Dear Sir : The Committee on the Alumni Fund of Bowdoin College are greatly encouraged by the responses already received to the circulars issued. All that is needed to maintain the College and to secure for it greater influence and honor in the future, is an increase of the general funds. If every Alumnus will do something, the result will be accomplished. Honored as the College is by the names of the great men it has educated. yet there are but few persons of wealth among its Alumni. We earnestly call upon all to do what they can novo, even if the amount is small, as additions may be made hereafter. Whilst thus far some have contributed to the maximum, which is $300, others have contributed the smallest amount named in the circular, but the spirit in which some of the small contributions have been made, considering the circumstances of the contributors, make them the most precious of gifts. Independent of the amount contributed for the Fund, if we shall be able to announce at the next Commencement that the Alumni of Bowdoin College have contributed to the aid of the College more generally, in proportion to their numbers, than the Alumni of any other College to their Alma Mater, it will be most influential upon other friends of the College, who may be called upon to contribute. As the residences of many of the Alumni are unknown to the Com- mittee, they have prepared a Catalogue with such information as they have, to which this is attached. Will you at once acknowledge the receipt of this, that the Committee may know if there is any error in your place of residence as given, and will you give any information you have of the residences of others of the Alumni whose residences are not given in the catalogue, and will you also, if you have not, reply to the circular of October. This is desired not only that every Alumnus may- be reached r but to initiate the periodical publication of catalogues, with residences, titles, etc., given, with the hope that it will strengthen the interest of the Alumni, and tend to bring them and the College into more intimate relations with each other in the future. For the Committee, W. D. NOIiTHElSl). Salem, Mass., November, 1872. f , 3 C-A-T-AXjOa-TTIE OF NAMES AND KESIDENCES OF THE Alumni of Bowdoin College Living NOVEMBER, 1872. 1807. Seth Storer, Scarboro, Me. 1809. John Mussey, Portland, Me. 1810. Arthur McArthur, Limington, Me. Robert Page, West Farmington, O. 1811. Asa Eedington, Lewiston, Me. 1813. Nehemiah Cleaveland, Westport, Conn. 1814. John Bush. John Abbot Douglass, Waterford, Me. Winthrop Hilton. Elijah King. 1816. Edward Emerson Bourne, Kennebunk, Me. Alpheus Spring Packard, Brunswick, Me. 1817. Nathan Cummings, Portland, Me. James McKeen, Topsham, Me. Joseph Green Moody, Cambridge, Mass. John Widgery, Portland, Me. 1818. Bufus Anderson, Boston, Mass. Moses Emery, Saco, Me. Gideon Lane Soule, Exeter, N. H. 1819. John Dennis McCrate, Boston, Mass. James Stackpole, Waterville, Me. . George Cobb Wilde, Boston, Mass . 1820. Jacob Abbott, New York. Caleb Eessenden Page, Milton Mills, N. H. Thomas Treadwell Stone, Bolton, Mass. 1821. John Payne Cleaveland, Newburyport, Mass. Bufus King Cushing, Brewer, Me. Daniel Evans, Joseph Howard, Portland, Me. James Larry George Packard, Lawrence, Mass. Isaac Watts Wheelwright, Byfield, Mass. 1822. Joseph Hale Abbott, Boston, Mass. John Appleton, Bangor, Me. Charles Barrett, Portland, Me. John Bovnton, Felton, Del. David Humphreys Storer, Boston Mass, Daniel Dana Tappan, Lewiston, Me. John Hubbard White, Dover, N. H. 1823. Charles Shaw Adams. William Brown Jonas Burnham, Farrmngton, Me. William George Crosby, Beltast, Me. Joseph Dowe Kichard William Dummer Hiram Hayes Hobbs, So. Berwick, Me. William Allen Lane Samuel Millett Lory Odell, Portsmouth, N. M. James Patten ' Jacob Smith, Bath, Me. Jonas Merriam James Samuel Kowe, Bangor, Me. George Yeaton Sawyer, Nashua, N. H. Robert Southgate, Orford, N. H. George Trask, Fitchburg, Mass. Charles William Cutts Wilcox 1827. 1824 Frederick Wait Burke, New York William Henry Codman, Camden, Me. William Hatch William Mason, Charlestowri Mass. Theodore Lyman Moody, Washington D C Calvin Ellis Stowe, Hartford, Conn. John Stevens Abbot, Boston, Mass. Joseph Adams, Gardiner Me. Abraham Chittenden Baldwin, Hartford, Conn. _ ,, Samuel Harwood Blake, Bangor, Me. Enoch Emery Browu, St. Albans, Me. John Codman, Boston, Mass. Henry Enoch Dummer, Beardstown, 111. Alpheus Felch, Ann Arbor, Mich. John Parker Hale, Dover, N. H. John Heddle Hilliard, Old Town, Me. John Hodgdon, Bangor, Me. Ichabod Goodwin Jordan, S. Berwick, Me. , _, Isaiah Preble Moody, York, Me. George Farrar Moulton, Philad., Pa. John Owen, Cambridge, Mass. James Higginson Tyng William Manning Vaughan, Cambridge, Richard Woodhull, Bangor, Me. 1828. 1825. Charles Jeffrey Abbot, Casting Me. John Stevens Cabot Abbot, Fairhaven, Samuel Page Benson, Brunswick, Me. James Ware Bradbury, Augusta, Me. R ehmond Bradford, Auburn, Me. Horatio Bridge, Washington, D. C. George Barrell Cheever, New York Cyrus Hamlin Coolidge "Nathaniel Dunn, N. Y. Joseph Jenkins Eveleth, Augusta, Me. William Hale, Dover N. H Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oam bridge, Mass Cullen Sawtelle, Englewood, IS. J. David Shepley. W 7 illiam Stone Silas Baker, Standish Me. John Call Bartlett, Chelmsford, Mass. Charles Royal Brewster Edward Francis Cutter, Rockland, Me. Josiah Fisher Henry Weld Fuller, Boston, Mass. Sandford Agry Kingsbery Joseph Loring, Edgecomb, Me. John Usher Parsons, Raymond, Wis. Horatio Nelson Perkins Luther Dearborn Sawyer 1829. 1826. Gorham Dummer Abbot, New York. John Taylor Oilman, Portland, Me. William Tyng Hilliard Bangor, Me. Charles Austin Lord, Portland, Me. Isaac McLellan William Boyd Adams Harrison Otis Apthorp Dudley Perkins Bailey John Quinby Day Richard Evans Alexander Rogers Green Allen Haines, Portland, Me. _ John Fairfield Hartley, Washington, D C James Thomas McCobb, Portland, Me. James Riley Francis Brown Robie, Gorham, Me. Joseph Washburn Sessions, Westminster, Ct. Moses Soule W T ilham W r ood, Portland, Me. 1830. Ezra Abbot William Ebenezer Abbot, Dorchester, Ms. Darius Adams Bion Bradbury, Portland, Me. John Harris Converse James Merrill Cummings, Portland, Me. David Quimby Cushman, Bath, Me. Thomas Drummond, Chicago, 111. Samuel Dana Hubbard William Sever Lincoln, Worcester, Mass, Jotham Tilden Moulton, Chicago, 111. Lewis Pennell, West Stockbridge Centre- Mass. Joseph Stockbridge, Norfolk, Va. Henry Waldron, Brooklyn, X. Y. 1831. Abiel Abbot Samuel Adams, fTacksonville, HI. Thomas Baker, Austin, Texas. Joseph Tyler Huston William Vaughan Jordan, Chapman's Creek, Kansas Joseph Packard, Fairfax, Va. John Patch, Ipswich, Mass. John Band, Portland, Me. Peter Thaclier, Boston, Mass. Edward Henry Thomas, Portland, Me. Aurelius Langdon Weymouth, Boston, Mass. 1832. Charles Edwards Abbot, Norwich, Conn Benjamin Fisk Barrett, West Philad. Pa. Cyrus Augustus Bartol, Boston, Mass. Samuel Beeman Ariel Parish Chute John Copp, Wakefield, N. H. Albert Gallatin Dole Daniel Baynes Goodwin, Philad' a, Pa. John Johnson, Middletown, Conn. Edward Payson, Portland, Me. Erastus Perry Charles Curtis Porter Horatio Southgate, New York Henry Gookin Storer, Scarboro, Me. Henry Ayer True 1833. Charles Adams, Jacksonville, 111. William Henry Allen, Philad' a, Pa. John Morland Cummings Ezra Bourne Fuller, Trenton, N. J. Alfred Goldsmith, Groton, Mass. Samuel Harris, New Haven, Ct. Henry James Jewett John Slemons Lur t Isaac Palmer, An.-:on, Me. Ebenezer Greenleaf Parsons John Pike, Bowley, Mass. William Thomas Savage, Franklin, N. H. Edwin Seabury, Berlin, Vt. Samuel Howard Shepley, Blairsville, Pa. Benjamin Tappan, Norridgwock George Franklin Tewksbury, Gorham, N. H. Nathan Weston Nathaniel McLellan Whittemore, Gardi- ner, Me. 1834. John Wheelock Allen James Ayer, Boston, Mass. Charles Beecher Hamilton Moore Call Peleg Whitman Chandler, Boston, Mass. Henry Theodore Cheever, Worcester, Ms. John Huntington Crane Coffin, Wash- ington, D. C. John Calvin Dodge, Boston, Mass. Elijah Hedding Downing, Galena, 111. Samuel Clement Fessenden, Stamford Ct. Cyrus Hamlin, Constantinople, Turkey Bela Thaxter Hitchcock, Princeton, Ark. Theodore Herman Jewett, So. Berwick Amos Morrill, Austin, Texas Reuben Nason, Okalona, Miss. ' Charles Henry Peirce, Winterport, Me. William Stinson Sewall, St. Albans, Me. Henry Boynton Smith, New York. Charles Horatio Upton Daniel Cony Weston George Melville Weston Albert Thompson Wheelock, Belfast, Me, Edward Woodford, Lawrence, Mass. 1835. Stephen Allen, Bangor, Me. Charles Edward Allen Edward Welch Bailey Joseph Blake, Gilmanton, N. H. Josiah Crosby, Dover, Me. Charles Dame, Exeter, N. H. Edmund Flagg William Flye, Topsham, Me. Alexander Johnston Edwin Leigh, New York Nathan Longfellow Thomas Newman Lord, Limerick, Me. Asahel Moore Sewall Paine, Montgomery Centre, Vt. Albert Whitman Parris Henry Varnum Poor, New York George Lewis Prentiss, New York George Purinton Albert Gorham Tenney, Brunswick, Me. William William? Timothy Boberts Young 1836. Howard Brooks Abbott, Lewiston, Me. Aaron Chester Adams, Wethersfield, Ct. Joseph Baker, Augusta, Me. Daniel Dole, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands Jotham Donnell, Houlton, Me. Thomas Parsons Emerson George Freeman Emery, Portland, Me. Ephraim Wilder Farley, Newcastle, Me. Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston, Me. John Goodenow Thomas Stetson Harlow, Boston, Mass. Leonard Hawes Isaac Randall David Brainerd Sewall, Fryeburg, Me. Stephen Titcomb, Farmington, Me. Cyrus Woodman, Cambridge, Mass. Jabez Howard Woodman, Portland, Me. 1837. Benjamin Fordyce Barker, New York Elias Bond, Sandwich Islands Arauii Buhamah Bradbury John Jay Butler, Lewiston, Me. William Henry Clark George Washington Cleaveland John Lewis Cutler, Augusta, Me. George Warren Field, Bangor, Me. John Orr Fiske, Bath, Me. Marcus Gould Albert Paiter Hatch, Portsmouth, N. H. Albert Merrill, Portland, Me. Bryce McLellan Patten Thomas Fitch Perley, Portland, Me. Charles E. Pike, Boston, Mass. William Wilberforce Rand, New York Charles Alexander Savage John Q. Adams Scamman, Chicago, 111 Rufus King Sewall, Wiscasset John Rutledge Shepley, St. Louis, Mo. Ebenezer Stockbridge Moses Erastus Sweat Lorenzo D. M. Sweat, Portland, Me. Isaac Winslow Talbot George Foster Talbot, Portland, Me. Francis William Upham, New York George Albert Wheelwright George Woods, Pittsburg, Pa. 1838. Amander Barker Elbridge Gerry Bassett Maurice Cary Blake, San Francisco, Cal. Edward Augustus Dana, Boston, Mass. Edward Henry Daveis, Portland, Me. Smith Bartlett Goodenow, Como, 111. Stephen Hobbs Hayes, Boston, Mass. James Jeremiah Hill George Jefferds, Bangor, Me. Thomas Glidden Kimball Daniel Lane, Belle Plain, Iowa Lorenzo Marrett, E. Cambridge, Mass. Benjamin Francis Mitchell Charles Copeland Nutter, Boston, Mass. Gideon Stinson Palmer, Gardiner, Me. Ammi Larrabee Parker Horatio Piper, Biddeford, Me. David Sawyer Rowe, Tarrytown, N. Y Stephen Mountfort Vail, Staten Island, N. Y. Edward Webb 1839. Charles Frederick Allen, Orono, Me. William Griswold Barrows, Brunswick, Me. Samuel Elliot Benjamin Calvin Chapman, Windham, Vt. Franklin Davis, Newington, N. H. John Walton Davis Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller, Boston, Mass. Samuel Johnson, Orono, Me. Israel Kimball, Washington, D. C. Isaiah M'Mahon, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Coffin Talbot, E. Machias, Me. Edward Payson Weston, Forest Lak.\ 111. 1840. Ezra Abbot, Cambridge, Mass. Alexander Hamilton Abbot, Farmh.gton, Me. William Stinson Blanchard, Cleveland, Ohio Edmund Chadwick Benjamin Pearson Chute John Appleton Cleaveland, Newton Cor- ner, Mass. Nathan Smith Cleaveland, Boston, Mass. Isaiah Dole, Skowhegan, Me. Leonard Fitz Edward Jarvis Elijah Kellogg, Boston, Mass. Silas Morton William Pitt Preble, Portland, Me. Newell Anderson Prince, Simsbury, Ct. Edward Robie, Greenland, N. H. Thomas Newcomb Stone James Partelow Weston, Galesburg, HI. Samuel Lane Young, Gloucester, Mass. 1841. George Washington Brown Joseph Farwell Clark, Boston, Mass. Henry Thornton Cuinmings, Portland, Me. Charles Davis William Bradford Deane Nathan Elden Joseph Garland, Rupert, Vt. Washington Gilbert, Bath, Me. Charles Dickinson Herbert Oliver Perry Hinkley Edward Howe, New York Henry Ingalls, "Wiscasset Albion Williamson Knight William Henry Lowell George Frederick Magoun, Grinnell, Iowa Asa Curnmings Mitchell Benjamin Franklin Parsons, Derry, 1ST. H. Daniel Fox Potter, Topsham, Me. Barrett Edwards Potter, Augusta Me. Frederick Robie, Gorham, Me. George Albert Thomas, Portland, Me. Richard Bowers Thurston, Stamford, Ct. 1842. Alison Barbour Bartlett Charles Morriss Blake Henry Hill Boody, Brunswick, Me. William Hammond Brown, Bangor, Me. Edmund Alexander Chadwick, Gardiner, Me. Paul Langdon Chandler, Mankato, Minn. John Craig Clark, New York John Marshall Colby George Gannett, Boston, Mass. Frederick Gardiner, Middletown, Conn. William Russell Hunter William Lyman Hyde, Ripley, N. Y. Samuel Woodbury Mitchell James Lewis Nutting, Pinegrove, Schuyl. Co. Pa. Charles Packard, New Alstead, N. H. Jesse William Page, Bath, Me. William Edwards Phillips Oliver Sheppard Sanford, Boston, Mass. Hosea Hildreth Smith Charles Emery Soule, New York Thomas Tash, Lewiston, Me. Samuel Trask, Portland, Me. George Wells Jonathan F. Woodside, Boston, Mass. 1843. George Augustus Bowman, So. Windsor, Conn. William Jay Bradbury Augustus Hannibal Burbank, Yarmouth, Me. William Warner Caldwell, Newburyport, Mass. William Stone Chadwell George Francis Choate, Salem, Mass. William Cothren, Woodbury, Conn. Charles McLaughlan Cumston, Boston, Mass. Joseph Dane, Kennebunk, Me. Luther Fitch Erastus Foote, Chicago, 111. William Augustus Goodwin Abernethy Grover, Bethel, Me. James Munroe Hagar, Richmond, Me. Silas Briggs Hahn Nathaniel Hatch, Bradford, Mass. Moses Ingails Samuel Worcester Johnson, Bristol, Me. John Dunlap Lincoln, Brunswick, Me. Henry Sewall Loring, Amherst, Me. John Oliver Means, Boston Mass. John March Mitchell, Savannah, Ga. William Dummer Northend, Salem, Ms. Benjamin Franklin Parsons George Payson, Chicago, 111. Edmund Pearson Isaac Perley Charles Wendell Porter William Reed Porter Daniel Osgood Quinby, Newburyport, Ms. Gustavus Foss Sargeant, Yarmouth, Me. George Clinton Swallow, Columbia, Mo. Francis Loring Talbot, E. Machias, Me. Joseph Titcomb, Kennebunk, Me. George Prentice Waldron Joseph Warren Weston 1844. George Moulton Adams Samuel Jameson Anderson, Portland, Me. Albion Keith Parris Bradbury, Hollis, ■ Me. Henry Knight Bradbury, Hollis, Me. Charles Harris Colman, Galena, 111. Henry Kinsman Craig, Falmouth, Mass. Henry Padelford Deane, Portland, Me. Samuel Farnham, Woolwich, Me. Enoch Perley Fessenden, Bucksport, Me. Edmund Webster Flagg, Bangor, Me. Joseph Garland, Gloucester, Mass. Samuel Freeman Gibson, Bethel, Me. Charles William Goddard, Portland, Me. John Wallingford Goodwin, Houston, Texas. James Hervey Hackleton, Pemaquid, Me. David Robinson Hastings, Fryeburg, Me. Horatio Gates Herrick, Lawrence, Mass. Josiah Howes Charles Weston Larrabee, Bath, Me. Joshua Sears Palmer, Portland, Me. Josiah Little Pickard, Chicago, 111. Nathaniel Pierce, Newburyport, Mass. Thomas Jefferson Worcester Pray, Dover, N. H. Elias Haskell Sargent, Yarmouth, Me. Charles Edward Swan, Calais, Me. Arthur Swasey, Chicago, 111. Thomas L. Winthrop Tappan, Augusta, Me. William Wirt Virgin, Portland, Me. Samuel Martin Weston, Boston, Mass. Horatio Quincy Wheeler, Portland, Me. George Simeon Woodward, Leavenworth, Kansas. 1845. William Loring Avery Alvah Black, Paris, Me. Moses Morrill Butler, Portland James Henry Deering George Welis Durell, Somerville, Mass. Nathan Lamson Fowler Charles Marsden Freeman Lewis Goodrich, Wells, Me. Moses Bradbury Goodwin John Munro Goodwin, Biddeford, Me. Lyman Gould Francis Pickard Hale, Rowley, Mass. Richard Lord Hodgdon, Arlington, Mass. George Henry Kingsbury, Boston, Mass, Javan Knapp Mason, Thomaston, Me. James Newton Horatio Parker, Eliot, Me. Nathaniel Putnam Richardson, Portland. Me. Charles Phelps Roberts, Bangor, Me. John Parker Skeele, Hatfield, Mass. William Bradford Snell, Monmouth, Me. Joseph Merrill True Isaac Newton Wadsworth Ganem Washburn Nathaniel Gilman White, Lawrence, Ms. Francis Fenelon Williams, E. Marshfield, Mass. Joshua Young, Hingham, Mass. 1846. Edwin Lee Brown, Chicago, 111. Charles Stetson Crosby Charles Robert Pinckney Dunlap Charles Henry Emerson, Creighton, Neb. John Samuel Hill Fogg, Boston, Mass. John Haskell, Sheepscot Bridge, Me. Stephen Abbott Holt, Boston, Mass. William Francis Jackson, Boston, Mass. Franklin Lafayette Knight George Frost Mellen, Yazoo City, Miss. Moses Leland Morse, Boston, Mass. Henry Orr, Brunswick, Me. William Osgood, Yarmouth, Me. Jairus Ware Perry, Salem, Mass. Joseph Coffin Pickard, Milwaukee, Wis. Josiah Pierce William Whitney Rice, Worcester, Mass. Frederick Dummer Sewall, Bath, Me. Leonard Downes Shepley, Portland, Me. Benjamin Galen Snow Charles Augustus Spofford, Deer Isle, Me. Thomas Hammond Talbot, Boston, Mass. James Brown Thornton, Oakhill, Scar- boro, Me. George Barnard Upham, Yonkers, N. Y. John Anderson Waterman, Gorham, Me. Edwin Bonaparte Webb, Boston, Mass. 1847. Walter Bingham Alden, Belfast, Me. Samuel Augustus Bickford Henry Fossett Ebenezer Stevens Jordan Edwin Leonard, So. Dartmouth, Mass. William Colburo Marshall, Belfast, Me Charles Edward McDougall George Jarvis Means, Howell's, Orange Co., N. Y. Samuel Newell Merrill Franklin Benjamin Merrill Charles Benjamin Merrill, Portland, Me. Isaac Stevens Metcalf, Elyria, Ohio Henry Baker Neil George Stevens Peters, Ellsworth, Me. John Cotton Smith, New York Albion Parris Spinney Anson Gancello Stinch field, Boston, Mas Charles Henry Wheeler, Winchendon, Mass. Crosby Howard Wheeler, Turkey Henry Donald Whitcomb 1848. Adino .James Burbank, Schaghtichoke, N. Y. John Dinsmore, Winslow, Me. Henry Edward Eastman, Derry, N. H. George Albert Fairfield, Walthain, Mass. David Fales, New York Charles S. Daveis Fesseuden, Portland Me. Frederick Fox, Portland, Me. Dexter Arnoll Hawkins, New York Simon James Humphrey, Chicago, 111. Samuel Fisher Humphrey, Bangor, Me. Joseph Christmas Ives John Jewctt Charles Fisk Merrick, Natchez, Miss. Edward Watts Morton, Kennebuuk, Me. Guilford Snow Newcomb, Kingston, Ms. Charles Appleton Packard, Deerfield Ms. William Chauncev Pond, San Francisco, Cal. Thomas Hill Rich, Lewiston, Me. Jotham Bradbury Sewall, Brunswick, Me. Egbert Coffin Smyth, Andover, Mass. Benjamin Stanton, Schenectady, N. Y. Oliver Stevens, Boston, Mass Albert Gookin Thornton Richard Henry Tibbitts Charles Ames Washburn, Livermore, Me. 1849. Zabdiel Boylston Adams, Boston. Mass. Augustus Jedidiah Burbank Charles Cothren, Red Bank, N. J. Nathaniel Cothren, Brooklyn, N. Y. Llewellyn Deane, Washington, D. C, John Marshall Eveleth, Windham, Me. Charles Franklin Henry Greene Eugene Bergin Hinkley, Boston, JVlass. William Hobson, Saco, Me. George Edwin Bartol Jackson, Portland, Me. William Ladd Jones, Benicia, California Ammi Ruhamah Mitchell, Warsaw, 111. George Augustus Perkins, Gorham, Me. George Oliver Robinson, Bloomington, 111. Albert Harris Ware, Athens, Me. Spencer Wells Joseph Williamson, Belfast, Me. 1850. John Pickens Abbot Francis Adams, Bath, Me. Samuel Preble Buck, Woolwich, Me. John Johnson Bulfinch, Freeport, Me. Charles Edward Butler Charles Carroll Everett, Cambridge, Ms. William Pierce Frye, Lewiston, Me. William Sewell Gardner, Lowell, Mass. George Peabody Goodwin Henry Fiske Harding, Hallowell, Me. Samuel Little Hodgrnan, Bangor, Me. Oliver Otis Howard, Washington, D. C. George Follansbee Jackson, New York John Nelson Jewett Abner Morrill Peleg Stone Perley John Smith Sewall, Brunswick, Me. George Howe Vose 1851. Philip Henry Brown, Portland, Me. John Warren Butterfield, Andover, N. H Daniel Lewis Eaton, Washington, D. C. Joseph Palmer Fessenden, Portland, Me, John Samuel Hatch Frink Paris Gibson Augustus Choate Hamlin, Bangor, Me. Hiraui Hayes John Sydney Hurd John Cummings Merrill William Oliver Otis, Austin, Texas William Henry Owen, Washington, D.C. William Alfred Packard, Princeton, N.J, George Adams Pollard, Turkey Charles Wentworth Eoberts, Bangor, Me, William Scott Southgate, Annapolis, Md. Joseph Ashur Ware, Chicago, 111. Joseph Charles Augustus Wingate 1852. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Bruns- wick, Me. Charles Usher Chesley, Washington, 1). C. John White Chickering, Washington, D. C. James Deering Fessenden, Portland John Holmes Goodenow, Constantinople John Walker May, Auburn, Me. Lewis Pierce, Portland, Me. Dana Boardman Putnam, Boston, Mass. Albion Quincy Randall, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Henry Stone, Washington, D. C. George Harward Theobald, Richmond, Me. Walter Wells, Portland, Me. 853. Jonathan Edwards Adams, Searsport, Me. William Carruthers, Calais, Me. Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings, Port- land, Me. Henry Richard Downes, Presque Isle, Me. William Paley Drew, Washington, D. C. James Wallace Emery, Belleview, Texas Marcellus Emery, Bangor, Me. Stephen Foss, St. Mary's, Kansas. Melville Weston Fuller, Chicago, El. Henry Clay Goodenow, Bangor, Me. Woodbury Fogg Langdon, Mankato, Minn. William Miltimore McArthur, Liming- ton, Me. Joseph McKeen, Topsham, Me. Kingman Fogg Page, New York. David Marks Place, Lynn, Mass. Jeremiah Evarts Pond, Bangor, Me. Thaddeus Roberts Simonton, Camden, Me. John Franklin Spaulding, Erie, Pa. William Henry Todd, Milltown, Me. William Adolphus Wheeler, Boston, Ms. 1854. David Thaxter Bradford Henry Purchis Brown John Abbott Douglass Henry Dunlap Ambrose Eastman, Boston, Mass. James Bonaparte Farrington Samuel Freeman Harrison Gray, Danvers, Mass. Council Greeley Charles Melvin Herrin Warren Johnson, Augusta, Me. Edwin Sewall Lenox Daniel Clark Linscott, Boston, Mass. George Washington McLellan, San Jose, Cal. James Ripley Osgood, Boston, Mass. John Owen Robinson John Wesley Simonds Henry Hyde Smith, Boston, Mass. Joseph Emerson Smith, Chicago, 111. John Glidden Stetson, Boston, Mass. Charles Frederick Todd, Milltown, Me. William Packard Tucker, Benicia, Cal. William Drew Washburn, St. Paul, Min. Franklin Augustus Wilson, Bangor, Me. Henry Clay Wood, IT. S. Army 1855. Wilmot Wood Brookings, Woolwich, Me. Seth Cornelius Burnham, Boston, Mass. Thomas Henry Clark Samuel Roland Crocker, Boston, Mass. Daniel Crosby, Hampden, Me. Henry Boody Durgin Charles Henry Foster Benjamin Browne Foster, Norfolk, Va. Joseph Kingsbury Greene, Constantin'ple Edward Hawes, Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin Francis Hayes, Lewiston, Me. Obadiah Brown Hewitt, Brownville, Neb. Thomas Barclay Hood John Lathrop Hunter Increase Sumner Kimball, "Washington, D. C. Thomas Henry Little Flavius Vespasian Norcross, Union, Me. William LeBarron Putnam, Portland, Me. Ezekiel Boss John Faruham Shaw Charles Edwin Shaw, Hunter's Point, n. y. Thomas Bowman Sherman, Boston Benjamin Poor Snow, Portland, Me. Levi Wentworth Stanton Emery Purington Thompson Gardner Chandler Vose, Augusta, Me. John Wingate 1856. Isaac Denney Balch, New York Henry Farrar Samuel Edward Floyd, New York William Gaslin, Augusta, Me. Poland Bailey Howard, Princeton, 111. Thomas Leavitt, Exeter, N. H. Thomas Blanchard Lenoir Prentiss Loring, Portland, Me. Enos Thompson Luce, Auburn, Me. Woodbury Lunt Melcher, Laconia, N. H. James Francis Miller, Portland, Me. Galen Clapp Moses, Bath, Me. Edwin Beaman Palmer, Chicopee, Mass. Edwin Pond Parker, Hartford, Conn. Thomas Sargent Robie, Salmon Falls, N. H. Moses Mason Bobinson Edwin Bradbury Smitb, Saco, Me. William Henry Smyth Jonathan Young Stanton, Lewiston, Me. James Henry Taylor, Lake Forest, 111, Edward Williams Thompson, Brunswick, Me. Charles Henry True, Augusta, Me. John Pillsbury Watson, E. Putnam, Ct. George Augustus Wheeler George Bodolphus Williamson George Campbell Yeaton, S. Berwick, Me. 1857. Francis Page Adams William Henry Anderson, Portland, Me. Ebenezer Bean, Gray, Me. Samuel Clifford Belcher, Farmington, Me. Lewis Orsmond Brastow, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Thomas Upham Coe, Bangor, Me. Albert Henry Currier, Lynn, Mass. Henry Dame William Enoch Darling, Kennebunk, Me. Edward Eastman, Saco, Me. Hampden Fairfield John Nelson Fuller Andrew Goodwin Charles Hamlin, Bangor, Me. John Burgin Haselton James Tracy Hewes, Salem, Mass. David Sutherland Hibbard, Mt. Desert, Me. Henry Ripley Howard, Sharon, Ct. Thomas Hamlin Hubbard, New York. Benjamin Barnes Kingsbury, St. Charles, Mo. John Gilbert Langdon Malcolm Mclntyre Edward Bagley 'Merrill, New York Thomas Freeman Moses, Glendale, O. Henry Newbegin, Defiance, O. Charles Lewis Nichols, Brownville, Me. Edward Parker, N. Bridgewater. Mass. Charles Weston Pickard, Portland, Me. George Washington Pierce Benjamin Wisner Pond, York, Me. Edward Augustus Band, S. Boston, Ms. Charles Henry Reynolds Nathaniel Augustus Bobbins John Crockett Sanborn, Lawrence, Ms. Daniel Freeman Smith, Camden, Me. Gustavus Augustus Stanley Samuel Barrett Stewart, Lynn, Mass Abner Chase Stocking Cyrus Stone, Thomaston, Me. Lyman Sawin Strickland James Charles Strout, Washington, D. C. Francis Waterhouse, Newton, Mass. Granville Clifford Waterman, Lowville, N. Y. 1858. William Allen Abbott, New York Isaac Adams Samuel Ayer Bradley Alexander Stuart Bradley Daniel Coffin Burleigh, Franklin, N. H. Samuel Frye Chase Jonathan Prince Cilley, Thomaston, Me. Nathan Cleaves, Portland, Me. Edward Card Conant Rufus Washburn Deering, Portland, Me. Franklin Mellen Drew, Augusta, Me. Robert Ellis, Oconto, Wis, Francis Fessenden, Portland, Me. John Dennet Frost, Elliott, Me. Lysander Hill, Alexandria, Va. Osceola Jackson, Portland, Me. Albert Jewett Cyrus Jordan, Bridgewater, Mass. Francis Blunt Knowlton, Alstead, N. H. Charles Parkman Loring, Auburn, Jle. Edward Bowdoin Nealley, Bangor, Me. John Wyman Phillips Moses Augustus Pulsifer Edwin Reed, Bath, Me. William Henry Savage, Jacksonville, III. Francis Sewall, TJrbana, O. Samuel Bragdon Shapleigh Isaiah Perley Smith Ellis Spear, Washington, D. C. John Milton Staples Solomon Bates Starhird John Durann Stetson, Lewiston, Me. Andrew Jackson Thompson George Bacon Towle 1859. John Duguid Anderson, Windham, Me Cynxs Fogg Brackett, Brunswick, Me. Charles Henry Butterfield . Americus Fuller, Rochester, Min. George Washington Morgan Hall, Wo- burn, Mass. Amos Harris, Arlington, Mass. Charles Edwin Hilton, Bridgeton, Me Charles Henry Howard, Chicago, 111. George Wilson Howe, W. Buxton, Me. James Albert Howe. Olneyville, R. I. Franklin Freeman Hutchins Henry Dearborn Hutchins George Newton Jackson Henry Melville King, Boston, Mass. Horatio Oliver Ladd, Olivet, Mich. Oliver Libbey, Green Bay, Wis. Benjamin Franklin Manwell, Plata- mouth, Neb. George Whitney Merrill Alfred Mitchell, Brunswick, Me. George Owen Moody, Titusville, Pa. William Gray Nowell, Maiden, Mass. Marcus Pitman Franklin Putnam Edward Mussey Band, Portland, Me. Howard Malcolm Randlett Aretas Rowe Sanborn, Lawrence, Mass. Caleb Saunders, Lawrence, Mass. David Robinson Straw, Guilford, Me. William Henry Stuart, Richmond, Me. George Webster. Bangor, Me. John William Weeks Stephen Jewett Young, Brunswick, Me. 1860. Amos Lawrence Allen John Francis Appleton Nicholas Emery Boyd, Portland, Me. Samuel Stillman Boyd, St. Louis, Mo. Albert Williams Bradbury, Portland, Me. John Marshall Brown, Portland, Me. Alvan Felch Bucknam Horatio Harmon Burbank, Limerick, Me. Samuel Mclntyre Came, Alfred, Me. George Cary, Houlten, Me. Robert Cash Abner Harrison Davis, Worcester, Mass. Lemuel Grosvenor Downes, Calais, Me. George Barrett Emery, Gorham, Ma Simeon Adams Evans Roscoe Edwin Faruham Seth Chase Farrington Woodbury George Frost, Freepbrt, Me. Charles William Gardiner David Hale William Dudley Haley, Bath, Me. Edwin Alphonso Harlow Granville Parker Hawes, New York Augustine Jones, Lynn, Mass. Frederic Augustus Kendall, U. S. Army Levi Randlett Leavitt Benjamin Kingsbury Lovatt Ezekiel Robinson Mayo Joseph Nicholas Metcalf Charles Edwin Morrill James William North, Hallowell, Me. Augustus Wyman Oliver Charles Fox Penney, Augusta, Me. Charles Sumner Perkins, Providence, R. I. James Liddell Phillips, Miduapore, Ben- gal Walter Stone Poor, New York Thomas Brackett Reed, Portland, Me. Henry Clay Robinson, New Castle, Me. Edwin Berger Shertzer David Osgood Stetson Philip Henry Stubbs, Strong, Me. Joseph White Symonds, Portland, Me. William Widsery Thomas. Portland, Me. Jacob Hale Thompson, New York Adelbert Burge Twichell, Newark, N. J. Francis Willard Webster 1861. Charles Grandison Atkins, Augusta, Me. James Ware Bradbury, Augusta, Me. Theodore Dwight Bradford, New York James Briarr Cochrane Wellington Rolvin Cross, N. Gloucester, Me. Frank Lambert Dingley, Levyiston, Me. William Winslow Eaton, Danvers, Mass. Edwin Emery, Southbridge, Mass. Lucilius Alonzo Emery, Ellsworth, Me- Lorin Farr, St. Louis, Mo. Merritt Caldwell Fernald, Orono, Me. Sidney Michael Finger Edmuud Eastman Fogg Benjamin Shute Grant, Boston, Mass. Charles Glidden Haines, Biddeford, Me. Gordon Merrill Hicks, Rockland, Me. Frank Orville Libby Hobson, Saco, Me. Albion Howe, Washington, D. C. Charles Oliver Hunt, Portland, Me. Thomas Worcester Hyde, Bath, Me. Albion Henry Johnson, Antioch, Cal. George Beaman Kenniston, Boothhay, Me. Edward Payson Loring, Fitchburg, Mass. Augustus Nathaniel LufkiU Stephen Hart Manning Abraham Maxwell, Pownal, Me. Moses Owen, Bath, Me. Alpheus Spring Packard, Salem,Mass. , 10 Albert DeForrest Palmer Gustavus Steward Palmer, Waterville, Me. George Loring Peirce. Kittery, Me. Lauriston Floyd Purinton, Richmond, Me. Fabius Maximus Kay, Portland, Me. Keuben Augustus Hideout, Everett, Mass. Charles Beau Pounds, Farmington, Mass. Edward Simonton, Searsport, Me. Edwin Smith, Bar re, Mass. Edward Stan wood, Boston, Mass. George Easttnan Stubbs, Phila., Pa. John Warren Thorp, Oxford, X. Y. Grenville Mellen Thurlow, New Castle, Me. Joseph Badger Upham, Portsmuuth, K. H Sylvanus Dexter Waterman. Stockton, Cal. Philenthius Cleaveland Wiley, Bethel, Me. 1862. Albion Burbank, Kennebunk, Me. Sylvester Burnham, Newburyport, Mass. Joseph Webber Chadwiek, Boston, Mass. Isaac Bassett Chuate, Gorham, Me. Melville Augustus Cochrane Samuel Page Dame, Sharon, Pa. William Ellingwuod Donnell, Portland, Me. Ellis Richmond Drake, Wayland, Mass Alinon Goodwin, New York Francis Alpine Hill, Chelsea, Mass. William Albert Hobbie Henry Hastings Hunt, Gorham, Me. Frederic Nick. 'Is Huston George Gustavus Kimball, Portsmouth, N. H. Dorvilius Libbey Augustus Newbert Linscott, Chicago, 111. John Thomas Magrath, Jackson, Mich. Albert George Manson George Adams Mark Joel Marshall Charles Porter Mattocks, Portland, Me. Charles Widgery Milliken Joseph Noble Edward Newman Packard, Evanston, 111. Samuel Wiggin Pearson, Limington, Me. John Melvin Pease John Edwin Pierce Charles Henry Pope Howard Lyman Prince, Portland, Me. Isaac Warren Starbird Henry Otis Thayer, Woolwich, Me. Almon Libby Varney Charles Henry Verrill Daniel Wingate Waldron, Wevmouth, Mass. Marcus Wight, Skowhegan, Me. 1863. Joseph Clement Bates Charles Upham Bell, Lawrence, Mass. Addison Blanchard Horatio Pundlett Cheney Alvah Berton Dearborn, Topsham, Me. John Wheeler Duxbury, S. Boston, Mass. George Addison Emery, Saco, Me. James Lewis Fogg Kodolphus Howard Gilmorc, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa Thomas Martin Giveen, Portland, Me. William Ellsworth Greene Benjamin Dwight Greene George Augustine Haines, Biddeford, Me. George Goodwin Harriman, Concord, N. H. George Lewis Holmes, Ellsworth, Me. Thomas Wright Hale Hussey, Barring- ton, N. H. Henry Irving Jordan Henry Kimball, San'foid, Me. Gideon Libby George Maniius Pease, Bridgton, Me. Adomram Judson Pickard Nathaniel French Putnam Francis Chadbourne Remick Pichard Wintield Robinson, Portland, Me. Charles Burnham Shackt'ord, Conway, N. H. Andrew Jackson Smith, Chicago, 111. Benjamin Fuller Smith Andrew Robinson Giddinge Smith Samuel Phillips Newman Smyth, Ban- gor, Me. Albion Wesley Stuart, Fort Dodge, Iowa Lewis Sturtevant, S. Framingham, Mass. Isaiah Trufant, Castine, Me. Cyrus Bede Varney, Windham, Me. Charles Chaplin Waison, Dover, N. H. Alexander Drummond Willard 1864. Frederick Hunt Appleton, Bangor, Me. Charles Bennett Samuel Shannon Caswell, Dover, N. H. Charles Curtis Owen Warren Davis, W. Buxton, Me. John Emery Dow, New York Albert Owen Fellows, Portland, Me. Nahum Wesley Grover, W. Bethel, Me. John Calvin Harkness, Wilmington, Del. Myron Munson Hovey, Boston, Mass. Henry Nason. West Hoyt, Cincinnati, O. Edward Chase Ingersoli . Charles Jewett, Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Frost Libby, New York Charles Freeman Libby, Portland, Me. Franklin Littlerield, Saco, Me. James McKeen, New York Nathaniel Melcher Henry Tucker. Francis Merrill 11 William Henry Pierson, Newburyport. Mass. Charles Augustus Bobbins, New York. Thomas Herbert White, Bangor, Me. John Green Wight, Cooperstown, N. Y. Webster Woodbury, Skowhegan, Me. John Harrison Woods Alonzo Parsons Wright, Odell, 111. 1865. Thomas Davee Anderson Charles Robinson Brown John Bradbury Cotton, tewiston, Me. Horatio Sumner Dresser James Frederick Dudley, Bangor, Me. David Augustus Easton, E. Danbury, Ct. Charles Fish, Hallowell, Me. Charles Fuller Jeremiah Ellsworth Fullerton, Bath, Me. Stephen Walter Harmon Frank Lord Hayes, Boston, Mass. Melvin Joseph Hill, Chelsea, Mass. Horatio Bartlett Lawrence, Mass. Joseph Alvah Locke, Portland, Me. Edward Jarvis Millay Joseph Eugene Moore, Thomaston, Me. Moses Cornelius Stone Henry William Swasey Charles Weeks, Wiscasset, Me. 1866. Charles McCulloch Beecher, Albany, N. Y. Charles Augustus Boardman, Calais, Me. Delavan Carlton Sylvester Benjamin Carter, Newburyport, Mass. Henry Leland Chapman, Brunswick, Me. Ezekiel Hanson Cook, Wilton, Me. Frederic Henry Gerrish, Portland, Me. John Parshley Gross, Orange, N. J. John /acob Herrick, Chicago, 111. Chaiics King Hinkley, Boston, Mass. George Freeland Holmes, Portland, Me. William Peuti Hussey George William Kelly, Norway, Me, Hiram Bartlett Lawrence George Edwin Lord Leanuer Otis Merriam George Thomas Packard, Brooklyn, N. Y George True Sumner, Sheboygan, Wis. Charles Edwin Webster, Portland, Me. Russell Davis Woodman 1887. Melvin Franklin Arey, Bucksport, Me. Jotham Franklin Clark Oren Cobb, Winthrop, Me. Isaac Sanford Curtis, liath, Me. Usher Ward Cutts, Orange, N. J. George Patten Davenport, Bath, Me. James Payson Dixon Benjamin Briarly ^Eaton, Wells, Me. Napoleon Gray, Harrison, Me, Stephen Calvin Horr William StickueyHuse Winfield Scott Hutchinson, Boston, Ms. John Norris McClintock James Wallace McDonald Richard Greeuleaf Merriman William Pitt Mudgett Stephen Morrell Newman, Taunton, Ms. Stanley Adelbert Plummer George Tingey Sewall,01dtown, Me. Frederic King Smyth, Andover, Mass. Henry SeWall Webster, Augusta, Me. Josejjh Colburn Wilson, Orono, Me. 1888. Orville Dewey Baker, Augusta, Me. George Madison Bodge, Gorhafn, Me. Charles Edward Chamberlain, Bristol, Me. George Langdon Chandler Charles Jarvis Chapman, Bethel, Me. John Sayward Derby Thomas Jefferson Emery, Boston, Mass. George Winslow Foster, Bangor, Me, Llewellyn Sprague Ham John Adams Hinkley, Gorham, Me. Frank Eastman Hitchcock, Rockland, Me. Charles Galen Holyoke Elias Synclair Mason Robert Lawrence Packard, Orono, Me. Charles Augustus Ring, Portland, Me. Leonard Warren Rundlett, Brunswick, Me. William Francis Shepard George Adams Smyth, Berlin, Prussia Charles Edgar Webber, Boston, Mass. William Thorn Wells, Great Falls, N.-H. Charles Otis Whitman, Westford, Mass. 1869. Frederic Henry Boardman, Calais, Me. Norman Call, New Castle, Me. Charles Abraham Cole, Paris Hill, Me. John Colby Coombs, Boston, Mass. John Colby Cotton Oscar Porter Cunningham, Orland, Me. James Dike, Bath, Me. Thomas Henry Eaton, Ottumwa, Iowa Frederic Augustine Fogg, Portland, Me. Oscar Fitz Allen Geeene Clarence Hale, Portland, Me. George Weeks Hale, Brunswick, Me. James Hunter Kennedy, Buffalo, N. Y. David Hunter Knowlton Leavitt Lothrop William Pitt Morgan George Frank Mosher, Dover, N. H. Edward Payson Payson, Portland, Me. Willard Humphrey Perley Cassius Clay Powers, Boston, Mass. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 12 029 915 656 4 Henry Brewer Quinby Frank Whitman King, Portland, Me. Charles Rowell. Fairfield, Me. Hiram Tuell, Blackstone, Mass. Marshman Eddy Wadsworth Harrison Spofford Whitman, Franklin, Mass. Oscar Scott Williams, Auburn, Me. Fitz Allen Woodbury, Chicago, 111. William Haskell Woodwell 1870. DeAlva Stanwood Alexander, Ft. Wayne. Ind. Charles Edwin Beale, Washington, D. C. LeRoy Zuinglius Collins, Boston, Mass. Albert James Curtis William Edwin Frost, Norway, Me. John Henry Gooch, Yarmouth, Me. Orville Boardman Grant, Providence, P. I. Albert Gray Everett Hammons, Bethel, Me. Frederic Ernest Hanson George Wheelwright Hobson, Saco, Me. Walter Ebenezer Holmes, Oshkosh, Wis. Lucian Howe Joseph Wadsworth Keene, Boston, Mass. Wdlis Howard Meads, Buffalo, N. Y Burdus Bedford Melcher, Brunswick. Me. Charles Henry Moore, Brunswick, Me. Wallace Kilbourne Oakes, Auburn, Me. Caleb Alexander Page, Fryeburg, Me. Roland Marcy Peck, "Ellsworth, Me. John Bakeman Redman, Ellsworth, Me. Erastus Fulton Redman James Arthur Roberts William Edward Spear, Rockland, Me. Davis True Timberlake Charles Turner Torrey, Yarmouth, Me. Edward Burbank Weston, Chicago, 111. Alonzo Garcelon Whitman, Boston, Ms. Edwin Cox Woodward, New Castle, Me. 1871. Kingsbury Bachehler James F. Chaney, Topsham, Me. Charles E. Clark, Portland, Me. Edmund E. Cole, Bethel, Me. Newton E. Curtis Edgar F. Davis William S. Dennett, Jr., Bangor, Me. Sylvanus O. Hussev William P. Melcher, Portland, Me. Alfred J. Monroe, Belfast, Me. William S. Pattee Vernon I). Price Everett S. Stackpole Wallace R, White 1872. John G. Abbott, Augusta, Me. Ambrose V. Ackley James B. Atwood Warren F. Bickford Marcellus Coggan George H. Cummings Frederic G. Dow, New York Samuel L. Gross Herbert Harris Herbert M. Heath, Portland, Me. Walter O. Hooker, Jr. Weston Lewis Simeon P. Meads, Brunswick, Me. Jehiel Richards, Jr., Calais, Me. Freeman A. Ricker, Portland, Me. Osgood W. Rogers, Bluehill, Me. George M. Seiders, Cumberland, Me. William C. Shannon, Cape Elizabeth, Me. Frank W. Spaulding George W. Stone George M. Whittaker, Southbridge, Mass. Harold Wilder, Barre, Mass. .3 .A? LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 915 656 4