///^ u KJ^KJ KJIKJ D/O D ~ Ilmssfkr lolgtebnit |iistitate. *m^v^ .frjS«^.\- THE / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Its Reorganization in 1849-50; Its Condition at the Present Time; Its Plans and Hopes for the Future : BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE. . ^-^.--^ ALSO, ^ '.tJi-j:^^ THE STATEMENT OP A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY AND OF THE TKUSTEES OF THE INSTITUTE, FOR THE PRE- SENTATION OF ITS VABIOUS INTERESTS TO THE CITIZENS OF TROY. TROY, N. Y.: D. H. J0NE3 tablished in 1825, by its Founder, Stephen Tan Rensselaer; and, with unimportant deviations in the style of declaration or details of execu- tion, these continued to be the declared objects of the Institute, through the intervening period of a quarter of a century, up to the date men- tioned at the opening of this paragraph. At this time, the present Direc- tion of the Institute, after an experience of nearly three years with its plans and workings, had readied the conclusion that, notwithstanding the acknowledged usefulness of the institution upon its then existing basis, it nevertheless did, and must continue to fail to realize tliose better results, which, as an educational establishment, it might, and, indeed, ought to be capable of, were it not for certain radical defects in fundamental features of its organization. These were believed to be, first, in the recognition of educational objects which were not only too comprehensive in reach, but liable to be too vaguely and indefinitely tvorhed out, to admit of that com- pleteness of treatment or that balancing of parts, so essential to anything like satisfactory results ; and, secondly, as if to render more unmitigated the evils noted under the first head, in the short time, allowed to he suffi- cient, for the preparation of candidates for the scholastic or professional degrees conferred by the Institute Board. The Managers of the Institute, tlierefore, resolved, that their field should he narrowed and more thoroughly cultivated.; that, indeed, tlieir educational objects should be restricted to matters immediately cognate to Architecture and Engineering; that, moreover, for a somewhat irregular and for the most part optional course, requiring but a single year for its accomplishment, they w^ould substitute a carefully considered Curriculum, which should require at the least three full years of systematic and thorough training ; and that, finally, they would demand the apphcation of the strictest examination tests to the successive parts of the course prescribed, not only in respect to the translation of students from lower to" higher classes, but, especially, in all cases of ultimate graduation with professional de^ees. It was in accordance with such views as these that, in 1849—50, this in- stitution was wholly reorganized upon the basis of a general Polytechnic Institute, when it received the distinctive addition to its title, under which it has since been more or less g'enerally known. Its objects were thenceforward declared to be " The education of Architects and Civil, Mining, and Topographical Engineers, upon an enlarged basis, and with a liberal development of Mental and Physical Culture." It was, however, also declared that, the educational advantages of the Institute should not be restricted to those only who might be destined to profes- sional pursuits, but "should be made available and eminently useful to all others, whether contemplating a future professional career or not, who, appreciating and desiring such a course of educational training, would be willing to submit to the discipline required for its successful accomplishment." But it is proper to remark that, with the compreliensive statement and formal announcement, then made, of what was proposed to be the future work of the Institute, there was associated in the minds of its Managers no immediate expectation of realizing more than a very partial development nf their plans, with the comparatively limited resources in mntcriel of everv kind at their command. Accordingly, it was resolved, that, of the entire Institute Curricidima, they would at first proceed to develope the General Course — the common scientific basis of the four Professional Courses — and the two speciahties of Civil and Topographical Exgixeerixg, to as good a degree of excellence as should be practicable tmder the existing circumstances ; while they would defer any attempt to effect the more complete development of their plans, including the important specialities of Architecture and Mixing Engineering, to a period when they might hope to be able to invoke efi"ectively the aid of conditions more favorable to reahzations so desirable. Results of the Re-organization. TVith the preceding somev.-hat general statement of the considerations which determined the present alterations in the Institute System, a perti- nent inquiry might now be suggested, as to the results of experience in working out such a series of changes ; — changes, too. so likelv to be pro- ductive of important consequences, as those whose original inception has been referred to the period in question. But to answer this inquiry bv a statement in detail of the actual experience of the Institute during a period of six years past, would be as tedious to the readers, as it would doubtless be inexpedient for the objects of this paper. Nevertheless, the following general comparison may serve the immediate purpose of illustrating these results as they appear ftom a certain point of view, and, at the same time, form a not inappropriate introduction to some more particular statements to be given hereafter: — In 1849, with a course of study which was, unde- niablv, somewhat vague^ unsystematic, and incomplete, there was an atten- dance of thirty to thirty-five students; while the annual income from tuition fees — exclusive of that from other sources — did not exceed sixteen hundred dollars : At the present time, with a course of systematic, ex- tended, and somewhat severe training, strictly wrought out, at least, in the case of every graduate of the Institute, tliere is an attendance of over one hundred students; while the annual income from tuition fees alone — now fifty per cent, liigher than at the former time — amounts to more than seven thousand dollars. And. yet. Avhile far from undervaluing the im- portance naturally attached to the number in attendance at an educa- tional establishment, it may, nevertheless, fairly l)e questioned whether this, in itself, can be regarded as proof of any peculiar or remarkable ex- cellence in sucti an institution ; otherwise, it were necessary to admit the existence of such excellences in institutions — of not unfrequtMit occurrence in this! countrv — whose ba.sia for .such a distinction it would bo difficult to 6 find, savejn a facility for gathering in hundreds of students from a sur- rounding country, at rates of tuition marvellously cheap.* And, hence, we should be altogether unwilling to have the results of the Institute experience estimated by such a standard alone — a standard as superficial as it would be unjust. On the contrary, how tangible soever as indications of a vigorous and active life, we would prefer to have these re- sults seen, when taken in connection with accompanying circumstances, — as we hope to be able to show, — to be evidence equally tangible, of the complete and triumphant success of a most imp)ortant educational experiment. The fact is scarcely appreciated — not, certain!}-, as it should be — by many citizens even in our own midst, that an institution located in a retired part of this city, occupying quarters as uiiimposing in exterior as they are limited in extent, enjoys a patronage — to say nothing of re])utation — that, in view of all the circumstances, might well be coveted by any educational establishment in the land. We say, in view of all tlie circumstances ; for, with buildings and surroundings less attractive than those of many a coun- trv academy, — with a comparatively high rate of tuition, — with the utter absence of all those means, so frequently resorted to, for attracting atten- tion to an institution through the public prints ; — with, in short, a display of resources so limited — of temptations so poorly contrived to allure public appreciation ; — nevertheless, on a direct observation, the following facts are as conspicuous as they are significant, namely : that, from all parts of the United States, — from Upper and Lower Canada, — from the tropical regions of the West Indies and South America, — there is an annual accession of voimg men to the successive classes of this Institution, which, besides an- nually increasing, is even now quite respectable in numberf ; that, more- over, these are, in general, derived from those quarters in wliich an intelligent appreciation of the peculiar ol^jects of the Institute would be likelv to find place ; and that, finally, these annual accessions comprise bodies of young men, who, for capacity, intelligence, and all those characteristics of manhood most suggestive of a promising future, are scarcely equalled, cer- tainly not excelled by a similar collection of students at any other institution in this country. We trust that we may be pardoned if we attach too much importance to this matter ; but we are, nevertheless, constrained to believe that, in *We do not, of course, refer to those institutions that, with large productive en- dowments, can afford to make low rates of tuition, and at the same time, exact tound scholarly training in the person of every reci])ient of their graduation honors. f During the past year as follows: From foreign countries; — Brazil, A, — Cuba, 5 Canada, 7. From the United States ; — ^fe , Z—Maas., 9, — Conn., 4. — Vt, 2, — JV: J., &,—Penn., 9,~Md., 2,—S. C, ?,,^Ga., 2,— La., 1.— J//ss., 2,—IU..'d,-~J)hio, 2,—Cal.. I,— New York City, 9,State at largt, Z3,— City of Troy, 9. Total, 116. such results as these, we have a well-grounded basis, for all we claim in the conclusion enunciated in a preceding paragraph ; that, indeed, with such an experience, the Institute may fairly and logically claim to have passed beyond the doubtful issue of a mere experiment, and to have reach- ed a present position, in which it may, without serious presumption, assume to know the ground on which it stands. Its Objects those of a Polytechnic Institute. And, now^, it may be proper to repeat, or state in another form, the objects originally proposed in the reorganization of the Rensselaer Institute. These objects were, to develope the original and peculiar excellences of this institution, into a true Polytechnic Educational Establishment, on a liberal basis and with elevated aims. An institution whose character- istics of development should be suggested, partly, by its own most instructive experience of more than thirty years as a School of Tlieoretical and Practical Science ; partly, by the published organizations, courses of study, and practical workings of the Polytechnic Institutions and Special Industrial Schools of Great Britain and, more especially, of France and Germany ; and, in part, also, by the results of observation and study of the professional loants in this country of those classes of men, for whose benefit the institution would be more especially designed. But in order to obtain a more distinct conception of the present objects of the Institute, and then be able to form an intelligent judgment of the importance which is here claimed for them, it will be necessary or, at least, highly serviceable, to take a brief preliminary survey of the plans and workings of that class of educational institutions of the old world, in which our institution finds its place. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS IN EUROPE. The establishment of Polytechnic Institutions for educational 2mrposes is in manifest obedience to a demand of the most general interest of the present age. In all civilized countries, the prosecution of industrial pursuits, in some one of their multiform phases, constitutes the prime business of man, — "Whether we regard his operations as an Agricultural Producer, — as a Manufacturer or Artisan, — as a Merchant or Factor, — or, finally, as an Engineer or Architect, adapting his works to the wants common or pecu- liar of all the rest, — still, how different soever the respective modes, they nevertheless concur in contributing to the advancement of the great business of life PRODUCTIVE INDUSTRY. But a new era for industry has been commenced during the present cen- tury. Science has cast its illuminating rays on every process of Industrial Art. The discoveries and improvements which have so frequently flashed into view, have indeed, attested, in a manner the most striking, the mutual advantage to Science and Art — to theory and practice — of a better mutual acquaintance. That there has been a large gain to both, as well of mutual enlightenment as of mutual rectification, is no longer, among intelligent and candid observers, a disputed question. And, in respect to Art, there is no point better estabhshed than that practical processes, by becoming more rational have become more certain, and thereby more economical. Hence it is, that educational establishments, having for their object the training of young men in the various branches of Theoretical and Applied Science, respond to a want as generally as it must be earnestly felt in all civilized communities. Such Institutions are well known on the Continent of Europe under titles that, although somewhat varied, are nevertheless suggestive of the ol^jects for which they were established. Scientific and Technical Institutions in France. The oldest organization' bearing the appellation Polytechnic, is an Insti- tution of world-wide celebrity, the Ecole Polyteciinique — now the lllcole Imperiale Polytechnique — of Paris. Established near the close oi' the hist century* by a few accomplished and zealous professors of the *In 1794— opened iu 1*796. Mathematical and Physical Sciences under the fostering care of the Frenck Government, — an especial favorite with the first Emperor Napoleon, from, whom it received the most watchful consideration, so long as his ever appreciative sagacity could be made available to its growth in usefulness, — it soon came to he, and, indeed, has been for the last half a century-, undoubtedly, in certain respects, the first school of science in the world. The Polytechnic School of France differs from other institutions of its class, in not furnishing a comjjlete system of technical instruction to those who go through its courses. Indeed, this institution is rather to be under- stood as a School of General Science, introductorv to a class of Special Schools of Application — also government institutions — than as a general Polytechnic Institution ; since, the Special or Technical Schools as such being essentially complementary to the Ecole Poh^technique, would have to be joined to the latter in order to the realization of the full idea of a Polytechnic Institute. Such, in fact, is the use made of the Ecole Polytech- nique. Its pupils after graduation, with few exceptions, pass directly to the Special Schools, where they complete their courses of pupilage before entering those departments of the Government Seri'ice, Military, Naval, or Civil, to which they may be respectively destined.* Th'e following programme exhibits a general view of the course of study at this institution.. ]6C0LE IMPERIALE POLYTECHNIQUE. \_Cou7'se two years.l^ Higher Analysis. Physics. Rational Mechanics. Chemistry. Theory of Machines. Architecture, Descriptive Geometry. French Composition. Analytical Geometry. German Language. Astronomy. Topographical Drawing. Geodesy. Free-hand Drawing. Social Arithmetic. Geometrical Drawing. The advantages of this School are open to the free competition of natives ' Xational School of Charts. The School of Mastrr-miners at Alnis. The Imperial School of Forestry. 'The Conservatory of Arts and Trades. I'he Imperial School of Agriculture. X " Prograinme, etc,, de V Ecole d i Ponti et Chaussees.'" -^^U'si^i^wz dksTravaux Pu»Lics,---7^rr/.%-^l 8.52. 11 The Xatioxal School of Mixes at Paris, and the School of Mixers AT Saixt-Etiexxe. have for a common object the technical education of those destined to the direction or superintendence of Mines and Furnaces, — functions which are generally recognized as appropriate to the profession of the MixixG Exgixeer. The regulations for the reception of a class of graduates from the Polytechnic School, as well as a class of '^ external " pupils not destined for the State service, are similar, though less restricted^ in the Xational School of Mines, to those which obtain in the School of Roads and Bridges. The School of Miners at Saint-: Etienne receives none but external pupils, while its requirements for admission are of a still lower grade. The courses of instruction in these Schools, which are three years in duration, embrace Technical Chemistry, Mineralogy and G-eology; the smelting, refining, working and assaying of metals ; the surveying, drawing and working of mines. The scientific collections in these Mining Schools are represented to be admirable in every respect, The School op MASTERtMiXERS AT Alais, is designed for a lower grade of mining service, — as its title indicates, for the education of master-.miners to an extent sufficient to enable them to comprehend and execute the orders of a Cliief. or Mining Engineer.* The CoxsERVATORY OF Arts axd Trades at Paris, and the three Xatioxal Schools of Arts axd Trades, at Chdlons=sur-Marne, Angers, and Aix, constitute an educational system of considerable extent for the instruction of Artisaxs, the national or provincial schools being under the general superintendence of Gen, MoRix', as Director of the Con^ servatoire. The Conservatoire itself, with its princely endowments and Bplendid collections, is intended to convey instruction to artisans by means of lectures adapted, with a little prehminary instruction, to the popular mind. The tliree provincial Schools of Arts and Trades have each a course of three years, with an attendance of about 300 pupils to each School. These Scliools are supported at an annual expense to the Govern^ ment of 300,000 francs each — about $56,000 — the students attending which being, for the most part, not only educated Init boarded at the expense of the National Treasury. The pupils thus educated, in general, become masterTworkmen on the public works, or foremen in manufactories and workTshops,! Our limits do not permit farther notice of tliese Special Government Scliools. In order, however, tliat the liberal views of tlie French Govern. * " Prorframmes, etc., des Ecoles des Mlnea." — Mixistkre pes Travaux Publics,^ Pom,— 1852, \ " Progranwie, etc., des Ecoles Rationales des Arts (< J/i*/t>r«."^MixisTiRE db I.' Agriculture et du Commerce, — Paris, — 1861. 12 ment in respect to scientific and technical education may be ])roperly appreciated, it should be understood that, the hiition is, in general, free in all of these schools to those -who shall become qualified to enter them ; and, moreover, that, to a considerable extent, the ex])ense of the student's living is also a charge upon the Government Treasury. Still, these institutions, the Polytechnic School included, being adapted and more or less restricted to government wants, have not been sufficiently available to the nation at large ; hence, the desire early felt by the people of France for an institution which should meet their own needs in the educational training of those who might Avish to devote themselves to the scientific professions of Engineering, Architecture, Metallurgy, etc. Impelled by the urgency of this want, an enlightened and spirited capitalist, M. Lavallee, founded at Paris^ in 1829, a private institution, and devoted a large fortune to investments for its permanent establishment. Thus arose the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, now, confess- edly, one of the most conspicuous as it is one of the most important of Polytechnic Institutions. The objects of the Ecole Centrale are declared to embrace the educa- tional training of Civil Engineers, Directors of Works, Superintendents of Manufactories, Professors of Apphed Science, etc. Four specialties of instruction are recognized, as follows : I. Specialty of Mechanicians. — Constriieliou and Establislirncnt of Machines; Mechanic Arts. II. Specialty of Constructoks. — Constiiiction of Edifices and Public "Woiks; Physical Arts. III. Specialty of Metallurgists. — Mining; Metalluriry. lY. Specialty of Chemists. — Clioniical Manufactures ; Manufactures dependent on Chemistry. The following programme exhibits the general course of study at this institution. :fiCOLE CENTRALE DES ARTS ET MANUFACTURES. \^Oou7'se three ycars.^ Analysis. Construction of Bridcjes. Mechanics. Tlioory of Stone Cutting. Descriptive Ceonietry. Arcliiteetural Drawing. Transformations of Motion. Industrial Physics. General Physics. Applied Mechanics. General Chemistry. Machines. Cliomical Manipulations. ]\la{'liine Drawing. Hygiene. Analytical Chemistry. !s'atuial History applied to Industry. Industrial Chemistry. Mineralogy and Geology. Architecture. Pliysical (ieojrraph}'. General ^Metallurgy. Working of Mines. Metalhirgy of Iron. Steam Engines. Teclinology. Conunon Koads. ]Iydraulic Works. Railways. Designs for Works. 13 To enter this school, apphcants must be at least sixteen years of age, and must be found duly qualified in a certain required knowledge of elementary mathematics and drawing. The courses of instruction are obligatory on all, with the exception that a part of the practical exercises in design are allotted to each student in accordance with his choice of one of the four specialties for a future jDrofessional career. A feature of this school is the prominence given to drawing and design. Students are exercised, as well in the principles, as in the details of professional prac- tice, by being occasionally required to prepare an elaborated design, either for some Construction, or for a Manufacturing Establishment, — for exam- ple, a Chemical Works, Pottery, Smelting "Works, or something similar. There are 40 professors and assistants at the present time, with an attendance of 300 students. The number of the latter is, however, limited by the size of the building, which it is in contemplation to remedy, by the erection of larger and more commodious edifices. The annual charges to each student for tuition are 775 francs, about $14.5, so that the annual revenue of the school from its tuition proceeds alone, amounts to about '$44,000. It is worthy of remark, that the Central School, which was estab- lished by M. Lavallee Avitli the expectation that it might return to him a fair dividend on his total investment, has fiilly justified these anticipations, bv proving eminently successful as a mere business speculation. M. Lavallee still remains, as he has been from the first, the general Director of the School — that is, of its financial matters, correspondence, etc. A "Uiredor of Studies^'^ (M. Empaytaz,) and nine of the Professors, constitute a " Council of Studies.'^ who conduct the general internal administration of the school. The Government of France was not slow to perceive the manifest promise in such an institution as this. Accordingly, in 1838, the National Budget received an augmentation for the special purpose of maintaining a certain number of students of distinguished aptitude at this school, and the Conseils Generaux of twenty-nine Departments of France have made a similar provision. The estimate in which the Central School is held in France may be best appreciated by an extract from a Report of the Com- mission of the Chamber of Deputies, appointed to inquire hito the Budget for 1838. "Yon fire aware, Gentlemen," says the Report, "of this useful establishment, founded in 1829, by an association of eminent professors, with the intention of train- ing Civil Engineers, the Directors of "Works, the Cliiefs of Workshops, and Manufac- tories. This private institution, which by its importance rivals in excellence our first public [national] establishments, has created and put in practice a complete system of industrial education. It is, at the same time, a supplement to the ]6oole Polytechnique, and an addition to our various schools of Applied Science. Such an 14 institution ministers to one of the first necessities of the age, — lience, its success is complete. This is confirmed, as well b}' the unanimous opinion of the first manufac- turers of the country, as bj the facility with which employment is obtained by all of the students who have been trained at the Ecole Centrale."* One of the most satisfactory tests which can be applied to the working results of any educational establishment, will, in general, be furnished by the statistics of the professional employments of those who were educated at the institution in question. In a late catalogue of some 350 former students of the Central School, we have an instructive illustration of the tendencies of this admirable institution, as displayed in the ]n-csent occupa- tions of these former students, the greater proportion of whom had been regularly graduated with the degree of Civil Engineer, while a part had received a certificate only of some special capacity. These employments are classified, as follows : f Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, 18 Architecture, Constructions, etc. , 89 Railways, 118 Textile 'Manufactures, 36 Superintendence, etc., of Public Works, 58 Chemical Arts, 57 Civil Engineering, — general, 56 Machinery 80 Mining and Metallurgy, 79 Manufactures, — Paper, etc., 22 Industrial and Scientific Instruction 42 This table sufficiently demonstrates, that the objects of the Ecole Cen- trale are realized ; that the graduates of the school do enter upon the practice of those professional pursuits, for which their educational training had been intended to adapt them ; and their success in these pursuits, is shown in the well known fact, that the graduates of this school are in request not only by manufacturers and n^anagcrs of works throughout the Empire of France, but also, to a .considera1)le extent, by those of other countries, Scientific and Technical Institutions in Germany. Under the usually recognized distinctions of ^)?7y??«r?/, secondary^ and superior education^ we have the following general classification of educa^ tional establishments in the German States. First, the Primary, comprising all of tlie Elementary Schools; secondlv, the Secondary of three kinds, including the Classical Schools [Gymnasia], the Real Schools [Realschulen], and the Trade or Artisan Schools [Gewerr *" Ecole Centrale dea Arts et Manufactures — Prospectus,*' coint in the Polytechnic School at the capital. According to Prof. Karmarscli, there are twenty-two Trade Schools in tlie kingdom of llanover, in regai-d to which he gives from the report of the " Koniglidien Verwaltungs-Kommission der Gewerbeschulen " for 1843, certain sta- tistics, from whixih it appxiars that, in 1830, there were 84 Listi'uctors and 1805 students in the^e Schools, and in 1843, there were 102 Instructors and 2840 students — an avei-age of 130 to each school. Tluse schools are mainly supported from the Royal Ti-easury. In a few instances, nuuiicipal appropriations are made, and small tuition fees are paid by the students. — KarmarscK — Anhang, " Die hoheren Gewet- i>pschnUn in llaimver.^'' — }lannver, — 1845. 17 altliougli these institutions may be considered natural nurseries of future students of tlie Polvteclmic Institutes, still, a large proportion of the students of the Trade Schools finish their days of pupilage in these establishments, and enter at once on the practical pursuits of life, as masons, builders, and artisans in various industrial pursuits. With these remarks on the subject of the Secondary Technical Schools of Germany, we proceed to the consideration of the higher Polytechnic Insti- tutions. Phussia. Besides several special schools for Engineers, Architects, etc., in differ- ent parts of Prussia, there is a general institution of considerable celebrity which was established in 1821, at Berlin, imder the name of the "K6- NiGLiciiES Gewebbe Ixstitsjt," — Royal Trade Institute. This Institu- tion was origiiially intended to fulfil the purpose of a Central Technical School, — by presenting a more elevated course of training than that given at the various Secondarj^ Technical Schools, It was, moreover, originally designed to give instruction by means of work-shops in certain mechanical crafts, — a feature which was preserved for some twenty-five years, but has recently been given up, in a late reorganization of this Institute, on con- viction of its practical unsoundness. At the present time, the objects of the Technical Institute are substantially identical Avith those of the Central School of France and other Polytechnic Institutions ; that is, these objects are stated to embrace the education of Engineers, Arcliitects, Mechanists, and Managers of Manufiictories and Chemical "Works. The following programme exhibits the course of study at this Institu- tion. KONIGLICHES GEWERBB INSTITUT. [ Course three years."] General Course. Higher Algebra. Special Physics. Stereometry. Special Chemistry. Spherical Trigonometry. Mineralogy. Analytical Geometry. Pure ^Mechanics. Differential and Integral Calculus. Applied Mechanics. Descriptive Geometry. Materials used in Construction, Free-hand Dniwing. Laws of Architecture. Geometrical Drawing. Architectural Drawing. Machine Drawing. Practical Calculations. Special Courses. A. — For MECH\Nf9TS and Civil Exgixkicrs. Theory of Construction and of Machines. Railways and Buildings. Steam Engines and otlier Motors. Technology. Practice in Workshops. Designs and estimates for Machines. 8 18 H. — For (>hemwts. Cheniical Technology. Machine Drawins: and Designs. Analytical Chemistry. Laboratory Practice. C. — For Architects and Builders. Free-hand Drawing. Heating and warming arrangements. Architectural Drawing. Architectural Designs. Modelling in Clay. Theory of Stone cutting. Modelling of Buildings in plaster, wood, Designs for Buildings in stone, brick, and stone. and wood. The instruction given in the General School is a common basis of the courses given in the Special Schools, — the class after having completed the general course being resolved into the three Technical Sections named above, in accordance witli tlie predilections of its different members. For admission to the Technical Institute, tlie candidate must present a "maturity" certificate from a Secondary School, or submit to an examina- tion of an equally elevated grade. Indeed, the requirements for admission are such as to secure a body of students prepared to advance, at once, into the higher departments of scietitific education; With tlie well-known names of its present Director, (Bruckeiimiiller^) and his staff of Professors,* the character of the instruction, as might be expected, though eminently practical^ is at the same time higlily scientific; The collections of Drawings and Models of ^Macliines and of Archi- tectural and Engineering Works ; the collection of casts of Works of Art ; and the collections and appliances generally applicable to the educa^ tional purposes of the Technical Institute of Berlin, are mentioned in terras of liigh admiration by those who have seen them. The Technical Institute of Berlin is supported wholly by the Govern* ment, at an annual expense of 45,000 thalers, or about $35,000. Not only is its instruction gratuitous, but 50. out of 170 students — its total number — receive about ^150 each, for living expenses; in addition to which the Government appropriates about $5000 annually, for traveling expenses of certain students on foreign tours, — both professors and students beins: occasionally sent to foreign countries, to ac(|nire a. knowledge of recent inventions in the xA.rts.f *WoLF — Mathematics, Sohde and Manger — Architecture. Dove — Physics. Freiheug — Free-hand Drawing. Kammelsberg — Chemistry. Poulke — Geometrical Drawing* Magnus — Technology. Kiss — Modelling, Wiebe and Fi.nk — Machinery. Boettlicher — Design. f Prof. Playfair, — "Industrial Jitjst ruction" ; also. Prof. B&che,-^'' Jiepnrt on Educn- tion in Europe,'" — Philodelphia,^=1839. 19 Austria. 'J'lie ''PoLYTECHNiscHES Institut " [Polytechnic Listitute] at Vienna, the largest institution of its class in Europe, was established in 1815 by command of the Emperor Francis I. Its present buildings, embracing an extensive double quadrangle of most imposing palatial architecture, were finished in 1838, at a cost of 759,384 florins— over |300,000; and its Scientific and Technical Collections, as, indeed, its appointments gener^ ally as an educational institution, are on a similar scale of princely mag- nificence. The educational objects of tlie Polytechnic Institute comprise the edu- cation of Architects, Engineers, Manufacturers,* and Merchants, In addition to these, however, the Institute is made a National Conservatory of Arts and Manufactures, with permanent collections, and is also intended to discharge the functions of an Institute for the promotion of National Industry, by means of occasional exhibitions of the products of Manufac- tures, held under the direction of the Iiivstitutc. The permanent collections of tlie Conservatory of Arts are used for instruction in the Institute. In the organization of the Austrian Institution we recognize, first, a Real or Preparatory School ; and, secondly, tlie Polytechnic Institute proper, which includes two sections, namel}', a Technical Section for Architects, Engineers, etc., and a Commercial Section for Merchants. The following programme exhibits the courses of instruction of this institution, POLYTECHNISCHES INSTITUT. A. — Realschulk. [Cou7\se two years.^ Religion. Natural History. German Composition and Style. Mineralogy. French language. * Mathematics. Italian Language. Calhgraphy. Geography Drawing. I>, POLYTECHNISCHES InSTITUT. 1. — Technical Section. [ Course five years.'] Elementary Mathematics. Technology. Higher Mathematics. Agriculture. Lower Geodesy. Hj^draulic Works. Topographical Drawing. Construction of Koads. ^Preparatory to a future superintendence of Manufactories, etc., of the Austrian Empire, — such as Distilleries, Chemical Works, Glass and Porcelain Works, Sugar Manufactories, Metallurgic and Iron Works. 20 Mechanics. Architecture. Theory and Construction of Machines. Techiiioal Chemistry. Descriptive Geometry. Analytical Cheinistry. Mineralogy and Geology. Practical Cheinistry. Physics. Architectural Drawing. General Chemistry. Machine Drawing. 2. COMMEKCIAL SECTION. German Style and Composition. Mercantile Correspondence. Commercial Science. Book-keeping. Commercial Law, Raw" Materials and Products. Commercial Arithmetic. Mercantile Geography. Besides the foregoing, there is — under the direction of tlie Institute — a "Technical Drawing Section" or Technical School of Design, and a "Popu- lar Section" or Sanday School."^'' The number of students attending the several schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Vienna, during the fall of 1852, f was as follows: — In systematic courses, In occasional courses, Preparatory School, 419 Technical Drawing Section,. . . 360 Technical School, 1092 Sunday Section, 1381 Commercial School, 126 Total 1*741 Total, 1637 In both 3378 The number of professors and teachers engaged in this Institute amounts to 58, exclusive of the executive staff of the Director. The annual reve- nue of the Institute is about 116,000 florins — $48,000 — of which about $34,000 is given by the State, and the balance comes from the funds of the school. The instruction is nearly gratuitous, there being only a small entrance fee charged for attendance on any of the courses of instruction. It is sufficiently evident that the Polyteclmic Institute of Vienna is on a very large scale. And it has l^een largely successful. Its course of study is extensive, though less S3'-stematic in its arrangement, and less strictly carried out than in some of the other Polytechnic Institutions ; and yet, notwithstanding these defects and the large number of students attendino- this Institute, the demand for them by industrial establishments is said to be greater than can be readily supplied. Besides the Metropolitan Institute at Vienna, there are five provincial Polytechnic Schools in Austria, the number of students in which in 1852 being about 4000. Of these, the one at Prague, the capital of Bohemia under the title of the "TEcnNiscHE bohmische st.exdische Lehran- * Sunday Schools for secular rather than religious instruction, in accordance with the habits very generally of the nations on the continent of Europe. f Prof Playfair, — ''Industrial Inalr action, etc.'' Dr. Schodlei-, — ''Die koJieren tech nischen Schulen nach ihrcr Idee ami Bedeutuny" — Braunschweig, — 1847. 21 STALT,"* is one of the oldest of its kind in Germany, having been estab- Kshed by the Bohemian Nobles as early as the year 1806. The Technishe Lehranstalt has for its objects, the education of Officers of State, ^vhose functions connect them with the concerns of national in- dustry ; the education of Architects, Engineers, and Machiiiists ; and the education of those destined to the supernitendence of Glass and Porcelain "Works, Metallurgic Works, Sugar Works, etc. The institution consists of a Real or Preparatory School and Technical School proper — with courses of instruction of two and three years respec- tively. The course of the latter is seen in the following programme. TECHNISCHE LEHRANSTALT. [ Course three ycars^ Religion. Special Technical Chemistry. Elementary Mathematics. Constructions. Physics, Construction of Roads. Zoology and Botany. Agriculture. General Technical Chemistry, Agricultural Economy. Mineralogy. Architectural Drawing. Practical Geometry, jNlachine Drawing. Mechanics. Topographical Drawing. Besides 10 instructors in the Real or Preparatory School, there are 12 professors and adjuncts, in addition to the Director, in the Technische Lehr- anstalt. The whole number of students in attendance in 1847 was 1600. The yearly appropriation to the support of the institution is Fl. 28,759, or 111,300. The tuition fees are Fl 18, or $7.20 per annum.f Bavaria. It has been already mentioned, when speaking of the lower Technical or Trade Schools of Germany, that there are twenty-six of these schools in Bavaria alone. These schools have courses of three years each — receiv- ing pupils from the age of twelve to fifteen years — of a character to adapt them admirably well to discharge the functions of preparatorv scliools for the higher technical institutions. Of these, there are three "Polytechnic Schools " at Munich, Augsburg, and Nurnborg ; two " Commercial Schools" at Furt and Nurnberg ; and a "Building School "| at Munich. The " PoLYTECHNisci-iE ScHULE zu MiiNCHEN " [^Polytechnic School at Munich^ — the oldest of these — was estabhshed in 1827, for the education of Technists, and for the scientific preparation of those destined to the ^Technical Institution of the Bohemian Nobles. fDr. Schodlcr, — " Die hohereji technischen Schnlen." \Baic&chale ; a school for the technical instruction of builders, — cnrpentovs, ma- sons, decorators, etc. — in drawing, modolliug, embossing, use of materials, etc. — This school is said to b« a model of its kind. 22 Civil Offices of the State. In its organization it comprises a Preparatory School [Kreislandwirtschafts-und Gewerljschule*] and the Polytechnic School proper, both located in tlie same building. The following pro- gramme presents the course of study of this institution . POLYTECHNISCHE SCHULE ZU MUNCHEN. ^ I. Kreislandwirthschafts-uxd Gewerbschule. l^Course three years.']^ Keligion. Descriptive Geometiy. Trade-knowledge, f History. Trigonometry. Agriculture. Geography. Chemistry. Drawing. German Language. Natural History. Embossing. Book-keeping. Physics. Modelling. Algebra. Mechanics, II. POI.YTECHNISCHE ScHULE. [ Course four years.^ Analysis — Theory of Equations and Analytical Chemistry. Functions ; Series ; x\.nal3'tical Constructions — Roads, Bridges and Polygonometry ; Plane and Water-works. Spherical Trigonometry ; Ana- Geodesy and Topographical Drawing. lytical Geometry. Arcliitectural DraAving. Physics. Descriptive Geometry. Machines and Machine Drawing. Analytical Mechanics. Differential and Integral Calculus. General Chemistry. Materials used in Construction. Designs for Constructions. Applied Mechanics. Stone-cutting. The ''Polytechnische Schule zu Augsburg" [^Polytechnic School at Augshurg] was established by Royal Ordinance in 1833. It has for its objects the conveying of scientific and technical instruction on the followin"- subjects ::|: 1. Mining, Metaliurgic and Salt 3. Roads and Hydraulic Works. Operations. 4. Higher Forestry. 2. Civil Architecture 6. Plastic Arts. In its organization it comprises a Preparatory School [Kreisgewerb- schule §] and the Polytechnic School proper, l)oth in the same Iniildino-. Witliout, however, giving further details, it may be remarked that the courses of study of the Polytechnic Schools at Augsljurg and Nurnbero- are substantially the same, both being somewhat inferior in these as in other respects to tlie School at Munich. According to Prof I'layfairJ the * Local Farming and Trade School. f Gewerhlehre. \ Dr. SchoiUcr, — ''Die hiiheren technischen Schulcn nach ihrer Idee und Bedeutung. § Local Trade School. Y' Industrial Instruction 07i the Continent." 23 sjoecialties of these Schools, or the excellences which they respectively exhibit, are, Architecture and Civil Engineering at Munich, Machinery at Augsburg, and Teclmical Chemistry at Nurnberg. These Schools are mainly supported by Government, which appropriates 39,000 florins [|1 6,250] yearly, in addition to which a small tuition fee is charged. The buildings of the Polytechnic Schools are described as being very ample; while some of the scientific collections, particularly at Munich, are said to be of a high order of excellence. In the Munich Polyteclmic School there are 15 professors and 344 stu- dents; there are also 205 students in t]ie Preparatory School. In 1852, there were in the three Polyteclmic Schools 34 professors and assistants, and 481 students in attendance. The excellence of the Architecture and Engineering of Bavaria is well known to intelhgent observers, and is directly traceable to the influence of the admirable Polytechnic Institutions, established and largely sustained by the enhghtened liberality of the Eoyal Government of that State. Saxony. The system of scientific and technical education of the kingdom of Sax-^ ony, has a similarly elevated rank to that which has long been accorded to its humanistic or literary counterpart. In both. Saxony takes its place among the first of the German States. The lower Technical Schools, of which there are three, located respectively at Chemnitz, Plauen, and Zittau, are of a high grade of excellence. Of these, the one at Chem- nitz is quite a remarkable specimen of its class, and seems to warrant something more than a passing notice. The "KoNiGLiCHE Gewerb-und Baugewerkenschule zu Chem- nitz" [Royal Trade and Building ScJiool at Chemnitz] comprises two schools — a Trade and Building School. The following progranmie gives the course of study for each school. KONIGLICHE GEWERB-UND B AUGE WERKENSCHULE ZU CHEMNITZ. I. — Gewerrschule. [ Course four years.] General Arithmetic. General Chennistry. Geometry. Natural Ilistoi-y. Plain and Spherical Trigonometry. Chemical Manipulation. Theory of the Higher Equations. Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Geometry. Mineralogy and Geology, Commercial Arithmetic^ Descriptive Geometry. Physics. Perspective^ 24 Geometrical Dra^^ing. Agricultural Economy. Arcliitectural Drawing. Cattlc-Breeding. Machine Drawing. Plant Culture. Surveying and Plan Drawing. Stady of Soils and Fertilizers. Free-hand Drawing. Technical Chemistry. Mechanics and Machinery. Commercial Book-Keeping. Culture of Field Stock. Spinning Machines. Science of Construction. Fabric and Pattern-drawing. Mechanical Technology. Embossing in Clay and Wax. Agric\iltural Machinery. German Language. Agricultural Architecture. Geogrsiphy and History. Agricultural Chemistry. French Language, Agricultural Excursions. Englisli Lariguage. II. BArGE^,YEEKEXSCHULE. \_Coiirse two years.~\ Arithmetic. General Architecture. Geometry. Architectural Drawing. Geometrical Projections. Free-hand Drawing. German Language. Ornamental Drawing. Mechanical Physics. Modelling in claj' and wood. Special ilasonry and Carpentry of P. oa d, Perspective. Bridge, ynd Hydraulic Constructions* Embossmg of Ornaments, (fee, in clay. There were in the Chemnitz School in 1853, 16 professors and assist- ants. Students in the Trade School, 192. " " Special Drawing Class, 63. " " Building School 59. Total, 304. The instruction in this School commences with the elements of the subject taught ; and, in factj the aim appears to be to carrj^ this instruc- tion no farther than to secure a good theoretical and practical knowledge of the elements of the various subjects embraced in this somewhat extensive programme. If we may judge from the character of the courses of studv here presented and of the modes in whicli they are said to be carried out in these schools,'^ there can be no doubt of their capability of furnishing- an admirable training for agriculturists, artisans, builders, etc., as also of their peculiar excellence as training or preparatory schools for the higher Technical Institutions. There are two Higher Technical Schools in Saxony ; one the " Konig- LiciiE PoLYTECHNiscHE Schule" [Royal Polytechnic SchooT\ at. Dresden; the other the " Konigl. SyEcnisciiE Bergakademie" [Royal Saxon Mining Academy'] at Freiberg, * Director SciiNiiDKUMAXN, — " Kachrichtcji iiber die Kdnigl. Gewerb-nnd Bauge- wcrkc7ischule." — Leipzig, — 1853. 25 The former of these Schools Avas estabhshed at the capital of the kiug- Joni of Saxony, more than twenty years ago, under the name originally of the " Technische Bildmigsanstalt zu Dresden " — [^Technical Institution at Dresden^. It was recently reorganized, when it took its present name. Besides the Polyteclmic School there is a ''Konigl. Baugewerkenschule" [^Roycd Building ScliooT\ under the same general organization. The Poly- technic School comprises a ''Lower" and an "Upper Section.'' The fol- lowing programmes exhibit the respective com-ses of study, of these two schools. KOXIGLICHE POLYTECHXISCHE SCHULE. Stereometry. Trigouometry. Algebra. Mechanics. Xatural Histoiy, Theoretical Chemistry. Experimental Physics. Practical Geometry. Descriptive Geometry. Anal V tical Geometry. Mineralogy. Architectural Drawing. Ai'chitectural Science. T. — Lower Segtiox. [^Course three years?^ Logic. French Language. German Composition. Machines. Perspective. Machine Drawing. Plan Drawing. Modelling in "Wood. Field Surveying. Technology. Chemical Manipulation. Technical Chemistry. Ornamental Drawing. German Composition. Logic. Xational Economy. Popular Jurisprudence. English Language. Book-keeping. Higher Analvsis. Higher Physics. Astronomy. Geology. Mill Machinery. Motive Powers. IL — L'ppER Section. \_Course two years.'^ Constructions. Designs for Machines. Higher Geodesy. Higher Mechanics. Technology. Roads and Railway's. Hydraulic Engineering. Practical Surveying. Topograj^liical Drawing. Designs for Buildings. Technical Chemistry. Geological Excursions. Arithmetic. Mechanics. KONIGLICHE BaUGEWERKEXSCHULE. \_Course three yeais.'] Building and Carpentry. Architectural Drawing. 26 Geometry. Buildini!: Economy. German Composition. Ornamental Drawing. Industrial Physics. Designs and Estimates. Perspective. Architectural Science. It will l3e observed that a dilterent princi})le of suljordinatioii is recog- nized by the managers of the Dresden Polytechnic School to that whicli obtains in tlie German Schools previously considered. The Under Section in itself presents a general Scientific and 'I'echnical Course of instruc- tion. The differences between the course of this and that of the U}iper Section, are partly, in the addition of certain scientific and technical sub- jects to the latter, and in part, in the development and specializing of subjects taught in the Under Section. The Course of the Under Section is, indeed, very well adapted to the wants of those who might wish to pursue a general course of scientific education, without reference to the wants of those professions for which the Course of the Upper Section is more especially designed. Such, in fact, appears to be iti part the use made of the Under Section in this Polytechnic establishment ; — it serves as a preparatory department to the Upper Section for those who are to be Engineers, Machinists, and Chemists, and it supplies a finishing course for those who wish, a mere accomplishment in the less severe and less techni- cal studies of theoretical and practical science. In 1853, there were in the Polytechnic School. 22 professors and assist- ants ; also, Students in Under Section, 162. Students in Upper Section, 4H. Students in Special Drawing and Modelling, 18. Students in Building School, 8G. Total 309.* The annual revenue of the Dresden establishment is onlv about $r2, 000 of which from $8000 to $9000 are appropriated by the Government, and the balance comes from a small tuition charge of about $23, annuallv.j- In addition to the Polytechnic School of Dresden, Saxony contains the most celebrated School of Mines in the world. The Royal Saxon Mininq Academy of Freiberg, is not only the oldest, — having been established in 1765 — but pre-eminently the first institution of its kind, in experience and other resources, for the accomplishment of its objects. In its organization, the Mining Academy comprises a General or Pre- paratory School, and the two specialties of Mining and Metallurgic Schools. The following programme exhibits the courses of studv at this institution. * Director IliiLSE, — " Nachrichten iiber die Konigl. polytcchnische Schule und Kd- nif/l. BiUKjcwcrkenschule" — Dresden, — 1853. f Prof. Playfair, — "Industrial Education, etc.'' KONIGLICHE SACHSISCHE BERGAKADEMIE. l^Coiirse four Jjears.'] G E ^'' E R A L Course. Mathematics — Elementary, Higher and Mineralogy — Systematic and Practical. Practical. ' " Geology— Systematic and Practical. Mechanics— Theoretical and Practical. Civil Ai-ehi'tecturte and Engineering Machines— Mining and Metallurgic. Constructions. Chemistry — Theoretical, Analj-tical, Mining Jurisprudence and Correspond- aud Practical. ence. Physics — General and Applied. German Composition, Descriptive Geometry, including Shades French Language. Shadows and Perspective. General Metallurg}^ Drawing — General and Topographical, The Art of Mining. extended to Mining Implements, Crystallography. Mining and Metallurgic Machines Land Surveying and Mapping. and Constructions. Special Courses. I^or ^Liners. Mine Surveying and Mapping. Keeping of Books, Registers, ointed in 1774 — and re- mained as its most celebrated teacher until his death in 1817. His cabinet — the "Wernerian Museum — is one of the valuable scientitic collections possessed by this institution. 29 Pare Mathematics. Geometry. Tritro aoraetr J. Descriptive Greometrr. Analytical Geometry. Physics. Technical Chemistry in general. Free-hand Drawing. Calligraphy. Modelling. SPECIAL SCHOOLS.* I. — ExGixEERixG- School. [^Course three years.^ Ethics. English Language. Jurisprudence. Practical Surveying. Higher Geodesy. Topographical Drawing. Designs and Estimates for Works. Landscape Drawing, Higher Analysis, Higher Mechanics. Roads and Hydraulic "Works. Machinery. Architectural Drawing and Modelling. Higher Architecture. A.KCHITECTURAL SCHOOL. \_Course four years. ^ German Literature and Style. Ethics and J^sthetics. Areli-e oiogv of Art. Hiirher Architecture ; History ; Styles. Jurisprudence \^Popular€ Bechtslehre.] Trigonometry, Spherical and Analyti- cal Geometry. Differential and integral Calculus. Mechanics and Hydraulics. Descriptive Geometry. Theory of Macliines, Designs for Buildings, — ^Estimates. Techni?al Architecture. Construction of Roads and Hydraulic Works- Mineralogy and Chemistry. Building and Ornamental Drawing. Drawintc of Constructions. Figure Drawing. Aerial Perspective. General Modelling. Modelling OrnamentaL III. — HiGHEPw Technical School. \_Course two years.~\ Foe Technical Chemists. General Chemistry. Analytical Chemistry. Practical Geometry. Ethics. Chemical Manipulation. English Language. French Languafje. Botany and Zoology. General Drawing. Technical Chemistry. Popular Mechanics. Common Roads. History. Mineralogy. Geology. Book-keeping. Commercial Law. Mechanics of Transport; For Mechanists and Technologists. Theory of Machines. Construction of Machines. Physics. Higher Analysis. Hiirher Mechanics. Technology. Technical Chemistry. Enirlish Lancruaire. Roads, Bridges, and Hj-draulic Works^ French Languaffe. * '* Fachschulcn. Practical Mathematics. Technical Chemistry. Botany. Practical Geometry. National Economy. Forest^Trees. Forest Laws and Police. Wood Taxation. Commercial Law. Book-keepina". History of Commerce. 6-erman Composition. French Language. English Language. Arithmetic. Geography. Religion. French Language. French Commerce. National Econom}^ Englisli Language. Calligraphy. Ethics. 30 IV. — Forest School, [^Course two years.! Mineralogy. Geolog}^'" Meteorology. Road Making. Agricultural Chemistry. Forest Economy. Forest Rights and Sports. Preservation of Forests. . — Commercial School. For Commerce. '[Course one year.'\ Commercial Correspondence. Commercial Arithmetic. Commercial Products. Commercial Geography. Calligraphy^ Drawing. For Postal Service. [Course two years,'] Popiilar Mechanics. Physics. General Historj'. German Composition. Political Arithmetic. Jurisprudence. Mechanics of Transport. Commercial Contracts. ^Esthetics. Students may enter tlie lowest class of the General School or Mathe- matical Classes at hfteen years of age, with a certain required preparation. It should l)e observed, however, that the General School more appropri- ately precedes the courses of the Special Schools of Engineers, Architects, and Technists. The other Special Schools require a much lower standard of preparation, than tliat obtainable during tlie three years course of the General School.'* In 1852-3, there were 41 professors and teachers attached to this institution, with an attendance of 330 students, of whom 112 were foreign- ers, — 72 from other German States, and 40 from other European nations. Tlie Government grant to the Polytechnic School of Carlsruhe is only 32,000 florins per annum, — about $14,000, — while the expenses of the School amount to 50,000 florins — about |21,000. To meet this deficiency a small charge is made to each student, — 133,00 per annum. * "Dnx hiihnre und niedere Studien- Wfsen im Groasherzocjth^ime Badtn,^'' — JConstan;:, — 1846. Also, Dr. Schodler, — "Die Iwheren technischen Schulen etc." 31 Of the results of this mstitution. it is said that the formal certificates of the Special Schools are held in the highest estimation, and command imme- diate employment to their possessors.* In addition to the institutions already noticed, there are excellent estab- lishments of the same class, in Hanover, f TVirtemberg, Hesse-Cassel, Hesse-Darmstadt, Bruns^-ick.;j; and possibly in other parts of Germany, of which the writer possesses no information.g Our limits, however, do not permit further citations of this kind ; and, indeed, our present objects will be satisfied, we trust, with the introduction of the examples already given. Thev have been chosen, partly on account of their prominence in tliis class of institutions, and in part, for their well marked peculiarities ; for although all aiming at the same general objects, — frequently, at objects precisely the same, — yet, they differ much in organization, in methods, and ill the general spirit which animates their administration. In the sketches which have here been given, the aim has been to pre- sent certain classes of characteristics, in as concise a form as practicable, to the exclusion of much other matter that might be interesting to the immediate managers of this class of educational institutions, but which would be scarcely essential to our present inquiry. Of the featm-es thus brought under review, we have intended, especial!}', to include the age or dui-atiou of the institution, — the natm*e of its establishment, — objects, — organization, — courses of study, — number of instructors, — number of stu- dents, — endowments, — tuition expenses, — besides an occasional remark illustrative of its characteristics or the results of its practical working. * Pro! Play fair, — "Industrial Ijittruction." f Director Karmarsch, — "Die hiihere technische Schnle zu Hanooer" — Hanover, — 1844; — Also by the same, ''Die polytechniache Schnle zu Hanover, — Hanover, — 1848. \ Prof. Schodler, — Die hoheren technischen Schulen, etc." § In Belcrium, Denmark, and several other Continental States, there are provisions of greater or less extent for scientific combined with technical instruction. In Great Britain, there were no institutions for this kind of instruction, — with the exception of two or three schools of Civil Engineering, — prior to the advent of the London Industrial Exhibition of 1851. Since then, the Government has not only established a School of Alining Encrineers, but has been building up a svstem of schools of General and Technical Design all over the Kinijdoni. 32 THE TRUE IDEA OF A POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. We shall now seek to realize the more prominent ol)ject, originally pro- posed, for bringing together the preceding notices of the principal Scientific and Technical Institutions of the Continent of Europe, — which was, to illustrate the true idea of the Polytechnic Institute, by a direct appeal to its own most characteristic features, as displayed in a series of institutions presenting all the usual varieties of the class. Tlie features most appro- priate to this purpose are those Avhicli will best illustrate the Objects, Curriculum, and Methods of the Polytechnic Institute, — characters which may be obtained by simple inductions based on the data supplied by the foregoing sketches. Objects. By a comparison of the different institutions emljraced in our survey, it will be seen that their general objects may be properl}- stated to eml)race the educational training of the following classes of Scientific Technists. 1. ArxiiiTECTS.* 4. Mkchaxists. § 2. Civil Engineers.! 5. Tkciinologists. |j 3. Mining Engineers.;}: 6. Technical Chemists. ■[ * Whose duties connect them with the preparation of Designs and Superintend- ence of the Construction of Edijkes, public and private. ■)• Having charge of the following specialties : Designs and Constructions of, — Com- tnon Roads; Raihoays ; Bridges; Tunnels; Canals; Docks; River and Harbor Lnprovenients ; Lighthouses ; the Supply and Distribution of Water for Towns, Sanitary, Agrltultural, and Alanufacturing purposes. ■\. Under Mining Engineering is usually included the two important specialties of Mining and Metallurgy, — embracing all that relates to the Siu'veying, 0])ening, and Working of Mines, and the Smelting of Ores, Reduction of Metals, Assaying, "etc. ^Oy Higher Machinists ; also sometimes called Mechanical Engineers in Great Britain and the United States. Their professional functions embrace the Designing for, and Superintending of the Construction of the Steam Engine, Hydraulic, and other Machine Motors, as also heavy and complicated Machinery in general. II Whose functions embrace those professional duties incident to the Establishment and Superintendence of Works for the Higher Manufactures and Physical Arts; Buch, for example, as Pottei-ies, Porcelain and Glass Works ; Manufactories of the various Tc.vtilc Fabi-ics, Printed Fabrics, Ornamental Metal Work, etc. ^ These include two classes, namely; first, those engaged in Chemical Manufac- tures, for example, in the production of Acids, Salts, Pigments, Coloring Substances, Oils, Fats, Ilesins, Sugars, etc., — Preparation of Fuels, Illuminating Gases, Pharma- ceutical Substances, etc. ; secondly, those engaged in Manufactures dependent on Chemistry, — such as Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing on Textile Fabrics, etc. 33 In this generalization ^ve have omitted all recognition of Schools of Forestry, Agriculture, and Conunerce, because neither occurs in more than one or two instances in the whole number of institutions noticed. Besides, a School of Forestry, as here represented, is naturally limited to the wants of a few countries ; wliile a School of Agriculture, wath its peculiar requirements in respect to educational appliances would, in the majority of cases, as a mjitter of expediency, have a distinct organization.* There is, however, no reason why a Commercial School with elevated aims should not form one of the schools of a Polylechnic Institution. The rela- tions between the pursuits of commerce and tlie various operations and results of constructive, productive, and manufacturing industry, are certainly such as to make the facilities possessed by a Polytechnic Institute peculiarly well adapted to the development of the most useful kind of commercial education. The course of the Commercial Section in the Polytechnic School of Carlsruhe is, in this connection, eminently suggestive. Thp: Cuericulum. AVe may conveniently divide the system of instruction of a Polj'technic Institution into three parts ; — hrst, the Preparatory Course^ embracing aR those studies necessary to matriculation in the institution ; secondly, the General Course^ constituting the foundation in general science and litera- ture, on which, as a common basis, are erected the subsecpient courses ; and thirdly, the Technical Courses^ which include all those special teachings, more or less peculiar to the objects of the institution. The scholastic requirements for matriculation differ considerably among the institutions which have come under our notice; some, as in the case of the Polytechnic School at Paris and the Technical Institute at Berlin, have requirements, particularly the former, of an extremely elevated grade ; while others, which embrace the majority of cases, prescribe a certain measure of preliminary training which experience has foimd to be both necessary and practicable. The following programme presents the course of preparatory studies generally required for matriculation in the Polytech- nic Institutions of the Continent of Europe. * A considerable proj)ortiou of the subjects of study at the Schools of Forestry on the Continent of J-^urope, is manifestly such as should form a part of the general course of study in every completely organized Agricultural Institution, Avherever established. The finest Agricultural School in Europe, is the " Konigl. Lchranstalt fiir Land u. Forstwi!lliscli:it"t" — Roxjal Im^tltution for Agriculture ayid Forcfifri/ — at Hohenheim, in the kingdoui of Wurtcmberg, in which these closely allied courses of tj-aiiiing are brought under a single orgaui/ation. 5 34 PREPARATORY COT'RSE. jMathematics. — Arithmetic ; Elementaiy xMgebra ; Geometry ; Elements of Trig- onometiy. Experimental Scien'ce, — Elements of Physics and Cliemistry. Descriptive Science. — Geography; Political History ; Natural History. Literaturi'. — The vernacular Language, — including Grammar and, to a certain extent, Style in Composition. Grapuic Arts. — Writing ; Drawing — to a greater or less extent. The course here given, while more extended in physical science than that prescribed at the Ecole Centrale, is very far inferior to that required at the Ecole Polytechnique in mathematical science.* It more nearly represents the matriculation requirements of the German Institutions. But it will be observed that the latter frequently unite in the same general organization a Preparatory School, located in the same or separate build- ings ; and in such cases, the studies included in the preparatory courses are even more extended — at least in variety of sul)jects;f inflict, they present specimens of means Avell adapted to secure an effective disciplinary training preparatory to matriculation, — a desideratum of the utmost importance, in view of the fact that the subsequent courses of a Polytechnic Institute are of a nature to tax more or less completely the intellectual powers of any student.;^ As respects age, it is observable that students are rarely matricu- lated before sixteen ; while, in general, they are from seventeen to nine- teen years of asre, — sometimes older than the latter limit, — before enter ^sa^') l^g upon the regular course of a Polytechnic Institntion. GENERAL COURSE. Mathematics. — Social Arithmetic; Higher Algebra; Analytical Trigonometry; Analytical Geometry ; Differential and Integral Calculus. Natural History and Geology. — Botany: Zoology; Mineralogy; Geology; Physical Geography. PuYSics and Mechanics. — General Physics ; Theoretical and Practical Mechanics. Chemistry. — Tlieoretical and Practical Chemistry. Literature. — Composition and Criticism in the vernacular language ; Modern Languages. * The knowledge required for admission to the Ecole Polytechniecialties destined to follow — that is, of all the technical courses. Ill respect to the General Course, it will be observed that the subjects included in our list, are common to almost every institution brought imder our cognizance. The subjects thus named, although somewhat variable as regards extent of individual development in different institutions, may be considered to represent the fundamental scientific and literary culture^ * The organizations of the Berlin and Carlsruhe Institutions approximate to this condition, but are not strictly in accordance with it. Perhaps the closest approach is seen in the rebitious between the Polytechnic and Special Government Schools of France, — where the former becomes the General School in re^j>ect to all of the graduates who finish their educational courses in the Special Schools. 36 which experience has sugi^ested to be appropriate to the objects of this class of educational institutions."^^' It would he equall}', nay more, diihcult to generalize tlie distinctions observed in some of these institutions in respect to individual technical courses. Not intrinsically ; but in having due reference to the facl.-^ as actually presented in the several ca,ses. These are, first, in the absence, as already remarked, of the distinction of any really general or finida- mental course ; and secondly, in the diversity exhibited in the special courses. In certain cases, without doubt, this diversity has arisen in somewhat different local Avants ; in others it would l)e difficult of explana- tion exce]')t on grounds of inerely arbitrary or at best temporary expedi- ency. We hav(^ therefore been content to g(;neralizp tlie studies of the Technical Courses, as a whole, in accordance with the objects already stated, deeming this to be sufficient for our present purpose. Methods. That which has been akeady presented und(^r the twcj preceding heads, is perhaps suggestive of all that need l)e said under the present one. We. will merely add a single ol)servation. It should be noticed thai, in connection with the large amount of teclmical study which enters into the Curriculum of a Polytechnic Institute, there is associated the feature of neaidy continuous daily practice in some kind (>f j 'usifons disci- pline — discipline of the senses. Each student undergoes an almost dailv drill in a class of exercises which, besides tending to secure a In'gli degree of muscular training, in all that Ijelongs to facility and precision of manipu- lation, are of a nature, by their direct appeal to the senses, to contribute to a largely increased couimand of sensuous power, — in quickness and accuracv of sight, — in delicacy of touch, etc.. For example, in descriptive science, — botany, zoology, mineralogy, geology, etc, — we have ]iractice in the study and direct examination of hand specimens of minerals, plants, and animals, with excursions to localities; in experimental science, physical and chemical manipulations in the laboratory; in the geodetic arts, the use of instruments in the actual conduct of astronomical, trigonometrical, and topograj)hical observations of practical data ; in the graj)hic arts, practice to a large extent in free, topographical, and geometrical drawiuir; in the plai^tic arts, modelling in clay, plaster, and wood, and stone-cutting, etc. Moreover, this peculiar discipline is carried out so extendedly in each of * We liave omitted to include Religion in the ironeral course, first, because it occurs in only two or three instances; and secondly, in view of the more than doiiblful e.\pexiEyT AXD Modern' Laxguage*. — Latin Lansruage ; Greek Lan^uasre ; French Lartfuage ; German Language. 4. Mathematics. — Arithmetic ; Eleraentcry Algebra ; Elements of Synthetic Geometry. 5. Descriptive Shiiexce. — Geography; Elements of — Political and Physical ; Po- litical History ; Xatural History ; — Elements of, — Plants. — ^Animals, — Minerals ; Elements of Human Physiology and Hygiene. 6. ExPERiMEXTAL SciExcE. — Physics, — ^Study of selected subjects; Chemistry, — Study of selected subjects. 7. Vocal Arts. — Voice Culture; Elocution; Reading and Declamation ; Vocal Music. 3. Graphic Arts. — "Writing; Dra\ring from Geographical Maps; Free Drawing from Patterns in the Fiat and Models; Geometrical Drawing. 9. Gymnastic Art^. — General Gymnastics. SPECIAL CLASS. [Course one year.'\ MATHEMATICAL SECTION. 1. English Laxgcage. — ^English Composition; — Practical Exercises; Taking notes and writinsT out of Lectures; Grammatical and Rhetorical Criticism. 2. Fbexch Laxguage. 3. Mathematics. — Higher Arithmetic ; Algebra; Synthetic Geometry ; Elementa- ry Trigonometry ; Logarithmic Arithmetic. 4- Expebimextal Physics. — Molecular and Gravitative Forces : Elements of Ther- motics. 5. Natural History. — ElemeuLS of Botany, Zoology, and Mineralogy. 6. Vocal Arts. — Practical Elocution. 7. Gp.aphic Arts — Calligraphy; Free Drawing, — from the Flat and the Round ; Geometrical Drawing, — Geometrical Problems. 3. Gyj£Xastic Arts. CLASSICAL SECTION.^ 1. Exglish Laxguage. — ^English Composition; — ^Practical Exercises ; Grammatical and Rhetorical Criticism. 2, Classical Languages. — Latin Language ; Greek Language. 8. Mathematics. — Higher Arithmetic ; Algebra. 4. Geography. — Ancient and Modem. 5. Vocal Arts. — Practical Elocution. 6. Graphic Arts. — Calligraphy ; Free Drawing, — from the Flat and the Round. 7. Gy MX A STIC Arts. * The Classical Section is supposed to have f<5r its immediate object the prepara- tion of its membei^ for the Freshman Class of a Classical College, and the course is constructed in accordance with such an object, — being a continuation mainly of the cljtssical course of tho General Classes. 42 The Training School, as its name suggests, is designed to present a system of disciphnary training essentially preparatory to a future course in the Polytechnic Institute. Its system of instruction is, however, intended to be such as to adapt it to fulfill equally well the functions of a Training School for the preparation of those destined to any of the Classical Colleges, without in any wise impairing its capacities for useful* ness in respect to its primary objects. The three ''General Classes," — Lower, ]\[iddle, and Upper, — liave a systematic coiu'se of three years. This course, — which is the same for all, whether preparing for the Institute or a Classical College, — is constructed with a view of securing a Aveli l>alanced and effective training in physical, intellectual, and moral disci- pline, as also an amount of positive knowledge appropriate to the general objects of the School. The "Special Class" includes two Sections, — a Mathematical and Classical. The course is ai-ranged for one year, and in logical succession is intended to follow the course of the General Classes. "While, therefore, the latter course is designed to be a common basis in literary^ scientifiCj and art culture, the former is intended to realize certain special extensions of the Mathematics and Classical Languages. The course for each class of students resorting to this School — Mathematical and Classical — will thus be four years in duration. For admission to the "Lower Class" of the Training School an age of at least twelve years is required- and a certain preparation in Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Younger pupils are received into the " Elementary Class " from ten to twelve years of age, in which they receive a preparation for entering the Lower Class. Admission into any of the Classes, — the Lower to the Special, inclusive, — is permitted in all cases where the applicant is properly qualified in age and scholastic attainments. The course for matriculation in the Institute is indicated in the pro- gramme of the Mathematical Section of the Special Class. Students who are at least sixteen years of age and otherwise properly prepared, are admitted to the Special Class, Avithout the necessity of going through the previous course of the General Classes, and are thus enabled to complete their preparation for entering the lowest class — Division C — of the Insti* tute, within the scholastic yeat. The Institute Curriculum is seen in the following programme of the courses of the General and Technical Schools. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. [ Course three ymrs,^ GENERAL SCHOOL. 1. Mathematics — lliirher Alsrebva ; Analytical Trisronometry ; Analytical Geome* ti-r T)ift"^Tont.ial nnd Intocrral Calculns. 43 2. Mkchanics. — Rational [Pure] Mechanics of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. 3. Physics. — Magnetism and Electricity ; Acoustics and Optics. 4. Ceiemistry. — General Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Bodies ; Practical Chemistry, — Manipulations. 5. Natural History. — Botany; Zoology. 6. Geology. — Mineralogy; Geology. 7. Cosmography. — General Cosmography ; Physical Geography. 8. Literature. — English Composition, Elocution, and Criticism; French Lan- guage ; German Language, 9. Philosophy.* — Intellectual Philosophy Ethics; Esthetics; History of Phi- Practical Trigonometry ; Topographical losophy. 10. Geodetic Arts. — Line Surveying: Surveying ; Hydrographical Surveying. IL Graphic Arts. — Descriptive Geometry, — General Problems,— Shades, Shad- •ows, and Linear Perspective ; Geometrical Drawing ; Topographical Drawing ; Free Drawing.* 12. Plastic xVrts."* — Modelling in Clay and Plaster. 13. Gymnastic Arts.* — General Gymnastics; Fencing and Sword Exercise. TECHJS'ICAL SCHOOLS. GENERAL STUDIES. Practical Mechanics. Construction Drawing. Machine Drawing. Topographical Drawing. Engineering Geodesy. Metrical Arithmetic. Practical Geology. Practical Mineralogy. Architectural Design.* Free Drawing and Modelling.* vEsthetics of Constructive and Orna- mental Art.* Graphics of Carpentry and Stone Cutting. Industrial Physics. General Constructions. Theory of Machines. Transformations of Motion. Prime Movers. Construction of Machines Jurisprudence.* History of Architecture.* Landscape Gardening.* Ornamental DraAviug.* SPECIAL STUDIES. I. — School of Civil Architects.* Construction of Public and Private Edifices. Architectural Decoration. Modelling of ^Architectural Construc- tions. Architectural Drawing. Lighting, Heating, and Warming Buildings. Designs and Estimates for Architec- tural Constructions. II. — School of Civil Engineers. Special Constructions ; — Hydraulic Works ; Bridges ; Tunnels ; Common Roads and Railways. Road and Railway Traction ; — Forces, — Machines. Railway Economy. Modelling of Engineering Structures.* Practical Astronomy. Higher Geodesy. Road and Railway Surveying and Mensuration. Road and Railway Plans and Sections. Designs and Estimates for Engineering Constructions. * Subjects and courses which are not, as yet, actually introduced into the working exercises of the Institute Curi-iculum. 44 111. — SCHOOL OK Mining Enginkkks.* Mine Surveying. Analytical Chemistiy, Mine Drawing and Modelling. l^ractical Assaying. Llining Geology. General Metallni-gy. Mining Machinery. Special Metallurgy of Iron. Mine Working. Construction of Smelting Works, Mining Economy. Designs and Estimates. Observations ox the Institute CuKRicuiAwr. We have already given tJie Matiicnlatioii, General, and Teclmical Courses of our representative Curriculum of a European Polytechnic Insti- tution, in illustration of this very important feature of the true idea of .such an institution. It would naturally, therefore, be a matter of some interest and, indeed, of some importance to establish a comparison between the Institute Curriculum of the preceding pages and this t\pical one of its European cotemporaries, since it might tluis be possible to obtain an intelli- gent view of the excellences not less than the deficiencies of the Institute System as tested by sucli a standard. But a comparison of the educational systems of two or more in.stitu- tions is not likely to be a very satisfactory performance, il" the data consti- tuting the basis of the comparison consist only of mere programmes of tlie subjects studied; since, a collocation of titles however captivating for its completeness and symmetry, — as displayed 'ujxm pQpei\ — may be quite another thing as actually carried out in educational practice. Tlui extent to which the several subjects are respectively studied, — the 'manner in which they are studied, — the tone of the examination standards, which iiltimately decides all questions of qualification in the same studies, — are circumstances very essential to the formation of a satisfactory judgment in matters of this kind. It is not always practicable to obtain full information on these several points in respect to the European Institutions. Still, by means of official and other publications wdiich sometimes give the subjects in detail of the courses of study, and by the aid, occasionally, of mamials or treatises on certain subjects of the courses, prepared by professors in these institutions, we are enabled, in the majority of cases, to come to tolerablv satisfactory conclusions with respect to the extent, as well as to the efiiciency with which the courses are actually carried out. As regards the Institute, it is proper to remark, that the authorized published statements of its -4 7i?z^m/ Registers give not only its courses of study in sufficient detail to indicate wuth considerable definiteness the extent to which the different subjects are respectively developed, but they also contain explanations of the mode of study and of examination standards sufficiently full and ex[)licit, we believe, — with certain exceptions to be presently noticed, — to sfitisfy any 45 reasonable inquiries under this iiead. To these pubhcations we must refer for such details. Our limits will merely permit us to indicate in a brief running review, tlie more prominent resemblances and differences in order that we may be able to note those deficiencies which still exist in the practical carrying out of the Institute Curriculum. The General School. — Passing over the course required preparatory to Matriculation, and we come to the regular courses of the Institute which are included in the General and Technical Schools. The idea of the for- mer is that of a sj^stem of rjeneral disciplinary culture^ — scientific, literary, ])hilosophic, artistic, — prior to entrance upon the study of anj^ form of applied science or art. An aim in this School is to preserve the distinction between what is theoretical and general and that which is moTe or less practical and special. The course of the General School,, as will be seen^ is nearly identical with the '^General Course" of the typical Curriculum previously given. With the exception of certain subjects under Literature- and Philosophy, as also of Free Drawing and Modelling, the various? parts of this course have, within the past few years, received a -practical development, as regards extent and thoroughness af study which, it is l^elieved, will compare quite favorabdy Avith tliat generally acliieved at similar Eurojjean Institutions, with the exception cf the E'cole Pol}'tech- ' nique. Of the exceptions it may be remarked that, in respect to a part, — Literature and Philosophy, — provisions far regular instruction have been made, but the pressure of the more essential parts of the course, has hitherto prevented the realization of anything more than a partial — not proportional — development of these sulijects. Free Drawing and Modelling have lacked attention mainly for want of suitable rooms and collections. Indeed, while the general graphic course of the Institute has received a very satisfactory development in most respects, free draw- ing, properly so called, has had scarcely a beginning. There is no want of appreciation of the importance both of free drawing and modelling, and it is only hoped that it may be practicable at an early day to secure to both that attention which, with their place in the Institute System, they properly demand. And of Gymnastics it may be remarked that, with the absence of the requisites for a systematic and efficient conduct of this course, — a proper building and apparatus, — it has been deemed advisable to defer it to a more propitious time. The Techniccd Schools. — The Technical Schools embrace General and Special Studies, tlic former comprising those studies common to all mem- bers of the class, — the latter including certain extensions in the specialties of the several Professional Sections. The General Studies have already received a very good development, which is also true of the specialty of 46 Civil Engineering,— the latter including Topographical* and Mechanical En,a-ineering. But, althougli the foundation is well laid in the course of the General School and General Studies of the Technical Schools for the specialties of Architecture and Mining Engineering, still the special teachings under these respective heads yet remain to be brought into working action. As remarked in another place, the aim in carrying out the plans embraced in the reorganization of 1850, was to establish a foun- dation broad and deep of the educational system, and develop just so much of technical study as should be found practicable with the means at command. Of the Technical Courses generally, so far as actually carried out at the Institute, it is beheved that, Avith few exceptions, they will com- pare favorablv with those of the majority of similar European Institutions. The exceptions have reference in general to those subjects whose best elucidation demands those essential aids which are only to be had in exten- sive collections of models and other similar scientific and technical apparatus. As respects the general idea of the Institute System, we deem it proper to remark, and at the same time avoid unnecessary repetition, that the observations which were made in connection with the generalizations of a former part of this paper, represent the views as they also illustrate the spirit of the present Institute management in all that belongs either to the work actually being done, or to the hoped for consummation of plans of future development.! Plans of Future Development. Under this head we propose to indicate very briefly such improvements of, and additions to the educational system of the Institute as seem to be not only practicable and expedient, but urgently demanded by the best interests of the Institution, — which are identical with whatever is in the highest degree useful to those who may wish to avail themselves of its educational resources. There can be no question in the mind of ;ni intelligent observer, of the great and pressing need of educational facilities for the proper study of Mining Engineering, — including all that belongs to each of the specialties of Mining and Metallurgy. With a country of immense magnitude, and possessed of mineral resources, — so far as actually ascertained — to say * Experience has shown the practical inexpediency of making a specialty of To- pographical Engineerine:, distinct from that of Civil Engineering ; and, accordingly, tlio slight extension of studies appropriate to the former may be properly merged in the general course for Civil Engineers. f See pages 31—39. Also, ''Design of the Institute System'' — and ''Institute Statutes,"' — Anmud Register for 1355. nothing of what is unknown — as remarkable for variety in kind and generahty of distribution, as they are "astonishing for abundance, we have, as yet, not a single organized School of Mining Engineers in the United States, nor, indeed, upon the American Continent ! Either our people have found out the secret, hitherto and elsewhere undiscovered, of dispensing with the aids supplied by the resources of Science and of Technics constructed upon the basis of Science, or they have, while con- scious of their needs in these respects, been compelled to struggle on, and by their enterprise, activity, and other native resources, make up in this way as best they might for their acknowledged deficiencies in the other direction. Whether the former or the latter of these two alternatives be the more reasonable can scarcely be long a matter of doubt among per- sons of competent intelligence, if they will but glance at our previous ^iketches of the principal Technical Institutions of Europe, where it will be seen that instruction in Mining and Metallurgy constitutes a part of the programme of nearly every Polytechnic Institution, — observing that, in addition, there are numerous special Schools of Mines in England, France, and various parts of Germany, But so far as we are aware there is no doubt on this subject. The want of Avell educated Superintendents of Mines and Metallurgic Works has been too frequently indicated by those most immediately and deeply interested, to leave room for doubt either as to the urgency of the need of such institutions or of the appreciation which would be sure to greet their appropriate establishment. If, for the sake of illustration, we refer to the programme of the Roval Mining Academy of Saxony, it will be seen that the great body of the instruction as there presented, is such as enters into the general courses, theoretical and technical, of nearly all Polytechnic Institutions, — the special teachings^ which relate to the practical conduct of mining and metallurgic operations, alone, being in any respect, peculiar to the institution. Hence, in order to establish such a department at the Institute, one or two additional instructors entirely competent in the departments of Practical jSIining and Practical Metallurgy would, so far as additions to the corps of professors is concerned, be entirely sufficient. But in the utter absence of this kind of learning on our side of tlie Atlantic, Ave must be content to draw from the stores of European experience ; and, accordingly, the idea here alluded to of compdtncy of Instructors in these departments, must be understood to involve not only entire fomiliarity with the methods of instruc- tion in the best European Institutions, but a certain amount of successful experience in the actual conduct of mining and metallurgic operations in those countries. "With such an addition, — together with the concurrent ones of suitable buildings and of tiie necessarv scientific and technical collec- 4B tions, — the Institute would be able to put into Tery speedy action a train of educational means as well adapted to the achievement of useful results in Mining and Metallurgy, as has been already conceded to it in respect to its present specialty of Civil Engineering. A condition quite as anomalous exists in respect to Schools of Architec- ture. "While such Schools are to be found in association with the object of almost everv Polytechnic Institution on the Continent of Europe, tliere is not, so far a« the writer is aware, a single example of such a School in the United States. Surely if there be reason for the frequent occurrence of these Schools abroad there must be some reason for, at the least, a single one in the new world. Unless we much mistake the meaning of thos(^ indications which are daily multiplying around us. our people, with their growing appreciation of the beautiful and the truthful, will not long be satisfied with the continued iteration of the sorry results of mere empiricism in this important department of constructive art.* Taste long outraged, not less than endangered securities of life and limb, will unitedly cry out for something better, — more beautiful — more appropriate — more ti-uthful — more stable. There will, by and by, be vSchools of Architectural Art in this country, Why, then, with the eminent iitness of the association, — justified by congruity of teachings and objects, and confirmed by long usage in the institutions of the old World, — why should we not carry out the Institute designs in the establishment of a School of Architecture wor- thy of the name ? Similar remarks are applicable licre to those adduced when speaking of the provisions required for putting into action a School of Mining Engineers. Only in this case less costly means would be suffi- cient. With the foundation courses already established. — Avith the aid of the general courses in free drawing and modelling, which should be brought into action for general needs at the earliest possible day, — there would be required the services of scarcely more — in equivalency — than one full additional professor. But in this, as in the other case, there must be suitable buildings and collections, more or less costly, in order to the successful realization of such an addition to the Institute capacities for public service, AVe have long cherished the hope that a system of facilities might ulti- mately be built up within the Institute organization for the general cultiva- tion of the Arts of Design in connection with their various industrial applications. Institutions having sucli an object in view, although rarelv *0f course, we do not mean to intimate that there are none but empiricists in Arcliitectural Art in tl»is country. We are speaking of things too generally time to «)Oiiicd in our larger towns. Although these Schools have already achieved highly useful results in justification of the primary intentions of their kind- hearted founders and patrons, still, as Schools of Art, these institutions are, as yet, too limited and partial in scope, to be regarded as Schools of Design in the samw sense in which we speak of their European cotemporaries. 50 2. Foundry Work. — Designs for work in Cast Iron, — Stoves, Chimney Pieces Railings, Furniture, etc. ; Designs for work in Zinc and Bronze. 3. Metal Work. — Designs for work in Gold, Silver, Zinc, etc. — Electro-plated and Electro-gilded work ; Designs for work in Brass, Bronze, etc. — Lamps, Chan- deliers, Gas Fixtures, etc.; Designs for work in Wrought Iron, — Railings, Fenc- ing, etc. 4. Ceramic Arts and Glass Work. — Designs for Pottery and Porcelain, Teria Cotta, Tiling, etc. ; Designs for Glass work. 5. Textile Fabrics. — -Designs for Woven work, — Carpeting, Shawls, and figured stuffs, generally, in Wool, Silk, etc. 6. Surface Decoration. — Porcelain Painting; Designs for Floor Cloth, Paper Hanging, and Calico Printing ; Designs for Printing on Lace and Muslin Tissues, etc. Y. Architectural Work. — -Designs for Architectural Ornament, Ceiling and Mural Decoration, Furniture, Upholstery, etc. Tlie above, although by no means complete, will, perhaps, suggest an idea of the immense field of service thus provided for the legitimate exercise of the skill of the Industrial Designer. And is there any ques- tion of the importance of this kind of knowledge to the successful proS' ecution of the various Arts indicated in the preceding list ? Among intelligent manufacturers can there be many^ found who have failed to ap- preciate, sooner or later, their wants in this respect ? We believe not. And, if, by force of circumstances, there are manufacturers who have hitherto done without these aids, until they have come — in unconscious ignorance — to cast contempt upon the labors of Artists in their be- half, we believe that "Universal Exhibitions" are likelj'' to prove a sal' utary corrective. Great Britain, although in some cases availing herself largely of the labors of foreign Designers, and in certain others, with questionable propriety, ai^propriating rather than applying the Arts of Design, had done comparatively little for Schools of Design, prior to 1851 — the year of the London Exhibition. Her manufacturers had been sufficiently aware of the existence of Schools of Design on the Continent of Europe for years before ; they had frequently employed graduates of these schools in their own works ; they had quite too frequently not only appro- priated, but even maUappropriated, — a doubly grievous wrong, — in the absence of cultivated taste and skill, the designs of their continental neigh- bors, sometimes confounding all distniction between those for figure weaving, surface decoration, and ornament in relief; but they failed to perceive the utility of Schools of Design among theinselves until a more tangible argument came up, and this an appeal not so much to their appreciation of the beautiful, the appropriate, and the just, as to a more selfish interest : they were in danger of being supplanted by others, and these foreign- ers, in their own fields of industrial art. Such an argument was success- ful. Since 1851, these institutions have been so largely multiphed that there are now Schools of Design in every considerable town, in addition 51 to the metropolitan establishment at Marlborough House, which, with its princely collections, combines within itself the functions both of a Model School and a Training School of Teachers for the provincial schools.'* It has already been seen that instruction in Industrial Design enters into the system of almost every German Technical Institution, — higher and lower. Manifestly this is an appropriate association. For, in addition to Art culture, in drawing and modelling, the Industrial Artist should be acquainted, to a certain extent, with the principles of science and the processes of construction and fabrication ; since every design, worthily so- called, should exhibit that fullness of study, in respect to knowledge of adaptation, which can only proceed from a proper consideration of the ma- terial in which — the process by which — the use for which — it is to be ultimately wrought out. Hence we believe in the expediency of con- necting all special cultivation of the Arts of Design with Technical Institu- tions, in accordance with the German practice, rather than in leaving them, as in England, to be schools merely of drawing and modelling. Indeed, English experience has already begun to see the importance of associating instruction of a scientific and technical nature with their Schools of Ornamental Art.f As regards the means for carrjdng out such a system of Art culture at the Institute, it may be remarked that, when the general courses of free drawing and modelling shall have been brought into working action, in accordance with original intentions, the course of study for a School of Pure Art will become virtually established ; and there will remain for the complete development of the idea, the providing of instruction in Tech- nical Design or Ornamental Art, in connection vrith the necessary rooms, collections, etc. We have dwelt longer upon the last topic than may seem to be appro- priate to our present object. But we believe the specialty of instruction in Industrial Design to be not only of vast importance to manufacturing industry, but to be quite essential to the harmonious development of the Institute System, since the kind of culture here described should enter more or less into all parts of it. * Lectures on the Results of the Exhibition, — London, — 1851. — London Art Jour- nal, — vols, for 1851-2.' — Playfair, — " Industrial Instruction on the Continent^ We do not refer to Great Biitiun for an illustration of anything peculiar in this connection ; we need not travel many miles from this city, nor, indeed, far from any manufacturing centre in this country^ to find a state of things not very dissimilar to the kind of British experience above described. f London Art Journal, — vols, for 1852-4. 52 "\Ye lia\^e hitherto made no alhision to the study of Technolog}^* as a part of the Institute System. It is, however, proper to remark tliat, although the present Curricuhun contains no provision for the study of this specialty, yet the idea of introducing such a (lepartment int'.' tho system of instruction has been frequently entertained. The idea was in fact consid- ered at some length during the discussions attending the reorganization of 1850 ; it was, however, finally resolved that^ as a matter of present expe^ diency, it would be best to postpone for a time the actual introduction of these studies into the Institute System. More recently, the matter of Technological instruction was made the sul)ject of a formal recommendatioUj in the Report of a Committeef on certain proposed improvements of the Institute, — their language in reference to which being as follows : — " Of the utility of a School of Chemical Arts, it seems sufficient to allude to two significant facts ; first, that the various Chemical Works of this countty are almost invariably put in operation and managed by foreigners, who have received their education abi'oad ; secondly, that with a country of resoiu-ees confessedly large for carrjnng on these operations with pecuniary success, there are, nevertheless, no schools, as yet, established in the United States, which give the requisite scientific and practical training io ManufdCtufinri Ckemuts ; while it is certain that the provisions made at the Polytechnic or Industrial Schools of Fi-ance and German}-, for the study of the consti'uction and management of Chemical Works, constitute features in those institutions which are as conspicuous as they are practicalh' efficient for the object proposed. Your Committe, therefore, in view of the importance of establishing such a School of Chemical Arts, earnestly recommend not onl}' a full resident Professorship of General and Analytical Chemistry,:}: but also a Professorship of Chemical Technolo- gy, the appointment to the former to be immediately made, and to the latter as soon lis the requisite general provisions can be secured." The construction and management of Potteries, Porcelain and Glass "Works, — Bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing AVorks, — Gas Works, — Chem- ical Works, — etc., — are among the more prominent examples of the class of industrial operations, wliich an enlightened experience has generally committed to the professional direction of properly educated Technologists. Argument is unnecessary to sliow, that the most successful conduct of these enterprises can scarcely be expected, without a liberal supply, as well as an intelligent use, of the aids derived from a comprehensive system of scientific^ technical, and artistic education. Indeed, wherever this matter * We use the term — see notes page 32 — as comprehensive of both Technical Chem- istry and Technology^ usually so called, the distinction between which being difficult in some cases of a clear definition. The distinction of Chemical and Me- chanical Technology is recognized at certain European Institutions. f Dr. T. W. BLATCHFORn, Joseph M. Warrkn, and Joux A. Gkiswold,— owpom- ted by a public vieetincj of citizens of Troy, — January, 185-4. X At that time, the Professorship of General and Analytical Chemistry was tevipo- rarifjf vacant,-^\t has since been supplied. 53 is best understood, — as in France and Germany, — the course of educa- tional training for Technologists is nearly, and in some instances quite co-extensive with that for other classes of Technists. Although Ave are fully persuaded that, in the order of progress, the specialties already mentioned should receive the first attention of the Insti- tute management, we are> nevertheless, of the opinion that so soon as these can be brought into working action^ the specialty of Technology should receive the attention whicli it properly deserves. And this, whenever done, will present little practical difficulty ; since, as has been remarked of the specialties of Architecture and Mining Engineering, so it may be said of the one under consideration ; — the greater part of the studies appro- priate to the Technologist are already included in the Institute System ; and, accordingly, in order to make tliis specialty a part of the System, it would only be required to provide the necessary special teaching, rooms, and collections. In what has been already observed, under the head of Plans of Future Development^ we have noticed those technical specialties, which, as crown- ing features of the Institute, should receive its earliest and most persistent attention, until they shall have reached that fullness and symmetry of propor- tions which have been assigned to these subjects in the Institute System. It will, however, be remembered that, in our observations on the Institute Curriculum, we alluded to several subjects which had been not at all, or at most but partially, brought into working action. Literature, Philosophy, Jurisprudence, Free Drawing and Modelling, and Gymnastics, were men- tioned in this connection. Of Free Drawing and Modelling, nothing fur- ther need be said in addition to what has been already remarked under Schools of Design. Of Literature, we may remark that tlie study of Gcr^ man is at present crowded out of the course from the pressure of parts already in action ; while the study of English Composition is but partially developed. The latter, however, including the subjects of Literary Taste, Study of Words, Style, and History of Literature, is soon to be brought into full practical action as a part of the Course.* The department of Phi- losophy is in a similar state of non-development, partly on account of the pressure of other subjects more inmiediately important, and, partly, from the absence of the necessary provisions for competent instruction in a part of the subjects embraced in this department. The department is a comprehensive one, and should, for practical convenience and efficiency, be resolved into the three specialties of Intellectual and Ethical Philosophy, Logic, and il^]sthetics. While we confess to little appreciation of the * A department, essentially, of Rhetoric, but somewliat more comprehensive in certain respects. 54 utility of spending miich time in the study of Deduction, after the meth- ods of the ancient or modern dialectics, — i.e. Syllogistic Logic, — we believe that the importance of the study of Induction — the Logic of Lord Bacon — can scarcely be over-estimated, either as rational culture, or as a prepara- tion of the man of the present day for the most useful career among his fellow men. It is especially important in connection with the studies of a Poly- technic Institution. Of ^Esthetics, it need only be said that, with the materials for a rational philosophy of the Beautiful, it is manifestly impor- tant that these should be brought into a form to exert due influence in directing the tastes of those who are to have much to do with the business of Design in any of its manifold applications.* In respect to Jurisprudence including, particularly, that which relates to Civil and Mining Engineering, it may be said, that there seems to be as much propriety — to say nothing more — in making such studies a part of the system of a Polytechnic Institu- tion in this country, as in introducing them into the systems of similar institutions in the more or less despotic States of Germany. Similar remarks might be made in respect to Political Economy. The question may be raised as to the utility of such studies as Rhetoric, Philosophy, etc., to the Architect, Engineer, and other Technists. It is a natural question, and one not unfrequently asked in these days, w^hen the element of time which is spent in connection with education is estimated at so high a value. Experience has shown conclusively enough to all thoughtful observers that, in a course so largelv — in its very necessities — material, as that w^hich obtains in a Polytechnic Institution, there should be introduced compensating or balancing elements. And what studies so suitable as those which cause us to turn from the observation of tilings with- out, to the contemplation of the wondertul phenomena and resources within, the Human Mind ? Apart from all consideration of the practical advanta- o-es which accrue even to the Technist, — and they are not only manifold in fact but ouglit to he ohviouslg so to all intelligent and discriminating obser- vers, — from this class of studies, we repeat that, viewed as a mere equipoise to the study of the ^Mathematical, Physical, and Technical Sciences, we believe they should find a prominent place in tlie educational system of every Polytechnic Institution. Such appears to be the view taken of this matter in Gei-many ; it is far less observjible in connection ^^ith the Poly- technic Institutions of France. * Instrviction is already provided for, of a very competent kind, in the first of these divisions. Of Loaic and yEstheties, our convictions are that, in order to realize Institute needs in this direction, these subjects sh.ould be under the direction of separate ininds, — of those, indeed, wlio, with appropriate organizations, have made tliese subjects matters of special study. 55 Finally, it may be said that, althougli the methods of the Institute afford considerable opportunity for physical exercise in connexion with the vari- ous field operations of Practical Geodesy, scientific excursions, etc., still this incidental advantage is far from being sufficient to take the place of a course of systematic Gymnastics, as means of rational physical culture. There is nothing more needed in these days of bodily insufficiency; and yet, with the existence of an evil so generally admitted, there are scarcely no educational appliances so rarely seen at our educational establish- ments. Even wdiere " Gymnastics" constitutes a part of the programme of educational courses, — as it does in some of our Schools for Boys and Girls, — it embraces little else, in most eases, than a room or yard, provided with a few of the commoner forms of apparatus, to be used, ad libitum^ by the pupils as a means of enlarging the area of their resources in physical exercise. This, even, is worth something, and we w^ould not wish to estimate it below its just value. But Gymnastic training, worthily so- called, is a much more serious matter ; for it implies an array of means for the complete and harmonious development of the whole mus- cular system — of the entire physical man ; i-esults which require a syste- matic disciplinai-y drill, under competent direction, of several years duration, regularly filling up certain hours of each week set apart for this kind of culture. The resources gained by such a system of culture are not alone of a physical kind ; they are largely intellectual and moral. Presence of mind, consciousness of physical capacity, power of command, and prompt- ness of action, in moments of critical and trying circumstances, as well as on ordinary occasions, are among the mental gains by such a culture. While desirable for all persons, — men and ioomen^^^\\d\ a training is espe- cially called for in the education of professional Technists, Avho, — besides needino- the physical powers and mental control conferred by such culture, for the most efficient conduct of professional duties as well as for self-preservation in times of personal danger, — are sometimes suddenly confronted by an array of circumstances, where the safety of the lives and limbs of hundreds of workmen and others may be, in a measure, dependant upon their possession of just such resources as those here described. Much might be said in respect to the favorable influence upon the general health of such culture ; and very many reasons might be urged why it should form a parallel and contemporaneous system in all intellectual education of the youth of both sexes ; but our limits are too restricted to permit further extension of this subject. 50 With the foregoing statement:? and i]hi although falling far short of our ideal of what this specialty of present development should be, we believe its char- acteristics of usefulness are such, even now, as to make it wortiiily entitled to the wide-spread and increasing patronage which it continues to receive. With the foundations of an educational system so substantial and well- tried, — with the super-structure of such a system already sufficiently developed to the light, how unfinished soever at present, to reveal to an observing and discriminating eye good promise of fiiir proportions in the future, — with its rapidly widening circle of appreciative patronage. — we can scarcely be said to be prompted by an unwarrantable enthusiasm in believing that a Polytechnic Institution of the highest order, might be, and should be, built up by effecting the complete development of the edu- cational plans of the Institution in our midst. — But, in order to the prac- ticable realization of such a development, there must be. — as alre-ady several times repeated, when describing its special features, — suitable huildtng'^, su^cient scientijic and tecJimcal coUcciions, and the requtsite addttiijtis to the corps of instructors. To the nature and extent of these needed provisions we propose next to direct our attention. 69 PKJtMANKNT ESTABi.ISilMJ^NT OF TIJK INSTITUTE No argMfrifjii i** iicc'e«(.Hary to mtahVinh the truth of what, wft believe, has been generally eonceflerl for «ome time past, — that the Infttitnte need« a ch.anrfc, nf h,r,(dy>nMv\ diffrrcni hnildin(jH for the^^rofjer eonflnet of the work it iH now doin^, to Hay nothing of what it might be al^le to do with fippointment« in thene fe«pect« better suited to its want«.* We shall there- fore aKHtirne, the affirmative of the fori^going proposition, and proceed at onee to the. statemejit of what we. belie.ve to be needed, in order to provide for a fK-rrnanenf, establish merit, of fh^-, JriKtitiite upon a bami» suffieiently ex- tended, not only U> witi.-tfy thoMe ronditioriM enf^ential tf> the complete development of th", IriMtitute Hy^tem, but to an.^wer the probable demandn of increased capacity incident to tli<; future growth of such an in^ttitution. Tt may be proper to remark fit the oul,set that the subject of a future e.stabli aliment of the Inj^titut^? on a suitable site, with buildings and collec- tions approprint'-, to itH educational objects, h;i.s engaged the attfntion cA^ the writer for a miml^er of yefirn past. The leading features of the views which have been formed on this subject are, of ccnirse, all that can 1)^! given with f)rof»riety in this place, — the details would consume far too rmicfi space. Jn the ff;llowing explanfitions it will conduce to convenience to consider the subject <»f buildings before that of site, since the number, arrangement, and unes of the former, are circumstances that would naturally ent,<;r into -'ui irif,f.l)if'<-rit jud/'incrit of the r^'/juisites that «)»ould be secured in thf; J;i,t,f,^f THK lillJt.DINGB. Thf. archite/<;tural structures necessary to the mf>st ^^ective carrying out of the Institute plans, res^dve thems(;lves into three classes; these are, the Institute liuildings proper, the KesidenccH of Professors and other Officers, and til'! Qu;i,rtcri-J of Students.f * Tt hftn In ihcX hfr?n imd^rMtood for «f?v<',rft1 year«, amon(< thoiw. flcqiiainf,«rr'«^;rit hu-fttion wnft r't^nrd'irl nn n im:ri'.\v Ifoiporari/ out', ; o, t-^Mioimly f|oiit»tcfl wtictli^r f,li« pat,ionc\.inuo.(\ to t.li« j»r*;«/»rit tiniM. I ()f cofirHf, «iw',f) a (lifttirirtt.ion at one*! impli^n a finparofion of SfudrntA' Quar- tfiTH fiorri Idiilfliiii^n r| Mh! ;^(;ri*:ral {Mirpo^^ of iiJ«tru<;tiori, tiio rfcasonH for which will a{>[>ear in another place. 60 1. Institute Buildings. — Under the title oi" Institute Buildings ].< in- cluded all of those structures whose uses connect them in some immediate manner with the offices of public instruction. — A variety of opinions might be entertained as to the most desirable arrangement of these buildings ; and, of course, a certain deference would be had to the circumstances of location, while paying proper attention to the demands of propriety and good taste in architectural composition ; but, as the result of much consid- eration of the peculiar wants of the Institute, at the same time having due regard to the experience of other institutions, our convictions are unhesita- tingly in favor of the adoption of the following general plan. In the iirsfc place, experience suggests the propriety of distrilniting the various recitation and lecture rooms, laboratories, cabinets, museums, etc., into groups in accordance with the distinctions incident to prominent divis- ions of theoretical and practical instruction ; by this mean.s bringing each group of rooms, as thus distinguished, into a distinct building, and giving to each building those peculiarities of construction which would best adapt it to the class of studies allotted to it. The following scheme exhibits the distribution which is deemed desirable, — the titles being suggestive of the uses of the building thus designated. Fur the General School. 1. School of Mathematics. 5. School of Literature and Philosophy. 2. School of Mechanics and Physics. 6. School of Geodesy. 'S. School of Chemistr}-. Y. School of Graphic and Plastic Arts. 4. School of Geologj^ aud Natural 8. School of Gymnastic Arts. History. For the Technical Schools. 1. School of Civil Engineers. 4. School of Mechanical Engineei's. 2. School of Civil Architects. 5. Scliool of Technologists. 3. School of Mining Engineers. 6, School of Ornamental Artists. AlXILLIARIES. Library ; Institute Hall ; Observatoiy ; Mechanical Laboratory ; Janitor's Resi- dence ; etc. This series of component structures, constituting what we have called "In- stitute Buildings," may appear somewhat formidable; but it should be kept in mind, that the plan proposed has reference to the wants of a completely develojjed Polytechnic Institution, and not alone to accommodations for a hundred, but, possibly, several hundred students. "With a large part of the instruction given in the lecture form, there must be a considerable number of class lecture-rooms ; and, in addition, there must be a still larger num- ber of section-rooms for interrogations and section drills. Again, for cour- 61 ses having so larofe an amount of practical discipline, there nmst be a number of laboratories or working-rooms, for chemical, physical, and mechanical operations. And, again, the continuous and extensive referen- ces to instruments, machines, models, preparations, specimens, etc., suggest the importance, nav necessity, of making the most ample provisions for scientific and technical collections, cabinets, and museums, as regards the safe keeping and convenient daily use of these indispensable auxiliaries to the proper carrying out of the educational system of such an institution. Details would be unsuited to our present purpose ; but with an opportu- nity for an intelligent examination of these details, no one, we venture to say, would suggest that the scheme here indicated proposes more extended provisions than are barely sufficient for legitimate wants. The foregoing remarks are, we believe, sufficient to suggest the necessifv of providing a considerable nv.mher of rooms in order to carrv out tlie educational objects of the institution. The feature of distributing these rooms into groups in separate buildings, is not only of obvious expediency in point of general convenience, but it is consistent with a proper adapta- tion of the rooms to the use of those, means of culture, more or less peculiar to those great departments of education, indicated in the comprehensive titles of the buildings in question. Moreover, while securing the conveniences and advantages primarily sought for in such an arrangement, it will be practi- cable, as it would b.e desirable to realize a certain measure of deference to those canons of architectural propriety, as respects interior proportions and details, evidently not too much thought of in the construction of educa- tional establishments.'* With the preceding observations on the distribution of rooms, it will be proper, in the next place, to indicate the principles which should apply to ihe disposition of the several buildings oji the ground. Manifestlv, this should be such as to obtain for each building a proper command of light and independency of approaches, and at the same time secure a degree of compactness of arrangement alike favorable to effective warming and ventilation, and to ready intercommunication throughout the entire system. Wherever practicable, — and it could scarcely be otherwise with a proper adaptation of ground, — a disposition of the buildings in a manner to inclose one or more quadrangular courts, is clearly that Avhich would best comport with the conditions here sought to be obtained. The quad- rangular disposition of the various buildings included in the foregoing * For example, — to say nothine: more. — where lecture rooms, laboratories, reci- tation rooms, cabinets, etc., witli extreme variations in plan are brought to the same inexorable level in elevation. 62 list could readily be made entirely consistent with the idea of individual' izing these structures ; since, besides the effect of giving to each those proportions which would best adapt it to its future uses, there are various architectural expedients for aiding these distinctions, even while the structures as a whole miglit constitute a completely connected system* The advantages arising from such a disposition of the Institute Buildings, in addition to those primarily souglit, some of which are very essential, are, first, tlie facilities aflbrded for a mode of construction — more or less neces- sary in all institutions — by successive additions to the l^uildings first erected, in accordance with a general design for the construction of the entire sys- tem ; secondly, the many conveniences incident to the command of closed courts ; thirdly, the architectural resources thus secured, by the variety in ground and sky outline from differences in size and proportions of the individual buildings. 2. Professors' Residences. — Every educational institution which as- pires to the condition of a stable and permanent establishment should, as a matter alike of wise expediency and true economy, make ample provisions towards securing fixed and eligible quarters for the different members of its Academic Stafi'. Those who are devoted to the business of public instruc- tion in our higher institutions, and whose services are worth having, are, from necessity not less than inclination, students. To such, the offer of a residence, which, besides possessing characteristics essential to the idea of a pleasant home, may be deemed not less truly a fixed one, is, of itself, a positive inducement to acceptance of office of no inconsiderable value ; while the absence of provisions for an appropriate and permanent home, necessitating a subjection to the continually recurring annoyances incident to the position of a "tenant at will," — apart from the general unadapted- ness of the residences usually thus available, — becomes, not unfrequently, a positive objection to an official association with an institution thus con- ditioned. The " emoluments,'^ at least in a pecuniary sense, of the profes- sorial office in one of our public institutions, are too little tempting in them- selves to induce a disposition favorable to much sacrifice of those facilities, which are deemed more or less essential to the realization of the principal returns looked for in the life of a student and public teacher. Fortunately — for the cause of learning — the men who are qualified and willing to enter upon such a life have a sufficiently indifferent regard for the "making of money" to be content with moderate salaries, so long as they can be assured of quiet, imdisturbed liomes, and can make " both ends * The Observatory, wherever constructed, would probably require a position on the outside of such a quadrangle. 63 meet " at each recurring reminder of change of seasons and roll of years. There is no practical difficulty in meeting these requirements as they might arise in the progressive development of the Institute, if care be had at the outset to secure sufficient ground in the plot designed for an Institute site. The portions of the plot destined to be used as building lots, having been once set apart for such a purpose, would need to be improved no faster than ^necessary to supply demands for additional residences. Under such circumstances, with but a nominal expense for ground rent, a class of houses, vvitli rural surroundings and in architectural harmony Avith the Institute Buildings, might be erected at comparatively moderate cost. Such an investment would be a productive one to the Institute; since, in addition to the possession of the means of presenting a more tempting inducement to those whom it might wish to enlist in its service, every residence made over to the use of one of its officers would save the payment of an equivalent in salary quite equal to a good dividend on the amount thus invested. In addition to provisions for family residences, a Hall for the use of un- married and junior officers, suitably provided with lodging and study rooms, parlor, dining hall, etc., and accommodations for a family to keep it, would, for reasons similar to those mentioned in the other case, be a desi- deratum, in harmony alike with sound policy and true economy. 3. Students' Quarters. — It is well known that students of the Insti* tute have always had their quarters, comprising both board and furnished lodgings, in private families variously located in town, — the students being distributed in numl)ers from one or two to six or eight in each house, and their lodgings being adapted to serve the common purpose of sleeping and study rooms. This mode of quartering students, which is quite as much a matter of choice as of present necessity, is far from being a peculiar one, inasmuch as a similar practice not only prevails at the principal medical and other special schools of this country, but also obtains, with occasional exceptions, at the Universities and Polytechnic Institu- tions over most of the continent of Europe. A different mode of living, as every body is aware, prevails at our American Colleges, where students are provided with rooms in the col- lege buildings, not only for lodgings and study, but also in some instances, for commons,* a practice undoubtedly derived from the system of Halls and Inns — ^^ Aulm and Hosjpititia^' — so characteristic of Oxford and Cam- * This feature is, we believe, disappearing from our American Colleces. To one at all aware of the scenes which have been occasionally exhibited in College " refec- tories," there is, to say the least, little that is suggestive of the growth of courttsy and refinement of manners. 64 bridge. That there are certain advantages in favor of such a system is not to "be denied ; but that there are many serious objections to it is most unques- tionable. The advantages are essentially those of convenience, in certain points of view, to the student ; the disadvantages are those which affect the morale of a student's life, during his residence at a public institution. Without attempting to illustrate the evils which naturalh^ result from the quartering of large numbers of young men in college lodgings, far remov- ed from all practicable restraint, we will merely remark, that tliere can be little chance, under such circumstances, of the cultivation of those ameni- ties of life which originate in, and are essentially sustained by, the influ- ence of woman, — without which, man, especially at such an age, displays a remarkable proclivity to relapse into a species of native barljarism.* On the other hand, Av^e have as little faith in the expedient of conven- ing our higher institutions into Boarding Schools, as manifested in certain recent estabhshments. In attempting to remove the evils of the college system, the managers of these institutions seem to have thought that the only safe procedure is to be found in treating young men as hoys, not yet quite fit to leave the nursery ; in making them study in a common hall, under the eye of a teacher; in compelling them to sleep in a connnon dormitory under the watchful care, also, of a teacher; in allowing them to play, walk, or otherwise exercise, under the superintendence, of a teacher ; — in short, whatever the pupil be permitted or required to do, always placing him under the surveillance of some officer of the institution. While we have the fullest appreciation for the motive, we confess to but little for the practical wisdom, which prompts and carries out such meas- ures. It needs but little knowledge of human nature, and of the world as it is, to be able to see that such a system, however efficient it njay be in preventing a boy from evil practices during his days of pupilage, is well adapted to emasculate his developiiig manhood, while it furnishes small security and poorer preparation, for a successful subsequent contact with the world — with, indeed, the practical teachings of a very different school. f * We are glad to find the Rev. Prof. Barnard, of the University of Mississijipi, in a paper lately read biefore the American Association for the Advancement of Edu- cation, ''On improvemcntx practicable i7i Avierican Collecjes" takinp: decided ground, in clear and vi^-orons language, in faror of abolishiiig the whole system of college lodgings, and resorting to tlie mode of distributing students among private familie8> as being move favorable to morals and manners. f We do not refei* to tlie system of boardinr; schools for younger boys, which although falling short of what 'might, be desired in cert;dn res^iects, is on the whole, ])erhaps, as good as can practicably be exp.ected. But we have reference to colle- giate estalilislmients. having university powers and privileges, professedly designed for the education of yoiuig men in the higher branches of learnini;. We beg, also, to be understoood as claiming to have the highest appreciation of the importance of carefully traiuing th(! voung in the principles and practice of a Christian life. The question of a possible difference of judgment is, at most, but a practical one as res- pect* time, place, and mode of developing this species of education. 65 "We have made more particular mention of these two different kinds of student-hfe, because we have heard it occasionallv objected to the Institute, on a first view of its features in this respect, that it provides insufficient safeguards for the conduct of its students outside of the hours appropriated to its daily class exercises ; such objection being generally accompanied by the suggested query, whether one or the other of the modes just mentioned would not prove a safer arrangement. Such a ques- tion manifestly deserves attention, in counection with the consideration of a proposed permanent estaljlishment of the Institute, since its decision would materially affect tlie details of designs for architectural constructions. As already seen, in what has l^een said on the subject of Institute Build- ings, we have suggested no provisions for the quarters, either of officers or students in these structures, with the exception of the janitor, or porter of the estal)lishment. For this virtual rendering of judgment in favor of the existing system, we can only urge, in addition to what has been said already, our profound conviction of its practical soundness, abimdantly justified by the long experience of the Institute itself and fortified by the almost universal practice of continental Europe. We believe that such a system promises vastly more for the development of the characteristics of a manly culture and self-reliance than either of the other systems ; while it may preserve — perhaps add to — those externals of manly character, Avhich are not unworthy of some portion of every man's regard, — a degree of that gracious abnegation of self] so easily overlooked at such an age.* But while we entertain no doubt of the soundness in principle of this mode of quartering students, we have long thought that its details were suscep- tible of considerable improvement, — affecting the interests alike of the Institute, its students, and the famihes that furnish the latter with tempo- rary homes. Students are now necessarily too much scattered over the town ; their rooms, from the absence of aU original adaptation, are quite too often deficient in light, in ventilation, and in those provisions more or less essential for their comfort and general well-being ; they are occasionally *We cannot but regard the Avliole system of sumptuary laws and petty espionnage deemed essential to it, which entei-s so largely into the internal adminis- tration of most of our classical colleges, to be as unsound in morals as it is impracti- cable of execution. Such a system may present a favorable field for the cultivation of /7ie«.se in circumventing laws or evading the consequences of their infraction; it may teach the student la-avery in expressing his enmity to, or contempt of, college officers ; but we are utterlv unable to see what other good it can pos-ibly accom- plish to'collese or Ktudents.*^ We are aware, however, that the system of the Insti- tute is not pei-fect,— that there are, (.coasiouaily, those of its students who fail to realize all that is here predicated of its system of student-life ; but this, of itself, proves little airainst it A true expfrimentum cruris would be had in an actual comparison of relative general results of the morale of the College and Institute systems. To sucU test we should be willing to leave the decision of the question. 9 subjected to capricious and unwarrantable exactions, making the cost of living not only uncertain, but too liigli for tlie accommodations afford- ed ; and finallj, on account of the limited capacities of the houses in ■which quarters for students are found, the number of families furnishing these quarters has become so considerable, — a difficulty which is, more- over, continually increasing, — as to make it not always practicable to se- lect with the requisite discrimination the places which arc offered for this purpose. These difficulties and inconveniences are inevitable with exist- ing arrangements ; and yet, we believe they might be nearly or altogether removed by the adoption of a well-conditioned system of Students' Quar- ters, in connection with a permanent estabhshmcnt of the Institute, under the requisite favoring circumstances. In accordance with the teachings of experience, we belitive, that in order to secure the desideratum of appropriate quarters for students, the requisite ground-plots should be set apart, — either in, or adjacent to, any proposed purciiase of Institute Grounds, — on wliich should be erected as needed, a class of establishments alike suitable for quarters of students and residences of the families destined to occupy them. Each of these establishments should be provided with suitable lodging and study-rooms, conmion parlor, dining hall, etc., for the complete accommodation of ten or twelve students, in addition to the rooms and other offices set apart for private family use. The aim should be to provide suitable and ehgible quarters for students, in connection with arrangements and appoint- ments compatible with the greatest comfort and convenience to the fam- ilies that might be induced to conduct these establishments. We believe that a class of establishments thus built up, with due regard to architectural and gardening externals, would become attractive homes for families and students, enabling the Institute to command a superior class of families as tenants and keepers of these houses ; and while afford- ing the means for perfecting its s}'stem of student-life in all its various details, we believe that the whole could be made eminently productive to the Institute as a mere pecuniary investment. THE SITE. The preceding remarks on the various architectural constructions needed for the most effective carrying out of the educational plans of the Institute, would naturally be suggestive of some of the conditions which ought to be fulfilled in the plot of ground intended for an Institute Site. Thcu-e would be little wisdom, however, in proposing any details in connection ■tvith the disposition of buildings and general improvement of a site in ad- 67 vance of its actual and definite location ; since, any judicious improve- ments of this kind, would have to be considered in direct reference not only to the characteristics of the site itself, but to those of its surround- ings. The most that can be properly done in this connection is to perceive the wisdom of making the most ample provisions in respect to extent of area selected for a site The mistake of purchasing too much ground is easily remedied ; but tlie error of securing too little, is, as all experience has shown, most difficult, if not altogether impossible, of satisfactory future adjustment. It would be impracticable, — perhaps, unadvisable, — to fix with precision the minimum quantity of land that would be sufiicient, in advance of any knowledge of its characteristics of surface, form, and sur- roundings. It should, however, be kept in mind that, in addition to land enough for mere ground-^jlots of the various structures to be erected, originally or at any subserpient period, there should be sufBcient breadth in all directions, not only to secure the requisite areas immediately adja- cent to these structures for purposes incident to their proper use, but also to admit of the production of those esthetic effects from judicious architec-. tural and gardening treatment, wliich should by no means be overlooked in the permanent estabhshment of such an institution. SCIEXTIFIC AXD TECHNICAL COLLECTIONS. "We come, in the next place, to speak of those important auxiliaries to the educational purposes of the Institute, previously referred to under th$ name of Collections. Tlie Institute already possesses Collections of Physi-. cal and Chemical Apparatus, Geo.detical Instruments, Drawing Models, etc., and Cabinets of Minerals in Systematic ^lineralogy and Geology, which, although, less complete than would be desirable, have, neverthe- less, been made to answer in the absence of collections better suited to its wants. The following schedule will present, in a suggestive way, an idea of the nature and extent of the collections which should be possessed by the Institute, in connection with the full d^velppment of its educational plans. I. — General Sciextific School, 1. Collection of Physiral Apparatus. 6. Colk-ction of GeoJetic Instmmonts. 2. Collection of Chemical Apparatus. 7. Cabinet of Geometrical Graphics. 3. Cabinet of Natural History. 8. Cabinet of Antique, Media'val, ancfe 4. Cabinet of Systematic Mineralog3^ :Mo(lern Art. 5. Cabinet of Systematic Geology. 9. Collection of Gymnaslic Apparatus. IX. — General School of Technical Studies. 10. Collection in Practical Mechanics. 12. Cabinet of Mai oriaU used in Con 11. Colkctipn in Analytical Chemistry. structioji. 13. Collection iu iRdustrial Physics. 15. Cabinet of General Constructions. 14. Cabinet of Practical Geology, IG. Cabinet of Machines. III. — Special Technical Scuools. School of Civil Architects. School of Technologists. 17. Cabinet of Architectural Constructions. 23. Cabinet of Raw Material-*. School of Civil Eiigiueers, 24. Cabinet of Technological Works. 18. Cabinet of Engineering Constructions. 2.5 Museum of Commercial Products. School of Mi)iing Engi^ieers. School of Ornamental Artists. 19. Museum of Mines. 2G. Cabinet of Models of Ornamental 20. Collection of Metallurgic Apparatus. Art. 21. Cabinet of Metallurgic Works. 2*7. Museum of Products of Ornamental School of Mechanical Engineers. Art. 22. Cabinet of Machine Constructions. The collections already possessed in connection with the courses of the General School, are fairlj developed, with the exception of (8) and (9) which have not been commenced. The Ph}4ical Collection is deficient in certain respects. The Chemical Collection, — both for General and Analyt- ical Chemistrv, — is measurably sufficient. The Cabinets of Minerals are not what tliey should be, although a lack of room has prevented tlie put- ting up of all the minerals actually possessed by the Institute. The Geodetical Collectiofi includes instruments both for Field Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, — tlie latter portable instruments adapted to tempo- rary stations, — and is in a state to be used with tolerable satisfaction ; it is, however, much in need of certain additions. The Cabinet of Geomet- rical Models is small but improving. With respect to Cabinet (8) we may remark, that a collection of Casts is in the highest degree essential to appropriate and satisfactory studies in Free Drawing and Modelling. Such Casts are now obtainable abroad, of a high degree of excellence, at mod- erate cost, and to a sufficient extent to present a satisfactory (jxhibition of Antique, Median'al, and Modern Art. A Gymnastic Collection, (9), it need only be said, would be useless until a suitable building were erected. The collections of the General Technical School are, as yet, scarcely commenced. Such collections could be rapidly formed ; but in the utter absence of rooms for their safe keeping and convenient use, there would be no propriety in attempting their formation, however desirable. Similar re- marks are applicable to the collections of the Special Schools. In both cases, in the absence of these much needed means, resort has been had to drawings as far as practicable, aided by direct reference to certain structures near the city, usually visited, measured, sketched, and drawn out in full, by the Institute Classes, in connection with the courses in Geometrical Prawing. Much might be said in elucidation alike of the nature and importance of each of these collections, (10) to the (27) inclusive ; but these details, how- ever interesting to one who lias thought much of these things, would scarcely be appropriately introduced in the present connection. We only hope that their titles, merely, may be in some small degree suggestive of the importance which we attach to the presence and u-se of such auxiliaries in our educational system, and Avhich, we believe, can scarcely be over- rated.^^ A gathering together of such collections is the work of continuous years ; but, with suitable rooms and cases, the nuclei of all these collections, sufEciently extended in each case to answer most valuable practical ends in scientific, technical, and artistic instruction, could be very promptly made, with the experience whicli could be rendered available to such a pur- pose. The cost of the collections, for such a series of hog innings^ would not be a veiy serious matter. Many of the models of structures, machines, Avorks, etc., executed in plaster and Avood, might be obtained abroad more economically than they could be pro.duced at home.f Large accessions could be had by donations from A^arious sources. The essential preliminary, liOAvcver, to the building up of these collections, is the possession of the requisite buildings. In addition to the collections noticed in the foregoing list, an Arhoretum and Botanic Garden^ AS'ould be highly useful in man\' respects to the inter- ests of instruction. An Arboretum could be gradually developed in the * We haA'e long believed that the Institute should possess some facilities foi-, and devote a certain degree of attention to, I'esearches for the ndvayiceuient of Practical Science. Many subjeels of inipt)rtance come up amotig; the teachings of such an institution, calling for special experimental inquiry, in order to make our know- ledge on the matters thus involved, more accurate.'— :Somelimes more practical. As an illustration of such deficiencies in American Practical Science, Ave may allude to the condition of our knoAvledge of viaterich used in architectural and engineerinir constructions in this countiy. "With the exception of a very fcAV experiments here and there made on oar OA\'n materials, the few professional men in this country, Avho ever trouble themselves to calculate the proportions of a structure, are obliged, — Avith the aid of a somcAvhat questionable induction, — to depend on the results, main- ly, of European observations made on European materials ! The conduct of such researches, otherA\'ise necessarily expensive, Avould be largely ai'led by practical men, immediately interested in the results of such inquiries. Indeed, we have had the question more than once asked by these men, whether such researches could not be practically undertaken by the Institute. — We make the remai-ks contained in this note in reference to collectioiis (10) and (11) among others of the foi*egoing series, in which the possession of facilities for the conduct of these and similar researches in Practical Mechanics is thus contemplated. f A practical, and at the same time economical, way of building up the various collections of models, in plaster, wood, and the metals, and in titting u]> apparatus of various kinds, would be found in the continuous employment of a skillful artisan. To this end, amontr the arrangements of a permanent establishment, there should be rooms suitably furnished for the employment of one or more Avorkmen, for these and similar ])\u-j)oses, under the direction of the Institute. The instruction in modi /ling would be giA'en in this connection. With the ii.-e of steam as a means of Avarming ond ventilation, the requisite facilities would be had for the use of motive poAver. 70 gardening treatment of the Institute Grounds, if, instead of making plan- tations of trees and shrubberies of a few of the more common species, care were taken to collect an extensive representation of different species, in- digenous and exotic, so far as means might be available to such an end. The Botanic Garden could have its assigned place on these Grounds. Among the permanent collections of the Institute, the building up of a Library should, by no means, be overlooked. A Polytechnic Institution in addition to other resources needs all that can be obtained from the com- mand of books. Besides General Literature, and General Treatises and Monographs on Theoretical and Practical Science, its Library ought to be completely supplied with the different Scientific, Technical and Artistic Journals, and the Transactions of Learned and Professional Societies, Foreign and American. CORPS OF INSTRUCTORS. We come in the last place- to make a few remarks concerning the Pro- fessorial Corps of the Institute. The idea of the Institute, in this particular, comprehends two classes of instructors in its work, — Resident and Non- resident Professors,^ the former being supposed to have their services exclusively engaged by the Institute, and the latter, whether actually resident in town or elsewhere, being employed to give instruction in certain limited specialties, and of course not fully occupied. in Institute service. By this means, the feature of dividing the labors of instruction in accor- dance with thase peculiarities of individual fitness for, and cultivation of, certain specialties of knowledge, is intended to be made practically availa- ble ; — without which, the work, not less than the results of instruction, becomes a sorry business to all concerned. Tiie following scliedule gives a statement of the Chairs of Instruction proposed for the Institute, many of; them, of course, having never been filled. Chairs of Instruction.'* Mathematics and Astronomy. Mining and Metallurgy. Mechanics, Machines, and Constructions. Architectural Design. General Chemistry and Physics. Const-ruction of Machilies. Theoretical, Practical and Mining Physical Geography. Geology. Political Economy and Jurisprudence. Descriptive Geometry and Geometrical Physiology and Hygiene. Graphics, Gymnastics. * No reference is made to assistants of any kind, — the titles here given having respect solely to those who are supposed to constitute members of the Institute Facultv, — that is Professors in their respective departments, in the sense in vfhich the word is legitimately usedi. 71 Geodesy and Topography. Esthetics. English Composition and Criticism. Landscape Gardening. Ifatural History. Ornamental Art. French and German Languages^ Modelling. Intellectual and Ethical Philosophy. Inductive Philosophy. Railway Economy. Technical Chemistry, Free Drawing. Social Arithmetic and Statistics In respect to the list of Chairs here given, it may be remarked that tlie first ten only have actual incumbents. The titles of those not yet filled are, of course, provisional, subject to such modifications as would be suggested in fixing the limits and details of the departments of instruction to be here- after associated with these Chairs ; in certain cases, a title is more compre- hensive than would distinctly appear from its face ; and, in tlie progress of Institute development, with any considerable increase of students, there might and naturally would be subdivisions of these departments consistent with the greatest efficiency in their practical administration. It will be noticed that " Ci^-il Eneineerinir,'' " Minino: En2:ineerinor " etc., do not appear in the list of professorial titles. In our own view of this matter, we can scarcely avoid thinking that there would be equal pro- priety in uniting, in one person, as ?i Professor of Medicine^ an entire faculty of teachers of its various component parts, — Anatomy and Pliysiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Materia Medica, etc., — as in investing any single person with the functions of instruction in the extensive and very different branches of knowledge vrhich properly make up the professional education of the Engineer, and styling such an one a Professor of Civil Engineering. Such a practice, — unknown so far as we are aware among the Polytechnic Institutions of Europe,* — does not seem to us entirely compatible with the realization of that degree of extended, exact, and practical instruction which the present state of engineering knowledge would appear to demand at the hands of its professional teachers.f * The titles of the subjects of study in the various programmes of the courses given in connection with the notices of these institutions, — pages 9 to 30, — are, in general, coincident with those of the j)rofessui-ships in the same institutions. f We cannot s|)eak fiom much actual knowledge of the interpretation practically held by " Professoi's of Civil Engineering," in respect to what constitutes profes- sional learning, and we should exceedingl}- regret to make a single assumption in- consistent with the strictest justice to all concerned; we beg. therefore, that the above remark be understood as an exj>ression of a simple qtiery, altlunigli suL'gested to the mind of the writer by considerations, the f«»rce of which he cannot well resist. It not untVequently happens that students come to the Institute witli the idea that " Civil Enirineering" consists essentially in a knowledge of IntUrnuuntal Field Operations — that is, of mere surveving, staking out, measuring, etc , — aj'parently entirely ignorant that the ol^jects to be seeureoople that an Enirineoi-'s education should 1)0 ^omcthinc: different from that too generally received in tliis country; — liis uiatricuhition in the field i\'ith knowledirc enouuli to drive a t^take or liold a rod, and liis viiiual graduation in the same theatre when lie has become suffieientl}' leained to i-un n line or detoi-mine a level ; — and, indeed, to correct the very prevalent disposition with the popular mind to be satisfied with superficicility and empiricism under the much abused name and mucli more specious form of " practical" (?) knowledge. — As if there could be any really jorac^ica^ knowledge, in conflict with the immutable laws of nature! — As if one must be disqualified to become a " practical m.an," after having acquired even a little accurate knowledge of these laws ! *See '' Institute Statutes" — Annual Register for 1856. This department takes cognizance of the characteristics of each student's general conduct, — his attendance at all class or section exercises, — his deportment when present, etc., — of all which a record is made, and an order in class stamUufi obtained by an induction founded on these data. This, with a series of similar clas^ standings in each of the d.'partments of insti'uction, gives a basis for the determination of a General Order of Class Stand- ing}, in wiiich the relative weight of the different departments is included, as well as the relative order of standing of the student in each of those departments. f Tiio associations connected with the office of a Proctor would make this some- what undesirable, apart from the fact tliatthe principles of goveriunent of the Insti- tute are, as we hope the}' may ever be, very different from those which obtain at the Enirlish Universities. 73 In respect to the practical realization of the views which have been pre- sented on the preceding pages, we submit the following remarks: Whatever else may be deemed desirable towards the improvement of the Institute, the first step taken should, undoubtedly, m the order of relative importance, look to the immediate consideration of a suitable site and the requisite structures for an appropriate and permanent establishment. With the experience now possessed by tlie Institute it will be practicable to take full cognizance not only of its immediate but prospective wants ; and, ac- cordingly, in the projection of a design for architectural and gardening im- provements, its study should be complete for all that may be proposed in connection with such a site ; or if there should be any doubtful points, dis- posing of them in a manner to bring them within the control of future contingencies. But it is scarcely to be expected that a design regulated hy such prin- ciples could be wholly executed immediately ; neither would it be neces- sary, for parts of it must have reference to future rather than present wants ; and besides, the means for carrying out so extended a system of improve- ments, it is hardly to be presumed, would be at once available. Hence would arise the necessity, not less than propriety, of determining, in advance, how much of the general design should admit of immediate execution. In the absence of anything but conjecture as to the amount of means which may be found available for carrying forward these improvements, it would be utterly futile to make such an inquiry, at this time, even if a design were fully matured ; with, however, the necessary preliminaries settled, the question, wltat and liow much should be first done, may be easily answered before striking a blow towards the actual execution of any part of it. Whatever be done, now or hereafter, in the execution of any portion of a scheme of improvements thus projected, should be in strict conformity, both in style and treatment, to tlie design which may finally be adopted, at least so far as shall be practicable, — a mode of procedure essential to the due preservation of that measure of unity and harmony, which ought to be a desideratum, both in the design and execution of these and similar works. Simultaneously, with the building up of structures and improvement of grounds, could steps be taken for establishing the foundations of many of those much needed auxiliaries to instruction, — the scientific, teclmical, and artistic collections, — which would then become so far advanced towards practical attainment, that there would at least be rooms for their due pres- ervation and use. 10 In respect to additional officers of instruction, it ^l-ionM be remarked, that the want of the requisite rooms and collections would be an obstacle, even if there were no other, in the way of much progress in this direction. Such additions, how important soever to the full realization of the Institute plans, must, for the most part, remain in abeyance until permanent and suitable building improvements shall have made a degree of actual progress, sufficient to justify the expediency not less than the practicability of effect- ing the necessary arrangements for the realization of results so desirable. CONCLUSION. "We have seen that, in those vStates of Continental Europe where we have long been accustomed to look for the best systems of general educa- tion, there are indications, as suggestive as they are numerous and striking, of a new phase of educational progress, the complete history of which scarcely extends farther back than the beginning of the present century, a large part, indeed, not beyond the limits of the past thirty years. In- stitutions have sprung up at numerous points, with establishments, in some cases, of palatial magnificence, — with extended and costly collections, — with well-organized faculties of accomplished instructors, — with large and increas- ing numbers of students in attendance, — with, in short, all of those indica- tions of intelligent appreciation, by government and people, which, in the history of these institutions, are among their most remarkable and note- worthy features.* We have already indicated the leading features of this great educational movement, in the sketches which were given of the principal Technical Institutions of France and Germany, in a former part of this paper ; and, in a subsequent review of these institutions, we at- tempted to illustrate the idea of the Polytechnic Institution, by a descrip- tion of its leading characteristics as they would be found displayed in the objects, curriculum, and methods, of a typical or generalized representative. Our main object in all this, as had been previously stated, was to prepare the way for a more intelligent and complete understanding of our own In- stitution. We have at no time intended to present a formal argument for Polytechnic Institutions as a class, nor in any special sense for the Institute * It has been seen that, at the Polytechnic Institute of Vienna alone, there was, in 18''')2, an attendance of 34()0 students, of whom about 1700 were in regular claftses. And accordini^ to Prof. Playfair's estimate, made during the same yetiv, "at least i:^,00o well-qualified students ai-e being every year systematically instructed in the industrial institutions of Germany," in addition to 3i>,(^00 to 40,o00 students who attend partial courses. — " Industrial Instruction on the Continent. — London, 1852. 75 itself. Wc have not deemed this necessary, or even expedient. So far as the Polytechnic Institution of the Continent of Europe is concerned, it may very properly be said that it, has already had to'O long a period in which to try its usefulness, to be considered at this day in any respect an experi- ment. Its necessity to the State, its manifold usefulness to the people, and its spirit not less than its capacity of adaptation to the great and pressing wants of the present era in man's progress, have been too well and too long understood, to leave occasion for wasting words, in mere discussion of these points. We have therefore preferred to be suggestive rather than argumentative, feeling confident that the facts which have been presented in connection with the objects, characteristics, and results of this class of educational institutions, would appeal most forcibly to the common-sense appreciation of every intelligent and thoughtful man. But while indications such as these exist on the Continent of Europe, it is far otherwise in this country. We have, it is true, a number of " Scien- tific Schools" in connection with as many different Classical Colleges ; we have four or five institutions, recently estabhshed, which at least use the word " Polytechnic" as a part of their respective titles ; and we have finally the institution located in our midst ; but we have little which, in any proper sense, can represent to us the idea of a completely appointed Polytechnic Institution.* It miglit well be a matter of marvel that, with a country possessing natural resources so extraordinary, and permitting every reason- able freedom of action in schemes of private enterprise, we should still be, in our educational resources for the advancement of industrial instruction, a full quarter of a century behind some of the more or less despotic States of Continental Europe. But it should not be supposed, because there is at the present time so little opportunity for this kind of educational culture in the United States, that a corresponding indifference and inappreciation prevail in regard to it. Evidences of a desire for something better are by no means wanting. Of these, to mention no other, the Schools of Science already alluded to — the establishing of which has become quite a fashion of late — afford illustrations directly in point ; since there can be little question that these institutions owe their existence to indications of a popular sentiment which could not be misunderstood. Much has been said, within a few years past, on the subject of a Nation- al University, to be located somewhere in the United Siates; tlie history * We hnve not mentioned in the foresjoing enumeration tlie two Government Insti- tutions. — the Militiu'v and Navnl Academies. Tlioso two instil utioiis. — th.- foi-mer of wliioh lias loiiu; heon ihnwx o<|unl honor and scrvit'o to the ctnuitry. — )ilthonu;h belonging to the class of rolytochnic Institutions, are rcsti'icted to certain branches of Government Service. 76 of which, besides being eminently suggestive in its various bearings, is in point as furnishing evidence of a similar public sentiment in favor of scientific and industrial instruction. We are aware of the attention which ■was attracted to the numerous meetings and discussions, held in a neigh- boring city, four or five years ago, and of the interest which was created in behalf of the proposition to establish sucli an institution in that city. Men prominent in letters and science were invited to attend these meet- ings ; they were also attended by many of the leading citizens -who participated or were interested in the discussions which took place. A Legislative charter was obtained ; and, in the fall of 1850, the following announcements were made of the opening of the scientific and industrial department of the proposed University. " ScnooL or ISTatural axd Applied Science." " Principles and Practice of Agriculture. Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Chemistry applied to Agriculture and the Mineralogy, Metallurgy, and Mining. Arts. Meteorology and Physical Geography. Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. Geology and Palccontology. Astronomy " "It is designed to have these branches taught ^ritk special reference to their practical apphcation in the various pursuits of life. " The importance of presenting the means and faciHties for acquiring a knowledge of Scientific Agriculture and of Engineering, is daily increasing in proportion as the rapid development of the physical resources of the country is progressing. " Under the former will be included Principles and Practice of Scientific Agri- culture ; Chemistry, Geology, Botany and Vegetable Physiology, Zoology and Ani- mal Physiology ; Meteorologi/ and Physical Geography in their various applications to agiicullnre. Under Engineering will be included Mathematics as applied to engineering and mining, Natural Philosophy as applied to the mechanic arts and machinery, Metallurgy, Geology, and Mincralo(jy in their applications to engineer- In accordance witli tliej^c announcements, several courses of lectures were given during the subsequent year ; and yet, altbougli started under auspices a]iparently so favorable to complete success, we believe that the results were not very satisfictory, either to the accomplished men of science who assisted to inaugurate the undertaking, or to the public-spirit- ed citizens who prompted and sustained it. * Circular of tite University of Albany, — Albany, 1851. V i An interesting question niiglit naturally arise as to the causes of a fail- ure apparently so decided. Tiiis we do not intend to discuss ; although in passing we venture to remark tliat we cannot attribute this result solely to the effect of circumstances incident to immature and undeveloped arrangements at the opening of this enterprise ; nor do we believe it would be difficult to show that there are obstacles to be encountered at the very threshold of such an undertaking, which would forbid the expectation of materially better results in a second essay of the same kind, even with more complete initial arrangements, '^' Our motive, however, in alluding to the University movement was not to criticise it, but to call attention to certain significant characteristics of its more immediate results, those, especially, which were prefigured in the announcements of 1851. So far as the mere titles of certain proposed courses of lectures and the brief explanations which accompany them, can be made the basis of a definite judgment as to the objects and plans of an educational institution, it would seem to be reasonably certain, that * It may be deemed b}' those wlio have thouj^ht little on this subject — perhaps b}' others who have thought much — -somewhat presum].tuous to offer a judgment different from that impliedly rendered by the many eminent scientific and literarv men who were most conspicuous in the movement for such an educational in- stitution. Uur convictions are, n-evertheless, that one of the most serioi^s obstacles to the legitimate success of the kind of institution proposed, would be found in the difficulty of commanding a sufficient number of students, to constitute a permanent and paying nucleus of an auditoriuiji, disposed to avail themselves of the teachings of " Higher Science," who would be found qualified vnth the requisite educational 2)reparatioii to make auch teachings practically available. Of course, we do do not suppose that the: e would be any difficulty in erecting buildings, fui-nishing collections, and even endovuiig professorships for such an institution. Money will do all this ; and under certain cii-cumstances there is little difficulty, in obtaining it ; but while the Professor's safety would in this manner be provided for, he might still be compelled to lecture to empty benches. This may be saying a good deal ; but we commend it to the attention of those who suppose that any considerable audience of students, prepared to listen to expositions of subjects of theoretical or practical science, requiring, for example, the use of the higher mathemetics, is reasoiiablv to be ex])ected, when the oldest ami most ]>rominent of our classical institutions require b U. the mere elements of algebra and geometry in their edu- ucational coui-ses. And what is now predicated of the higher departments of mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, and physics, is scarcely less true of tht higher inquiries connected with chemistry, mineralogy, natural history, geolog\', and geo:i:raphy. We yield to none in the earnestness of our convictions of the need of opportunities in this country for the study of the higher inquiries in science, — of our need, if it shall be so-callt-d, of a " University" for the accomplishment of such an end; but we first need — wiiat Uermany has and we have not — a S3'stem of secondary instruc- tion which shall be capable of furnishing the requisite disciplinary preparation to students disposed to enter upr)n such higher instruction. f There is no intimation in these announcements that a general curriculum was to be adopted ; indeed, the presumption would be against such a supposition, since the idea seems to have j»revailed that the Univei-sity, like its Gernuui prototypes, should allow each student to pursue any one or more of the several courses, — leaving him free to make out his own course of study. 78 the aims of those concerned in the arrangement of these preliminary de- tails, were little different from those which in other phices have originated Polytechnic Institutions.! It seems, indeed, sufl&ciently evident that this movement, in respect to which there was so much discussion elicited and interest excited, when it came to involve the consideration of the details of a practical organization, conducted at once to the adoption of measures for scientific and industrial instruction. Of course, it is not here assumed that, in the mode of carrj^ing out its various measures, the University establishment would have borne much resemblance to a Polyteclmic Insti- tution ; but it is enough for our present purpose to have been able to show, wntli sufficient distinctness, that, in the general objects of the proposed insti- tution, the desire of its managers was to provide certain facilities for the instruction of that class of students, for whose complete educational train- ing Polytechnic Institutions are more or less especially designed. TVith these evidences — and they might be multiplied by a consideration of the subject from other points of view — it would be unreasonable to con- clude that there is any real lack of interest among the American people in respect to scientific and industrial instruction. But while there can be no doubt of the existence of a pervading and growing desire among our people for such instruction, it is not to be overlooked or denied that there are obstacles to the most satisfactory educational progress in this direction. A restless spirit of activity and enterprise, partly from inheritance, though largely from favoring circumstances, has come to wear the appearance of a permanent national characteristic. With this is naturally enough asso- ciated an impatience, very frequently exhibited by our American youth, for a transition the most rapid through the "days of pupilage," the ever pressing consideration in the mind of the student looking less to the excel- lence of the training to be acquired, than to the shortness of the time in which it may be accomplished. "Education" under such circumstances is more likely to involve crudeness and superficiality than breadth and accu- racy of knowledge, to say nothing of the practical impossibihty of realiz- ing one of the most important of the immediate results of all true educa- tion, — a well-balanced and well-regulated mental discipline. Nor is this state of things inconsistent w^th the pei'vading appreciation of popular education which obtains in this country. There is, perhaps, no people more alive to the importance of diffusing the advantages of such an education than our own. But with facilities for primary education so gen- erally accessible, that to be unal)le to " read and write " is justly considered a reproach alike to the individual so distinguished and to the community that tolerates him ; with facilities for the diffusion of " popular knowledge '' 79 by means of lectures, books, and periodicals, the most unrestricted that can well be conceived or desired ; witli advantages such as these, and yet, it is most undeniable that, as a people, we are not correspondingly remark- able for always avoiding the delivery of very superficial judgm.ents on ques- tions, which properly demand more or less of careful examination and strict scientific scrutiny. In fact, with intelhgence and invention to a degree which has become proverbial, there can be little question that we manifest a propensity to adopt the views and patronize the methods of the sciolist and empiricist quite as readily, to say the least, as those of the more exact- ing but often less pretentious scientist. But, in fine, whatever be the causes of sucli a state of things, or reme- dies which might be most relied on for their removal, it may be safely asserted that, if any country can be benefitted by the establishment of Polytechnic Institutions for the difi'usion of the advantages of a thorough and comprehensive system of scientific, technical, and artistic education, then no other country on the globe could expect to reap so large returns, in every way, from the establishment of such institutions, as our own. But in order for institutions of this class to achieve the objects for which they are properly created, they must be pi^rmitted — we say more, they ought to be required — to set forth carefully studied curricula, reasonably comprehensive and judiciously proportionL^d, which should be rigorously carried out in all their parts in respect to every recipient of graduation honors. Such characteristics, stringently enforced, would be somewhat un- palatable to the taste which at present more or less generally prevails in this country, but they are such as even now find many fiiends among us, while they would rapidly gain in popularity among the thoughtful and discrimi- nating on every side.* * "Weave unconscious of the least jiioclivity towards the Procrustean idea of com- pelling every body to submit to the same system or even to the same quantity of educational training. While we fi-aiikly admit tiiat our sympathies are fully en- listed in behalf of what may be called Polytechnic training, we have throughout these pages had in view the educational interests of certain classes, though larire and important, in every highly civilized state. We have not dreamed of substitu- ting our system as such for every other. Neither should we deem it rea- sonable to expect that every aspirant for the career of an Engineer or other pro- fessional Technist, Avould be able to comply with a prescribed formula as to the deirree of educational trainin!?. But we would, nevertheless, establish definite standards of professional education ; and while the educational institution should be ojien alike to those who were and to those who were not able to take complete courses of instruction, the distinction of graduation — of authorized professional preparation — should be unequivocally and substantially marked, not in the mere fact of a certain [>eriod of time having been fultilled, — as if this could be any pri)of of ac- quiied scholarship! — but in the exhibition of rigorous and systematic tests ^f the full and satisfactory grasp of the various parts of the courses prescribed for gradua- tion honore. 80 Institutions for educational purposes, organized upon such bases and ad- ministered in accoi'dance with such principles, are, we beheve, desiderata in our rapidly growing country. They would do much unquestionably towards the training of bodies of men adapted to the carrying ou^ of a rational and judicious professional practice in the various departments of industrial development ; and, to say nothing else, they would in due time contribute not a little to the development of a sounder popular judgment, in respect to many of the most important questions which naturally interest a free, and active, and enterprising people, conscious of the possession of material re- sources and the various elements of a national prosperity, unparalleled in the history either of ancient or modern times. B. FRANKLIN GREENE, DiKECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE, and Professor of Mechanics^ 2fachines, and Constructions. POSTCRIPT, The foregoing paper was, for the most part, wi-itten and put to press, prior to the first of January, but the pressure of professional duties of more immediate iii-gency has compelled a complete suspension of its concluding portions until the present time. B. F. G. Troy, May 10th, 1856. STATEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE. The undersigned, a Committee appointed by the Trustees of the Rens- selaer Polytechnic Institute to the immediate charge of the general inter- ests of this Institution, in connection with a proposed movement for its permanent establishment, submit to the citizens of Troy the following statement : A movement is now proposed by the Trustees, which has for its object, the appropriate and permanent establishment of the Institute^ on a suitable site, within the limits of the city of Troy. It may be known to many of the citizens of Troy, that the Trustees of the Institute have had in contemplation, for several years past, the ultimate establishment of this institution on a permanent basis, and on a scale more worthily adapted to its educational objects. The increasing urgency of such a step became at length so apparent that, in the fall of 1853, measures were taken for a careful examination of the extended plateau east of the city, with a view to the selection of a plot of ground for an Institute site. Since the adoption of these initiatory measures, there has been considera- ble discussion on the subject of a site, but no definite conclusion was reached until quite recently, when a selection of ground was finally made which has been adopted by the Board of Trustees, with entire unanimity, as its choice for a permanent location of the Institute Establishment. The plot of ground which has thus been selected, and in respect of which terms of sale and right of refusal have already been obtained from its pres- ent owners, is very eligibly situated at a distance of about three-fourths of a mile in a north-westerly direction from the City Hall. The tract is rect- angular in form, and comprises rather more than thirty acres in extent, with a surface which, while for the most part nearly level or slightly undula- ting, rises gradually from all sides towards its centre. The culminating or central portions of the ground command extensive views in all directions. — Such are the general characteristics of the plot of ground selected for the site of a proposed permanent establishment of the Institute ; it is believed 11 82 that they are such as to adapt it in an eminent degree to the wants of the institution, in the general carrying out of its plans of future development.* The necessary steps are now being taken towards the elaboration ot complete architectural and gardening designs, which will provide for the distribution, proportions, and construction of the various buildings, and for the treatment in detail of the grounds to be embraced in the Institute purchase. It is intended that the desims for the architectural constructions and gardening of grounds, shall be studied with reference to the probable fu- ture as w^ell as the present wants of a completely developed Polytechnic Institute, and that these designs shall provide for a unity of purpose, a harmony of treatment, and perpetuity of results, in accordance with the dignity of the objects of such an institution. It is, however, expected that, while the designs shall be complete in themselves, so fai as possible, their execution can be but partially realized at first, or at the most, only in proportion to the means obtained for this object, — in which case the first constructions will embrace those parts of the whole which shall be deemed necessary for the more immediate wants of the Institution. The foregoing statement sufficiently indicates the present position of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees are desirous not only of effecting a per- manent establishment of the Institute, but they fulh' concur in the views of the Director, as exhibited in the preceding paper, in respect both to the wisdom and expediency of making full provisions for the appropriate development of its educational plans. With the ample response which has been made by the Director to the request of the Committee, there is little occasion for further explanations under tliis head — that is, in respect to What the Institute would desire to do. The business of the undersigned is evidently reduced to the consideration of the practical question, Can the educational plans of the Institute ie realized ? But a reference to the statements of the Director, in respect to the pres- ent position of the Institute, will show, satisfactorily, it is believed, that even the last question may be reduced to a much simpler one, — Can a sufficient amount of funds he raised to carry out these i^oposed improvements ? This is really the gist of the whole question, in respect to a proposed permanent establishment of the Institute in connection with a full development of its educational plans. There is no other * The proposed site may be thought by some to include more ground than is neces- sary. The question "How much, as a minimum quantity, would suffice for the wants of the Institute," can only be intelligently answered, by a due conuderation of the details of the rcquireynents which viust he fulfilled in the pro])cr carrying out of the Institute plans. In the present case, it can be made sufficiently evident that there is no excess of r/round embraced within the proposed purchase. 83 question, as such, involved in the present issue. There can be but one opinion in the minds of those intimately acquainted with the present state of things, that the Institute might pass at a single stride from the limited operations incident to the constrained circumstances which now circum- scribe its action, to the full working results of a completely appointed Polytechnic Institution, if it were placed in possession of those merely material resources in respect to buildings, collections, etc, essential to the idea of such an institution. The Institute asks for nothing but money in order to the accomplishment of all its j)lans. There is peculiar propriety in enabling the Institute to realize its hopes of becoming at least a worthy counterpart of its European contemporaries. For nearly twenty years this institution was the only School of Practical Science in the United States. The impetus which its teachings early gave to the proper study of Chemistry, Natural History, and Geology, although occasionally acknowledged,* is scarcely possible of adequate appreciation at the present time. Its graduates, whether as Chemists, Geologists, or Naturalists, were so instructed by its teachings, so disciplined by its unique system of training, that they were able to make their knowledge at once practically available, either in successful subsequent studies for the advance- ment of science itself, or in equally successful applications of it to the demands of active life. Nor was this all. For not only was the Institute distinguished for its teachings in the branches of science already named, but it also became known for its early introduction of a course of practical studies in connection with the " Applications of Mathematical and Physical Science to Civil Engineering," which, although lacking much of the sys- tematic and extended treatment of later times, nevertheless, contributed available helps to the educational fitting-out of a body of men who have * At the Albany meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in August, 1851, a session of the Association was held on the invitation of the Institute, at its Rooms in Troy. Tlie following extract is taken from an editorial notice of this session in one of the daily papers: "Prof. Agassiz, — the President for that year — said, * the Association had met here, at the invitation of the Kensselarr Institute, an institution founded for the Advancement of Science ; it was therefore hig])ly proper that the Association should meet here, and he only regretted that time Avould not admit of their remaining longer.' Prof. W. B. Rooeus, — in an introduction to his paper on the Passing of Anti- clinal Axes into Faults, — paid a vei-y happy tribute to the memory of Mr. Van Rensselaer, the Founder of the Institute which bears his name. He said that, ' He had left a legacy the richest that man can transmit ; the results of his liberality in establishing this institution — a more meritorious than which the country could not boast — were seen in the ])rogress of science ; an Eaton, the true teacher of Philoso- phy, had sent out some of the most distinguished on the roll of scientific men ;' and Prof. R. said, 'that for himself and his associates, he felt it due that on this occasion the memory and labors of these two men should be held in recollection.'" — Troy Daily Whi'g, August 18th, 1851. done useful service to their country in the construction of its various pubhc and private works. The services of the Institute are the more note-worthy in this direction, inasmuch as, with the exception of instruction incidentally given at the U. S. Military Academy on this subject, in association with the courses on Military Engineering, there was no other institution in the country where any instruction was given in direct connection with the wants of the Civil Engineer, until within a few years past. The Trustees of the Institute, although in their official relations invested with the guardianship of this institution, have, it need scarcely be mentioned, no personal interests to serve, beyond the consciousness of having striven to discharge faithfully the duties imposed upon them as public servants in charge of a public trust. For the Institute, although possessed of corpo- rate powers and privileges, is, in every essential respect, a public institution ; as such it is an object of public interest to all citizens, alike to those who are and to those v/ho are not its official guardians. It is, therefore, not less the duty than it is the interest of the latter to bring this whole question of Institute Improvement before that portion of the general community who have been, and must ever be more immediately interested in the success of this insti- tution. Citizens at large, of this and other states, are participants in its educational advantages ; but it is reserved for those thus locally related, to possess that additional and higher interest, which, in a certain sense, pro- ceeds from immediate proprietorship. Like that grand principle of oppo- site and equal effect which pervades all physical action, so every success worthily achieved in public estimation, in the onward march of such an institution, sends back a full equivalent of honorable recompense to projec- tors and founders ; each is a participant in its meeds and gratulations, as each is a party interested in its legitimate triumphs. It is not therefore as suppliants for favors to themselves, in view of their official relations to this institution, that the Trustees, or the members of the Committee that now represent them, appear before the public ; on the con- trary, while discharging tlie duties of a high and responsible trust to the Institute itself, they are constrained to believe that they are doing but sim- ple and equal justice to the appreciative intelligence and public spirit of the citizens of Troy, by presenting this matter in its various aspects for their full and careful consideration. HIRAM SLOCUM, THOMAS C. BRINSMADE, JOHN A. GRISWOLD, JOHN B. TIBBITS, JOSEPH M. WARREN, JONATHAN E. WHIPPLE, JONATHAN EDWARDS, B. FRANKLIN GREENE. Committee of Trustees. CONTENTS Page. Introductory Note, 2 The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 3 Its Reorganization in 1850, 3 Causes which led to it, 4 Principles on which it was effected, 4 Results of the Reorganization, 5 Comparative condition of the Institute in 1849 and 1855, 6 Remarkable circumstances attendant upon its increase in numbers, etc., .. 6 Its Objects those of a Polytechnic Institute, 7 Scientific and Technical Institutions in Europe, '. . 8 The establishment of Polytechnic Institutions — a necessity of the present age, 8 Scientific and Technical Institutions in France, 8 The Imperial Polytechnic School, 9 The School of Roads and Bridges, 10 The .Schools of Mines, 11 The Conservatory and Schools of Arts and Trades, 11 The Central School of Arts and Manufactures, 12 Scientific and Technical Institutions in Germany, 14 General view of German Educational Institutions, 15 The Lower Technical or Trade Schools of Germany, 15 IN PRUSSIA. The Royal Trade Institute at Berlin, 1*7 IN AUSTRIA. The Polytechnic Institute at Vienna, 19 The Provincial Polytechnic Institutions of Austria, 20 IN BAVARIA. The Polytechnic School at Munich, 21 The Polytechnic Schools at Augsburg and Nurnberg 22 IN SAXONY. The Royal Trade and Building School at Chemnitz 23 The Royal Polytechnic School at Dresden, 25 The Royal Mining Academy at Freiberg, 26 3 CONTENTS. IN BADEN. The Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe, 28 Other Polytechnic Institutions in the German States, 31 The True Idea of a Polytechnic Institute, 32 Its Educational Objects, 32 Its Typical Curriculum, 34 Preparatory Course, 34 General Course, 34 Technical Courses, 35 Its Educational Methods, 36 Its Educational Grade, 37 The True Idea — in conclusion, 38 Use of the words Polijtechnic and Institute, 38 The Eensselaer Polytechnic Institute, — its Educational System, 40 Its Organization embracing a Training or Prej^aratory School and a Poly- technic Institute proper, 40 The Institute Training Scliool, 40 Its Course of Studies, 40 Its Objects, Rules, etc., 42 The Polytechnic Institute — its General Curriculum, 42 Studies of General School, 42 Studies of Technical Schools, „ , » 43 Observations on the Institute Curriculum, 44 Degree of development, 44 Compared -with other Polytechnic Institutions, 44 Plans of Future Development, 46 School of Mining Engineering, 46 School of Architecture, 48 Schools of Design, 49 School of Technology, 52 Certain Special Developments — the study of Literature, Philosophy, etc., 53 Utility of these studies in a Polytechnic Institute, 54 Gymnastic Studies, — their importance, 55 The Polytechnic System of Training in its relations to the idea of a "Liberal Education," 56 Permanent Establishment of the Institute, 59 The Necessary Buildings, 50 Institute Buildings, 50 Professors' Residences, 62 Students' Quarters, 62 The Site, 66 Scientific and Technical Collections, 67 Corps of Instructors, 70 CONTENTS. 87 Practical realization of the Institute Plans, 73 COXCLUSTOX, 74 The movement on the Continent of Europe for Scientific and Technical Education, 74 The moYement in the United States, — how far manifested, 75 " Scientific Schools, " 75 Idea of a " National University, " 75 Obstacles to the most satisfactory progress of Polytechnic Education in this country, , 78 Desiderata to be accomplished, 79 Postscript, 80 Statemext of the Committee of Trustees, 81 Proposed permanent establishment of the Institute, 81 Measures proposed by the Board of Trustees, 82 The only question that which relates to the raising of money, 83 Propriety of enabling the Institute to realize the development of its edu- cational plans, 83 Motives for bringing this matter before the Citizens of Troy, 84 COXTEXTS, 85 OCT. 31, 1335. 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