?¥§K;-;;; .N5 N618 o-^q. I, 0\' .^ "^^a^ ■■^o ^<^" INDIAN c/lND Prehistoric Exhibition AND Lawn Fete On the Grounds of MRS. LAWRENCE L. GILLESPIE'S RESIDENCE BELLEVUE AVENUE SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914 Under the Auspices of THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND Patronr0fi?a Mrs. John R. Abney Mrs. Mrs. Walter S. Andrews Mrs. Miss Mary Appleton Mrs. Mrs. E. Maitland Armstrong Miss Miss Frances R. Arnold Mrs. Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss Mrs, Madame Bakhmeteflf Mrs. Mrs. Charles H. Baldwin Mrs. Mrs. R. Livingston Beeckman Mrs. Mrs. Reginald R. Belknap Mrs. Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont Mrs. Mrs. William II. Birckhead Mrs. Mrs. James J. Brown Mrs. Mrs. Harriet Brownell Mrs. Mrs. Willard H. Brownson Mrs. Mrs. William P. Buffum Mrs. Mrs. Charles M. Bull Mrs. Mrs. Burden Miss Mrs. John W. Burgess Mrs. Mrs. Joseph R. Busk Mrs. Mrs. William B. Caperton Mrs. Mrs. French E. Chadwick Mrs. Mrs. J. Francis A. Clark Mrs. Miss Elizabeth H. Clark Mrs. Miss Martha C. Codman Mrs. Mrs. Howard G. Cushing Miss Mrs. James H. Darlington Mrs. Mrs. Charles H. Davis Mrs. Mrs. Dudley Davis Mrs. Mrs. George B. de Forest Miss Madame de Riano Mrs. Countess de San Esteban Mrs. William Earl Dodge Stuart Duncan Elisha Dyer Lucille R. Edgar Maud Howe Elliott Arthur B. Emmons George Peabody Eustis Daniel B. Fearing George R. Fearing, Jr. E. Hayward Ferry Stuyvesant Fish R. Horace Gallatin Robert Ives Gammell Frederick P. Garrettson Lawrence L. Gillespie William E. Glyn Howard S. Graham Rosa Anne Grosvenor William Grosvenor James B. Haggin Joseph Harriman Charles B. Hillhouse I. Goodwin Hobbs Charles F. Hoffman Joseph Howland Augusta A. V. Hunter Arthur Curtiss James Oliver Gould Jennings Lewis Quentin Jones Caroline Ogden Jones Lyman Colt Josephs James P. Kernochan "J^attamBBtB Mrs. David King Mrs. Miss Georgiana Gordon King Mrs. Mrs. George F. Landers Mrs. Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt Mrs. Mrs. William Goadby Loew Mrs. Mrs. Stephen B. Luce Mrs. Mrs. Edward L. Ludlow Mrs. Miss Annie Lyman Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Mallery Miss The Duchess of Marlborough Miss Mrs. John J. Mason Mrs. Miss Ellen F. Mason Mrs. Miss Louise Ward McAllister Mrs. Mrs. Stanley McCormick Mrs. Mrs. Edwin D. Morgan Mrs. Mrs. William Rogers Morgan Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Neilson Mrs. Mrs. Frederick L. Oliver Mrs. Mrs. W. Eugene Parsons Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Pell Mrs. Mrs. John Bogert Pell Mrs. Mrs. Henry P. Perry Mrs. Mrs. Marsden J. Perry Mrs. Mrs. J. Fred Pierson Mrs. Mrs. J. Fred Pierson, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Edward T. Potter Mrs. Mrs. Samuel Powel Mrs. Mrs. Raphael Pumpelly Mrs. Mrs. Edward S. Rawson Mrs. Mrs. Henry Redmond Mrs. Mrs. John Ridlon George L. Rives C. L. F. Robinson T. Shaw Safe Frederic P. Sands George S. Scott William Watts Sherman E. H. G. Slater Lorillard Spencer, Jr. Austin Stevens Agnes C. Storer Frank K. Sturgis Eugene Sturtevant T. Suffern Tailer Roderick Terry Nathaniel Thayer Alfred Tuckerman Vanderbilt French Vanderbilt Schuyler Van Rensselaer George Henry Warren Charles B. Weaver A. Winsor Weld William G. Weld Roger Welles James Griswold Wentz Geo. Peabody Wetmore William F. Whitehouse Charles S. Whitman Hugh L. Willoughby John J. Wysong N^mpnrt l|tBtnrtral ^nrirtg UntarpataUb 1854 Daniel B. Fearing, Roderick Terry, Frank K. Sturgis, Alfred Tuckerman, John P. Sanborn, George H. Richardson, Henry C. Stevens, Jr., Edith May Tilley, Ediwn p. Robinson, President 1st Vice-President 2d Vice-President 3d Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Librarian Curator of Coins and Medals Birrctora Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Mrs. French Vanderbilt Hamilton B. Tompkins George L. Rives Mrs. William R. Morgan Jonas Bergner C. L. F. Robinson George V. Dickey Mrs. Harold Brown Mrs. Richard C. Derby William S. Sherman Job a. Peckham The Rooms of the Society are open daily, except Sun- days and holidays, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., Saturdays until 1 p. m. In order to increase the interest and enable the Society to care for the collections and make them available, it is desired to enlarge the membership, the dues and fees of which are as follows : Life membership Sustaining membership Annual " Associate " $50 10 per year 2 " " 1 « (( Pro^rammr Reception 3 Until 6 P. M. Committee Rev. Dr. Roderick Terry, Senior Officer Newport His- torical Society. Mrs. French Vanderbilt. Mrs. Lawrence L. Gillespie Songs of Indian Life. 4.30 P. M. Miss Mabel Simpson, Assistant, Newport His- torical Society. "The Weaver." Words by William Felter. Music by Thurlow Lieurance. The Poem is Indian in Nature. The Melody is a Crow Tobacco Dance Melody. The Planting of the Tobacco in the Spring is a Religious Ceremony. The Melody was sung by "Felix Bear," "In the Cloud," and "Sitting Eagle," and recorded by the author in January, 191.^ on the Crow Reserv^ation, near the Custer Battlefield. "Love Songs." From the Red Willow Pueb- los. Words by Edna Dean Proctor. Music by Thurlow Lieurance. The Melody is one of the Red Willow Ceremonial Songs, . and the words are from an Omaha Legend. When the young Indian feels the Spring of Love Dawn, he mounts the hill overlooking the valley where the camp is located, and calls upon the Flute to His Love. The Love Songs are played upon the Indian Flute, which is made of two pieces of Cedar, glued together with the pitch from the pine tree. Dance. 5 P. M. Mrs. Lorillard Spencer, Jr. Chairman. Miss Sontum, Teacher and Solo Dancer. Mrs. Roland Dickson, of Paris. Mrs. John Borland. Miss Marguerite Caperton. Miss. Eleanor T. Darlinton. Miss Anita Grosvenor. Miss Edith M. Hunter. Miss Annie Powel. Miss Mildred Rives. Miss Elizabeth S. Sands. Programme Concert 3 Until 6 P. M. Seventh Band Coast Artillery Company, Fort Adams, H. H. Short, Conductor. 1. March, Tannhauser . . R. W'cii^^Ncr 2. Overture to "William Tell" Rossuii 3. Selection from "Sweethearts" Herbert 4. Suite A. "A Little Love, A Little Kiss" . . . Silcau Suite B. Dein Eigen , . Gavotte 5. Waltz, "Dreamsof Childhood" Waldeufel 6. Suite, The Dwellers in the Western World . . . Soiisa 7. Suite A. The Red Man Suite B. The White Man Suite C. The Black Man 8. Selection from Natonia . V. Herbert (Eotttttttttp^fi i£xl|ibtttnn anb IGahin Ifvtt (Unmmlttfp Miss Edith May Tilley, Librarian Newport Historical Societ}', Chairman. Miss Margaret S. Bloom field. Miss Mabel Simpson. Miss Susie M. Popple. Assistants Newport Historical Society. 11|n«nrarg Sliatoriral Exi^ibttuin (Eummtttf? Mr. Frank K. Sturgis, Chairman. Mr. John R. Abney. Mr. Amory Austin. Hon. Darius Baker, Associate Justice Supreme Court of Rhode Island. His Excellency M. Bakhmeteff, Russian Ambassador to the United States. Mr. Frederick H. Baldwin. Hon. R. Livingston Beeckman. Mr. Jonas Bergner, Director, Newport Historical Society. Count Johann H. Von Bernstorff, German Ambassador to the United States. Rear Admiral F"rench E. Chadwick, United States Navy, Retired. Mr. George F. Cozzens. Rt. Rev. James H. Darlington, Bishop of Harrisburg, Penn. Rear Admiral Charles H. Davis, United States Navy, Retired. Count de San Esteban di Canongo, Secretary Spanish Legation. Rev. George Vernon Dickey, Director, Newport Historical Society. Senor Don Juan Riano, Spanish Minister. Mr. Daniel Le Roy Dresser. Hon. Daniel B. Fearing, President, Newport Historical Society. Mr. William Gammell. Col. Asa Bird Gardiner, President Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati. Hon. Frederick P. Garrettson. Mr. Lawrence L. Gillespie. Mr. Eliot Gregory. Mr. Haniel Von Haimhausen, Counsellor German Embassy. Col. Charles Hayden. Rev. Edward Higney Rev. Stanley C. Hughes, Rector Trinity Church, Newport. ilattararii l^istnrtral iExl|ibitinn Qlnntmittfr Mr. William R. Hunter. Mr. Phoenix Ingraham. Com. Arthur Curtiss James. Rev. William Safford Jones. Rear Admiral Austin M. Knight, United States Navy, President of the War College, Newport. Lieutenant Colonel George F. Landers, United States Army, Commandant at Fort Adams. Lieutenant Baron Horst von Lersner, Military Attache German Embassy. Baron Kurt von Lersner, Secretary German Embassy. Hon. Charles Warren Lippitt, Former Governor of Rhode Island. Rev. William B. Meenan. Mr. Job Almy Peckham, Director, Newport Historical Society Rt. Rev. James de Wolf Perry, Bishop of Rhode Island. Mr. Marsden J. Perry. Gen. J. Fred Pierson. Mr. Theophilus T. Pitman. His Excellency Aram J. Pothier, Governor of Rhode Island. Mr. George H. Richardson, Corresponding Secretary, New- port Historical Society. Mr. George L. Rives, Director, Newport Historical Society. Col. Charles L. F. Robinson, Director, Newport Historical Society. Dr. Edwin P. Robinson, Curator nf Medals and Coins, New- port Historical Society. Rev. C. J. RooNEY, vSt. Anthony R. C. Church, Portsmouth Hon. John P. Sanborn, Recording Secretary, Newport Historical Society. Dr. William S. Sherman, Director, Newport Historical Society. Mr. Henry C. Stevens, Jr., Treasurer, Newport Historical Society. Dr. Horatio R. Storer. Mr. T. Suffern Tailer. Mr. Henry R. Taylor. Rev. Dr. Roderick Terry, First Vice President, Newport Historical Society. Mr. Hamilton Bullock Tompkins, Director and Former President, Newport Historical Society. Mr. Alfred Tuckerman, Third Vice President, Newport Historical Society. Mr. Henry Walters. Captain Roger Welles, United States Navy, Commandant, Naval Training Station. Hon. George Peabody Wetmore, Former United States Sen- ator from Rhode Island. Mr. George Parker Winship, Librarian of the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. (UtttzpttB ?|iBtnrtral (HammitUt Members of the Francis S. Barker Louis J. Barry Isaac B. Bergman William E. Brightman Frederick J. Buenzle Clark Burdick George H. Carr Philip B. Case Dr. Philip E. Clarke Charles M. Cottrell William E. Dennis, Jr. George Fay Downing James H. Drury Herbert Dyer Arthur H. Easton Dr. Nathan A. Estes James P. Fagan William B. Franklin John H. Greene, Jr. Simon Hart Robert S. Hayes Henry S. Hendy Edward W. Higbee Hon. Jere Horton Charles H. Koehne, Jr. Historical Society John A. Lawson William H. Lee Hon. Max Levy James R. Lorah Michael A. McCormick John K. McLennan Andrew J. McMahon Charles E. Morrison Thomas J. O'Neill Thomas P. Peckham Gustof L. Petterson Marco Russo Dennis Shanahan Albert K. Sherman Dr. William A. Sherman William S. Slocum Clarence Stanhope Daniel Smith Dr. William C. Stoddard Dr. M. H. Sullivan Benjamin F. Tanner Grant P. Taylor Frank E. Thompson Howard Gould Ward Col. John H. Wetherell iSfprfHPtttatibf Nfhiport (Sitizpna Ap)>ointed to the Citizen's Historical Committee William Andrews, Jr. Dr. Fred A. Arnold Ralph R. Barker, Jr. James H. Barney, Jr. Edward A. Brown Hon. Robert S. Burlingame David C. Caesar Leander K. Carr Charles M. Cole Robert C. Cottrell William K. Covell William W. Covell William J. Creaney Prof. Thomas Crosby Dr. Rufus E. Darrah Fred M. Hammett Louis Hess T. Fred Kaull Peter King Walter S. Langley Albert C. Landers George P. Lawton William H. Lawton William Leys Eugene C. O'Neill Joseph B. Parsonage Edward S. Peckham Frank L. Peckham Gardner S. Perry Charles S. Plummer George H. Proud Dr. A. C. Sanford George M. Simpson Dr. A. F. Squire Alexander O'D. Taylor Harry A. Titus Remington Ward lEntrrtatnmjtit (Emnmittfr Mrs. French E. Chadwick, Chairman. Mrs. William H. Birckhead Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James Mrs. William Grosvenor Mrs. William Rogers Morgan Mrs. Charles F. Hoffman Mrs. Charles L. F. Robinson. 3ln tl|p ilnftian Exl^ibttton Slunm Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt, Chairman. Miss Ruth M. Franklin Mrs. David Pinniger Miss Frances T. Lawton Mrs. Charles L. F. Robinson Miss Elizabeth Mackie Miss Deborah Stoddard Door Tender, Mr. Gorton Thayer Lippitt. Assisted by Boy Scouts. Mrs. Richard C. Derby, Chairman. Mrs. Frederick P. Garrettson Assisted by Camp Fire Girls Miss Elizabeth Clarke The Misses Clarke Mrs. Livingston Hunt Miss Creighton Mrs. Lyman C. Josephs Miss Watts Mrs. French E. Chadwick, Chairman. Mrs. Lorillard Spencer, Jr. Miss Katharine Lawrence Miss Elizabeth Emmons Miss Le Brun Parsons Miss Katharine Knight Miss Ruth Thomas Miss Lilly Knut 3ln (Eljargp of Sontlja Olandg Mrs. Stuart Duncan Miss Adele Bull Miss Mary Josephs Mahtna BaubemtB Miss Katharine M. Stevens, Chairman. Miss Katharine Jenckes Miss Helen Tobin Miss Sue Sherman Pnat (Ear&B The Misses McCarthy CSiraba Mrs. Lewis Carry, Chairman The Misses Carry ^ublirationa Nfhipnrt l^iatnriral ^'ortptg Miss Margaret S. Bloomfield, Chairman. Miss Susie M. Popple Miss Mabel Simpson Attljp (Batt Mr. Chas. Warren Lippitt, Jr. Mr. Lawrence Thompson Mr. Alexander Farnum Lippitt Mr. Henry S. Wheeler (Ctbtr Upagup nf 5?ptopnrt ExI^tbit Mrs. William Safford Jones, Chairman The Committee on Increase of Membership, Miss Antoinette Peckham and Rev. George Vernon Dickey, will be present with application blanks for those who desire to become members of the Society. Miss Julia P. Brown and Miss Elizabeth Griiifith have revived the ancient art of cutting silhouettes and will be prepared to furnish a limited number of these likenesses. Miss "Romany Rye" will read palms and Mrs. Damon Lyon will give psychic readings and character readings from handwriting. Col. Arthur A. Sherman, of the Newport Artillery Com- pany (Chartered 1741) will attend with his officers. Hon. Frederick P. Garrettson, Chairman of the Execu- tive Committee of the Newport Improvement Association, will be in charge of plans and photographs of that Society. Mr. Hamilton B. Tompkins, Governor of the Society of Colonial Wars of Rhode Island, will be present, leading a delegation. Officers and members of the Jamestown Historical Society, with the President, Miss Lena Clarke, will also at- tend in a body. Boy Scouts will patrol the grounds, and stand guard at Morton Park, to which cars should be taken. SldattH for tl\t lExI^ibition art Q^ratpfulli; ArknntolpJigpti tn Miss Mary Appleton Charles Warren Lippitt, Jr. Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss Mr. George A. Moriarty, Jr. Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont Mrs. Boutelle Noves Miss Margaret S. Bloomfield Miss Etta M. Peckham Mr. William Carry Mrs. Felix Peckham Mrs. George M. Coggeshall Mrs. Edward T. Potter Mrs. John Du Fais Miss Mary E. Powel Mrs. William R. Edgar Mrs. Samuel Powel Miss Ruth M. Franklin Mr. George H. Richardson Mrs. Maud Howe Elliott Mrs. Charles L. F. Robmson Camp Fire Girls Dr. Edwin P. Robinson Mrs. Ida Greenman Mrs. William H. Sims Mrs. Arnold Hague Mr. Hamilton B. Tompkins Mrs. Walter N. Hill Capt. Roger Welles Mrs. Joseph Howland Mrs. French Vanderbilt Miss Georgiana Gordon King Mrs. Hugh L. Willoughby Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton _ Miss E. W. Yardley Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt Pi) i&i ■A 0^ ^'^o "^^ ^"^ 1^ ^-o.'^^ c' 0^ O 'o . . * A. -* * A .V o V- ^'^ '^ ^ ,>! JSBROS. ^^ V BINDING LIBRABV OF C