\ H "--- '"■^"- "^ Glass c^// ^^i/^ ^- Book /X— ^-x ^ THE N(3RTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, State Geologist. Economic Paper No. 13. REPORT OF COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR R. B. GLENN TO INVESTIGATE THE FISHING INDUSTRIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. COMPILED BV JOSEPH HYDE PRATT. RALEIGH : E. M. UzzBLL & Co., State Printers and Binders. 1906. Monograph THE NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, State Geologist. Economic Paper No. 13. REPORT OF COMMHTEE APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR R. B. GLENN TO INVESTIGATE THE FISHING INDUS- TRIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. COMPILED BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT. RALEIGH : E. M. UzzELL & Co., State Printers and Binders. 1906. GEOLOGICAL BOARD. (ioVERN'OR r>. B. Glexx, ('■!■ ofticiti I ' lui i r iiiii n Raleii;!). IIkxky E. FiUES Wiiisdm-Salein. FllANK E. llKV, ITT Aslicville. High MacHae Wilmin.ulon. FiiAXK ^^'(K)l) Edfiitoii. Joseph Hyde Pratt. Slate r4eologist Cliaiicl Hill. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Chapel Hill, IST. C, ISTovember 15, 1U0(J. To his Excellency, Hon. It. B. Glenx, Governor of Norlh Carolina. SiE : — The eonmiission which jou appointed the hitter part of August, 1906, to investigate the fishing industries of Xorth Carolina niel at ^lorehead City the third of September and spent the foUow- ing tive days carefully and thoroughly investigating the probhms relating to the fin-fish and shell-fish industries, and respectfully sub- mit the following report of their proceedings. In this report it is earnestly urged that the Legislature make provision for a Fish Com- mission and a Shell-fish Commission. Suggestions are also made for such legislation as will more thoroughly protect and increase the value of our fishing industries. The recommendations of your committee are most favoral>ly en- dorsed by the United States Bureau of Fisheries in a letter appended to this report. As this report will be of special interest to a large proportion of the ]ieople in eastern iSTorth Carolina, I respectfully recommend that it be published as Economic Paper ISTo. 13 of the J^orth Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. Yours obediently, Joseph Hyde Pkatt, State Geologist. CONTENTS. PAGE Letter of Transmittal 3 Report of Committee on PMsheries in Nortli Carolina 7 Personnel of Committee 7 Organization of Committee • 7 Resolntions Adopted liy the Committee Investigatini:- tlie I'ishing- Inchntries of the State 13 ■♦ Fin-tlsh Industries 13 North Carolina Fish Commission 13 Discussion of Present Fishing L uvs 15 Vann Bill, Section 2440 • 22 New General Laws Recommended 39 Terrapin Industry 42 (Jyster Industry • 44 North Carolina Shellfish Commission 44 Present Laws Relating to (Jysteis 47 Catching Oysters • 52 { lams • 66 Cultivation of the Oystei- and ('lam • 67 Ceneral Shell-fish Laws 71 Letter of Fndtnsenient 73 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES IN NORTH CAROLINA, APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR R. B. GLENN, CHAlkMAN OF GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY BOARD. The committee appointed by Governor U.. B. Glenn, eliairman of the Geological and Economic Survey Board, to investigate the lishing industries of the State, met at Morehead City, X. C, on the evening of September 3, 100(3, the following being the personnel of this com- mittee: J. B. Coffield, of Everetts ; T. J. Laughinghouse, of Green- ville ; T. li. Shepard, of Edenton ; W. A. Saunders, of Wilmington ; B. W. Smith, of LAlanteo; W. E. Swindell (d' Washington, X. C. ; W. O. Lupton, (.f Belhaven ; M. B. Gowdy, of Beaufort; W. M. Webb, of .Morehead City; II. E. Moore, of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. V. ; anns, such as tla.sc relating t(» the Fish Comnnssiou, Shell-fish (^immission, etc. The w<_irb: of the subconnnitte cs was in tui'u refei-re 1 l)ack to the com- mittee as a Ayhoh' and ])assed u])oii. It was decide(l to recommend the organization of a I'isli (\)miuis- sion for X(trtli Caroliiui. anncerning tliis section as follows: "^ly idea has been, all the while, that the object of the formation of this committee was to suggest some legislation by which the fish might l)e ])rotected, the catch limited, and the fish interests fostered." Idle result of these discussions ()f tlie auKunit of apparatus and the open season foi' fishing was a nnauiuKtus passage of the following resolutions : "L'csolrctI , That it is the sense of this conuniltee that every en- deavor slionld be used to restrict the amount of apparatus in use for fishing in the lidal waters of IvTorth Carolina so that it will not cxcccmI tlie nuni])er nor total length in at the time of the canvass of the T'uited States Bureau of Fisheries in lOO('). " L'csolrcfL Tliat the o])en season foi' shad, lierring, sturgeon, and rocktish should l)e curtailed as far as possible and the laws regulating- same 1)e rigidly enforced." The discussion of Section 2440 of the Revisal of llM)."), known as the \^inu Bill, was vei'v deliberate, and the (piestions at issue in this l;»il] were \-ery carefully considered and argued by every member of the committee. 'Mv. Ti. W. Smith, of Manteo, Roanoke Island, who repi'( sented the ]yeople most seriously afiected by this bill, argued strenuously for more o])en ground for fishing than first allowed by tli(( \"ann Ifill. Tlie points raised were discussed pro and con, and the filial decision of the committee, which was ])assed unanimously, is given in the ])ages following this re])ort under Section '244:0. The changes r(>commended for this bill are such that the committee believe it will really increase the efiiciency of the bill in its protection of file sliad and lierrinii'. and it does at the same time liive a larger area REPORT OF COAIMITTEE OX FISHERIES. 11 of lisliing ground around Eoaiioke Island and the west shore of Pam- lico Sound to the fishermen of Roanoke Island. A resolution was also passed that, in the event of the formation of a Pish Commission, the Pish Commissioner be requested to investi- gate the catching of the ''run-down" shad and see if provision can not be made so that these can be returned to the water alive. A subject that was given most serious consideration and discussed in the minutest detail was the cultivation of the oyster and clam in the waters of JN'orth Carolina. The result of the deliberations of the committee on this question was the recommendation of legislation which will throw open for cultivation certain definite areas of sea- bottoms in J^Iorth Carolina and provide an incontestable title to the holders of the bottoms. These recommendations are given at the end of this report under the head of Cultivation of the Oyster. This question was very ably discussed by jMessrs. Moore, Lupton, Gowdy, Webb, and the chairman. Another point taken up of particular importance, especially in the event that the legislation regarding the cultivation of the oyster and clam is passed, was the modification of the laws relating to the Oys- ter Commissioner. It was the sense of this committee that there should be formed a Shell-fish Commission at whose hcament as may l)e necessary to enable him and his de])iities Id carry out the roduct of the fisheries of the State otherwise than those specified above ; of the capital invested and the apparatus employed; he shall ])re|)are and have on file in his office maps based on the charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey of the largest scale' published, showing as closely as may be the location of all fixed apparatus employed during each fishing season; he shall have surveyed and marked in a promi- nent manner those areas of the waters of the Si ate in which the use of any or all fishing appliances are prohibit e(l by law; he shall be responsible for the collection of all license fees, taxes, fines, or other imposts upon fisheries and shall receive all hues imposed for the infraction of the fishery laws, and shall pay same into the State Treasury to the credit of the Fish Commission fund to be drawn up(ai as directed by the Geological and Economic Survey Boarhall fish any seine, set-net, drift-net, or any other net df any name or kind whatevei', in the waters of Pamlico or Tar rivers and trihutaries, except tiow or skim nets, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Code, s. 341G; ISS:!, c. 137. s. 3. be repealed, only two of the connnittee being opposed to this. Under new legislation, a general law is suggested prohibiting the hauling, raising, shooting of any nets from twelve o'clock midnight of Satur- day until twelve o'clock midnight Sunda_y. That section 2428. Fishing dutch-nets in Pamlico and Tar rivers. If any person shall set down or fish any dutch, pcd. pyke, or pound net, or net of like kind, in the waters of Pamlico or Tar rivers or their trihutaries, except in the mannei', and in the part, and during the time, \\hich such nets are hy law allowed to be fished, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty and not more than sixty days. Code, s. 3417; 1903, c. 52. remain as it is. That section 2429. Dutch-nets in Pamlico River. It. shall be lawful to fish with dutch, pod, ]»yke, or other pound nets, or nets of like kind, in the waters of Pamlico River below a line beginning on the southern shore of Pamlico River at Maule's Point, and running due north to a jtoint on tlii> norther]i shore of said river: Provided, that no dutch, pod, pyke, or pound net, or other net of like kind, shall extend out in said river more than one-eighth of the distance acioss said river from the shore, and that none of said dutch, pod. ]iyke, or pound nets shall be set, placed down, or fished nearer to each other tlian five hundred yards, measur- ing up and down the river; nor shall they be pl.iccd, set down, or fished Avithin five hundred yards of any seine-beach in actual use for hauling a seine', nor within one mile (d" the mouth of P)ath Creek: Proridrd, no nets of the kind EEPOKT OF CO:\r^riTTEE ON FISIIEIMES. Li enumerated in this section, or other nets <]f like kind, sliall lie jilaeed down, set, or lished in said rivers between the tenth day of ]\[ay and the i\v>i day of July in any yein'- ^^ henever any jierson sliall eoniph'in to the Oyster (Jonnnissioner or any inspector that dutch, pod. or pyke nets, or otlier nets of like kind, haye been placed do\^ni or set in any of the waters of Pamlico River, or in any of its tributaries, contrary to and in violation of this section, said Oyster Commissioner or inspector, or person performing the duties of sucli, shall at once visit said rixer, make a complete and full examination of all dutch, pod. or pyk" nets, or other nets of like kinds, in said I'iver. and ascei-tain whether they ::re jdaced down, set, or fished in yiolalion of the ])idvisions of this section, and he shall report to the Solicitor of the district in which the otlense is coinmitted. Code, s. 8417: UHVA. c. .IJ. remain as it is, with the exception that the words "Oyster (Commis- sioner"' sliall he ehaniied to "Fish (\)mniissioner," jirovide*! tlic Fish (^jmmission act creating' the F'ish Commissioner is ]>asse guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars. This section shall not jirohibit fishing after dark in that part of said sound west of a line beginning at the north point of Bell's Island, thence ncndh not iiKire than one thousand yards from the mainland to the mouth or entrance of Tull's ('reek, nor night fishing between the thirty-first day of INIarch and the twentietli day of October five hundred yards from the shore from Martin's Point to Kitty's TTawk l^ay. 1905, c. 273, ss. 3-7. remain as it is. That section 2431. Shipping or selling fish, Currituck County. If any jierson shall catch or capture any fisli with nets or other apidiances in the waters of Currituck County between the thirty-lirst day of March and the twentieth day of October of each year, or shall sell or ship out of the county or State any fresh fish between said dates: or if any person shall bi' found with more than twenty-five pounds of fresh-water fish in his possession between the thirty-first day of March and the twentieth day of Octoljer of each year — herrings, mullets, shad. 18 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. and eels excepted; or if any person sliall in said county catch eels for market between the tliirtieth day of April and the twentieth day of Oetol)er following in each year, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not more than fifty dollars and not less than twenty-five dollars. Any citizen may catch not to exceed twenty-five pounds at any time for ho-tne consumption, and sell or give not more than ten pounds to any one person in one day. 1905, c. 273, s. 1. remain as it is. That section 2432. Game warden's right to search vessels. If any constable, game warden or justice of tiic peaci' of ('ui-rituek County sjiall be infmnied, or have cause to suspect, that I'ither of the two preceding sections are being violated, he is hereby authorized ami empowered to examine the contents of any fishing-boat, or packages in transit, and any person or eomr.ion carrier refusing lo exhibit the contents of any lishing-boat (U- i)aekage to sncli oiHcer shall be gu.ilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than twenty-five and not more than fifty dollars. 1!)0.5, c. -27;!, ss. 2, 7. remain as it is. That section 2433. Direction of nets in Pamlico Sound. Every net (unless the same be a drag-net and hauled to the shore) which may l)e used for catching; shad in that portion of the \\aters of Pamlico Sfjund lying ])etween a line drawn east- wardly from Stumpy I'oint and Mount Pleasant in llyile County to a point ten miles south of llatteras Inlet in said sound, shall be set and fixed in said waters, in a direction from north to soutli. and sliall not be used in any other manner; and any person offending against this section shall, for every offense, forfeit five tlollars. Code, s. 3381; 1SS9, c. 261 : P. C, c. 81, s. 7; IS44. c. 40, s. 0. l)e repealed. That section 2434. In Carteret County. If any ]ii ison shall catcli mullets in the waters of Carteret County with a seine or net having a mesli of less than one and one-eighth incli ; nv if any person sliall in llie waters of Caiteret County, except in Neuse River, use for the purpose of catching fish, except menhaden or fatbacks, any seine or net more than two hundred :iud seventy-live yai'ds long; or shall join two or more nets together in said counly so that the lengtli thereof shall be more than two hundred and twenty-five yards, he shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. And any ]>erson using a net exceeding the length allowed liy this section EEPORT OF COMMITTEE OX FISHERIES. 11) shall forfeit said net, one-half thereof to go to the informer, the other half to the sehool fund. 1895, c. 25; 1903, e. 508. be amended so that the clause ''and fined not more more than fifty dollars and imprisoned not more than thirty days" shall read "and fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than thirty nor more than sixty days" ; and that "school fund" shall read '"Fish Commission fund." That section 2435. Dutch-nets in Carteret County. If any person shall use or cause to be used any duteh-net. pound-net, or otlier stationary trap, net, or seine of similar description, by whatever name known, in the waters of Carteret County for the purpose of taking fish therefrom, he shall for each day's use thereof forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars. The penalties herein created shall be recovered by a warrant before any justice of the peace in the county of Carteret, and shall be applied to the use of the public schools of said county: and such offender, in addition to the penalties contained in this section, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and fined not less than one hundred dollars- nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not less than six montlis nor more than twelve months: I'roridcd, this section shall not apply to tlie odinaiy set-nets heretofore in use in the waters of said county. Code, s. 3420; 1883, c. 199. be amended so as to read, ''If any person shall use or cause to be used any dutch-net, pound-net, or other stationary trap, net, or seine of similar description, by whatever name known, in the waters of Car- teret County for the purpose of taking fish therefrom, he shall for each day's use thereof forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, excepting from Point of Marsh on south side of Xeuse River and run- ning westwardly to Adam's Creek and extending out to a distance of one thousand yards from the shore: Provided, that in no case shall the distance the nets extend out into the water be greater than one- eighth of the width of the river : Provided further, that the nets shall be one-half mile apart. The penalties herein created * * '" " to read the same as original section, except that '"applied to the use of the public school fund of said county'' shall be changed to read, "applied to Fish Commission fund." That section 2436. Obstructions in Carteret County. If any person shall obstruct any navigable water or passageway for fish in Carteret County by placing bushes, liosts, or any stationary material or fixtures in such a manner as to prevent the free passage of fish, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than one hundred dollars. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any 20 EEPOKT OF COjMMITTEE OX FISJIKUIES. pcrsdii tiimi iisidl;- a lawful not or seine in any \\:iy or manner except as a stop- net (ir scinr. This sectidn shall not apply to any net that the ii>li ean jia-s freely by one end. 1!)0;!. .-. .")-J(l. re'iiiniii us it is. That section 2437. Mullets in Carteret. If any person shall tish for or eatcli any mullets with any purse-seine or i>urse-net in any waters within the limits of Carteret ('ounty. extemlint;- to the extreme limits of the State's jni-isdietion in and o\'cr su(di waters, he shall lie tiuilty of a misdemeanor and he lined not less than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than one year. ]*'or the purposes of this seetion the fidlowiuL;- lioundaries aie hi'ii liy declared to he the lioundaries to Avliich the waters of said county extend, 1o-wit: A distance of I'iree nautical miles, ineasureil from the outer beach oi- shores of ('arteret ('ounty. out and into the waters (.)f the Atlantii' (Jcean : and any ])or'tions of any water within a distance of thice miles from said waters of the Athmtic (Jcean to any beach or shore of said county shall l)e deemed the waters of said county for the purposes of this sect ion. lltOM. c. M:]-. IIIO."). cc. -274. 50S. iTiiiaiti as it is. That section 2438. Menhaden fishing. If any jierson sliall catch any menhaden or fat backs within the waters of tlie State of North Carcdina. to the extreme limits of the State's iurisdictiori in and over siu-h waters in any ])urse -net or jmrse seine with a bar miles of the nioutli of said ri\i'is. or witliin one mile of the mouth of any other ri\er emptying into Allx'iiiarle Sound, of less tlian two miles in widlli at its moutli, and any sueli net s( t within <'.ne mile of the mouth of any other ri\-er eiupiying into said sound shall not extend into the main channel at its mouth. No' i)erson shall set or fish with a dnteh-net or pod-net within half a mile to the eastward or westward of Die outside ^■,•indlasses or snatch-l)loeks of any seint'-fisjierv in operation on siid sound: and anv such net set or fished \\-ithin one mile of such windlasses or snateh-ldoi'ks of any seine-fisheiy in operation shall run in a due north and south course from the shore, and shall not extend further into the sound from the water's edge than the distance from such windlass or snateh-bloeks to tiu' line of such net; and all persons who shall set or fish any such net .in said sound shall pull tip and remove the stakes used for the same by the first day of June next succeeding the fishing season, and if any jierson shall set or fish any dutch-net or ]iod-net in said sound in violation of this section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to a penalty of three Inuulred dollars, to be i-ecovered by any j^erson in the Superior Court of the county in which the otl'ense shall b(> conunitted. And the Sheriff of such county shall, when requested, remove any jiortion of such nets set or fished in violation of this section at the cost of the violator: I'rorulrd, that dutch-nets may lie used in Casliie Eiver two and one-half mih's from its mouth, if they do not extend more than one-third the width of said ii\cr from the shore, and such nets may be along the sound shore on the Bertie County >ide ix'tween tlie following ]>oints along said shore, to-^^ it : commencing at the mouth of Cherry Tree Cut branch, Kentrock tiehl and Landing field, and running around the shore to the mouth of ^Morgan swam]i, thence to llock Spring lirauch. and that any nets set or fished within that line shall not extend from the shore in any direction a greater distance than four hundred and fifty yards miMsured at high water, and within this distance of four hundred and fifty yards is to be included the nets, hedges and all parts thereof. Code, s. :}3S3: ISSO. c. Ill: 1S!»1, c. :M1-. ISO,-,, c. 245; IS'i!). c. :!10; 1S90. c. 412. be ameiided as follows: In line 13, "in a due north and south eonrse" ehanii"e to read "at riiilit-anules to the shore": in Ww IT, "remove the stakes nsed for the same by tlie first day of Jnne next sncceeding' the fishinc season" to read "remove all broken, decayed, and abandoned stakes by the first day of i\Iay of eacli year" ; and fiirlln r in lines 21 to 2"), be<»'inning "to be recovered" and endinc; "of tlie viohitor," shall JxLomitted if the Fish Commission act is passe>n the eastern 'dde of Pamlico Sound within ten mih's id' the Poaneke Marslies lig-htliouse, except sneh as shall be fislied within live hiuidred yarils of the Ivoanoke Island nr Hot;: Island shores; tir shall set or lish any dutch or pound net on the eastern side of Pandico Sound UKire tlian two thousand yards west (d' a line ruunint;- sduth-seutlumst from P>ig- Island to pTilkhead or slioal west of t'hicaniacomii'o or south oi said point nioi'e than two thousand yards from the shoals as marked on the L'nited States Govern- ment chart made from data obtaiiu-d to Xmemher twenty-second, one thousand nine hundred and four: or shall set or lish any duteh or j^ound net on the west sich; oi Pamlico Souiiil in said sound extendini^ into the water more than two thousand yards fj-om the shore ^)i the mainland: or shall set or tisli any jxiund or dutch net in Ci'oatan Sound further from the shore llian one-fifth the width of said s(]und at that point : or shall set or fish any jiouiid or dutch net in the .Klliemarlo Sound moi'e than two thousaml yards from the shore of the mainland, or in Chowan Piiver further from' shore than one-third the width of said river at place wheie said nets are fished or set. or witliin one-fourtli mile of any wharf Used hy a steamer on said river: or shall set or lish any eet or ajiplianco of any kinil foi- catcliini;- li-^h within one mile on north or soutli side (d' a line live miles lonii' ruiuiinL;- west from ceiitei- of New Inlet or Oregon Inlet, or on north or south side of a line live miles loni;' running northwest fiom center of Hatteras lidet. he shall he guilty of a misdenu'auor and lie lined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court. The provisions of this section shall apjily only to that part of each year heginning .lanuary lifteeidh and ending May fifteenth. The plaee of trial for (ill'ensc> under this section ^liall he the county opposite wdiere the act was committed. It shall he the duty of the Oyster ( 'omniissioner or Assistant <.)yster ( ouunissioner. wliene\-er an atlidavil is ile!i\-ered to him stating that the alliant is infoi-mcd and lielieves that tliis ,-,eet ion is lieing violated at any ]iarti(adar ]ilace. to go himsidf or send a deputy to >uch place, investigate same, and he shall sei/e and I'emove all nets or otlici- ap]dianccs setting or being Tised in \iolatioii of this section, sell sanie at pulilic auetion and apply proceeds of sale to jiayiiient of ei,-t and expenses of stieh remowil, and pay any balance remaining to the school fund of county nearest femarle sounds up Chowan River and other tributaries of Albemarle Sound ; or shall set or fish any pound or dutch net in the All>emarle Sound more than two thousand yards from the shore of the mainland or in Chowan River further from the shore than one-fourth of the width of said river at the place where said nets are fished or set or within one- fourth mile of any wharf used by a steamer on said river ; or shall set or fish any net or appliance of any kind for catching fish within one mile on either side of a line running westerly or southwesterly from ilie center of New Inlet to a)i intersection iritJi. tlie line extend- ing from Big Island southeast {magnetic) or within one mile 07i either side of a line running 'westerly or soutliiresterly from the center of Oregon Inlet to a point two thousand yards west of the continuation of tlie said line running from Big Island soutti-souftieast ( magnefic) or witttin- one mile on either side of a line six miles long :24 JJKPOliT OF COM.MITTKK ON FISIIKU'IES. ■ruiiiiuKi from /lie ccnlcr of Haiicras Iii/cl lliroiu/li (tiid hci/oiij Jlrit- Iciuts fii/cl //(//lilioiisr. flicsc rcslncfrd areas lo nu'htdc tin- channels exIeial'uKi front (Ireijoit. Xeir, and IlaUeras nilels respeetlrel ij . he slijill 1)1' uiiiliv nf a luisdeineaiior and be lined not less than tiftv ( TiO) dollars (»r iniju'isoned not less than thirty davs, in the discretion of the ('(intli side dl said vivcr knov. n as Belii'vadc liiult. r.v sliail liaul any seine or set any dn(e!i-ne1 nr .illier kind id' net s!i' as t(i extend lieycind tlie middle (d' said ri\cr at any point thereof, lie shall be yiiiity of a niisdenie.unu-. lS'.i:i, e. 147. ss. 1. 2. 4. remain as it is. That section 2442. Pasquotank County. If any jterson shall set any pyke or jxinnd net ill l'as(jnottink Kiver aiioxe the town oi t^li/.alieth ('ity, or shall haul or lish with a. draii-net. or set a poni.d-net in I'.i-- llatl-y Creek, or Idtlle Hatley Creek. within two hiindreil yards of the mouth id' eilher if said creeks, he shall he guilty of a misdenieanoi- and he lined not exeeedinu' lifl.\ dollars or imprison.ed not exeeeiling thirty days. IS!!."), e. :!,S!); I'.ll):!. e. 4!t7. remain as it is. Idiat section 2443. Obstructions in Little River. If any pia'son shill place any oh-truc- lion in Idltle h'iver. ilixiding tlie cnuuties of I'a-qj'ot i nk and l'er(|:iiinans. and alhiw il !o reinani for a longer tinu' than ten d lys. he sliall he guilty cf a misde- meanor. and lined noi less than live dollars nor more Ihan len dollar-: I'loriiJcil . nolhiiiu' in this section sliall h' so condrui'd as to jMohiliil citi/:')w from fishing with dip lals in said rivei' during the months of .March aial .\|iiil in each year. Code. s. ;;-!nil: ISSl. c IS. r( main as it is. That seed ion 2444. Fish offal not thrown in navigable waters, if any perscn shall thidw. or cause to he ihrown. into the ehainud of anv of the ni\igahlc waters of the REPORT OF C0MMIT'J;EE ON FISIIEUIES. 25 State, any ti.sli otTal. in any (pianlity that sliall l>c likely to hinder or prevent the passage of tish along snch diannel, or if any person sliall throw or cause to be thrown into the waters kndwn as the Frying Pan, tributary to the Great Alligator River in Tyrrell (ounly, any tish oft'al in any quantities wiiatsoever, he shall be guilty of a inisdcnieancu'. Code, ss. 3380. 338!). 3407. remain as it is. That section 2445. Scuppernong River. If any person shall set any kind of a fish weir or pod-net, gill-net. or net of any kind in the Scuppernong River using more than one-half of tlu' channel of said river, or within one hundred yards of the public biidges at t'olunibia and the Cidss landing, crossing said rivei-. he shall be guilty of a nnsilenieanor, and lined a sum not to exceed fifty dollars, or imprisones. ;^;i82, ;UU; 1883, e. (19: R. ('., e. SI, s. 8: 1844. e. 40. s. 7: 1852. e. 13; IS!):;, e. 147. be amended as follows: "aiiear or Rrowji's Inlet beaches, or shall fish with seines or nets on the inside of said Real' or Rrown"s Inlet within one-fourth mile of siid nilds bclween the first ilay of October and the first v in any of the trihutaries tlierenf, except for the purpose of eatehinii- herrinu'. frcmi the lifteentli ihty ni .January to tin' tifteeidh day of May cf ea(di year, he shall lie i^nilty of a niisch'nieanor. and lined not li'ss than live nor more tlian lifty dollars for every olVense. This st'ction shall not api)ly to the waters of the ^'euse and its tributaries above tlie Wayne and .lohnston county lines. Code. s. .S;^!l.'): ISSl. c. 14t). ss. 1. 2. i'( main as it is. I iiat section 2455. Fishing in Trent River. If any ]ierson shall set any tr.ip, dutch, ]ionnd. or jioil net (d' any description whatever in Trent River. <.r shall at any time extend his set -nets more than one-thiid the distance across the Trent River from either side, or sliall set any net near<'r to :uiy other net than one hundred yai'ds either on the same or on the op]iosite side of the river, or shall fish with seiiu's or set-nt'ts of any description in Tri iit Uivcr fi-om its mouth to upper Tucker hiidue. between the hours of lw(d\e o'cdoek noon on Saturday and twelve jj'elock noon on Monday (d' each week, or sluill set or haul a net (hall lish in tlie waters of said ri\('rs while beiiiu' on said bridi^es. except with lianddine not attached to any |iole, (11- shall use tire or sho(d any firearms uliile standing or iKdni;' ujRm (dther of said biierior Court of any ciiibefore pro\'ided for and iiieii- tioneil. no jjerson. agent, servant, or other employee shall be excuseil from testi- fviuQ- therein (ui the ground of incriminating himself bv his answei-. but such ;]() KKPOUT OF COMMITTEE OX FIS 1 1 Ki; I KS. answer shall not !»■ iiscil as evidence against such witnes-, >(> testifyini^ in any oi'iininal aedmi w hatsncii lands shall ini)iro i iii|iro\-ed. in drawing, liauling, drifting, or setting nets or seines (lierc(m, and it shall he unlawful for any person, without the consent of --uch owner, to draw or haul nets or seines upon the land so improved liy the owner tlieicof for the piiriiosc of drawing or hauling nets or seines thereon: and this section shall i;])ply where the owner of such lands shall erect platforms oi- structures of any kind thereon to lie used in fishing with nets and seines; and evei-y jiersun who shall wilfully destroy or injure the said platfoi-m or structures, or sh.all interfere with or molest the owner in the use of such lands as aforesaid, or in any fiiher manner shall \iidate this section, sluill lie guilty of a misdemeanor: I'roritlnl. Ihis si'dion shall not lie so construed as to r(dieve any person from punishment for the olistriiction of navigation. Code, s. ;]3S4: lS74-."'>. c. IS.S, ss. l-(i. remain as it is. That section 2461. Obstruction of fish in Hiawassee River. Nd person shall make, con- struct, or build any dam, drag-net. or seine aero--, more than thrcc-founhs of Hiawassee River, so as to jireveiit or himlcr the free p:.-.s:ige of (ish in -aiil ri\er, and any peison making or using any dam. dr.i^: net. oi- seine in -aid ri\er shall leave open and unobstructed to tlie free p^i-sa^e of lish at le:i>t one foiirtl: of said river, in width, on the side most favorable to the jiassage of li-,h. Any jierson otl'ending :ig{iinst this section sludl be guilty of a misdemeanoi-. and lined not m(ii-(> than ten dollars for each twenty-four lioui's s.iid rixcr is so obstiucted. one half to the use of the school fund, the other to (he use of (he county in which sui'h N'iolation occurs. Code. s. ;!;;!»S: I SSI, c. 11. -s. 1. -2. ::. remain as it is. That scctiuii 2462. Regulated in certain streams. Xo person shall ]ilaee or alUiw (o remain any dam f.T mill aid in thri arbitration and settlement of such complaint: Provided further, this section shall not apply to Pigeon River in Haywood County: Provided, also, it shall l)e lawful for any person to remove any obstruction in the main channel of the Cape Fear Ri\er to llic widtli of one hundred feet, for Ilie free passage of fish in the county of Harnett. This proviso, howevei', shall not apply to any dam or obstruction placed or kept upon said river by the Cape Fear Iron and Steel Company. Code, s. 3410: 1001. c. -JOS; ISSO, .-. ;U ; ISSl, ec. :Z1, .32, 250, .'{20 : 1905, c. 278. remain as it is, except tliat "Board of AgTiculture" sliall read "Fish Oommission." y,2 EEPoirr OF coMAiri'TEK on fisukuies. That sections 2463. Sluice-ways kept open when constructed. 'I he shiice-ways referred to in tlie iin'ccdiny seetiini sliall lie so ((Histrueted and placed upon such dams l)y the owner thereof witldii sixty eiialty. Code, s. ;!41-J: 1S80, c. ;M, s. ?,. I'cuiain as they are, except that "Board (^f Aii,Ticiilture" shall read " Fish CVjiiimission." Tliat section 2465. Vessel injuring nets. If any master or other person having the management or control of a xcsstd or boat of any kind, in the navigable waters of the State, shall wilfully, wantonly, ami unnecessarily do injury to any seine or net, which may lie lawfully hauled, set, (U' lix((l in said waters for the purpose of taking' fish, he shall t'orfcit and pay to the owner of such seine or net, or other person injured by siicli act, one hundred dollars, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Code, ss. .'i.'JS."), .'L'SS'.). remain as it is. That section 2466. Use of dynamite for killing fish. If any |iersoii >hall use any dynamite or any other explosive agent whatever for killing tish. or shall ex])lode any dynamite or other explosixc agent in the public wafers of the State \\here tish IIEPORT OF COMMITTEE O^^ FISHERIES. Oo aid foniul, except for iiieeliaiiieal or manufacturing purposes, he shall he i^uilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not nnu-e than thirty days. The possession of lisli killed hy explosive aijencies shall he pritna facie evidence that explosives were used for the purpose of killini^- fish. Code, s. 8405; ISSi). c. 312. I'tiiuiin as it is. That section 2467. When non-resident may use seines. If any person who has not resided in the Slate continuously for at least twchc months next preceding the day on which he shall begin to take fish shall use, or cause to be used, in any of the waters of the State, any weir, hedge, net, or seine, for the purpose of taking fish for sale or exportation, or if any person shall assist in using, or be inlei-ested in usiiiM- or causing to be used, in any such waters for the pvirpose aforesaid, any weir, heilge, net, seine, or tongs in the use of which any such non- resident person may have an interest, he shall be guiliy of a misdemeanor. Nothing herein shall prevent any jierson from fishing with seines hauled to the siiore at any fishery, the title to which fishery or any interest therein having been acquired by such person by purchase or inheritance. This section shall not extend to sen-ants employed to fish by any persons allowed to fish in the navi- gable waters of the State: Proridci), no non-resident of the State shall make any sale, assignment, or transfer of any fishery, weir, or other fishing apparatus, or privilege mentioned in this section, to any citizen of the State for the purpose of operating and working said fishei'y, \\eir, or other fishing apparatus as afore- said, under the nanu' and ownership of such citizen, fir as the servant or employee of :iny citizen; and any sale, transfer, . 3.380; R. C, c. 81. s. 5: 1844, c. 40. s. 1; 1870-7, c. 33; 1883. e. 171. remain as it is. That section 2468. In New Hanover County. Tf any person shall use any net for catching sturgeon in the waters of Xew Hanover County, the bars of the meshes of which net shall be less than ten inches in the diamond; or if any person shall fish any seine or net in the waters of said cotuity between the first day of January and the first day of July of each year, or shall haul a seine or nets or pod fish within 34 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. tlirce hundred yards of any established fishery, except witli l!ic nct> of such lisliery; or shall set or lish any stationary nets in the waters tif the >^'a]ie I'Y'ar Kiver, except on tlie east side thereof and in New Hanover County: or shall set any net in said river otherwise than east or west, or shall own oi- control more llian oni* line of nets, or shall operate or fish any shad-nvts in ('a]ie I'eai- Uiver below the mouth of Brunswick River between the fifteenth day (if April and the first day of January of any year; or shall set any set-net or stationai-y net of any kind in the (Jape Fear River north of tlie mouth of the Brunswick River, or in the Brunswick River; or shall operate any drift-net in the Cape ]'\>ar lviv<'r of more than three hundi'ed yards in len^tli. or shall catch sh.ad in said rixer with seines nr nets from the lifteentli of ]\Iay to the lir-t of January, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The possession of a slur^con-net A\ith nu'shes of a size smaller tlian allowed by this section sliall be jiriina fmir e\'itlence of having fished the same. In setting nets in Cape Fcay River as allowed by this section the following rules shall prevail: They sliall liegin at a point one Inindred yards from the edge of the channel on the east siile of said river and running thence du(> east one hundred and twenty yards, thin leaving a gap of (me huiidred and twenty yards. Then from the east end of said gap anotl'er net may be set one iiundred and twenty yards only, and to continue in the same propoi-tion, always re(]uiring a gap of one hundred and twenty yards to intervene between each one hundred and t\\('nty yards of nets so s(>t, and no net or sets of nets of any kind shall be placed opposite said gaps, within a distance of a half mile of same, and none of the nets so set shall be nearer tlian a half mile of the west shore of said Cape Fear River. An estaWished lisliery in the meaning of this section is one where there is a camp for the use of the hands, and where the seine or nets and boats used by the said fishery are kept, and where the said tisiiery was| established prior t(j the first day of January, one thousand eiglit hundred and ninety-nine. Code, s. 340;l: I'JOl, c. 17.3; 1800. c. 440: issl. c. 280. remain as it is. That section 2469. Northeast Cape Fear. If anv' peixm shall iish in the northeast branch of the Cape I'\'ar River with seine, net. er tra]i, fidni tl;e tweiily-tliird day of February to the first day of July of any yiar. In t ween tlie hours of si\ o"(dock r. ]M. on Saturday and six o'clock P. M. on Mdiiday of each week, (ir sliall at any time use more than one seine at a time in a.iiy tishing hide in said ri\'ei-. (ir use, set, or place in said river any hedge, traji, or other obstruction wliieh will ])revent the free passage of fish up said river, whicli said hedge, trap, or otlier obstruction sliall extend more than one-third across the main channel of the said river, he -hall lie guilty of a misdemeanor. This section shall not apply to that portion oi said river which lies between the city of Wilmington and a point on said river known as The Three Cypresses, twelve miles distant from said city of Wilmington. 1SS9, c. 182: 1801. c. 198. niiiaiii as it is. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. 35 That section 2470. In Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties. If any person shall use in any of the waters of Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties any nets, seines, set-downs, lish-traps, or any otlier nets of any description, for the purpose of takino- fish, the l)ars of the meslies of A\hich nets, seines, set- downs, or fish-traps shall he less tlian one and ono-ei,iihth inches in length; or shall, with seines or nets of any kind, catch any fish in the waters of the Cape Fear River from its mouth to the Bladen County line, or in the waters of the Noiiheast Cape Fear or Black rivers in Pender County between six o'clock P. M. on Tuesday and six o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, or sliall obstruct the free passage of tish in the waters of said rivers, he shall l)e guilty of a misdemeanor. 1885, c. -220; 1SS7. c. 71. remain as it is. That section 2471. In Black River and Mingo Creek. If any person sliall fish in that part of Black River in Sampson and Cumberland counties and below the Atlantic Coast Line Railway bridge, or in Mingo Creek in said counties below the Averas- boro and Clinton road otherwise than with a hook and line, lie shiil lie guilty of a misdemeanor. 1895, c. 270. remain as it is. That section 2472. In certain streams in Cumberland, New Hanover, Brunswick, and Sampson counties. If any person shall catch or destroy with seines, nets, firearms, bows and arrows, or liy muddying or stirring the waters, or by striking any fish of any kind in the waters of Black or South rivers, or the waters of Big Coharie, Little Coharie, Bear Skin, and Big Swamps in the counties of New Hanover, Sampson, Cumberland, and Harnett, and of the waters of Six Runs in the counties of New Hanover and Sampson, and of tlie waters of the Cape Fear River in the counties of New Hanover and Brunswick, and of the northeast branch of the Cape Fear River in the county of NeAv Hanover, between the fifteenth days of May and August of each year, he shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and fined not to exceed five dollars. Code. s. 3409; 1889. c. 414; 1871-2, c. 152; 1879, c. 28.3: 1881, c. 3G9. remain as it is. That section 2473. Obstructions in South Fork River. No person or corporation shall place or allow to remain in the South Foi'k River, from its mouth in Gaston County to its forks in Catawba County, any obstruction to tlie free passage of fish up said stream: Provided, this section shall not apply to inilldams where the owners thereof shall construct a sufficient fishway over said dams at least ten feet wide which will allow fish to pass over said dams: Provided furtlter, this 3G REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. section shall not apply to dams in existence, or wliieh may be erected for mann- faetnrini;- or milling- jniriioses. The violation of this section shall be a misde- meanor. Code, s. :U(H;: IST'.t. c. 244, ss 1, 2: 1881, c. HO. remain as it is. That section 2474. Obstructions in Neuse River. Any person who shall construct a dam, put in traps, dnlrh-iiet, wire seine, or anythini^- rise in N(Mise River between its mouth and the Falls of Neuse in Wake Couiiiy, for the purpose of olistructing the jiassage of iish in said river, shall be guilty of a misdemeanoi-, and l)e fined ni;t exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days: Provided, this section shall not apply to seines, set-nets, i-uiining or skimming nets: Pro- vided, this section shall not prevent the use of ti'a]is in \Vayne County, where the trap and its wings do not extend more than oiie-third across the stream. Code, s. ;{422: 1885, c. ;!tll; 1893, c. :134; lss;i. e. ;{01. ss. 1, 2: 1895. c. 403: 1901. c. .39.). remain as it is. Tluit section 2475. Regulated in Lumber River. It shall be unlawful for any person to Use any seine, net. or gig, or, by muddying tlie water umbcr Kiver by any means except the ordinary rod, line, and hook, fiom llic lii'sl day of ]\larcli to tlie tirst day of November in each and evvvy year: and any jicrson violating this section sliall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and siiall pay :i line of forty dollars or be imprisoned not more than twenty days. Code, s. 3404; 1881, c. 288. ss. 1, 2; 1883. cc. 13. 78. remain as it is. Tliat section 2476. Fishways to be erected in Haw River. AH persons maintaining dams across Haw lvi\H'r in the county of Chatham shall, upon thirty days' notice from the Board of Commissioneis of said county, estaiiiish fishways in said dams; and if said lislnvays .shall not be made within three niruiis\vick ('ounty, extendinu' to the extreme limits of the State's jurisdiet ion in and over said waters — and for the purpose of this section any jtoition of any water within a dist:;nee of three nautical miles from the outer shores of said county shall be deemed the waters of said county — or if the master or any employee on any steamhoats en^aued in tishins; for menhaden or fatbacks shall dischar<;-e from said boat tish oll'al. bhiod, or slime within a distance of one-half a mile of any established mullet tislu'ry on the Brunswick County coast lietween the first of An^ust and tln^ thirty-first of December of each year, he shall be t;uilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imjnisoned at tlie discretion of the Court. For the purposes of this section an established fishery is declared to be that point on the beach occupied by the surfboat and seine in regular use. 1905. c. 74S. remain as it is. That section 2482. Fishing within twelve miles of Grandfather Mountain. If any person shall take, catch, or kill any kind of tlsh in tlie waters of Linville Pviver or in any other stieam within twelve miles from the sununit c taken out liy ]\[ay first and all above that town by May tenth ; in Bamlico and Bungo rivers all gill-nets operated for shad and aiewife fishing shall be taken out by April fifth, and all other aiewife and shad apparatus shall be taken out by May first ; in Tar Eiver all shad and aiewife apparatus shall be taken out of the river by May tenth ; in Bamlico, Eoanoke, Croatan, and Albemarle sounds east of Berquimans Eiver on the north and Ship Boint on the south (this to apply to the tributaries of the sound in this section) all gill-nets shall be taken out by April fifth, and all shad and ale- wife apparatus shall be taken out by April twenty-eighth, and in that portion of the Albemarle Sound west of the above ]X)ints as far as Horney Blow Boint on the north and Mackey's Creek on the south all gill-nets shall he taken out by April tenth, and all other shad and 40 REPOUT OF CO]\[]MITTEE OX FISHERIES. nlewifc ap[):n'atus sliall l)e taken out bv May twelfth ; tliciic'c wt'st as far as the inoiitli of ('howaii liiver, all gill-nets nperateih( r shad and alewife apparatus shall be taken out b}^ May twelfth, these dates to a]t}>ly 1o the trilaUaries of this section of Albi'inarle Sound; in ( diowan Ri\-ei' ;dl shad anil ak'wife ap]»aratus sliall he 1aken out of the river by .May hfteenth. If any })erson shall set or hsh :!ny net wilfully in \'iohition of this section, he shall l)e uuilty of a niisde- nieaiior and hned not less than fifty dollars: Froridcd. that all ]iound-nets in ;iny part of the waters nientione(l in this secticni that ai'e cut down in ord( r to rid them of in<»ss are to be considered as fullillini;' the law. Section .... Double seining. All double seining in any of the Avaters or ri\'ers of llie State, and the hauling or drawing two seines in suecessidu <.>ver the same boltom or wilhin fonr hundreil yards of that bottom is herel>y prohibited, and any person yiolating this sec- tion sliall for each \'iolation be lined not less than two hundred and Hfty dollars nor more than hve liundre<| dollars. Section .... Protection of sturgeon. Xo jurson shall set or tish any sturge(_»n-net in the inland waters of .Xorlli ( 'arolina for a period (tf li\'e years from the date of the passage of this act, and all sturgeons less than live feet long caught in any other manner wliale\'er shall be relurned to the water alive, and any ]>erson violating ihis section shall Ite guilty of a misdemeanor and linc(l not less than tifty than one-half jioiind. lie shall be guilty (sf a misdemeanor and be fined ten dollars lor e\'ci'v otlense. Section .... Purse-net. Xo person shall use (.!■ hsh a p-urst-net for I'nckiish or ]tercli in any of the waters in Xei'th (.'arolimi, ( xce]it in the niien sea, and any person ofi'ending against this section shall be Hne(| no! less than hftv dollars for each (_)fl'ense. KEPOKT OF COMMITTEE OX FISIIEEIES. 41 Section .... Shad and herring. Any person wlm shall catcli or cause to be caught any shad or herring in the waters of the State of Xorth Carolina for any other purpose than as f(Hi protect this industry and insure an increase in the number of terra])ins in Xoi'th Carolina waters. Pile c<)iinnittee, ther(d'oi'e, r( (■onuiieud that Section 23ti!), which reads as follciws, remain unchauucil : 2369. Use of drag-nets by non-residents for catctiing terrapin forbidden. if iiiiy jhcrsnii who is nol a ell izcn and \\lii> lias not rcsiilcd in ilic Stale ooniin- mmsly I'nr llio prcccilinu two years sliall use any dray-nel or (itlicr instrument fur eatrliiiiL;- lerra]iin lie sliall he i;niUy cf a inisdcnica nor. ( 'ode, s. o-'j7.">, o.>7(i. 2370. Diamond-back terrapin protected. If any person shall lake or catch any dianioiid-haek terrapin lie! ween the fifteciilli (hiy of April and the fifteenth day of Ani^iist (d' any year, or any diamond hack terrapin at any tinif. of less. BEPOET OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. -id size than five inches in hMigtli upon the lioltom sliell, or sliall interfere with or in any manner destroy any e<;',iis of the dianiond-baek terrapin, lie sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars for each and every diamontl-baek tcirapin so taken or caught, and a like sum for each and every egg- interfered with or destroyed: Provided, this section shall not apply to parties empowered by the State to propa-.'ate tiie said diamond- back terrapin; and the ])ossession of any dianmnd-back ti'rra])in l)etween the fifteenth days of April and ,\ugust shall be iniiiui facie evidence that the person having the same has violated this section. It shall be the duty of all sherilTs and constables to give immediate information to some justie- of the peace of any violation of this section. Code, s. 3377; 1890, c. ."iS2 : l.ssi. e. IIT), ss. 1, G. It is recommended that this paragraph be changed so that it will read as follows : If any person shall take or catch or have in his possession any diamond-back terrapin betw^^eu the first day of March and the thirty- first day of Angnst of any year, or any diamond-back terrapin at any time, of less size than five inclies in length ii]»on the bottom shell, or shall interfere with, or in any manner destroy any eggs of the diamond-back terrapin, he shall be gnilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than ten dollars, for each and every diamond-back terrapin so taken or canght, and a like snui for each and every Qgii_ interfered with or destroyed: Provided, tliat this section shall not apply to parties empowered by the State to propagate the said diamond-back terrapin; and the possession of any diamond-back terra])in 1)etween the tirst day of A]^ril and thirty-first •lay of Angnst shall be pi'Dna facie evidence that the person having the same has violated this section: Provided furtlier, that the pro- \-isions of this act shall apply to any person, firm, or corporation receiving or having for transportation undersized terrapins, or dnring the closed season terrapins of any size whatever. It shall be the dnty of all sheriffs and constables to give immediate information to some justice of the peace of any violation of this section. The committee in framing this act has given serious consideration to the fact that at the present time the quantity of diamond-back terrapin in the waters of Xorth Carolina is extremely limited and is growing less and less every year, and unless some stringent remedy is employed to protect the terrajnn. it is the question of bnt a few years \vh( n this valuable food product will be entirely exterminated. It is, therefore, absolutely essential that the closed season shall extend from the first day of JMarch through the thirtj'-first day of Angnst and that this law shall be vigorously enforced. 44 JfEPOKT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. OYSTER INDUSTRY. After luatiu'e dclilicrat i(_)n the coiiiiiiirtcc \V( vc of the iinaiiinions opinion that a Sliell-iisli ( 'oinniissiun slionld l)c fstal>lislichiticted. lie shall nud^e a semi-annual re})ort to the (leological and Economic Sur\'ey IJoard, setting forth in detail an account of his olHcial acts, the condition of the oyster and other shell-fish industries in all their liranches, and shall recommend such additions to or modi- fications (if existing laws relating thereto as he may deem jiroper and necessary. Arrests without warrant, when and how made. The Shellfish C'onnnissi(_iner, Deputy (\:tnnuissioner, and inspectors shall have ]>ower, with or without warrants, to arrest any person violating the tishery laws. Power to take oysters and clams. The Shell-hsh Commissioner and the United States iJureau of Fisheries ma_y take and cause to be taken for scientific ]mr]ioses any oysters, clam, or other mollusca at any time from the waters of the State, any law to the contrary not- withstaiiding. Salaries. The salary <>{ the Sludl-fish Commissioner shall be fif- teen hundred dollni's ))er year and the ex])enses uecessarily incurred by him in the discharge of his duties. The salary of the Deputy Sliell-hsli ( \)nimissioner shall be nine hundred d]ircj)]-iaie 1o his own use or to slake ott' and enclose any mitural oyster or struct the free navigation of tlie waters aforesaid. Code. s. :VM)0: ISS;]. e. 332. ss. 1. I. be r('])('al(Ml, ^irovidcd tlic Icgislatiem relntiii"' tn tlic eultivatidii of the ovsrcr is ])assc(l. That scetioii 2373. How license is obtained, ^^'hcne^er a lie is to be unde any inhabitant of such county shall ha\c the right to a]>pear Ixd'ore said ( 'lerk ami object to the issuing of such license by tiling an allidavit stating that the proposed oyster or (d.am lied is a natural oyster oi- (dam be shall hi' tried to deterniine whether the pro- posed bed is a natural bed. and after such trial the said (derk shall grant or refuse said license in accordance with the judLjincnt icndered upon the determina- tion of smdi issue. Code, s. 3391: 1S93, e. 2.S7. s. 2. 1)0 repealed. Tliat section 2374. County Commissioners to cause survey to be made, ddie Hoard of Cimnty Commissioners may in their discretion cause to be made, not oftenei- than once in tw(dve months, a survey and examination rant Island Shoal lighthouse, thence across Pamlico Sound to a point midway between ]\Iaw Point and Point of ^larsli, and thence with the middle line of the Neuse River to the dividing line between the counties of Carteret, Craven, or Pamlico, and that portion of Pamlico Sound and the Xeuse and Pamlico rivers not within the boundaries of Dare, Hyde, or Carteret counties, and not a part of any other coimty, shall be in the county of Pamlico, and for the purposes of this chajiter and in the execution of the requirements thereof the shore line as now defined by the I'nited States Coast and Ceodetic Survey shall be accejHed as correct. 1887, c. 110, ss. 1, 2. be repealed. That section 2376. How beds entered. Any person a citizen and hand fuh:- resident of the State desiring to raise, plant, or cultivate shell-fish upon any ground in the county, and within the territory described in the preceding section, which has not been designated as public ground by the P>oard of Shell-fish Commissioners and which is not a natural clam or oyster bed. may make ap]>lication in writing, in which shall be stated as nearly as may be the area, limits, and location of the ground desired, to tiu' entry-taker of the county in which the said area for which application is made is situated, for a franchise for the purjrose of raising or cultivating shell-fish in said grounds, and the said entry-taker having received said application shall pidceed as with, all other entries as provided in the chapter entitled Grants, except thai the warrant to survey and locate the ground or grounds shall be delivered to the engineer appointed by the Secretary of State and not to the county surveyor; and the said engineer shall make such sui-A'eys in accordance with the ])rovisions of the chapter entitled Crants, except that it 50 KEPORT OF COMMITTEE u.\ ITSIIKIJIKS. shall not be ncc-rssaiy to employ cliaiii-licarers nor to adminirttrr oallis t(j assist- ants, noi- to make surveys, aecoiding to llie priniity of the application or warrant. Xo enti'v shall l)e made to cover any natnial oyster or clam bed as detined in this e •. I r of any land lyini;' more than 1 w o miles t'rnni (lie mainland oi' from any island. 1887, c. Uii, s. :>: i8!»3. c. 272. be repealed. That isfcTion 2377. How leased. Any person who is and has been (•()ntiniiou->ly tOr two \ cais a Ixiiia fnh resident of the State of North Carolina and iiver twenty-one years of ai^e may least' or enter not more than fifty acres of any boltdin where oysters do not nainrally grow or on any ground whei'e there is not a snilicient growth of oysters to justify at the time of leasing the gathering of the same for profit. When any jiersmi desires to lease or niter any such ground he shall advertise the fact at the conrtdiouse and three ntlier ]daees for four weeks in the county where said bottom desired 1 ) l)e leased is locateil, and advertise in some newspaper jiublished in said county for fnur \\<'(ks. and if there lie none pnblished in said cnunty, then in a ncwsjiaper jmblished in an adjoining comity. Application foi- such land shall be made to the Clerk of ll:e Supeiior Covirt. wlio shall appoint a man and the a]i]dicant shall choose anoth<'i', which two so chosen shall appoint a third man. and tlu' tlirct' shall ccmstitide a board of ai-bitration, and the said board of arbitration shall inspect the bott(]m desired to be leased, and if Ihey find the same subject to lease and so report to tlie Clerk, then it shall be the duty of tlie said Clerk to issue a lease as herein [u-ovided, and fcu' such service the CliTk >ha]l receive the following fees, to-wit Twenty-live cents f(n- the application, twcntydive cents for the appointnnnit. and twenty-hve ecnt^ tor tiling the repoit of ai'bit rat ion. and copy sheet fees for recording >urh lease and other ]iapers nere-,sary to be i-erorded. Such bottom shall be surveyed by the couidy --niveyor : all co>t and cxiiense to be iiaid by tin' leasee, who shall also pay a yearly rental of lifty cents per acre, which rental shall be paid to the Oyster Commissioner and go to the benefit of the oyste>- fund. A failure to pay rental for two year> shall render the lease null and void. Xo bottom which has been surveyed ])rior to sixth day of Afarch, one thousand nine hundred and five, need be resnrveyed where such leases arc plainly marked at that time. The county surveyor shall furnish the lessee a maji or plot free of eharo-e. Xo lease shall lie issiu'd for any ground closer than two hundred yanls to any mituial oyster bed. I!l0r>. c. .')2.'>. s. 1^. he repealed, [)r()vide(l that the leiiislaiioii regardiiii;' tlie eiilrivanon ot the uvster is passed. Thai section 2378. Secretary of State to issue grant; amount granted limited. The Secretary of State, on receijit of the Auditor's ecrtilicate as ju-ovided in the chapter on (Jranls. shall grant to the applicant ,i widtten instrnmeui romeying a perpetual f)anchise for (he purpose of raising and eultivatiiiL;- sh(dl lish in and to the grounds foi- which application is made; and the said written insUMunent KEPORT OF COMMITTEE OX FISHERIES. 51 of conveyance shall be autlientieated by the GoAernor, countersigned by the secre- tary and recorded in his office. The date of tlie application for tlie franchise and a description of the ground for which such franchise was granted shall be inserted ill eacli instrument, and no grant shall issue except in aceordancf r>'i|th .i^iCertifi- cale from the engineer appointed by the Seci'etary of State as to the area, limits, and location of tlie grounds in which the said franchise is to be granted, and e\ery person obtaining such grant or franchise shall, within tliree months from the receipt of the same, record said written instrument in the office of the R,egister of Deeds for the county wherein the said grounds may lie and shall define the boundaries of the said grounds by suitable stakes, buoys, ranges, or monuments; l)ut no franchise shall lie given in or to any of the piildic grounds as determined by tlie commissioners of shell-fisheries, or to any natural o_yster or clam bed, and all franchises grantetl under this section or any previous law shall be and remain in the grantee, his heirs and legal representatives: PniriiUil, that the holder or holders shall make in gooil faith witliin five years from the day of obtaining said franchise an actual eti'ort to raise and cultivate shell-fish on said grounds. No grant shall be made to any one person of more than ten acres of any territory, and no person shall hold more than ten acres in any creek unless the same shall be acquired througli devise, inheritance, or marriage. 18S7, c. 119. s. (>: 189:5, c. 272. I)(' repealed. That section 2379. Price paid for franchise. Xot less than seventy-five cents per acre shall be paid to tlie State Treasurer for all franchises granted, and in all other respects as to protests of entry and the right of the Secretary of State to sell to any one else at an increased price the chapter on (irants shall ajiply. 1887, c. 119. s. 7. Ik' repealed. 'I'liat section 2380. Liable to taxation. All grounds taken up or held for the purpose of .-ultivating- shell-fish shall lie subject to taxation as real estate, and shall be so considered in the settlement of the estates of deceased or insolvent persons. 1887, c. 119, s. 9. !>(' repealed. T\vM section 2381. Books of records of grants kept. The Secretary of State shall keep iioeks ot record in which sliall be recorded a full description of all grounds granted under tlie provisions of this chapter, and shall keep a map or maps upon which shall be shown the ]iositions and limits of all jjublic and private grounds. 1887. c. 119. >. U. i.'e amended in that ''Secretary of State"' shall read "Shell-fish Com- mission," ^)rovided the bill creating the Shell-fish Commission is passed. 52 KEPOKT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHEKIEH. That section 2382. Form of grants approved by Attorney-General. Eiitiy-takcis shall make ictuin Id the Scrrctary of State of all traiu-liises granted under tins chapter, in the same manner as provided in the chajitri- entitled (irants. and the piovis- ions of that ehajiter are hereliy extended sd as to cdver the grants or franeliises in ground for raising or cultivating shell-tish as authorized hy this chapter; and all applieations, grants, warrants, and assiguiiients of franchises in or to oyster o-rounds sliall he in manner and form as apjiroveil hy the Attorney-( ieneial of the State. 1887, e. Hit. s. 12. Ix' repealcMl. CATCHING OYSTERS. That section 2383. Close season, exception. Tf any jieison sliall huy or sell oysters in the shell whicli ]]:\\'- hecn taken fidni the pul)lic grounds oi' natural oyster-beds of this State helwcen the first day of Aiuil and the first day of Octoher in any vear, he shall he guilly of a misdemeanor and he tineil not more than tifty dollars oi- iniiiriscned not more than thirty days: I'mrithtl. Ihat oysters /uay he taken with hand-longs (vnly during the month of .\|iril in any ycai', to he used for planting on private grounds, entered and hehl under the laws of this State: rinriihd fiirllicr. Ilia.l oysters may he taken with hand-to-igs only fdn the pavnu'ut iy the purchaser of a tax df due and one-half cents ]ier tub. l!IO:i c. :)l(i. s. ll: l!)(l.'). c. .IJ.'). ss. 5. S. he amended so as to read as follows: If any person shall hny or sell oysters in the slu'll which have heen taken from the ])ul)lic iiTonnds or natural oyster-heds of this Stale between the iirst day of April and the fifteenth day of OctolxM- in any year, he shall he onilty of a misdemeanor, and he tined not less than iifty (hdlars or imprisoned not h'ss than thirty days: Proridcd. that oysters may he taken with hand-toiios oidy diirinu' the mouth (d" A])ril in any vear, to be used for plantiiio' on jn-ivate i^roinids. euK red and held under the laws of this State, upon the condition further that they shall not be removed from said ])rivale beds within a ]ieriod of three mouths from time of planting-: Provided ftirlhcr. that oysters may be taken with hand-tongs only for home eonsum]»tion : Pr first of each year in the waters of Onslow and Carteret comities: rrovidcd, also, that it shall be lawful to take or eateh oysters in })iil)- lic oyster-iiroiinds north of the line miniinii' from Point Peti'r to Duck Island, except between a line rminiiiij;' from the east end of TIo^' Island to the beach and from Ballast Point to the beach in Dare Comity, to be sold only to residents of the State for ])lantini;' pur- poses, from April first to May fifteenth of each year, npon the pay- ment by the purchaser of a tax of one and one-half cents per tub. That section 2384. At night or on Sunday. Jf any person shall catch nr take any oysters from any of tlio public j^rounds or natural oyster-beds of the State at nicjlit or on Sunday, lie shall be ouilty of a niisdemearKn'. and be fined not exceeding;- Hfty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. 1903. c. 510. s. 10. remain as it is. That section 2385. Illegal dredging. If any person shall use any scoops, scrapes, or dredges for catching oysters, except at the times and in the places in this chapter expressly authorized, or shall between the tiftli day of April ami the fifteenth day of November of any year carry on any l)oat or vessel any scoops, scrapes, dredges, or winders, sucli as are usmilly or can be used for taking oysters, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 1903, c. 510, ss. 13, 14. 15. remain as it is. That section 2386. Catching oysters without license. If any person shall catch oysters from the public groiuids of the State without having first obtained a license according to law, or shall employ any perstni as agent or assistant, (u- shall as the agent or assistant of any person catch oysters from the i)ublic grounds, with- out all of said persons having first obtained a license acc(n-ding to law, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not exc'cding fifty dollars or imi)risoned not exceeding thirty days. 1903, c. 51(i, s. 0. remain as it is. That section 2387. Using boats not licensed. If any person shall use any boat or vessel in catching oysters, which boat has not been licensed according to law, and which is not in all respects complying with the law regulating the use of such vessels, he shall lie guilty of a misdemeans than ten dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty nor less than ten days for (he first ofl'ense, but for the second or subseqiu'iit otrense he sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished at the discretion of the Court. 1903. c. 510. s. 8. remain as it is. 54 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISnERIP:S. That, section 2388. Displaying false number on boat. If :uiy per.son shall ilisplay any othei' iiuiiilicr on their .s;ul than the one specifi"d in tlicir licence, av display a nnmlicr when the boat or vessel has not been licensed, lie shall he yuilty of a misdemeanor and >iiall he fined not less than t\vendy-fi\e dollars. i!i(i;;. e. r)i(i, s. 27. remain as it is. That section 2389. Failure to stop and show oyster license. If any jierson using a boat or vessel for the pnrpose of catching oysters shall refuse to stop and exhibit his license when ((ninnanded to do so by the Oyster Commissioner, Assistant Conimis sioner, or any iiispeetdr. he shall be guilty (if a misdemeanor, and be fined not less than twcntydh-e dollars nor more than fifty dnllars. llio;]. c. .")l(i. s. -Jli. remain as it is. That section 2390. False statement in application for oysterman's license. If any per- son shall mike any false statement for tlie purpose of proi'uring any license which ma\- he re(|niiTd by law to catch (lysters, or to engage in ihe oystei' industry, he shall he guilty of perjuiy and punished as ]iro\ided by law. 190:!. e. .")lti, s. 17. remain as it is. Tliat section 2391. Dredging in prohibited waters. If any ])erson, after the (Governor has by ])roelamation suspended the right to use scoojjs, sera]ies, or dredges on the public groun i rausport out of the State, or from one point in the State to anotlier. <,r ha\e in his possession any oysters which have not been properly culled ucc(n'(lini>- to law. he shall lie iiuilty of a misdemeanor, and he fined not exeeedinp' fifty (hiilars or iniitrisoncd not exceeding thirty days. 190:^. f. .■)10, s. ;!. be repealed and the followiiio' substituted for it: A captain of niiv riiu nv buy boat who shall })iirchase oysters which have not been properly culled according to law shall, upon conviction, be fined lifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days, and the having of nnculled oysters aboard his boat shall be prima fane evidence of his having ])urchased them. Lt shall be unlawful for an}' person, firm, or corporation to pur- chase oysters which have not been properly culled according to law, and for each violation shall, u])on conviction, be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days: Provided, that when any ])erson, firm, or corporation shall furnish the captain of any rttn or buy boat with funds witli which to purchase oysters, they shall not be held responsi- l)le foi' his acts and shall not be deemed the purchaser of such oysters. That section 2393. Oysters, where purchased to be carried out of the State. If any person shall purchase and load on any vessel or boat any oysters to Ije carried out of the State in the sh(dl. except at the followin(>- jilaccs. fn-wit. the south end of Roanoke Island. Stumjiy Point flay, Parched Corn Pay. \\ ysockino- Pay, West Bluff Pay, (ireat Island Narrows, or Swan (^)narti'r Pay (as the Oyster Commis- sioner may determine), Portsmouth, Ocracoke. P.ay River, mouth of Rose Bay, or Harbor Island: or if any person shall load uioie than one boat or vessel at any of said places at one and the same time, or if any person shall load any boat or vessel with oysters to be carried out of the State without such vessel having an inspector on board at the time the oysteis ire delivered, or slmll carry any vessel loaded or ])artly loaded with oysters through the canals without a certifi- cate showing that the oysters have been inspected and the taxes thereon paid, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not uuuc than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. 190:;, c. oPi. s. 17. b(^ re]iealed and the following substitute^e. lie shall lie jiuilty (if a niisdenieanor, ami lie fined nut niorc than fifty dollarsi or imjjrisoned not nmre than thirty days: rmriilcd. wlienextr any hoat cr \'t'ssel shall have partially unloaded or disehai'ued its can^d liefnre s\uisef, the remainder of said load or earyo may bo discdiarged in tlie [iiesence of an inspector. 1 !)();]. c. oKi, s. k;. renniin as it is. That section 2395. Dealing in oysters without license. If any ]iersi>n shall enuayc in the business of liuyine-. cannini^-, packing, shipping!, m- shuckini; (lysteis without haviny first dlilained a license as recpiired liy law. he shall be guilty (d' a misde- meanor, and be lined not exceeding; fifty dullars or imjnisdned not exceeding thirty days. 1!»0;;. c. ,il(i, s. !). remain as it is. That section 2396. Dealer failing to keep record. If any person engaged in buying, pack- ing, canning, slmcking, or shipjiing oysters shall fail Id keep a perr.ianenl recoi'd of all oysters bdunht by him or eanght by him, or hy jiersuns fdr him, wlien ami from wiiom li(iUL;h1, the numbei' of bnshtds and the price paid therefdr, or shall fail n|i(in demand to exhibit such record as i-eqnii'cd by law. or shall faii to xcrify the same, he shall be i^uilty of a mis, c, oKi, s. ."). remain as it is. liEPOBT OF COMMITTEE OX FISHERIES. 57 That section 2397. Evidence of illegal dredging. If any boat or vessel shall be seen sail- ini;' on any of the waters of this State during tlie season when the dredoinfr of oysters is prohibited liy law in the same manner in wliieli they .-^,lil to take or catch oysters \vith scoops, scrapes, or dredges, the said lioat or vessel shall be pursued by any officer authorized to make arrests, and if said boat or vessel apprehended by said officer shall be found to have on Ixiard any wet oysters or the scoops, scrapes, dredges, or lines, oi' deck wet, indit'aling the taking or catching of oysters at said time, and pro])erly eqni])])i'il I'oi- eatcliing or taking oysters with scoops, scrapes, or dredges, sncli facts shall be jiriiiKi fticic evidence that said l)(!at or vessel has been used in violation of the provisions of the law prohil)iting the taking or catching of oysters with seoo])s. scrapes, or dredges in prohibited territory, or at a season when the taking or catching of oysters with scoops, scrapes, or dredges is prohibited by law, as tlie case may lie. inoa, c. alG, s. lis. 1)0 aiiicii. remain as it is. That section 2399. Using illegal measures for oysters. ]f any person shall in Imying or selling oysters use any measure other tlian that prescrilied ))y law for tlie measurement of (n-sters. or if any dealer in oysters shall ha\'e i}i his jxissession any measure for measuring oysters otiier than tliat prescribed l)y law. he shall Ije guilty of a. misdemeanor, and be lined not exereding lifty dollars or iiu[)risoned not exceeding thirty days. i!»o;i, c. :>i(i. s. 11. remain as it is. That section 2400. Catching oysters for lime. If any person shall take or catch any live oysters to be l)nrned for lime or for any agricultural or mechanical purpose, lie shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned neis. He shall, on or before the twenty liflb day of eacli mont'i, mail to the Treasurer of the State a consolidated slatement showing the amount of taxes c(dlei-ted during tlie piec'ding month and l)y and from whom colled rd. He shall make a liiennial re])ort lo the ( bixcrn.oi-. stdting forth in (hdail an account of his olhcial acts, the condition of the cystci- industry in all its hranches, and shall ri'conunend such additions lo or nioilihcalions of existing laws rehiting therclo as he may deem proper and necessary. lie shall ha\e ]iowcr and authorily and i1 sliall he his dutv to nud'Ce and iircseiihe all such i-easiinahle I'ules and i-cgulaiions as nniy he necessarv a.nd to carry iido ellect and operation the laws relati\-e to the oyster industry according l<> its true intent and jmi-poses. I'.in;;. <•. :>\ii. ss. ;;, is. 2406. Duties of the Assistant Commissioner. The Assistant Oyster Com- missioner shall lie charged witli the special supervision, under the Commissioner, of all inattcis relating lo oyster industry in the ditlVrent c(junties. He is jiarticu- larlv charged witli the riuid enfor-cement of the cull feature (f the law, the provisions against the use of illegal measures in Imying or s-dling. and the unlav.ful use of scoojis. scrapes, and dredges in the hays, creeks, straits, sounds, livers, and tludr tributaries, and elsewhere where the same is pmhihited. I'.M):^, c. :•>]{>. s. ;!. niid 2407. Duties of inspectors. The ins]K'ctors shall, undei- the Conunissioner and .\ssi-.taut Commissioner, he charged with all matteis relati'.g to the oyster industry in ilieir rcs])eclive countii's; they shall inspect :ill oysters olVered for sah' in their .•ounly, sei. that they are projicrly culled, see that none id' the pro- visions of the law regulating the oyster industry are \iolated. c(dlect all taxes from dealers on oysters puichased or c.iught, kccji a corr-ct r<'ccird of all taxes e(dlected \>y them and from whom and for what purjiose t'ollccted, and on or hcfoi-e tic lifth day (d' each moidh mail to the Oyster Commissioner a report, on such form as he nriy prescribe, showing all t i.\e< colle.-ted by th.an and from whom received. r,nd at the same time |.ay over to the Conunissioner the amouid, of such taxes. liMi:;. r. ."■)i(). s. ;>. 1k" ivj'.calc'il l)y llic Lcii'islatmv, provi-lcd tlic ui'^aiiization of the Shc'll- iisli ( 'niiiiiiissidii as (nitlincd above is ])assc(l. Tliat seel idll 2408. Who may be licensed to catch oysters. Xo jn rson sliall be licensed to catch nysters from the ]iuldic grounds (d' the Stat.' who is owner, lessee, master, captain, mate, or foreman, or who owns an interest in or who is an EErORT OF COMMITTEE OiN' FISHERIES. Gl aiient fur any l)oat that is used or tliat may bo used in dredoino- oysters from tlie public grounds of the State, who is not a bona fide resident of this State and who lias not continuously resided therein for two years next preceding the date of his application for license; and no non-resident shall be employed as a laborer on any boat licensed to dredge oysters under this subchapter wdio has an interest in or who receives any prolU from the oysters caught by any boat permitted to dredge oysters on the public grounds of the State. Any person, firm, or corpora- tion employing any mm-resident laborer foibidden by -this section, upon convic- tion shall be fined not b'ss than fifty dollars nor more than ilve hundred dollars. 190;|, c. 51(i. s. (i : 1!K)."), c. .")-25, s. 3. remain as it is. That section 2409. How license obtained to catch oysters; who may issue; form of. Any person desiring to catch oysters from the ptdilic grounds and natural oyster-beds shall make and sid)scril)e to the following oath, before some ollicer qualified to administer oaths: I, (state if ownei', lessee, master, captain, mate, foreman, or agent of any boat used or that may be used in dredging oysters fi'om the public grounds of the State), being an applicant for oyster license, do solemnly swear that I am a citi/en of North Carolina and have been a resident of the State for the two 3^ears next preceding this day: that my place of residence is now in county; that 1 will not, if granted license, employ any non-resident or unlicensed person as an assistant or serve as an assistant to any non-resident who is owner, lessee, master, captain, mate, or foreman, or who has any interest in. or in the profits derived from, any boat that is used or that may l)e used in dredging oysters from the public grounds of the State, or unlicensed person, nor will I transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of my license to any person, firm, or corporation; that I will not knowingly or wilfully A'iolate (u* evade any of the laws nv regnla- tions of the State relating to oyster industry: so help me. God. He shall then present to and file said oath with the Oyster Commissioner, Assistant Oyster Commissioner, or ins])ector. who. if satisfied with the trutli of the statement made in the oath of application, shall issue to him an oysterman's license in the following form: State of North Carolina County. , a resident of county, having this day made ajiplication to me for an oysterman's license, and having filed with me the oath presciibed by law, I do hereby grant to him license to catch oysters from the public grounds of this State from the fifteenth day of October until the first day of next April. Witness mv hand and oflicial seal, this the dav of '. , 1!) ' ■. Oyster Commissioner, Assistant Oyster Commissioner, or inspector (as the case may be ) . The said oath and a record of the license shall be kept by the Oyster Commis- sioner, Assistant Commissioner, or inspector, and for issuing and recording the same he shall receive from the applicant a fee of twenty-five cents, wbioli, together with all other license fees collected under this chapter, shall be paid over to the State Treasurer and constitute ]iart of the oyster fund. No fee shall be charged by the Clerk for administering the oath. 1903, c. 51ti. s. 7: 190.>. c. 525, ss. 4. G. Note, — For making false affidavit, see Crimes. be amended so that "a fee of twenty-five cents" shall read "a fee of one dollar." 62 EEPOltT OF COMMITTEE OA^ EISHEKIES. That section 2410. License for boat used in catching oysters. The Oyster C'oininissioner, Assistant (Jyster C'diiniiissioner, or inspector may grant license for a Ijnat to be used in catcliing oysters, iipo*ii application made according to law, and tlie pay- ment of a license tax as follows: On any boat or vessel without cabin or deck, and under custom-house tonnage, using scoops, scrapes, or dredges, measuring, over all. twenty-live feet and under tliirty, a tax of tliree dollars; tafteen feet and under twenty feet, a tax of two dollars; on any boat or vessel with cabin or dcek and under custom-house tonnage, using scrapes or dredges, measuring, over all, thirty feet or under, a tax of live dollars; over thirty feet, a tax of six dollars; on any boat or vessel using scnojis, scrapes, or dred.i^cs, recpiired to be registered or enrolled in (he cnstoni-iionse, a tax of one (h.dlar and fifty cents a ton on gross tonnage. No vessel projidled by steam, gas. or electricity, and no boat or vessel not the property absolutely of a citizen or citizens of this State on tlie lirst day of January, one tlmusand nine hundred and three, or unless built or owikmI in tliis State sul]sc(|ucnt theicto and actually owned by a hoiia fide resident of this ,St:ite luider this ehapter, shall receive license or be permitted in any manner to engage in the calrhing of oysters anywliere in the waters of this State. .Ml lioats or vessels so liet-nsed to scoop, scrape, or dredge oysters shall display on the jnu't side of the jili, al>o\e the reef and bonnet and on the opposite side of mains;',il. above all rerf jioints, in fdack letters not less than twenty inches long, the initial letti'r of the county granting the license and the number of said license, the number to be painted on canvas and furnished by the Oyster Commissioner, Assistant Oyster ( 'ommissioner, oi- inspector issuing the license, for which he shall receive the sum of lifty rents. Any l>oat or vessrd used in catching oysters without having complied with tlic provisions of this section nuiy be seized, forfeited. advi>rtised for twenty days at three public places ill the county where seized, and sold at some public place designated in the advertisement, and the proceeds paid into the oyster fund. IDO.S. c. 510, s. 8. remain as it is. That section 2411. License to oyster dealers. The Oyster Commissioner, Assistant Oyster Commissioner, m' inspector, shall, ujion application and tlie payment of a fee of lifty cents, grant to the aiiplicant a dealei"s license, authorizing the applicant to engage in the bu,--iness of buying, purchasing, canning, packing, shucking, or shipping oysters. Such license shall not be issued prior to the lifteenlh day of (Jctober of any year and shall expire on tlie lirst day of A]u-il following. The Assistant Oyster Commissioner or inspector gie.nting the license shall at once mail a duplicate to the Oyster Commissioner. 1!)0:!. c. 51(1. s. !); lOO.l, c. :rl5, s. (i. remain as it is. Tltat section 2412. Licenses reported monthly. The Oyster Commissioner. Assistant Oyster Commissi(]ner. or inspector, who are authorized to issue licen-e or to collect a license tax, sliall, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, mail REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES. Go to the Oysster ( 'oimnissioncr a statement sliowing all licenses issued during the preceding month, to whom issued, and for what purpose, and the amount of tax collected by them from all sources under tlie oyster laws, and shall at the same time remit said amount direct to the State Treasurer. They shall at the same time mail to each inspector asking for the same a list of all ])('rsons to wliom license has been issued and of all boats or vessels licensed, and for what ])urpose. 1903. c. 516, s. 4: 1905, c. rrlo, s. 0. remain as it is. That section 2413. Dredging, when allowed; prohibited territory. Any bona fide resi- dent of the State duly licensed according to law and using a licensed boat or vessel may use scoops, scrapes, or dredges in catching or taking oysters from the fifteenth day of November in each year to the first day of April following, from the public grounds and natuial oyster beds in the l>road open waters of Pamlico Sound, Pamlico River, Neuse River, and Long Shoal Kiver, except in those portions of said sound and rivers in which the use of such instruments and implements is prohibited as herein provided. No pers(Ui shall use any imple- ment or instrument except hand-tongs in catching oysters in any bay, river, creek, strait, or any tributary of such which border upon or empty into Pamlico Sound, Pamlico River, or Long Shoal River, except as hereinafter jjrovided ; and any point inside of a line drawn from the farthest or extreme outward point of land or marsh on the one side to the farthest or extreme outward point of land or marsh on tlie opposite side of any creek, strait, or bay, sh-all l)e construed lo be within the skid creek, strait, or bay for the ])urposes of this section. Nor shall any person use any implement or instrument except hand-tongs in the waters of Pamlico Sound from what is known as the Reef or Reefs in the eastern portion of said sound to the line of bardcs bordering its eastern shores; nor along the shores of Pamlico County inside of a line beginning at INIaw Point and running to the west end of Brant Island, thence to Pamlico Point; nor in the waters of Pamlico Sound north of a line running from Long Shoal light lo Gull Nhoal life-saving station, from the first day of February of each year to the fifteenth day of November, nor in any of the waters of Carteret County. And for the purpose of this section, the northern boundary of said county shall be a line extending from Swan Point to Harbor Island light, thence a line to South- west Straddle light, thence a line to Northwest Point liglit, thence a line to the middle of Ocracoke Inlet; nor in the waters of Neuse River aliove a line in said river ruiuiing from Carbacon buoy to the western point of land at Pierce's Creek. 1903, c. 51G, ss. 13. 14, 15; 1905, c. 507, s. 2. remain as it is. That section 2414. Governor may suspend right to dredge. The Governor, upon the request of the Oyster Commissioner, may, whenever in his judgment it is neces- sary, by proclamation, suspend entirely the use of all scoops, sci-apes, or dredges in any of the waters of the State, either for a definite period of time or until the sitting of the next General Assembly. 1903. c. 510, s. 19. remain as it is. 64 REPOKT OF co:mmittee on fisheries. That soction 2415. Oysters culled on grounds. All dV-t^Ts tikcn fioir, iln' jnililii' grounds of lliis .State, with wluitisoever iiistruniciit nr iiiiplv'iui'iit . shall he eullril. and all oystfi'js wh'dsc shells measure less than two and ime-half inches frnni hin.^e to mouth, except such as are attached to a larye oyster and cannot l)e removed without destroying;- tlie small oyste)-, and all sliells taken with the sanl oysters shall he returned to the public ground when and where taken, and no oysters shall he allowed hy tlie inspectors to he marketed which shall consist of more than ten jier cent, of such small oysters and shells, exce]tt ■'coon" oysters and (►yst<'rs lai-.i;-ely covered with mussels: Pntruhd. these musseled oysters must not contain mere than live per cent, of shells or snnill oysters under regulation size. i!)0:5. c. ."^ic, s. 11 ; inn.-), c. :yio. be ameiidod so that in the third and fonrth lines "two anrovided this shall be permitted for the purpose of bedding the same, ( ither on a natural or cultivated bed within the jurisdiction of N^orth Carolina : Provided, that in Newport River no clams whatsoever shall be taken from May fifteenth to October first; and, Provided, also, that no clams whatsoever are to be taken, shipped, sold, or mar- keted during the month of August; shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days in jail. CULTIVATION OF THE OYSTER AND CLAM. The following legislation is recommended by the committee as being the most practicable for encouraging and stiimdating oyster and clam culture in North Carolina : Section — Shell-fish Commissioner can lease bottoms. The Shell-fish Commissioner shall have power to lease to any duly (quali- fied person, firm, or corporation, for purposes of oyster or clam cul- ture, any bottom of the waters of the State not a natural oyster-bed as defined in this act, nor a clam reservation as defined in this act, in accordance with the provisions of this law. Section .... Leasing of bottoms. Any citizeu of ^'orth Caro- lina or firm or corporation organized under the laws of tlu^ State and doing business within its limits shall be granted the ])rivilege of tak- ing up bottoms for purposes of oyster or clam culture under the pro- visions of this act of an area not less than one acre nor more than fifty acres, with the exception of the open waters of Pamlico Sound (and for the purposes of this act open waters of Pamlico Sound shall mean the waters that are outside of two miles of the shore line), in which the minimum limit shall be five acres and the maximum shall be two hundred acres: Provided, that the limit of entry in Core Sound, jSTorth River, JSTewport River, Bogue Sound, and all bays and creeks bordering on these waters, and in Jones Bay, Rose Bay, Abels Bay, Swan Quarter Bay, Middle Bay, Bay River, Deep Bay, Juniper Bay, West and East Bluft' Bays! Wysocking Bay, Fire Creek, Stumpy Point Bay, Mouse Harbor Bay, Maw Bay, and Broad Creek tributaries of Pamlico Sound, shall be one acre as a minimum and ten acres as a maximum: Provided furilier. however, that at the end of one year from the passage of this act that the minimum area in Core Sound, North River, Newport River, Bogue Sound, aud all bays and creeks bordering on these waters, and in Jones Bay, Rose 68 EEi'ORT OF COMMITTEE ON FISIIEIilES. Bay, Abels Bay, kSwaii (Quarter Bay, Middle Bay, Bay lliver, Deep Bay, Juniper Bay, We^^t and East Bhiii' Bays, Wysocking Bay, Fire Creek, Stumpy Point, Mouse Harbor Bay, and Maw Bay, and Broad Creek tributaries of Pamlico Sound, shall be one acre and the maxi- mum fifty acres; but no person, firm, corporation, or association shall severally or collectively hold any interest in any lease or leases aggre- gating an area of greater than fifty acres, except in the open waters of Pamlico Sound, where the aggregate area shall be two hundred acres. Section .... Lease, how obtained. Such persons, firms, or cor- porations desiring to avail themselves of the privileges of this act shall make written a})plicatiun on a form to be prepared by the Shell-fish Commissioner, setting forth the name and address of the applicant, describing as definitely as may be the location and extent of the bottom for which application is made, and re([uesting the sur- vey and leasing to the applicant of said bottom. As soon as possible after the application is received the Shell-fish Commissioner shall cause to be made a survey and map of said l)ottom at the expense of the applicant. The Shell-fish Commissioner shall also thoroughly examine said bottoms by sounding and by dragging thereover a chain to detect the presence of natural oysters. Should any natural oysters bo bnind, tlu' ( V;>mmissioner shall cause examination to be made to ascertain the area and density of oysters on said bottom or bed to determine whether the same is a natural bed under the definition contained in this act. He shall be assisted in this examination on tonging ground by an expert tonger to ho a})pointed by the Board of County Commissioners of the county in which said l)ottom or the greater portion thereof is located, and the question as to whether the oyster growth is sufliciently dense to fall within the definition of the natural l)od shall be determined by the quantity of oysters which the said expert tonger may be able to take in a s])ecified time; and on dredging-ground the Commissioner shall be assisted by an expert dredger, appointed by the Board of (Jounty (Commissioners of the county in which said bottom or the greater portion thereof is located, and the <|uestion as to whether the oyster growth is sufiiciently dense to fall within the definition of the natural b(Ml shall be determined by the quantity of oysters which the said expert dredger may he able to take in a specified time. The Shell-fish Commissioner shall re- <|uire the bodies of bottoms applied for to be as compact as ])Ossible, taking into consideration the shape of the body of water and the KEPOKT OF COMMITTEE OK FISHEEIES. 69 consistency of the bottom. No application shall be entertained nor lease granted for a piece of bottom within two hnndred yards of a known natnral bottom, bed, or reef. A deposit of ten dollars will be required of each applicant at the time of making his application, said Slim to be credited to the cost of the survey of the bottom applied for. Section .... Marking and staking of leased bottoms. Imme- diately upon the completion of the survey and the mapping thereof and the payment by the applicant of the cost of said survey and map, the Shell-tish Commissioner shall execute to the applicant, upon a form approved by the Attorney-General of the State, a lease for the bottoms applied for. A copy of the lease, map of the survey, and a description of the bottom, dehning its position, shall be tiled m the ofhce of the Shell-fish Commissioner. After the execution of said lease, the lessee shall have the sole right and use of said bottoms, and all shells, oysters, and cultch thereon, or placed thereon, shall be his exclusive property so long as he complies with the provisions of this law. The lessee shall stake olf and mark the bottoms leased in the manner prescribed by the Shell-fish Commissioner, and failure to do so within a period of thirty days of an order so to do issued by the Commissioner shall subject said lessee to a fine of five dollars per acre for each sixty days' default in compliance with said order. The corner stakes, at least, of each lease shall be marked with signs plainly displaying the number of the lease and the name of the lessee. The lessee shall within two years of the commencement of his lease have planted upon his holdings a quantity of shells equal to an average of fifty bushels of seed oysters or shells per acre of holdings, and within four years from the commencement of his lease, a quan- tity of oysters or shells equal to an average of not less than one hun- dred and twenty-five bushels per acre. The Oyster Commissioner shall, upon granting any lease, publish a notice of the granting of same in a newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein the bottom leased is located. Section .... Term of lease, rental. All leases nuide under the provisions of this act shall begin upon the issuance of the lease and shall expire on the first day of April of the twentieth year thereafter. The rental shall be at the rate of one dollar per acre per year for the first ten years and two dollars per acre per year for the next ten years of the lease, payable annually in advance on the first day of April of each year : Provided, that in the open waters of Pamlico Sound — iO ijEPORT OF co.^r.^rITTEE on fisheries. ami t'fjr ilie purposes of this act the open waters of Pamlico Sound shall mean the waters that are outside the two miles of the. sliore line — the rental shall be at the rate of lifty cents per acre per year for the tirsi three years ; one dollar ])er acre per year for the next seven years ; au(i Iwo dolhirs jier acre }>er year for the next ten years of the lease. Idiis rental shall he in lieu of all other taxes and imposts whatever am! shall be considered as all ano(lics. The rental fVir the first year shall be paid in advance to an amount proportional to the unexpired part of the year to the hrst of April next succecclino-. Section — Transfer of lease, inheritance of lease. The said lease shall he hei'itable and transferable, in whole or in jtart, provided the (puditicatious of the heirs and transferees are such as are describeril or within thirty days thereafter shall //hso fdc/o cancel said lease and shall forfeit to the State the said leased bottoms and all oysters thereon, and upon said forfeiture the Shell-fish Commissioner is hereby authorized to lease the said bottoms to any (pialified a]:)pli- caut therefor: Provided, that no forfeiture shall be valid, however, under the ]U-ovisions of this section, unless thi-re shall have been REPORT OF COM:\riTTEE ON FISHERIES. 71 mailed by the Shell-fisli Commissioner to the last address of the lessee upon the books of the Commissioner a thirty days' notice of the ma- turity of said rental. Section .... Title secure. If any person within four months of the publication of the notice of granting of any lease make claim that a natural oyster bottom, bed, or reef exists within the boundaries of said lease, he shall under oath state his claim and request the Shell- fish Commissioner to cancel said lease: Provided, Iwwevcr, that each such claim and petition shall be accompanied by a deposit of twenty- five dollars. JSTo petition uiuiccompanied by said deposit shall be considered by the Commissioner. The Shell-fish Commissioner shall in person examine into said claim, and if the decision should be against the claimant, the deposit of twenty-five dollars shall be for- feited to the State and deposited to the credit of the Shell-fish Com- mission fund. Should, however, the claim be sustained and a natural bed be found within the boundary of the lease, the said natu- ral bed shall be surveyed and marked with stakes or buoys at the expense of the lessee, and the said natural IhmI be thrown open to the public fishery. If no such claim be presented within a period of four months, or if when so presented it fail of sid>stantiation as provided, the lessee shall thereafter be secure from attack on such account and his lease shall be incontestable so long as lie comi)lies with the other provisions of this act. In each and every such case the decision of the Shell-fish Commissioner shall be subject to review an waters of North t'arnlin-i. and during that period has j)lanted about tw(v hundred millinn fry, most, of which were deri\'ed from without the State, the local yield of eggs being insufficient fnr r: nuirements. The magnitude of this work and its measure of success depend upon the number of ripe fish reaching the spawning-grounds during the seastJii in which the physical conditions of the rivers are favorable to the maturation ;nid development of the eggs. The spawning-grounds are all in the upper ^\•aters and the fish will not ripen in the saline water of the sounds. The fish caugld on nr neui- the natural spawning-grounds are in large part utilized in the fish-cultural operations of tliis Bureau, but those taken in tbe lower sounds are an alisolute loss reproductivcly. It would be an injustice, however, to prohiliit or unduly restrict the fisheries in the sounds, and such interference with a valuable and legitimate industry is entirely foreign and antagonistic to the purposes of this r>iireau ; liut it is believed that the very existence of tlie shad fisheries in l.'oth the sounds and the rivers depends upon permitting a proper projHirtion of mature fish to ascend the streams. Lfnder the regulations until recentlj^ in force this essential was impossible of realization. Not only has the amount of apparatus fished been in excess of that which the reproductive capacity of the several species would permit, but the nets have been set in such manner and in such places that .iccess to the spawning- grounds was in birge measure prevented, and the fish were eithQr caught before they were ripe or were retarded and h(dd in the sounds until the season had passed when the process of reproduction could be successfully i>erformed. Tlie Buieau observes with satisfaction that these matters were given cnreful consideration by the committee, and that esi)ecially in the proposed modification of the Vann law and the restriction of the open seasons to conform with loci I requirements an attempt was made to give access to tbe spawning-grounds to a larger proportion of the fish coming from tlie sea. The Bureau's representative on the committee has made certain verbal changes in the rough draft, which, it is believed, make clearer and more specific the intent of the board, and with these changes the 74 , EEPuirr or committek ox fisiiekies. articlos referred to are reoarded witli apin-oval. ^Yere there no e-hed lislierio ill the lower soviiids, somewiiat iiii;re rilioroTis restrielion- niii:lit be advcx-ati'il : liut those ])ersoiis already eiiya.iitHl in the industry are ciililk'd to eiinsideration and tlieir interests slionhl be |u-(i1eeted so far as is ( (unpat iide witli the ]ier)ietiiatiou of the fisheries. Tlie ainoiint of apparatus now in u-e sliouhl he regarded as the :ip])roxiniate niaxiiiiiun for some years to ennie. and any ini-rease over tlial enijdoxcd in tlie spring of 1!)0() shonhl lie rei;ardcd as ininiieal to the liest iiderests (jf the State. The reconiniendal ions eoncrrninL;- llir appoint- ment of a Fish ( 'ommissioner, ehariicd s|ieeific.i]ly with the execution of the lishery laws, are strictly in accord witli ]ire\ious recommendations of this Bureau. Jt is essential for Ihe proper execution of the laws, the ,i;-uidance of future legisla- tion, and the investigation of the many proldems relating to Ihi' Hsheries. that there should lie a definite organization for the jnirjiose. and as di\ided or local jurisdiction o\cr the hsheiies has nexcr been satisfactory, this organization shonhl operate nnder tlie general authority of the State. Should the recommenda- tions be enacted into law, it is believed that the State will s unproductive and useless bottom, and they establish in a satisfactory maiuier the secure 1(nure of the leases so granted, while ex(duding iirivate entry iqion bottom whicdi should of right lie a common fishery. The matter of a -ecui'(> tennie of tlie lea.sehohls is essential to the success of anv attempt to inaugurate oyster culture in the State, and should be iealously safeguarded. The Bureau recommends the enactment of the oyster laws substantially as set forth in the rrpoi-t and believes that >ucli action will result in material financial benefit to the Slate and its citizens. While there are some minor features and inconsi^tencie- in the recommenda- tions, to which exception migiit be taken, es|ieeially in those relating to the lisheries proper, the Ibireau strongly recommends the jiassage of laws in general confornnince with the rejiort. The committe.. represented nnuiy confiicting interests, all worthy of consideration, and its reeonnnendat ions should lie consid- ered collectively rafliei- than severally and as embodying those suggestions whicri if put in etl'ect w fii^s. Pof^taf/c .^-l cents. Cloth-hotiml coi>}i '>() cents c.rlni. ?>. (iold Deposits in North Cai'olina, l)y Henry I'.. ('. Nit/c and (Jeorge B. Ilanna, 1896. 8°. V.W, pji.. 14 jil.. and map. Out of print. 4. Road Material and Koad Constrnetion in North CaniUna, by .7. A. Holmes and William Cain. 189;i 8°. 88 p]>. Out of print. "). The Forests. Forest Lands and Forest Products of Eastern North Caro- lina, by W. W. Ashe. 1894. 8°. 128 pp.. 5 ]d. Po.stafic r, cents. (■>. The Timber Trees of North Carolina, by Ciffoivl TMni-hot and \V. W. Ashe, ]S!)7. 8^ 227 It]).. 22 jd. Postniie 10 cents. 7. Forest Fires: Their Destructive Work, Causes ;uid Prevention, by W. W. Ashe. 1895. 8°, 0(1 pp., 1 pi. Postage ■'> cents. 8. Water-powers in North Caridina. by (ieor.i,'c V. Swain. .loscjih A. IIoliiics and E. W. Myers, 1899. 8°. 362 pp.. 16 pi. Postage 16 cents. 9. Monazite and ]Monazite Deposits in North Carolina, l)y Henry B. C. Nitze, 1895. 8°, 47 pp., 5 pi. Postat/e '/ cents. 10. Gold Mining in North Carolina and other A|ipalachian States, by Henry P.. C. Nitze and A. J. Wilkins. 1897. 8°, 164 pp.. 1(» pi. Postmje 10 cents. 11. Corundum and the Basic Magnesian Rocks of Western North Carolina. by J. Volney Lewis. 1895. 8°, 107 pp., 6 pi. Postage '/ cents. 12. Drinking-water Supjilies in North Carolina. b\ .To.-pph .V. Holmes. /;/ preparatio)i. 13. Clay Deposits and <'l;iy Industries in North Cai-olina. by Ileinrich Reis. 1897. 8°, 157 pp., 12 pi. Postage 10 cents. 14. The Cultivation of the Diamond back Terrajiin. by R. E. Coker. 1906. ^°. 67 pp., 23 pi., 2 tigs. P(j.' t-nils. 15. Mineral Waters of North Carolina, by F. P. Ven.tble. In press. 16. A List of Elevations In North Carolina, Ity .f. .\. Holmes and E. W. Myers. I)i preparation. 17. Historical Sketch of Nortli Carolina Scientific and Economic Stu'veys : and Bibliography of North Carolina Geology. Mineralogy and N.-itural History, by .7. A. Holmes and L. C. Glenn. Fn preparatiryn. 18. Road ^Materials and Construction, liy .Toseph A. Holmes .iiid William C.ain. ])t preparation. 19. The Tin Deposits of the Carolinas. by .losejdi Hyde Pratt and Douglass I^.. Sterrett. 1905. 8°. 64 iip., 8 Hgs. Postage J, een4.s. 2(1. The I.oldolly Piue in Eastern North Carolina, by W. \V. Ashe. //; prepa- ration. KCONO.MIC P.'^PERS. 1. The Maple-Sugar Industry in Western North Carolina, by W. W. Ashe, 1897. 8°, 34 pp. Postage 2 cents. 78 I'nr.iJCA'j'io.vs OF 1M1I'; si-i;\M:v. •_'. R(>c<'iit i;(i;i(l Lci^'ishilioii ill N(irtl) (';ii-(iliii;i. by J. A. ITolnies. Out of /iriiil . :;. T.-ilc- ■•Hid l'yr(i]ili\i]it(' Deposits in Norlli < ';ii-olin;i. Ity Josf'iih Tlydo Pi'att. I'.HH). 8°, 2!) p])., 1' maps. I'osturje 2 cents, 4. 'I'lie Miniii.tc Industry in North Carolina During IIKXI, hy Joscpli Hyde I^ratt, 1901. 8°. ot! \*\\.. and map. I'oxlin/c 2 cents. .'). Uoad Laws of Nortli Carolina, by J. A. Iodines. Out of print. ('.. The ]\Iininij Industry in Nortli Carolina During l!l(»l, by Joseph Hyde I'rall. 1'.M»-_'. ,S". l(i-_> ],]). fostuge ', cents. 7. Mining Iiiduslry in Nortli Car(dina During 10(12, by .Tosejih Hyde Pratt. \'.HK',. S". L'T i)p. t'ostdpe 2 cents. 5. The Mining Indiisliy in North Candina During r.xc!. by .Tos(»idi llyd«' Pratt. irKM. 8". 74 pp. J'osf(i. 8'.;ir)p]i. I'ostniie ) cents. id. Oyster ('nllure in .\ortli Carelina. by Kuliert !•;. <'i)i;ei\ T.Mi."). S". WW pp. I'lislinic 2 eeiils. 11. The .Mining Industry in Nerfli ('areliua Dnriui; I'.KCi. b.\- Joseph Hyde Pratt. I'.km;. In iireiniralion. \2. Investigations IJelative to tlie Shad Fishei'ies of Xdi'th Carolina, by John \. ( Vl)b. I'.IOII. S '. 7-! pp.. S tn:ips. I'(,.s!,ifi<- li mils. I.'l. hi'pcrl lit' ( 'niiiinil ii'i' nil l''isiici ics in .Nnrlli ('aniliii:\. ( '(liiipiii'il liy Jtiscpli lly■'> li.lis. I'<,sl,i,i, .12 niils. Cl.i/Ii-hi'iiml cupii .',11 crii/s i:,h'i. \'