 1, 769 3,716 2,822 3,621 11,17] 11,112 9, 733 8,527 7,881 7,218 6,463 6,443 6,585 6,420 6, 398 0,200 5, 764 5, 248 5,379 4,666 4,536 4,141 4,171 3,777 3,607 3,452 3,386 3,412 3,159 3,148 3,152 3,106 3,012 2,981 3,068 3,093 2,921 3,019 2,915 2,837 2,782 2,541 2,475 2,381 2,321 2,267 1,887 1,744 2,357 1,818 2,337 2,098 2.751 3,303 2,449 2.671 1,965 1,838 1,930 1,827 1,382 2,080 1,920 1,101 656 1,045 1,265 978 1,148 i,'67i' 530,835 308,503 14,908 8,797 5,162 4,812 305 292 370 222 260 Knots. m 14i 15* 13J 15| 215 235 215 232 155 170 172 250 105 104 90 69 44 44 66 42 42, 135 7,685 535 388 14 15J Hi 16 13 14 15i 13 17 13 12* 13" 13 12 12 New York, N. Y ....do Boston, Mass New York, N.Y. do Baltimore, Md. . New York, N.Y.I ....do ....do ....do Baltimore, Md . . do ' New York, N.Y. do do Boston, Mass New York, N.Y. Philadelphia Boston, Mass Philadelphia Boston, Mass do New York, N.Y. Norfolk, Va New York, N.Y. do do Galveston, Tex.. Boston, Mass New York, N.Y. San Francisco . . . New York, N.Y. do Philadelphia New York, N.Y. do Seattle, Wash... New OrleanSjLa. New York, N.Y. New Orleans, La. Norfolk, Va Galveston, Tex.. Savannah, Ga. .. New York, N.Y. do do New Orleans, La. San Francisco. . . Honolulu Hilo Honolulu do do do do do do Pensacola do do Jacksonville. Tampa, Fla. San Juan, P. R. Ham burg- .Vmeriean. Do. Do. Do. North German Lloyd. Hamburg-American. North German Lloyd. Do. Do. Hamburg-American . North German Lloyd. Do. Hamburg-American. Do. Unione Austriaca. North German Lloyd. Unione Austriaca. Hamburg-American. Unione Austriaca. Hamburg-American. North German Lloyd. Hansa. Hamburg-American. Do. Hansa. Hamburg-American. D. Tripovich S. S. Co. Atlantica Sea Nav. Co. North German Lloyd. Hamburg-American. Kosmos Line. Unione Austriaca. Hamburg-American. D. Tripo\dch S. S. Co. Hamburg-American. Deutsche-Australische. Hambiu^g-American. Unione Austriaca. Hamburg-American . Unione Austriaca. Atlantica Sea Nav. Co. D. Tripovich S. S. Co. K i s s 1 e (fc G u n t h e.r MFLG. Dampschiffs Reed Horn Atk. Holm and Molzen. Otto Zelch. Unione ,\ustriaca. Joilet. North German Lloyd. Hansa. • North German Lloyd. Kosmos. Hamburg- American . North German Lloyd. Hambiu-g- A merican . Do. Do. Unione Austriaca. Leonhardt & Blum- befg. H. Vogemann. Leonhardt & Blum- berg. Soc. Anom. Ungherese di Armanento Ma- ritt. Orient. Hamburg - American Line. Norfolk, Va I North German Lloj'd. do I Do. SEIZURE OF THE GERMAN INTERNED SHIPS. GERMAN VESSELS IN PORTS OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Name. dross tons. Borneo i 2,168 Darvel 1,308 Marudu 1,514 Princess Alice 10,981 Tsintau 1,685 499 5,433 6,161 5,130 1,243 1,735 3, 130 4,594 4,902 1, 531 1,925 6, 579 1,631 2,028 8,007 4,765 3,789 5,586 Wiegand Andalusia Bochum Camilla Rickmers. Carl Diederichsen. Clara Jebsen Coblenj; Elmshorn Esslingen Johanne Lyeemoon Mark Ponptong Rajah Sachsen Sambia Suevia Tubingen 23 vessels 86,524 Net tons. 1,344 899 902 6,629 1,002 292 3,371 3, .S37 3,463 774 1,103 1,869 2,871 3,067 952 1,238 4,091 997 1,275 5,088 3,011 2,381 3,609 53, 765 Crew. 47 53 49 235 42 25 50 1,036 Speed, Knots. At- Zamboaga. ....do ....do Cebu do do.. Manila . do.. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do Owner. North (lerman Llovd. Do. Do. Do. North German Llovd (.Vk. Ges.). Devitsche Sudseephosphat . Hamburg-American Line. Deutsch Austral. Drapfsch. Rickmers Reismuhlen Reed. M. Jebsen. Do. North German Lloyd. Deutsch Austral. Dmpfsch. Do. M. Jebsen. Hamburg-American Line. North German Llovd. Do. Do. Hamburg-American Line. Do. Do. North German Llovd. GERMAN VESSEL IN PORT OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. Elsass 6,591 4,154 12i Pago Pago. North German Lloyd. GERMAN VESSELS IN PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES— ADDITIONAL. Dalbek Steinbek 2 vessels Previously stated: 69 vessels Total 2,723 2,164 4,887 530, 835 535,722 1313,109 Portland, Oreg. . Winslow, Wash. Ivnohr & Burchard, New- foimdland. Do. SUMMARY. Number of vessels. Gross tons. Net tons. In United States ports In Philippine ports In Pacific Island ports Grand total 535, 722 86,524 6,591 313,109 53,765 4,154 628,837 : 371,028 SEIZURE OF THE GERMAN INTERNED SHIPS. 5 GERMAN VSESELS IN PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES— SECOND ADDITIONAL. Name. Gross tons. Net tons. Pas- sen- gers. Crew. Speed. At— Owner. Liebenfels 4,525 4,497 3,974 4,494 1,746 1,468 1,859 3,109 2,659 7,524 2,554 2,830 2,876 2,298 2,872 1,643 1,366 1,789 2,875 2,542 4,808 1,546 609 56 44 40 44 23 20 26 34 31 106 Knots. Charleston, S.C. New York, N.Y. Southport, N.C. .... do Magdeburg Nicaria Co. Hamburg-Am e r i c a n Line. Kiel Indra (schooner) Matador (bark) NewYork,-N.Y. do Co. Wachsmuth & Krog- mann. Carl J. Klingenberg & Co. F. A. Vinnen & Co. G. J. H. Siemers & Co . Arnoldus Vinnen (ship). Kurt (bark) Astoria, Oreg — do Ottawa (bark) 12i San Francisco... New Orleans, La. do Breslau von 1896. North German Lloyd. Argo S. S. Co. Andromeda Total 38,409 27,445 SUMMARY. Number of vessels. Gross tons. Net tons. Elsewhere set down, less Prince August Wilhelm 94 11 624,104 38,409 368,053 Second addition 37,445 105 662,513 395,498 Austrian 14 91 67,817 594,696 43,678 German 351, 820 105 662,513 395,498 o !5' *' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS M mill Hill mil mil lllll lllll lllll ilili liiii iim hh m ^ 020 933 508 6 Metal Edge, Inc. 2007 RA.T. iil.