^^mmm^:. fea^^o^.fe -^5;,>*^ G V 'm \ 21 Making a new trump 3* 23 Making it next 38 Making tricks early • . 49 March 21 Maw 13 Meaning of "euchre" • • . • 13 Misdealing 2 Naming a new trump 37 Necessity for a partner 35> 41 New deal necessary 2 Not following suit 27 Number of cards dealt at a time 18 Number of cards in the pack 17 Object of the game • 21 Ordering up 22, 30 Ordering up out of turn 8 Origin of Call-Ace 12 Origin of the word "euchre" 12 S8 GENERAL INDEX PAGE Partner having no trumps 46 Partner leading called suit 45 Partner not to be disclosed 24 Partner showing himself 49 Partner sometimes in doubt 25 Partner's best opening lead 45 Partners not necessary 39 Partners playing against each other 50 Partners that cannot help 39» 40, 42 Partnerships and position 49 Passing 21, 30 Passing for a euchre 31 Passing out of turn 8 Passing with two bowers 34 Penalty for lead out of turn • 5, 6 Penalty for revoking •••••••••• 6, 27 Players' positions at table 17 Playing alone • • • • 24, 26 Plajring for euchres 39 Playing the hands 26 Pone 1, 18 Point • ... 21 Preventing discards 46 Preventing revokes 7 Probable losses and winnings 29 Probability trump will be turned down 35 Rank of the cards 19 Rank in plain suits 20 Rank in trump suits 20 Respectability of Euchre . . . . ' 14 Revokes ^ 26, 27 Right bower 19 Risk in taking partners 31 Risky calls 35 Ruffing the called suit 45» 4^ Rule for crossing the suit 3^ GENERAL INDEX $9 PACE Scoring 7 Scoring euchres 8 Scoring lone hands 28 Scoring marches 28 Scoring the point 27 Secondary leads 49 Seeing last trick 8 Settling up scores 29 Sharing score with partner 30 Showing hands after a euchre ••.••... 28 Spoil-five 13 Stealing tricks 47 Straight Euchre's defects 11 Strength probably distributed 37 Tactics of the game 30 Taking in tricks 27 Taking up the trump 3j 22 Tenace positions 43 Tenace in plain suits useless 51 Triomphe 13 Trumping doubtful tricks 48 Turning up the joker 18 Unknown cards in the stock 19 Value of points 29 Value of tenace 44 Varying the called suit 49 Weak hand's best position 38 When ahead, score high 31 When behind, score alone 30 Who leads? 17 This preservation copy was created, printed, and bound at Bridgeport National Bindery, Inc., in compliance witJi U.S, copyright law. The paper used meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). P A 2009 (65) ^^.-'^ C5 -.., •>"..» CV'°"°' ^*- . ? ^-^r.'i' "Jilt %^** ':^h\*^~-^' fa nO- < * <