T/}^ CpoB$ and Crown diMJ^' THE CROSS ^^ isr 33 CROWN O 4 BY T. D. (ZURTIS Evil is wrought From want of thought As well as want of heart.— [Hood. SYRACrSE, N. Y. Far.mek axd Dairyman Piti.vi 1880. 7 Copy RIGHTED THE AUTHOR. 1886. frolo&tje:. He wlio oftends the public will And thus excites the populace With a vindictive wish to kill And sink his name in deep disgrace, Is hung or burned in effigy ; But none would think of worshiping The instrument of cruelty That should a friend's sad exit bring; Yet when the Christ was crucified, By order of the crazy throng, The bloody cross on which he died — The tool of deep and ghastly wrong — Derisively was raised on high, By the decree of hell's dark prince, And human souls, not thinking why, Hell's sign have worshiped ever since Could more complete subversion be Of reason, taste and decency ? II. Through all the past historic daj-s. Tyrants have gloried in the crown ; PROLOGUE. And base and bloody are the ways By which men have been trampled down. That royalty may thrive and tax The toilers for its vain support; Cities and towns it often saci^s, And of men's birthrights makes a sport ; Yet men submit to the command Of him who wears a crown, and join Oppression's hosts, on sea and land, As loyal subjects, or for coin ; And so delusive is the glare Of crowns to the deluded slave That he lifts up an earnest prayer To wear a crown beyond the grave, And in imagination reigns O'er souls submissive to his chains! ^^^*^ .'e^J*^^ The CrQ00 and Crown THE CROSS. Emblem of Ignorance and Cruelt3% Ensign of Superstition's brutal reign. Banner of Despotism's foul career, Signal of Reason laid upon its bier, Image of dark and gross Idolatry, Object of worship since the Christ was slain! The sign of the impostor and the fool, B}' which they conquer and command the throng, The cross is lifted upward everywhere Man will submissive bow and mutter prayer, The minion meek, or church's thoughtless tool. Or worse, the cunning priest wdio knows the [wrong. When Satan tempted Christ upon the Mount, He said : "But worship me, the world is thine!" THE CROSS AND CROWN. But Christ refused the service and reward, And said: "Get thee behind; worship thy And thus called Satan to a quick account, [Lord l\ For his attempt to humble the divine. Christ taught no worship and believed in none; His teaching was of equal Brotherhood ; But, if there must be worship, it was meet That he who claimed it should bow at the feet Of him of whom 'twas claimed; the evil one So claiming should bow down before the good. Christ did not ask for worship, nor it seek ; This he abhorred in every form and phase; He was resolved to ever upright stand ; 'Twas to rebuke he gave that stern command ; And he who claims the homage of the weak His low condition to the wise betrays. Satan still tempts all greedy human kind With his rewards of selfishness and lust; He would their minds in superstition steep. And mercilessly every soul would keep Forever to the lower realms confined. Where all is turned to ashes and to dust. Oh ! wiiat a world of malice Christ awoke In Satan when he bade him "get behind !" Then all the fury of the fiends of hell Around his earthly way exhaled their spell ; THE CROSS. Beset by every snare hell could evoke, He suffered hellish tortures of the mind. He lived alone; he was not understood [taught; By those with whom he most communed and His sole support was love and faith in truth And principles he'd pondered from his youth ; He saw rii^ht living and the doing good Must bring a future life witli gladness fraught. But hell would not consent to tolerate The presence here on earth of one who chose To be so independent of its sway ; It would not do to longer let him stay, And so the vicious tools of hell and hate Were set to work his teachings here to close. He long had seen or guessed how it would end ; But faith in principle in him was strong, And he would not consent to change his course Nor to retract, nor turn to such resource As would the purpose of his foes unbend. And thus his labors on the earth prolong. But he resolved to carry on the fight Beyond the grave, and to contend for power And freedom to reject the homage base Which Satan claimed, and meet him face to In his own realms of cruelty and night, [face And try his title there to freedom's dower. THE CROSS AND CROWN It was a faith sublime that thus could nerve The Nazarene to face the death they chose ; But patiently he met his fate alone, Without complaint, and scarcely gave a groan, So sure was he that Freedom he could serve And in the end could conquer all his foes. It was not long before the end was reached, So far as earth could end his gra"nd career; His body lifeless hung upon the cross; Yet still his deadly foes were at a loss How to annul the doctrines he had preached Lest they forever should torment them here. So they resolved upon a double course — They would pervert what they could not destroy ; Their earthly agents were induced to choose The bloody cross as symbol of their views, Which they proclaimed were Christ's, and were the source Of all iheir power^His name made a decoy. The banner of the cross they raised aloft. To conquer by this sign of all that's vile; "Christians" they called themselves, and tiends in glee >Iust have rejoiced their bloody course to see. As with brute force, or threats, or pleadings soft. They coupled hell's dark doings with its guile. THE CROSS. To blind belief they added blinder faith, And relegated reason to the shades; Dark superstition ruled the bloody hour, The3vorld bowed down before religion's pow'r And truthfully the page of history saith Mankind gave up to riots and to raids. It was a very pandemonium here, A hell on earth, a night without a star; Good manners and good morals passed awa} , Corruption and pollution ruled the day, And Pity left the earth without a tear, While pallid Justice trembling stood afar. Contending sects and creeds each other tore ; A word or syllable gave cause for war, And e'en a single letter made men tear Each other and profane the decent air With angry words, and drench their hands in gore, Performing all that Heaven must abhor. Men lost all reason, women lost all shame. And gross indecency ruled day and night; Fortunes were given to the rotten priests, Who rated virtue lower than the beasts; Pollution of the maiden or the dame Alike was holy in the priestly sight. At tirst, it was a struggle mild between The pagan doctrines and the newer creeds, 2 THE CROSS AND CROWX Whose crazy devotees quite often sought The crown of martyrdom, and therefore Insultingly to taunl and rouse the spleen [wrought Tiiat oft in furious wrath its victim bleeds. But paganism was a placid rill Beside the roaring torrent of the new And wild religion that its ruin sought; And most of all its cruelty was taught Unto it by the men of bloody will Who did tlie work of the infernal crew. • When Satan's agents found no pagan foe, They tore each other with tenfold delight; There was no ejiithet too harsh to use, There was no instrument of brute abuse Severe enougli to add unto the woe Of brothers now grown hateful in their sight. Such scenes the world had never known before, So fierce did angry jiassion's billows toss; [ray Hell seemed let loose, and scarce a Heavenly Shone in the hearts of men to light the way ; All virtue gone, or rotten to the core. O'er all there rose the dark and blood}' cross. But brutal passion cannot always rule; Reaction comes with renovating sway; The violence that may at first su^.ceed Quite soon returns to make' its VTrr t-mt^^ b leed ; THE CROSS. Coercion is a sharp and treacherous tool — A tvvo-ed.i^ed sword that cutteth either way. For centuries the nations struggled on, WJiile reason scarcely gave a glimmering ray; Tlie rack, the faggot, and anon the sword, Each played its part to teach the " Holy While hated Science, pallid, weary, wan, [Word;" Amid the hosts of darkness skulked away. Not idle was the Xazarene the while; He marshaled on the other side of life The hosts of gentle truth and reason mild, Swaying with love the heart of man and child To long for freedom and the rights that guile Had trampled down amid intolerant strife. The work was one of love, the progress slow, For hell contended every inch of ground, [thing And, through the church, assaulted every That wrought for good, and cat-like watched Upon whoever rose to strike a blow [to spring To break the chains with which men's souls [were bound. Bearing the cross before them, hell's dark crowd Rushed wildly on to crush each rising thought That in the freedom-laving soul sought vent In deed of daring, or, in speech intent On firing other minds, was heard aloud ; In fear and hate the hosts of fiuy wrought. THE CROSS AND CROWN. Christ poured his consolation in the ear Of every suffering soul, and fired the heart To meet with resignation calm the tale Imposed upon it by the powers of hate; And every bod}' slain let loose, to cliccr, A spirit nerved to play a noble pari. Thus, one by one, upon the spirit side. An army gathered that defied defeat; It filled with love of freedom every mind Of willing mould on earth that it could find. Till right of private judgment, long denied. Walked lH)ldly forth from its enforced retreat. Then history and science both combineil To shed their light and make the error plain ; And one l)y one the church was forced to yield The subjugated ground which it had sealed With blood of martyrs, till it was confined To work by subtle means its ends to gain. Now Knowledge roams at large, and he who will May sup from the eternal founts of truth ; As hell recedes, the church entVeblcd grows. And fast approach the last exr)iring throes; 1 t now may curse and rave, but dare not kill. And views with anguish Freedom's lustv vouth The present chuich is a continuance Of the abomination that held sway THE CROSS. When Christ was on the earth ; the change it Was but in form, not spirit; it essayed [made To make the world believe that no advance Could e'er be made for which it did not pray. It fought all progress of the human race, And sought to limit human thought and speech ; Dead books or living bodies, each in turn It ready stood to torture or to burn ; It squid-like tried its slimy arms to place On everything of worth within its reach. Its claims were boundless, and its vicious aim W^ould subjugate all things from pole to pole; Whate'er of good might triumph in despite Of all its wiles to crush, this fiend of night Set up the claim that the advancement came Through its kind care and fostering control! And to this day it makes the bold pretense That all of human progress has been made Beneath its banner; yet it ever warred On science as a thing to be abhorred, And still would banish thought and. reason hence, And of them seeks to make mankind afraid ! It points to the advancement of the world As evidence of its benignant power ; Yet it has sought, with all its will and might, To keep the children of the earth in night ! THE CROSS AND CROWN And this same course it will pursue, till hurled From power, and Trutli and Justice rule tlu^ [hour. Let men no longer be deceived, fo'* hell Brought fortli the church and fosters it to-day; Let them cast off the shackles of the mind, Which this same church continues still to bind Upon them with Satanic art and spell, And keep, oh! keep the children from its sway! Thro' Mammon and the Church hell rules to-day, And flaunts the cruel cross before our eyes ; Losing its hold on State, the church demands All privileges which our thoughtless hands Will grant unto its agents, who would slay The Nazarene again as sacritice. Hell still is tempting men with wealth and power. And finds of Judases a fearful host; Free thought and speech it everywhere assails. Religion's sure decay loudly bewails, But while it reads the tokens of the hour, It still persists in threat and empty boast. It mumbles prayers in legislative halls. And in our courts of justice utters oaths; It clutches every thing within its reach, And hanirs tenacious as the sucking leech ; THE CROSS. Where'er we go its mockino: presence palls, And ever}' thinking mind its workings loathes. Its ministers assume superior airs, And claim to compensate all earthly loss; They help to rob the unsuspecting mass, And for their sorrows, with a cheek of brass, They give them rich rewards of empty prayers, And impudently point unto the cross! As if an instrument of torture could Be grateful to the sight of suffering man! Or he should willingly be crucified Because good men upon the cross have died! But hell adopts this horrid thing of wood And bears the bloody symbol in the van. It is a cruel mockery of all That Christ has taught to an unthinking world — A gross perversion of the living light With which he sought to open human sight; 'Tis Satan's beacon, leading to enthrall — Banner of night, by Satan's hosts unfurled. All progress made has been despite the power That marshaled all its forces 'neath the cross ; The hosts of light, led on by Christ, have fought And slowly won the field in spite of aught THE CROSS AND CROWN. The foe beneath the symbol of the hour Could treacherously do to bring them loss. And Christ will overwhelmingly, at last, Defeat the hosts of darkness and of death ; For Truth and Justice surely will bear sway. To usher in the bright millennial day, And Satan's hosts from power on earth to cast And fill each longing soul with vital breath. But just so long as men will give support And countenance unto the wily church, fwratii They may expect the fiends of wrong and To scatter want and woe along their path, For by such act they gross injustice court And will that on its banner victor}^ perch. Let all men, then, ignore the church and strive For Justice, Truth, and true Fraternal Love; Let them resolve to be forever free. And walk in reason's light, so all may see They tread the straight and narrow path, alive To good and peace, as symbol ed by the dove. Thus may a bloodless victory be won. And Satan's hosts cast out forevermore ; The cross of hell from earth will disappear Before the symbol of a higher sphere ; THE. CROSS. Thus may the reign of reason be begun, And earth become to Heaven an open door. Oh ! let the scales fall from the eyes of men, And all the horrors of the cross appear; Then Satan's reign on earth will have an end And men no more the craven knee will bend But Justice, Freedom, Love, and Truth, will then Bring in the prophesied millennial year. THE Cr^OWN^. Symbol of all that's mean and base in man — Of pompous pride and cringing cowardice, Of titled folly and of plodding slaves, Of groaning labor robbed by cunning knaves. Of priests and lordlings, an infernal clan, Who live by force, and fraud, and artitice. The crown, associated with the cross. Is held up by the cliurcli as the reward Of souls that blindly follow in the lead Of priests who advocate a stupid creed ! "A crown of gold," and nothing else, for loss Of common sense, full payment can accord ! " No cross, no crown" — self-evidently true. But not in the delusive sense implied; If men beneath the cross would not bow down, No devil, pope, or king, could wear a crown ; But they will wear it all the ages through That men are willing to be crucified. THE CROWN. A crown denotes that some usurper rules, And subjects, weak and ignorant, submit; But in a realm where all are equal, free, No one can rule, none can submissive be; But hell and tyrants love to torture fools, And only fools will long consent to it. The weak in mind, abused and plundered here, Have silly hopes that they will all be kings. Because the sons of Mammon tell them so ; While to the yoke they bow their necks below, They praise a tyrant in another sphere Who is to crown them over underlings! When liell's dark agents nailed the Nazarene Upon the cross they, mocking, hailed him king; Since then the mockery they have kept up, And all his friends have drank the bitter cup, And worn the crown of thorns, and felt the keen Thrust of the spear, and heard the taunting fling. All seekers after truth, and right, and fact. The men of science and the thinkers bold. Are friends of Christ, and seek to do his work, By letting in the light mid darkness murk. That shrouds the cross and crown; but every act Is met by hell's dark minions, as of old. With faggot and the prison's loathsome cell, They've done their worst to stifle human th ought L'O THE CROSS AXD CROWX. And stop research amid the fields of lore, Their jilea that it is impious to explore The realms of Natui'e's secrets, or to tell Aught to the mass of men by priests not taught. Hell to the world holds up a Clod of wrath — Omniscient tyrant, sitting on a throne, Wearing a royal diadem of gold, While fawn around and praise him throngs In numbers, who by adoration halh [untold Secured his special favors as their own! All who refuse this homage are cast out From Heaven and happiness forvermore. Their souls to burn in torments without end Or hope that they can ever make auiend For harboring on earth an honest doubt, And failing their "creator" to adore! And the offense is in the disl)elief. For no good thoughts or deeds can help the soul ; Nor good intentions, or most honest aims Can save it from the everlasting flames; But blind consent alone can banish grief From one submissive to the priest's control I This God is arbitrary, full of freaks, Damns without reason, without worth rewards; An upright life with him no favor finds; He fettered sinners with deliiiht unbinds. THE CROWN. 21 And sets them free, but on tlie upright wreaks His vengeance — them his special hate accords! To tliose who ask for bread he giveth stone, Or empty promises he may fulfill lu realms of future life — sometime, somewh ere, And thus the soul feeds on deceit and air As long as flesh hangs to the aching bone — Till all is sacrificed that earth can kill. This is no teaching of the Xazarene ; It is a scheme of liell to chain the mind And keep mankind subjected to its sway, And to its priests and tools an easy prey — A plot the souls of men to make unclean ' .And toward perdition willingl}- inclined. Who cannot see that hell set up this God For purpose foul, and crowned him King of All V — A model of the human lord and king Who rule below and make their subjects bring Homage and pelf to buy approving nod. While in their train the meaner creatures crawl. His favorites, the meanest of mankind, Are quite content the people should believe That they will win a crown beyond the grave. If they will only be content to slave And bow to robber rule, nor seek to find The light which might their faith here undeceive. 22 THE CROSS AND CROWN. To make the picture more like oartli and real, As kings on earth have rivals to the throne, So God must have a rival dark and proud Who, like himself, can never fill a shroud ; But, tiercely overthrown in the ideal. This rival has no mercy to him shown. 'Tis all infernal — a delusive spell [down ; Thrown o'er the minds of men to kee|) them In fear the Nazarene, with teachings pure. The mental blindness of the world should cure, And break the hoary reign of brutal hell. It mockingly presented him a crown. True, 'twas a crown of thorns; but, mocking still. It gave a spirit crown, and made him Son And equal of the tyrant it had made. And in fantastic glory had arrayed. To rule the saints submissive to the will Of those who church and state in secret run. Priests granted to him su])ernatural powers, And then assumed to wield those powers tbem- By treachery, and trick, and sophistry, [selves; They made the multitude believe that he Claimed worship for himself in gilded towers Or churches; so the mass submits and delves. The world is told that men should bear tlie cross Of robbery, oppression, want and woe. THE DROWN. On earth, that they a crown above may wear, And ease their souls in everlasting prayer Unio a God who shall repay all loss By si)ecial gifts to those who bow most low! The church has always taught submission here. Not to the laws of being, but of state ; Hell calls for "stronger governments'' to rob And hold in terror the uprising mob Which it provokes and seeks to rule thro' fear— A horrid rule of wrong, and force, and hate. As Christ's pure teachings were so true and plain That reason must accept them, to obscure Their meaning hell and earth conspired And made confusion, while their minions tired With mad ambition and the love of gain [lure. All'hearts that Mammon's bribes could buy or And with success they carried out their scheme. And made the world do homage unto hell ; With God to threaten vengeance unto all. And Devil to affright them at their call, With blood of God's own Son— a horrid stream- To wash men's souls, they have succeeded well ! To further aid their scheme, the "Holy Ghost" Came down to work with its mysterious spell, And fill with frenzy every heart and brain That thoughtlessly would join Delusion's train, 24 THE CROSS AND CROWN. Until the fire of zeal was hot to roast The sinner here and endlessly in hell ! Christ taught utmost fulfillment of the law, Which special favors could not set aside ; His was no kingdom of this world, no scheme Of courtiers or of crown ; no idle dream Of weak and wicked selfishness, to awe The mass and rear a structure based on pride. He founded on the rock of truth and fact, And everlasting principles of good; He bade men love each other and be just In all their dealings, to avoid all lust. And be sincere and true in every act, llememb'ring all are of one Brotherhood. No lead or following of the blind he taught. Nor a self-immolating flag unfurled ; His enemies, with subtlety most keen. By torturing his language make it mean The very opposite of what he sought To teach unto a blind, unthinking world. He wanted men to use their reason here, In all things of this world and world to come — To seek for truth, for truth would make them Nor bend to any power known the knee ; [free, And he abhorred the rule of coward fear. That's born of hell, and strikes the reason dumb. J HE CEOWN Quickly iLe Nsztuene refused the bribe Proffered by Satan's liitud upon the Mount; He tujned indignantly from world and crown. Rebuking- with a stern and honest frown The tempter and his cunning; but the tribe Of Mammon since has grown beyond all count. If all men j-aw. like Christ, through Satan's wiles, And promptly gave rebuke to his demand, The crown would crumble and the cross decay," And Mammon's bribes be counted worthless clay; A world redeemed would roll in Heaven's sv^'^os, With plenty, j.eace and J03' on every hand. What shall it protit man the world to gain And yield his soul thereby to hell's control V To give is far more blest than to' receive— For giving to the needy doth relieve The giver of a surplus that would pain, W not bestowed, by clogging of the soul. We channels of transmission are; the flow Of life is measured by what we transmit; K we doth freely give, in reason's bound. What we receive, and pass the blessings ■/' , We gather strength and joy as on we go. Receiving more, the more the benefit. 4 THE CROSS AND CROVf^N. When men shall rise above the plane of clowns, And look upon this life with vision clear, With reason seeking for the better way That leads to Justice and to Freedom's sway, Then dupes and priests, then kings, and gods, and At last, will from this planet disappear, [crowns. To worship an imaginar}' king. Makes' subjects for the monarchs here on earth; The mind accustomed to submissive moods Is ready to receive the mental foods Which priests and parasites may choose to bring — Messes of potage for its rights of birth. Our God is light, intelligence, and love- Is reason, freedom, justice, and the truth; He does not rule through blind belief in creeds, But fact and judgment — good expressed in Of brotherly assistance, and above [deeds All aims to subjugate the minds of youth. The God of orthodoxy doth delight In ways of darkness, superstition, fear ; He bids all men their reason set aside [wide, xVnd take, like birds with mouths spread open Whatever priests, those messengers of night, See fit to drop into the gaping ear. He bids us bow to creeds and servile forms, And walk submissive under Mammon's reign; THE CROWN Before him all must bend the cringing knee, And shout his praise in fulsome minstrelsy; His followers no love of freedom warms; He rules them, all through penalty and pain. With ceremonies, rites, and cunning tricks. He seeks to captivate the human will; Thus far his agents have, alas! too well Succeeded in their wicked ^york of hell, Which at no subterfuge or falsehood sticks ; They fill their mission with Satanic skill. The}' claim to represent the Nazarene And teach his doctrines, while they grossly lie In word and deed, and all his views pervert ; Hp. aimed to help the world ; they aim to hurt ; His yoke is easy and his path serene, While w^earing theirs the soul must surely die. While he would have the world live out the law Of being as engraved in each true heart, And seen with vision clear by every mind That is to justice, truth and good inclined, They would subdue it, by a sense of awe. To arbitrary rule and selfish art. When men shall cease to worship w^ealth and might. And turn their backs on superstition's door; THE CROSS AND CROWX. When reason lights her laniji, and equity Becomes the portion of the truly free ; When Christ shall reign on earth through love and light, The rule of man and Mammon will l;e o'er. Then all machinery of Church and state Will drop aside as rubbish of the past; Then social harmony will take the place That human governments so much disgrace; The cruel reign of discord, born of hate. Will be reversed, and order reign at last. Then each will work for all instead of self, As faithful parents for their ciiildren toil ; All will be educated in the right, All will by birth inherit living light; None will from duty turn for sordid pelf, And none will seek his neighbor to despoil. And there will be abundance everywhere, With want and fear of want forever gone ; No more will men indulge in worldly lust; The aims of life will be above the dust; Then men the spirit life will seek and share. Their souls aglow with rays of Heaven's dawn. Oh! why has Christ been so misunderstood? Why will not men receive the light and livev THE CROWN. 29 The path is straight and plain unto the view, And by the light within each can pursue And reap its fruits of everlasting good, Wuicli loving hands along the wa}^ will give. The growth is slow but sure, in strict accord With laws of our condition and our deeds ; No miracles will help us in our task; If we would gain advancement, we must ask Through honest work, and upright thought and word, And not through cross or crown, beliefs or creeds. Dethrone all gods and send them down to hell, Banish all worship to the realms of night, Give freedom unto human thought and speech. Let every soul be its own church and teach The truths that from its inmost depths may well To aid in lifting up all souls to light. In that bright realm where all is fair and free The law is written in each beating heart; There each one does as seems good in his x\nd every one aspires to do the right; [sight, But no one there in worship bends the knee. Or acts through fear a superstitious part. Supreme desire for concord tills each breast, And every word and act with love is blest; 30 THE CROSS AND CROWX. No thought of wrong or self can enter there, But each with each and all desires to share; And he that shares his blessing with the rest Is richer made in joy and sweet content. There are no rulers there— no king to frown; No sacrifices are requiied or made; A sense of right and justice rules the realm, With lov£ to prompt and reason at the helm ; Harmonious thoughts and acts all discord drown With none to dictate, none to make afraid. No royal God there sits in pomp and state; No jeweled throne of gold can there be seen ; No priest nor trembling devotee can raise An everlasting song of tlatt'ring praise : No cross, no crown ; no courtier vain, elate ; No slave with bending knee and cringing mien. No streets all paved with gold doth there appear; No harps of gold doth twang- an endless air; No trumpet-blast, bj^ saint or angel blown, Doth split the ear with its commanding tone; No worshiping of God, or saint, or seer. No church, no priest, no pope, no king, no prayer But all is love and harmony divine. With peace and happiness, and joy supreme; With endless progress and increasing light, - And ever-widening freedom, while the right THE CROWN. And truth, and i2:()od, and justice burn and shine In every brain and heart— a sacred gleam. Oh! blest abode, where each himself must rule And none e'er think of ruling others, while The light from higher sources e%^er beams, In gentle, life-invigorating streams. Upon the soul which, never out of school, Must ever bask in Wisdom's winning smile. Oh ! let it come, this concord of the blest. And speedil}', upon this earth of ours— That Mammon's throne may be at once o'er- And all his idols broken— every one ; [thrown, That every soul upon the law may rest. Defying all the arts of wicked powers. And it will come, must come, or soon or late, And every heart will feel the quickening thrill ; The hosts of night around the earth must fly To lower depths, the righteous mount on high ; And then will end this reign of selfish will. Amid the blaze of the Harmonial Day. •^^— Idolatry, Idolatry is born of Ignorance ; Its sire is Fear, and cruel are its bands; Cunning and Greed come forward to advance Its many claims; the tyrant understands It gives him consequence wlien he commands, And helps to keep his subjects dull and weak ; The priest upholds it with his crafty hands. And by it keeps himself both fat and sleek, [cheek. With conscience tenfold harder than his brassy Idolatry has human thought defiled, And filled the heart of man with groundleess It likens God unto the chieftain wild, jfear; Whose will is absolute and rule austere^ — Who scatters curses with a hand severe On all who do not choose to bow and praiso. Bestowing gifts on those who may appear By word or deed, or both, his power to raise. Regardless of their merits or their wicked ways. IDOLATRY. 33 The poor idolator expects to gain In special favors from the god he owns; He mouths his pra^-ers expecting to obtain Some kind of blessing through his pleading tones, While bowing low upon his marrow-bones, And has no thought of principle or law ; He thinks his ver}^ abjectness atones For all offenses, and he stands in awe [j'l'^v- Lest he offend the priest who smites him with his Idolatry but feeds the soul on stones. And makes it fear the living and the dead; It worships arbitrary power in bones From which all power to harm or bless has fled ; It puts a halo round some dead man's head And worships him as one whose blood atones For all the sins the human race hath bred ; It fills the air with hideous w^ails and groans, With genuflexions that the most abjectness owns. The gods are many vs^hich the world adores; They may be stocks and stones, or creeds and Or saints or heroes; there are many scores [books, Of idols, both of good and evil looks. To which the idol-serving worldling crooks The favor-seeking hinges of the knee ; And then audaciously he freely brooks Disfavor of the many gods, that he May serve at Mammon's shrine and roll in luxury! 5 THE CROSS AND CROWS The known and unknown gods are set aside When Mammon's glittering chariot rolls along; The churches all adore the pomp and i)ride Of ^Mammon's blazing cortege; weak and strong Join in his train, unconscious of a wrong, And all the gods are chained unto his car; The "Unknown God" may get their Sunday song — On other days he's worshiped from afar! But, next to Mammon, men adore the god of war. Or saints, or books, or images, or cross, No matter what the object worshiped be, 'Tis all the same — idolatrous and gross; It may be done in all sincerity. Or only done in base hypocrisy, As is the fancy of the worshiper; Both classes bend the superstitious knee, Hoping their god his favors w^ill confer, Howe'er the supplicant in life and tho't may err! There is no efficacy in what's done By way of worship; all is empty show. External form ; in not a single one Doe^ it inspire a strong desire to go The straight and narrow path of duty. No, Not e'en the most benighted devotee — The most sincere idolator we know — Conforms his daily conduct so that he Shall realize the prayer of his idolatry. ILOLATRY. 35 All worship is an inconsistent sham — An ev\\o fi om the thrones of earthl}^ king-s, Who liave the power to either bless or damn Their subjects of this world in worldly things; It will be fostered in the church, which brings A living fat for wily ministers, xls long as folks will wear their leading-strings; But when the blood of independence stirs [ers. Men's heai-ts, they'll cease to bow as idol-worship- So long as thoughtless men deceive their souls With vague conjectures that a wordy prayer Their destiny beyond the graveyard moulds, When breathed aloud into the empty air, To some unknoAvn mysterious being there, Their conduct will be inconsistent, mad; Reason and common sense will have no share In guiding them to action, and the sad Results will only to the w^orld's confusion add. How- very low and groveling is this, And reeking with the very fumes of hell ! As if mankind could win immortal bliss By idle words and forms, in wiiich can dwell No kind of virtue, no exalting spell ! Let men but reason and they must behold That righteous living here alone can tell In raising human destiny. The bold In thought and action the most rapidly unfold. 36 . THE CROSS AND CROWN. But some day men will learn that law sui^reme. Unchanging and unerring, rules us all ; That there is neither low nor high extreme Where special favoi-s unto men may fall, Or privilege be granted at the call Of homage-giving beings who desire To gain advantage, be it great or small ; That selfishness can never raise men higher, And only deeds of good can aid those who aspire. Throw creeds and books and churches to the winds, Save as they furnish food for human thought; Shun ever}' subtle manacle that binds The human reason — 'tis with evil fraught ; / Bow not to books, nor saviors, noi' aught C© But Truth and Justice and the love'm Good ; With these alone can be salvation bought; It was for these the Nazarene once stood — In these must every soul tind its redemption food. Let men have faith in principle, and strive To live in strict accord with equity; When at the tloor of truth they always knock, And deal no more in foolish mystery, But trim the lamp of reason so they see The right from wM'ong, and act the nobler part. Then will the human race be truly free; Then the millennium will surely start With the millenuinl conditions in the heart. IDOLATRY. 37 Tis not by exaltation of one's self Tlie prize of real happiness is won; 'Tis not by hoarding piles of worldly pelf That we can win the plaudit of "well done;" 'Tis not by self abasement we can shun Tlie painful consequence of evil ways; 'Tis not by wordy prayer to God or Son We can prolong the measure of our days; But living right, with duty done, forever pays. Then break your idols, oh ! ye men of might, If ye would number with the truly strong; Sti'ike 3'e for Justice, Freedom and the Right, If ye would join the ever-happy throng That sing in unison redemption's song; Fling out the banner of the Brotherhood, Bear it before you as ye march along; Plant it where every idol erst has stood. Proclaim to all mankind the Universal Good. If you would follow Christ, or be like God, You must, like them, be ever doing good ; You must arise above the. brutal clod ; You must stand out, as Jesus Christ once stood, The sturdy friend of God's great multitude — That helpless mass of wronged and suffering poor, Who now are trampled on bj^ ^Mammon's brood ; You must hold up to scorn the evil-doer, Put down the foul and raise aloft the good and pure. THE CROSS AMJ CROWX. In no belief or unbelief, nor prayer. Can men redemption from their onois find; No worship of the thinus of earth or air. Or lipaveii or lidl, or of the human initul. Can from a simile fetter e'er unbind One sinning: brother. Only deeds alone Done in the love of what is irood and kind. Can for the smallest iiumaii wronir atone; Then worsliij) not at all, ])Ut see that irood is done. Worship is mockery, but only cheats The worshiper, who fancies he can iruide Tlie forces of the universe, and beats The air with emjity words; and, worse beside, It dulls man's intellect and leads him wide Astra}' from the true ])ath of duty here; It seeks for ends throuirh settinir laws aside, When all must be fultilled. Hence it is (dear The worshii)er. through i»rayer, seeketh to rule (tliis sphere. No jot nor tilth' will the law abate Till all shall be fulfilled ; nor caji man make One hair or black or white, howe'er he prate; Nor add unto his stature, thou-^Hj he take No end of thouirht and jirayer, nor caji he